#so it seems people are still interested and the least i can do is an explanation of why i didnt do a thing
0310s · 1 day
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best friend, experienced fwb! leehan x virgin, inexperienced! reader
(continuation of preview one)
warnings: nsfw talk, no explicit scenes
wc: 1.5k
a/n: preview two is here! the smut will be reserved for the actual fic <3 let me know your thoughts so far!!
You’re both seated across your plush floor carpet, your backs leaning against the side of your bed. “So…” you gulp nervously, looking anywhere except for Leehan, whose eyes you can feel are trained on you. You concentrate your attention straight ahead on your shelf—specifically, the fluffy alien plushie your best friend gifted you on your birthday. You've named the lil guy Leehan in your head, although you've sworn yourself to secrecy (and utter embarrassment if the real Leehan were to find out). Leehan (the plushie) has been there during your worst breakdowns and has served as a source of comfort whenever you're stressed. “Where do we start?” You’re rapidly losing the feigned confidence you mustered minutes before Leehan came in.
“Well, you could start by looking at me,” Leehan lets out a small laugh. “And maybe moving closer to me… don’t you think you’re a little too far away?” You then notice the awkward distance between the both of you, practically enough to squeeze in two more people, so you scoot over, leaving a bit of space between you. Definitely farther than usual—you’re both usually comfortably pressed up against each other on most days. Although that ease of physical contact was platonic in nature; you’re not so sure about now. You then find the courage to turn and face him.
Leehan’s eyes curve into relieved crescents. He’s got his chin propped up on his hand as he tilts his head to look at you. “Hi.” He smells comforting, his perfume woody and pleasant. A cuddle session with him would honestly fix you… wait, stop that, brain! These thoughts of yours need to stop; they’re veering towards very dangerous territory.
“Hi.” Your throat is dry and your voice comes out scratchy. You clear your throat in embarrassment, trying again. “Hi, Leehan.” 
Leehan lets out a huff at your awkwardness, still faintly smiling. “How are you? You still up for this?”
Collecting your thoughts, you remain silent for a while. “Honestly? Nervous.” At Leehan’s encouraging nod, you open up. “Okay, well. I’m scared. I’ve never done this before. And I’m also just really self-conscious. I’m already overthinking now, who knows how much more of that I’ll be doing when we… you know…” Your face burns. “I also don’t find myself particularly attractive, you know? I’m just plain old me. Sure, maybe at the very most, I’m cute. But not enough for people to stop and think, wow, they’re really pretty, I have a crush on them. And I’ve never been on the receiving end of sexual or romantic attention. So I… sorry, Leehan, I don’t know where I’m going with this,” you trail off, but Leehan places a warm hand atop your own, which you’re gripping your thigh with.
“Listen,” Leehan begins, “I think everyone experiences a certain amount of self-consciousness when they have sex. After all, they’re allowing themselves to be vulnerable in front of someone else, which is a challenge even outside a sexual context. For me at least, it’s worth experiencing that self-consciousness first to be able to experience that intimacy and connection with your partner.” You nod pensively at what he’s saying. “And I think you’re really understating yourself. If you’ve only known how many guys and girls have asked me if you were single…”
You pause at that information. “Wait, seriously? You’ve never told me about this! I don’t know, maybe you were mistaken…”
“Come on, when have I ever lied to you about anything?” Leehan counters. “I didn’t say anything because I never assumed you were interested in anything romantic back then. You never seemed interested in anyone else, and you never told me anything. So I assume you didn’t really have any crushes…?”
“Well, yeah, I guess,” you shrug. “I found people pretty or handsome, but just from an aesthetic standpoint? It never really got to the point that I wanted to act on it… so not a crush.” Still, a flash of insecurity strikes you. “Okay, I know this is about me, but… are you sure you want to do this? It doesn’t really matter if other people find me attractive…”  If you don’t, you were about to say. You’re unable to finish your sentence because of how… misleading it sounds in your head. “I mean,” you correct yourself, “It would be weird and awkward if I was the only one getting anything out of this. I don’t think you’d be, um, turned on in any way.” You find your gaze fixating on the Leehan (the plushie) once again, unable to make eye contact with your (very real) best friend.
“Don’t worry, I will be. Turned on, that is,” you hear from beside you, and you can’t help but turn. Leehan’s ears are red, and he’s glancing at you almost sheepishly. “I hope you know that… you’re really pretty. Anyone with eyes can see that.” Oh. Um. Okay. Oh… Wow. Hearing that from Leehan himself, who is the embodiment of beauty, makes you positively flustered, but you don’t want to think about why exactly that’s so. 
“I…” You don’t know what to say without sounding stupid. “Okay.”
“Okay,” Leehan echoes. “I mean, is that okay with you? That I think that way?” What way, you want to scream, but you’re terrified of overcomplicating things right now. 
“Um. Yes, I guess… I mean, coming from someone as handsome as you, it’s nice to hear,” you admit. You hoped that was a normal enough response (as normal as it could get in your extremely abnormal situation, anyway). And then you risk another glimpse at Leehan—he’s blushing and trying to hide a shy smile, for the love of God. His dimples are so lovely. Do not overthink this, please, for your own sanity!!!
“So…” you attempt to change the subject, but end up making yourself feel even worse. “You’re right, about the self-consciousness thing. Maybe I need to try it out to know how exactly I feel about… intimate stuff… and see if it’s something I really want. But. I don’t know. Could you tell me if you’re not attracted to me or something when you see my body? Before we actually get into anything?” You sound utterly pathetic, and you duck your head down.
“(Y/n)... look at me,” Leehan urges. A gentle hand on your shoulder turns you towards him, and you’re scared to see what expression he’s making. “You’re already beautiful the way you are, with all your imperfections—not despite. I promise you, there’s nothing about you that would make me think you’re unattractive.” His eyes are kind and his touch a comforting weight. You desperately want to believe him.  
“Okay,” you utter. 
“Okay?” Leehan repeats, and you nod slowly. “We can stop at any time you’re uncomfortable. But we don’t even have to at all, if that’s what you want. Sex isn’t something everyone has to do, and there’s really more to relationships than sex. Do you need more time to think over this? We can just hang out now like we always do,” he says, but you have your answer already.
“Leehan, I want to do this. I’m going to be scared and nervous, but I know I’ll be safe with you. And I want to do this with you. There’s no one else I could trust myself more with.” At that, you lean over and wrap your arms around him. You can tell Leehan is momentarily startled, but he settles into the hug, encircling you with his own arms. His palms against your back are gentle and warm. You take a deep breath, melting into the comfort of his embrace.
After a minute or so, you withdraw from his arms. “So Leehan… what do we do now?”
“What do you want to do? It’s your call,” Leehan whispers. 
“I’m honestly not sure? Could you, I don’t know, suggest something and I’ll let you know if it’s something I want?”
“How about… kissing?” Leehan suggests. “It’s simple but a nice way to start.“
“Oh. Well… Uh… I don’t know how to say this, but…” Your hands grow sweaty. “Uh…”
After a few moments of silence, Leehan’s eyes widen in realization. “You’ve never kissed anyone before?” You can feel your face heating up as you nod. “So technically, I’d be your first?” You nod again, albeit slower this time. Then you feel a sudden, unidentifiable, shift in the air as Leehan softly cradles your cheek with his palm. His eyes are dark with desire, and your breath is stolen from you at the awareness that you have the entirety of his attention focused on you. “Tell me you’re okay with me being your first.” He patiently waits for your answer, eyes locked on you. 
You feel the weight of your need to be as close as possible to him. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest. You want to say yes. Yes to Leehan and everything he wants to give you. “I… Yes. Please, Leehan.”
And then he's kissing you.
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byoldervine · 2 days
Why No Writing Advice Seems To Work
There’s millions of tips out there for writers, but so much of it just doesn’t apply, and it often feels like nothing ever works because you have to wade through a million failures before you find a success. But why is that, exactly?
1. Implicit phasing. Seeking advice while in the drafting phase of your writing can be difficult when many popular tips are more important during the editing phase. It can build on perfectionism struggles that a lot of writers have, but a lot of people genuinely don’t realise that this advice will suit them better for editing rather than drafting. If it’s about improving what you’ve already got, or just improvements in general, don’t touch it until you’re editing; you can’t improve on something that doesn’t exist, so you’ll just be going over the same draft a gazillion times without making progress. What you need to look for are tips for brainstorming, getting out of a funk, etc
2. Concept to blueprint. For me, literal thinking has kept me from understanding a lot of writing advice and, even when I’ve got the gist of it, I struggle to figure out how to take it from a general phrase (e.g. “Show don’t tell”, “Make it a habit”) to something actionable that tells me what I need to do. If you’re misunderstanding what the advice is saying, or you don’t know what actions it’s implying that you take, of course it’s not going to be helpful. Sitting down and dedicating a minute or two to considering it can really help, and if you’re still unsure then always feel free to ask other writers; there’s bound to be others who were in the same boat that can share their own interpretations and the actions they took that helped them
3. Hobbyist approach. If you’re only writing for fun, and especially if you don’t consider yourself a ‘real writer’, it’s easy to think that some of the advice doesn’t apply to you. For me, I always thought that the whole “Write every day, make writing a habit” thing was just for people who were super serious about it or on a schedule, not for people who were just writing for fun and didn’t mind it taking forever. But after trying out NaNoWriMo, I realised I actually quite enjoy having a set routine that allows me to see consistent improvement, and even after NaNoWriMo I experimented to see how often I could write without it feeling more like a chore than a fun activity. It’s definitely worth it to at least try out tips that you think may not apply to a hobbyist just working for fun; sometimes you might learn something else about your writing style, even if the tip doesn’t work for you
4. Unique takes. Ultimately, we’re all different people with different experiences, habits, interests, styles, physical abilities and neurotypes; not everything will work for everyone. And that’s a good thing! Yes, it’s frustrating when we try a popular tip and it just doesn’t work for us like it does others, but that’s one more thing we know about ourselves and how we work, and maybe it’ll lead us to a new discovery that makes it easier going forward. If everyone was the same, all our writing would be the same, and that would be boring. You’ll stand out as a writer by working differently to achieve unique results. And if you find something that works for you, make sure you share it in case others benefit, too!
5. Customise. Finding your own tips and sharing them can lead others to you, and it all starts with experimentation; try new things, mix and match existing tips you’ve tried and figure out what can be adjusted to make your writing process better. I can’t keep to NaNoWriMo’s 1667 words per day demands, it’s too much work in too little time, but I can do 1000 words every week and be much more consistent than I used to be. Or maybe watching your word count all the time demotivates you? Try changing your measurement from X words to writing for Y amount of time - or you could even try both and say you’ll write for a max of Y minutes unless you can reach X amount of words beforehand. Even if it’s not something that was originally intended by the tip, can you find a way to customise it to work better for you?
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hannahssimblr · 3 days
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She seems brighter when she comes back, though we all ignore the blotchiness of her face, like she’s just been crying. Her lashes are a little wet too, making them long and spiky like she’s a girl from a cartoon. She and Liam are smiling into each other's faces now, mumbling vague reassurances, giggling together as though what just occurred was so silly, and hasn’t caused any genuine hurt to either of them. 
When he kisses her on the cheek she flinches slightly as though there is something objectionable or embarrassing about the way that he touches her, and in that moment his insecurity makes sense. 
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I think everyone feels bad for her then and wants for her to feel included because they start asking her questions about school which she answers enthusiastically, making sure to look very interested and engaged in what everyone is saying. It occurs to me that she’s a nice person, that she’s making an effort with others and being polite, and perhaps my initial judgement of her formality was unfair. I think I should try harder to be a nice person too, but then I wonder if it’s even in my nature to be that way. I’ve sort of already embraced being a bastard and allowed it to define me. 
“Tell everyone what you want to do in college,” Shane encourages, and Evie fiddles with the ends of her plaits. “Oh, well, art, I think.”
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“You make art?” I say.
Immediately her face reddens. It must be a side effect of her kind of complexion. 
“Yeah, I suppose I’m okay at it.”
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“Everyone says she’s great at it.” Liam says proudly, as though we are discussing his accomplishments and not Evie’s. “I haven’t seen her drawings yet, but the girls were raving about her. She draws in her sketchbook every day.”
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“That’s cool.” I speak pointedly to her and not him, “What do you draw?” 
“Just whatever I see. Landscapes, people, sometimes still life, like stuff that’s lying around in the mobile home. I really like doing it, because when I’m drawing I don’t have to think about anything else.”
I smile. Somehow it’s comforting to hear her talking about art in a way that’s wholly familiar to me, as a meditation, a form of escapism.
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“Jude is an artist too.” Jen says. “Ye have something in common.”
“Yeah, I’m studying art in college next year. I already have my place in the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts to do a degree.”
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“Oh, so you’re studying abroad?”
“Yeah, it’s going to be good. Four years in Germany, I can’t wait. I’m actually leaving at the end of the summer,” which is… about seven weeks. My palms prickle and become damp with sweat but I keep smiling. It’s fine. Everything will just fall into place as long as I don't get stressed. 
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Claire interrupts our conversation with her return, and kneels whispering urgent sounding things to Evie. I don’t hear anything but the delightful phrase “throwing up everywhere” and wonder with utter dread what exactly constitutes everywhere. On the couch? The rug? Up the walls? Well, at least it’ll be motivation to clean the house for once. Still, I’m struck by how much I fucking hate Kelly Healy in that moment, and consider suggesting that Jen clean up her vomit as penance for inviting her in the first place. 
“I can get my dad to come and collect us,” Liam is saying as he and Evie are getting up to help.
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“Is everything okay?” says Jen, and Evie smiles tightly, “Yeah, just Kelly’s sick, so we’re going to have to take her home and look after her and stuff.”
“You don’t have to go, Evie, you can stay here with us if you want.”
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She shakes her head, “No, I do. I want to go with them,” she turns to leave, but Jen quickly catches her wrist, “Hey, you should come to Dublin with us this weekend.”
“Jude and I are going to an exhibition, and you might really like it.”
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Usually I’d be pissed off that she’s changing our plans without consulting me first, but it seems like a good idea to me, actually. Maybe it’d be nice to go to an exhibition with someone who enjoys art, and not just Jen who walks around pointing at things and saying I could do that if I was bothered.
“No pressure at all,” I assure her, “but yeah, if you want to, you’re welcome. We’ll mostly be hanging out in the city for the day anyway so whatever you feel like doing.”
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Jen pats her hand and gives her a meaningful look, “I’m just saying, it might be nice to get away for an afternoon.”
Evie grins. It’s the happiest I’ve seen her look all night, “I’d love to.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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glitteringcrab · 2 days
Rick Prime's decoys
1. If Evil Morty knew for sure that the fingerguns would work on Rick Prime and he had the situation totally under control, wouldn't he have used them the first time he came within close proximity of Rick Prime?
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You know. Instead of punching and kicking and getting strangled?
2. If he didn't know for sure whether the fingerguns would work on Rick Prime, was it because he made them with another Rick in mind, a Rick whose head was full of cables that could be overloaded by electricity...
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(there is really no other way I can interpret his look except "uncertain")
Maybe he thought that, at worst, the fingerguns might temporarily incapacitate Prime, granting Eyepatch Morty a few more seconds, and at best, Rick Prime might have some sort of implant allowing them to work kinda as intended...
And work as intended they did...
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(kinda similar, isn't it? Not the same, but similar.)
2. So, what, is Prime's head filled with puppeteering cables like Evil Rick's was?
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Well, no.
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And why should it be?
It shouldn't.
He works alone. He doesn't bother to team up with anyone, to manage people, or anything of the sort. He has said as much.
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(headache? Interesting choice of words heh)
And yet, against the face of opposing evidence, I will continue talking :P
3. Because how do we explain THIS:
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I've read a fan theory that Prime has time split himself (go read it!!!), and that's how he was able to be at several different places at once:
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"I wish Morty. It's all the places he is."
And there could be a lot of truth in this theory, but it doesn't really explain why there would be a "main" Rick Prime.
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If all copies of Rick Prime are the main one, and are just time shifted, then Rick C-137 would really have to kill all of them.
No, wait. Maybe killing the first (chronologically) Rick Prime would work as a domino effect and make all of them disappear via paradox??? (this might explain how Evil Morty seemed to be able to delete whole trees of Rick Prime clones at once)
Could be.
However, Prime being time shifted doesn't explain by itself how the copies were apparently able to communicate with each other. Finish each other's sentences.
They act like a collective, don't they?
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Of course, you don't need mind control to explain that. It could just be a simple communication thing.
However, we've seen Rick C-137's decoys not only acting independently from each other, not only being unaware they're decoys and ignorant of each other's actions, not only being worried they might be fake, but trying their best to be the ones to come on top, the last ones to survive.
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Compare this with Prime's decoys, which, despite Prime's massive ego, didn't even bat an eyelid at the prospect of being shot:
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(I'm dead XD Look at his face)
4. What if Prime was... mind controlling his own decoys? Puppeteering them, sorta?
Or maybe, if that was too much of a drag for his concentration, what if he let them act independently from him most of the time, overriding them only when the situation called for it?
Or maybe it was a time thing, and he used a puppeteering-ish/operation phoenix-ish implant to communicate his thoughts and transfer the consciousness? (but I still feel the various time split Rick Primes would try to fight each other... Time split Rick C-137 was quick to become paranoid and try to murder himself.)
Or it could be something entirely new, something that incudes all of the above at the same time. Maybe he did time shift himself and then merged his consciousness or something, to become one ultra person.
5. Anyway, the lack of visible cables (or any kind of implant on the head) could be explained by craftmanship more superior, discreet or compact than the one Evil Morty is using...
(and, interestingly, we never got to see what Rick Prime looked like at the very end... because Rick C-137 was blocking the view)
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6. If this theory is true-ish, then this would be the understatement of the century...!
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It's the least stealthy technique possible!!!
Prime would have at all times detailed information on exactly what Rick C-137 was doing, where he was, who was with him, and how far his search progressed.
This would be an extreme disadvantage for Rick C-137 I feel, which points away from this theory.
7. (Still going along with the theory anyway) Maybe THAT was the purpose of his Very Cool Chair: maybe the "main" Rick Prime (whatever that means) would sit there and control all his clones and decoys simultaneously, like a king on his throne:
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Maybe all those thin black cables really were supposed to go to his head, but probably through a different piece of equipment or implant, and not through Eyepatch Morty's fingergun.
8. If this theory is true, it would be in line with the show's implied narrative that Rick Prime is the smartest, craftiest, strongest, most cunning Rick; he is the best in every aspect (except empathy lol), trading emotion and family and morals for... infinity. Greatness. Playing god.
His weapons are the deadliest, his teleportation goo the most versatile (it can take the form of living organisms!!), his creations the most elaborate, his messing with time the most advanced (he keeps himself youuuuuung)...
...So it would make sense that he has dabbled in brain control as well, reaching the point of simultaneously controlling hundreds of bodies at once.
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bl-bracket · 1 day
Normally I don't like to offer commentary on the bracket while it's going on but I need to let y'all in on the absolute fever dream the past 24 hours have been
-prepping for the bracket, decides to throw in some more characters to make things more interesting
-still has dead friend forever on watchlist but remembers seeing gifs of the show and one of the characters seemed to be pretty unhinged
-goes to the dead friend forever tag, finds the guy, scrolls through the tags to figure out his name and sees a lot of people talking about how unhinged he is
-thinks: oh that's good that means he'll probably do well in the prelims
-he passes the prelims
-putting him in the seed: well he only has my one submission without any propaganda (because I have not yet watched the show) and dff doesn't have a ton of viewers logged on mdl compared to others so he's going to have a pretty low seed meaning round 1 will be rough but hey at least he still has the loser bracket to shine-
-he wins, beating the #2 seed out of 64, one of the most submitted characters, in ROUND ONE
anyways congrats to New from Dead Friend Forever for the biggest upset since I started seeding these things, knocking out one of the most submitted characters, and it was a character I added last minute without propaganda because I hadn't watched the show yet and was going off the memory of gifs I saw several months ago. you can see now why I've been losing my mind over this right
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Aight just a warning I'm pretty new to Tumblr and I'm DEFINITELY new to making AUs so I'm pretty nervous to post anything here but I figured I'd just rip the band-aid off.
Anyways I love Mario and I love Undertale and I NEEDED TO COMBINE THEM LEGALLY so I decided to make an au about it! Dunno if I'm actually going to do anything serious with this, I mostly just want to imagine cute shenanigans with my favorite characters and whatnot, but who knows? Maybe I'll actually try to give this a proper plot
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So here's the basic info:
- Mario and Luigi, in the midst of trying to chase down Bowser, who has just kidnapped the princess again, somehow wind up far away from the Mushroom Kingdom and on Mt. Ebott. Where, of course, they fall into the underground.
- All the monsters are pretty much their canon counterparts (at least, my best interpretation of them 💀)
- Mario ends up discovering he has the power to reset/load/save/etc, but Luigi does not. This is because Mario has the most determination to get out of here and save the princess
- Toriel isn't quite as overprotective of them as she would be if they were a literal child like Frisk, but she is still very motherly towards them because it's just kinda who she is. She would probably be concerned about them potentially attacking the monsters so she might make them promise not to hurt anyone. I still don't think she would want them to leave because Asgore would take their souls
- Honestly mostly this is just an excuse for the Mario Bros and the Skelebros to hang out XD
- the thing that is really interesting is that Mario and Luigi are not 1, but 2 humans, which means only one of their souls would be needed to break the barrier. This ends up becoming a real issue but I could see it being resolved in a few ways.
1. one of the bros self sacrifices so the underground goes free (much to the dismay of the other, and also my heart would break haha)
2. They decide to just stay in the underground instead of going home (but they would be pretty sad about it because oh no their kingdom is still in danger
3. ??? IDK tbh
- Since Mario can load saves, he's just constantly in this angsty cycle of trying to keep his bro from getting killed off ;;
- Not sure if Mario could keep the resets secret for long since Flowey would taunt them about it, but he definitely would be pretty closed off about it, especially to Luigi. He does NOT want Luigi to know about the horrible things he's seen
-ofc cut to Luigi being confused as heck as to why Mario seems to already know what's going to happen.
- they have cute sweaters because I said so
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- not sure how omega fight would work, but either way Mario would have to fight to save both of them (probably all by himself :c)
- I want them to eventually do true pacifist but IDK how it would work so I'm not gonna think about it too hard rn
- Mario and Undyne having a friendly rivalry about who's the most heroic
- sans trying to convince them they could just stay in the underground and they're like "no we have to save the tiny mushroom people" and he's like "ur just like my bro fr"
- monster speculation about the purpose of mustaches
- It would be kinda funny if they had the firebrand and thunderhand since... Like... Humans aren't supposed to be able to do magic
- "are you sure you're humans? You're so small"
- *confused Italian noises*
Also here's some assorted doodles (I know the quality sucks 😭)
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ichatake · 2 days
Yandere Obito and Yandere Kakashi with the same girl 👀👀👀 I loved it. Can we get a part 2 when they are older?
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Request are open! Request rules here!
Part. 1 Here!
Pairing: Yandere! Obito x reader x Yandere! Kakashi
Warning: Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, slight manipulation, mature content and slightly suggestive content.
A/N: thank you for requesting a part. 2, I love it when people like my works so much they ask for a second part! I hope you enjoy it!
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As Teenagers:
✧ Obito was a very charming boy around you after he had warmed up to the idea of you staying on his team for the rest of your lives. You had now become the light of his day, completely replacing Rin. It was ironic how the last thing he wanted to happen was actually the first thing he’d come to love. Sure, he missed Rin, but you were there now. He surrounds you with his presence and surrounds himself around you at all times. That means that his pictures of Rin he had so dearly kept up in his room were suddenly taken down and replaced by your lovely face. If you compared the amount of pictures he had of Rin with the ones he has of you now, you definitely win. Apart from completely revolving his life around you, he makes sure to always be there for you; asking how you are, if you need anything, if you ate, etc. He wants you to enjoy his presence as much as he loves yours, and he wants you to feel loved by him. He doesn’t hide his growing crush, and it makes a certain silver haired boy boil inside. 
✧ Kakashi gets fed up with Obito easily, as always, but when it comes to you, he can’t help but let his mouth move on his own. He always tries to embarrass Obito in front of you, and make himself seem better than his friend. Although you quickly shut Kakashi off and tell him that what he had just said wasn’t nice, he rolls his eyes and mutters a small apology just so you’re not mad at him. Thankfully, you never stay mad at him for too long, which he deeply appreciates. Like how he appreciates how naïve you are sometimes, because he loves to lie. He had never lied before, but once his feelings for you began to blossom, it became a habit of his. It started off as a small, harmless lie. When you asked him if he had seen your lovely bracelet that Obito had gifted you, he said no, while stuffing his hands in his pockets nonchalantly. Your disappointed frown made him slightly smile as he clutched that stupid bracelet of yours. He could always give you a new one. From then on, he began to lie more constantly, and he couldn’t stop himself from doing so. He lied to keep you interested in him, or to make you look for him. He liked when you needed his help, and he wasn’t shy to sabotage a few things just so you asked him for help. 
✧ Both Kakashi and Obito knew that they were in love with you. They hadn't mentioned it to each other, but it was pretty obvious for the both of them. At first, they didn’t mention anything about it, but as they fought for your attention, it became obvious they needed to get this sorted out. At least, that’s what Kakashi thought. The boy knew Obito wouldn't be very flexible with you, considering how possessive he was, but once he caught said boy pressing his lips onto a framed picture of you while he passed by his house, he found that as the perfect opportunity to either blackmail him or make a pact. “If you don’t want (Y/N) to think you’re a total freak, then you’ll listen to what I have to say,” Kakashi’s threat made Obito sit still and quiet. There was no way he could live with himself if you ever thought he was a weirdo! So, with much irritation, he hesitantly listened to what his rival had to say. Kakashi explained that he knew Obito had feelings for you, and unfortunately, he did too. Of course, Obito wanted to speak and argue, but Kakashi shut him off immediately. “Let’s make a deal. We don’t have to fight over her. On the contrary, let’s work together. It’s obvious you want to keep her safe just as much as I do, and I don’t want her to end up like Rin,” The mention of Rin made Obito tense. At the end of their talk, they decided to put their rivalry aside when it came to you. They trusted each other enough to ‘share’, and they were very selfish kids, so that was surprising. 
✧ The boys spend all their time with you. They are there at your beck and call, and you’re glad they’re there for you! You don’t really notice how they’re unnaturally obsessed with you, so you allow weird things to happen from time to time. Like how you let them pick you up and take you home everyday. How you take food or drinks from them, never questioning if they had anything in them, because they couldn’t possibly ever put anything in your food, right? They don’t really show their weird tendencies flat out, since they’re still in denial that they’re actually doing anything wrong. They simply liked you. That’s all. This was a simple crush they developed, nothing else. It wasn’t weird that the only thing they could think about at night was you. How you would take care of them, heal them, help them, feed them. How you were so nice and gentle when it came to them. How they would try to think of different ways to make you smile, because it was the only thing they were looking forward to in the day. Your smile was contagious to them, intoxicating even. To young boys like them, this was completely normal. The most in denial was Kakashi, but to be honest, he was the one who’d act out on his impulses. As stated before, Kakashi would be willing to lie just to get you on his side. If he didn’t like someone, he’d start telling you how bad of a friend that person was because “I heard them making fun of you”. Of all people you would expect to lie, you never thought Kakashi would be one of them. So, you believed Kakashi, and cut ties with a lot of kids because of him. This was a big victory for him, because now you would look for him even more. You invited him to eat, walk, and train. Sure, you would ask Kakashi if Obito would like to go too, but his answer was always “I don’t know, I think he’s out training again with one of his clan members. Let’s just go, just the two of us,” Apart from slowly becoming a pathological liar, he also made sure to go with you everywhere, whenever he could, of course. That includes when you’re not looking. You would complain about feeling watched sometimes, and he’d try to brush your concerns off by saying “Maybe you’re being paranoid. Maybe you’re used to Obito and I walking you home that it feels weird when you don’t,” 
✧ Speaking of acting on impulses, Obito had become a little self aware that his love for you was becoming dangerously weird. Despite Kakashi being in denial, Obito knew that it wasn’t normal to think about you as if he had to. He needed to know what you were doing as much as he needed to eat, sleep, and breathe. He even felt a little guilty, in contrast to Kakashi. He felt so guilty the first time he stole from you. It was a simple hair tie you always kept around your wrist even if you never wore it. You had used it as some sort of bracelet. As he got home and pulled it out of his pocket, his heart dropped to his stomach as his eyes scanned the tie. Shame ran through his body as blood rushed to his cheeks. He couldn’t believe it. He just stole from you! He was such a freak! He considered giving it back and apologizing, but he couldn’t do that! Then you would totally think he’s sick! So he decided to keep it. He promised himself he would never steal from you ever again. He doesn’t steal. He was a good kid! But, you never know where you might end up in life, and he found himself taking other things from you. Everytime he stole, he felt like a total thief, and he was. The guilt would consume him, but his desires were satisfied. So, he stole and stole and stole until stealing small things from you wasn’t enough. He was left unsatisfied, even if he had a drawer dedicated to placing all of the things he had stolen from you.
As Young Adults:
✧ Now the three of you were older, and had matured! Both Kakashi and Obito grew taller and bulkier, making them attractive young men. Meanwhile, you had also grown and developed in every way. Your personality, your face, your body. Everything changed in ways that satisfied them. To them, you were even more gorgeous than before, and they hoped you thought they were attractive as well. You see, despite them obviously crushing on you, nothing really happened throughout the years. You still considered them friends, and showed no sign of romantic interest in them, much to their dismay. However, that doesn’t mean they stopped obsessing over you. On the contrary, it only fueled their desires. Kakashi had grown an interest in very… detailed literature. The ones you wouldn’t really let children read. His desires developed and changed as he grew, and as he entered adulthood, he found himself thinking of perverted fantasies involving you. He didn’t mean to, but his mind couldn’t help wonder off on how your breast grew a little more, or how your hips became wider. He didn’t really feel guilty about it either. He told himself these fantasies and thoughts were normal for hormonal men like him. His eyes would wander on your body a little longer than usual, and when you noticed him looking at you, he would simply smile and tell you how you haven’t changed a bit. But you had. And he loved it. Now that you weren’t kids, you didn’t need them walking you home anymore. You didn’t need him to watch over you, and you were now getting missions that didn’t involve them. Although it disappointed both of them, they tried to keep their calm. Obito would think about following you while you were out on a mission, but he never did it. He considered it an insult to your skill. You were strong enough to protect yourself, right? Kakashi, on the other hand, didn’t care. He followed you on your mission to keep a close eye on you. You were weaker than him, therefore, you needed his protection. The best part was that you never noticed him. He found it to be a win-win for all parties involved, that being you and him. 
✧ Kakashi wasn’t the only one with perverted fantasies, because Obito found himself waking up with a red face and sweat on his forehead while thinking back on the dream he just had about you. He’d be blushing the whole day while being with you, and when you’d ask him what was up, he’d brush it off saying it was just hot outside. What a big lie. Thanks to those dreams, he found himself sitting on the edge of his bed, hand clutching onto a piece of clothing he had slipped into his pocket the day you invited him and Kakashi to your house for your birthday. He felt disgusted at the fact he felt so aroused with you. That the simple faint scent of your perfume intoxicated him. The thought of owning your clothes without your consent drove him insane, much more than he already was. And the fact that he was holding the fabric close to his nose as his pants felt tight and uncomfortable had him questioning what he was doing. He asked himself why he acted this way, but made no effort into putting a stop to it as his hands fumbled with his belt to find peace from the heat and tension building up in his body. His thoughts would wonder what it would be like if it wasn’t your clothes he was holding, but it was you yourself. What would it feel like to have you sitting on his lap, holding onto his shoulders for dear life while you enjoyed how he made you feel? He had no idea how he could look at you in the eyes the next morning after a night full of dirty fantasies.
✧ Obito and Kakashi had also developed jealous tendencies that would annoy you at times. It was hard to deny that they liked you, at least a little more than just friends. And you didn’t mind it. You had also developed strong feelings for them, but that didn’t mean they could act as if they were your boyfriends when they weren’t. You hated the way you couldn’t talk to a guy because Kakashi would suddenly pop out of nowhere to try and slip you away from the guy. It annoyed you even more when he would start trying to insult the guy—not directly, but he would throw sarcastic and degrading comments just to see the guy’s confidence crumble. God forbid Obito ever sees you flirt with a dude either. He was even worse than Kakashi. When you mention how they should stop treating you as their girlfriend, they simply told you you were taking things out of proportions and how “The guy had been with half the village girls already,” They could stop if you wanted, but they were just being good ‘friends’. They were guys and they knew what their intentions were. You needed to believe them, but if you didn’t, that’s fine. If you wouldn’t stop talking to the guy, then the guy would just need to stop talking to you. Kakashi would make sure of it. And when you did come crying to them, saying how the guy was just a total joke and that they were right, they wasted no time in being by your side, “See? You needed to trust us. We told you,”, “At this point, the only guys you need in your life are us,” Maybe they were right. 
✧ Kakashi was the one that took care of all your personal connections. He decided who you kept in your life, and who would need to leave immediately. Obito, on the other hand, took care of your emotional state. Whatever Kakashi did, it would leave you in shambles, and Obito would be there to pick up the pieces. He was well aware of what Kakashi was doing behind the scenes, I mean they both agreed on it. Obito wasn’t innocent, and you didn’t know that the two men you trusted with your whole life, were actually the ones ruining it. Speaking of ruining, you seemed to be stuck in the same rank rank ever since you became a chunin. Both Kakashi and Obito had ranked up and were currently Jonin, but you were still a chunin. You wondered why, because you were doing everything right. All your missions were completed and well executed, yet you still made no progress. You even asked the Hokage, your former teacher, why you hadn’t ranked up yet. “I’m sorry (Y/N), you're just not ready yet,” he’d tell you, making you storm off angrily out of his office. To you, your missions were perfectly executed, but the anonymous reports that would reach Minato were completely different to what actually happened. They would absolutely botch your hard work and explain how you made many rookie mistakes that belonged to a genin more than a chunin. Maybe you weren’t cut out for this. Maybe you were better working at the hospital than the field. This was highly supported by Kakashi and Obito as well “You’re one of the best medical nin I’ve seen! You should put your skills to work,” Obito would say, trying to motivate you to drop trying to complete missions outside. 
✧ Let it be known that if you ever choose one of them, no you won’t. If it’s one of them, it’s both of them. They agreed on this. They both had a ‘right’ to you, so you couldn’t just choose one of them and leave the other. They had always shared you as teenagers, there was no way that would change now. They were insufferable, and they weren’t even in a relationship with you, imagine what it would be like if you actually dated them. Time was running out, and their patience was running thin. They had waited so many years for you to make up your mind, they couldn’t wait more. The more they fantasized about you, the more they craved you. Kakashi needed you to hold him, Obito needed to hold you. They needed you in every way of the word. They needed you in mind, body, and soul. They need you, and they would do anything to have you. 
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claiestve · 17 hours
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𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 ꨄ Alex
˜”* ❝𝙄 𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙢𝙚, 𝙄'𝙢 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮.❞
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ꜰɪɴᴀʟ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ʙᴇ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ & ᴛʜᴇ ᴇxɪᴛ
⎯୨⎯ " " ⎯୧⎯
“What do you mean?” 
Honestly, you didn’t know what happened. It seemed like, at that moment, your conscience took over. You still debated whether this was a good decision, but no matter what, you could never change the answer. It wasn’t like a ‘good or bad’ thing, but rather a right or wrong. And which one did this fall under?
“[name]! I didn’t mean it like that. I just wanted to be considerate of your feelings.���
“You always say that, Alex. You always say your decisions are made to better both of us. It’s like you think you’re my guardian angel or something.”
“I’m not implying that at all.”
That was such a lie and you knew it. Alex always made a point to be the ‘humble’ one who cared for you more than himself. Your friends used to ask you how you found someone so caring like him. It wasn’t a complete facade but it was an exaggeration. 
He could sit in front of your face all day and pretend he was always right. Not a liar just stubborn. 
“What would I do without you?” You mocked his tone, “I didn’t ask for you to be considerate of my feelings, Alex. Lord knows if I wanted that, I wouldn’t ask to talk to you and catch up.”
“Look, it’s clear there’s still animosity and I don’t want to make this tension worse.”
“Alex, there’s no tension. I’m just trying to make myself clear. Now, can you answer to my request?”
He sighed, looking around. You didn’t know exactly what he was looking at or for and you didn’t like that it wasn’t you. Even when you were right in front of him, practically begging for an answer, he didn’t want to give you that attention. 
Often, you thought about it but you never saw it. How different you two were. Sometimes you’d ask yourself where everything went wrong but you knew exactly where it all went wrong. It was sad though, seeing how you went from being so in love to now standing in front of him getting ticked off by every move he makes. 
“That’s… fine. We can catch up,” He cleared his throat, “I am quite interested in what you’ve been up to recently.”
You smiled at his attempt to lighten the mood. It was the least he could do.\
“Great, let’s walk around.” 
You smiled at him. It was partially fake. You weren’t exactly happy at the moment but you weren’t upset either.  
“So, how have you been? Have you been making a name for yourself in The Big Apple?”
“Well… it’s been great. I mean, the projects I’ve had the privilege to work on have been amazing and I’ve been accompanied by so many amazing people too. I miss home a lot though… and you.”
The last words made you stop. You didn’t need to hear them at all. Maybe if this was months ago when you were still thinking about him every night, but you were healed now. There was no longer a desire to see him or know how he was. 
There were days you couldn’t even get out of bed because all you could think about was him. For a while, it felt like he was a resident in your mind. You never thought you’d be okay after the break up so when you were, it gave you a new kind of confidence. However, hearing him say he missed you shattered your heart. Maybe because you lived partly in the dark after him. 
“Um,” He tried to refocus the conversation, “How has being a lawyer been?”
“It’s been good. I can’t talk about much, but even if I could, it wouldn’t sound nearly as interesting as your whole photography thing.”
He nodded, looking at you expectantly. Like he wanted you to comment on him missing you. Possibly wanting a reciprocation. 
“I didn’t know you missed me.”
“It’s hard not to. You were my everything outside of my career. You meant– you mean so much to me so it’s not exactly easy to let go.”
“I get that.”
He scoffed at that. It felt like he was disappointed with your responses because he wasn’t getting proper validation. He wanted you to want him. Alex loved the way you loved him so what happens when you no longer do?
“I mean, [name], c’mon. You can’t act so nonchalant about this. You hear me, right? I’ve been telling you I miss you and all you can say is ‘I get that’.”
“What? Do you want me to tell you that I missed you too? I did but that’s in the past, Alex. That breakup really fucked me up. I wish you knew how bad it actually was. My existence doesn’t revolve around the love we once had for each other.”
“I still love you. I don’t get why you insist on putting us in the past!”
“Because, Alex!” You start to match his tone, getting as loud as him, “You may love me and I promise I love you too, and I always will but I am not in love with you. There’s a difference. I don’t want to relive that pain so yes, we are in the past so I can heal in the present!”
You stop walking and look at him, deep in his eyes. Seeing him nearly beg for you to run back to him made you feel betrayed. 
“I have taken time to heal which is why I thought we could have this conversation but I was clearly wrong. I hope you can do the same, Alex. Trust me, you’ll be so much happier once you leave our relationship in the past.”
You tried to walk away before feeling a firm grip on your wrist. 
“You can’t just walk away, [name]! Why do you choose to walk away from us?”
“Because I’m not choosing ‘us’,” You removed his hand, “I’m choosing myself.”
With that, you walked away as fast as you could. You were eager to get out of that because you knew that nothing good would come out of that conversation. 
Your friend smiled and reached out to embrace you. 
“I’m so proud of you for that.”
glad we made it this far um yeah! that shit made me mad and i wrote it sooooo yeah but anyways round of applause for the reader
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sissylittlefeather · 2 days
Let's Forget About the Stars: Chapter 2
A/N: Another chapter for Elvis and Dove! I'm really loving writing a happy couple 😂. Those of you who know me know I usually torture my characters for at least a decade before I let them be happy, but not this time! Also, just a quick note about the nickname: that is a real endearment in Mvskoke, but I spelled it phonetically instead of in the right alphabet. Anyway, I hope you guys love them!
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, this gets a little sexy, erection, reference to masturbation, fingering, dry humping, orgasms, ejaculation, also racism and period-appropriate use of the word "Indian"
Word count: ~2.7k
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He kisses her again as the sun rises on them. And he's right. This is only the beginning.
Elvis and Dove spend the next few weeks in a haze of young love. They have to be careful about where they go and when because his fans seem to always find them, but for the most part they make a way. They spend as much time together as possible and at the end of each night he kisses her in his car outside of the ladies boarding house she has a room in. Every kiss builds in intensity and they struggle to stop themselves from taking it further. His hands roam over her body, squeezing her hips and even venturing to her breasts. She kisses his neck and nibbles his earlobes and they both moan and whimper so much it sounds like they're in pain. And they are every time they have to stop.
Elvis is convinced she's the woman he wants for his first time, but still he wants to wait. He's not sure what exactly he's waiting for, but he knows it's too soon now.
Dove is dying to give herself to him but she lives in constant fear that the second she does he'll lose interest. So instead, she gently pushes his hands away and he moves them to a more acceptable place and tells her goodnight, breathing heavily and dreaming of the day he'll be able to touch her however he wants.
Every time she makes it to her room, she collapses on the bed, her body buzzing and pulsing on the edge of something she can't identify. Elvis is left in the drivers seat with a raging erection, trying to calm himself down before he has to get out of the car. Several times he rushes straight to his bedroom to lay on his bed and pump himself to a release, quietly moaning her name as he makes a mess on his hand. He's running out of self control, but he doesn't want to ruin what he has with Dove. She matters too much.
One night they're finding it particularly difficult to stop. They've said goodnight no less than four times, but they're still glued together, his hand slowly creeping up her thigh under her skirt, his dick so hard it hurts. She whimpers and backs away.
"Elvis, wait." He pulls his hand back and flexes it, groaning. "We have to stop."
His breath is hot against her as he tries to calm down. He kisses her shoulder and exhales deeply.
"I know, Dovey, I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Maybe we just... should?" Her heart skips when she says it. But she's started to wonder how much longer she can make him wait.
"No... no I want to wait until..." For the first time it dawns on him. He knows what he's waiting for. "You need to meet my parents."
"What?" The conversation took a turn she did not expect. In his mind, though, he can't do what he wants to do, ask her what he wants to ask her, until she's met his parents.
"You need to meet Mama and Daddy. Come to dinner tomorrow night."
"O-okay." The prospect is a daunting one for her. She's not sure what they expect of his girlfriends, but she's guessing it's not her. Hopefully, they're not too off-put by her background. "Elvis?"
He kisses her neck gently, trying not to start anything again, but desperate to feel her.
"Yes, Dovey?" She whimpers as he moves down to her collarbone.
"Is it gonna be a problem... that I'm... not white?" He backs up and looks at her sternly.
"No. My mama's people have Cherokee somewhere way back. But if it is, they'll hear from me about it." She nods nervously and he takes her face in his hands. "They'll love you. You have nothing to worry about."
He kisses her deeply and passionately and she presses her body against his. The heat comes back and before they know it they're both breathless and running their hands everywhere again.
"I need to get out of this car."
"Yes you do." He kisses her again.
"I really really do." More kissing.
"Mhmm." She pulls away from him slowly, peeling her body off of his, laughing softly.
"I'll see you tomorrow., Jumbee." She rubs her nose on his. He blinks and laughs.
"What did you call me?"
"Oh! I'm sorry. It's a term of endearment in my language. Like sweetie or honey. It's what my mom calls my dad. I'm sorry, I won't-"
"No, I love it." He nuzzles his nose on hers and then kisses her again.
Reluctantly, she pulls away and slides across the seat to the door, pushing it open to walk up to her front porch. Before she does, though, she leans down to the window.
"Goodnight, Jumbee." He smiles softly.
"G'night, Dovey." She turns and skips up to the front door and he watches. Then he leans his head back against the seat, touching himself gently and whimpering. This is definitely a night that he'll be sneaking into his room for some alone time.
The next night, Elvis pulls up to Graceland with Dove on his front seat. Up until now, she hasn't seen where he lives.
"Woah." Her mouth drops and he laughs.
"I forget how impressive it is if you've never seen it."
"This is beautiful. You didn't tell me you lived in a place like this." He can tell the house makes her nervous.
"We didn't always. This is new. Come on."
"Jumbee, I don't know." He turns to her on the front seat and puts his hand on her cheek.
"Dovey, baby, it's gonna be fine. You trust me?" She looks into his eyes and nods. He kisses her softly and then pushes his forehead into hers. "Come on."
He gets out of the car and runs around to the passenger side to let her out. She stands up out of the car and he puts his hand on the small of her back to lead her inside. In the foyer, she smiles awkwardly as he proudly introduces her to his parents.
"Mama, Daddy, this is Dove Morningstar."
"It's nice to meet you both." Gladys and Vernon smile and shake her hand genially. Gladys speaks first.
"Dove. That's an interesting name."
"Oh, it's actually a nickname. My real name is Eleanor, but they've called me Dove since I was a kid."
"Well, it's lovely."
"Thank you, ma'am." Vernon finally speaks up.
"And Morningstar. You're Indian?"
"Yes, sir. Seminole."
"Hmm." He grunts and Dove can't tell if he's disapproves or if he's just quiet. Elvis steps in.
"Dovey is a singer. You should hear her. She sings better than me." He puts his arm around her waist and pulls her close to him. Gladys smiles at the two of them, glad to see her boy so happy.
"I'd love to hear you sometime, honey. Maybe after dinner we can gather 'round the piano." Dove nods, smiling a little more naturally now. "Speaking of dinner, it's ready. Let's go sit."
Gladys turns and they follow her into the dining room. The rest of the evening passes in polite conversation. Elvis excitedly tells the story of how they met, leaving out all the kissing that happened on the rooftop. Dove answers questions about her family and her upbringing and listens attentively to the stories that the Presleys share. Overall, things go very well.
After dinner, they gather around the piano singing together. Gladys is indeed impressed by Dove's voice and her knowledge of gospel songs. Eventually, Dove sits on the bench next to Elvis and puts her hands on the keys. Elvis didn't even know she played, but he watches her in awe as she gently presses the keys, singing a hymn in her Native language. When she finishes, he leans over and kisses her softly, unable to stop himself.
"That was beautiful, Dovey."
"Thanks, Jumbee." She whispers it but they're close enough that Gladys catches her nickname for him.
"That's sweet. What's it mean?" Dove looks up at her but before she can answer, Elvis cuts in.
"It's an endearment in her language. She used it for me and it just kinda stuck." He smiles proudly again and Vernon sighs discontentedly.
"Son, can I talk with you for a moment?"
"Sure, Daddy." He gestures and Elvis follows him into the corner. Dove plays another song on the piano and Gladys sings along. At the end, she stops her.
"Honey, how do you know all these gospel songs?"
"Oh. My daddy is a preacher."
"An Indian preacher?"
"Yes ma'am." Gladys beams. She's proud of her son for finding such a good girl. "Play another one, baby."
Dove goes into another song and the ladies harmonize while the men talk.
"You're not serious about this girl, Elvis." Elvis looks at him in shock.
"I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
"You know you have an image to uphold now."
"Yeah, and? I know the Colonel wants me single, but I can't stay that way forever."
"It's not just that, son. This kind of... interracial relationship... it's not gonna be good."
"Interracial relationship?!"
"She's not white, son."
"And you think that's a problem?"
"I think it just might be more trouble than she's worth." Elvis raises his voice and catches the attention of both women.
"You listen to me, Daddy. I don't care what you or anybody else has to say about it. She is worth it and I am serious about her."
"Now, son, there's no need-"
"No, there is a need! I love her and nothing you say is going to change it!" He stops and looks around the silent room. Dove has stopped playing the piano. She whispers to herself.
"He loves me?" Gladys responds quietly.
"That's what I heard." She puts her hands on Dove's shoulders protectively, glaring at Vernon. Elvis crosses the room and stands her up to face him.
"Yes. I love you, Dovey and I don't care who knows it." A warm smile spreads across her face.
"I love you too, Elvis." He leans down and kisses her a little more passionately than he should in front of his parents.
"Come on, Vernon. Let's get to bed and leave these two young people to each other." Gladys goes to usher him out of the room.
"Goodnight, Mama." Elvis says it without taking his eyes off of Dove.
"You two don't stay up too late."
"Yes ma'am."
"It was lovely to meet you, Dove."
"You too, Mrs. Presley." She knows it's probably rude, but she can't look away from Elvis. Gladys smiles again and walks from the room with Vernon in tow. Once his parents are gone, Elvis pulls Dove into a deep kiss, pressing his body against hers. He whispers against her lips.
"Come up to my room." He turns and takes her hand, leading her up the stairs. Once they get to his room, Dove swallows nervously. "Dovey, it's okay. Tonight's not the night."
She smiles and he pulls her into another kiss. The kiss heats up and he walks her backwards to the bed. He lays down with her, running his hand across her stomach and down to her hip. She throws her leg over him and rolls her hips into his. He pulls back, breathing heavily.
"Okay, slow down."
"I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay, baby. I know it's hard to stop." A lightbulb goes off for him and he smiles. "Honey, what if we... did something... but not... that..."
"Like what?" He smiles slyly.
"Do you trust me?"
"Always, Jumbee." He moves his hand down to her knee, trying to stop himself from trembling. His hand slides slowly up her thigh to her hip under her skirt. Then, he walks his fingers over to her center. She whimpers.
"Elvis, what are you doing?"
"Just let me touch you. I promise we won't go any further." She nods. He fumbles a little but eventually gets his fingers under the edge of her panties, moving them down to the place where she didn't even know she was aching for him.
"Oh..." She moans softly as his finger finds her center and moves around the edges of her entrance. "Tell me if it hurts or doesn't feel good..."
She whimpers again as he carefully slides one finger inside her.
"Oh, God." He looks at her carefully.
"Yes..." He starts to move his finger in and out and she moans. He smiles and then leans in, kissing her neck gently. He's talked to the guys enough to know what to do next. His thumb makes its way carefully to her sensitive bud, making circles. Her back arches and she whimpers.
"Is that good, baby?" She makes a noise somewhere between a moan and a grunt and he smiles again. He seems to be on the right track.
Dove is overwhelmed with the sensation of his hand on her. Something is building inside her and though she doesn't know what it is, she wants it to continue to completion. In efforts to reach whatever the goal is, she grinds into him, inadvertently rubbing against his cock, which is already hard just with what he's doing. He whines and rubs himself against her again. His mouth moves back up to hers and he kisses her deeply, rolling into her a little harder. She feels his hardness against her hip and it turns her on even more as she grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him in close to her.
"Oh, Elvis, don't stop!" He pumps his finger into her harder and harder as he grinds against her over and over. The friction is pushing his foreskin back and forth over his dick and he feels the pressure building.
"Mmm... Dove, baby, it feels so good."
"Yes! Yes!" He moves his thumb faster over her clit, nibbling on her earlobe and rubbing against her hip passionately. The heat between them grows as the intensity of their actions increases. His fingers move deftly against her as his hips do the same. They both feel like they're about to burst with desire and love for each other. And then they do.
"God, yes, baby, fuck!"
"Elvis!" She moans his name loudly as she climaxes hard against his hand, pulsing around his finger just as he ruts against her one last time, shuddering and whimpering, filling his pants with ropes of cum. She rides out the high of her orgasm completely oblivious to the fact that he's doing the exact same thing. He realizes what happened, though and pulls away quickly.
"Wait? Where are you going?"
"I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry."
"What? Why?" She looks down at his crotch and notices the wet spot on his pants. "What happened?"
"I-I-I I finished..."
"Oh..." She giggles and he rolls his eyes, embarrassed. He tries to move away from her again and she grabs him. "No, it's okay Jumbee. That was really... it's okay..."
He looks up at her shyly.
"You really don't mind?"
"No, baby. I'm glad it was good for you too."
"Yes." She leans into him and kisses him deeply. He wraps her in his arms.
"I love you, Dovey. So much."
"I love you too, Jumbee." He nuzzles into the side of her face and kisses her cheek.
"You wanna stay? I can hold you all night." She considers what it would mean for her to stay all night with him. Then she looks into his eyes. He is her future. Why would she ever leave?
"Yes, please." A genuine smile spreads across his face and he jumps out of bed, going to his drawers. He grabs a set of pajamas and brings it over to the bed.
"You take the top and I'll take the bottoms. Then we can snuggle up and sleep all night just you and me." He pushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear and kisses her cheek.
They both change into the set of pajamas and then crawl into bed. He cuddles up behind her and buries his face in her hair.
"I'm so glad I met you."
"Me too, Jumbee. Me too."
They drift off to sleep together, Elvis's mind racing with plans of how and when to ask and visions of her in a white dress walking down the aisle towards him.
Until next time!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @everythingelvispresley
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TBH, I think that some of the problem with Izzy in Season 2 is that we're getting sucked into assuming he's way more important than he actually is, in large part as a result of Canyon discourse that insists on things like him protecting the crew or how he's valued by them when Ed is not. Which just isn't really accurate to what we see onscreen, but has become such a prevalent viewpoint that it's hard to escape from.
None of the crew really love Izzy. There's little indication that he's this special guy everyone suddenly adores. The Kraken crew are bonded with him because of trauma, but the Revenge crew have very little connection to or interest in him. And even the Kraken crew don't evince a deep attachment to him, beyond the fact that they now value the lives of everyone—which is more a commentary on how Stede has affected their outlook than it is on Izzy as a person. Jim and Archie save his life because life has value—Archie even comments that he's a dick. Jim's words to Ed—"He was your friend"—are not really about Izzy but about Ed, who was someone who had formed friendships with the crew and whose life was affected by Stede's ethos. Jim is trying to remind Ed of who he is, in a situation where it seems like Ed has likely forgotten or completely lost it.
As soon as everyone is back on the Revenge, Izzy becomes pretty minor in the lives of the crew. None of them bond or take time to bond with him; he's still offensive, but at least he's not trying to get them all killed anymore. Stede works to integrate him into the crew, and the crew's offer of support is about them, again, valuing the life of even the worst possible person. Izzy is struggling and so they move to help him, and that in turn means that they can extend the same grace to Ed—because if they can understand that Izzy needs help, then they can certainly understand that Ed, who appears to have hurt them more but was also far more their friend, needs that same grace. The only crew member we see connecting to Izzy is Wee John, and that's a result of Izzy making an effort.
The whole point is how Izzy reflects the success of Stede's ethos and how that extends to the crew and how they, in turn, extend it to the least worthy person in their midst. Izzy has done nothing to deserve their grace and they give it to him anyway. Meanwhile, Ed ultimately doesn't need to integrate back into the crew because he's already one of them. He was never an outsider of his own volition, he never threatened them or tried to harm them, and that's what made him so beloved and also what makes his break so painful and destructive. If Izzy were slamming around shooting people in the leg, no one would have blinked. The fact that Ed was doing it is what horrifies them, because they know Ed.
So, I dunno if all that makes sense, but I think stepping further away from Izzy-centric readings would help to pinpoint more what makes Season 2 work or not work. Izzy is just not that important to the crew, and he should probably stop being so important, period.
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Fandom: JJBA part 4
Character: Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura
Pairing: Rivalry (romantic for both)
Type: Concept
I reallyyy loved the yandere Okuyasu concept you made!!!, i thought it'd be interesting to see how a rivalry between Josuke and Okuyasu would pan out. Darling could be gn or fem whichever is fine by me❤ Honestly i feel like the drama will be going from 0 to 100 real quick with these two, especially since they're best friends obsessing over the same person and that could never turn out well. Like, imagine darling being a friend of theirs or in the gang like the original okuyasu concept, shit would hit the fan😭😭
- 🥝 anon
As usual, here's an obsession that ends up tearing two friends apart since they're both insane.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata vs Okuyasu Nijimura
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Possessive/Protective behavior, Jealousy, Minor violence, Dark themes, Clingy behavior, Murder implied, Blood, Dubious relationship.
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While the two are very close friends, they no doubt have moments of tension.
I mean... When they first met they were trying to kill each other.
It would make the most sense for you to be part of the gang.
That way the two often have time around you as you're usually around the group.
For the sake of simplicity, I like to think this happened after the events of Part 4.
The two can often be seen as intimidating around you, but overall just like hanging out with friends.
Before their obsession the two always were with one another.
They are your classmates in school and often like to drag you with them on different activities around town.
The two most likely wouldn't have a rivalry until they knew the other had a crush on you.
Josuke and Okuyasu have similar views on love.
They both seem to believe in their heart when it comes to love, often following it.
Okuyasu is more perverted than Josuke at times but they both believe that their "one and only" will come to them.
So what happens when their chosen sweetheart is liked by them both?
First of all, Okuyasu would definitely be jealous since Josuke already has admirers.
So why can't Josuke give him you?
Meanwhile, Josuke is flattered by his admirers, but his heart truly yearns for you.
I'll be honest, there's a chance they could share, but they'd rather only one of them dating you.
You wanna bet they ask people for advice on how to approach you?
Both of them probably get flustered at the idea of approaching their crush.
Although Okuyasu may be bold enough to come out and be honest with you.
Josuke would do the same with time, although if Okuyasu makes a move first then he feels rushed.
The two follow you around, be it in school or outside of it.
They both refuse to see it as stalking, Josuke may even excuse it as being a "bodyguard".
After all, Kira may be gone... but other Stand Users are still around.
Imagine if they caught each other "stalking" you and confronted one another.
Maybe that's how they realize they both have a crush to an unhealthy degree.
The two would get into physical fights over you at times if pushed hard enough, or at the very least sling threats at each other.
The two are both hopeless romantics, often fanboying about you to themselves.
Everything you do is cute to them.
They both are poor at flirting but try their best.
They're both protective of you and will not give you any alone time.
Their fights with one another most likely alert you to their red flags.
You and especially Koichi can tell something is wrong.
The two tend to follow you around like puppies, competing with one another to have your attention.
They're fighting over doors to open for you, they're offering to make/buy you lunch, they're even offering to help you with a paper or other project you need done.
You're often invited over for video games by Josuke while Okuyasu wants to show you some cool spots around town.
You see, if their rivalry was harmless, it could even be cute...!
Unfortunately... These two can easily become volatile.
They both have a temper and can snap easily.
Which, if you're around, means you have to calm them.
It's a bit difficult but the two melt when you calm them down.
You're willing to do anything to stop their fighting.
They may not seem like it but they can be dangerous yanderes.
If someone gets caught in their crossfire (that isn't you) then they'll be caught in a Stand fight.
They're both easily jealous, even more so when they catch one another too close to you.
The two would probably only make a temporary truce for one of three reasons.
You seem genuinely upset about their fighting, which causes the two to snap out of it momentarily.
You're in danger and they need to work together to protect you, they both care about you obviously.
You're attracted to someone else and they need to get rid of another rival.
The two would not kill one another, they're still friends for the most part.
Plus... Josuke went through so much effort to heal Okuyasu many times before, he's jealous but doesn't want the guy dead.
They're both in this dangerous competition of gaining your attention.
The only way they'd stop conflicting with one another is if they saw their fight affecting you negatively or one of them gives up.
Even if you wanted to pick them both as your boyfriends, they'd still be competitive yet less violent.
The two grumble about the idea of sharing... but anything to make you happy, right?
I didn't realize this until writing this but they would have very similar yandere behaviors.
Clingy, Easily jealous, Volatile, Protective, Affectionate, Easily flustered, Mischievous...
Those are all traits they both share.
Granted, they have different quirks in their personality, but they both even have powerful stands.
They both just want their obsession to be happy.
In fact, your happiness may override their jealousy at times.
Their friendship will always have a bit of a rift in it... but their love for you both brings them together and tears them apart.
It's a complicated situation as they both care for each other and are romantics in some way.
Although... they both dream of hugging and kissing you...
Which brings more fighting.
Their rivalry is constantly teetering in between sharing and fighting.
It's tiring for you to deal with, especially when you begin to notice blood on their clothes.
They wouldn't stop until you force yourself away from them.
That's when they realize what they've done.
The two would probably clean up their act more when they realize they're losing you.
They never wanted to drive you away.
But you feel you have no choice as you're scared by their new volatile nature towards themselves and others.
This is another way they'd make a truce with each other, desperately trying to convince you to come back to them.
The two are willing to put their fights on pause to try and make things up for you.
They may want to fight one another deep inside themselves...
But the two care for you much more...
They'd do anything to have you back, including setting aside their rivalry just to make you happy.
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vermilionsun · 2 days
In my headcanons vere has a little problem with ppl who are driven by lust 🙋🙋 He has a disdain for Leanders "shameless" behaivor and straight up kills mc when they 'give in' in the demo (at least thats how i interpret it)
So i humbly ask for his reaction to an Mc who is just down bad for him in a silly kinda way. No innuendos no sexual comments just tomfoolery from mc, straight up leaning against the bar at the wet wick with a "ya come aroun here often ;D" and they slip and fall or something
i want mc to be down bad pathetic cause IM TOO, full on groveling at his feet (but cutely), the ex that shows up seranating at your door except they are not your ex you never dated them— wait why are they crying about my beauty —
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You’re a G E N I U S.
I might need to make a part 2...
Pathetically-down-bad-for-Vere group, assemble!
Disclaimer! They/them for MC because we love inclusivity!
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✦ “Jumpy, aren't you?”
The MC scans him up and down once again, eyes wide. “Damn… you come here often?" They wiggle their eyebrows, which earns them an amused chuckle from the Monster.
"Depends. Would you like me to come by more often, pretty one?”
✦ When he presents the key to the MC, they proceed to walk towards him, a slightly dazed smile adorning their face. “So, how about I buy you a drink–” The MC proceeds to trip and fall in front of Vere’s feet.
✦ He lets out a breathy laugh before bending forwards to take the MC by the chin.
“Damn, I love that laugh already…:”
“You really should be more careful. City like this, someone might take advantage~”
“Huh... Yeah… whatever you say, beautiful.”
"Oh, eager, are we? You know, compliments like that might just convince me to make this a regular hangout." His ears flick.
✦ “What’s your name? or should I just call you mi–” The MC tries to get up but bumps their head on the small table next to Vere, who is desperately trying to stifle another chuckle.
"Careful, wouldn't want you hurting yourself this early on. Name's Vere. And yours, darling?”
“Your future partner, I hope,” they say, still somewhat dazed.
“Oh, is that so? You're pretty confident,” he comments, his tail swaying behind him, capturing the MC’s attention.
✦ “Tell me traveler, what brought you to this–”
“You,” they cut him off with a wink.
✦ “Unless you’re dying to consort with Monsters.”
“...I don’t like the way you said “consort”, but you’re not wrong. Sign me up—”
Vere: [Shocked Pikachu face]
✦ “Come, take my hand and we’ll go together.”
“Woah! Save the hand holding for after marriage!”
✦ “Do you like dancing? There’s a traveling troupe in Hightown tonight. Truly a performance to die for.”
“Are you asking me out?”
Vere looks taken aback for a moment, but before he answers, the MC chimes in; “Too late. You did.”
✦ “I know Eridia like the back of my hand—”
“oh, that’s why it looked so heavy…”
“...Uh, pardon?”
“May I help? I can hold it for you—”
✦ When Vere grabs them, nuzzling in their throat, murmuring threats, they almost faint in his arms in a dramatic “Now I can die happy” moment.
✦ When they meet again a few hours after, at the Wick, and Kuras mentions that he and Mhin were escorting the MC back, the MC walks forward into the light, only to end up tripping over their own feet and falling flat on their face… and once again, in front of Vere.
✦ “You seem more interested in having the floor as your object of attraction, do you not?” Vere asks with a sly smile.
“What can I say? You look good from this angle.”
“Wait, do you all know each other?” Leander looked confused between the people sitting at the bar. “You’ve met before?”
“We did. Not long ago either,” Ais considered his drink.
“I’m starting to suspect they’re stalking me,” Vere comments.
“If I were, I would have to say you're quite the elusive target," the MC winks at Vere as they try to get up, only to fall again. 
✦ Later, when Vere is alone at the bar, the MC slides onto the stool next to him. They rest their chin on their knuckles. “So, about that—” Their elbow slides on the smooth wood, causing them to stumble, trying not to knock over their drink. "Sorry about that," they say with a sheepish grin, trying to regain their balance. "So, about that drink?"
"Well, isn't that cute? I might just have to take you up on that offer."
✦ “So, you survived the night. Are you here for praise, or will a head pat do?”
✦ When they arrive in the abandoned alley the MC tries to lean against the brick wall, only to smack their head.
✦ When they attempt to unbuckle his collar, he lashes out a hand, capturing theirs. “Tch. Don’t you know better than to touch without asking?”
“Can I please please please please—”
✦ Leander’s voice echoes from the Wick, and the MC glances behind them and back at Vere, only he’s gone. “...Not even a kiss good night 🥲?” They pout into the empty night air.
EXTRA: Modern era
✦ “Hey, can I call my phone from yours? I think I’ve lost it,” the MC looks at him with pleading eyes.
He raises an eyebrow and hands his phone over. When the MC presses call, their phone rings from their pocket.
“Thanks,” they hand his phone back.
He later finds out there is a new contact number under the name “My darling.”
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efingcod · 2 days
Lunch Break pt3
one | two | three
Word Count: 889
Frank x Mila, Frank Woods x oc, Frank Woods fem! American Bell
Still probably could be a brown eyed lady as long as you don't mind having the nickname "Vic."
I know I said this would be three parts. It is not. If you’re new here never trust when I say how long a story is going to be. It’s always longer. The characters really run the show here I just type.
She works here.
Frank exited the briefing room.
She works here and she knows he works here, too.
She had barely given him a second glance when he walked in. Just regarded him the same as everyone else. And even now when she pushed past him to get to whatever she had scheduled next. He was just another body in the hall to her.
A hand landed on his shoulder. Alex.
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you so quiet in a briefing before.”
He chuckled in response.
But Alex was already following his gaze.
“Who knew those dorks would have such a good-looking gal in their midst huh?” He nudged his friend.
Frank hadn’t told Alex about the encounter in the park. He knew his friend would jump on it. Frank hadn’t told Alex much about the women he was with. Not since Alex got married and settled into his life. He was always trying to encourage Frank to do the same lately.
Fat chance.
He ran his hand through his dark hair.
“Come on, let’s get something to eat,” Alex said shaking Frank from his thoughts.
They entered the cafeteria. He quickly scanned the room, but she wasn’t there. Interesting that she chose to be alone with her book rather than eating here. He could understand that.
Frank glanced at Alex. He was staring at the salad bar like he didn’t know what to make of it. Then he passed it by, opting for the egg salad sandwich. The way Frank heard it Em was trying to get him to eat more greens. In Alex’s mind this could be a kind of compromise. If it has salad in the name, it was essentially the same thing. Frank was sure Em wouldn’t buy it. But he also knew she was just looking out for him. Something about Alex’s heart. Frank and Em might have had their differences, but they could agree on one thing. They wanted Alex to stick around for a long time.
“How’s Em?” He asked as he picked up his own sandwich.
Alex gave him a look.
“You know, she misses the job. But nothing’s going to tear her away from David, either,” He chuckled and shook his head. “So you know, she’s happy.”
He paid the cashier and waited for Frank.
“Kind of surprised you’re eating here.”
Frank waved his hand dismissively.
“Park got old.”
“Not enough eye candy-”
“Can it, will ya?”
“Touchy. Jogger throw her water bottle at you?”
“Nah, I’m not a creep like you.”
Alex laughed.
As they took their seats the light outside dimmed. The day grew dark and it started to rain. Good thing he wasn’t going to the park any more.
He wondered if she got herself caught in the rain.
After lunch he and Alex separated. He decided to take the back stairs. They were usually empty, and it was easy to grab a quiet smoke there. He pushed past the double doors leading to the stairs. Then he pulled out his lighter and leaned against the window across from the stairs as he lit his cigarette. Frank flicked his eyes up and there she was- Vic. That was her name. Or at least what Hudson had called her. She was sitting on the stairs. Sandwich in hand and yet another fat book balanced on her lap. He jokingly thought to himself that she must be eating them with how quickly she seemed to get through them.
Vic didn’t look up, so he turned his back to her and looked out the window at the rain. He propped open the window to blow his smoke out. People smoked freely in the building of course, but Frank preferred to not stand in a cloud of it if he didn’t have to. And he liked the fresh air from the window. He hated being cooped up in this building. He wasn’t meant for this office shit. Even though he had just gotten back he was already wishing to be sent off somewhere. In the field, the only thing he missed was his bike. More than once he had considered taking a long road trip, alone of course.
“Guess I was wrong,” He heard her say. For a moment Frank had forgotten someone else was there.
“’Bout what?” He asked the open window.
“I thought you were just another guy bullshitting me about being away for work.”
“Yeah, well 9 times out of 10 you’d probably be right.”
“So you’re the 10.”
He chuckled, “Don’t know about that.”
“Got another one of those?” She asked. He put his pack and lighter on the windowsill and he heard her descend the stairs to stand next to him.
“Thanks. Left mine upstairs,” She said as she placed the cigarette between her lips and lit it.
She didn’t seem keen on making conversation and he was never particularly fond of it anyway. And it’s not like he was going to ask her for her number, now. Then the creeps wouldn’t just be isolated to the park, she’d find herself working with one too.
“All right, well,” She said, pausing, as she stabbed her cigarette out in the receptacle on the wall. “Thanks. See you around.”
And before he could say anything else she was back up the stairs gathering her book and her remaining lunch. Then without a glance back she headed upstairs.
“See ya,” He said quietly as he shut the window.
tagging: @deadbranch, @alypink, @revnah1406, @mango-parfait, @imagoddamnonionmason, @sagitamds, @adlerboi, @kithauk, @elyseenmiel, @guigz1-coldwar, @frankwoods, @writeforfandoms, @sparklight1242, @eccentrcks, @walder-138, @voltac, @iamcautiouslyoptimistic, @kaitaiga
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Rather Be The Hunter Than The Prey (BuckTommy) - 3/3
Summary: Buck doesn't tell Tommy immediately about the big change at the 118. Tommy decides to do something about it.
Author's note: Title comes from Natural by Imagine Dragons.
Everyone on Ao3 wanted a part two for the little coda I wrote post-episode 7x10. And I guess I did too. So now it's a three parter.
Part One - Part Two
Read on Ao3
“No,” Buck said. “Tommy, this is a horrible idea. You don’t know her.” 
Buck hadn’t even really told Tommy much about Taylor. Most of the LAFD knew her, though. If not for breaking the story about Jonah, then because of the book. She’d made her name in other ways too and Buck hated whenever he spotted her at a call or when he turned a tv on and she was on. He had succeeded in avoiding her for so long and didn’t want to bring her back now. 
“I’m just saying that we need her because she crosses lines. She’ll pursue the story once she knows there is one and she can help us take out Gerrard.” 
Buck didn’t think that Tommy really understood who Taylor was. He had listened to Tommy’s whole plan. He’d even taken notes as Tommy detailed everything he set in motion. He knew that Tommy was making sense, he was just a little wary about Taylor. He’d already made the mistake of trusting her in the past and this time around, they couldn’t afford her to go off the rails even if that was maybe exactly what they were counting on. 
“I guess maybe she does owe me one,” Buck said. “I’ll call and see if she will come meet with us.” 
“That’s all I ask,” Tommy said, smiling at him in a way that made Buck want to kiss him and maybe even drag him back up the stairs to his bed. 
He called after breakfast and after they had cleaned up his kitchen. Tommy was at his side, offering support. At least, Buck wasn’t the only one that had had to talk to an ex this morning. 
“Buckley, why are you calling me?” Taylor said. 
“Hey, Taylor,” Buck said. “I, uh, I was hoping we could meet up.”
She laughed at him. “If this is some kind of booty call, I’m not interested.”
“No…no, nothing like that. I’m…I’m dating someone. Listen, it’s about a story you could report on. It’s better if we explain in person. Are you free at all today?” 
“Yeah,” Taylor said after a pause. “I can be. What kind of story are we talking about?”
“Getting an awful man out of a job that puts him in a position of power that could determine life or death,” Buck said. 
“Oh,” Taylor said. “That sounds…yeah, I can meet up.” 
They set up a time and Taylor agreed to meet at the loft even though Buck thought it might be weird for her. It didn’t seem to be probably exactly because of who Taylor was. He’d already piqued her interest and now nothing else mattered. 
It was a few hours later when Taylor knocked on his door. Buck braced himself for seeing her again. Then, he walked over to open the door. She was still Taylor. Her red hair was in loose ringlets that framed her face in a way that made her approachable and cute. She did look awkward for a moment, but then she smiled. 
“Uh, hi,” Buck said, letting her in. “Come in. Do you want a drink?” 
“Water,” she said and headed straight for the table, where she deposited her purse. “So what exactly is this—” Taylor trailed off. 
Holding the glass of water in hand, Buck turned. Taylor was turned towards the stairs where Tommy was making his way down. Buck almost laughed, because in a way he was getting used to seeing the reaction that people had to Tommy. He couldn’t blame them — couldn’t blame Taylor — Tommy was certainly eye-catching. 
He set her glass of water on the table and that seemed to break the spell.  She immediately turned to him, question in the raise of her eyebrow. 
“Tommy, Taylor’s here,” Buck said. 
“Thought I heard the door,” Tommy said as he reached the bottom of the stairs. “Casey says everyone he got in touch with is in.”
“Taylor, this is Tommy,” Buck said. 
“Hi,” Tommy said. 
Tommy offered his hand and Taylor shook it. She looked thrown and though Buck had seen Taylor in many different forms and states, this was still somewhat new. 
“Take a seat,” Tommy said. “Evan can start explaining.”
“Right,” Buck said and he motioned for Taylor to sit. She did, watching Buck carefully. 
“Bobby got replaced at the 118 through a series of circumstances,” Buck said and he explained it all, knowing that he was probably leaving out more than he should. 
Taylor drank some of her water before speaking once Buck was done. “Sounds like an asshole to me,” she said. “What does this have to do with me?” 
“Well,” Tommy said, taking his own seat. “We were hoping that you would help us expose Gerrard for exactly who he actually is.” 
Taylor leaned back in her chair. “You know, the last time I did a profile on the 118, the department shut it down. Made it into a fluff piece.” 
“And yet you still managed to use your connection to Evan to get that story on Greenway out, putting his job and reputation at risk,” Tommy said. 
Buck inhaled. He hadn’t expected Tommy to bring that up. 
Taylor had the decency to look contrite. She didn’t even try to defend herself. She did look from Tommy to Buck and back again. 
“Defensive, I like it,” she said in the end. 
“You also published an unapproved book about the LAFD,” Tommy pointed out. “I have the approval, or at least the consent of the Assistant Fire Chief,” Tommy revealed. “Well, to an extent.”
“Who even are you?” Taylor shot back. 
“My boyfriend,” Buck answered. 
Taylor laughed and laughed and then she clapped her hands. “Wow. Didn’t see that one coming. Maybe I should have, come to think of it. Alright, boys, I guess count me in.” 
It took a very long two weeks for everything to be worked out. Every shift that Buck had leading up to it made him antsy. He was glad when everything was finally in place. 
Chief Williams scheduled Taylor’s stop by the 118, including the invitation for Tommy to be there. She also made sure that Chief Simpson was available. Buck had helped to set up cameras to capture everything that went on with Gerrard in the time leading up to the interview. He’d had to be a bit sneaky about it, but Taylor had provided everything they needed. At Tommy’s instruction, he didn’t share their plan with anyone. It meant that the cameras captured everything as organically and as genuinely as they happened. 
Gerrard making a limp hand motion at Buck was right there as clear as day. Gerrard making a comment about Hen only lasting for so long because she was practically a man. His dismissiveness of Chim’s contributions as a paramedic when they lost someone on the way to the hospital. The way he berated Ravi and said stuff about how the department was going nowhere with the diversity hires. All of it was captured on camera and more. So much more. 
Eddie, Hen, and Chim thought it was ridiculous that Taylor Kelly was coming to interview them. Gerrard shared the news after returning from a call. Buck had to pretend that he was upset about it too and when Gerrard got wind that she was Buck’s ex-girlfriend, it seemed to make him want her there more. 
Buck had never seen him more welcoming of anyone, the way Gerrard was with Taylor. It was yet another big difference between him and Bobby. He treated Taylor like an honored guest, offering her coffee and water and showing her around with warmth that made him seem fatherly — or maybe grandfatherly considering his age. It was eerie. It almost made Buck doubt that the plan would work.  
Taylor took her time. Buck hated her a little for it, for how she asked them about the rescue of Bobby and Athena and how it felt to be rewarded for it. He could see how Hen and Chim took it all in as much good humor as they could muster. Eddie was monosyllabic. 
Then, she singled out Gerrard. 
“This is so pointless,” Chim said. 
They were in the kitchen. Buck had sort of steered them there. Hen had been throwing him a few looks as if she suspected something. Meanwhile, Taylor was with Gerrard, cameras pointed at him. She was keeping things light at first. 
Chief Williams and Chief Simpson hadn’t arrived. It was possible they wouldn’t, but Buck hoped they would. 
Tommy got there and they all saw how Gerrard stiffened when he walked up the stairs. 
“Sorry I’m late. Traffic. Well, some kind of demonstration outside. I think some people heard there were reporters here today.” 
“Some people?” Hen asked. 
Tommy didn’t answer. Buck just hoped the live feed was working, they’d figured it was better if Gerrard didn’t know other people were there to see it all.
At the table, Gerrard suddenly stood up. “What kind of question is that?” he said, louder than necessary. “Things were better when people knew their place. None of the quotas for diversity that need to be met so no one gets their tiny little feelings hurt.” 
“I just thought it’d feel great to have such an inclusive firehouse,” Taylor said. “To lead the 118 which I know is quite diverse and doesn’t look like what the fire department even in LA looked like in the past.” 
Gerrard just stared at her. 
“Of course, I do know you aren’t happy that diversity exists,” Taylor said. “I wonder why take the job at this house at all.”
“What are you talking about, girl?” 
“I’m talking about how you act around the people you are supposed to lead. The very same people that literally run into fires to protect the public who you in turn are supposed to support and protect and lead.”
Gerrard didn’t respond. His jaw was tightening. 
“Earlier today I posted a little preview for the interview. Just some of the things I’ve uncovered along with the many many complaints made against you by your own firefighters. Some investigating into your placement here also revealed a few things I’ll be looking into after this.” 
Buck watched Taylor a little bit in awe. Tommy was at his side and he felt the heat of him from how close they were standing. Ordinarily they wouldn’t stand so close, but it was nice to just rub it in, especially when Gerrard looked their way. How he glared at them like his eyes could set them on fire. 
“She’s really a spitfire, isn’t she,” Tommy said. 
“That wears off,” Buck said. 
“Being impressed by her.” 
Tommy laughed. 
“What is happening right now?” Ravi asked. 
“Someone needed to take out the trash,” Tommy said. 
“You said people were here?” Hen asked. 
“Do you know how many queer first responders there are in LA?” Tommy asked. 
It all happened quickly, in a way. Gerrard responded with anger and vitriol and demands that Taylor take her videos down once his demands to see them brought Taylor’s tablet out and ready. It wouldn’t even matter if she took them down, though, not with the reach that Taylor had these days and not with the work that had been put into getting them out into the wider public. Buck had even gotten Josh to share it over the dispatch twitter. 
Gerrard was still demanding Taylor take the videos off when he seemed to then realize that the videos had come from inside the firehouse. That’s when he turned on them. Rushing towards them, face red in anger. His eyes seemed to narrow on Tommy and Buck and how close they stood. Buck almost moved away, but Tommy didn’t let him. 
“Which one of you?” He asked. “Putting cameras in here without anyone’s consent? Spying! Who the fuck do you think you are?” 
“Who do you think you are?” Chim asked. 
“I’m your Captain,” Gerrard ground out. 
“Bobby is our Captain,” Hen said. 
Gerrard pointed his finger at Hen. “So, it was you!” 
Hen shook her head. “No, but I give props to whoever did it and I wish they had let me help.” 
“This is hostile! It’s an attack and a breach of—”
Gerrard was closer than ever, coming at Chim and Hen. Tommy stepped away from Buck. He got between them and Gerrard. Buck could see that it was taking everything for Tommy to do so and despite how big of a man he was literally and figuratively, this was still hard for him. Buck wanted nothing more than to step forward and offer him a hand to hold. He knew he couldn’t. Tommy had asked him not to if it came to it. 
“I did this,” Tommy said. 
His voice was little more than a whisper, but he cleared his throat. 
“No one deserves to work under you, to be belittled every day while doing a job that is already full of risk and that requires trust. No one needs to hear the vitriol that comes out of your mouth or the little motions because you think it’s only men like you that deserve to be here. They don’t. I won’t stand aside and let you do this to anyone. I won’t let you hurt them or put them in a position of getting hurt.” 
“Of course it’s you, Kinard. Still a coward, still a groveling people pleaser. Should have known you like to be down on your knees like the faggot you are.” 
Buck felt like his heart had gotten caught in his throat. His ears were ringing. He wanted to pull Tommy back, wrap him up in his arms at the same time as he wanted to just throw a punch. Buck heard a general gasp go around them and it was louder because it came from the people down below. Casey and everyone that had come with him. 
“None of you deserve to work here. In fact, none of you do. I will make sure this is the end of your careers with the LAFD,” Gerrard said. “You’re all fired.”  
“No,” Assistant Chief Williams said. “They are not.” 
They saw Gerrard’s face go from red to pale white. He sputtered, but no words came out. 
“Chief Williams is correct,” Chief Simpson said, at her heels. “I didn’t know why she insisted I come down here, but I’m glad she did. I see now I made a mistake in placing you here, Vincent.” 
Buck stepped towards Tommy, reaching for his hand and he felt Tommy grasp his tightly. 
It didn’t matter what Chief Simpson said to Taylor about what she could air, or how he wanted to handle things. Not with the crowd that Casey had gathered and not with all the things that Taylor had gotten up on Instagram and TikTok. He couldn’t put a stop to it, not even the spin that Taylor managed to put to things because as Buck had pointed out, Taylor wouldn’t just allow them to dictate things. This time, it was to their advantage. 
After all, it was Taylor that found the connection between Councilwoman Ortiz which became a much larger partly unrelated story. One that Taylor was hell bent on investigating. 
“She knew about him,” Taylor said to him as her camera man was packing up. “Ortiz asked him to put himself forward for this job. I just don’t know why.” 
Buck told her to talk to Hen and Karen. 
After it was all said and done and Bobby was reinstated as Captain, Buck found himself tucked into Tommy’s side out in Hen’s backyard where Hen and Karen were hosting the celebration for everything beginning to revert back to normal. 
“You’re a little bit scary, you know,” Chim said to Tommy.  
“Not really,” Karen put in. “He’s on our side.” 
“I just did what I wish I had been capable of doing a long time ago,” Tommy said. 
Buck kissed his shoulder. It was a little early, but he really did think he wanted to keep Tommy forever. 
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The show's never had any gay characters and I legitimately never think they will. Don't get me wrong, a show doesn't NEED lgbtq rep to be good. But I'm a little worried they're avoiding it for the wrong reasons.
If characters in a show don't naturally fall in love, it feels rushed or forced. A lot of people feel this way about Titan and Titania- We don't know if this'll become a true canon ship or anything yet, because Titan does seem to be a little more distant from Titania's affections, but alas, it is Titania's affections which are the problem. Some think its shoehorned in, and I can't really blame them. The blushing was obnoxious, and Titania didn't spend too much time on-screen with Titan, and Titania never got the development AWAY from Titan to BE a proper character, really. It feels like shipping the main character with a side character who hasn't had their own story fleshed out yet.
So, if love isn't natural, it's hard to lapse into it. I don't want this to happen for any ships on the show, let alone a gay one lol. But I think the whole Titan x Titania thing kind of presents my issue, that they might be falling down the road of forcing ships just because one character is a girl and the other is a boy. If i haven't made that clear, that's bad and I don't want that.
Relationships between characters are hard to handle, and admittedly Solarballs has done a very good job so far! Pluto and Charon were handled wonderfully and I do get the appeal of other hinted ships like Calisto and Triton. Genuinely, they CAN handle ships well. One day I would LIKE to see a gay ship in Solarballs handled with the same grace. But that kind of rises the problem of community shipping discourse. No main character in Solaballs will be revealed to be queer. I'm just saying, the likelihood of that is like. 0%. And it's not because Solarballs is homophobic or anything,, rather its a conflict of interests.
Make your main character gay and anger the fandom who had their own headcanons, ORRRR keep everyone ambiguous! Shipping culture is HUGE especially in Solarballs. The people who make Solarballs KNOW their community, at least a little, and they do listen to our feedback. So, why upset the fandom by taking away one of the Main Characters they PROBABLY have headcanons for already.... and instead just, keep it on the low? Oh also the whole 'their audience is kids' thing and the potential backlash they could get for representation,, if ykyk.
So I guess, no character is gay and no character is straight or whatever you headcanon because we'll probably never truly get a reveal on any character being gay. I kind of hope the same thing is true for straightness, god forbid they make Mercury crush on a woman, you could get the best woman alive and I'd still keep him 16 ft away. LMFAO. ANYWAYS
That was my rant because I needed to get it out and I've seen a bit of this topic from kids in the fandom. Yep. Thanks for reading if u did because lord is this long.
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smdevisp · 3 days
John emo explained!
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Finally I'm done with it. It's somewhat reference sheet for John.
Recently I posted this art, and it was referring to that particular AU.
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Some people wrote in their reblogs that he looks like emo XD it's really fun, but you can see on the reference that he is actually not emo.
Notes about the drawing:
I mostly use bright and vivid colors for drawings, but for that one I chose gray and messy colors to portray John dark and pessimistic person. I also put his tattoos as separate images (because I will use them as references lmao...)
I tried to give him gentle and innocent look, in contrast with his tricky personality and anger issues, and make him looks as silly as Mikoto. And maybe a little bit emo lmao (mom it's not a phase it's my life).
Notes about AU (not so important to read, just if you're interested):
In this AU John and Mikoto are different people, not alters, but they accidentally look similar despite being strangers.
The point of this AU is to make original characters more mysterious and violent, ofc trying to save their main idea and features, and this AU is made collectively, not by the only one person. I can say that we're making it with friends, just for fun and tickling our nerves :)
John here is almost the same level violent and blunt as in the original MILGRAM, protective for himself (not for Mikoto), and still doesn't have the real name (John is a pseudo that also originated from John Doe). He is 23 years old fashion designer, labelling himself as 'pansexual', in fact being gay only for cismen (for reasons).
Following information about him can be inappropriate for some audience and can be seen as disturbing, even though it doesn't contain graphic depictions. Just warning.
John is an amateur film maker who gets money from producing and selling mixtapes, disturbing content, snuff and etc. He tortures and kills people whom he sees as “bad”, and he thinks that it's normal behaviour to sue those who somehow avoid law (even though he is also a murderer and lawless evil).
He inherited some trails of Mikoto, like forcing himself to do things he doesn't want to deal with and forcing himself to push his limits. John tries to act like a 'standard' man who works as anyone else and has affairs with women even if he isn't actually into them, yet he just sleeps with anyone who seems attractive. His promiscuity is a result of sexual assault he experienced in earlier age. After that he can't get along with women, and as it was mentioned that John thinks of himself as of pansexual individual, but the reality is he doesn't feel anything for females, neither cis nor trans, and thinks that it's obligatory to have affairs and relationship with a woman to claim himself 'normal'. He doesn't hate women, he is just cautious about them.
All his activity is being uploaded to the Internet where he stays anonymous and hides his face and anything that can lead to his reveal. It resulted into addiction, when John seeks for people's attention and prefers them not to know how he looks in real life. It makes him think that they are fond of his personality, not of his body, and he is always excited to see followers that appreciate him and his content.
As if was mentioned, John has anger issues. He sparks with fury quickly and stays like that for hours, being unable to express his thoughts properly without using slurs and other abusive words. His aggression is mostly verbal.
This is not all the information about this particular AU and John, only some quick notes.
Also, bonuses for those, who has at least checked the full post🎉
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^ I made this just because I wanted John to comfort his child version after being abused. For some reason I like such images.
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^ I made this because it's pride month (I chose only few because I'm too lazy to do more... But feel free to ask to do a particular one.)
^^ In fact made this because John's face is awfully silly
Have a nice day (affectionately)
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