#riverdale two truths and a lie
cannivalisms · 8 months
so, in honor of riverdale finally ending (and both their and our worlds never quite being the same), me and a friend decided to continue the work set out for us by this quiz with one of our own. pure season 7 edition. so without further ado: test your knowledge with our very own fever dream riverdale s7 two truths and a lie. enjoy 👍
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Hello ! I'm fairly new to the fandom: a friend of mine advised me to watch the original series before watching the live action (I'm not American and I had never heard about ATLA before that).
So I wasn't there when the fandom seemed to be torn by the ship wars, like two decades ago. I keep seeing Zutara's fans claiming that their ship was the original endgame except that there's no evidence in the show (at least with my "virgin Atla eyes") and all I can see are interviews of the creators/showrunners saying that Kataang was the endgame all along.
I guess my question is this : is there an actual interview of them entertaining the idea of Zutara at the time (even just to shipbait) ? Because I've been in several fandoms where creators/writers would do that just to keep the audience interested (*cough* Riverdale - yeah you can judge me...).
You say that Nickelodeon promoted the ship wars. In what form ?
That was a long ask. Thanks for reading me!
Okay, so here's what you need to know to fully understand that mess: back when the show was first airing, lots of zutara fans had fully convinced themselves that either the story was going to be changed to make their ship canon (because "it's more popular than Kataang") or that Zutara was TOTALLY planned to be the endgame from day one and that's why some many people liked in the first place (because "there's no way this is all in our heads" - spoiler, it was).
And this wasn't a case of fans simply disagreeing on theories about how the show was going to end - lots of people were being AWFUL to each other on fandom spaces, and the behavior was not exclusive to zutara or even just the other non-canon ships. Everyone was calling anyone who disagreed with their takes stupid and bragging ahead of time of how THEIR ship was going to be canon instead. And because the internet was not at all as inescapable as it is today and information was much harder to verify, some people were making "100% legit claims" that their parents or uncle or cousin or whoever worked on Nickelodeon and had fully confirmed Zutara would indeed be a thing.
Nickelodeon, being the shameless corporation that it is, realized that ship wars could mean A LOT of money because people would keep watching if they thought there was any chance of their ship becoming endgame. So, whenever there was an episode in which Zuko and Katara would interact, they made sure to not only include it in the promo for the episode, they'd describe it as "sharing a special moment" or "growing closer" even when that was not what was going to happen in the episode itself. They didn't do that just with Avatar either, and would spend years pulling simmilar things with the hit shows ICarly and Victorious, both of which had ship wars too. In hindsight (and even back then if we simply compare the promos to the episodes) it's obvious that Nick's promos should not have been taken seriously, but Zutara fans latched onto them as "proof" anyway (and some Nick exec laughed all the way to the bank).
But then the finale happened, Kataang and Maiko were endgame, and Zuko and Katara were never even stated to be interested in each other like that. The ship just wasn't a factor in the story - much like Kataang and Maiko fans had said it wouldn't be, because it was obvious what the writers were actually going for.
So, instead of admiting they let their enjoyment of a fanon ship get a little out of hand and that, even though they had every right to like it, it simply never had any chance of being canon and they shouldn't have insisted otherwise when the truth was so clear, they went for a different approach: just double-down on the lie that they had inside knowledge about the show's writting and production, and make up a whole conspiracy about how the lead writer and "true creator" Aaron Ehasz and everybody else had been building up to Zutara from day one, but then Bryan and Michael or "Bryke", the evil showrunners, meddled at the last second and forced them to change everything.
They also claimed there were things like a "deleted" scene in the finale, with Iroh saying Katara would be perfect for Zuko, or with a kiss between the characters, or Katara telling Aang she loved someone else, ya know, all kinds of copes. Nickelodeon made it worse by airing some "fun production facts" during re-runs, plenty of which were obviously fake - but one mentioned "Zuko was going to be Katara's original love interest" so plenty of people were willing to pretend it was all 100% legitimate. And the icing on the cake was an "interview" in which Ehasz supposedly confirmed all of the conspiracies, "proving" zutara fans had always been right about everything and it's the Kataang and Maiko fans that were lying to themselves.
Unfortunatelly for these people, pretty much EVERYONE has a social media presence nowadays, and it's really easy to not only get in contact with writers and producers of the shows we like, but to also PROVE that what you're telling everyone is indeed what that person said.
And there's tons of videos and screenshots of everyone involved in writting and producing the show saying, including the ones that like Zutara, saying KATAANG was the planned endgame from the start, and Aaron Ehasz has repeatedly said that the supposed "interview" in which he validates the zutara endgame conspiracy and "calls out" Bryke is completely fake, and he's happy MAI got to live happily ever after with Zuko.
Finally, we got access to "the series bible", aka the original plans for the show, and we got to see everything that was cut or changed: Uncle Iroh was originally going to be a twist villain that would betray Zuko, Azula was still going to be a prodigy and Ozai's favorite child but she'd be Zuko's older brother instead of his younger sister, and there was a cut love triangle between Aang, Katara... and TOPH, who was going to be a super buff dude, much like we see in Ember Island Players and in the opening sequence of every episode because yes, they had already designed that character AND started book 1 when decided "Wouldn't a blind girl that looks delicate but can wreck people's shit be more interesting than this generic guy?"
But even now that disproving this Zutara endgame conspiracy is easier than ever because we can just ask the people who made the show, some people continue insisting that all these writers and producers, again some of which DO like Zutara, are lying for no reason - or because "Bryke is forcing them to hide it all."
They're just desperately trying to save face and pretend that they didn't spend over a decade lying to themselves and their buddies, and sometimes using this conspiracy to justify bullying, threatening and doxxing people.
It's VERY sad.
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lampgate · 10 months
btw i've never seen an episode of riverdale and don't know anything about the plot. i just learn bits and pieces through what my mutuals post about which has left me more confused than with actual answers. you could play two truths and a lie with plot lines from this show and i would believe every single one of them
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Take Me With You: Malachai
Riverdale Masterlist
word count: 932
description:  Malachai breaks up with you after the events of the drag race only he finds out the truth a little too late.
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A month since you saw him or heard his voice...A month since you broke your heart like it was nothing. You were very much in the middle of a gang war that you didn't want to be, see you were friends with Toni and serpents but you had developed a relationship with Malachai aka the leader of the ghoulies which not many people liked. So the drag raced happened and Archie called the cops on the ghoulies and apparently, all your friends had known but when you went to see him, he accused you of knowing and broke up with you and since then you stopped talking to your friends.
You were in your room working on your latest drawing when someone knocked on your room door, and you saw your older brother Craig peek his head in. You motioned for him to come in and you saw your other brother Dean walk in behind him.
"The both of you in my room? What did you two idiots do this time?" You asked closing your journal.
"Nothing. But we were talking about our move and were wondering if you wanted to come with us to get a fresh start from everything?" Dean said.
"What about Baz though? I don't want him to be here by himself." You said.
"Well, we talked with Baz because technically he's your legal guardian and he said that if you wanted to go then he would join us in a couple of months once he sells the house and the shop." Craig said.
"So the Cody's take California?" You asked with a smile as they tackled you into a hug.
"Look after them, please." Baz said as you two finished filling up the last of the car since you and Craig would be driving your car while Dean was already on the road with the moving truck.
"I will...Um while they are not here...I know this is a big ask to do......but um could you give this to Malachai?" You asked handing him the journal you had been working on since y'alls break up.
"You don't even have to ask. Are you not going to say goodbye to him?" He asked.
"No, I tried talking to him after his arrest and he really believed that I knew about the cops at the race...It just hurts too much." You said as he gathered you in his arms.
"This will be a good start for you and I'll be out there in a few months and we can forget this place." He said as you nodded.
A few hours later, you and Craig were already on the road while riot night was happening, between rescuing Fangs and the whole northsiders vs Southsiders thing, but now the ghoulies were at Pops.
Malachai searched for you hoping you were there with Archie and feeling disappointed when he didn't see you there and to hear you weren't with the serpents either. He decided to go by your house and hoped you were there and not involved in this mess because he realized what a mistake he made by breaking up with you.
"Hi, Baz." He said as Baz glared at him.
"You're about three hours late, she's on her way to California with Craig and Dean." Baz said.
"California? She's gone?" Malachai asked shocked while walking into the house where he saw your empty bedroom.
"Yeah, she is. She wanted a fresh start after you broke up with her and her friends betrayed her. But she wanted me to give you this." Baz said handing him the journal you left for him.
Malachai sat on the floor and opened the journal where a letter was waiting for him, on the title page.
Dear Chai,
If you are reading this then it means I'm already on my way to California. I thought about coming to see you before I left but decided against it and I'm sorry you had to spend the last month in jail because of my friend's well ex-friends. I truly had no idea that they had involved the cops, I was just as shocked as you were when Archie told me what happened. I'm not gonna lie it hurt when I came to see you and broke up with me because you thought I was in on it...I would've never kept something like that from you and I thought you knew me better than that but I guess not. I just want you to know how I did well and still love you despite everything that happened between us, so I made you this journal telling the story of our relationship and while this was supposed to be given to you in a happier setting, I rather you have it now than not at all, so you can burn it or whatever, I won't blame you. Take care of yourself, Chai, I love you.
Malachai could hardly keep the tears from falling from his eyes, as he looked at the journal, realizing how much he messed up and would probably never see you again. Meanwhile, Baz who had been in the doorway the whole time could see how much Malachai still cared for you.
"I need to get her back." Malachai said to Baz.
"If I help you do this, you need to promise me that you, you won't hurt ever hurt again as you did." Baz said as Malachai nodded.
"I promised, I was just so angry at what had happened but then realized that she wouldn't do anything like that to me and I felt so horrible for doing it." Malachai said.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s5e6 i believe the children are our future (w. andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
girl why are you watching cujo an arm length's away from a big old tv, back up!
while i pause to look up the imdb to see if i know any of these people, i kinda like this season's little title sequence with the whispering. little more ominous than the wings, which were okay. it's all so short so not like it makes much of a difference but. sets the mood a wee bit.
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okay another logistics question i think about periodically, especially since sam burned all his fake ids and such when he bounced earlier this season, if they're giving different names all the time then like. is there a stockpile? do they reup with new names and who prints them? they have a seemingly endless supply of not only names but organizations.
getting all my feelings off my chest in this one, i also think they use too many references in this show! there's so many. "that'll do, pig" really? babe? anyway i just think a lot of time they stick out like a sore thumb.
Because don't be so pleased with your own, like, self-referential cleverness? - jessica stanley, twilight new moon
that's right i'm quoting twilight to make a point. anyway that's what i think of whenever there's too many obscure references that sound completely unnatural in the moment.
and again with the episodes being songs but not having the songs 😂 i guess that's just what they're doing now. but now i've got the greatest love of all stuck in my head.
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this guy gets around on scifi shows! he was in two episodes of xfiles, an episode of millenium, eureka, the 4400, fringe, the second xfiles movie, v, izombie (i've seen a lot of the small roles people have parts in izombie while doing my imdb stroll but i've never watched it), aah and he was in an episode of riverdale this year! and a whole bunch of other stuff. little parts, but i think it's fun that he's done so much scifi in particular.
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the x-files s5e11 kill switch (that's the one with killer ai hehe written by william gibson and tom maddox) patrick keating as donald gelman
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the magicians s4e1 a flock of lost birds - patrick keating as shop owner (he was in it for about 5 seconds but hey he was a hedge witch!)
DEAN Yeah, with the sense of humor of a nine-year-old.
SAM Or you.
now that made me laugh, because it's true :p
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SAM So we tell him the truth. You say Jesse's destined to go dark side—fine. But he hasn't yet. So if we lay it all out for him—what he is, the apocalypse, everything—he might make the right choice.
CASTIEL You didn't. And I can't take that chance.
wow, cas is more pissed at sam than i would have anticipated. so he's mad because he told sam to stop with the demon blood and ruby etc and he didn't and things went pear-shaped. but i mean, zachariah's role in it all? would it have mattered even if sam did things differently?
huh. kid asks if cas is dean's friend, dean says no, cut to sam for a reaction shot. whatcha doing, show. and always nice to see dean with kids working his magic.
and the kiddo has been in 3 episodes of the boys, that's cool. fun to see someone go back and work with a creator on a different series :) (i've only seen a couple episodes, would like to go back to it at some point)
i don't see how this plot is going to resolve in any meaningful way unless the kid somehow vanishes or gets smited. smote? wishes his powers away?
vanishes it is.
DEAN Yeah. You know, I'm starting to get why parents lie to their kids. You want them to believe that the worst thing out there is mixing Pop Rocks and Coke—protect them from the real evil. You want them going to bed feeling safe. If that means lying to them, so be it. The more I think about it...the more I wish Dad had lied to us.
SAM Yeah, me too.
3 votes for wishing john winchester was a better parent.
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spoilertv · 10 months
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
Price of a lie
Character: Reggie Mantle x male reader
Universe: Riverdale
Warnings: Break up
People who live double lives are almost always frowned upon. But they all have valid reasons to do so. Some might even be dangerous and still, when it comes out. No one likes it. Doesn’t matter which reason was behind it, only that they got lied to.
You never were a person to need that. For most people, you always were an open book. Nothing hiding, not even in your eyes. Every feeling you show is genuine. Not a single word muttered out of your mouth was ever a lie. People would call you `The pure one´, not as an insult or something, but because you never had any shifty motives, like other people had.
Like Betty, staying always so close to Archie, despite it being obvious, that she was in love with him but not the other way around. Or Kevin and Moose, they are able to fool most people, but not everyone. Their motive is a lighter one, to prevent their secret love of getting out. You were just disappointed in both of them, that neither brought Moose to end his relationship with his girlfriend, before they began to do stuff.
In your mind, nothing of this was okay. If you want something from a person you tell them, if you love someone you do the same. The truth is always something you saw not only as important but as mandatory.
For some reason, Reggie found interest in you. The school hotshot, who everyone wanted to be with, even if it only for one night. He was somewhat desperate most of the time, in many ways, but you never had a problem with it. You could manage him and even his father who was a total homophobe, could not hate you.
He hated what you were standing for but realized, that it wasn’t bad to be like you, which did not meant that he liked it. Slowly he became to tolerate people like you and you never asked for anything else. Because that wouldn’t be okay either. Tolerance is everything that is needed.
Sometimes you found yourself with his dad talking about sports and even helping him with his cars. Your own dad wasn’t around much, as a diplomat he wasn’t often not at home. But you and your mom, also did not want to go with him, so he comes back whenever he has time. Still your parents loved each other like they did on their first date. It was gross more often than not.
Still you knew, that his father was and still is abusive towards him. Nothing will change that, but you try to be there whenever something happened or be there, so nothing will happen. Because this man cares why too much what other people think of him.
All of this your personality, the honest and friendly one, as well as your perfect relationship, could’ve never prepared you for what just happened.
You stayed behind in school, to help with projects, until you lost track of time. It was late, maybe six or seven o’clock, the janitor would almost certainly kick you out any moment. Where Betty and Veronica, the wicked witch of the west, came by.
Both looked nervous, Betty obviously had cried for a little while.
„(Y/N), I have something you should see. But you should sit for it.“ You did not know what it was, if it was her broken voice, or the sympathy in it, but you did what she asked you to do.
„What is it Betty? You slowly begin to creep me out,“ you laughed softly, trying to brighten up the mood. But neither of the girls laughed with you, which only let your thoughts ran even faster.
Wordlessly they gave you a black book, you looked strangely at them, before opening it. There in big letter was written `PLAYBOOK´. So they stole they game book from one of your sports teams?
You already wanted to ask them, but as you glanced up both girls seemed determined that you would go trough it. With little hesitance you did just that. There were names of the football team members, besides them girl names, a comment, then points and at the end a date.
The first two names of the book were Chuck and Reggie, which was strange, because the date at the end of Reggies entry was way into your relationship, but at that point it wasn’t public yet, after his wishes, so you avoided him in school, to not lie to anyone or yourself.
As you got trough the book, Reggie’s name was overwhelmingly present in it. At some parts if even looked like he was the only one. But still you had no idea what this book was about.
„So and? For what are these points?“, you asked dumbly. You hadn’t read any of the comments, because you felt, bad to read something personal. But after Betty told you that this is a book over sexual conquests, your eyes almost immediately fell out. It only got worse, after she told you that you should open the last page.
It was different from the pages with the girls, above it stood only `Faggots´ and the entries were everything but nice. Not many players, had entries there, Chuck had two and Reggie had one. You. A comment that made you sick to your stomach. He described you as `used goods´, completely loose, like a desperate whore. He gave you three out of ten points.  The date was about your complete relationship.
Inside you felt completely crushed, heartbroken and betrayed. Outside you seemed completely unfazed, as if this hasn’t ruined your complete relationship in seconds. „Can I copy this?“
Both girls were visible disturbed by your nonchalant questions. They thought you would scream, cry or anything else, but you had other plans.
For some reason you slept that night like a baby. Betty and Veronica told you, when they want to show the evidence to your principal. So your plan began to form itself.
As any other morning after this beautiful night sleep, you came into school with a shining smile. Directly walking up to Reggie and nuzzling in his side, while he laughed about it, as usual. Him kissing the top of your head and swinging his arm over your shoulder. 
„Reggie, do you love me?“
„Of course Baby, more than anything!“
But now you knew it was a lie. The entire time, you felt so stupid for not realizing it earlier. How could someone you trusted this much, be such a scumbag? Still you waited fro the lunch break.  Everything needed to look like it was normal.
You kissed Reggie on his lips. Lips you once thought were only for you. But now you knew that they kissed dozens of others. His hand running down your sides, tickling you slightly, always fiddling with your body. Now you asked yourself how many others did he touched so lovingly? But the worst were his words of encouragement and loving side remarks. These meant nothing now. Just hollow phrases you were sure of, he told others too.
The day was a fas. It was the hardest thing in your life. But it wasn’t a lie. You still loved Reggie dearly. And you wished nothing of it was true. This changed at lunch, when Bett and Veronica vanished and you knew that this was the moment.
„Reggie do you love me?“ This time you asked him in front of all his little football friends.
„Of course I love you baby.“ He answered just as you had thought. Only this time you really saw the looks of the others. Some disgusted, other ashamed and one or two even with pity.
So you just took the copy of the entry out of your backpack and began to read.
„Reggie Mantle, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), a completely loosen up whore. Certainly not the first guy who used him. Begged me for it. Obedient whore, even let me piss on him. Three out of ten points. And look at this, a four year time span.“ You finished up reading and the looks of the guys at your table changed into horrifying glances in your direction.
„I mean not everything is a lie. Of course im used up, because I had daily sex with my know ex-boyfriend. But don’t worry, no other every touched me and will not in the near future. But obedient? Did you tell your little friends here, that I bind you to your bed and fucked myself with your dick, because you can’t handle it yourself? And five minutes is really not a goof time Reggie. And pissing? I didn’t even knew you had that kink, which would explain the stains on your bed, because you do it to yourself?“
Everything was now laid out. Reggie seemed completely devastated. The two guys that took pity on you, smirked at him, after you were finished with putting the dirty clothes out.
His shaking body after, he was about to start something, so you just silently stood up, let the page lay on the table and began to walk away.
„You can’t speak to me like this, Im your boyfriend, you have to obey-“
Before he could finish, you turned around, punching him directly onto his nose, which let him fall to the ground. „We are nothing Mantle. Have fun telling your father, I believe he will not be happy, to not have his second son at his house anymore.“
Now even Reggie looked horrified with his bloody nose, it gave you a sense of accomplishment. He paid the price of being a liar. And you were free, heartbroken and devastated, but free. Slowly the tears began running down your cheeks, as you made your way trough the hallways alone, with all the memories you shared with Reggie. But someday you will find a guy who truly treasures you. And the price of love will not be as high as this one.
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papipopsicle · 3 years
Pairing: Archie Andrews X Reader
Summary: In which two best friends since childhood test whether sex and friendship can co-exist without causing conflict. Including OC's Flick and Cherry, a bisexual and lesbian in a sapphic relationship who are best friends of Y/N.
Song: Dream Boy by Waterparks
Warnings: swearing
Words: 2.1K
feedback is always appreciated
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Y/F and Y/M Robins were far from perfect parents. Y/F had the mental age of a toddler at times, and being an estate agent who always has to go the extra mile- he often wasn't home when his wife needed him the most. Y/M, on the other end of things, had been a stay at home mum until Y/N turned 16 last summer, and now she helped with all the administrative work for Mayor McCoy. She was a maternal creature which, coupled with her brilliant sarcasm, made for some explosive conversations. The two met on the first day of university and got married a week after the last.
When Y/M first found out she was pregnant with little Y/S Robins, the two realised they wanted a quiet bubble of a town to raise their children and grow up with them. But it wasn't until their second daughter was about to turn seven until they found their forever home in the quaint town of Riverdale. Ten years passing before their eyes, and the picturesque place didn't seen all that anymore.
Jason Blossom's death had nothing to do with the short gunshot sounding over the waves of Sweetwater River, the noise which woke Y/N from her sweet unmemorable dreams every few nights. The summer days rolled into early August without anyone caring, Y/N spending most of them at Cheryl's side listening intently to her past adventures with her brother. Betty threw herself into an internship at a publication house; Flick and Cherry had volunteered at a summer camp, and Archie was helping his dad out more and more with constructions job.
Although it hadn't been the start to the relationship Y/N had hoped for- the nervous giggles and hand holding, short and sweet kisses on late night walks followed by poetry worthy cuddling. There was a magnificent silver lining as Archie's muscles gained definition, and he suited the sweaty builder look far too well.
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y/n Humph!
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Cheryl busy being my own icon
98 Comments | Tagged: y/i/n
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"Earth to my gorgeous queen? Y/N/N?" Cheryl quizzed her friend, who currently resided at the poolside of Thornehill Manor. Her mind was off on a glorious tangent about her rendezvous in the kitchen at two in the morning. Fixing herself a glass of water, when Archie slips his hand into her pyjama shorts, his other around her mouth muffling her needy moans.
The red headed beauty shoved her y/h/c friend playfully, warm skin sweaty under her pale touch. Y/N blinked innocently and sent her an apologetic smile, "What?"
"I asked if you've thought about dating anyone else since Clayton?" The fiery ginger girl enquired with her usual upbeat tone.
Cheryl knew she had a unique quality about her which made it almost impossible for Y/N to lie to her face. The y/h/c girl scrunched up her nose, hiding the smile the idea of Archie Andrews brought to her face. 'Yes. We started off as fuck buddies but never actually fucked. Then I drunkenly asked him to be my boyfriend, now a month later I think we may genuinely work out.'
"Maybe." Y/N bit her bottom lip, listening to her friend's squeal as she squeezed her sun tanned arm.
"I knew it! You have this euphoric glow you only get when someone else makes you climax." The redhead affirmed confidently, watching the Robins girl's eyes bug out before hitting her arm, "Y/N/N, you know your secret's safe with me."
"Fine." She sighed and took a sip of her fruity cocktail, "It started off as just fooling around, honestly I just needed to let off some steam after everything. I knew he was into the kinds of things I was, I mean he used to tease me about it non stop. And it was good, so good I stopped being a pussy and asked him to be my boyfriend."
"Holy freaking hell!" The Blossom girl grinned with excitement, "Dare I ask, who is it?"
Y/N deadpanned at her friend, "Guess."
"Please don't tell me it's that muscular oaf Reggie, he's pretty but there's not exactly much going on upstairs." Cheryl tapped her temples and rolled her eyes at the thought.
The ginger thought for a moment, consulting her liquid courage and splashing her feet around the waters edge, "It's Archie."
All it took was a side-eyed glance at the y/h/c girl's blooming rosy cheeks to know she definitely wasn't wrong. Y/N severely lacked the ability to lie, even if her tone held conviction, her features were far too expressive and told the truth all on their own. It's not like they were hiding it from anyone, but the past four weeks had gone far too quickly without any moments to spare for the world around them. They slept together each night, the majority of that time not actually spent sleeping, but they hadn't been given the chance yet to explore more romantic avenues.
"It's fucking Archie Andrews- you're fucking Archie Andrews and don't you dare deny it." Cheryl gawked in her gorgeous white and nude bikini, watching as her friend lay back against the hot marble slabs which encased the large pool with the largest grin adorning her plump lips.
"We haven't had sex yet, so technically you aren't completely correct." Y/N winked but carried on before the girl exploded with a hundred questions and could never be turned off, "Trust me, I want to, and I'm sure he does too. But you know, it's his first time, I want it to be perfect for him."
"Y/N/N, you really love him, don't you?" Cheryl gagged to begin with, but she found it sweet in truth. She wanted someone to hold, who would hold her right back just as tight for no other reason than needing to.
Y/N sat back up and paddled her feet, "You have no idea, Cher."
Arch 🧡
That new post should be illegal
Tiger 💛
I like this reaction
Maybe I should post more
Like this one
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Cheryl pushed me in the pool
And I may have had a drink
Or three
Arch 🧡
Well that's sexy
I swear nobody looks good like that how on earth
You're a goddess
But also
How's she holding up?
Tiger 💛
But she's strong yk
You coming over for dinner?
Arch 🧡
Yeah Y/D invited my dad too
Need me to pick you up from Cheryl's?
Tiger 💛
Awe cute we love a bromance, and it's all good my mommas coming now anyways :))
Hours had elapsed far too fast and soon the summer heat simmered into cool waves of wind brushing over sun kissed skin. Cheryl's arms were clasped around the blonde's shoulders in a tight embrace.
"Thank you so much, Y/N/N, I don't know what I'd do without you!" The Blossom girl professed with sparkling eyes and a brilliant smile.
Y/N beamed up at her, fingers carding through her damp y/h/c hair as she looked over her shoulder to see her mum pulling into the driveway, "You don't need to thank me, Cher, friends look after each other. Message me if you need me, okay?"
Cheryl promised she would and the two teen girls hugged goodbye, with Y/N soon heading home- listening to her mother gossip about Hal and Alice's screaming match last night, Y/N loved her inability to keep her mouth shut sometimes.
"Mom," The y/h/c stopped her mid sentence and received a side eyed glance in response, "I need to tell you something and you're totally not allowed to freak out while you're driving."
Y/M's eyes widened and her grip tightened around the steering wheel, her daughters very rarely confided in her. While she knew her youngest was safe in her promiscuity, neither of Y/M Robins' girls ever shared their secrets so for the most part she took finding out into her own hands.
"Honey," The forty four year old's calm tone was hardly comforting to the teenager, "if this is about you and Archie fooling around, your father and I figured that out a long time ago, like so long ago. Who do you think does your laundry? When your underwear starting looking like dental floss, we caught on pretty quickly."
Y/N felt like a deer in headlights, "Mum, what the hell?" Her cheeks heated to an inhuman temperature.
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, as long as you're being safe and he's-"
"For the second time today, and I can't believe I'm saying this to you, but I am not having sex with Archie Andrews!" Y/N's high pitched voice sounded through the car. It truly was a blessing and a curse to have such open minded parents in situations like this. She thought about telling her mother the truth, but Y/M was a blabber mouth as well as a gossip, so Y/N chose to withhold certain pieces of information.
The Robins matriarch dropped the subject but didn't forget about her daughter's tone, and continued to ramble on about how odd she found Penelope Blossom and the whole Blossom family in general. "Like why on Earth is Rose in a wooden wheelchair? They know it's the twenty first century, right?"
As expected, the Robins household was once again filled with warm laughter and copious amounts of food. The topic of Jason was skimmed over, and Y/S found herself away from the dinner table. The eldest Robins sibling was currently pleading with Alice as she began shoving all of Polly's belongings in the boot of Hal's car. She couldn't comprehend life without her best friend, not after losing Jason. They were meant to be going travelling together for a year- working the worst jobs and staying up all night to watch the sun rise in different countries. But instead, Y/S's eyes were blinded by tears as she screamed down the street at the speeding car, with Polly Cooper taken out of her life indefinitely.
Y/N was oblivious to the dark inner workings of the Cooper clan, Betty's knowledge about her and Archie unbeknownst to the loved up teens. She'd spent every second not occupied by her internship trying to justify the romantic act as a fleeting moment of loneliness fuelled by alcohol. She wrote in her diary ideas on how she could win Archie back over, not knowing it was in fact, too late. Betty found herself hopelessly in love with the boy next door, unfortunately for her, the girl across the road was the only one his mind found.
Archie and Y/N washed up while their parents resided to the living room with three glasses and a bottle of white wine. The short girl turned the tap off after placing the last utensil on the draining board, flicking her sudsy hands at the boy's face. "What the-"
She didn't give him a chance to finish that thought, jumping up and wrapping her legs around his torso- planting a kiss onto his lips, then cheeks, then forehead. The two fell entranced by each other, planting pecks across nape of her neck and top of his head.
"Son," Fred's voice called out from the next room and the two immediately pulled apart, hearts beating in their ears, "we're going in a minute."
"Alright." He replied, placing his girlfriend on the floor once more.
"I wish you'd stay." Y/N pouted childishly, she meant the words entirely but hated feeling overbearing. Her life had been turned upside down this summer, it started off with her unable to fall asleep with another person next to her- now Archie's chest was her most comfortable pillow and is arms were the warmest blanket.
"Tomorrow night instead, Princess? I promised my dad I'd spend more time with him before senior year." The boy reasoned, holding her close and unknowingly feeling the exact same way, he adored holding her by her waist and pulling her close under the duvet.
"Monopoly night at yours?" She grinned and he nodded back in reply, the two sharing a final kiss in the kitchen before walking into the hallway.
Y/N felt at ease as she wished the two a goodnight and headed up to bed. She took off her tea dress and replaced it with Archie's bulldog t-shirt, managing to reach the same length on her thighs as her dress did.
Arch 🧡
I can still smell your perfume on my sheets
Tiger 💛
Marking my territory obviously x
Arch 🧡
I love it
Hope you sleep well baby x
Tiger 💛
Call me that tomorrow and we won't be sleeping so you better rest up tonight x
Arch 🧡
Whatever you say, baby x
Tiger 💛
Goodnight x
Arch 🧡
Night princess x
part eight?
wanna be tagged? just send in an ask x
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domxmarvel · 3 years
For real?
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Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU Sweet pea x Female!Reader
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"Please,you have to help me" You begged only to be denied.
"Actually I don't,this is your mess not mine"
"Please,what do you want me to do?"
"I don't know,you figure it out"
"That's not what I meant,I meant what you want me to do in exchange for your help. Please it's only for one day" He sighed,you thought he was going to get angry but he just said 
"Fine,I'll help you." You were ecstatic,until you realized he still hadn't told you what he wanted. 
"You haven't told me what you want?" 
"Haven't thought about it,I'll let you know later. So what's our story?I'm guessing you didn't plan on telling them that I'm a Serpent" Then it hit you,you had to plan out your entire relationship and memorize it in the span of three days. 
"This is gonna take a while"
By the time you were on your way to the wedding you had everything planned out. Your story was that you met when the Serpents transferred to Riverdale high and that you were paired up for a project.  And that he asked you out after. You kept the story simple,saying that he proposed to you two years after you graduated. 
"You ready to do this?" He asked as you put your arm around his.
"Yeah,do you remember everything? " He nodded,pulling you close. When you walked,you saw your mother walking towards you.
"Y/N there you are" She looked Sweet pea up and down. "You must be sweet pea,Y/N's told us a lot about you" Immediately the questions started,but nothing surprised you more than how well Sweet pea answered them. You hadn't realized how good of an actor he was until that moment. The two of you were just talking to some of your relatives,when one of them asked.
"So what's your favorite thing about Y/N?" You hadn't thought about that question,but Sweet pea didn't look nervous or panicked in the slightest. He just calmly answered.
"She always cheers me up when I'm down,she's my sunshine" There was something about the look in his eye that made it obvious that he wasn't lying,that wasn't part of your facade,he really meant it. 
“How did you come up with that so quickly?” You asked as you walked into your room. Pretending  you were a couple also meant that you’d end up sharing a room and a bed,which for some reason you completely forgot about. 
“Come up with what?”
“When you called me your sunshine?”
“That wasn’t a lie” You turned to face him. “The truth is that I like you,but I was scared that you’d never like me as more than a friend. I was gonna risk it and tell you but then you asked me to do this. That’s why I didn’t want to do this,because just the fact that asked me made me believe that you’re never gonna like me the way I like you.”
“So what you said out there,you’re favorite thing about me. That was true?” He nodded,you hugged him before he could move away from you. “You know maybe we could give this,being a couple thing a real chance”
“It means,I like you too,sunshine” He laughed.
“You are never gonna let me live this down are you” You both laughed. “So you wanna give this a try?” You pulled him down and kissed him.
“Yeah,let’s give this a try”
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dimitrescus-bitch · 3 years
Mrs. Robinson (Alice Cooper x Reader)
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Song: Mrs. Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel
“Y/n, you’re here early,” Betty said as she watched you tending to the garden outside of their house. It was true, you were at the Cooper residence about three hours earlier than what you were supposed to. However, you technically hadn’t left yesterday, but Betty didn’t know that. She had been out with her boyfriend and friends all evening, which gave you quite a few hours to enjoy Alice’s company. 
Hal had hired you back whenever you’d been in high school to do the things around the house that he didn’t want to. Four years of that and Alice finally found out about it. She hadn’t made him fire you, and even after their divorce, she had kept you around. Although, then it was for a different reason. You were still doing maintenance for their house, but you were also doing Alice Cooper. 
“I’m going out of town this afternoon, so I told your mom I’d get everything done in the morning,” you told Betty. Technically, it wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. Alice was taking you out on a date, which had to be out of town where the locals wouldn’t see you. 
“Oh, well have fun. Bye.” Betty left and you went back to finishing the gardens up. By the time that Alice had come outside to check on you, you were washing her car. You could see her in the reflection of a window, standing on the porch with her morning coffee as she watched you work. 
“Mind if I come in and change?” you asked Alice, who just let you step inside. She came in after you and shut the door. You were halfway up the stairs when you felt Alice’s arms wrap around your waist. You turned around and stepped aside so that she could stand next to you. 
“Good morning,” Alice said as she kissed you. You smiled into it and reached for her hand. “Nice work sneaking out before Betty woke up.” 
“I try,” you said with a wink. Alice tugged you upstairs and started the shower. The two of you showered together quickly, Alice not helping you to keep your mind out of the gutter or your hands to yourself. The two of you got dressed, Alice made you a quick breakfast, and then the two of you left. 
“Do you ever think that what we’re doing is wrong?” Alice asked you. 
“When did you meet me?” you asked Alice. 
“A couple years ago when you were mowing the lawn while Hal was inside drinking a beer while he watched the game,” Alice answered. 
“I was 18 then, almost 19 actually. We didn’t start this until last year, so we’re fine Alice. There’s nothing wrong with our relationship because we’re two consenting adults,” you explained to her. “Some people might judge us, but it’s not like we can’t handle that.” 
“I was technically still married then,” Alice said with a heavy sigh. “Sympathy isn’t something extended towards me often. I doubt Betty would be okay if she found out about us.” 
“Do you love me? Do I make you happy?” you asked Alice. She nodded and you placed your hand over hers. “Then it doesn’t matter. It isn’t like you’re Mrs. Robinson and we’re having some huge affair. Give it a week, there will be a whole new thing washing over Riverdale and they’ll forget all about us.” 
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S5 E17 (Dance Of Death) - 5 Things I Loved/ 3 Things To Consider
5 Things I Loved:
The insane-o blend of influences, half-relevant references and commentary that went into the Veronica-Hiram-Chad storyline kept playing in my mind and providing me with unexpected jolts of glee.  Even though this episode was all about finding Polly’s presumably mangled corpse, what I ended up thinking more about was Veronica.
1. I loved that Riverdale makes it clear Freud was wrong, loud and harmful. Ms Burble the High School Therapist was like many of the adults in Riverdale an ineffectual person unable to provide our protagonists’ generation with any truth or help.  (Literally all of them lied to the kids, and harm them in big and small ways).   She poisoned Veronica with Freudian concepts, which are as far as I am aware completely discounted as, among other things, so absolutely misogynist and therefore exceptionally unhelpful for women in particular, such that nobody credible uses them in actual mental healthcare anymore.  (Very Briefly:  See, e.g., The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk).  She could’ve said, Your dad seems really damaged, but you can take after your mother’s example, and LEAVE HIM BE.  Ms Burble could’ve also said, Let’s focus on healing from the wounds your father caused you so you can, later in life, see the wrongs he did and acknowledge the brave resilient child you were in surviving such a parent. But nope, Ms Burble reached for Freudianism and it led to Veronica Lodge being a spouse-killer and calm contemplator of literal patricide.
2. I loved that Veronica killing Chad made me suddenly recall with crystal clarity the last two stanzas of Sylvia Plath’s poem Daddy and how comically well it fits with what’s shown on screen all season.  I’m not  saying there’s a 1:1 analogy here (obviously not) but the lines in that poem ping back on what’s going on in this episode in a way that tickled me personally, subjectively, in the hyperfixated way I’ve been tying literally everything I encounter somehow back to Riverdale.
If I’ve killed one man, I’ve killed two
The vampire who said he was you   
And drank my blood for a year,
Seven years, if you want to know.
Daddy, you can lie back now.
We had a seven year time skip, and she was going to kill a second man after she killed the first one, plus Chad Gekko looks exactly precisely like Hiram Lodge. 
There’s a stake in your fat black heart   
And the villagers never liked you.
They are dancing and stamping on you.   
They always knew it was you.
Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through. 
I mean, this is what Hiram has been to Riverdale the whole time.   These things made me laugh in the days after I first watched the episode.  Veronica getting over her Daddy issues by killing her husband whom she picked because of his resemblance to her father is very amusing to me. RIP Chad.
3. I loved Veronica using Ride of the Valkyries as the soundtrack to her self defense killing of that worthless asshole Chad.  Partially, vanity, because I somehow had this weird intuition about Gotterdammerung last episode, and now we’re getting a direct musical quote from Die Walkure. 
To nerd out for a bit, Gotterdammerung is part of the Wagner Ring Cycle, which has as a second installment Die Walküre from which  the Ride of the Valkyres comes.     The Valkyries in Wagner’s opera are goddesses who go riding out collecting the bodies of the fallen heroes to take them to Valhalla, but maybe because of movies like Platoon, this song (about goddesses collecting men’s corpses) is now associated with active combat and aggression (often gendered male).  I’ve read that it’s actually used to hype up actual airforce men in real wars.
Veronica (just like Jughead) gets cultural references wrong all the time, so I’m going to assume that Veronica doesn’t know about Brunhilde the Valkyrie who disobeys her father, the chief god Wotan, who then curses her to mortality, puts her to sleep sleeping beauty style and says any man who finds her that way can ‘marry’ her, and then at her request puts a ring of fire around her sleeping form so that she can at least guaranteed he’s an exceptional man.  One of the many many hats Archie tries to wear in Riverdale, remember, is fireman. 
4.  I loved that I ended up feeling strangely sorry for  Chad Gekko, who must’ve thought he was going to be the dominant evil crazy person in the room when he married Veronica Lodge.  This is a guy who crashed an entire helicopter on purpose (or pretended to - this is left open by the show) in order to persuade his wife to not be better than him on Wall Street.  Whoopsie!  Consider the absolute insanity of this statement from Hiram:  “Veronica stole my palladium, Archie stole your wife.”  So, somehow, to Hiram, making Chad kill Archie makes up for Veronica stealing his palladium. (??)  
Veronica using Archie’s name in order to get a rise out of both her ex-husband and her father is also extremely amusing.  This is really the only thing she can say though because otherwise, she shares all of the values of Chad and of Hiram.  She is pro capitalism, pro ruthless tactics,  pro business success, living high on the high roller life, and pro murder, it turns out.  WINNING!  The only thing that differentiates her from Chad and Hiram is being able to feel affection for Small Town Hero / Symbol of Americana   Archie Andrews.  
5. I loved Betty Cooper’s intensely unhinged irritation that “truckers are not stopping for us” after the 10th night of patrolling the lonely highway trying to pick up truckers with Tabitha.  Don’t trucker’s use radios to talk to each other?  She’s beaten up and violently accosted several truckers specifically for being Johns, almost killed one, and brandished her FBI student ID at lots and lots of people.  She and Tabitha also held that strange bait-and-switch party at the Diner.  The sum total of these things would make her something of a minor celebrity among the limited number of men who drive through this Canada-to- FL route that Riverdale probably sits on. I also just think she might be talking about herself when she babbles that stuff about the inner workings of serial killers - the desire to hunt and kill building up in killers vs the desire to interrogate and do violence building up in Betty Cooper.
And one more for the road:  I ADORED Penelope Blossom chowing down on the most overladen breakfast table in the history of breakfast right in front of her fasting daughter.  Riverdale has always been sharply bitchy about things like crystal healing , rebirth and other New Age mumbo jumbo, and they pull no punches with the ‘fasting’ that Cheryl does here with the maple syrup and cayenne pepper and whatever.  Penelope is so amused with herself that she forgets to call Cheryl “Nightmare Child.”  
Three Things To Consider.
a. Betty Cooper has always been bad at being a solver of mysteries - it was always Jughead on his own, and then Betty often simply took and used what he had found or deduced.  The same happens with the Mothmen/ Dreyfuss/ Nana Rose & Leo Lerman, so no big surprise. What did upset me though, is that  Betty Cooper is hideously incompetent at organizing a raid too.  Even I would do better than they did it - these people invade someone else’s territory but do no reconnaissance, have no plan of attack, create no way of communication between members, and everyone barely makes it out by the skin of their teeth.
b. Fangs and Toni really need a third parent.  They have an infant no more than 3 months old at the most, and both of them decide to go enact violent vigilante justice upon an unknown number of confirmed serial killers operating out of a junkyard, and rush into it in the most disorganized amateur fashion. Something about this irked me, because I didn’t see it as heroic. I saw it as abandonment of the boring, taxing task of constant babycare in pursuit of something showy and exciting, where BOTH of them agree to rope in - of course! - a woman from an older generation to take on the drudgery for them. I don’t like Toni or Fangs being Fail Parents.   When Toni, Fang and Kevin set out to have a family, I’d liked it because they seem the most emotionally balanced among the grown Riverdale kids.   But now? I am very worried about baby Anthony.  Was it the ‘family’ agreement that Kevin would be the stay at home dad?   Is that why Fangs has doubts about whether just the two of them can ‘do’ this?   
c.  Cheryl’s religion keeps getting more interesting. Is Kevin rejecting a female-deity/ nature worship religion (when he was perfectly at home in a self-worshipping religion led by a ripped-abs white man) supposed to be a commentary about him? Gay men? White men? Gay white men?  Furthermore, the Blossoms have always been creepily interested in Archie Andrews in a body-snatchers, “Ginger Penis Supremacy” worshipping way, so I’ve assumed that this is why the elements respond so strongly to Chery’s red-clad prayer on behalf of Archie.  Penelope Blossom created a religion where she externalized her literal worship of her own son born of her body, which you know, this exists a lot in the world.  Cheryl, being both gay and childless, seems distinctly less interested in all of that and wants to go somewhere totally new, and she doesn’t really care if her erstwhile minion comes along or not. 
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fictionalabyss · 3 years
Missing : She’s gone.
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Pairing : FP Jones x daughter!Reader, Jughead x Betty
Word count : 1,945
Header made by : @sorenmarie87​
Warnings : AU-ish, Incest : Father / daughter relationship. Angst. Confessions.
Final part of Missing.
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You were sitting at your desk, grading papers and picking at your lunch when your door opened. A quick glance up and there was no mistaking that hat. “Jughead.” you looked back down to your work. “You missed my class this morning, but I won’t hold that against you. If you’re here for the work-” Before you could finish, he tossed something onto your desk and right into your line of vision.
You froze seeing pictures of you as a child and a newspaper clipping that haunted your nightmares. You swallowed, refusing to look up at him.
“Are you my sister?”
“Jug-” you started to speak, ready to ramble away with excuses or some kind of explanation, or maybe a lie, but he cut you off by going back and slamming your classroom door shut, the sound of which made you flinch.
“Are you my sister?”
“Yes.” you whispered as quietly as you could, not wanting him to hear the truth.
“Did you know?” he demanded, standing in front of your desk again. “When we met, when I introduced you to my dad at parent teacher night, did you know?”
“No. No, I didn’t know. Neither of us did. I promise you, Jughead.” Tears were on the verge of falling, everything was blowing up and much sooner than you had expected and it didn’t start with someone on the outside, it started with his son, his family. The most important person in the world to him.
“Does he know?” You opened your mouth to speak, when he seemed to realize what he was asking. “Of course he knows, I found this in our damn room.” he spat and turned, looking out the window and rubbing a hand over his face in frustration. “How long? How long have you known?”
“Couple of weeks. I- I found out, went right to your dad-”
“Your dad.” he spat the words with disgust and watched as a tear ran down your cheek. “And you’re still sleeping with him? Even for Riverdale, that’s insane.”
“Jug, please, I-”
“Does Alice know?” You shook your head. “Why? Why tell my dad and not Alice? Because you wanted it to continue?”
“I needed to tell him because of what we were. I left it up to him to tell her, I stayed away from him after I told him-”
“You were there last night!”
You opened your mouth only to close it again. You wiped away your tears and took a deep breath before answering. “He beat the shit out of my mom, Jughead. He found her, and he put her in the hospital. He was pissed. She took me from him when I was a baby, and he felt like she took me from him all over again when he found out who I was. I didn’t intend to.. I tried, Jughead. I tried so hard to stay away.”
“Didn’t look like you were trying very hard.”
“I’m sorry.” Jughead seemed to be watching you for a minute, and you asked something you were terrified of asking. “Does Betty know?” you knew he didn’t keep secrets from her, and if he told her, maybe she told Alice and-
“I didn’t tell her. But it’s only a matter of time before she finds out, you know how she is. Nothing is a secret from Betty Cooper for long.” With that, he headed for the door. Before he turned the knob, he spoke over his shoulder. “And once a Cooper finds out, the whole town finds out. No story is off limits.” Then he opened the door and left, leaving you crying at your desk.
It took a minute or two before you got yourself collected enough to wipe the tears, and grab the pictures along with your bag. You left everything else on your desk without a care and hurried out of the room. You were hurrying past the office when Doris Bell ran out asking what was wrong.
“I need to go.”
“What? Where-”
“I just need to go, okay?” you yelled back at her. “Something came up.”
“O-okay..” she watched as you disappeared from sight.
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He wasn’t at the Wyrm, so you rushed your ass over to his trailer and prayed that he was there and that Jughead had stayed in school. Or that Jug left school, and just wasn’t here. Yeah, option two would be best.
You burst in and looked around in a panic, eyes settling on FP as he came hurrying out of his room. “What the hell?” he looked around, then looked back to you. “What’s going on? What-”
“He knows.”
“What?” FP rushed over as the door closed behind you, reaching out for you, but you took a step back. “What the fuck is wrong?”
“He knows, Jones. He fucking knows.”
“Who knows? And what does he know? Baby, you need to calm down-”
“Jughead.” you cut him off, and thrust the pictures at him. He took them, eyes still on you, trying to figure out the fear and panic, but the second he looked down, he understood and the look on your face was almost mirrored in his. “He knows.”
“How the fuck..”
“He brought those to me, threw them on my desk, demanding answers.. What the fuck else was I supposed to do?” The tears were back, running freely down your cheeks. “He knows, Jones. It’s over.”
“No, hey, we’ll figure it out, okay? We’ll-”
“It’s only a matter of time. She was right, I never should have come to fucking Riverdale.”
“You don’t mean that..” he stepped closer again, but you shook your head and he stopped.
“I’m sorry. I should go.”
You turned, opening the door and all but ran out of his trailer and away from him. “Wait!” he called out after you, but you didn’t stop, just pulled open your car door and slammed it shut behind you. “WAIT!”  Without ever once looking back at him, you drove off.
He stood there for a minute, staring at where your car had been and then he headed inside, eyes going down to the pictures in his hand as the door shut behind him. Anger took hold. Once again, you had been ripped away from him, and this time possibly for good. With a yell, he threw the pictures at the wall with all his might.
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You left Riverdale in your rearview after you bolted from FP’s trailer. You drove and drove until you couldn’t anymore, then grabbed a cheap motel room for the night. The next morning, you hit a diner for breakfast, walked around in a daze, and eventually gassed up and started driving again.
You found yourself back in New York, staring at the hospital entrance. You weren’t sure where to go, who to talk to. You felt like you’d lost every connection you had and now you were in a tailspin. You let your head fall back and sighed before getting out of your car.
You were sitting in an old cushioned chair next to your mothers hospital bed. She was asleep when you first arrived, and you had stared at her. You hated her for how things had turned, but you also loved her as she’d been the only mother you had known. You were stuck between rage and pain and you didn’t know where to land.
Eventually she woke up, surprise on her face when she saw you, then she cried, begging for forgiveness, trying to explain everything, but you didn’t respond, didn’t even look at her once her eyes had opened. The nurse came in twice to check on her, her meal came and went, and yet, you hadn’t uttered a single word to her.
“Why are you here if you won’t talk to me?” she asked, after almost an hour of silence.
“I fucked him.���
“Forsythe Pendleton Jones the second. I fucked him.” You didn’t need to look over to know you had stunned her. “Remember that ‘boyfriend’, I mentioned? The one I couldn’t wait for you to meet?” you looked over at her and you couldn’t help but let out a sad chuckle. “It was him. It was him, mom. He was beautiful and sweet and kind, and he had a leather jacket and a motorcycle and I fucked him.” you spat the words at her. “It was good, mom. It was so fucking good. And then I found out he’s my father.”
Her mouth opened, but the glare you shot her before you turned away from her again made her mouth close. She let the silence and your confession sink in for a moment. “I-”
“Know what happened after I left here?” You didn’t want her apologies or her explanations again. “I went back to Riverdale. I went back to him, I demanded to know why he did it, why he hurt you. Know what happened?” you looked to her, watched how she waited for you to continue. “I fucked him again.” you shrugged. “Knowing he was my father, I fell right back into bed with him. What kind of person does that make me?” your face scrunched in horror and disgust at yourself.
“It’s not your fault, sweetie.” she spoke quietly, delicately. Like you were a wounded animal that needed soothing. “It’s mine. I should have told you a long time ago, I’m sorry.” You nodded to yourself, eyes on the floor as you tried desperately to keep the tears from falling again. “I’m glad you came back to see me, maybe we can talk, start to heal-”
“I came for a test, not to see you. I just figured while I waited I might as well come tell you that you were right.”
“Right about what, honey?”
“I never should have taken the job at Riverdale High. It ruined my life.”
“Oh, sweetie.” she breathed out, her voice filled with regret. “Wait, what test? Is everything okay?”
You looked up, finally looking her dead in the eyes. “I’m a week late. It’s either the stress of all this catching up with me, or I just made FP Jones both a father and a grandfather in one swoop. So what do I do, mom? What the fuck do I do now?”
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FP felt like he was losing his damn mind. For three days, he hadn’t heard from you. He’d been to your house, but you weren’t home. He heard at Pop’s that you hadn’t been to work. You weren’t returning his calls or his messages. Even Jughead hadn’t been home.
He felt alone.
When his door opened, and Jughead finally walked in some time after dinner, Jughead didn’t utter a word to his father. It was FP, sitting at the table with a beer, that broke the silence before Jughead could get past him and lock himself in the back room.
“You know, after everything that happened with Alice and then with your mother, I never thought I’d love anyone again.” FP looked up, meeting his son's eyes. Jughead stood in the middle of the kitchen, watching him. “Then I met her.”
“She’s your daughter.”
“I didn’t know that, Juggy. When all this started, I didn’t know that.”
“You knew the other night.”
FP nodded his head. “I did.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I didn’t even know I had a sister other than Jellybean. You should have told me. I shouldn’t have found out that way.”
FP nodded again. “I should have.”
“Why’d you still sleep with her again, dad?”
“I love her. I love her so fucking much.” FP admitted, eyes shutting as the ache in his chest returned. “And I think she’s gone for good this time.”
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piesandstars · 3 years
fun game one of my students introduced me to: two truths and a lie but it’s about things that happened on buckwild TV shows. they used supernatural, but i’m sure it would be equally fun with glee, riverdale, once upon a time, doctor who, any comic franchise, etc.
- Dean one time almost fell for a pair of cursed ballet shoes cause he just wanted to dance.
- Dean one time lusted after a poodle when he was partially transformed into a dog.
- Dean’s car one time turned into a human and tried to kill Sam.
reblog with your own examples cause i wanna play with a show i haven’t watched so bad
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Summary: Sweet Pea/Reader Request: reader was sexually assaulted by a friend of hers, & she distances herself from the friends, because they tell her that she’s lying & she opens up to sweet pea, maybe he comforts her? I just could use some comfort even in the form of sweet pea TW: Sexual Assault, Gaslighting, Verbal Abuse, Abusive Relationships/Friendships -Thoughts-  ~flashback~
You’re not sure what you were expecting when you’d gathered your friends at your usual hang out spot. You no longer shook at his presence but you weren’t expecting him to show up. Still you’d told them you had something important to say; with him there, his hand around your best friends waist had you shutting down. “Y/N, come onnnnnn you drag us all out here in the middle of the night for what? Is it about what happened at that party again? You know  Lance didn’t actually do anything, it was a dream is all.” -They were friends with him first, why would they believe you. Of course you were lying.- “I’m moving.” You shrug a little; not surprised when their faces don’t crumble. You’d barely been spending time with them after the party, after the incident as they’d called it. “When?” Lance tilts his head leering at you as he always seems to do now. “Three days.” “Where?” You shake your head.
“Close by apparently, job transfers and all.” You nod, they understand two of then had moved to the other side of town because of their parents getting job transfers. –Might as well lie about this, they think you’re lying about everything- Your parents hadn’t had any problem buying the trailer for you. They seemed relieved, being able to send you out of town to get away from your nightmares, your whining, -your lies- You’d discussed it with them, and they’d given you an ultimatum when you’d come home.
~~~You’re trying to sneak through your back window, of course your parents are awake, and of course Lance had called them saying how drunk you were, how high you’d gotten at the party. They don’t bother asking what happened, launching into a tirade about how irresponsible you are, how childish and immature. How you’re destroying any chance of a future for yourself. Your father spouts off about expecting you to end up knocked up from one of ‘these parties’. Your mother take a gentler approach compared to him. “How about this, there’s a nice covenant in Riverdale and-“ “I’ll go, but not to the sisters.” Your mother’s surprised at your agreement, your father beams. “We can get you one of those trailers, in that trailer park, we’ll pay for it, just keep your grades up. Three days to pack what you want.” He leaves after that, your mother does as well, you can hear them moving in their room and as you walk upstairs, head swimming and heart racing you catch yourself in the mirror. –Doesn’t even look like anything happened, just that you fell, you really did just get drunk and dreamed the whole thing up- You wake up the next morning, looking back in the mirror, you can’t help but cry, you’re shaking and dry heaving occasionally looking back into the mirror to catalogue the bruises and imprints he left against your skin. You decide about telling your friend, grabbing your first box and starting to pack your books.~~~
It’d taken you four days to move everything over and settle yourself in the trailer your parents had gotten; it’s in the back of the lot, barely still in the trailer park. You avoid any of your neighbors, trying your best to not panic as you make your way towards Riverdale High. You’re keeping your eyes on the floor. –They’re looking at you cause they know what you’ve done. You’re that liar that got thrown out from Centerville.- You cringe at your internal monologue, trying your best to shake it off, freezing when you crash into someone. “ You okay?” You look up, brushing yourself off and nodding, not looking at whomever you bummed into. “Sorry I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s no problem, where are you trying to find?” You look up into the boy’s face, hoping you’re not blushing, or if you are you can brush it off as the embarrassment from the fall. “Math, with-“ His hand nudges the schedule and you offer it to him. “Huh, you have almost all your classes with me, I can walk you to most of them, the only class you don’t have is science, but you have that with Fangs so-“ “Fangs?” You question and he beams. “My friend Fangs, I’m Sweet Pea, you are?” He holds his hand you for you to shake, handing you back your schedule. “Y/N.” “Did you just move here?”
“Yes, from Centerville.” “Centerville, Jesus, you glad you got out?” He whistles slightly and you sag in relief. “Yes, it was awful.” You relax, comforted by his similar reaction. “I can’t imagine, actually I don’t want to. Is it true that half of the main school have been in the corrections center?” “No, that would mean they got caught.” You offer a wry smile and Sweet Pea smiles back. “Well then, let’s hope none of them follow you here.” You laugh nervously nodding.
You’re thankful that Sweet Pea seems to keep you in his sights. It not hard considering you share all your classes so far. “So we can eat lunch with my friends if you want?” “Sure, sounds good.” –Don’t freak out. They’re not like yours were.- You follow Sweet Pea outside, toward a table with a group of guys in black leather; they’re joined by another group. You watch as they turn nodding to Sweet Pea. “Alright introductions then, everyone, this is Y/N. She moved from Centerville a few days ago.” You wave and the entire group at you.
“This is Toni and Cheryl, Cheryl’s Captain of the River Vixen’s, which feature, Veronica, Josie, and Betty; Betty’s dating Jughead, who’s leader of the Serpents, which includes Toni, Fangs, and me.” He gestures to each person as he names them. You wave to each of them and they wave back. “Is it a dumb question to ask what the Serpent’s are?” You’d heard whispers of them in Centerville but the rumors varied from an after school club to a prison run gang. “We’re a gang.” Fangs states and you nod, relieved at the open answer.
Sweet Pea had been the one to invite you to his trailer, you were nervous, but followed him in surprised when no one else was in. “You live alone?” “Yeah, it’s just easier, my parent’s have their own place I just wanted to stay.” He nods to the couch and you sit down watching him as he moves around his home. “Out of curiosity why did you move here of all places? Can’t have been for the ‘pep’ can it?” –Lie- “I uh, my parents were going to send me to the Sisters and-“You cringe at his frown. “Why?” -Lie to him. Lie to him.- “They thought it would be better for me.” –They didn’t want to deal with you; they were tired of the lies. Like your friends, like Sweet Pea will become.-
“Better how? Or is that one of those, not allowed to talk about it.” You shrug. “I just; I made some bad choices, got on the wrong track.” He drops the thread of the conversation instead asking how you’re finding Riverdale and how you feel about living in Sunnyside. He talks about himself telling you about chaining himself to his old school, and protesting about Riverdale trying to get rid of the Serpents.
It’s not long before Cheryl decides to throw a party for some reason or other, everyone is excited and you hope the terror you feel can be interpreted as the same. You arrive with the Serpent’s, specifically Sweet Pea, he’d insisted it was easier for everyone to carpool, and he had an extra helmet for his bike so it wouldn’t be a problem for you to ride with him. “Come on Y/N Cheryl’s parties get crazy it’ll be-“ Whatever he’s saying fades out, as you step forward.
~~~ “Seriously Y/N, it’ll be fine! No one will care you weren’t invited. Seriously just come in and have some fun!!” You offer a strained smile as you follow your friends stepping through the door to hear music blasting. You’re moving around the main room, cringing at the sound, you can’t hear your own thoughts, let alone anyone saying anything so when Lance appears holding out drinks for everyone, you think nothing of taking it. Everyone else is drinking why shouldn’t you.~~~
Sweet Pea holds something out to you and you recognize it as a water bottle. –Don’t take drinks from anyone, always watch your drink- You hesitate, but take it anyways, surprised when it’s sealed as you open it. “Come on everyone’s this way.” Sweet Pea herds you further in and you wait for his hand you touch your shoulder, to steer you where he wants you. –Upstairs to the bedrooms, god knows this place must have extra rooms no one will check in- He walks with you, hand hovering behind your back as you turn past the stairs and back through the kitchen to the backyard. You stare fearfully at the pool for a moment, stepping back, bumping into Sweet Pea’s arm.
“You okay?” –Lie.- “Fine.” You take a swig from the water bottle and notice how everyone’s gathered in a circle eating pizza. “Hey you two made it! Sorry about the secrecy Y/N, we usually do an inner circle party once a month!” Cheryl nods to you and you tilt your head. “Inner circle?”
“Yeah we’re all really close, we went through a lot together, you’re part of that now.” -They know, they know, they know.- “So, as usual Sins and Secrets time!! It’ll be interesting now since we have Y/N to confess to, and we get to hear her deepest secrets.” Toni laughs as Fangs explains the rules; Sweet Pea sits next to you. “Cheryl can go first to show you. Since it’s her party.” Toni nods. “I slapped Jughead when I thought his dad killed my brother.” You turn to the rest of them and they shrug. “That’s not that dark Cheryl..”
“I don’t want to scare her off. Come on Y/N confess.” –Lie, Lie Lie, if you tell the truth they’ll never talk to you again. You don’t have anywhere left to run, lie, lie lie.- “ I uh, I moved from Centerville because- I just-“ You swallow; you don’t realize someone’s arm is around you until they’ll pulling you closer. “Hey it’s okay, you don’t have to say anything.” You shake your head. “No you guys should know I’m a liar, get over with the realization you don’t want to be friends with me.” You swallow, shaking still as you look around at everyone.
“I left Centerville cause I lied about a lot of stuff, happening to me.” You can see Cheryl frowning, as do Veronica and Betty. “You lied about being sexually assaulted?” they guess and you nod, still shaking. “Why would you lie about that?” They sound upset, angry even. –You did it now, they’re going to hate you, might as well spill all of it.- “Well I mean we were dating so it’s not like it counted cause we were dating and even then I didn’t say no or anything I didn’t even try to leave.” –You tried to run he just was too fast, he didn’t want you to move, he gave you too much to drink, it wasn’t drugs they flushed out of your system too fast to be tested anyways.- “My, his friends agreed with him, it makes sense, I was just wanting attention cause he broke up with me, it wasn’t anything serious either way we just-“ You fade off watching everyone staring at you.
“Sorry, I just, I can leave it’s no problem for me to-“ “Fucking hell I can see why you left Centerville, full of rapists and people who look the other way.” You freeze. “What?” –No you’re supposed to hate me, I lied, I lied.- “That must have been horrible, I’m so sorry that happened to you.” “No, but it didn’t like everyone said I was just making it up, it wasn’t real so-“ –They’re angry for you. They want to hurt him as much as you do.- You quiet as they all seem to crowd you in comfort, Betty and Cheryl taking your hands and Toni awkwardly hugging you as Veronica nudges Sweet Pea away, you turn gripping for what you now know was his arm.
You’re not one hundred percent sure what the look they share is, but it flashes across all their faces and Sweet Pea offers to take you home moments later, you nervously grab a slice of pizza eating it as he leads you back out of the house and to his bike. “Hey, listen Y/N, I’m sorry all that happened to you.” You shrug. “I’m sure there’s been worse.” Sweet Pea sighs kicking the ground. “Just because there’s been worse doesn’t make what you went through okay.” You nod to him and he pulls you into a hug as he holds the helmet out to you.
You swing your leg over getting off as he pulls up to his trailer. “Sweet Pea, I, I didn’t tell them everything.” “Hey it’s okay, you don’t have to. It’s your choice to talk about it. “I, can I tell you?” He nods opening his door and sighing as you sit on the couch. He sits next you and you burrow under the blanket and into his side. He chuckles slightly and you smile up at him. “I’m here, you can tell me whatever you want.” You nod closing your eyes.
~Lance had brought you upstairs before leaving you to sit in the room for what felt like hours. You’d been confused, sluggish to respond when you’d felt the zip tie sliding against your wrist. “So you don’t run off and say anything.” His voice is distorted and you sit, sliding against the side of the bed trying to snap the tie off the post. You manage to dig it into your skin enough where you know it’ll leave a scar. Your knees are also bruised a product of trying to pull yourself free, using your own body as a counter weight. Lance returns laughing at you. His voice is echoing and you don’t realize its because he’s not alone. When he shoves you, jerking the tie back against your wrist and almost throwing you onto the bed is when you fall back into unconsciousness, whatever sedative combining with the drinks to knock you out.~
“What’s his last name?” Sweet Pea growls out and you shake your head. “Sweet Pea, please don’t he’ll know it was me.” “He’s going to need to answer for that, one way or the other. Serpent’s protect their own.” “That extends to friends?” You ask surprised, unsure how the Serpent’s manage to protect so many people. “Relationships.” “We’re not in a relationship.” You state confused when Sweet Pea seems shocked. “Sorry right, still, he’s going to pay for that.” “There’s more.” You reach for the water bottle on the table and Sweet Pea pulls it to you, you place it back on the table after drinking from it, shifting away from him slightly. “Y/N, come back, you don’t need to move away from me; I don’t think less of you.” You sigh shakily.
“You don’t need to tell me right now, take a break sweetheart, come here, come here.” He slowly reaches for you and you fold into his arms, as he tucks the blanket around both of you, you curl into him shaking as you sob. “They thought I was lying, they said they knew him best, they said-“ “Shhh, shhh love, it’s alright, it’s over, it’s over. You’re safe now.” You don’t bother nodding just sighing and laying your head on his chest. “Thank you.” You say as you start to drift off.
When you wake up you haven’t moved. Sweet Pea hasn’t either and you watch him for a moment trying his best to stretch his arm to grab at his phone, you reason his other hand would be far closer but it’s currently wrapped around you, you nudge him with your forehead and he turns. “You can move your arm, if you want.” “No.” He states and you frown. “It’s literally easier for you to do it with this arm, just move it.” You tug at the arm wrapped around you and he just tightens his grip.
“Just let got of me and I’ll grab it for you if you want.” Sweet Pea shakes his head pulling you back to his chest as you half struggle to get up. This causes you both to tip off the couch, you’re waiting for your head to smack against the floor but you open your eyes to see Sweet Pea smirking at you, your head cushioned by his arm. ‘See that’s why I didn’t want to move it.” “So it could get crushed by my head?” “No so it could protect you.” “Oh that’s dumb. I’m not-“ You close your mouth as he glares.
“If you say you’re not worth protecting I’m never letting you go.” “I’m not worth protecting.” You smile shyly, face flushed. “Was that serious or do you just want to mess with me?” “It’s semi-serious.” You counter and Sweet Pea shakes his head moving back to the couch nodding at you to do the same. “Semi-serious meaning.” “I’d very much like you to not let me go, but that’s just my preference.” Sweet Pea nods thoughtfully. “Come on.”
“Where are we going?” “Pop’s, it’s good one of our preference’s lined up, but now we have to see if others do.” “Pop’s the diner right?” He nods and you swing your leg over on his bike. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to judge me on my order.” “No just pay for it.” He shouts of the roar of his engine.
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prfectionfaked · 3 years
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𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗭𝗔𝗕𝗘𝗧𝗛  ‘ 𝗕𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 ’  𝗖𝗢𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗥  𝗔𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗦  /  𝟬𝟬𝟭.       personals  do  not  interact  ;  mutuals  may  interact.      ©
     you  are  torn  in  two,  living  two  lives  side  by  side  and  trying  to  keep  them  as  separate  as  you  can  for  as  long  as  you  can.      in  one  life,  you  are      ELIZABETH  COOPER,  GIRL  NEXT  DOOR      ,  best  friends  with  archie  andrews,  jughead  jones,  reggie  mantle  and  veronica  lodge,  the  perfect  student  and  daughter  to  hal  and  alice  cooper,  always  willing  to  help  anyone  with  anything,  spending  your  free  time  getting  yours  hand  covered  in  grease  as  you  tinker  with  a  car.      but  you  are  constantly  living  a      LIE      ,  you  make  up  excuses  for  the  bruises  and  the  cuts  because  you  cannot  explain  the  truth,  you’re      PROTECTING      everyone  you  love  from  the  dark  truth  about  this  world  and  two  very  prominent  families  in  riverdale.      you  are  also  laying  in  wait,  waiting  for  the  signs  of  the  beat  living  inside  one  of  your  friends,  waiting  for  that  moment  you  can’t  ignore  the      TRUTH      and  your  two  lives  will  come  crashing  together.      in  your  other  life,  you  are      ELIZABETH  COOPER,  WEREWOLF  HUNTER      ,  trained  to  kill  by  your  aunt  elena  cooper,  and  trying  to  survive  because  you’d  be  damned  if  you  let  one  of  these  things  be  the  reason  you  die.      you  have  a  family  birth  right,  an  oath  to  protect  the  world  against  the  curse  of  werewolves,  especially  the  curse  living  inside  the  jones  family  who  continue  to  pass  it  down  throughout  the  generations.      it  is  up  to  you  to  make  sure  they  stop  hurting  people  and  take  out  the  curse  of  werewolves.      but  how  do  you  do  that  when  the  so  called  monster  is  your  friend?      what  do  you  do  when  your  lives  collide  and  you  begin  to  question  the  way  you  were  raised?      how  can  you  continue  when  both  your  lives  have  collided  and  all  you  want  to  do  is  continue  to  be      ELIZABETH  COOPER,  BEST  FRIEND      ?
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FP//The Midnight Club (part 5)
hey!! here’s part 5 if anybody cares. and here’s part 4 if you need to catch up! i hope everyone is doing well! and if you’re not, thats okay. everybody has dark days but they will get brighter. i promise. 
Usually a week drags in Riverdale, but when you’ve got three more weeks of weekend detention, they go by way too fast. In the blink of an eye, its 9am on Saturday morning again, and you’re all sat in the same room as you were last week.
A lot has changed in the past week. After last weeks detention, you and FP had an actual series conversation, and even though you still haven’t forgiven him, you’re trying your best to move past it. Not for your sake, but for the baby’s. No matter how much a dick he may have been, FP still has a right to be in it’s life, and he still helped make it so, it’s not like you’ve got much of a choice. 
Plus, it’s not like you want to go through this alone. You’ve watched Alice the past week, and you can safely say you don’t want to go through that. The stares, the whispers, the people shuffling away from her. 
Right now, its just a rumor. Of course you know the truth, so does FP, Sierra and Hermione. But to everybody else its just something Alice has said to ruin FP’s reputation. Everyone knows she likes him...a lot, and so they’ve figured she’s just making it up to spite him. 
But soon, people are going to notice the growing bump, and even worse they’re going to notice you’re matching one. So if you’re going to go through this, you’d rather FP be at your side...at least for now, until you can figure out what to do. 
“Welcome to Saturday Detention...again.” Principal Featherstone’s smug voice feels like fingernails against a blackboard. You lean your head on the desk and pout at FP who’s sat beside you. He returns it making you giggle a little and you hear Alice scoff behind the two of you. 
“Just ignore her.” FP mumbles and presses a kiss to your head.
“Its nice to see you all back...especially you Miss Smith seeing as though you disappeared half way through last weeks.” He looks at Alice and she smiles back at him sarcastically. “I also see we’ve got a few new faces in as well. Hiram Lodge and Tom Keller, very nice of you to join us.”
Featherstone starts registration but no one pays attention to him. Sierra and Tom are too busy sharing notes between them and failing to hide their laughter. Penelope is already working on her essay, despite not knowing the subject and it makes you wonder if she somehow broke into his desk to find out what it was to get a head start. Hiram and Hermione share shy looks and soft smiles that end in Hermione blushing and quickly looking away. Alice sits in the corner, playing with her pen while staring up at the ceiling, and you sit beside FP, a hand resting on your invisible bump as you try and keep your breakfast down.
Morning sickness seems to have hit you hard, and no matter how much makeup you put on, you still look paler than usual. FP holds your hand in his, squeezing it every so often to try and distract you.
The bad girl
“Alice Smith?”
The rebelling Catholic
“Hermione Gomez?”
The teachers pet
“Penelope Blossom?”
The artist athlete
“Fred Andrews?”
The political animal
“Sierra Samuels?”
The good girl
“Y/n Y/ln?”
The ladies man
“Forsythe Pendleton Jones, Jr?”
The criminal
“Hiram Lodge?”
And the sheriff
“Tom Keller?”
As soon as the last name is called, Penelope’s hand goes straight into the air and you and FP share an annoyed look.
“Yes, Miss Blossom?”
“What’s the essay topic this week?”
“This week, I want you to write another 1000 word essay on why you think you’re here.” He replies and everyone groans again. “Don’t have fun. I’ll be back at lunch.” He finishes before walking out and into his office.
Lunch time rolls around and its spent in your own little groups.
Alice sits on the windowsill and assaults the aging wood with her knife. Penelope scribbles furiously against the paper and by the time you stop for lunch she’s had to ask for more paper twice. Fred twirls around another pair of drumsticks he was hiding in his bag, and every so often he bangs them against the desk, trying to come up with a tune.
Sierra and Tom spend the majority of the three hours making out in the corner of the room, Hermione and Hiram do the same in the opposite corner. And you and and FP spend the three hours doodling stupid pictures on your paper, whispering in each others ears and sharing quick kisses.
After lunch though, your previous activities get boring and you all are looking for something else to do. You lean your head on FP’s shoulder as the nine of you try and come up with something to keep you entertained.
You don’t really want a repeat of last week, it ended with secrets being spilled and fights being started. Nobody has talked about what was revealed, but it the knowledge of each other’s lives hang heavy over your heads. 
You ask Fred how his father is doing and he always replies with a small shrug and forced smile. You and FP have even been over a few times, just so Fred isn’t alone with him. You keep him and his father company, talking about school and football and it seems to cheer up both him and his dad, even if its just for a little bit. 
You all watch Tom and Sierra talk in corridors and try and hide the pity in your eyes when they part ways to go to class. You notice how they scoot closer to each other in class or at lunch, trying desperately to be seen by each other but not anyone else.  
Fred has asked FP if he wants to hang out after class more, so for the past week he’s been shared between you and Fred. He goes to see Fred while you’re at Vixen practice or studying, and then when he knows your home, he sneaks in through your bedroom window to spend the night with you. 
Everyone has noticed just how much time Penelope spends at school, even after classes. She sits in the library for hours on end, reading whatever book she can find and you can’t help but feel sympathetic. A few times you’ve found yourself sitting at the same table as her while doing homework. Neither of you say anything, but she knows you’re there, and even though she won’t say anything, she’s grateful for the company. 
“Hey Y/n.” Fred says, breaking the silence and pulling everyone from their daydreams of going home. You sit up and hum a reply. “You didn’t get to play secrets and sins last week.”
“Thats okay.” You shrug and lean back in your chair.
“Well, we’ve got nothing better to do. You may as well have a go.” Sierra says and you glance at FP for help.
“Yeah, come on Y/n. Spill your guts.” Alice teases and you send her a look. She’s been quietly fuming for the past week, every time she see’s you and FP playing happy, a deep scowl settles on her face and it doesn’t seem to go away. 
“Shut up Alice.” FP mutters.
“There’s nothing really to tell.” You reply and hold your hands up.
“We all know thats a lie.” Alice continues and slowly walks towards you and FP.
You look at FP unsure of what to do and he shifts in his seat, holding onto your hand tightly. The rest of the group sit and watch on confused. Everyone knows of the tension between you, FP and Alice. But this looks like something more.
If only the knew how much more there was.
“Don’t.” You mumble, only FP and Alice hear and a smirk twitches at the corners of her mouth. She looks at FP who gives her a pleading expression and a part of her almost doesn’t want to do it.
“Y/n? Is there a reason you and FP are so cozy all of a sudden. I thought the last you heard he’d got some other girl pregnant. Have you forgotten that or is there another reason you’re playing happy families.” You flinch at the last word and shuffle further towards FP.
“Shut the fuck up Alice.” FP warns and stands up. Alice also stands and the two of them glare at each other while you sit in the middle of it and try your hardest not to cry.  
“Whats wrong FP? Why does the word family make you so upset? Oh thats right, because you’re starting one aren’t you.”
“Nobody believes its mine Alice.” He replies and you look at your hands. You’re not so sure about that. In fact you know its his, why would he go to her and tell her they’ve got a problem if its not because he’s gotten both of you pregnant.
“Thats not the family I’m talking about. No, you don’t care about your bastard child, it’s the legitimate one I’m talking about.”
“What?” Hermione asks the question thats on everybody’s lips as they watch the interaction. But before she has a chance to answer, a chair dragging against the floor stops it and within an instant you’re up and out the door.
“Thats right.” She smiles. “I’m not the only girl Jones knocked up. Am I?”
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