#sherlock holmes story
noodles-and-tea · 2 months
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Some good ol’ ACD Holmes and Watson
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eventually27 · 1 year
Me reading fanfics when i should be asleep 💀
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contact-guy · 5 months
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He was a man of habits, narrow and concentrated habits, and I had become one of them.
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, the Creeping Man
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ratliffwaller20 · 1 year
Sherlock Holmes Can't Find His Keys
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Sherlock Holmes was confused. He couldn't find his keys. When he last remembered seeing them, he thought he had placed them on his kitchen counter next to his iPhone. But they weren't there.
"Are you sure you looked everywhere?" I asked.
"I can't believe I left them behind. It must be an accident."
"It is an accident, but it's also a bit of an inconvenience. Let me see what I can do. What do you have for me?"
"A wallet that won't open," said Sherlock. "It's my old Filofax. There's no cash or credit cards. The only things in it are a membership card to the Adventurers' Club and a business card for an online store."
"What store?"
"It's a store that sells handmade leather goods from an artisan in the States. There was a message in the corner of the card with instructions to contact him directly."
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"You don't happen to remember the name of the store?"
"I don't think so, but I might be able to figure it out."
I walked into Sherlock's bedroom and turned on his computer. Then I went to the kitchen and filled up his favorite mug.
"I hope this helps," I said. "It might be good for your memory to have a fresh cup of tea when we finish our conversation."
He took the mug from me, blew on the steam coming out of the spout, and then drank it all down in one gulp.
"This isn't my favorite tea," he said. "I'm going to have to find the right one. You're going to have to help me out. Do you know anything about tea?"
"No," I said, "but I can learn."
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mephistopheles · 7 months
the thing about holmes and watson is that its tempting to read it as a weirdguy x normie relationship but thats a misreading of watson who is also, and this is important, a freak
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anime-academia · 22 days
I am going to fight everyone who has turned Sherlock Holmes into this edgy, rude, arse of a character. This man is kind, caring, sympathetic, and knows how to interact with people (even if he'd prefer to avoid doing so).
I get the whole genuis-who- can't -relate- to -the -way- normal -people- function, but y'know what, he's not condescending about it. He doesnt necessarily think himeself to be above the masses. He admits to being beaten without throwing a tantrum about it.
Being a genuis doesn't mean or necessitate being cold and unfeeling
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ogsherlockholmes · 23 days
ACD writing A Study in Scarlet: Here's an idea, I've worked very hard on it and I'm very proud, do you like it? You don't? I'll fix it, let me fix it, I can make it better.
ACD writing The Sign of The Four: This is better, in fact, it's perfect. Cyclical structure and everything, check it out, Fleshed out characters, amazing storyline, I know you're going to like this one.
ACD writing anything Holmes related afterwards: Here, take this. I thought of it in the bathroom and wrote it on a piece of toilet paper. I don't care what you do with it just take it, now, I hope it's shit so you stop asking for it. Is there a deeper meaning? Stop asking me questions. Anyway, have you heard of Professor Challenger?
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mwagneto · 1 year
okay just to clear this up since people are spreading misinfo even though the truth is way funnier. SHERLOCK HOLMES HAS BEEN IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR AGES. a few stories haven't, sure, but the doyle estate doesn't give a fuck what you do with him either way. he was already gay in 1970 (private life of sh) and was a jolly & emotional guy in 1979 (murder by decree).
when you see people/articles saying the ""doyle estate"" threatened to sue people for things, such as guy ritchie for making him too gay in his 2009&2011 movies, that is NOT THE DOYLE ESTATE!!!!!! all those stories are about one single woman, Andrea Plunket. her claim to Holmes is that she married someone who owned US copyrights to some Holmes stories but the thing is. they got divorced in the NINETIES and she has Zero claims to Holmes. she's literally going insane about Holmes possibly being gay thirty years after her husband owned the rights to him, she literally never has and never will, and people have been doing whatever they wanted to Holmes for decades now. it's obviously all a play to squeeze some money out of anyone she can, the entire story is so insane i suggest you guys look it up and read about it more but tldr:
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watsonsdetective · 4 months
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This happened to me a few days ago, and now I'm scared.
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Genuinely though the Final Problem is really well-done.
It's a death story in which Doyle's whole goal was to kill Holmes off, but he still did it with care and respect and attention to what the characters deserved. He didn't drop a bridge on him or get him shot by a random criminal just so he could go "HE'S DEAD, NOW GO AWAY." He actually successfully created a nemesis for Holmes within the scope of one short story—someone we can believe is a big enough threat that it justifies Holmes dying to stop him. Without ever even letting us meet the guy face-to-face! That's insane. But it works. Moriarty has an established place in pop culture as Holmes's nemesis because Doyle made us believe it, just within FINA. He made Holmes's death an accomplishment for Holmes, a crowning glory.
And he didn't phone in the rest of the story, either. It's filled with Holmes and Watson being themselves. We have Holmes telling the ins and outs of his fight with Moriarty, intelligent and self-possessed and full of a zest for life even as he repeats that he'd willingly give it up to take this guy down; we have Watson's loyalty and stubbornness that keeps him close to Holmes and the need to help others that ultimately lures him away. We get an incredibly dramatic site for Holmes's death that Watson spends entire paragraphs describing.
We also get Watson's grief in the narration, which—again—is not colored by the author's own decisions regarding Holmes. Doyle might be tired of him, but he knows Watson isn't! And so Watson's narration is wholly and sincerely a tribute to Holmes, and mourning for his death, because that is both what the fans want to hear and what Watson would want to write. It's just...honestly, this whole story is such a good example of how to kill off a beloved character, if you're really set on doing it.
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blueintimeart · 7 months
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“…What can I do, Holmes? Of course, it was that damned fellow who set them on. I'll go and thrash the hide off him if you give the word.” - The Illustrious Client “You are right,” he cried with an immense sigh of relief. “It is quite superficial.” His face set like flint as he glared at our prisoner, who was sitting up with a dazed face. “By the Lord, it is as well for you. If you had killed Watson, you would not have got out of this room alive." - The Three Garridebs
Text Parallels here. ID in alt.
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zingaplanet · 2 years
Don't be afraid, for in a thousand years,
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in any version of reality,
I'll find you,
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And I'll always be there
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gilgamushroom · 8 months
Charles Augustus Milverton the Sherlock Holmes story of all time. Several huge paragraphs went into trashing some guy. Holmes put on a disguise with a goatee. Watson almost threw a chair at said guy. Holmes got engaged for info. While wearing the goatee. The info was to break into the guy's house. Watson threatened to call the cops on Sherlock if they didn't do it together. Then made matching masks. Sherlock joked about being cellmates and secretly wanting to taste the life of crime cause he'd be SO GOOD at it. They broke into that house and held hands for nearly the entire time. Watson was ready to throw his coat at the guy if they got caught and "leave the rest to Holmes" looney-tunes style. A woman with a rightful vendetta beat them to it and shot the guy SEVERAL TIMES. Holmes and Watson crawled up a wall in lizard fashion to flee the scene. Watson got semi-identified. Lestrade pulled a cameo last minute and asked Holmes to SOLVE the case. Holmes joked about Watson being the culprit to his face then said "I'm not doing a case for someone who sucks ❤" and Lestrade bought it. The next day they found out the woman was a celebrity wife of a high-ranking politician. There was even a cat
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contact-guy · 11 days
the end of SIGN OF THE FOUR is so funny because Holmes, Watson, and the police retrieve an immensely valuable treasure locked in a box and Holmes is like 'my buddy wants to show the treasure to this girl he's into, that cool?' and the police just...let him do it. Completely unobserved as he takes the treasure box to Mary Morstan and forces the lock open. Then Watson comes back like 'funny story!! there was nothing in the box!' and no one questions him further. Anyway, I'm writing Gay Watson AU but can someone write Criminal Mary and Watson AU where they steal the Agra treasure and go on the run and Holmes has to catch them (and then lets them go as a wedding present)
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chronologiical · 20 days
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kadoc’s been having a grand time so far
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innitmarvellous · 1 month
Idk but it's kind of sad that adult books/stories with aspec characters aren't really a thing (MCs or at least important side characters). It's always YA stuff and I really don't want to read books written for 12-18 year olds because I'm old and grumpy and can't relate to their experiences, lol.
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