twisted-nox-sidus · 7 months
After seeing the summary breakdown on the latest TWST event that takes place based on Pinocchio’s Paradise Island with the shady duo, Honest Fellow and Giddel being the center of it all, I can definitely say that Strix will definitely be on her guard upon having Disney knowledge on Pinocchio and what dangers she will soon encounter behind this theme park’s dark secrets. Perhaps Honest Fellow would feel her unnerving stare, watching him that’s like a creepy doll or a puppet in this case.
It was like the azure blue moonlight casting a spotlight on the man himself. Fellow Honest is no stranger to having all sorts of eyes on him. He can tell those pairs of eyes in particular are brimming with doubt. Yet there is a certain wariness that speaks beyond what their meeting has established. As if they could see into his soul's true nature.
He makes eye contact with her. Strix averts her gaze low to his feet.
Did his shadow move?
In her mind, the voices of her Dream Eaters were hushed. They seem restless.
Something is wrong. Very wrong. A different kind of threat is prowling in the darkness casted by Fellow Honest.
A pair of small hands grasped her hand. Gidel looks up at her with perpetually droopy eyes before beaming a giddy smile. He sidled next to her, nuzzling his face into her arm just like the cat beastman he is.
"It seems Gidel has quickly taken a liking to you. You do have a peculiar scent that's quite... alluring for us beastmen."
When Strix looks up, traces of long ginger locks hovered her vision.
Fellow's foxy smile pins her to her roots.
"We do hope to see you at Playful Land."
This one will surely become a beautiful marionette, the man thinks to himself. Especially with those pure blue eyes devoid of light.
Suspended in the air above the stage, Strix Noctowl's strings wrapped around her body like a hammock.
Her limp hand reached for the white spotlight, and the other towards the floor beneath. All the while wearing a peacefully sleeping expression, pale and delicate like a porcelain doll.
Fellow Honest would laugh at the tragically beautiful display. It would be like a dream come true for anyone walking into Playful Land. It is a paradise one would not want to leave anytime soon.
As he howled maniacally, a pair of red glowing round eyes stares unblinkingly in his shadow, its gaze focused on the sleeping dreamer bound by strings of fate.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Azul Ashengrotto Tsumsitter Personal Story: Part 1
"A Moment with Azultsum I"
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Mostro Lounge – VIP Room]
Azul: Fufu, I feel as though I've gained a greater understanding of this Tsum's cooking and decision-making skills…
Azul: And now that I've finished placing the additional preorders… I suppose I should start heading back towards the Lounge.
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[Mostro Lounge]
Azul: Wh-What is going on!? The Mostro Lounge is completely packed!
Azul: It was well within my calculations that we'd have an increase in customers with the Tsum here, but… How has this happened so quickly in such a short amount of time…?
Savanaclaw Student: Hey, can't we get a seat yet?
Pomefiore Student: Hurry up, I wanna see that cute thing I keep hearing about.
Azul: The queue even extends outside the Lounge?
Azul: Hm? That's…
[Azultsum bounces around]
Azul: While I was off ordering supplies and ingredients…
Azul: The Tsum was instructed to stay near the storefront as our adorable mascot.
Azul: What are Jade and Floyd doing, allowing it to roam around as it pleases?
[Azultsum nudges a student]
Azul: The Tsum is pressing one of the Lounge's menus onto a customer?
Heartslabyul Student: H-Hey, stop it. If you keep trying to forcibly push me like that…
Heartslabyul Student: There's no way I'd be able to not order anything! You're too cute!
Azul: What?
Heartslabyul Student: Excuse meee! I'd like to order! Can I get a refill of my drink, and… Also a dessert!
Azul: What in the…
Floyd: Ohhh? Hey, it's Azul. What're you doin' just standing around while we're runnin' around all busy?
Jade: Oh, you've returned. I hadn't noticed due to our little café being much more swamped than usual.
Azul: Jade, Floyd, what is happening here?
Jade: I think you can clearly see what exactly is happening here.
[Azultsum presses a menu against another student]
Scarabia Student: Ah, yeah. The way you push that up against me like that…
Scarabia Student: It's too cute, dammit!  Bring me another drink―
Jade: We've had customer after customer become simply enthralled by how the Tsum eagerly presses the menus onto them with its tiny body…
Jade: Everyone is placing orders left and right, like you wouldn't believe.
Floyd: Yeah, and it's 'cause of that I'm super tired.
Floyd: And if we left Jade's Tsum out on the main floor, it'd prolly just ransack the place, so we had to put it to work in the kitchen.
Jade: That Tsum was so eager to assist us out here, too. It seemed so disappointed that its helping hand was slapped away.
Jade: But putting that aside, if we continue at this pace, we expect our sales to increase by 5 times the usual amount.
Azul: 5 times!?
Azul: True, when Floyd's Tsum was here last, sales increased threefold. Are you telling me that we've already surpassed that amount?
Azul: I should expect nothing less from a Tsum that bears my likeness. I am elated it has great business acumen…!
Jade: Isn't it quite an astonishing amount?
Azul: Indeed. This is a fantastic outcome! I shall have to heap praise onto that Tsum later!
Azul: If it would continue to generate such high profits like this, I would wish that we could keep my mini-me Tsum here forever.
Azul: Ah, and of course, Jade and Floyd. You've both done a fantastic job.
Azul: The increase in sales is all thanks to the two of you allowing the Tsum to do as it pleases!
Floyd: Ahah. It's so rare for you to openly and honestly compliment us like this. Must've been super happy, huh.
Jade: I'm honored by your praise. Incidentally, Azul, would you allow us to suggest something?
Azul: Suggest what?
Jade: We would like to entrust the ownership of the Mostro Lounge to the Tsum.
Jade: That is, in your stead
Azul: Wh-What!?
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @pianostarinwonderland and @symphonyprincessuta.
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