#spencer reid child
peter3ismybf · 2 years
impossible choice- part 1
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Spencer Reid’s twin children, Elijah and Eloise Reid, have been kidnapped by someone who is much more than they appear, causing Spencer’s world to fall right in front of him.
She was tied to the chair, her arms bound tightly behind the back of the wood. The sockets at her shoulders ached and she squirmed uncomfortably, trying to find some comfort in any different position, but it proved useless. Her ankles were also bound, her dusty white converse suddenly looking much dirtier against the muddy wooden floor. She guessed she was in a barn, or in an abandoned warehouse. It occurred to her that she could be anywhere- 5 miles from home or across the country. She had no idea how long she had been out after the man knocked her across the back of her head with the butt of his gun.
A groan sounded from behind her and her heart froze. Elijah. He was tied to a chair directly behind her, their backs to each other. He must be just waking up. She listened as he collected his bearings just as she had- twins work in very similar ways, her dad told them when they were younger.
Dad. The breath caught in her throat at the thought of him. After losing their mom, she didn’t know what he would do with them gone.
“Eloise?” Elijah spoke, his voice raspy.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yea. You?” He replied.
She nodded, then realized he couldn’t see her. “Yea.”
They sat in silence for what seemed like hours until a man came into the room. he had some stubble, and purple bags underlined his eyes. His pupils were dilated- he’s on drugs, she concluded. His movements were frenzied and panicked, and it was like he hadn’t noticed the two kidnapped teenagers in the room with him until he cleared his throat.
“W-What’s your names?” He said.
Eloise scoffed in disbelief. Despite the present danger in front of her, she spoke. “You kidnapped two teenagers and don’t even know their names?”
The man’s eyes shot towards her, and almost as if he hadn’t moved he was suddenly in front of her, gripping her throat so tightly she began to see spots. “I don’t take disrespect from a fucking kid.” He said through clenched teeth, spit landing on the tip of her nose. He let go and she gasped, her lungs welcoming the air that flowed into them.
“I’ll ask again, what’s your names?”
Eloise coughed, hearing her brother say the fake name. Twins can sometimes read each other’s minds, another thing her father had told her when she was younger.
“Kathryn.” She followed suit. The man fidgeted in place before seeming satisfied with the answers. He started to walk back towards the entrance of the room before stopping and turning around.
“You’re parents, they’re not feds or anything like that, right?”
Eloise froze, and she could feel Elijah’s brain working furiously like hers. The two options both don’t have amazing results- should they say their parents aren’t, that just gives him more reason to keep them. If they say their dad is a part of the Behavior Analysis Unit for the FBI, he could panic and kill them.
“Our dad, he’s in the BAU.” Elijah speaks and Eloise sucks in air through her teeth. The man shoots Elijah a look.
“The BAU?” he asks.
“The Behavioral Analysis Unit, in the FBI.” Elijah answers.
The man’s eyes go wide and his mouth opens and closes as if he’s trying to speak, but no sound comes out. Eventually he leaves the room, bumping into a wall on the way out.
Once she’s sure he’s gone, Eloise turns her head as best as she can. “What the hell are you thinking? He’s going to kill us now!” she hisses.
“No, that’s why he asked. He won’t kill us if he knows the feds will get on him. He’s more likely to let us go.” Elijah answers as if it’s the most simple thing in the world. 
“But you don’t know that.” Eloise emphasizes and feels a lump in her throat.
“You don’t know that he’ll kill us.” Elijah answers.
“But he could.” she says in barely a whisper. A tear drops onto her jeans, the moisture spreading through the fabric and making a perfect little dot on her leg.
“We’re gonna be okay. Just trust me.” Elijah says softer now. She feels his fingers brush hers, and to the best of their abilities, they somewhat hold each others hands behind their backs.
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starch1ldz · 3 months
Y/n: no one actually thinks me and Spencer are dating.
Emily: Raise your hand if you think Spencer and Y/n are dating
The entire team including Spencer raising their hands.
Y/n: Spencer Walter Reid put your hand down.
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can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
sorry it’s so long! love your works!
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Aaron Hotchner X Young Daughter reader
Request: can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
I do love young Hotch daughter who is completely opposite to her dad. Around season 1, Hailey is alive and just had Jack.
Third person pov...
Hailey smiles as her Husband runs around after their hyperactive 2 year old, little Y/N Hotchner was a ball of sunshine and energy.
The 2 year old was excited she had a baby brother and loved to play with him, though she loved playing with her Daddy even more.
Currently the little ball of energy was running around the house away from her Dad who was attempting to put her in her clothes, she was going to work with him for the day.
The little girl was only half dressed as she ran before the man could put her trousers on, giggling she shouts "no daddy!" As the man almost grabs her, a smile on his face.
Still chasing the girl, surprised at how quick she was for a tot, though he wasn't running more like in slow motion, wanting the chase to last a little longer, it wasn't every day he got to do this with his daughter (besides he had time before work started)
From the living room, Hailey watches her Husband and daughter with a smile on her face as she held her sleeping baby, Jack was sound asleep as if nothing was happening.
As they make another loop around the house Aaron stops and hops into the doorway of the living room, back pressed against the wall, Hailey watches her husband as he made a shush motion.
"Daddy?" Calls Y/N as the tot ran past the room, a confused look on her face and she looked for her dad. Poking her head around the door she looked at her Mum. "Where daddy?" She asks a pout on her lips.
Hailey fails to hide her smile as her daughter was grabbed and thrown upside down, giggling madly Y/N yelled to be let down. "Daddy! Let go" giggling even more when her tummy was tickled.
"Never, now its time for naughty girls to be dressed" he tells his daughter smiling wickedly as he continues to tickle his daughter, the H/C girl only wiggled in his grasp.
"No no daddy, wanna wear princess dress" yells the tot, Aaron stops his attack and looks at his wife. Hailey only shrugs her shoudlers.
Ever since her birthday Y/N loved one gift in particular, it was a beautiful poofy princess dress her parents got specially made for her.
She loved wearing it every time they went out and was always careful to keep it clean. Hotch sighs of course she would want to wear it to his work.
Looking down at the sad puppy look hisbwas getting he gave in. Hanging his head he stood up Y/N in his arms.
"Okay, Princess dress it is" he declared, dramatically, while bouncing the little girl in his arms before walking upstairs with a happy Y/N "yayy" cheers the young girl.
Finally ready to go Hotch grabbed his brief case, his lunch and Y/N lunch. As he headed for the door he called for Y/N the little girl eagerly bouncing over to him as he helped her put on her light up shoes.
"Ready princess" he asks her, Y/N gives him a huge gumming smile. "Yes Sir Daddy!" She saluted him before hugging her Mum and baby brother before leaving. "Good luck" Hailey whispers as she kisses Aaron.
When they arrived at the FBI headquarters Hotch pulls his daughter aside. "Now N/N, I know your excited, but I need you to stay close to me today okay? The office is busy and I don't want you to get lost" he explains to the girl.
Y/N smiles and hugs his neck giggling. "Yes Daddy! I be good" she smiles, Hotch pats her head a smile on his lips. "Thank you N/N" the two Hotchners then walk into the busy building.
And what a pair they made, Hotch in his usual suit and red tie combo, his stoic expresson on his face. Y/N in her pink poffy dress with light up shoes waving and smiling at all the agents she sees.
Once they get to the bullpen, Y/N is introduced to the team who are all excited to meet the young girl. Soon Hotch is busy in his office mountains of paperwork to go through.
On the floor lays Y/N, the young girl had grown bored it staying in the office. She had drawn lots of pictures, played with her toys. Now she wanted to explore.
Getting up from the floor she walks over to the door and opens it quietly, giggling silently she squeezes through the gap and is now free from the room.
Giggling she runs around the bullpen looking at all the desk and the members of her daddy's team, one person stand out to her, that's person being Spencer Reid who had jsut recently joined the BAU.
Walking up to thr agent she grabs onto his pant leg and shakes his gaining the surprised Dr's attention, looking doen and the girl dressed in pink spencer gives her an awkward smile.
"Hi..?" He says Y/N grins up at him. "Hi! I'm Y/N" she tells him proudly. Spencer is taken aback how smiley Hotches daughter is.
"I'm Spencer, nice to meet you Y/N" he says, before Y/N holds her arms up to him, Spencer was confused before realising she wanted to be picked up.
Nervously looking over to his bosses office he picks the girl up and sets her down on his lap, Y/Ns smiles brightens as she was held by the young man.
The brown haired man was surprised again when the ball on energy on his lap twisted around so she could koala hug him, pressing tightly to him Spencer hugged her back.
" your nice" came a muffled voice pressed to his chest, Spencer let out a surprised laugh at that making Y/N erupted into giggles all over again.
After hugging spencer the H/C tot began moving around as he tried to work, afgwr wriggling a bit she finally settled behind him, half sitting on top of his chair and half holding onto his back.
Y/N happily played with the agents hair as Spencer worked, he was slowly getting used to the girl spending time with him.
As this happened a very worried Dad was panicking in his office trying to find his daughter, after going through everything in his office Hotch threw open his door and stepped down the ramp into the bullpen.
Morgan stood from his desk as he saw the worried expression on the man's face. "Woah woah, what's happened Hotch?" He asks the worried man.
Shoulders shaking Aaron explained he couldn't find his daughter anywhere, instead of helping Derek just laughed and pointed.
Following his arm Hotch breathed a sigh off relief as he saw where Y/N had got to, smiling he watched his daughter laugh and play with the young doctors hair.
He was glad she was okay and made a new friend. Quickly taking a few pictures he sends them to Haily who messaged back just a quick. "Some one made a new friend" chuckling he responded. "I think they both made a new friend"
Putting his phone away he went back to his office, happy to leave his daughter in his agents capable hands.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot sorry for the wait! Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word Count : 1375
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
No Matter What
Request (from anon): hiii if its not too much trouble could you do Reid x daughter reader where she had BPD and she has a anger breakdown??
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader
Summary: Spencer helps his daughter with BPD through an anger breakdown.
A/N: Huge thank you to @huffufflejoy for beta/sensitivity reading and advising me on this work. Your help is greatly appreciated! Now for my usual disclaimer before my pieces that heavily involve any neurodivergent topic: I try my best to potray mental illness in the most accurate yet sensitive way possible. Please let me know if you have concerns or issues with my work. It's important to note that everyone experiences mental illness in different ways and this may not be indicative of the experience of everyone with BPD.
CW: Reader has BPD, anger breakdown, talks of schizophrenia, self-loathing, small amount of physical violence, reader is shorter than Spencer
Spencer had learned long before you were born that understanding from knowledge and understanding from experiencing were two different things.
No matter how much he had read about schizophrenia, he could never truly understand what his mom was experiencing. No matter how much he'd read about being a dad, it did not prepare him for actually being one. And no matter how many people he talked to, articles he read, or data he went through, he would never truly understand what it was like for you to live with BPD.
At first, his research led him to believe that he might be able to understand some of the experience. After his dad leaving him at such a young age, Elle's resignation, Gideon leaving with nothing but a letter to say goodbye, and Emily's fake death, Spencer always had an underlying concern that the people in his life were going to leave.
But to him it was just that- an underlying concern. Like how he prefered paper over computers, but wasn't paranoid about it like his mother had been during an episode in which she threw the TV out of the house. Or how he might tell someone "My daughter is my whole world", but if he didn't hear from you for a day his whole world didn't seem to fall apart.
Nothing about your experience would ever be comparable to his. All he could do was try to understand.
Spencer had just woken up when he heard the shattering. He got out of bed, trying not to get his limbs tangled in the sheets, but still moving faster than he usually did at 7 AM. When he threw his bedroom door open, he took in the sight before him. His genius brain tryed it's best to calculate what move to make next.
You were standing in the small kitchen, surrounded by pieces of porcelain. White knuckles were threaded through your hair, threatening to pull the strands out by the root. A look of distress was plastered on your face as your chest heaved. Spencer only hoped that he'd gotten here before the anger turned into a blackout.
"(Y/N), Sweetie," Spencer cooed. He walked toward you, careful to avoid the broken bowl. "Are you okay?"
"No, I'm not okay!" Your voice was shrill in your exasperatedly irritable state. "I- I dropped the bowl and it broke, and now I can't make cupcakes for Henry, and I broke the bowl- I'm so sorry-"
Spencer tried to change the subject in an effort to calm you. "You were going to hang out with Henry today?"
"No, of course no. Why else would I be trying to make him cupcakes?" You snarled at your dad with degrading sarcasm. "All my other friends hate me and now he probably will now too and- and the bowl!"
It wasn't an unusual thing for you to say. Keeping surface-level friendships alive could be difficult with BPD. People didn't understand where the swing of emotions came from, and how you couldn't control the things you said when the mental bomb went off. They didn't understand why you would share a hobby with them, and then a week later, drop it completely. Even when you explained BPD, used your coping skills, and tried your hardest, it was difficult just to exist in society.
Henry made it easier. The two of you had been friends since you were small children. He took his time to understand you. He could calm your nerves, help you cope, give you reassurance, set healthy boundaries.
Still, your dad was you favorite person; your safe place. Spencer made you feel secure in a way that no one else could. It didn't matter how high you flew or how hard you fell, he was the constant presence in your life that you needed. That's why the underlying fear of losing him could make you spiral.
"It's broken! It's broken and I'm broken!" The sarcasm slipped away behind your anger.
"You're not broken," Spencer cooed.
"Yes I am!" You screamed at him. Tears of fury streamed down your face. The look in your eyes was enough to tell your dad that you were close to a breakdown, and he couldn't help but look nervously at the shards still littered on the ground.
Spencer took a risk, walking forward. He got to you in three carefully calculated strides.
"Come here," he whispered, though you were only inches apart and his arms were almost all the way around you.
"No, no-" you muttered. Your eyes were shut tight, arms pulled to your chest as if they were a shield over your heart.
Spencer wrapped you in a hug against your wishes, only pulling you tigher when your fists came towards his chest. Your muttering and sobbing and squirming continued as he held you as tightly as he could.
"I love you."
"I'm telling the truth."
"I'm not leaving you."
"You're worthy."
"I will always be here."
Spencer didn't know if the words actually helped, but he liked to think they did. As the pendulum of emotion began to fall and you stopped fighting in his arms, the only sound in the kitchen became the mantras he whispered and your heavy breathing.
"I-I'm sorry, dad," your words were barely desipherable between dry sobs. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean- I'm so sorry. Please-"
"It's okay." Spencer kept his voice calm, soothing, reassuring. "It's only a bowl."
"I broke it and I got so-" you choked out the words as if saying them was physically painful.
Spencer had to remind himself that it was. Just like the way a panic attack could make someone's heart race or their palms sweat, the humiliation of being unable to control your emotions made your throat close. He wished it didn't.
"It's all my fault- I'm sorry."
Spencer looked down at your puffy face. Your lip trembled with anxiety. Salt stained cheeks rested in his palms. In the glassy look of your eyes he could see his own reflection, his own expression. It matched exactly how he felt; concern for you that came from pure love. He only wished you'd see that there was nothing in this world that could make him leave you willfully. There was nothing in this world that could take that love.
"I promise it's okay," he kept his voice quiet. "Can we clean it up together?"
You nodded.
"I'll be here so you're safe," he reassured you. But it was also for himself.
You nodded again.
"Okay." He gently let go of your face. "Let's clean up."
Together, the two of you carefully swept up the pieces of procelain. It took no more than two minutes to do, but Spencer couldn't help but spew a few interesting facts. They made you feel better, more relaxed.
"In Japan they use a technique called kintsugi to repair pottery," he explained. "Craftsmen take the broken bits and mend them together with gold."
The both of you rose to your feet, you with a broom and Spencer with the dustpan. "It actually makes the object stronger and more beautiful." He disposed of the broken bowl in the trash.
"Is this your way of telling me that every time I break I get stronger and more beuatiful?" you asked. It wasn't snarky or sarcastic- it was exhausted. "Because I don't feel that way."
Your dad took the broom from you, putting it back in the small storage closet. "Not quite," he said, then turned. "Because a lot of people believe the practice rose from the philosophy of wabi-sabi, which encourages people to look for and appreciate imperfection."
You blinked at him. "I'm confused."
He wrapped you in a hug. "It's my way of telling you that I'm not going anywhere. It doesn't matter to me how strong you are or how beautiful you are- how perfect or imperfect. I'm always going to be here, and I'm always going to love you, no matter what."
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snixkers · 3 months
Beach Breeze
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Pairing: Spencer Reid × Wife!Reader
For: Anonymous request
Content Warnings: Loss of child, rainbow baby, miscarriage/stillbirth, spreading ashes, grieving parents
Summary: After your son didn't make it, you take your daughter to your favorite spot on the beach.
Author's note: This was a request from a follower. I don't have any kids, but I am grateful they wanted to reach out to me for this. I hope I was able to honor his memory.
Feedback is always appreciated
Requests are OPEN
The car ride was silent, filled with a sense of melancholy in between Isabelle’s outbursts. She looked around the car, curious as to why the drive was taking so long.
This was her first road trip, and she was behaving about as well as one would expect toddler to in a cramped car. Your husband drove in silence as you calmed her down, tending to her needs.
Finally, the two of you pulled up to the beach, checking you had packed all the bags and towels.
You lifted Isabelle out of her carseat, letting her relax in your arms before trekking over to your favorite spot on the beach. Spencer followed close behind, carrying a small urn.
You settled down a towel near the shoreline, waving him over and making sure everything was away from the gentle waves. You applied sunscreen to yourself and Isabelle, making sure the two of you were properly protected from any harmful UV rays.
After a few minutes of sitting in silence, you both knew it was time. You picked up your daughter, cradling her as you waded into the water. Spencer followed, carrying the porcelain jar as if it weighed more than it really did. The three of you stood together, listening to the water lapping at the sand.
This had always been your favorite place to visit. It was where Spencer proposed, where you announced your pregnancy, and where you mourned the loss of your son. You sniffled softly as you watched him hold out the urn.
Isabelle reached her hand out, trying to grab it. He pulled it out of her reach, rubbing her hand. You calmed her down before she could throw a tantrum, looking out at the vast ocean in front of you.
“We’re here to say goodbye to your big brother, Isabelle. Can you say ‘Bye, Logan’?”
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hookechoes · 5 months
spencer reid just asked "what if she doesn't like me" about his literal girlfriend who literally told him she loved him several episodes ago
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snarkylinda · 1 year
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Alex's little smile at this omg
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 9 months
I want to see cowboy reader get captured and hurt by unsub and JJ worried because those two seem to have chemistry
Description: Cowboy reader's father visits, things don't go too well...
Warnings: abuse, abusive parents, abduction, claustrophobia, judgy nurse, hospital visits, child abuse mentions
A/N: I'm panicking that this feels rushed but equally, I started writing this on the 15th of May so it can't be that rushed can it? Lmao (Also I'm so sorry it's taken this long). Posting this before I can doubt myself some more :))
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84 @goth-boi-atlas @iliketozoneout
You and Spencer stood in front of the geographical profile, to be honest, Spencer was doing most of the work, you were watching the wheels in his brain tick. Since meeting the young doctor, you had almost been in awe of his intelligence and the way his brain worked (and you couldn’t help but want to protect him from the world). 
This precinct was set out slightly different to the others you had been to, this station’s conference room had no windows, purely lit by shitty lights that were screwed into the ceiling. The only way you were able to read in this room was if you also switched on a bright light that was a lot less warm-toned to actually see. 
"(Y/N)?" You snapped out of your train of thought, turning to the voice, it feeling vaguely familiar. 
"Yes?" When you turn to him, you instantly know who it is but you force your face to stay neutral.
"You don't remember me." He manages to look somewhat defeated, you'll give him that. 
"No, I remember you." You said, folding your arms, "You just don't mean anything to me." 
"And why’s that?" 
"You're not worth my energy." 
He places a hand on his heart, "You wound me, son." 
"Shame." You answer, you turn to Spencer, "Can you go get Hotch?" 
Spencer looks at the scene hesitantly, not wanting to leave you alone with the man. Especially if he is your father. "It's okay, Spence." You reassured with a tight smile. 
"Yeah, it's alright, Spence." Your father says as he takes a step towards Spencer. 
When your father takes a step closer to Spencer, before you know it, you have him pinned against the wall. "Don't you even fuckin' dare stand near him." You growl, "I don't care how much you think you've changed, come near him, I'll break you." 
Chuckling, despite his head pressed against the wall, your father turns his head to look at Spencer. "I have changed." 
"Bull. Shit." You force the words out of your mouth, anger flowing through your blood. "Spencer, go get Hotch." You wanted Hotch here for a multitude of reasons. The main three being:
Make sure you don't nearly kill him
Make sure he doesn't nearly kill you
Make sure Spencer is safe 
As soon as he's gone, your father's demeanour shifts and he smirks, "I thought we'd never be alone,"
And with that, he manoeuvers himself and slams your head into the wall, knocking you unconscious. 
When Hotch and Spencer ran back into the room, three minutes later, you were nowhere to be seen. 
You didn't know how long it had been, just that it must have been ages - at least four days. You had been there for ages, in the dark, a closet to be specific. And everywhere hurt - so, so much. Your father had been in multiple times and it was like you were twelve years old again, stuck at home with a monster with no one to save you. Except you knew that you had people in the outside world that actually cared about you (your team).
Each time your father visited you, dragging you out of the closet and throwing you to the floor, he inflicted a different pain that reminded you of your childhood while he hurled insults in your direction. It had been a while since his last visit - a few hours, perhaps - and, to your dismay, you were beginning to worry whether he would come back.
"This ain't creepy at all," You muttered to yourself, perhaps if you closed your eyes and simply pretended you were at home that would help.
You leant against the back of the closet, trying your best to get comfortable. You closed your eyes, picturing your bed at your Mama's house. Everything was okay. "You- You're fine," You mumbled to yourself, clutching your arm tight to your chest, trying to stabilise your shoulder. It had been dislocated on your first day here (wherever here was).
Everything ached heavily, throbbing in beat with your heart. Between the cuts, scratches, and burns, you felt like you couldn't take a full breath. It was dark and you couldn't see. You didn't know who was there, if anyone was really there. God you hated the dark. And it was cold, so very, very cold, you knew there was no way that you had lost enough blood to make it so. You knew that the only way in which it was so cold was that bastard had made sure there was no way heat could get into the room (assuming there wasn't a thermostat).
The beat of your heart filled your ears, mixed with the roaring that was occupying your ear drums. All with such force and such volume that you don't hear the gunshot in the background.
"Everythin's fine, you're gonna get out of this. Team'll find you. It's fine. It's fine-" Your feeble attempt at self-reassurance died in the back of your throat when you heard the familiar unlocking of the closet doors. You curled into yourself further, not looking up when the doors creaked open.
"(Y/N)?" JJ approaches you slowly, and you stare at her, trying to figure out if you've finally gone crazy or if she's really here. God, you hoped it was the latter. You couldn’t help but notice that the air around her seemed slightly brighter.
"JJ?" You wince, not only from the pain it caused in your throat and chest to speak, but by how utterly defeated you sounded.
"I'm here," She answers, "We're all here." With that, there was a small click and light flooded into your room. You winced, quickly ducking your head down and squeezing your eyes shut. When your eyes had adjusted, you opened them, forcing yourself to stand. 
The team's eyes widened at the sight of you, covered in blood and dirt, stripped of your shirt and socks. When you finally looked up, you curled into yourself slightly, trying to ignore the damage. 
You took a breath, "What about-?"
"He's dead." She answers and your shoulders deflate. They did come for you. He was wrong. Of course they would come for you.
"Who- Who shot him?" You asked hesitantly.
"I did," Morgan replied, frowning slightly. No matter what the man had done, he was still technically your biological father. You stumbled over to him, wincing and limping as you did so.
"Thank you," You mumbled, collapsing into a hug when you finally reached him. 
”How about we get you sit down?” Morgan asks gently as Prentiss places a seat next to you. Despite you protesting that you were fine, Morgan helps ease you into the chair while Hotch calls the paramedics to check how far out they were. 
When the paramedics arrived, they were quick to transfer you onto a gurney and then into the ambulance - the team keeping close. 
“Do you want us to call your emergency contact?” The paramedic asked and you shook your head.
“No, no thank you,” You mumbled, giving her a small smile. 
“Are you sure-?”
You nodded, “She, er, she’s already here,” You don’t notice Morgan shoot JJ a knowing smile - who responds with an eye roll and shaking her head.
“Okay, just so we know, who is it?”
“Oh, er, JJ,” You said, nodding to her, “The blonde haired lady,”
The paramedic takes a note of this, jotting it down on your form. “Thank you,”  
When you get to the hospital, you’re settled into a rather uncomfortable hospital bed (but you know better than to complain). They start by giving you pain killers and treating your major wounds - the burns along your side and chest, a variety of deepish cuts along your arms and torso, and finally checking your ribs and collarbone for fractures. You had tried telling them you were fine, but they weren’t having it - especially when they poked it and you cried out in pain.
"We need to take you upstairs," The nurse said, "We need to do an x-ray."
"Yes, the x-ray department is on the fourth floor," The nurse said and you drew in a deep breath. "We need to transfer you into a wheelchair."
Eventually, you were out of your room, trying desperately not to think about the elevator. Being trapped in a small metal box.
"No, I- I'll take the stairs." You mumble, shaking your head as you approach the lift. Not now. You can do this right now. You begin to stand when a hand is placed on your shoulder, instantly making you feel relaxed. You know its her without even having to look.
"You know you can't take the stairs right now," She responds quietly.
"JJ, I'm fine." You answer, grinding your jaw. You did not want to go in that lift under any circumstances.
"It's the only way to get there."
"Then I won't go,"
"You need to get an x-ray,"
"Don't need to."
"What would help you feel safer?" Her voice is soft, calming.
"You." Your answer is instant, that's not the embarrassing part though. The embarrassing part would be asking to hold her hand. The embarrassing part would be asking if Hotch or Morgan could also come with. You knew that they wouldn't let anything happen to either you or JJ - and they were physically healthy and therefore actually able to protect both you and her (normally you wouldn't have a problem with protecting the pair of you if needed, but you were currently slightly incapacitated).
"What's the other thing?" Damn, she can read you like a book.
You swallow, frowning slightly as you flush red and look down at your hands, watching them tremble for a moment, "H-Hotch or Morgan?"
JJ nods in understanding, gently rubbing her hand along your arm. "Does it matter which one?" When you shake your head, she turns to the nurse, "Can you get Agent Hotchner or Agent Morgan please?"
"For an elevator?" You frown, staring at your hands more intently as your face grows hot, watching as they continue to shake from adrenaline at the idea of being in a lift right now.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm just saying, he's a grown man, he can ride an elevator-"
You can sense the anger radiating off the blonde so you shake your head, "JJ it's fine..." You mumbled, "Let's just go n get it over with."
"No. You'd feel more comfortable with Hotch or Morgan here, so we're going to make sure that one of them are here." She says strongly, not breaking eye contact with the nurse. "So, can you get Agent Hotchner or Agent Morgan. And another nurse."
The nurse stares blankly at her for a moment before nodding and walking off. "Are you alright?" JJ asks softly and you give a small nod, hands continuing to shake. Seeing this she slowly reached down, lightly taking your left hand in her right.
"I-I'm sorry," You mutter before your tone turns bitter. "I shouldn't be feelin' like this. It's just an elevator."
"(Y/N)," You look up at her, "You've been through something most people can't even imagine. You're okay to feel shaken by that."
"M an adult." You said, trying to ignore your eyes began to feel the familiar sting of tears. "I shouldn't be-"
"I'm scared of dogs." JJ said. "I- Spencer was taken by an unsub years ago and his dogs attacked me and now, I'm afraid of dogs. Is that unreasonable? I'm an adult."
"That's different."
"Why? Because I'm a woman?"
"Wha-? No. Because you went through a traumatic experience."
"And this wasn't traumatic?"
"No! This was my childhood! I got over it! I should be fine with this! I shouldn't be here shakin' like a leaf over somethin' I must have gone through a hundred times!" You exclaim, "I should be able to get in an elevator without vibratin' so hard I’m creatin' my very own massage chair!"
"You're allowed to feel this way," JJ says gently as she crouches in front of you. "It's okay to acknowledge things that scare you. And doing this? Getting in an elevator shows how strong you are. Even if it's with two friends."
"Is everything okay?" JJ looks up at Hotch, who let's his gaze settle on your form - he can't see much, but he watches as you lift a trembling hand to your face, presumably to massage your temples. JJ says nothing, unsure of how much you want her to say, so you take the lead.
"I don't wanna go in." You mutter. "I wanna take the stairs."
Hotch had never heard you sound so small. "I get that," Ensuring that his voice is calming, he continues, "But we both know you can't make it up all those stairs right now."
"Its- I feel like 'm trapped and 'm not even inside yet."
"We'll be here the whole time," Hotch adds and you nod.
"Is the other nurse here?"
"Yep," Another voice chimes, "I'm Nurse Maddison."
"Hi," You whisper. "I-I'm not normally like this," You mumble, this was slightly mortifying to say the least.
"That's alright," She replies, "We've all got our fears. I find it difficult to go on public transport - I'm scared of a lack of control."
"I-I'm scared if I get in the lift, I won't be able to get out." You admit. "I'm scared the lights will flicker, n I'll wake up, n I'll still be there. Or worse, the lights will go out n he'll be here."
"Who?" Nurse Maddeline furrows her eyebrows when you don't answer.
"I just really don't want this to be a dream," You whisper.
JJ squeezes your hand lightly, "I promise you, this is real."
"We're here, (Y/N). You're safe. You're with us."
You sat, taking deep breaths outside the elevator for a minute or so. Just catching your breath.
"Are you ready to get in?" She asks. Despite the question, her voice is full of understanding. "We don't have to push any buttons yet, and I can stand in the way of the doors until you're ready."
"Can- Can we do that one? With you in the doors?"
"Of course!" Nurse Maddison gives a small smile before pressing the call button for the elevator.
When she wheels you into the elevator, you forget how to breathe. Shaking your head quickly, you find Hotch and JJ (which is easy as Nurse Maddison placed the wheelchair so that you could see both of your colleagues), "I was wrong, I can't do this-"
"(Y/N), look at me," JJ speaks this time, "You're okay, it's okay."
You shake your head, "No, no, I can't-"
"I need you to calm down for me, okay?" Nurse Maddison says.
"No! No, I can't- I can't do this!" You bow your head, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.
"(Y/N)." Hotch's voice is stern and makes you look up, "You can do this. I know you think you can't, but you can."
"Do you trust us?" JJ asks and you nod. Because you do. You trust the pair of them with your life. "Then close your eyes." You look at her for a moment before doing as she says, letting your eyes flutter shut. There's a warmth that floods through your body as she takes your hand again and you grip it lightly.
When the doors close, your grip on JJ's hand tightens and your eyes shoot open. "It's alright," Hotch is quick to reassure as JJ rubs soothing circles on your hand. "It won't be long before we reach the floor we need."
"No, no, Hotch, I need out-" You shake your head, desperately trying to get your breathing under control. "Hotch I need out, I can't breathe-"
"(Y/N), look at me." JJ's voice drew your eyes away from Hotch. "You're okay."
"Yes you are, you're okay." She says softly, gently squeezing your hand in hers, "We're nearly there."
You pushed the palm of your hand into your eye, trying to force the tears back. "Not a coward." You muttered bitterly to yourself, not caring if the others could hear. You needed to get yourself through this ride without having a panic attack (and it was close). "Not a coward. Not a coward." You mumble the phrase, over and over. Intent on repeating it until you believe it. Of course, before that could happen, there was the familiar ping of an elevator door and your head shot up as they opened.
"Can we get out now?" You asked, looking up, "Please?"
Both Hotch and JJ give you a reassuring smile as Nurse Madeline gently pushes the wheelchair out of the elevator. 
JJ leans forward, so only you can hear her as she whispers, “See, I told you you could do it,” 
The x-ray went relatively smoothly, except for finding out you had three broken ribs and had broken your clavicle. You were also a lot calmer on the way down (still with both Hotch and JJ), feeling relatively calm (in comparison) when they wheeled you back into your room. 
The team immediately greeted you with smiles as you entered your room, Garcia standing up from your bed (where she may or may not have laid down on it).
“So, what’s the verdict, cowboy?” Morgan asked. 
“Um, three broken ribs and clavicle.”
“Clavicle?” Garcia asked.
“Collarbone,” Spencer added. 
“Does that mean no baking for a little while?” Both you and Garcia asked, turning to Hotch (who had to fight off a smile).
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angelsassassin · 3 days
All Over Again • Spencer Reid x reader (Prologue)
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Spencer Reid was a man of science, but that didn’t stop him from thanking God.
Details: fem! reader wife and mother x father and husband Spencer Reid
AN: Hi Tumblr!! This is my first post, and I am so excited. I absolutely love and adore Spencer Reid, and I know many of you do too. A little warning, this isn’t a standalone. It can be read as one, but this is essentially a prologue to a little series I want to do. The series will basically follow reader and Spencer through their lives; from when they first meet, to when they start to build their relationship, to arguments, when Spencer goes to prison (wink wink), and how they deal with that.
Caution: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This series is meant for 18+ ONLY!
Warnings; smut (I sincerely apologise if it is not the best), breeding kink, Spencer being a dad (AH), fluff (so much fluff).
I really hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it. If there are any questions about this series, let me know.
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Spencer Reid was a man of science; the thought that people could believe in a higher being and even pray to them had always baffled the man. He had met many people that believed in God or some other version of him, and yet he himself could never bring himself to believe. 
And yet, when he met you almost twenty years ago, he started to believe that maybe there was a higher power, one that led him to you. Every day since he had known you, he found himself thanking God or whoever was listening to him for you. 
That increased tenfold after he came back from prison. It was hard for him, not only because he knew he was innocent and being punished for something he didn’t - and realistically could never do - but also because he was away from you. After he came back, he changed; he was a little more broken than he was before, but it pushed him to become stronger, more confident and more protective of what he had. 
That’s why almost a year after his conviction, he proposed to you. You, of course, accepted, wanted nothing more than to be with him for the rest of your life, and in classic David Rossi fashion, once he heard the news of your engagement, he planned the wedding at his mansion, marrying the two of you not even a month after your engagement. 
A few months down the line, you discovered you were pregnant, and Spencer was over the moon; he had wanted to be a father since way before he even met you, and that need for a family only increased once the two of you established a relationship. 
Now, almost ten years later, you were living in bliss. Your son, Oliver, was the light of your life, and Spencer’s. After Spencer discovered you were pregnant, he took a step back from the BAU, deciding that no matter how much he loved his job, he loved you and your unborn child more, and he wanted to be there for all the moments, which is why he became a full time professor at the FBI academy, only helping his team out when he was absolutely needed, and never travelling along with them for cases. 
You had just gotten home from work, setting down your belongings when the smell of food entered your sinuses. “Spence?” You called out. You heard a quiet ‘in here’ coming from the kitchen, so you made your way over, discovering Spencer making dinner. “Hey, baby.” You smiled as you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around him. 
“Hey, angel. How was work?” He asked as he turned his head, placing a kiss onto your head. 
“Not too bad. Janice wouldn’t shut up about her vacation.” You say with a laugh as you walk over to the kitchen island, taking a seat. Spencer chuckled and shook his head. 
“Typical.” He replied. “Ollie is upstairs doing some homework, by the way.” He added, and you nodded. 
“I swear that boy loves school more than any other child I’ve ever met.” 
“I was the exact same.” Spencer laughs. “To be fair to him, he did inherit my brain.” You nod in agreement. 
“That he did.” You chuckle. “Hopefully, the next one will inherit something from me.” You smile. Spencer looks over at you with a questioning look. 
“Next one?” He asks, forgetting about the food he was cooking. “I didn’t think you wanted another one.” 
You shrug in response. “I mean, Ollie is getting older now, and I don’t know. I guess I just miss a little baby running around the house. Spencer smirks as he walks over to you. 
“So you want another one?” He asks as he brushes a hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. 
“Do you?”
“Yeah, I do.” He whispered. “Now that I really think about it, I do miss seeing you carrying my child.” He smirked, a look in his eyes, and you knew exactly what it was; lust and possessiveness. You let out a chuckle. 
“You know, in order for that to happen, you have to get me pregnant first.” 
“Oh don’t you worry, angel. I’m going to make sure I fill you up every night until I know for certain it sticks.” 
Before you can reply, you hear the stairs creaking, signalling Oliver was coming downstairs. He comes into the kitchen, and upon seeing you, he smiles. “Mom!” He happily chirps, walking over to you and hugging you. 
“Hey honey, how was school?” You ask him, leaning down and kissing his head, which holds the same head of hair as Spencer’s does. 
“It was okay. Eric and I got to sit in the library during maths.” He spoke gently. The school was very accommodating when it came to your son, knowing he was incredibly smart and whatever they were teaching, he already knew. Most of the time, they’d let him sit in the library and read his books if he felt like he wasn’t being challenged enough. Despite the offer for him to be moved up several grades so that he could be challenged, you and Spencer decided it would be best for him to stay with kids his age for now. 
“Is he finally starting to understand the stuff you’re teaching him?” You ask, knowing that Oliver took great pride in teaching his friend all about maths, considering Eric wasn’t the greatest at it. Oliver simply nodded in response, moving to sit next to his mother. Spencer moved back to the dinner, adding the final touches before announcing it was finished. 
After dinner, the three of you were laying on the couch, watching TV, with you cuddled into Spencer’s side while Oliver had his head on your lap. Spencer’s arm was around you, playing with a few strands of your hair. 
It was almost like routine; after dinner, the three of you would always lay on the couch together, watching whatever mindless TV show was on the news. You had spent the majority of dinner talking about each of your days, so a comfortable silence had taken over you, apart from the few laughs that escaped Oliver as he intently watched the show. 
You looked up at Spencer and smiled. He looked down at you and returned the smile, mouthing ‘I love you’ to you. You leaned up, capturing his lips in a sweet kiss. When you pulled away, you replied to him, mouthing the words back to him. Spencer looked down at his watch. 
“Ollie. It’s almost bedtime, buddy.” He announced. Oliver sat up and looked at his parents.
“Okay. Goodnight, I love you both.” He said tiredly. You and Spencer had always made sure that Oliver would grow up in a house where he would never have to feel ashamed or embarrassed to say the words ‘I love you’ to his parents. 
“Love you too, my beautiful boy.” You say as you move closer to him and kiss his head. “Don’t forget to brush your teeth.” Oliver nodded and began walking upstairs, getting ready for bed. Despite only being nine years old, he was very smart and could perform his nightly and morning routine without any help. 
That left you and Spencer alone on the couch, and Spencer was quickly reminded of your earlier conversation. “So… when should we start trying for another baby?” He asked, the desire he felt clearly evident in his words. 
You let out a chuckle, and moved to lay down opposite him, putting your feet onto his lap. “Whenever you want.” 
A smirk formed on Spencer’s lips and he moved your legs off of him gently, moving to lay on top of you, placing his hands on either side of your head to stabilise himself. 
“How about right now?” He asked as his dipped his head into the crook of your neck, kissing and biting at it. 
“On the couch?” 
“On the couch, on the kitchen counters, on the table, in the shower, in our bed….” He began to list, a gasp leaving your mouth. “I’d do it everywhere if you’d let me.” 
You smiled, remembering how insatiable your husband could get sometimes. It was no secret he absolutely adored you and the family and the life you had built for each other. After everything that he had been through, he couldn’t be more thankful that he was now able to live a happy life, one full of love and laughter. He lifted his head up and rested it against your forehead. 
“We could even do it in the garden if you wanted.” You let out a chuckle at his words. 
“I don’t think our neighbours would like that very much.” You reply, causing him to shrug and smile. 
“I don’t care. As long as my girl is happy and loved and thoroughly pleased, I’d do anything for her.” He says softly. 
“Your wife, Spencer. Not your girl.” You corrected him. 
“Of course. My wife.” He says leaning down to kiss you. It was a kiss full of love and passion, something that despite being together for so long, never left. Every time Spencer kissed you, it was like it was the first time he was kissing you all over again. You never complained, loving the fact that he still gave you butterflies. You moaned into the kiss, immediately causing Spencer to use one of his hands to lift up leg around him. 
“God, you’re so beautiful.” He mumbled against your lips, as his hand began to travel between you two, slowly beginning to unbutton your jeans. 
“Spence… what if… what if Ollie comes downstairs?” You breathe out, suddenly starting to feel your arousal and your need for him overcome all your senses. 
“He won’t.” Spencer groaned, finally achieving his goal of unzipping the jeans and slowly moving his hand under your underwear. As soon as his fingers come into contact with your clit, you let out a gasp. “So fucking wet for me already, angel.” He groans again. He begins to move his finger around your clit, stimulating your nerves to get you more wet. As he does so, you begin to feel his cock pressing into your other leg, begging to be released for his trousers. He slips his finger further down, and pushes it into you. 
You let out a moan, making sure to keep your volume down, but also knowing how much Spencer loved hearing how he made you feel. He added a second finger, and you began to feel the pressure building in your lower stomach. You were so close, and he knew it. He knew your body like he knew all the books he’d read throughout the years; he memorised every moan, every scream of his name, every twice or movement you made when he was giving you pleasure. He knew exactly what to do, and he never grew bored of it. 
Just as you were about to announce your impending release, he removed his fingers, bringing them to mouth and sucking them clean. You let out a deep sigh at the loss of contact. 
“Don’t worry, angel. You’ll come soon. I just want you to come on my dick, not on my fingers.” His words made a shiver run down your spine, and he quickly began to take off your jeans and panties, removing his own trousers and boxers afterwards. You looked down, seeing how painfully hard he was. “Like what you see?” 
“Definitely.” You replied with a smirk. Despite the thousands of times you and Spencer had fucked or made love, you were still always left breathless upon seeing his dick; it was big and girthy, and it fit inside you perfectly, almost like it was specifically made for you. 
Spencer moved back on top of you, settling down between your legs. His hand pumped his dick a few times before lining himself up with your entrance. 
“Tell me what you want.” He demanded, teasing your entrance. 
“You. I want you.” 
“No, you know what I mean, angel. Tell me what you want.” He almost spat. 
You tried to think of what he wanted you to say, and then you remembered why you were in this position in the first place. “I want you to fuck a baby into me.” You sighed, and almost as quick as you finished speaking, Spencer dove into you, groaning at the feeling of being inside you. He placed one of his arms next to yours, leaning onto his elbow for support, while the other hooked underneath your leg, bringing it up so he could move deeper inside. 
His thrusts were slow at first, letting you adjust to him. Because of how big he was, every time you had sex, it would take a little while for you to get used to him again. Once Spencer felt your hand move to his shoulders to dig your fingernails into it, he smirked and began to quicken his pace, fucking you faster and harder. 
You couldn’t help the moans that left your mouth, which only fueled Spencer’s desire for you. “Fuck, angel, you feel so good.” He moaned into your neck, kissing it as he fucked you. 
“Spencer…” You moaned, tangling your fingers into his hair and pulling at it. He let out a groan into your neck, biting down. 
“Fuck, if you do that, I won’t last long.” He breathed out as his thrusts became quicker and harder. 
“Oh god, baby, so close.” You moaned out, too overcome with pleasure to be able to form a coherent sentence. 
“Come for me baby, I’m almost there.” He moaned, and that was all you needed before the pressure in your stomach exploded. You threw your head back in pleasure, covering up your mouth to silence your moans, not wanting to wake up or alarm your son. 
Spencer shuddered at the feeling of you clenching around him. “Gonna let me fill you up, huh, angel? Gonna let me put another baby in you?” 
“Yes, yes, please Spencer, put a baby in me. Fuck a baby into me.” You plead. 
Spencer lets out a groan as his thrusts begin to slow down, losing himself in you as he comes, shooting every last drop of his load into you. He brought you closer to him, and you wrapped your arms around him. He stayed inside of you, not wanting to let any of his cum leak out of you. His breathing was starting to come back to normal, just as yours was too. He lifted himself up just enough to look at you. 
“I love you so much, angel.” He whispers before leaning down and kissing you. You smile into the kiss. 
“I love you so much, baby.” You mumble against his lips. He releases your mouth from his, you letting out a groan and he chuckles. 
“Come on, we need to clean you up and then we need to go to bed.” He says, pulling himself out of you, and you shiver at the loss of him. 
After carrying you upstairs to your en-suite bathroom, cleaning you up and letting you pee, he helped you get into your pyjamas and laid you down on the bed, lifting the covers and getting in next to you, pulling you closer to him. 
“I’ll pick up some pregnancy tests tomorrow on my way home from work.” He whispered against your head, his arms wrapped around you. You nod, looking up at him. 
“It might take a little while for us to actually get pregnant, you know.” You say to him, and he shrugs. 
“It doesn’t matter how long it takes. As long as I get to come home every day to you, fucking you until you can’t walk, I’m happy.” He smirks. 
You let out a chuckle. “You do that anyway.” 
“Yeah, but this time, I’ll be able to come home one day to see you with a belly and our little baby inside.” 
Four Months Later 
Spencer came home from work, a breath of relief leaving him and he closed and locked the door, placing his keys and bag down, heading straight to the kitchen, where he placed the takeaway chinese bag down. The house was quiet. He knew Oliver would still be at school, but his wife technically should be at home, but he couldn’t hear anything. 
“Angel? Are you home?” He shouted, hoping his voice would reach all corners of the house. He listened carefully, and heard a small noise coming from upstairs. His face twisted in confusion as he marched upstairs, searching every room before walking into their shared bedroom. “Are you in here?” 
“Bathroom.” His wife replied, and Spencer finally felt himself relax. He opened the door to the bathroom and saw you sitting on the counter. “Hey.” You smile up at him, opening up your arms. 
Spencer smiled as he moved closer to you, positioning himself between your legs and wrapping his arms around you, just as you did the same. 
“Why are you in here, angel?” He asked against her neck. 
“Well, I actually have something to tell you.” You said, unwrapping your arms around him. Spencer moved back a little, confusion once again taking place on his face. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong, baby.” You smile.
“You woke up this morning feeling sick, angel. When I left this morning, you were in here throwing up, and now that I’ve come home, I find you in here again.” He says, worry evident in his words. 
“Well, about that…” You smirk as you reach behind you, picking something up but hiding it in your hands. “After you left, I started to think… so I went out… and now I know why I felt so sick this morning.” You say as you reveal a pregnancy test in your hands with a smile. 
Spencer’s eyes widen as he looks down, seeing the very clear and obvious plus sign on the test. He looks up at you and grins. “You’re pregnant.” 
You nod happily. “We’re having another baby.” 
Spencer instantly wraps his arms around you, picking you up and leading you into the bedroom, placing you gently down on the bed. “My beautiful angel, my wonderful wife, is giving me another baby.” He chuckles as he moves on top of you, kissing you deeply. 
Spencer was definitely a man of science, but that didn’t stop him from thanking God that night while you were asleep next to him later that night. He thanked God for letting him go through everything he had to go through, because he knew he’d go through all of it over and over again, as long as he knew he’d be here. As long as Spencer was able to spend every day married to you, loving you and your children, he’d do it all over again. 
Please share some love (I don’t really know how Tumblr works yet), and let me know if you have any requests or questions.
Love, AA
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reallyromealone · 1 year
A request from patreon
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Derek and Spencer were surprised that they were doing Intel gathering only a town off from spencers but didn't think to much of it as they walked into a small diner with a few customers scattered around and an older woman refilling sugar containers behind the counter "excuse me" Derek said smoothly as the woman looked up with a bored expression, analyzing both men as they held up their badges "you have a moment?"
The men asked her some questions, the woman answering to the best of her abilities before pausing and looked at Spencer almost confused before speaking "you look familiar" she said as if trying to remember something "whats your name?"
"Spencer Reid" Spencer said awkwardly, he had never been to this diner so he was a tad bit confused, maybe she saw him on tv from a case or something.
It was almost like a lightbulb flashed over her head "you're that kids dad!" She said almost proud of her realization and Spencer looked confused as he spoke "I'm sorry what?"
"Yeah that one kid whose always hanging here, orders off the breakfast menu and god he puts an insane amount of whipped cream on things"
That was his kid alright.
"He's always hanging with with this kid whose dad's real bad news, if you want answers you may wanna talk to them but be warned rumor has it they got into a real nasty fight with some asshole with a knife"
And like that, Spencer was out of that diner dragging Morgan with him "ohoo, that kid is in shiiit!" Morgan said as Spencer began calling his kid frantically.
(Name) hissed as he looked over himself, his friend doing the same as they hid in an alleyway "I can't believe you took him down" he said as he held his hoodie to his nose "for a pacifist, you sure know how to throw a punch"
(Name) checked his phone and visibly paled at the missed calls and texts "oh fuck..."
Spencer and Derek walked to the alleyway after Penelope pinpointed the teens exact location (Spencer was thankful he put a tracker in his kids phone, his job made him justifiably paranoid) to see his kid bloodied and bruised and the other with what looked to be a black eye and broken nose.
"(Name)?!" Spencer said panicked rushing to his kid "jesus Christ, what happened?!" Morgans cop voice slipped out as the teens jolted slightly "I'm calling an ambulance then you boys are gonna answer some questions"
After the ambulance came and the boys were cleaned up, Spencer and Derek took them off to the BAU for questioning.
(Name) looked at his Aunt AJ, the blonde looking at the teen pointedly "you're lucky your dad felt he was to close to ask questions"
"Now spill"
(Name) explained the situation that happened and how the two teens like going to that specific diner because the lady there adds chocolate chips to their pancakes for them and how when they left this guy tried cornering them when (name) and his friend were walking to his friends home as (friends name)s dad--who was trying to be better for his son (name) added-- would drive (name) home.
"I kind of just panicked and did what you guys taught me" (name) said softly and Penelope confirmed his story from the camera footage she had gotten, the boys were genuinely just hanging out when attacked "do you remember what he looked like?"
"Yeah, he looked like..."
When the boys were freed from their individual questioning, Spencer was waiting for the kids "hi dad..."
Spencer checked into he teen before glancing at the other kid "your dad is here to pick you up, him and I spoke so you're not in trouble"
(Name) hissed as the stitches from a cut he got in his arm stretched "now let's get you home, you look like hell" Spencer joked as the boys said their goodbyes and to see each other at school.
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peter3ismybf · 2 years
impossible choice- part 2
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part 1
At some point, Eloise must have dozed off because the slamming of a door jolted her awake. A moment of panic swept through her as she reevaluated her position, forgetting momentarily where she was, and when she remembered it hit her like a ton of bricks. 
She looked up at the door to see the man coming back in. Instead of the anxious, fidgety person she had seen earlier, he was cool and collected, his posture rigid. His hands were folded neatly in front of his chest and his face bore no emotion.
“What are your names?” he asked. His voice was still gruff, but it was more even and monotone this time. 
The fact that he’s asking again could mean two things- it’s a test, or there’s something more going on. He could have multiple personalities, and this is a new one, or he’s trying to see if they’ll say the same names again. 
Defeated, and not feeling like getting choked out again, Eloise raises her head. “We lied earlier. I’m Eloise.” She says.
“Elijah.” her brother answers as well, and the man nods once and concisely.
“I appreciate your candor, Elijah and Eloise.” he says, and a small smile appears on his face.
“In a few hours, one of you will be dead.”
Spencer paced frantically in the meeting room, waiting for Hotch to enter as he requested he did a few minutes before. His fingers kept moving up to his hair, messing with it in an attempt to calm his nerves, but nothing was helping. 
His kids were missing. His only family he had left, other than his mother, but she was in a home. 
It started with the call from the school, informing him that his children had not shown up. This prompted an argument between Spencer and the principal because he had seen Eloise and Elijah leave that morning to the bus stop. 1 call to the police, his fellow agents and the BAU, and another followup call to the school later, he found himself pacing in this meeting room, feeling like his world was crumbling around him.
The door opened, and Aaron Hotchner walked in. “Explain what happened.” he said, cutting to the chase as he usually did.
Spencer walked him through the events of the morning while he listened, his brow furrowing in concentration. “And you haven’t gotten any communications from them?”
Spencer shook his head. “No, no I went to the bus stop and their phones were there.” he recounted the dread that built in his stomach when he’d picked up the phones, both cracked and broken beyond repair.
It reminded him of himself, when they were born. Their mother- a one night stand gone horribly wrong. She hadn’t reached out to him after that night, and on a snowy night in February, he got a call from her.
“Hi, Spencer?”
He had been pouring over a case, analyzing each little detail meticulously as he usually did. He struggled to hold the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he scribbled down some notes in the margin of the paper he was reading.
“Hi, what’s up?”
“Its- you’re not gonna believe this.”
He had stood up so fast his papers spilled onto the floor, fluttering around him like little butterflies. Before his mind knew what he was doing, his legs carried him to his car outside, his hand turned the key in his ignition, and he was speeding off towards the hospital.
The roads were icy, but somehow Spencer had managed to arrive at the hospital, almost forgetting to put his car in park before jumping out of it and rushing into the white building.
She had left by the time he got there, having birthed the twins days prior. His mind was still fumbling over what she had told him.
“I had twins...they have to be yours....can’t take them....you decide....”
Standing in the nursery over the two little bassinets, his mind cleared suddenly and he thought nothing.
They hadn’t been named yet, and the staff at the nursery were warning him they would have to give them Jane and John Doe if he didn’t choose soon. That wasn’t a problem, because he had had names picked out in the fantasy world he ever had kids.
The boy would be Elijah, after the famous poet Elijah Fenton, who had contributed in writing the Odyssey. 
The girl- oh the girl. While he loved both of the babies equally, holding the little girl had melted his heart down to his feet. With Elijah, he felt a sense of responsibility, to be the father he never had. But with the girl, holding her in his arms, he felt a sense of protection, like nothing could ever touch her without him having a say in it.
The girl would be Eloise, after S.E Hinton, the author of The Outsiders, one of his favorite novels as a child. The name itself meant “warrior”, and he knew that his little girl would always be a fighter, a tough, beautiful warrior who would always be backed up by her brother and father.
It was a night he wouldn’t ever forget, and now, standing in the meeting room, he felt just like he had when he had gotten that phone call.
The weight of his words settled in the pit of Eloise’s stomach. “What do you mean?” She asked, despite her better judgement. 
“Exactly what I said.” The man said simply.
“Why wouldn’t you just kill us both then? Make it easier for you?” Elijah spit out, venom cutting into his voice.
“Me?” He asked. “No no no, I’m not killing anyone.”
“So what? Are we just going to sit down here until one of us dies of starvation?” Elijah fired back. Eloise wished her legs were closer to him so she could kick him in the shins.
“No, we can make things much more simple and quicker than that.” The man said and walked towards them. Eloise tensed as his hands found the ropes binding her arms and legs, flashbacks of him choking her out flooding her mind.
He turned their chairs so they were able to see each other. She watched Elijah’s face morph into a cringe as his eyes traveled to her neck. It probably was bruising.
The man stepped back and reached into a pocket. On the ground in the middle of the chairs, he placed a gun.
“You two will decide who shoots who. One bullet in the chamber- not yet, of course. But in an hour, I’ll come back and load a single bullet in. One of you will shoot your sibling. The other will go home.”
The color drained from Elijah’s face, his body going rigid. 
“Well, seems like you two have a lot to talk about. Clocks ticking!” He said shortly and left.
Silence closed in around the room, and Eloise found her breath hitching. “Eli...”
“Don’t, Eloise. That isn’t happening.” Elijah says, but his tone betrays him, fear seeping into his words. A tear slips down her cheek as she lowers her head.
She prayed her dad would march in the door then and scoop them up. He would smell like tea and vanilla and fresh laundry and he would hold her so close she thought she would absorb into him. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing for it to be true when she opened them.
But the world isn’t that kind.
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starch1ldz · 3 months
Spencer Reid who always loses chess to you. At first the team really does think he's letting you win, until they notice him getting a little frustrated because he can never win. You're not even particularly good at chess, Spencer just somehow always loses. It makes no sense to him or the rest of the team. He does find it rather endearing though, the fact that you're the only person who can actually keep up with him in any aspect.
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Hii! Can I get a request with Hotchner daughter reader where she is like 5-6 years old, and she is "obsessed" with Reid and maybe Hotch a little jealous bc thats her baby and
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Aaron Hotchner X Spencer Reid X Daughter Reader
Request: Hii! Can I get a request with Hotchner daughter reader  where she is like 5-6 years old, and she is "obsessed" with Reid and maybe Hotch a little jealous bc thats his baby
Third person pov...
It was always a busy day in the Hotchner household, with Aaron Hotchner balancing his job as a BAU Unit Chief and his duties as a single father to his daughter and son But despite his hectic schedule, he always made sure to spend quality time with his children.
At the moment, Aaron was helping his daughter get dressed as she would be going to work with him today, Jack had school, Aaron had dropped him of earlier.
The two were currently in the little girls room, Aaron kneeling on the floor going throug his daughter clothes before her voice made him turn towards her.
"Daddy, can I wear my princess dress today?" the 5-year-old asked with wide, hopeful eyes, Aaron couldn't resist her adorable request and smiled.
"Of course you can, princess. But let's make sure you wear some comfy shoes too.' He carefully picked out a pair of sparkly flats for her to wear.
Once the 5 year offer as dressed the two headed out the door and to the FBI headquarters.
The young gurl was bursting with excitement as she followed her dad, Aaron Hotchner, to the BAU headquarters. Being five years old, she didn't really understand what her dad did for work, but you knew it was important and cool.
'Morning, Uncle Spencer!' The girl exclaimed as she ran up to the tall, lanky man standing at his desk.
"Good morning, Y/N" Reid smiled down at the girl, He loved spending time with Y/N she was a bright light at the office and always had the most interesting questions.
"Can I help you with anything today?" She asked with wide eyes.
Reid chuckled, 'Of course, you can help me with everything!'
'Y/N, come on, we have to go to my office,' your dad called out.
'Okay, bye Uncle Spencer!' Y/N waved as she followed her dad.
As the H/C girl walked through the office, she noticed her dad's colleague, Derek Morgan, staring at her and her dad with a smirk.
'What's so funny, Morgan?' Hotch asked, noticing his expression.
'Nothing, Hotch. Just admiring how much Y/N looks like her dad,' Morgan teased, winking at the girl.
They all watched in amusement as she turned to the man with a pout, "But I want to look like Uncle Spencer!"
Hotch laughed and ruffled his daughters hair, 'Trust me, Y/N, you're much cuter than Uncle Spencer.'
They both entered the mans office and he sat the girl down in a chair while he went through some paperwork.
'Hey, Y/N, do you want to help me catch some bad guys?' The dad asked, his serious tone making the 5 year old sit up straighter in her chair.
'Really?' Y/N asked with excitement.
'Of course, you're my secret weapon,' the dad grinned before handing his daughter a pen and a clipboard.
While Hotch worked on the computer,
Y/N scribbled on the clipboard, feeling very important. Suddenly, Y/N heard her dad's phone ring and his face fell as he answered it.
'What's wrong, Daddy?' Y/N asked, sensing his sudden shift in mood.
'Nothing, Y/N. Just a case,' Her dad replied with a forced smile.
'Is it dangerous?' The 5 year old asked with concern.
'Probably not, don't worry,' the dad reassured her.
But she could see the worry in his eyes. She knew it was a lie. The little 5 yrar old knew her dad's job was dangerous and didn't like the idea of him getting hurt.
'Uncle Spencer will keep you safe,' She said, still holding onto the belief that Reid was her protector.
Hotches tired face softened at his daughters words and he gave a small smile, 'Yes, he will.'
Y/N apent the rest of the day helping her dad at the office, keeping her mind off the case. But as the team headed out, the little girl couldn't help but feel a little sad that her daddy had to leave.
Before the tewm headed out Spencer walked up to the young child, he looked at her sad face and thought if something to cheer her up.
'Hey, why don't we make a deal?' Reid suggested, giving thr girl a gentle smile and holding her hand.
'What kind of deal?' She girl asked, intrigued her sad expression vanishing.
'You keep an eye on me and make sure I stay safe, and I'll do the same for your dad,' Reid said with a smile.
Y/N odded eagerly, 'Deal!'
Reid grinned and picked the young child up, both laughing he began spinning around many times before placing you back on the ground.
Both dizzy but smiles on their faces.
'Come on, let's go see what kind of trouble we can get into,' Reid chuckled as he took the girls hand again, they both made their way out of the office.
Y/Ns dad watched the two with a mix of amusement and jealousy. He knew his daughter adored Reid and he couldn't blame her. Reid was a great friend and role model, and he was glad to have him in his children's life.
But as the two of them walked around the bullpen, he couldn't help but feel a little left out. He was Y/Ns dad, after all. But he knew that she were in good hands with her Uncle Spencer, and that was all that mattered.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, woo 2 in one night this is strange, decided to treat you guys to two of these oneshots I know you've missed them, I'm still working on getting through the rest of the requests but I will get through them thank you for your patience.
Sorry for this one being shorter than usual anyway sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count : 1016
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Crave and Courage
Request from anon: If its no pressure ofcc could you do Reid x Daughter!reader who has been struggling with addition (i imagine drvgs but anything works ig) and she is trying to get clean but shes been having a hard day and he finds her in the kitchen at like 2am crying with a bottle of … in front of her??
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader
Summary: Spencer comes home from a case to find you torn between crave and courage.
A/N: Hopefully this is what you were thinking!
CW: reader is addicted to pain medication, talks about addiction, craving, reader has a breakdown
Your story sounded like one that had been heard a million times before: someone goes in for a relatively simple surgery, you go home with a bottle of prescription pain medication, and the feeling you got from the pills was too hard to resist.
The reason your story was different was because you had Spencer Reid for a father. He was a profiler, but he’d struggled with addiction as well. It didn’t take long for him to put the pieces together and help you get back on your feet… sort of.
Nothing was truly that simple.
You still struggled with craving relief from the pressures of life, even if that relief was temporary. You were three months clean, but it was still hard. Spencer had explained that it was hard. He’d rattled off facts and statistics and plans to you. But all of that was easier said than done.
Your dad had been out of town for a week now to work a case across the country. It was harder to stay clean while he wasn’t around, but you’d done it. It didn’t feel good, but you were proud of yourself none-the-less. You knew the pride would soon override the want for just one little-
No. You’d almost made it to four months now. You weren’t going to let that fall through now. Hopefully your dad would be home soon. It would be easier once he was home.
But the day was slowly getting worse. Little inconveniences annoyed you in the morning and the problems grew throughout the day. Some kid pushed you over during gym class, a bad grade on an assignment, something in your lunchbox exploded making everything inedible, a pop quiz you were sure you failed, being late to your class after being locked out of your locker, getting after school detention because you were late to class, getting hit with spitballs throughout detention, being late to the metro stop, having to walk the long way home around construction, finding out through social media that your friends had all gone to see your favorite movie without you, finding out through social media that they had also gone to your favorite restaurant without you, teachers sending emails to ask why you’d been a star student before and now you were close to failing, being unable to concentrate on your homework because of all the noise clouding your head.
That’s how you ended up on the kitchen floor, your hands threaded through your hair on the verge of pulling it out. The bottle was on the tile. The pills inside weren’t your normal craving- they were leftover from when your dad got shot in the knee years ago. They were expired for sure, but when you’d gone through the cabinet in a frenzied search for anything to help you escape, that’s all there was that would fit the bill.
But as soon as you’d read your dad’s name you’d crumbled to the floor- torn between having to confess that you’d given into the craving and the need to feel nothing for just a little while. The sound of pills against plastic triggered your tears when the bottle hit the tile. All you could do was cry silent tears and hope that the agitation you were feeling about everything would exhaust you enough that you’d fall asleep before you had the chance to make a decision.
Spencer walked into the apartment, exhausted from the case and thankful for the silence of the late night. Like usual, you left on the dim lamp in the living area, but unusually you had also left on the lights in the kitchen. He walked over to turn them off. That’s when he heard you, softly crying.
He rushed into the kitchen and the sight before him caused him to freeze: you were curled up with your eyes shut tight, hands pulling at your hair, body trembling, and an old pill bottle turned on its side on the floor. The first thing he did was pick up the bottle to read what it was. When he did, his heart sank. How could he have forgotten to get rid of these? He didn’t forget anything.
With the bottle back on the counter, he knelt to the floor and put his hands gently on your wrists, seeing that your nails had dug into your scalp. “Shhhh-” he cooed. “It’s just me. You’re okay. It’s okay.”
“Dad-” As soon as you realized it was him, you threw yourself into his arms. He gripped you in a hug so tight you thought he might cut off your circulation, but you didn’t care. “I didn’t take any, dad. I wanted to so badly, but I didn’t.”
Spencer rocked you back and forth as if you were a child again, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “I’m proud of you,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I didn’t get rid of those.”
“I’m sorry I almost gave in-” you started sobbing. Your dad rubbed your back. “I almost-”
“But you didn’t.” A tear escaped his eye. “You didn’t and that’s what matters. You’re so strong, (Y/N). So, so strong.”
“I don’t feel strong,” you managed to choke out.
“Most of the strongest people don’t,” Spencer said quietly. “But they are anyway.”
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ampresandian · 3 months
Since Athena canonically makes her kids after being like captured by their mortal parent's intellect, wouldn't it then follow that their interest(s) and specialty(s) would be connected to the topic their parents discussed and the interests/knowledge of their mortal parent? Since that's the only part of them Athena is really taking to create them??
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tobbotobbs · 1 year
Hope you are having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request the BAU Team x Male reader, the team know nothing of reader childhood. One day while the team are on a case the meet reader's father, who reader thought was in jail. His father has come by asking for help because he's gotten in trouble.
If you want you can also make him the unsub
(Side note reader and his father travled around alot and reader was homeschooled because his father was always in trouble with the law)
Thanks for the request! I like this! Well, let's see how this goes, I hope it meets your expectations and that you like it! Enjoy (:
"Ain't Nobody Love You Like I Do"
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The Silence haunted their hotel rooms. The whole BAU Team had headed straight to Texas after receiving the call from Strauss. An Unsub who kills teenagers of any age, sex, looks and home situations. And that repeatedly in just 4 days. This unsub was growing confident, too confident. They had to act fast and this is how they all got their ready to go bags and flew to texas. Penelope, of course, stayed behind in her bat cave because she firstly didn't want to see all the gross, creepy and gruesume shut going on over there and she wouldn't be much help anyway. This lead them to now. All sitting in their own hotel room shared with a second person.
The whole situation made M/n uncomfortable. Not only were they in the last country he saw his father, but also they were close to one of his old hometowns. The traveling part of his childhood only made him glad that he now had no fear of flying or new places. But he, by any means, didn't miss any of the places, hometowns, let alone his past life. He gladly moved on from it, or at least tried with his therapist. Her name was Ginerva and she was an elderly woman, who had an obscene love for knitted sweaters and strawberry cheesecake. She truly was a sweet being. And helping him she did. A lot so. But still, the nightmares and the memories clawing on the back of his mind are not fully fanished yet. They probably never will. At least that's what Ginerva tells M/n all the time when he gets frustrated with his progress or more the lack of it. The truth is, he knew he wouldn't get rid of it. And he would be damned for all eternity.
Getting roughly pulled out if his thoughts, M/n looked confused at the big calloused hand that was suddenly in front of his eyes. Y/f/s was in it's palm and waited to be taken by him. ,,You looked like you needed a snack there...so I looked if the vending machine had any of your favorites. They did actually, and I got myself something too!", chirped Spencer's enthusiastic voice as he looked at M/n. Thanking him, the h/c took the snack and started slowly nibbling and chewing on it. That cought Spencer's eyes and he, unconsciously, started thinking about M/n and how he often seemed to be in thoughts, but since this case he seemed to be doing that quite more often. Why is that, though? That is a really good question. It's not like the Team never questioned the behaviour of anyone on their own Team, but even then it's only because someone had a stressful day or because a case got to theor head a little too much. With M/n it was different. They never heard him say anything about his past.
It's not uncommon to keep a few things private and to yourself. But even then the Team knew more about eachother than they knew about M/n. They just knew his age, where he grew up, how good his scores for the FBI were and that he has a small apartment with literally nothing but the necessary stuff in it. And that he was not a morning person. He told noone anything. No past school life, no past accidents, no family, nothing. It made them all eager to find out, what their colleague and good friend had to hide from them. More than one bet about M/n's past life had been put upon between the work family but neither one nor lost because there simply was no answer to what they put their bets on. It's like he was some protagonist in a book, that had the worst tragic backstory and did anything to keep it hidden from their friends.
Actually....that wasn't that far off, now that Spencer thought about it. Surely it wasn't that bad though, right?
Little Timeskip to next day
Hotch had called them all. After a sleepless night he head out first in the early morning to the police station. He went over all the facts they had, the interviews they did and the stocked files on the tables. But he seemed to be finding nothing. They didn't even had a clue what gender the unsub might be. Which could help a lot already but here they were, all summoned by their boss and now together sitting or standing in the makeshift conference room for the profilers the department provided for them. ,,The unsub killed again. This morning. Two deputies are at the crime scene and already investigating the place and body. Let’s move and see if we can figure something out, now that we have another body“, scowled Hotch before they all went to the cars to drive to their destination.
M/n sat in the driver's seat and tapped nervously against the wheel while waiting for the lights to turn green. Next to him sat JJ, who was talking to Morgan in the back seat. They were fussing about ideas and theories about their unkown suspect meanwhile M/n tried not to groan in annoyance. ,,What if there are actually two suspects? And we saw this whole thing wrong? It could be a team...maybe two teenager who got bullied and decided to stop it?", ,,Sounds possible but...for that the killings looked way to planned. And the bodies we found till now were all nearly perfectly cut open. This person must be older and already have had a lot of time to practice their cuts", M/n cut in. Morgan shook his head yes, he knew his theory wasn't that good but now after hearing what M/n had to say, it seemed as if his theory was very dumb.
,,So...we are looking for an adult? Perhaps a parent? Or a local teacher?", questioned JJ curious. The other two hummed acknowledging, but soon M/n was again deep in thoughts about his time when he was a child. He never had a teacher. Or even a school to go to. He was teacher at home by his father. Wasn't really that interesting but at least he learned a lot of things without getting disturbed by any classmates or unnecessary things like breaks. No he learned a lot and only the important stuff. No breaks between learning hours, only when his father wasn't home to do his "job" or when they were on their way to a new country, town, whatever to start a new life again.
Hotch was already standing over a piece of white cloth on the floor, most likely the dead body, at least that's what the three thought as they exit the car and walk over to the others. That's when they notice the other 7 white cloth, far away from the one Hotch and Prentiss were standing next to. ,,Shit...are those the-", ,,Other parts of this kids body? Yes. And all cut off clean like the Bastard knew exactly what he or she was doing", one of the police officers said while looking disgusted at the ground. Derek nodded and wolked over to Reid, who was looking at one of the body pieces more far away from the body than the others. M/n took a look at the body part Hotch and Prentiss were hovering over. Trying to look for some clues or something that could get them somewhere.
Carefully he pulled up the white cloth when the first thing he saw was a torso. But it wasn't the torso that caught him off guard and distraught him. It was the sigil carved into the the hip on the right side. A big triangle but with no connecting ends and in the middle were two dots and a line. Kinda looked like a smiley somehow but it wasn't exactly that. To be honest, M/n never really knew what it meant. His father never taught or told him anything about his sigils and symbols. He never talked about his job either. Only on the day cops stood infront of their house and M/n got taken into foster home care. Wandering from one family to the next till he was off age. He was a criminal, a Bastard who beat his son and never let him live a happy childhood like live. He was taught how to hide bodies and get rid of evidence without him knowing at that young age. And when he was old enough his father started doing things to him he thought would only happen in books or tv shows.
At the sight of the sigil the right sight above his hip bone started to hurt. He knew it wasn't real, wasn't fresh. It's only a faded scar now, but it still felt like it was carved into his skin just moments ago. He hadn't even noticed his trembling hands until someone took him by them and pulled him up on his feet. ,,M/n? Are you with me? Hey what's wrong? M/n?", breathed his boss cautiously. A short quick nod did the job to calm the older male for now, but he was still going to question the agent later. That is, if another person didn't beat him to it. Everyine seemed to be worried since a few days now. About M/n and his behaviour. Since they got here he just seemed to not be with them anymore. Mentally that is.
A few hours went by, they were sitting in the hotel lobby together, not going to sleep yet. They finally had some kind of profile for the unsub. They were all sure that this person was between his 45 and 50 and at least someone with a travel job. Or something like that. While they discussed all this M/n didn't mention his knowledge about the sigil once. He just sat there thinking, again, about his younger years and his father. Specifically about the day he had marked M/n with a fucking hunting knife. His side hurt again and he made a little hissing sound which caught everyone's attention. ,,You okay there kiddo?", Rossi asked concerned and put a hand on M/n's shoulder. ,,Uh yeah yeah just tired of the day. I'll head to bed now I guess...see you guys in the morning!", he blabbered in a fake happy but tired voice and stood up, on his way to the hotel room he shared with Reid.
He was walking around the house, bored out of his mind because he had no friends to see and play with and they certainly did not have enough money to get him a console to play some video games. They needed it to be able to travel fast and far if something happened again because his father was shit at keeping the cops away. His steps led him onto their little porch right before their small garden. At the end of the small grass field there was a little cabin for stuff like bikes and screws and gardening stuff. But as M/n looked closer through the yellowish old dusty windows, he saw something walking around in the cabin. Curious he walked over to the tiny house. As he got closer, the sound of hushed voices inside could be heard getting clearer and clearer. One was very deep and raspy, as if the person had smoked their whole life and the other...wasn't really what he had expected. It was his voice. Crying and yelling. Confused and slightly scared M/n took a look through the window.
Then he saw it. His father standing over him. He was cuffed to a table, his shirt gone while the older man searched for something. He quickly found it. His hunting knife. It wasn't big, but very handy. And very clean. As if M/n's father would put extra work into cleaning it just so the blade would shine and reflect his gruesome grinning face in it. ,,D-Dad just please stop please!!!", screamed the younger version of the now 25 year old man. He cried and tried to get out of the cuffs but he only hurt himself while trying to do so. M/n felt how the cuffs felt around his wrists, even though he was standing out here at the window and wasn't laying on the table right now. As if on clue, he felt the sharp tip of a blade being pressed into his flesh. Screaming he held his side and saw blood seeping through the light shirt he was wearing. He looked forward to the window again and saw how the young boy screamed and went unconscious after a while, too much pain he had to fight that he just blacket out.
With a slight jolt he woke up. Groaning he turned to the side and looked at the clock standing there on the bedside table. The first thing he noticed was the time. 05:45 in the morning. If he would fall back asleep he surely would miss the breakfast and would get late to work. So M/n decided to get up and take a walk. His thoughts didn't leave him alone. Not even as he showered and got ready, or when he saw the texts he got from Penelope. No, not even as he walked through the town and sat in a Café getting hus breakfast and waiting till it was time to go to the station. When he finally got there Hotch and the others had looked weirdly at him. First he didn't understand why. Then he saw it. The old greying man in the police station. His father. He was smirking and waving. But before he could do anything that Bastard already started talking.
,,My boy, I really hope I'm not disturbing you right now, but your old man needs a little help with his job", he taunts him with that mischievous smirk. He knew exactly that he had no job but that he killed teenagers just for the fun of it. And M/n knew it too. And it scared him, that he knew his own father could do that, did that and will keep doing it. ,,I thought you were....how the fuck did you get out of there?!", ,,Now now, no need to get so angry with me M/n. Don't scream at your father. Or do I have to remind you that nobody loves you like I do?", mocking him with the same sentence he said back when he carved that stupid sigil in his own childs body. Ain't nobody love you like I do. This is so fucked up. Hus hands started to tremble, his thoughts getting the hand of him and suddenly he couldn't speak no more. He suddenly was the little 10 year old back in the cabin again.
Hitch and the others had profiled F/n long ago. They knew he fitted perfectly into their profile and now, that they saw how M/n reacted to his own father, the words they both used. It seemed as if Spencer's theory of the protagonist with the traumatic backstory wasn't that far off at all. No it actually hit it right on the spot. M/n was a traumatized child. His childhood held anything but happy memories and that's why he never talked about it.
,,Now look at that. You can't even talk back to me now even though you play the big bad FBI agent that you surely are son right? Never told them a single thing about you huh? No wonder they seem shocked now. Wouldn't have thought you'd be such a fucking baby and crying just because of a few stupid word!", he spit those sentences with so much disgust and rage into his sons face, the younger one actually got scared and took a step back. ,,Alright that's it. F/n you come with me and we will talk about what exactly you need help with", Hotch pushed the old man away and into an interrogation room to make him confess. He was 100% sure that this was their unsub. And it only got more and more clearer when F/n started to do the exact same things their profile had told them.
After a few minutes M/n was with them again, but he was still shaking and his side hurt. It hurt with every thought of his father. Derek noticed hus wincing and whining and how he held his side so he got worried. ,,M/n did he do something? Why does your side hurt? Let me take a-", ,,No! No no it's fine don't worry it's- fuck!", M/n didn't even know why it hurt. Yeah he knew about phantom pain, but surely it wouldn't come at the exact same time his father was here, or? Well it didn't matter because in just a few seconds Morgan took a step forward and pulled his shirt uo to inspect. What he saw was sad and gruesome. Rossi and Prentiss both sucked in some air while JJ and Spencer tried to stifle their sad noises. On M/n's right side just above the hip bone you could see a big slightly dark red scar in the shape of the same sigil the last bodie had. It was M/n's father who killed those children. It was F/n who started doing the same torture on his own son when he was just a little child. It made M/n tear up again but this time, there were people who hugged him and showed him that it was okay to cry.
Oh Ginerva had to take a few free days so M/n could talk to her about a lot of things. And a lot of things he would tell her surely, but not only her. He decided it was time for his team to finally get to know him better, meanwhile his father could rot in hell.
I Hope it was to your liking and I hopefully didn't got too lost somewhere in the middle of writing! See you guys in the next post (:
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