A Concept: Red πŸ™΅ White / The 100 | Spy Γ— Family [Part 2]
Part 1
Anya didn't know how to feel.
Should I be overjoyed at the fact that I'm not alone?
Should I be horrified at the fact that I'm not alone?
This Adrian guy believed her when she said that she was genuinely one of them (her exposing all his thoughts helped a lot)
So he took her to their hiding place.
It was a warehouse that in its prime used to process grape sweets for the populace.
But after a score of neglect, it could reduce any number of people to a drooling mess, dozing off contentedly.
At least, it should.
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"Who did you bring with you, 42?" a chilling voice sent a shudder up Anya's spine. She tried to locate the brain of the voice. It was floating somewhere above her head.
But that didn't make any sense.
Because she was standing right in front of her.
At first glance, Anya felt that she resembled Agent Nightfall head to toe, from the bob cut to the heavy-lidded eyes to the slender form with a draping jacket over her shoulders.
But as she walked forward, the differences (literally) came to light.
She was much, much younger, and much shorter. She had more hair that was tied behind her head. Her face was rounder with a bigger nose. And most importantly.
She had bubblegum pink hair.
And viridian green eyes.
"Uh... hi?" Anya managed to squeak out, feebly waving her hand.
"Hey," this stranger unexpectedly said, putting out her hand to shake Anya's. "So, you got a number?"
Again, no thinking, no pondering.
The Nightfall doppelganger merely raised an eyebrow, perked up a smile and stared right into Anya's eyes.
The warehouse held its breath and that's precisely when Anya realized that there were more than just the three of them. There were a bunch of people in the corner, a few on the ceiling, about a dozen by the windows. How did she not notice them before?
The smile dropped and the eyebrow furrowed. This ringleader of the abandoned warehouse began to stare daggers at Anya
Anya's mind was swimming and it was getting jiggly, too.
It started out gently but was slowly gaining force. It started in her stomach but climbed up her trachea and calmed down at the base of her throat, before spilling out of her mouth.
Anya's pealing laughter echoed in the warehouse, bouncing of off the walls and banging at the multitude of people present.
Is she... insane?
That girl has a death wish.
That came out of nowhere.
She has been laughing for too long.
Okay, why did she burst out again?
Is she even breathing now?
"Hey," this time much more threateningly, "What's so funny?" The stranger held a sneer as she eyed the intruder, too engrossed to blame Adrian for it.
In her laughter, Anya had bent down and held her knees as her hair shook with her violent laughter.
With a flare, she stood upright and whipped her hair as she did so.
Placing her left hand atop her chest and her right outstretched, palm facing upward, this laughing freak recited with great gravitas:
"Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake - it's everything except what it is!"
The performance had the exact effect she wanted. The thoughts of the warehouse were narrowed to "Did she seriously quote that book?". The slender stranger felt and looked exposed with a single thought on her mind and lips.
"So, you're actually genuine?"
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(The rest will be info-dumping regarding some characters and the names R&W and The 100)
Description: The slender girl Number: 001 Name: Rebecca Power: Ability to manipulate human thinking and comprehension
Description: Tall burly boy Number: 042 Name: Adrian Power: Ability to procure invisible appendages
Description: Short girl with horn hairclips Number: 007 Name: Anya Power: Ability to read minds
Description: Boy with a round face Number: 008 Name: (Up to imagination) Power: Ability to change his body into any of his prior ages. (If he is 28 he can change to look how he did at 9, 16, 25 etc)
Description: (Up to imagination, boy) Number: 034 Name: (Up to imagination) Power: Ability to shapeshift into any person
Description: Boy with wide structure Number: 048 Name: (Up to imagination) Power: Create portals to teleport
Description: Very young boy with wild hair Number: 036 Name: (Up to imagination) Power: Ability to destroy objects through expansion
Description: Very young girl with wild hair Number: 037 Name: (Up to imagination) Power: Ability to control objects through contraction
The name Red πŸ™΅ White came from the fact that all of their hair is pink, a mixture of red and white. I believe that even canon Anya's pink hair is a side effect of the experimentation done on her. Anime has a reputation for crazy hair colours but as far as we see in the anime and manga, all characters have hair colours that are not outside of the natural spectrum of hair colours, with the exception of Agent Nightfall for some reason.
To add to the previous statement, I also think that Anya's eyes are unnatural side effects. I mean, look at this
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She has three colours in her eyes and that's without the highlights that are different hues for some reason.
The 100 is simply their "mythos name". This is what "The Garden" is to Yor's agency. As a form of defence, the 100 would instigate small attacks on the hunting agencies to let them know that they aren't helpless. By and by, the agencies grew more aggressive and so did the escaped experiments. They slowly make a name for themselves by keeping several large corporations and governments on their toes. To some, the 100 is the representative of the new generation who wants government reform. To others, they are extremists who want to start another war.
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Phew! That took a hot minute to write. To those who have been waiting for this part since part 1, I'm very sorry that it took so long. Writer's block, forgetting to save drafts and fever are not good companions, in any combination. I was planning to write more parts to this but I don't think I'll make it out alive πŸ˜…
Thank you so much for reading thus far!
Tagging: @gruviyasharuto, @darkhumanpiekid, @nova-darling, @akhlys-san
If you want to be a part of my Writing Taglist, please proceed to this post or comment on this post
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strixcattus Β· 5 months
Finished my Slay the Princess voice designs!!
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(Badly screenshot) closeups and explanations under the cut.
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The Hero is, of course, you. Or at least he looks like you. He's the one with you before anything happens, so there are no design changes from the base of an anthropomorphic crow. He's the basic design from which all the others stem.
The Cold's feet and face are hidden by a cloak of feathers which makes him look a little more similar to his respective Princess, the Spectre, and makes his expression all the more unsettlingβ€”especially when he puts on that smile I imagine him having whenever he has an "interesting" idea. Even though he's been injured before, he has no scars. Scars are for reminders of things that hurt you, and he's never been hurt.
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The Paranoid is small and skittish. Like the Nightmare, his face is usually too shadowed to see; however in his case it's more about being too afraid to take off his cloak. There's probably not much to see under there, anyway. It's not as though organ failure leaves a mark.
The Smitten, on the other hand, has a flashy blue cape and feather collar. He's a show-off. What more is there to say? I think he's got a scar over his heart to represent where the Princess stabbed him, dramatic as he is.
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The Skeptic is the voice most inclined to think things through carefully before acting, so he gets the distinguished-looking glasses, as well as wristbands to mirror the Prisoner's chains. He also retains the scar from his one wound, though it's moved to his eye instead of his throat. His voice sounded like he ought to have a scar.
The Contrarian, as one of the two gremlin voices, gets magpie coloration instead of crow coloration. His theatre masks mirror the Stranger's multiple faces and nod to how he views everything he does as more of a game or a play with no consequences.
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The Hunted, like the Paranoid, is small and fearful. As he has more animalistic instincts and is paired with the Beast, he's less humanoid than most of the others. His cloak has been pieced back together several times, and he still has all the scars from being clawed apart by the Princessβ€”but at least his steel claw is in his hands.
The Broken has been reduced to an almost completely ordinary bird, and the collar around his neck is ready for when he chooses to become the Princess's pet. Though he actually has wings, unlike the other Voices, he can't flyβ€”they've been broken and never healed properly.
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The Opportunist is the other gremlin voice, and has the magpie markings to match the Contrarian. To fit his smooth-talking personality, he's got a pair of sunglasses and an outfit that befits a used-car salesman, with sleeves perfect for hiding things up. Despite having been mortally wounded by the Princess, he doesn't have a visible mark on him. Because he's untouchable! And everything is going to be just fine.
The Cheated also gets sleeves to hide things in. Heaven knows he deserves it. He's got more scars than he ought to, given how many times the Razor actually stabbed him (once) but we ought to let him have it. If nothing else, he definitely feels like he's been hurt that many times. At least he's got the blade, as the only voice who ever managed to override the choice not to take it.
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The Stubborn is the physically strongest of all the Voicesβ€”he has to be, in order to fight the Adversary, and his feather tufts mirror her horns. The leather armor he wears also helps him stay in the fight, though of course it wouldn't help if he were to get his face smashed in. Despite how many times he's been injured, he doesn't have any visible scarsβ€”why bother memorializing old wounds when you'll have the chance to go back into the fight?
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ozcarr Β· 8 months
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otaku553 Β· 7 months
Writing is so funny,,,
I primarily write by typing on my phone in bed. If it’s a slow night, it’s kind of nice to fall asleep to thoughts of scenarios I want to write and such.
So sometimes I try to write and get maybe 10 or less words in before falling asleep.
Alternatively, sometimes I black out and wake up with 4000 words in a document that I barely remember typing, and the sun is rising and I have class in an hour.
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glitxd Β· 4 months
In a modern setting, what kind of music would your operators / drifters listen to?
You could add their warframe's preferred genre too if you want hehe
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twisted-nox-sidus Β· 4 months
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Teaser of a future scene in Pomefiore arc feat. Strix and Rook.
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miggylol Β· 6 months
you mentioned textbanking to reach out to potential leftist voters in the tags on one of your posts - what org was that through? it sounds like something concrete and useful to do
It absolutely was! It felt really satisfying, especially when we'd go back to the campaign Slack channel and learn that we'd hit all the outreach goals for that day and more numbers would be released tomorrow.
Who to work with
I went through my main state Democratic party (so, California Dems) for a few reasons. One: they were keeping an eye on all candidates and issues, so I felt like my efforts were probably being directed toward the area of greatest need/risk. (Why you might not do this route: you really care about certain specific candidates/issues, and don't want to show up to volunteer one day and see that voters are being contacted about other things.)
Two: voters can be contacted by multiple groups, which obviously annoys them after a while. (This was in fact the thing that I did dislike about this process.) People get taken off the contact roster with a STOP response, but as political parties and PACs are forbidden by law from coordinating with each other, being removed from one group's roster doesn't mean they'll be removed from another group's. I liked going with the main party because they've been doing this the longest and have already contacted the most people, so I thought they'd probably have a contact list that was already the most edited. (Why you might not do this route: you don't care as much about this problem as me, and you care more about connecting all people who are aligned with you on [issue] instead of contacting the general left-leaning population.)
Three: this state party approach put me in touch only with California voters, and sometimes they do want to ask a few questions about greater details, or even what you personally care the most about. I felt qualified to talk about pretty much anything/anyone on our state ballot, so that was a good match. (Why you might not do this route: you don't want to be limited to contacting people in your own area, and you instead want to contact voters anywhere about [issue].)
So, broadly put: you can work with your own state party or with some PAC that focuses on specific issues (environment, schooling, foreign policy, etc.), depending on what sounds more appealing based on what I described above. There is of course the option of working with some other state's party, as well. For example, someone might think "well, I'm in IL and that's safe blue, so can I spend my energy elsewhere?" That's what I faced in California, and I decided to help our with our own swing districts and initiatives. But someone else near me might have decided to textbank for the swing states of AZ and NV, instead. That person in Illinois might decide to volunteer for, say, Wisconsin. (Which is probably the best-run state Dem party in the country, by the way!)
You also might do this if you're in a blood red state. It might feel like you're doing more good to volunteer for Georgia or Arizona (slowly turning blue) than to volunteer for your own state of Wyoming (the reddest state in the country). That can be a good investment of your time! On the other hand, it's still valuable to contact the locals. Even if they vote for Republicans, people can vote differently on specific local issues. For example, in Wyoming, there's momentum for huge developments in wind power that some entrenched oil/gas companies are pushing back against. If someone really cares about the environment, they could decide it's better to volunteer in WY than GA.
What does textbanking do, exactly?
You might be wondering if you'll be expected to argue with people, answer complicated questions, or what. No! There are texting portals that have a lot of pre-programmed answers to basic questions, like "What is [candidate's] stance on abortion?" If you contact someone who's argumentative or tells you to fuck off, you just click the "should be removed from list" button and disengage. If you contact someone who has questions you're not prepared to answer, you hop back into the Slack channel and ask an organizer to take over the conversation.
So, what are you doing, then? You are identifying voters who are likely to vote blue but are lower-motivation.
This is an incredibly important step to do in the lead-up to election days. If someone votes left and tells you that they've already taken advantage of early voting, you thank them and click the "has already voted" button. Then, the database removes them from further contact for this cycle, because their vote is banked and no more resources need to be spent on them. On the other hand, if there's someone who (for example) cares about abortion access but hasn't had time to vote yet, or doesn't know if they're registered, etc., they can be aided with information on how to vote/register. They can be offered transportation on Election Day, if they don't have a car. Textbanking helps to target the party's resources the most effectively, and get the most low-likelihood voters over the finish line.
In other words, textbanking is all about reaching tons of people and seeing where to aim more in-depth resources. Textbanking is largely not about converting uncertain moderates into blue voters. That's phonebanking and door-to-door visits, because talking with people is more convincing. But you can identify who might benefit from that kind of follow-up via textbanking.
How to get started
If you're thinking "sure, the state party approach sounds like it'd work for me," that's very easy to get started. Just google "[state] democrats texting" and you'll see a variety of options to get started. Or, you can go to the homepage of the state party, and there will be volunteer options listed there.
Alternately, you can go to the Democratic Party events page and see all volunteer events across the country, of every type. So there's not just textbanking, but other things that may uniquely appeal to you, like helping mobility-limited voters. (You can filter by type of event & location.)
If you want to work with a specific charity or PAC on a specific issue, then you'll need to track down their volunteer options. For example, I went to the Sierra Club and found this volunteer page, which has a bunch of options, but not a bunch of direct outreach. On the other hand, they do seem to have a texting team, but it's only visible if you log in, probably? Unfortunately, charities/PACs aren't as standardized and visible as the Democrats' volunteer options. However, once you become familiar with your organization of choice, then you're over the hurdle.
I find volunteering via textbanking to be satisfying, and also a way to burn off nervous stress during political seasons. Not only is it a distraction from the world, but it's also a distraction that achieves something.
What if I care about something, but I can't find textbanking for it?
At this time, you may be thinking "okay, I'll do textbanking for a ceasefire!" I thought the same thing, and started looking for options, assuming there would be some organization that was encouraging people to contact their rep/senators. And... I didn't find one. I did find multiple charities that made it easier to send emails and letters to politicians via online forms, which is certainly good! But I didn't find any charity that was directing people to those resources via texting the broad voter population.
In cases like this, you may choose to do your own unofficial "textbanking" by making posts about those resources, and drawing upon your own networks like they're the database you're contacting. That's certainly better than nothing, and it's a way to take action. If I see an option for this, I will definitely share this. I am obviously a fan of engagement via textbanking. Obviously.
I hope all that helps!
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wildyfoe Β· 5 months
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Spider kiss!!!!! Gayest scene in Strixhaven history ever
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glitxd-shenanigan Β· 9 months
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"....Oh but there's no need to dwell on the past, we could move on!"
"...but it would be great if he died screaming, though. Ballas died with a kiss. In bliss. He doesn't deserve that."
(I had to make a response jdsahfkadshf sorry @a-tenno-called-prin)
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homiecid3 Β· 1 year
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Pathfinder 2e is a fun
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drbtinglecannon Β· 1 year
Nightfall is so woefully underdeveloped thus far and I really hope that gets to change the next time she's heavily involved in an arc, especially considering the symbolism of her scenes in the second anime opening and how they parallel Yuri's
Like at least Yuri has a tragic backstory that works to explain why he's so fucking weird about Yor and it's a reoccurring theme every time he's on screen, but all we know about Nightfall is 1. she's in love with Twilight 2. he trained her 3. everyone thinks she's ruthless & coldhearted
I feel like her story has to be tragic too, given the overall message of the effects of war in SxF, with Twilight unknowingly being an important figure in her coping with the past, because I can't really think of any other explanations for why she has no loyalties to anything but him despite him not treating her any differently than other colleagues. If the entire explanation is just "a woman driven by ambition" I'm gonna be quite disappointed
Like I wanna know what's wrong with her she's fucking nuts haha
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foxtamer113 Β· 2 years
Anya: What do I get?
Loid, about a mission: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Anya: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Loid: It won't be you.
Anya, excited: I'll get my coat!
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strixcattus Β· 4 months
Valentine set II: The Damsel
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ozcarr Β· 8 months
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it’s my problem, it’s my problem that I never am happy
my problem, it’s my problem on how fast I will succeed
*repost from dead blog, original post from Aug 21 2023
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ozcarr-remade Β· 9 months
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Last session was kind of a doozy (my fault)
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twisted-nox-sidus Β· 8 months
After seeing the summary breakdown on the latest TWST event that takes place based on Pinocchio’s Paradise Island with the shady duo, Honest Fellow and Giddel being the center of it all, I can definitely say that Strix will definitely be on her guard upon having Disney knowledge on Pinocchio and what dangers she will soon encounter behind this theme park’s dark secrets. Perhaps Honest Fellow would feel her unnerving stare, watching him that’s like a creepy doll or a puppet in this case.
It was like the azure blue moonlight casting a spotlight on the man himself. Fellow Honest is no stranger to having all sorts of eyes on him. He can tell those pairs of eyes in particular are brimming with doubt. Yet there is a certain wariness that speaks beyond what their meeting has established. As if they could see into his soul's true nature.
He makes eye contact with her. Strix averts her gaze low to his feet.
Did his shadow move?
In her mind, the voices of her Dream Eaters were hushed. They seem restless.
Something is wrong. Very wrong. A different kind of threat is prowling in the darkness casted by Fellow Honest.
A pair of small hands grasped her hand. Gidel looks up at her with perpetually droopy eyes before beaming a giddy smile. He sidled next to her, nuzzling his face into her arm just like the cat beastman he is.
"It seems Gidel has quickly taken a liking to you. You do have a peculiar scent that's quite... alluring for us beastmen."
When Strix looks up, traces of long ginger locks hovered her vision.
Fellow's foxy smile pins her to her roots.
"We do hope to see you at Playful Land."
This one will surely become a beautiful marionette, the man thinks to himself. Especially with those pure blue eyes devoid of light.
Suspended in the air above the stage, Strix Noctowl's strings wrapped around her body like a hammock.
Her limp hand reached for the white spotlight, and the other towards the floor beneath. All the while wearing a peacefully sleeping expression, pale and delicate like a porcelain doll.
Fellow Honest would laugh at the tragically beautiful display. It would be like a dream come true for anyone walking into Playful Land. It is a paradise one would not want to leave anytime soon.
As he howled maniacally, a pair of red glowing round eyes stares unblinkingly in his shadow, its gaze focused on the sleeping dreamer bound by strings of fate.
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