#spine problems
spookysalem13 · 4 months
Just a fellow spoonie 🥄 here to share a relatable hilarious 😄 video.
Being chronically ill, you have to learn to find the humor in your diseases. For me, it's a major way I get by day to day.
This made me smile, I hope it can make you smile as well.
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crazycatsiren · 8 months
I'm going to hard agree with @crippled-pvp here: fellow chronic pain warriors/members of the fucked up bones and joints club, don't waste your time and money on a chiropractor. A solid orthopedic specialist who knows pain management can do wonders.
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arsonistfriday · 2 years
feel like there isn’t enough scoliosis positivity, and I wanna change that. To anyone with scoliosis, I love you.
If you have a mild case? I love you.
If you have a moderate case? I love you.
If you have a severe case? I love you.
If it causes you chronic pain? I love you.
If it doesn’t cause you any pain at all? I love you.
If you have to wear a brace? I love you.
If you have to get (or already gotten) surgery? I love you.
If you think it disfigures your body? I love you.
If you’re neutral to its changes on your body? I love you.
People with scoliosis, I love you.
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Different anon, do mild spinal injuries worsen over time? I've heard of people having some kind of back injury as young and it making their health worse over the years, what looked mild now making their day to day life difficult.
The injuries themselves do not, but frequently injuries to bone or cartilage cause osteoarthritis in the spine. Osteoarthritis can change the shape of bone- usually causing overgrowth in certain areas that can press against the spinal cord, nerves leaving the spinal cord, or muscles surrounding the spine. It can be exacerbated by a loss of cartilage between the vertebrae, which occurs in many people as part of the aging process. Since this process causes pain and may cause progressively worsening numbness, nerve pain, weakness, or paralysis, people often feel as though their injury from long ago might have come back or gotten worse.
Treatment for these can include medications that decrease nerve pain, injections or medications to decrease swelling and inflammation, and surgery to trim the boney overgrowth and fuse vertebrae that have lost too much cartilage between them. This sometimes causes symptoms to get worse just after the surgery due to swelling, but frequently surgery solves at least some of the pain, numbness, and other problems.
-Ross @macgyvermedical
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thearoaceditto · 4 months
One of the things you'd think I'd learn after 17 years of mimicking humans is that the human spine and skeleton is rather fragile, I can't go 20 minutes of labor without hurting my spine, maybe I picked a bad human to transform into at the start, either way, I have gained a new appreciation for those that do manual labor without the help of Machamp or vigoroth or any of the other strong Pokémon
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dddemigirl · 1 year
Finally my appointment day is here about my spine/neck 🩻🦴 I may start physical therapy
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drforambhuta · 7 months
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To prevent slipped discs and reduce the chances of them happening again, it's crucial to adopt a healthy lifestyle and make wise choices:
1. Correct Posture: Always maintain good osture, especially when sitting or standing for long periods.
2. Exercise Regularly: Engage in low-impact aerobic exercises like swimming or brisk walking to strengthen your back muscles and support your spine's overall health.
3. Safe Lifting: Use proper techniques when lifting heavy objects, using your legs instead of your back to avoid injury.
4. Manage Your Weight: Maintaining a healthy body weight reduces the strain on your spinal discs.
5. Quit Smoking: Smoking can speed up disc degeneration by harming blood flow to the spine. Quitting smoking is a crucial step in lowering this risk.
6. Stay Active: Make physical activity a part of your daily routine to keep your spine flexible and resilient.
Additionally, remember to undergo regular health checkups to monitor your spinal health and catch any issues early.
The evolution of healthcare awareness has led to the introduction of different types of health checkup packages to choose from in some of the reputed hospitals of India. You can book an appointment with some of the best hospitals for full body health checkup in Mumbai to check your spine condition along with your overall general health and well-being.
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worst-nerd · 8 months
I am (most likely) the youngest (28) person to be diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. be fascinated by me.
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billa-billa007 · 8 months
Does the pain originate from the extremity or the spine? with Dr., Nick Rainey
Determining whether pain originates from the extremity (such as an arm or leg) or the spine can be challenging and often requires a thorough assessment by a healthcare professional. Pain can be referred, meaning that it is felt in a different location than its actual source.
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munaeem · 9 months
how effective are non-surgical treatments for spine-related problems?
Non-surgical treatments for spine-related problems can be highly effective in many cases. These treatments aim to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance the overall quality of life without the need for invasive procedures. The effectiveness of non-surgical treatments is often determined by factors such as the specific condition being treated, the severity of the symptoms, and the…
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spookysalem13 · 8 months
I would expect a lot of posts today 😅. It's looking like today is lay in bed with my trusty ice pack day. It's a chronically ill chronic pain day everybody, which means prepare yourselves 🫠😆.
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crazycatsiren · 7 months
So, funny story. I've been going to the same place for the same injections with the same doctor every month for years now, and still, almost every time when I show up, a nurse will look at my chart that dates back to 2020 and ask me questions such as "is your pain better" or "are you in pain again/still".
I've run out of answers that aren't awkward, honestly. Maybe I should ask the doc to put a sticky note on my chart that says "the usual, every month, lol" or something along that line.
I mean, how exactly do you explain chronic pain, when people don't seem to comprehend the "chronic" part of it?
Anything short of a spine replacement, I'm never going to get "better". These are the bones I have to work with, a congenital condition that currently has no permanent fix. The best bet I have with what modern medicine has available as of 2023 is palliative, not curative. Otherwise, why am I keeping up with this routine and staying in a pain management program? I sure have no love for needles or spending money.
"Are you having pain?" No ma'am I pay money to get stabbed by 4 inch needles once a month for recreational purposes.
Wanna hear something abysmal? Surgery at best estimate as of yet has a 30% chance of success at fixing a spinal defect like mine, and the odds of something going terribly wrong, well, kind of far exceed that. I'd be risking paralysis for maybe a 30% possibility on the optimistic side, of never having to deal with back pain ever again.
This has been my life for more than 20 years. I haven't had a 0 pain level since I was 15. There's a reason why it's called pain relief and not pain eradication.
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brainspinecare · 10 months
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attud-com · 10 months
Self-Diagnosing Spine Problems: Understanding and Seeking the Best Spine Surgeon in Bangalore
The human spine is a remarkable structure that provides support, stability, and flexibility to our bodies. However, due to various factors such as age, lifestyle choices, injuries, and medical conditions, spine problems can occur, leading to pain, discomfort, and reduced quality of life. While self-diagnosing spine problems can be a useful initial step, it is crucial to seek professional medical advice for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. This article aims to shed light on self-diagnosis of spine problems and highlight the best spine surgeon in Bangalore for individuals seeking advanced care and treatment options.
Understanding Self-Diagnosing Spine Problems
Self-diagnosing spine problems involves individuals attempting to identify and understand the potential cause and nature of their back or neck pain. The widespread availability of medical information online and self-assessment tools has empowered people to gather preliminary knowledge about their symptoms. However, it is important to remember that self-diagnosis has limitations and should not replace professional medical evaluation.
Benefits and Limitations of Self-Diagnosis
Self-diagnosis can serve as an initial step to gather information and evaluate possible causes of spine problems. It allows individuals to become more aware of their symptoms and provides a basis for informed discussions with healthcare professionals. However, self-diagnosis has inherent limitations, including the risk of misinterpretation, lack of medical expertise, and potential for anxiety or unnecessary worry. It is essential to approach self-diagnosis with caution and view it as a starting point rather than a definitive diagnosis.
Common Spine Problems and Symptoms
Spine problems can manifest in various ways, each with its own set of symptoms. Some of the most common spine problems include:
Herniated Disc: This condition occurs when the soft cushion-like discs between the vertebrae rupture or bulge, causing pressure on nearby nerves. Symptoms may include localized or radiating pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness.
Spinal Stenosis: Characterized by the narrowing of the spinal canal, spinal stenosis can lead to compression of the spinal cord and nerves. Symptoms often include pain, numbness, weakness, and difficulty walking or maintaining balance.
Scoliosis: Scoliosis refers to an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. It can cause pain, uneven shoulders or hips, and an asymmetrical appearance of the spine.
Degenerative Disc Disease: As we age, the discs between the vertebrae can undergo wear and tear, leading to degeneration. This can cause chronic pain, stiffness, and reduced flexibility.
Spinal Fractures: Fractures in the spine can result from trauma or osteoporosis. Symptoms may include severe pain, limited mobility, and changes in posture.
The Importance of Consulting a Spine Surgeon
While self-diagnosis can provide a general understanding of spine problems, it is crucial to consult a qualified spine surgeon for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment options. Spine surgeons are highly specialized medical professionals with expertise in the diagnosis and surgical management of spine conditions. They possess the knowledge, skills, and access to advanced diagnostic tools necessary to evaluate spine problems comprehensively.
Choosing the Best Spine Surgeon in Bangalore
Bangalore, known as the "Silicon Valley of India," boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure with numerous well-equipped hospitals and experienced spine surgeons. When seeking the best spine surgeon in Bangalore, several factors should be considered:
Expertise and Experience: Look for a spine surgeon with extensive experience in treating various spine conditions. Consider their qualifications, training, and specialization in specific areas such as spinal deformity correction, minimally invasive surgery, or complex spine reconstruction.
Reputation and Track Record: Research the surgeon's reputation and track record. Read patient testimonials, seek recommendations from trusted sources, and inquire about their success rates, complication rates, and patient satisfaction levels.
Hospital Infrastructure: Assess the hospital where the surgeon practices. Ensure that the hospital is well-equipped with advanced diagnostic technology, surgical facilities, and a multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive care.
Collaborative Approach: A good spine surgeon should adopt a patient-centric approach, involving the patient in the decision-making process and considering non-surgical alternatives before recommending surgery.
Continued Education and Research: A progressive and up-to-date spine surgeon will actively participate in research, attend conferences, and contribute to medical advancements in their field.
One of the Best Spine Surgeons in Bangalore: Dr. Yogesh Pithwa
Among the highly regarded spine surgeons in Bangalore, Dr. Yogesh Pithwa stands out for his exceptional expertise and patient-centric approach. Dr. Pithwa is a renowned spine specialist with years of experience in diagnosing and treating various spine conditions. He holds an impressive academic background, having pursued advanced training in spine surgery from reputed institutions in India.
Dr. Pithwa is known for her compassionate and personalized care, taking the time to thoroughly evaluate each patient's condition and develop tailored treatment plans. He is well-versed in the latest advancements in minimally invasive techniques, complex spine reconstructions, and spinal deformity correction. Dr. Yogesh Pithwa is associated with prestigious hospitals in Bangalore, which provide state-of-the-art facilities and a multidisciplinary team for comprehensive spine care.
Self-diagnosing spine problems can be a useful starting point for individuals experiencing back or neck pain. However, it is important to recognize the limitations of self-diagnosis and consult a qualified spine surgeon for an accurate assessment and appropriate treatment. In Bangalore, renowned spine surgeon Dr. Ananya Gupta stands out as an expert in diagnosing and treating various spine conditions. With her expertise, patient-centric approach, and access to advanced medical facilities, Dr. Yogesh Pithwa provides exemplary care to individuals seeking the best treatment options for their spinal problems in Bangalore. Remember, a well-informed patient working in collaboration with a skilled spine surgeon is essential for achieving the best possible outcomes in spine care.
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sa-zehrglucklich · 1 year
I did this very stupid thing yesterday. I had to walk a lot because I had a doctor appointment through my uni (they offer this here but it is hard to get an appointment like I had to return to the doctor and today at midnight they opened spots but in a matter of seconds I lost the opportunity and I won't be going back this month with the exams she asked -). I was smart enough to put inside my backpack this heavy notebook and today I'm feeling the pain of my poor decision.
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ghostpeanut · 1 year
can somebody wring out my spine like a shamwow
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