#shadowhunters lilith
themuselesswriter · 4 days
What do you mean this guy
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Is the same as this guy
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And this
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Is the same as this
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kenkaneki224 · 8 months
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Even though the greater demons in Shadowhunters are supposed to be like super evil and everything but I still can’t help and think of how fine they are 😩. Like…. they can try to murder me and my entire family and then 5 minutes later I’ll be like, “uhh.. soooo…. are any of y’all single by any chance? Cause I am and im down if yall are down 😌”
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marrr444 · 1 month
Do I want to be a Shadowhunter? Yes.
Would I also die on my first day of training? Also yes.
I would probably fall off a beam in the training room or something.
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teartra · 1 year
I wish Disney would release “The Unauthorized Boiling Isles History” book but with some annotations like commentary, doodle, or notes from TOH characters like Luz, Eda, or Lilith
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layla-carstairs · 1 month
discussing tlh/chot again has reminded me of the entirely different version of it that exists in my head. like hear me out, what if Lilith was the one aiding Tatiana instead of Belial???
Lilith, who's greatest wish forever denied is have a child. Who upon hearing that a warlock, a so called Child of Lilith united in their inability to have children, has done the impossible and she's outraged. She wants nothing more than those children, who should have never been born, to be wiped off the face of the earth and history altogether.
so when a woman who shares in her hatred calls upon her its almost a sign. she's just as foolish as her father, and hates them for petty moral reasons. she's usable, and will do what Lilith wants - destroy the Herondales. Grace is a pawn for them both, a destroyer groomed from childhood.
Belial in all of this is not an antagonist. He's still cruel and worthy of the title of Prince of Hell, but he's... got a little soft spot. Mostly it's the bragging rights, for he is the very first and only denizen of Hell to have grandchildren, a legacy. He managed to do the impossible and to protect that he's willing to help James and Lucie if they so ask. also.... he's still the reason Jesse dies, his warning to Lilith and her games.
When Tatiana wishes to bring her son back, Lilith helps her. Not as a part of her plans, but out of sympathy (or her version of it) because no motivation is more true for her.
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culiehua · 1 month
tsc but all the names are backtranslated manhwa character names, starring:
Kulali Peochaild, Jeims Kasuteoju, Tesa Guley, Ballentain Mogensuton, Lajiel, Sellin Mongkule, Jeysu Hellondeil, Allegsando Laitood, Maegunso Bein and Lilis
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lurafita · 18 days
Canon divergent where Lilith wanted Magnus as a son, too.
Okay, but the way that Lilith was supposedely obsessed with children, and then apparently didn't try to take Magnus while he was in Edom as a kid, seems weird.
So what if Lilith regularly kidnapped Magnus while he was with his father, and later on would tell Johnathan stories of his "older brother".
Making him just as obsessed with Magnus as he is with Clary. And Lilith actually trying to "regain" Magnus as well as her son when she is top side.
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elettralightwood · 5 months
Lilith is a Greater Demon who is credited as the "mother of all warlocks" and the "first of all demons". Lilith is known by many names, including Lady of Edom, Ita, Kali, Batna, Talto, Satrina, Abito, Amizo, Izorpo, Kokos, Odam, Podo, Eilo, Patrota, Abeko, Kea, and Partash.
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🦉The Church of Talto houses a cult that worships Lilith and murders infants for her.
🦉Asmodeus referred to her as their princess.
🦉Her main enemies are the angels Sanvi, Sansanvi, and Semangelaf who were specifically sent to punish her for her creation of demons and warlocks. Because of this, these angels' names are used in the protection ritual performed on Shadowhunter babies.
🦉Her realm, Edom, is considered "a wasteland of night creatures and screech owls" which is presumable why owls are considered a symbol for her.
🦉When changing her appearance into other people, she apparently will be adorned, in one way or another—be it earrings, a necklace, or ring—with a specific blue stone.
🦉The color of her magic is bronze.
[art by Cassandra Jean]
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annikityk · 5 months
At this point I just have to go on a murderous rampage with my favs
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sharona1x2 · 2 years
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Stronger Than Heaven – season 3, episode 5
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d4rkshad0w · 2 months
i’m reading Chain of Iron and i’m at the part where James and Magnus are talking with Belial about Lilith and how Belial stole her realm and i’m thinking of like how much has gone on with the Fallen Angels and everything all while the shadowhunter chronicles have happened and now i sorta want a book or short stories about the Princes of Hell and Lilith, like just then fighting over realms or fighting with each other because that would be really interesting.
please tell me you understand 😭😭
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sapphirebluejewel · 3 months
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Shadowhunters Ladies had it coming: presenting this year’s Femslash February prompt list.
Straight (or not so straight if you catch my drift) from the Shadow World, by @A_Taupe_Fox because they know what’s good for me (and you).
Here is how it works: you may have noticed the calendar with a list of prompts.
It is up to you (and me, I’m doing it too!) to create a brand new piece of fanwork for the Shadowhunters femslash pairing of your choice, interpreting the prompt however you see fit.
The only restriction is of course that every work you create must be femslash. Rule 63 is fine, and any character who identifies as a woman is welcome.
All kind of works (be it fanart, fanfic, fanmix, fanvids, fancraft…) are highly encouraged. You may create a reclist if you so wish, translate a work or make a podfic, as long as you tag responsibly.
Mature and/or dark content is allowed as long as you warn accordingly. Friendly reminder that the point of trigger warnings is that they need to be visible and understandable so people know what to avoid.
I’ll try my best to reblog everything through this tumblr as I’ll be tracking #SFF23, and I’ll be running an AO3 collection as well (Shadowhunters_Femslash_February_2023).
If you fill the entire calendar you may request a moodboard from me to celebrate, I’ll be happy to make one for your favorite pairing!
Minimum requirements
Fic and poetry: 500 words, unless you are specifically writing a drabble (exactly 100 words on AO3)
Art: 300x300 pixels if digital, 3”x3” if traditional
Moodboards: 3 images (+ optional blurb)
Playlist: 8 songs + cover art
Rec lists: 3 fanworks + reasons why you’re reccing them
Podfic: 5 minutes + clear permission from the author for you to use make it
Translations: the work it’s a translation of must fit the fic minimum requirements, whether new or pre-existing + clear permission from the author for you to translate it
Fanvids: 30 seconds
All other fanworks (gifs, crafts, edits, manips, anything else you can think of): as long as you think it’s complete and/or the best you can do right now, it counts
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teartra · 1 year
The best character is the one you once despised
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layla-carstairs · 1 year
belial is the worst tsc villian ever because his motivations make no sense and are quite frankly stupid. why did he spend a whole book putting an enormous amount of effort into possessing Jesse and killing a grand total of five people and very briefly summoning his brother to earth to fight one (1) Institute... like in what way did any of that help achieve his ultimate goal of crowning himself King of England I don't get it. mind you he's a literal Prince of Hell and claims he's the one who gave Lucifer the idea to rebel against God like truly why does he care this much 💀
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made in the dark fire of godless hate // forever fallen, forever bare // but once you start loving you can't stop
aesthetics for the characters of even for a phoenix
part 1 | 2 | 3
tags (if you do not want to get tagged, tell me, i just thought that you might enjoy this <3):
@alicantenet @inyourloverseyes @cadiacore @a-random-insomniac @megarabane @arcs-01 @mi-universo-poetico @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @thrdplace @claratumbleraccount @thedamnephilimfangirl @cuethedramaticentrance @lonelyfreddles @ash-morgensterns @paraheronstairs
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