#so from top row to bottom row it goes
minimooberry · 28 days
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6 generations !
Surya and Leo are actually the first and last boys in 300 years that were born into the Florez family, and they only ever have daughters, who have daughters, who have more daughters lol
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rafecameroninterlude · 2 months
Toxic!Rafe and toxic!reader, where they’re fighting because he wants to go out to a strip bar with Topper and Kelce which reader hates (she thinks they encourage his bad behavior) after she told him no. so when reader goes on insta to look at Rafes story and sees he lied and went anyways after seeing a pic of him in the sniffers row at the bar, she gets all crazy and starts responding to the story with full paragraphs 😭 and so when he starts replying she blocks him mid argument, and he goes home and yells at her until they get all lovey dovey again 🥰 (sorry this is long)
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warnings: toxic relationship (?), slight humor, cussing, lying, crying, shouting, arguing, mentions of sex, a little plot twist at the end
“..i don’t know about that, man. y/n has a bitch fit everytime i go somewhere without her, i highly doubt she’d be okay with me going there of all places.” you stood outside your bedroom door, rolling your eyes at the sound of topper’s voice. “who cares what she says? she’s not your fuckin’ mommy, bro.” you suppressed a laugh, knowing rafe has called you ‘mommy’ a numerous amount of times. your boyfriend sighed, staying silent for a moment. “look, i’ll ask her alright? if she says no then i ain’t going.” you smiled to yourself, walking into the room with a fresh stack of t-shirts in your hands.
“here she is now, i’ll call you back.” you placed the folded laundry on top of the dresser. “tell the spawn of satan herself we say hello!” kelce shouted in the background. “aww is that dumb and dumber on the phone? hey, guys!” rafe shook his head, a laugh tumbling out of his throat. he hung up the call, getting up to wrap his arms around your waist. you leaned into him, breathing in his cologne as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “listen, uh, topper and kelce are inviting me out tonight, ‘wanted to know if i can join them..” you arched a brow, turning around in his hold.
“and where do y’all plan on going?” rafe cleared his throat awkwardly. “well.. you know how the guys are, they always wanna go to some new place..” he trailed off, clearly stalling as much as he could. “just say it, rafe.” he swallowed nervously. “a strip club.” suddenly his hands felt tense on your skin, and he couldn’t hold your stare. “a strip club?” you repeated, pulling away from him. “that’s cute, but no.” rafe tongued the inside of his cheek, immediately taking out his phone.
[4:30 PM] to: topper, kelce: i’m in, pick me up at nine.
“what are you doing?” you eyed him as he brought the phone up to his ear, walking around to the other side of the bed. “m’telling them i can’t go, because you’re gonna be all pissed off if i do.” you scoffed, eyeing him carefully. rafe cursed under his breath, praying to god you couldn’t tell he wasn’t actually calling anyone. “hey, bro. i can’t go, it’s a hard no.” he scratched the back of his neck. “yeah, i know. maybe another time- wait, where?” rafe stopped pacing, nodding along to his own imagination. “pizza and beer? that sounds good. nine o’clock? alright i’ll see y’all then.” he shrugged as he pretended to hang up.
“alright, no strip club, but charlie’s pizza instead, is that alright?” you nodded. “that’s fine, but you better text me.” he jumped up, pulling you into a hug that ended with you two falling in bed. “i mean it rafe, i want pizza pictures and everything!” he showered you with kisses, taking his time when he got to your lips. you two stayed like that for a few minutes, making out softly before you pulled away. “you should start getting ready before i get too horny, ‘cause then i really won’t let you go anywhere.” you ran your thumb over his bottom lip, sighing when he got up. “good call.” he laughed, getting an outfit ready for tonight.
nine o’clock rolled around faster than you wanted it to, and sure enough topper and kelce were outside honking like maniacs once they pulled up. “i love you, baby, i’m gonna text you in a bit.” you smiled, watching him holler all the way down to where topper and kelce practically tackled him. “we promise to have him home no later than one, mommy dearest!” you gave kelce the middle finger, shutting the door once rafe blew you a kiss. now that you had the house to yourself you figured you’d shower and unwind, maybe finish the book you had been reading. all was well until you glanced at the time on your phone. 10:45 PM, and still no word from rafe.
you opened instagram, spotting the green circle around your boyfriend’s profile picture, indicating he had posted on his close friends. you clicked on it, your heart dropping at the video of rafe throwing money at a stripper’s ass. “front row seats, baby!” he cheered. just as you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the next story was a photo of a blonde sitting in rafe’s lap, topless and smiling from ear to ear. “this motherfucker..” you closed the app, deciding you saw enough before opening you and rafe’s text thread on imessage.
[10:55 PM] - i don’t know what’s funnier; the fact that you had a whole conversation with yourself in front of me to make it sound like you were just getting pizza and beer with your dickhead friends, or forgetting to take me off your close friends list when you want to post yourself at some sleazy ass strip club. you’re a fucking joke.
rafe had never sobered up so fast in his life, all the blood draining from his face when he read your message. “fuck!” he cursed at himself, his head resting in his hands.
[11:10 PM] my <333: baby i promise i’ll explain everything, i’m telling the guys to take me home right now.
[11:15 PM] - there’s nothing you could say that’ll ‘explain’ what the fuck you did. you sat there in my face and kissed me and reassured me when you were getting your way all along. can you even comprehend how fucked up that is? you made me look stupid in front of your friends who already don’t like me. AND THE TOPLESS PICTURE???? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE???? if i posted a picture with my tits all in jj’s face, how would you feel? we both know he’s one phone call away if i really wanted him.
rafe’s blood was boiling after he read your message, knowing that you could leave him and have someone as desperate and lovesick as jj replace him in a heartbeat. “bro don’t sweat it, man. she’ll get over it.” topper slurred, entering figure eight again. “shut the fuck up, you don’t know the first thing about being in a relationship.” rafe shot back, clenching his fists when the message he tried to send turned green. topper didn’t respond, the rest of the ride home being dead silent.
rafe didn’t even say bye to kelce or topper when they arrived at tanneyhill, instead he rushed inside, eyes immediately falling to you resting on the couch. you were wearing your pink, fluffy robe, rollers adorning your hair while you were typing something on your ipad. “babe-” rafe shut the door, falling to his knees before you. “don’t get near me. you probably smell disgusting.” rafe’s jaw ticked, his patience already running low. “i’m so fucking sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have lied to you, baby. i promise i’ll never do that again.” you finally looked at him, his bangs falling in his face.
“i know,” you sighed, “you don’t have to worry about me doing anything either.” you got up, attempting to walk past him before he grabbed your leg. “what are you talking about?” you knew rafe well enough to know when he was getting angry, and the way he was looking at you right now only confirmed your suspicions. “you don’t get to do what you did and think it’s all going to be fine and dandy with an apology, rafe. i’m leaving for my parents tomorrow, and don’t ask me when i’m coming back because i don’t know. i don’t think i can live with a liar.” you shoved him away, only making him grab you again, this time throwing you down on the couch.
“you don’t think you could live with a liar?” he narrowed his eyes, a bitter laugh falling from his lips. “has it ever occurred to you that i wouldn’t have to lie to you if you would just not freak the fuck out everytime i want to go out and have fun?” you couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. “you’re one to talk!” you screamed in his face, making him stand up. you followed suit, refusing to let him make you feel powerless. “you wanna act like you’re trapped here? fine! play the victim, but don’t forget everything you do to keep me from going out too.” you were pacing back and forth now, running your fingers through your hair.
“you literally slashed my friend’s tires to keep me from going to her birthday party, and all for what? because you found out other guys were going to be there?” he pinched the bridge of his nose. “i paid for the damages, y/n…” he groaned. “so?! it’s the principal! you do the most when it comes to me wanting to go somewhere, but me telling you not to go to a literal strip club is where you draw the line?? fuck you!” you started making your way upstairs, rafe right on your tail as you did so.
“fuck me?! i’m the one who takes care of you! there’s nothing in this world that you want and don’t have! i take you on regular vacations, i take you out damn near everyday, i keep you in all the newest shit, i pay for you and all your friend’s beauty appointments so that y’all could have a girl’s day twice a month, you just have no fucking clue!” he shouted, making you stop in your tracks. you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, breaking his heart in two.
“and what about everything i do for you?” you let out a shaky breath. “i’m what makes this house a home. i wear the clothes you want me to wear, i eat the food you want me to eat, i talk the way you want me to talk. i’m here when all else fails. i’m the one who holds you and comforts you when things get hard for you. i’m the one who makes sure you never feel alone, ‘makes sure you don’t go through anything alone. i do everything you say. on the days you work long and hard, i’m right here waiting for you with my legs open. on the days that you’re particularly tired, i’ll be on my knees, i’ll ride you and do all the work, and i’ll do everything happily because i love you.” rafe was crying with you by the time you finished speaking, both of you standing in the hallway.
“i get up at the ass crack of dawn and doll myself up everyday because i want to look good for you, i want to please you with everything i do. when we go to the country club, i speak of you in the highest regards, and i do it because i want everyone to know that i respect you. i do all of this, and i do it all without the commitment of having a fucking ring on my finger. if that doesn’t speak volumes for you, then i don’t know what does.” you walked inside your shared bedroom, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. he dropped to his knees once again, hugging your waist like you’d disappear if he let go. “we need each other. i need you.” he cried. you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him up off the floor.
“i love you, y/n. please, you can’t leave.” you cupped his face. “i haven’t seen my parents in almost six months, rafe. i have to..” he nodded slowly, taking your hand in his. “then we’ll go together. ‘tell them we have a special announcement.” you watched him with a confused expression as he went to grab a small box out the bottom drawer of the bedside table. “rafe!” you gasped, hands flying up to cover your mouth. “i’ve had this for a while now, i don’t know what i was waiting for, but i want to do this now.” he opened the box, the biggest diamond you’ve ever seen lighting up your eyes.
“i know we have to work on some things, but there’s no one else i’d rather do this with.” you gazed into his eyes, a small smile gracing your lips. “okay, let’s do it.”
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celtic-crossbow · 7 months
You Would Break Your Back to Make Me Break a Smile
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Alexandria era
Warnings: Poorly written smut
Summary: A run goes sideways, leaving you and Daryl to spend the night together in a remote cabin. Nothing new until feelings are thrown into the equation.
A/N: This was originally written for my old OC. It also explored asexual Daryl and there are still elements of that here.
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You pulled the corner of your bottom lip between your teeth, concentrating on keeping your arm still. The urge to overthrow your opponent was strong, but you had to play fair. Cheating was not an option. It wasn’t until you were mercilessly pinned for the fifth time in a row that you considered cheating may actually be an option after all. 
“Ugh!” You groaned quietly, struggling to free yourself. 
“You’re the one wanted to play,” came the gravelly response. 
You conjured an unimpressed scowl. “Again.” When he didn’t immediately move to oblige, you raised your brows, angled your head for a better view, and elbowed him. “Come on. Again.” A heavy sigh resounded, but he finally raised his arm and clasped your waiting hand, blue eyes avoiding your overconfident grin. Shaking out your shoulder in preparation, you blew upwards to rid your face of an unruly strand of hair and recited “one, two, three, four; I declare a thumb war!”
After three more failed attempts, you finally gave up but not without a massive pout and another jab at his ribs. You flipped unceremoniously onto your back, the point of his elbow resting just above the top of your head. Whether due to chivalry or something else, he had offered to sleep on the floor, but you weren't having that. The full bed was plenty big enough for both of you. It wouldn’t be the first time you had shared a bed. “Your thumbs are longer than mine.”
Daryl scoffed. “Right.” He drawled, the hand he had been using joining the other behind his head. He stared at the ceiling as the last rays of daylight began to crawl away from the looming shadows of the night. It was only a matter of time before he’d hear the familiar growls and moans and the ever unsettling bump of undead bodies against the outer walls. 
“Wanna play Never Have I Ever?” 
Your voice drew him from his thoughts with barely a start. “D’rather not.” You didn’t know. You didn’t need to know. 
You let out a sigh. “We don’t have any liquor anyway.”  A pause. “Truth or dare?”
“S’with ya?” He asked, regarding you from the corner of his eye. You didn’t answer right away; only wiggled around until your hip was pressed tightly against his own. He wasn’t surprised that he hadn’t flinched at the contact and continued to watch you.
“Nothing, silly.” You replied quietly. The need to be near silent when outside the protective walls of your home was imperative. It was also something the spitfire at his side struggled with even when that need was near dire. 
Daryl narrowed his eyes but said nothing else. You had been around him long enough for him to catch the dismissive undertone. The run had gone smoothly for the most part: few walkers, a myriad of medical supplies and canned foods to fill your packs and a couple of milk crates, and even a few stale candy bars you had snagged for a treat on the ride back. It was the living, breathing trio that had been in the middle of stealing the car when the two of you had exited that became the problem. Shots were fired, drawing more of the undead. A bolt had taken down one adversary, the other two making off with the rusted Buick that was meant to be your way home. 
So, you had set out on foot. The supplies sorted and consolidated to fit in your packs and one crate, Daryl had insisted you carry it so he could keep his crossbow at the ready. No more than a dozen walkers were tailing you, but they had been easy enough to either lose or dispatch once you had found the simple cabin that would be your shelter for the night. 
Yes, you had lost the car and had the grueling trek that would take at least most of tomorrow’s daylight hours before reaching that familiar gate, but neither of you were injured, you had food, and you were relatively safe for the night. So, what was bothering you?
“Hey, Daryl?” 
Maybe he was about to find out. 
“Hmm?” He had finally allowed his gaze to settle back on the ceiling only to have it find you once again. You were staring upward intently, a small crease between your brows. That ceiling must have been extremely interesting, the way you both seemed to get lost in it. 
“Have you—ever been in love?” There was a hesitance, a shyness to your question that was evident yet unplanned, as you closed your eyes and your face twisted while a silent curse fell from your curled lips. ‘Nice job, idiot!’ You didn’t watch his reaction, positive that the question had caught him off guard. He didn’t move or make a sound, which had your stomach twisting into knots. This was not how you had wanted this conversation to start; not even close to what you had rehearsed over and over in your head since the prison. “I mean—have you—did you ever—that is to say—”
“No.” It was a simple but honest answer. Daryl had never found time for it; never found he wanted to make time for it. Sure, he had experience with women, thanks to his brother, copious amounts of liquor, and a few twenties scattered over the years of his youth, but no relationships of which to speak. He just was never a sexual being, lacking any desire and overwhelmed by peer pressure and pent up emotion. It was never about connection. He had never let anyone that close. 
“Oh.” You weren't sure what answer you had expected. You thought maybe he would berate you for thinking he cared for such girlish notions. Perhaps he would laugh at you; tell you he had been a player like Merle. Instead, he had answered and was now staring at you from behind the fringe of hair that always found its way over his eyes. You managed a glance at him before you lifted one side of your jacket to study the zipper. “What about Carol?”
He raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “S’not like that with me an’ her.”
“Oh.” You repeated.
“Why?” He countered. And god, he was still looking at you. 
You cleared your throat and turned onto your side to face him. Still, your eyes found everything in the room except his gaze. “Do you think it exists?” You avoided his question. Daryl watched you prop yourself up on your elbow, your dainty fingers reaching for the hem of his jacket. “Like—like there's someone out there for everyone?” You fiddled with a loose thread and glanced up at him from under your long, dark lashes. His handsome face held a mixture of exasperation and confusion. You would have giggled at his plight had your nerves not been twisting around like live wires in your gut. 
Daryl Dixon was your best friend, a title he earned back when your little family was still new—even if you both would have vehemently denied it. He had appointed himself your protector, your instructor. He endured you at your worst, still managing to teach you how to protect yourself; how to survive. You had thrown actual weapons at his head while spouting insults that he didn’t even understand. Daryl had had no problem retaliating, using any and all information he had known of you to produce digs that would make your blood boil or your eyes grow wet. Actual friendship came later and more naturally than he’d probably ever care to admit. Daryl would actually request you to accompany him on runs, trusting you enough to have his back. Your once venomous verbal attacks had softened into banter accompanied by elbow jabs and hair ruffles. You began to enjoy each other's company.
Eventually, the brush of his fingertips over your bicep as he steered you out of harm’s way had begun to send electric pulses into your skin, kickstarting a thumping of your heart that was so loud in your ears, it would drown out the pandemonium around you.  Your name from his lips would send shivers up your spine. The times you had bunked together, you found yourself stealing glances at him while he slept, kept watch, ate, worked on his crossbow. Everything he did was like seeing a unicorn. You were fascinated by him, in awe of this man who seemed to be born and molded for the end of the world. More often than not, he slept next to you, offering his warmth against the winter chill or his presence against the demons that knocked in your nightmares.  He held you while you mourned those you had lost. Daryl was quite easily your favorite person. That, and more. And that is what scared you.
“Dunno.” The archer gave a halfhearted shrug. He couldn’t claim to have never thought about what it would be like settling down with someone; having a family. Settling with you, if he was being honest. Images often invited themselves into the forefront of his mind. You wearing his ring while you chopped vegetables for a stew you were making with Carol. You would bring him a beer and perch yourself on his lap while he had a cigarette on the front porch swing of the home you shared. You’d even steal the smoke right from his lips and take a long draw before offering it back. He’d seen your belly swollen and prominent under your sundress while you hung laundry on the line in the backyard. You cradled a tiny baby in the crook of your arm, leaning so that your family could see the infant’s face. He banished the visions with a minute shake of his head, sitting up and angling to the side so he could regard you properly. “S’this ‘bout, woman?” 
Your mouth opened before snapping shut again with an audible click of your teeth. ‘Don’t chicken out now!’ Daryl’s expression was unreadable, and that alone was terrifying. All the time you had spent together, you were sure you had become fluent in Daryl Dixon. “I—” You sat up quickly, matching his position, not so much to face him but because you had needed to move before the words that were swelling in your throat came spilling out in the wrong order and ruined everything. 
“Ya alright?” Daryl ducked his head to seek out your gaze, his curiosity getting the better of him. It was a strange conversation. He bit back the urge to ask if it was ‘that time of the month.’ Once upon a time, Carol had explained to him why that was frowned upon. “S’really on your mind?”
Was he imagining things or was the distance between you dissipating?
“It’s just—”  You were chewing on your bottom lip, pulling your knees underneath you and then you were right in front of him, lowering to sit on your hip. His brow knitted, Daryl resisted the urge to move, holding his gaze on your face. He could feel your breath mingling with his own now, eyes flickering down to your lips and back to those shimmering irises. Peripherally, he could see your hands on either side of his face, hovering scant inches away. 
“Is—is this okay?” You whispered.
Daryl didn’t answer, not right away. He was too busy trying to control the overbearing thudding behind his ribs. His breathing had picked up, and he was certain he may hyperventilate right there on the spot. ‘Too close. Too close.’ Someway, somehow, he still found himself nodding. 
“Okay.” You breathed against his mouth, your lips tickling his own before meeting them in a gentle press. Your eyes fluttered closed while his widened and stared off into nothing, as if he could see right through you. Your hands finally rested against the sides of his face, your thumbs gently stroking his cheekbones. It wasn’t until your lips parted slightly that the archer snapped out of his stupor and reciprocated, placing his left hand over your right on his face while your mouths moved, slow and deliberate. 
When you pulled back, just far enough to see his expression, his eyes slowly opened (when had he closed them?). You stayed that way for several heartbeats, searching one another. Your hands were still on his face, his larger fingers slowly curling around yours before he moved both to the sliver of mattress that remained between you. 
Unfamiliar emotions swirling in his chest were making it difficult to breathe, constricting and contracting around his heart like a pulsating vice. A war was raging within him and there you were, patient and grounding while you waited for him to work through his inner turmoil. Your pretty eyes lowered as if you knew he couldn’t think while trapped under the weight of your gaze. 
“Look, Daryl—”
You looked at him then. He was staring at your still joined hands between you, his thumb gently rubbing over your knuckles. His eyes were narrowed, a crease between his brows. He looked vaguely uncomfortable and you wanted nothing more than to reach out but something told you he wouldn’t dare let go of your hand at that moment. Several more beats of silence passed and he still hadn’t spoken another word.
You licked your suddenly dry lips, feeling an odd sense of panic. Was it time to defuse the situation? “We don’t have to talk about this.” You offered, keeping still when you felt his hand tighten around yours. “I wasn’t trying to—”
“Do it again.”
“What?” It was your turn to knit your brows. 
He still didn’t look at you but he angled his head back toward you. “Again. What ya did.”
“Kiss you?” 
He gave a curt nod.
You hesitated. “Okay.” You lifted the hand he wasn’t holding to cup his cheek, slotting your mouth over his. He returned the kiss immediately this time, just as gently as before. Just as you thought of pulling back, his free hand came up to cradle the back of your head. Your eyes flew open for but a mere heartbeat before fluttering closed. You melted into the moment, only then noticing the enticing roughness of his chapped lips; the tickle of his scruffy facial hair against your skin. It was quite possibly the most tender kiss you had ever received. No clashing of tongues and teeth; only simple and soft movements of your mouths. You could easily become addicted.
He pulled back first this time, but his hand remained in your hair. Daryl tipped his head forward to touch your foreheads together. “Y/N.” He whispered, not really sure why. He just needed to say your name. The archer wasn’t sure what he was feeling. He knew how much he adored you, needed you in his life but this was too much. He felt like a raw, exposed nerve and wasn’t sure where he was supposed to go from here. 
You pulled away then and Daryl’s head snapped up to watch you. You sat up on your knees and peeled your jacket from your shoulders before tossing it onto the floor. He all but gulped, sure of where this was headed when you reached for his own jacket.
Pushing one shoulder free, you moved to the next and risked a glance at his bicep, the muscles flexing rhythmically under his skin when he lifted his arm to toss the wadded-up leather over your head. Your pulse accelerated and you took a calming breath before reaching for his vest. “You can tell me to stop and I’ll stop.” You popped the first button free and then the next, flicking your gaze up to his but he was watching the nimble movements of your fingers. “Daryl.” He looked up immediately. “All you have to do is say the word.” 
After a moment, he nodded almost imperceptibly. He watched you spread open his vest and push it from his shoulders. He shrugged it off so you could toss it over with your jacket. You sat back on your heels and grabbed the hem of your shirt, pausing for a moment to give him time to interject. When he said nothing, you pulled the garment over your head. With calculated movements, you reached for the front of his dark gray button-up, once again pausing. Daryl couldn’t bring himself to stop you. When the last button was free, you slipped your fingers under the fabric to part it. It was then that the archer felt panic bubble up into this throat, his eyes going wide. He grabbed your wrist so quickly that he hadn’t been aware of the action until he heard your gasp. “Wait—”
You stared at him, briefly alarmed before your eyes softened in understanding. The hand he wasn’t holding gently cradled his cheek. “I’ve seen them before.” 
He knew that. You had tended to so many wounds during your time together, but insecurity ensured that he acknowledged the cursed existence of the mars on his flesh. With a deep breath through his nose, his hands replaced yours to slowly rid himself of the shirt, the fringed edges of the cut-off sleeves tickling his skin. You grabbed it up and twisted your body to add the garment to the ever-growing pile. Your breath caught in your throat as his calloused fingertips brushed your skin. With a quick glance, you smiled softly at the bare curiosity in his gaze. You turned almost fully away from him while unsnapping the clasp of your bra, letting it slide down your arms and to the floor with a quiet sound. 
You looked over your shoulder, your head lowered so that only your eyes were visible. He could see the slight squint of your sparkling orbs. You were smiling at him and his heartrate quickened at the thought of seeing the expression clearly. He remained oblivious of his own expression and the fact that his rare grin and the soft whispers of his fingertips were solely responsible for the way you were looking at him. 
You turned then, returning to your knees, giving him a clear view of your smile—and your naked torso. Daryl felt the heat rise in his face and travel all the way to the tips of his ears. He’d seen a naked woman before but never so calmly; so intimately. 
You noticed his discomfort and tilted your head thoughtfully. “It’s okay to touch me, Daryl.” Your voice was quiet and soft, like you weren't sure if he’d follow through with the gentle command. 
And he didn’t. 
The archer determinedly kept his eyes on your face. It was cute but you’d never tell him so. You moved closer, the air between you scarce enough to take Daryl’s breath. Your lips ghosted over his while your fingers trekked a featherlight path down his arm before settling on his hand. You wrapped your hand around his and lifted it to place his palm on your left breast, keeping your fingers secure enough to ground him. 
“I want this.” You whispered against his mouth. You felt his fingers twitch before his thumb swept slowly over your nipple. You drew in a sharp breath and closed your eyes. Your skin felt chilled at the sudden loss of his touch when he quickly retracted his hand. Your eyes reopened to find his flickering back and forth between your gaze and your chest. 
The sudden press of his mouth on yours had you gasping again before you settled, bringing both hands to his shoulders. His fingers danced over your skin again, his other hand joining the first to stimulate both pebbled buds with gentle twists. How many nights had you dreamed of him touching you like this?
You hesitantly swept your tongue over his bottom lip before withdrawing, testing his reaction. You didn’t want to push him past his comfort level; no matter how badly you wanted him. When his mouth opened and you felt him lick against the crease of your lips, it was over. Your hands moved to his hair, fingers tangling in the greasy strands to pull him closer while you drank in the smoky taste of him. Daryl seemed to be finding a tentative level of confidence, twisting to bring one leg onto the bed, bent at the knee. His rough hands left your chest to slide down your sides, fingers hooking into your belt loops and using them to pull you closer. You let out a squeak which the archer eagerly swallowed before you broke apart, both panting. Your foreheads rested together, Daryl’s eyes closed while you scrutinized him for any sign that he may not want to venture further. 
“Will ya take these off?” He questioned hoarsely with a small tug on the loops of your pants. You answered with a nod, pulling his hands away so you could back off the mattress and stand. Daryl watched you intently, your slender fingers popping open the button before sliding down the zipper. When you had shimmied the pants down to mid-calf, you bent to undo the laces of your boots, toeing them off along with your socks. The archer couldn’t help but smirk when you straightened. Of course you weren’t wearing underwear. 
“I’ve shown you mine.  Will you show me yours?” You purred, crawling back onto the bed. 
Daryl scoffed and put his hand on your face while he stood, giving you a playful shove. You laughed quietly, but still reached for his belt. He tried to take a step back and you quickly released him. 
“Do you want to stop?” 
He was wearing that expression again, uncertainty warring with desire. He wanted you. God, did he want you in every way he could possibly have you. The heat that had begun to pool low in his belly was not unfamiliar yet unnerving. This would change everything. You could never go back to what you already had. And would you understand him? Would you accept him for all that he was?
And for all that he wasn’t?
“No.” Goddamnit, he wanted to try. He stepped forward again but you didn’t reach for him. “S’just—” he hesitated, rubbing anxiously at the back of his neck. This beautiful creature was sitting bare and you wanted him, of all people. What if he couldn’t be what you wanted? “Don’t usually care ‘bout this kinda shit.” He thought for a moment that he very well might vomit. You were sitting on your heels now, eyes narrowed and lips pursed. You looked like you were working out some complicated math problem in your head. Daryl barely suppressed his flinch when it was obvious you’d reached a conclusion. 
“Sex.” You stated matter-of-factly at the same time the first sound of a walker clumsily stumbling into the side of the cabin brought both your gazes to the door. You could barely see one another now, day having given way to night several moments ago and your one candle giving the place a gentle orange hue that neither of you sought to complain about when it was dancing across the skin of the other. There were no windows but the archer wondered if the light could be seen through the cracks in the old door, barricaded as it was. 
When the snarls and shuffling continued to pass you by, you looked to him again. Daryl was looking at the floor, any expression hidden behind the curtain of his hair. You remained quiet. He had heard you, so you would wait him out. Pushing would only make him withdraw. You sat back on your hip and pulled the dusty blanket up to cover yourself for the time being. If sex really did make him uncomfortable, having a conversation about it with your goodies saluting him from the bed would not help matters. 
“Yeah.” Daryl finally spoke after a few more moments. “S’not just—” he paused to shift his weight from one foot to the other, “just ain’t never been important ‘less Merle was chasin’ some tail. A distraction’s all it were.” He sighed, crossing his arms with his hands in his armpits. He looked so uncomfortable that it made your heart ache. 
You nodded, not even sure if he was looking at you. “When was the last—”
“‘Fore the world went to shit.”
A while then. You chewed the inside of your cheek. You suddenly felt too exposed, pulling the blanket up further. Where do you go from here? With another glance at him, there was another sharp twinge in your chest. For a man made for the end of the world, he appeared incredibly small and vulnerable right now. “Will you come sit down?”
From the way he angled his head, you could tell he looked at you. A heartbeat passed and he dropped his arms, his footfalls near silent as he approached the bed. The mattress dipped under his weight and you found he chose to sit surprisingly close to you. Your knees were barely pressed against his hip. 
You were still utterly naked under that old blanket; your heartrate had picked up speed at his proximity. You couldn’t tell if you were anxious or aroused and you wondered if you should get dressed and deal with the latter on your own once you returned home instead of pressing him further. “Do you want to keep talking about this?” You gently probed. 
“Not really,” was his immediate response. Your mouth opened to comfort him but he cut you off. “Guess we have to, though.”
“We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
“Nah, s’okay. D’rather talk to you ‘bout it than anyone else.” 
You smiled softly and felt confident enough to reach for his hand. Your movement brought his head to turn toward you and he didn’t flinch away when your fingertips brushed his. After a moment, your tongue darted out to wet your lips and you took a breath. “Since the end, have you ever, you know? With yourself?” 
He seemed to deflate, the shake of his head so minute that you would have missed it had you not been so keenly observing him. 
“Do you ever have the urge to?”
He shrugged one shoulder. “Somethin’s wrong with me.”
“Daryl.” He looked up at you, blue eyes piercing through his dark hair. It hit you like a freight train. “There is nothing wrong with you.” You could only imagine how he must have felt around his brother. How isolated, how different. You wondered if he had ever told his brother, but decided against asking. “A lot of people just aren’t that into sex, old world and new one.” His steady gaze never wavered. You smiled and let go of his hand to brush his hair away from his left eye before wrapping your fingers around his once again. “You’re just Daryl. And that’s more than okay.”
“Huh.” He muttered after a moment, eyes darting back and forth between yours. 
“If it’s okay to ask though,” you ventured. Your bottom lip tucked firmly between your teeth, you squeezed his hand, “how were you feeling just now? With me?” You added with a shaky breath. He didn’t retreat, so that was good. You still didn’t want to push him into anything he didn’t want, but rather help him figure out what it was he did want; sort through his feelings. If he turned you down, you would be disappointed, of course. But his comfort, his safety, and well-being; those came first. If you could never have him in that way, you would live with that. 
“I, uh—it weren’t a bad feelin’.”
So it was a good feeling? Maybe? Shit. Now what? “Okay, okay.” you nodded. “Do you want to call it a night then and just—”
His hand squeezed yours so fast that you nearly squeaked in surprise. You did, however, let go of the blanket you held against your chest with the other hand. “Sorry,” you mumbled, pulling the fabric up once again before Daryl grabbed your wrist. You watched him chew on his lip, his eyes overflowing with something you had never seen there before. 
“Wanna try. I‘ve wanted to try with ya for a long time.” His Adam’s Apple bobbed while he swallowed around the words. “If ya ain’t changed your mind.” The statement came out more like a question, his voice quieter with a slight tremble. 
‘ve wanted ta try with ya fer a long time.
You felt the swirling motion of butterflies in your stomach, your heartrate skyrocketing as you allowed the blanket to fall. Moving slowly, you twisted your wrist in his grip to clasp his hand and pressed forward to throw a leg over his lap. Sitting on his thighs, you gently took hold of both his hands and placed them on the curve of your hips. “We’ll take this slow, okay?” You reached to push back his hair so his eyes were visible. He gave a jerky nod, fingers twitching against your skin. 
You cupped his face and brought your mouths together once again. This time, there was no hesitance when you opened up to him and beckoned his tongue. The gentle push and pull of the kiss lasted until the need for air became dire, and Daryl pulled away from you only to ghost open-mouthed whispers across your jaw and down to your pulse. Your fingers moved to his hair again and your head fell back, offering the expanse of your throat to him. He nipped and lapped at the flesh between your ear and the junction of your shoulder, earning a breathy moan when he latched on to tattoo a kiss onto the surface. The archer couldn’t help but shiver and moved his hands to splay them open across your spine, tipping you so his mouth could properly explore the valley between your breasts. 
His tongue and lips wandered aimlessly, and he found himself perfectly content in connecting the myriad of freckles that were littered across there. He found all of them adorable, especially the ones that traveled around the rims of your ears. Maybe he’d tell you that one day soon. Like this, he could almost forget the anxiety attempting to claw its way through his ribcage and get lost in warmth of your skin beneath his lips and at the mercy of his tongue. He moved slowly, probably too slowly but eh, he was rusty. He barely remembered any of the other experiences and, truthfully, he didn’t care to in the least. He would be more than fine pretending they had never happened.
He shivered at the sound of his name falling from those lips. The same ones that were parted and panting while fingers twisted in his hair, urging him onward. He kissed across the swell of your right breast, tongue teasing a circle around the nipple before he pulled it between his teeth and bit down. The sound you made was intoxicating and he was plenty willing to elicit more of the same from you just before he felt your hips press down and grind against him, successfully making him see stars and release his hold on you in favor of hissing between his teeth. 
Feeling him go rigid, you sat up straight, breathing heavily. “What’s wrong?” You panted, tucking his hair behind his ears while searching his face for answers. “Are you okay?” 
Daryl blinked a few times before finally realizing you were talking to him in close proximity. “Uh—yeah. Yeah, m’fine.”
You narrowed your eyes. He was still completely tense, his fingers digging into your back with enough force to bruise. “Do you want to stop?” 
“No. S’just—”
“Just what?” You watched him closely. So far, he’d yet to move but then his hands were sliding down your back to firmly grasp your hips and— “Oh. Oh!” Sudden understanding rang clear when proof of his desire for you could be felt through the fabric of his trousers. Your brain warred between smugness and sympathy. You had made him feel that way but it had been so long that it had taken him by surprise. “What do you want to do from here?” Whisking away a section of hair that had fallen back into his face, you otherwise remained still. 
“Get up.” He stated hoarsely. It came out a little rougher than he’d meant, but you’d obeyed so he wouldn’t linger on it. 
You sat in the center of the bed and watched him stand. You were grateful for what little you had done, for the things he had shared with you. If this was how he chose to end the scenario, you would smile and support him fully. There could be a next time. He was obviously attracted to you. This was enough. Whatever he felt comfortable giving you was enough. 
Crawling to the top of the old bed, you pulled down the covers on the other side before reaching for your discarded clothing. You stopped less than halfway through the motion when you heard the zipper of his pants. Looking back to him, you found him toeing off his boots while his undone trousers remained on his hips. For the moment. 
“C’mere.” He beckoned you with a finger, curling it under your chin as you crawled closer. The archer bent to meet you halfway and captured your lips in a desperate embrace, pushing down his trousers and stepping out of them. The kiss continued even as he struggled to remove one sock at a time, balancing on one leg and causing you to giggle against his mouth. “Shuddup.” He retorted with no real heat. Finally both hands came to cradle your face and gently pull your back. 
“You okay?” You slurred, eyes dark and lips swollen. 
“Yeah.” Daryl tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, trying to catch his breath as he took a moment to just drink you in. “S’not gonna be—”
“I don’t care.” Careful to keep your eyes on his face, you guided him to sit with his back against the headboard, throwing a leg across his lap to hover over him. It would be over quickly. That was a given. But that wasn't the point. “I want whatever you’ll give me, Dixon.” You kissed him gently. “I just want you.”
“Yeah?” The corners of his mouth twitched up into a ghost of a smile. “Ya got me, woman.” 
You both groaned as you lowered onto him, Daryl’s face twisting into such a grimace of barely contained pleasure that you were surprised it wasn’t already over for him. “You good?” Your voice sounded small and breathless even to your own ears, but Daryl’s didn’t seem to be working at all. He gave a jerky nod and pulled you toward him, your foreheads meeting as you both breathed through the new feeling. “Let’s just—stay like this for now, yeah?” Another barely there nod, bumping your heads together. 
Your eyes drifted toward the wall when a walker stumbled into the building. Daryl flinched but didn’t move.  It was hard to ignore a threat that close but as long as you remained quiet, that wall would remain between you and the undead shambling along outside. 
Another tender kiss to his lips before you trailed along his jaw, feeling him exhale shakily against your neck. You allowed your mouth to roam further, your tongue dipping out to taste the salt of his skin over his pulse. You could feel it racing away there, almost vibrating. His fingers flexed on your hips, his breaths now coming in shallow pants. There was a slight tremble to his frame making it clear you couldn’t remain this way much longer lest he combust. You pulled away, cupping his face for your thumbs to gently rub over his cheekbones. You didn’t need to say anything. He nodded in spite of the silence. 
Your breath caught in your throat when you moved, releasing as a low moan as your eyes fluttered closed. He felt sublime. Judging by the choked off noise that came from Daryl, he was feeling exactly the same about you. You kept your movements slow and deliberate. Soon enough, he was rocking up to meet you. 
“You, I—” He was gritting his teeth, sweat beading on his forehead and running down to his chin to drip onto his chest. Still rocking, you placed your finger over his lips and then replaced it with your own. 
“I know. It’s okay.” You whispered. He pushed back on your hips, moving you off of him. You wrapped your fingers around him, pumping in slow, languid strokes. There was a mere heartbeat before he gathered you against him with your arm trapped between you, every muscle and tendon frozen hard in blissful agony with a breathy moan of your name against your shoulder. Oh, how you wished you could see his face as he came undone. His warmth flooded over your hand and onto both your stomach and his, his hold unyielding even as his body twitched and shook while you gently coaxed him down from his high with hushed reassurances and tender kisses against his neck. When the spasms stopped and his hold loosened, you gave him a few moments of just resting against you to catch his breath while your fingers carded idly through his hair. 
“How're you doing, Dixon?” You broke the silence with a calm whisper, slightly leaning away to encourage him to move. Daryl carefully laid back against the headboard, eyes still closed and looking more relaxed than you’d ever seen him. “Hey.”
His tired blue eyes slowly opened, blinking lazily before settling on you. “Hey.” When he brought up a hand to graze his knuckles over your cheek, it seemed to be too heavy for him to hold long. His arm fell back to the bed a moment later. “M’sorry.” He mumbled, a furious blush deepening the color of his already flushed face. 
He scoffed. “Obvious, ain’t it?” 
“It was perfect.” When he grunted in response, you laughed quietly. You smiled, kissed his cheek, then you crawled off of him. Before he could even focus on the mess left behind, you had returned with a packet of WetWipes from your pack. They were expired and not very damp but got the job done. 
It was hard not to focus on your touch while you worked, so he opted to reach for a strand of your hair, curling it around his finger tightly. You carried on cleaning both of you up like it was just a natural thing, Daryl’s face reddening once again when you went about wiping him down like you had seen him naked a hundred times. 
He leaned toward you to reach for your shoulder, sliding his fingertips over your warm skin. You grasped his hand to press a gentle but chaste kiss to his palm before standing to retrieve your clothes. You were smiling when you turned back. 
You were pulling your shirt down over your head as Daryl fastened his belt and sat down on the mattress to lace up his boots. Sleeping naked was not an option when beyond the walls of your home unless you didn’t mind leaving those things behind and showing up at the gates in the nude. 
Opting to leave your jacket on the floor, you crawled up to the pillow and laid down. Daryl did the final checks to make sure everything was secure and then returned to sit against the headboard, clearly offering to take first watch. For a man that had just experienced his first orgasm in years, he sure was tense. 
“Why don’t I take first?” You offered. You climbed up to mimic his position. Daryl looked like he might argue but soon nodded and moved down the bed putting his left arm behind his head.  
Finding just a smidge of courage, you reached over to toy with a long strand of his hair. “So.”
“So?” He titled his head back a little to look up at you. 
“That a—one time thing?” 
The archer lowered his head again, looking back to the ceiling directly above him. “Did ya want it to be?”
“Then it weren’t.” 
“Do it again in the mornin’?”
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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Lovesick!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Made For Loving You
summary: Eddie’s in love and can’t keep his hands to himself.
warnings: 18 + mentions of drinking, smoking, public making out, semi public oral (f receiving)
word count: 2k
authors note: distance makes the heart grow fonder and I missed Eddie a whole lot. Here’s him being in love with you and eating you out from his POV. thought I’d try something new. Eddie moved away from Hawkins and to a city where he could be loud and himself in this AU.
Eddie watches white smoke billow from between your parted red lips, faded and just slightly smeared from cupping your hands over them when he made you laugh inside the bar you stood outside of. He was still enamored by them. By you. Your cheeks hollow out when you take another long drag of his cigarette after you’d asked for only one swearing that you only did it when you drank. He’d sit here and watch you smoke his whole pack if you’d let him.
The city skyline shines bright behind you, it's beautiful but its glimmer pales in comparison to the way you smile as you tell him a story he’s already heard before. He doesn’t care, you could tell it on a loop if it means you’ll keep looking at him like that. When you finally hand it back to him he notices the way your eyes glaze over when your fingers brush against his rings.
The urge to kiss you is strong but he’s enjoying this moment too much.
Nodding his head in agreement to a new story about an argument you had with a customer at the record shop he’d met you at, his chocolate eyes catch a glimpse of the faint crimson stain now adoring the butt of his cigarette before pressing it to his plump lips. This was good enough for now.
You're all leather and black and somehow wearing his flannel, the wind kicking up after night fell — you blamed it on the summer chill. He knew he’d never see that shirt again, not unless it was wrapped around your curves.
Exhaling his last drag he flicks the remains into the street earning him the scowl from you he was waiting for. Using it as a distraction so he can press you against the brick lining the outside of the dive bar, he silences your scolding with a smile in his kiss. A soft chuckle rumbling in his chest when you meet his advances with a more than eager mouth.
The drinks you both had makes the swipes of your tongues messier when you lick into each other’s mouths. His hands settling deep and bruising on your hips as you find what he’s learned is your favorite place with fingers tangled in his curls. The light tug you give at his roots pulls a moan deep from his throat.
He nudges your thighs apart with his knee just enough to slot a denim clad leg between yours, pushing your skirt up just enough for him to get a view of the lace underneath. He nips at your bottom lip when he feels you immediately start to wiggle against him for more, your neediness that you’d been better at hiding than him sends him into overdrive.
“Eddie” His name slips out from between desperate kisses broken and whiney. He loved getting you like this. You tug his curls again when his lips travel to your neck. Nipping at your sensitive skin, he wants to hear you say it again.
The sound of the music inside goes from a dull thumping to loud enough for the two of you to break apart when the door slams open, drunken laughter joining the rest of the city noise that both of you managed to block out. Still caging you in with two hands on either side of your head, he reaches down to tip your chin up to look at him. The rough pad of his thumb tugs your sucked in bottom lip, his darkened eyes watching the way your tongue glides over your top row of teeth after.
Lipstick smeared even more, he knows he’s wearing some now.
Dimples poking his cheeks when he smiles at you, the look in your eyes matches his as your lips finally give in and pull up at the corners. A giggle bubbles from you as your nervous fingers pull your skirt down one more time and he swears each one he earns is better than the last.
“Wanna get out of here princess?” It's his turn to bite his lip when he catches the way you clench your thighs. Your converse tap against the pavement as you shuffle side to side at the thought.
“My place or yours?” Smirking up at him with mischief twinkling in your eyes he wondered if it was still too early to tell you the three words that he swears have been on the tip of his tongue since the day you met.
Eddie’s apartment ends up being the winning destination with the promise of his roommate being out for the night. The awkward run in with yours the last time makes him thankful for his home base advantage. Walking side by side cutting through the neighborhoods to avoid the major streets, your shoulders brush and fingers interlock under the glowing yellow street lights.
The sound of your low humming catches his ears, curious chocolate eyes giving you their undivided attention. It was the song that interrupted you back at the bar and a hint of a small smile plays at the corners of your mouth when you feel his stare on you.
“I didn’t peg you for an Eddie Money fan.” His teasing words turning your hint of a smile into a full blown face splitting grin.
“Sometimes I dabble in the mainstream.” Shrugging nonchalantly you throw him a sideways glance pleased when you see the whites of his teeth. “It doesn’t always have to be hardcore and heavy metal all the time.”
Snorting he throws his head back in a loud mocking laugh knowing damn well you have the same taste in music as him. Too distracted he doesn’t catch the way your eyes stay trained on his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in the white gleam of the moon. His pale skin illuminating under its glittering light, the dark ink that covers every inch of him stands out even more, making all your words catch in your throat.
Eddie finally meets your gaze and he swears he can see the stars in your eyes, suddenly the ten minutes left of the walk seem like a lifetime. You couldn’t look at him like that and expect him to be patient. Smirking with devilish intent he doesn’t hesitate to grab your hips the way he’s wanted to all night.
Dipping into the alley he presses you hard against the quiet apartment building. Crowding your space he wastes no time letting his calloused fingers explore the sliver of skin exposed between your shirt and skirt. Relishing in the way your chest moves with your heavy breathing, you wanted him just as bad as he wanted you. You always did.
Collecting your lips in a bruising kiss, he hums against you when you meet his advances. The whiskey still lingering on your tongue tastes bitter sweet against the bourbon on his. Cherry red just like your lips, your nails drag against the roughness of his happy trail hidden under his shirt. He shivers from your touch - a growl he can’t stop releasing from his throat, your tongue catches it with ease and lets it mingle with your own.
The blunt ends of your nails drag across his sweat slick skin, the humidity from the day finally setting in. He knows there’s going to be marks as they dig in when he sucks that special spot behind your ear. His badge of honor.
“Let me take care of you real quick.” He always wants to but his body aches with the kind of need that could set a whole forest on fire. “I need to taste you baby.”
There’s a ringed hand already under your skirt, fingertips skimming across the damp fabric between your legs. His words make your hips search for more, the smallest amount of pressure hitting against your bundle of nerves has you moaning his name.
“You’re gonna have to try and be quiet for me. Can you do that sweetheart?” Smirking to himself, he knows he’s asking for the impossible when he gets you worked up like this.
He pushes your panties to the side as two fingers slide through your wet folds. Coating them instantly — he doesn’t think you understand the power you have when you drip like this — just for him.
His shushes are gentle when his lips cover yours to swallow your gasp when he dips them in. Filling you till he hits the metal of his rings, your velvet walls constrict around him. Fluttering when he curves them to the side he’s hard enough to press uncomfortably against the zipper of his jeans. Too lost in the way your body reacts to him, he ignores the pain.
Pulling away just enough to whisper “Be quiet” against your lips with a smile, you watch him with an open mouth and pinched brows when he drops to his knees. The loose rocks on the asphalt dig into the exposed skin from the rips in his jeans, but when he catches sight of the way you glisten on his rings he’s only got a one track mind.
He catches your whimper when he removes his fingers and another one when he sucks them clean. Sugar in your drinks all night he swears you taste just as sweet. Your hands twist themselves into the curls on his head, a soft yank and a nudge forward he can’t stop the way his eyes roll back. Pressing kisses to the inside of your sticky thighs, he nips at the dip of your hips before smoothing over them with his tongue.
Quick hands remove your underwear, stuffing the wet lace in his back pocket. Another one to add to his collection.
Usually he teases you more but the strain in his pants is getting worse and the looming threat of someone interrupting what he’s been thinking about all night has him burying his face in record time.
Closing his eyes when you coat his tongue, his hungry mouth starts lapping you up. The roundness of the end of his nose bumping against your clit with every stroke of his muscle in and out of your hole. With strong arms wrapped around your thighs he can hear the way you muffle your cries from under the hood of your skirt when he starts shaking his head from side to side.
The way your legs start to shake and your thrusts start meeting his face he knows you're close. Licking a stipe up your slit he starts focusing his efforts on your button of nerves but not before asking “Are you gonna cum?”
Nodding your head with eyes blown wide and the pink tinge of your lips peeking through the barely there lipstick that once coated them— he’s never thought you looked more beautiful than just like this.
“I want you to give it to me, baby.”
Maybe it was the liquor at the bar or maybe it was just you, but he felt like making you come apart like this was his sole purpose on this shitty earth. Especially when he hears you say his name all pretty like this, like you’re his.
Your fingers pull at his roots when you finally let go, gasping with a hand over your mouth. Nectar of the gods he’s always greedy when he gets what he wants from you so he doesn’t stop till you’re whimpering with a gentle hand to his forehead and a soft “Eddie” falling from your lips.
He leaves more open mouthed kisses on your thighs before coming up for the air he forgot he needed. His hands move to hold your wobbling waist. Dimples in his cheeks again when he smiles satisfied, he’s not expecting the way your fingers curl into his shirt and pull him down to your needy lips. Pressing his body weight against you again he thinks he could die like this.
tags: @munsonology @elthreetimes @munsonmunster @eddiesprincess86
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theenbyroiderer · 10 months
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One more tutorial. I think this is the last one I have for now.
Here's how you stitch a 3D jellyfish. This is a more advanced tutorial. Prior experience with most of the stitches is recommended.
Materials: You'll need several needles, at least one shorter and one really long. I've used sashiko needles in three lengths, 4 cm, 5.5 cm and 8.5 cm. As for yarn, I think you can use whatever you have. Most of it can be done with six-stranded floss, but you'll need some thicker woolen yarn for the fluffy turkey stitch. I used fine d'aubusson (a fine wool embroidery yarn) for the body, six-stranded floss (2-3 strands) for most of the tentacles, a shiny silky embroidery floss for the edge of the body and a couple tentacles, and knitting yarn scraps for the turkey stitch.
Stitches: satin stitch, bullion stitch, padded satin stitch, buttonhole stitch, drizzle stitch and turkey stitch. Please look up stitch instructions on youtube, and do a bit of practice beforehand. This project is probably not a good practice run for these stitches.
Time: depends on the size of your jellyfish. I made quite a large one and it took me about 5 hours to complete.
1. Make a sketch of your jellyfish. At least of the body. Fill this body from edge to edge with bullion stitch, make them a bit longer than the body is wide so that they are somewhat loose. You should be able to get a finger underneath the bullion, depending on the size of your jellyfish.
2. Then it's time to satin stitch the body. For this part it's important that the needle goes through the fabric as close to where it came up as possible. The goal is not just to make a 3D body, but to make it a hollow 3D body. Don't just stitch over the bullion, stitch around it. It's also important to not pull too tight. Bullion stitch of this lenght is rather malleable, so it's a bit tricky to keep the satin stitch even. Hold a finger in the hollow underneath the bullion as you pull the thread tight. This will stop it from getting to tight, as well as make sure you keep the hollow. As the stitching gets thicker the hollow will get smaller, but that's ok.
3. When the top part of the body is fully stitched it's time to do normal flat satin stitch for the bottom part, the inside of the body of you will. Leave an opening in the middle though, you'll need some space for the drizzle and turkey stitch later.
4. This is a good time to give the edge some definition. Do buttonhole stitch around the top edge, then you go around and do another row of buttonhole stitch, kinda the other way around, through the loops from the first row. Hopefully you can see from the pictures what I've done. The bottom edge of the body doesn't need defining and won't be very visible anyway, so I just did some sloppy stitches along there and called it good enough.
5. Now it's time for the tentacles. Start with the drizzle stitch, because the turkey stitch will just get in the way if you start with that... but do remember to leave space for the turkey stitch underneath the drizzle stitch. This is where you need the loooong needle. Pack as much drizzle stitch on that needle as you can. You'll notice that the drizzle stitch wants to rotate around your needle as it gets longer, do let it, that will just help you fit more stitch on there, as well as give the finished stitch a nice curl.
6. When you think you have enough drizzle you can move on to the turkey stitch. You will not need to do a lot of it. You'll probably overestimate how much you need, but that's ok, you can always give the fluff a bit of a haircut later. Do a few looong loops of turkey stitch, a little bit longer than your drizzle stitch. Cut the loops to slightly different lengths, otherwise you'll get a very blocky bit of fluff... tapered is better. Untwist the yarn and separate the strands, draw a needle through the strands to fluff them up.
7. As a finishing touch you can add some long and thin strands around the edge of the body.
Edit: Tfw a post has been up for years before you notice that you forgot a whole-ass step. Apparently #4 has been missing all this time. Oh well.
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beomanamilk · 1 month
thinking abt a soulmate au with gyu where you constantly have dreams about your future; whether it be simple day-to-day activities you were to partake in, or some bigger, possibly unexpected moments that could change your life for better or for worse.
the worst part of these dreams is the unknown figure that constantly appears in them. in every single dream you have, the figure is there with you, turning the once peaceful dreams into frightening nightmares, its blurred face haunting your sleep until you find it in you to wake up.
it isn’t scary by any means, not until you feel your eyes starting to open, and just milliseconds before the darkness flees, the face of the evocative silhouette appears, revealing itself.
the creatures face is deformed, it adorns a lopsided smile and sharp eyes that seem to drop your heart to your stomach every time the image appears in your head.
you find yourself asleep in another dream of your future, one of which you seem to be in a local music store, scanning through rows of guitars on display.
you pay no mind to the boy who is sitting on a bench nearby, playing around with a guitar he hopes of purchasing, and continue to stroll along the halls yourself.
the dream seems quiet.
of course, you happen to lose your balance. from what? you can’t say you know.
you trip face down onto the floor in front of the bench, in front of the poor boy who had just been looking for guitars and ended up with a stranger fallen at his feet.
“oh shit! are- are you okay?!” you can hear shuffling from above and turn your head up towards the boy, feeling your stomach twist into dreadful knots when you do so.
you cannot see the boys face. while everything else in the room is clear as day, every feature of his is hidden, he is blurred. it feels as if you’ve gone completely blind in the one space of your eye that the boys head seems to take up.
you reply simply, “i’m good.”
there is only one goal you have now, and that is to get away from the man before he turns into a creepy monster and jump-scares you away from your much needed 7 hours.
though before you can stop yourself, the boy’s hand is on your shoulder and turning you to face him, startling you out of sleep.
you spend the next couple hours before your alarm goes off staring at the ceiling, unable to get the man’s sinister face out of your mind.
when you find yourself at the same music store from your dream about a week later, you can’t say you’re not nervous.
the boy had managed to alter your view of the precious shop completely, causing an unexpected fear of said place.
thankfully, it’s a tuesday morning, meaning the chances of many people inside are very low, but you still have your doubts.
when you push open the doors and walk through with as much courage as possible, your heart practically stops at the sight of a man with long black hair sitting in the same spot as your dream with the same acoustic guitar.
you gulp, taking another step forward, reminding yourself that it was just a dream, and you really need to get a new guitar after yeonjun drunkenly stomped all over your previous one.
your steps become weary as you near the boy, praying that you can just keep yourself standing upwards and not end up with your face flat on the ground.
though when you feel something nudge the tip of your toe, you know it’s over.
accepting what fate has unfairly planned for you, you let yourself fall forward, landing on your stomach with a grunt at the man’s feet.
“oh shit! are- are you okay?!” he repeats his words from your dream, and you almost cry from both fear and humiliation.
though when you look up, expecting to be met with a blank face, you’re instead met with a shockingly good-looking guy.
“i- i’m fine, actually.” you mutter, taking in the look of genuine concern on the boy’s pretty face, his eyebrows turned downwards and his plump bottom lip turned over his top one in a frown.
his eyes sparkle as he looks down at you with some stray hairs falling over his face, reaching a hand downwards, offering to help you up from your place on the floor.
you grab it with a short “thank you” and tug yourself upward, slightly startled at the comforting warmth his hand brings you.
the male nods at you before you turn away, hoping to continue your hunt for a new guitar.
though before you can get too far, the same hand from your dream is placed on your shoulder, but this time it doesn’t harshly turn you around, it instead stays there, a soft yet warm grip that seems to make you as dizzy as if he were to spin you around.
“uh, sorry. i just wanted to ask for your name. you’re really-“ he pauses with a gulp, “you’re really pretty.”
you feel your heart flutter and want to sigh out of frustration. this can’t be the same boy from your creepy dreams.
when you turn to him, he’s smiling softly at you, and you think it could be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
“i’m beomgyu, by the way.”
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arieslost · 2 months
pole! | ln4
summary: user arieslost got so excited about a lando pole that she wrote a blurb about it
word count: 774
masterlist — join my tag list here!
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a wet track is no one’s dream, really.
it certainly isn’t yours, especially because you’re one of mclaren’s many supporters concerned about the layout of the shanghai circuit. the long turns and endless straights had you chewing your nails just looking at a picture of it, much less actually being there in the garage watching your boyfriend and his teammate during free practice 1— the only time they had to acclimate to the circuit before sprint qualifying.
as if that in itself wasn’t stressful enough, it starts raining during the qualifying session.
you know lando is good in the rain, really good even, but that knowledge doesn’t stop your heart from beating faster when it’s properly raining, everyone is slipping and sliding on the track, and lap times are being deleted left and right. which is why you have to restrain yourself from immediately celebrating when lando goes to the top of the time sheet, nearly 1.3 seconds clear of lewis hamilton, and gets on provisional pole.
“come on, come on,” you mutter to yourself, thumbnail between your teeth as you keep your eyes glued to the screen.
and, sure enough, his lap time is deleted for exceeding track limits at the final corner. you watch, crestfallen, as his name goes from first to the bottom. at any rate, you’re happy that someone other than red bull is on pole, but even seeing lando on the front row was exhilarating.
the time runs out on the session. you’re in the middle of letting out a long sigh, mentally preparing to comfort your boyfriend, who you’re sure is kicking himself already, when you happen to glance back at the tv at the exact moment his name shoots back up to p1.
“yeah baby!” you hear lando say over the radio in response to being told he’s officially on pole. “beautiful. simply beautiful.”
the rest of your sigh leaves your mouth, but instead of disappointment it’s complete and utter relief, a giddy laugh following right after. you’re always excited to see lando after he’s been in the car, but now you’re really excited.
you wait as patiently as you can while he talks to the media, and the moment his eyes meet yours you can tell that he’s having just as much trouble keeping his true excitement at bay.
you meet him halfway when he makes a beeline for the garage, letting out a quiet oof when his arms go around your waist and your feet leave the ground.
“fucking pole! holy shit, babe,” you laugh breathlessly in his ear when he sets you down and hugs you tight. “you scared me so bad.”
“you’re not the only one,” he replies, subtly kissing your temple before pulling you into the garage, away from the three cameras that have swiftly turned to face you both.
“p-freakin-one,” he says as soon as you’re both in the quiet safety of his drivers room.
“how does it feel?” you ask, taking a seat on the bed.
he leans against the closed door for a moment, a dreamlike smile on his face. “amazing. it always feels amazing.” he pauses. “almost forgot what it felt like, honestly.”
you hum. “hopefully it’s the first of many this season, hmm? i think you’ll win.”
“of course you do, baby.” he laughs, joining you on the bed.
“i’m serious!” you huff, bumping his shoulder with yours. “as long as it rains again. otherwise you’re cooked.”
lando’s jaw drops, and you press your lips together to poorly conceal a smirk. “all you ever do is hurt me,” he says dramatically, turning away from you.
“oh, come on,” you giggle, wrapping your arms around his middle and resting your chin on his shoulder. “you and i both know that i have the utmost faith when it comes to you.”
“do you? do you really?” he asks, continuing with his little act.
“look at me,” you coo, turning his chin to face you.
even acting all mad, he still fixes you with such a loving look that you can feel yourself melting a little.
“i. love. you,” you say, punctuating each word with a short kiss on his lips. “and when you win tomorrow, you know exactly what i’ll say.”
“yeah, i know,” he tugs you into him, finally giving up on his act.
and so, when he wins, he’s perfectly in tandem with you when you scream, “i told you!” as he practically jumps across the barrier to get you in his arms.
lando norris. sprint winner. the love of your life, who would have been way less confident in himself if he didn’t have you.
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note: i know i said i wasn’t posting this week but as it turns out, i am a liar. something something don’t blame me love made me crazy
my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation! feel free to pop in!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
dividers by @/saradika
tags: @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @sweatrevenge5436-blog @kimis-gloves @mia-rrrs @decafmickey @customsbyjcg-blog @bigheartsthings @tania2748 @scuderiadevils @iloveyou3000morgan @ctrlyomomma @hiireadstuff @daemyratwst @arian-directioner @evelyn-ny @avg-golden-retriever @likedbygaslyy @vintagefucksstuff @piastorys @jisungstuff @personwhoisther
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lbxbx · 5 months
Cockpit 4 | knj
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Pair: Namjoon x reader
Summary: Namjoon goes through a rough time while getting a divorce, meeting you at the club two weeks in a row when attraction becomes unreal.
Rating: +18 mature content, Smut, divorce, fatherhood, anal play
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You managed to slip from underneath him and wear the tank top you were wearing earlier today, you rush to collect his pants and throw them in the washer. After all, it was you who spilled the wine.
You rush to the kitchen and open the fridge, you’re starving, and you’re very thirsty. You grab a bottle of water and unscrew the lid, you drink almost the whole bottle in one go to quench your thirst.
“Y/N?” You hear Namjoon’s footsteps coming closer to you, “Yeah?” You close the bottle and look at him when he enters the kitchen wearing only his boxers.
“I can’t find my pants.” This man looks like a lost puppy all the time.
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind.” You take out a water bottle and hand it to him. “I put it in the washer, I spilled some wine on it earlier.”
“Thank you.” He grabs the bottle and drinks, his throat bobbing to every gulp he swallows. “Is it going to take time?”
You turn and look at the washer. “95 Minutes. Do you have somewhere to be?”
“No, but it’s getting late.” He puts down his bottle, you cross your arms and look around for a second, should you ask him to stay?
Of course not. Your brain is still working after all.
“Are you okay?” He squints his eyes trying to read your mind, you need to say something quick and not stupid.
“I’m hungry, are you?”
He tilts his head and his eyes still search your face. “Yeah.” He says unsurely.
You feel like he’s going to pull the words out of you, so you decide to turn and open the pantry and take out a couple of cup noodles.
“I really like your place.” He makes small talk and leans against the counter with his arms crossed.
“You do? Thank you.” You turn on the kettle to boil water. “I was really lucky to find this apartment on sale.”
“You’re not renting?” He asks and you shake your head. “I was going to, but the owner put a last minute offer and I had some money on hand, so I just went ahead.”
He nods and looks around the kitchen, you look at him and follow his eyesight, “You wanna look around? Food needs a couple minutes.”
“Sure.” He uncrosses his arms, and you show him around your apartment, you really adore your place and take pride in it, you decorated it the way you wanted, painted the walls the color you liked, you even showed him your wooden poker table you had and he’s really amused by it.
“You can play poker?” He asks touching the table with his fingertips, you nod and just now it hits you, you have a man you just met in the club a week ago in your place, wearing only his boxers and touching your poker table.
“We should play sometime.” He looks at you when he feels your eyes burn his back, you wish you could kiss him all over it, down his spine and his broad shoulders, this man is big.
“We totally should.” You smirk, he walks closer to you and tugs a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Don’t look at me like that.”
You tease and look at his lips, not bothering to look into his eyes. “Hm? Like what?”
He licks his bottom lip and clears his throat, sealing the space between both of you, your chest now brushing against his, he looks down at you eyeing his lips and his brain recalls your face when you’re being fucked by him, that alone made him want you all over again.
“Like you wanna be fucked again until you can’t walk.” He spits out which makes your heart skip a beat and your breath to hitch. “Cause I’ll do it.” He even continues.
This man will be the death of you.
You stare at him with your orbs widened and your jaw slightly open, his lips twitch, he wants to say more but he hesitated for a second, “Y/N?”
“Yeah?” Your hands fall on his chest.
“Tell me about your sexual fantasies.” He speaks. “I have so many things I want to do to you.”
“You do?” Your face is heating up and your insides are clenching around nothing. “Gosh, I need to sit.”
“Let me help you.” His hands reach the back the back of your thighs and he carries you up, he puts you down on the poker table and gets down on his knees, you’re not sure where he’s going but you shut your knees closer to each other, he looks up at you and forcefully spreads them apart, revealing your bare cunt under your tank top.
His eyes locked onto yours, he prints soft wet kisses and bites on your inner thighs, all the way inside until you can feel his breath coming out from his nose on your pussy.
You struggle to stay in the same position, your core is too weak for this position and you’re already shaking, you need to hold on to something or change the position.
He cuts to the chase and he devours your pussy with his eager mouth, his tongue flicking your clit and sucking on it, you throw your head back and you feel yourself getting weaker by the second, your hand reaches for the back of his head and you hold onto his hair for dear life.
“You taste so fucking good.” He slides a finger into your clenching wet pussy and licks your clit once with his hot wet tongue, your eyes close partly when he curls his fingers inside you. “Holy fucking shit.” Your grip gets tighter on his hair, your legs close around his head which makes your core rest for a few seconds.
Namjoon’s hand again moves to the back of your knees and he pushes them towards your torso all the way, which makes you hold on to your own legs for support, his tongue moving down to your entrance and he pushes it in, his fingers spread your lady lumps apart, you stiffen when you feel him move further down to your puckered butt hole, he licks it with his tongue and prints kisses around it, it’s your first time ever and it feels..
You sit up and eye him very carefully, almost anxiously, his tongue flicking the hole and making it glisten with his spit before he rubs it with his index finger and slowly pushes it in.
You whimper and one of your hands moves to your mouth, “Namjoon.” He looks up at you with lazy eyes, his finger pushing further inside you, you cover your mouth with the back of your hand when you feel the pressure of his finger inside you, it’s extremely tight and a little weird for you, and you’ve never been a big fan of change.
“You’re so tight.” He wets your hole again and the slickness makes everything feel different and good, you throw your head back when he starts moving his finger in and out of you, his tongue licking long lines from your ass up to your clit, he even prints kisses on your inner thigh and bites it harder than before, then goes back to sucking your clit.
It was the sloppiest head you’ve ever had.
You’ve received head before but it was only men doing it weirdly and not even remotely close to making you satisfied. But Kim fucking Namjoon does it to make you enjoy the process and solely to satiate you and make you feel good. He made sure every single cell of your body is drugged with pleasure.
He’s doing things that you’ve never even thought about doing with anyone.
Hell you didn’t even know you were into, but he gives it to you like he knows you for years and knows what you’re into.
“I’m gonna cum.” You announce, he pulls back and takes his finger out with a subtle pop, your shoulders sulk in disappointment, you even stare at him for a second, he’s probably up to something and in fact, he is.
He carries you and you wrap your legs around his torso and pull him in for a heavy make out session while he walks to your bedroom again, he puts you down on your feet near your full body mirror, he turns you so your back faces him, and so you can face the mirror.
You can feel his bulge pressed against your ass which makes you panic for a second, you two just got to know each other and he’s already going to fuck you in the ass?
He yanks off your tank top and you hear a breath escape his lips. “Fuck, Y/N” He grunts, his lips hovering against your ear.
“Hm?” You’re already out of breath and you feel your wetness running down your thigh, you just want him to pound you endless.
“I’ve been wanting to fuck you since day one.” He whispers into your ear and pushes your hips back into his, his cock is rock hard like you didn’t fuck just 20 minutes ago. “I’ve been wanting to do things to you..” He continues, then buries his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. He finds your natural body odor insanely arousing.
His finger tips run up both your arms, then to your hair to run his fingers through, he smells your hair and pushes your hair aside to reveal your tattoo, he prints a kiss on the nape of your neck and licks your tattoo, the taste of your skin sits on his tongue, fuck he could easily bust a nut right now.
You feel goose bumps through your entire body and you shiver when you feel his finger tip running down your spine, he smirks in return and looks into your eyes through the mirror. “You want to see yourself getting fucked?”
You gulp and look at his reflection, standing behind you with his lips next to your ear, the constant clenching around nothing isn’t giving you a break, you nod slowly with your eyes locked into his. “Good.” He whispers and goes down on his knees. “Eyes on the mirror.”
You gasp when you feel him spread your butt cheeks and devour your pussy again, but this time from the back. Continuing what he couldn’t finish on your poker table earlier. “Fuck, Namjoon.”
Your hands struggle to find support again, you need to lean onto something or you will collapse. If not now, you’re only seconds away.
The only thing in front of you is the mirror and your palms lean on its frame, your back arches and your legs close when he shoves in two fingers inside you, his left hand sits on your lower back and he puts light pressure to get you to arch your ass back out for him, and you do, to which he delivers a spank to your ass and he grips on your ass cheeks and squeezes hard on it whilst jiggling it.
That alone makes you clench around his fingers, your cheek is pressed against the mirror, and your quickened breath fogs the mirror, the heat from your breath felt on the side of your face.
He can feel you close to cumming again, he pulls back and again you sulk and whine in frustration. “No not again.”
He audibly laughs before sitting up and pressing against your ass again, his hands working to pull down his boxers. “You can’t wait to feel my cock in your little tight pussy again huh?” His cock is into his hands and as he strokes the tip, you can feel his knuckles brushing against your ass and it drives you insane.
You push yourself with your palms away from the mirror to look at him through it.
“How hard do you want me to fuck you?” He asks.
Your fogged and high on sex brain doesn’t function out an answer, no matter how hard you want to tease him with something, you can’t.
Your insides are already missing his addictive touch and your body feels like utter inferno.
You look at your reflection in the mirror, Namjoon did fuck you up, your hair is messy and frizzy, your face is heated up and flushed red, sweaty too. The arousal in your body caused your lips to turn dark red and they’ve never been this plump, Namjoon aches to kiss you on the lips over and over. Your breasts are swollen and your nipples are hard and sensitive to the touch, even sensitive to room air.
Your entire body is glistening with sweat and your inner thighs have Namjoon’s bites printed on them and your arousal is coating those dark spots, your hips and your ass have Namjoon’s fingers marked on them and bruises from his palm.
Namjoon looks at you through the mirror and he’s totally satisfied with the way he made you look, but not fully satiated, he wants to do more to you and fuck you until you beg him to stop.
His eyes meet yours and you feel his dick rubbing against your folds, grinding and spreading your wetness all over your cunt, your hands sit on his for support and you hold onto them for dear life. He grabs your hips tighter and teases your entrance with his bare cock which feels insanely good for you, but it’s totally wrong, you can see his dick peaking through your thighs in the mirror.
“Fuck, No..” You moan in return and your hand moves down to cover your pussy, and you subtly push him, it hits him right away and he pulls back, he searches around the room for a second, trying to find his wallet.
He didn’t even bring his wallet to your bedroom, which makes you think his brain is fogged up too.
“There are a few in the night stand.” You spit out. “The first drawer.”
He lets go of you which you immediately lose your gate and your legs feel loose, he grabs you back almost immediately and smirks. “I haven’t even fucked you properly yet.”
You look back at him and your noses hit. “Oh fuck you Namjoon.” You hit his chest with your elbow playfully. “Go get a condom before your dick goes soft.”
He doesn’t hesitate to print a soft kiss on the side of your face and he whispers. “I’m gonna let go of you now.”
You lean your palms on the mirror frame again for support and he lets go and turns to take a condom out of your drawer, he rips the silver packaging open with his teeth and spits it out of his mouth before grabbing the condom and putting it on, all you see is his face focused on the task between his hands, the rest is blocked by the reflection of your body in the mirror.
He walks closer and grabs both of your palms away from the mirror and into his hands. “You want me to eat you out again?” He asks, his dick brushing against your ass which makes you roll your eyes at him. “Just fuck me already.”
You get weirdly impatient around this man.
“Alright alright..” He hooks his wrist with both of your arms behind your back and holds you still before rubbing the tip against your entrance, you even wiggle your ass down and try to land on his dick, but he clicks his tongue and whispers against your ear. “You’re hungry for my dick aren’t you?”
Your jaw drops slowly when he pushes his thick cock inside your wet pussy, and like a missing puzzle piece, your insides welcome his dick again and your bodies become one.
His other arm wraps around your neck and he pushes more of his cock inside you, you gasp when you feel him reaching that spot again, you throw your head back into his arm and clear your throat. “Slow.”
And he stops for a second letting you adjust and stretch around his throbbing cock, your legs can’t hold you anymore and you feel yourself not being able to stand up anymore, he grabs you by the waist tightly to support you which makes his cock unintentionally push more inside you. “Oh my god-“ Your voice came out loud and your back arches. He panics for a second because he thinks you’re in pain, he even grabs your waist tighter and looks down at you. “Fuck, sorry.”
You take a few breaths and put a hand on his wrist that’s wrapped around your neck, you look at him through the mirror and watch how he looks at you like you’re a fragile piece of glass.
He feels your eyes on him and he decides to look back at you through the mirror, his lips kissing your ear and neck softly, which gets you to relax around his dick and he’s able to push more into you until he’s ball deep.
“Go.” You nod, and he pulls his dick out of you throbbing pussy, keeping the dick in, before he pushes back into you, doing it multiple times before his speed goes up, with every thrust he knocks a breath out of you, you press your knees together and close your eyes shut. “Keep going.”
And he takes it as a sign to pound even harder into you, your tits bouncing to every thrust, he lets go of your waist and grabs both your elbows, pulling his dick fully out of you, he rubs your clit with it before slamming it back inside you all at once, he presses his lips against your ear and you can feel every breath that escapes his lips mixed with moans.
You always wanted to hear a man be vulnerable in bed and Namjoon gave it to you on a silver platter.
“F-fuck, ah..” His eyes close, “You’re gonna make me cum.” He slams harder into you, with each thrust he presses hard on his teeth. “Ah.. I love the way you make me feel.” His fingers wrap around your neck. “You make me feel so good, fuck.” He almost loses control with his thrusts but still manages to fuck you hard, the loud sinful noises of your skins hitting fill your room again. “Do you want cum around my dick? Hm?”
“I’m gonna cum.” You look at him through the mirror which wakes him up for a second, he looks back at you through your reflection with fire in his eyes.
He pulls his cock out and pushes you onto the bed, you land on your hands and knees, he puts his hand on your lower back signaling you to stay like this and you do, you put your ass up for him and he stands behind you, your hips in his hands, he spanks you on the ass once before pushing his dick back inside you and your hips meet again.
He goes back to pounding your soul out of you, both of you breathless, he gathers your hair in one hand and pulls you closer so your back meets his chest, the angle change making you near your high, the knot in your stomach is so close to snapping, he bites your ear and whispers. “Tell me how much you like being fucked like this.”
“Keep fucking me, don’t stop.” This barely makes it out of your lips, his hand reaches to your breasts and he pinches your nipple with two fingers, “Cum for me.” He says and in a click of a button your knot snaps inside your stomach and a heat wave goes through your entire body and down your back, you’re squirting against his dick which you never realized you could do, you gasp and look down at your pussy gushing out cum. “Fuck-“
Your muscles relax and your chest heaves up and down, It takes Namjoon seconds before he bursts his nut into his condom while throwing his head back. “Fuck.” The muscles on his chest tense when he fucks you through his orgasm, he falls down beside you on the bed, both of you collapsed next to each other, he’s on his back breathing fast and you’re face down on the sheets.
Both of you fucked and tired.
It’s only seconds later, you look at him and he looks back at you, both of you let out a soft laugh, he closes his eyes. “You’re fucking amazing.”
You grin at that compliment even though you should be the one giving it to him. You lay down on your back and turn to him, he sits up and rolls the condom off of his dick, before twisting a knot into it and throwing it in a bin, he leaves the room for a second, then comes back to the bedroom with a pack of cigarettes in his hand, he sits on the bed again, elbows on his thighs, he puts a cigarette between his lips and lights it up.
All you see is his carved back and his head leaning back to blow smoke, you watch him carefully for seconds, you can’t seem to take your eyes off of this man.
You sit up on your knees and wrap your arms around him from behind, printing a few kisses on his shoulders and back before grabbing the cigarette from his hands and putting it between your lips, you turn to straddle him and sit on his thighs, he seems startled for a second, you take a drag and blow out smoke away from his face before offering him back his smoke.
“Stay the night.”
“What?” He heard you the first time but he’s just making sure.
“You heard me.”  You smirk. “You can leave in the morning, it’s too late now and your pants aren’t even done.”
He stares at you in the eyes, and he sees that you genuinely want him to stay and there’s no harm. It’s just one night.
He grabs the smoke from your hand and takes a puff, blowing smoke away from your face and lifting an eyebrow at you, “Okay.” He nods.
You get up from his lap and almost lose your balance, his hand reaches fast to grab you but it lands on your ass.
“I can’t tell if you’re helping or if it’s an excuse to touch my ass Namjoon.” You turn to look at him, he stands up and takes another puff from his smoke before offering it back to you. “I don’t need an excuse to touch your ass, Y/N.”  His chest brushes against yours, you take the cigarette and put it in between your lips, taking a long drag.
You did have friends who smoked back in college, you took occasional puffs here and there, but you don’t really like it that much.
You blow smoke into his face. “Go shower. We totally forgot about the water we boiled for the noodles.”
“Hmm..” He puts a finger under his chin and pretends to be thinking. “Noodles or sex?”
You giggle playfully and hit his chest, turning to catch your tank top you throw it on and turn on your bathroom light. “I have everything you need in here.” You guide him into the bathroom. “Shampoo and conditioner are by the shower head, I have extra toothbrushes in the second drawer, and the blow dryer is in this closet.” You point at the closet under the sink before you hand him a towel, he nods and scratches the back of his neck, shifting awkwardly in his spot.
“I have nothing to wear.” He looks down at you.
“Oh, you can stay in your towel if you want to.” You shrug nonchalantly, he crosses his arms and says with a hint of a pout. “Of course I can’t.”
“Unless you want me to lend you a thong.” You offer him. He squints his eyes. “I’ll choose the towel thank you.”
You leave the bathroom and go back to the kitchen, the water you boiled earlier has gone cold, you boil it again before picking out side dishes from the fridge, cup noodles were enough earlier, but not anymore when you’re past two rounds of heavy pounding.
It’s minutes after, both of you seated on your kitchen table and eating like you’ve never seen food before, you admire this guy even more, he’s not like any of the guys you slept with.
He has manners when he’s eating, he doesn’t chew loud, nor with his mouth open, he wipes his mouth clean after every bite, he doesn’t even speak with food in his mouth.
“You know what I find weird?” He asks, scraping the last of his ramen into a spoon. You look at him and wait for him to finish. “We slept together and we don’t even each other’s ages.”
“Oh yeah.” It hits you now too, you put your chopsticks down and take a sip of water. “I think what matters most is that we’re both adults.” You shrug.
“Mhm.” He agrees, then eats the last spoonful of ramen.
“But really how old are you?” You contradict your previous point which makes you earn a subtle laugh from him.
“I turn thirty in September.” He says right after he swallows his bite. “You?”
You nod, he actually does look thirty.
You lean your elbow on the table and put your chin into your palm. “Try to guess.”
“That’s a very risky game.” He shakes his head. “I refuse to guess.”
“Come on, at least try.” You whine, you’re genuinely curious to know how old he thinks you are.
“Hmm..” He leans both his elbows on the table and leans closer to stare into your eyes, tilts his head and squints his eyes for a second. “A gorgeous face with an insanely hot figure.”
You clear your throat, he leans closer and his nose hits yours. “With your beautiful ass and a tight pussy like yours?”
Your head is spinning, your mouth opens but you pause for a second.
He blurts out your exact age and guesses right, but something tells you that he knows that before and you look at him suspiciously. “How’d you know?”
“You have your medical degree hung up on the wall.” He smirks. “It has your birth date on it.”
“Such an idiot.” You hit him on his chest and get up to clean the table. He laughs and helps you discarding the empty ramen cups.
“I’m just messing with you.” He stands behind you while you’re cleaning the only dish you used, “But I was serious about your face and your body, you’re fucking gorgeous.” He presses against you cornering you against the sink, you shiver when you feel his breath down your neck. “You’re going to be the death of me, Kim Namjoon.”
He bites the skin on your neck softly and whispers. “I’d fuck you again but I would kill for some sleep now.”
You won’t even try to refuse if he offered more sex, you can’t get enough of him.
It’s almost 3 in the morning, the room is completely dark and it feels warmer than usual even when the air conditioning is turned on. You blame it on your dreams and what happened earlier with the man lying next to you.
You turn to look at him, sleeping on his side and covering just his lower half, he slept naked considering his clothes weren’t dry nor comfortable enough to sleep with.
He looks incredibly alluring even when he’s asleep,  you were sucking his cock in your dreams just a couple second ago and it felt amazing to be in control and pleasure him. The heat between your legs makes you whine in frustration, you have to wake him up.
No no.
You Need to wake him up. Now.
You take the covers off of you, sit up and straddle his hips, not fully landing on top of him, the blanket still covering his lower half. You bury your face in his neck and kiss him there softly, once, twice, thrice, then up to his ear, you lick it and blow air softly into it, which makes him shift in bed. “Mmm.” He groans and opens one eye. “Y/N, are you okay?”
Now you fully land on his lower half, the blanket is still stopping you from touching his cock with your cunt. You grab his head into your hands and kiss him on the lips softly, he’s still half asleep so he hardly kisses back. “We have to get some sleep.” He mumbles.
You’re totally unbothered by his statement, so you kiss him again and go down to his neck, licking a long line from his collarbone up to the back of his ear, then kiss him there, moving down to his neck and giving him soft bites.
His hands land on your hips and he hums in return. “Are you up?” You ask him, he nods, his eyes half open. “Good.” You say sternly.
You move down to his chest and kiss him, sucking on some spots here and there, then moving down to his stomach, you print a few kisses on it then gaze at his trail of pubes, the excitement in you is indescribable, you’ve never wanted to blow a man this much.
He feels you moving down and he knows what you’re about to do, he sits up on his elbows and looks at you, his hair messy and his lips pouty, eyes half open. His hand reaches for your hair and he tugs it away from your face and behind your ear.
His mind is still foggy from being in deep sleep, but his body is already on fire, he can’t remember the last time he got his dick sucked.
You pull the blanket off of him and grab his hardening dick in your hand, trailing a few wet lines of saliva on it to make it wet, you stroke it slowly and kiss his upper thigh while looking up at him. He’s fully conscious and alert.
“I’ve been wanting to taste your dick.” You tease him with your sleepy voice. “Will you please let me suck your dick?”
That alone makes his dick fully erect in your hand, and it even twitches which makes you giggle sexily at it, you stick your tongue out and slam his dick onto it a couple of times, making it completely wet.
“Fuck, Y/N.” His bottom lip sits between his teeth and he takes a long exhale when he feels your tongue licking his dick from the base to the very tip slowly but repeatedly.
The leaking tip finally sits inside your mouth and you wrap your lips around it, and like you’ve never eaten a dick before, you devour it, you want to feel his dick on every taste bud, and he tastes fucking good.
You’re hungry for him and eager to pleasure him, you want him to feel your mouth and cum inside it.
“You look so fucking beautiful with my dick in your mouth.” His hips move up to push more of his dick inside your mouth. You’re soaking wet for him.
You were lucky you’ve never had issues with your gag reflex, it’s hardly even there which is what makes you give the best blow jobs ever.
Your head bobs lower and to take more of his enormous dick inside your mouth, you will have terrible jaw pain in the morning, but he’s fucking worth it.
You can feel the tip of his dick tickling your uvula which makes him tense and sit up for a second, you land even further down and his dick is now fucking your throat. “Shit your mouth feels so fucking good.”
You pull back from his dick and stroke it again, coughing a couple of times and looking into his eyes.”I want you to cum down my throat Namjoon.”
He has the look of the lost puppy on his face again, he cannot believe you just said that, his jaw even drops and his eyes move back and forth between your left and right eye.
You lick his balls once which makes him spread his legs a little wider. “Will you?”
Your question snaps him out of his thoughts, he nods slowly and you’re more than satisfied with his answer. You took the man off guard what were you expecting.
You stroke his cock again and suck on his balls, hallowing your cheeks and running your tongue up and down his sack, you move further down to his ass and you lick his hole once which makes him flinch and almost close his legs, he grabs you by the head and gasps. “What are you doing?”
Your eyebrows form into a clear frown. “Rimming your ass clearly, do you not want me to?”
“It feels weird.” He shakes his head in denial.
“You fingered my asshole earlier.” You shrug, your hand still stroking his cock. “It was weird too.”
“But it was good weird, wasn’t it?” He asks, out of breath, he’s already about to cum.
“And does this not feel good weird?” You raise an eyebrow and look at him challenge, most men do enjoy their ass eaten but won’t even admit.
It takes him a few seconds to think, he clearly enjoyed it but he’s denying it.
“Fine, I won’t do it again.” You lick his balls again and suck on them, before putting his dick back into your mouth, his tug gets harder on your hair and he starts moving his hips up to fuck your face, slamming into your throat roughly until audible gags are heard, his balls slam against your chin and your tears are already streaming down on your face.
“I’m gonna cum.” He announces, out of breath. You pull his dick out of your mouth and try to catch a breath, you kiss his dick a couple of times and look at him in the eyes. “I wanna feel your cum down my throat.”
“Come on baby let me fuck your mouth again.” He runs his thumb on your bottom lip, you stifle a grin at the pet name and put his dick back into your mouth, his hand goes back to pull your hair, and he slams into your throat again, sloppy gagging sounds fill your room, your nails dig into his thighs, you need to catch a breath but he’s already close to cumming, so you decide on holding your breath longer.
“Fuuuck.” You can feel his cum down your throat and he fucks your face through it, releasing a loud breath with each ribbon he shoots. “Oh my fucking god.” He lets go of your hair and throws his head back into the pillow, you pull his dick out of your mouth and kiss his lower stomach and thighs while catching a breath.
“You’re fucking incredible.” He leans his wrist on his forehead and clears his throat. You crawl up to him and catch his lips into a soft kiss, he kisses back immediately and pulls the cover over both of you, and you sleep in his arms, which you normally would refuse to do because it feels intimate, but you’re both too tired to think.
You turn in bed, your joints all feel loose and your back hurts, your head even feels heavy and you’re craving more sleep.
You’ve always been a morning person, you like waking up early and working out at home or even taking a jog around your block, take a shower and grab a bite before planning out your day. Even if you slept really late, you’d wake up early and just nap during the day.
You let out a gasp when you finally open your eyes, your vision still blurry. There’s a man next to you.
You must’ve been in deep sleep to even forget he spent the night here. Although the reason you’re in deep sleep is because he pounded you hard last night he just knocked you to sleep.
He opens his eyes and looks up at you, a lazy smile on his face, he rubs his eyes and crawls closer to you, leaning his head on your chest and hugging your body closer, his hands tugging on the short silk dress you’re wearing.
You hesitate a second before wrapping your arms around him, hugging his warmth closer to you.
He looks up at you and his eyes shift between your eyes and lips, before he gives your lips a soft kiss. And the moment his lips land on yours, your phone starts ringing, you kiss him back quickly before reaching to grab your phone, it’s Hoseok.
“I need to answer this.” You look at him, he nods and lazily buries his head in the crook of your neck, you swipe your phone screen and answer the phone. “Hobi?”
“Are you still asleep? It’s 10 in the morning, are you okay?” Hoseok knows you wake up early so he genuinely thinks you’re sick or something.
“No I’m fine, I went to bed late.” And you’re trying so hard to focus but the man in your arms won’t let you. His lips are kissing behind your ear and down your neck, licking some spots with his warm tongue, and his arms are hugging your waist closer to his, his morning wood felt as it is against you.
“I found you the screws you were looking for, you know for your pantry shelves. Do you want me to come over and install them?”
It’s totally not the time, and the man you stated your fear of to Hoseok is in your bed. Now your body tenses because Hoseok knows the pass code to your door and he could come any minute.
“Of course, but I need to shower and finish a few things first, okay?” You see Namjoon’s head disappear under the blanket and he’s kissing your thighs and spreading them apart to sit between them, he pulls your panties to the side and kisses your cunt lovingly like he didn’t fuck it the night before.
“Okay, I’ll get breakfast too, I just got off work and I haven’t eaten anything.” At this point you could agree to anything because you just want to end the call before you get busted.
“Cool, okay.” You sit on your elbows. “I’ll see you later Hobi, thank you for the screws.”
“I’ll see you.” He finally hangs up, you throw your phone down on the mattress next to you and throw the blanket down on the floor.
Namjoon looks at you ever so innocently before he shoves his middle finger inside your hole, which makes you whimper and bite on your lips. “It’s still morning.”
“You’re allowed to suck my dick in the middle of my sleep, but I’m not allowed to eat your pussy when I wake up?” He smirks and kisses your clit softly. “I’m just saying thank you for letting me stay the night.” He curls his fingers inside you and you hold onto the sheets while throwing your head back. “Oh Namjoon..”
“Hm?” He spreads your pussy open and sucks onto your clit, flicking his tongue against it which makes you wet in a snap of a finger.
“Sucking your dick in the middle of your sleep was fucking worth it.” You look at him and move your hips with his fingers, creating a slow grind on his face. He laughs at your words and climbs up to kiss you on the lips, his fingers sliding out of you. “You liked sucking my dick didn’t you?”
You sit up and push him down on the mattress, before reaching for your nightstand and grabbing out a condom and putting it on your pillow. You climb on top of him and straddle his thighs, slowly but gently landing on his erection.
“So you’re into morning sex, Kim Namjoon?” You grab his hands into yours and lean down to kiss the corner of his lips, slowly grinding against his bare cock, his grip tightens around your hands and his eyes scan your bodies. You go down to his long neck and satisfy your urge to kiss it, using your teeth to bite on his skin gently, what grabs your attention is his necklace.
It had a barely noticeable heart chain, with the name ‘Jay’ engraved on it.
“Who’s Jay?”
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some random sfw+nsfw colonel quaritch headcanons~
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• bites his bottom lip with his top row of teeth; harshly sucks in a breath with his mouth corners spread far apart when he's either thinking hard, or accidentally hurt himself
• clicks open a penknife he kept with him, and lightly presses his thumb against the open blade when he's lost in thought
• manspreads. not leaning back, but hunching over with his forearms resting atop his knees
• is a big fan of 'nuh-uh/uh-uh' when he disagrees with someone/something, usually whilst cocking an eyebrow
• has an inner sassy that comes out when someone eats the last of his favourite meal, or he has to search around his quarters for a lost belt or radio comm
• likes to ever so subtly closed-mouth hum along to some old country songs from back when he was a human, usually when he's fresh out of the shower. but also if he forgets himself mid-forest patrol, whilst hacking away at the stray vines
• is a bad loser. has a lot of big talk, but goes pretty silent when he starts to lose a card game; less insecure silent, and more bore his eyes into your soul while he juts out his bottom jaw through gritted teeth kinda silent
• misses fried eggs. he used to eat them plain too, just like 3-4 eggs cooked up on a plate, ideally with a fork and nothing else (maybe some pepper?)
• has a hangup about the fruit on pandora. it irks him that despite hating the seemingly airy fairy lifestyle and diet of the na'vi, after a long hard day he now craves a sweet, juicy fruit to chomp into more than anything else
• scrunches up his nose when he hears a joke he doesn't like. he doesn't care for intellectual/wordplay humor. he's secretly a big physical comedy fan; slip down a wet bank? trip over a stray root? choke on some water? he'll belly-laugh
• speaking of, he laughs like how 'hahaha' writes. he's a 'HA-ha-ha-HA-heuUUUgh-AHahahaHaa' laugher, like right from the chest, a little hoarse. def cups his tummy with an open palm when he laughs too
• he'll shit-talk anyone, but primarily those who he deems deserve it. any random person or textbook 'vulnerable'/weak person is almost too tame for him to enjoy mocking, oddly?
• it took him about 2 weeks to really get mentally comfortable sleeping with a tail. he tried fetal, he tried back, he tried left, right; he now sleeps face-down starfish with a foot off the end of the bed bc he kinda wants the under-bed demons to fight him. he'll fight anything
• says "..aHh, fffuckk i'm..c-cumming" when he cums. like, he'll utter some kind of let-you-know phrase, and then swiftly detour into telling you how much you'll love his seed, or how good it must feel to be filled up, or how fucked out you'll be when he's done with you
• counts down when he gives you an order sexually. if you resist which he hopes you do he'll stop, purse his lips and intimidatingly yet blankly stare at you, and begin with a sigh and an "..alright. 3."
• loves to spit in his palm, and then smear it across your cheek and lips. he smirks or straight up grins when he does it, and'll even sometimes dip two fingers into your warm, wet mouth just to amuse himself
• additionally may test your resolve and gag reflex. he finds it both incredibly arousing yet endearing when you gag on his fingers, so he'll push them as deep down your throat as you can bear. maybe spit into your open mouth while he does it if he feels like it
• deeply enjoys humiliating you. it's a big ole power surge for him, and he'll exploit any moment in which your facade falls and you show your innate meek and flustered interior for him
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
Dog Fight || Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (18+)
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You fucked me so good I almost said, “I love you”
Prompt: You and Rooster had fling during your first time at top gun. It ended with you both swearing you never caught feelings and going zero contact. Now, when you’re both called back to Top Gun, you spend two weeks denying your feelings until they all come rushing to the surface.
Warnings: Blood (just a nosebleed, briefly mentioned), smut, unprotected sex, brief choking, soft dom rooster.
Reader’s callsign is Hyde (i.e jeckyll &)
“So, is no one else going to mention the burning sexual tension between Rooster and Hyde?”
You turn your head and stare through Hangman, hoping that this is enough to intimidate him into shutting his pretty-boy mouth. He grin widens the moment he realises he’s gotten under your skin.
It takes everything not to take the pen in your hand and launch it at his head.
It wouldn’t usually bother you. It’s just that it’s Rooster. Not only that, but it’s the fact that Rooster is sitting one row behind you — and he’s wearing the same goddamn cologne he wore back then, and you hate to admit that the scent of him still gets you a little bit excited.
You were talking to Coyote in the Hard Deck when you smelled it first. A soft white musk scent. You had known it was Rooster before you even turned around. Just one intake of that surprisingly soft, enthralling scent and suddenly you were back in the barracks of North Island’s base, his palm over your mouth and your knees over his shoulders.
“Leave ‘em alone, Rooster’s blushing.” Payback adds into the teasing. You turn, maybe a little too quickly, to check. Rooster’s hazel eyes meet yours and he’s blank-faced. Maybe there’s a little rose hue to his cheeks, but there always is.
“Come on, when are you two just going to admit that you want to screw each other’s brains out?” Hangman continues, his arm resting across the back of the chair next to him.
“Or that you’ve already fucked.” Bob joins in and the group goes silent. Rooster’s brows furrow. Everyone looks equally stunned for a moment and you’re so grateful that the attention is off of you because Bob just said his first swear word, maybe ever.
Once the initial shock of Bob’s first curse word wears off, Hangman’s brow quirks at the notion that the two of you may have already slept together. He honestly can’t believe he didn’t think of that himself.
“Now that is quite the thought, Bob,” Hangman turns in his seat and leans closer, “Didn’t I hear that you two kids were in Top Gun together the first time around?”
“Aviators!” Maverick’s voice carries across the hangar, interrupting the gentle bullying that has been happening. Rooster sighs in relief behind you. You turn your head just slightly, glancing at him over your shoulder.
His eyes are still on you.
“Today’s exercise is all about team work,” Maverick begins explaining before he has even reached the front of the room. Everyone’s face slowly reflects their confusion as they realise he’s not in uniform. He’s wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. “You guys suck at working as a team and today we’re gonna take a little field trip to figure that out. Meet at the beach in front of the Hard Deck at 9am sharp.”
Your eyebrows furrow as you pull up to the Hard Deck’s parking lot and see Phoenix and Bob sitting on the hood of Phoenix’s Porsche, waiting for you.
You look at what they’re wearing.
“Phoenix, tell me we aren’t working out!” You call as you pull the keys from the ignition. It’s almost eighty degrees — you had assumed it was going to be an icebreaker type of day.
Phoenix presses a hand over her mouth as she takes in the flimsy bikini top you’re wearing. You’ve got a button up over it, and black shorts on your bottom half — but the two of you both know that you’re less than appropriately dressed for the day.
“Didn’t you get Mav’s text?” Bob asks, he sounds almost like he feels bad for you.
You grab your phone from the hands free set inside of the car and check, shaking your head, “No?”
“Dogfight football, he sent a text to everyone so they would know what to bring.” Bob explains as he and Phoenix hop down from the hood of her car. You check the time, it’s 8:58. No time to change.
“Please switch with me.” You put your hands together in a prayer-like motion and step quickly toward Phoenix. She laughs and shakes her head just as quickly,
“Fuck no!”
You groan. You take a moment, eyes closed, to prepare yourself for the morning you’re about to endure. You button the shirt, letting out a breath and pretending that you’ve composed yourself.
“Alright. Fine,” You agree, “Let’s get this over with.”
You regroup on the beach, Maverick has already begun talking by the time the three of you join the back of the crowd.
Rooster is off to the left. Your eyes linger. He’s a head and shoulders taller than Harvard, standing at his side. He’s tanned, ripped and practically glowing. His hair is more sunkissed than when you last saw him, it’s curlier too.
Phoenix follows your gaze, craning her head to see, spotting Rooster. She turns her head back to you and raises her eyebrow suggestively, her lips quirking up into a smirk. All of her suspicions are confirmed at once.
You shake your head at her, rolling your eyes as if she isn’t right about it all.
The game begins. Rooster’s on the other team. You kind of wish he was on yours, you know you’d have less contact that way. You last maybe fifteen minutes before the overshirt becomes unbearable in the heat.
“C’mon, Hyde — can’t striptease to distract us just ‘cause you’re losing!” Harvard calls out as you slip the material off of your shoulders and toss it down on top of Bob’s backpack for safe keeping. You smile at him and raise your middle finger.
The bikini top is a simple unlined black piece that ties behind your neck and between you shoulder blades. The lack of support is unmatched.
You do your best to minimise the movement, but you also refuse to let your team lose because of your bad choice of clothing. The red ball lands in your hands and you take off running.
Coyote is on your left and Payback’s on your right. They’re both so tall, their legs are longer than yours and they’re gaining on you as you break into a sprint toward your team’s end zone.
Your foot makes it over the line and you throw the ball at the ground, spinning and throwing your arms into the air, jumping in celebration. Phoenix laughs as she tackles you into a hug from behind, both of you stumbling, happy as you try to catch your footing.
You feel eyes on you and your laughter stops. Rooster’s wearing sunglasses but his eyes are on you. Well, they’re on your chest. They flicker back up to your face and he realises he’s caught. He turns quickly and pretends to be immersed in the game.
You swallow, shaking your head. You’re broken from the moment, laughing as Coyote playfully jibes at your touchdown celebration, pretending to bounce around in the sand before you.
You playfully barge his shoulder and press forward with the game. You try your hardest, but you can’t ignore the way your eyes keep meeting his.
Rooster scores the next touchdown for his team — it’s like he’s been trying extra hard since your touchdown. His celebration is similar to yours, but more macho. You are stilled in place at the sight before you as he and Coyote collide mid-air.
He’s laughing, stumbling just a little as his feet hit the sand again. You watch as he dances under the burning sun, performing — much to Coyote’s delight. Rooster has the other pilot in fits of laughter with his little shimmy.
Maybe you should be laughing too. At anyone else you would be. There’s just something so familiar about watching those muscles in his stomach ripple and contract.
Your mouth goes dry at the thought.
You haven’t let yourself think about him like that in three years. You and Rooster had been in Top Gun together the first time around. He was a couple of years older than you — partially because he was held back a few years early on in his career and partially because you were particularly skilled for your age, so had gotten there early.
Top Gun is a thirteen week programme. For twelve weeks, Rooster was yours. Secretly, of course. You couldn’t let anyone know that he’d gotten you into bed so easily.
Twelve weeks in the San Diego heat. Sneaking around. Stolen kisses in storage lockers, condom wrappers in the waste baskets in Admirals’ offices, him sneaking out of your room each morning before sunrise. You walking with a slight limp on the way to training that one morning.
You hadn’t ever been anything exclusive and neither of you had brought up such nonsense for the entire programme. Until the night before graduation, when Rooster had asked you ‘what comes next?’ whilst he had been inside of you.
You still remember that fight. Both of you storming off, slamming doors and cursing at each other. You were still pissed off that he hadn’t even finished.
You’re broken from your stream of explicit memories as Yale trips into you whilst running to catch the ball. His elbow hits the bridge of your nose as he swings out his arms to catch his balance. You both hit the sand.
You don’t even really make a noise, beside the initial startled gasp. You blink, waiting for the pain to really hit you.
“Fuck, Hyde, I’m so sorry - I didn’t see you.”
You feel a wet droplet hit your chest, bringing your hand up to touch tenderly at your nose. Then the pain hits you. You wince, pulling your hand back and finding your fingers are bloodied.
“Oh, shit, she’s bleeding.” You aren’t sure who makes the announcement but Rooster’s standing before you next. You’re on your ass in the sand, blinking up at him. He watches a droplet of blood hit your chest and slide across your breast.
“Come on.” He extends a hand — the first words he’s said to you since the two of you had gotten here two weeks ago. You reach out and put your palm in his, letting him help you to your feet.
“You alright, Hyde?” Maverick pushes through the crowd that has gathered around you. He reaches out and puts a hand on your shoulder, features creased with concern.
You open your mouth to answer him but are interrupted by a sudden head rush. You stumble, snapped back to reality as Rooster’s fingers curl around your biceps and steady you.
“Woah, careful — uh, Rooster, could you take her up and ask Penny to take a look at her for me?”
Rooster looks between you and Maverick. Your lips are parted and bloodied but your eyes are on him. So trusting and pretty. He shoots Maverick a look. Maverick knows who you are. He knows all about the girl who broke his nephew’s heart at North Island.
“Yeah, I got her.” Rooster agrees. Whatever happened between the two of you was three years ago, he reminds himself. Plus, it’s not like he wants anyone else to head up there with you. Maverick passes a key into Rooster’s hand.
You wipe your nose with the back of your hand, shaking your head and swallowing, the taste of copper on your tongue, “No, I’m fine, seriously.”
“Y/N, you’re not coming back until Penny gives me the all clear.” Maverick is stern with his answer.
Rooster’s thumbs stroke at your biceps, he’s still the only thing keeping you upright, “Can you walk?” You nod.
He grabs your overshirt from Bob’s backpack and nods for you to follow him. You trip just slightly as the damp sand becomes soft sand near the top of the beach — it’s nothing to do with your fall and everything to do with the fact that you aren’t watching where you’re going. Yet, Rooster’s hand slides around your waist immediately.
“I can carry you.” He offers.
“I know.” You mumble in return, pinching your nose to stop the constant stream of blood.
Rooster looks at you and smiles just slightly. He unlocks and holds open the front door to the Hard Deck for you and motions you in. You take a seat at the bar, leaning across and grabbing some napkins, holding them up against your still bleeding nose.
“Penny?” Rooster calls out. He leaves your side for a moment to search the bar for her, poking his head into the back room. He shakes his head as he realises she must be on the beach.
“Wait here.”
You shrug. Still bleeding, you weren’t planning on going anywhere anyway. He disappears into the back room for a moment, returning with a first aid kit. This bar has its fair share of incidents. Rooster pulls up a stool in front of you, nudging your knees apart so he can sit as close as possible.
You lean your head back.
“No, don’t do that,” Rooster’s fingers curl around the back of your neck as he guides your head forward, pointing your nose back toward the ground. He feels you tense up, releasing you immediately. “You’re supposed to lean forward.”
He leans across the bar and scoops some ice into a plastic bag, then wraps that in a napkin.
“Move your hand for me.” You do as he says, hissing quietly as he rests his makeshift cold compress against the bridge of your nose. You press the tissues to your nostrils, still bleeding.
“You okay?” He asks quietly. You look up at him and shrug, “Been better.”
He chuckles, nodding his head, “Yeah, you hit the ground pretty hard.”
“You saw?” You’re inexplicably embarrassed by that. Rooster has seen you in most positions, but the thought of him seeing you get knocked on your ass makes you groan and squeeze your eyes shut. Until you realise it hurts to shut your eyes like that.
“Saw you checking me out.”
Your cheeks burn. You look at him furiously. He’s smirking, “I was not.” Your tone is a smidge defensive.
Rooster chuckles and shrugs his broad, tanned, bare shoulders, “So how come you didn’t see Yale sprinting down the pitch at you, baby?” You squeeze your thighs together. It’s been so long since you heard him call you that.
“The sun was in my eyes.” You answer a little too quickly.
“The sun that was behind me, was in your eyes? — so you were looking at me.” He has you there. You give in, caught for a moment.
“Hey, I saw you looking at me too. After I scored.” You counter. Rooster smiles at you, brushing your hair back away from the injury. His sunglasses mask it well, but you catch his eyes glance down at your chest.
“Can you blame me?” It’s hot and his voice makes you want to melt faster than the ice in his compress. “It’s been a while since I saw them bounce like that.”
You kick his shin, trying to hide the fact that you’re thrilled that he has brought it up. “Pig.” You chastise playfully.
“Just brought back some memories is all.” His lips are just hinting at a smile. You brush your ankle against his, putting your foot on the footrest of his stool. You wonder if he can tell that you’re so happy that he remembers it all as clearly as you do. He can. You look like the cat that got the cream. But bloodier.
“Good memories?”
Rooster lets out an amused huff, taking the compress away from your nose and inspecting the bridge delicately. It’s tender, but both of you know it isn’t broken. He fishes his phone from the pocket of his tight shorts and turns on the flash.
Your lips part in surprise as he reaches out and grabs your chin. He leans in close. You hold your breath. He lifts the phone and shines the torch into your eye, making you flinch and pull away.
“Come on, I need to check if you have a concussion or not.” He grips your jaw and turns you back to face him. He knows exactly what he’s doing, you realise. He leans close again and you breathe him in.
He lifts the phone and shines the flashlight into each pupil, his grip on your jaw keeping your eyes on him.
“You seem fine to me,” He decides, “You feel okay?”
You pull the tissue away from your nose, pleased to find that the bleeding has stopped, and nod at him. He grabs a set of antibacterial wipes from the kit and lifts your chin once more. You’re silent, just watching him as he cleans you up.
“Stop looking at me like that.” Rooster mumbles, making you blush. You furrow your eyebrows at him,
“Like what?”
“You’re the one who walked away, Hyde.” Rooster reminds you calmly as he wipes the blood from your lips, his other hand on your chin, keeping you still for him.
“I didn’t walk away — I just said that I wasn’t sure!” You protest. Rooster rolls his eyes,
“If I remember correctly, you actually said, ‘What? You thought I was going to fall in love with you or something?’” He mocks your voice as he talks and you narrow your eyes at him. You kick his shin again, a little harder this time.
You know that what you said was kind of mean, but he had you backed into a corner by that point in the argument and you were really frustrated.
“It was just sex!” You blurt out. The same thing you had said three years ago. Rooster stills his hand, the wipe resting on your breast as his brown eyes stare into you.
He gives you a slow, curt nod and sets the wipe down on the side. You sigh as he pushes himself up from the stool, “Rooster, wait-“
He drops the key Maverick gave him onto the bar, “Lock up when you’re done, kid.” You glare at him. He knows you hate it when he says that shit to you. He’s just a couple of years older. You watch him tuck his stool in and turn to leave.
“Rooster, come on, you know I didn’t mean-“
He slams the front door behind him. You growl in frustration as you push yourself up from your stool. He always was such a drama queen.
By the time you make it outside, your shirt balled up in your hand, he’s across the parking lot and headed down the beach in the opposite direction from the group. They’re still playing and they haven’t noticed the two of you yet. You look at them, then back at him, and take off jogging down the beach.
It takes you a while to catch up, he’s already across the cove and standing on the rocks by the time you catch him.
“Fuck, could you slow down for a second?” You pant as you clamber up the rocks. He ignores you and drops down onto the other side. This beach is empty, he continues along its shore away from you. “Rooster!”
He turns finally, in time to see you wobbling as you try to drop down the same way he did. Rooster walks slowly back toward you until he’s towering over you, “If you tell me it was just sex one more fucking time, y/l/n, I’m gonna lose it.”
You smile softly, trying to deescalate, “It was just-“
Rooster grabs your face in his hands and crashes his lips to yours, your back hitting the wall of rock behind you. You hum in surprise as your arms wrap around his shoulders.
The kiss is all anger and hard breathing at first, until Rooster grips the nape of your neck and licks into your mouth. The jagged rocks behind you press harder into your skin as he pushes himself harder against you. You tug at him eagerly, dropping your shirt onto the rocks. Rocks be damned, you want him as close to you as possible.
His hands slide between your bodies and pop open the button to your shorts, dragging the zipper down. You pull away from his lips, breathing hard. You’re looking at him like he’s crazy, reaching out and grabbing his hands to still him, “Here?”
“Live a little.” He murmurs, pressing his lips forward again slipping his tongue into your mouth. You hook your thumbs into the sides of your shorts as you shimmy them down, leaving you in the bikini before him.
He’s seen you in much less, but your cheeks heat as he pulls back and skims his fingers along your waist, taking in everything that’s different and everything that’s the same all at once.
“Stop staring, you’re making me nervous.” You complain, pushing your hips forward against his. Rooster’s hands come up and grope at your breasts as he pushes his body against you, “God, I missed you.” He admits, capturing your lips in a kiss.
You gasp as he tugs at the string behind your back, pushing his hands under the material of the flimsy black bikini. You whine softly against his lips. His hips press you back against the rocks whilst his thumbs brush delicately over your nipples. He stifles a groan as he feels them harden against his fingers.
Rooster pulls back for just a moment, to rip that stupid thing off of you and then duck his head down to suck your nipple into his mouth. You close your eyes, catching your breath as he nips and sucks at your breasts.
You’re so focused on that, you don’t even notice his right hand trailing your side until it’s already between your legs and nudging the bikini bottoms to the side. You gasp as he sinks a finger into you, the pad of his thumb pressing to your clit like he hadn’t ever been away. He knows your body like he knows how to fly.
“Shut the fuck up.” Rooster breathes, straightening up and looking down at you through those gold sunglasses. You tremble, nodding at him and taking your lip between your teeth. “Don’t want anyone else seeing you like this.”
You whimper as he sinks to his knees before you, nipping at your ribs, grazing his teeth across your hip bones. Rooster smiles just slightly as you take the sunglasses off his face and trail your fingertips across his cheek. You’re always so gentle.
He pulls the bottoms even more to the side, lifting one leg over his shoulder and burying his face between your legs. You take a sharp breath at the sudden contact, sliding your fingers into his curls. The sun hits his eyes as he looks up at you, they look especially brown in the midday sun, amber and shining.
He feels you clench around his fingers as he adds a second, groaning quietly against your core. You lean your head back against the rocks behind you, closing your eyes and just letting him touch you. His fingers work you open while his mouth focuses on your clit.
“Rooster, please just fuck me.” You whisper, tugging delicately at his roots. Rooster plunges his fingers into you, twisting them expertly and making you gasp.
He looks at you expectantly.
“Please.” Your voice cracks slightly, desperation never more evident. Rooster straightens up and pulls you against him, his cock strains against your navel through his denim shorts as his lips move against yours.
You know that the two of you have a limited time out here in the open like this. Your last time was unfinished and you had been walking around frustrated by that for three years. There had been instances in between with other people, but no one who could finish what Rooster had started.
Your fingers work at the button on his shorts, you’re trembling and it takes some willpower to have your hands comply. You manage to pop the button open, dragging the zipper down and pushing at the waistband of his boxers and shorts together.
“Needy little thing, aren’t you?” Rooster murmurs against your throat, his breath hitting you ear and making you shiver against you. He grabs your undershirt from the rock and drops it onto the sand, wrapping one arm around your waist.
You hum as he presses your back into the sand, then you gasp as he turns you onto your stomach. That’s what the shirt was for, your cheek rests against it - protected from the sand - as he lifts your hips.
You feel him pushing his shorts down behind you, pushing your hips back and feeling his exposed cock brush your core. Rooster revels in the desperate sound you make as he drags his cock between your folds, his lip between his teeth as he watches the tip sink into you.
“Fuck,” Rooster breathes out, fingers curling around your hip as he watches his dick disappear into you. You watch him over your shoulder. He’s so focused, brows furrowed and his lips parted just slightly. “Missed seeing you like this, baby.”
You push back against him eagerly, gasping as he pulls almost all the way out and drives back in, almost knocking you off of your knees and onto your stomach. You cry out, fingers curling around the fabric of your shirt under you.
You feel him laugh breathily as he kisses your spine, “Gotta shut that pretty mouth, Hyde.” Easy enough for him to say. He’s relentless, dragging against your walls as he bottoms out again and again. You’re doing your best to keep quiet for him.
He pulls you tighter against him and presses his chest to your back, dragging his lips across your shoulder.
“Rooster, holy-“ A strangled noise escapes your throat as your knees buckle under you, the only thing keeping you from hitting the sand being his grip on your waist. “Shit.”
The breath is knocked from you as he pounds into you, you’re a whimpering mess, face pressed into the crook of your arm and his hand on the back of your neck keeping you there.
Rooster grunts, leaning forward and pressing filthy, open-mouthed kisses along the length of your back. You push back against him desperately.
He pulls out suddenly, making you whine at the loss of contact. He turns you and plants your ass onto the shirt, tugging at your hips until your head falls back against the sand.
“Want to see that pretty face when you cum.” He murmurs, guiding his cock between your legs again. Your heart flutters as his palm slides up to rest at the base of your throat. He doesn’t squeeze, he just leaves it there, making sure you’re going to be still for him.
You arch your back, pushing your chest up against his as he fills you up. You push against his hand on your throat, grinning as he presses you back down against the sand.
“You like that?” He whispers. Your lips part as he drives himself impossibly deeper into you, squeezing his fingertips just slightly around the column of your throat. Both of you know that you do, he can feel you clenching around his cock.
You feel indecent under his unwavering gaze. No one has ever made you feel as wanted as Rooster. There’s always such desire in is eyes each time he looks at you. Everyone’s noticed it by now.
Rooster remembers suddenly why it was so fucking hard to let you go the first time around. Your pretty lips flushed and kiss-swollen, parted ever so slightly. Those gorgeous, trusting, eyes that twinkle with mischief each time your eyes are on him. Your pussy.
He grunts, his hips stuttering, “I can feel how fucking close you are, honey.” His thumb strokes at your throat as he leans down and slips his tongue into your mouth. You moan against his lips, breathing hard as he moves back to observe you again.
You had missed him. Had missed the way his curls hung over his forehead when he’s on top of you, the way he fills you up, his golden skin and the feel of his stupidly big hands on your body.
Maybe it’s the sun in your eyes, maybe it’s the intensity of it, but you’re seeing stars when he makes you cum. You don’t even realise you’re moaning his name until he moves his hand from your throat and covers your mouth.
“God, I love that sound.” He whispers, shaking his head slightly as you let out a muffled whimper against his palm. “But you gotta be quiet for me.” You nod, dazed as he takes his palm away and plants it in the sand behind your head.
“Fuck, Rooster,” You whimper, lifting your head and pressing a delicate kiss to his throat. “I-I…” You stop as you catch yourself in what you’re about to say. Your eyes widen at the realisation of what he almost just coaxed you into admitting.
Rooster doesn’t seem to notice, he rests his forehead against your shoulder, looking down between your bodies as he drives himself into you.
“D’you want me to pull out?” He kisses your collarbone in a surprisingly delicate motion, gripping your hips so tightly it feels like he might crush them.
“No.” You pant, maybe a little too quickly. You catch the smug look on his face as he glances up at you, you couldn’t care less — he should be smug, he’s the only person you’d ever let fuck you on a public beach during a work exercise.
He slides his hand around to cradle the base of your skull as he pulls you closer to him, picking up the pace. You whimper against his shoulder, sensitivity making you grip his bicep.
He groans softly against your throat as he comes undone, pulling impossibly close against him and driving himself as deep as he can go. He stays there for just a moment, leaving lazy kisses against the curve of your neck.
You whine as he slowly pulls out of you and tucks himself back into his shorts, zipping and buttoning the denim as he rises to his feet. You wobble as you push yourself up after him.
Rooster’s brows furrow as he watches you cover you chest with you hands whilst you grab your bikini top, “Are you serious?”
Rooster walks to you and ties the bikini behind your back silently, then presses a kiss to your cheek, “You’re gonna have to start trusting me one of these days.”
“I do trust you.” You admitted, so quickly that it surprised even you. Your already warm cheeks burned. “I just…”
Rooster grabbed you shirt from the ground and shook the sand off of it, “I’m not asking you to tell me you love me, Hyde. Just… wouldn’t kill you to let me in.”
“I think I just did.” You muttered as you stepped into your shorts and buttoned them. Rooster’s palm hit your ass, his lips pressing gently against your shoulder as he handed you your shirt.
“Don’t get smart with me, L/N.” He grabbed his sunglasses and put them on once more, stepping up onto the rocks and offering you his hand. You take it and let him guide you back over the rocks until you’re on the sand, crossing the beach toward the hard deck.
You let him walk a little in front of you, both of you just walking at the speed your legs naturally carry you. His legs happen to carry him a little faster. You wonder what the hell that was back there. The urge to tell him you loved him.
It was confusing and even more terrifying. You shook your head and determined the cause to be some weird primal urge. Not the fact that you’d been thinking about him and your time together for the past three years.
“Do you think they’re all inside?” Rooster asks, noticing the crew are now gone from the beach. You cross in front of him, shrugging your shoulders and lifting your hand to shield your eyes from the sun as you try to spot someone through the windows.
Rooster sweeps sand from your back.
“Yeah, I see Payback.” You confirm, stopping to let him rid you of the evidence before the two of you head inside.
“Hyde, you okay? — where’d you go?” Maverick is the first to spot you, he’s just as concerned as he was before.
“Just needed some fresh air so we went for a walk.” You explain, pushing your hands into the pockets of your shorts. Rooster nods along in silent agreement.
You watch Bob elbow Phoenix, pulling her attention away from her conversation with Fanboy. Bob uses his beer to motion toward you and Rooster, but not towards your faces. You follow his gaze and look down at the matching imprints of sand on both of your knees.
You aren’t the best at reading lips, but it’s clear as day when Bob looks right at you and tells Phoenix, “You owe me twenty bucks.”
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moralesluvr · 1 year
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♡ pairings & aus: miles morales x fem!afrolatina!reader ♡ summary: miles is late to your date again, even after you've called numerous times. is his excuse really a good one, or have you had enough? ♡ warnings: miles being secretive, reader being all sad, a little angst with a happy ending! ♡ a/n: first miles fic! lmk how you like it! ♡ got a request? | masterlist in the works! ♡
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YOU LOOKED IN the mirror with piercing eyes, judgingly nitpicking your third outfit choice of the night. Your arms fell by your sides in defeat, a freshly manicured thumb slipping into the waistband of your onyx Dior skirt. Although you were sure you could’ve found a better outfit, time was plotting against you, Twirling on your heel, you examine your final choice of outfit before your lips curl into a merely satisfied knot, “It’ll do.” 
Strutting over to your closet, you quickly grab a pair of knee-tall, heeled boots, along with your leather jacket and a silver bag. Anxiety courses through your veins when your reminder goes off on your phone, Siri’s monotone voice reading aloud- “Date with Miles, 6:30 pm.”
A string of curses tumble off your lips as you hurriedly sat on the half-deflated bean bag chair that was tossed in the corner of your room for a reason. You unzipped your boots, slipping them on quickly before requesting that Siri call your boyfriend while you tried to scavenge for your keys. 
“Calling ‘Mi corazón.’” Siri announced, the poorly spoken Spanish filling your ears. You chuckled as the phone rang, nimble fingers wrapping around your car keys and the keychain that Miles got for you. It was a picture of you two hugging in black in white, the back reading, “I love you.”
“Hello?” You heard your lover groggily mumble from the other side of your room. 
“Hey baby!” You shouted from afar, slipping your bag onto your shoulders, “You about ready to go? You weren’t sleeping, were you?”
You heard Miles grumble, accompanied with shuffling of sheets, “Uh, no, no- of course not, mi amor. Me levantaré, lo prometo.” 
“I BELIEVE YOU, BUT MILES, PLEASE DON’T BE LATE.” You whispered, mouth moving only scarcely as your top row of teeth sank into your bottom lip. You walk over to your nightstand and scoop your phone up, holding it up your ear, “Please. This is our fifth rescheduled date.”
“I know, I know,” Miles murmurs, “Lo siento, mami- I’ll be there. I promise.”
“Oh? You promise? I better see you in thirty, then.” You almost chuckle, but the seriousness strained in your voice overpowered the comedic aspect of your statement. You blew a kiss into the phone, “Te amo. Leaving now.”
“Te amo tambien.” Miles says, the line going dead.
You stuff your phone into your purse and head for your front door, calling out to whomever was home that you were going out and should be back before ten. You shut the door behind you, stepping out into the spring sun, its bright aura soaking every inch of your skin. You smile, walking over to your car and getting inside.
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You slam your car door shut, waltzing over to the fancy restaurant that awaited before you. The lights inside were dimmed with elegance, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling that shone brightly atop minimalistically decorated tables. You opened the door to the place as two women dressed in all black greeted you with bright smiles and preppy ‘Hello!’s. 
“Hi, I have a reservation tonight for two at 7:00?”
The blonde out of the two checks her iPad, nodding when she sees your reservation, “Y/N, correct?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Right. Follow me, please!”
You stay close behind the girl as she leads you to your table. She gestures for you to sit, “Here you are. My name is Mimi if you need anything, I’ll be back to take your order when the other person gets here. Enjoy!”
You smile at her as you sit down, “Thank you so much.”
She disappears into the darkness behind the restaurant while you wait idly, fingers tapping against the soft material of the table’s cloth. The clock on the wall reads 6:47, meaning that Miles has exactly thirteen minutes before he’s officially late. Or, right on time. 
Minutes pass, each second feeling like half of an eternity. You reach for your purse that rests on your chair, your fingers wrapping around your phone. You fish it out and click on Miles’ contact, bringing the device up to your ear. 
You expect him to answer, to be on the other side of the phone, to ask where you were sitting because he was already there. Ready to make it up to you.
But instead, his voicemail rang through your ears. You were worried at this point– what else could he possibly be doing?
You click on the messaging app, eyelashes batting in an attempt to blink away the tears that were brimming in the underskirts of your eyes. 
[you] to mi corazón: hey where are you?  [you] to mi corazón: miles?  [you] to mi corazón: it’s like 7:10. are you in traffic or sum? lmk read.
Your jaw swung open when you saw that he left you on read. Was he mad at you? Was it a family emergency? Why was he blowing you off? 
Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into an hour. You waited up for him in hopes that he would walk through those doors dressed up, flowers in hand, telling you why he was late for your date that he promised he wouldn’t be late to or miss. 
But that never happened.
You had already eaten and paid by the time the clock hit half past eight. You rose out of your seat and bid the friendly waitresses adieu, slipping a twenty onto the front counter on your way out. 
Your heart was breaking in your chest. This was now the sixth time that Miles had blown you off on a date, and you were fed up with the apologies that had no meaning or a valid excuse. On the way home, all your happy memories with your boyfriend flashed before your eyes. All the times he held you, comforted you, kissed you. Did all those things even matter now? Clearly not.
When you unlocked the door, your mother was propped up on a chair at the island, glasses on the tip of her nose as she read. Her eyes drifted to your sad ones as you walked in.
“¿Estás bien mija?” She cocked her head to the side, “Where’s Miles?”
Sighing, you sunk into the velvety cushions of your couch, “I don’t know, mama, he blew me off again.”
“Ese niño…I’m sorry, mija.”
You give her a downturned smile as you rise to your feet, “It’s okay, really, I think I’m just gonna go to bed.” 
Your mother starts to say something, but you’re already halfway up the stairs before she can even get the first word out. You slam your door shut and the tears immediately fall, warming your cheeks.
Throwing your bag onto your bed, you unzip your boots with a sniffle, tossing them onto your oh-so-useless beanbag. You slip out of your jacket and throw that on top of the boots, plopping onto your bed.
You felt hopeless.
You curled up into a ball for what seemed like hours on end, scrolling through social media mindlessly in an attempt to distract you from today’s earlier events, although all you could think about was Miles. 
You slipped underneath your throw blanket and closed your eyes before you heard two familiar voices sounding from your living room.
“...ten cuidado mijo. Creo que está molesta, pero yo también lo estaría.”
“Yo entiendo. ¿Puedo ir a verla?” 
You perked up when you heard your boyfriend’s voice. Why was he here? It was nearly eleven o'clock.
“Sí, pero si está durmiendo, no la molestes. Ella te quiere, lo sabes. Cuida, por favor.”
The air is thick with silence for a moment before you hear footsteps approach your bedroom door. You curl up into a ball and contemplate whether or not you were going to let your boyfriend in, or pretend to be asleep.
Two soft knocks sound from the other side of your door, “Amor? Hey, it’s me…Miles. Are you asleep? Espero que no…” he mutters the last part.
You sigh, starting for the door sheepishly, your fingers turning the knob as you opened the door.
His eyes immediately met yours. They were a little red, and at first, you didn’t notice the purple bruise forming on the outskirts of his eye. You bring your fingers up to it slowly, and he flinches when you touch him.
“Miles, come here.” You murmured, walking into your bedroom and plopping onto your bed. He follows, shutting the door behind him. He crawls next to you, arms open, ready to engulf you in his embrace– but you just stare at him half-heartedly.
“I know–”
“Explain.” You cut him off, “Now.”
He sighs, “Mami…I know I owe you one. It wasn’t right for me to blow you off, but somethin’ came up and I really couldn’t get out of it. For real.”
Your fingers come up to rub your temples out of stress and annoyance, your lack of patience showing through your blank expression. 
“I’m trying to understand, but this isn’t making any sense. No me mientas, por favor. Just tell me the truth and I won’t be mad, swear.” You huffed, waiting on him to give you the truth that you had been waiting for since months ago. All this time being wasted, all these promises coming to the surface as lies, all these–
“I’m Spider-Man.”
The sentence shocks you so bad that you almost throw up. Your eyes stretch into the size of saucers, “You what?”
“I’m..Spider-Man.” Miles repeats. You think it’s a practical joke by the way he just said it so blunt, but something about his demeanor screamed that he was telling the truth. You cock your head to the side, “Dios…you better explain this to me right now!”
Miles nearly whines your name to get you to stop overreacting. You’re nearly fuming, and nervous and confused all at once– so honestly, who could blame you?
“I was bitten by some weird spider when I was painting a while ago. And then basically, I got all these sick spider powers, and that’s why I’m always gone. I’m sorry– I should’ve told you earlier, but I just wanted to protect you, precioso.”
Suddenly, it all made sense. The random disappearances, the bruises and cuts, the not-so-hidden suit that you accidentally found around October. It was Miles’ lucky day, because he said that it was just a “late minute backup costume” for Halloween. 
“Oh..I didn’t know, I’m sorry.” You murmured, scooching closer to your boyfriend. You brought your hand up to his eye again, and this time, he didn’t flinch. Your thumb grazed his eyelid, “Stay and hold me? No spider stuff tonight?”
“No spider stuff tonight, cariño.” He wraps his arms tightly around you as you bury your head in his chest, legs intertwined in between his, “Just you and me.”
Your eyelashes bat before you find yourself falling asleep, the last thing you feel being Miles’ lips plant a soft kiss onto your forehead.
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my taglist is open if you would like to join it! just send me a message or an ask <3 have a good day!
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familyvideostevie · 8 months
october twenty-third
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day twenty-three: eddie munson you and eddie go apple picking…and hook up in the parking lot | 18+, mdni, fem!reader, established relationship, car sex, unprotected sex | 1.8k detailed content warnings: fem!reader, sex in a car in a parking lot, mentioned oral (m receiving) but not on page, oral (f receiving), fingering, p in v sex, riding, creampie, dirty talk
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“Please explain to me what makes apple picking a romantic date.”
You shiver at the bottom of the ladder. Eddie climbs down a few rungs before jumping the rest, four apples cradled in his arm.
“You need more imagination, babe,” he says. You open the bag and he puts them on top of the pile you’ve collected thus far and then takes it from you.
You loop your arm through his and start off down the row. “I want your opinion.”
He hums. “Well, we both like the leaves, right? It’s pretty. And the weather is pretty nice.”
“It’s cold!”
“I said nice, sweetheart, not warm.” He taps his chin. “Oh, you look very cute, obviously. And so do I.”
That gets you to laugh. You’re wearing like, three layers, two of which are his, and a hat you found in his van.
“Yeah, yeah, sure.”
“And we get apples. And doughnuts and cider.”
You can’t wait to get back to the farmhouse and warm up with some treats. “Valid point.”
Eddie leans close, even though there is no one around. “But best of all…”
“Go on.”
“Once the sun goes down, this parking lot is the best place to hook up.”
Oh, so that’s why he insisted you come in the late afternoon.
“You brought me here to have sex in your van?”
“I might have,” he says. His nose is a little pink. He looks at you with his stupid big brown cow eyes.
You’re used to Eddie by now and you love him and all of his ridiculous antics. He’s romantic when he wants to be and boyish and silly in the same breath. Honestly, you were probably going to go back to your place and fuck anyway, so why not make the evening a little bit more interesting?
“Okay,” you tell him. He beams and kisses your cheek sloppily.
He buys you all the donuts and cider you want and you take your spoils back to the van to wait. Eddie puts on some music and you chat and watch the orange rays slowly disappear behind the trees.
Darkness falls.
“You sure no one is going to think it’s weird we’re parked here?” He put the van in the back corner of the lot near the trees.
“Nah,” he says. “There’s an inn on the grounds, remember? People park here overnight but no one comes to look. I swear.”
“Done this before, have you?”
Eddie grins. “Harrington told me about it.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, great. You took advice from Steve Harrington on where to fuck your girlfriend.”
Eddie turns down the music and climbs back to the bench. The rest of the van is full of junk — blankets, milk crates of Hellfire supplies, a weird looking trash can shield that you don’t know why he has.
“This isn’t even the weirdest place we’ve done it,” he reminds you. You brush the sugar crumbs from your hands and follow him. He pats his lap and you straddle him.
“Remind me?” His hands rest heavy on your hips. You lick your bottom lip.
“The equipment shed at the pool,” he says. “Last summer.”
You remember. “What did you do, again?” Now you’re teasing him. He picks up on it and presses his fingers a little harder into your skin.
“Pretty sure I kissed you,” he says. He leans in, ghosting his lips over yours. “Kissed you so good you were begging for me to touch you, yeah?”
You close the gap. It’s not a bruising kiss, but a slow one. You trace the seam of his lips with your tongue and he opens. He keeps on hand on your hip so you don’t fall and cups your face with the other. You fist your hands in his shirt and grind on him as light as you can manage.
Something you’ve learned about Eddie is that he loves kissing you. He’s said he would make out for hours if you let him. He loves to lick into your mouth, loves to pull your bottom lip between his teeth. He loves the spit and the swollen hue of your lips after he’s nibbled on them.
But you also like to get things going. You pull away from him and he latches onto your neck, nibbling on your skin and then soothing it with his tongue.
“What did you do next?”
Eddie pulls away with a pop. “Pretty sure you got on your knees and sucked me dry.”
“Sounds like me.”
He presses his thumb into the corner of your mouth. “Always look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.”
You swallow. “Want me to?”
He shakes his head. “I’ve got another plan.” He taps your thighs and you stand, hunched over in the van. “Take off your pants?”
“I’m not letting you fuck me on the gross floor, Eddie,” you remind him. He laughs. You unbutton your jeans and push them down, bracing yourself on his shoulder as you kick off your shoes, too. He reaches out and snaps the waistband of your underwear with one finger.
“C’mon, baby,” he coos. “All the way. I want you bare.” That sends a bolt of pleasure between your legs.
You do as he says. “Satisfied?” Your boyfriend looks hungry.
“Course I am. Look at you!” You’re half-naked, crouched in his van, his flannel and t-shirt on top. What a weird dude. “Okay, so, lie back on the bench and put one leg up against the back, okay?”
It’s a bit tight, but you do as he says. Your other leg hangs off the edge and you’re spread wide open for him where he’s now kneeling, just barely fitting between the bench and the door.
“I feel like I’m posing for a painting,” you mutter. Eddie’s hands trail up your bare skin.
“Oh, you look like one.” You tilt your head so you look down the slope of your body to find him staring at you. Well, a very specific part of you. “Have I told you that you have a perfect cunt?” he says.
You clench around nothing and laugh breathily. “Once or twice.” He drags two fingers through your folds. You’ve felt your arousal pooling since you got on his lap.
“God, sweetheart,” he groans. “You’re soaked. Been wet since I suggested this, hm?”
“You gonna touch me or what?”
Without warning, he leans down and presses the flat of his tongue to your clit. You whine, hand pressed against the car door behind you. And then it’s all bets off — no more teasing, no more dirty banter. Eddie laps at you like a man starved. The angle is a little weird and the leg you’ve got against the bench is cramping a bit, but god it feels good.
“Yes, Eddie, right there, oh fuck —” He’s too far away for you to really grab his hair so you settle for shoving your shirt up and bra down and rolling your nipple between your fingers. “So good,” you praise him. “It feels so good.”
He sucks on your clit and slides two fingers into you, but you’re not as close to an orgasm as you want to be. His fingers are thick, capable of great things, but you need more.
You manage to tap him with the foot on the ground. He pulls up, mouth shiny. He licks his lips. “Can I help you?”
You’d roll your eyes if you weren’t so damn horny. “I’d like to ride you now. If that’s amenable?”
Eddie literally moans. “As if I’d say no to that.” You catch your breath as he shucks off his shoes, pants, and boxers. He gets back on the bench and you sit up to make room, admiring him in the dim of the van. You know every inch of him by now but fuck, you really love his dick.
You spit in your hand and stroke him a few times before he stops you with a hand on your wrist. “You said something about riding?”
“Impatient, aren’t we?” You straddle him and you’re back where you started, only this time down a few items of clothing. He helps you line up and you sink onto him quickly because you know you can take it.
“Fuck,” you hiss together. “It never gets old,” he says, ragged. “Being inside you.”
“I could just sit here,” you say, face in his neck. “See how long we last.” Its appealing. You’ve tried it a few times, his cock hot and pulsing inside you, both trying desperately to keep still. It’s relaxing in a really strange way, comfortable and intimate.
“Maybe another time,” Eddie says. He kisses your cheek, your nose, your lips. He tastes like you. “I…I’m too wound up right now.”
“From just fingering me?”
“C’mon,” he whines. “You know how magic your cunt is, don’t you sweetheart?” He bucks his hips and you both groan. “Just looking at it gets me hard as hell.”
You reward his compliment by rocking back and forth in his lap. He grabs your hips hard enough to bruise as you start to lift yourself a bit and slam back down. It’s not fast, it’s not desperate, it’s not the most comfortable place to be doing this, but it’s hard and deep and that seems to be working for both of you.
“Gonna have to — fuck — wash the seat after this,” he grunts. “Gonna make a mess all over it, aren’t you?”
“You’re the one who is gonna come inside me.” His thumb finds your clit and you bite back a scream.
“Don’t want everyone who sits here to know how you took my cock, do we? How wet you are, how tight, how hot —”
The van is probably shaking but you don’t care.
“Eddie,” you gasp. “I’m close, I —”
He starts to lift his hips more, slamming into you. The tip of him brushes the perfect spot inside you and his thumb drags across your clit just right and then you’re coming, gripping his cock like a vice as you tremble in his hold.
He’s not far behind. “God, you feel so good, sweetheart, gonna be so full of me —”
You feel him spurt inside you and gasp your name as you pant into his shoulder.
“Fuck,” he hisses. “God, fuck.” You both catch your breath. The van feels much hotter than before and smells like sex.
“You sure made a mess alright,” you say. He laughs and presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“If you keep it all in there till we get home I’ll clean you up.”
You just had an orgasm and his words make you feel on the verge of another right away. “Is that a promise?”
“Why don’t we find out?”
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here! promptober masterlist, find all fics under #fvspromptober23
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nymphofnovels · 3 months
How to Make Replicas of Your Own Teeth: A Cosplay Toothtorial
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This is a method to safely use a molded mouth guard to make duplicates of your own teeth without destroying a potentially expensive piece of dental equipment. Everything that goes into the mold—clay and mold release aid—must be nontoxic/edible so you can wash your mouth guard at the end of the process and continue to use it as normal. 
Benefits: No mold-making or casting experience required Lightweight end result Adds a truly personal touch to your project :)
Downsides: Must own a molded mouth guard/retainer End result can be fragile and needs proper sealing for durability
Molded mouth guard/retainer (referred to as “mold” from here on)
Soft/fluffy brush
Non-toxic white air dry clay (I used Crayola Model Magic)
Craft knife
Jewelry wire (I used 20 or 22 gauge)
Pins/yarn needle/any various household implements you can sculpt or smooth small details with
Acrylic paints and a variety paint brushes
Clear glossy top coat (I used Mod Podge (satin) and UV Resin)
Brush or otherwise clean your mouth guard if you haven’t already, especially if there’s build-up.
If you’re using your container of cornstarch for cooking, set aside a small container specifically for crafting. No accidental cross-contamination here!
Dip your fluffy brush into cornstarch and brush into your DRY mouth guard. Lightly coat the entire mold and distribute any clumps. This coat of cornstarch will make it easier to remove your teeth from the mold.
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Firmly press clay into the mold so that approximately half is in the mold, half is sticking out for root sculpting. Make sure there are no air pockets or you won’t pick up the details. 
Use detail scissors/craft knife to cut away excess material and indent to mark out the divisions between teeth as visible on the gum lines (see above)
Reference a tooth diagram like the one below and separate out the roots for each tooth. Front teeth tend to have 1 leg, middle teeth have 2 legs, and some molars have 3+. I personally found that my limit was 2 roots. Sculpting 3+ roots on a single tooth was more difficult and more fragile than anatomical accuracy was worth. 
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You can demold immediately after sculpting or wait up to an hour. The faster you remove the teeth, the easier they are to reshape. The longer you wait, the more they resist unintentional denting BUT the more touch-ups you'll have to do to clean the edges between teeth.
Gently lift the full row of teeth from the mold. If it won't release when you tip the mold or or push at it, try using a pin to stab one of the end teeth and use that to pry up the teeth. The rest of the row should follow. If they don't, try repeating for the other side. If they're still not lifting, set aside to dry and try again ~15-30min later.
Gently cut apart the u-shape into individual teeth.
Press raw cut edges in and smooth with various tools, like a yarn needle. Use a craft knife to help trim off any excess clay.
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In the case of air pockets or if you accidentally remove a root, wet some clay and use a very small amount to fill in gaps or add on roots. Don't forget the water! It makes the clay stickier and smooth out better. This is where tools come in handy, wet clay sticks less to smooth objects than your fingertips!
Once repaired, set aside any wet pieces to dry for at least 15min before doing any more sculpting work.
Set all teeth aside to dry for several hours on a wax paper or other non-stick surface. Make sure it's not textured or it will leave an imprint on your teeth!
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Flaws like the chip on the top left tooth and the cracks on the middle bottom teeth are great candidates for smoothing out with a little extra clay.
I personally like to rinse it out with water and clean it with a dissolving denture cleaning tablet to make sure it’s fully sanitized. It also doesn’t hurt to properly brush the mouth guard to make sure there’s no clay or cornstarch residue stuck in the crevices.
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Test a tooth to check if it’s dry to the touch and doesn’t immediately deform to your touch. If it’s holding shape, you can move on.
Bore a hole into the tooth with a pin or jewelry wire. Consider how you want them to hang. A) For the central dangling teeth on Harrowhark’s choker, I punched holes as close to the tip of the root as possible without tears, perpendicular to the teeth so I could hang them on jump rings directly from the center brooch. B) For the teeth intended for Harrow’s tabard, I punched two sets of holes parallel to the jaw to prevent teeth from flipping around. One set just under the tooth cap, approx. 1/8in down, and one set about the same distance from the roots.
Once a hole has been punched with a pin, wiggle it around a little to open the hole or thread it on a piece of jewelry wire.
Leave teeth on a piece of wax paper or strung on a thread/wire to dry for ~48hr (or as recommended for your clay).
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Mix a small amount of yellow-brown paint with water to create a wash (middle palette above). Paint all of your teeth with this first to establish a base color and help define any hairline cracks.
Paint with less diluted yellows and browns (right palette above). Refer to photos like the below for reference (try searching "teeth" and "archaeology"). NOTE: The root tends to be darker and more weathered than the main tooth because it isn't protected by enamel.
Dry brush ivory or white mixed with some yellow/brown onto the tooth cap to bring out highlights.
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Your air dry clay teeth and paint job will need a top coat for protection. I highly recommend a glossy clear top coat to give the look of enamel. Below is a comparison of the two sealants I used, but there's many more options out there!
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UV Resin (Left) Pros: Harder/more durable Cures faster Cons: Need to work during daylight or use a UV light Harder to get a thin even layer Requires more set up and safety precautions
Satin Mod Podge (Right) Pros: Can be applied with a brush Air dries Cons: Takes longer to dry Teeth tend to stick together unless kept below room temp or kept from touching each other (I solve this by storing unused beads in an old pill bottle in the fridge. Yes it's cursed and Yes I've had comments from my housemates.)
As mentioned earlier, thread teeth on a wire or pin down to dry. This method also works well to set up for spray painting a clear coat.
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Now, go forth and enjoy everyone's reactions when you tell them that you're wearing your own teeth! :D
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niallsgoldhoop · 3 months
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sweet spot
a niall horan short story part one of six / six thousand words-ish nsfw, 18+
“I’m going to get another drink!”
I smile at my friends before turning away from the round table we’ve been sitting at, cutting my way through the crowded bar full of people dressed in various shades of green.
St. Patrick’s Day was the day to go out.
This year, for once, it fell on a Sunday which was the only day that I was off work.
Not that I was complaining— Owning my own bakery was the one and only thing that I had ever wanted and dreamed of.
So this morning when a couple of my closest friends asked if I wanted to go out with them later that night, the only obvious answer was yes.
“What can I get for you?” Looking up at me with a wide smile, the girl behind the bar mixes a couple of drinks before pushing the one in her hand right to the girl next to me.
Biting on my bottom lip, my eyes scan over the rows of liquor bottles lined up behind her. “I’ll just take an old fashioned with an extra cherry, please!”
“You got it, babe.”
Turning her back to me and pouring my drink, I lean against the dark wooden bar top to wait. While I’ve made my rounds to different pubs and bars over the years, I’d never been to Wilson’s before. It was full of sports memorabilia and vintage Guinness signs.
As my eyes take in everything around me, I realize one more thing that this bar has that none of the others have ever had.
Jesus Christ.
Even from here I can tell his eyes are light— a contrast to the dark chestnut color of his hair that curls out from the bottom of the Boston Red Sox hat perched on top of his head.
Sitting with a small group much like my own, the moment his eyes meet mine from across the distance something shifts deep inside my belly.
Heat blooms across my cheeks as I look away, focusing my vision on the baseball game playing on the television to my left, only I definitely couldn’t tell you a single thing on it.
“See something you like?”
Whipping around at the sound of a low, Irish accent, I find myself face to face with the most attractive man I’ve ever seen.
If I thought he was captivating from across the room?
That was nothing compared to standing right next to him.
Under the brim of his hat, those eyes are so blue that it takes my breath away especially when the golden ring around his pupil catches the light when his fingers grip the brim of his hat and turn it backwards.
Fuck me.
“I—Um—“ Words evade me as he looks over the features of my face, those eyes falling to my lips for the longest few seconds of my life.
Running his hand over the dark scruff lining his jaw, it does nothing to hide the smirk that pulls at the corner of his full lips. “Cat got your tongue?”
This time I realize it’s my turn to let my eyes linger where they shouldn’t as a smug smile pulls on the corner of my own lips.
“Niall.” Holding his hand out to me, goosebumps travel up my arms at the electric touch between us. “And you?”
Just as I go to answer, the drink I ordered slides in front of me, looking so refreshing that I can’t help but pick one of the cherries out and bite it between my teeth, my tongue catching the drop of cherry flavored whiskey from my bottom lip.
His thoat bobs against his swallow, that thick accent rough and low as he pushes closer to me as someone slides up to the bar behind him, repeating my name back to me as if he was imagining the taste of it on his own tongue. “Willow.”
I’ve never met someone who I’ve been able to fall into a conversation with so quickly. It feels like we stand there forever, slowly drifting closer and closer to each other. The smell of his vetiver and bergamot cologne becomes more and more intoxicating as time goes on.
“So, this is your holiday?” Taking a sip of the amber liquid from my glass, I look up at him through my lashes as the last rays of the sun filter through the old stained glass windows of the bar.
His laugh is loud and full before he leans a little closer to be heard over the noise, his tone playful with something else hidden under the surface. “I guess that depends.”
“Oh yeah?” A smirk pulls at the corner of my lips when Niall reaches out, his finger boldly tracing the thin green strap over my shoulder before following the path of my collarbone. “On what?”
A final peak of the sun hits the gold hoop in his ear just before he leans forward, his soft lips brushing against the shell of my ear. “Are you going to kiss me because I’m Irish?”
“I don’t know—“ Reaching forward, my middle finger tucks into the pocket of his jeans as I look up at him, my head tilting to the side. “Are you gonna kiss me if I’m not?”
Time stands still between us as Niall glances behind him, towards the table of friends he left behind, his hand dropping to my waist where the tips of his fingers slide just barely under the top of my jeans. “Maybe not on the lips— But I can think of some other places I’d like to get my mouth.”
“Here?” This time it’s my turn to look behind me, towards my friends. “I—“
“Well, I’m not opposed to that.” His voice sounds laden with honey. “I won’t lie, Willow— You are one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.”
A blush crowds the apples of my cheeks as I push a lock of hair behind my ear. “I could say the same about you, Niall.”
“Will they miss you?” Blue eyes look over the top of my head as he looks towards my friends. “Because I know the guys at my table won’t miss me.”
Biting my bottom lip, I shake my head. “They’ll be fine.”
I wasn’t a stranger to a one night stand— in fact, I feel like that’s what I preferred.
Working the hours at the bakery mixed with helping my sister, it just worked out that way. Plus it never really bothered me to be single.
There was something about Niall that felt honest.
Deep in those sapphire eyes with their golden sunset, there was a feeling in my gut of trust.
Ever since I was younger I’d always had intuition that was rarely ever wrong, something that I held close to my heart, letting myself lean into those feelings.
“So what do you say, Willow?” That brilliant smile splits across his perfect features, a couple of small crinkles at the corner of his eyes. “Want to get out of here?”
“Are you asking me to make an Irish exit?” A laugh bubbles out from my lips as I look up to him.
With a shrug of his shoulders, that hand resting along the top of my hip slides along the rough material on my jeans before his fingers dip into the waistband, pulling my body flush with his as his lips brush across my jaw. “Is it still an Irish exit if you leave with someone who’s Irish?”
“Mm, maybe not.” My words come on an exaggerated breath— one not meant for the public to hear. “Let me just send my location to my friends and tell them I’m leaving.”
Niall nips my earlobe. “I can't stop thinking about what I’ll do when I’m alone with you.”
Pulling some cash out of my wallet and pushing it across the bar, I listen to the fire blazing through my blood as I thread my fingers through his, looking up at him with a smile.
“I can't wait to find out.”
I’ve never wanted someone so bad.
The entire ride in the back of the taxi to Niall’s house was like the ultimate tease of his attention.
From the words he whispered against my skin to the way his hands rested heavy on my thigh, his pinky just teasing along the seam of my jeans.
His lips hadn’t even met mine and I already knew just how impactful it would be when they do.
God, how fucking god they’ll feel.
On my lips.
On my skin.
When his hand finds mine as he says goodbye to our driver, butterflies flood my belly as he guides me in front of him to the front door of a quaint bungalow style house complete with a blooming garden.
“Fucking finally.” My body presses into his front door as he reaches into his pocket, the sound of metal keys cutting through the crisp air. “When I saw you— Standing at that bar— All I could think about was getting you here, with me.”
One hand wraps around my waist as the other pushes the key into the lock, turning it and pushing open the heavy door. As much as I’d like to look at everything inside, that idea falls flat when Niall grips me by the hips, spinning us around and pushing my back into the door as it slams shut.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? With where this is going?” Cupping my jaw, his thumb presses under my chin to bring my gaze to his. “If we’re going to do this— Together— I want you to be vocal, okay? I want to hear you answer me and tell me what you want, what you need. Can you do that for me, Willow?”
I swallow the nerves building up, nodding my head, my tongue rolls over my body lip. “Yes— Yes, I can do that. Please, Niall—“
“Come here.”
When the space between us closes, his lips on mine, I swear to god it feels like the earth starts to spin in reverse.
Soft and supple, Niall moves his lips along with mine as if he’d been doing just that for years. I can't even contain the whimper that falls from my own lips when his tongue teases across my top lip as his hands slide under the thin top that I pulled on this morning.
Just feeling his skin against mine sends a wave of goosebumps across my body, making me arch my back to push myself even closer to his warm body, feeling the heat emanating from him.
“Fuck.” His teeth pull on my bottom lip, just enough pressure to send a jolt through my nervous system. “I could stand here and kiss you all night, Jesus Christ.”
“Mhm.” Is my only reply as my lips travel from his and across the scruff lining his jaw, down to the spot under his golden earring, pulling the skin between my teeth and soothing it with my tongue. “But then I wouldn’t get to see this.” Dropping one of my hands, I cup him through his jeans and listen to the low groan from deep in his throat. “Wouldn’t that be a shame?”
“Yeah? You want to see my cock nice and hard for you— Is that it?” Niall pulls back just enough to meet my gaze as his hands fall from under my shirt. “I’m going to ask you some questions, okay?”
“Okay.” Breathless, I feel the electricity as it buzzes underneath my skin.
“Is anything off limits for you?” Working the button of my jeans, he keeps those blue eyes on mine.
Shaking my head, I feel my heart rate skipping a beat. “No.”
“Good.” A smile plays at the corner of his lips as the unmistakable sound of his fingers pulling down the zipper fills the space around us. “Do you need a safe word just in case?”
“N—No.” I shake my head again. “I don’t.”
A small nod is the only response I get before Niall drops down in front of me, looking up at me from his knees, his fingers curling around the edge of my pants before pulling them down to reveal the skimpy lacy covering my center.
“Jesus Christ.” Strong hands drag up my thighs as his eyes go wide. “This incredible body is just for me tonight, is that right?”
Through dark lashes framing his eyes, the blue fades out as the darkness of his pupils expand. “For tonight, yeah.”
“Are you going to leave that pretty green top on? Or take it off?” The very top of his finger traces the edge of the black lace, making my thighs inadvertently rub together. “Don’t worry— I’ll take care of you.”
Gripping the edges of my shirt and pulling it off, I drop it next to where my shoes and my jeans sit in a small pile, my hand reaching out to run through Niall’s dark hair.
When the soft light from the lamp across the living room catches the silver barbells through my nipples, his eyes close as he tilts his face up to the ceiling, almost like he’s in need of his own savior.
“Willow.” My name falls off his lips on a groan, one from deep inside his chest. “God.”
With my back still against the front door, a small gasp leaves me when Niall’s lips press against my skin, small kisses dancing across my thighs and the soft nips from his teeth adding to the sensation.
“Look at you— Soaking wet.” Dragging his finger over the center of the damp fabric, I tilt my head back when he presses his fingertips to my clit. “I bet you taste sweet, so fucking sweet.”
“Maybe if you quit talking you’ll find out.” I answer.
Niall scoffs, looking up at me. “So the pretty girl from the bar has a bratty side, does she?”
Hooking his finger into the lace and pulling it to the side, I can’t help the way my lips pop open as his tongue moves through my center, the tip of his tongue swirling around my throbbing clit before pulling away.
“You know, I like brats.” Pressing a soft kiss to my thigh, his nails drag down the back of my thighs before peeling the scrap of material from my body. “So by all means— Keep going.”
Before I can formulate a response, he buries his face between my legs and when he suctions his lips around my clit, it feels like all I can do is not to unravel right then and there. Burying my hands in his hair, I moan out as he goes back and forth between tracing mindless patterns across the sensitive nerve and flicking his tongue in a rhythm that doesn’t even seem humanly possible.
“So fucking sweet.” Resting his head on my lower stomach, I take a second to catch my breath before feeling his finger as he drags it through the wetness he’s created. “I bet this cunt is so tight, so warm.”
Pressing one finger inside, he only draws it back to add a second one before hooking them both forward and finding the spot that only those few and far between have been able to find.
“Niall, oh god—“ Letting go of his soft brunette waves, I let my fingers slide up my belly until they find the silver piercings on my chest, messing with them to add another level to the pleasure he’s giving me. “That feels so good, so damn good.”
“Let me.” Moving my hands out of the way, he grips my heavy breast in his hand before flicking the metal and making me cry out. “Put your hands up— Over your head.”
I do as I’m told just as he finds his home between my legs again, the sounds coming from the back of his throat making me whimper louder than I even knew was possible. Especially when he lifts my leg over his shoulder, his tongue working in tandem with his fingers as he eats me with fervor— as if he hasn’t had a drop of water in a desert for years.
“Are you going to come for me like this? Against my front door?” Nipping the sensitive nerve, I feel my walls flutter against his fingers. “How many times has someone made you come before, Willow?”
My eyes flutter closed as he sucks and licks me like never before, his fingers pressing harder inside of me. “Thr—Fuck, three.”
“Challenge accepted.”
Those words are the last ones I hear before he brings me to a pleasure I’ve never known.
“Fuck!” Letting my mouth fall open, I cry out as my orgasm crashes through my body. “Niall.“
He stands up to tower over me, cupping my jaw and letting his fingers dig into my cheeks, a silent question.
When I nod and open my mouth, he lets his saliva mixed with my release gather on his tongue before letting it fall into my waiting mouth.
“Perfect— You are literally perfect.” Crashing his lips to mine, when his hands slide down my thighs, I let him wrap them around his waist before he turns us away from the door. “I’m going to have so much fun making a mess out of you— wrecking you.”
His lips move against mine in a slower kiss than before, taking his time.
I pull back from him just enough to see the dark walls of his bedroom, the bed looking like a cloud from the fluffy sheets and the half made duvet spread across the top.
Niall sits in the edge of the bed, his hands moving across my ass at the same time he drops his lips to my neck, leaving wet kisses down until he takes one of my nipples into his mouth.
“Oh, yes.” Barely a whisper, the sensation of his warm mouth along with his tongue flicking across the metal makes me arch my back. “More.”
Releasing one and doing the same with the other, he pulls away too soon. “Get on your knees first.”
“And if I say no?” I gripping the hair at the base of his neck, I pull until he has to tilt his head back to look up at me. “If I want to be a brat?”
A low laugh falls from his lips as he stands to his full height, turning so that he can drop me down onto the bed, reaching out and grabbing a fist full of my hair just hard enough that I feel the sting in my scalp.
From my scalp all the way to the spot between my legs.
“You want to be difficult? That’s fine.” Working the button of his pants, I bite my bottom lip in anticipation. “You can be difficult with my cock down your throat, yeah?”
When he releases my hair, his hands make quick work of his pants and briefs, shoving them to the floor and kicking them off to be forgotten until later before grabbing his shirt and adding that to the pile.
Just the sight before me makes me whimper.
A perfect amount of dark hair dusts across his chest and even matches the trimmed hair that leads to the most perfect cock that I’ve ever seen.
“Go on, put your mouth on me.” Gripping himself in his left hand, Niall presses the tip of his cock to my bottom lip, using it to pull it down to release it with with a pop. “Let me see how well I fit.”
Opening my mouth, I flick my tongue along the underside of his length, looking up at him through my lashes before closing my lips around him and drawing him in.
“Holy shit.” Dropping his hand, he threads it through my hair instead. “Just like that, baby.”
The small amount of praise makes me take him deeper, letting my tongue run along the thick vein that decorates him. His hand in my hair tightens as he hits the back of my throat, a moan breaking through his lips.
“Open your throat for me, I know you can take more than that.” Niall demands.
Doing just that, I let my jaw relax and when he pushes even further, the intrusion makes my throat restrict— gagging around him and feeling tears rush to the corners of my eyes.
Pushing forward, this time I let him rest at the back of my throat for a couple more seconds before pulling back, using my fist to work him over as I catch my breath.
I don’t waste time before taking him back in my mouth, keeping my eyes on his as I taste the saltiness of him, wishing more than anything he would give me everything— to let me swallow everything he could give me.
“I can’t—“ Shaking his head, Niall pulls back. “You’re mouth feels too good, Will—“
The shortened version of my name makes butterflies erupt in my stomach, ones that I immediately have to tamper down at the reminder that this is what it is.
One night.
A nickname means nothing.
“You’re ruining my fun.” I say with a pout, looking up at him.
“I am?” He grins as he looks down at me, his tongue rolling across the inside of his cheek as I nod. “Fuck, then around and keep your hands where I can see them.”
Eager to please, I maneuver around the mattress until I face away from him, letting my palms run across the soft sheets until they extend in front of me while Niall drops his hands to my ass.
“Willow, were you being honest when you said nothing was off the table for you?” Smooth palms work small circles across my skin.
Turning to look over my shoulder, I catch Niall’s gaze looking at where he wants to be buried, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. “I was being honest— Do your worst, Niall.”
Before I can finish my last breath, he raises his palm and brings it down across my skin making me cry out at the sting of pain.
“How’s that feel?” He asks, bending to press a kiss to the area. “ Feel good?”
“Yes, yes—“
Another sting across the opposite side, this one harder than the other as he squeezes my flesh in his hand. “Good, good girl.”
After a few more stinging strikes, I can feel my arousal as it drips between my thighs, the need for him so strong that I don’t know how to even possibly control it.
“Niall, I need more— Please, give me more.” I beg.
“Tell me now… Do you want me to get a condom?” Voice thick, his lips press to the middle of my bare back as he bends over me, letting his hands run over my breasts and toy with my nipples. “I’ll do whatever you want.”
“No, no.” Shaking my head, I breathe out. “I get tested and I’m clean.”
“I am too.” Warm breath skates across my back. “I can show you the results.”
Rolling my lips together, I whimper. “Don’t make me wait— I need to feel you inside of me.”
Niall presses one last kiss to the center of my back before I feel the blunt head of his cock as he runs it through my center, coating himself in me.
If I thought he was going to say something— I was wrong.
Instead, he grips my hips in his hands and buries himself so deep inside of me that my cries seem to ricochet off the walls from feeling him filling me.
“So fucking perfect.” He says, pulling out to the very tip before slamming back into me and pulling my ass up to meet his thrusts. “My cock fits so well inside you. Can you feel how greedy this little cunt is, huh?”
“Oh— Oh my god—“ A moan slips from my lips as he punishes me for things I haven't even done, his grip no doubt leaving bruises of his fingertips behind. “Fuck, Niall. You’re so fucking deep.”
From behind me, I can hear the sound of his hips meeting my ass, each one more punishing and relentless than the last. Niall lets his hands slide from my hips to my ass, moving just right so that when I hear the spit leave his lips and land perfectly on his cock, I feel myself racing towards another climax.
“I can feel you squeezing me, are you going to give me another one of your pretty moans? Coat my cock?” Bringing his palm down against my skin, my knuckles turn white as I grip the sheets. “Who would have known you were this fucking filthy.”
“Right there, please don’t stop!” The cry from my lips leaves my mouth open as I choke around the moan that follows it. “I’m going to come again. Oh fuck, right there. Please.”
Niall buries himself with such power that my release lets go, barreling towards the finish line as my teeth bite down on the comforter as I push my face into the bed. “God, Willow— You’re squeezing my cock so fucking good, holy fuck.”
He pulls out of me only to pull me to the edge of the bed and roll me over, sinking himself back inside of me, making my back arch off the bed while my hands reach for anything to hold onto.
“I could spend days buried inside of you and not get enough.” Meeting my gaze, Niall slows his thrust as he rolls his hips, grinding the base of his cock against my clit. “A night isn’t enough. Play with those pretty piercings for me, Will, please.”
Using both of my hands, I pinch and play with the sensitive peaks, giving the attention that I love and loving the way his eyes feel as they travel from my eyes all the way down my body to watch where he sinks inside of me.
“Harder, I need it harder—“ I say, biting my bottom lip.
Niall leans over the bed, his hand wrapping around the base of my throat, squeezing just enough to restrict my airway. “You want to be fucked like a slut? Is that what I’m hearing?”
Only able to nod, my voice catches in my throat as he picks up his pace and thrust into me so hard that my back slides up the sheets of the bed. “Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah?” Sweat drips down the side of his neck as he hovers over me, those blue eyes flaring with unbridled lust. “How’s that?”
“So good.” I moan, my nails scratching down his chest and over the muscles of his stomach. “I feel, god. Your cock feels so good.”
“I’ve never been buried inside someone that feels like this.” He moans, tilting his head up to the ceiling. “Strangling my fucking cock. and trying to kill my for everything I have.”
Dragging his hands away from my neck, his hand splays wide across my chest as he pushes me into the mattress. “Come on baby, I can feel you ready to soak me again— Give it to me, let me have it.”
“No. I want—“
Niall groans as he brings his thumb to my mouth, pushing it in deep enough that I gag before he drops it to my clit, working circles around the nerve as I cry out his name so loud that if he had neighbors close enough they’d never have to wonder what his name is.
“Stop being difficult, fuck.” Thrusting into me, he drops his head to mine and pulls my bottom lip between his teeth. “Come around me, now.”
Giving over the control of my body, Niall fucks me as I release around him again, coating his cock and soaking the sheets as he drops his head to my neck, sucking the skin between his teeth.
“There you go, look how perfect you are when you listen.” Low and rough, his voice is like gravel. “Such a fucking good girl for me, Willow.”
I nod, feeling empty as he pulls out of me and grips my knees, pushing them apart to look down at my weeping cunt, the mess he created.
Dropping down, he wastes no time before taking my clit into his mouth, the suction so hard that it sends me spiraling into another orgasm and coating his tongue with my release, making me squirm on the sheets.
“Niall, I— I can’t, my god—“
“Get up, let me see you dripping for me.” Niall runs his tongue along his bottom lip. “I’m not done with you.”
“Now.” His palm cracks across the side of my breast, making my breath ragged as he fists his cock, taking a step back from the bed and reaching for my ankle to drag me to the edge. “Stand up and bend over. Take my cock like the good girl you are.”
I scramble to stand up, my legs already feeling weak as he grips my hips and turns us to face the dresser along his wall, the oversized mirror hanging above it.
“You’re going to watch me fuck you in this mirror— Watch as I fill this cunt to the brink with me, do you understand me?” Wrapping my hair around his fist once, twice— he tugs on it when I don’t answer. “Fucking answer me, you slut.”
Nodding, I rest my elbows along the top of the dresser. “Give it to me, please.”
“There’s that nice girl I met at the bar.” He smiles at me. “You are so perfect, so beautiful.”
Slower than anything else we’ve done tonight, Niall pushes inside of me; it feels like every single ridge and vein touches the right spot inside of me, filling me up so full that it brings tears to my eyes.
“You gonna cry over this cock?” Pushing harder, Niall places his hands on the outside of my arms flat on top of the dresser, the heat between our bodies an inferno as his sweat slicked skin moves across mine. “Cry over how fucking good we fit— Cry over how well you’re taking me— Taking me so deep?”
Shaking my head, I find his eyes in the mirror. “I can’t—“
“You can.” Niall presses forward, my legs shaking as he reaches around to bring his fingers to my clit and working the sensitive nerve into tight circles. “You can take it, and you fucking will.”
“You’re going to come all over me again and then l’m going to fill this perfect pussy so full that you’ll be dripping down your thighs for me.” For the first time, his voice falters as I feel his thrusts foster for just a second. “Then maybe I’ll be done with you.”
Pushing up onto the tips of my toes, the new angle causes me to cry out, my hands sliding along the wood and pushing a stack of shirts to the floor at the same time that Niall’s scream blends with mine as he empties himself so deep inside of me that it feels like I can’t breath.
Fucking me through both of our orgasms, I feel the tears as they stream down my cheeks at the same time I gasp for air to fill my lungs.
“Fuck, Willow— Fuck—“ Niall grips my hips as he slowly pulls out of me, his eyes trained between my legs. “Look at that.”
Dropping to his knees, I let my head fall onto my arm. “God.”
“I made such a mess of you.” Using his thumbs, he pulls me apart to watch as his release runs down the inside of my thighs. “I’ve never seen someone look so good coated in me, dripping my come.”
“Niall.” The words from my lips are hoarse as he stands up, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my spent body into his. “I’m so— so tired.”
“You did so good, baby.” Pressing a kiss to my temple, I let myself sink into his arms knowing that it’s a chance I won’t get again. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
Carrying me to the bathroom, I don’t protest when he starts a bath and helps me climb inside, the warm water soothing me into a post sex state that I have never experienced before.
As he runs his hands over my body with a lavender body wash, I let my head rest against his chest from where he sits behind me, listening to him as he keeps telling me how good I was.
How good I am.
“You know, you could stay here.” Pressing a kiss to my shoulder, I close my eyes at his words. “Spend the night.”
Shaking my head, I turn to look at him. “This was a one night thing, we know that.”
“Exactly.” Pressing a lingering kiss to my lips, he runs the tip of his nose down the length of mine. “You staying the night is still just one night.”
Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I find myself nodding.
Which is exactly how I find myself curled into his side after a change of the sheets, an oversized Harley Davidson shirt pushed up over my stomach as Niall’s warm palm keeps me pulled into him as his warm and steady breath tickles the hair at the back of my neck.
I let myself relish in his warmth for thirty more minutes before I slip out from the sheets, taking one last look at him before making it to the living room and pulling on my jeans before calling a taxi.
Slipping away from the best sex I ever had and leaving without a note is hard, but it has to be done.
Niall and I were meant for one night and nothing more.
However, when I climb into my own bed still wrapped in that white shirt, I find myself wishing for the first time in a king that there was a potential for more.
That we would be more.
That Niall would want to be more.
With me.
i’m so excited about this story and putting it out here for everyone to read!!! the second part is coming soon and i hope you like this!
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somebluemelodies · 5 months
@atthebell's SPIDERBIT WEEK DAY SIX: it couple | enigma revisiting the coffee shop au for this one, which you can read here! consider this a couple months or so post first date :> featuring: qroier being hopelessly in love and qcellbit being a total fucking nerd (/affectionate. and also hopelessly in love) this is a little lengthy like the last one my apologies-
"Roier, I can hear you thinking from here, man."
Roier abruptly stands from his spot leaning against the counter. "Perdón."
"Keep thinking that hard and you're going to destroy your last functioning brain cell." Mariana eyes his best friend. "Are you still trying to ask that guy out?"
"Yes," he answers, exasperated. "I don't know what the fuck to do."
"Just fucking ask him, man! It's not hard."
"I don't want to just ask, man! I want to do something cool for him, you know? He deserves it." Roier eyes Mariana right back. "Besides, I don't think you're allowed to offer relationship advice. You and Slime just started making out every day and eventually slapped a label on it."
Mariana looks smug and punchable. "And we're engaged now."
Roier only flips him off, leaning back against the counter and returning to his moping pondering. The other barista huffs after a few seconds, finally attempting to make himself useful. "Well, what does he like?"
"He's an investigator," is how Roier answers, "he—"
It's like a flip is switched in his brain, and he shoots back upright. "That's it! I know!" And before Mariana can question it, he's rushing out back to grab his phone.
When he returns, he's near-silent for the next several minutes upon grabbing a pen and napkin, save for occasional mumbling to himself as he studies intently whatever is on his phone screen.
Mariana doesn't bother stepping over yet, watching as Roier eventually starts writing something down on the napkin. Only when the pen has been capped, and Roier sighs to himself, seemingly satisfied, does he finally question the other again. "Happy now?"
Roier nods, smiling. "Sí."
(And so it goes.)
“And someone left this on one of the tables?”
Roier nodded. “Sí. Shortly before my shift ended.”
Cellbit seems mildly skeptical, but he doesn’t question it. Besides, who would he be to pass up solving a jumbled mess of letters?
“Well, it’s not a Caesar cipher. Doesn’t make sense. But…” He leans down, reaching for his satchel and rummaging through its contents before he finds a piece of paper, placing it on the coffee table alongside the napkin.
Intrigued, Roier scoots closer from their spot on his couch, hooking his chin over Cellbit’s shoulder. It looks like a table, but it’s full of letters instead of numbers. “What is that?”
(It’s just to get a closer look.)
(Cellbit wills his cheeks to cool down.)
“It’s for a Vigenère cipher. The letters in the middle are for all the encrypted letters. The left-hand column is the alphabet for whatever the key is, and the top row is the plaintext, or the 'normal' letters, if you will. In this case, it's what we're going to solve for."
(Cellbit explaining is leagues better than reading a bunch of words on a screen.)
(He could listen to Cellbit talk all day.)
“So how exactly do you solve it?” Roier asks. He has somewhat of an idea, but it was mostly him filling out the criteria on the website to encrypt it for him.
“I want to try and figure out the key first. I’m guessing the little coffee cup in the corner here has something to do it.” Cellbit points to the little doodle in the bottom right-hand corner, thinking for a moment. “It might not work, but let’s say the key is the word café. Vigenères are polyalphabetic ciphers; it utilizes multiple Caesar ciphers inside of itself, but the increments depend on whatever the key is— sorry, not important— polyalphabetic just means that they—"
“Use multiple alphabets?”
Cellbit smiles, and warmth blooms in Roier’s chest. “Yes!”
He pulls a pen from his chest jacket pocket. “We’re going to repeat café until it matches the length of the message.” He starts writing the letters underneath the cipher, continuing to talk. “We’re only going to be using the C, A, F, and E letters on the left-hand column, none of the others. Let me just finish this…”
Roier waits patiently until Cellbit gets to the last letter. When he does, he reaches for the table he’d pulled out. “Okay! So, now, to actually decipher it, we’re going to take the first letter of the key, C, and we’re going to locate the first letter of the cryptic message, Y, in C's row.” Cellbit’s pen lands on the letter Y. “Next, we’re going to follow that up to the top row for the plaintext.” The pen travels up. “W. So, the first letter of the decrypted message is W. Does that make sense?"
The barista nods as the investigator glances over to check. "Yeah. You're very smart, gatinho, you know that?"
Cellbit chuckles. "Gracias, guapito."
With that, he starts to work on decoding the rest of the cipher. Roier can't help but marvel at the speed he's able to work at - and doing it manually at that, not just putting it through online like he did. But Cellbit solving it fast is doing nothing for his nerves, his heartbeat starting to pick up.
He lets the other work quietly, trying not to shuffle and shift too much from his place leaning against him. He can't tell if he's regretting this or not, with the way the anticipation is killing him.
(But he also knows shit like this makes Cellbit happy, so maybe it won't be the complete end of the world.)
When Cellbit gets to the last word, though, he starts to slow down, processing exactly what the message is in front of him. He becomes acutely aware of Roier's head on his shoulder, the way his dark eyes are flitting back and forth between him and the papers, and pieces start clicking into place.
But he finishes it, because he knows Roier made it. Because he's stunned someone would go to this length for him. And so, the decoded cipher stares back up at him.
Cellbit reads it back over to himself, once, twice, heart hammering in his chest as a haziness washes over him. He feels Roier lift his head, momentarily mourning the loss of contact, but wills his voice to work. "Roier..?"
"Well?" Roier asks after a moment, and Cellbit feels brave enough to glance over at him. They lock eyes, and he looks just as nervous as Cellbit feels, if not more. "Will you?"
For a moment, Cellbit doesn't move, expression unreadable, and Roier wonders if maybe this was a mistake after all. But then he sits upright, and orients to face him. "Cellbo—?"
He's effectively cut off by lips pressing against his, one of Cellbit's hands cupping his face as the other rests against the back of his neck.
Roier's eyes close immediately, melting into it as one arm wraps around the investigator's neck. His other hand goes up, threading through Cellbit's hair and subconsciously deepening the kiss.
(It feels warm, it feels right.)
They only pull apart when their lungs demand oxygen, foreheads resting together.
"Does that answer your question, guapito?" Cellbit breathes out.
Roier grins. "I think I need a little more clarification, gatinho."
Cellbit can't help but laugh. "Let me try again, then."
"By all means."
And somehow, the second kiss is almost better than the first.
(Enigma solved.)
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 19 days
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7am, morning, in your small apartment's even smaller kitchen
usually you'd make instant coffee, but it's a saturday and you don't have to be at work and you shouldn't even be up this early. you'd be asleep right now if you hadn't spent all night awake, unable to sleep, your thoughts too many and too loud.
so instead of going back to sleep, you get up and you make coffee in the ibrik and you smoke the first cigarette of the day watching the water and the coffee and the sugar boil to a froth as your thoughts slip away from you, the song on the radio in the background too quiet to keep you here, to keep you grounded
you're distantly aware you've turned the heat too high
or: face cafea la ibric 😭
close-up fridge photos with explanation under cut
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top to bottom, left to right (was gonna put numbers but its hard so youre just gonna have to guess, sorry)
top left is harry and kim at the precinct, top middle is jean's brother archer when he was a kid + jean kid, top right is harry and kim at the river istros in jamrock (my hc)
next row is harry stella maris in '50, then harry and jean when jean was first partnered with harry feat jean buzzcut jumpscare (in '47 or so)
then 3rd row from top is jean + harry in front of jamrock / bay of revachol, then fidéle (jean's horse) + judit at the stables at precinct 41
second to last row is miklós (judit's older son (he's 16)) + judit + théodore (judit's younger son (he's 14)), then archer (jean's brother) at a rave with jean (who's taking the photo; archer dragged him to it)
last row is Enzo Tetreault (jean's friend from police academy who was too dangerous for the rcm who works for la puta madre now) and Björn Dayal (jean's friend from childhood who was, according to jean, "so delusional about becoming rich that he made it happen"). they're at the horse races bc jean likes to go to horse races and bet on horses
other things to note, the little square magnets are from kids' yogurts that jean likes to collect. they're directly based off danonino magnets we had in romania in the earlier 2000s (idk 2010s??) except with elysium countries and a mouse instead of a dinosaur
the codes are phone numbers. archer's is VIE-6612, harry's new house address is CEN-9985 (it was supposed to be 9855 but i fucked up), and Minot's is 4531
oh also the little handwritten note up on the top row bw the kim and harry image and the jean brother + jean kid image is the landlord's number. it reads Hubert Daviau (i think), CEN-1138, Propriétaire.
his list reads Eggs, Detergent, CHEESE, Call Archer, Call Harry, 7PM Harry Mon
oh and the scroll on the right is a wall calendar. something something samaran wall calendar from the outdoor market jean goes to to get his groceries (it's called a piață in romanian but that doesnt translate. it's kinda' like a farmer's market but it happens every day. like an established Thing.)
the kitchen is based off romanian commie apartment kitchens!! apartment blocks outside his window and everything. also his plants on the windowsill bc he has plants, ok. (and the square white space to his right of the stove is um. the washermachine.)
i think this pic takes place after the events of my casefic if i ever get around to it. basically jean's a lot more settled and happier
OH AND his shirt reads "i'm not shy, i just don't fucking like you"
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