#plus this banana was worth it
corcracrow · 3 months
see. yes. I was going to cook
but then God gave me the SUN
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bananasofthorns · 6 days
I can already feel myself losing my voice LMAO it is going to be fucking dead by monday
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total-dxmure · 1 year
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x single mom!reader
summary: you’re a single mom just doing the best that she can to make ends meet. ellie can’t help but think that you're the kindest, most beautiful girl that she’s ever met. compared to taking care a little girl that's in her terrible twos, coming to terms with the fact that you’re a lesbian is a walk in the park. awkward first encounters, ellie’s broken gay-dar, and her overwhelming urge to take care of the care-giver. . . the road to domesticity is a long one, but it’s well worth the pining that it takes to get there.
warnings: hella SMUT! in future chapters, eventual substance use, no use of y/n (you have nicknames/petnames), the reader is marley’s biological mother, talk of coming to terms with ones sexuality, mention of a shitty baby daddy ( though there is no co-parenting between them), ellie is a total girl mom, lots and lots of fluff, ellie is an anxious dork in this fic, reader is broke but happy, ellie takes pride in being a provider, this is going to be a multi-part fic, ellie is an absolute simp for the reader since chapter one and will remain her #1 fan.
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There were a thousand different ways to tell someone that you loved them.
For you, it could be found in the way that your hands shook with exhaustion after a long night at work as you reached up for the off-brand box of mac n’ cheese. You had your calculator pulled up on your phone, trying to make sure that you had just enough in your bank account for a week's worth of groceries.
Or, it could be found in the simple way that you prepared your daughter’s breakfast in the mornings. Half dead from working eight hours at the little diner, located right off of the interstate. After what felt like a never ending shift dealing with drunk patrons, the first thing you did after getting just four hours of sleep was make your daughter a bowl of oatmeal. You fixed hers the way she liked it- with fresh bananas and strawberries. Fresh fruit was expensive though. A luxury. It was something that you didn’t see yourself worthy of, not when your precious daughter loved it so much. So you stuck to a dash of milk and a few sprinkles of brown sugar, wolfing it down after going without dinner.
You were a single parent, and while your mom and step dad loved watching her while you were at work, you felt incredibly guilty that you didn’t have the extra funds to pay them back for their hard work. You had rent, power, and water to worry about. Plus your insurance bill was incredibly high because of your age, even despite the fact that you drove a car that was nearly as old as you were.
You said “I love you” every time you fed your daughter before you fed yourself. You couldn’t remember the last time you had eaten a meal while it was still hot off of the stove.
You said “I love you” when you didn’t complain. You refused to be defeated or beaten down solely because you were a young single mother. You didn’t want Marley to remember her childhood that way. So you bought her cheap toys to keep her happy. You let her wipe sticky little hands all over the few articles of clothing that you owned. You let her lay in the bed with you when she couldn’t go to sleep, despite the fact that you barely got any shut eye yourself. You carried the weight of her on your shoulders and never complained.
And above all else, you didn’t regret her for a second.
Not when her father abandoned you to do god knows what. Not when you gave birth with just your mother in the room. Not when your lights got cut off. Not when you lost most of your friends, because what young adult wants to hang out with a two year old all the time?
Marley was your pride and joy despite all of it.
So you tossed the box of mac n’ cheese into the cart when she started to reach for it and added the cost of it onto your calculator.
You looked down at your phone as you pushed the buggy aimlessly forward, not sure what else you needed to pick up. You stuck your hand into the front pocket of your overalls, leafing around for your shopping list.
“Uh. . . long time no see.”
Your head snapped up as you heard the familiar raspy voice in front of you. Your stomach did a few flips as you took in her tight fitting boot cut jeans and gray tank top. Her nose wasn’t the only thing that was splattered with freckles, but her revealed shoulders as well. Ellie had looked good in her work clothes, but there was something extra attractive about the way that she dressed in her free time. It was all about comfort and mobility. She didn’t need loads of jewelry, or even makeup for that matter, to be beautiful. You suddenly felt underdressed for the grocery store, hyper aware of the fact that you had only slapped on some mascara before running out of the house.
Your eyes flickered down to the basket she was holding, and you couldn’t help but smile at the fact that the only thing in it was a case of beer and a few microwavable meals. Her dirty, paint covered hand tightened on the handle, and she shuffled her feet before clearing her throat.
“I know I look like hammered shi-” She caught herself, her eyes widening as she noted that Marley was with you. “Poop. Hammered poop.” She corrected, motioning over her outfit.
You brushed her off with a wave of your wrist, making a small noise of denial. If she thought that she looked bad, you didn’t want to even think about how you must look in her eyes. You’d barely had time to run a brush through your wild hair before jogging out the door.
“Do you have the day off?” You asked her, putting some of your weight onto the buggy. Your daughter started to get antsy, so you reached down into the buggy and handed her the rabbit plushie she had insisted on bringing with her, only to toss it behind her the second that the two of you started shopping.
You noticed Ellie’s eyes soften as she watched your daughter hug the small stuffed creature.
“Yeah,” She looked back over at you, her eyes just as soft as they had been a second ago. Your heart began doing that funny thing. The weird pounding ache that made you feel like you were dying. “I scheduled some time off so that I could help Joel repaint the outside of his house.”
Her boots were splattered with white, and now that you were really staring at her, so was her pants. A few baby hairs were still stuck to the sides of her neck and forehead, probably from sweating in the summer sun.
“That was nice of you.” You said simply, chewing on the inside of your lip as you tried to find something else to say.
You didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable, but it had been almost a week since you had last seen her, and she never had texted. You despised how sensitive you were, but you couldn’t help but see it as some sort of rejection. Maybe she had asked for your phone number instead of just giving you hers because she never planned on reaching back out at all.
“Nah, not really. He had an old Gibson lying around, so he gave it to me. That’s enough payment, I’d say.” She kicked an imaginary rock on the worn linoleum floor, trying to find a way to tell you that she hadn’t texted you because she’d been afraid without coming off as a complete pussy.
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion, and you spoke before you could even think the question through. “Gibson? Is that like. . . food or something?”
Ellie stood there for a second, lips parting as she stared at the confused look on your face. The longer she stared, the more embarrassed you felt.
‘Oh god, that’s totally not what she was talking about.’ You thought to yourself, damn near close to slapping yourself upside the head.
She had to place the basket down so that she could brace her hands onto her knees as she laughed. You had made her chuckle a few times the other day, but nothing like this. Her smile was so beautiful, her laugh so hearty, that you forgot the reason why you were embarrassed in the first place. Her laugh was as raspy as her voice was- if not more so. It was also loud. You were sure that people could hear it all throughout the grocery store, despite the loud 80’s throwback that was blasting over the speakers. You didn’t mind if people could hear her, so long as they knew that you were the one to inspire this sort of reaction. You’d happily continue to ask the dumbest questions on the planet if it meant that you got to hear her laugh like this again.
She straightened up, shaking her head a few times as she tried to take steadying breaths.
“I-I’m sorry. . . I’m not laughing at you. That was just- that was a really cute question.” You felt the need to look away from her green eyes. “A Gibson. Like the guitar? Ever heard of one?”
You did slap yourself upside the head, then promptly covered your face with both of your hands. “Oh my god. Of course. . . Holy shit, that’s embarrassing.” You whined.
“Hey,” Ellie smiled at you again. It looked like she was really starting to come out of her shell. All it took was you embarrassing the absolute hell out of yourself. You would have done it sooner if you’d known. “No ‘S’ bombs in front of Marley.” She playfully scolded.
“Right, right. Wouldn’t want a mini sailor as a roommate.” You looked over at the child in question, rolling your eyes as you noticed the poor rabbit’s ear practically halfway down her throat. “She has an odd fascination with trying to eat things that shouldn’t be eaten.” You explained, knowing that you’d have to toss her beloved stuffie straight into the wash the second that you got home.
“I mean. . .who hasn’t eaten something that they shouldn’t have? If bubblegum wasn’t supposed to be swallowed, then why do they make it taste so good?” She stuck one of her hands into the front pocket of her jeans.
“Don’t give her any ideas. I’m sure she’s going to be one hell of a gum eater.”
The two of you took a second to just stare at each other, unsure if the lack of contact should be mentioned or not. You were the first person to break and mention it.
“So. . . I never got a text from you. Was it the caffeine addiction or the two year old that scared you away?” You said it lightheartedly, letting her know that it wasn’t meant to be taken as a jab or a judgment of her character.
Ellie swallowed hard, looking down at her shoes so that she could come up with a way to gracefully answer the question. She decided that there wasn’t a smooth way to answer.
“Neither. I was. . . uh- I was sort of scared that you wouldn’t answer me if I texted you first. I was hoping that I would run into you again.” It sounded stupid now that she was saying it outloud.
It also made it sound like she had romantic intentions. Granted. . . she had hope, but she’d be happy just to call you a friend. If that was really the case though, she shouldn’t have felt so nervous to reach out to you in the first place.
It was nice being around you. It felt effortless, and you didn’t take her ‘rough around the edges’ personality the wrong way, like most people. She would like to blame Joel for her crass attitude, but she’d been like this far before she was adopted. The two of them just happened to be more alike than she cared to admit.
“How about this: you give me your number right now, and I’ll text you when I get home.” You felt ten times better knowing that you really had just been overthinking.
You handed over your phone, and smiled as she reached out for it, starting to type her number in. She paused for a second though, realizing that she was so frazzled over seeing you again that she had forgotten the phone number that she’d had since freshman year of high school. She wondered if it would be too cheesy to put some sort of emoji after her name, and decided against it. Her contact was saved under “Ellie Williams”.
It was right to the point. No nonsense. It was so her that all you could do was smile fondly down at your phone before shoving it back into the pocket of your overalls.
You were also guilty of reading her a bit wrong. She was far more shy and anxious than you gave her credit for. It was sweet, actually. Being forward wasn’t exactly something that you were very good at these days though. Your ex had. . . ruined you, for lack of a better phrase. You hadn’t dated in years, and while most would blame the fact that you had a child, you knew it wasn’t quite that. There were nice people that didn’t care about that sort of thing. Yes, they were few and far in between, but they were out there. The second that someone showed you even a bit of kindness that crossed the boundary of friendship, you often pulled back. Or away completely.
You’d always known that you were into women. It wasn’t a discussion that you had to have with anyone in your life though, because you and your ex had dated all the way back in high school. Queer kids often have some sort of “coming out” story, but you never felt the need to. After the messy breakup you hadn’t felt the need for romance. Were you lonely? Incredibly so, but you’d rather be alone than allow your daughter to get attached to someone only for them to leave.
Now that you were older, you started to realize that maybe you had settled with a man because that was what you thought you should do. Getting married and having children was just the thing to do around here. Living in a place like Jackson, there wasn’t a ton of representation. Now that you were more experienced in the ‘life’ category, it was safe to say that you couldn’t imagine yourself settling down with a man. It wasn’t because of the trauma that Marley’s father had put you through either, it was something that had always been there.  A part of you felt guilty that it had taken you so many years to gain the courage to be yourself, but you were far too young for it to be too late.
Or so you told yourself when the anxiety started to weigh down on your heart.
“Do you eat a lot of microwavable meals?” You asked her, pointing to the basket that she had picked back up after her fit of laughter.
She flushed. Like actually turned pink. You smiled as she let out a small groan, wiping a paint stained hand over her face.
“I was hoping you wouldn’t see those,” You didn’t feel as bad for pointing them out as you should have. Not when it gave you a solid reason to see her again. “I’m super busy with work, and after a long day of being around food, I really don’t feel like cooking for just myself.”
Bingo. She’s single.
The old fluorescent light above the aisle that the two of you were currently chattering away in flickered. The both of you looked up at it simultaneously.
“Well, if you ever want a home cooked meal. . . you could always come over to my place? As long as you don’t mind watching a two year old try to use a spoon. It looks like a murder scene.” You said, eyes still locked on the light. You were really putting yourself out there, and felt too scared to see her reaction to the question.
She forgot how to breathe for a second. Was she just being pathetically optimistic, or were you asking her on a . . . very casual date?
“I would really like that.” She breathed, nodding her head to emphasize the fact that she was more than happy to come over. Toddler and all.
Most people her age would be a bit put off by the fact that you had a child, but it was a nonfactor for Ellie. She’d had almost an entire week to fantasize about you. During her routine daydreams, she recognized that she wasn’t bothered by Marley. If anything. . . it made her like you more. You were capable, and she’d like to think that you were incredibly mature. Ellie needed that in her life. She would never vocalize it, but she wanted stability. She wanted happiness. She wanted you.
You made her feel like she was in high school again, which was good. The constant stomach flops and heart palpitations didn’t feel good, but she hadn’t felt this giddy about someone since. . . well, probably forever.
“Great,” You beamed at her, and once again she felt like she might double over. Was her hands shaking? Yeah. . . they totally were. “When is your next day off?”
“Sunday.” She answered a little too eagerly and nearly winced.
“Ah, that’s great! Same here. Well, how does five thirty sound? I’ll text you my address.” You, on the other hand, didn’t care how eager you sounded.
“Sounds like a plan.”
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“-and then I just. . . jogged off.” Ellie recalled, taking another drag off of the spliff before handing it over to Jesse.
She gave him a small shove when she noticed his slack jaw and narrowed eyes. He fell back against the couch, shaking his head wildly.
“No you didn’t.” He denied, hoping that his friend wasn’t that awkward.
“No, I totally did. The keys on my belt were jingling with how fast I was moving to get out of there. I forgot like. . . half of the things on my list.” She was mortified. She wanted to shrink down into a small ball and die. She was hoping that Jesse would give her some sound advice, but she should have known that he would give her major shit before going all Confucius on her.
“Oh my go-”Jesse’s barking laugh turned into a fit of coughs. Ellie wanted to think that it was the drug usage and not her retelling of the horrific events from earlier on in the day that was making him laugh so hard. He wiped at an invisible tear on his cheek, followed by a drawn out round of repeated “oooh that was good”’s.
“Help. Me.” Ellie said through clenched teeth, zipping her gray hoodie all the way up to her neck.
“Bring her flowers.” He said with a shrug, taking another long drag.
“I can’t bring her flowers, Jes! What if. . . I don’t know- what if she’s straight and I totally weird her out?” It would be a nightmare to show up with a gift like that, only to have read the situation completely wrong.
“. . . Can’t you tell if she’s gay or not? It’s not uncommon for people to realize they’re a lesbian after having kids.” Jesse’s brows furrowed as he blew off the ash from the eye of the spliff, handing it back over to her.
She took another long drag for courage before letting out a sigh, the smoke curling out from her mouth.
“I can’t. . . I can’t tell when it comes to that sort of thing.” She said lamely.
Jesse’s jaw dropped for a second time that night. Ellie sunk back into her overly-comfortable couch, pulling her hood up and over her head so that she could disappear.
“I just thought you had a thing for straight chicks this entire time,” He gasped, reaching out so that he could roughly shake her by her shoulders. “But you’re telling me that you’re a flaming homosexual and don’t have a gaydar?” He’d known her since high school, and he was just finding out? Damn. . . this entire time he thought that she must be some sort of masochist or something.
“Yes. Are you happy now? I don’t have a gaydar, and I have no clue if she’s sending me friendly signals, so I’m asking for your help.” She needed someone to spell it out to her. He’d seen you at the restaurant, afterall.
“. . . Did you happen to see her nails?”
“It’s almost like you want to get punched in the mouth.”
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welcometomyoasis · 6 months
Year end traditions with seventeen
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Synopsis: what year end traditions the seventeen members would have with you, the reader.  Svt x gn! reader | fluff | 1.9k words | warnings: alcohol A/n: Happy Holidays everyone! Have a good rest!
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Seungcheol and you would host a big feast with friends and family. While both of you as hosts would prepare most of the food, everyone was welcome to bring their favourite foods. You would all watch the sunset, maybe play some games, or watch a movie. The most important thing was that you were all together. The end of the year was a time to be nostalgic and reminisce, and that’s what you all intended to do. This time was special to everyone. You all carved out time in your busy schedules to be able to spend the time catching up with each other. Sure, you kept in contact during the year, but being physically together, basking in the warmth, each other’s presence, laughter and love? That was a feeling that no text or video call would be able to compare to. 
Jeonghan and you would visit seasonal farmer’s markets. Regular farmer’s markets were already fun, but seasonal ones? You should see the joy and childlike excitement painted on Jeonghan’s face. Seasonal farmer’s markets don’t happen every often, and some of the booths are different every year so you both make it a point to go. Jeonghan loves collecting adorable objects, especially handmade trinkets. As someone whose hobby is to put together legos or build tiny things, Jeonghan can appreciate that the artists poured their hearts, hard work, and time into each of the objects. Ultimately, you both would pick out a few that you would decorate your home with. Each of these pieces are unique, the only ones of their kind. To you and Jeonghan, these unique pieces made your home feel even more like your home. 
Joshua and you would take a road trip with no real destination. Okay, so you do book lodging for the few days you would be out of town. But, you both don’t have any real plans or a specific route that needs to be taken. You both just set off and see where your hearts want to take you. If there is anything that catches your eyes, you make sure to take a detour. You’ve found nice restaurants, a forest path, and many other hidden gems along the way. By the time you actually make it to where you are staying, you’re both exhausted. Still, the detours are worth it. You know the saying it’s about the journey not the destination? Well, it’s true. With Joshua, these journeys are always unpredictable, but undeniably full of laughs, fun, and new precious memories.
Junhui and you would make DIY advent calendars. You would both spend the whole year collecting little things that you can put inside. It could be a big present like jewelry, or it could be as simple as a napkin from this restaurant you went to for a date. Even joke gifts like a q-tip have been placed inside the calendars before. Watching each other’s face light up in joy, bewilderment, and sometimes feigned annoyance is almost as fun as making the calendars. It’s also a way for you to reminisce about what happened over the past year. You tried buying advent calendars from the store before, but those didn’t have the same kind of sentimental value that your homemade advent calendars do. The homemade ones reflect the love and memories that are special to the two of you. 
Hoshi and you would engage in a mistletoe war. The rules were simple really, you were both supposed to place mistletoe in the most ridiculous, most obscure places around your apartment. Then, you would try to get each other to go stand under the mistletoe. Hoshi won one year by attaching the mistletoe to the top of a thin wire which he attached above his hat. Yes, he looked ridiculous as if he was wearing a banana rack, but he was so smug when he won. Then there was the time you won by taping the mistletoe to a sweater hanging on the laundry rack. It might seem silly, but it was the silly little game you both enjoyed playing. Plus, there weren’t any real losers to the game since you both got kisses out of it. 
Wonwoo and you would go stargazing. You could see some stars from where you were living with Wonwoo, but the stars were so much clearer if you went out of town. You would both plan the trip extremely carefully, specifically choosing a day when there was supposed to be clear skies. The perfect stargazing spot has to be chosen as well. It was a tedious process. But definitely worth all the planning. Whenever you arrive at the spot with Wonwoo and you set up all your stargazing equipment, you both are in awe at how clear the sky is, and how clearly you can see all the constellations. You would lay next to Wonwoo, curled up by his side as you both pointed out all the constellations to each other. Sometimes, you both would even see a really rare constellation or star. That said, as much as you enjoy stargazing with Wonwoo, much to his adoration, you never fail to tell him that he was the biggest star in your life. 
Woozi and you would build pillow or blanket forts. Woozi wouldn’t want to go outdoors. He would prefer to stay indoors with you. So you would grab every single blanket and pillow from your apartment and bring them into the living room. Woozi would take charge to build the fort, using chairs and clothes pegs to hold the blankets in place. The pillows would make everything warm and cozy. He even strings fairy lights around the fort, and brings a battery powered lamp inside. It’s like camping, but without having to leave the comfort of your apartment. You would spend the time inside reading, talking or listening to Woozi produce new music. When the day ends, you both would try to spend the night there in the blanket fort. Sadly, you both usually only spend 1 or 2 hours sleeping there before your backs cry out for you bed. Still, the blanket fort remains up until the new year, a place for you and Woozi to crawl into for cuddles and quality time spent with each other. 
Dokyeom and you would write letters to Santa Claus. Writing letters to Santa Claus is always fun no matter what age you are. Whoever says adults can’t write these letters is a killjoy and would make Dokyeom so sad (we wouldn’t want that would we?). Just the thought about writing the words dear santa makes Dokyeom break out into a fit of giggles. Honestly you both wouldn’t even really write anything important like what gifts you wanted or what you wished the new year would be like. It would be more of a random letter filled with whatever you wanted. You both would feel so dizzy with happiness running to the post office to post the letter to Santa. Sure, you both knew Santa isn’t real but this is such a fun tradition. Something about it makes you feel warm, fuzzy, and content. Maybe, just maybe, it’s Dokyeom’s smile when he looks at you in glee when he finishes writing the letter? 
Minghao and you would go to a distant cabin to relax and get away for a while. Minghao would prefer to wrap up the year and welcome the new year in peace. Even if he couldn’t fly you both to a different country, he makes sure to whisk you away to a distant place for a good year end break. He strongly believes that if you can, you should take the time to rest and relax. The places he chooses are always beautiful, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. Morning sunrise walks, sunsets on the porch watching the warm orange light from the sun fade into the surroundings. This time spent with Minghao is so precious and you both are definitely rested before having to go back to real life to face the new year. The little year end getaway is like Minghao carving out a little oasis for the two of you so you can bask in each other’s presence. 
Minggyu and you would make mulled wine and spiked eggnog. Mingyu loves alcohol, that’s no secret. The year ending means that it’s time to make these special seasonal alcoholic drinks. Mingyu is also such a gentle soul and he would be the kind of person who would want to share all the good things he cooks with others. You both would brew a huge batch together every single year so you could give some to your friends and family. It’s always fun to stand around the kitchen preparing the ingredients with Mingyu. You do snitch some fruit much to Mingyu’s amusement and annoyance. He whines but never kicks you out. He loves your company and your help in the kitchen. Being with him in the kitchen is such an intimate, domestic moment that you hold dear to your heart. At the same time, you can see the passion he has for cooking and that fire that is ignited in him makes you swoon and fall in love with him all over again. 
Seungkwan and you would just sit together on the couch and recount all your favourite memories from the past year. Seungkwan doesn’t seem like the type who would like really extravagant year end traditions. He prefers to spend it simply with you in your shared apartment. You both would usually make a hot beverage (hot tea or hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows were your go to choices), and sit on the couch just chatting about everything and anything. Sure, you both do this pretty regularly, but something about the end of the year puts you both in a sentimental mood to recount all the little moments spent together. Time flies when this happens, and before you know it, the new year comes around. It doesn’t matter how seemingly simple or mundane talking on the couch may seem, you both immensely treasure each and every moment spent with each other. 
Vernon and you would make personalised ugly sweaters for each other. But it wasn’t as simple as you going to a shop that customised clothes. You both would venture out into the craft store every year to find the perfect materials to decorate the sweaters with. You both would buy glue, stickers, yarn, gemstones, a CD (?) and anything else that your hearts desired. Making these sweaters together was always a fun activity. By the end of it, you both would be covered in glitter and glue, but it was worth it. The sweaters got more and more ridiculous looking every year as both of you wanted to outdo each other. Still, you both really enjoyed the process. You might look stupid covered in glitter and glue while wearing the weirdest sweaters ever, but at least you both would look ridiculously cute stupid together. 
Dino and you would watch holiday movies. Okay, it wasn’t really holiday movies in the traditional sense. No Christmas movies, no road trip movies. Rather, both of you would watch the movies that you watched together during your first year end break as a couple. It was a funny story really. On the first day of your vacation that year, you both settled on the couch and were just flipping channels on the television. You happened to stumble upon this obscure movie channel with a mix of all sorts of weird, but enjoyable movies. Somehow, watching these movies felt right with Dino. And you both vowed to do it every year before new years, just as you both vowed to spend every year end together as much as possible in the future.
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taglist: @weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies @mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii @scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar
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pitchouna · 29 days
Hello!! I just loved your work!! So may I ask for a scenario where something happens to the reader and Goku becomes overproctective??
Love ya and take care❤️❤️
Overprotective Goku x reader!!
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HELLOOO!! I totally did not expect a request that fast damn but hey ig Goku fans are as down bad as much as I am 😔😔 you did not say what genre is the reader so I've done a general!!
Warnings : CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT / Reader is traumatized / Angst / Comfort / mentions of SA Words : 2154
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Goku is far from overprotective.
He knows you're strong and trusts you! Plus he's too dumb to understand.
But sometimes, he'll definitely feel it if you are uncomfortable.
And you definitely don't wan't to be the person he'll take care of.
Definitely not.
Today you and Goku planned to hang around the City to change a little. Everything was perfect!! He picked you up at your house and took you on a ride with the Nimbus cloud!! You both enjoyed the ride a lot and the atmosphere was very peaceful. Just how you love it.
You guys went shopping, (you forced him of course, but he actually enjoyed it!!) and even bought him some casual clothes because let's be honest right there he looks damn fine in casual clothes. You did not told him of course...
After you two were satisfied with your shopping, you decided to sit on a bench wondering what you guys will do next.
"So what you wanna do now?" Your relaxed voice startled Goku who seemed lost. Of course you noticed it. Because you're a smart-ass ofc ofc. "Goku you fine?" you asked in a confused tone. He looked alright all this time! Was he faking?? Those insecure thoughts you wanted to forget came back. "Hm? Oh yeah I'm alright! I'm just wondering what we should do next!!" Goku said in his usual happy tone making your worries vanish. He was actually thinking how great you looked in those clothes you bought today and looked further in seeing you in these more. As you both we're thinking what to do next you spotted an Ice cream truck catching your attention. It wasn't that close but it was still on your eyesight. "Oh! There's an ice truck over there!" This has immediately picked Goku's attention as sparkles appeared in his eyes. "Woohhh! Let's check that out Y/n!!" Goku said excited as both of you walk towards the Ice-cream truck and taking your hand in the process making you yelp in surprise and blush a little. But his enthusiasm just made you happier "Alright!! I hope it's not that expensive though and it better be worth it.." You said chuckling "Heheee... It'll be fine I guess~" Goku hummed.
As you both finished taking your orders you've ordered a Strawberry Banana Ice cream, and Goku have taken a Watermelon Grape mix. "What kind of mix is that?.." You said in a disgusted tone questioning the weird Saiyan's choices. "Don't know.... It sounded great!!.." Goku whined sounding disappointed. You hum in happiness as you're very proud of the mix of flavors you've choosen. "Hmmhh!! It's so good!! You should try Strawberry Banana next time!! How does yours taste?" You've asked the Saiyan as he takes a bite of his Ice-cream. "Uhmm.... It's okay... I guess... But Watermelon doesn't taste very well.." Goku said as the disappointment was obvious on his face. "Well it's not like I've warned you-Oh-Hey!!! Give it back!!" Goku has taken your ice cream and took the biggest bite ever leaving you with barely nothing left. "Hmmhh! You're right it tastes amazing!! I'll definitely listen to you next time!!" Goku says with a big smile on his face as you dramatically cry for your ice cream. "How could you.... How could you do this to me..." You dramatically cry as Goku's making fun of you "Heheee... You can take my Ice-cream instead!! It's better than nothing-Ouchh...!! That hurts!!" Goku whined his head hurting making you laugh like an antagonist. "Hahaa!! Deserved!! That's for stealing my Ice-cream you big monkey!!" Goku dramatically acts offended, joining in your little game "Heyyy!! That's not really nice of you you big!.... Big...... Uh.... I don't have any ideas... Ouch!!.." Goku still holds his forehead as the brain freeze just seems to get worse making you laugh. "I guess using your head will just hurt more.. Meh now you know you don't have to steal my food anymore." You said patting his head even if he's taller than you. "Yes yes..." He cried disappointed, as if he wanted to do that again. "Well what do you want to do know?" You've asked Goku before you heard sirens and people screaming immediately catching your attention. Your head turns at the direction the screams and you see a car driving extremely fast as the police chase them. "Damn what kind of people drive this fast?.." Goku asked "Suicidal people I guess." You've replied sarcastically not noticing the doors of the cars opening as it makes it's way behind you. You then fell a hand on your waist and on your mouth pulling you inside. Time went slow for Goku as his eyes widened processing what was happening. But before he could react the car was already far away. "Y/n!!" he has screamed so loud that you heard it, before your vision faded away. He quickly summoned the Nimbus cloud to follow the car.
You woke up tied up in a chair with a tissue covering your mouth. Your first decision was to look around knowing that struggling was pointless and it would just waste your energy. You seemed to be in a garage that you do not recognize. There are graffiti all around the place and some used dirty furniture. You heard a door opening immediately putting you on guard. What seemed like Gang members went inside, they were 17 they had weapons and seemed easy to fight one by one. But if they were all attacking you you won't stand a chance. Which made you forget the idea of beating them up. But before, you had to find a way of untying yourself. "Oh so that's the chick you've taken? She's smoking hot! We'll have a lot of fine with her.." One of the guys spoke. The way he talkedade your face twist in disgust predicting what's going to happen next. You're mentally preparing yourself to face it. Because you know you won't be able to escape it easily." Wait a second I want to hear her voice.." Another guy spoke. He seemed stronger than the others. So you assumed he was the leader. He removed the tissue covering your mouth and spoke.
"Hello there~ How come we've never seen you around pretty one?.." The leader said in a flirting tone that disgusted you. "Get away from me you pig!!" You replied screaming wanting to let them know that you don't want to do anything with them. The leader only smirked as the other men started to approach you. "And what if I don't?~" He said grabbing your chin and caressing your hair. Leaving you surprised and waiting for the worst. You decided to stay quiet. Knowing screaming will only make thins harder and more painful as tears starts to appear in your eyes. "Awhhh! What a cuite She's already crying !" You've heard a couple men saying in union. "awh... If you cry now how will you act when we'll break you?~" Your eyes widened not wanting that to happen. "N-no... You don't mean..." You say with a shaky voice making the men smile even more. "Hehe.. C'mon guys, let's start the party..." And the last things you've heard was horrible laughs.
It was horrible. Ohh soo horrible. You were traumatized. To say the least. You didn't even had the energy left to cry. You were undressed only left with your bra and your panties. You wanted to forget everything. You wanted to wake up. You refused to believe it was real. You felt dirty. You still had the sensation of their hands touching everything on your body. You'll always remember how their lips felt on your body... On your face.... On your lips. The sounds of laughter of the men echoed in your ears. It was unbelievable. You'll never forget this day. You wanted to sleep and never wake up again. You closed your eyes. Hoping that the next time you'll open them you'll be in your bed, then spend the day with Goku and everyone else like the usual.
Instead what you've heard is an explosion. You slowly opened your eyes, puffed due to the many tears you've cried. But the door was behind you. So you couldn't not see what was happening. And you were too traumatized to move right now. You could just hear muffled voices and screams.
"I'm really mad right now. I'm going to kill you all." You heard a familiar voice say. But you didn't care. "Someone please help !!" You didn't care. You've heard many many pained screams. But you didn't care. You've heard many many sounds of bone breaking and liquids spilling. But you didn't care. You smelled a strong scent of blood. But you didn't care. It last for a very very long time. But then it stopped. You didn't care. You heard footsteps coming towards you. But you didn't care. You felt someone lifting your body but you didn't care. You then fell unconscious. And you didn't care.
It was unbelievable. Goku was full of blood, holding you on his arms still shocked about what happened. Oh when he saw you undressed on the floor oh how mad he became. Even after taking care of theses rotten garbages do this to you ?? Oh he was so mad. Putting them on their place killing them was not enough. He contacted Bulma that has reunited the dragon balls for a project, and asked if he could have a wish. Bulma accepted. Goku went on her balcony with the Dragon Balls reunited and said, "Show yourself Shenron! And grant my wishes!" the impressive dragon got out of the Dragon balls as the sky darkened. "Express your wishes human." The Dragon said with his deep voice. Goku looked at your unconscious face before granting his wish. "I want Y/n to forget everything that has happened today!! Including everything her body felt!!" Goku exclaimed. "Nothing's easier." Shenron shined and immediately your expression looked more peaceful. Goku felt a wave of relief. As if the weight on his shoulders has been lifted. He sighed happy that you'll remember nothing about this. "You have 2 wishes left. What else do you want?" Goku looked at Shenron who forgot that he was there. "Bulmaaaa!! Come do you wishes I'm done here!!" Goku said hoping on the Nimbus cloud with you in his arms. Bulma ran to the balcony screaming "Goku!! Tell me what happened to Chiya!! And why is she undressed!??" as her tone holds very noticeable worry for her best friend. "It's best to not know!!!" Goku yelled already in the sky. Yet Bulma heard it. She sighed irritated, but if Goku told so maybe it was better to not speak about it.
You woke up on your couch as the first thing you see was the TV showing a random anime about martial arts. You've noticed a bowl of snacks and pop corn. You realized you were on Goku's lap. You've gave him a confused glare while he was just smiling. "W-what happened? I don't remember anything..." You've switched for a sitting pose but since you were still tired you decided to put your head on Goku's shoulder. "Don't remember? We were shopping but then you felt tired so we've come back to your place. And I waited until you woke up." Goku said with a soft voice that replaced his usual energetic one. Maybe he felt tired too?? "Oh well... I still don't remember anything.. What time is it anyway?" You yawned as Goku looked at the clock. "It's 6:26 PM.. Why?" Goku asked tilting his head. "Wanna go to restaurant? They serve tasty rice!" You' said with a big smile seeing how Goku's eyes sparkled at the mention of rice. "Yess!! Let's go now!!" Goku took your hand and ran towards the exit of your home. You two were already dressed so you didn't mind.
At the restaurant you both ordered a lot of bowls of rice and ramen. Because you two were very hungry. For Goku it was like always. But you've rarely eaten this much, which was one of the many things you noticed was weird this evening. Why did you ate more? Why was Goku calmer? Why did he put a hand on your shoulder or on your waist protectively all the time as if something might happen? Why did he glare at every men near you? "Wahhhhhh!! This was so good!!" Goku exclaimed patting his stomach as you looked at the bowls. He had taken 15 bowls while it's usually 20. It added something on the list of what was weird thus evening. "What do you want to do now?" You asked him expecting him to say that he'll do his usual training of the night. But he replied with something else. "Hmmm what about we watch series and play games?" Goku said leaving you shocked. Okay. What was wrong this evening??! And why did you felt that Goku saved you from something you'd never forget?... You just decided to brush it off and enjoy the evening with him.
(Honorable mention of him hugging you while you were sleeping <33)
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WOOOHHHH TTHAT TOOK SO LONG TO FINISH WTH?? But I again had so much fun writing this!!! I totally did not expect to write again so soon but the request seemed so fun I just couldn't ignore it and I definitely did not expected to get one so soon!! But I hope you guys enjoyed!! I'll probably make a request rule soon because there are some things I won't be uncomfortable writing.. Anyways Take care!! <33
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daughterofcain-67 · 7 months
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (pt.1)
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Every day the sheriff comes into your coffee shop, and every day you both seem to put a smile on each others face, even when Beau is working his saddening cases. You’d be lying of you said you didn’t have a thing for the sheriff- but what woman with a working set of eyes didn’t? What you didn’t know was who you would meet in your cafe later that day…
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of kidnapping because of the case Beau is working on
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The smell of coffee was all around you since you were in the process of brewing some pots or some of your early morning customers. You were wearing your cream colored polo with your purple apron. The apron as well as the polo had the name of your business on the top left corner called ‘Morning Glory Coffee’ in cursive on a white mug along with the flowers by the same name beside it.
You heard the bell on the door ringing out, signaling that someone else was walking into your little cafe. Wrapping up your last to-go order, you glanced over to see who was there and you smiled when you saw the familiar stature of the sheriff.
“Sheriff Arlen! You’re here early.” You grinned as you turned around to get his typical order started.
“Ms. L/N, you know you don’t have to be so formal with me.” Beau said as he pulled out his wallet.
“Now you know I can’t do that. And don’t worry about payin’ this time. It’s on the house.” You insisted as you handed him his cup of coffee.
“Well, if you’re insisting on the coffee, I insist that you call me Beau from now on.” You saw the smirk on his face, causing you to grin.
“Alright, Beau.” You said, accepting the little compromise.
When he took the coffee, your fingers grazed and you pulled away when he had a grip on his cup. As he took a sip, he let out a low hum. “My, my, Y/N. I swear you make the best coffee I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Awe, well thanks! I’m glad you like it so much.” You insisted, but honestly you just loved that he seemed to come in practically every day. It was honestly when made your mornings happier, that boost you needed just a little more than caffeine.
“How are things going? Got any new cases you’re working on?” You asked curiously as you grabbed a rag to start cleaning up the counter. It was a slow Wednesday morning so far so every once in a while you liked to talk to your customers when you had the time. No one was even there at the moment since it’s been mostly to-go orders.
“Yeah, kind of a big one. You heard about those missing women?” He asked and you lifted a brow.
“No? Then again I haven’t had much time to watch the news.”
“Well, two women have gone missing. We don’t really have any leads yet but I’ve got some interviews today with the missing persons’ loved ones. Conversations like that are always hard.” He sighed and you frowned, knowing he’s been in those shoes before.
“I can’t imagine having a job like yours. You see a lot of dark things from day to day and it’s gotta be a difficult thing.”
“It can be. But in the cases where I’m actually able to get those families reunited, it makes it so worth it in the end. It’s worth it when the right justice is being served and we get the guy.”
“Well, I won’t keep you from getting one step closer to justice. Just do me a favor and be careful out there, alright?”
Beau smiled at you, that same smile that made you feel oddly warm and fuzzy on the inside, “Will do, Darlin. See you around.”
When Sheriff Arlen left your business partner, your little sister named Cadence, was holding a tray of banana bread and some muffins with some sort of knowing smirk on her face.
“What?” You asked as you went back to cleaning up the counter.
“You have it for him so bad.” Cadence teased.
“What? No I don’t! And even if I did, he’s a cute enough guy that would have more people interested in him than just me. I wouldn’t stand that much of a chance. Plus he hangs out with Cassie and Jenny a lot anyways.” You reminded just to hear the exasperated sigh from Cadence as she set the tray in the display case.
“Are you kidding me?! You both have a thing for each other! ‘Oh Y/N, this is the best coffee I’ve ever had!’ ‘Oh promise me you’ll be careful, Beau, my love!’” Your sister began to swoon dramatically while you shook your head.
“I didn’t sound like that. And Beau just likes the coffee. It’s not a big deal.”
“Oh yeah? Well you guys should at least give it a shot. I mean you haven’t dated in three years ever since… well you know. And Beau’s single too. You guys hit it off just fine and you talk almost every morning every time he comes in here.”
“I can’t date him. He’s got too much on his plate with being the sheriff and all. He sees a lot and he has a lot of things to do and a lot that he goes through and he probably doesn’t even have the time for a girlfriend.” You tried to reason and Cadence lifted a brow.
“Really? You’re trying to use that as an excuse? You realize that when Beau got married he was in law enforcement anyway, right? Clearly he’s done it before and I bet he’d be willing to give it another shot rather than being alone and unhappy.”
You listened and tried to think. You knew she was right, but you also knew men like Beau Arlen didn’t go out with women like you. You’ve gotten your hopes up for relationships before and you knew what it was like to be rejected when you first started dating again after unspoken chapter of your life. You weren’t exactly open for that kind of rejection again.
“What if I talked to Jenny and Cassie to set you up with him? I’m sure they’d love that!”
“Are you insane?! No, I don’t think that’s really a good idea.” You shook your hands in front of you.
Your sister groaned, clearly unhappy that you were being so stubborn about this. You really did appreciate her efforts in trying to get you back in the dating game. Couldn’t she try to set you up with someone that’s more realistic for you in stead of someone like Beau?
The door opened up again and there were more customers coming back in, interrupting your conversation with Cadence about the Beau situation - thank goodness.
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Beau strode into the office with his coffee in hand. He enjoyed going to your shop in the morning. Seeing your smiling face always gave him a bit of a jump start he needed.
“Well, well, well! Did you go over to see your girlfriend again?” Hoyt greeted as she put her hands in the pockets of her jeans. She had this smirk on her face like she was trying to tease Beau, who only smirked and shook his head.
“Yeah, you wish.” He said as he started walking to his office, just for Jenny to follow behind him.
“Oh come on, just admit that you have a thing for her! When was the last time you went on a date, huh?”
“Instead of questioning me about my nonexistent love life with the coffee shop owner, can you tell me if we’ve got any more information on those missin’ women? And where’s Pompernickle?”
“Right here, boss!” Poppernack called as he held up a file and made his way to Beau’s office as well.
The three of them walked inside and Beau shut the door, “What do we got?”
“Well, we’ve found the families that way we can ask them if they’ve seen anyone in the womens’ friend groups that were a little peculiar. Maybe the family members noticed something that the missing two didn’t see in them?” Poppernack said.
“Oh if only it was that easy. Yeah, sometimes it’s someone the victim knows - hell half the time that’s the case. But then there’s those small percentages where it really is a complete stranger.” Beau reminded.
“Woah, they aren’t victims yet. They’re captives. Hopefully they’re still alive.” Jenny interjected, Beau nodded.
“Yeah, that’s always the hope that’s why we’ve gotta step on the gas with this before things get worse and someone else goes missin’.’ Is that all we’ve got?”
“No. I’ve got a witness from a gas station that said they saw one of the girls, Sidney Ferguson, filling up some gas in some green SUV.” Hoyt began.
“From what he said, it looked like a Hyundai. Couldn’t tell you the license plates because the manager said the security cameras were out and they’re in the process of replacing them.”
“Great, a green SUV with no plates to track them down with. Are we even sure she drives that kind of vehicle?”
“I’ve seen Ferguson around before she went missing. She didn’t drive that from what I can remember. A white Jeep Wrangler. 2015 I think.” Poppernack said, “Issued a warning once. Speeding.”
“There’s a lead. Pops, why don’t you do some research and see how many of those SUVs are runnin’ around town. Jenny, you take Ferguson’s family this morning and ask some questions and I’ll talk to the other girls family. Hopefully there will be a lead on Ember O’Riley here soon so we have somethin’ to tell that family.” Beau said.
“Maybe one of the families or even some of their friends know something about that SUV. It’s worth a shot to ask about that too.” Hoyt reminded as she started walking towards the door so they could start their morning.
Beau watched as his two deputies left. Then he looked down at the cup you gave him. That was when he noticed you actually left a note for him, ‘Have a good day, Sheriff.’ He had never seen your handwriting before but it was cute that you put a sheriff’s star to dot the ‘I’ in your note.
He smiled fondly to himself before he took another sip and made his way out of the door of his office. Yeah Hoyt may have teased him once in a while about the fact that maybe he liked more than just your coffee, and maybe she wasn’t exactly wrong. It’s just that while he was friendly with people, he didn’t want to get close. Not after losing his partner, not after losing his wife and daughter to Avery. He didn’t want to get attached and lose anyone else no matter the circumstances. Death or otherwise.
Once he snapped out of his thoughts, Beau found himself already outside and he felt his phone buzz in his hand. When he pulled out the device while walking to his car, he saw that Poppernack gave him the address to the O’Riley household.
“And off we go.”
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It was noon and your sister just left for her lunch break since you had already come back from yours. You had put out some baked goods in the display case for whoever would stop by and decide they may want something more than something to drink. As you were doing this, you heard the door bell sound out again.
You turned around and you saw someone walking in. You hadn’t seen this person before but he seemed nice. Then again you tried to see the good in all your customers. Everyone had a good quality about them and this man? Well he seemed to have a nice smile.
“Hi there, what can I get for ya?” You asked with a grin.
“Actually, this is my first time coming in here. Can you give me some kind of recommendation?” He asked. He had a kindness in his voice. His hair was dark brown, his eyes were a hazel and his skin was tanned like he tended to spend a lot of time in the sun.
“Well, I have the typical black coffee with an assortment of creamers. I can get you an americano, latte, cappuccino if you want something a little on the warmer side. For some colder options I’ve got cold brews with different flavored cold foams like Irish cream, hazelnut, sweet cream. Then I’ve got some energy drink options. Just a little of everything really. So what’s your poison?”
“A little of everything, huh?” He asked, “I think I’ll take a cold brew. With some of that Irish cold foam if you don’t mind?”
You smiled at him, “Of course. Can I get a name for that order?”
“Andre… Nice name. Actually you’re the first one I’ve met.” You admitted and he chuckled.
“Yeah, I hear it’s not exactly a common name, especially around here.”
“Let me go ahead and get that drink started for ya, Andre.” You insisted and walked off.
As you got started on making the cold brew, you could hear some of your other customer’s talking in the corner.
“So the police came and talked to your family? What did they want?” Said one teen. You stayed quiet as you continued with your task, “Yeah. They said they may have some kind of a lead to find Sid. But they didn’t say anything about what that lead was. I guess they didn’t want my family to get involved.”
“Yeah, That’s fair. I mean your mom and dad are going through a lot as it is with her going missing and all. I feel bad for the O’Rileys too.. I heard Ember was an expectant mom to be too… She must be terrified.”
“Yeah if she’s not dead already.”
“Guys, it’s only been a week! Mrs. O’Riley and my sister will both be fine, I’m sure. Sheriff Arlen and Deputy Hoyt are really good at their jobs, I’m sure they can find something if they’re the ones on the case.”
Your heart ached at hearing those girls talk about the case. It was even more heartbreaking that one of them had a sister that was missing. You were glad that she was still hopeful and you really hoped that Beau would be able to find this Sid girl as well as Ember as soon as he could before it was too late.
“Here you are, Andre. One cold brew with cold foam.” You smiled once more and handed him the cup and a straw.
“Thanks.” He grinned and you could notice a dimple on his left cheek. He handed you the card and you took it for the payment before he spoke again.
“By the way… can I ask what your name is?” He asked.
You looked up at him. You were a little skeptical as to why he wanted to know your name, but you didn’t think too much of it. Maybe he was just new around here and wanted to make some friends or something.
“Y/N. I’m glad you came in today, and I hope you enjoy.” You grinned as you handed him the card back as well as his receipt.
“Thanks! You have a good one.” Andre said and he left.
“You too!” You called as he walked out of the door just as Cadence was walking in.
You watched your sister do a double take and her gaze lingered before she looked at you, tilting her head and she walked behind the counter again, “So who was that? He’s new to coming here isn’t he?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“He’s pretty cute though. Nice ass too.” She smirked and you rolled your eyes, grinning.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend already?”
“Uh, I didn’t mean cute for me. Even if he does have a nicer ass than Corbin’s.” Cadence said, “I meant for you.”
“What happened to the whole Beau thing?”
“Oh are you kidding me? That’s my number one option for you. He’s totally unbeatable. But since you’re being so stubborn about not going out with him, it’s always good to keep your options open.”
“Cadence, this was literally the first time he’s ever been in this shop. We don’t know if he was visiting town or what his deal is.” You reminded and you watched your sister cross her arms, wanting to sulk like a child.
“Why do you always want to burst my bubble!?”
“Well don’t say I popped it just yet. He did ask what my name is, so maybe he’s moving here, or he already has moved here and is trying to make some kind of acquaintances or something.” Then Cadence’s eyes lit up almost like a Christmas tree.
“He asked you your name!?” She practically squealed, causing you to cringe a little.
“You don’t think it’s odd or anything?”
“What? No. How else are you supposed to meet people if you don’t talk to them or if you don’t know their name! So what was his name?”
“Andre!? Ugh, that’s so dreamy! If he comes in again you have to take a shot.”
You smiled, shaking your head at your sister’s nonsense, “Oh go clock in now, would you?”
“This is where the love triangle starts, Y/N! I’m tellin’ ya!”
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Hi everyone! Here’s the start of a new little series I’m starting and I hope you like it! There’s more to come with this series.
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@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92
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gilverrwrites · 4 months
Their Perfect Dates HCs [Demon Edition]
Well.. demons + Benny
Rating: General
Angel Edition | Human Edition
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Please remember: you can do hard things!
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No gift, he’s from a time before that was a thing and does not care enough to check what the current trends are.
If you ask nice enough, he might bring you something next time.
Weirdly obsessed with humans however. (Just not in a ‘I wanna be like them’ way)
Find a cafe with outdoor seating in a highly populated area, and people watch.
Laugh at his jokes, and don’t be precious over your food/drink cause he’s gonna help himself.
‘Hot, not, not, HOT, extra hot.’ ‘This is so good, have you tried this?’ ‘It was yours? Oh shit, sorry. At least you have good taste… in multiple ways’ (he’d wink at you then, if he could.) ‘Ew have those pants ever in fashion?’ ‘Haha, did you see that kid face plant the side walk?! Get rekt’
He’s an old traditional man really, he’ll bring you a bouquet of daisies. Legitimately, if he could, he would ask your father for permission to take you out.
Cooking as has always been, and continues to be a big part of Benny's personality.
It doesn’t matter that the food no longer sustains him, because it keeps him connected to his home, and his history.
Plus, the way to any person's heart is through their stomach,
You’ll be in the kitchen together, cooking gumbo or jambalaya, and bananas foster for dessert.
If you don’t know how to cook, don’t worry. Benny is gonna take the lead anyway, he’ll teach you as much as you think you can handle.
He’s very respectful, but if you just so happen to brush against each other while working in the same space, well, that just can be helped now can it?
Or if you’re slightly in his way, sometimes he just needs to rest a gentle but firm hand on your hip and guide you to the side.
Or if you accidentally get something on your cheek? Your lip? He’ll have to get that for you.
I’m picturing a rustic but sophisticated cabin in the woods.
Somewhere private, a safe space just for the two of you.
Something with a big, roaring fireplace.
A big, plush, velvety sofa, and an array of fluffy blankets, pillows, furs, rugs.
A fully stocked bar. ‘Don’t worry darling, you won’t have to lift a finger.’ He or a lesser demon will make all your drinks for you.
Just some real, 1 on 1 quality time together where you can both be vulnerable.
Whether you spend all night in deep conversation, cuddling, or getting even more intimate is your choice.
Would forget to bring you a gift, but if it goes well, she’ll likely give you one of her many pieces of jewelry, ‘Whatever you like most hun, just take it.’
I feel like she would actually really enjoy something creative, the messier the better.
Like finding a big open space, lowering the lights, laying down a big canvas, cracking open a bottle, and getting busy with some paints.
No brushes, just hands (or other body parts if you like).
Gracing you with her presence is gift enough.
If anything, you should be bringing her a gift. Jewelry is always best, but she will settle for roses or red wine.
Rowena knows her worth, and if you don’t, then don’t waste her time.
She deserves nothing less than to be wined and dined somewhere very nice.
Followed by a show. The ballet or the opera.
Just imagine, the both of you dressed to the nines. Holding hands over the table, good food and drink, Rowena sharing stories from her time on earth.
Coffee or dessert? Both. Please and thank you.
Would bring you candy, but you have to share.
Also a big foodie, but more eating, less cooking.
Like a street food market, or a boardwalk.
You can compete on the water guns and ring toss games to win each other prizes.
She’s only letting you win if there is something in it for her. – Particularly a prize that she wants.
Regardless of who wins what, you’re gonna be the one carrying everything.
Then stop at every food stand on the way.
Bonus points for somewhere that has proper french fries in large portions.
Afterwards, you can chat at the end of the peer, and/or make out under it. 
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plussizefantasia · 7 months
Little Stinker
Flufftober Day 30: Pumpkin Carving
Steve Rogers x f!mom!reader
Word Count: 1.7k
AN: This is a continuation of Day 21's Story: Good Punkins. Steve and Little Dude have my whole heart I stg. I can't believe that we only have one more day! This was such a fun experience and I think I'm a much better writer than I was when I started. Reblogs and Feedback are always appreciated. I'll see y'all tomorrow for the last day of Flufftober!
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Your little family had gone to the pumpkin patch on Saturday, little dude had been so tired that he passed out in his car seat on the way home and didn’t even stir when you lifted him out of his car seat and into the house.
However, in all of his five and half years on this planet, Caleb James has never slept past 7:00 am. That is why you were not at all surprised when the door to yours and Steve’s shared bedroom creaked open at about 7:05.
“Momma.” Caleb had whispered. Trying to climb up onto the very tall bed that you and your husband shared. “Momma gotta get up. Gotta put faces on our punkins.” 
“CJ, it’s too early to carve our pumpkins. We can do that in the afternoon, okay baby?” You pulled him up from his armpits and swung him over your body. Landing him in the space between you and Steve. “Plus, Mommy needs her cuddles. Can I have some cuddles, baby boy?” 
“Course Momma, I loves your cuddles.”
“And I love yours, baby.” 
“Do I get some cuddles too?” Steve’s sleep-coated voice rasped from beside you. His large arm curled around your waist and pulled both you and Caleb into his chest. His other arm came around from his side and trapped you and the little man in a bear hug.
“Daddy!” Caleb giggled. “You’re squeezing me!”
“Am I?” Steve asked. Squeezing the two of us a little tighter.
“Yeah, Daddy you’re squeezing too tight!” Caleb fought to say in between his giggles. Steve loosened his arms just a little bit, still holding firmly but allowing some space. 
“Cuddles for a little bit then I’ll make breakfast and we can talk about what to do with the pumpkins okay?” You asked your boys.
“Otay Momma,” Caleb said as he snuggled deeper into your chest. Slow mornings like this were your favorite. Just being able to exist with the people you love most in the world made everything worth it.
Your family sat in bed for another hour or two, Caleb drifted in and out of sleep and you and Steve just watched each other and your baby in content silence. 
Eventually, your husband's super metabolism caught up to him, and his stomach started to growl. He looked sheepish and a little bit upset that he had ruined the moment. You just laughed and kissed his forehead and your son’s before slipping out of bed and making your way downstairs to start breakfast.
If there was one thing Caleb had inherited from his father it was his appetite. Your boys would go through mountains of food if they could. For this breakfast, you made pancakes, some with chocolate chips for Caleb and some with banana slices for Steve. You cooked some scrambled eggs and fried up some sausage and bacon. You cut and peeled fruit to make a fruit salad, juiced oranges, and set the table. By the time you were done, your kitchen looked like a photoshoot for a cookbook. 
All that food only lasted your boys about thirty minutes though, before the table was cleared and Steve was up and cleaning the dishes and countertops.
“Can we put faces on our punkins now Momma?” Caleb had asked. 
“Sure baby, why don’t you go upstairs and get dressed while Daddy and I bring in the pumpkins from the car?” You had barely finished your question before your little man was racing up the stairs toward his room to get himself ready for the day.
You laughed and finished the last bit of the coffee left in your mug before you slipped on some shoes and made your way out to your car. You grabbed a pumpkin under each arm and started heading back inside. Before you made it more than three steps your show-off husband had taken them out of your arms and back inside.
It seemed like Steve wouldn’t let you lift any pumpkins this year, even if it was just from your car to your house. 
You had begun to get the kitchen table all set up for carving pumpkins. You covered the table in newspaper and grabbed three mixing bowls from your cabinets. You grabbed Sharpies and tape, some paper to draw on, and all the different kinds of knives that you’d need. 
By the time everything was set up, Caleb was making his way downstairs, fully dressed and practically bouncing with excitement.
“It’s punkin time Momma!” He yelled.
“Yeah baby, time to carve our pumpkins.” Three pumpkins were sitting on the kitchen table. Two of them were pretty large, with one flater side perfect for carving. Those were the ones Caleb had picked for you and Steve. His own was slightly smaller but taller rather than wider. 
“What do you want to carve on your pumpkin little man?” You asked Caleb after helping him up onto the chair, making sure that he was okay to stand and wouldn’t fall.
“Uncle Tony!” 
“You want to carve Uncle Tony’s face on your pumpkin?”
“No Momma, not his face. His mask, the one on the suit.”
“You want to carve the Iron Man face baby?” 
“Yeah Momma, and you can carve Auntie Nat’s widow and Daddy can carve his shield!’
“You want us to have Avenger pumpkins buddy?” Steve asked. “I thought you wanted faces?”
“Mine will have a face. Uncle Tony’s mask has a face.”
He had a point. “Okay little man, let's look at how to draw Uncle Tony’s mask.”
Twenty minutes later, Steve had finished sketching each design on your pumpkin, you had forgone doing Nat’s symbol for doing an actual spider. You’d made sure to include the signature hourglass shape on the back of the sider though, just to keep on theme.
Steve had grumbled the whole time he was drawing Tony’s mask. “He’s my kid?” “Why does he want Tony’s mask?” “My shield is so cool.” All muttered under his breath.
“Steve honey, to Caleb you’re just dad. You’re not Captain America, the first super soldier. You're the man who makes dinner and takes him to the park. He thinks Tony’s mask is cool, sure. But he loves you.”
“How do you always have the right words?” Steve asked you, sharpie still gripped in his hands.
“You have your powers I have mine.” You teased, kissing him chastely. 
“Momma help.” Caleb had called out from the kitchen table.
“What do you need help with baby,?” You moved across the room towards him.
“Can you cut the top open so I can get the guts out?’ he asked.
“Absolutely buddy, I’ll cut off the top and then you can use your spoon to get in here okay?” You grabbed the serrated knife from the table. You began to see at the top of the pumpkin, making sure to keep it as neat as you could. So that the lid could be put back on when you brought them back outside.
Steve stood back and watched you help Caleb with his pumpkin. Overwhelmed with love, he took out his phone and sent a picture to the group chat. 
Avengers-themed pumpkins, courtesy of little dude. The text message read.
He snapped a few more photos of you with your tongue sticking out of the side of your mouth like it usually did when you were focused. You finished cutting the top off of Caleb’s pumpkin and started on yours. Eventually moving on to Steve’s as well. 
Steve and Caleb were on scooping duty, given that you absolutely couldn’t stand pumpkin insides. They smelled and looked horrible and you just couldn’t deal with them. While the boys were scooping, you were warming up some apple cider that you had bought at the farm yesterday along with the pumpkins. You weren’t expecting to be ambushed by your husband when you returned to the table though.
Steve held in his hands a spoon piled high with pumpkin insides. He and Caleb were both giggling like children and Steve counted down from three before chasing you with the spoon.
You shrieked and ran away, hearing the cackling of your little boy from somewhere behind you. “Steve!” You ducked and dodged. “Steven Grant! I swear to all that is holy.” He continued to chase him, laughing along with Caleb who was still perched on his chair at the dining table. You managed to circle Steve and dashed towards your son. 
You grabbed onto Caleb and held him in front of you like a human shield. “What’s your move, Rogers.” You raised your eyebrow at your husband. “Drop the spoon and nobody gets hurt.” You pulled Caleb closer to you. 
"You wouldn’t dare.” Was Steve’s response, matching your raised eyebrow. 
“Watch me.” In one fell swoop, you dropped your hands to Caleb’s sides and started tickling the little boy. His laugh increased in pitch and he started trying to wriggle out of your hold.
"It’s up to you Honey, I don’t know how much longer he can last.” You laughed and continued to tickle your little boy, making sure that he was still having fun at the same time.
“You’re an evil woman you know that?” Steve asked you before theatrically placing the spoon down on the table. You stopped ticking Caleb as soon as the spoon was down and both you and Steve chuckled to yourself as his giggles died down and he tried to catch his breath.
“That was funny Momma.” He told you.
“What was funny, Daddy chasing me with yucky pumpkin guts or all the tickles?"
“Oh yeah?” You blew a raspberry on the side of his cheek. “You’re a little stinker.”
“The stinkiest” Steve agreed.
Caleb began to laugh once again and you and Steve followed suit.
Moments like this made all of it worth it. Steve's mind echoed your thoughts from that morning. Having both you and Caleb was like a dream come true. He would do it all over again if it meant that he would have you. That much he was sure of. Even if his son wanted a Tony Stark pumpkin for Halloween.
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theviceadmiralswife · 1 month
Taking care of Kizaru after Egghead Island
Salute recruits and soldiers to this warm Wensdday ⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊
Right I did my little rant yesterday so this post is all about saving our most pervy and adorable admiral Kizaru from the darkness that's breaking his heart. I want you 🫵 dear reader safe Kizaru from major depression and show him some much needed love. Sorry, this is a looong post.
Taking care of Kizaru after Egghead
• pick him up from his battleship, go straight to him, take his hand, and pull him along. It makes him crack a tiny smug smirk seeing you take so brazenly in charge
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•pull him home , where you got everything prepared and ready to spoil the yellow admiral for an entire unforgettable weekend with all the things he loves and desires
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•if he asks you what your up to ignore him , you know he doesn't like being ignored, just don't push that button too hard. Give him an occasional smile or blow him a kiss, it's worth keeping him in suspense a little bit, it makes the impact of your surprise at home much more significant to him.
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• spa treatment at home. An all inclusive tailored hot bath and spa massage and pampering. Kizaru will love it when you dress in a sexy short kimono, and undress him admiring his exquisite physic. He's even more thrilled when you give him a guasha face massage or suck on his toes. This admiral will melt at your level of dedication to pampering his tired body
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• a bottle of extravagant wine, after such a thorough spa treatment having a moment of silence and snuggles on the sofa and a glass of red wine 🍷 is another piece of heaven to Kizaru especially with your small body in his lap, curled up under a fluffy duvet, with candles spread out across the room and the fireplace going, you are sure to win another piece of this man's heart. Kizaru chuckles mischievously at you getting tipsy of the red wine it makes you too adorable to him.
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* play his teasing game. Big plus if you play right into his hands with him teasing you, if it's his flirty words or if Kizaru nibbles innocently on your neck... just to bury his finger in your wet pussy.. followed by his trademark ~oooh~, and few lewd whispers like he has just discovered what a pussy is...fingering you fast ...or maybe one finger or 3 in your cunt... go along with it..let Kizaru tease you and be reactive as possible he loves that.
• cook a romantic dinner for him, present him with a selection of his favourite... Miso soup, as side dish a healthy apple fennel salad with ginger, while you tell him its your job to make sure he gets his daily 5. And a homemade banana ice cream with a hot chocolate sauce as dessert will have Kizaru drool at you, as much as he is drooling at the food with lust.
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•while you two dine show off after a while your naughty side. Use your foot to rub his crotch under the table to arouse him. Wink at him, wiggle your shoulders at Kizaru showing your décolleté a bit. This is sure to guarantee Kizaru having a rock hard boner, it riles up his excitement and he hardly can wait until after eating he gets his fingers to grope you all over
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• lure him to the bedroom with your body swaying and dancing and as soon as he sits at the edge of the bed perform a little striptease and lap dance. Bet you Kizaru sits there moaning "~ooh~ " cause he is so smitten with what you do for him. Have a luxurious smelling body oil ready and some other props such as a whip, smack your booty ,let Kizaru stare how you oil up your body and caress your sensitive spots. Let him in on that action, but fair warning if you bump your ass against him Kizaru will ram his cock in that tight butt hole of yours.
• oh while your lap dancing , grinding against his body and oil it up give Kizaru a full body massage with any part of your body, Kizaru especially loves your butt cheeks in his face..or your boobs squashing against his shoulders and don't forget to use your skilled hands to service your admirals throbbing cock
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• tell Kizaru you have ditched your contraception place his hands on your womb and let him know your fertile and about to make him the happiest of daddy's, in every way...he loves it so much his smug lewd grin grows from ear to ear and he giggles like the kinky player he is, but he genuinely loves that idea of being a dad
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• submit to Kizaru fully, Egghead Island was frustrating to him so he is inclined to take his anger out on you, an angry deep throat fuck will take the edge off for him, your gagging sounds an tears will quench his frustration off what happened on Egghead
• after taking off the edge Kizaru will return to his slow paced, teasing style of sex. For now! So best is to be ahead of him and surprise Kizaru with a basket of brand-new sextoys and the kamasutra book and a dice to play games. Trust me he will make sure to try every position with you that weekend , he be your loyal husband making love to you sweet as honey, your fiery passionate lover having sex with you to reach new heights and your master domineering you and to fuck you unapologetically.
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• unwanted interruption... because Sakazuki wants a report he will call Kizaru on his transponder snail, and Kizaru aloof as he can be takes the while he fucks your dripping cunt and...he ain't stopping. Best course of action is to take that transponder snail and let Sakazuki hear how Kizaru currently ravishes your pussy, making loud squelchy noises and Kizaru coos in the background. Tell Sakazuki between moans , panting and your screams for Kizarus cock, that Sakazuki has to wait till Monday For his report or joins them for a threesome before chucking that transponder snail out of the open window, Kizaru will smack your ass for such sassy attitude and probably insert another toy into your second hole.( Kizaru leaves the window open on purpose so everyone in Marineford hears how he fucks you senseless)
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An Unnecessarily Comprehensive Sandman Reading Order
Having now read EVERY comic that I could find based on, using characters from, or tying in with @neil-gaiman‘s Sandman series, I thought I should provide what is, as far as i can tell, the definitive list of everything Sandman, in roughly the order of publication, and also what I thought of them. Warning: there’s a lot of it (over 580 issues in two and a half months).
Sandman (1989) #1-28 [Neil Gaiman] (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Obviously we start at the beginning (I hear it’s a very good place to start) with the first 3 main arcs of Sandman plus some single issue stories. This is where the series really leans into the horror side of “dark fantasy,” and I for one love it. Idk, there’s not really much to say here. This is a Sandman blog, we all love this series here, or at least like it enough to talk about it. Go reread this stuff. It’s fuckin good.
The Books of Magic (1990) #1-4 [Neil Gaiman] (x)
The original Books of Magic series is essentially a guided tour of the DC universe’s magic side. Each issue focuses on a specific part of the universe, most of which are callbacks to comics that, I promise, you do not need to have read. The main three reasons to include this is: a) it’s fun, b) Tim as a character gets his own series which becomes part of the Sandman Universe relaunch, and c) it’s a nice place to learn a bunch of DC magic stuff which might show up later without having to drag yourself through the wiki and or read a thousand other comics. Then again this list is over 570 comics long, so maybe that second part’s not much of an issue here.
Sandman (1989) #29-31, Special #1, #32-50 [Neil Gaiman] (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
This begins with the Distant Mirrors collection (rather than placing them in the Fables & Reflections TP) and runs all the way to the end of Brief Lives and the Ramadan issue (essentially the end of Distant Mirrors, albeit two years later). Brief Lives and A Game of You are still my favourite Sandman collections, the best examples of what I call “human Sandman,” focused on dreamers and their lives and all that, and “Endless Sandman,” focused on the affairs of Dream and his funky family.
Death: The High Cost of Living #1-3 [Neil Gaiman]
The first Death spinoff! It’s based on the one-day-as-a-human thing she does, it’s a lot of fun, and other side characters from Sandman make an appearance! Look, we all know these are good. I don’t have as much to say about them as I do about the obscure comics from the early 2000s that it feels like only I read.
The Children’s Crusade: The Children’s Crusade #1, Black Orchid Annual #1, Animal Man Annual #1, Swamp Thing Annual #7, Doom Patrol Annual #2, Arcana (The Books of Magic) Annual #1, The Children’s Crusade #2 [Neil Gaiman, Nick Foreman, Jamie Delano, Nancy A. Collins, Rachel Pollack, John Ney Rieber, Alisa Kwitney] (x)
This is a crossover between all the big Vertigo titles, focused on the children of each series. Don’t worry about what’s actually going on in the individual series the annuals are from, but the overall plot (by Neil Gaiman) focuses on what the Dead Boy Detectives (Charles and Edwin from Sandman #25) have been up to since escaping Death. They get more very good spinoff content later on, and apparently they’re getting a tv show soon which should be fun.
Death Talks About Life [Neil Gaiman] (x)
This is the short AIDS educational comic. John Constantine has a banana. I like it, I think it deserves a place in this list. Apparently Neil Gaiman almost got arrested for it which is some king shit honestly.
The Spectre (1992) #19-22 [John Ostrander]
This is a very meh arc of a Spectre series that I have not read anything else of. But Lucien is in it briefly so I did read this bit. And in my opinion? Completionism was not worth this boring comic.
Sandman (1989) #51-75 [Neil Gaiman] (x) (x) (x)
The big finale! Worlds’ End and The Wake bookend the massive 12 issue The Kindly Ones arc, so I think keeping all of them together makes a certain amount of sense.
The Books of Magic (1994) #1-20 [John Ney Rieber] (x)
The start of the proper Books of Magic ongoing series (this series being one of my favourite things I’ve read for this) expands nicely on what we know about Tim from the Neil Gaiman miniseries. A lot of plotlines also get picked up from the Children’s Crusade event, and stuff from there is explained and expanded upon. Look, I love this series so much and I think that, while what the Sandman Universe reboot did with it was entertaining, this is still much better.
Sandman: Midnight Theatre [Neil Gaiman, Matt Wagner]
This explores the golden age Sandman, Westley Dodds, and also gives a look at Dream in captivity. The actual Sandman content isn’t a huge part of it, mostly focusing on character that are presumably a part of Vertigo’s Sandman Mystery Theatre series of which this is technically a spinoff. Still, it’s enjoyable, the art is nice, and we get a nice look at the Order of Ancient Mysteries that we don’t really see in Sandman.
Death: The Time of Your Life #1-3 [Neil Gaiman]
Death spinoff 2! This one focuses completely on Hazel and Foxglove after A Game of You and The High Cost of Living, and is less about Death herself (although this isn’t the Death spinoff with the least Death in it. We’ll get there).
The Books of Magic (1994) #21-32, Annual #1, #33-38 [John Ney Rieber] (x)
More of a transitionary period in the series, Molly gets sent off on her own subplot while Tim wanders aimlessly around America for a bit. The America stuff can get confusing and disjointed and doesn’t quite fit into a compelling coherent narrative, but Molly’s plotline more than makes up for it
The Dreaming (1996) #1-16 [Terry LaBan, Peter Hogan, Alisa Kwitney, Bryan Talbot, Jeff Nicholson] (x)
While the best bits of this series are yet to come, there are some good stories in this first, more loosely connected section. That being said, the first 3-issue arc in particular isn’t exactly a perfect example of what the strengths of this series will be, and really it’s just treading water waiting for a writer to come along with a good overall vision for the series. Don’t worry, that’ll come.
The Books of Faerie #1-3 [Bronwyn Carlton]
This seems like a fairly standard telling of an origin story, but it actually ends up providing insights into Tim’s actual true parentage which was left entirely up in the air in the issue of Books of Magic that this picks up from. Which is nice, because I was kinda confused.
The Dreaming (1996) #17-25 [Caitlin R Kiernan, Al Davison, Peter Hogan]
This is really where this series starts to show what it’s gonna be good at. The arc that begins in #17 is the first to be written by Caitlin R. Kiernan, and introduces characters, concepts, and themes which will become very important when they eventually take over writing the series, as well as just being really fucking good.
Vertigo: Winter’s Edge #1 [Neil Gaiman, Caitlin R Kiernan, John Ney Rieber]
These winter specials are always something of a mixed bag. For what’s relevant here, Neil Gaiman offers a Desire-based story which is confusing and vague and has little to do with Sandman aside from featuring an Endless, the Books of Magic segment is just a short and inconsequential adventure for Tim, and Caitlin R Kiernan clealy shines when they provide a Cain and Abel short which is both a fair bit of fun and establishes concepts and themes which will become very relevant for some of their later writing.
The Books of Magic (1994) Annual #2, #39-50 [John Ney Rieber]
It’s time for a big ol’ finale for the John Ney Rieber run on this series! A whole bunch of characters return! Excitement! Action! Magic! Chocolate! A surprise twist involving a character from very early on in Sandman! What more could you want, really?
Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold #1-3 [Alisa Kwitney]
This is essentially a series of historical stories that loosely connect to one character who is somewhat linked to Destiny. It’s good, even if the stuff about a huge plague in the 21st century is a weird read now, and the individual issues are also pretty long. Don’t go in expecting a spinoff starring Destiny or providing insights into how all his shit works. The story is rather built around him, like a lot of Sandman around Dream, or the next-but-one item on this list around Death, and if you take it with that in mind you’ll enjoy it more than if you expect something it’s not.
The Dreaming (1996) #26, Special #1, #27-34 [Caitlin R Kiernan, Len Wein, Peter Hogan]
The Many Mansions arc, beginning with #27, is the first section of The Dreaming that’s felt like it’s really shaken up the status quo, and has taken big risks with the characters in service of the story. One of the main strengths of the series, in my opinion, is the fact that it allows what were simple running jokes, exaggerated horror hosts, or side characters to Dream’s angst a time to shine, both in the sense that they get the spotlight, but also that they are allowed to change, grow, and don’t end up in the same role as the series continues.
The Girl Who Would Be Death #1-4 [Caitlin R Kiernan]
This is a spinoff of The Dreaming and ties in with characters that Caitlin R Kiernan has already established, as well as establishing a few more, rather than being a sequel to Gaiman’s previous Death series. As with much of their writing in this universe, it’s got a brilliant atmosphere and fascinating characters. Also, it’s now canon that Death was at least one lesbian’s gay awakening which I think is the most realistic thing that’s ever been shown in any Sandman comic.
Vertigo: Winter’s Edge #2 [Neil Gaiman, Peter Gross, Caitlin R Kiernan]
The Sandman segment in this one is much stronger in my opinion, pulling on threads that are hinted at and explaining things from Sandman to give a good look at Death as an actual character. The Books of Magic story is the same sort of thing as the previous years, just a nice inconsequential short story with Tim. Again, though, Kiernan’s The Dreaming story is the best of the ones that I bothered to read, setting up things for the future and also providing some down-time to acknowledge the way that the status quo has shifted.
Sandman Presents: Lucifer: The Morningstar Option #1-3 [Mike Carey]
The beginning of another major spinoff line! This one’s fun, and also the start of the Sandman Presents collection of miniseries that came out from 1999-2004. Its plot also sets up the events of Mike Carey’s subsequent Lucifer series, so read this is you want the start of that to make any sense at all.
The Books of Magic (1994) #51-56, Annual #3, #57-63 [Peter Gross, Peter Hogan] (x) (x)
Idrk what to say here, I’ve already talked at length about how much I love this series. The exploration of private school culture is interesting even if it doesn’t last, and the multiversal implications of the Other are also very fun. That being said, sometimes the Peter Gross run does feel like it’s repeating what happened earlier (awful things happen to Tim’s dad, Tim gives away his magic, an imposter Tim takes his place, idk).
Sandman Presents: Love Street #1-3 [Peter Hogan]
I have no idea if this miniseries contradicts any of John Constantine’s established backstory from Hellblazer but personally, I really enjoyed this one. It finds a way to involve itself in the Sandman universe that justifies its Sandman Presents title, even if the fact that it’s a Hellblazer book could have been more clear. It’s also good to see more of the dreaming during Dream’s absence, and show what the dreams themselves actually did then.
The Books of Faerie: Molly’s Story #1-4 [John Ney Rieber]
IF you can get past the fact that this series has the ugliest art out of any comic I’ve read, the story here is really neat and it’s always nice to see Molly back, and any exploration of Faerie is usually enjoyable. Just, give yourself a second to get used to the art. Molly really doesn’t look like herself.
The Dreaming (1996) #35-43 [Caitlin R Kiernan] (x)
The culmination of Echo’s story has a big ol’ pile of transgenderism, and despite what certain other sandman blogs will tell you, the ending of Fox and Hounds is not just a repeat of The Wake and really, I don’t know how one might come to that conclusion. For one thing, it’s not the end, nor is it as grand in scope, and for another, it scratches my brain in a particular way because, on a more meta level, the ending grapples with how the concept for The Dreaming differs from the concept of Sandman, and how that difference impacts the story and the characters.
The Books of Magic (1994) #64-67 [Peter Gross]
While I know that part of the whole point of this series is that Tim can’t really settle down anywhere for long, this little home he makes in these issues is by far my favourite and I wish it had lasted longer than the Peter Gross run on the series. Also, this is where I started my “hey Tim... you ain’t cis” crusade and I need everyone to know that this child is very very queer.
Vertigo: Winter’s Edge #3 [Neil Gaiman, Caitlin R Kiernan, Peter Gross]
Another weird Desire story that I’m not too fond of from Neil, and Kiernan’s Dreaming segment is nice enough, but my favourite is the absolute pure fluff of the Books of Magic part, which crosses over with Sandman again and also seems designed to make me ship Mary and Joh as hard as humanly possible and, believe me, I do.
The Books of Magic (1994) #68-75 [Peter Gross] (x) (x)
Another big finale, and this one actually represents more of an end of an era than #50 did. Gross ties it back in with the very beginning and resolves a bunch of loose plot threads, as well as giving cameos to a bunch of characters from the John Ney Rieber issues so that The Names of Magic can transition to a different sort of story. It’s just a shame that we have to ditch the entire recurring cast again. Ah well.
The Dreaming (1996) #44-49 [Caitlin R Kiernan]
This is just the Trinket arc which resolves, or at least brings back, most of the loose ends to do with faerie, with Cluracan and the Nemesis and Nuala returning, and also brings back everyone’s favourite transphobic witch.
Sandman Presents: Petrefax #1-4 [Mike Carey]
Look, word of warning, there are a lot of slurs used here by a writer who evidently does not know that’s a slur for romani people. Gritting my teeth and putting that aside, when this series actually gives Petrefax something to do that’s relevant to his skills it’s quite fun. But that only happens a couple of times in the whole series, a significant proportion of it is just fantasy worldbuilding I really don’t care about, and also did I mention they keep saying a slur? Because they do.
Lucifer (2000) #1-13 [Mike Carey]
I wasn’t immediately a fan of this series, but once it starts building out its recurring cast and gets into the characters a bit more, this is really fun. I was 100% sold by #4.
The Dreaming (1996) #50-60 [Caitlin R Kiernan, Bill Willingham] (x) (x)
Another series draws to a close, and while the last arc could have maybe done with another issue just to give it a little more time to flesh things out and provide a satisfying conclusion for every character, this series is so good, if you don’t mind it the fact that it all basically gets erased from contuniuty by the time of the Sandman Universe publishing line (I guess due to the New 52 or some other DC relaunch, or at least that’s the excuse that I expect they used) I would absolutely recommend it as a followup to Sandman, especially if you don’t want the shift to modern comic styles that the other option leaves you with.
The Names of Magic #1-5 [Dylan Horrocks]
Since Books of Magic #75 ended with Tim proclaiming that he finally knew who he was, was free from his destiny, and wasn’t going to be looking for someone to lead him, and now he was meeting his future on his own terms, having his first move be “ask for help” and then have him shoved in the direction of school by a bunch of more established adult characters seems kinda antithetical the the whole point of that last series. Still, this sets up the next series neatly and isn’t too annoying to get through.
Sandman Presents: Merv Pumpkinhead, Agent of DREAM [Bill Willingham] (x)
This book is one long extended James Bond joke. I do not care about James Bond. What’s going on? Why should I care? Why did the woman have sex with a pumpkin man? Help.
Lucifer (2000) #14-32 [Mike Carey]
Ahhh, now we get to the good shit. The Lucifer series reaches its first Big Event Where A Bunch Of Shit Goes Down in the Paradiso, Purgatorio, and Inferno arcs. I don’t know enough theology to tell you if most of this comes from Jewish or Christian teachings but it’s interesting and probably at least slightly heretical so I’m down.
The Little Endless Storybook [Jill Thompson]
This is cute. No other reason needs to be provided. Read it, it’s cute. (Also if you can find a copy I imagine it is a much better experience if you have a physical copy)
Sandman Presents: Dead Boy Detectives #1-4 [Ed Brubaker]
If slightly frustrating with its actual detective side, this is a fun series that explores the boys and how their ghost powers actually work, and I look forward to what the next writer decides to do with them (and apparently they’re getting a show!! fuck yeah) (also uhhhh more like gayboy detectives amiright gamerz?)
Hunter: The Age of Magic #1-11 [Dylan Horrocks] (x)
It seems the little nosedive Tim’s story took in Names of Magic was only a short one, because right out of the gate Age of Magic is fantastic. The timeskip is slightly disconcerting, but it means we can skip all the “Tim learns magic” “Tim fucks another girl” “Tim discovers things” stages of his schooling and just have him finish and leave as quickly as possible, after using the setting to establish all that it needs to, and Tim can be free to do his own thing rather than being stuck in a “misadventures at the magic school“ style story.
Sandman Presents: The Corinthian #1-3 [Darko Macan]
This one’s mostly atmosphere, but it’s good atmosphere. It’s nice to see a little of the original Corinthian (rather than the rebooted version from The Dreaming) and how exactly he went bad, and what he was doing while Morpheus was imprisoned. Apparently elements of this (with the Corinthian’s experience in WW1) will be involved in the show, which is good because I can point at the screen and go “ooh! ooh! I know this one!” while my dad’s trying to watch, which is always fun.
Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad #1-4 [Bill Willingham]
I really wish I could like the Thessaly spinoffs. I love the character (despite her being claimed by TERFs apparently) and I wish we got more of her history, more of her being ruthless and cold and calculating, I’d especially love it if we explored how her normal life functions and how she does magic, but no, instead we get comedy hijinks with Fetch, the most annoying character to be introduced so far. Also the art is by Shawn McManus who is by far my least favourite Sandman artist and the only thing I actively dislike about A Game of You.
Lucifer: Nirvana [Mike Carey]
This is one of those fancy graphic novels with painted art and so on, but all that achieves is making it harder for me to focus on the story really. Tethys the Raven shows up which is neat. At least The Dreaming is still canon at this point.
Hunter: The Age of Magic #12-25 [Dylan Horrocks] (x) (x)
Big wrap-up of everything established from Names onwards, and a good end to the series, even if bringing back Molly again starts to get slightly tiresome (just let her live her life away from Tim. She’d be fine).
Sandman Presents: The Furies [Mike Carey]
Some of the Sandman Presents stories are spinoffs, or stories that happen to be set in the universe, but this really does feel like somewhere between a sequel and an epilogue to The Kindly Ones, giving Lyta more resolution than she got in the few pages she showed up in during The Wake. The “fancy graphic novel” problems I mentioned with Nirvana do make it a bit annoying to read, but it’s a good and interesting look at a character who got slightly left behind by the story once she’d succeeded in killing Dream off.
Hellblazer: Lady Constantine #1-4 [Andy Diggle]
I’m sure there’s parallels and references that I don’t get because I’ve only read the first few dozen Hellblazer comics, but this was really fun! Johanna is such a fun character and I loved her dynamic with her kid even if I knew they were gonna snuff it the minute they showed up.
Lucifer (2000) #33-40 [Mike Carey]
The Naglfar arc is my favourite sort of comic arc: every recurring character thrown together on a mission and forced to get along. Also, shit goes down with god and while I’m not gonna pretend to know what the precedent is for all this in the Tanakh or in the christian Bible, I’m enjoying whatever is happening immensely.
Sandman Presents: Bast #1-3 [Caitlin R Kiernan]
This is Caitlin R Kiernan’s last offering to Sandman, and it’s also one of their best. The exploration of Bast as a character and how the death of gods actually works is really good, honestly just read it, I’m not sure what else to say except it’s a shame this is the last comic of theirs in this universe.
Death: At Death’s Door [Jill Thompson] (x)
This one’s just a fun look behind the scenes of Season of Mists with Death, Delirium, and Despair dealing with all the dead that have just turned up. The style is so fun, I love the vibes, and also anything that gives Delirium a lot to do is an instant favourite.
Sandman: Endless Nights [Neil Gaiman]
The first of Neil’s followups, and while some of the more abstract or disconnected stories like Desire and Despair’s feel like they’re just there to fill space and give a chapter to every Endless, the (small) through-line of Delirium’s grief is really nicely done, and, again, this captures the consequences of and provides a followup to the ending of Sandman in more depth than The Wake did
Lucifer (2000) #41-49 [Mike Carey]
This part of the series splits its time, mostly focusing on Elaine and Mona’s fates, along with the rest of the supporting cast, while Lucifer does important overall plot things with the angels. I’m not complaining, though, this series has such a good cast of characters and I’d happily read a spinoff with any of them.
Sandman Presents: Thessaly: Witch For Hire #1-4 [Bill Willingham]
Reaching the end of the Sandman Presents series and this is how the original line of spinoffs ends. Not with a bang, but with an aimless and annoying whimper that really isn’t doing any of the things I want this character to be (except murderous. I do enjoy when she kills people). But I think Bill Willingham is somewhat allergic to writing a story with a dark tone that isn’t filled with constant jokes. Like, yes, having comic relief is important in every story lest it become grimdark edgy nonsense, but I would rather see Thessaly at her most fucked up and evil without a ghost trapped in a mirror doing a Funny Bit every other page. Maybe that’s just me, though.
Lucifer (2000) #50-61 [Mike Carey]
Reaching the endgame of the series, and almost every element that was set up gets involved in the last few dozen issues. Not sure what to say, this shit’s just really fucking good. Go read it!
Dead Boy Detectives (2005) [Jill Thompson]
If your detective story ends with the detectives putting together the clues to solve the mystery and publicly confronting the villain and then the villain explains that actually it was all innocent misunderstandings and they’re not guilty at all, I think maybe you shouldn’t be writing detective stories. Also all the crossdressing jokes got old very fast. This is by far the worst of all of these, and there’s some bad shit on this list at points.
Lucifer (2000) #62-75 [Mike Carey] (x)
The gert massive finale of this fantastic series really doesn’t disappoint. Characters get their arcs resolved in a mostly satisfactory manner, it does what DC did a few decades earlier in Crisis On Infinite Earths with resolving a multiverse in a much neater and less confusing way, and we learn that the god of the DC/Vertigo universe looks like the stereotype of a tory civil servant from the 1970s.
Madame Xanadu (2008) #6 [Matt Wagner]
The way Death is used in this is really interesting. For one thing, according to Death the whole “i give you a __” ritual is just set dressing for the intent which summons the Endless, so either Burgess did something really wrong or Death can tell when it’s a trap and tell when someone just wants a chat (and Dream is too stupid to tell and was also understandably destracted in 1916).
The Brave and the Bold (2007) #1-12 [Mark Waid]
The "Lords of Luck” arc, if kinda confusing, is interesting and brings in the Destiny elements in a cool way, even if the way they write Supergirl is sometimes uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gross. The “Book of Destiny” arc, by contrast, is just a series of tangentially linked stories and some of the most generic superhero comic stuff I’ve ever read, and the Book itself is only an afterthought in #12. Also, they gave Destiny the fancy Desire font instead of the harsh bold italics. Come on guys.
Action Comics (1938) #894 [Paul Cornell]
Another standalone Death issue within a broader series I have no interest in reading. She’s fun here too, and I always enjoy someone making Lex Luthor have a little bit of an existential crisis. This also seems to be the first significant appearance of Death outside Vertigo since the imprint began, as TBATB is for Destiny and Metal is for Dream.
Sandman: The Dream Hunters #1-4 [Neil Gaiman]
The story that Neil Gaiman accidentally trolled a bunch of academics in a tiny afterward to this story is very funny to me. I read the comic version rather than prose, I’m sure the prose is also very good because (shocking) Neil Gaiman happens to be a good writer.
House of Mystery Halloween Annual #1 [Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham]
Not much here innit just a fun merv story. If I wasn’t going for 100% I would not have even brought this up.
Dead Boy Detectives (2014) #1-12 [Toby Litt, Mark Buckingham] (x)
This is THE Dead Boy Detectives series, it’s the best by far because, amazingly, if you let your detective characters do detective work, the story is more engaging! Also, the series introduces a fantastic supporting cast, and actually delves into Charles and Edwin’s characters and all their masses of trauma from, y’know, being murdered. Also got me excited about the tv show they’re apparently making. Please let it be like this series and not like the shitearse Jill Thompson one. Please.
Sandman: Overture #1-6 [Neil Gaiman]
I have no idea why the reading list on the back of my copy lists this before Preludes and Nocturnes. Like yeah it’s a prequel technically, but if you hadn’t read Sandman before, reading it first would be a very bad idea since it hinges on lore from the series and also spoils the ending if you didn’t know what happened. If you have actually read Sandman though, yeah it’s fucking good idk what to say. It slaps.
Lucifer (2016) #1-19 [Holly Black, Richard Kadrey]
Honestly, I would have enjoyed this regardless of the writing because it has my favourite artist from my favourite Marvel series, Loki: Agent of Asgard (go read it. do it.), but the writing is also fantastic. It’s the perfect example of a followup that on the whole respects the original series, the themes established, and where the characters were left, before bringing things back into the fold in a realistic way to do something new with them, instead of just resetting continuity so that you don’t have to deal with somebody else’s recurring cast, *ahem*, the entire Sandman Universe reboot you do good things but you could leave some of this in canon, *ahem*. (Speaking of The Dreaming, the inclusion of Matthew makes this the first concrete confirmation that the 1996 series isn’t canon any more, which did make me a bit sad). Well worth a read if you’re a fan of the original!
Dark Nights: Metal #1-6 [Scott Snyder] (x)
It’s your usual boring comic book crossover event. Dream shows up and it sort of sets up the Sandman Universe series, but mostly this is about the usual multiverse bollocks that DC always does. "Batmanium” did make me laugh, though.
Sandman Universe #1 [Neil Gaiman, Simon Spurrier, Kate Howard, Nalo Hopkinson, Dan Watters] (x)
Plenty of setup here, but since I have no idea where any of it’s going I think I’ll just... Let my reviews of the series themselves do the work here instead.
The Dreaming (2018) #1-12 [Simon Spurrier] (x)
The issues with the start of this series are a lot more complicated than just “bad writer” or “incorrect characterisation”. In some cases the old characters are spot on, and the new characters are all fantastic, but something about the way Merv and Lucien develop in the first few issues feels a little forced. This series could have absolutely benefited from what the original Dreaming had - short story arcs focusing on specific parts of or people in the Dreaming that slowly, slowly come together to form a larger whole - and just slowed down the breakdown of Lucien and whatever they were going for with Merv enough that we get a good sense of where it comes from. Instead (probably more due to editorial rushing and a need to get the Big Threat of the first arc in the picture by the end of #2 to appease convention in modern comic storytelling, than the intentions of the writer), the political commentary and character progressions end up a bit hurried and I’m left with a feeling of “Yes logically I get how we got here, but like... how did we get here?”.
All of that being said, once it manages to get into the swing of things, this series is honestly a worthy successor to the original, even if I’m still annoyed about it replacing the original continuity entirely. The way that other Sandman characters are slowly brought in is really nicely done, and the development of the central mystery is intriguing and develops at a perfect rate to give answers, but also keep my interest going.
House of Whispers #1-12 [Nalo Hopkinson, Dan Watters]
Now this feels like Sandman. I love the characters, both human and godly, and the Ananse storyline makes me fall victim to my greatest weakness once again: stories that are about stories, that acknowledge that they’re stories, that twist the narrative of the tale it’s spinning and in doing so acknowledge the consequences of the characters existing in a world defined by narrative conflict. That’s my shit! Also I think it’s really cool that a comic published by one of the big two comic companies has a nonbinary character that uses neopronouns who also defines zirself as queer. Ze are iconic.
Lucifer (2018) #1-13 [Dan Watters]
The style and tone of this is very different to the other two Lucifer comics, and it exists outside of the continuity established by them (hence Lucifer having no scar, Remiel and Duma still ruling hell, Mazikeen’s dialogue takes a while to get used to, etc). Instead of being about the end of the universe and Lucifer’s attempts to get out from Yahweh’s rule while also saving the world surrounded by a huge supporting cast of characters we sympathise with instead of him, this series makes Lucifer pathetic in the best way. It’s much more introspective, and focuses on Lucifer, his ex-lover Sycorax, and their son Caliban, and how their relationships evolve. Also, the art is by far the best out of any of these Sandman Unvierse comics.
Books of Magic (2018) #1-13  [Kat Howard]
Again, a very different take on the same character. I’m not sure I like this one as much as Lucifer though. The focus is on the Cold Flame and Rose from the original Neil Gaiman series, although some elements from the Rieber/Gross series make it through, in particular some interesting things are being done with Tim’s dad. This is fun enough, and I’m interested to see where it goes, but I still much prefer the style of the original.
The Sandman Universe Presents: Hellblazer [Simon Spurrier] 
This one-shot spins out of the 1990 Books of Magic miniseries, and explores what the fuck was actually going on in that potential future they showed. I’m sure it also ties into various bits of Hellblazer but, as already mentioned, I haven’t read more than a couple dozen issues of that series yet and it still made sense.
The Dreaming (2018) #13-20 [Simon Spurrier] (x)
The finale to this series is so good! Like I said earlier, the way that the mystery is slowly revealed works so well, and bringing all the threads together slowly is so satisfying when a writer can do it well. Also, the things it does with Lucien as the narrator in a meta sense is very fun.
House of Whispers #13-22 [Nalo Hopkinson, Dan Watters]
The way that this series builds its characters and worlds is so good, the balance between the human and godly characters especially. I’m also a big fan of how weird-looking the Corinthian is, I think some artists forget to draw him like a nightmare who’s slightly out of sync with reality in a “he looks creepy as fuck sometimes” kinda way.
Lucifer (2018) #14-24 [Dan Watters]
Word of warning: you will need to find the 3rd TPB collection if you want to read the actual conclusion of the Wild Hunt arc, because #19 was never published and the next collection was #20-24. I think it had something to do with covid, idk. Putting that aside, the art here is great and I love the way Lucifer works in this series. Probably the best of the initial four Sandman Universe lines.
Books of Magic (2018) #14-23 [Kat Howard, David Barnett]
The second half is much better than the first (as it seems is the case with a lot of these) , and the finale arc pulls in a few other Sandman related characters which are all fun (even if they don’t always make sense entirely). It’s still nowhere near as good as the original Rieber/Gross series, but it’s fun in its own way.
John Constantine: Hellblazer (2020) #1-12 [Simon Spurrier] (x)
I have not read enough Hellblazer to compare it to what came before, but this is an absolutely fantastic series. The tone is brilliantly managed, the supporting cast is endearing, John’s arc is engaging, and the series knows when to be funny, when to be brutal, when to be horrific, when to be tragic, when to be political, and when to force me to look at a drawing of Boris Fucking Johnson.
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #1-12 [G. Willow Wilson] (x)
This is the most Sandman-feeling SU series, and I mean that in a good way. We get a good amount of seeing Daniel in action, the cast of new characters are all fun, and it feels like a good followup to The Dreaming without stepping on its toes - it uses the new characters as a natural part of the universe, and utilises the plotlines left hanging in a good way. My only real problem with it is a problem I have with a lot of comic series that only run for a dozen issues - the wrapup is a bit rushed to fit it all into one issue, we don’t really get time for the characters to settle into their endings before it’s over.
Locke & Key/Sandman #1-2 [Joe Hill]
The first three-quarters of this are very fun, but it does get a bit boring once they go to hell. Lucifer feels out of character, and I do not have any idea what the normal Locke & Key series is about, so there’s no way for me to be invested in these characters. The stuff that actually takes place in the Dreaming itself is fun, though, and I like the look into Fawney Rig during Sandman #1. Also, it’s always very funny to see a series have to write itself around continuity and go “hey hang on, why don’t the various dreams go rescue Dream?” While we don’t get a satisfactory answer to that, it’s not really what they were focusing on anyway so I have no reason to get angry about it like some people might.
Nightmare Country #1-? [James Tynion IV]
This series is only four issues in at the moment so I can’t say anything conclusive, but it’s got some great creepy shit in it (some of it reminds me of Caitlin R Kiernan’s work with the Corinthian in the original Dreaming) and I was convinced enough by it to pre-order the next two issues, which I look forward to reading!
I’m probably meant to put a conclusion paragraph here but my English teacher would probably agree when I say I’m kinda crap at them. The best long series to spring from Sandman are Lucifer and Books of Magic, Caitlin R Kiernan was the best writer on The Dreaming, and Waking Hours is probably the best of the Sandman Universe books but you’re absolutely in safe hands with any of them. The Sandman Presents comics are good for the most part, but the quality varies wildly. Every time there’s a non-Vertigo series which involves Sandman characters it’s probably not worth it. Don’t bother with the Dead Boy Detectives graphic novel, read the Litt/Buckingham series instead. And most importantly, don’t tell me that I forgot that one 2008 (?) House of Mystery series. I did indeed forget it, but to be fair I didn’t know it existed until I saw a copy in the library the other day and I cannot be bothered reading it now.
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drconstellation · 7 months
Inside the Dirty Donkey
**Warning! This meta contains spoilers and speculation for S3. Do NOT tag Neil!**
Time to get comfy, folks. Get your drink of choice, be it a cupperty, coffee, or nip of sherry, and find a seat. You’ll definitely want to be sitting down for this one. We’re going to the pub!
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The name is apparently a favorite of NG’s, used in his short story “We Can Get Them For You Wholesale.” And it also appears in the Sandman AU.
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In the short story above the protagonist is a jilted lover who tries to organize an assassin for his fiancé who is having an affair with another man at their shared workplace. He meets the ‘salesman’ of the firm he contacts at a pub called the Dirty Donkey, and it escalates from there. The story is freely available online, so you can search it up if you really want to read it, it won’t take long. It mentions a pale horse, which is usually what Death rides in on, and is appropriate in the context of that story.
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The question we need to ask is how does the name The Dirty Donkey apply to the Good Omens AU? Are there any context to the name at all?
There are several meanings for a dirty donkey:
Its a slang or joke name for a black horse (not particularly a dark horse, that has a different meaning altogether)
A cocktail
A sex position (I’ll let you look that one up yourself…)
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Probably the first thing we need to talk about, though is an actual donkey itself, in relation to Jesus, as S2 is full of Jesus references and hints to the Second Coming in S3. Yep, it was all there in front of us, but we were too focused on other things. If you remember your Bible teachings, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, because he came in peace. In ancient times leaders rode horses if they went to war, or if they came in conquest. But arriving by donkey meant you came with peaceful intentions.
But Jesus didn't turn up in S2, you say. And certainly not on any hairy beast. Ah, but he did - metaphorically. Gabriel as Jim turned up - he came up the street, by (the Dirty) Donkey, walking through spilled blood tomatoes, then mentioned his arms were no longer sore (because he had been taken off the cross.) MrPeriod talks more about how Jim represents Jesus here, and it might be worth revisiting it at length another time, as there is quite a bit to unpack there.
There are also the two big golden lions perched on either end of the bar inside the pub, that look rather ominous. The lions are strongly connected to Jesus and his resurrection, representing his return. (I'm still planning to have a better look for more lions in both S1 and S2, but that is still a WIP at the moment.)
There is also the scene in 1941 where the Nazi zombies stagger into the Dirty Donkey and spy on Aziraphale and Crowley through the windows through to the book shop, but all they manage to get is “Banana, fish, gorilla, shoe lace with a dash of nutmeg.” It sounds a bit like a cocktail reference – well, the nutmeg is definitely a GO ref to a certain cocktail – but the cocktail called a Dirty Donkey has cinnamon in it, in the form of cinnamon schnapps, not nutmeg – plus chocolate liqueur and rum. So maybe not.
But perhaps the most important thing we have to examine is the conversation about Jane Austin that Aziraphale and Crowley have in the pub, in S2E2. Because its got so many levels you just about need a break for extra oxygen half way down. Ha! And you thought it was a couple of funny throw-away lines about how Aziraphale saw human romance...
OK, this is the section of dialogue we are going to look at:
AZIRAPHALE: If you're going to invoke fiction, you might as well do it properly. CROWLEY: Properly? AZIRAPHALE: You remember Jane Austen? CROWLEY: Yeah. I'm not gonna forget her in a hurry, am I? The brains behind the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery. Brandy smuggler. Master spy. What a piece of work. AZIRAPHALE: She wrote books. Novels. CROWLEY: Jane? Austen? AZIRAPHALE: Yes! CROWLEY: Whoa, bit of a dark horse. Novels, eh? AZIRAPHALE: Yes. They were very good. CROWLEY: Well. No, I'm just surprised, that's all. You think you know someone. AZIRAPHALE: She had balls. CROWLEY: Well.... AZIRAPHALE: Cotillion balls. People would gather and do some formal dancing and then realize they had misunderstood each other and were actually deeply in love.
Ready to dive into the levels on the Jane Austen conversation? Let's go...
Level 1: It’s a conversation about the novelist Jane Austen, and it sounds like they both met her, but they remember her in different ways – and Crowley’s memory is rather surprising!
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Level 2: There is a mention of a robbery. This makes the parallel with the 1967 scene in S1E3 Hard Times, where Crowley has a secret meeting in the Dirty Donkey to plan a robbery to steal holy water from a church. The robbery in the above conversation involves diamonds (are you taking note/s? This is important!) from Clerkenwell, a district of London of some notoriety. It was famous for it watchmakers and jewelers, but it was also the home of Oliver Cromwell, who has a link to the 1650 date mentioned in S2E1 and the Eccles cakes, to Charles Dickens (author of A Tale of Two Cities, a book of note for GO) Oh, and both times Crowley is wearing a "Tactical Turtleneck", which others have noted he wears when he is doing his own master spy work, such planning or discussing robberies, or sneaking into Heaven to rob them of information!
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Level 3: There is Aziraphale’s idea about how a romance should be conducted, by hosting a cotillion ball with formal dancing, because he's read all those romantic novels by Austen. And we get to see that played out in S2E5 in the eldritch ball. Crowley's idea of a romance was to get caught in the rain and kiss, then - vavoom!
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Level 4: Why mention this apparently fictional side to an author of fictional romance? Well, on one hand, it’s an interesting but dark set-up for a joke later at the beginning of S2E6. I ended up discussing it at length here, but the short of it is that it is our usual human custom not to speak ill of the dead, and this is a form of extreme black-and-white thinking. Here, Aziraphale speaks of the good/white side of Jane Austen, that is well known, but Crowley speaks of the black/supposedly forgotten or unspoken bad side of Austen.
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Level 5: Here’s the S3 information. Have you been paying attention? Did you take note? The parallels were the robberies between a church, and diamonds? That she was a brandy smuggler? Do you know where they smuggled brandy from? And do you know where Austen actually lived? On the South Downs, overlooking the Channel to France…
Whew. I think I need a drink after that. Cheers!
[Edit: I've recently finished a meta on the Bentley and how that relates to black horses, and it's occurred to me why the ethereal lift, or "hellevator," is in the entrance to the Dirty Donkey. Black horses are symbolic spirit guides between the worlds of the living and the dead, so this makes the perfect place to put the lift!]
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luvtonique · 20 days
Just had a fun little back n forth with a friend, thought I'd share.
Friend: "You made $100 off using AI?"
Me: "Not really. The AI generates the song, yes, but I had to meticulously sit there and adjust the prompt for 6 hours to get it to flow together well, and there's still some errors I can't iron out but the commissioner was quite happy with it. Plus, I wrote the lyrics and made sure they fit in iambic pentameter and flowed together in a catchy way by redoing the prompt generation until it sounded right."
Friend: "That's still making 100 bucks off AI that anyone else could have used for like $8."
Me: "Would you consider a person writing fan-fiction and making money off of it a good thing or a bad thing"
Friend: "Good thing, yeah, but if they used AI I wouldn't pay for it"
Me: "No no like hear me out. Would you pay someone to write song lyrics for you? Like if you're a band and someone on your band is the guy who writes the lyrics, should he get paid?"
Friend: "Yes, of course he should."
Me: "Well I wrote the lyrics."
Friend: "That's fair. And you didn't use AI to write the lyrics?"
Me: "No, I'm a fucking writer, you know that. I've been writing poetry and stories since I was like 11, so I got 24 years of experience at least. I am constantly writing stories for characters, games, etc., I do not use AI to write for me. So what I'm getting at is, I wrote the lyrics for the song, I put the song together into a lyric video, I drew a picture to go along with the video, and I got paid to do all that. Do you think that's fair?"
Friend: "Yeah"
Me: "So even if I used AI to generate the song itself, who cares? I wrote the damn thing, I used 1200 credits to generate it [Note: It's 5 credits per generation, each generation makes up to 1 minute of song, the song is 6 minutes long and if it pronounces a word wrong or sounds shitty you have to retry, it took 1200 credits worth of generations to make the song] and got it sounding just right before I posted it. I did a lot of work. As much as everyone shits on AI, you need to understand, not everyone is just typing in a prompt, taking the first thing they get, throwing it on their blog and getting paid for it, and even if they are who fucking cares, people paid $1.2million for a banana taped to the fucking wall."
Friend: "Aight, aight, yeah that's fair. I still don't like it when people get paid just to use AI though."
Me: "It is what it is, man. AI isn't gonna go away, no matter what. We have AI now. We either learn to utilize it to improve our art, or we bitch about it and get left in the dust as everyone else takes off with it."
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someuncreativity · 11 months
Fuck it here’s part two of
My Ranking of How Quickly I’d Let These Fictional Men Rearrange My Organs
Still BotW/TotK edition because look at these men
You get the point, it’s gonna be hella NSFW because read the title
Oh but also this time I’m formatting the prompts like Stanzi Potenza’s “Animated Men I Would Sell My Body To At a Discount Price, The Discount Being Free Because I Would Never Make These Fine Gentlemen Pay For a Whore Like Me” series on YouTube
Cuz why not
But also this is just me thirsting after the most atrocious and/or attractive men in the Zelda universe
6. Master Kogha
This man may not be a fine dining experience, but he’s definitely worth your time for a banana or two.
A solid six-out-of-ten, the only thing that rivals your hatred for his superhero alter ego is his dad bod that puts furry artists on Twitter to shame.
They say that everything’s better with friends, and this man has a couple that would sweeten the deal, and as it happens, red spandex is absolutely up my alley.
A dork playing glorified dress-up doesn’t sound fun until his devotion to a demon king threatens an entire nation, and I am 100% here for it.
5. Revali
Fun fact, my favorite bird to eat is chicken, partially because I’m basic, but also because I could see myself sinking my canines into that cock.
His aim is im-peck-able, pun intended and unashamed, and he’s certain to get a bullseye into my heart.
I know he’s an egomaniac, but in the deep, dark, crevices of my mind, I know he’s mentally ruined. It’s the lifelong trauma and the “I can fix him” for me.
I love Rito clothing, especially since this man’s version of is the sluttiest thing on earth. After looking at him, I’m certain I’m not getting cold anytime soon.
He could treat me like the scum of the earth and I’d still be on all fours polishing his arrow free of charge. He’s like if a Disney prince realized he was a Disney prince.
4. Daruk
The only Goron I’d let pound me like a quarry, this man has warmed my heart like the fiery maw of his hometown’s tourist trap.
I could write a fifty-page essay about how this man’s kindness makes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic look like more of a joke than it already is.
I know what I’ve said about Gorons literally crushing me to death, but as long as his words of encouragement are the last thing I hear as he erupts inside of me like Death Mountain, that’s all that really matters.
That loincloth isn’t doing much in the way of covering up his Boulder Breaker, and for that, I thank the weak fabric for its service to our nation. On the plus side, it’s white, so if he ever walks in the rain, that cloth’s purpose in life will have been fulfilled.
The fact that he has a grandson makes him not just a DILF but a GILF. In my opinion, fathers age like wine, so this is a win-win for me.
Combined with his white beard which resembles a mane more than facial hair, he’s like Santa if Santa was somehow both more and less cuddly at the same time.
And I know he’s afraid of dogs, but personally, that’s fine. I’m more of a cat person anyway.
3. Teba
Take everything I said about Revali and multiply it by the “white hair equals sexy” principle, and you have the new Rito chief.
I didn’t think it was possible to find anyone edgier than the spirit inside of the Master Sword, but here we are.
It is taking every ounce of my soul not to say “I can fix him” because clearly, I can’t and he doesn’t want me to.
. I would let him cry his heart out after nearly losing everything near and dear to him. There’s no shame, sweetie.
His wings are long, and I know of a few things that are longer. Given that he has procreated, it’s clear that the hot springs aren’t the only things that’ll be hot and steamy after a night with him.
Speaking of which, he’s a loving parent and a loving husband, which makes him a DILF, and let me tell you, the second that word becomes an adjective, the snow isn’t the only white thing covering the Hebra mountains.
If he could fly me into the skies, I would watch the sunset with him in silence as we realized the real magic was inside us all along or something like that. Whatever makes him happy, and yes, if he asks for it, that includes me swallowing a few of his bird eggs.
2. Tauro
Finally, a himbo the people can rely on.
We love seeing strong, partially-head-empty men being strong, partially-head-empty men.
Only I’m pretty sure this himbo is actually smart.
Idk I haven’t played enough or focused enough in Kakariko to find out lol
This man is investigating the ring ruins but he forgot about the ring he he to put on my finger.
He is giving “I’m going to save the world” and we love that. If you don’t, I see why- I did just say I liked villains- but I’m a double-sided coin.
Speaking of coins, flip one: head or tails? Which part of me is going to need to be replaced by Rauru? I don’t know, and quite frankly, I don’t care.
I personally have some depths for him to explore, and let me tell you, it’s gonna be the cave feeling his gloom infiltrate every orifice instead, and the cave will thank him.
His hair is giving the Hot Topic version of Melanie Martinez, and let me tell you, if I wasn’t a Crybaby, this man would have turned me.
I just love that every single Hylian around is taller than Link. I also love, however, that this man also towers over them too. Honestly, that makes things even better for me personally.
As long as Miss Papaya over there doesn’t realize that Link isn’t half the hero her grandma made him out to be, we won’t have problems. No worries here, chief, just doing some Zonai excavating.
1. King Dorephan
It’s known that this man singlehandedly defeated a Guardian, but judging by his measurements, all of which make the Empire State Building look like a stack of building blocks, it’s not hard to see how.
The leader of the Zora, this man is guaranteed to make any traveler feel right at home- hopefully, between the two logs he calls legs and the other two which he uses for other less savory deeds.
Not that I would mind, he could stretch my throat out to a time when the community will stop complaining about how the company keeps retconning the story with one and turn me into a make seahorse during conception with the other and I’d still have room. I have no shame.
If his son is a ten, he would have still been a ten before inflation.
You have to love a rich man with anatomically-correct shark organs. Jaws was really just my wake-up call after all, but not really because I like my men to talk dirty.
All I ask for in life is for this DILF to stretch me like taffy and squash me like a grape. Once that is achieved, I don’t care what Ganon does to Hyrule- I found my own sacred realm, thank you very much.
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morganwrites12672 · 1 year
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
'I'm No Nancy Wheeler'
Steve has never fallen for a type like you. Never.
"How long does your hair take you little fucker," you yell at your brother as he puts in the finishing sprays of some Farrah Facet hair spray.
He had already been in there for half an hour. You still had to basically do everything but change. It didn't matter how long he took at this point. You were always late to class. He never was.
"One more damn minute in there, and you're going to be very late to your favorite class," you want and Dustin burts out of the bathroom, hairspray in hand.
"You wouldn't dare," he says and points the bottle at you. You scoff as you get into the bathroom. He was convinced you would never do something that serious. Mr. Clarke was his favorite teacher, Dustin worshiped the man.
"I would," you say as you shut the door. Your hair was, there wasn't the right word for it. It was a mess.
"Son of a bitch," Dustin yells as you begin working on the mess of hair resting atop your head. Dustin was definitely going to be late.
You finish up and look at your watch, 7:40am. Shit you were a lot later then you had wanted to be. You groan as you walk into your room and grab your backpack.
You take a last look in the mirror, tight flare jeans and a Bowie Tshirt. Bowie wasn't one of the main bands you listened to, but your brother persuaded you to listen to something less metal.
You slip on a black leather jacket before waking into Dustin's room. You notice his alarm clock says 7:42 A.M.
"Dustin, why is your clock set early?" You ask. There is no fucking way he would set your clock an hour ahead. He wouldn't.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Dustin yells and grabs his backpack. He did.
"I didn't want to be late," he reasons. You scoff and go to grab your backpack before storming to your car.
Dustin gets in shortly after and you tear out of the driveway. He made you lose an entire hour of sleep. Why? So he wouldn't be late.
"Fuck off, I'm no Nancy Wheeler," you say to Steve harrington. He was a total asshole. He expected to get whatever he wants whenever he wants it.
"I'm not with Nancy Wheeler, plus I don't want to be. I want to be with you," he says and you cringe. Ew.
"So. You went from Nancy Wheeler, to Yn Henderson?" You ask him motioning to your attire. Did Nancy Wheeler even know what Bowie was?
"Look, I'm over her," Steve insists. You raise an eyebrow and scoff.
"Okay, what do I have to do to prove it to you?" Steve asks. He was so hopeful you would say something easy so he could just kiss you.
He loved your 'fuck off' attitude and was instantly pulled into a choke hold by you. He hated the fact that he fell for the biggest outcast in the school, but you were worth it.
He was getting over having to deal with all of the pressure of keeping his reputation perfect. Being king Steve wasn't easy.
"Fine. Fuck off and I will think about it," you reply and stalk off. You left to walk to some class you had, either history of math, and thought about it.
The answer was no.
It had been two years since you had rejected Steve Harrington. He respected your wishes and waited for you to come to him. You hadn't.
That all changed when you saw working at scoops ahoy in that stupid uniform. Honestly, it should be illegal to look that good.
Steve and his stupid, slutty thighs. Steve and his stupid, slutty waist.
You walked over to the counter and rang the bell. Steve turned around and blushed.
"Get it over with Henderson," he said with a groan. You smiled and let out a little laugh. He had so idea you thought that that stupid uniform was hot.
"I don't know. Maybe you could help me?" You ask and lean on the counter. "I'm thinking cherries jubilee, maybe a banana boat sundae?" You say with a smile as Steve's eyebrows hit his hairline.
"I'm sorry?" He asks. He was very clearly shocked. "is this a stupid prank?" Steve asks.
"I did not plan this. Blame that slutty sailors outfit," you reply with a wink. Steve's jaw drops. You tap your finger under his chin so it doesn't literaly hit the floor.
"So, pick me up at,- what time do you get off?" You ask. Steve is still in shock as you fold your arms over your chest.
He couldn't believe it. He couldnt. You were different
There were a few small tattoos adorning your arms, and your black jeans clung to you. Low on your hips. Steve snapped back to reality and kept his mind from wandering.
How many nights had he pined over you? Wishing and hoping for a single kiss. A single hug even.
"Um, ten," he blurts and you smile before grabbing his hand and writing your number.
"You can pick me up at 11, maybe we could go to the arcade. They are open late on Saturdays during the summer," you say and give him a kiss on the cheek before walking off.
Steve stands in shock. H-
"You rule Harrington," Robin says with utter shock. How had Steve had a girl, a very, very, hot girl come up and basically ask him out?
"I rule?" Steve says and hears a groan.
"Was that my sister?" Dustin asks. That was when it hit him.
Steve had gotten a date with his sister. You despised Steve? Or did you?
Dustin didn't want to find out.
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for details!
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zehecatl · 11 months
happy steam sale to all, here’s a 'little’ rec list for (primarily) indie games that, in my opinion, isn’t as popular as they deserve to be!
Ghostwire: Tokyo -60% the only triple a game you’ll see on this list, and my own all time personal favourite. if you like anime, japanese history and folklore, and bromance, you will very likely love this game. it also lets you explore Tokyo and pet the dogs! and cats! literally perfect game!!
Iconoclasts -70% i have been shilling this game, at every major steam sale, for pretty much four-five years. before Ghostwire, it was my all time favourite video game. it was in development, by one person, for around eight years. it is still, in my opinion, one of the most gorgeous pieces of pixel art in the whole damn medium. just. please check it out i beg
Angels of Death -40% rpgmaker game that absolutely excels at being a character driven story. it also got an anime adaptation? which i’ve actually never seen?? but if you grew up playing horror rpgmaker games, please do yourself a favour, and check this out. and if you didn’t- check it out anyway! it’s not super scary or anything, with a more psychological horror focus
Owlboy -65% tiny owl boy does his very best and will worm his way into your heart and then crush it because life is maybe a bit too cruel to him. also you can fly! did i mention you can fly??
Pony Island + The Hex -80% did you adore Inscryption? did you like the meta element? then oh boy, should you check out Daniel Mullins’ two former games! they’re good! probably has the same vibe as Inscryption! could not tell you i still have not played that thing! but these are both very good, and absolutely worth every cent
Underhero -70% it’s a bit rough around the edges, but man, this game has so much love put into it, and i think it deserves way more love than it got
My Friend Pedro -75% the action is definitely the high point here, but i have a personal soft spot for the lil’ bit of lore we do get. like, there is something there, and i want to dig my fingers in. also wacky banana is funny
Sayonara Wild Hearts -40% queer girls on motorcycles? in my rhythm game?? it’s more likely than you think!! (also, if you suck at rhythm games: me too, this is still worth picking up)
MO:Astray -50% the fact that seemingly no one on tumblr has played this... despite the fact that it feels like it’d be a right shoe in... criminal. there is a little CREACHUR! LOOK AT IT. IT IS A SLIME!!
The Messenger -75% i legit thought this game was way more popular than it, apparently, is, which i think just speaks volume of my opinion on it. it’s genuinely right up there with Shovel Knight as iconic retro throwbacks- plus! the devs are making THE most gorgeous indie rpgs, apparently set in the same universe. so that is another reason to check it out
This Strange Realm of Mine -90% an extremely weird little game that will likely not be for everyone, or even most people, but that i really liked. considering the price, i don’t really think there’s much to lose on buying this little gem
Darkside Detective -70% funny point & click game with very shipable protagonists! there’s also a ‘second season’ that i have not played (yet), but is very likely absolutely worth getting
Haiku, the Robot -33% it is, rather obviously, not as good as Hollow Knight, but if you’re suffering from ‘waiting for Silksong’, perhaps this little gem will tide you over
Transiruby -30% another small metroidvania! has really pretty pixel art, and is just a fun little time
Flynn, Son of Crimson -50% not what it was promised, but it’s a fun platformer with gorgeous pixel art, and a dog. it’s a good time, and isn’t that what we all want :]
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows -70% a cute horror game, with excellent enemy designs, and a whole town to explore. also the story is so good. i am still absolutely enamoured with this title. this is, technically, the 2nd in a series, but you can play the games standalone, and while i’m sure the 1st is just as good, i’ve only played this one. because priorities (also keep in mind!! that this is a horror game!!! i’d recommend looking up some trigger warnings, because, uh. horror game!)
A Short Hike -35% just an extremely cozy and fun little game. exploring every inch of this island was just such a good time, i still think extremely fondly of this title
Webbed -30% i am gently laying an hand on the shoulder of every bug enthusiastic on this website. you play as a spider. who is trying to get back her boyfriend from a bird. and there’s a really fun swinging mechanic. do you really need anything more?
Garden Story -60% i am once again shocked this game isn’t more popular. what do you mean a cozy adventure game with community restoration, foraging, and some fun combat with a grape protagonist isn’t one of the biggest sellers in cozy gaming spheres. there’s a frog. you can put on different hats. what else do you want!!
Donut County -70% funny little game about making holes and being a chaotic racoon. i have an extremely soft spot for the characters in this, i could not explain it <3
also Oxenfree is not on sale, but it’s cheap, and the sequel is dropping very soon! and you should absolutely check it out! because it’s really REALLY good!!
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molarbeardoc · 4 months
SPIVE ANGST FANFIC IN THE WORKS The masses on the Axosun discord server really want it and I’m such a nice person that I wrote it for them
They do not have a gun to me pointed under the table /ref /lyr
HAHA uhm
I’ll make some art for it later I guess. This is gonna be pretty sloppy since I haven’t actually written a story in like a whole ass year or two-
Enjoy eugh I feel so cringe writing this
Chained and Drowning
By meeee :3
They say dreams having meanings; that they send omens to the REM resting host, warning them of potential threats seeping from the shadows to strangle unsuspecting victims.
Others say it’s the opposite; that they exist to bring comfort to the dreamer after stressful days, or nights for our poor graveyard workers, and exhausting weeks.
The debate on the subject has been argued for many years, decades, maybe even centuries. Each person having their own theory on what they exist for, each differentiating from the other be it slightly or massively.
Not for Split though.
The banana beagle fruit-taur found dreams to be a mix of everything. An omen, a comforting gift, a story, a future teller without a crystal ball, a puddle of mud; anything and everything, even if it weren’t plausible nor made sense. After all, dreams rarely make sense themselves, so why should their interpretations? Surely they were equally as bananas right?
Split would never pay too hard attention to them, enjoying them while they lasted yet still being a bit disappointed when they ended.
She would sit to the sidelines of the obstacle course, the fluorescent lights low and dim as the bleachers were clear of spectators. It was Sunday, the game show never hosted during weekends to give the crew a chance to find anymore overly confident players who thought the course a cakewalk. Of course, they were left flabbergasted when realizing how difficult it truly was, which she always found to be hilarious.
Split would raise to her paws, glancing at the digital clock that sat on one of the walls.
"Still early.." She thought, her ears lowering slightly out of disappointment. Maybe she should get up and moving now? But she’d still have to wait for her to get up. Then again, she doesn’t remember even seeing her sleep before. No matter the time or day, she was always awake. They’ll definitely have to have a talk about that; maybe get help from DrRETRO as well! Surely the feline would offer some sort of medicinal… Medicine…? Medium..? Whatever the word was, advice to help with insoma… Insofar… Is that even a word? If it is, it’s a funny sounding one!
Insofar, sounds like solar- Ah! No no can’t get distracted. Gotta get up! Gotta get ready!
She’d stretch her upper and lower body before hurrying off to get dressed and ready. The usual shower and such weren’t an issue, unlike clothing. Banana sweater or the banana T-Shirt? It was pretty cool yesterday… But what if it were all sunny and bright and beautiful today? She’d end up getting all hot and tired. Then again she did hear something about it being cool again today. Oh well! Sweater it is!
After deciding on the most important aspect of her day, she was practically set! Breakfast wasn’t an issue considering the plans that were in place so all that was left was to head to the elevator…!
She never really liked the elevator. It always smelled dusty, lights would flicker at random, and then there was the chance of it showing up out of nowhere and tormenting you until you got to your floor; some of its taunts more deadly than the others…! But for now the reward was well worth the risk!
She stepped onto the elevator and pressed the very top button with a plus on it, picking the “Funny Maze” (which she never understood why it was called that, there weren’t any jokes, puns, or pranks within it) and slipping in a few coins into the slot. After the process was completed, she waited patiently as the elevators electronic music began playing while it ascended the floors with relative ease.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this it was very fun to write erm yea yes
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