#space duo
good-chimes · 2 years
Okay, so, a summary of the Scar & Tubbo livestream:
Tubbo is extremely excited to meet Scar
Scar has no idea what they’re doing
They have picked a challenge world in which lava is constantly rising
Tubbo picked this world
Tubbo did not read a tutorial and has no idea what they’re doing either
They totally fail to gather appropriate resources
Scar uses this time to successfully convince Tubbo that fireflies now exist in Minecraft
Scar attempts the double-life dripstone trick on Tubbo
They scaffold up above the lava. Scar nearly dies about five times. They escape to the nether, nearly dying again when Scar puts the lava bucket in the wrong place.
Tubbo: “Er, I’ve just had a discord message from Grian that just says Welcome to my world.”
Tubbo: “Also my chat keeps telling me you betrayed me??”
Tubbo destroys the nether portal back “until we’ve talked this out!”
Scar: “I haven’t betrayed you!”
Scar: “Grian will vouch for me!”
Grian has left the chat.
Scar reluctantly admits that they didn’t put fireflies in Minecraft
They leave the nether for the lava-world again and realize they’ve won
Scar falls into the lava by accident and Tubbo dies trying to save him.
Grian enters voicechat and proposes a therapy group of people who have had to keep Scar alive.
Tubbo immediately volunteers to join this.
Grian re-convinces Tubbo there are now fireflies in Minecraft.
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isjasz · 3 months
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[Day 241] guys quick what did grian say /SILLY
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brighteuphony · 3 months
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Sakura gets her first lesson in Genjutsu with Saeko. Based on the idea that humans have more than 5 basic senses (though there's no real science behind how many, with some saying 21, while others say up to 33).
Saeko is not actually a Hoshigaki- though they are very very distantly related. She is actually a Ningyo (mermaid) exiled from her coven, and living as a pariah, cursed to wander the earth, barred from the seas and rivers until she can get her pearl back.
As a mermaid-siren, she is intimately aware of the power of genjutsu (especially audial) and is a vicious teacher, forcing Sakura through rigorous training to teach her young charge how to understand and control her own senses/emotions before she attempts to do so on others.
Once again, thank you so much to everyone whose shown interest in this AU, you guys are giving me LIFE <3 <3. I'm so happy other people really feel that Sakura deserved a fighting chance. Together, we'll fix her!!!
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kingtheghast · 9 months
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Everyone loves dogs, right?
Day 3: Saplings/Puppies
No-text version:
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star-trek-dumb-comics · 8 months
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Star Trek - Strange New Dumb Comics #74
Yeah it's been forever, you're used to it at this point. Anyways, Julian and Miles, they were best friends according to historians
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laddertek · 2 months
@countthelions (tumblr ate this when I tried to save my answer as a draft, so we improvise 🙃)
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This one? :D
This whole stream was delightful. What a way to return 🤗
Tango was so happy energetic.
And from Tango calling Etho's storage system cute and Etho in gamechat going "CUTE?!" (00:41:07). To the razzing (and laughing) over shops (00:49:00 and 01:03:49). Etho taking Tango's head twice, and it all being so playful (00:58:11). Etho using Tango's catchphrases 🥹🥹🥹 It gets me every time! "porkchop power" "flee with extra flee!" And the way he said it was the cutest, and Tango's giggle about it too (01:00:59). Etho offering to give the tour Tango wanted. More mail talk and laughing guilt and planning and razzing and teaching Etho to do the stamps. Tango complimenting the path (and that Etho showed it to him when he first came back when Etho came to say hi) (01:15:41). They still plan on doing their sand-collection-off (01:35:06).
And of course the whole TNTificating with Etho's new "boom boom tech" (01:39:43--02:15:17) was just…the most fun. They are having the most fun together...it's an absolute joy. (And it's also them collaborating on how to figure out a redstone thing together which is just so satisfying.) Just...TOO MANY (!!!) (so many) fun moments in that whole TNT section that I can't even start on highlighting them all 😭 I'd need another mammoth paragraph...
Honestly??? Still smiling. Great great great stream 🥹
Timestamps are for YouTube not Twitch because Tango was so fast on getting the VOD up lmao
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i-love-to-draw1 · 2 years
Olia and Aisa are aliens from a planet called Felimunplesstills,
They are known as Aurorans.
Species sheet i finally did it qwq!!!!
The planet Desprition:
The plant is that of very bright colors, even glows when night falls.
The glass is the most Lightens of blue, the trees in a beautiful rosy red, with leaves that are beautifully white that cyan flowers would sometimes blossom in the winter that make it seem like stars. The plant life aids in cat to horse size insects that have markings that glow, and are so gentle. The produce grow vast and plenty before the winter storms arrive. The water as purple as a plum, filled with glowing fish that shine like glitter as they swin. The deeper the water the bigger and the more dangerous they are. The ground a soft peach hue. The entire planet is covered in baby blue crystals, that gives a low dim, as if lanterns are gently guiding you at night. In the mountains, caves give life of many gemstones and minerals, the rarest being gold. Despite the planet size, there are only a few tribes spread apart. Each with their own culture, but same belief. Community is importance in surviving peacefully. Teamwork is key!
Species and description:
Aurorans, a hermaphrodite species that are able to gain abilities the moment they turn 18 years old.
They grow at normal pace till 18 years old but then age slowly, 30 years is equal to one year as they age.
They can live for as long as 2 to 3 thousand years
Reason why their population is small
Since the species have both genitalias, either one can produce an offspring. They do not understand the need of pronouns, each using titles or names when addressing eachother.
Xer is a title given to the one who gave birth (closes to 'mother')
Tec is given to the one who did not (close to 'father' )
Mostly use for or around the children
Their blood is a violet color.
• Babies: when an auroran is born, they are the lightes shade of grey with small sharp ears and gummed mouth with small tufts of white hair. They can appear to have 1-9 eyes, varying from the parents. The eye placement and size varies, it can only appear in one side of the face, the center, or both. Thin lines edge between the  mouth to the ear, signifying that they unhinge their jaws and appear to have a long and sharp tounge.
• Youth 1-10: As they grow the young aurorans will have a variety in their teeth. The most common being regular teeth that appear human or feline set. There are also a set that appears like a sabertooth, it may appear on either above or lower jaw, it's not as common but it isn't rare. Rarest ones are those that have a second row of teeth. Their white hair appears to grow slowly and straight. They also slowly learn to shift into their second form resembling that of a feline, tho they appear completely blank, no marks or patterns unless it's jewelry or scars.
• Pre-teen 11-12: Their white hair starts to form its own unique trait, they continue to train in their shifting abilities
• Teen 13-17: Hair becomes longer, either appearing as wavy, straight, curly ect. It can grow up to the waist or even longer. Shifting has fully developed and puberty hits.
• Adult hood 18-2499: once they are 18, the hair is finally cut to fit what the auroran feels is correct, once they have done their ritual they gain abilities, only one. There are 5 (6) abilities, 3 being elemental (earth, fire, water), 1 is space, and the other is nature (the last one is forbidden it is so rare it never happened and even if it did there is no history of it, the power to control all 3 elements). Once the ritual has been performed, the aurorans skin color changes in different shades of gray,  freckles appear, each being unique for each auroran and vary in different colors that glow in the dark. Their hair also  change, those who gain water, their hair appear to be a constant water fall, usually kept long. Those who gain fire, have a flame that changes its color varying their emotions and can be long or short. Those with earth have a varying shade of peach and can make it harden, it is strong  as steel, usually kept long (they are also able to manipulate it). Those who are of nature, becomes different shades of purple and appear to have vine like strands with varying leaves and flowers, usually kept short but sometimes long, as well as stylized. Space is very rare, their hair changing in cloud like, with sparkling twinkles appearing as stars and can change color depending on their emotion. (The full element can vary in hair, usually what is best suited of the species). Their eyes also change, a light velvet with white pupils for water, pure black with white pupils for earth, variety of colors with 3 rings and black pupils for fire and can also change color, space can vary in color due to emotion and have white pupils, and finally nature, variety shade of pinks with either black or white pupils (full elemental can vary). Depending on how they grow their "hair"will also grow
• Elderly 2500-3000 ect: as they get older their hair becomes regular hair, slowly going back to white, their abilities weaken. The closer they r too death the weaker they are. Once they die a huge blast of whatever power they had left finally disappears become one with planet.
Auroran are a species that value life and community. But it also values strength, the strongest are those whose abilities are unmatched.
The adults let the children be children before asking them to work to gain experience in teamwork and bonding once they have matured enough. They also go to their chief the leader the descendents of the founder, and learn of their culture and traditions for they need it once they become adults. Children are to be treasured and prioritized for they are our next generation. The entire planet value trading and exchange as currency.
• The ritual:
• Before they turn 18, they must travel to the tallest mountain with the crystals that's surrounds the platform and a circular and colorful gemstones that centers in the top. Usually families, and close friends travel with the soon to be adult auroran, but half the community comes with to be a witness of the event (also to be sure it isn't an full elemental). When daylight finally enters and hits the the gemstone it shines on the auroran which triggers their abilities to arrive. Once it is done, congratulations are spread to the now adult and family. They return back home and the entire community celebrates the auroran. Feast is made with beautiful decorations in the center of their town, where they dance and drink away the night with music that plays loudly. Performances of other aurorans are displayed as well.
• A month is then used to train the auroran with an elder of said ability in honing their skills, focus, mental and emotional state being key when doing so.
• The next day after the last day of the training, they will battle with the other aurorans of the same ability and fight in a fighting ring. This will establish their strength, and every 5 years they will come back to see if the status has change. It also values to see if they can do a certain job. Experience is nothing compared to that of raw power. Usually the weaker ones go first. Who ever leaves the ring is the looser crowing the opponent the victor. It only ends when the auroran either is unable to fight or looses
• There are 5 titles given when evaluating strength.
•  Pep :1st stage weak
• Pan : 2nd stage mediocre
• Res: 3rd stage neutral
• Ful : 4th stage strong
• Caf: 5th stage powerful
• Depending on the rank they will work in minor jobs that are normal, such as housekeeping, chefs, farmers ect
• The stronger they are they aid in construction, fishing or mining or medicine
• The strongest gain the full authority in traiding with other alien species that arrive here, negotiations, and other political events from other tribes or alien species.
• The caf are the only rank that are able to do braids and wear gold to show their status. Especially the children so others may know that their is a lineage, it usually stays the same since it is difficult to defeat them. They also never leave the tribe.
• Dating and marrige: when aurorans are prepared to start dating usually around their Adulthood, it is best to find those with the same status tho it isn't strange of the gap rank is bigger, love is love no matter the rank (altho the caf prefer to set ther children with Ful's to continue the strength)
• Aurorans mate for life it is very rare for there to be a re-marrige unless the other auroran died.
• When they fine someone they desire they will give the auroran of interest a gift, when presented the auroran can either reject or accept. If rejected the dejected auroran must find another who will accept them. If accepted the two will see eachother and exchange gifts, as well as date and learn of eachothers family and history, if they are satisfied and content in happiness they can discuss marriage. It is important that the two are in full agreement of thos commitment, if either party is still uncertain then they'll continue on their dating status, or if the two are no longer interested with one another they may move on to someone else and start again.
• When both parties agree on marriage the two will seek the parents approval and they would be given a token to wear at the ceremony. The entire community will aid in the planning, setting the town beautifully. Usually taking a month to set up. The couple would wear traditional clothing walking along side together as they walk  with one of their arms bind together with soft silk like rope. As they enter the center of town the chief will then tie the other arms to be together. Then give the two their own made rings the two exchanging it. Then the leader will sing and display their ability surrounding them and giving them their blessing. Once it's settled the two would kiss to seal their union. Afterwards feast and music happens and dancing. The newlyweds would then do a choreograph dance, the two never touching as they also display teor abilities and having it mix with eachother till they finally stop once they grasp eachothers hand to show their union. Afterwards they prepare to leave, their town saying good bye to friends and family and head to another tribe to settle down in
• Family + Community:
•  Once they settle in the new tribe they socialize with their new community and follow their culture and traditions (there are tribes that live in trees, by the waters, the fields or the mountains)
• When they talk to the leader of the tribe and establish their rank, they will be assign a job.
• Once everything has settled, if they desire to have children, the two discuss who will carry the child, and once set in stone they mate.
• It takes a year before the child is born. Aurorans are only able to have one child in their lifetime. So the two will protect their child till the end or once they leave. Both parents raise and care for their child, each taking turns in raising them.
• Religious belief :
• There is a reason why the ritual is common. They believe in gods that gave them these abilities. There are 5 gods, the representation of fire, earth, water, nature, and space. Space being the leader, followed by the elementals the triplets and the young nature God. Each having a statue of the gods as well as a small bowl to give gifts as thank yous.
• The story:
• There was single god, alone in vast of darkness the only light being it. It decided to create a universe filled with beauty. So it created planets of all shapes and sizes, stars with various colors surrounded in clouds to let it give birth of light. This leading to various galaxies that painted the dark canvas it leaved. Due to what the space God created, it lead to the creation of the triplets, fire that blind and burned you if you were to near it but so much warmth and kindness it gives, so much love to give. Earth god, the very fabric of dust, stone, minerals, the very ground you walk on. It aids in providing so much physically but also a graceful beauty as it shines with a variety of colors due to gems it has. It is something tht will soon give life but for now it is just an assistant. Always tough and realistic. Water the source of liquid that will lead to life. It is the most calm of the triplets, but easy to anger when it isn't still. The very thing that can be kind but also cruel due to the freezing ice and snow non the less it is beautiful. The space God was happy to have more company and so forth all 4 traveld the universe seeing the beauty as well as assistance. This led to the final God being made. Nature, it was covered in so much greenery as well as flowers. They are the most kindness yet cruel if needed.  All the gods were happy to have eachother, all exploring and discovering something. This led to the creation of alien species, especially the aurorans. Which the gods favor, and due to that the gods have granted the aurorans 5 different abilities. Each happy to have one and aiding eachother when needed.
• The legend: there was once an auroran who was weak and easily ill. It desire to be strong, but was very Impatient and greedy. The auroran decided to trick the triplets into giving them all 3 of their power. The auroran would completely cut their hair, as well as appear to be blind by covering their face with wrappers to not show their ability  they received from the gods. The single auroran went to the fire god 1st
• "My dear fe, bringer of light and warmth I ask of you to give me a bit of your power for I'm a weak and ill auroran, and I desire to at least be strong enough to aid my fellow auroras and not be a burden."
• The fire god showed pity to the auroran and with kindness it agreed "very well, your fire will be stronger than any of the others, you will be able to aid your people with this warmth." The God gave a piece of it's fire for the auroran to swallow. They gave their thanks and fake as they leave to "aid their tribe". Only for them to head towards the water god.
• "Dear and beautiful Wu, I desire to give life to my community, for I am a blind fool who falls once illness hits. Please give me your power so I no longer feel useless"
• The water god sighed and look at the auroran with pity. "Every member is a value when surviving. Very well ill give you my power. You will be stronger than any other, and have the most freezing and sharpness of ice. Use this to aid ur tribe in the winter or storms." It formed a single ball of water and the auroran drank it.
• Once thanking the God it went to the earth god. It ran to the God and sobbed, "Ti, I'm blind auroran, hit by an illness that caused this. I have used my ears to sense everything around me but I feel useless for I cannot do much without my sight, please help me be useful to my tribe.
• The earth god laughs "u are not useless, for you are part of a caring community to still care for you. But I will aid you! You will be stronger and durable than anyone, as well as having the ability to sens your surroundings with every step as if you were seeing with your very own eyes" with that it gave them a pebble to swallow.
• The auroran smiled and thank the God before heading back home. What the gods have done was not their fault but the auroran for being greedy. The auroran couldn't handle its ability as they rest an let it settle. It was too much even for them. It has caused a explosion. Destroying everything in its path, the auroran was no more, a creature of pure destruction was born. Everyone faught it, trying to keep it abbay but failed. Till the gods arrived the elementals felt guilt and anger at the auroran, but the God of space only felt anger. With all its might it trap the vial creature in a bubble asking the other gods to assist in crushing the once auroran. It's screamed in agony till it stop, they became nothing but the very this it was made from, a circular matter filled with gemstones and minerals.
• The gods place it at the highest peak of the mountain all of them creating a beautiful sanctuary as they place the gemstone in the center.
• Once they returned the God of space said this "we will no longer be with you all for what has happened. From now on you must travel to the mountain and wait till Adulthood to gain ur powers. It will choose for you. But be warned. It is still in there, it will continue to give powers even if it's gone. If anyone shows to have more than one elemental than do what you must, but know this, it will go back in the gemstone and the cycle will continue. This is your punishment" with that the God of space left. The triples apologize n left. The God of nature, with much sadness said goodbye not before giving us one gift. "I will give this ability I took from ces, the ability to travel. It is rare for any to gain space but I will make sure that you can harvest the crystals to travel up the mountain to gain your abilities" with its last goodbye it left.
• Non of the gods appeared again the tribe rebuilt. The days becoming lonesome but we must do what they said and prepare and move on.
• The trade of Teleportation and space politics:
• The planet has the unique trait. It is able to create crystals that have the ability to teleport to an area. The bigger they are the stronger and longer the lifespan. Though only the aurorans know when to harvest it.
• Due the galactic protecters and order have discovered them and their species the leaders and Caf discuss amongs themself and the leader of the organization. They all agreed to ship their crystals so long as the protect their home from any invaders.
• The planet become a bit of a tourist site, with occasional trading on not only crystals but other goods they give. Though it is illegal to live there due to aurorans being very closed off from others and prefer to keep to themself and the deal with GPAO.
• The tour is more of a cultural or camping experience, a small getaway. There's only two ports in the entire planet.
• One for tours and the other for trades
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swagveryswagamazinf · 11 months
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aough them
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royalarchivist · 5 months
NOTE: In light of the recent information that's come out about Forever, I've turned off reblogs on this post.
As an archivist, it feels disingenuous to delete history and pretend it never happened, so clips related to Forever can still be found on the blog and timestamps for past VODs will still be up on the VOD Timestamp Archive for archival purposes. However, I won't be posting anything about him or updating his VODs moving forward.
Original caption under read more.
Forever is one of my favorite streamers I've met thanks to QSMP, so I wanted to show my appreciation for him and love for his character as thanks for all the laughs he's given me! Here are some of my favorite clips of him and his friends from 2023.
I wasn't able to include every clip I love since that would make this video too long, plus I only wanted to use clips I had from Forever's POV (with one small exception), but hopefully there are still a few old and new bits that'll make you laugh as much as I did the first time I saw them!
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mortysmith · 21 days
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pemorty, milkshake morty + space beth, diane + prime rick
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lady-charinette · 2 months
The first few weeks Din had the little green womp rat on his ship, the little bugger kept waking him up in the middle of the night
Din was a bounty hunter, a Mandalorian, he was no stranger to his ship being raided or having to be a light sleeper in anticipation of sneak attacks during the night.
In was in their blood.
What he wasn't prepared for was the little green monster the size of a porg to be body slamming him in the middle of the night.
Din slept with his blaster, there could've been serious casualties.
After the ninth time his sleep had been disturbed, Din grabbed the creature. "What? Why do you keep doing this, you little womp rat?"
It's ears lowered to the sides of his head, making a keening sound unlike a young foundling in need of attention.
Din observed him quietly, setting him down on his lap. "Don't tell me you're scared of sleeping up there?" he glanced at the overhanging cot, confused.
It was made of durable leather and skins, it had enough space for the little green monster, so why was it so scared?
The green porg whimpered again and his small hands wrapped around Din's shirt, trembling slightly.
He didn't understand its language, but Din did understand its intentions.
It was scared.
With a heavy defeated sigh, Din fell back on his bed, if one could call the slab of collapsible ship wall covered by a blanket a bed, and closed his eyes.
He felt tiny hands grab at him and push a little body upward, until the creature nestled itself into the crook of his arm and chest.
With a gesture Din convinced himself was either instinctual or accidental, his free hand rested protectively over the boy, feeling its body relax under his weight.
Din settled back into a light sleep, mildly aware of the tiny face nuzzling deeper into his chest.
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isjasz · 15 days
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[Day 315] (context from day 313)
Binary system
For the space nerds 🤝 and if u wanna know the inspo:
High Mass X-ray Binaries form from two stars of different mass which are in orbit around each other. The more massive one evolves faster and reaches the end of its life first, after a few million years or so. It becomes a giant and the outer layers are lost to its companion. Then it explodes in a supernova leaving behind either a neutron star or a black hole. (source)
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sanshinexx · 1 year
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More incorrect quotes w/ the gang :D
Echo is so very done with everything. Tired mom™ needs a nap.
[More of these here]
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kingtheghast · 1 month
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(…) A report posted by the very intergalactic conglomerate Glowstonn admitted on Friday 12 (common galactic calendar) that it was a machine malfunction that caused the shipment of Galaxy Chomp cookies to be too sweet. The company has apologised and will have to pay an estimate of over a million credits in common currency for the sale of productos not to standard. (…) Interestingly enough, consumers have reported that they prefer the sweet flavour to the more tame flavour of the original recipe. Riffs, P. (3024, April 13). Sugary mistake causes a company millions of credits. The Recap, p. 7
Day 2: Sweet/Salty
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kotowatee · 1 month
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are we still fucking with ponyjago
ALT TEXT FROM THE IMAGES + other doodles
weather control pegasus
shorter wings, good at fast flying at short distances
this isnt a diss i swear, i love nya
used to help lloyd with practicing spells
i dont have much to say abt him, but this is my fav design
gets his wings either in the s2 finale or the s10 finale
born as an unicorn
doesnt have a cutiemark bcs. robot
bothered by that at first, learns to accept it while unlocking his true potential
princess, but not an allicorn
i imagine them being one of those cunty canterlot horses
blank flank
tries to cover it either with wings or tail
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vertigoartgore · 8 months
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Simon Pegg & Nick Frost (the stars of Spaced and The Cornetto Trilogy) doing their own version of the 2004 album of the rock band The Libertines (with Hot Fuzz tattoos on their arms so probably around 2007).
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