silhouets · 6 years
Lyra was beyond pleased to see him relatively at peace. Making himself into a new man was honestly the best thing he could possibly do; she had been hopeful for him upon departure from the Dragon’s Den, and confident that he had finally seen how only he would be capable of changing things for himself.
Something had certainly changed, though she was fortunate that they could still pick up where they left off.
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“That’s really great … Kamon.” She had to try the name for herself. She liked it. “And, impressive! I’m sure you make a fantastic teacher.” There was no doubt that he had plenty to share with willing students - she briefly wondered if her name ever came up in conversation.
The trainer seemed pretty eager to share her experiences as well, without much hesitation. “Oh, I’ve been traveling all over! We trained in Hoenn for a while, and took a small vacation in Alola, too. I gotta tell you, it was amazing to be able to see so many different places.” Lyra smiled then, eyes so obviously full of all the stories she could tell him of her adventures.
“I think I’ve been … good, though. It was a little tough at first, trying to figure out what to do next, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got everything figured out now.” She seemed so sure. “Aw, I wish I would have known you were here, I would have sent postcards on my trip! I took plenty of pictures though, if you ever want to see them!”
She sounded ecstatic -- and why wouldn’t she? It seemed as though they’d both found comfort in this new time. His new name slid out of her mouth and the way she said it made him smile. A small bit of pride -- his rival seemed to like it. He had the passing thought that perhaps he could think of her as a friend now.
“I’m always learning more myself, honestly.”  He wondered if his students would be interested in meeting her -- He’d have to ask her sometime if she would be interested, first. Another time.
Kamon listened intently as she spoke of her travels and how she’d been -- when she voiced her regrets, he could only let out a small chuckle.
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“And how would you have known when even I didn’t know at first? I would like to see your photos, though. You must have a lot of stories, too.”
Knowing her, she had even more to say.
Somehow, he’d gone from nervous to an intense calmness -- even though they were different now, they didn’t have to abandon everything they’d known of each other.
Relaxing, really.
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silhouets · 6 years
It was a genuine blast from the past; even though it had been so long, she could never forget about that obvious glare in her direction, that head of hair. Even seeing it now, it was almost like no time had passed. But it had.
Though labeled as a rival, she’d eventually come to understand that he hadn’t really been a bad person. Just another kid dealt a crappy hand. By the time they parted ways, she could see the foundations of a changing individual, and seeing him now only seemed to fill her with some delight.
She was almost overwhelmed by all of her own thoughts and questions. Lyra wanted to know everything: where he’d been all this time, what he’s done with himself over the years. The trainer was admittedly eager to tell him about all that she’d seen and done, too.
But, she couldn’t help but notice how a new person seemed to be standing before her. It almost seemed wrong to dig up the past like this - though her being here had clearly done enough of that already. Lyra figured, though, that she’d do her best to make light of the situation.
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“Aw, c’mon! I know I’ve been traveling a lot, but Johto will always be home! Of course I’d swing by …” She paused, coughed. “How, uh, how have you been?”
Leaving that previous person of his behind -- letting go, that had been difficult. So much to discard, to forget. Maybe the reason he’d been capable was his experiences. Maybe he’d just gotten lucky.
Still... It was -- nice to see her.
“You’ll always be welcome.” Not just by him, either. He took a moment to think. Where should he begin? So much had happened between then and now. Things were...
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“Well, I suppose. I’ve gone into teaching -- It’s wise to share what you can with others, I think...” That only scratched the surface, really.
“I took on a new name -- for the distance. It’s Kamon.”
A pause, he fidgeted a tiny bit with his hands before looking down and then back up towards Lyra again. Though his expression stayed deadpanned, he had a certain curiosity.
 “How about you? What have you been up to? How have you been?”
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silhouets · 6 years
The past can only hold one’s attention for so long. The eventual snap back to the present reality is inevitable, truthfully. No matter what feelings, what findings, or what times they held -- the past was the past.
Kamon wasn’t really one to reminisce about the old days. Rather, he preferred to distance himself from the days of the past. Those days were over, and they should no longer matter.
Still, the simplest things could spark a nostalgic feeling in anyone. An expression, an item -- or a person. The nostalgia this time came from seeing her face again, on the way to his destination.
He couldn’t help but wonder what feelings she held towards him. Was there any resentment, deep down? But being face to face -- this wasn’t the time for regrets.
“... You.” Though he said it blankly, a twinkle shone in his eyes. Regardless of what the girl felt, Kamon himself had no hard feelings any longer. A certain kinship -- that of those destined to bring each other to greater heights every time they met -- a rival, so to speak -- that was how he saw her.
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“I’m surprised to see you here.”
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silhouets · 6 years
starter call!! capped at/max 2
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silhouets · 6 years
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