#self-harm rehab
obsidians-nightmare · 11 months
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“…They’re just mildly concussed.”
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“Let’s get out of here.”
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artofkhaos404 · 7 months
In life, I believe we are all just addicts struggling with our drug of choice.
For some, it may be actual drugs. Meth, cocaine, heroine, marijuana... whatever suits them. For others it is alcohol or cigarettes or other tobacco products.
It may be pornography. Or self harm.
I have wrestled with my drug of choice for about four years. Indulging daily or weekly. I'm accustomed to counting wins by the day.
Tomorrow, I'm going out with some friends to celebrate two months clean. Eventually I may relapse back into my old habits, but that's not the point. The point is proving to myself that I am able. Recovery is possible.
And I'll encourage you to adopt the same mantra. These addictions and this society that fuels them? It can't hold us. We are free.
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healution · 2 years
7 months self harm free
14 days nicotine free
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betawooper · 2 years
man ch 98 is gonna definitely be an emotional rollercoaster
#gonna talk about sui in the tags btw so dont look if thats a sensitive topic#but i dont think its too clear what exactly tanjirou would have done had nezuko actually died at any point in the journey#one of his two main goals was to cure her with the other being defeating muzan but#this chapter + the one dream chapter in rehab arc + mugen train (just all of it)#makes it so clear how much more importance he placed the first one over the second is#with him literally trying to and even successfully killing himself once nezuko was gone#its a bit different in this chapter because at this point he is so traumatized by his nightmares that he thinks nezuko burning in the sun#was just another nightmare or a test that he needed to pass through the act of seppuku#but its a strong established aspect that he can and will give up if the last person that represented his innocent past disappears#the person that stops him from fatally hurting himself is said person which could be seen as both a good and a very concerning thing#bc hey we still have our main protagonist#but the fact that he relies so heavily on the wellbeing of someone else to inform his own is just not a healthy way to#deal with that shit + the other person will begin to feel the pressure of this and not know how to deal with the discomfort#this is something he does realize by the end of ch 100 (ideally) but instead of detaching himself from nezuko and focusing#on himself he just flies to the complete opposite end of the spectrum and hates himself even more#and forces himself not to rely on anybody even if they see that hes struggling and offer help#like buddy#throwing yourself into training to the point of passing out is just another form of self harm#yelling at zenitsu for wanting you to eat food is not it#arguing with giyuu who wants you to sleep for more than 4 fucking hours is not it#refusing to talk to nezuko or even see her is not it#and like#i love how this complete 180 in his philosophy is informed through him learning about the prophecy in ch 100#even if kagaya didnt mean to influence tanjirou that way the end result was that tanjirou still believes#he is the one whos supposed to save everyone through killing muzan#that hes yoriichi's successor and he think he has to take on this burden alone#he cant afford to rely on others#he cant afford to be weak and vulnerable#and thats where he rapidly starts tumbling towards his low point#kny plot rewrite
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235uranium · 3 months
btw everyone always brings up wakaba and okumura in reference to akechi being in 3rd sem but what about shiho. shiho is alive, all ann wished was that kamoshida hadn't happened, so she and shiho could still be at the same school. and nothing about shiho as a person was changed- just their circumstances
... almost like joker wished the circumstances between him and akechi allowed them to be together
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luxuryrehab · 1 year
Is there a link between Self-harm and Addiction?
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People struggling with addiction often cope with varied mental health conditions. Excessive consumption of alcohol or substance can lead to developing negative feelings and promoting self-harm. While there is no direct relation between addictions and self-harm, it's common for people struggling with addiction to experience bouts of self-harm. Let's understand the connection between the two, explained by science.
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hiddenbysuccubi · 2 years
Looking ahead and looking up!
Getting an unexpected 1k from Montana, still current in therapy, absolutely shut down my mom's toxicity (her: come back to WA. Or I'll put you away. Plus blah blah manipulative BS. Me: no~)
Two job interviews that also have housing so if I lose this apartment / leave my bad relationship I have it covered. Friend again offered to let me stay and help me set myself up. And one of the moms I work for is expecting and wants me to watch baby next year 😊 if I get all set up I would love to - she's the one who pays me 20/hr and said she'd pay more if I watch baby and her current youngest next year.
There is a bright side. And I'm owning it.
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etherealising · 11 months
chapter four | to burden natalie berzatto
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masterlist | ↢ previous chapter | next chapter ↣ |
pairing: platonic!natalie berzatto x f!reader | slight carmen berzatto x f!reader | slight the bear crew x f!reader | male!oc x f!reader |
summary: your lack of competent decision-making after mikey’s death puts natalie in a compromisng position.
warning(s): substance abuse | overdose | grief | self-sabotage | angst | humor as coping mechanism | one mention of ativan | unintentional self-harm | blood | hospitals | scars | mention of treatment centers | rehab | recovery | thoughts of relapsing | appreciation of natalie berzatto | avoidance of grief | selfishness | memory loss | unhealthy grieving mechanisms | PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED ANYTHING!
wc: 8.1k
please remeber you are responsible for your own media consumption. if any warnings trigger you DO NOT READ!
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The smooth music filtered out of the record player, a rich voice singing through the house painting the atmosphere with a calm vibe. The two occupants were gathered in the living room, sifting through the last of the boxes that contained small decorations and keepsakes. Discussing what would look best where and what should have been left behind in the move.
You looked over your shoulder to check on Nat, her sudden silence cause for concern. Circling over to her you realized what had stolen the words from her lips. You maneuvered to stand behind her, looking over her shoulder at the framed photo in her hands, the two of you silently reminiscing.
You placed your head on her shoulder as she let out a quiet sniffle, her emotions heightened due to her condition. “You looked so beautiful that night,” you let out a quiet laugh before moving to stand next to Nat, eyes still focused on the framed Polaroid in her grip.
It had been a year and it still wasn’t easy to look at any pictures of Mikey without feeling like your chest would cave in. You hadn’t seen this particular picture since his passing, the grief too much, all memories painting your west coast apartment shoved into a nondescript box.
You understood now why it was so important to label your boxes when moving. If the box in front of Nat had some type of label on it, you knew for sure it already would’ve been shoved into the dark recesses of your closet.
“You can just put that one back in the box,” you left Nat’s side to continue going through your box, pulling out the book designated to sit on your coffee table.
Natalie watched you from her side of the living room, a small scowl painting her face as she watched you so easily disregard a memory that had once been so special to you. She looked back down at the picture, your bright smile staring back at her as Mikey and Richie leaned in to kiss your cheeks. A fond memory of the three of you the night of your senior prom.
Looking back at you one last time Nat let out a sigh before walking over to the mantle and setting it on the corner, visible for everyone to see. She understood how much Mikey’s death affected you, but there was no way you could heal from the hurt if you never allowed yourself to live in the uncomfortability of grief. It was something you had to want for yourself.
Nat had half the mind to keep digging through the box, eyes catching on another memory. Not wanting to sour the first night in your new home, she replaced the cover, doing her best to act as though she wasn’t curious about the box of memories.
The doorbell rang as you were looking for a place for the picture of you and your mom at your college graduation. Carefully sitting it on your coffee table you made your way to the door making sure to grab your wallet on the way. You opened the door to see the pizza delivery person standing there, giving them the money and a tip before thanking them.
“Oh that smells delicious,” you laughed as Nat followed behind you to your decent-sized kitchen. The two of you grab plates and a slice of pizza before heading to your couch.
Setting your plate on the coffee table, you left to quickly grab two wine glasses and the sparkling cider Natalie and Pete bought you as a housewarming gift. Stopping to grab a bottle of water from the fridge for Nat just in case the cider upset her stomach before taking your seat on the plush couch.
“I’m happy you’re home Baby.” Your eyes met Nat’s before you moved to pour yourself a healthy amount of sparkling cider, ignoring Nat’s laugh at the full glass in your hands. You raise your glass in a mock toast, at least one of you was happy that you were back.
“I guess it's good to be back. Nice to be around people that care about me,” the grateful smile sent Nat’s way as a form of thank you.
Natalie deserved more than a pathetic smile and both of you knew it.
You had been relatively alright after Mikey’s death, which came as a surprise to everyone. Your impromptu stay in Chicago after the funeral was a way for you to keep an eye on Natalie and Donna, occasionally helping Richie at The Beef when you could.
But you had to return to your own life eventually, and when you did shit spiraled out of control for you.
People always drone on and on about the five stages of grief and how it affects everyone differently, and you never thought that statement to be more true than when you stepped foot in your apartment upon your return from Chicago. Grief is supposed to come and go, you were doing everything that everyone was telling you to do. Following all the steps, checking all the boxes. Forcing yourself to try and heal, to feel your emotions as much as you would allow yourself to.
But at the end of the day, it was just you, an apartment full of memories, a voicemail you were too scared to ever listen to, and the shadow of your grief following behind you.
You experienced all the denial, anger, bargaining, and depression and you waited and hoped for the acceptance to come. But all that ever came was the cycle of grief replaying in your life like a bad dream.
You had thrown yourself into your work, anything to forget about the pain Mikey’s ghost left behind. And when your psychiatrist recommended a prescription to aid with your anxiety, you accepted. Anything to escape the shadow of a man you once knew appearing in your apartment on late nights.
But then the prescription wasn’t enough, and the alcohol you once used to numb everything had lost its edge, your days just turned into functioning as best you could. And then there were times you couldn’t even remember the previous day, the last five minutes, falling asleep on the couch.
You had become dependent; dependent on the alcohol and the drugs, and the way they made things all better for a short time.
And then you had woken up in the hospital one day, with no memories of how you got there, no care for what happened to you.
The figure in the chair next to you helped you to escape the fog in your brain. The woman you had known your whole life looking down at you with a tear-stained face, her hand tightly clutched around yours, her presence all the more confusing.
The silence in the room was too loud for you as you just watched the blonde, the lack of emotion on your face breaking the woman down even more. When the doctor came in to explain what happened it shocked you. Not because of the severity of the situation, but because you couldn’t remember a thing.
The theory was that you had been mixing prescription drugs and alcohol for some time, a truth you already knew and were purposely partaking in.
You were at your apartment after work winding down from the long day, pregaming for a night out with your co-workers. The Ativan you had taken earlier at work already put you at ease. You were trying to get to your patio for some reason but had trouble with the sliding glass door.
Too inebriated to unlock it you had essentially thrown yourself against the glass until it finally gave way to the weight of your body and you ended up face down covered in glass and the pool of your blood.
Not fazed by your injuries you collected yourself, glass and all. Grabbing your keys from the counter leaving to whatever destination you had in mind. Somewhere between removing yourself from the mess of your ruined sliding door and stumbling out into the hallway, you swallowed two more pills.
According to the reports, a neighbor found the mess of your body in the hallway, making it a mere few inches from your door before your body succumbed to the deadly cocktail swirling inside you.
In October of 2022, 8 months after Michael’s death; you would overdose.
You were broken from the haze of memories as you felt a dip in the couch. Natalie came to sit right next to you head resting on your shoulder, you gently laid your head on top of hers. You owed Nat your life.
A quiet sniffle left you, losing the battle to keep your emotions under wraps. “You’ve done so much for me Sug, and I…I’m sorry if I haven’t shown you enough appreciation.” You felt Nat’s arms wrap around you, squeezing you into a side hug as the two of you sat in each other’s presence.
It was no secret that without Natalie and Pete, you might not have been experiencing this moment. You for sure wouldn’t have gotten your shit together if you were still all alone on the West Coast. Nat had gone out of her way to find the best treatment facility on the East Coast for you, it had been decided that you would make the move back to Chicago when you were released.
So while you were away facing the consequences of the darkest moments of your life. Nat was at home picking up the pieces of your life while also trying to keep hers intact, not that you realized or cared back then.
Nat and Pete sold the family home that was still in your mom's name, nobody needed to ask to know that it wasn’t healthy for you to live in or across the street from a museum of memories. The couple got you a good deal on a quaint home not too far from them, the leftover money put towards the rest of your savings.
Natalie Berzatto, a miracle worker in your eyes had somehow pulled strings to get you an interview with the Tribune. So yeah, you owed Nat a lot more than placating smiles and cheap pizza.
“Are you sure you’re ready for tomorrow?” You shifted positions at Nat’s question, the two of you now sitting criss-cross applesauce, facing each other on the couch. You gave a small nod, fingers playing with your fuzzy socks.
“I don’t have much of a choice,” you let out a small laugh. “I can’t expect you and Pete to babysit me forever.” You smiled up at Natalie, the prospect of writing again caused a sense of excitement to stir within you. It felt like the only thing you had left, the only thing you were still good at. Although you had almost completely fucked up your life, you still had your writing, and that was a start.
“Maybe we can meet up for lunch after?” You didn’t want to celebrate too soon, you hadn’t even got a job yet, but the idea of a lunch date with Nat sounded like the best form of indulgence you had allowed yourself in a while.
The night continued with the two of you talking, Sugar doing her best to catch you up on all that you missed sans any mention of a certain blue-eyed baby brother she had. As the night began winding down the two of you cleaned up the mess of your dinner, before you sent Nat on her way with promises to fill her in after your interview tomorrow.
Making sure your kitchen was cleaned to your liking, you made your way into your room to begin settling in for the night. A knit crew neck you had meant to return to its rightful owner once upon a time, becoming the basis of your pajamas after a relaxing shower.
Settling into bed you couldn’t help but lie awake, mind racing with all the different scenarios that could play out tomorrow. This was your first night alone in your new home and the reality of just how alone you were slowly began to sink in. You knew Nat would always be there for you if need be, but she had her own life to live, the beginnings of a family in her near future.
All you had at that moment were your racing thoughts and the regrets of a life you had almost ended too soon.
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You sat in the lobby of the Tribune leg bouncing nervously as you waited for your meeting with the editor-in-chief, resume, and copies of your work sitting snugly in your tote bag. You knew Natalie had already sent over your information, but your nerves forced you to believe that being over-prepared would be necessary.
The sound of the receptionist calling your name caught your attention. She was standing a little ways away from you waiting for you to follow her, you gave a nervous smile before rising from your seat and following the rhythmic click-clack of her heels down the hall. As you watched her walk in front of you, you thought you may have been a little underdressed in your casual street clothes, but you forced yourself to push your thoughts aside. They’d be judging you for your backlog of work, not your choice of attire.
The receptionist lead you to a corner office, the frosted glass of the exterior providing a sense of privacy. Ushering you into the empty room she let you know that the editor you’d be meeting with would join you shortly. You sent her a small thanks before walking into the room, eyes catching on the minimalistic decorations scattered around the office.
Your feet lead you to the wall of windows situated behind the desk, the view reminding you of an office you had occupied so many months ago. You looked out over the Chicago skyline, it still felt so surreal to be back in this city.
The face staring back at you something you were still learning how to get used to. The scars that decorated the right side of your face were healing up nicely considering how deep some of the glass had gone.
You jumped at the sound of the door closing, someone entered so swiftly you hadn’t even heard them, or maybe you were just too wrapped up in memories of a past life. You hurriedly turned from the window not wanting to seem rude, the man who had entered the room caught your eye before gesturing for you to take a seat at one of the two chairs in front of his desk.
You felt a little less concerned about your fashion choice as your eyes followed his Levi-clad legs as he settled into the chair behind his desk. You could feel your nerves returning, not knowing what to expect from this interview. In the most humble sense you had forgotten what being interviewed felt like, not having to go through the process since getting your first big journalist job straight out of college.
“Nervous?” Your leg stopped bouncing as the man’s voice met your ears, a shy smile curving your lips.
“Here I thought I was being subtle,” you tried to joke hoping to relax yourself a bit. The responding chuckle helped somewhat, so far the man sitting in front of you didn’t seem like too much of a stickler.
“Never thought I’d see the day you were nervous in front of me Baby,” you tried to control the look of disgust you felt begging to paint your features. You were grateful for Nat’s help but you were sure this was a mistake.
“I’m sure HR has their hands full with you.” You mumbled, the roll of your eyes showcasing your irritation. “Thank you for the opportunity sir, but I don’t think this is a good fit for me.” You reached out to the chair next to you where you had sat your tote bag wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible.
“No wait,” the sound of the rolling chair moving rapidly caused you to stop, seconds away from rising from your chair. You turned your attention to the figure in front of you eyebrows pinched together.
“It's me, Hayden,” your brows furrowed even more, your mind searching your memory for that name. “I…uh, I took you to senior prom. We met in our creative writing class that same year.”
You felt your eyes widen as your mouth formed the shape of an ‘o’, eyes darting to the pristine nameplate facing you on the desk. The name ‘Hayden Ivanovski’ staring directly back at you.
“No fucking way.” The whisper traveled easily through the silent office, Hayden’s echoing chuckle caused you to let out a small one of your own. “I’m sorry, it's just nobody but close friends and family even call me that anymore. And, I really wasn’t expecting to see you.”
You watched as he nodded, you could see it now. The boy you once knew in the maturity of his face, hadn’t changed much but it was enough that you wouldn’t easily recognize him if he passed you on the street.
“Uh, the porn stache sure is a uh choice,” your hand raised to gesture to your upper lip, you couldn’t help the smile curving your lips.
Hayden laughed head dropping as he resumed his seated position. “Divorce makes you do crazy things,” your smile faltered, you hadn’t meant the quip as an invitation to discuss any personal grievances. “No need to look so sad, it was mutual.” He shrugged the topic off like he hadn’t given it a second thought in a long while.
You nodded your head distractedly, “Enough about my failed marriage, how have you been?” You gave him a small smile, mind going blank as you thought of the best route to take this conversation.
“I uh, almost died five months ago,” the laugh ripped from Hayden’s chest, the last thing you were expecting to hear. You watched as he found your eyes, his smile disappearing as he took in the harrowing look on your face.
“You-you’re not serious are you?” The question almost caused you to laugh.
“As serious as my overdose was,” you watched as Hayden shifted in his seat, the air easily became uncomfortable. “Sorry coping mechanism.” You laughed the topic off, you had assumed Nat told him when she booked you this interview.
“So um, when does the interview start,” your leg began bouncing up and down again, the nervousness returning. If you hadn’t already made a bad impression you were sure exposing your less-than-stellar life choices definitely lost you the job.
“Nat didn’t tell you?” You stopped your brows from pinching together, the constant frowning sometimes the tiny scar between your eyebrows. “I don’t need to interview you, you’re an amazing journalist. I hired you the second Nat told me you were moving back. That is if you want to work here.”
“You’re not just hiring me because we went to prom together, or as a favor to Natalie are you?” Nat had helped you to get your foot in the door, you had wanted to secure the job because of your merit.
You watched as Hayden quickly shook his head, “While it is nice to reconnect with you, we need some experience in our newsroom. I know before your uh… incident you were working as a travel journalist, and the pay here wouldn’t be the same. But you’d still have full control over the stories you write, although you might not write as often as you’re used to.” You nodded along listening to his explanation. The fact that this was happening failed to resonate with you.
“So, the position of Managing Editor is yours if you want it.” Hayden sent you a small smile awaiting your response, he did his best not to focus too long on your scars as he stared in your direction.
“As long as I can write and edit then I will happily work for you,” the large grin spreading across your lips stretched the small scar stitched into your upper lip.
The smile on Hayden’s lips matched yours as he walked around the desk to shake your hand. The two of you sat there going over the expectations that your new role required, Hayden explaining the environment he tried to uphold at the paper.
You finished the meeting off with a tour of the floor the Tribune occupied, the one you’d mostly be working on. The two of you caught up a little as he input you into the system and created your badge so you could easily come and go as you pleased. You learned that he married Marlene Buchanan, a girl you went to high school with. The ink of their divorce still drying after only being finalized two months ago.
He invited you out to lunch but you had to rain check explaining the plans you made with Natalie promising the two of you would work something out in the future. He walked out with you, the two of you parting ways once you left the lobby.
You stood on the sidewalk taking in the crisp Chicago air. Your life was finally starting to feel like your own again, and even though you had only secured a job, the inevitable weight of doom that followed you was beginning to feel a little lighter.
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Natalie was pacing in the office quickly moving to close the door as the chaos sounding through the building caused a headache to form. She knew Cicero would be there in the next hour, and that the money problem was their biggest issue in getting the new restaurant up and running.
The urge to call you was immediate after speaking with Cicero. Nat knew how much you cared about this place, and regardless of what anyone else thought she wanted you to have a say in any decision they made now that you were permanently back in Chicago. And she’d be lying if she said the reserved funds that came with you weren’t also a reason to invite you to this meeting.
Shouts could be heard through the door as she finally made her mind up, you two had plans for lunch anyways so you could just meet her and the two of you would leave together. Any excuse Nat could think up to call you would help her.
Sighing she scrolled through her contacts before forcing herself to press on your name and just call you. She listened as the phone rang, part of her hoping you didn’t answer her call, the hope immediately dying as your voice sang through the speaker.
“Nat, hey! I was just about to call you,” She smiled at the light tone in your voice, a tone she hadn’t heard in quite some time. “We still on for lunch?” The question caused her to take a deep breath, it was now or never she either asked you or she didn’t.
“Yeah of course. Uhh but would you mind meeting me at The Beef?” She was hoping the question came across as nonchalant, she called out your name as the line went quiet, sure you had hung up on her.
“Nat, I’m not sure I’m ready for that,” the apprehension in your voice made her feel guilty for even asking you in the first place.
“Listen, Baby, I know how you feel but we’re making a big decision today and I feel like you deserve to have your input heard,” she waited for a minute before continuing. “If it triggers you we can leave immediately, no questions asked okay? I just…this might be good for you.” She bit her lip as she waited for your response, she would be okay with whatever you decided but at least she had put the opportunity out there.
“I think I can be there in 45 minutes,” the tired sigh that escaped your lips matched the way Nat was feeling.
“Thank you, Baby.” She listened as you said your goodbyes before hanging up the phone, Nat was sure if she didn’t already have morning sickness she would’ve thrown up from that phone call alone.
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It was exactly as you remembered it. Not that you had expected the exterior to change in the year since you’d been there. Although not physically changed things felt different, it no longer felt nostalgic as you stood there looking at the newspaper-covered windows. You could feel the anxiety eating away at you, the sick part deep inside of you wishing you had something to numb your feelings.
You could hear the faint sound of an alarm blaring with how close you were standing, the sound helping you to focus on the things you could control. You hadn’t come all this way just to look at the old building’s facade, and part of you didn’t think you could take disappointing Natalie by walking away. Nat wouldn’t have been disappointed in you though, but since your accident, you were scared to ever see that look in her eyes again.
The deep breath of fresh air filling your lungs helped to cool you down a bit. The pairing of your puffer jacket and scarf felt a bit suffocating.
In through your nose out through your mouth, a few more deep breaths were all you allowed yourself before forcing your hand to grip the door handle and step foot into a building that might haunt you for a lifetime.
The constant screeching of the alarm was so loud it made you glad that it drowned out the sound of the bell ringing above the door. Your eyes traveled around the restaurant, it was the same but it wasn’t. Little things missing telling you that some type of work was being done.
“As I live and fucking breathe!” The loud voice you would recognize anywhere drawing your attention to the dining area, Richie’s large figure taking up the doorway.
You shared a small smile with him. Subtly adjusting your scarf to cover the most noticeable scar lining your face, you watched as the older man took steps to close the distance between the two of you. The tall man quickly pulled you into a tight hug.
You hadn’t realized how much you needed a hug from Richie until you were snuggly pressed against his chest, the warmth of his body helping to relax you. The unconscious thought crossed your mind that you might have never experienced one of these hugs again if you hadn’t made it to the hospital in time.
The love Richie was pouring into the hug caused your eyes to water, Mikey’s passing bonding the two of you, the loss of someone you both loved so much bringing the two of you impossibly closer. But not close enough for him to know the path you had taken after. And not close enough for you to want to burden him with being just another addict in his life.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your head before pulling away, the annoying alarm still blaring at full volume. You stepped back to give him space, “You been fucking around in the crawl space Richie?” The question paired with your signature grin as Richie let loose his boisterous laugh.
“Of course, you’d fucking know about the alarm.” Richie’s disgruntled mumbling met your ears.
“Hey, Richie, could you please turn that goddamn motherfuckin thing off?” The voice of Cicero filtered through your ears. “It’s making me insane!”
“My bad Uncle J, Baby just walked through the door and shit like a ghost. Fucking Mikey booby trapping crawl spaces and shit.” He poked his head back into the dining room to let the occupants know he somewhat had the situation under control.
“Mikey’s fuckin Kevin McCalliper-,” The responses correcting Richie caused you to let out a small giggle, the noise bringing a smile to Richie’s lips.
You continued standing with Richie as he spoke to somebody on the phone, the long one-word password he gave made you chuckle. Pretending you knew how to help Richie was an excuse to not join the conversation going on in the back for a while.
While the blaring alarm was causing your ears to ring, the loud noise was a buffer between your impending thought and the inevitability of being back in this restaurant. The sudden quiet was the only sign that you would have to face a now unavoidable situation.
“Here lemme take that,” Richie reached out expecting you to give him your scarf and jacket. You hesitated, your wardrobe feeling like a sense of armor for the time being.
“Uh, I’m actually pretty cold. Thanks, Rich.” Your hand shot out to pat his bicep, head jerking in the direction the voices were coming from. “Sugar in there?” You didn’t need Richie to reply to know the answer.
You followed Richie’s lead as he headed to the back, taking a deep breath to still your nerves, not all too sure what you were getting yourself into. You watched as Richie pulled up a chair next to Cicero for you, taking your tote bag out of your hands as he gestured for you to sit. You smiled politely, giving him a small nod as you moved further into the room.
Three out of four familiar faces stared back at you, the look on Nat’s face indicating how much it meant for her that you showed up.
“What is this an intervention?” You made the joke as a way to cut the tension that had filled the room, the silence felt even louder as Nat said your name in a reprimanding tone, the joke not being funny to her one bit. You shrugged before moving to sit in your designated chair, shooting a small smile to the dark-skinned woman who was eyeing you from across the table. Your eyes easily avoided the blue ones you knew too well.
You listened as Nat cleared her throat, all attention focused on her. “So uh, I invited Baby here because I think she deserves to be a part of this decision.” Four eyes flashed to you as you awkwardly adjusted in your seat. “And, um she has a decent savings account.”
A snort left your lips at Natalie’s rushed words, her ulterior motives for inviting you here reminding you a bit of her mischievous brown-eyed older brother.
“Sorry uh, big fan of your work. But uh, how do you play into all this.” Your eyes drifted to the unknown woman, a smile played at your lips, a feeling of shyness sweeping across you at the fact that she had any idea who you were.
“Family friend.”
“Old acquaintance.”
The three other people at the table looked between you and Carmy, eyes darting back and forth at both of your explanations. You couldn’t help the cackle you let out, missing the look of panic shooting through Natalie’s eyes. You couldn’t recall a time you would ever describe your relationship with Carmen Berzatto as an acquaintanceship.
“Baby is a close family friend,” Nat interjected before any other response could be given. “A friend we should be thankful for even considering investing in the restaurant.”
Your eyes finally found Carmy’s having a hard time taming the smile threatening to spread across your lips. The false confidence you were exuding helped you not overthink the situation you were in.
The conversation picked back up where it had left off after you entered. You sank into your seat shoving your hands into your jacket and tucking your chin into your scarf as you did your best to pay attention. You couldn’t help but let your eyes travel across the mostly empty dining room, memories of a life that no longer felt like your own clawing to overtake your senses.
Up and down, up and down. The tick you gained while in recovery helped you to remain in the present your leg working overtime as it bounced to keep you focused.
The voices talking around you are drowned out by your wandering thoughts. Thoughts that had you re-evaluating your relationship with Natalie.
It was no secret that you had become a selfish person after Mikey’s death, every decision you made was to benefit you, and if someone else somehow benefited from it then good for them.
That was the reason you stayed in Chicago so long after the funeral, telling yourself that the remaining Berzattos needed you, that you were staying to make sure they made it out of the deep end alive.
But that was a lie, you stayed because you were too afraid to face your own emotions, afraid to face your grief head-on. Even now you could say you stayed behind to ensure Donna and Sugar were okay, but deep down you knew that you stayed because you didn’t want to be alone.
You helped Richie at The Beef because he needed you, needed to know he wasn’t alone. In all actuality, it was you who needed them, you who had become dependent on people grieving just as much as you.
The same could be said about your substance abuse after returning to your reality. The idea of never being able to talk to Mikey, see Mikey, or hold Mikey was all just an excuse you used to justify your indulgences.
You constantly told yourself that it wouldn’t be fair to burden Sugar or Richie with your hurting, that they didn’t need to babysit you while trying to heal themselves. That when your memory became spotty and you missed more than one of Sugar’s calls, it was because she didn’t need to put up with you and your problems.
And then unintentionally or not, you became Natalie’s problem. Not even letting her brother’s grave grow cold before you forced her to face the idea of losing another person she spent her whole life loving.
You pleaded with the universe for Nat to wipe her hands of you. To let you waste your life away and rot like you were starting to. To turn her back on you, because how could you so easily fall into the same vice as Mikey knowing how much it affected him; knowing how much it affected the people who cared for him.
How dare you pretend as though no one would give a shit if they had to bury you mere months after putting Michael to rest. How fucking dare you be so selfish.
There were nights in bed where you’d lay awake questioning your intentions. Had you purposely thrown your life away because you knew Natalie would come to your rescue? Did you somehow manipulate Natalie’s good nature into digging you out of a hole you were so far gone in you couldn’t bring yourself back from?
You always got on Natalie about putting herself first, and how she needed to stop stretching herself so thin for everyone else. And then you went and almost fucking died, and you forced her to take on a role she had been playing her whole life.
You had willingly ruined your life and forced Natalie to face the consequences.
If there was one thing you learned in your recovery, it was that getting clean, staying clean, and becoming a healthier better version of yourself should never be done for someone else. You had to want it for yourself, but damn if seeing Natalie’s face didn’t push you to get your shit together you weren’t sure what did.
“500,” you weren’t sure where the confidence to speak up came from, not even entirely sure what the balance in your savings account even was. Your unfocused eyes now staring directly into Natalies. “That’s my offer.” You quickly glanced around at everyone else unsure as to what they were even talking about but needing to put your stake into the game.
“Like $500..or,” your attention turned to the other woman, her voice trailing off indicating that she indeed was asking a question.
A chuckle parted your lips as you shook your head. “No, I mean 500K.” You made sure to look at each person across from you individually, instilling how serious your offer was.
“Bullshit.” The sound of Carmy’s voice startled you, sure he had been speaking this whole time but it's not like you were paying that much attention.
You scoffed, eyes rolling in tandem with the sound. “I thought you needed money Carmen,” the name slipped through clenched teeth. You turned to face Nat. Your final numbers would be decided between the two of you, “Nat?”
“200,” you hesitated for a minute. The triumphant smile on Natalie’s lips caused your eyes to narrow.
“250, or I walk.” You leaned forward hands moving to lay flat atop the table, a small smirk played on your lips. Your leverage was total shit and Nat knew that there was no way you’d walk away from this project.
“Deal.” The smile on your lips faltered as you faced Carmy again, his annoying crystal blue eyes staring daggers into you.
Clearing your throat you slumped back in your seat, hands moving back to hide inside your pockets. The meeting finished on a good note without a hitch, with the restaurant gaining an extra 250K to put toward inevitable expenses.
You quickly stood from your seat moving to escape any awkward reunion that may have sprouted between you and Carmy. The interest in meeting Carmy’s partner was pushed to the back burner as you made your way through the restaurant, looking for the one other person you wanted to speak with at the moment.
Maneuvering through the kitchen you found Tina not too far from what you remembered to be her usual station. You leaned against the wall watching her work, the effort she was putting into saving burnt and rusted pots bringing a small smile to your face. You shrugged off your jacket and slipped the scarf from around your neck.
“Need some help?” The hesitation in your voice was evident. You weren’t sure where you stood with Tina, you knew how she felt about Mikey and how much his choices affected her. The thought of relaying the past few months to her was too much for you to think about at this moment, you had time, and when you were ready you would confide in her. But for now, there was no point in ruining a much-needed reunion.
You watched as Tina jolted, not prepared to hear your voice. “Ay, dios mío!” Tina turned to you hand raised above her heart, eyes wide. “Why the fuck are you sneaking around the kitchen.” You listened to the older woman’s voice scold you before making your way in her direction.
Not giving her another second before throwing your arms around her, you probably should’ve made sure it was okay, but there was nothing like a mother’s endearing hug to let you know that everything would eventually be okay.
The two of you stood in each other’s embrace in the middle of the kitchen. Neither of you said a word as your quiet sobs began to echo off the walls. You were crying for Mikey, and for yourself, and for all the lives the both of you had ruined, whether they knew it or not.
You were apprehensive to step foot back in this establishment so soon. But it had easily shown you all the things your life would have missed out on had you not allowed Natalie to get you the help you needed.
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Carmy’s head perked up as he noticed you exit the kitchen with Tina. His irritation began to rise as he laid eyes on you, Sugar had blindsided him with your arrival. He hadn’t even known you moved back to Chicago, let alone that you had any interest in getting The Bear up and running.
You looked different. His eyes immediately caught the obvious scar tracing along your jaw. The tip of it started a few centimeters below your chin before meeting your jawline and finding its end just before your ear. It was a gnarly scar and he knew for sure the amount of stitches you needed must have been painful.
Carmy was also sure you didn’t have that scar a year ago, nor the smaller one that was carved into your upper lip. He would’ve taken notice, you can’t spend 48 hours with someone and not be able to recall all the puzzle pieces that were specially made to create them.
He watched the two of you approach the group at the counter, you hanging a little farther back than probably necessary, pretending to occupy yourself with the bare walls. Carmy might’ve smiled at your awkwardness if he wasn’t so confused by your presence.
A distracted farewell to Tina left his lips as he tried not to be so obvious in his study of you. His eyes refused to meet Sugar’s as he could feel her watching him, watching you.
Sydney’s return gained his full attention, forcing himself to focus on something else other than his thoughts that were racing and full of you. The clearing of your throat as you finally made your way to stand next to Sug had all six sets of eyes focusing on you.
You didn’t just look different. From the very few interactions the two of you shared and Carmy’s constant people-watching, you seemed like an altogether new person, the confidence and surety he was used to seeing in you was dull.
“I don’t mean to impose, but I was kind of hoping I could take on a more involved role in all of this?” Carmy’s eyes squinted as your hand raised in a flourish to signify you were talking about the restaurant.
You were met with silence. Carmy was too distracted by being in your presence after a drought without you, and Sydney still hadn’t even been truly introduced to you.
“Shit, sorry.” Your hand shot out to shake the woman’s hand as the two of you introduced yourselves. Although she read your articles, mostly your profile stories highlighting various chefs, it was different to be formally introduced to the person behind the stories.
“I uh, actually read most of your articles.” Carmy watched as you brightened up a bit your writing something that would always bring you joy. “I had to cancel my subscription though.” The sound of your laugh went straight to Carmy’s heart, he hadn’t realized how much he missed the delicate sound until hearing it again in this moment.
“I actually have a proposal for you three,” you paused, making sure everyone was paying attention before continuing your explanation. “What if I highlighted the renovation? I was..uh…before,” you had to stop yourself and take a deep breath to ground yourself.
“I was profiling The Beef and Mikey before he…yeah. Um, so I was thinking I could maybe continue that with The Bear,” you stopped to make sure everyone was following along, sending Carmy a small smile before continuing. “We could profile the team, give people a behind-the-scenes look into the renovation, and who’s behind it. I would publish it, it would be great PR and might help to fill seats.”
The following silence made you feel insecure about your proposal. “Maybe just give it a thought. No pressure or anything uh just let me know if there's any interest.” Your voice trailed off as your confidence continued to plummet, Carmy’s blank eyes doing nothing to quell your nervousness.
You turned your attention back to Sugar, a silent plea to leave in your eyes. She nodded “Uh, Baby and I had plans so we’ll be heading out.” You sent the two chefs in front of you a forced smile before hurriedly returning to the kitchen to pick up your jacket and scarf you left there. Call it cowardly but slipping out through the kitchen’s back door seemed to be in your best interest.
The fresh air whipped against your face like a blade, and the immediate change in temperature helped to relax you. There would never have been a perfect time to make your return to this restaurant, and maybe it wasn’t how you things to go, but you felt an immense pressure off your shoulders.
The hard part was over, you made it through the door, walked past the remnants of Mikey every time a specific spot reminded you of him.
It wouldn’t always be like today, you knew that. Some days would be harder than others as you worked through your struggles and allowed yourself to feel the loss of Mikey. One step at a time, it was cliche but it was really how you had to live your life from now on.
Being around Carmy would continue to be hard for the time being. You had essentially watched his brother deteriorate, watched as his mind no longer became his own. And you too had almost become a victim to the whims of your drug-addled mind.
You wouldn’t force a relationship with him and would make him privy to your shortcomings when you were ready. But you told yourself you would be okay if he wanted nothing to do with you, the choices you made would not be easy to come to terms with. And if Carmen Berzatto decided he was finally done with your constant disappointment in his life, you’d just have to accept it.
The sound of Natalie’s footsteps pulled you from the labyrinth of your mind, a small smile sent her way as the two of you made your journey far from this lot of memories.
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Carmen stared at the outlines they had hung along the walls, eyes following along with tasks that needed to be completed to open in six months.
He didn’t want to admit it but he was a little bummed out that Sugar returned to the restaurant without you. Any small glimpse, or interaction he could get with you he would swallow like a man starving. The chef stood there doing his best as his counterpart gushed over meeting you, doing his best not to cringe at his two worlds colliding.
Carmy wasn’t sure if he could keep it professional while you worked alongside him on the renovation. Sure you would be doing your own thing in tandem with the work that would get done. But surrounding himself with you in an already stressful time in his life and an even more stressful environment wasn’t something he was prepared for.
He let his mind wander, thoughts of what happened to you in the year since your visit drowning him. Carmy had no clue what happened after you left that night, no clue what had seemed to connect you and Sugar more than you already were.
Seeing you again made his chest hurt. Seeing you was like a hot poker being shoved through his heart, unbearably comfortable but all so warming at the same time. He wanted to know you, know what had changed you since the last time his fingers had traced your skin.
Carmy knew the two of you were nowhere near as close as you had once been. Unsure if you’d ever share a connection like your past one. But he knew while you were here, in Chicago, surrounding yourself with him, the two of you would be given equal opportunity to put this years-long game of cat and mouse to an end; it was just a matter of who bit first.
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a/n: well…here we are. i know this might read like baby’s life is just gonna be sunshine and rainbows from here on out but i can promise its not. she is a deeply flawed character with a lot of shit to figure out and a half baked relationship with everyone’s favorite chef won’t fix that. i’ve been around addicts my whole life so i have an understanding of what they can be like, i want to iterate that in no way am i romanticizing addiction. my personal experiences with functioning/addicts DO NOT make me an expert on this topic in anyway, but i do use those experiences to write for baby. i’m always here if anyone needs to talk. i hope you all enjoy <3
taglist: @hawkins-2000 @elliesbabygirl @allbark-no-bite @anakinswh0re3005 @rexorangecouny @thecraziestcrayon @fruitcupsworld @nishinoyahhh @lilylovelyxo @ridingthehotmessexpress @noas-ark @jadeittic @hellokittyever @luvr-bunnyy @sxgees @fandomhopped @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @kravitzwhore @chanluuvr @readingwiththereids @chims-kookies @ladygrey03 @ferida-kahlo @wanderlustnightwanderer @how2besalty @armydrcamers @jointherebellion215 @jackierose902109 @blkbxrbie-esther @ajordan2020 @head-slut-in-charge @magnet-girl @thebookwormlife @sevikasblackgf @writers-hes @senassn @bunnysthngs @khena @kailyn-g05 @ovaqma @fire-treasure-iii @frequentnosebleeder
unable to tag: @gcidrvsh @awatt31 @cauliflowerpatch
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fyodior · 10 months
i could be the one, or your new addiction
toji x afab reader (no pronouns used) this came from the deepest depths of my soul in abt 30 mins. cw: risky places, somno mentions, just pure unadulterated horniness. minors dni! (divider by @benkeibear)
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toji cannot fucking get enough of you. toji cannot get enough of fucking you. it makes him feel like a goddamn nymphomaniac, but he can’t help it. how could anyone? it’s damn near impossible to resist bending you over the closest surface with the way you look at him, the way you sway your hips when you walk, just the way you exist. you’re like a siren, with the curves of your body and the singsong nature of your voice drawing him in at every moment, his pupils so blown his emerald irises are completely obscured.
and he usually can’t resist it. toji typically prides himself on being pretty self-disciplined, but you’ve torn him apart at the seams. at least once a day your legs are spread and your hole is stretched by his girthy cock, throat going sore with the screams you can’t control.
the bed frame hasn’t survived the ordeal - the wooden supportive slats underneath having cracked and split from the regular, violent shaking. there’s multiple spots in the bed where the mattress uncomfortably dips, but it’s the absolute last thing on your mind when your knees are touching your shoulders as he pounds into you relentlessly. it’s not due to a lack of funds that you haven’t replaced it, just that you both know damn well the next one would just be destroyed too.
there’s no position you haven’t tried at this point, either. obviously missionary, doggy, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, mating press, spooning, prone bone, full nelson once or twice - the list goes on. it honestly doesn’t matter though. your lover is so talented with his cock that he could hit your sweet spots even in his sleep. and… he has. sometimes the insatiable, unbearable libido infects you, and you can’t even wait for him to wake up to slide his length into your aching cunt and fuck yourself on it. toji loves opening his tired eyes to you fucking back onto him as he spoons you, or you bouncing on his lap moaning and whining uncontrollably. even grinding against his mouth a few times.
location doesn’t hinder the two of you either. countless public bathrooms and dressing rooms have bore witness to your lewd activities - to him spitting on your pussy before he eats it raw, or driving into you so hard and deep it’s almost certainly audible from the outside. the riskiest so far was when you fell to your knees and sucked toji off in a movie theater, or maybe jerking him off on a plane before fucking in the tiny bathroom. he’s even pushed you against a tree in the middle of a hike on a public trail, tugging your shorts down just enough to give him access to your sopping hole. and fingered you in a crowded elevator.
others have noticed, too. how you’ll wear scarves far too regularly in the heat of the summer to cover the smattering of bruises on your throat, or waddle like a heavily pregnant person - despite not being one - after a particularly rough night, it’s really not hard to put two and two together.
maybe it’s an illness, a debilitating obsession that needs to be rehabbed, but neither you nor toji could give less of a fuck. it feels good, it tastes good, and it keeps you active. what’s the harm in that?
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artofkhaos404 · 6 months
To all the self hating Christians out there with self destructive habits and addictions... like me... I have a proposal.
When you make a mistake. Or remember a past mistake. Or discover you've been making continual mistakes without realizing. Or get stuck in a terrible memory. Or the mirror mocks and distorts you. Or you suddenly feel an overall wave of disgust towards yourself, for whatever reason that may be... instead of not eating or cutting or slamming your head into a wall or otherwise punishing yourself...
Pray. Take a moment to breathe and pray.
I want you to pray for grace.
Because our God's grace is sufficient. His blood was spilled for your imperfections thousands of years ago in anticipation for this very moment of human inadequacy and every other that is sure to come in your lifetime. There is no need to spill your own.
Honor His sacrifice. Thank God for His grace.
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slutdge · 5 months
further on the point I made about how "forcing addicts to go to rehab is still harmful and not better than sending them to prison, if you want to help addicts change the environment they have to live in" this is another one thats controversial among a lot of self-procalimed fellow leftists that i encounter both online and irl: forced institutionalization for the mentally ill should also be dismantled because its harmful and does not work and we should instead be working to fix the living conditions of the mentally ill and make them better
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healution · 2 years
6 months and 25 days self harm free
7 days nicotine free
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growingstories · 6 months
Victor Mills, a 26-year-old Dutch DJ, had always been passionate about fitness and music. With his great body, tall stature, and blond locks, he attracted attention wherever he went. Victor had been hitting the gym since he was 16 and had developed an impressive physique. His preferred style of music was techno, and his talent earned him a place in the lineup of famous DJs.
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One summer, Victor had the opportunity to go to Ibiza for six weeks to be the warm-up DJ at a renowned nightclub just before the headline act appeared. Excited about this chance, he got in touch with the booker, who promised to watch him play a few nights. Impressed by Victor's talent, the booker proposed to become his manager. From that moment, Victor's summer took off like a whirlwind. The booker had him playing at various venues, and girls started up for lining a chance to be with him.
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When Victor wasn't performing, he would hit up VIP areas and party with other famous DJs. It was during one of these parties that he was offered drugs, and he decided to indulge. Falling into a routine of waking up at 2 PM, hitting the gym, lounging on the beach, enjoying dinner and then, partying the night away, Victor felt like he was living the dream. This lifestyle continued throughout the entire summer until the closing party, after which he flew back to the Netherlands.
Back in his home country, the booker continued booking him for gigs at various clubs across Europe. Victor's career was skyrocketing, and he didn't see the harm in occasionally using drugs in combination with alcohol to keep up with the demanding lifestyle. The following summer, he was once again booked at the same club in Ibiza and several other venues. The nights were long, but Victor reveled in the attention, the sex, and the feeling that he had finally made it in the industry. It became a mantra for him, work hard, play hard.
However, halfway through the summer, Victor found himself relying heavily on drugs to keep himself going. The booker provided the substances as long as Victor kept the crowd happy, and so he did. The drugs had consumed his nights, and he continued using them until he couldn't anymore. The excessive and reckless lifestyle led him to blackout and wake up in the hospital. His booker was furious and gave him an ultimatum; go to rehab or end the collaboration.
Realizing that he had hit rock bottom, Victor swiftly flew back to the Netherlands and checked into rehab for his drug addiction. Despite feeling ashamed, he was determined to become clean. During his time in rehab, he dedicated hours to the gym, using exercise as a way to stay motivated and focused. He also attended therapy sessions, gradually rebuilding his self-esteem. Eventually, he was released from rehab, but the nightlife now seemed mundane without drugs. However, he remained committed to his sobriety and stayed away from the substances. The booker, in an effort to support Victor's recovery, provided snacks instead of drugs alongside the alcohol. With his dedication to the gym and the support of his booker, Victor managed to bulk up and develop an impressive physique. His chise abs wereled hidden beneath a of layer muscle, which only seemed to attract even more attention from the opposite sex. Victor embraced this newfound confidence and began to yearn for more.
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In the gym, Victor's trainer, a massive ex-bodybuilder, suggested a bulking plan involving specific foods and supplements. Intrigued, Victor agreed and started the program right away. At first, everything seemed to be working perfectly. He experienced a significant energy boost, felt invincible, and his muscles popped even more. The attention and admiration he received from others intensified. It was a high he didn't want to come down from.
Driven by his desire to become even bigger, Victor persuaded his booker to bring more food and pushed his trainer to provide him with more supplements and even steroids. Although initially hesitant, Victor succumbed to the allure after days of stagnation in his progress.
The steroids had an immediate impact. Victor's strength skyrocketed, and his muscles swelled to an enormous size. Women clamored for his attention, fascinated by the muscle beast he had become. However, the steroids took a toll on his mental state, making him explosively aggressive. His behaviors started to cause problems, and the club in his home country decided to cut ties with him. Victor, undeterred, knew he would have a place in Ibiza, where his size would be celebrated.
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When Victor arrived on the island, everyone was astonished by his colossal physique. He became an attraction in the clubs, and his popularity soared. Engulfed by a blur of late nights, persistent steroid use, copious amounts of alcohol, drugs, and never-ending feasts, Victor's summer became a chaotic haze. The gym took a backseat, and his focus shifted entirely to indulging in his vices. Gradually, his size expanded beyond desirable limits, and he turned into a massive, overweight figure.
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Despite his excessive weight gain, Victor's reputation as a star grew. He had more gigs than ever before, and he was being booked and flown everywhere. To survive the night, he would snack instead of drinking alcohol, and after-parties now took place at fast-food restaurants.
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Back in the Netherlands he kept this routine going. Getting fatter and fatter. Partying like crazy. A few days before Christmas he had a lunch where he completely overate himself, washed it away with glases of champagne and to get ready for dinner he used some lines of cocaine. Dinner he overate himself again and started to feel pressure on his chest. He ignored it and did the same the next day. The pressure on chest was too much and collapsed. He was rushed to hospital where they concluded a heart attack. He had to go back to rehab again. This time for alcohol, drugs and steroids.  He stayed six weeks in South Africa. He ate his pain and withdrawal signs away. When he got back he had significantly less muscles but his belly was bigger then ever. His hearts attack had been all over the news and he was a proper star now. He had more gigs then ever and was booked and flown everywhere. To survive the the night he had snacks instead of alcohol and after parties were at McDonalds now. He got huge after 6 months of overeating himself almost every night. But he was happy to be alive. So now he just parties sober and earns a great living. Eventhough the female attention was less with this enormous belly he had a healthy relationship with himself now.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 4 months
The Dirt (Your Version)
Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Trigger Warning- self-harm, language, past drug and alcohol abuse
Previous Chapter
Chapter 20- You're All I Need
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Over the next few months, you and Nikki became closer than ever before.
You had opened up to him and exposed your deepest emotions and Nikki shared his own with you in response. The trauma you had both endured as children and the darkness that plagued you both as adults only pulled you closer while you learnt how to navigate the world together away from the darkness and into the light.
Nikki was sober now. No alcohol. No drugs. Nothing. He still struggled with his addiction though. The lure and temptation were always there, but he was strong. Stronger than anyone else you knew.
You both had relapsed a few times, Nikki with alcohol and you with a blade. But you were able to pull each other back up and support each other through those bad days. You spent more time at his mansion than your own house by the beach. He liked having you around and you didn't really want to go back to your empty cottage alone.
Neither of you had put a label on what your relationship actually was, but it didn't need one. He loved you and you loved him. And that was enough.
John Corabi left Mötley Crüe. It was bound to happen, and nobody was surprised. The fans wanted Vince back and the band's latest tour with Corabi was a total failure.
Not long after finding out about Corabi's departure, you received a phone call from Vince and by just simply hearing his voice which shook and sobbed a little less, you knew your brother had come out the other end.
He was out of rehab and sober. He could now look at Skylar's grave and decorate it with flowers for her birthday, and he could finally smile whenever he remembers the funny things she used to do. He was still grieving though. He always would be, but Vince was getting better.
"I'm heading to the store. Do you want anything?" You called out, slipping your boots on.
"Grab some bread, if you can!" Nikki's voice shouted from somewhere in the house followed by his laughter. "Wow, that sounded so fucking domestic."
You snorted softly, "bread it is. I'll be back soon."
Out of all the things Nikki could have asked for, he had to ask for the one thing that the grocery store was running low on. He couldn't have asked for milk or something?
Walking down the bread aisle you spotted one lone loaf sitting on the shelf and you sighed with relief before reaching out just as a tattooed hand grabbed the other side of the packaging at the same time.
You opened your mouth about to fight for a stupid loaf of bread, but your voice died in your throat when you saw who's hand it belonged to.
Tommy Lee.
"Holy shit, Y/N?"
You smiled, "hey Drummer."
Suddenly the world around you faded away and you forgot you were in a grocery store surrounded by random people as you stared at Tommy in person for the first time, in a long time.
"I'm so sorry about Skylar." Tommy quickly said, his hazel eyes saddening as he thought about the little girl that used to follow you around backstage like a shadow.
"Thanks." You replied, glancing down at the ground not knowing what else to say.
Tommy didn't say anything for a moment while he stood there biting his thumb nail. It was a nervous habit he has had ever since high school and it seemed after all these years, he never managed to kick it.
"I've missed you."
You lifted your head at his words and met his gaze as Tommy smiled softly at you.
"I've missed you too." You admitted before he held his arms out silently asking for a hug without trying to force it and you instantly stepped into his embrace before his long arms wrapped around your body tightly.
He rested his chin on top of your head as you closed your eyes, savouring this moment.
It had been too long since you had seen Tommy. You missed him. You missed hugging him.
Slowly, Tommy pulled away but rested his hands on your shoulders holding you in front of him and before you knew what was happening, his lips were meeting yours. You froze for a moment at the unexpected kiss, but was quick to kiss him back, nonetheless.
"Tommy." You whispered against his lips. "This isn't a good idea. You're married."
"I'm sorry." He sighed, pulling away resting his forehead against yours.
"Don't be."
You tilted your head up and placed one last gentle kiss to his lips before taking a step away and smiling sadly at him.
"I'll see you around, Drummer."
You turned and began to walk away.
"Y/N, wait." Tommy called out and suddenly his hand was grabbing your wrist, stopping you.
You let out a pained hiss as his fingers grasped your sleeve. The still healing cut that you had been picking and reopening for the past week suddenly flared in pain.
"Whoa, sorry. Are you okay?" He asked, instantly letting go. "Shit, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry."
He hadn't grabbed you hard. If it wasn't for the cut, it wouldn't have hurt at all. Tommy might be a little hot headed and easy to start fights when he was drunk at bars, but he was never violent around you. If anything, he was overly gentle, always afraid that he might hurt you by accident, despite you having to constantly reassure him all these years that you weren't some fragile piece of glass.
Although, right now, that was exactly what you felt like.
A fragile piece of glass. Glass that was already cracked and damaged, and on the verge of shattering at the slightest touch.
"You okay?"
You realised that you had taken too long to answer and quickly nodded.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
You knew your voice didn't sound convincing, but you gave him a reassuring smile anyway. Tommy stared at you for a moment, those bright hazel eyes full of sudden worry.
"Why are you wearing a jacket? It's like 85 degrees out."
"Uh, I've been inside most the day. Didn't realise it was so hot." You lied easily with a shrug of your shoulders.
Tommy didn't say anything for a few seconds, his eyes glancing down to your sleeves before an uneasy expression washed over him. And you knew that he had figured it out because when you were kids, he figured it out too.
Vince had gone off to the beach after school with his friends leaving you alone in the back of Tommy's van.
It had been nearly a week since you and Vince ran away from home. A week since Tommy smuggled you both into his van in the front yard without his parents knowing. And it had been less than 24 hours since you broke your promise and started to cut again.
It was a stupid mistake and you regretted it as soon as you saw the blood. Vince would be so disappointed if he ever found out. He had told you to talk to him if you ever felt like that again, but you didn't.
"Knock, knock!" Tommy's voice called out from outside the van.
You smiled softly, used to his verbal knocking whenever he came out to the van. You sat up and reached over pulling open the side door to find him standing there, his wild brown curls blowing across his face.
"Hey, hitchhiker." He smiled brightly. "I didn't see you much at school."
You only shared a couple classes with him, and you had different friend groups, but the two of you always seemed to cross paths throughout the day between classes and during lunch, but today you had just hidden behind the gym. You weren't in a very sociable mood and didn't want to be around people, especially Tommy because he would be able to tell something was wrong.
"Sorry. Had a lot of work to catch up on." You easily lied.
Tommy stared at you for a moment, his warm hazel eyes glued to yours like he was trying to figure out if you were speaking the truth before he simply nodded and pulled out a small Tupperware container out from behind his back.
"My mum baked heaps of chocolate chip cookies. Figured you and Vinnie might want some."
He held out the container of cookies towards you and your heart fluttered at his kindness.
"Thanks, Drummer." You smiled, holding your hand out to grab them but then Tommy's eyes shifted down to something.
"Hey, what's on your wrist?"
He grabbed your hand and brushed your sleeve up before you even had a chance to register what he was doing and by the time you did, it was too late.
A shocked gasp escaped his lips when he saw the self-inflicted cuts carved into your skin. The container of cookies slipped from his hand and dropped to the floor of the van as he took a step back, his hazel eyes widening in shock.
"Did you... did you do that to yourself?" He asked, unable to process what he was staring at.
You hastily pulled the sleeve back down and folded your arms across your chest so he couldn't see, but it was too late to hide it.
"Don't worry about it." You dismissed, looking away from him.
"Don't worry about it?" Tommy repeated in disbelief. "Y/N, are you... do you want to... did you try to kill yourself?"
Your head snapped back in his direction so fast you nearly gave yourself whiplash, "no!"
"Then why did you do that?"
He didn't sound judgemental or look angry. He just seemed sad and confused, which was worse.
"It's none of your business."
"If I find you dead inside my fucking van, then yeah, it is my business!" Tommy responded, his voice rising a little as he spoke before he ran his fingers through his hair nervously.
"That's not going to happen. I only did it because the pain... it helps." You tried to explain but Tommys brows furrowed in confusion. "I don't expect you to understand, it's okay. But if it makes you feel better, I regret doing it and it won't happen again."
He nodded and remained quiet for quite some time, but to your surprise, he didn't run off. He remained standing by the side of the van watching you carefully.
"Did you treat it?"
His question caught you off guard as you blinked and glanced over at him, his eyes glued to your hidden wrist.
"Did you treat the cuts? I don't want them to get infected."
Oh. Oh.
He was worried about it getting infected. That hadn't even occurred to you. It should have, but it didn't.
Your silence was enough of an answer.
"My parents aren't home. There's a first aid kit in the bathroom. Let's go get it cleaned up." He said, holding his hand out towards you. "C'mon."
You stared at his hand for a moment before shaking your head.
"It doesn't matter." You whispered, looking away from him. "I don't care if it gets infected."
"Well, I care."
"You shouldn't." You muttered quietly, glaring at the blanket beside you like it had personally offended you, instead of meeting Tommys eyes. "I mean, look at me. I'm fucked up-"
"You're not fucked up."
You chuckled almost hysterically and shook your head.
"I am. I know I am. I'm fucked up. I'm broken, Tommy and I-I can't be fixed. I know that. I mean who does this? And you know what the real screwed up thing actually is? I-I like it. There I said it, I like it. I like the pain and I know I need to stop, but it's the only thing that helps. The pain... the pain helps, and I don't... I don't-"
"Hey, hey, breathe. Y/N, just breathe." Tommy quickly said noticing that you were working yourself up into a panic and you realised that you were in fact not breathing.
You couldn't breathe.
Shit, you couldn't fucking breathe.
"It's okay, just breathe. Deep breath in, come on. Breathe in, one... two... three. Breathe out, one... two, three. Good. Good. And again." Tommy coached climbing inside the van and sitting beside you.
His hand grasped your shoulder gently as he sucked in deep deliberate breaths for you to copy.
You stared at his necklace, focusing on the silver chain like a lifeline while you mimicked his breathing. Tommy continued to coach you verbally, your eyes glued to the chain trying to focus and after a few minutes your breathing slowly started to even out. You looked away from the necklace, your eyes locking with his beautiful hazel ones.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." You sighed. "You didn't- you didn't sign up for this. Just, go. I'm sorry."
You lowered your head fiddling with the loose thread on your jeans, too afraid to look at him as silent tears trickled down your cheeks.
"I'm not going anywhere." Tommy replied. "You're more than just Vince's sister. I care about you, Y/N. Please, come into the house so I can clean the cuts properly. Please."
You tilted your head up and met his concerned eyes before you nodded, "okay."
"Show me." Tommy ordered still standing in the bread aisle of the grocery store as he stared at you with sad knowing eyes.
You blinked in surprise, "w-what?"
"Your arm. Show me your arm." He said again taking a step forward.
"Uh, no." You said, simultaneously taking a step back. "Why?"
Tommy sighed, "you know why. Show me your arm."
You held his gaze as he raised his eyebrows at you impatiently because he knew exactly what you were trying to hide beneath the sleeve.
"Fine." You sighed, lifting the sleeve of your right arm that you knew was bare. "Happy now? I gotta go."
"Your other arm." He quickly said before you could walk off. "Show me your other arm."
You opened your mouth to respond but then an elderly couple walked down the aisle and came to a stop beside you while they stared at the limited selection of food on the shelves. You closed your mouth quickly not wanting other people to overhear this conversation and Tommy seemed to catch on because he remained silent too.
Tommy held your gaze, his eyes filled with so many emotions it was hard to decipher any of them before his eyes flicked over to the elderly couple that had finally chosen their wholemeal wraps and were walking away.
"How many times?" Tommy asked once they were out of earshot because he didn't need to see the evidence to know what you were refusing to show him.
You sighed, "too many."
Tommy lowered his head grabbing hold of the shelf beside him as he sucked in a deep breath before meeting your gaze once again and you were taken back when you saw tears shining in his eyes.
"Look, I-I know I have no right to tell you what to do, but don't do this to yourself. Please."
"Tommy-" You tried to say, but he kept talking.
"I was so scared when we were kids. Even after you and Vince moved out the van, I worried about you. I didn't want to lose you back then and I can't lose you now."
"You're not going to lose me." You insisted.
His eyes shifted down to your arms folded across your chest hiding the cuts, "you sure about that?"
"If you asked me that a few months ago, my answer would have been no." You admitted causing Tommy's eyes to sadden. "I... I wasn't okay. I... maybe I'm still not okay, but I'm getting better. I'm trying to get better, and Nikki is helping me."
A look of relief washed over him at your words.
"Sixx mentioned that he was in contact with you again." Tommy replied smiling softly. "I'm glad that he's helping. I'm sorry that I haven't been there for you-"
"Tommy, don't." You shook your head at him. "I left. And you have a wife. You have your own life to deal with. I'm okay."
He tilted his head with a sad smile, "but you're not okay."
You took in a deep breath and nodded.
"But I will be."
Those big hazel eyes softened as he stared at you before you leant forward and placed a gentle kiss against his cheek.
"I should go." You whispered, stepping back giving him a small smile. "It was nice seeing you again, Tommy."
You turned and began to walk away before he called out your name.
"Yeah?" You said, turning back around just as he tossed you the loaf of bread.
You caught the bread with one hand and Tommy gave you a friendly smile as you nodded your thanks before walking away.
A few days later you were sitting on Nikki's bed strumming away at his acoustic guitar to the tune of Home Sweet Home when he walked into the bedroom and tossed a magazine down on to the blanket in front of you.
You stopped playing the guitar and looked down at the magazine in confusion until you saw the picture that was covering the front page.
It was you and Tommy kissing at the grocery store with the title: 'Tommy Lee Steps Out On Heather With Y/N Neil'
Your stomach dropped.
You and Nikki hadn't put a label on whatever it was that the two of you had going on. So, you had absolutely no idea how he was going to react. But as you looked away from the magazine to gauge his reaction, you found the bassist smiling softly.
"You still love him, don't you?" He asked, but it was clear he already knew the answer.
You had known Tommy for a long time. The two of you were never close in high school, but when Vince had shown up on his doorstep with you injured in the car and asked for a place to stay, Tommy never hesitated.
He had been there for you from the very start. To sleeping in his van, to looking after you whenever you had migraines, to ditching his honeymoon to be there for you during the miscarriage and everything in between.
"I do. I love him." You admitted, staring back down at the magazine. "I'm sorry."
Nikki walked over taking the guitar from your lap and resting it against the wall before he stood beside the bed and gently pulled your body into his stomach wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
You reached up and wrapped your arms around his midsection leaning against his side as he bent down and placed a kiss to the top of your head.
"It's okay to love two people at the same time." He whispered stroking your hair gently. "It's not like Tommy and I haven't shared you before."
"Wait, but-"
You pulled away as Nikki released you and you looked up to find the bassist smirking happily.
"I want to get the band back together."
Holy shit.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and reached for your hand lacing your fingers together.
"For so long, I thought it was about... what did you used to call us? The Terror Twins?" Nikki began to say, and you smiled with a small nod. "Tommy and I... we thought it was about us for so long. We forgot that we were a team, and Vince was the quarterback. We forgot what made us Mötley Crüe: the chance collision of four very different, very flawed, and very difficult personalities and the girl that kept us together."
"I haven't given up on Mötley Crüe." He stated, squeezing your hand. "Can you help me?"
You grinned, "hell yes."
Next Chapter
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palfriendpatine66 · 3 months
Your Pal’s Hayden Review: Higher Ground
What? Yes. I’m going to take a second away from my 24/7 Ewan obsession to throw a little love Hayden’s way and talk about Higher Ground. I had heard a lot about the series before I decided to check out the series and I’m so glad I did. It can be really difficult to track down but right now it’s streaming for free for a limited time on the CW website (and app) as well as tubi.
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TLDR: I highly recommend a watch for a great Hayden performance in an angst ridden, emotional teen drama about kids working through their trauma in a therapeutic wilderness school. Many many content warnings for difficult topics and content warnings after my general review below the cut.
This was seriously the role Hayden was born to play. He plays a broken, sulky teen who lashes out in flashes of anger before he breaks down and cries AKA he is modern AU Anakin. It’s no wonder he was cast as Anakin after his work on this. His performance is emotional and vulnerable and shattered my heart multiple times.
The show is never quite able to make the viewer forget that they’re watching a teen drama with a cast of actual teens playing the teenage characters filmed in the year 2000, but I was able to forgive it for it’s occasionally overacted and/or not quite realistic dialogue and key moments accompanied by in your face soundtrack choices to pump up the drama and I think you will too. A very diverse collection of issues that impact real teens but are rarely talked about were depicted surprisingly realistically and sensitively. I was really impressed that the show consistently emphasized - over and over again - that the traumas the kids went through that were behind the problematic behaviors that landed them in their one stop shop rehab/intensive therapy/social and life skills group/high school program were not their fault, but only they could be responsible for how they coped and chose to go forward with the rest of their lives. The councilors on the show had healthy, caring, supportive relationships with the kids in their program, and the advice they gave was (generally) actually helpful and real life strategies. What I liked the most about this show was that it was realistic in there is no magic cure or happily ever after, but there is hope and there is healing and there are opportunities for a positive future even when everything is awful.
Content warnings below - feel free to dm if you want more details if you’re considering a watch. Also if you have watched please let me know if I missed any. For the most part these weren’t graphic depictions (they were rated TVPG in 2000) but the emotional impacts and aftermath are focused on in detail and can be very heavy.
- depictions of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks with flashbacks - drug addiction - drug use - overdose death - alcoholism - teen runaway - rape - sexual abuse of a minor - sexual abuse of a minor by a parent - sexual abuse of a minor by a step parent - emotional abuse - gaslighting - abuse allegations being dismissed, not believed - eating disorders - discussions of self harm - graphic depiction of cutting - scenes and discussions of suicide and death - death of a parent - gang involvement - domestic violence - physical abuse - infertility - drowning death - teen prostitution -
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