#riverdale matters more than that
cannivalisms · 8 months
so, in honor of riverdale finally ending (and both their and our worlds never quite being the same), me and a friend decided to continue the work set out for us by this quiz with one of our own. pure season 7 edition. so without further ado: test your knowledge with our very own fever dream riverdale s7 two truths and a lie. enjoy 👍
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rogersstevie · 11 months
i figure they’ll drop it in a few eps like they have with everything else but it would be a little funny if after all the barchie vs varchie shit that they just made beronica endgame
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faetreides · 3 months
taking a break from persona bc the kaneshiro arc/makoto is just not it….
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mlobsters · 1 year
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my guys. and in the immortal words of my friend @lexluthorswigcap, "Archie you can't start a teenage militia out of your garage"
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alternativeulster · 1 year
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fbfh · 1 year
Sweet Pea x soft!reader hcs
wc: 1.3k
genre: mutual pining, tooth rotting fluff
pairing: sweet pea x soft reader
warnings: reader is implied to be smaller than sweet pea but he's like 6'3 and beefy so it's not too out of the question, reader is called clingy needs attention and hates being alone by jughead but sweet pea LOVES that about you, size difference, protective sweet pea, sweet pea is a rottweiler boyfriend, kisses and cuddles, mentions of fighting and gang activity
song recs: fight for me - heathers obc, big boy - sza
a/n: been watching the anime my love story and it's feuling my sweet pea obsession lol. I've also decided that while horribly bad, riverdale is camp. If I convince myself it's camp I can drag myself through it. It's supposed to be bad and make no sense and of course there's a "goblin king" running around town causing problems because it's camp.
tags: @yesv01 @magcon7280
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Okay so like I said in my initial drabble
When Sweet Pea first sees you he deadass thinks you’re an angel
You are so sweet and soft and perfect
The only way to describe you is angelic
He’s so wrapped up in how alluring and enamoring you are that he doesn’t notice you’re just as drawn to him
You immediately see past his gorgeous and intimidating exterior to the soft great big heart inside him
You see all his good traits and you’re not scared off that he’s a little rough around the edges
But Sweet Pea sees that you’re not rough around the edges
And he doesn’t want you to become that way
Especially not because of him
He feels so protective over you from day one
Even though he’s fighting his obvious feelings for you and ignoring your obvious feelings for him, he still tries to look out for you
Keeps an eye on you a little, just to make sure no one’s giving you any trouble
You’re friends with Betty so you’re sort of tied to the serpents already, but he doesn’t want to drag you any deeper into gang life than you already are
So he tries not to fall any harder for you than he already has
Even though Jughead is always bringing you up, telling him that Betty says you’ve been asking after him
He can’t even process that Jughead just said you’ve been asking after him and about him a lot because of how Jughead keeps describing you
He says you’re sort of clingy and need a lot of attention, that you get nervous in crowds and you’re really touchy and hate being alone 
That’s why your last boyfriend broke up with you
But the more Jughead talks about you and your apparent flaws, the more perfect you sound to Sweet Pea
You’re exactly what he’s been dreaming of
Someone he can go all in with, someone who wants him and needs him as much as he wants you and needs you
Which is obviously a lot
And now it’s getting harder and harder to listen to that logical voice that tells him he’s no good for you, that you deserve someone from northside who can take good care of you and not drag you into any more chaos than you’re already surrounded by 
But you’ve been writing his name in your diary over and over for weeks now, and it’s really just a matter of time before you end up together 
All your friends know this
Betty and Jughead and Toni know this
Even Fangs knows this
Everyone knows but you and Sweet Pea
You both still think it’s an unreciprocated pipe dream
Something to imagine scenarios about before you fall asleep
You’re more alike than you realize 
But soon you find your way to each other
You just can’t stay away anymore
And once you’re together, once you’re finally in his arms, neither of you ever want to let go
Sweet Pea is an amazing boyfriend to begin with
But especially when it comes to someone as soft and sweet and precious as you?????
He’s literally the best person you could ever hope for
He’s a classic rottweiler boyfriend 
AND he’s a gang boyfriend
Plus Sweet Pea’s just naturally a very protective person to the people he loves
So you can guarantee you’ll be safe with him
He won’t hesitate to stare down anyone he thinks looks at you too long
But he’s not going to start shit with you around unless he has to
If he does need to fight someone, he’s going to make sure you’re not there to see it
Even if he has to ask Betty or Veronica or Fangs to drag you into the other room and stay with you until it’s over
He doesn’t want you to see him like that
But he knows how to hold his own, and Fangs and Toni both reassure you there’s not a fight he hasn’t been able to walk away from
You’re always there to patch him up afterwards too
You touch him so gently
With more love and care and tenderness than he’s ever gotten from anyone before
It makes it kind of impossible to regret sticking up for you
Even if he did walk away with some nasty scratches and a black eye
You’re still not scared of him
You don’t judge him
Like at all
He always makes you feel so safe around him 
All he’s wanted for a while is someone to go all in with
Someone to protect, someone to take care of
Someone who needs him
And you do 
You spend more and more nights together before finally confessing that you can’t really sleep without him anymore
When I tell you his heart explodes when you say that?????
God as if you couldn’t get him wrapped even tighter around your finger
Surprise! Yes you can
He dips you a lot too
Mostly because he’s so tall and it’s so easy and it makes you so nervous when he pulls you close and leans over you like that
It makes you all dizzy and he talks so close to your face for a few moments before finally kissing you
GOD it makes your head spin
You can’t get enough
And he can’t get enough of the way you look up at him all soft and sweet
Like you’re not scared of him
Which you’re not
It’s still kind of new for him
But it’s something he really hopes he can get used to
He’s touchy too
He pulls you into his lap and rests his head on your shoulder a lot
Or wraps his arms around yours
Don’t even get me started on holding his big old hands with both of yours
It makes his stomach flip every single time
You kiss his neck and jaw a lot too
Mostly because it’s all you can reach half the time
And because you know it drives him completely crazy
If you ever worried about getting unwanted attention from guys, you don’t have to anymore
EVERYBODY knows you’re Sweet Pea’s 
And EVERYBODY knows not to fuck with him
Sweet Pea can be fucking terrifying when he wants to
Which makes things like him pinning you to the couch and tickling you until you tap out and you’re both blushing giggly wrecks even cuter  
You completely and totally have scary boyfriend privileges 
And you take such good care of him too
He really doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy and content and at peace
His friends can easily attest to the fact that they’ve never seen him this happy either
And your friends have never seen you this happy too 
Over all, you’re really just a fantastic match
You become the emotional support couple of riverdale high so fast
People get used to seeing him walk you to classes he doesn’t even have 
Seeing you ride around town on the back of his motorcycle together 
Because you belong together
You really do
Sweet Pea might not know what the future is going to look like
He might not know what’s going to happen tomorrow
But the only thing he does know about his future is that you’re going to be in it
And he’s going to be in yours
You’re starting to make him dream about a soft domestic life away from gangs and murder and conspiracies
He doesn’t know if that’s practical or attainable, but he hopes it is
Until then, he’s more than happy just getting to be around you
Getting to see you all the time and wake up next to each other on the weekends
He loves loving you, he loves keeping you safe and happy
Just like you love him and keep him happier than he’s ever been
Just being with you is more than enough
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eightfifteen · 2 years
One reason for me liking Gay Mike is that by for once allowing both characters of a queer ship to be gay (instead of the seemingly mandatory gay x bi we see everywhere else), it allows the show to compare and parallel two different queer experiences, without implying that the difference in experience is based on their different labels and not just their general experience/personality.
I mean, almost every canon queer couple in popular media is a bi x gay dynamic, seemingly so they can check both boxes (we have both! yay!). Though that seems like the perfect solution, it makes it so that no matter how different both characters or storylines are (ex toni x cheryl in riverdale vs Charlie x Nick in heartstopper), their differences in experience always boils down to 'this is the bi experience vs the gay experience'.
By for once, allowing both characters to be gay, it would allow the show to fully explore and showcase how two queer experiences, no matter that they're the same sexuality, can still be wildly different.
Stranger Things specifically is the perfect platform for this, because we've gotten to see their story from such a young age - from the very start.
Will seemingly unable to hide his queerness no matter what he does, told by other people before he even understood what that was, and therefore had to learn and accept his queerness and how that sets him apart from the norm. Therefore, he could reject heteronormativity at a younger age, and knew he would have to blaze his own trail in life.
Mike on the other hand didn't have anyone telling him he was different. He had to figure that out for himself, dealing with compulsive heteronormativity and trying to distinguish different types of love, coming from a conservative household where he'd been expected to lead specific life, for which he now has to decide whether or not he wants that life or if he's willing to fight for another one. Realising he may not be able to have both.
And ultimately, and I hope we can all become more aware of that again, is bi or gay, we have more in common than we are different. So even as a bi woman, i can relate to Mike's experience. Mike being gay does not take bisexual representation away because representation is based on the experience not the label.
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Birthday scream (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! *Alexa, play 22 by Taylor Swift (Taylor's Version)*
P.S.: I had to search Skeet's house for this, it's so cool where he lives
I will have a Q&A for my birthday so you can leave your messages for me so you can get to know me better (actually is always open, so you can ask me anything whenever you want)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver @wenvierismycomfort @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo
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Since you were born, your birthdays were special, it didn't matter if it was only the five members of your family or a small party with your classmates, you enjoyed it
When you started to go to the Riverdale set, they usually throw you a theme party acording to the season they were filming at the time (seasons three, four and five were weird parties), and in the weekends your entire family will spend a day together
Also, there was also the tradition that someone will be standing up by your bed with the ghostface costume at the moment you wake up, and the person was different every year
Things change because of COVID, making the celebrations family-exclusive, but due to the fact that the virus was slowing down, a big party was a good option
So, while you were still sleeping in your room, on the first floor there was comotion to prepare everything with your friends from Scream and Avatar (due to the filming of the last season, the Riverdale guys wouldn't be there)
"If someone, pet or human goes to the cultives garden, please be careful with the plantings", Skeet exclaimed making the breakfast with Matthew's help
"And if they want to go potty?", Mason asked helping with decorations
"They have a space for that in the garden", Naiia assured
"It's okay if I record most of the party?", Jamie asked with his camera on hand, "And uploading it on my channel?"
"For my part is a yes", Georgina, your mother, answered making a cake with Anna's help, "But Y/N is the birthday girl, so she has the ultimate answer"
"Should we inflate more balloons?", Bailey asked with Liana and Duane by her side surrounded with a lot of balloons
"I think we should fill the trampoline with some of them", Jack suggested, "It will be fun"
"Kids, we have enough with the castle jumper in the backyard", Skeet interrupted, "And I still don't know how she convinced me to get one for the entire day"
"Because she is the baby of the family", Melissa joked organazing some helium balloons
"I actually suggested her the idea", Trinity said whit a proud smile
"You are my new favorite kid", Jasmine said towards the pre-teen
"Wait, don't you have the tradition of using the ghostface costume?", Devyn asked suddenly
"Yeah, who's turn is this year?", Filip continued
Realising that they didn't remember who's turn this year was, the four looked at each other with panic
"What if we add a surprise factor this year?", Jakob suggested turning towards the living room where everyone was, "Who wants to wear the costume?"
"Do you have more than one?", Jenna asked, "Because more than one would be cool"
"Or someone she won't expect", Duane said
"Just so everyone knows", Liana talked, "It's difficult to breath under the mask"
"True!", Matthew exclaimed
"Wait, has anyone seen Iggy?", Amenah, Mason's girlfriend talked, "I haven't seen him in a while"
"Wasn't he sleeping in the couch with the other pets?", Mason asked
"I think I saw Butters and Izzy going upstairs, along with Alaska, Rambo and Zeus", Xavier, Melissa's husband responded
"Jakob", Skeet said causing his son to look at him with a little fear, "When you went to see if your sister was still asleep, did you close the door after checking?"
"Not completely", Jakob laughed nerviously, "I mean, I didn't want to wake her up, so I didn't close the door"
Upstairs, you were already awake thanks to Butters who jumped into your bed to start licking your face, and noticing the other five dogs, you reach out to let them snuggle in your bed
And being wake up with your door barely open, you heard everything downstairs making you smile with fun
"If they knew I'm awake and listening to everything", you laugh to the pets
Hearing someone coming to your room, you decided to pretend you were still sleeping covering completely with your bed sheets, leaving the pets uncovered
After disscussing who would wear the costume, they choose the one who you never expect, and that was Bailey, who was walking slowly towards your room trying to make zero noise, with Jamie following with his camera to film
When they arrived at the room, Jamie stood in the door filming while Bailey started walking towards your bed noticing the pets laying at the feet of the bed
The moment you felt someone next to your bed, you were quick to jump and scare the person behind the costume, earning a girl-ish scream which you recognized
"Oh my God! Bailey?", you exclaimed in surprise kneeling in your bed
"Happy birthday", Bailey said taking the mask off, "Liana was right, it's hard to breathe in this"
"I didn't expected this", you laughed while she sat in your bed
"Yeah, last time I'm going to use this", Bailey said, "Jamie is filming also"
"Hi, happy birthday Y/N", Jamie spoke still from the door
"Thanks", you smiled, "Wait, who is here?"
"Almost everyone", Bailey responded, "Come on, breakfast is ready"
Without caring that you were still in you pajamas that consisted in a tank top and sweatpants. you went downstairs with Bailey and Jamie, seeing the first floor full
"Happy birthday!", everyone exclaimed the moment they saw you
Squealing of happinnes, you were quick to hug everyone in the place, watching all the decorations that adorned the first floor
"Did you like the way to wake up this year?", your mom asked while hugging you
"Actually, I was awake before Bailey entered", you revealed surprising everyone, "I heard almost everything"
"I'm sorry in advance for leaving the door open!", Jakob exclaimed
"I knew you were the one who leave it open", you laughed, "You always leave it open"
"Welcome to the club, man", Mason spoke, "I'm also the sibling who leaves the door open"
That comment made everyone laugh before getting to the kitchen to serve all the breakfast foods that was made, and sitting in the living room while the pets lay besides their owners
"So, what's the itinerary for today?", you asked sitting between Jack and Trinity
"We rented a castle jumper", Skeet answered, "Is in the pool backyard"
"No way!", you yelled with surprise, "Are you serious?"
"It arrived early in the morning", your mom responded, "And it's ready to use"
"We also bring a piñata", Melissa said, "We'll put it next to the garage"
"And we also bring three bags of candy to fill it", Xavier continued
"This day is going to be so fun", you smiled
"After breakfast, we'll spend time outside, then we will have lunch and you'll open your gifts", your mom continued, "And the cake will be the dinner, what do you think?"
"It's the perfect day", you smiled
After everyone ended up breakfast, you went to your room to change your sleeping clothes for a over-sized shirt and comfy shorts
"Baby, are you ready?", Jack asked entering your room, "The castle jumper is waiting for you"
"Totally ready", you smiled aproaching to him
Before both of you could leave the room, Jack was quick to softly hold your cheeks and share a small kiss
"Happy birthday", Jack said leaving a kiss in your forehead, "I love you"
"I love you", you responded with a love smile
Carrying you in his back, you and Jack went downstairs in direction to the pool backyard were everyone was already in the castle jumper
"Before everyone start to jump, we decided to make a rule!", Georgina exclaimed, "Everyone who is filmimg, promoting or working on projects be careful and don't do anything dangerous like backflips or jumping into the pool!"
"Please, is for your own safety", Anna continued
"If you don't follow the rules I will eat the two cakes that we have!", Matthew yelled, "I'm serious about that!"
Laughing for that threat, everyone that was in the castle started to jump and play while having fun and listening to the music that was on the speakers
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After everyone was tired of jumping and the lunch was over, it was time for the next part of the party: the piñata and the gifts
"Okay, here´s how this works", Melissa said before starting, "Everyone will hit it three times to try to break it, if it doesn't break when everyone passed, anyone can hit it, of course, the birthday girl is first"
"And what do we do when the piñata is broken?", Filip asked
"Fight for your life for the candys", Xavier answered holding the rope from which the piñata hung on the thick branch of a three
"This sounds fun", Jakob commented
"Now, fictional half sister", Melissa spoke again handing the wood stick, "Let's start with this"
Smiling with excitement, you walk towards she was and took the wood stick to aproach to the white and pink flower piñata
"This looks so cute", you said refering to the piñata before hitting it hard surprising everyone
"Mini Ulrich has a strong arm", Jasmine commented
After hitting it three times, you passed the wood stick to the next person who was Naiia
For the next minutes, everyone took their turns to hit the piñata getting to break it slowly due to the hits, until it was Matthew's turn when he mannaged to break it, which caused that the young adults and teenagers throw themselves to catch the more amount of candies that were previously inside the piñata
That scene made all the adults laugh and take pictures of the fight for the candies
"Where are all the chocolates?", Devyn asked
"I saw Mason put them in his bag", Trinity responded
"Are you serious?", Mason exclaimed, "This are Amenah's favourite"
"Dude, just give us some", Duane said
"But you have to give us some of the strawberry lollipops", you yelled
"I don't have them", Duane answered with indignation
"Yes you have them", Liana argued, "I saw you took them"
After a little argument about the candies and everyone having all types, the group went back to the living room for the next part of the party
"Well, since we are the people who gave you life, it's fair we are first", your mom said
"Happy birthday tornado", Skeet continued leaving a big box in front of you
"Thanks mom, thanks dad", you thanked both of them before opening the box revealing materials for VFX make up, "Oh my God, thank you so much, this is awesome"
"Yeah, ours is better", Naiia spoke while Jakob gave you a medium box
A little nervous because you didn't know what to expect from them, you open the box laughing at the moment you saw the content
"What is it?", Jenna asked with curiosity
In response you lifted the white shirt with the phrase "child of divorce" which made everyone laugh
"We also get ones to ourselves", Jakob laughed
"I can't wait to wear this outside", you joked
"I'm next", Jack anounced giving you a big box, "Happy birthday gorgeous"
"Thanks babe", you smiled opening the box revealing a set of LEGO flowers, "I love them!"
During the next hour and a half you spend it opening the gifts that included more supplies for VFX make up from Matthew, a polaroid camera from Jamie, jewelry from Bailey, the 'email's I can't send' vinyl album from Trinity, a Thom Brown backpack from Jenna, books from Filip and Duane, aromatic candles from Jasmine, two pair of sneakers from Mason and Amenah, clothes from Liana, phone cases and accesories from Devyn, skin care products from Melissa and Xavier, and a sketchbook with supplies from Anna
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yn.ulrich, jackchampion, masonthegooding and 128, 805 more
skeetulrich this is how my living room looks after Y/N birthday, because a whole day together wasn't enough
tagged: yn.ulrich, naiia, julrich21, jackchampion, melissabarreram, xavierzazuetaoficial, jasminsavoy, masonthegooding, amenahsoares, baileybass, lianaliberato, misstrinitybliss, jamieflatters, duane.evans_, devyn_nekoda
yn.ulrich this was one of my best birthdays ever!!
baileybass I can't believe I almost get hit by a piñata
› jasminsavoy I already apologized a hundred times
› kjapa did you have a piñata?!
› jackchampion yeah, it was a flower one, Melissa brought it
user497 I want to be friends with all of them
matthewlilard good luck with the kids, I'm already taking my flight
› yn.ulrich uncle Matthew, you know I love your gift, but you know what will be awesome as a present?
› yn.ulrich to know if Stu is alive
› matthewlilard okay, I'm going to block you, happy birthday
› julrich21 HAHAHAHAHAHA
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fyeahvarchie · 11 months
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August 14th - 20th — The time has come. Riverdale is coming to an end. We've had our joys and complaints, but there is one thing that has been consistent; our love for Varchie. Join us in order to celebrate them an entire week leading up to the series finale.
the themes
Day 1 - favorite quote: any quote that you can’t seem to forget. from any season.
Day 2 - favorite arc or storyline: boy have they been through some crazy adventures. what has been your favorite arc/storyline for them?
Day 3 - favorite kiss: we're definitely not lacking when it comes to such content. will you be able to choose your favorite?
Day 4 - teenage or adult varchie: these two have been through a lot as teenagers and adults, but what version did you prefer?
Day 5 - favorite scene: eenie meenie miney moe. what is your ultimate favorite scene for these two?
Day 6 - 50's teenage varchie: just like archie, we were also hit by a thunderbolt when it came to these two in the 50's
Day 7 - free choice: anything your heart desires.
things to know
• Make sure to tag varchieAW2023 in your first 5 tags and indicate which theme you’re participating in. If you encounter any kind of trouble or tumblr can’t seem to give you a break with the tags -- don’t hesitate to contact us. Our inbox is open and we are always more than willing to help regarding any matter
• Any form of creative content such as gifs, edits, fanarts, videos, fanfics, etc are all welcomed. And everything will be reblogged.
• You can post as much as you like during any day’s theme. With that said, if you’re not feeling one of the theme (or even more than just one), don’t feel obligated to share something.
• Anyone is welcomed to join! Just remember that this is an appreciation for Varchie. No hate allowed in any shape or form.
• Feel free to reblog and give this post a signal boost to spread the word!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 10 months
Ask about Gotham (2014-2019): Was it worth it?
listen man I'm gonna be so real with you right now: I thought it would be really funny to write, like, a huge academic essay responding to this as a joke and then the punchline would be at the end I just say something like "in conclusion the producers of Gotham owe me money and can gargle my balls." and I do have a draft of that right now which, for the record, is 2600 words long and cites Susan Sontag's "Notes on Camp" pretty extensively as well as Glen Weldon's very neat book The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture. which IS funny, but I'm also not going to get around to finishing it for a while so here's a short answer
it's worth it for the sense of accomplishment, I guess, in the same way that you get to feel satisfied about being done with any grueling and unpleasant thing that's entirely self-inflicted. this is how marathon runners feel, probably, when they're gasping on the ground drenched in sweat with their lungs on fire and legs aching to be cut off.
but in the sense of whether or not Gotham was, like, worth it as a piece of art, I can't say it really was. as a prequel Gotham is grossly bloated and overlong; as a standalone story it's meandering and utterly lacking any original point of view to justify its existence as the 9000th Batman adaptation. things just happen in Gotham and all of it feels hollow because we the audience know how this is going to end; nothing good or bad will actually meaningfully change the status quo of Gotham City as we are seeing it because Gotham City needs to remain in stasis until Batman is old enough to legally buy a beer. it's just exhaustingly nihilistic, nothing matters because nothing is ALLOWED to matter yet and by the end that inherent meaninglessness makes the show an exhausting hollow shell of itself that sucks the life right out of you.
you can't even really call it camp because camp relies so much on sincerity, and by the latter seasons you can TELL the writers have given up and embraced being the silly goof goof weirdo show on purpose and are throwing everything they've got at it. riverdale before it was riverdale. genuinely I think the third episode of season one where the villain of the week is a man killing people by tying them to weather balloons and everyone takes it DEADLY SERIOUSLY is more high camp than anything that happens in the entire fifth season where all of the long-suffering actors are winking cheekily at the camera from beneath their party city wigs.
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Staking A Claim | Reggie Mantle
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[gif is not mine; all credit to the creator]
Word Count: 1K
Pairing: Reggie Mantle x Fem!Reader, 2nd person POV
Description: Nobody knows the two of you are dating, until Reggie decides to stake a claim
Warnings: implied sexy things, sneaking around, intimidation
A/N: I’ve written something similar for Frausto from All American, but I wanted to change it up and reuse the idea. No spoilers, as this is just a snippet of time that takes place at Riverdale High and I’m only on season 3 of the show
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You stepped out of the women’s locker room after football practice, your sore muscles aching with every step. You were snug in Reggie’s ‘Riverdale Bulldogs Football’ hoodie, the thought of wearing it in plain sight giving you a little thrill. Nobody knew the two of you were together, and if anyone were to ask about the slightly bigger size to the hoodie, you knew you would just lie and say you’d ordered a bigger size because you wanted it. Not that anyone would ask you about it; being the only girl on the football team was enough to intimidate about two-thirds of your class. It didn’t matter that you were only on the football team because there wasn’t anyone else who’d scored more points than you - or because you wanted the off-season practice outside of soccer - running with the football team gave you a different kind of power in the Riverdale High hierarchy.
Hot Killer by Julia Wolf played through your headphones as you sauntered down the hall to the student lounge, hoping to grab a VigorAde from the vending machine before heading home. You made no acknowledgement of the people there, heading straight for what you wanted.
“D’you think she can hear us?” Kevin Keller asked, eyeing your turned back.
“Even if she can, what makes you think she’d say anything to us?” Betty shot back, looking to her boyfriend for some support.
“Sometimes I wonder if she realizes that people think she’s scarier than Cheryl Blossom, pre-Toni,” Jughead mused, running a soothing hand up and down Betty’s thigh.
Reggie shifted uncomfortably in his seat, hoping he wasn’t giving anything away. “Guys, she’s not that bad. Serious and intense, yes, but not that bad.”
Archie scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Normally, I’d agree with you about one of our teammates, but she’s just built different. I don’t care that she’s the main reason we beat Centerville last week or that she’s captain of the women’s soccer team when the season is over, I agree with Jug: she’s scary.”
“I’m telling you you’re wrong.” Reggie could feel his anger and frustration rising, unsure why he wanted people he considered friends to like her.
Veronica arched a perfectly-manicured eyebrow. “Methinks the football player doth protest too much.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Reggie huffed, leaning forward. His gaze flickered to your back for the briefest of moments but of course Veronica caught that.
“Vee is right,” Betty muttered, sitting up a little straighter as she put her detective brain to good use. 
“What aren’t you telling us, Reg?” Archie prodded, joining in on the questioning.
You smiled to yourself when your favorite flavor of VigorAde dropped down from the machine. You opened it, taking a long swig as you debated whether or not to grab something to eat. It was a stall tactic more than anything; you knew when people were talking about you and this time was no exception - except for the fact that your secret boyfriend happened to be among them.
Your playlist started on the next song, but you subtly pressed pause, wanting to be able to hear what was going down behind your back. You could hear Reggie defending you, your heart constricting at the warmth spreading through your chest. Betty and Veronica were right, you thought, taking another drink of VigorAde, Reggie was definitely protesting too much for someone claiming to just be defending a teammate.
“What aren’t you telling us, Reg?” You heard Archie ask as you finally turned around.
Your gaze met Reggie’s as he opened his mouth to respond. “I-”
“He isn’t lying to you, Andrews,” you cut in, drawing attention to yourself now. “There’s nothing to tell.”
Reggie’s eyes narrowed as he studied you, and you couldn’t tell if he was hurt or confused or both. The two of you had previously made a pact to keep your relationship a secret, but lately he’d been hinting at the possibility of going public. “Like hell there isn’t,” he growled, standing up and stalking towards you. To anyone else it would be scary or intimidating, but you knew Reggie better than anyone - even Moose, he’d confessed to you one - and knew that this was all just for show. He reached out and placed a hand on your cheek so softly that it took every ounce of your willpower not to close your eyes and lean into his touch. “Care to tell the truth?”
Calmly, you reached up and grabbed Reggie’s wrist, taking his hand off your cheek. “You really wanna do this right here, right now?”
Reggie shrugged, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. “It’s as good a time as any, I’d say. Unless you’re scared?”
The challenge in his tone had you rising to the occasion, always fighting to prove yourself and Reggie knew that. “Me? Scared? Never.”
“Prove it,” Reggie smirked, both hands grabbing your hips and pulling you flush against him. “Kiss me. Show everyone you’re mine and I’m yours.”
“Okay, okay,” Kevin’s voice rang out as he stood up, reminding you that it wasn’t just you and Reggie in the student lounge. “This has gone on long enough, and I, for one, don’t want to be witness to whatever the hell this weird sexual power dynamic is that’s happening.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh shut up, Keller.” That interruption had been all you needed to get your shit together, dragging Reggie down for a public heated kiss.
When the kiss ended, Reggie pressed his forehead against yours as he tried to catch his breath. “Fuck,” he whispered, swallowing hard, “that was-”
“I know,” you replied, giggling. “Guess the cat’s out of the bag now, huh?” You peered over your no-longer-secret boyfriend’s broad shoulders to marvel at the shocked faces in front of you. “What are you all gawking at?!” You questioned, your intimidating persona back with a vengeance. 
The group got up to leave and Reggie turned to his friends. “I’ll catch up with you later.”
Once it was just the two of you alone in the student lounge after hours, Reggie took your hand and led you to the couch, sitting back and manspreading so you had no choice but to straddle him. His hands returned to your waist, sliding up underneath his hoodie. “Now,” he murmured, his voice thick with lust, “where were we?”
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elliemarchetti · 1 year
My aCoTaR fancast nobody asked for
Beware, this is a really long ride but I worked hard for it and spent more time than I want to admit doing my research so if you want to chat about my choices it would be appreciated
The Archerons
Abigail Cowen as Feyre Archeron
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She’s talented, she’s good looking and she’s familiar with fantasy stuff, do I need to add more?
Age: 25 (March 18, 1998)
Height: 167 cm (5′6″)
Notable role(s): Dorcas in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018), Bloom in Fate: The Winx Saga (2021) and Angel in Redeeming Love (2022)
Madelyn Cline as Elain Archeron
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Her face is so sweeeet 🥰
Age: 25 (December 21, 1997)
Height: 167 cm (5′6″)
Notable role(s): Sarah Cameron in Outer Banks (2020)
Thea Sofie Loch Næss as Nesta Archeron
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She’s like the perfect older sister 🤷🏼‍♀️
Age: 26 (November 26, 1996)
Height: 169 cm (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Skade in The Last Kingdom (2018)
The Spring Court
Calahan Skogman as Tamlin
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I’m not taking criticism on this
Age: 29 (May 13, 1993)
Height: 193 (6′4″)
Notable role(s): Matthias Helvar in Shadow and Bones (2021)
Jan Luis Castellanos as Lucien Vanserra
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If LoA+Helion is the way the show wants to go too, he’s the right choice.
Age: 27 (September 11, 1995)
Height: 175 cm (5′9″)
Notable role(s): Diego Torres in 13 Reasons Why (2020)
Anne Winters as Ianthe
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Just look at her, please
Age: 28 (June 3, 1994)
Height: 160 cm (5′3″)
Notable role(s): Chloe Rice in 13 Reasons Why (2018)
Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Alis
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Everything she stars in tends to be a success, so call it superstition but I want her to play the best maid Feyre could wish for (and which I hope to see again in the next books) 
Age: 40 (April 21, 1983)
Height: 162 (5′4″)
Notable role(s): Talia in Larry Crowne (2011), Dido Elizabeth Belle in Belle (2013), Noni in Beyond the Lights (2014), Prema Mutiso in Concussion (2015),  Esme Manucharian in Miss Sloane (2016), Janelle Brady in The Whole Truth (2016), Ava Hamilton in The Cloverfield Paradox (2018), Dr. Kate Murry in A Wrinkle in Time (2018) and Ravonna Renslayer in Loki (2021)
The Night Court
The Inner Circle
Staz Nair as Rhysand
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If you all take my suggestion seriously before starting to rant, you will see it too. I know the age difference between him and Abigail Cowen is kind of huge, but she’s tough and I think she can handle it
Age: 31 (June 17, 1991)
Height: 185 (5′11”)
Notable role(s): Qhono in Game of Thrones (2016)
Chuku Modu as Cassian
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Give him long hair and a hint of beard and we’re good.
(No, I don’t want to hear you say Can Yaman is better.
No, I don’t want 37 yo Roman Reigns to star next to 25 yo Abigail Cowen and make sexual jokes nearly half of the time.
Yes, I’m aware he’s just five years younger than the aforementioned wrestler but five years sometimes are a big deal and they are now.)
Age: 32 (July 19,1990)
Height: 193 cm (6′4″)
Notable role(s): Aggo in Game of Thrones (2016) and Dr. Jared Kalu in The Good Doctor (2017)
Drew Ray Tanner as Azriel Shadowsinger
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I know he’s cute but I bet he can make the tormented look work
Age: 31 (February 12, 1992)
Height: 178 (5′1′”)
Notable role(s): Fangs Fogarty in Riverdale (2017)
Halston Sage as The Morrigan
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I don’t know if I want to be her or kiss her. Either way, what a bliss.
Age: 29 (May 3, 1993)
Height: 166 cm (5′5″)
Notable role(s): Lacey Pemberton in Paper Towns (2015)
Park So-Dam as Amren
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The likelihood that she won't accept is very high, but if she were to, it would be wonderful
Age: 31 (September 8, 1991)
Height: 162 (5′4″)
Notable role(s): Kim Ki-jung in Parasite (2019)
The Valkyrie
Kirby Johnson as Gwyneth Berdara
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If you have some influence in the matter, please help this girl to be casted in something different than a horror. 
Age: 27 (February 12, 1996)
Height: 173 cm (5′8″)
Notable role(s): Hannah Grace in The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018)
Ella Balinska as Emerie
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All hail our Illyrian queen, badass fighter, former netball player and part-time model
Age: 26 (October 4, 1996)
Height: 181 cm (5′11″)
Notable role(s): Jane Kano in Charlie’s Angels (2019)
Keeping Up with the Vanserras
I’m not going to cast the dead brothers, but if you have someone you feel like would fit in, I might add them to fill the void
Trevor Stines as Vanserra Brother n.1
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I know he’s younger than Jan Luis Castellanos and taller than Ruairi O’Connor, but I want him to be a Vanserra so bad I have to put him here
Age: 26 (July 15, 1996)
Height: 185 cm (6′1″)
Notable role(s): Brett in The Amityville Terror (2016) and Jason Blossom in Riverdale (2017)
Dacre Montgomery as Vanserra Brother n.2
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I think he’s good at playing the bad guy so he should be casted, period
Age: 28 (November 22, 1994)
Height: 176 cm (5′9″)
Notable role(s):  Jason Scott / Red Ranger in Power Rangers (2017), Billy Hargrove in Stranger Things (2017) and Steve Binder in Elvis (2022)
Cameron Monaghan as Vanserra Brother n.3
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IDK, I think he would like to play the deranged dude again, at least for a while
Age: 29 (August 16, 1993)
Height: 179 cm (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Ian Gallagher in Shameless (2011), Mason Ashford in Vampire Academy (2014), Asher in The Giver (2014), Jerome Valeska in Gotham (2015) and James Walker in Amityville: The Awakening (2017)
Ruairi O’Connor as Eris Vanserra
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I just want to see this man more, I’m not even sorry for it
Age: 31 (July 9, 1991)
Height: 178 (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Henry VIII in The Spanish Princess (2019) and Arne Cheyenne Johnson in The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021)
Kristofer Hivju as Beron Vanserra
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☑️ red hair
☑️ good beard
☑️ evil dilf vibe
Age: 44 (December 7, 1978)
Height: 183 cm (5′11″)
Notable role(s): Jonas in The Thing (2011), Tormund Giantsbane in Game of Thrones (2011), Connor Rhodes in The Fate of the Furious (2017) and Kristoffer in Cocainebear (2023)
Gemma Arterton as Lady of Autumn
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By mortal standards she'd be a little too young to play Lucien and Eris' mother, but as the Fae age differently (and in a poorly explained way) in this universe, I'd appreciate her resemblance to Jan Luis Castellanos being exploited
Age: 37 (February 2, 1986)
Height: 170 cm (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Strawberry Fields in Quantum of Solace (2008), Io in Clash of the Titans (2010), Tamina in Prince of Persia (2010) and Gretel in Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)
Ismael Cruz Cordova as Helion
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I know he’s light skinned but if we want to make the retcons and the plot twist work in the show he needs to be
Age: 36 (April 7, 1987)
Height: 178 (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Davide Rizzio in Mary Queen of Scots (2018) and Arondir in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022)
Hybern (and the possible prequel about the war)
Katharine McPhee as Amarantha
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I have to be honest, I choose the actress for Clythia first but I think they kind of look alike so, why not?
Age: 39 (March 25, 1984)
Height: 170 cm (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Harmony in The House Bunny (2008) and Beth in Shark Night (2011)
Eleanor Tomlinson as Clythia
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I don’t know about you but I want something more than a couple flashbacks of the war and since a TV show is not a first person POV, I want to go deeper into what happened at the time and for that, we need to cast the right girl
Age: 30 (May 19, 1992)
Height: 171 (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Isabel Neville in The White Queen (2013), Georgiana Darcy in Death Comes to Pemberley (2013),  Demelza Carne Poldark in Poldark (2015),  Georgie Raoul-Duval in Colette (2018) and Amy in The Wars of the World (2019)
Matt Smith as The King of Hybern
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For my peace of mind, he needs to play someone who couldn’t be seen as an heartthrob
Age: 40 (October 28, 1882)
Height: 181 cm (5′11″)
Notable role(s): The Doctor in Doctor Who (2010), Thomas in Womb (2010), Alex/Skynet in Terminator Genisys (2015), Mr Collins in Pride + Prejudice + Zombies (2016), Prince Philip in The Crown (2016), Morgan in Patient Zero (2018), Jack in Last Night in Soho (2021), Richard Galloway in The Forgiven (2021), Milo/Lucien in Morbius (2022) and Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon (2022)
Dylan O’Brien as Jurian
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Just watch his filmography and tell me he wouldn’t be the perfect Jurian 
Age: 31 (August 26, 1991)
Height: 178 cm (5′10″)
Notable role(s):  Stiles Stilinski in Teen Wolf (2011), Stuart Twombly in The Internship (2013), Thomas in The Maze Runner (2014), Mitch Rapp in American Assassin (2017) and Joel Dawson in Love and Monsters (2020)
The High Lords and their Courts
The Winter Court
Luke Baines as Kallias
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He can be the James Marsters of our time
Age: 32 (June 8, 1990)
Height: 179 cm (5′11″)
Notable role(s): Jonathan Morgenstern in Shadowhunters (2019)
Sasha Luss as Viviane
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Before I found out the Samos siblings are half asian, I wanted her to play Evangeline in the Red Queen adaptation. Now is my time to shine
Age: 30 (June 6, 1992)
Height: 178 cm (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Princess Lihio-Minaa in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) and Anna Poliatova in Anna (2019)
The Summer Court
Micheal Ward as Tarquin
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I'm starting to think I should have put the fanart that inspired me because in this case the resemblance is uncanny
Age: 25 (November 18, 1997)
Height: 175 (5′9″)
Notable role(s): Brendan in The A List (2018)
Coco Jones as Cresseida
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Disney Channel mistreated her, I won't
Age: 25 (January 4, 1998)
Height: 178 cm (5′10″)
Notable role(s): Roxanne “Roxie” Andrews in Let It Shine (2012) and Hilary Banks in Bel-Air (2022)
Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Varian
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Can he have white dreads instead of just white hair?
Age: 28 (July 23, 1994)
Height: 170 cm (5′7″)
Notable role(s): Mason in Assassination Nation (2018) and B.B. King in Elvis (2022)
The Dawn Court 
Evan Evagora as Thesan
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Aaaaaand... you made it to the end. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my silly comments and please don’t start a war in the comments, this is just for fun
Age: 26 (August 10, 1996)
Height: 186 cm (6′1″)
Notable role(s): Elnor in Star Trek: Picard (2020)
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randomstupidchaos · 5 months
I'm stuck at home with Covid and incredibly bored, so, here, have a poll of shows I don't understand no matter how many posts show up on my dash and frankly I'm too afraid to ask at this point.
Feel free to explain your fave, badly or otherwise, in the tags if you reblog this.
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darcyolsson · 2 months
can we have a detailed history of riverdale. like the icarly videos
I do have the start of what could become a riverdale video essay lying in my Google docs but I'll never finish it because after like 3 pages i realised don't do things like that. lol.
anyway I did spend time figuring this out so here it is: the riverdale origin story is, more or less, a guy getting a cease and desist from archie comics for portraying archie andrews as gay in his amateur play and then over the course of a little over a decade slowly working his way up to the top of archie comics until he was allowed to make riverdale, which he then slowly and progressively made more explicitly influenced by gay and queer culture. he also consequently turned virtually every character, no matter how minor, queer over the course of 7 seasons, with the last season leaning into those themes VERY heavily and making most of the main cast queer as well. including archie. not including jughead.
my beautiful wife riverdale is more than a tv show, it's also a beautiful story about how every insane gay man should be given several million dollars and the legal production rights to whatever hyperfixation they currently have
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I watched the first season of Riverdale when it came out but I haven't watched it since. It's come to my attention maybe it slaps? Do I have to watch every episode to get it, or could I start from a particular season/episode, or are there certain must-see episodes that are the best ones and don't need much context? Thanks
just watch the whole show it makes it better like i genuinely cant say one episode is more important or less important than another bc riverdale is an Experience you have to immerse yourself in the mindset of spite revenge camp theatre musicals homosexuality and more metatextual references than you can choke a horse with. it all matters for setting the Tone and the Vibe you need it
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causetheturtle · 7 months
Archie Andrews and Jeff Winger are two sides of the same fucked up little coin and I know that sounds insane but hear me out!
They both start out falling, pretty much at first sight, for women who they know little to nothing about - they just think these girls are attractive and that’s about it.
However they both get to know these women and form a real bond and deep relationship with them over time
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But they eventually grow bored of these women and instead move their attentions towards the romanticised version of their female friend that lives in their heads. These friends for a long time pined after both of them and framed themselves as “the one who was right in front of you all along”.
However these women were more in love with the idea of them than actually being with them and to Archie and Jeff these women represent their fear of the future more than anything else.
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And in Archie and Jeff’s fantasy versions of their lives - which we see for Archie in S6 Ep19 and for Jeff in S6 Ep13 - they’re with their romanticised versions of these women, living out a white-picket-fence lifestyle.
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However this life isn’t something either of these women want. Maybe they did once but they don’t anymore, they’ve grown and changed and they want more from their lives, and they haven’t shown any actual wish to live this life for a long time.
But it isn’t just their relationships with their love interests that make these characters similar - it’s their relationships to their friends in general.
What’s probably a more important part of both of their fantasies is the fact that they’re with their friends, forever - in Archie’s we know that Veronica and Reggie (and we can guess the rest of his friends) all live on the same street as him. In Jeff’s we see him and all of his friends as teachers at Greendale, no matter if that’s what their friends want that or not. Veronica and Reggie don’t want to be in Riverdale forever, they can’t wait to get out. Annie and Abed don’t want to stay at Greendale anymore, they’ve grown and are ready to move away and get on with their own lives.
But they have different reasons for the ways they act and why they want these things - it’s Jeff’s brains that leads to him being manipulative and careless whereas with Archie it’s…look I love the guy but he’s not exactly the brightest bulb in the box. Archie is inherently a selfless and giving person but his naivety is his downfall in so many situations.
However Archie is still a likeable character, much more traditionally likeable than Jeff, because when he does something stupid you can’t stay mad at him for too long cause you know he doesn’t really mean it - Archie is the “likeable leading man” that Abed talks about in S2 Ep1, which is something Jeff can’t ever be.
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