#she's GONNA hold your hand! she's GONNA sit next to you and cuddle up! she's GONNA kiss your cheek just cause!! watch out!!!
Kisses Galore
NHL players x Latina!reader
Synop: reader teases her s/o as she annoyingly places millions of kisses without taking it any further.
Prompt inspo: check out @/hanjibug’s work the inspiration for this work.
a/n: just cute light hearted fun 🫶
Jack Hughes
- you two are just chilling on the couch watching the tv and you suddenly surprise him.
- he’s like, :0, because you never done this before but he’s not complaining!
- he immediately smiles at the attention he’s getting and starts to laugh at you smothering him in kisses.
- he tries to watch the tv but he’s totally distracted by your sweet sayings, praising him for being the perfect boyfriend, making him flustered.
- he dismisses the tv at whole and tries to catch your lips with his (you have been deliberately missing his lips) but you guide his head away and kiss everywhere around them.
- he makes a ‘hm’ noise as you keep avoiding his lips. He puts his hand around your hip slowly inching lower to pull you closer but you move his hand away making him groan, muahaha.
Quinn Hughes
- like his brother he starts to giggle immediately. He’s not used to this affection and he’s face turns tomato red and he’s starts to feel warm under his hoodie.
- you keep at it until he’s like, “pause”, he takes off his hoodie and tries to kiss you first but you gently push his shoulders away leaving him confused as hell.
- but you pull him in again rapidly kissing him everywhere squishing his face. He enjoys it but is still confused.
- he just sits there being smothered in affection with his lips puckered out but so perplexed as to why you won’t let him kiss you lmao
Nico Hischier
- the guy finds anything you do adorable, so when you do this he’s like oh hell yeah.
- as you tease him the whole day with these surge of kisses and not a slow and genuine one he gets frustrated and bit overstimulated lmao.
- he longs for a sensual kiss so he holds your head steady and says, chill, and you chuckle at him losing it.
- but you yank your head out of his grasp and continue to kiss him to which he yells, yah! enough!
- he’s frustrated out of his mind and not going to lie his face and lips feeling a bit raw (poor guy lol)
Elias Pettersson
- he found it cute for the first minute and half and got annoyed real quick lol.
- he’s like if you’re not gonna kiss me for real don’t kiss me at all. He even turns his head from you, making you upset!
- wow I guess you don’t love my kisses anymore, you say to get a rise out of him and he just rolls his eyes and he shakes his head.
- you cuddle up next to him, making him side eye at you. You lay there for a moment before you try to sneak attack him again and he’s like nope! Jumping out his seat with his arms crossed.
- you promise to him that you’ll stop and he’s like hm, ok.
- you stop your kisses entirely, the quick and real ones. Both of you sat in the living room in your respective seats and not even a minute goes by where he whispers I didn’t say you should stop completely.
- you roll your eyes this time. Reaching over and finally kissing him like he wanted.
- you’re such a big baby, you say.
Adam Fantilli
- he could suffocate from your kisses and he would say thank you.
- he felt his body turn into putty as you kissed his nose, forehead, beard, neck, etc.
- his cheeks started to hurt from smiling as you complimented him. He even started to kiss you the exact same way.
- not expecting the reaction you wanted you stopped completely, which changed his whole mood.
- with puppy eyes he asks why’d you stop? :,( And to make the sight even more unbearable, you wore red lipstick and his face is covered in it.
- you felt incredibly guilty and continued to cover his face in lipstick. He couldn’t care less about it anyway, he just wants your lips on him again.
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
nyssa expresses my affectionate side as it would exist if I was not a human person bound and shaped by the social mores of the culture I was born into
were it not for the laws of my brain as dictated by the social boundaries of this land I would be climbing into your lap like a friendly cat
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papercorgiworld · 2 months
I don't need space, I need you
Mattheo and Theodore fluff
Based on this request, please don't hate me for taking 29 days to post this rather average piece, but I had a lot of requests and not a lot of time. I hope you like it!
Finally I had time to write today! Big yey for me, people. I needed it and I'm so happy I wrote something today. 💛 Sending you lots of love and of course: happy readings!
A/N: I got some stuff going on in life so if I don't respond, I'm sorry. Just know that I love you. 💛
“Where’s my princess?” Mattheo sings as he enters the common room in search of you. “Not here, I would check the library.” Blaise states not looking up from his book. Mattheo nods and is about to turn around to head straight for the library, but Draco’s snickering stops him from doing so. “I bet you’re pleased to have a moment of peace.” Mattheo focuses on Draco, not completely getting where the blond's going with this. “I honestly pity you, man, must be so suffocating.” Suddenly all eyes are on Mattheo and not just his friends, the entire slytherin common room is curious to hear what the big bad boy has to say. Mattheo moves a nervous hand through his curls and chuckles. “Yeah, she’s a bit much with her hugs and cuddles, and urgh those constant questions to check on me. I’m lucky she studies so much, so I have a break from time to time.” Mattheo sits down opposite of Draco who grins and nods, fully believing that Mattheo feels saved by your absence. However, Mattheo felt miserable sitting there, knowing that he could be spending time with you.
Just like Mattheo was searching the castle for you, you had been searching for him and ended up checking the common room. With watery eyes you turn around, unnoticed by anyone, and leave the common room. He thinks I’m too much?
“Who is it?!” Mattheo yells as he pushes you against the wall of an empty hallway. He rarely raised his voice with you, but now his face was close to yours, his eyes dark and piercing yours. He looks more pained than angry, but you just look confused. To him it was obvious, you had fallen out of love with him and probably found someone else. There was plenty of proof:
A quick kiss on the lips and a wish of good luck before Tuesday's test was all Mattheo got, instead of the tight hug and intense kiss you would normally give him before a test. 
When you got your results back on Wednesday you jumped into Luna’s arms and just gave him a happy smile, while he was standing right there next to Luna. His heart ached to hold you and press you against his chest. Worse was when you asked Enzo about his test first and ended up discussing all the answers, barely giving your boyfriend any attention.
Thursday you went to sit next to Pansy in the common room, instead of settling in your boyfriend’s lap. Mattheo was forced to watch you the whole evening without touching you once. When you left for bed, you told him not to walk you to your room and reminded him to spend some much needed time with his friends. The sweet kiss you gave him, didn’t make up for any of it. 
Were you trying to get rid of him? To Mattheo the case was obvious.
Friday was the worst. Happy to finally have you next to him as you were both reading, settled close by the fire. With his eyes still on the page of his own book his arm moved behind you to pull you closer and you let your head rest on his shoulder as you continued to read, but still Mattheo frowned. Normally you would sling your legs over his and cuddle up against his chest, wrapping your blanket around the both of you and creating this warm bubble of love. He could barely focus on his book, as his eyes constantly wandered to you reading next to him but not cuddled up against him like you used to.
So by Saturday Mattheo had pretty much had it with you. You rubbed your temple as squeezed your eyes. “I have a headache, I’m gonna head to my room and rest for a bit.” You got up from your seat to leave the library and Mattheo did the same. If you weren’t feeling well then he needed to be by your side. “Oh, don’t Matt. I’ll be fine. I’ll ask Pansy to give me something against the pain and settle next to me until I fall asleep.” Mattheo stood perplexed as you just kissed him and left. Now he wasn’t even good enough to take care of you anymore.
This was the moment he snapped. With stern strides he follows you.
“Who is it?!” You frowned at the question and met Mattheo’s dark eyes. “Obviously, you’re done with me. So who’s better than me, huh?” His voice was filled with anger, but his question sounded so heartbreaking, that you felt no need to get angry with him for pushing you against the wall and snapping at you. You cup his cheeks and softly shake your head. “Matt, I love you. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Your voice is calm and endearing, reminding him of how much he needed your love. You were always so gentle with him and feeling you slip away the past week hurt so much that he felt like falling apart on the spot. He's too hurt and afraid to lose you to act tough and with a whisper he confesses his worries. “You don’t check up on me anymore. You don’t wish me luck before a test like you used to. We don’t cuddle anymore.” You stare at him in silence for a moment, you had never seen Mattheo this soft and vulnerable before. 
Your hands still resting on his cheeks move to his neck as you wrap your arms around him and pull him against you. Mattheo snuggles his face in your neck, embarrassed with himself and desperate for your warmth. You rest your head against his and your fingers move through his curls, making him sigh at your touch. “You told Draco I was a bit too much. So I backed off, because I didn’t want to lose you. I know I can get clingy sometimes, I’m sorry.” Mattheo moves away to look at you and his eyes look guilty. “No, no. Don’t apologise. Don’t be sorry. I love you clingy and cuddly. I need you to be around me.” Your eyebrows knit together. “But I heard you say-” Mattheo interrupts you and shakes his head. “I was being stupid. Don’t listen to the things I say. Just stay with me and love me… overwhelm me with everything you have.” You tilt your head in confusion. “No, I mean listen to me, just forget about what I said back then. I- I was trying to act tough so I pretended to- you know.” You chuckle. “You pretended not to like cuddles, because you wanted to be a tough guy?” Embarrassed with himself Mattheo nods. “I’m a softy for you and I need my daily dose of love. I don’t need space.” 
You sigh at Mattheo’s pouty face. “My boyfriend’s an idiot.” Mattheo nods and leans in for a kiss. “Please, let me take you to your room and let me take care of you, because I want nothing more than to be around you.” You pull him in for another intense kiss as an answer and as you walk to your dorm, he squeezes your hand the whole time walking.
“Where’s my lady?” Theodore frowns as he sits down opposite of Blaise, who raises his shoulders without looking up from his book. Theo shakes his head in annoyance, he needed you like he needed cigarettes. He spent the whole day longing for your love and warm embraces. Merlin, all he wanted right now was for you to entangle your fingers with his hair and ask him about his day. “For once the two of you aren’t attached to the hip.” Mattheo quips and Draco snickers. “Must be refreshing to have a moment to yourself.” Theodore stays silent for a moment and a little further, near the common room entrance you halt in your step. “She’s so mothering, it’s almost toxic. I don’t know how you do it, mate.” Draco wiggles his eyebrows at Theo as Mattheo talks. “You know, if you ever need us to come save you, we could always come up with a code word.” Draco offers and Theodore chuckles, not knowing what to say. “It’s not toxic, but I’m happy to have a moment with you guys, because she can be a bit much. She’s always so… clingy.” You chew your lip and slowly take a step back, leaving the common room as the word ‘clingy’ rings in your head. 
You didn’t want to lose your boyfriend due to being too clingy. So you decided to keep your distance. 
Instead of spending your evening studying cuddled up with your boyfriend you ask Hermione to help you out with potions who of course never passes the opportunity to study. Keeping up his tough act in front of his friends, Theodore can’t protest as you leave the common room to go study with your friend instead of with him. Theo feels himself get cold as he sits by the fireplace with his friends. If you’re not there to keep him warm the room just feels empty and even the conversations are boring. He can’t help but curse himself for letting you go study with Hermione. Having to make peace with an evening without you, Theodore longs for the next day and having you next to him during breakfast while you talk about your plans for the day. 
The next morning, at breakfast Theo only gets a small kiss from you before you turn to Pansy gossiping about some third years. Theodore can’t resist but snake an arm around you and you love his touch, but you try not to be too clingy and decide to not fully lean against him. Your boyfriend is happy to have you next to him, but disappointed that you stay engaged with Pansy’s gossip instead of giving him some much needed attention. Why were you not combing his hair with your fingers until it looked the way you preferred it? Why were you not checking if he had done all his homework? What was so bloody interesting about Pansy’s conversation?!! He was getting so annoyed that he was caught by surprise when you kissed him tenderly and headed for class. His mind and body were screaming to have you back by his side and walk you to class, but he just turned to his breakfast and spent the morning sulking.
Finally, after two days, he had you close to him, settled on his bed with a book in your hand. You were all alone in his room and you both enjoyed the peace and quiet. You lay between his legs with his arms around you, while his head rested on yours, reading some of the paragraphs of your book but mostly taking in your warmth and scent. He gives you a soft kiss on your cheek and you smile and lean against his chest. “I love you.” You whisper and his eyes shine even brighter than he smiles. “Love you too.” However, your romantic moment is ruined when Blaise and Mattheo enter. “Astronomy tower?” Mattheo raises his eyebrows at Theo who is about to decline the invitation, but you speak up first. “I was just about to meet up with Luna.” You jump up and Theodore's eyes go furious at the suggestion of you leaving. “No you’re not.” Theo snaps at you, shaking everyone in the room. “Why are you so eager to get away from me?” Theo questions and Blaise and Mattheo’s eyes move from their friend to you. You take a step back at your boyfriend's accusation. “I’m not. I’m just giving you space so you can hang out with your friends.” Theo shoots Blaise and Mattheo a dark glare. “Out! Both of you!” 
As soon as the duo closes the door behind them and you and Theodore are left alone in the room Theodore gets up and towers over you. “I don’t want space, I want you. So tell me what’s going on, because I can’t stand it anymore.” His voice is stern, but you feel yourself relax as you no longer have to act differently and you can finally be honest with him. “You think I’m clingy and sometimes I’m too much… and I get that and I don’t want to lose you… so I did my best to give you some space in the hopes of saving our relationship.” Theodore’s heart aches at the soft tone of your voice. How could he make you feel like you were too much when you were all he wanted. “I’m such a shit boyfriend.” Theo sighs as he sits back down on his bed, making you frown and join him. “No, I was too much.” Theo’s head snaps to you. “You are not. I didn’t want those idiots to think I was whipped or soft or- so I said you were clingy, but you're not, if anything I am… I want you around 24/7.” Your eyes widen at his confession. “Soooo, you’re saying that ‘the’ Theodore Nott is so in love with me that he prefers cuddling over hanging with his friends.” Your boyfriend chuckles. “Yeah, so please just go back to reading in my arms and make me the happiest man alive.” You lean towards him and he meets your lips. The sweet kiss quickly turns passionate as you both fall back on the bed.
For the ones who asked to be tagged, here you go lovies: @ho3forfakeguys and @bitchoftoji
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bkgml · 10 months
kats 💕: you’re not even ready for the movies i have planned
kats 💕: why are you so late
kats 💕: did you put your socks on backwards or smthn
kats 💕: yn what the hell?
kats 💕: baby what’s wrong?
kats 💕: you’re fucking stressing me out.
kats 💕: yn please
katsuki sits on the edge of his bed, leg bouncing.
where are you?
feeling fed up with this waiting game, he stands abruptly and throws open his door.
stomping to your dorm he yanks it open to find it empty… that’s weird.
he figures you could be training and lost track of time so he heads to the training rooms.
no sign of you, but he does spot kirishima.
“have you seen yn?” he asks impatiently.
kirishima turns to him confused.
“um no? maybe ask mina i saw her in the common room before coming out here.” he replies before returning to his punching bag.
katsuki huffs heading towards the exit with a frown on his face.
he checks the first floor common room and doesn’t see mina.
sighing he thinks he should check her floor… if only he remembered what floor she was on.
so he sighs and goes up floor by floor looking for her.
finally, he sees her pink curls shake while she laughs on the common room couch with sero, kaminari and momo laughing along with her.
“hey.” he says, walking towards them with a scowl on his face.
“hey bakugou!” sero calls from his spot on the couch.
“you seen yn?” he asks the group, ignoring sero.
“why don’t you come over here and find out?” mina asks and his head tilts in confusion.
“just come here!” she groans and he huffs but come closer to the couch anyway.
groaning when he sees you, cuddled up in a ball asleep with soft breaths spilling from your lips.
“fucking hell yn.” he mutters to himself.
“she’s been asleep for hours.” mina says, laughing.
“you fucks couldn’t have put a damn blanket on her? she looks freezing.” he says sighing in annoyance.
walking around the couch he sighs before gently picking you up and ensuring you’re comfortable before making his way back to the elevators.
“bye yn!!” mina calls.
you stir in katsuki’s hold, eyes peeking open and seeing your boyfriend.
“hey kats.” you mumble, stretching.
“what time is it?”
“like 10:30.” he says, trying not to sound annoyed.
“what? did i miss our movie date?” you ask sounding sad.
all his anger fades away at your words.
“yeah, you did baby. it’s okay.” he soothes.
“it’s not okay kats!” you whine, eyes fighting to stay open.
“we can still watch what you planned out. we have to!” you say frowning, nuzzling your face in his chest.
“it’s late sweets. a sleeping date is just as good.”
the two of you argue back and fourth during the elevator ride and the walk back to his dorm.
“i want to watch the movie kats.” you frown, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
“shh, i know.” he says, laying you down in his bed and kissing your forehead.
he goes to brush his teeth and when he comes back to the room he sees you sitting up in his beds, covers tossed aside and a determined look taking over your sleepy features.
you pat the spot next to you and he sits.
you press the power button on the remote and see the movie he was gonna put on for you.
you feel his arms snake around your stomach and try to pull you to his chest. you wriggle out of his arms because you know you’ll be out like a light if you’re in his arms.
he laughs, knowing your tactic.
“thought you weren’t tired.” he teases.
you whip your head to look at him.
“i’m not.” you defend. he laughs, shaking his head.
“let me hold you then. you shouldn’t fall asleep… unless you’re tired.” he says, arms grabbing at you again.
“fine.” you huff, cuddling into him.
his hands brush the hair that falls over your forehead back, kissing your exposed head, then allowing your hair to fall back into place. he continues repeating this pattern and you look up at him through your eyelashes.
“you overdid it during training today, hm?” he murmurs with his lips against your head.
you shake your head.
“i’m not tired.” you repeat.
he laughs, brushing your hair back again.
“yeah yeah. i know. doesn’t mean you didn’t go too hard today.” he whispers.
the repetitive movement of his hand moving through your hair made your eyes droop and you inched closer to his chest so he wouldn’t notice.
obviously, he noticed.
“hey.” he whispers, placing a few pecks along the side of your face.
“hm?” you mumble sleepily.
he smiles down at you.
“you might not be tired, but i fuckin am.” he lies.
“how about we turn the movie off and get some sleep, okay?”
you look up at him and he shoves his face in your neck, practically tackling you and wrapping his arms around you.
you giggle softly.
“turn off the damn tv.” he grumbles, now feeling seriously tired.
you reach around him, grabbing the remote and switching the tv off.
you press a soft kiss to his face before laying your head on the pillow and yawning.
“hey katsuki?” you whisper.
you smile at his sleepiness, pressing open mouth kisses down the side of his face.
“i might’ve lied when i said i wasn’t tired.” you say as quietly as you possibly can.
he peeks one eye open at you.
“you don’t say.”
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evie-sturns · 5 months
ᴠɪʀɢɪɴ - ᴄʜʀɪꜱ ꜱᴛᴜʀɴɪᴏʟᴏ
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summary: chris has always been your best friend until one night everything changes when you lose your virginity to him.
contains: smut, gentle chris, swearing, fluff.
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chris and i tell eachother everything, i mean everything. we've been friends since the 6th grade and have no secrets, except for one. i'm a virgin. in my defence hes never really asked but its my biggest insecurity
its 11pm, me, nick, matt, chris and madi are sitting on the sturniolos couch, im cuddled against nick as matt and chris scroll on their phone.
madi is talking about a hookup experience right infront of us. ive never really hung out with her alone but she seems to overshare. a lot. "y/n, you know how when then finish they make strange ass noises?" she continues "mhm.." i lie, "but oh my god he was making demonic sounds like what the fuck" she says laughing.
after 5 more minutes of her talking, i feel humiliated, everyone else in the room except for me is laughing along with her and agreeing.
she wont stop.
i grab my phone then stand up off the couch, walking out of room in and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. i hear the living room go silent apart from a few whispers "chris go see whats wrong!" i hear nick say quietly and then shuffling, followed by 3 knocks on the bathroom door.
"y/n? you okay?" i hear chris say softly.
"please go away chris."
"im not gonna go away sweetheart, please talk to me." chris whispers through the door.
after a few minutes i unlock the door. chris opens it slowly to find me inside, eyes puffy from the few tears i shed. "oh y/n.." chris says sympathetically before pulling me into a hug, rubbing my back. "c'mon, lets go to my room so you can talk to me." he offers and i nod. he takes my hand as we open the door to his bedroom.
he sits down on the floor, resting his back against the side of his bed. i sit down next to him and lay my head on his shoulder.
i take a deep breath "im a virgin." i say bluntly, but quietly. he tenses slightly then nods understandably.
"and its fucking embarrasing when madis talking about fucking random dudes infront of me, its quite frankly humiliating." i continue "because im almost 21 and ive never done anything." i sigh.
an uncomfortable silence grows for a few seconds "this might be weird, and if you dont want to we can never talk about any of this again, but i could.." he pauses
"i could help..?" he says nervously
"help?" i repeat, slightly confused.
"i mean we've been best friends for like 9 years, i could y'know. teach ya? like platonically though." he says holding my hand.
another silence grows.
"okay!" i say nervously
"ok?" he whispers
"you can, lead the way?" i offer and he smiles.
he stands up, before leaning down and pulling me up by my wrists. we're both clearly nervous. "do i uh, have your like.. full consent?" he says concerned and i let out a small laugh "yes chris, you do, you're the person im most comfortable with."
he lifts his shirt off over his head, i blush, why am i blushing?
he throws his shirt to the floor before pulling mine off, revealing my white bra, which he quickly unclasps. he leans down and grabs my jaw, pulling me into a soft kiss. my heart rate increases as i realise this is chris, my best friend.
he picks me up by my ass and places me gently on my back on his mattress, the same one that we were giggling on yesterday. he pulls down my shorts, then my panties. leaving me revealed on the bed. he looms over me before pulling me by my thighs to the edge of the bed. he leans down between my thighs, his cold breath against my heat.
he drags his tongue all the way from my hole to my clit forcing a desperate moan out of me. "tastes so fucking good." he mumbles which causes me to squirm. he stands up and unbuckles his leather belt, letting it fall to the floor before he unbuttons his baggy jeans.
he stands in-between my legs in his boxers, it feels wrong, but so fucking right. "you ready baby?"
"im nervous chris, what if it hurts."
"dont be, it doesnt have to hurt, mhm?" he says reassuringly as he nods his head at me.
"i trust you chris.." i say smiling as he grabs the inside of my thigh "can you spread a little more?" he says and i comply.
after what feels like forever he pulls down his boxers slowly, letting his boner spring out, hitting his stomach. i instantly sit up in shock "chris-." i stutter as i look up at him
"you're okay, it wont hurt if you relax. ill go super slow hm?" he reasures and i nod.
"lay back down princess." he whispers.
i lay back down and reach for chris's hand, its always been a comfort thing for me and right now i need it more than ever.
his dick is strangely perfect.
i take a deep breath and squeeze chris's hand as his tip pushes against my entrance. he pushes slowly inside of me, giving me only an inch or two. "fuck you're so tight." he groans making my stomach flip. "you look so beautiful taking me mhm."
as he sinks deeper into me, his balls lightly pressing against my ass.
the same boy who i used to beg to play barbies with me is now balls deep inside of me.
im a moaning mess as chris giggles slightly
"what the fuck is funny chris" i say smiling
"your moans." he says nonchalantly as he starts to thrust, kissing my cervis each time
"shut up.." i say in between moans as i squeeze his hand tighter.
without warning he pulls out which causes me to immediately grab him and pull him closer "i didnt finish chris!" i say frustrated
"shh sh, i know i know, i want you to ride me. can you do that for me?" he says which almost makes me orgasm from his words.
he lays down beside me and grabs my waist pulling me ontop of his so im sitting on his thighs. i prop myself up above his tip as he grabs my hips. i slowly sink down on him, feeling every inch of him filling me up. i moan loudly causing him to slam a hand over my mouth "shh." he whispers as i bounce up and down, i squeeze my eyes shut as my moans are muffled by his hand.
"y/n baby, im close okay? i want you to cum with me." he groans as i bounce faster on his cock
"you ready?" he says as his breathing becomes quicker. i nod as i clench around him, instantly making him release inside of me. i follow right after him as i collapse on his chest, he reaches a hand down pulling himself out of me.
he holds me tight against his chest, my breasts push against his hard chest while he grabs my ass. "you did so fucking good, so good." he whispers into my hair. "you want me to get you dressed baby?" he offers and i nod, sitting up on his stomach. he sits up and i slide off him onto his bed. as he stands up, he holds up my panties and shoves them in his pocket. before i have time to question it hes pulling me onto my feet.
he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. i squeal as he keep a firm grip on my thigh. pulling my shorts onto me. he places me back down onto my feet and puts my bra on. "is this right" he says with a slight laugh "yeah surprisingly!!" i say with a wide grin before pulling my shirt on.
chris finishes getting dressed and plants another kiss on my lips "was that okay for you? i hope it didnt hurt" chris asks softly "yeah it felt.. really fucking good chris." i say wiping my eyes in embarrassment.
he grabs my hand and takes me into the living room. nick is looking at chris with disgust and everyones dead silent "did you guys just fuck." matt says breaking the silence and my heart drops to my stomach
"what.." i say defensivley
"the load ass moans?" nick yells angrily.
the silence grows as chris looks like hes seen a ghost as i look up at him
chris suddenly starts "she got her period, so i took her up to my room so she could grab some fucking.. products. she was crying, they may of sounded like moans to you but she was just upset." he lies so confidently straight through his teeth which almost makes me burst out laughing.
"so im taking her home alright?" chris continues.
"shit sorry guys." nick says embarrassed "see you tommorow y/n, feel better" matt says and i smile at him.
(4 weeks later)
"hey baby, i got you these!" chris says walking into my bedroom with flowers "for what exactly" i say laughing "one month anniversary dumb fuck." chris says giving me a kiss on my lips.
4 weeks ago when he dropped me off he confessed to me.
he said he'd liked me for a while now, as in 5 years.
i hated to admit it, but i had felt the same.———------------.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.-----------------——
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lovergojo · 6 months
summary: In which you sit in the backseat of your lover’s car, instead of right next to them.
cw: kissing, reader referred to as passenger princess in Suguru’s other than that no pronouns are mentioned, POC friendly, no skins tones mentioned!
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Picture this: you park in the parking lot of your local mall. You’re here to pick up your wonderful lover after shopping. As you sit and wait, suddenly familiar hands wrap around you and cover your mouth and you’re stabbed in the chest.
This is basically what Gojo Satoru feels like when you get in the backseat of his car instead of your spot, which is right next to him in the front passenger seat.
“You might as well as kill me.”
You let out an exasperated sigh, “Satoru.”
“Be honest, do you even love me?” He turns around in his seat, his cerulean eyes peeking over the rims of his glasses.
“No, no, it’s fine, I’m fine, I mean we’ve only been dating for 3 years and it’s fine if you want to throw it all away because you’re practically saying you don’t love me right now!” He’s voice grows louder until he’s practically shrieking, staring at you with wide eyes.
“Okay! I’m sorry!” You quickly get out of the car trying to hide your smile. You open the car door and get in and look over at Satoru to find him beaming at you.
“Oh hi baby!” He says way too happily and leans over to kiss you on the lips. Again. And again. And again.
“…Hello ‘Toru, how was your day today?”
“It was great, until my lover decided to stab me in the back.”
Yeah, don’t expect him to forget about this. He will bring it up to you no matter what
“Toru, what do you want for dinner?”
“To not be stabbed in the heart by my lover.”
No matter what.
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After fitting all of your groceries into the trunk Suguru’s trunk, he helps you close it and you both get into the car. Except you sit in the back seat.
Suguru didn’t even realize you were sitting back there, he was still just waiting for you to get in the front seat, and when you didn’t he turned towards you curiously.
“You’re gonna sit back there?”
“Not in the front seat?”
He hums and shrugs his shoulders and says, “Okay then, I guess you don’t want to be my passenger princess and use the aux cord huh?”
And that has you quickly sitting up and getting out of the backseats to sit next to Suguru in the front seat, who had a smile on his face the whole time.
“Changed your mind huh?”
“Shush.” And you lean over to kiss him on the cheek as an apology.
He grins at you before pulling out of the parking lot, one hand on the wheel, and the other intertwined with yours as they rest on the center console.
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Maki holds your hand as you guys cross the road from the restaurant you too stoped at for a date.
As you two approach the car, she goes to the passenger side to open the door for you, only for you to ignore the open door and open car door to the back seats.
You don’t have to look up to see the narrow look she gives you, before going over to you and standing outside the open car door.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Your eyes wide at her stern tone.
“Getting in the car?”
All it takes is for Maki to keep staring at you before you slowly get out of the back seat and and close the door before facing her and trying to cuddle up to her.
“So now you wanna be cute?” She says with a raised eyebrow.
“Aren’t I always cute?” You look up at her with a smile and she clicks her tongue before rolling her eyes and wrapping a hand around your waist before planting a sweet kiss on your lips
“You are. Bratty, but you are.”
You laugh and she smiles at you before guiding you back to your seat, which is right next to her.
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Megumi waits in the car as you say goodbye to Yuji and Nobara after watching Human Earthworm 4, which Megumi has no idea why it even exists in the first place, so he opted out to save himself from the horrible sight of that god awful worm thing.
Megumi is so focused on how pretty you look with the sun hitting you perfectly, that he doesn’t even realize that you’re sitting in the backseat until he sees you passing by the door to the front passenger seat.
You buckle yourself in and smile at Megumi nonchalantly.
“Hi ‘Gumi, how was your day?”
He freezes, staring right at you with a frown on his face.
“Good…what are you doing back there?”
“Hm? I thought I’d sit here this time.”
“Why though?” He questions, he looks to the empty front seat next to him. There’s no trash in the seat, and nothing on the floor too. Was the seat to far back?
“No reason.” You have a hard time hiding your smile because of the constipated look on Megumi’s face. He looks so focused on trying to find out why you won’t sit next to him, you accidentally let out a laugh and he’s whipping his head towards you and sees you smiling, before he lets out a groan.
This time, you let your laugh flow out freely from your lips and your moving to get into the front passenger seat, leaning over the center console you kiss Megumi all over his face.
“Sorry ‘Gumi, don’t be mad okay?” You say, still smiling into his cheek.
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l0vergirlv0mit · 6 months
hey girl, can you write abby or ellie teaching reader (who's never been in a relationship) how to cuddle? I feel like it would be so cute ☹️
a/n: Hey girly!! YESS ofc I love comfort🤭🤭🤭 I wrote for Ellie cause I haven’t yet. Sorry this is short!
warnings/contents: weed, fluff, cuddling.
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“Are you gonna come sit down or what?” Ellie giggles and waves you over. She’s propped up on your bed with her rolling tray in her lap. You tentatively go to sit next to her watching as she focuses on rolling the perfect joint.
She looks over at you while licking the edge of paper. “Come closer hon, you know I don’t bite.” She hummed out placing the tray on your night stand, she nudging her head to the side bidding you over. “You wanna take the first hit? I’ll light it for you babe.” You nod and Ellie’s pulling you into her side placing the joint between your lips.
“Ya ready?” She says holding the lighter up. Her lips pulling into a small smile.
“Mhm.” You replied holding the joint between your fingers. Ellie goes to light it and you take a shallow inhale in to keep from coughing. It’s no use as you cough uncontrollably anyway. Ellie chuckles quietly, carefully taking the joint from your fingers raising her brows. “Amateur.” She teases you taking a long drag. Her lips wrapping around the joint with a faint smirk. You hit her shoulder lightly in faux annoyance.
You take the joint again right before it hits her lips for a second hit and move away from her to the other side of the bed. She gasps at you before her face falls into disappointment. Her green eyes wearing a look of concern. “How come you keep sitting so far away from me? You don’t wanna cuddle?”
You blow smoke into the room hoping the weed would soon calm your nerves as you look away nervously. “I-I don’t know.” You shrug. Ellie exhales a quick laugh at your response. “You don’t know? What do you mean you don’t know?” She’s furrowing her brows at you confused but the corners of her mouth perk up with slight amusement. Taking the joint from your hand taking a final puff then ashing it for later.
You start to get nervous feeling a bit stupid at your inability to be affectionate. “I-I don’t know, I mean I’ve never done…that.” You look away again at the last word. Ellie moves closer to you instead just filling the space herself. “You mean you’ve never had someone cuddle you before?” She questioned with an astounded look on her face.
“No…” You were fully embarrassed the weed honestly only heightened your feelings. “Awww you poor thing!” Ellie watches with droopy red eye as you pull you lip between your teeth and can’t help but giggle. Playfully pulling you into her arms. “Your cute, how about I teach you babe hmm?” Her fingers running through your hair.
You nod timidly. Her arms around you felt good she soothed that anxiousness inside of you. Ellie goes to lay down in the bed lifting the covers up. She was staying the night dressed in her boxers and an oversized tshirt. “Come on.” She beckons you to lay beside her and you obliged. “Ok now what?” You felt silly honestly giggling quietly waiting for more instructions.
“Put your head on my chest.” Her command made you confused so you laid only your head on her chest not knowing what to do with the rest of yourself. Ellie let a laugh slip and you shoot her a glare. “I’m sorry I’m sorry! Ok now like put your leg between mine. Kinda lay on top of me.” You listen to her and she grabs your arm herself making you hug her abdomen.
The position immediately has you sinking into her. The feeling of Ellie’s chest raising and falling with her breathes grounding you. Ellie’s hand comes to rest on your back for a moment before scratching lightly up and down. “Comfy?” She asks and you’ve already closed eyes settling into her affection. Your cheek squished up against her. “Mhm…” You reply tiredly the soft sounds of the television nearly lulling you to sleep.
You look up at Ellie and she greets you with a soft caring smiling in return. Your hand finds its way under her tshirt pulling her even closer and closing your eyes. Her soft skin helping you into a dreamlike state. Ellie swears her heart stoped beating for a second. Pouting like how you would when you see a really cute puppy. Ellie’s attention is split between you and the tv as she mindlessly plays with your hair. After a couple minutes she hears soft snoring. She pushes hair out of your face and behind your ear to get a better look at you.
She’s smiling to herself when she realizes you’ve fallen asleep. She turns off the tv and carefully adjust herself so she holding you in her arms. She leaves one final kiss on your forehead. Letting out a deep sigh. She closes her eyes and falls asleep in the comfort of your intangled body’s.
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thatnewweeb · 17 days
Maybe | Bakugo Katsuki
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Summary | Bakugo can't help but think about how much more he wants with his FWB as she sleeps next to him
Content | Fluff, fem reader, kinda suggestive content, reader is in a FWB relationship with Bakugo
Word Count | 0.7k+
A/N | I think this is so cute, I might make a part two to this. Maybe...
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Bakugo didn’t ever think he’d fall in love. He didn’t think he’d be the type to want to settle down, to spend his life dedicated to another person.
As he lays in bed on his side, awake before you, as always, he can’t help but rethink that.
Sure, you’re using each other, that’s always been clear in your relationship, but he doesn’t really feel that way anymore.
You look so pretty when you sleep. It hasn’t been long since you started staying over sometimes after you sleep together, only starting because you were so tired that the pro hero didn’t trust you to get home safely. He would’ve taken you home himself but he had an early patrol the next day and needed to sleep. Of course, you offered to sleep on the couch, but he would’ve felt bad, using you for sex and then expecting you to sleep on his couch.
Your face always looks so relaxed when you’re asleep, the worries that plague you during the day completely gone, free from concern, from bother, from the stress of your daily life, of being associated with a man with such a high risk job, even as loosely as you are.
With a soft smile on his own face, sleep threatening to drag him back in, he reaches out his large, calloused hand, smoothing down your sleep tousled hair.
He can’t help letting him mind wander. Sometimes he imagines what it would be like if you were actually dating, not just friends with benefits. How it would feel to be able to lean over and kiss you softly when he wakes up, your soft lips his to claim whenever he wants, not just the few times he’s gotten the privilege of tasting them when you both got really into your time in the bedroom.
The imagined images of you, rolling over in bed, cuddling up closer to him as you slowly regain consciousness, whispering a morning greeting, mumbling something about how much you love him. He’d kiss your forehead, holding you close, telling you how beautiful you are.
Or he’d get up early and make you a nice breakfast with coffee, proper coffee, not that instant or convenience store shit you’re used to, turning to the door when he hears your soft footsteps plodding out of your shared bedroom, a blanket wrapped around your body, complaining about waking up to an empty bed, all dissatisfaction disappearing when you see the breakfast set on the table.
He snaps out of his delusions when he feels the bed shift next to him, your eyes slowly opening. He let himself get too distracted by his fantasies.
You sit up and stretch next to him, covering your breasts with his bedcovers.
“Good morning, Bakugo,” you smile, looking down at him laying next to you.
He mumbles a morning greeting back to you, quickly getting out of bed, cheeks dusted in pink. Which he obviously turns around to hide, getting dressed.
When he turns back to you, you’re fully clothed, brushing your hair. Smiling softly, he wishes he could walk up behind you and wrap his arms around you, or take the brush to brush your hair for you.
He knows he shouldn’t though, so instead he just asks you if you want any breakfast before you go.
You decline his offer, knowing he has to be on patrol soon, not wanting to bother him or risk making him late. His heart swells a little, realising you know his schedule by now. He supposes it’s to be expected, you’ve been part of this arrangement for quite a long time now, but it still makes him happy.
“Well, I’m gonna go now,” you smile, turning back to him. “I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Yeah, see you later,” he says. “I’ll grab food after my paperwork’s done, yeah?”
You nod, looking up at the tall, muscular man in front of you. “Sounds good.”
Not long later, you walk out of his apartment, smiling as you say bye to him again.
He bites his lip as he watches you leave, feeling both happy and dissatisfied simultaneously.
Maybe one day he’ll tell you how he feels, what he wants. For now, he isn’t quite willing to take that risk, to risk the arrangement you have now, the friendship. He isn’t willing to chance losing you altogether. For now, he’ll take what he can get. Maybe one day.
Little does he know, you’re wishing you just had the guts to kiss him as you left his apartment, just once, to let him know how you feel. Maybe one day.
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ellatoone7 · 1 month
❄︎ Helpful bunch ❄︎
Alexia's favourite girls series
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The girls help you during your last weeks of pregnancy
You were due any day now. Your stomach was so swollen that you could barely walk. Alexia was on permanent hover mode as she basically never left your side unless one of her daughters needed her. Just like every other pregnancy your wife had been a godsend, she seemed to know what you needed before you even knew. The girls had seemed to inherit that trait from her too as they did everything, they possibly could to be helpful. 
Alexia had woken up early this morning, wanting to make sure you were okay and ensuring that you wouldn’t have to move too much today. Per routine Alexia quickly rifled through the hospital bag she had packed since she found out you were pregnant again. After she was happy that everything was in place, she ticked it off her mental checklist. 
Val was sitting happily outside your bedroom when Alexia opened the door, fluffy her stuffed rabbit clutched tightly to her chest as she stared up at her Mami. Valentina knew that she couldn’t jump on her parent’s bed for a while because her Mama had a sore tummy from her baby sister. Her Mami had told her she could come in a wake her up, but Val seemed to fall into a routine by waiting at the door. Her little face lit up as she saw her Mami, and she immediately reached out for her. 
“Hola mi Bebita.” Alexia cooed as she picked Val up and pressed a kiss to her cheek, “¿Has estado despierto mucho tiempo?” Val rubbed at her eyes tiredly as she shook her head. “Mami, want to see Mama por favor.” Alexia quietly peeked through the door to see if you were awake, but she knew you wouldn’t be for a while. “Mama is asleep nĩna.” Val pouted as she leaned her head against her Mami’s strong shoulder, “Cuddles?” Her hazel eyes shined softly as she requested her favourite thing.
Luckily for Val it was also her Mami’s favourite thing too, she giggled the whole way down the stairs as her Mami made Señor Fluffy speak in funny voices. “Señor Fluffy likes cuddles too Mami.” Val whispers as she holds the rabbit up to her Mami’s face and playfully snuggled into her neck just like Val likes to. “You and Señor Fluffy can have all the cuddles in the world, vale?” Alexia smiles as she gently sits Val on the couch. Val whines when she moves away but that quickly turns into a happy sigh as she watches her Mami grab her favourite cuddle blanket.
“I’ll be two seconds mi vida, I’m just gonna make some coffee.” Val nods before reaching her hands out, clearly not wanting to be separated from the former athlete for long. Alexia only smiles as she picks her daughter back up, Val fiddles with her Mami’s vest as they ywalk into the kitchen. The coffee making process didn’t take too long as Val watched from where she was perched on the counter. 
“Juice?” Val asked as she stared at the fridge, Alexia pulled out the bottle of orange juice and put some in Val’s sippy cup. Val cheered when she was handed her cup, and she nearly downed the whole thing in one before a playful warning from her Mami. When Alexia collected her daughter from the counter, she knew Val was starting to get a little tired because she was considerably clingier that she had previously been. 
Alexia saw down on the couch before settling Val on her chest. Val’s little hand bunched Alexia’s vest as she tucked her face into her Mami’s neck. Val was soothed by her Mami’s warm hand gently stroking her back and holding her even closer. Alexia pressed soft kisses to her hairline as she flicked through the channels, finally landing on one of the cartoons her daughters seemed to like. 
Alexia didn’t even hear footsteps until her 12-year-old was standing right in front of her with a sleepy smile. “Hola Mami.” She rasped out as she sat down next to the pair. Alexia wrapped her free arm around her eldest as she pressed a series of kisses against her cheek. “Bon dia, mi vida.” 
Val peeled out from her hiding place as she peered up at Isabella, reaching out to give her sister a hug before settling back against Alexia’s chest. A half an hour passed before Alexia glanced at the clock, going back and forth about whether to start waking you or not knowing that although the rest would do you good, your back could get sore from lying down for too long. 
Val had dozed off into a light sleep which made it all the more difficult for Alexia to get up. She lightly grabbed the little hand that was clinging onto her vest and slowly detached it before gently manoeuvring her to lie down on the couch. Alexia cooed gently at the sight of her youngest, brushing away the flyaways off her tanned face and placing a feather light kiss to her forehead. 
She made eye contact with her eldest who didn’t even need to be told what was happening she could just always seem to read her Mami’s mind. Alexia gave Isabella a kiss of her own before running up the stairs and into your shared room. You were sound a sleep but to Alexia’s utter surprise, you weren’t alone. 
Emilia was laying next to you, a small arm placed over your stomach in a protective manner. Emilia didn’t even notice her Mami was in the room, far too busy making sure her baby sister and her Mama were okay. Alexia made her way over to her side of the bed before sliding in under the covers making the small blonde jump. 
Emilia giggled quietly as she was pulled into her Mami’s strong arms and tickled gently. She playfully smacked her Mami’s chest as fingers dug into her ribs for the third time. Alexia grabbed Mr. Bear from the clutches of her daughter before tickling him too making Emilia lunge at her. 
“I think Mr. Bear prefers me.” Alexia stated as she held the stuffed bear over her head. Emilia scoffed and crossed her arms, sending her Mami a glare so like your’s that Alexia would’ve believed it was you in front of her.  “Mr. Bear, Mami, loves me the most and I love him the most.” Alexia hummed quietly as she looked at the bear, “I agree Mr. Bear might be loved the most, but he does not love you the most.” Emilia opens her mouth to argue before Alexia cups her freckle cheeks softly, “Because I love you more than anything in the whole wide world.” 
Emilia’s smile lights up the whole room as she wraps her arms around her Mami’s neck, kissing her cheek softly as she does so. “I love you too Mami.” Emilia whispers as if it was a secret, “Even more than Mr. Bear?” Alecia asks as she tucks the bear into her daughter's neck. Emilia pulls back softly as she placed her hands over her teddy’s ears, “Much more than Mr. Bear.”  
Alexia gave the teddy a victorious look before holding the back of her daughter’s head to bring her closer. “Were you looking after Mama?” She feels Emilia’s head move in a nod as she rolls out of her embrace and lands onto the floor with grace she learned from gymnastics. “She needs all the rest she can get until baby comes.” Emilia sites off something that her Mami had been telling her since she found out she was having another little sister. 
“It’s probably time to wake her anyway princesa.” Alexia tells her as she gets to her feet and makes her way over to your side of the bed. Her fingers thread through your hair softly as she slowly coaxes you awake. Your met with her hazel eyes as you finally come to the land of living, drearily blinking up at the Catalonian before smiling softly and cupping her cheek. 
Alexia softly joins your hands before bringing it up to place an adoring kiss to the back of it. “Bon dia mi amor.” You hum lovingly at the purr of her accent as you sit up with the help of her strong hands. “Good morning Meels” You coo as she shuffled her way to stand by her Mami’s legs. Alexia smiles down, absolutely infatuated with the little girl standing on her toes. You feel that pang of pure love fills every ounce of your body like you always did whenever you saw your wife with the girls. You never doubted that Alexia would the greatest mother of all time, but it didn’t really hit you until Isabella came into the world. Alexia held each of her little girls as if she would die if she ever had to be apart from them even for second. 
“Are you feeling okay Mama?” Emilia snapped you out of your bubble of bliss bringing you back into your equally incredible reality as she felt your forehead just like her Mami taught her. You caught her hand and pressed a kiss to it before reassuring her that you were perfect. Alexia held a handout for you to take as Emilia moved down the bed slightly to mirror her Mami. You laughed gently and took both of their hands as they guided you out of bed. You winced, your ankles were so swollen that it hurt to stand on them and your back absolutely killed. 
“Easy mi amor, relax I’m right here.” Alexia gently reminded as she took most of your weight, you sighed against her shoulder before making a move for the door. It was a very slow process, but you did eventually get to the door, you were severely out of breath, and you leaned against the sturdy frame of you wife once again. Emilia made sure that every door between you and downstairs were open as she waited at the bottom of the stairs just in case. 
“Let me carry you cariño.” Alexia whispered, hating when any part of you was in pain. “Alé I’m nine months pregnant and you are retired, you will break your back.” You sternly told her as you gripped onto the banister and slowly descended. Alexia grumbled beside you as you made you way down, “I still go to the gym.” You laugh slightly as you felt her tense her forearm against your hand, “Don’t get me wrong baby, you’re probably even stronger now but I need you to be able to pick up our girls.” That seemed to please your wife as she smiled charmingly at you. You sighed in pure relief when you were met with Emilia at the bottom of the stairs. 
“You made it!” Emilia wrapped her arms and legs around one of her Mami’s legs like a koala. Alexia picked her up effortlessly and placed her on her back as she led you to the sitting room. Before you could get there though Emilia gasped, “Mr Bear is still upstairs!” 
She let go of her Mami’s neck and landed on her feet giving Alexia and absolute heart attack in the process. “Meels we have talked about not doing that anymore.” It fell on deaf ears as she raced up the stairs to grab her teddy. 
“Sign her up for gymnastics they said, it’ll be fun they said.” The Spaniard mumbled as you entered the living room. Val had woken up at some point and was cuddled up in her favourite blanket as her favourite cartoons played. Her hair was a mess, but it was the absolute cutest sight to you and Alexia. Her hazel eyes lit up at the sight of you as she kneeled up on the couch babbling something in her sleepy state. 
“Morning baby.” You greet her with a kiss to her freckled cheek, “Were you being good for Mami?” Val nods as she jumps into her Mami’s arms to prove her point, “Mami’s best girl!” Val giggles as she clings onto her mother. “Sí, my best girl.” 
“I heard that!” Emilia shouted from upstairs as she somehow teleported back into the room with her stuffed bear in tow. Alecia gave her a sheepish smile as Emilia glared at her. “I need to sit down now.” You groan out as your back protests to the weight of your stomach. Alexia and Emilia jump into action, helping you sit down so your comfortable while Alexia places Val beside you. She cuddles up to you, small hand resting on your bump as she leans her head against your side. 
“Are you excited to meet your baby sister?” You asked softly, combing your hand through her brown hair. “I can’t wait Mama!” Alexia can’t help but playfully pinch her daughters' cheeks as she settles down on the other side of you. Emilia plops herself down on top of her Mami and pulls the blanket up to her neck. Alexia’s arms are quickly occupied, one wrapped around you and the other around Emilia as she kisses her cheek softly.
Isabella makes her entrance with a cup of coffee in one hand and a heat pack in the other. You could nearly cry with relief when she hands them to you, “Is you are saving my life right now, thank you baby.” You kiss her cheek and usher her to take a seat on the couch you are all occupying. You tilt your head up to meet your wife’s eyes before she leaned down to press a kiss to your awaiting lips, “Te amo mi amor.” She whispers against your lips before kissing them once more. You sigh happily before leaning your head against her strong shoulder, content with your little family.
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erwinsvow · 1 month
please do bsf rafe flirting with reader while he’s drunk and she’s trying to put him to bed but he just cuddles her and tells her how much he has feelings for her
this with kook trio readerrr omg <3 in my head, rafe's version of admitting feelings is being aggressively posessive. when they finally start dating shes like why didnt you say something sooner? and hes like wym ive been claiming you since the start
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you were so used to rafe taking care of you—bringing you home to tannyhill with him, making sure you took a tylenol before you fell asleep on his bed, a clean frat shirt of his waiting for you in the bathroom.
he was such a good friend to you. when times like this came along, you tried your best to repay the favor.
you think rafe's got it easier, though. he alway manhandles you into position, can carry you up the stairs when you're stumbling and force the pill and water down your throat when you're resisting. you're usually too drunk to remember rafe's hand on your jaw, opening your mouth for you and trying to coax you into taking it, telling you repeatedly you'll be grateful he did it in the morning.
"you are such a dick," you mutter, staring at the bottle of tylenol in your hand and the empty cup of water on the nightstand. he's just spilled the water all over his floor in a drunken stupor, and you suddenly hate that he ever made you feel bad about how much he has to take care of you when you're the drunk one.
rafe is ten times worse than you could ever be.
"thinkin 'bout my dick, are'ya?" he slurs back at you, and then laughs at his own joke. he's laying flat on his bed now, still in the same clothes he wore to the party, shoes and watch still on. getting him into the house and up the stairs was hard enough, even with top and kelce's help, but they'd jumped ship the second you got rafe into bed.
"all yours now, princess," kelce said, grabbing the keys to his car.
"yeah, good luck. i've never seen him so drunk," top adds.
"you're both just leaving me with him?" you cry out, but the hallway is empty when you finally get your wrist out of rafe's grip. rafe had mumbled something from his position, but you hadn't heard it.
twenty minutes later, you still hadn't gotten rafe to drink any water or change his clothes. all his energy seemed to be focused on getting you to curl up next to him.
"c'mon! just get into bed, m'fuckin tired-" he grumbles again, latching onto your arm while you try to at least get his shoes off.
"you can't sleep with your sneakers on, rafe-"
"who cares? i like my sneakers-"
"that's great, but your sheets-"
"but not as much as i like you. hah. that's fuckin' cheesy." you turn to look at your drunken best friend, his flushed cheeks and the way his eyes are closed while talking to you. you laugh, unable to hold it back.
"thanks, rafe. i like you too. enough to get your shoes off because you will so regret this tomorrow morning."
"don't regret anything." his eyes open, staring at you while you stare at his shoes. "shit. you're pretty."
you don't even address his comment—he's drunk beyond belief and you know you're pretty. after you untie his laces for him, he kicks off his shoes. you sigh a breath of relief.
"okay, rafe, do you want to sleep in these clothes or should i find pajamas?"
"how 'bout we sleep naked? there's an idea."
"stop being a perv. otherwise i'm gonna go cuddle with kelce instead." you laugh to yourself—the whole thing is a joke. you and rafe don't cuddle, at least not on purpose. you go to bed facing him but somehow always wake up with your limbs tangled and your hair in his face.
"sure. if you want me to kill kelce."
"oh my god, dramatic much?" you turn back to rafe to see if he's laughing, but he's not, looking right at you and sitting up.
"m'not kidding. don't joke about that. you're fuckin' mine, don't forget it."
he lays back down. you pause, eyebrows knitting while you think about the sentence rafe just said. he's drunk, so he must be joking. right?
"c'mon wanna sleep. get into bed." he grumbles again, and you comply, still a little shellshocked. you turn off the lamp and get into bed, and you don't even feel surprised when rafe pulls you in. you rest your head against his chest, and you don't stop thinking about what he said until you fall asleep.
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luvrgrlellie · 9 months
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gf!ellie headcannons
warnings: smut
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controversial but i think gf!ellie only really calls you babe/baby. she calls you other things occasionally, but knowing ellie I think she would find a lot of typical pet names cringe (unless she’s saying it teasingly during sex ie. princess 😫 for her pillow princess) (or doll if she’s feeling cocky)
gf!ellie who’s ALWAYS cold. that girl has terrible circulation and is constantly sticking her feet under your butt or her hands up your shirt/down your pants to warm them up
“ouch els you’re freezing!!! why do you have ice cubes for hands?”
“idk but i dooooo know i have a space heater for a gf so it doesn’t really matter”
gf!ellie lovessss hearing you talk about your interests/hobbies/passions. she could sit there forever just listening to you ramble and watching your eyes gleam with excitement.
gf!ellie who loves taking you shopping and watching you try things on. you’re like her own little doll that she gets to dress up.
“oh my god babeeee i need to see you in this. go put it on.”
“holy shit - fuck you look so good. yeah give me a spin. god you look so fine.”
of course gf!ellie also spoils the shit out of you on these trips whenever you let her.
“no really els - I don’t need it, it’s fine!”
“it’s not about needing anything. you look so fucking hot in that dress and I wanna buy it for you. cmon let me spoil my girl.”
gf!ellie who loves to doodle with you snuggled up next to her. one of her favorite pastimes is cuddling up in bed with you at her side and her sketchbook in hand.
gf!ellie who’s a terrible cook but tried really hard in the beginning for you. she wanted to impress you by preparing a homecooked meal for your third date, but it turned out terrible. she knew you were a keeper when you took a bite and tried to pretend to like it, but then immediately came clean in the gentlest way possible because you didn’t wanna lie to her but also didn’t want her to think you didn’t appreciate the gesture.
“ellie, have you ever made this before”
“damn it’s that bad huh?”
“no, no! okay well. i will say the chicken is a little under done. and the vegetable are a little overdone. but besides that it’s really good!!”
gf!ellie who appreciates when you take over in the kitchen for the rest of the relationship. not only do you whip up the most delicious meals for her on the daily, but also look incredibly adorable doing it in your little apron with your scrunched-up concentrated face. she loves hugging you from behind to see what her cute little housewife is cooking her - squeezing your hips, rocking you back and forth, and kissing on your neck to tease you.
gf!ellie who’s uncharacteristically nervous to meet your parents. you’ve never seen her anxious like that but she just wanted really wanted to make sure that they like her. she brings flowers and some store bought cookies, but little does he know that ellie’s kind heart and love for you will win them over just fine <3
gf!ellie who knows you can handle yourself but is still hella protective of you and will knock out anyone who looks at you wrong. all you have to do is say the word.
protective gf!ellie who has mixed feelings on PDA. she really likes having her hands on you so that everyone knows your her’s, but she‘s also aware how gross and disgusting men are and how they fetishize wlw. so out of protection for you she tries to keep it toned down and unless it’s necessaryyyy (she’s tired of the stares and needs to mark her territory)
protective gf!ellie always making sure you kept your drink in your hand at all times at parties.
*drunk you getting ready to put your drink down in some random spot*
*ellie intercepting it to hold for you instead* “nopeee I got it.”
protective gf! ellie watches how much you’re drinking and cuts you off when you’ve clearly had enough
just recently posted an ellie’s kinks headcannons if y’all wanna go check it out 😏😏😏😏, so i’m not gonna go into hella detail of what gf!ellie likes in bed but let me tell ya’ll this
gf!ellie just loves teasing you. she loves how desperate you get when she drags the tip of the strap from your clit down to your hole, making you think she’s FINALLY gonna fuck you and then bringing it back up to your clit again. watching you squirm and beg her to just put it in never fails to put on smirk on your face.
“what’s the matter baby? can’t be patient? need my cock inside you that bad huh?
“if you want it so bad you’re gonna have to beg. let me hear it baby. tell me exactly what you want or you’re not getting it.” she lives to make you say every little dirty thing you want her to do to you, out loud, several times until she finally gives in. but if you do as she says she’d literally do anything you want. obsessed with you is what that girl is
loves hearing you moan and whine and beg her to fuck you but also loves covering your mouth with her hand or stuffing your panties into your mouth to shut you up. and then trying to make you talk to her when you clearly can’t.
“what’s that? sorry babe i can’t understand you.”
gf!ellie is possessive asf during sex too. whatever she’s calling you, she’s putting my in front of it. like….
“MY good girl”
“MY pussy”
“MY little slut” 😋
gf!ellie is just the bestest ever, always putting her girl first and treating her like a damn queen :)
honestly I could write so many more of these and i didn’t know where to stop so lmk if you want a part 2!!
a ;)
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luveline · 3 months
May I request a roan & eddie & r's first outing after the wedding and roan is so happy she tells everyone "this is my mom"?
dad!eddie x (step)mom!reader —breakfast on the family moon
The sun is high in the sky that afternoon, and every breeze smells of salt and fresh flowers. Eddie turns his head one way and sees a field of lush green grass, turns it the other and finds himself looking out over the white stone monolith of the family hotel where you’re staying. 
Roan climbs up onto the solid wooden table next to empty plates smeared with syrup and melted chocolate, vying for a last strawberry as big as her hand. “You want that one, bub?” he asks. 
“Can I have it?” 
He bites off the stem. He’s not sure if that’s disgusting, but you’ve married him now, no take-backsies, and you aren’t here to see anyhow. He spits the green into a napkin and offers the fruit to his waiting daughter. “Okay?” 
“Thank you,” she says, catching it in her teeth. “All the fruits are so yummy here.” 
“Don’t talk with your mouthful, baby,” Eddie says. 
She shrugs, pulling her knees up. They’re red from crawling along the wooden table but unscathed, stark against the pale fabric of her dress’ skirt. 
“Look,” he says, pointing at the waiter standing near the restaurant's big patio doors, “the waiter’s gonna see you climbing all over the table and getting your spit on me.” 
Roan turns to look. Her behaviour remains unchanged. “Where’s mommy?” 
Eddie drags her backwards off of the wood and into his lap. He kisses her cheek, her forehead, hoping to imbue the intensity of what he’s feeling on to her —he’s never been this content in his life. He’s married you, and marriage is a piece of paper and all his heroes would laugh in his face but would they? Because what’s better than finding your person, and loving them, and getting to be loved back? “She’s getting another plate for you and your good appetite.” 
Roan’s been just as thrilled since the wedding. She cried a little on the plane from the changing pressure, but before and after that she’s been a vestibule of joy. She turns into his kissing to cuddle him by the neck, her arms around him and her hair tickling his throat. “Mommy said we can try surfing today.” 
“I know! Do you think you’re ready to surf? We got you that wetsuit, all we need is a boogie board.” 
“A what?” 
“It’s like a surfboard, but not so big,” he explains, stroking her curls back from her face absentminded, eyes scanning inside of the hotel restaurant for a hint of your pale dress. 
“I want a real surfboard.” 
“Mm, no, babe. You can’t carry a surfboard. It’s okay though, we’re gonna be on boogie boards too.” 
She leans back. “Can we have more breakfast?” 
“Let’s see what Y/N brings back.” 
You’re summoned by his name drop, edging toward the patio doors as you chat to one of the waiters. You’re laughing politely, attempting to point to your two Munson’s but struggling with the plates you carry, one in each hand, while drinks pressed between your arm and chest threaten to spill. The waiter takes one of your plates. 
“Aw, sugar, thank you,” you say, “it’s just there. I’m sorry.” 
“That’s why I’m here,” the waiter says with an easy customer service smile. 
You and the waiter approach and put down the plates and cups. “Hi, baby,” you say, visibly perplexed at Roan’s huge smile. 
“This is my mom,” Roan tells the waiter. 
“And she’s just as beautiful as you are, hun. You are a lucky guy,” he directs his last comment at Eddie. 
“You don’t know the half of it,” Eddie says. 
“We just got married,” you say proudly. 
“But how old are you?” the waiter asks Roan. 
She holds up five fingers, and then a sixth. 
“You were slow,” the waiter says to Eddie. 
“It’s not his fault, we’ve been engaged almost a year,” you say, “and we didn’t know one another until not even three years ago, so–”
Roan doesn’t care about the waiter’s confusion. She reaches for you where she’s sitting in Eddie’s lap, almost tipping onto the floor as she stretches as far as her arms can go. She whines until you take notice. 
“Hi,” you say, cutting yourself off to pick her up. “What, babe?” 
“I love you,” she says. 
You and Eddie laugh. The waiter makes a sound of understanding. “She looks like dad because you are the stepmom,” he says. 
“Just mom,” you say, giving her a little kiss. “She really does look like her dad though, huh? Except he’s not covered in chocolate.” 
“We can arrange that.” 
You laugh against Roan’s cheek, “I love you,” you say, just for her, “I got you a bowlful of strawberries, your skin is gonna turn pink ‘cos you’ve eaten so many. Love you.” 
Roan closes her eyes. She’s been smothered in love for a week straight and there’s no signs of it ever stopping. “I love you too. Let’s have melon.” 
“I got some.” 
Eddie nudges you back into your seat. “Alright, quick, we need to eat and sleep it off for an hour before we go surfing. Chop chop.”
“He’s so bossy,” Roan says.
“I know, baby. Don’t listen to him.” 
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ktgoodmorning · 3 months
(love language series- quality time)
Aitana Bonmati x Reader
Inspired by the love language quality time- you and Aitana enjoy a day off together. pure fluff.
Can't decide if this one was kinda a flop or if I completely love it. Gonna do one for each love language, each with a different player. Write less fluff and make it stay under 2k words challenge should be next for me lmao. As always, Requests and feedback are super welcome/encouraged, let me know what you think! :)
The rest of the love language series:
Silent communications. M.Leon x reader. Physical touch.
Let me spoil you. C.Coll x reader. Giving and receiving gifts.
Broken. P.Guijarro. Acts of service.
You know I love you. A.Putellas. Words of Affirmation
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You were awoken slowly by beams of Barcelona sunlight streaming in past the edges of your curtains. Knowing that both you and Aitana had the day off, you rolled over hoping to fall back asleep. In doing so, you sleepily wrapped your arm around your girlfriend, trying to pull her into your side. As you lazily pulled her in, you could hear her giggle softly at you and you being half asleep. Unbeknownst to you, it was 9:30 which was extremely late for either of you to still be in bed. Typically you’d both be out the door by 7:00 so this was unheard of for you. Aitana knew you needed the sleep so she avoided waking you up no matter how bored she was becoming. While you continued to sleep, she carefully reached over to grab her book so she could lie next to you and read. The woman’s free hand gently ran over your scalp, putting you back to sleep while she read. Even though she could rarely sit still, it was easy when you were with her. 
Around ten, you slowly started waking up further. You squinted your eyes as you opened them slightly, caught off guard by the brightness in the room. Aitana was lost in her book, not noticing you slightly starting to wake up. It gave you time to look up at her, admiring her and the way you were cuddled into her side. You noticed she was sitting up while you slept, making you wonder how long you had been sleeping, “what time is it?” your voice was raspy from sleep when your girlfriend finally realized you were awake. 
Aitana set her book down next to her, turning her full attention to you, “it’s almost ten, amor.” she gave you a soft smile and gently tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, out of your face. 
You knew how active she typically was and were suddenly overcome with guilt that she had felt like she needed to sit with you until this late in the morning. “Tana, you didn’t have to stay,” you looked up at her questioningly. “You could’ve gone on your run if you wanted to, I wouldn’t have minded,” you tried your best to communicate to your girlfriend that she didn’t have to be tied down by you. The last thing you wanted was to hold her back or keep her from the things she enjoyed. 
“Amor, it’s one day. I’m happy to skip my run for a day if it means getting to lay here with you,” she moved down to be laying next to you and pulled you in close for a tight hug. Her genuineness was clear from the way she held you tight, giving you no choice but to believe her. You knew she liked to be by your side, you just wanted to make sure she still did the things she wanted. “We never have time to just sit like this, it’s nice.” 
You pulled back from her slightly, seeing if she was serious. “Aitana Bonmati, are you sick or something?” you placed the back of your hand on her forehead as you giggled, “since when are you willing to lay around in bed?” 
Aitana rolled her eyes at you with a small smile on her face. She grabbed your hand from her forehead, kissing your knuckles before placing it back on her waist for you to snuggle back into her. “I like laying around when it’s with you, especially when we’ve both been so busy.” 
You hummed in agreement and pulled yourself back into her, still tired from the past week. “I just want to lay here with you all day,” you grumbled into her shoulder, “you’re so comfy.”
“Well… nothing’s stopping you, we’ve got nothing we have to do today.” Your girlfriend's arms wrapped around you, pulling you in close. Her hand rubbed gently down the side of your arm, lulling you back into your sleepy state. 
Sometime around noon you had woken up for real and the two of you decided it was time to finally get out of bed. You had decided to go on a walk to your favorite cafe together and then see where the day took you. It was the perfect way to spend your day together, never leaving each other’s side. 
Walking down the streets of your neighborhood, holding hands with Aitana, taking in the beautiful day- all were some of your all time favorite things to do. It was perfect. When you arrived at the cafe, Aitana found a spot for the two of you to sit while you ordered for the both of you. You easily found your girlfriend after you had ordered your food. She was settled into your favorite table in the corner. It was perfectly private and tucked away but still enough of a view to watch the other patrons of the cafe. She had been sitting on her phone as she waited for you but immediately put it in her bag when she saw you joining her. You took note of the small gesture and how she always wanted to make the most of your time together. The Catalan greeted you with a bright smile, just as she always did. Your smile was one of your favorite things about her, it lit up your heart every time you saw it. 
As you sat down with Aitana, she just looked at you for a while, silently, with love in her eyes. You were always catching her looking at you like this, she’d given up on hiding it now. The sound of the waitress bringing your food over seemed to break her from her trance. The two of you started eating in a content silence until your girlfriend spoke up, “how was work yesterday? I know I didn’t see you much because of the match last night.” You loved how she still wanted to check in even though you could never blame her for being busy. “Was that one girl still bothering you? Or did she get fired yet?” she looked at you hopefully with another smile on her face. 
You giggled at her in response, shaking your head slightly. She always remembered all your complaints about your job and which of your coworkers was annoying you at the time. There was no reason for her to remember it, it wasn’t significant, but she always did. It no longer surprised you, Aitana was just like that. She was always interested in everything you did, even if it didn’t really affect her. “I don’t think I’d be lucky enough to have her get fired, amor. I just wish she’d back off and let me do my job. I’ve got this new project I’ve been looking into starting, I think it could be really cool,” you started to ramble on about your latest work ideas.
 Aitana had no idea what you were talking about. She could always follow at first but the more you continued to spill all your ideas, the more she got lost. To her credit, you were quite scattered, not always making the most sense of all your thoughts. One of her biggest talents was not letting you realize how lost she got when you got into work mode. She continued to listen with admiration, her attention not faltering for a second. To her, it didn’t matter if she understood it. You were excited about it and that’s all she needed to enjoy listening to you. She tried her best, nodding and really working to connect all your random thoughts as you went on. At times she’d cut in with some questions, trying to clear up as much as she could so she could at least get the general idea of it all. It didn’t matter, she loved it no matter how little she understood. 
Your lunch continued like this for the most part, Aitana would ask you about something, you’d get sent into a ramble, going on and on about it, while she did her best to follow. You appreciated being able to get your thoughts and ideas off your chest and she just loved listening to you talk about everything you were passionate about. It was perfect for both of you and exactly what each of you needed to help cope with the stress of your lives lately. 
As you wrapped up your lunch date, she took your hand in hers and led you out of the cafe. Together, the pair of you ventured on a walk, ending at one of your favorite spots in Barcelona, a small park near your house.  You sat down on a bench and just watched the people walking by. It was perfect. Aitana had wrapped her arm around your shoulders so you could lean your head against her shoulder. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, just taking in each other’s presence and watching the world around you. You didn’t need ongoing conversation or action to keep the two of you happy. Being with each other was always enough, especially on days like this when you had the rare opportunity to slow down and just be. Aitana loved days like this when she wasn’t “Aitana Bonmati,” she was just yours. That was all she could ever want. She loved being yours. 
You tilted your head, still on her shoulder, so you could look at your girlfriend. It was unbelievable to you how you had gotten lucky enough to be able to call her yours. You knew you could always count on her to still prioritize you when she knew you needed it, no matter how big of a footballer she became. The way the sun shined off your girlfriend’s brown eyes was like artwork to you. You were lost in her eyes when she turned to face you, catching you in your staring. All she could do was give you a soft smile, knowing she often did the same to you. “Should we head home,” she spoke softly, “so we are home before it gets too dark?” You just now noticed that the sun was starting to set. You gave her a nod before standing up and offering her your hand to help her up.
Aitana gladly took it and joined you. She didn’t let go of your hand the entire time you walked, swinging slightly as you took in the Barcelona scenery around you. Eventually you noticed how she shivered slightly. The air had cooled down since the sun had set and Aitana was definitely not built for the chilly weather. Wordlessly, you took off your hoodie and passed it to your girlfriend. She pushed your hand away slightly, not wanting to take it from you, “Amor, you keep it, I’m okay,” you knew she was lying, feeling bad that you’d be going without it. “You’ll get cold,” she tried to protest but you could see the shy smile as she spoke. 
“Tana, we both know I handle cold much better than you do,” you laughed lightly as you teased her. Her eyes rolled, “just put the sweatshirt on, you’ll be more comfortable.” She had given you a small push as you teased her but still gave you a smile and nod. Briefly, you let go of her hand so she could put it on. 
When she was comfortable (and warm) in your slightly-too-big hoodie, she grabbed your hand again, “Gracias, mi amor.” You loved how she often spoke to you as if it were still your first date and she was still shy about speaking to you. 
You responded by bringing her hand up to your lips and leaving a soft kiss against her knuckles. “I couldn’t let my girlfriend go cold now could I, Tana?” She laughed softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. The two of you were mostly silent while you finished your walk home. There was some brief conversation here and there but you mostly just enjoyed your time with each other. Neither of you wanted your day to end. 
When you got home, you made dinner together, how long you had been out. Aitana had put on some music and the two of you bounced around the kitchen, chatting and dancing while you helped each other cook. As much as she loved her Barca teammates, Aitana loved to tell people that you were her perfect teammate. She liked to think of you as her “life teammate.” It’s not like she was wrong. Anyone who saw the two of you together saw how perfectly you meshed. It was times like this, doing something as simple as cooking together, where you saw how true it was. You were lost in conversation, her filling you in on some of the team’s latest endeavors. Neither of you ever had to break the conversation to talk about what you were doing as far as dinner went, you always just knew. That’s how everything was with Aitana. You both just knew. 
The two of you finished dinner, and decided on a movie night before you had to go to bed and prepare for work the next day. It was the perfect way to wrap up your lazy day off together. Eventually, you both ended up ignoring the movie as you got lost in conversation yet again. She was lying stretched out across the couch while you laid on top of her with your head against her chest, happily chatting away. Hearing her heartbeat always put you at ease, always made any stress melt away. 
When Aitana was giggling through her latest story, you lifted your head up to look into her eyes, just smiling at your girlfriend before leaning in for a kiss. As you pulled away, the two of you were both smiling wide. She pulled you back to her and gave you another quick peck, giggling again at how you chased her lips, hoping for more. You gave your girlfriend a playful pouty face which she responded to by peppering your entire face in little kisses, until you also started to giggle at her. You buried your face in her neck for a minute while you both laughed at each other. 
Once the two of you calmed down, she cupped your face in her hands and finally pulled you in for a real kiss. You sighed into it, pleased to finally get what you wanted. Kissing Aitana was one of your favorite things. Her lips were soft, yet filled with conviction, always managing to express her love to you through her kisses. The two of you lazily made out on the couch while the movie played on in the background. Aitana gently ran her hands down your back, somehow bringing you even more comfort. You slowly pulled away and pushed a piece of hair back from her face. 
As usual, your girlfriend was looking at you with admiration. “Thank you for today, Tana.” She looked at you with confusion, unsure of what you meant. “Today was just perfect. It was the perfect day off with you. I love when I get this much time with you, especially when we’re usually so busy.”  You laid your head back on her chest. Her arms squeezed you tight, holding you close. 
You could feel the vibrations in her chest as she hummed in agreement, “me too. I think we need to do this more often.” All you did was nod against her, and return the hug she was holding you in. “I love you, amor,” she started to ramble, “I love this and I love you and I can’t wait to do this with you forever.” 
With a shy smile, you pulled away from her so you could look at your girlfriend's face. The two of you had talked about your future many times, and both knew you planned on getting married. Something about this time felt different though- the way she mentioned it so casually as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “I love you, mi Tana, always.” She smiled back at you and gently ran a hand through your hair. You placed your head back on her chest as she continued to softly massage your scalp. 
The more you snuggled in, listening to your girlfriend’s heart, the more you were lulled to sleep, thinking of your perfect future with Aitana. It took awhile for Aitana to notice that you had fallen asleep on her. She was so lost in her own daydreams, thinking about your future wedding, your future family, she hadn’t even noticed how you had settled into her. Neither of you could imagine a life better than this. It was what you had both dreamed of. All she could do was snuggle in further and allow herself to drift to sleep, holding you tightly, both with soft smiles settling on your faces. You couldn’t have imagined a more perfect day together, just basking in each other’s presence.
The rest of the love language series:
Silent communications. M.Leon. Physical touch.
Let me spoil you. C.Coll x reader. Giving and receiving gifts.
Broken. P.Guijarro. Acts of service.
You know I love you. A.Putellas. Words of Affirmation
Feedback and requests are always welcome! :)
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tvgals · 6 months
Connie, Choso or Miguel with a reader that wears glasses and is “mean” but softie who loves to kiss & cuddle
let’s do all three why not
CONNIE (aka nunu 💞)
“yo girl is a bitch.” eren mumbles under his breath. “the fuck did you just say?” connie says, cocking his head to the side. the blunt in his hand being pinched to the gods by his fingers. “y/n, she’s a bitch. she just treated my life for no reason.” eren said, shrugging his shoulders at connie’s reaction. “you don’t know shit about her. fix yo’ lips to say some shit about my wife again and see what happens.” connie threatens eren, who just rolls his emerald eyes and turns toward the tv. you walk into the room, your ugg slides on your feet and your knotless braids in a low bun. you sit next to connie and rest your head on his shoulder. “hey, mama.” connie grins, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“hi, nunu…” you yawn, pulling a nearby throw blanket onto your body, wrapping your arms around his torso. “you tired?” connie asks, putting the blunt down on the tray. “mhm..” you hum, slowly falling back asleep. once connie made sure you were fully asleep, he turned back to eren with a smirk. “she’s a bitch huh?”
you and choso sit next to each other, hand in hand. you looked up at choso and kiss along his jawline, his friends groaning at the affection.
one of his girl friends looks at you two, a scowl on her face. “your uggs are cute. where’d you get them?” she asks, bitterness in her voice. “the ugg website? like what..” you mumble, rolling your eyes. you turn back to choso and hug his torso, he smiles and hugs you back. the girl still trying to talk to you.
“sorry, didn’t mean to offend you i guess.” she mutters. you side eye her. “so how long have you and choso been dating?” she asks, leaning forward. “can you like…stop talking to me?” you ask, looking at her with a deadpan look on your face. choso giggles to himself, rubbing soothing circles on your hip.
“cho’,” you side eye her due to the nickname you used for him specifically. “tell your girlfriend to stop being mean to me! you’re just gonna let this happen to me?” she pouts, crossing your arms. you laugh at her, almost crying. the girl huffs and picks up her purse and walks away, you clutching your stomach while tears roll down your face. choso turning red from holding in his laughter.
you sat at miguel’s desk, your legs on the top. “mrs.o’hara..” one of miguel’s interns says timidly, shuffling into the room.
“what?” you bark out, rolling your eyes. “miguel wanted me to give this to you.” you purse your lips, looking at the interns hand to see a spider trinket, when you put it in your own hands a hologram of miguel happens to appear.
“y/n, i know facetimes and text messages haven’t been enough while i’ve been gone for almost a month. so i hope this is enough while im away. just keep that spider everywhere you go and i’ll be with you.”
you smile and glare at the intern that still stood there, looking stupid.
“you can leave.”
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
mother may i || mary earps x reader ||
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you show mary a little well-deserved love.
minors dni, 18+, smut ahead
"you look so pretty spread out like this for me," mary cooed in your ear as she fucked you. there was a sweetness to her voice that directly contradicted the harsh thrusts of her hips. you whined as you blindly reached out to touch her body. "you're doing so good for mommy. how does it feel? are you close baby?"
"yes mommy, it feels so good. i'm so close, just a bit more, please. i need you," you told her. mary leaned back a little and tugged your hips further onto her lap. she kept one hand on your waist to steady you as the other fell between your legs.
your back arched off of the bed as mary's fingers trailed between your legs. she was teasing you, but it didn't last for much longer. mary could tell that you were close. she could see how desperate you were for your release, and it came quickly once her fingers had finally focused in on your clit.
"mommy, i'm gonna cum," you warned her. mary moved the hand not on your clit up to your breast, pinching your nipple as she continued to pound into you. your orgasm washed over you as the pain mixed in with your pleasure. you were screaming mary's name as you came, your brain too far gone to remember the bedroom title.
"that's it baby, cum for mommy. you've been such a good girl for me. i love seeing your cum all over my cock. that's it baby, relax for me. you did so good. rest for me, okay?" mary soothed you both with her words and the gentle hold she had on your body. mary pulled her cock out of you, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple as you let out a little whimper and squirmed. "how are you feeling, lovely?"
"amazing. i love it when you fuck me like that," a light pink blush dusted your cheeks as you answered mary's question. she smiled as she pressed several kisses to your cheeks. you could feel her strap poking you in the leg as the two of you cuddled up next to each other. mary wasn't going to demand another round or anything, but she always kept it on until you told her that you were finished. "can we do something a little different tonight?"
"what did you have in mind?" mary asked you. she was apprehensive about your question, and rightly so. mary had taken a lot out of you just then, but you didn't want her to fuck you again. you sat up and moved to straddle mary, knowing that she was a bit more susceptible to your suggestions when the two of you were positioned like that.
"well, i was just thinking that you always take such good care of me, that i'd like to return the favor," you told her. mary seemed a bit slow to catch up, but once she did, she looked surprised. in the beginning of your relationship, things had felt a bit more equal before mary fell into the dominant role. "let me make you feel good. i want to show you how good i can really be mommy."
you knew that with those words, mary was a goner. she cleared her throat and sat up. there was an air of nervousness about her, one that you hadn't seen in the bedroom in quite some time. you cupped her cheeks and leaned in slow enough to give mary ample time to stop you or move away. instead, she leaned into your touch and practically melted once your lips were on hers.
you found it difficult not to do the same, but you had to hold strong. you guided mary to lay down on her back without breaking the kiss. your hands moved down from mary's face to pin her arms down against the bed. mary looked completely dazed when you finally broke the kiss and pulled away enough to get a good look at her.
"first thing's first, i need to clean up the mess i made," you told her. mary opened her mouth to ask what you meant, but all that came out as a squeak as you took all of her strap into your mouth. any protest or thought mary had about the absence of you sitting on her lap died at the sight of you deep throating her.
"fucking hell," mary swore as she watched you. the sight of your head bobbing up and down on her cock made her almost as wet as watching you getting fucked had. "you're so hot."
you gently placed your hands on her thighs as you shifted your body to rest between her legs. mary watched with a certain unwavering intensity as you cleaned every last drop of your cum off of her strap. she lifted her hips to help you whenever the time came for you to remove the harness. mary wanted to make everything as easy for you as possible to get you between her legs properly as quick as she could.
"what are you going to do now?" mary asked. you were sat back on your knees, staring at her body as if you were contemplating your next move. usually, you'd get yourself off by grinding on her abs or thigh when she was laid back this like. a part of you wanted to do that, but it was much more important that you showed mary some proper love.
you leaned over her body and pressed your lips to hers in a feverish kiss. it was like the ones that mary gave you whenever the two of you were in the middle of fucking. this time, it was mary moaning as she rolled her hips against your thigh for some much needed friction. you let mary grind against you as you trailed hot kisses down her neck and to her chest.
"(y/n), baby, please," mary pleaded with you. she was whining, something that you hadn't heard in quite some time. you wanted to take your time, but mary needed you more. this wasn't about you, it was about giving mary the pleasure that she deserved.
"i'm sorry," you apologized as you shifted to lay between her legs. mary's hands found their way to the back of your head, bunching up into fists around your hair. mary was careful to be gentle with you, even as she felt like she was losing her mind with your tongue trailing up and down between her folds.
you let out a small moan at the taste of mary, a move that had her pulling your head impossibly closer. mary was incredibly receptive to every single one of your touches, only spurring you on even further. you didn't even feel the need to use your fingers, pleasuring mary just fine with your tongue. you alternated between focusing your mouth on her clit and lapping at the arousal that dribbled down from her entrance.
"i-," mary tried, but couldn't string together any words. you knew the warning that had died on the tip of her tongue. you could feel her dripping down your chin as she came, grinding herself against your face shamelessly. it was an act of pure lust, mary only caring about chasing her own orgasm. you let her continue until she was finished, finally letting go of your head and pushing you out from between her legs.
"are you alright?" you asked as you sat beside her. mary cracked her eyes open a little to look at you, a sight that had her thighs clenching together. your lips were shining with her arousal, which also coated the bottom half of your face. mary blushed a little, not having realized that she had even been that worked up. "talk to me, mare."
"i think that i needed that," mary muttered quietly. you began to move forward to kiss her, but paused, unsure of whether or not she wanted to kiss you with her cum coating your mouth. mary seemed to sense your apprehension and finished closing the distance for you. "thank you baby. you took very good care of me, i'm grateful that you love me like you do."
"i'll always love you, even if you aren't in the habit of letting me do this more often," you told her. mary blushed a bit. you let her rest for a couple of moments before you took her into the bathroom. you were careful about cleaning her up before the two of you went through your night-time routines.
"what do you want to sleep in for tonight?" mary asked as she came into the bathroom again. she was dressed up in a tank top and pair of old sweatpants. you could see her nipples straining through the fabric, and if it wasn't for the slight ache between your legs, you probably would have tried to jump her. mary held one of her wolfsburg training jerseys in one hand with a little silk slip in the other.
"the jersey, it smells like you," you told her. mary blushed as she held it out towards you. she was about to turn around and let you get dressed when she remembered that she had stashed a pair of underwear for you in her pocket. she watched as you got dressed with a loving look in her eyes, like she couldn't believe that you were hers to hold at night. "carry me to bed?"
"as you wish," mary said with a dramatic bow. you chuckled as she lifted you up into her arms. she let you bounce a little as she held you in place. mary pressed a couple of quick kisses to your lips, knowing that you wouldn't let her kiss you while she carried you. there had been too many mishaps where mary had either tripped or run into something for you to even attempt making out while she carried you again. "baby?"
"yes, mare?"
"can i be the little spoon tonight?" mary asked you. you didn't answer her verbally, and instead pulled her into your arms. mary relaxed with your body pressed against her back. she wouldn't admit it, but she had felt extremely nervous asking to be held like this. you would always do it for her, but mary had always found it difficult to be vulnerable with you. you knew what she wanted, you just had to be patient and wait for her to ask for it first.
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gomugomuno56 · 2 months
Trafalgar Law Headcanon.
Law x gn! Reader.
When he has a crush pt.2 (post-confession)
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Once he knows you both feel the same, brother is so confused and flustered. Flustered for obvious reasons, and confused cause now he doesn't know what to do next. So obviously now he needs help.
He knows Shachi and Penguin would be a menace, and Bepo is too innocent for this, so now that's three ruled out. So he seeks Ikkaku for help.
Ikkaku tells him to take you out on a date on the next island, Law looks at her with a straight face, that's probably saying "yeah now plan the date too."
Please, forgive the man, he's very inexperienced in the dating area and he has no clue what he's doing.
Ikkaku told him to take you on a picnic date, and that this is all she could do and that he needs to plan the rest. Oof.
He'd most likely be stiff through the first few minutes of the 'date', he looks so adorable. Sitting with his legs crossed on the picnic cloth, looking down and all red, and probably rocking back and forth and all ahahhdjdn hes so cute(I'd gobble him up if i could).
He'd take you out a few times before he finally snaps and asks you to be his partner(girlfriend/boyfriend or whatever you go by).
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) his shy demeanor starts to break after a while of being official. He starts to get more comfortable with you, like hand holding, kisses, hugs, and even cuddling. He's a switch for sure, doesn't mind holding you, or being held by you.
Of course the crew gets to know about your little dates and teases you two from time to time but not so much so that it scares him away.
At first the lovely-dovely stuff was STRICTLY confined to his room/office, but then it got carried to the dining hall, where his arm would casually rest on the cak of your chair, then in the galley, where he'd lay his head on your lap and cover his face with his cap, or let you lay on his lap.
But he doesn't want to show pda outside the polar tang, he knows it's not going to be safe. But he keeps you within arms reach, just to put himself at ease.
See, he's a cocky bastard, slowly he'll warm up to you again now that you both are official, so he's gonna be back to being a tease, just to get reactions out of you. He loves making you blush.
Please don't hold back, tease him so bad he cries.(Just kidding, unless...)
He might have withdrawals, when he just wants to isolate himself, give him some space, but if he overexerts himself, please pull him out of it.
Will definitely love to see you wear his comfortable hoodies and sweatshirts to bed at night when you cuddle and fall asleep.
Extra: if his significant other is pretty short compared to him, you won't hear the end of it. He thinks you're just so adorable and can't stop caressing your cheeks and sometimes pinching it. Would probably wake up in the middle of the night and just look at your face with so much admiration that even Aokiji's ice and Akainu's heart would melt.
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Byeee thanks for readingg:))
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