#sometimes i feel like it really will kill me
thehmn · 2 days
It’s so funny how you can go almost your entire life not knowing you’re extremely allergic to something to the point of it having the potential to kill you but…you just never encountered it. Until one day you do and it feels like some asspull by a lazy writer who couldn’t figure out how to progress/end the story and then couldn’t be bothered to sprinkle foreshadowing to your demise throughout the narrative.
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In my mid 30’s I suddenly learned I’m very allergic to horse-flies. The area where I was bitten swell up to a painful degree, turning hard and red/purple, followed by itching so bad 20 mosquito bites doesn’t compare once the swelling starts to go down. When they bite my legs it’s okay but if I’m ever bitten near my neck I’ll be fucked. I can’t even be touched by the fuckers. One once got stuck under my clothes and I know it didn’t bite me because there were no bite marks but I could see its path across my skin as a painful red line. During the summer months I always carry allergy medicine on me in case I get bitten, sometimes even resorting to just taking a pill every day with all my other medications just to be safe (my doctor told me that’s perfectly okay).
I’ve lived near farm animals most of my life so how I never got bitten by a horse-fly before I turned 30 I’ll never understand but apparently my lazy writer decided now was the time and suddenly they’re the bane of my summers.
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A kinda funny example is my housemate who is randomly allergic to pinecones. I’ve been making pinecone syrup where you just leave fresh green pinecones in a glass with sugar until all the sugar has turned liquid from the water in the pinecones and then you boil it to kill harmful bacteria and make the mixture less tangy. I could have potentially poisoned her if she hadn’t been in the room when I boiled it. As I really got the mixture going she suddenly asked “Does your eyes sting too?” I was standing with my face over the pot and told her no, I didn’t feel a thing. And that’s when I immediately knew she was never to taste the syrup because she was clearly having an allergic reaction just from the vapor. She has never had an allergic reaction to anything and there’s a good chance she would have never known pinecones were her weakness if she didn’t end up living with the forage-loving swamp troll that is me.
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harrysfolklore · 1 day
not a prize to win - cl16
summary: seeing charles with other admirers makes you upset, even though you know he loves you
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If looks could kill, you swear that the one you were giving Charles right now would have him buried.
Being with Charles for over three years now, you were used to girls coming over to him all the time. Whether they were fans, reporters or just random women, you had seen it all. Usually, you handled it with grace, trusting in the bond you and Charles had built over the years. But today was different.
The scene replays in your mind, the influencer's high-pitched laughter ringing in your ears. She had sauntered into the Ferrari garage, her confidence palpable as she made a beeline for Charles, draped herself over him, her hands lingering a little too long on his arm, her body a little too close to his.
And what upset you the most, was the fact that Charles didn't stop her.
"Charles, darling, you're going to be amazing out there," she had gushed, batting her eyelashes.
"Thank you," Charles had smiled politely, "I have a good feeling about this race."
You had stood a few feet away, feeling an irrational surge of possessiveness. You wanted to march over, to insert yourself between them, to remind her that Charles was yours. But instead, you had stayed put, your feet rooted to the spot.
Rebecca had noticed your discomfort and had gently steered you away. "Let's go take a walk," she had suggested, leading you out of the garage.
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"Do you think I overreacted?" you asked Rebecca as she gave your phone back.
"Not at all, love," she assured, "I mean, If she had been throwing herself at Carlos like that, I would be just as angry."
"I just," you said as you walked back to Ferrari hospitality, "I know he's loyal to me and he wouldn't do anything to hurt me like that, but it's not the first time he's oblivious of people shamelessly flirting with him right in front of me, and that's what upsets me."
"I get it. It's not about trust, it's about respect," Rebecca nodded sympathetically, her arm around your shoulder, "And sometimes, these girls just have no boundaries."
You sighed, feeling a little better having voiced your frustrations. "I just wish he would see it from my perspective."
As you approached the hospitality suite, you made your way towards Charles' room, after saying goodbye to Rebecca and thanking her for listening to you.
You knocked softly on the door, your heart pounding with a mix of anger and apprehension.
"Come in," Charles's voice called from inside.
You pushed the door open and stepped in. Charles looked up from his phone and sighed at the upset look still on your face.
"Amour, are you really mad at me right now?"
"I told you I was," you said, "I and thought you wanted me to come here to talk, not to keep dismissing my feelings."
Charles put his phone down and stood up, walking over to you with a concerned look in his eyes. "I do want to talk, chérie. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was ignoring your feelings. Please, tell me what's on your mind."
"She was all over you, battling her fake eyelashes and invading your personal space and you didn't mind at all."
"She was just being friendly, that's all," Charles said, trying to keep his patience.
"Just being friendly?" you gave a laugh in disbelief and raised your eyebrows at him, “Charles, that was not just friendly. That was flirtatious and disrespectful,” you said firmly, crossing your arms over your chest, “And you didn't even try to set boundaries.”
Charles sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I didn't want to be rude. She's an influencer and you know the team wants us to interact with them when they visit the garage. It's part of my job.”
"Part of your job? Are you listening to yourself?" your eyes narrowed, "So letting her drape herself all over you is part of your job now?"
"I didn't mean it like that," Charles winced, "I just meant that sometimes, I have to be polite, even if it makes me uncomfortable."
“But at the expense of my feelings?” you shot back, “I stood there feeling like a third wheel while she fawned over you," he reached out to take your hands, but you pulled away, stepping back, "I hate seeing them treat you like some prize they can win. And I hate even more that you don't seem to care."
"I'm sorry amour, I really am," he searched for your eyes but you looked away, "What happened today hurt you and I'm sorry for that. I don't want you to feel this way."
"It's not just about today, Charles," you took a deep breath, trying to collect your thoughts, "It's about how often this happens. Girls come up to you, they flirt, they touch you, and you don't seem to notice or care. And not it turns out it's part of your job to flirt with them."
Charles let out a deep sigh again, putting his hands on his hips and looking away from you. You could tell that he was getting frustrated, but you were upset and you needed to get this out.
"I don't flirt with them," Charles said firmly, turning back to face you. His face now showing a mixture of frustration and a bit of hurt"I might be polite, I might be friendly, but I don't flirt, I never have. The fact that you accuse me of flirting with other girls when you know how much I love you is hurting me."
"Maybe not intentionally, but that's how it feels to me," you replied, your voice softening a bit. "And it hurts me too. I know you love me, but sometimes it feels like you don't see how these interactions affect me."
"Then meet me halfway," he raised his voice a bit, not quite yelling but loud enough to make you flinch a bit, "What should I do? Ignore them or be mean to them so PR can give me shit for that later? Walk around with a 'don't speak to me because my girlfriend gets jealous' sign?"
"Don't yell at me, Charles," your voice came out as barely a whisper.
"I'm not yelling at you," Charles rubbed his face with his hands before looking at you, "I'm not, baby. I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from and why you're so upset about this. I have to get ready for the race shortly and this argument doesn't look like it's ending soon."
"You know what," you threw your hands up in surrender, "Forget I said anything, okay? I'm just a jealous freak who's in the wrong here."
You walked towards the door and grabbed the handle ready to head out, but Charles pulled you by your free hand, "Amour, come on," you turned to look at him, "I'm not getting into the car while we're like this."
"Charles, I don't want to keep arguing either," you said softly, feeling the tension in the air, "I just want you to understand why I feel this way."
Charles sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I do understand, amour. I do. And I'm sorry if I made you feel like your feelings don't matter. They do. You matter more to me than anything else," he said sincerely, stepping closer to you.
You looked up at him, seeing the genuine regret in his eyes. Despite your frustration, you knew that Charles didn't mean to hurt you. He was just caught up in the demands of his career, trying to balance his personal life with his public image.
"Go get ready for the race," you said, aware that his team would come get him any minute now, "We'll talk later, but we're okay."
You let Charles pull you closer this time, wrapping your arms around his wait and leaning forward to wrap his around your shoulders as he brought you in for a hug and pecked your head a couple of times, "I love you, okay? Don't you ever doubt that, it hurts me when you do."
"I love you too," you pulled away and pecked his lips softly, "Be safe out there, I'll see you right after."
Charles watched you leave the room, feeling a pang of regret for letting the argument escalate. He knew you were sensitive about these situations, and he hated seeing you upset. But he also felt frustrated by the accusation of flirting, especially when he believed he was just being polite.
As he got ready for the race, his mind kept drifting back to your conversation. He tried to push it aside and focus on the race ahead, but the tension lingered, affecting his concentration.
Despite the distraction, Charles managed to put in a solid performance, crossing the finish line and securing a spot on the podium. The crowd cheered as he stepped out of his car, but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't shake off the argument with you, the hurt in your eyes haunting him.
After the podium celebrations and the interviews, Charles made his way back to the Ferrari hospitality suite. He hoped you would still be there, that you would be willing to talk and resolve things.
You were waiting for him, perched on one of the couches in the hospitality suite, your arms wrapped around yourself as you watched the post-race interviews on the screen. When Charles walked in, still in his racing suit, your eyes met and he walked towards you.
"Hey," he said softly, approaching you cautiously.
"Hey," you replied, standing up and taking a step towards him. "Congratulations on the podium."
"Thank you," he said, but there was a hesitance in his voice.
The soft look on his face was too much for you to handle, so you threw your arms around his broad shoulders and buried your face on his neck. You felt a sigh of relief leave his body and his arms come around your back.
"I hate fighting with you," you said against his neck, "Sorry for being such a brat today and almost ruining your race."
"You're not a brat, amour," Charles held you tighter, his voice gentle as he spoke, "And you didn't ruin anything. I'm sorry too for not understanding sooner."
You pulled back slightly to look at him, your fingers tracing the lines of his racing suit. "I just get so scared sometimes, seeing all those girls trying to get your attention. I know you love me, but it's hard to watch."
"I understand, and I'll try to be more mindful," Charles cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away the tears that had started to fall, "I don't want you to feel like you're not my priority because you are, always."
You leaned into him again, resting your head on his chest and feeling his hand draw circles around your back, feeling the familiar comfort of his embrace.
He leaned forward, pressing a kiss on your forehead, both cheeks, and eventually your lips.
"I love you, Charlie. And I know I can be a bit jealous sometimes, but it's just because I care so much about you."
"I love you too, more than anything," he replied, his voice warm and soothing, "It's kind of hot when you get all jealous and possessive, I have to admit."
You pinched his side playfully, making him squirm, "Not when it makes us fight though, I hate when we do that."
You smiled up at Charles, feeling the tension finally dissapear, "Promise me you'll try to be more aware of those situations? And if a girl gets too handsy, you'll shut it down?"
"I promise, amour. No more obliviousness on my part," Charles said, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "And I'll make sure to maintain appropriate boundaries."
"Good," you said, snuggling closer to him. "Because you're all mine, Leclerc."
"Like I said, possessive. It turns me on," Charles teased, placing his hand above your bum.
"Charles, stop!" you moved his hand away, "We're still at your workplace with all of teammates around."
"Let's get out of here, then."
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Sometimes I think about Merlin giving Arthur the only weapon that could kill him.
Imagine if he told Arthur about his magic and Arthur took it badly, running him through without really thinking about it.
Maybe they were in the middle of a battle and Arthur saw magic first, Merlin second.
Then he regrets it, desperately trying to save Merlin. Leon says take him to the Druids since they’ve brought people back from the brink of death before. So Arthur does but when the Druids see Merlin bleeding out, they aren’t worried.
Arthur can’t understand why they aren’t freaking out, so they tell Arthur about the prophecy. He learns about Emrys and how Merlin is immortal.
Arthur relaxes just slightly, glad that Merlin will definitely recover.
But one of the Druids says he can only be killed by a sword forged in a dragon’s breath. Arthur says he isn’t sure what his sword is, that it was the sword from the story that was left in the stone by Bruta. The Druids all look confused so Arthur recounts what Merlin told him the day he got Excalibur. They all look horrified to realise that Merlin has been stabbed by the only sword in existence capable of killing him.
The Druids tell him Excalibur was made by Emrys, forged in the breath of the great dragon, and that only the once and future king could pull it from the stone.
So Arthur has to come to terms with the fact, not only that he killed the most loyal man he knows and also his best friend, but also that his best friend wouldn’t be dead if he hadn’t trusted Arthur implicitly even without telling Arthur about the magic.
He doesn’t know what’s worse but Merlin dies with the assurance that magic will be legalised in his honour.
Just something I think about sometimes. I have fics of this but they’re staying in the fic graveyard because I don’t like how they turned out so if anyone wants to use this as a prompt, feel free just tag me and give credit for the idea please :)
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convexicalcrow · 1 day
"Cub, please, go rescue the Allays, please, we can't let them stay there, they're so distressed!"
Scar's voice was also distressed, but Cub hadn't needed to hear him to understand. It had been a long time since Cub felt that deep Vex rage well up inside him, and it was both strange and also familiar. At least he knew why he felt that way.
"I'll get them, don't worry. He's not still there, is he? He's gone to do other things?"
"He's not there, no. Just, hurry. They're so scared! We gotta get them outta there!"
"Alright, leave it with me."
Jevin was easily distracted, it's fair to say, and in his Vex form, Cub was able to sneak into the place where he'd kept the allays with ease. He could feel their distress as he got close, and they flew to him once he broke in, clinging to him in fear.
"Don't worry, we'll get you out of here. You'll be safe with us. The Vex will avenge you," Cub murmured, giving as much comfort as he could.
There were small sad trilling sounds coming from the Allays. Cub could see the scars on their bodies where they'd caught Jevin's sword but had somehow survived. Cub wasted no more time in whisking them away to his base, hoping he could find a way to calm them down a little. He wouldn't defeat their trauma, of course, but that wasn't the point. At least he could give them sanctuary.
A lot of people assume Allays and Vex are enemies. That Vex corrupt Allays into Vexes. But this isn't true. Vexes are the rage Allays can't express. When Allays seek revenge, it is deep indeed, and handed over to the Vex, who can act in ways they simply cannot. And when the rage is over, the Vex are becalmed by the sweet song of the Allays, both comforted by their own presence. That is why Allays reside in mansions and pillager camps. Anywhere the Vex are, so too are the Allays.
"Cub, I've left a creeper in Jevin's house! That'll sort him out!" Scar said as he arrived at Cub's base later on. He wasn't surprised to see Cub still in his Vex form. "I named it CatDog! That'll teach him to kill Allays!"
"Very good, very good. It's certainly a start, that's for sure. I think we can find other ways to torment him, though, as the season progresses. These poor Allays, man, you gotta come see them. They've got scars, it's awful," Cub said.
Scar gasped. "Scars! Oh no! How dare he! Come on, show me where they are, I gotta look after them!"
Cub led him down into the basement of his house and flicked a switch. It opened a hidden door that led to a staircase going down.
"They're down here. They wanted to be far, far away, so I dug a hole at bedrock, and that seemed to suffice. They were sleeping last I checked," Cub said.
"Good, I'm glad they're resting. They'll be okay, won't they?" Scar said.
"I hope so, but you never know with traumatised Allays. Sometimes it's just too much. But I'm hoping we can give them enough of an outlet so they feel okay again."
It was, of course, a long way down. There was some soft conversation, but both Cub and Scar felt their anxiety and rage grow the closer they got. Part of it was empathetic; they were both feeling that way anyway, but part of it was coming from the Allays as well. Eventually, they arrived at a room, with a door closing it off. The soft sounds of Allays could be heard from within, their songs still very soft and mournful.
"Just be quiet and gentle, they're really on edge," Cub murmured as he opened the door as slowly and carefully as he could.
Scar nodded and followed him in. The room was small and confined, the two Allays sleeping under a blanket on a pillow in one corner. A soul lantern in one corner offered a little light, enough to see how much dimmer the Allays were. Cub sat down beside the Allays, watching over them.
"Just sit and be quiet. They like knowing we're here. I promised we'd get revenge for them. If you want to Vex yourself up a little, I'm sure they won't mind that either," Cub said, keeping his voice low.
Scar grabbed a spare pillow and sat down. He closed his eyes a little and let his Vex features come through a little bit. Vex magic always felt more powerful when he was in Vex form. "We'll avenge them alright, don't you worry about that, little Allays. I'm still so angry! Gods. I'm a zookeeper! How dare he just kill Allays like that!"
Cub shushed him. "There's a time and a place for anger, and right now isn't it." He reached down and gently touched the Allays, who opened their eyes and sat up a little. "The Vex are here, little ones. We'll protect you. We'll avenge you."
The two Allays made soft little cries before allowing Cub and Scar to hold them. Cub held his close to his chest, offering a little Vex magic to comfort the poor creature. Scar wrapped his in a blanket and cradled them in his arms. The rage was building, and for an Allay to feel rage, well, something very bad had definitely happened to cause it.
"This is just like the one I rescued last season. The one Zed got to kill him by holding thorns armour. Man, that Allay was messed up," Cub murmured.
"I did hear about that one. I hope they're okay now."
"It took a long time, but we got there. And these guys'll get there too. And if that means we get to have a little fun along the way, well. So be it."
"So be it. Long live the Vex."
"Long live the ConVex."
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wordsvomit101 · 3 days
I would put him as a "sad old man" on my contact list if I were MC.
Sometimes I gotta be a bit petty for MC cause they don't do it for themself. Credits to @shyanimeboi and their friend on X: https://x.com/shyanimeboi/status/1795183592961655077/video/4
Warnings: Sexual content, complicated brainstorming about guilt and legacy.
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Of course, you would say that- No but honestly, I would be pissed as hell if he said that to me directly, cause sir your brother lowkey put MC's parent on the news, made their friend see his ancestor temporarily, and then almost put them in the casket as well. It's a miracle that they do not blindly hate everything relating to angels at this point. (Although I'm glad that you at least find closure from it you dismal oldster ╮(─_─)╭)
It's a little heartwarming that he shows that he still loves his brothers a lot, given how he said: "traces that Gabriel is alive and well". It got me thinking about how it could very likely mean that he believes at some point in the future, either the other kings kill his brothers or Lucifer will have to choose between Hell (repentance) and his love for them when put in a corner he cannot back out, and with him being the Sin of Pride, I don't think he would either.
Also, if he is happy just by seeing the brand alone then his brothers either avoid attacking Paradise Lost personally or he didn't face them directly after he told off Michael more than 100 years ago and he did say that he "can no longer meet to ask how he is doing".
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This first option seems like something Solomon would say. As his descendant, how MC presents themself in the daily chats and some of their options are probably the closest we get to see how Solomon would act when he was still around. An example would be how they question the goofy 3 rules policy in Paradise Lost that was set by the nobles, I will admit, I didn't think of that either. I was affected by the devoted behaviors of the nobles from both the event and the beginning of the prologue, in turn, I put Lucifer on an unreachable pedestal and I love that MC boldly questioned it and presented their opinions and rationale that bring Lucifer closer to the player and shows more air-headed sides to the nobles. They bring new perspectives and challenge the assumptions albeit in a small but significant way. I love it, I hope they do it more in the future.
He also finally said it, the holy words of every prideful bastard I know on media, "How dare you", it took 4 chats but we finally got here.
How he process his brothers' wrongdoings and his own? Very understandable and something, in my opinion, most victims would rather want to get from their offenders' family members, acceptance and acknowledgment of the issues and the damage that was done, and a genuine effort to do the right things. Familial love is very complicated, and it is… difficult to hate and condemn someone you come to love first naturally in your life. I think Lucifer, besides God (but also not really), first loves his brothers, probably the first angel to do so for their kind, and by reading the Seraphs’ comics it clearly shows how they either don’t care or hate each other guts yet still capable of loving Lucifer. He raised them, he's both their brother and their second parental figure, and he show them love outside of their devotion to God.
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And how he addresses them in the chat, he calls each one of them a "child", he was being very quietly affectionate by focuses on their well-being when he saw the brand on MC. He also only does this with them and Gamigin, so it is clear how he sees them from a caretaker standpoint (the allegation of him being born in his 30s and raising his brothers is not so far-fetched now, honestly, he is the true dilf here, not God). He knows his brothers ruining other people's lives but when they turn around and love and treat him so dearly that it can feel like what they have done to others is an illusion.
When that illusion doesn't cloud his judgment and beliefs anymore? It will hurt and it can feel like his perception of his brothers are lie. It can be easy to deny the first time but since it happens again and again he has to accept the change and it ain't gonna feel great to realize how he is not the bystander here and directly or indirectly enable his brothers' atrocities (maybe join them in it too at some point, but this is just my thoughts). It gonna rewire how he views a lot of things and it gonna run back from the beginning to the current time, and with how long Lucifer lived? That's rough buddy.
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Now, humans are insignificant in these guys' eyes and a single death is nothing to them in the vast universe, yes, but like Lucifer said, God made humans and with how he said it after that, humanity is a part of God's legacy. Legacy is fundamental to what it is to be human to many, something to be carved on their graves and will at the end of their time, it also helps people who live beyond them to remember and let their spirits or unconscious presence remain on the world. So despite humanity in the grand scheme of things, humans are still the work of God. By referring to God as "Our Father," besides asserting his connection, he also indirectly extends that connection to humans. It suggests a shared lineage and inherent value in all of God's creations.
If I interpret what Lucifer said correctly, then the duty of the Seraphim has always been to protect and care for all beings created by God, ensuring the preservation of His legacy. This duty encompasses all creations, whether great or small, beautiful or flawed. To destroy these creations and leave only themselves as His legacy would be a betrayal of their responsibility. A legacy, regardless of its nature, is not to be forcefully erased. Those who seek to erase it tarnish the very legacy they are meant to safeguard and were entrusted to honor.
So if they can't even accept all of God's legacy, no wonder why they can easily go hunt down every single child of one (1) man they are jealous of. Perhaps this is my speculation on what they did with Solomon, who seemed resigned to being forgotten by the devils in chapter 5. They sought to erase his entire bloodline, his descendants, and his legacy, ultimately aiming to make him extinct from the world (like how poachers do it toward endangered animals). For someone like Solomon, this, in my opinion, could be the most terrible fate for him. I honestly wouldn't put it past God's plan to make MC a part of this war for Solomon.
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This option is more like the canon MC than the Solomon option from before. They felt more personal here in their anger.
The desensitization for guilt and emotional detachment is strong in this. Lucifer acknowledges the gravity and permanence of the sins he and his brothers have committed and accepts that he must coexist with his guilt and remorse, but how he goes around with it is mostly for himself. Lucifer mentions that he "voluntarily fell to Hell", a form of self-punishment despite his brothers' protests (but also calling Hell the starting point of sadness is wild cause honestly? Not that wrong, I can't see truly happy devils, and if there is, their development happened off-screen).
Lucifer’s remark that the MC is "not that meaningful enough yet" is his emotional detachment from others. His focus remains on his own internal experiences rather than on the perspectives or forgiveness of others. This detachment suggests that his pursuit of guilt is inward-focused, rather than being about seeking forgiveness or redemption through the eyes of others. Selfish and very prideful, very fitting for the Sin of Pride. The idea that Lucifer is almost addicted to the feeling of guilt points to a self-destructive aspect of his personality. It indicates that he may be using guilt as a way to continually punish himself or a way to keep feeling alive through suffering.
Now this leads to my next point:
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Lucifer's search for guilt and remorse indicates a need for intense emotional experiences. Witnessing someone cry, especially if he has caused the tears, could provide a powerful emotional release or catharsis for him. This could momentarily alleviate his own feelings of guilt by transferring some of that emotional burden onto others.
Control. By inducing tears in others, he might be exerting a form of control that he lacks in his own life. This dynamic could satisfy a deep-seated need to reclaim some semblance of power over emotional outcomes.
Witnessing tears might serve as a mirror to his own inner turmoil. It externalizes the pain and suffering he feels internally, allowing him to confront it more tangibly. This externalization can create a twisted sense of connection or empathy, aligning with his need to constantly grapple with guilt.
Lucifer's enjoyment of seeing others cry could be intertwined with his own cycle of punishment and redemption. Inflicting emotional pain might be a way for him to project his self-loathing and need for atonement onto others. It creates a scenario where he can experience the aftermath of guilt without direct self-harm.
Causing others to cry could validate Lucifer's sense of guilt and reinforce his belief that he is deserving of punishment. This validation can be perversely satisfying, as it confirms his self-perception as someone who commits unforgivable sins.
Tears are often a sign of vulnerability. Seeing someone in a state of emotional rawness might create a sense of intimacy that Lucifer finds alluring. This intimacy could particularly appeal to someone who feels isolated by guilt and sins.
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okay so Cardan hides his tail because it gives away his real emotions. It makes him feel vulnerable, so he hides it away. and like, it can't be super comfortable to tuck it away all the time, but its better than having people use it against him. and when Jude is interrogating him, she first mentions the letter she found with her name on it over and over again - he's not really ready to admit his feelings for her, so he tries to redirect by bringing up his tail.
"Just ask me something. Ask about my tail. Don't you want to see it?"
Like, he is absolutely terrified of her (which he also had literally just said) nearly his whole family is dead, he doesn't want to die too, he knows she is capable of killing - and at this point he thinks she hunted Valerian down to kill him. and despite all of this, he's like 'let me offer you my most vulnerable and true self' but she doesn't quite get it bc she's also dealing with a lot and trying to process a lot.
and then by the Queen of Nothing, he has his tail out. his clothes are now cut in a way to let his tail be free. and its all because Jude has helped him see that sometimes being emotional and vulnerable isn't so bad. Even without her there with him, even with him horrified that he ruined everything because she hasn't responded to any of his letters - lets his tail be visible. And to quote him from How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories:
"Everyone finds different lessons in stories, I suppose, but here's one. Having a heart is terrible, but you need one anyway."
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too-much-tma-stuff · 22 hours
Healing is Slow, but Inevitable (part 7)
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“So, what are you?” Jason asked about a week after the meeting with Batman, a few days after Dick left again after his unscheduled weekend visit, and they hadn’t really talked about it. Danny had been flighty and tense for days afterwards so Jason hadn’t wanted to bring it up. Now that Danny seemed calm again, curled up in bed with him after a decent day and some great sex, it seemed like the best time he was going to get. 
Danny sighed and turned his head to hide his face against Jason’s shoulder for a moment, but he stayed relaxed and he wasn’t running, which were good signs. “I was kept prisoner for almost two years by the Ghost Investigation Ward, what do you think I am,” Danny muttered a little bitterly. 
“But you’re not a ghost, right? I mean you eat, and sleep and I can feel your heartbeat right now,” Jason said, pressing his hand Danny’s chest, where his heart was indeed beating, slower than most people’s but that was normal for Danny. Then, right under Jason’s hand, Danny’s heart stopped beating. 
Jason panicked and pulled back only for Danny to catch his wrist and keep his hand there, Danny pushed himself up a little and stared down at Jason. He seemed fully alive, and fine, even though his heart still wasn’t beating under Jason’s hand. Danny sighed and lay back down, the feeling of a heartbeat returning under Jason’s hand, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“I’m what’s called a Halfa. It’s a stupid name but I’m not going to come up with a new one. It’s not entirely accurate either, since I’m both 100% alive, and 100% dead.” He saw the lost look on Jason’s face and backed up quickly to explain more. “There’s a place called the Ghost Zone, or the Infinite Realms, it’s a world between worlds that links to every living world and contains every afterlife.” He was tracing little patterns on Jason’s chest as he talked. “Portals open to it in other worlds sometimes, natural things that form and collapse again quickly. 
“Halfas are made when one of those portals happen to open, directly on top of and into, a living person. It kills them, then because of the power of the realms their soul forms a ghost immediately, resurrects them and slams that fully formed ghost back into the living body, bonding them back together and creating a living-ish, ghost. I’m the only true halfa in existence right now, and I’m… unique, even for my kind. Because the portal that made me was the first man-made one, it was far more stable and more powerful than the natural ones, meaning that I got a double dose of energy.
“Halfas are already a powerful species, the perfect balance between life and death, a bridge between worlds partially immune to the weaknesses of both. But I’m strong even compared to other halfas, at least that’s what I’m told by the Ancients. Like I said, I’m the first one in about five thousand years, and the only one in existence right now, so I’ve never exactly met someone else like me.” 
“Holy shiit,” Jason whispered before falling silent. He started to comb his fingers through Danny’s hair so he would know Jason wasn’t upset or mad as he took a while to process all Danny had told him. “You don’t have to talk about it but if you’re that powerful then… how did the GIW manage to capture you?”
“My parents were the ones who captured me,” Danny murmured, hiding his face against Jason’s neck. Jason’t breath caught in his throat. “They were ghost hunters all my life, they built the portal but I didn’t want to hurt them. I was still trying to talk to them, to convince them I really was still their son. Then the GIW found out they had me and demanded my parents hand me over. When my parents refused and tried to defend ‘their discovery’ The GIW just… blew up the house. Because of my powers I survived, no one else did. While I was still in shock they took me.
“It broke my heart, in a literal sense. I want to show you something,” He said and sat up again, legs crossed. Jason sat up as well, mirroring Danny’s position and watching him curiously. “Humans have organs and brains and all those squishy, meaty bits. Ghosts have a core, it contains everything we are, everything else will just reform around it as long as the core is undamaged.” He pressed his hands against his own chest and after a moment, he drew something out. 
It was an orb of what looked like blue stone, but it was cracked, pretty extensively, in a similar pattern of cracking to Danny’s lightning scar. “What they did, it cracked my core,” Danny said looking down at it baleful. “Literally broke me. If I was a full ghost it would have destabilized and ended me, my humanity kept me together. Which just meant more for them to experiment on,” He said with a bitter little laugh. 
“Danny,” Jason murmured, a heartbroken little sound as he sat forward and reached towards Danny. Danny tensed, and looked fearful for just a moment, but he didn’t pull away. Instead he opened his hands and held his core, his heart, out towards Jason. With permission Jason traced the branching pattern gently with a finger, it felt cool and smooth under his fingers, energy tingling in his fingertips and the cracks rasping slightly against Jason’s calluses. Danny shuddered and gasped as all the tension bled out of him under Jason’s gentle touch, his eyes fell closed, and his expression was peaceful now.
“It’s been getting better,” Danny said, opening his eyes again after a moment and looking up at Jason adoringly. “Since I met you, you gave me purpose again and I can feel the cracks healing, it’s slow, but it was always going to be.” 
Jason pulled his hand back and Danny pressed his core back to his chest. “I’m glad you’re healing. You’ve been helping me a lot too, healing is always slow, but we’ll do it together. And you’ll tell me if I ever make it worse, or if there’s anything I can do to help won't you?” 
“Ya we will, but I think I’m well enough to face the GIW soon. I’ll start looking for them along with your people. If they’re still around I don’t think it will take me that long to find them,” Danny told Jason softly. “As for helping, just don’t leave me, and don’t die. I don’t want to think about what I could become without you to ground me.”
“I’m not going anywhere, and I’ll be right there with you when we take down the GIW. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I love you,” Jason promised, pulling Danny back against his chest.
“I love you too,” Danny sighed, snuggling against Jason tiredly.
Danny hadn’t been kidding when he said he would be able to find the GIW quickly when he started to look. It turned out that the GIW were sort of using ghosts in their firewall? It made it next to impossible for regular people to find, or hack it, but made it all the easier for Danny to track down. He found five bases besides the one that he had destroyed during his escape. Which was more than Jason had expected, though none of them seemed to be that big. According to the files two had ‘specimens’, so they were going to hit those two first and free whatever free whatever poor souls were still trapped there.
Jason had yet to leave Crime Alley since his takeover of the turf, but it would have to happen eventually. They would only be gone for one, maybe two days so it was a good first test. 
They had a basic plan; break in and rely on stealth till they had located the prisoners, release them, then cause as much damage and havoc as they could on the way out. Danny would be the power house, taking the chance to really let loose in a way he hadn’t in a long time. Jason would follow and plant explosives so once they got out they would leave nothing to salvage. 
They had a bit of a discussion about when to go. During the night there would be fewer people there making it safer to break in, but the disadvantage of that was they would take out fewer GIW agents. The fewer of those assholes still walking the earth the less likely it was anyone would come for Danny. There would be no one to continue the cycle of violence if everyone else was dead. In the end they still decided to go at night. If only because they would be less likely to walk in on someone actively being tortured, which would be too much for Danny. They needed to avoid Danny having a panic attack in enemy territory if at all possible.
So Jason wrangled his people into readiness to be left alone and keep things ticking over, and told a few selected people where they were headed in the unlikely case they needed rescue. Jason had started planning a ride too, since unlike the Bats they didn’t have their own private jet. But Danny told him there was no need, just get them out of Gotham and Danny could handle the rest. Jason was curious about what he meant by that, but when he asked Danny gave him the cheeky smile that promised it was a surprise Jason would like. Jason decided to wait and see.
Once they were ready they left Gotham at Sunset, Danny on the back of Jason’s bike with his arms tight around his waist and pressed against his back. Normally when they rode like this Jason could feel Danny’s vibrating purr against his back but today Danny was still and silent, probably too tense to purr. Jason understood, no matter what they found or how well this went it was bound to be triggering as hell. Danny was walking right back into one of the facilities where he had been experimented on and tortured. Jason didn’t think there was anything he could say to make Danny feel better, so he mostly stayed quiet and let Danny think his thoughts. 
“Okay, we’re far enough away I think. Pull over please, far enough that we won’t be easily seen from the road. I haven’t done this in… more than a year, I’m not totally sure how it’s going to go,” Danny said suddenly and Jason nodded, looking for a place to pull off the road and into the woods. Finding a good place to hide his bike, and themselves for whatever Danny was planning on doing.
Jason found a place to park his bike and let Danny get off before him, once they were off he laid the bike down where it wouldn’t be easily found, and turned on his personal tracker so he would be able to find it later. “Alright, ready when you are. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve been so mysterious about,” Jason encouraged his boyfriend, taking off his motorcycle helmet to switch it for his Red Hood one.
Danny nodded and took a few steps back and took a deep breath, “I really haven’t done this in years. Not since I escaped for the first time. It made it easier for them to track me,” Danny explained before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 
As Jason watched Danny started to change, not all at once, but the appearance Jason knew started to flicker and fade in patches. It looked like he was molting, and like a computer glitching, leaving him looking… different. The shape of the costume was a lot like his Hyena get-up, but it was entirely monochrome, and this Hyena had been dead for a long time. The suit was black with start-white protruding ribs wrapped around his chest like armor, white knee and elbow pads, and a white stripe down the front of his boots added to the skeletal effect. Danny’s mask had turned from a muzzle to a Hyena skull with a tuft of white hair showing above it. When Danny opened his eyes they were pits of toxic green glowing from behind the Hyena’s empty eye sockets. 
Jason would have frozen up completely, if he hadn’t noticed Danny was swaying slightly. Jason jumped forward just in time to steady Danny before he could fall. Danny leaned against him, he felt cooler than usual and… insubstantial in an odd way. 
“That felt different then it used to,” Danny murmured, putting a hand to his forehead. He felt the mask and blinked before glancing down at himself. “Huh, I knew this form was connected to emotions and shit, but I didn’t expect it to change this much,” He murmured, running his hands over the mask and then back through his hair, pushing his hood back to show his hair was all white now, and moving like it was underwater. 
“What… is this?” Jason asked, combing his fingers through Danny’s hair which felt like the softest, unmelting, fresh fallen snow between his fingers.
“My ‘ghost form’. I told you I was as dead as I was alive, this is my dead form,” Danny said gesturing down as himself before fully gaining his footing and standing up on his own. He took off the mask (Jason was far more relieved then he’d admit that Hyena skull was a mask, he hadn’t been sure) and smiled at him. Danny still looked very much like himself, though his mouth was wider, his teeth were sharper and his skin had the very distinct deathly pallor of a frozen corpse. 
Jason gave a considering hum and cupped Danny’s face, leaning down to kiss him. His lips felt cool and there was no pulse against Jason’s lips, but they were soft and Danny kissed back with the same sweetness as always. “You look badass as hel,l Moonlight,” Jason told Danny who blushed a soft blue and smiled at him, pulling him back in for another quick kiss.
“Alright, like this I can get us to the base,” Danny said, pulling the mask back on before his feet lifted off the ground and he hovered a few feet up. “Carrying you should be no problem, we’ll be silent, and if needed I can cloak us. We just have to land a ways out because I’m sure they have ghost detectors and shields. I’ll have to change back to get through. Sounds good?”
“Sounds great,” Jason agreed easily. He’d been around the Supers for years as a kid, he was used to being carried like that.
“Great,” Danny cheered, swooping over Jason and grabbing him under the arms and lifting him up with no apparent effort. He held Jason as they took off towards base, Danny flew fast but Jason’s helmet protected his eyes from the wind so it was fine.for Danny to change back into his human form. It looked like reversed timelapse footage of a flower losing its petals. Jason watched in awe as the man he knew and loved reformed around this odd, pale being. 
When it was done Danny shook out his limbs and rolled his head on his neck like he was having to resettle himself in his body before he nodded firmly once. “Alright, let’s go,” Danny said, checking his mask one more time.
Jason nodded and made a hand sign to advance, reminding Danny from here on they wouldn’t be using words. Danny nodded and fell in just behind Jason as they approached the facility. They had found a weak point in the plans for ventilation and used that to get in. This place was clearly designed to keep things in more than out, and not with humans in mind, it was almost embarrassingly easy to sneak in. They hid as a couple of agents walked by, assholes in white coats and dark glasses, edgy as hell and obviously overly full of themselves. Jason was looking forward to ripping through them on the way back out.
As they moved through the building Jason planted bombs at strategic locations ready to be detonated once they had cleared the facility of anyone who actually deserved to live. They didn’t want to leave anything standing. The less of the information and weapons that survived to potentially fall into the wrong hands, the better.
In the labs on the lower floors they found a few ‘blob ghosts’ as Danny called them, and a bunch of equipment, a couple of which Danny helped himself to. Jason didn’t bother because he didn’t know what any of this stuff was, they’d probably do more harm than good in his hands. 
Deeper in the labs they found a few proper ghosts too, locked in cells Jason managed to hack and get open. Danny darted in and started murmuring softly to a woman he called Ember, and who called him Babypop with shock and grief before he used one of the tools he’d stolen to open some sort of portal and sent her on. He found a thing he called Shadow, but that one didn’t talk, and Jason didn’t see it though he believed Danny that it was there. Danny used the portal gun to send them on too.
They were reaching the end of the facility and Jason was glad they’d only found two sentient beings, he would have much preferred None but it could have been a lot worse. This was the largest facility so if they only had two actual ‘ghosts’ the others would probably have one at most. 
They moved through the rest of the labs quickly, staying just long enough to clear them of anyone who might be held there, but not lingering over metal tables, scalpels, lasers, and saws. Jason was trying not to think about Danny strapped down to one of those, cut open and either begging them to stop or dissociating and staring, he wasn’t sure which would be worse. 
Finally they reached the deepest room in the facility, Jason was expecting another lab, until he saw the security pad at the door. The previous labs had been in a complex, no codes or cards needed to get into each individual one once you were on the floor. What was special about this lab? The security was decent too, nowhere near as easy to get through as previous doors. 
“Keep watch Hyena, this is going to take a minute,” Jason murmured into their mic and Danny nodded, flitting to the end of the hall to keep watch while Jason worked on the security. 
It took him about fifteen minutes and thankfully no one came around, they must have hourly patrols or something. Danny glanced over at the sound of the door unlocking and Jason nodded, gesturing for him to come. He stepped inside, getting the full view of a room full of wires, monitoring equipment, and what looked like a cloning tube or stasis pod. Holy shit was the GIW somehow in league with CADMUS?
There was a girl floating in the tube, maybe fourteen or fifteen, small for her age. Her hair was black but he couldn’t see much else. He heard Danny come into the room behind him and let out a soft gasp.
“Oh god,” Danny breathed softly. Jason looked over at Danny expecting to see his own surprise reflected in Danny’s face. No, he was shocked, yes, but he looked heartbroken and horrified. There was absolutely recognition there. “Ellie.”
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thewertsearch · 3 days
EB: but then you finally killed a guy you liked, and… EB: not so cool anymore? AG: Yeah. OH! AG: Ok, that's not quite right. He's the second person I cared a8out who I killed. […] AG: I guess she wound up getting me 8ack pretty good though, so we're even.
I know I've been dissecting them for thousands of pages, but sometimes I have to take a step back and remind myself how deeply, deeply fucked up the trolls' lives are. Their teen dramas are our horror movies.
AG: Oh, also, TECHNICALLY I attempted to kill that same guy around the same time. […] AG: I think I had a really juvenile attitude a8out killing 8ack then. I think I was trying too hard? […] AG: […] I was such a confused kid! I didn't know anything a8out what killing really means. I was trying to fake it, and it caused me nothing 8ut pro8lems.
Vriska’s definitely making progress, but she still has a lot of work to do.
She’s correctly identified the problem – that she's fundamentally misunderstood what it means to kill – but her solution is to assume that there's a mature, correct way to be a serial killer, and she just needs to find it.
Grow up, she tells herself. Become the right kind of murderer, and this horrible, horrible feeling will go away.
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EB: so… if killing isn't exactly wrong, then what is it? EB: what do you mean by "what killing really means"? AG: I guess I have to admit I don't actually know that much a8out humans either! AG: Other than that you are all pretty soft and mild mannered and seem to 8e friendlier, and think killing totally sucks.
It's very telling, I think, that Vriska doesn't actually answer John's question. She doesn't know what killing really means - and instead of admitting that to herself, she immediately changes the subject.
What she's refusing to acknowledge, I think, is that killing makes her feel like shit. That's what it means to her - but she can't face that yet. That's disgusting.
That's weakness.
AG: When a troll comes of age, you 8etter 8elieve it means they're going to start killing. AG: It's what we do as a race. We are very effective conquerors, and as such, we practically domin8 our galaxy. […]
And to Alternia, killing means serving your empire. Any other justifications its servants invent are irrelevant - they're nothing more than window dressing to the fact that empire is murder, and to be a troll is to participate in its violence.
The empire is gone, of course - but for now, it's still alive in its children's heads.
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spicycinnabun · 2 days
here’s a little teaser of the au @batty4steddie and I are cooking up. let us know if you’re interested in reading more! it features omegaverse, the guys as rockstars and a lot of pining. oh yeah, and smut.
read steve’s pov first!
Another shock to Eddie’s system. Steve’s… kindness towards him. Generosity. Those words didn't go together with sex. He wanted to make Eddie come more than once? Even though he was in rut that had to be demanding he just flip Eddie over and mount him already.
It didn't make sense why he was putting Eddie’s needs before his own. It didn’t make any sense at all.
All the Alphas Eddie had ever been with had treated him the opposite. It was never good omega. It was always bad omega. Needy slut. Desperate whore. You’re just pathetic for it, aren’t you?
And sure, Eddie looked like the type who would be into that sort of thing, he’d admit. His whole persona kinda screamed I’m a brat! Put me in my place. He didn’t look like an omega who wanted to be treated nicely, and he’d never corrected anybody who’d assumed so.
But he was that kind of omega. It actually stung sometimes—okay, every time—he was called names like that. Made him feel as worthless as a broken guitar string. Not that his partners had cared. They’d never had any problem crossing the finish line, even if Eddie had gone limp.
So this, being called good? Being hot? Making Steve feel good? Being his baby…
Shit, it was like nothing Eddie had ever experienced, and it was hitting him so hard he probably could have come from the affirmations alone.
Eddie was making animal noises instead of actual words. There was a direct line from his ear to his heart to his dick. The prostate stimulation was now just a bonus. The cherry on top.
He’d never come so hard in his life, and as the pleasure center in his brain lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July, it became Eddie’s sworn duty—his eternal vow—to make sure he was Steve’s good omega forever.
Eddie could barely kiss back, uncoordinated and panting. “No more waiting,” he swore.
His last brain cell took a swan dive to its death as Steve ate Eddie’s slick from his fingers like it was a delectable treat. Steve liked Eddie’s taste. Eddie was good.
He flopped back bonelessly against the mattress as Steve maneuvered him, hair that was now mostly dry splaying out on the pillow beneath it. He watched Steve with hearts in his eyes, his post-orgasm scent overpowering the room and almost consuming Steve’s. He felt like he was floating, but also—
“Holy fuck, Stevie, you’re gonna kill me,” he said, completely breathless. Steve was eating his come. The look on his face was predatory and ravenous. Eddie’s abs clenched, and his cock gave a valiant twitch, aftershocks wracking his body before settling again as Steve finished his meal. He grinned. “And what a sweet death it’ll be.”
No way he’d rather go.
Now that the edge was off, Eddie felt relaxed and happy, though no less needy. He could make sure his Alpha was taken care of. He wanted to make Steve feel more than good. He wanted to make him feel great and fucking amazing.
Eddie spread his legs a little more in Steve’s hold and lifted his hips, presenting his dripping hole as much as the position would allow. He clenched his muscles purposefully so Steve could see it gape open and closed, smirking playfully at the reaction. “Shove that pretty cock in me. Go as hard as you want. I can really take it.”
Steve didn’t have to hold back any longer. He could let his Alpha out and let it take him over, take what it wanted. Eddie was still soft—his refractory period was a lot slower out of his heat cycle—but he had no doubt he’d get hard again before Steve popped his knot.
Honestly, probably as soon as Steve slid home.
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lunajay33 · 3 days
Summary: You always thought your neighbour was handsome, you grew close over the years, he’d always help when you’d have troubles but there was one thing holding you back, your toxic boyfriend
Pairing: Neighbour Negan x f!reader
Content: Some 18+, age gap, toxic boyfriend
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When I was 15 the house next door went up for sale and the most ethereal man moved in, I’d see him now the lawn or see him sit on his porch and light up a cigarette and it made me realize that these urges I had weren’t just teens hormones I needed that man on another level but I could never do anything obviously I was just a stupid teen with a fixation on a man who’s way out of my league, but that didn’t stop me from fantasizing over the years, when he’d invite me and my parents over for a barbecue or when he’d come over to watch the game with my father
It also didn’t help that our room windows were right across from eachothers, i’d catch glimpses of him shirtless and it just heightened my cravings but then after graduation I got a job at a motorcycle shop in town thanks to my dad and that’s how I met my boyfriend, I was hesitant at first due to my feeling for Negan but I tried to move on, he was really sweet at first but after a few months he turned cruel, dropping by my house late at night trying to get in through my window drunk saying he was lonely and wanted me to distract him, I always pushed him away and he only got mad once he got so mad he broke my window waking Negan and I had to make up an excuse he probably knew was a lie, I tried to break up so many times but he never let me and always threatened me with something
I’m 22 now and am still working at the garage, I love it sometimes Negan would stop by with his bike and I swear he would flirt with me, telling me how good I look working on the bikes, always offering to bring me for a ride, everytime I saw him scheduled in I’d get all excited just like now
I heard him bike rumbling out front and the door ringed and there he stood, tall and as sexy as ever, he only got better with age, he leaned against the counter and smirked as he took a red lollipop from the jar for customers and smirked at me as he licked it immediately flustering me
“Hey gorgeous you ready for me?”
“Oh um yeah! I’ll open the garage and you can bring it on in” I could feel my checks heat up at his intense gaze, it made me feel bad for looking at him like that since I have a boyfriend but he was an ass so what’s a little fantasizing going to hurt
He pulled up into the garage and pulled a chair up next to me, he always liked to watch me work
“So you still with John?” He asked as he sucked on the lollipop
“Yeah sadly” I accidentally let slip
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“I umm nothing forget I said that”
“You know you can’t lie to me sweetheart, so what is it”
“Fine…..I don’t want to be with him I never really wanted to, sure he was nice…..at first but”
“But?” I looked at him hesitant but he had a way to get things out of me especially secrets
“Remember that night when my window broke?”
“Yeah scared the shit outta me”
“He got drunk and tried to get into my room, I said no and he got mad, he always gets mad and broke my window…….i don’t want to be with him anymore but he won’t let me leave” I look back at him and see the anger
“I’ll kill that son of a bitch”
“Y/n what the hell is this?” Speak of the devil John was standing at the garage door and to say he was livid would be an understatement, I put my tools down and stood up nervously wiping my hands on my pants
“John nothings going on I’m just working on Negans bike”
“Yeah the Negan youre so obviously in love with” I glance at Negan and he’s just glaring at John
“John we’ve been over this, if you’re so jealous just let me leave why do you want to stay with me if you hate me” I sighed frustrated
“You’re mine even if I despise everything about you, you’re stuck with me when I need a good lay”
“You better watch your tongue boy” Negan groaned still kicked back in his chair
“And what are you gonna do about it old man” Negan stood and John was dwarfed by his shadow
“This is done, you ever come near her again, you ever touch her, you even look the side of her and you’ll regret you were ever born” this was the first time that I actual saw John cower little the scum he is, he stepped back from Negan and looked at me as he walked away
“You’re lucky you got your pet around” and then he was gone
I slump down against my chair with my head in my hands, feeling the burden lift off my shoulders but also the guilt, I hated that Negan had to get involved that I’ve been lying to myself for so long, that I can’t stop loving Negan no matter what I do
I don’t say anything and go back to work just wanting to get out of this awkward situation, I start working on the oil change when he speaks up
“You didn’t deserve that baby girl, you’re too good for him”
“Sorry you had to get in the middle of that”
“I’d do it again if it meant I’d get that asshole out of your life”
“Well I’ll just finish up your bike and you can be on your way” I say quickly finishing up and handing collecting his fee at the counter
“Well thanks for the work, what are you doing later?” He asked as he licked his lollipop again sending a tingle through me
“Umm I was just planning on reading a book maybe go to bed early”
“Well if you get bored honey you know where to find me” with that he took his keys and he was off on his bike
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The clock struck 6 and it was time to head home, my parents were gone on a vacation so the house was all to me, I went to my room stripping of the days dirty clothes, taking a quick shower pulling on a clean pair of black lace panties with a matching bra
Looking in the mirror I felt satisfied with the new set I recently bought, I turn and look out my window my heart thumps when I see Negan looking over, for some reason I’m feeling extremely confident so I motion for him to come over as I bite my lip and he’s quick to leave his house, hearing him run up the stairs to my room stopping in the door way, his eyes rooming up and down my almost bare body
“Well are you just gonna stand there?” He approached our bodies mere inches from eachother, his body heat and the smell of his cologne enveloping me in a haze of desire
“Bit of a peeping tom there Mr.Smith” I say lacing my fingers into the hem on his pants pulling him closer
“Can’t help it when a pretty little thing is putting on a show seemingly just for me” his hands gripping my hips, this is everything I’ve fantasized about for years, the innocent flirting, the stolen glances, the wet dreams all leading to this very moment
The rest of the night he showered me with this feeling I never felt with John, like it was about my pleasure, everywhere he touched felt like fire was left in its wake, he’s everything I’ve wanted how he treats me like he worships the ground I walk on, like I’m the air he breaths, I just hope this wasn’t a one night thing
“That was amazing darlin” he says beside me, his arm wrapped around me hips as I’m laid on his chest
“Yeah, I hope this is a one night stand kinda thing though right?”
“Of course not, I’m not gonna be stupid like that prick and let something….someone so amazing and beautiful slip through my fingers, you’re mine now baby”
My heart finally felt at ease like this was where I belonged, in the arms of the man next door
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Sorry guys I haven’t been updating a lot and this was kinda trash, I’ve just been depressed lately and haven’t found my passion in writing right now
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daenysx · 2 days
Hey! Id love to request something for Modern!Aemond fluff/ hurt comfort. If you're not interested no worries at all! But maybe something where you're not together but you're also not 'just friends' and reader is kinda insecure bc they don't have a lot of experience with partners and Aemond starts to notice them acting weird and then it goes from there. But yeah idk if this is a good request or not lol, if you don't feel like writing this no worries at all! Love your writing!
thank you so much for requesting!! i hope you like it ♡ requests are open
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader, hurt/comfort
"what's wrong?"
sometimes you think aemond has super hero senses, how can he feel your distress when you're standing behind his chair? he can't see you but he somehow knows you are fiddling with your fingers, something eats you up inside.
he turns, still sitting on the chair in his room. he looks up to your face, still questioning what's gotten you so nervous.
"um- nothing's wrong, it's just-"
he holds your hands when he realizes your nails are hard on your skin. he separates them and keeps them in his huge palms on each side. "come on."
you take a breath. "do you remember the guy i told you about last week? he was a friend of-"
"rhaena." he completes. "yes, i remember."
"i was thinking- i don't know it sounds stupid now that i think about it but-" you start. you feel close to aemond, you're not ashamed of telling him a story about other guys. "he was acting like we're flirting you know? he was really nice and- i don't know maybe i was expecting him to ask me out after all that flirt."
your voice feels so small. "what happened?" aemond asks, he sounds like he could kill the guy for upsetting you.
"i saw him kissing a girl today." you say. "i don't know if she's his girlfriend but no matter who she is, it means i was hoping for nothing."
it's just a guy. nothing to be upset over. you're not in love with him, he could kiss anyone he wants. still, this is only a little piece of a bigger disappointment. you think no one will ever want you.
"i'm not sad, but i feel bad." you say. "why is it always someone else?"
aemond looks at your curled lips, he always thought you look cute with the frown. he keeps holding your hands, not quite knowing what to say. he's never been the best person to comfort someone but he cares. he cares about you. he doesn't want you to think you're unworthy of anything, he can see the walls of sadness and disappointment you build in your mind.
you straighten your posture when you see him say nothing. what were you thinking anyway? maybe you're looking for some reassurance from a man you're close to, you think he'll tell you you're pretty and smart, that guy should go to hell for making you feel like this. you close your eyes to take a proper breath, pull your hands back to your sides. aemond has an unreadable expression on his face.
"you know what?" you start, trying for a smile. "forget it. i mean, it doesn't mean anything right? there's nothing we can do."
aemond sees you blushing. "i'm sorry, i was just-"
"it's okay, aemond." you say gently. "i wasn't looking for pity or anything else, i'm sorry for overwhelming you with my insecurity."
you're being too honest. you don't care. it's no secret most of the guys you like don't like you back, even when they do, you don't know how to keep them. you have too little experience, the only guy you feel comfortable around is probably aemond. one of your friends said you look like a couple once and you were so surprised at her words you couldn't look at aemond for a week. you can't bring yourself to have romantic feelings for aemond even though there's a potential. you can't lose him.
"your insecurity?" aemond asks with a disbelieving voice. "i don't understand."
so he wants to hear all of it. he can deal with it then, you don't mind telling him.
"i don't think i'll ever be loved by someone i love. it's just- i'm full of half finished stories about that, i'm so sick of feeling like this." you say, taking another deep breath. "i'm not saying this because i expect anything from you. we're close and- you asked."
aemond's lips part open. you're so clearly blind to yourself, you don't even know how you make people feel. you don't know how pretty he thinks you are, how kind and sweet. he doesn't want to ruin his relationship with you- he doesn't even know what to call this thing between you two. friends? friends who secretly like each other but being too afraid of losing one another because how inexperienced you both are in relationships?
he holds your hand again, squeezes your fingers in an attempt to comfort you just one bit. you let him do that, you close your eyes when he rubs the back of your hand with his thumb. he brings your hand to his lips, brushes a tiny kiss on your skin. is that what affection feels like? you're a stranger but you could love it.
"aemond, what-"
"i know how much you hate being wrong but- you are in fact wrong, sweetheart."
he kisses your hand again, it feels nice. "you think you're unloveable? do you even see yourself?"
you can't help a tear escape. "i'm-"
"no, you don't." he answers his own question. "you don't know how pretty you are. you don't know your effect on people. your effect on me."
you try to pull your hand back. "you don't have to prove anything. i didn't tell all these to get something in return, i don't want your pity."
he is strong as he holds your hand. he looks up to you, gives you a smile. "i'm not pitying you. if there's anyone who needs pity it's me."
he promises himself that he's not gonna ruin anything. he will not mess this up. he can't. aemond targaryen's life is full of ruined relationships and sad stories, he'd be damned if you'd be one of them.
"aemond, we shouldn't-"
"no, i know." he stands up. "i know exactly what you think. i've been thinking the same things since i met you."
you look unsure. this is a dangerous game to play, you don't know if you're brave enough.
"tell me about them." you say, can't control your thoughts or your words. "tell me what we think."
aemond takes a deep breath, he places your hand on his heart. "we both think this is too fucked up. we don't want to lose each other but-"
you look deep into his eye, consequences be damned. "but?"
"we are losing the chance of a perfect pairing." he says with a low voice. "i can be better than all those guys who made you upset. you really don't know how i see you."
it feels exciting, your heartbeat goes into madness. can you let yourself accept buried feelings for him? his look is promising and confident. your brain stops thinking when you rise on your tiptoes to kiss him.
the kiss feels like true insanity. you don't know if you'll feel satisfied or regret what you did minutes later. aemond kisses you back and the clouds of madness disappear. he holds the back of your neck, a possessive kind of touch that you've never felt before.
"we still have a lot to talk about." you say, breaking the kiss.
aemond presses his forehead against yours softly. "i know." he says. "just let me kiss you one more time."
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skzdust · 3 days
Snapshots: "Oh, do not fucking do that." + Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Changbin x reader, Hyunjin x reader
Bang Chan and Lee Know here! Other 4 coming soon!
Word count: ~ 300 each
Author's Note: I know Changbin's isn't super "enemies" but I followed my heart and here's where we are.
Reblogs, comments, likes all appreciated!!
You sneak another glimpse of him across the gym.
Seo Changbin. He’s about 5’6”, painfully attractive, always laughing or smiling or quirking an eyebrow at you.
You don’t know him, not really. You talk when you’re there at the same time-which usually happens to be Monday and Wednesday afternoons. You have a friendly contest to see which of you can run a faster mile.
But Seo Changbin is, in fact, painfully attractive. You haven’t been able to stop thinking about him.
He’s taking a gulp of water now, wiping some sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. You feel your cheeks heating up, and convince yourself it’s just because of the workout (never mind that you haven’t even started yet).
You take a sip of your own water and set it down, your stomach flipping in anticipation as you walk towards him.
He looks up as you approach. “Y/n! Have a new time for me to beat on the treadmill?” His smile is easy and relaxed.
“Not quite.” You force a laugh.
“What’s up?” He looks confused.
“I, er…” You start, trying to work up your courage.
“Oh, don’t do that, what is it?”
“I was gonna ask… would you wanna get drinks after the gym sometime?” You say in a rush, refusing to look at him.
“Drinks? With my greatest running enemy?” He sounds outraged, but you have a feeling he’s joking. “I’d love to, y/n.” You finally look up, and Changbin’s smiling at you, and your stomach flips again, a storm of butterflies.
You look up from your hands in your lap to see Hyunjin standing in front of you, head tilted to the side under his hood.
“Hyunjin.” You groan.
Your parents and Hyunjin’s have been friends since college, but you and he haven’t shared that friendship. Ever since you were kids, Hyunjin has been quietly teasing you, making jabs and jokes, and you’ve been doing the same. Neither of you knows who started it, but that’s the way it’s always been.
Your families haven’t seen each other in a while, but you know they live in this part of town. You hadn’t considered that when you’d come to this park with your boyfr—your ex.
“It’s raining.” Hyunjin says.
“Yes.” You agree.
“And you’re… sitting there.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Since when do you care?” You cross your arms. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
“I was out for a walk.” He crosses his arms. “And then it started raining, so I was about to head home.”
“Oh.” You look down again.
“Seriously, something’s wrong.”
“No shit.”
You hear the rustling of fabric, and you look up. Hyunjin’s pulling off his hoodie, holding it out to you.
“No, it’s raining, I don’t want—”
“Oh, do not fucking do that.” He shoves it at you. “Just put it on. You’re making me cold just looking at you.”
You slip on the hoodie, inhaling a deep breath of Hyunjin’s scent, which is oddly comforting. “My ex broke up with me.”
“Oh.” It’s Hyunjin’s turn to look awkward. “I’m sorry.”
You sniffle. “Whatever.”
You’re both quiet for a second.
“Come with me.” He says abruptly. “Come back to my house. No one’s home. I’ll make you some food or something.”
“Are you sure? Cause I don’t—”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He interrupts, nodding. “We can talk about how I’m gonna kill your ex.”
You smile. “That sounds like what I need right now.”
Hyunjin smiles, too. “C’mon.”
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cripplecharacters · 2 days
Hi, this is probably a stupid question but would it make sense/be accurate for an autistic character to have, like,,,,, normal facial expressions, at the correct time (like when they're happy or sad) like a neurotypical person? Without having to mask and intentionally force themselves to make those faces?
I'm autistic but I don't think I do this. I don't talk to people unless I absolutely have to and my memory is dogshit so I can't recall any times when people have commented on my facial expressions, and I definitely do make expressions sometimes, just maybe not in the right contexts or not very often.
I'm making a comic and one of the characters is autistic and very based on my own symptoms (she's the main character so since she gets a lot of screen time, I figured it would be easiest if I already knew how to represent her).
My reasoning behind wanting her expressive is:
There are already two other characters with autism who are pretty blank and expressionless.
It's a comic and I want to draw a lot of fun expressions, I want her to be able to smile softly and snarl and look baffled and make all kinds of faces, without her having to mask and constantly be miserable.
But my problem is that I want her to actually have autism. And when I look up posts online from other people, I'm really not seeing a whole lot of "Oh yeah I can emote and make facial expressions exactly like a normal person, in the correct contexts, automatically without masking."
So I'm not sure at this point if this is something we can even do? I've seen quite a few autistic people say that our brains literally do not work this way.
Maybe, would it be possible that she has the opposite problem most autistic people do? Most of us are sort of blank and expressionless and have to mask and make ourselves look happy/surprised/angry.
I thought that instead, she could be TOO expressive, so she would have the correct expressions at the correct times (looking angry when she's angry) but she wouldn't notice this, and would make the wrong expression at a bad time?
For example, if she was at a funeral and found something funny, she would unintentionally smile/scrunch her face up and everyone would get pissed because "Omg girl their grandma got killed by a dragon and you're laughing?"
So most autistics = masking to create expressions
But her = masking to remove expressions
I hope this makes sense It's midnight and I need to sleep lmao
Hi asker!
I just wanted to say that it is, in fact, possible for autistic people to be naturally expressive. A flat or flatter affect might be more common, and many autistic people mask to create expressions. But that doesn't mean all!
Me, personally, I'm autistic. I've been called expressive pretty often. I generally smile when I'm happy, frown when I'm pissed off, widen my eyes when I'm surprised – expressions you'd consider normal. This happens less often the more tired I am, and in my diagnosis debrief I was told that what I do that isn't normal is that I don't direct expressions to people: basically, that I don't use expressions to communicate with others, they just sort of happen. Which surprised me, because I saw communication as kind of a side effect of expressions as opposed to the main purpose, if that makes sense?
One of my adult family members is autistic as well. They are also very expressive, in fact kind of too expressive like you mention your character could be. They can't really hide the facial expressions they do (that generally correspond to typical expressions) and so can't really hide what they're feeling, even when it would be better to hide it. Their version of masking would be working to remove these expressions, which they don't actually do, but that would be the case.
That's two examples of people with autism that are pretty typically expressive, yet still show social/communication difficulties even in that. So: what you're describing is definitely possible.
As a side note:
Autism is two-fold: social/communication difficulties, and restrictive/repetitive behavior. Everyone who has autism experiences those two aspects. However, autism is also very varied in how these things present, so be wary of anything or anyone that says something (other than those two things) applies to either absolutely all or absolutely no autistic people. Sure, some presentations are more common – like a flat affect, or lack of eye contact, or how hand-flapping is a common stim. But no single presentation is universal. And on top of that, 'difficulties with social communication' doesn't have to mean 'difficulties with every single aspect of this.' It can! But it doesn't always.
Also, wow, I have typed the word "expression" so much that it barely seems like a real word right now!
– mod sparrow
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feroluce · 2 days
For some extra context, I have a whole henghill manifesto I wrote over here, but the tl;dr is that Dan Heng decides to use the Jade Abacus of Allying Oath to save the Express Crew the first time. Boothill urges him to think it over carefully, but he doesn't stop him. And then, the second time Dan Heng decides to use it, we get this instead:
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And just! That's so!! so!!!
Because like. We see in the first battle against Sunday that that Jade Abacus is effective, like we really do just get an entire army lead by a whole-ass Emanator of The Hunt right to our location and ready to fuck shit up. It's important. It's incredibly valuable. That is a huge amount of power to hold in the palm of one's hand.
But Tiernan's relic works the same way.
Galaxy Rangers are terribly dangerous. Boothill comments on this when discussing Acheron's motives, because he can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to get The Hunt on their asses. They're considered to be on a level even above The Annihilation Gang.
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And now, with the burial relic, he has a way to get thousands of them, almost immediately, and all in one place.
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And you can't tell me that wouldn't be something extremely useful to Boothill, like literally life-saving. He's wanted by the IPC. He makes his living as a bounty hunter. His whole driving motivation in life right now is to do whatever he can, up to and including throwing away his own human body, to ruthlessly hunt down one man and kill him in revenge. Like that has to be dangerous, the IPC is a massive entity with far-reaching influence and money and power and weaponry. He surely must have already had some close calls.
Like can you imagine it? Galaxy Rangers are solitary creatures. If Boothill were to find himself near death, he would probably be all alone. Do you think he had regrets? Did he wonder if anyone would find his own burial relic? Did it feel the same way it did when they melted his flesh, replaced it with metal? Did he lay there with his vision slowly blacking out until he thought of home, and family, and the little daughter who he never even got to hear her first word, until he was so full of fury that he could prop himself up on his rage like a crutch and find help?
Tiernan's relic would have been like a get-out-of-jail-free card. Just for one time, no matter where Boothill was, someone would find him. The Galaxy Rangers aren't sociable or organized between themselves, but they help their own. Someone would save him.
He chooses to give all of that up to help Dan Heng.
And I just cannot get over it, especially the wording of it, the pause before he speaks, the gentle way he tells him to hold onto his once-in-a-lifetime treasure...!! He wants Dan Heng to leave this to him! He wants him to keep this precious item that will help him save his companions again in the future! And maybe it's just...wishful thinking, me reading too much into it? But I mean. Just the way he says it...
I really do think it comes from a place of deep kinship and respect. That there's a lot of thought and feeling behind that statement. Something from one Pathstrider of The Hunt to another. Boothill fought for his home and his family, he fought really really hard! But. Sometimes that just doesn't matter. And now he's watching Dan Heng fight for his, too.
When he made that decision the first time, Dan Heng was in the parlor car of the Astral Express. He was completely removed from any danger. He could have chosen to get the hell out of Dodge and not look back. Obviously we know he would never even consider such a thing, but it was technically an option, and Boothill watched him decide to go back into the proverbial lion's den for his friends anyway. And I'm sure that was part of what sealed his decision, to later use Tiernan's relic instead of the Jade Abacus to summon enough people to disrupt Ena's Dream. Because he greatly values ideas like righteousness and justice and saving people, and Dan Heng so beautifully embodies all of that and then some.
Boothill doesn't have people to protect anymore, only ghosts to avenge.
And there is just something so endlessly endearing about him wanting to help Dan Heng, to make sure his friend doesn't go through that the way he did.
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obsessivecelestial · 3 days
I am feeling indifferent? I’m not sure. I’ve just finished processing Solars death and accepting it and now???
Now I think I feel furious with the family.
Here’s a ramble; warning for some mild swearing and yelling(?)
First, they all grieve together. Moon starts falling distant. Nobody does anything. (By this I mean, they tried ONCE and then left him ALONE.)
Second, Moon starts lashing out. They don’t do anything, again.
Third, he locks himself away because somewhere they failed him.
I don’t think they truly realize how much Solar really meant to Moon. Sometimes you just find your person. And when you do, they are your life. Your entire world. They are your reason.
When that person leaves. Or dies. You lose all sense of purpose. You lose touch with reality. You feel angry that you couldn’t have done anything.
Solar was Moons person. Solar was Moons reason and that final rock that stopped the boulder from tumbling. Alongside the other rocks.
When that stability, when that rock wiggled loose and rolled away, the entire boulder came with and scattered all the other rocks.
One of those rocks shattered at the bottom while the other could do nothing but watch as it did.
Moon lost his reason. While he may have Sun, Lunar and Earth. They didn’t click with him like Solar did. They didn’t bond emotionally like Solar did. And I don’t think any of them realize that.
And it pisses me off that, not only, did Earth give up on Moon after a couple of WORDS. She completely ABANDONED HIM.
And laughs with him the next. Fucking. DAY.
UGH!! I hope Moon never forgives them. I HOPE Eclipse brings Solar back and Solar is pissed at the family for abandoning Moon when he needed them MOST. And I HOPE that they. Feel. Guilty. I hope it takes FOREVER to repair the damage they caused because they couldn’t briefly set aside the smaller issues. (Not talking about the trauma, talking about their feelings being hurt. They could’ve taken some words and sucked it up just to help Moon, but they didn’t.)
Sun is literally doing WORSE than what happened to him!
I’m just- and I heard Foxy actually suggested KILLING MOON FOR OLD MOON??? LIKE WTF!? THATS LITERALLY YOUR FRIEND??
I’m sorry. I’m just so pissed off right now.
I hope this backfires like hell in their faces and they realize what they did wrong.
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deanstead · 5 hours
Welcome Home
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Requested: Yes, by anon
Summary: Sam gets an unexpected call from Y/N, which brings another surprise for Dean
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Word Count: 2.7K
Tags/Warnings: Dad!Dean, canon-typical mentions of blood/violence
A/N: In my "everything i write sucks" era but thanks to @seatsbythepit for her consistent beta services! I think this was in my inbox for a (long) while so I finally got this out!
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Sam frowned, glancing at his phone where it was lighting up with an incoming call from a number he didn’t know.
Not many people had this number, so he picked up warily, as Dean looked up.
There was a short silence on the other end of the line before a familiar voice reached his ears.
Sam froze.
Dean sat up straighter, his eyes flicking toward his brother but Sam wasn’t paying attention.
It had been more than 2 years since you’d left and not a day had gone by that Dean didn’t blame himself for it. Sometimes, when he lay in bed at night, the last fight still haunted him - the look in your eyes when those hurtful words had cut across the room, the defeated sound in your voice as you looked him in the eyes and told him that if that’s what he thought of you, there was no point to all this.
After you left, he’d spent too many days staring at your name in his lists of contacts, his thumb hovering over the call button. The days ticked by, and soon it was way too late for Dean to call or reach out so he was left with replaying the last conversation you’d ever had like he needed to torture himself to make up for the hurt.
“Where are you?” Sam’s voice pulled Dean out of his thoughts and he frowned. That was never a good sign.
Sam spoke in a low voice before he nodded and hung up.
Dean stared at his younger brother as Sam stood, pausing as his eyes flicked toward Dean who was watching intently.
“Dean, she…”
Dean nodded, his eyes flicking back downward. “Yeah, I don’t blame her.”
“Look, why don’t you help from here, alright? I’ll make sure she’s alright.” Sam said, although he knew it must be killing Dean. 
“Yeah, just let me know what you need,” Dean responded, failing to hide the slight dejection in his voice as Sam left.
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His name flowed off your lips the moment you opened the door, feeling familiar yet foreign at the same time. Yet, it was really good to see him.
Sam just smiled, enveloping you in a tight hug the way only an older brother would. “It’s good to see you.”
You nodded, smiling.
“You flying solo?” Sam asked, frowning.
You shook your head. “I’m not hunting. Not really. We were just passing through and I wanted to just run, but I… I couldn’t. Now, my friend’s sister is missing and I just…”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Wait. We?”
You gave him a guilty smile. “That’s why I called.” You paused before continuing. “And why I asked you to come alone. I didn’t think I should surprise Dean out here.”
Sam gave you a confused look and you exhaled slowly.
Without saying anything more, you led Sam into the room, as his eyes fell upon a two-year-old kid. A kid who was unmistakably Dean’s son as he gripped a miniature Impala car in his hand where he was sitting on the ground.
Sam looked at you in surprise.
You nodded. “This is Leo.”
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It was probably a Winchester thing but Leo took to Sam almost immediately despite the fact he never let anyone else but you carry him for the past two years. 
You remembered how he’d wail in the doctor's or nurse’s arms but he seemed perfectly content sitting in Uncle Sammy’s arms now, playing with Sam’s hair.
“I was gonna get a friend to watch him, but if he likes you so much…”
Sam looked at you like you were crazy. “You’re not going alone.”
You exhaled slowly and nodded, like you’d already expected this answer from him.
Instead, Sam asked to review the information you had. It felt almost like the good old days, as you watched Sam pore over the notes you had at the small desk at the motel, the only thing different being that Dean wasn’t here and you had a two-year-old who’d fallen asleep in your arms.
You knew Sam was planning to call Dean when he left to get dinner but you pretended like you didn’t, busying yourself with preparing Leo’s meal.
When Sam returned with food for the both of you, you glanced at him and he nodded. “Yeah, I called Dean. Look, you know the research there is helpful. It won’t hurt.”
You shrugged. “I didn’t say anything.”
Sam glanced up at you. “What’s the plan, Y/N? Why didn’t you tell him? Or me?”
You glanced over your shoulder at where Leo was sleeping soundly and sighed softly. “I don’t know. I guess… I guess Dean and I never really had the talk. I didn’t know where he stood with regards to having kids, especially in this life.”
You paused, looking up at Sam momentarily before continuing. “Besides, we’d broken up. I thought he’d try to come and get me but… well, he didn’t. By the time I found out I was pregnant, too much time had passed and I didn’t know how to tell him.”
Sam nodded quietly, letting you continue.
“But I got out. I didn’t let Leo into this part of our life. Until today. And I hate it that he’s here when there’s a nest of fucking vamps right here. I didn’t…”
Sam reached out and squeezed your shoulder. “You were right to call. No matter what, it never hurts to have someone looking out for you.”
You smiled. “Well, I’m glad it’s you…”
“And Dean. Sorta.” You added after a small silence.
The conversation was cut short by Sam’s phone and he quickly answered it. “Anything good?”
You could hear the crackle of Dean’s voice and you felt your heart give a jolt. A jolt that didn’t exactly surprise you. Of course, how could you ever get over Dean Winchester?
You could vaguely hear Dean giving Sam some additional information before Sam hung up, glancing at you.
“You sure about this, Y/N?”
You glanced at Leo before nodding. You planted a firm kiss on Leo’s head, nodding to your friend, Samantha.
“Don’t worry. Sam’s great at what he does. We’ll figure this out.” 
She nodded back at you, assuring you that Leo was in safe hands.
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It was your first hunt in a long while, but being a hunter seemed to already be a part of your DNA. 
Armed with the information that Dean had dug up, you and Sam managed to infiltrate the nest, easily lopping heads of vampires off as they were caught off-guard. You were glad Sam was there to have your back, especially when you both made your way to the dead center of the nest. 
“Sharon?” You kept your voice low. 
You headed to where she was huddled in the corner. You didn’t know Sharon well but you’d met once or twice when you’d come up here to meet Samantha.
Her voice shook slightly. 
You nodded. “Yeah. I promised Samantha I’d bring you home.”
Sharon looked around, her eyes flicking to a dead body lying to the side. “They’re…”
You shook your head at Sharon. “Sharon, look at me. We’re going to get you home alright? Trust me.”
“Come on, Y/N.” Sam urged gently. 
Of course, you knew hunts never went that smoothly. 
A growl alerted you that a vamp had joined you and your body stiffened, the grip on the machete in your hand tightening. 
“Sam, get her out of here.”
“Y/N.” Sam’s voice was stressed and you recognized it, the struggle between leaving you here and taking Sharon to safety. 
“I’ll be fine.” You assured him, glancing back at the new arrival.
Sam didn’t answer but you knew the exact moment when he took Sharon and left, their footsteps seeming to echo as they got further away. 
“You hunters are the real monsters.” The vampire droned, staring at you. “Here we are, just trying to survive and you break into our home and kill my entire family.”
You tried to stifle the sarcastic laughter that was at the tip of your tongue.
“That’s rich coming from you.”
You knew it was coming before the vampire twitched, and you swung your machete upward as he rushed toward you. 
The vampire sidestepped, missing the machete by inches as it growled, even more determined to get you.
You stepped back again as it lunged at you, your heart sinking as you felt yourself lose your footing. 
You rolled out of the way but the vampire was too quick, pouncing upon you. 
You raised your machete but it was too close, the machete inching closer toward you as the vampire bared its fangs at you. 
You held onto a single thought. You had to get home to Leo. 
Then, as if by sheer willpower, the unmistakable sound of a blade swishing through the air before the vampire’s head rolled off its shoulders. 
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Dean had lasted all of five minutes after the last call with Sam before he’d muttered a “screw this” to himself and torn his way out of the bunker and down to where Sam and you were.
You were still stunned as Dean rolled what was left of the vampire off you and helped you up.
“You alright? Are you hurt?” Dean’s eyes studied you, unable to differentiate if the blood on you was the result of any injuries you might have sustained before he’d arrived.
You shook your head. “I’m fine.”
The atmosphere sank into awkwardness as the both of you stood there now in silence.
“Sorry, Y/N. I know you wanted me to sit this one out, but I…”
You shook your head and interrupted him. “No, I… Thanks, Dean.”
You fell back into silence, both of you walking out toward the exit to Sam.
“God, Y/N!” Sharon’s stressed voice made her way to you first but you didn’t miss the surprised look Sam gave his brother even as you were assuring Sharon you weren’t hurt.
You looked up to see Dean quietly heading to the Impala, and before you could think through your next move, you were running toward him.
Dean paused and turned to look at you.
You took a deep breath. “We need to talk.”
There was a look in Dean’s eyes that sat somewhere between confusion and intrigue.
You looked down at your blood-stained clothes and smiled. “Give me a few hours and I’ll come meet you at the bunker?” 
The words rolled off your tongue feeling foreign yet welcoming at the same time.
“The bunker?” Dean asked.
You shrugged. “Or wherever you guys want. If you don’t want me there.”
Dean shook his head. “That’s not what I…” He paused before continuing. “See you there.”
You watched the Impala drive off before you turned back to look at Sam, who had a small smile on his face, and you knew he’d heard everything.
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You’d delivered Sharon safely back to Samantha, who hadn’t asked any questions, just glad to see her sister again. and you even managed to shower and change before Leo even noticed you and Sam were gone.
Now, Sam pulled up outside the bunker and you took a deep breath. 
“Ready?” Sam asked softly.
You gave a short laugh. “Never.”
You felt everything at the same time as you took Leo in your arms and walked into the bunker, the memories seeming to hit you all at once - the way this place made you feel, the laughter in your head that belonged to a memory of the three of you as you sat in Dean's embrace.
Even if this was the same place where things had ended, it was the happy memories that followed you as you walked down the stairs now.
Dean stepped out of the kitchen, freezing in his footsteps.
His eyes took in the sight before him, a kid that looked like a carbon copy of himself except for the eyes that were undoubtedly yours.
You cleared your throat and exhaled. 
“Hey Leo, let’s go find you some snacks,” Sam said, reaching his hands out for Leo.
Leo cracked a smile and allowed Sam to pick him out of your arms. “Pie!”
Sam glanced over at Dean, unable to hide a chuckle. “I’m sure we have that.”
The silence that followed was almost loud as Dean looked at you in disbelief and you cleared your throat. “Let’s talk.”
Dean led the way into the library, unsure if he should be pissed or happy to see you.
You leaned against one of the tables, as Dean looked back at you.
“Sorry.” You said quietly, looking down. You knew Dean had every right to be angry and you braced yourself for the rise in his voice but nothing came.
You glanced up at him again, meeting the green eyes you’d sorely missed.
Met with Dean’s silence you spoke again. “I didn’t know how to tell you. By the time I found out about it, too much time had passed since the last time we spoke. I stared at your number but I was afraid. I…” You took another breath. “We never talked about this. I didn’t know if you’d be happy or not and I chickened out.”
“So were you never going to tell me?” Dean finally asked.
You couldn’t really determine the tone of his voice but you shook your head.
“I… I kinda was on the way here.” You said quietly.
Dean’s eyebrows shot up. 
“I didn’t really have a plan.” You said. “Part of me thought if I just drove here, I wouldn’t be able to back out anymore. Then, that nest of vamps kidnapped my friend’s sister so I…”
“So you called Sam.” It was a statement.
You gave him a tentative smile. “Didn’t think you’d appreciate seeing Leo without an explanation in the middle of a hunt.”
Dean exhaled slowly.
“So what now?” Dean asked.
You didn’t dare look up at him, afraid your eyes would give you away. The eyes that screamed how you were still in love with him and that you’d missed him every single day that you’d been apart. The way your heart crumbled every time Leo smiled because it reminded you of Dean, and how all you wanted was to be enveloped in those arms again.
Even as those thoughts ran through your mind, you felt the prick of tears because this was exactly why you’d put off telling Dean about Leo.
“I don’t know, D.” You answered quietly. 
Your voice cracked slightly and you hoped Dean hadn’t picked up on it.
“Y/N.” He called, forcing you to look up at him, even though the tears blurred your vision.
Dean closed the gap between the both of you, one hand cupping your face as he pressed his lips against yours, his other arm snaking around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
“God, I missed you,” Dean whispered, as he pulled away just a little, your faces still pressed together.
You buried your face into his shoulder without saying anything, feeling your tears get absorbed into the shirt he had on.
You needn’t have worried about Leo. You looked at you son clutching the tiny toy Impala while he sat in his father's arms almost triumphantly as they came back in. Dean had brought Leo to see the real thing, and Leo had a ball of a time just sitting in the Impala.
“Mama, can we stay?” Leo asked with anticipation in his voice.
You froze. Dean and you hadn’t talked about anything. He’d kissed you, you’d hugged and then you’d gotten him out of that library to meet his son.
Dean closed the gap between the two of you, putting Leo into a giant hug between the both of you before he reached out for your hand.
“Stay,” Dean said quietly.
You glanced up at him. 
“I’m not going to lose you again.” Dean added, squeezing your hand gently. “Not for anything in the world.”
The words felt stuck in your throat, but you glanced at Leo and smiled. “Yeah, we’re staying with Daddy and Uncle Sammy.”
Dean leaned forward to press a quick kiss to your lips amidst Leo's triumphant yells.
Sam moved forward to press you into a hug. “Welcome home, Y/N.”
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