#so I grabbed her and handed her to my dad
gglitch1dd · 8 hours
So like how would reader an Izuku react if Toshinori got a girl pregnant when they're not married.
WHOAAAA Coming with the big guns, Anon??
That would be... wow. Poor Reader. Her heart might give out. Note: This is NOT CANON to the Midoriya Family World. NOT CANON.
I did something...
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You stood in your bathroom, brushing your teeth, your husband standing beside you in his pyjama pants as you both got ready for bed. You heard a knock at the door and then peaking inside was your eldest son, Toshinori.
"Mom... dad..." He started with a hesitant look on his face as he stepped inside. Toshinori kept his hands behind him as he seemed shrunk into himself.
You glanced at your husband. Izuku looked to you, his eyes saying more than his expression, not wanting to show his own worry from his son's confession. "Hey buddy. What's up?" You leaned over the sink, spitting out toothpaste, before standing back up straight in your husband's oversized shirt.
Toshinori hesitated, his eyes anywhere but the both of you. "So lets say I..." He stopped speaking for a moment as he tried to get the words. Your eyebrows furrowed. Your seventeen year old son was one of many things but he was not a boy with little words. "So lets say I did something. Hypothetically."
"Hypothetically..." Your husband repeated.
"Yah. Hypothetically, lets say..." Toshinori stepped to the side as he seemed too anxious to say it. "I... I was with a girl one time."
You raised an eyebrow. "With a girl?" Your son nodded. "Doing what?"
He hesitated. Despite being well taller than you now and just hitting 6 foot, he sure looked pretty small right now. "Something I shouldn't have been doing when not married." Your husband let out a deep sigh as he brought his hand to his face. You looked up at Izuku confused as to why he was sighing. You tilted your head at Toshinori confused. "And lets say my actions... led to me..."
"You got an STD, didn't you?" Izuku asked. You whipped your head to look up at your husband in shock before turning to your son. Izuku sighed as he put his hand on the counter. "Toshinori, what did I tell you about wrapping it before you tap it?"
"Wait, I'm sorry." You stopped anyone from speaking as you tried to grapple your mind around this. "I'm sorry." You chuckled, finding this funny, making your son cringe. "Is he having sex!?" You asked motioning to your son. You looked to him wide eyed. "Are you having sex?!"
Toshinori hesitated before answering you. "No," He said looking away from you. You sighed in relief your shoulders falling. "Not currently." You looked to your son speechless. "And I didn't catch an STD. I... I gave her something."
You tried taking deep breaths, trying to think about a way to tell your best friend that your son had probably given her daughter an STD. "Mina is going to kill me." You let out.
Izuku looked between the both of you. "Hold on. Toshinori, what did you give her?" He asked as he looked to his son. "Herpes? Syphilis?"
"A baby."
"A ba-" Instantly your husband stopped talking as you both froze. Izuku went slack jawed as he looked at his son with wide disbelieving green eyes. Toshinori shrunk back trying not to break down himself at the look on either of your expressions.
You suddenly felt like you couldn't feel your body. You moved to grab onto something, anything. Luckily the counter was there and you had to lean your entire body onto it. Izuku immediately moved to hold you in his arms, holding you as you tried to wrap your heads around this.
Your son. Your seventeen year old son in third year of high school, had gotten a girl pregnant.
You were speechless. Utterly humbled and speechless.
You took a deep breath as you tried not to faint at the news.
Izuku kept you up easily as he turned to look at his son. He opened his mouth to speak but realised he didn't have the words. He let out a deep sigh and you could see him age ten years older.
Toshinori opened his mouth. "I know it sounds bad-"
"No, it is. It is bad." Izuku interrupted him, not wanting to hear any excuses. "You got Sero Hina pregnant!?" He asked loudly. "You're telling me, you, Midoriya Toshinori, got a girl pregnant?"
Toshinori kept his mouth closed but nodded his head.
Izuku turned to you, easily moving you into his arms and marching right past his son to put you down on the cushioned chair in your room. You looked up at your husband, squeezing his hand in gratitude. Your son followed the both of you outside of the bathroom, switching off the light inside. You put a hand to your head as you took a moment to think.
Izuku started to pace as he put a hand to his chin, thinking to himself on how on earth this could happen. Where did the both of you go wrong? Izuku paused and turned to Toshinori, putting his hands together as he looked serious. "Were you wearing protection?"
"... No." Izuku let out a groan as he moved his hands over his face. "But!" Toshinori started again as he stepped forward. "But Hina told me she was on the pill so-"
"So you decided just to stick your dick in and call it a day, Toshinori?" Izuku asked rhetorically. You could see that your husband wasn't angry. You weren't angry. You were both just confused and disappointed, and your son could feel it. "Are you ready to be a father?"
"What!? No, of course not." Toshinori defended shaking his head like it was an obvious answer.
"Then why on earth would you have sex if you aren't willing to accept the consequences of your actions?" Izuku asked stepping forward closer to Toshinori. "
"I didn't think this would happen!" Toshinori shouted. Izuku walked over to where you were, leaning against the chair you were sitting in.
You closed your eyes for a second before opening them again. "She told you this?" He nodded his head. You took a moment to think. "What's her plan?"
Toshinori scratched the back of his head. "She can still finish third year but she wouldn't be allowed to do any of the internships with hero agencies until after the baby is born. She isn't... she isn't entirely sure what to do right now. She's telling Uncle Hanta and Aunty Mina today so..."
You took another moment to think before taking out a breath and looking up at Toshinori. "Toshinori." By the tone of your voice, he could tell that you were about to be frank and serious with him. He swallowed down hard but looked at you. "If she decides to keep this baby, you are going to work your freaking ass off to be the best goddamn father and partner to her. Do you understand me?"
He nodded his head. "Yes."
Your husband's eyes flicked over to your eldest son. "Yes who?"
Toshinori squeezed his eyes shut, realising his mistake. "Yes, ma'am."
"Do you have any feelings for her?"
Toshinori paused. He looked down not entirely sure by the look in his eyes. "I... I don't know." He answered honestly. "It kind of just happened cause I broke up with Satomi and Hina was there and she said she liked me and-"
"I don't care about logistics right now, just answer the question."
"I don't know."
"Well figure out." You shuffled to sit up straight. "Cause if you do, you should learn to love her cause I don't feel comfortable with you having a baby mama and not being married to her. That's not how we raised you and that's now how that child deserves to grow up without a solid family there."
Toshinori nodded his head. "Yes, ma'am."
Izuku folded his arms over his chest but motioned to Toshinori to leave. "Go to bed, Toshinori. Your mother and I need to talk about this."
He nodded his head. You could see the tears in his eyes, clearly feeling overwhelmed and like he just disappointed you both more than he had ever done before. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, baby." You said, letting him close the door behind him.
It was silent in your bedroom. You both looked at each other.
Suddenly you heard a phone vibrating. You looked beside you at your side table. It was your husband's. You picked it up and flashing there was a name you didn't want to talk to.
Sero Hanta.
Izuku aaw the name, he took a deep breath as he turned to look away from you. "Fuck."
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hippolotamus · 2 days
Sentence Sunday ✨
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I can show you lies 'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did Lights, camera, bitch smile, even when you wanna die I was grinning like I'm winning, I was hitting my marks 'Cause I can do it with a broken heart
Beloved mutuals and pocket pals... I honestly don't know what to say for myself. This is a case of 'I listened to a song too much, I had an idea I knew I was never gonna write' turned 'I'll just throw it out as a prompt' --> 'I'll just make a moodboard' --> 'Oh god, I've written over 1k words in place of a summary'. SO. Have... whatever this is, T Swift influenced Buddie actor au. Under the cut to save your dash.
Honestly, if the world still exists in the morning, Eddie Diaz doesn't really give a fuck. His girlfriend left, claiming he's still not over his late wife, and his teenage son, the last thread connecting him to said wife, went to go live with his grandparents. After, of course, blaming Eddie for pushing 'yet another one' away. Christopher wouldn't even look at him before he went.
Then there's Anita Mills, his agent, who is probably a few blood pressure points away from a stroke at this point. Assuming she doesn't fire him first.
Let her, he thinks, grabbing a bottle of Maker's Mark from the cabinet. He has a string of blockbuster films to his name, not to mention a commendable collection of Oscar's and Emmy's. Not that they made his parents proud or kept his wife from leaving him before she died. But they exist as proof that he's had a successful career. Between investments and liquid assets he has more money than he would know what to do with in a hundred lifetimes. So, fuck it.
Eddie breaks the wax seal and twists off the red cap. He doesn't even bother with a glass, not really seeing a need. He's never been a big drinker, but lately his tolerance has grown considerably. Indulging until he passes out seems like an ideal use of his time right now anyway. If he wakes up after? Well, he'll consider that a success.
"Hey! What the hell?!" Eddie manages, coughing and trying not to choke on the ice cold water hitting his body. He opens his eyes to see Mills towering over him, glowering and holding an empty vase. He swipes a hand across his face. "Seriously, Anita, what the fuck was that?"
"I don't know, Eddie, you tell me." She disappears for less than a minute, returning with a hand towel she unceremoniously drops on his chest. "Help me out here. What's today?"
He wriggles himself to something resembling sitting and leans back against the coffee table. "What's today?" He parrots back dumbly.
Anita crosses her arms and quirks an eyebrow. "I asked you first."
Today, today, today. Where was he supposed to be- "Shit! The interview with, uh, fuck." He snaps his fingers and racks his brain trying to remember a name or a face. All he knows is they're important.
"Claudette Collins. Very good, Eddie, you got it part way."
"Give me ten minutes, I'll put myself together and we can go," he says, fighting the violent wave of nausea that hits as he scrambles to stand up.
"Save your poor carpet from getting puked on and sit the hell down."
"What? No, I can-"
"Eddie," Anita interjects, "the interview was five hours ago. The interview with the Claudette Collins. The one that took me months of phone calls, groveling and cashing in favors to get for you."
Fuck. "Anita, I'm so sorry. How-"
"Save it." Anita holds her hand up, effectively silencing him. It takes him back to being seven years old and having to explain why his dad's truck had an enormous dent in it. She rests her hands on her hips, pacing back and forth as she purses her lips. Eventually she sits in the leather armchair situated in the corner. "Eddie, you and I have known each other a long time. A long time. I've been your agent since you walked into my shitty office back in Dallas. Given your impressive display of awards, I'd say we've done pretty well together."
She inhales sharply, rubbing at her temple. Anita doesn't mince words, it's part of why he's always liked her. He never has to question where he stands. She says 'jump' and he knows exactly how high. It's not difficult to guess what's coming next.
"Eddie, I know you're going through a rough patch. What you're dealing with is hard enough without seeing it splashed on every tabloid and trashy website. Not to mention none of those places knows the real story, so it's all a bunch of 'she said he might have said' bullshit. But you've made it through tougher things." Anita doesn't need to clarify that she's talking about Shannon's death and how his parents tried to take Christopher. "I don't know what's happening this time, but I need to take a step back. My wife has made it very clear that all of my attempts at stress management are not working and that if I can't get it under control I shouldn't be surprised when I come home to an empty house. So."
Eddie swallows, waiting for the inevitable and cursing himself for pretending he wouldn't care.
"I've talked to a few friends in the business and found someone willing to take you on."
"What? You're not firing me?"
Anita's features soften. "Technically, yes. I am very much dropping you like a scorpion I found in my boots. However, like I said, I found someone willing to work with you. The name is Bobby Nash. He runs a smallish agency but don't let that throw you. He's cobbled together some pretty impressive talent. I assume you've heard of Evan Buckley?"
Eddie scoffs. "Of course I have. Who hasn't? Christ, he's everywhere you look. I can't pass a damn bus stop without seeing his face." A few details begin to click into place within Eddie's muddled brain. "Bobby Nash is his agent?"
"Sure is. And we all know the stories about Evan's past aren't the type you trot out at parties. My advice is that you don't look a gift horse in the mouth, go with Nash and do whatever he tells you to do. He even has a role in mind for you, costarring with Buckley. What do you say?"
What else was there to say? If Eddie didn't want to get blacklisted or wind up as some washed up tragic Hollywood story, being gossiped about where everyone - including his son - could see what a failure he was...
"I guess I say- when can I meet him?"
"Good answer." Anita clasps her hands together and gives him her signature smirk that tells him she approves. "Just leave everything to me."
Up to this point, Eddie has trusted Anita implicitly with all the messy business that comes with having him for a client. Why stop now?
tagged by @loveyouanyway @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @tizniz
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @a-noble-dragon @mountedeverest @fortheloveofbuddie
@weewootruck @saybiwithme @bidisasterevankinard @shipperqueen6 @ramonaflow
@taketheplanspinitsideways @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @kitteneddiediaz
@daffi-990 @diazsdimples @your-catfish-friend
@thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @underwaterninja13 @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rainbow-nerdss
@steadfastsaturnsrings @inell @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes
@shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @queerbuckleys @bi-buckrights @elvensorceress
@bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @ladydorian05
@lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus
@thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @welcometololaland @wildlife4life and anyone else who wants to 😘
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carolmunson · 16 hours
7 ✨ with any lil steve for me? 🥹 tis your daughter (the first born)
‘don’t think about it, boy leave her alone.
she likes my tone, my cologne, and the way i roll.’
He tucks his hair behind his ears before running over it with pomade, boar bristle brush following up after his deft fingers. It was his grandpa’s, he thought it was the slickest thing ever. His grandpa taught him how to comb his hair like greasers used to in the 50s — his dad didn’t love that. Didn’t love that his son used Farrah Fawcett spray either — but you didn’t mind. You didn’t mind one bit.
“Babe, where’s my — oh,” you smile when you catch him styling his hair, plush lower lip tucking in between your teeth, “Hey.”
“Hey,” he smiles back at your reflection while he perfects the swoop of the sides, the top perfectly coiffed. He watches you stare for a little while he continues with his pomade, structuring the top just so.
“Did you come in here to ask me a question or just stare at me, Manhattan?” he asks, snarky grin pulling at his original smile — glint in his hazel eyes.
“Uh — oh,” you shake your head, a breathless laugh coming from your chest, “Where’s my black coin purse? The beaded one?”
He rest the tip of his tongue on his teeth while he thinks, brows contorting while he looks at you through the mirror. After a moment he snaps his fingers, turning to you fully.
You feel silly over how your skin gets hot when he turns around in his Stefano Ricci suit. Black on black, only the flash of a gold tie clip on his sternum to break up the color.
“I brought it to my tailor, honey,” he frowns, “I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you. Remember the last time you brought it out and some of the beads pulled? I wanted to get it fixed.”
You scrunch your nose, disappointed, “You’re lucky you’re hot, Harrington.”
He snorts, turning back to the mirror to give himself a once over before spritzing himself with his standard Dior Homme. He likes how your eyes darken a little whenever you smell it on him. Steve liked to call it his ‘liquid guarantee’.
“You have ten other black bags you can wear tonight,” he offers, making his way to your shared dressing room off the side of your suite where you stand in front of all of your purses.
“I just had my heart set on that one for this dress,” you shrug, “It’ll be fine. Worse things have happened to me. I mean — you’re here.”
He clicks his tongue again, coming up behind you where his hands smooth over your shoulders, nose gliding up the side of your neck. He can feel the goosebumps raise on your skin, “Bring the silk one, that’ll be pretty.”
“You sure?” you ask, heart fluttering when you hear his deep, bass-y ‘mhm’ in your ear.
“You smell good,” you mumble back, vision getting hazy while he encompasses you from behind. His lips press softly against the base of your jaw.
“Thank you, angel,” he kisses again, voice husky. Steve leans forward, grabbing the black silk coin purse from its spot on the wall and tucking it into your hand while you lean against him — jello, “Now let’s go.”
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silken-moonlight · 3 days
Older Alpha x Human Waitress Part 6
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A/N: Hi there! Finally here with part six, i hope you guys like it! Part 7 will drop tomorrow 😊 also here you find my Masterlist!
Desmonds POV
Suddenly, the dogs began to bark and run toward his hiding spot. They must have smelled him. Were those dogs insane, running toward a large predator that could easily rip them apart?
His mate immediately followed them. "Pumpkin! Spice! Stop yelling at the raccoons!" she said to them angrily, running over to them and picking them up, one dog under each arm. To be honest, that looked utterly funny: two megalomaniac dogs being picked up like nothing. She brought them back inside, seemingly bringing them upstairs since he could see the light there. Desmond crept a little closer, wanting to look into her house through the glass doors.
He heard her steps, coming closer and the back door opened again. By now the alpha was glad that he had stayed in his spot, otherwise she would have seen him. There was a little bowl in her hand and she walked until she almost reached the tree line.
Since Desmond was in his full werewolf form, he appeared as an excessively large wolf. She stood nearly right next to him and called out, "Sweethearts, I have something for you!" She set the bowl down, which contained nuts and fruits. He presumed it was for the raccoons she had mentioned. Her scent wafted toward him on the gentle breeze. Oh, how he yearned to emerge from the darkness and enter her field of vision. Although he understood that it was not a wise decision, she would be frightened. Therefore, he remained concealed as she returned to her house.
His wolf whined, so desperate to be close to her that it physically hurt.
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Your POV
The following morning came quickly; the morning sun filled your room, and you got up immediately. You were so happy to see your only friend again that you picked out an outfit and did your makeup quickly. When you were pleased with your reflection in the mirror, you grabbed your purse and said goodbye to your parents.
The café where Will and you met was a twenty-minute walk away; you made it in 15 minutes. Will had already waited for you, waving when he saw you. “It's so good to see you!” He yelled over the parking area and jogged over to you, immediately pulling you into a tight hug. You chuckled: “Good to see you too!” You said excitedly. In a matter of minutes, the two of you went inside and sat down, immediately beginning to talk. “Tell me about your latest travels,” you said to Will, who smiled and showed you so many pictures and videos of him and his girlfriend. Most of them were unpublished and unedited clips for their social media. They had been in the Carpathian Mountains, and the view you were seeing on his phone was absolutely breathtaking. You listened eagerly to every word that left his mouth, listened to every story and every detail. You loved listening to other people's stories. After half an hour, he stopped, since you two also needed to order, and looked at you.
“And what about you, tell me what happens in your life.” He said while sipping from his cold brew coffee. “Well nothing has really changed for me, mom and dad are still the same, Pumpkin and Spice get crazier by the day…” You thought for a moment: “Oh I do have something semi-exciting to tell. So we have this incredibly hot guest, he has been coming every evening for a week or more. We always make small talk, he is here for some kind of business. I think he has a crush on Mandy, and he tips at least 20% each time. I met him the other day in our bookstore and had to leave because of an emergency. A few days later he showed up at my work and gave me the books that I left behind.” You told him as he listened, being silent for a moment. “Okay, kind of weird.” He added and you nodded: “I think he’s like in the mafia. He gave me his card with his name and number on it, in case anybody gives me trouble.” Will’s eyebrows were raised: “That sounds like some of the smut books you told me about. Though yeah it really sounds like he is in something not good. So, what's his name then?”
“Desmond, I’ve forgotten his last name, though.” You said and fumbled for your phone to get out the card. You had put it in your phone case so you wouldn’t lose it. Will slammed his cup down harshly on the table, causing you to look up at him. “That's my brother,” he growled. You looked at Will, thunderstruck. “I smell him on you,” Will continued, still growling. “What…?” You asked, a little confused. Will had told you about his brother. Desmond had been the golden child, who could do no wrong and had been just like Will’s father. He had looked down on Will like the rest of his family.
“I…I’m sorry…I didn’t know.” You apologized. Will looked distressed and said, “It’s okay, really. Would you show me the card?” He asked, and you did. He quickly photographed it.
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Desmonds POV
Desmond had a slow day; the meeting took longer than anticipated and was even more boring than the day before. He longed to see his mate; he physically ached. When he was finally finished and went to his hotel to freshen up, somebody banged on his door.
Desmond sighed and opened the door. What he had not thought would happen was that his brother, William, would be standing before him. Desmond stared at him, unable to comprehend what he was seeing. For years, he had tried to contact him. His little brother looked so diffrent, so adult, so...changed. A thousand emotions rushed through Desmond, things he wanted to say, he wanted to apologize, everything
“William.” He said softly, not knowing what to say. Will pressed his way inside: “Listen up asshole, I don’t know how you found me, I don’t care. But if you do not let my only friend in peace and stop trying to take her away from me…I will rip out your throat.” Desmond was absolutely confused.
“What are you talking about?” Desmond asked. “Oh don’t play innocent. My best friend ,Y/N L/N, waitress at the Sailor Boy. Ringing any bells?” The alpha was now even more confused but wanted to explain. “William, hear me out. I did not know that the two of you even know each other. I have been trying to find you for years, why don’t we sit down and talk?” William growled at him. “No, if you show up at her restaurant again I will find you and kill you.” Desmond sighed. “It's not that easy, she is my mate.”
William stared at him.”You fucking bastard, don’t think you can fool me!” Desmond answered: “I am not, she is my mate.”
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abookloverlmao · 3 days
When you’re lost in the darkness look for the light—
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warning: father-daughter relationship, mention of death, depression, school shooting, swearing, heavy topics, blood, kidnapping, reader is 19 years old or early 20s, family loss, trauma, ANGSTY!
My birthday passed and I miss my dad and love Price so here you have this angsty piece, grab tissues, you have been warned!
Price is a father- was actually.
Father of 10 year old Ruby who passed during a school shooting, did it take toll on his life? Yes... yes, it did.
Did he get married and have another kid? absolutely not. Always just a one night stand.
Price never thought he would have a kid, hell even handle one ever again after his was gone, his sweet Ruby– until.
A sarcastic and violent fourteen year old holding a sniper gun and hidden away from the world in a cabin a little away from the base that was attacked appeared.
At first like a pain in the ass but as times went by, she became the rest of his uncompleted soul, like the light in his dark life.
From being a smartass to him, to being a soldier under his wing.
And being a soldier under his wing means getting into trouble sometimes and getting yelled at by him, he didn't want to lose the one girl who like his Ruby.
After almost getting shot, she found herself in Price's office listening to his scolds, staying silent and moving the pen across the paper knowing better than to argue back.
“I know I ain't your damn dad, do I need to tell Ghost to always keep an eye on you because you can't take care of your own self?” He sneered causing her to stop and look up, giving him a frown.
it was always her saying that she knows he’s not her dad sarcastically just for him to retort back a “do you?” but she never thought it will be the other way around.
she stayed silent before opening her mouth to murmur a small “do you?” now that made him freeze.
His gruff demeanor softened a little but then hardened and he scoffed, running a hand through his hair.
“I…” he started, Price's brow furrowed, and he leaned back in his chair, massaging his temples, "Don't get all sentimental on me, kid," he grumbled, his tone gruff.
“I ain't got time for that shit. Just do your job and stay out of trouble, understood? you need to start acting like a grown ass,”
But despite his harsh words, there was a subtle warmth in his eyes as he looked at her, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between them.
Y/N did nothing but nod and huff sinking back on her chair, “fine.” he glared at her, “understood?” he repeated again causing he to stand up and walk towards the door.
“understood, old man, but if anything ever happens to me then just to let you know I did it like a grown ass. I’m a woman now, ain’t asking for help ever again,”
Price watched her leave, a mixture of frustration and affection swirling within him. He let out a gruff chuckle, shaking his head as he muttered to himself, “Stubborn little shit,”
he knew she liked him too much to stay angry at him, hell he saved her ass too many times and she saved his soul, she always came back to apologize for being stupid but this time she did come to see him before heading out with a boy she met a year ago.
a fling.
Price met him, but didn’t trust him, hell he hated the thought of the girl he raised meet a guy- well at least he watched her grow and become a woman not like his… never mind, Y/N will always remain the sarcastic fourteen year old to him.
his little shit who called him old man.
his light when he’s lost in the darkness.
Y/N knocked, peeking in, “hey… i’m heading out with Alexei to the cinema, just came to let you know,” she said with a small smile walking towards his desk.
Price looked up from his paperwork, his expression unreadable as he met her gaze, “Going out, huh?” he grunted, trying to mask the twinge of unease in his chest.
Y/N nodded, her smile faltering slightly under his scrutinizing gaze, “uh huh, just thought I'd let you know,” she replied, her tone casual.
Price's jaw tightened as he studied her, a thousand thoughts racing through his mind, "Be careful," he finally muttered, his voice gruffer than usual.
Y/N's smile widened, genuine gratitude shining in her eyes, the childish twinkle he bought back after horrible shit with her abusive asshole of a family, “I will, cap. Promise.” everyone knew the; don’t promise something you can’t keep, rule.
As she turned to leave, Price couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of his stomach. “and kiddo?” he called out, his voice softer now.
She glanced back at him, a question in her eyes.
“Come back in one piece, back to me, alright?” he said, the vulnerability in his voice betraying his tough exterior.
Y/N's smile softened, a flicker of sorrow crossing her features, “always do, old man,” she replied with the brightest grin, she then stopped by the door.
“hey John… look, i’m sorry for being a bitch with you earlier when you’re just trying to look out for me, and you know that I love you right?”
Price's heart skipped a beat at her words, a lump forming in his throat as he struggled to find the right response. "I know, kiddo," he managed to choke out, his voice thick with emotion. "And... I'm sorry too. Just... be safe out there, okay?"
Y/N nodded, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I will, John. I promise." never break that rule kids. 
With one last glance, she disappeared out the door, leaving Price alone with his thoughts and a gnawing sense of dread that refused to leave him.
But despite his fears, he couldn't shake the feeling of love and pride that swelled within him for the young woman who had become like family to him.
“give me a call once you’re there!” he called back loud enough for her to hear and make her chuckle.
first call was right before the movie, Alexei said hello, but now it has been 3 hours with no response from her.
no movie is 3 hours… especially not Romeo and Juliet.. Price searched up the timing of the movie of course, his paranoia ate him alive, but then… it went to 48 hours of no news from her.
he looked everywhere for her, yelling for the cops to search for her and his crew, driving around and hacking her phone just to find it in a car abandoned in an alleyway.
not a sound, not a sight of her, she just… vanished– no way was his Y/N running away, she was happy with him, Price can feel himself losing his sanity minute by minute, cops looked everywhere around, his crew asked, searched, he looked even in the woods under the rain.
until 71 hours later, 2 days and 23 hours later… he got a call from a random number, Price stopped his crews and put his phone on speaker, “hello? kiddo? is that you?” he started but was cut off by ragged breaths, like someone was shot in the lungs or was badly hurt.
“dad?” she started between heavy yet rapid breaths, “Y/N?” Price's heart raced as he listened to her ragged breaths. “Where are you? Are you okay?”
for the first time she called him dad and it wasn’t in a sweet way, it was filled with fear like her life depended on it.
Price's voice shook with worry as he waited for her response, his crew hanging onto every word, “I’m in trouble, Dad,” Y/N gasped, the sound of fear evident in her voice. "I don't know where I am... They took me... I'm scared."
static can be heard in the background like shuffling causing him to wince and push the phone away from his ear.
Price's mind raced, his hands trembling as he clutched the phone. “Y/N, stay calm, baby girl, We'll find you. Tell me, can you see anything around you? Any landmarks?”
Y/N's voice was strained, “I-I don't know... look, Alexei is with the Russian gang, he’s a spy, he has always been- I shouldn’t trust him, hack this phone, and his real name is Dimitri Smirnov, was in jail for 3 years because of “you” apparently, I managed to knock him out but please for the love of god…” she took a deep breath, oh so shaky, it’s like her soul was slipping away by the second, after each inhale.
As her voice trembled through the phone, each word seemed to carry the weight of her suffering.
Her breaths were ragged, shallow gasps punctuated by the sound of her struggling lungs. Pain dripped from her voice like blood from an open wound, seeping into the airwaves with every strained syllable.
well she was bleeding from the side, hell she was bleeding all over in this random ass cabin freezing to death and holding her side for dear’s life at the corner with his phone in hand as Alexei laid unconscious– or should she say Dimitri, hell she couldn’t even move to kill him, the chains did hurt like a bitch.
“I want to go home… cause i’m fucking bleeding out and I don’t know if I’m living, please Price, please… just..”
yeah she’s dying, definitely dying…
her essence fading like a flickering flame in a gust of wind, voice trailing off in the distance same way her essence did…
The static in the background mingled with her gasps, a cacophony of agony and desperation that echoed in Price's ears like a haunting melody.
he won’t forget this- ever, whoever in the heavens listening to him and watching over him seemed to like the sight of his suffering, hell he knows he won’t ever forget those ragged breaths of hers.
it will haunt him for the rest of his life.
“come take me home,” her voice cracked with anguish, the weight of her words bearing down on Price like a heavy burden. It was a slow, agonizing descent into darkness, her lifeblood draining away with each passing moment, leaving behind only the hollow echo of her pain.
with that the line cut off, Price barked orders, tracking down her phone, and as soon as Gaz found the location they were off.
a haunting location, a house in the middle of the woods, burning from the inside.
Price froze, but then in a second, he raced towards the back of the house where the fire still hadn't reached the spot, kicking the door with all his force with his men behind he could feel his heart hammering as his eyes moved around in desperate search of her.
as soon as the door opened a sharp whiff of smoke hit his face, causing his eyes to squint and become watery, he coughed a little but that didn't stop him from moving in, calling out her name.
but then Ghost called him from one of the ends of the hallways, "hey cap! You might wanna see this!" he said through his mask causing Price to walk towards the man who pointed at the chains on the ground leading from the kitchen all the way through the fire and to the attic room.
Price's heart sank as he followed the trail of chains, his mind racing with thoughts of what could have happened to her. The flames roared behind him, threatening to engulf the entire house, but he pushed forward, determined to find her.
fine running through fire was a stupid idea but he wasn't burned or caught by the fire surprisingly, instead, he walked down the stairs but Ghost was quick to catch up stopping him from doing anything crazy when the door to the attic room opened.
"get out of my way, lieutenant," an order.
"let me check first," was all Ghost said before the masked soldier reached the entrance to the attic room, it wasn't locked... Simon took a deep breath, bracing himself for what he might discover inside, preparing for the worst.
gun in hand, the other reaching to push the door so slowly so he could sneak in just in case the "killer" might be by the door ready with a gun or a knife or even a brick.
however, the scene before him sent pure fear through his veins, horror gripping him alive, the room was dimly lit by the flickering flames, casting eerie shadows on the walls but the air was heavy with smoke and the acrid smell of burning wood.
and Simon was never one to be easily shaken.
he even forgot to point the gun around just in case of an attack, his eyes landing on the body in the center, empty eyes staring right back at him, barely blinking.
Ghost wanted to throw up, for the first time ever after millions of missions, he wanted to throw up at the sight, not at her... but the state she was in.
On the ground, beaten so badly, covered in blood from head to toe that he couldn't even recognize her features until his eyes landed on the earrings, twinkling, but with drops of blood still.
his breath hitched the more he took her in, the once nice shirt she wore ripped at the sleeves and top, barely warming her up, a hand chained while the other was on her side, ankles on the other hand both were chained keeping her from moving.
a bloody golf bat by her head, the hair she straightened, now curled and damp, spreading around and dirty thanks to the thick pool of blood— a bloody golf bat by her fucking head- the fucker had beat her to death until she was paralyzed with a fucking bat, not only that, but she was either shot or stabbed to the side.
her breathing- oh her breathing was- ragged, her cheek pressed to the ground and eyes staring right at his slowly losing the sparkle of life, slowly, god he couldn't imagine the excruciating pain she was in if her eyes were still open.
tears racing down the side of her face, pushing some of the drops of blood away.
Ghost's heart clenched with a mixture of rage, sorrow, and helplessness, and finally, he knelt down beside her, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch her cheek, feeling the warmth of her fading life, blood coating his gloved fingers as soon as he reached for her.
The weight of the situation bore down on him, and he struggled to breathe, his body shielded her face from Price who would probably drive himself to madness if he saw her.
his daughter-
"Stay with me," Ghost whispered, his voice choked with emotion, "We're here now. We'll get you the help you need. Just hold on. Price is here- John's here..."
she tried to open her mouth and whisper something but only her fingers twitched and her lips parted, words turned into nothing but rough breaths.
"Lieutenant?" oh shit- oh no what should he do, Price was calling out for him, what should he fucking do? no response. he just.. stood and took a step back.
Price frowned, eyes moving to his gloved hand, a drop of blood, thick and so red landed on the wood, but when Simon didn't respond to his call only stared at the body.
He moved to the side, but then his breath caught in his throat, eyes widening in disbelief and horror they almost popped out. His mind struggled to make sense of the unimaginable truth before him.
It was his little shit lying there, battered and broken, her fragile form barely recognizable beneath the blood and bruises. The world around him seemed to blur as he fought to comprehend the magnitude of the atrocity committed against his precious girl.
Every fiber of his being screamed out in agony, and he felt as if his heart had been ripped from his chest.
and he moved, running to her side, collapsing on the wood, and reaching for her, taking his sweet Y/N in his arms, he held her against his chest and he swore he could see the way her eyes lit up as soon as she was in his arms.
Price could barely recognize her features, so he reached a shaky hand to brush her hair away from her face and with his sleeve, wiped the blood away carefully without hurting her even if it was painful even holding her, she didn't wince, but just stared, relaxing in his arms, breaths still fast but they slowed down as her fear evaporated like it was never there.
and she opened her mouth, mumbling the tiniest, "Hi old man..." Price almost sobbed at that, tears threatening to spill, yes he was emotional, for fuck's sake, "Hey kiddo... you're fine, just, try to talk to me we'll get you help," he whispered holding her, supporting her head like she was a baby instead of an eighteen-year-old woman.
He reached to push the strands of curls that clung to her bloody face, revealing a glimpse of her delicate smile. It was a bittersweet sight, pain, and fatherly love together.
With a trembling voice, Y/N managed to utter a few more words, her words barely audible, but Price leaned in closer, desperate to catch every syllable.
"come on, captain, scold me, it's better than this look," she whispered between ragged breaths, her voice weakened by the ordeal she had endured, tears streamed down Price's face as he listened to her brave words.
He couldn't fathom the depth of her courage and resilience in the face of such brutality. His grip tightened around her gently, as if trying to transfer his strength to her fragile form.
"I'm not scolding you at all, kiddo, never again," he said, he promised– as if that would make her stand and heal.
it won’t. it certainly won’t.
her vision grew blurry, the body heat slowly vanishing and colder then ice, black spots surrounding her vision, she didn’t know what to say.
"you’re my home, old man…" she whispered feeling her eyes flutter on their own, she wasn’t controlling her body, Price noticed and tried to shake awake talking about how she shouldn’t leave him or whatever, she couldn’t hear a single thing as peace slowly washed over her.
with weak knees she pushed herself using her tiptoed closer so her face in buried in his arm and his scent greets her into a warm embrace.
"no no no no- kid. stay awake," she would’ve laughed, joking about how he gives her orders even when she is on the verge of death.
"you’re my kid… you’re my home," he whispered both to her and to himself, so he doesn’t lose his sanity, to convince himself, he shifted so he will hold her in his arms into the tightest hug while her body is growing limp.
her breathing were ragged and as soon as he shifted and held her head against his shoulder, holding her head, it slowed down… and then stopped.
just stopped.
Price was frozen, heart shattering into so many little pieces, "Y/N? kiddo?" he asked shaking her a bit but as he glanced to the side, her eyes emptily staring up, lifeless, twinkle no longer there, no breathing escaping her mouth or nose, lips parted, head falling back, he knew.
his Y/N was gone, his sweet baby girl, in his arms, her bloody hand holding on his sleeve like it always did loosening and falling limp on her side.
Yet another soldier, yet another daughter vanishing from his arms and his life like a dying light, like a dying star, like dust in the wind.
well that’s life… ups and downs. never make promises you can’t keep kids.
I hope you enjoyed it guys!! edit is shit but the story ruined me! please let me know what you think🤍
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squerlly · 2 days
Fair Exchange Chapter 6
--------------"love shows us to appreciate what we have"----------------
Alastor x (F! wife doe reader)
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The Buck & The Doe---------------------------------------
The Buck:
y/n has been avoiding me lately, she serves me my breakfast and hurries off before I get a chance to speak to her. I'm sure this has to do with what happened last week, I regret yelling at her like that but I must keep my shadow away from her, I don't need it causing trouble. Especially with what it did, I should have known when it was following her.
It keeps pacing through the walls of my office, eager to see her... because..., I want to see her. How soft her cheeks felt under its fingertips, her rosy lips and warm skin. But I made a deal I wouldn't touch her, and a promise to myself I wouldn't get attached, I can't get attached. Not when I have a reputation to uphold.
I hear Charlie starting something downstairs, so I stand from my desk and make my way to the railing on the top floor. While investigating I see poorly spelled decorations and sloppy streamers pasted around the hotel. The banner said "welcome dad" wich can only mean...
I faze to the floor and appear downstairs by the door, Charlie opens it and- "CHARLIEEE!!" Lucifer says while giving Charlie a life-squeezing hug "It is so good to see you!" "Hey, Dad its uhh- good to see you, too..." she takes a breath and announces his welcome to the hazbin hotel.
He acts so childishly with his color pallet of ugh... white, and his sad excuse of a staff. He looks around before spotting the bar I had created "What in the unholy hell is that!?" "Just some of the renovations we had done, adds a bit of color don't you think" he gives me a sneer "And who are you?" I faze behind him causing him to flinch "Alastor pleasure to be meeting you, sir, quite a pleasure" I shake his staff, cleaning off my hand from whatever filth he accumulated "It's nice to finally put a face to the name, you are much shorter in real life"
"Who- who is this are you the bellhop" How dare he "Aha, no I am the host of the hotel, you must have heard of me from my radio broadcast~" At the corner of my eye I see y/n beside me looking at lucifer curiously, she hasn't stepped this close to me in a while. "Nope I guess that's why Charlie calls it the Hazbin hotel aha"
I turn my attention back to the "fun-sized" man in front of me "Ahaha it was actually my idea" "Hahaha, well it's not very clever" "Aha fuck you!" Charlie grabs Lucifer and y/n grabs my arm separating us.
The Doe:
Lucifer the Lucifer Morningstar is here? And he fighting with Alastor... I pulled Alastor away trying to calm him down, he just scowled at Lucifer while I tried to pull his attention away from him and onto me. We haven't talked in a while and I assumed it would be best to give him space since he seemed quite unhappy this past week.
I frown, and he looks away with a huff, walking away from me. "Without Alastor, we haven't been able to pretty it up this much," Charlie says with a smile "Charlie has a unique vision, and I am happy to fulfill her bizarre requests~"
Lucifer growls and I just know things are about to get ugly "she is quite an impressive young lady, we are all veeery proud of her" Really Alastor, provoking the king of hell!! Really smart "Charlie why don't you introduce me to your OTHER friends," he says pushing past Alastor.
She introduces vaggie and the others, he seems really supportive of Charlie in an... odd way. Although I would have expected the king of hell to be a little more, scary...
Charlie walks up to me where I stand next to Alastor "And this is y/n one of Alastors friends!" Ouch... "hello it's nice to meet you" I say with a polite smile and wave, he shakes my hand and I hear Alastors static get louder. I feel somebody grab me by the waist and shove me aside before seeing the chandelier fall on the floor with dust everywhere.
I look and Alastor stands behind me, his ears pinned back slightly with a tight smile. Lucifer breaks into song, telling Charlie how he can help her with anything she needs free of charge, I step aside watching Alastor bud in and tell Charlie how he's better fit for the job. I haven't seen Alastor this riled with anyone other than Vox.
Their little argument over who is better was cut short when... "it's meee yes it's meeee, I know you were waiting for MEEE" I groan as Mimzy bursts through the doors singing.
"Mimzy!!" Alastor shouts from behind me, giving her a warm hug. "I thought I'd stop by, say hi for old times sake" "Of course sweetheart everyone is welcome here" Mimzy has been around Almost as long as I have, with her knowing Alastor when he was alive, dancing and drinking together like they're best friends "oh quite a talent this gal hoho, you should have seen her in her heyday~"
She also sees me as competition, its no secret that she likes Alastor more than just friends, its why we don't get along. I was never the jealous type, it didn't matter to me how close she got to Alastor, but its was the way she did it, Pushing me around or secretly judging me. I didn't like her because Alastor always let her get away with being well... a bitch.
I stand at the bar with husk and we both exchange annoyed glances, husk doesn't like Mimzy either, she's always teasing him about being Alastors pet. Charlie, Alastor, Vaggie, and Lucifer walk down the hallway for a tour, and Mimzy bounces over asking for a drink. She purposefully sits beside me "My my is that husker? Alastor still has you slinging hooch for him I see~ classic" She then turned to me with a frown "y/n, you're looking well"
My eye twitches and I grip the counter's edge "As do you..." She takes a long sip of her drink and then speaks "I thought Alastor would have got tired of ya by now" "And I thought an exterminator got you" She narrows her eyes and Angel walks over "So uh... you and Alastor are what friends?" He says sitting between both of us, exchanging glances with Husker.
"Well your words, not mine, but I think it fits" She stops and gives us a confused look "Why so surprised?" Angel gives me an ill-handle this look and I stand up to leave, and I make my way over to the hallway where Alastor is. I see Husk rush out passed me with a scared look and I stop, "Alastor?..." I call out, seeing scratch marks on the ceiling.
"Yes" I hear from behind me and I turn with a gasp "Oh my, heh you, uhm... ok?" I say holding my chest from being startled "Don't worry my dear just a small matter that's already been taken care of" he says straightening his bow tie while We stand in the hallway in awkward silence.
The Buck:
I look down at y/n as she toys with her fingers, and I lift my hand almost touching her. She looks up at me nervously and I stop, she so close in reach, I wanted to touch her, and hold her close but I don't. I drop my hand and speak "I apologize for my behavior last week, I'm above yelling at you for things you didn't do, I'm sorry..." I say and she looks up at me with those sweet soft understanding eyes.
"That's ok, I forgive you..." she whispers with a smile, my heart speeds up and heat burns my cheeks. What is the matter with me why am I acting like this, I have known this woman for more than 75 years, and not once have I had a reaction like this towards her. I'm the radio demon, I'm not soft and weak, I'm merciless and terrifying. I shouldn't be fretting over silly little feelings for my wife.
I grip my staff tighter, feelings for my wife... my wife "Are you alright Alastor, you haven't been acting like yourself" she reaches out and touches my hand, making my breath hitch. I have fallen for my wife, I have fallen for y/n heartfelt. This small, innocent woman who has cared for me, tended to me, helped me since the day I dragged her down here, And It took decades to realize.
"I'm alright dear, it has been a stressful week. Shall we head back to the lobby?" I say gripping her hand lightly, she visibly relaxes before nodding.
The Doe:
As Alastor and I make our way for the hallway, we feel the floor shake, and I give Alastor a puzzled look. He looks around and we rush to see what's going on, lucifer, Vaggie, and Charlie walk through a portal and everybody starts to panic. "Mimzy you lousy bitch, we know your in there!!" Everybody turns their attention to her and she retreats behind the bar.
"Mimzy what did you do!?" I say storming over to her "I may have crossed some lone sharks that I may or may not have borrowed 50 grand from, and stolen a car, that I then ran over the lone shark's girlfriend with but that bitch had it comin'!!!"
suddenly large rocks burst through the windows and the hotel begins to shake, Alastor pushes me behind the bar and walks over to stop vaggie from attacking "No my dear leave this to me, it's time I remind everyone why I am here" large black tendrils start coming out of his back and his eyes turn into radio dials "A reminder to all not to mess with the radio demon!" he crawls out of the hotel's broken doors, his body getting larger and larger "I'm going to devour each and every one of you!!"
I step out from behind the bar witnessing what can only be described as a massacre, I have only seen Alastors body expand once or twice, and surprisingly I'm not as afraid of it as I should be. Charlie and her dad argue about the hotel's cause while Angel and Husk eat popcorn.
once Alastor is done he shrinks back to his normal size and I run up beside him "Oh I miss getting to let off steam~" he says twirling his staff. Mimzy comes out from the corner and claps "Oh Alastor you did a fantastic job, bravo as always thanks for helping out little old me from a tough spot, your such a pal"
The buck:
I turn and see Mimzy walking over to me, pushing y/n out of her way nearly causing her to fall. she's not going to bring danger, have me clean up her mess, and throw my wife around. no... she's not getting away with it this time "Sorry about the mess but I'm sure y/n could take care of it for ya~" my eyes narrow as I speak
"Mimzy I think you should go" She looks at me and scoffs "Oh you are so funny, such a jokester. you don't really care about this hotel do ya? you heartless. son. of. a. bitch" I peel her hands off of me "I mean it, you deliberately brought trouble, you are welcome to stay if you really want to give redemption a try, but we both know that's not your style, so you need to leave" she looks at me in disbelief and I raise a brow "pff fine, who needs ya, good luck with your hotel and your little princess, see if I care"
She walks away and I turn my attention back to y/n whos dusting off her dress, I look at her seeing that she has not a single scratch "Are you alright my dear?" she nods with an expression I can't quite read "We should head back inside, and check on the others"
The Doe:
I rush in seeing the hotel in bad shape, with holes in the walls, glass everywhere, and parts of the ceiling missing but thankfully nobody's hurt "Oh Charlie I'm sorry about the hotel..." she breaks her hug with vaggie and walks over to me "hay its ok, I'm sure Alastor can help fix this up in no time" I look around but don't see lucifer "Uh... Charlie where is your father?" "he left back to his house... mansion... castle... whatever you wanna call it but he got me a meeting with heaven!!!"
she lets out an excited squeal, grabbing vaggie "Come on vaggie let's go pack, we're going to heaven!!!" "oh that's, great... yeah let's do that, yay heaven..."
I'm so so so so so so sorry that this came out later than I wanted but some family things came up while I was working on this. however, its finally out. I hope you guys liked this chapter and as always stay tuned and have a wonderful day/night!!
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz @kimmis-stuff @sakuraluna2468
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rosescarlette · 2 days
-> Just nothing but zhongli being a girl dad✨
-> Zhongli being the type of dad that's absolutely overprotective of his daughter, he wouldn't let any guy come close to his daughter. Always protecting his precious gem.
-> One day you even found Zhongli in a ridiculous state with your daughter which you couldn't help but laugh about.
"Daddy! Can we play princesses and tea parties please??"
"Hm. I am still in the middle of finishing something."
"Aw.. :("
Seeing your daughter's sad face he couldn't refuse.. so he decided to play for a while. He spoke with his signature smile.
"Alright. I will play then. But only for an hour."
"Really?! Yay! I'll go get my dollies and stuff!!"
He heard her footsteps running to her room to grab her stuff. He couldn't help but give a hearty chuckle.
"Alright I've got my things! But.. there's something missing.."
"Hm? Missing? Like what?"
"This party was only for princesses but you're a guy!"
"O-oh is that so?.."
"But that's okay! We can dress you up!! Follow me!!"
You were out shopping for stuff while your daughter went to your bedroom and opened your closet. Zhongli was beside her all along.
"Why are we in your mother's room? She would be quite mad at us if we broke anything."
Your daughter just ignored him completely and was still searching in your closet until she found a pretty dress.
"This should do!! Look at it!! It's so pretty! Mom sure has pretty dresses!"
"Hm. Ah yes I remember this piece.. I've gift-"
"No time for a lecture!! We need to get you ready for the tea party!! Now put this dress on!"
"This dress?"
"But this is your mot-"
"Please put it on! Am sure it fits you"
"Alright. Let's just hope your mother doesn't find me in this state."
After a while you came back home and was quite surprised to not find zhongli in his usual place. But there was a lot of noise coming from your daughter's bedroom, you decided to check out what it was.
When you entered the room without warning.. you were so flabbergasted when you saw zhongli in your favorite dress and he wore makeup such as lipstick blush. However the make up was odd. It was quite weirdly done, that's when you noticed that your daughter had done a makeover to her dad! The lipstick marks were still present on her hands and zhongli knew how to keep make up well. They both were having a very fun time until you suddenly asked a question.
"Why is daddy in my dress? And why are there make up marks on your hands?"
You asked your daughter who was frozen .
"oh hello!- uh-"
"It's alright darling. We were playing princesses and tea parties."
He said while taking a sip out of his tea while speaking as a lady.
"uh huh.."
"Yes!! Isn't daddy pretty??"
When you looked at zhongli you died out laughing.
"Ah yes daddy does look pretty doesn't he? Hm?
"Yes. Tea parties are nice."
-> Like I said again he also hates when some boy likes his daughter. How dare that person!
"Dad I am officially a grownup!!"
"Calm down zhongli. I mean she's nearly a teenager now-"
"I got a letter!"
Both of you were confused.
"Whats the letter supposed to mean?"
"It means someone loves me mom!"
"Is it a love letter my dear?
"Yes!! I-"
"Who's the guy."
"Zhongli cool down it's just a letter."
"My absolute dearest. I just want to talk to that guy."
"Zhongli you're out to kill him aren't you?"
"Answer the question."
"Come on love it's just a letter! Come on-"
"I am not gonna talk you out of this am I?"
"Zhongli no killing."
"Ok dearest."
"But you didn't say not to hit him with a meteorite."
-> let's just say it was a chaotic night.
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the-kr8tor · 1 day
Hie hie I love love your Hobie stories I was wondering if you could please could write something cute . So it’s about the twins asking their parents for a pet and they like seven but age is up to you and Hobie’s being all cheeky asking them if they would be good pet owners typical parent behaviour so they give them babydoll eyes to reader who can’t resist them and I guess the rest is up to you if that’s ok don’t wanna offend you in any way I love your work but if you can’t it’s no the end of the world thanks 😊
You didn't offend me dw dw! Thank you for requesting! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, Mom! Reader, Dad! Hobie, Twin AU, Dad AU, Billie and Ramona AU, FLUFF.
The girls gasp simultaneously, a cute reaction that would have you smiling sweetly and cooing at them but when you followed their line of sight, you almost audibly groaned.
In each hand you have their tiny palms in yours, Ramona jumps excitedly, eyes sparkling at the luminescent fishes on display in the window of the pet shop. While Billie screeches unabashedly, the sound gets the attention of the nearby people who are coming out of the grocery store. Her hands tugs you towards the store. You swear that they've gotten stronger even though they're only five years old.
“Mummy!” Billie yells at the top of her lungs, pink trainers scrapping on the rough pavement. “They have a puppy!”
“Okay, okay, don't drag mommy around like your doll.”
Hobie chuckles behind you, hands full of groceries. You stare at him with a pout, wordlessly calling for help. He raises both hands, plastic bags crinkling, shrugging.
With a quick glare, he changes course from the teasing. “Listen to mum, Bee. Mon, your shoes are untied, you're gonna trip.”
“‘m okay!” Mona says, ribbons falling off her pigtails from all the jumping. “Can we see the fishes?” You crouch down to tie her shoes, an impossible feat while Billie tries to coax you into going inside the store.
Billie's voice triumphs over Mona's. “The dogs, mum!”
You inhale, wrangling the twins in your arms. “We'll go inside, only if you promise me to behave. And what did dad tell you last time?”
“Don't put your fingers inside the cages.” They both speak at the same time with the same flat cadence.
“And?” Hobie continues for you.
“Don't tap at the aquariums.” They simultaneously say, “can we go now?” Now their twin telepathy has you giggling and almost creeped if not for their cute faces staring at you, waiting for a response.
You decide to tease, hands holding onto their overalls. “Hmm, what do you think, dad?”
Hobie fakes a huff. “Dunno, love, these bags are heavy.”
“Dad!” Billie exclaims, stomping her little foot.
“Please, daddy?” Mona has a different plan, she pouts at Hobie, eyes all big, staring up and pleading with him.
The second Hobie nodded, you're sure that you won't be able to say no to a pet this time. You're already running out of excuses as to why they can't have one. The girls run off, leaving you in the dust.
“I'll just bring these to the car—” Hobie starts.
“Nuh uh” you grab him by his sleeve. “I need backup, I know they're gonna ask again. ‘sides, you can handle the bags, right?” Hobie scrunches his face, a resemblance of both girls when you ask them to eat their veggies. “You're my big strong spider—”
“Fine!” He says before you could finish your teasing. “I am strong.” He murmurs, pecking your cheek before following the girls inside.
“You are so strong!” Ragging him on, you race after him, quickly reciprocating the kiss by smooching his cheek with a resounding smack.
Hobie's lips curl into a sly smile, eyes roaming around the shop for his gremlins. You loop your arm around his own, carefully not adding to the weight. Hand kneading softly at his skin. He grins wider from how you lovingly hold him close.
“Ooh!” Billie's voice acts as a beacon for you and Hobie to follow. You see them both crouched down, eyes big and curious at the lonesome angel fish swimming in the tank.
“She's so pretty!” Mona adds, you're wishing that you brought your camera with you to capture the moment.
Sure enough, when you peek at the aquarium, the cobalt scales of the angelfish has you mesmerized too. “She is gorgeous.”
Both girls turn towards you simultaneously, smile all toothy with a few missing teeth in between their milk teeth. You already know what they're about to ask.
“Please?” Mona starts.
“We'll take good care of her!” Billie finishes with the perfect puppy dog eyes that you know the girls got from Hobie.
“Angelfish is a bit hard to take care of for a first pet. Maybe we should start off with a goldfish?” Hobie joins in unexpectedly, smile identical to the twins. You sometimes think it's unfair that you carried them for nine grueling months only for the girls to end up looking almost exactly like their father. This day is one of those days, because you know you cannot say no to that face. You've even joked about it to Hobie, to which he always replies with a ‘maybe the next one will look like you more.’ When you're too flabbergasted to reply, Hobie brings the other bag of groceries to his other hand to hold yours and then to bring your knuckles to his lips. You've lost, again. “Ain't that right, love?”
You sigh, surrendering to the whims of your adorable yet menace of a family. “Only if they promise to take good care of the fish.” The girls gasp, Billie even embraces Mona like they've won the war. “And it has to be a goldfish, okay?”
The girls can't hold their excitement any longer, they shriek happily, bounding over towards the goldfish section. Hobie kisses your hand again, this time longer, you can feel his smug grin through it. You shake your head with a groan, but you still peck his hand back.
“Wait, girls!” Hobie suddenly calls for them back. They both come hopping over to you. Billie and Mona getting what they want has turned them more obedient. Or they're just biased because their dad finally convinced you to agree. They look up at you sweetly, they know the effect of their cuteness, probably because of uncle Ned who gives them whatever they want if they just look at him all adorable like. “What do you say? Especially to mum?”
“Thank you, mummy!” Mona hugs your leg, while Billie joins in a second later.
Billie looks up, “kiss?” She asks, pouting her lips. No DNA test needed, definitely Hobie's kid, like there was any doubt.
“Of course, baby.” With a quick smooch, she smiles gratefully.
“Thank you, mummy, love you.” She murmurs into the denim of your pants, she's bringing out her big guns for this fish.
“I love you too!” Ramona joins in, puckering her lips too. You give her the same amount of smooch. “Thank you, love you.”
“And I love you both.”
“Okay, stop hounding mum, go pick out your fish.” Hobie pats them both on their curly heads, then both girls give him a not so sly thumbs up.
Mona gestures for her dad to lean down, Hobie obliges. She whispers in his ear but she still doesn't understand the concept of whispering so her tone is as loud as her usual one. “A doggy next time, daddy.”
Billie pipes up, of course hearing the entire thing. “Or a kitten!” You can see from Hobie's face that he wants the monitor lizard in the corner to eat him up.
Your family has played you like a fiddle.
They walk away giggling, talking about what name they should give their fish. Hobie looks back at a glaring you. “I love you so much—”
“You’re cleaning the tank.”
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lifblogs · 3 days
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Week 1: Water Gun Fights and Dad Voices
Prompt: Water Gun Fight
Alt. Prompt: “It’s not what you think.”
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Minor TechPhee (just one mention)
Word Count: 1153
Summary: On a hot afternoon on Pabu Omega and Hunter decide to have a water gun fight, though their method of doing so is a bit alarming.
A/N: I wanted to wait till my cast/splint-thing was off, but this gave me instant inspiration, so I managed with using just my phone.
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Omega shrieked with laughter, hiding behind a chair as Hunter fired at her. Water sprayed past her position. She supposed she was lucky Crosshair wasn’t playing or else she’d be soaked by now (which, she almost was anyway).
She could see and hear Hunter rushing for her, and she ran, firing behind her without aiming.
She took the fight outside, to their patio they had in their new home on Pabu. It might be better this way. She could already imagine Wrecker asking why their kitchen floor was soaked.
Hunter fired near Omega’s feet, which he clearly didn’t think through because she slipped against the wet stone, falling backwards. Her body gave her a shock of adrenaline, but before she could crack her head on the stone Hunter grabbed her.
“Got you.”
And then he sprayed his repurposed water gun right in Omega’s face.
She spluttered and then started laughing. Hunter was laughing too, a sound Omega cherished more than seeing the sun rise and knowing it was there to provide them with life. His laughter did that all on its own.
“Let me go,” she complained, trying to wriggle out of his grip.
He placed a kiss on the top of her head that she pretended to be annoyed about, and then he righted her, releasing her.
Omega squirted water right into his face.
As she rushed away from him this turned into a little dance across the patio, around their table.
Omega didn’t know who was winning this fight anymore. They were both dripping with water, and the table was soaked, more water dripping off the edges and onto the stone.
This was certainly one way to cool off from the hot afternoon sun, despite the way Omega’s breaths were coming hard and fast from dodging around the table and firing at Hunter.
Batcher, who had probably come to see what this was all about, started wagging her tiny, adorable tail. She jumped up, eyes going big as she recognized this as some form of play.
She splashed over to Omega and headbutted her arm, throwing off her aim so that one of their pots of flowers ended up getting watered early.
Hunter sprayed her again.
She giggled.
“No fair. Batcher’s distracting me.”
At first Hunter looked like he was about to reply with some quip about soldiers having to be ready for anything, his mouth open and face hard, and then realized they weren’t soldiers anymore. He still had his moments. They all did.
Batcher was curious about the old, repurposed blaster Omega was holding, so she let her sniff it. To give her more information, Omega gently squeezed the trigger, eliciting a gentle stream of water. Batcher jumped away, startled, and Omega tried to hold in her laughter. Hunter didn’t.
He went over to pet Batcher, both of them explaining this to her. Batcher came closer, sniffing Hunter’s repurposed blaster.
And then she promptly snatched it and ran off.
Omega saw her chance and took it, firing right at the back of Hunter’s head as he went after Batcher.
She laughed, following.
Batcher circled around, nudging Omega. As Omega pet her under her chin, blaster still focused on Hunter and spraying mercilessly, Batcher deposited Hunter’s blaster into her hand.
“Good girl.”
“Now wait a minute!”
Omega used his blaster to fire right at his mouth.
A gurgling sound came from him for a second before he swallowed, which set Omega off laughing again.
“We don’t know how dirty these are,” Omega exclaimed.
Hunter shrugged. “Water is water.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Maybe give me my blaster back and we can argue about this like civilized people.”
Omega snorted.
Hunter lunged for her, and she shrieked. She jumped back and fired at him till he was even more wet than before. Batcher jumped around, barking.
Omega slipped again, and Batcher held her up.
She looked back.
“Thanks, girl.”
Hunter took that opportunity to try and snatch both blasters from her.
She relinquished his so she could shove him back and fire again.
“Omega, I think that’s enough.”
“You’ve slipped twice.”
“Well then come and get my blaster,” she teased, rushing to the far side of the table, Batcher at her heels.
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Tech was on his way back from his market trip with Phee. He’d said bye to her already with a quick kiss and a promise that she was invited for dinner. When he stepped onto his patio, he almost dropped his basket.
Hunter and Omega were soaking wet for some unknown reason, hair dripping water into their faces. Batcher was under the table, lapping up water from a large puddle. The strangest thing, and the most alarming, was that Hunter and Omega were pointing blasters at each other!
Hunter lowered his, a hand out. “It’s not what you think.”
“Oh? Because it looks like—”
Tech was promptly interrupted by Omega pointing her blaster at him and firing. He couldn’t help the startled yelp he let out, adrenaline flooding his system.
He dropped his basket (which also had his datapad in it), fruit rolling out onto the stone. And he crouched down, making himself a smaller target.
Where am I injured?
He felt along his torso for any injury, thinking the pain hadn’t hit yet, and he found only… water.
Omega was laughing.
Tech stood up, an eyebrow raised.
Omega answered his question before firing at herself, laughing as more water dripped off of her.
“Water,” Tech stated again.
“Yep! Hunter and I found some old blasters, and it was so hot, so we thought we’d repurpose them.”
“You need a talking to, young lady,” Tech said, not exactly pleased that she’d fired at him, making him believe he would be hurt.
She groaned. “But that was the funniest scream I’ve ever heard.”
“Well, excuse me for thinking my life was in danger.”
“And now you’re using your dad voice,” she said as she handed her blaster over and went to pick up Tech’s basket.
He snatched it out of her hands, not wanting her to get his datapad wet.
“I don’t have a dad voice,” he argued.
“You do,” Hunter said.
Omega went and pressed a finger into Hunter’s chest. “You do too.”
“But Crosshair is the worst with it.”
“Speaking of,” Hunter started, “we should clean up before—”
A surprised shout reached them through the open door and windows. “Why is the kitchen floor soaking wet?!”
“—that,” Hunter finished.
Omega laughed and went inside, probably to start cleaning up, and to deal with Crosshair and his “dad voice.”
“Sorry, Tech,” Hunter said, taking his basket from him. “I’d better get in there, explain this was my idea.”
“Was it?” Tech asked, following after his brother, being mindful of the wet stone.
Hunter smirked. “As if I’d tell you.”
Tech and Hunter laughed as from inside the house came the cry of, “Young lady!”
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elizaditton · 2 days
Too Small To Be Afraid (Chapter 17)
Cover / Master Post / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter (Coming Soon!)
I struggle to support myself on Derrick's shoulder as he walks. I was having a hard enough time balancing when he was sitting still, so trying to steady myself as he moves definitely isn't any easier.
As I hold onto my deskmate's shirt collar for dear life, I scan the horizon for any sign of that tree. Since I was always in Derrick's hands when he walked me home before, I was never able to see too much of the surrounding area. Now that I'm up here on his shoulder, I can see everything: stores, houses, cars, and of course nature. It's unreal seeing it all with my own eyes! But as I look around, I can't seem to spot that cherry tree.
Derrick wouldn't take a detour, would he? Since the apartment is so close to the school I highly doubt it, especially since he knows how in love I am with that cherry tree. But if we haven't taken a detour... why have we been walking for so long? I know I wasn't able to see much scenery before, but why don't I recognize anything at all?
"Here we are," Derrick says.
I gaze up at the blue house in front of us. This is not my apartment.
"Um," I start, "where are we?"
"What do you mean?" Derrick asks. "This is my house."
I nearly lose my footing when my legs threaten to buckle beneath me. He took me to his house?! For the party?! Why?! What happened to asking my dad first and helping him with... that thing?!
Panic sets in as my deskmate reaches for the front door. What should I do?! I can't stay here!
"W-wait!" I stammer, hoping to get Derrick's attention.
"Yes?" He asks, a note of confusion in his voice. "What's wrong?"
"I-I— um, I think there's been a misunderstanding!" I blurt out.
"A misunderstanding?"
"Y-yeah, I... didn't think we were coming here. I thought you were taking me home."
Derrick rubs the back of his neck. "Oh. When I asked you before we left, I thought you said you wanted to come over."
My heart sinks. "I-I don't remember," I utter, my core twisting and tightening at my current predicament.
"I'm sorry," Derrick says. "If you want me to, I can turn around and take you home."
"Are you sure? You wouldn't mind it?"
"If you're not ready for this, I don't want to push you," he says as his brows turn upward.
"Then could you—"
Before I can finish answering, the front door opens.
"What's the birthday boy doing standing around out here?" asks a woman with long, wavy brown hair and big green eyes.
"Oh, we were just— I mean, I was about to—" Derrick stammers.
"Well, don't just stand there," says the woman, smiling warmly. "Come in, come in!"
The woman grabs hold of one of my deskmate's hands and pulls him into the house. The unexpected movement causes me to stumble, but Derrick catches me in his free hand before I fall and holds me close to his neck. My heart pounds and pounds in my ears as heat radiates from my reddening cheeks. I thought we were close before, but this?! This is a little too close!
"Mom, I need to—" he starts. "Hey, what's this?"
When Derrick pulls his hand away from me, I scramble to regain my composure. Once I'm able to balance myself on his shoulder I look around the room and see it's decorated with balloons, streamers, and gifts. There's even a banner that reads 'Happy Birthday John And Derrick.' I blink, cocking my head to the side as I read the sign. Who's John? My eyes widen and my heart bangs against my ribcage. How many more people are coming to this party?!
"Don't go thinking I wouldn't decorate just because your brother's not here!" Derrick's mom exclaims.
I forgot Derrick has a twin brother who's away for university. As curious as I am to see how alike the two look, I'm relieved to have another perthean out of the picture.
"Right," Derrick says. "Anyway, Mom, I need to take—"
"What do you think?" His mom asks, clasping her hands together. "I know yellow is your favorite color, so I tried to use as much of it in the decorating as I could."
"Um, it's great! But really, I need—"
"What time are your friends coming over again?"
"5:30. Which is why I need to hurry and—"
"And who's this?" The woman says, leaning towards Derrick's shoulder with her eyes fixed on me.
A shiver runs down my spine as I struggle to think of something to say. "H-hello, m-m'am," I wave.
"This is Kaylin, my deskmate," Derrick says. "And I need to take her home."
"Home? But you just got here!" Derrick's mom says with a frown.
"Well, yes, but I was only... I mean, I just wanted to show her where we live. It was on the way," my deskmate lies.
"I see," the woman says with a smile. "Well, Kaylin, you're welcome to stay if you'd like! I'm sure your deskmate would enjoy your company on his special day."
Guilt builds up in my chest. What was I thinking letting Derrick walk me all the way back home? And on his birthday, no less! He should be using this time to prepare for his party, and here I am forcing him to deal with me. Should I really be treating him like this?
My heart sinks when Derrick turns to leave. This is my last chance. Can I really do this? Will I really be able to make it through this party?
"Hey," I whisper.
Derrick stops in the doorway. "Yeah?"
"It's... okay," I mumble. "I'll stay."
"You will?" Derrick says, his eyes wide and a smile spread across his face.
"Mhm," I hum, although something deep down inside of me still wonders if this is really a good idea. "I think it would be fun to... hang out with you. Outside of school, that is."
Derrick looks down, his grin stretching from ear to ear. "It means a lot to me that you'd say that. But Kaylin," he says, shifting his gaze back to me, "are you sure you're ready for this?"
"I... um," I think for a moment, unsure of what to say. Am I really ready? Do I think I'll be able to handle this? "Well, I don't know. But what I do know is that I want to be here."
"Okay," my deskmate says. "But only if you're sure."
"Don't worry. I'm sure." I say, although the doubts running through my mind don't make me feel sure at all.
What if Derrick misplaces me in such a big house? What if a ton of people are coming over and he forgets I'm even there? What if I get stuck somewhere? What if someone doesn't notice me on a table or counter and I'm knocked around or squashed?
Anxiety wells up in my core as Derrick turns around and closes the door behind him, sealing my fate.
"Oh?" Derrick's mom pipes up from in front of the kitchen sink, where she's begun to wash dishes. "Change your mind?"
I give a shaky nod from my place on Derrick's shoulder. "I-I thought I might as well stay, since I'm here and all."
"Wonderful!" The woman smiles. "Make yourself at home! If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know."
"Th-thanks," I stutter.
Mrs. Drake's brows turn upward for a moment as she smiles. As she returns to washing the dishes, I can't help but wonder if she's caught on to my fear. I need to get a hold of myself! I can't keep stuttering like this! I don't want anyone to think I have anything against pertheans!
"Derrick, honey, don't you want to change into something more comfortable before your other friends come over?" My deskmate's mom asks.
Derrick looks at me with worry in his eyes before looking back to his mom. "I don't exactly want to leave Kaylin alone. Since she's already here, I mean."
"She won't be alone. I'll be right here the whole time," Mrs. Drake beams. "And besides, I'd love to get to know her!"
My gut twists into a knot within me as my arms and legs begin to shake. Left alone with Derrick's mom?! How in the world am I going to handle that?! I immediately start to regret my decision to stay at this party as Derrick raises an open palm to his shoulder for me to step onto. Taking a deep breath, I release my grip on the collar of his shirt and carefully inch towards his hand. I don't know how I'd ever live it down if I stumbled in front of another perthean!
My deskmate lowers his hand onto the kitchen table, and I somehow manage to step onto the hard surface without flailing around much. A hollowness suddenly overtakes my core like a punch to the gut as Derrick removes his hand, leaving me stranded where I stand. The table is much lower than the average balcony, and my head starts to spin as I crane my neck back to look up at my deskmate from the wooden surface.
Noticing my struggle, Derrick crouches down in front of the table. Now he's the one looking up at me, but his size is still so overwhelming to me. He's just so... big. His face nearly fills my entire field of vision! I back up a bit, clutching at my skirt as anxiety floods my nervous system. He's so close. We were close before when I was on his shoulder and when he held me to his neck, but... this is just different. And I'm not so sure I like it.
"Will you be okay?" Derrick whispers.
I let out a deep, trembling breath. "I-I will be. You can go."
When Derrick stands to his full height, I don't dare look up at him again. I keep my head down as my heart pounds and pounds in my chest, begging me to find someplace to hide. Once Derrick leaves, the sound of the running faucet is all that fills the room.
I spin around and see Mrs. Drake continuing to work on the dishes. If I'm lucky, she won't say anything, and I'll only be waiting a short while for Derrick to come back. I figure this is as good a time as any to let Dad know I won't be home for a while. I pull my phone out of my skirt pocket and slide over to my text conversation with him. I write what comes to mind.
Won't be home until later.
I pause. What am I supposed to tell him? Do I really tell him I'm at my deskmate's birthday party? That would be a huge win in his book. I can picture my dad now gloating about how he was right in sending me to Pacific. I shake the thought away and add to the the message.
A friend wanted to hang out.
I gulp, silently hoping he won't ask any further questions, and send the message. It takes a moment, but eventually I get a single thumbs up emoticon in response. I let out a sigh of relief.
"So..." Mrs. Drake says as she glances over her shoulder at me. "Kaylin, right?"
"Mhm," I nod.
"And you're new to Pacific?"
"Yes, ma'am."
She hums in response, returning her gaze to the dishes in the sink. "And... have you always lived in town?"
"Actually, I just moved here. I was born and raised in Maedri," I answer.
"Oh, Maedri!" Mrs. Drake says with a wavering tone. "I heard they have a bustling undercity there."
"Y-yes," I stammer, "it's pretty expansive compared to Chancelor."
A moment of silence passes us by. I watch quietly as Mrs. Drake sets various plates, bowls, and utensils on a rack to dry.
"It would be easy to live entirely underground without ever seeing a perthean then, wouldn't it?" She finally asks.
My heart sinks. What's she getting at? "O-oh, I guess so," I say.
She hums again. "And... might I ask what brought you to a school like Pacific?"
I swallow dryly as my legs quiver beneath me. What am I supposed to say to that?!
"U-uhm," I start, begging my voice to come out without any more stutters, "my dad wanted me to go to his old high school."
"Ah," the woman says. "And would you say you're... handling everything well?"
She has to be onto me. Why else would she be asking me all these questions?
I'm about to answer when I hear footsteps approach from behind. Finally.
"Sorry I took so long," Derrick says, emerging from the hallway. "Kevin and Brittney are on their way, I just got off the phone with them."
As I turn around, my eyes take in every aspect of my deskmate's attire. Jeans and sneakers, a striped yellow and white t-shirt, and a gray and yellow jacket. He's dressed so... casually! I stare down at my school uniform. I feel overdressed.
Derrick chuckles at the sight of me. "Sorry you didn't get to change," he says. "Do you want to take off your blazer?"
I think about his question for a moment. I tend to feel safer with more layers on, like I'm wearing some kind of armor to protect myself from danger. Although, I don't want to risk wearing my blazer to the party and getting it dirty somehow. And maybe it's just because I'm so nervous, but it does seem to be getting hot in here despite how much cooler it typically is above ground.
"Where should I put it?" I ask, removing my blazer and letting my arms breathe through my white button down shirt.
"May I see?" Derrick asks, approaching the table and placing his hand in front of me.
I reluctantly lay my blazer atop my deskmate's fingertips, and he pinches it between his thumb and index finger before lifting it high up to his eyes.
"Wow," he whispers.
My entire body is immediately overcome by a hot flash of some kind, and I begin to tremble where I stand beneath my looming deskmate.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that!" He stammers as his face reddens. "It's just that it... and you... I mean, it's just really tiny. Not that you're... that. I mean, I would never—"
"I-it's okay," I interrupt. "I know I'm... short."
Derrick seems to relax a little at my words. He sighs. "Anyway, there's a place for this right over here," he says, carrying my blazer to a coat rack beside the front door. He hangs it on a smaller arm that seems to be designed for human items. "There."
They have a spot for human items on their coat rack? I thought for sure nothing in this house would be fit for a human!
"You look confused," my deskmate states.
I straighten my head and unfurrow my brow. "I-it's just... I didn't think you'd have something like that here."
Derrick looks back to the coat rack. "You mean a coat rack? Doesn't everyone have one of these?"
"No, I mean that," I say, pointing to the smaller arms. "Why do you have a spot for human items on your coat rack?"
"For human guests! Why else would we have it?" Derrick asks.
My mouth hangs agape at my deskmate's words. I thought items like this were something I'd only ever see in the movies! I didn't think pertheans would actually include items in their homes for human guests! Come to think of it, I didn't think pertheans would entertain human guests often— yet here I am.
"You think this is special?" Derrick laughs as he approaches the kitchen table and pulls out a chair to sit down. "Wait until you see what else we have!"
My mind swells with wonder and curiosity at the idea of there being other human-friendly items in this house.
"Derrick, honey," Mrs. Drake says, pulling me from my thoughts. "What would you like for dinner tonight?"
My heart skips a beat at her words. How could I forget about dinner?! My body trembles at the thought of sharing dinner with— who knows how many people? No, how many pertheans?
"D-dinner?" My deskmate stutters, his eyes widening with surprise.
"Yes, dinner! You said this morning you'd have to think about what you wanted and that it depended on whether or not one of your friends was coming."
Derrick turns to look down at me, his face a bit pale. "Oh yeah, um... one girl has a few allergies, but... she isn't able to make it."
"So what did you decide on, then?" His mom asks.
"Um..." Derrick starts, his brows upturned and his eyes focused on my quaking frame. Suddenly, a smile appears on his face as he turns back to his mom. "You know, actually, we won't be hungry for dinner. We all had big lunches at school."
Mrs. Drake folds her arms, tilting her head to the side as she narrows her eyes at her son. "Do you really expect me to believe that? You know, the last time something like this happened—"
Derrick abruptly pushes his chair away from the table and stands from his seat. "Mom, can I speak with you for a moment?"
Mrs. Drake nods, letting out a sigh and following my deskmate down the hall.
What's going on? Why is Derrick trying to avoid having dinner so badly? Could this be about me? What does his mom mean by 'the last time something like this happened?' Is Derrick going to tell her about my fear?
Although I know it's rude to eavesdrop, I can't help but try to listen in on the two pertheans' conversation. All I'm able to make out is some harsh whispering, interrupted by the occasional 'why.' At one point I hear Derrick whisper, 'just give me some time!'
As the duo emerges from the hallway, I try my best to look like I wasn't just poking my nose where it didn't belong. I try to ease my tremors by rubbing my arms, but it doesn't help much as Derrick and his mom resume their previous positions in the kitchen. Derrick's mom flashes a polite smile at me, only to immediately turn away and resume drying and putting away dishes. What the heck happened back there?
"Oh!" Derrick says, standing up again and heading for the door. "That must be our other guests!"
I gulp and wipe my shaking, clammy hands on my skirt. The party's about to get started, and there's no turning back now.
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livyjh · 12 hours
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Come Sail Away ch.1
Bff’s dad!Joel Miller x Plus size!Fem!Reader
Series rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Chapter 1 rating: PG
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Your spring break has been saved by your roommate and best friend, Sarah Miller. She’s invited you to come on vacation with her and her dad, a man you’ve never met. But you didn’t think twice before accepting her invitation. When you finally meet her dad, Joel, you have an instant crush on him. You thought it was one sided… he proves you wrong.
Chapter warnings: mainly plot forming exposition, no smut, meeting new people, large ships, the ocean, talk about clothes and vague plus size body description.
Series Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
“What are you doing over spring break?” Your roommate and best friend, Sarah, asks you.
“Probably nothing. I mean, we have beaches and stuff at home but they’re just… gross. Lots of rocks and trash and seaweed and stuff. I wish I could go on that cruise with you.” You sigh.
Sarah and her dad were going on a Caribbean cruise for the whole of spring break this year and you’re incredibly jealous. Home is… fine. Your parents are okay. You love them but you don’t really have a lot of fun hanging out with them unless you’re all doing an activity or playing a game or something.
Being an only child had its perks, there’s no doubt. But not having someone close to your age in your immediate family kind of sucked.
“Sorry, I need to make a quick phone call.” Sarah smiles and gets up, leaving the dorm room for a few minutes.
You’re not sure what she’s up to, and you’re even more unsure when she walks in the door with a big grin on her face.
“Call me a genie because I just granted your wish.” Sarah giggled and sat back down on her bed.
“What?” You sit up and raise your brows.
“You’re coming to the Caribbean with me… If you’ve got $500 to spare?” She scrunches up her nose.
“I have been saving for a car… but I’m doing okay without one for now…” you think for a minute.
“Fuck it. Let’s do it.” You clap and stand up and she does the same.
You both grab each other’s hands and do a quiet but excited little scream. “Yay!”
Sarah explained to you that she and her dad were already going to have separate staterooms on the ship, but now you can bunk with her for a great last minute deal the cruise line was offering.
You were so excited you almost couldn’t sleep. You had one more exam tomorrow and then you were free for a whole week. And going to the Caribbean on a fucking cruise!
Your exam was a piece of cake. All you had to do was pack tonight, go with Sarah to her dad’s place, then fly to Florida, and get on the ship.
Yeah. That should be simple enough, right?
You were excited but stressed at the same time. This last minute planning was a bit chaotic but you knew it would be worth it.
You packed all of your favorite outfits that were suited for tropical weather, your sexy two piece bikini, your more modest and practical one piece that fit you like a glove, and your best walking shoes and cutest sandals.
You remembered all of your toiletries and meds, your device chargers, your vibrator (for times when you may get the room to yourself for a while), a sweater just in case, and a few snacks for the plane.
The drive to Sarah’s dad’s place wasn’t bad. 3 hours from Houston to Austin was nothing compared to the trip your parents took to drive you to college in the first place.
You chose your school based on its business major program, which is what you wanted. You were a a year and a half into your 4 year masters degree and 24 years old. You already had your associates degree and decided to take a little break between that and getting your masters.
Sarah was younger, 21 now. She studied music theory and production. You guys got paired up this school year as roommates when your last roommate graduated.
You’ve been best friends ever since.
“Here’s my place!” She smiled as she pulled into the driveway of a beautiful two story house in a nice neighborhood.
Tomorrow morning you three would fly to Florida and head straight for the ship.
For now, you were a little nervous to meet Sarah’s dad. Was he gonna be awkward? Weird? Quiet? Mean? Overbearing?
Just as you two were getting out of Sarah’s car, the front door opened and a gorgeous man about 6 feet tall emerged from it.
He had medium length brown hair that had some curl. Probably more if he were to let it grow out longer. He donned a simple and semi-close trimmed beard, one that was starting to get gray patches around his jaw. His nose looked like it was sculpted from the finest of clays by a renowned artist. His arms were thick and toned, as were his thighs.
“Hey, girls!” He waved and walked down the driveway to Sarah to give her a big hug.
“I’ve missed you so much, dad.” Sarah was almost in tears. You knew she hadn’t been home since Christmas.
“Missed you too, baby girl.” He kissed the top of her head and took a good look at her, like a parent does, trying to make sure their child is in good health and well fed.
“Dad, this is my bestie I’ve been telling you about; Y/n.” Sarah walked around to your side of the car and her dad followed.
“Y/n, this is my dad, Joel.” She motioned to him.
He reached out his (quite large) hand and you shook it happily. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you!” You smiled and tried to keep from blushing.
“You too, Y/n.” He smiled and nodded before you both broke the handshake.
Joel took a breath and broke eye contact as he walked around you to get into the trunk and help with bags. “How was the drive?”
“Pretty chill.” Sarah said as she also went to the back of the car.
You followed, “yeah it went by quick.”
“Good.” Joel smiled at you both.
You brought the bags in and then sat down in the living room. It was nearing 9pm now.
“Ya girls hungry?” Joel asked.
“I could eat.” You shrug, trying to keep from smiling at his adorable accent.
“Me too.” Sarah nodded.
“How about I fix some turkey sandwiches?” Joel stood and walked into the kitchen.
“Thanks, dad!” Sarah spoke up.
“Thank you, Mr. Miller!” You called out.
After you all finished eating you took the luggage upstairs to Sarah’s room and got settled in.
Joel retired to his room after a quick goodnight to you two.
You and Sarah got into pajamas, both of you pulling your hair into cute little top knots.
“Thank you, Sarah.” You smile as you both get into her bed.
“For what?” She pulls the comforter up over you both.
“Well, everything. But the cruise mainly.” You reply.
“Of course. I’m not gonna let my best friend have a boring spring break if I have anything to say about it.” She laughed.
You giggled along. “I appreciate it.”
The next morning was a blur of airport traffic and security checkpoints. Things slowed down when you boarded the plane.
“I call the window seat!” Sarah walked back to your row and scooted in to the third seat, by the window.
You usually hated sitting in the middle because it made you a bit claustrophobic but this plane wasn’t as cramped on butt space as other ones you’d been on. So you got into the seat next to Sarah and Joel sat in the aisle seat next to you.
You figured Sarah would’ve wanted to sit next to her dad… but you also wanted to sit next to her. Now you had the best of both worlds.
Sarah on one side, and her sexy dad on the other.
Oh god, you cannot be attracted to your best friend’s dad. There’s a rule against that somewhere, right??
You couldn’t help but to keep touching elbows with both Sarah and Joel. You were thick, wasn’t anyone’s fault. With Sarah being so skinny she really only bumped elbows when she leaned in to talk to you. With Joel, he was broad shouldered and half asleep for the first part of the flight. You fell asleep too.
“This is your pilot speaking, welcome to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. The skies are blue and temperature at a comfortable 73 degrees.”
This was what you heard as you started to wake up, realizing your head was rested on none other than Joel’s shoulder.
You sat up quick, “oh my gosh, sorry, Mr. Miller.” You blushed and laughed a little.
“It’s okay, sweetie.” He smiled and briefly patted the back of your hand that was on the armrest between you two.
“Th- thank you.” You stutter a little.
The lights in the cabin come on and the plane makes a slightly rough landing, waking Sarah up next to you.
“Are we here already?” She held her head up.
“Yep.” You look over at her. “It’s almost cruise time.” You giggle.
“Cruise time?” She mocks you.
“Shut up. I’m still sleepy.” You snort.
Getting off the plane and out of the airport was nothing short of a nightmare. It was extremely busy. It took a half hour to get an available shuttle to the pier.
You all finally got on board the ship after checking your big bags and going through security.
You could breathe now. Vacation had finally started.
Joel Miller tag list: @evyiione
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bean-bean2000 · 22 hours
The Maid - Part 13
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 12
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You wake to the most warming and nostalgic smell; your favourite breakfast your mother used to make for you every Sunday morning.
Puzzled, you throw the covers off of you, swinging your legs over your bed and get up to realize you're in your childhood room. You touch everything near you, fearing it might fade away, grabbing onto your old blanket, the one you used to clutch at night when you were scared or nervous. You hear your name being called and walk towards it, following the delicious smell.
As you turn the corner and walk into the kitchen you see your parents swaying along to a song they're humming together.
"Mom? Dad?" you whisper, tears brewing in your eyes.
"Honey, there you are! Why are you crying?" your mother approaches you, smiling as she wraps you in a warm hug.
"I - I just... miss you." you stutter.
"Miss me? I saw you only a few hours ago, my flower! Come and eat breakfast, I made your favourite." she beckons you over.
“No… Mom that’s not possible…. I - this isn’t real. Am I dead?” you ask her quietly, your voice comes out breathless as you try to grasp what’s going on.
“Nonesense! Are you ill? Come and eat.” she places her hand on your forehead to feel for a temperature and leads you to the table.
You sit down, unsure and confused.
This feels familiar. This day has already happened.
With your mom’s encouragement you take a bite, moaning in delight and reminiscing on the flavour. Your mom giggles at you as she watches you shove food in your mouth.
"You're acting so strange today... are you sure you're alright?" your father questions you, gently caressing your arm.
"Perhaps she just misses her love." your mother teases.
You freeze as she says this. "My - my love? Who do you mean, mother?" your mouth feels dry, hands sweaty, heart beating wildly at your mother's comment.
It can't be. They never met... him... I - It can't... how?
Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Your mother squeals in excitement as she pushes you to get up and answer it. As you begin to turn the handle, the door flings open, making you jump.
"There you are, my angel." The large and imposing man pulls you into a hug.
You freeze like a deer in headlights, mind spinning with confusion, fear and anger.
"How is this possible? it can't be! What - What are you doing here?! Get off of me! Let me go!" you scream as you struggle to get out of his grip.
"Angel, please. What has gotten into you?" he says, his grip tightening around your arm painfully.
The old nickname makes your skin crawl. You only fight him further and try to escape his grip on you.
"You're making a fool of yourself in front of your parents." He says through gritted teeth.
"No, please. Mom, Dad, tell him to let me go!" you cry out, begging them to help you.
Your eyes searching theirs, tears flowing down your cheeks.
"Mom? Dad?" you cry out for them again but they say nothing as they stare at you stoically.
"This is your punishment, angel. You deserve this, all of it." your mother sneers.
"What? - I don't understand" you continue to cry as you desperately try to break out of his hold, only causing it to tighten as he grabs a hold of both of your arms, pinning them behind you. He flips you around to face him, his eyes glaring with anger and cruelty.
"You cursed us all. They're dead because of you. Do't you get it? I am your punishment. I made you fall in love with me so I can use you and dispose of you like the piece of garbage that you are. Nothing but a tool for me to get what I want. " You violently push against his hold, desperately trying to pull yourself out of his grip as you sob, mind reeling with the nightmares of the past.
He laughs at you mockingly "You may have escaped me but you will never forget me. I will forever plague your mind. You will never know a peaceful sleep again. You may have gotten rid of me physically, but I will always be there, in your mind. You will never forget." he sneers at you, leaning in so your face is inches apart.
He grips your cheeks painfully and turns you to face your parents.
You gasp at the sight in front of you. A multitude of arms, red and black burnt flesh have sprung from the floor, clinging onto your parents and dragging them below as they scream in anguish. Every time an arm grabs a hold of them, their flesh burns and sizzles, forming scorched handprints on their body.
"How could you?!" your mother screams at you as she sinks further below, screeching in agony as more and more limbs attach to her body, burning her, dragging her below the surface.
"This is all your fault! You have damned us to hell!" Your father spits at you as he sinks to his knees in pain.
"We will never forgive you. We will haunt you for the rest of your life. He will see to it that you suffer for what you have done. You will never know happiness or peace again!" he bellows his final words as he is engulfed below the surface, leaving nothing but ashes and smoke on the floor.
You hear the man laugh maniacally behind you as he forced you to look at him again.
"This is where the fun begins, my angel." he pulls you closer and sniffs your hair, dragging his hand down your forehead to your lips, running his thumb over them, then holding your chin up.
You struggle against him, trying to push yourself away from him in disgust and fear but his strength is too much for you to handle.
"Stop - I would rather die than be with you again! You're a disgusting monster! I will fight you everyday of my life until my last breath. I will never yield to you again. I will escape every chance I get. I will not be your toy!" you scream at him.
"Oh, angel. I already told you. You will never escape me. I’ll be in your mind, torturing you slowly. You will never be able to move on. You can’t live without me." You feel him smack your face hard, sending you flying to the ground.
“I HAVE lived without you. Even as a damned servant in this palace, I have been treated better than I ever have with you. Even eating scraps and being beaten almost daily is NOTHING compared to you. I killed you once and I will do it again every time you try to plague my mind. You don’t control me anymore. You’re in MY mind, I control you.” You spit at him, getting up, flames blaring in your eyes.
“If I ever see you again, I will be your punishment, your hell. I suggest you get the fuck out of my mind before I obliterate you entirely. I’ve had enough. I escaped you, I killed you, and I will do it over and over again for eternity.”
At this point, you aren’t yelling or screaming. You’re eerily calm, staring him down, flames engulfing the room as your hands burn with fire.
He looks at you in fear and disbelief. You smirk at the sight of him. Finally he feels an ounce of the fear he made you endure all those years.
You laugh as you look at him “Run.”
As if he broke out of his trance, he immediately turns around and bolts out the room, and out of your mind.
You feel weak as you stumble to the floor, holding your head in your hands as everything turns black.
Loki paces by your bedside as he waits for the medics to finish their consultation of your state. Once they finish, they step away from you and clear their throats.
"Well? What is it?!" Loki demands.
Eir sighs "I haven't seen this in decades... this shouldn't be possible. Are you sure she is the source of the flames burning her room?"
"Yes, Eir! I have spoken to my mother about her.... condition.... but, this has never happened yet... what do I do?" he asks frantically.
"Well she has no external trauma... she is physically cleared... mentally, however...." Eir studies you worryingly.
Loki opens his mouth to continue the conversation when you suddenly start yelling "Get off of me! Let me go!". Eir and Loki share a concerned glance before approaching you.
"Hey, it's okay. It's just me." Loki coaxes.
"No, please. Mom, Dad, tell him to let me go!" you scream again, writhing around in the medical bed. Eir places magical restraints on you to keep you in place.
"What's happening Eir?" Loki feels his panic growing, as he begins to sweat.
Wait. Why am I sweating?... I don't sweat unless under extreme heat.
"Fuck, Eir! She's doing it again!" Loki turns to her as she begins to cough, falling to the ground, sweating profusely.
"Shit!" Loki exclaims. He pours all of his magic into the room, lowering the temperature drastically while attempting to heal Eir as much as he can.
"I can't contain it for long! It's too powerful! She's going to cause this whole place to explode!" Loki yells behind him as Eir jumps back up and starts flinging through the medicine cabinet and comes out with a large syringe, stabbing you in the arm with it.
You immediately fall limp, the temperature of the room returns to normal. The paper that was beginning to burn fizzes out and only smoke remains.
"We can't keep her here. She is too dangerous. We have to kill her." Eir states as she grabs a hold of another syringe.
"No! I command you to stop!" Loki bellows.
Eir looks at him in shock and confusion. Loki has never commanded her to do anything.
"I will take her away from here, where she and everyone else will be safe. Give me time. Tell nobody. This stays between us. Do you understand?"
"Yes, my king." Eir says, bowing her head in respect.
In a puff of green smoke, you and him disappear from the room without disclosing where he has taken you.
Eir breathes out a long deep breathe, shaking her head incredulously and starts cleaning up her workspace.
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faghubby · 2 days
I packed Stacy's suitcase. She wouldn't have time, besides I was used to taking on untraditional roles. Four years ago after Stacy gave birth to our daughter. Lucy. We found ourselves in a odd situation. Stacy's career was on the rise. While mine was well non existent. The company I was working for closed. So after some discussion I chose to stay home be a stay at home Dad. This turned out to be the best idea ever. It allowed Stacy to focus on her career and she rose quickly. A year ago that meant a some travel. Just a few days a month.
"Paul, you are the best" Stacy told me. When she saw I had already taken care of everything. She took me to bed. I kept myself in great shape. No reason to let myself become a fat househusband. I used to joke. Stacy looked better then before we had Lucy. Our lovemaking was pretty normal I guess. Consisted of two positions. Missionary and if adventurous a leg on my shoulder. With me usually preforming oral on her. While I settled for the once a year blowjob on my birthday. Tonight started no differently. We went right to missionary. But I finished quicker then usual.
"OH baby" I will be away for three days" Stacy pouted. "Help me" she rolled her eyes toward her nightstand. We had played with her vibrator before. I made a face but grabbed it. I teased her first with the toy. I couldn't help ignore that it was much bigger then my 5 inches. I slid it inland she moaned. It was thicker then I was as well. But slid in easily.
"Lick my clit" she moaned in my ear. She hardly ever spoke like this. Without thinking I slid down and did just that. I instantly tasted myself. I lifted my head quickly. But Stacy pulled my head back down.
"Don't stop" she moaned. I licked her clit again ignoring the taste. Stacy loved it she went wild. Shoving my head down hard. I never seen her cum so forceful before. She laid there trying to catch her breath. She just held me against her breast. As we fell asleep. When I woke Stacy was already gone. We talked everyday of course. This trip was three days. She accompanied her boss.
"Last night was special" she told me. The first night as we said goodnight. She always spoke about dinner time when she traveled sometimes she had late meetings. And didn't want to miss our time. If I fell asleep.
Stacy plane got delayed and she didn't get in till late coming home. I was already asleep. I was still half asleep when Stacy guided my head between.her legs. I didn't resist just licked and sucked. It was off bit I figured from travel and hadn't showered. Stacy went crazy pulling my hair and crying out I was soon fully awake. Unfortunately so was Lucy being woken by her mothers cries.
"Sorry baby I just needed that" she told me. I wiped my face and went to get Lucy back to bed. Stacy was sound asleep. I picked uo my phone and watched some porn as I jerked off. Before returning to bed. In the morning I got made breakfast. Stacy running late grabbed coffee and kissed me goodbye before heading to the office. Lucy had half day nursery school. I took that time to unpack Stacy. I found Stacy's underwear, was that dried cum? I thought as I hand washed them. The ones from last night were still damp. Four pairs of panties all with traces of cum in them. Stacy was having an affair? I found myself excited by this. Over the years it had become a fantasy I often found myself masterbating to. But it was just that a fantasy.
I arranged for my mother to take Lucy for the night. And waited for Stacy to come home. She arrived on time.
"Where's Lucy?" She asked I had not thought about her not seeing her for three days. And felt bad.
"Are you having an affair?" I asked.
"Yes, why?" Stacy replied calmly.
"What?" I was stunned by her response I expected denial or at least remorse.
'Don't act surprised. Why do you think you always pack my sexiest lingerie when I take a trip? You been hoping I was" Stacy told me.
"And last night when you sucked my bosses cum out of my pussy? Tell me that you didn't want that as well. You showed me you did when you ate yours" she continued.
Stacy stepped close.
"I been fucking Greg for a year now. Ever since that first business trip." She told me. Greg was her boss. He was at least 15 years older then her I thought. She reached into my pants and stroked me. I was rock hard.
"He is so much bigger then you are" she whispered in my ear. "I am so glad you know" she stripped me. I stood before her naked. She knelt and took me in her mouth I lasted only a minute. She stood and kissed me. I tasted the salty taste on her lips I tried to pull away. But she insisted and kissed me. Feeding me my own cum.
"I love you and don't want to lose you. But it turns me on so much knowing you are home waiting for me. When I am with him" she told me. Stacy was still fully dressed as she pulled me naked into bed. She held me again in her arms my head against her chest. She told me everything. In detail. How he Greg had seduced her ever so gently. How he fucked her made her feel lime a total slut. She had given him her ass. And always sucked his cock. I cried knowing she wouldn't do these things for me.
"It's different he makes me, he makes me want to please him" she told me. "He loves how you always pack sexy things for me to wear for him. I tell him I usually wear simple cotton bras and panties for you don't i"
"Does it hurt, you know anal? " I asked.
"At first, why would you like to try" she asked. I just blushed.
"You can fuck my ass if you like, or eat it for that matter" she laughed. She shifted and pulled up her dress exposing her ass.
"Try it" she teased I moved and she pulled her panties down she laid onnher side opening up her ass.
"Eat my ass" she told me. I licked and kissed her ass. Then drove my tounge into her hole. She moaned but giggled as I ate her ass. As it amused her. After a few minutes she had me stop.
"So we are clear about Greg then, you can pretend you don't know. Or embrace it either way its not going to stop" she assured me. I stayed naked the rest of the night. She got off on it.
Stacy often would text me "private meeting" when she was going to be late because she was getting fucked. She loved when I would clean her after those meeting as well. She did learn to be at least alittle quieter when I did. As a special treat once a month or so Lucy would spend a night at my moms and I would spend it naked listening to all of her sexual encounters. I never have fucked her ass. But enjoy eating it often. Our weekly sex session may change on occasion now. The first one after I discovered the affair she just chose to jive me a handjob, but she prefers me to make my mess in her and lick it clean now.
Stacy is pregnant again. And we are both pretty sure it isn't mine. We couldn't be happier.
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itzzaira · 1 day
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bumping into a kraang sure will make for an interesting camp story
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May I just say that your oc looks so cool before I start this story?! Djbakabana I feel bad for her qwq
(I tried to find everything I could to make sure I am speaking about the right character, because for some reason I am worried this isn't Wince-? I am so so sorry if I got it wrong, please let me know if I did and I will change it right away-)
Sadly, Wince met my dear Donnie, who isn't very... stable, right now.
Donnie already had been at this camp for long enough.
Don't get him wrong, he was sure his counterparts were just as amazing as he was and normally he would be going insane with joy at seeing so many versions of himself- oh all the questions he could ask, all the theories he could prove, brainstorm with turtles just as smart as himself-
Right now though...
He had stuff to do.
He had Dragons track. He had a little more to keep an eye on (Mikey woke YESTERDAY for god's sake he shouldn't be here) he had a twin brother to kill (Leo I swear to the gods if you disappear again-)
Currently, he was just trying to get back to their cabin, having ran away from Donatello and Raphael, on his phone, and writing down everything he had to keep in mind. His counterpart and Michelangelo's counterpart needed bandage changes, he needed to check on Mikey, make sure Raph's eye is alright, kill Leo again, try and get back home somehow-
He bumped into someone.
The softshell groaned, his phone screen hitting his face- okay, maybe he should stop typing and walking at the same time. "Ugh, I apolo-"
He looked up.
And his heart stopped.
That... that was-
That armour. That color. That oh-so-familiar, piercing, ice cold yellow eye-
"Oh, it is quite alright!"
How did they get out?!
Usually, Donnie would have responded. Usually, he would have introduced himself.
But usually, it wasn't Kraang he oh-so-casually bumped into, so in hie opinion, he didn't have to react normal either.
Well. Actually. Donnie didn't react at all. He just... stared.
"Are you alright?" The other camper- Kraang Kraang that is KRAANG- looked concerned now, lowering their arms and reaching down-
-to his shoulders to rip him out of the ship, feeling the tentacles detach from his shell, leaving marks and scars and bleeding and screaming-
He didn't think. He just reacted.
The turtle jumped back, bo-staff in his hands at once and pointed at the enemy, breathing sloppy and harsh- he didn't hear the concerned calls of his name, the shouts to lower his weapon, the voices telling him everything was alright-
All he could think was that single thought.
Not again.
His ninpo flickered- unstable, unbalanced, he couldn't feel Leo, he couldn't feel Dad, Mikey and Raph were weak and about to break no no no-
He- no! He couldn't- this wasn't- he hid the key! How did they get out?! Why?! Donnie wasn't ready!
He couldn't lose his brothers again.
He hadn't been ready, he hadn't been enough- again.
Arms grabbed his shoulders and the softshell screamed, kicking his legs and trying to get out, get free, defend defend defend he wouldn’t let them take his brothers not again not again-
"Man calm down!" Raphael. That was Raphael. He had found him? When, how- didn't matter, why was he holding Donnie why wasn't he fighting the monsters-
"I'm sorry about him." His counterpart said on the other side, looking awkwardly between Donnie and Kraang- his voice was gentle. Why was it gentle? Kraang got out! "It's nothing personal, we'll get him back to his brothers- very nice to meet you, Ma'am."
His ninpo flickered once more. Unstable. Broken.
They were going to take his brothers again. No, no, he wouldn’t let Leo be taken, he wouldn’t let Mikey die, he wouldn’t let Raph go after his brothers alone-
-If you had been ready, this wouldn’t have happened. If you had been smart enough, you could have prevented Kraang coming back! Maybe, if you had been enough, Leo wouldn’t have sacrificed himself!
Maybe, Raph wouldn’t have been lost, alone, with one working eye and gone savage!
Maybe Mikey wouldn’t have slipped into a coma with broken arms, forced to open a portal that killed him in another lifetime-
You got outsmarted Donatello.
"Just breathe, dammit!" Raphael's shout cut through his thoughts- the hotheaded turtle was shaking him, sounding panicked, while Donatello, with a final apology to the other, ran over to the two.
"We're at the camp, remember?" His counterpart shushed, not daring to touch the other- Raphael was holding him in a very snug (cough cough gentle) hold anyway. "Your Leo is fine. He's at the cabin with Mikey, remember?"
...Camp-? The camp.
Donnie froze for a moment. He held his breath, mind working a hundred miles an hour.
...Camp. Right. With their counterparts. Kraang had counterparts now?
Of course they did. It never said it was just turtles. Ice Cream Kitty had counterparts here too, so why wouldn’t Kraang?
And Donnie-
...had been too stupid to even think of the possibility.
You got outsmarted anyway.
"There we go." Raphael sighed, patting his back. "Breathe. Like that."
If this is the way you react to danger you're all doomed, Othello.
His knees buckled- but luckily, his brother's counterpart was quick to catch him, holding him surprisingly gentle. "It's fine, you're fine-"
"How about we go back to the cabin, huh?" Donatello offered, looking around. "...Pretty sure your Raph would love to give you a hug."
"..." the youngest nodded, burying his face in Raphael's shoulder. The older turtle sighed, held him a bit tighter, then picked him up. "It's fine, Don."
"...We should warn the others about the counterparts, it's not fair to this Kraang-"
"-Let's just be glad that baby blue wasn't the one to meet them, god knows how he would react-"
They were speaking. Donnie knew they were speaking. They said other stuff. Maybe to him too. But he didn’t hear it.
If that had been his Kraang. If he had reacted the way he did now. Shell knew what in the world Kraang would have done to his brothers. Again.
His ninpo flickered a final time.
You failed again, Donatello.
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vivwritesfics · 2 days
I need rhett or jake to teach me how to ride a horse
I feel like you already sent me a jake one (which i wanna save for my princess au) so I've gone for Rhett (this could be read as Waiting For The Sun Reader but I'm not specifying)
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Horses weren't supposed to be scary. Rhett had never thought so, but, then again, he'd grown up around them. His girl, though, she hadn't grown up around horses.
She looked so cute, in her jeans, white shirt (that said Cowboy Pillows over the tits), and his Stetson. Rhett wore one of his caps as he tacked up Pumpkin. Pumpkin, who acted like she didn't know him when he walked up in his cap. That was his lovely, overdramatic mare.
Her ears were pinned back as he brushed her back. "Seriously?" He asked and pulled his hat off, revealing who he was. She calmed down after that, ears moving forward as she realised it was his dad. "Are you gonna be nice for my girl?" He asked and fed her a treat.
Pumpkin snorted.
He placed her saddle on her back and cinched it. As soon the girth tightened around her belly, Pumpkin put her ears back went to bite him, but he just pushed her away.
She was all talk. Rhett knew she was gonna be the best girl for his girl. He placed his cap back on his head, grabbed her reins, and walked her out of the barn.
That was the thing about Pumpkin. As soon as she had her tack on, she was like another horse. She was calm, almost like she was high.
And there she was, thumbs hooked around her belt loops as she watched him with Pumpkin. Rhett sucked in a breath. He placed the reins over Pumpkins neck and walked towards her.
"Cowboy pillows, huh?" He asked as he grabbed her hips and pulled her into him.
She licked her lips, keeping on hand on the back of the Stetson as she looked up at him. "Yep," she said, popping the p. "You can lay on them once you teach me how to ride.
"Darlin', I already know you can ride."
She rolled her eyes, but kissed him anyway. "C'mon, introduce me to your noble steed."
Noble steed. Pumpkin had never been called that before. He took her hand and led her over to Pumpkin. Rhett was so calm and patient with her, telling her where to put her hands. He helped her get her foot into the stirrup (something he knew he'd have to adjust as soon as she was sitting) and helped to lift her into the saddle.
"Sit straight, Darlin'," he said as he took her foot from the stirrup and made them shorter. She did what she was told, sitting so pretty for him. Rhett held her leg as he placed the stirrup back on her foot and patted her knee.
He looked up at her. "Fuck, c'mere," he said and pulled her down to kiss him.
"Rhett!" She cried, slipping slightly. But he got her back into the saddle and passed her the reins to hold.
It was only her first time on a horse. Rhett led Pumpkin around the pasture as she sat there in the saddle. "You're doing so good, darlin'," he said to her. "My two girls together."
"Can we go faster?" She asked.
Rhett had her let go of the reins. He placed her hands on the pommel. "Just sit as best you can, Darlin'," he said and stepped back.
He waited until she gave him a walk before he began running. Well, it was more of a jog really, with Pumpkin trotting behind him. Periodically he looked back, make sure she was still with him and that she hadn't slipped from the saddle.
They slowed back to a walk and Rhett had her pick up the reins again. He had her walk back without his assistance, hands shoved into his pockets as Pumpkin followed her back to the barn.
As soon as they were there, Rhett helped her to jump down into his arms. "You did so good, pretty girl. A regular cowboy out there," he said, hands around her waist as he pulled her closer.
She swapped their hats, placing his Stetson on his head and his cap on hers. "You go take care of Pumpkin, and I'll get the cowboy pillows ready," she said, reaching back to unclasp her bra through her shirt.
(Welp now I wanna write a fic about Cowboy Pillows)
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gh0stsp1d3r · 4 hours
Rafe’s revenge worked
Might make a part 3?
pt 1
Warnings: lying, slight manipulation, mentions of sex
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You unlocked the door to the chateau, your heart pounding at the afterthought of what you just did.
You had sex with your brothers enemy.
The 2000 dollars sat heavy in your pocket, you had no clue what type of excuse you would make for having it.
You went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. You downed the water, and when you turned around John B stood in front of you.
“Where were you?” He asked, leaning against the wall, asking as if he didn’t know the answer.
“Work… it’s Monday.” You said, as if it was obvious.
“What took you so long?”
“I stayed a little longer helping close up. It’s not that serious.” You shrugged, attempting to push past him.
“Don’t bullshit me.” He held his hand out, stopping you from walking away.
“What are you talking about? Are you drunk or something?” You scoffed.
“I know you were with Rafe, and I know you had sex with him.”
Your face dropped and your heart pounded. John B pulled out his phone, opening up the audio and shoving it in your face.
“I- I didn’t! That’s not even me!” You tried to defend yourself.
He then pulled out another picture, of Rafe standing with a giant smile and the apron with your name on it in his hands.
You looked down at your waist, fuck. You must’ve forgotten it.
“John B-“
He scrolled through the messages more, the conversation between the both of them proof.
“I’m sorry, JB, I’m sorry-“ tears started to fall down your face.
He sighed.
“I- I think you should leave for a couple days, y/n.”
“W-what? You’re kicking me out? Over this shit?”
“He- he- he tried to kill me, and my friends! I’m sorry, y/n. Go… pack your stuff and stay with one of your friends. Only for a little. Okay?”
You wordlessly went to your room, grabbing bags and shoving things in there.
“We can talk when you get back. I- I just can’t right now.” He told you as he followed you into your room,
He stuttered your name out when he walked onto the patio behind you, but you didn’t even look at him as you went outside, sobbing and walking. It was dark out, dangerous, and cold. You shivered as you walked through the cut.
“Oh shittt, look what the cat dragged in.” Kelce nudged Rafe. He had shown, and boasted to all his friends about you. Rafe turned his head, looking at your distraught figure.
“No shit.” Rafe scoffed, leaning out his car window and whistling to get your attention from the other side of the road.
You snapped your head over there, your eyes widening. You stormed up to him.
“Oh, shit, someone’s ready for round t-“
You punched him, square in the face. He groaned, and chuckled at it, and before you could do anything else he jumped out the car.
“The fuck was that for?”
“You’re such an asshole! You ruined my fuckin’ life! I got kicked out, and- and now I have to see your stupid fucking face again!” You hit his chest, him just having a smirk on his face the whole time.
“Oh, shit. I’m… sorry. How’d your brother take it?” He asked in faux pity, slowly wrapping his arms around you and looking over to Kelce in the car with a grin.
“He’s pissed!” You sobbed into his chest. “And he’s upset, and he- he-“
“Shh. Shhh. It’s alright. Uh.. if you want, you could hang at mines for a couple of days.”
“No. I’m just gonna-“ you pushed him off of you, realizing who it was again.
“C’mon, it’s cold, you’re literally shivering! I got blankets and shit in the car. You can’t walk all the way there.”
“Rafe, I can’t-“
“Think of it as my apology. Please. I feel.. just so bad. And… I just want you to stay, just for a couple days. Think of it, we’ll have the house to ourselves for days. My dad’s on some trip with my stepmom, Sarah’s hanging out with your brother” he said it with a tinge of bitterness, making you suspicious.
“and my other one is at her friends.”
“Did you-“ you sniffled. “Did you fuck me because your sister got with my brother?” You asked him, catching onto the distaste he had about it.
“What? Course not. What type of crazy shit is that?” He scoffed. Yea, that’s exactly what he did.
“Fine.” You mumbled when you felt another breeze blow past, the cold making you shiver again.
“Poor thing.” Rafe mumbled as he opened the door, motioning for you to get in the back.
“Here.” Rafe threw his jacket at you, you taking it and quickly pulling it over your shoulders.
Kelce looked at him with a knowing look, and Rafe held his hands up in mock defense, turning the car on again.
@sublimepenguinpeach-blog @haruvalentine4321 @theoraekenslover @ilovemensomuchagh
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