#self-made booba
daemonhxckergrrl · 10 months
left boob was the first to start hurting and is definitely more sensitive lmao
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stabbystiletto · 2 years
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Rest your head on her healing thighs and be soothed ~ 🖤🖤🖤
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pepperstreak · 2 years
Fuck everyone from the past to today who has body shamed wrestlers and made them self conscious about their look. Wrestlers with a lovely amount of squish are heaven sent and the fact that (especially in the 90s!!!) I have to listen to wrestlers talk about being encouraged to wrestle with their shirts on because everyone in management told them "nO oNe wAnTs tO sEe tHaT"
I want to see that! I fucking LOVE that!! I love my boys with tummies and booba! I love my ladies with meaty thighs and squishy hips!
I love squishy wrestlers!
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peachypede · 8 months
OC-tober 2023 Day One: Fav oc
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I'm following this prompt list
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My current fav of my ocs is Pecha rn <3 She consumes my thoughts and a lot of ideas I get are centered around her.
Some reasons why:
Started out as a self insert but quickly became her own character that no longer really is me. Became a dumping grounds to just add all my favorite character tropes into. (Clumsy, cringey, sweet and well meaning, oblivious as fuck, hopeless romantic, big booba...) What remains of me is her trauma. Although it's been rewritten, the same issues of abandonment and emotional scarring are still there.
She's very easily shippable? Lol. I just like to make ocs smooch each other so of course my main oc is made to be easily paired.
She's my dress up doll. I love love love love drawing outfits and Pecha is my barbie to just slap on whatever outfit I think is adorable onto her.
Full drawing I did of her for this prompt!
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twstfournights · 9 months
To everyone getting concerned/annoyed/offended (? For what) about the female MC for Four Nights having too big of a chest, please understand that Aru (our lead artist) has stated on MULTIPLE occasions that the chest size is based off of their own- Regardless of this fact, this is a fan game made entirely for fun and out of love. At the end of the day, if you have such a problem with the chest size, I invite you to Design, Script, Code and Fund and entire Visual Novel almost entirely yourself without allowing room for self indulgence or your own wants.
May it be noted that BOTH F!MC AND M!MC HAVE BIG BOOBA. the only one that got tiddy privileges revoked was GN!MC.
(Aru my beloved, please do not let these naysayers and heathens take away from your joy and excitement for this project, everyone on the team, as well as all your fans, stand by you!)
Thank you Ciel, I appreciate it. Picks up my huge chest and puffs it with pride (ow my back). I was feeling a little down/worried that I was going "too far" even if it was based on myself. So this really picked up my mood. Thanks for the support, as always!
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housamodrabbles · 1 year
Sanat Kumara [1]
Scenario: His impatience will be the end of his pride one day, but he doesn’t have to worry about such things with your loving and accepting self. Sanat Kumara has always been direct with how he feels. When he craves to ride you, he makes no secret of it.
(Gotta love his big booba. Seriously, those things are huge. Also anything NSFW will be under the After-Hours tag.)
Many know Sanat Kumara to follow a strict code of self discipline, but even with these restrictions upon himself, he never fails to seem loud even when he’s not speaking a word. He could sneak into the shadows if he had to, but if the intention was not there, Sanat Kumara always found himself in this position of a hawk simply existing in a crowd of chicks.
They look, they stare, they fall in line.
He doesn’t want to be this intimidating presence, especially not to you. So Sanat Kumara was trying his hardest to be delicate as he lowered his hips upon yours, grinding and letting his insides seize your fake cock.
“So cute,” you hummed out, skimming your fingers over his kneeling, shaking legs. You plucked at his fundoshi, your eyes thinning as his clothed dick twitched at attention, begging for more than what he’s giving, “You were so impatient, you didn’t even take it off.”
When you caressed a finger over the straining crown, Sanat Kumara couldn’t keep his hips from rutting, giving the toy inside him a new angle. It slid over his prostate and Sanat Kumara jerked and nearly growled. His skin was too heated, the waves of bliss washed over his spine and hips. It was almost too much. Even the light touches of his fundoshi was borderline agony upon his sensitive flesh.
“Come on, Sanat Kumara,” your voice soothed away the fog in his head, “You don’t have to hold back with me. Go on. I know you want to.”
You pushed yourself up, giving his underwear a playful tug before you left it alone. Your hands settled on his hips, thumbs digging into the dips made deeper by his sheer muscle. His focus was so planted on your fingers and arms that he nearly shouted when you bit down on his chest. And without any mercy, you bucked up your hips.
Sanat Kumara bowed over and buried his head in your shoulder as he went slack-jawed and nearly drooled. You licked over the teeth marks.
“You can lose yourself to me. I’ll allow it. Show me this passion you’re so proud of.”
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their creators:
Oh, I had to edit how they look MANY TIMES throughout the years.
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The only one who retained the same physical appearance from Day 1 is Abena as a tall, voluptuous, dark-skinned booba lady with a teeny weeny afro, hypnotic smile, and big alluring eyes. The only change I think I did since her original design was define her jawline and cheekbones, and even then that was just me being a better artist and not just drawing her as a generic anime girl with toned in skin. I guess updating her outfit and changing how she covers her hair counts.
The men, on the other hand:
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Josep was initially significantly young, leaner, and had a different hairstyle (rounded hairline with bangs and a ponytail). His face was also smoother. As my art improved, he'd eventually gain the sharp cheekbones, defined jaw, and unique eyes, as well as a bulkier physique to compliment his spooky theme. It's actually fairly recently (the past few years) his hair was most defined: slicked back with a few stray strands and a widow's peak hairline with trepanning scars on his skull. The braided queue slung over the shoulder like an anime mom's side plait is perhaps the most recent change (because I'm sick of trying to decide how his hair falls over his flipped cloak collar), as well as self-flagellation scars on his back because Catholicism, yo.
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Rashid also had a major change. Like Josep, he was initially younger, almost identical to Amir but with the stereotypical genie look (so a shaved head with a ponytail, smaller beard, etc). That was why Rashid's original name was "Jinni"! Then later one he was made middle-aged and thoroughly bald, with a fuller beard and body hair everywhere, and a hooded cloak. Later still changed his physique to be "strong fat" to contrast the Adonises that fill up the Devil's Eye roster lmao (others also fattened up like Robert and Isaac). His hooded cloak is also changed to a general assymetrical cloak styled after Cassim from Aladdin and the Forty Thieves. Most of the recent changes onto Rashid nowadays is just defining and redefining how I draw his face and his beard. God, his beard is hard.
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Ruixiong's physical design is mostly on just his hair and face. In one of his earliest drafts, Ruixiong was originally a very disabled beggar with a shitton of congenital deformities who was approached by the Master to be made abled and beautiful… only to have half of his face burned and an eye gouged out by Sing-Lung (hence the strap of cloth under his hair in some of his icons). But this is absolutely gross writing so VERY THANKFULLY it is dropped; however, Ruixiong was without a justification as to why he often covers half of his face with his hair for a long time until recently--he just has a birthmark on his face he thinks is hideous lmao. Which I eventually adjusted too--his attitude about that birthmark evolved to something he finds ugly but also prideful over, thus his reluctance to keep it covered dropped and his full face shown more often altogether. So the peek-a-boo bangs is just stylization nowadays.
Also, the top knot. Ruixiong previously didn't have the Ming-dynasty styled top-knot. That's also a recent change to his physical appearance. Ruixiong feels weird whenever I draw him without it now.
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Phoebus and Guy are a special case, and I'm lumping them together as identical twins. Initially they WEREN'T twins: Phoebus was originally 23 and Guy 21 before I decided upon making them twins and moving them to 22. They also had different hairstyles; Guy was thoroughly white with weird stylized shapes while Phoebus had the symmetrical auburn Sephiroth bangs. Upon deciding to make them identical (barring Guy's white hair at the time), I altered Guy's hair to have Phoebus' shape and Phoebus' face to be just like Guy's (Phoebus' face was originally much more significantly "generic anime bishonen").
Originally the only way you could tell them apart, besides their personalities, was their color scheme--otherwise, left uncolored, you weren't supposed to be able to tell who is who at all. But this also changed over time. Guy nowadays has muscle, and he dresses more formally or "sexily", whereas Phoebus is a skinny twig and dresses like a lazy slob. There is also Phoebus with the birthmark on his elbow as the congenital trait that distinguishes him from Guy.
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Special mention goes to Guy's hair, which has gone all over the place from full white to auburn to the current auburn with a single white streak. I am contemplating one more physical change to Guy, but I am still deciding if it's a good change or not first.
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Giovanni's radical design changes is mostly on his hair. He had a really stupid looking ponytail with the Idiot Hair string plus sideburns and… all over the place. Later it became a slicked back wavy shoulder-length hair but still with the Idiot Hair strand sticking out on top of his head. Then that Idiot Hair relaxed and covered his right eye for a time as I changed the hair once again to have assyemtrical parted long bangs wherein his right eyebrow tends to be covered. Finally, that Idiot Hair was dropped altogether as I gave Giovanni his trademark sideburns instead, a decision I'm glad to have because I'm so sick of his cutesy face being so bland otherwise (the sideburns make him appear more masculine without changing his face).
Giovanni's heterochromia was entirely by accident--he was originally just blue eyed. But before I boarded the plane to go to the Philippines for college, I had an unfinished drawing of Josep smacking Gio on the head for stupids, and only one eye (blue) was colored. The other (green) was colored on the plane, but it was dark and I picked up the wrong Sharpie. When the lights brightened and I saw my mistake, I decided to keep it. And that is why Gio has two differently colored eyes!
The last major change to his physical design is probably a couple years ago, regarding the massive number of scars on his body due to self-harm during psychotic episodes in the cellar.
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FEMALE GAZE: maybe he isn't so bad?
So, I do not have tiktok. I have finally rid myself of that intrepid parasite that plagued my psyche for years, yes! But I do still allow youtube to take my nutrients, and I stumbled upon this man “Kevin”, “Female Gaze Kevin.” 
This guy is fucking ugly.
He has a receding hairline, lips straight from the ocean, and ice age eyes. “Now, why would you be so cruel? I have one of these features, I look similar to him-” Are you a shit person who takes advantage of women? If you answer “yes” then you are ugly too, if “no” then keep walking buddy we are NOT talking about you. 
So why are all these women fawning over him?
Well, first let’s discuss “nice guys.” A nice guy is typically a gross man who pushes boundaries, and feels entitled to sex with a woman. It is often synonymous with “incels.” We have all gone to school with plenty of nice guys! Some of us even made the mistake of dating them. Now, we can all admit that to date one of those sleaze bags you have to have pretty low self worth, tossing your wellness to the breeze just to get… unwashed penis? Gaslit? Maybe you just really dream of flashing someone to win at mario kart, and then having them get actually mad that you ruined their lap? 
So why is Kevin different? What separates Kevin from that boy in your physics class that you keep catching staring down your shirt? 
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 
With the release of “The Batman” and Paul Dano’s Riddler, a spike in romanticization of these types was seen across the internet, teenage girls everywhere begging for the incels they mocked a month ago. Girls started dreaming of the pervert, the man who will undoubtedly give them sexual attention and will apparently have eyes for no one but her. It’s similar to the attraction to Joe Goldberg. Being the girl he will be satisfied with, being “his woman.” But, and forgive me for spoilers, what was wrong with Beck? Love? That librarian chick from the last season? Were they all unworthy, ugly, TRAMPS who just don’t understand a real man when they see it? 
Fighting for the creep means fighting against other women, tearing them down. I know a lot of girls fantasize about killing other girls who their boyfriend looks at, or girls that look at their boyfriend. If the only way to trust your partner isn’t going to cheat is by eliminating the competition… Run??? Lmao???
But these girls still mock incels. They see that boy in class and run, they see him disgusting and uncomfortable to be around. But if he weren’t so repulsive… Maybe if you gave him a shot, he would be eternally indebted to you for saving him from his virginity! And he would never cheat, never care about other women, because he has you! A real life woman! Or rather, real life tits and poon. No matter how much you try to tame and domesticate the incel, he will never see you as a person. You can take the porn addict away from his laptop and into your lap, but all he’s thinking is “Booba!” And because of his addiction, he will still seek porn and other girls. BECAUSE IT ISN’T ABOUT YOU. It isn’t about how witty and cool and hot you are, it’s about how many times he can get laid, and how quickly. 
If you have fallen victim to Kevin’s seducing “female gaze” (not at all what that term even means lmao) then I highly recommend you spend a day browsing /tv/ on 4chan and see how they talk about female celebrities. Did you know that some perverts will walk around with a dog so women will approach them? My girlfriend told me that one recently, it blew my mind. 
So again I raise the question, why are women finding Kevin attractive? Why are they drawn to the act? They don’t. They are literally pretending they do to cope with rejection and trauma with men. No man is “safe,” the McElroy brothers are still the same men as that guy you liked for years who dated your best friend. 
Also Kevin was outed for homophobic jokes, heavily insulting black women’s features, and being exactly the opposite of “safe.” So yeah, stop doing this shit women. Accept the nature of men or become a dyke idrfc.
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pochqmqri · 2 years
I remember when my ex-girlfriend broke with me, the day after, on her blog, she was sharing pics of random strangers saying she was in a “women lovin’ mood recently.” Contrast that to how she had refused to look at any of my pics and then broke up with me by saying she “[felt] no romantic feelings for [me] anymore.” 
It’s fucking rich that she made up whatever excuse she could to not even glance at my nudes or even sputter out a compliment while she continually thirsted over random strangers and even complimented some of them, saying shit like “nice cock.” On the day we broke up, I saw on her N$FW account that she was sharing a barrage of nudes while at the time telling me mine were unappealing as they weren’t “full or near full body” despite those pics being around the same perspective as mine. I hate most V-Tubers, so her obsession with them was something we butted heads over, but seeing her constantly share lewd art of them felt insulting, like I was losing to fictional depictions. Yeah, that does make me sound insecure, I admit. It seems she got her “horny” back once she broke up with me, because on her N$FW alt I saw her share posts that were like “RT if my pics made you horny” or “RT if you’ve ever sucked girlcock, be honest.” That last one is a bit interesting, because from my knowledge the only time she ever had sex was with my other ex-partner when they were together last December, and they didn’t even go that far. So at some point when they moved in for real, she did try it again despite prior saying she was “not that crazy about it.” 
And yeah, people’s sexualities are complex, and she can do whatever she wants now that we’re no longer a couple, but I still feel she was being dishonest with me to an extent during our relationship. If she had been honest about her feelings for me or lack thereof, maybe I wouldn’t be hurting so much still. 
Around the time of the breakup was when I was about to start final exams for my last semester of undergrad. I knew I couldn’t let it bother me too much because I had so much at stake, so I shelved it temporarily to focus on studying. I ended up passing not only all my exams, but also maintaining straight As. It just shows much stronger I am without her. I will get better, some day. And if I needed a reason to continue going on, it’s so that I can transition and become my true and full self, which I hope is sooner than later. To transition not only for myself, but also to spite my ex, as I will become prettier than her, maybe even more “well-endowed” since she always talked about “booba,” so that she can see what missed out on. Maybe by then she’ll see how she hurt me.
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zestdinfo · 4 days
Rap et argent : la misère est-elle vraiment si belle ? 
Les billets, le wari, les doros, la moula, les pépettes… Les rappeurs s'échinent à trouver les synonymes les plus créatifs pour désigner l’argent, valeur ultime, qui fait partie intégrante de la culture. On se vante de savoir accumuler les billets, tout le monde est blindé, les marques de luxe deviennent des titres de chansons et Booba se pose même la question sur “Kalash” : “Qu’est ce que je vais faire de tout cette oseille ?”
Si on peut comprendre l’interrogation légitime d’un rappeur qui pèse aujourd’hui des dizaines de millions d’euros, ça n’a pas toujours été le cas pour Elie Yaffa, son vrai nom, né à Sèvres d’une maman femme de ménage et d’un père absent. Sauf que la misère, ça ne fait pas vendre. Alors il martèle : “L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur, mais le bonheur remplit pas l’assiette.”
Dans le rap, dès qu’on parle de chiffre d’affaires, le micro se coupe. Un silence gêné qui contraste avec les grosses cylindrés, souvent louées juste pour les clips, pour faire les nouveaux riches. Car “y’a pas d'autant d'argent dans le rap”, reconnaît Kery James en interview pour Booska-P : “À en écouter certains, on dirait qu’ils sont dans le pétrole.”
L’argent fonde la street cred. L’argent c’est le pouvoir. Pourtant, il y a autant de millionnaires dans le monde du rap que de femmes dans le BTP.  Pourtant, les riches, on les déteste. On ne veut pas de rap de gosse de riche et on crache à volonté sur la gentrification du hip hop au détriment de sa souche originelle, une revendication d’en bas, des quartiers pauvres, de la banlieue. Les liasses doivent s’entasser mais à une condition : il ne faut pas être né avec une cuillère d’argent dans la bouche.
L’oseille dans le rap est aussi décriée que plébiscitée, dans une sorte d’ambiguïté difficile à saisir pour les néophytes.
Si les rappeurs prennent le contrepied du tabou social autour de l’argent, en s’égosillant sur leurs fortune, ce qu’ils gagnent réellement n’en est pas moins un secret. Et bien gardé. Niska le disait clairement: “J’remplis mon argent dans le plus grand des silences.”
Si l’image du “self made man” est aussi exaltée dans le rap, c’est parce les américains et leur succès servent de modèles. Mais là-bas, “Fifty cent” n’est qu’un pseudonyme, et en France, on ne joue pas dans la même cour que des rappeurs milliardaires depuis 2007. 
Carol Burel
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nightyelean · 1 year
Hey hey hey! Chill out with the wholesomeness!! I just read the sweetness of you and holy moly was it wonderful. It was just so sweet and nice. I wish I could provide an in-depth analysis of it but unfortunately, my brain is a slushie so I can only just rave about how much I loved it. Genuinely it was a very cute story that made me laugh (especially at the diabetes part) and go awww. The ending really got to me though! It was simple but it was enough. I don’t know if that makes sense and I hope it doesn’t come off mean but yeah. Overall a very happy story and I’m glad I got to read it
I am so glad you liked it!! It was a fun silly thing to write.
The thing is, I am a someone that loves when people just look… different. But then also, people don’t like themselves because theyre different. Big nose, double chin, asymmetrical face, chub, no chub, wide hips, or big chest, or small chest. Maybe the top surgery scars, or maybe the parts they don’t feel comfortable with.
I really just wanna let everyone know that you’re you, and everything about you is just human. (The parts u don’t feel comfy with is a different topic ofc. But know that they don’t define your gender. If you’re a trans man and have a big chest, i see nothing but man boobas🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️ i hope that doesn’t sound weird hm.) So yeahhh… Sun and Moon would love everything about you as well. It can be just me and self reflecting, but i see them as the demisexual jesters. They don’t care about the looks, they only care about you at the end<3
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morilogy · 1 year
idk man im tired (rant)
I want to draw but can't decide on the subject - or I'll draw eyes and eyes and eyes for days even if it is not what I want to draw in the first place. I want to draw but can't figure out how to just get up and grab a pencil sometimes. I want to draw and improve but I'm barely capable of just opening a video or a pdf for some reference material. I want to draw but I do just a line and then decide that the doodle-to-be WILL be bad anyway, so I stop.
and it's tiring. Because the more I "fail", the harsher I am with myself.
I'm searching an improvement I can't seem to be able to find in the sketches and drawings I made the past year and a half. and it's tiring.
at every new start of a drawing I feel like I have to learn all again. I feel like my head is empty of every little precious pieces of knowledge I have gathered meticulously. all is gone, vanished in the emptiness between my ears.
and it's tiring. I know I have to work on the weirdly arbitrary and restrictive rules I have set for myself like "you can't draw this before you have perfected that" but bruh
bad habits and deprecative self-talk feels like they entered my DNA at this point.
and it. is. t i r i n g. I don't want to battle myself every frickin' time I want to do something.
I just want to draw pretty ladies with boobas and fanarts. I'm tired.
But ig I'll try again tomorrow.
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riniackerman · 2 years
Hi Rini, so lately Tengen Uzui and his ginormous watermelon biceps have been invading my mind disrespectfully. And christ, I have been wanting to be his 4th wife for the longest time. But insecurities is a bitch and my body type is extremely small, like small boobas and an average butt. So can you write a smut fem.reader x tengen uzui but the reader is extremely insecure about her small body type, especially when she can't even compare to Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru. The reader has avoided having spicy time with Tengen because she was scared he wouldn't like her body, but in reality Tengen is just a big softy that wants to make his wife feel special and perfect the way she is. As for the smut, she's a virgin so we need extra fluffy Tengen that's super patient and gentle with her. The rest is up to you (人◕ω◕)
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ପ author’s note. no because that describes me so (too) perfectly… anon we have a lot in common 😳 just a quick note; in canon verse au, tegen gets his 3 wives when he turns 15 but here i made it 4! and sorry it took so long omg
+ did beta read at 3am so i can’t say i did it properly
ପ pairing. uzui tegen x insecure!fem!reader
ପ content warnings. +18 MDNI. detailed body description, lose of virginity, self-body shaming, praising, oral (m→f), face sitting, cum on face (f→m), cum inside, fingering, breeding kink, overstimulating
ପ wordcount. 2.5k
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it’s a well-known fact that the uzui family gets their son his 4 wives when he turns 15. you didn’t care much about it, just simply thought ‘wish i had 4 husbands too’ and slipped the talks away.
but you have never thought you would be one of the 4 wives. it’s still unbelievable too, you didn’t dare yourself to marry such a perfect man like uzui when you were just an ordinary, no, below an ordinary woman.
it didn’t take long enough for uzui to notice your attitudes towards yourself. he kept seeing you checking your body in the mirror through the slightly opened doors at late night, hearing sighs and ungrateful things from your lips.
uzui wanted to help you understand how beautiful you are but he didn’t have the guts to, since he was alarmed that you might think he is just saying things to only make you feel better, which he is definitely not.
uzui sometimes would randomly say “i only care about the personality” or “i care for you no matter what” but you didn't take it personally, not knowing it was his little mission to reassure his fourth wife.
it was a late night when uzui was walking down the hallway for a cup of water. as he was making his way to the kitchen, he was stopped by the usual sigh from the usual room. but this time your sigh made uzui irritated as he was sick of hearing those sighs every night.
you yelped when you saw a massive shadow sneaking inside your room through your mirror. “wh-who are you?!” you let out a relieved sigh when you saw it was just your husband. “tegen-sama what are you doing here?”
“can’t i be in my own wife’s room?” uzui pouted as he casually sat down on the floor, folding his legs as he resited his elbow on his knee, his chin on his palm. he watched you as you nervously smiled.
even though uzui was your husband, you felt distant from him. you merely think he looked and felt better when he was with the rest of the 3 wives. uzui finally opened his mouth at the awkward silence that was going on a for few minutes.
“what’s bothering my pretty wife?” uzui said as he slapped his thighs, gaining your attention at once. “i don’t have any” you tuck your lower lips as your hands fondled the clothes. “don’t fool me, i heard everything.”
everything? what everything? you thought for a second. but you soon enough realized and remembered the things you have said to yourself for the past nights in your room. “everything?” you ask, “mhm, everything.”
“everything…?” you asked once again, “yes. everything.” uzui rolled his eyes at how blind you were to not notice the beauty you had it for yourself. it’s just hard for you to think of a massive, tall, charming-looking man with tons of muscles and packs on his abs to date such an ordinary woman.
and you were sure uzui much more preferred women who were confident with their features like body, personality, skills, literally anything because he is one. you just think you don’t belong with the people here when your confidence is so much lower than the rest of the girls. sure you had the confidence, but not enough to think good about yourself between suma, makio, and hinatsuru.
“small boobs, small ass, short height.” your body flinched at uzui’s words. you slowly lifted your head up and met his passionate cardinal eyes glaring at you. “i don’t care how you look. i told you tons of times, i care for who you are, and not what you are.”
uzui’s words made you feel dumb for a moment. you really expected the uzui tegen to be picky with women and only care for the shapes. you were too blind about your insecurities to notice how warm and welcoming uzui was to you. especially to you.
“tegen-sama…” it was just a short matter of time for you to burst out into tears and make uzui panic. “w-why are you crying?!” uzui hurridly came by your side as he hugged your small figure with his massive arms.
“did i- did i say something wrong??” uzui asked again and again until your tears had stopped. your uplifted your crying face too fast it made uzui’s ears turn red a little, clearing his throat uzui looked to the other side of the room.
“no tegen-sama, i just feel stupid” you sniffled as uzui’s arms embraced around your body even tighter. “you’re not stupid” uzui pouts. “done?” he asked but let out a ‘hm?’ when he saw your thinking face. uzui sighed as he spoke up again. “got more to say?” you nodded your head at his words.
“tell me, let it all out” slightly letting go of his arms around you, you spoke up. “i just… want to make you feel good but… my body is- never mind” your small talk made uzui’s eyes swell. it was honestly surprising for him to think that his innocent-looking wife had all these thoughts about him inside her little head.
“do you want me to show you?” without even considering your answer, uzui quickly lifted you up and carried you to the soft mattress. “tegen-sama! wait!” uzui simply hummed as your hand pushed his back away.
gently resting you on the mattress, he planted a soft kiss on your head, reassuring that you were okay with him. letting a sigh out from your lips, you allowed uzui to travel down your body as he lifted your skirt.
uzui marked your thighs slowly, making you all whiny and gently pulling on his white soft hair as delicate bruises littered your inner thighs, his tongue started to trail all the way up to where you desired to be touched the most.
“f…feels good” you breathed heavily as uzui sucked onto your inner thighs while his fingers pinched and twisted your nipples, his other hand drawing circles on your small waist. “you sound so pretty”
uzui and you have consensually met up before. even though suma suggested it, you just denied it. you thought it was impossible to make uzui feel desired by and with you.
uzui watched you as he slowly undressed all your clothes one by one, letting them fall on the wooden floor as he easily lifted your body yo, letting his broad back to rest on the mattress. “come on” uzui breathes out as he stuck his tongue out.
‘is he really asking me to sit on his face???’ you questioned yourself. you were a little embarrassed for a few seconds, but you slowly brought your little hands to balance on his shoulder as you nearly sat on top of his face, your knees buried between the soft mattress.
uzui smirked as he saw your pretty pussy glistening all for him. he then easily grabbed your ass with both hands, making you lightly yelp at the sudden grip. “shhh you’re all good” uzui whispered just a centimeter away from your cunt.
“te… tengen-sama…” you were trying to balance yourself with your shaky legs, your eyes not knowing where to look. “come on” he says before he grasped by your waist and pulled it down, letting your cunt to kiss his lips.
your thighs started to shake from the sensation when you finally fulfilled his lips as you started to shily grind your hips back and forth, which uzui found it so adorable. he smiled as his tongue smeared your fold, slurping them out.
your back arched when you felt his warm tongue enter your hole a little. you instantly shut your lips with your hand as uzui massaged your waists, allowing shivers to run up your spines. “who said you don’t look pretty? look at you, you’re so beautiful” uzui glared at the sight above him to see you fighting to keep your pretty moans in your throat as your eyes were close shut.
the sound of uzui’s slurps filled the room quickly. uzui’s strong, veiny hands were around your thighs, so tight that they left red marks behind. you let your body forward a little, sliding your hand beneath his head, you allowed your hips to grind more confidently.
“that’s it love, that’s it” uzui murmured as he kept eating you out. your whimpers and silent cries only made uzui to get addicted to you even more. he’s not gonna lie, he loves when your small body is all laid out for him. maybe this was when he found out his new kink.
“te… tengen-sama ‘m gonna! gonna- hah” you helpless moaned when you felt a weird feeling building inside your stomach as tears dropped down your face at the feeling that you have never experienced before. it felt good, but afraid at the same time.
“cum on my face” uzui ordered as you do, letting out all the wetness drip down on his face as uzui leaked every drop of them. “tengen-sama…” your eyes rolled as you could not resist your incredibly shaking legs.
“you did so good, see?” uzui smeard your pooling folds with his finger pad and brought it infront of your face, showing how wet you were for him. you only nodded your head in embarrassment.
uzui smirked before he smeared your lips with his finger coated with your cum, gently sliding his thumb inside your soft mouth, you lightly gagged on his fingers. “adorable” uzui then shortly got up and pushed you down onto the mattress this time.
uzui leaned down and whispered into your ear “i want it.” as he looked down at the bulge on his pants. your cheeks flustered immediately as he watched your eyes widen and your fingers fondling the mattress.
uzui gently brought your hand to his belt as his free hand found your shaking thighs and gently caressed on it. “i want you.” he says it again, this time more expressly, and his breath was heavier as he crept his large back down together to tower over your tiny helpless body.
“tengen-sama…” you said nothing but his name as you hid your face with your arms over your face. “you don’t want it?” tengen tilted his head, his fingers teasing the inner of your thighs. “...no” you reply, letting the corner of uzui’s lips to rise up. “hm?” “i want you too…” you finally reply.
you let out a gasp when you saw his cock pressing against your thighs. it was big, big. his veins were easily visible as his precum was drooling down over his massive length. you questioned yourself thinking if his cock can even fit inside your small hole.
uzui brought his hands behind your head as he cupped it, pushing your head to his chest he praised and assured you as the tip of his cock slowly found your cunt. sliding his massive cock up your tight hole, uzui groaned at the tightness that was wrapping around his cock.
you breathed in and out heavily as uzui kept pushing his hips towards you, letting your virgin hole to spread apart for his cock to come in. uzui’s eyes swelled when he realized that it was your first time.
he quickly reminded himself that this was all about you and not him. he made sure he will give you the best, most pleasing, and memorable moment tonight. “so-sorry you just feel- ngh” uzui very slowly moved his hips as you let out moans and cries.
“i love you” uzui says, fingers sliding inside your hands he properly began to work his hips. uzui groaned as your pretty lips wrapped and sucked around his fingers while his hips pounded into you, thrusting deeper as you gagged over his fingers that were pushing your tongues.
he snapped his hips just to have you crying under him. your eyes not leaving his, you silently begged for him to go harder on you. you whined as he thrusts into you, uzui’s carmine eyes watched you choking on your moan as your mouth sucked on his fingers.
“g-god you feel so good- hah” uzui rasps as he cupped your head with his free hand as he lightly leaned his forehead against yours.
uzui praises you and does whatever it takes to make you feel good. he smiles and cups your cheek seeing the hot tears form in your eyes as he thrust inside you non-stop, making muted moans form from your lips.
uzui brought his fingers to your clit from your mouth as he gently drew circles on it, making your back arch as his lips teased yours just a centimeters away from it. uzui jaw dropped as he felt himself near.
“g-gonna c…cum” uzui breathed heavily as he crashed his lips against yours, slurping and giving you the messiest kiss you could ever imagine. your eyes rolled back and your fingers dragged down on his torso, causing pretty redden marks along.
“please tegen-sama… i want you” you spoke between the kisses, feeling yourself close too. uzui nodded as he sets his all strength to his hips, thrusting so hard and fast that you couldn’t even keep track of the beat.
uzui still had his eyes fixed on yours as he mouthed ‘cumming’ before he deep thrust inside you, letting out all the hot cum pour inside your body. uzui breathes in and out, watching you twitching under him with his throbbing cock buried inside you.
he looks down as he slowly, very slowly pulled his cock out from you, you moaned as you felt the emptiness below you.
holding each other in a warm, soft, and secure embrace, uzui’s large arms wrapped around your body as yours were over his waist. eyes were closed, your heavy breathing slowly turned to soft, snuggling one as you felt appreciated and safe. both your hearts were full of love for each other.
still letting out small whines and whimpers, you snuggled your head between uzui’s chest. uzui thickly swallowed when he saw his cock was still rock hard between your thighs. his fingers sneaked between your legs.
he softly rubbed over your sensitive bud as he planted soft kisses over your face, your temple. your brows furrowed slightly as you whimpered his name aloud, hiding your face in the crook of uzui’s neck.
“what’s wrong?” uzui hummed and chuckled at your warm breath tickling him, also hitching as your chest grew up and down frantically. your body trembled as the sensation of your orgasms started to fill your body again.
“we’re just getting started, need to tell how much i appreciate you” as loving words were said by uzui, he bent his back a little as his tongue slipped between your lips while his fingers were locked at your chick, not allowing you to push him away. uzui then closed his eyes as he felt your moans were filling his throat.
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© RINIACKERMAN ⇒ do not repost, claim or copy my works
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somensfw-blue · 2 years
Ur ideas are too good stop im gonna have to booba bite omgomgomgkmgo. Being excited to finally sit on his cock and and and and get fucked by it and he knows that so he makes you cockqarm him bevause he is a big bastard but like a good one and and maybe you neg for him to fuck you because you've been good maybe even, ok in my case maybe even a good puppy idk!!!!!! Yes mhm i agree - 🐩
horny brain took a couple read throughs to realise you said big bastard and not just that he's big but he is so that's okay
ok. okok. this is like... full smut,,, also... afab
warnings um... spanking. that's really about it
you were sat half-naked on his lap on your shared makeshift bed just making out as one does. vilbur's hands running up your sides and groping your ass and you had your hands on his shoulders and arms and running through his hair. and adrenaline is pumping - it hasn't really stopped since you ran from Manburg - and your hips were moving on their own. it's only light, but it's enough to feel his cock starting to grow under you.
you'd fucked before - quickies, drawn out punishments, once or twice it was slow enough to be "making love" if you were at all in love and not just using each other's bodies - but it was always you on your back, or you bent over a table, or you against a wall. you had never ridden him. it's not like it was something either of you had discussed, not that you ever really discussed how he was going to fuck you (other than setting boundaries. and aftercare, he always softened so much during aftercare, almost like he was his old self. asking if everything was okay, asking if there was something you didn't enjoy as much)
"sweetheart if you keep doing that i'm not sure i'm going to be able to control myself." (of course, if you said no, he would always always stop immediately, so it was a soft warning). in response you pushed your hips down, a forceful grind into him, and you felt his leg twitch. "you asked for this." he shifted under you, nudging you to the side to roll you onto your back, but you dropped your weight, creating a resistance, which had him tilt a head and raise a brow.
almost lazily you dragged your mouth down his jaw leaving wet kisses.
"wanna ride you." the sound he let out came from deep in his throat, and you pulled back to meet his eyes. you dug your nails into the meat of his bicep, contrasted with the soft thumb on your opposite hand running over his cheekbone. his own fingers dug into your hips, likely leaving bruises. "please."
his head fell back with a groan, and with his grip on your hips he moved you against his covered hardon, but he quickly looks back at you
he pulls at the elastic band of your underwear, letting it go with a snap against your skin.
"these need off." you paused for a moment before the words fully registered. holy shit you were going to ride him. you swung your leg off and pulled them down off your legs, letting them fall somewhere behind you. wilbur pulled off his boxers, throwing them roughly in the direction of your own.
your mouth almost started watering as you watched him stroke his cock while you climbed back onto his lap. you had touched it, sucked it, been totally filled by his cock many times, but every time you saw it again, your thighs clenched and your mind stuttered. he was just... so long. not hugely thick but it definitely made your jaw ache every time.
"you take control. for now at least." you take over from his hand, dragging it up and down before hovering above the tip of his cock. his hands never left your waist as he stared at you. your scrunched your nose as you concentrated, collecting your slick as you moved his tip back and forth. "control doesn't mean you can take you time, doll."
one hand on his shoulder, the other keeping his cock in place, you slowly dropped your hips. you had to adjust to him slowly every time, but the change in angle meant taking it even slower. he hummed lowly, and you gasped when you slipped quicker than you had planned.
wilbur let out a groan, one that you mirrored though louder, when he finally bottomed out in you. you raised your hips cautiously, testing the feeling the new angle gave, gently rocking back and forth a little. then you got confident, comfortably feeling the drag of his cock at the new angle, and his grip on your hips tightened.
"okay." he bit you jaw softly. "control is mine." suddenly you were unable to move, his hands not letting you shift, simply sat on his cock, keeping it nice and warm.
you loved cockwarming him. with your mouth, with your cunt. but right now you needed to move. you needed him to be fucking up into you
"wil, please. lemme move." each vowel was dragged out, pleading with him. "baby, please wil-" he just tsked at you, giving your sides a squeeze before moving one hand down to give you a light spank
"i said 'control is mine'. and i want to use you to cockwarm me right now." you whined and tried wriggling your hips, earning you another spank. "just be patient, doll." dropping your head into the crook of his neck, you left open mouth kisses, resigning to his plan to keep you still.
then without warning, he gave another spank, then squeezed your reddening ass cheek, and wilbur moved his hips up to meet your own as he dragged you up and down his cock, one hand on your hip the other on your ass. you gasped into his neck, moaning against his skin.
wilbur set a harsh pace, your hips all but dropping down onto him, bottoming out with every thrust. his tip hit you deeply every time, and every time you let out a gasped moan. he had never hit so harshly so deep before and you were obsessed.
the new angle must have been great for wilbur too, because he had not stopped babbling praises. he tried to maintain control for ego's sake, but he couldn't help himself. when he wasn't muttering how you felt "so good baby god so warm around my cock taking me so well" he was moaning into your ear or the crown of your head.
the feeling bubbled up quickly, your toes starting to curl and your moans starting to pitch
"wil i'm- close, wil-" he only let out a moan in response, bringing one hand up to your jaw so that he could bring your mouth to his. the kiss was barely a kiss, just messy, lots of spit and tongue.
"wh- whenever you want." often, wilbur had you asking to cum, begging so he could drag it out. but whether it was from the new position, or from another factor that had his brain going haywire, wilbur himself was embarrassingly close to cumming far sooner than he had before.
being given permission to cum 'whenever you wanted' was new, and you were going to hold out as long as you could (which,,, probably wasn't going to be long, not when the hand that was holding your jaw had moved to making harsh and quick circles on your clit). but you wanted him to cum first. it was something that hadn't happened in a while, but it was that little bit of ego you wanted to have.
wilbur let out broken moan that ended in a gasp. his leg twitched, his fingers digging into your ass (and the other stilling for just a moment on your clit), before cumming with another loud and broken moan.
it wasn't long after - you still moving up and down his cock - that your own legs shook, toes curling and your eyes rolling back, cumming on his cock. wilbur continued moving you up and down, slightly slower than your previous pace, helping you drag out your orgasm
when you came back down, you stayed on his cock, the mix of your orgasms slowly leaking down wilbur's length. he softly pressed kisses on your cheeks, on your hair, all the while muttering how well you did
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Y'know how you can gain another meaning from the inverse of something? Like looking at Jade as an example you have the Seer of Time, and that can provide a kinds of neat depth there. My question is can you inquire this inverse deep thought for Denizens. Say Echidna, Space Booba Snake Mommy, inversion to Time Booba Snake Mommy? Maybe it doesn't say much because the Denizen don't have as much depth as the kids but it's something I keep thinking about (especially after seeing your Denizens that someone made fanart for; Dullahan and Dionysius)
Oh! I don't really personally like Inversion by itself- I feel Inversion is a way narrower version of Classpect Roleplaying, and that you don't NEED to 'Invert' so long as there's some other Classpect Influence. Furthermore, I don't really think Jade's ever that Time-coded at all, even if she knows about future events in the Timeline thanks to Skaia, it soon becomes obvious that there's so much Time Shenanigans in this series that not all prescience needs to be Time-related-
But I do not think Denizens could possibly Invert or Roleplay. Namely because... Denizens are kind of embodiments of their Aspect? They're supposed to be God-like, supernatural beings related to an Aspect, and given they know what happens in other Sessions, you may even argue they're a form of 'Ultimate Self', aware of every iteration of themselves. So I don't quite think a Denizen could be anything other than its own, as a Game Construct, God, and Embodiment of an Aspect or Concept!
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pyrocynical-stan · 3 years
some suuper woke, based and redpilled shit right here
If you support the notion that “yaoi artists are at fault for making people have misconceptions about gay people,“ or “hentai is problematic because now men think all wahmen have big booba,“ that’s the same flawed logic behind “It’s this sexual assault victim’s fault for being sexually assaulted because she wore an attractive dress.“
Think about it. All these cases involve putting the source entity at fault for simply existing and minding their own business. Both the creator and victim didn’t make any promises or claims to the reader or attacker respectively that the creative work make accurate portrayals/the victim wanted any sexual advances, and both were to be interacted with at one’s own discretion (and, especially in regards to situation 2, within acceptable boundaries). It wasn’t the creator/victim’s fault that the reader or viewer would make expectations from the creative work/the attacker was a shithead, and expecting the source entities in both cases to take on the responsibility of providing accurate information about sex-related stuff/dressing and acting in specific ways to minimize chances of being sexually assaulted is flat-out unrealistic.
People have this notion that certain innocuous areas of media and art are “problematic and bad and need to be self-censoring, need to do this, need to do that,“ when in reality we are just victims to a system of laziness that offloads the work of proper education to some unsuspecting folk and leaves the masses blind to the slippery slope they’re going down. One hopeless hentai addict might say “i will shame this person for not having z cup boobies and being into my weird piss fetishes.” Another hopeless hentai addict might say “these images are an unrealistic representation of sexual activity and i won’t carry those expectations over into the real world.“ Guess which one of them made the effort to search up a few fucking things on wikipedia.
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