#real life delinquent gangs
cheesus-doodles · 2 years
Hi its the anon who said former gang leader darling au reminds me of sailor suits and machine guns. I was also trying to remember something else, and now I remember its called sukeban. Well have a nice day (and sorry for the bad grammar, I'm tired but didn't want to forget it again) 💗
Link to relevant ask!
Red Dragonflies Masterlist | Masterlist
ack sorry anon, this got lost in my inbox! Sukeban is absolutely correct, and its actually where I got a lot of my inspiration when writing Red Jacket in the Mirror! Actually first discovered this from the anime Beelzebub, but I fell in love with just how cool these girl gangs were when I did some actual digging - unfortunately Boss just happened to be leading a mostly male delinquent gang as opposed to a fully female delinquent gang, but she still is a pretty badass sukeban I would say! A lot more to learn about Boss and her gang, but unfortunately my brain only works so quickly :')
Have some real world pictures of sukebans!
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rizzanon · 6 months
childhood friend! Shinichiro Sano
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part 1 (here) | part 2
childhood friend! Shinichiro whom you meet for the first time when you were both 8 years old at the playground, wondering why he was standing ontop of the jungle gym, looking at the distance
"Why are you standing up there?"
" 'cuz the view is nice!"
childhood friend! Shinichiro whom you meet again a few weeks later at his grandfather's dojo where your parents signed you up for some taekwondo classes for self defense
"What are you doing here, weirdo?"
"Hey! I'm no weirdo! And this is my grandfather's place okay? I'm allowed to be here anytime I want!"
"Woahh, your grandfather's the teacher? That's cool!"
"I know right?!"
childhood friend! Shinichiro whom you become friends with over the next few days, watching him miserably fail to show off execute the moves his grandfather taught him to you
"HAHAHAH! You suck at this, y'know."
"Shut up! You don't have to tell me something I already know."
"At this rate, I can beat you easily in a spar..!"
"In your dreams!"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who introduces you to his only other friend, Takeomi, and the two of you hit it off very well (much to Shinichiro's dismay)
"I didn't think Shin had other friends."
T- "Neither did I, I thought he made you up."
"H-Hey! What's with this mockery!!?"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who ends up going to the same middle school and high school as you much to his delight
"You better stop slacking and start putting in effort in your studies Shin!"
"What are you, my mother?"
-smacks his head-
"Ouch! Okay, okay! I get it!"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who hates the fact that his siblings (Manjiro and Emma) love you as much as he does
"Seriously?? I can't believe you all are ganging up on me like this...!—Fake sobs—My very own siblings..."
"It's your fault that I'm just better, heheh."
E- "Yeah! She's way kinder to us that you are, Shin!"
"What?? But I'm always nice to you both too!"
M- "Plus, she always buys us our favourite snacks too!!"
"Bribery at it's finest... I can't believe this.."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who always goes to you to get treated whenever he's injured after fighting with other people
"Let me guess, you got into another fight again?"
"Ding ding ding! You guessed correct! Too bad there's no prize."
"Ha. Ha. Very funny Shin. Why don't you go and see an actual doctor to get your injuries treated?"
"Why would I do that when I have you who'll fix me up every time?"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who always goes to your class during lunch break to find you whenever he forgets to bring his own bento (was it on purpose? you don't know), knowing that you always make extra for him just in case
"Well, well, well, look who decides to forget to bring his bento for the third time this week?"
"Heheh, about that..."
"Don't worry, I made extra food for you."
"Aww, so you do care about me."
"Don't push it, Shin."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who worries that his rising reputation as a delinquent might bring down your reputation as well
"Are you sure you still want to be friends with me? I get it if you don't want to-"
"I already told you, I don't care what people think about me. What matters is what you think of me. That's all."
"Besides, who else will treat your wounds other than me, hm?"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who begs asks you to ride with him on his bike, promising you that he would keep you safe
"You want me to what??!"
"Come on...! Ride with me just this once! I promise you won't fall off."
"If I die, the blame's on you."
"Wha- You won't die! And I'll make sure nothing happens to you."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who introduces you to his other two friends in Black Dragons, Wakasa and Benkei, hoping you'd feel more reassured about him leading a gang and being a delinquent after meeting his closest friends
B- "Woah, didn't know you had a girl, Shin. Who's she?"
W- "Let's be real, Shin can't flirt for his life."
"Hey! That's rude! I so have game."
"Game of a rock, you mean."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who finds solace in you after every time he gets rejected by a girl he asks out much to your dismay (this was the 20th time)
"I don't get it. What am I doing wrong??!"
"It's simple. You're the problem."
"Rude... but seriously, why won't any girl date me? I'm certainly not that bad of a boyfriend if they gave me a chance...!"
"Well firstly, do you even have any interest in any of those girls you asked out? How do you even move on so easily?!?"
"If you put it like that... no, not really. I just want to date someone for the highschool experience y'know..!"
-smacks his head-
"No wonder no girl ever takes your confession seriously. Plus, your hair is so gelled up, no girl's gonna like that... Once a weirdo, always a weirdo."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who listens to your advice, and stops using gel as often as he used to on his hair, sometimes leaving his hair down to find out what you'd say about it
"You didn't put gel on your hair today?"
"Nope, I was kind of in a rush today, haha.."
"Well... you look... better like this, if I'm being honest."
"Yeah, keep this up and someday, a girl might accept your confession."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who tells you about the rumors he's been hearing around the school, about how many of the students thought you and him were dating and how he wasn't so opposed to the idea of that
"Wait, seriously?? People think we're dating?!?"
"My reaction exactly. I can't believe they think we're dating!"
"Not that I would mind that though..."
"Hm? What did you say?"
"??! You're hearing things, Shin. I didn't say anything at all..."
Part 2
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anisespice · 1 year
“ hate your boyfriend ” || tokyo rev.
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synopsis: aw, your boyfriend hates when he’s around? good.
pairing: college!toman x gn!reader
warnings: mature language, toxic!toman, possessiveness, reader is sort of an enabler, implied cheating, slight angst for the partner (rip lol), open-ended, maybe a little unrealistic?? i think that’s it.
notes: there's just something about them knowing they're the shit & and can't nobody check them for it <333 i don't condone making your partner jealous/uncomfy in real life...but i be kicking my feet when it's in tokyorev lol hope you enjoy!
tagged: @fantasycantasy ( if you'd also like to be tagged in future works, feel free to join my taglist <333)
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"Be nice." Famous last words spoken to your boyfriend before you went to greet MIKEY upon his arrival. You were having a little kickback at your place, and it only made sense that your closest friend got to be there as well, despite how they felt about one another.
It went well…for about five minutes.
Now, you stood between them as tensions arose, hands on your boyfriend’s chest to keep him pushed back while Mikey had no issue with fueling the fire, practically daring the bastard to swing first. It didn’t help that they’d drawn in a crowd, drunk instigators no doubt praying for a bloody brawl to liven up the once chill atmosphere. You don’t even know who started it, but you had a pretty good idea who was gonna finish it if things didn’t get under control.
“Aki, please, you promised you wouldn’t do this…”
“I didn't even do anything, he’s the one with the shitty attitude! Knew you shouldn't have invited him in the first place. And I'm sick of you always defending him, what exactly is this guy to you, [______]?"
Mikey kissed his teeth. “Such a nag. Can’t believe they have to fuck you-”
“Manjiro.” You hissed, sending him a warning glance.
He merely grinned, head tilted as he shamelessly cooed, “Yeah, angel?”
“The fuck you call them?” Aki pressed, taking a step closer. You planted your feet, preventing him from going any further. “Say it again, see what happens.”
Mikey shrugged, “Okay.” Leaning forward off the wall, he gently nudged your chin with his index finger, making you look directly in his eyes. “Yeah, angel?”
“You son of a—” Aki raised his fist, ready to swing; just what Mikey was hoping for. But, you were quick you latch onto the winding arm. No doubt he’d miss, then you’d have to explain why there’s a sandal-print on his face when he wakes up.
“He’s just kidding! Mikey has a, uh, crude sense of humor, always saying what’s on his mind at the wrong times. Never a dull moment.” You chuckled, nervously. “He didn’t mean anything by it…right?”
Sending him a pleading glance, Mikey remained unphased. The dark-haired gang leader eyed your boyfriend for a good, long minute. His dead eyes made the guy feel unsettled, especially since Mikey tended not to blink for periods of time. There were so many things he wanted to say at that moment, so many late night visits Aki knew nothing about—But, there’ll be plenty of opportunities for that later. He’ll play it cool. For now.
Mikey’s stare never wavered as his posture remained relaxed, his aura alone stunning the whole room to silence. The bystanders watched with bated breath. When the pools of obsidian refocused on you, he gave a reassuring wink. Aki didn’t take too kindly to that, stepping backward and taking you with him. The delinquent scoffed, but bit his tongue; he may have won the battle. But there's always the war.
With clenched teeth and a hollow smile, Mikey replied with a simple, “‘Course not. We’re all just friends here.”
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Unbothered would be an understatement when describing how DRAKEN felt knowing how negatively your boyfriend felt toward him. Frankly, all he needed was a reason, and he'd happily knock the guy straight out of his shoes. But, for your sake, he remained...cordial.
He also pretended not to hear your little argument in the next room, feet propped up on the coffee table with his arms draped behind the couch, wearing an all too complacent grin knowing he was the subject matter. Again.
"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot!?" Your boyfriend exclaimed, frustrated. Draken couldn't help but snort, wanting so badly to answer the question for you with a fat yes. "I've seen the way he looks at you, we’ve all seen it, so don’t act like I’m the one with the problem!"
“Takeru, just calm down, there’s nothing going on between us-”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” The sound of something shattering, followed by your shriek, made the mechanic perk up in mild alarm; amusement no longer painted his face.
Alright, he thought. Here comes that reason.
It only took him a few strides to get to your bedroom door, nearly splitting the wood in two after he kicked it in. Startling the both of you, Draken’s first priority was to check on your well-being, scanning your person for any visible injury. Luckily, you just appeared to be shaken up a little. Once he was certain, the former blonde directed a hard look toward Takeru, then down at the lamp he just broke. Draken worked his jaw—He gifted you that lamp.
“Kenny…” you said, cautiously. You could sense his impending rage from mere inches away, and you knew your boyfriend would only keep poking the bear. And you’d be correct. “I-It was an accident. Things just got a little out of hand, that’s all-”
“The hell you still doing here, baldy? Thought I told you to-”
Draken chuckled, menacingly. Your partner fell silent, wondering what was so funny, while you just closed your eyes in defeat; you knew that sound meant nothing good. His gunmetal eyes leered down at the pitiful man, cracking his neck before he calmly spoke.
“So we’re just breakin’ shit now, huh. Alright. My fucking turn.”
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“I thought you said you'd quit hanging out with him, [_____]! He’s nothing but trouble, have you forgotten he set my roommate’s car on fire?!”
“Tsk. He had it comin’.” Was BAJI’s response, digging through your snack cabinet for a bag of chips. Once he found them, he opened them and began munching away, a bored expression on his face. “Bastard almost ran over Patches, driving around like an asshole. But, he hangs out with you all day, so guess that checks out.”
Referring to one of the building’s stray cats that come around from time to time, you couldn’t help but snort, but you knew he was dead serious—Man doesn’t play about his furry friends.
“Who gives a shit about some stupid-?!” You quickly covered your boyfriend’s mouth before he said anything he’d regret. He wasn’t too pleased, but at least he’d get to keep his teeth.
You exhaled, then directed a frown at the ravenette. “Honestly, I wish you two would try to get along. I think you’d find that you really aren’t so different once you got to know one another.”
“Me? Getting to know that? Fat chance.”
Glaring, your boyfriend ripped away your hand. "Oh, like you're so easy to swallow?"
"Hm, your s/o thinks so."
“The fuck’s that suppose to mean, gutter-trash?” Your boyfriend seethed, turning to you instantly and expecting an explanation. Your eyes were wide, and you waved your hands rapidly to deny the implication. “[_____], what is he talking about?!”
“N-Nothing! God, you always let him get under your skin so easily, Makoto. He’s just being a dick, that’s all…”
Your boyfriend didn’t look convinced in the slightest, brows tight with an upturned lip as he huffed in anger. You shrunk beneath his gaze, stuck without any bandaid words to fix it. Luckily, since Baji was in such a good mood, he decided to relent—It’s no fun when you’re the one suffering the consequences of his crassness. Finishing up the last of the chips, the arsonist crumpled up the bag and tossed it at dude’s face.
“Yeah, hot shot, don’t get your panties inna twist. I’m just messin’ with you. We cool?” Baji threw up a fist, fangs on display as he gave an unhinged grin. Makato flinched, but tried to play it off. With hesitancy, your boyfriend eyed the fist with contempt.
“Fuck you. And that ugly-ass cat.”
Probably wasn’t the best thing to say with a fist inches away from his face. Makoto might’ve hesitated; Baji didn’t. So much for getting to keep his teeth.
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“You’re a freaking angel, thank you so much for doing this,” MITSUYA gushed, arms snaking around your middle in a warm hug the moment you stepped into the studio. Did he place his hands a little lower than necessary? Maybe.
You chuckled, returning the hug. “Y’know I’d never say no to a free meal."
He had called you for a favor to model a few of his latest designs, needing to make adjustments accordingly before presenting them at the end of the week. His usual canceled on him last minute, putting him in a really tight spot, and you just so happened to be the same size. By offering to buy you dinner for your troubles afterward, it was a win-win for everyone.
Your boyfriend, on the other hand, saw right through Mitsuya. Which was why he so eagerly volunteered to tag along. The lavender-haired designer eyed the guy from over your shoulder, disinterested. "Oh. Didn't know you were bringing him."
"Got a problem with that, Mitsy?"
"Hey now, no bickering you two.” You playfully warned, pulling back from the hug. You fixed Mitsuya an apologetic smile. “I hope it's not too much trouble that he’s here, though. I always tell him how fantastic your designs are, so I guess he wanted to see them for himself. Isn’t that right, Haji?”
Said third-wheel grinned sharply, arms crossed as he sarcastically replied, “Oh, yeah. Can’t wait to watch ya. Very closely.”
Mitsuya deadpanned. But, his brow lessened in weight at the feeling of you tugging on his shirt, pouting at him as your eyes practically dazzled him into compliance. “Please, can he stay?"
It didn't take much for him to cave. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you had the delinquent wrapped around your finger. He sighed, then reluctantly agreed. It’s worth seeing the bright smile on your face, and especially worth the look on Hajime's when you wrapped your arms back around him in gratitude. "Thanks, Taka!"
Mitsuya didn't bother masking the smug grin he shot at your boyfriend, watching him struggle to hold his temper. "Anything for you. But, I’m not paying for his meal."
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Traditional fantasy isekai au where:
Yuu is isekaid to Twisted Wonderland as a child, in a setting that's hundreds of years before the main game, and is adopted by a family there. Maybe Grim is a normal cat that came with them and gained the ability to talk and do magic out of a desire to protect his best friend. They grow up and train as a soldier of some sort out of gratitude to their adoptive parents to protect them, eventually leaving their place with Grim in search of adventure depending on where they landed:
City of Flowers! Yuu who was raised by the people who lived in the Court of Miracles and wants to get a job with the city guard to help fight for the rights of their adoptive home. They're helped by a friend they made as a child, the son of well respected parents who came to heavily rely on Yuu after the loss of his younger brother. Now a well respected legal student with his eye on a judge's seat, Rollo is hiding a deadly secret: he is a powerful mage and you are one of the only people who knows. He's also desperately in love with you and at real risk of going insane if something bad happens to the one good thing he has left in his life.
Land of Dawning! Yuu who hunts monsters along the coast line and finds a badly beaten merfolk on the beach and patches him up without a single thought. The man scolds them when he wakes, wondering why Yuu is so unafraid of what he could do to them now that he's awake only to be met with a shrug and a warning that poachers much less kind than Yuu are in the area who see non typical mer such as himself as monsters. Yuu happens to have a bounty for them. Oya? Jade says he's quite aware of that and what's more, they have his brother and a dear friend. Won't you continue to assist this poor, unfortunate soul in rescuing the only family he has left in this world? He doesn't have anything to pay you with. Something about his attitude makes you roll your eyes but so long as you don't have to split the bounty four ways you say you'll help. Pleasure doing business with you he says, and you both go to sleep that night confident you won't get attached to the other at all by the time the job's done.
Clock Town! Yuu who used to be picked on for not having any magic by the delinquent gangs only to find themselves in a party with one of the worst of the worst torn between being hurt Deuce doesn't remember making fun of them or impressed with how determined he is to turn his life around vs Deuce who absolutely remembers but has no idea how to appropriately apologize so he just makes it his mission to bring you home from every mission unscathed, even if it's at the cost of his own health. He swears he'll say it eventually, he just needs to find a way to not make an ass of himself by saying something stupid like he loves you.
Farm Kid! Yuu who gets recruited by Ace for his party because he literally can't get anyone other than you and Deuce and ends up being the glue that holds it together. Ace is dumbfounded as he watches you successfully recruit Jack, Epel, Ortho, and even Sebek without much trouble and hates himself for ever thinking about abandoning you as soon as he got better party members. Yuu who knows that's what he wanted to do from the start and resigns themselves to him leaving when Riddle makes his offer only for Ace to stay with Ramshackle Party because he's "too busy looking after them" to be a card soldier, hiding the burns on his hands from when he punched the Arch Mage for insulting you. He can surpass Riddle's party on his own any day.
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hntnsshi · 3 months
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Asamine Matakara was someone who would believe on the idea of fairytales and fantasies being real.
He had idolized at the imagery of a living, breathing Honki people for years after all. Despite the harsh bullies he received, which was a result of holding into this kind of dream with such pure innocence, Matakara wouldn’t change a single thing and continue to hang on to his believes with an unwavering faith even until he grew up. His sparkling green eyes still held the same innocence he had all those years ago.
So it wouldn’t be a surprising thing if someone discovered that he, one of the tops dogs of the Minato Kai gang, was actually a huge hopeless romantic who adored the idea of meeting his fated soulmate in the cheesiest ways possible known to mankind. Ranging from the invisible string theory, higher-self meeting and guiding to encounters, dreaming one’s future soulmate multiple times until their fated reunion. The fantasy of experiencing something similar had successfully turned Matakara’s knees to a pair of wobbly jellies as his cheeks burned a lovely, crimson red. This habit usually happened each time the young man finished reading the stacks of sappy romance novels he had saved on his desk. Every syllables was imprinted to Matakara’s brain, and with the fresh scene of love confessions playing over and over as if he’s rewinding a record, he was eventually left breathless and dazed of said romantic event.
Love, in Matakara’s opinion, was such an beautiful thing to experience.
No one had any knowledge of this small hobby of his, not even Komao and Zabu knew. Matakara unintentionally masked his fixation well, hidden behind his image as one of the strongest delinquent at school. In all honesty, Matakara didn’t mind getting discovered as a sappy dork, but knew better than to share his private life openly to the people around him (even when he’s now a lot stronger than he was back then, stronger to not get beaten to black and blue and left to rot alone). However, if someone were to find out about his view on magical, breath-taking love myths and encounters, Matakara would not back down from defending the view of his love. He jotted down notes, stored scientific journals, and scrolled through countless of threads just to prove how invisible strings which brought and tied two people together eternally existed.
Especially after Matakara managed to stumble upon you one day, gazing up at him full of awe and wonder after he accidentally blurted a romance novel recommendation while you were rummaging desperately on the bookshelves in a bookstore. Your smile, your joyful laugh, your delightful voice as you thanked him for the amazing titles he suggested, and your warmth when the two of were reaching out toward the same book with fingertips slightly touching each other— sending electric tingles that rushed inside his bloodstreams. Suddenly, the knowledge of inhaling oxygen to breathe properly was lost in Matakara’s short-circuited brain.
To be able to meet you was the fate he had long dreamed of.
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momo-ceros · 1 year
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the convenience store at the corner || ken ryuguji/reader
summary; there is a small konbini on the way to musashi shrine that belongs to your grandmother. forced to help out, at least there are cute boys to look at. one in particular
tags; sfw, reader is a year older than draken, draken is a simp, teenage boys being teenage boys
author’s note; momo writing something in the holy year of 2023? impossible. i wanna start writing more i think so feel free to send in requests.
You were working at a small shop owned by your grandmother after school, which just so happened to lay on the path between his and Mikey‘s school and Musashi Shrine. Despite their rowdy reputation, you always greeted them with a kind smile but also did not shy away from using a sterner tone, particularly when Mikey made grabby hands at the Takoyaki behind the counter.
His crush on you made him feel ridiculous. He was the fearsome vice president of the Tokyo Manji Gang yet uttering more than a ‚hello‘ and ‚thank you‘ towards you seemed like an impossible task. He rather take on entire gangs all himself before you knew.
How unfortunate that you did. Whatever made teenage boys think they were slick about their crushes, you didn‘t know but you wish you had that kind of self confidence in other matters. You weren‘t blind, of course you saw the way the tip of his ears flushed in a deep red when he came to the counter. Honestly, it was kind of endearing.
You didn‘t know a whole lot about him, not more than what was told on the streets. You were a year older than him, he was some high ranking member in the teenage toddler group that were delinquent gangs and certainly seemed to be the most mature. Certainly more than his little friend who seemed to love drawing dick on the review notepad meant for customers. You were certain that Draken was 99% of his impulse control.
‚Draken‘ you had heard his friends call him on numerous occasions. That and ‚Ken-chin‘, but he did not seem to appreciate that nickname too much, judging my his reaction.
‘He was sorta cute’, you concluded as you sat behind the counter, your eyes following him, as him and his friends made their way through the store, laughing and joking around.
“They are still 150¥”, you chastised in a monotone voice, looking up from your magazine as Mikey flinched and moved his hand back from the pastries in front of the store.
“But we are regulars!”, he complained loudly pouting.
“No. He is a regular”, you said, pointing at Draken, who immediately flushed faintly, trying to keep his posture, “he is a regular. You have never payed for a single thing in your life here.”
Mikey grumbled, unable to deny the fact that Draken brought everything here anyway while he just picked what he wanted to have.
“Fine. Since I am unwanted here I am going to leave”, he said, leaving Draken alone to pay for their snacks with you.
“Sorry about him”, Draken apologised, rubbing his neck nervously as he placed the items on the counter.
You started to scan the items, taking your sweet time.
“Its fine. I’ve gotten used to it. Must be annoying for you to always be on baby sitting duty.”
“He can be annoying. Real annoying. But imma still follow him”, Draken said earnestly.
“How unfortunate”, you hummed, a glint of humour in eyes as you grabbed a milk bun.
“I didn’t-“
“Free of charge. For being a loyal costumer”, you said, winking at him.
Draken gulped and dropped the sweaty yen coins onto the table.
“Thank you. I am sure he will appreciate it.”
You mulled over the thought that just came for you before shrugging. Might as well go for it.
“One more thing”, you said as you rang up his change and scribbled something on a piece of paper before handing both to him.
Draken stared in confusion at the string of random numbers.
“Uh… thanks?”
You leaned forward, resting your head on your hands.
“Thats my number, dragon boy. Free of charge. Give me a ring sometime”, you teased with a wink.
A deep, scarlet blush spread across his cheeks as Draken stuttered out a thank you before speedwalking out of the store, pushing instead of pulling the door, quickly rejoining his friends. How fun.
You watched him stumble, rejoining the group of his friends who, upon hearing the recent development, cheered for him. Boys. It was kind of adorable actually.
You stretched, staring at the clock. 2 more hours. Maybe you would close your shift and the shop to a message.
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silent-sanctum · 1 year
During sdc Kakyoin notices that reader and Jotaro like each other but they’re too oblivious to realize it, so he acts as a wingman.
Hello dear anon! Sorry it took a while to fulfill this request but hey, your request has been written ^^. Oh just to add in a lil something, I've written another request that's similar to yours, so maybe you'd like to check it out as well! Hope you enjoy~~
Playing Cupid - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 2k+
Kakyoin wasn’t the type to be invested in romance. The genre didn’t pique genuine interest from him due to the majority having a plot that involved someone getting paired with someone else and nothing else.
But just because he isn’t one to indulge in romantic content doesn’t mean he’s completely naïve to real-life chemistry. Most especially if the main characters so happens to be two of his close friends- one being a closed-off punk and the other an outspoken gal.
The second you stepped into the scene with utmost confidence and a flustered Jotaro in tow, he could detect the invisible spark between the two, with how the both of you would bounce off of each other’s energy seamlessly without the presence of friction. It’s as if all the bickering, subtle touches, and subconscious choice to stick together came naturally.
And Kakyoin would have enjoyed watching these two people get together... if it weren’t for the obvious hesitation present between you two.
From the delinquent’s part, he could understand. Jotaro wasn’t one to be expressive or open to anyone about his emotions. Everyone had to see the miniscule changes to his face, body language, and gestures in order to know him better on a deeper level, and no one could do that better than you and your keen observation skills towards people.
However, Kakyoin was more confused when it came to your part. You never seem to hesitate when you want something in mind. You often butted heads with numerous Stand users, constantly spoke out to the older adults of the group when you had something to say during the mission, had no issue with dealing conflict between parties as an assertive peacemaker.
But he couldn’t figure out why you couldn’t blurt out a simple confession when it was clear as day that you had feelings for the young Joestar.
It’s not like Jotaro would decline your approaches when he didn’t mind whenever you engaged with him in every opportunity you had. Kakyoin could tell from the way he would look away with a natural blush on his cheeks, the rare smiles he’d show, and the efforts he placed to be around you when he wasn’t the type to do that with others.
You two were into each other but both of you were two idiots that were too oblivious to see that.
So Kakyoin had to put things into course the best his single ass could do.
In certain situations when he found himself in the middle of you two, he’d offer up some excuse to leave you two alone or even suggesting the pair be together during area explorations, in hopes some extra bonding could get you two somewhere.
Alas no progress has been made and he started devising.
The first plan he had in mind was to get either you or Jotaro to think of the other, fueling each other to the point of letting out their inner sentiments. He wasn’t the best at the initiating conversations like you or Polnareff, but he did improve ever since he joined the gang.
He deployed his idea to action and...
“So I’ve noticed you’ve been sticking by Jotaro’s side more often than before. Mind telling me what’s all that about?”
You widened your eyes and flushed a faint pink. “Ah it’s nothing. I just find it more familiar when I’m with him, since you know, he’s the first guy I became friends with among all of us here.”
“I see, but you know what else I’ve noticed?” Kakyoin placed a finger under his chin with a thoughtful expression. “He’s been extra attentive to you lately.”
“O-Oh? You think so? But maybe that’s just because I’m a girl. You know how he is with the non-annoying females...”
“I don’t think so. He wouldn’t waste his time looking after the wellbeing of someone he doesn’t deeply care for. Hell, he’s been doubling his gestures for your happiness and security during the one time you were gloomy.”
You let out an antsy laugh, turning away from his gaze. “Er- He might just be doing those things since I’m his first long-lasting friend and all- Oh! Would you look at that!” You abruptly stood, faking a look to your watch. “It’s about time I meet up with Pol and Avdol!”
“Hey Jojo,” Kakyoin said as he sat on the chair adjacent to the relaxing teenager. Everyone else was out exploring the new area, leaving him the opportunity to talk. “Up for a chat?”
Jotaro let out one approving grunt and he took that response as a “yes”.
“Take this with a grain of salt, but you’ve been unusually close to Y/N these days,” he said that prompted the other to look at him with a pointed glare. “I mean I don’t blame you. She’s a delight to be with and I frankly would say I’m impressed by how you’re spending time with her-”
“What are you up to Kakyoin?” Jotaro cut him off, arms crossed.
“Well you see... I’m curious why the always-reserved-and-no-time-for-bullshit Jotaro Kujo is often hanging out with a girl who’s the polar opposite of him.”
“It’s none of your business,” the delinquent said with no hesitation. Another inquiry was about to slip past him when the other stood, tipping his hat over his face before walking off.
Though Kakyoin could still see that faint red in his cheeks that appered every time you were brought up.
He wasn’t sure if Plan A worked well. The main reason why he doubted it was because the two of you still remained the same as before, albeit with a hint of bashfulness now mixed in.
At this point, it became lowkey frustrating to see you two pining for each other without acting on it, but at the same time, found it lovely to watch you be lovey dovey towards the raven-haired, with the latter softening his demeanor at your every interaction.
Desperate moments called for desperate measures. Plan B arose and this time, he had help.
The guy looked like the type who would indulge in the concept of love. It might be because he came from a place known for romance, or maybe it was naturally ingrained in his system. He did know his ways on how to appeal to the female locals with a semblance of suave.
It would come to no surprise if he had an idea on how to pair you together.
“Pol, I need your help in something.”
The Frenchman busied himself with styling his silver hair up, but he glanced at the cherry-haired student with a smile. “What might that be?”
“You know Jotaro and Y/N? They’re kinda... into each other-”
“And it’s annoying that they’re not together yet! Oh my god, finally someone who shares the same feelings I have!” Polnareff dropped his comb to turn to Kakyoin.
“Right? That’s why I need your help.” He placed both hands on the adult’s shoulders. “They’re driving me crazy.”
“Say no more friend. I will do the best that I can.”
Plan B was put into action which ended up in Polnareff doing most of the work with Kakyoin in the side helping out with the minor mishaps.
The adult did what he did when Plan A was still a thing- had a long chat with both parties... but with extra steps. Unlike his straightforward approach of simply chatting, Pol’s tactics involved getting the person in a preferred activity where he and they could hang out in. Only then when they’re eased into it will he initiate the chat.
Kakyoin couldn’t tell the difference between their approaches but he trusted the older and hopefully wiser person in the room.
But Pol did what he did by taking you on a casual date on a nearby cafe, treating you with food and drinks before having the “friend talk”, while he offered the delinquent quality time for smoking around the corner, only for him to somehow transition into the topic of teenage crushes. Kakyoin helped in convincing them to go with him as part of his contribution.
By the end of the day (or rather the week), not much had changed similar to his efforts of trying to get them to confess, but the Frenchman had assured the bright-haired student to “give it time” and it’ll all fall into place.
Kakyoin didn’t know what he meant by that but he knew better to doubt a hopeless romantic.
Weeks passed and by this time, they just defeated another enemy Stand user and they thought they’d give themselves a small break on a small island where Avdol stayed, waiting for the submarine Mr. Joestar acquired that will transport them to Egypt.
Night came and the crew had just finished supper and now off doing whatever they felt like doing during the resting period. The cherry-haired stood by Polnareff the entire time, discussing matters about the updates of the latter’s plan. According to him:
“If my idea goes through, expect him to enter into pondering mode sometime within tonight. Then, we approach him and offer him ‘the advice’”
“Polnareff, you’ve been saying the exact same thing for the past few days.”
“I know, I know! But hear me out! This night is a moment where all of us are resting. Because there’s nothing much to do, Jotaro has no other choice but to retreat into his head and think, and what else is there to think about other than all of my chat about Y/N?”
“His mother's life?”
“W-Well that too, but also the success of his possible love life.”
Kakyoin would have given up with his so-called advice and perhaps even his whole plan of pairing you two... if it weren't for the envisioned scene happening before their eyes- you sat beside him the whole time until you excused yourself and left, leaving Jotaro still in his spot hunched over and deep in thought.
The Frenchman nudged his side and with a wink, he cocked his head towards the delinquent’s direction, muttering “advice time”.
So they did exactly that with Kakyoin being the one to open up first followed by the adult. In the end, you returned and led the poor confused guy into the forest.
Both Kakyoin and Polnareff were left speechless on their seats as they realized that all this time, they were too hyperfocused on Jotaro’s response that they didn’t consider how you would respond to the whole chat Pol stirred up.
After all, you were the more expressive between the both of you. It made sense and the cherry-haired teen didn’t know why he forgot about that minor tidbit about you.
“Do you think they’ll finally figure it out?”
“I really hope so. I’m getting tired of them just walking circles around each other.”
Few minutes passed and they hadn’t returned from their private talk. Polnareff had retreated to slumber land but Kakyoin stayed awake with his curiosity getting the best of him.
He crept through the bushes, toeing over fallen leaves and twigs to not cause any noise. To his knowledge, there was only one scenic spot in Avdol's place and he was willing to bet that you discovered the area as well.
With the path in mind, the teen continued trekking forward until he could see a break in the line of trees.
He reached his destination with admirable stealth and hid himself behind one of the wider trunks. With caution, Kakyoin leaned over slowly to get the glimpse of success.
On the gentle incline of the clearing, he found you peacefully napping with your body blanketed with his black gakuran, laying across the delinquent’s lap and your head situated on his shoulder, while the latter smiled to himself with a new glow to his face as had his eyes closed and his arm placed behind you to support your weight.
And to that, Kakyoin could finally put his goal to rest and actually allow himself to rest as well.
Guess playing cupid with the Frenchman was something he could again in the future.
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modern day curtis and shepard gang headcannons? Like they're old men and women
Hi anon! Sorry this took so long I'm a certified human disaster and my life is kind of in shambles rn
ANYWAY modern day old outsiders headcanons:
-First of all I did some quickmaths, so Darry would be 79 in 2024, Two-bit and Tim Shepard would be 78, Steve would be 76, Soda would be 75, and Curly & Angela Shepard would be 74, and Ponyboy would be 73
-Realistically atp Two would have died of like liver failure but I'm gonna try not to make this a bummer so lets say my man is in a nursing home and spends all day flirting with the nurses and the ladies in the home (who all adore him)
-Lbr Darry would absolutely be the grumpiest of old men (him and Two are in the same home) but he also tells the best stories and is secretly a big softie so all the young, nervous nurses like him the best
-Tim Shepard would rather be dead than in a nursing home and he says as much to anyone who ever suggests he needs one. Angela keeps trying, because he's barely mobile (old injuries + arthritis) but he refuses. Angela knows it's because Sylvia is burried in the graveyard down the block from there, and Tim doesn't want to leave his best friend, even though she's been dead for years he still can't leave her
-Angela lives alone. Having grown up in a turbulent house and worked almost every day of her adult life she enjoys her solitude. Nowadays she takes her fighting spirit to Monday night bingo where she CAN and WILL still strangle you Betty Anne if you try callin' bingo again when we both knows you aint got it-
-Steve and Sodapop live together at the old Curtis house. The neighbours kids have it rough so they come around a lot. Soda bakes cakes when he's got the energy, and Steve has mellowed a bit in his old age and spoils the kids rotten even when lecturing them and basically they act like grandfathers to these two little delinquent kids, who in turn do chores around the house so Soda and Steve can KEEP living there and don't have to go into a home or something
-Curly Shepard and Ponyboy Curtis live together, in a little apartment (Pony moved back to Tulsa when he retired, and Curly followed him like he always does. It's a little inside joke of theirs, since ever since they got together they've never been apart for more than a few days). Neither of them will admit it, but Curly's mind isn't what is used to be, the result of all those head injuries when he was younger finally catching up to him, and it kills Ponyboy a little to see the confusion in his eyes and the way he gets agitated when he can't remember something.
-The Curtis brothers all do that thing where they're always on the phone with one another
-Tim, Angela, and Curly all go out for breakfast together on Saturdays
-Tim has a walking stick and uses it to whack people with
-Two-bit manages to talk one of the nurses into smuggling him extra pudding cups with his dinner and the other residents (including Darry) get real up in arms about it
-Steve and Soda have tv shows that are on at a certain time each week that they steadfastly refuse to miss even though the neighbour kids have tried convincing them to get a netflix account and showeed them how to use the DVR so they could record them
-Steve complains about modern cars and their 'new fangled technology with their screens and electric engines' not being as good as the cars from when he was young
-Darry and Ponyboy compete to see who can get the wordle in the fewest guesses and they both sulk if they lose
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Potential Ango backstory. Because I like to make connections that don't exist.
I received a tag under my last post about Ango...
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I have been enabled.
What I said in that last post was that due to the disconnect between Ango's values and the values of the Special Division - in particular, their views on necessary sacrifice and the greater good - I found it odd for this to be Ango's career choice. So, I have this theory... it's really more headcanon than anything but basically, I wonder if Ango didn't choose to work there, but rather had no choice.
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First off, Ango being a government agent before he joined the Mafia means that he was already one under the age of 19... which is. Well, far from uncommon in the BSD universe but... does the government itself really not have age restrictions on potential members? Ango would've been younger than 19 when he started working for the Special Division. He was 22 ish in Dark Era, first met Oda and Dazai two years earlier, and joined the Mafia one year before that. I know we like to joke that the preferred hiring age in BSD is like... 14-15, but for the Mafia, this makes sense - there's no hiring age there; most of them are or were kids with nowhere else to go. Fukuzawa hires minors who typically also have nowhere to go. Ango was really young when he joined the Special Division. Since they would, at least, have to follow some laws (I believe anyways), the circumstances of Ango's joining were probably not the usual.
Here's another weird bit: the government sent a 19 year old spy to infiltrate the Mafia, one who was too low-ranked to have any say in decisions (he had no say in their sending in of Shibusawa, for instance). That's... weird, on it's own. He had no influence but they felt certain the man wouldn't betray them or get caught? That's a lot of faith to place in him. Now, granted, he's a very reliable person and his ability is absolutely the reason he was selected - but it's still strange.
You might be thinking, okay, but what about his replacement? Tachihara was sent in after Ango so the government could keep monitoring the mafia's activities, and he was a young, new recruit. Yes, that's true but see, here's the thing: Tachihara's nature as a Hunting Dog means the government has a guaranteed hold on him - Teruko mentions that the Hunting Dogs need to undergo monthly surgeries to maintain their bodies after their enhancements. I see no reason Tachihara wouldn't have had to do the same. So, in my mind, that goes to show that they needed some kind of hold on Ango too, right? Wouldn't you want some kind of insurance on someone so presumably new?
I'm going to cut away from this for a moment so I can point out a passage from Dark Era where Oda finds how Ango (allegedly) joined the Mafia:
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The gist of it was: Ango was a hacker -> he helped a gang steal money -> the money was stolen from a Mafia front company -> Ango was on the run for several months before the Mafia caught him -> Ango's manipulation of the trackers' information was so impressive to Mori that he invited Ango to join the Mafia
Obviously, this is a cover story. But at the surface it kind of has to be true, otherwise the Mafia would know. So, it was set up for Ango to help steal that money by the government. Why this particular story though? Well, they say the best lies are often rooted in truth. Before he joined the Division, I suggest that Ango really was a hacker and seller of information. (Just fyi, his real life author inspiration was a bit of a delinquent so... make of that what you will.)
Now this next part is a mess because we still don't know how all the pieces fit together.
Remember that the Special Division, and by extension the government, are considered so incredibly powerful that they could destroy the Mafia. From Dark Era:
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That legal document appears to be the only thing that keeps ability users reasonably safe. Atsushi was being tracked as the "rampaging tiger" and had nowhere else to go. What about people like Yosano or Chuuya, associated with military research? Even Kenji - he was hired after he moved a mountain out of grief. It appears that the permit is a necessary protection to those ability users who reveal they are ability users publicly.
In Gaiden, Tsujimura explains that the Division also continuously monitors the activities of ability users. Essentially, in addition to the legal protection the permits provide, they also seem to make the Division's job of keeping track of all ability users, what they're using their abilities for, and how dangerous the abilities are, much easier. We also know that if an ability user proves too great of a threat to the general public, the Special Division can and will eliminate targets unless the target proves especially useful (ex. Ayatsuji).
Ok why am I going over all this? I'm just trying to make it clear how incredibly powerful the Division is. But what I also want to denote is that they are focused primarily on the greater good and will justify sacrifice of individuals (which contradicts Ango's beliefs directly), and they also take orders still from higher ups in the government (and the government in bsd is... a bit shifty if you ask me).
And about Ango: his values lie in life and an appreciation for it. He prioritizes memory and records, especially of those who have passed. He has many regrets and is, at heart, a kind person. However, he also has the capacity to do what "needs to be done", seems particularly vengeful and angry with Sigma for Taneda's stabbing, and was ready to shoot Atsushi when he collapsed after the Sky Casino arc. He also went from making deliberate stubborn efforts to create records of the dead, to being part of the cover up for a group of disgraced soldiers and one of his closest friends. He does things because he thinks no one else can do them - so this means it is his obligation.
So, finally, here's my deranged conspiracy: I think Ango was a hacker in his teenage years, and I think he always had the intention of preserving life in some way. Perhaps he attempted to make information about the war, or something to do with ability users, public. Whatever he found, he got in serious trouble, whether with a criminal organization, or with the government itself, I'm not clear on. Ango needed to join the Division for protection, and perhaps it was Taneda's idea to invite him, seeing that his ability would be very useful - that would explain the loyalty. It's also possible that Ango's actions resulted in a loss of life, and so he no longer trusts himself, which is why he is constantly torn between opposing values. I wonder if it was explained to Ango by the people in charge why certain information had to be withheld from the public, in such a way that he felt guilty for what he'd done - maybe that's why he's so diligent. It would be tragic if guilt turned out to have always been the motivator for his character and if he stands with the Division despite his offset values because he really does think they know how to better help people than his instinctive response ever could. While I'm sure the Division was confident in Ango's loyalty (one of his dislikes is written as betrayal for goodness sake), they also had a hold on him due to the nature of his ability. He is a walking store of classified information, which we are told repeatedly in Dark Era makes him a prime target. This means that nowhere is safe for him unless he stays with the Division. There is no guarantee that the government itself wouldn't also consider him a liability if he were to suddenly quit. In summary, Ango's joining of the Division was not a free choice, and while he likely feels grateful to people like Taneda for that chance - he also cannot leave.
Regardless of whether or not you all think I am wholly deranged now, there is definitely something to Ango we're not privy to yet. Here's some extra stuff on Ango to chew on:
He had the experience once of taking in so much information he passed out while his brain tried to process it (much like Atsushi did after Sigma transfers the information to him about the Page)
He had some run-in with Chuuya which apparently led to Chuuya owing him for something?
He seems to have been more comfortable defying expectations in the Mafia than he ever was in the Division
Thus concludes my Ango theory.
Source? Just trust me bro.
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enhashoutout · 1 month
Introducing Junie aka Baby
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Genre: fluff, comedy aka CRACK fic, some angst
Warnings: cussing, typical H&L violence, periods are mentioned, mentions of blood and injuries, let me know if I missed anything
Since this is a little sister oc introduction, she is written with female attributes and pronouns.
All credits of pictures to their respective owners, I got them all off of Pinterest to make my character collage. The character collage however was made by me, please don't take it and crop out my username to repost it elsewhere.
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A little about Junie
Hino Junie
Physical appearance please reference the pictures above but you can really envision her however you want whenever you read. I personally see her a certain way but I don't know how to draw or have a face claim for her lol she just looks a certain way in my brain. The only concrete physical feature I want readers to envision for her is her hair as I felt it was important for her to have some blonde to match with her brother but I didn't want her to be fully blonde.
Cobra's (Hino Junpei) younger sister
By default ALL of Sannoh's little sister
They nicknamed her “Baby” because she is the baby of the family. Baby and Junie are used interchangeably.
Baby used to hate the nickname but grew used to it over time.
Cobra and Yamato taught her how to fight for self-defense purposes but they REFUSE to allow her to be a part of anything S.W.O.R.D related.
But they also contradict themselves because any time something is happening they be telling Junie like she's their certified therapist.
Like when Noboru was being a little shit thinking he was gonna work for Iemura? Girl, Junie was stuck listening to both of them spill their hearts out about it.
So really she isn't involved in the fights but knows everything going on.
Their father was never in the picture, and their mother isn't very present either. This left Cobra to be the one to raise Junie.
Cobra didn't mind, he loved Junie a lot but raising a girl in the world he was involved in was stressful.
Being a girl was already hard, throw in gang life and you have an endless cycle of stress.
Cobra's money he earns from the gas station goes to bills and paying for Junie to go to school.
Cobra never saw school for himself but he does for her. He always encouraged her to do well in school. This led to a lot of arguments while the two were growing up.
"But you didn't go to school!" "That was me! I want YOU to go to school so YOU can be BETTER."
This stopped around the age of 11. Junie realized he was working really hard, juggling being the leader of Sannoh and also raising her when he really didn't need to.
Raising Junie should've been their parents' job, not his, and yet here he was trying his best.
Junie went from average grades to being an overachiever because it felt like the only way to pay Cobra back.
Junie found an interest in contemporary dance and piano.
So Cobra transferred her from her old school to an art school farther from home.
The commute ended up being a little longer ( a 30-minute motorcycle ride instead of a 10-minute walk) but thank god she had a bunch of older brothers who drove motorcycles to send her to school and pick her up at the end of the day.
If it was late and Junie thought it was better to stay at school, she would just crash at one of her friend's dorms.
Some of the girls at school were nice. They wanted to know what living in S.W.O.R.D was like. They asked questions and found it cool that Junie's home life was different from theirs.
Some girls were real fuckin mean though. They would sneer at her, making fun of her home life. Talking about how a girl with that background had no business being here.
They also talked about your looks because you definitely looked the part of a delinquent's sister also. The school didn't make you dye your blonde hairstreak back to black, you just had to put your hair up and it didn't bug them too much.
It used to bug Junie when she first started but eventually, tuned them out considering she was top of the class anyway. (insert that one video of Bebe Rexha saying slay here lol)
Naomi was Baby's older sister. You loved having all the Sannoh members as older brothers but needed an older sister at times.
Junie's first period was a nightmare for Cobra because the dude didn't know how to explain it lol. Thank god we have Naomi though!
Hair, makeup, and emotional days were with Naomi also. Considering Sannoh can barely keep their own emotions in-tact, they had to leave that to Naomi.
Yamato's mom loved Junie. She always remembered to make extra onigiri for her as well. She wasn't the best but she tried.
Yamato's ranting about his home life usually fell on Baby because she listened to him. He didn't feel the need to always be strong around her like he did everyone else. He knew that at the end of the day, she would listen to him. Funnily she acted like both an older and younger sister to him. Always checking in on him but also always there to annoy him
DTC was scared of Baby low-key because she wasn't scared to fight with them but they all loved her.
Baby is always calling them out on their shit and telling them that "That's why you're all single."
They all come to her for their therapy sessions also😂
Whenever they needed someone to talk to they came to Junie because she would listen to them before roasting them.
Everyone in Sannoh was protective of Junie. They also all helped Cobra to keep Baby motivated to go to school. It was like having one really big family.
Anyone could make fun of her or talk down to her but at the end of the day, their family probably wasn't nearly as good as hers <3
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Current Timeline
The current timeline following the movies and TV Shows currently in the franchise
The first person Junie meets is Hyuga, pre- S.W.O.R.D. and pre-High&Low. Junie meets Hyuga while her brother is active in Mugen. This is right after Hyuga-Kai disbands because their kidnap attempt on Cobra failed. After all, Mugen saved him. Junie meets Hyuga when he first attacks Mugen for his brothers and is arrested.
Junie also meets the Amamiya Brothers during Mugen era. She has her own little run-in with Masaki and Hiroto
Once S.W.O.R.D. emerges, the first official leader she meets is Rocky.
Junie meets Hyuga, Rocky, and White Rascals at age 12 and these encounters happen before the start of the series.
Junie meets Oya and Rude Boys during Story of SWORD / Road to High&Low at age 13
High&Low The Movie is when she officially meets Mighty Warriors
During High&Low The Movie and High&Low End of Sky Junie is 14 years old.
Final Mission and The Worst Junie is 15 years old
According to the Discord Besties, The Worst starts like a week after Final Mission so that's what I'm going based off of
Once The Worst X comes around Junie is 16 years old
Since we don't get an actual timeline for the franchise of how much time passes between each show and movie, this is just me doing a rough estimate because I need Junie to be old enough to know what's going on during S.W.O.R.D. era but also still be Fujio's age by the time he is introduced since he is her love interest. Fujio is a third-year student by the time Worst X rolls around, which is the last year of high school in the Japanese school system. According to Google, Japanese students are around 17-18 years old at that time because their third year is the equivalent of a USA student's senior/last year in high school so I have Fujio's age sitting at 17 in my story.
I will get into Fujio and Junie's relationship more in posts dedicated to them.
Again this is all a rough estimate because we never get a concrete timeline in this franchise so don't take my word for it lol.
There is potential for this to change if LDH ever makes more High&Low movies or shows but that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon so...
And this is my OC and my story you can't tell me I'm wrong it's literally mine 😂
I will be making a master list for Junie and the shit she goes through living in SWORD because I have so much for her. Junie's story was supposed to all be one post but I realized it was already too long and we weren't even halfway into the lore yet so I had to split it into multiple parts.
Credit for High&Low and the contents from the franchise goes to its respective owners. Hino Junie however is an OC and belongs to me. Her dialogue in scenes that occur in the franchise belong to me and scenes that I make for her that do not appear in the franchise belong to me as well as I am the creator. Please do not take my work and post it elsewhere and do not take credit for my work. I post strictly on Tumblr, nowhere else.
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itsdrawingmen · 1 month
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Random Zen hedcanons:
From the time he 'almost died' in a motorcycle accident, he has a bone in his right leg that healed wonky. It usually doesn't bother him much, but very slight overexertion, and it starts causing him pain (like Little Mermaid stepping on knives typa situation). Doctors say it isn't dangerous, he just has to be gentle with it. Guess who isn't gentle with it and powers through hours upon hours of dancing through pain.
Has insanely high pain tolerance.
He's albinistic, and all of his life has been considered 'exotic', resulting in the 'special treatment' he has been getting. Thanks to the early interventions provided by his family of successful people, his vision has been mostly unimpaired, as for the general health, he massively lucked out. But he's bound to feel the effects of his combined condition and lifestyle fairly soon.
Unlike Saeyoung, he actually much prefers to be called Zen, including by friends and lovers. The name is the one he chose for himself, signifying his life is his. 'Hyun' is loaded with too many bad memories for him to ever be fully comfortable with it. He will probably officially change it.
His narcissism is his desperate attempt at fixing his crippling feeling of inadequacy, which dictates basically his entire life. Without this mechanism, he is extremely dependent on external validation, and any minor rejection causes his entite identity to crumble. Him overworking himself and paying no mind to his health are something of a socially acceptable self-harm method: he must do anything it takes to be liked at all times.
Addiction runs in his family, in forms of various social acceptability. This boy's workaholism is not cute and NOT harmless. He's been tempted to try drugs to keep up his performance, but managed to refrain (even though his many acquaintances from his teenage delinquent days did NOT help). For the same reason, he also has inclinations towards codependency.
He actually has very few clothes, but he has learned to style them differently to always look like a new outfit. He also LOVES thrift shopping. He rarely buys, being very picky of quality and fit, but he does a lot of trying on and gets inspiration for new outfit ideas.
He can fight, and he knows where to hit, but he has learned that the correct tactic is to hit and run.
As a boy, he's been used by older thugs, which is a big part of why he never accepts any help in his life and prefers to do everything on his own. He has learned the hard way that help comes with strings attached.
His outlook on masculinity is also greatly informed by his delinquent years (and having been molested and assaulted back then), and this is something that takes him a while to unlearn.
He's bi, he knows it, and is trying his best to forget. He's had the absolute worst godawful experience with men. His first real broken heart was another teenage delinquent (he lost his virginity to him, too, in a very power-imbalanced and dubiously consensual situation, so it was a mess). He was forced and harassed by adult men as a boy. He's been hit on pretty aggressively by women too, but it never got as bad or dangerous as the men. In general, in his tender age, his relationships with males were always too adult, too sexual, and not emotional and warm enough (which is sort of expected in gangs, where any hint of deviation from traditional heterosexual masculinity, or being seen as anyhow 'emasculated' could have you dead). Besides, he was always younger and more vulnerable. He's very wary of men because of that, and pretty internalized-homophobic.
He has the UGLIEST snorting contagious laugh, he sounds like a seagull, like a rusty door hinge, like a car horn, like a hydraulic press. His laugh is funnier than any jokes.
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blueiight · 1 year
reo and toi being the only characters who use guns….the gun as a tool of violence, taking people’s desires, goals and lives, reo and mabu being incarnated as cops to serve the nefarious Otters, toi being part of his brother’s gang… the parallel between reomabu and kazuenta is obvious and important nonetheless.. but both reo and toi .. growing up as little delinquent kids w/ hearts of gold being saved by someone (mabu and chikai) whos savior bears an untold burden of secrets & risks on their behalf.. reo and toi having to ‘kill’ that savior whether its literally in the case of toi, or metaphorically in the case of reo, who could not see that The Real Mabu Was Always There
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reo in the earlier episodes targeting haruka, when haruka represents an earnest sense of love for kazuki who scorns him after being disabled from an accident … like mabu, who took the hit for reo out of earnest love & was disabled by the otters surgery.. reo making an attempt on enta’s life when enta is the representation of that childhood sense of a queer first love .. especially after reo saw The ~Fake~ Mabu with the otter .. he is hopeless he is mad he is manic hes driven to the point of trying to murder a child To Get The Real Mabu Back w/ the Dishes of Hope but he doesnt even realize as an enforcer of an oppressive rule and extractor of desire that he is not entitled to the wish until he leaves the system, returns to his self, reckons with the fact that Mabu Was always There, and recognizes that love& desire can coexist
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definitely. definitely. tap the fuck into sarazanmai.
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italoniponic · 2 years
Can I request headcanons for deuce, sebek and ace getting detention because their homework had doodles about their crush like those heart initial or a chibi face on the reader or a random ass paragraph about how amazing they are (on like match homework)
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon! This was very cute to write and it has a special participation of Crewel and Trein. I managed to make each one a bit different from the other and had some fun imagining the class's subjects, especially the history one! Hope you like it! Thanks for the request <3 |
Deuce Spade, Sebek Zigvolt, Ace Trappola x gender neutral reader / headcanons / crush / reader doesn’t get too much involved / special guests: teachers + lucius / fluff / use of “you” pronouns 
Cherry’s Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Detentions and Doodles
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Deuce Spade might not be the smartest student in school, but no one could say he didn't try hard. Even though he made mistakes at times, he never gave up and always kept moving forward. You ended up becoming another reason for Deuce to devote himself more to his studies. After all, he wanted to impress you and show you that he could be someone worthy of being your companion for life;
A particularly tedious pharmacy class was coming up halfway through, and although Deuce spent the first thirty minutes focused on jotting down elements, measurements and druids names, at one point he started writing his initials with yours on some hearts. So he started testing the same thing on spade suits and went on a tangent;
As strange as this comparison is, scribbling initials reminded Deuce of his old days of delinquency where he sometimes marked his initials on the walls of some neighborhoods along with his gang mates. It wasn't very honorable at all but, it gave him some basic minimalist drawing skills;
In fact, scribbling the edges of the notebook was becoming an addiction over these past months. Deuce had most of his notebooks filled with your initials, of every possible size, style and shape. And it was a real ninja art considering you sat next to each other. Either he was too brave, or too foolish;
But you were such a constant presence in Deuce’s life that there was no stopping you from reigning even in his books. Like the Queen of Hearts, all paths are yours and Deuce was only too happy to serve you, even if secretly. And somehow inexplicably, you never came to suspect it. Much less the scribbles in his notebook;
Whoever saw it would think that Deuce was writing down the same information over and over again. Perhaps Ace had a better chance of finding out what it really was, so the boy never let the material fall into his roommate’s hands. However, one cannot hide this kind of thing for a long time and from everyone;
“Spade, sit down. I want to take a moment to talk to you in particular,” Prof. Crewel said when the class ended. The students were dismissed, Ace and you fell a little behind as you faced the frightened and fearful expression of Deuce who had just closed the notebook. You touched his shoulder for a moment, wishing him a quiet “good luck”;
When there was no one else in the room, Crewel approached Deuce’s place in the class and held out to him the work papers about medicinal herbs that the students handed in yesterday. “You made a very good report, I was even impressed. But you'll have to stay in detention to copy your text again, Mr. Spade. Clean edges this time,” the professor said;
Deuce took the papers and quickly identified the problem. He was working hard on this report a week ago and on the last page, he got too distracted thinking about you. Hearts spliced into suits of Spades, your names together as if you were a couple... it was a pity that he couldn’t earn points for being so in love;
Deuce gaped, looking from his work to the teacher and vice versa. He began to imagine the consequences for the future all because of this little mistake. His high school years, his relationship with you, the professionalism, the jokes, the awkward looks. All because he didn't realize he was scribbling on a homework assignment;
“Yes, sir! I'll start copying right, sir!,” Deuce promised, rising and making innumerable reverences. He was extremely embarrassed, blood rushing fast to his face as if he were fleeing from an angry army of cards. Crewel patted Deuce lightly on the head, smiling to himself. Love at this age is really complicated.
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Sebek Zigvolt wasn’t known to be so easily distracted in classes and always turned in completely impeccable homework. His gaze was always sharp as a sword, completely focused on the teacher in front of him and the teachings he was receiving. Sebek would actually like to be tutored by Lilia but, he assumed that the teachers at the renowned NRC are good enough for the job — although he detests Lucius in Prof. Trein’s classes;
But on that morning of an even particularly interesting 1-D history class, Sebek wasn’t watching the teacher or even getting annoyed by Lucius’s occasional meows. In fact, he had his eyes on his own notebook almost the entire time. What started as notes turned into a tangent of thoughts that led to you;
Oh, surprise! He was thinking of you, secret owner of Sebek’s heart — or “crush,” as Lilia taught him to speak. Sebek didn't know what to do about his growing feelings for you. What began as a simple acquaintance became an interesting friendship that evolved into something more. Passion, love, devotion. He couldn't tell;
Words weren’t enough to describe Sebek's love for you. He was very well versed in literature and poems, especially the classic gothic poems of the Valley of Thorns, so he could categorically state that a twenty-page thesis about you wouldn’t be able to fully compress or express his feelings;
Somehow, between writing down about the migratory journey of goblins from proto-Pyroxene to the Fairy Valley and sharpening his own pencil, Sebek began to draw some doodles on the edges of his notebook. He began by testing the first letter of your name in various handwriting and then began to write his name next to yours;
At one point, Sebek was one step away from finding the perfect monogram for your wedding invitation. Arts might not be his forte but, with a little practice, he managed to find a way to make his “S” marry your letter and he was very happy with the result. Sebek would look at some references later to make more arabesques — and let their vines look more like leaves and thorns than sausages;
“Mr. Zigvolt? Can you take your place for a moment?,” Prof. Trein asked cordially when the class was over. Sebek looked up from his notebook and nodded, closing his notebook quickly. The room was already empty when Sebek approached Trein’s table, Lucius was lightly wiggling the tip of his shaggy tail while on top of some paperwork;
Trein opened a folder, pulled out a bundle of stapled sheets that was Sebek's last history work. The old teacher sighed for a moment, opening on the penultimate page. “Your report on the rise of the first dynasty in the Lands of Sunshine is magnificent but...,” and on this, Trein gave the papers to Sebek. “... I'm afraid you have to complete the rest because the Ramshackle’s Prefect has definitely not participated in any of these events.”;
Sebek ran a quick glance through the middle of the penultimate to the last sheet of his work, every paragraph describing your beauty, superiority, elegance and grace, things he imagined he had thought to himself and not actually written in his own schoolwork. It was very late at night when he finished that work, too distracted and daydreaming to repair this mistake;
Trein watched Sebek’s face initially turn pale white and then turn violently red, almost going up in flames. He just dismissed the student for detention and that the deadline for delivery was until midnight. Lucius meowed in Sebek’s direction — amused by his static expression — and as he got down from the table, brushed his head against the half-fae’s leg;
“I swear, professor, by my love for the Prefect and the Young Master’s honor, that I will serve my detention properly and deliver the right work!,” Sebek promised, beating on his own chest. Trein just nodded, taking Lucius in his arms and letting Sebek fall dramatically onto his desk, desolate and embarrassed. The teacher ended up laughing with the cat himself, however. Young people in love are so energetic!
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Ace Trappola — despite the first name — couldn’t exactly call himself an “ace” in school. He wasn't stupid, he just got bored easy in most theory classes and for very little, he managed to keep most of the average grades. Ace was one of those people more focused on fun or sport, things that got him moving. So no surprise that he sought any other distraction during very boring subjects;
It was one of the last classes of the morning and Ace was doodling things in his own notebook. He had put the notebook right next to him, a little tilted up, but not enough for the people at the top of the stand to see, let alone the people next to him — Deuce and you. Especially you;
While Prof. Crewel was giving a detailed explanation of the basic effects of a Belladonna-based potion, Ace kept all his concentration on drawing your face in a cuter version next to his face. It was kind of embarrassing to do that, but, he was bored and he already had every excuse up his sleeve to tell you in case you questioned him about;
Ace could tell that it was a mere joke with you or that he was just training a little for art classes. And in fact, playing around with drawing your chibi face with blush face scratches and heart eyes for him was actually making him better at it! Before they were just strange polka dots with not very articulate expressions, now they were a little more professional;
He practiced a bit how to do your hair, drawing your chibi into various hairstyles and also different card suits in your eyes like all Heartslabyul students had. Obviously Ace thought the suit of Hearts suited you perfectly. He sometimes gave a satisfied smile to himself when analyzing this;
But if you turned to him, Ace would cover the edges in the notebook with his arm and disguise the fact that he was busy drawing you. You had no idea how much Ace was in love with you and these feelings were eating him away from inside in a violent mix of euphoria, energy, embarrassment and tiredness;
Ace felt ridiculous for doing those doodles — and a little frustrated that he could come off as kind of weird. It was like he was twelve years old again, childish and clueless. To make matters worse, it was an unnecessarily dangerous situation for Ace to doodle your little faces together just as he sat next to you and in the middle of class!;
But no one had ever noticed until that moment and Ace felt relieved by it. “Trappola, I need to talk to you,” Prof. Crewel stopped Ace before he could leave the room with you and Deuce. Ace swallowed hard, worried if the professor had discovered something he did — and he didn't even know what it was to prepare an excuse. You said goodbye to him and wished him good luck;
Crewel was smiling when Ace waved back at you and turned to the professor, aware that his smile wasn't a good sign. It never was. “I'm sorry to say you're going to have to spend the day in detention to hand me your homework a little fuller and cleaner of drawings, Mr. Trappola,” Crewel showed the alchemy quiz to Ace;
Ace didn't even know how his heart didn’t stop at that moment. In fact, the quiz had some blank answers but, what was that to notice when two very well drawn chibis of you were holding hands as Heartslabyul’s leader and vice — and on top of a very angry Riddle. Ace wanted to find a rabbit hole to throw himself down and disappear;
“I… a-am… I'm going to do that... t-thank you, professor,” Ace somehow managed to answer. If he hadn't finished that questionnaire in a hurry so he would have noticed the doodles he left. Crewel chuckled a little, amused by the student's bright red face and how he tightly hid the paper behind his back. Ah, young love!
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fategoflatass · 3 months
My Winter 2024 Watchlist & Opinions
The feared time has come. After avoiding this post like the plague, I finally put myself to write my pretty unnecessary thoughts on this season that's departing next week or so.
Admittely, it wasn't that big of a deal, but that might be because the bigger titles will come out the following season? (Should I also make a post about that?)
Anyway, let's get started!
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu 2nd Season
Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life // ☆☆☆☆
CW: cringey teenagers
Here, we one again get to follow our favorite middle school duo—the edgy boy and the gluttony in human form—as they grow up and find out just how complicated being a teen can be. Awkwardness, idiots and cutsie romance ensured!
This series is just so damn adorable, man! And awkward, holy fuck it can be awkward. But being a teenager is, in big part, going through the cringiest phases possible to cleanse the karma of a lifetime, so is that a bad quality or an amazing depiction of real life?
Anyway, my guys are back and I can't explain just how happy I am about it! I'm usually not that fond of school romances since, well, they tend to be too immature for what I'm currently looking for. This was made especially obvious since I began watching more and more series centered around adult characters.
But this series is quite different—they're immature, yes, but it's not as annoying as they tend to be. You know why? Because they found out about this thing called communication. Yes, they're not the greatests at it, but at least they're trying!
I've been thinking on checking the manga out, although I haven't decided yet. If anyone here has read it/is up to date, should I get into it or wait until next season comes out?
Action, Supernatural // ☆☆
CW: big ammounts of cringe
Arajin Tomoshibi's reunion with his old pal Matakara Asamine takes an unexpected turn when they stumble into a brawl with the toughest guys in town. And just when you thought things couldn't get weirder, a colossal genie decides to drop in. Brace yourself for the ultimate showdown. It's the clash of the cool and the magical!
(Yes, I stole the summary from AniList. Couldn't bother to write something down for this one).
This series comes from Utsumi Hiroko—the same woman who worked on Free! and Banana Fish, the mind behind SK8; one of my biggest comfort shows. And honestly, it shows!
Because BUCCHIGIRI?! is an amalgamation of all her previous ones.
You have the childhood friend pair composed of the Gentle Giant™ (who's quite literally Makoto 2.0, personality and appareance wise) and a dude who has only one goal in life—for Haru, it was to swim free style. For Arajin, is to get laid. And no, I'm not kidding.
Then you get the delinquents (I refuse to call them gangs. They remind me too much to the Tokyo Revengers guys, and I despise that show) and their corresponding leaders—the fruity freak (who I love, ngl) with the obssesive, brocon little sister (who I despise, ngl), the big ass bitch whose age's unknown but seems too old to be hanging around teens, and later on we get a guy who reminds me a lot of Jamil from Twisted Wonderland only that he's utterly pathetic, a professional crybaby and, overall, unbearable—entirely different from my totally cool and more than respectable guy.
There's not much to say about the rest of the cast since they're forgettable to a fault, having little to not charisma. Expect for the skirt guy, he's neat.
When it comes to the supernatural side of things, ugh. The dude who follows Arajin around is exasperating and so cringey I tend to skip fowards when I know a joke—the joke, the only thing he knows besides fighting—is coming.
Speaking of which, the fight scenes are cool, MAPPA doing their best as always. I just wish they would beat up Arajin more often (and that he didn't have to scream his primal urges every time he's going for a punch).
And, for fuck's sake, don't get me started on Arajin. He's the worst protagonist this woman has ever come out with—zero charisma, a total asshole, a terrible friend, and a guy who'd make you want to die if he ever got a crush on you.
I'll cut it here since it's getting too long and I don't wanna get into spoiler territory (in case anyone cares about that), but yeah. I don't recommend, at all. Go watch her other shows instead.
Dungeon Meshi
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy // ☆☆☆¾
CW: blood, death, violence
While exploring a dungeon, the adventurer Laios and his party are confronted by and lose against a red dragon—they're left without money, provisions and Laios' sister. But not everything is lost, since they can still save her while the creature digests its food. The problem is, they can't fight with an empty stomach!
The best show of the season, hands down. Not like it had much competition to begin with, but anyway.
When I first heard about the show's plot, I admit it, it didn't call me at all. But certain someone (*cough* @arataka-reigen *cough*) convinced me to give it a try. And here we are!
Honestly, I haven't had a laugh like this with an anime in so long! Not only because of the jokes, but the characters are perfectly designed for the viewer to laugh with and, most importantly, at them. I actually have the theory that they're the ones responsible for the BUCCHIGIRI?! cast's lack of charisma. I mean, they had to steal it from somewhere—is too much!
From what I know, more characters are yet to appear (I saw a catgirl and, as a cat lover, I just gotta see the catgirl) and the story gets darker with time (in case episode eleven wasn't enough hint for you).
I can't wait to see what this story has to offer next!
Gekai Elise
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance // ☆☆½
CW: tracheotomies without gloves
In seek of redemption, Takamoto Aoi becomes a doctor to help those who she would've either mistreated or ignored in her past life. Sadly, she gets involved in a plane crash and dies—only to wake up as her past self, ten years before her demise! She'll now look to become a surgeon once again, in the hopes of changing her fate.
If I had to describe it with one word, it would be meh.
The characters, the plot, the romance—it's all pretty average. A wet piece of cardboard is way more interesting than the entire cast and the story put together. The love story is whatever, not engaging enough to get me interested on their scenes.
What I would've liked is if they went on and changed the affections names for something more fantasy-ish or that has to do with the world in which they live in—I highly doubt these people knew about the existence of Dr. James Parkinson, so why would they name a disease after him? That sorta thing, you know?
But anyways, basic ass story with basic ass characters, and I'm a fool for having given it a chance.
And if I may ask, where the hell is the lamp?!
HIGH CARD Season 2
Action, Fantasy // ☆☆½
CW: cultural appropiation (?), blood, some violence
The High Card team keeps on fighting to mantain peace in the city, all meanwhile some of its members are still dealing with past consequences. But when new trouble surrounding the cards surges, they have to get to work to save the day once again!
Look, if the summary ain't shit is mainly because this show has me so uninspired. The only reason why I didn't steal it from AniList is because it doesn't have one.
In case anyone wonders why I'm still watching this show, same. I guess season one wasn't that bad for me to go and drop it, so I decided to give it a second chance. Do I regret it? Mmh, kinda.
To be honest, it's not entirely bad. I mean, it's certainly worst than its predecessor, but it had an interesting section that had me paying a little more attention than usual for like, two episodes or so. And then it lost me again.
The section I'm talking about is around episodes five to seven, where—and spoiling as little as I can—things get rather dramatic. It felt like a cry for help disguised as character growth that did nothing, absolutely nothing, to the characters themselves. They could've skipped those episodes and it would've been business as usual.
In the first two episodes we get introduced to his superhero-like guy who loves spitting random words in Spanish and, no, he's not even Hispanic. Then, he proceeded to not appear for the rest of the season. At least for now, we're currently in episode ten. But even if he were to appear once again, I don't think there's enough time to develop him or create a plot surrounding his cringey ass.
Also, and this might be petty as hell: they never explain why the cards look like the poker ones? I mean, they shared the lore behind them, yet that didn't explain this? How did they come out with the cards' and combination's names if they're supposed to not be poker related?
Hime-sama, "Goumon" no Jikan desu
Comedy, Fantasy // ☆☆¼
CW: none
Amidst the war between their kingdoms, the Princess is captured and imprisoned by the demons alongside her mythical sword and companion, Excalibur. It all seems grim for these two but, when the time comes around, the demons' torture methods seem a bit... gourmet?
I came into this show solely because of the trailer. What can I say? It looked nice. And to be honest, the entires series does.
These type of shows don't tend to be my cup of tea, but I thought it could turn out to be something similar to Maou-jou de Oyasumi—something that doesn't catch me at first, yet its second half leaves me wanting some more of those charismatic characters (Twilight my beloved).
The problem here is that God, it's repetitive. This series has one sole formula and will repeat it till the end of times, with barely some exceptions.
As LunarEquinox would put it, "it not her being tortured, it's you being tortured by repitition".
Kyuujitsu no Warumono-san
Comedy, Slice of Life // ☆☆☆½
CW: none
Planet Earth and its habitants are in danger; they've become the main target of an evil intergalactic organization who seeks to rule the world! The Rangers do everything in their power to defend the citizens from the General—but today's his day off.
Another fluffly, non plot-centric series. But this one I'm quite fond of.
I guess it's because I really like the «gap moe» concept? The difference between the protagonist's intimidating and powerful look at work and his casual, awkward and panda-obsessed self once he's home it's pretty adorable. It's like he goes from being a lion to one of those long ass domestic cats who'd let you hold him if close enough—only that I think he's supposed to be a lizard(?) of some sorts.
But it's not only him; you also get to see his coworkers with are all very formidable, and even the Rangers themselves. Red having no sense of orientation whatsoever is too relatable, I hate it here.
Not much to say, really. It's just a show about a long ass dude on a trenchcoat whose (most probably, undiagnosed) autism gets him to buy anything panda-related. If he were to become the ruler of the new world, I wouldn't oppose to it.
Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimamana Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu Suru
Fantasy, Romance // ☆☆☆¾
CW: violence, mentions of war
Rishe Irmgard Weitzner, a duke's daughter, has lived many lives—and it's not a saying. For the past few decades, she's been trapped in a timeloop where her engagement gets called off at age fifteen and, from then fowards, she's decided to go down different paths. A merchant, a doctor, a maid—whatever called her attention. Is in her seventh time she become subject of the affections of infamous crown prince, Arnold Hein—the very same man who'd killed her in one of her past lives as a knight. When he asks Rishe to become his wife, she decides to utilize her every skill to avoid the upcoming war.
This one's different from the others, in the sense that I wasn't there when the first episode premiered. I guess it hadn't caught my attention (and the way they colored the hairs looked so bad to me at times, and still does). But again, certain someone began posting about it and I couldn't help myself.
I found this series to be a tad more interesting than the average female public-centric fantasy series. They actually cared to build an appealing plot with its politics and all, while also giving us an attractive main couple whose chemistry is quite nice. I like it when the characters banter, they go back and forth a little bit, but still show feelings for each other—is entertaining, isn't it?
While it's not my favorite series from this season, I do find it highly recommendable—independently of whether you're already into this type of shows or you'd like to give them a try.
Majo to Yajuu
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy // ☆☆
CW: violence, blood
A guy carrying a coffin alongside his companion appear in a town, searching for the witch who cursed her and fighting some others in the meantime.
I love dark fantasy stories, so when I stumbled upon this show it grabbed my attention almost immediately. The whole concept of wiches, curses and different types of magic has always been a concept I quite enjoy. When it's well done, that is.
What Majo to Yajuu brings to the table is an uninspired series that unapologetically grabs concepts from other stories similar in concept, and doesn't even try to do anything new with them. The magic system is has is so average and uninteresting, and the same happens with the different conflicts that surround the main plot.
And even when it is supposed to have a more mature tone, there are times where they spoon feed you basic information as if you were too stupid to comprehend the intricacies of something you've seen multiple times—not even in other places, but in the same show, even the same episode.
The characters are heavily boring, the main duo being the most salvable of all. They do have some chemistry, but it's just not enough.
Anyways, just another letdown.
Metallic Rouge
Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi // ☆½
CW: violence
In a future where humankind coexists with androids called Neans, a group of them known as the Immortal Nine rises to cause havoc in society. Rouge, a Nean, alongside investigator Naomi are tasked with going all the way to Mars to stop them.
Also known as Bones' 25th Anniversary project, Metallic Rouge arrived to put many interesting question on the table—question that have been talked about multiple times in movies and series revolving androids and robots, yet is always cool to see what different authors have to say about the matter.
Sadly, the way they decide to manage the story is quite futile when it comes to enjoyment. That is, they decided to take the "show, don't tell" narrative route—something we've seen in series like Tengoku Daimakyou, and damn if it worked there. The thing is that this narration style is rather complicated, and can't be saved if done wrong.
Well, guess what happened?
Whether it's the scripwriters' fault or not, I've no idea. The only thing I know for sure is that they fucked up. The give you little to no information, which doesn't help the viewer to try solving the mystery by themselves nor succeeds at keeping them engaged. The only thing attractive enough are the fight scenes, but they become more are more scarse as the episodes go on. Is then when the staff realizes they messed things up, and as a result you get episode nine—a huge ass info dump, with twists that no one would've been able to guess since they hadn't given us enough hints to even get a hunch of what could be going on.
An absolute mess and a masterful class on how not to do things.
Ninja Kamui
Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi // ☆☆☆¾
CW: death, fire, blood, violence
Higan is a retired ninja who lives in hiding with his family in rural America. One night, assassins from his former organization end up slaughtering both his wife and son due to him breaking their ancient code. Now seeking for revenge, Higan goes back to his old ways in the means to make them pay.
This one is such a wild ride! From the same director who worked on Jujutsu Kaisen's first season, we get an action-packed revenge series.
Yes, it might not be the most original or complex plot of all times, yet that's not its main focus. What it is its main focus are the fight scenes which are absolutely amazing, so fluid and entertaining. You won't be able to take your eyes from the screen!
Even then, the characters are compelling enough for you to either root for them or hope for the hero to end their lives once and for all.
This series is an absolute banger and no one should sleep on it!
Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Action, Adventure, Fantasy // ☆☆½
CW: death, violence, blood, edgelords
After being slaughtered by monsters in a dungeon that was far from matching his rank, Jinwoo, or "the weakest Hunter of all" as called by many others, wakes up only to find out he now that the "System" by his side. This program that only he can see will help him do the impossible—level up.
So here we are, huh.
The biggest anime this season, and it's a fucking power fantasy with extra steps. I swear to God...
Jinwoo is a boring ass piece of wet cardboard, which is meant for the viewer to find it easier to self-insert as him. Those around him are either beings with no personality at all, default mean guys, or the love interest that just has to be there to tell us just how cool and attractive the protagonist has become—not like we needed her for that, since everyone is a simp for that guy for some hell of a reason—and to be saved because she'd be dead without him.
The only thing worth your time would be the action scenes, but since they depend so much on the viewer's hype, and that mainly comes from those who root for the protagonist, it just doesn't work on me.
This shit's boring, man.
Yubisaki to Renren
Romance, Slice of Life // ☆☆☆½
CW: ableism
Yuki is just your average college student who struggles with classes as one does. One day, she gets helped in the train by an upperclassman named Itsuomi. That's when he finds out that she's actually deaf.
One of the most hyped up series from this season, and for good reasons. Not only is a shoujo—sadly, this series don't tend to get anime adaptations as often as their counterparts—, but is a rather well known one.
To the surprise of no one, this is one fluffy series! The characters are all charismatic and sweet, some more than others, and their personalities and struggles feel very human.
The romance is adorable, although I have it hard to not see Itsuomi as someone who's trying to complete a dating speedrun—might be my demi ass, but they've known each other for like, what, two to three months? And they're already dating?
Yuki's deafness is touched upon with such respect, except for when Oushi opens his fucking mouth. I don't know if it's him or the author themself who sugarcoats his ableism as if it came from sheer worry for her future, but saying deaf people should stay at home is in no way a cool thing to say or think. I doubt he'll stay like this forever, but warning you just in case it results uncomfortable for someone.
To end on a more positive note, I love the fact that they center so much around the character's lip movements! It just feels right for the themes that the series touches upon.
Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern
Action, Comedy, Mecha // ☆☆☆½
CW: violence, war, torture (it's just one scene)
In a world where the military utilizes mechas as weapons, Oahu island, where both the Japanese and American troops are located at the moment, gets attacked by an unknown, intergalatic enemy. They'll now have to join forces to defend the planet.
I think it was Mother's Basement's video that convinced me to give this show a chance and, honestly? I don't quite regret it. After all, I like parodies and mechas, so why not combine both?
Given, I haven't watched every mecha anime there is out there—and with that, I mean that I've yet to watch Gundam which I think was a major inspiration for this one series. But even if you haven't watched it either, that doesn't mean you won't get to enjoy it.
It does make references to the genre's different tropes, yeah, but it serves as a standalone. The comedy works even if it's your first mecha series since some scenes are just so absurd.
The characters are cool, each and every one of them having enough charisma for you to be able to remember them through the entire season. They all have enough chemistry with each other to make their bonds belieable.
With time, the series starts leaving the comedy aspect aside and gets more centered around its actual plot—although the laughs never truly leave. And it actually works, which I admit surprised me a bit.
A series curious enough I think you should give it a chance.
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judasgot-it · 4 months
You know what I’ve been thinking these days? If jouno had the chance to see how his workmates faces are. But I think when he became a hunting dog, he was already a hunting dog
OMG WAIT I've had headcanons about this.
I think jouno has ideas of what they look like, but they might be like. kinda off in some way.
like, i think teruko is probably the most accurate - shes a little girl in his head who looks a little annoying. the only thing that's off is her hair, i think he just assumes its black. same with her eyes.
if he ever did see her. wow. he wouldn't be too surprised but also he'd be mad about being called 'annoying peppermint bitch' all the time i bet - like, she has pink hair. really? at that point she was just making fun of herself.
fukuchi is also close i bet. teruko probably describes him in GREAT detail, but i dont think he REALLY knows some details. like how muscular fukuchi is (his six pack abs? his titties?) or how weird his hair is or his grinning face
he probably thinks he looks younger than he does. so seeing him would be weird. and i think he'd notice how sad fukuchi really is like, straight away. he is perceptive, it just his brain.
also he would probably be forced to watch fukuchis movies if he gained sight all of a sudden. he would hate it very very very much.
i like to think he's CONVINCED tecchou is ugly as hell sometimes. like, no way is he remotely attractive. why is he like that if he could get laid, right? bro uses the saddest bar soap alive, he has to have something weird
people tell him tecchou is hot, but he refuses.
then he sees him and is pissed as hell because:
bro has the ugliest ass haircut alive. he knows its long, but he was unaware tecchou thought that was a good idea
he has facial tattoos?
His eyelashes?
he never smiles? he knows he's happy or not from his heartbeat, but him not smiling? it's so weird to watch it. jouno now knows why he is asked by others if tecchou is mad or not - no one can tell by his face
he isn't ugly.
the worst is tachihara because i think jouno thinks he's like. a real delinquent - the kind who has a shaven head and a beaten lip and eyes that show that he killed a man
but no. tachihara just looks 19. he looks like a kid who plays pokemon. i think jouno would be disappointed - he doesn't look aggressive at all. jouno would steal his lunch money if he was still in a gang. he felt disappointed the most there, i think.
anyway idk, i think there would also be a heartfelt aspect too it but i remember some blind dude on youtube who mentioned that if he got his eyesight back (he was born blind tho, so he never really saw like. ever) then it would take him like weeks probably to adjust to seeing since he spent years orientation his life around a life without vision.
i think jouno would struggle to just be able to see, since his senses are so heightened. i think maybe he could see on a microscopic level or something if he got it back. or maybe not, these are just ramblings though
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nonbinaryeye · 1 year
One thing I really love about Disco Elysium is how it subverts your expectations based on stereotypes and clichés you've learnt to expect from media.
There are the Hardie boys. Obvious first suspects and vigilanties given questionable authority by the Union and what more do they appear at the first glance than some mean boys gang. Except they *are* trying to make Martinaise better and safer place and they are willing to help their neighbours and people who seek refugee there - that's what the arranged lynching was about in the end. And yes their remarks are still sexist, they do not hesitate to use brutal force (I was testing what if I chose the worst option and they killed me and Kim on like three separate occasions). But also they could quite easily be abusing the power they have.
There is Evrat Claire fitting into evil fat ceo stereotype and you expect to learn that he does not really care about his workers and that the whole Union strike and getting benefits for the workers is some evil scheme but no! Turns out he really wants the Union to work out and he fights for his workers. He is using his influence to prevent organized crime and build up infrastructure and he cares about people of Martinaise - enough to create superficial job for René, enough to fund education for Elizabeth. And he is still not a best person. He is trying to bribe Harry. He does not hesitate to get rid of threats to his goals. His plans for Fishing village are not good either. And his refusal to acknowledge the danger mercenaries poses is questionable at best.
There is Cuno, delinquent kid screaming slurs at you and you expect him to be more of one gimmick character that is there just to make place feel more alive but you can actually bond with him and learn not only about his life and domestic abuse but also about his hobbies and you would not expect him to be your companion but there he can be if you fail to save Kim and you can recruit him to RCM.
There is Insulindian Phasmid. Mythical creature that is obviously fake and how ridiculous would it be to really believe in its existence? You expect all the mission surrounding it to be just a treasure hunt in vain that is really not about the Phasmid and more about relantionship of Lena and Morrell but no. The Phasmid is very much real and you can encounter it and it is much bigger and smarter than you would expect even if you did believe in its existence.
And then there is of course Kim Kitsuragi, your partner from precinct 57 and where can one even begin to describe all the contradictions Kim is? He just fits into that boring and very serious cop who is there to serve as your foil and hold you back and guide you and who will always be polite and kind. But no, he is genuinely funny and mean. He will not coddle you he just wants to do his job. He will not hesitate to call you on your bullshit but also he can play along with whatever scheme you are attempting. And he is actually very competitive and he can be silly and he is willing to agree even to some of your straight out crazy ideas. But he does care about you and he is quite amused by some of your stereo investigations. And when you learn about his past you understand why he always tris to keep up his perfect composure. And I will rather stop here because there is just so much to say about Kim.
I could go on and on I do not even know where to begin with our player character Harry and the journey of discovering who he is, who he was and who he could be. I could just keep listing characters and what are you supposed to notice about them at first and who you are supposed to assume they are in contrast what you can actually learn about them as you progress. And, yes, sometimes things are as they appear and the Racist Lorry Driver is just a racist and a lorry driver.
The point is you should never judge others based on the first impression even if they are just video game characters who appear to be cardboard cutout of overused cliché.
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