#she sounds like lisa simpson
fruitcage · 5 months
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
the simpsons intro fucks so much it's unreal
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crushedsweets · 7 months
h music moon anon back again
what instruments do u think each creep would play? i think toby would play drums or something as an outlet for his emotions
tim plays an ancient acoustic guitar that’s missing like 2 strings and the wood is literally rotting (he’s had it since like 1999 and refuses to get rid of it)
nina sings. she defo had a yt cover channel at one point
unsure for the rest.. hm
- 🌙
oo. omg. yes. i like this. just a reminder that i really have no experience with instruments but i think its cool. half/most of these characters DON'T play in my au, BUT IF THEY DID....
toby and drums for sure, BUT realistically his parents would never let that happen in their house and he wouldn't really wanna put in the effort to get a drum set to the cabin. but listen. harmonica toby. yeah. not expanding
tim and acoutstic guitar but its fucked up and ugly and he only keeps it because he's attatched to it but its so bad
nina singing is also sooo fucking canon. she'd prob try to learn guitar at some point but then realized she had to cut her nails and callous her fingers, so she gave up immediately LMFAOO
brian... mmm... honestly guitar is pretty fitting for him too. he'd be one of those guys at parties who starts playing and he's so incredibly mediocre at it.
i feel like i could see like. childhood kate playing the piano cuz her mom wants her to. but she was always complaining and whining and getting mad about it, and then her life was ruined by the operator when she was like 14, so.. she couldnt play even if she tried
natalie also wouldnt play anything, but i could see her like having one of those fucked up out of tune pianos thrown in the barn that she found for free on the side of the road and had to get tims truck to move it. idk if anyone knows rio romeo, but how their piano sounds basically.. WHICH I LIKE. i love it.
jack and liek a fucking flute. i legit have no reason to explain this, but jack and a flute. bros lung capacity is crazy
sally and . yall know how lisa simpson is with the saxophone or whatevr. yeah. little sally with a saxophone half her size
ben also would not play shit, but i could see him trying to make music with like. the computer. i really dont know what its called but im sure u guys get what im talking about
NOW JEFF. jeffs parents would have let him get a drum set in the garage (he wouldve bullied his own parents into agreeing to it). he wouldve thought he was sooo fucking cool and soooooo fucking funny when he was so severely NOT.
liu and another like, flute clarinet saxophone type thing.. mayhaps the piano. something classy or whatever i guess
jane and the piano. cannot accept anything else.
lulu and.. the harp... her family was crazy rich growing up...... she plays the damn harp.
ann and a violin. cant explain it. sorry. but ann and a violin.
sadie and something goofy and like playful like a tambourine.. dancing around slapping the thing and her dress is all bouncing w her and aww.
dina and also something like classy i guess. im inclined to put her w the harp too cuz like angel wings and yeah idfk . but theres no way more than 1 of them plays the harp so ill put this bitch on the piano !!!
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lolahasmoxie · 2 years
Bambi - EM x Reader
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warning: sexy times, cursing, witty banter, fluff, drug use (18+)
Word Count: 0.9k
So, I had some “me time” the other day and it was so good that I was walking like a baby gazelle. I knew i looked hilarious walking to my bathroom so I wondered what my current favorite obsession would say if he saw me.
Also, reader and Eddie are out of high school. Our boy made ‘86 his bitch. Both are in their early twenties.
The “ha ha you love me” interaction is from one of my favorite Simpsons episodes (Lisa’s Pony) and is one of my favorite Homer and Marge scenes.
Divider by @ichigoohinatsuma
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The room was warm, filled with the sound of heavy breathing. Her skin felt electric as she came down, and it took a few minutes to register the touch of his fingers as they journeyed up and down her naked back. When she lifted her head, she couldn’t help but smile at the chocolate brown eyes staring back at her with complete love and adoration.
“Thought I’d lost you there for a moment.” She chuckled in response as she placed her head back on his chest. Her fingers idly traced the demon head on his left pectoral, feeling him practically purr under her touch.
“Almost. I’m thinking I should go out of town more often if this is the reception I’ll get when I come home.”
“Don’t you dare mention leaving again. Nope. Not gonna happen.” He wrapped his arms tighter around her as she felt his lips against her hair. “It was really good though.”
“At least you didn’t high-five me like when we came home from Steve’s Halloween party.” Eddie snorted at the memory. When she had shown up at his trailer in her sexy Red Riding Hood costume she could practically see his brain short-circuit in real time. They had only stayed at the party for 90 minutes before he dragged her back home. Once he got her through the front door the sex had been frantic, rough, and made her toes curl. In their shared post-sex haze, he had locked eyes with hers, and before she could say anything he lifted his hand and demanded that she slap him five for a job well done.
“Come on” he said when he noticed her eyes begin to droop. He gently patted her ass to get her moving. “You should go pee before you pass out on me.”
“Noooooooooo” she whined. “I’m comfy, there’s nothing you can say to me that will get me to move.”
“UTI, babe.” She groaned before nodding her head and placing her legs over the side of the bed. Eddie watched with fondness as she walked away, and that fondness turned into a snicker when her legs buckled and she had to grab onto the nightstand to keep from falling over. She turned and gave him a death glare and he did his best to keep a neutral face.
“Not a fucking word.” she said, trying to be intimidating while also completely naked.
“Didn’t say anything.” He smiled as he reclined back in the bed with his arms behind his head. He watched as she leaned on practically every piece of furniture in her path to the bathroom. He felt warm and fuzzy, side effects from the joint they had shared earlier and the afterglow of good sex. His eyes grew heavy, opening only when he heard her reenter the room. She was a little more stable this time, but he could also tell that she was trying harder than usual to stay steady.
“Come on Bambi, hop in.” he said as he patted the space next to him in the bed. She gave him a confused look as she paused at the foot of the bed. “Bambi, when you first got up you looked like Bambi when he kept falling on the ice.” He gave her a shit-eating grin, she replied with a dead-panned expression that would have wilted a weaker man.
“Ha ha, you’re fucking hilarious Munson.” She climbed into the bed and as soon as she was under the covers Eddie was pulling her back against his chest. He buried his face in her hair as he peppered kisses against the nape of her neck.
“You know, i can tell you’re annoyed but I know you still love me.”
“That’s debatable.” He responded by squeezing her and placing his lips right next to her ear.
“Ha ha, you love me.” She groaned his name as he manhandled her until she was turned and facing him. Callused fingers lifted her chin and when she opened her eyes she felt her heart flutter. Leave it to Eddie and his big dumb cow eyes to reduce her to a puddle of goo. He pressed his forehead to hers, his breath warm against her face. 
“Say it, please.” His voice was quiet, not much above a whisper and her heart melted at his request. Only in the quiet of the trailer in the dark of night would he ask like this. Even though they’d been together for years he still needed assurance that she wasn’t going anywhere. She was only too happy to do just that.
She sighed before closing her eyes and pressing her lips to his. The kiss, despite its softness, made her toes curl as she cradled Eddie jaw in her hand. She pulled back, grinning at the dopey lovesick look on his face.
“i love you.”
“See, it wasn’t that hard.”
“I love you, even though you are a dumbass.” He chuckled before peppering her face with kisses. When he was satisfied, he squeezed her and rested his chin on the top of her head while she nestled hers against his chest.
“I love you too, Bambi.”
“I love you too, Bambi.”
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So you mentioned a while back that you thought the Simpsons Movie was bad why is that?
The movie went through a major development hell and it shows. The themes and characters and plot are all over the place. The movie initially feels like it’s going to have a heavy focus on Bart and Homers relationship what with Bart turning to Flanders to be a father figure, but that’s ultimately cast aside when the family leaves town. Then there’s Homer and Marge who break up in the second act but their relationship doesn’t have any tension that breaks meaning the scene comes out of nowhere, and I don’t think Homer and Lisa speak a word to each other the whole movie.
Homer is selfish but to a larger degree than usual to fit the scope of a movie. Fine. But they don’t make the resolution big enough to justify him near killing the town, nor do they make any of his reactions feel particularly on board for his character. In fact, none of the characters feel like themselves. I know we were firmly past the Simpsons best years for consistency by the time the film came out but everyone in the movie is so shallow and feels so off.
Marge is just kinda there to go “We GOTTA save Springfield!” Lisa has a thing for an Irish boy made solely for the movie so that’s all she gets to talk about despite that not being compelling, and again, they set up a really strong relationship deep dive with Bart and Homer in the beginning but drop it near immediately when the movie starts proper.
And speaking of starting proper, Jesus this movie has no idea where it wants to go. I am aware that a movie like this should be little more than joke fodder, but the Simpsons IS more grounded than its Family Guy surrealist counterparts. It doesn’t have to make grand sweeping statements about anything more than its characters and it doesn’t have to flit from joke to joke. The Simpsons can be slower and sweeter when relevant, and this was relevant. But no, instead we sprint through like 5 plot lines before settling on…vaguely gesturing to the EPA??? Who are the villains??? I’d say this is politically motivated but it’s so out of the left field and says so little I kinda can’t. And then it’s a road trip movie but the road trip takes up very little time and also there’s a B plot about the town trying to survive in the dome but not really and then the movie is about saving Springfield in the 3rd act and I just don’t care. We’ve had no set up in this movie for me to care because the movie expects to care based on Simpsons episodes from years past, but it’s also so not the Simpsons tv show that it feels weird to bank on that. The humor and storytelling style are wayyyyy different.
The movie notoriously went through a lot of ideas over several years, scrapping every single one until it got here. This was mostly because any good idea the team could drum up they had a hard time writing to movie length. But the initial idea always sounded more interesting and like you could do more with the characters. That being a Camp Krusty movie. It’s been a few years since I danced on this soap box so I don’t remember every detail but in general I would pitch an A plot very similar to Boy Scouts in the Hood but with the emotional through line of Bart and Homers relationship being more prevalent. Homer and Ned both become camp counselors at Camp Krusty and the kids are all going. Bart and Homer are butting heads as usual but without the buffer of Marge or the ability to get away from each other they’re reaching a boiling point. As such Bart starts to feel more comfortable and safer in the outdoors around Ned, who’s more openly kind and responsible. Focus the movie on Barts feelings (a nice nod back to how the show began by being centered around Bart) and how he feels like his own dad isn’t a good father to him but Ned doesn’t get him. Have the film end during a big 3rd act ‘act of god’ like a massive storm where Bart gets lost in the middle of the danger. Ned tries to look for him but Homer is ultimately the one who knows his son best and actually manages to find him and they both whether out the storm alone together. The two have a talk about Homer doing his best even if he messes it up a lot and Bart is trying to meet him where he is but doesn’t feel seen.
I’d even have a small through-line be Barts now seldom-seen sling shot. Ned confiscates the slingshot at the beginning of camp claiming it’s dangerous and could be used for pranking, but to make it up to him he teaches Bart how to use a real pocket Knife. The scene with Homer and Bart then culminates in Homer giving Bart back his slingshot saying he knows he’ll always cause trouble but it’s his and no one should be able to take away part of him. Besides, he’s a Simpson, he’ll cause trouble with anything he has. Maybe it’s engraved with ‘El Barto’ with the idea that Homer knows his son so well he knows he’s the one leaving graffiti all over town. And then Bart uses the slingshot to save them from some kind of danger and they get back safely, now understanding each other more.
Then the other plots can just be fun and silly. Rod and Todd being jealous of the attention Bart is getting from their dad, Lisa and Milhouse going on a friendly adventure in the woods that leads them to discover some incredible thing, back at Springfield Marge and Maggie are having a wacky adventure as a runner, etc.
But you now have a movie with one really distinct setting, that allows for the more segmented storytelling the movie goes for, and has a thematic through-line that makes sense of the show it’s for.
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jellybeanium124 · 4 months
watching a new simpsons episode for the first time since... season 32? and let's be real I don't remember anything past season 29 because the simpsons got reeeeeeeal boring. but taika is in this episode so fuck it amirite? anyways here's my reaction to season 35 episode 9 "Murder, She Boat."
wow the animation seems worse? something is noticeably worse
I like that bart is acting like a 10yo with the vroom-vroom thing. a big issue later simpsons have is the kids acting like teenagers or even adults (in lisa's case)
homer simpson: nerd hater
wow they're parodying that thing from phineas and ferb!! :D (asdfhbsdgjl I know p&f was doing a parody too)
also there was already a simpsons episode where they went on a cruise and it's one of the best damn episodes of the modern era if you ask me (23x19 "A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again")
"Oh my God is that Taika Waititi?" I stg lisa's had a line like this every since since season 11. STAHP IT INTRODUCE YOUR CELEBS NATURALLY YOU PIECE OF SHIT HD SIMPSONS EPISODE
remember when simpsons celeb cameos used to be good. because I don't because it was all before I was born.
Why is everyone moving weird. seriously wtf is up with the animation they're too damn smooth
"You know it's good, because it's based on existing IP" ouch wow ouch... ouch it hurts
Comic Book Guy acting Like That™ is the only guy who works because CBG is supposed to act like that. Like CBG should be an obnoxious nerd that you'd root to see homer actually beat up lol. not any other random motherfucker!
CBG shredded bart's comic right in front of him??? jesus christ that dude sucks
You can really tell the producers were like "taika, just read the lines" because his performance is giving "taika, just read the lines"
shut up with your vegemite american writers
see it's cute when taika pretends to have a stupidly inflated ego of his own volition but when the simpsons writers make him do it I'm like "BRO ARE YOU OK BLINK TWICE IF THEY'RE HOLDING YOU HOSTAGE UNTIL YOU SAY THE LINES IN THE BLANDEST VOICE YOU'VE GOT!!!"
What... what the actual fuck was that joke with Kumiko. Like her whole character has always been kinda racist but that was such an incredibly racist joke... what the fuck actually for real was that.
The Futurama reference was cute tho.
there was like, a halfway decent albeit tropey bart & lisa moment in there but then we went straight back into the cringe
"Of course I'll help you. Why? Because I have a medical condition that forces me to be multitasking at all times." ok can everyone shut up forever actually and stop speculating about that man. if the simpsons writers are making that joke it's time to stop
taika actually sounds like he had a gun to his head and recorded these lines for 18 hours until 3am
something weird about the simpsons going on for 35 years is that all the characters sound slightly different than they did in seasons 2-15 now. like they've all aged 35 years and you can hear it in their voices. the kids have this... oldness to them now that, even tho the voice actors on this show are talented as hell, can't totally hide (and who knows they may not be trying to because who gives a fuck it's simpsons season 35)
taika being distracted joke. haha. what if I release the bees on everyone who speculates about that.
I can't listen to the horrible lines they gave him anymore 😭😭😭 "egomaniac" isn't funny 😭😭😭
I mean like it's not like the dialogue anyone else is getting is great either, just to be clear. it's pretty terrible across the board lol. I'm just a titch sensitive to how taika (real man) is being written for... reasons... I mean maybe I shouldn't it's not like it matters and nobody thinks your portrayal on the simpsons is how you truly are. there's a time honored tradition of celebrities being portrayed as egomaniacs or fucking crazy on the simpsons when everyone knows they aren't (bette midler doesn't throw cans at people irl and darryl strawberry isn't a kiss ass... although both those celebrities have their own issues). I guess it bothers me because it is playing up something that's real and fake at the same time, and also this man is getting unduly criticized for a lot of shit rn.
Kumiko's speech was actually painful. "When we got married, I was his priceless collectible." DID NOBODY FUCKING SEE A PROBLEM WITH THAT IN THE WRITER'S ROOM?? DID NOBODY SEE HOW THAT BLATANTLY PLAYS INTO THE FETISHIZATION OF AISAN WOMEN??? Like holy fucking shit what the hell was wrong with the writers of this episode???
wow I love seeing marge and homer be really depressing bad parents -_-
Ok so when Rainer Wolfcastle shouts out his latest movie, that's funny and doesn't bother me. Troy McClure's shtick never bothered me either. Probably because they're FICTIONAL
Lisa said "damn it" ?!?!?!?! SHE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT. Lisa doesn't curse wtf are you doing she'd say "darn it!!!"
cringe cringe cringe cringe
if I had a nickel for every time lisa simpson solved a murder mystery because of the cuprit's signature favorite food being left on a weapon, I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice, right? (the first time was the 3rd segment in treehouse of horror XV, "Four Beheadings and a Funeral")
taika being mad at people tearing apart his room was the best line delivery he gave in this episode. like there was a real emotion.
sideshow mel saying "who speaks with such an exaggerated affectation!" got 1 chuckle out of me
damn. CBG dropping the doll into lake springfield is just like ed dropping his leathers into the ocean. (not even remotely true)
in conclusion is this a bad episode of television don't watch it
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The Ultimate Story the Beginnings Chapter 1-The Adventure's Just Begun
One morning, the Simpsons woke up. Lisa, her puppy, Sally, which she received from the Road Rovers, her sisters Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, the Powerpuff Girls and Maggie were the only ones in the house with powers. 5 years ago, Lisa met her sisters, the Powerpuff Girls. Now, they’re not really her sisters, but they’re close like sisters. Anyway, 2 years earlier, she and all of her sisters, as well as her puppy were transported to the planet Mobius, where she and Maggie received their powers from Taj, the magic elephant genie. Her puppy Sally already had powers before then. How that happened was a long story. Lisa’s past sure was busy.
After breakfast, Lisa and her sisters received a telepathic message from Ly. Ly: “Lisa, this is Ly. The Earth is going to be in great peril. I feel a great and powerful evil on the loose. I’m afraid you, your sisters and puppy will have to leave Springfield. Please, Lisa, you have to hurry.” Lisa: “Yes, Ly.”
After receiving the message, Lisa had to tell the rest of her family the bad news. They then flew over to the town hall.
Later on, Mayor Quimby called the town’s people to the Town Hall for the girls to say their goodbyes. Lisa: “Citizens of Springfield. It is time for us to say goodbye. We are all going to miss you and you will all eventually miss us, too. We will be saving the world from a great evil but I will always remember my hometown. I leave everything in the hands of my brother and his magical rock. Goodbye, Springfield.”
Everyone was silent. Homer: “BORING!”
Then the girls flew away. Some of the citizens stepped out and waved goodbye. Marge: “Oh, homie, our little babies have grown up and now they’re going out to save the world.” Homer: “You mean we drove all the way here just for this?”
Meanwhile, the girls flew away from Springfield. Buttercup: “Finally! We’re out of that stupid town! Those people are idiots! Thank you, Ly!”
While they were flying away, they received another message from Ly. Ly: “Thank you, Lisa for receiving my message.” Lisa: “No problem, Ly. It’s always our pleasure. Now tell us what we need to do.” Ly: “OK. Now, before you start your quest, there is a small favor that I need to ask of you.” Lisa: “Sure, anything, Ly.” Ly: “I need you to pick up a Pokémon named Cubone. I need you to fly over to a place called Kanto.” Lisa: “Kanto? Isn’t that in Japan?” Ly: “Yes, the very same.” Blossom: “Hey, I know of that place. It’s famous for these strange creatures called Pokémon.” Bubbles: “Hey, I’ve heard of such a place, too.” Ly: “Yes, that’s where I need you to go. There is a small town called Pallet Town. There, a kind researcher named Professor Oak lives there. I need you to fly over to his place. He is the one with the Cubone. I will show you what his place looks like.” Ly gave Lisa a mental picture of Professor Oak’s place. Ly: “I will let him know of your arrival.” Lisa: “We’re on it, Ly. Let’s go, girls.”
It was a long flight, but they were eventually able to arrive at the Kanto region. There, they stopped in front of a small town called Pallet Town. Lisa: “There, girls. That’s Professor Oak’s place.”
They then went up to his front door and rang the bell. The door opened and out came Professor Oak. He looked down at the girls. Prof. Oak: “Oh, hello.” Lisa: “Hello. You must be Professor Oak. My name is Lisa, these are my sisters Maggie, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup and this is my puppy, Sally.” Prof. Oak: “Ah, yes, I have been expecting you. A mysterious voice told me that a bunch of small girls would show up on my doorstop, something about picking up a Pokémon.” Lisa: “That’s right. We’re here for Cubone.” Prof. Oak: “Yes, yes, follow me.”
They followed him into his house.As they walked through the house, they looked around at everything. Blossom: “Nice place you have here, Professor.” Prof. Oak: “Thank you, Blossom. I do my best to keep it neat and tidy.” Buttercup: “Sounds boring.”
They soon arrived at his lab. They stared at the place in awe. Blossom: “Wow! This is amazing.” Bubbles: “It sure is. I’ve never seen such an amazing place, well except for our dad’s place.” Prof. Oak: “I’m glad you like it, girls.” Buttercup: “Yeah, yeah, great, whatever, when are you going to give us the stinkin’ Cubone, already?” Prof. Oak: “Be patient, will you?”
Prof. Oak then took out a weird looking ball. Bubbles: “What’s that weird looking ball, professor?” Prof. Oak: “Why, this is a Pokéball, dear Bubbles.” Bubbles: “A…Pokéball?” Blossom: “It’s a special device they use here in Kanto to catch and contain Pokémon.” Bubbles: “Oh, really?” Buttercup: “Great, so what does the Pokéball have to do with anything?”
The Professor opens the Pokéball. The girls watched in amazement as something came out of it. Before they knew it, Cubone was right in front of them. Prof. Oak: “This is Cubone.”
They stared at it for a while. Bubbles: “It sure is a weird looking thing.” Prof. Oak: “This poor thing lost its mother to Team Rocket a long time ago. I have been keeping it here, preventing any harm from getting to it. I don’t know what happened to its father, though, but if you don’t guard it very carefully, then who knows what horrible things could happen to it.” Bubbles: “But who is Team Rocket and why would they do such a horrible thing?”
Professor Oak walked up to Bubbles, picked her up and held her in his arms. Prof. Oak: “Who knows? Those cold-blooded marauders are always causing harm to all types of Pokémon.” Blossom: “That’s terrible.” Buttercup: “If I ever come across those creeps, I’ll give them a taste of my famous knuckle sandwich.” Lisa: “Now, Buttercup, let’s not get brash. Remember the last time you did anything like that in a new location.” Buttercup: “Oh, of course, I’m still paying off a huge debt with those people.” Prof. Oak: “Now listen carefully, girls. I need you to guard over Cubone carefully or else terrible things will happen to it.” Lisa: “I’ll protect it, Professor. I’ll even raise it as my Pokémon.” Prof. Oak: “Thank you, Lisa.”
The professor passes the Pokéball over to Lisa. Lisa: “Now, how do you return Cubone into its Pokéball?” Prof. Oak: “Just hold the front of the Pokéball towards Cubone and let it do all of the work.”
Lisa did what the Professor told her to do. Lisa: “You mean like this?”
To Lisa surprise, Cubone returned to its Pokéball. Buttercup: “That was so cool. I think I’m going to like it here.” Bubbles: “When do we get our Pokémon?” Lisa: “We’ll worry about that later. We have to get going. It was nice meeting you, Professor.” Prof. Oak: “Same here.”
The girls soon left the Professor’s place and flew off. The Professor watched as they took off. Prof. Oak: “Such nice girls. I must call Professor Utonium and tell him what’s happened.”
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butchbarneygumble · 1 year
hi :> d’you think if you ever have the time you might elaborate a little on pastry chef wiggum? sounds neato :-)
I love this ask, thanks!
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I made a whole story in my head but I dunno which one is the "final" AU. Basically, my main one is that it has Ralph bring him to class for a dad-tells-about-their-job-day... and as Clancy's just going through the motions, Lisa pipes up and criticizes him.
He gets a bit upset but keeps a tough facade in front of Ralph, and once he's home he ruminates on it - the next day at the station, he resigns. He gives his badge to Lou and just... quits.
She's right, he thinks. She is absolutely right.
Sarah worries about him after he's basically been laying on the couch for days, not doing anything, so she suggests he takes up baking. She usually does it, but figures he might enjoy it.
And that he does. It's just his passion. He's totally into it, and good at it too. So while Sarah takes a part-time job and sells some old stuff so they can keep paying the bills while Clancy takes baking classes and even learns some restraint to not eat everything in sight before it's done.
Some months later, he's bright and happy again and opens up a small store called Chef Wiggum's Bakery. Sarah helps him as well, and is happy she can do a bit more than just be a stay-at-home mom, and Ralph makes many friends by means of pastry bribery. Lou and Eddie come by every other day to pick up some cake. Of course, the Simpsons are regulars at the store as well - Homer thinks it's a total improvement and even Lisa is impressed.
And somehow, Springfield becomes a safer place now that this doofus is not running around doing his usual things and instead making good food. So he's saved the town and his marriage by not doing anything.
I think this should be canon tbh. I got inspired by it cuz one comic has Clancy as a kid wanting to open up a donut shop, hah. It was one frame, sure, but I got Inspired. And he doesn't seem to like the active parts of his job anyway, so!
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janknabobfdi · 1 year
Had a weird dream last night that I was in an anti intellectual fascist regime
I was in an anti intellectual fascist regime where the citizens had to give mandatory public speeches and if we sounded "too smart" we would get mob killed by the audience
The audience was HUGE like, I think it was like a mass public gathering, The speechgivers were all high up on a platform and the audience were on the ground but that didn't stop them from somehow mobbing the speechgivers
I remember Lisa Simpson talking about how some dialects made you sound smarter or dumber (she mentioned an "ADHD dialect"?) then she was mobbed
I was also with Gin Ibushi and I was so scared for his life, I wanted to protect him at ALL costs because I thought he would get killed for his autism or something?
Then I met the leader somewhere on a train station and apparently his tragic backstory was that he missed his elementary school with his friends
Before they started high school and college or something
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nomorerww · 10 months
The most unrealistic part of The Simpsons is the fact that we're supposed to believe that a thin woman with a relatively nice body like Marge is turned on and eager to have sex with a sloppy fatass like Homer. Even if Homer wasn't fat he'd be unappealing.
The way men store their body fat looks bad. At least with fat women I can sort of understand why they're fetishized.
I've also just finished watching Homer Badman and it it was ...painful. The entire show tries to trivialize sexual harassment and assault, that's literally it. It's supposed to be parodying sensationalized entertainment but It absolutely fails to do this in a way that doesn't convey what the men who wrote it feel, which is that men are the only ones who matter and therefore talking about men's sexual misconduct and blind self centeredness is a huge pwoblem for the poor degens :((( like, they have Lisa perform some diatribe about the truth and shit as the show attempts to create this narrative where anyone who believes in allegations of misconduct being shared by media is a fucking idiot and a sheep.
so if the truth is inconvenient to you, then it's not the truth then is what this show was suggesting. in a moment of peak irony one of the main cast talks about how the TV has the power to disingenuously present any matter, alter perceptions and make people believe whatever the creators want them to believe and that is literally what this garbage manchild project is doing.
I also watched a milhouse divided and It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge in the same day this week and I was so annoyed. The first episode's message revolves around how Homer's and Marge's marriage is something that will never end. regardless of how people feel about these characters, that implication is incredibly creepy, and it was obviously something that a man felt that it needed to be added. Unlike a real woman, a cartoon wife written by men doesn't have a choice and can't do what the men don't want her to do. It just gave me controlling, abusive man vibes.
The other episode is essentially another unfunny episode using a cartoon family to allude to cheating and shit like that. in it Marge goes insane because she thinks that this hot young woman is trying to steal Homer away. 😒 It's much much worse than it sounds.
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atakeflight · 9 months
“You may be older, but I’m stronger.” - for lisa, from maggie. @hellaed
" You're right Maggie. You're the best of the Simpsons and you punched that guy straight in the face. " She had been jealous of that once, the same way she knew Bart had been jealous of her. She knew she had a right to feel her emotions. That the way her parents treated her was not acceptable, that her inability to allow others to help was due to being forced to fend for herself since she was seven and that subconsciously she blamed the one who her parents focused on instead. She didn't blame her sister, Maggie deserved the world.
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'You may be older, but I’m stronger.' she hoped her little sister didn't know that wasn't just physically, but mentally. Her mental health was practically nonexistent. She couldn't even talk to Bart about most things now, but she had gotten even worse at hiding everything. On the outside she looked perfect. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, clean room, perfect grades. On the inside? she felt like a small blackhole had nearly consumed everything, but she still cared for her siblings. Bart and Maggie were the only good things in her life right now and because of that - she had to act the big protective sister, even if all she wanted to do was go back and lay in her bed till class tomorrow.
"Why did you travel up to Yale? You'll give mom and dad a heart attack! " That sounded like her old self.
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Part 9 of the series in which Phryne and Jack are playing matchmakers to Dot and Hugh - in collaboration with @anni-yanni
9/? Death On The Vine (S2E10) - part 1
Today is a very tough day for Jack. It seems like everyone is testing his code breaking abilities. Miss Fisher is in the beautiful town of Maiden Creek, where crime is at its highest BUT they make very good wine, if that's any consolation, and she's in desperate need of a "mechanic", while Hugh is desperately trying to find his words to make a speech... or an announcement... uh... to propose to Dot. Fortunately, Jack is smart enough to decode even Hugh's unfortunate choice of words, let alone Miss Fisher's call of distress.
Music and clip bits in this video:
1. John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John - You're the one that I want (Grease Soundtrack) (original mix)
2. Jurrivh - Emotional & Sad Piano Song Instrumental
3. Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005)
4. Loverboy - Working For the Weekend (instrumental)
5. I.Q. (1994)
6. Police Academy (1984) - Official Trailer (sound clip)
7. The King's Speech (2010)
8. The Simpsons - Lisa the Iconoclast (S7E16)
Requested by, and dedicated to Bridget Arndt 💖
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circusgoth-dotcom · 11 months
Floating Through The Air With The Greatest of Ease...
Ship: None / Potential Keaton x Willie, familial appearances from Lisa & Bart
Word Count: 751
Summary: This is, perhaps, a little silly. I wrote it at roughly 2:15am. 🙈 Anyway, Keaton comes to pick up his godkids (Bart & Lisa) from school and ends up foolishly trying to play hero when he is involved in a mishap with a frisbee. CWs for heights and potential danger, also possibly ooc Willie it's been awhile since I've watched an episode with him in it. And potentially bad Scots I tried my best-
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Keaton stood beside his car, parked outside of Springfield Elementary, waiting for his godkids. While Bart and Lisa would normally take the bus to and from school, the Simpsons’ household had gotten a call that the busses had broken down and would be an hour later than usual. Luckily the kids had a vigilant godfather who would happily pick them up from school so that Marge could have a little extra time to prepare dinner. As the final bell rung, he eagerly scanned the approaching crowd for Bart and Lisa before whistling and waving to them.
“Kids! Over here!”
“K, what’re you doing here?” Lisa called as they approached.
“The busses broke down and are going to be late, so your mother said I could come pick you up.”
“Hey K, catch!” Bart grinned, sending a frisbee flying toward Keaton, who caught it at the last second.
“Nice throw, Bart, but could you please not throw anything within the vicinity of my car?” Absentmindedly, he tossed it back. Unfortunately, the wind caught it and took it off course… “Whoops…!”
As the disc soared onto the roof of the school building, Keaton heard a groan of irritation and quickly turned toward the sound with an embarrassed tint on his face.
"Are ye kiddin me?! Ah juist git doon from thare, ye bloody numpty!" An annoyed and scruffy-looking man lamented.
"Nice one!" Bart encouraged, looking up at where the frisbee had lodged itself.
"Er, sorry Mr…?"
"Willie, bit if ye'r aff tae be sae formal aboot it, ye kin ca' me Mr. MacDougal."
"Well, what would you prefer?"
Willie fixed him with a strange look, scratching at his beard. "Ah'd prefer if ye hud better aim, laddie!"
Keaton nodded, still flushed. "Yes, sir. I-I never was very good at sports… I could go up and get it myself, if you’d prefer. Save you the trouble. After all, I see you still have the ladder set up." He began his way over to the side of the building without waiting for a response.
"K, wait, you could get hurt! You don't have authorization to be on the school roof!" Lisa called after him.
"She's richt, ye ken!"
"Groundskeeper Willie, tell him to come down, please!"
"Weel he shored tae git it his-sel. Th' lad's bin oan a ladder afore, hasn't he?"
The conversation on the ground was far behind Keaton at this point as he shimmied up the ladder and closer and closer to the spot the disc had landed. If he had stopped to think about it for even a second, he would’ve panicked.
“I’m almost there!” He called over his shoulder before cautiously yet precariously extending himself toward the disc.
“Good lord--!” Principal Skinner had come onto the scene, quickly prompting Bart to climb into the car to avoid talking to him. “Willie, what is that civilian doing on our school’s roof?!”
“Technically he's nae oan th' roof, he's oan th' ladder. He shored tae git th' frisbee he threw by his-sel!” Willie threw his hands up in defeat.
“Principal Skinner, tell Willie to get my godfather down!” Lisa begged, looking concernedly up at Keaton.
“I-I got it, don’t worry!” Keaton called down again, the ladder wobbling slightly as he missed the frisbee by inches. At this, Willie’s expression became a bit more wary.
“Ach, mibbie ye shuid come doon, laddie! Tis nae that muckle o' a deal, ah kin git it!”
“Well you made it sound like a ‘muckle o’ a deal!’ I promise you, I’m close! Just a little further--”
“Dinnae ye sass me, laddie! Come doon this instant, afore Skinner haes an aneurysm!”
“I-- I--!” Just as Keaton’s fingers clamped down on the frisbee, the ladder swayed violently. Yelping, Keaton began to fall. Lisa screamed and Principal Skinner gasped, but in a swift movement Willie sprung into action, simultaneously losing his shirt and revealing extremely well-toned muscles.
“I gotcha laddie!”
As Keaton fell into Willie’s outstretched arms, the ladder fell off to the side, narrowly missing any more potential victims. Trembling and pale-faced, Keaton slowly opened his eyes.
“Are ye doolally, laddie!?” Willie barked as Keaton absently pawed at his muscular shoulder, affirming that he was indeed alive.
“Perhaps just a little bit,” he answered in a woozy tone, blinking rapidly. “You didn’t exactly tell me not to.”
“Ah thought ye'd chaynge yer mynd halfway! Who oan earth are ye???”
Keaton dropped the frisbee on the ground. “Keaton B. Hooligan. Nice to meet you.” And promptly passed out.
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duhragonball · 2 years
I shoulda got in on that Dracula thing everybody's doing, but I just haven't had the time. I wanted to read the novel this year anyway, but I don't know when I'll get to it.
I did read The Vampyre and Carmilla last month, because those came first, and I feel compelled to try to get in on the ground floor. They didn't impress me much, though, so I'm pretty sure this is why Dracula is the one they did all the movies about, and why Coca Cola started putting him on soda cans every December. Wait.
The Vampyre sucks, and not in the fun way. I knew I was in trouble when much of the introduction is devoted to explaining how it was based on an unfinished poem by Lord Byron. He didn't write the short story, but the guy who did write it got permission from Byron to expand the thing, and it's pretty clear that he understood Byron's name would be the big draw. It's told like a dull campfire ghost story, where 80% of it is a lengthy setup about the protagonist noticing Lord Ruthven sure is acting weird, and then he finally figures it out, but he's too horrified to explain it, and he knows no one will believe him when he warns his sister is going to be marrying A VAMPYRE! That's literally how the story ends, with "A VAMPYRE" in all caps, like it's some crazy plot twist. It might have been more effective if the title of the story hadn't given it away. As it is, you go in expecting cool vampire shit, and they make you wait for it.
Carmilla operates the same way, but it's better about setting the mood. The title character is mysterious and weird, and she kind of works whether you know her secret or not. Even so, two-thirds of the book is the protagonist wondering what Carmilla's deal is and why she's been sick lately, and finally a friend of the family shows up and tells them he had the same thing happen in his hometown after he took in a young girl with the same description named Mircalla. Then it's pretty much a straight shot to destroying Carmilla and disposing of her body, so not much suspense there.
I get the sense that these 19th century stories were counting on their audience being easily surprised. They introduce the folklore, and give hints that the superstitions were real all along, and yet it's still presented like this insane reversal. Lisa Simpson put it best "Maybe people were easier to scare back then."
The big thing that irks me about Carmilla is that no one really has any agency in the story. The main character is curious about her new bestie but never gets to investigate. Her father seems to have some suspicions, but they're never pursued until their friend shows up and explains the whole thing to them. From there, everyone's course of action is obvious. They need to destroy the vampire, and they know exactly how to do it. The only missing piece was the revelation of Carmilla's secret, which is just handed to the main cast.
What would have helped is if there had been some sense of conflict to the story. If Carmilla had some sense of remorse for her manipulations, or if Laura was uncertain about destroying Carmilla. They were close friends (or perhaps more than that), but it plays no role in the climax of the story. It would have been neat if Carmilla asked Laura to protect her, or if she offered to make Laura a vampire too so they could run off together. Laura would refuse, I think, but at least she would get to make a decision, or feel a twinge of regret for her choice.
Anyway, it sounds like Dracula's a better story, so I'm looking forward to it.
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shadowredfeline · 2 years
Two in One
For the GTA Online video
Looks really cool that my P-Pal just got the Alien costume. And it be really cool for Shadow and Spot to wear together and see if they can scare the Frosty Star Crew, but then it would fail cause then the Astroblast crew would offer them a Smoothie instead. But with the Bigfoot costume however might work. Cause I have seen a bunch of Cartoons that talked about Bigfoot. I only remember it in the Simpsons, I remember it happened in Mr. Pickles. I bet Shadow and Spot might try out the Bigfoot costumes as well. Maybe Lisa and Vanilla would be surprised to see them dress like that. Even if Lisa and Vanilla had to dress up like a Deer and eat some pie together. Hey maybe Maxwell can dress up as Bigfoot as well. Except Emme since I know she is a deer after all. But she can still make Maxwell some pie.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: That be a really cool idea like how it happened in the show.
Lisa 😺❤️⚡: Yeah I thought that idea can be okay. Unlike how in the Simpsons when Homer got to be Bigfoot when the Simpsons family went on vacations in the woods.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Mmhmm. But with Mr. Pickles however can be different. Unless we wouldn't do anything wrong with that dog unless he goes after a Cartoon Network character.
Lisa 😺❤️⚡: Yeah. But I'm not sure if Maxwell or Brown would like the sound of Mr. Pickles from all of his evil deeds he's done. Not even our son.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: I know what you mean, Lisa.
For the On this Day Too Much Question Drawing
It's nice to have Chowder and Flapjack talk to Pocoyo about how he's adding new things to his show. Which's nice in Modern Pocoyo, they add like new characters and new activities and other stuff he's gonna do. Plus this whole pic reminds me of the time I was on my Discord a few days ago and got to be at the Sonic Revolution Meet and Greet event where I got to talk with some of the professional Voice actors or actresses and even some YouTubers. Normally I haven't got picked a couple of times, but I have once when I spoke with Emuemi and Trey when I spoke to them about their content and how they brought some classic voice actors from past Sonic games. And it was amazing I got to talk with her and Trey on Discord. And I hope next year I bet I can enjoy going to the Revolutions and conventions anytime I get the chance. And maybe this convention and Discord events might give me an idea. If I ever want to draw Shadow, Lisa, Spot, Riya, Vanilla, Maxwell and Emme went to a convention. Which that can be really cool. 😁
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allysr00m · 1 month
In that episode of the Simpsons where Bart abd Lisa see Homer do something stupid abd Bart asks Lisa what she's gona change her name to when they grow up, he chooses the name 'Steve Bennet', which sounds like a corruption of 'Stede Bonnet'.
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