#rottmnt visual novel
chaoticspeedrun · 9 months
IMYAM-Donnie Sprite update
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Hey guys! The sprite for Donnie is now fully colored and has different ambient lights, he has two different arm positions and around 5 eyes and mouths for different expressions sketched out!
For more updates or if you wanna help me script the game story on Renpy or etc, or if you just wanna chat I have a discord server for X reader content where we talk about the turtles and other stuff all the time :) Link here!
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meiyasuda · 2 months
Donnie in old fashioned otome game? Wha-
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I'm afraid of heights, so I think movies with Lou Jitsu or UJ would be better.
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Color Wheel 2.0!
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dryad-druid · 1 year
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Twisted Wonderland x ROTTMNT, why not combined my two favorite things into one?
For those who don't know what twisted Wonderland is, it's basically a mobile game that combines, rpg, rhythm game, along with a visual novel. Where you play as a character that is transported to a Harry Potter style magic school, where the dorms, their leaders and secondary characters ( also the teachers) are inspired by Disney villains.
For those who know the game, when I thought about which dorm the boys would fit best I really couldn't let go of Scarabia for Leo, maybe he would also do well in Octavinelle, but I think Scarabia matches his personality better.
Plus, I really wanted to draw him in that dorm uniform.
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eccentric-nucleus · 29 days
so, i finally finished (posting) my huge, novel-length teenage mutant ninja turtles fanfic. i just posted the final epilogue over on ao3!
here is my director's commentary on it, if you want to read even more about it. this contains spoilers for the whole thing. maybe read the epilogue first and sit with that for a minute. also this will probably be pretty incoherent if you haven't read the whole thing. it's just a disconnected series of thoughts i have about the story, really
man, this story. this is maybe the longest thing i've ever written? like 'the new hive' and 'hell game' had more words (i think) but they were mostly a disconnected series of sex scenes with thin connective tissue between them. this is ~200k words of a single, linear, mostly-plot narrative. i'm writing scenes that aren't just about getting the two leads to fuck!! that's weird. it's definitely the most ambitious thing i've written. kind of weird that it's tmnt fanfic. that's just how it worked out, i guess.
so back in 2022 i watched the rise of the tmnt movie because people kept talking about the animation quality of the fights and that got me into a spiral of actually paying attention to the ninja turtles. i had never been into them & genuinely i think a huge part of getting into tmnt stuff was that rise actually varied the design of the turtles so that they weren't all basically identical save for color-coding. turns out visual design was the missing mystery ingredient.
also in 2022 i was burning out on writing 'goblin cave', when what i had intended to be a fun little writing exercise ended up getting algorithmically surfaced and getting me hundreds of comments on each chapter. that got a little stressful and i wasn't really enjoying that, so i stopped. but i was like, hmm you know i mostly just write weird porn but maybe i should write something a little more ambitious. with a plot, and everything. 'goblin cave' was (in my mind) all about a character who was created for violence deciding art was a much more worthwhile pursuit. but the main character of that doesn't know what art is. because it's a magical dungeon core. and i was still thinking a lot about dead zones of the imagination, by david graeber. so i was like, okay, let's do this again but in a slightly more self-authentic way and make it weird gay porn with weird animal dicks. let's give michelangelo ninjaturtle a monologue about how the powerful are utterly insulated from any consequence.
(also early on, after watching most of rottmnt, i stumbled across this blog post about the tmnt comics and the end of the world. that ended up being deeply influential on the fic too. i've been kinda in a state for the past few years and this fic is absolutely a part of me working through a lot of complicated feelings about the world and the future. lol people talk so much about people writing dark fic 'to cope' but this was pretty much the first time i've outsourced my emotional processing by having bad things happen to fictional characters.)
so uhhh where to start here. the setting of the fic is this complicated messy mashup of a half-dozen tmnt continuities. it's very rise-heavy, since... that was the only series i had watched(/read) when i had determined the major plot points, but there's a lot of bits and pieces from all over.
to roughly outline the characters here, a huge influence on mikey's personality in this is... mikey's 'dr delicate touch' persona in rottmnt. in the sense that... okay yes yes that is a kid's show and all of his dr delicate touch lines are, you know, setups and punchlines. you think he's going to be nice but actually he's mean! etc. but in-universe it's like, wait hold on a second. mikey is like the most emotionally-intelligent of the four. he absolutely knows when people are on the edge of flipping out and need a calming out to a stressful situation. and instead he freaks them out more! mikey's hobby is: being mean to his friends & family, for fun! what a fun character trait.
i was thinking about this tweet a lot, too. i read some writing advice once that people tend to make characters who are supposed to be likable too squeaky-clean. nothing but positive character traits for them! but actually every 'positive' character trait is exactly the same as a 'negative' one; it's just a matter of focus and degree. a character is light-hearted and comedic? they can never take things seriously, even when they really should. a character is willing to do anything to protect the people they love? so they're violent and threatening and scary if they happen to decide you're something that they need to protect against. etc. i was really dedicated in this to bringing out the worst characteristics of everybody's personalities.
mikey was also very deeply inspired by: all the garbage progression fantasy stuff i've been reading. i've complained about this several times on this very blog, but a constant theme in most progression fantasy is 1. the main character will constantly get more and more powerful and 2. the main character will never really have their relationship with the rest of the world changed via that power. it's just stat-ups. they just have higher stats so they're more powerful. mikey is the most powerful person on the planet and it's fucking ruining his life. he knows that there's nobody capable of actually checking his behavior, & he's in this constant state of thinking he's maybe a few bad days away from murdering half the planet and incredibly aware there's not really anything he can do about that aside from constantly worry. he's kind of an anxious mess.
mikey absolutely thinks it's more ethical to murder somebody out of the sheer glee of seeing people crushed before you than murdering somebody for something as tedious as mob orders. you're satisfying a deep, raw desire felt from the heart! that's good!
what he'd like to do, in some sense, is just hang out in his studio and chill with other artists, but he knows the world is not gonna let him do that. things will come up. a lot of his being a creepy bystander thing while people get murdered is b/c he's very much formulated his morality to be like... it is not his responsibility to fix other people's problems. other people will do what they want and that has no bearing on him. is that a pretty cowardly and self-serving morality? sure! but he was kinda designed to rule the world & his flinch away from that pretty much defines him as a character in this. that's kinda the morality he needed to end up on to convince himself not to be a genocide machine.
he's incredibly aware he could basically be a superhero, & all it would take is... giving up on all his hopes and dreams and constantly engage with his abilities. and being a superhero isn't that many steps removed from living up to his full design spec and just taking over the world and ruling as god-emperror. idk how well i hit all those notes in the actual fic, but, that's what i was going for. mikey as the narrator clearly doesn't want to talk or think about it so it's never really directly confronted.
raph is... okay so i guess a fairly common piece of fanon, for rise especially, is to characterise raph as having multiple personalities? whether that's him just having alters or him having full-blown MPD depends on the fic. my fun little nod to that is that he's kind of a disassociative mess. he has kind of failed to reconcile the disparate aspects of his personality and he switches between one of several different facades depending on the situation. also, you know. the trauma.
(i didn't really mean for it to be as such, but there is this theme in the story about names? despite everything else mikey has a crystal-clear self-conception of himself and has one name, which he gave himself. raph, who has kinda failed to build his own personality, has a collection of name other people have given him, none of which he feels actually fits him. donnie has a more fluid self-identity and also has roughly a million aliases and false identities & constantly slips in and out of character when it's convenient. leatherhead still going by the name mikey gave him goes hand-in-hand with that bit where mikey meanly thinks about how maybe leatherhead's entire self-conception is hung up on something mikey said to him once, etc. this is one of those things that i'd go back and make more present if i did go back and clean up the rough draft, b/c as it is it's there, but it doesn't really do a whole lot.)
this fic was inspired by... i had read a few big aus that were just like, taking the characters and loose bits of setting and going off in completely different directions. some of NeiNing's aus were a definite influence, plus like, this one au where raph is an ex-con mechanic, etc, etc. just like "i am going to play out a completely unrelated drama using turtles as the dolls". maybe most directly influential was Of Knights and Thieves, where donnie & mikey are corporate espionage hacker/thief types and raph & leo are do-gooder vigilantes. the original concept for this was much more heavily focused on the art forgery. in a very early draft the idea was leo would get involved much more actively in trying to track down the creator of the false takenobus. then i was like, "i am going to crash a completely separate story concept about the dark armor into the side of this art-forgery story". the filename for the story is still 'lol grindr hookup art thief'. that is not really where the story went.
oh man, the art stuff. i made some posts about this at the time! that are now several years old. here's one! i did end up getting a traditional woodcut printing of Tokaido 53 stations, no. 11, Hokone. in a lot of ways doing all the art research was more satisfying and fun than writing the extensive downward spiral that was the latter half of the fic. but, hey, that's life too i guess.
also raph in this is... okay, so, i don't mean this in a mean way. i really liked the fics! but cndrow has written several raph/donnie fics where raph is just like... like a repeated theme in them is raph confessing eternal love & talking about how he's like, mentally planning on them being together forever. on the first date. and sure sure everybody has different tastes; i'm absolutely sure that my interest in guys who are mean leads to some stories that are extremely offputting to some people, etc. but it's like, oh man, raph, please slow your roll a little. if somebody said they were planning our future wedding all of ten minutes into talking to me i would flee the room. & the raph in blinded by the summer sun is very much inspired by that. sadly, i never fully committed to that. originally i even had a line in chapter 9 where slash was like 'please tell me you didn't drop the 'i love you forever' on this guy already' to imply that that was, you know, a theme for raph, but i chickened out and cut it. raph as a kind of rolling series of bad relationships characterized by him falling forever in love w/ his latest crush until the relationship detonates and leaves him not really understanding how things went wrong. but i don't think that's expressed well like, at all. but that ideally should characterize a large part of why he keeps chasing after mikey even well after the point where it would be reasonable to disengage. also to convey some of the downsides of a character believing in true love. it's rough out there in the world.
also thank you tumblr user averyterrible for writing this goncharov post. that was the point in the story where i was like, actually i have been writing raph as way too much of a sad boy. if i want to play in the space of crime drama, there needs to be some crime! he's a yakuza assassin. he needs to chop off somebody's fingers with bolt cutters.
to me, the central question in the fic isn't really 'will the mikey/raph relationship work out' or 'will mikey succeed in his plans', it's 'why is mikey doing these things'. & i think the leatherhead chunks in chapter 23 finally give enough context to what's going on with mikey to let people answer that? like oh, mikey is a mess.
(lol the initial setup for the early chapters are supposed to give an audience response of like, "oh no, raph has some dangerous secrets" "oh no, raph is a violent yakuza murderer! i hope mikey is going to be okay interacting with raph" "...oh no, i hope raph is going to be okay interacting with mikey")
a lot of the story really is about how... mikey & raph's relationship is in a lot of ways very adolescent? they have not had a lot of prior experience with healthy relationships, and they're trying, but, uhhhhhhh. mikey likes to act like he's so cool and above-it-all and unaffected by things happening, but that's actually just b/c he doesn't really care about most things. when something happens that he genuinely doesn't like he immediately snaps and has a giant meltdown. (we see this once with raph, when mikey has a panic attack and throws up when raph blows him off wrt warning him of bishop, and once with donny about the armor, where mike immediately starts tantruming and threatening to kill himself. mikey is very bad at resolving conflict. he's kind of a brat, actually.)
like every character in this is in some way their worst self. they're all pretty awful people. but they're all also trying to... grapple with their place in the world and try to be better people. to even figure out what 'better' means. this is a story about how 'being a good person' is a constant struggle, not to 'do the right thing', but to even figure out what's 'right'. it's about picking yourself up again after a bad period and going, well, let's keep going. like mikey has a lot of traits but one that i, the author, actually think is fairly admirable is his ability to get back up and keep going after a really bad period. which is funny b/c characterwise that goes hand-in-hand with his callousness. just shrug off all the misery you caused other people, i guess! see above about positive/negative character traits.
(also uh there's another tmnt fic author whose work has a lot of... a Bad Guy is constructed/identified. then helpless children (or teens!) are rescued from him. then the bad guy is ruthlessly & violently murdered. sometimes onscreen, sometimes offscreen. and then it's nothing but chapter after chapter of people being happy and cutesy to each other. and like, i get it. but the, like, recurring theme there of the Bad Guy having done something fundamentally unforgivable that separates from all understanding & mercy, to which the only justice is a violent death, just strikes me as... simplistic. sometimes people do really awful things and part of grappling with that as an adult with an adult moral conceptualization is realizing that you gotta look past your initial reflex to punishment.
or like, mikey's whole childhood in this really fucked him up but a huge part of his identity is him having to form an identity from that. having to make the determination of which parts of him are 'him' and which parts were done to him. lol @ him aggressively and extensively rejecting everything about what draxum made him to do & then blithely being like 'we were engineered to eat humans anyway' as a defense for all the corpse-eating. mikey you just like eating people & have decided that part does align with your self-identity. mikey would really not appreciate anybody being like 'i'm sorry nobody saved you from that' b/c that (to him) would basically be the same as them saying they thought he was fundamentally, irreparably damaged & was going to be forever incapable of being anything other than what draxum made him to be. he wouldn't take it well.)
uhhh what else. i mean there's a lot. fun fact pretty much every time mikey gets mad at somebody else he's hugely projecting. even his pacifism is like... hmm maybe he should have killed draxum. a lot of his talk @ raph about splinter is secretly mikey relitigating his feelings about draxum. oh what's that mikey you think that splinter is only playing happy family b/c he's immortal and he has infinite time to spend humoring somebody's illusions but that when push comes to shove he'll drop all that? gee i wonder if that might apply to any dynamics in mikey's own life. lol at mikey being like "wow red your life is kind of a fucked-up nightmare of weird psychopaths playing like they're happy family" and then two chapters is like "hey come meet my family. we live in my genocidal dad's bombed-out lab and we're treating him like a weird racist grandpa". i kinda wanted something that would complicate mikey just being like "i am a pacifist now and i don't kill anybody"; mikey that's all well and good but like half his inner tension comes from not being sure if he should've left draxum alive. that's kinda the mirror to him debating whether or not actually killing leatherhead would've been better. (in a few years shelldon is gonna go through a period of not wanting to talk to any of them. mikey & donnie are better parents than draxum but that's such a low bar.)
(likewise at the end when mikey is like "this is raph's healthiest relationship so far!" to leo, like, this is more mikey projecting. really the raph/casey relationship was probably better for raph & casey, idk, who can say. but is mikey's relationship with raph the healthiest romantic interaction he's ever had? yes, absolutely. we don't get to see the mikey/leatherhead relationship really up-close and personal but it should be pretty clear that it was pretty awful for everybody involved. compared to that, the mikey/raph is absolutely mikey's healthiest relationship so far. just. low bars.)
lol i am a little concerned that mikey's tendency to monologue, & especially his whole political monologue near the end, will get people to think he's just acting as an author's soapbox. i mean, okay, the little author's note where i'm like "as always, mikey is a perfect role model and everybody should do what he does" was a fun little joke. but, oof, the number of fics i've read where the authors feel the need to loudly and repeatedly disclaim that This Story Contains Things The Author Does Not Condone In Real Life is pretty disheartening. way to have absolutely no faith in your audience. but likie, the part where mikey is pretty much flat-out like, "actually i think my moral framework is whatever is necessary to justify my actions" is meant to be pretty damning. maybe not of mikey specifically as a character, just of, you know. the whole world where that's a pretty common outlook among people with power.
lets talk about the rape. part of it is that it felt like it would be inauthentic to go through the entire story without mikey seriously violating one of raph's boundaries. part of it is that mikey here kinda has the trifecta of ASPD, ADHD, & bipolar, and the thing with that is it's very easy to just say that but a little more difficult to convey the personality traits involved. this isn't really something ever stated as such in the fic, aside from various people calling mikey crazy + raph calls him a sociopath once. it's kind of too didactic to just flatly state "and this is what's wrong with mikey!" imo. but. this is a story about violent people. imo you can't just gesture to a character with the background level of callousness for the genre and go "okay this is a clinical sign"; you kinda gotta do something more direct. 'wow mikey sure is CRAZY and WEIRD good thing it only shows itself as him being slightly mean to people'. no. mikey has done some pretty horrible things in the past and clearly isn't fully done with that.
(i did pretty much go straight down the list of symptoms there. impulsive, suicidal, aggressive, violent, risky sex, arrogant, limited empathy, no regard for other people or social norms, difficulty with relationships, arson, etc, etc, etc. but it's not like he's a 'realistic' portrayal here, since... i mean, he is a super-powered ninja. there's a level of 'superficial charm' here but we do get enough of mikey's interiority to be able to tell he's a total mess in a way that's not particularly constructed.)
also it's like. raph graphically tortures several people to death & i didn't really feel the need to disclaim that here. murder is usually seen as a lesser crime in fiction than rape. people love their violent blorbos but the second there's the implication of sexual violence people freak out. the usual line people say is that the threat of murder is a little more removed for most people than the threat of rape, which idk if i fully agree with. but part of it is also to draw a line between raph's violence and mikey's boundary violation. like mikey says, well, raph tried to non-consensually murder him a few times too.
anyway i don't think i really stuck the landing with that either, in part b/c raph's response to it. he's a little too pathetically accepting of things at the end instead of being angry + violent. that could use a rewrite or two.
honestly i'm kinda sick of this story now? which sucks a little, since i kept realizing things about the story all the way up to the very last moment of editing. if i had waited to post any of this until i was done with the first draft... well, it'd be a very different story if i went back and turned this rough draft into something more complete. i never really did manage to hit the character beats with raph i was hoping to. oh well. like, i still like it. but i can definitely see all of its weak points. i guess that's just part of the process of writing. it'd be worse if you wrote a giant novel and came out on the other side not more aware of your failings as an author.
i feel like raph isn't super well-realized in terms of character motivations. or... his relationships aren't shaded in as well as they could be. if i were redoing this whole thing i'd definitely include some chunks of raph pov just to lay out more concretely what he's doing & what his life is like when he's not in the same scene as mikey. i kinda included that raph+donny conversation at the very end just for jokes, but actually ending every chapter with a little section of non-mikey pov would've helped ground a lot of the characters. raph isn't super well-developed and leo is pretty much incoherent absent external familiarity with his character's deal. they're not conveyed super well, in part because, well, any time mikey is onscreen everybody is having to deal with mikey. it's a problem.
but something that absolutely could have worked as a secondary narrative to the story is the whole thing with raph working w/ the oroku. that was a bit of a late addition to the story. it's meant as a reference to, you know, all the times raphael ends up being compared to/assuming the mantle of the shredder in the comics. but as it is since we don't get any real looks into exactly what's going on in yakuza town when mikey's not around none of that got developed very well, imo.
it was very important to me that mikey not learn any lesson here. where things are at in the end are pretty much the exact same as where they were in the beginning. the bit in the pizza scene where he's like 'you guys get to live and i get a boyfriend' is very accurate. literally the only change in mikey's life through this entire thing is that at the end he is in a relationship w/ a guy who he can tell some of what his life is like to. not that it's a super healthy relationship, but it is there.
well, that, and also now he's maybe out of time. (uh, so the laughter at the very end of the epilogue is mikey realizing he's out of time. the whole epilogue really is about how he's got all these conflicting tensions of who-knows-what in his life, & then right in the middle of the tension it's like, whoops, the utrom aren't coming in 10 years or 20 years, they're coming now. and in a week you're gonna be getting some really pointed questions about how you know the utrom envoy. and in a few years, well, there's gonna be some planetary evacuation) like the whole story is about... anxiety. mikey feeling the weight of the future on him in every moment. actually seeing things collapse would be a relief; you'd get the release of all the potentiality collapsing into an actual problem. the moral of the story is you get what you get and in the end all mikey's actions, good or bad or otherwise, have bought him is nine more months of ignoring his problems.
anyway sorry to all the tmnt fans who were expecting a happy cheerful mikey/raph story. this is actually about the fundamental injustice of existence. whoops!
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screwzara · 1 year
About Me
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Alias(es): Myst, Maruu, Zara, Chasm, Fera, Heikha, Zamar, Mon, Cimii, Chay, Scry [Most Used Alias]
Nickname(s):.... Joey, Duckling, Tadpole, Screw(you'll know who gave me that nickname if you read the comments before), Zar,
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Q/A Links:
OC/Creator Questions(?)
What Color Am I? #1
What Colour Am I? #2
Outfit Meme Request #1
Outfit Meme Request #2
Yes pls :)
The Squad Meme Request
Why Do You Follow Me?
Color Wheel Challenge
Assumption Asks!
AvA Ask Game
Anonymous Assumption Game
✨ Cool ✨ Colour Ask Game
What's my Art Trademark?
Anonymous PDA Meme Asks
Curious Asks
Uncommon Questions for OCs
Emotions Chart - Credit to @/goofybeatrix
If It's Ok To....
Ask me my Top 5 ______
Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game
A s k g a m e !
Evil Art Style Challenge
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode
Buddies from Tumblr:
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Incorrect Quotes Masterpost:
Stand In[First of Many]
Reminder List
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→ Kiss Challenge Template
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And makeshift Masterpost for the AUs I have made so far(in chronological order):
Virabot Malfunction AU - Animation vs Animator AU [HIATUS]
Gympie Filled Cauldrons AU - Cookie Run Kingdom AU [HIATUS]
Long Distance Friendship AU - Ejen Ali x Boboiboy Crossover AU [HIATUS]
[Unnamed At The Moment] - Epic Mickey AU [HIATUS]
Absence AU - Mechamato x Boboiboy AU AKA Power Sphere Universe AU [HIATUS]
Chasm Of The South AU - Postknight 2 AU centered around my player character [HIATUS]
Visit For a Month AU - a wholesome Gacha friends/peeps centered AU, will make an appropriate Masterlist when i have time [HIATUS]
Forgetful Purity AU - JSAB AU [HIATUS]
Blind Strike AU - Cuphead AU [HIATUS] -- Ask Blog: @blind-strike-au -- Link
Not Exactly A Hero AU(Temporary Masterpost) - Not Exactly A Hero Visual Novel [HIATUS]
Impairment AU - Riggy AU [HIATUS]
Celestial Reign AU - Gacha AU [HIATUS]
Determined & Just AU - Undertale × Undertale Yellow AU [ON GOING] -- Ask Blog: @determined-n-just-au -- Link
Socials Links: Here
Original Story Masterpost: [Pending]
OC Masterlist: Here
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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm Nori, and I don't do much here! This blog is mainly for my non otome game interests! My blog for otome game stuff is called @mcofthemansion! (Although I don't post much of my own stuff since I'm going through a thing about how I feel about my writing) Anyways!
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So, um...I guess I'll talk a bit about myself and my interests as an introduction! And feel free to send an ask or a dm if you want to chat about them! I'll reply at some point!
So! I'm 20 and currently doing my bachelor's for early childhood education! It's a lot of work and I'm always exhausted but I do like it!!!
My hobbies include :
• Writing (however, I'm going through a thing about it, so I'm not feeling up to doing requests right now... but if you send me a suggestion that really REALLY makes me excited then I'll post it! I'll be really fickle about posting writing though!)
• Sewing (I make tiny chibi character plushies and maybe small animals!)
• Games (mostly otome games, but that's all on my other blog! I do, however, also enjoy pokemon games and visual novel games like Ace Attorney and Dangenronpa, I'm also attempting Zelda breath of the wild but I'm still deciding how I feel about it since it's really different then games I usually play!)
My interests and Ocs :
(All Ocs are 18 or older!)
♡ Tmnt (2012, ROTTMNT, Bayverse tmnt)
The turtles are always amazing and I love them in any version!!! But I tend to lean on the Donnie and Leo are my favorites bias kind of often 😅 but I do love all of them!
And I do have an oc for Tmnt named Kaede! She's human and sincerely sucks at fighting, but I love her! I have different variations of her depending on the version!
♡ Lord of the rings and the hobbit
With my personality I struggle to actually see myself in the universe since I'm not as ethereal or impressive as any of them 😅
But I'm fond of the fanon ship of Bagginsheild and I love dwarven culture! I don't know why I just do!
I do have an oc named Islyn and she has a really complicated story that I'm not getting into rn! But I personally ship her with Glorfindel! (I don't usually like elves as much as dwarves but Glorfindel just kind of somehow became special to me! I guess I also like Elrond too but Glorfindel is #1)
♡ Pokémon
I am playing pokemon scarlet atm! :)
But I've played every game since soulsilver and heartgold and watched the anime too!!!
I have three ocs because...yeah! (Satomi, Kyrene, Andromeda)
But the oc I'll probably talk about most is Andromeda/Andy! She's such a sweet lil' sapphic!!! She's got a huge crush on Rika in Paldea's E4!
Another character I like a lot is Colress from Unova!!! I just like him!!! My oc Kyrene is interested in him!
♡ Marvel but mostly fanon Marvel
The Supreme fam (Stephen, Tony, Peter, Morgan, Harley, America) is my found family and my comfort when things just aren't great at home
So...since the MCU established that there's a multiverse...here's my sort of my world for these existing characters!
~Everyone is alive
~Stephen and Tony are married with lots of kids
~Steve is married to Bucky and they have one kid (so far)
And my Oc Savannah/Sav is biologically related to both Stephen and Tony and there's a whole space and magic reason why!
If I post about them it's for my own peace of mind and sanity so please don't be mad! Canon marvel is great too! And I'm glad people enjoy it! I just can't stand anymore sadness in my life so I need Tony to be alive and well and happily married to Stephen!
♡ DC
but I'm only starting to get to know it so I hardly know anything!
So far I'm quite liking Batman!
And I've watched Black Adam like back when it released...and I'm planning on watching Superman and Aquaman! So I'll post more on it when I have a better understanding!
♡ Anime
I have lots of anime I like! I'll just say a few though! Blue exorcist, Kuroshitsuji, Death note, Ouran high school host club, Kamisama hajimemashita, Moriarty the patriot, Case study of vanitas, sk8, spy x family, The Devil is a part-timer, Sugar apple fairy tale!
Currently REALLY into One Piece! ^-^ I try to watch 10-ish episodes a day!
♡ Med dramas/Tv series
Mostly House md and Chicago med
They're a found family for me! So I have ocs as like the kids of my favorite ships
Ships I like :
~Ethan and April Chicago med
~House and Wilson
~Thirteen and Foreman
That's basically it! I might add more interests if I get any! And I might write or post a picture of something I've made! But honestly I don't want to force myself...there's a lot I'm still healing from both mentally and physically...
But please feel free to talk with me if you feel like it! If you like a character from any of the things I like feel free to give me a paragraph of your undying love for them! I'd smile and it would make me happy to see you happy!
And you can give me writing suggestions! I don't mind! But I can't guarantee I'll do them but who knows maybe I'll have it in me to try!
Smiles are contagious so let's give them to everyone!!! And I'm sending lots of hugs and love to everyone!!!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Idk I attempted to make a Masterlist which I will eventually clean up...😅 one day...hopefully
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meteor-moon · 1 year
hiya :]
welcome to my blog! you can call me Meteor or Moon, whichever works
#meteor does art for my drawings
#meteor answers for answered asks
#random stuff from my brain for headcanons and some other stuff
#the rotary phones for my visual novel project (link to info-https://www.tumblr.com/meteor-moon/724603251123798016/the-rotary-phones-my-visual-novel-based-project?source=share)
i have a lot of fandoms that i'm in, including:
• DnD
• Grunge/Vintage Stuff
• "Kids" Shows (Ducktales 2017, Rottmnt, Ninjago, etc)
• Music
• generation loss / ranboo in general
• A lot more!
DNI if you're gonna be an asshole
Links to Social Medias:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@meteor_moon
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/justtoasttbh
Thanks for visiting!
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lenfused · 2 days
🌸 Welcome to my page! 🌸
ੈ‧₊˚━━━ ✿ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ✿ ━━━ ੈ‧₊˚
(Please excuse the mess of random posts about the things I like; It’s just a part of who I am.)
I will mostly post drawings of my favorite characters in popular games that I like! For example: Overwatch2 n’ Lúcio… However, I WILL be drawing some fanart for some indie games and about my OCs!
Stuff i’m into: Anime ✿ Indie games ✿ FPS games ✿ Farming sims ✿ Visual novels ✿ Books/Reading n’ writing ✿ Drawing ✿ Playing viola + volleyball
Current fixations: Overwatch2 ✿ StardewValley ✿ Story Of Seasons/Trio of Towns ✿ JJK ✿ SpyxFamily ✿ ROTTMNT ✿ MUCH more… ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚ 💕
ੈ‧₊˚━━━ ✿ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ✿ ━━━ ੈ‧₊˚
Here’s my personal Carrd:
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chaoticspeedrun · 11 months
Screen use-IMYAM
Development update
Hey guys! I've been focusing on the story script for the dating sim, but I also wanted to show you how the characters will be used on screen and what I've been learning to move around a bit in ren'py, I also plan on making my own dialogue box, choice box and a much prettier design for the main screen once the illustration for it is done.
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moonriddles · 3 years
Chose your rute!
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chaoticspeedrun · 10 months
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Sneak pic on the main screen for the VN! Just missing Mikey
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
"IMYAM" Dating sim UPDATE
We now have some Leo sprites! I will be working on many more poses and expressions but these are some of the finished sprites for now!
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chaoticspeedrun · 11 months
Main menu screen, solid background
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Not exactly an update for the rottmnt dating sim, but just a glimpse at me brainstorming ideas for the main menu, also, I finished the lineart and solid color for the living room bg.
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chaoticspeedrun · 3 months
Okay, so. Sorry I have quite a few questions about the dating sim!
1: will you have to pay for it?
2: will it be on a website or like an actual app you have to download?
3: any updates for the little sprites or any updates in general
4: how close are you to finishing?
1. The game will be completely free to play though donations are possible, some of these questions have been answered in my #FAQ
2. The game will have to be downloaded on phone or desktop as it has many assets that would not run on browser, unless I change the format of it from ren'py to something else, which seems possible too.
3. The sprites for Leo and Donnie are completely finished, however, due to time constraints (My personal life including work and other various projects) I am considering making simple sketch sprites for each turtle for the beta first, so that the game can be played without the fully finished assets.
4. Though the script of the game for each turtle is mostly developed, programming all different options, all effects of the game, and etcetera, is not quick work, and it is only me working on it, so it will not be finished soon, I also have the Leo x Reader Anastasia interactive fic which at this point runs completely as a dating sim already.
In fact, despite it being a Leo x reader, Donnie has been added as a romanceable character in the Anastasia AU fic, it makes me think that to accelerate the process of the ROTTMNT dating sim I could change the format to match the Anastasia fic instead, however, if I don't do that then it will take longer.
Again, this game is a very tough process and there are many things in my real life preventing me from dedicating as much time as I would like for it, but help, especially with the programming of the game is always welcome.
Once the script is fully finished I will start the coding, but due to the amount of options I am adding it is still a work in progress.
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chaoticspeedrun · 8 months
How far are you in on the dating game??? Just curious lol
For now I have the title screen, one of at least 8 backgrounds, Leo and Donnie as sprites with different lighting and expressions and 4 playlists in progress for each boy which will have relation to the plot as well.
I am currently focusing on the script and plot for the story which has a finished prologue and about the equivalent of two chapters of writing finished for the stories of Leo and Donnie.
I also have 4 icons for each turtle that were made by @yanteetle , the design for the current title screen was sketched by @mariusroyale and they will be helping me with CG's of the boys that will appear through the game!.
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