#so tiny we're on top of a flower
angeart · 11 months
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mhm alright here it is
because we made bugsonas and then kept talking about eepy cuddle piles on top of flowers <3 so obviously i went ahead and drew it.
left to right: me, @stiffyck , @wren-kitchens and @loveroped
your local crackers crew
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asjjohnson · 1 year
The ability to fly would open up a new dimension to explore (in the mathematical-physical sense—we already know Danny had opened one up in the other sense). Think of how much Danny would notice that no one else would?
Think of bees. (Not so much birds, because we see birds all the time, and also because they don't seem quite as graceful and maneuverable as bees.) When I did a search for how high bees can fly, I found something that said bees could fly higher than Mount Everest (little edit: may've misunderstood what it meant. They might not've been found flying that high after all, just that 'they could'). Bees can go anywhere they want, just for fun.
We as humans tend to (for the most part) view the world as six feet high. Anything six feet or under, we know about (or possibly up to eight feet. But it's not much higher than our height). And we don't really realize we're thinking this way.
Sure, we can look upward, we can see treetops from a distance, we can see what the sky looks like. But it's from the perspective of looking up from a distance. Our worldview is colored by looking up from six feet or less.
It's a flat surface. Despite us knowing it's not flat, we don't really internalize it as being 3D and navigable. And we also don't realize what's up there. Who would ever imagine there were bees buzzing around the top of a 200 foot tree? To get to flowers we didn't even notice were up there?
And, yeah, we have planes, but they fly in a set path and you can only look down at the very distant ground. Helicopters are probably more similar, but not many people fly or ride those.
But Danny... after the accident, he would've started out sticking close to the ground a lot, but as he started getting more comfortable with the ability to fly, his worldview probably would've changed gradually. From his preconceived idea of 'the world is six feet or less' to 'the world is spacious and easily explored and so very 3D'.
There's an episode where he's vacuuming the living room ceiling—as though he thinks his parents will notice that it's cleaner than before. And though I understand the 'I have to clean everything so I don't get in trouble' impulse better than I should, there's a chance it's partly from Danny seeing the house differently than before. The ceiling becomes just another wall for him. ...One that he might clean often when he has cleaning chores, because he's going to notice all those spiderwebs and cobwebs, and the little bugs gathering in the light fixtures.
(...He probably would realize the ground is also navigable at some point, too. Think of all the tunnels and moles and snakes and other creatures he'll see, and all the plant roots and such.)
#danny phantom#danny fenton#just some thoughts#it's not really a 'what if' idea because it just... is.#asj post#I'd looked at some red buds on a maple tree using binoculars and kinda thought aloud 'I wonder what pollinates maple flowers'.#Because I knew maples had flowers because I'd seen something about it online once. ...I hadn't really realized it before then.#And my dad said probably Honey Bees. And I was like... 'bees fly that high?'#When my dad said he guessed so; I said I've always only seen them around this high (and put my hand at shin-level).#So... that's what made me realize there's a lot I just don't realize exists. From only living in a world near my height and below.#Planted to the ground.#...There was a post I saw awhile ago about people with weird ideas. One was about an illustration showing people standing on top of#the Earth and a person had been surprised because they thought we'd lived inside the Earth.#And actually... I thought the person could've been partially right. We don't live On Top of the Earth. We live under the atmosphere.#We're stuck halfway inside it. Under the layers of atmosphere but above the solid layers. Actually we're on the teeny tiny Crust layer.#I thought it was weird because when we talk about gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn we don't measure them based on their core size.#We measure them based on the size of their atmosphere.#So yeah we actually do live inside the Earth and not on top of it.#There was also a post I saw with a closeup of Saturn. Those clouds looked so 3D and thick and invitingly explorable. They looked bottomless#my search engine had answered the bee question wrong. but I did find something that said they'd definitely found Flies over 19000 ft.'#Not as high as Everest but still really high.
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Gray Sweatpants | Rooster x Reader
Summary: For you and Bradley, sharing a home comes easily. He is always willing to put in the extra work to make you happy, and he will do it wearing his gray sweatpants and a smile.
Warnings: Fluff and smut
Length: 2100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots! (But it can be read on its own) Check my masterlist in my profile for the reading order! Based on a request.
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Living with you was an interesting change of pace for Bradley. He had gotten so used to tiny living quarters and never sharing anything. But now you were here in this big house, along with all of your colorful stuff, and your perfume, and your kitchen gadgets. And you wanted to share everything with him. 
Not a day went by that you weren't wearing his clothing and using his shaving cream in the shower. And you always offered to share your food with him, holding up a sandwich or forkful of food for him to take a bite. You always seemed to be around asking about his day and giving him all of the details of yours, delivered with your own brand of wit and humor that never failed to have him wrapping his arms around you. 
It was one of the first Friday nights after you moved into his house, and now it was your house, too. Every time he got to use the word "ours", it made him happy in a way he couldn't really explain. 
"I was thinking we should plant a garden in the backyard," you said, feeding Bradley a bite of your dinner from your perch on his lap. You were wearing one of his Top Gun shirts and nothing else, and Bradley couldn't imagine living here without you. "I mean, San Diego kind of sucks for flowers, but we're hardy east coast people. We should have a garden."
"We would have no street cred if we didn't have sad, dying, east coast people flowers," he replied, delighting in the sound of your laughter. 
"Exactly! Plus, the backyard is a little scary, Roo. I'll help you clean it up on Sunday, if you want."
"Sure, Baby Girl. We'll see."
But he had something else in mind now.
You woke up on Saturday morning to an empty bed and groaned. Bradley knew you had particular rules concerning him staying in bed with you on Saturday mornings. And you expected a certain level of compliance. 
"Bradley?" you called as you stumbled into the kitchen where you found him brewing coffee and eating some toast in just his gray sweatpants.
"Morning, Sweetheart," he rasped, but your mouth had gone dry. You must still be in bed, asleep and dreaming. That was the only way this would make sense.
You made a soft, strangled sound as Bradley reached up into the cabinet and grabbed your favorite mug. "Want some coffee?"
"Bradley," you whispered. He wasn't even wearing any underwear. You could see the outline of his cock pressing against the soft fabric as the pants hung low on his hips. 
You were taking a step closer to him, ready to drop to your knees when he said, "You'll be late for brunch with Cam and Maria if you don't leave soon." You had completely forgotten about your plans.
Your eyes slid up his naked torso until they met his smirking face. "Why are you not wearing underwear?"
He suddenly looked embarrassed, cheeks flushing pink. "I actually need you to show me how to use the washing machine. I'm almost out of clean clothes. Can you show me after brunch?"
You glanced at the clock on the microwave and sighed. You didn't even have time to properly blow your boyfriend like you wanted to. "Yeah, I'll show you after I get home, Roo," you whispered, running your fingers along his length through his pants.
"Oh fuck," he grunted when you cupped him and squeezed softly. He pressed you against the edge of the counter, and you could feel him getting hard for you. 
But you just stuck your chin in the air. "Next Saturday, make sure you stay in bed with me longer." You ducked out of his grasp with a grin while he groaned your name. "Oh, and I don't want to be late for brunch."
You got ready to go out, and when you passed him in the kitchen before you left, he was eating more toast and glaring at you. 
"You gonna come back and take care of this later?" he grunted, gesturing to his semi.
"Sure, Roo. Right after we do your laundry," you said with a wink. He just grunted in response before you added, "And make sure you don't go out in those pants. They are indecent!"
As soon as you were gone, Bradley thought about jerking off, but he knew he had a limited amount of time before you would be home again. So he quickly put his old sneakers on along with his aviators and traipsed out through the sliding glass door to the backyard. You weren't wrong; it was in pretty rough shape.
Bradley kicked over a faded lawn gnome and opened up the shed. He pulled out some shovels and a rake that the previous owners had left, and he got to work. An hour later, he was shocked to find that there was in fact a garden bed buried back along the privacy fence. He dug up dead plants and weird lawn ornaments, tossing everything off to the side to get taken out with the trash. 
He stopped working for a minute to wipe the sweat from his brow. The sun was strong even for early December, but at least it wasn't too hot outside. And now, as he looked around, Bradley was pleased to see that the whole space looked a lot better. His girlfriend wanted a garden? Well then she would get one.
"Roo?" you called from the sliding glass door. You were grinning and heading his way with a cold water bottle. "What are you doing?"
He took the drink from your hand and downed the entire thing before he answered you. "Making the yard nicer for you. Check it out. A garden bed."
But you weren't really looking at the yard as much as you were looking at him. You wrapped your arms around his sweaty torso and kissed him. "You're so sweet."
He grinned down at you but didn't dare touch, not wanting to get your cute dress all dirty. "We can go to the nursery tomorrow and pick out some flowers if you want. We can plant them...." His word trailed off as you bit your lip and slipped your hand inside the front of his sweatpants. 
"I've been thinking about this since I left for brunch." Your voice was soft and breathless as your fingers teased his length before you wrapped your small hand around his cock. "Been thinking about these gray sweatpants."
Bradley let you ease the fabric down until he was fully exposed. You were licking your lips and moaning softly. He knew exactly what that meant.
"God damn it," he groaned as you dropped to your knees on the grass in front of him. He was standing in the center of the yard, looking around to see if there was any way one of the neighbors could see what was going on. But when you kissed and licked away his precum before parting your lips and taking his tip, he decided he didn't care. 
Bradley reached one big palm to the back of your head and guided you along. You took him a little deeper, looking up at him as your mouth filled up with each inch of him until your lip was brushing his coarse hairs. You gagged a bit, hollowing your cheeks as you sucked on him. "You're such a good girl. I'll give you anything you want."
You moaned around him, your tongue swirling along the underside of his entire length until you pulled him out to the tip. You kissed him sweetly and softly asked, "You know what I want, Roo?"
Bradley shook his head a little bit, dazed as you let his cock rest against your plush tongue. He was panting now and twitching as your hot breath teased his dick. 
"You tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you."
You giggled and smiled up at him with half lidded eyes as your tongue caressed him. You kissed his swollen tip and nuzzled him with your nose before you said, "I want you to fuck me. Right here. In our backyard."
Bradley hauled you to your feet by grabbing your elbows. You squealed with delight, but he hushed you with one hand over your mouth. "I'll give you what you want, but you have to behave. You want our elderly neighbors calling the cops, because they think I'm back here trying to murder you?"
You groaned and licked Bradley's palm, gripping his cock with both hands. "Please, Bradley. Please make it so good that it sounds like that!"
His hand drifted down to your neck, and he led you to the side of the shed, stroking your soft skin as you practically purred for him. His hard dick bounced along, hanging out over his sweatpants as he backed you up against the small building. "Okay."
You were so turned on for him, and you blamed it all on his sweatpants. He had no idea what he was capable of in those things. But without underwear? Bradley Bradshaw should have been illegal. 
And now he had your back pinned against the shed with his huge hand on your neck while he reached into your underwear and started to finger you. 
"Oh," you gasped, admiring the way his aviators were sliding down his nose while you rode his middle finger. The pressure on your throat wasn't enough to hurt, but it was enough to make you feel like you were no longer in charge here. And that feeling excited you. 
Bradley's thumb stroked your clit, and you cried out for him. "Shh, be a good girl," he whispered, kissing your lips one time while his middle finger pressed forward on your most sensitive spot. When you whimpered, he kissed your forehead and said, "Yeah, nice and quiet, Baby Girl. Show me how good you can be."
You kept your little noises as quiet as you could, moving your hips in time with his thumb stroking you. When you were close, Bradley slipped his finger out of you, leaving you whining his name. He spun you to face the shed, yanking your underwear down so the lace brushed along your legs before they hit the ground. You planted both of your palms against the siding as Bradley pulled your dress up to your waist, fully exposing you to any neighbor who could have potentially been a little too nosy. 
"Oh my god," you groaned as Bradley planted his left hand above yours and guided himself inside you with the other. 
"You're so fucking wet." His voice was deep and needy as he fucked you, placing his hand on your pussy. He let you rub yourself against him as he bumped you along with his thrusts. 
"Bradley." The second syllable was much louder than the first, your voice rising in pitch with pleasure. "Fuck!"
"Shh," he scolded once more. "Quiet, or I'll stop."
It was an empty threat, you were sure of it. He must be beyond the point of no return, but just in case, you covered your own mouth with your hand. He had you pinned tight between his pelvis and his palm, grinding against your butt, and holding you in place.
The beautiful friction of his palm had you clenching and cumming as your orgasm washed over you suddenly. "It's so good," you whined, needing both hands on the shed to keep yourself upright. "You're so good, Roo."
The string of obscenities he muttered next to your ear were nowhere near as filthy as his cock slamming into you and filling you with his cum. He used your pussy to drain him of every last drop as you pulsed around him, and when he withdrew, you felt your thighs get coated with his mess.
You spun around to face him, eyes wide. "I can't believe you fucked me in the backyard." Your eyes dipped down to his cock, softening and dripping your mixed ejaculate all over those gray sweatpants. 
He tipped your chin up and looked at you over the top of his aviators. "You tell me you want something, I'm going to give it to you. Especially if it's my cock."
You grinned and kissed him before adjusting his sunglasses. "Let's go inside. We have even more laundry to do now." You tucked him back inside his sweatpants before stepping out of your underwear. "Don't forget those," you said, pointing to the scrap of lace in the grass.
You watched Bradley bend down and pick them up, bringing them up to his nose with a grunt as he followed you inside.
I hope you enjoyed Rooster's gray sweatpants @thedroneranger
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torialefay · 4 months
Hi! Can I request prompt 23 with Felix please? Thank you<3
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home will always be here too 🏠📍
felix x reader (f); emotional SMUT
• it had been an especially hard day for felix.
• he wouldn't admit it, he never did. but you could tell nonetheless.
• today was his mom's birthday, but the best he could do is settle for a short facetime call. he had a full day of schedules stacked up that he couldn't just abandon.
• of course he sent the usual- some flowers, a card, and a new item from her favorite brand.
• he got a little reassurance knowing that he could at least give her that.
• but nothing could replace the feeling of actually BEING there.
• nothing could replace being home.
• "i just feel like such a bad son," felix finally confided in you as you both lay next to each other on the bed.
• it took him all day, but there he finally admitted it was bothering him.
• "you're not a bad son, baby," you reassured him, turning over to face him. "you did what you could... you know she understands you can't always be there in person. that's just part of life now that we're growing up."
• "i know... it's just not fair to anyone," he stared up at the ceiling.
• you scooted your body closer until you were laid on top of his bare chest. the skin-on-skin contact always made you feel so safe, and so much warmer- like you were closer to him in some way. you knew he felt the same.
• it was the unspoken comfort that you gave to each other- lying in the bed in solitude, both unclothed. it presented the barest, rawest parts of yourselves to each other, and at the end of the day, that's all you really needed.
• "you're right, it's not fair," you whispered up to him. "but that doesn't mean that there isn't a lot to look forward to. think of how good it's going to feel when you finally get to see everyone and celebrate together," you tried your best to give some encouragement.
• felix didn't utter a word back, he just kept looking upward, fixated on the ceiling fan.
• "baby, it is okay. i promise."
• you nudged yourself upward now even closer, until your face was resting in the crook of his neck. with this new point, you could tell what was really going on.
• felix wasn't just zoning off or trying to block things out... he was crying. silent, tiny tears. you felt one as it rolled off of his cheek and hit your own.
• "oh baby, it's okay! no, don't cry, don't cry," you moved your hand up to cup the opposite side of his face and wipe away a few stray tears.
• he couldn't help but break out into a full sob at your actions.
• you waited patiently and rubbed your hand into his hair as he turned his whole body towards you and continued his cries.
• you knew felix. there was nothing you could do until he had cried out what he needed to.
• you tangled your bare legs around his, trying to cocoon him. you wanted him to feel safe.
• "sh sh sh, it's okay, it's okay," you whispered, rubbing your hand up and down the back of his neck and onto his back and arms.
• you gave him a quick peck on the forehead.
• "what are you feeling baby? talk to me," you said.
• he took a few moments to calm himself, tears starting to slow.
• "i just really miss home," he took a big gulp of air, trying to pacify himself. he sniffled, trying to keep another tear from spilling out.
• "i know you do," you whispered, looking up at him. "but just know that home will still be there anytime you can go back. it isn't going to go anywhere." you pulled his face into your neck.
• "and think about all the people you have here as well. so many people that love you and care about you. who just want you to be happy..." you kissed his shoulder.
• "and well... i love you more than words. i'll be right here with you. no matter where you are in the world, your home will always be here too."
• you could feel felix smile into your neck. the tears had stopped- you would have felt them if they hadn't.
• no more sniffles either.
• neither of you needed to say anything. you both just enjoyed the others' company and listened to each other breath.
• "i love you so much, you know that?" felix finally spoke out, voice dark and raspy after his crying spell.
• you let out a giggle. "yes, i know. and you know i love you too," you smiled into his hair.
• suddenly, he moved his body back up until his head was now resting above yours, pulling your face straight into his chest.
• "i think i could get used to this," he breathed out, running a few fingers now along the side of your arm.
• "what exactly is 'this'?" you laughed.
• "well, you said my home will always be here too... with you."
• felix's words were so simple, but they always took your breath away. you smiled like a fool, not being able to say anything more. you just squeeze his body tighter.
• he let out a chuckle. "i really mean that, you know," he moved his body down a bit until his face was directly in front of yours, locking your eyes into his.
• he pushed a few stray bits of hair behind your ear and held the side of your face. "you're right. you're my home too."
• he leaned in to plant a firm, but loving kiss to your lips.
• you felt your heart swell as you began to melt into it, clutching onto him as you let yourself throw in fully.
• as he began to swirl his tongue around your own, you let out a small moan. you couldn't help it. his touch was just so pure, so firm.
• he must have liked it, as he mirrored back with a smirk, and a firm grabbing of your ass, harshly pushing you further to him.
• with this new tight contact, you could feel his bare bulge pressed taut with the front of your pussy. he was so hard already.
• feeling how ready he was already took you aback and you lost your breath for a few seconds. felix picked up on this and smiled, taking the opportunity to rut his hips up and down to give you some pressure. and god it felt delicious.
• he continued to kiss you deeply, as if his life depended on it. it was so whole-heartedly consuming, you wished you would just fall into him.
• before long, felix's hips picked up the pace and you rubbed yourself against him as hard as you could. he let out a small moan in response, making quick work to move his mouth down to your neck.
• he began to kiss and lick down until he reached your collarbone, where he started to gently suck.
• the whole time, you couldn't stop bucking your hips up into him, and it was driving him absolutely insane.
• he moved his free hand down the side of your body, making sure to hold on to each curve as he went. he rested over each nipple, giving them a light circle as he went, teasingly.
• you let out a gasp of air as he did, making him pull his mouth off of you momentarily.
• "feels good baby?"
• "mmm, feels so good lixie," you cooed back. you assumed he liked that answer as he automatically went back to your neck and started to leave a new love bite, rubbing slightly quicker circles around your nipple.
• after a minute of trying to endure his torture, you couldn't help but writhe underneath him. you needed more of his touch.
• you reached for his hand and brought it down to your pussy where you had been aggressively rubbing onto him since he had started.
• he got the hint and instantly began to go for what you liked- small, light up and down motions along your clit.
• he thought he knew how wet you were from rutting against him this whole time, but he swore he'd never felt you like this before.
• as he placed his finger pads along your clit and slowly began to rub, you felt yourself tense up, almost pulling back. felix got a kick out of watching you.
• "relax sweetheart, let me take care of you for a second." he continued to rub lightly in silence, allowing you to soak in the smallest of his movements.
• "ahh just like that," you whispered out as he worked your clit up to it's most sensitive level. his pace felt amazing, just the right amount to get you where you needed to be.
• you felt your breathing quicken as the pleasure was slowly setting in. you could almost taste it.
• "mm let me add a little bit to it now," he said quietly, lowering his body just a bit so that he could angle himself correctly and slowly insert himself beside you.
• you felt your eyes roll back at the new filling sensation mixed with the light pressure he was still giving your clit.
• "you feel too fucking good baby," he groaned out, giving you slow but quickening strokes.
• he began to let out a low growl with each stroke. he was meticulously placing each one.
• you felt your toes start to tingle from the feeling of felix on your clit, growing more and more sensitive with each thrust adding more pressure.
• you used your arms to cling on to him as tightly as you could, throwing your hips into the same motion as him.
• he took that as his cue to push his head into yours and join your lips together like before. this was his favorite thing to do- to kiss you while you gave in to him.
• his mouth moved aggressively across yours, making sure to take in every inch of your lips. he bit and licked and tugged even harder as he picked up the pace, both in his thrusts and how quickly he was going on your clit.
• that's when it hit you. you weren't going to be able to last much longer
• "lixie, lixie!" you moaned, pulling your lips out of his clutch. "i'm gonna cum baby, i'm gonna cum."
• be looked at you full of love and lust in his eyes, half hooded. "go ahead sweetheart. focus on cumming for me. it's only me and you. only me and you," he whispered, making sure to press on you with everything he had. he didn't dare change how good he was making you feel.
• he felt his tip start to get extremely sensitive as well, as he let out a thick moan and threw his head back.
• "fuck baby, i fucking love you," he growled, bouncing you off of him hard. "you're so perfect. you're all i need, i swear. all i'll ever need."
• with just the right hit, it sent you into overdrive. it felt like a jolt, tingles starting at the bottom of your foot, running all the way up your leg, and the sensitivity now exploding out of your core through the rest of your body.
• you could do nothing but gasp and arch your back, brain going fuzzy while trying to focus on felix in front of you.
• "ahh fuck," he yelled, feeling you convulse around him. "i'm gonna cum, ah fuck.. fuck..." he panted hastily.
• as if he couldn't get there soon enough, he latched himself back onto your lips one final time, needing to feel them on him while he reached his climax. one hard pound after another and he was finally going over the edge, feeling the vibrations of your moans finishing him. he mimicked he moans right back as you felt his whole body twitch inside of you.
• he couldn't say anything, couldn't do anything, just kept his lips attached to yours as you had both finished riding out your highs.
• as he finished, he slowed his thrusts until they were at a dead stop. that didn't stop him from keeping his tongue off of yours though.
• after a good minute or two of stillness, just reveling in the deep, slow kisses, he pulled off for a moment.
• "i was serious about what i said, y/n. you're all i'll ever need. you're my home now."
• "you've always been my home," you smiled.
• with that, he let himself go right back to his comfort spot. with his cock still resting inside of you, he connected his lips to yours, not even moving, just letting them rest where they felt right. where they felt at home.
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theostrophywife · 6 months
the christmas special | the slytherin boys.
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author's note: a cute collection of christmas activities that each of the boys would do with you. consider this as my gift to all of you. merry christmas pookies ✨
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during first year, you and blaise established a tradition of pranking your friends with elf on a shelf.
some of your most notable accomplishments were: placing your little elf friend on all of the cigarette butts that theo had a horrible habit of littering with and placing it on his desk while the elf smoked one of his fancy expensive italian cigs that he saves for special occasions.
for mattheo, blaise took an action figure and smeared it in red food dye to commemorate all of the fights he seemed to get himself into.
for draco, you slipped a tiny amount of purple dye in his shampoo which turned his hair lavender for an entire week.
for enzo, blaise ransacked his honeydukes stash and left a mountain of wrappers on his bed.
for regulus, you replaced his sleakeasy potion with plain old water, which made his pretty curls frizz up like he'd been electrocuted.
neither one of you were stupid enough to prank tom. that was a one way ticket to an avada.
this year, though, blaise flipped the game on you.
you woke up in your dorm surrounded by flowers and balloons with the elf sitting at the edge of your bed, holding a note that said: call me a christmas, because i'm already wrapped up in you — b.
you chuckled as you read the note. your door swung open, revealing a grinning blaise.
"i thought you might like that one. i have plenty of others, though."
"is that so, zabini? well, let's hear them then."
"are you a christmas tree? because I’m really pining fir you."
"wanna feel my ugly christmas sweater? it's made out of boyfriend material."
you burst into a fit of laughter, making blaise grin. "and my personal favorite, the star may be on top of the tree but you can be the star on top of me."
"blaize zabini, you are ridiculously adorable."
"yeah? did my efforts work then? wanna grab some hot cocoa with your favorite person?"
"oh? is draco free?" you chuckled at the sight of blaise's frown. "i'm kidding, blaise. now come on, i need a sweet treat. besides you, of course."
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draco was ridiculously competitive, which was a trait that you usually found endearing in your boyfriend, but he was definitely taking this gingerbread house competition to another level.
you had never seen draco so concentrated, measuring each piece with his wand and spreading the icing with such careful precision.
"we're going to win this year, I just know it." he said, his pink tongue poking out of the side of his mouth as he secured the roof over your gingerbread house.
"it's not about winning, babe. it's about having fun!"
"fun?" draco asked incredelously. "no, darling, this is about crushing riddle underneath my boot, which I suppose is my own version of fun."
"oi! I heard that malfoy," mattheo complained.
"sorry matty, dray's gone full psycho." you teased, pinching your boyfriend's cheek. "I think it's rather cute though."
"you'd be the only one," theo said with an eye roll.
"don't hate, nott. where's your house anyways?"
theo shrugged while mattheo snorted. "notty boy here got too high and ate the entire thing."
you chuckled. "well, that's less competition for you and I, dray."
"good," draco said with a pleased smile. "now come on, darling. I want you to put on the finishing touch."
you nodded, taking the gumdrops from your boyfriend's hands and sticking them around the perimeter of the house. draco surveyed your hard work, really the only work he let you do since he was so adamant on building the entire thing from scratch.
"it's perfect, love."
"blimey," enzo said, cocking his head at the house. "you two really went all out this year."
tom scoffed. "it's architecturally inaccurate."
you rolled your eyes at the older riddle. "well, we couldn't exactly replicate everything, but i'd say dray did a fantastic job on his house."
"our house, darling," draco corrected. "or at least it will be soon enough."
"is that malfoy manor?" regulus asked.
"precisely," draco confirmed with a proud smile. he looped an arm around your waist, pressing a kiss against your cheek. "and i've got the future lady of the manor right by my side."
you giggled, leaning into your boyfriend's touch. "lady of the manor? hmm, I like the sound of that, dray."
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every year, enzo looked forward to ice skating on the frozen banks of the black lake.
he was terrible at it, but it only made it that much more endearing.
you remembered the first time he dragged you out into the cold during first year, talking your ear off about how excited he was for this time of year.
along with you and enzo, the rest of your friends joined in on the fun. mattheo and theo were absolute menaces on ice, while regulus and draco made a whole competition out of it. pansy and blaise were content to watch in the safety of their enchanted tent, sipping hot chocolate in peace.
over the years, enzo had gotten a little bit better, but he was still a little shaky on the ice. he never minded though since you were always there to hold his hand while you patiently skated around the rink with him at a glacial pace.
you weren't that great at skating either. or so he thought.
until the two of you were chatting, keeping to the makeshift wooden rails at the edge of the lake, when mattheo and theo came barreling past.
"watch out, y/n!"
you clocked the two menaces skating past you at full speed and made a rather complicated maneuver that enzo couldn't have even dreamed of landing.
"oh my god," enzo exclaimed. "are you alright? and what was that? that little twirl and land combo? I thought you couldn't skate, honey."
you smiled sheepishly, cheeks warming at enzo's nickname for you. "it's called an axel jump. I may have told a little fib when I said I couldn't skate..."
"I can see that, love," enzo said with a chuckle. "why would you pretend that you couldn't skate?"
"I didn't want you to feel left out," you admitted shyly. "the boys are always showing off and I don't know, it was kind of nice just to take it slow with you."
"you did that for me?" enzo asked as a grin spread across his face. "i like taking it slow with you too, y/n. I look forward to it every year."
"and here I thought you just really liked the ice and snow."
"are you kidding? I hate the cold," enzo replied, shivering. "but I like when you old my hand and lead me around the rink. and I also like it when you make us hot cocoa with extra marshmallows after. I just like you, honey."
you beamed. "I like you too, enz."
enzo smiled in return, kissing the tip of your frost kissed nose. "now come on, love. show me that move again. it was hot."
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"babe, we're supposed to decorate the cookies not eat them all," you teased, snatching a snow shaped cookie out of your boyfriend's hands.
"but they taste so good," mattheo said with a pout. he flashed his big, brown eyes at you, fishing for sympathy. "you know I can't resist sweet things. why do you think i'm dating you?"
you chuckled at his cheekiness. "nice try, matty. but we have to decorate the cookies first and then you can have a bite."
"oh, i'll have a bite alright," you squealed as he tugged you flush against him, pulling you in for a not so innocent kiss. "there. that should hold me over for a few minutes. at least, long enough to decorate."
you shook your head and handed him the cookies and icing. mattheo hummed, bumping against your hip every so often as the two of you began decorating.
despite his complaints, mattheo's cookies turned out way better than yours.
"how are you doing that?" you asked, staring at the perfect piping on his snowflake.
"it's easy, princess. here, let me show you." mattheo slotted himself behind you, his big hands enveloping yours as he attempted to guide you in replicating his design.
"real smooth, matty. this is just an excuse to wrap your arms around me, isn't it?"
"hmm, no i'm genuinely trying to help."
you raised a brow, backing against his crotch. matty released a low groan. "is that a candy cane or are you just happy to see me, baby?"
"all i'm saying is that i'm more than happy to give you a white christmas, princess."
with a giggle, you turned around and pulled him down to you by the front of his cheesy christmas sweater. his lips met yours in an eager kiss, sighing softly into your mouth. as the sweet taste of icing coated your tongue, you chuckled.
"really, baby? you didn't even last a half hour before sneaking a taste."
"you're lucky I haven't bent you over this table yet, mi amor." his low, husky voice sent shivers down your spine.
"on second thought, i'm not opposed to having that sweet treat a little early."
mattheo smirked. those big, brown eyes were nearly black as he lifted you onto the counter, big hands roaming underneath your sweater as his lips attached themselves to your neck.
"I was hoping you'd say that, my little snowflake." you squealed as he pulled you towards him, smirking as he knelt before you. “let’s put you on the naughty list tonight, y/n.”
“I don’t mind, matty. I know you’ll make me feel real nice.”
“damn right, baby.”
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you and regulus had not planned on getting this drunk.
the game plan was to tackle decorating the common room with ample snacks, spiked eggnog, and a classic christmas playlist.
you hadn't accounted for reggie's heavy hand when it came to making drinks.
"how much rum did you put in this thing, reg?" you asked between giggles, wrapping tinsel around yourself like a makeshift scarf. "i'm really feeling it now and we're only halfway done."
"hmm, dunno, I kind of just eyeballed it." regulus responded, dangling two emerald ornaments through his ears. "I also may have nicked the bottle from malfoy. he's going to throw an absolute fit when he finds out."
"my father will hear about this!" you exclaimed, repeating draco's iconic line. "how dare you put your peasant lips on my vintage rum?"
regulus snickered, clutching his sides. "don't make me laugh, love. i'm already smashed enough as it is."
"honestly, that's what they get for making us decorate all by ourselves."
"hmm, I don't mind. at least I got to spend more time with you."
you chuckled. "we're already attached at the hip as it is."
regulus raised a brow, pulling you in by your wrist. he stood to his full height and spun you around in a circle before catching you in his arms. "are you trying to say you're tired of me, ma chérie?"
"never. you know you're my favorite person, reggie."
"you're my favorite, too." regulus murmured, his green eyes softening as he swayed. music played softly in the background as he pulled you closer. "dance with me?"
you giggled. "we're smashed, reggie. what if I trudge on your toes?"
"you do that sober anyways," regulus teased. "just humor me, please, y/n?"
you nodded, smiling softly as regulus led you into a waltz. despite his drunkenness, reggie was still the elegant dancer that he always was. it was in that aristocratic black blood, you supposed.
as you swayed in his arms, regulus pressed his forehead against yours, his pretty curls tickling your nose as he smiled. "tu es l'amour de ma vie."
"what does that mean, reg?"
"it means that there's no one else i'd rather get drunk and decorate with besides you. merry christmas, y/n."
you beamed, rising to your tiptoes and kissing his nose. "merry christmas, reggie."
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playing white elephant with your friends was chaotic, to say the least. the annual tradition almost always ended in tears and sometimes even blood.
this time around, you were the one most likely to draw blood.
"that's not fair!" you exclaimed, crossing your arms and glaring at draco. "you only want the heated blanket because I want it. you probably have a thousand fur throws, malfoy!"
draco smirked as he wrapped the white, fluffy blanket around his shoulders. "yes, but I stole this one. from you. that makes it special."
the shit-eating grin he flashed at you was enough to push you over the edge. "i'm going to skin you, you little ferret. give me back my blanket—"
"oh no you don't, dolcezza." a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist and held you back from lunging at draco. theo hauled you over his shoulder and set you down on the sofa.
"don't manhandle me, teddy!"
theo bit back a grin as you huffed in indignation. he knelt before you, tapping your nose. "you're being bad, little missy. i'm putting you in time out."
"i'm not a child!" you responded, frowning at your best friend. "besides, draco started it. he stole my bloody blanket!"
"yes, but that's no excuse for violence, is it bella?"
"theodore, you literally bit enzo for taking your gift last year."
"I never claimed to be perfect."
you rolled your eyes, which only made theo chuckle. "tell you what. if you promise not to maim malfoy, i'll buy you as many heated blankets as you want." you raised a brow, clearly unimpressed with the offer. "i'll even throw in some hot chocolate and cuddles. the complete teddy package. sound good?"
"okay," you said with a sigh. "but only cause you asked nicely."
theo smiled and kissed your forehead. "good girl. now come on, pans made spiked eggnog."
thirty minutes later, you were curled up on the sofa with theo. you yawned, blinking slowly at whatever mattheo was supposed to be enacting for christmas charade. he was either doing something very vulgar or riding a sleigh. you could never really tell with matty.
"getting sleepy, bella?" theo asked, poking his nose against yours.
"mhm," you murmured, burrowing yourself into theo's neck. he smelled like cigarettes and pine. "will you carry me to bed, teddy?"
"course," theo replied as he kissed your temple. "don't you want to bring your blanket, though?"
you blinked in confusion, but smiled when theo presented you with the fluffy, white heated blanket. "you got it back for me?"
"draco and I made a deal," theo confirmed as he wrapped the blanket around your shoulders.
"threatening to throw me off of the astronomy tower if I don't give you the blanket does not constitute as a deal, theodore," malfoy said with a frown.
theo waved him off as he scooped you into his arms. "the important thing is, you've got your blanket back."
you wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled. "you're the best, teddy."
"anything for you, tesoro." theo murmured softly as he climbed up the stairs with you in his arms.
"wait!" mattheo exclaimed. "you're under the mistletoe." he pointed to the small sprig hanging atop the alcove you were currently under. "that means you two have to kiss."
theo flushed, his gaze dropping to your lips as he shifted nervously. "we don't have to, bella—" the words died in his throat as you tugged at the front of his sweater, dragging his lips down to yours.
the kiss was soft and sweet and you melted into theo like the missing piece of a puzzle finally slotting into place after years and years of pining and yearning.
you smiled as theo blinked slowly, those pretty eyes brimming with love and adoration. "you—I—wow," he breathed.
"c'mon, teddy. you promised me cuddles." you chuckled, brushing your thumb over his lips. "and kisses too?"
theo grinned. "kisses too, amorina."
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tom had never really been a big fan of the holidays.
he certainly had no interest in taking part in something as childish as secret santa.
yet the second he heard that you were participating, tom was suddenly the first one to toss his name in the ring.
by luck of the draw (he threatened enzo who was the one to actually pick your name to switch), tom got you this year and even he had to admit that he was excited to exchange gifts.
the annual slytherin christmas party was the usual sensory nighmare of tom's dreams, but he soldiered through the incessant chattering, itchy wool jumper, and heavy handed spiked hot chocolate. all because of you.
"are you having fun, pumpkin?"
tom's brow quirked at the nickname, but made no protest as you sidled up next to him. on anyone else, the red velvet dress with white fur trim, ornament earrings, and christmas lights necklace would've looked tacky, but for some reason, tom found it quite endearing on you.
"it's not horrible," tom conceded.
"not horrible? why, thomas, that's almost a compliment."
"don't push your luck, doll."
you chuckled as you looped your arm through his. "wouldn't dream of it," you responded cheekily. "now come tommy, it's time for secret santa."
tom watched as the rest of the group exchanged gifts. more accurately, he watched you clap and cheer at every gift that youy friends opened. the look of genuine joy on your face was almost cracked a smile out of him.
he supposed it wasn't such a terrible thing to endure.
"your turn, y/n," pansy said.
all eyes were on you as you took your gift from the pile, carefully unwrapping the pretty green and silver paper. tom fought the urge to grin as you took the black silk ribbon off of the box and tied your hair back with it.
you pulled out the first gift, which was a set of fresh coloured inkpots from france that you religiously used to write your notes with.
"oh my god, these are my favorite! and I just ran out too," you exclaimed excitedly.
the next gift were a pair of the high heeled boots tom had caught you staring at in hogsmeade. you were convinced that your feet would get too cold in them and that they'd hurt your feet, so tom charmed them to be comfortable and warm, which you discovered with delight when you pulled them on.
"i love them! i'm going to wear them all the time."
you peered into the box, which contained one last gift. a pretty pink leather bound journal that had your initials scrawled in gold ink on the cover. your eyes immediately snapped up to tom's.
"how fancy," pansy said. "any guesses on who your secret santa is, y/n?"
"tommy!" you said with a grin. "i've only complained to him a thousand times about running out of my coloured ink and he was with me when I was eyeing these shoes in the village." you hugged the journal to your chest, smiling shyly at him. "and I told him how much I liked his fancy journal."
"now we can match, doll."
"thank you, thank you, thank you," you said excitedly, enveloping tom in a tight hug. the rest of the group looked on curiously, smirking amongst themselves at the fact that tom allowed the gesture. if it were anyone else, tom probably would've hexed them within an inch of their life.
"does that mean you like it, y/n?"
"no," you said, still maintaining a death grip around his neck. "i love it, tom. it's perfect. you're perfect, pumpkin."
tom blinked as you leaned forward and kissed his cheek. your cherry lip gloss branded his skin, but he didn't mind one bit. he would wear the mark proudly.
"do my eyes deceive me?" mattheo crooned. "are you blushing, brother?"
"aw, how cute. pumpkin’s got a little crush," theo added.
tom glared at both boys. "you have two seconds to run."
mattheo and theo both looked at each other before taking off in the opposite direction.
"really, tommy?" you teased, giggling.
"they're being twats."
"such a grumpy little grinch," you exclaimed, tapping his nose. "at least let me give you your gift before you maim the boys."
"can I have a hint?"
"let's just say you and nagini will be warm and cozy this christmas," you said with a devious smile. "I made the two of you matching jumpers!"
"you better be joking, doll."
"oh, i'm as serious as a heart attack, tommy.” tom scowled as you slipped your fingers through his. "but don't worry, you get more than one gift tonight."
"you're lucky you're cute, y/n."
you chuckled, standing on your tiptoes to press a matching kiss on his other cheek. "yeah, but not nearly as cute as you, pumpkin."
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knightwithakay · 2 months
I feel like you're the best person to ask this, there's a ren faire close to me in 2 weeks and I have no costume. Any low effort dress up ideas that would help me blend in? I really dont wanna just show up in jeans or shorts
cracks knuckles
low effort ren faire costumes! my general tips: the renaissance (and renfairs in particular) is more colorful than you think, and layers and accessories can do a lot to transform a very simple outfit.
pants: think natural fibers where you can, but as a rule we're going to stay away from denim or modern patterns. jogger-style sweatpants can be great, and leggings are basically period! a fun way to change the silhouette of baggier pants is to tuck them into the tops of boots, or if you don't have boots, wrapping some cloth around your calves for a similar effect.
shirts: we mainly want to try and stay away from button-downs here; sleeveless t-shirts can mimic the cut of a tunic, especially layered over something else, and of course the peasant-style shirts that go in and out of fashion all the time are great to repurpose here. wide, baggy sleeves cuffed at the wrists are more historical, but any kind of large sleeve reads in a renfaire context (which is often more fantasy than anything!)
accessories: depending on your weather situation, a cape/cloak is a super easy upgrade and can often be made just by draping a blanket or some creative pinning. you can also layer with a vest, or chop off the top chunk of a hooded sweatshirt to make a hooded mantle. a straw hat, a flower crown, or even a pirate hat if you've got one in the closet are all good hat options! belts are great, both for making a costume more authentic and for holding more accessories; find a long leather belt, google "how to tie a ring belt" and you can use that method even on a standard modern belt. things to hang from your belt: a mug, a small bag for your phone and wallet, a pocket watch, some ribbon, some tiny bottles. this is the part to have fun with for sure!
you mentioned jeans/shorts specifically, so I won't dive into dress specifics, but many of the same rules apply--layering skirts over an existing dress creates a fun colorful silhouette, and a belt gives you pockets even when you don't have pants.
suffice to say I can go on for a while, but I hope this helps! :) renfaires are so much fun, and also I hope that you know it's very much ok to not have a crazy elaborate costume-- as long as you seem willing and engaged with the stuff going on, cast members will happily engage, and some of the folks at faire I remember most fondly showed up in jeans and jerseys.
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acewritesfics · 7 months
He Is A Beautiful Man | Bradley Bradshaw
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Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Seresin!Reader 
Request: from @rainydayteacups
Prompt: "You're staring." 
Warnings: Fluff. Mentions of Hangman x Phoenix pairing. Summer fling. Two fools falling in love hard and fast. 
Word Count: 1,777
Tag List: Open - acewritesfics taglist sign up
Top Gun: Maverick Masterlist
©️ no one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my works on here or anywhere else.
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"Hey sis, I hope you packed your cowboy boots because we're going dancing tonight," Jake calls out to Y/N as he walks through the front door of the beach house she's leased for the summer.  
While he's stationed in San Diego, he persuaded her to come spend her summer under the Californian sun. Despite being nothing alike, the Seresin siblings are close, and she couldn't pass up the chance to spend the summer at the beach with her brother. 
"When are we leaving?" she asks as she walks out of her bedroom. 
He informs her, "You've got an hour to get ready." 
Y/N spends the next hour showering and getting ready for the bar that Jake plans to take her to. She wears a short-sleeved black dress that is adorned with tiny pink and white flowers. The skirt of the dress flowed freely over her thighs and ended just above her knees, while the top of the dress hung loosely from her shoulders. She wears it with a belt that is the same dark brown color as her cowboy boots, which were a birthday gift from Jake two years prior. 
She leaves her hair alone, not bothering to do anything special with it, and then applies a little make-up, aiming for a "no make-up" make-up look before putting on her jewelry. Her jewelry included a set of small, hooped earrings, her watch, a bracelet, and her horseshoe pendant necklace, which she wore every day. 
"Are you ready to go?" Jake inquires, standing at the doorway as she clips her earrings into her earlobes 
She nods and retrieves her clutch from her bed, double-checking it before following him out of the little two-bedroom beachfront bungalow. "Where are we heading tonight?" 
He sheepishly answers, "The Hard Deck." 
After being here for 10 weeks, she gives him a little smack on the arm as they arrive at her rental. "Here you were getting me all excited that we were going someplace new, finally asking me if I packed my boots because we're going dancing." 
"I thought you loved the Hard Deck," he chuckles as he takes her keys and walks over to the driver's side. When he's around his sister, his country twang always comes out more strongly. "Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, you like going there to see the rooster that's there." 
"Bless your tiny little heart, Jake Seresin. How's Natasha doing, by the way? Have you chased her away with your oversized ego yet?" she retaliates as she climbs into the passenger seat. He glares at her, shaking his head, as he climbs into the driver's seat and drives to the navy bar they frequented. 
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"You're staring," Y/N hears Natasha say from beside her as they're sat at a table watching Jake, Bradley and a few of the others around the pool table.  
"I don't know what you're talking about," she denies glancing at her before returning her gaze to Bradley and raising her bottle of beer to her lips to take a drink. "He is a beautiful man," she continues, not denying that she finds him attractive. 
Natasha scoffs, smirking at her and says, "Oh please, you and Rooster haven't exactly been subtle." 
"I didn't think we were trying to be," she replies, looking back at her new friend, who just so happens to be her brother's fellow naval aviator and girlfriend. "How are you and Jake doing?" 
Natasha looks across the bar at her Jake, smiling from ear to ear, "We're doing great." 
With a tinge of seriousness, Y/N jokes, "It's nice he finally has someone who can keep him and his ego in check."  
Natasha was the first of her brother's girlfriends she loved and got along well with. Before realizing he felt serious feelings for Natasha, Jake didn't have the greatest taste in women often going for ones that didn't have many brain cells and stroked his already massive ego. 
The navy pilot beams, "I'm glad I have your approval." 
They tap the necks of their beer bottles together in cheers before taking another drink. Natasha turns to face the men after noticing a woman who wasn't wearing a navy uniform stroking Bradley's arm. She looks past the woman, seeing Jake's scowl as he eyes the hand that doesn't belong to his sister.  
"Are you going to let her know that he's already taken?" Natasha asks, gesturing towards Bradley and the unknown woman.  
When Bradley shrugs the woman's hand off his arm and says something to her, Y/N knows that Bradley has it handled. "I don't have to, but I'm going to make it known."  
As a slow song starts playing on the jukebox, she gets out of her chair, leaves her empty bottle on the table, and walks towards Bradley. She approaches him and places a hand on his shoulder getting his attention as she stands in front of him. He hands Bob the pool cue and moves his hands to her hips, tugging her closer. 
"Dance with me?" she asks, looking up at him through her lashes. 
"With you, always," he replies and takes her hand, leading her onto the small area that's cleared for a dance floor in front of the jukebox. 
Standing in front of her, Bradley moves wraps an arm around her waist, placing his large hand on the small of her back as the other takes her hand in his and holds it to his chest. He pulls her close as she lays her free hand on his shoulder and starts swaying to the music. 
Never did she think coming to California would lead her into the arms of her brother's 'friendly' rival. From the moment Jake, reluctantly, introduced them, she knew her, and Bradley would become great friends. Little did she know that they would become more than that. 
She wasn't in San Diego two weeks when Bradley asked her to dinner, ignoring Jake's threats of shooting down his jet if he even dared touch his sister. Jake tried to convince her that Bradley only asked her on a date to spite him but once he realized that there was no stopping the two, he gave up. But that didn't mean he didn't keep a close eye on them.  
The more time Y/N spent with Bradley, the more she could feel herself falling in love with him. She tried to stop it, but it was impossible. Both her and Bradley had agreed that this would be a summer fling but the thought of leaving to go back to Texas in two weeks made her heart hurt. 
"What's on your mind, sweetheart?" she hears Bradley voice cut through her thoughts. She looks up at him, her eyes meeting his pretty ones.  
"Let's go for a walk along the beach," she says stepping out of his hold, keeping their hands interlocked as she pulls him out the bar doors.  
As they walk along the beach, Bradley lets go of her hand and slings his arm across her shoulders and pulls her to his side. Y/N reaches her hand up, covering his hand with her own.  
"What's got you so quiet?" he asks after a few minutes of them walking in silence, the only sound coming from the crashing of the waves and the music slowly fading in the background as they move further away from the bar. 
"I don't want this to end," she tells him looking towards the beach, not wanting him to see her sadness as she is thinking about her approaching departure date. 
"Who says it has too?" he asks her as he stops walking and turns her around. Placing a finger under her chin, he tilts her head up, so she'll look at him. "Who says it has to end?" 
"I'm leaving in two weeks," she reminds him. 
"Cancel your flight," he says like it's the simplest thing to do.  
"I can't just cancel my flight," she says as though it's the most difficult thing to do.  
"Why not?" he asks. "We can find you a house here. You're self-employed so you don't need to find a new job. You'll be closer to Jake and Nat and this," he pauses, pulling her closer and buries his head in the crook of her neck, his lips brushing against her sweet spot, his moustache tickling her skin. A soft and pleasurable sigh leaves her lips as she runs her hands through his curls, before gently tugging his head back. He smiled, seeing that her eyes had closed as she enjoyed his affection and planted a soft kiss to her lips. "doesn't have to end," he finishes when he pulls away. 
Her eyes flutter open, and she bites the inside of her cheek as she thinks about what he's said. He did make a very convincing point.  
"How can I say no to that?" she asks, a lazy smile on her lips as she looks up at him. 
"You can't," he says, pecking her lips.  
"Want to get out of here?" she asks, running her hands down his chest. 
"You know I do," he says stepping back from her and takes her hand, leading her back the way they came. 
Y/N giggles against Bradley's lips as they stumble through the door to her rented beach house.  
"Sorry," he mumbles against her lips, kissing her hungrily.  
"No, you're not," she chuckles after breaking the kiss, stepping away from him. "There's one thing I need to do before this goes any further," she continues, holding her hand against his chest to stop him from advancing on her.  
Y/N turns on her heel, taking her phone out of her clutch, dropping the clutch to the floor as she pulls up her flight info. Bradley comes up behind her, his hands on her hips as he places soft kisses along her shoulder and up her neck to her ear. She bites her lip, stopping the moan of pleasure from escaping as she tilts her head giving him more access.  
"What are you doing?" he asks, his warm breath hitting her ear and sending a shockwave down her spine. 
"I think you know what I'm doing," she smiles as he rests his head on her shoulder, watching her finger hover over the cancel option before pressing it and confirming it. She turns back around to face him, dropping her phone on the couch before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "After all it was you who convinced me to do it." 
"No regrets," he smiles and kisses her again, as he lifts her off the floor and wraps her legs around his waist. Walking them into her bedroom, he kicks the door shut. 
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ghostsmybeloved · 2 years
Mountain x Reader
Summary: The stoic Ghoul was never one for admitting things he felt. When you came into his life, his feelings wanted to see the surface.
Word count: 1.3k
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Mountain was a quiet Ghoul, letting the others speak for him more often than not. It's not that he was shy, like Rain, he just enjoys the silence. So when he saw you for the first time at one of the Masses, he could feel a shyness creep up behind him. You were so pretty, your smile practically lighting up the whole room.
"Mountain," someone called out, cutting off the Ghoul's thoughts, "You're making flowers grow out of the floor."
Quickly looking down, Mountain saw tiny buttercups had made their way out of the stone bricks and up to his knee. The earth Ghoul's face felt hot as he pulled the flowers out gently, covering his face from Swiss and Dewdrop, who were snickering.
Cumulus smiled up at the Ghoul, "I saw you looking at one of the Siblings. Do you like them?"
"What? No! What gave you that idea?" Mountain exclaimed, looking away from the Ghoulette, "I don't even know them!"
"Good! Let's go meet them!"
Before Mountain could argue, Cumulus grabbed the bigger Ghoul's wrist and dragged him over to where you stood with Primo. She was careful to not damage the buttercups in his hand as the pair caught your attention, along with the Papa's.
"Ah, Cumulus! Mountain! È un piacere vederti!" Primo greeted the two Ghouls as you waved, "Have you met Y/N? They are going to be helping me out in the garden."
You quickly grabbed Mountain's free hand, shaking it with a huge smile, "Hello! You must be Mountain, right? Primo has told me so much about you!"
It's like Dewdrop had raised the temperature and was burning the earth Ghoul. He felt his face turn darker as you smiled at him, still shaking his hand. Satan, you made Mountain flustered beyond belief.
"Yes, I am him," Mountain replies, his face blank at he stares above you. He felt so bad, but his body wouldn't work the way he wanted it to.
Cumulus nudged Mountain before enveloping you in a hug, "Ignore him, he's flustered around pretty people and you are very pretty!"
Even though your hand was not in his anymore, Mountain couldn't stop the shaking motion until Primo put his hand on top of the Ghoul's. The Papa's gaze told Mountain to get it together, making him try to swallow his nerves.
"You'll be seeing a lot more of each other," Primo says, motioning to you and Mountain, "I hope you two grow into buoni amici."
Mountain swears Satan just reset his body. What did Primo say? He was going to see more of you?
"Say that again."
"We're going to be close friends!" You exclaimed, smiling widely at the Ghoul as you left Cumulus' embrace.
"Oh. Um. Here!" Mountain stuttered, shoving the buttercups in your hand, that has grown in his hand due to you.
Your smile never disappeared as you smelled the buttercups, sighing with content as you looked back up at the tall Ghoul. Your eyes spoke more than you did, Mountain could tell.
With his quietness, he's learned to read humans and their eyes. You didn't see him as a monster, not like the other Siblings of Sin did. You saw him as a gentle person, one delicate enough to make sure the buttercups weren't damaged.
Your gaze slowly made the room spin as Mountain kept hearing what Primo had said earlier. He was going to spend so much more time with you, he was going to get to know you. You were going to get to know him.
Even as Cumulus eventually dragged the earth Ghoul away, his heart wouldn't stop beating fast as he watched you wave goodbye. Your joy hadn't left your body the entire time and it made him light up with the same joy.
Months flew by, you and Mountain had started a routine together. He would meet you after breakfast, with a new flower in hand, to help you with the chores in the garden and would eat lunch with you. Every day was like that, you two grew closer as his shyness slowly left.
Today was another one of those mornings, as he held a tulip in his hands. Mountain couldn't help, but feel anxious every morning as he rocks back and forth on his feet.
Yet, as more time passed, the more anxious Mountain grew. You were never late, you always made sure to always show up, even if you were sick. The Ghoul couldn't help, but feel the pull towards your room as he sniffed around. Your scent lingered in the Ghoul Den, but it wasn't enough for you to be down there so Mountain rushed to your room. His mind couldn't help, but think the worst as he threw open your door.
"Mountain!" You screamed, quickly pushing something behind your back as you stared at the earth Ghoul.
Slowly, one by one, each of the three Ghoulettes peaked their heads around the corner to look at Mountain. He couldn't tell if their faces were shocked or excited. They all looked at each before slowly filing out, each of them giving Mountain a push further into the room. Cumulus was the last to leave, giving both you and Mountain a kiss on your cheeks.
"Good luck!"
Mountain looked at you, before looking at the rest of your room. He had never seen the inside of your room before, and in all honesty, it fitted who you were. Another thing he quickly noticed was your shelf of flowers, many of the flowers were pressed into a plastic film. They were all the flowers he had given you, with the buttercups he gave you the first day you met at the start of the shelf.
"Your room is beautiful."
As soon as Mountain said that, he saw your face light up and your heart start to beat faster. You looked away from him as he suddenly realized what he said. Quickly, his face lights up too and he can feel his heart beat to yours, desperately calling to the Ghoul to hold you.
"I'm sorry!" Mountain squeaks out, going to turn and leave your room when you grab his wrist.
"Wait, don't go!"
You quickly pull the earth Ghoul closer by the collar of his shirt, kissing him on his lips as you melt into him. Mountain's eyes were wide with shock as he slowly melts into the kiss, closing his eyes as the tulip falls out of his hand. With his new free hand, he cups your face as he deepens the kiss.
You were the first to pull away, a red tint on your face as you stared up at him with awe. Mountain swears to Satan that if he could capture this moment, he'd replay it every night he goes to sleep. You look like a god in his eyes, perfectly sculptured by Lucifer himself. The Ghoul has to stop himself from kissing you again as you picked up the tulip along with grabbing whatever was behind your back.
It was a makeshift flower, with a pedal from each flower he's given you. The smaller ones were on the inside as it grew bigger to the outside. It was beautiful to Mountain, seeing the delicacy you used to make it. You quickly gave it to him, looking down at the floor as you spoke up.
"I was going to give this to you and tell you my feelings, but I got side tracked with the Ghoulettes. Sorry…"
Mountain quickly pulled you in close, carefully to not ruin the two flowers as he put his nose against your head, "Don't ever apologize for this. I love you."
"I guess Primo was right, flowers are the way to your heart," you joked, wrapping your arms around the Ghoul as you took in his warmth.
"You already held my heart, you didn't need the flower, but I will cherish it for the rest of my life."
"Lucifer, I love you too."
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Mountain needs more love 🥺! Hope you all enjoyed the story <3
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baby-alien11 · 3 months
Variety Nepo Babies on Nepo Babies (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
First of all, I have to give credits to @gabbylovesreading and @nikfigueiredo because they were the first I told this idea and the other one, and they also gave ideas that became reallity, so I have to give them their flowers
taglist (open): @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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a/n: set between the Suzuka and Shangai GP
When Variety came to you to the idea of the first Nepo Babies encounter at the same style of the Actors on Actors you were surprised because you thought they would go with more famous nepo babies, but when they told you that they wanted to go with emerging and not so looked people you liked the idea
And because they wanted to do it a bit different than the Actors on Actors, a small activity of exchanging gifts with the person you're paired was going to be held, so when they told you who you'd be paired with, you went hands on to make a good and homemade present, specially because you were a fan of them
When the day of the interview arrived, you picked your own outfit, which was a mint long sleeve corset top, a black Prada skirt, black heels, with your initial necklace, star earrings, golden rings, your nails painted black, your hair in a high bun, glittery eyeshadow and gloss, and also prepearing your bag with your things for the day and the gift box
"Well, sweet baby Tatum, wish me luck", you sighed looking at your cat, who was no longer a small tiny baby, who was cuddling in your cherry blossom pillow even though her shark bed was next to it, "I can't believe I'm meeting one of my favorite drivers today, I wish I could take you with me"
Taking your things, you went downstairs and to where your car was parked to put everything in the back, before approaching the garage where your dad was working on pieces of furniture for your brother
"Hey dad", you called him at what he stopped what was he doing
"Hey tornado, you look good, love the outfit"
"Thank you, I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving for the interview, and Tatum already had her breakfast, in case she asks for more"
"Her next meal would be until lunch, don't worry", Skeet laughed, "By the way, if it's possible, can you ask for a Logan Sargeant autograph?"
"I'll do my best", you laughed
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Taking advantage of the nice weather of LA, you debated to go without the roof but then you thought that for the sake of your hair the best option was with the roof on
Almost at the middle of the road, your phone that was connected to the car started to ring with a call from Jack, at what you pressed the green button
"Hey babe", you exclaimed, "How's filming?"
"Hey gorgeous, it's going great", Jack responded, "They're asking when you're returning to the set"
"If I don't need to go to Variety tomorrow, then it is"
"Are you going to the interview right now?"
"Yeah, I'm excited and nervous, this is like the second formal-in a set interview that I'm doing, and with one of my favorite drivers"
"You're going to do amazing, you're amazing"
"Stop, you're going to make me cry"
"I'm not saying anything that isn't true"
"I truly, really love you"
"And I truly, really love you even more"
The conversation lasted almost during the entire trip until he had to go back to film; arriving at the offices of Variety, you pulled your ID on the security stand so they let you in
Once they let you in into the property, you drove towards the private parking lot where you spotted a space with your name on it, and after turning off your car, you took your things out of your car to walk to the entrance where an intern was there to help you with your things
"We're so happy that you accepted to join the first edition of this new project", the intern exclaimed, "And I'm a fan of you"
"Really? Thank you so much, I really appreciate it"
"Actually, I volunteer to come to get you when the security anounced you were here"
"Oh, that's nice, and you're also very nice"
Once you reached the floor where the set was ready for the interview, the intern led you to a small lounge area while the interview started, not before leaving the gift box on the small table next where your asigned seat was
A few minutes after you arrived, you heard people saying that your interview partner had arrived, at what you quit your attention of your phone and stand up from the two-seat sofa to properly greet him
"And this is your interview partner", the director said stopping in front of you, "Max this is Y/N Ulrich, Y/N this is Max Verstappen"
"Hi, nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you to, I'm a big fan"
"Okay, we have a few minutes until the interview starts, so we can talk about how is this going to work, please, have a seat", taking the seat you were previously using with Max sitting next to you and the director sitting in front with a tablet in her hands, "First we're doing the interview, there won't be a script but the topics we will like for you to talk are what is like to be childs of famous people, what are you doing in your profesional life, dealing with hate, and then any random topics you want, but we want it to be the most natural and fluent conversation possible, and also the gift exchange we'll like it to be at the start or finish; then we'll have an hour and a half break for lunch, and then we'll return to do some videos and photos for social media and teasers, we hope to get everything ready this day, but if it isn't, we'll do it tomorrow, Max, we hope that it doesn't interrupt your race weekend schedule"
"I don't think so, we have like another week before the next one, so I'm free", Max shrugged
"Perfect, Y/N, how about you?"
"My schedule is also free"
"Perfect, we'll let you know when we start, meanwhile you can get to know each other"
"So, you are a Formula 1 fan?", Max asked you once the director left
"Yes, I've been a fan since a few years ago", you nodded, "You are one of my favorite drivers, actually"
"Oh, really? Who are the others?"
"Top of the list is Checo, and then I have a long list"
"What about teams?"
"Red Bull at the top, along with Ferrari and Mercedes"
"Give me five", Max said at what you laughed doing it
"And I also dragged my boyfriend into this F1 world, his teams are Red Bull, Ferrari and McLaren, even though what happened"
Seeing Max's confused face, you unlocked your phone and went to Instagram dms to search for that chat until you found the un-answered texts and passed him your phone, and noticing he read the whole thing when his eyes went wide and the way he left his Red Bull can in the center table to cover his mouth
"No fucking way he did this", Max almost exclaimed reading it again
"He did, two days after my eighteen birthday"
"This is so embarrassing, I can't believe he actually send this"
"That's why I left him on read, and the funny thing is that I met my boyfriend a few weeks after"
"I would also left him on read, honestly, this is the most embarrasing message I've ever read"
"Dude, every person that I told and shown the message to, ends up laughing and dying of cringe"
"When lunch arrives, can we show this to the others?", Max asked, "Carlos, Lance and Mick are also here, their interviews were a few days ago but they're here"
"Sure, no problem", you nodded, "Hey, have you heard the audio from '2Fast 2Furious'?"
When the director anounced that the filming was about to start, you grabbed a can of Watermelon Red Bull (Max and his team argued it was for the sponsorship) and walked towards your armchair to leave your can at the center table and return to the edge of the set to stand next to Max, while the hair and make up people fixed your look
"Action!", the director screamed
Given the signal, both of you walked towards your respective armchairs to sit
"What's up Suki?", Max said
"What's up bullet?", you responded
Almost when you finished your part, both of you started laughing, what continued for a few seconds until it died
"Hello, I'm Max Verstappen, F1 driver for Oracle Red Bull Racing and three-times World Champion, son of Jos Verstappen, former F1 driver, and Sophie Kumpen, former karting driver"
"Hi, I'm Y/N Ulrich, content creator for social media, VFX make up artist in the making, part-time model, and former high school theatre actress, youngest daughter of Skeet Ulrich, actor best known for being Billy Loomis in Scream, and Georgina Cates, best known for Clay Pigeons and profesional photographer"
"Wow, you really do a lot"
"I mean, I know that VFX make up is what I want to do in my life, but while I continue to preppare for that world, I'm also doing things that I love like fashion and sharing bits of my life with the people, what about you, did you did sidequests before becoming the F1 star that you are today?"
"In total honesty, no, since the moment I could walk my dad put me in the kart, and all was train day and night, and then participating in karting competitions, and win first place in everything"
"What would happen if you got second or under?"
"Well, one time he left me on a gas station in the middle of nowhere", Max responded while laughing
"Hold on, your dad did what?", you exclaimed in shock
"Yeah, we were leaving a race which was bad for me, and I couldn't stop talking even if he told me to, so he stopped, told me to get out, so I did, and then he drove off"
"How long you were there?"
"Not so long, my mom was in another car so she picked me up", Max explained but you were still in shock, "Anyways, how about your relationship with your dad?"
"It is good, I'm the youngest child and I was born in the middle of the divorce, but like, mom and dad ended up good for the sake of me and my siblings, and like everything we wanted to try, they have been a great support for me and my siblings, for example, my sister Naiia is an actress and has had a lot of prepparation for the industry, my brother Jakob is also an actor but is more interested in motorsports, because we have background on it"
"Really? How?"
"Yeah, our grandfather is D.K. Ulrich who is a former NASCAR driver, and our uncle is Ricky Rudd also a NASCAR driver, so Jakob is more focused on that side of the family, and there's me who collected everything"
"And how started your interest for the VFX thing?"
"It all goes back to the reason of this tattoo", you said lifting your left hand, "So, since an early age I had the curiosity of the making of movies and series, like when I saw the Scream saga with dad I was asking a lot of questions about how they did everything, and a few years later in the set of Riverdale, it started with the fake Southside Serpents tattoos, and it became my life goal when at the end of season two, there's a scene where Cole Sprouse's character appears absolutely beaten up, and I helped doing the entire make up with the guide of the make up artists, and that was the beggining"
"So basically everytime you look at your tattoo you remember your starts"
"Exactly, and dad has helped me with my classes, getting in touch with people who've worked in several films, and also getting my first job at Halloween Horror Nights, and I'm not going to deny that he has helped me a lot, I'm not going to deny my privileges"
"Yeah, there's no sense in deny that we have very famous last names and that gave us certain benefits above the others, but that doesn't mean we have to be lazy"
"Yes! You get it! I mean, people often think that we don't have to put any effort, that we're only here because of our parents, but I think we have to prove that we deserve to be here, we have to work hard as the others because life is not easy, and specially as a woman in any industry"
"I agree with that, I mean F1 is including women little by little in the teams and with the F1 Academy, but there's a lot to improve"
"Exactly, queen Susie Wolff has been doing an amazing job with the F1 Academy, but there's need to be the guarantee that women will feel safe working in any type of motorsport, or any industry"
"And what would you suggest for us men to help to create safer space?"
"Deconstruct, learn, hear their experiences, don't invalidate their feelings, and that's only the tip of the iceberg"
"Now that we entered this kind of topics, how do you deal with hate?"
"Oh dude", you sighed taking a sip of your drink, "It depends, the first times I was like 'why they're hating? I haven't done anything wrong' but there was still a part of me affected by that, also another influencers said some mean things, but my breaking point was when after Scream VI I found some tweets questioning my relationship with Jack, acussing us of having a PR relationship because of the movie, calling me fake, that I was doing it for fame, that's how nepo babies are, and my high school mean girl wrote that last one, and I told my dad but he was leaving for a convention that day so he left me at my boyfriend's house, he was filming and his mom was in the town for the weekend, and I also told him when we talked later and he posted an statement that kind of calmed the waters, but until this day there a few comments under my posts, but as Taylor Swift said 'haters gonna hate hate hate hate, and I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake, shake it off"
"Oh, I like that song"
"I know, it's so good, you should listen to her other songs"
"What songs would you recommend?"
"I'm going to take in count that Penelope lives with you and Kelly, I love that little girl, and I'm going to recommend Fearless and Speak Now, I feel like those are the best albums to get introduce to her music because they're the first ones along with debut, and then you can continue with the rest of the albums"
"Thank you so much, I'll definately check it out"
"Sooner than you know, you'll be in the race car singing 'Getaway Car'", you joked, "And I feel like I also have to ask you how you deal with hate"
"Well, we also get a lot of hate we have to deal with everyday, but once you start to win it gets worse like people will criticize everything, and more if you start at seventeen like I did, from the way you drive, your attitudes, who you're dating, the way you interact with your teammate or any of the other drivers, people booing when you are in the podium, you just need to learn to block them and focus on your race, do your best and try to win and have points"
"I only have one thing to criticize you, and that's the skinny jeans"
"What's wrong with them?"
"Every picture of you arriving at the paddock is wearing the same skinny jeans, with the same team shirt, I even bet that your closet is only that", you said before turning to look at the camera, "Kelly, if you're seeing this, please post a picture of his side of the closet, I love you, thank you"
"Listen, I'm trying to use different clothes, but I feel comfortable wearing that to the paddock"
"And there's nothing wrong with that"
"Maybe I'll start wearing some things from the new Red Bull collection"
"Oh yeah, I saw some of the pieces, they're really cool"
"By the way, when we were talking backstage we talked about two things"
"Oh my God", you laughed
"You said that you are a fan and have multiple favorite drivers, who are they?"
"I thought you were going to say about the other thing", you sighed, "Yeah, Checo, you, Lewis, Seb, Michael and Mick, Pierre, Doriane Pin, Abby Pulling, Niki Lauda, Albon, Yuki, queen Susie Wolff, Carlos, Charles and I have extreme admiration for Romain Grosjean for getting out of the car on fire, and continue in the world of motorsport"
"That was a moment for the history books of F1"
"He became a legend in the sport, and I got to admit that I giggled when I saw the photo he posted this year at the Bahrein circuit", you admited, "What about horror movies, which are your favorites?"
"Which is the one you're in?"
"Scream VI"
"That's my favorite"
"You don't like horror movies, don't you?"
Laughing because of that, both of you saw the director with a sign that read '10 minutes left', which meant that the only thing left was the gifts
"Okay guys, unfortunately we have to end this interview, but we have a last thing to do", you said
"Yeah, we have a gift exchange", Max continued
Taking the boxes from next to the armchairs, both of you exchanged the gifts leaving them in the center table, and after three rounds of rock, paper, scissors, Max was the first to open the box
"Let's see what we got here, the packaging is nice, by the way", Max said leaving the top of the box on the table, "First we have a box of cookies"
"I made them myself, the flavors are oat with cranberrys, salted caramel, strawberry cheesecake and chocolate chips"
"You made them?", Max asked at what you nodded, "That's awesome, thank you, there's also bracelets"
"Friendship braceletes, my boyfriend help me to do them, there's five for you, five for Kelly and five for Penelope"
"I feel like you like giving gifts"
"I feel like it's one of the best ways to show people how much you appreciate them, so yeah"
"There's also cats toys, Jimmy and Sassy will appreciate this, and last a Ghostface mask in a crystal box"
"And it's signed, by my dad, Matthew Lilliard, Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Jack Champion, Liana Liberato, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Mason Gooding, Dermot Mulroney and me"
"This is amazing, it's really cool, thank you very much"
"It's nothing", you shrugged, "Well, I guess it's my turn"
Getting closer to the box, you lifted the top of the box to leave it to the side, first getting out a clear bag of waffle style cookies
"Those are stroopwafels, they are typical of Netherlands, they have caramel in the middle"
"I'm not going to share this with anyone in my house", you joked taking the next item of the box which was a Red Bull light blue hoodie and a red one, along with two of the new caps, "I love this"
"One is for you and one for your boyfriend, I did my research", Max pointed, "Kelly also put a small gift"
Finding it, you pulled a box full of N°1 Hairpins from Fiona Franchimon in all the avaliable colors
"These are gorgeous", you said admiring them and grabbing one of the yellow gold ones and putting it in your hairstyle, "Can someone please tell me if I put it correctly?"
Almost running, one of the people of hair and make up aproach to you fixing it a little before returning to behind the cameras
"Thank you", you exclaimed, "Okay, let's see what's next"
Rumaging through the next item, you grabbed a mini helmet which was the one that Max used in Qatar 2023, and it was signed by him, the last item was a black box with the F1 and Red Bull Racing logos, that the moment you opened it, you almost felt like crying
"Is this real?"
"Yeah, very much real"
"This is amazing, thank you so much, I really appreciate it"
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Once the interview ended and the crew took a few photos, both of you went to the guests cafeteria, where the only people in there were the other three drivers occuping a table, so after grabbing lunch from the buffet, both of you went to sit at the table
"Hey guys, this is Y/N, my interview partner", Max greeted while sitting
"Hi everyone, is nice to meet you all", you smiled feeling a bit starstruck, "By the way, Carlos, how are you after the surgery?"
"I'm good, thanks for asking", Carlos responded, "It was bit difficult the recovery, but everything's fine"
"You literally walked into the paddock not even 24 hours after the surgery", Lance pointed
"Says the one who went to race two weeks after a bicycle accident and surgery", Carlos returned, "At least I didn't race, I was helping with strategies, Charles ended up in the podium and Ollie with points"
"Also congratulations on your win on Australia", you added
"Y/N, is your first time talking with F1 drivers?", Mick asked
"Something like that", you sighed getting out your phone to enter Instagram dms, "Two days after my eighteen birthday I got a message from one of the youngest drivers, trigger warning, is cringey"
"I'm intrigued, what does it says?", Lance asked
"Hello beautiful, I saw that your birthday was a few days ago, congratulations, I have a few weeks of break during summer, do you want to go out??", you read seeing their faces full of cringe and holding laughs, "I left him on read, and met my boyfriend a few weeks after this"
"This has to be Lando", Carlos concluded, "He's the only one who could send something like this"
"It was Lando", you confirmed showing them your phonescreen
"Not the smirking face emoji", Mick cringed, "You skipped a bullet, in total honesty"
"I know", you nodded
"Can I took a picture of the screen?", Lance asked, "This will be great to blackmail him"
"I have no problem"
"Or even better, sent this to the group chat", Carlos pointed, "I don't care if George kicks us out"
"And the funniest part of this, is that one of my boyfriend favorite teams is McLaren", you added
"Who's your boyfriend?", Lance asked
"Jack Champion, he's an actor", you responded smiling, "He's part of the Avatar movies, Scream VI, which is where we met, Retribution, and soon, Freaky Tales"
"I think his arm is bigger than my head", Mick commented since Lance searched his insta and were watching the boxing video, "How old is he?"
"Nineteen, we're both nineteen, but he has been working out since twelve years old because of Avatar, he plays Spider"
"Please tell us you are going to a Grand Prix", Carlos said, "We need to see Lando's reaction"
"Actually, in the gift exchange, Max gave me All-Access passes for the Monaco Grand Prix, so Jack and I will be there", you nodded, "Of course after clearing our schedules"
Once the time for lunch ended, you and Max returned to the set, where the small living room was gone and a race simulator was there, along with a small photoshoot station and two director chairs
"Okay guys, we're going to do a small photoshoot for promos, a video for promo and the race simulator", the director informed, "We'll start with the photos"
Going to the photoshoot station, they took some individual photos and in pairs, and since you brought your sparkling pink ghostface mask and Max brougth his helmet, they were also included in the photos
Once the photos were done and the production made sure they looked good, the next thing was the video for the promos sitting in the director chairs, and holding cans of Red Bull
"Hello everyone, this is Y/N Ulrich"
"Hi, I'm Max Verstappen"
"And we are proud to be part of the first season of Variety's Nepo Babies on Nepo Babies"
"We had a very deep and fun chat that you'll be able to see before the Miami Grand Prix"
"That's right, our interview will be avaliable on may 1st, so suscribe to the Youtube channel and turn on notifications"
Finishing the video, both of you did a small toast with the cans before drinking from them
"And cut!", the director exclaimed, "That was perfect"
While they configurating the race sim, the people from hair and make up undid your hair so it would be more comfortable but still kept it away from your face using the hairpin
"This is a race simulator, we often use it to test the cars or to play with the F1 videogames, which is what we are going to do, using the f1 2023 videogame", Max explained once the cameras started rolling, "As we can see it has everything essential like one of our cars, and don't worry I'll be your race engineer during this"
Sitting in the seat, you adjusted it and put your hands on the wheel and your feet in the pedals, realising it would be difficult with high heels
"I'm going to take off my heels", you sentenced standing up, "I'll be right back"
Walking to the space where you left your things, you opened your bag to grab a pair of mint ankle socks and removing your heels to put on the socks and return to the set
"What is that?", Max laughed seeing your socks
"Care bear socks", you responded sitting again, "Wish Bear to be specific, okay, what do I do in this game?"
"First we choose the option 'F1 World'", Max instructed at what you did it, "You can choose a team and adjust the car at your comfort, what team are you choosing?"
"Silly season started on February 1st, so I'm taking your seat", you declared choosing the Red Bull car, at what Max looked at the camera in shock, "What's next?"
"Choose a track"
"I'm going to Monaco, it's a classic, what's next?"
"Start the race"
"Please don't scream at me like Charles and Carlos in that video"
"I won't, I promise"
Once the game started, there wasn't a moment of peace between screams of both of you, Max giving instructions and you screaming in axienty and nerves, but fortunately you managed to finish the race without crashing into the walls
"Is this game avaliable for Nintendo Switch? Because it was fun", you sighed
"Yeah, you almost crashed into a wall, but you finished the race", Max pointed, "But almost everyone has had a crash, so don't worry"
"I'll still stick with VFX make up and fashion"
Once the director anounced the end of the day, the Red Bull team took a few photos of both of you, and the director also gave a few words of thanks before everyone started packing, at what you did the same putting your black crocs and the heels in your bag and organizing all of your things
"Hey, Y/N", Max called you at what you turned to look at him, "In the name of all Red Bull we would like to give you a gift"
Watching the person next to him, you saw seven boxes of twenty-four cans of the energy drink of regular flavor, sugarfree, tropical, blueberry, watermelon, coconut-berry and apricot-strawberry
"Wow, thank you so much, I didn't expect it"
"It's nothing, besides, you and your boyfriend will be guests for Monaco"
"And we really apreciate that, again, thank you very much for inviting us"
After exchanging numbers to coordinate the future travel, you started to took your things to go, but for your surprise, four pairs of arms grabbed the gift box and the Red Bull boxes, at what you turned to see the four drivers standing there
"We'll help you carry all this to your car, don't worry", Mick said
"Um, thank you", you nodded grabbing your bag, "By the way, when did you arrive?"
"Like five minutes ago", Lance shrugged
"Come on, hermanita", Carlos exclaimed, "Let's get all of this to your car"
"Did you just called me 'little sister'?", you asked with surprise
"It's because you irradate little sister energy", Carlos explained, "Wait, do you know spanish?"
"A bit, Melissa Barrera is my half fictional sister, so she teached me some words and phrases, only the basic, and some swear words"
Saying goodbye to the director and the crew, all of you went to the direction of the lobby saying goodbye to the receptionist before stepping into the private parking lot seeing your car and a special person leanning against it
"Babe", you exclaimed running towards him
"Hi, gorgeous", Jack smiled hugging you and lifting you a few centimeters from the floor
"Why you didn't told me you were here?", you asked once the hug ended, "I thought you were filming all day"
"They let us go earlier, so I thought it was a good idea to surprise you", Jack explained, "I talked with someone from Variety and mom dropped me here like ten minutes ago"
Interrupting the moment, both of you turned to look at the four drivers standing a few meters apart with the rest of your things
"Holy shit", Jack murmured seeing them
"I know", you nodded, "Guys, this is Jack, my boyfriend"
"Hi, everyone, I'm a big fan", Jack smiled
Unlocking your car, they left the Red Bull cans in the boot space and the gift box in the backseat along with your bag, and then they greeted Jack with the typical "man hug"
"Guys, he kinda looks like Ollie", Carlos said hugging Jack by his shoulders, "But with more muscle"
"Okay, I see the vision", Max nodded
"And he drives a red car", you mentioned
"Are you sure you're not related to him?", Mick asked him as a joke
"Unfortunately not", Jack responded, "But I feel honored to look like him, he is very talented"
"Maybe you'll meet him in Monaco", Mick said, "Ready for that?"
"Yeah, the moment Y/N send me the audio and the photo of the passes, I told James Cameron, Jon Landau and my mom, and fortunately I don't have to film that week", Jack explained
After talking for a few more minutes, both of you had to left, leaving the drivers still in there
"What if we tell everyone except for Lando that they are going to Monaco?", Lance proposed one your car was out of sight
"That is evil", Max oppined, "And a good idea, let's do it"
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starsandink13 · 4 days
The White Crow Game Chapter 2
You woke up with a sudden start and your eyes flashed open. You sucked up a deep breath as you jolted upwards. Your shoulders heaved as the faint memories of what transpired looped in your head. Underneath your fingers, you felt a soft velvet upholstery.
"W-what?" You squinted your eyes and looked around.
Although it was dark, you could clearly tell that you were no longer in your workplace's restroom, but rather an old parlor room. The furniture was expensive and antique, dating back to at around the early 1900s or late 1800s. Even in the dark, you could see how rich the colors of the furniture was. You ran your finger against the velvet once more, feeling an intricate damask pattern.
"Glad to see that you've finally woken up, (Y/N)," a voice said from behind you.
You whipped your head around to see an extremely tall man turning on the tassel light next to his chair. He wore a red and gold coat with a black top hat that casted half of his face in shadows. Pinned to his hat and white shirt were black broaches with a golden moon and eye in them. He held an unearthly and eldritch beauty to him, with ghostly white hair that framed his pale face, sharp features, and red eyes with gold rings in them. His lips were pulled into a slight smile as he reclined further into his seat.
"Where am I?" You asked, unable to keep the dread creeping into your voice.
"An estate of mine that's on the border between realms," he answered calmly, took off his hat, and brushed back a lock of hair that revealed a pointed ear.
"W-what the--"
"What am I?" The stranger cut you off and crossed one of his legs over the other. "I believe that you humans call my kind the good-folk, the fair-folk, the fae, or most commonly: fairies."
Before you could ask, he spoke again: "And you're wondering why you're here, am I right?"
You numbly nodded your head, your mind racing with countless questions as you tried to process what was going on.
"Well to put it simply: I am here to collect your debt."
"You wished for your life to improve, grades to rise, a higher pay, better living quarters, and the internship of your dreams," he waved his hand. "I overheard you and granted that wish, so now it's time to collect that debt."
"Wait!" You stammered. "But I didn't make any sort of deal with you or anything! This is hardly fair!"
"Sorry dear, but you should have been more careful with your wishing. However, I am far more fair and generous compared to other members of my kind. I didn't suddenly make your life much worse than it was, steal your firstborn, or strike you with a terrible ailment the next week. "
"How can I repay you then? Money? A yearly sacrifice? A--"
"You'll have to come with me back to the fae realm."
"What? Why for?"
"What do you think it might be for?" The fairy's eyes glittered with amusement. "Think about all of the old stories that humans have told for centuries about us; long before you imagined us as tiny, glittery, winged people that frolicked in flowers and played silly little pranks."
"A- a servant?"
"Good guess, but that's not it."
Your stomach dropped at what he meant. Swallowing back the lump in your throat, you barely managed to stammer out: "The reason you're doing this-- why you want to take me away...is to get a bride, right?"
Your heart dropped and you leaned away from the fairy. The thought of being taken away to a land far from your home, married to that monster and left at its mercy with no hope of escape made your stomach turn and churn. Sweat rolled down your forehead and you gripped your knees as you breathed heavily and tears started to form in your eyes.
There's got to be a way out of here! Think, damn it, think!
"If we're done here, then I'll prepare a coach and start wedding--"
"Wait." You spoke up.
"What is it?"
"Your kind likes to play games and bets, right?"
"Yes they do-- however, I am an exception to the rule," he said. "But for you, I am willing to hear where you're going with this."
You licked your lips and took a deep breath. Your heart drummed against your chest as blood pounded in your ears and gripped your knees. His dual-colored eyes twinkled with amusement as he tapped his long fingers against the arm of his chair. 
"If I can escape this mansion of yours, you'll have to let me go," you chewed the inside of your mouth. "If I lose or I give up..."
"You'll have to come with me," he finished with a small smile.
You nodded your head, trying to keep yourself from vomiting the bile in the back of your throat. The fairy noticed your consternation and grinned wider, his teeth glinted like white daggers in the dim light.
"And why should I agree to this little game of yours when I can just spirit you away right now?" He leaned in.
"You pride yourself on being more generous and just compared to other fairies, so wouldn't it be fair to give me a chance to earn my freedom?"
"I suppose so," he mused and drummed his index finger harder against the chair's arm. After several seconds, he sighed and gently straightened up the front of his coat.
"I accept to play your game. But before we do that, I want to establish a few rules."
"What are they?" You felt your stomach clamping with fear.
"First off, under no circumstance are you to get help from any of the other residents in the mansion, nor are you to help them so that they may try to return the favor to you. You are to complete this game by yourself, understood?"
"I-I think so..."
"It's a yes or a no, my dear. What is it that you don't understand?"
"The other residents. What do you mean by that?"
"They are...what remains of those that thought they could cheat their way out of their deals with me," he answered. "They've been here for so long, that for most of them the only thing that remains is their desire to swindle you for their own gain: which can mean disastrous results for you. Does this make sense?"
"Good. Then on to rule two: the game doesn't start until you exit through those double doors there that leads into the main hall." He pointed to the golden doors a few yards away from you.
"Now onto the third and final rule: the only way you can exit and win this game is by going out of the mansion's front doors. So do not cheat by breaking a window and crawling out of it. The only thing you're going to accomplish is breaking a perfectly good window and annoying me."
"I understand."
"Excellent. Now that we have that established, you can feel free to relax for as long as you'd like in here or ask me any questions in the meantime," the right corner of his mouth twitched into a smile.
"W-what's your name?" You licked your teeth.
"Since my true name is impossible to pronounce with the human tongue, you may call me whatever you'd like," he said. "However, do not call me what you would be insulting or belittling, or as your generation would call 'smartass' names."
"How about Corvin?"
"That's an acceptable name." He nodded his head. "Anything else you'd like to ask?"
"How bad are the other fairies?" You asked.
"Much, much worse than I am." He responded and leaned in, half of his face was covered in heavy shadows. "The old stories you've heard about us using half and metaphorical truths to manipulate, making crops wither overnight, stealing away children and replacing them with ours are very true. But those are just barely scratching the surface of what kind of mischief we do regularly. Any other questions you have for me, my dear?"
"Is this what you actually look like?" You scratched your hand, "Or is this just a form you're taking?"
"The general shape of this form is what I truly look like, just with a few...more humanlike attributes than I actually have." The fairy responded with a light laugh.
"I have one more question."
"What is it?"
"If I win, will I be back to where I started?"
"You mean going back to the life you had before I blessed you?" Corvin said. "No. Especially during my observations I've noticed how hard you worked in your personal ambitions once everything improved. If that's all of the questions you wanted answered, then now would be a good time to finally start our game."
Hesitantly, you got out of your chair and slowly walked towards the double doors. You looked over your shoulder to see Corvin grinning at you.
"Go on. You're just delaying the inevitable by standing there, unless you want to surrender already," his eyes shining with amusement.
With a shaking sigh, you opened the double doors and took your first step outside. With a phantom strike of an unseen grandfather clock, the game has officially begun.
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catchyhuh · 5 months
my fave lupin iii blog .... give me your wisdom
cologne / perfume scents for the gang
i had to do an embarrassing amount of research on this one. mostly because perfume lore goes a lot deeper than i ever could have imagined and i wanted to give you something GOOD so ALL THAT SAID if any of you disagree with this you may be right. i did five quizzes, read up on multiple blogs from the 2000s, learned the "scent families" and at the end of the day just gave up and typed "douchiest colognes" into google
lupin: generally speaking, regardless of WHAT he's getting, any "subtle" notes are going to now have the force of a freight train the way he's practically bathing in this stuff. which is pretty rough when already coupled with really strong, amber-y scent type shit. lupin's cologne does not smell light and pleasant, it smells like you walked into a dark red cloud, which is ironic considering the conclusion i came to was dolce and gabbana light blue. people fucking hate this smell, despite parts of it sounding good in theory, and since lupin's shitty cologne has been addressed canonically numerous times, i feel this is it. even a tiny bit of this perfume makes so many people seem to wither like flowers in the sun so i can only imagine what happens when a guy who's been dunktanking himself in this walks in the room
jigen: again, its kind of overpowering. not because he overdoes it like lupin, but again, these are just not very subtle people, and even if jigen does SEEM reserved, he likes making a scene just as much as the others in the right environment. like, a mix of amber and woodsy types. i ended up on dior fahrenheit on this one and it made me realize both lupin and jigen using like, excessively common brands makes sense. for lupin its brand recognition, for jigen it's convenience. he probably smelled this in the fucking 90s and just committed to it since
fujiko: this was simultaneously the hardest and easiest, because i kept looking trying so damn hard to figure this out, to pinpoint what would SCREAM fujiko while still being unique enough to appeal to her lavish tastes, but NORMIE enough that i would be able to read up the notes on perfume reddit (they seem to know what they're talking about there) only to realize. wait. this is the same bitch who won't even keep her hair dyed the same color all the time. fujiko has no specific fashion sense beyond "stylish and with the current times" and i feel that's what applies to her perfume too. well and. hot. i guess. stylish, current, and hot. that's like 50 bottles right off the bat. regardless, it'll always be bold. thats right baby we're at amber AGAIN, but because she doesn't wanna scare off potential prey there's always a faint undertone of sweet flowers. she's smart like that even her perfume is calculated.
goemon: my man does not wear cologne on any occasion. he thinks its silly because you can smell good for free if you just fucking. bathe. why pay 80 dollars to smell bad? HOWEVER (as just established) goemon is bathing and 90% of shampoos/bodywashes have a scent. and goemon's is very... crisp. kinda citrus-y at times? this is the most mundane answer (and the most accessible they got this shit at walmart) but you know that mint teatree shampoo? he's got the faintest hint of that specific scent lingering on him
zenigata: this is going to sound so funny and mean but like. imagine if a smell was trying to look cool but just kind of making an ass of itself. i feel like that's what he'd have, regardless of if the cologne did actually smell good on anyone else, it'd feel just a bit overzealous on him. it was way difficult to find something that made sense to me but wasnt like, again, 80 fucking dollars, because you know for a fact he's spending 15 tops. and that's if he even remembers to wear it. at best, for some reason, i feel like he'd be a sandalwood guy but i can't really place why? honestly i was kinda ready to give up until i saw GREY FUCKING FLANNEL BABY!!! THIS SHIT IS DIRT CHEAP HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE THE 70S AND APPARENTLY EVERYBODY'S DAD KNEW SOMEBODY WHO WORE THIS! AND YOU KNOW WHAT'S IN IT? SANDALWOOD!!!!!!
now i can finally close all these fucking perfumania tabs
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my reaction to the resident lover lore drop: part two
access the doc yourself here
spoilers utc
i have a lot to say about the the donna and daniela relationship section, none of which i feel capable of putting into words for the time being. i will, however, say this.
"Donna is watching what could've been in regards to her past self when it comes to Dani and MC"
"Just sometimes [Donna] really wants to hit [Cassandra] you know?" i think a lot of people in the fandom know after Cass' infamous neutral ending
"She grieves but she lets herself live too." all the muscles in my face are convulsing
"Donna struggles to stand up for herself for a long portion of her route and only through the aid of MC will she start to show a little more of her backbone." Donna. i can help you be brave Donna. pick me. choose me. love me. (delusional 3)
"There is a brief scene in which Miranda and Donna are having tea while Donna has a complete and utter breakdown about just how on the edge she is. Miranda of course encourages her to keep spiraling..." miranda i'm going to get you.
"Donna is mentally unstable at this point and can either be sent into the abyss or helped out of the low point toward a brighter future." I CAN HELP YOU TOWARD A BRIGHTER FUTURE DONNA I SWEAR PLEASE (delusional 4)
Depression being a theme is just. I'm going to write a hurt/comfort fic about this.
and, "Destiny [Soulmates]" don't think I'm normal about that either. cuz i'm not.
the nursery being an allegory for Donna. my brain feels like a backyard and you're mowing it with a tiny little lawnmower.
"Hades and Persephone" words. in my mind.
glad that Donna fans unknowingly cracked phantom of the opera though, that's fun
"...she is not unwilling to lunge towards Miranda herself and brandish a weapon in her direction." she's so real for this
"Miranda has had to trigger the loop several times in reaction to a violent outburst of Donna’s." WOOOO YOU GO BABE. FUCK UP MIRANDA'S LIVES HELL YEAH
"MC shows unconditional and unwavering love towards someone with severe abandonment issues and gets a very attached flower shop owner for their troubles." SHUT UP MY HEART.
"...a small part of her is pleased to know she got the upper hand on Miranda. Donna’s ability to make MC explicitly reject Miranda has left the goddess incredibly pissed..." FUCK YEAH
"Post Donna Miranda is particularly cruel about how she treats the toxicologist and parades MC near her but never in reach." top five sentences that make you want to kill a cult leader
"LIKES: Stuffed Animals..." help i love her so much my heart really can't take this
"LIKES: Pranks. I’m sorry she’s a menace" i'll prank her back (by kissing her on the face)
"DISLIKES: Those really sad adoption commercials where they play ‘I Will Remember You’ while a slideshow of really sad puppies plays. They make her cry" NO DONNA POOKIE BEAR DON'T CRY COME HER LET ME HUG YOU
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MC and miranda being burned alive the first time around. man wtf
love that they were both canonically sickly victiorian children at one point
"Death penalty for sodomy" that actually has me so fucked up. how could you do this to me
"[MC] Drowned, Miranda was nearby but chose not to save them" WHAT WHY
"Mia got mad and threw a stone at MC" i would get mad too if i saw someone repeatedly fall for miranda over the course of multiple timelines
"Miranda ran MC over in an accident" HELP 💀
miranda really fell for the unluckiest motherfucker goddamn. tom and jerry ass
"Yes + Mia" "No + Mia" best way to word this. i will be using these from now on. ask me a yes/no question i dare you.
"This life is when the very first iteration of Eva is born and it completely changes Miranda’s soul as a confounding variable in their soulmate-hood" oh my GOD. i'm a little scared miranda's section might be making me start to like her a little.. NO I REFUSE. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING.
"Toxic Yuri + Loving" thank you Cinder. i appreciate you for your silliness.
really wish we got more eva content but oh well. maybe in the dlc content the team said would probably come out in a few years/maybe more
"Mia’s soul has slowly changed over time and has grown to naturally despise Miranda’s soul for its unwitting part in MCs death every life" nvm i like Mia infinitely more than miranda
"Mia acts as a foil to Miranda’s relationship in every life they meet because she is - without fail - naturally resistant to them being together and highly suspicious of the way Miranda behaves" FUCK MOTHER MIRANDA ALL MY HOMIES HATE MOTHER MIRANDA. MIA'S A REAL ONE.
"[Bela and Miranda] would be insane if they worked together, but unfortunately, they are narratively designed to be pitted against each other" i disagree i think it's very fortunate they're not on the same team
"Miranda is afraid of [Donna] because she remembers every single time loop... Donna is also handy with sharp objects and has been known to attempt a few murders at meetings when pushed..." fuck yeah. be afraid miranda.
"...views Donna as “cursed” due to her family history of deaths" can i say kys just this once (to miranda).
"Intrinsically offended when MC chose Donna during the loop" be offended. L + bozo + cry about it + Donna's better
"[Donna and Miranda have] used each other as crutches in moments of weakness... they used to have regular tea together in which they would act out their familial roles and encourage each other further down their spirals" i'm actually not okay rn thanks for asking!
...that legitimately has me so fucked up
"Miranda actively encourages Donna’s fears to keep her under control..." "She would kill Angie to both punish Donna and to relieve herself of the annoyance" hey miranda come here. what do you mean, i don't have anything in my pocket. don't worry about it just come here. so i can... hug you. SHANKS YOU MIA STYLE BUT IT ACTUALLY WORKS THIS TIME SHANKS YOU MIA STYLE BUT IT ACTUALLY WORKS THIS TIME SHANKS YOU MIA STYLE BUT IT ACTUALLY WORKS THIS TIME
"Miranda and MC are soulmates, all the way up to their 19th life this is 100% proven and true (even though they don't always get to meet) but the 20th life is different because Miranda is still in her 19th. It could be argued that MCs soulmate is who 20th Miranda was supposed to be. (Could've been if a coin had been flipped)." I'M ACTUALLY HYPERVENTILATING RIGHT NOW THANK YOU FOR FEEDING USTHANKYOU MY HEART OH MY FUCKIUNG GOD ASDFGUIHUADSDHLFKAJHSDFKLGJHDAFKJG. I BANGED ON MY DESK THAT'S NOT EVEN A JOKE WHAT THE ACTUASL FUCK
"MC would go into divorce arc which is salvageable but very long winded" need yall to elaborate on this, also it made me giggle
"The only exceptions are Mia (who told Miranda to fuck off), Bela (who still remembered), and Angie (who doesn’t listen to anybody)." that's so based of all of them. naming them the based squad for this.
"DISLIKES: Her height being mentioned" i don't care if it's a low blow and that she's actually one inch taller than me. i'll call her short. short ass. imagine being 5'6" lmao
part three coming up
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winniethewife · 6 months
Isn't it lovely in theory? (Three year old!Steven Grant x F!Reader)
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A/N: Based on the story I came up with on @ominoose 's Baby Steven Bot.
Warning: Character death
Prompt: Kid-fic
Words: 1452
It was another Rainy Saturday morning, the sun had barely peaked through the clouds Steven had fallen asleep in his mother’s arms the night before and as she starts to wake up she looks at his soft sleeping face in her arms.  She leans in and gives him a kiss on the forehead.
"Steven time to get up baby. We’ve got a big day ahead." She runs her fingers through his curls. Her eyes filled with motherly affection.  Steven nuzzled up against her with a sleepy yawn, leaning into their body.
"Mummy... I don’t wanna get up..." he mumbled. With a small, grumble of protest, he reached up to rub his eyes with his chubby, little hands. "Cuddles First. Pwease." Steven looked up at His mum with a pout on his face. She laughs slightly and pulls him in for a cuddle
"Of course, I'll never ever say no to cuddles with my Steven." She kisses the top of his head and snuggles him close to her. Steven was her greatest joy she was so thankful for the last three years, and for all the ones to come. Steven buried his head in her chest.
“I love you Mummy... love you more than the moon..." Steven mumbled, eyes fluttering shut. She felt the familiar prick of tears in her eyes and she held him tight
"And I love you too, more than the sun..." She nuzzles her face into his mop of curls with a soft smile on her face.
“I Love you more than all the stars!” Steven says with a smile as he opens his eyes and looks up at her.
"All the stars? That's a lot. I don't know if I can keep up with that." She smiles as she rubs his back. Kissing his forehead.
"... and you're my favorite star..." he added. “The best, brightest, most shiniest... star!"
“Alright baby boy. You ready for breakfast?" She smiles at him as she starts to get out of bed lifting him in her arms lifting him high into the air and spins him around. "Look at you! Getting so big!" Steven starts giggling like crazy as they spun around...
"I a big boy now!" Steven Exclaims in a tiny, childish, excited voice. "And big boys... eat pancakes!!!"
"Pancakes! Pancakes it is!" She says with a smile, she takes him to the kitchen and she sits him in his chair and gets to work on some microwave pancakes. After carefully cutting up some fruit and heating up a plate of pancakes he places the plate in front of him. She ruffles his curls. "Eat up baby we got a big day ahead." With an excited squeal, Steven began to dig into his plate of pancakes.
"Wha? A big day?!?" he asked between bites. "Tell me more!" Little Steven demanded.
"Okay! Okay I'll tell you...we're going to the museum today!" She announced. She knew the museum was one of Steven's favorite places to go.
"Ah! Mummy! I love the Museum, So so much!" Steven yelled excitedly as he pumped both of his fists into the air. His small hands were covered in syrup "Can we go see the mummies and Egypt stuff?" Little Steven begged and pleaded.
"Of course baby. I know that's your favorite." She says as she wiped his hands off with a wet towel. "On our way we need to visit daddy okay? Do you want to pick out the flowers this time?" She asks. She wasn't sure if Steven really understands what visiting his father’s grave means, but she always tries to take him every Saturday. Steven nodded with a sweet little smile.
"We give daddy the prettiest flowers!" He answered, Steven was still small, still innocent... He was still just a little one. "Come on, Mummy! Let's go!" he shouted, grabbing her leg eagerly.
"Alright! Alright, let's get ready and get going." Rose follows him to his room getting him ready for the day. Picking out a good outfit for the day. Helping him step into his pants and pulling a dinosaur Jumper over his head, pulling his arms through the sleeves. Humming a song as they get ready. This Saturday was like the others, like so many Saturdays before. Little Steven was too young to grasp the concept of his father's death... they stopped at the florist, and Steven picked out a lovely bunch of flowers. They walked through the cemetery Rose held Steven in her arms as they traversed the muddy pathway. As they approached the headstone she tries her best to stay strong for Steven, no tears today. Stevens’s father died just a couple months after Steven was born. If she didn't have Steven...she has no idea how she would have made it. She sets Steven down as they stood next to the headstone "Hey darling. It's Us." She said softly. Little Steven looked up at his mother tilting his head and looking at her with a sad and confused look.
"Where did Daddy go, mummy?" he asked with a quiet voice, as Rose could see the innocence and lack of understanding in his eyes. "Daddy... I miss him... where he go?" The boy's tone broke her heart... She gets on her knees and looks at Steven. Her hands taking his little ones in hers "Well baby, Daddy...Daddy died. When you were still in my tummy, daddy... daddy was really sick, and we knew that he wouldn't live very long after you were born. But he loved you…So very, very much. That I know..." She feels a tear run down her face.
"He... loved me?" Little Steven asked quietly, his lip jutted out in a small pout and tears came to his eyes. "I... Miss Daddy...Mummy do... Am I like daddy?" the small Boy had so many questions, this wasn’t unusual but this was the first time he had so many about his father. She smiles at him, more tears coming down her face.
"Yeah, you look just like your daddy. Exactly like him" she pulls him into a big hug "I miss him too. I miss him too. He would have spoiled you rotten." She chuckled slightly at the thought of it. Everything Steven's father would have done with the little boy...Steven looked up to her again, an idea in his head.
"I want... Can I see daddy?"
"I have a picture. Here." Rose pulls out her phone and pulls out a picture of her late husband, Steven's father. He had the same dark brown curls, pushed back into a neat style, and he had the same chocolate eyes, his face looked very similar to Steven's. Rose offered to let Steven hold the phone and look at his father. Little Steven's eyes lit up as he got a look at his father's picture on the phone. He used his small hands to carefully hold the phone. He looked at the phone, then back at his mum...
"I want to talk... to my daddy..."
"Of course baby....what do you want to tell him?" She pulls him into her lap as they sit in front of the headstone and the flowers that lay in front of it. "He's right here. Listening. Always baby boy" Steven stared at the picture of his father for a moment, tears rolling down his cheeks as he sniffled
"Hi daddy...Is...daddy here with us?" Little Steven asked quietly, with hope in his wavering voice... He wanted to believe that his father was right next to him. That his Father was sitting next to him... That he was talking to him now. His mother tried to hold back a sob as she nuzzles her face into his soft curls.
"He's here baby. He's always with you Steven." She lifts her head and puts her hand on his chest over his heart. "He's right here. For you, any time, always." Steven felt the warmth of her hand on his heart  as he held the phone tight, holding it to his chest, his brows furrowed in concentration as he closed his eyes, he keeping the phone close to his heart.
"Oh daddy... I love you...I will always love you. Just like you love me." He mumbled softly, hugging the phone tightly to his body as if trough the phone he could pretend he was hugging his father. She smiles and she rubs his cheeks. She kisses his forehead before standing up, Steven still in her arms as she takes a few steps over to the headstone and touches it softly. She speaks softly as Steven watched with rapped attention
"I miss you every day darling. You're still the only one for me. And our little Boy...he's everything you hoped for. I love you…Marc."
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Bingo Masterlist
Tag: @moonknight-events @juneknight @spacecowboyhotch
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The Same People (1/5)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Drive folder - AO3
In which Mob asks Tsubomi out and then some other things happen. Four of sixteen twenty total pages. Click to make the images bigger/more legible. ID in description.
i haint even fucking seen the finale, i wanted to finish this bit first. sortof tryna emulate ONE's busted no-taper fixed-width inking style. id follows
ID: Four black and white comics pages about characters from Mob Psycho 100.
Page 1:
A park bench sits along a trail in front of a wall of trees with black trunks and white, vague foliage. Tsubomi pushes herself off of it, smiling, and says "Oh--you made it!"
Mob approaches her along a trail. The same black trunks surround him, but a few are broken--one lies across the trail in front of him. He steps over it and says, "Hey, Tsubomi."
Tsubomi and Mob stand across from each other, maintaining eye contact across a blank gap. Tall vertical trees stand behind Tsubomi while those behind Mob are broken and bent. Tsubomi's expression is vaguely demure, her hands folded in front of her, while Mob is smiling and leans forward. He carries the sunflower in his right hand.
Page 2:
Tsubomi's face is large in this empty panel. She has an odd expression on. There is a smirk; her eyebrows are slightly folded and one is raised higher than the other. One eye squints a little. She says, "I guess the, uh. The storm has passed."
Mob looks down, makes himself anonymous, two eyes and some black shapes. "Yes."
Then he looks up, and there he is in full detail. One side of his collar is damaged and torn. He smiles widely, his upper lip curled. "Yeah. It has."
Tsubomi points with two fingers and takes a step along the trail, looking back at him. "Great. Let's take a walk, I'm tired of sitting here." She's smiling widely, clearly relaxed. Mob, staying where he is, gently holds out a hand and says, "Oh, yeah, but, uh, if I could--" His shoulders hunch. The sunflower is visible in his grip.
Mob is in an empty panel in exaggerated perspective so the top of his head is huge and his feet are tiny, far below him. Only his wobbly eyes are visible, looking down at the sunflower that he's holding diagonally across his chest now. He says "--ask you to stay here one more minute. So I can..." Tsubomi interrupts across a panel border, "Right."
Now Tsubomi's head and shoulders are in the empty square, and this time we're looking up at her from below. "You wanted to tell me something." She again looks mildly concerned in her eyebrows; there is a dimple in her cheek but otherwise her mouth betrays no happiness.
Off-panel Mob says, "Yes." Tsubomi, in close-up, squints and looks down.
Page 3:
In a tiny little panel Tsubomi is just her hair, a black oval, facing Mob, who looks up from his head tilted down.
Mob faces the reader, the otherwise empty panel framing his head, shoulders, and upper torso. He looks straight at the reader and says, a calm smile on his face, "Tsubomi, I like you. A lot."
This view is maintained as Mob looks away and shrugs one shoulder, still smiling. "Always have. Ever since we were little. You never treated me any different because of..."
A smaller panel just shows his head and shoulders as Mob looks back at the reader and traces a small circle by his head with his finger, to indicate him, his brain, something.
Another smaller panel just shows his shoulders and upper torso as Mob once again holds the sunflower diagonally across his chest. He fidgets with the head of the flower. "So if you would--uh, I was wondering..."
The same view of Mob returns, now with a few of the bent trees half-visible, highlighting his form. He holds the sunflower out in front of him. The flower is large and has its own little highlight. He has one of those smiles that's so strong that the front of it gets pushed down by your upper lip. He says, "Would you like to go out. With me."
Page 4:
Tsubomi stands, head, shoulders, and upper torso highlighted by the vertical trees behind her, looking right at the reader. She has a mild smile on and leans to the right.
The same views but the trees are gone, so it's just her as she leans farther, her shoulders slump, her mouth flattens out of the smile, her eyebrows crinkle together. She stares right at the reader.
The same view of her in an empty panel now twice as wide as the others, so she looks smaller though her size doesn't change. One arm has goes up to hold her hip. She drops her head down so her partially-visible face is a silhouette surrounded by the black shape of her hair and collar, just a nose, an ear, and a closed eye.
End ID.
yall already know what it is. sad tsubomi hour. this comic will answer two questions: one, what did the rejection actually look like?? two, how did mob get tsubomis number later???
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
Just anything cute and fluffy dad!joe pls I’m having major baby fever right now
Tagging @josephfakingquinn because she's crying out for dad!joe.
Thank you for your request, think we'll all admit we're a sucker for him and I thought this little blurb was so cute. Baby fever delivered.
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You're out on a lovely summery day, the sun is shining and all around the park you can hear the sounds of birds chirping in the trees surrounding it, children running around and squealing with excitement at their other friends and the echo's of other parents calling out with a be careful! or come on, time to go!
You and Joe on the other hand are with your 18 month old, wandering over to the younger part of the playground, putting your son onto the swings and you're pushing him lightly whilst he swings back and fourth, Joe in front of him making him giggle and screech when he's making grabby hands at his feet, eventually going to making silly faces every time he swings forward to meet him. Either way it's the most adorable thing you've ever witnessed and since your boy was born, there'd been a lot of those happenings. The giggle's sounding from Joe himself are just a deeper version of what's coming from your son's mouth and it's the best unified sound your ears were to be blessed with at that moment in time; like two peas in a pod, the other noises drowned out from your fixation on your boy's.
The whole week had been some form of win for you as parents, as he was walking little steps with the help of your hands guiding him. Over you trotted to the slide, a giant object to him but miniscule to you as grown ups. Joe's hands gripped to his as his feet touched down to the ground one by one, lifting into the air and stumbling slightly a few times, Joe pulled him up each time, to which instead of making a huge deal about it, you'd both simply chuckle and say oh no, not again. in an excitable voice, purely to let him know there was nothing to worry about.
You took it in turns climbing up the small stairs and sitting your toddler on your lap, edging yourselves to slide down and make a weeee sound each time you descended the tiny slope. Your son was a naturally happy child, boisterous as well as careful, always laughing and smiling at whatever was happening, a sweet triumph indeed.
Sitting on the field after a good hour of repetitive playing, you shared a bag of food you'd prepared for the warm afternoon, a blanket rested against the grass for you all to sit on. Talking amongst yourselves, you'd bare witness that today was another new day of firsts for him as you watched him shuffling over to the daisies in the ground, picking at them and holding them up to show you both at his new finding, a look of shock when you situated them in Joe's curls for him to eventually giggle at his silly daddy for looking so funny with the little flowers tucked a top on his head.
Leaning back to bask in the sun's warmth, you'd only took your eyes off him for a second, Joe getting up to fetch the ball you'd brought for him to play with, rolling it across the blanket and mastering the technique of him rolling it back to you with Joe's help. Putting it by his side then going back over to the park's bin to throw the contents of leftovers before returning over and gasping. Your eyes that were shut for a moment, enjoying the second of quiet had you shooting your gaze open in sudden alert, first at Joe who made the apparent sound of surprise then straight back to your baby who had now given you and Joe your own first that day. "Babe, babe, look!" Joe pointed.
Rising to his feet all by himself, your boy stumbled down to the floor pretty much straight away, trying again each time to see if he could hold his own more and more and eventually steadying himself and taking a step forward; only to land on his little bum once more. Your throat hitched when you witnessed what Joe just had, your hands came to cover your mouth as you both applauded him and cheered on. "Oh my goodness." you shrieked. "He's walking!" Joe's eyes filled with the brink of tears, a proud daddy watching on.
For a little time after that, you and Joe spent facing one another with minimal distance apart, helping him to stand and the other holding their hands out for him to totter on over, a challenge for you all to undertake and successful in his wake. His will and courage to muster the scary task of taking his first steps was proven quite quickly and it without a doubt surprised the both of you that he'd become so independent with it so soon.
You were mentally punching your fist in the air, a shake of your head in disbelief towards your man that you and Joe as first time parents had managed to get your baby to this point. In the same breath, a little sadness that it was all coming too fast and you had a little gutted notion that he wasn't a baby anymore, but becoming a little boy.
After he'd tired himself out from the day's activities, you put him back into his stroller and let him fall to sleep almost immediately, a little wind had hit so you'd covered him with his favourite blanket, cooing and stroking his head before beginning to push him. With Joe by your side, his arm hooked around your shoulder, he stopped in the middle of the path making you abruptly come to a stand still.
"What's the matter?" You smiled.
Joe put his fingers onto your chin, leaning down to give you a simple yet sweet and endearing kiss on the lips.
"I'm just so proud of our son, he's doing so well." Joe moved away not before planting a kiss to the bridge of your nose.
"I know, I just want him to stay little forever." You pouted your bottom lip.
"He'll always be our baby no matter what, my darling." A pause of silence came over the both of you, you nodded slightly to Joe's response, a smirk overcoming Joe's face when you furrowed your brow towards him.
"What?" You chuckled.
"Maybe it's time we made another." Joe winked your way and you had to look away, excitement? Lust maybe? Or just the thought of making another baby together was such a perfect idea.
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inafieldofdaisies · 8 months
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @direwombat
Checking-in with some more of John and Sabrina's AU: from Oliver and Leslie coming clean about their wrongdoings to John's no-so-pleasant introduction to his neighbors. Mwah.
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Leslie watched Oliver rush in the division, headed towards his desk with conviction. "Fucker is more patient than expected.", he muttered and threw himself in one of the chairs across from him. "I still can't believe you went there to begin with." "I did it for you, and for her. We need to know who exactly we're dealing with." Leslie's eyes quickly darted to his, before returning to his computer screen, "Nothing comes up on him. He's clean." "You ran a check on him?", Oliver asked and gave him a mischievous smile, "You changed your mind, didn't you? You're not giving up on her." "Nothing like that.", the stern look didn't erase his wide grin, "You said it yourself, we need to know who we're dealing with." "Sure. Tell yourself that.", he gestured behind him, "Rina's on her way up, too. Though, with how he was looking at her like he was about to eat her and not his lunch, it might be a while." Leslie frowned at the absolutely unnecessary information, "I didn't ask." "I'm just debriefing you.", McKenzie shrugged innocently, "You don't like it… man up, Leslie, and do something to shift the tide." "Drop the idea. Better yet, drop the pirate puns." "Can't do. I'm loving playing wingman, but you might want to consider hazard pay for good old Ollie." Leslie scrunched his nose, "Do I even want to know?"
"Sat next to the guy, and you know how tiny Rue's booths are. Have to say, my instincts were screaming at me I might get stabbed at any moment. Fucked with him nonetheless. Even made him pay for my food." His eyes narrowed, "Didn't you just say he was patient?" "Patient. But a storm was brewing beneath it all. I can tell when I need to stop pushing, you know.", Oliver leaned back in his chair, locking his hands at the nape of his neck, "He sure almost broke character when I mentioned a three-way." "You-" "Absolutely did.", he appeared as if he was contemplating something, "Icky visuals to picture, between Rina and him looking like you… no offense. I feel like that threesome will scar me and not in a good way." Leslie snorted at the idea, "He doesn't look like me." "Leslie, do you own a mirror?" The door put an end to their argument about the looks of Sabrina's date. The two watched her silently make her way over to her desk, and her flushed cheeks made him question if Oliver had been right about her taking extra time bidding John goodbye. "Any deliveries for me?", she finally spoke up, leaning against her desk as she regarded them the same way she did with suspects. "Nope.", McKenzie retorted quickly, "You waiting on something, Rina? Did you do some late-night online shopping?" "John sent flowers." "He did?", Leslie made the mistake of joining the conversation. "Indeed. So you two just skip to the part where you tell me what happened to them."
"What a frivolous accusation.", Oliver chirped at the same time as Parish rolled away from his desk to pull out the waste bin and slide it over to her. "What?", Sabrina reached out to touch one one of the pitiful roses. "I threw it away." McKenzie swore under his breath at the unprompted confession. A confused frown marred her features, "Why, Leslie?" "Because it was disrespectful as hell." "I don't understand. He sent me flowers. Flowers, Leslie. Why would-" "Read the fucking card, Rina. Not only is he pompous and cliched as hell, but he has no damn shame either.", Oliver cut her off. Sabrina looked between him and the bouquet before reluctantly picking up the card laying on top. Leslie could tell exactly when she came to the realization, her lips forming a small 'oh' before she pursed them in disapproval, aimed at the wrong perpetrator. "Listen, I'm not shaming ya, you ride whoever you want to ride.", Oliver broke the silence again, "I don't give a fuck if he's a lawyer, a senator, hell, even my father, though my ma would take offense. But this,", he gestured to her hands holding the card, "is tacky. Frankly borderline criminal." "Guys.", a sigh, then she stopped. "What? Tell me you love the flowers. Come on. 100 roses or fuck knows how many, paired with that card. To your workplace. Romantic." "Ollie.", Leslie muttered under his breath, "That's enough." "I didn't…", she huffed, throwing the card at Oliver, "I didn't sleep with him."
He, in turn, opened the small piece of paper and presented it, finger tapping the writing on the inside for good measure, "'Thank you for last night.'" "I helped him with something.", she pointed at him, "And no, I'm not telling you after the shit you pulled at lunch. Hell, it's a miracle he still wants to go out again after being hit by hurricane Oliver." "I'm sorry.", the look aimed at him reeked of disbelief, "I truly am. But come on, you can't leave me hanging. I need more that 'I helped with something' to believe it's all innocent." "You're just going to keep pestering me the whole day until I tell you, aren't you?" McKenzie smirked, "Have we met? Damn right, I will." "No word about it. Promise me. Both of you." "We do. Spill.", he said quickly before Leslie even had a chance to respond. "A bat went into his hotel room while he was in the shower or something.", she let out a small laugh, "He called me, freaking out. I helped him to deal with the poor thing. No bats were harmed." Oliver tilted his head, "But can we say the same about his family jewels?" "Ollie." "What? You know they tend to dangle, hence why they'd look like a target…" "Gross." "Just an observation." "Les, any snarky comments from you? So we can move on from the subject." "Nope. Got nothing."
Sabrina cleared her throat, "The flowers are a 'thank you' for that." "I still don't like it.", Parish uttered out. "Of course you don't. You all won't approve of anyone I'd choose to go out with, not just John. Nobody would be good enough." "No. He doesn't have to be perfect.", it was his turn to point at the roses that were a thorn in his eye, no matter their true purpose, "First thing he does out in the open and he's overdoing it, sending you a bouquet you can't even hold without being hidden behind it. Did he even ask if you like roses?" "Roses are perfectly fine." "They sure aren't something you'd pick." "Doesn't matter. It's the gesture I care about. The fact that he thought of me." Oliver groaned at her excuse, "And the card? Can't tell me he didn't know it could be taken out of context." "He probably wanted to make me laugh.", she crossed her arms, fully set on believing she knew a man she just met, "You saw him at lunch. He's well-behaved, a gentleman. He paid for your food, for heaven's sake. He didn't have to." "Sure he is. You forgot weird from the list, by the way." "I like him, Ollie, strangeness included. And I don't want to argue with either of you, all because I went out on one date." Sabrina took a few steps forward until she was standing next to Leslie's desk and offered out both of her hands for each detective to take, "Understood?" Oliver was the first to react, faking a handshake, which made her smile, "Fine, fine. I still don't know what you see in Batman, especially with how much he looks like a slightly shrunken version of Leslie. You better hope nothing below the belt is-"
"Oliver, oh my f-" "He doesn't look anything like me.", Leslie cut in. "But…", McKenzie made a dramatic pause, "I will tolerate his existence." "Batman? You better not call him that to his face." He patter her hand, "No promises." "Les?", her eyes moved to Parish, noticing he had made no move to grab her hand. A few beats passed and he finally caved in. "Fine.", he muttered in defeat as he enveloped it in his, "As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Leslie did his hardest to avoid the pointed look Oliver tried to give him from across the desk, releasing her hand as he added, "We got a tip on Keats while you were at lunch. Right when you left. Seemed promising, but… nothing came out of it." "You went there? Why- why didn't you call me?", her voice rose at the potential of finally capturing a suspect in one of their older cases, "I told you-" "And ruin your date?" Sabrina rolled her eyes, "Oliver was already on that. You should have called." "I was not. Excuse me for going hungry and stopping at my favorite restaurant where you happened to be, too. Not my fault Batman can't handle another man's presence as he's trying to charm the pants off someone. Hell, he should have thanked me for making things more interesting.", Oliver rattled on. "Ollie." "Yeah?" "You were in his space, stealing his food… when you had your own."
"I was testing his generosity.", he argued, "If he can't share with me, how will he be with my goddaughter?" "What am I going to do with you…", she sighed in exasperation, "Now, enough of you trying to distract me and save Leslie from getting an earful about being reckless." "Don't stop at my expense, Rina. I'm waiting for the spanking, you know I love a good show." Leslie ignored his remarks, "It's not a big deal. All I got to see was an empty house." She sent a frown his way at the nonchalant tone he had used, "Doesn't matter. Wherever you go, I come, too. It's protocol." "I was in no danger whatsoever. Keats is half my size." "It's how you go shot last time, Leslie. Going off on your own. Or did you forget it altogether?" It was almost impossible to erase the memory, of thinking he was going to bleed to death after a suspect had blindsided him, only to be found by a good samaritan, passed out in a warehouse the middle of nowhere in a pool of his own blood. A miracle. He still carried the scar of the bullet that had almost taken his life. Had gotten a tattoo near it to remind himself he had pulled through, that he was still breathing. Sabrina knew it. "You weren't even here back then, Rina." "You-", her hazel eyes narrowed as she smacked his shoulder, "No stunts like that, swear it." "I promise." "Good. Because you're not dying on me, Parish.", she said with conviction before setting on trying to salvage whatever she could from the flowers, just as the phone on his desk rang with a new tip.
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"So you would advise me against that?", Owen Montgomery asked for what felt like the hundredth time, causing John to pinch the bridge of his nose as he pushed his simmering frustration down. "That's exactly what I said, Owen." "But-", the man started again and he interrupted him before he could slip into another useless deviation from the issue at hand, from the fact he was close to ending up with nothing as settlement. "Do you want to live in a one-bedroom apartment in the bad side of town?", John asked flatly, "Because that would happen if you go against the prenuptial agreement." Owen let out a string of curses, directed at his soon to be ex-wife. "The settlement is more than generous.", he reminded his client, "You wanted the divorce, you either accept what she's willing to give you or find a way to convince her to be more lenient on your own." John doubted the latter was possible, considering the Mrs. Montgomery had a team of lawyers that communicated with Owen on her behalf after she had cut off all contact with her husband. "I-", he stopped himself, silence taking over his side. "Are we clear?" Owen sighed, "Yeah. Thank you, I guess." He hung up with that without sparing any pleasantries. In a way, John could blame his wife for the way she was responding to the divorce proceedings, considering he was not only leaving her for another woman, but also trying to start anew with her hard earned money. Owen Montgomery was what could be considered a nightmare client. Always making demands, not once stopping to consider how outrageous they would get.
After parting ways with Sabrina, John had returned to his hotel, successfully avoiding any encounters with Candice Donovan. He rolled his shoulders and leaned back in his chair, feeling some of the tension that had accumulated thanks to sitting at the small desk for a couple of hours and going over various clients' complaints. If the amount of calls Penny had transferred straight to him was any indicator, she probably hadn't exactly bothered to clear out his schedule either. At some point into his second phone call, he had moved from loosening his tie to fully removing it. He felt like he could breathe easier with a couple of buttons of his shirt undone and was glad he wasn't dealing with his clients face to face after so soon after having to tolerate Oliver. The fact his PA seemed to only do the bare minimum of her duties wasn't helping matters.
Once he had taken care of everything that needed to be addressed immediately, John settled for staying in again and ordering room service after taking a quick freezing shower. Instead of reaching for a towel like he usually did, he grabbed one of the bathrobes hanging in the bathroom as shivers racked his body. His food felt mediocre at best, giving him a sense of chewing rubber and not a meal served at a 5-star hotel. As much as he tried to convince himself otherwise, he was miserable. Disappointed there was no laughter to fill the silence that weighted him down as the hours dragged by slower than usual. Annoyed that Sabrina wasn't there and he was stuck replaying their previous conversations in his head. The fuck is wrong with me? He couldn't figure out why he couldn't stop thinking about the slice of chocolate pie they would have been sharing had Oliver not been at lunch. I miss her? Is that it? That was what he mulled over as he walked to his bed and lay down on his back, enveloped by the soft robe. "At least there's no bats flying around.", he muttered out loud, staring at the white ceiling above him, "It could be far worse." Minutes later, he began regretting his words after getting his first clue in how thin the walls between rooms must have been. It all had started innocently enough, with a female's muffled moan that had made him raise an eyebrow.
"More. Yes. YES.", the sound of the headboard banging against the wall carried over as the woman continued switching between languages and shouting out orders at her bed partner. John had lost count how many times she had praised the man's cock in size, he was questioning if she had ever seen a ruler in her life. If she could even begin to realize how ridiculous her comparisons sounded in reality. If I hear another outrageous metaphor, I swear to God- The woman switched to French again, her voice raising even more, joined by the man's grunts. "I hope you've left your window open, and a bat chooses to visit you, too.", John gritted out as he picked up the hotel phone and dialed reception. "Yes, Mr. Duncan?", a female's voice sounded on the other line. "I'm calling to raise a noise complaint. A couple in room 310 have been causing continuous disturbance." "I'm so sorry to hear that. I will call their room, and sort it out immediately." "Thank you." True to her words, he could guess the exact moment the call was made because all of the noises stopped suddenly. "Sweet silence. Thank God.", John muttered with a satisfied grin, and closed his eyes as he snuggled into his pillow. Yet the peace didn't last long, with the two next door slipping back into their previous activities despite the warning from the front desk. "For heaven's sake.", he shouted and it somehow wasn't loud enough to match the woman's screeches that sounded more like a wounded animal, than somebody enjoying themselves.
As more muffled profanities left her mouth, he reached for the receiver again and dialed reception again. "Yes, Mr. Duncan?" "The issue hasn't been resolved.", he said darkly. "I was assured they would keep it down, sir. I'm not at liberty to do anything aside from calling again." "Call the police for all I care. Just shut them up." "Sir,", the woman sighed, "The window for noise disturbances is from 10 pm to 7 am, I'm afraid-" "Remind me again how many stars does your hotel have?", he interrupted the poor excuse. "I will place another call."
After multiple calls later and the wretched noises persisting, John began to wonder if this was a new form of torture Portland had selected for him. Karma. He almost wished he was back in the diner and forced to listen to random stories from Oliver. Where some would most likely find enjoyment in overhearing a couple in the heat of the moment, he could safely say the prolonged show they were giving the hotel wasn't doing anything for him aside from reminding him he didn't have anyone in his bed, that the only thing keeping him company were his fantasies of her. Then as the sky had already darkened and he was considering throwing on some clothes and just leaving the hotel altogether before he would do anything drastic with his anger raising anytime the headboard would slam on the other side of his wall, his phone rang. He accepted the call, doubting Sabrina's voice would cancel the couple's latest role-playing round. "Hey.", she wore a content smile, her overall demeanor the opposite of what he was feeling at that moment. "Hey.", he forced himself to return her grin, but guessed it hadn't worked if he was to judge by the frown she gave him. "What's wrong?" "This,", he said as he rose up in bed and brought the phone closer to the adjoining wall between the two rooms. "Is that-", she paused, blinking quickly at the array of noises that carried over.
"Yes. They're, excuse my French,", he let out a humorless chuckle at the accidental pun, "fucking. Have been for hours, Detective." Sabrina winced visibly and bit her lip, "And the hotel isn't doing anything?" "I called reception to deal with them multiple times, it's like they're taking my complaints as encouragement." "Jesus." "She's been trying to summon him for a while now." A laugh broke free before she quickly said, "I'm sorry." "Don't be… I can imagine how amusing it could be from an outsider perspective. Me on the other hand… I'm contemplating spending my night in the bathroom." He rubbed at his eye, feeling a headache forming, "I'm close to just going out, and I have no idea where I would even go." "John." "Yeah?" She looked torn, almost like she was unsure if she should voice whatever was on her mind. "Now you're worrying me.", he remarked at her furrowed eyebrows. "I'm thinking." He cracked a small smile, "I see that." The woman in 310 began chanting, making him squeeze his eyes shut as he told reminded himself he needed to remain calm. Monday can't come quickly enough. What I wouldn't do for the universe to stop hating me and grant me a plane ticket before Friday. "Have to say, I'm jealous - I certainly can't hear my own thoughts.", he uttered out, raking a hand through his hair. "John.", she repeated his name, making him crack his eyes open at the shift in her tone.
"What is it?" "Did you have dinner yet?", her question took him aback considering the more pressing issue he was faced with. "No.", he lied with ease, gaze darting to his half-finished plate, to his meal that had no doubt turned cold after being becoming long forgotten thanks to his lack of appetite paired with the neighbors' antics. She nodded but didn't elaborate further. "Why did you ask?", he pushed for an answer, his curiosity fully awaken. "It's probably a weird thing to suggest after we just had lunch." Now you have my full attention. "Weirder than her,", he titled his head at the wall behind him, "comparing her lover's moves to a sledge hammer? Both in English, and French?" A hand covered her mouth as she tried to stop a giggle from emerging. "It's okay to laugh, you know. At least something comes out of my misery then." "You could always march over there and threaten to sue them for harassment… Your poor ears would thank you." "Don't tempt me. Because we might end up with a different situation on our hands." She raised an eyebrow, "Them asking you to join?", all he could do was blink as she laughed quietly, "Kidding. Oliver isn't rubbing off on me, I promise." Chances are things would be getting physical in a different way. "Frankly, I won't be shocked.", he leaned his head on his head, willing for the throbbing at his temples to reside, "Back to the subject at hand - what were you going to suggest?"
Her eyes darted away from his as she looked down, her unease on full display, "Forget I said anything, it's stupid." "Impossible.", he retorted, "I highly doubt whatever it is is more embarrassing than me hiding away from a bat and calling you in the middle of the night. So, try me." Her cheeky smile made a return, "You forgot the naked part." "Trust me, I haven't forgotten. And I'm listening, as much as I can, really." The woman in the other room was back to shouting profanities in French, making him sigh in defeat. "I-", Sabrina cleared her throat, getting a couple of words out before she could change her mind, "I have some leftovers from dinner and since you haven't eaten yet…" Leftovers? His lips quirked up, "Are you asking me to come over?", the unintended innuendo behind his question caused her to frown, so he rushed to add, "I know you don't mean it that way." He was back to gesturing at the wall separating him from all the action happening next door. Her face relaxed at his words, "I am. Yes. But if you think it's too weird…" "Sabrina?" "Yeah?" "Offering to spare me having to listen to them fornicate,", he couldn't help his snarl as the man moved into grunting out lines from his usual repertoire, "isn't weird. I'd call it generous as hell." He was fully preparing himself to slip into an argument how he hated ear plugs, before moving onto invalidating any other simpler solution that stood between him and seeing her again, when she nodded, "Should I text you the address?" The second she asked that, his heart began to thump almost as loud as the couple's bed, causing him to rub his chest through the robe as he mumbled a quiet, "Yes." "Okay." He matched her smile, "See you in a few, then."
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Tagging, @josephseedismyfather @adelaidedrubman @poisonedtruth @theelderhazelnut @madparadoxum @cassietrn @corvosattano @florbelles @josephslittledeputy @trench-rot @g0dspeeed @aceghosts @direwombat @strangefable @dumbassdep @euryalex @purplehairsecretlair @voidika @simplegenius042 @thesingularityseries @the-silver-chronicles @nightbloodbix @clicheantagonist @harmonyowl @wrathfulrook @jillvalentinesday and anyone that would like to share something <3
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