#someone please get that boy some therapy 😭
Outsiders shit. Some modern some not idfk
These are all like. The most crack-filled hcs ever, please excuse my brain 🙏🏽🙏🏽 if these don’t make sense to you, tell me
- dally is so headstrong that the moment someone bets he can’t do something, he does it
- the gang takes advantage of this
- (this is a method I use on my younger siblings 😭😭)
- dally can walk in heels
- also two bit. Like scarily well. His sister is amazed.
- pony calls people whore
- Johnny calls people thot
- they say these to each other on a regular basis.
- also hoe
- uhhh where was I
- something something gay something something 70s 80s smth pony and Johnny because Johnny never died frfr no cap
- Johnny: “I can’t believe yall vape smh”
- also Johnny: *pulls out a cigarette for each hand*
- pony does the same thing
- twobit and Marcia are either gay-lesbian solidarity or they’re dating, no in between
- if they’re gay, they’re a beard couple just like “we pretend to date, they can’t catch on” “I like the way you think, woman”
- ily twobit matthews. That’s all.
- twobit and Marcia are actually both Hispanic, its canon trust I was there
- dally types “women ☕️” in instagram comment sections
- also “it’s bc I’m a man isn’t it”
- (ty V on discord for that second one 🙏🏽🙏🏽)
- cherry and dally argue on twitter
- a lot
- dally spams cherry and then she absolutely COOKS this pathetic rat man
- he doesn’t talk to her for a while, blocks her, and forgets and unblocks her to harass her again
- cherry doesn’t realize blocking is a thing, but she complains to marcia and marcia shows her how to block Dallas
- dally, two bit, and Steve are all hopelessly addicted to twitter
- like it’s really fucking bad
- someone get these mfs off the internet
- dally therapy
- now
- right fucking now
- cherry valance and ponyboy bisexual man/bisexual woman solidarity
- they are besties
- nothing more nothing less
- change my mind
- (you cant)
- marcia “good luck babe” by Chappell roan
- pony autism
- Johnny audhd
- Darry autism
- soda audhd or just adhd
- I saw someone say dally ocd once and I like it so
- dally ocd
- twobit adhd
- Steve adhd
- everyone trauma :D
- when johnny actually lived after the fire bc thats what actually happened actually fr, he left his parents because he realized they didn’t actually love him (the “I don’t wanna see her” scene is what helps him realize)
- he stays with the curtis boys most of if not all the time
- if soda and Darry are gone, pony will grab Johnny and they’ll sleep together
- not in a weird way you freaks
- pony just genuinely cannot sleep
- I may or may not be influenced by fics I’ve read…
- soda saw them one night he was gone and was like “…queers?”
- he stays out a bit later than usual now, often found sleeping in another room
- Darry actually supports more than pony thought, when he comes out, Darry is like a pride parade mom frfr
- kinda lowkey overbearing with it
- ily Darrel curtis
- soda is the typa guy to genuinely not understand lgbtq+ but supports anyways
- sodas the typa guy to be asked what his pronouns are and say “just he/him. Wish I had smth more interesting, but I’m just a guy :D”
- on the other end of that, soda and Steve are gay
- everyone is gay
- all of them
- so very fucking gay
Im done yapping for now, im so sorry for anyone that sees this
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Friendly reminder that a guy bled out and died all over Will and it probably doesn't even rank in the top 5 most traumatic things to have ever happened to him
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chocoqtelle · 2 years
Soulmate Reading ☕
Pile one Pile two
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Pile three Pile four
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Pile One
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your soul mate is someone who seems like a reward or a possible manifestation. they could possibly be a divine masculine or have heavy masculine energy ( remember that doesn't determine their gender) or have heavy duality of femininity and masculinity. this person seems soft but protective. like they'll treat you gently but might not be as gentle with other people. this doesn't mean theyre mean to other ppl ofc. you've gone through quite a bit and this person will treat you better than how others have treated you before. they'll seem like a new fresh beginning for you and will bring gifts and fortune into your life. they might have issues with mood swings and mental health as well as possessiveness. this person could have borderline personality disorder or possible bipolar but take what resonates. they will always make you feel cared for and appreciated which is something you probably don't feel much of now 😭 but you deserve it. you could be a very stubborn person or have low self esteem but remember that this was brought for a reason. it will get better and you do deserve this connection. this is good karma for you. the best advice is to accept this gift without being too skeptical about it like you most likely are most of the time. don't push this person away to feel safe. if you aren't ready then take your time but you have to open up your emotions and self to love at some point.
Pile Two
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your soulmate is a bit immature 💀 a lot of your friends probably won't like them at first. they present themselves as immature and childish to people and as a person with a carefree energy. in reality, they really just had a bad past and possibly bad childhood too and use immaturity to distance from their feelings and anything serious. they do wanna let go of their past but they haven't confronted it 😞 they might have a lot to work on before getting in a new relationship. could be a former "player 🤪" who's now regretful of their actions. picking up mommy issues 🤕 they aren't used to receiving gentle love and care which is probably your main form of showing affection. they never received much love when they were younger and now they don't know how to accept it from others. they also don't know how to accept their own feelings because they were dismissed so many times and constantly invalidated. the advice for you is that if you have a bad past with this person then let it go. you might have to be generous and take your time with them. even though they don't like gentle love they have to learn how to heal and be comfortable with it so it's best to slowly ease them into it. im channeling the imagine of a traumatized dog who's still learning to not be afraid. they might still need help with coping and emotions. don't feel like you have to do anything though. you don't have to people-please and worship this person. they need a lot of care but you dont have to be the one to supply that either. you could always get them into therapy or counseling if it's too much. don't overwork yourself like you always do.
Pile Three
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your soulmate is kinda like the perfect partner. this is a dreamy romantic person with a big heart. they're like one of those manhwa boys (regardless of gender) with the charming behaviors and pretty smiles. they're very committed and romantic. they like cuddles, cafes, and soft casual dates. im channeling moment by vierre cloud/ new kind of love by fro fro (they're the same song anyway 😞) . your person is giving very much simp energy. they might tend to stay alone or prefer being alone than to being around others. they seem very soft and introverted but attractive and mysterious at the same time. they wanna make sure you feel safe and comforted. they're really good with emotions and care (the ace of cups fell out right after I typed that so there's your conformation ig 💀) . they're caring about your mental health and trauma. they are trustworthy for you to open up to and won't judge you for what you went through before. this person could have a lot of options but they're still specifically focused on you. one of your fears is of abandonment and this is a confirmation that you won't be left behind. they're a hard worker especially financially but struggle with over thinking things too much. they can read people well which can come off as intimidating. sometimes they neglect their own feelings and can be scared to commit even though they want to. your advice is to remember they aren't actually perfect and you can't rely on them for everything. they're still a real person with feelings. remember to take care of yourself instead of just having them take care of you and if you're worrying about "will things actually get better? " then they will.
Pile Four
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i channeled the Lana del ray version of the other woman the moment I started this reading. also picking up on dealer? ykw 🙄 get over your ex/ ex crush first of all. they sucked fr 💀 what is there to like??? they aren't your soulmate and you gotta let them go. they were immature and possessive and possibly abusive. you have another person as your soulmate and they're much better. heal yourself and learn to be independent first before dating. you might already know your soulmate. they're the perfect match for you. when you start talking with them you'll realize they just get you like that one episode from girl from nowhere with the anonymous chat and the lesbian teachers (I love them 😭). this person is all you've ever dreamed of and possibly how you imagined your ex/ex crush would be even though they weren't. you're keeping yourself back from isolating from people and avoiding catching feelings on anyone. they like to think and reflect a lot. like one of those people who psychoanalyzes themselves 24/7 to better understand themselves. because of that, they might be feeling insecure or inadequate. they place high standards on themselves and get upset when they don't reach them. my advice for you is that you don't have to be completely innocent or completely oversexualize yourself to be valid. you can find a balance yk. nobody has to fit in just one category and you really weren't meant to.
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iceman-kazansky · 1 year
Hello iceman-kazansky. Can i request some headcanons (or reactions i don't know which one is true) with eugene roe and ronald speirs? Their fiancee wants to break up after war because she wants to forget everything and thinks that she will experience the same traumas again everytime when she looks in her fiancee's eyes. It's up to you whether the ending will be happy or not. It's not a problem if you are not comfortable with writing this. I really like your blog and i don't mind if you decide not to write 🤎 <your malarkey fic was 🤌🤌🤌 btw>
Pairings: Ronald Speirs x f!reader, Eugene Roe x f!reader
Requested by: Lovely anon who happened to make my week (possibly month) with their kind words
Summary: Ronald Speirs and Eugene Roe headcanons to how they would react to their significant other wanting to break up after the war due to trauma
Warnings: Fluff? Angst? Idek but I hope those who read enjoy
A/n: I’M SO  SORRY THIS WASN’T DONE SOONER ANON 😭I wanted it done a lot sooner but sadly some things happened. I’m also sorry that these are super short, I so wish I could’ve made them a lot larger and had more points. I hope you enjoy Anon, for these are my first ever attempt at headcanons 
Eugene Roe
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-First off my baby boy 🥺
-he would be so, so, so sad but understanding at first, he'd just be like "Okay, if that's really what you want ☹️" 
-although, once you explained it to him that he was a reminder of the trauma and horrors of war, he would be reassuring and comforting af
-He'd talk to you about how you and him would get through the unexplainable and horrific things you'd seen in that long multiple-year span together 
-"I'm here to talk and be with you, through thick and thin; no matter what; I love you. Please know that I'll continue loving you until the day I die."
-He wouldn’t admit it but the things he’d seen, the things he’d done scarred him and stuck with him long after the war and he was desperately in need of someone to talk to so him being able to just comfort you was also helping him get through the trauma of war
-Would definitely offer therapy or a person you could tell your deepest, hardest memories and your shoulder to cry on when you reminisced about your friends' deaths
-If he did persuade you to stay, he'd try comforting you a lot more and taking note of everything that could upset you
-When he does notice you upset over things, he goes out of his way to take care of you, such as buying flowers, chocolates, and anything he could
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 -"Of course not! But you remind me every time I look at you; I can see the horrors written in your eyes Ron. Every time I look at you I can see Hoobler or... or.. Jackson's scared gaze.. That boy- he died in my arms that night in Haganeau and I-"
-When you tell him he'd go quiet and just stare at you in numb shock
-after you finished he'd ask "Is this what you really want?"
-IMMEDIATELY would be so soft with you
-"Oh, Honey" 
-He’d hold you in his arms all soft but at the same time firm and steady, he’d also try to talk to you, especially if you started crying, and would be the type to whisper sweet nothings into your ear while you dealt with the distressing memories
-I headcanon he is a real war-hardened veteran on the outside but once you get to know him he’s so kind and caring and an overall very nice person to be around
-When you were finished and you (probably?) realized it wasn’t a good idea to break up with the one thing you knew to be your solace in the rocky world you were only now adapting back into after the horrors of war. Speirs was your soon-to-be husband; your rock in a hard place; a sturdy tree to stand under in a thunderstorm. Speirs was your world and how you’d failed to notice that was nearly catastrophic
-like minutes after, when you’d come to your senses, you’d apologize profusely for even bringing up the idea, but Speirs wouldn’t care; he’d kiss you and hold you and reassure you he was going to stick with you until the very end of time
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mygwenchan · 4 months
Zouey, baby boy, I know you mean well, but this definitely isn't the right time for a therapy session... Fuck it if Captain hates Puen for no reason, we all know he's an asshole. But right now there are more important things to do!
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But didn't Puen say he only gave Keen a bj that one time when he first joined the rugby team? Either Captain is exaggerating or Puen was lying...
Also, Soong had sex with Keen as well. He must be glad that he didn't reveal that fact during the party game. Who knows what kind of drama that would've caused between First and Captain... Here is to hoping that Soong can keep his secret!
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I think that's the chat Aob saw as well, right? In any case, Captain you're being a dick again. Don't go around looking through other people's phones!
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Ohhh~ Ok, so First knew that Captain had some beef with Puen and he deliberately hurt him? Damn... that's pretty bad. Sorry First, but you fucked up and Zouey is rightfully angry with you
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And here we have the core of the problem when it comes to all those "unfortunate accidents" that First has caused: He thinks just because someone initially agrees to something that it gives him the right to do whatever he wants with them. I wonder if First has a low empathy level? Cause it seems to me he's not really able to feel compassion or see things from other people's point of view. At the very least he should know: A ripped butthole is definitely a sign to stop 😥
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Um... Zouey, what does that mean First knows what Porche AND YOU WENT THOUGH?! What's this about now? Is it about that time Teena overstepped? Or something else? 😨
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Oh boy, now Captain and First have their feelings hurt by Zouey... Zouey is right though. Both First and Captain keep hurting people, which really isn't ok
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Yeah, I don't think Zouey sees himself as the main character and neither does Nont.
BUT this scene makes it obvious that something hasn't been working out between Captain, First and the other guys in the group for a while now. It's true that Zouey keeps telling these two (and Porche also) how horrible they are, what bad friends they are and that they're the reason why whatever happened to Nant, did happen. Zouey already did that in ep1: "We should admit that Nant disappeared, because he has bad friends like you guys." But as we know by now, Nant disappeared because he was investigating Jason and bit more off than he could chew. Captain and First pushing Nant to have sex had nothing to do with it. So in a way I can understand why Captain gets upset with Zouey. He feels mistreated and misunderstood.
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But guys... the mission? Nant? Getting Jason a place in jail? No? Doesn't matter anymore, I guess
The fellowship broke up 😥
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The way Nont holds on to Zouey as if he's saying "Don't leave me as well, please. I can't do this alone" 😭
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And that's the end of episode 11! Three more to go and who knows what might happen next~ 🤗
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in2thenewworld · 2 months
matchup for @qlassicc
hey hey!! this was such an easy decision, thank you for being so sweet and also thank you for letting my write for dmc, im always a bit biased to dmc requests my faves <3
alright, let’s get to it, this party’s getting crazy!
…ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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* the main boy, the best boy, the devil that may cry himself!
* dante is all charisma and jokes but god, this man needs loving asap. you may worry that your clinginess is coming off as too much, but with dante that’s simply not at all the case. he’s exactly the same as you, in fact. it’s super difficult to pull you guys away from each other when dante isn’t out on a mission. suddenly nero and kyrie don’t look so cheesy… 😭
* please spoil him with your reassuring words and love, he needs it. he’s not the type of guy that will drain you mentally at all, he just needs someone to feel safe around and will give you the same in return.
* you never have to worry about dante turning his back or taking you for granted, that’s simply not in his moral code.
* you don’t like housework- neither does he… 😭 lady will scold you guys for leaving the office in clutter, but she can’t argue that it makes you all the more a perfect match.
* a bit of aggression and edge is a plus when dating someone as hunted down as dante. the devil hunter is into his fair share of conflicts; it’s a bit of weight off his back to not have to worry as much about you, but he’ll still be here to defend until his last breath.
* everyone in dmc besides nico is very tall so the height difference is amusing to say the least. dante is basically scary dog privileges now.
* PIZZA DATE! couch, blanket, pizza, video games and/or movies. you got it made. and dante is like a heater too so he’s perfect to cozy up to on a cold night. ^-^
* neither of y’all know money management that well but that’s okay 💀
* dante is a tease- a total wind up. he’ll probably come and pester you a lot, but only out of love. sometimes someone’s gotta give him a nudge and a “leave her alone dante” if you’re too busy but he means zero harm.
* humour is very important when it comes to dating dante so it’s a massive plus that you’ve got it! he’s the best company, but he can’t do much around someone that’s boring- there’s no conversation to work with!
* dante will 100% provide retail therapy, even if the lights are shut off in the office 😭 you’re gonna be spoiled hardcore, trust in that.
* on the other hand, you’ll have formed some friendships with the people in dante’s circle by now, and trish makes the PERFECT shopping partner! 🫶
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howdy ! i've never been matched up before and saw you were doing them so i'm curious to know who you'd match me with ^-^
i think i'm supposed to give a little description of myself first right ? Here i go
i'd say i'm a really stubborn person who doesn't care about others opinions and walk by my own rhythm but my anxiety has kept me from doing so and made me really shy and introverted , if i asked a friend to describe me they'd probably say anger issues (i've been getting better from them and that makes me really proud) and that i'm a people pleaser, i like helping others even when ik they wouldn't do the same for me ( don't put me in the same room as azul cus ik he'll scam me 😭) my hobbies consist of drawing and listening to music , i really like to try my hand at any type of arts and crafts but if I don't get if right the first time i'll probably give up on it 😅
okay so relationship wise i'm looking for someone extroverted who will make time for me and communicate with me , i'm tired of introverted boys who don't put any effort and don't communicate and just let me do all the work . i just want someone who i feel comfortable with , who ik i can joke with without walking on eggshells around them , someone who can be my bedt friend and lover , I mostly show affection through teasing and joking since i have a hard time talking about my feelings .
for the additional information: i'm an Aries sun , Leo moon , and Sagittarius rising and i'm an intp if that helps
sorry this ended up being way too long and clearly i talked as if i was at a therapy session but i hope you don't mind and find time to do my request,if not please just ignore this 😅
I AM HONOURED TO WRITE YOUR FIRST MATCH-UP! *shoots self-love at you* Oh, here he is!
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Kalim Al-Asim
Before everything else, he’s your friend. There to support you in his optimistic, sunshiney, well, Kalim, way. Even before ~da romance~ he is very forward with his feelings and would casually say, “I love you!” But one day everything just came together and he realized that yes, he loves you, and not in a friend way!
Yeah, the two of you are both people-pleasers, but through some growth together, you can both put your foot down and assert yourselves! Kalim will be there to reassure you in anxious situations as well. But he likes seeing you walk to the rhythm of your own drum.
He would giggle and tease you back, albeit his teasing is very lighthearted. He takes the joking like a champ, and you need not to worry about walking on eggshells around him.
Kalim is an open book, he may be busy, but he’ll set aside time for you… or just ditch his duties :D Why would he want to discuss silk prices when he could hang out with his favourite person?!
Even though he would be super excited to see what you created in your sketchbook, he also respects your boundaries. He may ask, but he won’t push. He is your number one supporter though. You don’t like it? Well, Kalim thinks it’s lovely!
Speaking of art, if he so happens to overhear that you want some high end supplies, well, you are now set for life! Kalim would also make you some drawings, or add a post it note on your sketchbook. “This is STUNNING! But not as stunning as you! :D ”
Impromptu dance party! He likes listening to music with you, be it just sitting quietly and moving his head to the rhythm with you, or dancing about and laughing. He would also invite you along to Light Music Club if you ever wanted to see him perform. “This one is for you, my sweet bee!” *queue drum solo*
He would also be there, and be more serious if you wanted to tell him something; be it something small that was bugging you, or something heavy that was weighing you down. He may be cheerful, but he knows when something is on your mind.
"You know, I'm always here if you want to talk, sweet bee."
Hope you like your match-up, Melice! Also, it's an honour to write your first one!
Yes, he calls you his sweet bee; people may think you're "angry" but he just sees a sweet friend trying to live their life. Plus, he also took note that you like the lil fuzzy pollinators, so you are now Sweet Bee!
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Kakashi’s Story- Chapter Three
Nanara knowing that him and those in power are the one’s to blame for a young girls injuries and not the starving person who hit her to steal the jewel. This kid’s more grown up than most adults.
Nanara’s struggle to understand the war is so beautiful to see. How he’s trying to figure out what he should do and how he genuinely struggles between following orders and doing the right thing. It’s a nice call back to some of Kakashi’s struggles and I love that it’s Kakashi who gets to see him through this.
Blaming Kakashi for making his life difficult for teaching him 😭😭😭 Boy no he’s helping you I swear.
‘If you want to protect people around you, your only choice is to become strong.’ How many times did kakashi tell himself this? How often did he push himself through missions and training chanting this to himself? I need answers!
‘I’m not as capable as you think i am’ Kakashi STFU yes you are!
‘I honestly don’t deserve the blessings i have’ i’m going to fist fight you. I’m going to fist fight you and make you see how much you deserve all the love you have.
There’s a difference between ‘i didn’t make the best choices’ and ‘i pissed people off so bad they wanted to kill me’ boy please, i beg of you. Get some therapy!
An old lady spitting at him because she lost her son to a Konoha nin, and Kakashi understanding and not being at all upset. He understands that even if a war ends it doesn’t mean the pain does. He understands that all too well.
‘It’s not like Kakashi couldn’t knock fifty or one hundred average ninja flying if he set his mind to it’ yes!!! Be confident in your skills i love it!!! Also can fandom please learn to understand this? Pleeeaaassseee
‘Give a starving person bread or teach them how to grow wheat. As Hokage, Kakashi had always chosen the later’ but there’s so much more than that. Kakashi probably also provided resources and supplies to get them through to be able to wait out the cycle of growth and harvest.
Nanara making his choice and telling Kakashi first is o wholesome. I love that as soon as he knew what he wanted to do he went to Kakashi.
And Kakashi shooting down his original idea of going to the Land of fire with the prime minister and giving really good reason’s not to do that, and then immediately providing him a better idea.
I love that Kakashi found and kept a letter that he sent to Nanara’s father, and then showed it to him when he really needed to see it. And the way Nanara stares at the letter and even sort of recognizes the writing as being similar to Kakashi’s. So close kiddo, so close.
‘My beloved Sixth Hokage’ He’s standing right behind you Nanara XD Kakashi must be suffering right now he hates being praised.
The army arrives early!? And with MORE PEOPLE
Kakashi getting to see his first real canons!!!
I love how Kakashi knows the Prime Ministers plan just from seeing the cannons. We get to see more of that beautiful tactical mind in action and i’m loving every second of it.
Margo trying to provide comfort but she’s already feeling so defeated and lost. Someone please give this girl a hug.
Nanara standing up to the Prime Minister and Saying no!!! Wooo!!!
Kakashi deciding to help and immediately putting hp the mud wall to surround the entire village. This man is amazing.
‘Kakashi…you… you can’t be…’ say it. Say it Nanara!
‘A shinobi like the sixth hokage!’ *flips table*
Even Kakashi seemed a little disappointed by those words XD nanara you were SO CLOSE.
‘I’ll tell you right now i’m not going to apologize for hiding who i am’ and we would expect nothing else, king.
Prime minsister: Fire cannons at the wall!
Kakashi: Lol ok.
Did some random ass just try to use chidori??? Against KAKASHI!?!?
‘My lightning blade’ your WHAT!?
Kakashi calculating where the enemy will hit and focusing onto that spot for extra defence.
‘He’ll wear himself down in half a day and the jutsu will be released’ b*** you wish.
Kakashi took a scientists idea to change earth to glass to counter lightning style and made it a reality. Have i said i love this man? Because i LOVE this man.
‘It would take an average person years’ and a genius half that time
Kakashi calling out a lier and seeing their move was no where near being high lighting blade lol. You didn’t even having chirping bird sounds fraud
I love how arrogant Kakashi can sometimes be about his skills. He deserves it :)
‘If it had been his student chidori attacking, he wouldn’t have been able to defend against the blow completely’ i love that 1) kakashi has confidence in Sasuke’s skills and 2) he still has enough confidence in his own skills to say On some level he could still defend against the attack, just not completely. Ya sasuke’s breaking through but kakashi ain’t making that an easy task XD
All the villagers turning on Kakashi and demanding answers from him, damn. He’s just trying to help i swear.
Kakashi grabbing Nanara and stopping him from fist fighting an adult for insulting his father. He probably wishes he could have kicked someones ass for insult his own father so he very much understands Nanara’s anger
Kakashi finally cutting the cool patient approach and pushing Nanara to answer the question of why he didn’t want to be king. They no longer have time to wait for the answer to come naturally and he knows this.
‘Just like how a thick-browed training fool faced the fact that he was not blessed with talent for Ninjitsu by building strength through his own efforts’ love the call out to Gai, but Kakashi i’m pretty sure there’s better descriptors to use for your BEST FRIEND 😂😂😂
Nanara’s so disappointed to get a letter back from the Seventh Hokage instead of the sixth, and his panic when he thinks the sixth might be dead. Damn this poor kid is going through it.
‘The sixth Hokage worked so hard, he should get some time to relax’ damn right!
‘His power has grown by leaps and bounds compared with the days when he had fought Obito and Madara’ *staples this to the fandom billboard and glares at everyone who ignores it*
I love how to this day he still measures how much chakra he has left in how many lightning blades he would be able to do XD
I’m LOVING this. Every moment i get to see more of that tactical genius and beautiful mind in Kakashi is brilliant. This is the type of ninja show i want.
No aliens or big impossible to beat bad guys. I want stealth, intelligence and actually Shinobi talent. Give me MOREEEE
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blupengu · 7 months
Oh boy oh boy I finished Yves’s route…! Spoilers under the cut as usual!
👁️👄👁️ bruh
Okay one thing at a time! First off - Hugo is SO Yvesexual oh my god?? Bro just confess already please I’m sorry Ceres is getting in the way! “Partner” pffft yeah okay mister “I literally died from feeling too much love” sure, I hope we all find our own Hugo one day 😂
Also while all the CGs were beautiful in this route (oh his mask coming off, oh him crying in the corner, aaah the one with him sobbing into Ceres 😭 probably the best kiss CG even though it’s just like.. on the cheek LOL), can we talk about Yves’s hair-down sprite? Like… what is that. What happened? Yves honey who did your hair? Did you shred it with your sword yourself?? I would normally brush it off if it just looked a little odd, but Mathis, Lucas, and Ankou all have perfectly normal looking long hair (even Scien’s looks more normal) so clearly this was a choice. But it was a bad choice sorry my boy 💀
Now back to the route itself, I really liked it overall! Yves and Ceres I think have had the best romantic relationship build up (even if they both desperately need therapy). I just gotta yell out some feelings as if this is a liveblog lmao
The way I gasped when Dahut and Nadia showed up? Seriously I did not expect these two to steal my heart so much?? They’re truly a balm for my soul… Any time Dahut shows up now I’m like OH THANK GOD someone who doesn’t need therapy 😩
So… the science in his game has always been *hand wavey* and I think I’m generally good at just going with the flow in fictional stories, but like……… HUH??? Bruh I had to put down my controller and just stare at the screen for a hot second. We’re part flower - aight cool cool anime shit sure whatever. Their genes are different colors - uhhhh… okay, sure I guess? A pair of chromosomes are killed each year and that’s why everyone dies when they turn 23 - HOLD UP WHAT NOW??? Yoooo that’s actually hilarious it made me bust out laughing 😂 (I also still don’t understand why Yves’s family didn’t just tell Scien or someone about the fact that it was the toxins in the soil killing people?? Like bruh)
The whole “relivers can’t learn or change so people can’t even switch careers because their bodies don’t change” thing is also so dumb. Like… what does that even mean? If you worked out would you not gain muscle?? Practicing something wouldn’t help?? What about Hugo going from someone who didn’t have to work a day in his life to one of the best fighters just behind Yves and Adolphe in the Corps after he had become a reliver??? Ah nono don’t think about the science, don’t think about the science… 😩
I did very much love our boys banding together at the end though! If only it was against the mcfucking Royal family and Capucine (and whoever this mysterious “sponsor” is) instead of against Scien… dude I support your experiments, they really should’ve just let us die this time LOL (very glad Capucine got his ass handed to him though, god I hate Capucine… even though he’s kinda pretty, he’s not Jean levels of pretty enough to make me not hate him, especially after Nadia 😂 thank you Scien)
Also I’m sorry I went very feral with Lucas breaking free and showing up to help, especially in the Bourreau outfit in front of Yves and Adolphe!! Yaaas baby go use your superhuman strength to kill everyone, you’re doing great sweetie, SLAY!!! (literally) 😩😂 I really uwu-ed when Dahut was like, yeah I look up to Lucas so I’m kinda pissed at you Scien (best adult boy)… why do I feel like he’s gonna have a better chance at a happier end in Yves’s route than his own fucking salvation end lmao
And final thoughts, where was Ankou at the end?? I loved that he showed up to help Yves and he was the one to give him his mask, but buddy where did you go at the end??? Is there some multiverse or time travel shit going on???? Ceres really decided to follow in the footsteps of Lucas’s despair end with Yves though huh… 👁️👄👁️ sweetie I’m so sorry we really turned you in BBQ, a burnt chicken nugget, fire emblem Sigurd 💀 LMAO
Can’t wait to get into Le Salut!!
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(But really why did Yves get 5 chapters when everyone else got 4… is it because he’s poster boy…? It’s because he’s poster boy isn’t it…)
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Any good queer movie recs? As✨GAY✨ as possible! 🏳️‍🌈
Oh boy okay here we go
- Fanfiction: it came out like a week or two ago on Netflix and it’s sooooo good like why is no one talking about it😭 trans + gay rep (TW mental health)
- Elisa & Marcela: such a gorgeoussss movie, it’s about the two first women who got married in Spain in 1901 even though it was illegal
- But I’m a cheerleader: probably one of my all times favourite queer movies, it’s absolutely adorable and hilarious, it’s a comedy about a girl who gets sent to a conversion therapy camp (and that’s how she realises she’s a lesbian) (edit i rewatched this a couple of days ago and it really is awesome, even better than I remembered I absolutely love it bfkzidjskdk)
- Pride: now this one doesn’t have a main romance but it’s only gays and lesbians and miners striking against Thatcher AND IT IS SO GOOD IT’S MY FAV MOVIE EVER PLEASE GO WATCH IT SO I CAN TALK ABOUT IT WITH SOMEONE please you have to it’s soooo good like so so so so good you have no idea
- Carol: this one is pretty famous but it really IS a very good and iconic lesbian romance
- Prom: this one is a musical, it’s not for everyone but I personally really enjoyed it, it has lesbian teenage romance and several other queer characters (if I remember correctly)
- Imagine me and you: also a very very very awesome amazing sapphic movie that I absolutely love, basically it’s about a woman who’s getting married to her boyfriend but falls instantly in love (literally during the wedding) with the woman doing the flower arrangements
- Fear street: this is a horror trilogy (so careful if you don’t like scary/bloody movies) and it is AWESOME I actually don’t usually particularly like horror but I’ve watched these twice they were so good (with a main sapphic ship)
- Wish you: I watched this with one of my friends who loves everything Korea related cause we thought it sounded gay and it actually is gay!!!! So yes it’s a pretty sweet boy love
- Call me by your name: I know this is like everyone’s favourite queer movie but I actually didn’t love it that much- don’t get me wrong it’s definitely a very good movie and I get why people love it but I guess it’s just not for me, but as that’s just my personal opinion I do recommend it anyway!
- Portrait of a lady on fire: this one is also pretty famous but it really is that good! Beautiful sapphic love story
- Love, Simon: based on the novel Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, it’s really good and there’s a spin-off show (Love, Victor) that I personally love even more! (Currently rewatching it)
- The half of it: it’s basically a modern and queer remake of Cyrano de Bergerac and it’s really really good
- Crush: I can’t remember much about the plot cause I watched this quite a while ago but it’s a fun high school romantic comedy but make it sapphic :)
[edit: thought of a couple more :)
- Alex Strangelove: don’t remember much about the plot (I tend to mix it up with Love, Simon for some reason) but I do remember liking it, it’s a fun, gay rom com (I think?) wow maybe I should rewatch it if I’m so unsure about the story lmao
- Beats per minute: (it’s French, the original title is « 120 battements par minute ») absolutely incredible mind blowing beautiful heart wrenching stunning amazing perfect emotional raw educational masterpiece. Cannot recommend this enough. (I watched it for the first time a couple of days ago, it had been on my list of gay movies I need to watch for years and I am so happy I finally watched it) anyway it’s about the aids crisis and it’s so so so so so so so so so so so so good please watch it
That’s all I can think of for now! There are obviously lots of other queer movies (I really need to watch more, but I must admit I like watching series more)… also if you have Instagram I recommend the account queer cinema archives which posts really interesting analyses of queer coded or explicitly queer scenes in the history of cinema, and there’s also an account called lesbian cinema which posts recommendations of sapphic movies and shows!
Anyway I hope this helps :) I really enjoy making these lists, if you guys have other requests don’t be shy!
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cold-neon-ocean · 9 months
Omigooooooaaaashhh 😭😭😭 your last post!!! Somebody PLEEEAASE SAVE BAATAR FROM HIS OWN MIND!! I literally know the feeling of fighting with yourself and your own thoughts and it's truly exhausting, nerve wrecking and draining!! But to have them centered around people who have extraordinary powerful abilities that literally change both the physical world and spiritual world HAS to be torture!! Omigosh by beautiful baby boy needs therapy!!
Kuvira can just see on his face when he starts Thinking Too Much and then has to divert his attention lest he be consumed by the horrors of his own thoughts kshsjs Baatar doesn't like being fussed over like he's helpless and she knows that, but she can't help but check on his heart rate often to tell if he's having an anxiety spike or not. Especially when they're in public because it happens. He'll suddenly realize he's just surrounded by people who he can't ever know the intentions of and he'll just start quietly internally panicking and Kuv can't help but pick up his heart rate through the ground and have to go rescue him from himself :')
Like when he was captured and held hostage by Korra and she threatened him with the Avatar state, sure he called her bluff but that has to be the number one fear of any non-bender because what could they possibly do in response to that? He pretty much had his fear of being subjected to the mercy of someone with bending realized- in the worst possible scenario imaginable, and all he could do was try and talk his way out of it. And yeah Korra would have never hurt him in front of his family but he was still humiliated in front of them all the same. He's a champion at masking his feelings on the surface but I can only imagine how heart attack enduring as a non-bender being threatened by the Avatar themselves would be.
He's got so many mental anguishes going on at once, his status as a non-bender, how that has damaged his relationship with his family, his identity crisis, and also how he internalizes how Kuvira has felt outcast and he just reflexively gets angry for her. The man truly needs a mental health intervention because insisting that he can handle it all on his own has not been going as well as he thinks it has ajshsj
I've reoccuringly daydreamed about the scenario where Baatar does start going to therapy and detangling all his cumulative damage and feelings like that's truly what I want for him the most, some mental peace ;;
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"I’ll live my life if it kills me” -E.e. Cummings
People, when they were in pain, didn’t want to be understood. The whole scene of after Diego and Dyvia's dead is just😭😭😭
Lexi and Gigi>>>>
Wards against shadowhunters??? Wtf???
They didn’t mourn. They simply moved on. For this was their life. These bitches really need therapy huh...
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Collecting them like pokemon...
At the beginning of lbaf I thought Mallory was going to be the main villain™ here, but god if Marcus isn't scary and creepy af too, more so even...
Who does Marcus thinks he is to decide what people should do with magic????
“And I lost the shadow world because of her,” Marcus replied. “You know what they say. All is fair in love and war. I love the shadow world. And I will go to war for it.” ok, but I love how much that analogy FITS lbaf IV
“We’re the hot girl. Everyone wants us.” that boy is only valid one here tbh
He knew Max didn’t handle death well – especially after losing Rafael and David at the same time. I'm still emotionally recovering from that one
“Sometimes mundanes are more dangerous than demons,” FACTS ONLY!!
Me repeating to myself: he's the oldest person alive, not a kid, he's the oldest person alive, not a kid, he's-
Love how David though of asking the oldest person alive if he was ok, when absolutely no one thought about it that way🥺🥺
“Haven’t you heard, David? All the stories are true.” this quote ISTG-
Alec and Magnus holding Rafe, Max taking care of him, Magnus giving Alec his strength... I just fucking love the Lightwood-Bane family comforting each other😭💙💙
He gave Alec some of his magic.
Some of his strength.
Take it. Keep it.
I'm having TMI flashbacks!!!
“But these hands…these hands were made to decide fates and pass laws."
“These hands got my parents killed,” Anjali whispered.
Magnus shook his head.
“You are a good person, Anjali. Just like your father. And when good people try to do difficult jobs, they get hurt sometimes.”
Magnus and Anjali. It's too much 😭😭😭 God, I loveeee this scene!!!!
Magnus chuckled. “That’s true. But it doesn’t matter that I am a curse."
“How so?” she asked him.
“Because I’m surrounded by people who have never made me feel like one,” Magnus smiled. “And guess what, Anjali? So are you."
I am definitely crying, my heart can't take this much💙💙💙💙💙
Look, I have nothing against Mallory's grandfather, but please don't 🔪
These family is fucked up, jfc
Because he cared for her. Because he loved her. Everytime I read this it takes another year of my life :))
Now just what the fuck are you going to do to my David?????
Song rec: 19 by Xana (idk if I have mentioned it before but the way I am obsessed!!!) (I may have started another WIP because of this song lmao)
lmao not you collecting the banners. go babe go!
you have recommended me that song 😋 and yaaay i love it when music inspires more art! send snippets 😇
a song for you from the lbaf iv playlist: if i killed someone for you by Alec Benjamin :)
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lesbixch · 2 years
Let me speak my truth . I really do think shion is a lesbian bc the way she talks about men is like SOOOOO incredibly self centered to me it reads like she literally wants the attention and love shes been craving ever since she got permanently relegated to being shion lol. like it does not read ‘i am attracted to men i like this guy for who he is’ it reads as ‘this boy did something nice for me my god im worthy of love i want to feel that care and attention again’ ITS SO . OHHHHHH SHION WE WILL GET U SOME THERAPY . OH GIRL WE WILL GET U SOME SELF WORTH.
like for shion, her first meeting with satoshi is a special wonderful event bc for the first time in YEARS someone stands up for her and takes literal blows and kicks to the face for her. This is the same girl that was locked away in a catholic boarding school against her will AND NOT A SINGLE FAMILY MEMBER TRIED TO STOP IT BTW. shes used to being second best, to her desires being stomped on, her agency being taken away, to being someone whos just NOT worth fighting for. so having someone think her worthy of the kindness of FIGHTING for her is so special to shion. again she doesnt love satoshi for who he is but for what he DOES for her. like she is the most unloved girl in the world she will take ANY scrap of attention and kindness she can get. like she fixated on satoshi patting her head for this reason shes so touch starved any kind gentle touch is a lifeline. its genuinely tragic
FOR SATOSHI. FOR SATOSHI that first meeting is just another tuesday that he puts his physical well-being on the line to help keep a girl safe. Him coming in between the bullies that wanted to beat shion up is quite literally a repeat of what he was doing for satoko day in and day out, putting himself between satoko and her abusive aunt. like its actually sooo fucked up lol? and shion does not even realize this is the thing !!! all thru out meakashi she lambasts satoko for being weak and letting satoshi take the brunt of all this abuse (and if I get into WHY shion hates satoko this much in meakashi I’ll be here for 827949&2$ more words so let me keep it short) when SHION BASICALLY DID THE SAME during their first meeting!!!!!!!!! she let satoshi handle it!!!!!! she did the same thing satoko does and arguably some of her hate for satoko is projection on her part lmfaoooo ITS INCREDIBLY AWFUL AND I LOVE IT and i think its why i just cannot take shion being romantically into satoshi seriously . I just cant! in a sense shes too self absorbed (im saying this in the most loving way possible btw) to actually be into HIM as a person. like its already rough bc both of them are abuse victims who struggle w expressing themselves but shes asking for him to pay attention to her and fix half a lifetimes worth of neglect for her when hes literally in an abusive home himself. like…. *shaking shion from the shoulders* can you please think about how SATOSHI FEELS???
Later on in meakashi she quite literally reflects that maybe she didnt love satoshi and she just used him and for me that was like . THE nail on the coffin like MUCH THE SAME WAY that keiichi ignores satokos agency and kills teppei in tatarigoroshi without thinking about how SHE would feel, shion does the same thing with attacking satoshis little sister not once but TWICE. she feels SOOOO much guilt and she feels soooo helpless and powerless as shion the unloved little sister that she does anything AAANYTHING to try to ease her guilt and feel like she has control. she uses satoshi as a justification so often and just beneath that is her resentment and jealousy of mion, her hate toward her family, and most of all her self hate for how powerless she feels. shion is drowning in self hate it seeps from her every thought and word. its quite literally fascinating to read her arc because every second line she says, she means the opposite. you just cannot take her at her word for so many things and that kinda includes her attraction to men😭😭😭
anyway shion lesbian. All the higurashi girls are wlws btw but i firmly believe shion is a lez . girl we will get u out of comphet hell so help me
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ram-de · 6 months
[read] ravensong thoughts vomit (pt. 2)
who tf is dale AHHHHH I just want my son (38 years old) to be happy and enjoying life stop being so blue😔 but he hasn't moved on WHY IS GORDO SO SIMILIAR TO OX AUGHHHH
Gordo hasn't healed yet because he kept being dragged into shits hshsjsjsjjs
They're pushing robbie and Kelly hard which honestly I don't mind their antics are soooo cute😂 i also felt like the dynamics is gonna be different (quiet cat ox/talkalot pup joe, grumpy bitter old man gordo/sad uncle mark), Kelly is portrayed to be the softer one (tho he seems like a copy of Carter at times since they're always a package except for that one Ox/Kelly and gordo/Kelly scene) while robbie seems to be a glass canon, WHICH MAKES A GOOD DISASTER PAIR. pleaseeee less angst for their book mr klune😔 also let's switch things up by having the non-bennets courting the other... UAGSHSJSHHE DO I SKIP THIS ANGSTY BOOK AND JUMP INSTEAD(no I won't)
Ok so speciesicm exists in this world. calling an omega 'IT' like an animal too??? THE WOLF GOVERNMENT IS ROTTEN AT THE CORE
can we send my son (38 years old) to therapy please
Bruh omegas are just lost soul like no wonder they wander for a pack... someone help them😔
man gordo really picked up from his old man Marty... Smoke a lot... Swear a lot... Likes fixing cars. If Mark were indeed there at the funeral and couldn't bother to console my grieving son than I don't know what else was so important mark.... APOLOGISE TO MY SON NOW
Has been in my mind how come gordo is so sad when he has like a solid friend group (love u rico tanner and chris), they even bother him, visits him and drag him to hangouts. Was gordo that closed off?? Some pain aren't meant to be shared but how I wish he'd let people help...
they're so lively😭 THEY'RE MENACES HSGSHSJSH I love my old man crews
this bar chapter is top tier I'm cackling hshshsh they're so silly NOT CARTER?? NOT ELIZABETH SHSGSJSJ STOPP SHE'S A REFINED LADY
😐😮‍💨 not again it was going so well am I here to be tortured by pain HAVE MY SON GORDO NOT SUFFERED ENOUGH why can't mark just BACK OFFF
Can we not do infidelity can mark just leave gordo alone HAS HE APOLOGIZED YET? NO? EXACTLY....!!
Is this long ass excerpt about gordo pissing really needed for the story...... Um. I'll take this over him hurting so you know what? Keep pissing, gordo!
Mark you cheater EUGH
I love my son gordo for standing his ground he is just like ox fr
THE ALPHA SOCIETY LIED A LOTTTT I know for sure Richard has been an insider job. Hunters rampage. They need some method of eradicating. Thus. Robert livingstone being freed. Some sort of magic to keeps people head not saying too much. Pappas is a puppet. What else? What's the grand plan here. Hunters eradication but extends to human in packs.
Gordo has been carrying the safety of the town FOR YEARS!! manipulating civilians memories so they didn't know werewolves and magics. And knowing there's only one (1) witch in the town HES DOING ALL OF IT???
Nooooo mark got bit😔
Also mark hasn't even told what his story was. He just kept. "You don't understand!" got cut off "But I tried when I could!" doesn't change the fact that you still left wolf boy AND got cut off "I've been telling you! You don't know the-"
AUGH whatever mark is gonna turn feral (coz I read the chapter list) and then gordo somehow saved him coz he's hi is tether or something or the wooden raven yea yea that tracks
I live my grumpy protective uncle gordo he's such a menace sometimes
fuck I teared up a bit again don't die mark...😔
no no no no robbie sweetheart we are not going to justify Thomas benett leaving his witch alone to fend for himself shit it with being forced! He have. Choices!
ox is awesome indeed hzgzhsbejhzus
noo noo NOOO WITCH PATRICE we are not condoning Thomas Bennet being a prick alpha just because "he made mistakes" SHUT YOUR MOUTH OFF
Gordo's tether being the wooden raven mark gave him, not mark himself. But what,what he promised, what could have been, the memories of pack and clumsy kisses and all of that youth before, before. Gordo my son😭 im taking him to therapy
Girl why do these wolf hunters talk like anime characters (which I like) THEY'RE SO Edgy BRUH THEIR SPEECH TAKES UP LIKE 3 PAGES LONG!! all of that saying bunch of complex words that I don't even know what do they're saying (I'm not a native speaker💀)
So is she doing a sermon while running ahead of the wolves? Or maybe she's dragged by the wolves on leash? Or is she like, stopping to make speech, and then running again? If she run, can gordo even hear all the sermon?? And if she's not running, how far are they? Who's listening to you girl😂
I just resized the text to make it smaller and lord save me💀 AGHHHH I HATE LONG PARAGRAPHS MAKE IT STOP I DONT KNOW WHERE TO READDD
Meredith king im sorry to break it to you, but you're a chuunibyou girl😔
Fucking finally. Mark it only took you 54% way through the book to admit. That. You. Are. To blame. GOSH. it took longer than it should. A near-death gordo. AND GOROD DONT DOWNPLAY IT PLS
Gordo is being an asshole BECAUSE HE HAS ALL THE RIGHT TOOO fuck mark honestly,, I will always back you up my son
I still feel like mark's apology isn't enough for me to forgive (it was not my place to forgive lmao) but so long as my son gordo is healing and seeing green and not more blue then thats fine as well. Mark you're on thin ice
😭 finally... Cuties
Don't worry gordo even if u absolve thomas bennett of his wrongdoing I will carry the resentment enough for both of us
I AGREE there's too much entangled plots like what do you mean there's evil alpha society, wolf hunters, infection shit and gordo's daddy issues ?????? I liked the first half better. Book 1 better (age issue aside)
Why do I feel like the past 50 pages until now has been a drag... Like pacing issues? Tension issues? One time tension is all high like live or death then next page it's all OK and rico's joking about something and then another conclict issues and then suddenly non-solved but ok for now like?
It's all been happening for like 1-2 days?? Hello?😭 I feel like too much is developed... There is a lot to unpack I know BUT SPACE IT OUT???
What the fluff this is a bit violent with bloods and claws (I'm a bit vanilla)... Anyways...
pup mark's thoughts :(
YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I FUCKING HATE THOMAS I'M TURNING INTO RICHARD COLLINS AAAAGHHHJHHJ fuck character flaws fuck humane traits because I'm so... RESENTFUL. HE NEVER APOLOGIZED TO GORDO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THAT MAN. all of my son gordo's resentment is valid AND justifiable. Consider yourself lucky he forgave you. AAGHHH THE HATE IS CONSUMING ME
can we just let them sleep plz there's like 20years of angst resolved just... This is what I meant about the wonky tension shgdshsjshs it's such a whiplash
Who is this timber wolf and why is he cute and possessive
My uncle gordo is protective and clumsy and cute and NOOO CARTER :'(
shut up Elizabeth if Thomas rly loved gordo he should tell him himself when he had the time. AND HE HAD ALL THE TIME! before he's dead. So. BACK OFF MY SON
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
*jamming to look what you made me do* 💃🏻
It has been awhile! How are you? What's new? Hope you've been well!
Also tell me lil bit about Tears of Themis
*sings-a-long with you* 🎤🎤🎤
nothing new, just the usual😍😍 except that i am excited for 2.8 to come already since kazuhaaa💍💍💍
you just trapped yourself anon, im telling you /j
BUT ANYWAYY😍😍 since u asked abt these dear men who has been occupying me for the past few days *looks intensely at artem* i am delighted to tell you abt them though its just me venting my love and opinions lmao
FIRST OF ALL WE GOT THE PUPPY OF THE GROUP who can break your bones btw MY BB BOI LUKEEE PEARCE😍⁉️ ppl will hate me for this but when i first got into tot, he's my least fav bc i thought he's gonna be boring since he's the usual childhood friend and the childhood friend is my least favorite in every otome game👉👈 BUT I WAS WRONG VERY VERY WRONG I AM SOREY LUKE STANS I ALREADY REPENTED🤧🤧 luke is actually the one i ship with the mc since their chemistry is just top tier🤨🤨⁉️⁉️ and friends to lover btw😍😍 his second birthday card actually changed my life. i became his no. 1 fan. my life is now better. i bow down to him and wish for his lifespan to increase /hj NAURR THAT CARD IS JUST SOOO AND MC IS SO SEXY THERE⁉️⁉️ both of them are sexy🙄⁉️ but anyway, i luv this cutie sm and he's so sweet🤧🤧 9/10, minus 0.5 bc he only have 3 years left /j
THEN MARIUS VON HAGEN🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ ugh this kid🙄 (affectionate btw) tbh i didn't like him that much at first too but since i always get his card i somehow had a marius phase when i started🤨⁉️ i have a love-hate relationship with him /j HES SUCH A TEASE OML I SOMETIMES JUST WANT TO SHUT HIS MOUTH😭😭 and he's younger than us so i refuse to be shy bc of a kid who's 3 years younger than mc🤨(affectionate again) nah but i wont forget when strawberry shortcake anon told me that i act like him🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ that's an insult to me to be told that i act like that kid QOKAJSKSJS JK I WILL STOP THE MARIUS SLANDER NOW BEFORE THE SIMPS COME FOR MY NECK😰😰 i remember this one time he brought mc a flat shoes(?) bc he noticed that she's been wearing her heels all day and her feet is already hurting, tho she never said anything but he still noticed😔😔 i might make fun of this dude but he's really sweet🙁🙁. 8/10, minus one since i can't with his teases and another minus one since he marius von hagen /j IM SORRY I JUST LOVE MAKING FUN OF HIM😭😭 probably bc im older than him🤨
OFCOURSE I WON'T FORGET ABT VYN RICHTER THE LOML (before?) okay alot of ppl said that he's a red flag bc he's a manipulator but like do i look like i care abt that?? /hj. he's the first one who caught my eye among the four btw😍😍 idk why but there's something abt white/gray haired characters that always got me like ??? and one of the things that made me attracted to him more is bc (spoiler ahead?) he's somewhat a noble/aristocrat since his father is basically a duke from the kingdom of svart😍😍 IDK WHY AGAIN but im really into royalty😩😩 like idk why i just love royalty since for one i want to experience a lavish and elegant lifestyle, living in a castle, dancing in the ballroom (this is the effect of reading too much historical manhwa i swear) BUT ANYWAY i think he's the most hated ml among the four since they say he's a red flag but he's really sweet and caring though (for me atleast okay?) im really attached to him bc i think i need someone like him. he's a psychologist/psychiatrist 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ (in conclusion i need him bc of free therapy) OWJKSJS LMAOO BUT ANYWAY i feel like he can and will read me well and that's what i need. so if you please mr. vilhem richard albert de haspran🧎‍♀️💍 (HIS REAL NAME IS SUCH A *CHEF'S KISS*) there's more for me to talk abt him but i will stop here since its already long😰😰. 11/10, a literal perfection but has a crack on some sides (the said red flag by ppl🙄)
AND PLEASE WELCOME THE ONE AND ONLY ARTEM WING THE MAN IN EVERY MAN'S PRAYER🙏🙏🙏 oml if vyn is someone i need then artem is the one i need and WANT (im sorry vyn, artem just hits different these days) he is literally a malewife and house husband. HE CAN COOK OML QOWJEKEK😭😭😭 ik that's something i shouldn't praise a man for bur come on, its artem wing we're talking abt, the hopeless romantic man i ever dreamed of😫💘 OKAYY SOO i only realize that he's my ideal man these past few days🙁🙁 like ik he's a malewife but im focused on vyn🌝🌝 NAURR BC I DON'T WANT A MAN ANYMORE IF ITS NOT HIM👹👹 /hj (love you diluc <3) gosh idk what to say anymore i just adore and love this man😩😩 the things that i would do to have someone like OR HIM 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ HES SO SO CARING AND SWEET AND LOVABLE AND CUTE AND ATTRACTIVE AND ALL😩😩 lawddd just one artem wing please 🙏🙏🙏. zhongli's age/10, malewife.
THATS ALLL :DDD its so longggg😭😭 but its your fault since you started it 🤨🤨 /j
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more of my vox machina bullshit, reaction to the last three episodes edition:
- percy and scanlan’s friendship is my favorite thing (the two of them + vax are my comfort trio of dumbasses),, i loved scanlan pulling percy aside to be like “i love you but you’re fucked up” because.. so true of him <3 also when scanlan tried to flirt with cassandra and percy just immediately went “NO.”,,, idk i just have a besties agenda
- grog is actually an icon and my hero and i love him. king of skinny dipping in acid <3 (his friendship with pike is!! actually the cutest fucking thing ever!!!!!!! they mean everything to me!!!!) but why is his dick named captain winky
- i let out a genuine screech of horror when cassandra’s name appeared on the gun,, like i figured that she was working for the briarwoods but it still HURT (and percy’s reaction was so sad <3 when he just crumpled to the ground and started sobbing i,, 🥺😭😭)
- these last two episodes were rough…… my loves were really going through it,,, what with keyleth fucking dying and scanlan losing his voice which for him is probably literal hell and vex having to fight her brother and percy. y’know. HAVING A FUCKING DEMON INSIDE OF HIM.
- okay but vex being so upset about keyleth when she got wounded/was dying is something that can be so personal……….. like,, she’s always been a bit cold to keyleth because of abandonment issues or whatever but she was so anguished when she thought keyleth was going to die!!! 🥺🥺🥺😭 sapphic behavior
- scanlan using the same spell to silence delilah that she used on him and imitating her little “shhh” is,,,,,,,,,, very hot ngl,,,
- why do i feel kinda bad for the briarwoods though :/ this is why villains shouldn’t be sexy,, it makes me sympathize with them 😩😩
- vax calling scanlan by his last name is so important to me actually <3
- actually vax’s nicknames for everyone are just,, 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 so precious 🥺🥺🥺 as well as scanlan calling keyleth “green” :,)
- god there was so much twin angst :,(… possessed!vax fighting vex who just wanted her brother back,, vax being worried about vex when she was fighting orthax!percy,,, they are everything to me…….
- okay…………. it’s time we talk about mr. percy de rolo…. because HOLY FUCKING SHIT. first of all, demon!percy had no goddamn right to be as hot as he was. like,, jesus fucking christ 👀…. but also my GOD the trauma on that boy!! he was already so fucked up he didn’t need to have the freaking demon inside of him make him hurt/try to murder his new family while making him internally relieve his trauma by showing him his old family getting murdered again— and the whole battle was just so intense,, when he pointed the gun at himself i simply wanted to sob,,,, and the fact that the only way he finally got orthax out of him was by shooting his own hand out??!!!!? someone get this bitch some fucking therapy, p l e a s e. or just let me tenderly hold him.
- AHSKRJTHDAKTKTHDHAJTK EXPLICITLY CANON QUEER SCANLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m legit. So Happy about this. like i knew that he and most of the other characters were at least implied queer in the campaign, but i thought the only thing they’d have in the show was vax being bi and i was just,, so excited that they decided to make it undeniably clear that scanlan is into guys !!
- speaking of the queer guys in this show… we knew that vax and gilmore had a thing, but like,, that last scene with the two of them,,,,, oh they FUCKED fucked. (good for them 😌)
- percy’s so nice and sweet and cute and carefree without orthax :,) he was smiling 🥺 and he was being genuinely kind to scanlan too which made me very happy because,, more people should do that actually
- @ these fucking dragon bitches: this is why we can’t have nice things.
sooooo yeah,, i’m in deep, and i would like season two to be here immediately please !!
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