#shout out to my frien
weird-cato · 4 months
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monikam in a dress
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binxdoesgaming · 1 year
Last ones fr fr
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Drew this Bundles a week or two ago. A few years worth of practice is actually pulling off.
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kanmom51 · 6 months
Came here for a bitch rant
Because I could and because I wanted to.
I'm going to say this.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, now that we all know that JM and JK are enlisting together, going to be joint at the hip during their 18 months of military service, all I want to say is:
I friggin' told you so!!!
I did.
I told you they are ok.
I told you not to worry, that nothing has changed between them.
I told you so.
But if you still don't believe me, please explain how these 2 young men managed to secure an enlistment together, as in going through the whole service side by side. And correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know this is a first time this is done with an idol.
Only the two of them.
None of the other, as the ot7s will butt in to say, super close members.
If it's about either of their stability, safety, mental health (and not about how close they are and need each other), how is it that out of all of the members it's ALWAYS the two of them? How is it that RM isn't the one to go with JK? How is it not Tae or Hobi with JM (the best friend and 'soulmate' - yes, I did that)? But it's not, is it? Because it's about JM needing to be with JK and JK needing to be with JM. Period.
And if you don't see that, if you don't understand that, well, yeah, I guess either you are purposefully evading it (will talk about that one) or are just plain %$^&*.
Also, have to say this as well.
Now that we know that not seeing them over the past months together meant absolutely nothing about their relationship. This whole process and getting this approved, it takes time. If they haven't been wanting this for a long time and if they still at present didn't want this, well folks, it wouldn't be happening. They want this. They NEED this. And let me tell you something (been a lot of that going around today), knowing this is happening, them being together through this all, with the plus of Jin being around for the first 6 months, means that as far as they are concerned, I will definitely be sleeping well at night. Of course I would rather none of them had to go to the military, but this, my friends, is what we can call maximizing the best of a shit situation. I can sleep well at night knowing JM will be safe (we all worried about his safety, let's be honest) and JK, well, the thought of him without JM by his side. His anchor, his safe place, his catalyst, yeah. I was worried. And now I actually have a smile on my face. Kind of had it ever since I heard this was happening. Every single time I thought about their enlistment over the past few days and everytime I will after they enlist. They are together!!!
Yes folks, you heard this from RM.
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Thank you oh wise leader for letting us know those two share a bed. Can you please shout it out for the ones sitting in the back?
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Oops. Sorry. I forgot.
But seriously, the way the two were flustered at the end. Priceless.
So yeah, I guess that was my bratty way of telling off "oh ye of little faith"...
Will this change things up in the fandom?
Well, do you really want to get me started on that one? Not sure you do. I guess I'll suggest you brace yourself for this one...
I will start by saying that my daughters are convinced. I mean, they have kind of been getting there over the past year with JK's lives and behaviour and their interactions when we got them. But this, well yeah, this is GIGANTIC. And if you don't see it, or won't see it, then it's a you problem, not a them problem.
I'm 100% sure there will be those that continue to ot7-fy their relationship. And don't get me wrong here, I'm an ot7 gal all the way. Love all 7 of them to bits. But whoever does not and will not see that JM and JK, their connection, their relationship is just different, well they have an issue. And they will continue with this. Because for many of them to admit that JK and JM are closer with each other than with any other member, to admit that they are even the best of friends, is super problematic. Admitting that throws them straight into the boiling water. Admitting that means seeing it all. Seeing everything (the physical and emotional and sexual behaviours between the two). And doing that means two things. First, admitting that the two are together together, as in a couple, as in actually have sex with each other (to the homophobes among them that is a big no no). Second, to those who have this need to glorify the 7, and not understand that within those 7 are seven human beings with relationship that are not equal to one another. JK and Tae's relationship is unlike JK's with Hobi or JK's with RM and so forth. But more so, having a couple in the mix in their minds is possibly the beginning of the end, which is damn stupid, cause these two have been together for years now and are more ot7 than any claimed ot7 out there (you know, those claiming to be ot7 who constantly ignore or overlook Jikook interactions or for the matter of it, overlook JM, period). So, I kind of predict that won't be changing.
The spin-masters (TKKs, Yoonmin's etc.), well, they will keep on spinning. But not because they don't see it. No. But because they do!! And they need these stories and theories and plain ass stupidities to try and explain it away. The fun part about this one is seeing how every single time their story gets blown up to smithereens by facts, much of the time coming from the members themselves, but also from Bighit or others.
So, to sum it up, nothing is going to change, lol.
Well, maybe, just maybe, some of the reasonable ones out there, those that don't have their feet planted roots deep in the ground, those that do have the ability of critical thinking, they might just see it for what it is.
And if they don't well, wait till those two's travel show comes out, cause from what I'm seeing (from them - depends how it's going to be edited, but then again, how much can you edit out?), it's going to be wild.
Anyways, I do think I'll be back to post about the live, but in any case, will use this opportunity to wish all four of them a safe enlistment. May their basic training go by as fast and as easy as possible (it's going to be so cold...), and may these 18 months go by as fast as possible, but how ever fast or slow they go, I hope they keep safe and can be as happy as possible while serving their country.
I, for one, can't wait for them to come out on the other side.
See your hectic asses for Festa 2025.
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joedirtymadre · 2 months
You might as well make bothersome a series frien I needddd that part 3🥹🥹🥹
Bothersome - Part 3
“Law! Luffy!” You cried out. You watched as the two were thrown from Doflamingo. You were finally in the last battle, finally about to end this nightmare on Dressrosa. You watched as your ex-captain’s sword was tossed to the side. You were injured and struggled to move your aching body, but forced yourself to the sword. “I can make it, we’ll win this,” you whispered to yourself as you reached out to the weapon.
“Woman,” you heard a booming voice over you, causing you to freeze. You slowly turned back, seeing the large warlord loom over you. “You’re in the way,” he said as he picked you up by your hair. “Let go!” You yelled as you struggled.
“Don’t touch her!” Law yelled as he quickly stood up. “Or what? You guys are on your last breath, before you fall over dead,” he laughed as he tightened his grip on you. You screamed as he had you hanging in the air by your locks. “(Y/N)! Don’t hurt her, you bastard!” He cried out. “Huh? Don’t tell me you care about this girl,” Doflamingo cackled. “J-Just drop her, your fight is with me!” He replied.
“No, my fight is with everyone who opposes me. But now I’m interested… seems like you two are close,” he smirked as he placed a finger to your neck. You flinched, “DON’T!” Law screamed. “One move and it’s her life,” Doflamingo smirked. You watched as Law stayed frozen, as he watched you struggle helplessly. You slowly reached down your leg, and grabbed a small knife from your side pouch. “Now Law I’ll give you 10 seconds to stop all of this, if not then say goodbye to your girl,” he laughed.
“(Y/N)!” You heard Luffy’s voice yell. You noticed Doflamingo turned his attention to your captain. This is your chance. You quickly sliced at your locks, allowing you to fall to the floor. As soon as you hit the floor you ran towards the sword. “You bitch!” Doflamingo shouted. “Law!” You yelled as you kicked the sword with all your might towards him. You watched as he quickly caught it, “Thanks (Y/N)-ya,” he smirked. You smiled and began to escape from the battle-
You suddenly felt a piercing pain run through you. You grunted as you looked down to see a puncture wound through your stomach. “L-Law? Luffy?” You called out, before falling to the ground. Before falling you noticed the shocked looks on the captains’ faces. As your vision grew darker you heard distant shouting, before your vision finally went black.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Can you hear me?” You heard a voice call out. You slowly opened your eyes, your eyes adjusting to Law looming over you. “Thank god, I thought you wouldn’t wake up,” he said as he pulled you into a tight hug. “Ow, ow… Law too tight,” you said softly. “Sorry, but I’m glad you’re ok, (Y/N)-ya,” he said softly. “Did we win?” You asked. He slowly nodded, “Yes! We did it!” You smiled and now it was your turn to pull him into a tight hug.
You quickly realized how awkward it is to hug your ex-boyfriend/captain. Making you pull away, you then turned your attention to your wound. You were covered in bandages and patches, “Did you patch me up?” Law nodded, “I wanted to make sure you would pull through,” he said. “Thank you,” you smiled. You slowly stood up, and noticed Luffy on the ground passed out. “I should take him to Chopper,” you said. “I’ll help you,” he replied.
The battle was finally over and everyone was patched up. Well… almost patched up. It’s still awkward between you and your ex-captain, just being around him makes you feel all sorts of ways… “God, what the heck is wrong with me?” You sighed to yourself as you sat by yourself on top of a building, viewing all the wreckage. “I don’t think anything is wrong with you,” you heard someone giggle as they approached you. You turned around to see Robin.
“Hey Robin, how’d you find me?” You asked. “Chopped mentioned you were going to go find a place to think. So I just scouted around until I saw you,” she explained as she sat next to you. “Ahh, so what’s up?” You asked. “Nothing much, just wanted to see how you’re doing. You lost a lot of blood,” she said. “I did? I’m not sure what happened after I blacked out,” you confessed. “Well… we don’t know the full story either, but I can take a guess that someone was extremely careful trying to patch you up,” she smiled.
“I see… hey Robin can I ask you something?” You asked as you faced her. “What is it?” She replied. “He really hurt me Robin, but he’s doing all these things and I don’t know… It reminds me of why I fell in love with him back then… but is it right to go back with someone who hurt me?” You asked. “That’s a tough question (Y/N)… on one hand, in your eyes he’s redeeming his past. On the other hand, you’re afraid that he’ll hurt you again. I guess… in the end it depends on you. Are you ready to try again? Can you 100% say that you’re prepared to be in a relationship with him again, and understand the possibilities that could occur?” She asked. “Ughhh… why is this all so complicated?! I wish I was a snail, a snail doesn’t have to worry or think about any of this,” you sighed.
Robin laughed, and slowly stood up. “It’s a tough decision, but it’s yours to make (Y/N),” she said. “Though it seems you might not have more time to contemplate,” she said as she walked away. “Huh?” You questioned, quickly turning around to see Law. Your eyes widened, “Oh… hi,” you said softly. “Hey (Y/N)-ya,” he replied as he walked over to you. You watched as he leaned on the half wall that you were sitting on.
“How are your injuries?” He asked. “Fine, just some pain here and there, but I can’t complain,” you smiled. “That’s good,” he said softly. You both stayed silent, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. More comforting, relaxing. “Law… do you still have feelings for me?” You asked abruptly. “I do,” he replied. “Why? I’m not special or anything,” you said. “I remember really liking your smile, it made me think of another person with a dumb smile…” he said softly. “Dumb smile? How romantic,” you laughed. “But then you would talk and it was even more nonsense, but it was cute… you would laugh and it would be over the dumbest joke ever,” he said softly, as you noticed a small smile on his face.
“Then what made you fall out of love, why did you say those words?” You asked. “To this day I still have no idea… and there’s nothing I can say to excuse it,” he sighed as he stared at the ground. “I ended up hurting the girl that used to make me feel something… And to this day I don’t know why…” he said. “I see,” you said softly. “I know my words can’t be forgotten, but you have to believe me. I still love you (Y/N),” he said as he turned towards you. You both stared into each other's eyes.
You quickly turned your head away, “Y-You’re right… I can’t forget. I’m scared that… that you’ll hurt me again, and that’s not fair to me,” you said. Law stayed silent. “It hurt having to abandon what I used to think was my home, and my friends and family. All because you had a bad day and decided to say something you didn’t mean,” you sighed frustratingly. “How do I know you won’t do it again?” You asked.
“I have no way to prove to you I’ll do better, but I do love you (Y/N). Just one more chance,” he pleaded, as you felt arms wrap around you from behind. “I… alright, I’ll give you one more chance,” you said softly, almost afraid he didn’t hear you.
You felt himself freeze up, “Do you mean it? Do you-“ you cut him off. “But I have some rules…” you said quickly. “Alright, I’m listening,” he said softly, as he held onto you. “I plan to stay with the Straw Hats… for now. I can’t just throw myself into this relationship, I-I don’t fully trust you yet,” you confessed. “I understand,” he replied. “I know what your true goal is from creating this alliance, until then… Until we finally accomplish the goal, you have that amount of time to build my trust back,” you explained. You sat there, biting your lip waiting for a response. “Alright, I can do that. If it means you’ll give me another chance,” he said.
You slowly turned to face him, and wrapped your arms around him. Feeling his arms wrap around you too. You both stood there for what felt like an eternity, just holding each other. “Last chance Law, I’m serious. If you hurt me again you won’t ever see me again,” you said softly. “I won’t let that happen, I’ll prove it to you,” he said as he tightened his hug.
“When’s the last time you acted so lovey dovey?” You joked. “A long time… too long,” he said as he leaned down and softly pressed his lips onto yours. You tensed up, but slowly relaxed into the warmth.
“Ahem,” you both froze as you heard the cough. You quickly looked over to see Robin standing there. “Hi Robin,” you said shyly as you tried to pull yourself out of Law’s grasp, but with no luck. “Hello, you two. Getting comfortable I see,” she giggled. “Haha… yeah,” you laughed awkwardly as you continued trying to squeeze out. “I’m not letting you go anywhere,” Law smirked. You felt your cheeks heat up, and quickly stopped resisting. “Alright…” you blushed.
“Well I’ll leave you happy couple alone for now,” Robin smiled. “Bye Robin,” you waved. You then turned your attention back to the doctor with a frown. “What? I wasn’t done with you,” he said slyly. “H-Huh?” You asked, feeling your face explode. “I’ve missed that look,” he chuckled before pulling you into another kiss. This time you immediately melted into the kiss, excited but nervous about the future.
You wondered how this would end.
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years
Homage — Hunter x gn! human! reader
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Summery: Reader knew Luz since they were a kid. So when Luz shows up with a group of friends she made in a different universe, they try to catch up with what they missed. In doing so, they start falling for the sad but...well now he's just a sad boy.
tw: none
a/n: I didn't think I'd write for awhile after my 'No One Like You' series, but @moringmark 's comics have given me inspiration. Should I make a part 2?
Keep in mind this was all made before season three!
wc: 1.9k
Master List
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Camila was friends with my mom back in high school. They always hung out with each other, which led to Luz and I becoming friends. In fact we were basically siblings. We definitely acted like siblings.
So when I heard that her mom was sending her to a camp called 'Reality Check', I was astounded. I mean Luz's imagination made her an interesting person to be friends with. We'd always  come up with fantastical stories and pretend to be the main characters. It's something that made Luz charming, even if she would get in trouble...a lot.
So, I bought a necklace that referenced Azura The Good Witch, a book we both enjoyed. I made sure she got it before leaving since she wasn't allowed anything that was imaginative.
That summer was more boring for me.  I stayed home when my mom went to visit Camila. I mean what was the point? My mom didn't mind since she trusted me. I was 17 after all.
I would text Luz, checking up on her. But her replies were...very dry. I felt concerned about that because normally she was very expressive with her texts.
When Luz came back something was...off. She was more jittery and she would forget things that we used to do. She was more tame and she seemed distant from me. Not to mention I didn't see her with the necklace I gifted her the day before she left to camp. Then, my mom told me that she hasn't been in touch with Camila for a few weeks. So I decided to stop by and check in on Luz after school.
I knocked on the door. I heard shuffling, before the door opened to reveal Camila.
"Oh!" She exclaimed with surprise. "(Y/n), I wasn't expecting you."
"Yeah," I smiled back. "Is Luz free? I was wanting to hang out."
"Oh dear," I heard her mutter. "Come in, I'll go see."
I gave her my thanks as I went to sit on the couch. I checked my social media as I waited. I heard footsteps coming down the creaky staircase and turned to see who it was. There stood Luz as she stared at me, a shaky smile adorning her face.
She seemed...different from the Luz that came back from camp. I mean on one hand her hair is longer and I don't think hair grows that fast in two weeks. Not only that, but her stare was one akin to that of someone meeting another they haven't seen in a long time. And I don't think two weeks constitutes that. She dashed towards me and squeezed me in a hug like her life depended on it. I let out a gasp at the force and wrapped my arms around her, still confused.
"Hey Bubba," I said. "Is something wrong?"
"I missed you so much (n/n)," She cried into my neck. Laughing slightly and pulling away she continued, "Boy do I have a lot to tell you."
Camila brought us both some tea and sat with us. Luz then went over how she never made it to camp, that she found herself in a magical universe that had witches, demons, and more. How she made friends there and even went to a school for witches. How Belos was also human but tried to wipe out all witch kind. And how she was forced to escape when the Collector started to take over.
I took in all this information and...I didn't know what to think. Luz made up stories all the time...but this one was so detailed and she looked dead serious. But if she was gone, who came back from the camp? And Luz answered that as well, as they were a demon from the same universe that Luz went to.
"Wait, you got a girlfriend?" I exclaimed with wide eyes.
Luz stared at me blankly, then shouted, "That's what you got from all that?"
After that I came over more. I helped Camila with whatever I could. I met all of Luz's friends. They were really nice. Currently I am helping her make dinner. Hunter joined not too much later, asking how he could help. So Camila had him set the table as the food was almost done.
"Thank you for setting the table Hunter," Camila thanked, before she called everyone to come down for dinner. He smiled sheepishly as we all took our seats.
That's something I noticed, Hunter was always trying to help Camila out. It was sweet honestly. I recall that Luz mentioned he didn't get complimented often, so that's why he probably did the chores all the time. To get complimented by Camila.
Once we all finished eating, I started to pick up the dishes.
"Oh, I can do that-"
Luz got cut off as Hunter took the plates from my hands, "I got it."
I trailed behind him and said somewhat awkwardly, "I'll help. I can rinse and dry the dishes and you can wash."
He nodded and we proceeded to wash the dishes. I kept glancing at him. I found myself growing fond of him. He tended to be quiet, and he seemed closed off, but he was nice. Not to mention he looked pretty. Could you blame me for admiring him? I've never seen anyone like him before. His blonde hair always seemed to be messy, and his eyes were a dark shade of magenta, reminding me of cherry wine. I noticed he had a gap tooth that I found adorable but I won't let him know that. His eyes weren't the only unusual feature he had, as his ears were pointed. The others had pointed ears too, but for some reason my eyes were always drawn to his.
I dried a dish and put it away, glancing at Hunter once more, only to meet his gaze. I tried to seem unphased and sent him an awkward smile. He looked back down at the last pan that needed to be washed and I felt so anxious. The sudden need to get out of this situation rushed through my system as I felt embarrassed. I kept my gaze on my side of the sink, not looking up as he passed me the pan. I expected him to leave, I mean he was done with his part, but he lingered.
I heard someone whisper and I turned towards the doorway. Luz stood there whispering to Amity and the smile on Luz’s face scared me. She looked like she was up to something and I always knew that didn’t end well. Hunter followed my gaze and he frowned slightly.
“She’s up to something,” I heard him mumble.
“Yeah,” I nodded, going back to putting the pan away. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out terrible.”
I dried off my hands as Camila came in smiling, “Thank you kids. Good job with the dishes.”
I saw Hunter smile once more, and I replied, “Of course! But I should head home now.”
“Of course,” She nodded, patting my shoulder. “Don’t want your mom to worry.”
“Okay so we’re gonna have to split up,” Luz spoke up, gaining everyone’s attention. “Hunter, Willow, Gus, you’re with (n/n). Amity, Vee, you’re with me and mamá.” 
Today, we were going to the aquarium. Since Camila’s car could only hold five people, I volunteered to drive as well since I had my license. We all piled into the cars and I followed Camila. Hunter sat in the passenger seat, Gus and Willow in the back. The entire time Gus was in aw, staring out the window. I kept my music quiet, so I didn’t disturb anyone. 
Once we got there, we all made sure we had everything. Making our way inside, they started to group up. Amity and Luz stood together, being cute and all that. Vee and Camila stood back, watching the fish together. Willow watched as Gus put his face on the glass. Hunter was going towards Gus and I turned to go by Camila and Vee. 
“Why don’t you join us, (y/n)?” Willow called out, stopping me in my tracks. I turned and joined them. Willow kept an eye on Gus as he read all about the various fish. I stood awkwardly by Hunter as we watched them. I couldn’t help but notice that Hunter’s attention was set on a sawshark. I watched it as well when he spoke up.
“I thought you didn’t have demons?” Hunter questioned, glancing at me in confusion.
“If you think that looks like a demon, wait till we get to the deep sea area,” I countered with a smile. He tilted his head in curiosity, so I waved him to follow me. Willow and Gus seemed busy anyways so I didn’t see any harm in leaving them to watch the sharks. Hunter followed closely as we entered the dimly lit space. To our left was an angler fish, her antenna glowing, showing off her sharp teeth and gaping jaw.
“Only the females get this big,” I spoke up as he stared at the creepy fish. “They use their antennae to lure in their prey since it’s completely dark where they live.”
“Luz thought the demon realm had weird creatures, but the human realm isn’t much better,” I heard Hunter mutter.
I let out a light laugh, “Yeah, there’s a ton of creepy animals in our world, but we don’t really see them.” 
We continued on throughout the deep sea exhibit. I would give some offhand facts about the fish he seemed interested in (if I knew any). I internally patted my own back at the fact I had a phase where I was interested in creepy fish. Who knew I would use the information to definitely not try and impress someone I may or may not find attractive. 
“You sure know a lot about fish,” Hunter said after I gave him a fact about Vampire Squids.
“That’s because they’re a nerd,” Luz said out of seemingly nowhere. I jumped in surprise and turned around to see them with a smug grin. Amity stood next to them shaking her head slightly. “Oh sorry,” Luz said with fake innocence. “Did I interrupt your date?”
Hunter sputtered and my jaw dropped at her audacity, “Luz you little-” I would’ve chased after, if only we weren’t in a public space. 
“I tried to stop her,” Amity spoke sheepishly, then walked off to where Luz ran. She was very obviously hiding behind a wall staring at us and giggling like a maniac. 
“I’m sorry about Luz,” I sighed, trying to ignore the embarrassment that still rushed through me. “She tends to be eccentric.”
Hunter sighed as well before sending me a reassuring smile, “Trust me, I know all too well.”  And wait…was he blushing? Great. Now it was awkward again. I turned back to look at the red squid whose exhibit we stood in front of and I tried to get my mind off of what just happened.
“Uhm…” Hunter trailed off, looking at the side of my face nervously. “If it makes you feel better, Luz thinks I’m a nerd too.” I glanced at him, that definitely wasn’t the problem, but that piqued my curiosity. My focus drifted back to the magical boy next to me, our eyes meeting.
“About…um demons?” I asked, not fully sure about what there is in the realm he’s from.
“Magic,” He corrected, he looked to the side and hesitated before he continued. “Wild magic.” The way he said wild magic, it was like he was saying something that was forbidden. 
“That sounds cool,” I smiled. “Maybe next time you could tell me about magic. Luz hasn’t really had the time to explain anything about your realm to me yet.” 
“Oh, uh, y-yeah, sure,” Hunter said, stuttering, and omg the tips of his ears can blush? “Next time…”
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green-socks · 1 year
Teenage Dream
Pairing: Willard Hewitt (2011 version) x f!reader
Summary: Moving back home turns out more exciting than you'd thought when you run into Willard, your crush from way back.
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: rated M: car sex but not explicit, only mentioned. Aged up Willard so he's mid to late 20s in this!! They're at a bar but no one's actually drunk.
Notes: I don't know if anyone but me is into this but I just wanted to hear it for the boy. Give the boy a hand!! I love him so. Much love, as always, to @a-reader-and-a-writer for betaing and for putting up with my booty-calling ass at all times <3
If you've seen the video of Miles dancing to footloose while driving, that's 100% grown up Willard, just so you know.
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Moving back to Bomont didn't feel nearly as bad as you once had thought it would. Getting out for a few years felt good, sure, and seeing more of the world even better. But now it just felt nice to return home and be closer to your family. Besides, your work allowed a remote position, so it didn't much matter where in the world you were as long as the job got done. And Bomont allegedly had great internet these days, so you figured why not.
Your friend Iris from school had also moved back two years ago, so you knew there was at least one good friend there waiting for you already. It would be nice to catch up with her and be closer again.
And what better way to catch up than go out to the closest bar (which was in the next town) where the clientele wasn't exclusively well over 55. It was a good bar. They had great cocktails and gave discounts to anyone who sang karaoke, so the people were generally in great spirits.
Around midnight, after a couple of drinks that provided an unnecessarily vivid throwback to your teenage years and a powerful duet of I Will Survive, you were on the hunt for some water.
Stumbling right into the solid chest of an actual tall drink of water wasn't on your mission plan but you were willing to roll with the punches. Only before you even had the chance to raise your head and see who the chest belonged to, the man happily shouted out your name.
"Wait– Willard?"
(It really shouldn't have surprised you that in this corner of the world you always had a chance of running into someone you knew.)
That face you recognized. That face hadn't changed basically at all in the nearly ten years that it had been since you last saw him. The rest of his body was what didn't compute. The Willard from school had been tall too, obviously, but also kind of lanky with long flailing limbs. The Willard in front of you now was huge, with broad, strong shoulders and biceps that– okay yeah you were staring. But seriously, that t-shirt had to be a size or two too small.
The man himself fortunately seemed oblivious to your gawking, and instead wrapped you in a quick but enthusiastic hug.
"Great to see you! I heard you were back but didn't expect to run into you just yet. What's it been, nearly ten years? Man, time flies," he prattled on, releasing you and looking you over as if he was cataloging if anything had changed.
"Good to see you too," you finally managed, looking up at him. "Yeah, I moved back just three days ago. But you never left, did you?"
"Hey, I went to college!" He pouted in mock offense. "But yeah, then I came straight back. Big cities freak me out." This time he pretends to shiver. "If I need to experience the wild world for a weekend I go stay with Rusty, but otherwise I'm good here."
"Oh, how is she doing? I haven't seen her in years either."
"She's doing great! She lives with her girlfriend Annie now, and they have a really cute dog," Willard said excitedly.
You knew that Rusty had a girlfriend through Iris who was the one in the loop for all gossip and followed everyone on social media, still keeping up with everything. You hadn't bothered with that so much, but it was still nice to hear these updates. You hadn't been that close with Willard or his gang, but you had some classes together and became friendly enough that way.
"How about you?" you asked. "You and Ren still going strong? Still do everything together?" You smiled a little teasingly because this one you already knew the answer to. You had heard that they had mostly taken over Ren's Uncle Wes's car shop, and apparently business was going so great people came there from out of town in search of better service.
"I accidentally put on his shirt tonight because our laundry keeps getting mixed up. Does that answer your question?" he deadpanned, making you laugh.
"That explains it. I thought your arms looked about ready to burst out of that shirt."
You immediately snapped your mouth shut, feeling embarrassed. Why would you point that out?? He brought up the shirt and your mind immediately went there again, but you didn't need to say it for crying out loud.
Thankfully Willard only laughed. "I know right? I don't understand how it keeps happening, it's not like we even have the same size most of the time. You should have seen one time I put on his sweatpants to run to the store, I thought I was gonna get arrested for public indecency or something!"
You choked a little bit on your water at that mental image.
"I'm sure the old ladies at the market were quite delighted," you chuckled.
Willard snorted. "Yeah, I got some looks alright, though I wasn't sure if they were into it or if they thought I needed Jesus."
The two of you continued catching up, moving farther to the edge of the dancefloor where you could talk without having to shout. You had no idea how much time had passed until Iris came to knock on your shoulder. After greeting Willard, she turned back to you, pulling you aside to talk a little more privately.
"How would you feel about me staying here in town for the night? We can totally head home together, but I have a chance to get laid if I stay here. Maybe you could get a ride with Willard?"
"You wanna go and have a sleepover with Alex?" you teased her. You knew Alex was her regular companion here, that she was kind of hoping would turn into something more, so you couldn't begrudge her.
"Could I?" she tried a half apologetic, half pleading smile. "You and Willard seem to be hitting it off." Her eyes were pointedly looking in the man's direction, who was still hovering a few feet behind you.
"Speaking of which. You didn't warn me he looks like that now!" you hissed. She was the one who was supposed to relay all the interesting knowledge to you!
"Well, I mean, he doesn't do anything for me. I didn't think it was important," she shrugged.
"But you know I was super into him in school, obviously he does it for me!"
"That was ages ago! I'm barely into people I liked two years ago let alone in school!"
"But it's Willard," you gesticulated broadly with your hands, hoping to emphasize the point.
"Alright, fine, I understand. But we're getting off track here." And with that Iris side-stepped you to talk to the man himself. "Hey Willard, could you take her home tonight? I'm staying in town, but I trust you to keep her safe," she smiled sweetly, playing all innocent.
You noted three things. One, she used the words take her home, and you were definitely going to kick her for that later. Two, Willard didn't even need to be buttered up, because of course he would help an old friend. And three, he honest to god puffed out his chest at Iris telling him he was trustworthy. Even tipped his hat, giving her his word that he'd take care of you.
Goodness gracious, you might not survive this night.
"Are you sure it's not too much trouble? And that you're good to drive?" you wanted to check.
"I've only had one beer tonight, I'm cool. And it's no trouble at all, I promise," he smiled.
With that, Iris took her leave, but not before giving you a hug, demanding you check in later, and threateningly muttering something about crushed testicles to Willard. He looked appropriately nauseated.
Clearing his throat a couple of times, Willard turned to you again. "Uh.. uhm, do you want to go home right now or, uh, do you wanna dance for a bit?"
"I could dance for a bit, yeah!" You were so proud of yourself for sounding totally cool and normal.
The dance floor was unfortunately packed because the night was at that point where everyone had had just the right amount of liquid courage to let loose.
But no one let loose like Willard.
You had never before danced with a guy, or anyone really, who was so willing to absolutely tear up the dance floor with no regard to how it looked. Of course, Willard looked fantastic – Ren was a great teacher after all – but more important was the fact that he was genuinely having fun with it.
It was infectious. Not just to you, but to the people around you as well, though it seemed Willard was unaware of the effect he had.
You were breathless with laughter, and sweaty as hell, but you didn't mind. That is until the song switched to something slower and sensual, and Willard held you so close you knew he could feel your sweat-soaked back. What had started as an overexaggerated "sexy" grind making you laugh wasn't that funny anymore. It had morphed from a joke into something actually hot, and you were breathless for a whole different reason.
Before you could get too in your head about it, the song changed again, this time to an upbeat rock song. You continued dancing, but the energy from before was gone and the crowd on the dancefloor was thinning, so you noticed another need taking over.
"I'm kind of hungry, would it be okay to leave now?" you asked, shouting up to Willard.
"Sure, what did you have in mind?"
You wanted a burger. So that's what Willard got you.
The night air felt exceptionally lovely after the sweaty bar. You ate your burgers on the bed of Willard's truck, because he was surprisingly strict about not getting a mess inside the car.
On the drive home, you talked more about what both of you had been up to in the last almost decade, while still jamming along to the radio. There was no stopping Willard.
"In college Ren dragged me to cheerleading tryouts. He had that gymnastics background and thought it would be fun, but, honestly, back then I thought that cheer was just for girls. I obviously don't think that anymore." He rolled his eyes – you did too. "Anyway, I got sucked into it. Now I coach two teams, so that's a lot of my free time spent with that. It's gotten pretty popular in Bomont lately!" he gushed.
"I don't doubt that, with you coaching," you chuckled.
"What do you mean?" He glanced at you.
"You know, 'cause you're so likable. You're the kind of person who gets others excited too, and I'm sure you're a really great coach."
"Oh. Thanks."
Willard was trying to hide his smile, but there was no hiding that blush. You thought it looked adorable.
As the conversation went on, you moved from trading stories to light flirting and playful banter, the mood in the truck relaxed but cheerful. At one point you made Willard laugh so hard he had to pull over to an empty lot not too far from home to avoid crashing. After the last giggles subsided into quiet hiccups, you just continued talking. It took you nearly thirty minutes of conversation to realize that a) Willard never started the car again and you had just been standing still in that same spot where he pulled over, and b) you two had drifted closer to each other while talking, so much so that Willard's face was mere inches from yours.
Which made you realize your gaze kept dropping to his lips a whole lot. They just looked so.. kissable. You'd always thought so. His lips looked so soft and plump, his smiles so warm, that you desperately wanted to lean in and get a taste.
It was nearing two am but you were wide awake, nerves alight with excitement from Willard's proximity.
And unless you were much mistaken, his pupils were fairly dilated, looking at you just now.
"In my experience, if someone looks at your lips a lot it means they want to kiss you," Willard murmured quietly.
You couldn't even bother to pretend to be embarrassed about getting caught.
"Yeah, I think that's true," you breathed, looking into his eyes that were now boring into yours.
"Do you think it's true or is it true?"
"That doesn't make any sense."
"Yes, I want to kiss you."
"Oh thank god," Willard groaned and cupped your cheek, pulling you in the rest of the way.
2:24 am
"Should we stop? You said you don't want your truck to get messy," you panted.
"I've had a shift in priorities. I no longer give a shit about my truck," he murmured into your neck without even stopping the movement of his hips.
Your text to Iris at 2:59 am:
I may have just lived a teenage dream of mine and fucked Willard Hewitt in his truck. Now home ok. Talk tomorrow❤️
You fell asleep immediately, and let the responding reaction gifs and exclamation points be tomorrow's problem.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
i ADORE your oneshots ❤️ could you write something like: you're at a friends party, where you meet JQ (who happens to be a friend of a friend of a friend...). just like everybody else you don't mention that you know Joe/ that he's famous. Later in the evening you begin talking and flirting with him. Make the ending that you think fits (smutty or fluffy, anything's fine)
Omg I adore you anon 🥰 I'm not feeling too good tonight, so I hope my writings up to a high standard for you!
Thank you so much for your request and a huge thank you for your patience in being answered angel x
Warnings: flirty full fluff
Word Count: 2.4k
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Not Just A Surprise Party.
It all started with a surprise 30th birthday party for one of your closest friends in the whole world, you'd managed to get out of working your extra hours just to be able to attend and it was something you weren't going to miss for anything. As you and the other guests started to arrive early before the birthday girl made her appearance, all groups mingled in every corner of the room, clinking drinks together and laughing in high spirits, people who your friend had met in all her walks of life with a few acquaintances and plus one's in between.
The moment you were all huddled around the corner, sniggering and shushing one another to be quiet as it was made known quite suddenly that she was in the car park with her sister and mum about to come inside, you were pushed next to the side of a new yet familiar face. "I'm so sorry, I was shoved into you." you whispered as you saw nothing but earthy brown eyes staring back at you, a slight smile rising. "It's no problem, love. Shove me all you want." You both let out a giggle turning to face the front doors, not the time to be flirting. The lights halted, and you were all waiting in complete darkness now. Your friend walked into the room and in an awful unison, you all shouted out "SURPRISE!" Yeah, the real scenes of a surprise party were never like the perfect reactions in the movies.
You all quickly spread back apart, looking to the side of you the mysterious guy had been dragged back by his friends to their table they obtained together. You shook your head from your thoughts and went over to greet your friend in a hug asking all the irrelevant questions she'd probably already been asked by 75% of the people there. 'Were you surprised?!' or 'Did you have an incline at all?'
Champagne bottles were popped by the workers at each table, buffet carts filled with party foods and snacks delivered which were tasty as hell, you all piled your plates high. Whilst in mid conversation with one of your friends at the table, you glanced over to his table, you were still trying to figure out why you recognized him, but you kept it to yourself, but you were caught and looked away quite abruptly when you noticed his gaze was burning right back at you.
Within the next hour and a few glasses of champagne deep, you were practically hauled over to the bar by your girlfriends as they insisted on tequila and plenty of it. 2 shots each to be precise. You all the held the usual routine of licking the salt, taking the shot and sucking the life out of the lime wedge one by one, howling with laughter at each other's reactions; yours was of the course the one that got the most attention by the second when you lent your arm over the bar and almost regurgitated your food back up, heaving so melodramatically. The sounds you were making so loud, it pricked onto the ears of other groups of people too who were pointing and laughing, including the guy who had clearly had a hold on your thoughts and vice versa, specifically now.
Of course, you weren't sick, and you continued to drink like it'd never happened, you just had to get over yourself and the embarrassment first. Another hour passing by through glasses full on the tables and the DJ had eventually started playing the music louder, cheesy banger after cheesy banger, the lights dimmed down now everyone had finished eating and you and your friends were first up on the dancefloor when your excitedly and slightly merry minds were filled with the sounds of one of your favourite pop songs.
You were being watched as you had been pretty much from the moment he laid eyes on you, he'd tried to get as much information out of the people around him that knew of you and was pretty happy on what he received. His friend took notice of the way he watched you dance, twirling around the dance floor and singing your heart out to every song that played. "Mate, if you don't go over and talk to that girl soon, I'm going to do it for you." He pushed his friends arm playfully. "We already talked." he answered bluntly, a smile creeping onto his face mirroring the toothy grin you were showing whilst nailing every lyric. "I mean for more than 5 seconds." He flipped his friend a lone middle finger straight into his eyeline and walked on out of the entrance to light up a cigarette to allow himself to work up some courage and give him time to think on how to approach you at some point again tonight.
His opportunity was arriving in no time - you wandered out of the double doors looking up into the starry night, a cigarette hanging loosely on your lips as you crossed the opening of your denim jacket to hug you tightly as the cold air hit you. You didn't even notice him until you spoke.
"Need a light?"
Your breathing practically stopped as you turned around to see those beautiful brown eyes again, something so magical in them as you watched the sparkle intensify from the reflection of the moonlight.
"Lifesaver." You had a lighter, you just chose to use his instead. He held the lighter up to it, the flame surrounding the end as it set alight and you took a deep breath in, clutching at the cigarette between your fingers and releasing the smoke from your mouth.
"I'm Joe." that adorable little smile you'd seen earlier on was back.
"I'm Y/N."
"Nice to finally be able to put a name to the pretty girl that was 'shoved into me'." He held two fingers up either side of his head making quotations. Pretty.
You laughed and pursed your lips up to him. "I-I was!"
"Then why are you being so defensive about it?" the low chuckle that erupted from his chest which in turn had your stomach feeling like it was doing somersaults, you were acting so guilty over something that did genuinely happen by accident. You argued flirtatiously back and forth until you humoured Joe, pretending that his findings were correct, and you had meant to shove him to make your presence known.
You knew full well of why you had recognised him so much after talking to him outside and being able to get a good look at him long enough, but you never brought it up - no big deal, the flirting and flowing conversation took your mind away from his crazy celebrity status and maybe you'd bring it up another time if you ever spoke to him again after tonight, though it seriously didn't matter; he was just a normal person here at the party just like everybody else.
"Think we can go back in, I'm freezing." Not that he couldn't tell, he just didn't want the moment to end, the relief of nobody bringing up Joe's job up once tonight meant that he could truly be himself and he'd come to feel so at ease with you so quickly, he decided to throw out the first question that came into his head so he could keep you around him a little longer.
"If we go back in, does that mean you'll have a drink with me?"
"I'll think about it."
"I promise it won't be tequila." The subtle hint that he had seen you wretch at the bar before made your mouth fall open into an 'O' shape.
"Y-you saw that?" A mental facepalm moment.
"Oh love, we ALL saw that." He laughed and ushered you back inside before you could reply.
As you entered the warmth, the now extremely crowded dancefloor had your friends lost amongst somewhere in the middle, latching onto Joe's hand as he pulled you around the edges of the people, a few excuse me's yelled in between and straight over to the bar.
"What will your drink of choice be, beautiful?" Again, with the bloody pet names.
"Whatever you're having, I trust you." You don't even know the man, how could you even come out with that, must be the compliment and alcohol fuelled confidence.
Joe ordered two martinis and as he was prompted to pay, you tapped your card onto the machine paying for them both. Joe's head flew back in surprise. Didn't see that one coming.
"Hey! I said I was buying!"
"Just a way of an apology for 'shoving into you' earlier." Your hands reciprocated that of the quotation marks he'd made before.
"You seriously didn't have to do that."
You clinked your glasses together and sipped on your drinks, finding a quieter spot in the corner to enjoy your beverages and each other's company; a short-lived moment when one of your friends rushed over. "Hi Y/N and um guy I don't know. Dance. Now!" Joe shot a hand up to wiggle a wave at her as she pulled on your hand, stretching your arm out and you took a deep sigh internally. You hovered your face falling back to Joe and nodded your head to the dancefloor. "Fuck it, why not." You gave in pulling your weight down onto the chair and rose to your feet, grabbing at Joe's hand and pulling him up behind you to bring him along, leaving the drinks behind.
You made your way into the middle of the dance floor where you found the rest of your group and introduced them all to Joe. It was safe to say that Joe's dance moves were nothing short of hilarious, he was trying his best to sing every word he possibly could remember to the songs playing. The fact he was clearly not in the slightest bit phased by being a little chaotic in front of your friends, the certainty that he was doing all of this just to be around you was electrifying. The song ended and he uttered a smile so sweet and so personal at you that you couldn't quite stop the eruption of butterflies fluttering around your heart unanimously.
The cords of the next song began to play in slow motion, the Killers classic of Mr Brightside earnt a huge squeal from everyone in the crowd, an absolute drinking favourite. As the first verse started, you watched Joe as he mastered the lyrics, throwing his head back and hands in the air loving every moment, the bridge to the song had him intertwining his fingers with yours and raising your arm to follow his and the chorus saw you both jumping in unison together, not so much singing anymore but squawking right at each other, living for the moment completely.
As the song ended, Joe's friend had spotted him and launched himself onto his back without warning, you let go of his hand and began to bark laughter at the silliness you were witnessing when he turned around to hug his friend, delighted to be reunited after a short time. "You still crashing at mine mate, you'd better bid farewell unless you're planning on pulling her?"
Joe's brows furrowed at his friend, shaking his head mildly in a silent mutter of basically telling him to shut the fuck up before you heard anything. It was a fact to Joe that he was not the type of person to throw himself at someone when he'd only just met them, but he was instantly enamoured with you and it was hard not to consider it.
Your friend had noticed Joe's attention had been taken elsewhere by his and twirled you round to continue dancing, leaning forward into your ear she gave you the home truth you were already fully aware of "He's fucking gorgeous Y/N and don't pretend that you're not crushing because it's not like you to just randomly make an effort with a guy this much." You pulled the same face at her as Joe had previously just pulled at his friend.
Another interruption had you leaning your head back to find the face that had consumed your eyesight for the majority of the evening. "Can I talk to you for one second?"
Your friend listened in and leaned in-between you. "Make it quick, she's mine and I don't share my best friend well."
"I promise she'll be back to you soon."
Joe offered you his hand, hollered goodbye to your friends as he pulled you back into the cold night.
"One more before I go?"
Your heart sank at the realisation of him leaving, it was now or never, and you knew exactly what you wanted but you decided to wait till the very last minute to see what came of the moment.
You pulled out a cigarette from the packet and he lit both of them.
"This party turned out to be pretty good after all." Joe said shyly looking down at the ground and then slowly back to you.
"After all? You didn't expect it to be?"
"Not until this girl fell into me unexpectedly and had me gawking at her, then when we got talking, I got to find that she is as beautiful inside as she is out."
You moved closer to one another as you simultaneously took a drag from your smokes. "Oh, I heard about her; I think she likes you too."
"So, she won't mind if I-"
You'd had enough of the small talk, reaching your hand back so you didn't burn him with your cigarette, you met your other hand with his cheek, it stung a little at the warmth held on it, but the excitement overuled it, it remained there when your lips met his, slowly kissing into him as he returned it, only using his spare hand to pull you in closer by your waist.
The kiss was short but sweet and you pulled away, the familiar smile's that were once small, beamed.
"You think I can get your number?" Joe's voice hitched as he nervously popped the question.
"Only if you promise to call me tomorrow."
"Tomorrow's too long away, but I promise I'll text you as soon as I get home." He paused for a second, using any confidence he'd got left to let you know his deepest desire. "I'd love to see you again Y/N."
Joe passed you his phone after you flicked the butt of your cigarette away and tapped in your number, adding yourself to his contacts, passing it him back as he shot a look down to it. The contact information was open, and the name read 'Pretty Girl ❤' you'd not forgotten what he had said before in a hurry.
"Then ask me?" your eyes clashed a final time.
"Tomorrow to soon?"
"Tomorrow's perfect."
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treasar · 11 days
Hiii ( to anyone idk haha ) I am quite new to this app and came to know that there are many writers here and so are readers. I just want to upload a story, which writes out of boredom coz I want to know it is good or bad I mean like I know my writing is suck but, can't help :) I would be over the moon if you do give me your feedback an honest one of course! enjoyy! :)
“ and every time he leaves me lone “
“ he always tells me he misses it “ 
“ he wanna- “ 
“ Sweety, you’ve been listening to it for about three hours. “ Her mother suddenly burst into her room, startling the smiley girl. 
“ You scared me, Mom! I thought you were going grocery? “ The girl titles her head in confusion. 
“ Well, I was about to go but remembered that I have to cook for Grandma. “ Her mother says, taking out something from her drawer. ‘ That means… she is there all the time. Oh god, please tell me she didn’t hear my voice. ‘ she widens her eyes. 
“ It’s a new song, Mom. “ She awkwardly blurs out, receiving a nod from her mom. “ Where did I put my gloves? “ her mom whispers and then, leaves. 
“ That was close. I will instead read Webtoon now. “ She sighs, jumping on the soft mattress while opening her laptop. As soon as it’s opened, she gets a notification, saying 
A new chapter of DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR is up.
view / later
“ Wah, the chapter is shorter day by day and the drama is getting interesting. Why can’t Hybe release a film of that so that we can watch it all in one go? “ She dramatically cries and pouts.
She is about to close her laptop but, a certain something catches her attention.  
Click to download DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR
The girl frowns, feeling confused. ‘ Is it a virus? I have never seen this link in other chapters before. Am I seeing things right now? ‘ 
‘ Should I? ‘ She is debating whether she should click that link or not. In the end, her curiosity wins and would probably be grinning if it had a face. 
Please wait for a moment…
//////////  45%
“ Sweety, time to go to bed! Don’t make me come to you. You have school tomorrow. “ Her mother shouts from the kitchen. “ I will, Mom. I am downloading something. After that, I will go, Mom, “ she shouts back. 
She turns back to her phone and is met with a black screen. ‘ Huh? ‘ 
She immediately clicks the phone screen, thinking that the virus is already in her laptop. A young boy appears on her home screen, her favourite idol automatically a smile appears.
Without thinking twice, she taps the app and scrolls down. Strangely, it’s completely fine and there is no link at the end of the chapter. ‘ Okie, that’s strange. ‘ She thinks.
‘ Maybe I read Wattpad too much this morning that I am seeing things now?  ‘ She sighs. “ I swear I will be gone crazy if their concert also continues like this. “ She mumbles, switching off her lamp, and preparing to sleep.
“ Good night, world. A great tomorrow is waiting for me. I love myself. “ She whispers before falling into a deep sleep due to her tiredness. 
Just then, 
Your installation is completed!
100 %
Taps to view
“ Good morning, teacher. “ she greets the teacher, who she meets at the school gate. “ Morning, Yon. “ The teacher smiles in reply. 
“ Yon shiiii, “ someone calls her and she recognises the voice immediately, it’s her best friend, Sojo. “ Hey, Soju, “ She greets back but, meets with a welcome slap on her shoulder. “Yeah, how many times do I have to tell you that it’s Sojo! Not Soju! “ 
Instead of getting a reply from Yon, the other girl gets a giggle from her. “ Yeah! “ Sojo pouts. “ Sorry, no sorry it’s suited you well, Soju shiii, “ Yon says before running for her life. 
“ Euntae, help me, “ Yon says with a really wide grin, hiding behind that girl. “ What happened- “ 
“ YON!! “ Euntae facepalms after hearing a certain someone’s shout, feeling not surprised but disappointed. “ Not again. “ she mumbles under her breath. 
Not too long, an angry yet annoyed Soju-I mean Sojo appears, ready to attack her sweet friend yet enemy while Yon is using Euntae as a shield as if they both are about to start world war three.
Ring Ring
Well, this time, the bell saves the not-so-scared girl, named Yon. “ You better give strawberry smoothie not else say goodbye to your plushie. “ Sojo grins evilly. “ Noooo! Not my Layla, “ Yon dramatically cries. 
“ Fine, I will get you one. But, no tiger plushie then, “ Yon sticks her tongue, then walks into her classroom without seeing Sojo’s reaction. 
She doesn’t need to see them since she’s been friends with them for five years. Correction, best friends.   
“ Noooo- “ Sojo doesn’t have time to be dramatic since Euntae is dragging her. “ Let’s go! We are going to be late. “
    “ Alright, don’t forget to review this for tomorrow's quiz. I wouldn’t like to see one of my students didn’t pass it. I want all pass, okie? “ All students groan in reply. 
“ Alright, class is dismissed. “The teacher says while gathering all of her things. 
 “ Finally, lunch timeeeee! “ someone shouts with joy despite the teacher still there and then, one by one disappear into the cafeteria. Yon is the only one left in the classroom along with her class teacher.
She is also about to go grab her lunch. “ Yon? “ 
“ Yes, Miss Kim? “ her class teacher suddenly calls her, startling the girl a little. “ Can you take this to the library? “ She says while handing a thick yet old book to the girl. 
“ Of course, Miss Kim. What should I say or maybe where should I put it? “ The girl takes the book and carefully embraces it.
 “ Just give it to Miss Jang and tell her it’s from me. “ The girl nods in reply. “ Please excuse me, Miss Kim, “ she bows before she leaves. 
As soon as she opens the door, she is met with really familiar faces, who are no other than Sojo and Euntae. It’s normal for her because they always wait for her to go get lunch together. 
“ Let’s go? “ Sojo says and the girl shakes her head as a no. “ Sorry, I have to give it to Miss Jang. I’ll catch you up later. Don’t wait for me. “ She says, feeling a bit sorry. 
“ Okiee, you better hurry or else your food is mine. “ Sojo sticks her tongue in a teasing tone. “ We’ll wait for you there. See ya, “ Euntae drags the childish friend for the second time. She nods in approval. 
They all part away to go to their respective destination. It didn’t take long for her since the library is just four rooms away from her classroom.
Just as she is told to do, she goes straight to Miss Jang’s desk. But, she is not there. 
‘ She must be having lunch right now. ‘ She thinks. She places the book carefully on her desk and looks for someone to hand a message to. As expectedly, no one is here.
She gets a yellow sticky note and writes a message before sticking it on the desk. When she is about to join her friends, a sudden thing caught her attention. It’s her laptop. 
‘ I thought I handed it to Miss Kim? ‘ She frowns. It isn’t like that laptop is not allowed at school here. It is allowed only when it comes to computer science classes. But, it goes the opposite when it is a phone.
If they are not allowed to use laptops, they have to give them to their room teacher so that they can focus on their lessons without distraction.
“ I thought I switched it off too…? Wait, I was seeing things last night and now hearing things? “ She whispers, feeling more confused.
Without her knowing, she grabs it and opens it, wanting to check whether she is really imagining things or not. Much to her surprise, there is no sign of an opening laptop.
Just then, her laptop’s screen is glitching. It gives her goosebumps. Its glitching noise becomes louder and louder, causing her to cover her ears. 
Everything around her is shaking non-stop as if there is an earthquake. She immediately reacts to it and hides under a desk with a laptop in her hand. 
When everything is calmed down, a message appears on her screen.
Be careful, dear! 
Watch your surrounding.
She tilted her head in confusion. ‘ What? ‘ ‘ What is that? ‘ ‘ Is it a virus? ‘ Many questions are popping up in her mind. But, a loud noise snaps her out of her thought. 
Her head immediately turns to it. “ Who is there? Miss Jang? Is that you? “ She shouts, letting her guard up. She waits for a reply but, she gets none.
She stands up slowly not letting her guard down. She feels like someone has passed behind her. “ Who is there? “ 
No reply again. 
“ Who is it? Please show up or else I am reporting it to the principal. “ She tries to threaten although she is scared. Her leg is trembling so badly.  
Her eyes are wandering around, hoping to spot that person. Much to her surprise, she spots a book, that lying on the ground in an opening position. 
Despite being afraid and scared that she will get hurt, she takes a step slowly toward it, using all her strength. 
It's a leather book with golden decoration and seems like it’s an old book due to its old papers. 
She carefully picks it up and looks up at its place. But, there is no blank space strangely if it falls from the bookshelf while shaking. 
Just then, she spots a black shadow in the corner of her eyes. “ Who are you? “ She approaches slowly yet quietly. But, it disappears quickly. Yon doesn’t let it go this time. She chases after it. 
Without her notice, she reaches the middle of the bookshelves and still, there is no trace of that person. Her doe eyes scan around the room, but still no hints. 
Much to her surprise, a pair of hands pull her, covering her mouth, giving her no time to react. That is when a light flashes in front of her eyes and then, a thick black fog covers her. 
She feels like someone is choking her as she is struggling to breathe. Suddenly, she has been pulled again as if her soul and body are connected to their original place.
She grasped for air, unable to balance herself. When her breathing rate is normal, she looks up and meets with a familiar yet unfamiliar person.
A woman in her twenties looks at her confusedly. She appears to be kind and gentle. Her green suit along with the white soft scarf makes a perfect match with her hazel eyes. 
“ Are you okay, Alex? “ The woman spoke up in concern. ‘ Alex? ‘ The girl thinks. ‘ She is familiar. Where did I see her? ‘ The girl glances beside her. The place looks like a school but not her school and it’s oddly familiar.
“ Alex? “ A woman’s call snaps her out of her thoughts. “ Yes, ma’am? “ She answers with hesitation. “ What happened? Are you not feeling well? “ 
“ I am fine, ma’am. “ The girl smiles, assuring her. A woman checks her from head to toe, trying to find something wrong. But, none. “ Alright, I have told you what you have to know. Here, it’s your class timetable. “ She says while handing the girl a paper. 
“ Thank you, ma’am, “ she bows despite feeling confused. “ This will be your room, Alex. “ Both of them are in front of a certain door. Yon nods in reply. “ Alright, that’s all, I guess. Hope you will do your best here. “ 
“ Welcome to Decelis Academy, Alex, “ she smiles before walking away. The girl is so shocked due to a familiar world that the book and paper, she is holding are dropped to the ground. 
‘ Decelis? It can’t be… ‘
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plz I must be out of my mind thinking people will read this and like this- I am so delulu-
To read next chapter \^o^/
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justme315 · 1 year
Tiny best friend 2/5
First part:
Next part:
Fear, angst, treating a person like a thing, regret, hurt/comfort, it's more fluffy that the first part though
Jake stood there paralyzed with fear, tears streaming down his cheeks. During this time, Lucas looked at him with curiosity and an increasingly wide smile. The smile grew until the teenager finally burst out laughing.
"Oh my, am I going crazy?!" he whispered as the laughter in his mouth died. He clutched his forehead and looked back at Jake. "This isn't real, people don't suddenly turn into tinies" he tried to explain more to himself than anyone else. As this was happening, Jake looked up at his frien- ex-friend, both fearful and surprised at his reaction. He wanted to run but he didn't know where. The borrower was terrified, and by the moment he heard less and less of Lucas' mumbling, until finally the extremely fast beating of his heart drowned out everything around him.
"Am I dreaming? Is this just some stupid dream?" the human exasperated. Finally, he looked down at Jake again, who was clearly having a panic attack and was paralyzed with fear. Something so terrible couldn't be a dream. A nightmare at best.
"Jake?" Lucas timidly asked "Are you.. How did you change your size?". The two boys' eyes met for a moment. It seemed like Lucas thought that Jake had shrunk rather than it's his normal size. Was it something good? Did it change anything? Probably not. It didn't change anything for Jake, who couldn't stand being so close to someone so gigantic anymore, his heart was beating too fast and too loud, his thoughts drowned out Lucas's words, and his lungs couldn't get enough air. Luke leaned forward, then knelt in front of Jake. He looked down at him, his shock and disbelief turning to a warm look. He moved rather slowly, as if he didn't want to startle a small animal, something mouse-a-like. The borrower blinked a few times before snapping back to reality. He bit his lower lip and broke into a run. Lucas reached his hand to the borrower, trying to grab him. With all his might, Jake ran so fast that he managed to run under the cupboard and backed up so far that the human could not reach him.
"Jake!" Lucas shouted, trying to reach his friend. Jake backed up as far as he could, pressing his back hard against the wall. Lucas withdrew his hand and sat up straight, leaning against the wall. His mind was filled with questions: How is this possible? What is it about? How can a human become a tiny?! But the most important was..
"Jake, are you.. scared of me..? Is that why you asked about tinies? Is that why you panicked so much? Is it usual for you to size shift?" Lucas took a deep breath. He didn't want it that way. Neither did Jake.
"Jake.. I'm so sorry.. Okay, I said what I said, but it's not about you! I would never…" he stopped. The very thought disgusted him. How could he do that to his best friend? While he was thinking about what he said just moments ago, Jake was panicking, he sat up and curled up with his knees as close to his chest as possible and cried out in fear. He didn't believe the words Lucas said as if through the beating of his heart, tears and thoughts. He was scared. He was so fucking scared. He tried to control himself, he knew this house, and tried to find the best and closest way out so that he wouldn't have to be near Lucas for any more seconds. Unfortunately, this house was not inhabited by others of his kind, as far as he knew. He'd never been able to explore this place in his normal form, so he didn't know any tunnels, escape routes, or even if they existed.
"Jake get out!" Lucas tried to force the teen out. He may have had remorse and disgust at his own words, but Jake was still just a tiny at this point. Nothing more, nothing extraordinary. The human got up and walked over to the cupboard. Suddenly, Jake felt the world move around him, so he looked up to find Lucas moving the cabinet above him.
"There you are" sighed the teenager, setting the cupboard aside. He didn't even think that it was an incredibly dangerous move, he could've hurt Jake. Jake was paralyzed with fear again, new warm tears streaming down his cheeks as he lifted his head high to look at his former friend's face.
"Don't make it hard for me, kid" Lucas said, leaning in. The borrowers' blood ran cold and he broke into a run as fast as he could. Unfortunately, the human was much faster and immediately grabbed the boy, tightly squeezing his chest and belly lifting him up. Jake tried to inhale, but it was very hard. Not only was he panicking, but he was in the giant's hand and it was squeezing him. He was lifted close to the other boy's face.
"NO, please! Let go!" he shouted on a gasping breath.
"Stop fighting. I already caught you” Lucas sighed, loosening his grip. Jake breathe heavely. It wasn't looking too good for him.
"How did you get this small?" Lucas asked curiously. Jake swallowed. Maybe he still could make a chance to make things work out somehow.
"L-lucas, I'm begging you, let me go.." the boy cried. Lucas looked at him sadly.
"I didn't mean to frighten you" he whispered, as if he was afraid that even a little louder might make Jake have a heart attack. "I don't understand what's going on, but I would never hurt you." he added.
"You wouldn't? B-but you said.. you k-killed someone like m-me!" Jake panicked again, averting his eyes as far as possible from the giant teen.
"I'm sorry Jake. I didn't.. I didn't mean something like that. You are my best friend, although now you're really small, but you are very important to me, I would never hurt you. " Lucas answered. Jake looked into Lucas's eyes again. If the boy wanted to hurt him, he could have done it already, Jake was in his hands, defenseless. He had no need to pretend.
"I trust you" said the borrower, wiping tears from his eyes.
Maybe their friendship still had a chance.
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maltmealo · 2 months
Chapter 7: Doctor Sowa
"Cool! So your like robots!"
"No. We are not 'robots'."
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The swirling green and blue portal cut off your train of thought as you turn to watch military and delivery trucks come through, most of them carrying large amounts of crates or metal scraps.
“Prime! Where is this girl you were talking about?” One of the men who had come out of the lead vehicle shouts, another man following behind him. You feel tempted to shrink back and hide against the wall out of sight of the man but find it easier to shout back at him.
“Up here!”
The man and his companion's head snapped up toward your position, you couldn’t tell from where you were but it looked like you had spooked them a little, a smirk played on your face as you leaned on the railing, looking down at the men.
“Human, this is agent fowler, the liaison your government assigned us,” Optimus says as he holds out his hand for you to step up on. When you step onto his hand he lowers you to the ground as Bulkhead and Cliffjumper come into the room and start to unload the trucks with no difficulty.
“So you’re the portal person.” The chubby man says as he takes a step forward, a deep frown on his face.
“That would be me, nice to meet you, Agent Fowler.” You say, sticking your hand out for a handshake, he gives me a handshake and nods.
“A pleasure, as Prime said, I work as the liaison from the US government, my friend here,” he gestures to the dark-skinned man standing behind him, observing us closely, “Is Dr. Sowa, since we can’t take you to a hospital with your current…” He pauses and looks you over, “Uniqueness, he will be your doctor."
"Right," you say, giving a little wave to the Doctor behind Fowler, he doesn't knowledge you whatsoever.
"Dr. Sowa is mute, which is one of the reasons he was chosen for this position.” Fowler informs you, “He will also be in charge of your well fair while you're at the base and doing weekly checkups.”
Fowler continues to explain what will happen, you can’t leave the base, but the doctor will make sure your necessities are supplied, as well as doing weekly checkups to make sure that you aren’t dying or getting sick, yay. As Agent Fowler leaves to talk to Optimus you turn back to Dr. Sowa. He was a slender man wearing a lab coat with braids pulled back into a ponytail, and a black medical mask covering his lower face.
You take a deep breath and give him a smile, trying to seem as friendly as possible, he doesn’t react, was he shy perhaps? You step towards the doctor and smile again, doing what you did best, language.
‘Hello, doctor.’ you sign.
He seems a bit taken aback by your ability to sign but he quickly regains his composure and signs back.
‘You know sign language?’
“Yes, I was a linguistic major back home.” You chirp, clasping your hands together.
He doesn’t sign back but instead gestures for you to follow him back to the truck he came out of. As you follow you see a doctor's bag seated on the floor of the truck, he picks it up and points at you to sit down on the seat. You sit down and he pulls out the regular doctoring things.
“A check-up already?” you question. Now that you think about it, it made sense, giant robot doctors probably only knew so much, so it's probably best to be checked out by a human doctor.
‘Yes, hold still.’ he signs, beginning the check-up. After a couple of seconds of the usual doctor stuff your mind starts to wander to the hallway, had that been a dream? Who was the person who told you to run? Who was the guy that attacked you? Your mind was racing with the possibilities, maybe they were a god, or maybe related to these cybertronians, but the bigger question present in your mind dwarfed the rest, why were you here?
Snap snap. You jolt out of your daze, sitting straight up as you stare at the man in front of you. He looks up at you from his kneeling position and he taps your arm and then signs.
‘Pull up your sleeve.’ you open your mouth to respond but then decide to sign instead, best way to make friends was to make them feel comfortable, right?
‘I need to draw your blood.’
A frown graces your face, you weren’t big on needles but what needed to be done had to be done. You roll up your sleeve and look away, relaxing your arm as much as possible as you wait. A pinch and a couple of seconds wait and he was done, you turn your head to see him applying the cotton ball and medical tape to your arm, being incredibly careful to make sure you don’t bleed everywhere.
“Thank you.” you flex your finger experimentally, still working. He stands up from his kneeling position and cocks his head.
“For being gentle.” you pull your sleeve back down and hop out of the truck, “Is that all you need from me, Dr. Sowa?”
He doesn’t react, he was putting away the tools from his bag and setting the bag back in the truck.
“Dr. Sowa?”
He turns around and looks at you, something very wrong was about him, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on it.
‘That is it, I will be back next week for another check-up and supply delivery.’ He climbs back in the truck and slams the door in your face, the tinted windows blocking your view from seeing him again. You grimace and turn away, the doctor wasn’t one for ideal chit-chat apparently.
All the trucks had been unloaded and the boxes were laying against the walls in piles, Bulkhead and Cliffjumper standing off to the side and whispering, glancing back at you every once in a while, Optimus was still talking to Fowler, and Ratchet was still hard at work on the giant computer.
Now what were you going to do? You’ve already pondered, you’ve already talking with the doctor, everyone else seemed busy, and this was certainly not the place to have a mental breakdown. As you think, Agent Fowler comes up beside you and gives you a hard pat on the back.
“Alright kid, Dr. Sowa gave you the check-up, you’ve got enough rations to last you until next week, now your going to stay with these bots until we figure out what's wrong with you.” He says, watching towards the car, you couldn’t help but gape at the way he was speaking to you.
You stared at the swirling portal in awe, finally getting a good view of the blue-green light. The trucks drive through it and disappear, leaving you in the room with the metal giants. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as the portal closed. You continue to stare at the area where they left unsure of what do to.
"Fleshling!" Thudding, angry footsteps alert you to the red giants approaching form. You step back, growing increasingly nervous about his approach.
"Cliffjumper, right?" You ask, slightly panicking as he stops in front of you, looking down.
"Yes, that's my name, good to know you at least know the name of the person you bit!"
"Sorry?" You rub the back of your head, looking up at him, "to be fair, you did pick me up."
He goes quiet, scowling at you intensely as he kneels down.
"Do you usually bite people who pick you up?"
"Nobody usually picks me up."
"I'm not apologizing."
"Then I'm not either."
"You hurt me though."
"You scared me first."
He paused a perplexed and annoyed look on his face as he offered you his hand to step up on. You give him a look and take a step back.
"Optimus assigned me to be your guardian for the time being, so I'm supposed to make sure you're not getting into any trouble, so get on."
You sigh and step on his hand, falling onto your butt as he rises quickly. you could have sworn he laughed as he started to move quickly, leaving you gripping onto his metal fingers for dear life.
"Can you slow down?" you ask, trying not to freak out.
"Why? Don't humans like to go fast?"
"Not 14 feet above the ground!" You shout, closing your eyes, you were going to die again because some robot couldn't slow down!
"Alright, alright, here you go, fleshy." He chuckled, bringing his hand down, which you quickly got off of. The ground felt like it was shaking, was it an earthquake? You pause as you look down, it was you who was shaking.
"have fun?" Cliffjumper grinned crouching down.
god, you just want to go home.
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
I Don't Love You Rei Mikazuchi
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I Don't Love You Rei Mikazuchi
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I Don't Love You Rei Mikazuchi
Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Rei Mikazuchi Warning : Blood, Mention of death, Sexual encounters, friends with benefits, Angst
You lay there next to Rei, your mind pretty much blank as you lay there, wrapped in his arms. Your naked bodies pressed against one another tightly as you both lay there in your naked glory.
It was cloudy outside, and the sound of rain hitting the window sounded out, giving a relaxing atmosphere. The shadow of water droplets covered your bodies and the bed, the lining of the window leaving black shadow lines over your bodies as well. You sighed as you looked back, seeing Rei's relaxed face snuggled into the back of your shoulder. 'He's such a cutie when he wants to be.' You thought as you looked away, sinking into the comfort of his warmth.
You and Rei, are not a couple... in fact... there is no love in this relationship at all, you both met on a normal day, deep in New York City, you were out and about, looking for something to get into, and he was out on his own accord. You didn't know nor care to know why he was coming from that back alleyway, his black hoodie looking wet and goofy, all you knew was that he was cute. You both didn't hit it off immediately, it took time for that to happen, instead you both always met up in the most random of places.
Eventually, he finally approached you at a McDonald's one day, you were sipping on your drink, having just finished a burger, and you were looking out the window when someone randomly sat down in front of you. You looked over, and there you saw the mysterious hotty. A serious look on his face as he stared you down. You gave him a little way as you smiled. "Hi?" You said. He stared at you for a moment, before he got straight to it. "Are you following me?" He asked.
You shook your head at him. "I should be asking you that." You said. His frown didn't let up. "Don't play games with me, if you're following me then I won't hesitate to kill you, I don't care for outside interference." He said. You picked up your cup and you sipped your drink before you spoke. "I'm not following you at all, I just happen to be in the same areas you are in, it's strange but it's true. I travel all over this side of New York, it's my home, so I'm bound to travel all over it." You said.
He stared at you for a moment, before he stood up from his chair and left, you didn't see him again after that. It was months before you saw him again, you were just leaving your home when you were pushed into an alleyway, your mouth muffled as you staggered backward with the stranger. They held you tight, their hold strong. "Don't scream when I let go... I'm not going to hurt you." He said. Your eyes widened at the familiar voice, and you nodded. He released you and as promised you didn't scream and he didn't hurt you.
"YOU!? WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?" You shouted. He stared at you, unfazed. "Sorry about the abrupt approach, but I needed to speak with you." He said. You scoffed as you crossed your arms over your chest. "What the fuck is so damn important, that you gots to go and snatch me like a damn murder?" You asked. "It's about that day at the restaurant, I wanted to apologize for my rudness." He said. You stared at him like he was crazy. "That's all? You wanted to apologize to me for that?" You asked. He nodded.
You looked off as you shook your head before you looked back at him. "I don't care about that... I forgot that shit even happen... You had every right to be suspicious the way you did, I mean I would've been suspicious too if I were you, so no hard feelings, alright?" You said. He nodded in understanding and you nodded in return. "Good, now.... You wanna go grab a bite to eat?.... My treat!!... But we gotta stick in the dollar range, I ain't rich." You said.
He seemed to crack a small smile at that as he nodded. "Okay." He said... That was nearly a year ago. You were both great friends for a while, but you friendship took a turn after he came to your apartment late one night, seeking some form of comfort when one of his jobs took a turn for the worst. He was covered in blood on his entire left side, a dazed look on his face, and you snatched him in as fast as you could before anyone could see him.
"Good god, Rei. you look like absolute shit... What happened to you?" You asked him as you peeled his clothes off, being caution as you didn't know if the blood was his or not. "I mess up... I screwed up badly... I panicked... She was crying so loudly, and I didn't know what to do." He said as you undressed him. "Who was crying, Rei?" You asked him as you threw his shirt in the kitchen sink, you raced back over to him with a rag, and wiped off his shoulder, neck, and chest.
"The little girl." He answered, your hands paused for a moment before you continued to wipe him down, looking for any wounds. "What happened to make the little girl cry?" You asked him. "Her dad... I killed him... Killing is my job, its what I do... but... I wasn't expecting his little girl to be there too... I didn't know she was there, and after I killed her dad... She came downstairs and she cried... she was so loud and I didn't know how to make her get quiet so I..." He trailed off.
The room was silent after that, only the sound of you walking back and forth, squeezing out the rag, rinsing it, and going back to wipe him down some more. He didn't speak again until after you threw his clothes into the wash, only in his boxers as he sat there on the floor, numb.
You came back in the room, after throwing his clothes in the wash "I killed her... It wasn't a part of the job... It wasn't supposed to happen like that... I... I don't kill children... I never have... To kill a child... It felt so evil... so wrong... (y/n)... Am I evil?" He asked you as he looked up at you. Your heart clenched as you saw the broken look in his eyes, his hands shaking as he waited, hoping for an answer. You sighed as you walked over to him, you sat down next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling into your side, he fell over with ease, his head pressed into the side of your breasts as you grabbed his shoulder.
"No Rei... No, you are not evil... You probably did her a favor... I can't see her living to be normal after seeing such a traumatic sight, so you did her some good by killing her... Just be more careful in the future okay?" You said. He nodded his head as he wrapped his arms around you. You both sat there for a moment. "Alright, fuck off me, enough of that mushy shit, you need a shower, come on." You said as you eased him off of you, he sat up his eyes seeming less dull and slightly more eased than earlier. You grabbed his hand as you stood up. "Come on, I'll get the shower ready for you." You said a small smile on your face.
He stood up and followed you to the bathroom... You aren't sure how it happened, or why, but in that moment, you didn't care. Your breathless moans filled the steam-filled bathroom, your wet bodies rubbing against one another, your hand tangled in his hair while the other around his shoulders, your legs wrapped around his waist, your arms wrapped around you tightly as he thrusts into you rapidly.
The water runs clear and soapy around your feet, his once blood-soaked hair now clean with water. He licked up your neck, as he gave breathless moans close to your ear. You didn't question it, you didn't care, it was something you both needed, him more than you for obvious reasons... After that... It was normal to meet up for either sex or just to talk... Friends with benefits... nothing more and nothing less. It stayed that way for months, till this very moment, lying on the bed together, on this cloudy rainy day in New York.
"(Y/N)... I need to tell you something." He suddenly spoke. You hmmed in question, your fingers playing along the back of his up to his arms. "I'm leaving." He said, your fingers paused. "Where will you be going?" You asked. "Back to my home country, Japan... I've been given an assignment." He said. Your fingers went back to playing along his arm as you spoke. "What's the assignment this time?" You asked him. "My new assignment is a woman named Rino Kurayoshi, it shouldn't take me too long." He said.
You hummed at that saying nothing more as you both relaxed in the bed... No matter what happens, it shouldn't matter to you, because in the end, you weren't lovers, just friends with benefits... no feelings involved... that's the plan... that was the plan...but it honestly wasn't full proof... He left... and he never returned... it's like he forgot you ever existed, leaving you alone in your apartment, full of memories of him, leaving you heartbroken... But you weren't in love... You weren't supposed to be.
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bidisasterevankinard · 11 months
Fuck it friday
tagged by @bekkachaos @thewolvesof1998 @spotsandsocks @heartbeatdiaz @wikiangela @ebdaydreamer @honestlydarkprincess @transbuck @panbuckley
Thank you all loves 💙💙💙💙 And as many of my friens put f in fif I decdided to join too
Street dancer Eddie au got more and more spicy. Here more Buck in his wet for Eddie stage (I mean we all are horny for Eddie Diaz, aren't we?)
Song for mood
“Hi, everyone. I’ve just been challenged to show how I can dance, so If you don't mind, I'll put on a little show,” Eddie gives the microphone to someone in the crowd, after which he nods to the girl and “Beautiful liars” by Shakira and Beyonce starts to play. 
The whole bar shouts something encouraging and many whom Buck recognized by the call from the rehearsal are wolf-whistling from the side of Eddie, who as soon as the first chords of the song start, began to move his hips so that Buck swears all the blood in his body begins its way down. 
Because if Eddie's walk was inappropriate for the audience, then it's, it's just sex on stage. 
Eddie's body methodically moves to the music, so that all the muscles in his body magnificently shimmer from one movement to another. Buck is fascinated by how beautifully and aesthetically and so easily Eddie can move his body creating intricate movements, so that his waist attracts the eye, just asking to put hands on it, and his hips demand to grab them and leave marks. 
In the second verse, Eddie, like a real stripper, charmingly takes off his top, pretending that he got hot, but it’s who Buck gets hot. The guy doesn't even have six, but a whole eight pack. Buck has only seen this in porn. 
Eddie continues to dance clearly perfectly following the rhythm, but all Buck hears is the accelerated beating of his heart from the picture of strong tanned muscular shoulders turning into strong arms and a narrow waist, an eight that requires Buck's tongue to move so beautifully on it when Eddie makes turns. And oh this V-line that leads to Eddie's pants.
Buck never thought he could get so turned on by just a picture of someone dancing, but his jeans have become a little too tight, so he is grateful to his sister for choosing the white T-shirt that hides his bulge enough so that no one can notice how interested he is in dancing. Not that anyone was looking at him right now. All eyes in the bar are on Eddie.
Buck’s lips are dry and he swears there is a real desert in his mouth now, so he takes a sip of beer but regrets it when Eddie starts dancing the last chorus with a dance from the clip. Buck chokes a little.
Eddie’s strong hands move so elegantly, and his waist stands out even more and Buck seriously wonders if a person can come from the way he watches another dance without touching himself at all. Because it seems to him that he can do it now.
But the worst thing, Eddie keeps his gaze on him clearly seeing how Buck can't maintain eye contact for more than two seconds, constantly lowering it, not wanting to miss even one magical movement of sexy hips. 
But for his luck the song ends and Eddie puts on the tank top back and comes back to him. He holds Buck in his hand.
“C’mon, time for your first lesson,” Eddie's breathing hasn’t almost shortened at all and Buck wonders how strong Eddie's endurance is.
“I-i don’t think I can move like you,” Buck will just stumble over his feet and make a laughing stock of himself. “I'm really bad.”
“Did you dance in clubs?”
“Then you can do it. Just trust me. I promise we will not do something too complicated. Just moving to the rhythm of the music. And I still need to see how you move your hips. It's not fair you've already seen how I can, but I haven't,” Eddie looks around his whole body with a hot gaze, and Buck surrenders to hot brown eyes. 
Maybe he'll regret it, but right now all he wants is to snuggle up to Eddie, and then drag him away from the crowd and fulfill his dreams of his hands on his gorgeous body. Unfortunately, only his hands, because he needs his voice and ass tomorrow in the afternoon, replacing a guy from another shift. But maybe Eddie will want to do it again. Buck will try very very hard.
Tagging if they want to share : @911onabc @alyxmastershipper @cowboy-buddie @lover-of-mine @heartshapedvows @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @shortsighted-owl @barbiediaz @buddierights @spaceprincessem @housewifebuck @wildlife4life @hippolotamus @transboybuckley @devirnis @monsterrae1 @buckitup @mandzuking17 and anyone who wants to share
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Young Royals Season 2 play-by-play analysis
I should clarify that, as I reread these thoughts and delete some of them, I might be adding some stuff to expand on some ideas, that I wasn’t able to fully articulate at the time.
On to episode 3…
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I appreciate that Wille is doing what he can to improve things for himself, with both Simon and with his mother. And I feel for him and his frustration at not being able to make it work. Right now he thinks it’s that simple, it should be that simple, but it’s not. It’s going to take a little more work, a little more dedication.
“Prison?” August now realizing the legal consequences of leaking the video, and yet he can’t not be an asshole as he seeks help. “I wouldn’t have called you if I had anyone else to call.” August trying to make it very clear how he feels about his stepdad. I wonder if he feels this way because his mother remarried, because she remarried someone who is “just a lawyer”, or because of his feelings about the way that his father died, and about not having a dad anymore.
I think August really wasn’t aware that leaking the video meant posting child pornography, and this is really the first time he’s hearing it. The other two don’t sound technically as bad in comparison, he probably thinks he can get away with those two. But child pornography? That’s a Prince Andrew level of scandal. And now his stepdad knows too.
And so when Sara encourages August to confess, he already knows that there’s no point, it won’t get him out of it. Because that’s all he thinks about, getting off scott-free.
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Vincent constantly singling Simon out and berating him when he’s berating all of them… screw you, Vincent. “I always have to prove myself, otherwise he’ll just blame me.” It hurts that he’s so aware of it. Being in that school constantly makes Simon aware of how much he doesn’t fit in with his peers.
So are students at Hillerska not allowed to order takeout? Or would Wille get questioned by the Royal Court about why he’s ordering takeout for himself and his friend?
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The way Simon just went “nope” and stopped working out is so relatable (credit to @themarsbar for that gif, which doesn’t appear in the gif tab so I hat to manually look it up because it’s my fav) . I too would hate kicking my knees up in the fucking snow in the middle of the night. I do love that Rosh is helping him, even though she doesn’t consider rowing a sport. And I love that Ayub is sitting by himself in the fucking cold just to be with his friends.
Rosh: “it’s not because Wille’s on the team?” Simon: “No.” Rosh: “You seem to have trouble keeping away from him.” Simon: No answer…
“I just don’t understand why I can’t fall in love with him.” Oh baby, if only it were that simple. Just because you fell head-over-heels in love with Wille in, like, no time at all doesn’t mean that it’s always like that. You can’t force it. And Rosh’s face realizing that Simon is not a rebound guy, he’s a relationship guy, and he fell hard for Wille and that it’s not going to go away that quickly…
“I know I should feel okay that he’s seeing other people.” No, baby, nobody said that. You’re allowed to feel sad and angry and jealous. Things with Simon didn’t end the way you wanted them too, in fact you didn’t actually want things to end. It’s too soon. These two boys are so impatient.
“Here to see the socialist? But like he’s actually pretty decent”. It’s so annoying how Nils is often such an elitist, but like he’s forcing himself to be. He says something disdainful, but then he says something nice. Or he says something in a disdainful tone, just so that no one around him actually thinks he’s nice. I keep thinking back to s1e1, when Vincent shouts at Simon “can you sing louder?” Obviously to embarrass him. But when Simon walks past August, Vincent and Nils, Nils says “hey you’ve got good pipes” or something, but he says it in a tone that makes it seem like a backhanded compliment, it sounds like bullying, because he’s with his friends. God forbid he might be upfront and nice…
“When you’re struggling, it can be helpful to see someone like me.” Wilhelm realizing that Erik was not as perfect as he thought, that he also had struggles. “So that you don’t feel you have to risk hurting somebody.” Does that mean that Erik struggled with self-destructive behaviors?
“He was always saying that we should keep what’s private private. That’s how we were raised. Otherwise… otherwise people take advantage.” Wille, like Erik, seems to have a skewed perspective of what privacy means and what secrecy means.
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Wille’s whole confession about feeling lonely makes me so sad. He really feels like Erik is the only one who cared, and now he’s gone. “Then last year I made a new friend who awakened new feelings in me… in a way I wish I hand’t, it was better not knowing how it could feel…” Crying every single time…
It’s interesting how earlier Rosh was pointing out that Simon can’t seem to keep away from Wille. Maybe he is, but then he picks up the book that later Wille has to pick too because it’s the only one left, just by… coincidence? (No such thing. It’s the universe telling them something… *cough* soulmates *cough*)
Wille realizing that Kris by Karin Boye is basically about him… (and of course dear Henry being completely dense, love him).
Simon being conflicted about what he should tell Wille, because he doesn’t owe him anything, and yet knowing that Wille will be sad about it, and also knowing that there’s really nothing going on between him and Marcus (not from his side, at least) and not wanting to use Marcus to make Wille jealous or to simply be a rebound but actually knowing deep down that was the whole point of starting anything with Marcus. And then ultimately deciding that he doesn’t want Wille to be sad…
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Simon watching Wille’s face as he processes the information. He had already pretty much decided at this point that he wasn’t going to continue to pursue anything with Marcus, and Wille’s reaction pretty much cemented it. Just like Wille still cares about Simon, Simon unfortunately still cares very much for Wille. He’ll just have to get over him the old-fashioned way. By writing a heartbreak song…
Sara asking Felice to promise that they will find better new owners for Rousseau and then feeling betrayed when Rousseau is still sold to those people is very similar to Simon’s reaction when Wille said he wouldn’t say anything about the video and then doing the interview to deny it was him. Neither Sara nor Simon understand that Felice and Wille weren’t given a choice, their parents decided for them. As privileged as Felice and Wille are, they still have to abide by their families wishes, even if they don’t agree.
“Can’t forget our golden days.” If that’s not an on-the-nose reference to all the golden Wilmon moments, then I don’t know…
“There they are our fucking slaves.” Jesus Christ, Vincent, what a choice of words. And getting all high and mighty and getting in Henry’s face… What the actual fuck… What’s more shocking about this whole tyrannical tirade is that the Housemaster is just sitting there! The entire time, he’s sitting there, watching, like it’s no big deal, like it’s totally okay for Vincent to speak like that and to treat his housemates like that.
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When Walter comes to ask August if he’s coming to the shooting range, and August says “You can tell Judas that I’m not ready to make peace”… the irony, when he’s the biggest traitor of them all…
Simon coming into the frame as the lyrics say “I need you to hear what I mean and not what I say” as he heads over to talk to Marcus and tell him he’s not ready for a relationship… and then Marcus being pushy and not listening to him… ugh…
Simon asking Sara if she’s friends with August, and her basically lying. Or maybe it’s the truth. They are not friends. She blackmailed him into helping her get into Manor House, and now she’s horny for him. August, however, does seem to think he can trust Sara, and she revealed to him that Felice is the one who told Wille who the culprit was… maybe that’s what August thinks friendship is. August probably thinks that friendship is just convenience; you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. He probably also thinks that friendship has an element of idolatry, he idolized Erik in his time, and when he became the senior student and prefect and rowing team leader, he was in turn “idolized” (no, he wasn’t, he was tolerated, unlike Erik who, judging from the way that people talk about him, when he was still alive and now that he’s dead, probably was actually idolized, and August has not been able to replicate his popularity the same way, but since people still followed him as the leader then he thought he was doing fine… and now he knows he wasn’t). He thinks that his friends have all betrayed him… no August, your friends were never really your friends, and they’re done with your bullshit.
Sara rubbing in Simon’s face that he gives people second chances (“and third and fourth and fifth…”), but also kind of making it sound like maybe it’s not such a bad thing to give August a second chance. Maybe that’s the way she thinks now, because she’s getting closer to August… Sara had some very strict standards for Simon and then became upset when he disappointed her, but then she goes and makes similar mistakes, but doesn’t seem to be aware of how unfair that is.
The way she says to Rousseau “he’s going to see Marcus…” like she thinks it’s a good thing, like Simon seemed excited about it… the way she says in episode 2 “at least he doesn’t need rescuing all the time”… the fact that Sara hasn’t been home since the beginning of class and they haven’t hung out as much… it makes me think two things: that Sara doesn’t really understand or doesn’t perceive how messed up Simon is over his breakup with Wille, and therefore thinks that Simon is really moving on with Marcus, OR Simon has really kept all his feelings bottled up since before Christmas and therefore neither Linda nor Sara know really how much his breakup with Wille has affected him, and therefore Sara honestly thinks that Simon is moving on with Marcus (which would also explain why Linda was so enthusiastic about Marcus as well). I feel both might be true because of how much Simon doesn’t want to show how much things affect him because he doesn’t want to burden his mother with these issues, because he thinks he needs to be strong (“eres fuerte, Simon”), and so he has tried to force himself to move on or dealt with his emotions in private)… and therefore, if Sara doesn’t really understand how much this breakup affected Simon, how much Wille really meant to him, because she either hasn’t been there or because he hasn’t really shown her how he feels, then she doesn’t understand how desperate Simon is to move on and how much he’s still hurting. Not only that, she doesn’t seem to understand how traumatizing the video leaking was for Simon (after all, she was only really thinking of herself when it happened and it started to have a ripple effect, with their mum wanting to pull them both out of Hillerska).
And it makes me wonder what things would have been like between Wille and Simon if the video hadn’t leaked, what their relationship would have been like it their privacy hadn’t been violated… it sucks to go to that mentality immediately, that “everything happens for a reason” (not when it shouldn’t have happened), and it sucks because but maybe all of these terrible things that happened to them, as traumatizing as they have been, it forced both Wille and Simon to do some hard introspection, mature in many aspects, and find themselves coming out stronger out the other side… it sucks, because they’re just kids, and they didn’t deserve it… but also the only thing left to do in that situation is to focus on the positive outcome and work through the trauma… but I can’t help but imagine for them a life in which they didn’t unfairly get thrown into all this turmoil…
“I never said that I thought that you would hurt me.” Listen, Marcus, he doesn’t have to talk to you about this. He just said he’s not ready, he doesn’t know when he’ll be ready. If you’re a decent human being, you will back off. And why the fuck bring up the video???? This means that you know, you have known this entire time, about the video, about Wilhelm. You know that, if there are weird vibes with Wille, then Wille is definitely the guy from the video. You know that he’s probably trying to get over him… (and yes, you watched it, admit it, you watched it and you liked what you saw).
The rest of that conversation just boils my blood… “I know you don’t want to destroy something so beautiful.” Fuck you and fuck you for making Simon’s resolve weaken with your gaslighting and your superiority complex.
Sara doesn’t know that August has already looked into everything that could happen to him as consequence of the video, he used to think he was just going to lose everything because the monarchy would not tolerate it, but now he knows that he might even go to prison. Sara doesn’t, she still thinks he might want to redeem himself.
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Simon cheering for Wille during the competition, then promptly stopping when he realizes that Marcus is there.
When Vincent falls off the chair, Forest Ridge is still ahead. When Simon gets in the chair, they’re still ahead. It’s some time after that that they lose their lead, and lose. But Vincent still blames Simon for losing.
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Also August defending Simon in the locker room. Is he arguing with Vincent because he knows Vincent is wrong? Is it because Vincent pisses him off? Is it guilt because of what he did to Simon? Is it because Simon is Sara’s brother? All of the above? Also the “It doesn’t matter, it’s not real” argument because nothing matters to August anymore now that he doesn’t have the power. All the things that mattered so much to him are now so obviously pointless, he either realizes that it’s all meaningless, or he wants to diminish the significance, now that it’s not as important because he’s not at the top looking down
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Wille putting on a sad song because it’s the only way he can process seeing Simon kiss Marcus and Simon not being on the team with him anymore. Everything is crumbling, let me listen to sad music and look at pictures of my ex to make myself feel worse. We get you, sweet prince. Next season that photo album will be brimming with cute pictures, new pictures, happy pictures…
That’s not Drottningholm palace or Stockholm palace, is it? As any nerd of this show, I’ve done some research and can’t match the façade of the palace where August arrives to any of the royal palaces of Sweden… but it’s at the waterfront…?
“If, and only if, Wilhelm can’t stand the pressure to take over the throne…” interesting choice of words. She’s saying that only if Wilhelm can’t do it, if he doesn’t want to do it, if he chooses to abdicate, then August would be next in line. Does that mean that if Kristina doesn’t think Wilhelm should be Crown Prince anymore because of his choice to be with Simon or any other reason, as long as he’s up for it he will still be the Crown Prince? They can’t justify him not being fit for it, it has to come from him?
”This will stay between us”, she says, then she tells Wilhelm without hesitation. Maybe it was indeed just a plan. Probably Kristina did need to get a backup (she does say it wasn’t her idea), but the main point of it, especially the point of choosing August, was to light a fire in Wilhelm, make him want to stay Crown Prince, just so that August will never be. (And then Wille turns the tables majestically on her, pun not intended).
I appreciate that she clarifies that it wasn’t her idea, because under the circumstances she would never choose him, the motherly side of her would always side with Wilhelm, but… the queen side of her wins again.
August’s self-satisfied smile, urgh… he’s back in the game. But he can’t tell anyone. He’s just gonna be smug all the time.
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“How long do I have to feel like this?” Not long, baby, not long.
Every time… this scene… it’s like watching a train crash… but they both went in for the kiss at the exact same time. Felice definitely has some lingering feelings for Wille. And he knows she wanted him before, so maybe it would be pretty easy, this thing between them…? Let’s give it a try, perhaps? They’re both lonely, and he was desperate and she was not going to say no, so they basically kind of took advantage of each other.
When Felice stops, her resolve immediately weakens when he looks at her, because she probably got all hot and bothered, but she wants to check with him if this is okay. Wilhelm isn’t thinking, he’s desperate for touch, for getting Simon out of his head, for hopefully finding something equally as powerful with someone else, so he’s not even hesitating. He can trust Felice, she’s his friend. It’s not until Henry walks in that he snaps out of it, that he remembers where they are, who they are and what they’re doing, and now someone else knows. His privacy just keeps getting intruded upon…
(Next episode… ohmaigaddd, next episode, so tempted to rewatch just for the heck of it… )
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SFW Alphabet H.C with Taron Egerton.
Note: I'm so sorry for taking so long with this h.c. I've never done one of these I don't think so I hope that I did it justice.
A = Attractive (what do they find attractive about you?)
It may seem cliche but he really loves your eyes and how they light up when he locks eyes with you.
B = Baby (do they want a family with you?)
More than anything he’s ever wanted in his life.
C = Cuddles (how do they like to cuddle or be cuddled?)
Because his main love language is touch, he loves giving you cuddles any time that he can. It really doesn’t matter where you are, what you are doing or who you are with, he will always find an opportunity to have you in his arms. You love it though, being in his embrace always turns your day around and makes you feel safe.
D = Dates (where do you often go for a date?)
Occasionally you will go out to dinner but most of the time, you two will order your favorite food and binge watch your favorite show while you cuddle together under your most comfiest of blankets.
E = Everything (you are my everything)
He would rather show you than tell you😉😏
F = Feelings (how did they know they liked you?)
When you had breakfast and coffee delivered to his flat after knowing that he had an extremely long work day and didn’t feel like cooking anything for himself.
G = Gentle (are they gentle with you?)
He tries to be.
H = Hands (are they into holding hands?)
Besides cuddling you, this is his favorite thing to do.
I = Impression (what was their first impression of you?)
He was instantly drawn to you as he watched you read your favorite book at the table in the corner of the little cafe you were both in.
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous?)
Not typically but it depends on who you are talking to.
K = Kiss (how do they kiss you?)
You aren’t one to kiss and tell but if you had to give a small detail, you’d say that it was tender and passionate all at once.
L = Love (who said it first?)
He did.
M = Memory (what’s their favorite memory with you?)
The first time he took you camping…..it didn’t go well but it was a sweet memory and one that made you laugh whenever you thought about it.
N = Nurture (do they spoil and look after you?)
O = Outfit (do they like it when you get dressed up for them?)
Taron adores it. It makes him feel like the luckiest guy on the planet.
P = Pet Names (what do they call you?)
Besides the typical Cariad, he will call you babe/baby or honey. Sometimes he’ll even call you sweetheart but that is usually reserved for when you aren’t feeling good and just want to be clingy.
Q = Queen (who’s superior?)
In his eyes and because he loves you so much, he’d shout from the rooftops that you are.
R = Rainy Day (what do you two like to do on a rainy day?)
Play board games, play card games, read, slow dance to old classics. Whatever your heart desires really.
S = Sad (how do they cheer you up?)
He will let you lay on top of him while he sings softly to you and gently plays with your hair. It’s very coming to you especially since you can hear his heart beating at the same time. 
T = Talking (what do they like to talk about?)
Anything and everything.
U = Useful (are they helpful around the house/apartment?)
You both agreed early on that you would split the chores evenly, so yes, when he is home and not working, he is wonderful. If he is busy working, he will still do what he can.
V = Verbs (how do they describe you to everyone else?)
Sassy, sweet, funny, kind, caring, confident, bright. Basically, everything positive that comes to his mind.
W = Wedding (when, how, where do they propose?)
You aren’t one for big and over the top proposals so it was at home. Just the two of you as the sounds of the late night storm could be heard outside and you were wrapped up in each other’s arms.
X = Xylophone (do they play any instruments ?)
Not professionally but he is learning to play the guitar, he can play a little bit of the piano and there are rumors between his friends that he has started playing the ukulele because it’s your favorite instrument.
Y = Yours (do they get protective over you?)
Depends on the situation but yes, he does.
Z = Zoo (are they a fan of pets?)
He loves them.
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the-wize-1 · 1 year
Thawing the Widow: Chapter 1 - Ding Dong
Chapter Summary: Kimberly Kingston, a social services worker, is determined to have a meeting with Trevor Gray. Instead, she meets his sarcastic ten-year-old niece.
Chapter Warnings: Hints of child abuse.
Notes: Hey there! This is my first chapter of a new series following Natasha Romanoff accidentally becoming the guardian of a sarcastic but endearing 10 year old girl. Formatting might be off as I’m not used to Tumblr. Please let me know what you think!! Happy reading! Chapter 2 will come Thursday at 5PM PST.
Thawing the Widow Masterlist
November - Trevor’s Apartment
Ding-dong. Ding-dong.
Kimberly Kingston rang the doorbell for the third time.
“Mr. Gray! I know you’re in there! Open up, please!”
She was dressed sharply, in a navy blazer and matching slacks. Her tidy appearance was a stark contrast to the rickety old apartment, which was in ruins. The walls were peeling and stained, the carpet was shaggy, and it smelled strongly of smoke. On the way up, she’d passed several drunks. Throughout these five visits, she had added several notes to her official-looking clipboard.
Kimberly rapped on the door three times impatiently, tapping her foot. She was not usually an impatient woman, but she had visited the apartment three times, each time with no success in meeting Mr. Gray. He had sounded agreeable on the phone, but proved to be frustrating and unreliable. The first time, she had waited twenty minutes before getting an answer. Mr. Gray had called and said that he’d been out of town. The second time, his excuse was that he’d forgotten he had a poker game. The third time, he had simply locked the door and refused to answer until she left.
This time, he wasn’t getting away with it.
Trevor Gray had been made the legal guardian of his niece, Catalina, six months prior.
The girl’s parents had died in a gruesome car crash when she had been only eight. She’d initially been placed in the foster system, cycling through a variety of different families before they located her distant uncle, Trevor Gray, who agreed to take her in. Mr. Gray lived in New York, a drastically different environment than California, where the girl had previously lived with her parents.
Poor girl, Kimberly had thought. She’d gone through so much.
The first few months, social services had paid them a few visits to see how she was settling in, and each visit had raised no suspicion. However, a few months later, a concerned neighbor called in, suspecting domestic violence. The kind old lady who lived a room away had told Kimberly that she frequently heard shouting coming from Mr. Gray’s residence, accompanied by sounds of violence. After a quick round of interviews, this story was confirmed by a handful of neighbors around the area.
Catalina Gray’s teachers at school had told Kimberly she was clearly an intelligent student, but didn’t try in classes. She frequently got into fights at school, which was troubling. One teacher had reported seeing bruises on the girl in class, but when questioned, the girl had refused to explain why.
“Mr. Gray!”
Kimberly raised her hand to knock again but was halted by the door aggressively swinging open.
Kimberly, who had been expecting a malicious older man, was surprised to see a young, fair-haired girl standing in the doorway, nursing a mug of coffee that dwarfed her hand. The girl had wide, innocent brown eyes and soft features, reminding Kimberly of an angel.
Then the girl scowled at her. “Jesus, lady, could you be any louder?”
The visual of an angel immediately dissipated. The girl looked like she’d just gotten out of bed— messy hair, drooping eyes, wearing only a tank top and flannel pajama bottoms. With the coffee, the annoyance in her voice, and the bedragged appearance, she looked startlingly adult and not at all like a ten year old girl. Kimberly could only blink, momentarily wordless.
She quickly gathered herself, giving her a friendly smile. “Hello! I apologize for the noise. You must be Catalina.”
“Uh-huh.” The girl leaned against the doorframe, looking decidedly unimpressed. “Who’re you?”
“My name is Kimberly Kingston. I’m a social services worker.”
“Uh-huh. And you wanna speak to Trevor?”
The girl called her uncle by his first name. As inconspicuous as she could, Kimberly made a note on her notepad. “Yes, I’d like to ask your uncle some questions. Is he home?”
“Sure is. If you wanna talk to him you’d better wait till noon. He passed out drunk about twelve hours ago, dead as a rock. I think that’s the saying, anyway.”
Kimberly frowned and made another note.
The girl took a long drag from her coffee and made a face, which Kimberly might’ve found amusing, had she not been so dumbfounded.
“I suppose I should invite you in,” Catalina said after a while. She stepped further inside, looking at her expectantly.
“Oh!” Kimberly peered inside, noticing Trevor Gray, who was indeed passed out on the couch, beer in hand. “Are you sure your uncle wouldn’t mind?”
Catalina made her way to the couch. She waved a hand in front of his face. Her expression was unreadable as she glanced up.
“Like I said, dead as a rock.”
Kimberly stepped inside the apartment, briefly wondering if she was following protocol by doing so. She took it as an opportunity to observe the apartment. It was in worse shape than the outside. There were dirty dishes piled on every surface, old clothes strewn across the floors. Kimberly took note that Mr. Gray smoked. There was a pile of cigarettes sitting in an ashtray. Empty beer bottles littered the corners and the table.
The girl was watching her like a hawk. Her eyes, so dark and strangely intelligent, were following her as Kimberly paused by certain objects and scribbled in her clipboard. She had finished her mug of coffee and had set it in the sink.
“Why are you taking so many notes?”
“I’m just jotting down some observations. It helps me remember.”
“You want some coffee?”
“No, thank you.”
“What about cereal? We have Fruity Pebbles. Well, they’re actually the cheap ripoff version. ‘Fruity Crisps’. Tastes the same, though.”
Kimberly smiled. She was reminded of her sister’s kid, who also tended to jump from question to question with no transition. “I’ve already had breakfast, thanks.”
Catalina shrugged and yanked open the fridge. Kimberly glanced at the contents inside and noted that it was nearly empty. It was mainly composed of cans of beer, takeout, and energy drinks. There was no milk.
The girl seemed to come to this conclusion as well. She glanced up, surveying the kitchen. Her gaze drew Kimberly’s to an empty gallon of milk, sitting by the TV.
“Looks like we’re out of milk, too. Bummer.” Catalina looked at Kimberly seriously. “By the way, you should never use water instead of milk in your cereal.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Kimberly watched her shake the cereal from the box into a relatively clean bowl. The girl was oddly graceful, having none of the careless clumsiness that kids around her age had. She grabbed a spoon and plopped down at the kitchen table, clearing it from scattered Bud Light cans.
Catalina sighed. “Are you just gonna stand there or what?”
“Excuse me?”
“You said you’re a social worker. Social workers ask questions. So, go on. I know you wanna.”
“Well, all right.” Kimberly suppressed a smile. She took a seat across from her. “Catalina—”
“I go by Cat. Catalina’s stupid.”
“Okay, Cat. How do you like living here?”
The girl shoved cereal in her mouth like she hadn’t eaten in years. “S’alright,” she said around a mouthful of Fruity Pebbles. “School sucks.”
“How so?”
“All the kids hate me ‘cause I’m a Know-It-All, which is fine because most of them are dimwitted little jerks that I don’t wanna be friends with anyway. All the teachers hate me because of that one time I punched that little guy Moose. Ironic name, huh? Yeah, so I was like— pow! Right in the nose! He cried like a baby, of course, but no one ever blames the little guy, even when they’re the ones starting it. Oh yeah, so the principal hates me because I keep doing stuff like that, and then he has to fill out more paperwork. The only person who doesn’t hate me is the janitor...”
She suddenly looked down to where Kimberly was scribbling furiously. She caught a glimpse of the words on the page.
“You spelled ‘troublesome’ wrong. Thanks, by the way. I love being analyzed by random people I’ve just met.”
Kimberly quickly pulled the clipboard up from the table, away from view. “Oh, I wasn’t talking about you, sweetheart. I was just describing the situation you’re in as ‘troublesome.’”
Cat didn’t look convinced. “Uh-huh.”
“I can see you’re a very intelligent girl, Cat. Sometimes intelligent children need an outlet for their creativity.”
“That’s a nice way of saying ‘You’re a freak.’" Cat paused. “Sorry. Was that mean? Sometimes I say mean things. I have ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Sometimes I start talking and I just can’t stop. That’s why you’ve gotta stop me sometimes, when I’m talking. ‘Cause I just go on and on and on. See, I’m doing it again.”
Kimberly nodded. This conversation was getting off-topic. She searched for a way to get back to talking about Trevor Gray. “Does your uncle give you medication for your ADHD?”
“No.” Cat’s eyebrow wrinkled. “It’s not like it’s a disease, right? Do I need pills or something?”
“No, you certainly don’t. Does your uncle ever drink?”
Cat laughed like this was the most hilarious thing in the world.
“Okay, obviously he drinks. What does he usually drink?”
“Mostly beer. Bud Light, Budweiser, Natural Light. He keeps the hard stuff in there.” Cat nodded to the cupboard above the stove. “Rum, tequila, the goods.”
Her questions were becoming a lot less subtle. Cat seemed almost pleased to unveil the truth about Trevor Gray’s horrid parenting, so Kimberly pressed on. “How often does he get drunk?”
“He’s only sober fifty percent of the time. I’d hate to see his liver.”
“Have you ever been scared of him when he’s drunk?”
Cat froze. Her hands, which had been fiddling with her spoon, went still. She glared at Kimberly like she’d just been insulted. “I’m not scared of anything.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“I believe you,” Kimberly said steadily. She was looking at Cat’s eyes, which had turned from playful to defensive.
“Okay, good.”
“Has your uncle ever harmed you intentionally?”
Cat chewed her cereal slowly. Kimberly watched her closely, aware that she’d hit a nerve. “No,” she said calmly.
“Really,” Cat snapped, voice hard. “Back off, okay?” Her voice softened, and her eyes grew regretful. “Sorry. I was being mean again.”
“It’s okay. Really.”
Kimberly was suddenly struck by how much Cat looked like her sister’s kid. Justin had the same guilty look on his face after he knew he’d done something wrong. It shouldn’t have been surprising because the two were about the same age. But Cat’s way of talking and acting had been much closer to an adult’s than a kid’s. For a few minutes, Kimberly had forgotten she was talking to a girl who was decades younger than she was.
She could tell Cat’s walls were up from the last two questions. She was scraping the bottom of the cereal bowl, not making eye contact. Kimberly took this as a cue to stop. She grabbed her clipboard.
“Okay, I think we’re done here.”
She started to stand up, but Cat stopped her.
She was staring at Kimberly, eyes thoughtful.
“We haven’t had a visit from social services in months. What brings you here now?”
Kimberly wrestled with the idea of telling her the truth. She sat down again, holding eye contact. “Cat, we know that your uncle has been abusing you. Now, I realize it’s a strong word—”
“Am I going to go to one of those— what do you call them— foster families?” Cat interrupted.
“I’m going to be honest with you here. It’s a very likely possibility.”
There was a shift in her expression. “No,” Cat said firmly. “I don’t want to live with strangers.”
“It won’t be as bad as it sounds. We’ll give you to a nice, loving family who we’ll have checked thoroughly to make sure they are trustworthy—”
“Yeah, you guys did such a great job with Trevor, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what to tell you. I’m sorry, sweetie. There’s really no other option. From what I’ve discovered, this is not a safe environment for you to be in. Frankly, your uncle is far from the ideal guardian.”
“I don’t care. I’m not being shipped off again.”
“Cat, just—”
Kimberly’s phone buzzed in her pocket. “Ugh!” She checked it. EMERGENCY , the text read in all-caps. PICK UP YOUR PHONE.
“Hold on,” she said. “I’ll be right back. Stay right here, okay? I just need to step outside...”
She spent a brief five minutes on the phone with admin, said something about needing to get back to a case she was on, and came back into the apartment.
There was no sign of a fair-haired girl. Kimberly searched the apartment and called her name, certain that the girl must be hiding somewhere or doing something equally childish.
And then she noticed that the girl’s closet had been ransacked, and so had the kitchen. The box of Fruity Pebbles was nowhere in sight. A window was cracked open, a light breeze flowing through.
Kimberly pinched her nose, fighting the urge to scream. It was obvious what had happened.
Ten feet away, she heard the sounds of someone throwing up. Trevor Gray started when he saw her. He swore at her, demanding who she was and how she got into his apartment. Stumbling a little, he looked around wildly like he expected an entire fleet of police to show up.
“Wha’ th’ hell’s goin’ on?”
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panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
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Source: x x x | x x x | x x x -> song: Rule #9 - Child of the Stars
You were a wanderer Back when you were young I remember your eyes were clear Brighter than the sun With hands so soft Delicate and sweet You learned to fall And balance on your own two feet I could only lead you so far I believe in who you are Take the world by storm Muster all your strength Embrace the forces that surround you Bend gravity and space You are a child of the stars Shout what has been unsung Open all the doors around you Use the power in your lungs
- About;
- Sirius Serpens
It's probably easy to giess that his name comes, indeed, from Sorius Black, the Harry Potter character. When my Sirius came to be, I was indeed very into HP, but as time passed and I grew, I decided to take on a new perspective on his name. Sirius is the name of the brightest star that can be seen from Earth (well, at least if Google isn't lying to me xD), and I feel like that reflects his personality. Sirius is one of my brightest characters, based on his demeanor and actions, so the name fits; that and the fact that the Sirius star is located on the Canis Major constellation - and my boy is the God of Dogs, which is a factor that also came from Harry Potyer but I made enough adjustments to fit what I needed him to fit.
As stated in Hydra's post, the Serpens surname comes from the Constellation and, in Fantasia, it's an old name full of history.
- Navigator
In a pirate ship, the role of navigator was/is extremelly important; those guys are able to determine the ship's location using the stars and it felt fitting to have Sirius, the God of Stars, as Blithe's Navigator.
He initially joined the crew only as a cabin boy, but Athena quickly got a hold of his capacities and changed his rank completely.
Being a Navigator makes Sirius one of the most important members of the crew; without someone capable of maping out where the ship is or needs to go, a pirate crew is well and truly fucked. Especially when hunting.
- God of the Night, of Stars, of Secrets and of Dogs
Sirius is not the best God, but he sure is one of the most famous ones. He's considered a symbol of resistance and protector of those that don't fit the norm - same as he never exactly did. His fame and connection to dogs, as well as role in the Pantheon of Fantasia made him a famous character in many stories and rituals, passed around between families at night.
Even tho he is pretty loved by the mortals, he ended up with the short end of the stick in terms of powers, which gave him the edge to actually learn hand-in-hand combat - which makes him one of the best fighters between the Gods, given his agility and ability.
Sirius is capable of turning into a white borzoi at will, being able to speak to other dogs when in that form. When normal, he can catch on to some thoughs but not much context (he looks at Peggy and cries internally tbh).
Besides that, he can do some minor teleports, tho never too far or it'll end up draining too much energy and causing pain/disconfort. Same as a very dmall telekinesis but it's too much of a fuss and always leaves some headache behind, so he prefers not to even try.
- Personality
Sirius is a loud man, almost too full of himself - tho he tries his best not to sound too narcisistic, he still has his slips. He makes friendships easily and, being the God of Secrets, has a way of getting people to spill the beans whenever needed (which adds up to him having lots of contacts of people who owe him favors).
His energetic maners make him one of the biggest sources of life to Blithe; he can't stay still for much long and definetely can't shut up most of the time - he's able to bring happiness to his friends just by being who he is.
That doesn't come without a cost, tho, and Sirius has many troubles with trying to be open about his bad feelings. He spent too long being forced to "suck it up" and, even now, still has dificulties about them. Even with the help and support of his friends and family, he still finds it hard to be completely open and it's a flaw that he hates about himself.
Sirius doesn't do well with orders and hates to follow rules, so he is indeed a useless bitch when it comes to duties and responsibilities placed on him by his higher ups. His problem is: he knows that he can't be replaced, so he lets himself have it pretty easy in comparision to others. He doesn't fsar the consequences and pretty much never thinks ahead, so what happens, happens.
- Funfact: dogs are considered sacred creatures in Fantasia's general culture. It's believed that when dogs bark and howl at night, it's to tell secrets to the stars so they can be safely guarded by the God. This is definetely not me being a dog person. Nah. Never. 🤡 don't worry there is a cat Goddess too
- Relationship: Michael and Jeremy
Have the long boy! I love him so much 😭😭 def one of my favorite babies (do not tell the others or I'll be publicly executed)
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