#shklance series
coolotplblogloadng · 1 year
Top 10 Fanfic - Multi-Fandom
No Particular Order
between the click of the light and the start of a dream by thepshycicclam
sterek (m/m) - Teen Wolf - 105,192 words - Rated E
Stiles starts getting haunted by something in his dreams. Derek gets overprotective. Pack feels and angst. I love it. I read it once a year.
who ya gonna call? by igneousbitch
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 24,563 - Rated E
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU. Need I say more? Harrow falls on her ass at least twice I recall. A masterpiece.
lucky jacket by chellethewriter 
catradora (f/f) - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - 16,301 - Rated M
Explores the lore of Adora’s jacket after Catra may have done something to it. Very funny concept but shit hits the fan. Very cute and fluffy.
My Name of Your Lips by feelslikefire
victuuri (m/m) - Yuri on Ice! - 108,070 words - Rated E
Literally the ONLY a/b/o fic I ever liked and finished. High fantasy, magic, dragons. Yuuri betrothed to Prince Victor and plans on secretly fighting a tourney to get out of it...but then he catches feelings! 👀
horsebow moon by athousandsatellites
edeleth (f/f) - Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 4,765 words - Rated G
Edelgard finds Jeralt’s journal but turns out Byleth has made use of it as well! Really sweet and fluffy (some angst). But touched on stuff I wish the game explored. So *chefs kiss*
Due West by europa_report 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 27,284 words - Rated M
Suuuuuucccchh good writing from Krolia’s perspective how she feels about Keith and Lance’s relationship. Her and Lance are stranded on a planet. Feelings of motherhood. Angst. 👌👌
The Hurricane in His Veins by magisterpavus 
shklance (m/m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 265,040 words - Rated E
I had to put this one on. Main fic is only 187,481 words. But the world is just so great I gotta read all the fics in the series. Vampire Keith and Shiro and human(?) Lance. A classic, fabulous.
I Will Not Die For You by ghost_maiden_of_delphi
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 151,369 words - Rated M
Mafia boss Harrow, bodyguard Gideon. Cross country road trip full of pining, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual romance!! Gideon and Naberius fight and it’s the best thing I’ve ever read.
The Ninth Wave by Anonymous 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 12,535 words - Rated M
So sweet, so lovely. Snippets of them falling for each other represented by different waves. Shorter but oh so sweeter. 
Homesick by Beelzebumons
sidlink (m/m) - Breath of the Wild - 175,190 words - Rated E
Link dressed in Zora armor 24/7 being Sidon’s bodyguard? That has to take him on a tour of all of Hyrule? Canon divergent with interesting backstories and plot? Yes sign me up pls!
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zea-adores-vld · 5 months
does anyone know the name of a fic that centred around a klance break up? it was part of a series and im pretty sure it was ultimately ending in shklance, and there was lotor/lance too but it was an unhealthy relationship
the only other main detail i remember was that the title had asterisks (*) that spelt 'break up' (so like this: ********)
im sorry it's so vague but ive tried searching with tags and i can't find it so im hoping someone who sees this has an idea 🙏🙏🙏
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ao3-feedshance · 2 years
by Rubymoon_Snape
Shiro and Lance feel as though something was missing in their relationship, but Lance never imagined their other mate would be from his past.
Words: 767, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Supernatural
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: shance, shklance - Freeform, Werewolf Lance (Voltron), Werewolf Shiro (Voltron), Vampire Keith (Voltron), Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - Werewolf
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42753009
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Shklance Series 7 -- Talk
Okay um. I’m still working on links, guys haha, so hopefully these work. But here is part 7, (my longest part, and fic, yet) and so in order we have: Staring, Tears, Persist, Kisses, Cornered, Try, and Talk. I hope you guys like it, and please bear with me as I keep trying out links, and writing styles, and tags XD  
In other news, I’m also working to plan my wedding later this summer, I’m attending college (only about another year to go yay!), dealing with family issues, and working two jobs. So thanks for all the kind words this week, for the notes and for even just reading these. It’s been a fun stress reliever the last few weeks, and I appreciate everyone’s kindness and understanding. :)
Well. He was alive. So, that was a relief. Still, it was unnerving to see their usually bright, vibrant, and bubbly boy so downcast. He very much resembled a tiny kitten that had been kicked and beaten, and then left out in the rain to be miserable alone. At least, Keith thought desperately, he let us see him.
Right after they arrived back to their complex, the two of them went straight to Lance’s room, bypassing their own. Lance hadn’t answered the door, but his neighbor had noticed them outside and told them that Lance had only come out for classes and once for a shift at the coffee shop where he worked. At this, Keith and Shiro exchanged a worried look and pulled out a spare key Lance had given them for emergencies.
Inside, they were struck by the lack of noise, the absence of activity, the stillness that had settled over the apartment. Lance was buried in bed, hardly visible through the blankets piled on top of him, but he didn’t seem to complain at all when Keith dug him out while Shiro set to making them something to eat. However, he was quick to return when he heard Keith cry out. He was slowly easing Lance back down to his bed, Lance releasing little groans and whimpers as Keith settled him again.
“What is it, Keith? What’s wrong?”
Keith didn’t respond, except to gently peel Lance’s shirt up with shaky fingers, exposing mottled bruises along his side and chest. Keith must’ve bumped them when he was trying to help Lance sit up. Shiro barely noticed when he moved to examine the rest of Lance. They worked together to get Lance out of his sweatpants and T-shirt without jostling him more than necessary. Lance kept his eyes squeezed tightly shut, saying nothing, but also not doing anything to stop them.
              While cataloguing Lance’s injuries, Shiro had to stop several times to take some time to calm down. With the way Lance was currently, he wasn’t sure how well that would go over. Anger from either of them might just make the situation worse. Still, it was hard to remain calm when he saw the cuts on Lance’s face, above his eye and on his lower lip. Lance’s upper arms were badly bruised, as was his right side and all across his chest. More cuts were visible across his chest, too, and it looked like Lance’s left leg was swollen and tender. When Shiro brushed his fingers against the skin there, Lance had let out a miserable little mewl and tried to pull his leg up and away, only to stop when it jarred his ribs too much. Tears began to spill down his face.
“Shiro,” Keith could feel more tears welling up in his own eyes, “what happened?”
Shiro could only shake his head. Until they got Lance to open up to them, they had no way of knowing. Keith wiped his eyes, turning back to Lance. “C’mon, kitten, we’re gonna go cuddle, mkay?” There was still no response, but Keith just bit his lip and scooped Lance up as gently as he possibly could. Lance mewled a small protest, but once he was safe in Keith’s arms, he nuzzled up to Keith’s chest, seeking comfort through the pain and misery.
Shiro moved with them to the couch, starting up a quiet conversation with Keith as he did. They talked about how Shiro’s finals had gone, how Keith’s trip and performances, and every once in a while they attempted to draw Lance in with comments like “Is that one girl still being a bitch to the rest of you?” and “I wonder how Lance’s project for Iverson’s class went” but Lance did nothing more than sometimes burrow closer to Keith’s side, or bury his face in the crook of Keith’s neck. And Keith didn’t mind, but it was worrying both of them.
It wasn’t until a couple hours later, when Lance had appeared to relax in Keith’s arms completely that Shiro decided to focus again on feeding his boys. He stood up. “Keith, does soup sound okay to you?”
Keith twisted on the couch as best he could with Lance still cradled in his arms. “Shiro, your recipe for that is a four hour project.” Shiro ignored him, rummaging through Lance’s cabinets. “What do you think, kitten? Soup sound good to you?”
Shiro pulled out the pot and set to work dicing vegetables.
“Shiro. Please, could you just relax?”
“Keith. I have to do this for him. I need to work on something, okay? So just. Sit there with him, okay? Be there for him, because that’s what you need. But, I,” Shiro sighed. “I need to make something so we can feed him. All right?”
Keith sighed, but didn’t push the issue. Lance was snuffling softly in his sleep, weakly pawing at Keith’s arm. With a rush of fondness, he began threading his fingers through Lance’s hair. It was slightly greasier than normal, but Keith didn’t care. He was just glad that he was able to finally be here with him.
“Here, baby.” Keith blinked his eyes open, pleased to see that Lance was still in his lap, though he was sitting up and accepting the bowl that Shiro passed to him. If he realized it was more broth than anything else, he didn’t comment on it. After eyeing Lance to make sure he planned to actually sip at the broth, Shiro passed Keith his own bowl and then sat next to them. Lance had finished most of his soup before he actually tried to move from Keith’s lap. Keith resisted until he realized what his real goal was.
“Here, Shiro. He wants you.” He smirked when he saw Shiro’s face light up. Despite what he had said earlier, all he really wanted was to cuddle Lance. He just knew that Keith was just as desperate and was willing to take a step back to let Keith have the time he needed to reassure himself of Lance’s wellbeing. Well, screw that. It was his turn now.
Keith moved to take care of their bowls and the mess in the kitchen, leaving Shiro and Lance huddled on the couch together. Shiro ignored the noise in the kitchen, gazing at the beautiful boy curled up on his lap. He pressed his palm on Lance’s cheek, and Lance hummed quietly as he leaned into the touch. Shiro’s fingers settled on his jaw, thumb under his chin, tilting Lance’s face up. The cuts still sent a wave of anger through Shiro, though it was tempered by the love and gratitude he saw shining in Lance’s eyes.
“Hey, baby,” he murmured quietly. “How’re you holding up, huh?” Lance blinked at him, slow and lethargic. “Not up to talking, hm? That’s all right, kitten. But hey. I’m sorry, Blue. I’m so sorry.”
Lance mewled, tried to tug his face from Shiro. But Shiro wouldn’t let him. “Hey, hey, hey,” he soothed, “none of that, mkay? I just wanted to say it. And I’ll say it again later, when you’re ready to talk. But we’ll take care of you, all right?” Shiro was surprised at the soft tone of his voice. It wasn’t ever something he’d really had to use before, but he was glad he was able to be here for Lance like this.
“I’ve gotcha, kitten.” Keith came up behind Shiro, drawing a hand across Shiro’s shoulders as he rounded the couch to sit with them again. “We’ve got you,” Shiro corrected with a wry smile at Keith. “We’re here, baby. Shhh.” Shiro kept up these quiet platitudes as Keith queued up one of Lance’s favorite TV shows for when he was in a quieter mood, for those days that were a little harder than usual.
 Lance had initially been confused when he saw it was Keith and Shiro who had entered his apartment, but he also was too hurt and upset to waste energy caring or wondering at it. He just quietly let them do what they wanted, which oddly enough had been taking care of him, which was a little weird. But he didn’t say anything when they reapplied medicine and bandages to his various cuts – even though that had stung like a bitch and the only thing that made Lance feel better was Keith’s hand in his hair, lightly scratching and tugging at his scalp.
Even when they moved and got him settled on the couch and applied an ice pack to his throbbing ankle, Lance couldn’t bring himself to do much more other than react to the pain that spiked through his aching body when he was moved too quickly. Despite himself, he couldn’t help but let himself relax into the comfort Keith was offering him, and after Shiro made him his amazing soup, Lance felt like maybe it would be okay to go to Shiro.
When Keith resisted the move, Lance felt simultaneously like giving up because duh why the heck would Shiro want Lance anywhere near him, and like breaking down into tears because he had missed both of them damn it and he needed to know that he and Shiro were okay, and he needed to let Shiro know that Lance didn’t hold a grudge.
Luckily, Keith figured it out pretty quick and even helped Lance crawl over to Shiro. When Keith came back, Lance was pleased to see him carefully lift Lance’s feet and slide underneath them, gently rubbing and scratching at his non-injured ankle. Compounded with one of his favorite “Self-care” shows, Lance could feel himself coming back out of that shell he had stuffed himself in since he had upset Keith and Shiro. He could feel himself melting at the soft touches and quiet attention and affection being poured on him right then. Maybe it would be okay to tell them…
It took hours, but Lance finally felt that it would be okay. They wouldn’t hate him. They couldn’t, if they hated him, it wouldn’t make sense for them to even still be here.
“It was Sendak.” Shiro and Keith startled. It had been hours since they had both settled on the couch, their seventh or possibly eighth episode of Great British Bake Off, and they had pretty much accepted that Lance wasn’t going to share any time soon.
“Said that he was sick of losing to you, Shiro. I think he hated that you made the team but he didn’t.” Lance refused to look at them. His voice was so hoarse, it sounded painful. Shiro and Keith could feel their hearts break as they realized this was probably the first time he’d really talked in a while. That was never allowed, never again.
“Personally,” Lance swallowed hard eyes screwing shut again, bracing himself for whatever he thought was coming next. “Personally, I think Lotor did it. Sendak’s crew hit me, but. But, Plax said that Lotor was upset too.” Now, he looked up, those beautiful blue eyes of his apologetic, and that made Keith mad. He had nothing to be sorry for. “Keith got top grades in all their classes. Again.” Lance coughed, and Keith stood abruptly. He turned when Lance let out an alarmed noise. Immediately, he knelt next to Lance.
“Shhhh, kitten, I’m gonna get you some water. I’m not mad at you, promise, baby. Shhhh.”
They didn’t talk about it much after that. Every time Lance tried to bring it up, Keith and Shiro insisted that it was better they wait till morning. Instead, they encouraged Lance to try and sleep, which only happened after several promises that they wouldn’t go anywhere. And true to their word, they both stayed in Lance’s apartment, the three of them comfortably cuddled up on their couch. Or, at least, Lance was comfortable, and that’s all they really cared about. That’s all that mattered.
 What. The. Hell. Lance couldn’t figure it out. For the life of him, he had no idea why Keith and Shiro were doing this to him. What had happened to the two idiots who insisted on handling problems before Lance was ready? And now, Lance wanted to get the conversation out of the way, handle everything that had happened, like an adult, and they weren’t letting him. Even the next morning, after they all woke up cramped (Shiro and Keith) and sore (Lance), they wouldn’t touch on the subject. Every time Lance tried, they shushed him. Shushed him! They insisted he wait until after breakfast, or some bullcrap like that.
Yeah. That was bullcrap. Screw it.
“Okay, guys. I’m fed, I’m watered, I got sleep, we have more French toast sitting literally right in front of me, can we please just address the issue here? You two are stressing me out.”
Keith immediately sat his ass back in his seat, unwilling to let Lance stress anymore than he already had these last few days. Lance had to hold back a chuckle, but panic was still fluttering in his stomach.
“I think we need to report—”
“Shiro, wait,” Lance interrupted abruptly. “That’s not, no, that’s not the problem. It’s been reported. Hunk heard about it from Plax, and he and Pidge dragged me out long enough to report it the day after it happened. That’s not what we need to talk about, right?”
Keith shook his head, “No, you’re right. We had some communication errors. Lance, you did everything right. You tried to tell both of us, and we didn’t pay as much attention to you as we should’ve. We’re sorry.”
Now Lance was shaking his head, unwilling to let Keith and Shiro take all the blame for what had happened. “No, I am, if I wasn’t bothering you two every few hours—”
“No, nope, we’re not going there again, sweetheart.” Shiro’s voice was warm, affectionate, firm. Lance risked a look up, forcing himself to meet Shiro’s eyes. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to talk to us daily. It doesn’t bother me at all. Keith, does it bother you?”
“Nope. I might act like it does, but… I really like it, Lance. It makes me feel loved and looked after.” And because Lance was nice, he politely didn’t mention the way Keith’s face was now turning pink.
“But then, why…” Lance took a deep breath. “Okay. So… I don’t bother you?” The insecure look in his eyes stabbed Shiro straight through the heart, and he heard Keith’s breath catch.
“Okay.” Lance sat quietly for a minute, and Keith and Shiro let him have his minute, giving him space. “Okay,” he finally repeated. “So… it wasn’t me. It was the timing, right?” God, their little kitten had come so far in this relationship. Keith nodded so hard he looked like a stupid bobblehead. “What could we have done differently?”
Did Lance even realize how huge that was? He just kept sitting there, looking solemnly at Shiro at Keith. Shiro could tell that Keith was ready to burst, pride shining in his eyes. His leg was bouncing, body working to contain his joy with his boyfriend. But Lance deserved an answer right now. They could save the rest for another day.
“I know I need to be more open with you, Lance. I’m sorry I didn’t even tell you about all the work I had so you weren’t too prepared for what you walked into. Then I would’ve at least known if you were trying to talk to me, it was about something serious. And I think it would help us to avoid other possible issues we might’ve had if this hadn’t happened first.”
“I think,” Keith added slowly, “you just happened to catch me at a bad moment. It was bad luck. Maybe if we had agreed on a set time to call, I could’ve worked harder to calm myself down before then so I didn’t end up taking it out on you like I did.”
Lance nodded slowly, eyes focused, lip tugged that adorable way he did when we was thinking hard. “Maybe even some kind of, I don’t know, maybe this is dumb, but maybe we could just, um. Maybe we could use a, uh…” Keith reached across the table, taking Lance’s hand in his own. He squeezed tightly and Lance took another fortifying breath. “A codeword? Maybe it’s dumb, but it might help. It’s just. I know we’re all busy and we all have our own problems, but if we ever really, really need the other two to listen and pay attention, maybe we could have a word to express that.”
Shiro could feel a grin threatening to break out. He reached across, too, grasped Lance’s other hand. “Baby, I think that’s a great idea.”
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bleucheesy · 4 years
Chapter 3 is up~
“We have a guest,” Shiro pushed further.
“You have a guest,” Keith corrected, eyes narrowing. And it was then that Lance noticed Keith’s fangs had elongated, if only slightly. And although that should have scared him – vampires could be pretty territorial over things they considered ‘theirs’ – it didn’t. In fact…it was kind of…
“Hot,” Lance whispered before he could stop himself.
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk & Lance (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron) Characters: Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt (mentioned), Nyma (Voltron) (mentioned), Allura (Voltron) (mentioned) Additional Tags: Vampires, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Biting, Blood Drinking, Flirting, Jealousy, Thrall - Freeform, Vampire!Lance, vampire!keith, Cambion!Shiro, Feeding, Symbiotic Relationship, Sharing, Feeder Humans, Consensual Blood Drinking, Sexual Tension, First Dates
Series: Part 3 of Vampire Coffee Shop (Shklance)
“At the age of seven or eight, a cambion’s heart will begin to beat and from that moment on, they will be indistinguishable from humans.” Lance wet his lips. That made sense. Shiro had seemed completely and one hundred percent human when Lance had met him at the coffee shop.
Well, save for the fact that he was ridiculously attractive and his blood called to Lance like sirens on the high sea. But Lance just figured that was genetics.
And, in a way, he supposed it was.
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uriel-ignatius121 · 6 years
Shiro notices that Lance hasn't been posting much on any of his social media platforms.
He immediately knows that he's in a mood.
After work, Shiro goes to Sal's and orders a basket of their garlic knots. 2nd Best in the Universe, after Mama McClain's.
He stops by the ice cream shop next door and buys a generous pint of Dulce de Leche ice cream ((and a smaller cup of cookies and cream for himself.))
When he gets home, he sees Lance wrapped in blankets and watching anime.
Shiro makes his presence known with a soft 'Hey'.
Lance gives him a small wave.
"Here, got these from Sal's with extra serving of marinara - and once that's gone, there's ice cream in the freezer... "
"You really didn't have to--"
"But I want to. And whenever you're ready, I'm all ears."
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bidragonwrites · 5 years
Tumblr media
For the @vldnsfwbigbang read it here.
(Read all the tags please!)
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ebhenah · 3 years
First Lines Meme (repost dont reblog)
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Tagged by @lokiitama I'm not going to tag anyone becausemy mental health just won't let me do that right now- but if you write and you want to do this, PLEASE do and please tag me so I can see. All the fics below can be found on my AO3 if you are interested in reading them. They range widely in ratings and warnings though, so mind the tags!!
1. Shore Leave, klance with an allurance detour, canonverse. In-progress. Written for ff.n and AO3
Lance's head appeared in the doorway, "hey Pidge- Hunk around?"
2. Single Dad Keith, klance, post-canon. In-progress. Written for AO3
When Keith had sent a message asking if it was ok if he brought a couple of guests with him the next time he was on Earth, Lance was intrigued, and maybe a little worried.
3. Sass, shklance (specifically v-poly with Lance as hinge, so shance and klance, with friends sheith) post-canon. Complete. Written for Seasons of Shklance zine, sequel to Champagne and Flapjacks.
The jacuzzi had been an excellent idea if Lance did say so himself. There was just something so decadently romantic about soaking in the bubbling water together, drinking champagne and feeding each other chocolate-covered strawberries for what felt like hours.
4. Champagne and Flapjacks, shklance (specifically v-poly with Lance as hinge, so shance and klance with friends sheith) post-canon. Complete. Written for Seasons of Shklance zine, prequel to Sass.
It wasn’t often that Shiro let loose enough to get tipsy.
5. Midsummer Moonlight, shance, fae au. Complete. Written for the Spooktacular Shance Minibang.
Growing up with a secret had made Lance exceedingly good at schooling his facial expressions and body language to appear unaffected and calm, even when he was anything but.
6. Heart's Match, klance, fae au. Complete. Written for Klance Secret Santa Exchange 2020
At first glance, the Galra seemed to be fairly uniform in appearance.
7. Pink Lights, lotura, modern au. Complete. Written for VLD Secret Santa Exchange 2020.
Money had been a little tight since she’d started that unpaid internship, and so she hadn’t been able to splurge on it, but still, the tree twinkled prettily, tucked away in the corner of the new apartment.
8. O'Lantern, klance, high school, urban legend, fae au. In-progress. Written for the Langstron Exchange.
To be honest, Lance much preferred trick-or-treating to the weird no man’s land that Halloween was in highschool.
9. Birthday Boy(s), klance, romellura, post-canon, 'Future Klance Family Fics'. Complete. Written for AO3
Sometimes, it was hard for Keith to recognize just how much he’d changed over the years.
10. Trust Me, shance, post-canon. Complete. Written for Shance Fall Exchange.
One more time.
11. Cha-Cha-Cha, klance, post-canon. Complete. Written for the 2020 Klance Pinefest.
“No, not like that,” Lance chuckled, the sound rolling down Keith’s body like an actual caress and making his brain short out.
12. Brownies, implied future kurance, canon-divergent. Complete. Written forthe Operation Kuron Zine Still reeling from the loss of the castle, Lance felt like he was teetering on the edge of a breakdown.
13. Pretty Perfect, klance, romellura, post-canon, canon-divergent. 'Future Klance Family Fics'. Complete. Written for AO3
No matter how thoroughly they’d discussed the details of starting their family, any reminder of Rachel's insistence that she help would never stop making Lance tear up.
14. My Am-Badass-Ador, shance, post-canon. Complete. Sequel to Am-Badass-Ador McClain. Written for Julance 2020.
It wasn’t until the door slid closed for the final time that evening and he engaged the locks that it really hit him.
15. Wheelhouse, klance, romellura mentioned, post-canon, canon-divergent. 'Future KlanceFamily Fics'. Complete. Written for AO3.
Laundry was, by far, Keith’s least favorite chore.
16. Am-Badass-Ador McClain, shance, post-canon. Complete. Prequel to My Am-Badass-Ador. Written for Shance Love Bang.
Docking on the Atlas felt strange- simultaneously familiar and brand new.
17. Annie & Pepper 3: Soon, shance, modern au. Complete. Annie & Pepper series. Written for Fall Into You The Unknown bonus for Fall Into You- Tales of Shance Anthology.
There were lots of things you could tell about a couple from how they interacted with each other when they were with trusted friends, Lance mused.
18. Annie & Pepper 2: Breakfast, shance, modern au. Complete. Annie & Pepper series. Written for Fall Into You The Unknown bonus for Fall Into You- Tales of Shance Anthology
The end of the semester was close enough that everyone was bemoaning their workload, but still far enough away that no one really felt like they didn’t have time to hang out and unwind.
19. Annie & Pepper, shance, modern au. Complete. Annie & Pepper Series. Written for Fall Into You- Tales of Shance Anthology.
The post-it  note was bright yellow, almost glowing in the dim light of the hallway.
20. Process of Elimination, klance, canon-divergent, hanahaki. Complete. Written for the Hanahaki Bang
When he arrived smack dab in the middle of the Castle’s sleep cycle, Coran met him in the hangar.
I think my favorite is "The post-it note was bright yellow, almost glowing in the dim light of the hallway." I don't really think of my writing as being particularly 'visual' or 'image-rich' but that image was so clear in my mind when I wrote it, and I think it sparks interest in the story as well as ties the idea of 'Lance' to the concept of being a bright spot in Shiro's life.
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ao3feed-klance · 3 years
Langst Oneshots
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3E86k0E
by Pluto_rems
Please do not repost on Wattpad, I will post this on my own Wattpad and you are welcome to read from there :)
Author is projecting on fictional characters once again
Words: 1448, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Author Projects onto fictional characters
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi, Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Voltron Paladins & Voltron: Legendary Defender Team, Lance & Lance's Family (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Langst, klance, shance, Voltron, Bisexual Disaster Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Needs a Hug, Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Lance (Voltron)-centric, Bottom Lance (Voltron), Homesick Lance (Voltron), Insecure Lance (Voltron), Hunk & Lance (Voltron) Friendship, Lance (Voltron) Deserves Better, Hurt Lance (Voltron), shklance - Freeform, Anyone x lance tbh, Lance deserves happiness, Give lance love
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3E86k0E
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vldkeith · 3 years
there was this klance series on ao3 but then it turned into,, shklance 🤨 can’t have shit in the voltron fandom huh
bro you dont even know....back in 2017 every other kl fic was shk/ance. it was a scourge upon society that unfortunately didnt let up enough when the canon ages came out 😔
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ao3-feedshance · 2 years
by Rubymoon_Snape
Lance worries when Shiro leaves the safety of their compound. He is relieved when Shiro not only returns but comes back with someone he thought had been lost to them.
Words: 558, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Supernatural
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron)
Relationships: Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Acxa & Keith & Krolia (Voltron), Keith & Krolia & Romelle (Voltron), Acxa & Keith & Krolia & Romelle (Voltron)
Additional Tags: shance, shklance - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Adopted Romelle, Acxa & Keith (Voltron) are Siblings, Mama Krolia
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42752709
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Shklance Series 6 -- Try
Sorry, guys, this one is super long. I’m working on my dialogue, really trying to get my own personal style down. I think this is closer to what I want, but I write differently when it’s not fanfiction, and I’m still bouncing between fanfics and my own personal projects, so it’s taking some adjusting. Anyway, there’s going to be another chapter after this one, but I was already at 1600 words, which is huge for me, so I had to break it up. Anyway, part 6 to the Shklance series. Hope you enjoy. 
              So they thought that they had it in the bag. Maybe that’s where they had really gone wrong, Shiro mused thoughtfully. It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment things had started to maybe fall apart, however. It had been maybe a month since he, Keith, and Lance had begun dating.
 For the first week or so, things went wonderfully. They spent hours with each other, learning more about each other and figuring out how they work together. Their dates were full of laughter, and fun, and – Shiro’s and Keith’s personal favorite – kisses. But then, Keith had gone out of town all week for a music performance and Shiro had found himself drowning in homework. Lance knew they were both stressed, and so he took it upon himself to try and cheer them up.
His first attack strategy was to call Keith daily to talk to him and find out how things were going in Florida for his performance. He thought Keith maybe sounded off the first couple of times he called, but he didn’t think anything of it until the third day he called.
“Hey, baby!” Lance wanted to sound anything but happy, but he forced himself to take on a chipper tone. He was lonely, he was tired, and he was disappointed with how his day had gone. He really wished he could just curl up on the couch with Keith and Shiro and binge watch mindless TV shows. “How’s Florida? How’re rehearsals and all the performances going? Are you having fun?”
“Lance,” Lance could hear the sigh on the other side of the phone, “I’m really not in the mood, so could you just leave me alone tonight?”
“You’re not up to talking? Um. Okay that’s, that’s fine. I uh, I just had something I needed to tell you really fast.” Lance tried desperately to work his way through his hurt and embarrassment. He knew Keith would be upset if Lance didn’t tell him about being jumped by Sendak’s crew, but he also knew that he was stupid to think that Keith would really want to hear from him. He’d already bothered him twice while he was gone, damn it! Of course, he would be sick of him…
“Look, Lance, I’m really, really not in the mood. Let’s just talk later, okay?”
Lance bit his lip, “But I—”
“Lance! I’m serious, okay! It’s been a long day, I’m exhausted, I haven’t slept in two days, we have practice first thing in the morning, I still have homework to keep up with while I’m out here in this stupid state in the stupid heat and I’m not. In. The. Mood!” The phone beeped, signaling the end of the call.
              Keith had hung up on him.
              Despite himself, Lance felt tears well up. He hadn’t meant to piss his boyfriend off. He just… Damn he hurt. So much. He curled up on himself, as best he could with bruised ribs and cuts across his shoulders and chest. Moving hurt. Knowing he had upset Keith further hurt. Knowing Keith was hurt, hurt. Knowing there was absolutely nothing he could do to help, besides never bother him again, hurt. But then he remembered Shiro. If Keith didn’t want to know about Lance’s injuries, then fine. Whatever. He still needed to tell Shiro.
              But first. Lance needed to peel himself off the floor.
                Lance groaned, limping painfully down the corridor to where Shiro’s and Keith’s apartment was. They all stayed in the same dorms, but Keith and Shiro were lucky enough to be roommates, while Lance was down in the hall. His roommate had dropped out of class earlier in the term, so at least he had his own room, but Lance didn’t do so well with isolation. Made it easier to slip into depressive episodes.
              He stared at their door, trying to drudge up enough courage to knock. Keith’s words were still ringing in his head, but Lance forced himself to knock, pushing the door open when he was met with silence.
              The room was a disaster zone. Lance would have thought that with Keith being out of town, Shiro would’ve had the apartment a lot neater than it usually was, but instead textbooks and papers were sprawled all over their dining table. There were energy drink cans throughout, along with several pencils and highlighters. Shiro was chewing on one, fingers typing quickly at his laptop, slowing only long enough to gulp down mouthfuls of Red Bull.
              “Uh, Shiro?” Lance ventured.
              Shiro startled, swearing when his drink sloshed and threatened to fall onto the papers he was referring to. Lance winced, barely refraining from taking a step back automatically. He felt his side twinge painfully.
              “Lance. What?”
              “Um. I just. Wanted to see how you are doing? Haven’t. Uh, haven’t seen you in a while…” Lance trailed off when Shiro gave him a deadpan look, pointedly looking at the mess all around him. “Well, I mean, I just uh, okay, well I needed to talk to you, and I don’t know if you’ve talked to Keith at all today, but, well, anyway, I needed to tell you that I—”
              Shiro sighed. “Look, Lance, I already talked to Keith. He’s fine, doing great, having fun. Now if you don’t mind, I’m a little busy here. Three of my professors thought it was okay to assign major papers the same week, and the other two are preparing us for tests next week. I really need to get back to this, okay?” And then without even giving Lance another look – which was a shame because if he had he would’ve noticed the way Lance had gone pale – Shiro turned back to his laptop, fingers returning their frantic typing.
              “Oh.” And damn it but Lance hated how small his voice sounded. “Yeah. That’s. That’s fine. Got it. I’ll. I’ll leave you alone now. Sorry,” Lance found himself whispering the last word as he slowly backed out of the apartment.
              He barely managed to make it back to his room, legs trembling with the effort – he really should’ve taken a closer look at the bruises on his thighs – and slid down the wall, hunching over his knees, shielding his head, hiding his tears. His stomach and chest protested, his legs didn’t want to support the position either, but he was so done. He was an idiot for thinking that their relationship would last forever. Sure, it had been nice while it lasted, but it had to fall apart eventually, right?            
              Whatever. He was used to taking care of himself. He could do it again.
              Still, after he finished clumsily dressing and bandaging his own injuries, Lance downed a pint of ice cream and then hid under his covers, where he remained all the next day.
                Now, it was the last day before Keith came back to them. Shiro was overjoyed to find that this last week was almost over. It had been a hellish week, but he knew that once Keith was back with them, things would be perfect again. He couldn’t wait to snuggle under a mountain of blankets for a movie marathon with both of his favorite boys. But of course, things couldn’t be quite that simple.
              Shiro had had to go by himself to pick up Keith. Both he and Lance had been there to drop him off, but when he had texted Lance to ask if he wanted to come, too, the kid hadn’t responded at all. Which was unusual, but Shiro knew that Lance usually had class around that time, so he hadn’t thought too much of it. It wasn’t until Keith all but hurled himself through the crowd, desperately seeking out Lance and himself, that Shiro realized there might be more to it.
              “Shiro, where is he? Where’s Lance?!”
              “Calm down, Keith,” Shiro grasped Keith’s shoulders, trying to calm him down, “he’s fine. He just has class.”
              “Shiro, no, you don’t get it! Shit, have you talked to him at all?” Shiro paused, withdrawing momentarily before responding.
              “…no. But I’m sure he’s fine. We’ll go check on him now, all right?”
              “Shiro!” Hell, was Keith about to start crying? “I messed up, I ruined it, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it! And you had your essays and everything and you were super stressed so I couldn’t bother you and Lance wasn’t answering his phone anymore and, and. I just. I’m sorry.”
              Now seriously alarmed, Shiro tugged Keith into his arms. Keith went willingly, tucking his face into Shiro’s neck to hide the fact that he was openly sobbing at this point. Shiro rubbed his hands up and down Keith’s back, his sides, gently cradled the back of his head, whispering soft words the whole while. “C’mon, let’s get out of here. We can talk about it on our way back home.”
              It turned out not only had Keith snapped at Lance, when Lance apparently had something he needed to tell him, but that ten minutes after, when Keith had realized exactly what he had done and attempted to call him back in a panic, Lance hadn’t picked up. Nor had he responded to any of the texts Keith had sent, or the next 6 phone calls.
              Instead, Keith had gotten a text from Lotor, a kid in a few of their classes who was rumored to be the actual leader of Sendak’s group, though no one had managed to prove that yet. All the text read was ‘Would have thought Little Boy Blue would’ve been harder to break with you and The Champion protecting him. I’m almost disappointed to see I was wrong.’ And okay, yeah, now Shiro was worried. What had happened to their Lance?
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First Lines Meme (repost dont reblog)
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Tagged by @lokiitama, and posted in order of latest updated to oldest updated
1. Double Standards - Voltron Ledgendary Defenders {Shklance}
• My mouth had gotten me in trouble yet again... this time it was intentional because I knew if I was even a minute late that the appointment would most likely leave without giving my dad a single penny.
(I skipped the prologue which was: Keith Kogane was an only child... not because his father didn't want more kids, a little army of Kogane kids was the dream of the man.)
2. First (Offical) Pack Christmas - Teen Wolf {Sterek}
• Lydia Martin is the queen of parties, she had been since they were still in High School.
3. Remember That Night? - Teen Wolf {Sterek}
• “I’m leaving, I’m not safe to be around you. I love you, Stiles,” Derek had said.
4. Sometimes, Things Change - Voltron Legendary Defenders {Klance}
• Within the week Lance would be turning twenty, true to his past birthdays he made a whole week of it.
5. Cramps are the Actual Worse - Voltron Legendary Defenders {Shatt/Miro}
• Matt was lying on his bed, he was in so much pain due to his monthly coming a little early.
6. Pavlove - Gotham (TV Series) {Nygmobblepot}
• The memories clawed at my chest begging me to let them go. I needed relief.
7. No Control - Gotham (TV Series) {Nygmobblepot}
• My words were suffocating me that night as I couldn't sleep.
8. The Vacation of the Lifetime - Gotham (TV Series) {Nygmobblepot}
• Edward Nygma along with his partner Oswald Cobblepot had gone on a trip together, they decided it was time to leave Gotham and see more of the world that they were pleased to call their home.
9. The Baby - The Infernal Devices {Heronstairs}
• I was only sixteen and merely two months along when I found out, I was pregnant and there was no escaping it.
10. Rustic - Supernatural {Sabriel}
• It started with a nice, semi-innocent chat, well as innocent as it could get with Sam and Gabe; the shorter was clearly a little annoyed with the way this was going; it wasn't exactly going his way, and he didn't like that.
11. The Way it Goes - Voltron Legendary Defenders {Shatt/Miro}
• I was laying in our shared bed, next to my significant other, Shiro.
12. Delusions - Gotham (TV Series) {Nygmobblepot}
• Oswald was sitting across from Lee Tompkins talking to her about Edward and his peculiar actions as of late.
13. True Emotions - The Infernal Devices {Herongreystairs)
• I sat in the library staring at the black text across the tanning paper.
14. I Shouldn’t - Supernatural {Destiel}
• Dean was fifteen and his little brother Sammy was eleven, he was old enough to care for himself and he assured Dean of that.
15. Please Don’t Go - Voltron Legendary Defenders {Klance}
• "Keith," I cried out and clutched his chest watching his deep purple eyes flutter shut.
So I only had 15 up and I am super thankful for that because I couldn’t imagine trying to do that with 20.
It seems like in the opening line I immediately start setting up for the plot or something big happening. I tend to jump straight into “let’s get this going.”
My favorite would have to be either Pavlove because of the imagery and descriptions or Please Don’t Go because I enjoyed the change of using dialogue for the opening and it’s the only one I seem to have like that.
Tags: @ash-mcj @tails89 @ebhenah @nutellarghh anyone else
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bidragonwrites · 6 years
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Voltron: Legacy Defender
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance/Shiro (Voltron)
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Blue (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Service Dogs, Blue is a dog, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Langst, protective keith, Protective shiro, References to Depression, Depression, Sensory Overload, Coping, Keith is a good boyfriend, Shiro is a good boyfriend, lance loves them, Lance needs all the love, Implied/Referenced Abuse
Language: Englis
Series: Too Loud (A Voltron AU Series)
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onlymorelove · 3 years
I’ve been in Sheith hell for something like 5 years now. I will never not be obsessed. (Not as into shklance or klance but no hate) Welcome.
Also, I’m 40 and my kids are also 9 and almost 12 so, (waves) Hi!
Hello, and thank you so much for the warm welcome! :) I appreciate it.
Five years, huh? You definitely have a head start on me. Please feel free to rec anythingーfic, art, vids, people, etc.ーif you're so inclined. I *am* a multishipper, but I admit Sheith is my favorite VLD ship. 😍 We finished the series recently, and I just adore them and their unfailing support and affection for one another.
Oh, wow, also great to meet someone around my age in this fandom. Not that there is anything wrong with being younger, of course. And my girls just turned 9 and 12 recently.
Thank you again for saying hi. 💜
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crowsnight66 · 3 years
YouTube Post Schedule
(Updated 1/5/21)
Hi, Birdies! I just wanted to go ahead and upload my post schedule so that you guys know what to expect and look forward to! Keep in mind as well that these are only the dates that I have set for my usual every other Saturday schedule; when I finish reading a new fanfiction, possibly manga, I will also be posting a video reviewing those as well as soon as I’m able, regardless of the post schedule. And now without further ado!
11/28/20 “Liquor and Cigarettes” (yaoi manga one-shot, childhood friends to lovers) Watch Review Here --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij4ArbdpwpI&t=1s
12/12/20 “Wicked Game” (Buzzfeed Unsolved fanfiction, Shyan, serial killer!AU) Watch Review Here --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC_hgyoU9rc&t=275s
12/26/20 “Secret XXX” (yaoi manga one-shot, love at first sight, lots of bunnies) Watch Review Here --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK6jDs5Nc1o&t=27s
1/9/21 “Coral and Bone” (Free!! fanfiction, MakoHaru-centric, summer to fall in love, mermaid!AU) Here -> https://youtu.be/3LLuI5Jbwkc
1/23/21 POSTPONED The Basics of Yaoi Manga ft. Wren
2/6/21 “Coyote” ft. Redbird (yaoi manga, lovers to enemies to lovers?)
2/20/21 “The Anatomy of a Fall” (My Chemical Romance fanfiction, Frerard, ghost!AU)
3/6/21 “Caste Heaven” ft. Wren (yaoi manga where in high school, your social status (”caste”) is determined by the playing card you find during the “Caste Game”)
3/20/21 “A Beginner’s Guide to Communing with the Dead” ft. Wren (Supernatural fanfiction, Destiel, magic/FBI!AU, cold case!AU, necromancy=memitim!Castiel AU)
4/3/21 Basics of Fanfiction
4/17/21 “Therapy Game” (yaoi manga, sequel/spin-off of “Secret XXX”)
5/1/21 “The Songbird and the Sea” ft. Wren and Redbird (BTS fanfiction, Yoonmin-centric, pirate!AU)
5/15/21 “Fourth Generation Head: Oyamato Tatsuyuki” and “Jealousy” Double Review ft. Wren (yaoi one-shot and spin-off, yakuza)
5/29/21 “Dirty Laundry” (yes, THAT “Dirty Laundry”) ft. Redbird and Wren (Voltron fanfiction, Klance, fake dating!AU)
6/12/21 “Black Sun” ft. Wren (Buzzfeed Unsolved fanfiction, Shyan, magical FBI!AU)
6/26/21 The Basics of ABO/Omegaverse ft. Wren (ABO DONE RIGHT! Pt.1)
7/10/21 “What I Used to Be” (Marvel fanfiction, Stucky, omegaverse, trauma recovery!AU, MPreg) (ABO DONE RIGHT! Pt.2)
7/24/21 “How We Get There” ft. Wren (Voltron fanfiction, ShKlance, omegaverse, post-finale, MPreg) (ABO DONE RIGHT! Pt.3)
8/7/21 “The Nature of Things” (Law and Order: Special Victims Unit fanfiction, Barisi, omegaverse) (ABO DONE RIGHT! Pt. 4)
8/21/21 “No.6″ ft. Wren (shounen-ai manga, dystopia)
9/4/21 “Arcane Asylum” (BBC Merlin fanfiction, Merthur, magical prison!AU, modern day!AU)
9/18/21 “Yarichin B!tch Club” ft. Wren (yaoi manga, photography club is a sex club?)
11/13/21 Ao3 vs. Fanfiction.net ft. Wren
11/27/21 “Ten Count” ft. Wren (yaoi manga, mysophobia)
12/11/21 TBA
12/25/21 TBA
Other TBA/What I’m currently reading:
“Cotton Candy” (BTS fanfiction, Yoonmin-centric, 90s high school band!AU)
“Hautley’s Bend” (Supernatural fanfiction, Destiel, bully and bullied, haunted forest!AU?, hurt and comfort, self-harm, abuse)
The "Ipseity" Series (MCU fanfiction, Stucky, DID!Bucky, hurt and comfort, torture and aftermath)
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