#pom shadows
What are Mutabilis Demons?
Mutabilis demons, or shifters, are a race of shapeshifting demons that were originally a single devil named Mutabilis.
Mutabilis's core was found and shattered when they sided with the nephalem daughter of Truth and Lust named Shade, who tried to overthrow the gods and establish herself as the only god of New Earth. (She will be her own post)
The shattered pieces became the cores for new demons, making them the youngest race on New Earth (all the shifters that are main and secondary characters are the third and youngest generation).
They are untrusted, especially in the after realms, due to both their history with Shade when Mutabilis was whole and the fact that many have formed cults that worship the imprisoned nephalem. This leads to unfair discrimination, especially when it comes to them taking positions of power, where one can be seen as untrustworthy for even knowing a Shade worshipper regardless if they themselves take part.
Shifters come in many shapes, sizes, and forms. They are so diverse that there are only three defining traits for them
1) they will typically have at least one body part that is disconnected from the rest of their body, but still functions like an attached limb. This helps with energy preservation and management
2) they have a crystal-like core they can revert to if their body is greatly damaged or they lose too much energy. Shattering this core will kill the demon instantly
3) their blood can come in many colors and will float in a way similar to water when it's in space
They can combine to create stronger shifters, though this is not the way they reproduce nor is it related to how they reproduce, it's an ability that comes from the fact that they originated as a single being and therefore can become one with another. Many of the cults of Shade even believe that combining enough Shifters would make them whole again and revive Mutabilis in way.
There is little known about them since they are relatively new to the world, but biologists on new earth do their best to learn how these curious demons work
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tenderdevils · 15 days
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Saw a cute reference - wanted to draw it in Vinlu form. ♥️
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Hey, hey, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything over here!! But that's (probably) about to change since,
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(I wanted to try using pens/markers since I knew that would pop more)
Look at all those bright, colorful characters. Anyways, uhhhh... Please send them asks. :)
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connor-dioda · 9 months
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shampoo of the colossus
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lord-prey · 3 months
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They’re a hive mind :)
And they’re here to impersonate a weird hellspawn they saw roaming the domain they call home
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profkaytonart · 2 years
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Having a Black Friday Sale! I've got lots of keychains, stickers, and my bread and butter, mousepads and TCG playmats!
Do not worry, If you see this post blazed, I will also blaze an image of my favorite crab to keep the balance. Thanks for looking : )
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choco-pudding · 1 year
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Being enabled to draw things.
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gijoe-forever · 1 year
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valentinbelleyh505 · 7 months
happy belated birthday! :D, if you saw the fnaf movie does that mean the koopalings, broodals and others were there too? Were they dressed up, if so tell me what costumes they were in :3
tysm!! 💜💜💜
and of course koopalings and others watch the FNaF movie! And yes they're go with cosplay! The list of they cosplay oldest to youngest:
Boom-Boom — Molten Freddy (Five Night at Freddy's 6 - Pizza Simulator)
Spewart — GlitchTrap (Five Night at Freddy's VR - Help Wanted)
Ludwig — Puppet (Five Night at Freddy's 2)
Pom-Pom — Circus Baby (Five Night at Freddy's 5 - Sister Location)
Roy — Foxy The Pirate (Five Night at Freddy's 1)
Rango — Funtime Foxy (Five Night at Freddy's 5 - Sister Location)
Lemmy — Ennard (Five Night at Freddy's 5 - Sister Location)
Iggy — Helpy (Five Night at Freddy's 9 - Security Breach)
Hariet — Vanny (Five Night at Freddy's 9 - Security Breach)
Motley Bossblob — Eclipse (Five Night at Freddy's 9 - Security Breach DLC)
Topper — Toy Bonnie (Five Night at Freddy's 2)
Wendy — Mangle (Five Night at Freddy's 2)
Morton — Lefty (Five Night at Freddy's 6 - Pizza Simulator)
Larry — Gregory (Five Night at Freddy's 9 - Security Breach)
Vivian — Cassie (Five Night at Freddy's 9 - Security Breach DLC)
Bowser Jr. — Balloon Boy (Five Night at Freddy's 2)
Crispen — SpringTrap
John — Ballora
Valentina (this is me!) — Security Puppet ( Five Night at Freddy's 6 - Pizza Simulator)
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meownotgood · 1 year
quiet dream. / dan heng x reader, 18+, smut, reader is fem bodied, grinding, thigh-fucking, fingering, creampie, soft dan heng, reader is super needy, dan heng offers to help when you can't sleep. word count: 4.7k
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You can't sleep. 
It's a realization you've slowly come to after waking up in the middle of the night several times in a row, but it really starts to hit you like a truck after the fourth. This time, you don't even bother to try and close your eyes again. You just sigh, twist onto your back, and stare begrudgingly at the shadows on the ceiling. 
You want to get some rest, you really do. You know you're going to need it. You can't let exhaustion affect your performance on such a difficult and important mission. But no matter how hard you try, it's damn near impossible to sleep when every time you start to drift off, you get interrupted by dark visions and terrible nightmares and loud voices you don't recognize echoing inside your head. 
It's been plaguing you ever since you first set foot in Belobog. You were almost starting to think you were losing it. Perhaps this hotel is cursed. Or maybe not, since none of your comrades seem to be suffering from the same fate. 
You stumbled out of your room and saw your teammates already waiting for you in the hall. March chuckles and tells you she had a nice dream about making snow angels with Pom Pom. Dan Heng doesn't look up from his phone as he answers, I didn't have any dreams. 
So it's just you. 
At this point, you've tried absolutely everything — you've made yourself comfortable in every position you can think of, you've got up and paced around hoping it'd relieve some of your energy, you've tossed and turned and yet still, nothing has helped. No, no, you can't take this, you have to do something. When your missions are only getting more and more difficult, you're going to need all the energy you can get. You can't go another night without sleeping. 
Your brain spins with ideas of possible solutions. You can't get any medicine, it's way past the time for any stores to be open. Can't get any food or something to drink either. You don't feel like bothering March 7th, she'll just babble on and on and keep you up even further. Sitting here alone in silence though, with nothing but the idle hum of the passing train cars to keep you company does nothing but make your insomnia worse. 
When it comes down to it, there's only one last idea you can think of. 
You fling the covers away from your face and sit up to plant both your feet on the ground. You open the door to your room as slowly as you can to keep it from creaking, and you carefully make your way down the hall, rounding the corner, to the first room on your left. Sucking in a nervous breath, you raise your knuckle and knock, but when there's no response after a few seconds, you twist the doorknob and invite yourself inside. 
The blankets shuffle and Dan Heng lifts his head immediately, hair messy and eyes squinted as they adjust to the sudden flood of light. He seems to relax, tense shoulders slumping once he realizes it's only you. 
"What happened?" His voice is rough and laced with tiredness, but he's sitting up further, and he's getting right to the point, "Are you okay?" 
"Nothing, I'm fine. Relax." You raise your hands defensively and gently close the door behind you with your heel. It clicks shut. "I can't sleep, so I figured I'd stay with you for a bit. If that's okay." 
Dan Heng eyes you up and down, considering, before he flops back onto the bed with a quiet sigh, the mattress bouncing from the sudden weight. 
"Sorry, I'll leave if you want me to." 
"No," He retorts sternly, shaking his head, his response catching you a little off guard. Is he really okay with this? 
Much to your surprise, he continues, "It's fine, I understand. Here." Then, he shifts, turning over and onto his side to make some space next to him. "You can sleep with me if you think it'll help." 
Quickly, without giving him a chance to change his mind, you make your way over, and Dan Heng lifts the covers so you can crawl in. You aren't used to seeing him like this; his hair all ruffled, his clothes casual, just a blank t-shirt and sweats. When you settle in and he leans his head onto the fluffy white pillow, you swear you catch him trying to stifle a yawn. 
Honestly, you really didn't expect him to let you in so easily, either. You haven't known him for very long, but you're somewhat familiar with each other, to the point you'd consider him your friend, but Dan Heng's a private sort of person. He's a bit stiff, a bit hard to talk with — You like him, you really do. You like those parts of him. You like the way he's serious and smart and strong, how he's much kinder than he appears. 
You like the way his nose scrunches when he's focused on something. You like how he cares for you awkwardly but earnestly, slipping his jacket off of his arms and draping it over your shoulders when you first arrived to Jarilo-VI and said you felt cold. He cleared his throat and glanced away, muttering something half-hearted like, Just thank me later. 
The thing is, despite all that, despite everything he's done for you, you can't seem to figure out the way he feels. Dan Heng is the most impossible person you think has ever existed. 
And right now, even though he's invited you to come lay next to him, you still can't decide, and your brain is a little too scrambled to really start thinking about it. 
He's already shut his eyes again, his face is close, wisps of dark hair messy. His chest rises and falls, up and down. 
"Did I wake you up?" 
He cracks his eyes back open when he hears you speak once more. 
"Yes." Dan Heng answers bluntly, and if you weren't feeling so shitty right now you might've just chuckled. 
"Don't worry about it." The smallest specs of golden light cast from the street lamps outside reflect in his gaze. "I wasn't upset. I'm more concerned about you. Why can't you sleep?"
"Mmm," You look away, shrugging your shoulders, "Bad dreams." 
"Nightmares, huh?" 
Yeah, he'd surely know a thing or two about that. Though, strangely, he hasn't had any bad dreams since arriving in Belobog. Maybe it's because the plush hotel beds are way comfier than his little setup on the Astral Express, he figures. 
The exhaustion in your tone doesn't lie: "They've been happening ever since we got here. And it's not a regular thing, it's the first time I've had so many dreams like this and… they're relentless." 
If the room was a little less dim, and if you were paying just a little more attention, you might have caught the way Dan Heng's expression starts to soften. 
"I'm sorry. I wonder if there's a reason for it. Something with the environment here." He says. You let your eyes close at the sound of his voice. "I'll check the data bank tomorrow. I researched Jarilo-VI thoroughly before we came here, and I don't remember anything like that in any of the submissions, but… I suppose I might've missed it." 
You snuggle into the pillow, your body feels warm and light; Dan Heng's presence alone provides you with comfort, and you're already starting to drift off. You silently hope to yourself that this will be the last time, and then you murmur in response, "Dunno. I'm tired, you can tell me about it later." 
"Right." Dan Heng answers. "I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight." 
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Dan Heng is losing his mind. 
When you first stumbled into his room, he didn't think anything of it. He knows how difficult nightmares can be, especially the ones that seem to be affecting you. Until now, he's never seen you so troubled. He doesn't have a problem keeping you company — you'd do the same for him, and he knows that.
The first time, you managed to drift off for an hour or so. He stayed awake for a while to watch over you, and when you ended up waking up from another bad dream, Dan Heng slung an arm around you, he rubbed your back with his palm and tried to mutter something into your ear to help you fall asleep: some boring story he learned from the archives.
But you were quick to wake again. And again, and again. Nothing worked, trying his best to help you has only served to make him just as restless as you are, and right now you, you're just —
"Dan Heng, please." 
You say his name in a voice so pleading, so sweet and sugary it takes nearly everything he has to struggle to resist. A warm blaze of heat rushes to every corner of his face, his breath is hot and thick, the slightest bit shaky when it fans over the expanse of your neck. In your tossing and turning, you've chosen to face away from him now, with your back pressed deft to his chest. Dan Heng wonders how strongly you can feel the thudding of his heart. 
The proximity alone is enough to get his heart pounding — you're so warm, so close, he can't take it — but each and every word you say makes it so much worse, and you keep shifting back, you keep pressing into him and you just have to know what you're doing. 
"You're still awake." 
Dan Heng breathes the words into your ear, his voice as still as he can get it. Matter-of-fact, just an observation. Not acknowledging anything but not ignoring you either. Exactly as you'd expect him to respond. 
Softly, barely audible, you grumble back a simple response: "Yeah." 
"Get some rest."
You back up into him a bit more, your ass rubs against his groin, right there; you both sigh in unison, yours of relief, his more like exasperation. 
Dan Heng grips you hard, fingers curled into your side. "Stop it." 
"I can't, I can't fall asleep like this. You're so stubborn." You huff, and you sound honest with that, you're seemingly breathless already. 
It's half his fault this is happening. He'll take some of the blame. Perhaps he shouldn't have held you so close earlier. When your breathing got faster, when you hugged him tighter, maybe it was wrong of him to let his lips ghost over your neck, or his palms drift over your thighs. 
He wasn't trying to take things this far, he's never had any bad intentions. He's the one in the wrong for getting carried away. You were just so close, and Dan Heng hasn't been able to stop his heart from pounding for hours now. 
It wouldn't be the first time he's thought more with his heart than his brain. Stupid. 
He swallows the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry." 
He's realizing he's weaker than he thought he was, he's more obvious about his feelings for you than he intended. He has to be stubborn, but he's already failed, because you've gone and found him out. Now, you know. 
You know, because you're gripping his arm with an urgency, you're twisting around and forcing him to meet your desperate eyes while your free hand finds and fiddles with the loose drawstrings of his sweatpants. 
Dan Heng, please fuck me. 
God, how can you say that without even hesitating? His head is spinning. He feels dizzy, he feels like this isn't really happening.
"You're- that's enough." He presses his hand to your shoulder and shoves, but clearly with no force behind it. You don't budge. 
"How many more times?" Your warm fingers are working their way under the hem of his pants now, teasing his bare skin ever-so slightly, "How many more times do I have to ask?" 
How much longer, because you know he's going to give in. 
"I-" Dan Heng looks away, anywhere but where you're staring at him. He breathes a long, heavy sigh out from his mouth. There's an ache in his chest he can't possibly shake, and an even harder throb between his legs. 
He shouldn't. He really, really shouldn't. You don't have protection. You're not even dating. 
One hand twists up to hold the back of his neck, and when the other brushes down to squeeze the bulge of his stiffening cock through his sweats, Dan Heng starts to forget about all the things he'd better not do. 
He sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth, and with eyes half-open, he looks towards you again, finally. "You think it'll help you sleep?" 
You nod, "Mhmm." 
"And you're okay with that? This is really what you want?" 
"Yes, it is, I'm sure," You say, you're starting to tug his sweats from his hips and his breath is hitching and stuttering in his throat, "I can't wait any longer. I need you." 
Dan Heng gives himself just one more moment to attempt to compose himself. Your thumbs brush the space just underneath his hip bones, and he takes an unconvincing deep breath in. Then, he's placing his hand on your chest and gently pushing you back; the hotel bed creaks, the mattress shifts and the sheets rustle as he slowly climbs on top of you. 
"Need is a strong word," Fingers grasped around the hem, he makes quick work of shedding his t-shirt. The crisp night air is colder than he thought. The dim light casts most of his face in shadow. "What's got you like this?" 
"You want it with me just as badly, don't you?" 
You've dodged the question. But you aren't wrong. 
"Just this once." Dan Heng affirms, "We won't bring it up again." 
One time. That'll be enough. If he's lucky, you'll save him the embarrassment and remember this as just another dream. 
When it comes to you, he's just too weak. 
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"Dan Heng-"
There it is again, you're saying his name in a tone reserved just for him — Dan Heng gasps, he fucks up into you a little harder, he rams right into your sweet spot and you grasp his forearm to steady yourself, his muscles firm when you squeeze. The sound of skin against skin along with the rhythmic creak of the bed echo around the walls of the small hotel room. Arm wrapped around your stomach, you're on your side, and his body curls around yours, his head leant on your shoulder, hand tightly gripping the fat of your thigh. 
Sweat coats his skin, his head feels hazy, thoughts dreamy. By now, he's come to lose any semblance of lucidity he once had, any hope of not taking things any further. But when he's buried all the way inside you, he's hardly even come to realize.
His voice feels sore and tired, but he still manages to mumble into your ear, "Say it again." 
And you do, you say his name once more, twice more. Dan Heng fucks his cock right into that perfect spot for the hundredth time and you're cooing each syllable for him even louder. 
"S-Shit, you-" He interrupts himself with a gasp for breath, "You feel so amazing, I'm- I can't," He never sounds like this, so needy and awestruck. A soft moan uttered right into the nape of your neck, then, "I'm gonna cum again." 
Your fingers clench the sheets tighter, your breath comes out in short pants, "Wanna hear you say my name too, Dan Heng-"
His arms are shaking, and once he teeters over the edge he's practically biting down on your shoulder to keep himself from getting too loud; he focuses less on hitting the right spot and more on getting off, his thrusts into you become sloppy and clumsy and erratic. As he cums, chanting your name with each fragile breath, he just barely manages to find a moment of clarity, slipping out to fist his cock and empty all over the sheets. 
His heart thuds incessantly in his ears, drowning out everything else. He's gasping, wiping his hand off on the sheet, resting his forehead onto your shoulder and swallowing to keep his throat from drying up. 
"You alright?" Of course, your well-being is the first thing Dan Heng is concerned about. 
"I'm fine," You answer immediately. 
Dan Heng stays quiet for a few agonizingly long seconds. Slowly, he guides his half-hard cock to your thighs, he slides it in between them and feels it start to throb and pulse with need again once you squirm, adjusting to give him more room to work with. 
Warm, you're so warm, he closes his eyes and thrusts forwards and he's already thinking about how it's going to feel so much better when he puts it back inside you. 
"Sorry, what am I doing?" Dan Heng suddenly freezes, rubbing his temple with his fingers. He's absolutely losing his mind. "I'll stop. I'll stop if you want me to." 
"Don't," You reply, and he finds it difficult to object, "I want to keep going, come here." 
You're twisting around then, pulling away from him and shifting onto your back, splaying your arms above your head and blinking away whatever exhaustion is starting to form behind your eyelids. Dan Heng is quick to follow suit, settling into his familiar spot on top of you. 
He raises his hand, and he lets his knuckles brush tenderly over the side of your cheek. "You sure? You're still not tired?" 
Your response comes in the form of a hasty shake of your head and an eager grab of his arm. 
It's been like this for hours now. Dan Heng gives you what you want, you're satisfied for a bit until you beg and coax him into giving you more. The faintest hints of sunlight are starting to creep past the curtains now, and as much as Dan Heng is trying to hold on to his sanity as best as he can, he's really starting to think he's past the point of no return. 
How is he supposed to face you tomorrow? Hell, tomorrow is already practically here, and yet he still can't stop. 
He keeps telling himself the two of you need to calm down — but as you're gripping his hand, as you're pressing his fingertips over your swollen clit, dragging them down and getting them nice and wet on your arousal, his heart is once again caught in his throat and all he can do is listen. 
Dan Heng's whole body shivers. He gives you exactly what you want; he sinks his fingers into you knuckle-deep, he pumps them in and out to a slow and careful rhythm, slick sounds ringing in his ears. 
He quirks his fingers up and presses them right where they belong, and you can't manage to get out the other half of his name. 
"More?" Like he already knows what you're going to say, he pulls his fingers out before he even sees you nod, just like that. 
His palms find your waist, he holds you with shaking hands as if you're delicate. Shiny, wet precum is already budding at his slit, and he aligns his hips to press the needy tip of his dick to your entrance. His bottom lip finds its way between his teeth as he's sliding in, just barely, stretching you with just the fat tip of his cock; the rest of him aches, his eyelids flutter and he groans, he can't move. He can't, or he already won't last. 
Please, Dan Heng. Put it in all the way. 
You're greedy, so ridiculously insatiable. He doesn't blame you though. He can't. 
Here you are, always so kind to him, always asking so nicely. Always saying please, always loyal, always sticking by his side. Begging for him, all for him. He'd be stupid not to give you everything — everything you ask for, and every last second in the stretch of this infinite universe. 
Because you're special to him. You mean more to him than he'd ever be able to admit. And after being cooped up in the Astral Express for so long, after so much running and running and never finding his place, after never having time for anything like this and never realizing how badly he needed it, he knows he's even worse. 
It fits in so easy when he finally slides all the way in, like he was meant to be there. He stays still at first, taking deep breaths, getting used to the feeling. He's sensitive, way too sensitive. He tries his best to ignore it and focus on you. He rolls his shoulders backwards, waits for the moment you start to impatiently squirm. And then, he pulls back only to press all the way in; he starts up a gentle rhythm, taking things slow, fucking you nice and softly. 
Even just his shallow thrusts feel heavenly. Your nerves feel like they're on fire, you're warm all over from head to toe. You're a second away from choking out a plea for him to go harder, but Dan Heng seems to read your mind before you've spoken a single word. 
You're pretty when you're underneath him, pretty face and pretty wide eyes locked onto his. It's a pretty sight each time he buries the length of his cock all the way inside you, shaft slick and wet and glistening when he pulls it out. You make the prettiest noises when he shoves in deep only to pull out and slam himself back inside, you've got the prettiest expression as he grips your legs and folds them up to fuck his dick into you even harder than before. 
You've always been pretty in his eyes. But more than anything, he wants to see how pretty you'll look when he makes you fall apart. 
"You're getting loud," He mumbles, in that matter-of-fact way you've come to expect. He doesn't slow down though, doesn't give you a moment to breathe; he squeezes your thighs and rubs them with his palms. "If we keep going like this- they'll hear. You know that?" 
"Don't care," You can barely get out the words, your back takes on a tell-tale arch, "Let them. Just don't stop." 
Dan Heng isn't sure how thin these walls are. But in hindsight, it might be too late. The thought makes him feel dirty. He should have considered quieting down a long time ago. 
Forehead to forehead with you, his pace speeds up a little, a tight knot forms in the pit of your stomach. His hair is a thick, tangled mess, even messier when you reach up to run your fingers through; you grasp and tug, sending waves down his spine, and Dan Heng can't help but whimper. He bucks into you hard, desperately, and you can't do anything but claw at his back, leaving scrapes and marks of red. 
He's panting, his face is inches away from yours; he can't take it anymore. He starts with a single quiet please, and when you cup his cheek in your hand he's sighing and stammering without even thinking, "Please I- please kiss me, please please please-"
You pull him closer, he tilts his head and you shut him up as your lips connect for the first time tonight — Dan Heng kisses you softly, his lips plush, his heart flutters and flips. His first kiss with you, and it's so much more desperate than he expected, but he needs this too badly to take things slow. Your lips part and he's groaning, licking into your mouth, sucking on your tongue. 
He takes the opportunity to grab your thigh, tossing your leg over his shoulder to give himself a better angle. He pistons in and out at a steady pace until you're about to snap, until everything else is melting away and you're focused on nothing but him. Until he gets carried away, the tip of his cock shoves in too deep, and you're tossing your head back, crying so loudly you're certain someone would hear. He feels so good you can't bother to care. 
"M'close," You're mumbling once he gives you a moment to breathe, dragging away from your lips to plant wet kisses onto your cheek, your jaw, your neck. Your fingertips drag along his back, you feel out the shape of his mismatched scars — you're whining even louder, begging for him to make you cum, and Dan Heng is really, really done for. 
He's thought himself to be somewhat of a strong person. Someone with a good resolve. Tonight, you're making him rethink everything. 
He's close too, movements getting sloppy, it's growing harder and harder for him to hold back how you make him feel. He's never felt like this, never been so desperate. Dan Heng's fingers twitch, he moans and wraps an arm around your back securely. He rests his head in your nape and sighs, breath warm and heavy on your skin. 
"I-" He hesitates, because even now, even after all this, he's nervous to speak; his chest heaves, his whole body's trembling. "I want to cum with you."
"Don't pull out, please Dan Heng, it feels so good, you're making me feel so good-" 
He shouldn't listen to you. But he will. And he won't even think twice. 
"Gonna cum," His shoulders tense, his voice nearly breaks, "F-Fuck, you're so sweet, I'm-" A stuttery whine, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming…" 
A few more sloppy thrusts and you're both done for. Wet sounds fill your ears, Dan Heng reaches up with an unsteady hand and grips the headboard to keep himself steady. When you cum, clenching hard and throbbing around his cock, chanting his name just as he hoped you would, Dan Heng has little pent-up tears forming in the corners of his eyes, he hastily covers your mouth with his free hand, your noises muffled on his palm. He's riding his high out with you and fucking you through it all, biting hard on his bottom lip to stay quiet, shamelessly spilling every drop of his spend inside. 
It takes a while for him to finally slow down, for his vision to unblur. He nearly collapses on top of you, and it takes him even longer to work up the strength to pull out. 
The early-morning sun shines even brighter through the curtains. His fingers slip over your cheek, they fiddle idly with your ear. He kisses your lips once before finally settling, rolling over next to you with his eyes already closed. 
"Dan Heng." 
He was hoping you'd managed to fall asleep, finally. He gives himself a second to regain some energy, and then with a huff, he lifts his head and props himself up on his elbows, meeting your eyes. 
"I don't want this to end." 
Your words catch him by surprise. Your genuine expression does even more so. 
"It won't," He concludes, earnest as ever. Your hands are splayed out above your head, clenching and unclenching, and he grips one to give you something to hold onto. "I'm not going anywhere. And I won't forget about this, or about you. I'll be here when you get up, do you think you can try and get some rest now? It's late." 
It's early, more so. 
You offer him a shallow nod in response, and Dan Heng wastes no time fluffing your pillow, pulling the covers over you, and giving you some space to curl up. He doesn't bother to find your clothes, he just tucks the blankets in around you and hopes that'll suffice for now. 
"I…" He gets comfy next to you, resting his head on his arm. "I don't want this to end either. I don't. I didn't even think it was happening for a while. I think… I think we should focus on our mission. We can't afford to get distracted. But when we're back on the Astral Express- Once we've got more time on our hands, we can talk about this. How's that?" 
You don't answer. He takes a few moments to realize you've stilled, your chest calmly rising and falling. 
"Are you asleep?" 
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backtrack-cc · 5 months
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🧶 Knitted Dreams Set 🧶
V-Neck Knit Dress
14 swatches
Normal/Shadow Maps
HQ compatible
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Comfy Knit High Socks
14 swatches
Normal Map
HQ compatible
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Pom Knit Beanie
14 swatches
Hat Category / No compatible with hat slider
Normal Map
HQ compatible
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- Public January/18
Support me on Patreon to get early access to my cc: patreon.com/backtrackcc ✨
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ataraxiaspainting · 3 months
Talk That Talk.
Dan Heng x GN Reader.
Synopsis: Dan Heng has no idea how you can talk so much.
Word Count: 500.
You two are at it yet again.
Dan Heng does not know how to feel about you chatting it up for the fourth time this evening with March. He was not annoyed by it, no. But he is not entirely thrilled either. Dan Heng has never been one to have much intrapersonal intelligence when it comes to his emotions, so at this prospect, he is not surprised. He expected it. It is what he does best, after all, predicting what is to come and never getting too off course.
Mr. Yang stands up from his armchair, grasping his cane as he takes a few steps forward towards him, slowly, calmly, the little creaking sounds of the Astral Express’s floors somehow being comforting to Dan Heng. “Something wrong? They won’t bite your head off if you join their conversation, you know.”
The voice is whispered but still fills Dan Heng’s mind with something akin to deja vu. He can hear someone saying similar reassuring prospects to him along with a clattering noise of wine glasses touching each other as there is cheering from both others and himself.
He doesn’t remember the moment exactly, though, as much as he tries, despite closing his eyes and attempting to see forgotten memories of the past that were cast into shadow long ago. Eventually, he gives up, opening them once more to see you and March still conversing, but something is different, he notes. A small box is in your hands, covered in teal wrapping paper and knotted with white and black ribbon. When did that happen?
He has been trapped in his thoughts for far, far too long, he thinks.
Mr. Yang even went back to reading his book in his armchair, his cane looking like it had been leaning against the table for at least five minutes. Himeko is pouring freshly ground coffee beans into her French press, the press in question being emptied by you and March a few moments earlier. Dan Heng stops himself from sighing. At least he knows where all of your energy comes from.
He takes the words of Mr. Yang and that unknown person to heart. “I believe in you.”
He has to remind himself that both of them are genuine. They do believe in him, so much more than he believes in himself. It isn’t a hard thing to do, but regardless, it is still something significant. 
So, finally gathering the courage to do so, he walks towards you two. To his surprise and March’s giggling, you bow your head as you present him with the wrapped box, looking down to the floor with your cheeks a light pink.
“Took you long enough, silly! They’ve been waiting forever for you to show! I was getting tired of playing Miss Notice Me…”
He does not know what to say, so he starts stuttering. So do you.
“S-Stop it, March!” You both exclaim.
…This entire time, you were trying to give a gift to him?
From different corners, all eyeing the situation, Welt, Himeko, and Pom-Pom all grin.
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milksnake-tea · 11 months
Can I ask for Nanook and Yaoshi (separate) x gn!reader whose a nameless hcs? ( akivili hasn't died yet)
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loving nameless.
characters: nanook, yaoshi
contains: ooc!characters, slight yandere themes ??
a/n: these two were pretty similar so i bunched them up together, hope u don't mind! personally i can't see nanook abandoning their path to join the express so im sorry that will not be included 😭😭 i know u said nanook is ooc but my perfectionist self is too stickly for that HAUSHSU the yaoshi bias is real here tho
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The second you mention your relationship, you're immediately faced with backlash. Both Welt and Akivili are absolutely appalled at the very notion of you being lovers with Nanook of all people. The Express members were practically begging you to reconsider, after all, Nanook was their mortal enemy. Nanook was dangerous, evil, and well... Nanook.
But Nanook was devoted to you, and wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. You can still remember the dangerous flash in their molten eyes when Welt voiced his opposition, antimatter forming around them as they burned figurative holes into his body.
For a terrifying moment, you were afraid that they would simply kill the man, but it seemed that the presence of another Aeon made Nanook remember themself. In the end, they merely reminded the Trailblaze they were more than capable of destroying both Akivili and the Express, end of discussion.
The Express took a while to get used to the Destruction's visits. Pom-Pom hid behind Welt's legs whenever the Aeon appeared, but as time went on, the two of them grew to tolerate the other.
It's... ironic, to say the least, when Nanook welcomes you back after a trailblazing trip, especially after sealing one of their many Stellarons. It's something that has led to several playfights, where you whine to Nanook about what the Stellaron did to that world, while Nanook merely pats your head and pretends to care.
To be honest, you're the only reason why Nanook doesn't just plant another Stellaron after the one you just finished sealing.
Against you, the Aeon of Destruction looks akin to a kicked puppy whenever you drag them away from planets recovering from their Stellarons. There are certain planets whose civilizations you've befriended and are off-limits to Nanook's purge. It takes a lot out of the Aeon to go against the will of their Path, but they manage (you later catch them absolutely decimating another planet in order to satisfy their urges).
That said, when you do go on trailblazing missions, you have to be careful not to get hurt. Nanook obeys the "no murder" rule when on the Express, but any other worlds are fair game. Whenever you get so much so as a paper cut, you have to glare pointedly at the sky, knowing that Nanook was watching you.
All in all, being a Nameless as well as the lover of Nanook is quite the impressive feat. Many of the Express will never truly be accustomed to the Destruction, and the Stellarons often become an awkward topic.
But you make it work, somehow. Even if one day, you'll have to face down your lover for the sake of the galaxy.
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Yaoshi met you on the Xianzhou ships, when you, alongside your fellow Nameless, faced off against a couple of their Disciples. You were quite the thorn in the Disciples' side, foiling their plans left and right, and so Yaoshi became intrigued, wondering just who was giving them so much trouble.
For a while, they merely observed you from the shadows, keeping themself hidden from both the Xianzhou and the Disciples. They didn't see what the big deal was - you were powerful, sure, but so were the rest of your companions. If anything, Yaoshi wagered that the one holding the Stellaron within them, or that older gentleman were bigger threats than you were.
They really should've left it at that. They should've turned away, perhaps given their Disciples a little boost, but nevertheless, Yaoshi should've left.
But they didn't.
Something about you kept them there, on enemy territory. Something about you lured them in, enraptured them. They found that their eyes were never able to fully leave your form, watching you in awe as you fought against their people.
Yaoshi speaks in your dreams, always sweetly smiling as they converse with you. They're wary of revealing their true identity, knowing how the Xianzhou paints them as some kind of villain (the audacity of that Hunt, honestly).
For the most part, you know them as a stranger - a beautiful stranger, but a stranger nevertheless. They visit frequently, always asking the same things: How was your day today? Did anything of interest happen? Oh, the Abundance's creations caused you some issues as of late? How troublesome.
As time passes, you become accustomed, comfortable with their presence, and you begin looking forward to your meetings. With Yaoshi, you can vent your troubles without fear of judgement, exchange jokes you would've otherwise been embarrassed to say, anything your heart desires. Yaoshi makes it easy to let your guard down, especially with their kind and empathetic nature.
When they inevitably reveal themself as Yaoshi, the Aeon of Abundance, you truthfully weren't surprised. You've figured that they were some type of deity - the arms being a dead giveaway that they weren't human. Their frequent complaints about a certain "pursuer" only strengthened your suspicions.
But what shook you was their admittance to their attachment to you. Yaoshi hadn't planned on staying around for this long, but you, whether intentionally or not, had carved a spot for yourself right in the Aeon's heart.
You didn't know what to make of it. You knew, deep inside, that you felt the same way. You didn't want to push them away, but knowing that they were the reason behind the Xianzhou's suffering made you hesitate. Your friends on the Xianzhou would surely never forgive you if you became lovers with the Abundance.
But Yaoshi understood. They saw your conflict, your hesitance, and they smiled - that infuriatingly sweet, understanding smile. They took your hand in theirs, and kissed your forehead.
It's alright if you needed time to process everything. Yaoshi was nothing if not patient. Whenever you were ready, Yaoshi would be waiting for you with open arms.
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elizabethsnuts · 14 days
So I don't know if you've seen spy kids 3, but basically there's a scene where the mum has to go on a mission with her baby because she has no baby sitter and she just carries her in a baby carrier. The scene is low-key badass. Anyway, I was wondering if you could do something like that for winterwidows daughter. Like they have no one to babysit her and she has to go on the mission with her parents.
P.S. I love your work.
Family Mission
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Natasha and Bucky have no babysitter for you so they have no choice but to bring you on a mission to take down a HYDRA base.
A/N: Thank you for all the support on my work! It really means a lot to me that others enjoy reading it. It was my one year posting on tumblr a couple days ago, happy late tumblr birthday to me!
The morning sun filtered through the Avengers kitchen, casting a warm glow around the room where Bucky was finishing his coffee. Natasha, who was already dressed in her black tactical suit, was adjusting the baby carrier strapped to her chest, inside the carrier was you, gazing up at your mother with wide, curious eyes, cooing softly.
Bucky approached the two of you, his metal arm glinting in the sunlight. "Are you sure about this, Nat? Bringing Y/N along on a mission?"
Natasha gave him a reassuring smile. "We don't have much choice, do we? We can’t just keep her here by herself. Besides she’ll be looking at me the whole time."
Bucky leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. "Alright, we’ll keep her safe."
You all quickly boarded the Quinjet, where Tony was pacing the floor. Steve and Clint were gathered around a large holographic display of their mission target: a HYDRA base nestled in the Siberian wilderness.
Tony glanced up as Bucky and Natasha entered, you looked over to Tony with your little legs swinging in the carrier. "Well, look who's here. And they brought a little guest." His tone was a mix of amusement and surprise.
Steve raised an eyebrow. "Y/N? Are you sure about this?"
"We don't have a babysitter," Natasha said with a hint of defiance. "We'll manage."
You were secured in your carrier, staring at the flashing lights and buttons inside the jet, your tiny hands reaching out to grab at the air. Natasha couldn't help but smile at your innocence. Bucky sat beside the two of you, keeping a watchful eye on both his family and the surroundings.
The Quinjet hummed as it sliced through the sky, descending towards the snow-covered landscape of Siberia. As they approached the drop zone, Tony ran through the plan one last time. "Alright, Natasha, Bucky, you're with me. Clint, Steve, Thor, you take the north entrance."
The team split into their assigned groups. Natasha and Bucky, with you securely strapped to Natasha's chest, moved stealthily through the forest. The snow crunched softly under their boots as they approached the base's southern entrance.
You played with the little beanie on your head, giggling quietly as you touched the fuzzy pom-pom. Natasha looked down and smiled at your happy mood, though her face had a hint of worry.
The team were able to hack into the security system, disabling the cameras and unlocking the doors.
"We're in," Steve whispered through the comms.
"Okay, Malyshka," Natasha whispered, adjusting the sound-dampening headphones over your little ears. "Time to be a good girl for Mama and Daddy."
You giggled and waved your tiny hands around as if you were part of the mission. You had no idea what was going on but you liked going on an adventure with your parents.
The three of you slipped into the shadows, Bucky’s eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. Natasha moved silently, her skills honed from years of time in the Red Room. Your presence, surprisingly, didn’t hinder her. Instead, it seemed to sharpen her focus, giving her a greater purpose which was to keep you safe.
Inside the base, the corridors were eerily quiet while dimly lit. The team had done their job well, creating diversions and taking out patrols. Bucky and Natasha moved methodically, their silent communication seamless.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Natasha whispered to you, her lips curving into a smile.
As the central control room became closer into view, you began to babble softly, your eyes wide with curiosity. Natasha glanced down and smiled. "Almost there, Dorogoy," she whispered.
Bucky placed a small charge on the door, and they waited for the soft beep indicating it was ready. With a nod, the door blew open, and they rushed inside.
Alarms blared throughout the base. HYDRA reinforcements were closing in fast. Natasha and Bucky moved swiftly, taking down enemies with a coordinated dance of skill and precision. You in your carrier, just watched Natasha with a smile on your little face, your tiny hands clapping at the flashes of movement, oblivious to the danger.
With the last of the Hydra agents taken down, Natasha and Bucky quickly began gathering data from the computers. Steve’s voice crackled over the comms. "Status?"
"All clear," Natasha replied, her fingers flying over the keyboard. "We’ve got the data."
Navigating through the maze of corridors, they reached the exit quickly and ran back into the snowy forest.
“Mama!” You giggled, your little fingers tangled in her hair as flakes of snow hit your little pink cheeks.
Natasha laughed and kissed your head. “You did your first mission! You did so well!”
Back on the Quinjet, as they soared towards home, Natasha leaned back in her seat, exhausted but relieved. You, now sleepy, nestled against your mother's chest, your tiny hand gripping Natasha's suit.
"You did great today, baby," Natasha whispered, kissing the top of your head.
You babbled sleepily and closed your eyes, now feeling all warm in safe in Natasha’s arms. You loved the little adventure you had today.
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cloud-player · 1 year
Kiss Kiss Kiss (ft. HSR men)
gender neutral!reader as the trailblazer (caelus OR stelle) sfw, fluff, ~500 words each blade, dan heng, gepard landau, jing yuan
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It wasn't your first time seeing Blade, the feared sword of the Stellaron Hunters. You had already met before, at the Xianzhou Luofu's Divination Commission fight. You remembered his glowing red eyes, the burning gaze that seemed to have imprinted itself on the inside your eyelids. You just can't… stop thinking of him. With the situation in Xianzhou Luofo somehow dissipating into an uneasy calmness after the fight with the Ambrosial Arbor's huge deer thing, you had resorted to going around the giant flagship and looking for treasures in the remote corners of the streets. You never expected to see Blade on one of those treasure-hunting expeditions. "Hello, little mouse. Lost?" His smile is sinister and you felt your heart drop to your stomach. You were frozen, though what really scared you wasn't Blade himself-- it was more of your morbid fascination with this supposed enemy of yours and the Astral Express. "Seems like cat got your tongue, hm?" Blade left his shadowy spot and stepped into the light, ignoring the fact that his face is literally plastered on wanted signs everywhere in the Xianzhou Alliance. He neared you, head tilted just a little bit, seemingly sizing you up with interest and zero fear. "What do we have here?" Your throat actually closed up, no words forming even as your mouth parted slightly. You should be pulling out your weapon, or even just call for someone to help… but no, you just continued to stand there as if Blade had you in a trance. "D-don't come any closer!" You hated how you sounded so weak, but you hated how your body fell into his arms almost like a limp doll as he closed the distance between your bodies. Blade's eyes were trained on your lips, and when his tongue darted out over his own upper lip, you already know you've lost whatever battle it was. "Wait--!" You managed to squeak out as Blade surged forward and your lips clashed. There was no hesitation, no other thoughts, just the feel of his lips and his hands almost bruising your skin with how tight he was holding onto you. His kiss was as passionate as the fire you remembered burning in his eyes. Captivating. Dangerous. Just as you started to reciprocate, Blade decided it was enough. He pulled away with an evil smirk to look at your haze-dulled eyes, tucking a strand of stray hair from your face to behind your ear. "We'll see each other around, won't we, Y/N?" And just like that, Blade disappeared back into the shadows. The only thing that remained and proved that he was really was there was the lingering warmth left on your lips that you surely won't be forgetting anytime soon.
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Dan Heng has been holing himself up in his room at the Express the entire day. He didn't show up to eat with the entire crew that morning, lunch, or snacks. He even missed Pom-pom's coveted cupcakes with strawberry frosting! Worried, you decided to check up on him. You knocked on his cabin door, though you were already expecting to not hear a reply anyway so you started banging on the metal. Dan Heng could not just ignore a ruckus right outside his door, right? Whatever. Before you could intensify the noise, you heard Pom-pom yelling for you from the next hallway and felt fear strike you at what the terrifying conductor would do to you. You've heard from March 7th that Pom-pom does not take lightly to annoyances in the Express. Suddenly, the door opens and Dan Heng yanks you in. You let out a surprised shriek, but Dan Heng quickly covered your mouth with his hand. He then put a finger to his own lips to silence you as you both heard Pom-pom's tiny paws stomp down the hallway looking for you. "Y/N!" Pom-pom sounded really miffed, and you could hear your heart pounding. Not out of fear of Pom-pom, no-- Dan Heng's body was flush against yours as he had pressed your back onto the closed door of the Archives room. He wasn't looking at you, instead peeking at the stained glass window to check if Pom-pom had any idea of where you went. "Dan Heng--" You whispered, muffled by his hand, feeling hot and embarrassed. He shushed you quickly and quietly, still watching Pom-pom's movements. "Can't breathe!" You add, and he looked away from the window to glance at you. He blinked slowly, as if realizing what he's doing, then lowered his hand away from your mouth. He might have released you, but you were still squished between the door and Dan Heng. His hot breathing burned the tip of your ear, and you can feel his own rapid heartbeats against your shoulder. Pom-pom was still audibly stomping around on the other side of the door, but all that mattered to you was Dan Heng in front of you-- and could the Aeons really blame you for what you did next? Your arms ended up looping around Dan Heng's neck, suprising him enough to pull away slightly, but your hold had already secured him in place. In a split second, your lips were on him, and the surprised noise from him almost made you stop; until his own hands settled on your waist. Dan Heng kissed back with all the gentleness he rarely displayed. "Oh." You murmured when the kiss ended, a bit dazed. "I- I was just checking up on you." Dan Heng snorted at your embarrassment, and you hit his arm. "Are you sure it wasn't just to do that?" Dan Heng raised an eyebrow. You ended up whining, hitting his arm again, but you both shared a smile. Maybe a few kisses after as well.
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You were just helping Serval around the shop that day, having nothing else to do and lured in by the promise of Serval treating you to some sweet Osmanthus tea after finishing the job. It was more of you just sitting on a stool and listening to Serval talk while she fixes the circuits on some gadgets, but it was free snacks nevertheless. Gepard arrived not long after, hair a wild blonde mess from the wind outside. He froze at the doorway, seemingly surprised to see you there. "H- hi, Y/N." He then cleared his throat. "I didn't think you'd have some free time. I heard from Oleg that you're on an expedition--" Serval cut her brother off with a wave. "They're here to help me, Geppie." You only just smiled as Gepard nodded and occupied the stool next to you. "And you're here because..?" Serval trailed off as a loud ringing went off from the other room. With a sigh, she excused herself from the main room of the workshop, muttering about the new invention. "Is my sister being too much? You can always tell me if so, I'll be the one to tell her to stop bothering you." Gepard offered, looking for anything to distract him on the desk. His large hands fiddled with a loose coin-sized gear. "I know you're busy, Y/N." "It's alright; Serval's just lonely. She misses her little brother." You chide, elbowing him slightly. Your elbow was met with a wall of toughened muscles and you wondered if Gepard even felt it. "Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought the captain of the Silvermane Guards never takes a day off?" "I…" Gepard suddenly reddened, pursing his lips. You furrowed your eyebrows in concern, leaning closer to ask if he was okay or if he needed anything. He finished his sentence, though it was barely audible to you: "…wanted to ask Serval for advice on how to ask you for dinner or lunch…" "Why ask Serval when I'm already here?" You laughed, still fully in Gepard's space. He timidly scratched his neck, burning in embarrassment. "Well, to make things easier for you, captain… I do want to try that newly-opened restaurant in front of Goethe Hotel. I heard they make amazing Trotter steaks!" "Wait-- you're saying yes? You'll have dinner with me?" Gepard's demeanor changed immediately, brightening and his eyes shining with excitement. He almost looked like a puppy. He then caught himself, coughing fakely to regain his composure. You laughed at his efforts, unnoticing the way he stared at you, transfixed. So it was a surprise when Gepard suddenly cupped your face and kissed you. A surprised gasp bubbled out of you, but he kissed it away, easing you both slowly into a deep, passionate exchange.
As you pulled away for air, Gepard's eyes were still on you. Before any of you could say something, Serval started clapping from the doorway and wiping her tears away. Gepard groaned in embarrassment as Serval started singing about how she was so proud of her baby brother finally growing up. You tried to laugh the awkwardness off, though you only started to actually relax when Gepard found your hand under the desk and squeezed it.
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You've been helping out around the Xianzhou Luofu in your free time, running errands and some side quests with the Divination Commission. In fact, you've spent the last few days reading through endless scrolls detailing prophecies and battle plans. The General Jing Yuan was the last thing on your mind as you filtered through the task. "Y/N." a sudden voice jolted you out of concentration. You look up to see Jing Yuan standing with a smile in front of the table you've been hunched over. "Is this a bad time? You look absolutely taken by the manuscript." "Oh." You quickly straighten up, putting the scroll down. "Not at all, general! Can I help you with anything?" Jing Yuan hummed happily, plopping down on the plush zabuton beside you. He took a deep breath, quickly feeling at peace in your presence. "Yes, actually. I would very much like your assistance on something." Jing Yuan then turned to you. "Do you have any advice on how to spend the time in relaxation? I have so many paperworks to sift through, what with the recent troubles with the Stellaron. I was wondering if you would have any wise words for me, what with your interstellar knowledge." Admittedly, you haven't been paying attention to what Jing Yuan was saying. Your eyes were transfixed on his handsome face, with everything blurring out into static noise. His lips were looking soft and just too inviting to be ignored as well, curving into a beautiful crescent moon with all the brightness of the stars. "Y/N? Is there something on my face?" Jing Yuan's concerned voice shook you out of your stupor. He looked worried. "Are Fu Xuan and her divinators overworking you? That won't do. I'll talk to them right away--" "No, no--" You fought the urge to scream in embarrassment. "I'm… I'm sorry, General. I got distracted." "By my face?" Jing Yuan raised an eyebrow, seemingly amused by then. "Which part especially, if I may so inquire?" His tone was teasing and lighthearted, leaning closer to you. "I'd like to know what of my face makes Y/N so distracted so as to not listen to me." That counted as permission, right? You take a shuddering breath as you willed the distance between you and Jing Yuan away, smashing your lips together. He let out a pleased noise at your initiative, hands reaching out to settle on your waist and jaw as the kiss deepened. You were the first to pull away to catch your breath, and the look Jing Yuan fixed you with had you melting. He hummed, content, and pushed a stray lock of hair away from your face. "I think this is a good way to relax indeed."
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please don't repost without permission!
send asks/requests too~ what should i write next?
ALSO please ignore typos/errors, this isn't proofread and i was stuck on this for a week (ᗒᗣᗕ) + tumblr text editor kept closing what did i dooooo
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choco-pudding · 2 years
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Love this guy.
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