#rei is maybe 16
findgusta · 1 month
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Självis -IJWTBC
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always-a-joyful-note · 7 months
I love Crossroads for the simple fact that it's basically slapping you with an illustration of how easily humans can change and how fragile even the strongest of them are deep inside but framing it as two high schoolers getting a metaphorical divorce. And even that I can't really make fun of because Rei and Keito were both lowkey screaming out to the other for help that the other couldn't give (Rei just wanting some peace, someone to actually look at him as an equal, but instead deciding to betray Keito; Keito sincerely just wanting to help out a friend and make the school better but being manipulative about it). And I really am glad it cut to the present to show that they eventually found the people that they needed back then, even if it took a while for the relationship as a whole to get there.
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akkivee · 1 year
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i’m thinking whatever drove ichiro and rei apart in the first place was different from whatever caused rei to reach back out to ichiro in this instance
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gangplanksorenji · 5 months
Kinknuary Day 16: Edging
Pairing: IVE Rei x Male Reader
Word Count: 6,110
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“You know how much I despise you, right?”
“You don’t even need to tell it—I fucking hate you too.”
Supposedly, you’ll take an ounce of energy to like her and maybe, it’ll be an audacious move by you to the point that you can probably regret or possible—in the best way of sugarcoating—you’ll get to even appreciate, nonetheless.
But this wasn’t the case, for the both of you. So-called acquaintances that act like they’re cats and dogs in a relationship but they weren’t even in a single one to start with is the best fit of a description when it comes for you and her, Naoi Rei. Well, of course, your relationship with her or in a better term, friendship with her is quite bewildering and an interesting one.
The both of you acting like cats and dogs against each other and then being delighted seeing one’s faces is one of the few ways to describe your friendship, and it was exactly unorthodox in nature—friends acting like enemies and then suddenly acting like nothing happened? Well, that’s a thing to know and grasp but it wasn’t always like this and today, it hits way differently because you can almost feel her emanating aura threatening you but you’re unfazed as you’re not scared of a girl like her.
Yet, with all of these being said, what’s the context? Where did it all start?
Well, it’s something more like, petulant and dumb, knowing how Rei’s words can hurt like daggers on how straightforward she is and you, being short-tempered, causing a negative reaction.
“Can you please stop using that?” Rei pouts and feigns anger right after, as she’s visibly annoyed with the pop-it game that you’re playing which, in your case, you totally ignored her as you continue investing your fast reflexes to advance towards a harder level. Having enough of the ebullient sounds emitted by the possibly-called console you’re playing, Rei grabs it as she hides it from her back and obviously, a perplexed face paints you as you try and grab the game back to you.
“What’s the matter with you?”
“Can’t you see? It’s so goddamn annoying!” Rei grits her teeth, rage boiling within her as she can’t bear to hear the annoying sound of the game, making you ock an eyebrow on her, confused about her antics.
“If it’s annoying, then you can probably shove those headphones on your ears, no? Besides, it’s not even that loud so give it back!” You try to get the console but are deemed unsuccessful as Rei’s skills on dodging your advances and being a step ahead than you are evident, and that’s even making you frustrated because of her petulant behavior.
“I don’t care and stop being so childish!”
If she wants to play a game, then you’ll be the one to lead the way and be the first challenger.
Having enough of her own ways of killing your own fun, you’d gladly kill hers first as you attacked onto her vulnerable position, tightly pinning her wrists onto the wall as it catches her off-guard and with your proactive actions, she almost let go of the console as you look at her eyes with venom. With your intimidating eye contact with just inches away from her own face, she won’t give up a fight as she snarls to voice out for you to let her go as she glared at you like she has murderous intent planned.
“I don’t know why the fuck are you like this lately, but I know for a fact that you’re letting go of that and you’ll do it now.”
Of course, Rei is going to be as stubborn as she wanted to be just to provoke your anger even further and to annoy you, making it a living hell. “Fuck no—and let go of me or I’ll break this shit!”
She would dare to do that but she has limits, yet she won’t bear to do that just because of these childish acts. Rolling your eyes in frustration, you take matters into your own hands as you swiftly let go of your left hand on hers and deftly grab the console, making her whine as your possession has now been out within her reach.
“Hey! Fuck you!”
You scoff and cocked an eyebrow on her, blasting off your hubris as she emanates that resting bitch face of hers again. “Better luck next time, I guess.”
She whimpers because of your win, and she's not having that. With your victory, you tease and mock her with it as not surprisingly, she clicks her tongue and rushes into her room, completely enraged. You don’t know what’s up with her as you’d probably not want to find out now but suddenly, a surge of regret coursed within you, feeling a little bad that she acted that way but you showed no sympathy since she started this childish act.
Yet, you won’t let this mysterious case remain unsolved, and you’ll decipher and crack the code later when things probably will calm down even though the chances will be slim to none.
“Gosh—what’s up with this girl? Unbelievable…”
“Why h-her and not m-me?”
Rei sits on the floor vexed, hugs her legs as she weeps onto the long-sleeves of her top as she feels utter defeat after a specific event happened that she saw and heard with her very own eyes and ears and breaks her heart completely, and here she is, utterly sulky and maybe in the path of being despondent.
If it wasn’t for her courage to just confess and let other things be set aside to fully commit, then this wouldn’t have been more painful and she’s now regretting it, the scar getting worse and worse over time.
Maybe she’ll find a way to mend herself and find herself out of desolation.
You sit onto the couch, browsing the Internet as the blue pixels onto your phone just emits the endless scope of like six topics that almost tiring to see and with that, you turned it off and laid down onto it, finding yourself into a trance of tranquil and relaxation yet a spark ignites something, making you enlightened and act up immediately.
Now rushing onto Rei’s door, you notice that it’s locked as you hitch a breath because of it, yet hope is not lost as you knock on the door, hoping she would answer even though you expect that it wouldn’t always be the case. “Rei, can we please talk? Come on, whatever you’re going through, we can talk it out so please—let’s talk.”
Utter silence ensues and you already expected this, yet you didn’t let your hope die as you knock another time, pleading for her to talk things with you, knowing you can help in whatever she’s maybe going through. “Rei-ah, please, can we talk? I know you’re there so please, give me a chance. Okay, I’m sorry about earlier, okay—so we just talk about this, please?”
Another plea falls deaf to her ears and with the defeat, you sigh heavily and thudded onto the door, sitting down and waiting for her to respond yet no faint sound can even be heard on her room—there can be two reasons behind this complete absence of sound: it’s either she’s sleeping peacefully on her room or either ignoring you for god knows what reason could it be and it you’re really hoping it’s the latter since she’s been acting like this around you for days.
“Okay, whatever you want Rei! If this is what you want, then so be it.”
You rose from your position as you’re just hoping that time will do its job, killing off the vexed mood that she’s been emanating towards you days ago.
Of course, you won’t spend hours just for her own childish actions, more so wait for her answers like you owe something yet there’s one thing that you’ll achieve and that’s mending what has been broken with an unknown context when it all unveiled.
You’re much more of an impatient guy, defining annoyance whenever something’s not being fulfilled in a small amount of time and that’s your downside. Well, now, would be an exception and as Rei's being much of a nuisance and a stubborn individual really doesn’t get you into the mood.
“Rei—come on! Can we please just talk this ou—”
Surprisingly, after waiting for hours she suddenly opened the door, making you thud onto the ground as you stood up immediately, inches away from facing her you’re wholeheartedly intimated with the bitchy demeanor she’s emanating.
“What do you want?” Rei’s tone is evidently annoyed with you being a nuisance, as her face doesn’t seem to be even interested towards you.
“Can we just talk about whatever’s going on, please?”
“Another line—I’ve heard that for like, a hundred times already.” 
Of course, this is Rei but she’s just being a bugbear that’s nigh-unbearable to deal with—if it were the others, they couldn’t left her or something worse, but you’re heart is still bearing to deal with her even though she can literally be the goddess of vex sometimes.
“Hah—o-okay, so, can I come in?”
Rei just gave you a stone-cold stare, before uttering without any emotions, “No.” Then, the door slammed shut, almost hitting you in the face as the lock clicked again, knowing you’re defeated again. You shake your head in frustration and hitch a breath because of how it took so much patience just to deal with her petulant bullshit.
Of course, you won’t give up so easily even though she made your endure a burden down your back—
“I got you some udon, your favorite!”
Silence permeates the air and you patiently wait for the predator to get baited. You have a few tricks up your sleeve that will ensure Rei will come out of her own cage as she bites onto the bait, and you, smiling as everything’s going right to the plan.
Rei quickly unlocked the doorknob and opened the door, asking you. “Where’s the udon?”
Of course, you know she’ll fall for the oldest trick in the book and it’s not even close to doubting it. Her quick movements passing you wasn’t even a surprise as she showed full-interest of one of her favorite meals and completely ignoring you like you didn’t exist. Even with her stern face that shoots daggers within your soul on how cold it is, it’s inevitable to see the delight curving her lips into a faint smile because of your “gift” for her—you wouldn’t buy her anything like this, in all honesty; it’s just the fact that she’s sulking so bad that you need to play the wildest tricks on her game in order to win it.
You pointed down at the table in the dining room and she rushed there immediately, not questioning you anymore as it’s sure a waste of her time and wouldn’t bear to leave her meal cold.
“Got you what you wanted there, since I knew you’re starving trying to ignore me. Beef udon. Spicy. Garlic—”
“Will you ever shut up? I’m trying to eat here!” Her tone wasn’t exactly exuding anger, but by all means, it’s intimidating and thrilling to hear, it almost feels like she’s threatening your life with it. This isn’t really surprising, honestly but deep down, you know how thankful she is for the meal you bought her yet she needs to remain that stern and cold demeanor meant to reevaluate your life choices.
Now, thinking about something like that, what have you really done to make her act like that? All hints were vague enough to crack the code behind her somber demeanor and her bitchy attitude that you despise.
If only you could really punish her for acting like this, then you would but those will be off the charts for now…
“Not even a thank you, Rei??” You feign disappointment as defeat laced in your tone, hoping Rei would acknowledge your thoughtful advances towards her and maybe, it’s working considering how she’s faintly smiling after each munch of the noodles.
“Hah… Okay, thank you for the food, I guess…” Rei’s tone is sarcastic, her head shaking jokingly as she mocks just to intimidate you and with that, you’re not having it anymore and you had enough of this attitude of hers. Rushing towards her as she’s scrolling down her phone, you caught off-guard with the grab of her wrists as you bring her in a wall, pinning her against it with a glare shooting daggers at her this time (thankfully, Rei left her phone on the table as it didn’t fall down because of your aggressive actions).
“You know, if you’re going to act like this for the next weeks I’m going to get fucking tired of you, you know?”
The fact that Rei didn’t retaliate with your harshness and even smirking slightly in front of you, lets you know how much she’s fending off her wants of enraging you as she likes this demeanor of you as you’re gaining control over her and that’s what not you wanted. With an unstoppable force of rage fueling you, you can’t comprehend how you’re going to take this situation lightly as it’s rather worse when Rei mocks you intimidatingly. “Then what? You’re not going to hurt me because you love me, right? If your horny ass could just chill within a single day then I wouldn’t have held this grudge on you for weeks.”
The former, she’s not wrong; you definitely love her and it’s all in a set of confusion on how the both of you portray the image of ‘love’. The latter? Well, that concludes her attitude that cursed her to be her worst for weeks and now you know why—it’s now letting you cross down the fields of reflection, giving you the light of realization on why she acted like this and god, it’s childish but she has a point, nonetheless.
To give context, maybe it was just a hint of jealousy towards someone you’re close with, and it spread like wildfire and letting her hear about it in which, breaks her heart a little yet it’s slow and painful, to the point that she needed to distance herself towards you to bare the pain but she can’t.
She never will because her heart is screaming for you. You only.
Even though the whole school’s talking about you and the popular princess (they refer her with that) being closer together as time goes by, you can’t and won’t find someone like Rei and how she holds a special place in your heart that no one can dethrone her from it—like, no one.
Yet, you wonder why is she taking this pain so seriously to the point that she has to ignore you like it didn't exist in her life and if she manages to talk to you, it’s all in a wrathful manner that you can’t bear?
Well, you probably need to find it out yourself even if it means to fuck it out of her.
“But why are you like this? Do you know how it fucking hurts to me that you’re ignoring me? Holding a grudge against me because I’m just close with her? Oh, so you’re jealous and you won’t talk to me—is that what you are, Rei?” You feel such a terrible and painful concoction of emotions, specifically sadness, rage and surprisingly, denial.
Why would you feel denial? There could be, possibly, limitless ways to express how you’re feeling denial but no, this is a bizarre one since you’re denying your true feelings of being in pain and rage because of her.
She knows how this probably scarred you, but in her mind, it’s to state a point—a point of her own selfishness and jealousy which is just absurd to think about.
“It’s not just that—you wanted to fuck her, I can see it in your eyes too—” Her eyes laced venom as her stare bears the pain she’s also carrying, and the cherry on top, her undying jealousy. “—it’s like you wanna rail her from behind and—”
“Rei!” You grit your teeth in rage as you feel the utter disrespect and the wrong judgment being thrown out between the both of you, mostly your approach and intentions. “Can you just—fucking stop saying that like, I wanna fuck every girl I meet, please?”
Even with the utter rage and uneasiness of you, she can feel the sincerity between every word you’re saying as her demeanor is slowly changing, yet it’s not evident onto your side as you’re being blinded by lust and frustration. 
“Okay, okay—but your eyes are like—” Rei retaliates as she uses such force enough to let go of the grip of her wrists, and you didn’t even bother regaining your dominance and control as she’s doing her own thing, succumbing onto the better grip than what you did earlier. “screaming the ‘horny’ energy so bad.”
If you thought you’re that perverted to be thinking of filthiness all the time, she’s eating up her own words as she slowly kneels down in front of you, before grabbing the hem of your pants to switch positions, letting your body thud and relax onto the wall as she starts her magic.
“And you know what’s the best thing to match that horniness?” Rei looks up at you, cocking an eyebrow as her confidence fuels her to be this daring towards you.
“Whatever you’re thinking—ahh, Rei—just don’t—”
“Is horny itself.” Rei doesn’t let her speech get unbothered by you, as she unbuttons your pants as she disregards any of your pleas of refraining herself to engage in such lustful motives but that was impossible to be resisted.
“You know how much I despise you, right?”
“You don’t even need to tell it—I fucking hate you too.” Rei hitches a breath as she snarls, the little anger deep inside her being vocal around you and it didn’t stop, not even once.
Yet, of course, she knows how insatiable you can be as your body is her weakness and all she can sense within her is need and hunger over you. Even with her undying grudge over you, despising each other with all their might, the both of you won’t help yourselves from being intimately close onto each other’s touches and once Rei has all of your defenses down with a swift motion—she’s really good at this; you could even blink once and you’ll just see everything just going off like she’s precise on meeting the time even though she doesn’t need to. With a tickle of her fingers onto your clothed erection, you could just beg for her to just undress it but you’d want to let her know how you’re still in authority and maintained an unfazed demeanor.
You don’t need to beg nor ask; she has it all down, in one swift motion as she is greeted by your throbbing member in whom she always loved.
“Not gonna lie, even though I hate you and you’re an asshole sometimes—” Rei teases the head of your length with her fingers as you shudder in response, but fighting the urge to fully submit to her. “—you have a nice, juicy cock that I won’t turn down and that’s another upside on you.”
Your breath shudders as your thighs quiver a little due to her touches that makes you a hundred times more sensitive than ever before. “F-Fuck you, Rei…”
She isn’t bothered with that as she smirks and suddenly, her lips part against the slit of your cockhead as she swirls her tongue around it, painting every inch of your head wet with saliva and to make you submit into her even more, her digits strokes the base of your shaft in which, is too pleasurable on your own books. 
“And not gonna f-fucking lie—” You retort as you stammer because of the intense pleasure her mouth is giving, but still continue to voice out what you want to say. “—as much as you’re a bitch who’s acting like spoiled, sensitive brat, your brat m-mouth feels fucking good—ahh, fuck!”
Rei knows how her incredible mouth can be your kryptonite once she laid it onto your swollen head, as she can just think of the numerous ways to fulfill her amorous needs and to probably deprive you because of what you deserve, in her own opinion. With the constant bobbing of her head onto your constantly throbbing penis, you can’t help but just give in to the ocean of pleasure and fully submit onto voicing your animalistic needs yet you fight yet treasure her oral service onto the entirety of your shaft. Saliva inevitably seeps out of her corners of her mouth in every thrust she does onto your length, sheathing every inch with her drool as she savors the musky taste of yours in which, she just can’t get enough considering how she slurps around your shaft.
“Of course, you’re not gonna feel a better mouth than me, asshole.” She resumes sucking you after as her pace is now being relentless, opting to further fulfill her needs of being deprived of the taste of your cock for weeks.
“One m-more ‘asshole’ that c-comes out of your mouth, I’m going to fuck your a-ass crazy enough to make you think who’s the real asshole is.” You retort back, aiming to provoke the sleeping beast inside her but you could only feel her vigorous pumps and frantic bobs getting more pleasurable and fast as she gives what she can in order to serve the best for both worlds (mostly hers, of course).
“I bet you can’t even get past the entrance of my ass, loser.” Of course, she’ll fight back and degrade you but that isn’t even true and it’s just the fact that her rage is just fueling her to say these things to you or better, to unleash your masochistic side.
The last time you had an intimate anal session with Rei was three weeks ago, and you could just remember how she fully submitted onto the entirety of your cock ramming her tight, snug hole and begging you to fill her up but of course, you didn’t fulfill it and would rather paint her enticingly round, beautiful face full of your semen as her hole was gaped enough to be sore as her legs deemed worthless for almost two days—you even got to the point that you need to excuse Rei for her absence due to her having a ‘fever’ but in reality, that happened between the both of you.
Resuming her oral masterclass, she parts her plump, duck-like lips onto the head of your shaft as she takes you deeper, aiming for more for her to take more as she’s getting hungrier the longer she sucks you off, and it’s just going to get better from here. She lets her hands do the utmost work all over your nether regions as every aspect builds up to the promised fantasy that burns the passion of lust: her handiwork of her dainty fingers massaging and stroking your shaft into a rapid pace, her hands fondling your balls to stimulate you further and occasionally caressing your thighs to arouse and entice you further. 
Even though you want to degrade her actions, she knows you would be lying in your teeth, even if it means for roleplay but you know it wouldn’t work on her watch, no matter how hard you try.
“Keep doing that, Rei—fuck, you’re so fucking cursed on how good you are with this, no? Goddamn—fuck!” With your relentless compliments laced with your own deadly venom, it just fuels her to increase the pace further, where you’ll almost give up and grab a handful of her dark locks for leverage yet you won’t give in that far, wanting Rei to know how you’re still worthy to defend against her own frantic attacks.
She keeps her mouth busy with unparalleled thrusts as her hands do wander all over the vicinity of your length and soon enough, the inevitable will soon be in touch with you, signaling your near high as you encourage her to double her efforts with your constant moans and your subtle movements.
“Fuck, I’m getting close, Rei—” It was all getting too much elevated as suddenly, something disturbed the force—it was the devilish deeds Rei has been cursed to do, in an act of vengeance, on her own words.
Pop. It was sexy and hot yet at the same time, it’s fucking frustrating.
“Why the fuck did y-you stop, Rei? I was so close!” You’re bewildered and angered by the fact that she immediately stopped as you were about to blow the biggest load of your life down her throat—guess, that’s impossible now but hopefully, not for long. You can see the devilish smirk printed on her face, as she smirks in delight with your despair and her own pleasure.
“You fucking deserve it, honestly…” Rei’s stone-cold glare intimidates you, aiming to really unleash the hidden fury you’ve been storing as she slowly strokes the base of your shaft, not letting the libido die early for you and hers. With the constant twitch of your cock achingly wanting for a heavenly release, it just puts gasoline onto the flames of Rei’s selfish needs to see you struggling, more so, being edged until your balls ache for days, probably.
“How the fuck do I deserve this?” Your hands went onto your length, badly wanting to stroke it to paint her face white yet Rei fights you and god, she’s surprisingly able to fight back, brushing off your arms with hers as she stands up and pins you onto the wall, her face just inches against you. “You’ll see… Just let me do my thing, alright? You’re not going to cum yet, not on my watch.”
With a confused face, you can’t fathom why would Rei do that and more so, you deserving for such a cruel act but deep inside, it’s turning you on and you can’t help but think of how good it is—it’s a blessing in disguise and maybe, this is what Rei wanted all along.
“We should take this to the bedroom, honestly…”
“Why just not here, Rei?” 
Rei just smirks and gives you that stern stare as she repeats herself again. “I said in my bedroom, now.”
Well, who are you to turn that down and not obey? You’ll never turn her down as both fervor-filled desires are off the roof now, craving for more despite the heart-aching grudge between the both of you—not going to lie, she’s toning down and that alone, makes you happy knowing that she’ll be like her old self soon.
And that's what you hope…
“Fuck, y-you’re good at that—oh fuck, y-you’re cock is so b-big!”
“You’re s-so tight too, Rei!”
Even with the hint of movement, you can’t help but groan as the peak serotonin coursing down your veins is becoming too much to handle, her walls hugging around your throbbing length like it won’t let go—and this is the wonder behind this: her walls achingly gripping around your shaft begging for a load and her scrumptious backside all over your sight makes everything no less onto the point of peak-arousal, and it’s just the epitome of perfection.
Thanks to the added lubrication of the lube you’ve squirted inside her snug hole, it became easier to thrust inside her as every time you do, groans of pleasure escape both your mouths as you opt for better pace and the quality of each thrust doubling. You aim to really fuck the living grudge and bitchness out of her and you know how your cock can make Rei submit onto you as the harsh grip of the bed sheets and her screams of delight says enough. You then peppered her neck with affectionate kisses, maintaining the arousal soaring in the air as you mount your arms under her armpits and grasping her shoulders, wanting the get the better leverage onto fucking her snug hole and to further hear the symphony of moans escaping her sinful mouth.
“See, Rei—if you’re not going to be this harsh on me, this w-would be this damn easy, right?”
Rei, even though with your entire length hammering her asshole, still manages to articulate such words and be the bitch that you’ve been despising her for. “J-Just—gahh—shut the f-fuck up and fuck my a-ass—ahh, it’s too good!”
Constant spanks reverberate around the puny room as her buttcheeks now shades a familiar rosy hue, marking your harshness towards her. You quicken the pace and with every spank you do, her hole clenches and god, it just becomes unbearably tight yet pleasurable as you did that for the next couple of minutes, aiming to give her the best gratification that she’ll ever feel in her whole life.
Your hands didn’t just stay idle under her arms just for leverage, yet instead, it coursed its way onto her constantly jiggling large mounds as you fondle them, showing her how you wanted them for so long as it further sends her into overdrive and soon, it would be all too much for him, and maybe, for you.
“Fuck, I’m g-gonna cum soon—ahh, f-fuck, keep f-fucking me!”
Of course, she would get off with her digits constantly swiping and aiming for her high while you ram her asshole like there’s no tomorrow. With your focus only averted onto fucking her relentlessly and with the point of no-return, you didn’t even got the chance to see her high got off as she sprays all over the place, screaming in every spurt she does and it’s all just filthy, messy and arousing as fuck. You then rub her clit in order to stimulate her further, and extend her high as you find yourself pumping into her harder, aiming to gape her hole open and to let her know who the real asshole is.
“Yeah, see? Now you can’t think straight with my dick ravaging inside this slutty asshole, hm? You’re such a hypocrite, Rei—you really are.”
Even with the constant struggle of her tightness making your brain go haywire, you manage to degrade and retort back to her and maintain the rapid thrusts in her ass in which, took her seconds to respond as the pleasure was just becoming too much and that was all according to plan.
“Just f-fuck me and s-shut up—ahh, oh god—ahh!”
You hammer your hips hard against her porcelain flesh, the constant clashing of it resonating such sinful sounds that can easily turn on everyone that can eavesdrop their ear upon—gladly, it’s just the both of you who can hear these sinful sounds and being blessed by it. You know your high is about to get near soon, as you can feel it tingling onto your loins and she knows it too—the constant throbbing of your shaft inside her says a lot and little did you know, she has more in store and planned with you…
“Pull out!”
“W-What? What do you m-mean pull o—”
“I meant i-it! Pull t-the fuck out!”
As much as it’s painful to pull out of her tight, snug hole and the mental pain to not paint her walls white while rearranging her guts, you did what she requested you to do, pulling out immediately with a grunt escaping your lips, struggling a little because of her unexplainable tightness.
“Then what the f-fuck do you even want, Rei?”
Rei looks over her shoulders, and then faced you with her semi-drowsy eyes and with still an intimidating glare, and enlightened you, “You need to fuck my tits, now—I want it here and you’ll blow your load all over my face.”
Well, as much as you detest her propositions because of her constant denial of your supposedly-heavenly orgasms, that is an offer you won’t turn down as the soft valley of her pillowy mounds are as pleasurable than any of her holes, all in their respective aspects of defining the gratification it can give and titfucking her would be your guilt pleasure.
“Oh god, just let me cum! Don’t blueball me anymore—I swear…”
“It doesn’t matter—you’ll get off anyway.”
Now, positioning on mounting onto her stomach and laying down your raging length onto the valley of her mounds, she spits into her cleavage as you took the opportunity to lubricate your shaft onto it—not to mention the lube sheathed all over your shaft being helpful too at the moment. You’re really not going to waste any time as your hips ensue a wild pace onto her tits, as the hypnotic bounces of it are just mesmerizing to see, marveling at how perfectly arousing the sight is. Between your thrusts, her tongue desperately tickles the engorged head once it emerges onto the pillowy breasts of hers as each thrust is just aiming to chase your long-awaited orgasm, as you’ve been edged onto it for two times now. 
Now holding onto her arms as a leverage onto frantic, desperate thrusts, you quicken the pace like you’re rushing onto something and thank god Rei’s helping you with chasing your own high too—her squeezing her mounds tightly with her arms to aid for the tightness that you always like and the pace of her  ensuing a pleasurable pace that adds up to the delightful trajectory of such an incredible friction between the both of you.
There’s no turning back now; not when she moans to encourage your release and soon, it’ll all break loose and won’t be deprived further as suddenly, without even warning her, your slit wasn’t unable to hold anything back, sputtering multiple streaks of your own seed that landed on her neck, chin, her voluptuous breasts and some even on her cheeks as she moaned gracefully because of the warmth of your hard work. You kept thrusting into the valley of her breasts for a while as you chased to extend your orgasm and stopped once it fell out, you then falling limp onto the bed, enervated with what you’ve done with Rei.
The both of you exchanged breaths, chest heaving up and down for air as she faintly smiled at you, not before swiping a sample on her chin with her fingers and tasting, humming soundly right after as it tasted great, as she always expected.
“Not bad… See, the load is much healthier if you’re edged a couple of times…”
“Fuck you, for that—hah…”
Rei’s hands cupped your cheek, and then made you face hers as her smile is now mending the broken bridge between the both of you and most likely, mending your heart as the air now permeates wholesomeness, and it’s just fluttering to see that.
“Maybe I am the asshole for acting like a bitch for like three weeks, hm?”
“If that’s what you assumed…” Now recovered quickly with your own high, you got out of the bed and stood up, preparing to clean up the filthy mess you’ve been into until a voice calls you, making you turn back to see the gleeful Rei back to her original state—a bubbly, pouty one that you always love and that alone, makes the interaction wholesome despite the painted sin all over the bed and both of your bodies.
“You’re not just going to leave me here! Let me clean up too!” Rei pouts cutely on you as you giggled a little, feeling dumbfounded with her cute actions as you helped her get out of the bed, struggling because of the constant ramming you’ve done on her ass that made her legs feel like jelly. “Gosh—I don’t think my legs are working right now—you fucked me so well…”
“Well, I guess all you need is a cock ready to fuck that living bitch out of you, huh”?
Rei lightly punches your shoulder because of your tease, and knowing it didn’t offend her in any way, you just laughed it off as she giggled back, finding it a little hilarious. “Shut up…”
Well, maybe you’ve now cracked the code—Rei just needs a good fucking, rearraging her guts and her attitude is enough to really make her break that stern demeanor she’s been onto for weeks.
And yeah… “Oh no, the udon!”
“You can finish that later, Rei—” You smirk right after, planning onto another mischievous act that will let her know the primal beast inside you, maybe even feeding her more than what any food can do. “—because for now, you can milk another load from me, in your throat—don’t you want that?” 
If it isn’t even enough for the both of you…
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faetima · 1 month
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𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞. .
. . one day you receive an odd text from an unknown number. you try blocking the number, but it doesn’t work.
oh well, it’s probably just someone pranking you.
// tws ; lil bit of cursing, stalking ; gn reader ; modern au, yandere au
a/n: sorry for the weird formatting!! tumblr wouldn't let me format it correctly :(
also sorry for the random bigger text, it keeps changing random letters and numbers to be bigger for some reason??
aconties — symbolize hatred and that you should be cautious.
aconite - veil
always forever - cults
jealous girl - lana del rey
suki suki daisuki - jun togawa
yes or yes - twice
saccharine - jazmin bean
stalker’s tango - autoheart
an unhealthy obsession - tbrso
candy coated suicide - night club
i wanna be your boyfriend - hot freaks
i’m a slave 4 u - jazmin bean
the red means i love you - madds buckley
body - mother mother
red lights - bang chan, hyunjin
playlist <3
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
18:12 december 12th, 2024
unknown number
hello, my aconite. :)
who is this?
unknown number
oh, dont worry about that.
youll know very soon, my beloved aconite. <3
read 18:20
you have blocked unknown number !
your block was unsuccessful ! please try again later .
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
13:27 december 13th, 2024
unknown number
hello, my aconite!
how was your day today?
sent 13:27
unknown number
sent 16:43
unknown number
please reply. i know youre online, aconite.
please stop
who is this??
unknown number
i told you before !
haha, my aconite is so silly. never remembers anything.
like your math homework yesterday, hm? completely forgot to do it!
so cute.<3
read 17:38
you have blocked unknown number !
your block was unsuccessful ! please try again later .
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
12:12 december 14th, 2024
unknown number
who is that boy?
unknown number
the one sitting across from you.
he keeps looking at you.
he keeps touching you. its pissing me off.
who is he?
he’s my friend
unknown number
well see how long that lasts. :)
read 12:48
you looked up from your phone, glancing towards bennett, and then around the small cafeteria which was packed with people, a shiver running down your spine.
whoever was texting you was here, and they were watching you.
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‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
12:58 december 17th, 2024
unknown number
my beloved aconite, arent you supposed to be in class rigjt now?
right ***
ignore that.
and, most importantly, arent you supposed to be paying attention?
come on darling, on your phone in the one class i so happen to be in?
you can do this in chemistry or something. dont do it just when i so happen to be near you. i know for a fact you dont do this in any other class.
anyways, see you later ❤️❤️
read 13:02
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you have started a chat !
09:27 december 18th, 2024
Huh? Wht happened? R u ok?
Huh?? Wdym?
Just block him
Well I dont think u can do anything abt it besides that
Bc u dont hv any proof that he has any malicious intent
So uhm maybe just ignore him
Maybe hes just trolling u
read 10:01
you let out a sigh, putting your phone face down and burying your face in your arms.
what could you even do at this point? you didn’t have any proof they had any bad intent, and you couldn’t block them.
this whole situation was starting to freak you out. it didn’t help that you were pretty emotional and easily scared.
maybe you should look on the positive side. hey, someone finally has a crush on you!
you swallowed hard, breathing rapidly, heart racing. you buried your face deeper in your arms, scared of what was to come from this whole situation.
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you exhaled shakily, a small fog appearing from it. you were shivering, the outside cold pinpricking your skin like tiny needles.
choosing fashion over warmth probably hadn’t been a good idea, but who cared? you liked dressing up. it was worth sacrificing your comfort for something you enjoyed! plus you would’ve been cold either way. it would be heated enough in the classroom anyway.
at least you hoped it would be.
you walked at moderately fast pace to your school, putting in your earbuds. you scrolled down your playlist on spotify, finally finding the song you had been craving to listen to. you clicked the play button on it, refraining from humming along to it.
you found yourself repeatedly glancing behind yourself, even though each time you looked no one was there. every time there was even the slightest of rustling able to penetrate through the sound of the music you were listening to, you’d jump, paranoid.
ever since you had received the first message, you had been on edge, and for good reason. this whole situation was extremely different from what you experienced in your day to day life.
before this, you hadn’t even known of anyone liking you romantically. it wasn’t that everyone hated you or something, you were just pretty shy, which led others to socialize with and notice you less.
a lot less.
it was a bit disappointing, but at least you had a few friends.
you had been lost in your train of thought too long. as you walked forward mindlessly, you hadn’t noticed a figure also walking in front of you.
you crashed into the person and staggered a little before regaining your balance.
luckily the person didn’t fall or anything, but instead stood rigid like a stone wall.
you gasped out a few apologizes, repeatedly saying “sorry”.
but you immediately shut up when the person turned around and when electric purple eyes met your own.
you swallowed hard, freezing as the person scowled at you.
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“watch where you’re going,” the person muttered, still scowling at you. her loosely braided hair—a shade of bright purple, similar to that of an aconite, with some lighter purple highlights within it—fell down the front of her shoulder, and she pushed it back. the motion itself was filled with pure elegance and grace.
”i- uhm, sorry,” you mumbled, your neck getting hotter as you lowered your head a little in shame.
the girl rolled her eyes.
even that was full of daintiness and fluidity.
she sighed the slightest bit, seeming to soften a little.
”it’s fine, i guess. just watch where you’re going in the future.”
she mumbled those words quickly before turning and walking away briskly, pulling out her phone and rapidly texting someone whilst walking.
the sharp clicking of her heels was the only thing heard in the crisp and cold morning air.
suddenly, your phone buzzed. you took it out, hands trembling the tiniest bit.
‎‎‎unknown number has started a chat !
07:54 december 19th, 2024
unknown number
where are you?
youre in class by this time.
read 07:54
unknown number
answer me.
read 08:01
unknown number
stop fucking leaving me on read.
read 08:04
you have blocked unknown number !
your block was successful !
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22:39 december 20th, 2024
unknown number
youre going to regret this so, so much my pretty aconite.
im going to pick all your petals off.
one. <3
your message was not able to be sent ! you may have been blocked by the recipient . if not, please try again later . if the problem persists, please contact customer support .
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a few days had passed since you had blocked the number.
now you sat in class, chin placed in the palm of your arm. you felt eerily drowsy, but knew it was just because of how bored you were. the teacher droned on and on about some sort of math formula. you didn’t bother listening, knowing it would only make your head hurt if you tried to understand what was going on.
you were snapped out of your sleepy daze when the teacher said something about a “group project”. she said there would be groups of three or four, and that groups would be predetermined, but you could request to be put in a group with someone else.
the person sitting in front of you passed you the slip to request to be put into a group with someone.
you passed it to the person behind you after realizing what the slip was for.
you just had to be assigned a group project in the class you had no friends in. it could’ve been in literally any other class, but no, instead it was in the class where you barley knew anyone.
you didn’t put anyone on the slip because you barley knew anyone in the class, and the people you knew probably were already going to put someone else on the paper.
you put your head down in your arms, closing your eyes, listening to the erratic chatter around you.
what you didn’t notice was that, on the slip, someone had already put your name down alongside theirs.
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you sighed softly, finally done with school for the day. you opened the door to your house, and were hit by the strong and unmistakable aroma of your favorite meal. 
you stepped into your house, closing the door quietly and setting your backpack down. you greeted your mom, who greeted you back. she stood in the kitchen, cooking your favorite meal.
”can you go to the store for me? i need salt for this, but we ran out,” your mom stated, gesturing towards what she was cooking.
you nodded silently, turning to leave. you opened the door, closed it, and started walking to the store.
upon entering, you couldn’t help but notice how empty it was. usually there were at least a few other people, but right now you could only spot around four.
you walked around the store but, even after ten minutes of sauntering around, couldn’t find the salt for some reason. maybe you were going blind or something.
you decided to ask an employee, timidly walking up to one and tapping him on the shoulder.
he turned around, bright purple eyes meeting your own. a scowl, which didn’t quite seem to fit him, adorned his pretty face. his hair was a dull shade of purple, and light wispy bangs fell on his forehead. his skin was extremely clear and pale like porcelain, and looked as if it could shatter any second. the resemblance to a doll he bore was uncanny.
”what?” he snapped, glaring at you through his bangs.
”uhm, sorry to bother you, but, uh, do you.. do you know where the salt is?” you asked, fidgeting a little with your fingers.
he let out a long, deep sigh.
”yes. follow me,” he muttered, already walking towards the isle.
you followed in suit.
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tentatively, you looked up from your hands to see who was in your group.
the first person you laid your eyes upon was a girl with light blue hair tied into an elegant and sleek ponytail with a black ribbon with golden streaks. she had a small beauty mark under one of her eyes, which were a pale shade of blue, matching her hair.
sitting beside her was a guy who was a bit taller than her. he had green eyes and messy honey-yellow hair that was tied into a ponytail with a scarlet red ribbon.
you moved your gaze to the last person.
he seemed oddly familiar, like you had seen him somewhere before. you couldn’t quite remember where though, maybe at park or store?
he had feathery bangs which fell down his forehead in a almost perfect matter. his hair itself seemed to be styled in a jellyfish cut of sorts, and was a dim shade of lavender. his eyes matched the color of his hair, and were narrowed to form a scowl on his pretty face. his skin was eerily pale, almost like porcelain.
the boy who you were just looking at let out what seemed to be an annoyed sigh, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes at something.
the blonde boy spoke up first.
”so, uhm.. hi. i’m thoma.”
following in suit, you all said your names after him.
thoma spoke again.
”do you guys have a phone number or something we can use to contact each other with for the project? i already have ayaka’s, so i just need you boths’.” 
scaramouche shook his head.
”i don’t have access to my phone right now,” he muttered, still scowling
”we, uhm, we can use instagram or something to message each other?” you said, the slightest hint of nervousness lacing your voice.
”sure,” ayaka said.
scaramouche and thoma nodded in agreement.
you all wrote down your usernames on a piece of paper.
once you got home, you took out your phone, typing all their usernames into the search bar and following them one by one. after doing so, you added them all to a group chat.
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you have started a chat !
18:12 december 27th, 2024
hi. ig.
shut the fuck up.
pls stop
sorry. ig.
okay anyway
there’s two parts on the project
i was thinking we could split up into teams of two and then each do one part or smth?
idk man 😭😭
That sounds good.
i call dibs on working with ayaka 😛😛
1 user disliked
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you stood in front of his house’s door, rocking back onto your heels and then up onto your toes, nervous. you clutched the bag you were holding—of which was filled with notebooks and various school supplies.
you were anxious, waiting for scaramouche to answer the door. it had only been a minute, but to you it felt like ten.
you couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. you didn’t know why or how or when or where, just that you had a bad gut feeling.
but you shook it off, knowing you had to work on the project.
all of the sudden the door opened, slamming against the wall in a violent manner, making you flinch a little, torn out of your thoughts.
you glanced at the doorway, laying your eyes on the indigo-haired boy.
”uhm, hi,” you mumbled, swallowing nervously.
”hi,” he replied, voice and face blank; devoid of any emotion, “uh, d’you wanna come in?”
you uttered a small okay, walking inside after he shuffled a little to the side.
“we can work in the living room, i guess.”
you nodded silently, following scaramouche as he walked to the living room.
upon arriving, you placed your bag—which you had been clutching so hard your knuckles had turned white—down. you both sat down on the ground, and, after taking your things out, started working on the project.
scaramouche was sitting slightly behind you, doing his part of the project. once every few minutes, he would lean his head over your shoulder—face almost touching it—in order to see what progress you had made.
your heart beat much, much faster every time he did it, face getting hot.
and of course that didn’t go unnoticed by scaramouche.
around an hour after working on the project, you asked scaramouche where the bathroom was.
”straight, then go left,” he said. he didn’t even glance up at you as he told you where to go, just continued writing on the notebook splayed out in front of him.
you got up, walking out of the living room and straight like he said.
only problem was you didn’t quite remember if he had said to go right or left after going straight.
you decided to go right, and came across a door. assuming it was the bathroom, you opened it.
you really wished you hadn’t after you saw what was inside.
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after you had opened the door and seen what was inside, you really wished you hadn't.
inside there were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of photographs. they were plastered all over the walls, overlapping each other. they covered the ground, the walls, the ceiling, everything. the only things in the room besides that were a bed, a desk, and a computer monitor, which was lit up.
the bright screen blared at you, enticing you to come look.
the monitor displayed pictures of a house, probably running from security cameras or the like.
but it wasn't just any house, no.
it was your house.
your room.
your kitchen.
your living room.
your fucking house.
a wave of dizziness and nausea hit you. you felt sick to your stomach, leaning on the doorway for support.
then you heard something clattering behind you, falling to the floor.
you looked behind you, eyes wide.
scaramouche was standing there, frozen. he had dropped his phone to the ground, which had a photo of you working on the project opened on it.
”why the fuck are you in my room?” he burst out, almost yelling at you.
his room?
you became even more still than you were before, if that was even physically possible.
”y-you- your room?” you uttered, voice audibly shaking.
scaramouche just glared at you, hands fisted up.
then he took a step toward you.
you, in turn, stepped backwards.
the slightest rusting of paper was heard—presumably some of the photographs getting crushed underneath your feet.
he walked closer.
you backed away.
it was a vicious cycle which eventually ended when you bumped into a wall. some photographs fell down to the floor from the motion.
scaramouche cornered you in, staring at you with an unknown glint in his eyes.
it was a combination of everything you had made him fucking feel—obsession, anger, lovesickness, loathing.
he leaned in towards you, mouth almost touching your ear from how close he was. his hot breath fanned across your neck.
”well, since you’ve already seen everything, there’s no point in letting you leave now, hm? not when you’re right where i want you, my beloved aconite,” he whispered, pulling away. scaramouche grinned.
he stared at you with a mixture of emotions in his eyes, but the most prominent was limerence.
 “you’re finally all mine. my aconite.”
186 notes · View notes
anjuyn · 6 months
Some interesting facts about Sakuma Rei that you might not know about. I have accumulated a lot of interesting observations, so I decided to share a few of them. So.
1. Besides the fact that Rei does not like sunlight, he also does not tolerate cold, because "he freezes to the bone" and water and dampness, because "his hair gets wet and falls on his face."
2. He sometimes forgets to charge his phone on time and it can be difficult to reach him.
3. His eyesight seems to be good enough not to worry in everyday life, but he needs glasses to read.
4. He's scared of the idea of messing with small contact lenses and trying to put them in his eyes.
5. He likes to walk in the garden.
6. He also loves flowers very much and he likes to receive them as a gift :3
7. He is physically strong enough that he can easily lift a person into his arms.
8. Koga is afraid of Rei when he is angry.
9. Rei likes to hug Leon, Koga's dog, in winter because he's warm.
10. He likes being in the company, but not being in the center of it. That's because excessive attention tires him quickly.
11. He had "people he could call friends" abroad.
12. During the second year of study, the local punks created a whole "cult" named after Rei (he did not know about it for a long time, because he was abroad).
13. He doesn't like to read.
14. Nevertheless, he is very well-read.
15. He can perform opera (and also plays at least three musical instruments, plays roles in theater and cinema, understands economics, management, psychology... It's harder to say what he can't do.)
16. He was Koga's idol twice. The first was when Koga saw him on stage and admired his image, and the second was when Koga found old DVDs with a stranger who played guitar amazingly (this stranger was Rei).
17. His broad horizons and deep knowledge in many fields originate from his anxiety and thoughts about his insignificance on a global scale.
18. He does not like being addressed formally, because of this he feels lonely and detached.
19. He didn't see the point in his own existence and openly expressed his suicidal thoughts.
20. He doesn't understand people as well as he seems, and is bad at romantic matters, according to him.
You may already know about this, but I really like these things in it! Maybe one day I'll start writing down everything I learn about him, but that will be too much.
261 notes · View notes
What is a step you can take toward your own well-being?
Before I begin the reading I’d like to take a moment to talk about: Marine Conservation Institute. They’re a non-profit organization working to defend our ocean by advocating for stronger protection and to save the ocean for all of us and future generations. If you’re interested do check them out and if you’d like to further support this organization click donate.
New song discovery for the reading: Elijah Waters - Perfectly Silent
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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🚨 P.S.A 🚨 : I do not give personal readings!
Added Description: all my readings are timeless and meant to reach those who resonate to the messages.
[ Collective Messages: 234 (or 2:34? I’m not religious but for some reason I got this?); Leaving the past behind; Elevating; Patience; Timing; Learning to walk again; Stumbling; Material abundance; Getting news about material/job offers; Your confirmation is Yes; Positive changes; Water wheel finally turning; Think before speaking; Rainbows and Sunshine. Mars Placements.]
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Pile 1
“My head is like a washing machine. Tried to wash away these thoughts, still can’t get clean.”
Cards: 9 of Wands Reversed; Emperor; 10 of Cups Reversed; Empress Reversed; 2 of Hearts; Queen of Clubs; Six of Clubs
[ Messages: Stubborn; Self-Sabotage; Fear of Change; Overthinking; Stagnation; “Just Do It”; Red Sox; Baseball; Taking initiative; Ares; Aries placement; Coffee; Accepting your heart; Janine Teagues; “Things will go wrong whether you’re doing what you want or not. For me, regrets are always harder to live with than consequences. I don’t regret […] living my life to the fullest […] it’ll be alright, trust me.”– Mr. Johnson ( Abbott elementary S3EP14 timestamp 16:10 - 17:08). ]
The first thing standing out to me is your emotional and mental health. You may be experiencing a time where you’re unable to take care of yourself. This isn’t to shame you, I just want to acknowledge that you’re already doing enough. If no one said this to you today; I am so proud of you. Another thing I do want to say is: please reach out to your support system or check in with yourself. Honestly you don’t need to prove anything to be deserving of love and happiness. It’s okay to want and need something that emotionally fulfills you.
I feel like this pile is very independent and an over-thinker which can cause burnout, as well as aiding in self-sabotaging tendencies. For some reason I feel like you may “psych yourself out of it,” meaning you’re so excited about something only to get worried before having a chance. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow but it needs to be said. Self-sabotaging and overthinking is what’s holding you back. You may be experiencing Imposter Syndrome and Control issues as a result.
With the emperor, empress, and queen of clubs here — you are very much qualified to go after what you want. It does look like you're someone who knows what to do, is aware of the things you need, and what you want. I don’t know if it is a job or related to your social life, however, there’s this feeling of being overqualified for something or feeling deserving of more/better.
There is also a confirmation here that things will get better and you will get what you want. However, it is you who decides to go after it. I do recommend looking up books about self-sabotaging or YouTube videos about this topic. If you are in therapy, maybe this is a subject you’d like to bring up?
A good question to ask yourself is: What have I always accepted as true that turned out to be false?
So that’s all I’m getting. I know this reading is short and straightforward. I would like to say thank you for taking your time reading this and I hope this reading resonates with you.
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Pile 2
[ Cards: King of Swords; The Devil Reversed; Page of Wands; Queen of Cups; King of Spades; 3 of Hearts; Jack of Diamonds; 5 of Hearts ]
Messages: Retreating; Refuting; Verbally Vindictive; 3H Mars; Leo or Cancer Mars; Fire and Water Placements; Trauma Dumping; Changes in Communication; Online Regina George Trope; Air Signs (Specifically Suns); Birthdays; Online Personality; Healing; Dictator - Rei Ami; YouTube commentary or essays about online ( trends )
I feel a bit overwhelmed when reading this pile. As if I have to be someone I’m not? I feel that social media is really coming in, especially TikTok/Twitter discourses. There’s this sense of having to upkeep and over consume to be considered a: ✨main character✨ otherwise “you’re just not cool and an utterly boring, basic loser, yuck 🤢 🤮, You’re not even a side character yikes.” /J (I am using sarcasm and joking).
For some of you I get the feeling that this could be stemming from social media addiction, others it may be, that you are embodying the online personality. Over all this just feels like a huge weight on your shoulders or a ball and chain on your leg. In an odd way; maybe your phone or whatever you use is home to you? It’s where you can express yourself via feelings, personality, opinions, etc. This is in no way to shame you at all. I also use social media and so does the next person, right?
There’s this need to give yourself a balance again. To double check with yourself on how you’re feeling after using social media. I feel most of you are ready to gain control of your media consumption or at least contemplate the effects it has on you. Taking a step back from social media — maybe trying out a hobby or just reconnecting to something that makes you feel like you may help.
Also if you want YouTube recommendations on over consuming let me know, I can send you the links. The number one takeaway is that it’s okay to be yourself. You being you is main character energy. No amount of products, social media influenced personality, or aesthetics can take that away from you. You are enough, I promise you that. It’s okay to want to change but if you’re feeling influenced by something that isn’t true to you then you might want to ponder on that and ask if that is really what you resonate with.
A good question to ask yourself is: What is one small step I can take today towards a goal that feels out of reach?
That’s all I’m getting for you pile 2! If you stuck around this far I’d like to say thank you so much. I greatly appreciate it and hope you resonate with this reading.
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Pile 3
[ Cards: 4 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles Reversed; Five of Pentacles Reversed; Queen of Cups; 9 of Diamonds; 6 of Diamonds; Queen of Diamonds; Ace of Hearts ]
Messages; Open mind and heart; Chihiro by Billie Eilish; Money Growth; Finances; Earth and Water placements; Fear of Missing Out; Take out; Diners; Over consumption; Capitalism; Low Income; 111; Unemployment
( Tw: financial experience and control issues. Disclaimer: for some reason I feel called to talk about my financial experience and how I dealt with this. Maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for in my experience? )
So I had been unemployed for two years then found a job for 3 months then unemployed again for a year. When I tell you, I searched for a job everywhere, I mean everywhere! I applied everywhere and every time. I even tried to save what I could and budget with what I had (I live with my family and occasionally would get money. I understand/am aware of the privilege and support I have. I’m also very grateful and appreciate them)
I yelled at the universe, cried, and had sleepless nights. However, what helped me (besides living with my family) through this tough time is to focus on things I can control while applying for jobs. That’s what honestly made me stay afloat. So maybe this is what can help you during this trying time?
Finding a (free) third place meaning: the park, public library, or just a walk may help ease a bit of tension. Sometimes journaling or confiding with someone will help as well. Doing something that helps you remain in the present and eases the anxiousness could help. I know this may not be what you were looking for and I wish I can give you financial advice but that is not my forte.
There is only so much control we have when it comes to finances and it is certainly not a lesson from the universe or it’s not happening to you or happening for you. I don't care what they say, it is not a lesson! It is just an unfortunate situation to be in, it just is. Like yes you can learn from it but it is not something (pre)destined or “contract” written. It just happens and we live in late stage capitalism. That’s me being real with you.
So yeah, I’m sorry for the little tangent. What I am getting is to fill your emotional cup for the meantime. Yes, do what you need to do with your finances; finding a job or to save/budget money whatever you can do to the best of your abilities.
You just have to remember to do things that are within your control and to not neglect your emotional/mental health. If singing, drawing, talking, or simple things like cloud watching helps you stay present and makes you feel in control then by all means do that.
I’m not saying to use escapism but I am saying to do your best to emotionally check in with yourself from time to time. Also if you have a support system do talk with them or be around them. A good question to ask yourself is: “Who do I feel most myself around? Why?”
This is all that I’m getting for the reading. I hope this reading resonates. Again, I am so sorry if I made things worse or didn’t help! Please remember to check in with yourself — take care :)
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prans-micellar-water · 3 months
I love oniisama e because it really remembers what it was like to be 16. When you’re sixteen, everything starts to go wrong, and there’s no possible way you can deal with it because you’re only sixteen!! You have no life experience! If you’re an average sixteen year-old, all you’ve ever known is school and maybe some tension at home. But then suddenly you’re sixteen and you’re falling in love for the first time, or maybe falling out of love for the first time. You’re sixteen and your parents are getting divorced. You’re sixteen and your friend is having a mental health crisis. You’re sixteen and you’re getting bullied. You’re sixteen and you’re convinced that this issue you’re facing is the most important thing in the world—and you’re right! Everything that happens to you matters!! Oniisama e takes all of the drama so seriously because it IS all serious! It matters that Tomoko and Nanako had a fight! It matters that Mariko hates herself!! It matters that Rei likes to play basketball!!!
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Pickle Jar Status:
[ONLINE] - Casual Smut ongoing
[OFFLINE] - Commission Smut ongoing
[AFK] - Resting
Request is closed at the moment but questions and other stuff are welcomed.
❎ = Pending
✅ = Completed
🔛 = Ongoing
🔛 1. Karina ft. Winter
Plot: Bratty younger sister Karina that always threatens her brother to do her chores probably works better for the plot but we all know bitchy Karina Noona getting taught a lesson is way hotter.
❎ 2. Baek Jiheon
Plot: Hi, can you please write a mind-break non-con for Baek Jiheon, that adorable little kitten needs to experience some dick in her tight little pussy.
❎ 3. Rei
Plot: IVE Rei tricked into something else due to "language barriers".
❎ 4. Ahn Yujin
Plot: Secretary Yujin of a middle-aged Chaebol has more physical work than desk work contrary to what people think. On an average day, she starts the day warming her master's cock wrapping it with her warm holes. If there is a higher-up meeting, she serves gangbang while they talk about important business. Getting tossed from one man's lap to another one or two is her main job basically. Her boss even fuck her wherever in the office building he wants. The day ended with her all holes stuffed with cum and a wicked smile on her face getting exactly what this slut loves.
❎ 5. Shuhua
A/N plot: Please write a smut based on Shuhua's recent Instagram post where she uploaded a pic of her huge ass from behind. Please write a non-con as degrading as possible. Badass girl deserves hardcore punishment.
❎ 6. SuA
Plot: Bend over, tie down to a table, and force to take a train of men, each one’s penis bigger than the previous. Abused, pissed on, beaten, broken, and getting so far that something snaps in her mind, making her use the guys who broke her until they can't do it anymore and she gets mad for this, getting hysterical and screaming at them to give her more.
❎ 7. Swan
Plot: I see you're a non-con enthusiast, can you make me a Purple Kiss Swan smut? The twist is it's Swan who's doing the non-conning, and the reader can't help but accept the fact she's totally dominating you for being subtle about her feelings. (I don't say I request a non-con Yandere Swan but yeah)
❎ 8. Lily
Plot: Here's another idea for you if you're interested. Your daughter Haewon is behaving rudely to you and even misses Father's Day to go out partying, but her best friend Lily sees this and feels bad, and decides to make it up to you in bed, seducing you and even making you film it and send it to haewon.
❎ 9. Yoon
Plot: How about STAYC Yoon being accidentally mistaken as a prostitute by a sexpat?
❎ 10. Yeji/Yuna
Plot: For the cervix penetration I think if you choose Yeji maybe after deep penetration the cervix starts dilating, Yuna why not push it through 🫣
❎ 11. Bada Lee/Ryujin
A/N plot: Huge fan of your work! could you do a bada Lee or a Ryujin smut? (I know Bada Lee but not that interested in her so I might do Ryujin. I will see how it goes.)
❎ 12. Tzuyu
Plot: Volleyball player Tzuyu who gets injured during a game and the trainer! the reader who takes advantage of her while she can't get away.
❎ 13. Hikaru
A/N plot: What if for Hikaru, you still stand and carry, but you pass her around to other men?
❎ 14. Wonyoung
Plot: Wonyoung gets humbled by obsessed fans for acting cocky. So they put her in her slutty place by thoroughly fucking her every hole mindlessly throughout the night. And they didn't forget to stream it live either.
❎ 15. AleXa
A/N plot: Gets fucked and ruined by cocks larger than her arms.
❎ 16. Giselle
Plot: Gym rat Giselle getting mercilessly punished by real bodybuilders at the gym for teasing them with her thick ass and thighs. So they raped her using the gym equipment, to use her in deeper reaching positions. They pounded her ass until her tight hole loosened wide and she couldn't keep her shit anymore pooping uncontrollably in front of everyone. You can also add Somi in the story like she is the one who conspired against her out of her jealousy for thickness but the men fucked the shit out of both of them anyway.
❎ 17. J
Plot: StayC J getting fucked silly while drunk at a frat party in her freshman year of college. Going to a party to try and meet people but ended up drinking way too much and passed out in a random bedroom. The reader finds her passed out and decides to take advantage of her tight body.
❎ 18. Taeyeon
A/N Plot: Write on MILF Taeyeon, please. And preferably noncon.
❎ 19. Sakura
❎ 20. Miyeon
A/N plot: Miyeon, please make non-con of Miyeon. Her big boobs are such a tease recently.
❎ 21. Ahn Yujin
Plot: You are "fixing" her transmitter pack for the in-ear monitor. She is still within visual range of the VIP crowd for the sound check but what you're doing is conveniently hidden from her shadows. That's when you unzip and non-con her from behind.
❎ 22. Karina
Plot: Karina offers herself to sponsors to save her team members from the ordeal. But then she got brutally gangbanged at a private party, all her holes abused to the point that she started to question the life choices that made her into an idol, aka rich people's expensive fuck doll. Her only solace is she saved her sisters, but how long that is the question.
This blog will be occasionally updated!
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um-soybean · 8 months
The Great Mammon - Mammon x Reader
Summary: How dare you make plans with someone other than The Great Mammon? You’ll have to make it up to him…when you come back of course…
Warning: Fluff to Angst, jealous Mammon, mentions of Solomon, kissing, down bad for Mammon, Nightbringer spoilers, light mention of lesson 16
Note: Yes I’m in my feels. Yes I hate Nightbringer. Yes I play NB more than the OG. Yes I love you Mammon
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Now playing:
Let The Light In - Lana Del Rey, Father John Misty
(On repeat)
“Mammon! I have a problem!” You yell out, bursting through the demon’s door as you have for what seems like years now.
He becomes startled and ends up dropping some coins into his lap and down to his floor. He shoots a small glare your way before collecting his money once again.
“Whaddya want human!? M’ tryna count my grimm” he says returning to the shiny coins.
“Yeah ok whatever, I need a good Halloween movie to watch tonight!” You say desperately.
“I thought I told ya I would be going the the casino tonight?” He says finally looking at you with a tilt of his head. You both frequently have movie nights but tonight is one of the few times one of you ends up canceling.
“Yes I know that” you say rolling your eyes. “I decided to schedule one with Solomon tonight but I don’t know what to watch”
Mammons eyes narrow at the mention of the sorcerer. “Huh? You’re watching movies with that shady sorcerer now??”
You cross your arms pouting at the nickname for one of your good friends. “Yes because someone decided to cancel on me”
“Well how about Evil Dead, it’s got a bunch a blood n’ gore” he says.
“I was thinking something more spooky than scary something like…Corpse Bride!” You suddenly come to a conclusion yourself. “Thanks Mammon you’re the best!” You say kissing him on the cheek only the begin running off to get ready for your plans.
“O-oi! Isn’t that a romance movie?” He yells at you before you leave.
“I mean kinda but not really…” you say still walking off.
Mammon become increasingly desperate to get you to stay. Anything to get you away from that sorcerer. Or anyone for that matter.
“Wait! Uh…lemme go with you…” he tries.
You give him a questioning look and stop. “Huh? Why? I’ve made the walk myself before? Plus you have places to be”
“I- ah…it’s…dangerous! Yea…and um…well maybe you just shouldn’t go…because…” he tries and pretty much fails. You glare at him, knowing he’s making up excuses on the spot. “Because…he’s probably asleep already…yea!”
You cross your arms again. “Actually…I don’t think I’ve ever seen Solomon sleep” you say, face scrunching in full realization you’ve never seen him sleeping.
“That doesn’t matter! Just…stay?” He gives you puppy eyes. The type of eyes you’d receive from Beel asking for the rest of your food off your plate. The eyes Asmo would give so you’d bathe with him or Belphie would give so you’d nap with him.
You contemplate for a moment. Eyebrows furrowing as you weigh your options. “I already made plans Mammon i can’t just…cancel”
“Course ya can! Then we can watch any movie ya want!”
After another moment of contemplation, you turn towards the door before you can decide to stay. But of course, he catches you. Arms around your waist and light breaths against your neck, giving you goosebumps.
“Please…” he whispers. An almost sad whisper. What made him like this, you’re unsure. And just like you knew you would, you crumble. Immediately.
“Ok…” you reply and turn in his arms to face him. You stare at his face. His eyes are closed as his forehead rests against yours. Before his eyes flutter open and meet yours.
For a moment you just stare. suddenly struck with how unbelievably pretty he is. And he stares back. For the exact same reason. His eyes flicker lower. And you understand immediately. So you lean forward. And so does he.
Finally, your lips meet. Molded together so perfectly. But when you pull away you decide to tease him.
“I thought The Great Mammon didn’t need a puny human like me?” You say with a small smirk.
“Oi! Shaddup…” he whisper yells back.
And suddenly Mammon awakes with a start. He’s in bed, hugging a pillow. He rises, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and examining his room. Seeing the very spot where his moment with you happened. And while he dreamt of it, he knows it really happened. But that was a long time ago.
His heart pangs and tears fill his eyes once again. He sits alone on his bed ready to cry once again. You’re gone now. You have been for a few weeks. Disappeared without a trace in the middle of the night. You have no idea what it was like to wake up with the emptiness of a pact. His only pact. It was unbearable. In fact he wanted to scratch at it just to feel something. Anything.
His eyes are puffy from last nights tears. And they remain red as fresh ones spill down his face. Who knew a demon had such an abundance of tears in his eyes. He’s sorry he couldn’t save you. He’s so sorry.
The Great Mammon felt he had only one purpose. To protect his human.
And twice now, he’s failed.
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channelinglament · 9 months
Self Aware HypMic?
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(What kind of rabbit hole I'm falling in?)
It goes as if you did this 2 ways
- You played the game
- You watched the anime/read manga
(If u didn't it's alr tho)
Let's begin!
'Kay, so game verse and anime/manga verse are kind of different. Even the game name says "alternative rap battle" instead of division rap battle.
(I assume u already know TDD Era and stuff.)
It was another mundane day of your life. Pillows surrounded your figure, as you flipped pages of the manga (online or not, up to you). Your drink of choice nearby you, ready to be drank and yet, you are too preoccupied with a manga that you recently found out about. This past months, you've been listening to drama tracks, the songs and reading the manga. The storyline is quite complicated in the beginning, but the more you read, the more you understand. You felt so many emotions during the reading process. Sadness, anger, happiness, love. You were so hooked on it.
Unbeknownst to you, figures inside the said manga were having an existenal crisis. Nothing really new to Ramuda, but you get me. The days have been going as they used to. Rap battles went well. Nothing seemed out of place except for the strange feeling. The feeling of being watched. No one understood why did they feel this way. It was not a stalker was it? They became paranoid, until they started hearing voices. Who is it..?
First ones to become self-aware: Ramuda, Rio, Saburo, Kuko(?), Sasara, Iris, Gentaro, Doppo, Otome.
Everyone finds out or accepts it later, then the characters I listed.
I think some of them hated you, some didn't mind you, while others ignored you. They thought you would leave after a while, and yet, you stay. Why are you watching them?
For some reason they can somewhat feel what you feel towards them. Perhaps their universe is intune with your emotions? Would...would they all die if you stopped liking them?
Their world seems to constantly change as well. Why? Some days you were watching them, and sometimes talking. Other days you..sang along with them? Tried to help them sing better? Helped them during some battles..? (Game moments)
It certainly took everyone a good while to warm up to you. Some warmed up quicker than others (Dice and Jiro, they thought you were some guardian angel or something. Like- you're helping them fr)
I'll expand on this suff and world building later. Now, let's move on.
(I may write for Secret Aliens, but I don't know them much so idk)
Depending on reader's age, it will be a romantic or platonic piece.
Reader is 18+?
Romantic: Ichiro, Jyushi, Kuko, Jiro(?), Dice, maybe Nemu.
Others are platonic
Reader is 25+?
Romantic: MTC, Hifumi, Doppo, Ramuda, Gentaro, Sasara, Rosho
Others are platonic.
Reader is a teen?
Romantic: Saburo, Jiro.
Everyone else is platonic. Even this, depends entirely on age of the reader. (I have a few 13+ readers, and more 16+ readers)
Reader is 30+?
Romantic: Jakurai, Hitoya
Others are platonic (I don't write for Rei)
I honestly am 15, so I feel more comfortable with characters that aren't older than 20 heh.
Aka Saburo, Jiro, Ichiro, Kuko, Jyushi and etc.
Even tho I stated in 25+ as platonic, I know that ppl who r 25 can date ppl 20+, so yeah, you may specify if romantic or platonic? Tbh I don't know much abt adult relationships sorry.
I don't write for Rei
Also Hifumi warming up to reader depends on gender (We all know why)
Everything else goes by my rules, pinned post :^
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akkivee · 1 year
rio’s mic has the potential to be the only mic that works post rei takeover being a prototype mic, and harmonious cooperation showed us that anybody can share a mic, via shakku kicking kuukou’s ass with hitoya’s, so it’d be neat to see that be a thing again i think!!!!
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kyuusberry · 3 months
umbrella | ive leeseo - oneshot
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pairing: idolclassmate!leeseo x fem!reader
genre/theme: fluff, a little angsty (if you squint), idol au, high school au, implied that the reader has a slight crush on leeseo (if you squint), both reader and leeseo are 15-16
warnings: none
ib: ditto rain scene (side a) and ditto rain scene (side b)
notes: all of my stories, oneshots, drabbles, ect are all fiction (fake/made up) except for the idols!! my stories do not depict how these idols actually act or their sexual orientation (straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, aromantic, ect). the only time you'll ever read semi-true things is if it's my headcanons then i do use some facts from kprofiles and sometimes youtube videos but that's it.
a/n: link to part 1 is here & the link to all of the parts will be here!
cis men, homophobes, racists, 20+, smut accounts dni
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school just ended and leeseo had to go straight to practice. she was rarely picked up unless it was raining, because her company was a 3 minute walk away. it was a personal choice, she liked her alone time- most of the time it was quiet. sometimes it wasn't and she was crowded by fans, sometimes making her late to practice and getting scolded by the staff.
she was supposed to walk today, but it suddenly started pouring. and her company's car was nowhere to be seen. she was going to be late to practice. again. she sighed. she didn't even have an umbrella and her manager wasn't picking up his phone. what was she gonna do? no one in ive can drive so what was she gonna do? leeseo suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, she was already irritated, and she didn't want to deal with fans right now.
"did you want to use my umbrella? or i could walk you to your destination," you smiled softly.
her eyes sparkled, "seriously? may i?"
"yeah, of course. i always carry an extra umbrella just in case someone needs one."
"you're a life saver. thank you so much!" leeseo smiled, grabbing your hands and bowing, getting the umbrella from you.
you blushed, you've never had someone hold your hands like this before, especially one of your favorite idols and crush, "u-uhm.. yeah. you're welcome," you were stuttering a lot, it was so embarrassing. she probably thought you were so weird.
leeseo took the umbrella from your hand, thanked you again and left. she suddenly stopped and turned around, smiling brightly, "thank you, yn! i'll give it back tomorrow!"
you were even more flustered than before, she even knew your name? oh my gosh, you felt like you were going to faint. you automatically nodded and waved like an idiot, watching her leave school campus with your umbrella. it felt surreal. then you suddenly felt guilty for not walking her there to make sure she got there safely, especially with all of the rain. but she was way too far for you to even know where she went, maybe next time.
when leeseo got there, wonyoung noticed the umbrella, "leeseo."
"yeah, unnie?" she replied, closing the umbrella and putting it in the bucket.
"whose umbrella is that? because i know for sure you don't own an umbrella that looks like that," wonyoung raised an eyebrow.
leeseo shrugged it off, "a girl from my class."
"your girlfriend?" rei teased.
"our baby has a girlfriend?" gaeul gasped.
"unnie no! she's just a friend!" leeseo groaned.
"yeah, right," yujin laughed with liz.
leeseo groaned, "you guys are so mean."
part 2
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beabeemu · 11 months
All This Time Pt.4
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Itoshi Rin x Reader
SERIES!!! Pt. 1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt. 5 Pt. 6
Uncle Osamu!! (From Haikyuu) Summary: After getting pregnant by Rin at the age of 16, deciding that not telling him about is the best thing you could do for him. Considering his soccer career, you would only get in the way. I always imagined their red hair, the same shade as taylor swift from the all-too-well short film. It's such a beautiful shade!!! Rei's hair is also like that.
join my Tag list so that you can be updated when the next part comes out!!
I was walking towards Rei’s room, going past a milliard of certificates, ribbons, and medals with her name. Even though she’s only been playing for only two years, the coaches and other instructors never failed to recognize her skill, Which I am happy about. All her hard work had paid off, all those late-night practices, she deserved everything that was coming for her. 
I knocked first then entered, she was watching an old taping of a soccer match of a team I didn’t know. She paused the video and looked over at me. She’s a really big fan of PXG along with other teams, she mostly kept tabs on Julien Loki, Michael Kaiser, and well, Rin itoshi. 
“What is it, Mom?” 
I sat down on her bed while hiding something behind my back. 
“So you remember when I told you that my boss’ son played for manshine city?” 
“Yeah!!??! Reo Mikage is so cool!! And!! They’re playing league soon too!! I’m excited to watch their match!! They're playing against PXG right?!?!?!” 
She always gets lost in her own head whenever we talk about anything related to soccer. I chuckled and just patted her head. 
“Yeah, they’re playing against PXG on Friday. So back to my boss, he decided to give everyone a week's vacation to get us a chance to watch the game, and they even planned a trip to England to watch the match in person, And I was chosen as one of the higher-ups who gets to go and I talked to my boss if I could have you with me and they said yes” 
Then I pulled out the plane tickets along with the tickets for the match, which were VIP as paid by my boss, he’s just so proud of his son you know?
She was sitting up now, so starstruck at the news I just gave her. Then she suddenly hugged me. 
“Thank you….” 
I smiled and hugged her back, after a few minutes of quiet, she suddenly got out of my arms and started jumping. 
“I can’t believe that I’m gonna watch the La Liga match!!” 
She was jumping and screaming all over her room, then she started rambling about what she was gonna wear, she even asked me if she could a PXG or a Manshine Jersey. 
Right now I’m not even worried if I was gonna be in the same place as Rin, I was just glad that she’s happy
In the end, she got a PXG shirt, My boss seemed to be unbothered by it, I think. We weren’t sitting with them though, Somehow the organizers got our tickets mixed up because instead of us watching from the VIP upper box, we were now seated at the front row, so very near the PXG players. Faith maybe? I don’t know, but Rei was really happy with the mixed up. I was wearing some jeans with a fitted turtle neck sweater with sneakers. I wore a hat that covered my red hair, and I wore sunglasses and a face mask. Good thing it was cold enough here. I am still very nervous about seeing Rin, only because I wouldn’t know what to say to him, or how I should react. 
I’ve made scenarios at night about meeting him before, but now that the possibility of meeting him was close to 100 was nerve-wracking. Meanwhile, Rei was buzzing with excitement, I mean who wouldn’t? She was gonna see her favorite football players play right in front of her.
I watched as people filled in the seats, then after a few minutes the opening ceremony started. They said some stuff, then the players started coming out, Rei was squealing happily beside me while standing on her seat, while I was holding her so she wouldn’t fall. 
The more players that were coming out the more my anxiety was getting worse. Then he came into the light, I had to remove my sunglasses so that I could see him more clearly. Seeing him in person was different from seeing him on a screen. 
He hasn’t changed much, apart from his physique, he was still the same rin I fell in and out of love with. His hair was a little longer, his face looked more mature, and his under-lashes reminded me of Rei’s. As they lined up to sing the national anthem of their respective countries I put my sunglasses back on. We stood up to pay respects, and after the ceremony, the game immediately started. 
Since we were near the bench of PXG, they were walking towards us, I kept my head low but Rei on the other hand was standing up on her seat to get a good look at the players. 
“Mama! Can you carry me for a bit?? I just wanna see the players please” 
At first, I wanted to refuse, but I can’t. So I stood up, took her in my arms and we stood near the railings. I kept my head lowered, my face still covered by my mask and my hair covered with the scarf. Meanwhile, rei’s red hair was standing out, while I looked like someone who was allergic to the sun. 
People around us started cheering and calling out the names of the players, which meant they were in front of us, Rei started calling out for Loki, Rin along with the other players. I took a peak and saw the players standing in front of us, they were waiting for the ref to give them the signal to go into the playing field. 
My heart was beating hard, he was right there in front of me. 
“Itoshi!! Loki!!!” Rei screamed their names, at first I didn’t think that they would look, but they did. Much to my luck. I met eyes with Rin. Rei was waving at them, and Loki waved back. Meanwhile, rin on the other hand was just staring at us, he looked like he was trying to remember something. I looked away, turning my head to the side not wanting to lock eyes with him anymore. Who knew a simple action would have the biggest impact on him? 
At that moment you turned your head, and his eyes were met with your red hair, his world stopped spinning. Then he looked at the kid you were holding, She had the same color of hair, but has eyes just like his, she even had the same under-lashes as his. Then everything from the last time you two met up came flooding in, He didn’t know what to think, his mind was blank as he just stared at the kid you were holding. Then he thought, ‘Is she mine? Did she get pregnant? Is that why I haven’t heard from her after all these years?’  Like a miracle, you turned your head back to him, his eyes were wide, he didn’t want to make assumptions but a part of him was hoping that it would be you. 
He didn’t have enough time to think about you two anymore because Loki tapped his shoulder saying that it was game time. He shook his head after looking at you two one last time. Then ran off to the field following his teammates, he tried his best to clear his head, but you were just plaguing his head again.
Your likes and reblogs are always appreciated!!!
Taglist: @kimura-uzuri, @10-jiku2, @briefparadisewonderland, @junephantom21, @noshitmyfriend, @decoraboix, @pwr3tties, @miyanaranagikenmal-intp, @vitaniangel-blog@coldteameowjesty, @ieathairs, @sirimiripetrichor
Taglist Form!!
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt.5 Pt. 6
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roquewithq · 7 months
Hello!! Good morning, evening or night!!
My name is Roque, and, today, I will make a DEFINITIVE pinned post, because I think my carrd and other intros did not suffice.
Here is an introduction to my identity, and if I seem interesting to you, maybe we could be friends!!
I am Roque,
I am 16 years old(26/03),
Bisexual (With no particular preference [Although that's just an easy answer], I think),
and from Mexico!! More specifically, from Mexico City. (My first language is Spanish, but as you can see, I can also speak English, and a little bit of Esperanto.) I am also on the autism spectrum.
I mostly listen to Rock in Spanish, although I also listen to Post-Punk, Jazz, and Blues
Among my favorite artists and bands, you will find;
-Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota (ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!)
-Nicolás y Los Fumadores
-Depresión Sonora
-BB King
-Luis Alberto Spinetta
-Among others....
I enjoy writing and drawing, though in a place like Tumblr, it's nothing special. I too have a minor interest in philosophy.
I also play the guitar!! I own a Yamaha electroacoustic guitar, a generic Stratocaster, and a Cort CR100
And, as any normal teenager, I also like videogames [Garry's Mod, Ultrakill, Half-life 1 and 2, Cry Of Fear, Afraid Of Monsters, Shrine 2, Grand Theft Auto (3, Vice City, San Andreas)].
More recently,I've gotten into HOMESTUCK, maybe unfortunately
Random thoughts and feelings I have
Things about electric guitars
Drawings (very rarely)
These past few days I've been feeling very lonely, so, I really really want people to add to my small list of friends!
It doesn't really matter who* you are, I would love to be your friend!! I am available most days, but might be inactive because of school.
I promise to be a good friend!!
-Basic DNI criteria (Queerphobes, r4cists, proshippers, etc)
-Anyone over 18 [I'm sorry, but I just don't feel comfortable talking to adults]
I don't believe I have much else to say... But, oh! Here's my carrd, too! It's themed after ¡Bang! ¡Bang! ... Estás Liquidado, an album by Patricio Rey y Sus Redonditos de Ricota!
Alright, that is all, please have an excellent day, evening or night.
Signed, Roque
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deandoesthingstome · 6 months
Rules: if you get this, you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to. Then send this ask to ten of your favorite followers.
@itbmojojoejo tagged me and while I have just under 16 days left to put my 2023 Spotify favorites on repeat then drop them before they turn into 2024 faves, I actually came upon a few newbies recently and so here, a preview of what 2024 Wrapped will probably look like:
1. While daydreaming about August Walker...
2. Wondering if I ought to finally watch TMFU and figure out Napoleon for real ('cause no idea if this actually fits the aesthetic or just wishful thinking)...
3. A terrible thought about cheating on Walter...
4. Then waiting for him to forgive me...
5. Maybe he does?
Bonus track: I really dig this
Since Tumblr's ask answers don't allow for edits anymore, I'm just tagging you here for funsies only if you want: @mayloma @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @solinarimoon @lastcallatrockysbar @thesaucynomad @sillyrabbit81 @littlefreya @martha-oi @hope-to-hell
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