#shifting for history
it's gotten to the point where i just want to shift to meet and flirt with historical figures sue me
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Danny as a Historical Badass
So, I'm sure you have all heard at least one story about those Badasses in History, the ones who are basically Legends at this point, right?
Like Simo Hayha, the White Death. The legendary Finish Sniper who managed to get 505 Confirmed Kills in less than 100 days, and an additional 200 kills with a Sub Machine Gun.
Or Mad Jack Churchill, the Craziest Commando. The guy who went to War with a Bow and a Broadsword, inflicting the last Archery Fatality in British Military History. He and his single partner also managed to raid a Village and capture 44 unsuspecting Soliders.
I want Danny to be seen in history in the same way they were.
If we go with the AU where the events of the Show happened in the Early 1900's, Danny would reach Eligibility just in time for both World Wars.
I want one of the Batfamily Members to run across a Video online of "Roman Helmet Guy" on Tiktok talking about Danny with that Badass Music in the Background.
Like, Danny is known as the Insane Solider of WW1/WW2. The guy who somehow managed to capture entire Platoons singlehandedly. The Guy who raided Enemy Camps in the Dead of night and managed to capture High Ranking Commanders on his own. The Guy that survives life threatening wounds like it's nothing MULTIPLE TIMES, and is somwhow back on the battlefield within the hour.
Some people speculate that he was an early Metahuman, but nobody can confirm because he hasn't been seen in decades. Some people.think he must be dead by now.
And then the Batfam member does a double take because, That's Old Man Danny.
Thats the old guy who runs their favorite Cafe. He must be well over 100 years old by now, but he looks like he's in his early 70's.
And doesn't Alfred frequent that Cafe?
Yes, he does. Alfred and Danny are old War Buddies.
Idk where this is going, I feel braindead right now.
I just wanted Danny to be seen as a Historical Legend because I was binging 'Roman Helmet Guy's videos and thought of this.
Wait, wasn't Diana in WW1? Like, in the movie at least she fought in WW1, so what if she met Danny during that time? What if she wasn't the only one to rush into No-Mans Land during that action scene in the Movie?
Diana shows up in Gotham and just says, "Oh no need to worry, I'm just visiting an old Friend."
Also, I recommend watching videos on Simo Hayha, he is such a badass.
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witter-potter · 8 months
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DAWSON'S CREEK | 3x01 - "Like A Virgin" Originally aired September 29, 1999
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wizzard890 · 27 days
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happy first outfit of spring
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ganondoodle · 7 months
didnt want to talk about it but i feel like im actually going insane
anti-queer laws are popping up everywhere, fascism is on the rise in every country around me, including my own which is famous for the atrocities of its past that happened not even 100 years ago and only got this far bc no one thought he'd get through with it
a pandemic that WASNT defeated and is STILL around and endangering everyone yet nigh everyone acts like its a thing of the past
the entire creativity of humanity being stolen and chewed up in a maschine so companies can make an endless shitty new schlock of media to pay even less to even less people and earn more or for some entitled tech bros thinking that all art is is the jpeg on screen deluding themselves into believing they now have a privilege denied to them by the talent-god even tho that god never existed and the only one who denies them the ability to make art is themselves
the climate visibly going haywire and few things are done against it, if at all even
and now i am watching a genocide happen while every piece of media joins into the propaganda of the oppressor, of course i dont think hamas is good, a terror organisation is a terror organisation no matter who they claim to fight for, and i am not defending them, hell no, but why are we being told to cheer on an entire country being wiped out for something a small group did, knowing that wiping palestine from existence has been the goal of israel all this time and this has now given them a good excuse and international support to finish it off?? the war russia started agaisnt ukraine is still ongoing, isnt there also a genocide happenign in armenia? and one against a minority in china as well?? probably even more i havent even heard about..
i didnt know about the details of whats happening to palestine until a few days ago either but now, on top of everything, i feel like im losing it, what even is happening, how am i supposed to just .. go on with my daily life while all of that is going on, not losing your faith into humanity has become a real challenge over these last few years even tho i know its vital to keep it alive bc the pit of thinking its all lost anyway is deep and only makes things worse for everyone
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greenandsorrow · 2 months
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To know you grew up. To know you have grown up and will continue growing up to be older than them, than him. It was comfortable knowing that the world might end at seventeen. But now you're older, older than that. Older than the comfort characters you thought you fit in with... It's a subtle, bittersweet ache in my chest. I'm happy, but also sad. I want to cry, but also laugh.
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rusquared · 13 days
the news coming from columbia and ucla is driving me insane, what the hell? now i'm thinking of the older folk who had protested (and been villified for it) during the vietnam war, or during the south african apartheid. was it maddening, later, when you were hailed as heroes and institutions got to write pieces in your 'honor'? it feels maddening right now. i think if a decade from now i hear about a memorial being erected on one of these campuses for the Palestinian people or for the student protesters, i'll go insane, i'll lose my mind.
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it's time for a spring cleaning and guess what i found in my drafts
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i don't even know how to justify this
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rotzaprachim · 7 months
I have a spicy little post in me about why “Zionist” and “terrorist” are two words we are all going to put on a little high shelf and collectively stop using until they stop being used by armed military organizations to justify the mass murder of civilian populations
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bluedawnflower · 24 days
Honestly I wouldn't be mad if Watcher decided to instead post 1 episode per season and various bonus content exclusively to a paid service like Patreon, and uncensored versions of their videos to Nebula. If they want more creative freedom (which they should have, btw) there are other ways to go about it than making a subscription service solely for your channel and making 95% of your new content exclusive to it. Other creators already follow a similar model of having good and interesting bonus content that draws people into paid services. GMM with Rhett and Link comes to mind, since they have the Mythical Society, where the main draws are Good Mythical Evening and the exclusive merch that you can get by being a member. This is a model that doesn't alienate your audience and can be incredibly profitable if you make it worth the cost and advertise it well.
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gardenerian · 10 months
thoughts on ian’s face in the “sorry im late” scene in 5x8 (i think it’s 5x8)
my thoughts are that i am going to start crying and never stop. my additional thoughts are:
so he's in bed, right? he's been trying mickey all day, meanwhile mickey has been going through his own process at home. but ian is thinking that he might have finally pushed mickey away for good - or scared him away. so he's in bed, eyes shut - probably not sleeping, but just laying there. shutting out the rest of the day. he hears someone behind him and his eyes kinda open. it's when he hears mickey though that his breathing picks up and we go from this:
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to this:
like it's so slight, but like. the little flutters and the way his eyes start to move 😭 there's life left there. i feel like...... in moments like this, it sometimes feels like you might just lay there until you're dust. it's all over. the life you knew, the life you wanted. and yet - here he is again. and i think ian is genuinely surprised. this is where is starts being surprising to ian that he could be someone to come back for.
anyways. he turns around as fast as his medicated body will let him. we don't see his face when he first sees mickey, but we see it when he says "sorry i'm late." and it reminds me of the scene in 4x11 where mickey says "what you and i have makes me free." like it makes me insane. in both of these moments, his face just drops into something so young and so vulnerable.
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like???? he's a little boy! and here is someone standing in front of him - someone he he has ALWAYS WANTED to stand in front of him - promising to be there. that he knows ian needed him. that he's here now for whatever might happen. reality is so warped these days but here he is.
and you see it land??? you see ian exhale and settle in a way he probably hasn't in a while. things are not okay. they're not okay!!! and they won't be for a while. but in this little moment together in this room where he grew up, he can breathe out the grief. he can share it.
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mickey moves to get in bed and ian just makes room, like he always has. but he never blinks. doesn't dare take his eyes off of mickey. it's like he's scared mickey might change his mind, or dissolve right in front of him. is he even really there?
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and there's another layer of disbelief here. another layer of grief. mickey milkovich is crawling back into his bed to hold him, and it's like this. it happened like this. everything he's done and suffered and been made to face comes down all at once. he's tired, he's scared. he's sorry. mickey has finally seen the worst of him.
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he looks away, and mickey chases after him. i think it's important to mickey here that he lets ian feel him. something about that tactile, grounding comfort. and mickey won't look away either, it's too precious. ian's safe, even if nothing is the same.
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and it's here, in these quivering lips and drawn eyebrows...... this is the release. his body and his mind have been through a lot in the last few days. it's as close to cathartic as ian really gets for a while. it's not long before the walls go back up and he's angry. but right now, he brings his hand to hold mickey's wrist, and he lets himself be held.
now.... this face:
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this face fucking haunts me. i cannot name this face. what is he seeing here? i imagine it's so hard to see past this moment, into a future he can't name. it's like he's simultaneously feeling mickey there and also completely isolated. i can't explain this face. can anyone else explain this face???
either way, he closes his eyes against it. and you can assume that rest is coming.
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with mickey keeping watch.
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
About the historical apocalypses
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A while ago I made a joke. "I do not believe in the Italian language. They should be honest and call it, what it is: Neo Latin." And because I made this joke on twitter and twitter is a fucking hellhole, people got really angry about it.
What got lost in the hellhole, that is twitter, was the point I was trying to make: While, yes, Latin and Italian are different languages, if we were to zoom in at any point in time, it would suddenly become harder to differenciate. With almost any language it becomes super hard to say, at which point it stopped being language A and became language B.
Now, originally my point was kinda more about how we humans tend to draw abitrary lines, because we deal better with clear categories than spectrums. You know, like we do with genders and such.
Buuuut... Let me talk about ancient languages and more the ancient world, because there is this mistake people make in thinking about history... they draw abitrary lines.
The Slow Apocalypse
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When we learn about history in school, we also put history into neat little boxes. There is the Ancient times, then there is the middle ages, then the Renaissance and so on. And maybe (probably not) we will learn about the Bronze Age Collaps. All those things. And it kinda makes it easy to think about it as "this was one period and everything within this period worked like so and so". As in: "Oh, the Ancient Egyptians build pyramids." But... yeah, only during a period of those 3000 years that Ancient Egypt lasted, they actually built those.
And we think of the end of the Ancient empires as "and then they stopped to be Roman". But... of course the people didn't. There were Romans around - so people, who spoke Latin as an actual living language - for a long while. Long enough for that language to slowly turn into other languages. There were people around, who believed in the Roman pantheon or the Egyptian pantheon or the Greek pantheon for a long while. Heck, there are still people around who believe in it. And with those I do not mean neo-pagans, but people who for generations have kept traditions alive.
When we hear "Bronze Age Collaps", that also often gets called an apocalypse, we think of it kinda like "Day after Tomorrow and then the world ended", but historically speaking apocalypses rarely (outside of the context of colonialism) went like that. With the Bronze Age it went relatively quick - like 50 years - but... Even after that... The Bronze Age Collaps happened around 1500BC and as you might have noticed: Yeah, those cultures became smaller and less organized. But they did not vanish.
Those apocalypses took place over a century. Not just three months.
Not really Dead
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And now we come back to the stupid twitter joke of Italian actually being Neo Latin. Because here is the thing: The old cultures... they didn't really die. At least those, that were not actively erased. And heck, even quite a few of those are still around.
You know. When Black Panther 2 came out, I saw so many people being very confused about Nakia going around and talking to Maya people. Because of that. They do not realize that the Maya are still around. Especially as we think about the Maya - another "advanced civilization" - as dead and destroyed. But it isn't. The Maya are still around.
And... that is true for a good few parts of the Ancient cultures as well. As I said, there are still people around who believe in that stuff. And there are languages, that came from those cultures as well. Things changed. A lot. But if you actually go to those places, you will find that there is stuff that is still around. Festivals, that are still celebrated. Types of music. And shifted languages.
Here is the thing: We should not idealize the past. But... I also think that it is wrong to just act as if everything from back then is gone forever. There are cultures for which this is true. Cultures, from which we only will find ruins buried in layers and layers of earth and dust. There might still be fragments of the Indus river civilization found in India. But we know too little about that civilization to say that they really are. And other cultures might really have vanished, without us even knowing about them today.
But... just think about the Indo-European religion and culture for a moment. We do not know where they lived exactly or how they lived for that matter. But there are still bits and pieces from them around to this day. Bits of their language, of their religion.
Things do not end. They change. And I find that... strangely hopeful.
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ohsalome · 11 months
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- Timothy Snyder - The Road to Unfreedom
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corvidaedream · 1 year
this is your semi-regular reminder, especially now that people are going on vacation and may find themselves somewhere like disney or a living history site or any sort of attraction where you may encounter an employee in a costume:
If You Wouldn't Touch Someone You Just Met In A Certain Way, Don't Touch An Employee In A Costume That Way Either
i don't mind when im offered a handshake or a little kid hugs me at the end of a tour. hell, i don't even mind if your bachelorette party asks if i want to join a group hug for a photo.
but im a person! the tinkerbell you see at disney is a person! the milliner at colonial williamsburg is a person! my coworker portraying an enslaved woman is a person! the clothes we are wearing are our work outfits, our bodies are our bodies. you do not get to treat us differently because of the photo op you want, or because you caught a glimpse of historical undergarments that intrigues you, or because you think that we, as workers, cannot say no to you without getting in trouble.
Treat Everyone You Encounter As A Person, And Don't Touch My Fucking Stomach
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greenandsorrow · 3 months
The moon doesn't care whether your camera can capture its beauty, it shines regardless.
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