#school's been kicking me with oral exams and I still need to empty up my inbox sbfdbbf
scarapanna · 25 days
Sharing this goofy clown once more!!!
Decided to doodle my personal little design for him in full, he gets to have silly shoes
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He's such a rabid possum/silly
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extravaguk · 3 years
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: But above all things, the last thing you expected to happen when you came back was to show your tits and get pierced by none other than motherfucking Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook. Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie.
wordcount: 15k
genre: summer!au, ex high school classmaters, kinda frenemies to lovers, tattoo artist!&piercing artist!jungkook, popular!reader
rated: m (fluff - smut - angst)
warnings: you broke jungkook's heart you bitch!! , oral sex (m&f), protected sex (shocking tbh), CL as your bestie it doesnt get better than that! idk i dont wanna spoil too much
author's note: fucking finally dude!! i've been writing this since february but school was kicking my ass. now that i finished my exams and mercury is in gemini i was able to finish it. if you read this, i hope you enjoy it!
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You've been standing outside the shop re-reading the word for fifteen minutes, although it definitely feels like it has been longer. You're gripping the flyer too tightly, rumpling the paper in your hand until you're pretty much sure it's ruined. It's the first day of June, and it's already too hot. The sun and humid weather are causing beads of sweat to form in your hairline and your white tank top to stick to your skin. Your jean shorts didn't feel this uncomfortable a few hours ago and you're sure the heat is causing your mascara to transfer to your eyelids and lower lashline. You've never needed a slushie and a smoke this bad in forever, even if you knew the later would make your parents lose their shit.
You read it again. Your brain is trying to guess what font its written in, an excuse to try to steady your heart beat until your nerves ease a little and you can finally gather the courage to step into the damn shop. You've noticed a few people passing by giving you strange looks because maybe it hasn't been fifteen minutes. Perhaps you've been unmoving like an idiot in the middle of the street for longer than you want to admit.
Chaelin's voice echoes inside your head.
'Its not that much of a big deal. It's not even that painful, trust me.'
You wish you could trust your best friend, but your best friend is also the same woman who assured you Cats was the movie of the year. Yes, not 'Cats: The Musical'. 'Cats', the movie.
'And this could be a great start to get out of your comfort zone and start living your life exactly the way you want to, not the way people expect you to. Not the way your family wants you to, not the way Adam wanted you to.'
But although her credibility could sometimes be questionable - like that time she also told you she'd tried marmite and 'honestly, it's not as bad as people make it out to be'-, you also didn't trust anybody in this world as much as you trusted her. She had always been your entire support system, the only one around you who never sugarcoated, who always treated you as an equal, who was always there for you to help you discover yourself and, at the same time, remind you of who you were.
'And it's gonna look so hot, too.'
That's it. Sticking the wrinkled flyer on your back pocket, your feet finally start moving. It doesn't take longer than three strides and you're pushing open the door.
The first thing you notice is that, thankfully, the shop is empty. The second thing you notice is the bright sky blue walls, a green undertone peaking through. Your eyes scan nervously the interior. Frames with tattoo designs and people modeling other different designs decorate the walls, some skateboards also hanging from the ceiling. A few plants in the corner, and two leather couches on either side of the room. Your scanning stops on the counter, where a girl with short, platinium hair and -what you guess is- the eighty percent of her body inked. Face included. She's been looking at you, a smirk tugging at her lips. Her tone is amused when she speaks
"Hi." she says. "You can come closer, you know? We don't bite."
Great. As if you couldn't feel more out of place, apparently you also couldn't look more out of place.
"Sorry." you gulp as you walk forward. "It's my first time doing anything like this."
She laughs this time, but it's not mean. It's not mocking, thank God, and the smile she sends you is as warm as the weather, friendly, luckily helping you calm down a bit. "A virgin, huh? JK's gonna love this." your eyes jump in surprise, but she's fast to wave her hands in front of you. "Just a joke. So, first time getting a tattoo. You have something in mind, honey?"
"Um, no. Not a tattoo. Not yet, I think." you wet your lips, regretting not reaplying chapstick before stepping inside. "A piercing."
"Oh! Cool!" she claps her hands, too excited for your own taste, pulling from under the counter a catalogue. "So, where will it be? Cartilogue? Nose? A lot of people are getting their septums pierced right now, though, so you might-"
"Nipples. Like, one of them."
Her gaze finds yours in surprise, although her face swiftly transforms again into an amiable expression. "Now, that's badass. Alright!" she skims through the pages of the catalogue until she finds the nipple piercing collection. You scratch your head before wiping your forehead sweat-free. "You can pick either barbells or hoops, although barbells heal faster and they don't move around as much. There's different kinds of metal, too. Gold or platinium. If your skin is sensitive, I recommend titanium. It's hypoallergenic and not as problematic."
The blonde keeps talking as you nod your head, a smile making its way into your face while silently thanking her for her easygoing personality. It quickly makes you feel comfortable and stupid for being so terrified of doing this.
Once you decide, settle on the cost and sign the papers, she stands up from the stool she'd been sitting on. "Ok, I'll go tell my coworker. He's been sketching tattoos all morning, it's time he gets to work!" she laughs, but suddenly your smile banishes and your throat shuts down.
"He?" your alarmed tone halts her motions and she looks back at your frightened expression.
He? A he is going to pierce your nipple? You're about to let a random stranger, a HE, see and touch one of your boobs and then pierce a needle through one of your nipples?
"Oh, baby, don't worry. I'd do it myself if I knew how to, but I only do tattoos. Most of our staff are on summer vacation so it's mostly just him and I. If you don't feel comfortable, which is totally understandable, you can wait until september when Minzy comes back and she can do it for you." It's her turn to scratch the back of her head as she adds: "but trust me, we're professionals. He's not a creep or anything like that. He's been doing this for a long time. He won't cross any boundaries."
September? You won't even be here in september. Fuck.
Sure, you could do it when you move back into the city. But this summer was supossed to be the summer. You already decided after your breakup with Adam that there would be no trace of the old you. That it was time to push yourself, to do the things that you've always wanted to do, unapologetically. To find the new you, the real you. To stop being scared.
So after going through you options for a few seconds and taking a deep breath, you make up your mind.
"It's fine. I can do it."
"JK, sweetheart!"
Jungkook is finishing drawing a Chinese dragon when Mijoo opens the door without knocking. Again. He puts the pen down, rubbing his eyes. It's monday, a slow monday, not much work, and he had hoped it would stay that way until closing time. It's summer and Jungkook hates summer. He hates the heat, he hates being drenched in sweat, and he hates the fact that he can do nothing about it. Because working in the summer is terrible. Summer makes him lazy, makes him want to bathe in a tub full of iced water and not get out until he turns into a raisin and october comes. It makes him irritable. Summer makes him annoyed by people -like Mijoo, even if he loves her to death- and himself.
"I got a girl here who wants a nipple piercing, her first piercing by the way, so get your shit ready and bla bla bla. Straight titanium barbell. Also, don't flirt and don't be creepy. She almost ran away when I told her a male was going to be touching and piercing her tit, be mindful of that. She's too cute, if you want to get her number you should wait until it's done. I think that's it. I'll bring her in in a minute."
Mijoo leaves as fast as she talks, but Jungkook is already used to it. He's already used to the headaches her mouth causes too. He sighs before standing up, tying his too-long raven hair into the best bun he can manage. He washes his hands, sets the table up, sits on the chair and puts the gloves on. He's too busy sterilizing the jewerly when Mijoo comes back with you.
"Alright, my babies. I'll leave you to it." she turns to you. "He'll explain everything, from how the process will be to how to take care of it after it's done." she leaves before saying bye, closing the door behind her, and then he finally turns to you.
Your eyes meet and suddenly everything stops. He almost drops the sterilizing machine, his whole body tensing, going into panic mode as he recognizes you immediatly. His hands shake.
Of course he does. Of course he recognizes his high school crush. The too goody two shoes, too pretentious and too rich, too good for everybody and, most importantly, 'too good for Jeon Jungkook' girl of his high school dreams. Of course he recognizes the girl he had confessed his stupid crush to when he was sixteen. Of course he recognizes the girl who rejected and broke his young and foolish heart when he was a dumb teenager.
It doesn't matter that six years have passed ever since. He still knows every lock of your hair like the palm of his hand. He still remembers the shape of your lips and the exact shade of your eyes. He can still identify the body he fantasized about -and jacked off to- when he was a hormonal teen, now filled in all the right places. Now a grown woman.
Just one look at you after years and years of pining is enough to almost make him faint. And grow a boner under his jeans.
And by the look on your face, your eyes wide and your mouth agape, you recognize him as well.
He schools his features and clears his throat. Forces his body to relax and compose himself, because he's not a teenager anymore. He's also a grown man, who has matured, who now has much more experience with women than he did back then. He had already embarrased himself enough when he was sixteen to be doing it all over again. You're just another attractive girl in a sea of attractive women.
He turns to you. You still haven't said anything. Neither has he.
"Um, you can sit on the table." he manages, motioning to the set up in front of him. He watches you taking doubtful steps until you're sitting down, your eyes avoiding his gaze. He almost forgot you were here to get pierced. Holy shit, you were here to get pierced. To get your nipple pierced.
You're a professional, Jungkook. You can do this, Jungkook. You've seen boobs before, Jungkook. You've pierced nipples before, Jungkook.
Clearing his throat again and forcing his hands to stay by his side, he speaks. "The... The top." your gaze finds his, like a puppy about to get scolded. You look at your top, realization dawning on you. "You don't have to take it off. You can just pull it down."
So you do, pulling the straps of the white tank top down and dragging the fabric down with trembling fingers. No bra. Jungkook gulps as your breasts comes into vision. As perfect as he had imagined years ago. His cock twitches. Round, full, perky and so damn inviting he has to hold himself back from latching onto one nipple with his mouth around it and swirling his tongue over the nub until you're a pretty, moaning, little mess on his piercing tabl-
He closes his eyes for just a second before reminding himself to act like the 23 year old Jungkook he's tried so hard to become. The confident, assured Jungkook he is.
"Okay, this is how it'll go. First I'll clean it and scrub it to get rid of any bacteria." he's so glad he hasn't stuttered yet. 23 year old Jungkook doesn't stutter like 17 year old Jungkook. He's also glad he can pick the alcohol bottle and the surgical scrub without trembling. When he faces you again, you're watching his motions with your lip caught between your teeth. That has him swallowing the lump in his throat.
Making eye contact with him again, you take a deep breath and offer a small nod, so he gets to work. He can show you and himself he's a grown man. A grown man who can pierce a nipple without appearing like it's the first time he's seen a boob in his life. The sooner he does it, the sooner it's over.
Jungkook wets the paper towel with alcohol before carefully wiping over your nub with it. Your back arches, probably from the cold feeling, he guesses. He rubs it a few times before throwing it in the trash can nearby. He avoids looking at how enticing the soft peak is salluting him when he reaches for the marker. He doesn't say anything when he dots it with it, jaw clenched and his dick painfully stiff.
"Lay back." his voice low as he commands, turning away to get the clamp. When he slides closer, he tries to ignore the view: you, with your hair sprawled and your sweaty, shiny skin and your eyes focused on the cieling, nipple fully erect, like the star of one of his most erotic dreams. He extends his free gloved hand before he can stop himself, fingers carefully working the nub until he's sure it's painfully hard. Almost as hard as he is.
You gasp, your back arching again. He stills and looks at you, your cheeks flushed pink. Probably from the heat, he guesses again. Or at least that's what he tells himself. He can't stop himself from wondering how responsive would you be in a different setting, most likely his bed while his teeth play with your breast and his cock dives into-
"You okay?" he studies your face, your eyes not meeting his and instead still focusing on the white ceiling.
"Mhm." you reply with a small voice.
"Relax, alright? It'll be over soon." his voice is as gentle as he can, his fingers mindlessly caressing your breast to try to soothe your nerves. Or maybe it's just because he's a selfish bastard. Whatever it is, he forces himself to bring the clamp to your nipple, securing it around it.
"Take a few deep breaths. This will only take a second of pain and then it will go away." He misses the way your mouth falls open, but he doesn't miss the way your eyes squeeze tight as the needle goes in.
"Ah!" he definitely doesn't miss that either. He goes rigid for a second, because that didn't fucking sound like a cry of painfulness. It's breathy, and whiny, not too loud and, for fucks sake, if that's how you sound when you're getting fucked, he swears to God-
He feels your heartbeat under his hands when he puts the barbell in and then the bandage over it. He takes a look at you, chest moving up and down. And then you take a look at him and what he sees is almost enough to take you right there.
Reddened cheeks, drops of sweat framing your face and those eyes glazed with something he's seen too much in the women he's fucked throughout his life. They're half lidded, mascara adorning your long lashes and almost smudged, looking right through him.
"Jungkook..." and your voice, as you say his name -acknowledging him for the first time since you stepped into his shop, for the first time since you were sixteen-, it's hoarse, almost inaudible, like you just came all over his-
He's on his feet in an instant like he's been burned. "It may bleed for the first week, and it can be really sore. The swelling will eventually come down." he's quickly tidying up the table, a bottle in his hand that he hands to you without looking directly. "Wash it gently with this soap and warm water once per day. Don't touch it. Wear a comfortable...bra. If it gets crusty, clean it with saline. Not alcohol or any other thing you might clean a wound with. The soap I just gave you or saline. Nothing else."
He's pacing around the room as he takes his gloves off and throws them in the trash bin, too agressively maybe, then he keeps rambling, like he's hurriedly trying to make you leave as soon as possible. "Avoid pools and the sea. It takes about six months to a year to heal, so don't... don't touch it, don't play with it or..." he clears his throat, "don't let anyone else play with it. And if it gets infected, come back immediately and I'll take a look at it." which he honestly hopes it won't happen. When he faces you, your top is back on and you're getting off the table.
"Alright, um...I'll do that." clearing your throat, your hand gripping the doorknob. "Thank you."
But right before you can exit the room, Jungkook says your name.
"_____." when you turn around to face him, it takes a few seconds for him to make eye contact from across the room. "It was good to see you."
"Let me see!"
It's the first thing Chaelin says when she opens the door to her appartment. It's on the second floor, small enough to compare it to most expensive appartments you'd stayed in throughout your life, but big enough for Chaelin, her cat and her -impressive- collection of acrylic nail kits and pairs of high heels. It's also big enough for her to offer you the only guest room until summer is over so you didn't have to, one, stay at your parents' place, and two, find an appartment in a short period of time for a short period of time.
When you left years ago, you did so with the thought of 'never looking back'. You never really expected to return here, of all places. Maybe visit your best friend for a weekend at most, have dinner with your parents on a saturday and then go back to the new life you'd made for yourself on a sunday.
But that was before you'd caught Adam cheating.
Tale as old as time: childhood sweethearts get engaged, move in together, son of a bitch sleeps with the assistand he told his girlfriend not to worry about, and then the brokenhearted girl packs her bags and leaves the cheating bastard begging for her to come back.
You'd be lying if you said you were surprised.
Throughout your life, you'd learned to expect many things, regardless of being sheltered and babied by your family since you were born. Watched too much Maury and Dr.Phil. Too much Gossip Girl to know what the deal with life really is.
So, thankfully, you'd only shed a few tears, mostly because your ego and self steem were slightly triggered. You'd realize long before that your feelings for Adam started to disappear once he popped the question and you said yes. Your love story began as teenagers but soon after graduating, the two of you went on different paths: you'd matured, grown into your twenties while he got stuck at 17 and never stopped acting as such.
So yeah, whatever, break ups are hard. But they're not as hard when the love is gone and the sole reason to stay with your partner is to please your parents. You were also right when you expected your mom to tell you to 'forgive and forget' because 'those things just happen, it's not a big deal, honey'.
But above all things, the last thing you expected to happen when you came back was to show your tits and get pierced by none other than motherfucking Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook. Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie.
The lanky nerd with braces, glasses and an anime obsession much bigger than his hentai obsession, which is saying a lot. The shy, awkward classmate who'd stuttered his undying crush for you when you were just kids. That one who you had rudely rejected like the bitch you used to be in high school.
But my God, Jeon Jungkook was anything but a kid now.
You were shocked. You were gagged. Couldn't seem to fathom what was happening and what your eyes were seeing. It took you a while to close your mouth when you realized JK was Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie.
With messy black hair, a smoldering gaze free of glasses, piercings adorning both ears, and his right eyebrow,, the braces long gone showing perfectly straight - but still bunny like- teeth. The clothes he wore were loose, all black, but it was impossible not to notice the muscles of his back and arms, covered with tattoos from his hands to his forearms. You'd bet there were more of them underneath the fabric.
It was awkward at first. You didn't know what to do, or what to say. Didn't know if he rememberd you. So you chose to stay quiet while your body chose to react like it had never been in the presence of an attractive young man in it's entire life.
And oh, did it react.
He was reluctant, his old timid demeanor peeking through his newly adopted persona. But as soon as those hands came in contact with your skin, your whole body was lit on fire. Like you were 16 and losing your virginity over again and it was the first time a dude touched your boobs.
There shouldn't have been anything erotic about it -besides the fact that your entire breasts were exposed-, it should've been just a professional procedure. But those gloved fingers touched and pinched and suddenly you were too aware of Jeon Jungkook and the way you were starting to sweat profously, not due to the heat of the season.
You tried to distract yourself by looking at the cieling and not at his gorgeous face. Tried to avoid thinking about Jeon Jungkook and how his mouth would feel wrapped around you. Tried not to think about the way your panties were a second skin to your folds, and how tempted you were to grind your hips until you recieved some sort of friction with the jean fabric of your shorts. You wonder if he noticed you squeezing your thighs together. You hope not.
And then the needle happened. You never thought of yourself as a particularly kinky person. Sex with Adam was boring for the most part and you'd lost your libido for a long time. Stopped thinking about sex altogether. But the pain. The pain mixed with his hand rubbing soothing circles on your breast and his voice, as sweet as honey, guiding you through it. It made you reconsider a lot of things you'd once dismissed as 'weird' or 'deviant'
You swear you almost came right on his table.
And then your eyes connected, you made the mistake of calling his name like a satisfied woman who still needed more, and it was all gone. He stood up like a scared cat, gave you a bunch of explanations about the aftercare that you barely grasped without even looking at you and pretty much rushed you to leave.
So you walked, all the way from the tattoo parlor to Chaelin's appartment, mortified, and completely humilliated.
"Are you gonna let me see or not?" your friend says expectantly as you finally sit down after chugging a glass of iced water. You sigh, placing the glass on the table before carefully pulling down your top. "Oh my God, it looks so cool!" she gasps and you can't help a smile while she studies it in amazement. "Did it hurt?"
"Um, I guess." you keep out the part where you almost orgasmed, obviously, stopping her hand from touching when she reaches towards you. "Wait, no. He said something about not touching it for like six months or a year, I don't remember."
At that, Chaelin's eyebrows quirk up. "He? It was a he? Was he cute, at least?"
"You won't believe this..." looking away for a few seconds, you take a deep breath. "It was Jeon Jungkook."
There's a pause, a silence that fills the room when Chaelin's jaw drops. "Jeon Jungkook...pierced your nipple?"
You close your eyes, bracing yourself for what you're a hundred percent sure is coming.
"Ha..." there it is. "Ha ha..." you still know there's more. "Ha ha ha..."
Chaelin laughs hysterically for about God knows how long, while you keep drinking your glass of water unfaced, your mind drifting back to Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie, his tattoos and his stupid gloved hands.
You know he's here.
Everything was cool, you were doing alright, having a great time with your vodka sprite in hand and your cute white bikini on. Chaelin was by your side, the guys were excited to have you back and thankfully, you'd avoided most questions about Adam and they'd avoided digging too deep into the topic. You'd sunbathed the whole afternoon, kept away from the water like he'd told you and ate the Hawaiian pizza Yoongi insisted on ordering despite Namjoon's and Jimin's complaints.
It's at night, when you're a little tipsy and your cheeks are flushed, that you feel it. You'd barely noticed Taehyung disappearing to let in a new guest.
You don't see him, but you feel him.
You're sitting on the pool tile steps, legs dangling and the water baely reaching your belly to make sure it doesn't touch your very sensitive and newly pierced nipple. Your back is facing the sliding glass doors of Hoseok's house, but the moment you hear his voice, smooth but animated as he converses with Taehyung, your body wakes up immediately, back straightening, goosebumps forming on your arms and nipples tightening against the fabric of your two piece.
You don't turn around, instead opting for downing the remaining of your drink and coming to the realization that, of course, Taehyung, social butterfly who'd always got along with everybody and remained friends with most people from high school, still keeps in touch with Jungkook.
You ignore him when he enters the pool, still peering from the corner of your eyes while pretending to be engaged in Chaelin's and Jihyo's conversation. Your mind sabotages you by taking you to that day a week ago at the tattoo parlor.
To the warmth of his hand, to the few strands of hair that his small ponytail couldn't keep together, to the way his eyes focused on such an intimate part of your body, to the endless ink decorating his skin, to-
Great. Now your bottoms are wet and not due to the water.
You don't miss Chaelin supressing a laugh and her not so subtle elbowing. You glance at her in warning and try to keep calm for the next fifteen minutes until Jin proposes moving to the living room to watch a movie.
"I'm gonna stay here for a little longer, guys." you say, after clearing your throat. You needed some time to gather yourself before being in a confined space with Jungkook.
"Are you sure?" Jin stops by your side to place a hand on your shoulder as everybody starts exiting the pool. "It's Mean Girls! You love Mean Girls! You never miss a minute of Mean Girls!"
Rolling your eyes, you wave him dismissively. "I know every dialogue on Mean Girls like the back of my hand, I think I'll be alright, Jin."
When everybody finally leaves, you take a deep breath, covering your face with your hands in an attempt to get him out of your head. Damn Jeon Jungkook and his irresisitble glow up.
"You okay?"
The unexpected voice startles you, a gasp finding its way out of your mouth and causing you to jump on your seat, heartbeat erratic as you instantly recognize who it belongs to. Your hand grasps your chest as if that would do anything to protect yourself against him.
"Shit, don't do that!" you say, the words almost getting stuck in your throat as you see him approaching you, still submerged in the pool. The more he nears you, the less water depth there is and the more visible his torso comes into view. Wich was exactly what you'd been avoiding.
Because Jeon Jungkook was ripped, as you'd imagined when you first encountered him.
Broad shoulders and strong biceps and chiseled abs and veiny forearms. Drenched hair, a full sleeve of tattoos and water dripping from delicious tan skin and all just so very hard. That paired up with a loopsided smile that does nothing but make you shudder.
"Sorry." he doesn't sound apologetic at all when he says that, the smirk adorning his features telling. "You just seemed a little off." you advert your gaze when he pushes his hair back.
"I'm fine, just...just wanted to be by myself."
"Oh" Jungkook's smile disappears. "I can leave, if you want me t-"
"No!" you're not sure where that comes from and neither does he, judging by the look on his face when your eyes find his. Eyebrows raised and mouth slightly parted, he's as surprised as you and there's an awkward silence for a few seconds. "Um, you don't have to. I mean, it's not my house, you can do whatever you want." you sniff and tame your voice, trying to seem cool and collected like you didn't just practically beg him not to go.
Ironic, considering this was exactly what you had been fearing for the past thirty minutes.
And then he smiles. A knowing smile. A smile that says 'you just totally checked me out and now you don't want me to leave'. A smile that you would have never associated with Jeon Jungkook of all people years ago. A smile that makes you want to look away but still keeps you in place.
"Sure." he says, closing the space between the two of you slowly but still leaving enough distance. "So, how's it going?"
You clear your throat, head high and determined not to let this man, or any man for that matter, turn you into a trembling mess. You're still you and you're not easily shaken by the opposite sex. Or at least that's what you helplessly chant in your head.
"Everything's cool. I'm on summer vacation now," a little white lie, "so I decided to-"
"The piercing." he says, the smile never leaving his face. "I meant how's the piercing."
"The pier- right." you almost miss the step he takes forward, all too aware of his height over yours but thankful for the centimeters that being propped on the stairs added to yours. "It's-" you almost, almost miss his knee touching your knee and him slightly separating your legs with his own inch by inch. Or how your thighs open unvoluntarely to welcome him in and how you can barely find coherent words to speak. "It's doing-" or the way his smile disappears and is instead focusing his dark stare fully onto yours.
"It's doing well." you finally say in a whisper, not being able to bring yourself to be louder.
He hums. "May I see it?" Jungkook wets his lips with the tip of his tongue and the action and his voice is enough to make you nod your head, bewitched.
His movements are unhurried, his hand coming up to tentatively come in contact with the flesh of your clavicle. His fingers skim through your skin upwards, his touch is feather-like when it wraps around your throat. You pant, and he stops but he doesn't move away, his eyes still focused on yours, studying you, daring you to pull back, to tell him to back off. But just a simple touch of his and you're fully under his control. It reminds you too much of the day you got that damn piercing.
Your lips are parted and for a moment he stays just like that. His body so close to yours but not close enough, and his hand slightly gripping your neck. Your pussy clenches around nothing and you can't wrap your head around the fact that something so simple sets your entire being alive and leaves you aching.
Then, as slow as he started, his hand travels from the front of your neck to the back, pushing your hair aside to carefully untie the straps of your bikini. He breathes through his nostrils, doesn't make a sound. He seems so collected it's starting to annoy you.
Instead, your breathing is ragged when the top falls down, exposing both your breasts to him. That's when he removes his eyes from yours and his jaw clenches. Your nipples perk up under his gaze, like they remember him and the effect he had on them just a week ago. You're at least glad you're not the only one affected but he seems to be a master at keeping it under wraps.
Then, his hand moves again, leaving goosebumps on your skin as it goes south. Jungkook takes his time, so deliberate you want to scream, until he's cupping your pierced breast, keeping away from the nipple just like he'd advised you a few days prior. You can't look away from his face, from his eyes observing you like you're a full course meal and he's been starving for days. You feel drops of water falling from his hair to your thighs, his thumb caressing your skin so delicately as it faintly nears your still tender nipple. Just nearing it, never touching it.
"Beautiful." his murmur is almost imperceptible and for a moment you think you've imagined it. Your back arches on its own, breast pushed against the palm of his hand, almost like your body is begging him to come closer, to touch you more, to feel you all over. He meets your eyes briefly, gauging your reaction, before going back to your chest. Suddenly, the grip on your breast tightens, fingers ever so softly squeezing your flesh. From your throat comes a mewl, your eyes shut and your legs close around his waist.
"Jungkook, please..." you whisper when you open your eyes. He looks at you, unvertainty written all over his face, lips bruised as if he had been biting on them too hard, gaze as glassy as yours. And just like that, the spell is broken. He blinks and his expression changes completely. Lips forming a straight line and jaw tight. His hand retracts, fixing your bikini top over your breasts before tying it around your neck like it originally was. Meanwhile your eyebrows crunch in confusion. But when you're about to start asking questions, he clears his throat.
"It's healing okay." he steps back, avoiding your eyes. "I'll see you inside."
Jungkook leaves the pool like nothing happened.
Jungkook is fiddling, fixing the position of his glasses and combing through his straight hair with shaky hands, habits he's tried so hard to get rid of in his sixteen years of existence but still finds impossible to.
He can't help it. He's always been like this: the quiet and awkward kid in class who sits in the back, a misunderstood puppy in a sea of stronger dog breeds that could eat him alive. An outcast. Too geeky for his own good. Notebokes full of Dragon Ball doodles on the margins of the pages, the shelves in his room stacked with Marvel figurines, and a closet filled with outdated clothes that he has been inheriting from his older brother.
He has never been the type to stand out, always being overlooked by people like he's invisible. He doesn't mind though. He'd much rather be ignored than getting picked on by bullies like he used to in elementary school.
He never gets invited to parties. Ever. He's a nobody who barely speaks, and when he does he either stutters or manages to embarrass himself in one way or another. He's seen the look on people's faces when they look at him. Their eyes seem to scream 'weirdo' everytime he gets acknowledged.
So obviously the only reason he was invited to this particular party had a first and last name: Kim Taehyung. The only kid in Jungkook's entire life who didn't look at him in a funny way, the only kid who took the time to entangle in a random conversation with him after class and who seemed geniune enough to make Jungkook feel comfortable.
He's not sure how it happened, since Taehyung mostly hangs out with the cool kids. But somehow it did, and now Jungkook is uncomfortably standing in a living room full of drunk teens, looking directly at you.
You, the one girl Jungkook had been pining on for God knows how long. You, who are obviously too pretty, too popular, and way out of his league. You, with your plaid skirt and your polo shirt and those legs that never seem to end. You, who are sitting with your friends in a couch, drink in hand and visibly tipsy. And yet, he doesn't think he's ever seen anyone pull of the 'drunk-rosy-cheek' look better than you.
He can hear your laugh through the music and he already thinks it sounds better than whoever is playing in the background.
"Come on, Gukkie! Her friends are leaving and she's all by herself now! It's your chance" Taehyung's obviously drunk too because it took Jungkook a while to decypher his exact words. He'd disappeared for a while and now that he's back, he's pushing Jungkook in your direction.
"This was a mistake, Taehyung." Jungkook shakes his hair and steps back, quickly glancing at the front door to prepare his escape. But his new friend's grip on his hoodie keeps him in place.
"Guk, listen. The only thing you have to do, is walk up to her, and say 'hey I think you're, like, really pretty. Just letting you know. Bye!' That's it. Jung- Dude, Guk, seriously, look at me." Taehyung grabs Jungkook's cheeks, squishing them between his hands and forceing him to face him. "You've been crushing hard on her for years, my man. We're graduating and you won't see each other again. What's the worst thing that can happen? Getting rejected?"
Jungkook's eyebrows draw together. "Um, yeah?"
"Exactly! Getting rejected is not the end of the world, bro! It just means keep trying on other girls!" Taehyung releases his hold on Jungkook's cheeks. "I just think you're going to regret not telling your crush she's your crush. Who knows? Maybe in the future you two will get married."
Jungkook snickers, muttering a 'yeah right' under his breath. Still, he can't help the smile that Taehyung's words always seem to pull out of him.
"Now," Taehyung playfully slaps Jungkook before turning him in your direction again. "Go get 'em, tiger!"
"Okay," Mijoo's voice slices through Jungkook's memories. She's sitting on Jungkook's desk, munching on her brownies and looking at her coworker expectantly. "And then what?"
He sighs, running a hand through his hair, sits back on his chair, already feeling the effects of Mijoo's baked goods. "And then I walked up to her, like a damn fool, stutter and all. And I say:" he clears his throat, making an effort to do his best teenage Gukkie impression."'Hey, _____, um, so, I think you're beautiful and I've had a crush on you since seventh grade, haha, just wanted to let you know.'"
Mijoo rolls her eyes, still chewing. "And then what?"
"And then she looked me up and down, giggled, fucking giggled, Mijoo, and said 'Who are you, again?'" Mijoo gasps and Jungkook closes his eyes, trying to force that recollecion out of his head.
"What a bitch." she can't help but laugh before apologizing. Jungkook merely shrugs his shoulders and takes another bite of his brownie. "She didn't say anything else?"
"She said something along the lines of:" he clears his throat again, this time, doing an impression of you. "'That's sweet and all but, you and I... we're not the same. And I have a boyfriend, so...' She said that like I didn't know, like I wasn't aware of the school's it couple! Like I was dumb!"
Mijoo nods. "And now you want to fuck her even more than you did in high school."
"I- No! Well, yes. Fuck, of course I want to sleep with her! But I just... can't."
"Why not?"
"Did you hear anything about what I just told you or were you too concentrated trying to get high?"
It's Mijoo's turn to roll her eyes. "I heard everything you just told me. I just don't understand what the problem is. You two were sixteen. Sure, she was a bitch about it, but Lord knows I've been a bitch my entire life and now I'm not anymore." Jungkook raises an eyebrow at that. "Okay, sometimes I can be nice. But the point is..." Mijoo finishes her piece of brownie before getting off of Jungkook's desk. "It's been, what? Nine? Ten years? People change, JK. You're the best example of that. You want to fuck her and she obviously wants to fuck you too. You're both adults." she wipes her hands on her shorts. "I think it's time you fulfill that high school fantasy of yours."
You've made up your mind.
And by you, it means Chaelin has made up your mind.
It didn't take long to convince you though. That last interaction with Jungkook cause too many emotions stirring within you. It left you hot, it left you bothered, it left you confused. Sure, it also left you a little bit embarrassed like the first time, but above everything else, that interaction with Jungkook left you absolutely livid.
Because who the fuck did Jeon Jungkook, formerly known as Guk, Gukkie, Jungukkie, and currently known as JK, think he was to come near you, speed your heart rate's up, and then runaway like that?
You've spent days thinking about it. About that face, about that body, about those hands and- shit. You're doing it again.
You've spent days trying to push those intrusive thoughts. Spent days trying to bury what happened. You've spent days trying to keep quiet, not telling anyone about it and just wishing that stupid spark of desire simply went away.
But it has just been simply unavoidable. You haven't been able to ignore the sleepless nights with your brain drifting back to that night and forbidding your hand from slipping under your panties. Or the excessive amount of time during the day where images of him suddenly popped in your head and wouldn't go away, even with you squeezing your thighs to try to make the ache go away.
So you ended up ranting and ranting and ranting to the only person you could confide on, who is obviously your best friend. Your best friend, who's too smart for her own good and knows you too well for your liking. Because apparently your moodiness and snappy remarks couldn't go unnoticed.
And after explaining the fiasco over a bottle of wine -and minutes of endless laughing on Chaelin's part because, again, it's Gukkie you two were talking about and, according to her, this was "the most karmic thing I've ever seen"-, she gave you the best advice an older sister could ever give.
"Fuck him."
"I know right? Fuck him!"
"No. I mean, fuck him."
And now here you are. Right inside that room you stepped in weeks ago, confronting the man in question with the same confidence that has always distinguished you from others and trying to act like the fluttering inside your belly wasn't nauseauting.
"A date."
"You want to go on a date with me." this wouldn't be so hard if Jungkook didn't look so delectable in a plain white t-shirt and ripped jeans. You cross your arms over your chest, doing your best to not look down at the exposed skin of a man who obviously worked out a lot and apparently, never skipped leg day. "What's the catch?"
He's sitting on his chair, back resting comfortably and legs spread, narrowing his eyes at you and probably wondering why the girl at the front desk let you in without an appointment. Also, probably wondering if there was a catch to all of this.
"There's no catch. I just want to go to the fair this weekend. I'll ask Taehyung for your number and text you the date and the exact place we'll be meeting. Unless..." your quirk one of your eyebrows. "Unless you're already planning on how you'll chicken out this time."
Of course, Jungkook says yes to going on a date with his high school crush but spends the following days overthinking every single thing.
He can't help but feel like it's kinda sketchy. What if you're planning your vendetta on him? What if you don't even show up and he ends up there looking like a damn idiot? What if you hate him and are just messing up with him? What if that incident in high school is going to repeat itself?
"If she doesn't show up, you simply move on and never speak to her again. It's that simple. She can't have that much power over you to cry about something like that." Mijoo had said that same day she let you in the tattoo parlor after you'd asked to see Jungkook. Jungkook's coworker hadn't even question you and just motioned you to Jungkook's room with a knowing smile on her face. Later that day, Jungkook had scolded her about it and she'd simply shrugged.
He considers cancelling, eyes reading the 'won't be able to make it, sorry (sad face emoji)' over and over again and fingers hovering over the send button so many times he's lost count. But then he remembers that comment of yours about him chickening out and Jungkook starts seeing red.
How couldn't you understand he's just terrified of you rejecting him one more time? Sure, Jungkook is now an adult who doesn't get butthurt over stuff like that. He's experienced too much after graduating from high school and he's a much stronger individual than his fragile self back was back then.
But something about you just makes him feel so... weak.
He still finds it impossible to concieve where he got the courage to approach you like that at Taehyung's pool, or how he brought himself to touch you for longer than a minute without coming in his pants. He'd enjoyed it too much. Allowing him to see you so exposed, just for him. He'd be so tempted to kiss you right there and then, to run his hands up and down your thighs and fully wrap your legs around him to let you known how much you'd affected him. Once you called his name, it was like he'd finally snapped out of it and backed away like he'd been burned by you. He spent the next twenty minutes trying to keep himself from pulling down his pants and jerking off in his friend's bathroom.
It's terrible. Because he feels like the teenager he used to be when you're around. Shy, insecure and overall a mess. You showing up in his life after so many years and now apparenly being interested in him seems like a dream that he's not sure he wants to keep being in or wake up from before it's too late and he falls back into that tumoltuous longing that will inevitably end up in heartbreak. His heartbreak.
It's saturday night, he's standing by himself in the crowded fair at the spot. You're fifteen minutes late and he's already about to turn back and dip out. He feels too awkward and the nerves are eating him alive.
You're not going to show up. You're not going to show up and now he feels and looks even dumber than the time he told you he was crushing on you. You're not even going to show up and now he's going to come back home, get drunk by himself and curse your name for-
"Hey!" he turns around to the sound of your voice and sees you running towards him. "Sorry I'm late! I couldn't find my phone and spent like thirty minutes looking for it. Turns out, Sharon Stone, was taking a nap on top of it and I didn't even notice."
"Sharon Stone?"
"Chaelin's cat."
To be honest, he's too surprised to process your explanation right away. He might also be a little speechless because that sky blue sundress looks too good on your skin and your eyelashes are so long, framing your beautiful eyes, and your lips are all glossy and kisseable that it takes him a while to find his own voice.
He clears his throat. "It's alright." scratching the back of his head, he momentarely adverts his gaze from you in an attempt to not get distracted by how soft your hair looks and how much he wants to wrap it around his hands in a ponytail. "Um, where do you want to go first?"
Almost an hour and a half later, when the sun has already disappeared and you're both surrounded by colorful lights, Jungkook decides to buy the both of you hot dogs and a drink and you both settle down on a bench.
You've been walking all over the fair, going from booth to booth, playing any game in sight Jungkook dared you to -he obviously had a competitive streak-: from the ballon and dart games, to the shooting games, to the bumping cars, to the ball-in-basket one. To say you were having fun was an understatement.
You'd almost regretted setting the date up. You were sure he wouldn't even show up and if he did, you were scared of how awkward things could get between the two of you. And if things were awkward, you were sure it would only take less than thirty minutes for the both of you to part ways and never talk again about such failure of a date.
To your surprise, none of that happened.
The conversation was flowing, both of you acting like you were strangers on their first date getting to know each other, which, to be fair, that's exactly what it felt like. There was a slight banter, teasing each other when one of you lost in whatever game you were playing while the other was obviously winning. There were laughs and a funny feeling in your tummy whenever you'd walk side by side and his arm brushed yours.
There was no stiffness on his shoulders, no mention of the past or your previous encounters, no acknowledgement of the blatant sexual tension you'd experienced before, not an ounce of avoidance whenever your eyes met his and he was even sure of himself enough to place a hand on your lower back or briefly interwine your fingers with his to guide you through the mass of people.
It felt like you'd both unspokenly agreed on making each other feel comfortable enough to have a good time.
"I didn't think you were going to show up, to be honest." you suddenly say, taking a sip of your strawberry juice and thankful to finally let your feet rest for a while.
Jungkook looks at you, hot dog mid air and eyebrows almost disappearing into his hairline. "You didn't think I was going to show up? I didn't think you were going to show up." you simply shrug, lowering your gaze seepishly, the beginning of a smile on both your faces. He surprises you by tilting your head in his direction with his forefinger. You watch him watching you, a little dazed, a little lost in how his dark hair messily falls over his forehead and his equally dark eyes study your face, his thumb swiping over your lower lip. "You um... There was ketchup right there." he lies.
"Oh" you say, feeling your face heating up. "Thanks. Red doesn't really match this dress." you manage a smile and tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear.
At that, he eyes your dress for a moment, mouth slightly ajar. He's debating on whether or not to say something but you beat him to it.
"I'm sorry, by the way."
"For being late? I already told you it's fin-"
"No." you shake your head. "For... that time when we were young and I was such a concieted brat." you say, looking away , trying to find anything else that's not his pretty face. "I thought I was a queen bee back then. I was annoying and rude, specially to you. I..." you lick your lips. The cherry glittery gloss was already gone. "I thought it was cute, what you said. There was no reason for me to act like that. I know this doesn't make anything right but..." when you turn to face him again, there's still the same expression on his face. "I'm sorry."
A few seconds go by before it's him who's shaking his head. "It's okay. It was a long time ago, anyway." he smiles at you, although it doesn't reach his eyes and seems sorta forced. You sigh, and he takes your hand. "Let's go to the ferris wheel."
tell you're tense. You're sitting right beside him in the ferris cabin, your back is all straight, you're facing forward and he believes you haven't blinked for what feels like an eternity. He thinks it has everything to do with your conversation a few minutes ago. You were probably not content with his response but what could Jungkook do? There was really no point in apologizing for something that happened years ago, but at the same time, he didn't want to hold anything against you like a resentful asshole because it was really not who he was. But there was still a little bit of stingyness inside of him and he didn't know how to make it go away.
At the end of the day, here you were, on a date with him that you'd asked for, getting along and asking questions about him and laughing at his jokes and trying to start all over again.
But then the ferris wheel starts moving, and he finally understands why you look so uncomfortable.
It's the way you immediately grip his forearm, nails digging in his skin and he swears he hears the smallest gasp forcing itself out your throat.
"Are you... scared?" he tentatively asks.
You say nothing for a while, not moving an inch. He would laugh if you didn't look so pained about it.
"I don't like small confined spaces nor rollercoasters." you finally say through gritted teeth.
"It's not really that small and ferris wheels are not rollercoasters. " your nails dig deeper and he winces. "Okay, okay. You don't like small confined spaces nor rollercoasters, and that includes ferris wheels. So why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know. I've never liked ferris wheels but you seemed excited about it, so..."
There's a silence after that in the environment, neither of you exactly sure of what to say or how to act. Until Jungkook moves one of his hands hands until it's resting on the one who's holding onto him for dear life, fingers caressing yours. The warmth of his hand spreads through yours and although it's almost July and you can already feel your sweaty back staining your dress, it's oddly comforting. What's more comforting even, is him twisting his body towards you and talking with the calmest and most soothing tone you've ever heard.
"Look at me." you do instantly, unwillingly, and kinda wish you hadn't. It's almost as if your body will do anything he says without question. Like he has some sort of power over it to just react however he wants. His eyes bore into yours and suddenly the cab doesn't seem so suffocating. "It's just you and me right now. We're not even on a ferris wheel." the corners of his mouth turn slowly upwards. You zone out the environment, suddenly too aware of him and how close he is and how loud the beating of your heart is to your own ears.
You swallow the knot in the back of your throat when he removes his hand from yours. It almost makes you protest, - now realizing you've losened the tight grip on his arm- , before it craddles your face, keeping you in place while bringing his body closer.
"You have to stop saying my name like that."
With his thigh touching your thigh, your whole demeanor melts. When he leans closer, and you feel his breath fanning over your lips, your eyes shut closed.
"Tell me I can-" he starts to say.
"Yes." you finish for him. He doesn't doubt on closing the distance between you two. His lips touch yours and your body shakes in excitement. It's just him lightly skimming your lips with his but it's already too much and at the same time, not enough. It has you deepening it, yourself moving closer when he kisses you again. It has you relaxing against him, the tenseness prior disappearing and making you arch your back when his tongue asks for permission.
But it's exactly then, the moment you open your lips to him, that has you losing your mind.
The sparks fly, traveling from your head to your toes and then settling on the pit of your stomach as soon as the kiss starts to turn desperate and rough. When he nibbles your lips with his teeth, it makes you mewl and whine and your nipples tight against the cotton of your dress. It makes the metal barbell to feel uncomfortable, slightly painful. And when he goes back to being messy and filthy with his tongue tangled with yours, your thighs close on their own.
He forces himself to pull his hand back and bring it down, finding the parting of yd opening them for him. "Wait," you say, your fingers wrapping around his forearm as you try to catch your breath."The ferris-" he shuts you up with another kiss.
"We're not on a ferris wheel." he reminds you, a soft whisper against your mouth. And for whatever reason, you believe him.
"He fingered you on the ferris wheel."
"And you came before the ride was over."
You take a small sip of wine, your eyes focusing on the TV where a rerun of the Golden Girls is playing, although, to be fair, lately you haven't been able to pay much attention to anything else but a certain brunet with doe eyes and kisseable lips. "Yes."
She hums, stealing a handful of popcorn from the bowl between your thighs.
"How long did it took? Like five minutes?"
There's a pause in which you clench your jaw, your fingers twitching around the glass in your hand, and then you answer. "Probably less."
There's another pause, and then-
"Ha...Ha ha...Ha ha ha-"
You let her laugh. It's okay. You knew you had it coming.
Chaelin knows the pillow you throw right at her face is also something she had coming.
It's not that you're mad.
Jungkook and you had a great time on that fair date, he made you laugh, bought hot dogs and drinks for the two of you and got you off inside the cab of a ferris wheel on record time with those magical, long fingers of his. Technically, there shouldn't be anything to be angry about.
Except it's been a week and you can't stop thinking about him, about wanting more, and about those words that he left you with after the ferris wheel ride ended, when you had tried to return the favor.
'Next time, maybe.'
And there hasn't been a next time.
The thought of texting him or giving him a call to ask for another date is persistent in your mind. It remains while you do the laundry or wash the dishes, while you shower, while you eat or while you spend your days at the beach with Chaelin. There's always the incessant desire to reach out towards your phone, unlock it and dial his number to beg for more.
But you'd never been one to beg, so you resist the urge everytime that feeling starts to creep up on you and it washes over you like a wave. You silence your phone and try to concentrate on making the most out of your summer.
It's one random night, when you're tiredly dragging your feet across Chaelin's apartment's carpet, yawning and ready to succumb to a well needed slumber, that you see your phone screen's lighting up with a message.
Your heart pathetically leaps inside your chest when you read his name.
'you free on saturday?'
You wish you could say you ghosted him, ignored his text and moved on with your life until it was him who begged you for another date. But the truth is you opened it in a matter of seconds and typed 'i'm free, why?' back in a rush with trembling fingers.
So now you're on the passanger seat of his car while he sits on the driver seat, the first saturday night of July, like he's Danny Zuko and you're Sandy Olsson, watching a vintage movie in a drive-in theater which plot you don't give a shit about, even if Jungkook's date plan idea made something inside of you churn with adoration.
And the only reason why you don't give a single damn about the movie playing in front of your eyes, is because you're hot. Way too hot. And the reason and cause is none other than the boy-now-turned-man sitting on your left.
You barely exchanged words when he picked you up, just rode in silence until you got to your destination and you bet he can feel as well as you do the tension in the air.
You've surveyed him a few times from the corner of his eye, noticing him fiddling with the rings around his fingers and shifting in his seat from time to time. And if the sight of his fingers bring memories that you've tried to bury to keep yourself from lunching towards him, a brief glance at his forearms, adorned with ink drawn through his golden flesh -doing a poor job at concieling the veins running underneath- and his skin-tight jeans wrapping those muscled thighs of his is enough to have you be the one squirming in your seat.
A woman can only endure so much, and you come to that realization thirty minutes into the movie.
"I want to suck your cock." you say, a stern expression on your face as you turn your body in his direction.
Jungkook frozes as your voice slides over him. It takes him a couple seconds to look at you, shock widening his eyes and parting his lips.
"Huh?" he manages, his grip on the steering wheel turning his knuckles white.
Without separating your gaze from his, you gather your hair and tie it in a ponytail with the hair tie previously around your wrist. You don't miss the quick glance he sneaks into the curvature of your neck and the valley between your breasts.
Inching forward, closing in on him, you place one of your hands on top of his thigh, the action making his whole body tense. "____..." he whispers your name in a warning that doesn't sound convincing even in his own ears.
You smile, your eyes never wavering from his as your hand inches upwards, slowly caressing over the fabric of his jeans until you finally come across what you were looking for.
His hand flies to your wrist, stilling your movements. "____, this is not-". He starts, but his voice gets stuck inside his throat when you palm his undoubtly growing erection.
"Shh." your shaky breath fans over his cheek and you force yourself on your knees on the passanger seat in a more comortable possition to stop the trembling to reach them.
You fumble with the belt holding his pants in place, then with the button and finally with the zipper. He helps you by lifting his hips to pull his jeans and boxers to his thighs and you have to bite back a mixture between a gasp and a moan at the sight below you. You haven't even seen Jeon Jungkook naked all the way, but the mere sight of his hard cock with pre-cum glistening on his crown is probably the sexiest thing you've ever had the pleasure of appreciating.
It gets sexier when you wrap your hand around the base and his body melts in the driver seat, throwing his head back with his eyes shut. It gets even sexier when you finally lower your head, swirling your tongue over the head before finally engulfing him fully in the wet warmth of your mouth.
"Shit." his voice is tight, uneven as his hand loosely grips your ponytail, as if careful not to accidentally hurt you and break the glorious moment.
Although you wouldn't mind at all. Because the moment your hands are on him, and your tongue is on his shaft, that's the only thing you care about. Your belly is twisting, an undeniable wet spot on your panties as the fabric sticks to your folds, and the more you suck Jungkook, the more you want from him. His earthy taste is addicting and the soft little whimpers he occasionally can't prevent himself from are making you want to milk him until he can't take it no more. There's this desire within you to whorship him and his cock like you had been dreaming for the past weeks.
"This is s-so fucking h-hot." he rasps between ragged breaths, the bobbing of your head, sliding up and down his dick as your hand works the centimeters your mouth can't take is about to make him faint.
"Getting a blowjob?" you joke, your throat starting to feel sore as you kiss his leaking tip.
"N-no." he draws in a rough breath when you take him all of him again. "You giving me a blowjob... T-the f-fact that anyone c-could see us..." he darts a quick glance at your body, your ass up in the air and your dress sliding down, almost exposing you completely. "The fact that-ah! Shit..." he squeezes his eyes when he feels a glob of your spit lubricating him.
There's a sudden need to make you feel the same, to touch your skin and have you shaking the same way you have him. So one of his hands travels from your spine, to your perked ass, finally dragging the cotton of your dress to allow himself to see your thin white panties. "The fact that anyone could see you l-like this," he murmurs, regaining a little bit of control when he squeezes one of your cheeks. "letting t-them see you s-sucking my cock and..." he smirks when he feels you gasping around him, his fingers trapped between your thighs and pushing them inside your heat easily "and letting them see me fingering this pretty little pussy."
Soon after that he's cumming in your mouth while you're cumming around his fingers.
At first, it's mostly on weekends when you see each other. Weekends of stolen kisses and soft sighs and whispering against each other's lips. Then weekends turn to week days, sitting on grass while sipping on refreshing beverages, drawing each other laughs, elbows touching as you walk around the park side by side because the both of you are too scared to interwine your fingers together.
Jungkook feels content like this: sitting on the sand with you between his thighs, admiring the sunset while nuzzing your neck and inhaling your scent every now. He likes waching you enoying your strawberry ice cream, almost forgetting the chocolate chip one already melting in his hand.
"If you were an ice cream flavor,which one would you be?" you ask him, relaxing against his chest.
"Rocky road."
He shrugs behind you. "Everyone likes rocky road."
You hum, playfully rolling your eyes. "What about me? Which ice cream flavor would I be?"
"Lemon sherbet, in the summer."
"Lemon sherbet? Out of all of the flavours out there, you're rocky road and I'm lemon sherbet?"
"Lemon sherbet, in the summer." he corrects.
"Okay, fine. Why?"
"You're boring and basic."
You gasp, trying to feign outrage but not being able to repress the laugh that escapes your throat. You elbow him, his laugh mixing with yours while taking the time to wrap his arms around your form, the breeze blowing your hair allowing him a spot between your neck and your shoulder. "You're boring and basic, but once you have a taste..." he presses a small kiss on your skin, causing the tiny hairs on the nape of your neck to rise. "Once you have a taste, specially on the hottest day in the middle of summer, you can't stop tasting and licking until there's no more lemon sherbet left."
You suck in on a breath when he craddles your jaw to face him. "It's been my favourite flavor since I was a kid." he kisses you immediately after, his lips swallowing the small whimper now stuck in your throat.
You close your eyes as his tongue opens your mouth, arousal blasting your insides and something much, much deeper that you fear to even name shredding your chest.
The beginning of august comes faster then you two realize, but what you both do realize is how hard it's becoming to stay away from each other.
It's been thirty days of dates happening almost everyday, sharing high school memories and anecdotes of the time you spent away from each other. Hours of getting to know each other and opening up to each other. From failed relationships to new friendships. Of park dates walking side by side and fingers now interwined because you both realized one day that, fuck it.
It's difficult to sleep when you realize you're starting to catch serious feelings for somebody who was just supposed to be a fling. It's hard to sleep when his face, his voice and his touch and thoughts of missing him when you don't see each other start haunting you at night.
It's hard for Jungkook to focus on work when you're everything that's occupying his mind. Because he has a hundred sketches to make but he's too busy thinking about the hundred different sketches he would make of you.
It's hard not to send him a goodnight text, just like it's hard for him not to reply in a matter of seconds, almost as if he was already waiting to recieve it.
Jungkook thinks of you at night. Of how pretty and absolutely perfect you are for him. Of the taste of your lips, the way your hair feels between his fingers, or the flush on your cheeks when he makes you cum as droplets of sweat accumulate between your breasts. He thinks about your voice. He also thinks about the amount of hours left to be able to listen to it again.
But mostly he thinks about how ridiculous this situation is. Because he was stupidly crushing on you when you were only teenagers, daydreaming about a chance with you. And now his crush is long gone and he's starting to realize that he's falling, and falling fast.
You, too, think of Jungkook at night. Of his ability to bring a smile out of you, to soothe you with just a few words and filling your belly excitement, happiness and feelings you're sure you've never felt before.
Jungkook's managed to imprint himself in your dreams, and you, in his.
Getting drunk with Jungkook is fun and messy.
It's fun because he lets loose, he stutters a lot like he used to do when he was a teenager and he makes you laugh louder than ever before. It's messy because he has no control over his hands as they explore your body, clumsily taking your clothes off as his mouth laps at the breast he's allowed to touch.
He's more forceful and dominating too, pinning your hands above your head, and commanding you to keep them right there, on the pillows of his bed. When you rebel against it, your fingers finding the hard planes of his chest, he pulls away from you and places them back where he left them. "Don't make me tie you up." he threatens, and your body shudders beneath him.
He sucks, and bites and leaves marks all over your skin, grunting in response to your moans. Creating a path of kisses from your lips to your stomach, his shoulders separating your knees, opening you up only for him. And thankfully, when you reach down to tug at the strands of hair framing his face, he lets you, because he knows you need something to hold on to the moment his tongue eats you up. He leaves his fingertrips on your thighs as he keeps you in place, not allowing you to runaway. Just forcing you to take it as he takes from you.
And when you cum, he doesn't back away. He keeps sucking, and licking and punishing you with his mouth until you're cumming over and ove again, screaming and begging for his cock.
Having Jungkook over you, both completely naked, skin to skin and only sweat in between is more than you could've ever fantazised about. He slurls your name when he puts the condom on. He would do anything to feel you raw, but he also knows he wouldn't be able to last a minute. The sight of you spread open, with your cheeks darkened by a crimson blush and your hair tangled all over his pillow is a picture he wants to keep forever.
He enters you when you call his name, your voice dripping with need. He stretches your warm and wet felsh, slowly easing himself into you at first, until he's fully inside and your bodies are completely in union. A shiver runs down Jungkook's spine when he looks at your contorted face in pleasure, your lips forming an 'O' and your pussy clenching around him.
"Oh, my God." you moan into the dark of Jungkook's room, and even then, he can clearly appreciate every curve of your body lifting off the mattress to connect with his. He lowers himself on his elbows on either side of your head, caging you in and capturing your mouth with his.
"I know, baby." he murmurs. It's hot, in the middle of August but suddenly Jungkook doesn't hate summer as much as he used to. Not with you sharing the heat with him. "It's way beyond what I could ever imagine." You nod hurriedly against his lips, your arms finding their way around his neck as he starts rocking in and out of you.
"It's too good." you cry, when he hits a particular spot that has you rolling your eyes in bliss and gripping his waist tighter with your legs against you. Your fingers thread through his hair, not bothered by the beads of sweat gathered on the nape of his neck.
"Too good..." he agrees, not missing the shiver that's shaking your own frame when he picks up his speed. "You have no idea what I would do t-to fucking feel you with n-no barriers between us," his movements become frantic as his hips slap against yours, his jaw clenched as he keeps talking, "to s-stuff you full of my c-cum over and over again until it won't stop d-dripping."
Jungkook's voice against your ear has you trembling and your orgasm nearing closer, your nails scratching down his back as his thrusts overpower your form. "Would you like that?" he asks with his voice strangled.
"Y-yes. Anything y-you want."
"You'd take all of my cum like a good cum-slut?"
You hate the fact that that's what makes you come undone. The twisting and knotting in the pit of your stomach finally snapping until you're holding on to him like you never want to let him go and he's following soon after.
Because if Guk, Gukkie, Jengukkie was not only able to make you come in less than a few minutes with his fingers or his tongue, but he was also able to make you cum instantly just by calling you a good cum-slut, that means you're fucked. Like, really, really fucked.
There's a knot in Jungkook's stomach and a suffocating grip around his vocal chords as he caresses your skin. The sun is rising in the distance with the first rays of light entering his room through the window. Your shamphoo is intoxicating him, numbing him and enticing him to bury his nose in the tangled curls pressing against his chest. Your arm is thrown across his stomach, your breathing leavig goosebumps all over his body.
"It's too early. Go back to sleep." you mumble against his heart. He wonders if you can feel it dangerously speeding up.
"I can't." he says, voice struggling to stay balanced. "I have to tell you something."
You hum in response, sleep still interwined with your body, your arm tightening around him. You sigh in content, expecting him to elaborate.
He wets his suddenly dry lips. "I don't want this to end. In fact, ____.... I want more. Need more."
"Jungkook..." your whole body goes rigid right away, untanglling your bodies from each other and sitting up on the mattress.
"No, listen to me." he mimicks your movements, rapidly grabbing your hands to make you look at him. His eyes are expressive, a mixture of fear and hope swirling in his dark irises. "I wake up everyday, and you're the first thing I think of. I go on about my day, and I keep thinking about you, wondering what you're doing and counting down the hours until I get to see you again. I spend every night dreaming about you, and when we'e together, the only thing I can think about is how I wish I could stop time so I don't have to say bye to you the next morning. ____, I-"
"Jungkook, stop please." you shake your head, pushing away from him and in desperate need of air. You press a hand against your chest, beating back the throb of pain while the other curls in a tight fist, the feeling of your fingernails digging into your palm less painful than the ache inside your heart. "This... This wasn't supossed to happen, Jungkook." you start pacing around the room, as if trying to find an exit while avoiding his gaze. "This was just a summer fling. That's all it was, I'm supposed to come back to the city in two weeks and-"
"A summer fling?" a sardonic sneer comes out of him. "Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening again..." he mumbles to himself before rising from the bed. You stop immediately, a shiver quaking through you as his impressive frame intimidates His eyebrows are drawn together and his dark eyes are void of any prior emotion. "You're going back to the city in two weeks? And you didn't care to tell me until now, after I just spilled my guts to you?"
You eyes fill up with uncomfortable tears, reaching one arm towards him. "Jung-"
He flinches, taking one step back. "A summer fling is all I mean to you?"
"Ju- "
"Look me in the eyes, right now, and tell me that's all I mean to you. A summer fling." panic crawls up your throat. There's the need within you to confirm, to stare into his beautiful and stern eyes and tell him that, yes, that's all he is to you. But you've never been a good liar. So nothing comes out. You opt for wrapping your ams around yourself wishing they were his and lowering your eyes to the ground. "I think... I think you should leave."
Those are the last words he says to you, and the last thing you see when you turn around one more time after gathering your clothes, is his back as he looks out the window.
You allow yourself to cry the exact moment you step into Chaelin's apartment. Your friend is sitting on the couch, bowl of cereal in hand and a fresh cup of coffee sitting on the livingroom's table.
"Hey, you're early tod- Baby, what's wrong?"
"Please, don't laugh."
That morning, you lay down for hours on the couch with your head on Chaelin's lap while she softly brushes your hair as you cry, hiccup, fight through the pain in your heart and relate to her as best as you can the latest events.
She doesn't laugh at all.
"She'll come back." Mijoo's slurred words do nothing to put Jungkook's state at ease that night. He simply shrugs, fingers clenching at his sides, frowing into his drink before gulping down the bitter taste of vodka in one shot. "Seriously, I think she's just afraid. My ex was the same."
"Comparing her to your ex is not the analogy you think it is."
"Ugh, shut up. Things didn't work with my ex because she was a bitch." Jungkook gives Mijoo a pointed look which she responds to by rolling her eyes and sipping on her rum coke. "Your girl is not a bitch. She used to be a bitch. What she did this morning was bitchy, but, like I said, she's just being a pussy. If she only wanted sex with you, she wouldn't have been doing couple stuff with you the entire summer."
"Whatever. I don't care." he lies and Mijoo knows he's lying but decides to drop the subject fo now.
"We can't keep spending our days smoking weed." Chaelin speaks over Blanche's voice on the TV.
"I know. I'm just sad."
"You have to come back and tell him how you feel."
"I know."
There's a beat of silence before your friend kicks your thigh with her feet.
"I know and I will." you mumble through red eyes and smoke clouds.
It's September first and it doesn't feel like Jungkook's birthday at all. He's been trying to focus on his work, alternating between isolating in full hermit mode and hanging out with friends to drink away his sorrow. The days have gone by and before he could realize it, he woke up today with over twenty text messages wishing him a happy day and a throbbing hangover.
He dresses up on autopilot. First a cotton shirt, then a pair of jeans and lastly, his Nike's. He doesn't bother tying his sneakers just like he doesn't bother taking a shower. He smokes a cigarette for breakfast, the death stick making him feel nauseaus on an empty stomach. And then he goes to work.
He's been repeating the same routing for the past weeks and he's not thinking of changing it, not even on his bithday.
He spends hours drawing, tattooing and drawing some more between yawns. He ignores texts an phone calls and simply waits until the day is over to go home, go to bed and forget about the fact that you're probably on your way to the city and that he hasn't crossed your mind not even once.
You've been standing outside the shop re-reading the word for fifteen minutes, although it definitely feels like it has been longer. You're gripping cup of ice cream as it melts down your fingers the more you wait. The shop is already empty and it's starting to darken out side, and still you're so hot. Your shorts are heavy and your tank top is sticking to your skin. You didn't even bother to put on any make, although your eyebags definitely needed some concieling and your lashes some dimension to hide the fact that you'd been crying for the last few days.
'You're crazy about him.'
Chaelin's voice echoes inside your head.
You've lost count of how many times your best friend has given your advice, or simply encouraged you to do something you've been too scared to try.
'And he's cazy about you too.'
Chaelin might be wrong about marmite and the movie Cats, but she's definitely now wrong about anything regarding your and Jungkook.
That's it. You briefly close your eyes, inhale a deep breath then release it slowly. You start walking. It doesn't take longer than three strides and you're pushing the door open.
The tattoed blonde looks up from the counter the second you come into view. She smiles at the distance between you two. "You can come closer. I won't bite."
You clear your throat, stalking closer to her. "Is he-"
"He's in the back." she replies before you can finish you question. You close your mouth, clear your throat and nod your head.
"Thanks, Mijoo." she gives you a small wink, her smile easing your nerves like she had three months ago.
She watches you disappear. She shakes he head, her smile meeting her eyes. "I told him so."
Jungkook ignores the knock on his door at first. It's almost ten and the parlor is about to close. He just has to finish this last fucking sketch so he can grab his shit and go the fuck ho-
Knock knock.
He growls, exhasperation cursing through him. He runs a hand through his messy pile of hair, his rings tangling between the strands, making him wince in pain. "Come in." he grunts under his breath. The door opens. "Mijoo, I really have to finish-"
He stops dead in his tracks as soon as he sees you.
"Hey." you say after a moment of hesitation.
"Hey." he replies and although there's something inside, deep in his chest, shouting at him to stand up, run up to you and kiss your face while he tells you how beautiful you look right now and how happy he is to see that you're still here, he decides against it. "Listen, ____, I'm pretty busy-"
"No, you listen to me." you cut him off abruptly. He looks taken aback and is already opening his mouth to say something, but you're not having it. "Please, just... Let me talk."
Silence looms between the two of you for a while, a staring contest defying each other to back down. When you take one step inside and close the door behind you, he sighs and leans back against his chair.
You move towards him slowly, your lip caught between your lip going through your mind for the speech you'd been preparing the last few days. Your hands are sticky due to the the sugary treat liquifying in your hand. "I know there's no reason you should give me another chance after rejecting you in high school, and there's definitely no reason why you should forgive me for the way I shut you out a few weeks ago. You've been confessing your feelings to me since we were teenagers, and now it's my turn to tell you exactly how I feel about you."
"Jungkook, the truth is... I like you so much. I like you more than I've ever liked anyone. Ever. I said this was just a summer fling, and I was lying. I was lying because there's no way a simple summer fling could make me feel the way you do. There's no way a simple summer fling could make me want not just summer with you, but also fall and winter, and spring and every summer that comes next."
You hadn't realize when your eyes filling up with tears until the sight of him starts blurrying in front of you. His fingers reach yours, his thumb comforting on your skin. "____, it's okay-"
"I'm not done yet." you sniffle, gathering enough courage to continue. "I brought you a lemon sherbet because you said it was your favourite. But you also implied I was your favourite, and I want to keep being you favourite, but now it's already melted and-"
The corners of Jungkook's lips start pulling upward as he tugs you towards him, his heart loudly jumping inside his chest. "Shhh, come here."
He takes the ice cream from your hand and places it on his desk. Then he's helping you onto his lap, your head tucked under his chin and your arms wapping on their own around his neck.
He doesn't care about your sticky fingers or the wet stains of your tears in his shirt. The only thing he cares about is the fact that you're right there, letting him engulf your frame and drown in the scent and warmth he'd misses so much.
The first day of June has Jungkook sweating and wishing for a haircut. Jungkook usually hates summer. He hates the fact that he has to shower at least twice a day, and the fact that the heat is almost unbearable to sleep in and also the fact that he's easily sunburnt.
This year, however, Jungkook likes summer a little bit more.
"Excuse me, miss. Do you have an appointment?" it's the fact that you're starting to wear those summer dresses he loves so much, and the fact that your skin glows under the sun like glitter, and also the fact that he can lick ice cream off of it whenever he desires.
"I am the appointment." your giggle is almost childlike, playing with Jungkook's heart strings. You shut the door behind you, nearing him. You also seem to always have that flush on your cheeks. Although he likes to think part of it is due to him. He doesn't say anything else as he puts his pencil down and instead turns around in the chair to have you immediately on top of his thighs.
Yeah, he also likes the path your lips trace from his cheek, to his jaw, ending at the juncture between his neck and his shoulder. It still makes his body quaver to this day.
"Let me see." he murmurs against you forhear, his hand already working on unbottoning the front of your dress.
"Mijoo hasn't left yet." you whisper back, your smile impossible to supress and the faint whimper impossible to hide when his fingers expose your breast and tug at the titanium barbell adorning the already hardened nub.
Jungkook loves knowing he was the one to do that, and also the only one to play with it. He doesn't hesitate when he dips his head. "As if we'd ever cared about that." he adds, wrapping your sole point in his mouth.
He fucks you on his studio table with your legs around his waist and his tongue playing with both your breasts, the tattoo sketches long forgotten, scattered on the floor as he whispers against your flesh something that sounds a lot like 'I love you'.
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10th Doctor, Brave
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(not my gif!)
10th Doctor x reader
warnings: mentions of anxiety. but overall a fluffy oneshot with a slightly angsty ending?  word count: 2000! got carried away with this one but i don’t care. i had so much fun writing this! request: Ola could do a picture with Doctor ten and reader / fem with the music phil collins - you'll be in my heart
A/N: before all of you read it, i just want to remind you how brave all of you are. even if you don’t know it. you just need to be shown that you are capable of everything. i love you guys so much. thank you for the never-ending support. mary xx
Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
And hold it tight
 The Doctor came when she needed him the most, crushed by her own expectations and broken spines of old university books. Y/N measured her worth in coffee cups and hours she spent not-sleeping. She couldn’t be the judge of her beauty, she was way past looking at herself on the mirror, striving to gain knowledge to please everyone around her. She wouldn’t allow herself to fail, even if it meant running on fumes with limbs shaking from a caffeine overdose.
Afraid of failure, that’s who she was.
But we all have our limits, don’t we? Apparently, Y/N’s limit was the Latin exam, the one that got lost in her mind, tucked between a fifteen pages long essay due Monday, and an oral presentation that was supposed to take place the next day. Even the books in the library – usually her friend – seemed to judge her incompetence. Absurd thoughts filled her mind – maybe if she hid under the table and closed her eyes people would just forget that she existed? Maybe she would forget that she existed.
“Taurus agricola fugat,” she mumbled, tightly hugging her knees, her stomach turning into a big knot of nervousness, a bitter taste in her mouth. “No! Agricolae taurum fugat. N-”
“Why are you crying in Latin?” A pair of converse-covered feet peeked under the table, soon to be followed by a head full of ruffled, chaotic hair and concerned deep-brown eyes.
“I’m trying to bring back the Roman Empire to life,” the bitter joke escaping her lips mixed with a waterfall of tears streaming down her pale cheeks.
“Come on then, it’s not a place to do that.” The man reached out his hand and she grabbed it without hesitation, holding it tight. His fingers were slim, tender and warm, bringing comfort to all the cells inside her body that shrunk with the terror of the upcoming exam. “I’m the Doctor by the way.”
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
 Y/N pounded on the chamber’s door with great force, her knuckles turning pale and bloody. She was suffocating, but not because of the lack of air. Her body decided to shut down, anxiety shaking her bones to the core.
A small window provided the girl with a view on a narrow, long corridor. She looked around to find something heavy to crush the electrical mechanism of the lock, the lasts of adrenaline kicking into her bloodstream. There was nothing around her, she knew that already, but she couldn’t give up. The Doctor would give up.
 Soon enough Y/N found herself on the floor, the walls getting closer and closer, pressing against her back and knees. She could do so much more, right? Discover the world beyond the coffee-stained pages of the university books, brush her fingers against the ancient ground – only with a snap of the Doctor’s fingers. He promised her that. He said she would be safe with him, only if she took his hand and held it tight.
The ship was about to collapse and the Doctor ran towards the vault. Y/N forced herself onto her feet, knees bending with fear. She could decipher her name from the movement from his lips. The coat floated outside of his slim figure, not being able to catch up with his fast movements. Even the time he was slowly running out of couldn’t stop him.
“Don’t you dare cry, Y/N! I will be there!” And soon she was. In his arms. With only one problem: the ship was about to collapse.
For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry
 Y/N wasn’t afraid to cry in front of the Daleks. It was good to show them her humanity, to remind them what they weren’t capable of. “Cry baby” they used to call her, but she wasn’t embarrassed by her feelings by now. The Doctor showed her the beauty of them, the beauty hidden within.
“You don’t seem to know who he is,” Y/N laughed bitterly, angrily wiping the tears escaping her eyes. Resting her ear against both of the Doctor’s hearts, reassured by their beating, she got up slowly, limping on her left feet. The sudden explosion knocked out both of them and she was the first one to regain consciousness.
The Time Lord laid on the ground, sonic screwdriver abandoned on the ground. Without a playful smile on his lips and sparkling eyes, he seemed out of place, like an impostor, and that broke her heart. But he needed her, even if she was small and fragile. He didn’t teach her to be strong, he simply showed her how.
She faced the Dalek, resting her teared-up but furious eyes on the creature. She would take one step at the time, just like the Doctor taught her, gravel shifting under her feet.
“He is the Doctor.” The Dalek screeched. “He has been exterminated. And so will you be.”
“He is so much more than the Doctor.” She moved further, jumping on her right feet, the sprained ankle sending fireworks of pain to her synapses. “And so am I.”
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart
 “Are you sure about this?” Y/N asked him, holding onto the sleeves of the Doctor’s jacket. He wasn’t terrified, not at all. A goofy grin lit his face when the heavy wind hit their figures. How they still stood in the middle of a storm was an enigma to Y/N. Maybe the Time Lords defied the laws of gravity.
“Was I ever sure about anything?”
“Don’t be cocky!” The companion scolded him, earning another boyish laugh from the Doctor. He expected her to jump off a building. Not any building; the highest building in the world. She rested her eyes on his face, focusing on counting the freckles on his cheeks. She knew that if she even dared to trail off her gaze towards the void beneath them, she would most likely faint.
“Thought you were deadly scared of heights, and here you are, lecturing me. I adore you, Y/N Y/S.” The girl shivered at how her surname sounded in Doctor’s lips. He made her feel like she was a giant, capable of anything. No matter if it was a Latin exam, deadly Dalek, or a collapsing ship.
“Allons-y before I change my mind?” Gripping on to his arms, Y/N took the first leap. They were so close she could feel the Time Lord’s eyelashes tickling her cheek.
 Why can't they understand the way we feel
They just don't trust what they can't explain
I know we're different, but deep inside us
We're not that different at all
 Even though they were so different – hell they weren’t even the same species – they belonged to each other. When one was anxious, the other one filled them with hope. When one needed slowing down, the other one told him to take a deep breath. The Doctor and Y/N found themselves in a curve of time, imprinted as a mere fraction in the universe’s history. It wasn’t possible and yet it was.
 “What is this called again?” Y/N gasped, examining a tiny object in her hand. The surface of a shining ball seemed to shift it’s constellations and orbits every time she turned it around. The Doctor had told her that she was holding a miniature universe in her hands. “I mean, it’s not possible. In my physics classes, we’ve-,”
“Haven’t I proven to you that physics is so much more than school education? You can’t simply grasp it. It’s intangible. Well,” he stopped himself and cupped her hands with his own, “usually. Right now you are holding physics in your hands.”
“Physics, physics, physics?” Y/N reminded him, meeting his eyes and he smiled at her.
“Physics, physics, physics.”
She could hear the happiness stroking his vocal cords.
Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know
We need each other, to have, to hold
They'll see in time, I know
 “Ah, the Doctor and one of his pets. At last.” A voice echoed throughout the empty hall of the Westminster Palace. Who would have thought that the current Prime Minister was indeed a Reptile? Well, only the people on the internet.
“Yes, nice to meet you. Or not. Funny enough, you’re the one that resembles a…pet.” Y/N cocked her head to the side and looked up at the Doctor’s expression. She carefully studied his face, how his nose curved and the subtle raise of his right eyebrow.
“Twelve million people just punched the air,” The Doctor snickered and leaned onto the wall. “Sorry, a mistake in calculations. You can add two more people to that number. You know why? Never let me near all those buttons.” The sonic screwdriver pointed at the secret panel hidden behind a painting of one of the kings of Britain. Probably a Reptilian also.
“Are we officially a number one enemy of United Kingdom?”
“Oh yes! Yes, we are!”
When destiny calls you, you must be strong
I may not be with you
But you got to hold on
They'll see in time, I know
We'll show them together
 Old Y/N would cry at this point – terrified of alien destruction, the Time Lords pulling through time itself, the unpredictability of the Master. It was time to be strong. She had to, the Doctor counted on her. The whole world did.
The Doctor didn’t need to hear the four knocks coming from the chamber, radiation levels rocketing on the panel where Y/N stood. The Time Lord already knew what had to be done, it was his time, his song was ending. He didn’t think of the things he could do if he had the opportunity, because he knew his Y/N could do so much more. Brave to stand where she stood, facing all the dangers and the end of the universe itself.
“It’s an honour, Y/N.”
“Please, don’t.”
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there
 In his last hours, he allowed himself to push the leaver inside the Tardis and see Y/N for the last time. He went way back, crippled by pain, and peaked outside the blue door, seeing his beloved one walking on the sidewalk, buried with notes, ready to study for the Latin exam she had forgotten about. In just a couple of hours, they would meet for the first time, only she didn’t know it yet. But he did – the burden of the Time Lords, wasn’t it?
“Please, look over your shoulder,” he pleaded, his voice at the point of breaking, sharp pain bending his back, deep brown eyes hidden behind tightly shut eyelids.
“Y/N, please. Please look over your shoulder.”
But she didn’t. The last thing he saw before shutting the Tardis’ door was the time machine of his past self and the Doctor’s head peaking onto the street. He envied him.
The younger Doctor looked over his shoulder, staring confusedly at a disappearing time machine. A feeling in his two hearts told him to visit the library nearby.
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ncityislove · 5 years
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➳Pairing: Fem. reader x Barista!Hosoek
➳Genre: smut (porn with a teensy bit of plot)
➳Warnings: obviously sexual content, soft dom!Hosoek, thigh riding, oral (Hosoek receiving), slight man handling
In the midst of exams season, you completely embarrass yourself in front of a gorgeous barista. you decide to forget the cringe-worthy memory, content on the fact that you’ll never see him again but it seems that life has other plans when you run into him at the club a few weeks later.
The evening sun illuminated the busy coffee shop in a pretty golden orange. Finals were just around the corner so the place was packed full of college students. Your roommate, Jungkook, went in first and you trekked behind him, rubbing at your tired eyes. You weren't really in the best mood so you hoped you didn't run into anyone you knew.
"See, it's not that bad right?" Jungkook asked, nudging your arm.
You nodded numbly, brushing past him in hopes to get out of there as soon as possible. You made the mistake of choosing too many A.M classes resulting in you oversleeping almost every morning. Of course maybe if you weren't out all night till the crack of dawn with your equally idiotic friends every night then that wouldn't be the case. You had no one to blame but yourself and you were mentally kicking yourself in the face for it. You've been pulling all-nighters for the past week trying to catch up but failing miserably because believe it or not, teaching yourself a college course in philosophy isn't very easy.
Jungkook basically dragged you out of your mess of a room for a coffee break. He had been bugging you all week, distracting you with his worries and concerns for you. You finally gave in after his endless begging and whining, figuring you were just wasting time, knowing how stubborn he could be.
Jungkook engrossed you into a back hug as you settled in your spot in line. You did a quick once over the menu deciding on the cheapest beverage. As much as you were annoyed by your roommate's actions, you were thankful for the break. You were starting to go stir crazy from being cooped up in your room too long and the change of scenery was nice—not that you'd ever admit it.
"__, you're next," Jungkook said, pushing you towards the counter.
You snapped out of your thoughts as you approached the barista waiting to take your order but just when you opened your mouth she put a finger in the air silencing you.
"Sorry, my shift just ended!"
You blinked taken aback by her sudden outburst, watching with your mouth hanging open as she dashed out the door, flinging her apron on a hook as she went.
You looked back at Jungkook to see if he witnessed the same thing you did and he looked as shocked as you, a little angry even. You rubbed his shoulder, calming him down.
Could that lady be any ruder? Even if her shift ended she still could've taken your order or at least not interrupt you before running off.
"What a bitch," you muttered to yourself.
"Hi! Are you guys ready to order?" called out a silvery voice. Finally.
"Yes, please. I'd like a—" you're voice got caught in your throat when your eyes landed on the barista taking your order. He was utterly attractive, his dark hair parted in the center, revealing the golden tan skin of his forehead. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and you were almost drooling at the sight of the toned flesh.
Jungkook giggled behind you and your face flushed when you realized how long you were standing there with your jaw to the ground.
"A-americano, please." That wasn't even what you wanted but it was the first thing that came to mind.
"Iced or hot?" the man asked, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Uhhhhh..." shit shit shit shit— "Surprise me."
The barista nodded, pressing a few buttons on the register before asking your name, which thankfully, you managed to get out like a normal person.
Jungkook was next, giggling in between his order and you hid your face behind his back in embarrassment.
"I'll have your drinks ready in a bit," the barista said with a blinding smile before turning his back to fix your drinks.
Jungkook pulled you to the side. "Surprise me?"
You threw your head into your hands. "I don't know—I panicked!"
Jungkook patted your shoulder sympathetically. "It's alright, you'll probably never see him again, anyways."
"Yeah, you're right," you said, feeling somewhat better. "It's too bad, though. He's really cute."
"I guess," he agreed with a tilt to his head. "He looks like the guys you typically fall for but you can do better."
You scoffed, shoving him a little as your names were called and you and Jungkook went to retrieve your drinks.
After that, you never thought too much about that day. The beautiful barista left your mind as soon as you got back home, re-focusing on your studies with a determination to pass. You did pass, too. Not as good as you hoped but you did well.
With finals out of the way, you were excited to kick the summer off with your friends. Jungkook tugged you along the halls of your shared apartment, skipping in excitement. He didn't enjoy going out without you, mostly because he knew he was out getting drunk when you were at home studying but also because you were his wingman. It felt like ages since you went out with the guys and he was practically jumping out of his shoes with excitement.
"Kookie, wait! My purse!" you laughed, your hand extending towards your bag lying on the table.
"I got it!!" he yelled, swiftly snatching it, then yanking you out the door towards the car full of boys.
"Ayooo!! There's our girl!" Jimin exclaimed from the car window.
"Did you miss me?" you asked, squishing yourself between Yoongi and Namjoon.
"Hell yeah, we all did!" Taehyung said, turning around to give your leg a squeeze from the driver's seat.
"Especially Jimin," Namjoon added.
"Your absence has truly proven these guys can't get a single chick without your help," Yoongi chuckled.
Jungkook squeezed in next, smashing your body uncomfortably against Yoongi.
"God, Kookie, you really need to get your license. I forgot how cramped it gets in here."
"Me? Why can't you get your license?!"
Jimin giggled at the two of you. "Let's get going, shall we?"
Taehyung drove downtown to some club you never heard of that Jin mentioned. When you parked, he was waiting for you at the entrance. He slid his phone into the back pocket of his skinny jeans as you approached him.
"__! Haven't seen you in forever. How've you been holding up?" He gave you a quick hug as he slapped Jimin on the shoulder.
"Great now that school's over actually. How about you?"
"Been feeling a little empty without you getting white-girl-wasted every night."
You made a face at him and he gave your head a few pats that had you flattening the top of your hair with the palms of your hands.
"C' mon I've already bought us a section," Jin yelled over his shoulder.
The rest of you followed in suit, the vibration of the music throttling your bones as you entered the dark club. Jin led you to the back of the club where there was a long sofa and a small glass table. Tonight was a good night to go out, you thought as you looked over the crowd of people on the dance floor.
"This must be the hot spot. Jin hyung why've you been keeping this place a secret from us?" Taehyung inquired from the edge of the sofa.
"I just found out about it myself so please refrain from accusing me of things I didn't do. Now, go get me a beer."
Taehyung pouted but headed to the bar without a complaint.
"Get me one too!" you called after him but he couldn't hear you over the music. You cursed as you chased after him.
You reached him just as he ordered a beer for Jin and himself.
"Oh!" he yelled as he turned to find you standing behind him. "Damnit, I thought you were a hot chick," he frowned.
"What're you implying?" you folded your arms across your chest.
Taehyung smiled widely. "Nothing! You're the hottest girl in the room—no, the world!"
"That's what I thought," you said squinting. "Excuse me, Miss," you waved down the bartender. "Can I get a bud light, please? Add that to his bill."
Taehyung's head whipped towards you at that. "Hey!"
"Coming right up," the girl smiled before going off to help another customer.
"I'm not paying for that," Taehyung declared, shaking his head.
Just then, a man with a strikingly handsome face caught your eye as he ordered a drink behind Taehyung. You gawked at his beauty, your eyes eating up the pair of toned arms exposed in his muscle tee. It wasn't until you stepped to get a closer look until you realized you knew those pair of tanned arms. You gasped, ducking in front of Taehyung.
"What's wrong?" he asked, his arms immediately wrapping around you.
"Don't look now but there's a really hot guy that I know behind you."
Taehyung turned his head, looking over his shoulder.
"Tae!! I just said don't look!" you scolded, pinching his wrist but not enough to actually hurt him.
"The guy wearing the chains? How do you always end up dating all the rich guys?"
"Oh please, he works at a coffee shop—and we're not dating. I don't even know his name."
"Want me to find out?" he asked turning away.
"No!!" you shrieked, pulling him back. "Let's just get our drinks and go, okay?"
Taehyung pursed his lips, wanting to say more but nodding his head.
You let out a breath of relief when he did as you asked and you went back to your section.
You ran to Jungkook as soon as you saw him, interrupting his conversation with Yoongi. "Guess who's here? Oh, fuck me. Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
"Calm down and tell me what happened. What's going on?"
You groaned, carding a hand through your hair. "The guy from the coffee shop. I saw him at the bar."
"No way!" Jungkook giggled. "That barista that had you tripping over your own feet?"
"It's not funny, Kook! What if he sees me? I gotta get outta here."
"Well, I think it's too late for that," a smirk formed on his lips.
Oh no. Nothing good ever came from that smile. "Why?...what do you mean by that?"
"He knows you're here," he answered, his eyes trained somewhere behind you.
You froze in your spot and Jungkook started laughing all over again.
"There's someone burning a hole in the back of your head at the bar, __," Namjoon said, sitting next to you.
You sank down beside him, your head in your hands. "Great. Just great."
"Yeah, you just walked in and you already got someone for the night. You still got it," he chuckled.
"No. I don't. I never had it, Joon," you grumbled, sulking as you sipped your drink.
He gave Jungkook an odd look, resulting in him doubling over in laughter again.
"Listen, I don't think it's as bad as you think. I mean, I think he's interested in you," said Jungkook.
"No way, he's probably laughing at me right now," you disagreed.
"Not at all," Taehyung said, perching himself on the table. "He's been looking at you since we got our drinks."
Your eyes widened. "What?"
"He's still looking too. It's kinda creepy," Jungkook said, glancing at the bar.
"He's not creepy," you slapped his thigh.
"Just a bit, Namjoon chimed in. "You should go talk to him."
"Are you kidding me? He already knows I'm hot for him if I go over there he'll think I'm both desperate and an idiot."
"Everyone already thinks that about you, __, what're you so afraid of?" Jungkook asked.
"Wait, everyone thinks I'm what?"
"If you're really so worried about looking desperate we can go dance near him and he'll come to you." Taehyung offered.
"Thanks, Tae, I really appreciate it but—"
"C' mon, please?"He begged. "It's been so long since we've gone out and Jimin's already out there having fun without us," he whined.
You could see Jimin grinding on some skinny brunette holding up a Corona, the smile on his face visible even from a distance. You had to admit it did look like fun.
"I don't know..."
"I'll take that as a yes! C'mon guys let's go!" he shouted, taking his beer in one hand and your wrist in the other.
You didn't bother resisting your friends as they paraded down to the bar, jumping around goofily as they took turns twirling you around. You tried not to be so obvious as you searched the bar for any sign of your hot barista but he was nowhere in sight. You couldn't help but be a little disappointed.
"Maybe he went to the bathroom?" Jungkook shouted over the music.
You shrugged and continued dancing with your friends until your favorite song came on and the boys, knowing this, started hyping you up. You grabbed the closest boy to you, which happened to Namjoon at the moment, and put his hands on your hips. Getting the hint, he began grinding his hips against your ass and the boys began to hoot and holler. You pressed your bodies close against each other, letting his hands guide your movements, matching the rhythm of the upbeat song blaring in your ears.
After a while everyone began to split up, finding their person of interest for the night, leaving you and Jungkook to remain by the bar. You suggested to go back to your section to rest for a bit and Jungkook nodded.
You let out a grunt as you plopped your tired body onto the couch, Jungkook slumping into the cushions next to you. You closed your eyes, wiping away the sweat that formed at your forehead.
"__," Jungkook called.
You hummed in response, not even bothering to open your eyes.
"__, look," he said, elbowing your side.
"I don't feel like it," you said as your head dipped onto his sweaty shoulder.
"Uhh, __, seriously, you should open your eyes."
"Just tell me what it is, Kook," you groaned. You opened your eyes, expecting to see the face of your annoying roommate but was instead met with a ice cold Bud Light being offered to you by none other than the man you've been searching for all night.
"Oh," was all that you could manage to get out as the gloriously beautiful man gave you a dazzling smile.
"I thought you could use this," he said, his hand lifting towards you a little.
"Thanks," you said, taking the cold bottle and pressing it to your forehead briefly.
"Umm...I'll be right back...I should uhh...yeah," Jungkook trailed off, leaving the two of you alone with a knowing smile.
"Is it okay if I sit here?" the man asked and you quickly signaled him to take the spot where Jungkook previously was.
"So, was that your brother?" he asked. He sat down so close to you that your thighs were touching.
"Roommate," you corrected. Your heart was hammering in your chest, the beautiful stranger seeming even more godly closeup.
"Ah, I see," he nodded in understanding. "I saw you dancing out there. You're pretty good."
"Not really," you chuckled. "I'm only good at dirty dancing."
He tilted his head at that. "Interesting. You want me to open that for you?" he asked, gesturing towards your beer.
You handed it to him and he took a bottle opener lying on the table, popping the lid off and returning it back to you.
You took a few gulps, the cold liquid soothing your parched throat.
"So, uhh.."
"Hosoek," he finished for you.
"So, Hoseok," you paused to admire the glimmer in his eyes as he looked at you expectantly. "Do you...remember me?"
His hand landed on your knee as he chuckled. "Of course I remember you. I'd never forget a face as pretty as yours."
You hid your smile behind your bottle. This guy was as smooth with his words as his voice was to your ears.
"I was kinda hoping you wouldn't remember," you said, your cheeks reddening at the embarrassing memory.
Hosoek shook his head. "I thought you were cute. And I still do," his fingers began tracing patterns on the bare skin of your knee.
Your swallowed thickly as your knee started to tingle, the distance between you two closing with each passing second. His cologne filled your nose, overwhelming your senses in a way that you couldn't think straight.
"I also really wanna kiss you right now," he said, licking his lips as he stared at your own. You unconsciously did the same as he leaned in, stopping when your noses began to brush.
"Can I?"
You didn't bother to answer; your brain wasn't functioning well enough even if you wanted to. Instead, you clashed your lips against his.  Hosoek reacted immediately, his lips parting as your hands found purchase on his hard shoulders. His lips were smooth and plush, his tongue prodding into your mouth and you easily opened up to him. You moaned softly in his mouth, causing him to pull you closer to him until you were almost in his lap, your lips moving in perfect sync. It felt as if time was moving slowly but too fast at the same time, every song that played sounded the same, one blending into another.
You didn't know how long you were kissing but when you finally pulled away your lips were swollen sore and Hosoek's chest was rising up and down, trying to catch his breath.
"Do you maybe wanna...?"
"Yes," he answered, not waiting for you to finish your sentence.
You could barely grab your bag before Hosoek took you by the hand, gently guiding you towards the exit.
"__, right? Is my place okay?"
"Perfect." You caught sight of Seokjin in passing and pointed to the door to let him know you were leaving. He simply smirked at you and held his hand up to say goodnight and then you were gone.
He drove a silver Cadillac with windows tinted so dark that you couldn't see inside. The car smelled just like him, a mixture of vanilla and spearmint. He buckled your seat belt for you, his face mere inches from yours. His lips pecked yours briefly and although your lips met for a short moment your knees felt weak.
You didn't know exactly what it was that had you so drawn to him. Maybe it was the confident air he held around him or maybe it was the blinding smile he would send you every now and then that had your heart backpedaling in your chest. Whatever it was, you couldn't keep your hands to yourself no matter how hard you tried. At first, it was a few innocent touches, your fingers ghosting over the warm skin of his cheeks down to the harsh bone of his jaw. From there you traced the dips of his collarbone, overwhelmed with the sudden urge to kiss the very spot, so you did. Hoseok tilted his head, giving you more room for your administrations.
The moan he let out reverberated in your core, leaving you hungry for more. Your tongue lapped over the salty skin on his neck as you sucked purple and red bruises onto the flesh.
Hoseok cursed under his breath as his breathing became labored. He started fidgeting in his seat as something stirred awake in his jeans and he found it harder and harder to focus on the road. His hand guided yours to his crotch where you let out a shocked noise when you felt how hard he'd become. You focused your attention on palming him through the material of his jeans as he let out another groan.
He unbuttoned his jeans at a red light and you wasted no time helping him shuffle them down his thighs along with his boxers. His cock hit his stomach with a soft thud and you admired how long and thick he was, your fingers following the veins that adorned it. You let a string of saliva fall onto the tip and let him watch as it traveled down his shaft before you used the palm of your hand to spread it around. Hosoek sighed softly as your hands got to work.
You jerked him off slowly with a twisting motion as you kissed at his collarbone and Hosoek wanted so badly to pull you by the hair and force your pretty mouth so far down his cock that you'd choke but he couldn't. Not yet. After a few minutes, the slow pace of your hands wasn't enough for him anymore so he pulled over on the side of the road.
You paused, a puzzled look on your face. "What are you doing?"
"I can't wait another ten minutes with your hands playing with my dick like that, baby," he breathed, unbuckling his seatbelt.
You giggled softly, doing the same before getting on your hind legs and taking him into your mouth, making a show of how much you were enjoying sucking him off.
He bit his lip as he took in a sharp inhale, his fingertips massaging the muscles in the back of your neck. You tried your best to take as much of him as you could and fisted the rest that you couldn't take. His breath caught in his throat when you gagged a little, amazed at how fast he was coming undone because of you.
You felt him move your hair to the side so he to get a better view of his cock falling in and out of your mouth and when you looked up at him it took everything in him to not lose his mind right then and there. He found himself coming closer to cumming than he anticipated so he tried to stop you but you wouldn't let up.
"I'm gonna cum baby, slow down," he was damn near begging you but you shook your head, pulling yourself off of his twitching member only to push his legs further apart to lick a stripe across his balls, sucking harshly on each one.
"Fuck, fuck, don't stop," he whimpered.
Your fingers formed a ring around his sensitive, red tip as your teeth scraped against his balls and that's what sent him hurdling over the edge, strings of white painting his black shirt. You coaxed him through his orgasm, praising him as you milked him of the rest of his juices, sucking the fluid off your fingers.
Hosoek's head was slumped against the headrest, his cheeks flushed and sweaty. He shook his head at you in disbelief and you only smiled at him.
"When we get back to my place, I'm gonna ruin you," he warned as he pulled you in for a rough kiss that had the inside of your panties feeling sticky.
The ride to his house was filled with so much tension, you could slice the air with a knife. You fidgeted just about the whole time, your stomach twisting itself into knots just thinking about what was to come.
You stood closely behind him as he unlocked the door, a nervous mess. You were second guessing being here with a man so...him. It felt unreal that he'd be attracted to you when he could easily have his way with a model or some Oscar-winning actress or something.
Your fingers shook as Hoesok stepped aside to let you in, a dangerous smile on his lips as he watched you walk past him. His house was quaint. It resembled the type set-up you'd see at IKEA but still managed to look homey at the same time. While you were curiously looking around, Hosoek had already removed his shoes and was running up behind you to lift you over his shoulders causing you to yelp.
"If you want a house tour," he said, carrying you back to the front of the house as you laughed. "I'd be glad to show you around later, but for now..." he let you back down, grabbing your hand and leading you to his bedroom.
Your heart was beating so fast you could hear the blood rushing in your ears and you prayed he didn't feel the tremble of your hands as he guided you to his room. He sat down on the side of the bed, opening his arms to you. You gladly fell into his embrace, his hands lifting your ass signaling you to straddle his lap.
Your lips captured his with a sense of urgency, your tongue sliding into his mouth with ease. He pulled you down with him as his back fell onto the bed, the springs sighing at your combined weight. His hands ran up your sides, his mouth moving slowly against yours. His lips tasted sweet like the fruity chaser mixed with his liquor. You entangle your fingers in his dark locks, moaning into this kiss as his fingers work to unhook your bra. He cups your bare breasts under your shirt, loving the little whimpers you make when he gently squeezes them. You draw his shirt up and his lips part from yours for a second to throw it over his head to some random place on the floor and then he's kissing you again.
His kisses get lower and lower as he unfastens your jeans and roughly pulls them down your legs. You struggle to kick them off without breaking the kiss and Hosoek chuckles. Once they're off, Hosoek doesn't hesitate to hook his thumbs in the side of your panties and remove them, nearly ripping them in the process.
"Ride my thigh," he instructed.
You comply immediately, so desperate at this point you were willing to take anything to get some type of relief. You ground hips against his jean-clad thigh, a long whine leaving your lips as you repeated the motion. Hosoek buried one hand under his head as he used the other to help guide your hips, his teeth capturing his bottom lip. The textured material of jeans felt heavenly as you rubbed your clit over it, throwing your head back as you sped up.
"Not too fast," he instructed.
You slowed down reluctantly, whimpering. His hand smoothed over your ass then up your back as he hummed in approval, his thigh flexing under you as a reward. Your legs shook at the sudden increase of pleasure, your eyes closing as your mouth hung open.
You cursed as you felt the coil on your stomach winding up tighter. Hosoek pushed you against him faster, your juices making it easy to glide across the material. The hard-on in his jeans was now very visible and you wanted him to fuck you already, your patience running thin with his teasing and games. You wanted to cum from his cock, not like this, but you felt yourself hurdling over the edge before you could stop it, moaning loudly as your knees buckled, your legs too tired to hold your weight anymore.
Hosoek caught you by the arms, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.
"Do you think you can take my fingers yet?"
You let out a noise in disbelief. "Hosoek, please, I want you."
"Hmm, is that so?" he asks with a lift of his brow. "You've been eager all night, couldn't even wait till we got home to suck my cock."
You shuddered at his words, another whimper escaping your throat.
Hoesok traced a finger down your dripping heat and you gasped, arching into his touch. "I could play with you all night if you'd let me."
"Hoesok..." you bent over to kiss his lips. "No more teasing, okay? I need you. Please?"
He thought for a second before agreeing. "Fine, I'll let you have your way just this once. But don't think you're in control, babe."
Hosoek flicked the hem of your shirt with his finger, signaling you to remove the last garment of clothing. You obeyed, your eyes trained on his as he rid himself of his clothes as well.
"On your stomach, sweetheart. Perk that cute little ass of your up for me."
You excitedly followed his commands, getting into the position he wanted. You felt him move behind you, then the sound of foil unraveling—presumably a condom—then he pressed his tip against your slit.
"Let me know if it's too much, okay, love?"
You nodded your head against the covers, holding your breath as you waited for him to move. He rubbed himself on your slit, wet, lewd noises filling the air.
"Hoesok," you pleaded.
"Sorry, I just can't help myself," he chortled, finally pushing into you with a sigh.
You groaned, his girth giving you a pleasant stretch that had you arching your back. He pulled out of you then slowly thrusted back in, fucking you at a painfully slow pace. You pushed your hips back, desperate for more, meeting him halfway and he grunted, his hand grabbing your wrists and binding them behind your back. Goosebumps littered your skin as a shock wave of pleasure crashed over your body, your breaths coming out uneven and broken. Hosoek was no better, his breathing just as ragged as he egged you on with his dirty words.
You couldn't see him from this position but you could vividly imagine his face contorted in an expression somewhere in between pleasure and pain, his tongue peeking through his lips just as it was in the car as he watched you take his lithe cock on your mouth. Sweat was probably already forming at the back of his neck and chest, giving him that glorious glow. You wanted so badly to see his face, to look him in the eyes as he pounded into your heat.
Hosoek loved the view from his position, your ass perked up for him, watching as he repeatedly sheathed and unsheathed himself inside of you. He wanted to take his time with you but the way you were mewling out his name for him had him losing control. The grip on your wrists was tight enough to be painful but neither of you could notice when Hosoek was hellbent on drilling into you until you became utterly undone.
You fisted the sheets, moaning into the covers when his length hit a particular spot, his name rolling off of your tongue shamelessly with each stroke. He felt himself slipping away already, his balls becoming tight as he tried to hold himself off. He kissed down your back, slowing down for a moment, which felt all too long for you. You clenched around him, sucking him back into your soaking heat. His hips jutted forward as he moaned, his warm breath falling over the side of your face.
The bed squeaked as Hosoek filled you up completely, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head. You were coming to your end, tears welling up in your eyes, as you warned him. This only spurred him on, his strong arms lifted you so you were pressed against his back, a loud curse coming from you, his length somehow reaching deeper inside of you.
"I'm close," he grunted. "Fuck, you're so tight."
You mewled in response, your mind failing to form words.
Hoesok came first, his face falling into your neck as he moaned your name. You came a few seconds later, your head falling back on his chest as you clutched onto him, moaning and wailing.
Hosoek laughed, his arms squeezing around your waist. "I'm glad I met you. God, your amazing."
You let out a shaky breath, struggling to keep your composure. "I am pretty amazing, aren't I?"
Hosoek laughed again, help you off of him as he laid you down under the covers.
"You're such a tease," you complained.
Hosoek joined you under the sheets after discarding the used condom. "And you're fun to play with."
You shook your head at him, your eyelids starting to feel heavy. "We have to this again some time."
Hosoek propped his chin in between the valley of your breasts with a cheeky grin. "We can go again in the morning?"
You scoffed, your eyes closed now. "As long as you're making breakfast."
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nero-spardas · 5 years
study break - leon kennedy.
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title: study break.
pairing: leon kennedy x reader.
word count: 2,491
warnings: explicit smut (oral sex), cursing.
summary: leon visits you at the library during exam season and thinks you need a break from studying. you decide to play along.
a/n: this takes place in a college setting! this is kind of an au/pre-raccoon city, so take it as you want! honestly this is also just pure trash and probably a bit ooc but whatever, lmao. you can also find this on my ao3! 
Exam season always takes a toll on you. This is common knowledge among your friend group and often the butt of jokes during April and May. They make jokes about your hyperness from the copious amounts of coffee you'd drank, they make jokes about the bags that rest under your eyes from too many all-nighters; the list could go on for eternity. In the early stage of exam season, you can handle the jokes and dish it back. In the later stage, that’s a different story.
In the later stage, they know you always have your head crammed into textbook after textbook. They also don’t become surprised when you stop showing up to hang out with them. They all know you live in the campus’ library until the end of May, and they don’t expect anything else. If you weren’t spending all your time there, they would probably begin questioning if something was wrong. Gradually, they all eventually come to visit, but they also know you like to be alone. Distractions are the last thing you need, they all know that.
Your eyes gazed down at the Economic textbook in front of you, your index finger running itself under each word as you read. You’re focused and actually soaking in the material. Of course, it’s just your luck that it’s short-lived.
A pair of muscular arms snake themselves around your chest from behind you, the warm breath of someone hitting the back of your right ear. You already know who it is before the familiar voice enters both ears. “Figured I would find you here.”
Leon Kennedy, your best friend from high school. The day you both found out you had been accepted to the same college, it was the best day of your lives. During exam season, it becomes the worst day of your life. 
“You know I’m busy.” Your tone is stern, eyes not daring to lift themselves up from your textbook.
Leon removes his arms from your torso before resting his hands on your shoulders. “I thought you could use some company. I needed to get away from Chris and Claire, too. They’re starting to drive me a bit crazy.” 
“Yeah? You’re already driving me crazy.” You finally turn your head over your shoulder, becoming face to face with him. The frown across your lips must speak heavily because Leon furrows his eyebrows immediately after.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t realize I was actually going to end up bothering you –”
“No, it’s not you,” you cut him off mid-sentence, sighing. “I’m just on edge. I’ve been studying all day and I feel like I haven’t made any progress, you know?”
Leon nods once, removing his hands from your shoulders. He moves towards the table you’re working at before sitting on the edge of it, arms crossing themselves over his chest. “You should probably take a break.”
You stifle a laugh. A loud one. “A break? You think I haven’t taken one?” Annoyance laces itself in your stony tone, your gaze directly meeting his. The words were harsher than you originally intended. 
“Doesn’t look like it. I know you’re still wearing the same makeup you had on from yesterday.” He shoots back, gesturing towards your face. You don’t even need to look in a mirror, you know what he means. You can feel the dried streaks of mascara resting under your eyes, black specks most likely resting on your cheeks. 
With a deep sigh, you shrug at his words. “I’ve been a little busy.”
“Obviously, which is why you need a break.” He reiterates, his head cocking itself to the side.
“That’s really funny coming from the guy who’s thinking of dropping out.” You snort, watching as Leon’s facial expression drops. It becomes too displeased, even for your liking. You knew Leon had been thinking about dropping out; the idea of joining the Raccoon City Police Department had been floating around in his head for months, practically ever since you both arrived here. He had even looked into the police academy, how long it would training would take, all the crucial factors – that meant he was serious about it.
Leon’s mouth opened as if he was ready to retaliate to your words, only to close it shortly after. He stood up from the table and nodded at you, his facial expression not fading. “Nice one, Y/N. Real nice.” He dragged his final sentence, ire dancing behind his words. He began moving away, his eyes set on the library doors.
“Oh, Leon,” you reached out and grabbed his forearm, making him halt in his place beside your chair. “You know I was only joking. I didn’t actually mean anything by it, I swear.” Your opposite hand is raised upwards in the form of surrender, offering a small apologetic smile. 
His eyes rolled, his piercing icy gaze meeting yours. You could swear you felt light shivers being sent down the back of your spine, a sense of heat filling up between your thighs. When he had that look, it made your knees feel weak. It was a rare facial expression, but it spoke levels. “Are you taking a break or not?”
Leaning back in your seat again, you groaned. You glanced around the library, thinking of your options. Before you knew it, you felt a pair of lips planting themselves on the side of your neck, moving upwards towards your jaw slowly. They were soft and gentle, almost tempting yourself to turn your head slightly so they had easier access. Your breathing hitched for a moment, a gulp following. You have to be fucking kidding me.
“Shit – uh, fuck, what are you doing?” You stammered as your eyebrows shot up. 
Leon’s lips smirked against your skin, murmuring into your neck. “Take a break, Y/N. Come on.”
You knew exactly what he was insinuating and the offer was tempting. Really tempting. You knew Leon was experienced, it was another ongoing joke between your mutual friends; the number of times he had kicked Chris out of their dorm and left him sleeping in the hallway. (It had also been vice versa many times; that was beside the point.) But how would you and your best friend be able to bounce back from this? 
Your teeth bit down on the inside of your cheek lightly, an attempt of keeping your composure cool. Eyes scanning over the library, you take note of your surroundings. The librarians were all occupied on their computers, not bothering to pay attention to either of you. Besides the librarians, it was fairly empty – students were scattered about, but not enough to fill the entire library.
Before you could even argue with yourself, your legs had pushed themselves up from the chair and you grabbed Leon’s hand, practically yanking him to the darkest corner of the library – the fiction section. Spinning around, you came face to face with him for a moment. His expression had gone from smug to one of a disquiet puppy. He looked adorable, like the same Leon you had met on your first day of high school, and it made your core jolt with even more heat. You didn’t dare waste any more time, though. 
Your lips slammed themselves against his, kissing him desperately as you push him against one of the bookshelves. There’s an intenseness hidden behind it and for a moment, you’re intoxicated in it. You needed this and by the way he tightly gripped your hips, you could tell he needed this too. The thought of his hips being so close to yours makes your knees feel weak and you’re glad he swerved an arm around your waist at that very second, almost as if he could read your mind. Your left arm curves itself around his neck, pulling him closer to you as you deepen the kiss, the other allowing your fingers to tug lightly on his dirty blonde hair. The moment you do, he moans into your mouth, a sign to keep doing it. 
Leon breaks the kiss for a second, gathering his breath and you do the same. His fingers come up to cup your cheeks, a look of desire across his features. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” His voice was soft, similar to velvet and it makes you want to melt right there. 
You answer by pressing your lips against his again, barely suppressing a moan that threatens to depart from your throat. Before you knew it, both of his arms had snaked under you and picked you up, your legs wrapping themselves around him as your hands cupped themselves around his face. You kept the kiss going until he laid you across one of the four empty tables, his eyes gazing over you. His tongue flicked across his bottom lip and you stifle a moan at the sight, your core throbbing at the sight. 
“If we do this, we have to stay quiet.” He whispers and you immediately nod your head. 
“Keep my clothes on too. If someone comes back here, at least I’ll have some pride left.” You mumble, earning a quiet chuckle from Leon. A soft smile forms across his features before he moves over you, his forearm resting against the table before leaning down for a kiss. Your arms wrap themselves around his neck and your tongues battle for dominance. His hands run themselves up and down your thighs before his right-hand slips into the waistband of your jeans, wandering under your panties. You gasp at the contact, his index finger tracing over your labia. Your legs spread wider, giving him more room and he slips the first inch of his finger in. 
“Oh god - fuck,” you whimper against his mouth. He chuckles against your lips, the smile never fading before he pulls away. His eyes are trained on you and by the way you’re becoming undone, he knows he has you exactly where he wants. 
His finger pulls out slowly, letting you revel in the moment before he pumps inward again, adding his middle finger into the mix. His fingers curl against the right spot and you give in, a loud moan escaping from your mouth as your back arches. As soon as you realize what you’ve done, you press a hand against your mouth to stifle any other loud embarrassing sounds. You know he’s never going to let you live this down and he’ll make sure to add the fact if you two get caught because you moaned too loud. You don’t want that, even if he probably does. 
Your eyes stare up at the ceiling, his fingers continuing to pump in and out. You can feel your walls tightening around his fingers, your nerves about to burst – 
His fingers pull out completely, a smug smirk placed across his face as he licks his them menacingly. Your gaze meets his, your lips agape as he hovers over you. “You taste amazing, you know.” 
“You’re such a fucking asshole.” You hiss, your hand remaining clasped around your mouth. The fire in your eyes must have been evident because Leon’s stifling back his own laughter at your words. 
“Do you trust me, Y/N?” He questions, standing up from his position on the table. He stands across from you, his gaze practically staring a hole into you. 
Groaning into your hand, you nod your head once at him. The nod was enough for him; Leon makes quick work of your jeans and underwear, tugging them down in a swift motion. He leaves them resting at your ankles, just enough room for him to continue his work on you and so you can pull them up, need be if you’re caught. His large hands grip themselves at your hips, pulling your body down closer to him before his lips begin planting chaste kisses to your inner thighs. Your eyes shut at the sensation, your hand reaching down to his head. Slender digits intertwine themselves in Leon’s hair again, tugging on the strands as he makes his way closer to your core. 
A quick blow on your clit makes you tug even harder on Leon’s hair, a groan leaving his lips before his tongue draws a stripe up your folds. It’s firm and gentle, lapping up and down as you whisper his name into your hand. The tugging on his hair encourages him to go faster, his tongue circling around your clit. He doesn’t dare meet it, leaving you craving for me. You remove your hand from your mouth, your loud breathing filling the corner. Leon’s chuckles add vibrations to your core and you could have come undone right then and there. He must’ve been looking at your face because he finally let the tip of his tongue run over your clit. 
The contact made your squeal, your hips bucking into his face as you tried to connect his tongue to the spot again. He placed a hand on your abdomen, keeping you from moving before dipping his head upwards. He placed his index finger to his mouth, shushing. Your eyes rolled at his gesture, your right hand returning to your mouth as he returned to your folds. 
He made quick work of sucking on your clit, his teeth caressing the bead as you moaned into your mouth. You were on the edge when he lapped his tongue over it for the final time, his name being screamed into your hand as you came undone. Your left hand tugged at his head, encouraging him to continue as your orgasm peaked. 
He continued lapping at your folds, the peak of your orgasm finally fading after what seemed like an eternity. His head lifted up from your thighs and he licked his bottom lip, gathering whatever slick was left. “Enjoy your break?” He asked, his tone filled with lust. He watched as your chest heaved up and down, panting filling the dark corner. You nodded your head as you tried to gather your breath, sitting up on the table.
“Probably the best break I’ve had.” You laughed, offering a small smile. Your E/C eyes stared at him for a few moments before your brows furrowed. “Was this like – a one-time thing?” Your question comes out softer than you anticipated, your gaze faltering to your lap. 
Leon scratched at the back of his neck, his gaze remaining on you. “Do you want it to be a one-time thing? Because, I mean, I got more ideas for breaks — one involving me actually getting to be inside you.”
Your eyes widen at his statement, standing up from the table. You pull your underwear and jeans up, feeling the leftover slick settling against your thighs. You needed a shower. “I think I can fit that break into my schedule.” You quipped, eyebrows raising. 
A smile curved across Leon’s face before he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “I’ll make sure to kick Chris out before you come over.” 
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showingthroughtome · 7 years
somewhere in between - two
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January & February 2012
“I'm trying to save us all from getting hurt with all that flailing you're doing.” She giggled. “Can't you just do the running man or something?” She started the classic dance move, probably looking dumb herself since she was also hopelessly uncoordinated. “You have less of a chance to hurt others with this one.”
“Like this?” He copied her movements exactly. And it turns out, he didn't look half bad doing it - well, not as bad as he could have.
Emptying the contents of her bottle into her mouth before answering, she chuckled, “Magnifico!”
“My bilingual beauty!” Harry grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around, then wrapped her in a drunk hug. With arms tight around her middle, he whispered, “Happy birthday.”
read below - story page - character page
January & February 2012
So it turned out that Lenny had a boyfriend. A really nice, chill boyfriend who came around occasionally but made her so fucking happy. He was older than her by kind of a lot - five years - and he had an IQ no one around the shop could come close to, but none of that ever showed. What showed was his ability to make everyone laugh with his dorkiness or smile over the way he brought Lenny her favorite tea every Saturday shift.
Not long after Harry became aware of Chris’s existence, he let go of the tiny crush he held for Lenny. He still found her insanely beautiful and just plain lovely to be around. But he could easily shift what he felt for her to just friends - he hadn't gotten in deep enough yet for it to be irreversible. Four months into working at the store and he’d call her one of his best friends. Well, her and Toby. Niall, one of his oldest mates, kind of paled in comparison to these two (but not really - they were just the shiny new toys is all).
It was mid-January, and Harry had been off his shift for two hours with no reason to go home. His schedule was still the same - Monday and Friday 10:30-1:30, Tuesday and Thursday 4-9. Lenny had to switch her morning slots with Toby so she could accommodate her 11am French 102 class, but she worked those days from 1:30-4 so Harry still got to see her before he was off to his own classes.
On this particular Monday, Harry's three hour lecture on screenwriting had been cancelled so when it was time for him to leave, and he saw Toby ordering a pizza and plugging in his Wii, he knew he wasn't going anywhere.
“Toby, man, you have to let me win this round!” Harry leaned to the side as he raced around the track in Mario Kart, a big fat 5th place staring him in the face at the top corner. He figured if he tilted his body maybe his Yoshi would go a little bit faster, take the turns a little bit smoother.
“Sorry, bro. Even if I try, you still have to beat four computers which I can't see you doing.”
Harry scoffed at the insinuation. He was sure with enough determination, encouragement from his good friend, and a lot of leaning, he could at least place in the top three.
With only one lap remaining, he knew that wasn't going to happen. And when Lenny came into the break room after her shift, standing in front of the tele to grab a slice of pizza, Harry somehow fell back two more places.
“Thanks a lot, Len.” He huffed and threw his controller on the couch beside him as he watched the winning sequence - Toby's Mario on the highest tier of the winner podium.
“What did I do?” The redhead questioned with a mouth full of pizza, truly confused.
“You got in my way while I was trying to beat Toby's ass.”
Lenny looked over at Toby then to Harry then back to Toby again. She swallowed her bite and was about to apologize when Toby leaned forward, placing a hand to shield his lips from Harry and whispering not so quietly, “Don't worry. He wouldn't have done it anyway.”
“Oh, I know. He’s absolutely shit at video games.” Lenny mimicked Toby with the fake whispering and giggled along with him as Harry crossed his arms and pouted his lips.
“At least I try.”
“Aw, that's right, mate.” She ruffled the very top of Harry's curls before going to the end of the coffee table, away from their mess and dropping her heavy satchel, taking a seat next to it. “You know whose ass is getting kicked? Mine. By French.”
As Harry clicked on a new round, Toby, being the caring lad that he was, asked in the most sympathetic tone, “Oh no. How come?”
“Grammar in another language is harder to comprehend than I ever expected. I thought Syntax II would be killing me but no bloody way.”
Hearing the pure distress in her voice, Harry felt something pluck at his heart. He had come to know a lot of things about her - she was a free spirit but took school extremely serious. She wanted to do well and make everyone proud. When she saw that as a thing she would fail to do, she freaked out. Finals week last semester was absolute hell for her. Even though he couldn't possibly understand how just two weeks into a new semester anyone could be frowning like that, he accepted it when it came to her.
“Do you have any flashcards?” Harry asked, taking his eyes off the screen - he was already in 8th place so it wouldn't really matter if he gave up anyway.
“Do you not know me at all?”
“Give ‘em here.” Harry stretched a large hand in her direction, wiggling his fingers until a stack of about 30 cards were placed there. Harry turned towards Toby. “Win by yourself for a while, okay?”
He slid off the couch and sat opposite Lenny at the coffee table. The smile she offered at his gesture reached from ear to ear and lit up every other feature on her face. It gave him a sense of pride that he could elicit that reaction from her, just because he offered some help.
Before they could start, Toby paused his game and grabbed their attention. “What are we doing for your birthday this year?”
“What do you want to do, Tobs?” Lenny returned, shocking Harry because he thought Toby had somehow found out about his birthday even though he was sure he hadn't mentioned it yet.
“It's not my birthday.” Toby beamed with silliness in his tone.
Ignoring that sheer adorableness, Harry blinked and realized he didn't know when Lenny's birthday actually was. “Wait, Lenora, when is your birthday?”
“The thirty first.”
“No way! Mines the first!”
“What?” Lenny seemed just as shocked and overjoyed by the fact as Harry was, moving to sit on her knees and up straighter. “So, you're like 364 days older than me?”
“That sounds like the right math to me.” He scratched a finger against his temple and ran over the numbers in his head. “I can't believe I've known you for this long and haven't even asked your birthday. I'm so neglectful of you,” he pouted in jest.
Lenny nodded ferociously and wiped a single fake tear across her freckled cheeks. “I'm hurt.”
Toby chuckled at that, fondness in his eyes for the two. “We should do a joint thing for the both of you and just make it extravagant as fuck.”
Lenny and Harry looked at each other and then at the same time exclaimed respectively,
“Love the way you think, mate.”
“You have a beautiful mind.”
“Aw, I love you guys.” The giggly friend closed his eyes and declared warmly, fidgeting with the bottom of his triangle patterned shirt. With every tiny shake of laughter in his shoulders, the curls he had styled upward would bounce on the top of his head.
“Toby, quit being so cute in here.” Jen stuck her head in right as the words left his mouth, cutting off the chance for Harry and Lenny to return their love. “I can hear your giggles all the way out here.”
Harry dropped his jaw, wondering what kind of nerve it took to tell someone as bright as Toby to simmer down. “Let him be.” He patted Toby's knee comfortingly.
“We like it.” Lenny snapped at her friend who disappeared behind the swinging double doors before hearing them out. She turned towards Toby with a smile, “But, we will plan at a later date. I have got to get this French past tense down.” She slammed a fist on her hellish looking textbook.
Toby agreed with a nod and pressed play on his game. Lenny gave Harry the go ahead, prompting him to hold up the first flash card that had vous on one side and avez on the other. It took her a few hints from Harry so by the time she got the right answer, she felt like a cheat and made him put the cards on the do not know pile even after he suggested putting it on top of the small almost there stack.
It was a rare day that Lenny was in the store and not working or studying. It felt bizarre for her to be there and not be on duty or to have a book open somewhere nearby. But it was her day off - Wednesday - and she just had her first oral exam of the semester - three weeks in - so she felt like she deserved some time off.
She didn't even mean to come to the shop that day until Jen called her and demanded she sit with her for her five hour shift. Lenny wanted to refuse, she contemplated going to her uni to hang out with Chris in his Chem Lab, though, she knew if she did she'd probably just break something.
So instead, she walked into the shop on a Wednesday and felt kind of out of place until she saw two familiar faces behind the counter.
“What are you doing here?” Parker questioned as Lenny got closer, brash and blunt as usual.
Jen, looking up from her favorite magazine, Cosmo, cheered, “Because she loves me!”
“Sure do.” Lenny confirmed and hopped on the counter, swinging her legs as they hung off the side. “Plus, there’s something very urgent I need to be told.”
“Oh, great. So by extension me too?” Parker rolled her eyes as she continued her retagging of returned vinyl’s.
Closing her magazine, Jen sighed, “You’ll get a kick out of it.”
Jen and Parker had more tension between the two of them than any of the other coworkers. It was probably because of how many shifts they had together even though they couldn't be more dissimilar. Still, half of the time, Lenny thought the bickering was out of love. Jen would probably admit it after a few drinks and Parker after a couple of shots.
The loud slamming of the break room door drew all of their attention to Brando exiting in a long, dramatic, black trench coat. “Lenny! What are you doing here?”
“Just seeing my ladies.” She shrugged in a sugar sweet voice.
“Rad.” Brando nodded and made a beat on the counter as he passed, walking to the front door. “Going to get pizza. Anybody want anything?”
“Cheese slice.”
They all had no problem requesting something knowing that Toby would get it for them for free. The manager at The Pizzeria was good friends with Tiff so he never cared if ‘her kids’ got something.
“You got it.” He was out the door as they threw their thank you’s at him.
“So what's up, kid?” Lenny ironically called Jen as she looked around to find five people perusing the rows and rows of vinyl, old and new.
“Okay,” Jen started and then, giddy as hell, gushed. “I hooked up with one of Harry's bandmates last night.”
Lenny had to do a double take. “What?”
“Last night I went to a club and ran into him. I recognized him from that New Year's Eve party.”
Oh yes, the party Lenny missed out on because she went to a different one with Chris and his science friends. It wasn't a bad time at all and she only started regretting having gone after a couple of days at work where all everyone could talk about was how Louis did a keg stand that songs should be written about and how Harry and all his friends started the longest game of beer pong this world had ever known.
She tried not to be bitter or at least, she tried to hide it with an arm wave for Jen to continue the story.
“So he recognized me obviously, because like, how could he not?” Jen flipped a brunette lock over her shoulder and pushed her chest out. “We got to talking and sure, he's broody as fuck but he’s fit enough to make broody okay.”
“I have to see this.” Lenny had never known Jen to find melodrama attractive, making her want to see this bloke's face ten times more than she normally would. She can't recall it from the few shows she's been to - too focused on the wild, erratic behavior of the lead singer.
“We’ll stalk him on Facebook after my shift… if he even has one. He doesn't seem like the type.”
Parker, still labeling, snorted, “Hipster.”
“Alright, Buzz Cut McGee.” Jen rolled her eyes but then laughed when Parker flipped her off without turning away from her work. “Anyway, three drinks in and he didn't seem like he wanted to take me home. I was laying out all my flirty lines and batting my eyelashes for fuck sake.”
“What? How could he not be fucking you right then and there?” Parker gasped at the thought sarcastically. After finishing the last vinyl, she hopped up next to Lenny and made sure that no customers were approaching the registers - not trying to seem too unprofessional as she listened in.
“I don't know, Parks. I was stumped too... Until, he went out for a smoke and asked me to join him. I knew I was getting laid then.” Jen started smiling wider, giddier than Lenny had seen her in a long time. “One cigarette later we were walking to his flat two blocks away.”
She crossed her arms triumphantly and paused. Lenny knew she was doing it for dramatic effect so she leaned forward, showing interest, and nudged, “Okay, and?”
“And it was the best sex of my life. I mean, guys, it wasn't just toe-curling-good but crying-as-I-came-good.” She threw her head back like she was about to experience it all over again.
“Like actual tears?” Lenny squinted, because that didn't sound real. Her eyes had probably watered once or twice during sex but that was more due to a tight feeling she needed to adjust to than anything else. It wasn't as if sex with Chris wasn't amazing or anything - her toes curled quite often - but tears? That seemed like something you saw in porn and porn only.
“Streams, baby. Streams.” Jen emphasized and stared straight into her young friend’s eyes. “I couldn't even leave when it was over because my legs were shaking so good.”
Parker and Lenny turned towards each other, both incredulous and asking at the same time, “So good?”
The synchronicity of it got them all chuckling. Through it, Jen replied, “I'd say so bad but I would never associate that word with last night. I don't even know what's wrong with me because I slept over and then we had sex again this morning.”
“Excuse me,” Lenny had to be hearing things. “You don't have sex with people twice. That's your rule.”
Ever since Lenny had met Jen, one night stands had strictly been her thing. She made it a point not to see a guy twice, which she considered “getting attached”. Lenny tried asking questions about it once, but Jen shut them down with a simple why tie myself down in return.
Jen hit herself on the forehead and ducked her head, shame for breaking her sacred personal promise.
“I once had that same rule. Until Louis.” Parker shrugged.
“Maybe this guy is your Louis.” Lenny awed at the idea of that. Louis and Parker, even though unofficial, were almost too cute together. “Oh my god, that's so sweet!” She cooed.
“No, it's not. I don't want to have a Louis!”
“Well you won't be getting one.” Parker jumped back down from the counter and scoffed. She checked her hip with Jen’s as she grabbed her tea from the counter. Jen gave her a side eye in return and glanced over at Lenny who shrugged, not knowing what to say to that. “Listen, Jennifer.” Parker cleared her throat after a sip. “I know one night stands can be great. Probably better than great. But if this guy is as good as you say he is, then just calm down and see where this thing goes. That's what I've been doing with Louis for the last year - seeing where things go.”
There was that soft side - that moment Parker came in clutch and made herself such a valuable member of the group. Even though she was sometimes a bit too rude, she knew what to say when Lenny didn't.
“Well I don't know. I might not see him again...” Jen trailed off, examining her fingernails to disguise the smile she couldn't get rid of. “He got my number though.”
Lenny slapped one hand to each cheek. “Oh my god, I cannot believe this. You're going to see somebody more than one time. Have you guys seen any flying pigs lately?”
“Shut up. I might not... but maybe.” Jen shimmied a shoulder and then when Parker made a gagging noise, she shimmied even harder right against Parker's shoulder.
Lenny laughed loud at their antics and watched as they bickered for a few minutes before she thought of her own shift mate. “Are you going to tell Harry?” 
“What? Tell him what?”
“That's you're possibly maybe seeing his friend.”
“Fuck no. Why would he need to know?” Parker answered for Jen, getting a fist bump from her - the pair were so hot and cold, Lenny could never keep up.
“I don't know. I was just thinking of him.” Lenny shifted her eyes away and down to her beige flats, not sure why the question was so weird to the girls.
“I don't think me and Harry are close enough for him to care but maybe if you start fucking this guy you'd have to give Harry a call.”
“Maybe Chris first though.” Parker added, tapping a thinking finger against her chin.
“Oh yes, then I'd get a chance to snatch Chris right up.” Jen rubbed her hands together maniacally.
“Should I be alarmed that my best friend is waiting for me and my boyfriend to break up so she can seize the day?”
Parker shook her head back and forth. “Not at all. You should feel powerful.”
And Lenny agreed with that - she definitely should. She had a guy even Jen would settle down for.
All at once, a customer came up to the register, prompting Lenny to slide off the counter, and the front door bell dinged, Brando carrying boxes and boxes of pizza and breadsticks in. Lenny rushed to his side and took the top three, even more thankful she came in on her day off when she smelled the tomato sauce.
“Shut up, guys! They'll be here soon!” Louis yelled over the music blasting and the people talking in the break room. Lenny laughed, because of course Louis was loud enough to be heard over all that. Harry shook his head and smirked as they got closer.
The two met outside of Dream Records on January 30th at 11:30pm just like their friends told them to. It was obvious they were being thrown a joint birthday party but it was also quite plain that Louis - who had masterminded the whole thing - was trying to make it a surprise.
Lenny didn't know how he could ever think they would assume it was anything but a party. Nevertheless, she worked on her surprised face for forty-five minutes while she was curling her hair after work.
“You even going to pretend to be shocked?” Harry asked her, right outside the door leading to a room full of all their friends.
“I'm going to try.” She threw a hand over her mouth that she had dropped open into an O shape, showing him all her efforts.
Harry chuckled. “Cheers. Let's go.” He pushed open the door and waited as everyone turned to find the two birthday people.
“Surprise!” Came out stuttered and not one bit in unison, yet amazing all the same. Everyone from the shop was there - even Tiff - and then a few extra people that Lenny recalled as friends and bandmates of Harry's who had stopped by the shop at one time or another.
She didn't miss the fact that Chris wasn't there, but she figured he probably wouldn't be when she first heard about the plan. He was likely still at the lab, doing something all chemical-y.
She bounded in the room anyway - shocked - and hugged Louis first. She then made her way around the circle, moving from Niall to Brando to Parker to Toby and finally, Jen. Harry followed behind, shouting thank you’s to every single one of them.
“Did ya know?” Louis asked, hope in his eyes and a beer in his hand that Tiff told them they weren't allowed to have in the store but often let slide for the right occasions.
Lenny, trying to keep a straight face, declared, “No way.”
“Not one bit.” Harry threw one arm around Louis’ shoulder and the other around Niall's.
“Nope.” Lenny reiterated, surrounded by the guys, still holding her expression strong until Harry winked at her, causing her lips to falter into a smirk.
“Liars!” Niall accused, looking over at Harry and then back to Lenny to double check their now full blown laughter. He acted upset for one moment before he mumbled, “Aw, that's okay. I told him you would've known.”
“It's hard to plan a surprise birthday party at the shop when we close at 11 and you guys get off way earlier in the day. If you guys worked until 11 then we could have just yelled at you when you got off and you wouldn't have seen it coming.” Louis rambled on about his woes with a half smile - the beer not allowing him to really be too mad about his failed efforts, or make too much sense.
“It's still great, man.” Harry squeezed his shoulder and then unwrapped himself from between the two. He reached over for a drink in the bucket of ice on the coffee table, pulling out an ale for Lenny.
“I really love it, Louis.” She gladly accepted the drink and popped the top off.
Louis gushed about how much he had loved them in return, how it was no problem to just ask everyone to come back to work a little later than usual and call up a few people he knew Harry was close with - because Lenny truly didn't have other friends, or at least ones that would come to this kind of thing. The three guys and three girls that showed up for Harry, that Lenny hadn't met yet, stayed in their own corner and talked amongst themselves, not really intermingling with the rest of the group. But when Harry greeted them, they lit up.
Lenny watched the way the friends interacted, wondering if she would be introduced as Brando and Jen argued to her left over what playlist to keep it on. Tiff walked over and weighed in, and in seconds, The Spice Girls were playing from the sound system.
Slowly, as if it couldn't be helped, people started dancing one by one. Toby was the first to start wagging his hips, then Niall started jumping around to Mel B’s voice. Tiff and Jen grabbed Lenny's hands and spun her around, right into her 19th year.
It became a blur from then on. Less than 15 people were making it seem like an actual crazy house party.
Lenny was laughing her head off watching everyone show off their own dance moves, and she almost fell to the ground at the way Harry swung his hips at her. The two of them spent three songs trading moves back and forth, imitating the other and then consequently making fun of each other.
Tears were in her eyes when Harry tried to roll the rhythm from one extreme of his hand to the other. “Harry! Stop!” She felt the ale tingling her lips and warming her cheeks - giving her even more of a blush than normal.
“What? You don't like this?” He attempted the smooth move again, failing miserably.
Lenny had to get him to stop - it felt like her civic duty to all who were witnessing it - so she reached an arm for both of his and pulled them down to his side. “Keep them here please.”
“Don't try to hold me down!”
“I'm trying to save us all from getting hurt with all that flailing you're doing.” She giggled. “Can't you just do the running man or something?” She started the classic dance move, probably looking dumb herself since she was also hopelessly uncoordinated. “You have less of a chance to hurt others with this one.”
“Like this?” He copied her movements exactly. And it turns out, he didn't look half bad doing it - well, not as bad as he could have.
Emptying the contents of her bottle into her mouth before answering, she chuckled, “Magnifico!”
“My bilingual beauty!” Harry grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around, then wrapped her in a drunk hug. With arms tight around her middle, he whispered, “Happy birthday.”
It was the first time they hugged like that - for longer than a second - and Lenny wasn't hating it. As a matter of fact, she found it incredibly nice how Harry’s chest was strong but had no issue making her feel cozy.
“Happy birthday.” She smiled and held on tight for a few seconds longer, pulling back slowly. “Well, almost. Because technically they planned all of this so it would be my birthday at midnight and not yours.” She stuck out her tongue.
Harry flared his nostrils at her and dropped his arms away, pretending to be hurt. “How dare you rub that in?”
“Maybe they'll throw you one at midnight tomorrow too and we can drink more beer.”
“That's not beer.” Harry clinked his glass bottle of Blue Moon against her empty Red’s.
“Close enough, mate.”
Harry rolled his eyes fondly at the determined-to-be-cool ginger. When his gaze landed back on her, it quickly shifted to somewhere behind her shoulder. His lips upturned on sight and out he shouted, “Chris!”
Lenny turned around right as Chris located them and started rambling the words, “Happy birthday. Sorry I couldn't be here on time. Lab all day and then a quick power nap that turned out to be hours longer than I expected. I got here as fast as I could.”
“That's okay.” She sighed a breath of relief that he showed up at all, giving him a quick hug. “You're here now.”
“Mate, you're here just in time.” Harry reassured him with a pat on the shoulder. “We were just having a dance off and Lenny was about to tell me how her ale was indeed a beer.”
“Oh, man,” Chris seemed regretful of what he was about to say to Harry. “Ale is a type of beer actually. It's just fermented differently than lagers.”
Harry shielded his face with both hands as the words sunk in.
“Why do you look sad too?” Lenny put a hand on her hip as she looked up at her boyfriend. “You are supposed to be on my side. It's okay to let Harry down.”
“Have you seen his face when he gets sad? It's heartbreaking!” Chris pointed as Harry uncovered his face to reveal sheer disappointment at being proven wrong. “See, I'm already feeling it.” Chris covered his heart with his hands.
“It's okay. I guess I can be wrong just this once.” Harry didn't like seeing Chris sad either apparently - their relationship was symbiotic in that way, Lenny was figuring out.
“This once?” She snorted. Harry was proven wrong in debates with her at least once a week and somehow he managed to forget that tidbit every time.
Harry ignored the question and simply finished off his beer, getting a laugh out of Chris.
“I'm going to get us more drinks.” Chris said as he kissed Lenny on the cheek and then rounded a few of her coworkers.
A drunk Harry watched him as he went and Lenny wondered how she was surrounded by people who were so mutually infatuated with one another. Harry must've felt himself being caught so he shrugged and simply said something Lenny had already thought. “I’m glad he made it.”
“So glad he proved me right.”
“Less glad about that myself.” Brando came up beside Lenny, not knowing what he was disagreeing with but saying it anyway. “Happy birthday you two.” He smiled and lifted his beer to cheers with them. Lenny and Harry both clinked their unfortunately empty bottles with his and said thank you.
Chris returned a second later and replaced their bottles with brand new ones. After twisting the top off, Lenny raised her bottle for a real cheers, then waited for the dancing to begin again. Egging on Brando when he started banging his head to Spice Up Your Life.
Valentine’s Day arrived before Lenny could even process the fact that she had a speech to give on February 15th - in French. Her Italian 101 class was picking up and Syntax II was getting harder and harder with every passing day. Her head was spinning, so that when the ‘day of love’ appeared, she wasn't ready for it whatsoever.
She was known around the shop as the girl who made cookies on days off just to bring them in the next day, or whip up a batch of cupcakes when something special was happening just to make her friends smile. On that particular February 14th, she came into her 4 O’clock shift stressed and empty handed.
Chris had already sent flowers to her dorm that morning - a dozen roses - and he knocked on her door with two cups of coffee, ecstatic that he had the entire day off. The way his face fell when Lenny told him that she had the exact opposite made her heart twinge.
It was just, she hadn't expected everything to happen so fast or for Chris to even get out of the lab that day. She never even considered asking for her shift to get covered at Dream. So, they drank their coffee, she ran off to her class, revised in the library, and only looked up at the clock at 3:38, rushing to make her shift on time.
Harry was ignored on her way past him to clock in. Jen was thrown just a wave as Lenny rushed back to the register.
“What's up with you?” Brando quirked a brow as a bundled up Lenny approached, out of breath and frazzled.
“I'm sorry I'm late. I was studying and the time got away from me.”
Harry lifted his wrist to check his watch, then looked at her like she was crazy when he said, “It's literally 4:01.”
“I know. But it's not the five minutes early that I normally like to leave myself so it feels late to me.” She bent down and unzipped her heavy as hell backpack. Of all the books in there, she only needed the one French book but it felt wrong not to have it full. Huffing as she straightened back up, she found Brando joining Harry in the incredulous looks.
“Calm down, love.” Brando instructed. “It's fine.” He rubbed his hand through his nonexistent hair, straightening the millimeter of scruff his head had - him and Parker were in fact twins after all.
“Why are you so frazzled? It's Valentine's Day!” Harry nudged a fist against her shoulder as if to say buck up, be happy.
Lenny distanced herself from him as much as possible just so Harry couldn't do that again.
“I have a speech tomorrow and I didn't even start working on it until two days ago because my first Pragmatic’s paper was due on Monday.” She huffed, placed her heavy book on the counter behind Brando, and slumped over it - slightly overdoing the dramatics. “Everything's just getting away from me!” She screamed face down onto her book.
The shop fell quiet after that - except the John Lennon that was playing over the speakers and the sliding of records in their bins as people looked through them - still, somehow, too quiet without a response from either boy. Lenny lifted her gaze and turned around to find the them staring at her.
Brando pulled the stool right up behind her, and with caution, said, “Well just take this seat, let Harry do the check outs, and do your Lenny thing where you write an amazing speech.”
She agreed, “I do only need to write one more paragraph.”
“Get to it. I'll alert you if Tiff walks out.” Harry informed her with a wink.
Finally smiling, Lenny let the tension in her shoulders loosen just barely. “Thanks, guys.”
“Happy Valentine's.” Brando rubbed her on the back comfortingly as she began searching for the correct page. Grabbing his black, electric guitar from the stand that was a permanent fixture behind the register, he hopped over the counter. “Bye, Haz.”
“Bye, Brandy.” Harry, totally unbothered by anything as always, sung and waved a hand.
When it was just the two of them, Lenny could finally get back to writing - except she couldn’t focus on anything but the weight of Harry’s gaze. She ripped her eyes off the bullet points she had made earlier and raised a brow at him.
“So, I'm assuming you didn't make any baked goods today?” He asked cautiously. He didn’t want to trigger her but still hoped she had brought along some treats.
“No, Harry, I didn't.”
“I'm just asking.” He raised his hands in defense at her harsher than usual tone, mumbling, “You made cupcakes for my birthday.”
“Well, imagine those and pretend like you're eating them now.” She wasn't trying to be mean but she really didn't have the time or the energy to feel worse than she already did.
“Grumpy Lenny is not my favorite.” He pouted.
“I’m not grumpy. I’m busy.”
Harry hummed loudly, sarcastically agreeing and then nothing else was said between the two from then on. Harry checked people out as they came to the counter but otherwise, he was messing around on some kind of camera. Normally, Lenny would ask what he was doing exactly but she could hardly look away from the note cards she was writing her speech on.
Eventually, after almost throwing multiple pencils across the store and many more groans of despair, she finished the writing process with two hours of her shift to spare. She would've been done sooner if she didn't have to check conjugation and grammar and tenses multiple times using nearly every chapter of her book. She wasn't complaining though, because she was one step closer to not feeling so much panic in her chest. All she had to do now was practice it enough times until the pronunciation was spot on and the flow was fluid.
“Harry.” She called over to him sweetly, him leaning his long body against the counter tops and flipping through one of the books she kept there for people to read if they wanted.
“Yes, Leonard?”
“Will you listen to me practice my speech?”
He lowered the book enough so he could see her smiling up at him innocently, pleadingly. “Oh, so the Lenny I like is back?”
“The Lenny who needs you is.” She stood up and moved beside him, leaning with him. “I'm sorry I was being grumpy earlier.” Harry didn't move to say anything or accept her apology so she grabbed ahold of his elbow and shook, “I'm sorry I didn't make anything for valentines!”
He snapped the book shut abruptly. “And?” He shifted his green eyes to hers the slightest bit, not giving her full eye contact, but just enough to tease her.
“And…” she prompted.
Harry sighed. “And for not talking to me once in three hours? I get that you're busy but come on! Not even one how's it going over there, Haz?”
“Aww, I'm sorry, Harry.” Her heart warmed at knowing the main thing that had his lips in a frown was just the fact he wanted to talk to her and that she hadn't allowed that to happen. “How about we chat for the rest of our shift and then you stay until closing and help me practice?” That would give her two hours of practice unless they ran out of things to talk about and he let her begin running through her speech early.
“I don't know. I'd have to stay until eleven for you. And on Valentine's Day no less?” He grimaced like it was the worst possible way he could spend the night. Granted, it wasn't the best, but Lenny hoped maybe her presence would sell him on the idea.
Over the five months of working with him, she had grown to know him pretty well, and she had a solid backup plan to ensure his presence. “I'll order a Chinese takeaway.”
“Sold!” The words weren't even all the way out of her mouth before he yelled over her and turned right back into normal, happy, charming Harry. Just like that.
She picked up her cell phone immediately - because Tiff hadn't been out of her office in so long that Lenny thought she might have gone home - and called their favorite place, getting Harry the orange chicken he loved so much and herself the pineapple chicken he was always trying to steal off her plate.
A customer came up to the register right as she was hanging up and as a sign of their good will, she swooped in front of Harry and checked them out - all five 8-tracks and eleven vinyl’s. Whoever this person was, they were treating themselves on Valentine's Day.
“So what do you want to talk about?” She asked Harry after the customer left with a have a nice night, letting Harry sit on the stool as she stood at the register.
“Well…” He smirked like he was about to say something good. “I really really wanted to tell you about this horrible film a classmate showed in class today.”
“Harry! That's not nice. I'm sure it was just fine.” She took up for the person she didn't even know because she always felt bad for judging people's art - thinking how upset they would be if they heard. And how upset she would be if she heard someone talking rubbish about something Harry made regardless of how bad it actually was. Especially if they didn’t know anything about him.
Shaking his head, he began chuckling, “Three words: nude bowling sequence.”
“Go on.” She nodded and listened as Harry went on and on about this short film. He talked about every frame and every angle of the ode to bowling some guy made and thought was okay for their narrative piece. Various parts throughout made her laugh too hard and others were so unbelievably boring, but she listened anyway because Harry’s voice had a calming effect on her, and because, two hours later, Harry pretended to know French for her.
He watched her pace up and down the store for hours, reading the same six minute speech on French Government over and over again, nodding anytime she asked, “Did that one sound okay?”
At eleven o’clock, Louis came in and told them they had to go - not home but the hell out of there. Lenny decided she had done enough for the night and would just go in the next day hoping for the best.
“Going to see Chris?” Harry asked as they stepped out into the cold London night.
“If he's still awake.” Lenny pulled her coat tighter around her ribs and then reached for her phone, texting her boyfriend. She looked over to Harry, who was digging in his pocket for something. “Where are you going? Surely not to bed already.”
“Ummm, I don't know.” He found whatever he was searching for, pausing with a smirk. “I may actually have a date.”
“A date?”
“Well, a girl asked me if I wanted to meet up at this pub a couple hours ago. I told her I would when we were done so now I'm just waiting for a response.”
“Harry!” Lenny punched him on the shoulder. “You could've left me.”
He rubbed his arm, hurt, and then shook his head decidedly. “Nah, it's all last minute stuff. Doesn't matter.”
“You're insane, Styles.” She laughed, convinced, lifting her phone when it vibrated in her hand with a text from Chris reading: yes, please come!
“More like insanely awesome.” Harry removed his hand from his pocket and held it open in front of her - a small chocolate heart wrapped in pink foil in the center of his palm - beaming, “Happy Valentines.”
She bit her lip as she plucked it from his hand. Even though it was warm and probably totally melted from all that time it had spent in his pocket, she loved it all the same. “Happy Valentines!” She said, backing away with a smile equally as wide as Harry moved down the street in the opposite direction.
authors note: 
hahah this is so long. i am writing my longest chapters for this fic while writing my shortest ones for incredible. which, you should go check out if you havent. i swear its a quick read. the slowest reader on the planet could read the first two chapters of it in ten minutes. swur. 
anyway, last time i posted, i forgot to put a “read more” and almost died of embarrassment. something about having it all out there so readily kills my soul. if this doesnt work, ill never update again..... jk i have too much going on with these guys. 
please please please tell me what you think!!! my asks have been a bit silent which is okay but not very #inspiring. maybe once the chapters get more exciting, people will give me feedback?? fingers crossed. i mean, 
tell me what you thought of their valentines together!?!
thank you for reading!!!! thank you to ash, @what-comes-from-within for being such a kick ass beta. 
im posting a character moodboard and playlist soon so keep those eyes peeled. 
one day ill learn the art of not writing long authors notes. 
love love love you guys.
lauren xxxxx
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