#puns are Both not my sense of humor at all and something that i dont really understand
br1ghtestlight · 3 months
i would love to title one specific fanfic im working on after a pun of a phrase/media reference like actual episodes do but my problem is i have NO pop culture knowledge and im incapable of coming up with any puns whatsoever but if anyone is good at either of those two things. hmu
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kingmystrieart · 2 months
2, 7, 18, 29 for jasmine my love
8, 11, 15, and 27 for arnieee
d, g, and h for both
For this ask game!
(i decided to change her name's spelling recently)
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Very easy. She has a very broad sense of humor but in particular she quite enjoys puns. She has a fake laugh she uses to try and suppress her normal laughter because she tries to be a 'proper lady' most of the time, but once her guard is down she'll snort and holler very loudly.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Looking at the online videos she used to enjoy when she was younger that she used to watch with her closest friends. She used to find the nostalgia warm and happy to think about now it just reminds her of her grief. Jazmine misses her friends.
18. What embarrasses them?
Core. She's the only person who's cooler than her. She wants to upstage her so bad it makes her look silly.
Then woopsie daisy now she has a crush on her.
29. Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
Yes! Jazmine is part of the student council of her school, captain of the volleyball team and a member of both the chess club and robotics clubs at her school. She's a straight A student with a lot of peers looking up to her, but...
She is a girl who likes to have fun, and by fun I mean wrecking stuff with her friend Candace. There was a time where her student and delinquent side weren't so separate. This caused a lot of problems for her, so she made a wish that made that pesky authenticity go away on command!
Definitely not something that could cause problems regarding her self image later on!
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
Eating and playing. Their mother was strict about how much Arnie was allowed to eat, she wanted Arnie to be skinnier not just for "health" reasons but to try and make them look more like their late father who was the Cobra part of them.
Furthermore their mother would often stop Arniela from visiting friends, playing with toys, reading books they'd like, using the internet and more.
There was a lot of maltreatment in the household after their father passed and there were aspects of enmeshment happening. Such signs of enmeshment were brought up in the community meeting in which at first made people assume much much worse things happened other than emotional and physical abuse which were disproved quickly. This lead to a lot of nasty rumors though. It was the first scandal the small town ever had.
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
They don't they get angsty and upset about it and let that simmer. They were confused when their mother didn't try to defend herself in the meeting, they were confused when she relinquished custody, they were confused when she left after Arnie was put under the care of the Vantal home.
Arnie desperately, desperately wanted the mother they knew before their fathers death back. So these actions had made them bitter and resentful. When they don't understand someone it just reminds them of that frustration.
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Arnie says the most horrible shit they can in the moment with like 2 seconds of thought and then waxes poetic about nothing later then cries themself to sleep abt how cringe everything they say is.
In other words they either overthink it or dont think at alll.....
After them dying they're forced to think about how they speak because they can barely remember any words at all. They work through this with speech therapy and magic, but after that they're a lot more thoughtful about how their words might effect others.
27.  What causes them to feel dread? 
The mirror. There's a corpse in it.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Arnie has had a TON of looks:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Jazmine's appearance isn't complete but she's mostly consistent:
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(i cant find other art of her rn)
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Arnie: Very little self awareness or awareness for others for most of the story. It makes it difficult to make them likeable.
Jazmine: She's smart and good at socializing, I am only one of those things. (smart) Jealous of her.
H) What trait do you admire most?
Arnie: Fosters a strong solid sense of justice as they grow up and has a little more humility than their sister Core about it in that they don't think anyone should choose who lives and dies LMAO.
Jazmine: She's vury purty. I love how she's one of the most feminine characters in the story so far and that she holds herself with confidence and dignity.
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mattel-is-nobody · 5 months
Time to brainrot about something I guess since I'm being kept up with a migraine.
Now you probably wouldn't think it from looking at me, but I am actually very, very much deeply obsessed with linguistics. To an unhealthy degree, some might say. And one of my favorite linguistic concepts is "This is a stupidly hilarious pun in Language A, but it makes no sense in Language B" The prime example of this is an old Sumerian/Babylonian joke that at this point has had several thousand video essays written about it. You know the one: "A dog walks into a tavern. 'I can't see anything!' he says. 'I'll open this one.'"
And who could forget the Greek Philosopher Chrysippus? In one of the accounts of his death, it is said that he got a bit too drunk at a party and, upon witnessing a donkey eating figs, he said "someone should get that donkey some pure wine to wash down the figs!". He then fucking died of laughter at his own joke. Beause apparently that was the funniest shit he'd ever seen.
Now neither of those make sense in any living language or modern culture, but the fact that it was written down at all means it made enough people laugh for it to be worth recording. And it's fun to look at living languages and see what makes the native speakers laugh but still utterly baffles everyone else. Even better, digital archeaologists in a thousand years are going to have a field day with this post if they ever stumble upon it, so here are a few of my favorite untranslatable puns: Hungarian: A man is pulled over by the police. The officer asks, "Are you drunk?". The man replies, "No, sir, Ivett is my wife"
Japanese: Why dont Hawaiians go to the dentist? Good teeth.
Finnish: "A bar and a screwdriver". That's the entire joke, by the way. Set up and punchline, apparently both right there, and in the original Finnish it's only two words. Apparently it's a reference to something? I'm just going to assume this is a thing you say and people laugh, much like "omae wa, mou shinderu"
Spanish: What fruit is the most patient? It's a pear. So fun fact, my Aunt is from Mexico, and I decided to tell her this joke in the original Spanish (which as a consequence of having a Mexican aunt, I speak pretty well). And I shit you not that as soon as the words "es pera" left my mouth, she let out the longest, heaviest, most world-weary sigh I have ever heard in my 20 years of life, before returning to the tamales she was making. I guess she now knows that my pun game has transcended to include her native language, and in that moment she was preparing herself for the ensuing decades of Spanish wordplay
Another from Japanese because they are gods of wordplay: "7-Up, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, they're all types of what?" "Soda?" "That's right!"
Chinese: "Who is Mi's mother?" "Hua, because peanuts". I took Chinese in high-school and I can verify that this is the shittiest pun I've ever seen, but the reddit user who posted it says "I am yet to find a single Chinese/Taiwanese person who does not find it hilarious"
Aussie English (which I'm including both for English rep and because Aussie slang is so markedly different that Brits and Americans are still unlikely to get it): "What's the difference between fat and cholesterol? You can't crack a cholesterol".
Danish: One sign says to another, "Are you married?" The other replies, "No, I'm divorced"
AND MY PERSONAL FAVORITE: French: "He wished to be Caesar, but he died as Pompey" -- George Clémenceau, commenting on the death of President Felix Faure (I refuse to explain this one or give any further context, go look it up)
Oh and side note. Obviously, no world leader can speak every language, so interpreters are a necessity for negotiation. And of course, world leaders and diplomats are going to try the lighten the mood occaisionally with humor. But for negotiations between most countries, that's hard to do, because there are very few puns with much cross-linguistic utility. Sure, you have that one joke about where cats go when they die that works in English and most Romance languages, but for some more serious negotiations, the number of puns that would make sense in both languages is pretty close to zero, and may very well BE zero. So the question arises, how do interpreters deal with that? Of course there are a lot of possible methods, not all of which are good or even remotely efficient. You could just translate the pun word for word, but as evidenced by the fact that that's literally what I did above, it's not gonna work that well. Explaining the joke also isn't gonna fly, because as we all know, the second you explain a joke is the seond it becomes Not Funny Anymore. The method I've found that I think works best is just to say "They have said a pun that doesn't translate well to English. Laugh now." Which is funny not just because it works, but because it works amazingly. That person on the other end of the table (who we are assuming doesn't speak a lick of English) has no clue what the interpreter is saying, and so must assume their joke was translated faithfully. Sure, their interpreter might know depending on how the whole thing is set up, but considering the vetting process you have to go through to be an interpreter for the POTUS , I highly doubt anyone is going to risk national security over a joke being left untranslated. Both leaders have a laugh, everything ends on good terms, and we avoid nuclear annihilation for another few weeks.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
13 Anti LO Asks
1. ok but thats seriously what bugs me so much about LO, it never actually lets serious moments be serious, it's always lampooned by rachel's insistent need to force in her juvenile "humor" and never actually depicting how pressing things are. even the following moments from persephone's r//pe was undercut by hades making stupid puns! i understand if rachel cant write something more serious than "[x] is bad" but if thats so, then dont try it? because thats how you end up with this pretentious mess.
2. since when did lo hades have earrings??? i legit do not remember this ever being a thing??? is he trying to be hip with the kids 😭my man you still look like a crusty old man the earrings arent helping 😭
3. lo hermes looks and acts like flaky from happy tree friends and no thats not a compliment (TW for gore, blood, and violence if any of you google it)
4. Even though the earlier art style was better there are still some cursed panels from the earlier pages that still haunt me. Especially the way Persephone was drawn differently in so many of the panels.
5. lo hades has such "how do you do fellow kids" energy and im not sure why
6. im also confused on the fertility goddess stuff because how stupid is persephone if she didnt notice? she can create life and nature without even thinking and shes implied to be a genius in biology, so how would she not even notice this? if RS really wants to go with this plot, then why have her professor bring it up in class? why not show persephone going to her uni's library to research the topic and pouring over it? that's an easy way to show persephone's intelligence, yet LO doesnt even try.
7. What I wanna know in LO was how Demeter and Hestia were compensated after the war. The three brothers got to be kings and Hera is queen, but what we know of Demeter is that she had a millionaire dollar business that’s probably made it on its own (unless she was helped out) and then Hestia all we really know about her is that she runs that TOGEM and idk if there’s only 4 of them, Hestia really had a group by herself for a bit since Athena is Zeus’ (assumed) daughter, Artemis (Zeus’ assumed daughter) and persphone (newest member) which seems shitty since they won a war together
8. I think what happened with LO’s art style was RS got “lazy” (I’m lacking the right word). I feel like without the colors all of the men in LO have the same body type, and Hermès and Apollo may even have the same face if they smile the same. So to compensate for that lack of body diversity, RS doubled down on Hades’ features to make him stand out more to really show he’s the male lead. However, even in her own words he looks like Persphones’ “dusty ass dad”
The women use to be a little different but they’re all starting to blend with body types. Her was small, but now she’s short and busty like Persphone. RS makes Persphone look short and busty all the time but almost childlike. Minthe was skinny but her last moments she was busy. Aphrodite I feel was just busty but then tried to make her look small also with Ares and Hades beside her. Hestia stayed the same but is still small and busty. Athena was tall and thin (?) but now she’s tall but busty (and her relationship with Hestia looks like it mirrors HXP). Idk I just feel like the longer screen time the female characters get the more they start mirroring Persphone’s look. Like even Artemis was getting empathized on being small next to her brother Apollo. Like all the girls gotta look small but curvy as the story goes on. 
9. Demeter: watched her friend get ripped in half. Watched her friend get continually cheated on, paying the price for not hiding a mistress , watched metis get eaten, her back clawed, fought in a war. Later made a daughter who’s a fertility goddess (probably an accident) and now has to raise her. That same daughter then went on a rampage and isn’t really remorseful
Fans: Demeter is such an overbearing mother who gets in the way of our ship.
10. on regards to ace characters, asexuality is a spectrum like everything else, so a lot of asexuals actually do enjoy and have sex, so the maidens doing so isnt inherently a problem, its the fact rachel is clearly viewing it through a strict binary where she assumes asexuality is something that can be "fixed" over time/when the right person comes along. its also a bad modern reading of it, as "virginity" in an ancient sense meant via marriage, not via sex, but I doubt rachel cares to factcheck it.
11. Imagine an elf is given a job to do at a human institution. The humans think elves don’t need bathroom breaks, since they know they can hold it for days, but this elf has been traveling to reach their job, and has already been holding it to the point they are in pain. They ask for a break, but their job is important and time sensitive, so they admit they can still hold it when asked. After a full day of work, the elf tries to reach the bathroom in time, but they were never told where it is.
From OP: I think this might be a nymph allegory? Anon never specified so I'll put this here anyway.
12. ya know if hades has to lie to make apollo seem worse (who does not need much in this comic) its like??? why is he persephone's lawyer then?? lawyers are literally told not to lie, this is basic law 101. thats why they dont want their clients to mention to them if they actually did the crimes because then the lawyers have to say it in court. if hades lies so casually just to keep persephone away from justified punishment, then thats bad actually!  both in being a decent person and as a lawyer!
From OP: Hades didn’t lie but he was definitely out of line. RS liked a tweet saying that the wife thing was “subconscious” so it probably was. (Still doesn’t make it right but I doubt he’d say those things on the stand.)
13. I know Minthe was written in a way she was suppose to be unlikesable, she’s rude, she yells and she doesn’t hesistate. HOWEVER RS wrote her character badly. Minthe is so unliked? How was she able to be a bad gf to hades and Thanatos? Like yes it’s an affair but how was she able to pull 2 gods?! We don’t hear Hades or Thanatos say what they like about her BUT they both still had a fling with her. (Honestly I feel it’s cause RS can’t bare writing one nice thing about the female anatangoist without trying to make Persphone look good)
The other thing bothering me was everyone knew about her relationship with Hades after she put it on fatesbook, but everyone talked about the kiss in such a positive light IN FRONT OF HER. Aren’t they suppose to be scared of her? Why did the girls in the yoga class/dress shop had so much to say about that kiss? Because they knew persphone? Did they know every other detail too? What was their actual beef with Minthe?
I feel like realistically some more characters would have sympathy for Minthe if they didn’t know her that well because of Hera. Everyone knows Hera is a pill to deal with and she’s the goddess of marriage who hasn’t really tried bringing Minthe and Hades to the alter. That right there should let everyone know that Hera probably doesn’t help the situation.
Idk, I feel like RS could have gone deeper and made the character not such HXP shippers cause most people wouldn’t cheer for cheating nor an old ass guy getting with a 19 year old. (Idk how fast the news of the slap spread, but I doubt it made it to every place in their fictional world)
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ccsthemovie2 · 3 years
trick or treat 2021 letter
hi there my ao3 is zagspect and thanks in advance for making me a piece of fic or art in this fun little exchange! heres some food for thought to munch on.
i loooove slice of life, character moments, outsider povs that make things we’re used to in canon seem absurd or funny or weird or scary, humor, horror-in-fluff’s-clothing, sweetness-found-in-horror, and also just plain sweetness. feel free to get weird or experimental with your writing if you think the moment calls for it :3 im not really requesting anything sexy-nsfw in this exchange so pls keep things down to a nice pg13 (high-rated gore for higurashi work is an exception, lol, like, it’s when they cry. that’s just part of the deal.)
cardcaptor sakura (trick or treat!)
clear card manga spoilers are fine with me! manga and anime canon are both fine, and mashing them up is cool too. no aus past that though, please!
clow reed
the big man himself! scare me with his his manipulative tendencies, his eternal pushpull fear of both being eternally relied on and being no longer needed, the way he treats other people, especially people who love him. (yue! the madoushi! i am into both of these being unrequited romantically on his end, but he’s not gonna just gonna tell them that, you think he’s straightforward like that?) what’s daily life like in the clowse? creating a new card, what’s that like? does everybody get along with the normal, non magic neighbors? 
yelan li
what’s up with her??? what’s her relationship with her children like, what are the responsibilities of a magician family’s head, how weird is it that clow is kind of back all of a sudden, what’s her thoughts on sakura? fleshing out a minor character is always fun :]
eriol & li
okay, so, we get to the end of the original series. syaoran returns to hong kong. ????????. syaoran is in cahoots with eriol to (vaguely alluding to cc spoilers in case you haven’t caught up in the manga), do some pretty serious magic behind sakura’s back.
so, like... what went down in the ?????
kero & sakura & yue 
they’re FAMBILYYYYY. magic found family i love them so much. show me the depths of their care for her, and hers for them, the way there’s absolutely some ice to break with yue but when he gets loyal he will DIE for you, the way sakura can mend the rift between kero and yue, the way the two of them are balancing this wonderful openness and equality with oh yeah, she’s eleven, we kind of said some seriously dark stuff in the haze of sleepover talk didn’t we? 
ruby & spinel & eriol 
pre-canon or mid-canon or post-canon! what’s the dynamic between them, a quiet night in, a day out telling people that you’re connected by whatever lie you find funniest. going to tomoeda and having to pretend youre a kid, a teen, and a cat, but goddd you could all go for an elegant and adult glass of wine right now (especially the cat). what horrors are lurking in that house from the clow era that no one cares to address? like emotionally and also because it’s a magic wizard house with magic stuff in it. 
i am here for any and all angles of this ship- all together, your touyukis, your yuetouyas, your yuekitos if you wanna get in on a rarely seen angle! (but pls have touya and/or yukito be 18+ at a time where yue shows interest in them). i wanna see the way they interact! how they deal with, you know, the everything! pre-relationship pining, going on a date, touya and yukito in college wondering if they’ll end up having different majors, different paths for the first time. yukito seeing yue on video for the first time (OH NO HES HOT), yukito and yue figuring out internal boundaries, etc etc etc.  
naoko and touya 
the girl who loves ghosts and the guy who sees (or, used to see), ghosts! does she follow him to one of his haunts (pun intended)? does he have to go to her for ghost sensing advice now that he’s a regular old human? does he have to save her from a ghost that means her harm? how excited is she to tell sakura about the COOL GHOST I MET WITH YOUR BROTHER OMG U DIDNT TELL ME HE LIKES GHOSTS??? and how much does sakura wanna sink into the ground lololol
revolutionary girl utena (trick or treat!)
ohh, what a place of scary happenings! tell me a fairytale, even if it’s not such a good idea. pre, mid, postcanon, im fine with it all. feel free to weave a web with easter egg references to any other media you feel is right for the moment- utena is all about Genre and Stories!
shadow girls 
i love them i love their whole everything. i wanna see a play, i wanna see them interact with other characters! what if they do a play AS the other characters, ooooh.
THE GIRLS WHO INVENTED LOVE THEMSELVES. ive read a thousand stories of them finding each other and it never gets old. id love to read about their life post-ohtori, especially the not-so-happily-ever-after parts- the old wounds reopening, the fights, and how they work through it, wont lose each other ever again. 
what’s spookier than toxic masculinity? both of them miserably stuck, saionji obsessed with touga, touga believing anyone who believes in friendship is a fool. bro we are taking shirtless pictures among 500 potted cacti....why does my heart hurt..... oh shit its the cactus i rolled onto it ow ow
nanami being nanami! she’s got no clue how to act ever, she’s desperate, she’s trying SO HARD. i’d love to see a nanami finally getting out of there, too. leaving home with nothing but the clothes on her back, diamonds in her necklace, and a wheeled suitcase of raw eggs.... (crunch crunch crunch)
higurashi when they cry (trick or treat!)
i’m a gou/sotsu enjoyer and gonna prompt about that a lot but original flavor is, of course, great too. pls dont go too heavy on info outside the main 8+saikoroshi+gou/sotsu? i haven’t read those. ive read umineko+ciconia though so references there are fine :3
college days! getting together, crushing on each other, poly relationship figuringouts? dates that are just club meetings with kissing and all the ridiculousness of that.
gou/sotsu era TOXIC LESBIAN EPIC MOMENTS!!!!!! obsession and desperation and satoko putting all her emotional eggs in rika’s basket no matter how angry she is with her, rika’s love for satoko across 100 years and how that all crumbles (to satoko) in the face of rika’s Cool School. rika wanting satoko to go to school with her so so so bad. deep pain and misunderstandings and acting badly (like, murder badly), and then, we hope, atonement and something new beginning? i love character moments where someones so obsessively in love it feels like its eating them up inside.
rena & satoko
look, rena’s smart and really pays attention to how people feel and i think, before or after satoko becomes a looper but especially after, she would make an attempt to have a heart to heart with satoko. and satoko, as a looper, will politely brush her off, will go you dont know me you can’t affect me. youre just a chess piece. when i get to the miracle world where rika loves me, ill listen to you. this you is here to die, or to kill. 
oh eua is just using satoko up like a bar of soap and it takes satoko way, way too long to realize. evil girltalk/crush advice from the witchmom perhaps?
meakashi made me LOVE her. internal shion moments, perhaps? shion being an empath (decides what ppl are thinking and instantly believes it)? shion in gou-era wanting to talk to satoko about st. lucia’s, but she never shows up to dinner?
okay i think that’s all for now!!! thanks and i hope you have fun!!!
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stuck-in-jelly · 3 years
Idk if it's best ask one or two question about lots of OCs,or lots of questions for one OC, so I'm going with the second option and ask a infodump about Ms Hōkūlani: 2, 10, 13, 21, 22, 36, 40, 41, 80!
I see Ms. Hōkūlani is a favorite!! Im glad cause she's actually a very very new character where as most of my ocs were created in middle school through high school or had roots to past characters at the time, I believe she was created only early this year or late last year I cant remember
2. What is their sexuality?
I've debated on this one for a long time to be honest and i still kinda am so dont be surprised if I change stuff later on but for now she is the only cis straight character in the story! She is a very heavy ally though who SPOILER actually lands Orison a date when he begins to question his sexuality.
10. What are some of their talents/skills?
 Hōkūlani is very good with arts and crafts and is the queen of school events whenever there is a competition she is there already crafting something to win whether its 8 foot tall a paper mache skeleton for Halloween or a life sized cardboard cutout of Santa Claus.
She is also just a good public speaker and a good writer.
13. What do they do for fun?
She likes to go out for strolls and walks and will often drag Orison out of his house to get some fresh air often times she'll end up in a flea market buying fun trinkets to collect which she also does for fun.
21. What is their favorite thing about their personality?
She loves how out going she is and how easily she can make friends with almost everyone she meets. Hōkūlani is very extroverted!
22. What is their least favorite thing about their personality?
She does not like how trusting she may end up being at times.
36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous.
Hōkūlani loves puns she is a English teacher and is using that to her advantage to have pun decorations all over her class room and okie I got one for you
Before my surgery today, the anesthesiologist said I could be knocked out with gas or he could just hit me over the head with a canoe paddle. So I guess it was an ether/oar situation.
40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?
Back at home she trustes no one more than her younger brother but here in Mystic Valley she trustes Orison the most. Both are mutual.
41. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh? 
Oh she snorts she has those loud snorts that are infectious with how genuine they are I feel like its a very warm laugh.
She laughs a lot cause she is constantly trying to make each day fun and exciting for herself, the kids, and now Orison.
80. Are they a morning person or a night owl?
Morning person hands down she walks into school with hazelnut coffee in one hand and cupcakes in another walking into the breakroom happily to offer some to everyone
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zoocross0vers · 3 years
The Heroes Concept
Sorry for delay but I finally showing topic that what character would fit into character and how their roles would look like (I explain in here)
As an example let’s start with main cast:
Sonic as Sonic - since he’s the main character of the story there’s no need to change his character role since those are key-important for the plot like in movie
(here’s his profile just in case: https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(Paramount)#Cast_)
The only in his case would be the change of place and  comunity: he’s in world of anthromophic mammals with no powers and certain prejudices and stereotypes, and sometimes certain paranoias, which that makes his anxietes harder since he is also a mammal/hedgehog but still different: blue, prefers shoes, glowes instead of clothes and has powers. And it could be possibility that when he arrived on Zootopia (not sure how if their planet is called Earth or not) the missing mammal case was happening and distrust towards mammals was growing, give him reason to not show up after what happened last time. There could be also small possibility he helped stopped the Bellwether takeover although unknowingly (or maybe not? who knows) and some two pair of eyes probably might noticed him even briefly though if you know what I mean. But for the record he decided to hide in Green Hills where he meet Nick and Judy and you know the rest.
Nick Wilde as Tom Wachowski
Tom personality
Kind-hearted and hard-working, Tom actively pursues the chance to help other people and is dedicated to his duty as Green Hills’s sheriff. He is very brave and is not afraid to get physical if the need arises and is protective of those he cares about. Despite his sharp tongue and an occasionally dark sense of humor, he is very sweet and gentle and frequently goes out of his way to assist others. Tom enjoys telling corny jokes, whether he is alone or with company. According to Sonic, Tom often talks with donuts and eats them if they “do not listen him”.
He dislikes boredom to the point that Green Hills’ lack of action nearly drives him out of his hometown to pursue work in San Fransisco. Tom shows open skepticism when presented with a situation that seems odd or fabricated, such as when he first met Dr. Robotnik. Although Tom is not afraid to fight, he prefers to avoid resorting to violence, shown when he tried to leave the Piston Pit when confronted by angry bar patrons.
Nick personality
Since those two are pretty much different when it comes certain things but have still lot in common like bad pun jokes and sense for justice.
It was not easy to make it right. I wanted him fit into Tom’s role but also keep his Wilde charm he has. Thankfully I was able to do right somehow so here it is:
Nick was actually born in Green Hills and was friend with Judy Hopps in childhood after incident with Gideon, but after incident with Ranger Scouts where she was present in this case ashamed for certain actions he decided to move (or run away) to Zootopia to live as shifty fox, unaware of him been targeted by Bellwether. But Judy whose also decided to study in Zootopia find and trying to make up to him and bring him back to Green Hills. After studying, while dating, they return to Green Hills get married and Nick follows footstep to became sheriff be a better person (unaware of him also been followed by small certain blue guardian: take a hint of what I mean by it). After hearing of Bellwether case he wants to try be a cop in Zootopia to find a purpose (instead just leave Green Hills out of boredoom he wants to prove himself be better). He sympatize with Sonic more since he knows what is like to feared of what you are and been haunted by a past. I still need to work on that.
Judy Hopps as Maddie Wachowski
Maddie Personality
As a veterinarian, Maddie cares deeply about living creatures and enjoys helping them to heal. She scolds Tom not to shoot the raccoons that get into their trash with her dart gun and gets annoyed with him when she finds out he shot Sonic with it. She also shows sympathy for Sonic when she sees that his feet hurt because he wore through his sneakers. She works well under-pressure and shows emotional and intellectual maturity. She is very loving and supportive of her husband. She made him a cake to congratulate him in case he got the job he wanted in San Francisco and another cake in case he did not get it. She also tells him that since he has made sacrifices for her, she is happy to sacrifice for him.
Judy Personality
They sure have more in common aside for job. She cares for her husband since childhood despite of what happened, she even go after him to make up to him, save him from wrong path and ask for forgiveness, since she feels responsible for it, even though none of both was fault. She was born in Bunnyburrow but always visited her relatives from mothers side in Green Hills where she also first met Nick (inspired by my life, I really love to visit my relatives) She wanted to be cop but could not, but also found a passion in medicine and that is why she became vet after she moved in Green Hills with Nick (those two make a really great team, also it is nice callback from concept of Zistopia where Nick pretented to be vet). She also shows connection with Sonic and in this case has less problems with his “nudity” considering she always has to check her patients without clothes. (trust me I know what I talking about)
Again still need to work on that. I hope you help me grinding with this. For now that is all but I promise there will be more. Also think you can pictures on those description since I dont know how to do that along with your opinions? (you can use my drawing for that if you want ;-D)
And also:
Hi Guest! I’m so sorry for taking forever to get back to you on this. Hope you had a great 5th Zootopia Anniversary! I watched the movie again that day and even after 5 years, I still love that movie!!! <3 <3 <3 
But anyhoo, on to this lovely Sonic crossover!
When it comes to the setting, do you think Green Hills should actually be BunnyBurrow? Or do you want Green Hills to remain it’s own thing?
I guess I ask because the way Nick is being set up, he kind of reminds me of this one fic that Helthehatter wrote called, “Blueberries”, where it’s an alternate story of how Nick and Judy met. In that fic, Nick is a deputy in BunnyBurrow and his police partner is Finnick and Nick is pretty bored because not much happens in a small town like BunnyBurrow (that is until he meets Judy, who never became a cop before meeting him). 
I picture Nick would be something like this where he and Judy weren’t the ones who solved the Bellwether and Nighthowlers case, but Jack and Skye. And he wants to have an exciting adventure like that and be a hero, do something important, but nothing ever happens in BunnyBurrow/Green Hills. 
I could still see Judy being his partner on the force, but unlike him, she’s actually pretty content being a cop in a small town. Though, if you like the idea of her being a vet better for this then I could work with that ^^
Personality wise it shouldn’t be too hard to give the characters similar traits since they seem to have enough in common. 
Would it be okay if Judy does at least try to get Sonic to wear some clothes, it still feels like something she would do, lol! ^^” But of course, in a nice understanding way rather than in a panicky manner.
When it comes to Sonic, rather than Nick just forming a sort of best friendship with him, maybe Sonic can kind of look up to him and Judy like parents? I mean, Sonic is still a teenager and Nick and Judy are full grown adults. That way at the end, he really is joining a new family. :)
I think I like the idea of this Nick having been born in Green Hills/Bunny Burrow rather than Zootopia, because that makes his desire for a new and bigger setting more important. If he grew up in Zootopia, left it, then wants to go back to it, then it kind of takes away that feeling of wanting more.
In regards to Sonic, maybe he decided to hide not just because he’s a blue hedgehog, bust also because he’s basically walking around naked and maybe when he first showed up he walked like that in front of some old ladies and he scared them. Ever since then he decided to observe the animals from afar. It’d be a good reason too why he had a disguise too. Here not to blend in as a human, but simply to cover himself up?
I say let’s just call the Zootopia world Earth. It’s easier ^^
Not sure yet, if Sonic should’ve had an active role in the nighthowler incident, but maybe he did manage to see the fear and chaos it caused in animals via Nick and Judy’s TV and by observing animals from afar. If he did decide to help solve it though, maybe he probably just helped Jack and Skye grab the concentrated pellet and handed it to them like a blue blurr and then with that evidence in their grasp, it proved enough to arrest Bellwether and they got the credit since nobody saw him.
This is all I got so far. Does this work for you? Is there more you’d like to add or change?
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𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕌𝕡♡
hi admins! i hope you're doing well! may i request a haikyuu matchup please? and may i stay anonymous? Thank you!
I'm about 160cm tall and a little chubby, have thick long hair that reaches my lower back, brown eyes. My mbti is intj and my zodiac sign is scorpio! Im quiet and shy with new people, mostly because im not sure what to say/talk about and i worry if i'll say something wrong, so i find it hard to initiate conversation first and make new friends by myself. With friends or acquaintances i prefer to be listening rather than talking due to the same reason but also because i like listening to other peoples stories as well. I have a small circle of really close friends who im comfortable with tho and thats where i can really talk and joke around a LOT, like people who i dont know very well would most likely be surprised by my actual personality, it just takes some time for me to open up :') With close friends, I'm more witty, talkative and affectionate, both physically and with words. I always try to be supportive and caring to my friends, but i also won't sugarcoat advice if it's something they need. I have a "bad" sense of humor, which just means i will laugh at the unfunniest dumb jokes and puns bcs i genuinely find them funny.
I find that i overthink and worry a lot, and i get frustrated with my lack of social skills sometimes. Like i wish i can be more open to people and i want to try new things but i just get scared of stepping out of my comfort zone and also afraid that people would find me weird and judge me. I also get stressed out easily by responsibilities(?) Like i have a to do list in my brain of assignments, exams or other things i need to do so it'll always be in the back of my mind and i can't really take a break peacefully until everything's done, although thats quite rare as im in medical school right now and have exams at least twice a month :'). Im also insecure with my body most of the time but im slowly trying to love myself more :) my favourite physical feature is probably my hair. I just love having it touched or played with or getting it braided, etc.
My hobbies nowadays are mostly watching stuff. I'll watch movies, tv shows, musicals, plays, youtube videos or anything rlly. I don't have a favourite genre either, as long as i find it enjoyable i'd watch it. I also like playing games, with my recent obsession being animal crossing :) I read fiction novels too sometimes. I just really like relaxing and chilling in bed during my downtime to recharge my energy, especially after a long day or after going out, though i dont mind doing it with another person if im comfortable with them. I'm not a very sporty or artistic person either but i play several musical instruments sometimes and i love listening to music while doing other things. I'm somehow very good at playing with kids though? Like toddlers, especially. I don't know why but I'm good at entertaining them i guess hahah so i dont mind babysitting my young cousins usually.
ok thats all i have, sorry if its a little long! thank you so much!!
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Hello sweet pea~! Of course you may! I’m so sorry this took so long to get out~! Thank you so much for requesting with us~! I hope you enjoy who I’ve paired you with, and as always thank you so much for your love and support for our blog~!
» » Admin Ko
𝕀 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙...
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ᴋᴇɴᴍᴀ ᴋᴏᴢᴜᴍᴇ
Practically the same as you, Kenma is one who isn’t necessarily shy, but finds it a hassle to interact with people. He’s not friends with many, and considers his closest group of friends to be Kuroo and Hinata (with exception of the volleyball team). You two meet really through a mutual acquaintance (Hinata) and it honestly hits off from there. He appreciates your quiet spoken personality and immensely enjoys how kind you are when listening to other’s problems and issues. 
Kenma will be surprised once you begin to open up out of your shell, but it’s not unwelcome. Rather it’s a breath of fresh air from him. In comparison to Hinata’s sunshine like attitude, yours is like that of a warm spring day that he can lounge in forever. It’s to your surprise that besides playing video games, Kenma actually enjoys to de-stress by braiding and playing with your hair. It’s a feat that you don’t exactly except from the quiet setter, but it’s not unwelcome. To him, it’s absolutely endearing when he sets down his controller or phone to see you with sparkling eyes and freshly brushed hair. 
Contrary to your overthinking and worrying, Kenma will be the one to help ground you and remind you of the factual evidence whilst making sure you’re not on the path to an anxiety filled panic. Not only that, but he understands your frustration in wanting to be able to communicate freely with others whilst being yourself. Besides that, Kenma is no stranger to disliking or getting out of his comfort zone. In that aspect, he can relate to the anxiety and nervous build up before a change. 
When it comes to self love, he’s adamant in showing you how wonderful you are. It’s not often that he will compliment someone, but he makes the effort for you just so you remember how gorgeous you truly are to him. As for your hobbies? The moment he sees you playing animal crossing he’s demanding multiple island dates, and will most definitely gift you everything he receives in game. Anything rare or hard to create, he has already sent you the finish product along with the DIY. It’s one of his favorite types of dates with you. Besides watching movies in bed, he absolutely loves to lay side by side with you whilst you both explore the world of Animal Crossing. 
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arkus-rhapsode · 4 years
Rhapsode Reacts: RWBY Volume 3
Hey guys, Rhapsode here. So I’ve been on the record numerous times saying I haven’t watched the internet series RWBY. I haven’t. However, I have a rather close mutual @remnantoforario who tells me about most of the series and characters. Seriously, I basically have experienced the plot through osmosis. Now me and remnant work on a lot of fanfiction stuff and general discussions of video games and manga. And highly suggest anyone who wants a more in depth look at RWBY to please check him out. He’s great.
Now due to the fact he has basically told me the series up this point, its kinda been a bit frustrating when I forget something and ask him to reiterate. So I decided to knuckle down and watch some of the series.
I helped remnant get a non RWBY fan opinion, by basically live-blogging him in our PMs. And I thought I had some level of humorous reactions and Remnant had some witty observations to my reactions.
Anyway, if you didn’t catch it the first time, I must repeat, I’m not coming at this from the perspective of a fan. I have very little emotional or personal enjoyment going in the series up to this point. If I say something that offends you as a fan, I’m sorry in advance.
With that out of the way, let’s dive in:
Oh that’s a sweet scene of Ruby at her mother’s grave.
Why would you start Team RWBY’s preliminary fight in the middle of it?
the Vytal Festival feels like it should be reversed: you should start with 1, then go to 2, then for your finals, 4. Or just do a solid 4 v 4 all tournament
Remnantoforario: I dont know what the purpose of the tournament is, or why anyone would want to participate. There is no prize 
Me: Bragging rights I guess. But the whole point of the festival is to celebrate peace. Lets celebrate piece with a bunch of kids beating each other up .
Ruby has a line of "we did it?" like she was surprised. Was that a concern? 
Like I understand the festival has been built up since the second volume, but there's a reason most good tournament arcs ease you into the first round. Its to reaffirm character motivation and actually show you what a fight would look like 
  I do appreciate some of the “show don't tell” moments like the one girl using a heat crystal in her skate board to free her teammate
But usually even if the first round is jobbers, they're at least presented as a threat. I never really got that. The tide seemed more and Rwby's favor, but I can't tell if that was always the case because we started in the middle of the fight
the pacing just feels like you can't handle the story, so it wants to get to the fight scenes to keep your attention 
Emerald is actually really funny, holy shit 
“How can they be so happy?” And “It’s the heiress and the bimbo” 
Still Weiss and Yang, better savor this duo while I can 
Neo’s gothic Lolita is cute. Though I feel like their match should’ve gotten a focus 
Like I mean not an episode but if they started with the instant eliminations of 1v1, I could easily see this cool intro of Rwby has met Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder, but then is shocked at who this fourth member even is 
OK I feel like the scene with Rwby and JNPR should’ve happened before the first round.  Given Nora’s rant would actually tie to Ruby’s whole “we won?” Surprise
“Cinder: Even if you know how the story ends that doesn’t make it any less fun to watch.” I’d agree with you if you know the story wasn’t Rwby. And it’s not really that fun to watch a bunch of fighting with no weight.
OK team JNPR vs team BRNZ is actually a much better introduction to the tournament than Rwby vs Abrn
We actually see how the field is chosen and we actually get some genuine strategy and coordination. And before all this we actually get some motivation about how the characters feel going into this battle
Me: OK why are these not the protagonists and why was this not episode one?
Remnantoforario: questions for the writers 
I got admit I’m not very much of a fan of melee weapons that also turn into guns and just kind of makes the purpose of melee fighters and ranged fighters pointless 
Logically it makes sense that if you’re making a weapon you do want it to have multiple functionality but at the same time it kind of makes a lot of that fighting less fun 
I mean what do you want to see more a team complete each other or just one person who can just do everything with the right weapon?
  Ehh OK the team meeting joke is running a tad too long
Okay, that was what I was mentioning before... Just cut out Nora with missiles. I feels more like a give and take as well as more unique to have that moment with her slamming on the ground 
“Crow Bar.” Oh you go to the corner for that pun.
OK that joke with Weiss and telling Indigo to beat up Neptune was timed and delivered really bad 
Also port makes a point that Sun is from Vacuo. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the leader or any membr of Indigo actually did know Sun from Vacuo?
I say that because no member of team Indigo has said anything, and it would at least add something unique to this fight
OK I have to bring up the weird use of western cartoon comedy
Neptune running up the mountain it’s super speed is kind of funny but this is also a fight I’m supposed to take seriously 
Nora and Ruby kind of get away with it given their powers but Neptune just ran up a mountain like it was nothing
What is the tone here?
Sage went out like a bitch 
you know if you wanted to eliminate someone to make me feel for this team being in trouble why didn’t you just eliminate Neptune? 
OK scarlet’s scene actually really works 
That nut joke didn’t. Again, tone? 
Me: Why would you sacrifice the two characters we don’t know anything about just to do Neptunes stupid joke?
Remnant: COMEDY 
OK this fight was bad 
Me: I get the idea indigo was a bunch of jobbers so you decided to play the comedy angle. OK, well then tone down the serious rock music, turn down the cartoon physics
Remnant: For reference. That was a post Monty fight 
I agree with Qrow, that was a mess
okay introduction to Winter is pretty good. Shame we don't really get that "Novice victory" vibe from their fight. Maybe if it last for more than 8 minutes and didn't start from the middle... 
okay see, I don't mid Winter and Qrow having a fight in the middle of the square as it helps serve as an introduction to the characters and flexes their strength
though Im also starting to notice something else that bugs me in the fights, no banter or introspection or comments
its just fight moves 
like there's times that's god, DBZ did it tons of times when its just Goku making "Hiyah" noises but there was still a bit of time to get in a line that both broke up the action and highlighted how two characters felt or through thought was able to give us a peek into their head
watching rwby fights makes me think, "This be better as a video game" 
so... does no woman in this world wear a bra? 
 Ironwood: “If you were one of my men, I'd have you shot!”
Okay, that can't be legal
Ironwood is kinda becoming my favorite character 
He's a flawed human being, and the narrative shows that, but it also shows he has a point 
Okay, yeah I see what you mean, all this Fall stuff is happening in the background which is nice, but there's no real plot with the tournament 
Okay Mercury and Emerald vs Coco and Yatsuhashi is actually really good 
not much character, but its actually more intimidating seeing how strong these two are. Wish the music had a bit more ambiance 
Okay, that's an interesting plot point. Qrow explaining how beating one high profile criminal hasn't stopped crime. And the fact there is zero crime is concerning and relating it back to Ironwood
Wow, its almost when you just slow down and lt characters breath and talk to each other and have them be characters without shoving in a fight scene, its pretty good
Why is team Cardin fighting a non faunus team? Feels like a waste of characters 
disappointing that Ciel doesn't know Penny is a robot
mainly because the way its queued up with Ciel seemed like she was only spending time with Penny because ordered and her attention to the schedule makes it seem like she is a soldier just having to play dress up for the robot to make it comfortable 
Me: Wow Weiss's heels...  Never noticed them. I just thought they were boots
Remnant: Nope heels 
Also Neon and Flynt actually have a pretty good intro 
We know what Atlas is like seeing Winter and Ironwood, so Neon and Flynt make an interesting and immediate contrast
And it feels like there is something riding on our opponents side given Flynts history with the Schnee. Which makes him stand out from the other jobbers
And Neon's intentionally irritating personality actually is more character displayed by any other opponent character
I actually really like the OST in the fight too. This might be my favorite action scene 
Flynt actually has a really cool semblance too 
oh wow, some actual dread with Weiss getting eliminated 
Imma let you get away with that Hulk reference Port
I like how Yang beat Flynt, but if I was gonna beat Neon, I'd have Yang punch the ground and through her off balance 
Haha Ironwood doesn't have a heart, I get it, he's tin man 
least they didn't go with Ozpin saying Qrow doesn't have a brain 
Me: So... If Pyrrha is all these things, why aren't we following her team?
So abridged version of the four seasons story Four random chicks find a guy camped out in his house, be nice to him and he gives them super powers. If I were a kid being told that, I’d demand another story 
Pyrrha: like a semblance?
Oz: Like magic!
Me: Like a semblance
Qrow is right, this selection is stupid 
You’re keeping a woman in your basement in cryogenic suspension. Oz you and Rhea need to share notes 
Oh god... Adam. You can’t act
Adam seems already psychopathic Or maybe that’s just his acting
So this is the famous Yang punching Mercury... It works I guess
Actually getting a chance to see some Jaune and Pyrrha moments in v3 and it’s good 
Me: Velvet is British? Huh... never predicted that 
Remnant: Australian 
How can Ruby notice Emerald all the way across the arena? Actually wait she’s the only one not in a black uniform 
Why did they leave Mercury behind where anyone could find him? 
And Penny is dead and I do not care at this point
Cinder’s little speech is the first time I’m actually feeling like I’m getting a villain motivation out of her 
She talks about how Oz and the headmasters are just men capable of making mistakes But she’s someone who would embrace and all powerful godly being. Though that seems and odds with the presumed motive that she’s working with Salem to potentially kill the brother gods
Okay, Blake and Weiss have a pretty good scene when all hell was breaking loose 
Ruby versus the big ass bird was actually pretty cool and the scene of everyone’s lockers being what puts it down is really clever 
Oh really cool scene of Port and Oobleck. Hey the fall is turning out pretty decent
Ironwood killing the wolf was pretty good 
Roman is a breath of fresh air as a villain. And it’s namely his acting 
You know I feel like you could let the more tertiary characters fight the robots while Weiss and Blake fight WF 
OK I repeat this is just become a video game. Giant dragon that spawns mini monsters in a destroyed town 
The spectacle fighting actually really works when your opponents are mindless and faceless brutes
You have Adam in a school full of terrified people, why aren’t you showing his nuance by showing he won’t hurt Faunus staff and is giving them an out? 
Velvet’s scene be cool if it was powers she was mimicking. Looking at a lot of weapons really doesn’t do much for me.
That said, this could work if she ended up copying the mech and fighting against it
Okay I feel like Weiss finally being able to summon something should’ve been done with a lot more gravitas
And Sun proceeds to be the best male character 
Neo is fucking beast. Y’know what, let her be final boss
Now I just have this image of Neo flying through the air with a sign reading “I’m Mary Poppins, Y’all”
Wow, Roman went out like a bitch 
Like zero build up just dead. And his replacement is Adam... There is no justice 
Ironwood: someone has done the unthinkable and taken control of my machines!
Watts: What? Like it’s hard? 
Blake and Yang holding hands on the ground after Yang lost an arm. Yeah that’s pretty shippy 
Also, I feel like the animation really limits a lot of the characters expressions. Like the time Ruby spent dwelling on her sister being mutilated is well timed. But usually a lot of the emotional devastation comes down to the expression.
a lot of faces seem stiff in transition expressions. Or they have this doll like quality 
The most expressive person seems to be Emerald 
Pyrrha and Jaune’s kiss is actually really tender 
Me: Okay how the hell is Cinder’s dress still managing to cover her loins? 
Remnant: maiden magic.
And Pyrrha died 
Are you done with the whole line of do you believe in destiny was fine Personally I would’ve also accepted the Ted Kord response, Rot in Hell.
Ruby went super saiyan 
Tai being the first person Ruby sees is nice 
Yang’s bitterness works here. Though given how I wasn’t feeling too much of the sisterly bond between the two, it’s probably not as hard hitting as they wanted 
Salem’s introduction isn’t bad 
so after watching V3. my final opinion is meh 
Strikes me as they wanted to the fall, and the tournament was just a lot of window dressing. Because the stuff with the Fall is the best part, but everything else has felt dull and fillery.
Maybe I’ll do this for the next season of a series I binge. But till next time, take care.
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
Hello! Can I request a bts reaction to them hitting you playfully but their kid sees that and think that they hurt you seriously so they defend you? I think this is pure and innocent, I hope you do it 🖤
I love this reaction request say less sis.....
JIN- Jin and you prided yourself on keeping a peaceful and family oriented household. Never has your daughter witnessed you guys even so much as raise your voices at each other. The only time you daughter has ever seen Jin pressed was when he uses his ajussi voice and complains over dramatically, but that only made her laugh.( she has her dads windshield laugh btw and fondness of puns). One late afternoon, you put your daughter down for a nap and went to talk to Jin about what to do for dinner.
“Why don’t you just pick up some chicken? Me and (D/n) have been craving it lately you know...” you said mindlessly while cleaning up the toys in the living room as Jin walked up behind you.
“Yah! Is there a problem with my cooking? How dare you?! After slaving over the open flame for my family, you tell me you prefer cheap take out?” Jin jokingly scolded you using his grandpa tone before he playfully shoved you on the shoulder.
The two of you hear a loud gasp before turning around and seeing your still sleepy daughter standing in the doorway, jaw hung open. Before you guys could comprehend anything, a small fireball of a toddler flew across the room and onto Jin’s shoulders, swinging her miniature fists onto her dads back.
“Daddy, you never hit a girl! You told me that!”
Jin whined as he struggled to get his kid off of him. You laughed at the scene before you while trying to explain to your daughter the situation.
“S-sweetie, mommy and daddy were just joking around. Daddy didn’t actually hurt me.”
You pried your daughter off as she calmed down. Of course you could depend on Jin to milk this for all it’s worth.
“Yah! I practically raised you on my back! Is this how you treat your old man?! I’m your elder you know!” He complained, making your daughter and you laugh.
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Namjoon- it was a rainy Sunday morning and you and your family found no reason to leave the bed.
You were on your phone on your respective side of the bed while your man Namjoon was reading a book on his side, your three year old son slept between you two.
“Nammie....” You whined playfully.
Said man looked up from his book to cringe at you. He knew you only used that sickly nickname when you wanted something. “Yes, baby?”
“You should get up and make us some coffee.” He groaned, he really didn’t wanna leave the bed.
“Let’s play for it.” He said, holding up his hand to initiate a game of rock paper sissors. You laughed and played him, only to win when he pulled paper to your sissors. He groaned while you only cackled at his luck. When would he learn that you always won?
He closed his book and reached over to spank your butt before moving to get up from the bed. This is when your three year old chose to wake up, to the sound of a slap and looking over to see his mama rubbing her backside while hissing.
Your three year old decided to defend your honor. He grabbed the book and threw it at his father’s back.
“(S/n) what was that for?!” You asked, surprised at you toddlers viscousness
“He hit mama.” You three year old shrugged before flopping over and going back to bed.
You laughed while Namjoon grumbled that his son inherited your personality and that he was the punching bag of his own family.
Later though he told his son that he was right for protecting his mom. But that wouldn’t be needed against his own father for he would never hurt you two.
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YOONGI- both you and Yoongi had sarcastic and dry senses of humor. Sometimes it was borderline crude and it was taking a while for you guys to learn how to censor yourself around your child. But this was to be expected of new parents and your child was only 7 months old.
Recently though, it was Yoongi who was doing a good job of watching what he said around his child. It was probably bc he was way more protective of his son than you were.
Your son was in the living room, practicing his crawling while you were entering from the kitchen, snack in hand. However, you ended up stubbing your toe against a piece of furniture and that’s when you colorful vocab decided to make an appearance.
“Fucking shit! What kind of cunt places stupid furniture here where anyone can walk into it?!” You yelled in pain.
Yoongi was sat at the couch and when he heard your cursing and curious stares from the baby, he reached over to flick your thigh from his place from the couch.
“Babe remember what there’s tiny ears here. We dont want his first word to be the C-word.” He monotonly lectured.
But what you child say was his dad reach over to do something to his mom and the cries of pain from you. The mini Yoongi decided to army crawl his way over to the scene and mindlessly swing at his dad (of course he could barely reach or even hurt him.)
Yoongi day there puzzled, watching his own son swing so hard that the baby fell down from his own strength. “Is he really trying to fight me right now?” He asked while you just shrugged and ate your snack while cheering your ass kicking baby as Yoongi sat there, weirded out by his own fam.
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HOSEOK- it was no secret that Hoseok was the aeygo king. He often tried to use this cuteness to get what he wanted but sometimes it was useless on you. Simply put, you got used to it and thus immune. Like today for example, he was attempting to convince you to let him take your 8 year old daughter out to dance practice so she can have fun and dance with her uncles whom she hasn’t seen in a while.
If it was any other situation, you would’ve gladly said yes. Knowing how much your child loved the BTS members. But tonight was a school night, she had homework and you knew how late those dance practices could be.
“C’mon jagi~! I promise I’ll take her home early enough to do her homework and be in bed for school tommorow. Jimin and Tae even said they have gifts for her. You won’t deprive them of seeing her, would you?” He cutely argued, playfully hitting you in an effort to be adorable.
You laughed and was about to make a compromise of letting her go on the condition that you pick her up early when you a tiny body came between you and your husband.
“Daddy, I know you want me to go but that’s no excuse to hit mommy.” You daughter crossed her arms and maturely scolded her own dad. You and Hoseok held in your laughs while the both of you decided to play along.
“But sweetie, maybe if your mom didn’t try to keep you from the gifts your uncles have waiting for you, then I wouldn’t feel the need to defend your honor.” He dramatically droned while placing an offended hand onto his chest as he faked tears in his eyes. Now, your kid turned against you and was ready to argue against you too now that potential toys were on the line.
“Okay! Okay! You can go but I want her home by 7:30!” You gave up while laughing at the noisy rambles of your husband and daughter whose tactics were all to similar. (Him winking at you as his daughter switches sides)
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JIMIN- Work hard, play hard. This was the park family motto. Jimin and you were practically kids yourself so instead of dishing out rules and being strict when your twin boy and girl made a mess, you guys were more likely too join in on the fun. Neither of you were the type to put an end to your kids playtime.
But what started out as a playful battle had now turned into an all out war. The kitchen was a mess and clean appliances were lost as well as family ties and loyalty.
“I loved you!” You dramatically cried, peeking over a dirty toaster. Jimin grinned evilly as his daughter provided him with more amo. She was always a daddy’s girl...
“I’m sorry Jagi. But you know I have to do this....”. Jimin told you, expression tender-hearted before he threw a handful of sloppy kimichi at your head, successfully sticking it to your hair.
A war cry was heard behind you and your son came rushing to the battlefield, you biggest ally had arrived.
“Mom! Don’t worry I got you!” He screamed while shooting his dad with a major game changer in this food fight; a water gun.
You grinned while closing in on your little girl while her dad was busy getting attacked by your son. You smiled as you watched your little soilder defend you before you snatched the little girl up, tickling her to the point of tears.
(GIF after he was sprayed with water, just watching his crackhead family)
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TAEHYUNG- Tae has always been a protective man. Being his wife you knew how seriously he took the safety of his loved ones. A goofy and dorky Tae can switch into a scary and intimating man if someone ever tried to hurt you or made you uncomfortable. You witnesssed this after being cat-called once after your third date. Scary, indeed...
Although when you finally gave birth to a son (first of five kids, Tae swore) you never thought those two paths of scary Tae and fluffy Tae would cross given he was now a family man. At least, never would he switch in front of you child.
So imagine your surprise when you walked in on you husband lecturing you 5 year old boy about what it means to be the proctor of the family.
“He’s five, you psycho!!!” You had yelled at him.
“He needs to know when to protect his own mother and potentially his younger siblings” Tae had deadpanned.
You two dropped the argument but it later came up when you as a family were at the ice cream shop. You had asked your son to go get some napkins, knowing how messy eaters your boys were when Tae threw up his hood and came up from behind you, masking his face.
“What the fuck are you doing you literal crackhead?” You asked but Tae only shushed you and gave you a light but still powerful shove. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to set you back a little bit.
“Yah!” Your son came up and kicked the hooded man on the shin.
“Congratulations son! You passed your test.” Tae pulled the hood down and turned to face your son.
You enrolled your family into group therapy after this.
(GIF of him preparing to ‘attack’ you)
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JUNGKOOK- your husband was a muscle pig. But when you had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, you had hopes that it would soften up his seemingly steroid headass. Boy, were you wrong.
You daughter grew up to take the traits of Jungkook. She had more interests in boxing than she did in dresses or dolls. She would even go to the gym with Jungkook and try to ‘bulk up’ which was outrageous to you.
So instead of having tea parties like you had kinda hoped, your daughter and Jungkook had wrestling matches. Right now, they were currently in one.
Jungkook playfully pinned his girl down and told her to try to get out of his hold. You rolled your eyes, this was their new thing. He would put her in weird holds and tell her to find a way out of it. It was ‘self defense practice’ as Kook called it. She loosened his grip and was able to turn over, but not enough to completely get out of his hold. Thus, they started rolling around in your living room. You heard her squeal and your motherly instincts came up when you thought it could’ve been from pain. You came closer to the rolling duo, trying to break them apart when a beefy forearm slapped you across the face.
“Yah! You hit mommy!” You daughter yelled before forming a fist and hitting her dad on the shoulder before jumping up and coming to you to check your ‘injury’.
Jungkook sat there, dazed and confused. Before apologizing to you and telling your daughter that she packed a good punch.
(GIF of him looking messed up after the fight)
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gayregis · 4 years
sleipnirlo replied to your post “bro if im this petty about how they treat dandelion think about how...”
I feel you friend - from what we've got already, whatever they're doing to Dandelion/Jaskier seems... not ideal, to put it gracefully, and it pains me quite a bit, but if/when they get to Regis... considering the pain in my heart during some parts of b&w, having in mind that I generally believe cdpr's interpretation to be proper (aside from some jarring mistakes) it's going to be a completely another level of ridiculousness on my part; like,, I know it's most probably not possible for the show to meet my standards, but pls... just... get SOMETHING right...
I came to feel so protective of this particular vampire, and people not familiar with the books knowing him as a caricature of himself fills me with dread
tbh my main hope for regis if/when they get to him is that they don’t shy away from making him complicated. he’s kind, also ominous, also funnie … to summarize: shitty old bitch. 
b&w did this thing where they just made regis a very solemn character and also made him closer to the typical arrogant immortal which was just ooc imho... and then they created a new plotline that revolved around him being Uncontrollably Violent for a few seconds which.......... like i just found it SO disrespectful to how regis’s backstory is an analogy for alcoholism/addiction in general........ they literally did the opposite of humanizing him, they uh... monsterfied him? 
regis’s entire character (like geralt’s, and also the rest of the hansa’s) is about paradox and logistical impossibilities. if you’re this, you can’t be that -- but he’s both, for some fucking reason, he defies logic. 
regis is supposed to thread this weird line of what is man and what is monster, and if you’re kind for a century does that make up for three centuries of absolute cruelty? what does it mean to act honorably? at what point can you feel safe and trust someone? 
one thing i appreciate about regis’s character is that he’s always just seemed to go BEYOND his context in the fictional world he exists in. at the end of the day, these characters are not the people we love them to be, but rather messages about what ARE good and evil, what IS humanity, and other deep questions the witcher loves to tackle. within the books, i got a VERY clear sense of how regis as a character was answering these questions and the kind of messages sapkowski was trying to communicate with him. same with the rest of the hansa, in fact. that’s... why... the hansa and ciri and yennefer are my favorites...
to contrast, in blood & wine, i didn’t get this sense of existing beyond the context of the media at all. cdpr just wanted cool vampires which is fine, but the elements of the books are lost because they just gave them up
(wow this got long sorry! i just wanted to explain my thought process behind this list im about to give) 
as for netflix.............. i don’t necessarily think that regis is easy or difficult to cover. but IN MY OPINION nailing these things would help out regis’s character the best:
we should feel safe. one of the things that struck me so hard when reading baptism of fire was how much i initially trusted regis when they found him in that stupid graveyard, despite being well-familiar with the adage of “stranger danger.” he just seemed safe to me. 
this is probably because of how eloquent he is and how omniscient he has the ability to come off as..... so good writing for his dialogue that captures his superfluous nature, that isn’t just what cdpr did where “funny smart guy use big words unnecessarily” ... no, you need to put effort into it by having him use words of an intermediate vocabulary, but using them in such a way as to philosophize about everything and anything that comes up. 
this also relies heavily on how regis delivers his lines when they first meet him. all of his dialogue cues are like, “said softly,” “said gently.” there’s NO aggression, no harm in this man. no reason to fear him.
the atmosphere of his cottage should really communicate this wonderful sense of bucolic bliss, as it were.... the intoxicating heavy scent of herbs... the only lighting in the cottage being fro a pot-bellied stove........ remember, geralt describes this as having could have come directly from a fairytale. in contrast, fen carn should feel ominous, until his appearance.
costume design! don’t forget the apron wrapped around his black coat, please! who can fear a man in an apron?
we should feel suspicious. we SHOULD still feel like he’s harboring some kind of dark secret, though. 
there are so many little clues and points in baptism of fire that hint at his identity, that just should NOT be cut out or overlooked: him being able to detect the healing brokilon medicines in geralt’s sweat, when he refuses the drink politely and says softly, “it’s a matter of principle. i never violate the principles i set for myself,” the dipping into a conversation to name every type of vampire that exists......... the sense that he knows just a little too much to be only who he says he is.
cahir and dandelion making guesses as to who he ‘really’ is shouldn’t be cut out, either. i think their guesses are conduits for the audience to attach onto as we make our own guesses and theories within this short amount of time.
we should feel fear. oh so cdpr wanted crazy ass vampires? well don’t worry, because regis is a crazy ass vampire. but how to get this through to the audience, when he’s not off his shits anymore because it’s the 13th century and not the 9th? it’s going to need to come mostly from geralt. 
they should emphasize the tension in the scene by the yaruga where geralt has his blade to regis’s throat by having geralt’s lines be delivered in a very precise, careful manner. he shouldn’t be furious and dripping with adrenaline, ready to fight regis. he needs to be wary, conserved. we need to sense apprehension to engage in conflict, because he knows that he would likely lose the fight... which will freak the audience out, because asides from that bit with djikstra, geralt up until this point has been pretty powerful and undefeated, i mean we just saw him cleave his way through a fuckton of scoiatel at thanedd (that bit with torque in edge of the world was more for comedic relief imho)
on a related note, the scene where milva and dandelion have doubts about regis and ask geralt for advice, and geralt answers with a laundry list of all the things regis can do and says for himself that he doesn’t know if he could kill him....... that shouldn’t be cut and should strike some fear into our hearts.
regis shouldn’t be devoid of humor. he has his own sense of weird humor...
please keep the fucking pun in: “the immortal soul (...) abandons the stinking carcass and spirits away, forgive the pun.” i think this demonstrates how he has this kind of skewed sense of humor, that serious philosophical topics aren’t dull to him... rather they are exciting and full of riveting debate and also, jokes
that really long conversation with geralt where he concludes with “but i’ll give you some advice anyways: life differs from banking somewhat,” and in the fish soup scene where he really makes fun of geralt as well... but really the whole company should do this
don’t make him an asshole
he should be self-sacrificing for humanity. he should protect the girl in the refugee camp with the utmost conviction... i think this part is kind of easier because regis’s pure actions in the books are enough to demonstrate how committed to humanity he is, unlike cdpr which just made shit up and it went sour because their shit was all like “oh haha humans are so weak and i dont get why they dislike death :/”
tldr: don’t cut shit because even the smallest details add to the larger picture, make a cool atmosphere, paradox of safety and fear. you’re welcome
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Heyo! Found this delightful little page surfing for more DA content (again; thanks trailer) and thought I'd try an ask! Could I request reactions of all the DA:I companions to an Inquisitor that has been nothing but focused and serious about the whole thing just suddenly finding the cutest random object (like an abandoned music box) and going completely fan girl/boy over it for a few moments before remembering they're not alone? Thank you much and looking forward to your work!
Sent in by @bottastic0201 !!
((Oof, I deviated a bit from the ask, hope you don't mind! Also didn't include Blackwall cause I don't know his character to well yet as I never really had him as part of my party. Not to fear, he will be added later on!))
Cassandra: After the demon fight at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, Cassandra always had a certain respect for the Inquisitor, despite their poor first impressions. They took the Inquisition's cause very seriously, and were focused on closing the Breach perhaps even more so than she was. Of course, that didn’t stop the Seeker from at least chuckling at the sight of the Inquisitor fawning over a fancy little elven music box they found when exploring Skyhold, tucked away in some corner long covered in dust. They were exploring the lover levels of the grand fortress together, though Cassandra guessed they forgot she was even there whenever they spotted the little thing. It was made out of a black, sleek wood, and covered in carvings of wolves and halla with golden accents for the wolves’ eyes and the halla’s horns. Cassandra cleared her throat, arms crossed over her chest and a light smile playing at her lips. “Found something you like, Inquisitor?” The blush that crept onto their face was worth the little tease, and she had to promise them not to tell any of the others. If this little scene did manage to make it into one of Varric’s new books, she certainly wasn’t the one who told him.
Varric: Varric had to say that, in his time of both writing and following heroes, the Inquisitor was probably the most… Efficient one the dwarf had encountered. Sure, being driven to save the world from becoming ass deep in demons and corrupted with red lyrium was certainly commendable, though he did find himself missing Hawke’s snarky comebacks and sassy remarks. The Inquisitor was a serious leader, and didn’t usually humor his, well, humor. However, whenever the two stumbled across a little gold and white painted music box in a random part of the ass end of nowhere and the Inquisitor let out a little squeal at the sight, the dwarf couldn’t help but laugh. “Really, Stiffy? That’s what cracks you? A music box?” His gruff voice reminded the Inquisitor of his presence, and the blush of embarrassment that followed just made the dwarf grin. When they asked him to keep this little scene out of his book, all they got in return was a wider grin and a wink.
Solas: Before this little incident, Solas had a pretty neutral opinion of the Inquisitor. They were focused and did their assigned role well, and he couldn’t complain much about their serious demeanor. To be the Inquisitor was a hard task, and he understood what they had to carry on their shoulders and the face they had to put on for nobles and pretty courts. After all, he had the same weight on his shoulders, as well as a face of his own. Unlike a few of the more boisterous companions the Inquisitor has taken under their metaphorical wing, Solas doesn't interrupt them whenever they spot a charming little Dalish themed music box while combing through the Exalted Plains. He watches them fawn over the little wooden thing, running their fingers over the raven and bear carvings all over its surface. They pouted slightly once they realized the small box no longer played music, the handle broken and the gears inside probably long since rusted, and placed the pretty thing into their bag. “Shall we move on then, Inquisitor?”If this is after his personal quest ‘All New, Faded for Her’, and they tried to help his corrupted friend, the Inquisitor will find a new music box on the desk in their quarters. It is covered with delicate little designs of wolves and elves, obviously drawn by Solas’ hand, and when it’s golden handle is turned it plays a lovely tune that the Inquisitor is humming for days afterwards.
Sera: First impressions of the Inquisitor? A stuck up nob with too many sticks up their back-end mouth. They’re not fun to joke with, absolutely no help in pranking, and don’t appreciate a good bee nest inside of a training dummy. Sure, being serious was good and all, and being focused on what you want to do is fine, though Sera finds herself a little aggravated with them after a short time. Unlike most of the others, she was not exploring with the Inquisitor when she spotted them gushing over some slightly beat up doll in the middle of Redcliffe, though she was planning on pranking them with a good pie. However, whenever she spotted them holding the doll with the cheesiest smile on their face, cradling the small thing against their chest, Sera almost couldn’t handle it. She almost fell off of the roof she was spying on them from because of laughing so hard, which, or course, startled the Inquisitor to no end, and instead of being embarrassed they were almost terrified at the quirky elf’s barking laughter. “A doll?! You’re just putting me on, right? It’s a doll and you’re smiling at it like it’s just watered your damn crops!” Sera spoke in between laughing, and in the end, her pie ended up ruined all over the roof as she jumped down to the Inquisitor’s level. It becomes a constant thing she teases the Inquisitor about, and it’s not long before the rest of the Inner Circle knows.
Dorian: Dorian is not an unreasonable man. All he wants is a nice glass of wine in the morning, some decent fucking literature, and an Inquisitor who at least humors his jester personality just a tad more than the current one does. They dismiss any of his playful flirting and sarcastic comments, and suddenly that one glass of wine turns into two. It’s not that he minds them being extremely driven- Far from it, actually, though he wished that their devotion also came with a little sense of humor. So one can imagine how unimaginably pleased the ‘Vint was whenever they came across a pretty little mabari figurine at the Winter Palace. They were supposed to be looking for some halla statues or something to open a door in their way, and instead, found a golden painted dog in one of the guest rooms. While Dorian thought it would be more fitting to find in Ferelden, the Inquisitor was overly pleased to have found it at all. The dog had a golden chain attached to it, and it wasn’t long before it was around the Inquisitor’s neck and they were standing in front of the best mirror they could find to see how it looked. “I personally think drakestone would suit you better. Really brings out your eyes.”Dorian spoke casually as he stepped behind the Inquisitor, looking at their reflection in the mirror as they nearly screamed at his. The flushed look on their face and wide eyes were more than enough of a reward for his teasing, and he spent a lot of their time left at the Palace making similar comments.
Vivienne: Similar to Solas, Vivienne’s initial reaction to the Inquisitor was pretty neutral. They were serious in the work that they did and driven to rid the world of this nightmare, so she had a certain respect for them for taking the role as leader of the Inquisition in stride. She didn’t have a problem with their serious demeanor, and it made speaking to them much more tolerable than speaking to someone like Cole or Sera, who were either too cryptic or too aggravating to understand. Whenever they did find a little pretty trinket and the Inquisitor all but gushed over it, she found it almost charming. A powerful, grand person of power absolutely fawning over a wooden doll was almost unbelievable, yet here they were. They were shopping in Val Royeaux when the Inquisitor spotted the doll, and Vivienne felt a little pity for them. After all, the Inquisition’s money was always tight, and a doll was seemingly worthless in the grand scheme of their cause. With a gentle sigh, Vivienne stepped forwards and bought the wooden thing with her own money, which rewarded her with another smile from the Inquisitor. “No need to thank me, my dear. Do keep that out of Sera’s reach, though. I fear she may end up breaking it.”While it was nice to have a devoted leader, they still needed their reasons to smile. Vivienne was many things, and cruel wasn’t one of them. Bluntly honest? Maybe. But never cruel.
Iron Bull: Having a serious leader such as the Inquisitor was somewhat of a change for The Iron Bull. Having been with his boys for so long took away a lot of the seriousness from his own personality, so it was a bit of a difficult transition. They didn’t seem to care for his beautifully crafted puns and endearing nicknames, and was nothing but straight to the point when invited to drink with him and his boys. Bull understood that certain jobs needed to be taken with a certain amount of committedness, though it was a bit of a damper whenever they didn’t respond to a joke or laugh at his foolish nicknames. So, whenever his favorite ‘Vint and lieutenant Krem made a stuffed nug for the Inquisitor to hopefully lighten their mood, Bull was the one to volunteer to give it to them. He brought it to them right after him and the Inquisitor slayed their first dragon together as a ‘congratulations’ for the kill. They eyed the nug carefully before taking it away from Bull, giving him a curt ‘Thank you’ before closing the door to their quarters. He was a little disappointed with their reaction, as he knew Krem would be, though before he left he heard the most suspicious of noises from inside of the Inquisitor’s room. He grinned as he realized the Inquisitor was squealing over their gift, and he swore he could hear them speaking to the stuffed nug as well. “I’ll tell Krem you liked his gift!”Bull called through the door, and the sudden silence was enough to make him laugh. He brought the good news to his boys (And Varric), and they drank over a good kill and finally being able to know what makes the Inquisitor tick.
Cole: Cole didn’t know what to think of the Inquisitor at first. They were bright- Even without the mark they were bright and blinding and good. He didn’t really understand why Sera and some of the others got aggravated at them whenever they were so devoted to sealing the Breach and helping people. He knew they didn’t laugh as much as the others did, but it was only because they didn’t know when to laugh.She grins, a joke meant to be laughed at and shared, but they don’t. An odd look, then embarrassed, but it’s too late to do what they were meant to do, and the joke is ruined.It brings him joy when they find the music box Solas left for them because it makes them happy. It sings a song belonging to skulls and paints a story they don’t know, but they still love it.Winding, winding until it’s wound and sings. It’s so like him, so strange yet so harmonious, like a wolf howling to the sun. How long did it take him? Days, weeks? So pretty yet so tedious- Have to thank him later. Cole doesn’t interrupt them, and instead, watches passively as they hold the box in their lap and hum along to it, the stress of their day melting as the music plays.
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farklelucas · 5 years
all about the lesbian sea pirate
ahsjdkflg okay im gonna do the first section above the cut and the rest under
send me an oc and some numbers pls!! | here are my ocs!
Section 1 - About:
1. Briefly Describe your OC: Appearance, personality, role in a story, etc..
okay so!! hana is half-japanese, half-german, she’s got short/spiky black hair and fucking Huge brown eyes. she’s the protagonist of a thus-unwritten pirate love story and i fucking love her. she’s superbly socially awkward (doesn’t get customs like politeness or like asking before doing things asdjkfl), she’s a Romantic romantic, she loves sword-fighting, she was raised by her father (alongside three older half-brothers, though she was chosen as the heir to his ship which hmm pissed two of them off), she’s very much butch/tomboy, she loves adventure and sailing so fucking much, uhhh yeah her.
2. Briefly describe their backstory/childhood
like i said, she was raised by her dad, who she idolizes, along with her three brothers on the sea; she never knew her mother, because her father told her that she died giving birth to hana (or did she….? hm. maybe hana’s dad is just shitty?). she was always super excited to play and go on adventures and fight, especially with her three older brothers (only one of whom actually like. liked her.), and by the time she was old enough to hold a sword, her dad taught her how to. eventually, her dad became ill, and named hana, who was only 16, his successor. her two eldest brothers planned a mutiny to overthrow her, killing the other brother who protested. hana fought them but they escaped with half her treasure, promising to come back and kill her, and she’s spent the past six years seeking them out to defeat them.
3. Describe their family life and friends.
i mean i pretty much nailed her family, but she’s very close to all the crew. i’ll give you a quick rundown: there’s caspian, her first mate/quartermaster (grew up on the ship with her, an orphan who was stolen in one of the raids, searching out his lost family but is also a big time goof), dover, her “advisor”/sailing master (wise, lazy, arrogant, bitchy, basically her pseudo-father because her father was usually off being captain), darya, her gunner (slutty bisexual aromantic queen, runs the artillery AND the under deck gambling ring, always drunk, loyal to a fault especially to hana), and zarya (we’ll get to her later ;)) and the other lower-ranking crew members.
4. What is the world they come from like?
hmmm very mystical and mysterious, very “pirates are bad and suck and we dont like them even though they’re not usually bad” but. you know. hana is still an outlaw of the land. there are mermaids and sirens and cracken and curses so it’s better to assume that if its magical it exists.
5. Are they original or exist in a certain fandom?
6. Are they an introvert or extrovert?
extroverted babey
7. Greatest fear?
being unable to sail but also, later on, (SPOILERS) being arrogant and greedy and malicious like her father
8. What’s their sense of humor like?
honestly just fucking. stupid. she probably likes puns and like dirty jokes.
9. Favorite pieces of fiction or genres they enjoy?
i dont think she can read???? but her third eldest brother bourne would usually tell her princess stories and she liked those
10. Favorite music genres?
folk ig
11. Describe their vision of a perfect spouse, if applicable.
a tall, beautiful, kindhearted woman, who sees past the pirate savagery and sees her heart beneath; a woman who can rule the sea alongside her and knows how to handle her and keep her in check. (looks at zarya meaningfully)
12. Largest regret?
not being able to save bourne
13. Something your OC would say?
my quote for her in her bio is “what am i without adventure?” but i also imagine her saying to zarya, “you are more celestial than the stars, my love, and twice as beautiful to behold.”
14. Whats their morality like?
technically lawful good but could be a roulette wheel depending on the day
15. Would they live in a city, rural area, or suburb?
oof none but if she had to probably rural
16. Which actor would you like to portray your OC? (Or a voice actor)
sjskdldldl my face claim is jen ruggirello
17. Sexuality? Gender Identity?
lesbian baby!!!!!
18. What inspired you to make this character?
honestly?? probably a lack of rep in romance and adventure novels. i just love her!!!
Section 2 - If…
1. If they existed in another decade, what would they wear? (Asker can choose what decade) (Bonus points if you draw them!)
hmmm ill pick… current day tbh, and i imagine lots of overalls and baggy sweaters!
2. If they were in a RPG, what would be their class?
i have to imagine somewhere between paladin and a fighter, im not sure which.
3. If they received a large amount of money no strings attached, what would they use it for?
i honestly think she would just. go into the nearest village and buy all the local hungry children bread. like she wouldn’t horde it or spend it on herself. she has everything she needs.
4. If they competed on a competitive TV show, how would they approach to winning? (the “mean” one, the one who makes friends, the one who’s there for fun)
hm… i honestly dont even think she would think about it like that dkdkflfl. probably the charming one, the leader, the adorkable one.
5. If they could change one thing about their past, what would it be?
i think she would choose to keep in contact with her mother. not necessarily live with her, because then she wouldnt have her first love which is the sea, but just like. talk to her. know her better. go see her every few months. write her from different ports about their adventures.
6. If you met them, what would they do?
i would honestly probably be so fucking charmed by her. shes got that way about her, a leadership quality you can’t shake, even if shes really incredibly awkward too.
7. If your character exists in another series’ world, what would they be doing/look like?
i kind of imagine her in harry potter as like. this half blood gryffindor who’s So Gryffindor it hurts. on the quidditch team, always screaming about house pride, everyone loves her. and then she goes and falls in love with this muggle born slytherin and shakes the whole school dkdkkrklr
Section 3 - Other:
1. What other OCs would they get along with?
oh… i think it’s kind of cheap to say jack, because they’re both pirates, but honestly i think they’d get on like a house on fire. other than that… definitely michael minkus, who would make an epic first mate, and lucy stilinksi-hale, who she would probably wanna smash.
2. What’s their singing voice like?
bad. comically bad. she tries to sing to zarya sometimes and zarya locks her out of their room.
3. Take a personality test as the character. Post results.
okay so ive already taken a couple for her in the past (ex: gryffindor, entj, the motivator, etc.) so im gonna take a completely benign one off buzzfeed and post the results. so if she were a song off of thank you next she would be “bad idea” skskkdkd
4. What would be their fighting style in a fighting game like Mortal Kombat, Super Smash Brothers, or Street Fighter?
to outsmart her opponent, think two moves ahead of theirs just like in real life. jokes on her no one else is ever thinking skdkkfkfl
5. What are some mannerisms/quirks?
putting her feet up on tables, walking into rooms without invitation, holing up in her cabin for days working, smirking instead of smiling, smoking, docking in random cities for the thrill of adventure, wearing her blouses nearly completely unbuttoned, just taking things and enforcing sharing bc. she’s always shared everything with everyone naturally and she doesnt know to ask djdkfkfk
6. Describe their favorite meal.
honestly she’ll eat anything but just like. a Nice leg of mutton and a glass of beer. that’s it. that’s the dream.
7. What do they do when they’re bored?
her favorite activity is to randomly attack caspian and have impromptu sword fights with him, but she also loves stargazing and telling stories to the town children.
8. How do they express love/affection for someone?
honestly she’s very. nuzzley. soft. like a little kitten. also waxes poetic. at least romantically. platonically, shes usually like a dad friend sjdkkrlr. like im talking “attaboy” and punches on the arm. pep talks. dad voice. the whole nine yards.
9. Most embarrassing thing that could/has happened to them?
honestly, she’s not easily embarrassed ever. i think she’s kind of just like meh over most things. the most embarrassing thing that could happen would be losing the respect of her crew. she would hate that so much.
10. Make a portrait sketch of them!
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nadiepie · 6 years
Tag Game- Rules: Bold what’s true about you!
Thanks, @tploz for tagging me :D I was supposed to be doing something else but let's do it anyway~~
I am in college/university
I’ve graduated college/university
I wear glasses (Kinda part time? lol i have reading glasses)
I have a tattoo
I have more than one tattoo
I don’t have tattoos but I want some
I’m vegetarian/vegan
I have allergies
I’m sarcastic (at least i think i am)
I’m self-conscious about my body (I hate every inch except my face :))) )
I’m shy (for like the first 5 min but then i dont want it to be awkward so i start making conversation lol)
I’ve been called over-emotional (highly likely- though i dont think anyone said it to my face)
I have a strange sense of humor
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times
I’m atheist
I have red hair
I have blonde hair
I dye my hair regularly (what haven’t  I done to my hair lolol)
I am an only child
I have more than three siblings
I have a niece
I have a nephew (is a cousins kid a nephew? family confuses me)
I couldn’t choose a favorite song (it changes everyday im horrible)
I’ve failed a class (Technically yes, but it was an important exam at the end of secondary school)
I can speak two or more languages (Im learning my 5th! :DD)
I can play an instrument
I’ve hugged someone in the last 24 hours
I’ve kissed someone in the last 24 hours
I have a best friend (and i love them all :DD)
I’ve known my best friend for more than 10 years
I have met a friend from the internet
I’ve kissed someone of the same sex
I’ve had sex in the past month
I’m in/have been in a long distance relationship
I’ve had a one night stand
I’ve been dumped more than I’ve dumped someone
I’ve cheated on someone
I’ve met someone famous
I’ve broken a bone
I’ve spent more than six hours straight online
I’ve been out of my home country
I have friends who are married
I have friends who have children of their own
I have been in a wedding party
I’ve ridden in a limousine
I am a morning person
I am a night owl (I’m a weird mixture of both. Ive had days where i stayed up late and woke up early completely energized, though i prefer being peppy in the morning :DD)
I like anime
I like Disney movies
I like comedies more than action films
I like action films more than comedies
I always order dessert
I can’t cook
I enjoy puns
I enjoy being alone (to a certain extent but i get so friggin lonely :((( )
I read for pleasure
I don’t play video games
I believe in ghosts
I believe in aliens
I enjoy conspiracy theories
I’ve been somewhere considered ‘haunted’
I’ve stayed up all night for no reason
I can’t keep secrets
I’ve had a Skype call with more than four people
I’m good with children (I am practically a child, so id say so! im awkward at first but once i warm up im gone for hours lolol)
I’ve cheated on a test  (who hasn’t lol)
I’ve watched an entire season of something in one day
I am wearing something green right now
I am wearing something yellow right now
I am wearing something purple right now
I’ve never tried alcohol
I’ve had alcohol while underage
I’ve played a drinking game
I’m scared of snakes
I’m scared of heights
I’m scared of clowns
I’m scared of spiders
I collect stamps
I collect comic books
I keep old bus/train tickets
I don’t know the words to my national anthem
I’ve been to a professional sports game
I have more than three key rings on my keys
I’ve had my hair cut in the past month  
I’ve cosplayed
I can’t swallow pills
I miss someone right now
I’m gonna tag @fairmilk  , if u still exist here that is.
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angeltonic · 6 years
<3 Soft Bias Tag <3
I was tagged by @neorithic aka Rose (thanks bub <3)
I don't know the rules and which bias you’re supposed to talk about but my first ever bias out of everyone was Vernon! So I thought I'd talk about him, my #1, the love of my life.
Here we goooooo 🍃
Who is your bias: Vernon 💕
What made you notice them: Svt was the first group I've really been a fan of, kpop wise. My friend showed me Adore U and Mansae back in 2015 and she pointed out Vernon to me first. I remember seeing him in his long brown hair and bandana and I said: "heck, he's adorable and now Im trapped."
what's your favorite thing about them: My go-to answer would be all of him, as he's quite literally one of my favorite people to ever exist (🙁💕) But the one thing that sticks out is his open-mindedness and perspective on the world. I feel like he's aware of society's faults and where people could improve. To me, he would also be very willing to learn more about the plights of people with different experiences from the ones he's had. I think he would be like that when it comes to anything, really, which is why I think he's very open-minded. He's up for new experiences and challenges, and would be down to learn about anything and everything.
who would initiate skinship more:   (Oh boy, I'm getting soft) I think it would definitely be me, Vernon doesn't strike me as a very physically affectionate person. But I ❤love❤ physical contact, hand holding, hugging, etc. So I feel like I'd be the one leading that department.
who would hog the blankets more:   I know for a fact that I am the most lifeless sleeper in the world. I dont move at all or make any noise what so ever BUT I do love sleeping all cosy and stuff so I just might take a little bit extra from his side.
who would be more clingy:    Im not a clingy person, I do like affection but I wouldnt describe it as clinginess. But I feel like I would miss being around him easier than he would miss being around me, if that makes sense? I'd probably start feeling it in like a week of not seeing him but he probably wont until a little afterwards.
who would say I love you first:     I think I have a lot of love and affection to give, so maybe me? BUT relationships also scare the living fuck out of me, so I'd very much be terrified, which would lead me to possibly not saying anything for a long time. I also think that he's the kind of person where saying I love you is a really big deal, like he really really needs to build that relationship and trust first before anything, so that would delay it for a while too. But I'd probably crack first to be very honest.
who would be more easily flustered:    Oh Christ, I feel like the both of us?? Vernon's ridiculously awkward and so am I. So I think we would make each other flustered and probably joke about it afterwards 😌
What cuddling position would you two have:   You can never go wrong with a good ol' spooning. Im super willing to be either big or little spoon so I dont mind, though I think he might prefer big spoon. I would also not mind him laying on me to be honest? Like on my chest, while I play with his hair. Also, technically not a cuddling position, but I love when people put their head on my lap! Like aw :( thank you for trusting me with your noggin.
which colors remind you of them and why:   One of the things that attract me the most about Vernon is his seemingly calm energy. Simply put, he seems like a super chill guy and I, the Queen of overthinking/anxiety, really need that opposite in my life. This makes me associate him with colors that are calming to me such as: light blue, white, forest green, soft grey, etc.
which season would you like to spend with them:   Literally all of them, my whole life’s worth of seasons. Heck, even my afterlife. But I feel like my favorite would be summer. To me, Vernon feels like the best friend you'd fall in love with and what better season to spend with your best friend than summer, where you're free to make all the memories you want? I think we would do a lot of hanging out in backyards, going to arcades, catching up on some webtoons in the middle of the day while eating some ice cream, or movie nights where we spend time in a fort that took us like 2 hours to make because my perfectionist Virgo mind couldn't get over the pillows being positioned a certain way or something, exploring the city or going to a completely different place we've never been to, outside of the city. I would also take him to all of my family bbqs in Connecticut, where I can teach him how to dance bachata as my mom and tias marvel at the fact that he's at least trying.
who would bake cookies and who would steal the batter:  I think it would be something we do together after spending a few hours at one of our houses. Eventually, it's gonna be baking time. I would mix everything, while he takes little bits out of the bowl cause we know he's usually the type to eat ANYTHING first and then when I try to scold him about salmonella he giggles and offers me some. I, weak and fragile for the boy, accept his offer and pretend to be mad about it.
which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react: LISTEN, half of my humor is made of puns. Now, Vernon is either the King of Reactions or the King of Barely Having a Reaction. I feel like if it was a good one he'd laugh with that silly ass laugh of his and high five me but if it kinda sucked he'd probs chuckle at me with a disapproving look on his face tbh.
which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a poptart and who come to the rescue:    V E R N O N. Definitely, Vernon. And then I would run in there, with my heart beating out of my chest because for fuck'sake Vernon, our lease isn't even up yet and you almost burned the place to ashes.
who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back:   I love, love, LOVE high places, so I would lean first. He'd then come over and lean with me but he'd pull away first and would have to drag me away too ://
what would you watching a horror film with them be like:   I love watching horror movies for the simple fact that I find them hilarious and usually laugh throughout the entire thing. At first, I think he'd be like?? why are you laughing?? someone's literally being dragged down to hell in front of us and you're giggling about it? But after he gets used to it, I feel like we'd make really good commentary that leaves us in giggle fits most of the time. Unless he's really really immersed, I wouldnt wanna disrupt something he really likes.
who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt:   I cant flirt for the life of me, I literally dont know, I cant function. I feel like if I tried I'd definitely be cheesy though. As for Vernon, he's also super awkward as I said, so he'd jokingly try to be smooth but it just ends up being cheesy and really funny.
who is more competitive:    I dont associate Vernon with competitiveness at all, he seems like he's just in it to have a good time, with good people. I'm like that too for the most part. But if we're talking Uno, Scrabble, Jeopardy, or Kahoot, Im tearing him a new one.
who would have to be given constant reminders:   I feel like we'd remind each other of things but I would remind him to do simpler things like tidy up the room, or that it's his turn to do the dishes and where the keys are. Whereas, I think he'd have to remind me of things that I forget when I get too caught up in my head like eating properly, sleeping well, and knowing when to stop and enjoy my life.
who sends memes and who sends cute Im miss you text at 3 am:   We both send memes, are you kidding. That'll be most of our chat history, I'd have a whole folder just dedicated to ones I can use in conversation with him. I feel like I'd send the 3 am I miss you texts a lot more often, cause not only am I a super emo cancer moon but I get extra affectionate after like 1 am for WHATEVER reason. Though, I think he'd surprise me with one out of blue because I sure as hell wasnt expecting that from him. But I also think he'd find other ways of showing you he misses you without saying it. He seems like the type where you need to learn how he shows his love through his actions because he wont really do it with words.
And that's the end of that! I rambled so much I'm so so so sorry but I love Vernon with my whole heart and could ramble about him for hours.
Thanks again to Rose for tagging me!! I had a lot of fun.
Im tagging my mother dearest @bright-hao , @tuanm , @jonisuh , @agustminpd  
and anyone else who sees this and wants to give it a go <3
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