#screw you tumblr
rottmnt and splatoon are my two favorite things so obviously the only logical thing to do is combine them -- First up is Mikey! He's Neo Agent 3, and Mayhem is his little smallfry buddy. He loves to bring the chaos with his trusty Octobrush, especially when Clam Blitz is in rotation. He's quite skilled, and is able to keep up with his opponents in lower X-rank.
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I'm really proud of how this came out. Did I sacrifice my shoulder to make this? yes. was it worth it? probably not. do I care? nope!!
Leo is up next! Spoilers: he's agent 8 ;)
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miyahopscotch · 4 months
Literally trying to post an oc and for some reason Tumblr is flagging it
Literally, he's some shadow demon in a cloak????
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nightdrawz · 6 months
While you're waiting for the Tumblr glitch to go away, you can still tweet some on Twitter, can't you? (And yes, I still like calling it Twitter and everything). Since you do have some ships, you might wanna avoid the anti-shippers.
I can understand if you're under a lot of pressure from school, especially with the... exams and stuffs. It's ok, we all have to face it at least once in life. Just stay calm, and hopefully you'll make it through smoothly. Good luck!
Also, don't worry too much if you feel like your art is not that good. From my perspective, you're just like the other Tumblr artists, young but talented. THAT is what people admire. THAT is what I admire. Don't go too hard on yourself. Keep up the good work!
This was the most heart warming message I’ve gotten in a while 。・゚・(ノД`)
I do have a twitter account (yes im also calling it twitter, X sucks) its probably better if i post there for awhile until my stupid tumblr fixes itself
User: Night_drawz
Luckily it won’t be long until winter break, i only have two more tests or so then i can finally relax -_-
Thank you so so so so so MUCH!! This honestly means so much for me, i do sometimes think my art isn’t all that good and just want to burn all of my drawings but seeing people actually loving and enjoying the art makes it all worth it ^^
Im putting it in a picture frame, its very special to me
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cya guys! Dw im still going to be active but not post anything (for a bit)
(Asks are still available, if tumblr loads them…)
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ilikethequiet · 1 year
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Todd Stashwick in 12 Monkeys 306 - Nature (Set 1)
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theartisticcrow · 5 months
Yay, I got randomly signed out of my former tumblr account @thatannoyinggoose and couldn't remember my password so this is my new account now. The internet is great, I don't hate it here I don't hate it here everything is fine
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wanderingmind867 · 9 months
Stop It! Stop doing this now! I keep hoping someone is engaging with my posts, but no! No! F*** You! This will continually grate on me! Forever! Stop it! Stop it! Please!:
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tempest-toss · 10 months
I answered the ask in my inbox only for it to not send at all))
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Happy New Year, everyone. Unfortunately Tumblr's very silly video upload limit prevented me from reaching my goal of getting all my footage up by year's end, but I don't have much to go. To those that don't have the tags blocked, look out for more Live A Live, and to the one person I know that does... wait for February, when I'll show it to you in person.
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starrrberry · 2 years
look inside of me and see that i am not afraid to walk inside the void like a kid inside a cave
but i will trust the artist molding me i am creation, both haunted and holy made in glory
im looking forward to the day when life can grow without decay
and slowly im recovering the beauty of discovery
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nyxypoo · 3 days
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buttonsmylove · 7 days
God, I’m bored
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sheriffvshoupe · 2 months
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Real footage of myself, the sheriff, about to arrest tumblr for terminating my ding dang darn account for the second time today.
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strides-nsfw · 2 months
Using this blog as a venting place now
I feel like a dog. Less than one.
I'm given treats when I help watch the pets and I'm occasionally given clothes or a twenty when my parents want me to go hang out.
But I feel like a dog. When was the last time I was taken to a doctor for a routine check up? 2019. Junior year of high school. Even then, I was never taken to a nutritionist or anything, despite apparently being at risk for diabetes. Had my bloodwork done in 2017. Never got told more than I was at risk.
My underbite scratches away at my top canines. I might not have them in 6 years. The only doctors I see semi-consistently anymore are my dentist and my optometrist, though even then these glasses are from 3 years ago. My dentist tried to help me out, gave me a number to get some new braces, maybe save my teeth before they need to be replaced. My dad called it a scam, a waste of money, and the paper with the number is now gone.
But the food is good! And at least I'm not homeless! Sure, my mom tried to guilt me into staying in a bad relationship by saying that friend might cut themselves again if I stopped. And sure, I almost killed myself thinking about that. And sure, my mom tries harder to invalidate my gender than she ever has tried to get it right. And sure, my dad's prone to explosive bouts of shouting before listening to people, doing it to the dogs and to me.
But I'm just like the dogs, right? I just need to be happy that I even get to exist under this roof. I don't pay rent, or groceries! Can I even complain? I'm the one who didn't learn to drive! I'm the one who should've known to have an ID! I'm the one who should have a degree by now! Who cares that I never learned because the school was an entire county away? Or that I didn't want to trouble my siblings or my mom with waking up even earlier? Who cares that I was never once told why I needed an ID? I'm autistic! I was practically an adult when I was five! Who cares that I started college in the middle of a pandemic? Or that I wasted high school only ever thinking of being able to live after college? Or that my suicidal thoughts trace back to that damned school? Before high school, when my best friend sexually assaulted me, with none of the adults coming to help! Who fucking cares?
I'm just like the dogs. How long until the new ones stop getting taken to the vet, like the old ones? Those poor old dogs, they hadn't been to the doctor since I was in high school. They're scared of cars just like me. Maybe that's why my life is like this.
I hold on for dear life, because I know I have friends who love me. Who might get me out of here. But until then, smile on, girl! Respond to the deadname. You're just your mother's son. You'll never be anything else.
And when your chance to leave comes, fly away. Never look back. And remind them all of the words that burned the bridge. "You know she's a cutter, right?"
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taurus-spacecraft · 3 months
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ilikethequiet · 3 months
Tumblr is being tumblr again, it's really time someone invented a new platform so we can free ourselves of this place.
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a-bass-ist · 4 months
Day after a big loss and my Tumblr feed is out to kill me my god
Stuff like "missing someone you know doesn't miss you"
Leave me the hell alone
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