#robin's life suck
yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Ok. So I’ve heard people complaining about how cheesy Engage’s plot was, e saying that after Three Houses, it was “dissapointing how much they regressed to cheesy stuff like Awakening/Fates”, as if dark story necesarilly equals to a good story. Let me tell you this. This is false. Because EVERY story can sounds dark according to the executions. 
This is a complain a lot has for game saying that since Awakening, stories in FE games are less dark, hence less good. Yeah, cleary, nothing can beat Genealogy with it’s Ring of the Nibelung like plot, plus the infamous Julius’child hunt, as well as some elements from Sacred Stones (*kof,kof, Orson*) when it comes to be dark. But honestly, Awakening, Fates, and Engage’s plot are actually darker than what the games portrays.
In Awakening, you had Emmeryn, being a 10 year old girl having to deal with her father legacy and having her own people throwing stones at her!! She was a CHILD at this period !! Not to mention what kind of impact this could have on Chrom and Lissa, who were even younger at the time !!!! 
Then you have this timetravel thing. Put yourself into the Shepherd’s shoes. Some of them just recently got wed, and yet there is already an adult version of their yet to be born child that appears, having a whole lot of trauma in them. Seriously ? I mean, some of them are not even born yet and yet they still love them as their child. But at the SAME time, they don’t view them as their child : it’s not the same as having watched them grew up until they become the people they are, it’s more like they had a baby and then a grow up version of arounf 18 years old barges in, sometimes older than them, and tell them that they are the children of their future selves. But whenever they share they experience, the Shepherds were not there when they were born, nor for their first words, first steps, first everything. They did not raise them, they did not watch them grew up, nor were here for them for the sad moments nor the happy one. They don’t and will never be able to share their memories. Whenever the future folks talk about their past, the Shepherds, didn’t they felt like they could not understand it ? like an amnesiac person you talk about memories they don’t and will never have? They were not the one who shared those moments with them, and when they eventually bond together, it’s not the same as bounding with your kids. There they can’t see them as other than their equal, they managed to have a bound as allies, as friend, and that’s not something many parents and children would manage to achieve…. meanwhile when the Shepherds actual kids will be born, they won’t have the same memories : the first words, the first steps, it won’t be the same as what those kids had. Those are going to be new happy memories, new sad memories, new clusmy moments…Imagine the pain of being a parent and learning what happened to your child because you were not there for them, even if it actually is the child of another version of you, hence like someone else’s child but that someone else is an alternate version of your own future... if not making them feel guilty, would it not make the Shepherds scared that their ACTUAL children ends up having to deal with the same things ? would it not makes them fear to also be unable to protect and support their ACTUAL children, the one they raised ? Would they not feel haunted too by those memories that the time traveler shared with them, scared for their ACTUAL children ? Just imagine the pressure. Sure the time travel version are wonderful people, but how much they suffered and they were not here, their other selves where not here for them !!
And the kids. Seriously how can you claim that Awakening’s plot is chessy when half of the cast is filled with young adults more traumatized than teenagers living in Musset’s era ?! 
  Please. They had to face the loss of BOTH of their parents without sometimes knowing their actual fates (I mean seriously, Miriel’s body had disappeared... ), having to fight Risen night and day, day and night,to protect people, when they were barely mature yet!! Seriously ? Lucina was like 6 when Chrom died. When their parents died, some of them were still in diapers (Nah)!! They all had a traumatic childhood!! And then, they have to come back to the past because it was either that, or dying since conviniently enough, all the people in their timeline died due to Grima lauching a giantic attack on Ylisse. And when they come back ? some of them has to face killing actual HUMANS as another traumatic experience (if you recall Harverst scrambble conversation between Owain and Inigo) while Lucina had to hold herself from crying each time she encountered this Chrom!! Must I add the fact, that even though the Shepherds and the Child Units act like actual family, this won’t change the the fact that they are technically STILL ORPHANS ?! They know they ‘re not their real parents, they know their real parents are dead, they will never come back. Yet they can’t help but view as such, to call them “mother”, “father”. Even though, they know that when they talk about the memories they had with their parents, the Shepherds won’t understand much, this are not their memories and will never be. And the sad memories, as well : they saw their parents died, this is something even the Shepherds can’t change, nor erase. Even if they saved them, those memories will never fade away….and evetually some will choose to leave because they don’t want to take their “past” selves’parents as they know they don’t belong in this timeline, even if they marry and have their own kids, they don’t belong here and they have no other place to stay but here. But those babies, they won’t have to same experience, they will never get to watch their loved one dies, nor have to survive all by themselves, but their happy moments won’t be the same, their personlity might even not be the same. Even if they looked alike physically, they would face someone else, someone who has the same name, same physical features, but who in the inside is completely different, whose live will be different, whose spouses, familly, kids will be different than their own… The future version will forever remains with the loss of their parents. Emblem Lucina says that she is still not over mourning Chrom, despite having saved the world with alterante younger Chrom. Owain neither, he literally ask if they can be brought back to live !! Severa too, when in Hidden Truths, she says “ I mean, I've thought about it countless times too. If only I could have my real parents back again... Not the ones we helped save, but the ones I grew up with... “... and so on, and so on... and it gets even darker when you realize that said parents are turn into Risen stuck into a DLC bonus map, the only occasions they have to met again the children they never saw grew up because they died before theu could get this chance !!! Without mentionning, that the only reward that the Time Travek Trio gets is that Anankos ends their suffering, giving them proper graves and a chances to make properly their mourn !! And now you know why in Fates, they refer to Cordelia, Lissa, and Olivia as dead. They are talking about their actual mother from their bad timeline, not our playable units... YES BECAUSE ALTHOUGH THEY SAVED OTHER VERSIONS OF THE PEOPLE THEY FAILED IN THE FUTURE THEY WILL STILL BEAR THE GUILT OF HAVING BEING UNABLE TO SAVED THEIR ACTUAL WORLD!!! ( and it gets awkard considering that most of the camarades that died in their timeline, they will get to met them again but as adult and them as children who they KNOW are not the comarades they fought with in the future and will never be, they are DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!)
Not to mentions they never got to experience anything pleasant... Seriously ! Severa CRIES because she is SO HAPPY cause she never got to experience anything HAPPY IN HER LIFE !! AND MANY OF THE OTHERS FUTURE FOLKS HAVE THE EXACT SAME REACTIONS AS HER!!!!!!!!
Must I also add that unlike the Chrom from Luci’s timeline, our Chrom didn’t get to enjoy his family ? HE HAD TO LEAVE HIS BARELY BORN DAUGHTER TO FIGHT A VALMIAN LOBSTER!!! He won’t be here for her first words, her first time walking, her first time EVERY THING!! GETS DARKER WHEN HE MARRIES A SHEPHERD GIRL BECAUSE THE CHILD DOES NOT EVEN HAVE HER MOTHER NEAR HER!!! In her support with Lucina, her mother can’t help but think of the baby she left in the castle !!! And it’s worse when it’s F! Robin because 1) she was fated to kill Chrom hence Lucina has to choose between her father or her mother ouch !2) Lucina was ready to deprieve the younger alternate self of her from her mother, perpetuating on her alternate self the own trauma she had!!! It’s just as dark when Lucina marries Robin because :1) She has to choose between her father or her lover 2) she is ready to inflict the same being of losing a parent on her own future daughter !! And that’s the same if Robin marries a 1st gen because Lucina is ready to make her friends goes throught the same pain of losing their father again and if Robin marries a 2nd gen because Lucina is ready to deprieve her friends of the person they love and who offers them conforts after having lived a literal hell as well as inflincting th pain of losing a parents on their future child !!!! i’ll add this is even worse if Robin marries Lucina’s sibllings !! Or if Morgan marries Lucina because she is ready to kill the mother of her lover !!! HOW IS THAT NOT DARK ?!!!
And Robin, oh god. Seriously ? they have been saved by their mother from turning into an evil being !! But do you imagine what kind of life it is as a child ? Having to hide from people ready to use you to destroy the world ?! And while we don’t know much about Robin’s life in the original timeline, if they really choose to be Grima over the friends, we can imagine that they must have suffered a whole lot of stuff to make them able to choose THIS!! Gets even darker if Robin marries Chrom cause she sacrifices her husband and her daughter for Grima!!!! AWFUL!! Just awfull!! 
And if you think Robin as it easy because they are amnesiac ( I am talking about our Avatar here, not the Original Robin who becomes Grima) then YOU HAVE IT WRONG!! In their conversations with Chrom, both mentions that they are indeed bothers and scared that they might forget the Shepherd and who they are again. this topic is more developped in the Hot Spring Scramble conversations between Owain and Robin when they are married (you know ? the one that gives me diabetes) where you clearly understands how scared she is to forget about her life AGAIN!! And while Robin never mentions trying to get her memories back unlike Morgan considering the identity crisis that they have at the idea of forgetting again who they are, I think I understand why. Imagine that even though you forget everything, you manage to forge yourself an identity which you considers to be yours, YOUR favorite colour, YOUR favorite meal, most deslike food etc. But you wonder : “If I get my memories back ? Then would I still be the same ? Would I still love and hate the same thing ? The me I believe is myself ? What if it was not truth ? What if it was not my true self ? What if what I like now that makes me are actually not real ? would I still be able to be myself ?” and so many other existential question and as someone who read Anouilh’s Le Voyageur sans bagages where the amnesiac main character rejects his previous identity because he could not believe he was the person his family painted him to be, I can say it is DARK!! 
This only adds to their live as a tactican beings dark. I mean how many supports do you need to not get that their lives is not easy ?! In the support with Virion, they explain how much pressure they feel to have to think of everyone! Although Severa scolds him for not being realist and this tell something of her for having to accept that she had to let people die to survive, Robin not wanting to let anyone dies makes sense!! He has to plan everything, he will hence be to blame for every soldier that die!! Imagine, being responsible for someone’s survival, having to deal with the guilt of letting them die, when you could have done something if you had done things better, differently, and so on and on!! They had to deal with that and also the amount of responsability they are tasked with !! The convos int the barracks even seems to implies that Robin can stays VERY LATE TO WORK!!! There is more than 3 supports that emphazied this, leading them to get sick because of their works, which leads them to neglect their health !! Sometimes this lead to them not being able to fufill their engagement in their supports and yet even when they tries to sneak out from work, it is still to find a way to help others!!! WHAT KIND OF LIFE IS THIS ?! And this is because being the tactican of the army, the person everyone relies on and, according to Noire, the parental figure to THE WHOLE ARMY requires you to do all of that!! And when they are married, it’s even worse. I mean, when she marries Chrom, Chrom at least get to spend times with his wife. But for the others... I mean, Tharja summer scramble in both mentions on how she is envious of others spendings times with Robin but she never gets to because Robin is too busy. When he is married to Severa in the Hot Spring Scramble, she CRIES BECAUSE SHE IS SO HAPPY she finally gets to spend time with her husband and goes into a long soliloquy about all the things that Robin is doing for the army... EVEN ROBIN POINTS OUT HOW RANDOMS THE THINGS HE PLANED WHERE YET IT MADE HER HAPPY TO THE POINT SHE BURST INTO TEARS!! When she marries Owain, still in Spring Scrambble, when she promises that she will tries to find some time for them to spend it together, OWAIN BURST IN JOYS!! He is being like “REALLY ?! FOR REAL ?” HE IS OVERJOYED FOR SOMETHING THAT ROBIN HERSELF CONSIDER TO BE SILLY !!!!! Is this not proof enough that being Robin is hard ?!
And what is worse is that Robin being amnesiac they. have. no. home. to. RETURN!!! I mean when I recall Robin’s conversation with any people trying to hire them, they have a point. While it’s no wonder that in heroes Robin talks about how Chrom gives them a “home” and a “new family” within the Shepherds considering there is HIGHT chances their mother died and they clearly can’t return to Valider... having a father just so he could use you as a vessel !! Isn’t that dark !! However I shoul clarify that Chrom offered them a “home” as LONG AS IT WAS WAR because once peace is here ... what are they gonna do? Once the war is over, what is Robin gonna do ? They only knew the live of tactician, sleeping in a tent, battling, etc. Even if they want to stay by Chrom’s side let’s face it. Their friendship won’t give Robin a new job nor  a new home! Unless Robin marries Chrom, or Lissa, or Frederick or Emmeryn, they won’t live in the castle with them!! Unless Robin marries a 1st gen, they won’t have a home nor a family!! Unless Robin marries a 2nd gen, they won’t travel with their spouses to makes themselves a new home !!  Basically, single Robin is like the 2nd gen (which probably explains why I never saw Robin as a “1st gen” or would not label them as such, more a character like Tiki or the spotpass character kind) because they have no family nor a home to return excepts the 2nd gen had actual plans unlike Robin who was too absorbed by their life as a tactitcian to think about it..what is the future waiting for them exactly ? settling down in Ylisstol ? travelling to another country ? WHICH ONE ?! Is there one that allows them to have a 100% happy ending withou having to marry any units JUST so they can have a family and a new home ?! AND YOU SAYS AWAKENING IS NOT DARK ?!!
And you think Fates is not dark ? HA HA HA !! you innocents souls...
Despite it’s poor executions, let’s say the things straight. We have an innocent child who witnessed the death of their step-father being brutally murdered and got kidnapped and brainswash by their murderer, having a “happy childhood” only thanks to the already traumatized children of this man and the few domestics with some hearts, being forced to live like Rapunzel, having only ONE friends from the outside they made everything so they could forget him. Then they feel conflicted because they don’t know what to do, because they found out their “real family” yet still loves the people whom they grew up with despite them being the child of their kidnapper !!! Imagine how the in real life kidnapped kids having being raised by their kidnappers an finally being brought back to their “real” family whom they forgot everything about must feel !!! Adding to that the fact that they have to deal with the loss of the mother they finally found back !!! and the fact that destiny decides how they did not feel confused and conflicted enough and forces them to chooses between the people who preserved their innocence from a man that ruined their life and intended to hurt hem and the people who always love them as family and kept on waiting that one day they would be reunited (seriously ? why no one puts themselves in the shoes of the hoshidans family... just put all the testimony of all the families that finally found back a long lost family member to the Hoshidan family, and you have it! dark) and both your decisions are painfull.
In Birthright, Corrin has to fight the land they grew up in. The people they grew up with !!! In Conquest, they have to deal with the Garon’s way which goes completely against their pacifist ideals, trying hard to spare as many lifes as they can, yet the reality keep strinking them in the face while they try to remain as innocent as they were at first, dealing with blood on their hands !!!! Corrin makes literal nightmare in their support with Azura !!! And Revelations... oh god. Seriously ?! Yes everyone gets along but Corrin still has to face both their parents and kill their father and will never knew it because of 3 worthless idiots too busy brewing tea for their lords rather than accomplishing their actual missions !!! And the kids... SERIOUSLY !! They had to put their babies with stranger into a alternate dimensions, missed many things, many important things in their kids life!! Do you imagine how awful it must be that your kids is already your age after a few weeks, sometimes younger ?! And you missed so many things ?! and you won”t get a second chance unlike Awakening, because it’s not an alternate future version, it’s YOUR ACTUAL CHILD WHOM YOU CONCEIVED WITH YOUR SPOUSES!!! And whoever marries Azura will have to deal with mourning her according to some routes, same things for Kaze, etc. 
And I am not talking about both Awakening and Fates’s character having their own trauma, own issues....
And I’ll add this... the S support. Yes, the freaking S support !!!
Asides from the fact that freaking Nowi, Nah, and Tiki will outlive their husbands which makes their ending incredibly sad, you have the fact that most of the ship are actually pretty tragic. I know, I know, when you look at it the first thing you see are the over the top ridiculous plot holes, but as plot holy as they are the one with Robin are just;... UGHH 
I mean Robin x 1st generation is basically you marrying someone who, in an alternate timeline, gets murdered by you !!! Male Robin may be a good father IN THE GAME TIMELINE but the Robin from Luci’s timeline deserves an award in the top 10 of worst parents ever!!!! This man/woman sacrificed their spouses and made their children’s life a literal HELL!!! Just put yourself in the Shepherds’s shoes for a second : how would you react to discover that in an alternate future, your wife/husband murdered you and screw up your kids’entire life as well as killing millions of innocents life ?!! AS IF FINDING OUT THAT YOUR ACTUAL SPOUSE IS A SERIAL KILLER WAS NOT DARK ENOUGH BUT THIS IS ALMOST SO DARK THAT IT BECOMES RIDICULOUS !!!!
And Robin x 2nd gen is just as dark when you realize that they are basically marrying someone who is the alternate good version of their own parent’s murderer!!! Yes, they fell in love with the alternate version of the person who brutally murdered their parents and destroyed their home and ruined their entire life !!! And who in at least ONE timeline killed them too !!! And also the alternate version of someone they will brutally murder at the end of the game !!!
The Robinsexual not being much better since most of them are alternate version of people brutally murdered by Robin and Co in the playable timeline or that they let die in at least 3 timelines !!! How is that not dark ?!!
Fates is not much better either!! Come on!!! There is a lot of pairings that are formed with at least one units having death flags flying on their freaking head !!!! and the fact that Corrin can marry the children of their kidnapper !! Come on !! how is that not dark ?!
This story literaly is the most awful. Sure Alear is amnesiac at the begining of the game. Alear has literaly been raised with the mentality that if they did not fit to Sombron’s expectations, they’be deemed a “defect”!! Like, it’s already hard to be the child of someone who is sooo obsessed by someone else they deemed as the most important person to the point they don’t see you, and don’t even think of you as someone being able to replace the void created by the person you lost, as if this was not hard and awful enough, add the fear and pressure of being killed!!! Alear is TERRIFIED by the Corrupted. THEY. KILLED. ALL. THEIR. SIBLINGS. All of them!! And Alear witnessed that !!! And still feared for Veyle who also had to endure THIS!!! Zephia literally brainwash her into being another person who does awful things !! Imagine someone telling you that your true self is worthless and therefore decides to create a new personality for you ?!! SHE HAD TO LIVE 1000 YEARS OF THAT !!! And Alear was killed by their own father!! when they finally found someone loving in the person of Lumera, a life they WANTED to have, NOT FORCED TO LIVE, but WANTED !! THEY WANTED TO BE A GOOD DRAGON AND PAYED IT WITH THEIR LIFE !! And when they and Lumera finally reunitated with her waiting for YEARS that her “child” and her would finally get to be together ? WHAT happens ? Not only is her child amnesiac but she dies !!! THEY NEVER GOT TO BE TOGETHER!! TO LIVE AS MOTHER AND CHILD!! And VEYLE WAS ALONE FOR 1000 YEARS HOPING TO FINALLY REUNITES WITH HER SIBLINGS AND HAD TO ENDURE ZEPHIA CALLING HER A DEFECT AND WITH THE FEAR OF BEING KILLED TOO!!!  And it’s actually a good thing that Alear forgot about all of this because I don’t see how any average person could bear to have such memories of their siblings being killed by their own father!! No wonder that even amnesiac they are still scared by the Corrupted!!! This adds a new layer to their supports with Diamants because imagine if that one had took place after Alear regains their memories!!! AWFUL !! And I won’t add the traumatic backstory of Marnie who was abandonned by her mother who thought she was useless despite helping her with her brother and finding a mother in Zephia because “finally! someone praised me !! someone noticed my struggles !!” nor Griss explaining why he became addicted to pain !!! Seriously how IS THIS NOT DARK?! 
When you think about it all those games had pretty dark story!!! It’s like Kaori yuki and Jun Mochizuki decided to allies themselves and write a story and GOD!! you know those women are talented at writing story worth making a die hard hearltless criminal who slaughtered many people cry like a big cry-baby a flow, a river of tears in a foetus position !!!
Clearly, Engage’story is actually has dark as Three Houses, maybe even more so. The only reasons why you feel it’s cheesy is the execution.
So does a dark story = a good story ? NOPE.
Does a well executed story = a good story regardles of if it’s dark or not... YES OBVIOUSLY!!
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sinsations-art · 8 months
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poachedplum · 2 years
i love you robin buckley i love you deena johnson i love you crush (2022) i love you amy from booksmart i love you paper girls i love you claire from derry girls i love you first kill i love you everything sucks i love you haunting of bly manor i love you explicit lesbian characters in modern media
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lethologicaee · 5 months
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based on a jesus helguera piece 🍇
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crimson--lux · 2 years
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doodle. not particularly fond of this one but my academic overlords gave me 30 seconds of free time for the weekend and the urge to draw was strong
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lecliss · 6 days
Alright I'm on team Sunday now. Like whatever he's about to do I'm sure is gonna be taking it into antagonistic and villainous territory so like, don't do that. Don't turn this into an Artorius situation cuz then I'm just gonna be mad about always painting us as horrible uncaring people but Sunday's core philosophy so far is like, yeah I 100% agree.
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ressaart · 7 months
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something something mad scientist tim who digs up graves and revives people with lazarus waters that he has mixed with other things etc idk i'm just feeling the October vibes
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 7 months
Anyway prohibitedwish dark medieval mystery drama au. The story is interjected every so often by prismo and scarab arguing over what should happen next
#random thoughts#adventure time#over time scarab learns to accept when things dont go his way (especially when prismo has a very good idea)#and prismo gets help working through his depression through the beauty of creating with another person (euphamism for gay sex lol)#hey prismo why do you want to collab with scarab hmm? to create life with another man? pretty gay it does seem#anyway in the beginning they argue because scarab wants stuff to go his way#and prismo keeps bringing up bad ideas and wanting to put jake-esque characters in everything#prismo is. not very creative#anyway their universe ends up following a sheriff and a self-declared wizard in the late-12th century (so around robin hood times)#as the sheriff hunts down a group of bandits#(prismo ends up really liking the bandits and thinking the sheriff sucks balls for hunting them down and scarab's like you just dont get it)#the self-declared wizard is very much a conman hawking snake oil (i do NOT sound like that is. very commonly interjected by prismo)#there is no magic. prismo keeps trying to put magic in there. scarab keeps shutting him down#scarab ends up trying to kill off the wizard for a dramatic moment and prismo gets upset about it#'it's a tragedy! it's supposed to be sad!' 'but WHAT IS THE POINT??? it's just tragedy for the sake of tragedy!'#'if your plan this whole time was to make me upset then congrats!!! you made everyone's friend prismo upset. im gonna do something else now'#prismo disappears and scarab feels. bad. it doesn't feel good.#eventually prismo comes back in to apologize for getting too into the story and leaving in a huff and shit and surprise!!!#the wizard is still alive! scarab LISTENED and he CONCEDED and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BABEY!!!#now the ending of the story they were trying to tell is more bittersweet instead of a full-on 'everyone's dead or sad' thing#btw the sheriff and the wizard end up kissing and prismo and scarab are both VERY awkward about it#scarab still likes dark edgy stuff but he recognizes the universe he created with prismo is a SHARED project and he's been kind of a pill
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roadunk1ll · 3 months
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Posting this b4 I start hating it 🙏 (aka the oc-ification of Tim drake), drawing this was so painstaking I took 2 hours on the left side alone 😭 (it’s a panel redraw from Batman: urban legends I believe (I only chose it cause it was the best ref I could find on Pinterest and I’m lazy 🫰)) idk why I decided to do an art style meme when I have no art style but yk girl (gender neutral) things
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dorotheafromthesea · 2 years
Okay Robin has definetely not the best relationship with her parents. They can't deal with her rambling, her lack of understanding social cues and especially her mom wants her just to be normal and presentable. Robin got used to this over the years and mostly tries to avoid direct confrontations. She only invites Nancy over when her parents aren't around and prefers to do their sleepovers and movie nights at the Wheelers, especially with Karen so much more caring about her than her own mother ever did. But eventually the Buckleys caught up the fact that their daughter has a new girl friend (Platonic with a capital P, Robin definetly didn't came out to them). They invite Nancy over for dinner, because that's what is societally expected from them and if Mrs Buckley has one aim in her life, it is to look well put together and do what the norm is in any given situation, she won't let her daughter ruin this.
When Nancy arrives she notices right away that Robin is not like herself at all and so, so nervous about this. So when the first snarky comments from Robin's mother come, she tries to hold back and instead reassures Robin with quick physical contact like squeezing her hand and her tight unseen under the table or holding a bit to long on her when she hands her the peas.
"Oh Nancy, how pretty you look in this dress! I always try to convince little Robbie to wear one, but she only wears her boy clothes" "Look Robbie, maybe you should ask Nancy to show you some Knicke rules on your next meeting, she follows all of them so easily" "You're the Head of the school newspaper? Impressive, I always wished Robbie would join more school activities and get more social contacts, but you know how she is"
Robin, already unusual quite at the beginning of the evening get's quiter and quiter with every comment. But as if her body needs some sort of compensation for this, her legs, arms and hands unintentionally begin to move more and more, until at some point she upsets her glass and her soda gets spilled all over the table. Robin's mother instantly complains about Robin, her inability to sit still and how she can be such a menace sometimes.
At this point Nancy can't hold it back anymore and snaps:
A menace, Robin? How can you not see, what an amazing daughter you have? She is extremely smart. She can solve problems in basically no time. Oh my fucking god, she learned five languages BY HERSELF. You probably didn't even know this. She may not understand social cues the best as you would phrase it, but she is still amazing with kids. My brother and all of his friends look up to her, my little sister ADORES her. Just like my mom and honestly every person I've ever met until today! And you, you belittled her this entire dinner and critised everything about her. For God's sake, she is your daughter. You should support her and not try to change her. I've heard enough, we are leaving now!
And with the lasts words she takes Robin's hand, guides her towards her car and drives away from these awful people that are Robin's parents. And when Robin is still unable to speak, she tries to reassure her when she says: "You now, that I love you exactly how you are, right? How you really are and not how you were masking with your parents. I love to listen to your rambles when you are excited about something, I love how you know the most random facts about everything and how you make me laugh with them, I love how you paint with your hands in the air when you tell a story like you don't have enough words, even when you always have so many of them and how you know exactly what to say, even when you think otherwise. I love you, I love YOU and I would never - ever - want to change anything about you, do you understand me?" And when Nancy sees how tears build up Robins eyes, she parks the car right away, not caring if she's in the way of someone and pulls her in a tight hug. "I love you Robin Buckley, did you hear me?" she whispers in Robin's hear and is reliefed to finally see a little smile forming in the corner of Robin's mouth. "I love you too."
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old-movies-stuff · 11 months
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Dead poets society - 1989
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reineyday · 1 year
i was thinking about a reverse todosibs au where shouto is the oldest and touya is the youngest but like... would there even be more than shouto and natsu if shou was born first? would they have the rest of their kids exist out of happiness?? would there even be family angst if shouto was born first, or would shou just hold up enji's expectations all on his own? bear the brunt of the weight of his dad's legacy and keep it away from his other siblings?
enji seemed like a pretty good dad till touya's quirk started failing on him, so if he had the opportunity to train shou's "perfect" quirk then would things have ever snowballed into being that bad?
#rei rambles#bnha#todoroki family#todosibs#shouto todoroki#touya todoroki#dabi#i love when the robins get reversed and the todosibs are another favourite group of kids for me so u was like 'hm what if?'#expecting there to be a different kind of angst#but im not sure there WOULD be family angst????#would enji even suck if his first kid met all his expectations?#these are all genuine questions lol if someone wants to give me some headcanons :0#maybe there wouldnt be any angst. maybe they'd just be a good family.#that's kind of depressing in its own right tho l o l#i mean yeah there'd be the usual 'golden boy' sort of angst i GUESS but even then i feel like#touya wouldnt be so put off by everything if he had shou as a guiding figure in his life#like i dont think enji would expect his other kids to try to live up if shouto did fine but even if he did#and touya disappointed him and got 'thrown away' i think shouto as an older brother would 100p catch him#i guess mb enji could get greedy about his legacy but... hmm...#maybe if in high school shouto decides to turn on his dad cuz his obsession is fuckn stupid and so enji starts focusing in on his youngest#cuz touya's quirk hasnt manifested yet but then it does and it's bad for him and enji gets frustrated about it#and tiny touya finds it unfair that shouto has this PERFECT quirk and he's not even GRATEFUL that dad is looking at him!!!!#but honestly i think shouto would end up fixing this lol and touya would end up extremely attached to his older brother#but i think that's just one take. i digress+
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jeonghanurl · 6 days
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is this... a new het otp?
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Every single English teacher Eddie literally ever had tried to dead Poet society him
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no-context-nonsense · 4 months
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New year… same problems
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alternis · 1 year
okay I have had thoughts percolating within my brain about tim drake and his life going to shit like as soon as he stepped out of "normal boy" and into the lives of vigilantes.
this is incredibly rambling steam of consciousness meta bc I can like. Feel the thoughts I'm trying to express but words are hard and typing on a phone is a pain in the behind.
because: Tim was introduced and intended to be a counterpoint to Bruce, as they both had similar backgrounds, and yet Tim had no great personal tragedy compelling him to help others. he simply wanted to do the right thing, in his own clumsy way
but as SOON as he got involved with Bruce he started experiencing personal tragedies at an ever increasing rate. his mother dies, his father is paralysed. he copes. his father wakes up, they have relationship issues, things improve and remain 'stable' for a long while. he gains a stepmother, and a brotherly relationship with dick. he's still the Normal Robin, with school and parents and girl troubles.
but his relationship with his father suffers because he is Robin. jack can see the shape of the secret that lies between them and every time they seem to work things out, they fall apart again. is Robin to blame for it? that one thing Tim must hold back from his father, that his father can see being held back? Jack certainly seems to think so, judging by his reaction when all Tim's obfuscation falls away and Jack discovers his costume (hidden in the closet, something that won't gain any hidden layers of meaning for a good long time)
so tim loses Robin. he does not cope well with being fully demoted to civilian. it chafes at him like outgrown clothes. and the universe punishes him for leaving his role! his schoolmate dies. his girlfriend dies. his father dies and his stepmother is hospitalised until she too dies. his best friend dies and his other best friend dies.
52 happens. he goes away for a year to leave the tragedy behind and recentre himself. he comes back and cass has been brainwashed into being evil and he almost gets a friend killed.
and then Bruce dies.
the universe itself seems to punish him when he tries to stay away from being robin. and then, when he returns to robin he gets bad shit happen to him because that's what happens to superheroes and people who put themselves in danger. danger comes to them. this is a meta thing but, also, is a narrative thread across his life.
and to me it all comes down to one panel.
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batman and robin are orphans. therefore, tim drake must become an orphan. the laws of the universe bend around him to give him the motivating trauma he did not have before stepping into his role. causality runs backwards. events happen because of their consequences.
the will of the world demands tragedy.
congratulations on becoming Robin; the red will spread across your body as the blood pools underfoot.
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