#rottmnt leonardo x you
crackedpumpkin · 1 year
Hi.! I'd love to see a Leo x Fem reader story after the Kraang evasion when Leo is healing and Leo won't let the reader leave the bed.! The reader would have Fem pro nouns. And while snuggling in leo's bed, his brothers would call the reader over. And Leo would not let go of her. And the brothers would stumble upon them, laughing and snapping photos. You can choose the ending.! Fluff is so cute <3
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I heard fluff and here we are :) I hope you enjoy this, lovely anon!
|| ᴜɴᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀʀᴜᴘᴛɪᴏɴ || ʀɪꜱᴇ! ʟᴇᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
[ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
"Noooo," Leo whines as you wiggle in his arms like a fish out of water. He holds you tighter, hands on your waist, burying his head into your shoulder while you giggle.
"Babe," You say with a hint of chiding, but he grumbles. 
"I saved the world. I should at least get this."
You shake your head with a sigh, though the smile on your lips reassures him that you're not serious when he peeks an eye open to check. You reluctantly give up, shifting your position to get more comfortable in his embrace. 
Your hand reaches up, cradling his cheek as he leans into your gentle touch with a churr. Your thumb brushes against his cheek, lips slightly pursed when you take in the number of bruises and scratches that litter his skin. 
Your eyes are soft, recalling moments ago when you were all fighting against the Kraang threatening to take over the world. Your boyfriend had bravely fought back against the captain while you were helping Mikey and Donnie, barely managing to escape. 
Leo hums, glancing at you with a warm smile as he nuzzles his snout against your neck. You giggle, the ticklish sensation making you smile. "I'm so tired, princess." He complains. 
"Yeah, alien invasions tend to be rather draining," You say sarcastically, though your nose scrunches when he scowls playfully at you. 
"Hey, I just defeated them and brought Raph back, and even became an unintentional mentor, all with saving the world on the side!" He reminds you yet again. You roll your eyes with a sheepish smile. At least now you know what he'll be holding over everyone's heads for the next month.
"Right, right. My bad, you poor, poor baby." You coo, squishing his cheeks together and pressing a quick kiss to his lips in an attempt to placate him. He frowns at first from your teasing, but his furrowed brows relax when your lips brush against his, a silly smile stretching across his lips when you pull away.
"I know what you're doing, and it's working," He grumbles.
"Hey, y/n!" You hear Raph call out from the living room. You move to get up, only for your boyfriend to refuse to let you go, choosing to tug you against his plastron with a sly smile.
"Leooo," You groan in protest, lightly slapping his plastron. He shakes his head stubbornly, burying his face into your hair. You sigh, pressing a quick kiss against his shoulder.
"Yeah?" You shout back from your (rather pleasant) prison.
"Kinda need you over here!" Mikey yells in response.
You glance from Leo's closed eyes and sly smile to the room's entrance. You try to wiggle once more before giving up when he doesn't budge an inch.
"Can't right now. Can it wait?" 
You hear footsteps getting closer, cheeks flushing, when you see their shadows approach. Donnie's the first to spot the both of you, peeking inside before he dry-heaves at the sight of you in his brother's arms. 
"Oh god, Galileo, my innocent eyes!" He cries out in despair, hands pressed against the wall as he tries to suppress his disgusted gags.
Raph and Mikey poke their heads past the wall to see Leo's room, only to laugh once they see your trapped position on Leo's bed. 
"Looks like Leo's got a new teddy bear," Raph guffaws, though he secretly finds it cute as he pulls out his phone and snapping a picture of you two.
"What are you, flypaper?" Mikey giggles, and in true brotherly fashion, Leo glares at them. 
"Someone get me to the eyewash station; I've been contaminated, contaminated, I say!" Donnie groans, swaying slightly as his expression becomes more nauseous with each word.
You scoff at the poor virgin, rolling your eyes before kicking it up a notch by pressing a sudden kiss against Leo's cheek. He looks down at you with wide eyes, though a euphoric grin slowly makes its way onto his face. You link your arms around his neck, winking at him. "Kinda busy with my hero right now."
Leo's blush from his brother's comments has just begun to ebb away, but Donnie's loud, strangled screech makes him groan loudly, hanging his head as red coats his cheeks in embarrassment.
"Okay, everyone out!" He yells, glaring at all his brothers, who leave with giggles and in Donnie’s case, wails of disgust with a sly grin mixed in. 
He collapses back onto his bed with an exhausted groan, and you rub his arms with a comforting smile. He wraps his arms around you again, wanting nothing more than uninterrupted time with his girlfriend in his tired state.
"Aww," You murmur, kissing his cheek again with a tender smile. He grins down at you, all embarrassment from earlier leaving without a trace as he settles back into the comfortable atmosphere between you both. 
You continue to cuddle with him, gently stroking his shell as his churrs slowly turn into slow breaths. He dozes off quickly, and you let out a content hum, your eyelids becoming heavy as your thoughts become sluggish.
"Rest well," You whisper before your eyes finally close, dozing off with him.
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mrabubu · 2 days
What happens if I kiss Leo on the cheek...?(つ・・)つ
(Sorry if I disturbed you too much...)
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I couldn't not draw both versions. Recalling how young Leo was always so "EEW!" whenever he saw people expressing romantic love, But I imagine him being king of confidence as an adult.
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popcat69 · 6 months
how do you think rottmnt leo would deal with his s/o sometimes getting on top of him or pinning him down to make him behave when he is in a bratty mood and pushing buttons too much? S/o doesn’t realise the compromising position they are in while Leo is so focused on how close they are and s/o suddenly gets off him when it seems like he’s calming down (fluster him for once). They innocently don’t know what they have done to Leo. They just know it’s the only way to make him behave 😂
a/n:i woke up and saw 5 new messages in my inbox and im just like omd
Warnings: swearing, leo being an ass like always
“Umm no your holding that wrong”
“No i think im holding it right”
“Sure you are.”
You just look at him like your about to kill him
“I don't appreciate the sarcasm leonardo”
“I don't appreciate the way you cant hold a fork”
“You have 3 fingers i don't think i’m the one who can't hold a fork properly”
“I will kill you”
“I'd like to see you try”
And he just sees your eyes light up and he's like oh fuck
You leap on him straddling his waist with an angry look on your face and you pin down his arms 
He's blushing so much
His face looks like he's going to explode 
And you just keep a straight ass face and say..
“What were you saying”
And you gain this smug ass look on you face
“That's what i thought”
You do this every time he piss you off and it sets him straight so fast is insane
You don't know why but it works
So you just go with it
Fucking hilarious
He’s speaking in tongues for the next half an hour
You just get off him and after and walk away like nothing happens
He stays laying on the couch trying to understand what happened
His face
He's so shocked
But bro in love more every single time
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
Y/N’s guide to a red-eared slider turtle mutant
( Rise! Leonardo x reader )
fluff :)
gn reader, romantic leaning but can be read as platonic
In which Leo stumbles across your documentation on himself.
Donnie’s version Mikey’s version Raph’s version
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✧Subject of interest
Red-eared slider turtle mutant; humanoid turtle man
note: ears not visible, name is misleading.
✧ Diet:
Pizza, other Italian dishes???, chips, concrete; subject is not graceful as he claims.
✧ Likes:
Skateboarding, blue, being right (even if he is not), Jupiter Jim + J.J. Helmet, portals (⚠️DO NOT TRUST⚠️; ended up in New Jersey), stupid jokes (claims to be a coping mechanism; therapy?), to be pet and scratched???(subject purrs?), roblox, basketball, physical affection (any type; do more often. therapy???)
✧ Dislikes:
Criticism (reminder: set up appointment with Dr.Feelings?), when I’m BUSY, training?(specimens claim), sitting still (nts: will do so if watching Jupiter Jim or Lou Jitsu, or if rewarded), bitter tastes, snitches?
✧ Tail language
‼️have yet to interact with tail, turtle is too swift.
twitching rapidly: upset, annoyed, offended. possibly even embarrassed. (Typically partnered with whining) to prevent, compliment and give praise to the subject.
wagging: excited, happy, playful? (can be partnered with purring) to achieve, give the specimen full attention; review likes above.
still and loose: bored, tired, focused(?) be wary of subject when he is bored.
Leo couldn’t help the smug, cocky smile on his face. I mean, why wouldn’t you want to observe someone as amazing as him? He’ll definitely be bragging to his brothers later, and believe me, he will not shut up about it for at least a day or two.
Even if he didn’t show it, or even admit it out loud, your interest made him feel tingly and warm inside. You made him feel so loved, and like he was important and special.
He knew you would be mad if you knew he was looking through your stuff, but you’re the one who left your backpack in his room, just begging to be gone through! And when he found a file with HIS name on it, how could he resist? Again believe me, you will never hear the end of this.
And of course, he wouldn’t want you to have any misinformation…
✧Subject of interest
Red-eared slider turtle mutant; humanoid turtle man
note: ears not visible, name is misleading. That explains why you were staring at my head like that.
✧ Diet:
Pizza, other Italian dishes???, chips, concrete; subject is not graceful as he claims. First of all, not true, and second we both know Donnie tripped me!
✧ Likes:
Skateboarding, blue duh, being right (even if he is not) always, Jupiter Jim + J.J. Helmet, portals (⚠️DO NOT TRUST⚠️; ended up in New Jersey) I said I was sorry! Forgive and forget., stupid hilarious jokes (claims to be a coping mechanism; therapy?), to be pet and scratched???(subject purrs?) ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ, roblox, basketball, physical affection (any type; do more often. therapy???) Definitely do more, good note.
^ aren’t you forgetting someone on this list? ;)
✧ Dislikes:
Criticism (reminder: set up appointment with Dr.Feelings?) _| ̄|○, when I’m BUSY being IGNORED, training?(specimens claim) I’m too good already ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ , sitting still (nts: will do so if watching Jupiter Jim or Lou Jitsu, or if rewarded), bitter tastes, snitches? Beware.
✧ Tail language
‼️have yet to interact with tail, turtle is too swift. Is this a threat???
twitching rapidly: upset, annoyed, offended. possibly even embarrassed. (Typically partnered with whining) Nuh uh to prevent, compliment and give praise to the subject. Another great note.
wagging: excited, happy, playful? (can be partnered with purring) to achieve, give the specimen full attention; review likes above. AMAZING note! 10/10
still and loose: bored, tired, focused(?) be wary of subject when he is bored. PUH-LEASE I SAID I WAS SORRY
Very, very nice observations, but they are still lacking. Please make sure to continue your research closely, I’m sure the ‘subject’ won’t complain at all.♡
Thank you for reading!!!! :D
Who’s next: Raph or Mikey??? 🤭🤭🤭
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tmntxthings · 1 year
Fun fact: Turtles touch/tap the face of their partner as a form mating display, so can we get some head canons of the rise boys unconsciously/involuntarily touching their s/o face, like cupping their cheeks with one or both hands habitually whenever they're in arms length or tapping/brushing the back of their hand on s/o cheek to get their attention?
Turtle Taps
author’s note: here you are cute anon!! i was smitten with this idea but it only came to fruition bc of @marwhoa’s encouragement hehe
warnings: fluff, kisses, established relationships, unedited
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he would poke
idk but i imagine when the two of you were close friends, borderline dating, he’d ‘annoy’ you by poking your face, especially those chubby cheeks of yours
you would complain, batting his hands away, and as friends that was fine but when the two of you started dating it would hurt his feelings
“I can’t help it!” “You’re just too cute!” He’d repeat those excuses, not truly explaining the full meaning behind his repeated actions. And Leo would’ve never told you!
The two of you were dozed off during a movie marathon in the projector room. Laying in bean bags that were pressed together, Leo had made sure his was close to yours. He woke up first and as he turned to see your sleeping form his hands went out on their own accord.
Cupping your cheeks gently and his thumbs giving soft taps. He felt so happy when you snuggled your face further into his hands. So happy in fact that he couldn’t help it when he started poking those chubby cheeks
Your eyes snapped open, “Leo!” You grumped, wanting nothing more than to fall back asleep. His hands would freeze, his eyes widening, feeling badly about having gotten caught and your rejection as you batted his hands away once again.
He quickly got up, mumbling an excuse about getting something to eat. His immediate reaction had you sitting up, feeling guilty for having hurt his feelings you finally did a google search.
‘Why do turtles tap faces?’ Upon further research after being so utterly shocked at the initial results. You felt like a fool. You got up, blushing furiously as you rushed to the kitchen. Leo was faced away from you but he heard your approach and asked if you wanted something to eat as well. “We got leftover piz-
He stopped short as he felt your hands encase his face. Then hesitantly only out of nerves, you started to lightly tap his green cheeks. Leo was a churring mess, moving too fast so he could turn to see you. You pulled back and he was smiling brightly, face awaiting for you to continue your earlier actions
So you complied, hands going out once more and you tapped his cheeks, the smile Leo gave you practically blinded you. “You could’ve told me what this actually meant!” You complained, poking his cheeks in the same annoying way he would, but he’d just nuzzle his face into your touches
“Yeah I guess I could’ve,” he mused. He had been too embarrassed to just say it. That and he just wasn’t the type to admit the truth that easily. But if he had known your reaction would’ve been this he’d have spilled sooner. You smile and shake your head, stilling your hands and pulling him close to plant a sweet kiss to his snout.
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Mikey would squish your face in pure excitement. He’s just so happy, he can’t contain himself, he’s squishing your cheeks together.
He could be on the whole other side of the room, or not in the same space at all, but he’ll run through the lair, find you at random and squish your cheeks together squealing about something that excited him.
Definitely happens so much that you’ve accepted it at this point, you’ll see him barreling towards you (yes he’s tackled you to the ground a couple times when you weren’t prepared for him to jump you!) and accept your fate
You try to play it off sometimes like you’re annoyed but truthfully it’s just so cute and endearing, when he’s reallyyyyy happy or when the two of you are alone he’ll squish your cheeks together and peck your lips with a soft kiss. A flurry of them too, you’re not just getting one kiss
Many many swift kisses in rapid session, and let’s say he just won in a video game, the arcade room empty except for you two, he’ll give the room a quick scan before he’s on you
“Y/n!!!! I wonnn !! Hehe did ya see??” He squishes your cheeks together while he speaks and as soon as he’s done he’s kissing you before you can answer, you hadn’t seen him win, you were playing your own game but he didn’t need to know that
Once he parted you spoke though your speech sounded slightly off because he still had his hands cupping your face, squishing, “ ‘hat’s awesome Mikey” he’d blush, coming down from the excitement
It was like his thoughts would come after he took action, taking note of his hands and how his lips felt, he’d pull you closer, slower this time and giving you a breath-taking smooch
Only this time he had forgotten to glance around beforehand so he flinched as he heard the snap of a camera. “Oh don’t mind me lovebirds, just documenting for future-“ Leo stopped midway realizing Mikey was actually quite close all of the sudden
“Give that here!! Leo!!” Mikey yelled chasing after his older brother. Of course it had been Leo, laughter and yelling could be heard throughout the lair and you were sure everyone would be witnessing this spectacle, you chuckled strolling at a leisure pace after your orange clad turtle
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Donnie brushes you with his hand
It doesn’t happen often and when it happens it surprises Donnie the most out of the two of you
He’ll be overthinking or had gotten so overworked that Donnie will blink and suddenly you’re in front of him with worried eyes, your mouth moving but he doesn’t hear anything as his hands reach out as if by instinct and he’s brushing the back of his hand against your cheek
He’s blinking slowly and watching your expression soften as you gingerly do the same to him, giving him time to move away if he doesn’t want your touch. But this time he does want it, he’s exhausted honestly but as soon as he feels your fingers brushing against his green cheek he’s sighing
Like he’s expelling all the stress and worries he had minutes earlier, he’s leaning into your touch and it’s like his battery that was depleted is now recharging
He stays there, nuzzling his face into your hand as Donnie continues brushing or just holding your face close to his own. Once he’s charged though he’ll blink and suddenly remember himself, pulling back sharply and blushing a darker green
Coughing into his fist as you pull back, smirking at his embarrassed reaction, “How about we eat some pizza and you go to bed? Hmmm Donatello??” Teasing him no doubt but making sure he understands that it’s probably best to take a break from his projects
“Sure, sure.” Donnie’s standing stiffly, one hand coming up to cover another fit of embarrassed coughs as he swiftly leaves the lab, you follow him smiling to yourself as your own cheeks felt warm.
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Raph gives you light taps
He’s always treating you with an extra amount of care. He’d never forgive himself if he was the cause to your pain.
Raph isn’t as shy as he is with his feelings towards tapping you, but he is similar in a way that he doesn’t do it super often
If you’re around and the two of you aren’t alone he’ll probably hold himself back but if you are alone he likes greeting you with light taps to your cheek
He’ll be a blushing mess, eyes cast everywhere but at you and Raph will give you sweet gentle taps, he only makes eye contact when your hands cover his, giggling at his expression
“Still so shy even after all this time?” You quip and Raph gives you a bashful grin, “Only with this!” And he’ll kiss you easily to prove the point. He definitely isn’t shy about that which shocks you more since these cute taps don’t seem that embarrassing
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
ROTTMNT Dating sim "I made you a mixtape" Announcement
Hey guys! Whenever I wrote these fics I always felt like I could give more, do more, and eventually that rabbit hole ended on this, I am starting a project to create a ROTTMNT visual novel/dating sim!
In this game you will be able to romance any of the four turtles, so far three different endings are planned (A good ending, a normal ending and a bad ending) your choices matter for the plot.
Today I created the design for the title screen and I will keep it like this as a placeholder while I work on the character sprites
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The icon on the left has already been added as the icon for the game window, the backgrounds and a map for the player to interact with will be worked on soon and the designs are based on @honeylief 's design of the new lair with their permission.
The script for the prologue has already been written too!
I am extremely excited for this project and the ideas are flowing! I am also getting suggestions from the discord chat, however if anyone wants to help (Programmers, Artists, musicians, or anyone who knows how to use ren'py) it will be greatly appreciated as it is quite an ambitious project and I am not a programmer, I am just beginning to learn how to use ren'py.
I hope you guys are as excited as I am for it!
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ghostytoad · 7 months
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* Fun n' Games *
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ROTTMNT Boys x GN! Leo-esque reader who enjoys drama, making jokes, and being overall awesome
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for the smug, but genuine, fun-loving reader despite their egocentric habits
Headcanons for: Leo
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff, Mild Angst || Words: 2.3k
Raph | Donnie | Mikey | Bonus!!
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oho, hello good lookin'~ it's nonstop flirting and banter from the minute they met and it's not going to stop anytime soon
finally! someone who has a sense of humor and can appreciate a good one-liner or two! and they can dish it out as well as they can take it? be still, my beating heart!
leo genuinely finds it to be a gift from the gods that y/n shares his brand of comedy and will not let up on it when he's around them
the romantic tension between y/n and leo is so thick that he could probably slice through it with his odachi - it makes his brothers sick to have to listen to all the schmoozing but leo ADORES the flirting praise
the boy would bend over backwards for y/n; he'd sell his prized jupiter jim collectibles for them if they asked him to (maybe… he'd probably still keep one or two tho)
there's an unspoken and ongoing (very friendly) rivalry between them; leo and y/n are constantly looking to one up each other and it's getting to ridiculous levels of competitive; they won't stop until things hit "deadly" levels and one of them almost ends up getting hurt
even little everyday tasks become a competition for the two of them, there's just no end to their games
grocery shopping? betcha i can save more money than you! pizza night? i can stuff twice as many pizza slices in my mouth than you can. hanging out in donnie's lab? hoo boy, i guarantee i can make him snap first.
it's the bane of donnie's existence, considering he's the target of most of their shenanigans; if he has to endure another one of their "who can ruin donnie's day" games, he swears it'll be the start of his villain arc
mikey's the unofficial score-keeper and peacemaker when things get too heated between the two of them; although he's more likely to stoke the flames than intervene… he just happens to enjoy watching them get carried away (not that he'd say it to their face). definitely enables the chaos to a terrible degree
"no way, you know i totally had that game last night before you went on to blow up my spot with your little tackle! next time we portal our way onto the superbowl field mid-game, i'm leaving YOU on the sidelines and scoring that touchdown solo!" (concerned raph sounds in the background)
they've absolutely plotted to portal their way into "hard to access" places like the white house or splinter's secret lounge room, but raph and donnie made them promise not to do it for very different reasons (donnie doesn't want to have to bail them out if they get stuck and raph is just being raph)
leo and y/n's carefree attitudes combined has landed them into trouble with the law a few times, both in new york and the hidden city
together, they're banned from like 10 different places and they're legally not allowed within 100 feet of any magicians; leo's only explanation for that is "we couldn't tell if it was part of the costume or if the guy actually had a barber-stache and how were we supposed to know he was blind?!". to this day, no one knows what he's talking about.
leo would absolutely hide the evidence of a crime for y/n; he ain't no snitch either and he's not going to let his bestie take the fall for something that TOTALLY wasn't their fault! more than likely, he'd blame their antics on hypno or if it's something not so bad, splinter.
senor hueso has an entire wall dedicated to leo and y/n: The Wall of Failures and Stupid Mistakes That You Will Surely Learn Nothing From
it has photos of all the times leo and y/n went on a fun little adventure and ended up being taken hostage by a villain, thrown in jail, or overall just beat up (they're mostly selfies and yes, leo is smiling and posing in all of them)
he would never let y/n get into any major trouble and he has the common sense to remember that y/n is only human, so at the very least he knows not to do anything too dangerous when they're around; he's reckless but he doesn't have a death wish
"i'm all for a good espionage mission and all, but this is big mama we're talking about! i say we sit this one out and wait for another chance to come along so we can try on these rad bellhop uniforms."
the two of them have made it a point to announce their arrival anywhere by doing the team rocket motto; occasionally mikey or april will join in as meowth. they have the costumes to match and will inexplicably be wearing them every time they do it.
they truly enable the worst in each other; raph insists on tagging along as the unofficial babysitter to every little hangout because of their chaotic nature, meanwhile donnie has protocols for every possible "doomsday" scenario they could initiate with their little stunts. zombies or accidentally reviving the shredder is at the top of that list.
matching outfits are a big must for leo; someone as UH-MAZING as y/n is absolutely worthy of leo's impeccable fashion sense and there's no way he's gonna pass up a chance to twin with y/n. if they refuse to match with him for whatever reason, he will pout about it for days.
whenever leo is sad or feeling a little down, y/n is the first person he goes to for a little cheering up. they somehow know just what to say to make the boy feel like a champion. and no, he didn't give them a script to read off of! (he totally did)
even with all the flirting and pick-up lines, leo still dreads the thought of ever admitting his feelings to y/n; he's a confident turtle, sure, but that's just the face part of being the face man. he's secretly an insecure mess when it comes to them
will become a flustered mess if y/n genuinely compliments or praises him; he'll stutter for a good minute or two before finally snapping back to his suave cool guy persona (which doesn't fool anyone, he's OBVIOUSLY crushing hard)
after an unfortunate night of misadventure, leo's forced to confess to his feelings AND his crimes
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Well, some adventure this was turning out to be.
"Get in there! Y'all got the right to keep yer traps shut!"
Yep. What a real swell time.
Being hauled away in a prison ball, headed to the Hidden City Police Headquaters, all the while Big Mama's men chasing close behind.
"So much for the adventure of a lifetime." Y/N hissed bitterly as they tugged and pulled from the tangle of limbs they found themselves in, trapped inside the small bubble with Leo tightly packed alongside them.
"Well, maybe if SOMEONE weren't such a slowpoke, we'd have made it back! And I'd like to say for the record, you are the WORST lookout. Maybe next time try to keep up, will ya?" the turtle spat back with a scathing glare.
Y/N could only muster a hearty scoff as they balled their fists, unable to throw a punch from how they were positioned. Their heel found a suitable landing in the direct center of Leonardo's plastron and dug in with a stomp, eliciting a pained groan from him and a satisfied smirk from Y/N.
"If you weren't so cocky, we might've ACTUALLY pulled off your little stunt! But nooo, Leo just HAS to get in the last word!"
"OHO, pot calling the kettle black now, eh?" Leo wore his signature smug expression and attempted to jab a digit into Y/N's forehead. Given the way his arm was caught between his bent thighs, he only managed a slight graze before opting for a flick instead.
The two bickered and took shots at each other throughout the trip, much to the chagrin of the arresting officials steering nearby. It was gonna be a long night for everyone.
At the station, Leonardo and Y/N were placed into holding together, both of them choosing to sulk in silence on opposite sides of the confined room. It wasn't until Y/N was being processed that the question of what to do with the human came up for the arresting officers. With Leo's odachi confiscated, it wasn't like they could just send Y/N home on their own, but they couldn't leave Y/N in the same cell as powerful, human-loathing yokai. Leaving the pair to stew in their anger, the officers left to deliberate on Y/N's fate.
Silence followed. Neither one wanting to give in to this bitter game of chicken, Leo instead let out a loud, exaggerated sigh.
Irked by the lack of response, he threw his head back and gave a loud, guttural groan of frustration.
"Right. So you aren't talking to me." he rolled his eyes and forced his gaze back onto Y/N, who sat indignantly across from him on a cold cement bench, their knees held close to their chest.
Not even a glance back.
"Oh, come on! You can't actually believe this is my fault! If anything, you should be mad at the guard that threw us out and called the cops! He's the one who got us in this little mess!"
The silence tore at Leo's chest, his heart thumping heavily against his plastron as he dejectedly sat back against the cold wall. It was unlike Y/N to ignore him like this. With every second, the stillness became unbearable. This little adventure was truly a disaster, not just for the predicament the two found themselves in but also for the lengths Leonardo had gone to ensure Y/N would have a good time. So that HE would have a good time with them. It didn't matter to him that they could be facing time in prison. That whole deal was practically child's play to the mischeivious mutant. It didn't even matter that they faced a total ban from the mystic city itself. It was the fact that he might've dashed any chance he had of winning over Y/N's affections.
'You just HAD to fuck it up, didn't you? You had to go out and be an asshole!' a booming inner voice fed into his insecurity and the crushing weight was enough to curl the red-eared slider into a fetal position, his lower lip quivering as he fought back tears.
"I…" a sniffle broke Leo from the spiraling despair he'd been wallowing in, unsure if the sound came from him.
"Am I… holding you back, Leo?"
Another sniffle and this time, he was sure the sound came from across the room. Peering over at the source of the sound, he found Y/N curled in on themselves, little hiccups causing their small form to quake and shudder. They were crying.
"Y/N?" Shifting from the bench, Leo took a few hesitant steps towards them as his hand ghosted across their shoulder before pulling away. His face wrought with guilt and worry, he debated scooping them up in his arms and holding them tightly to him right then and there. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. The thought of rejection stopped him in his tracks.
"I don't know why I do it. Why I try so hard to prove that I deserve to be around you." Y/N continued, their voice muffled as they buried their face in their knees. "I'm- I'm just a human. I'm not as strong. I'm not as quick. I can't compete with you and your mystic skills. I can't even keep lookout for you!"
"What? Y/N, no, you got it all wrong! Yeah, you're a human but I-"
"Just stop it! Stop!" Forcing back a loud hiccup, their head shot up to meet Leo's concerned gaze with a fierce, stubborn glare.
"You DON'T have to feel sorry for me and you DON'T have to keep me around! So why? Why keep me around when all I do is drag you behind?"
Their narrow eyes locked themselves with his, desperately searching his expression for any hint of pity. All Leo could do was chuckle, his concern melting into fondness.
"I don't feel sorry for you. Sure, you've looked better but I was so afraid I was the one holding YOU back."
"H-Huh? Me?"
"Y/N." The turtle sighed as he plopped himself down beside them, allowing their back to rest against his side as they unfurled from their little ball of sadness. "You ARE a human, yeah. But do you get how cool that makes you? You can do so much more than I ever could! Look, I might have my good looks, my mad skills, and my amazing charm, but you have that and more in… whew, in spades and for you, it's practically effortless."
As Leo moved to wipe a tear from Y/N's eye, he cupped his other hand on their damp cheek and with a tender tap of his thumb, he parted their lips slightly and moved in to plant his lips softly against theirs. The ghosting of his lips left enough room for Y/N to pull away if they felt uncomfortable. Instead he was nearly knocked back with the full force of Y/N's lips crashing against his, their body leaning over him and practically trapping him underneath their warmth. Leo's hands held firmly onto Y/N's sides and he eased himself back against the cold of the bench, breaking the kiss to let out a soft chuckle.
"I love y-"
"Well, well, well~ Looks like someone owes me 3 months of chores." a familiar, taunting voice hummed not too far from the two.
A jingling of keys had them both whipping their heads towards the now-open cell door, spotting the unmistakable, cocky face of Donatello leaning against the bars with crossed arms.
"Yeah, yeah, you two can get back to your little makeout session. But I thought you'd like to know I paid your bail, you're welcome." He waved them off as he began down the hall. Some adventure this turned out to be.
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Bonus comic: Leo definitely used his one phone call to call Señor Hueso
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cutielights · 8 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could maybe do a reader comfort for the readers family forgetting their birthday/just a bad birthday in general? Comfort from the boys. Either romantic or platonic, I don't care much. Thank you!
Yup! My birthday was a while ago (early May) but none of my friends showed up to the party. So I have the FUEL to write this with. I’m very sorry if this has happened to anybody else. I will shower you all in love <33
Tw: forgotten birthdays (but you knew that didn’t you?)
Rise boys x Forgotten Birthday s/o
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He showed up at your window with pizza
Very discreetly /s asked for the name’s, identity’s, and locations of all your oppressors I mean people that upset you
He just wants to talk
“Off topic but how do you think they’d react to a green teenager with an ōdachi?”
“No reason.”
Gives you his gift
Movie night!
Yes it’s Jupiter Jim stop acting so shocked
Showed up at your window the moment you called
Hug time
No seriously
It’s HUG time
Almost broke your back
Gives you his gift that he’s had since last month
Because HE loves you
Goes out of his way to do nice things for you for like the next month
He did that anyway
But now he has a MISSION to make you feel okay
This is the day you found out that the lab has a party mode
Gives you his gift the moment you walk in the door
Sits there awaiting positive feedback
Why yes it IS of his own design thank you so much for noticing!
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N being clingy
Neither of them like you being upset :[
Looking over his shoulder to see him marking in a birthday celebration for next year on his phone
It was labelled “S/O BIRTHDAY. IMPORTANT.”
Him letting you control the party mode playlist
And ofc, eating pizza! outside the lab don’t get his tech greasy for the love of god
Brings you an entire birthday cake
Brings you to an arcade or wherever else you’d perhaps want to go
Hidden city Cotten Candy
You were not aware that bug flavoured Cotten Candy was a thing
You guys stay out till midnight, just having fun
I just got the notification for 100 reblogs- THANKS GUYS <3333
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
This isn't an nsfw ask- but I wanted to ask for the rottmnt boys in mating season and how they act towards their s/o
Mating Season
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Rottmnt x gn!reader
Warnings: feral turtles, aged up
A/N: there is nothing explicit in this, just turtles being turtles
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He made precautions once they all started dating
It wasn't an issue before because April is their sister
You can tell it's starting because he gets more affectionate
Normally kissing your neck more
He talks about the way you smell
During mating season, Donnie is locked in his room
He can't get out, he made sure of it
He is feral
Donnie doesn't speak hardly at all, instead communicating with chirps and hisses (mostly hissing)
If he does speak, it's normally begging
He doesn't like being away from his lab, but he can't do anything when he's in this state anyways
Larger, bulkier blankets and such have to be removed because he'll tear them up
He makes a nest on his bed with his clothes and thinner fabric
Due to him being feral, Shelldon is the one who gives him food and water
You sometimes give Donnie food, but it can be dangerous so you leave it to Shelldon (he bites)
Paper plates and such have to be used otherwise you won't be getting them back as he adds them to his nest
After mating season, he dismantles his nest immediately
He hates having a dirty room
Also absolutely feral
But! Donnie is a little scarier when feral...
Leo tried not to show when it's coming on, opting to remove you from the situation completly
Although that hardly ever works
He locks himself in his room as well
Unlike Donnie, he actually does talk
He's a sweet talker, tries to convince you to let him out... That it's over
He's done so successfully a few times
Leo is very persuasive
He's not as dangerous to approach
He'll bite sometimes, but that's just on bad days
If you give him food and water, he'll stay as far away from you as he can
Leo will wait there until you back up from the door
It's almost like Leo takes the logical part of Donnie's brain during this time
He also makes a nest
He doesn't tear things up like his twin so he has a bigger, comfier, bulkier nest
After mating season, he'll leave the nest for at least a week just to make sure it's over
Mikey doesn't lock himself up
He knows himself and will let you know when bad days are coming
He rarely goes feral during mating season
When he does, you're not coming over
He still talks and everything, but he needs physical contact otherwise he'd lose his mind
His nest is pretty basic, it's not too big, but it's comfy
He likes having you stay over so his nest is warm and inviting
He feeds himself so you don't have to worry about anything
Raph does go a little feral at least he thought so
But he saw Leo and Donnie and realized he was just paranoid
He doesn't lock himself up, but he tells you not to come over at all during this time
He's worried he might hurt you
Raph acts pretty normal for the most part
He does make a nest, it has to be in the living room because his room isn't big enough
He can go feral like Mikey, but he tends to be pretty mellow
Raph has a tendency to tear things up, but not as bad as Donnie
During this time, the couch is moved out of the living room so Raph has more room and doesn't feel the need to tear up the cushions
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obsessedwrhys · 27 days
I would like to request being sickly sweet/mushy with ROTTMNT Leo- I'm talking always kissing, cuddling, holding hands, giggling, holding/carrying each other around and even using the most dramatic names (mostly to mess with the rest of the Hamato family- April included) ie. Calling each other shmoopie poo and stuff like that
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ major fluff, lots of cheesy stuff, reader is fem!! (I love this ask sm)
To put it together, you both act like those highschool sweethearts.
One wouldn't be seen without the other, everyone just immediately sees you two as a pair that does everything together.
The dates would be so over the top too.
The most recent one would be when he prepared a dinner date on top of a musuem so you guys could enjoy the view. The place completely decorated with flowers and fairy lights.
Ya'll would definitely have matching things. It doesn't matter if it's a bracelet, necklace or onesie. You both just have the urge to have something that reminds you of the other person.
Which comes easily that you'd own something of his and him having something of yours.
Apparently he had given you his old bandana when he had gotten a new one. Instead of leaving it lying around to catch dust, you decided to use it as a ribbon for a hairtie. Trust that the first time he saw you with it, dude was levitating with heart eyes.
For him, you had gifted him a scarf. He was on cloud nine when he got it because it was entirely your scent. He would smell it every now and then or just wear it when you'd be busy with your daily tasks. It brings him comfort.
That's why everytime you visited after a long time, he'd completely shower you with cuddles and kisses. He doesn't really care if his family sees. Boy is just overjoyed to finally spend time with you again.
Even though his family are happy for him. They honestly wished he could tone it down a bit.
That's because he wouldn't even focus during patrols or missions because he'd just be talking about you. It drives his brothers nuts sometimes.
"Aw man! I forgot to tell (Y/N) goodnight!" Leo panicked.
"We're fighting off a huge squid monster and THATS your concern?!!" Donnie shouted while fending off one of the tentacles.
To be clear, the family doesn't hate you, they are actually welcoming towards you. It's just HIM they find annoying.
It got even worse when they overheard the petnames you both had for each other.
Ranging from petnames such as Booboo Bear to my little ketchup packet (???)
It's worst when he says them in a baby voice towards you.
"Here's your food! I got it all for my shnookums wookums" He'd say as he caresses your face.
Since he's so in love with you, he's willing to give you piggyback rides and carry you around the lair. He's so dramatic with it too.
"Make way!!! The queen is headed to the kitchen!!" He'd shout, making your grand entrance known to everyone nearby.
He has once pushed Donnie aside when he wouldn't move out of the way.
Also, Leo enjoys kissing you a lot. I'm just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️
His favourite spots to kiss you would be easily your cheeks. He finds them super cute that he wishes he would just leave his lips on there forever.
If you happen to have a mole on your face or anywhere on your body, he's kissing it, that's cause he sees it as a marking for him.
One thing I wanna say is that you two happen to have this weird habit of acting out scenes from any tv series you guys would watch together.
It catches the family off guard sometimes because you guys would just break into character out of nowhere.
Scenario ↴
"Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, could you pass me the salt?" You'd ask and Leo would suddenly turn to face you with a soft smirk.
"Oh my sugar-plum, here you go, just the way you love it" He'd say in a more dramatic voice as he hands it to you.
"Uh oh..."
"Oh, you know me so well. A little sprinkle of love… and salt" You'd say, sprinkling the salt into your soup.
"I always do sprinkle a little bit of extra salt in your life, you know... to keep things exciting" He winks at you which earns a disgusted groan out of his brother.
"Uuugggh!! C'mon!!!"
"Don't get carried away now cuppy-cake. I still want you to enjoy our lovely soup" You'd say, feeding him a spoonful that he drinks with a satisfied hum.
"It's perfect... just perfect. We must celebrate this!! To eternal love, salted and peppered!!" Leo would say, holding up his drink, pretending it was wine as he takes a huge gulp from it.
"You guys need help and I mean serious help" April said, pointing her spoon at both of you.
It's always fun to act it out (only for you two) because it would end with you and him bursting into laughter everytime.
Last thing I wanna add is that Leo definitely prepares the bed before you guys cuddle.
He always make sure everything is in place. The pillows, the blankets, some squishmallows, whatever it is that you need!!!
Honestly? He is 100% a loverboy.
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
"Look, here's the deal. I'll protect you in exchange for your cooking. No room and board included." He holds out his green three-fingered hand to you, a lazy smile on his lips while he waits for your response to his final bargain.
You hesitate momentarily, mulling over the options in your head. You lift your hand, grabbing his in a firm handshake. "Looks like we've reached an agreement."
— — — — — — — 
It’s out it’s out it’s out!!! I’m so exited to be sharing what Ive been working on with you all ahhhhhh!!! I hope y’all enjoy the first chapter <33333 lmk what you think !
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cosmicluvcore · 2 months
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To be human part 2
Rottmnt Leo x reader, gender neutral, friends to lovers, himbo Leo (?), one sided pining
Part 1 here, Part 3
Summary: Leo has the biggest crush on you but he's afraid that you'd never date a mutant, so with the help of a clooking broach he plans to become your perfect human boyfriend!
Idk if you can tell but this is kinda Aladdin inspired
Also I wasn't sure abt posting this since it has no Y/N interactions umm so sorry if you're dissapointed
I promise the next one will have fluffy moments between Y/N and Leo!! Sorry this is short
Tag list!!
@lunaflyer @wings-of-sapphire @ssak-i @nessarolla-in-constant-flux @envyjmoney
"¿Qué hice para merecer esto?" Is what the disgruntled Señor Hueso muttered under his breath, as he watched Leo come crashing into his restaurant.
Of all the times that mutant decides to show up, it had to be on a good day. A loud sigh left the skeleton's mouth as he watched the turtle bump into one of his waiters, knocking all the dishes out of her hand.
"Señor! Señor!" Leo called out eagerly as he approached, "I have a really, really important request and you have to-"
He was interrupted by Hueso placing his hand up, narrowing his eyes in annoyance.
"Instead of disturbing my guests, Pepino, let's talk in the staff room."
Leo was still wiping spilled spaghetti off himself as he spoke. Amazingly, that didn't stop his excited flow.
"Señor, bone head, buddy! Long time no see, right?" Leo asked in an overly friendly manner, offering Hueso a hand.
Hueso glanced at his hand, which had marinara sauce on it, before glancing back at Leo with an unimpressed expression.
"Uf hijo, did you just come here to cause trouble?" He asked rather bluntly.
Leo chuckled to himself, "Of course not! I just came here for a little... help."
"Help?" Hueso repeated, tilting his head as he watched Leo's over excited behavior.
"Yeah, I was wondering if you could help me get my hands on a cloaking brooch." He explained briefly while wiping away the bit of sauce that was on his shoulder.
"A cloaking brooch?" Hueso repeated raising his brow, "Why would you need one of those? I've seen you walk among humans like it's nothing."
"It's not for that."
Leo bit his lip unsure whether he should let the truth spill, no one knew of his little crush and he was afriad if he started talking about them he wouldn't know when to stop. So he took the easier route.
"It's for uh- You know... science." He lied, smiling awkwardly as if that made his reply more believable.
Señor Hueso simply shot him an unconvinced expression.
"Este idiota..." The skeleton muttered under his breath, "Why don't you just say why you really want it? It would save you from the embarrassment of lying to my face."
Yeah, Hueso wasn't buying it. Figures.
"Okay okay, I'll admit that wasn't my best performance," Leo said with a grin, although his trade mark smirk faded into a small frown as Hueso stared back at him with narrowed eyes.
"Truth is I'm trying to impress someone..." He admitted quietly, his gaze darting to the ground, while he fidgeted with his hands sheepishly.
Hueso blinked in surprise at the turtles sudden shyness, "Trying to impress someone?" He repeated curiously, looking back to the blushing turtle for futher confimration.
Leo bit his lip, his heart fluttering at the thought of them, "A human." He confessed softly.
"I've never felt this way about anyone before, they're just perfect in every way!" He explained brightly, though his happy expression faultered, "But, I don't think they'd be interested in, this whole situation." He frowned, gesturing to himself.
Hueso nodded slowly as he listened, "I see," He hummed in reply, looking thoughtful as he considered Leo's situation for a moment, "So you want to pretend to be human and lie to them?"
Leo frowned at the skeletons blutness, "It's not a lie! I'm just... bending... the truth," He said, his brow furrowing as he spoke.
Even he didn't believe himself this time.
"Alright it's kinda a lie, but what other chance do I have?"
"I don't know, tell them the truth?" Hueso retorted, Leo couldn't help but roll his eyes as he was lectured on the obvious answer, "If you really think this person is worth it, then you should be honest with them."
"The last thing I need to be is honest." The turtle insisted stubbornly, his expression souring at the idea of even attemping to tell his crush how he felt.
Leo hated to picture it, he hated that he knew his voice would tremble as he would try his best to convey to them how deeply he felt.
He hated how he knew he would stammer over his words as he scrambled to find the best way to express his feelings.
And then he would have to wait impatiently for their reply, fearing the worst, after this new discovery.
Not like he could blame Y/N.
Who wouldn't turn down a nervous idiot? And why would anyone ever be interested in someone who looks like him?
"I don't want to risk losing them." Leo finally said, sighing before meeting Hueso gaze again with a serious expression.
"Look, all I need is a brooch. I just want a chance to be with them and make them happy. Please, Señor?"
As Hueso watched Leo's sad expression he was still unsure how to reply, he knew this was an awful idea yet Leo seemed so attached to it. The puppy dog eyes that the blue masked turtle was giving him eventually casused a defeated sigh escape Hueso's mouth.
"Fine, I have a spare somewhere around here," Hueso muttered reluctantly, too tired to keep pushing, turning to his desk and opening a drawer, "Just don't blame me when things go terribly wrong."
Leo's expression immediately brightened.
"Really?!" He leaned over Señor Hueso's shoulder, eagerly watching as the skeleton searched.
Eventually, Hueso found it, a gold gemstone-adorned brooch.
As Leo looked at the badazzled brooch, excitement began to bubble in his chest, the glamorous item really did make this whole situation seem a lot cooler. This was his key to being Y/N's perfect romantic partner, something he'd dreamed of for far too long that was now finally a possibility. His heart soared at the thought.
"Here," Hueso said, handing him the brooch, "Try not to get spaghetti on it, Pepino."
Leo was practically vibrating with excitement as the brooch was placed into his hands. He nodded at Hueso's words despite not really hearing them.
"Thanks Señor! I can keep this right?" He asked.
"Just don't damage it." Hueso warned in reply, "If you do, it could stop-"
But before he got the chance to finish his words, Leo had disappeared into another blue portal.
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popcat69 · 10 months
Rottmnt boys x youngest sibling!reader who is a sweetheart, but moves super quietly and will just disappear and appear at random (regardless of how illogical it may seem).
Rottmnt x sibling!reader (PLATONIC!!)
Notes: i'm gonna imagine that reader is like maybe a few months younger than mikey also love this idea <3
Warnings: giving the boys heart attacks
You always just appear out of nowhere
Your poor brothers are always so confused and worried
“Have you guys seen our sibling?”
And you just appear behind him opening a can of soda and Raph just jumps turning around
I feel like it quite difficult to scare donnie he's like almost desensitised to it at this point
It was 3:34 am and you couldn't sleep and donnie was just working in his lab and you just teleported behind him
“What chu doing?” “AHH-”
He put multiple trackers on you after that incident
There are times where mikey would be trying to teach leo and Raph how to properly cook without burning down the kitchen
You and donnie were just there for the show
Power duo for real
I headcanon that leo is pretty much an insomniac
He's walking into the kitchen at an ungodly hour to get like cola and chips or smoothing like that
Turns to open the fridge and just sees a small pair of legs dangling from the top.
He looks up seeing his little sibling just sitting on the fridge
“I cant get down…” “HOW DID YOU EVEN GET UP THERE?”
Honestly starting to get concerned for you (mans gonna Raph chasm soon)
Raphs always now pestering leo to keep a first aid kit on him now for you
You and mikey together are like an epic duo
Always finding ways to scare the crap out of Raph
You and The guys found a abandoned construction site one time and it basically become your favourite place
When you saw it there were stars in your eyes and you were jumping around excitedly
Thats when they all knew they messed up
One second you where sitting on the floor with them the next your on the highest railing 
“Hey..wheres _____?”
They just start looking around for you frantically. Donnie is still sitting down looking at his phone before looking up
“Found them”
“____!” “OH MI GOSH!!” “GET DOWN!”
They worry so much they might as well start growing grey hair
Their begging you to stop
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
when you wipe away their kisses as a joke
( ROTTMNT x Reader)
Rise! Donnie, Leo, Mikey, Raph x reader (individually)
fluff? angst if you squint
(contains a single swear word, not fully proofread)
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- excuse me???
- bro is OFFENDED
- “ Scoff.”
- is acting like he doesn’t care because he knows you. he knows all too well you’re just trying to mess with him, and he is glaring at you
- you wanna be like that? fine
- privileges REVOKED
- petty and dramatic
- will not kiss you again until you are apologizing and BEGGING him to even if it’s been days
- don’t forget to ask nicely too
- Sigh. But he’s not heartless sooo he will give in after said begging and apologizing
- he is shocked and hurt, he couldn’t believe what he’s seeing
- will kiss you again to give you a second chance AND YOU DO IT AGAIN???
- will you give a sly grin; almost like he was daring you to do it again
- also a petty man, but in a different way
- will you kiss you again and again like it’s a competition
- Leo does NOT lose
- might start whining after a while if you don’t stop, now you’re just hurting his feelings
- don’t play with him he will fuckin make out with you RIGHT THERE AND THEN
- D: nooo
- Confused, he does not understand
- Thinks it was an accident, so will kiss you again
- but when you wipe your mouth a second time? he was hella confused, but also a little hurt
- and then again
- “why are you doing that? :(“ PLEASE DON’T DO THIS TO HIM
- he can tell by your little smile and how you’re holding back a giggle he is pouting
- “ Ha ha. Very funny. >:(“
- not amused in the slightest
- awwww but how could he ever stay mad at you? ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
- how could you do this to him
- his stomach sinks. thinks you don’t like it anymore.
- or you don’t like him anymore??? D:
- is it his snaggle tooth? his spikes? his head gear? Is he not attractive to you??? that he’s a giant mutant turtle?????
- you could practically smell his sadness
- “do you not like that? er, when I kiss you?” :C
- It’s not that he would be upset or not understanding if you just didn���t like it in general, it’s the thought you did like when HE did it that hurt
- please tell him you didn’t mean it like that and give him another kiss and LEAVE IT
- he would understand it’s just a little harmless joke, but he does not find it very funny.
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tmntxthings · 4 months
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Author’s notes: short lil drabble ish cause i don’t ever remember writing leo as a yandere, have i only ever done donnie???
Warnings: yandere tendencies, stalking, implied murder, intimidation, gaslighting, manipulation, unedited
Song: House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls by The Weeknd
Yandere!Leonardo who is tired of watching you. He’s itching to talk to you. To have your eyes finally recognize the shadow that follows after you. For that attention you give so freely to be his. No one else should matter, you’re his whole world. It’s only fair if he becomes yours in return.
Yandere!Leonardo who seamlessly enters your life like it wasn’t pre-meditated. Like he hadn’t planned every minute detail. He was meticulous when it came to you. Think of him as your knight in shining armor. Come to him with all your troubles.
Yandere!Leonardo who fixes all of those issues that you have. Your neighbors in the apartment aren’t as loud anymore, actually you haven’t heard them fighting for a couple nights now. They must’ve made up or maybe even broke up! Either way it didn’t matter to you, finally you could get a good nights rest.
Yandere!Leonardo who starts draping himself over you. You guys are friends now. Friends touch! It takes some getting used to, but don’t worry it’ll be second nature soon. Don’t think too much about it. His frame leaning into yours, his arms going over your shoulders. He’s tired, he stayed up too late again. Won’t you let him rest against you for a little while? He’ll even close his eyes.
Yandere!Leonardo who thought he had taken care of all your little love interests. But he portals over unannounced only to hear you gushing about this new guy, someone from your finance class. He creeps closer to your bedroom door, it’s cracked open, just a sliver. He peers through to see you bouncing around, jumping on your bed to kick your feet out happily.
Yandere!Leonardo whose eyes grow cold as the phone call hangs up. Words of encouragement were given to you. To finally go after a crush since the last couple had gone so horribly. He thinks this kind of puppy love isn’t good for you. Why can’t you just catch on already? Does he have to spell it out for you?
The door creaks open.
You lurch up, smile disappearing from your face.
So does your flush. You look ashen now.
Maybe it was because he had a sword out.
He’d never pointed one towards you.
Despite his weapon now facing you, he tilts his head and tries for a smile. It’s strained, his eyes looking at you with barely restrained mania. It’s been hard keeping his true self hidden from you. The side that wants to whisk you away and keep you from the rest of the world. No one else deserves you. Your happiness. Your smiles. Your attention, that was all his.
“You belong to me.”
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bingusbongu · 3 months
(Sorry I'm about to send like 4 requests /srs)
May. May I request some rottmnt Leon general dating hcs..
A/N: HEY BESTIE,,,, dawg really sent me 8 requests,,,, oh well here is my take on Leolanadro dating hc!!!!!! Im tired,,, sorry if this is to short
Leonardo Dating hcs♡
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• he is a HUGE flirt. Even before you and him even began a relationship, he is finding the most wildest pick up lines that he can think of, and blurting them out without even thinking about it
• he would totally get hurt and when you rush to his aid he takes this chance to flirt
"Ow,,, ive hurt myself from falling,,,, for you ;)"
• does litterly EVERYTHING to get a blush or a giggle out of you it makes him look stupid (he already does)
•and when he actually manages??? His ego boosts, and he gets all proud of himself. The smugest smile ever
• NEVER uses your real name. He HAS to call you a nickname. From the moment you guys started dating, and even before he had a stupid nickname for you. And you just have to go along with it
• does litterly anything and EVERYTHING to try and impress you. Whether it just be chugging a whole can of soda without burping, he does it just to earn your praise. (He is also alittle insecure,,, make sure he knows how amazing he is ♡)
• he loves physical affection, atleast just holding your hand or tackling you into a hug to cuddle. But i also think he would use words of affirmation. Praising you on every little thing you do, even if you are just sitting there with him, he will just come up with a praise out of nowhere, and not even realize it.
• he also needs words of affirmation from you, make sure he is doing a good job and you love and appreciate him<3
• when he has to leave you or you have to leave, he wont let it happen without getting a kiss from you. Whether it just be a quick peck or a cheek kiss, he needs a kiss before he leaves. And has the biggest grin when he gets it
• speaking if which, when he is out with his brothers without you, he complains so much. Complsining about how he misses you and your kisses and your hand in his and the way you lean against him -
• his brothers had to ducktape his mouth shut because of how much he was complaining about missing you.
• Donnie is getting so tired of here about you from Leo that he had to pull you aside and ask what you see in him. But alittle releaved since Leo goes to you to bother instead of him.
• Mikey thinks you guys are ADORABLE. Having Leo come home after a date and tell him EVERYTHING because he needs to know
• Raph is happy for him! He is just very worried that he is going to get distracted during a battle or something even worse and get himself hurt because he couldn't stop babbling about you
• when he is done with his day, he is immediately searching you our to find you, kiss you, lay ontop of you and tell you about his day and the recent battle. (Def twists the story to make him look like the only hero)
• you have to wear earplugs simetimes at night to drown out Leo from being up or making alot of noise in the middle of the night. Or, sometimes you stay up with him for as long as you can jusr to talk to him or comfort him. Though, i also think he would love to hold you while you sleep. Even if he is awake, he'd like holding you close to him
• wakes you up super early because he is bored
• Dates are normal, going out to a different restaurant each week to try the food. And if there is pizza, Leo always orders that instead
• some of your dates though might be small, like him coming over to watch a show or movie with you
•you are one of his main priorities, alongside His Brothers, Dad, April, and Casey. So you bet your ass Leo would go out of his way to protect you and keep you safe. And you're his first concern when a battle is done. Has Donnie scan you just in case so many times.
• hold this poor baby PLEASE, he so needs it
• he makes sure to drag you along with him everywhere he goes, he dosnt go anywhere without you unless its a battle. He needs to keep you safe and he intends to to so.
• brags about you all the time, mever shuts up about how amazing you are. Telling everyone how you woke up this morning
• he is the type of guy to push you back in the car and close it just so he can open the door for you.
• when you enter the room he is automatically to your side and cracking up the worst pick up lines once again
• if you do actually manage to laugh at one of his jokes, he is already looking at rings to buy you
• if anyone tries to flirt with him, he will decline by going, "sorry, but im... taken." makes it so dramatic for no reason
• if you were to call him at any time and you could be halfway across the city and you need him, he is automatically up and out of the lair running to your destination to get to you he isnt slacking.
• LOVES the fact that you depend on him. Makes him so proud of himself, also gives him another bit of motivation to be a good leader!
• Casey is so happy to see you two together in a different timeline. Yet, has to constantly avoid Leo sometimes. Because he pesters Casey atleast once a day to see if you guys were married in the future.
• cant go a full day without seeing you at least once. He will show up to your home unannounced and break in. He's done it so many times that you just gave him a spare key.
• your home becomes his second hang out spot. If hes not at the lair, he is definitely hanging in your house and raiding your fridge for food
• his brothers dont question it, they know where hes at
• sends you random memes in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, LIKE???? leo honey, we need sleep
• gets so pouty when he has to leave you, but when he does he makes the most dramatic exits like jumping out of the window and shouting "WE SHALL MEET AGAIN, MY LOVE"
• He's so stupid, but we love stupid♡♡♡♡
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