#some kinda marsupial
tri-punisher · 10 months
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Great news for monotreme lovers!!!
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The Sir David Attenborough's Long-Beaked Echidna (Zaglossus attenboroughi) has been sighted for the first time since 1961!
Also known as the Cyclops Long-Beaked Echidna, this nocturnal critter was first described by Western scientists in 1961 during the Dutch colonial era of what was then known as Dutch New Guinea. It was only described from a fragmentary preserved specimen (pictured below) and was of course named after the famous naturalist Sir David Attenborough. However, I do want to point out that, as is the case with many newly discovered species, it was known to the native people of this region way before this and was traditionally hunted for both food and for ceremonial peace offerings. However, according to my research since the species was classified as Critically Endangered, the native villagers were very enthusiastic about its conservation and agreed not to hunt them in order to help preserve the species.
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Z. attenboroughi is native to the Cyclops Mountain Chain in northern Indonesian New Guinea and feeds mostly on worms, ants, termites, and other invertebrates by using their long beaks to forage through the soil and creating distinct “nose pokes”. For a long time, these “nose pokes” were the only sign scientists had that this species hadn’t gone extinct. The last unconfirmed sighting by locals was in 2005, though some tracks and burrows that were thought to belong to the species were discovered in 2007.
Now, over 60 years after it was initially described, an expedition of scientists from Oxford University to the Cyclops Mountains has resulted in this elusive monotreme being videotaped by a game trail camera.
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Photo credit: Cyclops Expedition
Attenborough’s Long-Beaked Echidna might somewhat resemble hedgehogs in appearance and behavior, however, they are one of only five species of egg-laying mammals known as monotremes! The other four species are the Short-Beaked Echidna, Western Long-Beaked Echidna, Eastern Long-Beaked Echidna, and the Platypus. The Attenborough’s Long-Beaked Echidna is the smallest species of Echidna and is apparently more closely related to the Short-Beaked Echidna than it is to the other two species of Long-Beakeds. It also possesses a more reddish coloration. All species of monotremes are known for, as I mentioned before, laying eggs instead of giving live birth like placental mammals and marsupials do. Monotremes also lack nipples and instead produce milk for their young out of modified sweat glands like how the early ancestors of all mammals did. Male Platypi/Platypuses (both terms are correct) and Echidnas also have ankle spurs which are highly venomous in the case of the Platypus, but Echidnas seem to have lost their venom and instead use them to help dig. Apparently, they also seasonally secrete a creamy substance their spurs but this, while kinda gross, is harmless.
While the rediscovery of this species is super exciting, we mustn’t forget that Attenborough’s Long-Beaked Echidna is considered Critically Endangered and is still at risk of extinction. Habitat loss and poaching seem to be the biggest threats to this species and many other unique creatures endemic to Oceania.
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raintailed · 4 months
rain rain rain rain how do you draw iterators and slugcats btw like all your gyus are so shaped its so fun to look at theyre just little guys...
i'm gonna start with slugcats! my old guide from 2023 is here.
Note: "slugcat" refers to multiple species (slugcats are in a species complex). It can be hard to differentiate slugcat species, since some are very similar and hybridization between them is common where their ranges overlap. The species that Monk and Survivor are members of is called the "common slugcat."
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Slugcats are weird sorta-feline creatures that walk bipedally and have little hands. Their average height is 3'3" or about 1 meter tall.
Their basic body shape is a round head on top of a trapezoidal body. Their legs are digitigrade, they have human-like arms (that are often skinny lol), and their tails are thick and tapering. Slugcats also have retractable arms ig??? I have no idea how that would work
In terms of head shape, it's similar to a cat's, but with a somewhat taller forehead (bigger brain! more room for being Smart!). Slugcats usually have short muzzles, big eyes, and long ears.
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Note: slugcat arms usually rest in front of the body (think meerkats) rather than to the sides like a human.
Uhhh I like giving slugcats dewlaps (rabbit dewlaps are a good reference)!
And for fat slugcats, fat is usually stored in the tail (and dewlap) first. So naturally my gourmand has a big tail and a big dewlap :]
And!! I like to think that some slugcats have fur, and some don't. Hairless slugcats are slimy; furred slugcats have oily, waterproof coats. Some shorthaired slugcats have smooth fur like otters and seals do.
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TEEFS!!! Except technically, slugcats don't have teeth. Rather, they have sharp, jagged beaks (think cephalopods). Their beaks continually grow and they are self-sharpening. Because their beaks are really sharp, slugcat bites are always serious injuries.
The length of their "fangs" varies by species. Some carnivorous species have long fangs, for example.
And! They have bristly tongues like cats (and kinda like the radula of a gastropod).
For their paws, slugcats have 3-fingered hands and feet. Their claws vary; some individuals have blunt claws, some have sharp claws, others have retractable claws, etc.
The inner toe of a slugcat's foot is opposable, making it easy for them to grab onto poles with their feet. (Compare to scavengers, who mostly use their arms to climb.)
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SLUPPIES!!!!!! (don't worry about the fluffy one, they're just eepy)
Slugpups have different proportions than adults! Including having a bigger head, chubbier body, etc. Fluffy slugpups can also be a bit scraggly like longhaired kittens are.
My slugcats are basically egg-laying marsupials. They lay eggs, store them in their pouch, and then the eggs hatch into itty bitty babies. The babies stay in the pouch, feeding on milk until they're big enough to venture outside.
When pups are too big for the pouch, they ride on their parent's head or back. They also begin the process of weaning around this time, since by then they've started growing a sharp beak (i guess before that, their beak is dull and too small to self-sharpen?).
Note: some slugcat species are unisex and others are trioecious (having male, female, and hermaphrodite individuals).
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For expressions, ears are important!!
Neutral: ears relaxed. The relaxed position varies by individual; some slugcats have their ears rest slightly tilted back, for example.
Alert/interested: ears perked up.
Angry: ears pinned back. Very angry slugcats have their ears positioned so they're almost in line with the top of the head.
Afraid: ears pinned down (sometimes slightly to the sides, too).
Sad: ears droop to the sides.
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Slugcats mostly use their tails for balance, but they're used for some emotes too.
Upwards-curled tail is an excited or enthusiastic hello! Kinda like how some cats raise their tail when they see their human.
When upset, annoyed, or grumpy, slugcats may thump their tail against the ground (kinda like how rabbits stomp).
Some slugcats wag their tails when playing or excited. This isn't a universal thing, though.
Slugcats with fur may puff up their tail when startled or scared. They may also puff their tail when excited or playing, too.
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zooophagous · 5 months
Aren't pouches like breasts in that if you take the hormones they just grow in? Since they grow seasonally already in real marsupials
Ok full disclosure I'm currently mildly high on a bit of the devils lettuce and you just sent me down a brief rabbit hole looking if kangaroos seasonally re grow their pouches or not like some kinda dingus
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adelaidedrubman · 2 months
one clown fifteen lines
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
i was tagged by dears @simplegenius042 @direwombat @gwynbleidd @sofrosine @nightbloodbix @corvosattano @voidika @quickhacked to post a lil bit of oc dialogue samples! outgoing tags below cut + like here to opt in:3
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1. “Yeah, ya know, they’re actually teachin’ all kindsa folk how to read an’ write these days,” she answered his second question with a sarcastic exaggeration of the natural twangs of her accent, ignoring his first entirely. “They ain’t even makin’ you go all the way to law school for it no more.”
2. “Piss off, Earl,” she spat, elbowing him out of the way. “I mean, honest to god fuckin’ piss off, alright?”
3. “Opossums are fuckin’ marsupials, Mary May!”
4. “I would fuckin’ carve out your eyes and throw them in the lake first, so that the only thing you’d ever see of me again is my fishing hook when I came back here to catch whatever trout had the bad luck of eating you.” 
5. “Familiar enough to know that if you’re calling me a ‘Delilah’ or something that’s some misogynistic bull —”
6. “Probably do a little publicity tour, once it all makes news. A few TV specials, tell-all nightly news interviews, a true crime podcast here and there. I bet I could make a good buck writing some kinda fucking memoir or something about this shit. Everyone would eat it up, you know, out of guilt, ‘cause —” she paused, raising her pitch a bit in nasally mocking, “‘cause we should really be focusing on the victims, not making the perpetrators famous,” she chimed, followed by a dismissive wave of her hand at the thought. “But you know, they’d still all be reading it to see what I said about you of course. But no skin off my ass, as long as they buy it. Figure I could spend… two, maybe three months as America’s sweetheart, then slip back into anonymity. Live off the royalties. The occasional consulting fee, anytime someone decides to make a movie about you and your fuckin’ cult.” 
7. “Head wasn’t that good,” she replied flatly. 
8. “Yeah, pretty sure they make a pill these days for when a gal realizes she’s made that kinda mistake,” she retorted with an exaggerated batting of her eyelashes as she pulled the flask from his hand. “And if you’re the baby daddy, she really would be wising up to take it.” 
9. “Oh, I’m back, baby.” She forced the smile to fall from her face, lips and brow tensing with sudden gravity. “And I’ve rigged this whole fucking mountain with explosives set to go off any second now. This thing is gonna blow sky fuckin’ high, and you and I are going to blow up with it. ’Cause I —” she feigned a gasp, brought her wrist to her brow as she threw her head back in a pantomime of being on the verge of fainting. “I can’t deny it any longer — I’m in love with you, and I want us to fucking be together forever in the fiery abyss of death.” 
10. “Tell your big bwother to make his stump speeches even scawrier next time — I’m sure it’ll make the canon fodder he sends out harder to kill, if he gravels his voice a bit more.”
11. She snorted. “You worried I’m not playing with a full set or something?”
12. “I jest,” she hissed, knocking his hand away. “You haven’t fuckin’ gotten that by now? It was a fucking joke.” 
13. “C’mon, that the fucking best miss church camp coachella can do to scare me?”
14. “For the fuckin’ record, I’m prolonging the void of nothingness when my organs stop functioning and I cease to exist in conscious form, not eternal damnation,” she finally spat. 
15. “It’s gonna be hilarious, actually,” she replied, pushing herself off from the door frame with a parting wave. “Tell your friends!” 
tagging: @cassietrn @shallow-gravy @derelictheretic @socially-awkward-skeleton @lordundying @florbelles @henbased @belorage @8bitpizzacoupons @firstaidspray @theresaruggedroad @afarcryfrommymain @clicheantagonist @v0idbuggy @orionlancasterr @strafethesesinners @deputyash @confidentandgood @strangefable @stacispratt @miyabilicious @omen-speaker @nowandthane @hctknives @wrathfulrook @fourlittleseedlings @galaxycunt @josephslittledeputy @just-another-wasteland-merc @voidika @captastra @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe @thedeadthree and anyone who would like to share!
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bengaly · 1 year
Can you tell me more about Jiji and his species? I love their design!
Hello!! Yeah sure! Jiji is a meao-ixuí! They're those guys:
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Jiji being the white one here:
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Meao-ixuí are a species I'm revamping from some really old concepts I used to draw. I LOVED long eared, flat faced creatures and I made a thousand of them - some were their own species, some not. Heres some ideas from 2008/2009:
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They're more recognisable as meaos in 2010:
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Since they weren't really a single species but a set of features I enjoyed drawing, I never really wrapped them up as a single thing. So back last year 2019 or so I decided to turn those concepts I been drawing for over a decade into a species, the name being "meao" which is a silly way of writing "miau" (meow in portuguese) because thats what me and @mirtiloart called everything in our teens. So I'm kinda honouring my teenager self with that name. Theres more than one way to draw meaos - long and flat faced, and thats where the -ixuí suffix comes. Meao-ixuí are long faced ones, and meao-xatpan are flat faced ones. Heres a flat faced one from 2009 btw:
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So! Their current design and lore isn't fully developed yet. I have thought a lot of little things about their culture and species, but its not a complete puzzle yet. I can for sure say so far is that they're from the tropics, are sentient, they're from a world with multiple sentient species and they're kinda the oddball there for being the only one around whos gynandropmorphic. They're marsupial-like, having pouches, and have some cool thylacoleo-like teeth:
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This one is from 2019 and I've since then tuned the teeth a bit down but its still a fun way to draw it! (I've also noticed I didn't post this here which I will do after this ask) They're not very widespread in their world and often keep close to their traditional territories. Traveling around the world is a bit dangerous for them as certain things that are common in sentient communities is toxic to them - mostly things other species like to smoke so they can't really avoid it. Jiji travels as a nomad merchant with that yellow xoywren in the chibi picture, his name can be either Little Bee, Igutsak or Mayanga. Jiji is very skilled with weaving and embroidery, and since certain gatherings are dangerous for her health, its often Igutsak doing the negotiations. Personality wise, Jiji is a very chill meao. Shes often observing things in the background, but will jump in any conversation - invited or not - if she finds an opportunity for profit. Shes often the one giving ideas while Igutsak executes them. She and Igutsak adopt a human kid in their story (which is a very fun way to develop how different species deal with their offspring), and she was the one who noticed an abandoned baby hidden in a dense forest area. Igutsak is the one who nurses the kid, so heres again she being the brains while hes the action. Oh also, their world doesn't has currency. Negotiations are done by trading time, services and items. Jiji is often carrying a thousand things around in her basket backpack, which is what she is wearing in the chibi. Also the red markings on her are make-up! Meaos do that to protect bare skin areas from the sun, and also to look cool.
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ningauinerd · 8 months
While most of the stuff I post in this blog is going to be Australia oriented given that's what I'm most knowledgeable on (and have the most resources for), I also want to occasionally branch out to talk about wildlife from surrounding landmasses every so often - wider Oceania, Wallacea, and generally anything east of the Wallace Line (where the animals become funni). Today, I wanted to start off by briefly introducing one set of islands I find to be particularly overlooked, the Solomon Archipelago, better known as the Solomon Islands.
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(Image credit: Wikimedia)
Isolated ever since they first rose above the waves 40 million years ago, the Solomon Islands has been dubbed the ""the Galapagos of the Western Pacific" by renowned mammalogist Tim Flannery for the sheer uniqueness of its fauna. Sitting to the east of New Guinea, the archipelago consists of seven main islands and thousands of smaller islands that vary greatly in size, from impressive volcanic islands like Kolombangara to countless tiny coral cays. Naturally, the islands are clothed almost entirely in tropical rainforests, from lush lowland jungles to misty cloud forests over 2,000 metres above sea level, with some areas of seasonal dry forest and grassland on the on the northern slopes of Guadalcanal being the main exception.
Despite its close proximity to New Guinea (and therefore continental Australia), the Solomon Islands possess no native marsupials - instead it is a world of giant skinks, coconut-eating bats and mysterious rodents.
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(Image credit: Tourism Solomons)
Easily the most famous animal from the Solomon Islands is the prehensile-tailed skink (Corucia zebrata), also known as the monkey-tailed skink or simply as the Solomon Islands skink. These are the largest of all living skinks, measuring up to 81 centimetres in length, and they are adapted to an arboreal way of life, feeding on leaves, fruit, flowers and fresh shoots. Like many skinks in the subfamily Egerniinae, the prehensile-tailed skink also has a pretty highly developed social life, more like that of a mammal than a typical reptile. They live a social group known as a circulus, in which different individuals band together to protect each other's offspring, and some pairs have even been known to practice long-term monogamy (practically "mating for life").
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(Image credit: Johnathan Richmond)
After big skink, the fauna of the Solomon Islands instantly drops into the territory of "obscure creature even most animal nerds don't know about", but they are no less remarkable or unique. Take the monkey-faced bats (Pteroplex) for example. As their name suggests, this endemic genus is notable for their highly unusual thick head shape, which gives them a vaguely monkey-like appearance. The resemblance to primates is no coincidence, for the lack of competing mammals on the islands aside from a few rats has led them to take up a lifestyle unlike that of any other bat. Their canine teeth are enormous, and what's more, possess a double cusp - something completely unique among mammals. Their boxy, powerful jaws and complex teeth are designed for tackling particularly tough fruits and nuts, and they are well known for their ability to crack into green coconuts. There are five species of monkey-faced bat scattered across the Solomon Islands, with the largest being the greater monkey-faced bat (P. flanneryi), which can have a wingspan of over 1.5 metres and weighs in at about 800 grams.
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Guadalcanal monkey-faced bat (Pteralopex atrata), juvenile (Image credit: Johnathan Richmond again, legend)
(also kinda irrelevant here but I really gotta talk about the Fijian monkey-faced bat sometime. what a knee slapper)
However, bats aren't the only coconut crackers on the Solomon Islands, for they are also home to several genera of rats that reach pretty gargantuan sizes. The largest species is Poncelet's giant rat (Solomys ponceleti), which reaches over a kilogram in weight and has quite an unusual appearance, with long but sparse dark brown hair, pinkish-white skin and a crest or mane down the back - unfortunately I cannot find any photographs or even illustrations of this species online. The impressively named emperor rat (Uromys imperator) was almost as large, but it is only known from 3 specimens collected in the 1880s and is now considered to likely be extinct. In a demonstration of how much of the Solomons remain under-surveyed however, a new species of giant Uromys, the vika or Vangunu giant rat (U. vika) was discovered by westerners only in 2015, although it had been known to the locals for far longer. This orange-haired coconut-chewer is unfortunately only known from a single specimen for now, but it weighed in at 0.5-1 kg and now represents the largest known member of its genus on the islands.
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The only photograph of a living vika (Image credit: O. Revon)
Also just to keep with the pattern of everything being giant (and therefore cool), this huge frog, the giant webbed frog (Cornufer guppyi), also calls the Solomons home. I don't know much about them but they seem like cool guys.
Remember this is only meant to be a brief overview! Would love to talk more about the Solomons sometime, as well as more in-depth about the species featured here.
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non-neutoniangender · 3 months
Back at it again with more campaign 3. I WILL catch up eventually.
Sam the ads are really headed in A Direction.
The Dorian sending... my heart. I really love that Matt got Robbie to record that, it really makes the world so much more alive, and so much more like Dorian is a part of the world.
Really fearne? not that that isn't exactly what fearne would do. but really?
reverse color tigers sound cool as fuck
also sad that we didn't get to fight the reverse color tigers
Damn Annaline. you are cool as fuck. hammer? check. mysterious? check. Strong as Fuck? check.
Also loving all this lore about the area, one of my favorite things about Critical Role is the history in these areas
gotta love some good world building and lore
Did Keyleth have ball bearings? if not she should. To keep with the Marisha Ray character theme of Ball Bearings
"I wanna be straight with you, I'm going to use this for personal gain" GOD I love Chetney
MEGA CHETNEY?!?!?!?!??!?!!!?!?
OMG a new stat sheet?!??!?!
This battle is kinda fire
FETCH lmao
(I just crashed Mini Metro like what ??)
Damn Sam. "How do you want to Subdo this" is really good
Your hand is made of rocks lmaoooooooo
"You are a hunter" literally all I can think is "A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream" damnit bloodborne
The "chain me up policy. Visitors welcome" god I CACKLED that was really really good. Damn Travis
The faintest scent of WILL!?!??!?!!? excUSE me??? I thought that mf was hella dead. like dead dead.
was Will connected to the Wildmother??
Matt, how do you come up with encounters like this? they are so unique and cool!!!
Not the marsupial pouch xD
also fearne leaving stuff???? thats wild
Liam gets to name the sword?? thats awesome
Anyway, things are picking up!! I'm excited to see where this goes!!
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quosterswampdregs · 10 months
No snz for this one! (I'm not really sure if I should ask this on your main or here, but I decided here because it's for the furry content side blog)
May we see/learn more about the swamp dregs as an original species? Like their biology, behavior, etc (do they act cat like or dog like?). As much as I'm interested in the snz aspect of the anthro Swamp dregs, I'm also very interested in the biology of the feral, feral counterparts!
Also why are they referred to as dregs (it's another word for dragon right?) When they seem to be mammalian animals? Though I have seen a more mammalian approach to a dragon (p/ete's d/ragon live action), do they maybe have something similar going on?
I might do a more official post on this very soon!!! But for now I can give a brief overview.
In short I don’t actually have a lot of details yet, but those who know know me are aware that I’m a DM for D&D and other tabletop games; I’m always worldbuilding.
In my homebrew DND world (Called Igaria and Ilia), Possum-Nosed Swamp Dragons are egg-laying mammals. They’re kinda like platypuses in the biological build? But of course any pearl clutching maiden in the medival times will look something of that size and be like “YEP that’s a dragon, no questions asked.”
They aren’t really close to feline or canine, their closest families might be towards marsupials and rodents—possums(duh), ferrets, skunks, badgers, kangaroos, koalas, that sort of animal region.
Behavior wise they are neutral and unaligned creatures. Omnivores, but most commonly eating trees and shrubs and the like. They are definitely equipped enough to kill creatures like purple worms (google it, it’s a DND creature), or even dragons (likely another reason for the name).
In a functional sense, swamp dregs were tamed and domesticated by giants to be mounts. Proportionally they are about the size of a horse in comparison, making for good steeds to travel long distances.
I’ll repost the species sheet here for some more biology details. Again, more info on them in a more cohesive post soon!
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[Don’t Reblog to non-snz blogs!!!]
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
Psychickers as dragons!
I love speculative biology and I love dragons, so I came up with these original dragon species for each of the Psychickers (well... except Saiki himself for now lol)
Akechi: Small obligate carnivore dragon, leaning into his evil eye/volume warning kinda theme
Has additional small wings that are usually covering an extra pair of eyes on his forehead that are always dark-adapted. These allow him to immediately run into a prey burrow or jump in deep water and see without having to adjust to the darkness. Highly successful hunter, and is careful not to overhunt his territory.
The little wings are also covered in false eyes on their underside, so when he's threatened he'll snap them open to startle the hell out of an enemy or prey.
He has air holes running down the length of his body and can breathe/produce sound through any/all of them, which is helpful when he's underground or fishing underwater. He can get VERY loud & can talk even with his snout shut.
He can't breathe fire naturally, but he can light his own methane from digestion with a spark from his little wing-claws striking together. Then he can either breathe fire or shut his mouth & blow fire out of his air holes, which is a great way to make larger dragons let him go. Yes, he is full of hot air lol.
He's a poor flyer, so often has to convince a larger dragon into giving him a ride over long distances. This is difficult since he is small enough to be prey for dragons of this size, but his reputation for reliably finding fantastic hunting grounds makes putting up with his chatter worthwhile.
Aiura: bird-like/griffon-y kind of dragon, leaning into the witchcraft theme.
She has a crop where she puts interesting-looking ingredients. When she feels she has the right combination for something good, she'll light her flame sac to brew them together into some sort of potion, while she'll either swallow or bottle. A little gross perhaps, but one of her most popular potions has extraordinary healing powers, and another is known to help find ideal mates.
Some dry ingredients can be used to make a thick smoke, either for the aesthetic, to put creatures in an area to sleep, or to blind enemies by stinging their eyes with noxious fumes. Her nictating membranes & the baffles in her nostrils make her immune to her own smoke.
Sparklies and ingredients that don't vibe with her current witches' brew go into her marsupial-type belly pouch for storage.
She doesn't have horns but she has two crests like a cockatoo that puff up when she's excited.
She can use the iridescence of her own feathers to see the future, though the reflection of her own forehead crystal in water or in a mirror is even better for fortune-telling.
Primarily herbivorous, and effortlessly flies long distances at high speeds to search for food and potion ingredients. She'll do some gardening at prime spots to encourage more food/herb growth in the following years.
She keeps many smaller hoards across the land instead of one large big one, and woe be to anyone who steals from her. She WILL find them and get her sparklies back.
Toritsuka: chameleon-like scavenger dragon, leaning into the ghost/death theme.
His hide can change color and texture like a cephalopod, however, he can't control this consciously at all. It's easy to tell when a ghost possesses him, because each one will automatically change the way he looks quite dramatically (though they can't control this either).
Unknown whether he is actually channeling ghosts or whether all those brains he eats are doing something funky to his central nervous system. Evidence for ghosts: eating all those brains has NOT made him any smarter.
His color/texture also changes with his moods, so he is extremely easy to read.
Mostly eats carrion, so he likes to hang around dragons that regularly bring down large prey.
He has a big dewlap like that of the anole, and he tries so hard to impress girls with it. But no number of pushups will net him a mate...
Toritsuka is ALWAYS posturing around Saiki, to the point that Saiki literally can't recognize him without his dewlap out or any color that's not an amorous red. The other Psychickers tease him mercilessly about this.
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Pwease let Toritsuka smash...
Shapes not final or decisive but just had to get these guys out of my system even if that meant phone doodles or shaky scribbles on a train XD
EDIT: See more of these guys on the #Psychickers Dragon AU tag!
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My brain has the consistency of jelly, runs on less energy than light bulb, it's full of error's and it's so easy to manipulate and control that even cats and baby's can do it
My lungs like oxigen which causes oxidation and it's one of the 3 things necessary to burn shit up
My bones are weird as a concept and are also constantly wet and depending on the medicine I took throughout my life they might not even be white anymore
My muscles are basically masoquists and are pretty dammed inefficient in holding something for long periods of time
Our extremities are weirdly long for our size and I don't like that
Our blood is red,that's pretty fucking weird, and it's a liquid made to transport gases which sounds dumb and inefficient, like, why not send them as a gas directly?
Organs are also weird, weird and incredible specialized lumps of meat not properly attached to the rest of the body and some of them almost look like they are sentient in the way they regenerate if cut and we can also live without most of them
The function of a heart could be replaced with a hand constantly squishing it and I don't like that
Fingers are weird in a similar way to limbs but multiple times worse and they have too many bones and muscles
Tongues. I don't think I need to go into detail with this one
Hair and nails are basically dead/inanimate matter that grows out of holes on our skin and that creeps me out a lot
Skin is kinda alright but it has pores ( I won't talk about pores) and it's not properly attached either which is weird.
Belly button. It scares me and creeps me out because it feels like it will open up at any moment. No more will be said
Feets look weird. Thats it, they are fine
Eyes are balls of extremely specialized meat that can detect light of all things but only some of it and ours are pretty bad in the animal kingdom
Butts: humans have the biggest butts of the animal kingdom thanks to our bipedal way of walking. I like them 👍
Boobs are Okey and I like them but the nipples (especially male nipples) make me uncomfortable
Ears look funny but that's it. Being able to detect the vibrations of the air sounds useless but it's pretty neat
Thigh's. I like them. Wanna bite them.
Teeth. I don't like them but they let me bite stuff so they get a pass
Neck's are weird, why do we need to separe our heads from our torso? Its feels like a weak point (and It is one). Wanna bite them too
Hormone's and shit like that is weird, I don't want some inanimate molecule to have any sort of control over me whatsoever and it feels like someone needs to teach them about consent
Puberty is also a wild concept and I don't know about any other species that has one as pronounced as humans. Why aren't we born as adults directly? Seems more effective (and it's still less weird than marsupials)
Saliva is technically an acid I think and that's pretty neat because I can also spit it out of my body if needed. I want you to take that as a warning and a threat
Cells are weird. I don't like that I can be divided into parts that small. I want infinite density so that I can't be divided into components, because that's weird
That's it I think. Those are my thoughts about the human body.
Now go drink water, because even if our bodies are weird we still need them and should appreciate these weird, meat, carbon-based, maquines that house our consciousness
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synthaphone · 2 years
GAME THEORY for new pokemon scarlet and violet: i’m calling this now because i’m convinced. i know i was wrong when i thought the legendaries might be partially based on pens but this one is more solid (spoilers for quietly revealed pokemon in the latest trailer + leaked info about one unrevealed pokemon line in the upcoming game)
ok so These
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the mice specifically. i’m CONVINCED those are meant to be Sylvanian Families/Calico Critters.
the leaked info mentioned a pokemon line that’s a pair of rodents that evolves into a whole family of rodents, and these two have a very toy-like design (bodies kinda remind me of kidrobot dunny?) and also slightly different markings, which some Calico Critter families have between family members. the little dot eyes, the big round ears (a lot of the mice families have those), the neutral expression
the fact that there was a family called the corntop rabbits that looked like this:
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anyway i was hoping that the ‘rodents’ would turn out to be marsupials and we’d finally get an opossum pokemon, but i will TAKE sylvanian families, my old familiar kryptonite
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robbie-roo · 7 months
Hey! Maybe you could expand on the monotremata have special bones thing? Pretty please? Love the animal facts ♥️
Monotremata's special bones huh?
sure! although I don't remember what I might have touched on already so I apologize if I repeat myself and I'll do a special info dump on bones and how we know what mammals are later on too!
OK so monotremata our five species with the most primitive traits left on earth in a mammal they're pretty fucking cool. without getting super deep into more ancient history and traits the very early "mammals" were similar to an alligator in that it had one hole (the cloaca) jaws that were only really good at snapping shut not made for chewing, and limbs that were a little more splayed out
so obviously there's some similarities in that essence with a platypus and an alligator. they both have jaws that are made to snap shut, they both have the same cloaca, and their limbs are a little too awkward for 4 wheel drive all the time. what makes a mammal a mammal is four things
1. hair
2. the ability to lactate
3. complex teeth
4. inner ear bones
now some of these traits are more obvious than others in certain animals or may be diminished to become basically non existent for example hair on dolphins or like the platypus that doesn't really have any chewing teeth at all
but monotremes are special because of their extra traits I mentioned before- they have cloacas, barely any if any teeth at all, they "sweat" milk, and they don't give birth to live young but they are still "mammals" because of those earlier traits
their bones however are relatively the same as other mammals- we have a thing called determinant growth- basically we have a set size and we won't get any bigger we also evolved from a certain skull orientation known as synapsid
synapsid skulls ate hard and heavy because the back of the skull is solid bone- this is big news for early critters because it gives us places to attach muscles this leads to the snapping shut jaw we later gain a cheekbone when we meet our friend the pelycosaur
now we have a zygomatic arch! this gives us more places to put muscles for our jaw we are getting closer to chewing but not quite there yet
so these are the traits I mean when I talk about "primitive mammals" we get three surviving groups
the monotremes
the eutherians (that's us!)
and the metatherians (marsupials)
so backtrack a little- the cynodonts are giving us a soft and a hard pallete we can now eat AND breathe silly little reptiles can't do that
now ok ok I've gone over a lot that's like background information for monotreme bones let me skip ahead a few million years
so monotreme skulls- that's their funky part
monotremes have skulls similar to a bird- they don't have any ear flaps and no teeth at all (just that hard pallete) the skulls are also fused together with fewer openings
they also have weirdly shaped inner ear bones here's a picture
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so this doesn't mean much to any of you so the take away is just- its weird.
they do have some "teeth" when we are talking about platypus they have triangular molars and have an egg tooth that goes away eventually
so this is their skull
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left is a platypus right is an echidna
so as you can kinda tell... it's weird. monotremes are weird. platypus have bones that only go around the side of their beaks and look at that weird head its just.... weird
and their hips are also weird!
they have epipubic bones in their hips
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(echidna pubic bones)
and an extra interclavical bone around the shoulder cradle it's similar to those therapsids I mentioned (did I mention those? idk I'll make another post if not)
(platypus sternum)
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they also have a short stiff spine but that's kinda boring
anyways that's what I know about monotreme bones if I think of anything extra I will add to it but I hope this gives you the information you were looking for!! please feel free to ask me anything :)
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Okok I'm back to ask another question just because. (Hi I'm the anon asking about bat goblins! Though, unrelated to this ask, kind of)
Are your amphibious goblins, perhaps, related to grung in some capacity? Do you even have grung in your world?
Sorry, it just popped in my mind! Hope it's not too much of a bother to answer my asks, but since I asked for help, I might as well ask for you to talk about your world for fun! :)
i hadn't actually known about the grung before i read through this lol. they look adorable. poison dart frogs have such fun colors and make an interesting base for a people species.
My world building is already full of like. uhhhh 3 sylvanids, 3 orciformes.... goblins, dwarves, pixies, centaurs, ogres, kobolds (2 varieties) merfolk (various?) quetzalin, and i had a concept for marsupial satyrs (2 varieties) i think.. i think that's all of them. as u can see, it is. A Lot. and there are so many more that I could add! gnolls! bat people! minotaurs! but for the sake of keeping my world building from getting too messy, i kinda. have to delegate which species are actually relevant to the plot. where they all originate from, how many of them have actually spread around the world and which ones are more localized, etc.
a lot of my worldbuilding is just going to end up in a supplementary book where i can be like "look at all these cool details in my world that were totally irrelevant to the actual book i wanted to write!" and give people a fun sandbox to play in.
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doverstar · 1 year
Heyo! I'm sending this around to a few people in an effort to get to know them better, but I'm curious: is there an animal that is either a favorite or that you know a lot about? And if so, could you tell me about it?
Hiiiii! This is a great idea. No one ever asks this Very Important Question anymore in my life. As a child and kind of in my bloodstream, my favorite animal was always a lion. (I also like squirrels, cats, and cows.) But my most secret favorite animal (like an off-to-the-side favorite animal) is the thylacine, and yes, I can tell you about it! They're extinct! :)))) because! we suck! :)))))))))) They were also referred to as Tasmanian Tigers, but they're not canines or felines in spite of their looks; they're actually marsupials. Like kangaroos.
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They were cream/tan/brown, and they came from Australia, Tasmania (of course), and New Guinea. They had pouches just like kangaroos do, and these ridiculously-cool mouths that could open crazy-wide. The widest the species is recorded to have stretched its jaws (as far as I've researched) was 80 degrees! Their footprints were way more symmetrical than that of foxes' prints or other, similar prints. They made "cay-yip" or sometimes "hop-hop-hop" sounds, or long winding calls to each other. Big carnivores. Big snoots. They were pushed out of their habitats by British settlers at first, and then hunted down mostly because local farmers thought they were eating their farm animals. (But also for sport.) They did like birds, and chickens, but even though their bite range was big, most of their known prey tended to be on the smaller side. The last known thylacine's name was rumored to have been Benjamin (that's it up there!) and in 1936, it froze to death in captivity because some idiot forgot to let it in where it was warm for the night. It may have been female, though; the name and male status were both kinda a myth. But that thylacine did die due to neglect at the Hobart Zoo. Scientists in have been trying to clone the thylacine from a dead fetus for years, but obviously it's super expensive, super unnatural, and super not-gonna-work. In my opinion. Of course I wish it would, but I just don't think that's quite how the Lord designed animals and their life cycle to work. People like to post hazy Youtube videos trying to say they've spotted a thylacine out there in the wild, but none of these videos are proven and as far as we all know, thylacines are long-gone. I first found out about them on a trip to Washington D.C., when we went to one of the museums and they had the thylacine's model blocked off in the dark behind a black gauze curtain. You could press a button and the light would come on above it, showing it to you behind the curtain, and explaining what it was and how it's extinct now. I was super fascinated because it's not often you see an animal you've never seen before, anywhere, onscreen or in-person. And then I spent the rest of the night researching it and now it's one of my favorites. The thylacine makes an appearance in all of my just-for-me original stories I write. I want a thylacine stuffed animal for Christmas.
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paradoxgavel · 1 year
gah i'm taking a sick day today and Why are migraine dreams so unnecessarily vivid. during one of my naps i dreamed i was playing pokemon scarlet and violet and just happened into a grove that had shinies of all my favorite pokemon in it as well as a really cute new pokemon that I'm absolutely gonna have to draw later. it was like. a fighting type lil numbat type of guy. its name was like. some kinda pun on "marsupial" that i cant quite remember now
during my second nap my brain just fuckin. dreamed up a full fuckin official animated short about sun and moon. it was like. a halloween special or something? the details escape me but it was really cute. ;o;
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