#so i don’t always have a super clear picture of how book characters look even though i like definitely have a specific way they ‘should’
vintrage · 3 months
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catnip :-)
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theforgottenmcrmy · 1 year
Solace (Ser Harwin Strong x Reader)
᯽ Please note that this is an overall part 12 of the series “Growing Strong”. The masterlist, and part 1, can be found HERE . ᯽
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Pairing: Ser Harwin Strong x Tyrell! Female Reader
Warnings: GOT typical sexism, canon divergence, mentions of previous death of characters, and near tooth-rotting fluff
Summary: Following the tragic fire at Harrenhal, you retreated back to the safety of Highgarden, where you, Harwin, and your family have lived for the past several years. But there are loyalties owed to those outside the walls of your family’s ancestral home, and a letter from an old friend coaxes you all to rejoin the wider realm once more.
A/N: *me, looking at pictures and GIFS for Highgarden inspo for this part*: “I want to go to there”
Welcome to time line of episode 8, everyone. I don’t plan on mentioning this super specifically in the story or anything, but I am tweaking the kids’ ages a bit from the books (and show(?) honestly, the show is harder to track this) before the actual start of the Dance. I pictured Jacaerys/Derrik as being around 16-17 years old, and Lucerys/Selwin around 14-15 years old by this point.
Thank you the support🖤 I hope you enjoy this longer chapter that contains what I would argue a lot of fluffy moments. Hopefully this can start make up for the week break and the angsty chapter that was the last one.🥲 I’m also going to be posting a family tree shortly, which will hopefully clear up any confusion about all these whacky relations.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!🖤
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To Lady Y/N Tyrell of Highgarden,
My dearest friend, I hope you have been well since you last wrote. I sense a change in the seasons is upon us once more, and I urge you and the rest of your family to take good care of your health. I fear the accrual of more reasons to dread this time of year… As you know, it is nearing the anniversary of the passing of two individuals who were close to my heart.
My Good Sister, Lady Laena Velaryon, is still sorely missed by all who knew her. Although, I must admit that I am most fortunate to see her vibrant spirit live on in her daughters, the Ladies Baela and Rhaena, whom I have come to view as my own.
And then there is my late Lord Husband, Ser Laenor Velaryon. For all our differences, he was still my husband, and the man whose name my eldest sons bear. He had a good heart, and, at the end of it all, we had a true understanding of one another. I cared for him deeply, and I find myself still mourning the loss of him to this day.
With the memories of their passing beginning to occupy my mind once more, I am constantly reminded of the loss that you and your own Lord Husband endured around this same time of the year. As always, I continue to extend my sympathies to you and your family at this time.
Lord Lyonel Strong was a good man, and perhaps an even better Hand to our King. I am certain my father still feels his absence at Court, despite the speed at which his Lady Wife, Her Grace the Queen, filled the vacant position on the small council.
In remembering each and every one of these losses, I am also reminded of just how long it has been since I have had the pleasure of sharing your company. Make no mistake, writing letters by raven has proven more favorable than years of silence, I assure you. But, and perhaps selfishly so, I often find myself recalling the light that you and your family’s presence provided to me and my own.
I am no stranger to dark times, and I fear neither the old or new gods are yet through with me. If I am presented with an opportunity for happiness, I will happily jump at the chance to secure it. Vipers will be vipers, and whether the words they speak are true or not, they will always speak them through forked tongues. The years have made me far less agreeable to bend to their will.
It has been too long, my friend. I would like to invite you, Lord Harwin, and your children to come visit in Dragonstone. Prince Daemon and I would be happy to host your family for as long as you desire. Our boys are almost men now, but I think they would all greatly benefit from rekindling the friendship from their youth. One day, you and I will be gone from this world, and they will rule in our stead. If the gods are kind, that will be many years from now… But, as a cost of my position, I am aware that I have gained many enemies. I shall be more at ease when the Stranger comes to claim me if I know our sons will never find anything less than faithful allies in one another.
I eagerly await your response, and hope to see you soon.
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
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There were few places in the entire world that were able to bring you more comfort than the familiar gardens of your home.
As alluded to by the name, Highgarden boasted many. Different areas of the expansive grounds housed different types of plants, each needing various degrees of care that only the most dedicated and well compensated gardeners held the entire knowledge of. The magnificent castle that was your ancestral home had been built in the center of them all.
The roses live among roses.
When an immediate member of the ruling family passed, it was tradition for a plant or flower that they favored, or which otherwise symbolized them, to be planted in their memory. Your mother, the only daughter of the Lord Meadows of Grassfield Keep, had a particular fondness for daisies. When she passed, your father planted many of those flowers across the gardens, and all by his own two hands. In turn, your father had long since decided that, in true Tyrell fashion, a new golden rose bush should be planted after his passing. You and Derron had seen to it that his wish was carried out. However, gods bless him, Derron had not lived long enough to convey to you what he wished to be planted after his own passing, so you had to make that decision on your own.
Derron’s passing marked a significant change for House Tyrell, and had changed the outcome of your own life forever. After some consideration, you opted with something a bit more imposing than daisies or roses to honor his memory: a birch tree.
The lure of the birch tree was that it was constantly changing in appearance with the seasons. You loved watching the visual transformations every few months. The gardeners had complimented your choice, noting that the birch tree was believed to symbolize new beginnings and growth. It had been fitting. Perfect, even. It grew at a decent rate as well- after approaching nearly two decades after Derron’s passing, the tree absolutely towered above you, and had come a long way from the tiny sapling you had once planted.
Derron’s tree was planted among others in a certain section of the gardens you had always tended to favor. The shade provided by it and surrounding trees was a welcome escape from the warm sun, particularly in the summer months. And, as the location was tucked away from the main garden path, it also allowed you ample privacy. You loved your home and those who resided within it with all of your heart, but you also had come to appreciate whatever small moments of peace that you were able to find for yourself. Doing so did wonders to clear your mind.
And it was clarity that you desired above all else at that moment as you idly ran your thumb across the letter that you’d received. Correspondence from Princess Rhaenyra was not an uncommon occurrence by any means; you wrote to another frequently. But the contents of this particular letter, which had been delivered by raven that same morning, had your mind bogged down with many thoughts.
There was excitement at the prospect of reuniting with your old friend after so many years. There was elation at the thought of the joy it would bring to your sons to see the Princes Jacaerys and Lucerys once again. But there was also concern… Worry about the potential threats to the solace you and Harwin had worked so painstakingly hard to craft for your family in Highgarden following the horrific tragedy that was the fire at Harrenhal.
You sighed tiredly, and leaned your head against the back of the tree.
The sound light giggles drifting over from the main garden path yanked you from your contemplation. But you recognized the sound immediately, and happily welcomed the interruption.
You rose to your feet, pocketed the parchment into your skirts, and made your way out into the open with a noticeable spring in your step.
Standing on the main cobblestone path was a young girl, still a tiny bit of a thing, clutching the hand of her nanny. When she saw you, her comfortingly familiar eyes lit up, and she reached out her small hands in your direction.
“Mother,” Nanny Bryna corrected her, though you could tell she restrained herself from using the full extent of her sternness.
You beamed, and swiftly pulled your daughter up into your arms. The young girl threw her own arms around your neck in a near vice-like grip as she settled in your hold, but you didn’t mind in the slightest.
“Forgive me, My Lady,” Bryna apologized sincerely. “We did not mean to interrupt you. Lady Luciya was a bit finicky this morning, and I thought a small walk through the gardens might soothe her.”
You looked to Luciya expectantly, awaiting her response to her nanny’s words. The girl was young, with only her third name day occurring in a few months time. But despite her youth, Luciya was already as quick as a whip, and you had no doubt she knew exactly what it was that Bryna was referring to.
However, all your daughter could give you was an entirely pitiful look.
… As if such a sweet face could possibly be “finicky”.
You laughed at Lucyia’s front of innocence briefly, before turning your attention back to her nanny. “There is nothing to forgive, Bryna. I will take her for now.”
Bryna nodded, before giving you a small curtsy.
As her nanny walked away, you turned your attention to your daughter once more, and lightly tapped her on the nose with a single finger. “Now, Sweetling, what is all this business about you being unpleasant this morning?”
Luciya gave you a sheepish smile, before turning and hiding her face in your hair.
With Harwin’s curls, your eyes, and a combination of the pair of your remaining facial features, Luciya was the perfect balance of you and your husband. She reminded you each so very much of the mothers that you and Harwin had both lost at a young age. Luciya was small, but lively. She was quick to learn, just like Derrik had been; Bryna had already begun to work with her on reading and writing. And her sweetness rivaled Selwin’s at that age; though she was not immune to foul moods, her disposition was almost always more pleasant than not.
Luciya had been… unexpected, in a sense. After all, more than a decade after Selwin’s first name day had passed by the time she was born. But she had been no less welcomed for it. It was immediately clear that the young girl was the perfect final addition to your small family. Luciya had stolen the hearts of everyone she met, yours and Harwin’s included chief among them. Even your eldest children were taken with her; Derrik enjoyed reading to her whenever his studies and training allowed it, and Selwin had been taking her on short horseback rides around the castle grounds before she was even able to walk.
You ran a light hand over her curls absentmindedly for a moment, when all of the sudden, a brilliant idea struck you. You leaned in close, and gave her a conspiring smile. “Shall we see what your father and brothers are up to?”
Luciya withdrew her face from your hair, and with a bright smile of her own, nodded enthusiastically.
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Given the hour, and the fact that it was such fair weather, there was only one place Harwin and your sons were likely to be. The clanging of clashing steel confirmed your suspicions the closer you drew to the training yard.
The yard was filled with various men, almost all donned in training armor or yielding blunted weapons of some sort. A large portion of them were gathered in the middle, watching with intrigue as two individuals who you couldn’t see just yet sparred with one another.
Much closer to you and Luciya, you spotted Derrik.
If Derrik looked like Harwin as a boy, it was even more apparent now that he was a young man. His curls had become less wild with age, but they were still present. He was broad shouldered, and though he was still young, you knew he could make a formidable opponent, if he ever needed to be. He was well trained with a sword, as Harwin and Highgarden’s master at arms had seen to that. When Derrik was not training with weaponry, Derrik and his tutors had exercised his mind with just as much fervor. He studied a great many subjects- history, philosophy, languages- and he enjoyed them all.
In another life, perhaps Derrik might have sought to become a maester. In your opinion, he had demonstrated the patience, wit, and motivation that would suggest success in such an endeavor. His grandsire, Lord Lyonel, had once chosen that path. As Harwin once told you, your Good Father had managed to forge six links on his chain before the death of his older brother forced him to abandon the pursuit for the sake of the Strong family. Similarly, as Derrik stood to inherit a great holding of his own one day, that fate of a maester was not his to claim.
Derrik was perfectly well rounded, as a wise young lord ought to be, and, though he was occasionally stubborn, he was wise beyond his years. You and Harwin couldn’t have been any prouder of him.
Your eldest son was tight lipped as he nocked an arrow and pulled back the string of a bow. Ser Corbus Crane, Highgarden’s master at arms, watched him diligently.
The arrow soared through the air and struck the target…. But a fair way down from the center. In fact, it was nothing short of a miracle the arrow had managed to strike the target at all.
With Harwin and Ser Corbus’ oversight, Derrik had become a decent swordsman for his age. But as of late, Derrik had developed a more serious interest in cultivating skill with a bow as well. This pleased you; not only had you been taught to shoot from a young age, but your father and brother had been as well. Seeing your eldest son take an interest in upholding the Tyrell family tradition gave you joy.
“Straighten your bow arm,” you instructed him, giving Derrik a small start as he had yet to realize your presence. “And hold firm. You are losing some of the tension halfway through your draw.”
“I advised him of the same, My Lady,” Ser Corbus chimed in.
You gave the man an apologetic look.
Derrik gave you an understanding nod. With a small sigh, he nocked a second arrow and drew back the string. This time, he adhered to the advice of both you and his tutor.
The arrow struck the target just shy of the center. Luciya clapped enthusiastically, causing her older brother to shoot her a grin.
“Perhaps you should listen to the advice of Ser Corbus more often,” you suggested purposefully to Derrik, though you were unable to completely conceal the pleased smile on your lips.
Derrik bowed his head in mild embarrassment. “Yes, Mother. My apologies, Ser Corbus.”
“There is nothing to forgive, My Lord. But, My Lady- I think the young lord could benefit from some additional motivation,” Ser Corbus proposed, looking at you knowingly. “Mayhaps you join us sometime, My Lady? Shooting round for round with Lord Derrik here may do wonders to encourage the lad to sharpen his aim.”
Embarrassment fled Derrik’s face, and instead, he looked downright amused at the proposal. In truth, the idea appealed to you as well.
“I suppose I can spare some time in the name of improving my son’s learning, though it may be a few days before I am able to accommodate that request,” you agreed heartily. You glanced about the training yard, before turning to Derrik and inquiring, “Where are your father and brother?”
“Yield! I yield!”
Your attention was drawn back to the middle of the training yard as the exasperated exclamation rang out. The men who had gathered there muttered amongst themselves, while several others clapped at the display. Eventually, they dispersed one by one, revealing none other than Harwin and Selwin as those who had been sparring in the middle of them all.
Selwin was on his knees, his training sword having been knocked aside. Harwin tossed down his own blunted sword to the dirt before extending his youngest son a helping hand.
Once Selwin was on his feet, Harwin patted him on the back reassuringly. “You held your own for longer than I thought you would, lad.”
Selwin allowed a small smile to slip at his father’s praise, though he looked a bit hesitant to immediately accept it. “Truly?”
Selwin looked every bit like the men of House Tyrell, save Harwin’s hazel eyes. He was tall, just as tall as Derrik actually, and lithe. Despite lacking the same broadness as his father and older brother, Selwin was still dangerous with a sword in his own right, and even at his young age. He had never come to share the same love of learning as Derrik, not by any means. That was a bit unfortunate… You and Harwin would have loved for your son to squire with another lord or knight of high regard, but as Selwin was to inherit either Harrenhal or Highgarden one day, such a luxury could not be afforded. Thankfully, Selwin was understanding of this, and he had continued with his lessons dutifully, despite his lack of enthusiasm for them. However, true light only ever seemed to shine in Selwin’s eyes when training in the yard, riding throughout the grounds on horseback, or exploring along the riverbanks of the Mander.
Selwin was charming too, at festivals and parties alike. He could make conversation just as easily with those many years his senior as he could with the youngest of children. His sweetness from his childhood had carried over to his teenage years, something you were grateful for, and he seldom had an unkind word to offer to or about anyone… unless someone ignited that infamous temper he had inherited from Harwin, that was. 
Though he still got along with his older brother, Selwin was not very much like Derrik at all. But you and Harwin were still just as proud of him too.
“Now, Dearest, is it wise to ‘rough up’ our youngest son in such a manner?” you called over to them teasingly.
At the sound of your voice, both Harwin and Selwin looked over as you approached them. The pure love and warmth in Harwin’s eyes as they fell on you never failed to make your heart skip a beat, even after all these years.
“I am afraid you are mistaken, My Love,” Harwin disclaimed politely, taking a step towards you to meet you half-way. “It was our son who was giving me the go of it… for a little while there, at least.”
You pursed your lips and fought off the urge to continue the playful bickering. Upon seeing her father, Luciya reached out to Harwin with grabbing hands. He smiled and immediately lifted her from your arms. You let him do so willingly.
“Selwin, we should be on our way soon,” Derrik called over from across the yard as he handed his bow over to Ser Corbus. “Maester Thomos will be cross with us if we are late for our accounting lessons again.”
“Now, we wouldn’t want that,” you commented, looking back at Selwin.
Your youngest son looked about as excited at the idea of an hour of accounting lessons as you would have expected him to be. However, you all knew that if Selwin was to be a lord with a keep of his own one day, an understanding of finances could only be beneficial.
You tilted your head along encouragingly to him. “Go on, now.”
Selwin still looked less than thrilled, but with a nod to you and Harwin, set out across the courtyard to join his elder brother. You watched the pair of them meet up and head out of the training yard altogether before you finally turned back to Harwin.
“Now, Sweet Girl,” Harwin said, readjusting his hold on Luciya and lifting her so that their matching eyes were level. “Not that I am upset by it, but what might you and your mother be doing out here?”
“As I believe Bryna put it, our daughter was acting ‘finicky’ this morning,” you relayed, taking a step closer to them. You ran a light hand over Luciya’s back soothingly.
Harwin frowned at you, feigning shock. He demanded, “Who? This Sweet Girl?”
Luciya smiled at him; the sight was a perfect mirror of Harwin’s own.
Harwin declared firmly, “Another mistake must have been made, Lady Wife. For it could not have been this little lass.” While Luciya was mesmerized by her father’s animated speech, she had failed to notice his spare hand mischievously reaching up. She was sent into a brief fit of giggles as Harwin’s fingers danced across her ribs. “Our daughter is not even capable of being anything less than content, I can assure you.”
You hummed in slight protest, but played along anyway. “But of course not, my Lord Husband. Our daughter is perfectly well behaved, always.”
“Good,” Harwin huffed half-seriously, dropping his hand and allowing Luciya a moment to catch her breath. Then, he placed a quick kiss on her cheek, earning yet another giggle from her. “I am glad we are of the same mind on this matter, My Lady.”
You rolled your eyes good naturedly.
Harwin made a show of surveying the training yard, before looking back at your daughter. “Now that your brothers are gone,” he began, speaking so softly that only you and Luciya were likely to hear him, “Shall we venture down to the kitchens? I heard they brought in several baskets of fresh fireplums this morning…”
Luciya’s eyes lit up at the mere mention of her favorite sweet.
“Harwin!” you scolded him half-heartedly. “‘Tis not yet midday. That would hardly be appropriate.”
“Fireplums?” Lucyia echoed, glancing between you and Harwin with a questioning look and a small, but undeniable, pout forming on her lips.
“It would be a shame to break her heart, My Love,” Harwin acknowledged pointedly, giving you a similar pouting look. You wanted to curse; your husband knew exactly what he was doing.
You tried to hold steadfast, you really did, but between the pleading look from your daughter and Harwin, the battle was a lost cause. Sighing defeatedly, you agreed, “Let us go find some fireplums, Sweetling.”
Luciya clapped gleefully. Smirking victoriously, Harwin put his free hand on the small of your back to guide you as the three of you left the training yard in search of a tasty late morning snack.
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After a particularly tasty and fulfilling dinner, the soft crackling of the fire was nearly enough to lull Harwin to sleep.
Still, he trudged on.
As Harwin sat at his designated desk in your joint study, his hands began to ache with each letter penned upon the parchment before him, and his fingers began to tremble on the quill in his grip from sheer fatigue. Seeking a quick distraction, his eyes rose and flitted across the room, over towards the fireplace.
It took you and Harwin a significant amount of time to be comfortable with the ideas of open fires following the fire at Harrenhal years ago. Even now, neither you nor Harwin were comfortable with fires being fueled or stroked any further than what was necessary to keep the flames alive. But the season was beginning to change once more; the pleasant heat of the day had begun to give way to the chilly air at night, which left neither of you with much of a choice in the matter.
Fire was a necessary evil, Harwin thought to himself bitterly.
The firefly pin still rested on the upper left corner of his desk, where it had sat for the last several years.
You had presented it to him the morning after the fire at Harrenhal. A suspicious man, who had been apprehended sometime in the night, and dead by his own hand come the morning, had had it pinned to his cloak. You had sworn to the gods that the firefly pin looked familiar, and Harwin was inclined to agree. He had seen something extremely similar to it as well… somewhere. Harwin knew that to be as true as he knew his own name. But, for the life of him, Harwin couldn’t place where he had seen it before.
It was extremely suspicious, and Harwin was left with more questions than answers.
How had the fire started? Was it truly an accident, or was there a darker reason behind it? There were only so many things one could attribute to being a part of some dreaded curse… But if the fire had been intentional, who would have had the motive to orchestrate such a terrible act?
Lord Lyonel was a man who did not have a single enemy, at least not any that Harwin knew of. His father was a good natured, if plainly honest, man. And while you and Harwin had inadvertently made yourselves targets within the Red Keep due to your relations with Princess Rhaenyra, Harwin doubted that the reach of the vipers within would be able extend to that of his home, Harrenhal. And he doubted even more the capability of a mother, though a Queen she may be, to knowingly conspire to murder your children.
For a time, the unwavering need Harwin felt to deliver justice on behalf of his father had all but consumed him. A man driven nearly mad, he ceaselessly sought explanation to questions that may never be answered, due to the sheer nature of the event. He had questioned countless people, and had probably dolled out a few too many undeserved threats.
His sisters were quick to dismiss the entire thing as an unfortunate, though coincidental tragedy. Even Larys, through the letters by raven, suggested it was an accident. With the various new construction projects, as well as the simple fact that Harrenhal had burned once before, he argued it was not too difficult to imagine that someone mishandling a torch, or some fallen spark from a bedroom flame, could have quickly set the tower ablaze.
Harwin had even asked your opinion on the matter. He could tell you had been reluctant to say anything that might encourage his incessant inquisition, but still, you conceded that, despite the many reasons one could argue the fire truly was an accident, you were more hesitant than his siblings to declare it as such.
It was only the love he bore for you and your sons that had pulled Harwin back from the brink of instability. And Harwin did not care to know the version of himself he’d been during the weeks following the passing of his father ever again.
Finally tearing his eyes away, Harwin looked over to the side of the room next, and immediately noticed that you too had taken a break from your own writing to stare into the flickering flames. As you sat at your own desk, which was positioned adjacent to his own, Harwin watched you contentedly, and he bit the inside of his cheek to contain his smile.
You looked just as tired as he felt, but there was an overwhelming warmth that flooded his heart every time he laid eyes upon you, no matter what state you were in. The feeling had not given way to time, despite over fifteen years of marriage. Harwin hoped it never would.
But, as if you felt his eyes on you, you suddenly regained focus, and slowly swiveled your head to glance over at him. Unrelenting, Harwin offered you a small, coy smile. He was not embarrassed to have been caught staring at you, not at all. Why be embarrassed that he was married to the most gorgeous, intelligent, brave, and enchanting woman in the whole realm? Rather, Harwin couldn’t help but feel humbled, and, truthfully, a little bit satisfied with himself that you had attempted to steal a glance at him.
You returned his smile easily, the gesture looking completely love-stricken. Harwin did not know if it was even possible for the love you felt for him to run deeper than the love he felt for you, but he did not doubt your intentions, nor your willingness to try.
After a moment, your focus returned to your own letter that you were in the midst of writing.
Not a day went by that Harwin didn’t find himself thanking the gods for your shining presence in his life. As far as he was concerned, every moment spent with you was time well spent. However, quiet evenings like this had come to be some of Harwin’s favorite opportunities, and he looked forward to and relished every moment he could.
Thankfully, most evenings seemed to progress the same as of late. After dinner, it was typical that Derrik and Selwin would excuse themselves to partake in whatever hobbies pleased them before retiring for the evening, whilst Nanny Bryna would offer to put Luciya to bed. It created a perfect opportunity for the two of you to relax and unwind from the day together, and catch up on any correspondence or other business that needed tending to.
It was no secret, nor did Harwin try to disguise it as such, that hours of writing business correspondence, drafting agreements, and maintaining general communication with his steward in Harrenhal, Lord Dannis of House Chambers, was one of Harwin’s least favorite aspects about having inherited his family lordship. In fact, it was probably the second worst aspect about the whole inheritance, with the first having been the loss of his father.
Harwin supposed he could have let Lord Dannis carry out his duties for him... Dannis, the uncle of the current Lord of House Chambers, Everan, was experienced, and had served Lord Lyonel faithfully for many years. But Harwin could not bring himself to sully the memory of his father by letting the knowledge he had been able to impart on him before his ultimately passing go to waste. And, given that Harwin and your family had not had even a semi-permanent residence at Harrenhal since that dreadful fire, maintaining his lordship through communication with Lord Dannis was his only option. The memory of the fire was still so haunting for each of you… no one was likely to return to Harrenhal for some time yet.
All personal qualms about the tedious writing aside, Harwin would never vocalize discontent with spending your evenings in the shared study. You would have confined yourself to the room for several hours anyways, as was what you deemed necessary to keep up with your own family duties… But it was clear to each of you that the evenings were far more tolerable when you shared them with each other.
Harwin’s eyes continued to linger over you as a look of concentration crept over your face. The feather of the quill in your hand flickered with your sharp and precise movements. He felt his chest warm with pride. For someone who had not been raised to inherit Highgarden, or taught how to properly manage the responsibilities that came along with such a claim, you certainly did not show it. You had taken nearly every letter, audience, charitable work, and all other duties in stride. Harwin was almost, almost, envious of how natural it all came to you… But he always felt more pride than anything else.
… And, Harwin had to admit that seeing you, his beloved wife, hold such a commanding position of power was very entrancing.
Harwin was pulled from his thoughts by the sounds of rustling fabric coming from the sofa on the other side of the room. His eyes followed his ears, and the smile on his face shifted from one of flirtatious amusement to one of great fondness.
Of course, there were some nights when you and Harwin were not truly alone in your study.
Luciya was snuggled into the plush cushions of the sofa quite happily, her curls splayed about the pillow beneath her head without care. As soft snores slipped from her mouth, it was evident that she was blissfully unaware of anything else going on in the room. As far as you and Harwin were concerned, you were content to keep it that way. The gods had gifted you both with Derrik and Selwin, who brought honor upon your houses in their own ways. But Harwin was inclined to believe that the pair of you had been truly blessed with the addition of your daughter.
Abrupt, though gentle, knocks sounded on the door.
You bid the individual on the other side to enter in a soft tone, so as to not disturb Luciya.
The door opened slowly, and in strolled Lord Elwood Meadows.
The brother of your late mother had served your father and brother dutifully as Steward of Highgarden. Whilst serving you, his performance had been no less exemplary. In fact, the more the Lord Elwood aged, the more dedicated he became to his duties as Steward. Lord Elwood was practically the Lord of House Meadows in name only; his eldest son, and your cousin, Lord Theo, had been ruling over the family seat of Grassfield Keep in his father’s absence for quite some time.
As Lord Elwood came to a stop, his attention naturally shot over towards the sofa first. He visibly fought the urge to smile upon the sight of his sleeping grand niece. Then, he looked between the pair of you with purpose. “It would seem as though Lady Luciya has exhausted herself for the day… Mayhaps it has something to do with the fireplums that have reportedly disappeared from the kitchens?”
You and Harwin gleaned at each other knowingly at your uncle’s suggestion. Amusement was written over both of your faces.
Then, Lord Elwood offered, “Shall I call for Bryna, My Lady?”
“Thank you, Uncle, but that will not be necessary,” you assured him, resting your quill in the nearby ink pot. “We are to retire soon.”
“Very well, My Lady… Well, my apologies for the lateness of the hour, but Maester Thomos informed me that two ravens have arrived since dinner. And, since you have yet to retire, I thought you might care to receive the messages.”
“You thought correctly, Uncle. Thank you for bringing them to us at once.”
Lord Elwood crossed the room and deposited the small scrolls in your hand. With one more charmed glance at Luciya, he nodded to the both of you staunchly and exited the study. The door shut softly behind him.
Harwin watched you with interest as you glanced at the seals of each of the scrolls in your hand. You rose from your seat and strolled over to him, handing him one of the scrolls wordlessly.
The seal on the scroll was one Harwin recognized well.
The sigil that Harwin’s brother, Larys, had taken for his own since having been appointed as Master of Whisperers was an easily identifiable one. Harwin broke the seal without a thought and opened the scroll, reading the words upon the parchment promptly.
As Harwin read line by line, you gently sat on his lap. Undeterred by your actions, Harwin’s focus continued to be on the letter in his hand, but his spare arm came up to wrap around your waist, steadying and holding you close. You made yourself comfortable, and then broke open the seal of the second letter to begin reading as well. For a few quiet moments, nothing but the crackling fire and the snores from Luciya could be heard in the room.
But then, you sighed.
Harwin had just finished reading. He looked up at you worriedly, noting the seal still clinging to the one edge of the parchment. It was another one that he also recognized well.
There were very few individuals who used that seal that would have written to you with kind intentions.
He inquired, “From the Arbor?... Is all well?”
You nodded in response to his query, though your eyes never drifted from the letter in your hand. “Yes, it is only from my aunt… She has written to inform me that her granddaughter, Celesse, is traveling to King’s Landing. It seems that she, along with her cousin, Joanna Lannister, are to be taken in by the royal household as ladies in waiting for Princess Helaena.”
Harwin watched you carefully for a moment, waiting to see if you would say anything further that would indicate your opinion of the news. When you said nothing, he noted offhandedly in a light tone, “Dangerous place, is it not? For two unescorted ladies to roam about, all while serving a princess of the realm?”
Harwin’s teasing to what was once your own circumstance did not go over your head, and you looked at him with mock offense. “It is truly a preposterous notion, isn’t it? Young ladies and a Princess, eating, singing, dancing, and otherwise passing the time until they catch the attention of a suitor? The horror.”
“There are some strange men among the Red Keep, My Lady.”
You hummed. “I’ve met a few of them… In fact, there was this one-” 
Harwin rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath, “Oh no-”
“I heard that he could pull a fully occupied carriage all by himself,” you recounted dramatically. “I also heard that he once single-handedly closed the courtyard doors of the Red Keep when the chains had broken-”
“Now those are truly ‘preposterous’ notions, My Love. Complete fabrications of-”
“And, do you know what they called him? This infamous man?”
Harwin pursed his lips. You merely smiled at him, clearly amused by your own theatrics.
“... Breakbones?”
“No,” You scoffed, and reached for him, lightly cupping the side of his face closest to you. Softly, you corrected, “They called him my husband.”
Harwin bit the inside of his cheek once more. Even as a young man, when pretty women of all sorts started to pay him mind, he had never, ever considered himself one who was capable of blushing. Or one to be unnerved by the presence and words of any woman.
But you were not just any woman. You held his heart, confidence, and happiness all in the palms of your hands.
You placed a brief, though undeniably sweet, kiss upon his lips. When you withdrew from him a few seconds later, Harwin immediately found himself wishing you had not.
“But do not fret, Dearest,” you assured him, swiftly returning to the original topic as you lowered your hand from his face. “If Lady Celesse is even half as conniving as her father, I am sure she will fare in the capital just fine.”
Your cousin, Garrett Redwyne, once a second son, was now Lord of the Arbor. A few years past, the Stranger visited your family again. In one swoop, fever had claimed your uncle by marriage, Lord Gilbar, and your other cousin, Jeran, Garrett’s older brother. Jeran, foolishly, had never married, nor sired any legitimate heirs of his own by the time of his death. Unfortunately, that meant that the family seat passed on to his younger brother.
Harwin knew that the turn of events did not sit right with you. And frankly, things did not sit well with him either. It did not seem fair for someone who had so cruelly tried to prey upon a young woman in grief and steal her family’s birthright to then be rewarded with a title and holding of his own. Like you, Garrett had not been born to inherit the family lordship… But the gods had deemed it so, just the same.
And yet… Harwin dared to venture that there was another matter about your cousin that upset you even more. Not even a year after your brother’s passing, Garrett had taken a woman to wife- one Cerelle Lannister. Harwin could tell from the short time you had spent with the young woman in King’s Landing, you had enjoyed her presence. At the time of Derron’s death, his betrothal to Lady Cerelle had been imminent.
Not only did Lord Garrett become Lord of the Arbor, but he had also wed the woman who, in another life, might have been your Good Sister.
“What does your brother say?” you asked him then, discarding your scroll upon his desk.
“The usual,” Harwin answered at once, happy to see you had opted not to dwell on the thought of your cousin. “He has inquired about the state of the family, and as to how the children are.”
“That is kind of him,” you acknowledged sincerely. “I would suggest you write back to him and extend an invitation for him to visit and see the children for himself… But I believe we both know what his response would be.”
A regretful declination.
Not but a week after the fire at Harrenhal, Larys had been appointed to King Viserys’ small council as Master of Whisperers. It was an honorable appointment, but the position occupied so much of Larys’ time that, while Harwin, you, your sons, Lilyan, Eyla, and their families gathered at Harrenhal to lay Lord Lyonel to rest, Larys had been bound to King’s Landing by his duties… At least, that was the reason he cited in a letter to Harwin. Harwin suspected Larys’ failure to attend might have also had something to do with his brother’s feelings about the passing of their father. Different sorts of people grieved in different ways, and Larys had always been a bit of an outlier. But Harwin loved his brother, and did not beseech him for his decision. Even if his absence was greatly felt at the funeral.
“My brother’s duties keep him confined to the Red Keep, My Love,” Harwin reminded you. His arm around your waist tightened, holding you closer to him. Harwin pressed a light, nearly teasing kiss on the back of your neck. He smirked to himself as you shook off a small shiver in response. “Just as our duties keep us bound to Highgarden.”
At this, you stiffened in Harwin’s hold. “That reminds me,” you began, rising from his lap, though not without Harwin making a half-hearted attempt to keep you restrained as you were. “There is something else I wished to speak with you about.”
At the seriousness of your tone, the playful smirk fell from Harwin’s lips. “What is it?”
You hesitated. “These were not the only ravens we received today… There was a third. I received the letter this morning.”
Harwin picked up on your hesitation immediately. He coaxed encouragingly, “Whatever the burden is, share it with me. Who sent it?”
You said nothing, and instead reached into the pocket of your skirt. The third scroll was withdrawn from the fabric with a natural flourish. Harwin took it from your extended hand curiously, and opened it at once.
As he began to read the letter- one that he quickly realized was from Princess Rhaenyra, no less- he glanced over at you out of the corner of his eyes on the occasion. As he devoured line by line, you began to pace nearby.
Once Harwin was done reading, he understood why you appeared so visibly nervous.
Harwin contemplated his next words with significant caution. “‘Tis an… interesting offer, I suppose. What do you make of it?”
“It would not be King’s Landing, but it would be close.”
Dragonstone was a lot closer to the capital than Highgarden was. Too close for Harwin’s liking. 
“We left King’s Landing for a reason, My Love,” he reminded you patiently. “The gossip, the rumors? Our- my- presence threatened Princess Rhaenyra’s credibility, and it put all of us in danger.”
“I recall all of that, as you know.”
You spoke the truth, Harwin had no doubt of that. But the thought of what might have happened to you, or your children, had your family stayed in the capital, still troubled him deeply. His father had alluded to you, Derrick, and Selwin being taken away by the headsman. Harwin would rather fall upon his own sword than risk that nightmare becoming a reality.
“I cannot put you, or the children, in danger,” Harwin told you firmly. “I would never dream of commanding you, or declaring what you may or may not do. But I must protest at the idea of endangering you all for the mere sake of a social visit.”
“I know, Dearest,” you promised, your tone lightening at the growing traces of distress you detected within his words. “I know you would not have us put ourselves in danger. And I would not have you put yourself in danger, either… Neither would Princess Rhaenyra.”
Harwin got the funny sense that you were not finished with your thoughts. “... But?”
“But,” you continued, confirming his suspicions, “if the Princess knows of the… delicacy, of our situation, it makes me question why she has extended the invitation at this particular time. After all, though we frequently exchanged letters, it has been years since we have all seen one another.”
None of you had seen the Princess, or her sons, since you fled King’s Landing prior to your return to Harrenhal. And Harwin had to admit, the timing of the invitation was a bit peculiar. Why now?
“I have my suspicions as to why Princess Rhaenyra decided that now is an appropriate time,” you confessed then. “I still have some connections to those who frequent the Red Keep. The rumors report that the King is weak, Harwin. Very weak. They say he could pass any day now… And I suspect Princess Rhaenyra has heard the same.”
Harwin could think of many, many reasons as to why accepting Princess Rhaenyra’s invitation would not be wise. Reasons that he was certain you could easily deduce as well. However, he would have had to be cruel to outright reject the offer, when he knew that accepting it may mean bringing some comfort to an old friend. You still considered Princess Rhaenyra as your oldest and most trusted companion. Besides the fact that she was to be Queen one day, Harwin held her in very high regard as well, and was also fortunate enough to call her a friend. Gods, years ago, he had loved Princess Rhaenyra’s sons as though they were his own… And perhaps part of him still did.
Both you and Harwin had lost your own fathers, whom you loved greatly. How could Harwin make any serious arguments for declining Princess Rhaenyra’s invitation, when accepting it would allow the both of you to offer her comfort in this trying time?
But King Viserys, gods be good, was not gone from this world yet. And the Hightowers still had sizable control over the Red Keep and its inhabitants. The thought of being so near King’s Landing still made Harwin wary.
And the thought of leaving Highgarden at all made him greatly uneasy.
As if you could read Harwin’s rapidly racing thoughts, you ran a light hand through his curls. Despite his worry, Harwin leaned into the familiar and comforting touch.
“I understand your fears, Dearest,” you assured him softly, but sincerely. “And I share them as well. But we cannot stay here for the rest of our days. Highgarden may be a refuge, yes… But it was never meant to be a place of solitude. There is an entire realm outside of these walls, and many others whom we have loyalties to.”
Harwin, who had closed his eyes at your gentle ministrations, opened them once more. There was no need for him to verbally admit your assumption was correct. You had seen right through him, as you almost always did.
Since the fire at Harrenhal, the pair of you had created a peaceful life for yourselves in Highgarden. Within the castle walls, you, Harwin, Derrik, Selwin, and now Luciya, were safe. For years, it had seemed as though no evil could touch you here.
Highgarden was a solace.
… And while Harwin wanted so desperately to keep that solace, and protect you all, he was not a fool. He knew that such a blissful dream, no matter how wonderful it was, could not be sustained indefinitely. You were right- the two of you owed allegiance to others who did not reside in your ancestral home. Besides King Viserys, the most important of these allegiances was the one to Princess Rhaenyra.
Harwin sighed, and rose to his feet. He felt your eyes on him with every step as he walked across the room and over towards the sofa. When he reached it, he leaned down, gently took Luciya into his arms, and sat upon the cushions where she had been snoozing away a moment before. Not deterred in the slightest, Luciya continued to sleep while she subconsciously shifted around to make herself comfortable in her father’s arms.
You were quick to follow, and took a seat beside him. You tucked yourself into his side calmly. When you were settled, Harwin tilted his head to rest upon yours.
For a few moments, the two of you silently watched your daughter, with Luciya resting her head on Harwin’s one shoulder, and you resting your head on the other.
He remembered how scared he was when Luciya was born. With Derrik and Selwin, he’d been nervous with the idea of parenthood… But they were his sons. Harwin had been able to take some comfort in the knowledge that he could raise them with a similar loving upbringing that he had experienced as a child. Studying with maesters, training in the yard with the master at arms… He had an understanding of what Derrik and Selwin would face.
But a daughter? That was a completely different and uncharted territory. Harwin had sisters, and nieces now as well, but nothing compared to this. Harwin had not been prepared to have his heart shared by two women, but that is what had come to transpire. Thankfully, Luicya had been merciful to him in this regard- she had only ever asked for attention, and love. Things Harwin was more than willing to give her, and in plentiful amounts at that.
Harwin wanted to give your daughter the world.
… Which, in a queer way, may have meant that she ought to actually see some of it.
A hazy vision of Luciya on a sandy shore flashed across his mind. The sound of her laughter ringing out amongst the crowing of seagulls rang faintly in his ears.
Harwin pressed a kiss to the top of Luciya’s head. “... She will enjoy the sea, I think.”
You lifted your head off his shoulder slowly, and looked at him with wide and slightly watery eyes as you realized the deeper implication behind his simple words.
To Dragonstone.
After a swift kiss to Harwin’s cheek, you placed your hand on Luciya’s back, your fingers brushed against Harwin’s as you did so. “She will. And Derrik and Selwin will enjoy seeing the Princes again.”
“The Princes,” Harwin echoed blankly. “Gods, it has been so long… They must be nearly men by now.”
You smirked. “As are our sons, Harwin.”
Would Jacaerys and Lucerys even recall him? Harwin hoped so. Despite the passage of time, he still harbored a fondness for them. And he would have been lying if he denied worrying about them over the years. Despite his faults, losing Ser Laenor in such a tragic way, only to have the role of a father filled promptly- almost too promptly- by the likes of Prince Daemon Targaryen?
That would have been a rotten lot for anyone, let alone young boys whose fates were already precariously hanging on with little more than the unyielding love from their royal grandsire.
… But the more Harwin thought about that, the more quickly he was coming around to the idea of visiting Dragonstone. Having spent a decent amount of time in one another’s presence during their time serving the City Watch, Harwin had seen sides of the Rogue Prince he could only hope that the young Princes Jacaerys and Lucerys had not yet heard of. While Harwin may have had his own opinions about how he approached fatherhood, he would never deny that Ser Laenor Velaryon was an honorable man, even if it was in his own way. On the other hand, Harwin was not sure Prince Daemon even knew the meaning of the word.
The idea of the young Princes following after the likes of their now stepfather bothered Harwin. They were older now, and though not yet fully grown men, they were indisputably no longer children… But perhaps it was not so late that Harwin could offer himself as an alternative fatherly figure?
If the Princes even still wanted to view him as such, that was.
But, once again, you soothed his worries with your calming words.
“I am certain that the Princes will be pleased to see you too, Dearest.”
Luciya yawned in her sleep, breaking the tension of your conversation. A light laugh escaped both of you.
Then, Harwin reaffirmed, “If the Princess requests our family’s presence on Dragonstone, she shall have it.”
There was a strange feeling in the air… a sense that the lives of your family were about to change in a dramatic fashion.
If only the two of you had known then just how drastic the changes were going to be.
“I will write back to Princess Rhaenyra with our answer,” you informed Harwin. “But I daresay that can wait ‘til the morrow.”
Harwin rose to his feet, and you followed suit. However, he must not have done as well of a job concealing any lingering concern as he had hoped to. As he took a step towards the door to leave, you reached out, and placed a hand on his arm, halting him.
“Everything will be alright, Dearest.”
Harwin gave you a small smile, feeling peculiarly bittersweet. “I know, My Love. Highgarden has been a refuge… But I know I will find solace wherever I am, so long as I am with you.”
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A/N: Poor, naive Harwin. Bless him.🖤 He just wants to see the good in his brother, y’all. I’m sure that definitely won’t come back to bite him in the future or anything-
Thank you for reading!🖤 Next part will probably be at least a 2 parter again, but it may even be a 3 parter, depending on how long it ends up being and what plot points I choose to include in it.
But before then, I’m going to try and see if I can put together a couple little headcanons/blurbs later this week, so if that’s something you’re interested in, keep an eye out for those😊 I definitely want to take a crack at more headcanons of Harwin with the kiddos, but also running the Reach and just general married life with Harwin, so we’ll see what happens.
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greywindys · 2 years
I’m still trying to avoid posting full art book spoilers at the moment, and I’m also aware of the fact that there are a variety of readers here with various perspectives on fandom. What’s okay with one person, may not be okay with another, and I’d like this to be accessible to as many people as possible because I think it’s important. For those reasons, I’m going post your ask with a cropped picture. Thank you for sending it!
soo i got my artbook today. and i was really happy, the art was great, there was a decent amount of jamie art, and the comics were a super nice touch. i was pretty excited until i got to this picture
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and then i was. grossed out a bit.
but i couldn't figure out why. i so badly didn't want to turn into one of those "noodle purists" that can't fathom a 30 year old woman showing skin, and i was afraid that was exactly what was happening. until i realized that wasn't the issue!
noodle has had more scantily-clad art, which has never bothered me. this art weirds me out because noodle's body....... never looked like this. shes never been curvy, she's mostly been portrayed as rather petite, so this just seems off. weird. uncanny almost!
i don't like how often artists tend to exaggerate noodle's body to make her "sexy". unfortunately jamie hasn't been immune to that.
idk i just feel like i had to get that out there.
First of all, congratulations on getting your art book! Z2 seems to be doing a better job this time around, but even so, just receiving it is an accomplishment lmao. Everything I’ve seen from it has been really impressive, so I’m glad you’ve gotten to experience that.
That being said, I understand where you’re coming from. To put it out there, being uncomfortable with how Noodle is portrayed at times doesn’t make you a “Noodle purist,” imo. I think it’s hard to deny the clear difference between the art of Noodle/Cyborg Noodle and the art of the rest of the band. Noodle is a cartoon character. She isn’t real. She doesn’t choose her outfits, she doesn’t have thoughts of feelings. Pointing out what you did in your ask doesn’t mean you criticizing her for “showing skin,” you reflecting on a choice Jamie and other artists have made in how they portray her, and the context (historical, societal, etc) in which they’re creating and sharing their work. For that reason, yes, the thoughts, “Wow, Noodle looks great here,” and “Yeah, maybe this is geared towards the male-gaze,” are two thoughts that can co-exist and don’t contradict each other. You can also still love the art book and Jamie’s work and Gorillaz while acknowledging that.
Tbh, I’m not a big Noodle fan and I typically stay away from Noodle discussion because I don’t care that much, but this talking point has been around a while, and I think it gets a reputation as being very polarizing, when really it’s pretty nuanced and people are never usually one extreme or another. And on a personal note, as someone with Noodle’s original body type, I don’t take any offense to people pointing this out about her when they make their critiques. I actually like when Jamie draws her using her original, petite design, and I wish more artists would use it too. But, I also know and accept that it’s not always about being accurate.
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needlewind · 2 years
About halfway through Suntrail rn and here’s how I would rate the traveling cats (from favorite to least favorite)
Jagged Peak - He is baby, can do no wrong, annoying in the best way, peak little brother
Gray Wing - Peak older brother, also I find him really relatable in the way he shoulders guilt like he was born to do it and feels overly responsible for everything
Moon Shadow - He’s the fucking worst and I love him for it, Berrynose kinda annoying, like I want to put tape over his mouth but I love him you know?
Tall Shadow - There’s not much for me to say about her yet but I like the change in her that happens after she ends up in charge, you can feel her desperation and frustration while fighting with Moon
Shaded Moss - I think his relationship with Rainswept was really sweet and he was a really kind and steady leader while he was around, there isn’t much to say in him but he was pretty great
Quiet Water - I think her bit about hating water is really funny and that little moment she has with Jagged after he freezes on the Thunderpath was really sweet
Dappled Pelt - Fish lesbian! She’s super sweet, there isn’t much to her but I like the way she always seems to look out for everyone and her friendship relationship with Falling is super cute
Falling Feather - Another fish lesbian! She kinda gives me golden retriever energy? Just like- idk, very sweet and generally happy, her scenes with Dappled are super sweet and I like how eager she is to be in water, admittedly when I think about her I just picture Feathertail
Turtle Tail - admittedly she hasn’t stood out very much to me until the last like two chapters I’ve read, she’s sweet and I like her eagerness but she doesn’t have much in terms of actual character yet, it’s mostly just about Gray Wing, though I find it interesting how she specified multiple times how much she’d hate a boring life
Clear Sky - I don’t have much to say about him? I mean, it feels wrong to judge his character rn when I’ve basically only seen him grieving (though I know he’s an asswipe most of the time anyway) but he yelled at Jagged so... he’s really only here because he’s got more to him then the others
Rainswept Flower - Her relationship with Shaded Moss was really sweet and her reaction to his death made me sad, I also liked that scene with Gray helping her across the gorge-thing, again not much to her yet but she’s cool
Cloud Spots - Our other healer! Again, not much to her, but she seems to know even more about herbs then Dappled even though Dappled is supposed to be their herb cat? I’m really curious how she knows all of it, did Dappled teach her?
Bright Stream - She admittedly didn’t have much character outside of Clear Sky but I still found her very sweet, the fact she died because she was helping Gray Wing is really upsetting
Shattered Ice - Not much to say on him, the only scene I remember of him is when he takes charge of crossing the thunderpath right before they reach the territories, and I mean- he does well there ig
Jackdaw’s Cry - now, listen, I don’t dislike him, but I legitimately can’t remember a single thing he’s done, so by default he’s at the bottom
I’ll redo this list once per book from now on, just to see how my opinions change over time
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swtki · 3 years
HP Boys: Surprise Pregnancy Head Cannons
Summary: The HP boys and their reaction to their s/o (afab) being pregnant when its not planned.
A/N: This takes place post Hogwarts so all characters are 18+, though no real smut happens in this so its not an 18+ fic.
So everything is going great for the happy couple, you two just moved into a flat together and are working normal jobs, drinking wine like adults.
And sure, Draco knows he wants to marry you, but he knows you’re not ready to settle down like that so he just plans and dreams.
Due to poor choices, when you’re late by two weeks, you know what it probably is.
Draco doesn’t even notice that you ran out to the store and came back and hid in the bathroom for 10 minutes. CEO of minding his own business ig
You just kinda...walk up to him and hand him all 3 tests while your eyes fill with tears because what if he demands you get an abortion?
Or what if he fucks off to god knows where?
But instead he just looks at you with the most un-draco like smile. Like his face was soft and it looked like he could cry any moment.
“Oh my god,” He says, putting his hand on your belly, “I can be ready for this, but if you aren’t then we can you know...”
“No, I want it” then both of you rejoice bc yay baby!
Cut to 6 months later when your feet hurt so bad you have to lay down and watch while Draco fails to put a crib together.
He eventually gets it done tho.
And when the time comes, he’s built and arranged everything for your bundle of joy.
So you guys are probably already married, but with everything at the ministry going on, it makes Harry less than a family man.
You both agree that it’s probably better to wait so you can be home and yk...raise it.
Well smart man Harry forgets that to not have a kid you need to use protection.
So of course when your period is late you don’t think about it, until its four weeks late.
That night, you and Harry are laying in bed, and thats when you tell him.
“Harry..I’m late.”
“Late for what?” headass.
You: 😳😐
Him: 👁👁😲😲
He’s hesitant to say anything, because he knows its ultimitley up to you what happens with it until its out.
“I think I want to keep it...you know it wont remember much for the first year and a half so if things are stressful it will be okay and-“
“Love...Its going to be perfect”
Mf built the crib in like 45 minutes I swear.
And of course he forced you to keep up with your vitamins, pre natal care, and appointments.
Swear tho you’re about to kill him because cofFeE
But the way he holds your baby 🥺 its his most valued thing ever now.
Ron is iffy on the kid thing sometimes.
He does want them, but only later when you guys have lived and travled.
So no, you two haven’t planned nor is it even in the picture when your wedding roles around.
It’s in the early days of the marriage when you see his family at the burrow on the way back from the honeymoon.
And of course Molly knows
Because Weasleys are hyperfertile I swear.
She takes you into the kitchen and puts her hands on your arms, shes got that big Mrs.Weasley smile on too.
“I knew it!” She says and pulls you in for a hug, “How far dear??”
You’re just standing there like🧍🏻
“I can see it by the way you glow! Oh my you and my Ron must be so happy!” This woman doesn’t notice that you’re confused.
“Wait what? Mrs. Weasley what are you-?” Then you count the days, “Oh. Well I guess I just found out for myself”
Her face falls slightly, but then she tells you can make you a potion that will tell you if you are or not, stan.
The stupid potion turns green when you spit into it, so everything is confirmed.
That night, you and Ron are getting ready for bed in the guest room and you decide to tell him.
“Ron, sweetie. We need to talk.” He looks like he’s gonna start crying but sits next to you on the bed.
“Y/N...I know its scary but please, we just got married I don’t want to divorce quite just yet 🥺🥺”
“Ron I-“ you start smiling, “I’m pregnant you dufus.”
He just freezes, for a while. Not saying anything, he just looks at the wall with his mouth ajar.
So you get up and go to Ginny.
“Gin, I broke him.”
“Ew, I don’t want to know about how you and him”
“No, I told him that I’m pregnant.”
“Oh, yeah that would do it. Just I don’t know... Give him a minute?”
You give him several, getting a glass of water then heading back up to the room.
Ginny was right, he needed a minute.
“I don’t...I wasn’t...you were.?”
“You don’t have to stay, but I think we can do it. Plus, you would disapoint your mom if you left so...”
“Okay...we’ll do it. I’ll be the best damn Father you have ever seen.” He says, talking to your womb.
Well...he’s a father I’ll give him that.
Pro of having a Weasley baby: free crib thats already put together.
Even if it looks like a death trap.
“We’ll put some blankets over it don’t worry”
You know how some Dads hold their parters hand during the delivery? Yeah he got sick and was moral support from the outside.
To be fair, you weren’t screaming in pleasure by any means.
Scary. But beautiful.
He shows the kid to everyone, he might be more in love with the baby than he is with you.
Ron see’s the appeal of having kids now.
Moving in with your boyfriend is always fun, right up until you guys go at it so much you forget protection more than once.
You think about it, then move on with your day.
Until the doctor calls, then “oh fuck”
Romance Neville bf
“Why aren’t you having any wine? I thought it was your favorite?”
“I don’t think fetal alcohol syndrome is my favorite.” BRO HE SPAT
But he looks up with tears in his eyes, and runs over to you to grasp you in a hug.
“Oh my god! You’re pregnant! Oh my - We’re gonna be parents!! Oh my god we’re gonna be parents oh-“ Que you petting his hair till he’s calm again.
Lets be honest, this man probably swapped the herbology books for the parenting guides.
“Well I mean I’m just wondering if we should go with this color or this one”
“Nev, it doesn’t matter. Our baby will not care.”
“I read in my book that Infants actually can recognize mood in-“
He won’t let you do anything during your pregnancy.
Gotta love a man who cries because he loves you so much and you’re having his kid.
“I never had a father, what if I do it wrong? What if the baby hates me and runs away at seven?”
“We’ve got quite a lot of time before then.”
He was there during delivery, letting you crush his hand like a champ.
You can’t help but cry when you see him sleeping on the floor next to the crib, its so sweet.
You two most likely already had two kids, so you decided to wait a bit so your hands weren’t quite full.
Well...your body decided not to wait.
A test provides the two lines, another wild child.
The two toddlers already run around like thing one and thing two, only with red hair.
I think Fred would gladly make the family dinner, and wear an apron. He’d own it, as he should.
But mf gotta not drop the salad bowl when you tell him of the fetus inside you.
“Fred we are going to have a bee-ay-bee-why.”
Your five year old has just begun to spell 😐
He’s happy tho.
Like over the fuckin moon.
He buys the two kids big brother/sister shirts too 🥺🥺
He knows the drill pretty well, so he isn’t too worried about the future.
But its funny that he still freaks out about the crib and feeding chair since he gave it away, you know because you guys werent having another kid.
He packed a hospital bag and kept it in the trunk, counting down the days.
Hours of delivery (He just sat back and held your hand) only to end up with a room full of 7 Weasley family members.
Fred always said that 3 was his lucky number :)
You guys were taking it slow, no marriage until you both felt it was time. And certainly no children before that.
Well you know...things changed when the test was positive.
You slid it over on the table, tears pooling in your eyes. He was stunned and quiet, which made you burst out sobbing because you knew that neither of you planned on having a baby.
But to your surprise he starts to smile.
“I want whatever you want, I’m staying by your side no matter what.”
“I mean...would it really be so bad? A house, a kid, a dog?” He holds your hand as you think aloud.
You both give it a week to think it over and the virdict is to keep it.
Thats when he decides he has to marry you, asap because he loves you and will never let you go especially now.
He loves to gush about the carrier of his child, to him you are a godess.
He’s the Dad with a predestination complex.
“Y/N, I just see him being a star quiditch player”
“George, we don’t know if it’s a him.”
He rolls his eyes “Okay then I can see her being a star-“
He made Hermione take you out for a movie date so he could rearrange your bedroom, since you only had a single bedroom flat.
You come back to a new set up including a cot.
Damn pregnancy hormones make brain go 🥺😭😭
He freaks when your water breaks lol
ceo of driving like a maniac to the hospital.
He can’t hold your hand, he’s pacing back and forth, sweating and maybe crying though he’ll never admit to it.
You get the joy of watching him cuddle the baby while refusing to give your child to you.
“George I’d like to hold-“
“No, you need your sleep honey, don’t worry”
Hogging the child.
Its no secret that Cedric wants a baby someday.
And he makes it clear your wedding will be spectacular too.
However, finding out you’re pregnant the week of your dream wedding was a shock.
A shock that made you bang your head into the wall because how could you be so stupid?? We had a plan??
So you decide to wait until after the wedding, that way it wont add onto the stress (happy stress) of the wedding.
Cedric keeps trying to fill your glass at the reception, to which you kindly refuse saying you want to remember the night entirely.
Yeah he’s like 🤨 mhm okay.
You can only pick at the dinner because ew salmon doesn’t sound like an option if you want to keep the contents of your stomach.
As everyone waves goodbye to the car, and you both set off into married life, he leans over.
“I may be out of my mind, but are you...?”
“Pregnant.” His face lights up, pulling you into a hug.
Finally, your car pulls up to a small cottage with lush garden scapes all around, putting a hand out, he walks you both from the car to the door.
“Ced, where are we?”
Somehow it was perfect with Cedric, even when it was rushed.
He loved talking to your womb, even if it was weird that he was talking about the babies future brothers and sisters.
“Cedric, slow down. We haven’t even had this one yet”
Basically he is father of the year before he’s a full father.
He’s there while you deliver, holding your hand and telling you how great you’re doing.
He doesn’t even complain when you insult him <3.
He updates you on everything.
If his eyes aren’t on that child, he’s either asleep or dead.
I think Cedric was meant to be a family man, because he loves everything about being one.
Taglist: @truly-insatiable @amourtentiaa @imdoingathingmom @annasdani @anchoeritic @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @cedricsyellowscarf @faeinorbit
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
Saw requests were open so here I am! 😊
I’d love to request headcannons of the Demon Brothers + Undatables (If you can, if not you can just do the Brothers) from Obey Me reacting to an MC that has Galaxy eyes. Their eyes are a glossy purple-blue, they have star-like pupils that changes patterns everytime they blink, and rather than blush red; They blush purple and get mini constellations across their face and ears. If they cry, their tears are hella sparkly too! MC has baby pictures/family photos to prove their eyes are natural and run in the family.
YOOOO!! As someone who has zodiac sign related OCs, and that loves the stars, this is such a wonderful prompt~❤️
Since this involves many characters, it’ll be under the cut and slightly shorter per character than previous hcs, but hopefully still enjoyable
HEADS UP! This includes spoilers for lessons ~14-15 (and has yandere themes in someone's belphie's part)
Here you go, luv!
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Alright, so it’s a little obvious all the character are surprised with the looks of this human
Some are easier to convince it’s natural, while others think it’s a product of permanent magic/demon contracts
Needless to say, all of them get lost in MC’s eyes
All of them try to make them blush or cry, in their own special ways, to see their full beauty
💙👿 Lucifer 🖋️
“Apologies if my stare unsettles you.” He took their hand and placed a kiss upon their knuckles, “Your eyes are simply magnificent. I find myself unable to look away.”
The first thing that crosses Luci’s mind when he meets them is  “Which demon did they sign a contract with to look like that?”
I think this one will try to fight back the urge to stare at them and be mesmerized by their beauty
Eventually, he just gives up and lets his eyes wander to their face and examine the sparkling stars
Whether he does it on purpose or not, Lucifer makes MC blush that lovely shade of wine purple. Always a gift to see the constellations that show up in their dark flush
Likes to stroke their face, especially run his thumb along their cheek and try to feel the shining lights on their skin
Will try to point out the constellations and stars he recognizes
💛😈 Mammon 💰💸
“Whu-? Huh?! No, no! Absolutely not! I-I wasn’t looking at ya because of the shining stars in your eyes… but, uh… Could ya maybe look into my eyes for a moment? Please?”
Oh god… when Mammon meets them, one and only one thought crosses his mind: If human limbs were already sought after in the Devildom market… How much money would this LIVE human with stars in their eyes cost?
(yup, let’s face it, folks… Mammon may be one of the very first sweethearts we see in game, but he’s still a demon, one very greedy demon)
Just let him see their tears. Boy, may any omnipotent force help them because he WILL try to make them cry just to see how much demons, witches and wizards pay for their sparkly tears
But then~ Whatever was left of his tender angel heart crumbled when he succeeded the first time. Never did it again and never collected any tears to sell
Mammon likes to explore their skin for more constellations. Arms, hands, shoulders, legs, feet, neck, anything they allow to touch!
What he loves most? Making them cry out of laughter and seeing little glittering drops roll down their cheeks, which he then proceeds to wipe away
Always gets lost in their eyes, but denies he was staring
🧡👿 Leviathan 🎮
“You’re just like an anime character! Wait, could it be that.. the author was inspired by your ancestor?!”
Seriously, once his contract’s done and he accepts them into his room, he won’t ever stop examining their cheeks and eyes (with respect, of course, he knows how weird and uncomfortable it is to be observed so intently) 
You know the first thing he did was introduce them to his anime characters that have features similar to them
Makes sure to watch super cheesy lovely shoujo, romantic, and cute anime/movies just so he can see how the blush darkens their cheeks and ears
Levi already zoned out when watching Henry’s big aquarium, he 100% does so too when watching the patterns in their eyes shift with each blink
The otaku musters all his courage, when feeling brave enough, to place a kiss on their cheeks bc they’re just too adorable (both proceed to flush deep red/purple)
💚 Satan 👿📖
“Wonderful… Thank you for showing me the night sky. It’s even more breathtaking when through your eyes.”
Alright, there are pictures that prove it’s all natural… but, where are the written records of space-filled humans? He gets to researching (if he finds proof or not, I leave it up to you)
Regardless, they’re an enigma to him, and he’d love to keep observing you up close
Oh, if only he could read and look at their face at the same time~
Satan may or may not have a secret notebook in which he records different occurrences that happened with MC and how he would describe their unique beauty in that moment 
Many of his books and encyclopedias have maps of the sky, he’s taken up some constellations (which he points out, just like Lucifer pls don’t k word me satan)
I swear, this boy… Wants to see their beauty immortalized in writing, described in only the most wonderful ways by his favorite authors (“An honest opinion, your allure deserves to be eternally portrayed in books so every living being can imagine what splendor the world holds.”)
Hard for him to pick a favorite aspect of theirs, but he certainly is very curious what genes caused such phenotype
💗😈 Asmodeus 💋🦂
“That’s not fair! How am I to compete with someone with galaxy eyes?! S-Surely, we’re both ethereal in our own ways? ...But I’m clearly still #1!”
B O Y 
One would think his first instinct was to try and seduce them… but oh no, no! For a moment there, Asmo thought he was Levi, feeling pure raw jealousy and envy at their magnificent eyes and glowing skin
He acted sweet and flirty just so his brothers wouldn’t suspect anything, but he felt terrible boiling magma in his stomach (why was he, a former angel, not blessed with looks as mesmerizing as theirs?)
It all changed once Asmo saw them awkwardly walk through RAD’s halls, littered with demons staring at their peculiar skin. Unwanted looks, intense stares, all of them varying in degrees of judgement. He remembered his first days as a demon, as a lust demon, how he disliked the stares at first. (“Looks like we’re not so different after all…”)
He went to their side, making light talk to take their attention off the stares. A human’s blush was never this beautiful before.
It was then when he became a little obsessed with throwing compliments their way to see the tips of their ears turn purple with little glittering spots
Asmodeus would adore to explore their entire body. Like, really, he wonders if their other… parts prone to blood rushes have the same purple tint
Allow him and he’ll cover every single little star on their skin with kisses
Asmo went from despising them to adoring every bit of them, but if he has to pick, their skin is his favorite
❤️👿 Beelzebub 🍔🤤
“Blink… Blink again… Once more... “ A very tender smile graced his lips, “Belphie would definitely adore your eyes.”
“But for me,” He wrapped his arms around them and lifted them up the ground, “Your blush whenever I hold you close is my favorite!” 
Like, really peeps, Beel immediately remembers his twin’s fascination with stars and the night sky when his eyes land on MC
It’s strange, but he feels at peace whenever this star filled human is with him
Beel isn't much to care for looks, but wow… this is one very interesting human
When you guys were helping Luke, he definitely stared at the flickering lights on their cheeks and ears to find sleep (and in that moment, he felt Belphie's and Lilith's calming presence with him once more)
They once cried of laughter due to some food incident, and WOW that is so pretty
May or may not have asked them if he could taste their tears asdfgjdi "They look tasty"
Always tries to surprise them with food and hugs once he noticed they blush constellations
Probably the only thing able to make him eat slower is watching the shifting starts in their eyes
💜👿 Belphegor 🛏️💤
"I...uhm…" He blushed lightly, "[Name], could you please look at me? Stars are my favorite...and you, your eyes..." Belphegor is at a total loss of words at the magic in their stare.
I'm going to delve into that before we get to the fluff so
Sure, he loved their eyes once he saw stars in them...but they are human
Boy, oh boy, did he ENJOY wholeheartedly seeing those glittering tears roll down their face as he took their life
"Say… Would you mind me taking your eyes out to keep as mine? They'll surely look nice hanging from my headboard"
"Is your blood star filled too? Let us see!"
Such a shame that it was a human who was blessed with such wonderful features~
END OF YANDERE (spoilers for other lessons continue)
After learning they're Lilith's descendant, he wonders if their stars are product of her angelic lineage
"Sister… is this your way of telling me to be happy? Bringing a human that is so kind and pretty into my life?"   "You filled them with the stars I love so much… Thank you"
What DOESN'T he love about them? Eyes, cheeks, skin, all the flickering stars and shades of blue-purple they blush in, their pupils and eye color
But out of it all, he adores looking at their eyes as he falls asleep
Also likes to trace the stars on their skin, be it forming constellations or in random patterns
Tickle wars happen with him, Beel and MC to see the glittering liquid from how hard they're laughing
I seriously cannot express how much Belphie's in love with this whole human    Fun, caring, intelligent, kind, adventurous, and just… plain perfect
😈 Lord Diavolo 👑
"I was not 'blessed' like the brothers to see clear skies in the Celestial Realm, and it's uncommon for me to go up into the human world." Diavolo sat close to them as Barbatos left after serving tea. "But I can say I'm far more blessed with you here to show me the stars." A handsome smile shaped his lips, widening after they blushed.
Honestly, Diavolo is hard to pin for me
Sure, he gets surprised by the human's looks, but welcomes them with open arms regardless
Actually enjoys their company because he gets to see a little piece of the night sky he gets to see very few times
When they show him their baby pictures to prove it's all natural and real, the Prince will take to share some of his own (just ‘cuz, to bond)
He likes to make them laugh, if not to see the small shining tears, to see their face flush dark purple and show constellations
Their presence is calming
He sometimes comes with the request of sitting together so he can see their starry eyes to help him settle down and relax
😈 Barbatos ☕
"These are very particular features… Perhaps I should visit the past to know what led to this?" The butler pondered. "No, I certainly wouldn't like my actions to alter timelines and prevent you from being here." A polite, yet teasing, smirk came to his face.
Like Satan, Barbatos would want to find written records of the existence of other starry humans
Very curious what caused this in a human, but he himself hypothesizes it's due to the angelic lineage
Likes to say flirty things to make them flush, he chuckles every time
Is very interested to see the magical potential their tears have for potions and protection charms
Curious to see if their tears can be used in food preparations (thinks his special tea would look even better with some of their tears added to it)
With how his ability is time travel, Barbatos likes to (privately) call himself Time while he dubs MC Space
He likes their blushes most
😇 Simeon 📖
"If only I had met you sooner, I would've included you in my books. Your character would've been adored by many; not just because of appearance, but also due to your kind heart."
Simeon likes that there's a little piece of sky here with him
He's also one to wonder if their looks are due to Lilith's blood, will have to do some research back in the Celestial Realm
Is always complimenting their eyes
Half expected their eyes to reflect the actual sky at different hours (dawn, evening, dusk, sundown, etc.)
Whenever he stumbles upon a cute star or moon shaped accessory or sweater, he buys it as a gift for them
Likes their eyes the most. He's an angel and has seen many interesting pairs of eyes in his heavenly siblings, but none as breathtaking as theirs
His time writing TSL may be coming to an end, but poetry is always an option to share his admiration for MC with the world~
😇 Luke 🧁🎂
"Hey hey! Michael used to say my eyes look like sunrise!" The small one exclaimed with a big smile, "I'm dawn and you're the night!" Luke giggled.
Forgive him for staring longer than is welcomed, he's just very amazed by their looks!
He's seen angels with sparkles in their hair and wings, but to see a human with stars and night sky on their skin!!! Is fascinating!
Luke is very grateful to have met MC, he just feels super blessed to know someone as unique as them!
Will use them as inspiration for cookie and cake decorating
Another one curious about what their tears can add to desserts
But don't worry! So long as MC is in his line of sight, he will not allow a single tear to be shed!
To make sure no demon endangers them, this little angel will do his best to protect MC!
He adores their eyes and always asks to look at them ("You can look at mine in return! And see the daybreak Michael sees in them!")
🧙🏻‍♂️ Solomon 🔮
"Oh? What is this I see, a rival?" The wizard chuckled, "We can share the starry sky aesthetic, I don't mind."
He immediately fires a lot of questions their way to find as much information as he can about their looks, magical power, and magical properties of their peculiar features
While the rest just wonder what their tears can do, Solomon is the fearless soul to actually ask for a sample to conduct tests with
If they become close, Solomon will find a way to preserve one of their tears to carry with him at all times
Yup, you guessed it! His favorite feature is their tears
...he makes them shed quite the handful with the cooking he gives as thanks for the samples lol
This one wonders if they are also star filled on the inside...as in, their tissues and organs (and blood)
But worry not, unless he’s given permission, Solomon will keep his hands to himself 
-- -- --
Sorry if this is so short Dx
And aah...sorry for including yandere themes, but it just fit and was interesting to think of~
Still, hope this was enjoyable
Thank you for the request!!
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reblogthiscrapkay · 3 years
Persephone in “Great Goddesses” by Nikita Gill
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I have had this poetry book in my bookshelf for a long time and I was excited to finally read it. There are actually a lot of poems about Persephone as well as a few about Demeter which I decided to include because they are relevant. 
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I like this characterization of Demeter. For context, I am stopping to write this as I have been reading the book through and in general I have enjoyed Gill’s characterizations of the goddesses. Her interpretation of Hera really grabbed me, so I’m not surprised that I am continuing to like what she has to say.
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The poem book has a few quirky details to it. Sometimes it straightforwardly tells interpretations of myths, sometimes it involves the author’s perspective by either talking to the gods or musing on the modern applications of the ideas of goddesshood (like here), and sometimes it tells stories of the gods in the modern day. All of these have been enjoyable to me. The book is structured in five parts: primordial goddesses, Titans, Olympians, monsters, and mortals. It kind of goes chronologically but all poems about a certain god are grouped together so we’re starting with Demeter, moving to Persephone, and this section will ultimately end with that modern day thing.
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Gotta say, I love the idea of Demeter and Hestia being specifically close. That’s how I write them as well. There’s something both companionable and contradictory about their domains that leads the way to this idea. Even though Hera is a mother too, her focus is so much on marriage that the motherly vibe doesn’t exist in the way it does with Demeter (feeding the earth and also being a single mom) and Hestia (childless and single but family-focused).
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The Demeter-Zeus connection here is super vague. Was it rape? Was it a union he abandoned to marry Hera (that’s usually my take)? Interesting.
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Hestia going into the underworld! That’s a first! Also, love the characterization of both Persephone and Demeter here. I’m feeling a little like Gill glanced at my homework on this conversation.
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GOOD ENDING. Clear thesis! Well reasoned. Love it. A.
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This poem to me is the weakest so far. It’s really just a threat and honestly, kind of weak one. Demeter, all living things die though. You need a better argument. I understand the necessity for this poem in the collection, but it needs work. I only really like the first stanza. (This is turning into a writing critique somehow. English teacher in the summer vibes I guess) 
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I like this interpretation of Persephone a lot. I always feel like one of the best things to lean on about her story is the idea of her wanting her own thing that isn’t just a redundancy with her mother’s power. 
I specifically like the idea presented here that Persephone always had this darkness and death power that just lay dormant and was suppressed by her mother. That really adds to her motivations and connection to Hades. Sometimes I see a different take where Persephone still cares deeply about having her own thing but she brings light and joy to the underworld, which I think is also fine as long as you go about it in the right way. The musical “Mythic” is an example of it not being handled entirely correctly but there’s some good there. 
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Yo, okay! This one is really good. As I was reading I was skeptical of the galaxy simile (why would Hades, a dude who never sees the sky, make this comparison), but the payoff in the following lines was choice! The connection to freckles and destiny? Nice. Also, rattle? Death rattle maybe? Yeah. I’ve done that in poems too. 
Ignoring the actual writing, good Hades you got there. 
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Simple, but fine, I guess. It’s not saying much that we don’t already know. From a writing perspective, I kind of want to red pen some of the words to make them more. Like “golden meadows” could connect to “ichor” better and “happiest” isn’t the superlative that I would have chosen when you look at the ones preceding it. 
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Character development! I like it. 
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There was more art in these pages but this was the only one I seem to have a picture of. Enjoy.
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Backwards Hadestown vibes on this. Spring is getting shorter? Obviously a climate change thing. I am fascinated by the detail about Persephone not having kids. I very much go back and forth on the idea of whether or not I like Persephone and Hades having kids. I have always kind of liked the idea that they can’t have them (either because one or both of them are infertile or because nothing can be created in the underworld), but this idea is super new to me and I like it!
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Hades running a dog shelter, otherwise his job remains the same? Excellent. I also love the detail of why he loves dogs so much. That was very clever.
Overall, love this set of ideas. Love this book. Highly recommend it just in general.
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lioncunt · 3 years
any way the wind blows review!!!
gonna put it under a cut but tl;dr i really really loved it and even the things that i was on the fence about i’ve decided i love as well lmfao
so i kind of knew going into both this and wayward son that the plot wouldn’t really EVER be as narratively satisfying as carry on’s. it would definitely be interesting and have a lot of cool thematic elements, but in terms of being a grand deconstruction of the “chosen one” genre, it couldn’t ever get better than carry on. and i’m so happy rainbow didn’t try to MAKE it that. she didn’t pull a supernatural and up the stakes to impossible, outlandish degrees. both wayward son and awtwb had realistic, fascinating plots that served as a metaphor for the internal struggles of the characters.
the reason i’m beginning this review by talking about the plot is because it’s what i’ve seen the most criticism directed towards. and like i DO get it, i also was taken aback at first at how the actual plot is kind of background noise for the first couple hundred pages. but like...i think it WORKS. again, this whole trilogy is a deconstruction. that’s its PURPOSE. obviously it’s doing other things as well, but it started by taking this well-worn and well-loved trope and completely turning it on its head, giving us permission to acknowledge all the damage it causes and how our love of this type of story is honestly kind of harmful. we turn off that part of our brains when we read harry potter or something else with traumatized child protagonists, in order for us to actually enjoy it, but the simon snow trilogy has always said, “hey, this is kind of fucked up, huh? you’re allowed to think that.”
anyway, the way that translates to the plot here is that there’s not always some huge mystical big bad, or obviously evil antagonist. the horror can be going on in the world around you, in the background of your day-to-day life dealing with your own shit, creeping up on you until suddenly your loved ones are spouting off nonsense that is an absolutely CHILLING allegory for eugenics, by the way, which i’ve seen NOBODY talk about. the clear political parallels were so well done, but not heavy-handed, and they worked wonderfully as an ending to this story. simon at the end being a target for an angry mob, who are victims of intense ableism themselves (the metaphor of being a weak mage = having a disability), how these religious extremists will point at what they deem abnormal and use them as a scapegoat, the disgusting “survival of the fittest” mentality leading to “i can make this society great again” - it was all just incredibly well written, in my opinion. and the fact that it happened so slowly, in the background, made it all the better. you don’t really notice how bad it’s getting until it’s BAD.
it also, again, works so well as a manifestation of the characters’ inner strife. others have put it better than me already, so i won’t talk about it too much, but the fact that the book is saying you don’t need to be like everyone else in order to accomplish great things and have a good life, you don't need to have magic, you don’t need to be human, you don’t need to be neurotypical or able-bodied or straight or white or ANYTHING these people will have you believe in order to make you obedient to them and hateful to others -- it’s fantastic. 
this kind of segues into the other big criticism i’m seeing, which is simon and baz’s one-day breakup. again, this has already been analyzed well, so i won't ramble about it, but wayward son was their breakup. metaphorically speaking. and i’m glad that it didn’t take some big, grand moment for them to get back together, even though it would have been narratively cathartic. that’s not how life works - it was so much better and realistic to have simon face the harsh difficulties of TRYING than dragging out a separation plot line that would have added NOTHING to his character. or baz’s. the only thing about their entire relationship that i would have done a bit differently is shorten the timeline, because a year and a half is a very long and honestly unrealistic time to go in a relationship without talking about sexual history or going on dates, even if there’s a lot of baggage. but that’s not that big a deal and i’m easily able to look past it.
(as a side note I'm getting annoyed at seeing all these takes that there’s too much sexual content. like i get it because the first two books are solidly YA and this is being marketed as YA even though it’s definitely NA, but like....sex is important. sex scenes and sexual content are an extremely important part of depicting the human experience. and lack of sex as well!! every single intimate scene between them was NOT super graphic and had such incredibly important significance narratively and character-wise - and yeah that includes any kinks that were brought up, like jesus they’re in their 20s and have been in a non-sexual relationship for a year and a half i think it’s pretty fucking relevant that there are intimate scenes!!! anyway moving on.)
i really loved penny and shepard’s plot - their relationship was so wonderful and charming and excellent for their characters, and i only wish we could have gotten their demon plot threaded into the larger picture, because after shepard was cured it felt like they were just standing there. that’s one of my very few complaints about the book. but they’re such good characters and i love them SO MUCH.
AND THANK GOD FOR AGATHA AND NIAMH. like i cannot put into words how fucking happy i was when i realized where that was headed. the cinematic nature of agatha and niamh helping the goat give birth while simon’s flying in the chapel and being targeted by a mob was just. so cool like i can’t even describe it it was so coooooool and then agatha and niamh KISSING and agatha found her PLACE and I'm so happy for her.
just in general the characters and relationships were fucking exquisite. i can’t help but love the way RR writes, especially her dialogue. it’s so real and three dimensional and her characters truly come alive and i care about them and love them so much. i’m so happy they’re happy, i wouldn’t have been able to stand it if they weren’t.
and everything got wrapped up so well in my opinion!! i don’t know what the hell people are talking about when they say they still have questions, like girl what about??? simon found his family, simon got a sword that isn’t tied to trauma, baz found out that he’ll get to grow old with simon, all their families are okay, penny and shepard are in love, agatha’s herding goats and a lesbian, there will probably be new threats and antagonists but they'll be able to handle them, life will continue to be difficult but they’ll get through it like WHAT do you not understand what’s not clicking i genuinely want to know. 
ok actually i have ONE single question and that’s. did baz pick up the sword at the end. because the way it’s written it sounds like he did and i like do not understand that at all. someone answer please.
anyway that’s my review 10/10 would recommend
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haehaeming · 3 years
100 random facts about SJ members that may or may not help you with your FF
Or if you’re just... bored
1. Eunhyuk doesn’t like finger prints on screens, glasses, etc... It’s a little thing I find cute
2. Kyuhyun was a fan of SJ’s music before debuting with them
3. Leeteuk knows what ‘daddy’ means in a sexual context
4. Leeteuk also understands the concept of a sugar parent, but it was not a positive experience for him. It’s possible other members also understand this concept.
5. Kyuhyun likes men and women
6. Yesung writes his own music
7. Leeteuk has many unreleased songs
8. Eunhyuk has difficulty with his emotions in a general sense, so he’s thankful SJ understand him
9. When Kyuhyun was a teenager, he has to rebel against his fathers wishes to debut as a singer.
10. Kyuhyun dated many girls as a teenager, but only kissed one
11. Sungmin and Kyuhyun have the highest amount of testosterone among SJ members. This was public information a long time ago, though, and alcohol consumption has probably lowered the number a little over time.
12. Sungmin and Kyuhyun share a love of wine
13. Ryeowook is an affectionate drunk
14. Leeteuk is a Leo Venus which means he’s very annoying (read: passionate) in his relationships (This fact was corrected by @fanbynature , it originally said Heechul was a Leo Venus too but he’s actually a Leo Virgo, bonus fact!!)
15. Donghae thinks Eunhyuks lips look best in the morning.
16. Eunhyuk understands the concept of drag.
17. Yesung is very talkative but only when you’re close to him
18. Yesung would kiss SJ good morning back in the dorm days
19. Kyuhyun shows love through acts of service
20. Yesung shows love through quality time
21. Leeteuk is a huge flirt, any fan who met him more personally will tell you
22. As far as we know, Yesung used to collect all sorts of jewellery.
23. Ryeowook and Leeteuk are into cute things (phone cases with cute characters, charms, etc)
24. It’s said Yesung and Sungmin will sleep the least amount of time, but Ryeowook will sleep the most
25. Sungmin and Leeteuk share a moon phase (Waning Gibbous)
26. Back in the dorm, Donghae would also wake his members with affection, but no kisses.
27. Donghae lost his first love because he was too clingy.
28. Kyuhyun and Leeteuk were consider ‘mom’s friend’s kids’ in their school days because they excelled in everything they did. Like the scold ‘why can’t you be more like my friends kid’
29. Kyuhyun has a HUGE fanboy past. Now he can barely use the Internet without making it clear he’s old.
30. Shindong doesn’t like to be clothed at night or in the summer. He takes off his clothes unconsciously
31. Donghae was entrusted to Leeteuk by Donghae’s father
32. Donghae keeps his habits from the dorm days around Leeteuk even now. When he and Leeteuk would share a room, Donghae would cuddle Leeteuk. Even now, when they share a room to sleep, Donghae sings to Leeteuk to try and lull him to sleep.
33. Kyuhyuns relationship with Donghae has been a little bit confusing for him, but recently he said Donghae is like SJs son
34. Yesung’s favourite song is ‘I’ll Make Love To You’
35. Sungmin is the only introvert in SJ
36. Kyuhyun, Leeteuk and Sungmin are open to book recommendations at all times
37. Because of Koreas age system, Yesung and Sungmin are basically the same age.
38. Sungmin technically ages 2 times on his birthday.
39. Teenage Leeteuk celebrated little milestones in relationships like ‘100 days anniversary’
40. Leeteuk would rather be called his stage name than his given name.
41. DBSJ* worked with a ghost in the recording studio, according to Sungmin
42. Donghae and Eunhyuk share a love of strawberries
43. Kyuhyun does not like to be called with pet names
44. Yesung has always shown interest in Canada for whatever reason
45. Ryeowook played the triangle in his school band. Literally
46. Yesung, Donghae and Leeteuk don’t drink.
47. Leeteuk and Kyuhyun love the colour white
48. Sometimes, Kyuhyun unwinds by solving math problems
49. Kyuhyun cited himself in his college thesis on K-pop’s popularity.
50. Leeteuk is taller than Sungmin. It’s more drastic than you think
51. Donghae and Sungmin have both been deemed as ‘naturally cute’, but oddly enough, Sungmin has said he doesn’t act cute anymore. Donghae hasn’t changed in terms of cuteness once
52. Donghae is very fond of dogs. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook are not
53. Sungmin and Eunhyuk were the closest friends predebut. They would take the bus to SM together and make sure nobody else sat next to them. There’s a picture somewhere online of a predebut Sungmin resting his head on Eunhyuk during one of those bus rides
54. Leeteuk didn’t have many friends when he was younger. Leeteuk still thinks he doesn’t have many friends.
55. Donghae and Sungmin share forgetfulness.
56. Leeteuk and Heechul became friends easily because they’re the same age and look out for each other. Also because if Leeteuk was busy or resting, Heechul would be the oldest and have authority over the young SJ for him.
57. Leeteuk and Kyuhyun taught themselves how to cook. Ryeowook and Sungmin were good at it from the beginning
58. Leeteuk wanted to become an idol because of 90s kpop groups looking super cool. He wanted some of that for himself and now I think he’s one of the coolest people ever
59. Leeteuk smokes
60. Sungmin used to sleep in a pink nightgown. Even now, he doesn’t let the fact go, but he says it’s embarrassing
61. Predebut Eunhyuk stole a Shinhwa CD from SM to impress a girl
62. Leeteuks waist size is 26 inches. The ideal size for women in the west
63. Leeteuk entered to win special edition Nike shoes 100 times total. He won
64. When a younger Sungmin was frustrated, he would vent online. Similar to how Leeteuk would when he was younger
65. Sungmin recently said men ask him for his number when he goes out
66. As far as we know, Yesung used to worry about whether or not he would live to grow old :(
67. Donghae has always had a love of poetry
68. Kyuhyun’s originally near-sighted
69. Both Yesung and Leeteuk struggle to define their relationships with others
70. Yesung doesn’t smile a lot when cameras aren’t on him
71. Eunhyuk doesn’t like seafood. Donghae does.
72. Donghae doesn’t like sweets. Eunhyuk does
73. Sungmin was the first member to open his YT channel back in 2018.
74. Ryeowook is said to be a heavy drinker
75. Leeteuk finds peace in the rain
76. Kyuhyun is said to have one of the biggest hearts in SJ, alongside Leeteuk
77. Eunhyuk first appeared publicly in 1992 on a TV show by complete accident. It made him happy
78. In order to sleep in a new location, Donghae sleeps best if there’s something near him that reminds him of home. This is an old fact holds up today, Donghae often sleeps close to his members
79. Predebut, Eunhyuk and Junsu purposefully tried to make Donghae cry
80. Every roommate Donghae has had, he has had multiple complaints about all of them
81. Yesung bought a turtle a long time ago because he felt bored without a pet. Even after buying the turtle, he was still bored
82. Eunhyuk is constantly getting ‘friend zoned’ by Donghae. It’s mostly Donghae who calls them as friends, Eunhyuk got a million other words
83. Sungmin studies English and music every day.
84. Leeteuk loves to learn and is always studying something new as well
85. In high school, Leeteuk studied German
86. ‘Don’t give up’ was Sungmin’s motto in elementary school
87. Leeteuk and Sungmin are big Na Hoon Ah fans
88. When Donghae was in elementary school, he was taller than his classmates and even had a nickname relating to how tall he was
89. Sungmin is still mistaken for his 20s
90. Sungmin loves to eat, he talks about food a lot, but still diets strictly as a couple with his Saeun~
91. Eunhyuk is clumsy
92. Leeteuk is very different off camera, but he’s always aware of hidden cameras, so it’s impossible to catch him ‘normally’.
93. Leeteuk and Yesung curse like sailors
94. Kyuhyun and Shindong share great memorization skills
95. Donghae doesn’t like to eat alone
96. Yesung is the only Virgo in SJ. Kyuhyun is the only Aquarius.
97. Leeteuk finds some men to be cute. Particularly men with beards (in terms of dating)
98. Sungmin wants to record music in English for his international fans
99. Sungmin and Leeteuk both have a fan they consider a friend
100. Eunhyuk loves to be in Japan
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txemrn · 3 years
So, I love your work. You often make Sam out to be the whore. 🤣 Can you please write a fic where Brynn is lonely and fed up with him working long hours and she is the one who cheats?
Hey, anon! 😉 I'm so glad you are enjoying my stories! Thank you so much for the request! It literally made me squeal, and I knew I had to make this a mini-series. I hope you enjoy this *NEW* TNA adventure, inspired by YOU! Thanks again, love! 😘
"When Was It Over...?"
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Book: TNA (with a surprise crossover)
Pairing: m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler-Dalton); MC x (Surprise Guest)
Word Count: 1126 (+/-)
Series Song Inspiration: "When Was It Over?" by Sasha Alex Sloan ft. Sam Hunt
Rating/Warning: angst; language; sexual references; this series will also contain NSFW content, infidelity, and verbal abuse
A/N: This story takes place after the events of TNA; Sam and Brynn have been married for a few years (if you ever want to read their about their demise, click here). Super duper special thanks to the lovely @kat-tia801 for ALL of the help and input! You rock! These characters and some plot belong to Pixelberry!
Pensively staring at her reflection in her vanity mirror, Brynn Schuyler-Dalton carefully paints a matte oxblood red on her plump lips. Allowing the color to dry, she slowly twirls on the balls of her feet, inspecting her new YSL lace-trimmed lingerie, a sheer black bra and panty set that left very little to the imagination, that would capture any man's desire.
If only her husband would look at her.
Brynn tenderly adjusts her full breasts in the quarter-cup bra, ensuring that her cleavage is prominent in the scantily clad garment. Just the way he likes it.
At least he used to.
After slinking on a delicate pair of thigh high hosiery and clasping it in place with a matching garter belt, she unpins the curlers from her silky tresses, allowing her radiant, golden autumn curls to bounce on her sun-kissed shoulders.
She sits on a cream tufted stool, reaching down to slip on her red-bottom stilettos before examining her finished sensual look, a special surprise for her husband.
And if she was honest, it was a special surprise for herself.
Brynn fingers through her jewelry box, holding up pearls and diamonds alike up to her ears. Studs. Chandeliers. Cartier. Tiffany's. She lets out a sigh as she peers into her dreary blue eyes.
Would he even notice this time?
She settles on a pair of vintage gothic-style teardrop diamonds. Fixing them to her ears, a brilliant cascade of rainbow colors flash across her face, making Brynn do a double-take amongst her gems.
Her engagement ring.
A coy grin grows across her face as she slips it on her ring finger. She abruptly gazes at herself in the mirror, her hand dancing in different postures, modeling the emerald-cut diamond as if she were in a magazine. Her grin quickly explodes into a toothy smile as her heart begins to race, remembering the joy, remembering the excitement of that day. What Sam looked like. What he tasted like.
Brynn secures the ring with her white gold wedding band. Standing up from the vanity, she holds out her arm to admire the pair, how they looked perfect, how they looked so well-together.
And that's when she noticed it: her husband's side of the bed, the sheets perfectly made and the down comforter tucked. It's been made up all week. She usually finds him on the chaise lounge in his office or on the sectional in the game room with the shifting shadows of a muted television.
"I didn't want to disturb you," is always his excuse. Brynn knows it's just a line, but there is some hidden truth: he doesn't want to be disturbed.
With the expansion of their start-up technology company two years ago, the young Dalton couple knew there would be sacrifices. It started as working late hours a few times each month; now, working late every night was an expectation.
Brynn drags her hand across his pillow before taking it in her arms. She takes a deep breath, savoring the remnants of citrus and bergamot. Tightly wrapping her arms around his pillow, Brynn gently nuzzles her head into its softness. Her eyes water, threatening another evening of unheard sobs; but, she quickly clears her throat.
Not tonight. Tonight, she's not going to miss him. Tonight, she's not going to miss his touch, or the look in his eyes, or the smile on his face. Tonight belongs to them. Tonight she will rekindle that spark she craves so badly. Tonight, she won't simply fuck him out of obligation, but rather make love with him. Tonight was the start of something new.
Or at least she hopes.
Hoping to start the intimate evening with her husband, Brynn decides to spice things up. Dimming the lights in her room, she carefully positions herself sensually on their opulent bed. She grabs her phone, and photo after photo, she positions her hand in suggestive ways on the exposed skin of her neck, her abdomen, finally laying to rest on her upper thighs.
With a mischievous gleam in her eyes she giggles as she toggles through her pictures, looking for the perfect snapshot to send to her husband. Innocent. Devilish. Sweet. Raunchy. Brynn knows all of them would turn him ravenous.
At least they used to.
She settles on a seductive photo of her hand gracefully wandering up her inner thigh. Opening up her messages, she clicks on his name to start a new note. She selects the media file. Send.
Brynn lays back on her bed, proud of what she has accomplished as she hugs her phone to her chest. She gently bites her thumbnail in anticipation, knowing what the night would bring her. Love. Attention. Her husband. She feels giddy, as if this was her first time.
Lost in her imagination, she's interrupted by a familiar chime from her phone.
A new message. From him.
Brynn's heart begins to gallop as she clicks on the notification of the new text message from her husband. She takes a deep breath, feeling the rush of adrenaline course through her veins. A firing of electricity ignites her nerves.
But, it's short-lived as tears gather in Brynn's eyes. A weight of humiliation lays heavily on her chest as she stares at the response. Her stomach burns, threatening to expel its contents.
Cute. Working late, then dinner with the GE rep. Don't wait up.
Numb. Brynn sits on the side of the bed in silence, her body limp. Her mind races in a dizzying pattern, leaving her unable to discern a single thought. The excitement that was bursting from her heart has been squelched and smothered. And she's never felt so empty, so unnoticed, so unworthy.
Brynn suddenly feels restrained, choked, like she can't breathe. In a panic, she searches for the bra clasps behind her back. Her fingers fumble with the delicate metal hooks, but finally as she begins to whimper in frustration, she feels the release of the straps. She quickly whips the garment off, throwing it against the wall in the corner of the room. She takes a deep breath, savoring the taste of air in her lungs. Freeing.
Brynn closes her eyes as beads of tears roll incessantly down her cheeks. With trembling hands, she takes off the earrings. And the shoes. And the hosiery.
So much for tonight.
She lays down on top of the down comforter, pulling her husband's side of the large blanket over her body. He wouldn't be using it.
She clenches her eyes closed, willing for the rivers from her eyes to stop, willing for her heart to stop aching, willing for the world to stop crashing down around her.
How? How did this happen? How did their marriage get to this point?
When was it over?
TNA Tags (Please tell me if you'd like to be added/removed): @ao719 @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @forallthatitsworth @issabees @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @lovelyladyk88 @neotericthemis @shannonwrote @shanzay44 @shewillreadyou @socalwriterbee @somersetmummy @taniasethi @thefrenchiemama
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Please know that if we ever met in person, I would literally lift you off your feet and hug you for suggesting this. My afternoon was filled with adorable puppy videos because of this!
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Can I have them?” Remus asked softly, staring at the person behind the camera with big, pleading eyes. “Please?”
“Do the introduction and then we’ll set ‘em loose,” Marlene said.
“Fine. Hey, everyone, welcome back to Lion Pride! I’m Remus Lupin and I’m here today to play with puppies.”
“And answer questions.”
“And answer questions,” he added. “Maybe, like, one or two in between snuggles.”
“You’re going to answer all of them,” Marlene said more firmly.
He rolled his eyes and took the lid off the jar of paper slips. “Can I have the puppies now?”
A door clicked open behind the camera and Remus lit up as four puppies tumbled into frame, racing straight for him. “Hello, babies!” he laughed as a tiny golden retriever jumped on his chest. “Oh, I love you so much. Come here, come here, let me give you kisses.”
“Question number one?” Marlene prompted as he began playing with them and rolling their toys around.
Remus sighed and pulled a question out. “What would I be doing if I didn’t become a hockey player? Physical therapy for su—ope, okay, you can have that one.”
The Irish Setter puppy growled playfully as they played a short game of tug-of-war until the paper tore.
“Oh no, it broke!” Remus exclaimed, giving the pup a scratch behind the ears while it chewed on the leftover scraps. “Yes, that’s all yours now. Next one: what is the best part about playing professional hockey? I get to do interviews like this.” One of the puppies, a medium-sized black one, began chewing on one of the laces of his Converse. “Excuse me—excuse me, young man, that’s my shoelace. Are you chewing it because it’s rainbow? Is this homophobia?”
“Sorry.” He lifted the puppy into his arms and kissed his head. “Okay, munchkin, what’s next? What’s next? You’re so fucking cute, I just wanna squish you. Um, what’s the most common thing fans say when they meet me?” He laughed and the puppy licked his cheek. “Usually they look at me and go, ‘god, you’re tall’, which surprises people because I’m always around these gigantic guys. Do these dogs have names?”
“If I tell you their names, you’re going to get attached.”
“We have crossed, salted, and burned that bridge, Marley.”
“The one you’re holding is Mercutio, the red one is Juliet, the retriever is Pip, and the fluffy one on your lap is Lucie, after Lucie Manette.”
Remus’ jaw went slack. “They’re named after book characters?” he asked in a small voice.
“Oh, no.” He reached out and pulled Juliet and Pip into his arms for a moment. “Oh, no, you all have to come home with me now. The next question is…would I ever do drag? Probably not, but I looked hot as fuck in eyeliner, so do with that what you will.”
“Which video was that?”
“It was the fear pong one, which I played with my fiancé and my friends James and Lily!” His voice pitched up as he turned to talk to Mercutio. “I did, buddy! It was so fun! Yes, it was!”
“Remus. Questions.”
“Right. What’s one of my weirdest or funniest fan encounters? There was this one lady, she was like forty-something, and she came up to me while I was at the post office and asks ‘are you Remus Lupin?’ and I said, ‘yes, that’s me’ and she’s like ‘from the Gryffindor Lions?’ and I said yes again and then she went—” He narrowed his eyes and nodded his head slowly. “—‘I knew you were gay. Good for you, kiddo’ and then left. It was the weirdest fucking thing, especially considering I had played, like, one game with the team by that point.”
“Are you serious?” Marlene asked.
“Totally honest. I never saw her again, either.” Juliet put her paws on the front of his Lions hoodie and began licking the edge of his jaw. “Hey, sweet girl, thank you for the kisses. Can I grab another question? No? Okay, we can stay here.”
Pip began yipping and Mercutio wiggled out of Remus’ hold, launching himself at the other dog with a tiny growl.
“Mercutio, no!” Remus gasped, scooting Juliet aside so he could put the two puppies under his arms. His hands were big enough to almost cover their whole bellies. “We’re not here to start fights, you two. Apologize.” They turned their heads to lick his cheeks. “I didn’t mean apologize to me, but okay. You’re so soft and warm, what the hell?”
“Next question?”
“What’s the craziest rumor I’ve heard about myself? A solid group of people thought I asked to be on the team, which isn’t true. I didn’t even know people were considering it until James and Lily’s wedding. Coach wanted it to be a surprise while he cleared it with the organization.” Remus shook his head and slowly petted Lucie as she napped on his thigh. “Is there a celebrity I’ve met that left me starstruck? Ha! Yes. There was a fundraiser a few months ago and Sam Neill was there, which I didn’t know until I turned around and he was about two feet away.”
“What did you do?”
Remus laughed and turned faintly pink. “Um, I made a sort of squeaking noise and he kinda chuckled, which was mortifying in and of itself. He goes, ‘hi, I’m Sam’ and I nodded because duh, he’s Sam fucking Neill, and then I mumbled something about Jurassic Park and he smiled and said, ‘son, you’re blocking the water’ and I just about died on the spot.”
“Did anyone see you?”
“Sirius was standing next to me the entire time and silently laughing his ass off. I saw them talking later, and when were about to drive home he hands me this napkin and it has Sam Neill’s autograph on it.”
“He didn’t,” Marlene gasped.
Remus nodded. “He did.”
“That’s the smoothest move I’ve ever heard of.”
“It was incredible.” Juliet waddled closer and nudged a red ball out from under Remus’ knee, which he picked up and tossed before taking out another question. “Do I appreciate when fans come up to me in public or is it annoying? Oh, it’s never annoying. It’s a little weird if I’m eating lunch somewhere or running errands and someone tries to sneak a picture, though. I love all the fans and it’s super fun talking to everyone, so please just come over and say hello instead of failing to be sneaky while I’ve got pizza grease on my face.”
“Even if you’re on a date?”
Remus snorted. “Okay, well, use some common sense. Pip—babycakes, stop trying to eat the questions. There we go.” He settled the puppy into his lap and rolled the ball for Juliet again. “In a movie about my life, who would I want to play me and Sirius?” He paused and looked at the camera. “I would want us to play ourselves, but only because neither of us can act and it would be so fucking funny to make the absolute worst movie.”
“Come on,” Marlene groaned.
“I’m being a hundred percent honest right now! I think it would be hilarious. We’d be terrible.” Juliet pawed at his arm insistently until he grabbed the ball, but she wouldn’t let it go and they ended up playing tug-of-war despite the fact that she had no traction on the floor and kept sliding around. “Aren’t you a feisty one, sweet girl! What is the most memorable moment of my life that I want to cherish forever? This. Right here, right now.”
“I have two dogs on my lap, one under my arm, and the other slobbering all over my hand. This is the best possible place to be. Wait, hang on a second.” Remus carefully lifted Lucie up and laid down, settling her on his abdomen as the other three clambered over to flop on him. “Oh, yeah, this is the peak of my entire life.”
“You’re not going to say your engagement? Maybe the day you started playing for the Lions?”
“Nope. The engagement was incredible and one of my favorite memories for sure, but I was shaking in my skates.”
“Just read the next question.”
“Okay! What’s my go-to karaoke song?” He hummed for a moment, then laughed as Lucie scooted up to rest her head under his chin. “I think it’s probably ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ by Whitney Houston. Lily and I did a duet of that a year or so ago, and it rocked.”
Pip began gnawing on the cuff of his sweatshirt. “Pip,” Marlene scolded; her foot appeared in frame until Remus waved her off with a smile.
“It’s okay, he can chew if he wants to. It’s an old sweater anyway, and it’s not even mine!” He scratched behind Pip’s ears. “No, it’s not, peach-a-keen! You can go nuts with that as long as you’re cozy. What is…my favorite behind-the-scenes Lions moment? Our groupchat, no contest.”
“Does it have the whole team?”
“Most of us, yeah. You have to earn your spot.” Remus looked over at the camera and Lucie put her head on his neck. “Looks like I’ve been banned from turning my head now, huh?”
“Are you comfortable?”
“Marley, there are very few things that would make me happier than I am right now. I’m being slowly crushed by puppies and I get to cuddle them for free.” He reached blindly into the question jar. “This is a two-part question. Do I prefer big dogs or small dogs, and how is Hattie doing? I love all dogs, but I think I prefer big ones because they’re always so much fun, and I don’t feel like I’m accidentally going to break them if I move wrong. Hattie’s doing well! She’s almost eighty pounds and she’s at home with Sirius right now, probably getting snuggled within an inch of her fuzzy little life.”
“That’s the dream right there.”
“Tell me about it. Alright, sorry ladies and gents, but I have to sit up to get to the questions.” All four puppies made noises of protest when he started sitting up and he sighed, eyebrows pitching upward. “I know, I know, it’s really hard. Here, how about we…” Remus carefully gathered them until he held all four against his chest; their tiny faces looked out over his forearms and he placed a kiss on each of their heads. “Much better.”
“Can you get to the jar?”
It took a bit of maneuvering, but he managed to reach in. “Do you want to read it?” he asked Mercutio as the puppy tried to bite the slip. “No? Okay. What is my favorite thing about playing on the same team as my fiancé? That is an excellent question. My favorite thing is that we finally have the same schedule, so we can build in time to hang out more easily. It was hard to do that when we were doing different things.”
Pip yawned and the entire camera crew ‘awww’ed; Remus made a soft noise and nuzzled his floppy ear.
“I adore you,” he murmured. “I really do. Last question: What is my advice to those who want to follow their dreams? Oh, jeez.”
“You can take a minute to think.”
Remus crossed his legs and lifted his knees up so he could hug all the puppies at once while still looking at the camera. “The only reason I got big and strong is so that I can hold four puppies at once. Just thought people should know that. Uh, my advice to those who want to follow their dreams is to persevere. I never in a million years thought that I would get to play on a professional hockey team, but I worked really hard to overcome my injury and stay connected to the sport because I love it. If there’s something you love, don’t be afraid to hold on to it.”
“Wise words,” Marlene remarked. “Do you want to tell the fans where they can find the puppies?”
“At my house,” Remus joked. “But if that doesn’t work, they are up for adoption at Friendly Paws Animal Shelter, which is just south of downtown Gryffindor and has tons of adorable friends like these guys. Can I call Sirius real quick?”
“Sure,” Marlene laughed.
Remus gingerly lowered Lucie into his lap and pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing a quick number before putting it on speakerphone and setting it down to pick her up again. “Re?” Sirius sounded confused. “Aren’t you still with Marlene?”
“…did something happen?”
“Nope, all good. Can we get another dog?”
There was a beat of silence on the other end of the line. “Marlene, what did you do?”
“It’s just an interview!” she called.
“What kind of interview?”
“Baby, they gave me puppies,” Remus said gleefully, burying his face in Lucie’s fluff for a moment. “Like, really good puppies.”
A long-suffering sigh came through the phone. “How many are you holding?” Remus hesitated. “Sweetheart, how many dogs are currently in your arms?”
“Holy shit, Marlene! You gave him four dogs?!”
“They named them, too,” Remus added. “Pip, Juliet, Lucie Manette, and Mercutio. Baby, they named him Mercutio.”
“This was a recipe for disaster.” Despite his protests, Sirius sounded intrigued. “How old are they?”
Remus glanced up at Marlene. “They’re all six to eight months old,” she said.
Sirius blew out a slow breath. “So they’re babies.”
“They’re all up for adoption.”
“We have Hattie already.” Sirius was wavering. “But…she might possibly need a friend. Maybe.”
“You already love these dogs and you haven’t even seen them,” Remus said with a grin.
“The names are perfect! What was I supposed to do?”
“I’m going to sign the video off and then call you back, okay?”
“Okay. Don’t let go of the dogs until I get there, please.”
“Wasn’t planning on it. Love you!”
“Love you, too.”
Once the call ended, Remus faced the camera with a smile. Juliet and Pip had already fallen asleep. “Thanks for tuning in, Lions! Be sure to like and subscribe for more content. Endless thanks to Marlene McKinnon for allowing me to spend an hour holding tiny dogs. Have a great day!”
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fancyfade · 3 years
Okay, a lonely place of dying thoughts. This will be long
So, I just finished re-reading a lonely place of dying. before I get to far into it: This is specifically to analyze the way the character and information is presented to the reader. It’s not to say “so and so is a bad character” or “this is a bad plotline”.
Starting off: they were definitely playing it super safe for the comic reader when they introduced Tim. It feels as if he is introduced literally as an audience avatar. For a large portion of the time before we meet him, we literally are seeing through his eyes -- the panel is positioned so that we would be at his head height, looking at whatever he’s looking at. we never see him except for his hands (so the audience can presumably imagine themselves in his shoes).
this isn’t the way they usually frame unknown characters or characters whose identity is obscured to create an air of mystery -- and there’s an excellent comparison in this same plotline, because there is a character with their identity obscured, who was framed a different way
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[image: first two panels are of two face, who is wearing a trench coat and a fedora that casts a shadodw and obscures his face so we cannot tell who he is. His face is completely in shadow. he is talking to someone behind him. he says "Tomorrow. The zwei brothers warehouse. Two am. Now go back to your wife. the fat lady's about to sing." in the next panel, we see him from behind. the back of his head is entirely in shadow to avoid giving us any hints as to who he is. the man he's talking to, Gerry sky, says "whatever it is -- later." two face says "now. 'payroll activation'" and gerry says "okay, okay -- now."
next there's a panel with the dialogue whited out. We still see two face, wearing gloves and having nearly all of his skin (except for his face, which is always in shadow) covered. First we look at him from above and he is small against a dark room with a bookshelf in the background. Then there's a closeup of only his gloved hand as he turns off the radio. We see him from behind (thighs up) as he stands in front of a window, then another shot of his gloved hand trying to touch the radio. and both his hands clench in fists. He hits the radio, breaking it (his body is still off screen except for his arm and hand) and then at his feet we see the broken radio. end image]
end image/begin commentary - Framing of two face on panel
Notice: The presumed “camera angle” is dynamic around Two face. We see him from multiple angles -- from both in front and behind. When we are looking at the same thing he's looking at, we are positioned behind him, like we're looking over his shoulder. the close ups on his hand are not positioned as if he's looking at his own hand and we are in his head pay special attention to the panel he's adjusting the radio on and the fourth panel of the page -- we're looking from the side of him or from behind him and under his elbow there.
Two face is our mysterious bad guy. This is how they visually frame a character they want an air of mystery around.
compare that to the framing around tim
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[image: first, we are looking through a camera that is continuously taking pictures of Batman as he stumbles down a slide, walks shakily to his batmobile, and takes off. then the camera is lowered (we see the hand that is lowering the camera in the view, it is below us as if we were looking through this person's eyes) and put inside a duffle bag. after that, we see something in the conrer of the screen -- an arm wearing a jacket?) and puddles of blood, then a bike tire -- but not the rest of the bike, which is off panel -- cutting through the puddles of blood. next pages shows a bunch of internal monologue that has been blockedo ut. a series of batman and robin pictures from the newspapers and a picture of batman swinging on a line in a scrap book. (in the first panel, batman and robin looking victorious in pictures, the second panel some headlines: “batman attacks mom” and “batman on the rampage” and “batman collars dope ring”. the third a picture of reporters interviewing gordon captioned with “batman batters bandits”. we can see the hand grabbing this picture as if we were holding it.
then we appear to be behind whoever is on the page, looking at his elbow, as he opens up a drawer, then we're back "inside" his head again as he holds up a photo with the graysons (john, dick, mary) and the drakes (tim and his parents). 3 year old tim is sitting on 12 year old dick's leg. end image]
end image/begin commentary - Framing of  Tim in Panel
okay sorry forgive me but this is fucking fascinating in my opinion. Notice that for two face, most of the close ups on his hands were specifically away from his point of view -- we weren’t positioned where his eyes were, but looking from the outside in.
For tim, we’re almost always looking through his eyes, contrasting to two face
and for tim, even when we were not looking through his eyes, in the very first page, he wasn’t even on panel -- we knew nothing about him, we just saw the edge of his bike. the second page we saw a bit of his arm but we never zoom out far enough to see his whole body and definitely not his face -- even if it would be obscured by shadow.
The first read through, I assumed they were going for an air of mystery, but the contrast between how they handle two face and tim to me makes it clear that they weren’t -- it might have been an unintended side effect, or a bonus effect, but it wasn’t the main purpose. The audience is literally viewing most of the panels Tim is in through Tim’s eyes. He is almost literally an audience avatar.
My general hypothesis here (which I think I am supplying proof of) is that Tim is intended to be an avatar in universe for the “average comic reader" (with some assumptions made by the writer about the average comic reader re: race, age,  gender, socioeconomic class)
For more support of this, let’s see how Tim talks about batman and robin --
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[image: 3 comic panels from batman 440 featuring newspaper clippings (in the first panel, batman and robin looking victorious in pictures, the second panel some headlines: “batman attacks mom” and “batman on the rampage” and “batman collars dope ring”. the third a picture of reporters interviewing gordon captioned with “batman batters bandits”. there is internal monologue from (the framing of the scene implies tim drake, but at this point he is unknown to the audience) reading “He seemed happier with dick. Now, I guess it’s like he just doesn’t care. But I want him to care again. I want him to be the batman I remember.” then, we have panels from the new titans 61 dick, as nightwing, is reaching in to talk to tim. he grabs tim's arm. dick says, “I don't believe this. that man raised me. I've gone through hell with him and because of him. Don't lecture me about him until you've cared for him and loved him as long as I have”. dick puts his helmet on and drives off on his bike. before leaving, he says "when jason died, he took robin with him." Tim cries and calls after him: "I... I was only thinking of the team... of what Batman and Robin meant! You can't let a legend die like that, Dick..." end image]
end image/begin comment - Tim’s perception of Batman & Robin
Notice in the first panels (with the newspaper clippings) that Tim is reminiscent, he specifically talks about ‘teh batman and robin’ that he remembers. The narrative puts more significance for tim on the fact that batman is not happy and he is not the batman tim remembers, rather than the fact that batman is beating people nearly to death (tim notices this, and it seems to be a “because batman is so clearly sad” thing -- which this is not I believe intended to be a commentary on tim’s priorities, since the general narrative seems to be using bruce’s ultra-violence as a sign he’s angsty).
Then, compare dick’s reaction to bruce with Tim’s.
Dick’s connection to Bruce is extremely personal. Bruce, Batman, whatever, is his dad and raised him and, like he said, put him through hell sometimes. His connection to Jason’s death is similarly personal.
Tim’s connection to Batman and Robin is extremely abstract and idealized. He is thinking of them as, say, a comics reader might think of them. As a crimefighting team who are not together anymore, and this is bad.
this is just bulletpoint 2 in “tim is supposed to represent the audience”, not intending to be a condemnation of tim.
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[image: first, a comic panel from Batman 440 showing a close up of Tim’s hand as he reads a paper and him thinking ‘No! the haly circus is closing?’ then, a series of comic panels from the new titans # 60. first, we see mr haly (off screen) and his cigar (on screen) as haly gestures at a photo of the flying grayson's on the wall. then he says "Yeah. Cost us a fortune and brought down our selling price. You know, sometimes I sit here and just remember the good old days. We were barely breaking even back then, too -- but man, were we having fun. then, we see dick grayson wearing jeans and a red shirt, walking through the circus ground. first, he looks kind of dejected and his hands are in his pockets. the narration box reads "he leaves, trying to reconcile the past and the present. Kids grow up and change. but why should everything do the same? The animal cages stink with waste. Was it always this way? At times like now, he wishes for never-never land." then, dick turns as he hears something and says "Hunh? That scream?" end image]
end image/begin comment - Nostalgia as a Theme
Nostalgia is an EXTREMELY strong theme in this comic. Batman is different, he’s not like he used to be. Haley’s circus is different and at risk, but Dick goes back and meets the performers he used to know -- some are still the same, some are in a more rough situation (alcoholic clown). Someone’s trying to kill his friends in the circus, it’s not really a place of childhood innocence for Dick.  Dick explicitly wishes to be in never-never land (the imaginary far off place where you never grow up)
How things should be -- both in Tim’s mind and Dick’s mind, Haly’s mind  -- is the idealistic past, but we clearly can’t go back to it -- Dick says that the first thing Bruce taught him was how to grow up.
Next bulletpoint:
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[image: first are some comic panels showing Tim Drake talking to Dick Grayson and Alfred Pennyworth in wayne manor. Tim says “You know, since I was able to read, I clipped every article I could about Batman and Robin. Heck, I used to fantasize about what it would be like to be robin. I study hard. I get mostly A’s. I work out. I’m no circus acrobat, but I’m pretty good, I guess. But mostly, I read aobut you two. You’ve both been so important to me in so many ways. And when I see that without Robin Batman is going off hte deep end, I know there’s serious trouble.” next, we see Dick stepping forward and talking to Tim. he says "But you haven't told me anything I don't already know. I want the rest of it. All of it." end image]
end image/ begin commentary - textually a fanboy
Textually, Tim is presented as a Batman and Robin fanboy -- that’s how he found Batman’s secret identity (link)
He studies Batman and Robin from afar. He reads about them. Kind of like a comics reader would. he wants to be Robin. Again, superhero comics have some wish fulfillment element and definitely wanting to imagine yourself in a character’s shoes is an appeal for many fans. Tim wanted to imagine himself in robin’s shoes and fantasized about being him -- there’s kind of two layers here, one is the presumed audience member reading tim, wanting to imagine themselves in his shoes as he interacts with his heroes, the other is tim, who wanted to imagine himself in dick’s shoes.
re: the second posted image in this set: Tim hasn’t told dick anything that dick doesn’t know, because tim doesn’t know anything dick doesn’t know -- he is the comic reader here. That’s also why he’s so up-to-date on all of the other comic character’s stuff -- we see him list off all of the teen titans, he talks about jason’s death casually, he knows that alfred is batman’s confident -- he pretty much has all of the information that a reader of DC comics would have if they just got beamed into the DC universe at this point.
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[image: first, two panels, one showing tim smiling and thinking "Wow! And I thought Harry did it. Man, Dick is good". tehn we see dick holding some photos and talking ot tim, who is at his bike. dick says "These pictures, two face is back in town, isn't he?" Tim says "You can tell, just from them? Wow! You're even better than I thought." the next scene is in the batcave. Dick is nightwing and is about to leave on his motor cycle, alfred and tim are behind him. tim says "no, not nightwing, Dick. don't you understand -- Batman needs Robin!" he turns to look at alfred and says "Doesn't anyone understand?" Alfred says "Perhaps, young man. Perhaps master Dick understands profoundly -- perhaps that is why he brought you here." tim looks surprised. end image]
end image/begin commentary: The old robin’s approval
another very important thing here: DC plays it as safe as possible with tim’s introduction, trying to make the audience like him, and one is definitely establishing that Tim both looks up to dick and thinks he’s cool (first two panels) and that he has dick’s presumed approval/blessing to be robin (last three panels). it’s also important to note that while tim is portrayed as competent, he never shows up Batman and Nightwing -- he rescues them because two-face lured them into an expert trap, but he doesn’t outdo either of them on fighting or detective work. this has an in universe explanation -- he is 13 years old, just starting out -- and an out of universe explanation -- if he’s not showing up anyone’s favorite character, he is presumably more palatable and less threatening for the presumed reader.
that’s what i mean when I say taht DC played their intro of tim very safe -- he falls in with the established characters, already likes them, is practically already a fan of them with full fanboy connotations. The idealized past is presented as something as desirable, both to the reader and to the characters themselves, and there is a strong current of nostalgia and returning things to how they “should” be with Batman having a robin. Tim voices what many readers may feel: That batman lost his way, that he needs Robin, and he gets to act out those feelings in the comic. the text acknowledges that they can’t just force dick back into it, that people have to grow up, and dick passes the mantle to tim.
overall I think that tim’s employment here was effective, but I look forward to seeing more when he’s allowed to be himself rather than an audience avatar. I understand lots of people like audience avatars and he was wildly popular presumably for those reasons, but I personally found the plotline lackluster at points.
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greenygreenland · 3 years
What Ray and Norman are like in a relationship (xreader)
-i primarily write for fem reader, but you could always change the pronouns if you’d like -aged up characters
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-you start out as friends/family -he’s quiet, but makes good jokes -he reads a lot (we all know why) -so it’s a struggle to get him out of his hiding place in the library -if you don’t manage to get him out of there -you sit with him and read instead -sometimes you read to him -sometimes you both read next to each other -or fall asleep together -ray nods off to sleep when his books are boring -you know he doesn’t really like to study
-yet he does it anyway -to make it more bearable, you hum/sing a tune -or keep him company -over time, you grow closer -little moments become more intimate -and you find yourself staring at him more often -ray’s sitting under that tree again?  -you’re staring -he’s eating dinner? -you’re staring -he’s so handsome so of course you stare -he’s a bit of a dork sometimes and you find that cute -ray sometimes stares at you, but he knows how to hide it -norman catches him one time  -he hasn’t stopped teasing ray about it -’i had a feeling you’d fall for her’ -’shut up norman’ -one time you talked to emma and started gushing at ray -it was completely accidental -’i was reading this book and it reminded me of ray. the main character was so cool and--’ -’you’re all red (Y/n)! do you like ray?!’ -emma can keep secrets when she wants to, but she needs to tell someone -that someone is norman -’(Y/n) likes ray, norman!’ -’i had a feeling she did’ -they decide to set you two up one day -because they KNOW none of you will acknowledge your feelings for each other -and bam, you’re a couple -ray isn’t big with PDA -but he will hold your hand and give you a head pat -he will also let you lean against his shoulder/sleep on his lap (he secretly loves that) -awkward being a couple at first but you both eventually get the hang of it -you’re blushy and flustered a lot in the beginning -and so is ray -he will make the first move tho and kiss you unexpectedly -he’s suave asf -will use cheesy pickup lines for the heck of it -he knows how to make you laugh and smile -will make you feel hot and bothered -smooth criminal but says stupid shiet like this -’are you the sun? because you’re really hot’ -he makes these tho because it makes you laugh -likes taking pictures of you (if you want to) -some are of you smiling/laughing -others are you doing mundane things like sitting and reading -even if you’re not photogenic ray thinks you look beautiful 24/7 -if you have low self esteem he will remind you that you’re amazing  -’i look ugly in that one’ -’shut up, you look drop-dead gorgeous in every single one of them’ -’you’re just saying that’ -’are you saying i don’t know what i’m talking about?’ -he’ll write a whole essay to prove why you’re so amazing until you stop doubting yourself -he thinks that’s stupid because you’re The Best -will kiss you goodnight -and accept hugs before bedtime -love you with all his heart and will be overprotective if he needs to be -carefully watched when you’re around other guys -and has never been caught -besides that one time when emma found him hiding under a table
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Norman: -you also start out as friends because you gotta take it slow -norman admired you from afar -he’s super smiley around you -and it makes you melt because he’s so soft and beautiful and kind -that’s how you know you’ve fallen for him -you’re absolutely lovestruck -same goes for him -he loves you for your personality (and your looks) -but mostly because you’re you -and that’s what makes you special to him -he’s a great cook so you cook dinner with him a lot -and he loves watching you hum while chopping stuff -or feeding the little ones -during playtime sometimes you sit alone -so he joins you -and listens to you talk about everything and anything -he likes hearing your voice -it’s so sweet and melodic -if it’s not he still loves it  -he taught you how to play chess one day -you didn’t get it at first and almost gave up -but he helped you -and now you’re a master at it -but everyone knows that mama is better (whoops) -if you draw norman watches -you teach him how to draw -he picks it up pretty fast and ends up being better than you -’how are you so fast?! it took me years to get to this stage!’ -’i really have no idea...’ -which discourages you but isn’t surprising -you still sing better than him -if you don’t, then at least you can do a split -he tried one time and almost sprained an ankle trying to get up -these small moments eventually get more intimate -and you both recognise your feelings of love -norman wants to confess but he’s worried it might ruin your friendship -ray becomes his wingman -and he helps set you two up -emma cheers you on and becomes your wingman -eventually norman confesses first, but he can’t finish the sentence halfway through -’(Y/n)! I-I...I li--like...’ -he’s so red that you almost feel bad for him -but it’s really cute -you cut him off with a peck on the cheek -’i like you too’ -he nearly faints -i know I write him off as sly and smooth -but we all know he’s a blushy mess -tries to be suave, but always ends up getting too flustered and embarrassed -copied ray one time but failed miserably -you end up being the suave one -if not, then you both are blushy asf at first -eventually you both get the hang of it -but norman still gets flustered easily -he loves running his hands through your hair -and when you sleep you’re so cute -doesn’t mind PDA unless he gets flustered -openly hugs you -a lot -can’t kiss you because it makes him blush too much -gets hot and bothered really easily -if you smile a certain way at him, it will set him off -’stop that’ -’stop what?’ -’th-that. the way you’re looking at me...’ -you tease him for it -norman watches you carefully when you’re around other guys -makes it clear that you’re his -and you make it clear that he’s yours -norman would literally die for you -you’d do the same for him (but he’d never let you)
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sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 11
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Disclaimer: I have no current affiliation with any other Via Imperii themed stories. Any claims that I have pre-read anything are false.
Word Count: 2,909
A/N: First of all, I have a couple of new readers (hi, thank you, I love you) if this is your first Sapere Aude, stop here, go back, and start from the beginning. This series has a lot of bombs and surprises, so none of this is going to make sense, and it’s going to make it less exciting if you aren’t reading from the beginning. 
Sorry, another long wait for a chapter. I got stuck, and distracted, and like a million other things. The Choices Insider email last week kind of lit a fire under me. When I started writing this (in December) the plan was to have it finished before the last book came out, so I have like a month to get through this. I’m going full out on getting this completed now, I will be working on nothing but this until it is done, and am hoping to finish it in time for the next book to come out so that PB has plenty of time to steal my ideas. 
This chapter took a while for me to work through, but @jessiembruno was amazing and helped me every step of the way, and got like a million rambling text messages from me once the idea dam finally broke. And then pre-reading and leaving me some amazing love notes, and super helpful suggestions. She also kept encouraging me, and pushing me to work on it when my mind would wander into new ideas, or thoughts on some other random WIP that I started throwing together. I love you, and I am so grateful for this friendship that goes way beyond any of this. By the way, you are an AMAZING writer, and I will continue to shout it from the mountain tops as long as I live. 
As always with this series, I need to thank @txemrn for pre-reading. I was having SUCH a miserable day and feeling so shitty about myself (for non-fandom reasons), and your reactions to this chapter made me laugh out loud for the first time in what felt like forever. I appreciate you so much my dear friend. 
And of course, thank you @twinkleallnight for my beautiful series moodboard. 
Tags: Listed below, you know the drill. 
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Liam exited the bedroom and walked toward the sitting area. He paused at the end of the hallway to observe his wife and his daughter sitting on the couch. Riley had her blouse in hand, sewing on the button Olivia sent her for her undercover mission. She was showing Eleanor how to sew, talking her through every stitch. The princess was watching and listening intently, taking in every word her mother said. 
He leaned his right shoulder against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest as he admired his family. He didn’t understand how it was possible to fall even more in love every time he looked at them. All he wanted in this world was their happiness and safety, and now here he was, sending his wife straight to the enemy. 
“Hi Daddy!” The angelic voice of his daughter pulled him from his thoughts. 
“Hi Princess. Are you being a good helper for mommy?” He lifted Eleanor off the couch and sat in her seat, placing her on his lap. 
“Best helper a girl could ask for.” Riley held her hand out, palm up, and Eleanor gave her a high five. 
Liam enjoyed the company of his family for a few more moments, before placing a kiss on his daughter’s cheek. “Alright Eleanor, why don’t you go play in your room for a little while? Mommy and daddy have to talk about grown up things.”
“Yes, daddy. Will you come play after?” 
“Of course, I believe I am owed a tea party.” He gave her a hug before setting her down and watching her run to her room. When she was gone, he turned his attention back to Riley. “How are you feeling, love?”
Riley cut the lingering thread from the button and placed her blouse on the table in front of them before responding. “I mean, obviously I’m nervous, but I’m optimistic that I’ll come back with something we can use. How are you feeling?”
He sighed and pulled her close to him, kissing the top of her head as it landed on his chest. “Riley, I love how much you worry about me, but let me worry about you right now. Let me be your support system. Tell me truly, how are you feeling?”
“I’m...I’m terrified.” She pulled back and looked him in the eyes, tears beginning to pool in her own. “I’m trying so hard to be strong, to put on a brave face, but this is fucking terrifying. We don’t know how deep it goes, we know some of the people that are involved, but how do we know that that’s everyone?”
“You’re right, there are a lot of unknowns, and that’s scary.” He cupped her face in his hands, wiping a falling tear with his thumb. “But I truly believe that we are going to end this. That you are going to end this. Don’t forget, you are the Champion of The Realm.”
“Yeah, but I’m sleeping with the guy who makes those decisions, he may have been a little biased.” She shrugged, half joking. 
Liam removed his hands, his expression becoming more serious. “Riley, that’s not funny. You have earned every single thing you have received since you arrived in this country, our country. I don’t ever want you to believe that my feelings for you overrule my judgement when it comes to your abilities. You are the strongest person I have ever met. If anyone can do this, it’s you.”
“IF anyone can do this. What if nobody can?”
“Then we will face the fallout together. Like we always do, like we always will. We are the King and Queen of Cordonia, Liam and Riley Rys. We are a force to be reckoned with.” He raised an eyebrow as he parroted back her reassuring words from a few nights before. 
She smirked at him. “Hey, no fair, you can’t use my own words to prove your point like that.” 
“Yes I can, old negotiation tactic.” He winked at her and stood from the couch reaching for her hand. “Come on, we still have the whole day ahead of us. Let’s go have a tea party with our daughter, then I’m taking my girls out for dinner.”
Two days later, Riley was sitting in the back of an SUV heading toward the Fierro Estate. She was doing her best to quell her nerves, but she couldn’t help her hands from fidgeting in her lap. 
“You seem on edge, ma’am. Is everything ok?” The sound of Mara’s voice cut through the silence, startling Riley. 
“Oh...yeah, I’m fine Mara. I’m just not really sure what to expect from this meeting. Last time I went to one of these events, I found out my mother in law wasn’t actually dead. I don’t know if I could handle another surprise like that.”
Mara chuckled at her concern. “Don’t worry your majesty, this is a simple strategy meeting followed by a dinner. You have met all of the members, so there will be no surprise guests this time around.”
Riley nodded and turned her head, watching the scenery pass by as they continued to their destination. Her mind was racing thinking about what this meeting would have in store. She practiced taking pictures with the pen, and activating the recorder she had sewn into her shirt. As they got closer to the estate, she felt her heart rate speed up, and the knot in her stomach tighten.
When they arrived, Riley was ushered into the grand room, which had been set up with a large table. The other members were standing around in small groups chatting until it was time for the meeting to begin. Riley fidgeted with the pen, twirling it in her fingers before lifting it to her face and tapping it against her chin and clicking it several times. She hoped it came off as a nervous habit, providing cover for the fact that she was actually taking pictures around the room. 
She gasped and nearly jumped out of her skin at the feeling of a hand gently being placed on her shoulder. She whipped around to see Eleanor smiling softly at her. “Riley dear, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Oh, Eleanor. Hello.” Riley held her hand to her chest, trying to get her heart rate back to normal. “It’s ok, I’m just a little nervous. Not really sure what to expect from this meeting.”
“Don’t worry, I promise it’s just regular business, nothing earth shattering. Come on, it’s time to get this started, and you’re sitting next to me.” Eleanor wrapped her arm around Riley and led her to the table. The other guests took this as their cue to follow, as the meeting was about to get underway. As Riley sat, she adjusted her skirt and blouse, using the opportunity to activate the microphone embedded in her button. 
As the chapter president, Eleanor kicked off the meeting by greeting their newest member, Queen Riley, and explaining that she was there to help push their initiatives though with the King. Riley clenched her fist ever so slightly, a trick she used when she was trying to keep her expression neutral. They continued on, reviewing the minutes of the last meeting, it all seemed to be pretty mundane, things that wouldn't even necessarily cross hers or Liam’s desk. 
Then they opened up the floor to new business, and Neville stood to address the room. “I would like to revisit the Auvernal alliance.”
Riley was able to maintain her stoic expression, but her body tensed at the mention of Auvernal. She and Liam had made it perfectly clear that there would be no alliance. “I don’t believe there is anything to revisit there.” She chimed in. “King Liam and I determined that the alliance would not be beneficial for Cordonia.”
“Actually, I believe you determined the alliance would not be beneficial to you and your husband.” Neville rebutted, crossing his arms over his chest. “You didn’t want to marry off your daughter, you didn’t bother thinking of what the alliance could bring to our country.”
“Are you questioning the decisions of your monarchs? I urge you to remember your station, Lord Neville.” Riley raised an eyebrow and stood a bit taller. 
Neville scoffed at her threat. “And I urge you to remember that you may have slept your way to the top in Cordonia, but the Via Imperii is bigger than the monarchy, and in this society, I outrank you.”
“Well, if being the Queen doesn’t matter in this room, then there is nothing stopping me from coming over there and beating your a...”
“Ok ok ok, let’s all calm down here.” Eleanor grabbed Riley’s arm, stopping her from charging at Neville. “Let’s all sit down and have a rational conversation, weighing out the pros and cons of an alliance.” Riley and Neville both sat down and exchanged narrow glances. “Now Neville, since you have brought this proposal to the group, you will go first. Please explain to us your thought process on revisiting the alliance.”
Neville nodded and smirked at Riley. “It is clear that combining the financial security of Cordonia with the military strength of Auvernal would make us an unstoppable force. Besides, we need the extra protection given our country’s recent history.” He glared at Riley once again.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Riley huffed. 
“Look at the instability we have faced in recent years. Our crown prince abdicated, his successor, our current king, broke off a perfectly suitable engagement to marry a foreign commoner who was marred in scandal.”
“He released a statement that cleared that whole thing up. The scandal is irrelevant.” She could feel her cheeks heating up.
“Do you really think people stopped talking about it? You can’t really believe that it won’t be a part of your legacy as our Queen.” 
Riley slouched down in her seat. She knew she should remain composed, but bringing up the Tariq scandal hit a nerve that she didn’t know still existed. One of her biggest concerns in continuing her relationship with Liam, and accepting his proposal, was that his success as King would be overshadowed by the scandal she had faced. She had thought that after all these years, it would have been forgotten, but Neville bringing it up just brought everything back up and made her realize it would be something that was attached to her name forever. 
“Besides the personal problems our royal family has faced, there have been multiple attempts to overthrow them just within our own country. Sons of Earth, Duke Godfrey, Barthelemy Beaumont, just to name a few. Other countries are seeing this, and it won’t be long before they try to come for us as well.” Neville continued. 
“While I don’t agree with his delivery, Lord Neville does make some valid points.” Emmeline interjected, the rest of the room began murmuring in agreement. Riley couldn’t hide her shocked expression as she felt tears start to build up in her eyes. She blinked them away, she was not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing their queen cry. 
Eleanor took back control of the room before turning to Riley. “Riley, would you like to counter? You and Liam worked directly with Auvernal during the marriage alliance talks, you clearly have some insight that we may not be privy to.”
Riley took a deep breath to get her emotions under control before standing to address the room. “Aside from the fact that Bradshaw and Isabella are deplorable people with hell spawn children, the main reason that we decided an alliance was not in the best interest of Cordonia, was because it was clear that their interest was not an alliance, but a hostile takeover of our country.”
“Perhaps we would prosper under their rule. I haven’t heard of any coup attempts in Auvernal, it seems to me like they’re doing something right.” Neville spoke up. 
“So that’s it then? You all think Bradshaw and Isabella would do a better job as your king and queen, so I’m just supposed to convince Liam to relinquish the throne?” Riley threw her hands up in frustration and stepped away from the table. 
“Your majesty, we’re not making the final decision right here, right now, we just want to remain open to the idea and explore some options.” Emmeline tried to talk Riley down. “Perhaps you and King Liam could take a meeting with them, a friendly lunch maybe, just to open the lines of communication.”
“This is ridiculous. I can’t believe you all expect me to agree with this!” Riley was now pacing the room, overcome with a nervous energy.
Eleanor stood and lifted a hand to quiet the room. “Alright, that’s enough. I think we’ve gotten as far as we’re going to get with this conversation tonight. Dinner is being set out in the dining hall. I suggest we adjourn for the day. Let’s all compose ourselves and think about all sides of this conversation. We will pick up the conversation at the next meeting.”
As the members started filing out of the room, Eleanor approached Riley and gently placed her hand on her arm to keep her still. “Are you alright Riley?” 
Riley shrugged Eleanor’s hand off of her, anger clear on her face. “Of course I’m not alright. I basically just had a room full of my subjects telling me that my husband and I are doing a shitty job, and they think those monsters are better suited to look out for their best interests. Of course I’m not fucking alright!” Riley moves in closer, lowering her voice but not losing any of the anger in her tone. “I thought you were here doing this to protect Liam. Do you really think that this is protecting him? Handing his kingdom over to Auvernal?!”
“Riley, I always have Liam’s best interests at heart, I promise you that. Why don’t you head home, take a couple of days to relax and take everything in. I will set up a meeting for you and I later this week to talk about everything and work out a game plan.”
“Fine, I can’t stay here anymore anyway. And I definitely don’t have an appetite for dinner.” Riley walked out of the room, looking for Mara so that they could get back to the palace. She stepped into the dining area and saw Mara standing in the far corner talking to Neville. She clenched her jaw and took a deep breath before approaching the pair. “Mara, we will not be staying for dinner. We are returning to the palace immediately. I want to be home to put my daughter to bed.” She wasn’t going to give Neville the satisfaction of knowing she was leaving because of what he started. 
“Of course, your majesty.” Mara nodded and exited with Riley. 
The ride home was silent. In all the years that Mara had worked for Riley, she had never seen her this upset. She wasn’t entirely sure how to handle it, or what would be considered overstepping her duties, so she decided to stay quiet and let Riley speak, if she wanted to. She didn’t. 
They arrived at the palace and walked together to the royal quarters. As Riley placed her hand on the doorknob to enter, Mara cleared her throat to get her attention. “Your majesty, I know this was a difficult evening for you, but I do feel I need to remind you that discretion is key in the Via Imperii. His majesty cannot know what happened tonight. You will need to lock those feelings away for the time being.”
Riley pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. She knew she was going to fall into Liam's arms and cry the second she saw him, and then she would tell him everything, but she couldn’t let Mara know that. “Liam and I will be staying in for the rest of the night. You are dismissed for the evening.” Riley walked into her quarters and shut the door before Mara had a chance to respond. 
As soon as she closed the door, she leaned back against it and dropped her head into her hands. Liam came walking into the room, the smile that appeared on his face when he heard the front door open quickly faded as he took in the sight of his wife sobbing at the front door. “Riley?” She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face as she tried to catch her breath. He rushed over to her and pulled her close, she buried her head in his chest as he stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head trying unsuccessfully to soothe her. “Shhhh, it’s alright love, I’m right here, I’ve got you. Tell me what happened.”
Riley could barely speak, but she slowly tried to explain everything that had happened that night. Liam walked her to the couch as she spoke, she needed to sit, anything to help her relax and calm down. He stared at her in disbelief as he listened to his wife tearfully recap her evening. 
On the other side of the door, Mara pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket, selecting one of the contacts and bringing the phone to her ear. “My lord, you were right. We will need to put your plan in motion.”
@anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @bbrandy2002 @chemist-ana​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @choiceskatie​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @emkay512​ @gabesmommie1130​ @gkittylove99​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @jessiembruno​ @kat-tia801​ @khoicesbyk​ @kingliam2019​ @lucy-268​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @mile9213​ @mom2000aggie​ @pixie88​ @queenrileyrose​ @secretaryunpaid​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ @tessa-liam​ @theroyalheirshadowhunter​ @twinkleallnight​ @txemrn​
Sapere Aude:
@burnsoslow @busywoman @gardeningourmet @ofpixelsandscribbles
Liam x Riley:
@amandablink @yourmajesty09
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here’s 7.1k of Toni pining and Shelby and Toni being childhood friends and also far more character analysis of Rachel than I was expecting? also Marcus is real and I made him a gorgeous himbo. it’s based off that poem by @theycallmedizzy and you can find it here. lmk if you want a second chapter from shelby’s perspective, tho i literally just finished this one. like literally ten minute ago.
Mr. Williams finishes reading the poem and looks over his spectacles at the class. Yes, they’re spectacles, those kind of tiny thick ones that make his eyes too big because he’s much too old to be teaching.
It’s eight am on a Tuesday, Toni walked the three miles to school because she missed the bus only to walk into her shitty honors English class and hear the teacher reading a poem aloud to the class. Her poem. She’d sat down after a momentary pause and listened to him read the final damning stanza.
And then he looks at Toni.
He reads her essays right? What if he recognizes her writing voice? Is that a thing? Or maybe her handwriting or—
“Toni, I was just explaining to the class that whoever wrote this should submit it to the state literature festival,” Mr. Williams says, Toni almost sags against her chair. “I was hoping someone would come forward,” He turns back to the class, eyes hovering over Quinn and Monty, two of the more sensitive guys who sit in the back and ruin the curve for everyone. “But I’ll leave it on the board here,” he clacks it on with a magnet and Toni flinches, “and hopefully someone will come forward. Now onto today’s lesson.”
After class Martha goes up to the board and takes a picture of it, her eyes a little starry at the words and Toni grits her teeth.
“You have to admit it’s pretty,” Martha says. “Even you can’t deny that.”
“It’s dumb,” Toni says flatly, crossing her arms.
“Well I’m keeping it anyway, maybe someday someone will write a poem about me,” Martha says.
“How do you know it’s not about you?” Shelby asks coming out of nowhere and uninvited too. Toni glares at her, letting her open disdain shine through like sunshine through clouds after a gully washer.
“No guys notice me,” Martha informs Shelby sadly. “I bet Andrew wrote it for you.”
Shelby purses her lips and looks over the poem, “I doubt it. He’s more of a doer, I think. Besides, I’m sure that guys notice you, you went on a date with that boy Sam last month.”
Martha sighs and before she can launch into what a disaster that date was, Toni tightens her hands around her backpack.
“I’ll see you in science,” She tells Martha and manages to escape Shelby’s eyes burning at the back of her neck.
reasons not to kiss her
1.) this sort of love is not allowed. you are both too soft, and the world around you is all knives and chipped teeth
Toni had played about every sport she was allowed to growing up. Basketball was her favorite, but she loved beat it ball, the game she made up with the other kids in the neighborhood. It was basketball but without rules, devolving into fist fights within the first half. Nothing tasted better than her own bloody lip on a hot summer day. Not even the cool glass of lemonade Mrs. Blackburn always had ready when she ran all skinned knees to Martha’s telling her about how she beat guys two years older than her.
She got angry when she had to stop playing, moving to a different neighborhood. Apparently, Mrs. Blackburn had figured out that she wasn’t only getting her split lip from the older kids in the neighborhood.
The new foster parents were a little stricter, a little richer, and signed her up for youth soccer when she complained about how there was nothing to do without beat it ball.
Martha Blackburn would always be her person, but Toni didn’t expect to find her people so young. Dottie killed as goalie, and Becca’s sweetness made her defense all the better. But it was Shelby and Toni who were the dynamic duo. Toni had a never ending amount of energy as a midfielder and Shelby’s precision made her the perfect striker. It worked the same way every game, Becca would kick it to Toni, who got it to Shelby, who scored a goal. It got to the point that Becca didn’t even need to do much and the coach had to pull Toni aside to tell her to pass to the other girls too.
At the end of the season they sat together at the team party, wearing orange slice smiles. With sticky fingers they held hands and Toni kinda wondered how someone’s eyes could be so green.
Toni doesn’t remember why Shelby’s parents were so angry about them holding hands, but she knows Mr. Goodkind talked to her foster parents and Toni was off to a different home, in a different district, and she lost even Martha for a few months.
At lunch everyone’s talking about that fucking poem. Martha sent it around to the whole school and Leah is discussing its merits with Rachel and Nora. Even they don’t seem bored with the topic, though Nora is sure Quinn didn’t write it.
“It could be Monty,” Leah says. “I wouldn’t have thought he had an eye for this stuff.”
“I don’t think it’s Monty,” Rachel says. She looks at Nora, “C’mon, you know what I’m talking about, right?”
“What?” Nora asks.
“I mean it smells like Anna Akhmatova had a baby with Adrienne Rich,” Rachel says.
“Who had a baby with who?” Martha asks.
“Please,” Fatin says. “You’re not exactly the world’s leading expert on free form poetry.”
“Uh, I know when something’s written by a girl,” Rachel says. “I bet you fifty bucks some closet case wrote this.”
Everyone looks at Toni. “You caught me,” Toni deadpans.
“Rachel’s right,” Nora says. “A girl definitely wrote this. Toni, do you know anyone?”
Toni glares at her. “I’ll shake the lesbian phone tree and see what comes out.”
“Well, could it be Regan?” Martha asks. “Maybe she wants to—”
“It’s not fucking Regan,” Toni grabs her books and stalks out, kicking a chair randomly strewn around away as she did.
She hears Shelby sit down just as she leaves, “What’s got her madder than a baptized cat?” Shelby asks and Toni rolls her eyes.
2.) no one ever taught you how to love. your war paint and scarred hands could never hold her like she deserves
The worst of it was that Shelby was gentle. Her hands were warm and soft around Toni’s callouses, and there was a crinkle between her eyebrows as she focused on Toni’s hands. No, the worst of it was that Shelby didn’t let go of Toni’s hands when she finished, kept holding onto them as she met Toni’s eyes.
Toni swallowed hard, “I’m not gonna apologize.”
Shelby sighed, her thumb traced little circles around Toni’s hands. “I know today ain’t easy for you.” Toni scoffed and looked away. “But you know you were pickin' a fight. Andrew promised to leave you alone.”
Toni ripped her hands away and jumped from the bench of the locker room. “What the fuck do you know? You weren’t fucking there.”
Shelby’s calm only made Toni’s anger redder, “You ain’t denying it.”
“Why the fuck are you dating him? He’s a self-satisfied little asshole who just wants a little trophy girlfriend to—”
“Toni,” Shelby cut her off sharply and got to her feet, meeting Toni’s eyes.
“You’re not denying that either,” Toni spat.
She could’ve screamed at the hypocrisy. She wanted to scream. She wanted to pound her fists against the walls and bleed all over the bandages Shelby wrapped around her knuckles. She wanted to hurt, to make Shelby hurt. She wanted everyone to see and feel how hurt she was, and hurt them with that hurt. Finally level the playing field.
“Andrew is my business,” Shelby said. “Not yours.”
“He becomes my business when you—”
“When I what?” Shelby asked.
Toni looked at her hands, “Never mind.”
Shelby sighed, “Martha’s helping you move in today, right? Shel’ll be there the whole time?”
“Don’t pretend you give a shit.”
“Of course I care. The last time you lived with your mom you didn’t eat for a week.”
“I was five, not fifteen,” Toni said. “And seriously, stop pretending you give a shit.”
She shoulder checked Shelby as she walked out and winced at the sound of Shelby hitting the gym lockers. Her hands still sting where Andrew’s teeth had scrapped them.
Regan approaches Toni during science, her eyes serious. Martha straightens, and Toni does her best not to make eye contact.
“It’s not mine,” Regan says.
“Yeah duh,” Toni mutters.
Regan frowns, “I just—I didn’t want you to—”
“You made it perfectly clear what you want,” Toni says.
Regan sighs and leaves and Toni regrets it.
“Shelby thinks it’s Marcus,” Martha tells her. Toni blinks up at her and Martha nods. “She thinks he wrote it for me.”
“Martha, that kid is dumber than a box of rocks,” Toni says.
Martha furrows her brow, “Maybe he has hidden depths.”
“If you think it’s him ask him out,” Toni says.
“Shelby thinks it’s him,” Martha is quick to correct. “But he doesn’t even know who I am.”
Toni rolls her eyes. Marcus had been in love with Martha since the ninth grade. They had gotten placed as lab partners and he literally didn’t take his eyes off her the entire time. Every time there was a dance he would always look like he was about to say something, shoot his shot, when Martha would loudly proclaim she couldn’t wait to go with her friends.
Toni would’ve pulled the guy aside and told him to grow a pair, but a guy who’s not brave enough to go after what he wants wasn’t good enough for her Marty, not by a long shot.
“Rachel still thinks a girl wrote it,” Martha says.
“Maybe Rachel wrote it,” Toni mutters.
Martha’s eyes light up.
3.) no one has ever loved you this full surely you would drown in it all
Being a lifeguard was the worst. It was super boring, the pay was shit, and also Toni would probably get someone killed. Like, they pretended she was CPR certified but she absolutely had no idea how to do it. She went to some hour long course, slept through it, took a test that was just: should you kill people? And then they wrote some bullshit on some papers about a three week long set of classes.
But Shelby was tanned and golden looking and on their shifts they’d text back and forth about which kids they were betting on to win sharks and minnows. Tweenage boys in all their adolescent infancy would gaze open mouthed at Shelby and Toni alike but Shelby was the only one who let them down gently. Toni would ruin them for girls forever with something enough to cut through even the thickest skin.
On the fourth of July the pool paid for fireworks and Toni found a blanket and Shelby found her and they sat watching the reflections of the lights together. Shelby rested her head on Toni’s shoulder, all gentle, like she was afraid Toni would spook.
“I know this ain’t much of a holiday for you,” Shelby said. “But thank you for spending it with me.”
She had her hand on the blanket, splayed out like she was waiting for Toni to take it, there in front of everyone. Toni imagined a world in which she did.
“Yeah it’s not me,” Rachel says. “I wish I could write that good.”
Which is such bullshit because Toni knows Rachel could say well if she wanted to. Rachel’s weird inferiority complex about Nora pisses off Toni to no end. Nora’s the smart one, Rachel will be the first to say, and Rachel’s the athletic one. But Nora has a six minute mile and Rachel has perfect pitch so Toni hates them both.
“Maybe it’s Dot,” Toni suggests and Rachel, Nora, and Martha snicker.
Out of all of them, Martha’s the best driver, but they always end up in Rachel’s car after school anyway.
“Most of the school seems to think it’s by Andrew,” Nora says. Toni’s fists clench.
“Yeah,” Rachel rolls her eyes, “I’m sure he would love to take the credit. C’mon Toni, you don’t know any lesbians who could’ve written this?”
“You’re a lesbian too,” Toni says. “You don’t know any?”
“I don’t have a life outside of the pool,” Rachel says, “and none of them have picked up a book since Hop on Pop.”
“Regan says it wasn’t her,” Martha cuts in helpfully. “But maybe it’s another kid in theatre. Shelby says—”
“Oh my god,” Toni grits out. “What is everyone’s deal with her anyway? Why is everyone still obsessed with her? She’s just another basic Jesus bitch.”
The car goes quiet and Toni wishes she could melt into her seat cushion.
“I didn’t mean that,” Toni says.
“Except you did,” Martha snaps.
Toni winces.
“What’s your deal with her?” Rachel asks. “You guys were fine last year.”
“Quinn says there’s a poetry club,” Nora says. “Maybe it’s someone there?”
No one takes the bait and they don’t talk the rest of the way.
4.) she belongs in a museum, and you are merely here to gaze. look around you, all the signs scream ‘do not touch’
Toni grabbed the shoulder of the girl and pulled her away from Marcus. Shelby was bruised lips and ruined make up and Toni took her by the hand. Thank god Martha wasn’t here, thank god Andrew wasn’t here, thank god Marcus looked just as trashed.
“Toni?” Shelby sorta stumbled, her ankle twisting painfully on her heel and Toni steadied her.
Shelby could do a cartwheel in six inch heels.
“I’m gonna get you home, okay?” Toni called over the music.
Shelby didn’t really respond, just leant into Toni as she led her away and outside. The party had spilled into the backyard and front yard some, the cops probably already on their way, but everyone was too fucking hammered to notice them making their way out.
Shelby’s house was only about a twenty minute walk but it was cold and Toni was only wearing her basketball shorts and her mom’s jacket that she promptly put over Shelby’s shoulders.
“Are you still—” Shelby swallowed hard, “You’re still living with your mom?”
“Mostly with Martha,” Toni said.
“Martha’s great,” Shelby said. “She’s so pretty it makes my eyes hurt.”
“One of our finest,” Toni grunted as Shelby nearly fell on her heels again.
“She could be a model,” Shelby told her. “We should get waffle house.”
“Shelbs, we’re nowhere near a waffle house.”
“What was Becca’s order? At waffle house?”
Toni sighed, looping an arm around her. “I dunno.”
“Neither do I,” Shelby said.
“I’m sorry, Shelby,” Toni said.
Shelby shook her head and stopped right there, circling her arms around Toni and pressing her into a hug. Toni closed her eyes, holding her back as tightly as she dared.
“Oh, Shelby, I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Day two!” Mr. Williams calls. He taps the poem again, “I will investigate the handwriting if the poet doesn’t come forward by Friday. I know it’s someone in one of my classes.”
His eyes narrow as he takes them all in and his eyes don’t linger on Toni. Not even for a moment.
There’s a part of her that wants to march up to the front of the room and write her name down, make eye contact with everyone who never even considered her before. But no one expects shit from her, and even if he does go over the handwriting he won’t really be able to pin it on her. He might not even bother checking to see if it matches.
Toni tries not to jump when Marcus takes the seat in front of her during quant lit. It’s not like they have assigned seating but everyone sticks to the same seats anyway. Marcus won’t get shit for it though, perks of being the quarterback.
“So, listen,” he scratches the back of his head and Toni rolls her eyes at him. “I know we aren’t really friends but I—um.”
“Marcus,” Toni says.
“I wanna ask Martha out,” Marcus rushes out. “She’s like the nicest, smartest, coolest girl in the school and like her eyes are out of this world radical.” Radical? “And I would take her somewhere nice like Olive Garden. Or Cheesecake Factory? And pay for it, and open all the doors for her, and I’d carry her books to class—”
“On your date? This is happening during school?” Toni asks.
His eyebrows furrow as he tries to connect the dots. Football players.
“Oh no! I meant like, after, if she wants me to,” He says. “Can I?”
“Can you what?”
“Can I ask her out?”
Toni blinks at him. “What?”
“My buddy said if you want to get with a girl you get close to the best friend first, and I figured I’d ask you for your blessing because that’s what they do in old fashioned stuff right?” He bounces up in down in his seat. “Can I? Or like, do you wanna give me your blessing?”
She feels like she’s having an aneurysm.
Listen, Marcus having feelings for Martha is one thing. Everyone on the planet who’s ever met Martha falls a little in love with her. That’s kinda just how she operates. Toni narrowly avoided that pitfall by being lucky enough to know her since she was five, but it was a tough time. But Marcus was never gonna act on it. Marcus can’t—he’s the quarterback.
It’s basic math, Marcus is a six foot five football player with shoulders wide enough to bench press the Subaru Forrester Toni’s legally required to buy when she turns thirty-two. He’s got that all American boy smile that shows of perfectly white teeth, and dark hair that sweeps in front of his eyes. His face looks like it was sculpted out of marble, like literally he looks like some sort of roman god, except if that roman god volunteered at the humane society on the weekends and called his mom Mami.
Martha is a res girl who’s best friend is the dyke with anger issues. And like yeah, she’s stupid pretty, but Marcus has exclusively dated varsity cheerleaders since the seventh grade.
So yeah, even if Marcus may have feelings for Marty, everyone fucking does, and there’s a host of reasons why she doesn’t have a date to every dance and a new guy every week. And most of them are the cliche high school movie hierarchy sort.
“It’s really none of my business, man,” she says.
“Dude, it’s totally your business,” Marcus says. He leans closer, “you two are like sisters right? What do I gotta do to prove I’m not gonna hurt her? I’ll do your math homework for a month, no two months.”
A thought occurs to Toni and it’s a terrible one. But when has that ever stopped her?
“You’re in my honors English class right?”
Marcus’s face screws in, “Uh, yeah. But I don’t think you want me doing your homework in there, I’m like totally failing.”
“I have a better idea.”
5.) she touches you like youre fragile, and if you break you wont be able put yourself together again
Dot was asleep which was Toni’s first indication that something was deeply wrong. The second was that Shelby wasn’t. She was definitely trying her darnedest, but Toni could tell she was awake. Awake in her arms.
Toni shifted, just enough to let Shelby know she was awake too. The movie was some horror flick, something dumb and flashy and almost muted it was so quiet. It was the only thing rated R that they could all agree on. Dot’s house was the only place they were allowed to watch anything rated R when they were still thirteen, so it was all they watched there.
She felt Shelby shift up, so her head rested on Toni’s chest, shifted until her lips met Toni’s clavicle.
Toni wondered if she’d die.
Shelby went up instead of down, pressing kisses up the length of Toni’s neck, soft barely there things that made Toni’s breath catch as she watched Dot snore on the couch next to them.
Toni’s hands moved to the inside of Shelby’s thighs and they stared there, tracing delicate patterns that only made Shelby curl closer.
“I think you’re probably the most beautiful girl I ever saw,” Shelby whispered.
“I’m not done.”
Toni’s mouth clamped shut.
“I think about you all the time,” Shelby whispered. “Even when I—”
“Shelby,” Toni warned. Shelby pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth.
“You’re right,” Shelby said.
Neither of them slept that night.
Toni walks into class three minutes late with Mr. Williams, and takes her seat with a sulk.
“He still won’t let me redo that paper,” Toni mutters to Martha who’s eyes are wide.
“Toni, Marcus just—” She nods her head at the poem where Mr. Williams is studying it too.
“Marcus Gonzales?” Mr. Williams asks.
Marcus gets to his feet.
“You wrote this?”
“This poem right here?”
Mr. Williams blinks and takes off his spectacles, setting them down on the desk. “We’ll talk after class. I should hope everyone has a copy of—”
“I wrote it for Martha,” Marcus doesn’t sit down and the entire class stares at him.
“—Franny and Zooey and I would like you all to turn to page 52. Begin by annotating—”
“Martha, can I take you out on a date?” Marcus asks.
“—this first section, and on to page 64. Remember what Seymour serves as in—”
Martha blushes hard and glances at Toni who smiles before she looks back at Marcus in all his golden boy 6’5” glory.
“Um, okay,” she mutters out and he grins.
“Cool.” Marcus finally sits and gives Toni a thumbs up. She rolls her eyes.
“—this story and compare that to his roles in the other parts of the work we’ve read.”
“I told you it was for you, girl,” Shelby says on Martha’s other side. “People always have a way of surprising you.”
6.) she is all bubblegum skies and chapped stick kisses, and you cannot watch the love run out of another persons eyes
They were all a little bit slap happy by the end of the night. A little bit drunk, a little bit high, and laughing far too hard at one another.
“I’m scared,” Shelby told them, still grinning wider than any pageant smile.
“Girl, you picked dare,” Fatin said.
“I did,” Shelby bit her lip. “But all y’all dared Leah to do was finish the vodka.”
“That was—that was bad vodka,” Leah slurred from her position on Dot’s lap.
“But now we’re out of vodka,” Martha sang. “You picked dare.”
“I’ll go with you,” Toni got to her feet, surprised when they were more steady than she assumed they’d be. “Two chairs right?”
“Alright,” Shelby said. “And you’ll hold my hand?”
“Sure princess,” Toni rolled her eyes.
It was an office supply place, probably. The parking lot had this killer decline, and it was one of those spring nights where nothing could really ruin anything. Not forever.
The rolling chairs were kinda gross, left there but not yet picked up by the garbage men. They had to do a special pickup for that, which costed extra. No one in the office had done it for the weeks the girls had been going there after parties.
“Be careful,” Nora urged.
“Don’t fall,” Rachel suggested.
“Hold on, I’m not recording yet,” Fatin said. “Okay now go.”
They pushed off in their rolling chairs, holding hands, and sped down the decline laughing as they barely managed to hold on and steer at the same time.
Toni went flying as she bumped into a patch of grass and for some reason, Shelby went flying with her, landing on top. Toni grunted, but she wasn’t in pain, not really.
They met eyes.
“Sorry,” Shelby said. She didn’t sound sorry.
“You okay?” Toni asked.
Shelby smiled, this real soft thing, Toni wondered what it’d taste like.
“Fuck yeah bitches! I’m so putting that on snapchat!” Fatin screamed and Shelby pulled away, turning white.
“God if this is you in in freshman year, I’m terrified of you as a senior,” Toni called back.
Shelby’s hand slipped out of her’s and Toni tried very very hard not to overthink it.
“So I’ve been thinking,” Leah said. Toni took her gym bag out of her locker, pretty much the only thing she kept in there.
“Oh no.”
“Rachel was right about that poem being written by a girl,” Leah continued. “Which meant Marcus lied. And Marcus would never do that unless someone gave him permission to take credit. And since Marcus lied so he could ask Martha out that means the person who wrote the poem wanted Martha to be happy.”
Toni swallowed hard and tried not to fumble with the lock, stumbling with it.
“Toni,” Leah walked over to her. “You need to face the facts: Shelby’s into you.”
Toni blinked, “What?”
“She wrote that whole poem for you, don’t tell me you don’t see it. It’s about you!”
“She—” Toni stopped and furrowed her brow, finally making eye contact with Leah, “You think she wrote that poem for me?”
Leah nodded, “And she let Marcus take the credit. Listen, I know I’m right. I’ve been thinking about it for ages. Whatever fight the two of you had—you need to get over it. She’s into you, Toni. She’s been into you.”
“You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about,” Toni told her. “Seriously, fuck you Leah and fuck off. This is none of your fucking business.”
“You aren’t denying it,” Leah crowed. “Shelby likes you.”
“No she fucking doesn’t!” Toni spat at her. “She fucking hates me! She didn’t write that poem Marcus did! For Martha!”
Leah’s brow furrowed, “But… but you wanted her to. Didn’t you?”
Toni looked away.
“Shelby’s actually straight, isn’t she?” Leah asked. “Fuck Toni.”
“I’m happy for Martha,” Toni said, and marched away.
7.) if you jump, she might catch you, and then youd have to watch as she tumbled through the dark
“What if we ran away?” Shelby asked, which was Toni’s third indication that the punch was spiked.
The first two were her arms wrapped around Toni’s waist, swaying in the soft breeze to the distant music of Junior prom.
“Oh yeah?” Toni asked. “Where’d we go?”
“Peru,” Shelby said. “Or LA, or New York or—” Shelby sort of trailed off, losing her thought halfway through it.
“Our parents,” Toni pointed out. She’d moved in with Martha a few months ago but her mom had taken it as a wakeup call, promising to get her shit back together as soon as she could. Toni couldn’t help but believe her, even if it put her in stasis.
“Right,” Shelby sounded cold, “Our parents.”
“Are things worse with them?” Toni asked.
“No,” Shelby said. “The same, really. They’ve lightened up since—since Becca. Have you heard from your mom?”
“Every week or so,” Toni said. “And if you ever need a break you know—“
“Martha is happy to have me,” Shelby finished.
Toni smiled and pulled away enough to meet Shelby’s eyes, her hands slid from behind Shelby’s neck to either side.
“Did I tell you you look beautiful tonight?” Toni asked.
“You did,” Shelby said.
“Can I say it again?”
“You can.”
“You look beautiful tonight.” Shelby closed her eyes and Toni tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “You’re gonna get out, you know that right?”
Shelby nodded, leaning into Toni’s hand.
Later, Toni will learn that was one of two lies Shelby told that night.
Martha gets home at 11:30, exactly when Marcus promised, and Toni smiles as her sister collapses backwards into her bed.
“Toni,” she actually giggles, giggles like a little school girl. “It was amazing.”
“Where’d you go?” Toni asks.
“Olive Garden, I think he was trying to win points with you,” Martha says.
“As he should,” Toni nods.
“He was the perfect gentleman,” Martha swoons. She rolls onto her stomach and looks at Toni and oh god, Toni knows that look. “He did tell me something about you, though.”
“Oh yeah? How I’m better in quant lit than him?” Toni asks.
“He told me you wrote the poem,” she says.
Toni looks away, “Okay, and?”
“You told me you were over Regan,” Martha says.
“It’s complicated,” Toni decides. “And whatever. I wrote it awhile ago anyway.”
“Have you thought about submitting it to that contest Mr. Williams was talking about?” Martha asks.
“Can we go back to talking about your date with Prince Charming?” Toni says. Martha acquiesces, she’s too damn giddy to do anything else.
8.) her gaze is too gentle. you will not be the one to tell her that not everything can be fixed with a smile
“Toni,” Dot began, and Toni could tell she was looking at her. “Toni, is Shelby—is she gay?”
Toni snickered, “Dot, Shelby is possibly the biggest straight girl in our school. Maybe our state. She’d sooner give herself a buzzcut than she would ever even kiss a girl."
“Andrew said Shelby got a job as a counselor at this church camp—Guiding Light—in Plano,” Dot said. “I wanted to find the address so I could write to her and it’s a conversion camp.”
The breath left Toni’s body.
“And I got to thinking,” Dot said. “About what a mess she was after Becca died this year. Ignoring us, going to all those parties, signing up for a crazy number of pageants. Hell, it was only once you two started talking that she talked to us again.”
“Stop it, Dot.”
“Toni is Shelby gay?”
“Dot,” Toni said.
“Because if she’s gay, if she’s not there as a camp counselor—Toni, did you know about this?”
“Of course not! Jesus!” Toni said. She jumped to her feet and started to pace, “Jesus Christ. Oh my god.”
“Toni is Shelby gay?”
Toni looked at Dot and Dot sighed, her entire body sagging.
“What do we do?” Toni asked.
Dot, her solid, steady, friend since fucking youth soccer was silent.
“Dot, what do we do?”
“Dot, what the fuck do we do?”
Shelby finds her before school, Toni smoking like she hasn’t since ninth grade when Bernice gave her a stern lecture about lung cancer. It made Toni cry, actually. Not because it was so stern but because Martha and Toni had been separated for three years and Bernice still cared enough to get angry with her. She promised then and there to stop, and each drag she took now makes her feel like she’s committing treason.
“Smokin’ kills,” Shelby tells her, like they didn’t all go to Dot’s dad’s funeral last year.
Toni takes another drag, just to watch Shelby roll her eyes.
“How’d Martha’s date go last night?” Shelby asks.
Toni glares, “Seriously? You avoid me all year and now you’re asking about Martha’s date?” Shelby looks away. “It went fine. Whatever.”
“I just—I was surprised Marcus wrote that poem is all.”
“You literally said multiple times you thought it was him,” Toni says.
“I know, I know but—”
“Still holding out hope for Andrew?” Toni sneers. “Marcus may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he cares about Martha. Even a fucking idiot could write a half decent poem if they had someone worth writing about.”
Shelby meets her eyes and Toni’s breath catches.
“Know a lot about poetry, Toni?”
Fuck fuck fuck.
Toni flicks the only half used cigarette away. “I have to go to class,” She says, aware it’s just about the worst thing she can do.
Shelby doesn’t even need the last word, she’s aware she’s already won.  
9.) she is so good. she is so good, and you cannot ruin one more good thing
It hadn’t been the first time Toni found her mom overdosed on the couch, but it’d been the most terrifying. Toni had waited in the school parking lot for a pick up for twenty minutes before Shelby had offered her a ride.
When they trooped inside, after having to use the key Tamera kept tucked away in a loose brick, her mom had been passed out on the couch. And the stupid thing had been that Toni had known her mom hadn’t been doing great. Like she’d known Tamera had lost her job, and was close to losing the car, that the pain in her back had been getting worse again from stress. Toni had known that.
But for some stupid, naive reason, Toni had never thought she’d pull this, go back to who she was.
Her tolerance was low, the doctors had told her, because she’d been clean for so long. She hadn’t realized it and had taken more than she could handle.
Shelby had taken the three of them to the hospital, helped carry Toni’s drooling mother into the ER, and held Toni’s hand until the other girls showed up, who she texted to come.
Shelby had been there when the police and social services came to talk to her about going back into foster care. Shelby had never left her side.
Toni couldn’t help but contrast that to the Shelby she saw now. The Shelby who showed up for senior year was barely christian, barely anything, just sort of blank and empty and waiting to grow up so she could have daughters that'd also wait to grow up so that they could have daughters that’d also wait to grow up so that they could have daughters that’d also
Shelby didn’t even look at her, for the first week of senior year she didn’t even look at Toni. She talked with Martha in that faux friendly way, she passed off on lunch invitations to do school work and Toni felt like she was going insane.
Sometimes she would just stare at the back of Shelby’s head in English class, writing whatever gibberish came to mind, and not listening to Mr. Williams at all. Just stare, for forty-five minutes, at a girl who wouldn’t even make eye contact, Toni’s pencil moving rapidly as she barely even glanced at the words her hands produced.
On the last day of the semester Toni finally looked away and came to two realizations:
a. Her mother was never getting better. Not really. b. Toni had written P E R U over forty times in her notebook.
As quietly as she could she tore the page out, and maybe about fifteen pages behind it, filled with similar drivel and recycled them at the end of class.
When the next semester started the seats were changed and something she’d written that she barely remembered was on the board.
Her mother was still in rehab.
Toni watches Marcus carry Martha’s backpack to class and watches as Martha giggles at him, argues with him. She is literally so happy it makes Toni’s heart burst.
“Shelby’s quite the matchmaker, huh?” Fatin asks.
Toni looks at her.
“Leah told me,” Fatin explains.
Toni rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, that’s what I said too,” Fatin says. “Leah’s good at noticing things but putting the pieces together is not her strong suit. So I called Dorothy.”
This makes Toni’s shoulders tense and Fatin wraps an arm around them.
“Dorothy didn’t want to talk but what she didn’t say was enough.” Fatin sighs, “I’m all for a little drama but this is cutting into my me time.”
“What going from twenty-four hours a day to twenty-three and a half?” Toni asks.
“God forbid,” Fatin nods sagely. “I didn’t know you could write.”
“I can’t.”
“Clearly not.”
Toni slips out from under her arm, and follows Martha into class. Mr. Williams glares as she comes in and Toni realizes if Marcus came clean to Martha he definitely came clean to Mr. Williams. At least the poem is off the board.
When he passes out papers from a recent essay her’s has a “see me after class” sticker that makes Toni slide down in her seat. Martha doesn’t even notice enough to give her an odd look because she and Shelby are yukking it up about the quarterback.
When everyone files out she hangs back and he looks at her, over his spectacles.
“I’m disappointed,” he says at last.
Toni scoffs.
“You write essays based off spark notes, you never participate, and half the time you don’t even do the homework. But you write this.” He slides the crumpled paper over his desk, her poem shining back at her. “So all I can conclude is that you’re lazy.”
Yeah, obviously.
“Why did you have Marcus tell everyone he wrote it?” Mr. Williams asks.
“So he could ask out Martha.”
“He didn’t need to have written the poem to do that,” Mr. Williams says.
“Can I go?” Toni asks.
“I want to submit this poem to a contest, I want you to start trying in this class, and this,” he hands her a slip of paper with about twenty sets of numbers on it, “is a list of Dickinson poems I want you to read by next week. Pick at least three to write me at least a page about. Single spaced.”
“What?” Toni asks, “You can’t make me do that.”
“I know half the kids in this class write off spark notes, I can easily have them all—including you—fail. So yes, yes I can actually.” He takes off his spectacles and Toni glares at him. “You’re a smart kid, Toni. You’ve got a talent for this.”
Toni shakes her head, “I’m a one hit wonder.”
“You know Britney Spears said the same thing after Baby One More Time.”
“That’s not true,” Toni says.
“Yeah,” Mr. Williams says. “Because she kept working at it.”
And Toni takes the slip of paper with the numbers on it, and marches to her next class and he watches her the whole way, not bothering to put on his stupid spectacles.
10.) you will not watch her crumble under the weight of your sins. she is too light, too breathless to be caught up in the dizziness of your heart
Dot didn’t invite them all to the funeral but they came anyway, even Shelby who Toni knew had been waffling back and forth.
Some of his army friends showed up, a doctor or two, and Mateo—the hot nurse Dot steadily ignored. It was a small and quiet service, and the seven of them sat towards the back, holding steady for her.
There was too much on Dot’s shoulders, there always had been, but she didn’t look any freer now that the burden was lifted. She just looked scared, small, and sad.
Toni couldn’t help but wonder if that was what she’d look like, if she got the call about her mom. It was a terribly selfish thought but who could blame her?
Shelby’s hands interlocked with hers, in broad daylight, and stayed there for the entire day. When Toni met her eyes she saw pure terror reflected back at her.
God, were they really only seventeen?
Rachel is complaining at lunch about owing Nora five bucks, how she was so sure some closet case wrote the poem but it’s no surprise Nora got it right.
Fatin and Leah don’t contribute and Martha probably wouldn’t have either except she was eating lunch with Marcus, they had found their own little table and were smiling at one another.
“They’re certainly cute together,” Shelby says, glancing back at Martha and Marcus.
“I say it’s weird they have the same name,” Rachel says.
“Says the girl who dated a guy named Raymond,” Nora says.
Rachel throws a straw wrapper at him, “That was a phase and you know it.”
“Marcus is sweet,” Shelby says. “If anyone deserves someone sweet it’s Martha.”
“Don’t you think he’s a little,” Leah trailed off and they all looked at her. “You know a little…”
“Spit it out, Leah,” Rachel says.
“Like the porch lights on but no one’s home?” Leah says.
“Martha is smart enough for the both of them,” Toni says. “And thank god because I was sick of doing his homework in quant lit.”
“That’s literally the easiest math class there is,” Fatin says and Toni shrugs.
“What’s that?” Shelby asks, pointing at the yellow slip sticking out of Toni’s binder.
“Some extra credit stuff, from Williams. Apparently I’m not doing so hot in that class,” Toni says.
Rachel leans way over from the other end of the table. “What is that, Dickinson?”
“It’s a list of numbers,” Shelby says. “Why would it be Dickinson?”
“All of Dickinson’s poems were numbered. It was only after she died that other people named them,” Nora says.
“And Nora said it so you know it’s true,” Rachel smirks.
“Join the fucking club,” Dot says to Toni. “I don’t know why y’all didn’t take non-honors English twelve with me. We just sit around and talk about whatever football game was on the most recently.”
“Well I’ve never liked football so.” Toni gets up, “I’ve gotta talk to my science teacher. I’ll see you guys after school.”
“I’ll go with you,” Shelby smiles and Toni clenches her jaw. “Ms. Roberts said I needed to rework my psych paper.”
“See you guys,” Rachel says and as they leave she’s arguing with Dot about why football is stupid and Toni can feel Fatin’s eyes on her all the way out.
reasons to kiss her
1.) she loves you, and her eyes are closed, and didnt your mother ever tell you not to leave a good thing waiting
Toni hated the magnet program kids at her middle school. Like everyone not in their cluster she found them annoying, rich, and privileged as fuck. They only hung out with each other and it was clear they’d never give—
The stair well is empty, it’s the short cut through the language hallway and no one goes there during lunch.
Toni is working hard on ignoring Shelby but is forced to turn around when Shelby stops halfway up.
“Ms. Roberts doesn’t need me to rework my psych paper.”
Toni stares at her.
Shelby takes a step up, one step closer to Toni.
“I had hoped maybe you wrote it for Regan,” Shelby says.
“No such luck,” Toni croaks out.
“That’s a lot of reasons not to kiss someone,” Shelby says. “You’d think if you really shouldn’t kiss someone you’d only need the one.” She takes another step up, until they’re only separated by a few inches.
“I guess,” Toni says.
“Are you really gonna keep me waiting?” Shelby says.
Toni blinks, “You mean you still—”
“I have to do everything myself,” Shelby says.
She kisses her.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
One last one for the moment; top five superheroes who definitely AREN'T Pulp Heroes, but could be with a little tweaking?
Oof, that's a hard one. It's a hard one because, again, there ultimately isn't that much separation between the two to the point there's enough of a hard line in there to work with, but I guess the cat's out of the bag now that I've staked claims on there being differences between them.
Okay so, not counting superheroes who are deliberately modeled after actual pulp heroes, so no Tom Strong or Night Raven here. I'm sticking mainly with comic book superheroes (barring one oddball exception) since the medium separation is important), who I think could become pulp heroes with some tweaking.
5: Captain America
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Sort of cheating because I already covered it here, but I definitely have to include Captain America in here, especially in the stories they actively go for a "pulp" vibe as well as the earliest ones.
Fun fact about Marvel: As Timely, they actually began life as pulp publishers. Not just pulp publishers, but specializing in some of the sleaziest, ghastliest magazines of the era, and you can bet this carried over to their superheroes. Where as DC's superheroes took inspiration from the big pulp heroes such as The Shadow and Doc Savage, Timely's superheroes seemed instead much more inspired by Weird Tales stories and Poverty Row horror films, and even in the 60s, Marvel never really abandoned their horror roots, the trick was just using them as a baseline to create superheroes. In DC, the world's first contact with superheroes begins with the world looking in wonder at a friendly strongman. In Marvel, it began with the world looking in panicked horror at a flaming monster rampaging through the streets desperately trying to not burn everything it touches. It should come to little surprise then that the majority of characters I'm including in this list are Marvel characters.
People think Captain America's first comics largely consisted of him fighting Nazis left and right, but they were actually much more often based around him encountering monsters and creatures of horror, like the above panel where it looks like Cap's staring down the beginning of Berserk's Eclipse (RIP Miura).
The early Captain America comics pretty much consisted of Kirby dipping his toe into the monster comics he'd make in the 50s which would later bleed into the 60s Marvel entourage. They even tried repackaging Captain America into a horror anthology in the 50s titled "Captain America's Weird Tales", just imagine how different the character would be today if that somehow stuck.
Imagine a world where Steve Rogers never became leader of The Avengers, never got to become the shining beacon of heroism of an entire universe, and instead, when he was unfrosted, he woke up to find a world running rampant with crawling nightmares and Nazi tyranny, and he has no idea what's become of his former sidekick. That definitely sounds like the start of a promising pulp adventure.
4: Namor
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Another Timely creation. In Namor's case, he didn't so much encounter horrors from beyond imagination, as much as HE was the terrifying thing beyond us ready to rampage upon mankind, whose first on-screen act consists of the calculated slaughter of a ship full of innocents. The first true villain protagonist of comic books. Not just an anti-hero, a villain intent on wiping out the human race.
And not just a cardboard supervillain, but the beautiful prince of a race of ugly fish monsters, a momma's boy who's doing what he thinks is right by warring with surface dwellers. While Namor's become largely defined by his gargantuan arrogance, here, he's almost childlike, despite being much more brutal and villainous here, spurred on by the whims of his mother, who even acknowledges that Namor had no real reason to kill the divers but did so anyway, and now encourages him to genocide. His mom even tells him "Go now, to the land of white people!", and the very last panel of the story even states he's on a "crusade against white men".
The massacre of explorers at the hands of something beyond their understanding. A monster born of an interracial coupling. A race of fish monsters with bulging eyes, antagonistic towards humanity but are shown to have positive traits just the same. A dash of racism. There is no mistaking The Sub-Mariner's pulp horror influence.
A non-white superhuman warrior born from a Lovecraftian horror story, who gradually moves away from his villainous crusade into becoming more of an anti-hero, never truly putting aside his hatred for humanity, remaining a temperamental, unpredictable outcast, with a strong, palpable undercurrent of anger in his stories. I could very easily buy Namor as having crawled out of a Weird Tales story and I can't think of other superheroes whose origins are as steeped deeply in pulp horror.
3: Doctor Fate
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Technically we already have a pulp hero version of Doctor Fate in Doc Fate, and I'll get to him separately, but even besides him, the earliest Doctor Fate stories in particular feel very much like he's a character steeped in the worlds of pulp and pulp horror who decided to put on a superhero costume and show up in comic.
He's got a similar set-up to The Shadow, from the pulp Shadow in the sense that he's a mysterious, eerie crimefighter who dwells as a presence more often than an active character and who kills criminals without remorse, always watching and waiting for the right time to strike as a a wrathful old-testament force of vengeance, and from the radio Shadow due to him using superpowers to fight crime while being accompanied by a smart, fierce love interest.
Originally, Fate was not a sorcerer, but instead a scientist who discovered a way to manipulate atomic structure, of his and other things, thus making it appear that he can do magic (although we never see his face, and he's implied to be thousands of years old, before they settled on the Nabu origin). And going back to Lovecraft, a lot of it appears in the earliest Fate stories. Fate was given powers not by a sorcerer, but an alien worshipped as a god. He barely encounters traditional monsters, but instead contends with hidden races, zombie slaves, abandoned alien monoliths, and half man and half fish creatures. Fate may have actually been the very first pastiche of Lovecraft in pop culture.
And of course we can't forget the gloriousness of Doc Fate pulling an Indiana Jones on us.
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2: Wolverine
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I don't even think you'd have to tweak Wolverine at all. You'd just have to get him out of the costume and Avengers/X-Men associations (although the X-Men have a substantial background in pulp sci-fi stories like Slan and Odd John, so they aren't really at odds here), maybe tone down his powers a bit and, that's it. Logan's already the kind of character who has such a varied sandbox history, whose powers can lead to so many different scenarios, that it's not a stretch at all to picture Wolverine in the usual pulp hero scenarios.
You can have half-naked Wolverine running around in the jungle with animals Tarzan-style, take him to Savage Land if you wanna throw dinosaurs in there. He's already Marvel's foremost "wandering samurai/cowboy" character which was one of the stock and trade types of the pulps. Western? Done. Samurai? Done. Wuxia? Just put him in China and add a couple extra fantasy elements. Wanna make a sword and sorcery story with him? He already comes with a bunch of knives and savagery and ability to survive grisly injuries. Horror? The MCU is crawling with them, or alternatively, tell a story from the perspective of someone who's being hunted down by Wolverine. Wanna tell a detective/noir/post-apocalypse story? Logan's right there.
Wanna have him crossover with pulp heroes? He's lived through the 1800s and 1900s and traveled all over the world, you could feasibly have him meet up with just about any of them. Logan may actually be the purest example of your question, because he's very much not a Pulp Hero, and yet, he definitely feels like a character who could have been one, at just about any point in the history of pulp magazines. He's perfect for it.
1: Wario
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WAAA-okay, look, bear with me for a second here, I'm not just picking Wario because I love oddball choices and he's one of my favorite characters, I got some logic to this.
Okay so, the first question here: is Mario a superhero? While I'm usually adverse to calling characters prominent outside of comic books superheroes (hence why I'm definitely not interested in debating whether Harry Potter or Goku or Link or Frodo are superheroes), I do think it's a pretty shut case that, yes, Mario is a superhero. Superheroes don't just come in the form of skintight crimefighters, right from the start comic books have had varied types of superheroes appearing in comics and comic strips. For example, the "funny animal" superheroes are a type older than superhero comics, and they were arguably not only the most successful type of superhero of the 40s-50s era, but arguably defined trends dominating nonfunny animal superheroes, traits that predated or influenced Captain Marvel as well as Otto Binder's reshaping of Superman that defined much of superhero convention as we know it. It's part of why the question of "Is Sonic a superhero" has a very clear Yes as an answer.
So upon establishing that, yes, funny cartoon characters can be and are superheroes too, is Mario one? Well, I'd say yes. He's got an iconic uniform, he's got superpowers, he goes on fantastical adventures, he is both a nebulously general do-gooder as well as having a clear mission as protector of the Mushroom Kingdom. His adventures span multiple storytelling formats, he's got catchphrases, he even dresses up in Superman's colors and has a Super prefix iconically associated with him. Not a superhero the way we usually think of, but a superhero nonetheless.
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And Wario? Well, putting aside Wario-Man who's more of a running gag than anything, Wario does just about everything Mario does. He's got all the traits that define Mario as a superhero short of a Super prefix and the selfless mission (which isn't exactly a rule). He goes around and gets into crazy adventures, he picks up items, beats bad guys, conquers the odds, and gets some kind of prize for it. He's got Mario's physical traits, and Mario's costume, and just about the same name short of a single letter. The caveat being, of course, that he's Wario, and so everything Mario is or does has to be exaggerated to gross extreme.
Mario is paunchy and strong, Wario's round and built like a powerlifter. Mario's got a friendly face and a fluffy mustache, Wario's got a massive horrible grin and jagged razors for a stache. Mario is a bit of an overeater, Wario can and will eat anything in front of him. Mario gets around with acrobatics and magic power-ups, Wario brute forces his way through everything and just rolls with whatever injuries he picks up along the way.
Mario gets fire powers by consuming magic flowers. Wario sets himself on fire and barrels around destroying everything in his path. Mario harnesses the elements or abilities of beings around him to clear obstacles and solve puzzles, Wario gets turned into a zombie, a vampire or a drunk to get the same things done. Mario befriends and rides dinosaurs who raised him from infancy, Wario piledrives dinosaurs and then uses their bodies to beat up more dinosaurs. Mario pals around with fellow heroes, princesses and friendly fantasy creatures, Wario pals around with aliens, witches, mad scientists, cab drivers, and lanky weirdos. Mario always ends his adventures joyfully leaping to the next one, Wario usually ends up either cackling in a pile of treasure or completely broke.
Mario races through plains to rescue princesses, Wario invades pyramids to hunt for treasure. Mario jumps through planets with baby stars guiding his path, Wario crashes into the Amazon jungle and fistfights the devil. You can see where I'm going with this.
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If you were to take one of Nintendo's heroes to make them into pulp heroes, Wario, specifically the Wario Land Wario, may be the only one who really could do it, because in essence, he's the videogame equivalent of Professor Challenger. He's Bluto moonlighting as Indiana Jones, the weird brute adventurer for weird brute adventures where everything's off limits and you can trust our intrepid hero, who really shouldn't be a hero on all accounts, to deliver us a good time, give or take a couple deaths, scams, shams and oh-damns to complete said mad treasure hunts.
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