#stella does matchups 💐
in2thenewworld · 4 days
matchup event; treasure the night ~ 💋
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this event will run from now until june 7th- BST timezone! requests for this event after this day will not be accepted.
send me a brief description of a few of your traits, then tell me what your ideal date would be!
for example… ‘i’m a shy introvert, i am more aligned to logic than feelings and i love classic romance. my ideal date would be a fancy restaurant and a sunset walk on the beach. i’d like to be matched with a female character.’ or something like that.
i’ll get back to you with a match i think would enjoy your company on said date, and a drabble that details how that date would go!
you can request from any ONE of these usual fandoms!
Devil May Cry
Death Note
alternatively, you can ask for a WILDCARD matchup! this means i might match you with any character from something i like, whether I typically write said fandom or not. you’re basically giving me the reigns bahah. there’s a lot of characters i want to write for specifically, but don’t know enough characters from that source well enough to include the whole thing. hence, this. 💁‍♀️
the only real rules are my usual ones, and make sure you’re following me for this event pls!
I hope I get some requests and you guys like them!
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in2thenewworld · 2 months
matchup for @qlassicc
hey hey!! this was such an easy decision, thank you for being so sweet and also thank you for letting my write for dmc, im always a bit biased to dmc requests my faves <3
alright, let’s get to it, this party’s getting crazy!
…ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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* the main boy, the best boy, the devil that may cry himself!
* dante is all charisma and jokes but god, this man needs loving asap. you may worry that your clinginess is coming off as too much, but with dante that’s simply not at all the case. he’s exactly the same as you, in fact. it’s super difficult to pull you guys away from each other when dante isn’t out on a mission. suddenly nero and kyrie don’t look so cheesy… 😭
* please spoil him with your reassuring words and love, he needs it. he’s not the type of guy that will drain you mentally at all, he just needs someone to feel safe around and will give you the same in return.
* you never have to worry about dante turning his back or taking you for granted, that’s simply not in his moral code.
* you don’t like housework- neither does he… 😭 lady will scold you guys for leaving the office in clutter, but she can’t argue that it makes you all the more a perfect match.
* a bit of aggression and edge is a plus when dating someone as hunted down as dante. the devil hunter is into his fair share of conflicts; it’s a bit of weight off his back to not have to worry as much about you, but he’ll still be here to defend until his last breath.
* everyone in dmc besides nico is very tall so the height difference is amusing to say the least. dante is basically scary dog privileges now.
* PIZZA DATE! couch, blanket, pizza, video games and/or movies. you got it made. and dante is like a heater too so he’s perfect to cozy up to on a cold night. ^-^
* neither of y’all know money management that well but that’s okay 💀
* dante is a tease- a total wind up. he’ll probably come and pester you a lot, but only out of love. sometimes someone’s gotta give him a nudge and a “leave her alone dante” if you’re too busy but he means zero harm.
* humour is very important when it comes to dating dante so it’s a massive plus that you’ve got it! he’s the best company, but he can’t do much around someone that’s boring- there’s no conversation to work with!
* dante will 100% provide retail therapy, even if the lights are shut off in the office 😭 you’re gonna be spoiled hardcore, trust in that.
* on the other hand, you’ll have formed some friendships with the people in dante’s circle by now, and trish makes the PERFECT shopping partner! 🫶
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in2thenewworld · 27 days
Hi! Can I get a matchup for Devil May Cry
I am female, she/her, 25 years old, bisexual, ENFP.
I am a very ambitious person that loves to learn new things, I am an artist by profession and finished 2 art schools. I am a big art history nerd and love to talk about artsy and philosophical things. I am very extrovert and love to meet new people, I love going out and taking long walks. My main hobbies are video games, writing, reading, watching anime and movies and lifting. I am very friendly, love hearing out other people and I always try to understand their side and how they feel. I am very sensitive and tend to easily get attached to people. Romance wise I struggle to show affection to my partner, however I show it trough gift giving rather than physical touch or trough words. Overall in relationships I am very communicative and will always bring up issues or understand if my partner has issues with me and I will try to fix them always.
Appearance: medium length red hair, a mole above my lip, chubby build and short, pale skin and hazel eyes, 5'2 (I am very short). What I seek in a partner is someone understanding of my issues, I suffer from BPD, anxiety, OCD and depression and it's essential for me to have a partner who is patient and can support me when it gets bad.
Heya!! Sorry it’s been a hot minute, I’ve been working on this gradually since I got the request I hope it’s to your liking c:
Here’s to striking up a new spark!
Matchup loading! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
your match is…
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* Trish admires your character. You’re ambitious, headstrong and well intentioned. There’s something about you that instantly draws her in, and then she can’t turn away. It’s not very often someone is able to catch her attention so much and so quickly. You’re already ticking her boxes with one conversation- although it’ll take a lot longer than one conversation if you want to truly crack her. It’s going to be a slow burn relationship.
* Direct communication is an absolute must for Trish, so you’ve come to the right place. She doesn’t like to imply. She doesn’t like when she has to read what people mean when they say something else. If you want something, ask. If there’s a problem, speak up. She’s not going to take offence to that. She may come off intimidating to strangers, but her heart is good, and even better to those she loves most.
* Trish is calm and patient by nature, but will never overstep her boundaries. She can read you very well once you get close, and she’s not overly the mother type anyway- that’s a stereotype she’s not too fond of being read as. She’s just the perfect amount of caring. No more, no less.
* She’s always got sound advice. She can tell it like it is, but not so bluntly that an unwanted response will come off mean. She’s your rock, she’s here to support you. In return, you support her in her own times of need.
* You’re an extrovert? Now you have a scary dog! Congrats! When I tell you she would let the world BURN for you. If you want protective, you got it.
* Nico most definitely catches you staring at Trish and proceeds to make fun of you for it. Will call you guys things like “lovebirds” and what not.
* Trish has expensive taste and that includes when buying for her lover. Prepare to be spoiled with not only lavish but also the most well thought out gifts ever. And she absolutely adores and treasures anything you give her.
* Philosophical talks are a total go for Trish. She loves to hear you, you love to hear her. She can be quite mature and intellectual so having someone on her level to communicate with is the key.
* Trish can be quite witty, so even if she isn’t the loudest, she can totally gel with the extroverts.
* She uses your artistic talents to her and everyone else’s advantage- by which I mean you decorate the dmc office together because Dante refuses to have an eye for interior design.
* You’ll probably find yourself on a lot of far out missions with her, seeing, surveying and fighting in the new places the gang haven’t been to yet
* Bonus points if you know some background about the history of said place!
* You’re occasionally in charge of a group movie night now, and everyone adores it. Dmc family bonding time!
* Trish is the more affectionate one but she can read the room, so she knows when to lay off if need be.
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in2thenewworld · 3 days
heyyyy matchup partyyy (:
I have no clue if I want death note or Overwatch, so its up to you whichever fits better <3
The basics: I'm AFAB (any pronouns are fine) bisexual and if you do MBTI's I'm an INFP
About me (personality plus hobbies): I'm pretty introverted despite warming up to people pretty easily. I love making people laugh and telling stories over all wineaunt friend, I make art, henna+ink tattoos and LOVE music any genre.
Mini apearance: I dress in a very 2000's/Gyaru style and makeup, pretty short (5'1"), I have a decent amount of muscle definition from lift and sports :)
Ideal date: spending time one on one (thrift shopping, naps💀, gym dates, watching trash shows, arts and crafts, coffee shops dates)
heyaaa! I went with an overwatch match, and actually you have been blessed with my very favourite ow character teehee
so, let’s see this bachelorette! oooh suspenseeee
your overwatch blind date is…
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*When I TELL you* if you call her up and propose a thrifting date followed by binging trashy reality tv shows, she will be there with not even an ounce of hesitation. She always seems to get the best finds in the stores too. She’s the absolute best thrifting partner, you don’t even know how she does it. Well, she is an outlaw. She knows her way around some treasure. The woman really has an eye for style (and she LOVES yours)
Ashe is also a professional shit talker, and indulges very shamelessly in that fact. She will pick apart everyone on the TV show you choose while you both cuddle on the couch, but you can’t help but be amused by it. She’s spot on and hilarious everytime. Eventually you will both inevitably fall asleep and wake up tangled in some very uncomfortable and probably unhealthy position, and just about haul yourselves to bed where you can sleep properly.
Same time next week? You, her, and the cash from her next bounty. A perfect combination.
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in2thenewworld · 4 days
matchup for 🕷️ anon!
hey hey! gotta be honest, this was a total no brainer, so i hope you like!! :D
your wildcard blind date is…
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A chill date does not at all go under-appreciated by him. Some of your best memories involve turning on some music at max volume and cooking up a storm. You’ll be able to introduce him to a ton of things he hasn’t tried before, and he picks up surprisingly quickly under your guidance, despite being a klutz at the best of times. This is usually followed by a bit of a games night. You guys get competitive and can bounce back game talk all night, but it’s all in good fun. Imagine just really cosy and chilled, with dim ambient lighting. Max didn’t exactly go through life with all of the homely domestic experiences, so there’s plenty of lost time to make up for once he settles with you, and he’s not going to be bored of this routine anytime soon.
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in2thenewworld · 4 days
Hi! I saw your matchup event open and I want to participate 🥺 because I really like your writing 😔💖
FFVII male character would be good but If you want to do a wild card it's cool too 🫶
About me
I'm very sensitive which makes me very emotional but at the same time this gives me the ability to read people's emotions very well. I'm a 'Care so much or don't care at all' type of people too. Have a very bad memory nowadays.
Ideal date
Honestly as long as my partner is there I'll be ok with anything??? Idk but if I can choose then somewhere cold and quiet would be cool (Morning in a mountain in winter that has snow covered it all ...kinda like that😔💜) 
Thankyou 🥹🙏
hellooo!! :D thank you so much, i hope you enjoy!
let’s find out who your ffvii blind date is…
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Tseng doesn’t talk too much, nor does he prefer the more loud and crowded environments. He prefers you do the talking. Your dates are very low-key- they’re walks along quiet, scenic little routes. Tseng isn’t very emotional himself, but that means you can get whatever you need to off your chest and it isn’t very likely to stress him out. He too just enjoys your company, and isn’t very picky about a location. When it snows he will make sure you’re warm enough though. He is super caring and protective towards you, especially in terms of your well-being.
I can totally see you finding a mountain spot to walk to in the colder months. Somewhere with a real scenic lookout point. It’s sweet, really.
so that’s that! however i know i said one match only, but SURPRISE i had to make an exception and be self indulgent in doing a wild card because this is much too fitting.
your wild card blind date is…
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Now this isn’t so much of a date as it is a daily routine. Gepard is from the land of the eternal freeze, so that cold weather is a mainstay. Not to mention, quality time is very important to Gepard since he doesn’t always get to have much of it, so this is a match made by the stars.
It’s early mornings when you typically get to indulge in his company. The routine goes like clockwork- something he also very much appreciates. You sit outside, wrapped up with hot drinks while you catch up and talk about everything on your minds. The cold breeze usually wakes you both up, too. It’s these moments Gepard treasures most. Nothing but the two of you, if only for a short while, before he has to slip away to work again.
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in2thenewworld · 4 days
May I have a Devil may cry up, please?  I'm 5'4 "and have shoulder-length blonde hair ( dyed and shaved on the right side) I have hazel eyes and wear red framed glasses. I'm introverted and can usually be found playing video games, listening to music, or napping.
I'd say I'm pretty laid back and have a filthy/dark sense of humor. Not big fan of people, yet I try to be polite. I can get insecure about myself and experience small episodes of depression and anxiety.
I currently have nine tattoos, possibly more in the future. Short tempered and sarcastic. Knows when to give others space when needed. Empathic towards others. ( Male Please ^^ )
heya!! matchup coming throuuuugh!! let’s rock! ;D
matchup loading… ੈ✩‧₊˚
your match is
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* Similar senses of humour! You guys crack tons of dark or inappropriate jokes, much to the dismay of Vergil especially. You never get bored of one another’s company though. You’re always having the most fun, even doing the most mundane of tasks.
* This is also helped by your chilled nature. You’re cool with just enjoying Dante’s company. In fact, there’s something very special about that.
* Dante definitely puts on a positive face when things get dark. You’ll slowly be able to encourage him to open up and be okay with being vulnerable. In return he will be able to uplift you with his optimistic nature and be a place of comfort for you. Sometimes you just need that, rather than a solution. Dante is a really good person to come to to provide that.
* He’s also your BIGGEST hype man. He understands your insecurity but he doesn’t agree at all and he will not hesitate to let you know as much.
* He loves your style and tattoos. Will constantly brag about how cool you are to anyone who will listen. He has no filter so he’s always just talking everyone’s ear off. You’ll definitely get a good rep dating Dante. Especially since he seems to just have so many connections?
* He can step away when you need him to. Dante has spent much of his life out on his own and despite being very affectionate, he doesn’t struggle to be independent either. You learn to read each other and give the other space easily. The relationship is built on good communication and not much conflict whatsoever.
* Video games dates are such a go for Dante. Especially if they’re violent ones. Dante just likes to run around and kill everything- funnily enough, exactly how he plays in the DMC games XD
I Don’t Want To Miss a Thing - Aerosmith
I Could Die For You - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Emergency Contact - Pierce The Veil
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in2thenewworld · 6 days
matchup for ☣️ anon! :D
this was such a fun change up to write! who said friendship died a long time ago? not me!
loading your match!! ੈ✩‧₊˚
your match is…
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Training together, teaching her your kendo techniques! Lady can of course fight as is, but to learn a real specific art of fighting is super exciting for her. She picks it up super quickly too. Friendly sparring is not uncommon. It might spook out an onlooking stranger to see you both fighting before walking away laughing as you leave to patch yourselves up. 😅
Lady isn’t really feelings first either. The friendship might be a bit slow burn when it comes to really becoming close with each other, but it’s the right time for you both. There’s no rush to open up either side. It’s a bond that is built above all else on good conversation and common interests.
Lady is pretty clever when she puts her mind to it, and finds herself learning a lot from you. She of course lost her bonds with her parents, then went straight to all of the fighting-and so there’s definitely some untapped areas of intelligence yet to be discovered, if that makes sense.
In return, she might teach you some weapon mechanic stuff. She’s not as knowledgable as Nico, but she wielded the Kalina Ann for many years before ever meeting her. She definitely knows her way around a sweet weapon.
She really gets into reading all of the horror books you like, too, and then passes those recommendations onto Trish. Essentially, you’ve formed a mini book club. Dante finds you three huddled in the office quite often, discussing your latest read. (He insists it’s lame.)
Ribs - Lorde
Jump - Against The Current
Chosen Family - Rina Sawayama
Life’s Too Short - Aespa
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in2thenewworld · 3 months
Hi 👋🏻😊 hope you dont mind me sending my request here instead of PMing you; I'm curious who you'd pair me with :3
I'd like a matchup for a male DMC character. My pronouns are she/her.
Appearance: I'm 5'3", got a full figure body with a round face. I have mid back length, dark chocolate colored hair with down turned eyes of the same color. Under my left eye are 2 freckles that look exactly like this -> : <- I usually wear comfy clothes, but will dress up if I need to. Most of the time I just wear a tshirt with pj pants, or leggings with a tshirt.
Personality: I am introverted, possibly an INFJ, I am more emotional than logical, and am a Gemini
Interests: I like to read, write, and basically do anything creative; I like working with/using my hands to make something, or to help someone out (giving massage, need first aid, etc.) I am also a foodie, love looking up recipes to try and love to cook/bake.
What I look for in a partner is someone who has a sense of humor, knows how to have fun and when to be serious, can make me smile, and are kind-hearted or compassionate. They can be introverted, extroverted, or ambiverted, it dont matter to me as long as I feel I could vibe with them and talk to them about anything.
My love language is physical touch and quality time. I don't really have an ideal date, just staying home with either a cooked meal or takeout would be fine with me as long as I'm with my partner.
heya! however you prefer to send the info is good! and thank you again for the matchup you wrote, i absolutely adored it 🥹
anyway, let’s get into it!
hope you’re alright with a chit chat or monologue, because I’m loading your match!
…ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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Nero first met you during his off time between jobs at home in Fortuna. You would probably bump into each other by chance. I can imagine a scenario of you helping out a group of children who were lost perhaps? Nero knows how to help them get back home, so he jumps in to assist you. Then, once it’s just the two of you after all of that, you spark up a conversation, and funnily enough, there’s certainly a spark.
You cross paths a few more times before you eventually decide to make the first move. You bring him a small variety of baked goods when you swing by to ask the big question, and Nero tries to play off like he’s much cooler about the whole thing than he really is.
Nero’s sense of humour often comes in the form of poking fun and being a bit of a tease. You can also make him laugh pretty easily. That being said, he knows when to turn it off, so that’s not an issue.
You can talk to Nero about absolutely anything. He won’t tell a soul if you don’t want him to, and he’s got a level enough head to give good advice to others. Sometimes he might be the type to offer solution before comfort, though, so if you’d rather the latter, you might have to tell him.
Nero would go to hell and back a million times for his loved ones. He’s got a kind heart, and he’ll do almost anything to make you happy. His tone when he speaks with you is softer than with anyone else. It’s almost funny. Alright, it’s hilarious. Nico rinses him to death for it, but she’s always on the receiving end of his sarcasm, so it goes both ways really.
Nico would totally get along with you, though. You’re around her a lot by association with Nero, and if you enjoy hands on tasks you might find yourself in the garage as a project partner quite often.
Nero is totally here for the chilled home dates. He finds it comforting to have this space with you that you can call your own, so there’s not many places he’d rather be. He’ll let you choose the food and a movie, he’s just happy to be there.
Sometimes he’s away for a long time on missions… Luckily, you’re always there to welcome him home with your affection and some form of small gift, favour or a date planned. He brings you back souvenirs too if he gets a job in a new, fascinating place. Think of it as making up for lost time. (You also spend a lot of time together post mission because you’re patching up his wounds and insisting that a massage will ease all of the tension and aches that come from fighting. Not that he’s complaining, he welcomes your touch.)
I hope this is to your liking! :) and to my followers, what do we think of the slight format change?
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in2thenewworld · 4 months
hihi welcome !!
- you can call me stella or any nickname you feel like shortening it to xD
- i use this blog to take matchup requests and just talk about the things that I love !
- i have an ao3 for long for writing @ wishonluckystars but i don’t currently take requests for fics
- i’m 18, I go by she/her
- you can always hit my inbox to ask questions or talk about fandoms etc whether my requests for matches are open or closed
┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
links n things ༊*·˚
matchup rules here
ao3 here
my tags I use will all be on this post so you may click and navigate those too :)
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in2thenewworld · 4 months
Hello! May I request a Final Fantasy VII matchup?
𝗦𝗲𝘅𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘀: Transmasc (AFAB) Genderfluid, Biromantic and Pansexual; He/They
𝗔𝗴𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲: 22 years old, 5'1.5", Southeast Asian (Filipino). Chubby with Messy Medium brownish grayish hair [mistakenly thought to be dyed], Chocolate brown eyes, and a Small beauty mark on my forehead.𝗦𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗲: Feminine Tomboy, Soft Punk/Rocker Chic, Casual Chic, Modernist Chic, and Rustic fashion style (like Malia Tate)
𝗠𝗕𝗧𝗜, 𝗘𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗮𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 & 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁: ENTP-T, 4w5, Neutral Good
𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝘀: Gentle, Warm, Polite, Supportive, Religious, Unassuming, Creative, Multifaceted, Diplomatic, Nurturing, Booksmart, Fair-minded, Enthusiastic, Insightful, Adventurous, Well-rounded,and Childlike
𝗡𝗲𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝘀: Complex, Sarcastic, Driven, Wary, Reluctant, Loud, Outspoken, Keen, Sensitive, Chatty, Traditionalist, Feisty, Clumsy, Humorous, Stubborn, Hopeless romantic, and Dogmatic
𝗡𝗲𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝘀: Volatile, Flighty, Inconsistent, Aloof or Dependent (depending on the mood), Potty-mouthed, Gullible, [a bit] Manipulative, Exasperating, [can be] Possessive [but needs your own space], Restless, Tenacious, Indecisive, Overly dramatic, Moody, Blunt, and Condemning
𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Arts, Literature, Creative writing, History, Old cathedrals, Theology, Catechism, Saints, Choir, Amateur-fact reading, Social commentary, Beauty pageants, Makeup, Cute minimalistic items, Eating, Night sky, Astronomical events, Galaxy color palette, Karaoke, ASMR, Rock bands (Fall Out Boy, MCR, and Evanescence), 2000s-2010s music, Kpop (ATEEZ, Seventeen, TXT, and Enhypen) Cartoons, Memes, and Chilling both Indoors and Outdoors
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Stereotyping (I hate it when I labeled as sunshiny girly girl), Forced obligation, Being left out, Interrupted plans, Emotional invalidation, Apathy, Judgemental people, Hypocrites, Pressuring, No privacy, Forcing to do I'm against with, Gaslighters, Telenovelas, Dirty bathrooms, blackout, Lightning, Firecrackers, Toads, Snakes, Cockroaches, Toxic Masculinity, Misogyny, Fake wokes, Nitpickers, Trash talkers, Extremists, Colonial Mentality, and Overly girly things
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀: Drawing, Conceptualizing original characters, Writing, Reading random subjects (except math), Singing, Dancing [when nobody's around (I'm very bad at it)], Walking like a so-so called model (if I ever feel so confident), Sharing nerdy or opinionated thoughts, Sleeping, Listening to music, Chatting in social media, Watching videos on YouTube, Watching cartoons, Creating clay charms, Making terrible jokes/puns, and Cooking
absolutely! let’s do this thing!
loading your match! ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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* Reno shares your sarcastic humour, loud nature and everything that comes with it. It’s a little bit nightmarish for people who are more composed on the surface like Tseng or even Rude 😅 But you’re a dynamic duo, there’s really no changing the two of you.
* Reno isn’t very traditional in any sense of the word, so whatever that means to you, you may have to compromise every now and again.
* Reno the type of mf to be like “Look! It says gullible on the ceiling!” tbh. He’s always trying to prank you. You’re welcome to try and get him back though.
* I think Reno would adore all of the bands you like (10/10 taste btw OP) and would probably watch a lot of cartoons with you as well. That’s your down time to just relax together. You wanna rock out? He’s so here for it. Always always always. And the music will be blasting as loud as you’ll allow.
* Reno will do his best to be considerate of your emotions. He’s the type to act on impulse at times and has a tough edge, so he understands in a way! If something bothers you let him know. He hates people who aren’t direct and will dance around the truth.
* He’s a very strong individual. He doesn’t like to be tied down, told he’s wrong or what to do. So long as you don’t do it to him, he won’t do it to you. He’ll also very much make fun of people who follow in a flock, sooo…
* You should conceptualise some cool weapons for him if your artistic abilities lend themselves in that avenue! He’ll love anything you make because it’s you, but thats a sure fire way to really pull him in.
* Will try get you to troll on servers or websites with him. He comes up with the most unhinged shit ever. It’s so strange to watch.
* Is casually affectionate, but struggles to open up. He’ll flirt and throw his arms around you, be absentmindedly always making physical contact in a subtle way, but he hates doing big public displays of affection or getting all sappy. If you want to know what he’s really feeling or if he’s struggling, it’s gonna be a bit of work.
hi I hope this is good! :D also as a runner up I would choose aerith it was definitely a close call
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in2thenewworld · 4 months
matchup for xio / 🫠 anon
loading your match! ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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As soon as you gave me free reign and I read a bit of your description, I put you two together immediately. (So happy that I get to write some DMC, it’s my all time fav 🤞)
Vergil is someone with a hard shell that takes a long time to crack. He’s not easily trusting and he’s very picky with his company. Thanks to your initially quiet nature, though, he takes a chance on you; he’s drawn to your mystery and you don’t overwhelm him in the way that some others might do.
Then you start to open up slowly. It’s as though your personality blossoms. Funnily enough, this is the point where he starts to see you as more than a friend. Getting to know you is steady and sweet, plus he finds your happier, more easy-going side to be endearing. Once you come out of your shell, it’s easier than you think to get him out of his. You might assume someone like Vergil would be annoyed by any sort of loud nature, but he’s already attached to you by this point, and he doesn’t find you obnoxious like some people he knows… Ahem, Dante. He finds himself missing your jokes more than anything when you aren’t around. You make his life so much less dull, it’s like night and day.
You won’t get to know that for a long while though. He pushes it out as much as he can until he cannot deny his feelings anymore, and then he goes through the phase of consciously hiding them from you. He might even avoid you until he realises that this could actually upset you, and that’s not what he wants at all. It’s hard to say who would confess first, but someone has to make the move eventually.
Speaking of Dante, you two very quickly become friends, down to that very same sense of humour. Dante will try and befriend anyone, in all fairness, but with you two it definitely sticks. He probably makes fun of Vergil when he’s not in the room, or he’ll tell you some embarrassing story about him from when they were kids. Oh, sibling love, what a thing.
You’d also get on with Nico and Kyrie! It might be a while before you cross paths, but those two will be your girls through thick and thin when they do. A friend of any of the Spardas is a friend of theirs. Girls day out? You betcha. Kyrie will back it up with the idea that Nero and Vergil need to get closer after so much time apart, just so you guys can all hang out more often.
Vergil isn’t afraid of confrontation. He much prefers to avoid it when unnecessary, not wanting to argue pathetically with people like children, but in much of his journey through life, it has simply been a need. Like a chore one has to get on with. Defending you isn’t a bother at all, though. It’s more this idea that because he’s grown so used to doing this by now, it’s a sixth sense. He will not let anyone do you any wrong. Many people are too intimidated by him to attempt it in the first place. If you so decide you can handle yourself though, he’ll step back as you wish.
Unfortunately, he’s not good at dealing with emotions. When it comes to his own, he blocks them out altogether, or tries to overcome them by physical means- aka, a fight. He’s spent his life searching for power in order to forget what it’s like to feel weak. He’ll still stay by your side though, for as long as you need him. Just tell him if you need anything at all, he’ll do his very best to oblige.
Vergil would absolutely love to see your photography and would share your passion for certain music genres. Vergil has an eye for some art forms- especially poetry, which has been a passion of his from a young age. It heals the emotional damage he’s got shoved down in his soul somewhere. There’s a reason why V was so reliant on it when Vergil split into two forms. It captures his feelings; his human side. He’d love to share that with you once he feels comfortable
Your colour scheme literally matches. Dante will probably call you both emo to make fun of you, but he means no harm. If anything, he’s the emo- haven’t you heard the music he listens to? Um, hello?
He appreciates that you can balance logic and feeling. Vergil often acts on impulse when emotions are high, despite his highly analytical nature. He tries to take note from you to not rush into things so much.
Vergil is also not too experienced in the department of relationships, so you don’t have to worry about that. You both just take things as they come, without feeling pressured to behave or move forward in a certain nature
Lastly, Vergil will be extremely loyal and devoted. He doesn’t give his heart to just anyone, so although it may take some time to earn, it’s a very worthy prize.
I hope you enjoyed this matchup! :D It came to me very naturally, super fun to write !!
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in2thenewworld · 5 months
Hello! I'd like a genshin matchup please :)
I'm a girl, I use any pronouns and I don't mind getting matched with any gender!
I'm a Capricorn!
Appearance: I'm 5'4 and half, I have blue hair (blue microlocs) and I wear glasses. My fashion style is pretty all over the place, I'll put a link of my pinterest board! https://pin.it/25wJU40. I'm always seen wearing gold hoop earrings and a necklace that has my name on it :)
Personality: I'd describe my self as independent, passionate, reserved (most of the time), sarcastic, I'm always making snarky comments! I'm a chill person, I'm not that loud but it just depends who I'm with 🤷🏾‍♀️. If I'm really comfortable with someone I will flirt left and right, but I'll also bully them (not in like a mean way or serious way, I just like to make fun of people that I know won't actually take me seriously). I'm not someone who likes to ask for help (that's a flaw of mine), I will struggle but I like to do things my self and on my own so it's uncomfortable for me to ask for help. When I'm really comfortable with someone, that's when I'll start to be a little loud. When I'm with people I'm comfortable with I'm assertive, confident and outgoing. I'm also a really honest person, i like to tell people how it is and not sugar coat. I'd like to say I'm strong willed, I belive what I believe and it's not often that I'll let someone change my opinion but many times I will not speak up and keep my opinion to myself but that doesn't mean my opinion will change (y'know what I mean??). I'm also easy-going, I'm a person that's easy to get along with as long as you're not a bad person or annoy me or smth.
Interests: I'm a dancer! I love dancing, reading, playing the guitar, and playing video games. I like greek mythology, history and philosophy! I listen to many artists but my favorites are the cure, the smith's, and Tyler, the creator. I enjoy listening to persona music as well :) I like chess (even though I'm not good at all). I'm fluent in french!
In a partner/love language: my love language is quality time, I'm not someone who is big on physical touch but if I'm comfortable with someone I'll let it slide. I'd say my secondary love language is acts of service! I don't have any specific dates I'd like to go one, anything is fine with me mostly. An aquarium date, Musem date, late night drive, restaurant, staying at home, it's the thought that counts. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I belive that's it! Thank you and take your time!
hi!! another very easy choice for me hehe, i hope you enjoy c:
loading your match! *✧₊✪͡◡ू✪͡
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Beidou first notices you, as shallow as it is, because of your looks. More specifically, your fashion sense and your hair. She only initially sees you from a distance but she is totally captivated.
Ever her forward self, the captain approaches you with a rather cheesy introduction, something about having an eye for treasure.
Speaking of as much, once you two are together she’s always keeping an eye out for new jewellery pieces she can get you to add to your collection. It’s not the only gift she’ll give by any means- you’ll notice this is a huge love language of hers- but it’s certainly her favourite to.
Quality time is also massively important for Beidou, and she’ll be so thankful for any little favours you do for her.
A variety of dates is exactly what you’ll get with Beidou. Teyvat is vast and constantly brings her on new adventures, so she’ll quickly rack up a list of places she wants to bring you everytime you two are apart. You’ll find yourself in quiet and serene wonders you never even knew existed, as well as lively towns bursting with life.
Her mind is quite the vault, and she always has a story to tell. She would love to hear of your interests in things like history and mythology especially. She’ll talk with you forever about that kind of thing.
You’re both so easygoing, it’s typical for you both to go with whatever is thrown your way. Impulse plans are far from uncommon whenever you’re with Beidou, but that’s what makes being with her so exhilarating!
Beidou adores your humour and sarcasm. Your minds exist on the very same plain. She’ll 100% bring out your more loud side whenever you’re together. She’ll poke fun at you, just as much as you do her.
She’s also highly observant, so although you’re an independent character, she can tell when you’re feeling down. Yet, she also understands the want to not ask for help because she’s always trying to prove herself strong and reliable. You can always rely on each other though, and you have this mutual understanding where no one makes a big deal, which is much more comforting than the alternative.
I can imagine once you’re more comfortable with Beidou’s friends and crew, you’d have lots of game nights, sat round a table. Or, you could always play one on one. You say you’re not very good at chess, but you’re bound to impress a few people at least. You’d be surprised.
They’d also love if you played some music for them! Beidou feels like the definition of a proud girlfriend just watching you. 😌
Your honesty and refusal to sugarcoat things resonates a lot with Beidou. She’s someone who would always much rather be met with the truth. She can’t stand being lied to, even if it’s with good intend and she understands it. She’s grateful you’re comfortable enough with her to let her know even when she’s out of line or you disagree about something.
Despite your nature to usually stand alone, Beidou can’t help but have a protective streak. No one lays a hand on her girlfriend, or they’ll have to go through her! You’ll assure her you can handle yourself. She trusts you entirely, yet there’s just something in her that loves to play the hero once in a while. (She’ll never want to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable though! She’ll always step back when asked, it’s just another way she tries to show her love is all.)
Overall, I think you both fit each other really well, and you’d get on perfectly. C:
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in2thenewworld · 5 months
matchups by stella! (aka yours truly) 💐✨
hi tumblr! i wanna try my hand at writing some matchups! if you drop by my ask box with a description of yourself, i’ll write whatever comes to mind, with whoever comes to mind! i will write platonic or romantic; if you don’t specify I will assume romantic.
i am 100% down for exchanges as well as requests, so absolutely feel free to ask if you too are a writer!
what fandoms do you write?
of course, expect this list to change over time and most likely expand!
Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy VII
Death Note
what should i put in my description?
It’s up to you! try not to be *too* brief though. as a guide, here’s a few things, but you can put stuff besides this and you don’t have to include all of it.
your pronouns and what gender you’d like to be matched with. this is of course essential. also, let me know if there is anyone specific you don’t want.
appearance; absolutely not necessary but it helps me visualise! :) more than anything tell me about your style and what makes you yourself!
personality; vague, i know. i have some knowledge about enneagram types and zodiac signs so if you want to include that, it does help a little. are you introverted or extroverted? logical or emotional? anything that might stand out about your personality is a help.
your interests! whatever it is you like to do c:
what you search for in a partner! what’s your love language? your ideal date? a quality that someone should have? etc
what are your rules?
i will not write anything romantic involving characters under 18. like, ever. hard no.
no nsfw or even suggestive from me, honestly. i don’t personally write that stuff.
i won’t write any heavy topics, anything that might be triggering to people.
please check my bio before you request! it will always have an open or closed.
please know i will try to get to you quickly but don’t harass me if it takes a while. I want to put out good quality writing to you all, of course.
if you’re on anon and don’t want your description included, please give me an emoji or nickname to identify you by!
please use a normal text format in your ask!
only one fandom per match for now please 🙏
that aside you guys can totally swing by my inbox with general questions and what not at any time! :) I’d love to make tumblr friends
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in2thenewworld · 5 months
Hello I would like to request a genshin impact matchup!
I'm a 20-year-old Infp Aries that goes by they/them who is mostly attracted to men or masculine people.
I may be a little awkward around new people due to anxiety but I warm up pretty quickly especially if someone has the same interests or I just feel comfortable. But once I'm comfortable I'm usually loud even without realizing it which goes along with my stubbornness and not-so-short temper. I am still open-minded to things and topics I don't have a strict stance on and do like to try new things. I am a very introverted leaning ambivert and fit best in a small group of friends.
But I do care for the people I'm close to and try to show it, whether it's trying to gift them stuff, listen to them and give advice, or asking for physical affection like hugs. When it comes to romantic interests I do get cocky easily and I like to flirt and tease them, usually by playfully poking their buttons. Though I am easy to fluster and get excited- which is embarrassing cause sometimes I have problems with volume control. especially if it's about a most recent hyper fixation, which is usually anime or video games, usually when I'm just in general excited or comfortable with someone.
My wardrobe taste has ranged from feminine to masculine unsurprisingly and I have a keen eye for fashion whether it's cute or makes me look like a vampire or both. And I have recently gotten obsessed with skincare so if I had someone that is willing or put up with face care with me would be amazing. I'm generally attracted to someone who I can be myself around and I know I'll get along with easily, that when together balances/compliments each other. I know this is long so goodbye and thank you!
hello! apologies that this took me a little while! I’ve been back at college as well as working on personal art stuff, but here’s your match!
loading your match! ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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alright, strange as it may seem, i think you’ll get what I mean when I say kaeya has an eye for people who are awkward at first. he’s practically an expert in bringing people out of their shell.
kaeya might come off as confident and extroverted, however… he’s a bit of a loner deep down, not wanting to let people in. you seem to break down his walls though. you come back again and again to stay by his side and show him love. he’s not sure how to even react initially, but you can tell he’s grateful.
your open mind puts him at ease. he can’t talk to very many people about his past and has no choice but to be selective. and there’s just something about you that truly draws him in.
admires your eye for fashion, especially the goth stuff. you and rosaria remind him a little of one another in that way. he’ll introduce you both if you haven’t met already.
kaeya is very easy going. he knows he can trust you, he’ll let you make a lot of decisions, etc.
omg home spa date? he’s so down for it if you are. and he’ll listen while you detail all of these products and their purpose.
he makes the effort to remember all of the little things you love so he can spoil you later. you’ll mention something once or twice and be surprised to find he retains it. gifts are definitely not in short supply.
you have this back and forth of flirting and getting the other one flustered, which is very funny for anyone else to watch
kaeya is just as grateful as you are to have a partner he can be his authentic self with c:
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in2thenewworld · 5 months
hi!! i got your matchup request (@frostfall-matches) and i'd love to do an exchange :) i'll request a romantic ffvii matchup, any gender! any pronouns are OK when referring to me
personality traits: introverted (distant, disinterested in getting close to many people, does not get lonely, takes a long time to open up or even to interact sometimes), extremely independent (often refuses to rely on others, hates when people step in to help without me asking for help), confident (arrogant, a bit prideful), straightforward (blunt, sometimes tactless/insensitive), even-tempered (somewhat apathetic, rarely has strong emotional reactions, but is baseline content almost always), good sense of humor, playful, teasing, mischievous, realist that leans optimistic, curious (nosey, loves gossip), a bit of a troublemaker/rulebreaker, does not shy away from conflict (a bit combative with authority and people who don’t know what they’re doing), not sentimental, does not hold onto regrets, good at self-reflection, cold and a little mean when upset with someone.
types: intj-a ; 7w8 (yes i know type 7 is super uncommon for intj but i promise it makes sense somehow lol) ; love languages: physical touch, quality time.
hobbies: video games, watching anime, drawing (digital), painting (watercolor, acrylic), baking, cosplay, reading, taking care of plants, thrill-seeking activities.
likes: cats, sweets, good food, lattes, aromatic candles, cool weather, traveling, piercings, tattoos, puns, learning foreign languages, new experiences, people with a good sense of humor (quite subjective), when people banter back with me, people who let me tease them, people who develop their own opinions but are still willing to listen to other perspectives.
dislikes: bitter foods, strong scents, pessimism, hot weather, feeling restricted, possessiveness, conformity, having to be responsible for others, when people don’t stand up for themselves (i tend to look down on/clash with people who are overly insecure), overly anxious people, people-pleasers, when people act condescending towards me, people who try to force conversation with me.
misc.: clumsy ; accidentally misuses slang or phrases bc i can never remember how they go (e.g. “bust this popsicle stand” instead of “blow this popsicle stand”) ; able to pick up new skills relatively quickly ; studied french, korean, and latin in uni (also studied abroad) ; majors in international cultures/languages + minors in psychology and medieval history ; prone to being a bit directionless in life ; prone to bad luck but tries to find the humor in most situations ; life approach: to live a life of varied experiences, to not take life too seriously, to not dwell too much on the past.
physical appearance: ~155cm/5'1", round cheeks, single dimple on right cheek, green eyes. constantly changing my hair, it's currently layered, mid-back and toned silver, with straight bangs. navel piercing, 5 piercings in one ear, 4+an industrial in the other. i tend to dress in this alternative/hipster mix (flannels or leather jackets, tank tops, combat boots, fishnets). my color scheme is black/gray/dark green. i am consistent with skin care and hair care, but i almost never wear makeup aside from mascara.
hell yeah, let’s do this thing :D
matchup loading… ε(*´・ω・)っ†*゚¨゚゚・*:..☆
Your match is…
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She shares something of a similar introverted nature to yourself. She can be quite reserved, especially around new people. She can completely understand that you take a little while to open up, but she’s always there to listen when you need her.
Although you may reject outright help from people often, she’ll start to do little things that make your day run a little smoother. Nothing too extravagant but sometimes the smallest things make a difference. She won’t do anything big considering your dislike for grand gestures, though, so no need to worry.
Tifa is known to be a voice of reason for the people around her. She can quickly pick up on you being cold or distant, and is always happy to talk things out in a grounded manner. You never have to worry when approaching her. She’d much rather you be upfront with any reason you’d be upset. This makes for all round pretty good communication between you both. Minimal arguing, more talking, because you’re exactly on the same page here.
You’re a thrill seeker, which totally appeals to her. In that sort of vein, let her teach you to fight! Especially since you’re not afraid to stand up to anyone you see doing the wrong thing, authority included. It’s always good to pick up some new self defence skills.
She also really appreciates that quality within you. Tifa has strong values, and she holds herself and others to do the right thing.
If you’re a lover of good food, I presume this extends to drinks. Whether you prefer beverages with or without alcohol, she’s determined to mix your new favourite. And yes, she will absolutely be doing tricks to impress you everytime.
In turn, she’d be thrilled if you ever decide to make anything for her considering your creative hobbies. She’ll treasure all of the gifts you give her for life.
She’s a good bit taller than you at 5’6”, and since you share similar styles, she’ll subtly encourage you to borrow jackets, shirts or anything of the like. She might not let you know outright but it’s not difficult to decipher that she finds it high key cute. (And if you don’t figure that out, Aerith will be sure to let you know anyway.)
Quality time is super important to Tifa. She’s happy to do almost whatever so long as you’re together. And she’d absolutely love to hear of your passions and experiences. She’s been in the same place for so long, she definitely wants you to take her with you next time.
Taking life as it comes really aligns with her in many ways. She’s learned that home is more about people than places or things, and you’re her solace more than anyone else.
She can be pretty harsh on herself, pressuring herself to do better. Although she isn’t a blatant pessimist or completely insecure, sometimes you can see she’s feeling down on herself, even when she’s trying to hide it. You remind her to let that go, while still maintaining much of her ambition. You help her see from a different perspective when she needs it most. She’s someone who can take advice to help herself, rather than dwelling in her own emotions when there is a solution.
I can imagine she tries to learn a few foreign language phrases from you, since it’s such a passion of yours. She’ll make the effort to remember what you teach her, and it seems to be a success. What you later learn is you’ve actually taught two people on accident, because Marlene has started to pick up a couple of these phrases now, too, from hearing you guys. Well, if the shoe fits! Always good to see her learning something, even through slightly unconventional methods.
Tifa quickly learns once you two start to date and become close that you can be the clumsy type. It then becomes an automatic sixth sense for her to keep an eye out for you. She’s got her arm out when you trip, she catches you if you fall, and so on. You slowly pick up on the fact that since you two got together, your “stupid” injuries have significantly decreased.
She loves your banter and how you make her feel at ease. Constantly catering to everyone else with a smile and rejecting your own needs isn’t the best habit. However, with you, her smiles are all 100% genuine. Conversation is never forced between you both. She’s easily the best company you’ve ever had, and she feels the same way.
Ahh I absolutely loved writing this matchup! 🥺 I hope you enjoy it as much! :)
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