#something i should note: a while ago i got an ask talking about my human designs
tigergirltail · 3 days
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Everything hurts.
I started noticing it about two weeks after my first dose. It felt like a dull headache at first, but over the next month it spread to pretty much my entire body.
I had to start working from home, and eventually it got bad enough that I could only put in a few hours of work each day. My boss is a reasonable enough guy, but he wasn't going to pay a full time salary for part time hours, so I had to take a salary cut.
Luckily, my partner is around to take care of daily errands, not to mention being there to reassure and comfort me when the pain gets bad. They've been thinking about seeing if Lindwurm HRT is a thing, but they don't want to get the process started until I'm in the clear and can take care of myself again.
Gods I love them.
The reason the pain is happening, as best I can tell, is that my skeletal structure is already changing. I've gotten at least an inch taller, and my face has been reshaping into a feline muzzle. My teeth are getting sharper, and I'm developing proper fangs. I also noticed a little while ago that my fingernails and toenails had receded into their respective digits, which sucks for two reasons - I can't paint fingernails I don't have, and they are sore as HELL when I put any amount of pressure on them. I have to be REALLY careful with how I type to not inflict agony on myself. I'm also feeling my tail growing in, and even if it hurts, it's euphoric as HELL. A tail was always the part I wanted most out of this.
It's weird, the skeletal changes weren't supposed to happen this early. I've been trying to reach Dr. Erian about it, but he's constantly busy, probably because of the sudden surge of people looking for Humanity Removal Therapy.
Other than that, I've been getting areas of white and black fur coming in - mostly on my arms and legs, but a little bit on my face and ears - ears that are gradually reshaping and migrating. Nothing to report on hearing sensitivity, but I think my night vision is getting better.
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I did a little bit of looking around for anyone with similar pain experiences. I got my hopes up when I found a girl, Antonina, who had a painful experience with Cat HRT, but it turns out it's because she took the rumoured Fifteen Minute version. She described the pain as "like bathing in an active volcano".
It leaves me wondering whether I would have preferred a 15-minute lava bath over a months-long full-body headache.
I ended up reaching out to her anyway, just because I wanted to know what I was in for in the endgame and feline HRT is rarer than I thought it would be. Sounds like the prey drive is the real deal - she keeps feeling the urge to bite this one girl who's on mouse HRT.
We've been spending some time comparing notes and getting to know each other. It's nice to know someone else who's going through this thing, even if our experiences aren't exactly one-to-one.
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I also talked to my mother for the first time in nearly a year. I went No Contact with her a while back because she was only getting more obnoxious and combative about me being trans, but I figured changing my species is a big enough deal that I should keep her in the loop.
Besides, my savings had nearly dried up and I needed to ask her for money.
It… did not go well. She hadn't heard of therian HRT before, and once I explained it, she started panicking about how I'm "mutilating my body" with "untested treatments". I think I also heard her cry something about how her "son" is "killing himself", which is just multiple layers of insensitive.
At least she sent me some money. Hopefully it'll be enough to last until my transformation stops being agonizing and I can go back to work, and then I can go right back to pretending my family doesn't exist.
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At roughly the three-month mark, I have a check-in video call with Dr. Erian. From the moment his face appears on screen, though, I can tell something is wrong. He seems… older, somehow.
"Hello, Miss Alexis.", he offers. He sounds tired. Sorrowful, even.
"Hey, doc." I have to ask about it. "Everything okay? You seem a bit tired."
"Nothing to worry about Miss Alexis, just the ordinary stresses of daily life."
Liar. I know I'm not entitled to details of your personal life, much less your professional secrets, but I know when something is eating at someone.
"…Does the word 'crossroads' mean anything to you, Miss Alexis?"
Huh? That came a bit out of left field. "I've… heard some other therian HRT patients use the term, but I don't know much of the details. Something about a point of no return?"
"Something of the sort." He lowers his head and seems to go from sorrowful to downright grim. "There will come a time, Miss Alexis, when you will have to make a very important decision in your care, and I ask that you do so with great consideration for the consequences."
I recoil a little in my seat. "Yeah… Of course I will. Any decision I make, even reaching out to you in the first place, I don't take it lightly."
"Good… That's good." His demeanor shifts back to his stoic, clinical self. I don't know what just happened, but he went somewhere for a moment there.
"Now then, I did receive your messages, I apologize for not getting back to you. You mentioned you were experiencing persistent and debilitating whole-body soreness?"
"Yeah. I can't even leave the apartment most days, it hurts so much."
"Odd… You are taking the treatment as directed, yes?"
"Of course. One tablespoon a week, just like it says on the bottle."
I see his eyes twitch behind his glasses. Did I say something wrong?
I cock my head to the side. "Say again?"
"You mean one TEASPOON a week, yes?"
I feel my heart sink. The dark smear on the dosage information… I could have sworn it said '1 tbsp/week'.
"…Could you hold on a second please?" I mute the mic and call out to my partner to bring the bottle of tiger HRT over. When they do, I unmute and hold it up to the webcam. I hear Dr. Erian take a sharp intake of breath as he notices the obscured instructions.
I set the bottle aside and the two of us share an awkward silence.
"So…", I begin. "…How bad is it?"
"The good news", he offers slowly, "is that you have only been taking three times the prescribed dose. An increased dose imbalances the growth rate of the different parts of your body, hence your pain and persistent weakness, but it could have been much worse."
I think back to the so-called Fifteen Minute version, and Antonina's description of it - like bathing in an active volcano.
Dr. Erian continues. "Assuming you return to a CORRECT dose, your growth rates will gradually level out over the course of the next month or so. It is my medical opinion that you should maintain a low-activity lifestyle until then, but you will eventually be able to return to your typical activity level, and you will also find that the physical effects become more… consistent."
"That's… reassuring. Thank you, doctor." I pause. Something I noticed a little while ago has been weighing on my mind. "There's one thing, though - do the treatments have… I guess you'd call them restorative or regenerative effects? I've noticed some old wounds aren't there anymore."
The doctor clicks his pen and brings up his notepad. "Interesting. Do go on, Miss Alexis."
"Well… I used to get lower back pain from a car crash injury I got a little over a year ago, but I haven't noticed it at all lately. Pretty much the only part that DOESN'T hurt… There also used to be some marks on my arm from a cat biting me when I was little." I give a slight smile. "The cat's name was Tiger, go figure."
Dr. Erian is writing the whole time I'm talking. "Yes, that is to be expected. Minor persistent injuries will fade over time as your body re-forms itself to a new baseline, even severe chronic symptoms may fade. If there are no other concerns…"
"Just one… Most of the other therian HRT patients I've talked to have gotten their meds as pills, so what's with the potion bottle?"
Dr. Erian pauses, and adjusts his glasses nervously, as if he's been caught out on something he doesn't want to admit to. "Well… advances in the field are occurring rapidly, and you are one of the more recent patients, so a more… streamlined option was available to you. I took the liberty of choosing the most compatible option based on your medical records, and that bottle is it."
"Okay… But what's IN it?"
"The active ingredients are antihominidone, which is your humanity-blocker, and a specialized formula of felistrogen, infused with white tiger genetic material. The rest of the fluid is a suspension used to dilute the effects, without which you would be looking at a short, but excruciating and potentially lethal process."
The Fifteen Minute version, I think to myself. I'm taking diluted Fifteen Minute meds. There's no WAY this isn't experimental, and I'M the experiment. I despise saying it, but maybe my mother was right to worry.
"But I'm afraid I really do have to go, Miss Alexis, my next appointment is waiting."
"G-gotcha. See ya, doctor."
Special thanks to @paintedbytosia for letting me write her in, and shoutout to @megamoonerjenny for coming up with 'antihominidone'
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smile-files · 2 years
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some bfb humie redesigns!! i was especially keen on redesigning characters i used to get a lot of drawing requests for, namely basketball, cake, and naily :)
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jennifer-jeong · 1 month
[Fluff + Angst] [Wanderer x Reader] Human
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SUMMARY You make him feel human.
CONTENT Angst to fluff, mentions of Wanderer's trauma, mentions of suicidal ideation, he's kinda mean to you at first, CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOUR'S NOTE THIS IS WAS INSPIRED BY YOU MY POOKIE @thepurestgirll TY FOR BEING SO SWEET ESP BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE MANY MOOTS JFKDS;LAJ I love your fics and aesthetic and I hope to continue to see your content because I will always be here to love and support it >:)
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Word Count: 854
Quiet sobs rack through the empty metal chamber. In the middle sits a man puppet of a man. Clutching the electro gnosis to his chest as his tears pelt the cold floor. Wasn’t this all he ever wanted? He finally has a “heart,” he should feel human, loved, and fit in now, right? But why is he crying? Why does he still feel hollow? Why does he want to give it all up to just be a normal human? Why did his mother create him this way just to throw him aside and make him suffer even more? Why not just have killed him long ago? Should he do it himself? Be free of this wretched body? Be free of all the earthly pain?
So many questions swirled in his mind. His gentle soul has been beat and battered to the point where he doesn’t know the meaning of peace anymore. He’s been alive for so long, chasing the same answer, the same goal. Yet, here he is. So many questions and not a single fucking answer.
Even after all that extra bullshit with Nahida, the traveler, and Irminsul, he only got bits and pieces of answers he needed. He was still lost and hurting, not that he’d ever admit that. So naturally he’s a complete ass to you when all you’re trying to do is help. You’re another adventurer and you often help the traveler when needed. You witnessed a good amount of Wanderer’s tragic journey in Sumeru and afterwards asked Nahida (his mom) if it would be a good idea to try to talk to him. She said yes but that it’d be quite… difficult.
You persevered, though. Through every insult thrown your way, all the times he ignored you, and even the times his attitude almost got you hurt when adventuring. After weeks of it, he found himself here, crying, but this time, in your arms.
He was yelling at you like he usually does but this time it was because you almost got crushed by debris while you two were out on combat commissions. He was telling you how stupid you were, how it would’ve gotten you killed, and how he… couldn’t let it happen. You smiled at him, hearing him say something caring for the first time since you started this whole mission of yours. You walk towards him slowly as he continues to insult you.
“You stupid humans, you never think before you act. Imagine what would’ve happened if I didn’t call out to you to warn you. You-… You’d be dead! I’d spite you because of it! You and your human body, so fucking fragile. Why did I ever want to be like your kind anyways?”
As you close the distance, he gets panicked and confused, shouting at you.
“Why are you even still here anyways?! Isn’t all this too much for you? Why would you want to help someone like me? Don’t you know I’m not human? Why would you want me here? Why would you want to stay? W-why…”
You reach out your arms to slowly envelop him in a hug as his tears well in his eyes. He puts his hands on your shoulders to push you back lightly as if he didn’t want the contact, but he was barely putting up a fight. You both knew that if he didn’t want you to touch him, you wouldn’t even be able to.
“Why… do you even care about me,” he croaked out as his voice started to crack.
“Because I see all the good in you, and I want you to let others see it as well,” you say gently as you pull him close, arms around his waist.
He feels his emotions finally boil over as waves of sadness wash over him. His legs fail under him and you lower the two of you to the grass. He buries his head into your shoulder, sobbing harder as your warmth permeates his body that has only known the cold for so so many years. His arms clutch your head as he stains your shoulder with tears.
You feel so warm. You feel so human. It makes him feel human.
You’ve been taking such good care of him and he doesn’t think he deserves it, but he doesn’t voice it to you, at least not now. You let him cry it out while patting his back. You imagine he hasn’t ever been comforted while crying before and it’s what’s making him cry harder.
You two end the afternoon with him exhausted and you offer to let him rest his head on your legs. You pat his hair as he drifts into sleep, feeling safe for the first time in a long while. The sun warms both your bodies and you bask in it.
You two probably have a lot to talk about when he wakes up. But you stay silent for now. Enjoying the peace that he rarely gets to have. It’s a long healing journey ahead of you two but this puppet man knows that he wouldn’t rather embark on it with anyone else.
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Thank you for reading!
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crimsonvictory · 2 years
word count: 7.7k (THIS TOOK DAYS TO WRITE)
tags: the mandalorian, the mandalorian smut, the mandalorian x reader
warnings: sex pollen, dubious consent, CONSENT IS IMPORTANT, being drugged, oral sex, p in v sex, multiple orgasms
notes: love love love my tin can husband
Prompt(s): “Are you wearing my shirt?”
“I really should keep myself away from you.”
Killshot - Slowed + Reverb : Magdalena Bay (listen during the spicy scene)
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The mission was only supposed to take 2 days. That’s what he had told you. The Mandalorian, while not the most vocal person, was considerate enough to let you know the time frames of his hunts. He wasn’t completely heartless. It all depended on the bounty. 
This one, in particular, had decided to flee to Ithor, a planet of sacred jungles that prohibited hunting. Smart one, he was. Or so he thought. The Mandalorian always found a loophole. 
You were worried. One, because this bounty had been on the run for a while, playing a game of chase with your partner. And two, plans were taking a lot longer than average.
He was getting frustrated, always just a step behind. This caused some tension on The Crest. You kept out of his way, not wanting to upset him further. You had convinced him to take a small break after this particular hunt. It took a lot of coaxing, but he begrudgingly agreed. The Crest needed a lot of groundwork repairs, and food was running low. 
A few days off sounded great to you. You had been working non-stop ever since joining the clan of one. That had been over a year ago. You didn’t mind the work, even though it could be a bit frustrating at times. Your boss didn’t speak much, but over time, you got pretty keen on reading his body language. You only spoke when you thought was necessary. He didn’t seem to mind you after the 6-month mark. He had even attempted a chuckle at one of your jokes. You got the job done and stayed out of his way. That’s what he hired you for.
The Mandalorian wasn’t an unkind man, he was just - isolated. He had been his whole life. “This is the Way,” was his answer to your questions. You didn’t pry into his life, and he didn’t pry into yours. The relationship was strictly business (for the most part).
You had always wondered what he looked like. He held himself in a way that was very attractive (you learned this early on in your career). Something about a man hidden from the world and having to show what he needed through his body struck something inside of you. He never needed to make an effort to make himself announced. Your peers would move on their own accord. You felt safe with him, even with the hundreds of eyes staring at the both of you. 
His body language gave what he was thinking away. But only someone who spent most of their time with him would be able to discern what he was portraying. The way his shoulders would tense when you were working on the main panel in the cockpit - be careful. A small tilt of the head towards you when asking the locals for information - can you believe these people?
 It was a fun little game between the both of you. It had blossomed just a few months ago. Although not much was spoken, his demeanor had changed. You could tell. Your demeanor had changed too. You were beginning to develop feelings for him.
And how could you not? You spent every day for the last year getting to know him. You knew his routine, and he yours. It was awkward at first, running into each other at the fresher, bumping into each other when climbing into the cockpit to answer a holo from Karga. It took some time to get used to each other’s presence. 
You enjoyed his company. He was a great listener. You tried not to talk his ear off, but being cooped up for days at a time took its toll on you. As a human, you needed another human contact. You craved it. It was obvious to you that he did too, but he was better at pushing down that need than you were.
Just a few days earlier, he had placed his hand on the small of your back when leading you through the crowd of Morak. Your cheeks had gotten hot, seeing eyes watching you wade through the crowd. He must’ve noticed your heat signature, leaning down to ask, “Is everything okay?”. You had nodded, picking up the pace to try and get to your destination.
You couldn’t keep doing this. You had to tell him how you felt. But you couldn’t do that. He would kick you off of the ship in a heartbeat. So you pushed it down. 
Your worry was growing, however. 2 days, that is what he told you the timeframe would be. It had been 4. The Mandalorian was never late.
Day 1.
You had seen him off, waiting by the entry door and telling him goodbye. He was huffier than usual, stressed about the latest bounty. He was addicted to the chase, not giving himself a break to process the events. He had told you he would be back in 2 days and to keep a lookout for him. You would have to leave the planet early to avoid detection of bounty-hunting.
You spent the first day working on some repairs in the cockpit. With the Mandalorian gone, you were able to work on his side of the pit, fixing the chair that had stopped swiveling and replacing some of the knobs for the flight controls that had required maintenance. 
It didn’t take you long. Climbing back down the ladder, you sorted and organized the crates resting in the hallway. They had been sitting there since your visit to Tatooine two bounties ago. They were heavy, and you ended up getting super sweaty. You stripped off your top, leaving you in your pants and a breastband.
A few hours later, the crates were put in the correct spots and the hallway was now clear to move through.
You were tired after all of the moving, so you went to bed early after showering. You kept the comm open, awaiting any word from Mando.
Day 2.
You reached out to him, eager for a response. He was supposed to be back today. Radio silence. 
You kept the comm close, in case of any word. This day, you spent your time cleaning up your living area and washing any dirty laundry that had accumulated. You were in desperate need of some clean clothes, down to a breastband and a pair of thin shorts. On your next stop, you reminded yourself to get some new clothes with your credits.
After your clothes were in the wash, you padded across the hallway to Mando’s quarters. You had never been inside and didn’t want to pry, but you thought it would be a nice gesture to wash his underclothes for him.
His room was not locked, so you stepped inside, searching for his laundry basket. The smell of him filled your nostrils, mahogany and black vanilla, with just a hit of gunpowder. Your heart clenched. You missed him. 
You made haste of finding his laundry hamper and quickly stepped out of the room, shutting it behind you. You were blushing, why did he have such an effect on you?
After transferring your clothes to the dryer, you placed his inside, keeping one shirt in particular out of the wash. He had worn it the other day under his armor, so it wasn’t particularly dirty. It smelled of him. You kept it close, eventually putting it on after your shower that evening. It made you feel safe.
That evening, you reached out again to him.
“Mando? Can you hear me? Are you nearby?”
You tried again.
He didn’t give you a specific time, but the sun was going down. You opened the door to the Crest, sitting on the edge of the ramp, watching the sun go down. 
Once it was dark out, you stayed until the early hours of the morning, trying the comm in 30-minute increments. You got nothing.
You didn’t sleep much that night.
Day 3
You were getting antsy. At first light, you climbed on top of the Crest. It was a rather cool day despite residing on a jungle planet. You brought your binoculars and a blanket to spread across the top. You watched for him all day, unable to move from your spot. 
It was only when it started to storm that you were forced to go back inside. You were clueless about what to do. Your anxiety was so bad that you ended up being sick, and stayed in the bathroom fresher for about an hour. When you cleaned up, you put Mando’s shirt back on, got a glass of water, and returned to your room.
Day 4
You had made a routine, waking up, reaching out, and then trying to go about your day. You had decided to work on ground repairs early, keeping a lookout while maintaining the cooling panels on the outside of the ship. You were jumpy, looking wildly at any noise that came your way.
It was a hard decision, but you ended up venturing out into the city, as you were low on resources. You had made sure to keep a lookout for anyone (particularly a shiny one) in the jungle, and also kept your face covered.
Upon arriving at the markets, the smells of fresh produce and warm pastries overcame you. You were so hungry, and a purple plum-shaped fruit looked very inviting. You made your way over, eyeing the delicacy.
“Care to try one?” the vendor asked nicely.
“Uhm, yes please,” you replied quietly.
She handed you a sample of fruit to try, it had been diced and placed in a small bowl. You brought a piece up to your mouth, slipping your hand under your face covering.
The juices from the fruit exploded on your taste buds. It was the perfect mixture of sweetness and tartness. Your mouth puckered at the flavor. The sharp taste of the juice lingered even after you had swallowed it, making you want another bite. It mellowed after a moment or two. The vendor chuckled at your reaction.
“Delicious, no?” you nodded your head, exchanging credits for two whole fruits.
One for you. One for Mando. You hoped he would be returning soon. You thanked the nice vendor and asked for directions for some other items you were looking for. She was kind enough to explain the details of each stall to you. You gave her a tip for your troubles.
While the market was small, it was full of trinkets. Many that you wanted to take home with you, but decided against it. You did, however, grab a few puffed pastries and some decadent cheeses to take back to the Crest.
You were hoping it would tide you over until your next stop. If your partner ever decided to return. Time passed quickly in the market and you were glad that it took your mind off of the slow rising dread in your stomach. You finished your shopping and made your way back to the Crest.
After placing your bought items in the small pantry space, you decided to wait for him. Hoping today would be the day that he would be back. You were very tired, staying up late and waking up early to watch for him. You repeated what you had done the day before, stretching a blanket out on the ramp of the Crest and watching for any sign of the Mandalorian. The sound of the rain was comforting, and after curling up in your blanket, you fell asleep.
A loud yell awoke you from your slumber. You were disoriented, vision blurring before trying to focus itself as you sat upright. You scrambled to get up on your feet, grabbing your blanket and trying to hit the lever on the ramp door. You should have never fallen asleep with the door open.
How long had you been asleep?
A yell and another crash came from a distance. It was hard to see with the downpour of rain. The sun was also beginning to set, twilight approaching within the hour. You thought you caught a glimpse of silver. No.
Yes. YES! 
It was The Mandalorian, and he was making his way through the small clearing. The bounty was hogtied behind him, forced to be drug across the jungle floor. He was fighting with every step your partner took, making his job even harder.
“Mando!” you exclaimed, excited to see him.
His helmet shot up at your words and he readjusted his grip on the rope and yanked the bounty up and over his shoulder. He was alive. Always found a loophole.
You smiled as he neared, relieved that he was okay.
As he began walking up the ramp, you noticed he was heaving. Mando usually never had trouble carrying a bounty in, especially one of this size.
You outstretched a hand, worried. “Mando?” you questioned.
He recoiled from you, almost nearly pushing you out of the way as he made his way to the bounty chamber.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. Did he just -?
You padded after him, a bit wary.
“Mando what the-,” he cut you off.
“Stay away from me,” he rasped, holding a hand out.
“Stay away- What do you mean? You’ve been away for four days!” you cried out.
“Stay away from me,” he repeated. “Something’s not right.”
You stepped back to take a look at him. He was trembling. You couldn’t depict from what though. His body heat was radiating within the small room.
He turned away from you, fumbling with the buttons on the carbonizing chamber.
“Mando, you’re burning up,” you said. Reaching a hand out to hover over an open space between his beskar.
He waved you off. “I’m fine.” He was breathing heavily, tightening his grip on the bounty and punching in the code for the chamber.
“Let me help you at least,” you mentioned, stepping forwards. 
His hand raised again, almost in fear. “NO.”
You flinched at his words, taking a horrifying step backward.
“Please,” he begged. “Get us ready to depart.” you took one final look at him before huffing and making your way to the cockpit.
You could hear him crashing about downstairs, throwing the bounty within the freezing chamber, slamming the heavy, metal door shut, and the sounds of armor being yanked and tossed carelessly on the floor. The coordinates had been put in the system, awaiting your approval of the button. Your hands were shaking, hovering above the command.
You didn’t press it quite yet, stepping back down to check on the situation.
It had suddenly gotten quiet and you had no sight of him. Also, most of the lights had been shut off, leaving the Crest feeling very off.
“Mando?” you called out quietly, creeping down the darkened hallway of the Crest.
Each hallway had a small emergency light. You watched your shadow grow and shrink as you tiptoed down the hallway. You kept your head on a swivel, listening for your partner.
No response.
“M-Mando?” you cleared your throat. “I, uh, I don’t what’s wrong with you. I mean- there’s nothing wrong with you I just -”, you rambled, still searching.
“Spit it out, already,” he grouched, the sound of his voice turning your viewpoint in a circle.
You began to walk back the way you came, still searching blindly in the dark. Where was he coming from?
The fresher door to your right was yanked open abruptly, causing you to stumble backward. Your heart lurched and your hand immediately flew up to your chest.
You hadn’t even thought to check the fresher. The lights weren’t even on. What the hell was he doing in there?
“You’re gonna have to tie me up,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“Ex-Excuse me?” you asked, incredulous. His words took you completely off guard.
You took yet another step backward, eyes scanning his form. He seemed normal, aside from the verbiage spilling out of his mouth. It was hard to see him in the shadows, though.
He shifted to the side, casting a small glow from behind him. The light illuminated his figure like a halo. You also noticed that his gloves were missing. Immediately, you fixated on his hands.
It was the first time you had ever seen his skin. He was tanned, despite never showing his body to the sun. His hands were large, with long, thick fingers flexing by his sides.
Oh, Maker.
“You heard me. I really should keep myself away from you,” he said, voice dropping a hint.
Your mouth fell open of its own accord. Something was seriously, seriously wrong. Your partner never spoke to you like this.
“Maker, I can’t do that-” you began. “Did you hit your head or something? What is going on?” you asked, keeping your distance.
He took a step towards you, speaking matter-of-factly for the second time.
“Do I have to repeat myself? Are you listening to me?”
You felt heat travel to the tips of your ears. You tried forming a sentence, but your brain was too confused to form even a sound.
“What can I even-” he pushed past you, digging through the pile of armor, and held up his cuffs. 
You don’t know how he was even able to see very well in the dark. Then you remembered, that his helmet was more of an aid than a hindrance.
“These, are magnetized. They’ll attach to any wall on the ship. Let’s pick one before it progresses.”
You quickly made haste of finding a place for him. After negotiating with him to turn the lights back on so you could see. Your brain was trying to fill in the pieces of the puzzle that you desperately needed. There was no given clue as to what was going on. But that sense of dread was filling up in your stomach again. You tried to make things comfortable but he shut that down quickly.
“We don’t have time for that,” he chastised.
He sat with his back against the wall, sans armor except for his helmet. His body temperature was rising again and he was beginning to sweat. You tried your best to make him comfortable, placing his arms out to the side to relieve them. No matter what position, it wasn’t going to be comfortable. You had to accept that.
You sat back on your heels, scanning his visor. His chest was starting to heave again, and you wanted so badly to help. You were lost, feeling defeated.
“I’ll be fine,” he said, tilting his head back, voice a bit breathy. “Start the course.”
You ignored him, asking him if he was hungry instead. It was a bit of a silly question, but you figured a distraction may help. He denied your request.
“Mando, when was the last time you have eaten?” you pressed.
He remained as stoic as the given situation would let him. That answered your question. You made a disapproving sound and made your way to the small kitchen, washing and dicing the fruit that you had enjoyed earlier.
Making your way back to the hallway, you sat down in front of him with the bowl of fruit. His head tilted in your direction, watching you cautiously.
“What is that?” he rasped, a bit hesitant.
“Some fruit I picked up in the market today,” you concluded.
He sighed, frustrated.
“Mando, I was running out of food. It wasn’t like I wanted to go out without you,” you explained, watching for any signs in his body language.
He remained mostly the same, shifting a bit to try and get comfortable. You watched him, trying not to make obvious eye contact. You figured he had to be hungry. But, with the situation at hand, you realized he couldn’t feed himself.
You blushed, gripping the bowl of fruit.
“I uh, just realized that-“ you started.
“Feed them to me,” he said lowly, picking up on the dilemma you were facing.
Your eyes shot up to his visor, searching for anything. It’s not like you could read his facial cues, but his body seemed relaxed, inviting.
“Your helmet-“
“It can stay on, just reach your fingers under here,” he breathed.
That warm feeling in your lower stomach ignited. This was very intimate. The Mandalorian guarded his anonymity because it was the decision of life or death, of his religion, his whole framework of what made him who he was.
“I dunno if I should,” you said.
His visor found your eyes and he situated himself again, just beckoning you to come closer. He was hypnotizing, and your fantasy of being close to him was coming true. You internally told yourself that you would keep a level head and if things got dodgy, you would immediately stop things.
You slowly crawled forwards, situating yourself between his legs, yet still keeping a bit of distance between you and him. Grabbing a piece of fruit with shaky fingers, you guided it up to his helmet, slipping them underneath the open space above his chin.
It took a moment but you found his mouth, gently pressing the fruit to his lips. As soon as he took the fruit, you yanked your hand away, cheeks burning.
He hummed at the taste, a sign that it was good.
“Isn’t it good?” you questioned, grabbing another piece and guiding it to his mouth again.
He took the fruit once more, nodding his head. He was watching you, almost in a predatory gaze. The gap closed a bit between you, and you could feel the warmth radiating off of his body. He was alluring - drawing you in closer. Your breath caught in your throat. You reached for another piece of fruit, pressing it to his lips.
They were plump and soft. You tried not to linger, but it was inevitable. This time, when he took the fruit into his mouth, he took your two fingers as well, sucking the juice from them.
He groaned softly and your cheeks went ablaze. His tongue gently swirled around your digits, claiming every last drop from the fruit. He released them once he was certain the juice was gone.
Your fingers were stained from the fruit, but you didn’t mind. Your lips parted slightly, eager to have him repeat what he just did.
“Careful,” he chided. You were embarrassed and pulled back a bit.
You had to clear your head. What were you doing? This was your boss, for crying out loud. You leaned back, clearing your throat and remembering the situation at hand.
“Mando, earlier you wanted me to stay away from you. What’s going on?” you asked.
“Feed me another piece of fruit and I’ll tell you,” he replied.
You kept your distance this time, slipping a piece of fruit between his lips. His tongue gently caressed the pads of your fingers, licking the juice away.
“Dart of some kind. The bounty got the upper hand for a moment and got in between my beskar. I should be fine. It’ll take a few hours to wear off,” he explained.
Your eyebrows raised with worry. “You don’t know what kind of dart?” he shook his head.
“I could do some research-“ you offered.
“No, I’ll be fine,” he pressed out.
You watched his chest begin to rise and fall like his breath was laboring. You raised another piece of fruit to his lips, pushing it past them and allowing him to savor the taste.
He groaned again and tilted his head back, helmet thunking against the hull wall. His body language was starting to change, heat radiating off of him.
It felt like you were close to a furnace. He had begun to tremble again.
“Mando, I really think we should do some research on this thing.”
“I already know what it is,” he murmured, sounding a bit defeated.
It was yet again your turn to be confused. You watched him, shaking your head as an indicator of confusion.
“A-Aphrodisiac.” he stuttered out, turning his line of sight as far from you as he could. “Get the course started, we need to get out of here.”
You could only stare, mouth falling open. An aphrodisiac was something that you had heard little of, but you knew the basics. Some had gone severely ill in the mental department from lack of treatment.
“Go up to the cockpit and get. us. out.” he pressed, shifting against his restraints.
Clueless about what do to, you felt bad leaving him, but you stood up to make your way to the cockpit. You took one look at him before leaving, and he was trembling - fighting the agents of the dart.
You made your way up the ladder and sat down in the pilot’s seat. Your hands kept shaking. Nerves. Once you took a few deep breaths, you pressed the button to okay your destination. The next process was to get autopilot online.
You couldn’t get your thoughts straight. Your employer is spread out on the floor just below you. Almost nearly naked. He never was without his armor. It was his security blanket. And the fact that the only piece he had on was his helmet had you thinking…
Pressing the according buttons to fire up the autopilot feature, you went through the timely process and soon began to feel the ship rise into the atmosphere.
You also took the time to research the background of aphrodisiacs, skimming through the length process and some side effects. The bad news was that it differed with each agent. An increase in body temperature and muscle trembling were two of the symptoms.
Once you made your way back down to the hull, you noticed a clear change in Mando’s demeanor. He wasn’t trembling anymore, he was relaxed, leaning against the hill wall. Resembling a lothcat in the sun. The bowl of fruit was long forgotten. That was until his eye caught sight of you.
“Hey, pretty thing,” he cooed, getting your attention.
Your head whipped around, almost giving yourself whiplash at his words.
“Mando?” you whispered, keeping your distance.
“I feel a lot better since you left. Almost back to normal. I think I’m okay to be released now,” he purred, relaxing even further against the wall.
“I don’t think-” you started.
“Oh, but I am. I am pretty thing. You should let me go,” he was selling himself, and it was almost working.
No, that couldn’t be right. There were stages to these aphrodisiacs. And everyone was different. You didn’t know the full progress, but with brief scannings, you saw that the drug would plateau before peaking again.
“No, Mando, I can’t do that,” you stated.
“Please,” he whined. “I’ll be good. I can make you feel good. Don’t you want that, little bird?”
Your stomach fluttered at his words. This wasn’t Mando. This was something, no someone else.
“Look at me,” he commanded. You obliged.
He spread his legs wide, just beckoning you to come closer.
“Come sit on my lap, little bird. Feel how much I want you.” he thrust his hips upwards.
“Mando, I-.” you shook your head. “I can’t- I can’t do this. You’re not in the right mind.” 
He whined. “I’ll be good. I promise.” Mando tugged at the restraints.
 You could not, in whatever good morals the Maker set, do this. But there was a nagging notion in the back of your mind. You could help him.
 He was struggling against the restraints, getting frustrated that he couldn’t free himself.
 “Let me go!” he yelled, straining himself against the handcuffs.
 You watched the muscles in his upper arms ripple, making the metal groan with force. The Mandalorian was breathing heavily with the effort, trying to sit upright to gain his footing.
 He was going to get out.
 You had to stop him.
 “Mando,” you called out, distracting him for a moment. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”
The Mandalorian huffed, relaxing as you slowly made your way over to him. You picked up the bowl of forgotten fruit. There were a few pieces left.
“Relax and I’ll feed you the rest of this fruit,” you whispered, wary of what he was going to do next.
He reacted immediately, listening to your command and relaxing back into the wall to the best of his ability. You closed a bit of distance, hesitantly reaching a piece of fruit under his helmet yet again.
He wasn’t gentle like last time, snatching the fruit and your fingers into his mouth like he was starved. A low groan rumbled past your fingers as his tongue swirled around them. When he released them, you could feel his lips twitch up into a smile.
“Mmm…tastes good,” he complimented.
Your cheeks burned once more.
“Come closer, I won’t hurt you, little one,” he murmured, lulling you into a false sense of security.
You knew it was wrong, but you couldn’t help yourself. It was like you were in a trance, unable to pull yourself away from him. He was enchanting, and the contact that you craved was finally being fulfilled.
There were two pieces of fruit left. You grabbed one and fed him again. It was addicting to hear the sounds you were pulling from him.
“Release me,” he murmured, tugging on his restraints. “I want to touch you.”
You knew this was too good to be true. He could sense your apprehension.
“Don’t you want this? I see the way you look at me, little one,” he drawls.
His voice makes you melt. You look at his visor, trying to find where you think his eyes would be. You begged the Maker above to forgive you.
You released one restraint. It was a mistake.
His arm quickly wraps around your side, tugging you forwards. You yelp, throwing a hand up to land on his chest to steady yourself. It took you by surprise.
You notice he’s breathing heavily again, his body arching up to meet yours. Any contact he can get. Desperate.
“Come sit on my lap, pretty girl. Let me look at you,” he coos, tugging at you again to get you as close as possible.
You already know your face is on fire. He chuckles, running his fingers across your ribs.
“Are you wearing my shirt?” he quips, spreading his fingers across your side.
His line of sight hasn’t left your side, watching his own hand stroke up and down over the downy undershirt of his you are wearing.
“I uh, missed you,” you blurt out, looking down.
How. Embarrassing.
His thumb and forefinger lift your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with his visor. The Mandalorian pets your chin with his thumb, tutting softly.
You shift awkwardly in his lap, feeling his want for you. He groans, pressing his hips upwards against your core.
A gasp escapes you and you bite your lip, attempting to be quiet.
“Don’t be quiet, let it out. Be a good girl for me,” he murmurs.
A flood of heat rushes to your core, and your panties are wet. Where was this side of him coming from?
“Mando- I-,” you choke out, wanting so badly to touch him, but afraid of his reaction.
“I know,” he coos, “I know, I’ll make you feel better.”
This was the wordiest exchange between you and your partner. You weren’t complaining. You lay a hand on his chest, sliding it upwards to rest at the nape of his neck.
He keens, leaning into your touch. You decide to be brave, pulling his shirt down and exposing more of his neck.
His skin is beautiful, spattered with a galaxy of moles and freckles. You lean forward, placing your lips hesitantly against his skin. He’s burning up and nearly begins to writhe when your lips come in contact with his bare skin.
Sweat has pooled in the dip of his collarbone. Something feral washes over you and you dip your tongue down before licking a stripe up his neck. The noise that comes from him is absolutely pathetic.
You feed off of it, wanting to hear it again. You bite down in the crease of his neck, feeling his hips jolt upwards at the sensation. He whines again. There it is.
“F-Fuck,” he stutters out, tipping his head back as far as the restraints allow.
He’s fighting the restraints, pulling against the one holding him away from you. The aphrodisiac is firing up quickly, aided by your physical touch.
“I want to kiss you-,” you whisper into his neck, placing kisses in between words.
“Kiss me then,” he replies, almost slurring his words.
The code. You couldn’t.
“I can't.” you remind him.
He lets out a frustrated sound, pulling against the restraint again. He shifts his weight, almost pushing you off of him before standing up.
“What are you-“ you yelp, looking up at him.
“Getting rid of this fucking-,” he pauses, pulling the magnetized restraint off of the wall and disabling it.
He turns away from you, disappearing down the hallway. You sit there confused, especially when the hull is immediately engulfed in darkness. Searching frantically, you startle when you feel a pair of hands on you.
He shushes you, pulling you close to him. You relax instantly, placing a hand back on his chest again. A hydraulic hiss and a loud metal clanging on the floor. startles you once more.
Oh, Maker.
You reach up quickly, placing your hands on his face. You nearly moan at the thought. A man on his knees for you, breaking his personal beliefs to kiss you.
Your hands trace his face, taking in every detail to memory that you can. He has a strong, aquiline nose, and from what else you can feel- a mustache. His brows feel prominent, and his lips- oh his lips. Plush, how you had felt them earlier.
“You- you feel, very handsome. Like I imagined,” you comment, barely above a whisper.
You are on your knees, almost touching the man before you. He slides a hand up your back, spreading his fingers around the base of your neck and pulling backward. This action exposes your neck and pulls a gasp from your throat.
He shifts then, leaning over you and placing hot, wet kisses against your skin.
You mewl.
“Like you imagined, hm?” he chuckled, continuing the devotion on your neck.
You sigh, wrapping your fingers around his bicep. The muscle flexes underneath your touch. His other hand slides lazily down your torso, eventually stopping at the hem of your (his) shirt and tugging it upwards.
The air in the Crest has become cool due to the drifting in space. Goosebumps scatter across your skin and you move closer to him, leeching the warmth from his body. His shirt is thrown over your head and to the floor.
He readjusts his grip on you, allowing his free hand to roam your uncovered skin. The span of his fingers stretches from your hip to just under your breastband. You shudder, imagining his hands exploring other places.
His hand slides back up your body and pauses at your breastband, almost hesitant. You mirror his path with your one hand, lacing your fingers together and giving him a nonverbal “okay”. He lifts your breastband up and over your head, allowing your breasts to fall naturally back in place.
The Mandalorian kisses down your chest, his soft lips caressing your skin. Before you know it, he has taken your nipple into his mouth, sucking softly. You come undone, sliding a hand into his hair and gripping rather tightly.
A groan leaves his lips and he nips the bud gently, a shock running down to your core. You gasp, arching into his touch. It’s relentless. You can’t get enough. Your panties are soaked by now, and you’re whining, needing attention elsewhere.
He gets the hint, lowering you gently to the cool floor. It feels good on your overheating skin. He continues praising your nipples, switching between the both of them, using his mouth and hands to stimulate them.
You’re heating up from the inside, almost in embarrassment, but you don’t care. It feels so good to be praised, worshipped, loved.
His hands travel south, and his lips aren’t far behind. He reaches your hips, taking both hands and pushing your legs open. They’re shaking in anticipation. You feel him lean down and press a kiss to your inner thigh before biting down.
You yelp at the sensation, it’s over just as quickly as it started with a soothing swipe of his tongue. He repeats this again and again, marking the soft part of your thighs with his teeth.
“Mine,” he growls.
His nose ghosts over your panties and he inhales, taking in your scent before turning his attention to your other thigh. You’re losing your damn mind. His body heat is making you sweat. He’s got your legs spread as far as they can go and still has not given you the attention that you really need.
“Mando-“ you whine, trying to shift your hips upwards.
He chuckles darkly, taking his forearm to press your hips back down.
“What’s the matter, honey?” he asks, mockingly. “Am I not giving you enough attention as it is?”
You shake your head, forgetting he cannot see you. He nips your thigh sharply.
“Answer me.”
“I-I,” you start. “I want you-“ you blush, glad the darkness is covering your face.
“Honey, you’ve already got me,” he rasps.
Taking you by surprise, his index fingers pull your panties to the side. He feels your wetness and groans.
“So fucking wet for me already.”
You can’t help but moan at his words.
The Mandalorian then leans down and licks a fat stripe up your folds. You gasp, carding your fingers into his hair and tug hard. The noise that comes from him is animalistic.
He wastes no time, eating you out like a man starved. He alternates between slow, long licks from your clit to your entrance and fast figure-eights through your folds. It feels fucking fantastic.
Your legs are beginning to shake. The darkness is heavy on your body and you’re gasping for air. At one point you hear a faint ripping, and the restriction of your panties is no more.
A familiar pool in your belly is forming, and it’s coming quickly. You try and warn him, but you can’t even form a coherent sentence. His tongue dips down and into your hole, fucking fervently. Your orgasm comes in waves, crashing wildly and stealing your breath. You’re gasping for air and raising your hips to his mouth, riding out your pleasure.
You hear him murmuring words of pleasure against your cunt and you sob, never wanting it to end. You come down after about a minute, breathing heavily and sated.
He gives you one final kiss on your folds before crawling back over your body. You can’t even see him, it’s so dark. You reach out in the darkness for him, finding his face and placing a hand there. He leans down and you can smell your arousal on him. He crashes your mouths together, kissing you forcefully.
“Taste how fucking good you are,” he growls, biting your bottom lip before licking into your mouth.
You clench around nothing, moaning into his mouth. He’s fucking feral for you, and you cannot get enough. You card your fingers through his hair again, tugging roughly and returning his energy while kissing him.
He whines, loving the attention you’re giving him. His large hand has found its way to your throat, gripping slightly, but not choking - just a placeholder. Your hand mirrors his, lacing your fingers together. He leans down in your ear, whispering filthily,
“Are you gonna let me fuck this pretty pussy?”
You moan, nodding.
“Answer me, little one.”
“Y-Yes,” you gasp out.
His other hand slides down your body, cupping your cunt. His thick fingers slide through your folds, just dripping in arousal. He navigates your entrance in the dark, gently thrusting his finger inside, and bites down on your ear.
You whine, feeling full already. There’s no way you can take him. He takes his time, stretching your walls to accommodate him. He whispers filthy words in your ear, his breath hot. You notice he’s trembling again, you don’t know how he’s lasted this long. Despite the drug raging through his veins, he is very gentle with you.
Once you tap his chest, a silent “okay”, he shifts back over you, lining himself up with your entrance. He begins to push inside and you’re clawing at his arms. He’s fucking huge, and you’re breathing begins to stutter. You clench your eyes tight, begging your body to relax. Even with your arousal, it’s a bit of a stretch.
He senses your hesitation, reaching out to pet your hair and reassure your worries.
“Doing so good for me, honey. Just relax.”
He repeats his mantras, petting your side until your breathing slows. He’s fucking trembling from holding himself back. Mando gives a cautionary thrust and throws his head back, moaning.
You mimic him, feeling the pain slowly burn into pleasure. He starts slow, gripping your hips and pulling all the way out before thrusting back inside. You grab his forearm, anything to give you an anchor. He picks up the speed at the sound of your moaning. It feels so fucking good. You want to kiss him again. You want to be as close to him as possible. You want your bodies to become one and stay that way forever.
You tap his arm, getting his attention. He stops, squeezing your hand back for reassurance. You get up, pushing him back on his knees and climbing into his lap. Reaching your hand back, you find his length and line him back up with your entrance, slamming back down, needing him inside.
You both moan simultaneously, missing the burning of pleasure, even if just for a few seconds. He slides his hand up your back, gripping the back of your neck and grabbing a handful of hair. He pulls, making your body arch towards him. He attacks your neck with his lips, all teeth, and tongue. Traveling down to your breasts again, he takes one in his mouth as he fucks up into you.
You clench around him, meeting his upwards thrusts with your downwards ones. Your stomach is burning again, reaching another climax. The Mandalorian sucks on your breasts, rolling your nipple around his tongue. You mewl, holding the back of his head. His thrusts are nearly brutal, reaching up so far inside that you won’t be able to walk the next day. You don’t even care.
You’re both drenched in sweat, the drug making him burn like a furnace. His thrusts begin to get sloppy, an orgasm approaching. One, two, three thrusts and he’s coming inside of you, yelling your name. You clench down around him, milking his pleasure. He’s breathing heavily, trembling from such a long build-up.
He licks a stripe up your neck, laying you back down on the cool floor. You sigh. He’s not done with you yet. He slips out of you, leaving you feeling so empty. His mouth is on you again, cleaning up the mess he made.
You cry out, overstimulated. He’s slow and steady, thrusting his tongue inside of you to get the remnants of his seed out. Your legs are thrown over his shoulders and his arms are locked around them, not allowing you to move.
You’re squirming in his touch, gasps leaving involuntarily. The burning in your stomach returns and a few moments later you come again. Your ears start ringing and it’s hard to catch your breath. This one is short but even more powerful than the first one. Your body seizes up, riding the pleasure for a short moment.
You crash back down to reality, noticing your heavy breathing in the darkness. The Mandalorian is humming against your skin, rubbing soft circles into your thigh.
“There, little bird. Doing so well for me,” he coos, crawling back up your body and placing a few long kisses on your mouth.
You’re nearly out of it, but his lips feel so good. So soft and careful. His cock brushes against your thigh, still hard. It’s going to be a long fucking night. You’re spent, wanting nothing but to sleep.
He brushes your sweaty hair out of your face, cooing and praising your performance. He doesn’t sound as pained, almost sated, relaxed. The drug must be plateauing. He coaxes you in his lap again, this time with your back to him.
He takes on your full weight, wrapping one hand around your neck and one around your torso. He pushes back inside and you groan. He’s careful this time, thrusting lazily and building your orgasms up slowly. You're trembling, barely able to hold yourself up.
“Just one more for me, sweetheart,” he murmurs into your skin, kissing your shoulder.
You sob, overwhelmed and not wanting it to stop at the same time. Tears are streaming down your face as he pulls yet another orgasm from you. It hits you so fucking hard that you slump against him, consciousness flickering in and out.
He holds your weight, thrusting until he comes again. The Mandalorian is kissing your overheated skin, keeping close contact, and not wanting to let go.
You come to in the fresher. He’s holding you against his chest, under the cool spray of the water. Your head feels so heavy, that you keep it laying against his broad chest.
You reach a hand up to wipe the water out of your eyes. It’s pitch black in the fresher, and you sigh, relieved and disappointed. He’s rubbing circles on your lower back, holding you close.
“You alright?” he asks, his voice nearly back to normal.
He sounds different without the helmet. Voice a mixture of rasp and a bit of warm honey. It suits him.
You nod, looking up at what you presume is his face. He grabs your chin with his thumb and forefinger, placing a small kiss on your lips.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I shouldn’t have-“
“No,” you shake your head.
That ends that. You didn’t want to talk much. You were just glad he was okay.
“Glad I’m okay?” he questions, a bit of humor in his tone.
You groan, realizing you said that out loud.
“Yes,” you huff. “Had me worried sick.”
“I always come back to you. You know that” he says.
You let out a soft sob, squeezing his torso tight. He returns the hug, holding you close.
“Vacation sounds pretty good now,” he jokes, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You wholeheartedly agree.
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honeylations · 11 months
- Star Of My Night -
Prompt: Karina gets dragged out to a bar with a few idols for a girls night out. Her night eventually got interesting the moment her eyes landed on a woman with her electric guitar on the stage.
Warnings/Notes: Third person POV, G!P Y/n, guitarist!Y/n, Haze members are all original characters, almost smut near in the end
Karina was certain that her head was gonna explode as Giselle asked her the same question for the millionth time. “Pleeeeaaassseee go out with us?” She even tried putting on her best puppy eyes.
The blonde girl sighed and and threw her head back on the bed. “Ok fine! Just stop trying to act cute, it doesn’t suit you”
“As long as it gets you to finally come out the house for once” Giselle shrugged before slapping the shorter’s knee. “You always isolate yourself in this dorm! It doesn’t hurt to have at least 2 seconds of human interaction”
Karina sat up with a huge frown. “Doesn’t THIS count as human interaction?” Karina pointed a finger between her and the girl in front of her.
“It doesn’t count because we LIVE TOGETHER YOU IDIOT! I’m talking about some proper human interaction. Like go on a date with an idol or something, like, Le Sserafim’s Yunjin. Didn’t she text you about going out for ramen?”
“Mmm her and I have agreed that we see each other as bestfriends. She’s hot and plays guitar or whatever but we won’t click”
“Oh so your type is a tall hot girl who plays guitar? Noted. Who knows, maybe you’ll see one tonight at the bar”
Karina rolled her eyes. “We’ll see. What time are we heading there?”
Giselle looked at the alarm clock besides Karina’s bed. “Yuqi Unnie said to be there 8pm sharp”
“Yuqi Unnie is coming?! I thought you said it would only be us and the members!” Karina hissed, sending multiple slaps to the other’s arm.
“Stop hitting me! And yes Yuqi and her members are joining us too”
Karina crossed her arms, sending a harsh glare towards her member. “Anyone else coming that I should know about?”
Giselle gulped and looked away while fiddling with her fingers. “And Le Sserafim”
Karina flopped back into her bed again. “Oh my god you might as well invite Blackpink and Itzy while you’re at it!”
“I did but they have a busy schedule..” Giselle mumbled guiltily.
“This is too much human interaction”
“How?! You’re an ENFP for god’s sakes!”
“And ENFP who wants some GODDAMN PEACE!”
Giselle stood up and headed for the opened door. “Complain all you want Rina just be ready by 7:30”
Hearing the door shut and the miracle of silence, the blonde Aespa leader chewed on her lower lip and turned her head to her closet. “I guess I should start preparing an outfit”
“For someone who complained a lot a few hours ago, you look hot” Giselle smirked, looking at her leader who was doing small face touch ups at her mirror.
“Of course. Always have to look good” Karina smiled and finished applying her lipstick before standing up.
She wore a short black strapless dress that hugged her body tightly. Her blonde hair was curled to perfection and her makeup completed her seductive look. Even though she wasn’t planning on seducing anyone that night.
“The other two ready?” Karina asked and Giselle nodded, gesturing for them to leave.
After a short cab journey, the 4 members finally arrived in front of the bar that was already filled with people. NingNing thanked and paid the driver before they hopped out and and met G-Idle and Lesserafim just outside the place.
“Hey guys how are you all!?” Yuqi greeted excitedly, hugging and smiling at all the girls.
She led them all inside and managed to score a VIP table that was just next to the stage where instruments were placed. Karina sat in between Shuhua and Chaewon, sipping on the cocktails that Yuqi ordered. The conversation in the table was soon interrupted when 4 unfamiliar faces walked onto the stage but one face caught Karina’s attention.
A tall woman with long black hair and wispy fringe picked up the electric guitar and threw its strap onto her shoulder before adjusting her ear pieces. She was wearing a black fitted shirt, baggy jeans and black Doctor Martens. What completed her overall hot look was the silver chain dangling from her neck and the tattoos all over both arms.
Karina concluded that she had just found her eye candy of the night.
“Good evening everyone!” The person on the mic greeted aloud, erupting cheers from everyone in the bar.
“My name is Choi Eunsook, I am the vocalist and leader of Haze. On drums is Jang Hanna, on bass is Kang Hyunjung, and on guitar is Lee Y/N!”
The cheers got louder and Karina quickly joined in despite her focus remaining on who she now knew as Y/n.
“To begin we’d like to perform one of Y/n’s self written songs called ‘To Be With You’ Hope you enjoy!” Eunsook smiled as Hanna tapped her sticks and the band began to play.
“That guitarist is pretty hot don’t ya think, Rina?” Winter wiggled her eyebrows, letting the whole table hear.
Chaewon gasped and gently shook Karina’s shoulders. “Does someone have a little crush~ She’s super hot Karina, you should totally ask for her number later!”
“Are you insane? She probably has a girlfriend!”
“Mmm don’t think so. She’s looking right at you!” Shuhua gave rapid taps to Karina’s shoulder who turned her head to the guitarist.
And Shuhua was right.
Her eye candy of the night was looking right at her and she didn’t bother looking away even when the Aespa leader had made eye contact. Y/n gave a small smile in which Karina responded with nothing but red cheeks.
“She’s sooooo into you, Rina!” Miyeon laughed.
After a few more original songs and covers, Eunsook drank some water before returning the mic to her lips. “That was our final song everybody, enjoy the rest of your night! We’ll be around”
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom” Karina said despite the loud bar music that started to blast through the entire place.
“Did you want me to come with?” Minnie offered but Karina smiled and shook her head.
“I’ll be okay, don’t worry. Could you order me another cocktail please?”
Minnie nodded as the blonde Aespa member walked away to the back where the toilets were located. It didn’t take long for her to go in and back out, thanking the heavens that the bathroom was decent than most bars. She dried her hands and exited to return to the girls but an unfamiliar man stood in front of her and by the way he looked at Karina made it obvious as to what he wanted.
“Hi angel” He smirked and Karina had never rolled her eyes so hard before.
“Can I help you?”
“My table is nearby and I think my friends would love to meet you”
“No, I’m good. Now if you’ll excuse me-“ Karina’s heart stopped when the man grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, allowing her to smell the alcohol from his body.
“Don’t be like that, angel. No one likes a party pooper. Come on, have a few drinks with us!”
“P-Please let me go..”
The man inched his nose towards Karina’s hair and took a nice whiff. “You smell so good”
Before he could make another comment, another hand (but much softer) took her other wrist and yanked her away from the man’s grip.
“You have some fucking nerve to be touching my girl like that, Kyle”
Karina’s eyes widened when she realised her saviour was Haze’s guitarist. At this point, she couldn’t tell if her heart was beating like crazy because of the yucky interaction with Kyle or because Y/n went from holding her wrist to holding her hand.
“Oh it’s you Y/n, I was just tryna make a new friend” Kyle laughed and attempted to grab Karina again but Y/n pulled Karina behind her, acting as her shield.
“A new friend for you to use as a fuck toy?”
Kyle laughed again. “I wouldn’t say it like that”
Y/n walked closer so her taller body towered over Kyle, his height just reaching Y/n’s shoulder.
“If I see you harass another person in here, I won’t hesitate to call Shownu and ban you not only from this bar but also every bar or club here. Comprende?”
“Yes ma’am” Kyle sighed and slowly backed away before making his full exit.
Y/n watched him leave and quickly turned to the blonde girl, letting go of her hand to Karina’s dismay. “Hey, are you alright? Did he touch you anywhere?”
“No I’m okay! Just a little startled, that’s all” Karina smiled and Y/n smiled back.
‘Oh my god she’s so hot’ Karina squealed in her mind. “Was that guy your friend or something?” The blonde asked.
“Nah he’s a regular at this bar and is known for being a creep. Gave him enough warnings already, I don’t know why he doesn’t listen. I’ll inform Shownu to keep an eye out on him”
“He doesn’t look like he’s from here”
“He’s an international uni student from Madrid but he doesn’t matter anymore. Are you sure you’re alright?” Y/n asked again.
“Yes I’m okay now thanks to you”
“Wanna talk somewhere that’s not in front of a toilet?” Y/n asked, making the blonde laugh at her question.
“Yes please”
Y/n held her hand again and led her to the VIP seating upstairs where she could still see what’s going on below but she also didn’t have to scream over the music to talk. They sat on the comfy couch and the way Y/n was sitting with her arm over the backrest wasn’t doing Karina’s heart any good.
“I know my name was introduced on stage but I’ll say it again. I’m Lee Y/n” The taller introduced and put her hand out for a handshake.
Karina happily took it. “I’m Yu Jimin or you can call me Karina. May I ask how old you are?
“I’m 26, and you?”
“Did you like the performance?” Y/n asked.
“I did! The original songs were probably my favourite. Did you write them?”
“Only a few. Want some?” The taller offered as she grabbed an unopened bottle of vodka from underneath the table.
One shot turned into god knows how much more and Karina didn’t realised she was drunk as she was too hypnotised with the way Y/n did anything.
“Do you have a girlfriend, Y/n?” Karina slurred.
Y/n chuckled and brushed her hair back. “I don’t. My band and I practice and move around a lot for performances so I haven’t really gotten any action. How about you Miss Karina? Anyone sweep you off your feet?”
“No. I isolate myself in the dorm too much to even try and go on a date, and like you, it’s not easy getting free time as an idol”
“Yeah. I love your songs and stuff though”
“Oh you listen to Aespa?”
“I don’t live under a rock, Karina” Y/n laughed and Karina wanted to hear it again and again.
“Are you interested in anyone right now, Y/n?” Karina decided to boldly ask, the alcohol buzzing through her body as she scooted closer to the guitarist’s body where her arm was still attractively placed on the backrest.
Y/n’s eyes moved to focus on Karina’s soft lips, her body heating up at the close proximity. “Hmmm…Just one” The black haired girl replied with a toothy grin.
“Yeah? And who would that be?” Karina inched her lips closer to the point it was just above Y/n’s.
“Karina, you’re drunk” Y/n whispered, trying her best not to take the idol right there.
“I know, bust don’t you wanna kiss me? I couldn’t take my eyes off you the moment you went on that stage looking so fucking hot” Karina licked her lips and gently cupped Y/n’s face, brushing her thumb over the taller’s lower lip. “And I’m not leaving until I get a taste”
“Fuck” Y/n groaned and allowed Karina to finally connect their lips, moaning at the softness.
The guitarist grabbed onto the smaller’s hips and moved her to her lap without breaking the kiss. Karina’s hands roamed from Y/n’s strong shoulders down to her tattooed arms, her hips slowly grinding on her lap, eliciting another groan from the older.
“You’re driving me crazy, Karina” Y/n panted and moved her lips to Karina’s jaw, her soft kisses turning into sucking.
Karina moaned without stopping her hips and she started to feel something poke underneath. “Y-Y/n…Y/n what’s that?”
The older pulled away, admiring the purple spot she made on her neck. “Sorry I should’ve told you about it earlier. We can stop if you want”
Karina shook her head. “No I don’t wanna stop, please don’t stop”
“Alright, angel”
The blonde remembered how disgusting it sounded coming from Kyle but to hear it from Y/n just sounded so much better…and so damn right.
“Is it a strap? Or…”
“Why don’t you find out?” Y/n smirked up before smashing their lips again.
Karina felt dizzy. Dizzy but super horny and all that mattered to her was that she managed to pull her eye candy of the night. Her hand slowly moved lower to rub at Y/n’s crotch, the bulge getting impossibly harder.
“You’re so perfect, angel”
All of a sudden, Karina’s phone started ringing. She chose to ignore it at first, continuing her kisses on Y/n’s neck but the ringing would not stop. She groaned, pressing her forehead to Y/n’s shoulder before grabbing the cockblocking device on the table.
“What?!” She yelled over the phone.
“Girl where the hell are you?! We’re all worried!” Giselle yelled back.
“Sorry I got…sidetracked” Karina smiled at the smirking woman below her.
“Well we’re leaving now so you better get your ass here!” Giselle then hung up.
Karina sighed. “I have to go…”
“That’s okay, my members would be worried if I disappeared like that too”
The smaller girl got off the taller’s lap and got her purse along with her phone. “Um are you gonna be okay with…that?” Karina shyly pointed at Y/n’s hard on.
“Yeah I can deal with it later. I’d love to escort you down but I don’t want you friends seeing me like this” The guitarist chuckled.
Karina stepped closer and gently stroked the bulge like earlier before planting one more intoxicating kiss to the older’s lips. “I’ve put my number in your pocket. Text me when you’re free”
“Yes ma’am”
The Aespa leader winked and made her way downstairs where the rest of the girls were, ignoring the way they all were screaming about their worries for the blonde’s sudden disappearance.
Karina was now frustrated.
Frustrated because she was getting lectured but also frustrated because she didn’t get that good dick tonight.
A/N: Part two coming soon!
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ya-zz · 1 year
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Fixed the Broken
Ramattra x reader(gen)
Word count: 3164 It's another 4am write up, I really should fix my sleep, but have another piece. Again, if it's not correct or there are errors, I may fix it when I next come across it... maybe
Also as I finish writing this, it's almost 7:30am. I may have wrote too much-
Ramattra had been sent out on a mission alongside a few of the other Overwatch soldiers. His expertise in close hand combat alongside his menacing demeanour often changed the course of a fight.
However, this wasn't like any other battle he had fought. His mind wandered to you before switching off.
Despite his hatred for humans, he became very fond of you. He couldn't quite place his robotic finger on it, but he felt comfortable around you, as if you had been friends for years.
After being picked up by Overwatch two years ago, you became the sole repair person for omnics and anything of the sort. While you did have some basic knowledge of self defence and could put up a fight if necessary, you were always stationed inside of your workshop mending the broken.
You had repeatedly repaired Zenyatta time and time again, however he got himself injured you could easily fix within the hour. His kind was something you had grown used to repairing, so much so you never needed the manual to fix anything after the first few repairs.
Ramattra, on the other hand, was one omnic you never had the pleasure of fixing, let alone working with. His kind was secured by multiple government walls, so even trying to get the blueprints was proving to be difficult.
Time and time again you had tried to get the documents, but nothing would budge in your favour. Even Reyes had tried, although a less legal way was used, but even he couldn't get zilch from the company who created Ramattra's kind.
The one time Ramattra came in, dragging his feet behind Zenyatta, he denied any form of help from a human, standing in the doorway as you stopped in your tracks and looked at the pair. Zenyatta managed to coax him into sitting down on the chair before you walked over and assessed the damage done on his faceplate.
With a sorrowful look, you told him things were going to be ok and that you were there to help. You didn't ask how his faceplate got cracked, instead you gently pried it off his head and got to work with fixing it.
He noted how soft your hands were against his cheeks before the cold air of the workshop hit his inner skeleton. The one thing Ramattra was grateful for was the ability to feel what humans do naturally. After modifying himself, he managed to do just that. A bit of coding and rewiring made him feel the cold, the heat and the touch of another.
It didn't take too long and Ramattra was out of there within the hour. A small thank you escaped from him before he left alongside his omnic brother.
All you could do was smile to yourself as you finally got chance to be around such a marvellous creation. Despite what you were told about him, you wanted to know more from him. He was that one of a kind omnic you never got the chance to talk to, let alone touch.
Athena urgently called for you to go to the ORCA arrival bay the very moment you had put some boxes down from a delivery of spare parts. You quickly put on a jacket before closing up the workshop temporarily and heading down. The air was still, almost heavy as you approached.
A few of the other cadets were anxiously waiting the arrival of the ORCA, Zenyatta nowhere to be seen.
"What's going on?" You asked, zipping your jacket up and wrapping your arms around yourself.
Reyes looked to you. "It was successful, but damages have been made."
You look back to the entrance, the sky a deep orange as the sun set below the horizon.
"What damages?"
Reyes didn't say anything.
You feared the worst.
The silence was tormenting you. Nobody spoke a word until the ORCA landed in the bay.
Holding your breath, your grip tightened on your sides.
One by one, members of the team got off the carrier. Bloody faces and bandages. They had been through hell.
Small words were exchanged, the majority of them heading to medical, others for a well earned shower.
Hanzo was the last to appear, hair loose over his shoulders, blood and oil coating his face.
You look at him, relieved he was ok, but your attention quickly shifted to his hands.
"Brother!" Zenyatta had appeared behind you, clearly distraught and pained by what he saw.
Hanzo was holding Ramattra's head, the lights were off. You took a step back.
Damages were made...
You looked at Reyes who was already looking at you.
"Listen kid, I'll do what I can about the documents-" he started, he saw your brow furrow but continued. "Think you can mend him in the meantime?"
"Mend him? He's..." You look back at what was left of Ramattra. A hand grabbed your arm making you turn.
"Please..." Zenyatta sounded in pain, as if he was trying not to cry. Despite his emotionless face, you could tell he was hurting the most.
"I'll try." That's all you could say and do. Try.
Hanzo walked with you to the workshop, the silence almost unbearable.
"I could only retrieve his head." He said, voice low.
"What about any data chips? Memory cards?" You asked, unlocking the door and entering the workshop.
"I am not sure. He was badly injured, his body crushed and torn apart. I fear the enemy was too great an opponent for him." Hanzo delicately placed the head on the closest workbench.
Looking at the archer, you wonder if you could actually do the impossible and bring Ramattra back. Your face showed concern and Hanzo picked up on it instantly.
"You have got this. I'll stop by in the evenings to give you food from the canteen. I know you will stay in here until he is complete."
You nod. He was right. When given a project, no matter how big or small, you see it through with very little break and this was one hell of a project. With no blueprints on how he works, you had to go off your intuition.
"He's lucky I had parts brought in for him recently, just in case... Didn't think I'd need them so soon. I think the first thing to do is to see if his chips are stored in that head of his..." You approach the workbench, looking down at the body-less omnic before you. "Thank you, Hanzo... I hope your recovery and everyone else's recovery is quick."
"You need not worry about me. My concern is with you. Please rest when your body needs it." His hand finds your shoulder, a warm touch to the cold space.
You smile at him before he leaves. You approach the door he just left out of and turn the light outside on, signally to not be disturbed. It was going to be on for awhile.
Ramattra's head stayed on the table as you checked over it and disassembled what you could. Luckily, the chips were stored in there and weren't broken, but you ran a test just to be sure.
When everything came back green a few minutes later, a sigh of relief escaped your lips.
One problem over, now it's time to build an omnic.
You couldn't count how many days you had been in the same room. Hanzo would remind you to rest whenever he stopped by with warm cooked food, his worry for you became greater with each day that passed.
Reyes had no luck in getting the blueprints, but by that point you were already working on his chest and arms. Wires were hanging out of the new body for Ramattra, waiting to be soldered into place. His head was facing you as you worked, a small reminder of what's at cost here.
Zenyatta never once stopped by. You would question Hanzo about him whenever you weren't focussed on repairs, but he could offer no response.
You had thought he couldn't come in because he knew what was going on. His brother was merely a shell at the moment. Empty.
There was a lot of trial and error in building him. Most of the time it was a miss-soldered wire or a loose bolt, however, you kept pulling through.
When you were attaching his pelvic plate, you looked back at his head and apologised. Even if he wasn't there, it still felt awkward.
You had no idea how many times you had been through the same playlist, listening to the same songs and singing along to them. Each day just merged with the next.
By the time the end of the second week had come around, you had accumulated around 50 hours of sleep and your body was slowly shutting down. The amount of caffeine you had consumed within that time was frightening. Hanzo even made Angela come in and check on you, demanding you to rest for at least a few days before continuing working.
Of course, being the persistent idiot you were, you ignored them and continued to work on Ramattra. He wasn't going to be like he was before and you knew this and you were ready to suffer whatever consequences he throws at you for not being able to fix him completely.
The end of the third week came by slowly and at that point you were a few final wires away from finishing his body and once they were in place, all you had to do was attach his head to it's rightful place.
You gently pick up his head and carry it over to the body, standing on a small step to reach his neck and attach everything to its rightful place.
A small hop down and you walk in front of him, looking up at the omnic in front of you. It was eerily quiet as your music stopped moments before.
"Please work. Please." You begged before heading over to the computer and directing a current to the omnic.
A small hiss and the lights on his forehead turned orange. They blinked a couple times before turning red and completely turning off.
You try again but the outcome was no different.
Heading over to a computer next to the omnic, you run a scan for any errors. A program you had built in your free time to detect any faulty wires or components.
Time remaining: 8 hours
You stare at the screen before the area around you becomes fuzzy. Hanzo walks in the moment you drop to the floor.
Your body completely crashed.
The light was bright above you as you came to. Hanzo was by your side as your stirred, placing a hand to your head.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"How long was I out?" You ignored his question to ask your own.
"Nearly a full day." He places a hand on your arm.
"Shit." You go to get up but Hanzo only stops you from moving forward.
"You need to rest."
"I need to fix Ramattra." You tried to get out of his grip.
"Take a break." Hanzo was much stronger than you were, holding you down easily.
"I can't."
"Yes you can."
"You have to rest." A female voice broke through, tone very much stern. "Doctors orders."
With a tone like that, you stop resisting, instead slumping back into the bed.
"Fine, but only until tomorrow." You try to bargain.
"No, not until I deem you healthy and fit to leave." Angela checked your blood pressure before writing it down. "Rest."
You sigh, staring up at the ceiling before your body drags you back into slumber.
You had no idea how much time had passed before Angela had let you go. Hanzo walked with you to the workshop to make sure you were truly ok before leaving you for a training session with Genji.
Upon entering, you are met with what you had left. Ramattra was still standing there with no power. Some dust had begun to settle on his chassis so you made quick and gentle work of brushing it off.
Checking the monitor, all tests had come back green. All was good. You direct the current through again.
Switched off.
You screamed. Like actually screamed, throwing a piece of scrap metal at the wall.
"Three weeks of work for nothing!" Tears streamed down your face as you kept running the current but was getting nowhere. "Fuck, what the actual hell am I supposed to do..."
Omnics didn't come with an on button.
You rummaged through the spare parts, a small piece rattled at the bottom of the box. Despite feeling somewhat relieved you missed something, you were utterly pissed off with yourself for actually missing something.
Pondering for a moment, you realised where this piece belongs. A small hole underneath his back plate, hidden among cables and wires.
After about another hour of fucking about with everything in his back, you had the piece inserted and flipped up.
Reassembling his back, you head over to direct a current.
You could hear hissing which meant his fans were working. A small digital noise escaped from the omnic as his arms twitched, head tilting to the side.
You stand there, body frozen.
His head tilts back up, now directly facing you.
Nothing was said for a moment. The two of you just staring at each other.
"I didn't think I'd get to see you again." Was the first thing he said.
"What?" Your cheeks grew warm.
"You fixed me. I owe you my life." He took a wobbly step forward.
"You don't owe me anything." You say.
"I do. For nearly a month you have worked on fixing me."
"How'd you know it was only a month?"
Ramattra sat down at the workbench, the same place he sat the first time he entered the shop.
"When you checked to see if there was any damage to my chips, you inadvertently set a small current off. I was able to see everything, hear everything."
"How-" You pause for a moment. Your cheeks grew warmer knowing exactly what he was talking about.
The omnic laughed. "I won't say anything." He reassured you. "I want to thank you for being so gentle with everything. You even apologised when you-"
"I get it! You heard it." You look away, embarrassed. "You should go see Zenyatta. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you with a body."
"I want to stay here for a little while. I have grown rather... fond of this place."
"It's nothing special." You try to dismiss him.
"[y/n]. I want to spend actual time with you." He stared at you, lights flickering on his forehead.
You stare wide eyed. "I thought you hated humans."
"You are an exception. A rather great exception. I can tolerate the others for now."
"Mhm." You nod, taking a seat across from Ramattra.
"To be honest, you were the last thing I thought of when I shut down." He said, his tone was almost quiet.
"Why? I'm nothing special."
"You may not think that, but you have done wonders for omnics like me and my brother. You show me that there are good humans among the filth. I believe that is what Zenyatta was trying to tell me."
He gained a laugh from you.
"Thank you." He took a hold of your hand that was resting on the table. "You even fixed my touch processors." He sounded shocked at this.
"Yeah... Zenyatta mentioned it was something you had worked on. I tried, so if it doesn't work as it should, feel free to fix it to your liking."
"Thank you." He repeated. "Can I possibly take you to the canteen to get some dinner? You hardly ate a thing when you were working on me."
"Are you asking me out on a date?" You grin, cheeks flushed.
"What if I am?"
"Yes. Yes you can." There was a sparkle in your eyes that Ramattra noticed instantly. If he could smile, he would. Your hand was warm as he held it, not wanting to let it go. That same warmth circled through his chassis whenever he looked at you.
Ramattra, dare he say, had fallen for a human. Each day you were fixing him, he grew more and more attached. He noticed how you moved, how you stretched, the gentle touch of putting things together and the concentration on your face when you worked on circuitry on the bench. For nearly a month he had been watching you without you even knowing. He knew things that he figured not many of the others knew. He admired your persistence and determination, yet that scream you let out shook him. He may have feared you were giving up.
Yet you didn't. You didn't give up on him.
He wanted to be with you, not as a way to say thank you, but because he had genuinely fallen for you.
Memory: Repair log, day 10:
"Despite you being a pain in the ass sometimes, you're alright. Fuck, you should've seen how heartbroken Zen was. It hurt me too, you know. If this doesn't work, I will never forgive myself. I don't think Zen will ever get over it either... If you're listening, Ramattra, please wake up... I don't think you understand that you have people here who actually want you back, and not for your strength. I'll miss you if this don't work. I'll miss seeing that damn face of yours and your snarky comments." You laugh. "You always made me smile. Even that day you came in with Zen. You didn't see but when you left I was super happy you trusted me. It was the very first time you let a human touch you. I heard from your brother you hadn't even let any other human touch you before I did...
Hey, Ramattra... you're welcome here anytime. Even if it's just to talk."
There was a small pause.
"Fuck," you laugh, "I can't be falling for you... we hardly know each other."
"It's not so wrong is it? A human falling for an omnic? Would you even feel the same? I don't know."
"Oh shit, where the fuck did I put it?"
"Ramattra. I think I'm in love with you yet I hardly know you. It's crazy that it can happen like that... I'm probably going crazy."
"You'll be done soon, I can feel it."
You rested your head on the desk, eyes slowly closing and pulling you to sleep. "I love you... Ramattra..."
An omnic in love with a human. A human in love with an omnic... It wasn't unheard of, he just believed it would never happen to him, especially with how things turned out with his last mission.
He would run that memory log over and over again.
"I love you... Ramattra..."
"I love you too... [y/n]..."
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violettduchess · 7 months
Yay! I'm excited for this idea of yours!! Could I ask for Silvio + Vampire/Detective (either works!) + Fluff? I felt like Pirate was too obvious 😂😌
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A/N: We talked about this and the request changed a wee bit. So here is your Silvio, a vampire MC and something spicy! I hope you enjoy it my sweet @xbalayage 💜
Silvio x female vampire Reader
WC: 2.7 k
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It is a night of gleaming silver stars and a sharp sliver of moon. The ancient manor, hidden within the protective shadows of the forest, stands regal, with its seven gables and heavy velvet curtains. Inside, its occupants yawn, rising to greet the darkness, readying themselves for an evening of meetings, treaties and hopefully, revelry. 
You’re in the banquet room, watching the others eat merely for the pleasure of it. None of them actually needs food. Mortal cuisine is appealing every now and then but it’s been so long since you were human, you hardly ever feel the need to indulge in such nostalgia. 
Although…..maybe indulging would be better than….this. Lifting the crystal goblet to your lips, you tell yourself it won’t be that bad. Just give it a chance. This time the blood substitute given to all the vampires attending the gathering could actually taste good. You tilt it upwards and the cool, thickly-clotted, crimson liquid creeps down the glass in fits and stops, crossing the line of your red lips and coating your tongue.
Your body heaves and your throat closes in a gag. A full body shudder runs through your limbs from the top of your head to the tips of your toes in their black boots.
Ugh, enough of this.
The goblet is set down in one violent motion, clanging as it hits the polished onyx of the banquet table. Ignoring the curious gazes of other clan members, you push your chair away and flounce from the extravagant dining room in a flash of dark satin and black leather.
“Still revolting,” you mutter to yourself as you storm through the manor, down hallways lined with oversized, dour portraits of vampire nobility, lush carpeting absorbing the fall of your heels. In a cloud of indignation you fume all the way back to your guest suite where you throw open the ornate wooden door……
…..to find Silvio lounging on your bed, sipping a glass of the vile liquid you just rejected while thumbing through your black, leather-bound notebook.
“What the hell are you doing here?” 
He glances up, not one ounce of shame on his extraordinarily handsome face. 
“You told me I should read your notes on all the other clan members. So I’m readin’ ‘em.”
“Oh for fucks sake, I didn’t mean break into my room and take over my bed.” 
You’ve known Silvio Ricci for so long. A century ago, you worked together to broker a trade deal/ peace agreement between the Benitoite vampire clans and those of your native Rhodolite. Its massive success ensured that you have been working together ever since. 
He sits up, stretching out his long body, his impossibly blue eyes still scanning your notebook.
“You got the better room. And you keep annoyin’ me about learnin’ more about these Jadean vamp clans so-” He stops talking when he notices you lifting your velvet travel cloak from the armchair it had been draped over.
“What do you think you’re doin’? “
The dark cloak falls over your shoulders, settling with a soft, satisfying whoosh around you. Turning, you view your reflection in the mirrored front of the wardrobe, smoothing down the front of your elegant, sable blouse.
“I’m going out for a real drink.” A pat to your hair and then you spin on your heel, already feeling that prickling thrill that rushes through you at the beginning of any hunt.
But when you face the door to the bedroom, Silvio is there, blocking your exit. He must have shadow-jumped, moving in seconds from one place to another, using the shadows of the bedroom as conduits. Your notebook is facedown on the brocade carpet, abandoned.
“You’re not goin’ out there.” 
Despite the height of your boots, you’re still forced to tip your head up in order to meet his gaze. You forget how tall he is sometimes. His moonlight hair falls forward, the tips brushing the tops of his slanted cheekbones, a celestial curtain behind which his ocean eyes burn bright.
Your brow arches in question as you force yourself to look into all that endless blue. 
“The hell I’m not. Silvio. Move.”
“No fuckin’ way.” His jaw tightens, the words spit out through clenched teeth.
No, don’t throttle him yet. You draw a patient breath. “Why not?”
He rolls his eyes with a huff that tells you how very idiotic he finds that question and your fingers curl inwards, red nails pressing into the palms of your hands. Maybe time to throttle him?
“You know the woods outside this place are crawlin’ with Slayers, just lookin’ for a prize.”
A soft hiss escapes you. Fucking Vampire Slayers. They know the clans meet once a year and somehow they always find out exactly where that is. It makes arrivals and departures especially challenging and not every vampire survives it.
But you are not every vampire.
You fasten your cloak with one hand, the large rose-shaped ruby of your signet ring twinkling in the wan candlelight. “I’m a big girl, Silvio. I can handle myself.”
He growls as he shakes his head. “Stop being so fuckin’ stupid. Just drink the substitute for a few days and feed once we’re outta here.”
What is going on? Why does it even matter to him whether or not you take the risk of going out into the night?
"Silvio…..what the fuck? So I want to find some real blood. So it may be a bit dangerous. Who cares?!" Your voice is sharp with frustration, bright with an annoyance ready to ignite into anger.
"I do!! I fucking care!"
Silvio's words are torn from his throat by raw emotion, swift and fierce. Something in his eyes flashes, the piercing shine of a lighthouse beacon skimming the unknown darkness of the sea. His cheeks are uncharacteristically flushed, as if he’s embarrassed himself with his own outburst. 
You’re stunned into silence. You can hardly breathe. All you feel right now is the atomic fallout of a heart suddenly blown to pieces by the most unexpected, shocking wave of desire. The world as you know it, have known it for ages, tilts, breaks into a million tiny pieces as you move towards him. Your hand slides over the rich silk of his shirt where you feel his heartbeat thunder against your palm. This is Silvio Ricci. He’s the most aggravating man you have ever known. Arrogant. Commanding. Excessive.
Your hand slides up, gripping the nape of his neck, your gaze never leaving his.
So many hours of correspondence. So many days over so many decades in each other’s company. And while you always had to admit that he was attractive, never had you felt the need to know what his mouth feels like under yours, to find out what sounds he makes when he surrenders to you, to hear the rasp of exhausted desire in his voice as it stutters your name.
And yet…..here, on a night when you expected to be battling enemies for a drink of fresh blood, here you are, your blood practically singing in your veins as you stare into his eyes, now dark as the sea in winter.
“Silvio…..” His name slips from your lips, unbidden, a whisper rounded by yearning.
It is oil to the smoldering heat in his veins. His strong hands reach for you, pull you against him as he dips his head to capture your mouth with his. You gasp at the feel of the strong lines of his body, how well they fit against yours. And you gasp at the feel of his lips, his tongue. Hesitation dies, burned to ash by lust. His fingers press into you, greedy, almost needy. His mouth is demanding, hardly giving you a moment to adjust before he moves, head tilting from one side to another, tongue demanding access over and over. He kisses you as if he is drowning man and you are oxygen, as if you are the lifeblood essential to all vampires. You feel the sharp scrape of his teeth against your lips, the way his skin grows warmer under the hand that still grips his neck.
With a throaty growl, you jerk out of his arms, stepping back. He hisses, taking a step toward you. He can’t drink in the sight of you fast enough. Your electric gaze, your lips, red and kiss-swollen, the graceful movement of your hand as you unhook your cloak in a single motion. It falls to the carpet soundlessly.
And then, with vampiric speed, you are back in his arms and he’s lifting you, carrying you to the bed he had been lazily lounging on not that long ago. He lays you down on your back, one hand reaching down to brush away several locks of hair that have fallen across your neck and shoulders. His gaze follows his own fingers as they brush over your skin as if entranced by the sight, as if he can’t believe that he’s actually touching you. When you reach up and take his hand, he blinks, his cheeks flushing as if he’s been caught doing something too private, too intimate. He lowers his body, burying his heated face in the curve where neck meets your shoulder. Your fingers slide through his moon-spun hair and the aesthetic of your sharp, crimson nails dragging through all that silver pleases you deeply. 
“I knew it,” he murmurs, his nimble fingers somehow already nearly finished undoing the front lacing of your blouse. “I knew you wanted me.” His tongue traces each new expanse of skin as it is revealed. But the blouse only opens so far. He curses the innocent piece of clothing, impatiently grabbing the hem and pulls it over your head.
“You are such an idiot,” you gasp, fingers curling inward of their own accord as he leaves a string of heated kisses down your abdomen, his eager fingers already skimming over the waistband of your leather pants. 
He lifts his head, pushing himself up with one hand, his eyes as bright as twin stars. His fingers pause and it is torture. 
“There’s no shame in it, ya know. Lots of people want me. You probably wanted me for centuries, huh.”
Oh this jerk, this ridiculous, infuriating, beautiful vampire jerk.
You tilt your head, your hands roaming over the luxurious material of his sleeves. A corner of your mind pulsing with want wonders if he would mind you tearing it to shreds. Ah but he needs to be taught a lesson for such arrogant talk. Using your supernatural strength and speed, you roll, easily flipping him onto his back, pinning him down with one hand even as you straddle him invitingly.
“You’re the one who wouldn’t let me leave. Who told me….what was it? How much you care. And then started kissing me like the world is ending.” You run your thumb over his lips, slowly enough to feel the way they tremble.
His breath hitches in his throat and you watch, fascinated and oddly turned on by how red his cheeks suddenly glow. Who knew he blushed so easily? He looks away, brow scrunched in irritation even as his hands slide over the curve of your hips, over the leather that is molded to your form, holding you firmly in place against him.
“The fuck you talkin’ about…,” he mutters before reaching up for you, pulling you back down towards him. “Shuddup and let's get back to how much you want me.” 
You pause, your lips scant centimeters away from his. “I believe the evidence of how much you want me is much…..clearer.” You roll your hips against his, demonstratively and there is no denying the hard truth of your words.
He groans, shaking his head and the world tilts again as he flips your positions, covering you with the lean, muscular length of his body. The bed groans at all this gymnastics.
Your pants join your discarded blouse and travel cloak in a forlorn heap on the floor. How he managed that between kisses that leave you dizzy and aching and fighting for air is a mystery for the ages.
You’ve managed to wrangle him out of most of his clothing, without tearing anything, when suddenly you grow still, your eyes closing as a wave of true, overwhelming dizziness crashes over you. Silvio feels the way your body stiffens and freezes, his hand growing still on the inside of your thigh. He raises his disheveled head from the line of red marks he was leaving along your lower stomach.
“You ok?” 
You blink, trying to clear the sloshing in your head.
“I….I think I’m just hungry.” You try to smile, to lighten the violent shift in mood. “I was trying to go get something to eat when you so….expertly distracted me.”
He scrambles into a sitting position and then carefully, almost tenderly, reaches down to help you sit up as well, propping you up against the pillows.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t had a drink since we got here?” The paleness of your face, the way you’re holding yourself is answer enough. “The fuck?? We’ve been here a week! You ain’t really that stupid, are ya?”
You wince at his justified admonishment and he sighs heavily. He reaches down, grabbing a handful of his own billowy white shirt from off the floor and pulls it over your head, covering the body he had so eagerly uncovered just moments ago. The sight of you in his shirt has him swallowing, a tangle of complicated emotions tumbling through him.
Standing, he crosses the room in nothing but his silken braies, heading for the table next to the dresser and even through your light-headedness you can’t help but admire the lean cut of his body. He reaches for the crystal decanter, the one filled every evening for all attendees with fresh blood substitute, the one you have ignored for days despite how often they refresh it. The liquid flows from the lip of the decanter into the intricate glass that has lived untouched on that same table and with a determined set to his jaw, he strolls back to you, lowering himself to the edge of the bed. He shoves the glass in your direction, his expression a scowl draped in the embarrassment of caring.
“I know you can’t stand this shit but you ain’t gonna be able to handle all the things I’m wanna do to you unless you got some strength in ya. So stop actin’ like a stubborn jackass and-”
You yank the glass from his hand and, your gaze never leaving his, knock down the contents in one long swallow. You almost manage to hide your revulsion. 
Silvio takes the glass from you, his fingers brushing yours, softly, like small flames licking at your skin. He grins slowly and any lingering feeling of disgust is incinerated by the sudden desire that flares through your body.
“Ya want me that bad, huh?”
The blood substitute has renewed you, has sparks exploding like tiny supernovas through the pathways of your veins. You feel reborn, a phoenix bursting from the ashes in a fiery explosion of wings and want. You move faster than a human eye could see, too fast for his own enhanced vision. One moment he’s grinning at you, licking his lips like a cat that’s caught the canary and the next he’s pinned beneath you again, looking up into a face bright with eagerness, eyes glowing with satisfaction.
And when your fangs slowly protract, it’s all he can do to stop himself from taking you then and there.
“The lady is still hungry,” he rasps as your hands slide over his chest, your strong fingers curling around the hard muscles of his shoulders, sharp red nails biting pleasurably into his skin. 
You lower yourself down, tracing the shape of his ear with your tongue, fangs scraping the delicate skin. Beneath your body, you feel the tremor of lust that rolls through him and you smile, the apex predator clutching its prey within possessive talons as you whisper in a voice raw with yearning, “The lady is absolutely…..famished.”
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @portrait-ninja @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @mastering-procrastinating @namine-somebodies-nobody @queen-dahlia @nightghoul381 @bubblexly @ozalysss
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steve0discusses · 6 months
S5 Ep 50: Tristan Hates Horses, I Think
Been a while! Tumblr’s annoying as hell changes to the text editor took a lot of wind out of my sails, ngl. It had some problems they're resolving as they go, but it was really annoying to use and to edit if you write any amount of youknow……words….
And I was talking to a friend about this, and they were like “have you tried writing it in google docs and copy pasting it after?” And I happily realized when you copy paste from google docs, it also copies the PICTURES. This has literally saved hours of my life, y'all. It has turned something that was so frustrating I didn't want to open tumblr again into something that is no longer an obstacle so I can write once more!
So lets travel to Yugi’s brain, where Tristan desperately has to make up for all the work he hasn’t done because he was just a wee tiny bit possessed.
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It may be hard to pick up where Tristan is on this picture, and I hope I recorded it somewhere in OBS like 2 months ago when I finished the series because it was such a funny animation, but hot damn this boy has hops.
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And  you can see him there on the ground in the bottom left corner, that isn’t a rock, that’s Tristan having toppled a man with his bare hands, a man who had a sword and was sitting on an armored horse.
Can you believe this guy ran for school president? And then lost and humbly became the janitor?
Meanwhile, Joey discovered magic.
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Confirmation that duel disks are made out of old tank parts.
Realizing for the first time that magic exists, they decide to peace out.
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Back in the real world, Mokuba and Roland don’t know where the hell Seto went. Which is weird, I figured Seto would at least leave a note or a text message or…anything…but apparently even if he did, he just disappeared at some point down in Marik’s old living room.
So Roland and Mokuba decided that in order to find him, they would have to take a massive Boeing 747 to find their lost child.
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Some kids have a motorcycle, some kids have a scooter, Mokuba just wants the most boring ass big commercial plane that is meant to sit a couple hundred people in an awkward way. That’s what Mokuba wants.
Just Mokuba things.
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My bro who edits these for me wrote in huge ass letters "ROLAND SIGHTING" While saying "ROLAND ROLAND ROLAND" so I want y'all to know how much we appreciate a good Roland in this house.
Speaking of, I know it's like season 5 but...who is the other guy? He wears funny sunglasses but I have never heard his name, not once.
But this is when the plane was filled with heavenly light.
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They begin to see the fight happening between Seto Kaiba (the OG Seto, the one that is cool and isn’t depressed because his not-wife died) and Bakura (who is now Zorc). Don’t ask me how the time stuff works, and why we see it now of all the times in human history, and right over Egypt in the sky. Don’t ask me why.
I assume it’s time compression shenanigans, just like FF8, so maybe it’s just every moment in time is able to see this UFO in the sky, but overall, it’s here because it looks cool. The fact that this right here is actually not a physical place, but is actually a figment of Yugi’s imagination shaped by Pharaoh’s botchy memories--is neither here nor there. Instead, it’s everywhere. 
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Seto is unimpressed by this, because he knows how science and timelines should work, and this wouldn’t pass Kaiba Corp inspection.
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Back at the yellow palace made of cheese and mario blocks, Pharaoh is still knocked out from that time he summed all 3 dragons last episode, which to me feels like just eons ago. 
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But it’s OK, he’s fine now.
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Typically he’d be dead, because his dragons died on the battlefield and their life force is connected to their monsters. But not only is Pharaoh 1.) already dead and 2.) the author of this universe and cannot die or this universe ceases to exist he’s 3.) got the puzzle, which means he can’t actually perma die, unlike everyone else in his court who is perma-gone.
He is not surprised by what is currently happening in Egypt’s downtown strip.
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This is probably every day in Domino. Every day Seto Kaiba wakes up everyone in town with his three-headed dragon princess just because he can. Hell, Seto was doing this fight with Bakura on the top towers of Domino just this morning (or last morning…not sure if time passes in real life the same way it does in puzzle life)
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The audacity of Yami right now, the one moment Yugi isn’t there to scream about ledges, this boy is leaping joyfully off that ledge. 
He fuses with the dragon which gives him this familiar outfit.
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I thiiiiink it’s the same outfit as Alexander season? I’ll be real with you though, I don’t really want to look it up. Either way, good to see the return of putting on a ton of armor in a card game, I don't think we've seen it Canonically since that one time Joey did it against Valon, and ever since then, Joey kind of forgot it was a thing he can just do.
But unlike Joey, Yami doesn’t take the opportunity to punch Zorc in the face, instead he just loses yet another time.
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This time he didn’t even pass out, he barely even died. This is progress, truly.
But as Zorc is powering up the peepee missile to fire in Yami’s face (what a way to die!), Shadi has decided to inform us why he’s been stalking these kids for this entire show.
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So there’s two ways to read this. 1.) Shadi was Hassan the entire time but had to go back in time from this moment in order to do it or 2.) Shadi possessed the power of Hassan last second so Yami could avoid death one final time.
Both of these explanations don’t fully make sense to me, I’ll be honest, because in order to know that he’ll be needed in the first place, Shadi had to know that Yami would die at this particular moment--a moment that is a different timeline than has ever existed before.
So really, Shadi was just going by a hunch. He was like “I dunno, I’ll see how this goes.” which is more in line with the Shadi we know and love.
Is it a crying shame that Shadi, who has been with us for so many seasons, and it so integral to this show had such an unceremonious death? Yeah. I feel like I didn’t quite get the closure I wanted but I’m also sort of confused as to…what happened. But I’ll leave it there because apparently we get more Shadi content in Dark Side of Dimensions.
Anyway, I have no idea if these images will even fit into a post with how how tumbler does posts nowadays, and I'll be real I had to re upload the last bit of it, which I suspect was over 15 images???? Not sure??? but we found a workaround! google docs works!
Also, Seto didn’t die today! Instead it was Shadi! For a SECOND time!
I cannot believe how freakin lucky Mana is, this girl is still kicking and if Mana survives everything I am…going to be astonished, that’s what. Mana secretly OP, who knew?
And always you can read the rest of these here
if I turn it into a link it doesn't work right because the text editor is really, really bad. I hate it a lot. But uh...feel free to copy paste it until I can get links to cooperate.
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
That Shirt
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That shirt
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Benny Miller x f!reader (no established relationships)
Word Count: 3500+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: This is for the writing challenge from @mermaidxatxheart​. You can find the challenge HERE. Also, this was not betad. Thanks to @astoryisaloveaffair​ for helping me decide if positions made sense for all parties involved!
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Main Masterlist
Frankie Morales Masterlist
Benny Miller Masterlist
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I don’t know why my cousin decided to settle on a Hawaiian theme for his wedding, but I have to admit I’m ok with it now. Watching Benny try on several of Frankie’s ridiculous shirts before settling on some blue thing with…birds? Plants? I’m not even sure, but I am sure that watching my best friends try on shirts is hot. They ask me my opinion but all the shirts are horrid, except that they pull them off. How on Earth can they pull off those prints? Because they’re the hottest men ever.
They also happen to be my best friends.
My crush on each of them started immediately, when they pulled over to help me with my car that was overheating in the middle of nowhere. Again. No hesitance, they hopped out and inspected the car, Frankie knowing more about engines than Benny, but even he couldn’t save it. They gave me a ride, we got something to eat, and the rest is history. That was several years ago. 
And now, because they’re also the best humans on the planet, they’re both accompanying me to my cousin’s wedding, dressed in horridly printed shirts, while I decided on a dress with a print that somehow compliments them. The only problem is, about an hour into our drive, it started to rain. Well not rain. Downpour. Monsoon. Buckets of rain coming down. I look over at Frankie, who was driving, and I see him squinting towards the road. Pulling out my phone, I find a motel that’s less than a mile up the road.
“Mmm?” His eyes remain on the road but he addresses me.
“There’s a motel up ahead on the right. Motel Paradise. I think we should stop.”
He pauses for a moment. “Yeah I agree. I can barely see. I thought we’d have to sleep in the truck.”
We pull up to the motel, thankful for the “vacancy” sign that’s lit up. Frankie pulls up under the awning and we all get out, taking a moment to stretch our legs before walking inside. It’s small, just enough space for the front desk and a small reception area where I assume some sort of breakfast would be available. 
“Welcome to the Motel Paradise,” the man behind the counter says sarcastically, glancing out the glass doors behind us. 
“Thanks, man. You have any rooms available?” Benny asks.
The receptionist glances down at his ancient computer monitor. “I have one left.”
“Just one?”
“Yeah. Everyone’s getting off the roads so…”
Benny glances at me and then Frankie, who nods. “We’ll take it.”
Money exchanged, the man lazily hands us an actual key with a thick, large keychain with the hotel logo on it. It’s all the way at the end of the row of rooms, the very last one in the one story building. Frankie drives us over there and Benny hops out, holding the door open for me as I follow. He walks up to the room door, puts the key in and fiddles with it a moment before pushing the door open. He flicks the lights on and pauses.
“What is it?” I ask, thinking it’s got left over escapade underwear or something a hotel would have that charges by the hour. But as I push past him, I see exactly what he’s talking about.
“There’s only one bed,” Benny says a little nervously.
“Looks like a queen too,” I offer. 
Frankie walks in then and sees us staring. His eyes follow our gaze and lands on the one, smaller bed. He thinks for several moments before speaking.
“I…I can sleep in the truck.”
Turning to him, I shake my head. “Not with your back you aren’t.”
Benny speaks up. “I’ll take the chair.”
Looking at him, I sigh. “Ben, you’re like a thousand feet tall. Even I couldn’t curl up on that thing. No way. I will go sleep in the truck and you guys can-”
They’re both shaking their heads at me. “No way.”
“Frankie, I know you’re protective over your truck but I promise I won’t drive it.”
“It’s not that, querida. It’s not safe out there. I’m trained for that shit. Plus, you’ll hurt your neck or something.
He’s right. 
“Maybe we can sleep on the floor?” Benny asks, looking at Frankie who starts to nod.
“On this floor? No way. This is a hotel, boys. Who knows when this thing was deep cleaned last.”
Benny chuckles. “There’s always the bathtub.” 
Frankie chuckles with him. “I’d love to see you try and cram yourself into a bathtub.”
They bicker back and forth, in a friendly way before they become quiet, scanning the room for another place to sleep.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, we’ll all share the bed.” I wish I felt as confident inside as I sounded then, because the idea of being sandwiched between the 2 men that I have a massive crush on is…intimidating to say the least. I just know my face is heating up so I walk past Frankie and grab my purse that I had tossed on the dresser. 
“We…we can’t all fit?” Frankie asks, looking between me and Benny.
“Sure we can,” I say, pointing to the bed. “Benny, me, you. We’ll fit and no one will have bad backs or necks in the morning.”
Wait…are they blushing? I watch them both shift nervously where they stand.
“Are…are you sure, sweetheart?”
“Of course. We’ve all stayed at each other’s places before-”
“This is a little different, querida.” Frankie cuts me off.
Sighing, I walk over to the bed and sit on it, bouncing slightly with my movement. I swear I caught them both looking at my chest as it bounced. I have to be seeing things, right?
“Look, it’s fine with me. I’ll sleep great knowing I’m with you both.”
A quick glance at each other and they nod, coming to some sort of an agreement. Frankie gets a cooler out of his truck that he had thankfully packed some sandwiches and road snacks in, which now becomes our dinner. We ate and chatted, a movie playing in the background as the mood relaxed. Soon it was time for bed, so we each grabbed our bags and took turns in the small bathroom getting ready for bed. And that’s when I remembered.
I only have a shirt for pajamas. 
I don’t typically sleep in much of anything but I knew I had to have something so I grabbed an oversized shirt and tossed it in my bag, thinking I’d have a room all to myself. Well that was a terrible idea. Oh well - nothing to be done about it now. 
When I walk out of the bathroom, both Frankie and Benny’s eyes are glued to me, scanning me up and down before looking away quickly, each of them turning a brilliant blush color. What was actually happening? Could they…could they feel the same as me? No. I’m not that lucky.
Making my way over to the bed, I crawl up it, scooting towards the middle as I hear the bathroom door close behind Benny. Some movie is still on the tv and Frankie is trying so hard to keep his eyes on the tv and not me. This is…I’m not sure how to process this. Soon, Benny takes Frankie’s place and sure enough, same thing, as if he’s forcing himself to not look at me. 
Frankie comes out, wet curls sticking to his forehead and now it’s my turn to try and not look at him. Because when his hair sticks to him…
Frankie hovers at the edge of the bed, lightly sitting on the smallest area possible. We watch a bit more of the movie, rain still hammering against the roof, but it’s getting late. We all need to sleep.
“Alright. I think it’s time for bed,” I finish with a yawn. “Come on. I know neither one of you are comfortable. That chair looks like a bed of nails.”
Benny chuckles nervously. “You’re not wrong about that.”
They both get up and face the bed, glancing at each other before back at the bed. Rolling my eyes, I make grabby hands at both of them, patting the bed on either side of me. Nervously, they both shuffle to either side of the bed and slide in, trying hard not to touch me as they do.
“Oh my God you won’t hurt me you know.”
“Yeah but…” Frankie starts, grunting as he tries to cover himself with the blanket.
“We’re tryin’ to be respectful, sweetheart.”
I scoff, air coming out of my nose. “Since when?”
“Since we have to share a bed.” Frankie nearly whispers, but we’re so close I hear him anyway. 
I say nothing. What is there to say? They face away from me as they try to fall asleep. They’re so close I can smell them both and there’s no way I’m getting sleep tonight…
A few hours later, assuming by the darkness in the room, my eyes flutter open, lashes dancing across my cheeks as I feel something hard slightly grinding against my ass. Not something. Someone. Benny. I would be the world’s biggest liar if I said this didn’t immediately turn me on, but he’s got to be dreaming. Right? A little moan escapes me before I can stop it and a few moments later, the grinding stops. 
“Shit. I…’m sorry.” Benny’s voice is raspy with sleep and I can tell he woke when I stirred. But he hadn’t moved away from me, just stopped moving, his erection still firmly pressed against my ass.
Fuck it. I can’t take this anymore - if this makes our friendship awkward, I’ll deal with it later. Pushing my hips back, I slightly grind my ass over his hard cock, tucked away in his pajama pants. A rumble in the back of his throat goes straight between my legs as his fingers tentatively grip my hip, his lips ghosting across my ear as he raspily whispers to me.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” I whisper back, my nerves lighting up my whole body and making me feel giddy, and I close my eyes to focus on the sensations.
Benny’s lips, so soft and warm ghost across my skin, finding some spot on my neck that has me biting my lip. Fuck how does he know about that spot? I didn’t know about that spot. I feel his hand slowly slide up my shirt, his rough fingertips lightly touching my skin and I let out a huff of breath. I’m trying to be quiet, but I don’t know if I can…
Benny pushes up my bralette, my boobs spilling from it as he grabs one, lightly brushing his thumb across my nipple. I bite my lip to keep from crying out. He squeezes and tugs lightly, and I’m already putty underneath his hands. Benny winds his top arm under my neck and around my front, shoving his hand down my top and grabbing a boob, while his other hand starts to roams south, lightly tugging at my underwear. I know he’s waiting for confirmation. I can feel it in his slight hesitance. 
Pushing my hips back, I feel a puff of air on my neck as he gets the hint, his fingers gripping my panties and pulling them down my legs. His fingers make circles around my entrance and I feel him groan quietly into my neck when he feels how wet I am for him. He pushes 2 fingers in and I bite my lip harder - I swear I’m going to draw blood before he’s done. He pumps into me a few times before he’s gone, no longer touching me. 
Opening my mouth to protest, words die on my lips as I hear and sort of feel him shifting his pants down. His hard cock pops free and slaps against my ass as he adjusts his hips, lining up with me. I’ve wanted this for so long, so desperate for this that I nearly cry out in frustration at his slowness. But then he’s pushing in and -
“Mmmnnuuhh!” A moan escapes me before I can stop it. Benny keeps pushing and fuck he’s long. He feels incredible, lighting me up and electrifying my skin.
Soft lips touch mine, a tongue pushing lightly at them, gently demanding I part mine. I do and the tongue glides in and rubs across my bottom teeth, finding my tongue to dance with it. A few more moments of kisses as Benny finally bottoms out inside me and stills, the kiss breaking. My eyes remain closed for a moment before I slowly open them, looking into the dark, lustful eyes of Frankie.
“Is this ok, querida?”
I don’t think I’ve ever nodded faster in my life. “Yes. Fuck, yes.”
He smiles and fuck- Frankie’s smile has always destroyed me. He glances behind me, I’m assuming towards Benny, and gives a small nod. His eyes find mine as Benny starts to slowly pull out, pushing back into me, his hand playing with my nipple. My mouth hangs open and Frankie is there, kissing me, shifting his body to find the boob Benny wasn’t touching. He starts to gently rub circles around my nipple, swallowing my cries as Benny starts to pick up the pace, grunting in my ear and breathing heavy on my neck. 
Frankie shifts down, his hand feeling for the underwear that Benny only managed to push to my knees. He breaks the kiss and moves to pull my underwear down and off, tossing them on top of my bag. He lays back down and resumes kissing me, lightly touching my nipple, which is in a major contrast with the way Benny is gripping and twisting. Frankie’s other hand shifts lower, pushing my leg up and over Benny’s. An extra adjustment thrust from Benny at this angle has me crying out as he hits some spot at the back of me. What is that spot? I can’t dwell on it because Frankie licks his fingers and touches my cunt, sliding his fingers through my folds before gliding back up to touch my clit.
“FUCK!” The word spills from my lips, erupting from somewhere inside me as both of their touch sends me towards the edge. “Fuck you…you both feel…’m gonna…UGH!” 
I explode, my entire body explodes with my orgasm, eyes flying back into my head, my mouth open, my legs shaking as Benny continues to hit that spot at the back of me and Frankie keeps touching my clit. I come down but I’m twitching with every touch. Frankie chuckles darkly and removes his hand.
“I wanna taste you, querida.”
I nod. I think I nod. I hope I nodded because I’d very much like that. I must have nodded because I feel Benny’s grip tighten on my hip as he pulls out, chuckling as I make a noise of protest. They both move my body to sit up and strip me of my clothes along with the rest of the both of theirs. The room is too dark to really see more than an outline of bodies, but that doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t bother them either as I feel the bed shift, Frankie grunting as he lays on his back, his head towards the bottom of the bed, his feet against the headboard.
“Sit on my face, querida.”
The slightly commanding way he says it has me wet all over again and I don’t have time to think about how he can suffocate before I’m scrambling up the bed, knees on either side of his head. Frankie grips my ass and pushes me close to his face, wasting no time in licking up the center of me.
“F-f-Frankie!” His name spills from my lips as he eats me like a man starved, like he’d been waiting for years for this chance. He uses his nose too, that nose that I love and adore, rubbing it up my pussy and tapping my clit. He continues for a couple minutes, pulling me apart on top of him before I feel a warm, strong hand at my upper back, Frankie humming approval into my cunt and I jerk at the stimulation. 
Benny pushes my upper back down, bending me over Frankie’s body and my nose brushes against Frankie’s hard cock. Fuck he’s thick. Definitely thicker than Benny. I always thought he was packing but damn. Lost in my vision of Frankie’s dick, Benny pushes into me quickly and without warning, but it’s like my pussy had been waiting for him. 
“Benny,” I let out a satisfied moan as he bottoms out and he chuckles deeply.
He starts to set a pace and the 2 men work their magic on me, pulling me apart from the inside out in the most glorious way. My face taps into Frankie’s dick and I moan, moving my head to give it a lick. Frankie’s suction on my clit drops and I feel a huff of air on my wet pussy that ends in a groan from Frankie. Before he has a chance to answer, I lick him again, getting his dick ready before I slowly take him into my mouth. 
“Fuck querida. You-you’re gonna kill me.”
“Doesn’t she feel fantastic, Fish?” Benny echoes his sentiment from somewhere behind me as he continues to pound into me, hitting some spot at the very back of me. 
Frankie licks at me before I can respond, and I dig my fingers into his thighs. I’m just trying to stay afloat, pleasure coursing through me as I run full out towards my next ograsm. Judging by the way Benny’s hips are starting to thrust more and more erratically, he feels very similar. I yank my head off Frankie as I feel myself falling into bliss.
“Boys ‘m gonna…fuck!” That’s all the warning I can give each of them and I wonder if I’ll feel guilty later for absolutely soaking Frankie’s face as Benny rails into me a few more times before he cries out, pulling out quickly. I feel warmth spurting across my back as Benny comes, continuing to whimper as he winds down. My legs start to twitch as Frankie continues to lap at me for a few more moments. 
As Frankie slows, Benny pulls out of me and I feel his loss, a small whine of protest escaping me as I hear him move to the bathroom and wet a rag. He comes back and wipes my back down before leaning over and turning my head, placing a light kiss to my lips before he pulls back, a large grin on his face. 
“ ‘m gonna take a shower.”
Benny heads to the bathroom and the water turns on and I finally move to slide off of Frankie. He helps guide me off of him as my legs had completely given out, helping me to lay on my back. He slides up next to me and props himself up on his arm, his finger tracing lines across my chest, around my nipples, and dipping lower and lower towards my cunt with each pass.
“Are you ok, querida?”
“Mmm? Me? I’m fucking fantastic.” He chuckles, continuing to trace his lines so gently, my skin pimpling at his touch. But wait….Frankie didn’t…
My eyes find his and he cocks his head slightly at my concerned expression. “You…you didn’t…I don’t think you…”
He shakes his head, but still has a small smile. “No, querida. But you did and that’s what I wanted.”
I move my hand to his cheek, lightly scratching his patchy beard hair as a sound rumbles in his chest.  
“Well, we can’t have that,” I say, trying to pull him on top of me as I bring him in for a kiss. Dammit, why is he strong?
“Querida, you don’t have to -”
“I don’t have to do anything, Frankie. But fuck I’ve wanted you both for so long. I just…I need to feel you inside me. Now.”
He kisses me hard, tongue exploring my mouth as he moves on top of me. I can feel him, hot and heavy as he pushes my legs wider with his knee before he notches himself at my entrance. Slowly, he inches his way inside me, watching my face as my head flings back into the bed, my mouth hanging open like an idiot. Fuck he just…He’s not as long as Benny but he’s definitely thicker and I feel like he’s splitting me open but I would beg for this. 
“Rough or slow, querida? We can always change it up next time.”
“N…next time? You mean, you’ll want to d-do this again?”
“Fuck yeah we will,” Benny’s voice comes from the doorway to the bathroom and Frankie nods his agreement, keeping his eyes on me. “But for now, I’ll give you two a moment.” Benny chuckles and closes the bathroom door behind him.
Frankie looks at me, his eyes searching my face for an answer.
“Lover’s choice,” I say, giving him a wink. “Besides - we can always switch it up next time.”
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales​ @chaoticgeminate @janebby @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin
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hassedah · 4 months
MC meets the mansion boys after Neil's neutral ending:
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
I had a request on the subject, but it got lost, fortunately it was noted in my word file folder. For this version of the story, the boys (Vladimir and co) didn't settle in MC's parents' manor. MC met Neil on her own and left her parents' manor after Neil left, and she settled with the boys while waiting for him to return.
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
Vladimir :
Vladimir is very suspicious at first. He doesn't understand how you can have such good control over yourself when you claim to have been transformed into a vampire barely a year ago. He remembers his first year of transformation well enough and still feels unstable enough to make it seem impossible. After all, despite being almost 150 years old, he still wants to attack humans when he feels strong emotions.
He knows that Aaron is very suspicious of you and that worries him a bit, to tell you the truth. He doesn't really know how to react when you're with him, seriously, he feels he has less self-control than you do. And yet, despite your impressive abilities, you don't seem to want to do them any harm. That's the only reason he agrees to put you up… and also because you told him you'd be alone if he didn't. He knows that solitude is too much to bear, and if he can help you avoid it, then he will.
Finally, as time goes by, they begin to trust you. You help them a lot around the manor, whether it's with day-to-day tasks such as tending the garden, or more complex tasks such as managing the visitors at the Beliath celebrations in helping them manage Ivan.
What's more, you're quite calm and friendly. He feels safe with you if he thinks it's a bit ridiculous, because you're the one who should feel safe with him. He's the older of the two of you, he's the one who should be protecting you if anything goes wrong.
Finally, he finds it pleasant to spend time with you. You seem to know a lot and you're a curious person. You listen to him when he has things to say and you ask him questions about his garden. In fact, you always seem to be looking for something new to learn and he must admit that he really likes that.
When you tell him that you have been transformed by an ancient vampire, he is both frightened and impressed.
He sometimes asks you questions about your partner. He's quite curious, even if he doesn't want to admit it, and he wonders why he left you alone. He thinks he wouldn't like to be separated from the person he loves. He often tries to cheer you up or make you smile when you seem to miss your partner.
Béliath :
He didn't really know how to react to you at first. You remind him a little of Ethan when he first met him, curious, perceptive, not easily impressed. However, Ethan was a very unstable young vampire, yet older than you are now. You shouldn't be able to control yourself so easily. Beliath is certain of that.
Maybe it's a bit scary… or impressive, he can't make up his mind at the moment and he's mainly relying on Aaron's reaction to know what to do and Aaron… well, Aaron's suspicious of you too. He's still friendly though, it's not his habit to be unpleasant with people he's just met.
He takes you to the Moondance, mostly out of curiosity at first, he's impressed by how easily you resist blood. A human cuts himself with a glass, and you simply raise your head in his direction, intrigued by the smell but without the slightest intention of attacking him.
You also have the same hypnotic abilities as Raphael and for a vampire your age, that's really impressive. He'd never seen anything like it in anyone else. He knows that it normally takes several years to reach such a level, but when he talks to you about it, you tell him that you've learned to do it instinctively.
He's also impressed by your hunting and fighting skills. You make it look as if you've been doing it all your life. And once again, you simply reply that whoever taught you was a very good teacher.
You talk very little about your past and even if he's curious, he doesn't try to broach the subject most of the time. When you tell him that you've been transformed by an Elder, he understands your abilities better. There aren't many Elders alive these days, so you've taken your first steps into vampiric life with one of the best of his kind.
He asks you questions about your partner from time to time, and he's quite perceptive, so it's fairly easy for him to understand that your partner is the ancient vampire who transformed you. However, he has a much harder time understanding why you've split up for the time being, and it's even more incomprehensible to him when you tell him that you're not separated, but that you're simply waiting for him to come back and see you.
Ivan :
Ivan feels really stupid compared to you. You were able to accompany Beliath and Ethan to the Moondance without the slightest difficulty, whereas he always feels on the verge of cracking up when he goes out on the town. In fact, you don't seem to have any difficulties that a young vampire should have and when he asks you how you did it you simply reply that you've had a very good teacher.
He knows that Aaron and Beliath are a little wary of you because of your extraordinary abilities, but that's not what concerns him most. Ivan is jealous.
He thinks it's really unfair. Aaron is also a very good teacher, he's put a lot of effort into helping him become a better vampire and he continues to do so. Yet he still hasn't reached your level even though he was transformed before you. He is a little unpleasant with you at the beginning of your relationship because of his jealousy. He sulks a bit when you're around and often looks for mistakes you might make to reassure himself of his abilities.
He would have liked to meet a young vampire with difficulties like him, not a vampiric prodigy. He's even more jealous when he sees that you have the same hypnotic abilities as Raphael. You seem to be able to do it with disconcerting ease, it's almost as if it's instinctive for you and when he asks you how you learned and you tell him that it really did come to you instinctively… he feels really sad.
He gradually calmed down after being with you every day and when he noticed that you tried to help him several times by giving him advice on hypnotising others or hunting. Your advice is very good indeed, and he feels he's making faster progress with it.
Finally, he's a bit more interested in you and what you were doing before you were transformed. He even finds it quite enjoyable to spend time with you. The others in the manor are all much older than him and because of that he couldn't understand some of the jokes or references he was making. It's fun to finally be able to joke with someone who understands what he's saying.
He really doesn't understand why you're not trying to find your partner, even when you explain that he's asked you for a bit of space. It seems inconceivable to him, you must miss him, right? Why don't you go looking for him instead of waiting for him? You really avoid broaching the subject with him, he'd almost manage to put doubt in your mind about the fact that Neil's coming back and yet you know Neil's coming back.
Aaron :
You didn't tell him who had transformed you, but Aaron quickly realised that there was something wrong with you. After all, you're a young vampire, a year old, you told him, but you seem to have as much control over yourself as Beliath or Raphael. It's not normal, you should have been like Ivan, unstable, really unstable, in the grip of your emotions and always on the verge of going on a rampage.
Aaron sees only two explanations for this, either you're lying and you're much older than you want to admit, or you've been transformed by an elder. He doesn't like the first idea, because if you're lying, you're potentially hiding something that could put others in danger, and he doesn't like the second idea either, because if there's one thing he's learnt in his life as a vampire, it's that it's much safer to stay away from anything remotely related to elders.
However, you don't seem to wish them any harm, despite the fact that you possess the same power as Raphael and that it would therefore be very easy for you to make them do what you want. He doesn't stop being suspicious though, he keeps asking you where you came from and why you've been transformed. You don't answer his questions out of caution, after all, you don't know if Neil had any enemies nearby and you don't want to take any risks.
It took several weeks for you to tell him about your transformation, but eventually you told him that you had been transformed by a former vampire who had trained you before leaving to continue his life elsewhere. You never gave his name, but your explanation seemed to be enough for Aaron.
He really enjoys sparring with you. Unlike Ivan or Ethan, you're a quick learner, very quick indeed. You're a little harder to beat with each sparring session and you don't tire easily. He's worried that in a while he won't be able to do it any more, because it's quite frightening to see how quickly you've assimilated his fighting habits and turned them against him and… he understands what your former vampire might have liked about you. After all, not everyone is capable of possessing your adaptability.
He also likes to go for walks with you in the forest at night. He remembers that the first few times he took Ivan with him into the forest, the young man would jump at the slightest noise, but you move through the forest as if it belonged to you. You're impressive and he can't deny that he really enjoys it. After all, he's not constantly worried about you getting hurt in a fight and you seem perfectly capable of defending yourself. Whoever trained you to be a vampire, Aaron thinks they must be powerful.
It's quite rare that you talk about your partner, so Aaron didn't find out about her until several months later. He's quite curious about her. What kind of person could have attracted the attention of a vampire as exceptional as you? Your partner must be out of the ordinary too.
Raphaël :
He's not suspicious of you at all. After all, maybe you're lucky. He, too, had great control over himself as a young vampire. Margarita was very impressed by his abilities and couldn't stop congratulating him on his self-control. In fact, he was very proud of it, and although he found it hard to admit, he couldn't stop boasting about it to Alessio. He thinks Aaron is exaggerating a bit with you and that he shouldn't worry so much.
Raphaël often comes to spend time with you. He finds you a pleasant person with an inquisitive and intelligent mind. You understand things easily and ask interesting questions that he's always happy to answer.
He's also delighted that you're interested in fighting. Raphaël loves teaching fencing to the people around him, so he's more than happy to teach you how to fight with his favourite weapon. What's more, you're a quick learner, which is really impressive - he's never met anyone capable of learning so easily.
He's also impressed by your ability to hypnotise people. He learned very early on how to do it, almost instinctively, so when you tell him how you instinctively knew how to hypnotise the man at the bar, he's delighted. At last he meets someone who understands what he's saying.
He's a little surprised when he hears that you've been transformed by an ancient vampire. After all, there aren't many ancient vampires left alive, so the fact that you could have been transformed by one of them is almost a sign of destiny for him, you're destined to do great things, he's no doubt about it.
He's a bit surprised when he hears about your partner for the first time after several months. He has a bit of trouble understanding how you manage not to talk about him more often and how you manage not to miss him. When he was separated from Margarita, he couldn't stop talking about her to everyone, she was his main topic of discussion and the person he thought about most. He wants to know more about your partner, how you met? What he does? Why isn't he with you? It's not that he's curious, but he really finds it hard to understand why you're not together.
Ethan :
He's only suspicious because Aaron and Beliath are suspicious. If it wasn't for the two older ones, he'd be more impressed by your abilities. He's well aware that your abilities are abnormal compared to him or Ivan. He still finds it hard to control his desire for blood when he feels strong emotions and he knows that it will be many years before he achieves the same level of control as the others.
But, even though he's wary, he can't really help hanging around you. Even when he's talking about something complex you always manage to follow the discussion and, unlike the others, he never thinks the questions you ask are stupid. It's really nice because it's the first time in a long time that he feels he can talk to someone without having to simplify things to be understood.
He was impressed by the control you had over yourself at the Moondance, at first he wasn't as confident as Beliath about letting you come with them, but eventually you impressed him. In fact, it's strange to say, but you seem to have been born to be a vampire. Everything they do and take years to learn it takes you much less time to assimilate.
Your hypnotic abilities are even more frightening after having convinced you to try it on him and seeing that you had succeeded. He didn't tell the others about it, because he feels a bit like he'd done something stupid by asking you to hypnotise him, but he was really so impressed that it took him several seconds before he managed to get a few words out.
When he learns that you have been transformed and trained by a vampire elder, he understands much better why you seem so adapted to the world of the night. Aaron and the others have told him enough about the elders for him to know that they are just as much threats as they are powerful beings. If he transformed you, it's probably because he saw a potential in you that the others didn't have.
He's also a bit curious when he realises that you're already in a relationship. Although he quickly realises that you're probably in a relationship with the vampire who turned you. He'd like to know why you're not together because he thinks it's rather strange, but you never answer his question honestly and you seem to have a lot of fun leaving him in doubt. But, it's not a problem, he loves mysteries and takes it as a challenge to discover your secret.
Léandra :
You met her by chance when you were wandering around town looking for something fun to do to pass the time. Léandra immediately realised that you were a vampire, and although she had originally planned to hypnotise you for a bit of fun, she was very disappointed when she realised that it didn't work on you at all. It's not really normal, succubi are more powerful than vampires after all, they're real demons whereas vampires are just modified humans for the most part.
Disappointed, but intrigued. She's started spending time with you, trying to understand you. You spend a lot of time together. Léandra is good company, she doesn't ask you questions about your past and just wants to have a good time. It's nice because you feel much less alone with her.
As time goes by, she's very impressed by your abilities, so much so that she didn't believe you at first when you told her you were a young vampire. In fact, she didn't even think it was possible, as the few young vampires she's met are so unstable that spending time with them is an ordeal. They always end up attacking passers-by and ruining even the most entertaining evenings.
You, however, have the self-control that makes you a pleasure to be around and you seem to understand a lot about the world of night quite instinctively. She knows that in a few years' time, you'll no doubt be one of the most powerful vampires around, and that's impressive - after all, it's not every day you meet people like you.
Over time, she becomes very intrigued by the person who has transformed you, but despite all her insistence and all the promises she makes to you to tell her his name, you never answer her question.
You seem ready to protect your secret tooth and nail. She stops insisting after a while, especially when she notices that her insistence is starting to irritate you. After all, you don't seem to have been turned by just anyone, and your stubbornness in protecting your secret is worrying enough for her to know that it's best to withdraw.
Farah :
You found yourself hanging around his pack by chance. You were roaming the forest looking for something interesting to do when you came across the clearing where his pack had set up camp. They invited you to spend some time with them, and as you had nothing better to do, you accepted.
It was a very pleasant evening, you listened to music, the members of the pack told you horror stories around the fire and Farah even took a packet of marshmallows out of her rucksack. Finally, you told them that you were a young vampire passing through town and didn't really know where to spend your time. They readily offered to let you spend some time with them, and you agreed.
You often visit the pack and Farah gets on quite well with you, although she is very intrigued by the control you seem to have over yourself. She can't remember ever having met a young vampire like you, which is impressive, but as you don't seem to have any ill intentions towards them, she's not worried.
You often accompanied her on walks in the forest or on patrols around the camp. You seem to be a very inquisitive person and you always listen carefully to any advice she gives you. This is something she appreciates, even more so when you ask her questions about things you haven't quite understood or things that intrigue you. It's always nice to meet someone who's curious and likes to learn new things, so she's always happy to answer your questions.
She also enjoys sparring with you, you're a quick learner, much quicker than the average person, and you're quick to reproduce the fighting techniques she teaches you. She never ceases to be intrigued by you, of course, you're far too different from the usual young vampires not to be intriguing and she'd like to know who turned you and why he left you alone when you seem to have so many more questions to ask.
However, she never asks you about him. You don't seem to want to talk about who turned you, and you wouldn't be the first of the pack to have secrets you don't want to talk about anyway. As long as you're not a danger to them, she sees no reason to ask you any questions.
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mellsfern · 1 year
A very scale situation
Prompt: Henry is a wild Naga.
You didn't remember the first time you saw one, but you were enamored with reptiles. In general, they were always so cool and very badass. You got a college degree to just study them and get paid for doing what you love.
It was about a week ago that you and them brought one specimen the newly found, it was the discovery of the century. While you had funds, you and your teammates were on a trip to a very big forest, deep in the Amazonas. You knew better than to go unprotected and alone but you work buddies couldnt get their shit together faster so you left them. After a very unfortunate sum of events, you found out why it's better to not go on your own.
You were calmly studying a caiman from afar when you caught a glance of a rapid movement. You didn't get time to react, you were trapped in the tight grasp of a beast. You analyzed what you saw and knew you'd a Conda at your cause of death. One thing was to take note of, the scales were so brightly yellow and had a very peachy color into it. You at least were extermined by a new species, it'd be just like Madam curie, killed by a discovery.
A hand touched your head, you would feel at least the finger run through your hair.
"What the fuck." You whispered, you looked around a bit more and you looked gazes with something incredible.
A creature only known to fantasies and myths. Staring back at you was a blonde, feral eyed half man half snake. Their eyes were brown, their hair golden and their body was peachy and with a lot of golden/yellowish scales.
"What a cutie" left your mouth. Everyone could blame you however they wanted, this creature was handsome and your mouth won the race against your brain a long time ago, that's why you were praising your killer.
The creature got surprised, almost bashful. You swore you saw a greenish tint come to his face before he avoided your gaze. You were curious, the creature reacted to the compliment, was it possible they could communicate with you?
"Do you understand my words?" You asked.
The creature looked at you again. Not sure what to do, he had plans to eat a caiman but then he saw you, he always wandered in these forests and never saw something such as you. He was watching you for a while and you were such an interesting creature, he just had to catch you but after you looked him at the eyes and called them cute? It was over for him. He was called a lot of things from the other beings that lived in this section and cute was never a thing.
He was concentrated in you totally, he barely understood most of your words. He saw your kind before but never something like you, were you like the other humans too? If that were so, wouldn't you be screaming? He didn't spoke your tongue to a thee but understood some words here and there. So he decided to just nod, that would get you to keep talking to him and staying more.
"So you do! That's amazing, I can't believe you also speak my tongue. This is the best discovery ever! I can't wait to brag about this to my team. They are gonna be so jealous!!" You kept talking about it, you just couldn't believe your luck.
You almost didn't catch how the tongue of the creature kept going to your direction. It was obvious he was smelling you, and that brought you back to what should have been the priority.
"A...are you gonna... eat me?" Your voice trembled, your excitement kind of gone because death wasn't exactly on your plans in this trip.
The creature nodded, not realizing what were you actually saying.
Oh God, this was awful. You were actually going to die. You only could think of one thing, bargaining for your life.
"What I'd I offer you something else? I-I can give you anything, j-j-just don't eat me! I don't taste good and-"
You were interrupted with the hissing of a caiman, it was clear that the thing wanted a meal too. And was willing to fight for it.
The creature frowned, making a disgusted face. It used their tail to hit it away and used his body to carry you to the top of a tree and retrieved you into his arms for a change when he decided that you were safe.
"It... bad" The creature said. "It... " He opened his mouth, showing the fangs he carried and successfully scared the crap out of you. He closed his mouth and made a chomping sound "... to you"
You were confused yet again, you knew he just saved you but the way he talked and answered were telling you he didn't fully speak your language.
"Do you have someone with you?" You tried talking to it again. It just nodded again. "Do you have fur and the head of a tree?" Nod. Yep, they didn't understand.
You were rocking your mind again, trying to resolve how to ask it not to eat you. "Are...." you started, unsure how to proceed" you gonna" you made a chomping sound too, trying to copy his actions before"... me?"
It got freaked out, denying it aggressively moving his head side to side. And if to prove a point, they let you sit on a branch which could have killed you if you were afraid of heights but you tried to not pay attention to it, after that they grabbed with their hands part of their tail and gave it to you as if asking to be handled.
You knew this was a way of some snakes after getting accustomed with their owners to show acceptance or affection if you will. What you never would have known tho, it's that wild species would do this too. You caressed the scales, too tempted to not to.
He really didn't think this was going to affecting him that much. Bit the moment your touch was sensed through his scales he made a note to keep you with him, close forever. He could never lose these new feeling of the warmth and the fuzzy feeling his insides were making. He immediately enrolled himself around you again, hugging tight but letting your hands free.
"Touch... more" He then offered his hair, asking to be pet, he had a dog-like feeling to it. You let him have it, apparently he enjoyed this.
"Well, I suppose since I will have a few more years to leave and you like this we should work on a name for you since I plan on being in your presence more" You said, your hand never leaving their head, they found a way to wrap themselves around you while still having their torso on your lap so you can pet him.
"What about Henry?" They did not show any signs of paying attention far from the bliss they were experiencing so you just decided to go along with it.
Now, it'd be good to know how to get down and go back to the camping site.
Henry belongs to my beloved @homecomingvn.
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whump-card · 9 months
Sunless Lives Part 23: I Will Get You Out
~1820 words
CW: offscreen suicide attempt by main character (SEE THIS NOTE for spoilery context if you need it!), forced institutionalization, abuse of power, conservatorship
First, Previous, Next, Masterlist
[Record transcript start]
DR MANDAL: [Sic] introduced ourselves, there are some questions I’m required to ask by the VIU.
M BECK: Okay.
DR MANDAL: What prompted you to voluntarily seek out the cure?
DR MANDAL: Is this a difficult question for you?
M BECK: Yeah.
DR MANDAL: In what way?
DR MANDAL: Have you ever done talk therapy before?
M BECK: Yeah, there was a, a victim that we lost before EMTs could arrive. It was bad. I went to a couple counseling sessions after that.
DR MANDAL: This was during your job as a VIU field agent?
M BECK: Yes.
DR MANDAL: Was the counseling helpful?
M BECK: I think so.
DR MANDAL: How was it helpful?
M BECK: She told me a bunch of stuff to do. Like breathing exercises and stuff. I didn’t have to talk much.
DR MANDAL: I see. When you try to answer my question, what trouble are you running into?
M BECK: There’s just so much. I don’t know where to start. I don’t know how to explain it all.
DR MANDAL: Would you like to try letting go of the need to be organized?
M BECK: What would that mean?
DR MANDAL: Say what you’re thinking, without worrying whether it will make sense to me.
M BECK: Okay. What was the question again?
DR MANDAL: What prompted you to voluntarily seek out the cure?
M BECK: Simon. He told me to. He made me scared that I would kill him.
DR MANDAL: Scared?
M BECK: I know, right? Vampires aren’t supposed to get scared, ever. But I don’t know what else to call it.
DR MANDAL: I’ve observed something with my other patients, and this might not ring true for you, but let’s see what you think. Often people conceptualize vampires as having no emotion, but the reality seems to be that they instead have a different emotional spectrum. You, as a human now, are trying to put labels from your emotional spectrum onto the experiences you had as a vampire, because they are the only labels you have. What do you think?
M BECK: That, that makes sense. Yeah. Because I definitely felt things. Did your other patients feel things?
M BECK: Okay. Yeah, that’s. I thought I might be different, for a while, that there was something wrong with me.
DR MANDAL: When did you think that?
M BECK: When I was a vampire. Just every once in a while. I would feel something close to guilt, but not guilt, sometimes, when Simon was hurting. And it felt weird.
DR MANDAL: Can you tell me more about the feelings you had about Simon when you were a vampire?
M BECK: Oh. I don’t know. I don’t know.
Matthew never got his phone call.
Fontaine Fields was decorated for Easter when he got out.
The winter clothes that he’d worn into the clinic hung a little baggy on him; he’d lost a lot of muscle mass after four months of limited access to Fontaine’s under-equipped gym. He clutched his heavy winter coat in his arms as Bev led him through the building. His heart thrummed with anxiety. Two weeks ago, when he received his release date, he’d given the office a list of people to notify. They should know. Someone should be waiting for him. Someone would be there.
If not, there was always the bus.
He and Dr Mandal had talked about this - how he was expecting everyone to hate him, for what he’d done.  He was expecting to be shunned by all his former loved ones, and that just wasn’t realistic. People cared about him. They did.
He at least hoped his dad was there.
Bev opened the front doors for him and the painfully bright sunlight forced him to shut his eyes. He took a tentative step out, feeling the stone step with his feet.
“I’ll wait right here until you get into a car or the bus, alright?” came Bev’s deep comforting tones next to him.
“A car? There’s a car?”
“Yup. People too.”
Matthew pried his eyes open and blinked frantically. He made out three figures standing at the edge of the gravel parking lot, next to two cars.
“Matthew!” A familiar shout, from a voice with years of experience calling that name.
“DAD!” Matthew nearly fell down the steps as Scott Beck, bad knee and all, raced over and caught him up in the tightest hug he’d felt in months. Matthew clutched him, weeping openly, his coat dropped and forgotten on the ground.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ve got you now,” Scot soothed him.
“I’m so sorry, dad, I’m so sorry!” Matthew cried.
Scott stroked his son’s hair and murmured gentle words to him. They stayed like that for a good long while as Matthew cried it out. When he was finally convinced this was real and not some wonderful dream he was having back in his tiny room, Matthew took a step back, still holding his dad by the shoulders.
“Dad, I want to explain -”
“Gina told me everything.” Scott pressed a hand to Matthew’s chest. “You were trying to save someone’s life. I know it didn’t work out the way you wanted, but I’m proud of you for trying so hard.”
Matthew sobbed and just looked at his dad, flooded with relief. Scott was tall, and had been of a similar build to Matthew once upon a time, but age had moved much of his mass from his muscles to his gut. He had a few new gray hairs on his thinning head since the last time Matthew saw him, and some new worry lines as well. But he looked back at Matthew with nothing but love and relief at seeing his son safe and healthy.
“C’mon.” He picked up Matthew’s coat in one hand and wrapped the other arm around Matthew’s shoulders. “Let’s go say hi to her and your other friend.”
As they walked over Matthew refocused on the other two people standing by the cars, wiping a sleeve across his face. One was Gina, naturally, but the other was Devon Barre, which struck Matthew as a little odd. He’d never been close with Devon. He had casual friends outside of work that he would think were more likely to show up to his release than Devon, and he hadn’t even notified them.
Simon wasn't there, of course. Matthew could understand that.
“Hey, man.” Gina gave him a quick smile and hug, but something was wrong. Sure, Gina was a reserved person, but not this reserved. Not with Matthew.
“Matthew.” Devon shook his hand. “Glad to have you back.”
Matthew knew asking Why are you here? would be rude, so he turned his attention to Gina’s lackluster greeting.
“Everything okay?”
“No,” was her immediate response, her eyes dark and serious, “I really hate to do this right as you get out, but… Can we talk to you about Simon?”
“What about him?” Matthew kept his expression schooled, even as he felt a spike of dread pierce his gut.
“He’s stuck, at Summerwhite. Isles won’t let him leave.”
“Isles? How-?”
“It’s a long story. After you took Simon, we started tracking you. We were trying to figure out how to get Simon away from you and keep him away. We put a plant at Simon’s job, to try and befriend him, but it just spooked him, and proved to us that he wouldn’t leave you willingly.”
Matthew remembered the man at Simon’s job that he would always complain about. The nosey guy. The chivalrous guy. Matthew had been planning on killing him if he didn’t stop bothering Simon. He shivered.
“What did Isles do?”
Gina took a breath, her face bitter.
“He didn’t believe a 72 hour psych hold would be enough to decondition Simon. So he compiled all the evidence we’d collected and filed to have Simon declared incompetent and placed in a conservatorship. Under his custody.”
“... Incompetent?” Matthew breathed.
“He claimed Simon was suicidal, that he’d talked to Simon before he left with you and he said he wanted you to kill him.”
“No,” Matthew shook his head emphatically, “Simon wasn’t suicidal, or incompetent.”
“I didn’t think so either. I argued against the idea.” Her mouth twisted. “He fired me and did it anyway.” She glanced at Devon. “I thought I could rely on Amber to keep me posted, but… Devon was the one who actually stepped up.”
“Our plan at that point was extraction,” Devon picked up the story, “But then the cure came out, and you two walked right into a clinic. Amber and I thought that was it, that Isles would release the conservatorship, but on the way to the airport we were talking and he said he wouldn’t. He wanted to make sure Simon stayed away from you, that’s what he said. I challenged him on it, and he fired me too. Amber’s the only one he has left.”
“So Simon can’t…” Gears were spinning wildly in Matthew’s head, desperate to keep up.
“Simon can’t do anything,” Gina snapped, “He can’t make his own medical decisions, he can’t pick who gets to visit him, he can’t check himself out of Summerwhite even if the doctors clear him. All his decisions get made by Isles.”
“What do we do?” Matthew demanded.
“We have a plan,” Devon said slowly, “But you’re not going to like it.”
“Just tell me.”
“Isles got him into this, and we think Isles is the only one who can get him back out.”
“Why would he change his mind?”
“Because Simon tried to…” Gina hesitated, watching Matthew carefully, “Take his own life. A couple weeks ago.”
The sun was too hot. The parking lot felt like it was spinning.
Your fault. Your fault.
Matthew felt his dad grab his hand and shoulder again.
“Easy there, Matty. Take a deep breath.”
Matthew forced air in and out of his lungs.
“What happened?” he rasped.
“We don’t know,” Gina said, “I only found out because Isles actually called me for advice. The fucking nerve! But he’s scared now, scared that he made the wrong decision. I think he might help us get Simon back, with a little convincing.”
“But is Simon okay?” Matthew didn’t care about Isles at the moment.
“We don’t know,” Gina repeated, “Isles won’t tell us, or let us visit him. So we just don’t know.”
All this information left Matthew reeling. Simon had been alone, with no one but Isles to visit him, for four months. Locked up, imprisoned, for four months - and not even allowed the hope of leaving. Matthew had barely been able to handle the same situation, and he had known he would be released eventually. How could Simon cope with that?
Matthew knew the answer already. Simon hadn’t coped.
“Where is Isles?”
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Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy, @pigeonwhumps, @sunshiline-writes, @seasaltandcopper
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branmuffins22 · 2 months
13, 26, 35, 39, 44 from this ask game
Ooo, that's a lotta questions!
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
The longer answer?
Technically, I have almost every major plot point written down in some form or another before I write a thing. That said, they usually aren't in any sensible order, and are buried in a mess of a channel in my private discord server, where ALL my brainrot goes.
When I write, I mostly just pick a starting point from one of my notes, and walk it forward from there. I tried properly outlining for one of my fics, and it got me... somewhere, but for the most part, my brain just doesn't work that way. An outline becomes a task list, and I can't stand task lists.
My current system is kinda horrid, but I'd be more worried about someone getting bored sifting through all my scattered notes than getting a headache from them.
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing?
That one's... probably a tossup between a lot of things. Bodily needs, background streamers mentioning something I actually have an opinion on, my mother barging in with shame and deadlines for cyclical tasks (man, I need out of this house), my twin having something funny to show me... basically just ~Life~, lmao.
I guess part of the problem with my current life situation is that I don't have a lot of time that's truly, unequivocally my own, so I get pushed and pulled around by whatever or whoever calls my attention loudest.
...Or maybe that's just the adhd talking.
35. How much has writing fic changed your life?
Now, I've been known to struggle with feelings of situational/emotional permanence, so I could be a little biased by the fact that it's my current biggest hobby, but at this point, around half of my social life happens in fandom/fanfiction circles, which wasn't the case a year or two ago.
Two years ago, I didn't read for fun. Like, full stop. I only started doing that after Thanks to Them released, when the hiatus brainrot got me seeking content and community from more than just the show itself and the friend who got me into it. I think the very first fanfic I read was a oneshot someone cross-posted to tumblr, which somehow convinced me to join both tumblr (technically rejoin tumblr) and Ao3 around the same time. Well. maybe a month or so apart, because of the weird account-creation queue thing Ao3 has goin' on. But still.
I don't think I started to consider writing my own fanfiction until I read A Blight on Bonesborough, by GeminiAlchemist, and got a bunch of ideas from the way they expanded upon the lore and magic system and characters and all that of the Owl House.
From there, it kinda took over my life completely, lmao.
I wanted to write about Luz's experiments with glyphs, and some potential avenues of missed opportunity brought to my attention by The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, by IdeaHunter, and that eventually turned into the Artificer|Overthinker AU (to this day i still haven't picked the name).
Later, I wanted a story about Luz experiencing human high school again after all the dust settled, and after reading a fun fic whose premise was great but whose execution didn't quite scratch the itch (Luz Noceda and the mysterious case of her imaginary girlfriend, by Imkindagayyk), that slowly evolved into Masha and the Very Normal Nocedas (which I actually started writing over a year ago, and still haven't gotten to a postable state with even a single chapter, lmao).
Ever since, I've pretty much been rotating some fic idea or another in my head 24/7.
Nowadays, I wake up and check ao3 for fic updates/new fics, I read while I cook and eat breakfast, I browse tumblr for new stuff from my faves and mutuals, I check ao3 again every few hours, sometimes (but not often) I find the motivation and such to actually write, and I kinda keep up like that all day.
It's maybe a little excessive/obsessive/destructive/etc, but fanfiction kinda defines all the intentional parts of my life right now.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
Voice and gimmicks.
The most prominent examples I can think of are the various literary tropes I try to imbue certain characters and such with. I usually write in 3rd-person limited perspective, so the characters' voices influence not just the way I write their dialog, but the way I write entire scenes.
There aren't any good examples of it in either of the fics I've actually posted so far, so you'll kinda just have to trust me on this, but a great example is the way I establish the POV character of a given scene.
It's easier for some characters than others, and I haven't come up with a gimmick for every character yet, but I try to open each scene with a literary trope that emphasizes some aspect of the POV character's voice.
For example, scenes written from Luz's point of view always start with speech, either hers or directed at her. Luz is a rambunctious, chatty, and kinda awkward character, who tends to exert herself on every situation she comes across, so I figure an unconventional (and arguably obnoxious, according to some people) opener works great for her.
Hunter is an outwardly-cocky character with some deep-seated self-worth problems (and a very slanted worldview besides), so his scenes always start with a self-affirmation of some kind, usually followed by a contradiction. Often, he's either intentionally or subconsciously trying to convince himself of something, or to do whatever it is he's about to be doing in the scene.
Vee is a bit of a special case. Like Luz, her scenes start in media res, but she tends to borrow the gimmicks of characters around her. She's a shapeshifter, and learned about life in the outside world as a doppelganger, so she has a tendency for mimicry, intentional or not. She also has a secondary gimmick, one that's a bit more her own, in that narration about her often finds itself filled with alliteration, especially involving the letter S (since she's sort of a snake, and snakes hisssss (and doing it with the letter V was too hard lmao)). It started as a running gag she played on Masha in MatVNN, but then I couldn't stop using it, so it's kinda everywhere now.
Masha is a superstitious (though slightly apathetic) character with a keen eye (and no attention span with which to wield it). They tend to seek out meaning even where there isn't any, and thus often completely miss the broader details in favor of the little things. Their scenes start with an isolated excerpt, usually a tarot reading. In an ideal world, the readings would foreshadow both the events of the scene and at least one of the ways they've misinterpreted them, but unfortunately, I haven't yet actually learned enough tarot to do that. It's a big part of why Masha and the Very Normal Nocedas is taking so long to get to a postable state 😅.
That's pretty much all the opening gimmicks I've worked out so far, but another one I'd like to mention has to do with the way magic is written.
Whenever a spell is cast, I whip out my thesaurus and try to sprinkle in a few words nearby that relate to the kind of spell being cast. For instance, I might say that when Willow casts a wall of vines, she first "plants her feet on the ground", or "stifles her budding anger". Before Luz casts an invisibility spell, she might think about "hiding the cards she was dealt" or maybe "her hands disappear into her pockets". Stuff like that.
The way I imagine it, magic taps straight into the caster's homonculus (broadly, the part of their brain that decides and understands what encompasses "the body") in such a way that the caster becomes part of the spell just as much as the spell becomes part of the caster.
Luz in particular, having the knack for magic that she does, tends to start this process of "becoming the spell" as soon as she decides to cast it, not just at the moment she actually casts it. It's like working yourself into the headspace of a thing, before sitting down and doing it. I've got a whole huge segment in one of my more dramatic fics that's basically an entire page of this kind of thing, with Luz preparing to cast a really big spell (or, well. technically a pair of big spells (TECHNICALLY technicaly it's one normal spell being used to prepare to cast the two massive spells. it's a whole thing)). It honestly might be the highlight of my writing portfolio, which is a huge shame because it's a MASSIVE spoiler.
Anyways, uhhh yeah. I really like gimmicks.
44. Rant about something writing related.
Well. Guess I aughtta find something else to write about.
How about the ultimate enemy, the scourge of our people, the cornerstone of suffering itself, the dreaded and feared, the great and terrible:
Writer's Block.
It may come as a surprise to the ignorant among us (hehe, amogus), but I, too, suffer from Writer's Block from time to time! In fact, I'm even suffering from it right now! And I have been for the past... oh goodness, over 2 months now.
I had one good day of writing, in all that time, which only came about because I nearly fell asleep in the tub. I somehow daydreamed my way into a really good turn of phrase that I just HAD to put into context for Backlight and Bitrot.
So far, that singular scene, set (the equivalent of) several seasons into the story, remains both the only thing I've written for that fic, and the only thing I've written at all since January.
It's infuriating! I have all these ideas, all these things I WANT to write, all these people I want to share these ideas with, all this time, all this passion, all this brainrot, and yet I Just! Can't! Write!
It would be one thing if I'd simply run out of ideas; I could call this whole thing something pretty like a "dreaming phase" or a "break in order to recharge" or whatever. But I've been dreaming for ages! This break has been in no way relieving! I'm just wallowing in my inability to do the things i love, while the world moves on around me!
You've had an excellent way of phrasing this for yourself, recently: "The executives are on vacation."
It's not some pleasure cruise for me! Those darn jerks (basic brain functions) who dictate every little thing that goes on around here just fucked off to who-knows-where! Completely blind to the consequences (stagnation, suffering, shame) of their absence, and how those affect their employees (me)! I just work here, man! Lemme do my job! I wanna do my job, but I can't if you don't let me! Ugh.
I want to write so goddamn bad. I've got all these projects to write for, all these brainrot spores to spread. I've got so much I want to accomplish, and yet my dumb bitch brain can't seem to get the memo. Work phone is powered off, I suppose.
It's gotten to the point lately that even those random notes to myself have slowed down. I'm having less new ideas than before. I'm picking old ideas out and polishing them less than before.
I'm worried I might end up having to find a way to cater my writing to the dumb mammal part of my brain somehow, in order to bring some momentum back. Write about something crude and easy and filled with every instantly-gratifying fantasy I can imagine.
No more of this 'careful thought' and 'consideration for themes' junk, we want it LOUD and we want it NOW.
Writer's Block is the worst.
What a bummer to end on. Oh well, I'm gettin' kinda sleepy, and I'm out of questions anyways. Thanks for the ask!
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Hiiiii !!!
How are you? ^^
I just saw your post from a few months ago ( this one https://at.tumblr.com/a-small-tired-lonely-potato/hi-ive-seen-some-of-your-posts-about-mairuma-and/6c7a5uv63rvk) and since you said that we could ask you about your opinions of different characters I wanted to ask, what do you think of Balam ?
I only watch the anime so I'm not up to date with the manga but I really like him, he's adorable and seems like a really good teacher too !!!!
Balam Shichiro is my favorite Bird Teacher.
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He is one of my favorite characters in the entire show! And I would adore sharing my thoughts on him.
(note, sorry to all for my absence, Christmas time was chaotic and my batteries were hella drained, even doing things I liked doing took waaay to much outta me, hopefully when I finish moving in my mojo will come back)
When Balam first showed up, like when we first meet him in class, I thought he'd only be a teacher with a couple odd quirks that the gremlin side of the fandom would froth at the mouth for.
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I wasn't entirely wrong about that, but I was wrong about him being only that.
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"I showed everyone your wings, not out of malice but it still probably sucked showing people something you might be embarrassed about, and I'm sorry, so you can see something I'm embarrassed about so we can call it even." I thought that was a very sweet gesture to give someone, because Iruma was worried about showing his back, not in the way Balam was thinking but still.
It was just such pure kindness, then we got Iruma's sudden confession after being shocked by that kindness and Balam's reaction just sealed my love for him immediately.
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At first his excitement gets the best of him, I mean if I spent my whole life hearing that the study I was invested in wasn't even real and that I was crazy for spending so much time on it, only to have living, breathing, Talking Proof! I might get overexcited and almost pass out too.
And then he immediately turns on his teacher switch, realizing that Iruma was in incredible danger and had no way to defend himself if the truth came out to someone who shouldn't know and he should be keeping his humaness a SECRET and that Dumb Naive Boy just up and decided to out himself!!! For What??!? TEA!? KINDNESS!?!
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And ends up chastising the boy for hours
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And you know what? I'd do that too, That confession scene gave me a heart attack Iruma, what in Delkira's name were you thinking?! Thank God you stumbled upon the ONE demon who wouldn't immediately eat your dumbass.
And after that my love does nothing but grow every time we meet, he has such pure honest dad energy
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I adore his vibes.
The first thing he does is make sure no one else knows so he can guarantee Iruma's safety, for no other reason then Iruma is his student and is an endangered precious species and he has a responsibility to keep the boy safe and help him grow.
He makes picture books for Iruma when he hears he's having problems with studying so he can make sure he has the knowledge to survive the demon realm, and from there on becomes Iruma's closest ally and confidant, at least in Bablys.
He can't tell any of his friends or his other teachers about him being a human, and while Grandpa Sully is sweet he can't always be there for Iruma, neither can Opera. So Balam becomes his de-facto guardian, and then also becomes someone he can talk to when he's unsure.
And while I loved him in the Walter Park Arc my favorite moment of him comes much later.
There are spoilers ahead so I'm gonna make a block in orange so you can skip if you dont wanna get spoiled for it.
~~~~~~~~DONT READ! HERE BE SPOILERS!~~~~~~~~~~
So after the HeartBreaker exam Balam calls Iruma to his office to give him a full check up (He's probably become his doctor since he's the closest thing the demon realm has to a human expert now that i think about it) and after checking up on him he drops some bitter truth on our boy.
He brings up the attack by one of the teachers, and that even though two other students were attacked with one being injured, the teacher was primarily searching for and targeting Iruma.
He brings up that the teacher more likely then not, has figured out that Iruma was a human, and he gives Iruma two options going forward. Either seek out the Border Patrol to send him back home to the human realm, or stay by Sulivan's side under lock and key for the rest of his lifespan.
Iruma, when faced with two options he doesn't like, does what he usually does, and makes his own option. He decides to devote himself to getting stronger so he can stay with his friends and be safe.
Balam then admits it was a test of Iruma's conviction, and to make sure he understood the danger he was in.
And it just melted my heart, because he truly cared about Iruma at that moment, and wanted him to be safe, but also wanted him to follow the path he wants.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF SPOILERS!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Other then that, his relationship with Kalego as being each other Best Tolerants (I fully believe Kalego would die before he admits to caring) gives me life, and I love how different their relationships with Opera are!
The one problem I have with Balam isn't even with Balam himself, It's with Sullivan, Because Balam's Bloodline Magic is BUZZER, A lie Detector Magic. Didn't think maybe Iruma might've wanted a warning about the One Demon who could for SURE out him?!? No heads up on that??? Thanks For Nothing you useless Grandpa.
Balam's protective nature and kind demeanor coupled with his immense power and frighting appearance reminds me of my Father, Whom every single person we meet is terrified of because he's 6 feet of pure muscle and his resting face looks like death, but he's really just a big teddy bear! Anything that reminds me of Dad is great to see in manga because usually dads in anime and manga suck so Balam gets all the love points!!
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Very Dad Behavior, well done.
I love his closeness with Sabnock and Azz-Azz when he becomes their personal tutor in the Forest arc, he really shows how much he cares about his students. He just wants the best for them.
And yeah! I just adore our Bird Teacher, he's the best and can do no wrong. We stan a King.
Thank you for the ask! I love blabbing about WTDSIK and am hoping to get back in the saddle on answers! Love that people are enjoying my incessant long ramblings!
Peace out Babes!
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lucifer goes to walmart (not ducking mcdonalds)
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i was looking at my old edits and like so i saw this
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lucifer in walmart lets go. (this is in the devildom on lockdown series)
and then i also took a moment to question younger me. *sigh*
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Lucifer: Why does absolutely no store here in the Devildom sell food...
Beelzebub: I'm so fucking hungry.
Beelzebub: *Looks at Mammon*
Mammon: I miss shopping fuck covid--
Mammon: *Looks at Beelzebub*
(Back to present)
Lucifer: Oh well...I wonder if the human world has anything.
(So Lucifer decided to go to Walmart. No idea why but...it's walmart.)
Lucifer: Hm. It's pretty packed here—
Solomon: Indeed.
Lucifer: What on- why are you here, Solomon?
Solomon: Purgatory hall needs more detergant. We also need a carpet cleaner, so I'm getting a rugdoctor.
Lucifer: *envisioning Raphael struggling with measuring detergant out*
Lucifer: I wonder why.
Solomon: Are you here because of the food crisis?
Lucifer: ...Yes. I also forgot to get toilet paper back in the Devildom
Solomon: Oh...did you? Well-Actually you will figure it out yourself. Have fun Lucifer.
Lucifer: Okay...
(Lucifer found himself in the produce aisle but forgot the #1 rule shopping in walmart)
Lucifer: Is that...mold? On...the fruit?
Random Lady: Yeah. Don't you know the #1 rule?
Lucifer: No. What's that?
Random Lady: Don't buy Walmart produce.
Lucifer: *Dropping the apple he was gonna sample* Noted.
(Now Lucifer was in that chaotic section where the baby clothes and cleaning products is)
Lucifer: Hmm...I should buy Luke some clothes. *Picks up a shirt that says "Im 100% woof"* I hope Simeon appreciates this. Dealing with children is tiresome.
(Just as Lucifer reached out to pick up another one of those stupid baby clothes with dumbass quotes he felt something cold)
Beelzebub: Can you get these corn dogs. *Holding a huge ass box of those foster farm corndogs*
Lucifer: What? No. How'd you find me?
Beelzebub: MC installed this... "Find my dog" app...? I guess they forgot to uninstall it from my D.D.D.
Lucifer: WHAAAAAT?!!?!
Mammon: Hey hey, Lucifer this old dude on this medicine looks exactly like you!
Lucifer: *Snatches medicine box* What the-this is a medicine for elderly people having episodes...?!?!
Mammon: Ya kinda need it if you had a mirror to look at yourself with!
Lucifer: Why you...
Beelzebub: Okay okay I'll put the corn dogs and medicine away as long as we get those little peanut butter and jelly pies MC gave me last year.
Lucifer: Fine. We just need toilet paper and then we're out of here.
Mammon: Aight! Then we can go to that Versace store I saw!
Lucifer: No. We are not buying you anything that expensive. You can ask for one thing under ten dollars here in Walmart.
Lucifer: How about you and Luke match—
Mammon: NO WAY! I want some studs.
Lucifer: You don't even have a piercing.
Mammon: I'll get one in the Devildom.
Lucifer: I'm not helping you if you end up cursed.
Mammon: Yeah yeah.
Karen: Uhm excuse me sir (Mammon) you don't have a mask on.
Beelzebub: You don't have one on either.
Karen: That doesn't matter because I own this walmart.
Lucifer: Since when.
Karen: Since now.
Lucifer: ...Beelzebub did you see where the toilet paper is?
Mammon: Shudduuuppp it's not like an employee came up and said: put a mask on.
Beelzebub: You should probably put one on anyways, you got covid those few months ago remember?
Karen: COVID?! *sprays lysol in the air* Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Face.
Beelzebub: You could literally just walk away, lady...
Employee: Hey sir put a mask on please.
(Anyways their at the aisle for toilet paper)
Mammon: Why the fuck do people need to shit so much they buy all the goddamn toilet paper?!
Beelzebub: Because they get corn dogs while I don't
Lucifer: There has to be some toilet paper somewhere...
Mammon: Lucifer they don't even got paper towels lets just get some from the Devildom!
Lucifer: No. We are getting Charmin.
Mammon: Cause it's soft on your butt and Diavolo says-
Lucifer: Q u i e t.
Mammon: *was magically shut the fuck up* MMM MM!
Lucifer: Beel go look for toilet paper.
Beelzebub: Okay Lucifer.
Lucifer: Mammon you'll be--What are you doing.
(Mammon literally just wearing the mask the employee gave him over his eyes and mouth.)
Mammon: You know you could get sick through your eyes too.
Lucifer: You could have just asked for a face visor.
Mammon: Those exist?
Lucifer: Anyways. climb up onto that top shelf and look.
Mammon: They have angel soft.
Lucifer: It's not the same as charmin.
Random kid: Hey mr with red eyes.
Lucifer: Yes?
Random kid: I think theres a charmin on top of the bike display area.
Lucifer: WHAT?! *He looks to his left and sees the little kids bike display thing have one pack of charmin on top of there because this is florida walmart*
(Lucifer immediately rushed over to the bike stand display thing and as he entered into the isle so did a familiar face)
Thirteen: Oh, why hey there Lucifer, fancy seeing you here in Florida!
Lucifer: Mhm...yes. Are you after what I think you are?
Thirteen: *looks up at the charmin toilet paper then back at Lucifer* Wouldn't you like to know.
Lucifer: Why do I have this feeling you put it up there.
Thirteen: For some lucky soul to try and burn the extra fat off them but hey this should be a breeze for you!
(Mephistopheles soon came slowly staggering to the isle, out of breath)
Mephistopheles: Th...Stop...no more--traps! *he clutches his chest as he widens at the toilet paper on top of the bike thing*
Lucifer: M-Mephisto...WHY DO YOU WANT CHARMIN!
Thirteen: Gentlemen gentlemen...calm down. Seeing that you are equally matched-
Thirteen: How about you fight for it?
Mephistophles: I will delightfully beat Lucifer's angelic ass!
Lucifer: That's so fucking corny.
Mephistopheles: Your so fucking annoying.
Thirteen: There are children watching you two.
(some colony of children are there cause this is florida)
Mephistopheles: I mean. He's...irritating.
Lucifer: I don't take anything back.
Kid 1: Fucking.
Kid 2: Irritating.
Lucifer: Now I do.
Thirteen: Anyways, we will do a series of events to see whos worthy of the charmin!
Lucifer: Is that really necessa-
Mephistopheles: Too late to back out now Lucifer, unless your saying Diavolo isn't good enough hm?
Lucifer: When did this turn into that sort of issue again?
(Meanwhile in the Devildom)
[Diavolo and Barbatos are at his private beach sunbathing when Dia sits up on his beach chair.]
Diavolo: Why do I have this feeling something exciting is happening without me there to spectate...!
Barbatos: I'm not sure, m'lord. Would you like it if we went to check up on Lucifer's trip to the human world?
Diavolo: And I thought all that popcorn I had bought those few days ago was going to go to waste just monitoring the demon brothers on our "Doom" meetings.
Barbatos: *Opens portal* Let us leave at once, m'lord
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**And thats how they died/j there will be a part 2 soon or something ig
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kyogre-blue · 9 months
OK, post timeskip GD, go!
Got up to the bridge, which means unifying the Alliance and presumably starting an offensive against the Empire.
I've gotten all the B ranks on my supports, a bunch of A ranks, and all of Byleth's available ones except Lysithea A (which is blocked off) and someone's S. The A ranks really vary a lot in terms of how involved they are, with some being quite nice, but others being pretty whatever.
Unfortunately, some of the basic issues with the support system start to get pretty obvious. You end up doing them in batches, so they get tiring. Additionally, if you watch a few for the same character in a row, there's often overlap in what they discuss, since the characters only have a few traits. Worse, none of the growth in one support can carry over to another or even a paralogue (or to the main story). The supports just become disconnected what-ifs, in a way.
(And this not mentioning the issue that some major character details always end up hidden in the most out there support, which in 3H will require some bizarre recruitment combination.)
In regard to the main story, I don't have too much to say. It's kind of spinning its wheels while we get the new plot on the road, but it's fine. It's just... fine. Hopefully, it'll pick up once we start the real battles.
Notes again:
1185, nearly 5 years since the monastery fell. But it fell several months into 1181, so like... it's 4 years and change.
Kingdom capital has fallen, Leicester alliance is split between supporting the Church and the Empire.
Sothis is here again somehow.
Tomorrow is the Millennium Festival, how convenient. Byleth came floating down a river from Garreg Mach. It is Ethereal Moon, but... Which one is that again...
Ok, I see why AC said the reunion was underwhelming. It's cute but the buildup is non-existent.
Byleth's first concern is Rhea (relatable) but Claude thinks it might be better that she's gone. He doesn't explain why. I am gonna need some time to get used to everyone's adult voices.
Lorenz is quite chill about his father's uh allegiance.
Lorenz: This was inevitable, since our lands are so close to the empire, we have to side with them or lose our necks. Lorenz also: BUT MAYBE IF CLAUDE DIDN'T SUCK
The amount of times you can ask after Rhea is... hum. Rhea is the most personal priority for Byleth. They're definitely not upset or unsettled by her, which is funny.
Seteth thought that maybe Rhea would turn up on the millennium festival.
Claude wanted to use the monastery as a base of operations due to its location.
Why are we talking to this Seiros Knight NPC? Was an unavailable playable meant to be filling this role?
Leonie A1 with Lorenz: she gives back a handkerchief... after 5 years. Leonie's village is called Sauin. It turns out Lorenz's family were the ones who hired Jeralt to help the village all those years ago. Lorenz is still punchable, btw.
Marianne A with Hilda: Their previous two ranks were more abrasive than I expected. The A is... OK? Given their popularity as a pairing, I expected something a bit more.
Cyril A with Hilda: This doesn't feel like it should have been gated to the timeskip. This A is also kinda underwhelming. It's okay, but knowing their relationship can't advance any further is... yeah.
Not really feeling the new monastery and menu music.
They did at least change the skybox to be yellow, which is something. Makes it feel autumn-y, which is... not correct. It would be nice if somewhere aside from the cathedral interior had some visible damage.
Claude A with Byleth: He admits to not being born in Fodlan (presumably because this has nothing on Byleth being potentially not even human) though doesn't name where he's from specifically. In Almyra, people from Fodlan are viewed as cowards, which Claude attributes to ignorance (if they just met and interacted with real people from Fodlan, like his mother, they'd know better). They also looked down on him for being of mixed blood.
He came to Fodlan to try and find "a new perspective" in his goal of breaking down those barriers, but people in Fodlan are even more racist, seeing people from other nations as just beasts. He wants to bring the whole world together and start anew. I know nothing bad happens, but uh. That's, hm... At least he realizes that it was extremely unrealistic... but Claude recognizes Byleth's magic dragon god powers and thinks they can make it happen together.
At first, I was wondering why we can view Ferdinand supports when he didn't turn up, but he IS here? He wasn't in the battle or the scene after...
Ferdinand has lost his territory and is determined to stop Edelgard no matter the cost. Per his B, he always intended to unseat his father. I guess, like Lorenz, he wasn't really onboard with his evil dad from the start.
Marianne and Lorenz A is....... uh. She's not going to smile while telling you about how her family is cursed, dude.
OK, so for weekly Instruct, we're using the Cardinals' room that was sealed before, and instead of the faculty giving staff training, we run advanced drills with the students.
Byleth's open mouthed shock when told Dimitri was killed (supposedly). And then a droopy sad posture.
"Faerghus Dukedom"
Claude approves if you ask him whether he hopes Rhea is dead. He just has things he wants to ask. It's interesting given that Claude presents himself as being in your corner, and Byleth has a big bend toward asking after her, seemingly in concern.
Claude thinks that most people accept the "noble system" because of their belief in the Seiros faith. They also have prejudices against non-believers too. That's... hm. A take, for sure.
So without Rhea, the supposed closed-minded Church doctrine will weaken and there will be more room for free thought, which Claude considers a cure-all.
Claude's ultimate goal here is to have Byleth take over the church and lead Fodlan that way. Then, people could be free to think for themselves. He thinks Edelgard is after something similar. He just doesn't like that she's using so much bloodshed to get there. Not necessarily because he disapproves but because the world "can't get behind" it.
But since Rhea is probably still around, we still have questions, and Byleth ambiguously might care about her (MY A RANK), Claude backpedals into finding her being the next step and quickly hurries you off to bed.
Claude and Cyril B: Claude never knew that there were people in Almyra in Cyril's situation. Which is to say... poor and exploited? Or...?
If no one else is in Rhea's corner, Cyril is. I appreciate that he doesn't just support her because she helped him personally, but because that's the kind of person she has been - trying to help those without any status and nowhere to go. Rhea helps refugees and orphans not just because of the goddess's teachings, but because it's the right thing to do.
Claude: OK, maybe Rhea is fine. Maybe.
Too bad supports are basically not canon.
Claude and Lorenz A: Claude is fine giving up leadership of the Alliance to Lorenz now that he's gotten to know him. But same is true for Lorenz. Kinda gay. Not bad.
Claude was only recognized as the heir to Reigan thanks to Judith's recommendation. Which is interesting given his background.
Marianne's paralogue: One of the 10 Elites got cursed by his crest and he turned into a monster... that was still sentient and can talk. And he ate people. Unclear if anyone else with the crest was actually affected, or if they just carried that stigma for a thousand years...
Claude and Marianne A has an interesting implication about the timeline. Claude frames it as him running away from home as soon as he was old enough because he was tired of being discriminated against and hoped that Fodlan would be better. It was only after he arrived in Leicester and realized that it's no different that he came up with his idea to break down the boundaries between Fodlan and Almyra.
It makes more sense that his plan would be so weirdly underbaked if he's had it for less than a year and made it when he was despairing over having no place he could belong.
Flayn and Ignatz B: Flayn forgets the Church party line about the Elites being good guys, lmao. Also forgets that Saint Cethleann is generally portrayed as a woman, not a girl.
Ailell, the Valley of Torment, is the required lava stage. It was created when some kind of big heaven light destroyed the forest that used to be there. It's rumored to have been the wrath of the goddess, but that isn't recorded in scripture. (It's actually the Agarthans lol)
Count Rowe was in charge of Arianhodr (spl??) but betrayed the Kingdom to join the Empire. His general, Gwendal, wasn't happy about all this.
Judith accuses Claude of neglecting the Alliance territories for years. He left his territory with a reliable retainer ("Nardel"). Without Byleth's clout, he'd look like a "scoundrel leader." Judith leaves her territory with "Nardel" too, which is... lol.
One of Judith's men saw Rhea be dragged off by the Empire five years ago.
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