#someone shoot these plotbunnies
tuulikannel · 1 year
Alright, getting my propaganda for the next round of @yellowcharactershowdown out now even tho the polls aren’t out yet, cause I really need to go to bed now. So tired, still a bit sick, and got an early morning tomorrow. Anyways, I’m so happy to see the bracket is up and running again! 💛💛💛 (seriously tho how can a glitch like that even happen)
That tumblr glitch gave me more time to figure out who to vote in the upcoming Korosensei vs. Hikaru poll (these are two of my main fandoms, just fyi.) So that’s a match-up I didn't want to see… (and tumblr dutifully obliged and shut down the entire blog just to spare me, so, huh, very thoughtful of tumblr I guess....)
Anyway, the decision wasn’t that hard at all, in the end.
Here’s why you should vote Hikaru too! ^^
If Hikaru went to Kunugigaoka, he would absolutely end up in the E class. No question about it, with his grades, and playing go all the time surely won’t help. And what is the mission of the E class students? To kill their teacher. This is what Korosensei actually wants! Of course, he wouldn’t make it easy, but he would still be rooting for Hikaru.
So, please give Hikaru a vote and help him kill his teacher! (…in this non-existent crossover, that is…)
(tbh, I doubt that Hikaru would ever get into Kunugigaoka in the first place, with his grades… >_> but let’s ignore that. If he did, he’d surely go to E class for his third year…… and I just realized something, this works so well with the canon! So, Hikaru goes to Kunugigaoka for junior high, somehow, dunno, just barely getting in. He’s not doing too well and it seems quite sure he’ll yet end up in 3E. But then he starts playing go for real and turns out to be something of a prodigy. As he becomes a professional player during the second year the school decides to ignore his lacking academic skills, cause honestly, having such a promising young pro in the school certainly pleases the principal. But then… one month or so into the third year (in May, you know…) for some mysterious reason, Hikaru stops playing altogether. He offers no explanations, no nothing, and in the end he is sent to the E class, partly as an attempt to shake him out of it – not that it works. And that is, of course, just the beginning of this story, which is about coming to terms with a heartbreak and ending in another heartbreak and which I am not going to write dammit, the last thing I need rn is another wip that’s such a random crossover that barely anyone will read it, brain, please stop XD)
…I’m sorry, I got distracted, please vote for Hikaru once the polls are out? ^^;;
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laufire · 5 months
I'll preface this by saying I haven't read the arc where Bruce shoots and kills Darkseid; I'm fuzzy on the details. the sources I've looked up here and there whenever the topic came to my mind seemed contradictory; I get the impression there was collaboration from some other heroes and it might've not been that clear cut? either way, I'm not going to read the arc rn (might in the distant future, if I choose to do something with it), but it seems there's agreement that this was the one time Bruce canonically planned to and followed through breaking his most sacred rule.
and I remember at one point I thought: what if this plot was used to give Bruce a better understanding of Jason's choices? what if it could make him not just willing to find a middle ground between them, but intentionally seek it? it wouldn't, couldn't be blanket acceptance, but if there's one point in canon that will even nudge him way from his increasingly uncompromising stance during the post-crisis/new earth continuity (1), it would be the one time he found his line in the sand, and realised that, unlike he always feared, he could walk back from it.
at the time it was no more than a passing thought, but just today, to close that chapter with the year, I read the very last few comics including new earth!Jason, in my completitionist quest of reading every single one of his (and every other version of Jason's) appearances. and two (technically three) of them reminded me of this.
one is his arc in convergence: batman and robin #1-2, published circa 2015 (revisiting new earth after 2011's reboot). it's part of a larger event that I can't be bothered to read fully rn (this ain't about them), but the gist of it is that Red Hood and Scarlet return to Gotham as some apocalyptic level shit is going down, helping Batman and Robin (Damian). Bruce accepts Jason's help, which bothers Damian, although by the end of the arc there's a truce between them and a clear willingness from everyone involved to work together going forward.
the other one is in batman incorporated vol. 1 #6, the last proper appearance of new earth!Jason before the reboot in 2011 kickstarted (the arc seemingly continued in vol. 2, but from what I already know about, and what little I've personally experienced from, the new 52, I'm not getting my hopes up). it consists on just a couple of panels where we don't see Jason's face or hear his name, and just see Bruce recruiting someone as "Wingman" (2), offering him a opportunity to "salvage a reputation" by joining his international bat-initiative, on a few conditions like keeping Jason's identity a mystery (3).
and I'm sure that if (when?) I read the aforementioned Darkseid's arc (and the subsequent time traveling shenanigans) there might be plenty to be found to contradict this post, because I do have some experience with detective comics comics. but these two instances are so easily aligned with my own take (4) that I had to post about it.
unfortunately, this is just making me mourn what-could-have-been, had the reboot never occured, even more than I ever did.
(1) pre-crisis/earth one!Bruce had a different attitude. and sometimes it feels that things like self-defence (batman vol. 1 #400) or defence of others (detective comics vol. 1 #411), two incredibly understandable motives, seem beyond the grasp of new earth!Bruce.
(2) if I ever do something with this plotbunny, I refuse to give him such a generic codename, just so we're clear.
(3) "we're building a ghost –a bogeyman too big to be clearly seen. its edges indistinct, it's full extent and purpose uncertain. a rumor. a terror made of shadows and flapping wings." MOURNING, I said 😭. also do you see why I think this deserved a much cooler name smh.
(4) the other things Jason did in between Bruce's not-so-dead experiences and this were during his Evol Era (battle for the cowl, batman and robin vol. 1). obviously nothing there would convince Bruce to suddenly approach him with more generosity than he did even in UTRH lol. but it'd make sense for it to be something Bruce did.
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cicaklah · 2 years
Where do you find inspiration? And secondary question, did you always want to write in the genre you do now? Are there other genres you are keen to explore?
Ooh, that's such a good question, thanks anon!
So a lot of my inspiration comes from Tumblr. I see my dash as like a soup of different ingredients that I've bought together and sup from through the day, sometimes two flavours spark another, and sometimes those become plotbunnies.
The other one is from chatting one on one to fannish friends, and just shooting the shit. For example, Summers kiss and all of the Diana Burnwoods Sex Club stories and dynamic came from some posts I'd seen on my dash, and the rest was refined from talking to @bourbonpowered. For someone who is very solitary in her writing, I do my best plotting/planning work with someone to bounce off.
As for genre, Im not really sure what genres I really am in? Romance, but this is fanfiction. I think you can split my stories into three broad groups, farces, manifestos and smut. When it comes to fic, my genres are informed by the host material, then filtered through one of those three lenses.
In my original writing, I'm very much an ideas person, and I write almost exclusively sci-fi or magical realism. Developing original characters has been a real issue for me that I want and need to get better at. Then perhaps I'll be able to write original romance. I also want to write original comedy/farce. I'd ideally like to write sex farces and sci-fi thrillers and spy novels just forever. So I hope I can? Idk. But fic is my true love, it's the stories I do write, rather than the ones I aspire to write, and that counts for a lot.
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jujyfru1t · 2 years
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #5:Talk About an Idea
(Crossposted from Dreamwidth)
sorry for sporadic @'ing... @snowflakechallenge
I couldn't just talk about one idea asffhgjhjhjh Oof. For starters there is A LOT of fanart I'd like to draw, but I have no drawing skills and keep forgetting to... figure out how to learn? idk, I've worked in words for so long my brain just short-circuits when even thinking about how to art. Perspective? Shading? How do i even get there, never mind past stick figures??? I have, however, kept a lil word doc of very detailed descriptions of fanart I'd like to draw, once I had that brilliant idea several years ago. :D (none of it's smutty yet hkhjkhjkhk let me do basic stuff first) In the same vein-- so many GMV/AMV ideas, so little time. but mainly, knowledge of where to get clips as, um, safely as possible. I have basic editing software that is just fine so that's good and this lil thingie called realdownloader, from realplayer, that i'm praying will still work now that I've invoked its name, to grab youtube game cinematics from. uh... wanna see my dumb AMVs? I have a Youtube.... (2 dumb Furubas that got slammed I have on my google drive~) okay okay okay but here's a few concrete ideas. I'd really like to do a shipweek for KyoxTohruxYuki, and by ship I mean platonic and romantic options bc I still think it's a sailboat. this one's mainly an energy problem, bc when I think of coming up with prompts and getting the word out on multiple platforms and maybe getting someone to do graphics i just wanna crawl under my desk afdfghgfhfghfhf and this and the next one are still waiting in the wings.... fun fact I'm an inveterate one-shot writer (though I did mange a multichap request fic whuuuuut). I want to write multichapters? I just... rarely get plotbunnies that are plotty enough, or I feel I can make plotty enough. would love to figure out how to get better at it-- anyway. 2 multichaps I want to write enentually but again, time and energy. Both Fruits Basket, both Yukyoru.
The first one is based off a manga called Kanako's Life As An Assassin-- unnecessary note here, but in looking for info to write this post I thought i only reblogged it to tumblr and could never find it again, then remembered I linked to the original post in my YTK plotbunny file BECAUSE i'M A FRICKING GENIUS, THANK GOD. ANYWAY!!! Yes, so, Tohru's a novice assassin ala this comic, Yuki's her bodyguard, and she starts to fall for Kyo, her latest target. ....that is literally all i have so far. gotta think up backstories and everything else, and not make Yukyo's past/secret connection handwavy, and they all end up together because DUH (oh flipping NO now i want a Red Notice AU!!! *screeches*) The other potential multichap I have as a magical girl AU. More Madoka than Sailor Moon but idk maybe both idfk. the main plotbunny i have is Tohru rescuing magical boys Yun and Kyon. also, a showdown with Akito wwho still gets redeemed. but. idk if the Yukyoru will be established or developing or anything else about the plot. yet, somehow, I have a playlist that's also a WIP-- beginning and end, and some disparate scenes. so... allll of this is stuff I want to Eventually Do. I think I can, i just... dunno when. or how complicated any of them might be. and oh shoot uh thanks for reading my blatherings! if you do!! I appreciate it very much!!!
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raynakiasbel · 3 years
Can we talk about fandom etiquette in fandom servers?
So I'm not sure how to start this but basically can we all agree that it very rude to try and correct any "plotholes" when in a discussion. Its great to pitch in ideas in a brainstorming session but shooting down other's people's ideas because they aren't accurate or correct or not written the way you like it, is just rude. Its the same philosophy as a finished fan fiction...you don't leave comments pointing out things you don't like on a finished works and you shouldn't do it on people's ideas unless asked for the critique. It's not the reader's place to decide that a story has to be accurate to reality. That what beta readers are for. Please remember that its fiction and that if the author wants to use their story or idea as an escape no one gets to say otherwise unless asked specifically for imput. Please remember the golden rule of "if you don't like a thing just click the back button or just don't interact." Criticizing or trying to "fix" someone's fledgling plotbunny is not helping. I can't even say how many ideas I've lost intrest and inspiration because someone insisted on "helping to fix" it and drained the fun out of it.
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nyxelestia · 4 years
Fanfic Authors Tag Game
Tagged by: @princeescaluswords and @clotpolesonly
Tagging: why are half my friends already tagged gdi @athingofvikings, @liveandletrain, @demonzdust, @faiasakura, and anybody who sees this and wants to do it but I forgot to tag because my brain is currently melting
AO3 Name: Nyxelestia
Fandoms: 14 (that I’ve written for)
Number of fics: While I’m sure at least half are the same story cross-posted across multiple platforms... 84 on AO3, 45 on LJ, and 86 on FFN,
Fic you spent the most time on: Winter Wolves/Frost Bite at this point
Fic you spent the least time on: No idea, probably one of my drabbles?
Longest Fic: Frost Bite, 141k and still WIP
Shortest Fic: Welcome Home, 100 words, drabble
Most Hits: Frost Bite (next most hits after Frost Bite is Talking Cure)
Most Kudos: Besides Frost Bite and Talking Cure, since they were already mentioned, it is much to my surprise Tear the Lies Asunder, my Merlin fic.
Most Comment Threads: Also after Frost Bite and Talking Cure, it is to my even greater surprise my Spider-Man Homecoming fic Crash Landing
Favorite Fic You Wrote: Besides some already-mentioned fics, it would have to be my Young Avengers/MCU crossover, Children’s Crusade
Fic You Want to Rewrite/Expand On: So many! I have so many more ideas for the universe of Children’s Crusade, my sequels/series for my old modern AU Merlin fic Britain Boys are still rattling around in my head, and lots of plotbunnies for my time-travel Teen Wolf fic Rewind Electric.
Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
“Did you really pretend to be…me?” Steve asked. Knowing he had fans was one thing; somehow, it still through him for a loop to find out someone he knew, had known of him for far longer.
He tried not to think of a set of mint condition trading cards, covered in blood.
Hale- Derek snorted.
“Pretty common, honestly,” he said. “Hunters being what they are. When you need to train kids to potentially run away from well-trained and heavily armed people trying to kill them, without alerting or drawing the attention of local authorities…and don’t want to terrify them in the process? Pretending to be Captain America and the Howling Commandos infiltrating Nazi Germany was a pretty good way to do it.”
Steve tried not to wince at the thought of children having to learn that…even as he could see why.
“Is that what you were trying to do?” Steve asked. “Remake the Howling Commandos?”
Derek blinked into his drink.
“…maybe,” he admitted. “I never thought of it that way, but…that’s how I learned how to survive.”
“I’m sorry that’s something any of you have to learn at all,” Steve said. “Let alone so young.”
“Too little, too late,” Derek spat, still not looking up from his drink. “Most of my family is dead, anyway."
Steve couldn’t think of anything graceful to say, so instead he just muttered, “I’m sure your sister made Dum Dum proud.”
Rolling his eyes, Derek turned his attention back to his drink. The ice had nearly all melted now.
“…maybe that’s why I failed so badly,” Derek said. “What the hell is a Howling Commando without Captain America?”
“Historically speaking?” Steve asked. “Or fictionally speaking? Because I haven’t picked up a Captain America comic since 1943.”
Derek seemed dumbfounded. In the face of that stunned silence, Steve carried on.
“Historically…all I really brought to the table was superpowers and thick-headed stubbornness,” Steve said, losing his gaze in the grain of the smooth wooden bartop. “And it seems to me you’ve got enough of that already. The rest all had military careers before I did, and taught me everything I learned about being a soldier in World War Two. Gabe got me fluent French and German, Dum Dum drilled stealth into all my operations, Jaques made sure I knew how to use explosives without blowing ourselves up, Monty introduced me to field engineering, Jim taught me communications technology, and Bucky…he was my first teacher. Even before the war, he did his best to pass on some of his dad’s lessons to me, and after Rebirth? He’s the one who taught me how to shoot and how to fight…how to protect myself and anyone else I can.”
“The army didn’t train you?” Derek asked, looking even more lost and confused.
“I got some special training from the army, too. But everyone thought I was doomed to be a show-monkey back then, so it wasn’t much. Basics of things like jumping from airplanes, firearm proficiency, that sort of thing.” Steve huffed as a barrage of memories raced towards his lips, stalling somewhere between his heart and his throat. “I read a lot, too. But regulation manuals and Sun Tzu didn’t go nearly as far as all the fist-fighting Bucky’d taught me over the years…or what he taught me before we went back into the field.”
Steve finally looked back up at Derek.
“I didn’t so shit on my own,” he said finally. “Even rescuing them in the first place, I did it with Howard and Peggy. After that, I learned from my men as I lead them. I learned from them to lead them.”
Derek…frowned, eyes narrowing in slight suspicion at Steve. Steve decided to prove him right.
“Erica, Isaac, and Boyd need you,” Steve said. “Just because they’re pissed at you using them, doesn’t mean they don’t care about you. They want to help you, and have plenty to offer. Let them.”
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The Trick Is to... (Glee)
Disclaimer: I own nothing except an overactive imagination and way too many plotbunnies.
Episode revamp of “A Katy or a Gaga”, where hypocrisy and injustice are exposed. (Yes, I got angry. Who could ever have guessed?)
The Trick Is to...
“I'm sorry, Marley, but you're suspended for the rest of week.”
The words echo in her head as she walks through the school. Suspended. She's never been suspended in her life, and now Mr Schue's suspending her for not wanting to waltz around in a seashell bikini?
Marley doesn't know whether to be angry or start sobbing. And then it hits her. She's been assuming he meant Glee, but what if he meant an actual suspension? What if she's suspended for real?
Being barred from Glee is going to put her behind for Nationals, which is bad enough, but being suspended from school will go on her permanent record, and can potentially cause trouble for years. Marley knows she won't be going to college without a perfect GPA, and the kind of record that gets you scholarships. She also knows that a suspension can get in the way of that.
As the panic rises she starts walking towards the dining hall, wanting her mom, only to stop halfway there. Her mom works so hard, and the last thing she needs is more stress. Better to try and work it out on her own, preferably without her mom ever having to know.
Only she can't do this on her own, and there's really no one she trusts to help her. Two months ago would have been different, but... She swallows down another sob.
Without really thinking it through she pulls up her phone and hits a number she's never called before, hoping to get an answer.
“Hello?” The voice in the other end sounds questioning and slightly suspicious. It also sounds a bit different than she remembers. “Look, if this is a prank call...”
“Kurt? This is Marley, Marley Rose from–”
“From McKinley, and New Directions.” Kurt's voice is sliding back to the higher tones she's used to, and is beginning to sound a bit warmer. “Yes, I remember you. Not to be rude, but I'm a bit surprised to have you call me. Has something happened?”
She hesitates, suddenly doubting herself. Maybe she's overreacting. Just... And so she finds herself telling Kurt the whole story, up until the sad conclusion.
“...and I don't know what to do, and I didn't know who to talk to, and I just miss Finn so much!” She can barely breathe as she chokes out the last words. “He would never have done this.”
He wouldn't have, she knows it. Marley remembers Artie being uncomfortable with the calender back at Christmas, and how Finn dealt with that, and she just knows that not only would he never have pushed for her to wear the bikini, or suspended her for refusing, but also he never would have let Mr Schue do it either.
“Marley, honey, did you call me because you couldn't call Finn? Because if you did, then that's okay. Really. I'm honored that you'd let me stand in for him.
“So. Take a deep breath. Do you need to blow your nose? I'll wait.”
Once she's blown her nose – because yes, she really needs it – and taken a drink of water Marley picks up her phone again and tries to apologize for breaking down on Kurt.
“Nonsense. No apologies necessary. It sounds like you have every reason to be upset. Now, what you're telling me is that Sam, Artie, Blaine and Mr Schue tried to push you into wearing a bikini in school, and when you weren't comfortable with it they not only refused to listen but also berated and punished you? Am I understanding it correctly?”
It sounds so harsh like that, but Marley can't deny that that's what happened.
“Right. So what do you want from me? Do you want advise, or do you want more tangible help? Because I can do both. Oh! Have you talked to Mrs Pillsbury-Schuester yet, by the way?”
“No, I– It's her husband, you know?”
“Marley? I know it's tough, but her job is to be there for you as a student. Not to protect her husband. Granted, she doesn't have the best track-record when it comes to the protection part, but she's been doing better.
“Would you like me to call her for you?”
“Would you?” The thought makes her weak in the knees from relief. She's so used to having to fight all her battles on her own, with only her mom on her side, and having someone willing to stand up for her... That is worth more than Marley can express.
Except all things considered...
“Are you sure you want to do this? I am really grateful for you offering, but I'd understand if you changed your mind. I don't want to cause any trouble with you and Blaine.”
“Oh, don't you worry about that. You just keep calm. Keep breathing. I'll be fine. Besides, I'd talk to Blaine about this anyway.”
She can swear she hears him mutter something else, but clearly she must be hearing things. After all, why would Kurt call his fiancé a hypocrite?
The next morning there's a message on her phone from Mrs Pillsbury-Schuester asking Marley to come by her office first thing. It also tells her not to worry. Maybe whatever Kurt did worked.
When Marley enters the guidance counselor's office Mr Schue's already there, sitting on one of the chairs and looking less than happy. Marley takes the chair furthest from him, hoping he doesn't notice her pushing it a bit closer to Mrs Pillsbury-Schuester first.
“Thank you for coming, Marley. We're just waiting for a few more people, but they shouldn't be too long.”
They wait in silence. Artie's the first one through the door, with Sam and a sulking Blaine just behind them. And though Blaine might be the only one outright sulking, none of them look exactly happy. Then again, why should they? Marley's pretty sure she doesn't either, and she can see neither of the adults do. The whole thing's an uncomfortable, unpleasant mess.
All she can do is keep breathing, one deep breath after the other, just like Kurt told her, and not just let them steamroll over her because letting them is easier than standing up for herself.
Mrs Pillsbury-Schuester allows the boys to sit down, and looks them over for a little while before starting to speak.
“Unless you boys are clear on it, we are here because of the events in Glee over the past few days. Now, I understand that the three of you were supposed to work on an assignment with Marley and that you were upset with her for refusing to wear the costume you decided on? Now, let me make something perfectly clear.
“In this school– no, nowhere is it okay to push a girl, or a woman, into exposing herself in a manner she is not comfortable with. Marley told you she felt uncomfortable walking around in a bikini, and you should all have listened. That you did not speaks very poorly of the three of you.”
And wow, Marley didn't think Mrs Pillsbury-Schuester was capable of sounding that stern.
“In fact, had she chosen to walk around the school wearing that costume she would have been violating McKinley's dress code. Had a member of faculty seen her she should have, at the very least, been sent home. Depending on circumstances consequences could have been much worse. That in itself would have been reason for Marley to refuse, and for you to accept.
“I am deeply ashamed of all of you. Marley is your teammate. Up until this I would have assumed she was your friend, or that you at the very least would have her back. I cannot even begin to express how much you failed her, even without taking recent struggles into consideration.”
That reference to the eating disorder she'd allowed herself to be stressed into makes Marley want to curl up into a ball and hide, but with both Kurt and Mrs Pillsbury-Schuester going to bat for her she wants to prove worthy of their effort and so she keeps taking deep steady breaths instead.
“Artie. Only a short while ago you backed out of a photo shoot because you felt uncomfortable being topless. Not only were you told your feelings were valid but you were allowed to participate fully clothed.
“Sam. Your first semester here you backed out of your part in 'Rocky Horror Show' because you weren't comfortable with your outfit. You were allowed to do that without hassle, even though there weren't really a backup for you, and you were told it was okay.
“Blaine. While you haven't asked for special consideration on account of body issues,” and wow, that smug look on his face is really off-putting, “you have made your feelings about the use of sex and sexiness as a tool known, loudly and on several accounts. Something about not being for sale, wasn't it?”
The smug look goes away instantly, as if wiped off, and now Blaine just looks like he's swallowing down anger. Sam on the other hand looks like someone's thrown a bucket of ice-water on him. And Marley? All she can think is huh. Apparently Kurt did have reason to mutter about hypocrisy when it came to his fiancé.
“That the three of you, with that background, would completely ignore Marley's concerns quite frankly makes you hypocrites. Now, the school rules don't allow me to punish you for being hypocrites, or being bad teammates. They do however allow punishment when it comes to sexual harassment.”
What? Marley stares at their usually meek guidance counselor with wide eyes and a half-open mouth. She's not the only one.
“Your actions, pushing her to wear such a costume – especially seeing as she's 16 and all three of you are over 18 – could easily have you reported for sexual harassment. In fact, should Marley decide she wants to, I'll help her file that report.”
All three boys sputter at that, with Blaine's voice rising above to claim he could never be sexually harassing her on account of being gay, and Marley...she just sits there stunned.
“Quiet! Now, whether or not Marley wants to make that report is up to her. In fact, it is entirely possible that I'll file such a report myself either way. Regardless I'll be keeping an eye on you going forward, because this kind of behavior is unacceptable and I'm not yet convinced any of you understand this.
“For now, however, you can leave for your classes.”
Sam rises first and goes to opens the door for Artie. Before he gets there it seems Mrs Pillsbury-Schuester has one more point to drive home.
“Oh, and boys? If I find out that any of you harass Marley about this our next conversation will be taking place with your parents present in preparation for a suspension.”
Sam and Artie nod quickly before leaving. Blaine however looks at Mr Schue first, like he's seeking guidance, before giving his own nod, looking both reluctant and petulant. Marley looks at him and winces internally, because something tells her Kurt's going to be paying for this.
“Now, just to round things off, Marley. When it comes to your so-called suspension, Mr Schuester does have the right to bar you from participating in Glee for a period of time, should he feel it warranted. Should it become too extended or permanent you can definitely take it up with either me or Mr Figgins, as no student should be barred from an extra-curricular without actual reason.”
And that tone told Marley clearer than any words that Mrs Pillsbury-Schuester didn't think her husband had reason this time, and that she expected him to back off.
“This however does not mean that you're suspended. Also, there will be nothing in your official file or on your record about this. I would like you to stop by before you go home today, so that you and I can talk privately about this. And finally, Marley? I want you to think really hard about the sexual harassment complaint. I know that it must be hard, considering you're supposed to be a team, but what happened here is not okay and I don't want you thinking it is.
“In fact, you should know that if you want to make an official complaint against Mr Schuester for his part in this mess I do believe you have cause. Whether or not anything will come of it is anyone's guess, of course,” and the words with Sue Sylvester in charge are hanging in the air, “but you do have cause.”
And that's...a lot to think about. Marley says the right things, or at least she tries to, and gets up to leave so that the Schuesters can have what's sure to be a very uncomfortable conversation.
Before she can close the door behind her she hears Mrs Pillsbury-Schuester sigh and tell her husband, in a disappointed voice, that he needs to figure out what constitutes appropriate reasons for suspension and what aren't, because suspending a student for refusing to expose herself while doing nothing when other students fight in the choir room just isn't acceptable.
Marley's even pretty sure she's meant to hear that, which...is a mess she isn't even going to try to unravel. It does give her quite a few things to think about when it comes to Mr Schue.
That's for later though, as is trying to figure out how this'll effect Glee. Now is for walking to her first class, for getting through the day, and maybe for trying to fix things with Jake.
It's definitely for taking Kurt's advice. For straightening her back, keeping her head high and to simply...
keep breathing.
~The End ~
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andromath-old2 · 6 years
Inter-dimensional Irondad! Plotbunny
So I had this plotbunny I've tried to write but can't do justice, so I thought I'd just share its outline.
The basic premise of the story is that an inter-dimensional entity shows up while Tony and Peter are having a day at the Compound. The entity takes Peter, and tells Tony he will give him back if he can pass some tests. Tony needs to "solve Peters' problems" before vanishing.
Tony turns around to find 4 different Peters from across the multiverse that he has to juggle. He quickly learns they all have issues and Tony's test is clearly to help deal with the issues and help the Peters out.
Peter #1, or Petey, is a 7 year old kid that immediately attaches himself to Tony. In his world, Tony is his father. His recently deceased father, after his body was recovered from a 10 Rings hide out. Petey doesn't want to go home, because he can't bare being without Tony. He is needy and won't let Tony out of his sight in case he'll die.
Tony has to, with great difficulty, teach Petey to move on. To deal with the trauma of his dad's death and convince him to go back home to his mother, aunt and uncle. It is the hardest thing Tony has done to deny those puppy-dog eyes.
Petey's problem was obvious, but the other Peters were more difficult. They all don't want his help, nor do they want to be there.
Peter #2 is...new. He is an orphan that was left homeless after his Uncle Ben's death. This Peter appears selfish, combative and morally ambiguous. He has no problems stealing from Tony, sneaking out to the City and causing problems. He uses his spider powers to vandalize, steal and cause general mischief.
The trick is this Peter is actually a good person deep down. He is just hardened by his experiences. What he stole he often gave to the poor, or to shelters supporting kids on the streets. But he refuses to take credit for what he does, and presents himself as a menace. Tony needs to teach this Peter that he can trust others and he shouldn't let his doubts and fears control him.
Peter #3 is the Peter most like his own. He is a hero, putting himself in the line of fire for the little guy. The problem with dealing with this Peter is that in his universe, Tony is the world's worst super villain. He believes that Tony #3 is responsible for the death of his parents, and hates Tony. The Merchant of Death is Spider-man's arch-enemy, and so he certainly won't trust someone with his face.
Despite fighting on numerous occasions though, Tony learns that Peter has never won. He always lets Peter go with barely more than a bruised ego. Its only after finally getting this Peter to open up and tell Tony more about his life that Tony figures out the problem.
The Merchant of Death is Peter #3's father. He isn't responsible for the death of Peter's parents, he is one of them and was trying to prevent the plane crash. Tony #3 kept his distance from Peter to protect him and not screw him up, but still loved him. Tony needs to teach this Peter to learn to forgive of the lifelong hatred he has held against the Merchant.
Peter #4 is older than the others, already in College. This Peter is friendly and seems to have a great relationship with Tony #4, but he quickly isolates himself to one of the labs. He says he won't burden Tony with this problem and will figure out a way to fix everything. It doesn't take Tony much to figure out that this Peter is similar to his own during the Vulture incident. He wants to solve everything himself and carry the burden alone.
He is the easiest one to resolve, as he gave his own Peter this speech about 100 times.
After all the Peter's disappear, the entity returns and asks Tony what he was supposed to learn from this. Tony mentions that each Peter had an issue that his-Peter did: unresolved grief about the loss of his parents, anger at their deaths, his fears about May and others seeing the real him, and his compulsive desire to deal with things himself.
The entity says no.
Revealing itself to be another Peter, the entity says that while he picked versions of Peter that had issues reflected in Peter-Prime, he wanted Tony to realize that they were all kids of Tony Stark.
Peter #1 had just lost his dad.
Peter #2 never met his dad and his dad didn't know about him.
Peter #3 was estranged from a father he grew up hating.
Peter #4 had just left the nest and was on his own for the first time, determined to be independent.
The entity wanted to teach Tony that across all the universes, Peter was always Tony's biological son and he should cherish that relationship.
He then disappears and is replaced by Tony's Peter, who he pulls into the best hug ever. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus (the one line I was happy with when trying to write a fic out of this):
The entity claims if he ever wants Peter back he needs to pass a test.
So Tony shoots him in the face.
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Stranger Than We Can Imagine
Title: Stranger Than We Can Imagine
Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise
Warnings: None really.
Disclaimer: Don’t own… if I did I would have treated it better.
Summary: Isolation is never easy, but it’s always worse when you’re surrounded by people. Written because @gaslightgallows is very good at waking up my plotbunnies and giving me writing games that actually work.
Shran watched his human crewmates as they argued over what the floating bit of rock looked like.
“It’s a bear.”
“It’s two horses running.”
“What minor planet are you looking at?”
“What do you think T’Pol?”
“I fail to see the relevance of this speculation.”
“Ah! Shran, help us out.”
As one they all looked at Shran who was standing some way back on the bridge, trying not to feel his hands curl with the desire to snap someone’s neck. He shrugged.
“I’m not one for star gazing… or boulder gazing in this case.” His voice was low, descending into tones of aggression he ought not to be feeling. Not with these aliens anyway…
It had been a long time since he had been surrounded like this, and all he could think of whenever someone touched him was that he ought to flinch from the inevitable pain of an electrical jolt. But he refused to cower in front of these people.
These people… people he trusted.
These people, who weren’t his people.
At the moment… that was all he could think of.
The disappointment was evident in Archer’s eyes. He wanted Shran to interact more with the crew, but he found himself pulling more and more away. The last time at least there had been other Andorians around. But here… he was alone. Andorians were never meant to be alone.
His eyes were drawn to the minor planet, which had been thrown out of its native asteroid belt and was adrift, alone…
Shran reared up and span around on his heels, striding off the bridge. As the lift descended he leaned on the wall, breathing heavily. He was so far gone he was seeing his own misery in a dead bit of cold lava.
He thumped his head against the bulkhead. He could easily imagine the bridge crew now, complaining, maybe even laughing, about their strange new crewmate who refused to make nice and get along with them.
They had no idea who was on their ship.
It was a relief to get into his quarters, at least here he could retreat to a more comfortable temperature, where his things were, his people’s presence could be felt.  The silks of his sheets and his informal clothing had been woven by the hands of his people. His prized book made from strips of dried tuber root held the laws of Andoria inside it. It was particularly special because it had been written in his own blood –you could leave a pint of it into the guild that made the books and they would write it out in the traditional way with the blood being mixed with other ingredients to make ink. His Clan’s crest was on the front cover, made of silver metal and blue and pink gemstones. Shran would lay his Ushaan-tor next to it at night, both reflective surfaces glinting from the shooting stars passing his window at ‘night’.  Sleep was not a familiar companion to him at the best of times. Here it was almost… alien.
Shran pulled off his clothes and stepped under his shower, the temperature as high as it would go, faintly reminding him of long swims in the geothermal pools. He closed his eyes and brought up the echoes of sensation of Telev standing behind him, slim hands caressing his shoulders and rubbing away the tension. He remembered Talas’ bright eyes as she ran her short nails over his flesh, supposedly scraping away any and all dirt.
The memories were pleasing, but he was in no mood to rise to the occasion. It was more about comfort of their presence, so he slipped easily from those memories to memories of bathing in pools on Andoria and other worlds with his crew on the Kumari, and his bond brothers on other occasions. Shran sagged against the glass of his shower door and his eyes glazed over as he remembered washing the dust and Vulcan blood out of Tholos’ hair as they hunkered down in a small pool with Keval and Thon, trembling with fear of being caught and dragged back from where they had escaped from. They had slept in a huddle that night, not daring to hope that they might be free of the tyranny of the Vulcans.
Abruptly the echoes fled from him and he was left alone again. The breath caught in his throat and he sagged even more, feeling weak.
‘Archer to Shran!’
Shran jumped and looked around stupidly, before realising the voice had come over the comm. He pulled himself up and leaned out of the shower to press the button.
“Shran here.”
“Can you come to my quarters? I’d like to talk to you.”
Shran grimaced as he muttered, “Yes sir.”
It irked him no end that Archer was his superior now. He respected the man, he trusted the man, he even liked the man… but he was not only a good deal younger than him, actually half his age, but he was an alien. Shran was coming to terms with the idea of seeing aliens as his equals… but he still tensed every time Archer gave him an order. It was becoming progressively worse with passing time.
He dressed quickly and made his way to the Captain’s quarters. He was off duty, so he chose to wear his own clothing as opposed to his Starfleet uniform that gave him a rash. He could tell Archer saw it as a rebellious gesture the moment he saw the silk shirt.
“Come on in. Drink?”
Shran nodded, accepting the peat whiskey that smelled like a burnt forest, and wasn’t as burning as Ale. Archer sipped at his own, seated on his bed with his dog’s head under his hand. Shran sat down slowly on the chair opposite him, cradling the glass in his hands. Archer scratched Porthos’ ears and leaned forward, which Shran knew meant this was not going to be a good conversation.
“Shran… is there something wrong?” he asked quietly.
Shran kept his eyes on his drink, but extended his antennae forward so Archer knew he was paying attention.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean. You’ve become insular and distant in the last few weeks. And I’m not the only one to notice, T’Pol expressed concern for you, and so has Trip.”
Shran’s antennae reared back at the idea that a Vulcan was concerned for him. It was not in their nature to care about anyone. It was not in their nature to be concerned for Andorians.
Shran looked up in surprise, realising he had drifted off into his mind and not answered Archer’s question. Archer looked genuinely worried now.
“Shran, if there is something bothering you, you know you can tell me.”
Shran tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes, and taking a mouthful of his drink.
“No.” he said at last.
Shran met Archer’s eyes, leaning forward, crowding the pink-skin. Archer shifted back a little. Humans and Vulcans might think they were distinct and different, but they were frustratingly similar. Their sense of private space was something Shran could not understand, and could not handle for much longer. He was beginning to ache from the lack of Andorian contact. Hands on arms, shoulders, necks… on the Kumari everyone had known everyone’s body intimately, even the bonded Actives, just because Andorians did not shy from touch on any part of the body. The context meant everything, and the touch’s location did not. Humans, however, were more wary. They read meaning into a touch of hands as romantic, a touch of hips as inappropriate. Shran had recently grabbed Ensign Sato by the hips to move her out of the way. Both she and Commander Tucker had flushed and looked shocked at his actions. Shran had not even thought about it, he had been used to swatting a crewmember on the thigh or hip to make them move aside. Now… he dare not make any physical contact for fear of causing distress. It was maddening.
Shran blinked and realised he had been glaring at Archer for too long without speaking again. He shook his head and said,
“I am just preoccupied. There’s nothing wrong.”
“Preoccupied… is that all? Trip says you’ve gone from being personable with the crew to minimising your interactions to strictly business.”
“Is there something wrong with my conduct?” Shran demanded irritably.
“No… but you don’t seem very happy.”
Because I’m not, Shran wanted to snarl. But he said nothing, swirling the amber liquid. Alien liquid, in an alien glass. He set it aside, feeling ill.
“If there’s nothing else…?” he said, straightening his back.
“Shran, your wellbeing includes your happiness and I know you well enough to-”
“You don’t!” Shran snarled before he could stop himself getting to his feet. Archer sat back in surprise.
“I don’t? Don’t what?”
“Know me. You don’t know me.”
“Shran we’ve known each other for five years.”
“We have met briefly once a year when pressing concerns forced us together or a chance crossing of paths. When we were both under strain and urgency. That may have been enough for us to learn each other’s true nature… but you do not know me. You do not know my life, my personal self… not enough for you to know me well enough to determine anything.”
“Maybe not… but I can guess.” Archer stood up and regarded Shran with narrowed eyes. “You’ve never been away from your people like this before, have you? You’ve never been the only Andorian in the room for so long… you miss your people.”
“That does not take a genius pink-skin.” Shran was in no mood to be pacified. “But you are not Andorian. You don’t know what it means to be this far from my people for so long…”
“I know it’s not easy. Maybe I don’t know your past… maybe I don’t know if you ever had a pet, or what your favourite colour is… but I’m not blind. I know you’re finding it hard to be here… everything is different… and even the interactions you’re used to… aren’t the same.”
Shran looked at Archer who shrugged, “Trip told me about the incident with Hoshi.”
“I did not mean any harm… but consider the lesson learned.”
“That’s not what I meant. We know you meant no harm… and just like we learned to respect and manage T’Pol’s sense of personal space and Phlox’s preference for privacy… we can learn to manage your sense of familiarity.”
“Manage?” Shran repeated dully, clenching a fist at his side.
Archer gave a sheepish smile, “I meant… we don’t expect you to adapt and we not to. We’re perfectly capable of learning how to be… a bit more Andorian… if you give us half the chance.”
“You’ll never be Andorian.” said Shran shortly. Archer’s smile fell. Shran sighed and forced his hand to unclench. “But maybe you can learn how to treat me like one.”
“No higher respect for you… is there?”
“Everything I’ve done has been to protect and defend my people, not only from death but to ensure they will always be able to be what they are.” Shran hesitated and then decided he ought to be cooperative, so he murmured, “There was a time when I was denied that ability… that right. Worst five years of my life.” That I can remember, Shran thought to himself, clenching his fist in anger at the memory of that green blooded monster that robbed him of something so vital. He met Archer’s eyes and pushed it aside, “ So… yes Captain. There is no higher respect for me.”
Archer nodded and reached out a hand, resting it on Shran’s shoulder… and leaving it there. His skin was far too cool for it to warm Shran’s skin. But there was a sense of warmth that spread through Shran and he felt his body relax a little. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, relaxing a bit further. Archer smiled and squeezed his shoulder before dropping his hand.
“Hungry? I think Chef’s been playing with your dietary requirements again.”
Shran grimaced, “Oh… lovely.”
Archer chuckled, “I’ll try it too?”
Shran tilted his antennae towards the human speculatively, then smirked, “Deal.”
Archer sighed and nodded, “Great.”
They left Archer’s quarters and entered the lift to take them to the mess. As they stood waiting, Shran spoke.
“A Zabathu.”
“What?” Archer looked at him in confusion. Shran smiled,
“The minor planet… it looked like a wild zabathu.”
Archer looked thoughtful for a moment, then said quietly, “Huh… I’ll take your word for it.”
Shran smirked, feeling his spine straighten and he sighed, “Good.”
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joeys-piano · 7 years
Fanfic Terms with Joey
! - ‘!’ possibly means is that you’re taking an idea or concept and tacking it onto carrier. Like butter is the ‘!’ to bread. Or you’re, describing something and adding ‘!’ afterwards to incorporate it to a preexisting idea or notion.
A/N - Refers to Author’s Notes where you write gibberish and possibly cry. Sometimes, people add links back to their tumblr pages or other works that they want to advertise after someone reads a work. They’re usually found in the end notes.
BAMF - When a character does something you would find in an over the top action movie, but they do it in such a way that it looks more cool than a cliche. Bonus if you can imagine the character’s actions in slow-mo with an epic breeze in the background.
Casefile - Found in fics where they follow very closely to real life procedures and are very fact-heavy because those writers are immerse in what they’re doing, or they’ve learned to research beforehand so that information or certain actions don’t seem “off” when a reader views them
Curtain fic - An established pairing doing cute domestic stuff while in the bedroom. Like playing with hair, watching YouTube, snuggling, cuddling under the blankets, snoozing, feeling each other’s warmth, and other cute activities you can do in bed. Or, this refers to when a situation occurs and it lifts the “curtain” from the audience’s eyes as they see the true story behind the events they have read.
Drabble - a very short story. Roughly around 100 words.
Epistolary - When a fanfic not only has written stuff, but added edits where you see a letters, clippings, and other forms of writing not typically seen in a fanfic. Like chat!fics or something
Fan Service - When the fan caters to the service.
Feels - an expression where you cannot describe the emotions thumping in your tiny, human heart so you used one word to describe the overall encompassing emotion. Rather ambiguous but people know what you’re talking about
Ficlet - at least a few thousand words long
Fuck or Die - You either screw something or face the consequences. Characters put into these situations are wondering why they have to mess something up. But if they don’t, they might actually die so they must play as the clueless individuals they have to be before they’re allowed to use their intelligence to solve a problem.
Headcanon - Where the writer’s head becomes a canon and they shoot out ideas into the void
Hiatus - The season in which writers hibernate time out of the year. They are commonly found with fanfic, fandom pieces, and their favorite entertainment objects by their side during this hibernation process. Please give your writer guidance and much comfort if hibernation exceeds over 3 months.
Mary Sue - She likes to board the fandom continental airplane and fly to different fics to inhabit and vacation there for the duration of the story
Plagiarism - Don’t do it
Plotbunny - Feed it and you’ll have many mini bunnies later on and they’ll grow up to be fluffy stories that’ll cuddle beside you
Slow burn - where you’re burning the plot. very slowly. to prolong its warmth
Zine - Doesn’t determine whether you’re a good artist/writer or not. It’s a simply a vessel to put yourself out there, but you’re already putting yourself out there with the creations you serve to the fandom and your participation. So don’t let it put you down, okay?
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