#pro help paraphilia
Results of the transid survey + our opinions on the matter
We got a total of 19 responses.
I won't be disclosing the specifics of the answers out of respect and privacy, however I will be showing the pie charts and reoccurring themes throughout the answers.
#1: do you identify as transx/transid?
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We got an even number of people who were surely transid and surely not transid, as well as a few questioning individuals, which gives us a good and even amount of information from both sides of the argument.
#2: If you are transid, what is your exact identity, and how did you come to feel this way?
We got a wide variety of identities. From ablefluid to xenomalady to transheight to transage, there was a wide spread of diversity. Curiously, most of the responses we got mentioned something about trauma or not wanting to be this way, or having BIID. There was also a number of headmates in systems who identified as transid, as their headspace appearance and identity don't match the body's (which I can relate to).
#3: If you are not transid, what is your experience with and views on the community and the labels they create?
There were an even amount of non transid people who though that transid identities are fine and people who thought they're harmful in some way. The thought of 'gender is a construct, other things are not' and how things like transrace identities can be culturally insensitive was brought up multiple times. However, one thing I noticed (which relates to the next two questions) is that most of the anti-transid people who answered doubted that transid identities can help with things like BIID and trauma. There were also those who talked about having many symptoms of, but not meeting the diagnostic criteria for the disorder they identified as having.
#4: If you are transid, do you believe your experience has anything to do with trauma?
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Here's the question that interested us the most. Even though there was a good amount of individuals who were unsure, the majority said that their experience has been influenced by or has something to do with trauma. In question #2, there were a staggering amount of people who talked about things like racial trauma making them uncomfortable in their race, them not wanting to be autistic because of how they're treated for it, and other things. It seems to us that (at least by these people) transids are widely used as a coping mechanism.
#5: If you are transid, do you believe your experience has to do with disorders such as BIID?
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While there were a small amount of people who said no, there were an even number of those both sure and unsure. Again, it seems like transids are a good way for these people to find something that they're comfortable with and that helps them live their lives easier.
#6: Do you believe transids are good faith identities?
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This one was by far the most debated. The majority said yes, although I think I could attribute that to only posting the survey in the general transid tags and not the anti ones (my bad). Although, with the information gathered, I can see why the majority said yes.
#7: Do you believe that the labels of Otherkin and Fictionkin can be used interchangeably/instead of labels like transbody, transspecies, and fictotransrace?
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Most who explained their decision on this one in question #8 said that the labels were coined with different things in mind, and the fact that labels can only be used interchangeably by the people that choose to use them. Which is a good point. Although it is interesting to see people's opinions on it.
#8: Do you have any final thoughts or comments?
This question mainly had people talking more about their experiences being transid and their opinions on the community and labels in general. The general consensus was that they should be respected and accepted in appropriate places, however, things like transitioning and claiming to have experienced things that they haven't should not be allowed, which, in our opinions, is a good outlook.
Now, I think we have enough information to conclude our own opinions on the matter.
We are transid neutral.
The use of transids does not bother us, especially since it seems like most of the time, they're used as a coping mechanism for trauma, or because the individual does not meet the diagnostic criteria. As a disordered but endogenic system who has been fighting to get diagnosed, we can sympathize with the latter.
However, I see why people are wary of these labels. It can be a bit dicey to identify as having a debilitating disorder, disability, or stigmatized disorder that you were not born as. It can be seen as inherently racist to identify as a race you weren't born as, especially if that race has faced wide oppression, such as the native peoples of the Americas. Although it is good to see transid people acknowledging that and being respectful of it.
We do not think these labels are used in bad faith, but we will stay away from them just to be safe.
Just as a reminder: We cannot, in good faith, support the radqueer community. We are happy to support transid people who don't associate with the radqueer label, but the community's wide acceptance of proud paraphiles (no-c and pro-c) is disgusting. We have both trauma and exotrauma surrounding those people, and we cannot stand people who are proud to be attracted to something that is either harmful or cannot consent.
-Medic (💉)
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littlebunnyblogs · 6 months
it's really interesting that there's so many people for whom Hannibal was a "lightbulb" about their paraphilias...which is really good for them! but it super wasn't for me. like I really loved Hannibal for its treatment of sex and death, but by the time I watched it I was already online masturbating to LiveLeak videos... Hannibal was nice but it didn't make me feel any more "normal" about what I was doing
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sickxpuppy · 9 days
So a paraphile is just someone whose a perv? Why would that be controversial, ppl are just pervy sometimes????
bc people w paraphilias can’t rly control their thoughts yk? and uh they’re often grouped w people who actually act on the harmful/illegal shit. but a lot of ppl w paraphilias *dont* act on anything they’re just tryna live life
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himawarihanahaki · 1 month
☆ Pinned ☆
I need paraphile friends PLEASE
this is a side blog so I won't follow you from here but we can still be friends
Paraphilia list:
the bad one (anti-c and non exclusive)
necro enthusiast (not an actual necrophile but I get it)
and that's it
any offending big 3
offending pedophiles especially (this means anyone who has ever offended even if they regret it/are recovering and also anyone who consumes csem)
ddlg/cgl blogs (if your blog is only about it dni but if it's not the main theme and you don't directly talk to me about it eh whatever)
New to paraphilia tumblr so I don't know the words people keep using I'm sorry
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sick-thing · 1 year
The new Twitter discourse is if pedophiles and zoophiles are okay actually and I kinda feel like I'm going insane
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conways · 5 months
one good thing about toonimal finally getting exposed on a wider scale is that im seeing a lot of people who previously believed in "pro para" ideology are starting to think more critically about what they were supporting
ive seen people who used to be "pro para" posting in the toonimal tags here and on twitter talking about how they saw people they knew in the doc, people who on these sites claimed to be "anti contact/in recovery", but revealed they were lying about it on the pediverse. ive seen people start to understand that theyve been lied to and manipulated into believing that what they were fighting for was right. that "pro para" means helping people with paraphilias get help and therapy, that it means rehabilitation, and then get crushed when they start to put the pieces together that it was never that simple.
if this applies to you... pro para is not about rehabilitation. you will not see someone who is genuinely in recovery making "pride" posts about their attraction to children or animals. if they genuinely didnt want to hurt anyone, and they want to recover, they would not be proud of anything except the steps theyve made towards recovery. "pro para" is not about harmless things like v.ore, objectum, or self shipping. its about abusers fostering a community for themselves. you are not "a paraphiliac" for being in a relationship with your computer.
if youre someone who is genuinely trying to recover from a harmful paraphilia, please get out of these circles. you will only be dragged down further. seek therapy and stay off of social platforms, where you will only be triggered.
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Alright, I’m gonna make a post talking about BIID and how the radqueer community grooms kids into their gross ideas. Warning for mentions of anti-recovery ideas, grooming, childhood trauma, bigotry, and y’know, radqueer shit.
So, I have BIID. This is a disorder where one has the desire to amputate a healthy limb. Without going too much into detail, it is caused by my trauma relating to amputations from when I was a little kid. Now, seeing kids calling themselves “transabled” is horrifying to me. Let me explain;
Currently, there is no known cure for BIID. However, that doesn’t mean one should go through with amputation (or, in some cases, blinding or paralysis). This can cause many, many problems considering one would quite literally be disabling themself. Sometimes, simulating, and, in mine and some other’s cases, drawing, can help ease the discomfort of BIID without the need to disable yourself.
(I also want to add that I do not blame those with BIID who’s discomfort was too much and who went through with disabling themself. It is a disorder, and not everyone has access to things that can help them, nor will anyone fully be “cured” by things made to help them. You are not to blame.)
The transabled community, however, actively encourages this, as well as actively discourages seeking help. They claim people advocating to not disable yourself are “basically transphobic”. You can even find posts mocking those struggling with BIID.
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And it doesn’t just stop at amputation.
This community also believes that one can “transition” into mental disabilities, and gives tips on how to give yourself these disabilities. Just scrolling through the “transabled” tag you can find people giving “advice” on how to get or act like you have these things.
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So, let’s say you’re a kid with BIID. You find this community of people mocking those who are looking to recover, and are encouraging and even praising your disorder. Well, it doesn’t stop there. Let’s say you decide that you’re “transabled” and look into the community. And now, you find that not only do they discourage recovery for things like BIID, they also discourage recovery for harmful paraphilias.
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Not only are they ‘pro-contact’ for things like actual pedophilia, they also promote the idea that minors being attracted to adults (a normal thing, btw) is actually being an AAM (adult attracted minor) and also believe that these minors should seek out adults. I can’t show screenshots because looking up “AAM” on Tumblr would put me on a watchlist. That’s how bad it is. I do, however, have examples of radqueers ENCOURAGING minor/adult relationships.
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So, boom, you’ve got the perfect recipe for grooming. And, oh, did I mention the “transrapist” and “transnazi” stuff? Because yea, that exists too.
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I could go on and on about how awful this community is. It blatantly manages to capture every sort of bigotry imaginable all while grooming kids and pretending it’s the most inclusive community on Earth.
Be aware.
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anti--transid · 1 month
its not "pro-conversion therapy" to encourage getting professional help when it comes to paraphilic disorders, its not "pro conversion therapy"/"paramisiac" to say that yes, there are harmful paraphilias (aka the big three/biastophilia/etc) and its not "paramisiac" to say that being pro-contact is inherently pro abuse
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antiradqueer · 9 months
Hey, I’m currently trying to leave the radqueer and transid communities. I keep wanting to go back, I keep wanting to be “the really inclusive one”. I know my time there hurt me, but I still feel like somehow they’re “not that bad” Can you send me links to some of the worst transids you have found. I know they have coined some really bad things, but I kind of need to see it with my own eyes. I’m messaging you because you’re the most well known anti-radqueer.
ive collected a bit most of these screenshots are from what we've collected for the carrd. anyone is free to add to this in the notes cus theres 100% more stuff we missed. also no spoons for ids cus theres just so many images
tw for: mentions of the r slur, antisemitism/nazis, lolishos, CSA, cults, RAMCOA, TERFs, Transphobia, racism, ableism. you get it.
these were like all the images i could fit on mobile
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see also:
warning on kandiqueer(link) / Radqueer is a cult(link) / more shitty transids(links)
non links:
the existence and acceptance of pro c (not just for the "big 3" but for murder/assault paraphilias and ones that can put ones health at risk) , transharmful etc., kandiqueer and its variants, xenosatanists, loli/shotacon, csam, adults being intimate with minors/animals etc.
radqueers stealing terms or trying to claim terms are part of their shit (despite outcry from the communities surrounding said terms): transrace (adoptees), transabled/BIID, chronosian, aldernic, transgender, transpecies, etc.
the constant comparing of paraphilia, disability, race, age, etc. to gender and being trans/queer and the basically piggy backing off queer/disabled etc. communities
the large overlap of "youth liberation" and lolishos/pro cs
the sheer amount of "noone will accept you but us"
defending blackface, racefaking, disability faking, racist/ableist stereotypes, etc.
the constant harassment of not just anyone who doesn't like them but those who are in their community who question or criticise anything rq. and the harassment of ex radqueers, which goes from anonymous threats all the way to claiming their trauma from being rq isnt real.
the activity that goes on in the background outside tumblr (like discord) where alot of illegal material is being traded aswell as grooming and pressuring minors to send images of themselves, and very likely alot more im not remembering
aaaaaand if theres anymore ill add it later either by edit or by reblog. again. feel free to add anything in the notes cus it helps. especially image ids cus i can not do those rn or at all.
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ben-marco · 3 months
hi !! here are more tags I'd recommend filtering out if you're trying to avoid radqueers and transid folk.
- " rq " / " pro rq " or anything with " rq " in it , rq is the shortened version of radqueer .
- anything with the 🍓🌈 emoji combo . this is the main emoji combo for radqueers !! ( ex : " rq 🍓🌈 "
- " pro radqueer " / " pro transid "
- anything to do with " transx " , transx is an alternate term for transid .
- " pro prat " , prat is originally a term antis made to mock radqueers but some radqueers use it as a genuine ( or joke ) label
- " transabled " , " transrace " , " transage " - these three are the most common transid umbrella terms I've seen so far
- " transid coining " / " radqueer coining "
- sadly , radqueers also are very common in the paraphilia tags , so if you must , I'd recommend filtering those out too if you can .
i hope this helped !!
Putting this up in case anyone else here needs it, thank you anon.
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If you're a paraphile, even one of the big 3 or other nonconsensual paraphilias, you are safe in anti-radqueer communities. If you're anti-contact, or are recovering from being pro-contact, you are safe here, much safer than you are in the radqueer community. The majority of radqueers are pro-contact, often secretly pro-contact - they're going to try to manipulate you into thinking that being pro-contact is okay. As someone who has gone through that, you don't ever want that to happen. Radqueers are not the only people who will accept you, many people will accept you for who you are, and there are tons of anti-contact communities and support groups that will provide far better advice and help than radqueers. Don't let anyone tell you that you'll never be accepted. You are safe here, and you are amazing <3
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toxic-exes · 1 month
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What is TavernQueer?
TavernQueer is another Radqueer like label, it’s for those who wants to help educate others to stop misinformation from spreading and spreading positivity and warmth like a cozy warm welcoming Tavern.
TavernQueer is;
Pro-Good Faith identities
Pro-radqueer & neutral Radqueer
Acceptance of all.
What TavernQueer is NOT;
Non consensual abuse of any kind
Anti ship
Anti TransIDs
Anti paraphilia
Anti Kink
Supports Spreading misinformation
User boxes:
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sanguinaryfreaks · 2 months
[pt: welcome. end pt]
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I interact from here for @sangylittlespace and @sanguinarywriter
Hi! We are Sanguinary Freaks Massacre you can call us Gore or Visceral (our account is not gore or anything related, that's just our name), we use any pronouns (and neos) but always ask. Our collective gender is transmascfem and sexuality is poppy gay, quoiromantic and ambi (looking), the body is latino. We are 21 years old and are a C-DID / Polyfrag DID system of a lot.
System terms: System, collective, pwDID, multiple, alters, headmates, littles.
Otherkin identities: Vampire, Dragon, Zombie, Ghoul, Demon
Therian identities: Bunny
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[pt: do not interact. end pt]
Basic DNI criteria (homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc)
Transmeds, radqueers, etc, etc
SH, ED or gore blogs
Pro endos, tulpas, endos or any kind of non traumagenic system and their supporters
We are neutral on all ship discourse but we prefer if pro/comshippers stay out if this account for our own comfort
Sexualize age or pet regression
Anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns, anti-therian, anti-otherkin
Anti-recovery IRLs or DAs, we won't feed into your delusions (sincerely a delusional system)
TransID, or supports TransID, TransRAMCOA, etc.
Syscourse blogs
Belive in cluster b abuse or any disordered abuse
Pro-contact / anti-recovery paraphilias
Believe in "doubles"
Anti good faith identities / "contradictory" labels, including mspec lesbians / gays (neutrals or without opinion are okay)
Believe that transfem alters can't be in an AFAB body or transmascs can't in an AMAB body.
Empty accounts
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[pt: before you follow. end pt]
We don't mind minors following us but don't dm us if you're -16 please (we know how to act around minors and if you're a minor and are uncomfortable with talking to us, don't do it, your comfort is first /g)
Know that if we follow you is because we want to be friends so feel free to DM us (we are too scared to dm first dnjakckwkd) !!!
We have alters from problematic sources, if you don't like this go away
We like problematic media but we don't support their creators or the media itself (like buying the games or watching the show on the legal sites). If you're gonna be morality police and tell us that we are still supporting them by just liking the media (we cant control a hyperfixation), feel free to block us, we don't care
Our dms are open to anyone that wants to be friends or just talk (as long as you don't fall into our dni)
Please don't try to start fights with us, we will just block you and ignore whatever you sent us, this is our safe space, please respect that
We won't post anything nsfw, we will probably post this type of jokes but trigger warn them
Don't try to force us to change our name or source separate, we aren't doing it for a reason. We also use names respectfully and would never disrespect the culture.
We don't mind syscourse neutrals following us, if you're endo neutral in the sense that you think they're valid in some way, don't interact with us (we understand thinking they're traumagenic but don't remember their trauma, some of us think like that too, so if this is your case you're good)
Sometimes we reblog stuff about the yandere stereotypy, we have bpd and we use the term for ourselves
We are a questioning OEA system, meaning that the signs are there and we choose to ignore them /cj. We are mainly questioning because we can't accept that we went through that trauma but maybe interacting with other programmed/ramcoa survivors can help us with this /lh
We call ourselves freaks (because we can and we want), if you don't like this fuck off, we don't care
Our DNI here doesn't apply to our other blogs (just to the sideblogs of this account which are the hoard and alter ones)
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Interests and more
[pt: interests and more. end pt]
Special interests: Psychology, system terms, xenogenders, Simply Plural, art in general, horror in general, etc.
Collective interests: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Death Mark, Danganronpa, CoTL, Dead Boy Detectives, Red Dead Redemption 2, My Little Pony, Fear and Hunger.
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Tagging system
[pt: tagging system. end pt]
#intox talk — important posts from us
#random — stuff we wanna save
#tw vent — me crying and hating my life, if you don't want to see it block the tag
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[pt: extra. end pt]
DNI banner: @/seraphim-coinz
Other blogs:
System terms coining blog - @cdd-system-terms
System help sideblog - @cdd-system-help
Hoard sideblog - @sanguinaryhoard
Regression sideblog - @sangylittlespace
Writing sideblog - @sanguinarywriter
Witchy blog - @sanguinarywitch
Jane's sideblog - @sanguinaryjane
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anti-anti-vents · 1 day
i'm sorry if my phrasing was off;; i mean like, genuinely having a paraphilia not talking fictional stuff
Well that’s the thing.
Having a paraphilia isn’t necessarily about committing the action, just having reoccurring and persistent sexual thoughts about it.
Not everybody who reads problematic fiction does it because they have a paraphilia. But I don’t think it’s a bad reason to, so long as its helping with their urges, not making it worse.
While I am suspicious of people who loudly label themselves “MAP”s or related terms, I do in fact believe it’s possible to have a paraphilia and not be a harmful. So in that sense, I’m pro-para.
But I’m a million times Anti-contact.
Fantasize about whatever you want but DON’T fuck children and DON’T fuck animals. Consent is key etc etc.
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proshippy-fox · 2 months
hey uhm question what’s a radqueer? /gen
i see this term tossed around a lot and a lot of the sources i look at have very different meanings and interpretations and i just wanna know which one is correct /nm
I'd say that, like the term proshipper, it's best to ask someone who uses the term or specifically in this case, used to use the term. Not sure I'm the best to ask here because I am not radqueer nor have I used to term to describe myself, but I'll share my thoughts anyways.
I'm anti-radqueer because the radqueer community, from what I've seen (mainly from radqueers who post in the proship tag at times) support things like being "transrace," "transdisabled," and "transnazi," as well as some people who used to be part of the radqueer community saying that there are lots of pro-contact harmful paraphilias in there. I think it is a harmful community not only because of that, but because they try to co-opt queer terms (trans) in ridiculous, nonsensical, and downright harmful ways. You can't "transition" to be black, or asian, or white, or any race or ethnicity. You can admire other cultures, and want to learn more about them, but that is not something you can "transition" into being a part of. You don't "transition" into becoming disabled, you simply become disabled due to certain factors. You don't "transition" into hating an entire race of people- You are just a hateful person.
For that last one, having intrusive thoughts about potentially being racist, sexist, a pedophile, anything harmful at all- Those are intrusive thoughts. That is not a trans identity. None of these radqueer labels mentioned have anything to do with gender, and trans is a term used for gender. I will not doubt that there are radqueer identities that do deal with gender, but as the radqueer identity accepts people who use the term trans for harmful and disrespectful purposes, I am very anti-radqueer.
There is also a difference between rad-inclusive and radqueer- I've seen people who are rad-inclusive say that they are anti radqueer. Rad-inclusive, from what I've seen, means they accept transgender and queer identities that seemingly contradict each other, such as m-spec lesbians. I personally have no problem with queer people using labels like that as they please- gender and sexuality is very fluid, and being queer hurts no one.
I suppose the main problem I hold with radqueers is just how disrespectful and harmful many of the terms they use are, and the way they try to claim these terms should be associated with gender and sexuality when they are not.
Again, it's probably best you ask people who have first-hand experience with radqueer spaces. I am lucky enough to not have any personal experience with any of them, considering how some have said grooming and encouragement of nonconsensual paraphilias are rampant.
I'll put the proship tags in, so maybe someone else can help answer your questions more accurately. I myself am also a bit curious, and would love to see what other people think^^
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