#power to the patients
dopescissorscashwagon · 3 months
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Dave Grohl hits the stage at the Power to the Patients concert in support of Healthcare Price Transparency at The Anthem in Washington, D.C., on March 5, 2024
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5280customframing · 8 months
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We’re honored to have framed this Power to the Patients print by Shepard Fairy that was used in one of their upcoming videos!
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tehjleck · 8 months
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yuridovewing · 3 months
i really hate how the fandom’s excuse for jayfeather’s shitty behavior (and outright medical malpractice in certain cases. looking at the time he refused to help squilf in labour bc he couldnt be bothered and later blamed her for how bad it was) is “well the clan was ableist to him growing up, so fuck them!” ok how does that excuse him screaming at and berating the cats that didnt do any of that. or the babies.
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lanymme · 11 months
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Tomimi: [is a freaky little yandere loser]
Utage: i should put my dick in that
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dancingastralwitch · 7 months
A Palestinian man is asked in an interview by a white woman if he condemns Hamas while his people are being slaughtered in the open, and HE is the one condemned when he yells that it's injustice to insulate that his people deserve to be murdered, because "Hamas chose this."
A black woman is attacked first in a fight and SHE is the bad guy when she strikes back, she is the one whose face is plastered all over social media to be condemned and shamed for "aggression."
Two sisters are appropriately reacting to their oppressors by ripping off posters promoting their propaganda, and THEY are shamed and attacked for their lack of politeness when their people are being killed for existing.
An American democrat watches her colleagues cheer on genocide and ethical cleansing, the murder of children and the rape of women and the slaughter of families, and SHE is the one censored for speaking out in defense of them, despite her grief of losing family members.
Zionists are not condemned for enjoying the thought of children being killed, for calling Palestinians "animals" or saying Gaza should be "turned into a parking lot", Israeli doctors can get away with demanding that Palestinians, HUMAN BEINGS, should be murdered, that their only remaining hospital should be crushed.
They are not condemned for saying they wanted nuclear weapons unleashed on Gaza, they are not condemned for the imprisonment and torture of children, for desecrating dead Palestinians' corpses and mauling their bodies, for mocking Muslim Palestinians by rubbing their bullets against pig's skin before shooting them, for bombing Palestinian churches, for bombing universities, for shutting electricity from Gaza, cutting Palestinians from food and water, not letting them access to aid, for bombing CANCER hospitals and CHILDRENS HOSPITALS, for turning the sky of Gaza RED from explosions, for killing enough students that the entire school year was canceled, for annihilating families, for attacking Jewish people in Jerusalem, for cutting dead fetuses off dead mothers, for STEALING THEIR SKIN AND ORGANS and using them for their benefit, for forcing CHILDREN to hold a press conference to say that hey, they want to live.
Insinuating that this is about religion is the basis of Zionism. 60 members of Hamas were killed, and 10,500 civilians killed, 4000 of which are children. Over 800 bloodlines erased. Israel says they aim for "damage, not accuracy." Implying this is about Hamas is lies.
When white people in power tell you from their air-conditioned studios this is Israel defending itself, refuse to let Palestinian journalists explain things happening from their point of view, watch those journalists lose their entire families for speaking about what's happening to them, demonize Arabs who rage about injustice, ask Palestinians grieving if they condemn Hamas, know this is propaganda.
You shouldn't need them to tell you they're parroting lies to you. Their lies kill people. Their lies destroy people. Their apologies are insincere and their "sympathy" is limited only to those who look like them. It is unjust. It is cruel.
If I was were to narrate to you every atrocity Israel commited that I am aware of, I would never stop typing.
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iesnoth · 5 months
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I have a new hobby! This is my first book binding attempt, and I'm really happy with it!
It's a sketchbook made of watercolor paper and chip board. Obviously I had to decorate it, so I used my favorite band, Steam Powered Giraffe, for inspiration.
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vixeneptune · 10 months
I just love how I always eventually end up manifesting my desires like it's guaranteed for me, I don't even care how long it takes bc I know I always end up getting what I want, like it's just a matter of time but I don't stress about timing, I just KNOW it'll come one way or another.
This makes manifesting so chill and natural for me like everything just falls into place at its own pace and comes to me at the right time
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uuuhshiny · 2 years
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buttercupshands · 1 month
Quick s7 premiere thoughts
Loved the new episode, I sure wasn't ready for Afomura becoming a thing so soon, like that scene is still... that
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But otherwise wow
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also a quick thank you for this scene having THIS track (a bit off from the original version) and voices of both AFO and Tomura mixing in places there
to other things
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little dangerous hand man
I'm in love with the ending... "Believe" and "Sketch" and now this one are like a Holy Trinity of Villain connected endings and this one FEELS like it belongs to MVA or something like that WAY MORE than the ED version of Believe did, even if the song was directly connected to Tomura and Izuku via text
that's just my "I want THIS SPECIFIC WAY" of wishing an ED was and I got what I wanted in a way with everyone from the LoV having their moment to shine (from the current arc aside from Compress) - so Spinner, Toga, Dabi and Tomura all have that. IN BOTH ED and OP
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and then OP is like
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so yeah, happy s7 day
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pastelpaperplanes · 6 months
Has KnockOut ever been insecure of stretch marks given how he prides on his appearance? I’m sure Breakdown doesn’t mind them, though. Also, can Megatron feel anything with that tremendous scar on his back and how does Optimus react once he first saw it?
Knockout is definitely vain to a fault, always he was all the way back when he was still a nobel, this extends to not just his appearance but also his need to keep his snazzy clothes and armor in perfect condition, as well his bow pristine!
However, what he loves most in the world is the life he shares with Breakdown. The highs and lows they faced in life beyond the Autobot Kingdom, scars and scratches they earned along the way–all are memories of how hard they fought for their life together and how much they loved the fact that they got to fight and WIN for that love.
The marks he received in life since bonding Breakdown are met with pride! (Breakdown lets little get past him to hurt KO, that and Knockout is a mean shot with his bow, both are the other’s protectors! lol, scars received are few and far in between)
Knockout’s stretch marks from Wildbreak– his greatest gift from Breakdown, his greatest gift to the love of his life, are by far his proudest yet. They made that baby!!! And that is the greatest joy and challenge Knockout has ever faced, but the best part was that he got to face it with Breakdown.
Yes, and ofc Breakdown loves the marks. Obsessed w them even–they belong to his super strong, soft, and hot hubby
As for Megatron’s burn marks, nope he does not feel them much at all, the burns were very deep and fried a lot of his nerves. It wasn’t always that way of course, healing took. years.
Optimus has seen every single one of his scars. When asked, Megs would talk his audial off telling Op the stories of each proud mark. Some range from petty fights with his brother long ago, some from his time in the gladiator pits, others from dumb youthful decisions, he's a story book ready for Optimus to dive into, he only needs to ask.
His first reaction to seeing them was of course shock, but secondly he felt truly sick. Of course at Megs, nor the melted, glassy flash, but the fact that someone could do something like that to another person. Megatron has long since been used to that look of shock, those who have seen it rarely can school their features–he eased the situation with yet another story.
The largest scar, his burns, now that is the one that everytime he talks about it, Megs cooks up a whole new story to pair it with. Megatron’s favorites are “I feel asleep in a hot spring” or “Fireworks and High Grade don’t mix” and “You see my dear Sir Orion, there is a reason why I am not allowed in any kitchen ever again so long as I live”. Optimus doesn’t really wonder anymore. He knows all too well that some well placed humor is just a mask for the too painful of stories. He does know that he has never seen a ‘burn’ scar quite like Megatronus’
“In a great flash of light, the Allspark disappeared and Left King Ultra and Megatron gravely wounded…” so the stories go. Those in the battle rumor that Megatron made a scramble for the Allspark and the artifact lashed at the unworthy King of daring to filthy it with his hands, King Ultra being too close, sadly being burned as well in It’s rage.
Megatron has his own side of the story. Not that many beyond the few trusted of his People he’s shared it with know the truth, perhaps one day the little Knight may be ready.
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 10 months
Wukong and Sophie in a nutshell
Sophie: *Tells a long monologue to Wukong about why it's okay to open up about your feelings and fears. If he was just a little bit gentler with his words, people might take him more seriously. It's okay to have differences but if you use nasty words and use force people will not take you seriously* Wukong: "...Speak plainly, woman. I don't speak bottom."
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tehjleck · 2 years
Have any of you seen the commercials that ask, "How many medications will be lost?" If Medicare is allowed to negotiate prices?
They're paid for by Pharma... and isn't that a great example of saying the quiet part out loud? They're basically saying that they'll stop doing R&D on new drugs if we don't continue to allow them to make windfall profits off of the sick people in this country.
Fuck them.
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megueggu · 2 months
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design piece of Jasper for Youso ✨
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maxblackandshits · 2 months
sometimes it's not the butterflies in your stomach that tell you that you love someone.. actually butterflies are never an indication of love.. they're an indication of attraction.. attraction is just a part of love.. love is a big word.. that throbbing pain you feel in your chest and throat as if you're choking from even the mere thought of losing someone important to you is love.. being scared is love..
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getvalentined · 9 months
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A super fun commission I've been working on for the past several weeks! This is the piece that I lost multiple hours of work on due to power outages enough times to give me a full-on emotional breakdown, and I hope seeing it indicates why that was the case.
This is @poeticphoenix's take on postcanon Genesis, which turns out is almost identical to my take on postcanon Genesis, so this was a super fun project to work on.
Okay one of his legs was bugging me so please reblog this one actually.
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