#scribblings for later
tea-and-charcoal · 1 year
So the great part about writing is that if you have a scene idea you really want to write but have a ton of ground to cover before then you can just write that first.
The annoying part is you then still have to go back and write that other part.
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aphel1on · 7 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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cursedthing · 4 months
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.imagining pearl like this at times
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reejindeed · 1 year
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Haven’t seen the movie itself yet but Hobie
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phantom-peachie · 2 months
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fairy boy doodles today :)
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hackedmotionsensors · 8 months
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Germa have captured the Pirate Hunter. He seems to know Stealth Black for some reason.
No matter what its still you.
Bonus: Some times this shit takes too long so you gotta grab your cook and go
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gongedtornado · 1 month
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i was super lazy with this but i needed to get this idea out or i wouldve shrivelled
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bluerosefox · 2 months
Drake Siblings
Have I read this prompt somewhere or was this a fever dream from my bored mind.
What if, now hear me out.
What if we bring up Dana Winters-Drake (whose confirmed to at least be alive in the DC verse but no one knows where she actually is)
What if instead of when she had a mental breakdown and getting committed to an Bludhaven clinc she wandered away before anyone noticed and by the time Tim or anyone did notice a lot of stuff started happening at once in both Gotham and Bludhaven (Steph dying, The Bludhaven crisis, etc etc)
Tim still tries to find her though but even with best resources it was like she just disappeared into the wilderness and the stress of trying to handle more and more problems get worse.
So when out of the blue, a couple of years later, he gets a call from an unknown number. On his private, only for friends and family, phone and when he answers he meet with a young girls voice on the other end.
A very young, maybe six or seven, girl who informs him about his apparently half-brother Danny Drake-Fenton. And how she loves Danny so, so, so much but knows her home is dangerous for him to be in.
Tim is stunned and before he could question her, she says Danny is Dana and Jack's baby and that her parents had adopted him years ago and put Dana's stuff that the hospital had away for him to look at when he was older but she just had to fight off their lunch from eating her brother and she knows he needs a better place to live and so she snooped around and found Dana's diary and that she had to unscramble the nonsense Dana wrote and found Tim's number with the words 'tell him about his brother Danny' hidden in it. And-
But before she could keep rambling she hears Danny screaming "JAZZY THE MILK WENT BAD AGAIN AND HISSED AT ME!"
Tim is left with silence after hearing Jazz yell to Danny to lock the fridge and step out of the kitchen as she gets the bat.
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midnigtartist · 8 months
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This is the best way to describe Astarion and my tav’s dynamic
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son1c · 5 months
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cream and cheese from my sonic prime au :]
originally, the two of them called deepfreeze domain "home." but that changed when g.u.n. came knocking on their door.
see, g.u.n. keeps tabs on anyone who forms a bond with a particularly strong wisp... for recruitment purposes, of course! and power is one such wisp--as it grants its partner temporary invulnerability. it's kind of like a super form, but without the chaos energy.
and so, seeing the potential in the young duo, g.u.n. demanded that they join the wisp races. but star's mom--this shatterspace's version of vanilla--didn't want her daughter involved in such a dangerous race, and she refused.
the thing about g.u.n., though, is that they don't really take "no" for an answer. so, they "disposed" of her... leaving star motherless, and very, very upset.
thankfully, syzygy heard the commotion and was able to rescue star and her wisp before they were snatched by the military. now, the three of them traverse space together, looking for a way to restore the planet to how it was before it broke in half, and before the wisp races ever existed.
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dragonofthedepths · 1 year
Danny gets mistaken for Superman 24.2.23
DP x DC. Danny Phantom, Superman, Batman.
A group of villains attack an event they know the JL is going to be investigating undercover. They're looking for secret Identities amongst the crowd, and Danny, long since a full-fledged adult, happens to be attending as well.
Danny, unlike Clark, does not dress to conceal his physique, or hide behind glasses, or hold himself to seem smaller or bumbling.
He gets wrongly picked out as Superman within moments.
And Danny, who can fly, who has mild superstrength, who can tell where kryptonite is because it radiates like all food-quality ectoplasam, who's not as concerned about being discovered since the meta rights act overturned the anti-ecto acts, and who's only become more of a gremlin as full fledged adult, figures 'Sure, why not, I can be Superman :)'
Batman is not the only person who is blindsided when "Superman" leans over and eats the kryptonite right out of the man's hand.
"That was rock candy." Not-Superman gave the man a cheshire cat grin. "You might want to double-check your supplier."
"That was definitely kryptonite," Superman informed him over the com, his voice flat with the kind of flabbergasted disbelief Batman had thought they both left behind a couple of world-ending-disasters ago.
Day (634/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 24th of Feb
Edit: @omnicrafts wrote this!!! (In a matter of hours, somehow??? I am in awe): look here! Edit2: They added a second part!!!
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lunarmoves · 2 months
you were used to slipping into the daycare unnoticed for your lunch breaks.
it was easy to crack open the giant castle doors and beeline straight for the security desk amongst all the running and laughing of children. they never paid you any attention unless they were either on their own or looking for trouble. you didn't mind, of course. you were just another face in an endless crowd of faces and it was what you preferred.
today, however... today was different.
the moment you stepped through the doors, lunch bag in hand, you heard a few kids exclaim loudly. now, that typically wasn't unusual, but what was unusual were their pointed stares in your direction and sly smiles. you raised an eyebrow at a small group of children who were closest to the doors, and they all shrieked with laughter at your look and scattered deeper into the daycare.
weird, but they were kids, so 'weird' was an understatement.
you shrugged it off easily and made your way over to the security desk to plop yourself down on the spinning chair. your lunch was deposited lazily atop the surface in front of you—in front of a dusty old computer that took a million years to even turn on—and you rummaged around for your sandwich. pulling it out, you unwrapped it and leaned back in your chair to do a bit of daycare observing.
you paused, sandwich halfway to your mouth.
you were... getting quite a bit of stares from the children today, it seemed.
they weren't even surreptitious about it. children never were. their wide eyes peeked at you from over shoulders and behind slides. you stuck your tongue out at a little girl holding a plush of roxy, and she giggled before turning on her heel and making a run for a playpen. you surveyed the daycare for a bit, then hummed. you couldn't see sun anywhere. you wondered what he was up to.
for all the stares you were getting, none of them really approached you. which was fine. it just made eating your food a little awkward. a majority lost interest in you eventually, but there were still a handful who looked like they were debating coming up to you or not.
where the hell is sun? you questioned again as you finished off your sandwich and started on a bag of chips. it was not like him to leave you hanging around on your own—especially with how short your break was. you squinted your eyes and peered about, moving in your chair as you tried to see if he was hiding out anywhere.
mmm, not by the ball pit nor the drawing tables. what about in the— there! behind one of the playpens. you caught a glimpse of two wide, white eyes from around an edge before they disappeared. immediately after, you could hear a chorus of giggles and a few kids peeked at you from the same spot. ah. they were scheming. typical.
you rolled your eyes in good nature, then leaned back in your chair. there were a few shhhs and hushed laughs from the same direction. sun was probably telling a story or something. maybe somehow roping you into a quick game—it wasn't like he hadn't ever done it before.
there was a tug on your shirt. glancing down, you were met with the tiny figure of a kid probably no older than five. they looked up at you in mischief, looking over their shoulder a bit like they were trying not to get caught.
you leaned over your chair's arm. "yes?"
"i have a secret to tell you!" they blurted out in a stage whisper. they wiggled slightly in place like they wanted to run around but was forcing themself to stay.
"oh really?" you grinned and spun around slightly so you could lean in closer. "can i ask you a question first?"
they hummed and looked over their shoulder again, then back at you with wide, imploring eyes. "okay, but really fast!"
"do you know why everyone's been staring at me, hm?"
they jumped slightly, waving their hands out by their sides. "oh! oh! that's my secret!"
you tilted your head in intrigue, then offered the kid your ear so they could whisper into it. "alright, what is it?"
they giggled quietly, then raised themself up on their tip toes with a hand cupped by their mouth to shield it. "mr. sun has a crush!" their breath tickled at your ear.
you leaned back and raised an eyebrow down at them. curiosity gripped at your insides firmly. you weren't sure how that was related to your question. "really now? who is it?"
they grinned slyly at you—missing front teeth and all. "it's—"
"riley! what did we say about going behind the security desk?!"
sun popped up from the front of the desk—limited by his protocols—and leaned over to look down at riley with a forced smile. they shrieked and spun on their heel to run away deeper into the daycare. sun's face plate spun as he followed them with squinted eyes, but before he could give chase, you spoke up in amusement.
"you've been busy, i see," you said, and sun turned back to look at you with his head tilted. you made a vague gesture around the daycare—where the kids were rather obviously staring at you and sun. "care to explain?"
he made a sound like he was torn. then a yellow finger pointed at you.
"later!" he rushed out, then moved his finger to tap at his wrist. "your break is up and i have a little rulebreaker to catch. come back later, okay friend?"
and then he left, shouting riley's name out as they laughed and tried their best to avoid him to no avail. you shook your head, then swept up all your garbage into your bag before heading back to work.
riley's words lingered in your mind and made something odd twinge in your gut.
later came quickly.
you made your way out of parts 'n services at the end of your shift and back up towards the daycare. by now, most of the kids would be checked out. you waved at a few other staff and eventually slipped into the daycare, where you spotted sun rushing about in his post-shift cleaning spree.
"oh! you're here!" he caught sight of you immediately, slowing down to a stop. you made your way closer. "hello, friend!"
"heyo." you stood at his side with your hands in your pockets. you had to crane your head back to meet his gaze. "everything go smoothly today?"
"yep yep!" he spun a red ball on his index finger, then threw it over his shoulder so it landed in the ball pit a distance away. he seemed to grimace. "for the most part."
"about that," you drawled, something sly making its way into your voice. that strange feeling in your gut had persisted and you did your best to ignore it. "a crush, huh?"
his rays retracted a bit, his smile pulling down in a glower. "so riley did tell you." it was more of a statement than a question, like he knew the answer anyways.
"yeah." you watched him carefully, his hands moving to wring themselves together as he hunched forward. he couldn't quite meet your eye.
he scowled off to the side. "i should ban them myself."
you let out a pfft and bent down to pick up a stray moon plush laying on the ground. you ran your thumbs over its soft cheeks. "aw, don't be like that. they're a kid. they all can't keep secrets for shit."
"language!" sun automatically chided you, but you waved him off and headed over to the toy bin to toss the plush into it.
"soooo," you started, partially glad you had your back turned to him at the moment. "who is it?"
tick. "what do you mean?"
"who's your crush?" you asked curiously and turned back around. loose-limbed. nonchalant. you tried not to ponder over the implications of a robot having such emotions. it made you feel strange in a way that wasn't entirely negative.
sun stared at you, rays tick-tick-ticking slowly around his head. his fingers twitched. and when he spoke, it was in a confused, quiet voice. "...they didn't say?"
you huffed. "you interrupted before they could." you walked closer to sun so you could poke him on the arm. "so? spill the beans!" you forced a cheeky grin onto your face. "who is it? come on, you can tell me. promise i won't tell anyone." it was like each word you spoke was a small stab into your gut and you couldn't tell why.
sun only looked at you—incredulous, almost, but not quite. his head cocked to the side. you waited patiently, willing yourself not to waver or back down.
eventually, he seemed to force himself back into action. he continued to pick up stray toys. "hmm! i don't know, friend! do you think you're at a high enough friendship level to find out?"
was he seriously teasing you right now?
you scoffed, but let yourself fall willingly into banter. "okay, fine, don't tell me. have you told them at least?"
sun made a thoughtful sound, halfway bent down to grab a toy train. his gaze lingered on your own. there was something to it that you couldn't quite place. "nope! don't plan to, either."
"well, why not?" you asked confusedly. you followed after him like a duckling trailing its mother. "don't you wanna know if they return your feelings?"
"something tells me they don't." sun sighed—a tint of something longing at the tailend of his artificial breath.
you frowned. "well, why do you think that?"
sun shot you a look, then gestured down at himself. the bells attached to his wrists jingled with the motion. "my dear, look at me! why would they?"
you only stared at him. "i... don't see the problem?"
sun stared back at you. it was quiet. very, very quiet.
"you are quite strange, friend," he replied after a moment, his rays spinning around slightly.
"thanks? i guess." you scratched at your head. this was... weird, wasn't it. "that still doesn't answer my question."
"nothing to answer!" he sing-songed out and turned on his heel to finish up around the daycare.
you groaned. there was something causing you to press—something that prevented you from letting go of the topic. "come on! you can tell me! friend to friend. why really won't you tell them?"
sun sighed, and you could tell the precise moment when he gave in to your insistence. "there is just no swaying you, is there? fine."
you watched on as he rolled back his shoulders and turned around. faintly, you could see white pupils over a backdrop of grey. locked unrelentingly onto your form in a half-lidded gaze.
"i just don't think," he said in a low, low voice that made your breath get caught up in your throat, "they'll quite like what i want to do to them."
and then he smiled, teeth jagged like the edge of a serrated knife.
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duhsty1 · 2 months
ok actually art rn semi old marie moom art
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cyancees · 3 months
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sorry this is so cringe but. baptiste likes tall men for this reason i believe
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so i was thinking about how Howdy has eight legs bc he's a caterpillar - those have lots of legs. but butterflies? they only have six
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imagine he comes out of his chrysalis and he's down two limbs. mf would have to relearn how to Walk
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spaciebabie · 10 months
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