#school is really draining me and i apologize if i don’t post a lot
kkoiishii · 4 months
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so uh
rant in tags
@speeeeeb includes updates abt lapfox fusions!!!1!11!
@grapefanta8669 also monster kokichi art is coming soon!!!1!1! :3
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1800titz · 3 months
are you gonna update TDIAG anytime soon 😭
So, short answer: probably not for a few weeks.
Long answer:
There’s a few different reasons why TDIAG updates have fallen behind.
1. TDIAG is a long fic. And by that, I mean it’s a LOOOONG fic. By now, it’s somewhere over 100,000 words (I believe it’s around 120K or close), with each part being at least 10-20K. The parts for this fic generally take a long time to write, simply because the bar that has been set for each part is a high word count. The basis on which readers consume and writers produce is drastically different, so what may take only a few hours for someone to read has taken me numerous days to write. That being said, it’s really easy to get burnt out writing a lengthy fic where the content is very, very similar in every chapter. TDIAG consists of (mostly) smut, and writing 15,000+ word sex scenes again and again between the same two characters can become really repetitive
2. Also, life is really hectic for me outside of this platform, as I’m sure it is for everyone else. I go to school full time, I work 4-5 days a week, and I have to balance a social life, a romantic life, and hobbies like writing with all of this in mind. It’s a lot easier right now to produce a smaller piece of writing than to make time for another 15-20K of words.
3. I love my little community. I love the feedback I receive. As a writer, it is the greatest reward, and nothing fills me more with a sense of accomplishment than a reblog or a nice word left by a reader. I have never put my content behind a paywall thus far, and all I ever hope to receive for my hard work is feedback. That being said, it’s difficult to find inspiration to spend days writing an update when the notes on TDIAG don’t reflect that readers want to see it. I totally get it, it’s a long fic and there’s OCs, which aren’t in demand on this platform the same way that reader inserts are. But at times it can feel draining to spend hours writing a piece and then realizing that readers just aren’t as interested as they would be in different content
4. Writing shorter pieces where I can play with different tropes and different personalities allows me to avoid a writer’s block. I have crazy, crazy, crazy ADHD, and I have so many tropes and so many AUs I haven’t even shared with you all yet (trust me, @cherryjuiceblues will back me on this and let you all know she gets whiplash from how quick I switch around fics LOL). Writing organically, writing what comes natural to me in the moment is the way I’ve found I can really immerse myself and enjoy writing
5. If I’m not 100% enjoying what I’m writing, if I’m sitting down and forcing myself to write something for the sake of producing an update (as opposed to organically letting words flow for an idea I’m excited about), the content is not going to be my 100%. I would never want to post something that I didn’t pour 100% of myself into, and I’m afraid that if I were to solely focus on writing TDIAG right now for the sake of pumping out an update, then it’s not going to be my best, and I don’t want to share that with my readers.
I know there is a dedicated base of readers anxiously awaiting an update for TDIAG. I am so grateful for you all, and I appreciate you for being patient for me and for sticking around. I will never just up and abandon this story, and I apologize that I’ve put this fic on a short pause, but I hope this clarifies what’s going on behind the scenes and why I’ve been focused on posting other fics in the mean time. Just trying to share my passion for writing in the ways that I can at the moment <3
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attollogame · 1 year
Hello! I’m a long time fan of attollo and I had a bit of a difficult question to ask you. I know the real world is very time consuming so I completely understand that you may be unable to finish things, especially with what you’ve mentioned going on in your life before. Though, I am also an active patreon member, and I was wondering if you have plans to continue some of the things you’ve made announcements for but never completed. I really hope this doesn’t come off pushy or negative I don’t have those intentions sending this at all. For example: the birthday specials, valentine’s day specials, and the recent ovo camp stories have never been completed nor have you given us any updates on them. I wouldn’t be so bothered, but I have been supporting you on patreon and was hoping to at least understand what’s going on with the content I was really looking forward too! I am only hoping for you to address this! I really adore you, your content, and attollo so very much.
Hi! First off, thanks for being a supporter for so long; every bit matters in the long run, and I really do rely on the patreon to assist in financing the monthly bills. Although I would have preferred you contacted me via the patreon channel on discord or dm's on patreon, as this does discuss content that is patreon-centric (and I do ask that you do so from here on out for any patreon-related concerns), I'll still address everything here for now.
The specials and the valentines specials are all public versus patreon-specific, so although I am trying to find the time to sit down and complete these, I am finding it hard on top of actually getting updates done for the game itself and dealing with grad school concerns. The only thing I can say regarding those is that I will likely cease making interactive-related content for the time being and focus more on short stories for events, especially for this year where there are a lot of things going on for me. The current content will be archived and when things die down again I will gladly return to them for their completion, but for the duration of 2023, expect short drabbles instead (like the OC kiss week, for example, which will have SFW public and NSFW on patreon). I also do struggle at times to actually find inspiration or motivation for work, so I do have to combat that (constantly) on top of everything else, which I apologize for.
In terms of the Ovo stories, I asked on patreon whether people were interested and didn't receive much feedback on the matter, so I was unsure of whether people wanted me to continue it or not, especially considering the level of interaction the content received to begin with. I also do believe I did address this matter on a patreon post. Please be sure to double check update posts, as I often address anything relating to patreon stories on those atop game updates themselves.
I will say, it's hard for me to judge at times whether people care for the content produced or not if I don't hear back from the readers. Fortunately, some people did express interest when I initially inquired, so I'm hoping to complete that [Ovo content] when things die down for me as well, but I can't give you a concrete date of completion (much like I can't give concrete dates for updates).
So tl;dr if you made it this far: consider the valentines and birthday interactive stories on hiatus for 2023, as they will be substituted for short stories instead as I settle into grad school. If people want me to continue the Ovo stories please, seriously, let me know so I actually know you're interested in them as writing up to 20k of extra content is really draining if it's not being read.
Patreon will be getting short stories again as I ease back into things. $15 supporters will also receive a short drabble of their choosing. Right now, short stories are easiest for me on top of writing for the game itself as I can get the content done faster as I navigate grad school. I'm incredibly sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's the best I can offer right now.
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lillyontheborder · 10 months
// Some Housekeeping:
I’m starting to get disheartened by the rp community a little bit. I know I haven’t been here long at all, but this was also my first time trying out a tumblr rp blog. I don’t know how active I’ll be, but I’ll try to post. However, I’m not here to be dramatic or spread drama or ask for attention, I just want to make aware what my situation is. The reason I bring this up is because it is causing me to lack motivation, but also is draining me mentally. This is no one’s fault but my own, so please don’t feel bad or get angry at me, I’m just expressing myself.
I have been trying to interact more with blogs, however I guess I don’t really know what else to do to set relationships in stone. I was hoping to do more starters/full writings but I know that tends not to be a popular option amongst blogs vs writing rp. I just want Lilly’s relationships to develop a little quicker just because I know I won’t have much time at all once school starts. But that’s on me. I will never force anyone to do anything, as this is all just for fun. I know I am new to the community so I apologize on my part of I sound annoying or naggy in any way. If you have any ideas for rp, feel free to dm me, I’m always open to talk.
I know this is mostly an rp blog but I do make a lot of AiB content that isn’t rp (art, writing, etc), I really appreciate the support I get on it and I just want to make it clear that every note counts, it really lets me know that people are seeing and appreciating my work. I just wanted to make it clear that while this is an rp blog, I also want to make fan content for the series as there is not much out there.
I was thinking of making AiB fan merchandise and I was curious if anyone would be interested in buying it. I was thinking of making: Prints, stickers, and/or personalized comfort character letters (written for you). I have the materials to make all of these so I wasn’t sure if people would be interested as I don’t want to make it if no one will buy it.
Speaking of merchandise, my commissions are still open. I’m trying to save up for a specific reason and I love drawing AiB so if you would like, I do all kinds of art. Even stuff that isn’t AiB.
Anyways, the last thing I wanted to discuss is how thankful I am when people interact with my blog. As I stated previously, I promise I am trying my best to send in asks, I guess sometimes I just don’t really know what to say. I always get extremely excited when something pops up in my inbox and I wanted to let you all know that I really appreciate being welcomed into the community. We all love the same thing and that’s why we are all here. I hope you all enjoy rp-ing with me as much as I enjoy rp-ing with you. Please make sure to take breaks as well as take care of yourselves.
Let’s keep the AiB community alive and continue to be friends.
Thank you.
Lots of Love, Lilly ❤️
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ultimate-cataclysm · 2 years
this blog is NOT written/managed by a miraculous ladybug fan! i know that sounds weird, but i’ve never watched mlb in my life. i just really enjoy adrien and his character, and danganronpa is my favorite game -- i kind of hate it’s writing sometimes, though. for that reason, i apologize for any inconsistencies!
the rest of the info is below the cut - to make sure you don’t have to scroll too far down to reach other posts!
in this au... crossover... thing, adrien is the ultimate jhs-level model, which is really short for ‘super junior high school level model’. he’s technically in jhs 3, which from what i can understand means he’s only a year away from actual high school. i decided ‘lil’ ultimate’, meant for elementary, was not a fitting term, and shsl felt... weird, when hs and jhs aren’t the same as in japan. keep in mind i’m not japanese, and all my info comes from online sources, which may be unreliable.
i don’t mind roleplaying with characters not from danganronpa, but i will struggle a lot with characters from any fandom i’m not too well-versed in - including, ironically, mlb. that shouldn’t discourage you, though! i’m always willing to learn!
i will scale cat noir’s power based on the universe he’s in. if you send me an interaction, we’re in adrien’s world. if i send you an interaction, we’re in your world. his power caps at how powerful he is in his own world - that is to say, he can’t use, for example, mega cataclysm without having prior been trained it just because your characters are super op - and he will never entirely lose it, however cataclysm will not have as strong an effect in worlds with less power than worlds with lore power. this is a lore thing - the miraculous’ power, on this blog, draws on the general power of the world around it. the less the world has, the less the miraculous has. when he’s in worlds without any power at all, it drains from the excess in adrien, meaning that although he won’t lose it entirely at first, he might end up losing it entirely eventually. 
please note: the writer has social anxiety, and struggles with conversations with strangers. if you are dming this blog, please be patient when it comes to responses. the writer doesn’t handle confrontation very well, either, but encourages you to give them a piece of your mind if they fuck something up (as long as you aren’t straight-up bullying them).
thank you for reading this absolute behemoth of a post!
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things-we-cant-say · 3 years
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pretty little liar
Pairing: Ten x Female!Reader
Summary: In order to get your annoying ex off your back, you tell a little white lie that takes an unexpected turn.
Genre: College!AU
Warnings: Smutty smut, dirty dancing
Word Count: 4,867
A/N: Unable to withstand Ten’s power any longer, I had to start writing about him…or a version of him anyway. Hope someone out there enjoys my first dip into the ~imagines~ pond. ☺️
The party was in full swing by the time you and your best friend Amy arrived, the music so loud it could be heard down the street. It was a wonder the cops hadn’t broken it up yet but hey, the night was still young. Ducking through the arched doorway with Amy hot on your heels, you let her guide you into the foyer where you both stopped to take in the scene. The place was packed with people dancing, drinking and laughing—everyone apparently having a great time. Which was perfect for you because all you wanted to do was blow off a little steam and pretend you hadn’t spent the day fantasizing about committing the perfect murder.
You enjoyed school for the most part and you enjoyed your classes, but really you couldn’t wait for it all to just be over. Two extra years and your master’s degree in linguistics was almost within your grasp. You still weren’t one hundred percent what you planned to do with it (teaching was definitely out) but either way you were ready to dive into the real world. To no longer be stressed out about exams and papers and boring ass professors that constantly seemed to have a stain on their tie.
And to get far, far away from your stupid ex, Adam.
“Uh oh you have murder face,” Amy said as she peeped around to look at you. “What’s wrong?”
You shrugged. “Just in my head I guess.”
Amy hummed. “I get it. That’s why we are here though! To get fucked up and do something we regret in the morning.”
You laughed. “Guess we’re Uber-ing home.”
She grinned and grabbed your wrist, pulling you over to a table loaded with different types of alcohol. The guy ‘tending bar’ as it were winked as you two approached. “What can I get you for?”
“Something with alcohol but where we can’t taste the alcohol!” Amy exclaimed happily. “Oh! And if you’ve got any little umbrellas I’d like one of those too.”
He did finger guns and proceeded to cook something up in two red cups, sticking in two pink umbrellas when he was done. You and Amy took your drinks and after a cursory sniff, took a sip. The tequila wasn’t as strong as with a single shot but you could still detect it just not enough to make you stop drinking. Unlike Amy you didn’t plan to get completely fucked up but you weren’t going to say no to a nice buzz.
Cups in hand you migrated onto the dance floor and fell in with everyone else, bopping to the beat and scream chatting over the loud music.
“I really needed this!” Amy yelled. “Statistics is kicking my cute little ass!”
“I know what you mean!” You shouted. “But hey! Soon we’ll be done and actual jobs will be kicking our cute little asses!”
Laughing, Amy bounced up and down, sending her blonde hair flying. “Is that why you’ve been so grumpy lately? Or is it…he who shall not be named?”
With a sigh you took a big sip of your strawberry margarita. “Yeah. He keeps fucking calling me and leaving me these stupid ass messages, apologizing and shit. I’ve blocked him but he just uses someone else’s phone.”
Amy’s eyes stretched wide. “That’s like stalker behavior! Or maybe he really is sorry for what he did.”
You snorted. “Sorry for having sex with his ex in the backseat of my car? As far as I am concerned he can take his ‘sorrys’ and shove them so far up his ass they come out his mouth as safaris!”
Amy choked a little on her drink, hitting you hard on the arm in admonishment after she stopped coughing. “I hate you! I could have died!”
Her words made you smirk. “But did you? No but for real, fuck Adam. Fuck Adam and anyone who even looks like Adam!”
“Woo!” Amy threw both hands up into the air, yelping as liquid sloshed down onto her head. “Oh shit! Drink emergency I’ll be right back!”
Before you could say anything, she turned and hurried back towards the drink table. Alone in the middle of a dancing crowd, you didn’t know whether you should slink over to a corner or just keep dancing. That last thing you wanted was some random dude trying to groove with you. Of course if you decided to hold up the wall nothing would stop some random dude from trying to hit on you either. At a bit of a loss you drained the rest of your drink and did a I don’t really know anyone two step, hoping Amy would return soon.
The tequila settled nice and warm in your stomach, making you feel more at ease. Most of the people at the party were from your school but not ones you associated with on like, a daily basis. Sure you recognized a few faces from the library or cafeteria but there was no one you’d had more than a surface conversation with.
And then your eyes landed on him. Ten.
Ten was a…different sort of person altogether. He was the kinda guy CW shows thought actually existed in college, except he was very real. And very much fucking gorgeous in that unattainable way CW shows also loved. However, that sort of did him a disservice because as far as you knew, he was just a decent guy who happened to be able to do some pretty awesome things.
For example, he was an amazing dancer. The kinda dancer that just freaking mesmerized you when he moved. Had you wondering how in the hell had he taught his body to do that shit? One minute he was in total sync with everyone else and the next he was performing his solo and blowing your mind. He’d done some show a few months ago with a friend and you’d nearly flipped out of your chair watching him work. The body rolls, the attitude, the way he’d just commanded the stage…whew. Was it possible to be a fan of someone who wasn’t famous?
Then there was his art; things he designed himself or drew from memory. Art class was essentially where you’d sorta came to be acquaintances with him. You weren’t exactly good at drawing but you liked it enough that you wanted to improve, plus it helped you de-stress after particularly hard days. Ten on the other hand excelled and just like with dancing, it was interesting to watch his process. He’d described himself as a sensory artist so he wasn’t always as concerned with the end product as the professor sometimes wanted him to be. From your eye though he’d yet to create anything that wasn’t remarkable. In fact, more than once you’d wanted to ask him to design a tattoo for you, but felt it would be kinda weird. He had no idea what you were into after all. So far your conversations with him had consisted of colors and that one time he’d asked to borrow one of your brushes.
You were pretty sure he’d sold something to an art gallery.
Anyway so Ten could dance and he could draw and he could sing and he was fluent in several languages; as far as you knew the only thing he was kind of shit at was cooking. But who hadn’t set a class kitchen on fire once or twice? Or three times…
If he were an asshole—well people would probably still crush on him—you’d count that as a major flaw and want to keep your distance. But the kicker was that he could do cool things and he was nice. Dorky even especially when it came to cute animals. Was always posting pictures of himself at the animal shelter playing with the kittens and the puppies, or just acting like an idiot with friends. Yet it was that confidence that made him seem untouchable, and also made him sexy as fuck. More than once you’d fantasized about biting his Adam’s apple.
Shaking your head, you fanned lightly at your face with both hands. Maybe stepping outside for some fresh air would be a good idea.
“Y/N!” Amy nearly tripped over her pretty sandals in her hurry to get back to you. “Weewoo weewoo weewoo!”
She grabbed your shoulder. “It’s a police siren! We have a code red situation here, I repeat a code red! Adam just walked in!”
“What?” You blinked and immediately looked towards the doorway, brows narrowing when you saw she was right.
Standing there in a white t-shirt in his formerly handsome glory was your ex-boyfriend, Adam. Once upon a time you’d thought the world of him; thought he was the kinda guy you could probably marry someday. The kinda guy you’d introduced your family to. Turns out he was the kind of guy that hooked up with his ex in your car repeatedly until finally being caught in the act. Sure it had been gratifying to make him and her walk home half naked but it had done nothing to quell the pain left behind. Thankfully though your pain quickly turned to anger and now you usually focused on not murdering him when he popped up. There was a lot you could forgive but cheating was firmly in the do not cross zone. Everything you’d felt for him evaporated the moment you saw him with her.
And he’d promised he was over her. Lying piece of shit, you thought to yourself.
“What the hell is he doing here?! Does he even know anyone here?” you asked with a frown.
“I dunno!” your friend said slowly. “It’s possible, big campus and all. Do you want me to help you climb out of the bathroom window?”
“Yeah my boobs aren’t fitting through one of those skinny ass windows,” you replied wryly. “Though to be honest I’m almost willing to risk it. C’mon let’s—”
It was too late. Adam spotted you like an arrow searching for its target, eyes registering shock and then elation. He reached you in three quick strides, opening his arms for a hug that he was damned crazy to expect. “Y/N. Wow you—you look amazing. I’m so glad we ran into each other.”
You huffed. “I’m not. I told you we’re over Adam. Or does me blocking your calls not get the message across?”
He exhaled deeply. “Look I know I messed up but I’m sorry. Classes were just really tough and—and Lucy and I would reminisce about old times…”
“Do I look like I give a shit? You cheated on me and we’re over.” The lie came so easily. “Besides, I’ve moved on.”
“Yeah!” Amy poked him in the chest. “She’s moved on so suck it!”
Adam arched a brow. “You’ve moved on?” He sounded skeptical and that made your blood boil. “Since when? And with who?”
You’d once heard that Hippocrates came up with the saying drastic times call for drastic measures though it wasn’t something you’d be willing to bet money on. However, standing there with your ex eying you like he just knew you were lying brought a whole new meaning to the idiom. You would one hundred percent be damned before giving him the satisfaction of gloating.
Tequila’s kicking in…
Without missing a beat, you put a hand on your hip and motioned to Ten. “Him. I’m seeing him.”
Amy made a sound like a cat having its tail stepped on while Adam gaped at you. “What? I—no. No way. You’re totally lying. I’ve seen the people he’s dated and you’re not his type at all.”
This bitch.
Twirling on your black heels, you strolled across the room to where Ten sat in an arm chair, chatting with a few of his friends. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you straddled his lap and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I know this is awkward as fuck—I’m so sorry—but if you just play along I will owe you big time. I’ll give you anything. You need a kidney? You can have a kidney.”
Ten’s friends had gone mute and as you sat back to gauge his reaction—or to possibly be thrown off of him—you bit your full bottom lip. His dark eyes were watching you calculatingly, his own lips pursed together like you were a riddle he needed to solve. Up close he was utterly breathtaking, all smooth skin and silky black hair that fell artfully across his forehead. He smelled incredible.
And then he spoke.
“There you are baby,” he said wrapping an arm around your waist. “I’ve been looking for you.”
That was when you figured you owed him your first born but it was fine. “Well, you found me. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
He chuckled. “You’re worth waiting for.”
His friends still looked confused though they didn’t have time to voice their opinions. Adam stalked over seconds later like a man on a mission. “So it’s true? You and Y/N are together?”
Ten tilted his head to the side and you saw the moment the lightbulb went off for him. “Yeah we’re together.”
Adam huffed. “Since when? For how long? Where did you two meet?”
Ten smirked. “Are you taking a survey or something?” He brushed his lips across your jaw, making you shiver. “The only thing that matters is that she’s mine. Let’s dance, Y/N.”
“I would love to,” you replied with a smile. You were also grateful he’d remembered your name.
You climbed off of his lap and took his hand, sending Adam a you thought look before pulling Ten out into the thick of the crowd. Your heart was beating a mile a minute but you felt too giddy to pay much attention to it. Plus, you knew Adam was watching you like a hawk and you didn’t want to let on how nervous you actually were. If he found out you were lying he’d never leave you alone and consider you pathetic to boot. Besides the nice buzz that was finally creeping down your spine told you everything would be fine. How could it not be?
Ten’s hands settled low on your hips and he gave you a little tug, pulling your back to his chest. You fit rather perfectly with him, his chin brushing the top of your head. Picking a rhythm in the song that thumped with bass, you began to move together. You rolled your ass against him and leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder, focusing on his breath as it ghosted across your neck. A silver of light wouldn’t have been able to get between you.
Normally you wouldn’t have dared to do something like this with a near stranger but your desire to make your ex suffer was bigger than your nerves. Besides Ten appeared to be all in on the ruse; his body twisting and curving in sync with yours, fingers on his right hand sliding up between your breasts to wrap lightly on your throat. His teeth nipped at your earlobe and you gasped. Reached around to his side to clasp his shirt for an anchor. You heard him chuckle and suddenly you were spun away from him only to be reeled back in, this time face to face.
The room felt like it was two hundred degrees. You weren’t exactly wearing much—a slinky black dress with tiny ties at the hem—but even that seemed too much. Without missing a beat though you and Ten continued to grind with one another, his thigh just barely pushed between your own. Every time you swayed forward to meet him the denim of his jeans rubbed deliciously against you, sending sparks sprinting through your veins. Both of his hands were on your ass as if helping to guide you, and as you met his gaze you couldn’t help but bite your lip at what you saw there. Desire, lust, hunger—no one had ever looked at you like that before. Like they could just devour you and still not have enough of you.
It made you feel powerful.
You grinned and wrapped an arm around his neck, fingers giving his hair a little tug. He hissed and lowered his head so that he could mouth at your bare shoulder, hands squeezing your ass so hard it nearly hurt. You weren’t sure when you started to get wet—maybe it was the moment you sat on his lap or he decided to play along with your dumb stunt—but you could tell it now. Your panties were sticking to you, your skin was on fire and it was becoming difficult to think straight. Honestly however you didn’t want to think at all, especially not if it meant not being in Ten’s orbit.
“Ten,” you whispered into the skin under his jaw.
He hummed, the sound vibrating through your body. You plastered your hand to his chest and pulled it down, nails catching on the thin material of his shirt until they were brushing along the zipper on his jeans. You gave him a quick squeeze—he was hard and straining—and he cursed loudly. Between one second and the next he was dragging you down a dimly light hallway, past kissing couples and one guy passed out drunk in the doorway of someone’s room. He swung you both into the first vacant room he came to; a lavish bathroom at the very back of the house. The door was closed with a swift thump and the lock clicked shut.
You licked your lips as he crowded you back into the counter, looking down at you with a tiny smirk. That part of your brain that yammered on about bad decisions was surprisingly quiet, so you figured it was beyond okay to pull him down for a kiss. As with most of the stuff he did, Ten was a damn good kisser. His mouth was soft and warm, his tongue playful and coaxing. He kissed you like he’d been waiting to kiss you for a long time. Until it grew deep and sensual. Until you were both panting with the need for air but neither wanting to let go of the moment.
With a gasp you tilted backwards a bit, your knees suddenly weak. “Fuck me,” you said absently.
“Can I?” Ten asked, chest heaving. “Can I fuck you?”
“God yes,” you replied, already pulling your dress up until it hitched around your waist.
Ten hooked his thumbs onto the band of your pink panties and slid them down your legs, laying them next to the sink. He looked you over with that same eye he used for his art but you could tell he liked what he saw. You grabbed his hand and brought it between your legs, spreading them wider for him. Two of his fingers slipped inside of you without any resistance to find you damp and aching, already so hot for him. He started a lazy rhythm—in and out, in and out—like he was in no hurry at all. Like he wasn’t driving you crazy all the way down to the tips of your toes.
He kept his eyes locked onto yours as he touched you, lips slightly parted like he couldn’t believe this was happening. That rang true for both of you. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d ever really be friends with Ten, let alone about to hook up with him. It was like you’d stumbled into some alternate universe.
Bringing his free hand up to your cheek, he smoothed his thumb across your lips, pressing lightly until you let him in. You sucked his thumb into your mouth and gave it a little nip, smiling when he smirked. When he deemed it wet enough, he pressed it to your clit and you moaned, your hips stuttering upward with a will of their own. He began a firm massage, working your clit this way and that, fingers still thrusting in their maddening motion. Of course he’d be great with his hands. Of course he’d be able to play your body like a finely tuned instrument.
Pressure started to build low in your stomach. “I—I’m…”
“Turn around.” Ten took a step back and made a show of sucking his fingers into his mouth, tongue darting out to lick between them like he wanted to savor every drop.
You whimpered but did as he requested, your eyes finding his in the wide silver mirror. You watched as he unzipped his pants and pushed them along with his dark colored briefs down to the floor. You hadn’t seen him pull out a condom but he had one; ripping open the packaging with his perfectly straight teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock. It was a delicious looking thing you had to admit, long and thick with a slight curve. If you’d had the time you would have gladly went to your knees for him.
A low breath shuddered out of Ten’s lungs as he pushed inside of you, his hands gripping your waist so strongly you were bound to have a few bruises later. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
It had been a while since Adam and nobody after him until now.
When he assumed you’d adjusted to the size of him, he pulled nearly out before driving back inside of you. You moaned and pushed back to meet his thrusts, feeling the pleasure shattering through you. Your breasts bounced as he moved and he reached a hand forward, tugging down the top of your dress so that he could cup one. He rolled your nipple between his fingers and pinched, bending over you so that he could bite down onto the tender skin of your shoulder. The motion sent him even deeper and you both groaned at the feeling.
“Te—Ten,” you stammered, losing your train of thought when he rolled his hips liked he did on the dance floor. “Oh fuck! Fuck!”
The picture you made in the mirror was a very erotic one; you could see every single expression on Ten’s handsome face. The utter enjoyment he was obviously finding in fucking you was written all over it; there was nowhere for it to hide. His head was tipped back, eyes fluttering closed only to pop back open so that he could watch himself shove into you over and over again. He had you up on your tip toes, nose just an inch from the mirror itself. He was always sexy but tonight that word took on a whole new meaning.
All you could do was try to give as good as you got.
You slapped a hand onto the sink to steady yourself and clenched around him, reveling in the low whine that escaped his throat. It kinda sounded like your name.
And then he was pulling all the way out, dick bouncing as he stumbled backwards. You blinked in confusion. “Wh--what’s wrong?”
Ten ran his fingers through his hair. “C’mon. I want you to ride me.”
He sat down on the closed toilet seat lid and you straddled him without a second thought, sinking down onto his dick with a full body shudder. With your dress around your waist and your breasts jiggling in his face as you bounced up and down on his cock, he traced his tongue around your nipple before lightly biting down. You tangled your fingers in his hair and panted out his name, letting out a squeak when his palm connected with your ass for a hard slap. Planting his feet on the floor, he leaned you backwards a bit as he drove into you repeatedly, eyes watching how well your pussy took him.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against your collarbone. “Gorgeous—you feel so good.” He bit you again, this time on the side of your neck. “So good.”
With one hand on his shoulder to brace yourself, you rose up and let yourself come down hard over and over again, feeling him pound so deep it was almost criminal. Had the music not been so loud you knew exactly what you would have heard; the sound of skin hitting skin as Ten fucked you like he owned you. Just for tonight, maybe he did.
You weren’t sure how long it went on but when you came it still managed to take you by surprise. Your body lit up like a Christmas tree from the inside out and you cried out Ten’s name, clenching around him, your nails digging into his shoulder blades. He muttered a drawn out fuuuuck and pinched your clit with this thumb and forefinger, making you jerk so hard you nearly tumbled off his lap.
“Ah! Ten!” You shouted as he kept it up. “I—no—oh god—”
Your pussy tightened around him again and he shivered, thrusts growing erratic as he came with a grunt. You trembled through a second orgasm almost in disbelief—usually the only thing that could get you off twice in a row was hidden under your bed in a shoe box.
Seconds later you flopped against him, attempting to catch your breath. He was still rolling his hips just a tiny bit, making all the too sensitive areas ping.
“Whoa,” he said breathlessly, wrapping both arms around your waist. “That was…”
You chuckled softly. “Yeah…” Chancing a look at him, you admired the way strands of his dark hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. He was glistening, shirt sticking to his chest. He smelled like hints of your perfume and you smelled like hints of his cologne. It was all so intimate.
Reluctantly you sat back and gazed at him, wondering if things were about to get awkward. But Ten just smiled and ducked his head a little, a barely there blush creeping up into his already flushed cheeks. It was so adorable you couldn’t have resisted kissing him if you tried. From the way he melted into you, he’d had the same idea.
After a few minutes of just enjoying the feel of his lips against yours, you forced yourself up off of him. Your legs shook; you had to grab the counter to keep from tripping in your heels. You could already tell you’d still feel him tomorrow and the thought made you kinda dizzy, but in a good way. Blinking at your reflection—your hair was a dark mess—you knew there was no way you’d be able to hide the love bites that adorned your skin. They stood out stark red and purple like a bruise.
Ten remained slouched on the toilet for a couple of moments before removing the condom and tossing it into the trash. He dabbed at his dick with a handful of toilet paper, and then pulled up his underwear and jeans. “So…can I ask you something?”
You fixed your dress. “Sure.”
“Who was that guy?” he inquired with a grin. “The one you obviously wanted to get away from.”
Oh shit you’d forgotten all about Adam! “Oh he—he’s my dumb ex. He jumped stupid at me and I—I wanted to show him that he’s an idiot. That I’m totally over him. I—I’m sorry for getting you involved.”
He laughed as he patted down his hair. “No complaints from my end. I think he got the message though.” Reaching behind you he handed you your panties. “Don’t wanna forget these.”
It was ridiculous to be embarrassed considering what you’d both just done, but you couldn’t help it. You took them from him and pulled them on, keeping your eyes on the ground. “Thanks… Look Ten—”
“I’m hungry,” he said interrupting you. “Have you ever had grilled dried pollack?”
“Um yeah once I think,” you replied uncertainly. “It was pretty tasty.”
Ten motioned behind him. “I know a place that makes it if you wanted to go. And…maybe afterwards we could just hang out. Talk.”
That sounded amazing. “I’d love to. But…”
He picked up on your meaning. “Y/N I sit next to you in all of our art classes. I make conversation with you for no reason. Do you really think I of all people forget my brushes? Honestly I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but you’ve always seemed…disinterested.”
You were dumbstruck by his admission. “Me?! That’s just my face! You’re the unattainable ingénue or whatever!”
Ten chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. “Oh please the only thing standing between me and being a serious cat dad is having an apartment that allows animals. However, this conversation is pointless. You owe me and I’m collecting…if that’s okay?”
You huffed but couldn’t stop grinning. “It’s perfect.”
The walk from the bathroom to the living room had everyone staring with a few people letting out loud whistles. Adam had disappeared but Amy was there to give you a big thumbs up. You promised to call her later and then let Ten pull you outside into the warm night air, your fingers happily entwined with his.
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halcyon-writings · 3 years
Hi! Do u mind doing headcanons of akira/ren, ryuji and akechi from p5 with a rlly extroverted and clingy reader? Thank you 🥺💖💖💖
note(s): apologies for the late answer to these, i’m slowly but surely finishing off requests!!lowkey this request has me soft for these three as well so i’m just 🥺🥰
all my links (masterlist, rules, etc.) can be found on my pinned post!!!
slight warning for spoilers in these too!! the hcs are utc, bc long posts without one make me age prematurely
i’ve literally tried to fix ryuji’s and akechi’s banner things and idk why the quality is so different hjdhdhj but i have given up bye
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He may not look it, but he can be just as clingy. So he loves it. At every little thing, whether it’s you grabbing his hand or walking arm in arm at every place you both go, or just laying your head on his shoulder when you’re both just hanging out and chilling in his room.
I feel like Akira would have a much more physical kind of love language, just having you close by is a big reassurance to him and sometimes there are days where the rumors catch up to him and the way he’s still held at a distance affects him more than what he lets on. It helps him when he knows you aren’t going to think of him as a criminal or worse.
As soon as you show any sort of physical affection just know he’ll be quick to reciprocate. And if you get flustered? Then he’s gonna double down on it until you’re both just a pair of very flushed and very sappy goofballs. Sojiro has nearly kicked you both out of Leblanc but apparently the old ladies live for it so they come by a lot, so you can stay but you’re both on thin ice.
He really likes your extroverted personality! If we look at this game mechanic wise, he does one thing and just automatically goes to sleep (morgana leering menacingly in the bg-). So looking at this more like characteristics, maybe his social battery isn’t as full as yours. But he’s also there for you in case you need to step back and relax too.
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If you want to see a very red faced Ryuji. then you’ve accomplished that mission very successfully by clinging onto him whenever you’re both hanging out. And for as much as he tries to hide it, the guy blushes all the way to the tips of his ears. You’ll know when you’ve got him all flushed and embarrassed.
He also likes your extroverted nature too, bc mans is also a pretty big extrovert. You both end up as that very excitable pair in high school. Very high energy and people are either jealous of the relationship or want to knock your heads together for being so loud and energetic, there is no in-between. 
Ryuji’s another who acts lowkey about all the shit people say about him. But don’t be fooled, after what Kamoshida did, apart from breaking up the track team and also giving him a debilitating knee injury, and how his reputation plummeted as a result, he bottles up a lot and keeps the negatives to himself. He’ll wait until he’s alone so that way he doesn’t drag you down, he says. But you prove him wrong and he’s all the more grateful for it.
Ryuji definitely brags about you. You’re probably the man’s homescreen/lockscreen. Returning to the first point, the moment you grab onto his hand or his arm when you both are walking to and from places whether it be to school or just on a date, he tries to play it off all cool. No one is fooled because they can see the flush on the back of his neck to the tips of his ears. 
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Once again I’m gonna warn for spoilers in these, but especially for Goro.
I’m not going to lie, Akechi will either really like the clinginess or hate it depending on the different stages of your relationship. If it’s the beginning of the relationship, you might honestly have been a cover up for more of the less than savory activities under Shido’s command. However as time goes on he finds your personality and overrall demeanor to be very refreshing compared to the rest of the people he’s had to deal with. 
Not to be like, lowkey angsty, but, I have feeling that just as he’s starting to let himself become closer to you, that lingering doubt that you’re going to either disappear or end up using him in some way rears its head. Maybe it will maybe it won’t but please let this guy know that you’re in it for the long run (however long it may be). That feeling won’t just disappear in a day, so somedays are rougher than others but the fact that you’ll still cling to him like you have previously is a small reassurance. (shido send me your location i just wanna talk-)
But n e ways after you get past that, if you when the two of you are somewhere private, he is probably just as clingy. Think Koala type of clingy, I just know Akechi is touch starved as hell. And dealing with the public image that he’s created for himself and being bombarded with all this attention from both fans and critics alike can be overwhelming at times. So it’s a bit like a relief when it can be just the two of you, away from prying eyes that want to know all about the new Detective Prince and his s/o. 
He greatly admires the way you’re so extroverted. And maybe sometimes has you talk to people for him if the social battery he’s got is too drained, but only if you’re okay with it! That’s another thing that he’s come to respect is the boundaries. You may be extroverted and slightly clingy, but you don’t push him and instead go at his pace. But when the roles are reversed and you aren’t up for being the social butterfly, he’s more than happy to help you out too.
I think he needs a hug. A big hug.
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kodzukyan · 3 years
two hearts, four broken pieces (now we’re unbreakable)
notes: happiest belated birthday to my grand king <3 lots of (long?) dialogue, long talks at the beach, kinda clunky, but i hope you enjoy :> song accompaniment recommendation: unbreakable by lauren dyson (carole & tuesday) & everything i need by skylar grey! also posted on ao3.
summary: you were there like the air when i felt like i was underwater. AU in which you have matching birthmarks on your heart as your soulmate. - oikawa/oc
wc: 6.2k
The clock ticks continually as you finish reviewing the club budget for the upcoming school year. As the last rays of the sun begin to dim into a darkening blue, the clock rings loudly, signaling the end of club activities. The other student council members routinely leave by five, and after a quick goodbye and wave, two hours pass by without you knowing. You glance at your watch, and you sigh softly as you see the shorthand reach seven.
There are still numbers that do not add up, but you suppose that has to wait. Getting up to stretch, you automatically head to the keys cabinet to see which keys are still missing. As usual, the keys to the volleyball gym have yet to be returned.
Like any other day, you sigh again. This is a rather normal occurrence as the volleyball team tends to stay as late as you do. Normally, you don't mind since it’s not a big deal - you’re usually still here to lock up after they leave. Today, however, you’re rather exhausted and would like to finish up your report and just go home. Putting on your white blazer and patting down the wrinkles of your tan skirt, you make certain you’re presentable before you head out of the room and towards the volleyball gym.
A resounding smack reverberates through the air before you even enter the gym. You knock twice on the gym doors, and when there is no answer, you open the doors soundlessly and enter the gym. The gym is unoccupied except for one lone player, making the echoes of each movement louder. 
He doesn’t notice you, and as you see him jump to hit a serve, you are in awe by the strength and impact of it as it lands. It astonishes you a little to discover the normally flirty eyes and teasing smiles with such intense concentration and seriousness. When you see a faint smile on his face as his serve lands within the lines of the court, you wonder if this is what he really is like. As he recovers another ball to try again, you clear your throat. This time, you catch his attention, somewhat.
“Sorry, Iwa-chan! You don’t have to wait for me. I’m almost done!” he calls out, eyes never leaving the court.
“Sorry, Oikawa-san. I am not Iwaizumi-san. While I do have to say I am extremely impressed with your tenacity, I am afraid it's late and time for you to go home,” you say politely with a perfectly practiced smile on your face.
The ball he tossed into the air previously drops straight down onto the floor and bounces as he hears your voice. He jerks his head towards you, and you almost want to laugh when you see his gaping mouth.
“Oh, Pres-chan! I wasn’t expecting you!” he recovers swiftly, a hand behind his head and his tongue sticking out humorously.
Ah, he’s back to his normal self.
“Apologies again,” you nod, a courteous smile never leaving your face, despite your slight disdain for your new nickname. You’ve learned it is easiest to deal with people with a perfect smile, lips upturned slightly at a 45-degree angle and eyes crinkled together lightly.
He stares at you intensely as you smile. While his eyes are analytical enough to press anyone under, it doesn’t bother you because you are used to such scrutiny.
“I’ll pack up! Pres-chan, wait for me! I’ll walk you home since it’s so late.” He finally softens in his stares and begins picking up the balls around the court.
“No need to worry about me, Oikawa-san. There are still some matters for me to finish up at the student council room,” you assure him courteously despite your mild annoyance at your stray strand of hair that fell out of your neat ponytail as you tuck it behind your ear.
“No, no! I insist! It’s so late, so it’s dangerous for cute girls like you, Pres-chan!” he protests as he continues cleaning.
You begin assisting him to pick up the balls and grab the mops to clean up the gym. The more hands there are, the faster you two get to leave. After cleaning up the gym and returning the keys to the student council room, you continue to decline his offer of walking you home. Being around him for a little less than 30 minutes has already tired you, but you find it more draining to talk him out of it so you just relent.
He accompanies you back to your house at your pace, constantly filling the silence with some sort of conversation. He seems to recognize your need for distance, so he keeps the conversation light, never diving in deeper than what you are willing to give. You respond as amiable as you could with this surface-level sort of conversation. This is comfortable, this is straightforward, this is not about who you are, so you find it easy to keep up your practiced smile and pleasantry. 
For what it’s worth, you can understand why he’s so popular. He’s attractive, and his personality is tolerable enough. But something about him is slightly unpleasant to you. You have an inkling of what it is, but you’re not ready to open the tightly sealed jar of emotions yet.
When you reach your stop and he bids you goodbye, you find yourself face to face with your cousin, who just squeals and questions you.
“Who is he?” she exclaims loudly, far too energetic for so late at night. “What if he is your soulmate?!”
You smile tersely, “He is just a classmate.”
She only looks at you in confusion. “Eh? You never know! Did you already see his mark?”
You flash her a practiced smile as you excuse yourself.
“No, I was born without one.” 
You like routine. This is something you’ve established for as long as you remember. If things are set in place, set in stone, then they are less likely to fall apart, to break.
So when walking home with Oikawa Tooru stays as a recurring part of your days, it makes you uneasy.
This is not part of your normal routine. But you suppose him returning the volleyball gym keys instead of you wrestling him for them is also not part of your normal routine.
“You know, for someone so smart, you’re kind of dumb."
You finally look up from your papers. Your pen still in hand, eyes in disbelief, and voice laced with venom as you hiss, “Excuse me?”
“Pres-chan, even I know when to stop. It's nearly 8 in the evening. Your body needs rest so you can function as efficiently as you always want to,” he rolls his eyes as he air-quotes the word efficiently. The volleyball gym keys jingle in his hand as he does so, and the sound of it aggravates your headache.
"This is coming from the one who stays behind two hours every day after club activity ends? Stop trying to preach what you don’t practice." Your grip on your pen tightens.
"I take Mondays off," he shrugs and offers a lopsided smile. There's a serious glint in his eyes despite his casual gestures.
You know he's right because the keys to the volleyball club always hang neatly and untouched every Monday. You know he's right when you finally let yourself feel the tiredness in your body. You know he's right when your headache finally catches up to you, but you simply cannot completely let go.
Maybe he sees your sagging shoulders and weary eyes, so he doesn't press the matter anymore. He hangs the clubroom keys in the cabinet before he walks over.
"You can rest, you know?"
You do, but you can't. Not when there are so many reports to fill out and papers to file, not when the club budgeting still isn't adding up, not when you have to be the you that your father created inside his head. Your brows cease together as your head throbs. Before you could respond, you feel a gentle pat on your head that brings you out of your thoughts.
"You're doing great, Pres-chan. Take a break," he speaks softly as he strokes your head.
You close your eyes at his touch, and you relish in his gentleness. For someone with such calloused hands, his touch is surprisingly tender. His voice sounds distant, and it feels like he's speaking past you, like he's speaking to whoever he sees in place of you. You think maybe this is what you needed anyways, this is what you want to hear even if he’s speaking to himself through you.
"Take a nap. I'll wake you up in 20 minutes," he ruffles your hair, messing up your perfectly tied ponytail.
You glance at him briefly, and his stupid smile irritates you. Maybe your headache is getting the better of you, maybe you’re just too tired, but you find yourself nodding as your shoulders finally drop in defeat. "10 minutes."
He laughs as he agrees, and when you finally lay your head down and close your eyes, you briefly feel the warmth of his jersey before you drift off.
When you wake, you find that Oikawa is sitting beside you, humming a soft tune as he scrolls on his phone. It takes you a moment to blink the sleep out of your eyes, and then it occurs to you that he never woke you up. Your eyes flutter to the clock, and when you see that it's a little past 9, you panic. You shoot instantly up from your seat, and your sudden movement leaves you dizzy as the world around you rapidly spins in color. Oikawa stops mid-hum as looks up from his phone before he secures your arm to steady you.
"Holy shit, I thought I told you to wake me up in 10 minutes. The papers need to be filed so we can work on the report due next week. I need to finish the reports, so I can turn them in on Friday. The budgeting excel -."
"Pres-chan." He cuts you off as he takes his hand off your arm and pokes your forehead. "I filed the papers on your desk. They go into their respective color-coded drawers, right? And the reports are just club updates, yeah? I arranged them by club type, so you can just sort through them later. Also, I put the volleyball club on top, so get to us first, okay?" he teases lightly and sticks his tongue out mischievously. "I didn't mess with your budgeting excel because it's not my place to, but don't you think you can ask your treasurer to explain their budgeting and money management so far?"
You blink at him in silence as you take in all the information he told you. You glance over at your desk and see the piles of loose paper gone. In place are new stacks of reports clipped together with the assortment of pastel paper clips you brought last month on a whim. Your surprise overtakes you as you let out a shaky breath. 
"Oh," you whisper, breath still quivering and voice slightly trembling. "Thank you."
You make a mental note to double-check everything again in the morning, just in case. That thought almost flies out of your head when you glance over, and the smile he flashes you is so bright you almost forget how to breathe.
"You're welcome."
When he accompanies you home that night, your steps feel a little lighter and your heart soars a little higher as you catch a glimpse of his profile, eyes fixated on the stars above as he tells you stories of constellations and aliens. 
While you’re not an avid volleyball fan, witnessing their defeat to Karasuno in such a close match, watching the light in their eyes dim into a quiet somber crush on your heart. When the match was over and they asked for the keys to the gym, you gave it to them without hesitation although the gym is supposed to be closed for cleaning later today.
Throughout the hours, you find yourself unable to completely focus on the paperwork in front of you. Your eyes keep trailing to the empty key slot where the gym keys are supposed to be, and your ears are fixated on each tick of the clock. Fidgeting with your pen, you finally give in and let out an uneven sigh when the clock rings eight. After smoothing out your skirt and blazer and retying your neat ponytail, you make your way to the gym.
As always, you knock on the doors before coming in. Only silence greets you.
The gym is vacant, and the cheering crowds and rest of the volleyball team members have long gone home after their spontaneous practice. Volleyballs are still scattered everywhere, the net is still up, but none of that matters as your eyes focus on the lone figure lingering in this solemn, almost crushing, silence.
His eyes are downcast, but you can tell from the hitching movement of his chest and the pooling puddle in his lap that he hasn't stopped crying. There is so much you want to tell him, but no words come to you. You’re not even sure if you’re in a position to say anything, but when you see him sitting there defeated and crying silently, a split image of yourself instead of him appears for a moment. The tightly sealed jar of emotions you’ve repeatedly tried to suppress opens.
"You don't have to be perfect, you know?" you tell him softly.
He doesn't look up and only clenches his fists.
You pat the creases out of your skirt as you squat down, hands gently touching his before clasping them firmly. The words burn in the back of your throat as your eyes tear because you know. You know this feeling, this absolutely crushing feeling when all you have is taken away and you’re just left with nothing. Maybe you’re projecting your failures onto him, maybe this is just what you wanted to hear, but you tell him all the same.
"You're so much more than just your losses," you whisper with gentle firmness, "This is not the end. Not for you. Not for your volleyball."
His calloused hands only grip yours tightly as his silent tears fall and roll off your skin.
"You are not your failures."
You barely detect the sound of him letting out a deep breath, but he squeezes your hands. It may not be enough, it may not be okay, but it’s a start.
As the two of you sit in silence, you can merely laugh at yourself for ever thinking Oikawa Tooru was anywhere close to perfect. He is incredibly fragile, human, and unlike a star that you thought you could never reach, he is here beside you. He sniffles every so often, and when every so often becomes more often than not, you laugh lightly and offer him a tissue.
He accepts it with a sniffle, and as he blows his nose, you could only crinkle your nose.
“Ew, you’re gross,” you lightly poke fun at him.
“I was going to say thank you, but I take it back now,” he gasps dramatically.
You roll your eyes as you offer him the rest of your tissues. “It’s fine. I don’t need your thanks. Just… feel better.”
“Thank you,” he whispers anyway as he props his head on yours.
You hear three knocks, two fast knocks, a pause as if it’s left for drastic effects, before the third knock, in a familiar rhythm. Instantly, the wooden doors of the student council room open, and brown hair and honey-colored eyes peek in.
“Wanna do something fun with me, Pres-chan?” Oikawa asks, eyes brilliant and smile equally mischievous.
"... Depends on what it is," you raise an eyebrow at him as you look up from finishing some preparations for university. You've substantially given up trying to advise him to wait before barging into the student council room.
He wiggles his eyebrows before he grins. “Let’s go to the rooftop!"
It takes you a moment to comprehend what he said because while it’s not that crazy, the rooftop is off-limits to students. Subsequently, it occurs to you that out of your three years here, you've under no circumstances done anything remotely rebellious. The adrenaline hits you, so you snatch the keys to the rooftop before heading out the door.
"Alright, let's go."
He freezes before his mouth drops and gasps dramatically. "Heh, Pres-chan, looks like you really aren't that much of a good girl after all."
You roll your eyes at him, and a soft smile finds a way to your face before you walk out. "Hurry up, or I'm leaving you behind."
"Wait for me!!" You hear the scampering footsteps, and you swear you can hear his pout.
This is the first time you’ve ever been on the rooftop, you think, as you finally unlock the door and step out into the sun. It’s a little past seven, and you think the sun is going to set soon as it slowly fades behind the Miyagi skylines in bursts of orange. You close your eyes as the wind blows, almost as if it’s greeting you. You can see why people skip all the time to be up here. 
“Feels pretty good, huh?” Oikawa stands beside you as the wind tousles his hair and the sun kisses his skin. He looks radiant under the sunlight, and you merely hope he doesn’t hear the fluttering of your heart.
“Yeah,” you nod along, “I… I wish I came up here earlier.
Honey brown eyes so deep and warm, staring directly at you, and there is something that you’re terrified to name. You always thought love was something dramatic, once in a lifetime, and it just hits you like a train out of nowhere. With Oikawa Tooru, it feels more like learning to walk - steadily, one step after another, until he becomes a part of your natural routine.
You can see the longing and something akin to love in his eyes, but you know it's not love. You know when he loves, he loves with all his being. Right now, there is something, but it's not love because he sees not only you but also past you. He sees the light at the end of the tunnel, the future where he's standing on a volleyball court with his name on the back of a national team jersey. He sees the passion and the love he has for volleyball beyond you, and even when he's here in the moment, even when he likes you, he sees something greater.
Your heart clenches because you want it to be you, you want you, this to be enough. But you know he is meant for something so much greater. He is meant for the stage lights of an international court, living and thriving with so much passion and love for the sport he dedicates his life to. He is unmeant to be here, to be held back by something called love.
You try ignoring the way his eyes soften when he looks at you, try ignoring the way his eyes linger at your lips as if he wants to kiss you. You try ignoring your yearning heart when all you can hear in your head is him telling you he's going to Argentina.
“You’re going to do great in Argentina.” You swallow the lump in your throat and interlace your own fingers together to prevent yourself from reaching out and holding his hand.
He blinks, and slowly retracts his extended hand, and swallows the words he wants to tell you. “Oh, uhm,” he hesitates. “Geez, Pres-chan! Don’t make it sound like we’re never going to see each other again!” he pouts dramatically, voice creaking just ever so slightly and eyes lacking the playful glint in it. “We’ll see each other again.”
He sounds hesitant, almost as if he’s doubtful if he can uphold the words of a promise. He doesn’t deserve to be held back by a promise.
You let him go.
It’s funny because you don’t even think he is yours to let go, but you smile anyway as you catch his unfaltering eyes back on the sunset. He is the one who teaches you a little bit about being okay, the one who first opens the tightly sealed jar and lets a gale of fresh air into your world.
“Thank you,” you tell him softly. Your hand finds its way to him, fingertips ghosting over his hand almost as if you didn’t just reject his moments ago.
The wind blows softly, and the blooming cherry blossoms flutter as he blinks in confusion before he smiles crookedly too. In a world where you are braver, you would have voiced the three words lingering on your mind instead of the two that came out, and your lips would have been on his instead of settling for a ghost of a touch of hands. But in this world, this is all you can do, all you can intend for.
Instead, the two of you continue to stand in silence, sharing this one last moment where he can stand on both legs without leaning to his left to accommodate for his right knee, where you can laugh in a loose smile and ruffled hair without feeling the need to fix them. It’s satisfactory, you tell yourself, this is enough.
While he may not be your soulmate, while you have no soulmate mark, it hurts all the same. Your heart still breaks as the falling sunlight fades into the deep indigo skies, as he waves goodnight, as you watch him go with the world on his shoulders and wings on his back. The hollowness in your chest aches, and you wonder if this is what heartbreak feels like.
“Funny, huh? Out of all the people in the world, out of all the places in the world, I end up meeting you on an Argentinian beach, thousands of miles away from home,” you stifle your laughter softly.
The hot summer wind blows into your unbound hair, bringing grains of sand and the scent of the ocean. The shore calls you, and you find yourself wiggling your toes in the clear waters. As you look to the horizon, you find that the crystalline waters contrast vividly against the soft pinks and oranges of the fading sun.  It’s so surreal, and it makes you momentarily forget that there are responsibilities, people waiting for you back at home. 
The faint rustling and the loud splash of water wake you from your trance, and you find Oikawa Tooru running into the waters carefreely. His pants are roughly rolled up just barely above the water level. His eyes are tender and his smile is wide as he holds his hand out to you.
“Come on, Pres-chan,” he gestures his hand in front of you again. “The water feels really nice!”
You take a moment to breathe because he looks beautiful with his brown eyes twinkling mischievously and lips upturned jovially and carefreely against the fleeting sunset. You smile once more, lips upturn softly instead of the traditional 45 degrees, as the last strands of your hair frees from your hair tie. 
You briefly remember being eighteen, standing on the rooftop of your high school. His hand is extended, but you were too afraid to take it, too afraid to become a burden. You blink once and think maybe this time, he should have a say in his own decisions instead of you selfishly making it for him. You take his hand, hesitantly and shyly, as you take your first steps into the water.
Time stills as your eyes meet his brown ones. He stares at you dumbfoundedly, and you are unsure if the pinks of his cheeks are from you or the sunset.
“You look happier,” he finally comments softly, “I’m glad.”
Now it’s your turn to stare at him dumbfoundedly. Your hand covers a slight laugh that breaks from your lips. You take in his wind-tousled chestnut hair and eyes closed from his laughter, his muscular body that no longer tends to lean on his left side absentmindedly to protect his right knee, and you realize he is more genuine, more candid, more Oikawa Tooru than the one you’ve known since high school.
“You do too.”
”Wanna grab drinks after?” Oikawa asks nonchalantly as the two of you finally make your way out of the water and sit under the broad umbrella from the blazing sun. His long legs are stretched out as he leans back, hands propping him up.
Despite his relaxed posture and even voice, you see his fingers wiggling in the sand and the pinks peeking on his cheeks and the tip of his ears. It almost makes you laugh because you’re certain you can reckon on one hand how many times Oikawa Tooru seems so timid.
“I mean”- he continues, taking your silence as a declination, -“just as friends, to catch up, you know? How have you been? Oh! What about your cousin? Didn’t she -”
“Okay,” you laugh lightly. “I’d be happy to.”
“-Oh, now that I think about it, what did you end up doing- wait -” he pauses mid-sentence as he stares at you bewilderedly, ”-okay?”
“Yes,” you laugh again, much louder and without restraint. “Okay.”
“Okay,” he repeats after you again.
“Yes, okay.” You nod.
The smile he gives you is so bright it outshines the sun.
"So, how are you?" he asks again once you're seated beside him, a beer in hand and dusk in view.
You offered a general answer earlier, and it started a train of small talk that never breaches past the surface. It reminds you of high school and leaves a bitter aftertaste in your mouth. 
The beach in Argentina is always full of life, but it's quieter now. Maybe it's the fact that it's getting late or the fact that you're on your third beer already, all you can focus on is the man beside you.
Maybe you're more honest now too because he looks like he wants to ask more. (Like he asks “how are you?” when all his eyes are saying is “I love you.”)
"I threw my phone into the ocean and got in a screaming match with my dad," you tell him honestly.
You can feel his gaze on you as he lets out a soft hum to let you know he's listening. It used to unnerve you whenever he looks at you like that, whenever he makes you feel so transparent. Now, it makes you smile because he always makes you feel so seen.
"He told me to be all these things that I am not because he wanted me to have a good life. I know his intentions and know it makes him happy. But I was so fed up with just constantly not being enough for who he wanted me to be, so I told him I just wanted to be his daughter."
You don't realize your hands are shaking until you feel his hands on yours. He pulls the beer bottle out of your hands before he places them into his own and squeezes them.
"And what did he say?" he asks softly, recalling all the late nights and the mask you put on at school in the name of a shadow that always looms over you. He remembers the instant drop of your face whenever your father comes up, when the words duty and filial piety become a burden instead of pride on your shoulders.
"He just kinda stared at me and stopped talking. I think it didn't occur to him that this was a thought in my head. I cried a lot." You squeeze his hands back.
"Yeah, I'm glad you gave him a piece of your mind, though." His voice is gentle as his thumb brushes over your knuckles.
"He cut me fruit after, so I think we're okay," you laugh awkwardly as you flash him a smile. "I think I'm okay."
He smiles too when he notices your smile is a lot freer now, that the corners of your lips are no longer locked in place and forced in front of fake pleasantries. Maybe he's freer now too, he thinks as he looks at the brightly lit skies, as he continues his volleyball journey, feeling so fulfilled despite being thousands of miles away from home. 
"I used to think I wasn't good enough," he starts honestly with a small laugh. "No matter how hard I work, I could never be enough compared to geniuses who just get it." 
“I used to think you were so put together when I initially met you, like the universe's spotlight was meant for you,” you hum. “Until I realized you were the reason why the volleyball gym keys were never returned on time.”
He laughs light-heartedly. “Hey, I had an image to keep up, okay?”
You tuck in your knees and prop your head on top of them, eyes never leaving his, hand still in his. “I think I realized you were a lot more reachable, human even, when I saw you broke down after losing to Karasuno our third year.”
“Are you deriving comfort in my pain? How rude!” He pouts. “But I somewhat get it. I used to think you were super snobby with your fake smiles and your super tight ponytail. I used to think you were going to be balding early!”
“You were the one who habitually had a hoard of fangirls around you, and nobody could get anyplace in the hallways!” You retort with a fond smile.
Memories of high school seem so long ago, and as you recall each one, you see the light in his eyes waning and waxing with the tides. The feelings you try so hard to bury, the ones you try to let go of the day he set off to Argentina bubble through your chest and flow onto your lips.
"I think I was too scared to love you," you finally whisper as the moon rises and the waves kiss the shore.
He stares at you and blinks once, twice, before he breathes a soft, “Oh.”
You finally take your eyes off him, hand finally wiggling its way out of his to encase yourself as you bury your face in your knees. “I wanted to be enough. But I wasn’t. I wasn’t for my dad, wasn’t for myself, wasn’t for you.”
He leans closer and brushes a strand of loose hair off your face. “You are always enough. For your dad, for yourself,” he pauses and smiles gently, “And you are more than enough for me.”
You peek at him through your lashes. The ocean waves drown out the sound of your heartbeat as he stares at you earnestly, eyes honest and lips so, so close.
“I didn’t want you to regret me,” you whisper, voice barely audible, “I didn’t want to be someone who holds you back from your dreams. I didn’t want to be just temporary until you find your soulmate.”
His eyes widen, but he persists steadily close. “I don’t think I could ever regret you. My dreams will always be the national court, but you being there, by my side, would be the best part of it.”
He takes a breath as he reaches for your hand, much like he did at the rooftop of your high school.
“I was born without a soulmate mark. Initially, I was so upset because I thought no one would love me unconditionally like a soulmate is supposed to. But honestly, fuck that. Fuck soulmates. Fuck some pre-destined person supposedly made for you because no one is. We are in control of our own fate, and we are in control of whom we choose to love. And I like you Pres-chan. I have since I was eighteen and dumb. I still like you now at twenty and still a little dumb. But no matter how old I am, how old I will be, it’s always you. I will always choose to love you.”
You breathe in sharply as you listen to his words, every sound and syllable clear as his eyes as he looks at you, only you. There is only truth in his words, and as your eyes wander from his to his hand and back to his eyes, the overwhelming amount of sincerity overwhelms you. 
Oikawa Tooru has always been dedicated in all that he does, and the thought that he is offering you that very same dedicated heart of his becomes a consuming warmth in your chest. The heat of your fluttering heart radiates off your cheeks, and the feeling that has been blossoming in your heart blooms into an indescribable softness and affection.
Love has perpetually been something out of reach, something you witness in movies and read in books, something you witness in your friends and cousin. But love is here now, in the form of Oikawa Tooru with his hands stretched out for you to take, with his heart bare and exposed for you to have.
“I was born without a soulmate mark too. I used to hate it because it felt like it was another thing I was lacking in. I wasn’t even enough to have a soulmate,” you breathe out, eyes on the ocean that reflects on the moonlight. The last bits of the tightly sealed jar of emotions you’ve kept finally flows out.
“But if soulmates do exist, I would like to think they are made. Not in the sense that they are made for each other, because fuck destiny, but in the sense that we wake up every morning and choose who fits us and how they fit. And whatever this is we have between us, we forged it,” you start firmly as you place your hand in his, eyes meeting his. The last bit of bitterness flows into the sea, and the only thing that remains at the bottom of this jar is hope.
“I like you too, Oikawa. I have since I was eighteen and smart. I still do at twenty and moderately smarter but still trying to figure life out. And I don’t know what the future holds or even what I’m doing to do from here on, but I want it to be you.”
“I want it to be you too. I can’t promise you the world or where our lives will lead from here onwards. What I can promise is I will choose you, from the moment I wake up until the moment I sleep, from now until the end of the ocean.”
A promise, his truth. While the unknown horrifies you, this is enough. You smile as you squeeze his hand. When he grins and squeezes your hand back, you think maybe love is irrevocably here to stay.
“What were you before you met me?” He takes one of your hands in his and uses his other in an attempt to tame your unconstrained hair against the wind. He pouts when he finds that your hair just blows wildly and gives up, but he smiles, nonetheless, when he hears your unrestrained laughter.
You shake your hair out of your face and turn to face him, hair blowing wildly and freely with the wind. You tear your eyes away from slow waves of the ocean, illuminated by the brilliant reds and oranges of the setting sun, and you find yourself more captivated by glowing brown eyes than you ever could by the dazzling colors of the horizon. 
You stare briefly at him, looking into his eyes and seeing his relentless soul, and the butterflies in your stomach flutter like they did the very first time, feeling absolutely starstruck. You hum softly as you turn back to the peaceful waves and remember the tight ponytails and painted smiles of your high school days. You remember the weight on your shoulders to become someone ideal and the heaviness on your heart to become a you that only lives to make your father proud.
“I think... I was drowning,” you answer almost inaudibly but honestly, both hands gripping his tightly as if you’re holding a lifeline.
He pauses for a moment before he squeezes your hands again. He whispers then, reluctantly and almost fearfully, “And what are you now?”
You turn to meet his eyes. You recall him at seventeen and feeling annoyed because he mirrored every bit of the pretense you put up in all the undesirable ways. But you see him now, twenty and free of the inferiority and limitations he places on himself, and you wonder if you also look older, wiser, happier because you are now the you you want to be.
You have always associated him with air because he is terrible and unpredictable, destructive and clear, focused and silent. But he is also comforting and calm, like an invisible force, who's consistently going and going, with unhindered sight. He is always persistently here and cannot be turned away, and before long, you find yourself not knowing what to do without it.
At the moment, you find the last bits of the riptides that pull you under the waters finally cease, and as you enjoy the scent of the salty ocean and hear the lull of the gentle waves, you think you can finally breathe freely and vivaciously.
Slowly, you take a hand to trace the outline of the miniature matching sun tattooed on his chest, where the soulmate mark is supposed to appear. You smile undoubtedly and wholeheartedly.
you’re what i need cause now i can breathe; you put the beat in my heart. somehow we fit together, and now we’re unbreakable. 
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americasass91 · 3 years
Truth or Dare?
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Here is the original request:
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Well Hello! I know I haven’t posted anything in a hot minute. Stupid fucking Covid got in the way. But I’m fully recovered and back to normal! Well as normal as I can be for me 😋. Anyways i’m back with a request from @shythingstudentdragon​! I hope you like it! And thank you for letting me tweak the request just a little! I also used some prompts so this fit into the Happy Hoelidays Challenge! Sorry this is such a late entry but I’m glad I was able to get one out! Thank you for hosting this lovely challenge @stargazingfangirl18​ @navybrat817​ and @donutloverxo​! I had a lot of fun with it!
This is a Steve Rogers AU. I hope you enjoy!
Dialogue Prompts:
“I know a good way to warm you up.”
Gif Prompt Used: Steve Rogers
Rating: Explicit (I mean really, all of mine are usually this rating. I can’t seem to help myself😏)
Words: 4.3k
Warnings: Language, Oral(F Receiving), unprotected sex(You can’t go wrong, if you shield your dong), Steve being Steve (I think this is a valid warning), And if i forgot anything I apologize
God you hated men.
Your ex decided to cheat on you with the school slut. You broke up with him as soon as you found out and he had the audacity to act all bent out of shape about it. What the fuck did he expect?
You’re not even entirely sure why he slept with someone else. You guys had plenty of sex. Not good sex, but still.
The sad thing was is you’re only 18 but you were considering swearing off men.
“Pssst. Come on baby, talk to me.” Your ex was currently trying to get your attention in class. You were doing your best to ignore him and just copy the notes from the board.
“Shut up, Justin. I don’t want to hear it.” You whispered back while glancing at the teacher. You really didn’t want to get in trouble.
“But I want you back. That girl didn’t mean anything.”
You decided to not even dignify that with a response and continue to copy the board.
“Please Y/N. I just need one more chance, you’ll see. I’ve changed!”
“Shhh.” You hear from the front of the class. It came from the Teacher’s Assistant, Steve.
You glare back at Justin.
The glare must not have any effect because he continues to pester you.
After about the fifth plea of taking him back, you lose it.
You instantly slap your hands over your mouth. You hadn’t meant to scream that out loud.
“Miss Y/L/N!! There will be no tolerance for that kind of outburst and language in my classroom! Detention after school!!”
Your jaw drops. “But that’s not fair! He wouldn’t leave me alone.” You point back at Justin.
“Well the only voice I heard was yours. I’ll see you after school.”
Mr. Smith comes over and hands you the dreaded pink slip. The bell rings indicating class is over. You gather your things and hightail it the hell out of there, needing to get away from Justin as soon as possible.
That motherfucker caused you to get detention. And on today of all days! You were going to go Christmas shopping with your girls. Well not now.
After your last class of the day you find your friends to let them know you have detention and aren’t able to join them.
“Awe that totally sucks! How on earth did you get detention?” Your best friend asks.
You quickly tell them what happened. They all agree you’re going to have to get Justin back somehow.
You give them a sad wave and head back towards your 3rd period class to get this torture over with.
When you walk in you look around for Mr. Smith and are pleasantly surprised to see his Teaching Assistant instead sitting at his desk.
You plop yourself down in one of the desks in the middle row. “Where’s Mr. Smith?”
Steve looks up from the tests he’s grading. “He said he had a prior commitment and asked if I minded sitting with you.”
You roll your eyes. “You must have something better to do than hang out in detention.”
He gives you a smirk. “I don’t believe I’m the one in detention, Miss Y/L/N.”
You feel a shiver run down your spine at his smirk. “Yeah, well. It’s not exactly my fault that I’m here.”
He nods. “I know. I noticed Justin wouldn’t leave you alone. I tried to explain that to Mr. Smith after class. But you know how he is. Plus you shouted a curse word out loud.”
You grimace. “Yeah, not one of my finer moments. So how does this work? Do I have to sit here and be quiet for an hour or am I allowed to talk?”
Steve leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. Jesus. How had you never noticed how built he was before?
“Well normally I ask the student to sit there quietly but since I don’t really think you’re at fault, I don’t mind if you talk. What would you like to talk about?”
You shrug your shoulders. “Well, I don’t know a lot about you. How about we play Truth or Dare. That always brings out people’s true selves.”
There’s that smirk again. “Alright. You start.”
“Okay, Truth or Dare?”
“I’m just warning you, I don’t do a lot of Dares. So I’m going with Truth.”
“Fine with me. We’ll start easy. How old are you?”
He cocks his head to the side. “Almost 21. Truth or Dare?”
You cross your legs and can’t help but notice his gaze follows your movement. “Truth.”
“How old are you?”
You smirk. “18. I started Kindergarten late. Truth or Dare?”
“So what are you going to school for?”
“I want to be a history teacher. That’s why I’m Mr. Smith’s assistant.”
You nod your head. “Makes sense. And I know you didn’t ask me but, Truth.”
He looks up towards the ceiling for a moment, thinking about what he wants to ask you. “So why was that guy bothering you in class?”
You can’t help the roll of your eyes. “He’s my ex and he wants me back. And I could care less.”
“Why’d you guys break up?”
“He decided to fuck somebody else and I don’t put up with that shit. I know I deserve better than that. So I’ve sworn off men.”
He furrows his brows. “I mean that totally sucks he cheated on you. And in my opinion he’s an idiot. But you’re really swearing off men? All men? We’re not all bad you know.”
“I didn’t say all men were bad. I’m just done with them for now. Gonna take some time for myself. Enjoy me.”
Steve’s thoughts immediately go down the drain at your last statement. He can feel his cheeks turning red as well as his pants getting tighter. He clears his throat. “Well, that’s always good to do. Time for yourself is important.”
“Yeah it is. And I believe it’s my turn. Truth or Dare?”
“Truth, please.”
You decide you want to watch him squirm. “I can’t help but notice you have a nice body. Do all the girls at college try to get a piece of you?”
Now Steve definitely knows his cheeks are red. “Um, no. I can’t say that they do. I mean, I’ve had a few interested but not a lot.”
You find that hard to believe. He’s fucking gorgeous and currently ruining your panties with every smirk of his.  “Now, I don’t believe that for a second. I mean, you’re very good looking Steven. If I went to your college, I’d definitely hit on you.”
Now Steve was definitely having inappropriate thoughts. He knew he shouldn’t. You were still in high school. Although you are 18. “Well, thank you. I guess the right girl hasn’t been interested. I’m looking for a connection I guess. I want more than just sex.”
That actually surprised you. Usually sexy guys like Steve are only looking for one thing. “Yeah, a connection would be nice I suppose. Although you have to admit, sometimes just sex can be nice too.”
Steve clears his throat and looks towards the windows at the snow falling outside. “Uh, I think it’s my turn now. Truth or Dare?”
You can’t help but notice he ignored what you said about sex. “Truth.”
Steve decides to give you a little taste of your own medicine. “What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?”
Now it’s your turn to be embarrassed. “I don’t think that’s happened yet. Cause if it has, I’m thoroughly disappointed. Truth or Dare?”
“You know what? I think I’m going to go with Dare this time.”
You get excited at the idea. “Well, Steven. You look like a nice strong guy. So…” You look around the room…“I Dare you to pick up one of the desks over your head.”
Steve scoffs at you. “At least give me a challenge, Y/N.”
He stands up and picks up the middle desk in the front row and lifts it over his head as if it weighs nothing. Welp, you’re definitely wet now. Jesus. Those fucking arms of his. The veins were really prominent now. You knew he knew you were checking him out and fuck it if you cared. He sets the desk back down and sits in the desk in front of you sideways so that he can still look at you.
“Wow, I have to say that I’m impressed.”
He smirks at you. “Yeah? That was nothing. But hey, it’s my turn now. Truth or Dare?”
You almost pick Dare to see what he’d choose but you chicken out at the last minute. “I’m gonna have to go with Truth again.”
He turns his gaze towards the window again trying to think of what to ask you. Then he smirks and moves his eyes back to you. “Was that ex of yours any good in bed?”
You don’t even have to think about this answer. “Ha, no. I mean, it wasn’t the worst I’ve had. But definitely not that great. Let’s just call him a 2 pump chump and leave it at that.”
“Ouch. Can’t say I’m surprised though.”
“Are you a 2 pump chump, Steven?”
Steve just smirks at you. “I believe you’re supposed to ask me Truth or Dare?”
You smirk back at him. “Okay. Truth or Dare, handsome?”
“I think I’m going to go with Dare again.”
You think for a second before a naughty thought pops into your head. You stand up and move so that you’re standing in front of him. You put your hands on your hips. “Okay, Mr. Big Strong Guy. I Dare you to lift me up. I’ve got a big ass and hips, it might be a challenge for you.”
He stands up. You’re so close to him that your chests are touching. He gazes down at you. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem, Miss Y/L/N. And I happen to think you have a nice ass.”
Before you get a chance to reply, he grabs your hips and lifts you straight up. You squeal in surprise and grab onto his shoulders. “You’re light as a feather, babe. No problem at all.”
He slowly lowers you back down, making sure your body slowly slides against his. Jesus he feels good against you.
It takes you a minute to realize your feet are back on the floor, your hands still on his shoulders. His are still on your waist. You can’t seem to tear your gaze away from his. You can feel him pressed up against your lower tummy. He was hard. Jesus. He felt huge. He clears his throat.
“Truth or Dare, doll?”
You swallow the lump in your throat. You move your hands down to his arms. They felt nicer than you expected. He starts flexing. God damn. He could probably snap you in half without any effort. You bite your lip and meet his eyes again. “Dare.”
“Kiss me.”
You don’t even hesitate. You rise up on your toes and firmly press your lips against his. You move your hands back up so that your hands are resting on the back of his neck. His grip on your waist tightens as he returns your kiss. He keeps it light and soft. He pulls back enough so that he can make eye contact with you. “I thought you were giving up men, doll?”
You can’t help the smirk that graces your face. “That was before I felt your hard, cock pressed against me. You wanna put it to use, big guy?”
A low growl escapes his chest as he pulls you back in for another kiss. This one is more heated than the last. You moan into it. He pushes you towards Mr. Smith’s desk. He breaks the kiss and pushes everything off the desk onto the floor. He grabs you by the waist and picks you up to sit you on it.
You quickly spread your legs and grab him by his shirt to pull him back in for another kiss. He happily obliges and this time licks your bottom lip, wanting entrance. You decide to be a little tease and not let him in just yet. He doesn’t like that. He pinches your hip and you let you a little yelp, giving him the perfect opportunity to press his tongue against yours. The battle for dominance is short lived. You let him win. Damn he’s a good kisser.
The next thing you know, he rips your shirt open. You can feel your nipples hardening under your white laced bra due to the cold room. You push him back and give him your best pout. “Now I’m cold, Stevie.”
He gives you a naughty smirk and moves his right hand under your school uniform skirt and slowly slides it towards your center. “Don’t worry, doll. I know a good way to warm you up.”
A shiver runs down your spine as he drops to his knees in front of you. He places a quick kiss to both knees before he pushes your skirt up until it’s bunched up at your waist, exposing your white laced panties. He starts kissing his way towards where you need him most. You lean back on your left hand and thread your fingers of your  right hand through his hair.
He takes both hands and hooks them into the band of your underwear. He suddenly stops and looks up at you. “I didn’t even ask you, Y/N. I’m sorry. Are you okay with this?”
You feel your heart skip a few beats. What a considerate guy. Justin never asked your permission. He just assumed you always wanted it.
You quickly nod your head. “Yes, Steve. Please, please don’t stop. I’ll let you know if I’m not okay with something.”
He nods and starts pulling your panties down. You lift your hips to help him out. You smirk as you see him pocket them. He throws your legs over his shoulders. He grips your ass and gives it a good squeeze. He pulls you closer towards his face.
He starts out by sucking a hickey onto the inside of your upper right thigh. Your fingers are still threaded through his hair. You give it a harsh tug. It earns you a growl. “Stop teasing. Need your mouth on me. Please.”
You barely get out the please before he’s licking a stripe from your entrance all the way to your clit. You throw your head back and let out a quiet moan. He moves his left hand to your center and pulls the little hood back to expose your full clit to him. He looks up at you. “Anyone ever tell you that you have the prettiest pussy, doll?” He winks and sucks your clit into his mouth. This moan you let out is not so quiet.
He smirks against your clit and lightly bites down on it. You involuntarily buck your hips against his face. “Jesus, Steve. Do that again.”
He happily does as you ask. He bites down a little harder this time. The pain is so good. The grip you have on his hair tightens even more. With his lips still attached to your clit, he starts flicking the bud back and forth with his tongue. He transitions from fast to slow flicks. He’s driving you crazy in the best way. You can feel that coil in your belly tightening. You’re close already.
Just when you think to yourself it can’t get any better, you feel his finger prod at your entrance. “Yes, Steve! Please fuck me with your fingers. I need it.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. He slowly inserts his finger until he’s knuckle deep. “Fuck, doll. You’re so tight. Gonna feel so good when you’re wrapped around my cock.”
You whimper at his words. He attaches his mouth back to your clit and starts slowly pumping his finger in and out. “Mmmm. Faster, Steve. Please.”
Before he does what you say, he adds a second finger. He pulls back from your clit for a second and watches you lose yourself in the ecstasy.
“You gonna cum for me, doll? Gonna be a good girl and cum all over my fingers?”
You nod your head frantically. “Yes! Please, Steve. Make me cum.”
Steve picks up the pace of his fingers and curls them slightly so they press up against your g spot. He then attaches his lips back to your clit and bites down.
That pushes you straight into your orgasm. You cum gushing all over his face and fingers. He moans as he happily laps up everything you give him.
Once he gets you all clean, he raises back up to his feet. “You taste amazing, baby.” Then he pulls you in for a searing kiss. You moan as you taste yourself on his lips and tongue.
You start undoing his belt and unbuttoning his pants. He pulls away and looks down at you. “You don’t have to do that, doll.”
You lower his zipper and start palming him through his boxer briefs. “What if I want to? Unless of course you don’t want me to.”
He closes his eyes and drops his head forward as you push his pants and boxer briefs down and wrap your hand around his cock. It was magnificent. Definitely bigger than anything you’d taken before. You couldn’t wait to feel it stretch you open.
You start pumping your hand slowly up and down his thick shaft, using the pre cum leaking from the tip as lube. Steve rests his hands on your thighs, his eyes now opened and trained on your hand. “Fuck, doll. You’re driving me crazy here.”
You smirk and lean forward and start placing kisses on his neck. You pick up the pace of your hand just slightly. You move your kisses up his neck until your mouth is right by his ear. “Then why don’t you fuck me already?”
He groans and grabs the back of your neck to pull you in for yet another heated kiss. He nips at your bottom lip and this time you open right away, needing to feel his tongue against yours.
He suddenly pulls back and pulls your hand off of his cock. You are about to ask him what’s wrong when he grabs your hips and pulls you into a standing position. He looks down at you with an evil smirk. “If you want me to fuck you, why don’t you be a good girl for me and turn around and put your hands on the desk?”
Fuck. He doesn’t need to ask you twice. You quickly do as he says, shivering in anticipation of what’s to come.
He puts his hand between your shoulders and pushes you down until your elbows are now resting on the desk.
You wiggle your ass at him teasingly.
He quickly flips your skirt up and growls at the sight. You feel a hand come down hard on your left ass cheek. “God damn this is a nice ass. I bet it’ll jiggle real nice while I’m fucking you.”
He places his hands on your ass and gives it a hard squeeze. You let out a frustrated growl. “Stop teasing me and just fuck me, Steve. Please.”
“You sound so pretty when you’re begging for me. But you did ask nicely.” He grabs his cock at the base and slides the tip against your folds. You push back against him for some much needed friction.
He chuckles at your desperation. He pushes the tip into your entrance and pulls your cheeks apart so he can watch himself as he slowly sinks into your heat.
You clutch at the edges of the desk. You knew he was big but holy fuck. You can feel every vein and every ridge of his dick as he slowly bottoms out. It hurts but only a little. You let out a tiny whimper.
Steve rubs your back gently. “You okay, doll? Want me to stop?”
You quickly shake your head. “No, just...give me a minute.”
He continues rubbing up and down your back to help relax you. After a few minutes you wiggle your hips a little and the pain has gone away. You feel nothing but pleasure. “Please move now.”
He grabs your hips and slowly pulls out until just the tip remains in. Then he slowly pushes back in. “Fuck, baby. You’re so god damn tight. I don’t think I’ll be able to last very long. So fucking warm.”
He continues his super slow rhythm for a few more thrusts. “Faster, harder Steve. Please. Need you to fuck me hard.”
Steve smacks your right cheek this time. “Yeah? Need me to fuck you like the whore that you are?”
You clench down around his cock at his degrading words. You loved that shit. “Fuck, yes. Please.”
He happily obliges and picks up the pace. Soon the only thing that could be heard in the classroom is skin slapping against skin and your moaning and his groans.
With every thrust in his tip kisses your cervix in the most delicious way. You clamp down around him again. “God damn, baby. If you keep clenching around me like that, I’m gonna cum.”
You smirk to yourself and continue clenching around his cock. He’s now letting out some loud moans that sound like your name. He gives your ass another smack. “Want you to come first, sweetheart. You close?”
You nod your head and start moving your hand towards your clit. But it’s quickly smacked away by Steve. He moves his fingers towards your clit and gives it a hard pinch.
Your orgasm takes over your whole body. You know you’re shaking but you can’t stop it. You can feel yourself gushing all over his dick. This is the hardest you’ve ever cum in your life.
Your pussy clamps down on Steve in a vice like grip during your orgasm. He somehow manages to fuck you through it without coming himself. But he can’t hold it much longer.
“Fuck, baby. I’m gonna cum. Where do you want it?”
“On my ass. Cum on my ass, Steve.”
He gives a few more hard thrusts before he pulls out and fists his cock until his load shoots out against your ass and the back of your thighs.
You moan as you feel his spend against your skin. That was easily the best sex you’ve ever had. You’re not entirely sure you can move.
Steve puts his hands on the desk and leans forward a little to catch his breath. He moves your hair aside and places a kiss against the back of your neck. “You okay, doll?”
You slowly nod. “Oh, I’m more than okay. But is there something to clean me up with?”
Steve chuckles and raises back up into a standing position. He quickly pulls up his pants and briefs and tucks himself back in and zips himself up before going into the supply closet in the classroom to grab you some paper towels.
He comes back over with paper towels in hand and starts cleaning you up. Before he can get it all, you move your right hand behind you and scoop some of his cum off of your ass and stick your finger in your mouth. “Mmm, just wanted to taste you.”
Steve can feel himself getting hard again. “Jesus Christ, doll. You’re gonna be the death of me.”
You chuckle. Once he gets you all cleaned up, you raise your unsteady body up and try to straighten your clothes as best you can. You then remember that Steve ripped your shirt open and you are unable to button it back up. You playfully glare at him. “Well shit Steve. How am I supposed to walk out of here with my shirt undone? My jacket is in my locker.”
Steve’s gaze lowers to your exposed bra again. You snap your fingers to get his attention. He quickly gains focus and grabs his coat off the back of his chair. “Here, you can wear mine. I don’t usually wear it anyways. I like the cold.”
You happily accept the article of clothing and put it on and zip it up. It’s huge on you. “You are a strange one, aren’t you?”
His cheeks redden a little. “Not so strange that you just let me fuck you against Mr. Smith’s desk.”
You beam at him. “Yeah, well. What can I say? If I know I want something, I take it.”
Steve wraps his arms around your waist. “So….are you free Friday night? I’d really like to take you out on a date.”
You decide to tease him a little. “Well, I don’t know. See, I just had the best sex of my life and I’m not sure you can top that.”
“Really? Well, I bet I can. You just gotta give me a chance.”
You press a quick kiss to his lips. “I’m just kidding, Stevie. Of course I’ll go on a date with you. But don’t expect me to put out after.” You wink at him.
He grins at you. “We honestly don’t have to have sex after. I’d be happy with just dinner and nice conversation. You know, make a connection.”
You can’t help but match his smile. “That actually sounds really nice.”
Steve lets go of you and starts gathering his things. “Gotta show you how a man should rightfully treat a lady.”
You all of a sudden couldn’t wait for Friday. You grab your bag off the floor and head towards the door with him. He grabs a hold of your wrist and pulls you into him before you can get the door open. He smiles down at you and tucks some hair behind your ear. “For the record, that was also the best I’ve ever had.”
You smirk. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
With that you give him a wink and open the classroom door and saunter out.
He just shakes his head at you with a smile. Not feeling this connected to anyone in a while.
Permanent Taglist: @stargazingfangirl18​  @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @lllols 
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supernova-cas · 3 years
so @itsinjustbeing made this post and @mochadean added the tags and I wrote a little thing about Dean studying for his GED. 
The humidity surrounded him like a thick coat, seeping into the kitchen through the window screens, barely held at bay by the old fan whirring about two inches from Dean’s face. He wiped at his face with one hand, the other pushing down at the page he was reading, trying to stop the flapping page from flying away and taking the prep book with it. He was just on the verge of finishing the chapter, pen between his teeth as he ran his finger down the page when he heard the car pull up. Within moments he was up, the book flipped over and shoved far away from him, his own hands around a half-assembled rifle. By the time the screen door slammed shut he looked, for all intents and purposes, like he was just taking care of his weapon.
It was a moment before he heard the tell-tale sound of Bobby’s thick boots scuffing the floor and he sagged slightly, the tension draining out of him even before Bobby came into the kitchen and spoke
“You can put that down, boy, it’s just me.” He came in, groceries on one arm, a takeout bag on the other. “Brought dinner. Get your shit off the table and we can eat.”
“Thanks.” Dean put the rifle down sheepishly, and picked his book back up. He piled it up with the notebook he’d been writing in, the three different pens and the odd blue highlighter Bobby had found in a drawer somewhere that made up his studying tools. He dropped them down on the couch before coming back to join Bobby.
They ate in a comfortable silence for a bit before Bobby spoke up.
“I told you this morning. Your dad’s halfway across the country, he’s not coming back for another few weeks. Trust me, there’re plenty of jobs up there, and he’ll want to take them.”
“Yeah, I know.” Dean answered around a mouthful of food. “I know that, he called last night.”
He’d picked up the phone, listened to John tell him about the job he was on, coughed a few times into the phone to try and make it convincing. Bobby had been skeptical of his plan at first, pretending to be sick to get the few weeks off without John realizing what he was doing. But Dean knew his father well enough to realize the moment Dean wasn’t going to be helpful John would be happy to drop him on anyone who’d take him, and understood him well enough to know that despite Bobby’s comments to the contrary Dean’s father wouldn’t get too worried when that sickness extended longer than a week or so. He chalked it up to his father wanting him to be tough. Trusting that Dean could handle whatever came after him, be it vamp or virus. It was a sign of his father’s trust in him and of course that only made what he was doing worse.
“So, there’s no reason to go throwing books about.” Bobby said.
“Yeah, I know.” Dean repeated.
Bobby looked like he was going to say something else but thought the better of it. Neither of them was very good at talking, but both of them understood the full unsaid conversation that hung in the air between them. Dean looked away, around at the cluttered room, down at the scratched table, anywhere but Bobby’s face. They lapsed into their regular silence until it settled again, back to comfortable.
Dean crumpled the trash up when they’d finished, throwing it out while Bobby took out a six pack and took one out. Dean reached for one, getting his hand slapped away.
“You done with what you wanted to do today?” Bobby asked in a tone that made it clear he knew what the answer was going to be.
“No.” Dean said it anyway, slumping back in his chair.
“Well then.” Bobby stuck the rest of them in the fridge.
Dean rolled his eyes but retrieved his books from the couch anyways, setting himself back up at the table and trying his best to refocus. It was hard, his mind kept trying to run in a million different directions, all directly away from the path the book was trying to take him. He’d been doing alright before but his mind had taken the break as a cue to shut down all functions responsible for understanding the numbers on the page and how he was supposed to be solving them.
This was why school was Sammy’s thing.
Still, Dean wanted to do this. He didn’t know why, knew he could never defend his case for it, but Dean wanted his GED. Even if right now his brain was fighting him about it. It wasn’t that he was stupid, he picked up on most the lessons in school easily enough when he was able to attend and even studying on his own, when he was able to keep his head down, when he got really drawn into the material, he was able to do fine. But now, suddenly he was faced with the practice questions and half of what he thought he’d known had flown right out of his mind. Fuck. Maybe he was stupid.
He sighed, flipping back through the chapter, trying to pin the knowledge back down, lock it up so it couldn’t fly away again. He was vaguely aware of Bobby working the phones in the background, his voice melding into the rest of the background noise, mixing with the old fan, the creaky chair he kept moving about in, the mosquito who was always just out of reach. Suddenly that whine was all he could focus on, unable to force his attention on anything else. He reread the same paragraph twice without taking anything in, the persistent droning impossible to ignore. He pushed his chair back, determined to find it and put an end to it. He tried to swat it but it was quick, darting out of the way every time. He waited another moment, until it seemed settled on the table before he swung his book down, crushing it with a loud, heavy thud!
For a moment there was blessed silence.
“Dean? What’s going on in there?” Bobby called from the other room.
“Nothing!” he answered back. “Mosquito.”
“So ya killed it with a hammer?” Bobby asked, coming back in. He took a moment to take in the scene. Dean, standing above the table, frustrated frown still on his face, the book slammed down onto the table face down, the back flipped over to reveal the past owner’s graffiti. He stared for about a second before he picked up the book, shut it and put it aside. He walked over to the fridge and took out another couple of beers, offering one to Dean.
“I didn’t finish.” Dean said.
“You’re finished for tonight.” Bobby said, gesturing for him to take it.
“You don’t think I can keep going?” Dean asked.
“I don’t think you should. You’ve been at it all day; you’ll be at it tomorrow. You’re not getting anything more done tonight.”
Dean took it wordlessly, stepping out of the kitchen out onto the back porch. Bobby followed after, sitting on the bench pressed against the wall.
“This is stupid.” Dean said finally. “This whole thing, me trying to study for this, lying to my father, it’s stupid. I can’t do this. I shouldn’t be doing this.”
Bobby waited until he was finished, taking a long drink.
“You done?” he asked. “With that little pity party of yours?”
“It’s not a pity party!” Dean turned back to face him. “I can’t even study properly, couldn’t even finish the section today.”
“So, you’ll finish it tomorrow.” Bobby answered. “You’ve been studying non stop since you got here, got your head bent over that book and takin a break right now aint gonna undo that. It’s just gonna let you focus tomorrow.”
“And if it doesn’t? If I fail, and this whole thing was just a waste?”
“Then we’ll do this all again I guess.” Bobby shrugged. “Listen boy, you’ve had a lot of stupid ideas. This is one of your rare sensible ones, don’t go screwin it up now by just giving up.”
Dean just shrugged, cracking open his beer and sitting down next to him. Between the two of them hung his agreement, his apology and his gratitude. Between them hung Bobby’s support, his acceptance.
Tomorrow he’d keep studying. Next week he’d take the test. And then it’d be over or they’d do this all again.
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1kook · 4 years
commercial break ; ONE
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a netflix & chill drabble  this follows directly after disney+ and bust !
summary; Maybe Jungkook wasn’t always as cool and composed as you initially believed. But that’s okay, because you love him all the same. warnings; none unless u count yn bullying him as one miscellaneous; yn is regina george thats it word count; 1.3k
notes; u guys may be like “u feed us so well!” wrong i obsessively post bc I'm never satisfied with my work, like in d&b i really disliked the lack of resolution so here i am writing one the day after god bless lmk what u think xxxx
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Because Jungkook is Jungkook and cannot go three minutes without profusely professing his feelings to you, the apology gets old real quick.
“I’m sorry, y’know,” he says in the middle of dinner, idly picking at his plate. It’s Chinese tonight, sprawled across the kitchen counter that overlooks your living room. The Bee Movie is playing on TV, a movie you hadn’t seen in years yet still managed to put a smile on your face. But you know what wasn’t putting a smile on your face? Jungkook ruining this movie experience with his fourth apology of the night.
You nod through a mouthful of rice, eyes zeroed in on the screen. “Uh huh,” you hum, foot idly bumping against the leg of your chair every few seconds. “That’s great, honey.”
He sighs. “I’m being serious,” he stresses. “I think, maybe you should like…” a long pause you use to shovel more food into your mouth while the bees on screen go to human court. It was a wild ride. Were they on crack when they pitched this idea? You would have been. “Punch me in the face or something,” he offers after a moment.
You quirk a brow in his direction, finally abandoning the film on screen in favor of turning to face him. “You want me to use you as a punching bag to help you get over your hurt feelings that you developed from being an asshole to me.” Jungkook nods. You shrug. “Okay.”
“Wait, really?” he says, face paling as you roll your shoulder around. “You’re gonna hit me? Like for real?” You raise your brows, as if that’s obviously what you’re going to do.
“Well, you asked for it,” you respond, giving your wrist one final flick before rearing it back. His eyes flutter shut tightly, pouty lips pursed together in a thin line. Your fist comes barreling, ripping through the air in an insane, Fortune 500-like speed, and then—
“No,” Jungkook groans, touching the spot where you lightly flicked his forehead. His bangs saved him from most of the impact, but even without it, it was barely more than a teasing poke of your finger against his skin. “You need to like, beat me up.”
You snort, turning your attention back to the screen. “You know, you’re beginning to sound a lot like me these days, Jungkookie,” you point out, fork scraping across the plate. Jungkook sighs, dropping his head onto the countertop in defeat. “Very childish.”
He lightly bangs his head across the faux marble, a strained whimper filling the air and ruining The Bee Movie. “Which is why you need to hit me or something, I don’t know. Make me pay for how horrible I was to you the other day.”
“I’m not gonna hit you,” you say, “because that would mean the next time you get mad at me, you’d hit me.”
“I would never!” he exclaims, eyes wide and round. Gone was the perfectly put together Jungkook, in was this sloppy mess of emotions. “Besides,” he says softly, cheeks a warm rosy color as he goes back to picking at his food, “you’d never wrong me like I did you.”
You hum, toying with the fork in your mouth. “Really,” you murmur, dropping the fork back on the table. You place your chin in your palm, lazily watching the movie now that you’ve missed a pivotal scene because Jungkook wanted you to beat him up. “I used your toothbrush the other day,” you mention.
“You what?” he squawks indignantly. You glance at him from your peripherals. There’s an obvious expression of disgust on his features, eyes flickering from side to side as he digests this information. “Babe—that’s, that’s actually really…” He can’t even finish his sentence, mouth opening and closing as he finally seems to process the fact your mouth germs were on his beloved toothbrush.
“Yup,” you add. “Hope you don’t mind,” you babble on, “well, I mean, you really shouldn’t.” You glance at him, the mean streak in you crooning loudly in your ear the more and more uncomfortable he grows. “Considering you’re always spitting in my mouth.”
As wild as you and Jungkook liked to get in bed, what happened in bed mostly stayed in bed. It sounds gross to say it aloud, but he really has just been casually spitting in your mouth for the past few months. He was a dirty boy, and that fact makes him squirm.
“No, that’s different,” he frowns, obviously distraught by the valid point you bring to the table. “My toothbrush is my toothbrush.”
“I know,” you agree, nudging his foot teasingly. “Should I tell you about all the other mean stuff I do to your things that I never say sorry for?” He turns those frantic eyes on you.
“You’re lying,” he says, though there’s a question embedded within. You tilt your head to the side, as if to say, am I?.
When he doesn’t say anything more, you jump into a full novel recapture of every mean thing you’ve done and why. “And one time I was so pissed off that you finished my strawberry shampoo that I went to your house and drained the water from that stupid cactus’s pot. You know, the one Namjoon gave you?” Jungkook’s mouth opens and closes. “Why do you think it died so fast? I killed it.”
Before he can reprimand you for purposefully orchestrating the murder of his favorite senpai’s potted cactus, you’re intercepting him with yet another tale. “And another time, I was so sick of you polishing your awards all day that I went in and sprinkled a layer of adhesive pixie dust on them from the craft store, and I know it still bothers you to this day.”
“Jeez,” he sighs after a good ten parables. “It sounds like I piss you off a lot more than I think I do.”
You pat his shoulder gently, scraping the remnants of his meal into the trash can. “Yeah, but the difference is,” you say, finding your place beside him again. You don’t climb into your chair, just hover beside him until he’s begrudgingly wrapping his arms around your waist. There’s a cute pout on him, face squished against your boobs. “I routinely let out all my raging hatred against you instead of bottling it up.”
“Yeah,” he agrees sadly. “I guess so.”
Before you can let him off believing this much is fine, you intervene once more. “And also I never purposefully pick out everything you’re insecure about.”
“I didn’t know,” he cries, all traces of that suave gentlemen you love so much gone. But it’s okay, because in his place was this vulnerable puppy looking at you with the eyes of every rescue pop in those dramatic commercials on tv. Maybe Jungkook wasn’t always as cool and composed as you initially believed. But that’s okay, because you love him all the same.
“Well, now you do,” you reprimand, giving his nose a playful pinch that almost makes him sneeze. “And I think it’s only fair I get a turn.”
He pushes away from his hiding spot in your boobs with a frown. “So you won’t physically attack me, but you will verbally attack me.”
“Yes,” you respond without missing a beat. “Because you’re easy to bully and it’s probably because of the fact you didn’t have many friends in high school, which essentially made you the class loner, thus an easy target. Explains why Namjoon had to set you up on a date with someone as amazing and outgoing as me, otherwise you would have died forever alone because of your inability to talk to women and the fact you have an awfully picky personality that can be overwhelming at times. So thank me once in a while, yeah?” you smile.
Jungkook blinks. “I think I might cry,” he admits.
You cup his cheeks in your hands, puckering his lips obnoxiously for you to smooch. “Baby, you’re dating a retired Regina George. Y’gotta tighten up a bit,” you tease, relish in the tiny smile he tries to hide after your kisses.
“So is this going to be like a thing now?” he asks as you tug him over to the couch, where The Bee Movie is still playing loud and clear. He plops down and you follow, snuggling into his side. “Because I don’t think I can ever do that again. Hurting your feelings hurts my feelings.”
You snort, taking in his smell and his warmth beside you. Jungkook sinks into the cushions, pulling you close into his chest until the soft beats of his heart echo in your ears. “No— unless you want it to be?”
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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mummybear · 3 years
Borrowed Time - Chapter One - The New Guy
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Words: 3173
Warnings: Swearing... think that’s it for this chapter :)
Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader, Mark (OC), Tiffany (OC), Mentions of Sam Winchester
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
A/N: So this is the first series I’ve written in a while or at least the first one I’ve posted! So I hope you guys like it! The next chapters will be out every Friday, until it’s finished :) The series will probably only be around 6 chapters long, but I really hope you enjoy it! Let me know If you want to be tagged in this series or in any of my other taglists :D
Beta: @negans-lucille-tblr​ Thanks babe ❤😘
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/mummybear
Series Masterlist
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You let out a shaky breath as you take your seat at the back of the class, hoping that he will just leave you alone today. One of the new guys at school had developed a thing for you, ever since you’d ignored him on his first day, it was like he was determined to get you to talk to him. Lately though he’s been getting under your skin, and you’re so close to giving in. Sure the guy was hot, in fact, he may have been the hottest guy you’d ever seen, but he was also one of the biggest players in the school. The exception being in the last two weeks, where he had barely spoken to another girl who wasn’t you. Safe to say that had started the rumour mill. Then you hear the murmuring starting in the room, and that unmistakable feeling prickles across your skin.
You fight the urge to look up, but it’s like your eyes are drawn to him, like some kind of magnet is connecting the two of you. You finally give in and look up to find him already watching you, gorgeous green eyes locked on yours. Trying to look away is pointless, you know that by now. You do you best to calm your nerves enough so that you’re finally able to drop your eyes to your desk, and start pulling out the things you need for the upcoming lesson. 
That doesn’t stop your entire body tensing when the chair beside you scrapes along the floor loudly as it’s pulled out. It’s almost like you can feel the eyes of everyone in the hall turn on you. You can’t control the way that your body responds to the sound of his deep voice.
“Mind if I sit here, Y/N?” he asks quietly. You try and ignore the gasps that practically echo around the large room, as you force yourself to look up at him again.
Swallowing around the lump in your throat you nod.
“Um, yeah, sure. If you want to,” you answer shakily. You hate how your voice sounds, but if he’s noticed then he doesn’t let on. He gives you one of those panty dropping smiles as he takes the seat next to you, and you could swear your entire face flames bright red.
You inwardly roll your eyes when you see Tiffany Chase heading over to your table. You never understood how she had come to be the most popular girl on the campus, but clearly dating every guy in existence was a good trait to have these days. That was yet another reason you were glad about not being “popular”, whatever the hell that even meant. 
She leans on your desk, until her tits are practically in Dean’s face, but to his credit, and your surprise he doesn’t look. Instead he sits back in his chair, eyes immediately fixed on hers, not wandering her body, or the cleavage she's so blatantly offering him. She makes a point not to even spare you a glance, which is completely fine since you have no interest in what she’s giving away.
“I thought you were gonna show me your car, baby? Why don’t you ditch the charity case and come and have some fun with a real woman?” she purrs seductively, curling her fingers around Dean’s loose tie.
You wish you were anywhere but here, but you know there’s no other seats in class now, so your only other option is to pray for the ground to swallow you whole. You’re a little taken aback though when Dean’s large hand wraps around her tiny wrist and pulls her hand away, still remaining surprisingly gentle, especially with the look of thunder that’s overtaken his features.
“Sorry, Tilly. Change of plans, I told you last week, and a few times this week… if memory serves. Besides, there’s only room for one woman in my life.” As he says this you feel his hand resting on your knee, and you turn to look at him to tell him to move. But you stop yourself when you see the pleading look on his face.
Tiffany scoffs in disbelief, and has a look on her face like he just slapped her. 
“It’s Tiffany,” she corrects him sharply, before she turns her gaze on you. And you have to fight every instinct not to push your body back into your chair, instead you sit straighter, trying to keep your face neutral.
“Can you like… move or something. Dean and I really need to talk, I think you’re making him uncomfortable,” she huffs, as if your mere presence disgusts her. 
“Sorry, Tiff. I think you're the one  who’s making my boyfriend uncomfortable, actually. He’s just being too polite, could you please just leave us alone now? I believe he’s asked you enough.” 
It takes everything you have not to throw up the contents of your stomach, where the fuck did that come from?! You inwardly scold yourself, trying to hold your nerve. But to your surprise, Dean takes your hand and gives it a squeeze, and throws his other arm over your shoulder.
His lips press to your ear, and you can’t hold back the shiver.
“Thank you, I owe you,” he whispers, and you can already feel the blush creeping up your neck, the entire class is staring at the three of you like you’re aliens. But Dean’s currently more than enough of a distraction.
Her shrill laugh echoes around the room, followed by most of her bitch club behind her.
“Oh sweetie, no. Don’t be silly now. There is no way on this planet that you could be his girlfriend, you’d be extremely lucky to get a pity fuck with a normal guy, but Dean? No way. Now move, before I move you.” 
Your heart drops into your stomach, but you refuse to look away from her. However, before you can even utter a word, Dean’s voice drops to a low growl.
“I don’t give a shit about your name, or you. You don’t get to talk to her like that, and you lay a finger on her, I promise you’ll regret it. So, whatever your name is, unless you want me to tell Mark that you’re trying to fuck me... and just about every other guy you set your eyes on, I suggest you go back to your own seat. But first, I think you owe my girlfriend a fucking apology.” You watch the colour all but drain from her face.
You lick your lips nervously as you turn to look at him, seeing the fire burning in his eyes, but his eyes don’t move from Tiffany’s face. 
“Dean, it’s okay. It doesn’t matter,” you whisper sounding a little desperate even to your own ears. You rest your hand on his tensed bicep, trying to ignore the way you're clamping your thighs together, because this might just be the sexiest thing you’ve ever been a part of. Even if you had only started this ruse to get him out of an awkward situation. Nobody had ever defended you like this before, especially not this publicly.
“Oh, it does matter, baby girl. Isn’t that right?” Dean asks, mock sweetness in his voice and his arm tightens around your shoulders.
“F-Fine. I’m sorry, Y/N,” she responds the best she can with the amount her voice is shaking, before hurrying back to her friends.
The teacher walks in the classroom, forcing everyone's attention to the front, and you try to ignore the sense of loss you feel when his arm leaves your shoulders. But that feeling is quickly replaced when he takes your hand and links your fingers with his, and rests them on the table top between you.
“Dean, we should talk,” you whisper, when the teacher turns back to the board.
“Later, sweetheart, wouldn’t want you getting in trouble,” he smirks, pressing a lingering kiss to your already flaming red cheek.
Unfortunately, you don’t get time to talk to Dean, and you don’t see him after your last lesson either. You try to ignore the snickering and staring as you start to walk through the parking lot to make your way home, though it affects you more than you’d care to admit. When you don’t see any sign of him, you continue to walk lost in thought, knowing that it will take you at least half an hour but it’s worth it, because you can’t stay here. 
You’ve been walking for about ten minutes when you hear a car roll to a stop behind you, the soft purr of the engine calming slightly as the window is wound down. You can’t help but smile as you turn around, and sure enough, there he is. Sitting in the driver's seat with a cocky smirk on his face. He leans over to the passenger side and pushes the door open, “you gonna get in, sweetheart? We can talk while I drive you home.” 
You walk closer and fold your arms over your chest, raising your eyebrows at him through the now open car door.
“And what makes you so sure I wanna get in your car?” you ask through your own smirk.
“Come on now, is that any way to speak to your boyfriend? Just get that sexy ass in the car so that we can talk.” There’s a teasing note to his voice, and your smile widens despite yourself.
“Fine. I’ll get in… but only because we do need to talk,” you tell him, trying not to laugh as you climb in the front seat and close the door behind you.
“Whatever you have to tell yourself, princess,” he laughs, tossing his sunglasses in the backseat. You give him your address, and he quickly works out the new route, before starting to drive again. He clears his throat and shifts awkwardly where he sits, before glancing between you and the road.
“I owe you, for what you did today in class. You didn’t need to save my ass, but you did it anyway. I really appreciate that.”
You blush shyly as you look at him, “I was going to apologise honestly. I don’t know what came over me, I guess I just wanted to help out… somehow, I know people can be a lot for anyone, no matter who you are,” you laugh awkwardly, rubbing your clammy hands over your skirt.
Dean shakes his head, and a smile crosses his plump lips. 
“Sweetheart, don’t apologise, you did me a massive favour and I really can’t thank you enough,” he sighs regretfully, as he pulls into your driveway. 
You thank him for the ride, but before you move to climb out of the car he grabs hold of your wrist gently, and you turn back to him questioningly.
“Is everything okay, Dean?” you ask nervously, wondering what he might say. You’re not sure whether to lean in or turn away when he turns in his seat to face you.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it to you with a smile, “can I have your number?” You’re a little surprised at how shy he sounds, but you smile as you take his phone. 
“I just think it might be a little odd trying to play along with this, especially if we can’t even get ahold of each other.”
“You make a good point there, Winchester. But for the record, I would’ve given it to you anyway,” you smile fondly, phoning yourself from his phone, so that you have each other’s numbers, before handing it back.
“So… How long do you wanna play boyfriend and girlfriend?” you wonder aloud, noticing the way that he blushes and scratches at the back of his neck, before focusing back on you again.
Dean clears his throat and shifts closer to you.
“About that…” he trails off, and you feel a blanket of nervous confusion settle between the two of you.
“What about it?” you question nervously.
“Would you be okay if we stayed together, at least until I have to leave town, I know it’s a lot to ask, but…” before he can continue you cut him off, resting a hand on his thigh.
His eyes snap to yours, and you quickly pull your hand away and clear your throat.
“You don’t need to explain, Dean. Besides, it was my dumb ass that got us into this mess. It’s really the least I can do,” you smile genuinely, and an obvious moment passes between the two of you, a moment which is completely unexplainable. But there’s a knock on the window closest to you that pulls the two of you out of it.
You jump back harshly, your back practically slamming into Dean’s shoulder when someone leans against his car, and his head is already half way through the window.
“Damn, I almost didn’t believe it when Tiff told me you were seein’ some frigid bitch, Dean. You hit that yet?”
Dean growls, and you can feel him stiffen beside you as he wraps a protective arm around your waist, like he can shield you from Mark’s words. It’s actually really sweet of him.
“Maybe you should tell your girlfriend to mind her own fucking business, and you should do the same, Mark. Before I put you on your skinny little ass.” 
Mark lets out a deep boom of a laugh, and leans further into the car, his eyes sweeping over your body, clearly not taking Dean’s words seriously. It makes you feel nothing like Dean makes you feel when he looks at you, this guy makes your skin crawl and your stomach lurch.
“Shit, that’s gotta be one sweet pussy if she’s got you so whipped already.” 
Before Dean can speak, you sit up a little straighter, and glare at Mark. Feeling Dean stiffen behind you gives you the confidence you need to get these words out.
“Why don’t you tell your whore of a girlfriend to stop trying to fuck my man, it’s really kind of pathetic. He’s not interested,” you huff out, hardly able to stand looking at him, so you turn to face Dean who’s smirking right at you, and way closer than you’d first imagined.
Mark starts to grumble something behind the two of you, but neither of you are really listening, and you can’t stop staring at Dean as he cups your cheek in his big hand.
“What she said,” Dean agrees easily, his husky voice sending shivers up your spine. You let his thumb brush your bottom lip, “you’re even sexier than usual when you’re jealous,” he smirks confidently, leaning in a little closer.
You swallow thickly, your fingers just barely manage to wrap around his wrist.
“Kiss me,” you whisper, watching as his eyes flick down to your lips, and he licks his own. There are so many reasons this is a bad idea, but for the life of you you can’t currently think of any. 
Dean doesn’t even hesitate, before you can blink his lips are pressing against yours. The kiss is firm and his lips are so soft that you quickly lose yourself in the kiss, and you feel like your entire body is being drawn in by him. 
He pulls back all too soon. His eyes are lidded as he looks at you, and his hand moves from your jaw, to cup the back of your neck. His hands feel huge, as he tugs lightly at your hair and you gasp against his parted lips. 
“I s-should probably get going,” you whisper shakily, letting your fingers trace over the skin of his chest, where his shirt buttons are undone.
Neither of you even attempt to move, and before you think about it too much your lips are brushing against his again. He pulls you against him tightly and deepens the kiss, making you all but melt against him, and his hands remain firm against you as he effortlessly takes control of the kiss. You feel yourself edging closer, heart pounding in your ears and your head foggy, it takes everything you have to pull away from him, but you just about manage it. Looking up into his lidded eyes as you both pant hard, you swallow thickly and look over your shoulder, relieved to find that Mark has gone.
Dean cups your cheek when you turn back to him, his face the perfect picture of lust. 
“You should go in, sweetheart. Or I might change my mind about letting you go… but I’ll text you tonight, okay?” he rasps, pecking your lips.
You can feel yourself blushing as you nervously bite your lip. 
“What makes you think I want you to let me go?” you giggle as he leans in closer again, he’s so warm and smells incredible. 
“Oh trust me, if this had anything to do with what I want to do, you’d already be screaming my name,” Dean all but growls.
“Dean.” His name is a whisper on your lips, and you can hear the blood rushing in your ears again.
Dean lets out a deep groan and shifts awkwardly in his seat.
“Shit, you don’t make it easy on a guy, sweetheart,” he smiles, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“You live here by yourself?” he asks suddenly, nodding over to your house, clearly trying to change the subject.
You shake yourself from your heady daze, trying your best to concentrate on what he’s saying.  Clearing your throat you give him a small nod, unable to stop the smile from crossing your lips.
“At the minute, yeah. It’s usually me and my best friend, but she’s away visiting family this week. It’s good though, much closer to campus than my parents’ house,” you explain happily, remembering the way that she had told you to take advantage of the free house, but then you notice a strange look crossing his face.
“Sounds nice. I’ve never really had anywhere like this, my family didn’t really stay anywhere too long, not since my mom died. My dad has to travel a lot for work, and I’m learning the ropes, so I can take over one day.”
Your heart aches for him, and you have no idea how it’s even possible to feel this close to someone you’ve only known for a little over a month.
“I’m so sorry, Dean. It doesn’t sound like you’ve had much time to just be you. If you ever need to get away, I have no intention of moving any time soon, you’re welcome to stay here,” you tell him softly, resting a gentle hand on his arm, until he finally looks at you again.
“Thanks, sweetheart. That means more than you know, and I promise I’ll text you later. We can talk more then, okay?” 
You lean in close and press your lips against his, the kiss lingers a little, before you finally pull away and whisper against his lips, “I’ll be holding you to that, Dean.”
Bold wont tag guys sorry!
Tags:  @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @desireepow-1986 @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278 @peaches007 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1 @death-unbecomes-you @coffeebooksandfandom @magssteenkamp @fandom-princess-forevermore @hobby27 @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967 @screechingartisancashbailiff @maddiepants @spnfanfic-reblogs @holylulusworld @mrswhozeewhatsis @sonofabringmesomepie @deans-baby-momma @mrsjenniferwinchester @hhiggs @pisces-cutie @trina44sb @heartsaved @matsumama @adoptdontshoppets @beth-winchester21 @doctor-hp-mcu @mrspeacem1nusone @fanddoms4love @nihilismworld @bxbyizzy @noobwuvsj2 @lyarr24 @hearteyes-j2 @tatted-trina6 @quxxnxfhxll​ @thewinchesterandreidwhore
Pond Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @nichelle-my-belle @notnaturalanahi @deanscarlett @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess @frenchybell @scorpiongirl1  @deandoesthingstome @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @supermoonpanda @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog @memariana91​ @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @becs-bunker @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes​ @maraisabellegrey-blog @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business @there-must-be-a-lock @just-another-winchester @cas-backwards-tie @winecatsandpizza @firefly-in-darkness
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Blackened Bond (Ch 15)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Big White Lies
Next Chapter: 土御門天皇 (Tsuchimikado)
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, and specify if you're okay with NSFW posts or not, please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Chapter 15: Shadows Fall
You numbly sat down on your bed. The room was dark. Your Phoenix brand, silent, a dull sepia stain on your inner wrist.
It hurts a lot.
“He’s no different to the power hungry elders of this corrupt society after all huh.” You were disappointed. It was dumb of you to give your heart away to him. Especially to a man who was already planning on taking in concubines, this early into your “relationship”.
You checked your phone to see the notifications. Mai and Miwa were looking for you, saying that you have dinner out with them in a few minutes.
'Ah, that was supposed to be for tonight' you thought.
"Sorry can't go, feeling unwell. You guys go ahead." You texted back to them as you slumped on your bed.
After a few minutes your door slammed open. "Where have you been?!" Mai asked, but stopped talking upon seeing your red rimmed eyes. Miwa peeked out behind her. "Are you okay y/n?" She asked.
That question absolutely crushed you. You started sobbing again, not being able to hide your shaking shoulders. The two girls filed in and closed your door.
"We are ordering take out. Miwa go ahead and cancel that reservation. We will stay in tonight." Mai said. "Right!" Miwa worriedly replied as she pulled out her phone and made the call.
"I'm not here to baby you. You will tell me what happened, okay?" Mai demanded.
"I need a few minutes" everything looked so blurry through your tears, Mai and Miwa only looked like unfocused blobs of dark green and bright blue. Literally, the only way you could distinguish the two girls at this point was by their hair color.
They couldn't get much out of you other than you talking about how Kamo-san never liked you in the first place and how you pushed yourself onto him.
The girls held you as you cried. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. "But both of you looked great. I'm sure Kamo senpai really liked you though?" Miwa questioned out loud.
Mai just nodded her head. "I said it before already. Both of you act like you're so oblivious to each other's affections. But I do agree that you put more effort into the relationship. He always turns down your request for dates off campus. Even an outsider could see that."
"No, no it’s not that. You guys know how the big 3 clans operate. He just felt that I was a suitable wife to bear his heirs. They're jumping at the chance to use me to get a blood-manipulator jujutsu shi who may also possibly inherit my psychokinesis technique. I don't want to stay in a relationship without any love in it." You whispered.
Your voice was all gone after you sobbed for hours. The fight and energy just drained out of your body.
They couldn't say anything to that as it was your relationship with Kamo and not theirs. That night, they slept over in your room, the three of you squishing into your queen sized bed and plushies.
On the other hand, Noritoshi had woken up from his nap, bedhead and red rimmed eyes and all. Clearly remembering all your painful words. He looked over to the side, staring at the Jade dragon pendant atop his bedside table. A small pink letter resting beside it, one that you had given him days prior.
‘Dearest Toshi,
You must be exhausted from all of your extra tasks given to you by your clan as of the late. I hope that it gets better soon, I’m here if ever you want to talk about it or if you need any help with that. My family and I are open to supporting you in your endeavors, though you haven't met them yet. Hiroki nii is especially excited to meet you, I can already see the both of you getting along quite well. Whenever you’re ready <3
Have a good evening.
Love, Y/N.’
He felt tears burn behind his eyelids.
“It was too sudden, I couldn’t even understand half the things she said to me earlier,” he murmured to himself. He racked his brain, trying to recall the things you said. It was mostly a blur to him.
Something about what he and his father talked about yesterday. That wasn’t an issue, it was mostly clan duties as per usual.
Also, how he never liked you. Well, he hasn’t confessed yet, but he couldn’t see why you’d bring that up out of nowhere when everything was still fine 2 days ago.
Concubines. The talk on concubines. Why did you- Oh. “... from yesterday” Noritoshi’s head was getting clearer and clearer. You must have misunderstood the conversation he had with his father, and left before it finished. It didn’t sound pretty now that he thought of it.
He had that single-minded goal of pleasing his father and the elders, but somehow you got tangled in the mess.
He sighed frustratedly. It always seemed to be the case with you jumping conclusions about him, didn’t it? Now he has to clear it up with you before it gets too bad.
You woke up the next morning feeling and looking like utter shit. Mai and Miwa had to dress you up and drag you out of bed.
“There’s only one thing you can do now Y/N.” Mai said as she straightened out your collar. “Get over him.”
Huh. Easier said than done.
There was a drastic change in your behaviour towards Noritoshi. The name "Noritoshi-senpai", that you had always cheerily called out, was replaced by a short and curt "Kamo-san" whenever conversation was necessary. Also, you don’t look into his eyes anymore.
You avoided him as much as you can, thanking yourself for knowing his schedule so well. Not hesitating to turn and go around in another direction if you ever saw him approaching from a distance. Because of this he rarely sees you on campus.
It hurt Noritoshi badly to see you act this way. He never realized just how warm you were with him until now that it was all gone. He tried to catch you during your breaks, calling out your name with the same tenderness he always had. But it was in vain as you ran away from him.
Todo and Momo wisely chose not to make any snide comments, upon seeing how downhearted Noritoshi was in the following days.
Everybody avoided eye contact with both of you if and when you had to interact. It couldn't be helped. The tension was like a fine piece of glass waiting to shatter.
The pain in your heart didn't subside at all. You've taken to staring at the mark on your wrist.
'Did I successfully reject our bond?' You wondered hollowly.
Sometimes you half expect your mark to start flashing wildly, like whenever you and Noritoshi have off days with each other. But this is the first time you've seen it so… silent.
You wrapped it up with more darker velvet strips and ignored it.
It was the opposite on Noritoshi’s end. He would lie in bed and stare at the mark that is dangerously bright red and hot. It almost felt painful, like someone was searing a brand onto his skin.
He wrapped it up in gauze bandages and put salves to soothe the mark. But it was never enough. He needed you back.
During one afternoon, you just finished an English lesson with one of the windows who teaches at Jujutsu High. You stood up from your desk and turned to see the man outside of your classroom.
"Y/n, are you free for lunch?" Noritoshi had obviously sprinted as soon as his lessons had ended. “We need to talk.” All 4 of you looked up to see him outside the classroom, as composed as ever. But he looked terrible.
There were shadows under his eyes, and he seemed to have gotten thinner. The shitty side of you was cruelly happy. Good that he’s like this, because he lost his toy. Good on him. But your heart was sad, yelling at you to go back and take care of him already.
"Ah I'm sorry, but I've got lunch with the rest of the 1st year's here." You politely declined. Trying to school your face into a neutral expression.
"I insist." He firmly stated. He looked over to the other students. "You don't mind if I borrow her do you?"
You inwardly scoffed at his poor choice of words. The stupid arse still thinks I'm his belonging apparently. Something to be borrowed and used.
But Mai stepped up. "If she doesn't want to hang out with you then she doesn't." Miwa was fidgeting worriedly. "Now now." She started.
"I really wanted to have lunch with my fellow 1st years, if you could please excuse us Kamo San." You hastily uttered, pulling Mai's arms towards you while turning away. The other first years followed your lead.
But Noritoshi was determined. He quickly put his hand on your shoulder, only for you to slap it away and flinch from him. Everybody froze.
You were clearly trembling, which made Noritoshi lower his hand and step back. "I'm sorry y/n." Whether the apology was for holding you without your consent or for everything that happened, you painfully let it slide. Silently bowing to him, then quickly walking away with the others.
Noritoshi could only watch wistfully as your figure disappeared from his view.
"The nerve of shitty men," Mai angrily stuffed her mouth with eggs from her bento. "Thinking they own women, that they're better than us. It was like this with the men in my family as well. Bullying and kicking aside the weaker women."
You sadly poked at your food. It was katsudon. You ordered it ahead of time from the cafeteria, wanting to perk up with a favorite dish. But today it tastes so bland. It wasn't the cooking that was off. Just that you had no appetite.
"Wouldn't you want to talk it out with Kamo senpai, y/n?" Miwa asked. Truth be told you were adding fire to the problem. You just dumped your anger on Noritoshi and kept rudely cutting him off before leaving him.
But your pride and broken heart didn't allow you to go back to him. "I don't think there's anything left for me to say or do to be honest. I'm not in the mood to face him. At all." You lied.
Mechamaru surprisingly spoke out, "Love is a fickle thing. And it's a fact that women are more in tune with their emotions than men are. But I think you won't regret it if you give him a chance. Kamo Noritoshi isn't a bad man."
Mai huffed. "Whose side are you even on?"
"There are no sides. Just two idiots who are madly in love with each other." Mechamaru dryly replied.
Your heart clenched, but you stayed silent, not denying the fact that even after you pushed him away, you still loved him.
"Let's talk about something else shall we?" Miwa hurriedly changed the topic and started discussing the homework to be done.
Hiroki was both the best and the worst brother you could ask for. Because he chose this time to surprise you with a visit at Kyoto High, claiming he wanted to see how you were doing with classes and that he would stay for a while.
Secretly, he wanted to meet and gauge Noritoshi, only to find out that the both of you have just broken up. You brought him into your dorm room to have a chat and some snacks.
“WHA?! YOU- You ended things with your soulmate?! You were together for like what?! 4 Months?” His jaw dropped as you told him the entire story.
You gave a drawn out sigh. “Hiro nii, I’m done. Like… He… I dunno anymore. To be honest I broke up with him in the heat of the moment.”
“Tsk, you’ve always been led by your emotions. That’s why you’re so reckless half the time sis. You didn’t even try to talk it out with him.” He asked as he opened a bag of chips.
You stayed silent and reached for chips. Chewing and ignoring him.
“What’s with you and bottling all your pent up anger only to toss it onto the poor guy? Didn’t even give him a chance to explain himself.” he tutted.
You whirled on him angrily. “They just want me for my power. Then they’ll let him off with like a dozen women around him. What the fuck is there for him to explain?!”
Hiroki looked way too calm. “Who are 'they'?”
You paused. “The Kamo family.”
“Are you 100% sure Noritoshi was in this only to use you?”
“Like 99.99%...” you trailed off. Hiroki eyed you knowingly. “That 0.01 percent chance of him loving you. You considered it, even though that’s a small ass probability sis. But hey, that’s your man. If you want him out, our family’s got your back. I’ll beat him up for you if you need me to”
You shook your head at him.
Hiroki sighed, “Though with that concubine thing, I can see it happenin’. Clan heads are desperate to have a son with the inherited technique. The Gojo clan just got lucky with Satoru. We dunno if it’s normal in the Kamo clan though. But with you as his soulmate, he shouldn’t need any. Somethin ain’t addin up…” He got lost in thought.
“You won’t know until you talk with Kamo himself.”
You sadly continued eating your chips. “I hate it when you’re right.”
The next morning Utahime urgently called for a full student body plus all available jujutsu sorcerers on site for a meeting.
You and Hiroki stumbled into the room, almost late, pushing against each other. The other students looked curiously at the man who was fighting you for space on the couch.
You jabbed him in the gut and put a leg over his. “Uhhhh y/n who is that?” Mai asked.
Your cousin shrugged your leg off of his, stood up and said his greetings, “Hello, I am Tsuchimikado Hiroki. Alumni here at Kyoto Jujutsu High. Semi-grade 1 sorcerer. Pleased to meet you all and thanks for taking care of my lil sis- ah I mean cousin.”
“Ohhhh” Miwa took a closer look. You noticed Noritoshi glancing over at you. Todo walked up to him and pointed a finger, “Tsuchi’s relative? Then what woman is your idea-”
You used your technique to immobilise Todo and forced him to sit down in a daze. “Sorry for my rudeness, senpai. You can have that convo later.” You knew it would take too long if this starts again.
Hiroki looked affronted, “It’s rude to point bruh.”
Utahime clapped her hands to gather your attention as Principal Gakuganji appeared on the podium.
“Thank you so much all for coming into this meeting on such short notice. Especially to the alumni and other available Jujutsu sorcerers. Let's get straight to the point: I am here to announce that War is coming.”
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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dessarious · 4 years
What Makes a Family? Pt1
So it seems like almost everyone is good with me posting whatever randomness pops up, and I did tease a bit with the BioDad!Bruce thing so here’s the beginning of that mess. 
AO3   Next
At seventeen Marinette had gotten very good at ignoring things. She ignored Lila and all the garbage the girl spouted. She ignored her classmate's insanity in not paying attention to what the girl said about Marinette, but believing everything else that came out of the liar's mouth. As Ladybug she ignored her partner's advances and all the people who kept telling her to give him a shot. He'd actually got Alya to help him set up a social media campaign in favor of it. So when she looked up to find her entire class looking at her with pity or concern she had no idea what was going on.
"Oh Marinette, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot the DNA test showed that you were adopted." Lila's insincere apology just made her roll her eyes and go back to sketching.
"You didn't forget but it doesn't matter anyway. Whatever jab you're hoping to land isn't going to hit but feel free to keep going." Lila teared up and half the class ran to comfort her while the others seemed frozen in their seats. No one really knew what to do in this situation, and it had been happening more often as Marinette decided she just didn't care anymore.
"That was uncalled for! You should apologize." Alya's stern tone just got another eye roll.
"That was a bit harsh dude." Poor Nino. Always caught in the middle with no real understanding what exactly he was in the middle of. Out of her peripheral Marinette could see Adrien giving her a disappointed look. Something else she'd gotten good at ignoring.
Finding out he was Chat Noir hadn't been nearly as devastating as she would have thought. It actually made everything make a lot more sense. She didn't have much respect for him, but she did feel sorry for him. That more than anything was why she hadn't taken his Miraculous back. If she found Plagg's true holder all bets were off, but for now she left things the way they were.
"Marinette, just because your birth parents didn't want you is no reason to take out your frustration on me." Oh Kwami, she was still going. It was kind of pathetic that she thought those words would hurt. Marinette put on a condescending smile.
"That's rather presumptuous. For all you know my birth parents could have died, or given me up to give me a chance at a better life. But for the sake of speeding this along let's assume you're right. There are plenty of parents out there that don't want their kids. Many keep them simply because they feel obligated or think it will look bad. They ignore or even abuse them because they're a reminder of the things they had to give up." The entire room had gone silent as she spoke and more than one person flinched. It wasn't her intention to make people feel bad about their own situations but maybe recognizing it would allow them to get help. "On the other hand my real parents, the people who raised me, not only want me, they chose me. They love me unconditionally and have always been there for me. I'd say I'm actually really lucky, wouldn't you? "
Just about everyone was shifting uncomfortably and avoiding eye contact. Lila was glaring at her and Marinette just gave her a bright smile before returning to her sketching. Sure the revelation that she wasn't biologically related to her parents had been surprising, but they'd talked it over and she understood why they didn't tell her. She'd been only a few months old when they found her on their doorstep with a note from her birth mother, and they'd wanted so desperately to have a child. That note was now carefully hidden in Marinette's room.
In class, the rest of her day went rather well. In between was another story.
"Girl I know Lila rubs you the wrong way but you can't just go after her like that. I know you saw the look Adrien gave you. Do you want to ruin your chances with him just so you can snark at Lila? It's not worth it and if you'd just get to know her I'm sure you'd be friends." Same stupid argument for over three years. She had Alya's lecture memorized at this point. Of course hers wasn't the only one.
"Mari, you know that going after Lila is just going to get her Akumatized. Not to mention what will happen to me if she complains to my father. Do you want him to ban me from seeing you? Or pull me out of school?" Same damn guilt trip for three years too. Yes, Adrien was in a crappy position but she was done with him acting like it was her fault or her responsibility.
By the time she made it home she was ready to just be done with the day. As she trudged to her room the list of things she still needed to do ran through her head making her even more annoyed. When she opened the hatch to her room and saw Luka and Kagami sitting shoulder to shoulder on her chaise and holding hands she decided to be the drama queen Kagami liked to accuse her of being and face planted across both their laps.
"Rough day?" The only response she could manage to Luka's amused voice was an incomprehensible whine. She felt more than heard the pair of them laughing at her.
“If you two aren’t nicer to me I’m revoking your snack privileges.” Her mumbled complaint just produced more muted laughter.
“Your dad will give us the entire bakery no matter what you say.” So what if Kagami was right? She could probably get her mom after them but her dad would still just find a way to sneak them food. She felt Kagami begin running fingers through her hair while Luka rubbed soothing circles on her back and she melted into them. Okay, maybe no snacks was a bit harsh.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Luka’s question caused her to groan. Same crap different day so there wasn’t really anything to talk about.
“No. I just want to stay here and pretend nothing outside this room exists for a while.” Luka started humming something that sounded like a lullaby as he continued to rub her back. Kagami started using both hands and gently used her nails to massage Marinette’s scalp. She loved them both so much even if she still couldn’t seem to pinpoint the moment they’d gone from three friends hanging out to three people in a relationship. Of course maybe that was why they worked so well together in the first place.
Marinette was moments from giving in to the pull of sleep when all of their phones went off. This time all three of them groaned.
“How bad is it?” Marinette felt Luka reach for his phone before he gave a sigh.
“It’s Lila again. We’d better head out before she comes here looking for you.” Great, not only did she have to deal with an Akumatized Lila she’d also have to deal with Adrien’s smug ‘I told you so’ in the morning. Maybe her parents would let her skip so she could finish some of her commissions. It was worth a try at least. She got up reluctantly and was met with worried looks from her partners and all the Kwami.
“I’m fine, just drained, I promise.” That didn’t seem to put any of them at ease. “Let’s go. The sooner we get there the sooner we can come back and make fun of whatever outfit and powers Hawkmoth gave her this time.” That at least got an eye roll out of Kagami and a gentle smile from Luka before all three transformed and headed off to save Paris, again.
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dreadpoetssociety · 4 years
I’m Many Things
TW: Mention of sexual harassment
Note: I’ve never really posted these before, so please be lax if it’s bad lol. I don’t see a lot of sibling fics (understandably lol) but I feel weird writing like romantic relationshipy reader insert fics with characters that are significantly older than me. Anywayyy, here goes. This is going to be short for now. 
Note pt 2: Idk if this really is any good. Looking at it now it seems a little off or I can’t really tell if I got Spencer right, but I tried!! It’s kinda rushed, I’ll admit. Also hopefully I used a gif right lol. This is kinda cringey and I promise I’m better than this fic, but I just really wanted to break the ice and start posting them, so enjoy!! (if you have any prompts/ideas please send me some ! I wanna write some more :))
Summary: Your brother, Spencer Reid, has to have a meeting with your principal.
Spencer Reid x Sister!reader 
(or should I say reider hahahah I’ll shut up.)
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By now, Spencer was pretty familiar with the hallways of your high school, given how many times he’d been called in for meetings with various different staff members, or even from the parent-teacher conferences alone. Thankfully, the office was at the front entrance of the building, blocked off from the rest of the hallway with floor to ceiling windows, with one door. 
Reid had been informed in a very interesting phone call with the principal himself of what you had done. He was used to the petty things from you, talking back to teachers, skipping a class, vandalizing something, but the one thing you had never done, at least until now, was get into a physical altercation with another student during school. Let alone punch the principal’s son. Even so, despite the disappointment, Spencer still sensed that something was wrong in the sense that he understood you wouldn’t just do something like that out of nowhere. 
He was greeted by the women at the desk as he walked in.
“Hello, Dr. Reid. Nice to see you again.” she smiled.
“You too, if only it were under different circumstances.” Reid replied with a polite smile.
“She’s in front of the office, as usual.” the woman gestured to Reid’s right. The office had many rooms in it on its own, its own hallway and all that. Spencer walked behind the front desk and turned, seeing you sitting in a plastic chair near the end of the hall.
You turned when you heard footsteps coming down the hall.
“I know how this looks, but I promise it’s not like that.” you began explaining.
“You say that every time Y/N. This is the third time this semester I’ve had to leave work because you’ve gotten into some kind of trouble.” Spencer replied, obviously disappointed.
“This is different! Mr. Beck is being so stupid just because it’s his own son. You don’t understand, that kid is awful.” you said.
“Y/N did he hit you?” Spencer asked.
“Well, I mean, no but-” 
“That’s exactly what I mean. I understand that you’ve had it rough, but really Y/N getting violent?” Typically, Spencer would always hear you out. He was understanding, and genuinely listened, but the team was just about to leave on a case that was already stressful, and now it’s being delayed, “Y/N there’s a serial killer out west killing people every few hours, peoples’ lives are on the line and this is where I am.”
He’d never spoken to you that way. It was really unlike him, and he never put the job before you most of the time, and this hit you where it hurts.
It was then that you both were called into the principal’s private office.
“Dr. Reid, I apologize for pulling you from your busy schedule.” the man known as Mr. Beck greeted as he stood up and offered his hand, which Spencer shook.
“It’s no problem, sir, it’s not your fault.” Spencer then saw the other boy sitting in the chair on the far side of the room with a very swollen eye that would definitely be very purple later, a day or two to be more specific he thought. For teens, it takes about that long for the hemoglobin to change the red color to a more blue or purple he explained to himself in his own head, because that’s just how his mind automatically works. Either way, it was worse than he thought it’d be.
“Now, we’ve already talked about the issue over the phone, and as far as consequences go, we’ve been very lenient with Y/N for so long.” Mr. Beck began, “If I’m being completely honest, after what happened today, expulsion is being very highly considered.” 
“You’re going to expel me? You didn’t even listen to my side of the story, I’ve been sitting on that goddamn chair this entire time! You’re just taking your son’s word over mine you biased a-” 
“Y/N!” Spencer interrupted, “Mr. Beck, I understand completely why you’re upset and I’m appreciative of you patience, but expulsion seems a bit extreme. I promise I’ll talk to her and she’ll get the consequences she deserves and this won’t happen again. Suspension I can understand.” 
Great. you thought, Serial killer and now he has to save me from expulsion. Way to go again, disappointment.
“What? You didn’t even hear what happened! Your son was-” 
“Y/N that is quite enough!” Mr. Beck nearly yelled, “We’ve given you so many chances and today, my son tells me that you’ve been making fun of him and violently hurt him without reason! It is unacceptable!”
You genuinely laughed at that point, “I’m sorry what? Your son told you that I made fun of HIM? Have you ever looked at your precious son’s phone?” 
“Y/N shut up. You know what you’ve done.” Mr. Beck’s son snapped. Spencer found the phrasing quite odd. His demeanor was off putting, and he didn’t seem nervous at all. Granted, he could be in shock. Spencer recognized him, though, from pictures you’d shown him when complaining about pretty much every student in school, “You know you came up to me randomly. You know you harass me literally all of the time, and for what?”
Spencer noticed that this kid didn’t look anyone in the eye when he spoke, but slightly behind them.
“Mr. Beck, did Y/N ever say why she hit your son?”
“What does it matter what she says? She cannot be trusted and this behavior is not new. My son would not lie about this.” Mr. Beck sounded offended. 
“As a staff member, though, you shouldn’t let your biases get in the way.”
“She still physically harmed another student. Regardless of why, she must face consequences.” 
“Mr. Beck, it is only respectful to at least hear what she has to say.” Spencer argued. The young boy in the far seat’s face changed. He was nervous now. Mr. Beck sighed, and nodded towards you.
“Mr. Beck, this my come as a surprise to you, but I was NOT harassing your son. He was harassing another girl between classes. She had sent nudes to him, and then I don’t know if they had a falling out or something, but she was trying to like, I don’t know, break up with him I guess and he was following her around and pushed her up against a locker and tried to like, kiss her even though she said no. So I punched him, and then he threatened to send those pictures of her to everyone.” you stated, “Mr. Beck honestly, I’m many things, but a bully isn’t one of them. And no offense, but the last person I’m interested in even looking at is freaking Kyle Beck of all people.” you ranted. Spencer realized then that you were being genuine. You were a good liar to the naked eye, but always gave off the basic tells that Spencer could pick up on when you weren’t being truthful.
It was then that Spencer’s disappointment actually changed to pride. Although he didn’t condone the violence, he understood that you were a loner of sorts, and appreciated that you’d stand up for someone like that.
“Dad, she’s so full of crap! I would never do that, you know me!” he yelled. Reid noticed the small tremor in his voice, and quick change of behavior. 
“Y/N, I know I raised my son differently.” 
“Check his phone.” you said. 
“I know what he does.” Mr. Beck snapped.
“Sir, I believe she’s telling the truth. I say this as unbiased as I can, but I can tell when she’s lying. I am a profiler, you know.” Reid backed you up. He didn’t usually pull out the profiler card, but reading the room, now seemed like a good time. Mr. Beck was taken back for a moment before sighing, and his son’s face completely drained of color when asked to unlock the device.
It wasn’t long after that that the truth came to the surface. Your sentence went from expulsion to a month’s worth of detention.
Walking to the car, Spencer said, “You know Y/N, I don’t condone the violence, and don’t exactly agree with the way you handled that, but I am proud of you for sticking up for that girl.”
“Yeah.” you replied. He noticed that you didn’t seem happy, but more so upset.
“Y/N, what’s bothering you?”
“I’m profiler, Y/N. You know I don’t believe that.” he said. You sighed.
“I don’t mean to disappoint you all the time,” you started as Reid’s heart sank, “I know you should be out there saving people rather than staying here and dealing with me. I’m not worth the time. I don’t know why I’m this way, I’m really sorry.”
“Y/N...” Spencer realized his mistake, “I was just stressed when I said that. You’re not a disappointment and shouldn’t apologize for just being who you are. Don’t undermine your importance, either. You mean more to me than the job.”
You smiled, “So does this mean I can come with you and look at crime scenes?”
“Absolutely not.” Reid chuckled.
“Aw, but it would be so cool! I’ll be good I promise!”
“Y/N, crime scenes aren’t cool, and you would cause trouble before we even got there.” he said, jokingly, “I bet you would even try to fly the jet.”
“Oh my god, I never even thought about doing that. That’s such a good idea.”
“And that’s why you’re not allowed to come.” Reid smiled, as they both got in the car and drove towards home. Spencer appreciated the ten minute ride while he could, knowing he would be leaving soon after. 
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ashxketchum · 3 years
Writer’s Month - 2
Wow, not me writing something for two days in a row? This one is a stand-alone oneshot for now, but I think there is a lot of potential for a sequel, I even have some part of it clearly planned out so if time allows me to sit down with my laptop sooner than later, I’ll work on that! 
Fandom/Pairing: Digimon/Mimato (friendship, yes I am capable of writing something other than romance between these two hahahaaa) 
Prompt: Coffee shop setting, cold (Yamato is very cold here, it’s actually kinda angsty) 
Setting: Post Tri but pre Kizuna. Yamato is in his first year of college and Mimi is in her last year of high school. The basis for this fic is solely the dialogue in To Sora, I wanted to explore the idea of Mimi and Yamato growing closer and having important conversations with each other, but it had to have a rocky start and this is that rocky start! 
“I’ll have a venti matcha berry frappe, nonfat, refrigerated chilled milk, absolutely no ice, extra whipped cream, which, make sure, is layered perfectly, with three pumps of caramel syrup and two of vanilla.”
He could feel his manager’s eyes boring into his back, so Yamato did what any other good employee in his place would, he kept a straight face and diligently noted down the customer’s request before moving on to ringing it up without once bothering to look at the girl standing behind the counter or ask for her name. He wondered if his manager would find it strange, that he hadn’t taken the customer’s name, but seeing as Yamato was already putting all his effort into concentrating well on his job and not explode on the brunette who seemed to take some pleasure out of his misery, he decided that he was allowed this one slip and he’d deal with his manager later, since the bigger problem was in front of him, eyeing him with a teasing glint in her caramel eyes as he picked up the paper cup and moved over to the work station to begin working on her order. He did however, kept a track of what his manager was doing from the corner of his eye, and the minute the older man was out of sight, Yamato breathed a sigh of relief and spun on his feet.
“Please Mimi, by all means, go ahead and make my job more difficult.” Yamato seethed, managing to keep his voice low so as to not attract any attention to them.
“Well, if you’re going to ask that nicely.” Mimi smirked, as always she had the upper hand in the conversation due to the safety guaranteed by being a customer at the shop.
“Just take the drink and go, let me work in peace.” Yamato attempted to maintain a superior tone as he begged her to leave, turning again to add the finishing touches to her order as quickly as he could, before his superior caught whiff of his not so welcoming attitude towards their customers.
“Now where’s the fun in that?” Mimi beamed at him, as she accepted the finished product from his hand, her fingers brushed against his for a brief moment, suddenly making Yamato hyper aware of the spot at the back of his hand.
“Don’t you have anything better to do? Entrance exams to worry about?” He asked exasperatedly, she seemed too carefree for someone who was in the last year of their high school, remembering his own experience of it from the previous year.
Mimi scoffed in reply, waving a hand in the air to brush aside his concern for her education, instead of turning to make her way out of the store now that she had received her order, she settled on the empty bar stool on the other side of the pick-up counter, resting one elbow on the counter top as she took careful sips of her drink from the other hand. He watched her like a hawk, Yamato wouldn’t put it past the brunette to make fake claims about the taste of the drink just to get him into trouble. 
This had been going on for a few months now, every time he had a shift during her after school hours, Mimi would make it her life’s purpose to show up and annoy him to no extent. He’d attempted to explain to her, that he really needed to keep this job to maintain his life expenses, but apparently the pleasure she took from watching him stumble around while making coffee seemed to take precedent over his livelihood.
Of course, Mimi wasn’t the only one to blame here, if only his roommate at the college dorm wasn’t a bigger pain in the ass, Yamato would never had have to take up this part-time job in the first place. When he had complained to his father about not being able to get along well with his roomie, instead of agreeing to raise his monthly allowance so that Yamato could move out and rent a place of his own, his father had promptly told him that as an adult, he should learn to solve his own problems from now on. Yamato had half a mind to remind his father that him and his friends had not only solved the Digital World’s problems on multiple occasions, but also saved their own world by doing so, but he had stayed quiet and accepted his fate. On Takeru’s recommendation he had taken up a part-time job at this popular coffee joint, the pay was decent and the hours weren’t too bad and well Yamato always had had a knack for being good in the kitchen, so it had been suiting his purposes of saving up to move out of the college dorm as soon as possible just well.
Until Mimi happened to walk in one day and decided to take matters into her own hands.
She had been surprised to see him behind the counter, and at first she had just been curious, about what he was doing here or what he had been up to since the graduation ceremony. Yamato had to admit, that ever since he had graduated high school, he’d finally understood what Jou had been struggling with for the longest time, it wasn’t easy to maintain friendships when one was thrust with the responsibility of taking care of every single aspect of their lives and somehow pursue studies on which one’s future life depended at the same time. He considered himself lucky, if he was able to have a phone conversation with Takeru that lasted more than 5 minutes in a day. So he hadn’t been wary of Mimi popping up every now and them, updating him about her and Koushiro’s school life, and sometimes Jou’s and Sora’s too. It gave him a way to stay connected with everyone without having to make time for them, and while he did feel guilty about this on multiple occasions, he was grateful for it too.
That was before Mimi got bored with just talking about their lives, and decided to spice up their encounters by getting him to light trouble with his manager. It was usually just silly little things like claiming he got her order wrong or giving extremely complicated and hard to follow requests, and she had never pulled something huge that would seriously get Yamato in trouble, but it was still frustrating and it ruined his mojo for the rest of his shift.
There was also the question of why Mimi had suddenly taken such a liking to spending time with him, of all people, since they had never been close enough for a relationship like this. They’d spent time together before sure, and they’d had their fair share of agreements and disagreements when it came to matters related to the Digital World, but apart from that Yamato could barely remember any interactions with her that didn’t circle back to the Digital World or their Digimon Partners. So the thought always nagged at him, at the back of his head, when she would appear with a skip in her step and fix him with one of the brightest smiles he knew.
But then she would go on to do something diabolical, and he’d be reminded of how similar she was to his little brother, which led to him missing Takeru and left him irritated and wishing for her to leave.
Pulling himself out of his thoughts, Yamato turned his attention towards the brunette sitting in front of him, she had set down the drink on the counter top and was currently surveying the store with her bright eyes, the mischievous glint in them indicating that she was just looking for something that could serve as prop of the day in interfering with his work. Relieved that he had caught her while she was still in her planning phase, Yamato decided to take control of the situation before his manager returned and reprimanded him for being rude to their customers.
“You really don’t have anything better to do?” Yamato began icily, making Mimi turn her gaze towards him, the challenging look on her face seemed to put the last nail to his patience’s coffin as he snapped at her, “Don’t you have any friends?”
He regretted it the minute those words left his mouth, biting his tongue in an attempt to stop himself from groaning outwardly.
The effect on Mimi was immediate, all colour drained from her face and her eyes shone with a blanket of tears just waiting to fall, but with a single blink she managed to keep them at bay and faced him with a hardened look as she replied quietly, “I thought that’s what we were.”
And before Yamato could make any attempts to take back his statements or even begin to apologize for his behaviour, Mimi was out of the door, leaving behind her drink on the counter and without sparing a single glance in his direction.
Yamato allowed himself to groan out loud when he picked up her cup to clear the counter and found that it was still heavy, she had barely begun to drink it. He couldn’t help but chide himself internally, for missing on something that was so obvious, for even deliberating on an answer that was right in front of his eyes this entire time.
Yamato couldn’t believe that he, of all people, had missed out on the signs of their budding friendship, had pushed it aside as nothing but an occasional nuisance within his routine. 
His optimistic side hoped that he would just explain himself to her when she’d show up tomorrow, even offer her her favourite drink for free as a token of his apology, but a tiny voice at the back of his head reminded him, that there was no way Mimi would come back to spend time with him after this.
Unfortunately, it was the tiny voice that prevailed in its prediction, as Mimi didn’t show the next day or the one after that, or after that.
At first Yamato consoled himself by devoting himself to the tasks at hand, happy to finally be able concentrate on his work, he managed to win praises from his manager on multiple occasions which pushed Mimi’s absence from his surroundings out of his head, and for a while it worked.
But then there were slow days, when he didn’t have much to do but stand behind the counter and look at all the people sitting around in groups of twos and threes, laughing and chatting loudly as they sipped their coffees and munched on their food. The sight would tug on an invisible string in his heart, make him long for Mimi’s teasing smile as she rattled off with an order comprising of the most incompatible ingredients, laughing loudly at the look of horror that would take over his face as he wrote down her instructions. There were days when the shop would be eerily silent, and he’d hear her voice in his head, telling him about something that had happened at school. There were days when someone would walk by with a pet, cuddling it and showering it with affection, making him miss Gabumon’s soft fur and he’d instinctively turn towards the pick-up counter, hoping to tell Mimi about it but was met with emptiness instead.
He hadn’t realised, just how much he had managed to share with her during their encounters, and how he had begun to depend on her company to get him through his mundane work life. And in true Yamato fashion, he had gone ahead and messed it all up by thinking about things from only his perspective.
His father’s words echoed in his mind once again, he had to learn to solve his own problems, and what better time to start than now?
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