#spinel x gem!reader
lovelydarkbanana · 6 months
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Spinel and amanyu story two self one story spinel happy and story amanyu sad
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Happy Mother's Day!
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Couldn't go without having motherly momster on a day like today.
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patukkaas · 1 year
Could you do a Blue Diamond x Red Diamond (fem reader! or GN!) where red is passionate about life on earth?
Thank you for the request
Unfortunately you didn't specify if you wanted a oneshot or headcanons so I'll do headcanons.
I have horrible writers block so this turned out so bad and short I'm really sorry.
Blue Diamond x Red Diamond! Reader
Warnings: None
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▪︎ You were obviously hiding it from the diamonds that you even somewhat liked Pink's colony.
▪︎ But being as close as you were with Blue, you had accidently slipped it while talking to her.
▪︎ She wasn't suprised but neither was she expecting it.
▪︎ You didn't want to go through with the colony.
▪︎ But it wasn't like anybody would listen so you kept it secret.
▪︎ You prayed the other Diamonds would listen to Pink's whining about not wanting to go through with the colony.
▪︎ While Pink was begging to you, Yellow and Blue, Blue kept glancing at you knowing you didn't want to go through with the colony either.
▪︎ But, you had to teach Pink to go through with what she's started and theres nothing else to that.
▪︎ But after Pink's shattering, Blue was devastated and you had to be there to comfort her.
▪︎ But you were, relieved? That earth was saved, even if Pink had gotten shattered in the process. You knew she wanted earth to be saved, her wish would be completed by Rose Quartz.
▪︎ Blue also knew that you weren't as devastated as her. And she knew you were relieved.
▪︎ When the diamonds wanted to blast every gem off earth, you didn't want to participate in the blasting.
▪︎ After it was revealed that Rose Quartz was Pink diamond and Rose Quartz had a 'son', you were extra relieved knowing Earth was alright and Pink Diamond was too, but just in another form.
▪︎ After Pink's son wanted to stay back on earth, needless to say you were honestly proud of him. ▪︎ having studied earth's life and then trying to teach it to blue
▪︎ You knew what son, mother, father and the earthly terms meant so you had no trouble adjusting to him.
▪︎ You knew Steven wasn't Pink Diamond, but Steven had his mother's spirit.
▪︎ And when you, Yellow, Blue and White took in Spinel in "replace" for Steven, you and Blue acted as if you were parents to her, together ofcourse.
▪︎ Not having earthly realitionship statuses, you liked Blue and Blue liked you. And that way it was, and because of Steven and the earth, White and Yellow didn't judge you and Blue for it.
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otakusheep15 · 7 months
Obey Me Flufftober Day 21
Prompt: Proposal
Pairing: Beelzebub x reader (gender neutral
Word count: 508
A/n: Y'all, Beel is so everything to me. I'm obsessed with this man. This one might be just a bit more self indulgent than my other days because I think about this scenario a lot.
Both of you knew this would happen eventually. It was just a matter of time. You and Beel were both very romantic people, so this seemed like the next logical step for your relationship.
Beel had decided to propose. It was something he discussed in great detail with you first, as he would hate to throw you off guard. You had happily agreed, but told him that you still wanted him to surprise you with his exact timing.
So when Beel had asked you out on a little picnic date today, you suspected what he was up to. You said nothing of course, as you'd hate to ruin his plans.
The set-up was adorable. Beel had found a nice clearing in the woods and he had set up a picnic spread on a checkered blanket. It was a classic scene from a romance story, and you were excited to live it out yourself.
There was more food than one would usually expect on a picnic, but since this was also for Beel, you didn't question it. The food was delicious, and you made a mental note in your head to ask him who made it. Not now though, as you know what's about to happen. Beel was never the best at surprises, so it was pretty obvious what he wanted to do. That was fine with you, however, as you just thought it was another one of his cute quirks.
As you'd predicted, he was about to propose. You were excited, as you'd been waiting for this moment for a long time. This relationship with Beel is something you cherish greatly, and taking this next step really made you happy.
Beel doesn't get down on one knee. Instead, he stands at his full height and offers you his hand. You take it and he pulls you up. Then, he takes out a box from his pocket and holds it up to you. He lets you open the box, and inside is the most gorgeous ring you've ever seen. It must have cost a fortune, but you didn't linger much on that part.
The ring didn't hold a traditional diamond. Instead, the gem inside was red spinel. This gem symbolizes passion, devotion, and longevity, and the color was Beel's favorite. It was absolutely perfect.
You take the ring out of the box and slip it onto your finger. Then, after carefully setting the box down, you pull Beel in for a tight embrace, savoring the warmth of his body. He relaxes into you, clearly feeling less nervous about your reaction. You didn't know why he was so nervous when you had already agreed prior, but you guess you could understand. This was a big deal to both of you, and he wanted it to be perfect.
Well, he definitely succeeded. You thought this was a wonderful proposal, and you wouldn't have had it any other way. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with Beel, and with this big step, you knew that dream would come true.
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Spinel x Touch-Averse AND Touch-Starved Reader
Except I missed the point of these bullet point type headcanon-y posts and went ham.
There are some small details about "reader" here because spoiler: it's also author. lmao. But it shouldn't be too much if you're already down for this post based on the title.
SFW, 2nd person(you, your, yours), gn reader but it wasn't exactly intentional. gender was just never relevant in any of these points. No pronouns except for the 2nd person ones used for reader.
Spinel is careful with you when you tell her you’re touch averse. She’s used to expressing affection physically, and pretty often. It took a little getting used to when you two became more than just casual acquaintances, but she got the hang of it eventually.
You had a bit of an understanding. While neither of you just dumped your life story on the other when you first met or anything, she made a comment hinting at being inexperienced with friendships and you told her you could relate to an extent.
She understands when you just stick by her side or stay in the same room as her when she’s not feeling great, but sometimes she feels she really needs someone to hold her or to hold onto.
She cried when you handed her your favorite plushie to snuggle one of those evenings. It’s yours. Not just that, but it’s your favorite one. It was almost sort of a piece of you, and you let her hold it!
It makes you consider bringing around that plushie in your bag whenever you hang out with her, even if it wouldn’t be needed every time.
That being said, there were more ways you were there to comfort or bond with Spinel than just physical proximity. You’d listen to her, talk her through her emotions when you knew what to do, and give her advice. You’d even play music or sing, even if you’ve never done that for someone before.
Spinel also grows to know a bit about being there for folks, even if some of it came from you.
To be fair, she also went and talked to gems at Little Homeworld to see what she could learn about emotions so she could be a better friend to you. She ended up getting a lot better at listening from it.
Sure, you aren’t the only person who benefits from her newfound skills, but you are the main benefactor and reason for this.
You eventually make something like a friendship bracelet you’d expect to give or be given in middle school, but sized up, and made to be held at its ends by two people.
You can’t help the warmth in your chest as she visibly gains more spring in her step after grabbing it, even if she tries not to react too much, still not wanting to make it seem like the limited touch isn’t enough for her.
To be honest, by that point you and Spinel are super close, and she couldn’t imagine any lack of touch making her not want to hang out with you.
The feeling she gets when you’d smile, or when you two would tease or snark at each other until the both of you were literally on the floor laughing– well, it almost worries her for a second, remembering back when she’d idolize Pink and want nothing but for her to smile and be happy, but Spinel can tell it wasn’t quite the same. You were real friends. You are equal and you both knew it, and treat each other as such. You both stick by each other. This is mutual, and it makes Spinel feel so full of love and life that she feels she could poof(fortunately she didn’t).
The feeling you have is maybe a bit more. You didn’t really expect to start crushing on her, but now you can’t escape the often elated and fuzzy feelings you get whenever she says or does just about anything. It’s like you’ve always known each other. You figure it’s best to wait and figure out your emotions, and wait for a good time to mention it, if you ever even want to. Only time will tell.
One day, you and Spinel are hanging out, and you can’t stop staring at her hand. You’d had a bit of a long week, but it was nothing too serious– still, you’re some kind of tired. Her hand is just on the table. She moved her hands occasionally but right now her hand’s just resting on the table.
To say you grab her hand is a bit of a stretch, as it’s just your fingertips on the back of her hand with what feels like a literal featherlight touch… at first.
Everything stops. Spinel stops talking and just stares, but doesn’t move. With a look of what mostly reads as aggressive concentration, you grab her hand and examine it like it’s some kind of science project. The touch isn’t painful, but you feel it just as intensely.
You hold her hand in your own hands almost like it were a child. You haven’t made eye contact since you reached your hand out.
“Hey, uh… what are you doing?” Spinel sounds uncertain. “Are you okay?” You can feel your eyes starting to burn.
“It’s not burning,” You answer, making no eye contact and speaking low in a smoother voice than you usually did; it seems like if you aren’t careful and slow with your own emotions you’d just burst into tears and be incoherent. Spinel seems to get what you’re referring to.
“I think…” You croaked, “Even if touch was uncomfortable with almost everyone, that doesn’t mean I didn’t need it. That I can’t be touch starved.” The tears are blurring the edges of your vision. Your hands are shaking. You think you can hear Spinel make a sharp inhale or something similar.
“It’s okay,” She stammers, at your volume, “I get it. The touch-starved thing, I mean.” You knew that. “You can hold my arm.”
You’re not sure the way you cried seemed “normal” but that was never an issue with her. She’s safe enough to touch. You’ve no reason to care in that state, really.
“So, what feels comfortable to touch?” Spinel asks. For now, it’s hands and lower arms, or her hand cupping your face if you have her arm in your hands, but that tends to be a bit emotionally overwhelming.
From that moment, you could never be fed up with her touch – even if it’s pretty much just hand holding and hand holding but weirder – but you’re not ready to do much of that in public. It feels like your trademark almost, like seeing you touch somebody was weirder to people than literally any of the gem related stuff that’s happened since 6,000 years ago.
It’s not the most logical thought, but you’re both willing to take whatever time is needed.
Whenever you two are alone, you’re practically attached to each other by your arms.
You hold her hands in yours. Just standing facing each other in your home, her left hand in your right and her right in your left. It was a pretty normal day just a minute ago. Looking in her eyes, the tears welled up in yours.
“I know I don’t have to be normal,” You sniffle, “But it just feels… refreshing.”
Her face is dusted with a darker fuschia, you’re blushing up a storm. When you look at her, her eyes show understanding and fondness you never see from people. But even moreso, you feel like you see more than her. It’s like seeing the whole universe in her eyes. That’s when you realize you’re in deep.
She makes a playful jab at you “being normal” as your new career path, and you act offended like you, and it’s back to having a normal day. But you know you should seriously consider this.
WOW! I don't think I've ever got the ideas out of me head with such efficiency while still liking what came out. I noticed how much longer and bulkier it is than the normal xreader post but I can't rely on myself to make it into an actual story that I enjoy writing and that I feel reads well, and I figure that there's no real harm in just throwing out these ideas even if I do end up just taking this whole thing and making it into a fic as is, just with more plot/words/idk lol. Fun fact: the google doc that I wrote all this down on is titled: "ZOMG SPINEL KISSES!!!! <3<3<3 >~<"
I might make a continuation, I might not. Who knows, really. Also, should I post this on AO3 as is, without "fleshing it out" more? Would that be alright? And should I keep the bullet points or get rid of them. I'd love any feedback on anything in this post!
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Omg we’ve just crossed into my territory.
So, you how the gems can be separated into era 1 and era two, because of the rarity of resources after the gem war, so, imagine a defective lapis trying to survive, thier gem has more gold in it (like actual impurities in lapises) making them good at moving molten substances, but terrible at moving water, so had escaped being smashed apart for recourses.
And for the pearl, maybe reader could have been abounded by their master almost the same way as spinel, told to wait in one spot, and left for years. Rain or shine, they waited. But, after a 1000 years, they saw a pice of their former masters gem, and when they finally took their first step, they started cracking, like volleyball, cause of their trauma.
Hahaha, fun! Have you seen the Gem Drone AU, or the Gem in the Rough AU? Oh! Have you heard about the Pearlification AU? (Feel free to ask questions about those AUs, and send in any ideas you have or questions or concept ideas for an X-Men Gem AU!)
Off Color Lapis Lazuli Reader would be able to control molten metal. Their wings, instead of being water, are molten gold. Their gem would lie on their back, a golden crack and little specks goung through it... They're a bit of a loner, after escaping the gems who sought to destroy them, and bubble any who come after them (or dump molten metal on them).
Abandoned Pearl Reader woukd be sad. They're almost like a little moth or doll, waiting and waiting for the day their master comes back... They grow sadder each passing cycle, they grow more tired with each decade... And then, after ten centuries, they finally see their master...Their shattered gem, that is. And Reader feels their mind crack under the strain, the grief, overwhelming and flooding everything inside them. They poof, clattering lifeless to the floor... A year later, they reform, finally able to hold back their wails and pain... And they're a different person now. Cracks go across where their eye should be, yet their gem isn't cracked... Yet all Reader can do is try to move on, try to find a new purpose, in the vast universe.
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writersblockisdead · 1 year
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Lightyear* ˚ 💕
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Steven Universe x PTSD! Gem! Reader 
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Commission:  Steven x PTSD Reader? I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort fics, so maybe a story about Steven comforting the reader through a nightmare, panic attack, or trigger in the field? I feel like his own trauma would be perfect for comforting/understanding what another persons trauma feels like. :3
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Steven was your friend, someone you hung out with quite a lot, the gems at first didn’t take a liking to you, at first because you were one of the gems found in the kindergarten poofed. But with Steven’s enthusiasm in allowing you to be reformatted the gems allowed you to join them.
It was hard at first trying to fit in an otherwise strange world with new faces and new gems. Before you were poofed you had been with another gem named Hassonite she was a gem that was one of your “owners” basically an aristocrat that was given to her. Hassie was everything to you, she even on numerous occasions allowed you to come with her to earth. 
Unfortunately for you, the gem war was far from over when you both arrived there. She immediately got shattered and left you alone. As you weren’t a high ranking or any other gem you couldn’t fight back and instead was poofed yourself. This left you with trauma, as your only friend was brutally murdered, you were spared, but that didn’t excuse the lifelong trauma you were facing. 
Back to the present you woke up screaming, normally gems don’t need to sleep, but you found yourself becoming more and more human, adapting to Steven’s weird human lifestyle, you find it amazing and interesting. But besides that… Screaming all night and day became a part of your life. It has been a hard few weeks adjusting to life with the gems and Steven and often awoken to Hassie being hurt and all you could do is watch. 
The screaming was alerted by a tired Steven who heard it, you slept on the couch at the beach house, it wasn’t an issue, but Steven offered to sleep on the couch while they worked on a place for you in the Beach House but you rejected not wanting to intrude on Steven. He wandered to the couch only to see you shaking and mumbling Hassie’s name over and over. 
Steven knew that. He understood that. He had mother issues as people will label it, but his issues were far beyond that. He suffered from a lot of things, he could almost never really get help for, he always believed that other people needed help, and he was just being a burden. 
He’s seen it in a lot of gems. Lapis’ abuse, Amethyst's Defectiveness, Pearl’s Longing for his mother, and of course, Spinel’s Abandonment, out of all the gems, Spinel had the worst so far. Pearl is alongside her, but he could’ve seen himself in Spinel. His mom up and abandoned him instead of sticking by, because he knew it was possible for her to stay. But instead he had to clean up every single issue that his mom left behind in her wake. The pain and suffering of many gems that was caused because of a conflict she could handle. Steven was annoyed he never got a childhood. But he forgotten he was excited to join the gems on battling. As he was the one with the Rose Quartz gem, if only he knew it was a lie…
What was Steven thinking about again?
Oh right, (G/n). He cautiously walked down his loft and into the living room with concern written on his face. He never heard you act like this. He needed to approach you with caution, dealing with Spinel taught him he needed to approach delicately in situations and make sure the person wouldn’t lash out. Steven made his way up to you and sat down next to you. You yelped and smacked Steven by accident. 
“It’s just me, (G/n) no need to worry.” He said. 
“Steven?” You question. 
“Yup, that’s me.” He noticed your shaking stopped slightly and you seemed to calm around him. He began to take that as a sign. 
“So…” Steven began, “What got you yelling like that?” He asked. Your face paled. 
“You… Heard that?” You asked. 
“Yes.” He said. 
“...Well, I don’t know… It’s just… Well. I am scared.” You admitted. 
“Of what?” Steven asked. 
You took a deep breath. 
“That wasn’t the same (G/n) you heard before, I-” You began, your voice beginning to get shaky. Steven grabbed both your hands in his and looked at your eyes. 
“Slow down and tell me slowly.” He said. 
You nodded and continued. “What you heard was one of my many PTSD Nightmares. I… I was known as (G/n)-1A3L. I was given to a Hassonite lovingly referred to as Hassie…” You looked longingly at whatever you were trying to look at. 
“But then she died. She was shattered in front of me when we arrived on Earth for a mission by Yellow Diamond. I was spared, I don’t know why they didn’t kill me right there and now, I lost my purpose the day Hassie died.” You said, your lip trembled. 
“Ah, so you have survivors guilt. I know that feeling… I one time shattered Jasper by accident, and I tried to fix her. I was scared I killed her, but I managed to save her. There’s many other gems that weren’t lucky and I couldn’t save them. I can understand how you feel. But you know the best part?” He asked. 
“What?” You asked. 
“It happened, and it’s over, you may have lost someone close to you. But just because they died doesn’t mean it’s over for you. As long as you fight for them and show them in the gem afterlife that you are happy. You can do anything. But we all got to understand most of it isn’t our fault, and we cannot help them. They wouldn’t want us to suffer. They would be happy to see us move on…” Steven said. 
You sniffled. “Is that the case, how would you know what’s best for me?” You asked. 
“I don’t. It’s up to you, I just give advice. I normally don’t look after myself until I corrupt myself or have the gems worry.” Steven said, you sighed. 
“Why would you have others worry for you like that?” You asked. 
“It’s something I don’t understand myself either, I was overwhelmed by the amount of things said by my mother at first, it was all positive and I wanted to be her, so I genuinely began to help others and then… Years passed and I found out all that was said was a lie sort of, and I began to frantically help people and involuntarily corrupt myself. Which I didn’t even know was possible.” Steven admits. 
“Sounds like you and I have different trauma but similar issues. We push ourselves and beat ourselves up. Sometimes we think that it’s not enough and that we need to do more, but… Sometimes what we’re looking for after all comes years later.” you said, looking at Steven. 
“What are you saying, (G/n)?” Steven asked. 
“I’m saying, the thing I was looking for was you. After Hassie’s death, I looked for something to try and fix me. Something I wanted to help with. Then… I became friends with you. I realized what you were… I was looking for my miracle my angel, Hassie sent me you.” You said, Steven smiled and hugged you as the two of you cuddled. The next morning Pearl found the two of you cuddled on the couch and she covered the both of you with a blanket. 
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catalionm · 2 years
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Untold Issues (SPINEL X READER) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/323094214-untold-issues-spinel-x-reader?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=C0tali0n&wp_originator=6tEbeCP07Inez14gGhEuoLrjX0mILpUPL0TzVpeFtQaR2jvnzfbYHmTQUhlGQ04wD4qAXfL8J3U47U10Yk1Qh9iNwVRu3a4lkZsS01qXlD5bMx2MKT8p5EYdy5ifi0f6 Y/N - Your name obviously L/N - Last Name F/C- Fav color F/F -Fav Food ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, this ain't your average Spins x Reader. I've read a few and wanted to try it out. Spinel is indeed a gem (hehe) YOU are half gem (hehehehe). The story won't go as it's supposed to. Why? Well it's alternative universe >:C also because I said so. Oh one last thing I forgot. *You are half-Spinel. ((¬‿¬))-- sorry not sorry. One last thing... Credit to every single Steven Universe character goes to REBECCA SUGAR~
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spinelwritings · 4 years
Do you think you could do reader finding spinel in the garden and rescuing her?
It was random really. You hadn’t picked any location when you used the warp pad, didn’t really care where you went just so long as it was away.
You were on the run, or at least trying to be. You had messed up and you had messed up bad. You were sure that, any moment now, someone would notice your mistake and the search would begin to find and shatter you. Too many mistakes, too many mess ups. You had to be off-colored or something and you were sure the others knew.
So you didn’t care where you went just so long as you found a good place to hide.
When the tunnel of light vanished you found yourself in what looked to be a garden, or at least it once was. There was an array of plants, nothing now but withered skeletons of what they once must have been. There were plenty of columns, the remains of vines still clinging to the once beautiful stone and in the middle was a fountain, bone dry and cracked.
It was unusual. There weren’t a lot of gardens in the empire but the ones that did exist were well taken care of, beautiful and intricate as ever. This one was clearly abandoned. It would make a decent enough hiding spot, at least for now. No one was going to come by any time soon. 
Your footsteps were loud against the worn stone stairs that led down from the warp pad. You took your time looking everything over, hovering every once in a while to inspect something more closely. You hadn’t gotten far when you heard it. A small voice, sounding like a shout in the quiet.
“Who are you?”
You jumped, frantically turning about till you found that there was another gem with you! You weren’t alone!
You stared at her for a moment, lost for words. She had a big, pink, heart-shaped gem in the middle of her chest, a gem you couldn’t recognize. Her hair was in pink, heart-shaped buns and she wore bright clothing. Or, you were sure it was once bright. Now it was dulled by a layer of dirt and dust. She looked disheveled and worn, her clothes damaged, her hair a mess. Her hands were clasped in front of her and she stood attentively for what must have been a very long time because some of those shriveled, clinging vines had grown around her feet and lower legs. She looked up at you with dark, sad eyes, just a spark of hope and maybe even curiosity in them.
She tilted her head slightly and realized you had been staring, probably for too long. You cleared your throat.
“Oh, um, I’m Y/N.”
The other gem’s head tilted a little more.
“Why are you here? Did Pink send you?”
She seemed to get a little more excited with that last question, a smile daring to bleed through onto her face. You frowned back, shifting uncomfortably in place.
“Ummm…. No. I’m sorry, but no one sent me, I was just-”
You cut yourself off. You were just doing what, exactly? You couldn’t tell her you were running away, some stupid off-color that couldn’t get anything right. She would surely turn you in, just like any other gem would. But as you looked into her hopeful eyes you couldn’t bring yourself to lie to her.
“I’m looking for somewhere to hide.” You admitted, shoulders sagging a little.
The gem perked up at your words.
“Really? You mean like hide and seek? Well, the garden’s a great place for hiding! Pink and I use to play hide and seek all the time!”
You nodded numbly, mind working things over and trying to put the pieces together. 
“What - Who is Pink?”
“My best friend, of course! Pink Diamond!”
Your heart fell. Oh. This wasn’t going to end well, you could tell. 
“Oh, um… Did she leave you here?”
The gem’s smile became strained but she managed to keep it on. 
“No, of course not! We’re playing a game is all.” 
She sounded like she was trying to convince herself just as much as you and you could see the cracks starting to form like she was about to break. Oh stars, you didn’t know how you were supposed to handle this! You had never dealt with stuff like this before. What were you supposed to tell her? That Pink Diamond was never going to come back? That the game was never really that? And who’s to say Pink didn’t plan on coming back but was shattered before she could? You didn’t know enough about what was going on, but what you did know was that you couldn’t leave this poor gem standing for who knows how much longer, waiting for a gem to come back that never would.
You had to tell her.
“... What’s your name?”
“Oh! I’m Spinel! It’s nice to meet you, by the way.” 
“Right. Spinel … There’s something I need to tell you and I’m not sure you’re going to like it.”
The smile on her face vanished in an instant, something darker breaking through her smiley facade. 
You took a deep breath.
“Pink Diamond … she isn’t… isn’t coming back.”
You saw the tears start to swell in her eyes, that smile forced back onto her face.
“Don’t be s-silly! Of course she’s coming back! That’s part of the game!” She insisted.
You felt a sense of pity for the gem, felt sad for her. You took a step towards her, half expecting the gem to run off, but she stayed firmly in place. She couldn’t lose the game. You took another step towards her, then another until you could reach out a hand and put it on her shoulder. 
“I really am sorry, but she can’t come back.”
“And why not?” She snapped and you jumped, drawing your hand back like she bit you. You didn’t expect her to get so angry, glaring at you so intensely you felt like you would burst into flames. And you didn’t want to tell her. You took another deep breath.
“Something happened. On Earth. She was …” 
You found it difficult to say it aloud. Spinel seemed to understand what you were getting at, her form starting to shake and tears streaming down her cheeks. She looked up at you with such desperation you felt something inside you break.
“...Please… tell me.” 
“She was shattered.” You finally forced the words out, almost spitting them like they were bile in your mouth. And all you could do was watch as the gem came undone.
She shook her head slowly, staring at the ground with wide, unseeing eyes, mumbling “no” to herself over and over again. You tried reaching out to her, to show her comfort, but she flinched away, stumbling back and finally breaking the vines around her feet. She turned away from you, hands clenched into fists, shoulders shaking. 
“She can’t be.” You only just managed to catch the whisper, her voice soft and weak, broken. “She said she’d be back. She’s supposed to come back.” 
She fell to her knees and you rushed forward, stopping just short, hands outstretched, uncertain. Spinel sobbed, loud and heartbroken, hands tangling into her hair and pulling at her buns until they came undone and kept pulling, pulling, sobs bursting out of her. You winced at the sight, nealing next to her and trying to gently pry her hands out of her hair.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” You said over and over again in your gentlest, sweetest voice, trying to calm her. It took some work but you managed to get her hands out of her hair which now hung limp and ragged. She immediately clung onto you, arms stretching and wrapping around your middle over and over again and squeezing painfully, burying her face into your chest and wailing, the sound so loud it made your head hurt. You ignored the pain, doing your best to hug the gem back and continuing your whispers of reassurance. What else were you supposed to do?
Who knows how long you were there comforting Spinel. The rock the garden was built on didn’t have any way of telling time, no sun to keep track of, just the stars twinkling in the black sky. But you were a patient gem. You could wait.
And eventually, the gem did calm down. Or, at the very least, she stopped shaking so much and her cries quieted to whimpers. You sighed when her grip on you loosened, your form relaxing just a bit now that you weren’t being crushed. 
But what were you supposed to do now? You thought it over, holding the smaller gem close as she whimpered and sighed, tears finally starting to dry. It probably wouldn’t be the best idea to stay here. No doubt the place would hold unpleasant memories for Spinel. But it was also one of the best hiding places for you. You sighed. It was more important to help her, you decided. So what other places could be a good hiding spot. 
You had plenty of ideas, of course, but none of them seemed good enough for you. But that was fine. You had time to figure that out. Right now you needed to get Spinel cleaned up.
“Hey,” You said, voice still soft and comforting. There was a pause, then the gem looked up at you with big, dark teary eyes. She looked so tired and you felt your chest tighten at the sight. You smiled at her softly. “Why don’t we get you cleaned up, okay? You might feel a little bit better.”
Spinel stared up at you a moment longer before slowly nodding. You helped her to her feet and led her to the warp pad, the gem clinging onto your arm as she slowly made her way up the stone stairs. She paused on the warp pad, looking out over the decaying garden, her shoulders sagging.
“Please,” she said after several long moments, looking up at you once more. “Take me away from here.”
There was a flash of light as the warp pad activated then it was gone, leaving nothing behind but the dead plants and crumbling stone.
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lovelydarkbanana · 6 months
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Spinel+amanyu= carnelian fusion
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some doodles of spinel dreams I had, idk
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midnight-drawing77 · 3 years
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Just another random drawing of Spinel. I don’t know why but I kept getting a CEO or businesswoman feeling. Or just Spinel in a suit.
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love-you-fo-rever · 4 years
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She's thinkin about u
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Could I request headcanons for a CrystalGem!Spinel x Reader?
Gosh she loves ya sooo much!
She feels like she can go to you when her worries bother her too much
Sneaking up behind you she’ll coil her arms around your waist and sway from side to side, taking in your scent and calming aura
Can’t explain the feeling she gets when you reach up to twirl her pigtails in your fingers. The slight pulling has her up the wall
She walks with her arm wrapped around your shoulder, head held high. She’s got the prettiest doll in the whole entire universe
She likes to hold your hand over your shoulder while she gently rubs your knuckles with her thumb.
When sitting it’s mandatory that you sit on her lap! Doesn’t matter if there’s an open seat next to her there’s someplace much more comfortable than a metal/plastic seat
Likes to bake you cookies and not burn them
You like to have a competition to see who can flirt the best. It’s always the best of times. Can’t tell you how many times you and spinel die laughing at the corny pickup lines
Spinel loves to flirtatiously mess with you by using inappropriate pickup lines and soft caresses of your figure
When she drops you off at your place she leaves you with a long and sweet hug with short kisses and whispered ‘I love you’s
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fivefeetfear · 4 years
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Hello, this is Lion! I used to run the Spin-In-Hell blog. I’ll be reposting my story here on this account with a few changes to it very soon!
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storfulsten · 5 years
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self insert shipping is self care
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