#source: 8 fluffy tails
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Draw your characters imprisoned.
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trashogram · 27 days
He Chose You (Pt. 10)
Lucifer/Reader: Lucifer chooses you to be the mother of his child. Rated E for Explicit.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
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Everything was white. Pristine white. 
You couldn’t be blind, but no one would blame you for entertaining the idea as nothing but white stretched beyond your gaze.
Unending white. 
Uncanny. White. 
“Hello?” You asked the white abyss. Your call echoed out and back in, the way you imagined sound would echo in a canyon. 
You screamed, jumping up at the new voice coming from somewhere high above you. You tried to pinpoint where it came from, staring up at what you hoped was the sky before things slowly materialized. 
Pastel pinks, oranges and soft blues bled into the white, adding definition to what had once been literally nothing. The whiteness remained in the shape of buoyant, fluffy clouds pillowing all around you. 
“Over here!” The voice chimed. “Oh no, here! You’re getting warmer! Almost there!”
After circling around like a dog after your own tail, you finally found the source. Behind you rose a ginormous golden gate, gleaming beneath an electric-looking, all-seeing eye.
 And at its entrance towered a gold and platinum podium. 
A very… well, there was no other way to say it — a very white man with swooping blond hair eyed you from the top of the podium, grinning from ear to ear. 
“Hiya! Welcome!” The man said. “You’re right on time!” 
“Uh, okay…?” You replied. 
Without a hitch, the blond lifted up a large tome and began flicking through the pages. In the meantime, you stood there awkwardly, a question on the very tip of your tongue. 
“Wh-um, where am I, exactly?” You finally asked. 
“Why, you’re in Heaven of course!” He stated jovially before turning the book around and tapping on a name. “This is you, correct?��
Your name stared back at you in a glowing golden font, all pretty and shiny — 
And underlined? 
“Yeah.” You blinked. “Wait, did you just say Heaven?”
“Mm-hm, yep! And if I could just get you to stand right here at the center of the platform, that’d be great.” 
An elevated slab of pure gold rose from the clouds beneath your feet a little ways ahead of you. Timidly, you made your way over and onto the platform as instructed. You were pleasantly surprised at the instant warmth that met the bottoms of your bare feet. 
“Pe-rr-fect!” With a flap of suddenly conjured wings, the gatekeeper floated down to hover right beside you. “Now, we just wait for Emily. She should be here in 3, 2, 1… .5 — ”
A loud clang startled you out of your skin for the second time, and you whipped around to face the woman that had spontaneously appeared in front of you.
She panted. “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I didn't mean to be late!” 
The golden gates pulled back to reveal the white-haired newcomer in all her splendor. This other angel was bedecked in a floor-length white gown to match her downy-white hair and periwinkle-grey skin dotted with white freckles. A halo hung over her head, casting an eternal light over her large, bluish eyes that sparkled with mirth. 
Like the gatekeeping angel, her wings flapped behind her, but you noted how they seemed to flutter nervously. Or perhaps excitedly? 
“Welcome to Heaven!” She opened her arms toward you. “We’re so glad you’re here! I’m Emily, but you can call me Emmy, or E, or Millie. Whatever you want!” 
You waved dazedly. “Hi.” 
Emily stopped short of touching you, despite looking like she was about to wrap her arms around you in a hug. Instead, the angel bit her lower lip as she stared at you. 
“I really am sorry I was late. I got caught up talking with Sera, making sure everything was all ready for your arrival.” She gushed. “Thank you for greeting her, Peter!” 
Peter brightened. “Of course.” 
Emily turned back to you, buzzing with anticipation like a bumblebee. “Anyway, I’m sure you have tons of questions! No worries at all! I’m here to give you a tour and show you around your new home!”
You cautiously took the hand offered to you, and let yourself be led through the golden gate. 
Heaven was very beautiful, and very clean. The polished golden floors and beautifully-crafted architecture, complete with smiling people of all races, sexes and species didn’t unwrench you from a nagging sense of confusion however. 
“Um. Emily?” You asked your companion — well, one of your companions. Peter had elected to join the two of you on your tour, commenting that he’d gotten someone to cover his eternal shift at the gate for the next few hours. 
“Yes! Yes?” She smiled at you encouragingly. No doubt, your silence, while it had not stopped her constant chatter, had been a downer in as far as engagement. 
“I’m… dead. Right?” You asked. “I mean that’s how one gets to Heaven, so obviously I am… right?”
The mood turned down at that, with Emily turning morose. “Yes, I’m afraid so.” 
“Okay, good. I mean — I’m dead, but I’m having a hard time remembering h-how it… happened.” You admitted, embarrassed. And a little afraid, if you were honest with yourself. “Is that… normal?”
Emily and Peter stopped on either side of you, twin looks of confusion on their poreless faces. 
Peter was quicker to recover. “Oh that can happen sometimes! Dying can be a very traumatic thing for the soul.” 
Emily seemed hesitant for the first time since you’d met her, but with a look from Peter, she seemed to gain resolve. “Yes, yeah. Lots of people forget… but you’ll remember in time, I’m sure!”
“But wait!” Emily gasped. “We could ask Sera about it!” 
She clapped her hands together joyfully, while Peter’s expression teetered on uncertainty. 
“Uh, Em? I don’t think —” 
“We were headed her way anyway.” Emily nodded as if affirming her own plan. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to help us figure this out!”
The angel yanked you forward in her quest to get to Sera (whoever that was) and had you stumbling on pure fluff to catch up with her. 
Many angels raced to get out of the way as Peter called out in alarm, but apart from shouldering a particularly tall angel clad in a chasuble, you were unable to stop or slow down. 
“Hello child.”
The Seraphim (“Sera.” Emily had urged) was so large that you had to crane your neck up to see her face. 
She was beautiful in the most ethereal way. To look upon her was to look at a celestial body and feel your own insignificance dragging you down and swallowing you whole. 
Your surroundings — a gold and white antechamber with delicately carved archways and a grand war table in its center — did not help. 
Emily laid a hand on your shoulder with concern before you realized that you’d been paralyzed by the scene before you and had yet to say a word.
You stuttered a hello, and Sera’s stoney face softened into an understanding smile. “Be not afraid, my friend. I mean no harm.” 
You returned the smile, albeit shakily. 
Emily squeezed your shoulder. “Sera? We have a question.”
The Seraphim gestured with open palms. 
“Well, we were going around Heaven, and just kind of talking before um… well…”
“Emily, dear. Please speak up.” Sera’s command was gentle but firm.
Emily bounced in her spot, unable to keep herself from floating up from the ground. 
“Shesaysshedoesn’trememberhowshegothere!” She blurted out.
You and Sera both stared at Emily for a long moment, trying to process what exactly she had said. Sera had opened her mouth once more before the grand entrance into the committee room was slammed open and all heads turned to the unwelcome sound. 
The angel with the chasuble came barrelling in, and the omnipresent sunlight that touched everything around you glinted off the sharp black horns winding down from his skull. Or was it a skull? The face of this particular angel looked odd to you, with its smooth, glassy surface and flickering pixelated expression that replaced natural features like lips, cheeks and a nose. 
Their appearance looked at odds with everything else you’d seen in Heaven, regardless of the holy garbs they wore. Everything, while somewhat fantastical on the basis of it actually existing, resembled the organic and natural, and this figure stuck out like a sore thumb in comparison. 
“What the actual fuck? She’s actually here?!” The abrasive, aggressive voice that came out his digitized face shook you from your musings. 
You shrunk back toward Emily and Sera, instinctively trying to get away from the rapidly approaching figure that also towered over you. He glared in your direction, as if you were an insect he wanted to squash, and only when you lost the nerve to meet his gaze did you realize there was another angel behind him. This one wore a similar face, though they were smaller, slimmer and straight-backed. They wore darker vestments and jet-black horns as well, with wings nearly as jagged and hardlined. 
“Adam,” Sera greeted hesitantly. “I don’t believe you were summoned.” 
“Why is she here?” ‘Adam’ demanded, as if the Seraphim had never spoken. His companion stood firmly just a pace behind him, arms behind their back. 
Their combined presence was so off-putting, and your brow furrowed with mounting confusion. Sera’s shoulders slowly rose and fell as she sighed, disapproval in the hard line of her mouth. 
“That was part of the agreement.” 
“Uh, yeah — with the Devil!” His demeanor completely threw you off, so much so that you didn’t catch the full extent of what he’d said. “Who the fuck keeps their end of the deal with that asshole?”
You couldn’t hold back a scoff of disbelief, even as your confusion deepened. ‘The devil?’ 
A hand wrapped around your forearm, making you turn to look at Emily, who’d once more moved beside you. Her ire was clear, though much less contained than Sera’s. “Who are you to question Divine Judgement?” 
Adam laughed condescendingly. “Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m the fucking CEO of Divine Judgement, kid!” 
“We are literally judges, juries and executioners in Hell.” The other angel chimed in, flat and resolute. The smirk that curved her stitched lips gave away some covert sense of satisfaction in that statement. 
“Executioners?” Emily’s voice rose a few octaves. “What’re you talking about?” 
She was legitimately bewildered. 
“Enough.” Sera stepped in. “Adam, this has never been, nor was it ever, a debate. If you have a grievance, you can take it up with the counsel at a later date.” 
“My ‘grievance’ isn’t gonna fucking wait for this bitch to fuck shit up!” Adam pointed at you with a poisonous claw. 
“Excuse me?” You demanded in sheer disbelief. “Who do you think you are?!” 
The grin Adam shot you was more a bearing of one’s teeth, which further threw you for a loop as, again, his face was completely digital. “I’m fuckin’ Adam. The First Man. The Original Dick. I’ve been here since the fucking beginning. I earned this shit.” 
“Who do you think you are?” He asked, advancing on you. “You think you can whore yourself out to the worst being in all of Creation and still take up space in Heaven? Are you fucking kidding me?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Your gaze narrowed, a stark contrast to the whirlpool of thoughts swirling in your mind at his accusation. 
“HA! Seriously?” His face was mere inches from yours. “What? D’you open your legs for fuckin’ everyone? Have a hard time keeping track of all the brats you pop outta that used vag? Guess so, if even dying for one doesn’t ring your fuckin’ bell.” 
Adam’s sharp grin dropped, expression dawning from stunned to petulant as Sera’s thunderous exclamation reverberated through the vast space between your unusual group. You swore the clouds trembled beneath your feet, but it was hard to care too much with the insinuations that had been thrown at you rattling within your being. 
Dying for… 
“Charlotte.” Your eyes widened to the size of saucers. Air escaped your lungs - which shouldn’t have been possible, but you were already dealing with one crisis upon the epiphany of what you’d been missing this whole time. 
A blitz of images and sordid emotions saw you struggling, legs falling out from under you as the weight of how exactly you’d died forced you down. Emily’s distressed cry sounded from above you, melding with Lucifer’s frantic pleas for you not to go as life drained from your body. 
The Seraphim’s shadow engulfed your broken form while you panicked on Heaven’s floor. 
Lucifer sat hunched in his chair, your cold, lifeless hand hanging in his. 
Charlotte had stopped crying and presumably gone to sleep. He hadn’t put up any fight when Cass took her to a crib set up beside your… your bed.
That was who knows how long ago. And apart from Cass coming over the check on his daughter, the elderly worshippers had left him to grieve in peace. 
The King had tried to convince himself to get up. He needed to take Charlotte and leave. Go home. The sight of you in death was unbearable — but he could not move. 
He couldn’t leave you, even if you were no longer there in spirit. The You he loved the most, your soul, was gone and had been gone for some time now. 
You had gone to the one place he could not follow. 
Lucifer’s hanged head slowly rose. His thoughts were starting to become more coherent — what if you hadn’t gone where you were meant to? 
Heaven was a paradise bound by rules, but it was also a cold bureaucracy where things could fall through the cracks. 
And any dealings with him — Heaven’s sworn nemesis — were likely to be one of those things. 
Slow-building anger replaced the gold in his veins as Lucifer considered that his own Deal was not met. If it wasn’t, that meant you were down Below, alone and afraid and suffering. 
The Devil’s claws cricked, fist clenching as he glared at the wall opposite him. 
He would not let you Suffer. Not you. Never you.
And you weren’t here anymore. He needed to know where you’d gone. Now. 
Rising from his seat, Lucifer laid your hand at your side and ignored the tears that stung his eyes at the sight of your ashen face. 
He touched your brow, lingering only to memorize the way your lashes rested against your sinking cheeks before turning to Charlotte’s cradle. 
She was sleeping peacefully, unaware of his anguish, of the great loss that not only he had endured but she as well. It made Lucifer’s heart ache. 
He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. 
Then, with a sudden snap of his fingers, Lucifer conjured the presents he’d made especially for her. 
The twin goats appeared, suspended in the air behind him. Lucifer didn’t bother to turn until their bodies were triple their original size, fur changing from felt to coarse fiber, eyes glowing as they were transformed from button to bonafide, and their bat-like wings began to beat at the air, blowing back the gossamer of Charlotte’s bassinet. 
Lucifer looked between the two magicked goats after kissing his daughter’s fragile head. 
“Stay here and protect the baby.” He ordered. “Charlotte is your top priority, do you understand?” 
The two creatures nodded simultaneously, determination set in their naturally adorable maws. 
“If anything happens, just bleat, and I’ll be back in the wink of an eye.” Lucifer’s wings extended and propelled him upward with a great stroke. 
The King of Hell disappeared through an enormous portal, sparking and swirling reddish-gold before vanishing behind him. 
*** Tag List: @crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch, @charliecharlie65, @sockgoblin, @cocomollo, @caniseethefourthsword, @squeegeeclean, @crow-twink, @an-emovision, @marydragneell, @lafy-taffy, @fandom-imagines1, @loquacious-libra, @glowymxxn, @avadakadabra93, @froggybich, @hamthepan, @ukor02, @adaizel, @boogiemansbitch, @vinillies, @lbcreations-blog, @thesoundresoundsecho, @serenity-loves-red, @alientee, @aquaamythest96, @0strawberrysorbet0, @fluffy-koalala, @washeduphazbin, @rebecca-hvnstn, @velvette3, @kermitdafroggy, @wpdarlingpan, @apatcheworkofproblems,
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Date Stealer (Ahkmenrah | Night at the Museum)
Summary — Larry accidentally made the museum residents believe he had a date to their Valentine’s Day party, and now you’re caught in the crossfire. Not to mention, there’s a super attractive pharaoh in the room.
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Nothing but general fluffiness.
Notes ➳ ‘Can’t Stop the Love’ Event (8/14) ➳ Word Count is 740.  ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them).
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule 
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“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
Larry sent you yet another apologetic glance. His hand were shoved deep into his pockets as he walked next to you along the sidewalk. Each of you left a trail of footprints in the fresh dusting of snow.
“I can’t believe I talked you into this,” muttered Larry. “I really owe you one.”
“Why didn’t you just tell them you didn’t have a date?” you asked. “Would’ve saved both of us a lot of trouble.” 
“I don’t know!” he groaned, tossing his head back and slowly opening the door to the museum. “Look, help me out! It’s just for tonight, I promise—!”
“You two made it!”
Your conversation came to a halt. A small thud against your ankle made you look down. Your eyes were met by a familiar toy car. Jed and Octavius waved at both of you with wide smiles.
“Hey, guys,” you greeted. “You both look like you’re having fun.”
“Always!” replied Jed. “It’s not a party without us!”
“We hope you share an evening filled with love!” grinned Octavius.
With that, the toy car zoomed away. Some glittery decorations in various shades of classic Valentine’s Day colors trailed behind it, along with Rexy’s favorite bone. Speaking of which, Rexy wasn’t too far behind the toy car, nearly knocking you and Larry over with his tail as he roared loudly.
Larry laughed, patting you on the shoulder, “I’m gonna find Teddy. I wanna see if he actually asked Sacagawea to be his date tonight.”
“Alright,” you nodded. “I’m gonna get a drink. You want anything?”
He paused to think for a moment, and then shrugged, “Punch? If we’ve got it tonight.”
“On it,” you smiled. “See you in a few minutes.”
The two of you split up. Larry began searching the crowd for Teddy while you made your way to the snack tables. Your ‘date’ was in luck since there was punch tonight.
As you grabbed two cups, a voice drew your attention away from your task, “You came.”
As if your night couldn’t get any better, before you stood Ahkmenrah. Your eyes widened and your heartbeat quickened. Draped in golden fabrics and dazzling jewels, he smiled at you.
To most, it was probably obvious that you had a small crush on the Pharaoh. To Ahkmenrah, the source of your admiration, however, seemed to have no earthly clue about your feelings. 
“So happy you could make it!” he exclaimed, before taking the cups out of your hands. “Let me help you with those!”
“Thanks,” you squeaked, nearly grimacing at your reaction, though Ahkmenrah didn’t seem to notice.
As he began pouring some punch into the cups, he asked, “You decided to accept Larry’s invitation then?”
“Yeah,” you muttered, “but it’s just a friendly thing.”
“I see,” he smiled, passing you one of the drinks. “So he wouldn’t be particularly upset if I stole you away for a moment or two?”
You paused at his question. He wasn’t looking at you. Instead, his eyes were focused on the dance floor filled with the other museum inhabitants.
“What does that mean exactly?” you finally asked.
Side by side, his shoulder brushed against yours as he leaned closer, and then quietly whispered, “I believe Larry thought he was doing me a favor by bringing you to our party tonight.”
You tilted your head and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “A favor?”
He nodded, “I wanted you to come, but I was far too shy. I suspect that’s why Larry chose to ask you to attend instead of someone else.”
“Too shy?” you chuckled, nearly shaking your head at the very thought. “I can barely even talk to you most of the time.”
Ahkmenrah felt his cheeks become warm, and then he whispered, “Really?”
You nodded. Across the room, you met Larry’s gaze. He was beaming from ear to ear as he watched you talk to Ahkmenrah. You shook your head and turned away to ignore him.
“You know,” you muttered, returning to attention to Ahkmenrah, “I don’t think Larry would mind very much if you ‘stole me away’.”
He looked at you in surprise. After realizing you were being serious about your suggestion, he held out his hand and then smiled, “Have you ever seen my tomb?”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, but took his hand in yours nonetheless. This was going to be an interesting relationship to say the least.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Squirrel Appreciation Day
With their bushy tails and quick movements, these little creatures are a joy to watch as they scamper through the trees and hunt for nuts.
Squirrels are one of the most common animals that people see on a regular basis. These little creatures with a fluffy tail are practically everywhere–in cities, parks, college campuses and forests. They might live in trees or dig a hole in the ground to serve as a home. Some people might even say that squirrels are nuts for nuts, and can last through the harshest of winters without much trouble at all.
Squirrels have the ability to adapt to their environments quickly, they have a decent memory for some of the best locations for food, and they are super soft and fluffy. National Squirrel Appreciation Day encourages people to learn whatever they can about these creatures and admire them for their resilience in the wild.
History of National Squirrel Appreciation Day
With more than 250 species of squirrels that exist across five continents (excluding Australia and Antarctica), these little creatures are fairly prolific in most of the world. And that’s a great reason to appreciate them!
Squirrels are part of the Sciuridae family, which makes them cousins to a variety of rodents such as chipmunks, groundhogs, prairie dogs and other rodents. The earliest fossils of squirrels date back to the Eocene epoch which was perhaps more than 30 million years ago.
National Squirrel Appreciation Day was founded by wildlife rehabilitator Christy Hargrove, who is affiliated with the North Carolina Nature Center. According to Hargrove, people should consider helping to celebrate these creatures by putting out extra food and learning about the species.
Many rock funky hairstyles, survive rattlesnake bites and are extremely adorable, so appreciate the squirrels today by giving them some nuts to eat!
How to Celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day
National Squirrel Appreciation Day is a fun excuse to have a celebration on a random day in January. Share this holiday with friends and express that love for squirrels and try out some of these other ideas with the intention of enjoying the day and honoring squirrels:
Discover Fun Facts About Squirrels
Squirrels are considered by some to be beautiful creatures and, depending on the type of squirrel in question, it’s certainly possible to find out amazing facts about them. Try out some of these interesting facts and tidbits about squirrels to impress friends, family members and coworkers in honor of National Squirrel Appreciation Day:
An arctic squirrel can lower its temperature to below freezing to help survive the longest hibernation, which is over 8 months.
To survive in winter months, squirrels bury nuts and other treasures as a food source to come back to later. If they live in snowy climates, they may have to use their sense of smell to locate their stores, then dig through up to a foot of snow to retrieve the object.
The zig-zag patterns squirrels often run in usually means they are concerned about being chased by a predator. This clever little trick helps them to stay alive and avoid being caught by birds, foxes, cats, badgers and other predators.
Squirrels’ bodies are amazingly agile, which helps them run, climb, jump and more. They can turn their ankles 180 degrees while climbing, and can leap up to ten times the length of their own bodies.
Become More Knowledgeable About Squirrels
One great way to celebrate and appreciate squirrels is by learning more about the kinds of squirrels in each local area. Common squirrels in the United States, such as the American red squirrel, Eastern grey squirrel, and black squirrels all have their own habits and tricks that they do to survive. This is also a great day to take some time to learn about all kinds of other squirrels, even ones that are further away, especially the flying Japanese squirrels which are absolutely adorable.
Learn About Squirrel Eating Habits
It is obvious that squirrels, whether they’re ground, tree, or flying squirrels, all have their unique purpose in the global ecosystem. One way they do this is when squirrels work to bury nuts into the ground, which is a behavior called caching. This work they do not only allows them to save food for the winter months, but it also allows them to assist with fruit and tree renewal, because while some will be able to remember where they buried the nuts, others will not make it back to them.
Squirrels don’t just eat nuts and seeds, though, as their diet is much more diverse than many people think. They also eat many fruits, plants, insects, berries and vegetables. One interesting way squirrels contribute to the ecosystem is through eating mushroom spores. By eating the spores and then excreting them after they’re digested, the fungi help matter to decompose and give plants the nutrition they need to grow. Thus, squirrels help maintain the symbiotic relationship between plants and mushrooms and help spread the growth of plants all over the world.
Have a Squirrely Get-Together
For those who just love any reason to throw a party, this is a unique one! Host a squirrel-themed party in honor of the day. Have guests dress up as squirrels or other rodents, and give friends squirrel-themed gifts. Snacks and treats for the party could include squirrel shaped cookies decorated with icing, or really just about any type of food that is made out of nuts! Decorate with acorns, leaves and squirrels as well as other woodland creatures. It’s likely the guests will have never been to a party quite like this before!
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shapard · 1 year
My Little Kitten
Chapter 1
Chapter. 2: The Tiger and The Leopard 
Y/n Pov: 
My eyes felt heavy, and I was complete relaxed. It is warm, warmer than the usual cold metal mattress on the floor at “home”. Behind me was a heat source. A fluffy tail wrapped around my waist. Then it clicked. My mate saved me from that Naoya guy who tried to r*pe me.  
I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids, and I met the welcoming morning sun. A warm breath tickled on my neck and a purr welcomed my ears. Without me even realizing, I leaned into the warm body which cuddled my body right near them for comfort.  
The breathing was getting less relaxed and more “out of control”. The body heat I received was now replaced with the cold wind and fresh air. I began to shiver. “What are you doing here?” asked a cold unwelcoming voice. “You-you brought me here. I guess,” I answered in a husky, ragged voice. I sat up straight looking at the male right Infront of me. I expected an angry face, but never a scared one. More like panicked. “I can leave if you want to,” I said, well knowing I have nowhere to go. Already standing up ready to go. But he holds my wrist. “Don’t go… you’ll not be welcomed anymore in that rotten place,” he said, mocking me. 
3rd Pov: 
Deep down Sukuna panicked. On the one hand he wants them gone. He hates cats from this Village they’re so Arrogant and Selfish. Butt on the other hand she’s his mate and he already got himself love stuck. Her scent is Intoxicating, like a drug. He never felt this calmed with just a mere touch. He likes the feeling. It makes him all puffed up and it warms his cold, broken heart. 
But he doesn’t know how to be the perfect mate he hasn’t even talked with other shifters of his kind. His heart raced that he didn’t even notice that Y/n got out of his grip. The confused Y/n put a distance between the two. Her mind is overwhelmed with too many thoughts and doubts. Her mind worked fast, building up every scenario that’s maybe going to happen.  
“Can I trust him? “, „Is that the Tiger the elders told us about?” and “Is he about to kill me?”. And then her cat who earns to be in her mate’s arms. 
Sukuna was fighting against his instincts to claim his mate right here and now. It was driving him crazy. 
“You should leave,” he said stern. “Wha- why?” Y/n asked confused why the male send her off, even though he was the one who stopped her from leaving now. “You can´t stay here. Its too dangerous,” excuses. Sukuna knew that he as talking bullshit, too afraid from his inner beast. What might happen when his beast gets out of control. Before he could even notice Y/n jumped out of the window and the h/c cat ran deep into the forest. 
Sukuna stared down at his feet, a bad feeling crumbles in his gut. “This will not end well,” Sukuna thought now looking at the side. 
Meanwhile at the cat Village: 
“What do you mean she escaped?!” Naomi yelled at Naoya and D/n. “An unpleasant guest came,” D/n said, his head laying on the ground. “Who could this ´guest´ be to come across the plan I made?!” Naomi shouted in frustration “, Sukuna Ryomen. The Tiger shifter,” Naoya answered Naomi. Before Naomi could complain the door opens and a white-haired man came in. “Naomi! Y/n is gone! Do you have seen her?”  Satoru asked desperate for his childhood friend. “No darling, maybe she just ran off-” “She would never!” Satoru interrupted his mate what pissed her off.  “Who even is she to you! You care more about her than me?!” Naomi screams what makes her voice crack. Naoya backed away from the ear haunting screech.  
“Naomi! Please she’s, my cousin! She’s family and I love you I really do. But because of you we haven’t talked with each other’s for 8 fucking years! Don’t make drama about these unnecessary things. You’re hurting our baby,” Satoru tells Naomi. “Now tell me. What did you do to Y/n?” Satoru hissed. 
M/n went with a burning torch towards the forest with ten other Villagers. “let's kill this demon,” M/n said, knowing this “demon” is her daughter. 
Back to Y/n: 
Y/n wasn’t sure where she’s going. She wants to find a place to live and where she could sleep comfortably without any disturbance. Her pace was getting slower and slower. Her Stamina was running out and Y/n didn’t know how long she could take this. Flashbacks from the past events didn’t make it easy for the small cat. 
Birds were flying and a cry from a cat was heard through the forest. Sukuna heard the small cry, even though it was very faint and silent. He already knew that this cry came from his mate. He sprinted towards the direction of the sound. A large tiger darted his way through the forest to safe his lover. 
Not far away, Satoru Gojo didn’t miss the cries from his beloved cousin. 
“You Missed it!” M/n shout at the male who shot the kitten in her stomach. “She’s going to bleed out-” M/n glared at the young male, “It’s going to bleed out in less than a few minutes.” The guard said. With a huff M/n watched her daughter slowly bleeding out, a smirk of victory building up on her face. A roar came out of the bushes scaring the guards and the woman. A large tiger jumped Infront of the small kitten protectively. Snarling the tiger attacked the ten men who shortly died in a few seconds leaving the woman in pure shock. She screamed so loud; Sukuna was sure the Village should've heard the scream also. 
Just when M/n was about to run, a white Leopard jumped Infront of her leaving her unconscious. 
A growl escaped the two wild cats and they both started circling each other, M/n right in between. A whine escaped Y/n who lost a lot of blood. She won’t make it if a fight would break up. If no one helps her, she will die. 
Sukuna immediately jumped to the injured cat and growled at the predators. He took Y/n in his mouth, like a mom cat with its kitten. He sprints away Satoru following right after.  
‘If this continues Y/n would immidiatley die at a fast pace,’ Sukuna thought. 
To be continued… 
Chapter 3. 
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aaimasqtch · 1 year
Ptitheros Worldbuilding - Species
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Taroot Basic Info
Taroot History
Taroot Abilities
Aura - Taroots are naturally average-aura creatures because they are born from an excess of magic, from a creature of low-aura, resulting commonly in a child of middle powered magic. However, since taroots are not born from a family-line that can pass down a source of genetic magic, they do not have a genetic magic that their average-aura could make use of. Because of this amount of aura but lack of genetic magic taking up "space", many taroots are able to learn a type of magic by choice. These magic types can only be as powerful as a genetic magic would be, such as an element control or a breath ability. Taroots are sometimes born with the same amount of aura as their mother due to the excess magic not sticking around after birth, making them low-aura. On very rare occasions, like other sapient species, they can have high-aura. High-aura taroots are capable of learning new magic, spells, and runecasting.
Sonic Scream - Taroots can emit a scream that pierces eardrums if a victim is too close. They save it for when they feel their life is threatened as it can render them with voice-loss temporarily. They use both their vocals and whistling at peak volume in order to make this sound, making use of the extreme high pitches their slits can accomplish.
Tracking - They are excellent at tracking smells. Like tions, taroots retain their brilliant noses and can track down scents or other creatures for kilometers.
Pack/Whistle Slits - Using the extra slits behind their nose, called "whistle slits" or "pack slits", taroots are able to communicate perfectly with their tion pack and are able to command them most of the time. They can also speak to other taroots in the same way, which has created a simple language they call "Dreolic" that no other creatures can understand.
Taroot Development
Tion gestation (5-6 months) ➜ tion mothers usually gestate for 5 to 6 months befire giving birth to 5-7 pups.
Newborn (birth to 1 month ) ➜ newborn taroots resemble newborn tions, they cannot be told apart. They must have a diet of mother's milk only and have to be kept warm alongside their tion siblings. Their fur is a layer of short fuzz and their skull is a blank slate with no eyes or nostrils.
Pup ( at 3 months ) ➜ taroot pups still heavily resemble their tion siblings. Their fur is nice and fluffy, their tail is short, their claws are very dull, but their skulls show minor changes. Unlike the tions whose head's nostril hole is opening up, the taroot has such but also small holes forming where their eyes will be. Taroot pups are playful and fit right in with the tion siblings at this stage.
Adolescent ( at 1 year ) ➜ adolescent taroots are now showing signs of being different. Their skulls have eyes, more nostril slits, and they are much taller and lankier than their siblings. They have developed enough to begin realizing their differences on their own, but this takes time and their brain develops slower than their body.
Discovery ( at 2 years ) ➜ Their thoughts have caught up to them. They can now learn communication skills and problem solving. Their skulls are sharp, any eye traits now show, and they can choose their own path in life.
--- --- ---
Taroot gestation (8-10 months) ➜ taroot mothers usually gestate for 8 to 10 months before giving birth to 1-2 pups.
Newborn (birth to 1 month) ➜ the newborn looks the same to those born to tion mothers: short fuzz and no signs of being anything besides an average tion.
Pup ( at 5 months ) ➜ pups born to taroot mothers take longer to develop, the reason is currently unknown. They still resemble pups born to tions, with only small holes where their eyes will open to prove they will become a taroot. It is evident the taroot pup requires siblings at this stage to be happy, but due to taroots not producing large litters like tions, this does not happen. A good taroot parent will find a way to fix this, such as bringing their pup to a family friend who has a tion with puppies the child could be around and play with. Taroot pups will not get along with other species children at a similar age stage.
Adolescent ( at 1.5 years ) ➜ adolescent taroots raised by taroots have a different world perception at a young age compared to ones surrounded by tions. They are schooled like other species, they learn the same things and are treated like fellow Ptithians. Their minds are at weight with their body at an earlier time and they are able to adapt to life outside of packs much easier. Although a developed adult at 2 years, taroots adjusted to town or city life remain in education plans at a normal rate with other species children (if they choose to do so).
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violetjedisylveon · 9 months
Amnesia Chapter 8 - Close Calls
Summary: Freyu has a couple of close calls.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Fighting, killing, violence, swearing, child endangerment, drinking, taking off clothes
A/N: there's a somewhat intimate scene but it doesn't go anywhere, I promises it goes no where. I hc that Pantorans are poisonous cause of anti freeze enxymes and stuff that helps then stay alive and are harder to intoxicate because lots of stuff from pantora has those sorts of molecules and they are better at differentiating between what their body makes and what's an outside source. This is just an excuse for Freyu to drink enough to put the pen-tailed treeshrew to shame and not die from alcohol poisoning. She could out drink the entire bad batch without even trying tbh.
Amnesia AU Masterpost
"Did you kill my friend?"
Freyu felt absolutely nothing as she stared at the pathetic, kidnapping hunter in front of her.
"Slavery is punishable by death here. I just did what anyone else here would, nothing personal." She shrugged.
"Bitch! He-"
"He made a living stealing people from their homes and selling them. He deserved to die." Freyu cut him off.
"Now, did you tell anybody else about her." She asked as calmly as she could.
"And risk someone swooping in to steal my score? No way." He said.
"Good." She punched him in the face.
His nose cracked and blood spewed from it. He shouted again and struggled against Asichi's strangle hold.
"Anything else you wanna say?" Freyu snarled
"There's a Mando in the capital city." He said.
Freyu blinked in surprise but didn't let her shock show further.
"Why would that concern me?" 
"She's Pantoran, like you." The hunter smirked.
Freyu glared down at the defeated hunter, she was glad Omega had passed out. Xillyn knew the laws of Massanii, child abduction and injury, even attempted, were serious crimes, and it's not like anything happened if a nobody bounty hunter wound up consumed by the planet. It wasn't like she could let this guy live anyway, he had seen way too much.
"I was just gonna kill you, but since you went with the brilliant decision of pissing me off, multiple times, I'm gonna make it more interesting." She spat.
She stabbed the hunter's arm with one of her poisoned blades and let the toxins get to work. She left the hunter to die, the toxin would kill in minutes.
She gently set Omega on the ground and went to help Xillyn down. The wound on xir arm was making climbing tricky.
"Jump down!" She called up.
Xillyn didn't hesitate to throw xirself from the tree, she slowed xir descent and caught xir easily. Xe had much more faith in her abilities now.
"What's so different about this, hmm?" She prompted the young Massii.
"I would've landed on my feet even if you dropped me." Xillyn grinned cheekily.
"Osik'ika(little shit, combination of Osik and ika, shit and little)." Freyu ruffled up the Massii's fluffy hair.
Xillyn giggled and batted her hand, and tried to playfully bite. Xe glanced at Omega and let out a small, worried mewl.
"Is she gonna be okay?" Xe asked.
Freyu gave xir a reassuring head pat and picked up Omega.
"She's a little bruised, but she'll survive. She's survived a lot worse." Freyu told xir.
Xillyn nodded and jumped onto Asichi's back when instructed.
Freyu turned to the hunter, he had foamed at the mouth and was in a bout of post mortem spasms. He was almost certainly dead, but just to be safe, Freyu stabbed his chest where his heart was.
Her Buir had taught her to never leave a dangerous opponent alive, she had personally seen the consequences of not doing that.
She rested a hand against the great, grand tree and apologized once again for hurting it. She then told the tree and Massanii that the hunter was all theirs.
She mounted Asichi and held both children in front of her for the ride back home.
Freyu pulled the covers up and tucked them around Omega's shoulders. She had yet to wake up from being stunned. She was exhausted and in shock, so the long period of unconsciousness was to be expected. Omega would wake up just fine with her arm fully healed.
Freyu sat on the edge of her bed for a few quiet moments. Xillyn had offered to give a full account of the incident, taking the pressure off of her. Xillyn had seen the whole thing.
Personally, Freyu didn't need any more details than what she had seen with her own eyes, a bounty hunter attacking them, after Omega for a largely undisclosed reason. The hunter thought Omega was an escaped experiment, someone powerful was looking for her, whatever it was, Freyu knew deep in her gut that it wasn't good.
Omega's past was still largely a mystery, she didn't remember much, nothing really, and the little bits Freyu did see during her nightmares were confusing and muddled. She had a guess with what information she did have.
Omega, with her vague memories of a cold, sterile place, had most likely come from a laboratory setting, the hunter's thoughts only solidified that this was, unfortunately, the case for Omega. That handily explained Omega's oddly rapid recovery. Somewhere along the line, somewhat recently, Omega had left that sterile, lab, hellhole she came from. Someone, or multiple someones, had taken her out of that place.
And with what she knew, those people were dead, or they had abandoned Omega on her own.
Now someone was actively looking for Omega. She needed a plan to stop them from finding her.
How do I tell her without terrifying her? She's already so scared all the time. Freyu sighed and cast a long glance at the sleeping girl.
Her brow was furrowed from whatever was going on in her head, for a moment, Freyu was worried Omega was having another nightmare, but when she checked, Omega's mind was surprisingly peaceful for once.
She heard Alask climbing the stairs and forced her shoulders down. Alask had a first aid kit under her arm.
"I can get it myself this time." Freyu offered.
Alask shot the idea down instantly.
"Nope." She said.
The sandy orange Twi'lek didn't even break a stride as she scooped her up into her strong arms. Freyu puffed her cheeks in annoyance at her. Alask ignored her, like she always did when she teased, and brought her to her room where she was unceremoniously dropped onto her bed.
"I can take care of myself, you know." Freyu said, righting herself.
Alask raised an eyebrow at her and came in close.
"What don't you want me to see?" She asked bluntly.
Freyu opened her mouth then closed it, unable to come up with an excuse.
"I've seen it all a hundred times, so what are you hiding?" Alask repeated.
Freyu crossed her arms and adamantly avoided Alask's deep brown gaze. A gentle, calloused hand rested on her cheek. She stole a glance at Alask. The Twi'lek gave her a soft caring smile.
"Qa hiko eyi rha ayy(Twi'lek, what worry/worries you bright star*)?" She asked softly.
Freyu leaned into her gentle touch. She had a lot of things to worry about and they were almost all Omega based. She hadn't told anyone what she'd learned nor the conclusions she came to. It was weighing her down.
A lot was weighing her down.
Yet she held her tongue, she felt like she was going crazy when her mind tossed the ideas up, but then they proved to be true. She didn't (she did) know what that meant, she was scared to dig deeper into it. Besides, Alask was way too busy for her to burden her with yet another set of problems. And she had never been good at talking about any of her personal shit. Maybe I should… Nah. It's fine.
"Dinuir ni gar aaray, cyare. Ni liser gotal'ur ba'slanar gar runi. Ni liser dinuir gar uur(Mando'a, Give me your pain, love. I can make it leave your soul. I can give you silence)." Alask's soft promise shook Freyu from her thoughts.
While her Mando'a was a bit broken, the heart of her statement made up for it. Freyu could only resist Alask's sweet brown eyes for so long until she caved and nodded.
"Take it." She whispered, holding back a whimper.
Just cause she was going to talk didn't mean she'd suddenly get too vulnerable, even with her former girlfriend. Alask pulled her into a keldabe.
"Want something to drink?" She asked softly.
Freyu nodded. Once she was as close to drunk as she could get, this would be easier.
Alask left and quickly returned with three bottles, two were the hard stuff she hit when shit got to her, Freyu knew those two would be empty by the time she was done. The third was a meal type drink common on their planet, it was refreshing and sweet and helped flush the alcohol out of systems.
Not that she needed any help with that, she was way more poisonous than the hardest drinks, so whatever she drank was neutralized before it could hurt her. Alask poured herself a drink and opened the first aid kit.
"Let's tend to your wounds before you thin your blood." Alask said.
"My blood's a lot thicker than yours." Freyu scoffed but removed her shirt anyway.
Her blaster wound was still on the mend, the kick she got certainly didn't help and it was bruised. Small burns from the explosion peppered her arms and she had another bruise closer to her ribs.
Alask checked each wound with the careful, attentive hands. Slowly, her touch shifted from swift, efficient treatment to something more, intimate. Her hands lingered on her skin for a moment longer than necessary. As Alask checked her, Freyu spilled her guts to her friend, telling her so much yet leaving so much out. She left her personal stuff out of it as much as she could.
Freyu's breath hitched as Alask's fingers hovered over the mess of scars on her abdomen. Alask paused, glanced at her for permission, and then slowly trailed the jagged twists and turns of her scarred skin.
The last time they had done this… no! She wasn't going to think about what happened last time. She settled into the routine instead.
It was familiar and comfortable.
Freyu leaned in closer to her former girlfriend, Alask rested her hands gently on her hips. The touch sent a tingling shock through her scars. She closed her eyes and let herself draw closer to Alask's warm body.
Her own hands found their way to Alask's hips, her hands on Alask and Alask's hands on her felt so right. There was so much stuff between them, unlike the Togruta woman about her age she had met in a bar a few months back, end of the war. They had been drawn to each other by their shared loss and heartache, and used each other to make themself feel better for a couple of nights.
Freyu felt a smile on her lips as Alask's hands traveled up her sides. She grabbed the hem of Alask's shirt and pulled it up, Alask's hand went to her back.
Her fingers brushed the edge of Freyu's sport's bra and Freyu snapped back into the present.
Her eyes flew open and she immediately regretted letting herself go so far. Alask had paused, lowered her hand, and gave her a worried look.
"Are you okay? Did I trigger you?" Alask asked softly.
Freyu looked down at the shirt in her hands. She knew which it was, but her brain told her it was a different one, from a few years ago. She blinked the echo away, regret and guilt twisting her stomach.
Why do I always do this?
She had been here so many times, this exact room, this exact situation, with Alask every time. She had finally made herself stop using Alask to ignore her problems, she couldn't go back now, if she did she couldn't stop herself.
"I'm sorry…" She whispered.
She didn't look up, she knew she would see Alask's hurt, slightly disappointed face. Her warm hands remained on her back but she didn't feel anything from the touch.
"I didn't mean to do that, I wasn't trying to lead you on… I just got caught up… again…" she mumbled.
Alask still looked disappointed, but now understanding flickered in her gaze. She didn't need to explain again, they both knew what they were prone to doing with each other. Get lost in each other, ignore everything hurting them, feel "better", shit happens, repeat.
It was a catastrophic cycle, one Freyu had to stop, at the very least for Alask's sake so she didn't end up getting hurt.
Freyu scooted back from Alask, she winced at Alask's pain. It was better than the alternative. She held the shirt out, Alask pulled herself together and put it back on.
She nervously waited for the reaction, Alask had been upset a couple of times before, she understood why Freyu ended their relationship, but it did nothing to change her feelings. Freyu was privately glad her own feelings on Alask had shifted away from romantic ones. It made everything easier.
"Alright. We won't do that." Alask said.
Freyu nodded and waited for Alask to leave so she could crawl under her bed sheets and die. She heard the med kit get packed up and set aside.
"Is there anything else? Bothering you?" Alask asked.
Freyu clenched the blanket behind her.
"The uh, hunter, he said there was someone else… a Mandalorian who arrived in the capital recently…" she was so grateful she didn't need to finish.
"And you think it's her?" Alask prompted.
Freyu squeezed her arms, fingers brushing against the dozens of raised lines that dotted her upper arms. She had a slight temptation to make more.
"I don't know… I hope not… she'd have to be an idiot to come back here… right?" She dared looking up at the sympathetic brown eyes.
"As far as we know, it's not her, and even if it is, she'd have no reason to come anywhere near here, the capitol is on the other side of the planet, she's as far from you as she can be." Alask said confidently.
Freyu glanced away, her eyes landing on the spare pistols she always had ready in her room. A deep sense of insecurity had wormed its way into her gut and refused to leave.
Alask tossed her a night shirt, one of her trashy ones that wouldn't be horribly ruined by more blood spots. Freyu pulled the baggy t-shirt on and felt slightly less exposed.
"You don't feel safe with her out there, do you?"
Freyu shook her head, her side and cheek had been tingling with their violent memories since she heard it. The constant reminder made her feel so insecure, a bad reminder of a truly horrible time.
"Would you like me to stay with you?"
Freyu looked up in shock.
"N-no! You don't have to, I'll be fine." She blurted.
Alask gave her that doubtful look and made a motion for her to scout.
"Alright, move over." She said.
Freyu barely had the time to move herself before Alask was laying down on her bed. If it was Alask's intention to kill her with embarrassment, it was working.
"Lay down, I won't bite." Alask said.
Hesitantly, she did. She let Alask come closer and hold her, even if she kept her own hands to herself this time. She rested her head on Alask's warm shoulder.
"I've got you."
Freyu felt the slightest bit less insecure with Alask's arms around her.
And if she didn't have any nightmares, well, that was surely a coincidence.
When she woke up, Freyu paid no attention to the extra body warming her bed and got around to creating a convincing disguise for Omega.
Next chapter I make fun of good ol Edmond Rampart! Cause it's fun to belittle this sad little excuse of a human being!
And Omega gets a snazzy disguise which means more art for you all!
I'm trying to do shorter chapters so I can work on all my stuff more frequently.
I got my wisdom teeth pulled and start college soon so, wish me luck!
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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zenlessupdates · 2 years
[Prize Event] New Eridu Archives — Lycaon
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(New Eridu Archives — Reading File... Complete! Ahem, let TYPE Ⅱ have a peek at today's file first...)
Hiya Proxies! Seems like the character today is like none other. Come check him out with TYPE Ⅱ~(o´ω`o)و
"Your personal attendant Lycaon, at your service."——Von Lycaon
Completely different from the girl last week, the domestic helper this week looks quite sturdy! He also has a fluffy tail. It looks so soft and cuddly(*´ェ`*)…
Tail?! Eh— what—? Wait! I-Isn't he a wolf??
W-W-Wolves don't happen to like eating Bangboo, right?! Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
Lycaon: If you are bored, would you like a steak? Medium or medium-rare?
TYPE Ⅱ prefers energy supplies like Nitro-Fuel and batteries, nhu-na nhu-na!
If you had such a reliable and perfect personal attendant, what kind of task would you want them to help you with?
Type Ⅱ will randomly select 10 comments that match the [How to Participate] instructions to receive Tuning Test qualification, and another 10 to receive a Bangboo pillow, so go join the discussion!
[Event Time]
Today – 2022/07/27 12:00 (UTC+8)
Winners Announcement: 2022/07/28
[Event Prizes]
Tuning Test Qualification x10
Bangboo Pillow x10
[How to Participate]
Reply in the comment section in the following format during the event to participate.
Format: A task I want help with from a professional attendant: (content)
1. Event winners will be announced in this post on July 28.
2. Repeating users will be considered as a single participant.
3. Proxies with replies suspected of the following will be disqualified: reply content that violates the rules of the community, plagiarism or theft of others' content, replying on a reply, opening a separate post to reply, and any posts containing advertising of any form.
4. Please pay attention to system notifications! Test qualification and prizes will be announced there! Test qualification winners should follow the instruction in the in-app notice to confirm their qualification, or they will be deemed as forfeiting the prize.
Merchandise winners should fill in their address info within 10 working days of the announcement, or will be deemed as forfeiting the prize. Proxies who won a prize can go here to fill in their details>>> [Delivery Address Guide]
5. A single HoYoverse ID can only obtain one Tuning Test beta qualification once for all Tuning Test qualification-related events.
6. The delivery of prizes may be delayed due to pandemic restrictions. We thank you for your patience.
7. This is an official HoYoLAB event, and has no relation to the platform it is posted on. (such as the App Store, etc.)
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calicoconstellation · 2 years
───── ʚ ᓚᘏᗢ 𐑂 ───── ‧˚₊ ❥・ᗢ ❛ Calico Collective ❜
ᗢ We collectively go by Calico / Cali ᗢ It/its (strongly preferred) or they/them ᗢ Physically 19 ᗢ Autistic and physically disabled
❥・ᗢ Identities
ᗢ The body is transmasc ᗢ Queer ᗢ Nonhuman
❥・ᗢ Boundaries
ᗢ Our collective name and pronouns can be used for any of us ᗢ Please use tone tags with us if you are able ᗢ If you can’t remember who’s okay with touch or petnames, you are welcome to ask ᗢ Some of us are okay with medical terms (example: alter), others of us are not. If you’re unsure feel free to ask
❥・ᗢ Members
ᗢ Saffron (she/her, petal petals) ᗢ Jace (he/him) ᗢ Catra (he/she) ᗢ King (he/him) ᗢ Fae/Toothless (it/its, ey/em, paw/paws, fluff/fluffs, he/him) ᗢ Clover (dæ/dæm, she/her, they/them)
⋆ ☘︎ ⋆ ˚°•̩̩͙⋆☘︎⋆•̩̩͙°˚ ⋆ ☘︎ ⋆ ˚°•̩̩͙⋆☘︎⋆•̩̩͙°˚ ⋆ ☘︎ ⋆ ‧˚₊ ❥・ʚ ❛ The Lotus Fluffle ❜
ʚ Mixed-origin median subsystem consisting of Fae and eir dæmon Clover ʚ Wei prefer Fae’s pronouns used when addressing the both of us ʚ Wei commonly use wei/muis pronouns when referring to muirselves collectively
❀ ~ ♡ ~ ❁ ~ ♡ ~ ✿ ~ ♡ ~ ❀ ~ ♡ ‧˚₊ ❥・❀ ❛ Saffron ❜
❀ She/her and petal/petals ❀ An angel ❀ Likes mindfulness, nature, cottagecore, self care, girls, and sunshine ❀ Dislikes exclusionism, forced medicalization, any form of hatred, unhealthy constant negativity
❥・❀ Identities
❀ Cis woman ❀ Lesbian ❀ Faekind ❀ Clicks white tailed deer, red foxes, Rapunzel from tangled, Isabella from Encanto, and more
❥・❀ Boundaries
❀ Petnames welcome ❀ Ask to touch unless close ❀ Absolutely do not call an alter or otherwise medicalize
♤ — ♡ — ♢ — ♧ — ♤ — ♡ — ♢ ‧˚₊ ❥・♤ ❛ Jace ❜
♤ He/him ♤ Protector ♤ Demon boy ♤ True neutral not because I’ve ever been neutral on anything, but because I flip through every extreme so fast no one can keep track.
❥・♤ Identities
♤ Aroace ♤ Agender ♤ Black cat hearted
❥・♤ Boundaries
♤ No petnames ♤ No touch except high fives ♤ I really don’t care if you call me an alter or not
・ 。゚. ✧ : . ☽ 。゚ : ✧゚. ・ 。゚. ‧˚₊ ❥・☽ ❛ Catra ❜
☽ He/she ☽ Fictive of Catra from modern She-ra ☽ The catboy girlboss from your nightmares ☽ I reclaim slurs. Get over it.
‧˚₊ ❥・☽ Identities
☽ Bigender tranny ☽ Demi-aroace dyke
❥・☽ Boundaries
☽ No petnames ☽ No touch ☽ Don’t medicalize me ☽ I love talking about my source, please ask me about it ☽ Practice basic fictive etiquette. Except if you think I’m hot, if you tell me I’m hot it’ll make my whole day.
︶꒦︶꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶꒷꒦︶꒦︶꒷︶ ‧˚₊ ❥・🜲 ❛ King Clawthorne ❜
🜲 He/him 🜲 Fictive from The Owl House 🜲 Syskid around age 8 🜲 I like stuffies, naps, and conquering kingdoms!
❥・🜲 Boundaries
🜲 Okay with petnames 🜲 Ask to touch 🜲 Doesn’t like talking about his source 🜲 Doesn’t care if medical terms are used for him
⋆*⋆ ˚°•̩̩͙⋆✩⋆•̩̩͙°˚ ⋆*⋆ ˚°•̩̩͙⋆✩⋆•̩̩͙°˚ ⋆*⋆ ‧˚₊ ❥・ʚ ❛ Fae/Toothless ❜
ʚ It/its, ey/em, paw/paws, fluff/fluffs, and he/him ʚ I’m a nonhuman shapeshifter, my usual forms are a fluffy white winged cat and Toothless the dragon though I’ve got a bunch more ʚ I love circus and I’m a circus aerialist, I have an obsession with alpacas and collect alpaca stuffies, and psychology is my main special interest
❥・ʚ Identities
ʚ Trans enboy (demiboy / nonbinary guy) ʚ Asexual, some shade of gay, and polyamorous ʚ Toothlesskind, alpacalink, and winged cat kind ʚ Clicks with huskies, red foxes, bunnies, Hunter from TOH, Glimmer from SPOP, and more
❥・ʚ Boundaries
ʚ Petnames are welcome ʚ Ask to touch unless you’re a close friend ʚ Comfortable being called an alter
⋆ ☘︎ ⋆ ˚°•̩̩͙⋆☘︎⋆•̩̩͙°˚ ⋆ ☘︎ ⋆ ˚°•̩̩͙⋆☘︎⋆•̩̩͙°˚ ⋆ ☘︎ ⋆ ‧˚₊ ❥・ꕤ ❛ Clover ❜
ꕤ Dæ/dæm, she/her, they/them ꕤ Fae’s beloved dæmon ꕤ I am both a median headmate and an imaginary friend
❥・ꕤ Identities
ꕤ I identify as Fae’s dæ, and not much else ꕤ I am still learning what forms I do and do not like
❥・ꕤ Boundaries
ꕤ Ask me or Fae before touching ꕤ Ask me or Fae before petnaming ꕤ Do not call me an alter or tulpa, as I am not either
───── ʚ ᓚᘏᗢ 𐑂 ─────
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thecrewintros · 2 years
˚ ✦⊹ .⁺ 𓄹˖˚ ˖ ៸ ⊹ ៹ 𓄼˚ ✦⊹ .⁺ 𓄹˖˚ ˖ ៸ ⊹ ៹ 𓄼
NAME・Tails, Miles or Tech
AGE・little (8)
SPECIES・ two-tailed fox (very fluffy!)
PRONOUNS・he/him, they/them, fluff/fluffs, exe/exes, byte/bytes, soft/softs, fox/foxs
MAIN ROLE・little, Claudia
SUBSYS・not applicable
TYPE・fictive, multifictive
SOURCE・Tails the fox (60-70% game Tails, 10-20% movie tails, 10% whatever that is-)
KINS・maybe? Ask
DOUBLES・no problems with that
TOUCH ・ask
˚ ✦⊹ .⁺ 𓄹˖˚ ˖ ៸ ⊹ ៹ 𓄼˚ ✦⊹ .⁺ 𓄹˖˚ ˖ ៸ ⊹ ៹ 𓄼
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Tails and Jojo possible headcanons ?
O-o, BRO BRO, THOSE TWO? ABSOLUTE CUTIES. I wish we got to see them interact at least once cause they would be so cute when together.
One of the first things Jojo says to him the moment she meets him, “oh my gosh! You’re so fluffy!” Tails, at first is hesitant due to her rather loud reaction but with some persuasion from Sonic that she’s definitely one of the nicer humans, he soon starts to warm up to her.
The two quickly become little art buddies. They’ll just sit together and end up drawing for quite awhile. Which works well for whenever they’re at either their parents job and need something to do.
They’re pretty close in range of age with Tails being 8-9 while Jojo is around 9-11
Whenever she needs help with her homework, Tails tends to be the one she calls to not only help her, but it also helps Tails on learning more about scholarly ethics on Earth.
One time for Rachel’s birthday, Tails helped Jojo make a gift for her by taking a old roomba, a toaster and a part of a old car’s mirror to make a little robot that goes around the house to give complements to anyone that passes it.
So you know how we all said that Sonic and Jojo’s bond was like Lilo and Stitch while her and Knuckle’s was similar to Sully and Boo’s bond? Well, I can picture these two being similar to Mirabel and Antonio from Encanto, not only with them being cousins but with Jojo being the slightly older sister he never got to have in the same way Mirabel was like a sister to Antonio.
Other than Sonic, Jojo is a source of inspiration and comfort when he really needs it. Whether it’s a quick phone call or whenever she visits them for a holiday or during the summer, she’ll always sit down and talk to him to get his mind off of whatever is bothering him.
Tails allows her to put braids in his tails out of curiosity, but that was the only time he allows it since the fur was getting pretty knotted when she put too many in.
At some point, he would teach Jojo the how-to-basics of circuitry so she can create her own grand gadgets one day, y’know without her mother or Randall finding out about it.
One video game they like to play together is Just Dance. After the almost deadly incident at the bar, he tries to update his dance skills and is trilled that this game exists for that purpose.
Although he had trouble carrying humans, Tails will try to lift her into the air even if it’s just a foot off the ground but Jojo still enjoys it regardless.
Feel free to add more if you want!
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summerbummin · 3 years
Hawks’ Bird Traits Headcanons
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Physical Traits
-The wings ofc
-Actually his wings were originally a light brown when he was a kid but once he hit puberty (or started T if u subscribe to the trans Hawks agenda like I do) then they started turning red, from light brown to copper to scarlet. The reason they changed to a brighter color was bc male birds wings are actually more colorful to attract mates and get sum fuck
-Tail feathers, they act as an airplane’s rudder would and help him with steering and balance, but the hpsc doesn’t like the tail feathers because it disrupts the angelic image they’re trying to sell, so they have Hawks pluck them or hide them in his pants (which is why they’re so baggy)
-Talons on his fingers and toes, he clips them regularly in case he has to take his gloves off so people will just think he’s wearing black nail polish, the hpsc has him hide them because they want him to look angelic, not predatory
-As well as the talons, he also has patches of scales on his feet like an actual birds, (don’t ask him why they’re not on his hands he couldn’t tell you, birds aren’t supposed to have hands in the first place but here he is) he keeps ankle high boots and socks on whenever he’s not alone to hide this
-He has extremely good eyesight, he can see 8-10 times better than the average person, he could see a mouse scurrying on the ground from 100 feet away
-The black markings around his eyes isn’t eyeliner, it acts like eye black on baseball players and helps him see against the glare of the sun
-He three eyelids, which means he can go for an unnervingly long time without blinking
-His third eyelid is a special one and is what’s known as the “nictitating membrane” its translucent and goes over his whole eyelid and protects it, it allows hawks to keep his eyes open when he’s flying at fast speeds on the occasion he loses his visor, and luckily since he’s so high up people won’t be able to see how milky his eyes have gone, it only really comes out on ground level when he’s either relaxed, half asleep, or wasted
-He has sharp canines/teeth as a way to make up for his lack of a beak so he can easily eat the tougher meats his inner raptor craves, but the HPSC does not like this because it makes him look predatory, so they did dental surgery on them
-High pitched noises drive his bird brain crazy, like metal on metal or nails on chalkboard, and those type of sounds are way worse for him than the average person, he’ll either want to fly away or stop the source of that sound
-He has oil/preen glands on his lower back (like right where back dimples would be) and he can use it to clean his feathers, waterproof them, and keep them in tip top condition! He has designated “preening” time but with how busy he is... a lot of the time he skips it rip
-He molts twice a year, because even though he’s constantly using up feathers doing hero work, he has little baby ones closest to his back which don’t detach and always stay on, he molts those along with the feathers he hasn’t used up and he Hates when he molts because his back gets so fucking itchy, and also because he can’t do hero work when he’s molting
-He has a very fast bird metabolism, which is why he’s always stuffing his face with food, flying takes a lot of energy so he constantly has to “refuel”
-He has hollow bones and despite common misconception, that doesn’t make them lighter, they’re actually hollow so they can hold extra air/oxygen to help with flying which takes up A Lot of breath
-He gets cold easily because the rest of his body isn’t covered in feathers like an actual bird would be, that’s why he wears a fluffy coat and an insulated flight suit under that to trap the heat in, also it gets very chilly high in the sky
-He will actually grow a “winter plumage” during that time of year, and his feathers with get very fluffy and poofy to try and insulate his body. When he’s cold he’ll turn into a little puff ball and people tease him mercilessly for this
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Behavioral Traits
-Stress grip, if he gets stressed/highly stimulated, and if something moves within his line of sight, he’ll grab it. But the problem is he physically cannot let go until he’s calmed down. The hpsc tried to train this out of him but when realizing that wouldn’t work, no matter how hard they tried or how hard they pushed Hawks, they instead trained him to grab himself or inanimate objects instead, but absolutely do Not grab people. And Hawks has gotten pretty good about redirecting his raptor grip, but in the few situations when he doesn’t manage to... it’s a Yikes
-He really likes shiny things. When he first met Dabi he had to resist staring at the way his staples glimmered, Dabi thought Hawks was staring at him because he was analyzing him or smth but nope, it was bc bird brain go brrr
-Because of his love for shiny things, Hawks has a “cool rocks” hoard, and if he gives you one of those rocks that means you have unlocked the “hawks will now die for you” level of friendship
-Hawks Loves head pats or having people card their hands through his hair. Birds can’t reach the top of their head so other birds do it for them (allopreening) and it’s considered a social activity and one of acceptance, so Hawks will unconsciously pat or ruffle the hair of people he’s fond of, like Tokoyami for example
-He’s very carnivorous and because of that he will Tear into meat, especially the raw kind, but he never eats raw meat in public because that’s seen as “gross”
-But he can also eat other foods, and some he even has different reactions to, like with peppers. Peppers don’t taste hot or spicy to him because birds don’t have receptors for it, they taste sweet and he loves the way the juices taste. He also finds it amusing when people look at him in horror when he chomps down on a carolina reaper like it’s nothing
-To impress people he’ll do crazy dives. It stems from bird courtship rituals, but Hawks never really had anyone that special to him for most of his life, so he uses it as a trick to wow people instead and it comes in handy for heroism
-Hawks will cock his head to the side when he’s perplexed or thinking especially hard, little head tilts ;-;
-He’ll also bob his head along to music he’s enjoying, his coworkers find this hilarious and they’ll rate music on whether or not it gets Hawks to “bob” and they call it a bob instead of a bop lol
-Perches, he’ll perch on the arm of the sofa instead of sitting on the actual cushions like a normal person and he always likes to have the high ground so he’ll sit on top of tables or counter tops, he’s even gone so far as to perch himself on a lamppost once or twice, like a gargoyle
-Blindfolds calm him down because to his bird brain, being unable to see makes him think he’s safe. Or at least they used to, the hpsc used blindfolds on him when he started training as a kid, and while they might calm him down after a training session, using that technique during one would freak him out because he’s being asked To Do Something when he can’t see and birds rely heavily on their sight to function. They used that “technique” on him so much that now if someone put a blindfold on him he’d panic because of that childhood trauma tm
-He isn’t scared of the dark though, he actually has a habit of sitting in dark rooms for a bit because when he overuses his quirk, he gets migraines bc of that telepathy stuff (I know this isn’t a bird hc but I had to include this)
-He makes bird noises, like coos and chirps when he’s happy, which isn’t a lot (can we get an F in the chat), squawks when he’s startled, and raptor screeches when he’s trying to act scary. The hpsc put him in speech therapy to keep him from making bird noises, and because when he was younger he had trouble speaking and also Trauma from it because his parents treated him like a disturbance, so he’d always try to make as little noise/take up as little space, as possible. Now he’s a great talker, to the point where he won’t shut the fuck up, but when he’s extremely distressed he sometimes can have trouble speaking “actual words”
-Hawks’ feathers often react to his emotions, he can puff up/raise his feathers to make himself look bigger when he feels threatened, or they’ll bristle like pinecones when he’s annoyed, or get all soft and fluffy when he’s around someone he likes/feels safe with
-Because of his adverse reaction to the cold, Hawks loves warm things like heating pads, hot water bottles, Dabi. He loves to sun his wings too and sunbathing is his favorite way to relax (on the rare occasion he has the time to)
-He also really likes blankets, but not just because of the warmth, he has nesting instinct. He will pile a bunch of blankets and pillow and all other kinds of bedding and soft things on top of his bed. Also if there is a certain person he’s missing, articles of their clothing get added to the pile. But this “instinct” only really happens when he’s feeling lonely aka without a home
-Also if he ever had a kid his nesting instinct would go insane trying to make his house/nest “suitable” since that’s the whole purpose of nesting, making a safe place to have babies and raise them
-He is very monogamous because of the whole “raptors mate for life” thing, and because of this he’s very picky and will only actually consider a person as a life partner if he trusts them and loves them unquestionably
-However, the whole “mating for life” thing also means he can be a bit territorial of his partner, wanting to leave marks on the to show that they’re His. Like once someone put a lingering hand on his partner’s arm and he had the unreasonable urge to claw their face off
-But it’s not all bad, as a courting ritual he’ll give gifts (mainly food) to show he is able to provide, which is unfortunate because in my mind, Hawks is a terrible cook. On the plus side, he has lots of cash money that he can spend on expensive restaurants and bakeries
-Basically he’s a bird sugar daddy
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Thanks for reading!!
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mystic-sky · 3 years
Hello! Gojo Saturo’s birthday is in a few days and may I request a fan fic where the reader surprise him with a cake in sexy bunny outfit in mesh stockings? (I’m currently watching the anime Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai) and the idea came up when I saw the outfit hehe love you!
Hi!! I love that anime! Sorry for the late post love, but it’s still an hour before his birthday ends where I live 💕✨ I didn’t know if you wanted food play with the cake??? It mostly focuses around the outfit. Enjoy.
Warnings: Just Birthday NSFW
Word Count: 2.0K
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Sometimes when you start dating someone, you find yourself doing things you never figured you’d be into. Your boyfriend was a man of many kinks, slowly introducing you to things and helping you flesh out your own sexual desires. Not only did you try new things for him because you loved him, but you trusted him so much each time afterwards because it was all so enjoyable.
Months before his birthday, he sparked an idea. You were in the kitchen, fixing dinner for the both of you.
“A bunny girl outfit?” You question, shifting your stance a bit. In the few years you had been dating, Satoru had never touched on role play or dress up before.
“Yes~” He sung. “Like that one anime, do you know it?”
You nodded, feeling a bit tense. Could you pull something like that off?
You set your cooking ladle down. “When my birthday comes I’m gonna make you do something even crazier.”
The look on Satoru’s face was one of intrigue, but there was a splash of fear in the corners of his pupils. You had always managed to be exceptionally good at pleasing him. He hoped what you had in mind wouldn’t be too crazy, although he was down for anything.
He spent the rest of that evening leaning on the kitchen counter and trying to get you to confess if you had been agreeing to wear the bunny outfit and what were you bargaining for. 
When his birthday came months later, you took your chances at the costume store. You knew he’d forgotten all about the idea since you never gave him a forward answer. You took advantage of this, and waited until the day of to go shopping. You bought multiple sizes to be sure you got the best fitting one, since you were rushing to make it home before Satoru. You stood in your apartment hallway, swaying in the mirror. 
The things I do for him, you think.
Looking at yourself from head to toe, you were almost upset that the smug bastard knew you’d look good in a bunny outifit. You looked over your shoulder at your backside.
“This things lifts your butt so well.” You felt so sexy, more confidence than you had imagined passed over your body.
You make haste towards the living room, eagerly placing the candles on top of the cake you had bought earlier on the coffee table. You could hear him turning the keys in the door behind you. He was greeted by your fluffy, white bunny tail and big juicy bottom.
“Woah, you actually did it.” You jumped a bit as he swung the door open. “I have to admit, seeing you on your knees as soon as I get home is always a treat.”
You bring yourself to your feet, lighter in hands. You flash him a warm smile.
“Welcome back,” you say. 
“Oh I feel welcomed,” he begins, walking towards you to take you in with his eyes. He sets his sunglasses on the side table beside the couch. 
“Ah-ah-ah-” you begin. “Go wash your hands!” 
He holds his hands up in defense. “Will do m’lady.” 
You turn backwards, opening the packaging on the new lighter you bought. You bent over, continuing to intently space out the candles for him. You quickly clicked towards the kitchen to grab the wine and some glasses. You set them both down beside the cake as you struggled to open the bottle. 
You felt his presence behind you as you swung yourself around.
“I figured we could have a bit of fun before dinner.” You say, pressing the wine bottle to your breasts. You patted the one-person sofa beside you. You watched him pull his lip between his teeth as he giddily sat down, spreading his legs. You poured him a glass, watching him sip as he eyeballed you.
“I feel like I’ve got my own little personal play boy bunny.”
“Just for tonight,” you said, placing the bottle on the table.
“Does that mean I can have anything I want?” 
“Don’t I spoil you enough?” You raise a brow, adjusting the cuffs around your wrists.
“I’m sort of a bottomless pit. I’m always up for more.” He says slyly, pulling you between his legs.
“Turn around for me,” he says, fingers just barely holding the tips of your own. You smile, spinning your body so he could see your butt. 
“Baby... I know it was sort of my idea, but just how am I going to fuck you in this thing. It’s so fucking tight.” 
You felt him playing and flicking the tail of your costume whilst his other hand cupped your ass cheek above the mesh stockings. 
“I’ve got buttons...” you say shyly, bending over for him to see the thick clothed part of your core.
“Ohh~ how convenient.” He sung, sliding and pressing a finger against your hot clothed sex. You shuddered a bit, before standing up straight and turning around. 
“This is truly a treat, sweetheart.” He brought his large hands up to caress the back of your thighs. “It’s taking a lot for me to not pounce on you right now.” 
You could tell he was enjoying the sight of you.
“Don’t fret, I’ll wear it a little while longer.” You assure him, falling to your knees. You loosely bring your fingers up to his white dress shirt, loosening his tie and a few buttons as well. 
“I hope you weren’t planning on wearing this to dinner.” You say, dragging your fingers down the exposed part of his chest.
“Just how messy are we about to get, honey?” He smirked.
You only stare at him, feeling his chest up some more. He smiles back before taking up the glass beside him on the end table, taking a sip while he sits back and looks at you. He watches you feel against the bulge in his suit pants. He takes a brief look at his watch before looking back at you.
“Dinner’s at 8.” 
He watched you unbuckle his pants and pull his length out in front of you. You brought the tip to your mouth before speaking.
“I’ve got time.” You swallow him whole, feeling him shift in the chair. He’s holding back a groan, having not expected you to take him in so deeply right off the bat.
“You just threw your gag reflex out the window, huh?” He managed to say. 
You released your mouth, bunny ears flopping back while you bobbed your head on the tip alone. You swirled your tongue around him, shutting him up immediately.
He set the glass down, and rested his fingers in your hair. 
“What a sweet girl, spoiling Daddy like this on his birthday.”
You take hold of his base, stroking in tune with your sucking while he shifted beneath you. You could feel yourself getting wet as his moans filled the space in the living room. You hummed against his length, tongue sending vibrations through his shaft and his body. You released him from your mouth, jerking him whilst you attached your lips to his balls. You sucked softly, swirling your hot tongue over the soft skin. 
He lost it from this unfortunately, shooting loads out onto your hand without warning. You quickly took the tip of his length back into your mouth, sucking the remnants of his orgasm from the source. 
“Fuck~” He shuddered. So much semen filled your mouth and you swallowed what you could as the rest of it slipped down your chin and onto your breasts.
You let go of his length with a popping noise. 
“How long were you holding that in?” You asked him, licking your fingers. He loved watching you do that.
“Long enough,” he said, cocking his head back. “Now come sit on it for me.”
Your body was ready. You could feel your nipples getting irritatingly hard as they pressed against the firm fabric of the suit. You unbuttoned the bottom piece of it as you climbed on top of him.
“And now...“ He gripped your ass cheeks. “...to unwrap you.”
You felt him claw your mesh stockings with both hands, ripping them so wide and way beyond wearing them ever again.
“Satoru!” You whined. You owned plenty of black stockings, but that didn’t mean he could just rip them as he pleased.
“Ah-ah-ah, it’s my birthday, remember?” He mimicked. You held your tongue.
“How could I forget...” you mutter, positioning yourself above his length. He squeezed your exposed cheeks so hard you probably bruised.
“You’re so cute when you talk under your breath like that.” He teased.
“Shut up,” you say, holding his length as you slide onto it. He bites back a moan as you coat his dick with so much slick his pants started getting stained. “And keep your hands to yourself.”
“Mhnnngh...” He bit his lip. “Fuck- sweetheart I can’t make any promises.” 
You only smile at him, fighting back your own moans as you rock against him. He releases his grip on you like you asked, placing his hands on both arm rests and watching you start to bounce on his length. You rest your arms on his shoulders, throwing your head back, bunny ears flopping erratically. He watched your breasts shake about, suit almost exposing your nipples to the air.
Watching you ride him like that made it hard for him to keep his hands to himself. He would often have to force himself into being sub when you got on top like that. He claimed it was part of making you feel like you were truly dominating him every once in a while. You were just the cutest, and you were wearing this costume just for him. He wanted you to have your moment. 
“Just like that baby,” he hummed. He felt your hand clutch his jaw, pressing a hot kiss to his wine stained lips. He moaned against you, finally wrapping his arms around you. 
“You know I can’t help myself, and it’s my birthday~” He says against your lips. 
You rolled your eyes, kissing him deeper. He hummed against you, sliding his body down in his seat.
“You know, speaking of my birthday, you haven’t said it since this morning.” He said smugly, pushing your body upwards. He starts thrusting into you from underneath, earning broken and sloppy moans from you.
“Won’t you tell me again, pretty please?”
He was mocking you. He knew you weren’t capable of saying it- at least not coherently and definitely not when he was pumping you so quickly and so deeply like that. You were nearing an orgasm, and your heels were slipping off your feet while he was at work against you. 
“Honey, I’m waiting. Say it.” He hummed. Somehow he said it so seriously you didn’t want to test him further.
“H-Hap...Hap-py B-Birthday.” You moaned brokenly as he pounded into you. 
“Such a sweet girl. That wasn’t hard at all, was it? Now let it all out.”
His thick length throbbed against your walls. While you climaxed around him, both your heels hit the carpet with a thud as you cried out his name.
The best but worst part about sex with Satoru is that you’d never get used to how he’d overstimulate you every time you came. Sure you always get to ride your orgasm out, but you’d be quivering, and barely put together the whole time until he came. Just like now, you had melted into him, gripping and wrinkling the collars of his dress shirt, voice cracking against his ears as he came inside you. He had filled you up, overflowing his semen and spilling onto his pants. He shuddered, chest rising and falling against your breasts.
You both stayed there like that for a bit, gathering yourselves. 
“I’ve got more for you after we get home from dinner.” He said as you sat up above him.
“You’ll be pushing your third orgasm. You sure you got juice left?” You say smugly.
“Oh, always.” He grinned.
And so much for the cake. 
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ka-za-ri · 4 years
Descent Pt. 5
And we’re back again with some more Simeon! I still hate every word I write! The past few chapters have been a challenge to slough through, but I hope you still take this humble offering enjoy it.
Chapter Index and Obey Me! Masterlist: here Ao3 Mirror: Here Part [1] Part [2] Part [3] Part 4: [4] Part [5] Part [6] Part [7] Part [8] Part [9] Part [10] Pairing: Simeon x Reader   Genre: Smut   Wordcount: 4,300 ish   Tags: Sex toys, smut, femdom, anal toys, oral, pet play, anal Summary:  Simeon presents you a plot twist to his novel that leaves you gobsmacked and surprised, to say the least.
It became a regular occurrence for you to be working ‘overtime’ during the weekends with Simeon. It wasn’t something you minded. He always seemed to have something he wanted to try and it didn’t seem like he was falling behind in making any deadlines, so you didn’t have any concerns with indulging him in whatever he wanted to do.
On more than one occasion, he let you be in control. There was always a thrill that ran through you when he allowed you to dictate just how the scene would go. Simeon was eager to please and you were more than satisfied with what his tongue and his fingers could do to you. If you wanted anything more than that, he was always happy to please you with one of the many tools at his disposal.
The weeks melded into one another and work was always on your mind. It became a bit problematic considering your other clients also needed your attention. Luckily, with Simeon being so high profile, you were able to transfer the workload to a few new recruits the company had just hired. Though the transition wasn’t exactly something you wanted to do, you were rather attached to all your clients, Simeon’s work took priority above anything else.
The epic spy story he concocted had quickly become quite the project for you to edit. He somehow wove a rather involved story outside of the intense sex scenes. It meant you had to go through his words with a fine toothed comb to ensure there weren’t any inconsistencies. It meant you had to remain impartial and critical of the sex scenes he wrote. Seeing the lewd acts you had done written on paper had a different effect on you than you expected. It made your face burn knowing that your escapades with your client would be immortalized on paper. There was also an excitement about it, being the only people who knew of the source of such lascivious words.
Despite all the sexy rendezvous the two of you had on the regular, Simeon never failed to be the prim and proper author during the regular work week. He went to meetings with the publishing house with you as needed and made appearances for interviews to maintain his relevancy. Not once did he ever put his reputation or his relationship with you at risk while the public eye was on him. It was such an odd dichotomy between his professional self and the version of him that appeared whenever he was alone with you, you sometimes wondered if he was actually two different people.
What you didn’t know was how difficult it was for Simeon to keep everything in check. The more time he spent with you, the more his desires grew and became a dark void within him, swallowing the light he had spent centuries cultivating. He wanted so much more than what he was allowed. He had an internal mantra going at all times, reminding him that what he did was for work, he could never defile you. He respected you too much to drag you down to the dark with him. He was better than that. He was an angel. Your angel.
You always looked forward to the weekends. Simeon always took such good care of you whenever you stayed over. It was a chance for the both of you to unwind, even if it was for ‘work’ purposes. He eventually lost most of his initial shyness and became more vocal about what he wanted. The direction worked well in his favor, helping him write the most detailed sex scenes you had ever read in your entire life. His years of literary experience truly made up for his lack of sexual knowlege whenever he submitted something for you to go over. It was hard to critique the quality of the scene, but you could always find a few missing commas or half finished sentences here and there for him to fix up.
He found pleasure on nearly every surface of his home, save for his bedroom. Something about that room seemed too sacred to breech for him. Not that you really minded, there was more space on the floor and it was easier to bend him over the arm of a couch to help him into his favorite plug. He had taken quite a liking to it, often telling you after a long meeting or interview that he had sat through it with it in him. “It’s good research.” He explained, but you didn’t know how much of that really was for his book and how much of it was for his own pleasure.
So, when he greeted you one weekend, you nearly fainted when you saw him sporting a skin tight sheer body suit, bunny ears and a tail to match.
“What the hell are you thinking?!” You couldn’t make eye contact with him, not when he was dressed like that. “What part of your book has anything to do with … any of this?”
He blinked innocently and smiled, guiding you over to his couch so you could sit down and compose yourself. You heard the front door click closed and the sound of him locking it seemed to be so much louder than usual. It was too bold of him to approach you like this, he had said nothing about a scenario like this, and you were sure there was nothing in his book that would hint at any of the characters dressing in such a manner.
You couldn’t deny he looked absolutely spectacular in that get up, though.
It was surreal watching him saunter back to the living room and casually take a seat across from you, crossing his legs and looking as if he wasn’t dressed up like the definition of insanely provocative. “So, I’m sure you have some questions.”
“I… I can’t figure out where to start asking you,” you admitted, unable to tear your eyes away from how well the body suit hugged his taut muscles and left nothing to the imagination. The fact that the material was completely sheer and you could see how erect his nipples were in the right light didn’t help his case any. The addition of the damn tail and ears made you wonder if he had suddenly changed genres to set his novel in a fantasy setting.
“Well...” he started, placing his hands on his knees and smiling softly. “I needed something to really get readers invested in how evil the villain is. So, I thought, what’s more evil than human experimentation? The villain would start mixing humans with animals and creating sex craved hybrids.” The smile was still plastered onto his face, his eyes crinkled in glee as he explained his plot twist to you. You could barely believe your ears. Not only had he come up with something else you had never seen coming, he willingly put himself in that outfit to get the scenes right.
I can’t tell if he’s a genius or if he’s insane…
Simeon was the latter. Insane with a desire that he couldn’t comprehend. He desired more than what he was given and he kept chasing that high he first felt when he saw you riding his pillow in that sunroom so many weeks ago. Each new experience with you brought out something darker in him. Every time he thought he could stop himself, he found a new excuse to try yet another thing he read about online. He was yours in a way he couldn’t express, until he stumbled upon the idea of becoming your pet.
It was a perfect cover up for fitting the fluffy tail plug into him and donning on the raunchy outfit. He didn’t want to admit how obscene it was on him, but seeing your shocked expression when he greeted you was well worth the discomfort. He belonged to you and you to him in a way that transcended your work contracts. He had no words to describe the feeling of elation, of freedom he got every time he came at your command. What started off as a way to get words on paper soon became an unhinged addition to your touch, your praise and your approval.
He timidly walked over to you on the couch, kneeling in front of you and laid his head on your lap. Simeon looked up at you with wide eyes and the slightest hint of a pout. There was no way you could deny him. Even if you had suspicions about his intentions of becoming an ‘animal’ for the day, his adorable expression whisked your concerns into the ether and you patted his hair gently, earning a hum of happiness from him.
It seemed as though the lamb had found a pet rabbit.
It was easy to dote on Simeon in this manner. If it weren’t for the ears and the tail, you could have pretended it was a quaint afternoon, pampering your loved one. The innate sexual tension that arose from his outfit and his explanation of why he was even dressed like that was nearly suffocating. You could imagine all the innocent things in the world, there was no denying that Simeon was going to push his boundaries in the end for the sake of his novel.
It was bliss to lay his head in your lap, feel your fingers run through his hair and caress his scalp. Simeon crooned in content. He wasn’t sure what sorts of noises rabbits made, so he took a few artistic liberties on that end. He’d figure out the specifics when he got to writing. What mattered at the moment was the feeling of your nails slowly dragging themselves through his scalp, sending shivers down his spine. He didn’t think he’d enjoy being so submissive when he was around you, but you brought a calm in him and it was so relieving to relinquish control of everything.
He sighed softly, feeling himself slip into a light doze from your gentle touches. Every now and then, you would scratch the back of his neck and his whole world would light up when you did. With every passing day he became more attached to you and everything you could give him. He sighed in content, feeling his muscles relax and put more of his weight in your lap.
He didn’t know when he feel asleep, but it was the most peaceful rest he had in a long time. Your warmth and company sent him into a deep and dreamless sleep. All the stress of writing something he was unfamiliar with and the constant vigilance of staving off his own fall had worn him down quite a bit without him realizing it. In your presence though, he was safe to be himself. Simeon. Not an angel, not a renowned author, just Simeon. That safety was oddly the most liberating feeling.
“Did you sleep well, my angel?” you asked when he saw him stir a bit.
“How lon--” You pressed your finger against his lips, hushing him.
“Last time I checked, cute little bunnies don’t speak.” You chided and he snapped awake, remembering where he was, what he was wearing and who he was with.
Simeon straightened up, sitting back and squatting to mimic a bunny’s stance. His arms between his legs extended just slightly to keep his balance. With the change in position, he could feel the plug in his ass shift along with his movements and press further into him. Just that little change was enough to stir his hormones awake as well. He knew before long he’d be aching and wanting some sort of release. The question today was: how would you let him reach it?
It had been a peaceful hour or so while Simeon napped in your lap. It gave you plenty of time to think through what you wanted to do with him. Though he had approached you innocently, you knew that in the end he was supposed to represent a ‘sex crazed’ human-animal hybrid. You felt a twinge of guilt, he had been sleeping so soundly, it was almost a shame that you were about to rile him up into a whimpering mess.
He watched you with wide, apologetic eyes. His lips were turned up in a pout and whatever ‘anger’ you had for his little slip melted away at the sheer adorableness. You leaned over and gave his head a pat, readjusting the ears that had become crooked while he slept. “It’s okay. I’m sure you’ll learn to be a good boy quickly. Isn’t that right?”
He nodded enthusiastically, the pout turning into an enthusiastic smile and he leaned into your touch, cooing softly. You weren’t sure what noises rabbits made, but it seemed appropriate for the scenario. You’d roll with it for the time being.
“Has my precious bunny been taking care of himself?” you asked softly, scratching under his chin and you were rewarded with a heavenly smile filled with mirth and happiness. He let out another coo of content, nodding again at your question. “Good to hear. But I’ll have to check that for myself.”
You lead him to the couch, bending him over the arm and spreading his legs. It was a position you could never get enough of. His ass in the air and his cock hanging between his legs was such a tantalizing image you took every chance you could get to have him like this. You carefully walked around him, dragging your finger across his body as if you were ‘examining’ him. “Mm, my bunny keeps in such good shape. I’m so proud of him.” You praised, giving his ass a firm squeeze.
Simeon gasped, letting out a soft moan which turned into a sigh. He had lost his character for a brief moment when you had complimented him. His heart sang and his ears rang as he played your words over and over again. Your hand suddenly at his rear squeezing it and playing with it sent his barely restrained hormones straight to his dick. You had the delightful privilege of watching his cock twitch and grow, straining against the flimsy see through fabric of the body suit.
The fluffy tail served to be a great little thing to ‘examine.’ You were responsible for the well being of your pet, so it was only natural you were thorough in making sure he was in good health. You took joy in tugging on the plug, making sure it was snugly fit into him. He had grown so fond of being filled recently, you wondered if the tail had been just an excuse for him to get some new toys for himself. With how easy it was to get him hard whenever there was ass play involved, you couldn’t say you would have been surprised if that was the case.
You left his tail alone after a bit, letting his mind rest before you went to ‘examining’ the rest of him. Your hands caressed his inner thighs, your lips following their trail as you kissed them up and down. It was easy to pretend the fabric of the body suit wasn’t even there with how thin it was. You hummed, content to be where you were between his legs and nuzzled his hardened length. You could hear his strangled moan above you as you teased his cock.
“Oh? what’s this?” You asked innocently stroking his shaft and watched in glee as his thighs quivered around you. “Does my bunny need to breed?”  You heard a whimper above you, his hips moving along with the motion of your hand. You didn’t need any words to know what he wanted from you, but it was fun to tease him while he was like this.
You moved him to lay on his back on the couch. You kept his legs spread and his knees drawn up so you had a clear view of both his tail and his cock. Almost instinctively, he had his arms wrapped around the back of his knees to keep his legs in position. You smiled, giving him deep kiss as a reward for doing what you wanted without having to ask. When you pulled away, the debauched look on his face was so sinful, you nearly forgot about your promise to him and had to restrain yourself from sitting on his dick properly.
He was breathless, blushing madly and mewling while you continued to inspect every inch of his body. While it was a shame to ruin such a well made body suit, you couldn’t stop yourself from tearing at it to feel his skin properly. The shredded fabric only made the debased scene all the more sexy to you. Simeon was freely moaning as you nestled yourself between his legs and covered his chest with kisses.
Your fingers toyed with his sensitive nipples and he was keening under your touches. His legs and arms shook in the effort to remain in the position you wanted him to be in. You could see desperate tears forming in the corner of his eyes and you leaned up to kiss them away. He was so close to breaking, you just wanted to see him pushed a little further in this role before you let him have his way with you.
“Don’t cum in my mouth now, okay?” you demanded before you sank between his legs and gave his aching cock a long, slow lick.
The sound that came from him was almost inhuman, to be fair, Simeon had been put under a good bit of distress with how much he had been teased. The build up he had psyched himself up with only added to how great everything felt.
The sound of the body suit being torn away from him echoed in the room as you ripped the fabric away until you had unhindered access to his dripping cock. You made sure to keep your eyes on him while you took him your mouth. He was torn between screwing his eyes shut to hold off his orgasm or keep watching you work him with your mouth. He had never needed to make such a difficult decision before. Eventually he settled on watching you in short bursts before he needed to focus on holding back his load.
He was so beautiful in those moments, writhing and doing his best to follow your commands. There was a distinct feeling of pride that welled in you as you watched him do whatever it took to be a good boy. He truly deserved only the best reward.
So, you redoubled your efforts to give him the best head he had ever experienced. Taking him until he hit the back of your throat, you moaned, relaxing your reflexes until he was fully seated in your mouth.  You took slow breaths through your nose, moaning into his cock and sending him into a full body shudder as you sucked hard. “P-please… please...” he cried from above you, his thighs quivering violently as he held back his climax. “Please.”
You couldn’t fault him for breaking his character. Figuring he had enough torture, you left his cock with a lewd pop, drool and a bit of his precum leaked down the side of your mouth and you made sure he got a good view of you lapping up what you could before wiping it away. “Alright, I think it’s time to properly let my precious bunny breed like he’s meant to, right?”
You kissed him tenderly before pulling away from him just long enough to kick your skirt up and pull down your panties. Your pussy was a wet mess, but you knew he wouldn’t go there. Instead, you got on your knees, bending over and spreading your ass to get a good view of your ass. “Come on, come and get your reward.”
Simeon couldn’t react fast enough. His whole body was moving on instinct as he reached for the nearest bottle of lube to douse all over your spread rear. You shivered a bit as the cold liquid was spread on you. The initial feeling was uncomfortable, but it would still be better than taking his whole cock without any at all. The wet sounds of him covering his cock in the same lube were so filthy, it even had you blushing.
The sounds died off soon enough as the tip of his cock pressed into your ass and you gasped, struggling to adjust to his size with so little preparation. It wasn’t the first time he had taken you in this way in the past weeks, but it was the first time he didn’t bother stretching you out first. He stopped, breaking his character to make sure you were alright before proceeding. Once your breathing evened out and you pushed back into him, he continued to slide every inch of himself into your tight hole.
It was always a mind blowing experience to accept his whole length into you. Even if it would have been better if his cock was in your pussy; you didn’t mind the compromise you had made with him at all. The feeling of being filled with his cock was one you wouldn’t pass up for any reason. The first pass was always the most amazing, especially with how he groaned once he was fully seated in you.
As soon as he was sure you were ready for him, he got to ‘breeding’ you as the sex craved animal he had become. Your hands moved from holding your ass cheeks apart to bracing your body against the ground to keep you steady while he rammed his cock into you over and over. There was nothing left but the carnal desire between the two of you. He growled, leaning over you, getting as much contact as he could while he thrust into you.
You felt his teeth graze your shoulders and your neck, nipping and leaving marks all across your skin as he claimed you. His hands at your hips dug deep into the flesh, leaving large welts where his nails were. He had tossed away the docile bunny act to claim the prize he had worked so hard to obtain. Simeon grunted, feeling himself get close to his climax. After the amazing blowjob you gave him, he knew he wouldn’t last long inside of you.
He grabbed you by your hair, pulling your body up and flush to his own, never losing the brutal pace he had set. You winced at the sudden pain, but a hand snaking around your waist to rub your clit had you forgetting all about it. Simeon was a fast learner. He knew just how to play your body to bring you to a climax in time with his own. At this point, you were not much more than one of his sex toys he owned with how he was using you.
His fingers at your cunt were soon covered in your essence as he rubbed your clit in quick, yet firm circles. His teeth sank into your shoulder as his pace inside of you became erratic and he was rapidly losing what control he had over his body. “Cum… Cumming...” He growled, warning you right before his seed was emptied into you.
“Mine...” you heard him snarl protectively the moment he came.
His hips stilled for a bit as the brunt of his orgasm overcame him. His fingers never stopped working at your pussy, wanting to feel your whole body constrict around his cock. It didn’t take too much more effort on his end. The warmth of his seed filling you was all you needed to go over the edge with him. Your ass clenched around his cock while your pussy was woefully empty. You moaned his name as you came, shaking in his arms as you rode out the high with him.
Simeon stayed still for a bit longer, waiting until both your sensitive bodies felt ready to disconnect from each other. He was careful as he pulled out of your ass. Seeing his seed leak from the tight hole once he fully pulled away was always so satisfying and he wished he had his phone with him to take a picture of just how beautiful you were in the afterglow of such an intense session.
You all but collapsed onto the floor once you were allowed to, your muscles feeling like jelly after he had so mercilessly taken you. You needed a few moments to recollect yourself before retrieving some towels to help clean up the worst of the fluids that covered the two of you. Pulling the tail plug out of him rewarded you with a rather indecent moan from his lips. His whole body convulsed briefly as the thickest part passed his anus and his body sagged in relief once the whole toy was removed.
As soon as he was able to, he crumpled into your arms, demanding cuddles and affection again. “Did I do good?” he asked, looking up at you expectantly.
You laughed good naturedly, taking the ears off his head and tossing them to the side. “I’ve never had a pet like you, for sure.”
“But was I good?”
You smiled, running your fingers through his sweat dampened hair, watching him melt into your embrace while the two of you had a naked cuddle session on his couch. “You were better than good. You were absolutely perfect.” You reassured.
He sighed, resting his head on your bosom and snuggling closer to you. He wrapped his arms around you and clung to you. “Mine...” He declared softly. The sudden statement made your heart skip a beat. You had initially thought he had uttered it while fucking you in the spur of the moment. Hearing him repeat it while he was comfortably wrapped around you held a different weight.
“Mine.” he repeated as he drifted off to sleep in your arms. “All mine.”
As long as you belonged to him, it didn’t seem to matter if he fell all the way to the pits of hell or not. He belonged to you. You belonged to him. All was right in the world.
And once again, the darkness in him grew.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 4 years
Melanorosaurus readi
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By Tas Dixon
Etymology: Black Mountain Reptile
First Described By: Haughton, 1924 
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Sauropodomorpha, Bagualosauria, Plateosauria, Massopoda, Sauropodiformes, Anchisauria, Melanorosauridae 
Time and Place: From 210 until 201 million years ago, possibly into the Jurassic, from the Norian through the Rhaetian (and possibly into the Hettangian) of the Late Triassic
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Melanorosaurus is known from the Lower Elliot (and, maybe, the Upper Elliot) Formation of South Africa
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Physical Description: Melanorosaurus was a later Sauropodomorph, the group of dinosaurs that includes Sauropods and their close relatives (aka, “Prosauropods”). Melanorosaurus was technically not a Sauropod, but it does highlight how these quadrupedal behemoths evolved from basic dinosaur precursors. It was quadrupedal, but with awkward front feet still retaining hand-like qualities of its forefathers. The hindlimbs were more sturdy, and in general the pillar-like proportions of the limbs helped to hold up its great weight. It was probably up to 8 meters long and 2 meters tall, making it one of the heaviest animals in its environment - weighing about 1.3 tons. It had a pointed, triangular snout, and teeth like earlier Prosauropods rather than proper Sauropods. It had a short neck and long tail, with a very thick trunk. As for external appearance, there is a question - it was small enough, just, to still have fluff, but it also was big enough to have lost it in the interest of keeping cool. Given it lived in a particularly hot climate, it makes sense that some - if not all - of the warm fluff of its ancestors may have been shed off. That said, it also lived southward - so it’s possible that the Elliot had a cooler environment than other places of the Late Triassic. All in all, the fluff status of Melanorosaurus is a question, so here we present it fluffy to some extent, since most interpretations of it are scaly. 
Diet: Melanorosaurus would have been an herbivore, but it may have fed occasionally on small animals to supplement its diet, especially since Melanorosaurus had the teeth of its omnivorous precursors.
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By Ripley Cook
Behavior: Melanorosaurus was a smaller Sauropodomorph, so it probably would have taken care of its young (like its close relative Massospondylus) in nests and potential family structures. These nests are hypothetical, however, so we can’t say what sort of lifestyle Melanorosaurus would have lead in this regard. It probably would have stuck together in herds for safety from large contemporaneous predators, and moved together across the dry landscape of their environment looking for new sources of food. Given they managed to survive the end-Triassic extinction (probably), this was clearly a successful strategy to some extent. Their short necks means that they probably would have had to feed mainly on low-lying vegetation, though it is entirely likely that they could have reared on their hind limbs in order to reach higher sources of food. Since they still had some traits of bipedality (likely vestigial), this seems more likely than not. 
Ecosystem: The Elliot Formation was a highly arid sub-tropical desert, filled with hearty conifers (which did a lot of the desert-plant jobs before cacti evolved) lining seasonal rivers that would dry up come the long harsh season. It was cooler than other places in the Triassic, but still quite hot and harsh, making it a baking environment for the creatures that lived there. The exact composition of each environment - the Lower Triassic part of the environment and the Upper Jurassic part - is difficult to determine, because the levels tend to be hard to define, but some work has been done on this in recent years. Other Sauropodomorphs included Plateosauravus, Eucnemesaurus, and Bikanasaurus - so, some not very well preserved species, making Melanorosaurus an exception in this region. There was also the Mammaliaform Elliotherium and the Dicynodont Pentasaurus. However, literally every other example of creature seems to be from the Upper Elliot, so it is uncertain what the predators of Melanorosaurus would have been.  
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By José Carlos Cortés 
Other: Melanorosaurus is such an almost-Sauropod that its description and study often threatens to redefine exactly what it means to be a Sauropod or… not. As such, Melanorosaurus is literally defined out of Sauropoda, with Sauropods defined as those members of the sauropod-y group more closely related to Saltasaurus than to Melanorosaurus. That said, Melanorosaurus has a significant amount of similarities to later Sauropods, one of the weirder and more magnificent experiments of Triassic dinosaurs - and a sign of the scale of dinosaurs to come after this period of experimentation ends. 
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources Under the Cut
Fabrègues, P. C. d., R. Allain. 2016. New material and revision of Melanorosaurus thabanensis, a basal sauropodomorph from the Upper Triassic of Lesotho. PeerJ 4: e1639. 
Galton, P. M., P. Upchurch. “Prosauropoda”. In D. B. Weishampel, P. Dodson, & H. Osmólska (eds.). 2004. The Dinosauria (second edition). University of California Press, Berkeley 232 - 258. 
Galton, P. M., J. Van Heerden, A. M. Yates. 2005. Postcranial Anatomy of Referred Specimens of the Sauropodomorph Dinosaur Melanorosaurus from the Upper Triassic of South Africa. Tidwell, V. & K. Carpenter (eds.)Thunder-Lizards: The Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press. 
Gauffre, F. X. 1993. The most recent Melanorosauridae (Saurischia, Prosauropoda), Lower Jurassic of Lesotho, with remarks on the prosauropod phylogeny. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte. 1993 (11): 648 - 654. 
Haughton, S. H. 1924. The fauna and stratigraphy of the Stormberg Series. Annals of the South African Museum 12: 323 - 497. 
McPhee, B. W., J. N. Choiniere, A. M. Yates and P. A. Viglietti. 2015. A second species of Eucnemesaurus Van Hoepen, 1920 (Dinosauria, Sauropodomorpha): new information on the diversity and evolution of the sauropodomorph fauna of South Africa's lower Elliot Formation (latest Triassic). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35(5):e980504:1-24. 
McPhee, B. W., E. M. Bordy, L. Sciscio, J. N. Choiniere. 2017. The sauropodomorph biostratigraphy of the Elliot Formation of southern Africa: Tracking the evolution of Sauropodomorpha across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 62 (3): 441 - 465. 
Paul, G. S. 2010. The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs. Princeton University Press: 170. 
Yates, A. M. 2007. The first complete skull of the Triassic dinosaur Melanorosaurus Haughton (Sauropodmorpha: Anchisauria), in Barrett, P. M. & D. J. Batten. Special Papers in Paleontology 77: 9 - 55. 
Yates, A. M. 2010. A revision of the problematic sauropodomorph dinosaurs from Manchester, Connecticut and the status of Anchisaurus Marsh. Palaeontology 53 (4): 739 - 752. 
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blue-spider-lily · 4 years
Mairuma Q&A!
So today on official Autor-san’s twitter fans had a chance to get answers for most burning questions: Here are all the info we got from those answers:
(All of those comes from the author so 100% canon) 
I highlighted important ones.
no 1 - Kalego doesn't style his hair.  It's just Like That.
No 2 - Robin doesn't get drunk easly.
No 3 - Iruma has no idea his ahoge is so...  Expressive. It’s moving on its own but He Has No Idea.
No 3 - they have the concept of pets in the demon world.  Even in Sullivan's house there is this cat-like creature that kind of comes and goes.
No 4 - All demons from Jazz family have split tongue.
No 5 - Agares' clothes from Harvest festival was from Garp.
No 6 - We'll see Kalego's older brother in the future! Don't know when tho.
No 7 - Kirio's glasses are the same type as Kuromu's. He's eyes are fine.
No 8 - Yocchan ( the guy wasted by Clara's vending machine)  is from class 1-C
No 9 - Clara calls Opera "Pera-sama" FASJFLKAGKHAGJSFJLKDSLS<3
No 10 - Balam is good at sewing.  He made Azz and Sabro' s uniforms (combat clothes?)  for Harvest festival.
No 11 - lots of demons are left-handed.
No 12 - Looks like Clara can make things she only saw pictures of too. Those Akudol outfits she made was from some pamphlets.
No 13 - (obvious one but) At this point, Sullivan's house is like home for Opera.
No 14 - the food Iruma and Reed was eating during the harvest festival was edible only because Reed did most of the cooking.  Robin taught him some basic recipes
No 14 - Balam cooks for himself.  Also he is kind of a Tea Otaku.
No 15 - Kalego doesn't like sweets but he is not picky eater
No 16 - Orobas-kun (the trauma guy)  favorite food are root vegetables. I WONDER WHY xd
No 17 - There are no other servants  in Sullivan's house.  Opera does literally everything.
No 18 - Jazz usually sells things he stole but sometimes he will give them back or use for negotiations if it's more profitable for him.  Unless his brother steal it from him.
No 19 Atri (from six fingers)  likes fizzing candies.
No 20 - the reason why the forbidden chant from the Entrance Ceremony worked for Iruna is because the magic is in the words already so it doesn't require magic to use it. 
No 21 -  Those pointy "ears" on top of Amelie's head THOSE ARE NOT EARS They are more like horns and hair merged together.
So,  like,  they move,  like Iruma's ahoge BUT THEY ARE NOT EARS my world will never be the same
No 22 The president  of New Magic Developement Batra's name is Garuu
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No 23 - Agares has more than one eye mask.
No 24 - One of games Iruma squad is playing recently is “Grab and tell” game.  You put something in your partners hand and make them squeeze it. They have to guess what it is without looking and if they guess correctly, they can keep the item (mostly pretty rocks or pictures)
No 25 - Iruma’s favorite  four-character compound word is  満漢全席 -  Manchu-Han Imperial Feast XD
No 26 -  Reed-kun may have a bit of a complex about his height.
No 27&28 - Evil cycle is very individual thing and it varies from demon to demon. Also, demons who are Returning to Origins are kind of constantly in their Evil Cycle.
I think this is it for today’s Q&A So I went and checked the previous one:
No 29 - Demon girls have mostly heart shaped tail tips while boys have pointed, reversed heart shaped tips. 
No 30 - Basically all demons have wings. Their wings don’t require special treatment - just wash them once a month or so and you're a happy demon.
No 31 - Demons have usually horns similar to their parents’ because genetics, but sometimes youngest kids don’t inherit them. They can’t hide they horns like they do with their wings. In rare cases they can grow horns unexpectedly. (DOES THAT MEAN AZZ-KUN CAN GROW HORNS???? YES, YES IT DOES!)
No 32 - How to care for your Familliar-sensei:
a) He doesn’t like to be touched under his fluff so pick him up gently.
b) Don’t touch his paws or horns.
c) Actually, better not to touch him at all
d) If you are not his owner, wait until he get used to you enough to come to you.
e) His paws are short so if he wants something Get It For Him
f) His feet are tiny so he walks slowly - keep that in mind!
g) If he sits on your shoulder or head - deal with it. Even if he’s heavy. Just. Deal. With. It.
h) Just be quiet and listen to him and he won’t get angry
i) He will eventually return to his non-fluffy form so keep that in mind and be moderate with touching!
No 33 - The number each of Six Finger’s member have doesn’t indicate their rank in the group or strength. They are like siblings so the numbers tells who is “older”. 
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