bethanythebogwitch · 6 months
Digimon & mythology: angel Digimon
The Digital World is a dangerous place, with plenty of demon lords, monsters, and villains just waiting to unleash their power. But there is light to counterbalance the darkness and the ranks of the angel Digimon will fight back against evil. The angels of Digimon are based on Christian angelology, the theological study of angels form a Christian viewpoint. Christian angelology is of course based on the older Jewish angelology, but Digimon pulls much more from the Christian version. Christian angelology traditionally has a hierarchy that appears to have been invented by the 5th century author, theologist, and philosopher Pseudo-Dionysus, who mixed existing beliefs about angels with neoplatonic philosophy to create his hierarchy. The name Pseudo-Dionysus is because he identifies himself as Dionysus to try to portray himself as a character of that name from the book of Acts, but modern scholars generally agree that even if the guy from Acts existed (debatable given the heavily fictionalized nature of Acts), the author wasn’t him. The hierarchy of angels is usually given in three spheres consisting of three ranks each. From lowest to highest they are angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim. Most angel Digimon are associated with one of these ranks, though some fall outside of this system. I’ll give more context on each rank as they come up.
Like in the original mythology, angel Digimon answer to God. What God is in the Digital World is very vague and inconsistent across the different entries in the franchise. Most of what we get is that it’s a being of goodness that rules the angel Digimon and wants what’s best for the Digital World. In different parts of the franchise, God has been identified as a human programmer, Huanglongmon of the Holy Beasts, and as the computer system that the Digital World exists with. More modern takes on the franchise have an AI computer system named Yggdrasil as the ruler of the Digital World, which fills the role of God, but is usually not depicted as being a purely benevolent being. In fact, Yggdrasil tends to be a villain whenever it shows up. God also dwells in the kernel. The kernel is the core of the Digital World and location where all the data is computed, yet it may also exist in a higher dimension above the Digital World. All angel Digimon come from the kernel and live there when they aren’t sent out on missions. The kernel is very much supposed to be the heaven of the Digital World, though in an earlier sense of what heaven was supposed to be. In the oldest forms of Judaism, heaven was the dwelling place of God and the angels, but wasn’t an afterlife. Instead, all humans went to Sheol, a poorly described state or place, regardless of what they did in life. It wasn’t until the second temple period after the Persians conquered the Babylonians who had themselves conquered the Hebrews that the idea of a divided afterlife entered Judaism, one of many idea adopted from the Persian religion of Zoroastrianism. Heaven was converted into the good afterlife, expanding on its previous role as God’s home. The kernel doesn’t act as a Digimon afterlife because Digimon reincarnate in most settings.
I will discuss each angel Digimon, going from Child/Rookie to Ultimate/Mega levels. While God operates through more Digimon than just the angel Digimon, including Sakuyamon, Kuzuhamon, Kongoumon, and maybe Shakamon (if God = Yggdrasil), I will only be going over the angels because this post is going to be long enough already. Most demonic Digimon are either implicitly or explicitly fallen angel Digimon. If one of the angel Digimon has a specific fallen angel counterpart I’ll mention it, but I won’t be going into detail on them. It is worth noting that almost all the angel Digimon are based on the winged human depiction of angels. Angels in the texts of the Abrahamic religions are instead described as completely bizarre beings, usually with way too many eyes (though at least some of them can choose to appear human). The winged human depiction was popular by at least early Christianity, with the earliest known depiction being attributed to the 370s-390s BCE. Given that Digimon are born out of data generated by humans, it’s likely because the winged human depictions are so popular that angel Digimon also take that shape.
The lowest member of the angelic hierarchy is the only Child/Rookie level angel, Luxmon. Luxmon was only introduced earlier this year so it doesn’t have much lore, but it does act as a great starting point for any angel Digimon line. It is so pure and innocent that it doesn’t realize when it’s being lied to, which means demonic Digimon of its level like Impmon and PicoDevimon/DemiDevimon will bully it. Like other members of its level, Luxmon is not very powerful, but they can fight against strong foes by using teamwork. Angel Digimon are often depicted as being stronger than the average member of their level. Luxmon is clearly designed to look like a younger Angemon and it worked. I think it’s a good design that captures both the angel aspect while also making it look like a little kid.
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In the Adult/Champion level, we have Angemon. I believe it is the first angel Digimon in the franchise and the one on which all others are ultimately based. It is a being of virtue that brings happiness, though it is also relentless in the battle against evil. Each angel Digimon has a certain role in the angelic hierarchy and Angemon’s job is to lead other angelic Digimon in the fight against evil. It wields a quarterstaff called the holy rod. An Angemon who falls becomes a Devimon, which retains its role as a leader, it just leads evil Digimon instead of good ones. Angemon’s design is a classic and a great example of a Digimon that just looks like a human in a costume, but still feels different. Angemon is likely the most powerful of the Adult/Champion level angels and is often depicted as being far more powerful than its level would indicate. This is especially true in Digimon Adventure, where it was easily capable of beating Digimon a whole level higher than it.
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Pidmon is a variant of Angemon that ranks lower in the hierarchy, but is of similar power. Its design is a recolor of Angemon with a different staff and only one pair of wings. Many of the angel Digimon’s lore states that the number of wings an angel Digimon has indicates its rank in the hierarchy so the two-winged Pidmon ranks lower than the six-winged Angemon. This is not a hard and fast rule, as multiple angel Digimon have fewer wings than their rank would indicate. Pidmon’s role in the hierarchy is to destroy evil, presumably making it a major member of the forces that Angemon leads. Its name comes from Cupid, the Roman god of desire, attraction, affection, and erotic love. While a roman god seems like an odd inspiration for the very Christian-inspired angel Digimon, there could be a roundabout reference here. The winged baby statues that are often called cherubs are actually called putti and depict Cupid. Somewhere along the line some wires got crossed and the name of a rank of angel got applied to the putti statue.
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Darcmon is the last angel of this level and the fort one to appear feminine. Its four wings presumably place it between Pidmon and Angemon. It is heavily combat focused and takes the role of vanguard and advanced force in the angel army. Given their descriptions we can get an idea that in the angel army Pidmon make up the majority of soldiers, Darcmon are the advance fore that go straight to the front lines, and Angemon are the leaders. Darcmon is a reference to Jeanne D’Arc, better known to English speakers as Joan of Arc. She was a 15th century French military leader who claimed to receive visions from angels and saints. She was convicted of heresy and executed, but the Catholic church later revoked the conviction and declared her a saint. She referred to herself as la pucelle, the maiden, which became the name of one of Darcmon’s attacks. I think Darcmon is severely underutilized for how cool her design is as far as I know, she has two anime appearances, one of which wasn’t actually a Darcmon but a villain in disguise.
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Luxmon, Pidmon, Darcmon, and Angemon are all classified as angel Digimon, which equates them to the lowest rung of the traditional hierarchy. Angel is used both to refer to the beings as a whole but also the lowest rank in the hierarchy. Their role it to act as announcers. They appear is scriptures to make various announcements, usually to humans.
The first angel Digimon of the Perfect/Ultimate level is HolyAngemon, renamed in English to MagnaAngemon. It has eight wings, placing it above Angemon. It has two forms: its regular form and HolyAngemon Priest Mode, which have different roles. Overall, HolyAngemon acts as the law enforcement of the angels, supervising and surveying the others to keep them within the bounds of their missions and try to catch any who fall. HolyAngemon Priest Mode is said to be the from it spends most of its time in. In this form, it spends its time acting as a spokesperson for God and goodness in general. When darkness arrives, it changes into its combat form to take up arms against evil. Ironically, despite Priest Mode being the form it’s supposed to spend most of its time in, this form is almost never seen in Digimon Media, being a long-time inmate of V-Tamer jail. HolyAngemon bears the sword Excalibur, an obvious reference to King Arthur.
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HolyAngemon Priest Mode
Next is Angewomon, who also has eight wings. She is a being of utmost beauty with an extremely kind personality. Her role is to try to redeem evil Digimon. By showing kindness and grace, she can bring Digimon back from the path of evil. However is a Digimon cannot be redeemed, she will attack and show that she is an extremely powerful combatant. She is often depicted as being equal in power to HolyAngemon A fallen Angewomon becomes a LadyDevimon, who is as cruel and wicked as Angewomon is kind and benevolent. The two species despise each other. Angewomon is one of the most popular Digimon for a very good reason. Her design is a classic and stands out among all the other “sexymon” designs out there. Angewomon has an x-antibody form which is fine. It’s overdesigned and unnecessary, but if that’s all I can say about an x-antibody form, it’s one of the good ones.
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Angewomon X
HolyAngemon and Angewomon are both classified as archangel Digimon. Archangels are the second lowest in the hierarchy and their job is to make declarations. The idea of archangels being the highest rank of angel seems to come from the epic poem Paradise Lost and confusion over the name. “arch-“ means “chief” or “first” so people mistakenly assumed that the chief angels were the highest rank. Despite this, Michael (who is explicitly an archangel and the only one ever called that in the bible) is often seen as God’s second in command even by clerical sources, furthering the confusion. A very common idea is that there are four or seven archangels with different names and roles. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are almost always among their number, but the identities of the rest vary depending on tradition. Worth nothing is the Digimon Bagramon, a former archangel. He ruled over death in the Digital World before rebelling and falling. This would equate him to the angel of death, a figure who transports the souls of the dead to the afterlife and is usually named Azrael.
Also at the Perfect/Ultimate level is ArkhaiAngemon. It is of equal rank to HolyAngemon and Angewomon and does have eight wings. Unlike its fellows, ArkhaiAngemon is a more defensive and support fighter, allowing it to protect its subordinates and command them in battle using ingenious strategies. ArkhaiAngemon is driven by a concern for others, which leads it to interact with other Digimon more than its fellows. It frequently employs non-angel Digimon as familiars who fight on its behalf. It wields its own version of Angemon’s holy rod, which can release a flame that alternately harm and protect. While being of equal rank to HolyAngemon and Angewomon (and its name being a corruption of “archangel”), ArkhaiAngemon is identified as a principality, the rank above archangel. Their job is to guide and protect organizations, whether they be nations, groups of people, or other institutions. This fits with ArkhaiAngemon guiding and protecting its subordinates.
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At the Ultimate/Mega level, we have SlashAngemon, a badass angel made of swords. It is the leader of the angel army and the ultimate military commander of the angel Digimon. It is stern and serious and cuts down evil without hesitation. It has 8 wings, but this is the level where the wings = rank thing starts breaking down.
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Another militant angel of this level is LovelyAngemon. She is a cheerful and fashionable angel whose cuteness and charm belies the fact that she is the foremost close combat expert amongst the angel Digimon. It has the data of multiple styles of martial arts within its code, making it a martial artist is extremely powerful punches. Interestingly, LovelyAngemon has no wings.
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SlashAngemon is identified as a power, the rank of angel above principalities and the first of the second sphere. They are granted the power over evil forces, restraining demons from hurting humans. They also oversee human authorities such as kings. The power over evil thing fits SlashAngemon. As the leader of the angel army, it is the one who commands the fight against evil. LovelyAngemon is not identified with any rank of angel, but given she is a combat specialist, I would guess she’s heavily involved in the fight against evil and is therefore likely a power.
ClavisAngemon bears a key called the key (very original) which can unlock any lock in the Digital World. Only ClavisAngemon can use the key and it appears that the angel is part of the key rather than a separate being holding it. ClavisAngemon’s duty is to guard the zenith gate, the gate that separates the Digital World from realms beyond. As the kernel is in a higher dimension than the Digital World, it would seem that ClavisAngemon guards the passage to the kernel and only lets angel Digimon through. It can bring the entire power of the Digital World down on an enemy that tries to break through the gate. ClavisAngemon has six wings and is identified as a virtue, the rank above powers. Virtues are supposed to govern over the elements, bring natural events like storms and wind. They are also associated with movement and assist in creating miracles. There isn’t much of a connection to ClavisAngemon, but it may be related to another story. In the Adam and Eve story, after the two are ejected from the garden an angel is assigned to guard the entrance and prevent them from getting back in. That sounds more like ClavisAngemon’s role than anything else. Clavis is Latin for “key” so the Digimon named key carries a key named the key.
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Next up is Dominimon and Games Workshop is looking at those pauldrons with envy and fear. It falls outside of the angelic chain of command and is a rare being that only appears when the balance between light and darkness is severely disrupted. Its purpose is protect other angel Digimon and destroy evil at all costs. It has no sense of self-preservation and will throw itself into deadly situations or use a special move to empower other angel Digimon at the cost of its own life without hesitation. Because of how rarely one appears and their self-destructive tendencies, very few have ever actually seen a Dominimon and many think they are mere legends. It wields the sword Final Excalibur, a powered-up version of HolyAngemon’s Excalibur. Despite falling outside of the angelic chain of command, Dominimon is identified as a dominion, the rank of angel above virtues and the last of the second sphere. Their purpose is to govern the motions of stars, planets, and other celestial objects. Not a whole lot of connection to Dominimon there. Dominimon has ten wings.
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Another angel Digimon that doesn’t follow the normal chain of command is Mastemon. It is an anomaly that is a fusion of an Angewomon and her fallen counterpart LadyDevimon, making her a living enemies-to-lovers lesbian relationship unprecedented merging of light and darkness that only appeared when the Digital World faced a threat so great it forces angel and fallen angel Digimon to work together to stop it. While firmly benevolent, Mastemon commands both holy and evil powers and can command both angel and fallen angel Digimon. It is a master strategist and only it uniting the forces of good and evil saved the Digital World from that unspecified threat. Mastemon does not correspond to any mythical rank of angel and has 12 wings, half white and half black. This is a clear reference to Lucemon, who was the greatest of the angel Digimon before falling and becoming the greatest of all demon lords. Lucemon also has 12 wings that are half white and half black. In his case, this symbolizes him being trapped between his original benevolent self and his new evil self. Lucemon and Mastemon are both angelic being between good and evil, but Lucemon is malevolent while Mastemon is benevolent. I don’t think there’s been any media comparing the two, but it’s a great story idea. The name comes from Mastema, a demon or fallen archangel in some Jewish texts identified as a bringer of disaster and evil. I suppose there’s some connection with Mastemon only existing due to a disaster, but it’s tenuous.
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This too is yuri
Rasielmon is the first angel Digimon to not just be a winged human. She’s still mostly human, but with some cat-like features. It once held the same rank as the more powerful Ofanimon, but no longer does for unknown reasons. Rasielmon resides within the kernel and has the power to foresee anything in the Digital World as long as it remains there. This makes it one of the most knowledgeable Digimon. It commands the godai, the five elements of Japanese Buddhism: earth, fire, water, wind, and void. Rasielmon also has an attack called Sefer Raziel, named after the Kaballah text Sefer Raziel HaMalakh. This text claims to teach magic and cites Raziel, angel of secrets and a teacher of wisdom, as the most powerful angel. Rasielmon being based on an angel associated with secrets and knowledge certainy fith with it being able to see the entire Digital World. If Rasielmon falls, she becomes Raguelmon. Raguelmon was shunned for its knowledge and became a nihilist. It still seems to care for angel Digimon in a twisted way as it can sense when an angel Digimon is close to falling and will try to prevent it by killing them first. Raguelmon is named after Raguel, an angel of justice who keeps demons in check. Raguelmon’s actions can certainty be seen as a twisted version of justice and preventing of evil.
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We have reached the top, the zenith of the angelic Digimon, the Three Archangels. These three are the most powerful of all angel Digimon, charged with enacting God’s will and guarding the kernel from all who would threaten it. The first of the three is Ofanimon (English: Ophanimon). She is the ultimate form of feminine angel Digimon and her duty is to impart God’s love on the Digital World. It nurtures and protects other Digimon and wishes to see them do good, but it can and will fight against evil. It has 10 wings. Ofanimon has an x-antibody form which is pretty good as far as x-antibody forms go, but still overdesigned. If Ofanimon becomes enraged at the seemingly-endless amount of evil in the Digital World, it will become Ofanimon Falldown Mode. It has closed its heart and become a dark avenger, nipping evil in the bud by attacking Digimon with the potential to become evil. It seeks to establish a world of absolute justice where evil is destroyed before it has the chance to take root. An Ofanimon who falls even further will become Lilithmon.
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Ofanimon Falldown Mode Mommy? Sorry, mommy? Sorry, mommy?
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Ofanimon X
Rasielmon and Ofanimon are both classified as ophanim, the class of angel above dominions. Also called thrones, they serve either as the wheels of the throne of God, or the throne itself. They are also charged with chanting glorias and maintaining the harmony of universal laws. These guys are the classically weird biblically accurate angels. They are depicted as flaming wheels within wheels covered in eyes. The idea of gods having wheeled thrones was common in the ancient Middle East, with multiple cultures depicting their gods seated on such. Ofanimon bears no resemblance to a wheel, but her shoulder pads take the shape of wheels and Ofanimon X balances on a wheel.
Next is Cherubimon Virtue, which is the only fully non-human of the angel Digimon. It looks instead like a humanoid rabbit with no wings. It is the ultimate holy beast and its duty is to protect and impart God’s wisdom. Because Cherubimon Virtue stands at the zenith of divine virtue, it is easily stained by the inverse and can fall to become Cherubimon Vice, a thoroughly evil creature that embodies sin and wickedness just as its Virtue form embodies the opposite. Both forms can call down lightning as a form of divine judgement. Cehrubimon is based on the cherubim, the rank of angel above the ophanim. Their role is to accompany God when he travels. Cherubim are another bizarre-looking angel and while they don’t look like rabbits there is an association with animals that fits Cherubimon being a holy beast. Cherubim have four faces: a human, an ox (representing domesticated animals), a lion (representing wild animals), and an eagle (representing birds). They also have four wings, four arms, hooved legs, and are covered in eyes. Frankly, one of those would have been a lot cooler as a Digimon than a big rabbit. There is a reference to the faces of the cherubim, but it’s in Ofanimon not Cerubimon. Her helmet has the heads of the three animals on it. Both forms of Cherubimon have x-antibody variants which are classically x-antibody. That is not a compliment.
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Cerubimon Virtue (left) and Vice (right)
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Cherubimon Virtue X (left) and Vice X (right)
The final angel Digimon is Seraphimon. It returns to the winged human design, but is entirely covered in armor and has 10 golden wings. It is the most powerful of the angels and the closest of all Digimon to God. As the highet-ranking angel, it is the one ultimately in charge of all others. It is also the ultimate masculine angel and its duty is to enforce Gods laws. Legends say that when the final battle between good and evil comes, Seraphimon will descend to the Digital World and purify everything. Its ultimate ability is to sacrifice its life to restart the world. If a Seraphimon becomes overwhelmed with resentment it will become a BlackSeraphimon (English name: ShadowSeraphimon). It is still redeemable in this state, but if not redeemed in time, it will fall and become a Demon (as in the Digimon named Demon, not just some demon). Seraphimon is based on the cherubim, the highest rank of angel in Christian Angelology. Their role is to stand around the throne of God chanting “holy, holy, holy” and are also charged with anointing. The word “seraph” means “burning” and was often used to describe snakes (possibly referencing the burning sensation of snake venom). As a result, seraphim are often depicted either as snakes or as being on fore or made of fire. All depictions give them six wings, which are sometimes used to cover their body to protect humans from seeing their power. Seraphimon covering its entire body with armor could be a reference to this. Seraphimon being the ultimate masculine Digimon to Ofanimon's ultimate feminine Digimon could be a reference to systems like Kabbalah and some forms of Gnosticism assigning different magical powers or holy virtues to males and females.
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OH LOOK! more angelmons!!
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melancholywally · 6 months
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Digimon Game Evolution 3/?
While Vikemon, the original Armadimon (eng: Armadillomon) Ultimate-level stage, has become more associated with Gomamon and its evolutions, Armadimon has been more commonly associated with SlashAngemon, most notably in the Digimon Pendulum Z and Digimon Pendulum Z II.
Stages: Baby I: Tsubumon Baby II: Upamon Child: Armadimon (eng: Armadillomon) Adult: Ankylomon Perfect: Shakkoumon Ultimate: SlashAngemon
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torterracotta · 5 months
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I can not even fucking IMAGINE the discourse going on in those threads right now, oh my god 😬😬😬😬
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If i could digimon series, the squeal i guess.. maybe
Note: i came up with another 1 and typed it up, also the quote marks is because these tamers don't actually have crests, but that they fill similar narrative roles
Goggle-head (ie the protag), but whom is the twin sister of "friendship" rookie: Dracomon x - note: just to tell the 2 dracomons apart champion: Coredramon (blue) Ultimate: Wingdramon Dark: Dorbickmon MEGA: Slayerdramon Note: She's really into tokusatsu, it annoys her sister dearly, also she has a hard time trying to say "Aruraumon"
"friendship" (ie the lancer), but whom is the twin sister of  Goggle-head rookie: Dracomon champion: Coredramon (green) ultimate: Groundramon mega: Breakdramon Note: Cranky edgelord, just wants what she thinks is best for others, also she had a hard time trying to say "Aruraumon" and when the twins bring their powers together; ULTRA: Examon!!
male "Love/Sincerity" crest rookie: Aruraumon champion: Arbormon - note: it's kinda treated as a champion ultimate: Petaldramon - note: it's kinda treated as an ultimate MEGA: Bloomlordmon Note: is in their school's drama club, has on 1 occasion each has mistaken 1 of the twins for the other
"Knowledge/Reliability" crest, who may or may not play with air soft Rookie: Commandramon champion: Deckerdramon - note: it's a champion.. yeah... Ultimate: Gigadramon MEGA: Gundramon Note: he is a "westaboo"
"Hope" crest Rookie: Bakomon Champion: Gladimon Ultimate: Knightmon MEGA: Slashangemon Note: He's just a lower class-man that gets rapped in to this series of shenanigans
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sctvita1988 · 1 year
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#scottkeeney with #crestofkindness and my #digipartner #patamon aka #gankoomon #evoline is #botamon #tokomon #angemon #holyangemon and #slashangemon is a #digifanart is complete! (at Ashville, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkldZDcOgUt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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digi-lov · 8 months
Our man finally made it into the Reference Book!
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A Dominion Digimon also known as a phantom. Dominimon does not answer in any way to the angelic chain of command, and instead acts on its own. When an especially threatening enemy appears, Dominimon will join forces with Digimon such as ClavisAngemon and SlashAngemon to defeat it. A rare type that suddenly manifests via mutation when the balance between the light and darkness of the Digital World is disrupted, Dominimon is almost never sighted. Valuing all life as a collective over any single entity, Dominimon does not consider its own life especially important. In order to escape a tricky situation, it will perform a death-defying attack without hesitation. In Dominimon's Final Excalibur technique, it pierces enemies with a blade of energy that manifests on its arm. For Zero Heavens, it fires superhot lasers in every direction from the shields on its shoulders. Finally, during its Devotion Field move, it emanates a holy aura from its entire body, sacrificing some of its own lifeforce to grant power to nearby angelic Digimon.
Also Luxmon and ArkhaiAngemon!
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sabedilemon · 1 year
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Valentimon Level: Perfect (Ultimate) Attribute: Vaccine
An Angel Digimon that first appeared on Valentine's Day. Clad in a red heart-like garment, it acts as an emissary for love in the Digital World. Its four wings of pale flames light its path of righteousness as it ends conflicts and brings Digimon together. Its Special Moves are burning away the opponent's fighting spirit with a flaming arrow ("Amorous Flame") and healing the Digimon around it with a romantic aura ("Lovesick Cure"). Suggested pre-evolved forms: Pidmon / Piddomon, Angemon, D'Arcmon, FlaWizarmon, Pucchiemon, Shadramon, Meramon, Boogeymon
Suggested evolved forms: ???, ???, ???, ClavisAngemon, SlashAngemon, Seraphimon, Ofanimon, MarinAngemon, LordKnightmon
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
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Ni's list of favorite digimon 💖
※ I'm using official names, and some dub names. Please check the visual list of digimon from Wikimon page for deets on them.
※ BTW, no order in particular; Long List. Also it might get updated every time i remember of a mon or a new mon is announced and becomes a fave.
[Latest update: Mar/18/2024]
Baby I
Sunmon & Moonmon
Zerimon & Conomon
Baby II
Gummymon & Chocomon
Patamon (+ Tsukaimon)
Terriermon & Lopmon (+ Terriermon Assistant)
Falcomon (both versions)
Kudamon (both versions)
Agumon (+ BlackAgumon/YukiAgumon)
Elecmon (+ Elec Violet)
Impmon (+ Imp X)
Muchomon (+ Penmon)
Bokomon & Neemon
Sitermon Blanc
Coronamon & Lunamon
Gabumon (+ BlackGabumon/Psychemon)
Burgamon (+ EbiBurgamon)
Pawnchessmon (both)
XV-mon & V-dramon
Tailmon (+ BlackTailmon (Uver.)/Mikemon)
Greymon (both versions) (+ Grey virus)
Garurumon (+ BlackGarurumon/Gururumon)
Seadramon & Airdramon
Betel/Kaus/Wezen/Gulus Gammamon
Galgomon & Turuiemon
Kyuubimon (+ Youkomon/Kyuubi Silver)
Shoutmon King ver.
Wizardmon (+ Sorcerimon)
Leomon (+ MadLeomon)
Firamon & Lekismon
Knightchessmon (both)
Burgamon Adult
Tyranomon (+ DarkTyranomon)
IceDevimon (y'know the joke on "Ace" part lol)
Firamon & Lekismon
Starmon & Revolmon
Perfect (dub-Ultimate)
Paildramon & Dinobeemon
Archnemon & Mummymon
MetalGreymon (+ MetalGreymon Virus) (both)
WereGarurumon (+ BlackGarurumon)
Canowissmon & Regulusmon
Flaremon & Crescemon
SuperStarmon (+ DarkSuperStarmon)
Rapidmon (perfect) (+ BlackRapidmon)
Taomon (+ Doumon)
Aegiochusmon (+ Holy/Dark/Green/Blue)
Meicrackmon (normal & Vicious Mode)
Ultimate (dub-Mega)
Imperialdramon (DM/FM/PM) (+ Imperialdramon Black DM/FM)
Ophanimon (+ Falldown Mode)
Seraphimon (+ BlackSeraphimon)
Cherubimon (+ Vice)
Rasielmon (+ Raguelmon)
Kuzuhamon & Sakuyamon
WarGreymon (+ BlackWarGreymon)
MetalGarurumon (+ BlackMetalGarurumon)
Beelzebumon (both versions) (+Blast Mode)
Agumon - Yuuki no Kizuna-
Gabumon - Yuujou no Kizuna-
Siriusmon & Arcturusmon
Apollomon & Dianamon
Mervamon & Minervamon
Ancient Garurumon
Ancient Irismon
Ancient Sphinxmon
Ancient Wisemon
Ancient Mermaimon
Lilithmon (+ Lilith X)
Rosemon (+ Burst Mode)
Ravmon (+ Burst Mode)
Mercurymon (dub- Merukimon)
Gaioumon (+ Itto Mode)
Holy Beasts (Qinglongmon, Baihumon, Zhuqiaomon, Xuanwumon, Fanglongmon)
MetalSeadramon & GigaSeadramon
All V-mon armor!
Thunderbirmon & Rinkmon
Rapidmon Armor
Loweemon & Duskmon
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Crossover Idea 4
 DC & Digimon crossover where the Batfam have digimon partners, and an entrance to the Digiverse via the Batcomputer.   Alfred meeting Thomas and Martha when they were younger via getting dragged into the digital world and staying in touch into their adulthood. Why did Alfred willingly move into Gotham? It honestly couldn’t be much crazier than the rest of the things they went through as kids. 
 Bruce probably learns about the digiverse when he was 8, after his parents’ deaths, via Alfred taking him to meet their partners. He wasn’t expecting to get a friend but honestly he really needs one.   He definitely spent part of his training trip in the digiverse, using the time difference to his advantage and learning how to fight not-human things. Which comes in handy more than a few times. 
 Each child he takes in keeps finding their way into the digital world until he gives up and brings them himself. It wasn’t like he could stop any of them from continuing to be vigilantes, but at least this way they’re not alone.   It’s like an open secret of Gotham that the batclan have some sort of creatures, most think they’re some sort of familiars or something similar. Which I suppose isn’t too far from the truth. Sure is a surprise to outsiders like say the Justice League though. 
Some Digimon info: 
In-Training Form (Baby form, usually small & weak) Rookie Form (Form usually stayed in)  Champion Form (More powerful & usually larger form) Ultimate Form (Another power increase, takes even more energy) Mega Form (Trainer & digimon form into one being of extreme power) Crest (Item that assists in digivolving from champion to ultimate forms) Digivice (Item used to read cards, give info on digimon, and/or enter the digital world depending on the series) Digital Field (An area with a barrier of fog where the digiverse and physical world have weakened and let things through)
Alfred (Crest of Sincerity) Gurimon | Gammamon | Tuskmon | Triceramon | Azulongmon
Bruce (Crest of Loyalty) Tokomon | Tsukaimon | Devidramon | Cyberdramon | Machinedramon
Barbara (Crest of Friendship) Yokomon | Sparrowmon | Coredramon | Hisyaryumon | Slashangemon
Dick (Crest of Hope) Yaamon | Impmon | Xiquemon | Huankunmon | Xiangpengmon
Jason (Crest of Reliability) Poromon | Hawkmon | Aquilamon | Garudamon | Beelzemon
Cass (Crest of Knowledge)  Salamon | Gatomon | Swanmon | Karatenmon | Kuzahamon
Duke (Crest of Kindness)  Tsunomon | Kunemon | Seasarmon | Okuwamon | AncientSphinxmon
Steph (Crest of Honesty)  Minomon | Wormmon | Hudiemon | Eosmon | TyrantKabuterimon
Tim (Crest of Courage)  Poromon | Muchomon | Owlmon | Halsemon | Vajiramon
Damian (Crest of Patience)  Pinamon | Falcomon | Shurimon | Crowmon | Ravemon
Terry (Crest of Light)  Tsumemon | Demidevimon | Pipismon | Regulusmon | Megidramon
Jarro (Crest of Love)  Puyoyomon | Jellymon | Mantaraymon | Whamon | MarineAngemon
Honestly there’s probably more (I know there’s more kids lol) but honestly their potential partners and friends and whatever else is up to you all lol; These are just my current ideas/thoughts (There’s links to each digimon on each different one lol- though if a link doesn’t work I apologize) Gimme any thoughts and ideas you have tho lol
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katiebug586 · 5 months
Sit Down, Shut Up X Digimon AU
Honestly, the 'I am going to create an crossover that is so doesn't make sense' image sums this up nicely regarding niche special interests and hyperfixations.
Either way, for those of you who aren't aware, Sit Down, Shut Up is a 2009 animated sitcom created by Mitchell Hurwitz, the creator of Arrested Development. While it is generally thought of being either a 'you love it or you hate it' show, it has a special place in my heart and despite its raunchy/lewd humor, I find it strangely comforting to watch.
And because I've been getting back into both Digimon and Sit Down, Shut Up as of late, it is only natural that my brain has the 'genius' idea of combining the two. It started with the innocuous question of 'What would the cast be if they were Digimon?' which is something I've asked for multiple other fandoms as well, such as Pepper Ann, Braceface, and Fillmore! to name a few.
I don't have much of a plot super specific to the show in a Digimon setting, but I do have an overall plot which I tend to use in most of my Digimon x (show) AUs involving the 'Digital World' being a near copy of the human/real world, with monsters having jobs, children, school, that sort of thing. All without knowing they're living in a simulation. The characters eventually find out they DO live in a simulation by another race foreign to them (humans), and find themselves having to go to the 'real world', where they find themselves facing a brand new threat, the Seven Great Demon Lords; seven powerful creatures, each representing some type of vice, who were created by the humans to purge the simulation and start over.
But some of them have their own interests in mind…
That's the usual scenario I use when 'brainstorming' (haha daydreaming) but with Sit Down, Shut Up I could go for less of the adult 'raunchy humor' everywhere, and instead incorporate more of an intense/edgy feel more geared towards adults with some added adult humor, rather than the moreso 'for kids' I would do for say, a Fillmore! or Pepper Ann Digimon AU.
Because it's eight champion-level (unless stated) adult Digimon who work in a digi-school and can barely tolerate one another, with some tolerated less than others. Then, everything they've known to be true is revealed to be a lie and they're forced to team up with those same people and kinda try to maybe understand them?
Now, I could see petty drama and 'canon-typical behavior/adult humor' at first being the norm, (kind of like how the sitcom only got thirteen episodes, which is usually when a Digimon season is still lighthearted. Unless you're Ghost Games that is. RIP Bokomon) but then getting Knight Of Cerberus'd and becoming significantly darker. Kind of like what Bojack pulled off, with the perfect mix of adult humor and a meaningful message.
You're probably wondering by now, what did my brain answer when asked that fateful question? Well, here's the Digimon I decided would fit and their lines! Rookie/Child forms are just here for reference, all are at Champion/Adult level unless otherwise stated.
Larry: Lopmon - Turuiemon - Antylamon (Deva) - Cherubmon (Virtue) (Can also become Vice if shit hits the fan)
Miracle: Terriermon - Gargomon - Rapidmon - MegaGargomon (May change Rapidmon and MegaGargomon if I find suitable mons)
Ennis: Elecmon (Violet) - Leomon - GrapLeomon - BanchoLeomon (Ennis is normally a GrapLeomon because I thought it would be fitting to have him at such a high level due to how 'great' he thinks he is and how he'd be himbo material if he wasn't so… Ennis)
Stuart: Guilmon - Growlmon - WarGrowlmon - Gallantmon/Megidramon (I thought Guilmon's/Growlmon's naivety was a nice fit for Stuart, along with the fact that they can and will fuck you up, e.g. Megidramon as an alternate digivolution)
Helen: Tsukaimon - Saberdramon - LadyDevimon - Star Beelmon
Andrew: Kotemon - Dinohyumon - Kyukimon - SlashAngemon
Willard: Piximon. Nobody knows much of his past, and frankly, they don't really care.
Sue: Haven't actually decided yet LMFAO.
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moth-thief · 5 months
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SlashAngemon BT16-035 U <03>
Mega | Vaccine | Authority
<Barrier> <Reboot>
[All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When a card is removed from your security stack, you may unsuspend this Digimon.
[(Rule) Trait: Also treated as [Angel].]
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drwormdcg · 1 year
Learning to Love Good Decks
Or how a timmy became a Spike and then a Mel
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TAK/CORE TCG September Evo Cup Top 16
A small recount about how during Digimon [BT5]. I broke taboo about playing the best deck in the format and how it affected me positively.
As TCG players we usually pivot away from [tier 0-1] decks due to the triviality of a relative power advantage over our peers, maybe the decks are perceived as easier, more linear, etc. But the truth is unequivocally good decks can teach you about aspects of the game which are mostly ignored by new players.
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I actually started to play this game around [BT4] in plain Yellow WarGrey Format, and my color of choice was red, I was piloting a [BT4] ShineGrey deck (one of my favorite cards ever, but thats a story for another time.)
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But then the infamous LordKnightmon tier 0 format came by in [BT5]. And I ended building the deck in question after it was favored in my pulls, Had to sell my soul for a pair of TKs and Pulsemon but every card I needed for the deck after that was actually fairly easy to get, so I said:
"what the hell I am expending so much in this game I may as well pick some wins."
What was the result? I performed like fucking ass for the first half of the format.
LKM was a good deck, the best deck probably, it had an unfair edge in it's ability to cheat out Lv5 digimon to the field as well as the best removal in the game by far.
With an ideal stack
The player can start the turn with WarGrowlmon, use its effect to do -4K
Evolve into LKM, attack, use its effect to play a Knigthmon which deal another -4K on play, finish its attack.
And evolve that new Knight into a SlashAngemon for -8K
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For a total of -16k damage for a total cost of 6 memory spread across multiple targets and 2 Lv6 digimon on the field. Mind you in a time period where removing a Lv6 or higher digimon meant either dropping a Gaia Force or getting Omnimon on the field.
But that was just a branch of all the possible routes you could go with it. With Angewomon you get access to lines in which you play a Knight and a Starmons or a BushiAgumon (maybe even 2) for a hit for game. You even have access to Lucemon for a recovery +1 if you need to stall.
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Just reading these card together explains the strategy in its barebones
For the first time I had a deck that gave me enough fuel to do tons of different things at any point of the match. My red ShineGreymon deck needed me to find tamers and build my guy, then swing at security and hope he would be alive next turn but LKM gave me a flowchart of questions and options at almost every relevant point of the game.
The deck was a huge toolbox with generous action economy. The problem was, you, the player, needed to manage those resources and find the shortest route to your win. It becomes a game about Macro. Do you extent early? Do you play defensively, count how many attacks your opponent has over you next turn. You gotta manage the Pickmon -1k you are missing to attack over that Hexeblaumon this turn before it becomes a problem, or maybe remove that blocker on field so you can go for lethal.
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I took LKM to the online Regionals and got beat by everything, Lilith-Loop, Hexeblaumon, Sec-con a scimblo black deck. But when I came back to locals, I started to win more games, not undeserved either I was just a better player on macro level. As minimal as it is just learning when to just straight up pass turn was really beneficial, I could identify that even though I was piloting the best deck, it still had a roll, LKM was a reactive strategy.
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By BT6 I started to pivot toward purple strategies, picked Titamon, legitimately not a bad deck but a much much more difficult one, in part because it didn't carry that generous action economy LKM had. In Tita you build an ideal stack, discard some cards, and with luck and care you will have from 2 to 5 security checks in one turn, with all the flexibility purple already brings to the table. We were still just hitting hard. But despite some learning rounds I was a much more confident player, Titamon had an excellent niche against the best deck at the time, GabuBond, because you could build a Lv6 blocker with retaliation abusing the way Rebellimon retains the effect even if it evolves on Titamon.
But I did dip back into LKM builds, Lordknigth-Dynas was a fantastic. Less strong comparatively to its predecessor but it carried this action economy that made me enamored with it on the first place.
In short, picking wins with a better deck will always be easier than with a worse deck, there's fun in being able to pilot a powerhouse. I dont have to tell you this but winning in cardgames is fun, and even tho losing can be fun, the root of said fun is having a chance in the first place. No one likes being the coughing baby . And sure, over favorable wins aren't fun either.
Playing a close to tier 0 deck in BT5 taugth me that, when your gameplan is working you get to learn a game about what do you do once your deck is working, in contrast to the struggle to achieve your gameplan in the first place.
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I now pretty much play only Mastemon, a deck historically known for being a deck about struggling to achieve its gameplan. (We find gatomon or we cry) But for me now it feels like its a risk I calculate before choosing the deck, rather than the blind gravitation to quirky off-meta decks I used to feel.
It will save me stress, to know that my Sakuyamon deck which is really inconsistent but has strong and satisfactory blow out. Will lose the majority of games it plays against a consistent aggro deck like Imperial. And it is the awareness of these weaknesses what allows me to play around them.
Maybe by the end not much has changed, I used to play quirky trashy decks, then I played LKM for a season and then went back to my jank. I am not a fantastic pilot in the first place but I like to imagine the humbling experience of being in the big chair changed the way I see the game, the decks I like, the options I can take when building a given strategy and the way I play the macro game. And I feel, if you are starting in any decent tcg and can afford it or have the chance be in a simulator or playing with proxies, try the best deck in the room. Even better, ask you friends to do the same, you will get a perspective change, you will play fire with fire and your piloting skills will be rewarded with some of the most satisfactory wins, and all you learn there, you will take it with you next time you show up to locals playing Black/White Diaboromon-Eosmon OTK
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orifumioshi · 9 months
I'll be at the hospital this weekend for my grandma so, I won't be here to witness the Digifes news which means, I gotta share my wishes of what I want to get from it before it happens ;3 (and maybe, movie wishes that can be "spoilers")
"Bokura no Digital World" 2023 version with Lastevo + 02beginning cast and why not a new arrangement?
Wallace new cast announcement (secret guest?) and Tada Aoi-san there for Terriermon and Lopmon uwu
New arrangements for "Break Up!" and "Beat Hit", maybe even Target. "Brave Heart" has many versions by now so no, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
New evo insert song with the style of "Sono Saki e" so I can cry with my snots making a mess over my keyboard xD
An equally emotionally devastating ending of AiM.
Grown ups international Chosen from the 02 Christmas episodes (kinda confirmed by now tho but, hope we get ALL the kids that appeared) new cast.
Ultimate evo for Shakkoumon to be Slashangemon and for Silphymon to be Valkyrimon ;3 (if jogress can still be used even without Tailmon's holy ring).
If we don't get jogress, oh well... I suppose that "completing" V-mon, Hawkmon, Armadimon and Wormmon evo lines is not bad either (also me an idiot: ULFORCE FOR V PLEASE!).
Movie length reveal.
The movie either to have a global theatrical (dub) release or stream at Crunchy or alike, please... I BEG YOU (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
Someone getting new evos? Not a fan of Agumon's "Bond of" evo but a deep part of me thinks it would be interesting for someone else to have this kind of evo.
More Armor evos (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
Special Digica Booster deck 02beginning themed with the 02 group + international Chosen.
A wink to Hime-chan and Nishijima-kun being dead :D *puts on clown wig*.
Someone visits Menoa at jail/Menoa is released ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The movie ending with everyone eating Daisuke's ramen uwu
New weekly anime series? More dubs for international folks and not just for US?
Digimon Survive 2 titled "Digimon Survive 22" (2022 xD) as a tribute to Adv02 *puts on clown wig*.
I guess that's all... For now (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Let's see if I have the gift of prophecy or if I'm a delusional idiot uwu.
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
Since you like Ceresmon, which Digimon Rookie do you pick for a partner to become that Ultimate level?
Floramon. Aside from Ceresmon, I love the Kotemon line i.e Choromon > Kapurimon > Kotemon > Dinohyumon > Kyukimon > SlashAngemon.
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sctvita1988 · 1 year
Patamon (Gankoomon) Evolved Lines from Digimon Fan Art.
Scott Patrick Keeney’s Digimon Partner Patamon (Gankoomon) is here! Baby: Botamon, Baby 2: Tokomon, Child: Patamon, Adult: Angemon, Perfect: Holyangemon, Ultimate: Slashangemon and Final Ultimate: Gankoomon is complete from Digimon Fan Art! Grey Kindness Crest of Scott Keeney.
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