#slicer in excel
How To Use Slicer In Excel Sheet For Data Filtering
Unlocking the Power of Excel Slicers: An Interactive Guide Hello there, Excel warriors! Are you ready to take your Excel skills to the next level? Today, we’ll explore the power of Excel Slicers and walk you through how to insert slicers in Excel, use PivotTable slicers, and more. How to use Excel Slicer 1. Excel Slicers – An Overview An Excel slicer is a tool that provides a simple, intuitive…
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businessupside13 · 1 year
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theygender · 1 year
Certified autism moment. I finally got through all the training modules in my new job and got to move on to the FUN part of messing around with excel. I've spent the last 7 hours coding excel sheets and I am over the fucking moon happy about it. This is like the equivalent of playing in a sandbox for me
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docholligay · 9 days
I know GoT only by reputation, and what little I've seen of it on tumblr, but... sometimes, I feel like fantasy, as a genre, has been absolutely ruined by the success of GoT. Everything these days seems to be about making settings and characters as nasty, brutish, and dirty as possible. It's incredibly tiring, and really frustrating, to the point of feeling like these sorts of tropes are being repeated for their own sake rather than because they actually do anything for the story or characters.
(Also, being the sort of person who easily becomes queasy at the sight or thought of blood, and has issues with everything being so darned loud, this tends to be a particular pet peeve in television, but even books aren't completely immune to this effect either, which makes it doubly frustrating.)
I mean this in the nicest possible way, please imagine me saying this with a big smile on my face and laughing as I take a swig from my beer, but you and I are SO diametrically opposed on this!
I mean, anything can be written BADLY, of course, but I fell out of reading fantasy as i got older not because it all became A Song of Ice and Fire but because it all seemed to be "a brave young woman!! IS the chosen one!! And she will prevail over SUPER DARKNESS. And only the parental figure will die, to motivate her, and everyone's intentions and clear and good, and also there are dragons I guess." There's so much narrative safety. There's so many last-minute asspulls to save someone. I would LOVE some well written political machination but there are dragons though. That's why I liked Locke Lamora!
I think we have a tendency to notice the things we hate. So for me, Fantasty now is fucking lousy with ~queer retellings~ that are all very life affirming and nice and all that but all the eating each other out in the world isn't going to get me over the hump of wishing there were actual, painful consequences for being an idiot, or even just unlucky.
Part of why people named Doc, who are me, really like Song of ice and Fire (please note I actually DON'T like Game of Thrones) is that anyone COULD die. The books would not CHEAT TO HELP THE GOOD GUY WIN. And for me, that was everything. As a young teen who had read so so so much fantasy but was starting to feel really resentful of the way it never seemed to mirror the moments of difficulty and pain in life, it meant so much (I think the show edged too hard toward Cheating To Help The bad Guy Win, but that's another matter)
But obviously you and I are totally different people. You admit to being squeamish, so of course you don't care for things that involve violence. I, on the other hand, am an excellent person to have in any given bloody crisis, as I have Done Time in Ag. I am, to give a real life example, the person you calmly call into the kitchen to help when you've nearly taken your finger off with a meat slicer. I have a smile and a "We can handle this!" to give. I, on the third hand, have had life experiences that make, "the magical salvation of being nice and believing really hard" feel like an actual-ass insult. I never met a war that didn't take its chunk, and you don't get to pick where they come from.
These are just differences of personality. Fucking magical princess witches in the forest running from the bad guys but overcoming it all with sass and gay love because we're twelve I guess exists for you, and grimdark machinations toward a lead crown of thorns where evil brings profit and virtue none at all because fuck happiness everyone should be a German concrete salesman is for me. I think there's probably more of what both of us like than either of us are actually admitting.
However, everything is too loud for me all the time also, I really recommend eargasm earplugs, which come with a very small container and are nearly invisible and discreet when in. They block some of the sound but not all of it. Many people in my life casually don't even know I have them or sometimes put them in for louder places.
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thinkinpoink · 1 month
Day saved: learnt how to create and utilize slicers in Excel
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
I’m not much of a cook, but I am an aficionado of food *gadgets.* What are some unique or semi-unique devices to each culture for their own cultural cuisines?
Optional: those Dwemer had so many devices, has anyone found anything confirmed to be for food prep?
What's a kitchen without a few doodads with very specific uses? While nobody is quite as advanced as the Dwemer (some scholars dispute the discovery of a soul gem-powered contraption that could be a head massager or an egg beater), here are a few kitchen gadgets that might make your cooking experience a little easier. Warning: magicka not included.
From fish knives to snail forks, there is no end to the High Elf cutlery drawer. Of course, the one utensil nobody asked for yet we somehow got anyway is the kelp spiraler. Semi-dried sheets of kelp are inserted, and noodly kelp bits come out the other end. These noodle alternatives are nice enough, but kind of chewy and very specific to a small number of Altmeri dishes. Very niche.
Coconut graters are essentially large boards with nails on them. It's that simple, but therefore a little dangerous, so watch out for your fingers! Grated coconut meat is used in all sorts of Argonian cooking, and is also pressed to make coconut milk.
Milk frothers are a very specific tool that the Bosmer love using to froth their milk and cream for drinks and soups. They are generally in the form of enchanted rods that simultaneously heat and bubble the milk, which is much easier than the old fashioned technique of blowing a straw into a heated cup of milk while whisking.
There's something delightful in the simplicity of a cheese wire cutter, a tool popular among High Rock's delis, cheesemongers, and particularly cheese-enamoured homes. It's the perfect slicer for any type of cheese, both soft and hard.
Tea filter pots are definitely a Dunmer thing, and are used for distilling tea and tisanes while cooling them down to the perfect temperature for drinking or icing. Simply pop your tea into the upper chamber, add hot water, and wait for it to trickle down into the bottom pot.
Speaking of cheese slicers, the Imperials have one of the most important kitchen tools in my opinion. The humble cheese planer is a handheld tool that slices firm cheeses into precise, thin slices. Made of metal, these slicers are mandatory when slicing off any block of cheese respectfully.
There's a rolling pin for every occasion in Elsweyr. Whether it's for imprinting dough with beautiful patterns or rolling it thin and perforated for crispbread, you can bet there's a specialised rolling pin out there for every baking need.
Everyone has heard of Chef Donolon's legendary enchanted mixing bowl, created in 2E. The famous Nord pastry chef attributed his legendary bakes to his magical bowl, and while it is possible to follow his recipes, they just don't have the oomph reported by patrons of the time. I refuse to discuss the success of a heist concerning said enchanted mixing bowl, and attribute my particularly excellent baking to time and skill.
There's nothing quite like a mortar and pestle to smoosh, crush, and blend! Generally made from solid granite, the favoured Orcish kitchen tool is useful, versatile, and a must in every kitchen. From herbs and leaves to meat for patties, the humble mortar and pestle is the quintessential Orcish kitchen tool.
Coffee kettles are a necessary part of Hammerfell life, and are said to have Dwemer origins. These ingenious little kettles prepare the perfect amount of coffee, of a high quality, every time. Simply fill one chamber with coffee grounds and the other with water, leave on the fire for a couple of minutes, and when it starts to whistle you have coffee! The resulting brew is always rich and flavourful, and never burnt or watery.
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jovoy · 4 months
was habing a really bad morning at work and in my manic panic attack induced state pf desperation i thought to myself its an excellent idea to take 5 mgs of ativan here right now. i dont feel as though i should be operating a meat slicer in any case
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trivialbob · 1 year
I love dealing with people who take pride in their work, and they’re nice about it too.
Several times lately I’ve tried making Philly cheese-steaks. I cut the meat as thin as I can, but I want it even thinner.
The grocery store closest to my house has an excellent butcher shop. The selection is amazing and it’s extremely clean. One of these times I am going to try one of the $42/pound cuts, after I practice preparing several less expensive ones first.
The guys working behind the counter are the best. If you bring in kitchen knives they will sharpen them while you shop. I heard that they will slice steaks too.
I asked one of the butchers about that, wondering if they’d use one of those big Hobart deli slicers.
“No, we don’t have any raw-food slicers.”
Didn’t hurt to ask, I thought. As I turned to leave he said, “But what I can do is slice them thin by hand.”
He gave me a big smile. “I’m really good at cutting very thinly. And when I’m done, I’ll put them between some wax paper sheets and press them even thinner. You’ll almost be able to see through them!”
I asked what it cost. He started to look at the price cards in the case. “Well, this cut is...“
“No, the cost for the service,” I interrupted nicely.
“Oh, no charge for that,” he said as he gave another big mile.
I’m starting to drool just thinking about the thin sliced steak for my next Philly cheese steak sandwich.
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seancamerons · 9 months
So I'm just really happily rewatching the oc. It is a magical experience! ✨️ I find myself using expressions like unbeatable combination, schmear more than I admit. As of earlier this week I have been craving bagels and need to get myself a cute little slicer cutter and some cream cheese and some lox but it is pretty funny.
And best part I got my bfs sister interested and she is converted! Seth is her favorite. We are midway through season 2. Now, she won't watch Dawson's or Tree Hill, but she did give Degrassi a chance, but lost interest after a certain point (sometime in s5, I can't really blame her.) Maybe she will be saved from season 6 new!Sean so she dodged a bit of a bullet lol.
I at least got her into the The OC which she loves (thank god!) as well as Friday night lights, stranger things, breaking bad and mad men.
We are a trio of show people, and we also like card and board games. We have so much fun. C has excellent taste in shows overall but I'm glad I got to show my faves and her, and I have common faves as well. We wish twin peaks was on streaming so we can show it to tj. She's like a sister to me.
And like my bf was a Saved by the Bell and Seventh Heaven stan before I came along, and now he loves breaking bad degrassi and the oc and one tree hill, gilmore girls and more. I'm so proud of him and he loves and is super invested in the characters, couples/ships and makes predictions and looks forward to watching with me qnd i try to remain tight-lipped on spoilers on things i know. All in all, he'd fit right in here, I swear. Sometimes we don't always finish our shows bc we take on too many and we tease each other about that. I'm so glad we are together. I'm so happy and grateful for that. People day couch potatoes like its a bad thing but we don't just sit in front of TV that's usually an evening thing. We have jobs and lives friendships and interests isolated from each other. In October, 3 past three years have flown by, and it's been an amazing three years of happiness love and just wonderful unexpected and joy. New traditions, beginnings, excitement, films, TV, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It is truly the best. I love that real and special love I'd been longing for since for friggin' ever. I can't see myself with anyone else. I don't want to. He is everything. 🥰
To close, I love shows. I love television. I love tv romance friendships dybamics. Television brings families and friends and people together. It's a beautiful thing. 😍 📺 im a firm believer in sharing shows being a love language. For example, if I gush about my favorites and you let me, you are my people. If I share my feelings and favorite shows and all just know you're so important to me.
Thanks for letting me gush on your dash about a friggin lovefest of my shows and ongoing appreciation for characters and romances spanning pretty much forever and ever bc I'm a romantic and I love it!
Even when I'm sad or it's sad I still love it. Smile through the tears. Television has been around for what? 50 years, 60 years? Whoever invented tvs and streaming too you are a damn magnificent genius and bastard at the same time. Thanks writers, thanks directors, thanks for costuming, hair, editing, and all you who make shows possible youre so appreciated. Thank you for the entertainment.😊
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madschiavelique · 2 years
A Crown Of Ink : chapter 1 - The Tower
masterlist : 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 word count : 6,7k
mentions of : nothing that I know of (if you do find some elements that might be triggering please don't hesistate to tell me so that I can add it)
summary : You've always been an excellent in student in the Academy, getting the best results and always being first in every class. But it all changes as soon as you see your name in the second place, the first being occupied by a certain Viktor.
"Rivals? Yes, rivals, so be it, that is what you will be."
some extra information on this : she/her reader, academic rivals to lovers/enemies to lovers, reader is really competitive and wants to be first at everything, Tarot themed fanfiction with guidelines, slow burn
author's note : hi besties, hope you're having a wonderful day/night/moment. I've been writing and thinking about many arcane fics lately and since this one had a few drafts ready in my files I thought I could share some with you ! here's the first chapter of this fic, I'm so excited to read your thoughts ! (also my native language is not English so you might find some grammar mistakes - sorry about that)
tag list : @wincestisasincest
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Heat, insufferable waves of heat washing over your limbs, pulsing in your veins from your cheeks to your hands. It’s like a lingering murmur that hums in your entire body, a fever that drowns your thoughts in a boiling blazing mixture. It’s like you can hear your blood just pounding in your ears as your chest is on fire.
Raw Anger electrifying your body like the most vibrant jolt of lightning.
But still, you feel so weak, like your bones are icicles that might thaw under all that warmth, and all this melted ice might just run up to your eyes and wash the last bits of pride you had just a few minutes ago. It’s like your stomach turned to soft snow and you could feel the cold creeping to your heart like iced brambles.
Pure fear, feeling as fragile as a spider web.
War, that is what it feels like. A violent conflict that should not happen, a battle for a territory that never ends. They’ve eradicated shame.
Because anger and fear are sisters, they’ll have no time for shame.
And he started it.
[Earlier that day]
“Come on, let's have a look at what your next semester will be like.” Says Eris before gently rapping her fingers on the first and last cards of the deck.
You'd always found it satisfying, the steady sound of cards being shuffled, the clacking of thick, rich paper full of truths and predictions. The movement that Eris's hands repeated with her slender, accustomed fingers was mastered, fluid thanks to practice.
Tarot, an interesting science of interpretations that could offer you answers to your questions through card reading.
You didn't really feel nervous, the great number of herbs hanging on the walls of your friend's stall probably always helped to put her customers at ease and probably helped you feel relaxed.
Everything smelled of hot incense, lemongrass, and Eris always smelled of mint, as did most things she touched. She used to coat her fingertips with peppermint essential oil, so when she shuffled the cards, the freshness of the mint seemed to be the slicer of the future.
You inhale the scents, holding them in your nose for a moment before releasing them in a long breath through your mouth. You had come for your quarterly Tarot reading.
On every holiday you came back to meet Eris in the Undercity. Of course, you would do additional activities together.
You would engage in late night debates about the various sciences taught at the Academy, dissecting some of the legends of the continents of Runeterra or discussing absurd objects that had nevertheless been created in this world.
But the highlight of your stay was always your card reading which helped you in your studies and slightly in your daily life.
You preferred to keep the readings focused on your studies, to ensure your success until you finished school. So you didn't ask her for more information about how your life would go during the next months..
She stopped shuffling, setting the deck of cards on the counter. Used to it, you grabbed it with your left hand : always the left. This was a crucial rule, the cards must be shuffled and drawn with the left hand.
Eris had explained to you that we always control and deal the cards with the left hand because the feminine, intuitive and receptive energy is related to the left side of the body.
You cut the deck, she took the pile you hadn't touched and placed it on top of the one you had cut. Then, with an elegant and expert gesture, she laid the cards down until a perfect line was drawn on the dark, scratched metal.
You reached out your hand, trying to find the cards in the deck that called to you the most, waiting for a tingle in your fingertips.
Sometimes you even waited for that feeling of a vein in your arm being tugged lightly, which echoed like a guitar string to your heart as your ring finger hovered over a card that needed to be drawn.
You breathe in. The minty smell mixes with the whiff of the cards.
Breath out. You make sure your jaw is loose and your shoulders are relaxed
Tingling. You touch the card that Eris takes out of the line.
Tingling again, you apply the same gesture.
Ooh, this one almost pulls on your finger, it’s the third and last card.
You had often wanted to learn this science, this art. Your friend preferred to call it an art, with the argument: "an art that does not serve to heal is not an art".
But you didn't really know where to start, and you had surprisingly never asked her to teach you. Moreover, the lack of time between your studies, your job and Eris' work prevented you from spending longer moments together that could have allowed you to learn more.
That's also why she gave you small readings with only three cards. Fast, but it was always possible to develop on it.
She flips the first card: Wheel of Fortune. Cool, or so you think, because so far nothing seems wrong with your friend's behaviour. Eris flips the next card, and her reaction is quite different:
"Why are you making that face?"
Her straight nose was wrinkled, her dark grey eyes squinted, her right hand came to scratch the back of her neck slightly hidden under her black hair.
"Let's just say that... things are going to be pretty hectic for you in the next months."
The card she had just flipped was the Tower, and from what you could see the mood was not the happiest. At least, you wouldn't say that a lightning bolt striking a tower and two people falling from it was the most pleasant situation in your eyes.
Did that mean you would throw yourself off the Academy's observation tower? Great start of the year.
She flipped the last card: the Emperor.
She frowned her thick eyebrows as you waited impatiently for the results.
It was as if a very thin veil suddenly surrounded you, and it began to slowly but surely tighten your limbs. It was a bit like an itch you couldn't scratch.
Uncertainty, impatience, both lurking around you, ready to squeeze even tighter, to nip at your ribs in anticipation.
"Well," she finally said with a sigh, "this year will undoubtedly be much more turbulent than the last two, much, much more."
The veil tightens, the embrace is stifling you. Instinctively, your hands meet and your fingers fiddle themselves.
Well, that's probably an overreaction, you think, Eris hasn't even started her explanation yet.
You frown in turn before she picks up the Wheel of Fortune card and presents it to you.
"What I can see is that the wheel is turning. The Wheel of Fortune card is typical of the cycle. You know, things always look up in the end, or the calm before the storm. Whatever it is, it's something you can't avoid, you can't stop the wheel from turning.”
"And this Wheel of Fortune intends to throw me brimstone, salt and..." you squinted to better contemplate the details the card inhabited, "mercury?"
"I hope not," she sighs, before picking up the Tower's card, "In your case, what's coming is a storm. It's going to move hard, and it's not going to be pretty. The Tower card is very representative of a violent and sudden change.
"Yeah I gathered I wasn't going to be asked to agree," you say, looking at the card more closely.
A black background, in the centre a square grey tower being smashed at the top by a bolt of lightning, removing the rounded crown from the building. The tower is on fire, and two people are falling. Nice. Great. Fantastic.
"And finally..." She took the Emperor's card. "Have you met a guy lately?"
"I met some of the principles of science last night before I went to bed, so you can imagine the state of my social life," you say with a sigh, "but let me think about it."
You were so dedicated to your studies that it was hardly possible to see human beings other than on paper. You had a simple but important goal in your studies: you wanted to become Heimerdinger's assistant.
Why? Because being Heimerdinger's assistant would offer many privileges. And, not really knowing what you wanted to do later on, having a master key such as the title of his assistant would be perfect for whatever professional path you wished to take.
And although this may sound completely absurd when you put it like that, the results the Academy had recorded about you indicated the opposite : Successful in every subject, determined, meticulous, still some work to do regarding participation.
You already knew Heimerdinger, and by that you obviously meant that you had already conversed with him on various subjects when you happened to be in the same hallway or room with him. He was full of politeness in between his little chirps, but it didn't stop you from having conversations on serious subjects.
Who else could occupy that masculine place... Jayce perhaps?
You had met Jayce when you first arrived at the Academy, when you had been arranged as a group to prepare an engineering project. You exchanged a lot, bonded enough to be good friends, and even got the best mark for your assignment.
However, the popularity of this Golden Boy did not necessarily give you the honour of his presence every day. You weren't unsympathetic or unable to open up to others enough to have a wide repertoire of friends, but let's just say... You had enough personal reasons for not having the same level of sociability as Jayce.
"No, I don't really see anyone.”
"That's what I thought, well, in some cases, this card could indicate that despite all the hardships you're going to go through, you will regain control. In the second case, prepare to meet someone, and I mean a man. The Emperor card is a masculine force, sure of itself, it dominates the material world. It is even likely that... It is this someone who is causing all this change and this, how shall I say, 'upheaval'?"
"I hope I don't meet anyone then."
"That you know as well as I do, the cards-"
"Don't lie, yes, yes I know." You complete, knowing full well the end of her sentence. "I was going to double my efforts this year, but I think whoever is coming is trying to put a spoke in my wheel.”
"Nice one, and I doubt it's possible that you're going to give yourself any more than you are now," Eris says, gathering her cards to reform the deck and place it back in its box.”
You didn't like it at all, the reading, but at the same time you couldn't see how such splendid news could make anyone happy. You felt that you were missing bits and pieces of information, that it all lacked precision, as if you took a handful of sand and grains crept into the cracks between your fingers
"Don't you have anything else to tell me about this reading ? It's a bit short, isn't it?
"I can't give you an 18 card reading like I usually would," she was busy arranging trinkets on her display to make it look cleaner and more professional, "my next customer is coming in five minutes."
You run your fingers through your hair, chewing your cheek, thinking of ways the wheel could turn until it would become excruciating.
Bad grades? Your grades were often within two points of the top mark and always had been.
But what if some new teachers mark completely differently? That's not a problem, you would analyse their grading style to adapt to their demands and requirements in your work.
An incurable disease? A zombie invasion? A war? A pirate attack on the Academy? Well, apart from the war, the statistics are low.
No, you had to know what it was, you needed more information. You hesitated, then finally said softly:
"Eris?" she turned to you, waiting for you to ask, "do you have a deck to lend me ? And a manual to understand how all this… works?"
If the lack of time on Eris's side prevented you from knowing more, you would bring the answers to yourself. She looked at you for a moment, surprised, before a thin smile split her face.
From underneath her stand she pulled out a box on which was marked 'Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot'.
"We'll start with the simplest and most direct. The Tarot de Marseille has too many ambiguities and I suspect that with your busy schedule, you won't have much time to analyse everything, so I'm giving you a Rider Waite Tarot. There's a booklet in the box that will give you explanations of the card you're drawing."
"And..." you took the box in your hands, "what do I do next ? Do I do like you, draw three cards and then dive into the booklet and try to connect them together ?”
"Um, let's start with something simpler that will probably be faster for you. Start by shuffling the cards until you are sure that everything is mixed up and the cards are no longer in sequence. Then, the exercise you will do is simple: every morning, shuffle the cards, put the deck down, cut it as you usually do, and look at the bottom card. Read its description and see how, over the course of the day, you can relate it to events. If any card comes out when you shuffle, keep it on the side, it might be supplementary information about your day.”
You gazed for a moment at the drawings that ran the length of the box. You never thought you'd try this, but if it could help you to know better how to guide yourself this year, why not give it a try.
"How did your little warm-up exam go, by the way ? Did you do well ?"
"A child who’d just come out of a storm on a ship and is seasick could have done well on this," you say as you tuck your tarot into your backpack, "but if the result is anything else, I'll tell you in my letter."
You corresponded by letters, the quota being a letter every fortnight or so to tell each other the latest events in your lives. She was probably the person you had known the longest.
"The results are coming in today anyway."
"So soon ? They never get a break at the Academy.”
"We run on coffee, it's the oil in our engines," you say, pointing to your brain. "And that's not all. Today, I'm welcoming my roommate."
"You accepted that ? You, the eternal lone wolf?”
"Poor wolf, a dog would be a better fit."
"You're a good biter though."
You roll your eyes. In Zaun, everyone has fought at least once in their lives. So you may have potentially already bitten someone. But it was obviously in self-defence, and to...
"I was forced to have a flatmate, a room normally for two occupied by only one student at the Academy is just impossible in the long run. Anyway, I hope she won't be difficult to live with. I don't know her name, but I know she's on the same course as me, so who knows, maybe we'll end up getting along.
"Then let's just hope you don't make her feel uncomfortable."
"Me ? That's not knowing me well, with my warm sociable nature I could be buddy-buddy with anyone I want."
"Another hidden talent of yours that no one knows about ? That's what I love about you, your boundless empathy."
"What can I say, I'm a world to discover."
You adjust your bag on your shoulders, getting ready to leave when Eris calls you one last time:
"Take care of yourself."
You smile at her one last time before waving and heading for the exit of her shop. You pull the hood of your sweatshirt over your head and adjust a thick black cloth to cover your mouth and nose. The reasons for this 'mask' are various. Firstly, Zaun's fumes are getting worse every year thanks to Piltover's waste, so you try to protect yourself as best you can from them. And secondly... let's just say that there are certain people you'd rather not run into again in your life who could be detrimental to you, so you might as well mask yourself.
The waste that Piltover dumped ended up in Zaun, where the air is so thick you feel heavier, where the greying water tastes like a medicinal concoction and where the sugary smell of cold tobacco, incessantly kicked up dust and metal suffocates you.
You arrive at one of the lifts in the Undercity. They've been running for decades, and you can't help but notice all the visible mechanisms and gears that make them work. They are almost ironic in their simplicity to you, all rusted and burnished by time. A few squeaks, a slight tremor, and the machine starts to move, beginning its ascension.
It has changed so much, it has evolved so much. The Lanes you knew ten years ago bore little resemblance to the Zaun of today.
The transport, the architecture, the shops, everything in the city centre of Zaun had literally changed. As for the other, more remote parts, you didn't prefer to venture there alone, it was too risky, too dangerous.
Not that you couldn't defend yourself, but it's not the first place you would have thought of if you'd thought of coming back to Zaun to spend a weekend.
Your ride in the lift ended, you had reached the surface. The sun was high in the sky, its heat was not horrible but it could quickly become uncomfortable in this mid-afternoon. You began your long walk, not really preferring to linger in this place that reeked of urine and expired eggs.
So you walked on, weaving your way through the streets until you reached the central road. You continued until you reached one of those big bridges connecting the two nations.
It was a long walk, but you were thankful that the trees of Piltover could provide you with some shade under their leaves. For although the bridges between Zaun and Piltover were convenient, they were very long and left little to no shelter from the sun.
And although you could have been content to stay under the foliage of the tree you were standing under, you now had to face another parameter of the journey home that you didn't appreciate : the slopes.
It didn't look like it when you were near Piltover, but from a distance you could see that it was a city built in tiers.
You could only look at this sight of Piltover like a big decorated cake that was built on levels which you could see in those fancy pâtissier displays. All glazy, shiny with golden details that cost three times your own salary.
So you started the second part of the journey in cake city. You continued down the alley you were in, crossing it until you came to a small square in the centre of which stood a fountain made of ochre blocks of earth. But you continued on, taking your first set of stairs to the right.
You started to climb, and you hated Piltover for their architecture that went in all directions. You went up, then took a large shopping street on your left until you came to one of the big crossroads of the city, then you turned right again, took a small street, and then took stairs again.
The pace was relentless, the heat made you feel like you were swimming in your own sweat, but at least you were not far from the area of buildings reserved for scholarship students.
It was a small area, really, considering that the more privileged students – that is, the majority of the Academy's students – had bigger flats further uptown. This was the case for Jayce. But then again, when you're supplied by the Kirammans, it's hard to be poorly lodged.
You sometimes had the opportunity to chat with the Kirammans' daughter, Caitlyn. Although she could appear cold and distant, once she got comfortable enough with you, she was actually quite friendly. And so far, you were getting on well with her.
It was absolutely exhausted and out of breath that you finally arrived in front of your building. It was not far from the shuttle bus stop that would take you to the Academy.
It was an old building, quite long and two floors high. From what you were told, it was an old hospital that had been refurbished. After all, Piltover was a very healthy town and therefore had few hospitals.
The cool thing about former hospitals is that their beds are always extremely comfortable, so it is always a struggle to get out of them in the morning and a relief to get back in at the end of the day.
You took a deep breath, readjusting your bag on your shoulders.
It was full of little gifts and supplies that you had collected from Eris. Most of them were herbs for stress, so you had several whole bottles of peppermint or assorted Bach flowers to hang in your room, as well as elixir versions that your friend had given you.
You had also picked up some new textbooks that she didn't use – you might as well take advantage of them and save money instead of having to spend it on new notebooks.
She had also stocked you up on ink and you were probably set to write for several years with all those bottles of Ionian ink.
How did such an expensive item made its way into your friend's stall ? Well, all sorts of customers came through her shop and sometimes paid by barter instead of the common currency.
She kept a lot of strange things hidden behind her stall that fascinated you whenever you came to see her.
Gold-flecked red eggs, feathers of many colours that you could not have imagined in your mind, knives with blades of particular and expensive metals, perfumes with strange powers and all sorts of things that would have made Benzo's shop and other Zaun's apothecaries look like children trading marbles.
So you had inherited a new quill, along with other supplies that would be useful this year.
You passed through the bronze gate, closing it behind you before climbing the three steps to the stoop and opening the door to the Hall.
The building was not complex, which cut through the labyrinthine appearance of the entire city. A hall connected the two wings of the building: on the left was the girls' wing, on the right the boys' wing, although mischievous people playing bashful lovers often deviated from this organisation.
The hall had a high ceiling from which hung three simple but perfectly illuminating chandeliers. It had a common room in the centre and a fireplace on the wall opposite to the entrance. A few brown leather armchairs and sofas formed a few circles around low tables.
Entering this hall was like entering a distant period in the past, it had nothing to do with the clean, modern, flawless and polished to perfection appearance of the Piltover buildings.
No, here it smelled of varnished wood, old books and something fruity like warm orange. Something from beyond time, where the fire crackles in the dark winters, somewhere where anything can happen in the quietest of quiet.
Sitting on one of these armchairs was a young man with brown hair, prominent cheekbones, head bowed over a piece of paper that had been folded and crumpled many times. An elaborately designed crutch laid against his seat.
He seemed to wear fatigue like an elegant cloak with the dark circles under his eyes, hunched over, his chocolate hair finger-combed, his chin hidden in his hand as he scanned the piece of paper.
You would have gone on your way, and perhaps you should have. As you entered he looked up, his amber eyes meeting your gaze for a moment before inevitably turning back to his piece of paper.
You had never seen him, never met him, never spoken to him. All you could deduce was that he was new. This was not difficult to understand when you saw the bag of luggage that was lying near his feet.
What else can you deduce… This poor guy was looking at his perfectly folded piece of paper as if it held the most important secret of his entire existence, and the way he was looking at it seemed almost painful: he was obviously lost.
How was it even possible to get lost in such a simple building ? In any case, he had probably been there for a while, because if one of his legs was aching, he had to sit down on one of the chairs after a while.
Who knows how long he had been staring at his cursed paper without answers?
But what to do in such cases? Do something? Do nothing?
If you did something, maybe you'd disturb him. Maybe he wasn't even lost and was just waiting for someone, and maybe that damn paper was just an equation he was stuck on or a cryptic post-it note and not instructions to find his way.
However, if you didn't act and ran into that same student again later, you might feel ashamed that you didn't come to his aid.
You had not been raised to help others, you had been raised to compete, so taking the first step to help someone was not always the first thing on your mind.
You were flipping a coin in your head, are you helping him? Are you not helping him?
You ended up choosing the option that would not make you look heartless and lacking in empathy as you pronounce with whatever strength you had left from your journey:
"Need help?"
He didn't even look away from his paper, which seemed to have been crumpled in every way possible, before answering you in the most disinterested way possible:
"I'm managing just fine, thank you."
It was a peculiar accent, and one not commonly found in Piltover. In fact, you'd heard that kind of accent before, but in Zaun. And although you knew the pride of the Zaunites, the harshness of the rejection had redoubled your desire to return to your flat as soon as possible.
‘With my warm sociable nature I could be buddy-buddy with anyone I want’,you were replaying that ridiculous phrase you said to Eris in your mind.
So you headed for your dorms and almost collapsed at the thought of having to climb stairs again. Admittedly it was only one floor, but how you would have envied having one of the ground floor dormitories.
Your body was screaming with fatigue, you felt dirty with sweat, bent over by the weight of your bag, and your feet seemed to be threatening to never allow you to walk again even though they were used to the journey.
You almost dragged yourself to your floor, exhausted. But you couldn't afford to arch your back like the roof of a cathedral forever when you spotted an unfamiliar figure at the end of the hallway, where your flat was.
Oh, that's right, your new room-mate. You pulled yourself up, trying to look straighter than the pile of exhausted limbs your body composed. You might as well make a good impression on the person you were going to be living with for the next... for the time that person would be studying at the Academy, you assumed.
You stepped forward, and she noticed you from where she was standing. She was of medium height, her hair pulled back into a high, thick bun of brown curls. The dimple that split her chin quivered and her pale eyes behind her half-moon glasses peered shyly at you.
When you reached her level, you forced a smile that must have looked more like a wince, given the aches and pains that were already showing on your body. But then again, you have to look polite and welcoming for someone you're going to be sharing your home with for a while, don't you?
"Hi," she began in a voice that proved to you that she had to repeat her introduction over and over before you arrived, "I'm Sky Young, are you the owner of flat 110 ?
"Nice to meet you Sky, that's me indeed." You say, introducing yourself and taking your keys out of your pocket. "You didn't have to wait too long, did you ?”
"Not at all !" Lies, she must have arrived a while ago and had to wait a long time.
"Didn't you get lost on the way ?”
"I must admit it wasn't an easy place to find," she confessed, "but it gave me a better idea of the city."
You opened the door to the flat.
It wasn't a huge place, but there was enough space for two. A tiny corridor led you to the first room. The wall opposite probably had your favourite aspect of the room: huge double glazed sash windows with thin glass that looked like one of these stain-glasses you find in churches, only these were completely polished and separated by some sort of cold golden metal. It was longer than it was high, separated into three parts with a ledge to sit on next to it, it was a great corner for reading or just looking out at the night.
Against this same wall, in its corners, were bedside tables each glued to the sides of single beds while, not far from them, two small personal desks were opposite.
A tiny kitchen with three cupboards, a mini-fridge, a sink, a hotplate and a microwave were stuck against the last corner of the room. Opposite the window was a small dressing room serving as well as a passageway to the bathroom.
You put your bag on your desk before sitting down on your bed, closing your eyes in satisfaction at the touch of your mattress.
Sky looked like she didn't know where to put herself, the poor girl resembled a stunned fawn on the spot.
"Please make yourself at home." You pointed out to her, "over there is the dressing room, it's small but it's enough, and just after is the bathroom.”
You didn't really know where to put yourself either, this type of living arrangement wasn't really common to you. Did you offer to help her organise her things? No, you'd already offered to help the guy downstairs, so getting rejected twice in a row would almost be personal.
Engage in conversation ? Yes, that's probably the thing to do :
"Have you ever visited the Academy ?"
She had moved to the dressing room and started unpacking her things, putting them in the cupboards.
"Not yet," she said, stooping to retrieve a pile of t-shirts, "I'm fairly new."
"You're not from Piltover right ? Where are you from ?" you asked, taking your turn to take out the stuff from your bag.
"I come..." She pauses. " From the other side of the bridge. "
Ah, another Zaunite ? That would make three in the building.
Firstly and obviously, you. Secondly, Sky. And if your assumptions were correct, so was the morning-pee-eyed guy.
Two new Zaunite students arrived on the same day. You wondered whose room-mate this guy would be that you already felt sorry for.
Should you, however, also say that you were from Zaun ? You could already imagine the tricky question of ‘really ? Where are you from ?’
"Oh, I see," you simply replied.
You organised your desk neatly, arranging your ink bottles correctly, hanging the Bach flowers above your headboard, placing your new notebooks on the desk and leaving one in your bag.
As for your tarot deck, you put it on your bedside table so that the next morning you would not forget to draw your card.
You watched it again, your eyes tracing the outline of the box. The truth. It must be hidden in there, it must warn you, help you.
Something frees itself in your throat, creeps into your tongue, tickling your lips. You want to ask, ask where, why, ask how, ask when, ask who. You want to know, and still it's like being in the middle of a foggy night, discerning street lights in the distance, determining blurred shapes without ever being able to understand them.
You’re lost, completely lost. Where are you going ?
Oh, the results, you suddenly remembered. You looked at the time on your wrist, the test results were due in about an hour.
"When you've finished putting your things away, would you like a tour of the Academy ?" you offered.
Sky, who had finished organising her clothes and moved to her desk, turned to you with a small, shy smile.
"It would be a pleasure. The results of the first tests are due today, aren't they?
"Absolutely, we'll finish the tour with that."
In no time at all, Sky had finished packing up all her things with an efficiency you appreciated. You gave her the spare key and left the flat. When you went downstairs, the young man was no longer there, fortunately, because you couldn't bear to see him again.
When you arrived outside, a handful of students had already gathered in front of the shuttle bus stop. You took the opportunity to inform Sky of the shuttle's timetable so that she wouldn't get lost or be late.
Once in it, you started to show Sky around. You pointed out the convenience store where you used to shop - which you should do right after the results.
You also showed her a charming little bakery where you praised the cheap snacks, showed her the café where you worked at weekends, the stationery shop where you sometimes went to buy things when you were short of certain utensils.
She was attentive the whole way. You arrived in front of the Academy's golden gate and so began the long visit.
You had spent the next three quarters of an hour going through the various corridors that would be useful to know at the Academy. The small lecture theatres and the larger ones, the study rooms, the library which alone took a good ten minutes to visit, the laboratories, the refectory which you only advised Sky to go to if she had enough money.
The Academy canteen was expensive, and although it had good food, the scholarship students tried to avoid it as much as possible, preferring instead to make their own lunch boxes.
You had obviously shown her the two courtyards, the entrance one and the inner one where the students met during their breaks if they were not in the study hall.
And now you were heading for the results panel near your main classrooms.
"It's interminably big," Sky huffed, "I'm afraid I'll get lost."
"Don't worry, we can make the route together. Besides, you've still got the next two days to get used to the building.
Tomorrow was the start of the weekend, and the Academy remained open for those two days to welcome students and teachers alike. This was mainly for information purposes. The Academy's library was full of everything a student would need to know.
In addition, some students found the atmosphere of the study rooms much more conducive to work than if they were at home or in their dormitories.
The small group seemed more agitated than usual, some of them looking at you. You didn't really care, it wasn't unusual for people to glance at you after a grade announcement had fallen.
After years in their company, one could indeed expect them to wonder who always came out on top everywhere. You hadn't left the title of "First" for a long time. And although it was probably a surprise to some, you gave your all to stay first.
Survival, survival taught you that. Be first, whatever it takes.
In the distance, you saw Jayce's head sticking out. How could you miss him, he's easily a head taller than everyone else here. Except that at the moment he's not really smiling like he usually would be, but that doesn't stop him from coming towards you.
"Sky, this is Jayce, Jayce this is Sky, my new room-mate."
"Nice to meet you Sky," Jayce smiles politely before turning to you and giving you a strange look. "I think you should check out the board."
Your eyebrows immediately furrowed as your gaze jumped from Jayce to the crowd of students. You stepped forward, your shoulders suddenly tense and your jaw clenched.
Your usual confidence at this kind of moment crumbles, giving way to fear of what you might find on that board.
You make your way through, your classmates even moving aside slightly so that you can pass. The list of students in your class is long, so you look at the names at the bottom first.
You know them, they're almost always the same. Your gaze keeps going up, your name is still not present, as you would expect.
However, what worries you is that Jayce has advised you to come and see the board. He knows very well the complex you have, he knows very well that you want and need to be first everywhere at all costs, he doesn't know the reason for it but he knows enough.
Your serenity was eroding, your heart was beginning to beat against your ribs like a caged bird.
You continue to climb, you look at the last quarter of the names. Your mouth goes dry and you have trouble swallowing. It scares you, what you might find at the top of that list.
It terrifies you as if you were standing on the edge of a precipice, a huge, black hole, and your feet were sticking out slightly into the void.
You keep going up, and you find your name. And it's like trying to swallow a big block of ice, because your name isn't the first. It's the second.
So you read this name that stole your title, your place.
Viktor Moravec.
Who the fuck is this Viktor occupying your first place ?
Your heart is squeezed, as if the bird had finally been caught, still trying to flip his wings, sending tingles in your entire chest. It feels so heavy now, your lungs weigh tons, it feels hard to breathe.
"Woah, you're second !” Sky says as she comes up behind you.
The knife stirring your stomach was completely rearranging your insides, and she was unintentionally pouring vinegar on every open cut to your heart. To Sky it may have been incredible, but to you it was catastrophic, you were so mediocre that you came second. Pathetic.
You want to get away from these people, from this group who sees you failure, who sees your defeat and whose eyes swarm over your body like thousands of insects.
While Sky was busy looking for her name in the long list, you were drifting away from the group. It was unpleasant, very unpleasant for the first results of the year.
Viktor, that name really didn't remind you of anything either. Who was it ? Who was it that was dethroning you?
"Ah Jayce, I'd lost track of you."
That accent, you've heard it somewhere before, you're sure.
"You're just in time, I have to introduce you." Jayce says as he turns to the individual.
The footsteps are not steady, a clink of metal rings out on the floor. Your eyes, lowered to the ground, gain on the feet of the person advancing towards you. An elaborately finished crutch, held by a young man with chocolate finger-combed hair and prominent cheekbones.
It's when your gaze reaches the level of his morning-piss-eyes and Jayce makes the introductions that you nearly scream :
"This is Viktor, Viktor..."
"I've met her before, Jayce, no worries." He says without taking his eyes off you for a moment.
"But I guess some real introductions are in order."
The Emperor who came to dethrone you is in front of you: Viktor.
Next Chapter >>>
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sunshinesdaydream · 7 months
Sergeant Cypher SFW Alphabet
From my Mask Squad Info Dump: The Number Cruncher and Code Breaker. Excellent slicer, but not quite as fast as some of the others. Keeps his black hair buzzed short for convenience. Coded message is tattooed on his collarbone. Introverted and a bit quiet. The others adore him, so they listen to him easily... most of the time.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
With his inner circle, very. The Masks follow him for love of him because he deeply cares for each of them.  They know he has their best interests at heart. 
He is a very touch oriented person. Hugs, cuddles, someone putting their head on his shoulder. It’s all very desired. 
Cypher is very quiet and introverted and it makes his encouragement and complements all the more powerful. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
They would have to meet either through having to work together or if the other person is very extroverted. 
He is quietly supportive, and encouraging. The way he is with anyone. 
Shared space, or shared holofilm viewing would be the primary activity of his choice. But I’d willing to try other things for the sake of a close friend. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cypher loves to cuddle. He hugs everyone in his inner circle, frequently one of his vode will curl up on a bench next to him and lean on him while Cypher wraps his arm around them. Same with Jade. He feels his best when one of his people are in touch range. 
As a result most of Mask stands very close to Cypher when they are “at rest”.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Cypher very much wants to settle down and have a family. Somewhere where he can keep them relatively safe, and be more family for his vode. 
Has watched some holonet videos, no personal experience other than doing his part to keep the Masquerade clean and all of them fed. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Quietly, in person. Even if he was terribly upset he is going to remain calm. Argue about it and he’s simply gone.  He does not like conflict and will walk away. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Cypher would be fairly quick to be engaged to someone he thinks might be the one. However will not actually marry until he is able to be a more reliable spouse. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very. Even his slightly deeper than average voice nearly always has a gentle tone. He is gentle but blunt emotionally. He doesn’t like adding extra drama to any situation. 
Physically he even uses the data consoles with a strong but gentle touch. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Always. You will be hugged very close, if he is taller than you he will tuck you under his chin. His embrace is strong, sturdy, but gentle. 
His vode get hugs all the time. Most of them have come to need/depend on them. Especially Livewire who sometimes needs a very solid hug to help him calm down. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
If he feels it, he says it. But he will also say it to family and friends with zero hesitation. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Gets VERY jealous. He will become permanently attached to his partner. He won’t glare at the offending party just very calmly stare them down. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Cypher’s kisses are almost painfully gentle and intense. Almost as if he’s trying to puzzle you apart. 
When he’s not kissing you senseless he likes kissing across your shoulders and back. 
He likes it when you give him a kiss just over his heart. He melts. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He likes kids, and the more reserved children especially like him. He smiles a lot, is very kind spoken, but isn’t loud. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
As much as he loves his sleep he isn’t grumpy to wake up. Prefers to have a long wake up snuggled with his partner. 
Before this his favorite was quietly talking to his vode as they woke up. Is at his best when he can have a slow transition from sleep to activity. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddles, all the time. Loves to curl up with a film or book. His vode frequently will come and lean against him. If he has a partner or even eventually children, sleepytime cuddles.  
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Slowly. He is very precise as to what he tells you when. And in what order. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It takes a lot to make him angry. But hurt or threaten someone he considers family, it’s over. Or a child. Both of these situations will make him very close to the punch first ask questions later. 
It’s not that he is super laid back. He just really likes to evaluate an entire situation and piece it together. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Everything. He remembers everything he can. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time he held you and you melted into him with a sigh. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very. He’s also got four vode and a Jedi that is considered their vod and every last one of them will stand with him to protect you in any circumstance. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
It seems like a lot, but since he remembers so much it really doesn’t feel like it to him. He knows when anniversaries are, what things you like, where you like to go, your favorite foods, your favorite flowers. 
Everyday tasks, not so much. If it’s a task that doesn’t require much of any brainpower he very well could forget he’s doing it and get involved with another thing. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
As in the TRY above, will randomly walk away from cleaning a thing because he is distracted by something requiring more of a mental challenge. He is perfectly willing to go back and finish if it’s pointed out to him. But several half finished tasks can be left around. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He isn’t too concerned. He keeps himself neat and clean, but is not very into specific styles and so forth. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would feel incomplete without any of his people. If you make it into that circle. Yes. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
This boy LOVES chocolate. 
He also really likes Rave’s music but acts annoyed by it. Every once in awhile you’ll catch him tapping his fingers to the beat. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Needless conflict or drama. He has zero tolerance for it. He will just leave. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Can and will fall asleep anywhere at anytime. Enjoys sleep, even better if he gets to sleep close to others. Cuddling while sleeping is his favorite. 
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Tag List (Please DM me if you want removed from the OC posts): @the-bad-batch-baronesss @lightwise @captainbutterflynonsense @sleepycreativewriter @523rdrebel @inneedoffanfics @cloneloverrrrr @trappedinlimbo15 @chubbyhedgehog @blueink-bluesoul @anoushe01 @cdblake1565 @littlemissmanga @skywlker-sluvtt @padawancat97 @clonemedickix @dystopicjumpsuit @moonlightwarriorqueen @idontgetanysleep @littlemissmanga @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @ailyr92 @anxiouspineapple99 @wizardofrozz @multi-fan-dom-madness @wolffegirlsunite
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windvexer · 2 years
My mom knows I'm learning to make jerky and she volunteers at a charity thrift shop. She saw an electric slicer machine there for $15, so I went to pick it up. Very pleased with the ease and consistency of jerky slices.
I also significantly increased the amount of sugar in my marinades and am also experimenting with a mid-smoke glaze consisting primarily of brown sugar, pineapple juice, and cayenne pepper. This is for the benefit of my partner who requested, and I quote, "meat candy." He is thus far pleased with early results.
The two smoker shelves can hold about three pounds of meat when laid horizontal over the bars. I saw a tip that recommended using toothpicks to hang the meat down, and was able to fit ~5lbs of meat on 2/3rds of one shelf. This is excellent.
Also I wrote about 4k more words on the book lmao
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homemade-clones · 10 months
Mist Squad | The Masterlist
Part of the 767th Battalion - a recon force specialized in locating, capturing targets and rescue allies -, the Mist Squad is an ARF unit focused on the capture side of things. Led by the experienced Sergeant Tooka, and aided by their highly trained massiffs, the squad has an excellent rate of successful missions.
Current members (click on their name to be taken to each individual masterlist!):
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SERGEANT TOOKA | ARF | CT-8652 A seasoned trooper who has been at the lead of many successful operations before settling as the Sergeant of Mist Squad. His gruff exterior and tired eyes do well to convey the permanent "single, weary father of five" role he's been stuck in since taking over the squad. His daughter massiff is Socks, a large, scarred female who has been by his side since cadet days.
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GAZE | Sniper | CT-4293 The most recent squad's addition, transferred after the loss of his sight and original squad during an infiltration mission gone horribly wrong. Voluntold to receive a pair of experimental, enhanced cybernetic prosthetics that restored his sight (at the cost of his health). Choosing to survive both out of spite and his unchecked, trauma-born emotional dependency towards anyone who talks to him for 0.5 seconds.
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CHEESE | Medic | CT-2437 As fiery as the auburn locks on his head, the medic and second oldest is easily the heart of the Mist Squad. Cheese is intent on making sure his brothers are taken care of to the best of his abilities - both physically and emotionally - even if it means literally strong-arming them into self-care. Cheese's massiff is Aid, who bravely dives snout-first into the battlefield besides him, carrying the medical kits necessary to patch up the squad, even during active battle.
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BEDBUG | ARF | Tracking Specialist | CT-2252 One of the best trackers of his squad (and the 767th as a whole). Fueled by a seemingly endless reserve of restless energy, Bedbug is always moving - be it exercising with his massiff Burr, be it fidgeting or taking apart whatever object is unlucky enough to end up in his hands during downtime. His eerie, nigh unbreakable focus during missions is balanced by a hair-graying lack of impulse control outside them. Despite the squad's eagle-eyed attempts at keeping Bedbug on their sights during leave, he's still managed to rack up a forked tongue and sharpened teeth, besides the too many piercings and tattoos scattered around his body.
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CHARM | ARF | Infiltration Specialist | CT-2253 The team's best slicer and hacker, and indispensable asset during infiltration missions. Named after the feat he pulled during one of his first missions when he, somehow, charmed a meal (his vod, Cheese) out of a young Kryat's dragon mouth. His massiff, Dinui (mando'a for 'gift'), is not only a work partner but also son, pride, joy, and the reason Charm is always peniless despite often taking side jobs whenever the GAR isn't looking. He'll be damned if he'll let his boy have anything but the absolute best he's able to provide.
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CAKE | ARF | Explosives Specialist | CT-2254 Youngest batchmate of Charm and Bedbug (by a mere ten seconds they won't ever let him forget), the squad's trap and explosives specialist is also an incurable trickster. Always down for shenanigans and seamlessly pinning the blame on his vode, pranking is his love language. The only who seems to be immune to his antics is Sugar, his massiff. She is not immune to Cake's 'fashion sense', tho, always found with armor (and scarves when off-duty) carefully color coordinated with his own outfits.
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[probably more troopers will join the squad, but for now there's that!]
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communist-hatsunemiku · 4 months
yooooo kate markson just said "excellent work raven, youve shown me a thing or two" AND i killed the boss with the laser slicer🤌🏻
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nimblermortal · 1 year
Happy Stabby Day!
These are my knives :)
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Chef knives
Features: My favorite darlings, and honestly the ones I wanted to talk about. These are Zwilling Pro, 38417-180 and 38401-180, and it makes me happy they are from Zwilling because they are twins. On the right is a standard chopping chef knife. Note the deep base after the handle, straight belly, and pointed tip in case you need any sharp stabbing motion - though if you're doing much of that, you want another knife. It has a gorgeous heavy chopping sound as you work through an onion, or even a butternut squash.
On the left is my beautiful freaky nerd of a chef knife. It can in principle do anything the chef knife can do, but it's really made for mincing. Note the rounded belly and strange angle at the tip - the belly makes it rock on the cutting board, just a bit, so it's perfect for things like mincing garlic, and the tip changes the weight and makes it readily identifiable. I adore this knife.
Lesson: Learn whether you are a chopper or a slicer in the kitchen, and choose your knives accordingly.
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: Not a chance. These are made for chopping on a cutting board, and they would not stab in a satisfying fashion.
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Hyacinths knife
Features: Wide girth, nearly straight blade, excellent weight if you want to julienne vegetables which Hyacinth frequently does, and the key feature: the rounded bottom edge at the 'point', which allows him to scoop. The slight rounding on the blade allows rocking similar to my twins, but the overall flatness allows him to chop big things in a straight motion whereas mine can only chop. He's also a big fan of the width of the blade for scooping finished products and carrying them on the top.
His actual favorite is a really terrible older knife his grandma gave him, same shape bit a wider yet blade and a more exaggerated rounded end, which doesn't keep its sharpness and the handle keeps falling off.
Lesson: Fancy nice knives keep their edge better.
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: No It doesn't have anything like a stabbing point. Unless you want to chop Caesar up after stabbing him, this is not the right tool.
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Meat knives
Features: Long, narrow blades slice better. If you're a slicer, you want a chef knife that is closer to this shape. I abandon my beloved knives for these fellows when I'm turning large pieces of meat into bite-size chunks, especially if it's chicken. Slicers move better through meat than choppers, and the sharp point helps you get that initial grip.
Honestly I'm not actually a knife person and I don't know what the difference between these shapes is. Chime in if you know!
Lesson: Slicers work better for meat.
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: This would be my knife of choice if concealment were not an object. Nice sharp point, fine slicing blade, works great on meat - my only concern would be if the violence and stabbing would damage a long blade, or even break it.
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Paring knives
Features: Short flat blades for a lot of easy control and leverage. These are fruit-and-cheese knives, where you can hold the object and the knife in your hands and work with them without a surface. Or with one! Detail work, peeling an apple... they also are just smaller and seem easier to clean, so I pull them out for small tasks. (The black one is a Wüsthof we've had since I was a child, and dirty from cutting cheese.)
For a tomato, mind, you'll want either a very sharp knife, or a serrated knife. Cheap bread knife does wonders on that slippy tomato skin.
Lesson: Short knives give more control and enable airborne cutting
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: Absolutely, if concealment were an issue. Almost all of the advantages of the meat knives above, with much reduced power, but very easy to hide up a sleeve. You could even let it be visible if you're carrying, say, an apple - there's a presumable use here.
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Swiss army knife Patrick's dad gave me
Features: ...everything? Downsides: nothing works perfectly. But it's got short blade, long blade, saw blade, tin opener, bottle opener, wine opener, tweezers (barely visible, with the gray hilt by the toothpick), toothpick, fishing? hook?, scissors... If there's more I just haven't found it yet.
Lesson: If you lose your pocket knives constantly, you are allowed to get another one. Knives pass into our lives and out of them - in the case of Julius Caesar, sometimes very rapidly.
Would I Take it to the Senate in 44 BC: I'd have it on me already in case the occasion arose!
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wetsteve3 · 1 year
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Comprehensive restoration Green with Gold pinstriping Engine makes 13 HP at 3,800 RPM and weighs 130 kg
Exposed flywheel Dell'Orto carburetor Bosch ignition Lucas acetylene headlamp Frame no. 2793 Engine no. 2591 Sold on a Bill of Sale Purchases by a Nevada resident or Nevada dealer are on a Bill of Sale for display purposes only Not for highway or public road use
This 1927 Moto Guzzi Sport 13 is a fantastic, historic Italian sports machine. The Sport series was the only model Moto Guzzi produced between 1923 and ‘28, and it was well regarded for its good performance, beautiful lines and excellent build quality. The Sport 13 has a 500cc, 82x88mm motor that produces 13 HP at a leisurely 3,800 RPM. Everyone loves the external flywheel motor (the “bacon slicer”) of this horizontal IOE (F-head) single; the external flywheel meant a very narrow crankcase was possible, which made for an extremely robust crankshaft that was free of flex.
Moto Guzzi engines were always unit-construction, with the gearbox housed in the crankcases and a geared primary drive, which was very advanced for the day. The Sport 13 has a strong twin-tube frame, a very low center of gravity, and thus excellent handling and lively performance with a 286-pound weight and 60 MPH top speed. The Sport 13 follows the original 1921 Moto Guzzi design, although the prototype had an overhead camshaft. The F-head was much easier to produce, so from 1921-23, the Normale was the sole model of the range. The Sport 13 was painted a beautiful green with gold and black pinstriping until its final year, 1928, when it was painted red. The Sport 13 used a Dellorto carburetor and Bosch magneto ignition. This machine was originally ordered without electric lights, and as such, carries a Lucas acetylene headlamp. Total production of the Sport 13 was 4,107 machines.
This 1927 Moto Guzzi Sport 13 is a very rare, beautifully restored, early Italian machine. It was a harbinger of the future of the Italian motorcycle industry, which always combined elegant lines with advanced engineering and great performance on the road. This Guzzi is a real stunner.
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