#game: ......
sonicfangamebot · 5 months
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'SA2B: Route 64' (2021) by @Litronom (Hack) Adds a stage based on the 'Sonic Adventure 2' track to 'Mario Kart 64'. Available via OverKart Discord: https://discord.gg/NNkQSz9
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choiceofgames · 1 year
More “World of Darkness” Games!
Choice of Games, in partnership with World of Darkness and Paradox Interactive, today announced that they would produce ten more interactive novels set in the World of Darkness shared story universe through 2027.
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Choice of Games’ interactive novels have received critical and popular acclaim, with Vampire: The Masquerade — Sins of the Sires standing as a finalist for the Game Writing Award in the annual Nebula awards this weekend. Choice of Games and World of Darkness congratulate Natalia Theodoridou on this achievement.
Choice of Games' next two upcoming titles in the World of Darkness, Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names and Hunter: The Reckoning — Beast of Glenkildove are now available to wishlist on Steam.
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Save the living earth with Rage and spirit! Awaken ancient mysteries, rebuild your fallen pack, and unleash your fearsome might to heal a shattered land.
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Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names is an interactive novel set in the World of Darkness by Kyle Marquis, author of the 2020 smash hit Vampire: The Masquerade — Night Road. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
Shapeshifter. Mystic. Hero. Monster. You are a werewolf, and you are all these things. Werewolves are the living earth's last guardians, created by Gaia, given the gift of shifting between human and wolf forms, and called to stop humanity from destroying the world.
Yet you have failed. Pollution chokes the cities and mad spirits rampage through the wild places. You swore to protect Gaia, but the werewolves turned on each other, slaughtered their allies, fell into despair or mad Rage.
You are one of the few who remember the oaths you swore to the living earth - which has made you an exile. But rather than surrender to despair, you have sworn to uncover the secrets of a defiled land and fight the Apocalypse. Stormcat, once the Spirit of a thriving community of werewolves, has called upon you to rebuild that shattered pack. In the savage woods and decaying cities of New England, you will forge your own legend.
Build Your Pack. Human and werewolf survivors haunt the woods and hide in the cities: find them to learn what happened and to rebuild the werewolf nation. But not all werewolves can be trusted: shun those wolves consumed by Rage, and pity those who have lost the Wolf and become empty shells.
Survive the Wilds. A desperate exile, shunned by those who have abandoned their oaths to Gaia, you'll have to survive by your wits. A winter night can kill as surely as any monster: find shelter, seek allies among spirits and humans, and learn how far you'll go to survive.
Unleash Your Rage. You are one of Gaia's monsters, a living weapon, herald of vengeance and death. Now the Apocalypse is here: wield your Rage with savage cunning and keen discretion, or it will swallow you whole.
Play as male, female, or nonbinary; befriend or romance werewolves and humans of all genders.
Shapeshift among five forms to slaughter your enemies, or outwit them to take what you need.
Choose your auspice (moon-sign) and your werewolf tribe to learn what sort of monster you are.
Claim your territory and heal the spirits there to unlock Gifts that let you summon animals, control the elements, or enter the spirit world.
Face mutated monsters and corrupt spirits in the dark woods and decaying factory towns of rural New England.
About Kyle Marquis
This is Kyle Marquis's eighth game with Choice of Games; his previous titles include the dieselpunk flying-ace game Empyrean, the time-traveling alternate-history Byzantine mystery Silverworld, and the apotheosis-seeking magical adventure Tower Behind the Moon.
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Full moon. Cold night. Dark shadow. Warm gun. The Beast of Glenkildove has stalked Ireland for centuries. Now, you must hunt it.
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Hunter: The Reckoning — The Beast of Glenkildove is an interactive novel by William Brown, set in the World of Darkness shared story universe. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination
Eight years ago, when you were eighteen, the Beast of Glenkildove killed one of your closest friends. You've never returned to Ireland since that day.
It's difficult to remember what happened. As you'll soon learn, the human mind blots out the traumatic memories of facing a werewolf.
Now, you must stalk that werewolf across the shadowed glens and fogbound mountains of Ireland, hunting a shapeshifting killing machine with your friends, your wits, and a shotgun.
But you and your friends are not alone. You have entered a world of Hunters, humans who dare to challenge the dominion of the monsters who rule over them. Can you trust the fanatics of the Society of Leopold, the scholars and savants of the Arcanum, the ruthless Duffy crime family, or the enigmatic biotech company Fada?
Can you even trust your oldest friends?
Redemption for some. Retribution for others. A reckoning for all.
Play as male, female, or nonbinary; befriend or romance humans and supernaturals of any gender
Kill, study, capture, document or negotiate with the creatures you hunt
Craft your own traps, gear, and weapons to take the Hunt to the enemy
Find camaraderie and romance with the only people in the world that you can trust to fight alongside you
Adopt and train your own wolfhound to assist you in the Hunt
Build and maintain your own safehouse at the Wolf’s Head Inn in the Wicklow Mountains
Become the thing that even nightmares fear.
About William Brown
William Brown was born in Ireland. He is the author of two previous Choice of Games titles: The Mysteries of Baroque, a Gothic horror story, and Cliffhanger: Challenger of Tomorrow, a pulp adventure yarn. He studied theology and Biblical studies at Trinity College Dublin, did a Master’s at Oxford University, and a PhD at Edinburgh University. He now teaches at a college in London.
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About Choice of Games
Choice of Games LLC is dedicated to producing high-quality, text-based, multiple-choice games. Since 2009 they have produced over one hundred titles in-house, including Choice of the Dragon and Choice of Robots. Six of their recent titles have been nominated for the Nebula Award for Game Writing. They have also developed a simple scripting language for writing text-based games, ChoiceScript, which they make available to others for use in their projects, and they host games produced by other designers using ChoiceScript on their website. All of their games are available on the web at choiceofgames.com and on Steam. They also produce mobile versions of their games that can be played on iPhones, Android phones, and other smartphones.
About Paradox Interactive
The Paradox Interactive group includes development, publishing, and licensing of games and brands, consisting of a portfolio of more than 100 titles created both internally and by independent studios. Paradox owns an array of award-winning and top-selling brands including Cities: Skylines, Stellaris, Crusader Kings, Age of Wonders, and many more games available on PC and console platforms. Paradox is the owner of the World of Darkness IPs and is publishing Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 on PC and consoles soon.
From the company’s start in 2004, Paradox has published its games worldwide, with top markets including the USA, UK, China, Germany, France, and Russia. Today, over four million gamers play a Paradox game each month with a global community reaching over ten million registered Paradox users. Paradox Interactive AB (publ)’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm First North Premier under ticker PDX. FNCA Sweden AB is the company’s Certified Adviser. For more information, please visit www.paradoxinteractive.com.
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games-franco · 1 year
Abducted - Solo TTRPG Playthrough
Example Playthrough
Hi guys, I’ve decided to include an example story created through the use of my system. It’s my first time giving it a whirl too, so fingers crossed it all works out! I’d love to see what stories you all conjure, so feel free to find me on:
Twitter - @games_franc0
Instagram - @games_franc0
 Game can be found for FREE through: https://games-franco.itch.io/abducted
Human Set-up
My name is Bron Marlo – I’m a 6’0”, 30-year-old outdoorsman in between jobs at the moment, and as of beginning this journal, I am of sound mind to the best of my knowledge.
I was hesitant to include flaws or insecurities, but I figured I’d start with some for this example to add more backstory to Bron. I see Bron as being a strong male figure with very high walls in his life. He doesn’t mean to keep everyone else at bay, but he’s overtly cautious and has a hard time trusting people.
Alien Set-up
What is the alien’s appearance and disposition? Descriptions in parenthesis going forward will reflect the card I randomly drew as I progressed:
(K♠ – psychic and curious beings)
The alien(s) is a being with a tendency to exhibit advanced psychic or telekinetic abilities. The alien is curious in nature, with a disposition characterized by a desire to learn and explore new things. It is especially curious in learning about human culture and society to see how it compares to their own culture.
What is the alien’s home planet?
(4 - Maelstrom)
The alien is from Maelstrom, a distant planet with a vast ocean and no land masses. Due to the nature of its upbringing, the alien is tall and thin with a semi-humanoid build and smooth rubbery gray skin. Tiny sharp teeth and a bottled face might suggest similarities between their evolutionary process, and the evolutionary process of dolphins on Earth. [FL1] [FL2] 
   Phase 1 – Abduction (Human)
Journal 2/13/2023:
Where were you abducted from, and when?
(3 - a park; 2 - early in the morning)[FL3] 
In my departure from the typical 9-5 job, I’ve taken a liking to strolling through the mountainous forests just outside of town early in the morning. It’s the most I can do while waitlisted to join the park ranger program. The air is always damp from the nearby streams, and nothing is awake yet. The critters never bother me, and they’ve learned that I won’t bother them. I never go out without an axe though, just in case. This isn’t even because of the mountain lions or bears, but because you never know who else is mad enough to be out here this early in the morning with dark ideas (and because of the recent disappearances).
The morning was going like any other, except that usually, around dawn, I’ll hear a symphony of birds or come across a person packing up a tent and getting ready to return into the normal world, but not this time. It was as if nature hit the mute button. I could see the nearby stream, but it made no noise. I could see no birds, no humans. I could’ve sworn I muttered the word “strange” in the midst of it all, but I heard nothing come out of my mouth. The orange tinge of dusk shifted to a muted blue like a camera filter, and a burst of all sounds, as if they had been compiled all morning for a short and compressed sonic blast, erupted above me. I covered my ears and fell to my knees, but felt no dirt or weight. That’s how I knew I’d been taken.
How are you feeling?
(2 - Confusion)
I wasn’t afraid at all throughout the morning, rather, I was confused at the uncharacteristic silence. The confusion continued to build up until the wave of blue light pierced my body and abducted me, which is where I thought I’d get some answers, but it just…continued to make less and less sense.
Phase 2 – Action (Human + Alien)
What room is the human held in?
(K – A room with a series of advanced, high-tech machines or devices you cannot identify)
I came to my senses in a chrome room with what appeared to be a series of advanced, high-tech machines that I’d never seen before. The more I perused, the less sense it all made. I don’t think they were machines at all. Maybe they were gems, or other beings? I tried talking to some of them, but the lack of response is what made me believe that they were probably inanimate objects.
Aside from the strange items laying around the cold, metallic room, I noticed that I was fitted with a skin tight suit of some material that was continuously moving on my skin. It looked like ants at first, thick enough to mask my flesh, which is what prompted my initial reaction to try and swat them away, but they did not interact with my exposed fingers, and continued to move as if nothing had swatted them. For a time, I continued to poke them, slower and slower, and realized that there was always space left between them and my skin. Even if it was to a microscopic degree, I was in fact, not even coming into full contact with them in any of my attempts. Strange
Supplement for room K: What item(s) do you find inside of the room?
(10- The tesseract[FL4] )
I also noticed, possibly the strangest contraption in the room, a construct. It was small, and just there. Some of the items were hung on the wall, or placed on pedestals, but this item was just there, as if the void of nothingness around it was as solid as the remainder of the room[FL5] . Thinking back on it now, its shape is something I cannot imagine or describe now without looking at it, an amorphous tesseract that erased itself from my mind. I actually don’t think it ever had a spot in my mind if I’m being honest. It’s like my eyes couldn’t decipher its structure. I tried touching it, and all I could remember was my hand retracting from it. I don’t have a single memory of ever touching the contraption anchored in space. This is when the confusion morphed into fear a bit. The more I looked at the shape, the more I felt myself forgetting things, like my name, who I was, or even what I was. That initial shock of forgetfulness, like when you wake up and lose grasp of what you’d just dreamt of, made me sick to my stomach, and that’s when I knew I had to get the hell out of that room. [FL6] 
I felt like I was being watched through all of this too. I’d heard stories, about being in the woods for too long. No one believed any of the “victims”, so now I’m not sure if they’ll believe me when I get back…if I even get back. [FL7] 
Do you explore further? Where do you go?
(7 - room with organic structures)
Supplement for room 7: What organic structure(s) do you find within this room?
(J – a composting area – I have a different interpretation of this, we’ll circle back later)
It’s natural to flee when one is scared, which means it’s natural to run towards a door to flee from a room they’re locked in; however, how does one do this when there is no door or window[FL8] ? I began running towards the emptiest looking wall in this room and banged into it, to no avail. None of the trinkets triggered any door opening, and at this point I was too afraid to look back at the tesseract contraption. After what felt like hours, I felt like I needed to resort to using the tesseract. Looking directly at it again shot fear into my soul like I’d never felt before, and I’ve been face to face with a bear. The scariest things are truly the ones you can’t understand. [FL9] 
Again, I cannot express how indescribable this object was. However, as I approached it, the room shifted in dimension like a kaleidoscope. It wasn’t a light effect emanating from tesseract, but the shape of the room would shift, expand, or retract based on my positioning in relationship to the tesseract. I ran towards it at one point, and the faster I ran, the farther it would spatially be from me. If I slowed down, it would get closer again, and if I ever tried to grab it, I’d find myself putting it back where it was with no recollection of how it felt in my hand.
I was beginning to get motion sick and nauseous, since the slightest tilt of my head would trigger a change in the dimensions of this room. The space would literally expand, the objects all around would increase and decrease in size the longer I experimented with the item. I wonder if I was also increasing or decreasing in size along with them?
Eventually, the configurations of the room revealed a long narrow hallway. I could not make out what was on the other side, but it was the first time the room appeared to lead elsewhere not confined to this crystalline prison. After another hour of counterintuitive movements, I progressed through to the hallway and realized I had reached to a point outside of the tesseract’s influence. I was not going to look back now and risk getting caught again. [FL10] 
The new area opened up into a new enclosed room. The hallway behind me vanished, and if the items in the previous room were not organic, then these new things certainly were. There was something “alive” about this room. It’s like when you walk through an empty forest and know the trees are alive even though they don’t move or respond to your touch.
Phase 3 – Final Encounter
I did not roll on the phase 3 table, as I had enough of a story to continue without further guidance.
Immediately there was a shift in how the room smelled. There was something acrid, or rotting. Behind some of the machinery and contraptions was a human floating in the middle of the room. She appeared unconscious, so I hid behind some of the equipment strewn about. The room was significantly bigger than the last, and everything seemed to circle the naked woman suspended in the air. She’d be covered and uncovered in the “ants” of her suit – that’s when I realized we were outfitted with the same suit. There was another figure looming in the room opposite of me. It gestured in the air, and the woman rotated, as i[FL11] f it was controlling her movements. The microscopic particles appeared to be forming to her body and then expanding to expose her while drawing globs of a dark slime from her skin. It didn’t look like they were piercing her physically, but they were pulling something out of her, and she was just…floating in it. The cloud around her kept getting thicker and thicker, and I realized it was becoming harder to see her at all.
I had to step up and do something, but I knew I had to arm myself with something before entering the creature’s space, especially since it appeared to be equipped with unknown equipment. The cloudier her space became, the stranger and more pungent the smells within the room would get. In looking through the debris of items hiding me from the alien, I did not find any weapons; however, I realized that the particles of my suit had formed into a rod in my right hand, that materialized into a solid black spear. It’s as if the particles of my suit were in sync with what I was trying to do.
The unknown figure circled closer to me as it paced the room, still facing the woman. Its back towards me, I realized this was not even close to human in appearance. Its skin was glossy and gray, and the proportions of its extremities were lanky. It had a few too many joints compared to those of men.
Before I could scare myself any more, I jumped over the crates in front of me with the black rod I’d acquired raised over my head, ready to drop it on the alien’s head. Just before I collided, I froze mid-air. Something was holding me in place. I was hovering, but nothing was touching me. Had the suit betrayed me? Unlikely, since the rod I was wielding was now in the shape of a dark great axe.
The cloud surrounding the woman loosened, and she descended from stasis slowly as she fell to the ground, still unconscious. The alien’s hand was raised, and it turned around to face me. Human sized black eyes were set far apart on its large, cylindrical gray face and oversized forehead. It opened its mouth, revealing an unsettling number of tiny sharp teeth, and it gestured into the air again, forcing me to lower my battle stance. It looked at my axe, examined it thoroughly without touching it, and appeared to have logged it into a machine that was floating nearby.
I fully expected the creature to respond with fear, or an equal amount of aggression to defend itself, but it seemed unfazed. Its calmness was almost contagious. I say almost, because as soon as I began to let my guard down to relax, my eyes glanced over to see the woman, laying on the ground, unresponsive and now covered in the same suit as me. The globs of darkness still hovered above her.
“Hey! What did you do to her?!” I exclaimed.
The alien lowered its hand, placing me on the ground, and raised its other hand to resume the process with the woman.
“Put her down!” I yelled, as I grabbed my axe, which was already shifting into a functioning black chainsaw.
Both of its arms were now raised, and I could sense a tinge of impatience in its eyes. It leaned its head towards mine, and I could make out a faint voice inside of my head struggling to construct a word:
“Cleansing”, it said. The being was trying to respond, and the only way it could was through the use of its words inside of my mind. Her suit continued to expand and retract.
I felt my axe dissipate, and the being lowered its hand in my direction. I was no longer bound by its psychic abilities…
It continued to circle the woman, and her space became clouded again, obscuring her from view.
“What exactly are you cleansing her of?” I asked. The smell was repugnant now as we both stood around her.
“Clouding”, it said again within my mind. Nothing was making sense. Nothing had made sense since I entered its space.
The alien waves in the air, and collects all of the black globs around the woman. They spiral into one singular, floating liquid ball that shapes itself into an axe, similar to the one I was holding, and it wields it, facing me.
In response, I conjure mine again, and square up against the creature. In its demeanor, I can tell I’ve misunderstood its intentions. It begins to wave with its other hand, while still gripping the axe, and the world begins to warp again, similar to what the tesseract was doing in the previous room. Space converges in the palm of its hand, and I can feel an unnaturally strong pull towards it. Structures and the angles of the room meet in the center of this convergence, and the pull ends as soon as it places the axe within the pull. Everything falls back into place as if nothing happened, and the axe it had drawn from her body is gone.
The alien beckons me towards it, and grabs my axe gently as soon as I approach. It repeats the process with my axe. It was gone.
The creature towers over me, but it crouches down slightly to meet its forehead to mine before speaking in my mind again:
“Understand…” it says, placing its hand in front of me. I couldn’t help but to be compelled into placing my own hand in its place.
“Understand?” I repeat. This amuses the creature. It clarifies:
“Understand everyone. No clouding”
Phase 4 - Outcome
I could feel its frustration. Something, no, someone, so intelligent with a message so profound and with no method of communicating it. My mind is probably what’s limiting its ability to have a conversation with me. It moved me to tears.
For the remainder of my stay, the creature extracted more and more darkness through my suit, until I could vaguely remember our final words. What did it say? I can’t recall now. The dark globs around me made it hard for me to maintain eye contact, and before I knew it, I fell to my knees, in the middle of the forest as I clutched my ears in the morning sun.
I wrote everything down, so as to not let it slip like dreams that evade the mind in the morning – but I’m not so sure I believe it when I read it back to myself. Ever since that morning though, I can’t help but feel lighter and happier with the world around me. I rose from my knees then, dropped my axe, and continued forward. [FL12] 
  [FL1]This is my first time playing through the game I’d spent weeks creating! I quickly realized that there is no guidance on how to track some of the set-up items, so I just listed them up top as if it were a cast list. Feel free to run with this however it makes sense to you!
 [FL2]My goal was always to provide prompts that were descriptive enough, yet vague, to knock over the stack of creative dominos in your mind. I feel like it worked right away for me here, and I was so excited!
 The only description I got for the aliens was that they exhibit psychic or telekinetic powers – then I was given the fact that they’re from a planet covered entirely in water and BAM. Dolphin aliens.
 [FL3]I swear I imagined a character resembling a lumberjack before drawing these cards, so being abducted in a PARK early in the MORNING was perfect for an unemployed woodsman. Poetic really.
 I interpreted park as “nature reserve” or “camping ground” for this case for some reason, and I would like to emphasize that these personal interpretations are heavily encouraged throughout your journaling journey.
 [FL4]We’re going to discover what this is, because I have no idea what it is right now.
 [FL5]I want to go on record saying that I also encourage nonsensical rambling and no cohesive or grammatical correctness in any of these journals. Present tense, past tense, jumble that all up. Long sentences, short sentences, do it all! It’s a journal, not a novel.
 [FL6]This spawned so naturally, I was very happy with this result. I was also worried about how moving from room to room would work, especially since you don’t have to explore more if you don’t want to, but this progressed so seamlessly. It’s just what Bron would do in this case, and I had to let him explore that.
 [FL7]Unexpected lore ooh. Now it’s canon that this alien, or group of aliens (not even sure at this point since I haven’t written any more) have been coming to these woods for a while. Interesting…
 [FL8]I realized how “human” the concept of doors and windows were. If there is an alien species out there that can traverse through walls, what use would they have for doors, walls, or any barriers at all really? I love exploring the world building that comes with creating a new intelligent species.
 [FL9]An inherent weakness to the character that made its way into the journal.
 [FL10]I had drawn a card for a new room 3 paragraphs ago, but realized that getting out of the first room and going into another could be an adventure of its own. I felt like I was sinking into quicksand there!
 [FL11]I had intended to follow the game instructions in order to showcase all of the phases distinctly in this example, but instead, I’ve accidentally showcased how loose the guidelines can be once executed. It felt natural to introduce the alien here, so I merged the “Final Encounter” phase with the “Action Phase” in the second room I ventured into. The “Outcome Phase” should follow naturally shortly after 😊
 My point is: Don’t let the game rules dictate the flow of your story! It should flow naturally without restrictions.
 [FL12]I’m a fan of open ends, so this wraps up my story perfectly for my tastes. I was surprised at how the axe became an important aspect of the story. Maybe Bron had some things he was holding on to too tightly?
 I created this game to explore fear, insecurity, and uncertainty. I included the potential for evil malicious aliens, as well as curious benevolent aliens. In this example, I explored the latter, which in my opinion is a bit harder to make “fun”. I’m glad this is where I started too, because I did have fun exploring this idea, and ended up expressing a message about mindfulness in a way I might not have been able to without the human character I created or the prompts I randomly drew.
 I can’t wait to see what other worlds this game manages to open up! I hope it brings as much joy to all of you as it has for me 😊
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lyon-amore · 2 years
Mr and Mrs Liars Chapter 14
Chapter 13 Warning: Mention of suicide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Jake POV*  While I'm driving, MC keeps quiet. She absorbed in her thoughts. When I take a quick look at her, I can see that her eyes don't even seem to be on the road. Schneider... That surname doesn't sound familiar to me at all, it wasn't on my corrupt list, and so MC's attitude towards him must be something personal. I hate that she's like this. It doesn't go with her. This case is affecting her even though she doesn't want to say it. I'd love to know what she's thinking right now. I stray out of the way home, wanting to cheer her up a bit.     “Jake, this way it doesn't go to the apartment."     "I've decided we could eat out."     “What?” She lets out a slack laugh “Are you serious? How busy are we?"     "Trust me, you're going to like it."     "Alright.”      I smile, hoping she likes the surprise. Before parking, I stop in front of a Chinese restaurant. It's not fancy, but, it's something I owed her a long time ago.     “How about we eat here?” I asked her, watching her look curiously leaning out the window.     “Really, Jake?” she asks me, with a nervous laugh “here?”     “I once promised to take you to a Chinese restaurant, how can I not do it now as an apology after all these years?”      She puts a hand to her forehead, shaking her head. I can't stop watching her, see how surprised she is.     “Okay, you win.” she finally gives up, with a sigh.     "A break will do you good."     “Said the one who hasn't slept.”      I shake my head letting out a smirk. Always worrying that me to rest well. It wasn't a five star place, but I think it's fine for us. Although we stand out quite a bit with our outfit. After ordering the food, I see her again looking out the window. I have to distract her so she doesn't think about the case now. It is a dead time for both of us.     "Why don't you tell me what you've been up to these years?" I ask, calling her attention “For example, how was Phil's proposal for a hand?"     “You don't want to hear how Phil proposed to me, Jake.” she says, raising an eyebrow.     "Of course I do." I crossed my arms across the table. “Now I’m your friend and I’m interested in knowing what has happened to your life. Is it bad? ” She sits better in the chair, fixing her hair. She almost looks like she's thinking about how to start telling me.     "He did it classically.”     "Phil? Classic?” I watch as she rolls his eyes as I laugh "did he really kneel?”     "And in public."     "Well, I wasn't expecting that."     "But unlike saying yes the first time, when he asked me out, I made it more difficult for him by refusing to go out with him the four times he asked me."      A smile escapes me as I imagine MC refusing to date Phil those four times. In part, I'm proud because I'm sure it was because of me that she didn't want to go out with him.     "Four times? Are we talking about the same Phil who was said to be a womanizer?” I can't help but think he amazes me how eager he was to go out with her.     "I wanted to see if he was really interested in me or he just wanted one night with me." She crosses her arms across the table as well, leaning in with a mischievous smile.     "You did well to put that test on him,” I imitate her, proud of her, admiring her smile[CM1]  "it's better to be sure than to launch yourself.”     "You should have seen the messages from him desperate." she laughs, only to realize what she said.If I had seen those messages, I don't think I would have liked it at the time.  They bring us our food and MC looks at me, doubtful.     "You didn't bring me here only to make up for your promise six years ago, did you?" she asks me, starting to eat.     "I was concerned about how meeting that man before we left the police station affected you," I open up to avoid any more lies between us. "I felt like you needed a break from the investigation."     "Are you going to ask me how I know him?"     "Not if you don't want to talk about him."      She twists her mouth in doubt.She eats a bit, still with that otherworldly expression on her face. I decide to eat, not wanting to overwhelm her. When she want to talk, then I will listen. The second plate is brought to us and she pushes it away, looking at me.     "Manfred Schneider, he was my father's boss," MC replies, with a rather harsh tone. "Instead of helping us cover up the fact that I was helping in some cases, he decided to give us an ultimatum: either stop collaborating with them or have my father hand over the badge and the gun."     "Only because of a case that couldn't be solved?" I ask surprised, noticing how tense she was.     "When I found out, it was the spark that made me move away from the investigations. The fear that my father could be fired because of me and the scandal that could happen by then." The fear in her eyes gives her away. That man had taken part of her life from her at that time for fear that her father could lose everything. Scaring a teenager with that must be easy.     "But it was also made public that the police were receiving help." I remind her from what she told me and she sighs.     "Many things were coming to light which made the situation more complicated…"     “Until the day of the Lilly video.”     "The people around me who knew part of the story suspected me thinking that it was an opportunity to redeem myself and that I was crazy for kidnapping someone to believe that I could find out easily.” she twists her lips into a smile, letting out a laugh "Good thing I tried to handle it the best I could and make them understand that this was not true.”     “It was crazy that time,” I comment, remembering when I had to leave her alone for a while working it out with Lilly “I didn't think something like that could happen. I don't know how many times I'm going to have to apologize for what happened. I had to leave you alone. ”     "You don't have to apologize." she smiles kindly and makes me want to hold that image in my head. "I always trusted you. For me, I always knew that you would return.”     "And not just because of Hannah's kidnapping." I return her smile, fixing my eyes on her.     “Not just for Hannah.”      I look at her hand so close to mine, that I only think about being able to brush my fingers with hers and apologize again, with a ‘That will never happen to you again now that I won't leave’. She squeezes her hand and sometimes relaxes it. I wonder what she's thinking. At least the silence between the two isn't awkward. We both know what we mean. We searched for our hands and I get to notice the tips of her fingers. But her cell phone interrupts us and we quickly push our hands away.     "It's Peter." she replies, what seemed to be that she was reading "He says to meet us after his end of the day. "     "Looks like he's going to talk."     "Yeah..."     "Are you prepared?"      She quickly replies to the message as she nods at me.     “He just sent me his address, too,” she says without taking her eyes off her cell phone. "He says that the checkout time for his is at eight.”     "We'll have time to get ready then," I answered, looking at the clock on my cell phone "we're too elegant, we'd draw attention."     “Right,” she looks at herself and makes a face, “it's better not to…” She picks up her conversation with Peter and frowns. “He says that you go too."     “I was thinking of accompanying you so as not to leave you alone, but it's interesting that he mentioned me."     “He'll want to talk to us about the case at his house, it must be safer."      She puts the phone away and begins to eat the second course. I’m very curious what Peter Hammer has to tell us. The files on cell phone can wait.  As soon as we left the restaurant, we received a message from the chat group for both of us.We look at each other when we see their concern for us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan And well? How are you doing?  Cleo Have you already uncovered any smugglers?  Thomas Because it's not fair that Lilly, Hannah and Jessy talk to you but you push us away  MC Sorry guys we've been busy 🙏  Jake If we spoke to them it was at a time of rest. Besides, we've just started your investigation. Jessica We just hope you finish soon 😩 here at Duskwood everyone is asking about you MC, we try not to let anyone think you left Phil  MC Haha, I'd never do something like that 😝  Lilly But everything is fine, right? You won't be in danger 😢  Jake It's all under control.  Hanna I hope you are right We don't stop worrying about you  Dan You mean yourself, I at least get my break from my second boss  MC Hey, I treat you more gently than Phil 😤  Dan When he's not looking  Jessica 🤭 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I look up from my cell phone seeing her laugh at the conversation. I want to be able to finish this soon so she can go back to her normal life. That she doesn't have to be afraid.      "Everything okay, Jake?" She asks me, in a sweet voice.     "I was wondering if you're really that scary when you're at the bar." I lie, not wanting to worry her with my thoughts of her.     "Dan exaggerates, although I do get tougher with clients who cross the line," she smiles mischievously. "I'm pretty good at negotiating their… Silence."     "Remind me never managed to get you angry.”     "You'd better, Jake Miller…"      I laugh seeing how she points at me accusingly. She knows how to make me smile. *MC POV*  I hadn't told Jake that the way Peter wrote to me was very direct and quick. I suspect someone was watching what he was doing at the time. I hope to finally get answers.  I change into my comfortable clothes again, along with my black hoodie. I should point out that I should have special clothes for investigations instead of wearing this one, since it's for another use. Maybe I'm too controlling with my clothes? Maybe I'm weird...     <<What a thought you're having right now, MC…>> I try to keep my mind occupied before going into professional mode.     "MC! Are you ready?!” Jake calls me from downstairs.     "I’m going now down!"      I pick up my phone, checking Peter's messages. It is the moment of truth. Going downstairs, Jake hands me a black face mask, his gaze serious.     "Is it necessary?" I ask, making an annoyed face.     "A few years ago you would have worn one, don't complain."     "A few years ago the issue was different." I accept the mask. I'd better put it on when we're downstairs or we'll attract attention in the building "I'm scared to think they might be watching him.”     "That's why I'm doing it for your own good." He opens the front door and adds something else. "We are not going by car either, it would not be safe for them to recognize it too."     "Understood. So we move the legs a little bit."     "If you can keep up with me."     "Are you calling me 'short legs'?"     "Never."     "I'll pretend you're telling me the truth..."      He lets out a nice laugh when I hears it. It’s makes me happy that we can get along like this. The journey is quite long, we even have to take the subway to get to his apartment. I look at Jake who seems to be looking everywhere, paranoid about the people around us.Maybe if I distract him a bit, he'll forget about that irrational fear.     "What are you going to do after this?" I ask curious.      He looks at me and blinks thoughtfully.     "I guess working at my new position."     "Isn't there anything you want to do after your freedom?"      He puts his hand to his chin, concentrating.     "I don't have any reason anymore, but maybe sometimes I'd stop by Duskwood to see my sisters.”     "And to your new friends."      I see how he smiles through his eyes and sighs.     "Yes, that too."     "Because what I don't want is to never see you again…" I murmur more to myself.     "Yeah, me neither."      We remain silent listening to the different conversations on the subway. I shouldn't have said that, I shouldn't have... We arrive at the building. It's a bit old, but still stands up. I look at my phone for the floor number and we go inside. At the moment we don’t meet anyone in the corridors, we are lucky.     “Door 5th B,” I remind Jake, reaching for the door.      What surprises us is to see that it is a bit open.     "MC, stay-"     “Peter!" I lower my mask entering the apartment, worried.    "MC, WAIT!" I ignore Jake. I do not like this.      The scene in the living room froze me completely. *Jake POV*  After a few seconds I hear MC's scream after having been watching that there was no one near the floor. That scream scared me.      "MC!" I see her on the floor crying, putting a hand to her mouth.      Seeing what she was seeing, I could understand her. Peter was hanging from the ceiling, his eyes rolling. I approach MC and help her up, forcing her to look at me.     "MC, look at me." I caressed her face turning her back to her body, preventing her from seeing him "Calm down."     "How can I calm down?!" She yells at me nervously, "Peter is-"     "I know, but right now we can't stand out." I hate being so cold right now, but I'm worried about her and her seeing this scene. "Left the apartment and watched, I took it upon myself to look for any clue as to why he did this."     "Why did he do this to me?" she asks without stopping crying. "Why did he make me watch this scene?"     "MC…" Right now, she can't think straight. She is not the girl who analyzes the environment. She's the scared girl "We can talk about it later, but I need you to get out of here now, I don't want you to keep seeing this, okay? I'll be with you soon."      She nods hugging herself, walking slowly towards the door. I don't like this scenario at all. It gives me a horrible feeling. He is pale and his lips are blue. I'm no expert, but I don't think he's been dead very long, but I'm not a forensic enough to know.     "His hand..." I notice that his right hand is tightly closed. It must contain something important. Luckily I have my gloves to open it. With rigor mortis, it's hard for me to move his fingers, but I do it by pulling out a piece of paper. And I worry when I read it.     "It's MC's full name." I say with concern. This is getting worse.     "Sir, don't worry, a patrol is already going to his house," I hear from the pocket of his jacket. "Stay on the phone, we'll try to help you.”      << Shit! >> I put the paper away and run to the exit looking for MC, worried.     “Have you found anything?” She asks me, still crying.     "We have to go now."     "What? Jake, what did you find?"     "At home, not here."      We head to the stairs, but we hear footsteps of several people.     "Quick! I think I heard something!" says a man.      I lean out a bit. They are cops.     "MC, up now!"     "Jake! What's going on?!"     "Save the questions for later! To the roof! Now!"      I grabbed her hand pulling her, running.     "I hear footsteps going up!” We hear from below.     "Jake!" MC yells at me, worried.     "Continue!” I push open the door, knocking it down, and running non-stop. Accustomed and without thinking, I jump to the next building, hopefully, I support myself on the ground like a cat. Good thing I haven't forgotten how it was done.   I turn to see MC, who is scared.     “MC, jump!” I exclaimed, nervous that she might get arrested.     “I can't! I've never done anything like this!” she exclaims in fear. I see how her legs shake. She looks down and leans back “No, no…. I'm going to fall if I jump.”     "Look at me," I try to speak as calmly as possible, drawing her attention. “I'm not going to let you fall, I'll catch you in time. Trust me.”     "But-"     "I'm not going to let you fall," we hear the screams coming from inside the building and I extend my hand "ever."      I see her doubting, looking back waiting for them to appear. She looks back at me and frowns, nodding.     "Okay, I trust you." She squeezes her fists tight, leaning back to catch a run.      I move a little closer to the edge in case I don't make it to the floor of the building. She runs as fast as she can and when she reaches the edge, she jumps. I manage to catch her holding her hands and she starts to cry now for fear that I won't be able to get a good grip.     "I got you."     "Put me up! Pull me up please!” she yells as I pull her up.      Once I puts her feet on the ground, she hugs me tight crying. I put her hood on, giving her a kiss on her forehead.     "You've done well, you've been very brave." I tried to encourage her, wiping her tears from her face.     "I want to go home... Let's go Jake..." she tells me, still crying.     "Yeah, let's go."      She hugs me and we open the door to the roof. We so lucky it can be opened from the outside without the need for a key. The subway is still a bit empty, so we manage to sit down, hoping that we can relax our bodies. I notice how MC trembles in my arms, without looking up. It's the first time I've seen her so scared, was that how she felt when she saw those video calls from the past? If that's the case, I hate myself that I still puts her in these situations.     "I'm with you, MC," I whispered, kissing her forehead again. "Don't worry, get some rest, I'll let you know when we arrive."      She nods slowly, though she doesn't seem able to close her eyes, still shocked, squeezing me tight.  This was not how I wanted our day to end. Chapter 15 
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moriche · 1 year
Way way way too late (aka a month too late) but I’ve been tagged by @tallmatcha for a WIP share!
A little fragment from a future chapter of
Fear in a Handful of Dust
Veryn coughed, the fine particles clogging his nose, mouth and eyes despite the mask. He tasted sulphur on his tongue, and the air reeked stale and musty.
I am older than music, the wind whispered as he scrambled to his feet, panic surging through his veins, yet he couldn’t take off the mask to drink a potion.
He couldn’t see. He could barely breathe.
What I bring is light.
His fingers tingled, twitching as he tried to make the Sign of Recall, and the spell fizzled out.
Giving up already?
Gods, if he went back to Sadrith Mora like this they’d laugh him away. Worse still, they might pity him: the mage who couldn’t hold his own on Vvardenfell.
What I bring is a star.
Who couldn’t hold his own against the whispers of an ancient god that should, by all rights, be dead.
Next to him, the pack guar snorted, butting it’s head against his coat. Guar were remarkably hardy, able to survive a storm like this far easier than their riders, tough and stubborn like Cyrodilic donkeys.
What I bring is an ancient sea.
Passing on to:
@vonvenerables​, @tafferling​, @banjotea​, @sunnylucy31​ and to everyone who reads this and wants to participate!
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isolus-girl · 2 years
I was sort of tagged by @skyler10fic!
Rules: We would like to ask you to recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems”!
>> Most popular, going by hits is
Dream On  - Ten/Rose post Doomsday reunion.
Six months after the events of Bad Wolf Bay, Rose starts dreaming she is on the TARDIS again.
Rose was on the TARDIS. She gasped in surprise and spun around on the spot, taking in the winding coral structures, the lights brightening in greeting and the happy hum in the background. Slowly, savouring the feeling of the grating underneath her bare feet, she stepped towards the console and tenderly stroked it as she had laughed at the Doctor for doing so many times. It felt warm under her hands as it always had before.
“I can’t believe I’m back,” Rose whispered to herself in the silence as she fingered the warm TARDIS key she always wore around her neck.
>> 2 hidden gems
Bigger on the Inside  Ten/Rose (implied Ten/Rose/Jack if you look for it). Post POTW
After the Game Station and his regeneration, the Doctor is tormented by thoughts of Captain Jack Harkness. Had he really done the right thing for his friend?
That brought him to the real problem. Jack's parting words 'I wish I'd never met you Doc, I was much better off as a coward' rang in his head. Since their first meeting Jack had more than proven himself to be ‘bigger on the inside’, he had become someone the Doctor could really rely on, his right hand man. They had been a team, the three of them saving planets and getting into trouble. Was that really what Jack had wanted though? Had he really done right by him? Should he just have let him off at the nearest space port? He would still be mortal now if he had. Wouldn’t have died at the hands of a Dalek.
Consequences Doctor/Rose
The Doctor cuts the wrong wire when carrying out repairs on the TARDIS. Rose is not impressed.
Predictably, a few minutes later a very wet, very cross, towel clad Rose Tyler appeared. She was glaring at him and tapping her foot impatiently. If her arms weren’t holding the towel down he was certain they would have been on her hips as well.
It was so interesting looking back at these! It was only a few years ago that I wrote them, but I can see the progression in my writing and vividly remember my thought processes as I wrote them!
I’m excited to be writing again, but it will be a while before I’m ready to post.
Tagging: @deardiary17, @saecookie and anyone else who fancies sharing their writing!
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Chapters: 10/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path), The Girl in White (The Path), Girl in Red Wolf (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
@sulsulesbian Here is your second prompt! This chapter got heaver than I was expecting, so I apologize in advance. Sometimes the world is cruel, and you have to rely on people who can relate to your experience. Also, middle school sucks.
Nevertheless, enjoy?
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aesharecom · 2 months
Modern Glitch Stomp Openers | VideoHive 22102892
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After Effects Version CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 Files Included After Effects Project Files Length 0:13 Resolution 1920x1080 File Size 1.38mb Media Placeholders 24 Text Placeholders 20 Direct Download Direct Download is available for Premium Users only Read the full article
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inventorymessblog · 2 months
# Mili # 6281
# Mili # 6281 por Mili Miklos Via Flickr: Blog: Inventory Mess Blog (sponsors ads in comments) ■ Hair-Stealthic - Fortune (group gift) ■ Mesh Head❤LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1 ■ Face applier❤[theSkinnery] Zada (LeLutkaEVOX) rose @ Collabor88 ■ Top❤RIOT / Pamela Halter Tee ■ Bottom❤Gaia - bree ripped denim jeans @ Equal10 ■ Shoes❤Essenz - Boa Vista @ Fameshed ■ Pose❤Overlow Poses - Pack 119 .......... Facebook Plurk Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Instagram
Mili Miklos New Post!
https://www.flickr.com/photos/milimiklos/53654268689/in/dateposted/ https://inventorymess.blogspot.com/2024/04/mili-6281.html
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Atomic-Level Study Captures Frog Toxin In Action - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/atomic-level-study-captures-frog-toxin-in-action-technology-org/
Atomic-Level Study Captures Frog Toxin In Action - Technology Org
Cryo-electron imaging studies of poison dart frog toxin molecules in action are helping to solve the mystery of why this is among the deadliest natural poisons.
Graphic abstract of Nature Communications paper on binding of poison dart frog toxin to sodium ion channels. Image credit: George Wisedchaisri, University of Washington
Some tiny Amazon frogs defend themselves when threatened by releasing a substance that quickly incapacitates a predator. For centuries, a few Indigenous tribes in Colombia have siphoned this toxin from skin glands on the frogs’ backs to coat blow darts for hunting, because of its power to take down big game.
The poison instantly cramps the muscles in the body and forces the heart into a chaotic rhythm that ends in cardiac arrest. The bright coloring of the frogs warns animals to stay away. Their chemical weapon is called batrachotoxin, a name based on the Greek root word for frog. 
“Predators that attack these dendrobatid frogs are paralyzed so rapidly that they can’t clamp down on the frogs to kill and eat them,” said one of the senior researchers on a recent batrachotoxin study, William Catterall, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. 
He noted that “it is so toxic that wiping the toxin secretion from the back of a single frog is sufficient to poison several blow darts, which will each immobilize or kill large prey.”
What makes their irreversible toxin more severe, compared with others that also target the signal-producing pores of nerve and muscle cells? 
It has long been known that batrachotoxin affects sodium ion channels, which control electrical pulses by regulating the flow of charged sodium particles through the membranes of these cells. 
“The toxin acts by hyperactivation of the sodium channel that generates action potentials in nerve and muscle, thereby causing a lethal storm of hyperactivity of nerves, synapses and muscle cells,” Catterall said. 
By using high-resolution cryogenic electron microscopy, a research team led by pharmacologists at the University of Washington School of Medicine have determined, at the atomic level, the structure of the toxin derivative batrachotoxin-A benzoate when it is bound to its receptor site on the cardiac sodium channel. 
Unexpectedly, the researchers discovered that, unlike other toxins, batrachotoxin actually binds to two separate but similar receptor sites in the cardiac sodium channel. This dual-receptor action, and its multifaceted effects, provide unprecedented insights into why this poison is so effective, powerful and deadly. 
The toxin’s unique mechanism for high potency and lethality might also establish a new paradigm that helps to explain the actions of other toxins with high lethality, the researchers suggested. 
Such studies might also lead to better therapies for conditions resulting from certain electrical signaling problems in excitable cells and tissues, such as those in the heart, muscles, nerves and brain that are caused by malfunction of a sodium channel. 
For example, Catterall suggested, drugs designed to be robust inhibitors at both dual-receptor sites discovered in this study might also be valuable therapeutic agents in the treatment of disorders of hyperexcitability of nerve and heart cells. Such disorders include epilepsy, chronic pain and arrhythmias.
Source: University of Washington
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krugerpark · 4 months
Lion Bites Lioness on Her Bum - See What Happens Next! SUBSCRIBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/@KrugerParkGameDrives/sub_confirmation=1 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KrugerParkSafariTours TUMBLER: https://www.tumblr.com/krugerpark TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KPGameDrives TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com@krugerparkgamedrives@KrugerParkGameDrives
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stillingbenson22 · 7 months
Unlock the Fun: The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Gaming Bliss
Mobile gaming has taken the world by storm, providing a captivating and accessible form of entertainment for on-the-go thrill-seekers. Whether you're into action-packed adventures, mind-boggling puzzles, or strategic battles, there's a mobile game out there to suit every taste. With the ever-increasing power of smartphones and the vast array of games available, it's time to delve into the exciting universe of mobile gaming and unlock a world of endless fun.
Among the plethora of options, a few standout titles have garnered attention and become absolute must-plays. Get ready to embark on thrilling quests in Artal Games' latest release, where you can lose yourself in fantastical realms, encountering mythical creatures and mystical artifacts along the way. For those craving a heart-pounding adrenaline rush, Zombie Siege offers a spine-chilling experience as you battle hordes of the undead to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. If sword-wielding heroes and epic battles are your cup of tea, Sword of Heroes awaits, ready to immerse you in a world of valor and heroism.
So, sit back, grab your device of choice, and prepare for a deep dive into the world of mobile gaming. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a novice looking to try something new, this ultimate guide will provide the knowledge and insights needed to navigate this exciting realm. Get ready to unlock the fun and embark on a journey filled with exhilaration, challenge, and pure gaming bliss. Let's dive in!
Exploring Mobile Gaming Options
The world of mobile gaming offers a vast array of options to cater to every gamer's preferences. Whether you're a fan of strategic battles, thrilling zombie adventures, or epic sword-wielding heroes, there's something out there just for you.
One popular genre in mobile gaming is the realm of artal games. These immersive experiences allow players to showcase their creativity by diving into virtual worlds where they can create stunning artwork and let their imagination run wild. With a wide range of tools and features at your disposal, artal games offer a unique and relaxing gaming experience that can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere.
If adrenaline-pumping action is more your style, then zombie siege games might be right up your alley. Picture yourself as the last hope for humanity as you fight off hordes of relentless zombies. With an arsenal of powerful weapons and a team of fearless survivors by your side, it's up to you to save the world from the impending apocalypse. As you navigate through treacherous landscapes and unravel the mysteries of the undead, prepare for heart-pounding moments and spine-chilling encounters that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
For those who seek a more traditional gaming experience, sword of heroes games offer a nostalgic journey into the realm of fantasy and adventure. Embark on epic quests, battle mythical creatures, and master the art of swordplay. With stunning graphics and captivating storytelling, these games transport you to a world of magic and heroism. So grab your virtual sword, embark on an unforgettable journey, and become the hero you were destined to be.
Whether you're in the mood for artful creativity, thrilling zombie battles, or epic swordplay, the world of mobile gaming has it all. With countless options available at your fingertips, it's time to unlock the fun and embark on a mobile gaming adventure like no other.
Immersing in Artal Games
Artal Games has quickly become a powerhouse in the mobile gaming industry. With their innovative and immersive gameplay experiences, they have captivated the hearts of gamers around the world. Offering a wide range of genres and styles, Artal Games is known for creating games that transport players to different worlds, allowing them to escape reality and delve into thrilling adventures.
One of their standout creations is "Zombie Siege," a post-apocalyptic game that pits players against hordes of the undead. The intense graphics and spine-chilling sound effects make for an incredibly immersive experience. As you navigate through desolate streets and abandoned buildings, you can truly feel the fear and tension of surviving in a world overrun by zombies. The attention to detail in the game design is astounding, from the realistic animations of the zombies to the haunting soundtrack that sets the mood perfectly.
Another gem from Artal Games is "Sword of Heroes," a fantasy role-playing game that transports players to a magical realm filled with mystical creatures and epic quests. The visually stunning landscapes and richly detailed environments make you feel like you're exploring a world straight out of a fantasy novel. As you embark on your journey to become a legendary hero, the game enthralls you with its engaging storyline and challenging gameplay mechanics. The enchanting music and captivating character designs further enhance the immersive experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the realm of swords and sorcery.
Artal Games has undoubtedly mastered the art of creating mobile games that go beyond mere entertainment. They have crafted experiences that whisk players away to extraordinary worlds, where they can lose themselves in thrilling adventures and epic battles. With their attention to detail, immersive gameplay, and breathtaking graphics, Artal Games has set a new standard for mobile gaming bliss. So, grab your device, download their games, and get ready to unlock a world of fun like never before.
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Thrilling Adventures with Zombie Siege and Sword of Heroes
Are you ready for some heart-pounding adventures? Look no further than the thrilling worlds of Zombie Siege and Sword of Heroes, two mobile games that will keep you on the edge of your seat!
In Zombie Siege, you'll find yourself in the midst of a post-apocalyptic zombie outbreak. Armed with nothing but your wits and an arsenal of weapons, you must fight your way through hordes of the undead to survive. With stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, this game will have you hooked from the very first encounter with a flesh-hungry zombie.
Sword of Heroes, on the other hand, takes you on an epic quest in a fantasy realm filled with magic and danger. As a brave warrior, you must harness the power of ancient swords and face formidable adversaries in your quest to save the kingdom. With its breathtaking visuals and captivating storyline, this game guarantees hours of thrilling gameplay and endless excitement.
Whether you prefer the adrenaline of surviving a zombie apocalypse or the epic battles of a fantasy world, Zombie Siege and Sword of Heroes offer a mobile gaming experience like no other. Get ready to embark on thrilling adventures and unlock the fun in these exciting games!
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lucborell · 1 year
INTERFACE par luc borell Via Flickr : lucborell est un photophone artiste Lien ci dessous vers ma dernière publication www.blurb.fr/bookstore/invited/7317212/53d5fe3db20ec2e93b... www.facebook.com/lucborell society6.com/lucborell/prints" pinterest.com/lucborell/ mobilhome.tumblr.com/ www.philosciences.com/Pss/philosophie-et-societe/ideologi... Dans un monde de smartphones, les gadgets doivent s’adapter www.internetactu.net/2015/01/14/dans-un-monde-de-smartpho...
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legalupanishad · 2 years
Laws Regulating Esports in India: All you need to Know
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This article on 'Laws Regulating E-sports in India' was written by Risha Sharma an intern at Legal Upanishad.
This article discusses the regulatory framework concerning esports in India. With the rising popularity and heavy indulgence in online gaming by players and viewers alike across the globe fuelled by the lockdown-led online era, it becomes imperative to take note of and set out appropriate guidelines and regulations to place to govern and prevent malpractices in the esports arena. Owing to the lack of formal governance and legislation of esports in India, much of the practices and management remain a grey area and are evidently in need of urgent attention. Even with the States rolling out individual Acts and Bills in a bid to manage and regulate the field of online gaming and esports, several shortfalls still exist in the system. This article analyses the legal framework regulating the e-sports industry in India.
The rise of online gaming and esports in India
The pandemic-induced lockdown brought esports to the forefront all across the globe as people sought different modes of entertainment and communication. In particular, 2021 proved to provide the much-needed push in esports in India. Due to the limitations imposed by the lockdown, a variety of events, including screening of esports tournaments and casual gameplay, were strictly restricted to online platforms. Resultantly, a sharp rise was observed in terms of online viewing of the same. Given the large young population and comparatively easier access to the internet and online games, the growth in the online gaming industry comes as no surprise in India. The Indian gaming industry witnessed an impressive investment of $544 Million from August 2020- January 2021. Taking into account the large player base and the rising popularity of online gaming and esports, it is imperative to have set rules and guidelines in place for the same. However, the regulatory framework in India has been dismal, with little to no laws governing the online gaming and esports industry. The Ministry of Youth and Affairs has recognised the advent of esports while taking note of its distinction from segments such as iGaming and gambling. Esports can be referred to as “organised online gaming competitions” set in a competitive gaming environment wherein players with the necessary skills, whether individually or in teams play against each other. As a matter of fact, esports was a full-out medal event in the Asian Games, 2022 conducted in Hangzhou, China. Fantasy games can be said to refer to “online games in which players form virtual teams and compete for points.”
Governing acts and bodies
Though largely ungoverned, there are a few pieces of legislation and bodies in place which look over the realm of esports. The Esports Federation of India (“ESFI”) is one such body, set out to be the apex body concerning esports in the country. But this body fails to garner due recognition by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. Additionally, only one Act comes close to regulating esports in India: The Prize Competitions Act, 1955. In 2020 itself, the NITI Aayog brought in the Guiding Principles for the uniform regulation of the “fantasy games” and their platforms at the national level. Such a move indicated a more conscious effort made to regulate esports, however, little development took place for the same. State Legislation Several State Legislations have been enacted and proposed for the regulation of esports such as The Sikkim Online Gaming (Regulation) Act, 2008 (“Sikkim Act”), the Nagaland Prohibition of Gambling and Promotion and Regulation of Online Games of Skill Act, 2015 (“Nagaland Act”), and the draft Rajasthan Virtual Online Sports (Regulation) Bill 2022 (“Rajasthan Draft Bill”). While the Sikkim Act and Nagaland Act have set out specific guidelines and defined terms such as “online gaming” and “game of skills”, yet interesting, no Act defines “esports” as a term, leaving a lot of ambiguity in place. The Rajasthan Draft Bill has drawn flake, having been largely criticized owing to its heavy leaning towards fantasy games, with complete disregard for pay-to-play online games. Self-Regulatory Bodies In addition to the ESIF and EPWA, there are certain bodies such as the All-India Gaming Federation (“AGIF”) which is the apex industry body pertaining to the regulation of gaming companies involving online skill games. Founded on the principles of “transparency, integrity and responsible gaming”, the federation’s “Charter” ensures compliance by members and stakeholders. Additionally, the not-for-profit organization, the E-Gaming Federation (“EGF”), The Online Rummy Federation ("TORF") and the Federation of Indian Fantasy Sports ("FIFS") too have stemmed as self-regulating bodies which help make the gaming experience more secure and transparent. Online-Gaming Bills In terms of online gaming, attempts have been made in the past to deal with issues of betting and fraud. In 2018, Dr. Shashi Tharoor was responsible for the introduction of The Sports (Online Gaming and Prevention of Fraud) Bill, 2018, in Lok Sabha, with the objective to “establish an effective regime to maintain the integrity of sports in India by preventing and penalising sports fraud, regulation of online sports gaming and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto,” however the Bill never saw the light of the day as the session of Parliament dissolved. Along similar lines, the Online Gaming (Regulation) Bill, 2022 was introduced in the Lok Sabha in April 2022 with an aim of “preserving integrity in online gaming and introducing a regulatory regime for online gaming.” However, the Bill largely overlooks the distinction between “casual gaming” and “real money gaming”, which is a major drawback, making the Bill unstable in its current state.
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Laws Regulating Esports in India
Judicial decisions on gaming-related aspects
In the landmark judgment of K.R. Lakshmanan v. State of T.N., the Apex Court set out a line of distinction between the “game of skills” and the “game of chances”. The Punjab and Haryana HC have further placed reliance on the distinction laid down by the Apex Court for the classification of organized online gaming tournaments. fantasy sports and such as “games of skills.” The Bombay High Court has on a similar note highlighted the stark difference between fantasy games and gambling activities. On appeal, the SC in the Gurdeep Singh Case held that Dream 11 was a “game of skill” and could not be deemed as “gambling”.
It becomes pertinent to formulate uniform legislation which will govern the entire sphere of online gaming, esports, and the like while setting out the restrictions on the same, with set distinctions between the kinds of gaming as well as clearly defined terms such as “esports”, “online gaming”, “fantasy games”, etc. It is also significant to take note of developing and existing esports laws from nations like France and South Korea to build upon such legislation as a point of reference. Further, formal recognition of esports bodies like the ESFI and Esports Player Welfare Association (EPWA) would aid in regulating the same.
The esports industry continues to grow at a steady pace but the industry is quite evidently plagued by several setbacks due to a lack of regulatory authority and laws. Given the largely young population, the industry is set out to grow even further in the coming years, however, the lack of adequate laws in place will certainly do more harm than good. Since the industry is still in its nascent stage and is shown to be a great source of revenue for the nation, it would be beneficial for the country to have a regulatory body govern esports while precariously maintaining the balance between the player's rights and the harsh imposition of rules.
- Gurdeep Singh Sachar v. Union of India, (2019) 75 GST 258 - K.R. Lakshmanan v. State of T.N., (1996) 2 SCC 226. - KPMG, available at: https://home.kpmg/in/en/home/insights/2021/05/indian-online-gaming-market-mantra.html (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Mondaq, available at:  https://www.mondaq.com/india/gaming/1142098/virtual-gaming-in-india-a-legal-enigma (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Mondaq, available at: https://www.mondaq.com/india/gaming/1114568/gaming-in-india-current-framework-challenges (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Outlook India, available at https://www.outlookindia.com/sports/draft-of-rajasthan-virtual-online-sports-regulation-bill-2022-non-fantasy-sports-operators-see-red-news-197727?utm_source=related_story (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - SCC Online Blog, available at: https://www.scconline.com/blog/post/2022/08/17/regulation-of-esports-in-india/#:~:text=InIndiathereareno,resultinlackofuniformity (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, available at: https://www.amsshardul.com/insight/a-regulatory-perspective-of-esports-future-in-india/ (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - The Hindu Business Line, available at: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/business-laws/gavelshortcomings-of-online-gaming-regulation-bill/article65321561.ece (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - The Hindu, available at: https://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-sports/esports-awaits-governing-framework-to-unleash-full-potential/article34291722.ece (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Varun Gumber v. UT of Chandigarh, 2017 SCC OnLine P&H 5372. - KPMG, available at: https://home.kpmg/in/en/home/insights/2021/05/indian-online-gaming-market-mantra.html (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - SCC Online Blog, available at: https://www.scconline.com/blog/post/2022/08/17/regulation-of-esports-in-india/#:~:text=InIndiathereareno,resultinlackofuniformity (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - The Hindu, available at: https://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-sports/esports-awaits-governing-framework-to-unleash-full-potential/article34291722.ece (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, available at: https://www.amsshardul.com/insight/a-regulatory-perspective-of-esports-future-in-india/ (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Mondaq, available at:  https://www.mondaq.com/india/gaming/1142098/virtual-gaming-in-india-a-legal-enigma (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Ibid - Ibid at 2 - Ibid at 3 - Outlook India, available at: https://www.outlookindia.com/sports/draft-of-rajasthan-virtual-online-sports-regulation-bill-2022-non-fantasy-sports-operators-see-red-news-197727?utm_source=related_story (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Mondaq, available at: https://www.mondaq.com/india/gaming/1114568/gaming-in-india-current-framework-challenges (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Ibid - Ibid at 2 - The Hindu Business Line, available at: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/business-laws/gavelshortcomings-of-online-gaming-regulation-bill/article65321561.ece (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Ibid (1996) 2 SCC 226. Varun Gumber v. UT of Chandigarh, 2017 SCC OnLine P&H 5372. Gurdeep Singh Sachar v. Union of India, (2019) 75 GST 258 Ibid at 5 Read the full article
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