#rip rap river run
i-am-mycroft-holmes · 9 months
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Phoenix Landscape Natural Stone Pavers Inspiration for a mid-sized southwestern full sun backyard stone landscaping.
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illyrian-dreamer · 3 months
And Then There Were None – Part 1
Synopsis: In the lead up to the war, Hybern releases a catastrophic spell that wipes out all humans, sparing just one.
Abandoned in the desolate human lands, you scavenge to survive long enough to find your family.
Reluctantly, you are found by the Shadowsinger as fate intervenes to guide you under his watchful eye.
Part 2>>>
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Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Death, blood, suggestions of miscarriage
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Twigs snapped beneath your boots, your steps heavy with exhaustion as you stumbled through yet another town, as barren and deserted as the last one. 
Exhaustion and dehydration weighed heavy, wisps of dust caking your skirts, your boots the only thing to disturb the rubble in days. 
There was no concern for a carriage that might pull up behind, or a bossy merchant to yell at you to clear the path. While the ghosts of the life that once flourished echoed in closed shops and abandoned stalls, you stopped looking over your back days ago.
There were no plumes of smoke from chimneys, no distant chatter or laughter or cries. Safe from the occasional grunts or mews of abandoned cattle - there was not a single sign of life, and no human in sight for the past ten days.
A jarring cramp ripped from your abdomen, pulling you from delirium with urgency.
Water, food, bathe and sleep. That was why you were here.
You tried not to think about how quickly resources were depleting, even though you were sure you were the only one using them. Without people to treat water, the stagnant liquid became increasingly dangerous. And you couldn’t farm a vegetable to save your life, and had spent too long journeying to have tended to any crops.
You’d have to go further into the woods soon, find a fresh stream, perhaps hunt too. But you'd need strength for that, and you had just about run out.
At least it was spring, and at least the trees bloomed with fruit as you travelled from town to town, feet blistered and chapped. You cursed you parents for not teaching you formidable survival skills - fighting, hunting, even the ability to ride a gods damned horse would have been an incomparable luxury these past hellish days. 
A clang of guilt, and frustration quickly churned to longing. Gods, you hoped they were alive. You would do anything to have them here, to journey this devastating isolation together, the little ones too. You prayed to the Mother for the umpteenth time that day that they were safe and well. 
It was not a concern when you woke to an empty house almost a fortnight earlier. Your father was likely at the market, your mother hard at work at the tailor in town. Your siblings were hard to catch at this time of year, with school out of term and the warm spring air, they would spend each waking moment by the river if your parents let them. 
It wasn't until you spotted your fathers wheelbarrow through the speckled glass of your kitchen window, held by rotting wood. Empty and unmoved, his tools lay flat on the ground, untouched since the day before. You could have sworn he told you he’d be at the market by dawn. 
Scanning the room, your eyes flicked to the doorway where your mothers workbag lay untouched. Needles sat poked in balls of yarn as stray thread sprawled over leather - but an eery stillness sang to you at your parent’s tools. 
Names and calls went unanswered, and after a quick search of the home you ran outside, urgent to ask your neighbours where they had gone, your heart fastening with every step.
Too frantic to observe the lack of movement and noise from your own street, you rapped on the door, waiting only a few seconds to push the rattling screen and forcing your way in.
Names went unanswered again, and it was instinct that steered you straight for the nursery. You halted at the sight of new born's empty crib, blankets rippled as if the babe was taken straight from it’s sleep.
Your calls turned frantic as you scoured each room, an upsetting, looming sensation creeping over your skin.
Bursting from the home, you shielded your eyes from the bright sun as you scanned the street with urgency. Your only greeting was a quiet breeze and snort of a horse left abandoned by a cart - as if it had stopped it's journey halfway through.
In a panicked haze, you searched the next home, and the next, and the next. The dizziness found you then. 
Clearly there was an emergency of some kind. But you had been abandoned, left to sleep until midday amongst the quiet. The thought pained you.
More calls to anyone who might have stayed behind, yet still no answer. Your heart was a thunder in your ears. 
Had the war finally reached you? Had your family fled in the dead of the night? You shook the thought from your head – they would have woken you, would have needed your help to escape with the youngens.
And then you were running – yelling, sprinting through the dusty streets, voice breaking as you dashed from home to home, shop to shop, calling, crying, pleading.
You were utterly alone. You had been left there, alone. 
In a swarm of panic, you pressed a palm at your heart, willing yourself to calm. It was a dream, surely. You were not abandoned, only stuck in a nightmare, the kind that often found you as murmurs of Hybern’s army reaching human lands became louder. 
In that dizzying thought, you willed yourself awake, forcing your eyes open to the walls of your dark and cramped room, to the noises as your siblings shouting and playing from downstairs, to the whistle of the kettle and the creak of the wood as your father came to wake you.
But the light was blinding, the sun as true as the your abandonment.
Beads of sweat that ran down your neck, a gnawing anxiousness building in your stomach as it heaved and cramped, nausea and panic churning to one. 
Something truly terrible had happened.
And in that moment of utter disbelief, a stabbing pain ripped from your stomach, so great it forced a whimper from your throat. 
As silent trickles of blood ran from your thighs to your knees, tracing your calves beneath the fabric of your skirt, you found a numbing sort of courage. Pushing your legs forward, you mindlessly heeded the road out of your home town, and on to the next. 
People. You needed to find people.
Ten days, and still not a single sole in sight. Each home, each tavern, each market and farm left eerily untouched. 
The silence was enough to drive you mad, if not besides the aide you so desperately sought. This was not your cycle - although the pains were familiar. You had known what you were, what this was.
Almost a fortnight, yet the blood still came. Slower now, spotting instead of trickles. You had stolen clothing from abandoned shops, food and water too. But you were distraught, moments away from folding into utter madness. And you were weak – very, very weak.
Water, food, a bath and rest. A list you repeated to yourself, your body begging to prioritise sleep with every step as you approached a farm at the town’s edge.
With a weak hand, you pushed past the gate to the yard, large rusty barrels sat open where a cow and her calf now drank. The water was murky with a distinct smell, but it would have to do. Tomorrow, you’d find fresh water tomorrow.
The trembling hand that dipped to the cool water hardly looked like your own. Dirt lay thick under your nails, your skin littered with cuts from the countless times you had shattered windows of stores and traders homes, scouring the stock for preserved goods and weapons. 
Bringing the cool liquid to your lips, you ignored the taste of iron as you willed it to soothe your throat - hoarse from the endless calls that went unanswered.
Ears pricking at sudden growl behind you, you jerked at the site of a pack of dogs who approached on stealthy paws. Their eyes were hungry - flicking between you and the calf. Once loyal farming dogs you were sure, now abandoned by owners and left to fend for themselves. They had formed packs - clever things. While you were sure they couldn't kill you, you didn't have the strength to fight an infection if they got close enough to sink their teeth. 
From your side, you unsheathed the hunting knife you had looted from a previous town. Swinging it with unpracticed skill, you shouted at the pack, your heart thundering as you waited for them to recline on hindered paws and leap. 
They pack seemed to weigh you up, deciding the calf was an easier target. You fled inside the house before you could see it meet it’s end. 
The home was neat, and you almost cried at the sight of a loaf of bread sitting atop the kitchen counters. Mould had attacked it’s edges, but you tore at it, fisting mouthfuls of the centre, dry crumbs coating your throat it was an effort not to choke.
Your stomach lurched, unhappy with the quality of the food and water, but you didn't care. You were on step closer to rest.
Another jarring cramp from your stomach, and you faltered, gripping at the wooden table as you trembled to keep yourself upright. This ailment, how much longer would you last? Sleep begged at you, your body moments from giving out. You’d have to forgo the bath, and prayed to the mother you’d find the strength for it in the morning.
Forcing yourself to the bedroom, swaying with each stumbled step, consciousness was already slipping as you collapsed on the bed, clothes and boots in tact. 
It was a feverish sleep, your body doused in sweat as you stirred often, jolting awake in panics, phantom calls of your family mixed with the flap of wings, and the crunch of stone and rock under heavy boots.
Then a voice, voices – ones you were sure they were part of your slumber. 
But as those footsteps got closer, you woke in a startle, your heart fastened as you blinked furiously. 
Voices. Humans. People. Alive, well enough to talk. 
You leapt from the bed, ignoring the spin of your head as you clambered to the window, peering behind sheer drapes to the street in front.
Your stomach sank. Lurched. Then sank again. 
A large, demonic figure stalked for the home. Wings arched behind it’s head, it’s figure blackened by the leathers it bore, sword and knives strapped around. 
And, wisps of some kind. Deadly, reaping magic.
Fae had come. 
Knees buckling, you stumbled back a few steps. 
The world around you reeled as adrenaline coursed through. You would have just moments to prepare if you wanted a chance to survive. 
Knife. Your hunting knife. Still strewn at your hip.
Grasping it’s hilt tightly with a trembling hand, you scanned the room for the best place to hide. 
The cupboard was too obvious, and there was room under the bed - but there’d be not enough to swing your knife, only enough for them to drag you by the ankle… 
The gentle click of the front door opening, and it took all you had not to whimper in panic.
Scrambling for the door as quietly as possible, you pressed your palm to your mouth, begging yourself not to cry as you pressed yourself behind the wood.
From what you could hear over the thunder of your heart, the steps of the fae were quiet despite it’s size. 
“Anything in there?” a deep voice boomed from the street. You jolted at the volume. More than one, then.
There was no reply from the creature in the home, only the creak of the wood as it made it’s way through. 
“Really, Azriel? Are we to check every home?” Female this time, impatience and ignorance laced in the somehow ancient voice.
No response again, instead a footstep, right by the door.
Something tickled your ankles then, and it was beyond you to stifle your compulsive scream. 
Black furling wisps coated your boots.
And then the door opened.
The creature made it one step inside before you had aimed your knife for it’s heart. 
A prepared, cool hand caught your wrist inches from it’s chest. Your bones crushing in it’s grasp, and you let out a yelp of pain. 
It’s face - his face - was one of shock. “S-sorry,” he stuttered, dropping his grip all together. 
You blinked back in shock, ignoring at the throb of your wrist as you snatched it back. 
For a dumb moment, you stared at each other with equally wide eyes. The male didn't seem to know what to do. 
“You’re human? How are you here, where-?"
The males sentence was clipped short as you drove the knife towards his chest again. 
Quick as an asp, he caught you by the forearm this time, more gently too. 
Hazel eyes scanned you, his features schooling as he called over his shoulder. “I’ve found someone.”
You were sure you looked mad, grunting with the effort to pull your arm from him, breaths ragged, eyes and hair wild. The male studied you as he might a rabid animal. 
Behind him appeared an even taller male, his form more terrifying than the one that gripped you. 
“Mother above,” the new one whispered, scanning you in the way the first one had. 
“L-let go of me,” you rasped, pulling your arm back, tears stinging at the pain of you surely broken wrist began to swell. 
It was a odd detail to note, the scars and ripples of the fae’s hand as he gently unfurled your fingers, prying the hunting knife from you before releasing his grip. 
“Let me see,” the female’s voice piped from behind, the males struggling to fold their wings further, cramming into the room to let her through. 
You faltered back on instinct, legs hitting the edge of the bed. 
As the female broke through the males, harsh silver eyes scanned you up and down. She was half their height, a little shorter than you actually, but the depth of her gaze kept your hands by your side.
“Seems the Mother has spared one after all,” she muttered, nose crumpling at your scent. 
Your answered with a scowl. 
“What is your name?” it demanded. 
“Amren,” the taller male warned, his eyes flicking back to you with softness. 
You refused to answer. Couldn’t if you wanted to. 
Amren sighed, casting her head sideways to the one with rippled hands. “She bleeds.”
“I know,” he answered, hazel eyes not breaking from you. You blushed, furious and humiliated. 
He stepped around her then, the movement graceful and soft despite his size. 
“You need aide.”
You gulped, unable to process his words. “L-leave me be,” you demanded, voice hoarse as you tried to create more distance between you and it. 
He crouched in front of you then, leathers stretching against ripples of muscle. You noticed them then, jewels, saphires, humming from his body as if they were alive.
He followed your eyes curiously, before answering you with a soft smile. 
“These are siphons,” he said plainly, giving one a friendly tap. 
You snapped your eyes back to him, disgust forming your features. “You are here on behalf of Hybern?”
The female snorted from behind, earning a shove from the larger male beside her, his siphons glowing red.
The one in front of you studied you. “No, absolutely not.” 
You scowled, not inclined to believe them. 
“We come one behalf of our High Lord Rhysand, and High Lady Feyre. Rulers of the Night Court. Do you know of them?”
Feyre - the human women who had freed the fae from the grasp of their enemy. You knew the story, the heroic tale of a human women who gave her life for the male she loved. Had heard of her triumphs Under the Mountain, that she had been made into fae herself in exchange for her sacrifice. 
“The-the curse breaker?”
A small smile cocked on both of the males faces. 
“That’s right,” the one crouched in front answered. “She sent us to retrieve you.”
A panic surged within you. “Me?” you spat. Oh the ignorance of the fae, as if you were some pawn to pluck and place elsewhere. 
Azriel frowned, eyes dancing as he realised the mistake in his words. “To help you, of course. There has been-"
"No-n-no. My family, they will seek for me-"
Azriel's brow pulled with softness, his tone falling flat. "We will search for them. Meanwhile, you must see a-"
“Where are the others?” Your voice was louder now, eyes dancing in panic, chest rising with fastening breaths. Had they taken them too? “The people, they've left, I don't know-"
“We are searching for others. You are… the first we have found.”
Your mind reeled. How could that be? You had searched by foot - but with those wings, and the strength and power of fae…
���WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE OTHER HUMANS?” the volume of your voice shocked even yourself, that strength, that demand from deep within your chest. 
Azriel gave you a pained look, before standing to turn to his counterparts. “Amren, can you heal-?”
“I’m spent,” she cut off the male with a flick of her fingers. “Those canines out back were hardly enough to keep me going until sundown, so forget about healing. Unless you suggest I drink her blood, though I doubt she’d survive.”
Mother above.
You were too hazed to see the glare both of the males cut her.
“Then she will need to see a healer before we can continue.”
“She might refuse,” the larger one countered. 
“If she’s smart, she won’t. She won't survive out here on her own,” Amren muttered, cleaning her nails as she leaned one on leg, checking her cat-like claws for flecks of blood. 
They continued their mutter without once turning to you.
“There is no option here. I’ll take her to Velaris, and return once she’s safe.”
A shaking, blubbering anger grew within you, the creatures in front of you as ignorant and obnoxious as you had always been told fae are – to discuss your own fate as if you weren't in the room.
A killer instinct flared in you then, and you remembered the second knife you bore, hidden within your corsette. A pocket knife, a tool from your father to help pit and peel the fruit from his farm. 
The oak handle was cool in your left hand, the right throbbing and limp. With the last remains of energy,  you pushed up from the bed, swinging with all your strength - aiming for the blue-siphoned back. 
In a graceful turn, the male caught your arm for the third time. You had to blink at the speed with which he stopped you. 
Bracing for cruel, unforgiving anger, you were instead met with sympathetic eyes. 
Loathing coiled within you. 
“Release me,” you spat.
“I’m sorry to do this,” was all he said, and then pads of those rippled fingers were grasping your jaw, pressing to the pressure points of your neck with precision. 
Grunting to fight his grasp, you didn’t struggle long before a ringing in your ear grew to defeating silence and the world tipped to black. 
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Part 2 >>> AN: HELLLOOO! And welcome to ATTWN - massive shout out to @kindasleepywriter for finding the perfect name for this series! I so so hoped you liked part 1. I edited it like a million times, still not 100% happy with it, but I think I just needed to get it out. Fair warning - this fic won't be light hearted, our reader is going to go through some really heavy stuff. I'll of course put my warnings ahead of each part, but please know I plan to explore some darker themes surrounding mental health etc. If you'd like to join the tag list for this fic, let me know in the comments! Always love hearing your feedback, and thank you so much for reading! <3 Nic
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Twilight Imagine
Imagine: Being Jacob Black's younger sister and having to adjust to changes in your life.
Knock, knock...
"Jake?" You rap lightly on his door. As usual, he doesn't answer so you slowly open up the door. His room is unkept which isn't unusual for him, but the smell of damp clothes that almost smell dog-like is what catches you off guard. "Jake, you've got to get up." 
No response. 
You sigh, and walk over to sit on the edge of his bed. When you reach out to touch his leg, he pulls it away and rolls over to cover his pillow over his head. "Jake, I know you don't want to hear this." Pulling your hand away, you walk over to the side of the bed and lift his pillow up slightly. With an exasperated sigh, he rips it out of your hand and rolls over on his other side. "Dad's worried about you. And frankly, so am I... I- I miss my big brother." You look down at the ground. "Quil and Embry never talk to me anymore, because they're always out with Sam doing who knows what." As you close your eyes, you think about hanging out with your brother and his friends. When Bella's face flashes into your head, you grit your teeth and stand up. "I hate that she's done this to you!" You yell, pushing his shoulder a little harder than you intended. You're not sure where that anger came from, and your body starts to shake slightly with anger. 
Along with the tremors, your body starts to feel like it's quickly generating heat and the room starts to spin slightly. "Whoa." You mutter, grabbing Jacob's nightstand for stability. 
"Y/N...?" You hear him as quietly as he lifts the pillow slightly to look over at you. 
"Yeah, I'm... I'm okay." You say, taking in a deep breath and closing your eyes. When you open them again, the room returns to normal and you feel the shaking subside. The heat, however, seems to only be getting progressively worse. "I think I've got a fever, or something." When you look back at him, you see that this seems to have caught his interest as he hasn't stopped staring at you. "It's nothing. I'm more worried about you than me." Walking over to his closet, you grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and toss it at his feet. "Get dressed, Dad's made breakfast. You need to eat." Again, you think about how Bella's turned your brother into a useless lump and the anger causes the heat and tremors to increase. Holding your head and stumbling to the door, you add "I'll meet you in the kitchen in a second. I- I need some air." 
"Y/N...!" You hear Jake as you slam his door shut, hearing the wood on the door frame splinter a lttle from the force of the impact. 
"What's happening to me...?" You mutter under your breath, stumbling past your dad and out the front door. 
"Y/N, wait!" Your dad says, wheeling around to watch you open the screen and trip down the front porch steps. 
"I- I just need some air!" You yell, the tremors only getting worse. Not knowing which way you're going, you take a deep breath and focus hard enough to feel the spinning subside long enough to be able to break out into a sprint. Startled by how fast you seem to be moving, you only use that fear to make your body go faster. You reach the tree line of the forest and don't stop until you reach the river. 
"Sam, she's over here!" You hear a faint voice that's far enough away you know you shouldn't have been able to hear it say. 
"...Paul?" You ask, wheeling around quickly which only makes the spinning sensation return. Stumbling down, aching to make this burning heat sensation subside, you reach the water and trip over a rock as you fall onto your stomach into the water. It's icy cold to the touch and only seems to bring you temporary relief. Steam seems to be rising all around you, and you left up your right arm to see that it seems to be one of the sources of it. "What...?" You say, hopping back up and running until you cross the river. 
"Y/N, no!" You hear Paul's voice say again, this time much more clearly than before which tells you he must be getting closer. Not knowing which direction you're heading in, you struggle to push yourself to continue to walk forward. It's only when your wet shoes hit the damp earth that you know you must be on the other side of the river, which your dad has told you is technically off of the reservation which you should never do alone. 
"Well, what have we hear?" A man with a french accent says. Gripping a nearby tree, you're able to get your bearings long enough to look up and see his red eyes. His pale but olive skin almost looks as though it's shimmering under the small ray of light that's starting to peak out from behind the clouds above you. "You look like you're a bit far from home, don't you?" He takes a step closer and the trembling and heat wave only seem to be getting worse. 
Ever fiber of your being is telling you to run, so you do so. Shoving past him, you hear his cold laugh as you see the world around you start to blur together. Whether it's because everything's still spinning or you're running faster than you ever have before, you're not sure. You don't make it very far before you hear a snarl and feel cold hands shove you to the ground. With a quick motion, those hands flip you onto your back and you come face to face with his ruby red eyes. 
"Get off!" You yell, feeling a snarl erupt from your own lips you've never heard. 
"Y/N, where are you?!" You hear Jacob's faint voice call out. 
"JAKE!" You yell as loud as you can, the trembling in your body only getting continually worse. 
"Guess we don't have much longer together." The man looks over his shoulder. "I can smell them... they're getting close. Wait, colder... warmer... warmer... hot. Kind of like you, trembling young wolf." 
"Oh... you have no idea, do you?" He smirks. "And you never will." His dreadlocks fall into your face as he inches his towards your own in a swift motion. A ripping sensation in your neck makes you scream in a way you never have before, that almost sounds inhuman... Letting the shaking take over, you shove the man off and send him flying into a tree. With another defiant scream, you feel your body succumb to the shaking and hear another ripping sensation as your clothes begin to tear away, 
"...what...?!!" You think, taking a step but falling onto all fours instead. What surprises you the most, is the fact that the ground is much further away than it should be, and that there are auburn and brown large paws where your hand should be. 
"Nighty night, sweetheart." The man winks, and runs off. 
"Jake..." You hear to yourself, feeling a new warm sensation unlike what you were feeling before. This one... hurts. It's as though someone has injected you with acid and your body's melting from the inside out. 
"Y/N!" You hear Quil, Sam, Paul, and Jacob all call out, and can see the splashing over water just beyond the treeline. 
"Just got to make it to... the... river..." You think, heart pounding out of adrenaline from the sensation. You will yourself to move your hand- paw to take a step, and see the boys' heads in the treeline. Opening your mouth to speak, you instead let out an inhuman whimper before trying to take another step. Your right paw buckles beneath you and the ground suddenly becomes a lot closer before your vision starts to darken. 
"Y/N, hang on!" Jake says, panting breathlessly. "Sam, is she phasing? What's happening?!" He asks helplessly. 
Sam, an man just a couple of years older than Jacob who you only know took Jake, Quil, and Embry away from you to join his group to do things you've never been told about kneels by your side to examine you. The burning sensation has started to reach your lungs, and you're finding it harder to take a deep breath. On your next breath, you let out another whimper of fear, no longer being afraid of why your skin has been replaced by fur but rather of the pain and poison spreading throughout your body. 
"No, this is different." Sam says, lifting your large auburn and brown head slightly. When he pulls his hand away, you see blood and everyone's eyes widen. "She's been bitten." 
"No..." Jacob says, and Embry puts a hand on his shoulder as Jacob puts a hand where your now oversized one is. 
"Paul, you and Jared find the vampire who did this." Sam orders, and you're able to lift your head just enough to watch their looks of concern fade away as they nod in obedience and break off into a sprint, their own bodies shaking and steaming just like yours did as they do so. 
"Y/N, just hang on..." Jake says, choking back a sob. "We can fix this... I'm going to call someone... Edward's dad, or something. I think he's a doctor." 
"No, Jacob." Sam commands. 
"What choice do I have, Sam?? She's my little sister! You can't just expect me to sit here and watch her die!" Jacob yells. 
Sam puts a hand on his shoulder, looking between you and your brother. "Am... am I dying?" You think. 
"Not if I can help it." Jake mutters, pulling out his phone. 
"Whoa..." You think, taking in another sharp ragged breath. You look at Sam who gives you a nod to give you the answer to your unspoken question about whether they can hear what you're thinking or not. 
The pain causes your body to seize up for a second, and the world slowly begins to fade away into nothingness. The last thing you see before your eyes close is your own human russet hand holding Jacob's. 
To be continued... 
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ctxrover · 3 years
Top lyrics Bruce Springsteen can go fuck himself for writing
1) Sometimes I feel so weak I just want to explode/explode and tear this whole town apart/take a knife and cut this pain from my heart (The Promised Land - Darkness on the Edge of Town)
2) I wanna find one face that ain’t looking through me/I wanna find one place, I wanna spit in the face of these badlands (Badlands - Darkness on the Edge of Town)
3) Those memories come back to haunt me/they haunt me like a curse/is a dream a lie if it don’t come true/or is it something worse (The River - The River)
4) Sit around getting older/there’s a joke here somewhere and it’s on me (Dancing in the Dark - Born in the USA)
5) Is there anybody alive out there/I just wanna hear some rhythm (Radio Nowhere - Magic)
6) Baby this town rips the bones from your back/it’s a death trap/it’s a suicide rap/we gotta get out while we’re young (Born to Run - Born to Run)
7) I was open to pain and crossed by the rain/and I walked on a crooked crutch/I strolled all alone through a fallout zone/and came out with my soul untouched/I hid in the clouded wrath of the crowd/but when they said “sit down”, I stood up (Growin’ Up - Greetings from Asbury Park NJ)
8) Well now everything dies, baby, that’s a fact/but maybe everything that dies someday comes back (Atlantic City - Nebraska)
9) It’s like someone took a knife, baby, edgy and dull, and cut a six inch valley through the middle of my skull (I’m on Fire - Born in the USA)
10) Through the mansions of fear, through the mansions of pain/I see my daddy walking through those factory gates in the rain (Factory - Darkness on the Edge of Town)
11) We learned more from a three minute record, baby, than we ever learned in school (No Surrender - Born in the USA)
12) Poor man wanna be rich/rich man wanna be king/and a king ain’t satisfied until he rules everything (Badlands - Darkness on the Edge of Town)
13) I check my look in the mirror/I wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face/Man I ain’t getting nowhere/I’m just living in a dump like this/there’s something happening somewhere/baby, I just know there is (Dancing in the Dark - Born in the USA)
14) I shoulder your Les Paul and finger the fretboard/I make my vows to those who’ve come before/I turn up the volume, let the spirits be my guide/Meet you brother and sister on the other side/I’m alive (Ghosts - Letter to You)
15) Lately there ain’t been much work on account of the economy (The River - The River)
16) I come from down in the valley/where mister when you’re young/they bring you up to do like your daddy done (The River - The River)
17) Foreman says “these jobs are going, boys, and they ain’t coming back” (My Hometown - Born in the USA)
18) Everybody’s got a secret, son/something they just can’t face/some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep it/they carry it with them every step they take (Darkness on the Edge of Town - Darkness on the Edge of Town)
19) Send the robber barons straight to hell/the greedy thieves who came around/and ate the flesh of everything they found/whose crimes have gone unpunished now/who walk the streets as free men now/they brought death to our hometown (Death to My Hometown - Wrecking Ball)
20) Me and you, we’ve known each other since we were sixteen/I wish I would’ve known/I wish I could’ve called you/Just to say goodbye (Bobby Jean - Born in the USA)
The entire Human Touch album - it makes me cry every time I hear it because it should never have seen the light of day.
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My lovelies, this is probs the best thing that we (me and my sister) ever came up with when sleep-deprived and creative. Me and my sis were watching Blood of Zeus on Netflix and síce we’re really into the Greek Mythology, we started thinking of random headcanons on the gods. And this is what we came up with:
the oldest sibling, the younger ones call him Big Z
actually very loyal to Hera, would never cheat on her and all of his ‘maidens’ were actually chosen by disaster bisexual Hera
loves cleaning, is very pedantic
is the only one who knows about the real images of all the gods
a great husband, but a terrible father, seriously, don’t leave your child with him
loves his little brothers to death, even if they fight a lot
the middle sibling, nickname is ‘Hadie’, Poseidon loves him, Zeus cares for him very much
is a very loving husband, he gives Persephone everything she could desire
since he rarely chooses sides, whenever the other gods are fighting, he and Persephone have date nights, play with Cerberos (he’s seriously a big puppy) or talk to the dead heroes in Elysium
Charon is his best brooo, parties in Tartaros, he even gives Hades and Persephone romantic boat rides along the river for date nights
the youngest, must be protected even if he doesn’t need protection, has two nicknames: Pony (for joking around and picking at him) and Donie (loving nickname used when talking normaly)
May be the god of the seas, but he can’t swim at all, his older brothers tried to teach him one day and it ended with him almost drowning in a meter deep pool
is really adventurous and traves a lot, if you’re not sure where he is, try either a few California beaches or some historical cities in Europe
is the good dad™️, he takes care of the Zeus children comming in every once in a while and they absolutely LOVE him
both him and Hades are great with kids, but Hades has a wife, so he’s more of a cool uncle then a dad
you’d be surprised, but she does not spend her free time practising makeup and doing yoga; most of the time, while not in public she downs some oversized hoodie and sweatpants and either sleeps, lifts weights or bingewatches Netflix shows and eats chips
except for Zeus, only Appolo and Ares know this, not even her son is aware of it
Appolo found out when he went to borrow her curling iron and she opened the door without thinking (she was just eating a corndog and when she saw the look Appolo gave her, she slammed the door in his face while screaming ‘if you tell anyone you’re dead’)
Ares is a different story, she actually showed him and they accidentaly became best friends
she can’t sleep at her house since they could find out and so she sleeps over at houses of other gods when she knows they’re not there
is actually very peaceful, hates fighting and it’s kinda killing him that it’s his job to be a bloodthirsty warmonger
whenever he can, he drops the act and is just a sweetheart
loves bunnies and has quite a few of them
Aphrodite was sleeping in his house one time because he was supposed to be fighting a war somewhere, but what she didn’t know was that he returns to feed and play with his bunnies every two days (no it’s not animal abuse, he leaves them both food and water whenever he’s supposed to go away and he returns only to calm himself down and make sure that everything’s working as it should) and he returned the day she was sleeping there; she went downstairs as to leave and found out about the bunnies
that’s how they became best friends
his house, to the other gods, looks like some sort of an arena with weapons and spikes all around, but as soon as they leave, he re-decorates and after that it looks like Demeter’s garden
she has alergies
like, a lot
she hates flowers and grass and just every single damn plant because it makes her eyes water and itch, it makes her nose runny and it just puts her in a shitty mood
but because of her profession, she has to decorate her home with them whenever someone is comming over
then she holes up in her house for two weeks until her alergies pass and starts again
he hates warmth
yes, he lives in a volcano, but he’s not fireproof, thank you very much
he’d rather do anything else OTHER then what he does because it’s so hot, but he loves his job and so he continues on with it
every once in a while he disguises himself as a human and goes to the show Forged in Fire (he always wins)
he loves his job and everything that comes with it
the only little bit weird thing is how invested he gets into the love stories he creates with his arrows
he cries whenever the story has a happy ending and is just all in all a very senstive soul with an undying love for romance
he is so devoted to Psyche that had she asked him to, he would rip off his wings and give them to her
Now, we have the gay friend group:
tired™️, always on coffee 24/7, if not, you don’t want to talk to her
curses, is angry and totaly not calm and colected, just chaotic neutral energy
a prankster, along with Hermes
the mom friend, makes sure the rest of the group doesn’t die or kill each other
smart and witty, but doesn’t give two fucks about anything, burned out gifted kid
eyerolls, glares and ‘tsk’s are a must
she WILL make you feel pathetic if she wants to
likes baking
without his shoes, he can’t run to save his life
you’d think ‘Oh, a Greek god, he must be ripped under that Toga!’ but no, he’s a fucking stick; no abs, no biceps, no nothing, just a STICK
can’t exercise, can’t lift anything heavier then a teapot, just...weak baby
living and breathing ADHD
stimming, never paying attention, figet things, hyperfixations, just...
a trickster along with Athena, they are sneaky and they always know what to do to get the best reaction out of every single god
loves to create songs, both lyrics and music, but...a bit different genre
just...heavy metal, rock, rap, he’s just going WITH it dude
also loves the goth aesthetic
plays the guitar, electric one tho
he diguises it as his lyre
Artemis is his eyes in ears for when he needs to change the tone (when the other gods are comming)
he does actually like poetry and loves to read classics and he thinks Shakespear is THE SHIT™️
the theatre kid
the godess of the hunt, huh?
yeah, she’s a vegan
like, a hardcore vegan
goes to PETA protests every once in a while
fights for animal rights with every ounce of her being
but she’s still the godess of the hunt, so sometimes she needs to kill animals
sooooo, she has anger issues.
deals with them by making Hermes exercise
keeps tabs on every animal she has ever killed and cries over the papers where she’s written it down every once in a while
Okay, this would be it for our headcanons, I may or may not be planning to write a fanfic about them in a modern setting and I’m excited af.
Tagging you guys in belief that you’ll enjoy this:
@definietlynotsatan @a-fandom-trashdump @bla-rese
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
A Deidara/Ino (DeiIno) fic with “Zinnia” please. I know it’s a weird ship, but I think their strong personalities go well with the flower.
Hey, Anon! This is a really interesting ship :D The zinnia flower represents a number of things, including endurance, remembrance, and lasting friendship. So, I thought up an AU for the two of them. I hope you enjoy it!
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“Hey.” His sky-blue eyes were wide and his expression solemn as he gazed intently at Ino. The rain pelted against the windows, making the street blur into watercolor smudges. Dew still clung to the many potted flowers littered around the shop from where Ino had watered them, and his shoulder-length blond hair and serious expression refracted in each little bead.“You won’t forget me, will you?” 
Ino jolted awake with a snort. Her eyelashes flapped rapidly as she rose unceremoniously into consciousness, eyes hazy and unfocused beneath the thin platinum-blonde fibers. A sliver of drool leaked from her glossed lips to pool under her chin. Growing more lucid by the microsecond, she scowled at the gross, wet sensation of it clinging to her chin and wiped it away with her wrist, then cleaned the drool off onto her sundress. She’d fallen asleep manning the cash register at her parents’ flower shop… again. 
“I just can’t help it,” she mumbled, slouching back over the counter and scooting the metal chair closer so as not to stretch out her back too far. With the pleasant aroma of a hundred flower species wafting on the air spilled down by the ceiling fans combined with the warm sunlight streaming through the many windows, it was nearly impossible not to be lulled into a doze. Ino could already feel her eyelids growing heavy again as she sat there, just staring at the colorful blooms in plastic pots. Yet she didn’t fall asleep, for she was thinking about the blond-haired, bright-eyed boy from her dreams. 
How many years ago was that? Ten, maybe? she wondered with a small frown. A long time ago, for sure. Every summer since she was old enough to carry some semblance of responsibility, Ino had manned the flower shop for her parents when they had to run errands. Of course, back then she had only been eight, so she wasn’t left for more than a few hours at a time… Usually. That particular summer a surprise rainstorm had struck while her parents were out. A mudslide had covered the road back, leaving Ino stranded alone at the flower shop for hours. The cell towers had failed, meaning she had no idea where her parents were or if they were all right. She’d sat in the corner and cried, terrified for both her well-being and that of her parents, until she’d heard a tentative rapping on the door. 
She’d never asked why he’d been wandering the rainstorm by himself; she just let him right in, more desperate to not be alone anymore than to do the right thing. He was wearing a bright duck-yellow raincoat the same shade as his sopping wet blond hair, and his blue eyes shone bright in the flashing lightning. She’d locked the door behind him, chewing her lip and growing shy to be in the presence of a stranger. 
“Are you here by yourself?” he asked her, and she just nodded bashfully. The fear returned, causing tears to prick at the corners of her eyes. “Hey, don’t cry,” he smiled, and Ino fancied it was a nice smile indeed. He reached out with tender hands to thumb her tears away, replacing the salty brine with fresh rainwater. “I’m here now. We’ll weather the storm together.” 
Ino jumped as a loud rumble of thunder snatched her from the embrace of sleep again. She jolted into a sitting position and looked at the rectangular window beside the counter, finding the street veiled by a waterfall stream of rain. The sunlight had faded, choked out by the thick gray storm clouds dumping the deluge of water to earth. She rose from the chair to walk to the window, trying to peer through the thick stream out at the street. She caught snatches of clear images— water puddling in wide rivers over the road, people running into the closest buildings with their jackets held up over their heads, lightning shooting like white snakes through the clouds. 
Wow, what a storm, she thought with pursed lips. She rounded the counter to go to the front door, flipping the sign to “CLOSED” and locking it. No one would come out to buy flowers in this deluge; the wind would rip it to shreds, based on the way it whistled shrilly and rattled the glass. Ino grabbed her cellphone when she came back to the counter, pulling up her mother’s contact information and giving her a call. 
“Hey, Mom. I just wanted to warn you that the weather’s gotten nasty over here. You and Dad should probably stay at the hotel another night.” She scraped the paint off the wood with her manicured nails as her mother’s worried voice buzzed through the other line. “No, no, I’m all right. I’ll wait for it to clear up, and if it doesn’t, I can sleep in the break room,” she said with a smile, trying to alleviate her mother’s worries. “Sure. Yeah, I’m fine, really! There’s food in the break fridge, and I can keep myself busy working on tomorrow’s call-in orders. Yeah, I love you too. Bye.” 
She set the cellphone down on the counter with a small sigh. She tapped her nails against the wood, debating. She could get started on the call-in orders, but… there was something about the rain that lulled her into lethargy. She found her eyes drooping again already. Just a little nap…
She had just plunked down against the counter when she heard it: rapraprap. 
“Huh?” she huffed, arms scrabbling over the counter as she jerked up. Her bleary eyes searched the gloom of the flower shop, watching the light play over the various colored petals and green leaves. The rapping sounded again, and this time she was lucid enough to realize that it was coming from the front door. 
“Jeez, do they not see that we’re closed?” she huffed, pushing herself up from the chair. Her flats went whap-whap-whap against the floor as she walked around the counter towards the door. “Hey! We’re closed!” she shouted while she approached. She jabbed her finger purposefully toward the sign, and the slender man standing there lifted the bottom of his hood to flash her a charming smile. Piercing blue eyes danced beneath a swathe of bright yellow hair, and Ino sucked in a breath. 
“Aw, you won’t even open for an old friend?” 
A heartbeat, then another. Had she strayed into a dream? If it was, it was a shitty thing for her subconscious to do. She stepped closer to the glass, close enough for her breath to fog against the pane. Tentatively, she uttered, “Deidara?”
“The one and only, sweets.”
Her heart fluttered in her chest again. 
“Hey, sweets, you like candy?” he asked, holding out a piece of taffy wrapped in white plastic. She had been sitting at a stool beside some roses for some time, sniffling. She was scared that her parents were out there injured, and she was stuck here. At least she wasn’t alone anymore. She took the taffy with trembling hands and unwrapped it, then popped the pink candy into her mouth. Strawberry. She loved strawberries, and she told him that. 
“I knew it,”he grinned. “Don’t worry, sweets. I’m sure your parents are just fine. I’ll keep you company until you hear from ‘em, okay?” 
The lock clicked when she turned it. The sign rattled lightly against the glass as she slowly eased the door open to peer through the gap. She looked him up and down— it sure looked like him, but damn, he’d grown up to be a looker. Dark gray skinny jeans, spattered with rain, hugged his body in all the right ways. Under his red-and-gray jacket, he wore a muscle tank that left little to the imagination. Ino felt her cheeks flushing as she spied the ridges of his muscles dancing beneath the fabric. 
“You gonna let me in, sweets, or leave me out here in the rain?” Deidara joked, pulling her back to reality. She hurriedly opened the door the rest of the way to allow him in, and he sidled in like he owned the place— just like he had all those years ago. Water squeaked under his sneakers as it gathered against the wood, and when he tossed back his hood to shake out his water-dusted hair, Ino discovered it was nearly as long as hers, tied up into a long ponytail. “I didn’t intend to meetcha like this, but I gotta say, it’s damn ironic,” he smirked as he turned around to face her. Ino hovered in the doorway, wondering if a coincidence like this could truly exist. 
“Yeah,” was all she could think of to say. He gave her a sardonic grin, which made her blush. 
“You’re acting like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
“Well… It feels like I have,” she admitted, clasping her hands behind her back while she twisted her body slowly from side to side. “I never thought I would see you again, and yet, here you are… It’s a bit disorienting, especially considering the circumstances are the same.” 
“Yeah, life is funny like that, huh?” Deidara chuckled. He turned to start investigating the flowers perched on the shelves. He reached up to brush his fingertips over the tiny petals of an orange zinnia flower, a smile playing over his thin lips. “I knew I’d find you still working here… That was your dream, wasn’t it? To take over the flower shop?” 
“Yeah,” she blushed. He remembered… Maybe he’d spent the summers thinking about her just like she’d been thinking about him. “What about you? You wanted to be an artist, right?” 
“An artist?” she’d cooed in delight, and Deidara had puffed out his chest in pride. 
“That’s right! One day, I’m gonna be famous!” However, almost as soon as the confidence had come, it dissolved, and he slumped down into his stool. “But… I’ve been having trouble finding inspiration lately. I want to make things, but I just don’t know what to make.” 
“I get like that sometimes with my flower arrangements.” She’d hopped off the stool to totter over to a half-finished bouquet. She’d poked and prodded at the arrangement, adding accent sprigs and then taking them away. “What do you call it? A muse? You just have to find that, right? When I get stumped, I think about great big fields of flowers…” she hummed, taking a deep breath as she imagined it. “And then suddenly I have the answer!”
He’d stared at her a moment, then laughed. 
“That’s girly.” 
“Yes indeed,” he grinned, dropping his hand and turning back to her. “I’m nothing special, just won a few international awards and sold some million-dollar pieces…” he bragged nonchalantly, brushing raindrops off his jacket. He laughed heartily as Ino’s mouth dropped open in utter shock, prompting him to walk forward and press his palms to her cheeks to squish them a little. “Ah, don’t get all starry-eyed on me, sweets.” 
“I can’t help it!” she slurred through his squishing. “Million-dollar pieces? That’s insane!” He let go of her, leaving her cheeks pink and tingly from his touch. “Can I see them? Surely you have pictures, right?” 
Deidara’s lit up at that, like two blue suns sparkling in the gloom. He practically dove his hand into his pocket to grab his cell phone, which made Ino chuckle. He scooted up next to her so she could see his phone screen, and the scent of his spicy cologne mixing with the rainwater made her head swim a little bit. He cycled through the photographs of his artworks, while Ino half-listened to his explanations, because there was something… 
“Is that… me?” The centerpiece of each work was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl. She didn’t want to be narcissistic, but surely that couldn’t be a coincidence too, right? She looked up at Deidara to find a soft, dreamy smile on his face as he gazed gently down at her. 
“Yeah… You remember when I said that I struggled to find inspiration? After we met… You became my muse, Ino.” With a wan sigh, he stowed his phone, and then ran both his hands through his hair. An embarrassed smile played over his mouth, and Ino had to grin, because it was so cute to see him flustered when he’d come in acting all suave. 
“And you’d called it girly,” she teased. 
“I don’t remember that,” he defended in a huff, but she knew he was lying from the blush that spread over his cheeks. “Anyway… I figured it was time I came back here and thanked you.” 
“A cut of your profits would be a very nice thank-you indeed,” she joked, walking over to play with the zinnias. Deidara snorted at that. As she fluffed the flowers, she paid a little less attention to the weather— so when a great big crack of thunder boomed overhead, she couldn’t help but jump and squeal. She felt eight years old again, trapped in this too-small shop while the world seemed to end outside. 
“Still scared of thunderstorms, eh, sweets?” Deidara said softly in her ear. God, when had he snuck up behind her? He had his hands clutching the table on either side of her hips, and his chest just barely brushed against her back. She felt his spicy cologne wafting around her again, and her eyes fluttered as she grew a little hazy. 
“N-no,” she said defensively. “It just surprised me, is all. I’m not a kid anymore.” 
“No,” he murmured, a hand moving in to skim ever-so-lightly over her hip. “No, you aren’t.” He didn’t move further, just played with the edge of her apron— he was waiting for permission. It was like a cheesy romance film; he showed up after ten years, under the same circumstances, saying that she was his muse, and now he was laying the moves on her?
Fuck, how was Ino supposed to refuse? She would be the worst protagonist ever if she did! Besides, she didn’t spend the last ten summers mooning over him for no reason. It had always been in the back of her mind— that fairy tale ending, that one-in-a-million chance, that fantastical daydream she thought would never come true. She looked over her shoulder at him, their breath mixing in the muggy greenhouse air and the rain pounding incessantly above their heads. 
“Why did you come here, Deidara?” she asked in a whisper of a breath. His mouth curled up in a smirk, while his eyes fixed on her own glossy lips. 
“To weather the storm with you,” he answered with a straight face. It didn’t take long for that mischievous lilt to appear on his smile, though. “Aaaaaaaand… Maybe kiss you breathless, if you’re into that.” 
“Why don’t you just kiss me and find out?” she sassed, and her cheek made his eyebrows shoot up his forehead. 
“Not quite so cute and helpless anymore, are you?”
“Afraid not. You’d be surprised how cutthroat the florist business is.” 
He tipped back his head in a raucous laugh, and while he did so, Ino turned around in his arms to face him and rest her palms against his chest. When he finally looked back at her, sighing in amusement, he rested his hands on her hips and twirled the ends of her platinum-blonde hair around his fingertips. Ino fluttered her eyelashes demurely at him— as good an indication as any for him to get on with it.
And get on with it he did. Ino melted into him as he leaned down to brush his lips over hers— softly, tentatively. He rapidly grew in confidence, sweeping her up into a passionate kiss. It felt like their lips slotted together perfectly, like a lock and key, like they’d always belonged together. He really did kiss her breathless, again and again and again, while the rain cascaded down around them. 
“I’m glad you didn’t forget me,” he whispered against her mouth when he finally pulled away. Ino giggled and looked up at him through her lashes. 
“I promised you that I wouldn’t,” she chuckled. “Besides, how could I forget you?”
“I am pretty memorable,” he said with a cocky nod, prompting Ino to thump him playfully on the chest. He purred and wrapped her up in a tight hug, holding her close. “But still… I couldn’t help but worry, just a little bit, that it didn’t mean as much to you as it did to me.” 
Ino didn’t answer, just smiled into his chest. Some things just didn’t need to be said. The rain picked up outside, pounding against the window with a vengeance, but Ino didn’t mind. Once again, she had someone to weather the storm with.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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rfamess · 4 years
This cured my boredom for a little bit. Was making a few new music playlists and thought.. hmm. I wonder what kind of music the RFA listens to? So, I made this. For no reason at all.
What Kind of Music the RFA + V/Saeran Listen To:
- (I always see people writing that he’d listen to all star or other cringe meme songs because that’s what seems to be his entire personality, but I like to think he has more substance than that and listens to songs that don’t have to do with memes.)
- He definitely listens to rap/hip-hop.
- Can you not imagine him driving down the road in his cars, windows down, music blasting?
- He listens to his music uber loud in his headphones while working.
- His favorite artist is probably Tyler the creator, i mean, how could you not love him.
- Listens to Mac Miller when he’s sad :(
Who Dat Boy - Tyler the Creator
Stutter - Freddie Dredd
Evil Fantasy - Freddie Dredd
Sweatpants - Childish Gambino
Bounce - Logic
Dead Wrong - Notorious B.I.G.
Movement - Oliver Tree
Stick to Your Guns - Watsky
Both - Gucci Mane
No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys
Can I Kick It - A Tribe Called Quest
No Limit - G Easy
Circles - Mac Miller
Broke Bitch - TMG (lol)
Bonfire - Childish Gambino
I THINK - Tyler the Creator
Good News - Mac Miller
I - Kendrick Lamar
FACE - Brockhampton
King Kunta - Kendrick Lamar
Lovely Things Suite: Knots - Watsky
- (Similar to Saeyoung, I don’t believe Zens entire personality revolves around musicals, he probably doesn’t listen to them that often imo.)
- I like to think he’s a... well rounded individual when it comes to music
- Listens to anything and everything.
- I could see him listening to the same music as Seven, but is also very into 70s-90s rock like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the like.
- He runs listening to all of his music on shuffle and doesn’t have a specific playlist so there’s never a certain vibe to it— it really is all over the place.
- In addition to Seven’s playlist, here’s Zen’s
Funny Face - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Santeria - Sublime
Badfish - Sublime
The Luck You Got - The High Strung
Dedicated to the One I Love - The Mamas and the Papas
Heart of Glass - Blondie
Come as You Are - Nirvana
Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
Machu Picchu - The Strokes
Dirty Harry - Gorillaz
Love of Your Life - Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Adults Are Talking - The Strokes
Bailee - The Licks
Where is my Mind - Pixies
Hurt Like Mine - The Black Keys
Gap - The Kooks
Give it Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Hoops - The Rubens
Conquest - The White Stripes
Ten Cent Pistol - The Black Keys
- Yoosung likes more upbeat music, maybe more new age/alternative pop
- Listens to music every time he tries to study, but usually get distracted by it and starts to sing along instead of actually doing his work
- Is probably trying to branch out of his style, Seven and Zen try to convince him to listen to their favorite genres
- The three of them always argue about who has the best taste in music lol
- He’s constantly wondering if his music is “manly” enough (it’s okay yoosung it’s just music)
- If this dude gets drunk and hears any of this music he goes absolutely wild and dances all over the place
Bambi - Hippocampus
Turn - the Wombats
Paris - Magic Man
Chronic Sunshine - Cosmo Pike
Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco
Silvertongue - Young the Giant
Brazil - Declan McKenna
Unbelievers - Vampire Weekend
Baseball - Hippocampus
Australia - The Shins
Prune, You Talk Funny - Gus Dapperton
Honeypie - JAWNY
Alien Boy - Oliver Tree
Satellite - Guster
So Young - Portugal. The Man
Blinding Lights - The Weeknd
Circles - Post Malone
Unbearably White - Vampire Weekend
Tiny Umbrella - Coast Modern
Way it Goes - Hippocampus
Electric Feel - MGMT
- this guy has 2 modes and that’s it: classical bitch or music that has words
- He appreciates the fine art of classical music and listens to it when he has work to get done or when he’s trying to relax.
- If he’s in a good mood he’ll put on a playlist that includes “music with actual lyrics!”
- It’s a dad playlist. Billy Joel, Billy Joel, Billy Joel, Elton John, The Beatles, Billy Joel.
- He likes Billy Joel. Jumin has a dad personality you can’t convince me otherwise lol
- He tried to branch out but can get very picky in his interests. “I don’t like this guitar riff— change it”
- Either way his 2 modes are apparent in his playlists
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
California Dreamin’ - The Mamas and the Papas
Don’t Ask Me Why - Billy Joel
Starman - David Bowie
Miss You - The Rolling Stones
Dancing in the Moonlight - King Harvest
Come and Get Your Love - Redbone
It’s Too Late - Carole King
Movin’ Out - Billy Joel
A Horse With No Name - America
I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Beatles
Honky Cat - Elton John
Vienna - Billy Joel
The Stranger - Billy Joel
Waltz in A Minor - Chopin
Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G Minor - Brahms
Waltz No. 7 in C Sharp Minor, Op. 64, No. 2 - Chopin
Souvenir de Paganini - Chopin
Solfeggietto in C Minor - Bach
Prelude in B Minor, Op. 32, No. 10 - Rachmaninoff
IV. Allegro Molto From Quartet - Yo-Yo Ma
La Fille Aux Cheveux de Lin - Debussy
Porz Goret - Yann Tiersen
Carnival of the Animals: VII. Aquarium - Camille Saint-Saëns
Carnival of the Animals: XIII. The Swan - Camille Saint-Saëns
- We all know her obsession with Musicals (specifically zens)
- Other than this she listens to...well honestly I don’t know
- Her music doubles as something she can get hyped up with and something she can listen to to relax.
- She loves to dance, so a lot of her songs and just songs that she’ll never be able to refuse to move her feet to!
- She likes the old classics and then she likes Doja Cat. Lizzo? Queen.
- She’s a barb let’s be real please. you can never convince me that she’s not
Adore You - Harry Styles
She - Harry Styles
Call Me - Blondie
Starships - Nicki Minaj
Hey Mickey - Toni Basil
Juice - Lizzo
Say So - Doja Cat
Voulez-Vous - ABBA
Waterloo - ABBA
Cuz I Love You - Lizzo
Killing Me Softly With His Song - Roberta Flack (LOL the memories associated with this song after Killing Stalking..... hahahaha BUT ITS STILL A GREAT SONG!)
Only - Nicki Minaj
Boss Bitch - Doja Cat
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac
Beez in the Trap - Nicki Minaj
Woman - Harry Styles
9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
Blame it on the Boogie - Michael Jackson
One Way or Another - Blondie
Tia Tamera - Doja Cat
Truth Hurts - Lizzo
- indie boy indie boy indie boy indie boy
- Cmon just look at him he’s an indie boy
- If you’ve ever met a film student that gatekeeps music, they have the same exact taste but V won’t say shit to make you feel stupid. It’s just music bruv
- If you’ve ever been to an indie concert you know the fuckin dance you know what I’m talking about. he does that.
- Rolls a joint, pops the music off and he paints, does photography, whatever. Either way he straight vibes every single time the tunes come on.
- Low key thinks he has the best music taste. that’s just how dem indie kids roll let’s be real here.
- For some reason knows everything about every type of music. will spew facts about artists and songs at random
Shuggie - Foxygen
Necessary Evil - Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Homage - Mild High Club
Another One - Mac DeMarco
Plants - Crumb
What Once Was - Her’s
Heart and My Car - Summer Salt
Cottage Roads - The Walters
Moonlight on the River - Mac DeMarco
Work This Time - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Like Yesterday - Paul Cherry
Call it Fate, Call it Karma - The Strokes
Knowhere - Nick DeLaurentis
Escargot Blues - Guantánamo Bay Surf Club
A Side / B Side - Tipling Rock
Dark Red - Steve Lacy
That I Miss You - Vansire
Top Tier Love - Lonely Benson
Driving to Hawaii - Summer Salt
Taking Up Space - Mustard Service
She’s the Only One - King Guru
- emo boy emo boy emo boy
- We all know it
- As much as I’d love to say he listens to heavy death metal, there’s a part of my mind saying NO he’s not like that.
- Well he is, but he’s got more than a few single interest
- Probably listens to Nirvana, Cage the Elephant, anything similar
- Is always trying to listen to new music
- Kind of sick of Seven blasting his music all the time and listens to the opposite of hip hop whenever possible
- Honestly enjoys all types of music, but sticks to his favorites
- All Apologies - Nirvana
- Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene - Hozier
- Soma - The Strokes
- Black Madonna - Cage the Elephant
- Hysteria - Muse
- Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High - Arctic Monkeys
- I Got Mine - The Black Keys
- Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
- Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Back Against the Wall - Cage the Elephant
- Creep - Radiohead
- Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
- Demon Days - Gorillaz
- Bulls on Parade - Rage Against The Machine
- Matador - The Buttertones
- Holiday - Green Day
- RIP - The Licks
- London Calling - The Clash
- Loser - Beck
- What I Got - Sublime
255 notes · View notes
henry-cavill-baby · 4 years
To Study (Insects) │3
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Pairing: Clark Kent (MoS) x Original Female Character
Warning: Shitty Parents, Fluff
Word Count: 3k~
Summary: Clark and Connie; 18 and Graduation. 
A/N: Just Enjoy!
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Pomp and Circumstance blares through the stadium grade speakers as the high school seniors walk in a steady line across the green football field, each gracefully taking a seat in the white lined chairs as gusts of light wind nearly blow off more than a few white caps. 
The graduating class of 98’ consisted of 79 students, almost all of the girls donning a pair of wedged sandals, seeing as a pointed heel would’ve slid right into the grass, and almost all of the boys wearing obnoxiously colored sneakers.
Principal Johnson tapped the mic that was strapped to the brown podium and cleared his throat, “Fellow Graduates; It is my greatest pleasure to see you off into the world, and knowing that all of you will make the world a better place. Hardships, and tough times tried to keep you down, but you all strode for success… and look where you are.”
Claps echoed the stands as proud parents rooted and hollered for their children.
“I am with deep certainty that each and every one of you fine adults will go off from this school, and follow the dreams you’ve spent years creating. Some of you will go to college, actually, I hope more than some,” he joked.
“And others may travel the world and see all of what it has to offer. And well, I know there are some of you out there who still haven’t the slightest idea on who they want to be. And that’s okay!”
A ripple of chuckles went through the class of graduates, “You don’t have to know what you want to do; you just have to be willing to try. All of you have the will to achieve greatness.”
“You are not defined by the person you used to be, or even the person you will become, but by your actions and how you impact the world.”
The band started up again and the graduates clapped and hollered for the Principal. “Congratulations Class of 98’!”
All of the students leapt up and tossed their caps into the sky, friends hugging one another in celebration and utter happiness. Connie had just stood up when two strong arms slipped around her waist and lifted her sky high, eliciting a yelp of surprise. 
The grip was strong and the biceps she reached down to grasp could only belong to one overly muscled but still baby faced country boy.
“Clark!” Her yelp went unheard as he boisterously laughed and started to make his way out of the crowd of overzealous students, dodging the people engaged in bro fives and girls with running make-up and sobbing over friends. His hands felt warm and large on her stomach. It was like being held by a teddy bear.
From this height above the rest of the crowd, the figures of Martha and Jonathon Kent were easy to spot, and Connie failed to stifle a giggle and the arms holding her sped up in a bumpy jog.
It was more than difficult to keep her hair from flying all over the place as she bobbled along. He could be like an overgrown puppy at times.
 “Guys!” Martha yelled, “Over here!"
Clark stopped short in front of his parents. A grunt left his clenched lips as he set Connie back onto her two-inch wedges. There was no time for her to enjoy being regular height, or say a grateful ‘hello’ to either Kent. 
The thick forearm of Clark slipped around her cushy waist like a slippery serpent.
The smiling face of Martha warmed her heart, “Look at you two,” and her voice was as warm as an apple eye. Being around Martha used to make Connie crave her own motherly affection, but by now, Martha was the best she was going to get.
“Thanks for coming, you two,” Connie gushed. Her own arm wiggled from the space between her and Clark’s body, eventually slithering to cup his waist. They looked like the perfect couple.
“Please, we wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Martha insisted. Reaching into her mint green purse she pulled out a handheld camera. The two graduates groaned, but only Clark spoke up.
“Really, Mom?”
Martha waved him off, “Oh, hush up, Clark. Your mother only sees her babies graduate once, and if that means a few pictures, then you’ll be smiling for every one. Now, get closer you two.”
Any closer and they’d never come apart.
The flash of the camera shined in their eyes, and it was over as quick as it started. Connie smiled until it hurt, and tried to keep any redness from her cheeks as the hand on her back started to rub in a slow circle. Warmth blossomed in her lower back, and god, she could practically taste Clark’s mischievous smile. He knew exactly what he was doing.
“So, are you two up for some brunch?” Martha asked. “Or if you’d like, I could make us something at home.”
Connie bit the inside of her cheek; it was such a bad time to bring it up. 
They were all enjoying each other’s company; they didn’t need her to bring up the family drama that lurked at her home. But it was better to get it done with than avoid it any longer.
“Actually,” She interjected, slightly moving away from Clark’s warmth. “I wanted to ask if you’d run me by my place. I promised my dad I’d drop by after graduation. You know; show him the diploma and all. It’ll just take a few minutes.”
The three Kent’s were silent for a few seconds.
“Are you sure about that, Connie?” Jonathon coaxed with a raised brow. 
She could taste the questioning worry in his voice, but brushed it off and nodded with a thin-lipped smile.
“Yeah, I think he’ll be happy to see me. Its…” she thought for a moment. 
“It’s been a while.”
The ride away from the High School was tenser than fly trapped in a spider’s web. Martha and Jonathon sat in the front while Clark sat in the back next to Connie. 
There was nothing playing on the radio, and all the windows were up. Her hand rested on the middle seat, fingers strumming an irregular beat. Normally, Clark’s hand would intertwine with hers, but his were straining in a tight grip against his thigh.
The tightness of his jaw ripped at her soul. It was no mystery that Clark hated—no, despised Walter Mayfield. Maybe, an emotion deeper than she understood, something darker than disgust and rage connected Clark and Walter. She breathed in deep, trying to find the courage to reach over and hold his hand. But it never happened.
The Mayfield farm was more decrepit than any of them remembered.
Jonathon turned off the car and turned in his seat. “Do you want me to come in with you?” He offered.
It was tempting but she shook her head and undid the old leather seatbelt. It was hard for her to ignore the way Clark was visibly holding himself back from saying anything, and turning the car handle seemed to hurt worse than a third degree burn.
“I’ll only be a second,” she promised, shutting the door and moving away from the car. 
The air smelt dry; drier than the dirt under her wedges. It was thick and felt like it could clog her throat if she breathed it too long. The shining sun blinded her eyes and she kept her head down on the trek to the front door—taking no mind to the even creakier porch steps and missing rocking chair.
The brown door seemed scarier now than ever before. She had no house key; there was no point to having access to somewhere you didn’t live anymore.
Her knuckles rapped against the aged wood with the hand not gripping the diploma, teeth gnawing into her bottom lip as seconds passed.
A crash echoed inside the house and Connie readied herself as the lock turned from the other side. It’s now or never, she thought, standing straight with her head held high.
The door was lurched open with a gust of air, and her eyes widened at the sight of her Walter Mayfield. Time hadn’t been kind to him, and neither had the glass bottles littering the floor. Dirty blonde hair, missing teeth and the look of a crazed man were what any regular person would have seen; but she just saw her dad. 
“Hi, Dad.”
His left eye twitched something ferocious.
His voice had become rougher than gravel; probably smoked twice as much as he drank. Dirt caked his fingernails and a dried redness smattered the inside of his elbow. He was the picture of being at the bottom, and Connie instantly hated herself for ever coming back here. This was a mistake, she said to herself.
“I finished high school, Dad.” She held up the white diploma for a split second, watching his eyes follow its movement—up and down, “I—I thought you’d want to know.”
Silence hung between the two Mayfield’s; Connie holding her breathe with trepidation, and Walter staring silently. Neither had moved from their positions on the porch, and all three Kent’s were watching from the car window. Just in case Walter tried something.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Aren’t you going to say anything to me, Dad?” she tried to coax an answer from the man she’d once called her father. But he hadn’t been a man in a long time, or ever really. Trying to see past his shoulders into the run down house was the last thing she wanted to do. 
Too many memories—bad ones mostly—lied inside those molded walls.
Then finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Walter opened his mouth.
“Go ‘way, Connie.”
And he shut the door in her face, the slam echoing through her head long after he’d walked away from the last piece of living flesh he had. Hiccups tried to take home in her throat, and a river tried to flow from her honey pot eyes. 
Was there any timeline that she’d imagined where he’d welcomed her with open arms? What lie had made her believe he’d be happy to see her? It was always going to go like these… and yet, it hurt so much worse.
Warm arms—and the scent of chopped wood and the freshness of dewy wet grass on an early warm sunrise—roamed the air around her clouded mind. It was soothing and sweet, to be in the arms of Clark. He enveloped her in his bear like arms and held her close.
It was a space she never wanted to leave. His clean-shaven face found home in the soft sweetness of her neck, and a solemn kiss found her skin. His lips could chase away any demons.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled into her skin, nose rubbing against her warmth. 
They stayed that way for only a few seconds and Clark gingerly turned and led them back to the truck. Each step felt like carrying pounds of cement, but with Clark around, she would never fall.
His strong hands sat her inside the truck and shut the door, running around to hop in himself, grateful to leave behind the Mayfield farm in a cloud of dust.
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 It was nearing 9, and Clark was already upstairs waiting in his pajamas when Jonathon rested against the doorway of the kitchen, eyes watching Connie.
His presence visibly scared her, and she jumped—clutching her heart.
“Jesus, you scared the daylights out of me.” Her hip leisurely shut the fridge, two pieces of blueberry pie topped with smooth whipped cream jammed onto one plate.
“Did you need something? Clark and I were going to watch some movies till one of us passed out.”
A beat of silence passed between them, Jonathon eventually clearing his throat. “I’m sorry about your dad.”
“Oh.” That hadn’t been what she’d expected to hear.
“It’s alright, really. I—I should’ve expected it.” The pie plate dinged as she rested it on the cloth-covered table. “I think it would’ve been weird if he wasn’t like that. It takes a lot for people to change, and I just—I wanted…”
“He may not show it, but I bet he’s proud to have a daughter like you.” Jonathon interjected. “Martha and I sometimes wish you’d been ours.”
“I don’t think it would be in my best interest to be Clark’s sister.”
They both let out a breathy laugh. The whipped cream on the chilled pie was starting to run onto the plate.
“There’s something I want to show you.” Jonathon said, stepping from the wall and making his way to the backdoor. “It’s been a long time coming, and there’s no better time than the present."
“O—Okay?” she slowly muttered. “Is this the Kent dead body that you guys keep tied up in the barn?”
He turned and raised a solid brow, urging her to follow him outside. She tried not to think of where they were going; there was no way this could be anything bad. 
This was Clark’s dad; he was the nicest man in town. But as they stalked along the shortly trimmed grass, and the cold chill set into her bare feet, the possibilities flew through her mind.
The thumbnail of her left hand was bitten particularly hard as Jonathon Kent pried open the barn doors, the smell of hay and obstructing her senses. 
Her eyes closed as clouds of dust rushed into the air—no ones cleaned this place in ages—and opened to watch Jonathon reach up for rope hanging from the ceiling.
She gingerly stepped onto the wooden floor and tried not to shiver; it was freezing.  Her eyes followed the rope, hands tugging to open to floorboards just in front of them.
“What’s down there?” she asked shakily, a sense of slight… it wasn’t fear, but a crossbreed between dread and nervousness. They didn’t actually have a dead body, right?
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“This—“ his finger pointed at the space hidden under the barn, “—is what we found Clark in. He was just a baby with a set of lungs that wouldn’t stop crying unless Martha held him.”
Connie still couldn’t really understand what she was seeing, or what he was saying.
Out of all the things that the Kent’s were hiding—every little town had families with secrets—but the secret being that Clark was from space was a little out there.
“So… Clark isn’t Martha’s?” She looked at Jonathan. “And you two found him in this, 18 years ago?”
He nodded with the most serious face she’d ever seen, but the words spilled out like a floodgate, “I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but you have to know how this sounds. Right?”
“It’s why we’ve never told anyone.” He explained, wiping a hand down his withered face. “We kept this from Clark for most of his life. Martha and I never wanted him to know about where he comes from, but then the accidents started piling up. We didn’t have a choice.”
“You two did your best to protect Clark.” She sympathized.
He stepped down into the hole, and Connie quickly followed. Hey eyes took in the glossy ship, and she found herself reaching forward and placing her palm against the sleek metal. It was cool and smooth, and her palm leisurely moved along to the more patterned area, feeling the bumps and grooves.
 It could’ve easily been mistaken for some type of rare metal, but a part of her was starting to believe that this was a spaceship.
“You’ve kept a spacecraft under your barn for 18 years…” she gulped, “And Clark is…”
For some strange reason—in some deep corner of her brain—this wasn’t that crazy. It wasn’t like Clark hadn’t been different from the other kids from an early age, why he seemed to be bigger and stronger than every other kid in their graduating class.
How he pulled a bus from a river.
“Clark’s an alien.” She whispered into the air, nodding at Jonathon with wide eyes. Her lungs blew out all of their air. “Clark is an alien.”
“Please don’t hold this against him.” Jonathon added. “He wanted to tell you the second I showed this to him, but I told him he couldn’t.”
Her scoff nearly cut him off, “I don’t think I would’ve handled it as well as he did.”
“But you are now.” He grinned.
“Because I lo—“
Because I love him
“I love him, Mr. Kent.” Her hand retreated from the aircraft, and she stepped away. “And nothing can change that.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more certain about anything in my life, and that is that I love Clark, and this—“ she longed to hold Clark in her arms, “—only makes me want to protect him more.”
The silence of night stood between them.
Her words shone brighter than a sunset on a summer’s day, and Jonathon found an itch of smile forming on his face. They both stared at the tiny ship, but Connie dared to reach forward and finger a gleaming piece of metal. 
It was freezing cold to the touch, but as smooth as polished silver. It was shaped like a stake that punctured dry soil, but the top had a strange symbol. It easily popped off of the exterior of the ship.
It looked like an S.
She held it up to the moonlight, “Do you know what it means?”
But he shrugged his shoulders and pulled the lever to lower the barn floor hatch, both of them climbing out to watch the floor close up again. “It was in there with Clark, so I’m guessing he’d have a better idea than me.” 
“How much does he know about where he comes from?”
Jonathon turned back and stared as she rubbed the black tool in between her fingertips. Something felt right about letting her have it. 
He nodded to the barn door with a grin, “Why don’t you ask him yourself?”
A beaming smile stretched across her face and she tore through the barn, uncaring of the hay digging into the soles of her feet. 
The doors flew open with a gust of chilly wind, and heaving breaths winded her chest and she looked across the grassy path.
He hadn’t changed out of his pajamas—his bare feet stuck in the freezing grass while his hands wrung at his sides. The moonlight shined on the space between them, and she ran towards the sea, thrown into its arms and enveloped in its soothing blue. His arms enveloped her like a blanket, tugging her up and off the grass, holding her close.
It truly was the best feeling in the world, to be in Clark Kent’s arms. It was warmer than you’d imagine, it felt safer than you could dare to dream, and it felt like home.
He gently set her back on the ground, still keeping her close, “Seeing as you’re not running for the hills, I’m going to assume you’re taking your best friend being an alien pretty well.”
Best friend, her rational mind snarled, Lies.
“I mean, I’ll admit, for a moment there I was planning to call the feds and demand a place on their alien tasks unit.” She explained with a giggle, snuggling into his arms with a sigh. His warmth chased away the cold.
“Every single time I pictured telling you about this part of my life,” he reminisced, “It never once went like this.”
Her crown rubbed against his soft chest, humming lightly. “And exactly how had you pictured it?”
“I’d imagined there being a lot more screaming.” A nod to the cornfield, “And I’m glad you aren’t trying to run away. I’d hate to have to chase you down.”
A flare of challenge erupted in her gut, and she pulled back to raise a brow at him, “Is that a challenge, farm boy?” 
It would’ve been fruitless to try and escape his arms, and besides, getting smacked in the face with corn was not ideal.
They stared at one another, and their hearts beat in sync.
There was no fear in her soul—her heart—and there was no doubt that this was the same Clark that pulled her from a watery grave, that held her on sleepless nights and whispered sweet words, that gave her a home and a family to call her own. She was his world, but he was hers too.
“I can hear your heartbeat.” Clark confessed as his hands rubbed her soft hips.
“It’s faster when you’re nervous and softer when you sleep.”   
His hands rubbed her shoulders, “When I was first learning to control my senses, Mom told me to make the world small, to find something to ground myself.”
“The sound of your heart helped me hone my senses.” He picked up her chin and gazed into her eyes, “You helped me.”
“I—I didn’t know, Clark.” The right words seemed lost for her, “If I’d known, I would’ve done anything to help you.”
“But you did,” he cut her off, thumb rubbing the cheek under his palm. “You’ve always been there for me, Connie, and I love you.”
“I’ve always loved you, Clark.” She squeezed his tighter, “And not even being a freaky alien baby can change that.”
A squeal of laughter erupted from her throat as Clark lifted her over his shoulder with ease and bolted into the house, laughter echoing across the farm.
 Chapter 4 coming soon!
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architectnews · 3 years
Volkan Alkanoglu designs cedar bridge to resemble a driftwood branch
Portland designer Volkan Alkanoglu has spanned a creek in Fort Worth, Texas, with a sculptural timber bridge named Drift.
The timber and steel bridge was built over a gully in the city's South Hills residential area to form a connection between two parks and communities along the Trinity River Trail system.
The Drift bridge was commissioned by Fort Worth Public Art
With no route across the waterway for seven blocks, the Fort Worth Public Art programme commissioned Alkanoglu to design a structure that could act as both infrastructure and sculpture.
His response to the brief was a bridge that used sustainable materials and aimed to have minimal impact on the site while keeping within the $375,000 (£270,000) budget.
The pedestrian bridge spans a creek, connecting a trail and two neighbourhoods
The design was informed by the creek's seasonal transformation from a flowing stream to a dry, driftwood-filled basin.
Another point of reference was the innovative plywood leg splint designed by Ray and Charles Eames for soldiers wounded in the second world war, which dates back to the same era as the neighbourhood's midcentury houses.
Benches and railings are integrated into the curved wooden form
Originally intended to be made entirely of cross-laminated timber (CLT), but constrained by the budget, the final bridge structure was built around a steel armature clad in CNC- and flip-milled planks of Spanish cedar.
"Each plank was custom cut, then stack-laminated into one large, volumetric, undulating form," said the studio.
The bridge was constructed off-site and craned into place in one piece
"In this way, the bridge could be fabricated off-site, transported to the location by an oversize truck as one piece and lifted into place with a crane," explained Alkanoglu, who added that installation took no longer than a couple of hours.
Measuring 62 feet (19 metres) long, the bridge is reminiscent of a hollowed log or canoe.
Railings and benches are embedded along the length of its curved sides, allowing pedestrians to pause and take in the scenery.
The wooden form is balanced on piers, which act as foundations on either bank and include a rip-rap drainage system to minimise the structure's footprint.
Designer Volkan Alkanoglu referenced shipbuilding techniques to create the sculptural form. Photo by Jennifer Boomer
"While stitching the urban neighborhood fabric back together, Drift also offers social and ecological opportunities for the local community through the use of sustainable principles, which can alter our collective understanding of the built environment," added the designer.
Drift is the first infrastructure project by Alkanoglu, who runs his studio VA Design out of Portland, Oregon.
Foundations and drainage on either bank are designed to have a minimal footprint. Photo by Jennifer Boomer
He describes the bridge as an example of "plug-and-play urbanism", an "economically feasible way to produce mid-scale infrastructure offsite and deliver it to its urban context".
Alkanoglu's previous work includes a number of sculptural interventions intended to transform the built environment through inventive material explorations.
The bridge is an example of what Alkanoglu describes as "plug-and-play urbanism". Photo by Jennifer Boomer
As a typology, the pedestrian bridge has allowed many architects and designers to experiment with unusual shapes and materials.
A crossing that was 3D-printed in stainless steel recently opened in Amsterdam while students in California completed a bridge with the help of industrial robotic arms earlier this year.
The photography is by Peter Molick unless stated otherwise.
Project credits:
Design: Volkan Alkanoglu Client: City of Fort Worth, Fort Worth Public Art Program Public art manager: Anne Allen Fabrication: Ignition Arts, Brownsmith Studios Structural engineering: CMID Engineers Geotechnical engineering: Alpha Testing Material testing: Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger Concept engineering: AKT II
The post Volkan Alkanoglu designs cedar bridge to resemble a driftwood branch appeared first on Dezeen.
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bookshelf-imagines · 4 years
Chasing Light | Part V
Pairings/Fandom: Lumity/ToH
Summary: More suspense! Odalia, Odalia, Odalia...That bitch.
Warnings: Violence, blood
Luz panted from the exhaustion that settled in her bones from fighting the beast in front of her. She had been rolling out of swipes but she had lost too much blood from the first blow to continue much longer.
It was her fault.
When she turned around, Cerberus had brought down one of his gigantic claws across the legionnaire’s chest, following it up with a clamp with its sharp teeth on her right arm, rendering her dominant sword arm useless.
She should’ve seen it coming but she didn’t.
She was trained better than this.
It was the fact that Odalia had mentioned the gods. What would a mere mortal know about divine beings, and a Titan at that? Pluto was struck down to the Underworld to watch the souls of the departed. If Odalia had him in her pocket, Luz didn’t want to think about the possibility of the woman being more powerful than she had displayed thus far.
Cerberus widened his maw and missed its target by less than a hair. Luz had rolled to the side and slid into a crack in the mountain. Her chocolate eyes held a ferocity in them as they scanned the battleground. Her sword was in two pieces on the left side. She couldn’t make it in time and she highly doubted the ability of the steel to pierce the hide of the godlike beast.
However, before she could dive beneath the vicious dog, a yellowish-white light enveloped the animal, causing Luz to shield her vision with her non-injured arm. As soon as it came, it was gone, and so was Cerberus.
Luz carefully dislodged her damaged body from the crack and limped over to her sword while simultaneously searching for what caused the creature to miraculously vanish into thin air. So far, there was nothing. Until-
“You have done well, my child. Come, rest. Your body may be blessed with the blood of the gods, but it has yet to be awakened. You are still mortal. Close your eyes. We will help.” It was an almost ethereal voice. It wasn’t around her, more so echoing within the constraints of her own mind. It bothered her to no end because it sounded like her conscience but...real.
Before she could think too much about it, her knees gave out under her and she fell to the earth, allowing exhaustion to envelope her in darkness.
~~~~~~~~~~ A few moments before ~~~~~~~~~~
“You really should be in bed resting.” Willow informed.
Amity wasn’t having any of it.
“I can’t rest knowing that my...mother,” She shuddered, “Is out there. The things she’s capable of…”
“Amity...What exactly happened over all these years?”
The honey color in the brunette’s eyes had dimmed since childhood. They no longer held the golden speck when she spoke and they looked as if they were constantly in fear of something. Or someone.
“You don’t want to know.”
A rapping at the door broke the conversation. Willow opened the door only for her friend to come toppling through, barely catching her limp form.
“Look at her armor - there are blood stains, but she doesn’t seem to be bleeding.” Amity observed before helping carry the unconscious Centurion to a bed.
They laid Luz down and examined her.
There was no blood on her other than her armor. Her sword was missing and her hair had definitely seen better days. She seemed visibly normal in all but one area.
“Did she have that scarring before?” Amity crouched and gently took a hold of Luz’s arm, tracing what seemed to be scars left by enormous teeth.
“Not that I recall, no. What do you think happened to her?”
“How would she be able to do this?”
“I don’t-” Amity sighed, “I’m not sure. But we might want to check for any other injuries, just in case.”
“You sure know an awful lot about this.”
Now, of course, as sweet as Willow is, she’s not stupid and neither is Amity. The plant-lover may not have seen her childhood best friend for nearly a decade, but she still cared regardless of what happened. She didn’t blame Amity for it. Though, if she had known that her mother had forced her into slavery, things might have gone differently.
On the other hand, Amity still hadn’t forgiven herself for what happened. When she was ripped from the life she had, all contact to the outside world was lost. That included the only person that stood by her through thick and thin. What did she do with that trust? She grabbed it by its neck and snapped until the last bone was broken. It wasn’t on purpose, and it wasn’t her fault, no, but the guilt was there and the weight bared down on her shoulders more so than Atlas himself.
“The, um…” Amity stood straight but avoided eye contact out of habit, “the other slaves taught me how to properly tend to wounds whether they were deep or shallow. I have experience with...injury.” She trailed off and opted to gaze at the unconscious woman before her.
She had to admit that Luz was...attractive? She also had to admit that that probably was not the correct word. It’s just that Luz exudes confidence. She wasn’t quite sure what it was, but it was...neat.
“Amity...I’m-I’m so sorry, I never knew.” Willow’s tone drooped as she took a step forward, “Come here.”
Amity was embraced in a caring hug. The problem was that her body tightened as hard as a rock and froze in place as her expression was replaced with confusion.
“Wh-what are you doing?”
“I’m...hugging you.” Willow pulled away with worry, “It’s meant to comfort.”
“You don’t know what a hug is?!”
“Stop...shouting. It’s too bright.” Luz, as disoriented as possible, groaned.
“Luz!” Both of the other females in the room sped over, but Amity took one of her hands.
As soon as Luz could register her surroundings and why there was an electric ache shocking her body, she smirked.
“Holding my hand before the first date, huh?”
“Wh-” Amity dropped her hand and blushed profusely, albeit without knowing why or how. Why was her face so...hot? For no reason? It’s not as though she learned much about...really anything to do with people, so this entire ordeal is new territory.
“Luz, what happened?” Willow inquired.
“Cerberus, Odalia, Pluto. Bright light. Sit down because this is going to be a lot.”
Pluto leisurely stepped in circles around the woman currently shackled to the cement beneath her, tugging at her wrists and bringing her further into the Underworld with each struggle.
Odalia was bound to run out of luck eventually, and now she had. She was paying the price of what it meant to deal with a very, very angry god.
The God of the Dead stood in front of his victim and lifted her chin with a slender finger, clicking his tongue three times.
“You disappoint me.”
He crouched down and whispered.
“And you know what happens when you disappoint me.”
A chill sprinted down the woman’s spine as she kneeled motionless in front of the Titan.
A snap of his fingers was all it took before the souls of the damned came crawling from the River Styx, all too eager to feast upon such a delicious morsel.
They weren’t going to kill her, no. Oh, no. Just slightly…
Make her suffer.
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quintessencea · 3 years
Another OC Sans of mine, poor Draft has had a rough life, and here's an example of one of the horrors he's put through! Gonna warn for body horror here, fragile hand versus metal machine in graphic bony detail. Also, he's currently got a shocking cuff around his throat as punishment for making one too many bad puns in front of Gaster...
"Hold this exactly here," Gaster ordered, tapping where the pen needed to mark.
Sans nodded as he reached forward, holding the marker above the point indicated.
"Now, once the machine starts, press gently, and do not tear the paper."
He nodded again, and Gaster walked around to the far side of the machine. Sans stifled a yawn with one hand, trying to ignore the raw burns on his throat and wishing he'd gotten better sleep. He'd never had to wear the cuff-turned-collar overnight before, and the vicious shock of electricity had been a rough way to learn he talked in his sleep. He felt his eye sockets drawing closed as he thought of his bed, of how nice a nap would be right about-
The machine whirred to life, and the ream of paper began to slowly draw into the rollers. As he'd been told, he lowered the tip of the marker. A line trailed out with the pull of the paper, disappearing towards the front. The machine crawled along, doing what machines did and he did his best to hold the line still.
There was no telling how long the test would take, or how long he was needed to record for, so he waited, holding the pen like he'd been told. Maybe if this went well Gaster might be in a good enough mood later to take off the shock cuff. That'd be nice.
It was strangely hypnotizing, watching the movement of the paper, the trail of the marker. Like ink dripping sideways, a soothing little river of black. After a while he carefully shifted his grip to his right hand, shaking his left to flex the stiffness out. It felt like he'd been standing here for at least an hour, watching foot after foot of the material roll by. With a yawn, he rested his left hand on one of the supports by the roller gears, his entire focus directed to keeping his right hand still, the line steady.
Until he felt a tugging on his sleeve.
Blinking dully, he turned to look-
As his left arm was being drawn into the machinery. With a sharp intake of breath, thankfully not loud enough to set off the collar, he pulled his arm back, only to come up short as the closing gears gripped his cuff. He dropped the pen, barely noticing the way it bounced on the material before being sucked into the machine with the paper. Sans ignored the horrid crunch sound that came after as it was crushed between the rollers, ink flooding the paper while Sans tried to pull his arm out of his sleeve. His wrist snagged in the tightening cuff, the material closed too far to get through. It wasn't going to come free, and his mind reeled with sudden panic.
"He- elp- ah!" He tried to call out but the jolt of pain from the cuff on his neck cut him off, electric teeth closing around his throat and turning his shout into a hoarse whisper. "St- ah! It- ah-!"
The fabric was tearing, but not as quickly as it was being drawn into the gears. He had be louder, he needed Gaster to stop the machine!
"Ga- ack! Ga- ahh!" He called, louder this time, but the shocking choked off his breath, stronger with every attempt at sound.
Time seemed to slow down as he watched the gears roll, the two sets of teeth inexorably pulling his fingers closer and closer. He pulled harder, curling his fingers against his palm, trying to buy seconds. The machine didn't stop.
"N- ah! N- no-!" His throat was on fire, the current nearly constant as the cuff reacted to his cries.
The first metal tooth scratched against his knuckle. The second one bit into his hand. He could feel the crunch as it broke through the bone.
"Ahh- urkk-! Ahhhhhhh!" He screamed, assaulted by two sides, the metal chewing into his fist and the cuff electrocuting his throat.
With a jarring screech of metal the machine lurched to a sudden halt. His hand was trapped in the gear, his sleeve and the last two fingers of his hand crushed into the machinery.
"Gast- ack! Please- ah!" He cried, unable to speak unable to stop trying. "H- ah- help!"
He was stuck, his hand was caught. He couldn't get it out. He didn't dare pull it out now, unless he wanted to leave pieces behind. He gripped his wrist, squeezing tightly as if he could block off the pain along with the circulation.
"And what have you done now?" Gaster's voice called from behind him. "You've ruined the entire test with your negligence! Do you understand the damage you've caused, dropping the pen into the rollers like that?"
Shaking, Sans turned to regard the tall monster. His face was set into a mask of disappointment. Hiccuping with the pain, Sans looked back to his hand. Splinters of bone stuck out between the gear teeth.
"The machine was barely moving. How did you manage such an incompetent feat?"
He couldn't answer without the collar activating, so he just hung his head, his shaking bones rapping loudly against the metal of the machine.
"By the angel Sans, I simply cannot believe you sometimes. Just… wait there, I'll salvage what I can and reverse the gears."
Sans nodded. Shaking his head, Gaster rounded the machine, and there was nothing Sans could do but wait. His hand throbbed, and he couldn't help but think that it was probably a good thing he couldn't get the fabric out or he'd likely rip his fingers off trying.
"Ready?" came the call from the other side. He didn't really expect an answer, did he? There was a click that echoed through the metal, and the gears began to move-
The wrong way!
"Wait-! Hrk! Ah-! Noo-! Ahhh-hh!" He cried as they began to close again, this time on his middle finger. No longer caring about the damage he pulled back on his arm, feeling the bones in his wrist stretching apart.
His voice cut out and he began to cough, each spasm setting off the cuff to claw him apart from the inside.
A loud groan from deep in the machine made him jump as the gears mercifully stopped, then began to reverse direction, millimeters from crushing his third finger.
Forcing himself to hold still, Sans shoved his other hand into his mouth, biting down to keep quiet, to keep the collar dormant. He was hyperventilating now, his breath coming in short gasps through his teeth as he watched the machine slowly, slowly release his hand. But even that wasn't enough as he had to wait for it to release the sleeve of his lab coat.
When he was finally free, he pulled his hand to his chest, cradling it gently as he inspected the damage.
His two outmost fingers and their metacarpels were crushed, destroyed almost beyond recognition. Of his little finger, nothing remained but splinters, the pieces of his ring finger hardly any larger. Blue magic dripped from the cracks, running down his wrist and over the fingers of his other hand.
"Let me see," Gaster demanded over his shoulder.
Sans flinched back, hesitating. Gaster only huffed in annoyance, reaching out to grab Sans' wrist himself. The contact made Sans shout out in pain as his mangled hand was jarred, only to have the cuff zap him again for his trouble.
"You're likely going to lose the fingers," Gaster said, turning Sans' hand over and back, his face set in a grimace of distaste. "Wrap them and use ice to slow the magic leakage."
Sans nodded, shaking and not really listening. Sighing, Gaster dropped his hand. Sans let it hang, sickly fascinated by the unnatural way the broken pieces stuck out from the rest of his hand. The longer he stared, the further the pain receded, leaving him cold. Spacey. Distantly he felt he should be concerned by Gaster's words, but he just couldn't seem to recall what the proper reaction should be.
"Go!" Gaster snapped, a dangerous exasperation in his tone, sharp enough to drag Sans back to focus. Gaster was glaring at him and Sans shrank back, his sluggish mind processing the order.
Without another word, Sans fled.
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gunsmoke-snakeoil · 4 years
At the Rivers Edge- Pt 2
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Arthur X Female!Reader
Part 1 | Part 3
Arthur comes into camp with a familiar dark air about him that leaves you hurting in his stead. Being one of the few who know him well enough to read his body language, you do everything to keep his mind off of the one and only Mary Linton
I want to say a huge huge thank you to @lauramb7 and all of those who encouraged me to continue this story! I honestly had no idea people would be this interested in my ideas and honestly it makes me get all choked up! I got very ambitious, and can’t possibly fit the rest of this in a second part. So there will be one more after this! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Stay safe and healthy! ~K
It had been a few months since your conversation at the river with Arthur. And since then, things had changed drastically. You moved twice, slowly seeping so far east it made your stomach burn. You had lost some people along the way, giving the camp dark clouds and a heavy weight weighing against your sore heart. The new camp, you hated. It was too hot, muggy, and swampy. The only upside was the large house with vines climbing up its chipped white walls.
You were not the only one who hated this new spot. Arthur didn’t even have to say it. You just knew by one hunting trip the two of you took. He had taken a step on what he had thought was solid ground, and ended up sinking nearly a foot and a half deep in dark thick muck. He groaned, his blue eyes firing in frustration as he wildly tugged his legs trying to pry them free from the jaws of the swamps. It took you the better half of an hour to finally tug him free, of course your laughter seizing your muscles making it nearly impossible to grow the strength. You yourself had slipped when you gave one hard tug, sending you sliding towards him on your ass. You cussed something ugly forcing him into a fit of laughter as you picked yourself up. Eventually he had opt to leave his boots that were suctioned off his feet and stuck there for an eternity.
The worst part in your opinion was the stench of the muck clinging to his pants, feet and your bottom. You’d hoped you’d get use to it, but every time he moved or you sat you got the strongest whiff making your stomach curdle.
When the sun had finally sunk and the moon came out, the swamp grew foggy and dark with shadows creeping around almost every tree. Every sound made you jump, especially the loud hissing from the alligators. You had made the grave mistake admitting your fear of someone or something coming out and grabbing you. Arthur laughed when you jerked at a swamp bird screeching in the distance. And when you had finally found the stillness to sleep, he had found a branch and some leaves and brushed them against your shoulder and arms. You screamed so loud, you were sure the entirety of Saint Denis heard your cry. You had never ripped something so quickly from someones hand, the willingness to sleep finally left you completely as you playfully beat him with the sticks. “I ought to shoot you dead Arthur Morgan!” You yelled, as he doubled back from laughter, grabbing your wrists to stop you.
After the sleepless night, you both vowed to never hunt in the swamps again, and you’d both take a three day trip out west where you knew you thrived.
Last night’s celebration hung heavy over your head as you blinked the slumber from your eyes. The alcohol you consumed left your skull with a dull throb, the sun stinging your eyes. You groaned, wishing to shoot the sun out of the sky. You were glad, you admitted; glad that Jack was back and safe with his mama and papa. That boy was a light in this dark camp, making everything you do, worth it. You prayed that he’d remain that sweet positive boy even when the clouds seemed to only darken.
You were pacing camp when Pearson called you over to his food wagon. It was too hot, too hot and muggy to walk the ten feet towards him. The air was so thick you were afraid of inhaling to deeply and choking.  You wished desperately to find the coolest spring in Lemoyne with no reptiles in sight to dive head first in. You slunk towards him leaning back on his work table. He shuffled in his deer hide bag and pulled out a folded paper tore and yellowing at the edges.
You took it, feeling the dry paper beneath your calloused fingertips. “Could you go pick these up at the store? They are already ordered they just need to be picked up.“  Flipping the page open your eyes looked over the list and nodded. "And can you stop by the post office? It should be on the way.” You slipped the paper into you satchel, while looking up at him, his shining bald head glistening in the early morning sunrise.
“Sure thing Mr. Pearson. Consider it done.” You hummed pushing off the table.
“Excellent! The wagon is over there… I haven’t set up the horses yet—” you dismissed his thought with a smile.
“I got it, don’t worry.” He returned your smile with a sheepish one as you turned and started towards the horses. You were met with many morning greetings from everyone as you crossed the bridge. You tossed the list and satchel up on the seat of the wagon. Inhaling deeply, you wiped your sweaty palms on your pants, searching for the two work horses. Big Blue, a Raven black Shire stood grazing by Arthur who put his saddle on his horse. You smiled, watching the gentle praises he gave his stallion, while straightening the seat to fit on the animal’s back. You moved passed him towards Blue, getting his halter.
“Mornin’ (Y/N).” Arthur greeted, tightening the strap at his horses abdomen. He rose his head to meet your eyes as you yawned and waved.
“Mornin’” you grinned swallowing a second yawn that wished to bubble after. Your gentle hands greeted Blue, and his nose pressed to your chin. “Mornin’ Blue.” You breathed, running a hand through his braided mane. He whinnied as you began to put on the halter.
“Taking the wagon out?” Arthur asked as you gently tightened a strap on Blue’s headgear. 
“Pearson has a nice long list for me.” You grinned, clicking your tongue and leading the large horse towards the wagon. You lined him up before taking the Halter off and replacing it with a Bridle. Blue sneezed in your face as you fastened the bit in his mouth. You groaned loudly wiping your face on your shoulder. Arthur laughed while lugging over the harnesses for the horses. “Hate when that happens.” You groaned wiping your face again as Arthur began strapping Blue into his harness and attach him to the wagon.
“At least your mouth wasn’t open.”
“Oh no, it was.” You then walked over to Dixie who was grazing on the opposite side of where Blue was. Arthur groaned and praised Blue for his witty instinctual act. You did the same as you did with Blue, using the halter to guide the large brown Shire to the wagon. You made sure to spit your tongue out at Arthur while putting the Bridle on Dixie. Arthur chuckled, giving you a nudge while fastening the harness on Dixie.
With the two of you working, the wagon was set up in no time. Arthur stood back, hands on his gun belt admiring the webbing of leather straps. “The errand girl. I like that look on you.” He teased as you gave the horses a quick pat.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” You rolled your eyes while climbing up the wagon and plopping on the creaky wooden seat. Arthur gave Dixie a pat before walking over with the reigns. He leaned forward on the step presenting them to you.
“Would be interesting seeing you in a dress.” He smirked as you took the leather from him and placed them in your lap.
“It’d be a cold day in hell Morgan. Hey,” you stepped your steel plated boot on the foot guard while bending down to get a good look at him. “maybe you oughta take Micah on your next hunting trip. Heard the pair of you are two peas in a pod.”
That smirk faltered enough to make you giggle. He groaned and took a step back from the wagon. “get outta here you crazy woman.” He motioned you towards the opening in the trees. The smile grew wider as you snapped the reigns prompting Blue and Dixie forward. You gave him a gentle wave as you started down the path. He couldn’t even try to mask the smile he had, watching as you turned down the lane and disappear behind the trees.
Navigating through Saint Denis proved to be more challenging then you would’ve liked. You had already struggled moving through on horseback now you had a long and wide wagon. The city was bustling, people crossing without looking and the roads filled with carriages and other modes of transportation. The buildings made you feel cramped, the pillars of dark smoke made the air smell. You felt like a bird plucked from the wild and shoved into a dark, small cage. Once you made it to the road lining the Lannahechee River, you felt more comfortable. The road was wider, and less people traveled across.
You pulled the wagon to the side of the road when it neared the post office and hopped off. When you approached the window you lightly rapped your fingertips on the wooden sill as the man made his way to your side. “Any mail for Tacticus Kilgore?” His brows knotted in a strange type of confusion as he sifted through cabinets.
“Why yes there is.” He tugged a soft white envelope from the many in the cabinet. He flipped it over and walked it to you presenting the name. “Is this right?” He asked. You took the soft paper, seeing the familiar sloppy cursive writing. Your heart burned as you flipped it over to peer at the red wax seal.
“Yeah, that’s right. Thank you.” You half grinned turning to take it back to the wagon. You pulled yourself up and took the reigns in one hand. Again you peered at the handwriting on the envelope. You knew it as Mary’s. Wrongfully you had peered at her writing before when Arthur had been out. It was long ago now but the writing surely hadn’t changed. Part of you wanted to tear it in five hundred pieces and watch it blow away in the wind. But the other knew Arthur still respected and cared for her. You carefully slid the letter into you satchel and moved down the road to the grocer.
You hardly remember the rest of the trip. Partly because of the letter, and the other was knowing that Arthur was undoubtedly going to get hurt again. You wondered if he listened to you and took your words to heart, or maybe it went into one ear and out the other. Either way, the feeling of setting that pretty white envelope on his desk sent a tight jolt to your limbs. A lump grew heavy in your throat imagining him finding it and reading closely to the paper. You bit your lip hard, forcing your gaze away from the handwriting. Then you saw her picture. Placed high up, the frame was worn yet the woman captured inside was young and beautiful. You picked it up, running fingertips against the pane. You wanted to smack her, yell at her, enough enough! What else could she possibly take, didn’t she have enough? You were beginning to make yourself tear up.
You sat her picture back quickly blinking away the tears. You decided the rest of the day would be best spent alone trying to keep yourself from combustion.
The next morning Javier had been talking to you about a fishing spot he discovered. You half listened, watching as Arthur walked to the horses. You noticed he changed shirts and had put on a clean vest. Sipping your coffee, you nodded at Javier and smiled pretending the best you could that you were fully listening. Arthur climbed onto his horse glancing back at the camp, meeting your gaze for a moment. You gave him a small wave, your fingers shaking just a tad as he tipped his hat and disappeared down the lane.
Javier invited you on a fishing trip to the spot he had mentioned. You nodded in response, giving him a smile. “Sounds good to me.”
You couldn’t concentrate, not for a single moment. You mindlessly baited your hook, using the crickets that Javier had offered you. You pricked your finger accidentally, yielding a sharp hiss in response. You wiped the small bead of blood on your jeans before casting the line into the small pond.
“It’s nice to get out.” Javier smiled as he casted his own bobber into the fishing hole.
“I agree,” you smiled reeling the line in just a tad so it had enough tension to feel a bite.  “This is a really nice spot. And gator free."  Javier shifted in his spot humming in agreement.
"I thought so too. Bass are pretty big here.” Your line jerked, and you tugged right back before pulling hard and reeling. “First cast and already a fish, Arthur was right, you’re one hell of a fisherman.”
You rolled your eyes as you pulled the fish in and grabbed it by it’s bottom lip. “Arthur says that because he has seen me catch at least a dozen trees and bushes.” You tugged the hook from it’s mouth and held it up.
“Well from where I’m standing, you are doing far better then I am.” Javier flicked the tip of his pole making the bobber dance.
“Give it time, one of us will be up in a tree trying to untangle my line from some branches.” You smiled letting the large mouth back into the water. The fish suspended for a moment, it’s gills puffing out and closing. In a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the depths flashing the sparkle of it’s scales. You rinsed your fingers in the water and smiled at the memory; remembering Arthur holding a branch down while your 21 year old self tried to free your river lure. You blamed him while laughing at your awful cast, the thin line tangled through out the many leaves and caught in the bark. So much for competing for the farthest cast. He always brought it up when ever you went fishing. Standing, you fumbled through the bait bag, pulling another cricket to stab onto the hook.
You wished, as you grabbed the line near the reel with your finger, that Arthur was here. You drew back the pole and let the line go as you swung forward sending the hook and bobber to the center of the pond. The bobber danced in the ripples for a moment before settling down again. You looked to the tree canopy. You wished he wasn’t where he was. You wished you could drop your pole in the water and take off on Zeus to find him. You wanted to pull him away from Mary and treat him just as he deserved to be treated. You wanted to show her just how much he meant to you. You wanted to kiss him right in front of her, tell him how much you love him and that you wouldn’t want anyone else in this world. You wanted him to give her up.
But you knew he was out there, somewhere getting hurt all over again. And nothing you did could stop it.
“(Y/N)?” Javier called, catching your attention. Your gaze shot to him, watching as he reeled in his bobber. “you feeling okay today? You have been acting a little funny.”
“Well maybe that’s just who I am,” you shrugged with a smirk watching the afternoon sun glisten on the rippling water. Javier baited his hook and tossed it out again, giving you a less then satisfied look. “I just have a lot on my mind, that’s all.” You sighed giving your bobber a little tug, letting it dance for a moment.
“I see.” Javier looked away from you. “Well, if you want to talk about it, I’m here for you.”
You smiled feeling gratitude at his gesture. As much as you’d love to unload all your feelings, you refrained, knowing you would put Arthur out there as well. “Thanks Javier.”
Upon your request, the two of you decided to stay out until late afternoon. Javier happily took your mind off of Arthur and Mary, offering you crazy bar stories and tales of his past. You left the fishing hole with a dozen bass for that evening’s dinner. Pearson was excited for the change of pace, and you had helped him fillet them. As he cooked, you snuck seasonings into the stew making Jack giggle when you made faces. When the stew was completed, you watched as everyone took servings. The ladies thanked Pearson and winked at you as they passed. You saw just about every face except for Arthur’s.
For a moment you thought he was still out. But that thought was chopped  the moment you noticed his horse hitched beside yours. You sighed deeply, scooping some of the food into a bowl. Carefully you carried it into the house and climbed the stairs. Faint light bled from his room, confirming his location. You approached the door that was open just a crack. With a single knuckle you knocked, the sound was faint and you prayed that he heard you. You felt oddly shaky when he hummed a response. You opened the door with your foot and stepped in. He sat on his bed, his journal rested in his lap. “Hey,” you stepped in further and showed him the stew. “Didn’t see you get any, and wanted to make sure you ate.”
He grinned and dropped the journal to the side by his satchel. “Well that’s mighty kind of you Miss (Y/N),” you carefully deposited the bowl in his hands. He motioned you to sit on the chair by the desk while He blew on the hot food before fishing it into his mouth.“That’s different.” He hummed.
“Yeah, it’s fish.” You sat down. “Believe it or not Javier and I caught them today. Despite your prior beliefs, I’m pretty damn good.”
Arthur smirked and began digging in the stew. “I don’t see any tree leaves or branches in here.. what the hell did you contribute?”
“You are such an ass. I actually caught half of them, you can ask Javier.” You giggled, while looking around at his room. Arthur was different. You couldn’t tell how, but that air he got when he saw Mary wasn’t with him. His eyes were happy, glistening and that smile from before was on his lips. Maybe he didn’t see her? You glanced around at the desk, the letter you sat there was gone.
Before you could get any deeper, Arthur drew your attention back to him, “there’s no way in hell Pearson did this on his own.”
“Oh hell no, I helped.” You shook your head. “It would’ve probably come to life and eat us if he did that on his own.”
Arthur nearly choked on his food at your comment making you laugh.  You spent the rest of the evening talking about your trip with Javier, and Arthur was quick to jump to the many days you went with him. After a while, you decided to turn in. He thanked you again for giving him company. You took his bowl and spoon and bid each other a good night.
As you turned to leave, you noticed the picture of Mary that had sat at his bedside for years had been laid face down.
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serpentinesarang · 4 years
NCT 127 reacting to you dressing up for a lowkey date
A/N: Gender-neutral reader. (Also, I apologize if these gifs are potato quality >.<)
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Taeil has been patiently lounging in the living room waiting for you to emerge from the bathroom. He’d told you yesterday he wanted to take you to a pumpkin patch today and carve designs together once you got home. No other plans or pitstops; just a scenic drive to the countyside in the increasingly chilly fall weather.
They’re taking a long time getting ready, wow... Taeil thinks, twiddling his thumbs together.
Not two minutes later, you finally unlock the bathroom door and saunter to the living room to stand in front of Taeil. You’re a knockout in a khaki trench coat, black turtleneck, and tight leather pants tucked into a pair of Doc Martens. You even smell fantastic.
Taeil’s spine snaps upright as his eyes drink you in. “I can’t believe you’re mine. Come here and let me kiss you,” he says with a warm smile, raising his arms.
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Taeyong pulls his car up to your apartment building and weaves through the underground garage, parking in front of the main elevator he knows you always dance out of. He’s stupid-excited to take you to see the newest Marvel film and hold your hand the whole time, but he’s more so satisfied with himself for buying out every other open seat during your showing so it would feel like you two were at home.
Taeyong turns down his playlist and full on cranes his neck to watch you step out of the elevator, and damn are you a snack. Wearing a dark red bomber jacket, striped top, and black cargo pants with moto booties, Taeyong wants nothing more than to park in a garage space and take you back upstairs to cuddle.
He involuntarily lets out a content sigh before you yank open the passenger door and slide in. 
“Hi, cutie!” you greet him brightly.
Taeyong immediately leans forward and presses his lips to yours then whispers almost into your mouth, “I’m gonna kiss you the entire movie, baby.”
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You hear a thunderous knock on your apartment door, and you don’t have to glance at your phone or watch to know who it is. It’s Johnny baby <3
He’d texted you an hour ago saying you two were going on an impromptu walk along the beautiful Han River because the sun is actually out today with minimal clouds. Really, he just wanted to escape the SM building and see you.
Once you swing your door open, Johnny nearly blows his eyes out of his sockets looking at you. You’re wearing a cute denim jacket over a low, scoopneck-style top that hugged your waist, along with black, ripped skinny jeans, and Vans. It’s just the right vibe for Johnny, and your legs have him wishing they were wrapped around his head instead.
“Goddamn,” he says in a hoarse voice, eyeing you coyly. “We’ll have to come back here after our walk...”
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It’s Thursday evening, and Yuta called you 30 minutes ago asking if you were nearby to grab some hot tea. Your board meeting had run super late, and you’d barely finished wolfing down a cheap salad when Yuta rang. This was just the pick-me-up you needed after such a long day, and you could handle the 15-minute walk to his favorite tea parlor. 
You breeze through the shop door and scan the tables for your adorable man, finding him hunched in a corner by the window. He’s engrossed in something on his phone and doesn’t see you at all until your shadow looms over him.
He snaps his head up to see you wearing a slim, navy blazer, crisp white shirt underneath, and matching wide-leg slacks that made you look professional and bad-ass at the same time. Yuta wasn’t used to seeing you in your work clothes because he always came home rather late at night. 
His posture springs back with excitement, and his eyes glitter in sheer amazement at the sight of his dressed-up partner. “Look at you, baby! Sexy enough to slurp.”
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(This is a different kind of ‘dressed up’ lmaooo)
At long last, it’s Friday night, and just about time for Doyoung to come home with a big pizza. Friday is always Netflix night with your boyfriend, and after the stressful day you had at school, you desperately wanted to burrow into his arms and forget it all. With the TV all cued up and cans of soda sitting on the coffee table, you’re perched on the couch in nothing but Doyoung’s favorite white t-shirt, your underwear nowhere to be found.
You hear a key jiggling in the lock, and Doyoung carefully swings the door open while balancing the Domino’s box in his other hand. He tosses his keys on the small shelf across the coat closet and yeets his shoes off before finally looking at you. 
You’re feeling a lil’ spicy tonight, so you undo your cross-legged position and stretch one leg off to the side of the couch, providing a tantalizing view for your frozen boyfriend. You smirk and beckon him with your pointer finger.
“Bon appetit to me,” he murmurs.
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Sunday afternoon, and Jaehyun’s knocked out on your bed, curled up like a little kitten. You’d disappeared an hour ago to grab groceries for tonight’s homecooked meal you told him this morning that you’d prepare, but you didn’t tell him the part about you being the appetizer.
Once you get home and dump the grocery bags on the kitchen counter (thankfully nothing needing refrigeration), you tip-toe to the bedroom, and just as you expected, Jaehyun was still napping. You sighed to yourself, remembering how hard he’s been working to memorize his upcoming drama show’s lines. A lot was riding on this for him, and he took his TV appearances seriously.
You lean down to your man’s face and gently stroke his cheek to wake him. He comes to and wastes no time beaming a tired smile your way. 
“That was fast,” he whispers before chuckling. “Is dinner ready?”
The moment he watches you step back and untie your long trench coat to reveal absolutely nothing on your body, as you’d specifically planned, Jaehyun shoots off the bed and seizes you in his muscular arms.
“I’m definitely fine with this main course,” he says as he wraps a hand behind your neck and kisses you passionately.
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“Hey sweetheart, I hope work wasn’t too bad. Can we play FIFA tonight??” Jungwoo’s text reads. 
You smile and snort through your nose. Damn that cutie, always wanting to stay in together. You can’t say no to your boyfriend though because he’s always so good to you, and you’d had a good shift at work today. You heart-react to his text before unlocking the door to your shared apartment. It’s a good thing you’d decided this morning to go all-out for your work outfit.
You throw your bag to the floor and shimmy out of your shoes, making your way to the living room where you know Jungwoo is patiently playing that silly go-kart game on his phone.
You clear your throat to get his attention, and he stares at your burgundy dress shirt tucked into your best pair of tight cigarette pants, the Gucci belt at your hips completing the glamorous boss babe look.
Jungwoo tosses his phone against a pillow to the side and says, “Well don’t just stand there; come cuddle me!”
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Your sweet boyfriend, going crazy in one of SM’s studios all by himself, had asked you to swing by. He needed some inspiration for the newest 127 song’s rap verse, and he was too shy to admit you’ve always been his muse.
An SM employee had graciously guided you to the particular music studio Mark was hiding in, on the opposite end of the dance studios. Too much stomping and distraction.
You enter the studio nervously, not sure who else would be in here. Luckily, it’s just your cutie lying on the carpet with a legal pad of paper splayed across his chest. He cranes his neck upward to look at you, decked in a white, crochet turtleneck, black overalls, and Chucks.
“BAY-beee...” Mark coos as he sits up and throws the paper pad on top of the nearby table. “Whatchu lookin’ so damn precious for?”
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(*Feminine-presenting reader)
You had just gotten off work and were eagerly speed-walking the few blocks’ distance to the SM dorms. Haechan had invited you over to show you the new piano melody he came up with last night, but you were fairly certain he was using this excuse to be touchy-feely with you after not being able to text him back all day. 
SM security was always an ordeal to get through to ward off sasaengs, but one of the guards was beginning to recognize you, so thankfully it’s not as long a check-in process as usual.
By the time you get off the elevator and ring the boys’ doorbell, you’re feeling extra giddy and ready to throw your arms around your boyfriend. Haechan opens the door with a smile, but it fades when he notices the red sundress and nude kitten heels you’re wearing. 
In a hushed voice, he leans forward and says, “Good, you’re as excited to get bent over the piano as I am to do it to you.”
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bbhyeoliskooks · 4 years
... 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔...
➶ TXT’s Reaction to Hearing you Sing
Genre: 3 1/2 cups of fluff and 1/2 teaspoons of angst
Warnings: None, I think !
Song: Moon River 
(Lately, I’ve been so soft for TXT!! I just love them so much. How hard working they are and always put on a smile for us. They always do their best just to make us happy. I really want to hug them and tell them they did well~~)
͒ ु Yeonjun ͒ ु 
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In your opinion, babysitting your younger siblings was pretty difficult. With two children running around and a baby crying for her mother, it was hard to concentrate on your studies. Finals were in two weeks, so you decided to study early to get a head start.
During the times when stress would pile upon you, you’d usually bring the kids outside to relinquish their energy. After that, they would sleep early and give you time to study for the subjects you were struggling in. Fortunately, the baby was already sleeping and the younger ones were getting sleepy as each minute passed.
Unbeknownst to you, Yeonjun decided to check up on how you’re doing because he knew you would be adamant on taking a break. Apparently, he was just walking pass the neighborhood and wanted to visit you. He worried a lot about you during finals and took care of you when you weren’t able to.
You were rocking the baby crib as well as reading the exam book to pass. It’d been long since you sang, and it was an easy way to let go of stress. You started to softly sing Moon River, a song that held a deep place in your heart.
Yeonjun arrived at your house with a smile, holding the spare key that you gave him for emergencies. Technically it wasn’t an emergency, but it was emergency to him if you weren’t babied during these times. He opened the door gently, making no sounds.
A soft voice made its way to his ears, and his eyes widened. It sounded so gentle and gorgeous. It was like an angel was singing. Was it you that was singing? He never heard you sing before. Usually, you were too scared to sing anywhere so he naturally assumed that you couldn’t sing well. He took his phone out to record you and quietly giggled.
It wasn’t long before you finished the song that you finally looked up at Yeonjun’s gaping mouth. Almost screaming, you let out a sound that sounded like a whining cat. You chuckled, putting the pencil down. “You seriously didn’t record that, did you?” He laughed with you and put his phone in his sweatshirt pocket. “I’m sorry, baby girl! It’s just that I’ve never heard you sing before. You can’t expect me not to when it comes to you. It was amazing!”
He bent down to press a loving kiss against your cheek. “You sounded like a Disney princess. It was so magical and pretty. Sing a duet with me in the future?”
͒ ु Soobin ͒ ु
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You were preparing food for the date you and Soobin were going on today. It was a picnic in the beach, a place where you wanted to experience the waves with him. A smile crept up your face as you imagined the day together. Both of you would frolic in the ocean and feel the warm sun melt your skin.
Spreading jam on one of the bread slices, you sang “Moon River” to ease your excitement. You were almost finished with all of the snacks. You just had to put them in the basket and wait for Soobin to finish packing up.
Speaking of which, Soobin walked into the kitchen, completely allured by your voice. He heard you sing before, but every time he would fall in love with you even more. It sounded so pleasing and sweet to his ears. To be honest, this babie just loved your voice more than bread and ice cream. (rip to soobin x bread 😔)
You looked up at your boyfriend whose eyes were twinkling. You could see why everyone told you that he looked at you like you were his world. You pushed away your embarrassment and softly smiled. Breaking out into giggles at his stare, you fed his widened mouth a piece of pandesal. He chewed it quickly before pulling you into his affectionate arms.
“Will you sing more for me, please? I love your honey voice.” You leaned against his chest, letting out a satisfied hum. “Of course you do. You love anything I do, and I am so grateful for that. I’m so lucky to have you, you know that?”
He kissed the top of your head lightly making you grin more if that was possible. “You can’t be lucky when I have you already. I love you, Y/N- more than you already know!” He leaned forward and tried to close the gap between the both of you. Jokingly pulling away, you let out a squeal and hit his chest. “Why are we so cheesy?! Ahh, Soobin! I love you too.”
You both laughed at your statement before he picked up the packed bag left on the counter. “Shall we go? If we keep being love birds, we’re going to miss a fun day~” Holding his hand and picking up the basket, you instantly agreed. “Of course, Binnie! We need to find a good place.”
͒ ु Beomgyu ͒ ु
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(Uwu this babie 🥺 my bias ahajshshgs)
“I’m going to sleep, jagi!” Beomgyu yelled.
You hummed in response and continued to study for the night. After 15 minutes, he pouted and whined once again. “I said I’m going to sleep, Y/N!” You nodded and smiled at his neediness. “I know! You just told me, Gyu. Are you that forgetful?”
He pouted as you turned back to work on your project. It was already 3am and he was feeling sleepy, but he refused to fall asleep this night to hear your wonderful voice. He couldn’t go to sleep without you in bed and hearing you sing one of his favorites, “Moon River.”
You didn’t know he caught you one night when you accidentally banged your head against the head of your bed. The boy woke up in a heartbeat and before he could let out a noise, you started to sing while combing his messy hair. He almost laughed at the memory, but was still sad that you weren’t going to bed soon. He got an idea and grinned at the thought of it.
“You know jagi, you don’t have to pretend anymore.” You raised an eyebrow at him before putting down the pencil. “What do you mean pretend? I don’t think I’m doing anything like that.” He snickered at you which made you confused. Did he catch you doing anything bad? No...? You don’t recall doing something wrong.
“Y/N, I know you sing me to sleep. You don’t need to hide it anymore! I want to hear you sing~” Your face flushed with embarrassment, but you hid it well with the strands of your hair. Beomgyu shook his head, trying to hold in his laughter. “Why are you so embarrassed? I love your voice. Please, don’t be shy to me.”
His face was red now, and his cheeks blossomed pink. He looked way too adorable for his own good when he panicked. You looked down at the textbooks, so he wouldn’t see your red face either. “But, Gyu... I can only sing when you’re asleep! I don’t think my voice is that good, as you say.”
Beomgyu ran up to you with a pout on his cherry lips before wrapping his comforting arms around you. “It is, jagi. You know I still love you either way. Whenever I go to sleep, you’re always there. It makes me so happy, and the last thought of mine before I drift off is you singing like that to our children one day.”
  ͒ ु Taehyun ͒ ु
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It was almost 4am in the morning when Taehyun called you. You were mindlessly scrolling on your phone when he facetimed you. It irked you that he was calling so late, but he probably just came home. He was usually sleeping in bed right now, if you remembered correctly.
You grinned from ear to ear despite calling him yesterday at 10. He had been gone for a month for the Japan tour where the group would perform their new songs. It was only a week until he came back, and you were much excited for it.
Picking up the call, you were shocked to see Taehyun in the bed hiding his face with his hands. He was sniffling and letting out little hiccups. Your eyes grew wide. Was he crying? He never cried that much in front of you! Your eyes started to water up too, seeing him this way. How much you wanted to be there with him and hug him while he let all the tears out.
“Tae, are you crying?” He shook his head furiously, still hiding his face. “Y-yes, I am. It isn’t important right now though. I just wanted to see what you were up to.” You sighed and frowned at his lie. “Taehyun, please tell me what’s wrong. I want to help.”
He sighed as well before taking his hands off of his face. His eyes were red and puffy, and there were still tears streaming down his face. You put on a small smile so you could be strong for him. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t desire to. I will sing for you, okay? Perhaps that will calm your nerves.”
He let out a tiny yes before tucking himself into the covers. You cleared your throat and sung one of your favorite songs that always calmed him down. It was one of ‘your’ songs together, one that played when you first met each other in a flower garden.
It was about a few minutes later when you heard a few snores coming from the phone. You chuckled a little at how he snuggled into the blanket. The next day, you would talk to him about it if he wanted to. Now though, he was sleeping and you wished he would have sweet dreams.
Grazing your finger against the hang up button, you blew a kiss even though he would never see it. “Sweet dreams, Tae. I love you.”
͒ ु Kai ͒ ु
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“Y/N! Come here!” Your boyfriend, Kai called from upstairs. You put the chocolate chip cookies in the oven at least 10 minutes ago and waited for them to be ready. You laughed at his voice crack. Everytime you made something in the kitchen, he would distract you with something unimportant.
You dashed up the stairs and saw him there with his sunglasses. Did he seriously call you for that? You were busy baking something! He held his guitar and smirked at your dumbfounded expression. “What? You obviously look shocked. Am I toooo hot for you??”
You rolled your eyes, taking a step towards him. “As if. Let’s not forget when you rapped to “Price Tag” while wearing those! It made me laugh so much.” He pouted and stuck his tongue at you. You held in a few giggles and sat next to him.
“I don’t think you know this, but I can play the guitar too. I started learning it when I was twelve.” His eyes slightly extended as he smugly shrugged. “But are you as good as me, Y/N?” His expression of shock turned into uncertainty in a matter of seconds. You peered into his unreadable eyes.
Kai furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. “It’s strange, but I’ve never heard you sing. Are you able to sing and play the guitar at the same time?” You strummed the beginning to test the waters before nodding. “I don’t know. I guess you’ll just have to see!”
You initiated the song, remembering the chords. You used your whole heart and soul in your voice, hoping that he would at least enjoy the performance. It seemed like the guitar didn’t do much work because your voice was so alluring that Kai forgot about it. He was so entranced by your voice warming his heart that he didn’t even realize that you were finished.
“Um... Hyuka? Was it good?” He didn’t say anything, only having a blank stare. You blushed in fear that it wasn’t as good as you thought. Maybe your skills weren’t as polished as you thought.
All of a sudden, he teared up and rubbed his eyes. “Y/N!! Why did you hide that from me! That was so angelic. I think I fell in love with you once again!” You let out a sigh of relief and gently layed down the guitar. “Thank gosh. I thought you didn’t like it, geez.”
He threw his arms around you. Thrown off by the sudden affection, you hesitantly hugged him back and buried your face into his neck. “What do you mean I didn’t like it? That was so good.”
“Was it better than yours?” You jokingly asked. He rubbed your tummy and hummed in agreement. “Yeah, yeah. You won. That was too good anyway.”
You scrunched your nose up at his statement. “Liar.” He gasped, gently hitting your arm in playfulness. “What the- do you really want to go there? We should cuddle instead while you sing me to sleep. I’m your baby!!” “Sure, Hyuka. Whatever you say.”
A burnt odor made its way to your nose. You gazed at Kai if he smelt it too. He had the same look of puzzlement. Wait. You instantly threw yourself off of him. “The cookies! They’re burnt now!”
Posted: 6/8/20- 3:54am
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blackpoliglota · 4 years
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A friend of mine went on Instagram a few weeks ago and asked her mutuals for international music suggestions.  Naturally, ya neighborhood Black linguist right here responded immediately... despite seeing the post at about 4am her time in Madrid 😭  After having given my friend the lengthy (... or not-so-lengthy) list of artists I listen to on the daily, I decided to make a post about this!  So without further ado, here is my list of artists I listen to, as well as some of my favorite songs by them!  Album titles are in parentheses after the song titles.  And feel free to click on any song title you’d like to listen to!
SPANISH 🇵🇷🇨🇱🇨🇺
Calle 13 🇵🇷
I first came across Calle 13 through Shakira’s song “Gordita” from her album Sale El Sol waaaaaay back in 2010, but it wouldn’t be until my senior year in college (2019) when I started listening to their stuff.  Now I listen to literally ALL of their songs, but some of my favorites are:
“Latinoamerica” Feat. Totó La Momposina, Maria Rita y Susana baca (Entre Los Que Quieran)
“Digo Lo Que Pienso” (Entre Los Que Quieran)
“Muerte en Hawaii” (Entre Los Que Quieran)
“Todo Se Mueve” Feat. Seun Keti (Entre Los Que Quieran)
“El Aguante” (MultiViral)
“Multi_Viral” Feat. Kamilya Jubran, Tom Morello y Julian Assange (MultiViral)
“Cuando los Pies Besan el Piso” (MultiViral)
“Los Idiotas” (MultiViral)
“Perseguido” Feat. Biga Ranx (MultiViral)
“Que Lloren” (Los De Atrás Vienen Conmigo)
“Gringo Latin Funk” (Los De Atrás Vienen Conmigo)
“La Perla” Feat. Rubén Blades y La Chilinga (Los De Atrás Vienen Conmigo)
“Fiesta de Locos” (Los De Atrás Vienen Conmigo)
Residente 🇵🇷
One half of the act Calle 13, Residente made his solo career debut in 2017 with his self-titled album, the album that actually reintroduced me to Calle 13 in 2019.  Residente also has several released singles here and there, some of which being products of collaborations with Bad Bunny and others.  Here are some of my favorites from him:
“Guerra” (Residente)
“Apocalíptico” (Residente)
“Dagombas en Tamale” (Residente)
“Somos Anormales” (Residente)
“El Futuro Es Nuestro” (Residente)
“Bellacoso” Feat. Bad Bunny (Bellacoso - Single)
“Cántalo” w/ Ricky Martin y Bad Bunny (Cántalo - Single)
“René” (René - Single)
Danay Suárez 🇨🇺
In my last semester at my college I took a class called Afro-Latin History, a class I wish I found out about much sooner than I did.  That class seriously had me questioning my choice in major... IN MY LAST SEMESTER!!!  Seriously, EASILY one of the best classes I’ve taken in my entire life, no exaggeration.  ANYWAY (getting of topic, my bad 😅), in one class we were discussing a book called Negro Soy Yo (= Black I Am)  in which the author (Marc D. Perry) relates how hip-hop and rap are used to explore Cuba’s racial structure alignment and how it shifts along with the state’s change from a revolutionary socialist state to one functioning under capitalism.  Being inspired from such an interesting read, I decided to look for more Afro-Cuban musicians to listen to.  Next thing I know, I have Danay Suárez playing in my ear.  My favorite songs from her are:
”Closer Now” Feat. The Idan Raichel Project (Palabras Manuales)
“Integridad” Feat. Stephen Marley (Palabras Manuales)
“Yo Aprendi” (Polvo De La Humanidad)
“Las Bala” Feat. El B. (Palabras Manuales)
Ana Tijoux 🇨🇱
It’s thanks to 2 of my college friends that I learned about Ana Tijoux.  This Chilean rapera (= rapper) came to Scripps – one of the Claremont colleges; I went to Pomona – to give a talk about how she uses her music to communicate her political views (trash talking capitalism... my kind of political view) and to promote social justice, to keep it short and sweet.  These are my favorites from Ana Tijoux:
“1977” (1977)
“Somos Sur” Feat. Shadia Mansour (Vengo)
“Vengo” (Vengo)
“Antipatriarca” (Vengo)
“Creo en Ti” Feat. Juanito Ayala (Vengo)
“Oulala” (1977)
“Cacerolazo” (Cacerolazo - Single)
“Antifa Dance” (Antifa Dance - Single)
Ibeyi 🇨🇺(🇫🇷)
Now discovering Ibeyi happened completely randomly... through a targeted Facebook video placed on my timeline.  It was their music video of the song “Me Voy” featuring Mala Rodriguez that appeared.  No long story here: I watched it, became intrigued, looked them up to find that they’re *AFRO-CUBAN (and French) artists, became more intrigued, searched for and listened to more of their music, and ultimately fell in love with their sound.  The way their voices are so in sync with each other is ethereal; together they sound celestial!  Some of my favorites from them are:
“Me Voy” Feat. Mala Rodriguez (Ash)
“I Carried This for Years” (Ash)
“Deathless” Feat. Kamasi Washington (Ash)
“River” (Ibeyi)
“Behind the Curtain” (Ibeyi)
French 🇧🇪
Stromae 🇧🇪
I can’t exactly remember how I came across Stromae... I believe it was through a childhood friend of mine??  I know for a fact that she did mention him to me at some point before I started actually listening to his songs, but I’m not sure if it was via those conversations how I became motivated to give his music a try 🤔 Either way, I ended liking his music enough to listen to it constantly!  Here’s what kept me listening to Stromae:
“Papaoutai” (Racine Carrée)
OOOOOOOH I JUST REMEMBERED!!! 😃😃😃 It was through Pentatonix’s arrangement of his song “Papaoutai”!  I found myself loving their version and became curious of where they found this song to arrange.  Okay, back to the list:
“bâtard” (Racine Carrée)
“tous les mêmes” (Racine Carrée)
“carmen” (Racine Carrée)
“avf” (Racine Carrée)
“Dodo” (Cheese)
“Peace or Violence” (Cheese)
“Je Cours” (Cheese)
Portuguese 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Flavia Coelho 🇧🇷
I can’t thank God (and app developers) enough for an app like Shazam; if it wasn’t for this magical app, I wouldn’t have found out about Flavia Coelho.  By pure circumstance, I heard her song “Na Favela” on the radio while taking an uber to somewhere while back in college (sometime during senior year) in Southern California (MAN do I miss being out there 😭).  Fast forward to right after graduation, where I find myself in New York City: I'm out here for my college’s glee club tour, for which we had evening performances and free time during the day.  One day, I decided to go running in Central Park, and part of my preparation for any run consists of finding the right music to run to.  Normally I go with fast-paced, up-beat, arrogant rap stuff, but decided that I wanted this run to be an easy-going, enjoyable one – a run in which I’m not trying to improve my pace.  “What better music to listen to than Flavia Coelho’s,” I think.  Plus, it gave me an excuse (and plenty of time) to listen to an artist I recently discovered at the time.  Thanks to the run, I found a few favorite songs by her:
“Na favela” (Sonho Real)
“Se ligue” (Sonho Real)
“Paraiso” (Sonho Real)
“Por Cima” (Mundo Meu)
“Quer Vadiar” (Sonho Real)
“Leidi” (Sonho Real)
“Pai de Santo” (Mundo Meu)
I couldn’t find a more aurally-polished version of the song on youtube, so apologies!
“O Dom” (Mundo Meu)
Sergio Mendes 🇧🇷
Ooooh the great Sergio Mendes.  To be completely honest, there’s not much I can say about him except that I know he’s one of Brazil’s greatest and world-renown musicians... and that I came across him through the Wii game Samba de Amigos.  I couldn’t tell y’all how bad I wanted that game when I was 11... GOOD LORDT, WHEN I was ELEVEN!?  GOODNESS, how time passes! 😱 ANYWAY, there was one song I always played on that game called “Magalenha”.  At the time I didn’t know it was a Sergio Mendes song – when I looked it up, the artist that kept coming up was someone named Bellini and Mendoça do Rio.  So what happens next?  Well of course I download the song (FOR FREE and illegally thanks to L*mew*re... rip) and conduct even further research on those two artists I first found.  All of this searching would ultimately lead me down a web hole that led me to Sergio Mendes.  I admittedly have not listened to enough of his stuff, but here are a few that I currently fancy:
“Fanfarra” Feat. Alceu Do Cavaco (Brasileiro)
“Magalenha” (Brasileiro)
“What is This?” (Brasileiro)
“Simbora” Feat. Carlinhos Brown (Magic)
“Samba de Roda” Feat. Aila Menezes & Gracinha Leporace (Magic)
“One Nation” Feat. Carlinhos Brown (Magic)
“Mas Que Nada” (Mas Que Nada)
Carlinhos Brown 🇧🇷
It’s thanks to Sergio that I came across Carlinhos Brown... now how exactly did I find out about Senhor (=Mr.) Brown through Senhor Mendes, I'm not sure; there were so many opportunities for this to have happened!  I mean, if you take a look at all of Sergio’s music, you’ll find LOADS of collaborations between him and Carlinhos Brown.  Also, bruh, I thought I loved Sergio’s stuff when I stumbled upon it... sorry Sergio, but my love for you doesn’t hold a candle to my LOVE for Carlinhos Brown!  Here are some of my favorites that I still listen to (and futilely try to dance the samba to... can someone teach me please??) on a regular basis:
“Afroascendente” (Marabô)
I couldn’t this song on youtube, so if y’all are subscribed to any music streaming services, look it up on there.  Apologies!
“Vidacarnaval” (Marabô)
“Carlito Marron” (Carlinhos Brown E Carlito Marron)
“Fofoqueira” (Mixturada Brasileira)
“Mixturação” Feat. Ivete Sangalo (Mixturada Brasileira)
“Ói Pra Cá” Feat. Filhos de Gandhy (Ói Pra Cá - Single)
“Mulemba Xangóla” in collaboration w/ Bonga & Marisa Monte (Onda Sonora: Red Hot + Lisbon)
“Ô Vida” Feat. Nina de Freitas (Rio 2: Music From The Motion Picture)
“Sapo Cai” Feat. Mikael Mutti (Rio: Music From The Motion Picture)
Emicida 🇧🇷
Another Afro-descended artist doing his thing, Emicida is one of my favorite types of artists: a conscious rapper.  I know this by looking up translations of his songs... cause ya girl ain’t got NO understanding of Portuguese to be listening to songs and be like “oooh that was clever!” like she does with Calle 13... BUT I’’L GET THERE, THIS I SWEAR!!!  Emicida is still fairly new to me; I found his stuff thanks to Ibeyi (from the Spanish section above).  Regardless, I still have few songs from him I listen to often:
“Libre” Feat. Ibeyi (AmarElo)
“Principia” Feat. Pastor Henrique Vieira, Fabiana Cozza & Pastoras do Rosário (AmarElo)
“Eminência Parda” Feat. Jé Santiago, Papillon & Dona Onete (AmarElo)
“AmarElo (Sample: Sujeito de Sorte - Belchior)” Feat. Majur & Pablo Vittar (AmarElo)
“Hacia El Amor” Feat. Ibeyi (Hacia El Amor - Single)
Japanese 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
OOP, what’s that I hear?  It’s ANIME TIME!!!  LOL jk... BUT to be fair, I say this because literally all of the Japanese songs that I listen to come from a bunch of anime series I’ve seen throughout the past 10 years.  So yeah, get ready to experience a bit of my weeb years, heh heh.  I’m gonna categorize the songs by anime series title instead of by artist name:
Fullmetal Alchemist 🦾🙏🏾⚡️
“Melissa” by Porno Graffiti (Porno Graffiti’s Best Blues)
“Ready Steady Go!” by L’arc-En-Ciel (Smile)
“Rewrite” by Asian Kung-Fu Generation (Sol-fa)
“Period” by CHEMISTRY (Chemistry 2001-2011)
“Uso” by SID (SID 10th Anniversary BEST)
“Let It Out” by Miho Fukuhara
“Shunkan SENTIMENTAL” by Scandal (Temptation Box)
 Bleach 🗡💀
“*~Asterisk~” by Orange Range (Natural)
“D-tecnoLife” by UVERworld (Neo Sound Best)
“Ichirin no Hana” by High and Mighty Color
“Alones” by Aqua Times (Darekanochijoue)
“After Dark” by Asian Kung-Fu Generation (World World World)
“Chu-Bura” by Kelun (Kelun)
“Shoujo S” by Scandal (Scandal Show)
“Animarossa” by Prono Graffiti (Trigger)
“chAngE” by Miwa
“Ranbu no Melody” by SID (Ranbu No Melody)
“Harukaze” by Scandal (Scandal)
“Gallop” by Pe’zmoku
“Haruka Kanata” by UNLIMITS 
Soul Eater 💀🎃⛓🗡
“Resonance” by T.M. Revolution
“Papermoon” by Tommy heavely6
“I Wanna Be” by Stance Punks
“Bakusou Yume Uta” by Diggy-MO’ (DX 10th Anniversary All This Time 2008-2018)
“Strength.” by Abingdon Boys School (ABINGDON ROAD)
Kill La Kill 🗡✂️👙
“Sirius” by Eir Aoi
“Ambiguous” by GARNiDELiA (Ambiguous - Single)
“Gomen ne, Iiko ja Irarenai” by Miku Sawai
“Sanbika” by Eir Aoi
Annnnd DONE!  Congrats on making it through this SUPER long post!  Again, this is some of the music in other languages I listen to on a regular basis; you can click on any of the song titles to listen to them in their entirety if you’d like.  Also, if any of y’all have any recommendations on what I should listen to – especially if it’s in Mandarin or French, considering a Mandarin section is nonexistent and the French section is just sad compared to the others 😭 –please reach out!  I’d love to hear what you guys listen to, so let’s start up a little music exchange, yeah?  Cool.  Here’s to finally finishing this post that’s taken me EONS to complete!
乾杯 (gān bēi)! 🥂
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kevintor · 4 years
I Watch a Movie I Should Have Seen: Teen Witch
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I had not heard of this movie until friends suggested it for my list of movies to watch. They especially pointed out the amazing rap moment and that’s really all I knew that I could not infer from the title.
This movie doesn’t waste time getting to the saxophone-heavy music. This is how it should be. I can’t tell you how many movies I watch that make me wait for the sax solo. And sometimes it doesn’t even come! Looking at you, The Godfather.
We’ve all had that dream where a mystery hunk in a dress shirt with rolled up, short sleeves and Cavariccis slinks towards you in the dark. Why do we have to wake up???
No matter how good you look and feel, never stand on a ledge in heels. Maybe block heels but not the ones she has on.
Louise’s little brother eats sheet cake under her bed and reads her diary, actually ripping pages out. He’s clearly a psychopath that deserves whatever magic comes his way.
Her dad is not creepy. He’s just someone who likes his daughter to wear his favorite color.
Hot guy from the dream (Brad) rocks a 5.0 Mustang and is dating the popular girl (Randa) living right across the street from Louise. Why do the important people in these movies always live so close to each other? I bet Brad went 300 feet before he had to honk that horn (not a euphemism) for Randa.
Louise’s best friend (Polly) is excessively frumpy. She has on so many layers, I don’t know how the bike could support the weight. She’s dressed like she’s arriving at Ellis Island from the old country.
Louise and Polly wear disrespectfully large trench coats most of the time. The kind I would only wear if I was trying to cut weight for a fight. I know Louise will eventually be made over into a hottie but she doesn’t really need to start in a cocoon. In She’s All That, they simply used glasses.
There’s a trio of rappers that serenade the school. I will call them The Leastie Boys.
Louise has skipped grades because she’s so smart. I get it now. If I was a younger kid amongst seniors, I’d want to hide myself under as much wool and tweed as possible.
There’s a particularly horrific scene where the diary page that her brother ripped out is accidentally handed in with her homework and the teacher reads the whole thing to the class. Between the brother, the dad, and this awful teacher, I’m not going to be surprised if there’s a clown in the sewers.
The girls’ gym uniform is.a purple leotard and that’s it. No shorts. No trench coat.
The popular girls spontaneously break into a song called “I Like Boys.” Is this a musical? She’s introducing them all to this song and they are choreographing it on the spot beautifully. I guess if you feel confident enough in that leotard, you can do anything.
It appears that the leotards are stuck to their bodies. They don’t ever take them off. They have clearly showered because they are drying their hair while still in the gym leotards.
Brad works out shirtless on the football field. He throws a football twice at a tire and never misses. They cut from the throw to the same shot of the ball traveling through the tire. “There’s no time to throw two balls through a tire! Use the same clip! We have six more hours of leotard footage to shoot!”
Quick question: If you were doing an audition for a play and your scene was a kissing one with the girl whose diary about being into you was read out loud in front of you, would you have any awkwardness in the audition? Brad doesn’t. Nothing weird about this. Does he have the memory of a goldfish?
Brad, too aroused by teenage hanky panky, almost runs over Louise on her bike. He stops the car and tries to help her by offering a ride home. Is Brad a misunderstood jock hunk? Randa makes him leave but he was really concerned. What a sweet goldfish man.
With a broken bike and no cell phones, Louise is forced to seek the help of the nearby fortune teller. The fortune teller (Madame Serena) doesn’t let her use the phone and basically robs her of the last cash she has on her.
Madame Serena notices something odd during her palm reading and asks her name again. When Louise says “Miller,” Madame Serena realizes she is a witch with powers that will come to fruition on her 16th birthday. We later learn that Madame Serena and Louise go back 100s of years with witch souls (or whatever). If you had a spiritual connection with someone named “Miller,” I think you wouldn’t miss it the first time. Maybe she should look into getting a third ear instead of a third eye.
We learn that Goldfish Brad can Fonzie a Coke out of a machine. The impressive part about this is that Cokes were only 60 cents. I want to go to there.
Louise turns 16 while her brother dry humps the table in excitement for birthday cake. Feel free to watch it. There’s other way to describe it.
Randa asks Louise if she’d like to go on a date with her cousin from out of town. This is definitely going to work out.
The cousin is an insane nerd who is acting as if he only has one night to live. He asks her if she wants to smoke weed at one point. Then once he’s all drugged up, he tries to get some loving in the car on the way home. It’s cringe-y. Thankfully Louise is gaining powers and makes him literally disappear.
Louise turns her brother into a dog. As if I didn’t hate him enough already, now he’s a talking animal. (See Hocus Pocus)
Madame Serena gives Louise a book of spells. She uses a spell to make the popular girls tell each other the truth. It starts off with calm “you’re not a good singer” insults but gets real, super fast. One points out the other’s “alkie mother.”
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Louise wants to make Brad love her and it appears that the secret to casting a good spell is cayenne pepper or maybe paprika.
Brad comes over Louise’s house to work on his English paper. Louise apparently removes the hundreds of chairs from her room so they’d have to sit on the bed. How many chairs does a teenage girl typically have in her room? It’s certainly enough for each family member to barge in and immediately notice them all missing.
Louise thinks better of forcing Brad to like her and gets all the chairs out of her closet. She’s a good person deep down.
The awful teacher is back and this time, goes through Louise’s bag and shows her birth control pills to the class. How does this teacher, even in the 80s, have a job?
Louise rightfully gets revenge. She makes a voodoo doll of the teacher and makes him undress in front of the class. The principal catches him right as Louise pulls the dolls underwear down. Somehow he still has a job. Tenure is amazing.
We finally get to the Rap Off I’ve been hearing so much about. Leader of the Leasties and Polly battle it out for one verse each. Honestly, this could have gone on longer. I know there was magic behind it but Polly’s verse was fire.
Brad tells Louise that someone like him has to go out with the most popular girl in school no matter how terrible she is. Social expectations are the worst. Instead of convincing Brad that he doesn’t have to be with Randa, it would be easier to cast a spell to make yourself popular. Maybe even insanely popular.
The chunky knit sweater budget was out of control for this movie
We have a montage showing us the extent of her popularity. She gets applause when she arrives places. People follow her around. The Leastie Boys rap for her. And her wardrobe consists of so much more denim.
Brad takes her to a lookout point that they have to climb up to and she’s unfortunately too popular for sensible footwear. It’s hard to climb up a sunflower hill in heels. But you do what you have to do to wear the crown!
In this abandoned house, they take off some of their six layers of clothing. Then they make out in the dirty house like only the most popular kids in school could.
Everyone starts dressing and wearing their hair like Louise. Polly gets left out of everything. I don’t know if scenes were cut out (What could possibly be considered “not good enough” for this film?) but we never have the scene where the newly popular girl treats her best friend like garbage and has to apologize. I know Polly misses her but I bet she could just ask Louise to hang out. Anyway, Louise tries to talk to Polly and Polly makes her feel bad.
Because she is so popular, Louise has to sneak out the back of her house to avoid her adoring classmates. Brad picks her up on a side street and takes her for a drive. They go out on the river to talk as teenagers do. He asks her to the dance. She turns him down because she thinks he’s been tricked him into liking her. She wants it real.
Louise wants to undo the popularity spell and she talks Madame Serena into coming to the dance with her to help her do it. No one questions bringing a tiny, old woman as your date to the dance. Not even the teachers.
She wishes the popularity away in the middle of the dance floor. People stop looking at her but Goldfish Brad still feels the pull for regular Louise. He walks slowly towards her. They touch fingertips and roll them up so the palms touch. This happens in a lot of romantic movies. I don’t get it. It’s a good way to train yourself to high five. You learn proper hand alignment. What you want the finish to be. But it’s not romantic. Either way, they kiss and all is good.
This is a fine, late 80s teen movie. It’s essentially a knock-off Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The brother, the nerd date, and the awful teacher were unnecessary. Now that I think about it, the nerd date never reappeared. In most movies you’d have him reappear somewhere embarrassing like under a manure truck that’s about to be dumped. In this movie, he vanishes into nothingness. It’s haunting.
Also, they show that water undoes her spells in the beginning and never return to that either. I was expecting the boat to tip over when she had that moment with Brad on the river. That never happened.
And, finally, she never made up with Polly. Where’s the learned-her-lesson reunion with the best friend, awkwardly hugging through all the layers?
Minus all these loose threads, I enjoyed it. I’d even watch it again if it was on.
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