#plus researching and writing is more fun than reading according to my brain
bambino1294 · 9 months
why is researching for a fic like this
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itslostfocus · 3 years
Journey to Fluency - Steps I follow
The idea is to arrive to an advanced level in July 26th 2022.
To calculate this I searched how many hours it is needed to reach the fluency in Korean. Internet says that it is around 2500 hours seeing the kind of language it is (type 5 if I remember well). After some more research I realized that in general, I would spend like 3 hours every day in contact with Korean in an indirect or passive way, so I decided to extend that to 4 hours and mix both, active/direct and passive/indirect learning.
I do these 4 hours during the day not to overwhelm myself, also cause I have other stuff to do lol
Daily routine
1) 20 new words
I copy them from a list on an excel file to have them in a table form with the meaning and examples.
Then I make flashcards with their meanings and a picture (I'm a visual learner). I use quizlet but use any flashcards system you want. The important is to make them and review them right away and any time you want. In my case I play basically all the modes quizlet has.
After that, you will see which words are the hardest for your mind to stick with. Then write then down with an example from a dictionary to give it a context and make the correlation between the word and the meaning easier. I use the method explained by Lindie Botes here and has worked so well! Aka red for Korean, blue for English and black for the examples (I write these examples on the excel).
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2) Grammar point
I study 1 grammar point per year. Until now I'm reviewing what I have already learned cause grammar is the hardest thing for me to remember and I always tried to hurry things up to "learn more" and all I did was read but not actually learn. Don't make the same mistake! Allow yourself to take your time to learn well
To study better I have made a flashcards deck when I write the name of the grammatical structure and what it's used for. Also I have made like a table where I write examples, the usage, the sequence, how it changes if the previous word ends in a vowel or consonant etc.
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3) Hanja (한자)
After like a week or so into the routine I realized that my brain works better learning words individually and then making sentences and phrases from them, instead of learning full sentences. So to use that, I decided to add hanja as a way to help me to learn vocabulary better since in that way I can connect and relate words based on their origin. It's pretty cool and til now it hasn't been something too complicated for me, it just requires practice.
I do 3 hanja characters per day using the lessons from How To Study Korean here and take notes (there are books, apps, videos based but I find this way better for me). Then make flashcards and review them, and I write them down on an excel file as it is a table so I can have a record of everything and an easier way to review.
I personally recommend to start with hanja once you are used to read hangul and have a good base of basic vocabulary so it won't be confusing. But well you decide according to your situation.
(Plus if you want to learn Japanese, as I do, it will be super useful cause it's the same -except for some points- than kanji so. And well of course really helpful if you want to learn Chinese since these are chinese characters)
4) Listen / Read / Watch
This is basically all the passive/indirect way of learning. Add playing games if you want lol.
I don't take notes of anything I see in here cause I don't want to set the mindset of "oh I need to be aware of all words to later search on naver and make flashcards". These are things I do to make my ears and brain get used to the sound of the language and be able to understand people when they speak, and also to have fun. Disconnect your learning thoughts and just enjoy what's happening, sooner or later you will see how you understand stuff just by listening and seeing.
Here I...
Listen to songs and read the lyrics.
Watch videos on youtube, variety shows, etc with korean subtitles, or without subtitles if it's something that I have already watched before.
Read webtoons or social media posts or anything you find that has Korean written.
5) Learning focused apps
The goal of the app, in my opinion, is to practice making sentences and get used to the different structures without reading them from a book or a lesson format. Also if it has a streak format it works to establish a routine.
I used lingodeer before and now I'm using duolingo. There are many more, so choose your fav ^^
I don't take notes here either for the same reason explained before.
6) Daily posts on social media
This is a way to not only keep a record of the journey, but also to interact with other learners and native speakers and to force yourself to continue the routine since you have to leave a record of it.
So don't stress yourself about making pretty notes, what matters is for to learn and proudly show how well you are doing 💜
(Optional) 10 daily phrases / sentences
When I started the journey I had this instead of the hanja, but how I explained on that point my brain simply doesn't learn from phrases, it needs to know the meaning of each word (or most of them) before forming or understanding sentences. If I don't know all the words but some of them I can already understand by context, but I need to know words. If the sentence only has words I don't know, my brain simply ignores it, even if I can read what it means.
I decided to change it cause it became really hard after some days and it was starting to make the whole routine stressing just for that.
I will see if I do it again in a future, but for now it's not something I consider lol.
The most important things
Remember to rest well, eat well, sleep well. Learning is easier like this. If you want to take a break or take naps, do it. Your brain needs energy to work, more to learn, so take care of it.
Copy this routine or make your own adding or taking things out. Do what works the best for you and spend the time you want and can on it. If you can do it for hours, great for you, if you can do it for 5 mins, great for you, all is progress. The important is to establish a routine that is easy to follow.
Enjoy every day of the journey!
Sooooooo that's all! I hope this can be helpful to anyone, for Korean or for any other language.
Happy learning 여러분! ^^
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wonderer-ru · 5 years
my soul remembers us
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☾ Taehyung|reader story
↳ genre: fluff and soft angst ↳ word count: 14.004 ↳ warnings: none ↳ a/n: fun fact. i wanted to finish writing this by Taehyung’s birthday… last year. so this has been a long time coming. i love this story very much, this is my favorite concept and i hope you enjoy. please, let me know what you think. oh, and there’s a little easter egg for those who read “under the spell”. happy new year!
⍣…your generation cracked a shell of something that was beyond one’s comprehension for thousands of years. What was made to be a matter of belief, religion and mysticism, took a form of the undeniable truth. Reincarnation. Yes, in your time, reincarnation was a scientifically proven fact…⍣
☾ reincarnation au; soulmate au
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Each generation had something that they thought was impossible at the beginning of their reign, yet later it sneaked into reality with such smoothness, the discovery was welcomed almost too nonchalantly to be fair. Some thought video phones were out of a fairytale, but decades later they found themselves using those daily, without a second thought or the initial feeling of novelty. That’s how progress worked, you thought. The most farsighted people would just stop wondering and fantasizing, deciding to bring unimaginable things to their tangibility instead. Sometimes, it was scary how quickly those miracles became nothing more than mundane accessories in people’s routine lives.
You hoped it wouldn’t happen to this particular notion, because your generation cracked a shell of something that was beyond one’s comprehension for thousands of years. What was made to be a matter of belief, religion and mysticism, took a form of the undeniable truth. Reincarnation. Yes, in your time, reincarnation was a scientifically proven fact, that also helped in explaining several psychological phenomena; many of which were previously considered to be purely trauma-based. How could this become ordinary? Admittedly, the break through was still fresh in society’s minds, so you didn’t worry about its oblivion. Not yet.
Nowadays, the theurgic discovery nested right in the sweet spot: the government just started to provide financials for research, while keeping the scientific details away from the general public, therefore the concept was still too vague for the scammers to get their hands on it. Sure, mediums offered a look into previous lives long before that, but now they strived to cash on the boost that would inevitably occur, forging some science degrees along the way. The good old psychic shtick was in the past. Claiming you can talk to the dead in a dimly lit room wouldn’t roll anymore. No, people would ask you for your diploma now.
And while grifters tried to figure it out, clinics were built, special nursing courses  and programs were organized, and you were fortunate enough to get into one. Studying felt like constant research, as if you were a part of developing this new knowledge, and it felt invigorating. You were learning aspects of reincarnation right as they were uncovered, and isn’t it the best way to become a specialist on the subject? Every piece of information was cherished by everyone around you, so you couldn’t help but stock those close to your heart as well. It all became even more surreal, when you found out that your first internship would be spent under the mentoring hand of none other than the man himself. Dr. Kim Namjoon. A young genius, only a couple of years older than you, that shook the world with his findings and now, naturally, was leading as many research teams as he could handle. The rest still worked with his careful oversight. 
The growing amount of brand new possibilities and fields of research seemed overwhelming at times, yet there was one phenomenon that attracted the most attention. Confabulation. A disturbance of memory that used to be defined as the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world, without the conscious intention to deceive. Now - dictionaries with this definition in them could be thrown away, because confabulation was currently known as “the glimpse into one’s past life”. Not really scientific yet, but, yes, those “fabricated” memories were proven to be very real memories that the soul experienced in one of its past incarnations. 
People’s confabulations ranged from subtle alterations to bizarre fabrications, and - what’s even more fascinating - those people were generally very confident about their recollections, despite contradictory evidence. That’s why the subjects didn’t bat an eye at the contact with something much more modern than their previous self would be used to. The lucky peculiarity made Dr. Kim’s research much easier and a lot less expensive. After all, it would be highly inconvenient, if the doctors had to build entire eras around their patients - probably separate hospitals for people from certain decades - just for the results to be somewhat valid. It was crucial to keep people of interest calm and undisturbed, so, fortunately, they didn’t freak out when their soul from the 1920’s suddenly woke up hundreds of years later. 
Surely, at some point, maybe half a century into the future, fruits of this work will become widely accessible - to wealthy people first, then to common folk - providing everyone with a peep into their distant adventures. Today, however, the thoughts of building any sort of business based on reincarnation were strictly put on hold, at least until Dr. Kim and his team figure out the safest way of putting a person into the state of paramnesia and, most importantly, bringing them out of it. The latter posed as a tougher task, because, at this stage of research, all existing records showed that patients could be stuck in ‘confabulation’ for, apparently, only God knows how long. From days to months, to even years. No trace of noticeable patterns or correlations. 
“We have a new patient today,” Dr. Kim stopped in front of another hospital room, and you almost bumped into him, a little too intently scrabbling away in your writing pad. Namjoon (not that you could call him by his name) always had five to seven interns following him during rounds, because “I don’t know if you’ve gathered enough information about me, but I only have two eyes and one brain. I’d rather have all that, but times five. Gross, I agree. Plus, the surgery would cost a fortune. So I dutifully ask of you, interns, the fresh blood of this place, to be my extra eyes, brains, hands. The hospital will provide you with pens and paper. Quantity of your notes could result in quality of our overall data”. Dr. Kim was well aware that he couldn’t catch every single detail by himself - especially since he was the one asking questions - so he took all the help possible, which spoke to his humble nature. The man just really wanted to move forward with his discovery. 
But, despite leading the most advanced scientific program in the world, he was quite old fashioned when it came to interacting with patients. Dr. Kim refused to install any hidden cameras in their rooms, because having interns by his side gave him several unique points of view on what his patients said and how they acted; which was priceless, unlike the equipment that would only lower his eyes sight in the end. Have you seen the quality of those videos? One-way mirrors were also unacceptable, as they would turn any conversation into interrogation, and the sheer vibe of the room could make patients feel uneasy. Not to mention the expenses that this kind of purchase would cause. Government could only help to a certain extent, and independent sponsors still found the research too risky and unreliable to invest into. 
“I was informed that this case is somewhat special. The patient correctly recalled his name, which could mean one of two things: he just, for some unknown reason, remembered his current name, or, he had the same exact name in his past life. That we won’t be able to determine with certainty until he snaps out of it, I guess.”
“Is it possible that he has kept more memories of his present life? Of course, but we’ll have to wait and see. So,” Dr. Kim took the chart from a wall pocket and looked over it. “Kim Taehyung. Twenty three years old. Male. Car accident. Has a couple of bruised ribs and, of course, a head injury. The decade his soul is currently in: 1960s,” as you might have noticed, Dr. Kim favored answering questions before they were asked, which honestly made things easier, since your preference consisted of staying quiet, observing and writing things down. “You will all be given additional files with more information about him, what his family and friends could provide. Take your notes carefully, so later you can potentially point out similarities between his past and current lifetimes.”
You nodded, along with four other interns, and followed Dr. Kim into the room, laying out some preparatory work on the blank piece of paper: his name, today’s date and the date his soul thinks it is. As you walked in and proceeded to take your usual spot in the corner of the room, your gaze brushed the patient’s figure on the bed, noticing a book in his hand. A book that, according to his perspective of time, would be written half a century later, so, basically, the man was reading a story form the future and didn’t even know it. You made a note of it, even though it wasn’t your main task. 
This late into the internship, you and your group-mates have made up a system where each intern had only a couple of aspects of the conversation to document. No one had to split their focus, and, at the end, you’d exchange notes to create the complete picture. Some had to pay close attention to patients’ nonverbal behavior, some listened to their voice and intonations. Your job was to write down the exact words that were said. That’s why you didn’t bother with getting a better place to stand, to look at the young man. Your ears would work perfectly fine from the corner. You were used to carrying this role by now, since it was pretty much the same group of interns every time, and everyone has settled into their groove. Although, maybe, you should’ve switched more often, because catching the words and writing them down became a chain of mindless, automatic operations. It didn’t matter what the conversation was about. You’d analyze everything later, when the puzzle is assembled. 
Dr. Kim went through his usual set of questions - nothing specific, yet; minimal usage of modern terminology; just general check up - but, a couple of minutes in, his voice acquired lightness that was slightly out of character, and you even heard Namjoon laugh. Huh. This guy must be very amusing. The thought left your mind as soon as it entered, and you continued to be oblivious to the patient’s velvety voice, or the way a wide boxy grin made his eyes disappear. Words, words, words. You were only concerned with words, not noticing that the room was already charmed and completely in love with Kim Taehyung. Maybe, you’ll feel the same, once you read back everything that’s been written in the past ten minutes.
However, your fluent handwriting suddenly falters when Dr. Kim is interrupted mid sentence. 
Your own name was left unfinished under the pen as your eyes widened in realization. The patient just called you, and, judging by the tone of his voice, he was pleasantly surprised. You looked up to find every gaze in the room turned in your direction. Taehyung was smiling, and, suddenly, you were very aware of him. Shouldn’t have ignored his presence before, because now it was a bit overwhelming. And there’s that flitting feeling... You’d call it a déjà vu, but it would contradict Dr. Kim’s newest theory. He thought that the concept of “déjà vu” was about alternative universes, not about past lives. According to him, déjà vu appears when you experience something that your alternative self lived through a bit earlier. As if they went through life a little faster, but in a moment of deja vu you catch up to them, hit the same point in time and space, then go your barely separate ways. Anyway...
You turned to Namjoon - who looked surprised, but also intrigued - hoping that your eyes screamed for help obviously enough. 
“I didn’t realize that they’ve brought me to your hospital,” the man seemed very excited by the encounter, so, at least, he liked you. But how the hell did he know you at all? You opened your mouth (that appeared to be rid of any moisture) to say something, but Namjoon stepped in; probably to prevent you from answering with anything that could confuse or disturb the patient. 
“Excuse me, Taehyung. Can I steal your...?” Dr. Kim paused, expecting for Taehyung to finish the sentence, and - oh boy - he did. 
“Fiancée,” the man replied happily, a somewhat prideful look adoring his features. Meanwhile, your ability to breathe was packing its bags, ready to travel. A soft gasp - that sounded a lot like ‘fiancée’ - escaped your lips, and you felt someone’s hand on your back, pushing you off the wall. When did you lean against it? Now that you decided to concentrate on it - your legs were obviously shaking. 
“Fiancée,” Dr. Kim repeated, physically pushing you out of the room, because your body didn’t seem to cooperate under the severe shock. You could vaguely - very, very... very vaguely - understand what all of it meant, but the right pieces just bounced off each other, not clicking yet. “Fascinating. We’ll be right back,” Namjoon ushered you out, hoping that Taehyung didn’t find your terrified state too suspicious. He couldn’t let this chance go to waste, because for Dr. Kim everything clicked the moment his patient called your name.
“Y/N, do you know him?” he had to make sure that in this life you were absolute strangers. Your lungs came from their brief vacation and worked with full force, as you frantically tried to remember seeing Kim Taehyung’s face before. No memory came up, and, sure, you could forget a face, but certainly not the fact that you were engaged to said face. So you shook your head, confidently enough for Dr. Kim to light up with delight and anticipation. A new discovery was on the way. 
“No, I’ve never seen him, and I am not his fiancée,” you denied the fact as if it was an outrageous accusation, when, in reality, everyone knew that the whole thing was just a trick, played on Taehyung by his own fogged mind. 
“That’s excellent!” Namjoon was practically jumping on the spot, while your confusion slowly wore off. Very slowly. 
“Excellent? Wha- why, why? Why would you-? I wouldn’t use that wo- ...Oh,” and then it hit you. “OH! It means that he knew me in his past life! Holy sh-“
“Yes, precisely! And it also means that you had the same name in your past life, which means that he probably did too!” Dr. Kim was hitting you with conclusions and calculations - rapid fire style - so your inner scientist was simply ecstatic, yet overwhelmed and a bit dizzy. “And it also means that you physically look the same as your previous self! This is unprecedented! You have to play along!” you were nodding along to everything Namjoon was saying. He was so enthusiastic and fired up, it was infectious. But wait-
“Wha- What?!” did you hear him right? “Play along as in... I have to pretend to be his fiancée?” Namjoon exhaled to calm himself down from excitement, before attempting to calm you down from panicking. His hands squeezed your shoulders, but Dr. Kim soon found that it wasn’t enough to ground you. “I have to do everything that it implies? I have to pretend... to be in love?” you whispered the word ‘love’ like it was something forbidden; like faking love is the most sinful and horrible crime to commit. 
“Y/N, my dear Y/N, please, hear me out,” Namjoon’s hands altered to cradle your face, and he looked into your eyes as if you were the only one who could help him, save him; like you were the only person that mattered right now, and if the context of his pleas was any less professional, you’d feel weak in the knees. It made sense, though. Dr. Kim was in love with scientific progress, and you were the embodiment of it in that fateful moment. “We can’t destroy his world right now, because we don’t know- ...we can’t predict what it could possibly do to his mind. It could result in a catastrophe. But, more than that, just- ...just imagine how much we can uncover. You already gave me a lot just by standing in the corner of that room. Do this too, please. It could change everything.”
“I... I am not a good actress. And I don’t know anything about him... about us in his... damn it! Our past life. What if he figures it out?” to be completely honest, you were convinced the moment Namjoon started speaking. You’ve never seen anyone so determined and committed. It truly was the work of his life. Right now, your frightened mind just scrambled for more reassurance that, you knew, he could give you. 
“It won’t matter to him. You know as well as I do that these patients don’t get suspicious about things ‘not adding up’. You just have to act like you know him and that, yes, you are a woman in love, about to marry the man of her dreams,” Dr. Kim was still pretty close, so you pealed his hands off your face, in case Taehyung came out of his room. He shouldn’t see you in a position that looks far from innocent. Was he a jealous type? Well, you were already in that mindset, might as well... Your head hit the wall with a quiet knock, and you closed your eyes, thinking things over one last time. 
“You don’t seem like the kind of student that would have a crush on their professor, so I won’t ask you to do this for me... unless,” he stretched out the sentence, narrowing eyes at you. Suspicion was real. “...you do have a... crush on me?” you snorted at that. His cluelessness was truly adorable. He obviously didn’t know or care about the proper navigation of someone’s romantic advances. And your reaction to it - as if it was such a ridiculous implication (after all, it wasn’t far fetched at all, because a lot of students did have a crush on him) - didn’t hurt the man, even though he said “ouch”. “Okay, then do it for science, Y/N, because I know you care.”
Dr. Kim lifted his hand, and you were split between rolling your eyes and squealing with joy. Here goes nothing.
“For science,” your fist bumped into his, and that sealed it. You were officially science bros with Kim Namjoon. 
“Were you really ready to use poor girl’s affection towards you? For your own benefit? Shame on you, Dr. Kim.”
“Uhh, not for my benefit? For science?”
...And you were officially engaged to Kim Taehyung. 
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The hospital staff was immediately informed of your unusual situation, and not being the only one who had to “play along” felt somewhat relaxing. Moving forward, for Taehyung and everyone else (in Taehyung’s presence) you were just a nurse that worked exhausting shifts daily and fulfilled her duties by caring for all sorts of patients. Now you practically lived at the hospital, not only because nurses in the 60s did that, but because Dr. Kim advised you to spend as much time with your new-old fiancé as you could. 
You felt like a government spy, and Taehyung was your mission. In some ways, it was true. You were his lovely bride’s evil tween, and your task was to get close to him, because he held some important secrets. Dramatic, yet strangely accurate. His personal file - that also comprised everyone’s notes on the man - served as your desk book, and his parents’ narrative was your bedtime story. You were relieved to find that Taehyung was single, even though his current life didn’t mean a great deal at the moment. The fact that there wasn’t a romantic partner in sight eased your mind considerably. Directing “heart eyes” (even fake ones) at someone else’s lover would be guilt-inducing, surely. You just hoped that his family and friends were informed of his personal life as well as they thought. 
This noble scientific swindle was destined to start awkwardly, so you were having an out-of-body experience during every conversation with Taehyung. Lookers-on see most of the game, and you could imagine how easy it was to point out the stiffness of your posture or the rehearsed nature of your sentences. Your own tongue felt heavy and foreign as it moved in your mouth, and, at one point, Namjoon seriously considered paying for acting classes. He couldn’t have you compromising the “mission” by planting seeds of suspicion into Taehyung’s mind. Admittedly, it would be really hard - or even impossible - to do, but your behavior around the patient was just that unnatural and forced. 
By good fortune, Taehyung was completely oblivious to your struggles with communication, and, as irony would have it, played a crucial part in making the whole situation less tense. Of course, he did it without even realizing his own contributions to the success of Dr. Kim’s research. With time, you stopped dreading the interaction and your own heavy-handedness, because, when it came down to it, Taehyung was really easy and fun to be around. He had a gift of making people feel joyous, always ready to spark or endure some benignant foolishness. His ardour was infectious, and the man rarely failed in making you laugh. 
One month into the “relationship”, you could unhesitatingly confirm that Taehyung was a sweet and caring boyfriend. More than that, you were convinced that the mastermind behind the term “puppy love” was inspired by the look on Taehyung’s face whenever he zoned out, staring at his fiancée - in this case, you - and it had nothing to do with teenagers being in love. The man was quite affectionate (note: understatement of the millennium), and if, at first, his urge to be close to you was restrained by the injuries and prescribed bed rest, now - you could barely find an empty corner and write your daily report for Namjoon. You had to do it while Taehyung was asleep, which wasn’t particularly problematic, since the boy always nudged you to take a nap on his lap the next day, while he read on a bench in the garden. Taehyung tied your tiredness to night shifts, you imagined. 
Nonetheless, being his significant other was challenging in unexpected ways, so you still used Taehyung’s injuries as a protective barrier. The bruise on his bottom lip was pretty severe, so kisses were off the table, which saddened the man greatly. Plus, the complete healing was constantly postponed, because Taehyung would always cut the wound open by smiling widely at something cute you did. When an older nurse scolded the boy for making her tend to his poor lip again and again ( ...and again), Taehyung only shrugged and said that his fiancée was simply too adorable and he couldn’t help it. So. No kisses. Less smiling. Once, though, he turned his head at the right time - just as you leaned in to leave a peck on his cheek - resulting in your lips brushing the corner of Taehyung’s mouth, and it was the closest he got to lip locking with you. That little “accident” got the man so excited, he didn’t beg for kisses that week at all. 
It was much harder to deprive him of cuddles, though. Not because there were no excuses to avoid them. He had a couple of broken ribs, and it would be painful to even hug tightly. Pushing the man away, keeping him at the arm’s length turned out to be emotionally exhausting and heartbreaking, because Taehyung didn’t hesitate to regularly remind you of how much he loved all the snuggles and cuddles, and how desperately he missed feeling that sort of closeness with you. Every time you left his side, so he could rest, Taehyung pouted playfully, not willing to let go and fall asleep just yet. On more occasions than your heart would like to admit, you gave in - just a little, but it was a big victory for him - and kissed Taehyung’s forehead, not missing the way he sighed deeply and contentedly as your lips pressed to his skin. The boy’s eyes always appeared a little more dreary when you pulled away, and he never omitted a chance to hold onto your hand for a second longer, before giving you a tight smile and a quiet “goodnight, beautiful”. The image never failed to create a lump in your throat. He deserved much more affection in return, but the “you” that could give it to him was long gone. 
Your debt to him was becoming unmeasurable by the day, because, through Taehyung, you could also get a glimpse into your past life, without having to injure your head. It was a truly priceless gift, but its destiny was unknown and impossible to predict. Will Taehyung remember any of your time together after he “wakes up”? Will he remember all the love he spent? All the memories of you he shared? There was no way to tell with certainty. Most patients didn’t recall their “confabulation period” at all. They were left with completely blank pages, and no stories to fill those with. Being in a coma would probably be more entertaining and colorful. Yet, some lucky people remembered parts of different lengths. An even smaller percentage of patients - remembered everything.
You didn’t know for which outcome to hope, but you’d be okay with anything as long as Taehyung didn’t feel sad or hurt, or the wrong kind of foolish for giving away so much of himself; all to someone who failed to appreciate that fraction of time with him for what it was: a beautiful and unselfish gift of love. Sometimes you thought that it was your only chance to be loved like that... in this life.
“The 60s you” was obviously a nurse, but you kept discovering new details about her with every visit to Taehyung’s memory bank. He loved reminiscing about the most trivial things, and even the first time he saw you brush your teeth in the morning was special. That’s when Taehyung knew that you felt like home to him. Well, good for you and your notes to Dr. Kim, who was quite pleased with how detailed your reports were. He did point out that the way you wrote about Taehyung felt more... inspired - less formal and more poetic - though, it didn’t come as a surprise to you, because, with time, you became significantly more fascinated with your-past-self’s future husband... if that makes sense. 
Kim Taehyung was a pilot, which slightly correlated with his current occupation: aeronautical engineer; although, it didn’t cover solely planes in your time. He seemed to really love the sky, and it reflected in his poetry preferences. Taehyung read and recited poems about the skies the most, be it the blue and fresh early morning or the mysterious starry night that rhymed within their lines. The “hopeless romantic” side of him was utterly endearing, which is why you struggled to hide your shock when his other passion was revealed. Your-60s-self was probably aware of it, so you couldn’t really react when Taehyung confessed that he missed street fighting almost as much as flying. It was hard to imagine Taehyung expressing any sort of aggression, but that particular hobby of his just proved that everyone needed an outlet. The darkness had to go somewhere, and the man not only let it out away from you or the job, but also got some trophies (or prize money) for it. 
Later you found out that Taehyung was into a more... civil form of competing. Yes, it was still violent, but somewhat organized and restricted by a set of rules, which made the whole thing less gruesome in your mind. Taehyung was also strangely amazed at how ironic the cause of his injuries was: with duties and interests as dangerous as flying a plane and street fighting, he managed to be knocked out by a plain car crash. He talked about all of it with such ease that the very thing that should’ve pushed you away, made you distant, brought you a new appreciation for the love you once had for each other. Taehyung trusted you enough to let in on that secret, and you loved him enough to except that dangerous hobby of his. You must’ve been sure that he was worth it. 
Yet, while you cherished the love itself, your young heart still couldn’t grasp what your old soul already knew, already lived. Multiple times, it could be. What could create a bond so strong, so powerful that it surfaced through Taehyung several lifetimes later? You couldn’t find the answer with the way you’ve been approaching the mystery so far. Your mind was so completely focused on the words that came out of Taehyung’s mouth, you failed to look past them. Subliminal messages got lost between the lines, because the information for research was your priority. And, even though Dr. Kim praised your reports, there were things about Taehyung that skipped your attention. Some of them were gearing up to hit you in the face pretty soon.
It was a very busy day at the hospital. Several new patients arrived, all with signs of confabulation, but their physical injuries had to be treated first, which made all the real nurses occupied and unavailable to do Taehyung’s scheduled re-bandaging. You’ve seen it done enough times on different patients to know the drill, so you didn’t think twice before agreeing to perform the procedure on your fiancé. Come to think of it, you were never present when his bandages were changed. Every time you went to remind him or ask, he’d already done it. 
“Y/N?! What- What are you doing here?” Taehyung stuttered, wide-eyed, as you burst into his room with fresh bandages and other necessary supplies in hands. The man looked panicked, but you decided to write it off as the initial surprise. 
“I will be changing your bandages today,” you practically sang and turned to the table for preparations, missing the way your uncharacteristically cheerful mood went completely unnoticed by Taehyung... ironically. On any other day he would eagerly channel, harbor and try his gosh-darn best to increase that rare excited lilt in your voice. He’d strive to make it last as long as possible... Not today, though. 
“Are- Are you sure no one else can do it?” the man kept stumbling over his words, voice sounding painfully small, but it still wasn’t enough for you to get suspicious. 
“Why? Don’t you trust me? I’m hurt,” you feigned offense, playful to a fault, but the tease went right over Taehyung’s head, who appeared oblivious and rushed to assure you that-
“No, no. Of course, I trust you...,” the sentence faded away as if he mumbled it under his breath, to himself, and the words felt so heavy with worry and nervousness that your movements faded as well, brows furrowing in confusion. You slowly turned to look at him - really look at him - for the first time since stepping into the room. The man before you clearly couldn’t decide what to do with his body, constantly shifting on the bed, not knowing where to place his hands or how to successfully escape your gaze... or his own skin, it seemed. Eventually, Taehyung crossed his arms, protectively hugging himself. You’ve never seen him so tense. 
“Tae? Are you sure you’re alright? I’ve seen you shirtless... right?” you chuckled humorlessly, not even buying that that could be the reason for his behavior. Or could it? Why was he acting like this? Was your marriage arranged? Did you agree not to have sex before the wedding? It seemed- felt unlikely, but, before you could spiral into a full on panic mode, he answered...
“Yeah! ... Yeah, let’s just- let’s just do it,” he swallowed, reaching for the hem of his shirt with trembling fingers. You didn’t realize you held your breath until it whooshed out, all at once, at the sight of his bare torso. 
In that moment, certain, relatively ordinary for a hospital patient phrases came rushing back to you. “I miss fighting, but with the way my body aches, it feels like I still do it every day”, Taehyung would joke, and your psychoanalytic brain would only highlight the ‘i miss fighting’ part of it, because that gave you new (and quite shocking) information. Now, though, you cursed at your own ability to pay attention to all the wrong details, because it should’ve been obvious. He was in pain. 
You stepped closer, taking in all the bruises that covered his upper body. If they were fading now, what was it like before? The mere thought of it and the flashing images made you lightheaded, though they weren’t the main reason why your knees hit the floor in front of him.
“Taehyung-,“ you gasped, reaching out to touch his stomach gently. The man hissed at the sting, but you didn’t move your hand away, only willed it to be even gentler. His presence was a miracle in more ways than one now, because he shouldn’t have survived a crash that left him in so many shades of purple. Not only his soul was a traveler, but his body seemed to have gone through so much as well. 
“I didn’t want you to see this,” the man sighed and shook his head in defeat, not looking up to meet your eyes that, he imagined, were wide with horror. They were. 
You blinked away the tears, stood up and quickly moved to get the bandages. Suddenly, you wished they were made from the softest material imaginable. They weren’t, but it just meant that you and your hands had to be as careful as ever. Butterfly wings had to have nothing on your fingers. Without realizing it, you promised yourself that he wouldn’t feel a thing as you worked. 
Unfortunately, like most things, it was easier said than done, and, even though, you stepped in Taehyung’s direction with determination to soothe his aching body, your lack of experience with “real” nursing tasks was bound to ruin the plan. You weren’t sure what kind of pressure to apply or what was the best way to wrap bandages around his torso, which, combined with the overall painful nature of the procedure, only interrupted the quietness of the room with Taehyung’s grunts and hisses, always followed by his strained “it’s okay, keep going”. Your hands froze every time he made a distressed sound, but, when a number of them crossed what seemed like a hundred, you only wished to finish faster. 
The less bandages there were left - the more concentrated you became, finally finding your groove. Later, it would feel like an out of body experience. Like you’ve done this before, or, rather, your soul did, and it took the reigns in that moment, not asking for permission. You moved around Taehyung with much more swiftness, getting lost in your own repetitive movements. One roll of stretchy fabric later, you were ready to tie the final knot over his right shoulder. Taehyung moaned in pain, again, when you applied more pressure to make the knot tighter, and the next words escaped your mouth before you could think about it.
“I’m sorry, baby. It’s almost done,” your soul seemed to take over you completely. The phrase slipped out so naturally, you appeared right where he was - in your shared past life. Taehyung turned to look at you; so fast, you thought you heard his neck crack. And you realized why the man was stunned, yet, strangely, you didn’t feel the urge to be surprised about it as well. This moment felt too right to ruin it with stuttering excuses. 
“What?” you asked innocently, referring to his wide eyes and the fact that his mouth was hanging open. The boy blinked a couple of times, still unmoving, but when you shrugged and moved again to check if the bandages were wrapped around him comfortably, Taehyung snapped out of it. 
“You didn’t call me that- baby in awhile,” he paused, looking down at his lap. “I missed it,” Taehyung wished you didn’t say it now; not when he felt so undeserving of it. From where you were standing, though, he deserved to be called the sweetest of names all year long.
You circled the bed to stand in front of him. When Taehyung didn’t look up, guilt radiating off of him, your fingers reached for his chin to gently brush and tilt it up. Your eyes locked with his, and you felt your soul flutter... No. You felt your soul shudder as it desperately gulped for air after being suffocated under miles and miles of water for the longest time. You guessed, it was because you looked at him with a clear, unselfish purpose for the very first time. 
“Don’t hide things like that from me again,” you said - quietly, yet firmly - right before your throat started to tighten with emotions under the intensity of his gaze. He looked back earnestly, like he couldn’t believe the sight. He couldn’t believe that he got to see you like that: brave and terrified, determined and vulnerable. So beautiful. Still, he didn’t deserve it. But he would take in every detail, until his own eyes would start to water, matching yours. After all, he was just as terrified and just as brave as you were. Just as beautiful. 
The air was charged with rawest intimacy, yet, it felt empty. Not void of emotion or meaning, no. Quite the opposite. It simply felt freeing. Like you could spread your arms and spin, and you wouldn’t bump into a bed, a table, chairs. Your wild limbs wouldn’t touch a thing. You didn’t dare move and explore this vacuum, though, because, when it came down to it, you’d much rather spend every moment of that freedom next to him. You were zoned in on each other. Cocooned in this blissful nothingness that was supposed to make you shiver, make your skin crawl, and still, you felt warm... like your souls were hugging. 
Suddenly, it wasn’t enough, and soon Taehyung’s hands were on your waist, guiding you closer. Your shaky knees nearly buckled, when the man buried his face in your stomach, wrapping the whole length of his arms around you and holding you tightly. A bated gasp escaped your lungs, but even your heartbeat slowed down and got quiet as soon as you realized that Taehyung was mumbling something into the material of your white coat. You could tell by the waves of warm air spreading against your belly and his lips moving to let it out. It tickled a little, but you managed to make out a couple of phrases. “I’m sorry” and “I won’t”. 
In that moment, you felt beyond any time any place. It was scary and felt so immeasurably bigger than both of you. Did Taehyung sense it as well? Did his soul? Your fingers reached for his hair, running through it, and you felt an exhale against your core - trembling with relief - like he was going crazy without your touch, and now was on the verge of insanity, because he finally felt it. You smiled, letting the tears fall freely on top of his head. Your mind wasn’t quite set on why you felt like crying for hours. Were you just deprived of such pure human contact for so long, or was your soul crying in a mix of pain and happiness at having him so close again?
“You worry about me so much as it is. I didn’t want to add to it,” Taehyung pulled away a little, his chin still attached to you, and looked up. He seemed miserable and exhausted, making you wonder if he felt this way too often lately and was just really good at hiding it. But then, from a different perspective, he looked at ease and, somehow, younger. His eyes appeared less clouded, almost crystalline, and, for what it’s worth, you were happy that Taehyung didn’t have to mask his feelings anymore. Not from you. For as long as this incarnation of him would stay here. 
“You are a miracle,” you whispered as your fingers left his hair, sliding down to cradle his face instead. This phrase belonged to multiple versions of you - to “the scientists” you, to “the 60s nurse” you, to “the fiancée” you - but, ultimately, it belonged to your soul. Taehyung’s eyes widened for a split second, giving away his surprise at your words, but then a brilliant smile spread across the man’s features. He smiled like he realized something you didn’t, you couldn’t, because he was in this relationship with you for much longer, so he studied you that much closer. Now, it seemed ridiculous that you ever felt more aware of things than him, when you only knew one thing - his condition - and Taehyung has lived years by your side.
“I missed you calling me that too,” he said teasingly and placed a quick kiss to the inner side of your wrist. You said that to him before? Wow, you really did, didn’t you? Of course. “Although, it would usually be ‘you are my miracle’, but we’ll get there again.”
Again. So he noticed the change, the setback. He felt the distance you’ve put between them. Taehyung might have been oblivious to the fact that the books he read were from another century, but he was attuned to you and your moods this whole time. Did your behavior confuse him? How did he explain it to himself? Did he suspect that something wasn’t right? Just like that, the research was on your mind again... 
And, just like that, you also realized that that research wouldn’t be your priority anymore when it came to Taehyung. Taehyung himself would become your main focus. Not only his words would concern you, not only the information he gives you to fill out reports, but his feelings, his well-being, his heart. 
You promised yourself to keep Taehyung’s heart safe, dreading the fact that he was probably right. You will get there. One day, you will want to call him yours, and that will become your downfall. 
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After what could only be described as a life changing experience you felt the shift. You felt your soul move for Taehyung whenever he was near. It arched stubbornly towards his soul, kicking and screaming, like it wanted to hug its newfound lover again. You felt your heart beat faster every time he smiled at you. This relationship danced on the verge of being too real for comfort and was destined to end in a catastrophe, given the speed at which your affection for Taehyung was growing. Hell, sometimes you had to physically pinch yourself to keep from daydreaming about your shared past life. You found yourself wondering, quite frequently, if those versions of the two of you really loved each other till their dying days. Or did they divorce years later? No, that didn’t feel right. Could you Google that?
It didn’t help that Taehyung felt the shift as well. He started to initiate more physical contact without fearing your rejection, and you didn’t have it in you to push him away anymore. So you just held you breath every time his hand casually slid down your back and stayed on the small of it, all while he quietly watched you fill out fake reports at the nursing station. Eventually, seeing your frustration with the task, he’d start to rub your lower back in soothing circles, which made you relax almost instantly. It’s like he knew exactly what you needed... He knew you.
Sometimes (and it started to happen more often as the time went on), you forgot to separate your past and present lives from each other, eagerly listening to Taehyung’s stories like they were all a part your grand character ark. You saw yourself as the manifestation of all the previous incarnations, finding that you always agreed with your own views on life and love, and the world... however different those worlds may have been. 
You grew more curious with each passing day, gradually becoming fascinated not only with Taehyung, but with his version of you. You liked her. She seemed wiser then than you were now, and you wondered which path she took to become that at this age. She was impressive. A lifetime ago “you” had enough courage to change your career’s direction halfway through college, from journalism to medicine, realizing you wanted to take care of people the way you helped Taehyung through some rough fighting aftermaths. You still loved to do research and write, and the boy confessed that watching you mull over the right order of words was very calming.
At least, “the current you” was wise enough to bite her tongue and not ask Taehyung and excessive amount of questions... most of the time. Yes, he wouldn’t bet an eye and just rationalize your curiosity, coming up with an explanation on his own (you had a feeling that he often settled on “a semi-subtle check-up of his memory for a medical record”), but Namjoon gave you specific instructions that you had to follow... or try to follow. It was hard when Taehyung lit up like a Christmas tree every time you answered “fine” to his question of “how are you today, beautiful?” That’s an odd reaction, right? So you had to ask. As it turned out, a couple of years ago you and Taehyung came to a conclusion that being “fine” is way better than being “great! excellent! happy!” Why? Because every time you feel happy, inevitably, you also feel that ounce of fear that that feeling will soon end. 
“I am always a little scared when I’m with you, though,” he confessed, and you felt your heart skip a bit. That goddamn charmer! What was even more infuriating is his complete obliviousness to the fact that one of the most romantic and smooth lines just came out of his mouth. Taehyung simply kept watching you with a gentle smile on his lips, absolutely loving the way you didn’t seem to know what to do with yourself. You kept avoiding his gaze, looking everywhere, but mostly at your lap. You were blushing furiously, all the way to the tips of your ears. And you were smiling so wide, you had to bite down on your lip to suppress it. Your painfully endearing shyness seemed to have awakened a strange sense of déjà vu within him, and you heard Taehyung hum softly beside you.
“What?” you asked, finally being able to look at him directly. 
“I don’t know,” the man shrugged, reaching out to play with your hair. “Somehow, it just felt like when we first started dating.” 
A sudden gust of nostalgia for something you’ve never known, never experienced hit you in the chest, quickly spreading to engulf your whole body and making you gasp in surprise. Anemoia’s the word, right? Dr. Kim was writing a paper on it at the moment. You could definitely help him with some interesting insight now, because your entire being was lovingly placed into another time and space. Almost the way a song that played at your prom takes you back to the night, so your body is momentarily tricked into believing that you are actually there. 
Only it wasn’t a song this time, it was a person. It was Taehyung that lead you to that feeling and made it last for more than a split second. You could taste the difference on the tip of your tongue as if the air around you really shifted into something tangible and full of memories. And you remembered how it felt to simply exist back then. How it felt to be you, living in your skin in another time... And it was your second or third date, yet you could still feel the butterflies just looking at him. Faint jazz music suddenly reached your ears, and you wanted to hum a tune that you’ve never heard before. 
Was it where Taehyung’s mind went? Did you feel the right things? You couldn’t possibly be sure, but nostalgia was never this striking or lasted that long. 
“You fully intend to keep making me fall for you, don’t you?” Taehyung whispered mindlessly, as if to himself, but the implication left you more breathless then seemed possible. There was a negative amount of air in your lungs now. “Over and over again,” he was closer somehow, fingers brushing your neck without a specific intention. He was just submitting to the pull he always felt near you. The one that makes you move and touch, and watch intently. It’s when you register every drop of her eyelashes, yet you don’t seem to notice yourself leaning in. The movement is barely there, but oh wow, it’s impactful. “I have to say, I don’t mind one bit.” 
You feel his words on your lips now. They are full of breath that you lack, and it would be almost too delicious to make him share it. You had the chance to be selfish in the most acceptable and pleasant way. But... You simply wouldn’t come back from it. You would be going for seconds every chance you got. But... 
You make him fall deeper in love? This you? This present-time-you? The thought was dangerous with how flattering it was, making your heart stutter. Taehyung’s eyes were already closed and he was angling his head slightly, looking like the angel he is. Gentle, even if a little impatient. Meanwhile, you felt like a mess. Overwhelmed and very conflicted. You swallowed and shut your eyes tightly, already scowling at what you were about to do. And when did your breath come back, making your chest heave this heavily? 
“Yes?” he sounded so shaken by mere anticipation, you had to keep yourself from whining and giving in. It was just cruel how undeniable his need for you was. 
“I need to go back to work,” the broken exhale that he let out was bound to haunt your dreams. You didn’t look back as you walked away.
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You couldn’t figure him out. You couldn’t “predict” him. It seemed like he instinctively dodged every romantic comedy cliche. There were countless melodramatic tropes paved for him, but he always chose to swerve and draw his own patterns. You imagined, he was always the kid that, on his way home from school, would be tempted to mark the perfect white canvas of fresh snow with his footprints - and would do it too, eventually, dragging his feet through the deep drifts - while everyone else just followed the padded path. 
Taehyung didn’t seem upset or hurt. He didn’t question your escape nor did he try to make you feel guilty about it. As if the boy refused to see that hurried exit of yours as the door being shut in his face, and, instead, saw it as your trauma of almost loosing him melting away a little more. To Taehyung, your soul needed just a little more convincing before letting him in again and trusting that nothing will happen that could put his life at risk. Not if he could help it. 
Apparently, the key point of his strategy was to remind you of how good and fun you were together, often acting like teenagers in love with total disregard for whether the time and place were appropriate. Yet, your displays of affection never crossed the line into something provocative or deprecated. True to his pure and innocent nature, Taehyung’s “moves” always looked playful and, dare you say, cute in everyone’s eyes, with your overflowing fondness towards each other making people around you go “aww”. 
And the boy would definitely be lying if he said that your flustered appearance and blushing cheeks didn’t make it that much more fun for him. 
“You should be more careful next time, Mrs. Lee,” since you were helping with Taehyung’s bandages more often and leveled up your nursing skills training on him, it wasn’t a rare occurrence for you to look after other patients as well. 
“I know, dear. I guess the kettle was just too heavy for me,” the old woman sighed as you wrapped her burnt wrist carefully. Mrs. Lee was a sweet lady - always put together and endlessly welcoming - but a bit too clumsy for her own good. It was her third minor injury this week. Previously, she managed to hit her toe against the bed frame and get a pretty nasty paper cut on her thumb. Ouch. Her soul thought it was 1920s, so maybe people were more careless about their health back then. 
“There you are!” Taehyung’s booming voice entered the room before the man himself burst inside, and you didn’t miss the way Mrs. Lee’s eyes lit up. She adored him. Everyone did. “Good morning, Mrs. Lee! New day - new adventure, I see. I’m glad you keep my fiancée on her toes,” Tae winked, and you heard the woman actually giggle. The power he possessed was truly boundless.
“I do what I can,” Mrs. Lee was full on beaming now - bright and happy - the pain in her wrist seemingly forgotten. You smiled to yourself too, finishing up the procedure. 
“Mornin’, beautiful,” Taehyung lowered his voice, and it took less than a second for you to start blushing. Blood rushed to your face somewhere between his breath hitting your ear and his lips briefly pressing to your temple. You were used to a lot of “Taehyung things” by this point (barely): holding Taehyung’s hand, brushing Taehyung’s hair while he slept, Taehyung’s fingers dancing across your back while you worked. Always teasing. Sometimes tickling. Like right now. Up and down. Up and down. Down. Down, down. Wait, what?
“Taehyung!” you gasped. He pinched you! He pinched your butt! 
Your hand flew to cup the “violated area” (on pure reflex) as you turned, wide-eyed, to Taehyung, who was clearly trying his best to stifle the fit of giggles. He had the audacity to look surprised by your animated reaction, like it wasn’t his intention all along. Oh, he was so amused! The boy quickly hid his hands behind his back as if trying to dispose of the evidence, but you were already on a mission to give him a piece of your mind. 
“Out!” you grabbed Taehyung’s arm and proceeded to drag him out of the room, unwilling to scold the men in front of another patient. 
“Mrs. Lee, save me!” he pleaded, not really trying to put up a fight, even though he definitely could. 
“You are on your own, young man,” the older lady just laughed and, rather entertained, waved the two of you a goodbye.
“What the hell, Taehyung?” you whisper-screamed as soon as the door closed behind him. Your “disapproving wife” mode was all the way on, and you didn’t even know it was a part of your settings in the first place. Taehyung took in your crossed arms and furrowed eyebrows, feeling strangely endeared. Let’s keep it going for a bit, he thought. “That was really inappropriate!” 
“Well, if you didn’t scream like that, she wouldn’t even notice. So, objectively, this is your fault,” he argued, mimicking your irritated posture.
“Objective- !? Don’t do this around other patients!” you hissed back, now vaguely aware of the fact that Taehyung was probably messing with you. 
“Does it mean I can do it when we are alone?” the boy not-at-all-subtly wiggled  his (gorgeous) eyebrows and stepped closer, placing his hands on your waist. 
“Well, not anytime soon. You’ve ruined it for yourself,” you were still frowning - in a desperate attempt to appear mad - but your lips were starting to angle up in a smile, treacherously so. 
“You are mean,” he pouted. Well, that’s not fair. 
“And you are childish.”
“You like it though,” somewhere, in the back of your mind, you were painfully aware of how it all looked. Your palms rested peacefully on his chest, and you smiled at each other without saying a word, yet understanding everything. ‘I do like it. I can’t help it.’ You were in love. Really, really, really in love. “And you are right. It was inappropriate. I’m sorry. I just wanted to tease you and took it too far. It won’t happen again.”
“Thank you,” you sighed and leaned forward, so his lips effortlessly pressed to your forehead. You were so screwed. 
After escaping Taehyung’s warm embrace (quite reluctantly), you snuck back into the room. The door clicked upon closing, and you were met Mrs. Lee’s knowing smile. 
“Is Taehyung in trouble?” she asked, but, if your own tender smile was any indication, he very obviously wasn’t. You still shook your head ‘no’ and averted your eyes, suddenly shy. The woman laughed quietly at your timidity, while you busied yourself with her wrist. Taehyung’s little “tease” interrupted your work in quite a dramatic way, so you weren’t even sure if the task was completed properly. “Be glad he’s still playful. That boy has eyes only for you. I can tell.”
If you were blushing before, now your face caught on fire. It was one thing to experience Taehyung’s absolute devotion yourself, but to have it pointed out by someone else was another feeling entirely. Once again, you couldn’t help but think that your past-life-self got really lucky with him. Oh.
“How did he propose?” the question halted your movements for a split second. Oh. How did he propose? That’s right. You didn’t know. Because it wasn’t to you. The blush on your cheeks fainted, and you suddenly felt cold. It was so easy to smile just a second ago, but now you had to put in a tremendous effort in order to appear unaffected. Though, if you listened closely, you could still feel your soul sighing in content from having Taehyung so near and so warm, and not so long ago. A bittersweet feeling, but it helped. 
“It’s almost time for your check up with Dr. Kim. How about we save that story for later?”
Mrs. Lee nodded, a little upset, and you couldn’t blame her. You’d love to hear all about it yourself. It would hurt even more, sure, but if you were to bet your life on anything, you’d bet it on Taehyung organizing the most wonderful and romantic proposal in the history of mankind. You didn’t dare coming up with something of your own right now, because it simply wouldn’t compare. 
Millions of thoughts and questions flooded your mind even before you left Mrs. Lee’s room. It wasn’t really you Taehyung was in love with. Of course, it wasn’t. It was another girl that shared your soul and looked like you. But then... Were you essentially your soul? Did it matter what life made of the rest of you? Was Taehyung in love with your soul exclusively? He said it himself. He was falling deeper in love with you. 
Taehyung’s beloved soul was your soul. It was just a lifetime older than he thought. 
“Y/N?” Namjoon’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and, after looking around for a second, you numbly discovered that your feet didn’t carry the rest of your body too far away from the door. “You okay?” 
You nodded, but he didn’t seem convinced. The man was probably on his way to Mrs. Lee, so you had to pull yourself together as to not hold him up. 
“Could you, please, stop by my office later? I’d like to talk to you.”
“Sure,” you managed a verbal response this time. Short and sweet. Nice job all around, but it still earned you a concerned look from Namjoon. He regarded you for another moment, then nodded, disappearing behind the door a second later. 
You probably should’ve blinked at least once.
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It turned out that Dr. Kim unintentionally witnessed the quiet and sweet moment you shared with Taehyung outside Mrs. Lee’s room. The hospital hall could be considered a public place, so the display of affection wasn’t meant to be hidden, yet, Namjoon felt as if he was prying on an intimate exchange. That foreign feeling made him stop and pay attention to something besides science (though, implicitly, the issue at hand was related to it), which said a lot. He was notoriously unaware of... He was notoriously unaware. Period. 
That, combined with faint mental notes he made while reading your reports, pushed Dr. Kim to invite you to his office for a private conversation. The way your descriptions of Taehyung’s past and present increased in poetic value as the time went on never really bothered Namjoon, because he could always work around that and still get a lot of valuable information. Plus, your expressiveness made it into a good read. 
Your every word became more vibrant and meaningful after he saw the way you looked at your fiancé. You were a terrible actress, and no one knew it better than Kim Namjoon. The man wasn’t being overly dramatic when he confessed to having nightmares in which your acting was so bad that it made Taehyung “snap out of it” and leave. Namjoon bet a lot on you. 
It was supposed to be a game of pretend, and he had to make sure it was still the case for you. Was Dr. Kim doing it for science? The man wasn’t sure himself. His research could still become groundbreaking, whether your heart ended up broken or not, but Namjoon just couldn’t stay unaware this time around. So now you were passing from wall to wall in his office, trying not to panic. Trying and failing. 
"How much longer will I have to play along? He wants... to do stuff, you know? I am his fiancée,” Namjoon glanced up from his papers, slight alarm in his gaze, so you hurried to clarify. “No, he doesn’t say or do anything. I just feel it.”
"Just tell him he's too weak for that," Dr. Kim shrugged, but then paused for a moment. It’s been a little less than three months. Taehyung was almost completely healthy. “Wait, actually, just tell him that it's against hospital policy. Or both.”
"That's what I tell him, but he's just so damn eager and responsive to everything I do! Not in a gross way, but still! What if he never comes back from it? What if I-,” fall in love before he wakes up? You didn’t finish the thought out loud, but your breathing was rushed and uneven, so he knew. He’s observant at the very least, but it’s more than that. You both knew. Namjoon was surprised at himself, and you were surprised to see his eyes so full of untapped emotion. He looked a little sad, but mostly worried. Maybe a tad bit apologetic. You hoped you imagined a drop of regret in the mix, because that’s what you didn’t feel, despite hurting. 
"Do you like him?" 
I’m in love with him.
"I do,” you said, defeated, yet, somehow, relieved by acceptance and the openness. For a split second you got scared that Namjoon would pull the plug on the research. “But let me do this. I will never hold it against you.”
The man appeared conflicted, but not nearly enough to drop all the progress you’ve made. To put the work of his life on hold. And you wouldn’t let Namjoon do it, even if he was ready to quit for your sake. You were his partner in crime, just as involved, and your “timeless lover” didn’t make you forget that. At least your heart would be broken for science.
"His feelings for you are not real. Not in this life. Please, remember that and be careful, Y/N".
Yeah. It was a little too late for that.
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Maybe you overestimated your own determination to finish the research, or maybe it was harder not to pretend and be in love, with clear mind and a heavy heart. Maybe it was harder to accelerate, knowing that you were gonna crash. That, eventually, Taehyung would come to his senses and leave to live his life. 
Truth be told, you hoped it would happen sooner than later. Preferably before you married him, had kids and grew old together. Imagine trying to explain to someone where their whole life went and why another version of them got to live two.
To say that you were torn would be an understatement. Oh, how you wanted to just give in and love him, and be loved! It was agonizing, ironically so, because you couldn’t help but see it as the foreshadowing of the day that his love would be taken away from you, whether you decided to let yourself have it or not.
Your scale was looking more and more like the game of seesaw, refusing to balance, constantly tipping one way or the other. You went from being playful and engaged (no pun intended) to appearing cold and distant to everyone around you, not only Tae. The uncertainty was exhausting, to the point where you missed the days of just being awkward and nervous around “Taehyung the Patient”. Back when your love for him was only a memory that your mind would never be able recall, because, up until this point, it only echoed in the depths of your old soul.
There was no end to this back and forth, it seemed. But when, one day, you saw the way your internal turmoil affected the one you cherished the most, it became exceptionally easy to make a choice.
“Tae, I am leaving for the day,” you cracked open the door to his room and quickly scanned the space to make sure he was there. The lights were off, but as soon as your eyes got used to it, you found Taehyung standing by the window. It wasn’t an unusual sight, since he loved to admire the night sky every chance he got. The moon was full and visible for the first time in weeks, so, of course, the man was there to appreciate it in all its glory.
“See you tomorrow?”
On nights like this you always tried to say goodbye and make your exit swiftly, leaving Taehyung to have his moment of peace, but this time the boy’s profile didn’t seem serene to you. There was no dreamy smile playing on his lips. His eyes weren’t traveling from star to star, looking for constellations. Instead, his lips were stretched thin and pale, and probably bitten in worry. You could see that he was frowning, but the blank look in his eyes was the most concerning.
“Tae?” when he didn’t answer again, you stepped further into the room. The door creaked unpleasantly, pulling Taehyung from his thoughts. At the sight of you something in him moved, but stayed still. It felt like his soul immediately reached out for yours, and, for the first time, he didn’t let its urges guide him. The realization terrified you. He was uncertain. You hated it.
“Hey. Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Are you leaving?” Taehyung asked. He understood that you had to go home sometime, yet, it didn’t make him miss your presence less. The boy never wanted you to leave, and it was always obvious. Except now. Taehyung wasn’t sure if he wanted you to stay, because he wasn’t sure if you’d rather go. He hated it.
“Um, yeah. I was about to head out,” your thumb pointed towards the exit, but you proceeded to move forward and soon stopped, facing Taehyung by the window. “Is everything okay?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t-“
“Tae,” you cut in, suddenly desperate to resolve whatever was troubling him. “You can tell me,” when your fingers moved across the windowsill to touch his, Taehyung held his breath, because you never really initiated physical contact before. Not like this. Your touch was always meant to comfort or calm him. You never did it, because you yourself craved the closeness. “Please, tell me.”
“It’s you,” Taehyung breathed, and your fingers froze millimeters away from his. It broke the boy’s heart a little, but he couldn’t keep his own muddle to himself anymore. Because you did initiate touches before. You were utterly selfish and demanding when it came to keeping him close, and it was so very charming, he couldn’t stand being away. Taehyung felt needed. Sadly, that car crash seemed to have broken something between you. And it split his life in two.
“I don’t recognize you,” for a moment you thought that his old memories were leaving him, confabulation gradually wearing off, but no. The memories of two lives weighed him down, conflicting and contradicting each other. It pained you to see him so lost.
“And I don’t feel like you recognize me, either. Most of the time you look at me like I am a stranger,” Taehyung’s voice started wavering, confused and sorrowful, as if the boy never imagined that he would be saying this to you. Your fingers moved again, completely on their own, to touch him. To comfort him. “At first I thought that, maybe, you were just in shock after the accident. Maybe, you thought you were going to lose me. And I get it, I do. I can see that you still love me,” oh, thank God, he saw it. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself, if he lost his faith in your love - the only thing he wholeheartedly connected to in this world, in this time. “But it’s been months of up and downs, and I don’t understand, and- it’s just starting to hurt.“
Taehyung gasped a couple of seconds before your lips met his, because it was only the third of the things you did. First, you intertwined your fingers and tugged him closer. Second, your right hand flew up to rest on the back of his neck, pulling him down. Third. The moment fell into complete stillness as you stayed there, unmoving, with your lips pressed together way too tightly. If he was going to feel your kiss for the first time in months, you were going to make it count. You wanted it to leave a mark on his heart, deep enough to reach his soul.
And maybe that kiss felt like trying too hard at first - because, admittedly, you were a little desperate to heal his doubtful mind - but it all clicked into place, when his fingertips reached to touch the side of your face. Still unsure and nervous, but slowly starting to believe that it was really happening. In that moment, you heard your soul whisper something not so secret: it, and you, already knew how to kiss him right. You knew how to kiss Taehyung to make him smile. You knew how to kiss him to drive him crazy with want. You knew. So you pulled back to lessen the pressure, letting your lips move smoothly and tenderly against his. You knew how to kiss Taehyung to make him feel loved.
"Do I kiss the same?” you asked, breathless, hoping against all hope that you really did kiss his lips right now just as you kissed him a lifetime ago. The man swallowed shakily, nodding his head. Taehyung didn’t move away, not even a little, as if he simply missed the feeling of your breath on his skin. To him, there was something so singular and intimate about the face-to-face, skin-to-skin closeness and sharing the same air, that you never even had the “big spoon/little spoon discussion”. The pair of you always fell asleep and woke up facing each other, morning breath be damned.
“Yes. Yes, you do,” his hands cupped your face - understandably urgent, but still so very gentle - and he dove right back into the kiss. You had no choice but to keep up, because Taehyung seemed determined to have all the wasted time made up for. It wasn’t long before he lost himself in you: hands in your hair, fingers and thumbs; deep little sighs and sweet noises against your lips. The way Taehyung moved became almost chaotic as he tried to find some balance between holding you close and not breaking his ribs all over again.
While Taehyung was quick to melt into the kiss, you took your time, letting the inevitable impact build and build under your skin - with every slide of his lips, with every touch of his fingers - to, eventually, hit you all at once like a tidal wave. Taehyung wasn’t exploring you like this for the first time, (even though, judging by how eager he was, you wouldn’t be able to tell), but to you, in this body at least, it was the first. And, oh, what an absolutely maddening ride. To top it all off, you forgot to take into consideration that, as well as you knew how to make his body tick, Taehyung was just as knowledgeable about your weaknesses. Within minutes, naturally, he managed to make you mewl and pant, and tremble against him.
“Tae,” your attempt to pull away failed, so his name got muffled by his own mouth. You smiled at his unwillingness to stop kissing, but tried again, pushing lightly at his chest. Nightshift nurses took their duty seriously. “Tae, we should stop.”
The man made a faint noise of disapproval at the loss of contact, but nodded and gave you some space. It felt as if your lips would never stop buzzing.
“Sorry, it’s just,” he paused, catching his breath, and no one could understand him better than you. That was intense. “It’s been so long.”
Taehyung’s hold on your waist tightened, and you could feel those words coming. The anticipation in your chest was tangible, yet you’ve never felt more content.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Looking back, yes, it should have been an awkward interaction for you. By all accounts. Faking affection towards someone you barely knew, just to get data. Ridiculous. But… If someone asked you about it right now, you’d say that pretending to be in love with him was the easiest thing you ever had to do.
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So you let yourself love Taehyung for another day. For another week. Trusted him with your heart completely, without caution or doubt. Became adorably clingy, just the way he remembered you. Whatever common sense that was left in your system was used to dodge the wedding plans discussions, and it was easier, too, because you could just kiss the boy into silence, and he would never complain about that or suspect anything. Taehyung just figured, you missed him just as much as he missed you. But, oh, how you wanted to indulge in those discussions sometimes. 
Namjoon still tried his best to forewarn and protect you, but, at the same time, he understood that it wasn’t his choice to make anymore or his place to judge your decision. All he could do was go through your daily reports and gather all information possible. No one could halt the research, simply because it became more than just a research to you. Namjoon did hope, though, that it would come to an end before the point where your heartbreak overshadowed the triumph of science.
And it did. 
“I will love you forever,” he said the night before, as a goodbye you both thought would only last till morning. You smiled, letting him kiss your forehead, and replied: “You better.”
Your coat wasn’t even off yet, when you spotted Namjoon coming out of Taehyung’s room. He was smiling to himself as he closed the door, and then his eyes found yours. Slowly, you moved towards him, even though Namjoon didn’t call. Not with words or gestures at least. The man’s smile turned into something undefinable, an anxious mix of dread and hopefulness. You finally stopped in front of him, eyes pleading. 
“He’s back,” Namjoon said, clearly, but why did it also sound like “He’s gone” to you? That must have been the somber undertones in his voice. 
“Oh,” you exhaled, fumbling with buttons on your jacket. Okay. It’s alright. You knew this was coming.
“He wants to talk to you,” the man continued, and, before you could panic, his hand landed on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You are going to be fine.”
Namjoon looked deep into your wide, petrified eyes and smiled again, a lot warmer this time. His other hand lifted fluidly, and you followed its direction to breathe in... and breathe out. 
“Y/N,” Namjoon called, finally getting your gaze to focus on him. “Thank you. For everything.”
Your eyes suddenly watered, and you couldn’t help but smile at the man. He was your clarity and reason in all this madness. 
“No problem, Dr. Kim,” you raised your fist for him to bump, making the lovely dimples appear on his cheeks. “For science,” Namjoon laughed at that, and quickly bumped your awaiting fist, before wrapping you in a tight hug.
“For science.”
“Hey,” the door creaked right as you said that, making your whole body wince. Great start. It’s wasn’t a loud hey in the first place, so you prepared to say it again, oblivious to the fact that Taehyung’s attention was already on you. 
“Hey,” he echoed, straightening up a little. No longer oblivious, you let yourself look at him. He was sitting on the bed with a book in his hands, and you noted that it was opened on one of the later pages. He didn’t start from the beginning, but continued reading it. “Please, come in.”
The boy crossed his legs, making more room for you on the bed, but you moved to stand at the foot of it. He didn’t question your choice of position, wisely deciding to give you some much needed space. In that moment, it suddenly hit you that only yesterday you could come in and practically jump into his arms, starting Taehyung’s morning with a kiss. It wasn’t the case anymore. 
A moment of awkward silence stretched through the air, but, eventually, you gathered enough courage to speak first. 
“Do you remember-"
"I remember everything," Taehyung deadpanned, and you nodded, swallowing some of the nerves. Namjoon suspected he would. This was no ordinary case. “And I am glad I do.”
The addition made you look up from the floor. Taking a chance to study Taehyung closer, you didn’t expect to find the look in his eyes so... sympathetic. And curious. And anticipating. 
“Oh, God, Tae,” sudden embarrassment washed over you, and your hands came up to cover your flushed face. “I am so sorry. I feel so terrible-“
“What? Why are you apologizing?” Taehyung was taken aback, seemingly surprised by the outburst of guilt. Trying to explain your embarrassment was, somehow, even more embarrassing. 
“You weren’t in your right mind, and I sort of took advantage of that,” truth be told, you never saw it that way before. Not until you met the real Taehyung. “With all the kisses and touches. I should’ve stopped it. It’s your body, and I had no right-“ 
“No, no, no. I get it,” as if pulled by some force, the boy shuffled across the bed on his knees, eventually stopping in front of you. His fingers wrapped around your wrists, gently moving your hands away from your face. “You had to keep the story going for me. Dr. Kim explained everything.”
‘Right. Keeping the story going. That’s all it was,’ you thought ruefully, but said:
“Thank you for understanding,” it was easy to smile at Taehyung, even now, so you did. The boy smiled back, releasing your wrists, and, strangely, you didn’t feel like keeping distance between you anymore. “I feel a little less perverted.”
“Good. You should,” Taehyung nodded, looking proud of the fact that he didn’t let you think badly of yourself. “So,” the man shrugged innocently, letting his hands fall to rest of his thighs. “You said you sort of took advantage...,” Taehyung’s eyes glimmered mischievously, and you noticed his fingers tapping a playful rhythm on his lap. Wait... “Does it mean that you liked it? If it was to your advantage...”
Was he teasing you right now?
“Oh, wow. That was so bad,” you burst out laughing, which felt kind of anticlimactic, but so so needed. That’s Taehyung for you. The boy laughed along, showing off that infectious boxy smile of his. “How about I leave now, for awhile, and you come up with something better, okay?”
“Wait, wait,” Tae reached for your hand again, when you made a move towards the door. Both of you knew that you weren’t really leaving. “Do you want to get a cup of coffee? With me? Or tea? You like tea, right?” it’s like the boy wanted to prove that he remembered these things about you. It was sweet. 
“Tae, are you sure? I mean, it wasn’t really you who liked me-“
“I said I remember everything, and I really like what I remember. About you. About us. I mean, if anything, the question is did you like the-past-life me, because, let me tell you, he’s not that different from the guy standing right here.”
“Well, obviously. The soul is the same.”
“See? Something tells me you weren’t faking it, not all the time. Not when it mattered,” his words carried certain weight, like he not only remembered, but, miraculously, experienced everything that happened. “So, did you like him?” Yes. Easy. “Do you like me?” Ooh, a little tougher. He did look exactly the same. (Duh.) Yet, there was something that made him feel more aware, more awake. More... here.
“If you remember everything, like you said, then you should know the answer to the first question.” I loved him.
“I do,” Taehyung said, turning completely serious for a moment, and you were thankful that he didn’t take your feelings lightly. “That’s why I-,” the boy cut himself short and bashfully shook his head. Cute. “Sorry, nevermind. It’s cheesy and a little too far.”
“No, tell me,” you tugged at his hand, consequently realizing that it was still holding yours. The comfortable nature of it didn’t surprise you. “I’ll be the judge.”
"I think he left something with me, and,” Taehyung’s free hand landed on his chest, near his heart, emphasizing where the change happened. “Who knows, maybe we will prove that eternal soulmates exist too," the boy was beaming, so proud of his charming line, and you didn’t make him wait too long for a reaction. Your cheeks got much warmer, and you lowered your gaze, trying to hide a shy smile that threatened to hurt your jaw with how wide it was. 
“You were right. It is cheesy. But, maybe, not too far fetched.”
You cried yourself to sleep that night, realizing that, in some strange and gut wrenching way, you lost someone you loved. Forever. That bright and ridiculously romantic Taehyung from 1960s was gone. But you smiled before finally dozing off, thinking that you gained someone who could make you heart flutter just the same. Perhaps, equally bright and romantic. You just needed to give it a little time. 
You fell in love with Taehyung once. You could do it again. Namjoon still had to prove it, but his soul belonged with yours, and...
He promised to love you forever, after all. 
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["thank you for stopping me, when i- uh, when i wanted to take things a little too far."
"um, yeah, no problem. though, i must admit, it wasn't too easy." 
"how so? was i- was i pushing you too much?"
"no! no. it's just that- sometimes, you and... what you did... made me forget about, well, everything."
"oh? ... OH! i see..."]
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a/n: thanks for reading! i really hope you enjoyed! for more of my stories go for masterlist here and here. feedback, as always, is needed and will be very much appreciated.
if you like my stories, you can support me here: buy me a coffee ✨☕️
Copyright © 2019 by wonderer-ru. All rights reserved. 
678 notes · View notes
Hi! I had a quick question.... Do you happen to know how old the main otp of Heaven's official blessing? Or the age of the characters of Scum village is? I can't seem to find information on it!
Hello! :D okay, i’ve been wondering about it too, but i’m not sure. I think there are no official information about it since the novel is not very precise when it comes to characters age, but we can try and find clues according to what’s said and how they are described. 
I’ll start reading hob again soon -i wanna enjoy that when uni will stop trying to kill me!-, so i’m not really well informed about it. I’ll try to guess!
-xie lian (BABEEEEEEEE) should be very old, like, i think he ascended around 17/18 (?) and then spent a lot of time trying to get back to heaven when he was thrown away -we find out at the beginning of the novel that he managed to ascend for the third time after 800 years, so… yeah, 817? 818? ugh, i wanna hug him so much.
-i think i read somewhere that hua cheng waited 800 years for xie lian, so i’m gonna go and say he met xie lian a loooooong time ago, perhaps when he was little? and xie lian was still human/a newly appointed god? but we know for sure that he is younger than xl (plus hua cheng calls him gege eijfiowejfowiejfoiwr), so i’d say he has a age between 800 and 817/818!! uhm, 800-ish?
-i remember that lbh was 13 at the beginning of the story, so correct me if i’m wrong (i’ll need to re-read it when i can!): 13 + 3 years that lead to the abyss scene + 3 years until lbh and sqq meet again and sqq “dies” + 5 years when shizun returns = lbh should be 24 y.o. -so the other disciples should be in the 20s too, more or less. 
-as for sqq, i am not sure.i don’t know much about is past yet. svwiki reminds us that though his real age is never explicitly mentioned, Shen Yuan notes that Shen Qingqiu has cultivated enough to maintain his youthful appearance, i bet he is in his (almost?) 30s now. same for liu qingge? tho i think of him as being a bit younger than sqq. 
thank you for writing to me, it was fun to make a bit of research/use my brain for something i actually enjoy *_*
EDIT: @huaiisang gave us a bit more info about HOB (again, tysm **)!! hua cheng was 10 when he met xie lian, so he’s about 7 years younger than him!
but, like, let’s stop for a sec and imagine little hua cheng and teenage xie lian OMG OMG OMG i can’t wait to read about this soifgoijgfoiwrgkkhb
14 notes · View notes
getanattitude · 4 years
Buzzwords, De-buzzed: 10 Other Ways to Say fireinsidemusic.com
“THE more you dig right into a bit of Ives, the more enjoyment you have from it,” the pianist Jeremy Denk mentioned not too long ago, sitting at a piano inside of a rehearsal Area on the Juilliard University. “It’s like solving a puzzle.”
Then he enthusiastically deconstructed Ives’s “Concord” Sonata, untangling and detailing the themes and motifs embedded within the complex textures of the interesting rating.
Mr. Denk is going to release a disc, “Jeremy Denk Plays Ives” (Think Denk Media), that includes two piano sonatas, an esoteric choice of repertory for the debut solo album. But then, there's nothing generic concerning this adventurous musician. His vivacious intellect is manifest both equally in his playing and on his blog site, Assume Denk, an outlet for astute musical observations and witty musings, whether a lament about inedible meatballs or simply a spoof job interview with Sarah Palin.
Mr. Denk will reveal his more mainstream qualifications when he performs Liszt’s Piano Concerto No. one with Charles Dutoit and also the Philadelphia Orchestra commencing on Thursday on the Kimmel Centre in Philadelphia and on Oct. 12 at Carnegie Hall.
Mr. Denk argues which the Ives sonatas, composed early during the twentieth century, are mistakenly categorized as avant-garde works instead of “epic Intimate sonatas with Lisztian thematic transformations.” On the relaxed listener, the audio that Mr. Denk describes while in the CD booklet as “brilliant, ingenious, tender, edgy, wild, unique, witty, haunting” can unquestionably audio avant-garde. Ives, who built his residing in the coverage enterprise, integrated jazz, riffs on Beethoven and American hymns, marches and people songs into his daringly experimental piano sonatas, full of polytonality, thematic layering and rhythmic complexity.
“It’s so splendidly in-your-face,” Mr. Denk said, demonstrating a very maniacal passage while in the “Concord” Sonata. “It’s also pretty astonishingly unsightly. There is a thing maddening about his sense of humor. Ives is continually thumbing his nose at you in a method.”
But Mr. Denk suggests that Ives’s tenderness, which he illuminates superbly In this particular recording, is underappreciated. “Ives is frequently about things recalled,” he said, “or Recollections or visions fetched from some difficult position.”
He played the harmonically misty passages in the next movement with the “Concord,” where by Ives directs that a bit of wood be pressed over the higher keys to produce a cluster chord. “It doesn’t sense gimmicky at all to me,” Mr. Denk explained. “It’s all blues in The underside. Ives knew the way to use Those people tiny clichéd bits of Americana in a means that all of a sudden will get your intestine. You can’t believe how touching it's.”
Mr. Denk, forty, has been passionate about Ives because his undergraduate days at Oberlin in Ohio, where he carried a double big in piano functionality and chemistry. “My overall double diploma knowledge was to some degree of the continuous freakout of 1 type of A different,” he claimed.
He had been a “really nerdy high school scholar” by using a constrained social existence, he stated. “Ever considering the fact that I had been a kid I planned to head to Oberlin and preferred the liberal arts. Certainly I really get rigorous satisfaction outside of drawing connections between parts and poems and literature and concepts.”
Mr. Denk explained himself to be a “practice maniac,” but his horizons have prolonged considerably beyond the apply area since Oberlin. When nibbling a massive bit of chocolate cream pie at an Upper West Facet diner near the condominium he has rented due to the fact about 1999, Mr. Denk referred to his blog, contacting it “an surprisingly excellent outlet to release tensions of one form or Yet another.” He claimed it had drawn new listeners to his concerts. An avid reader of liberal political weblogs, Mr. Denk desires of creating a classical music Model of Wonkette, he reported, but that might be not easy to do devoid of offending individuals. And he attempts to steer clear of offending persons, he extra, while he did not long ago write-up a rant about plan notes.
Mr. Denk, who phone calls himself “an actual Francophile,” is gentle-spoken but intense, his dialogue peppered with references to numerous “obsessions”: espresso, Ives, Bach, Proust, Baudelaire and Emerson.
He went off on “a Balzac mania” a number of years in the past, he claimed.
“That was a perilous time, and almost everything in everyday life seemed drawn outside of a Balzac novel,” he extra. “I misplaced about three decades of my lifetime to Proust. I’m guaranteed it improved anything, including my playing.
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“Sooner or later my supervisor was like, ‘Dude, You should deal with your occupation and receiving your stuff together.’ ” At that point, Mr. Denk claimed, “I had been bringing Proust to conferences.” He extra: “I’m unsure I really experienced a occupation route. I had been just undertaking my Odd issue, which most likely gave the impression of a disastrous nonroute to a lot of the individuals that have been viewing around me. I don't forget some exasperated conferences with my management, Nevertheless they were incredibly affected person and faithful, which I’m insanely grateful for.”
Mr. Denk grew up in Las Cruces, N.M., amongst two brothers, a son of audio-loving nonmusician parents. His father, who's got a doctorate in chemistry, has actually been (at diverse occasions) a Roman Catholic monk plus a director of Laptop or computer science at New Mexico Point out College.
Mr. Denk continues to be hooked on the chili peppers of Las Cruces, he said, seemingly only fifty percent joking: “The red and the green and The full spirituality of chili peppers. It’s nonetheless a large part of my everyday living. When I go house I go to this true dive and obsess in excess of their eco-friendly meat burrito.”
When not on tour, Mr. Denk spends time with his boyfriend, Patrick Posey, a saxophonist as well as director of orchestral things to do and preparing at Juilliard, wherever Mr. Denk been given his doctorate, researching with Herbert Stessin. Mr. Stessin recollects owning been impressed by “the maturity and intensity” of Mr. Denk’s participating in and remembers him as “an extraordinary university student who absorbed things pretty promptly.”
Mr. Denk said he “was in class permanently” until finally “at some time I made a decision to believe in my own instincts.” Now he teaches double-diploma undergraduates for the Bard Higher education Conservatory of Music. The pianist Allegra Chapman, who researched with him, explained he was “worried about quite a bit greater than the notes about the web site, constantly mentioning literary and historic references.”
“Now I attempt to technique songs within a more holistic viewpoint,” she additional. “He is incredibly passionate. He used to bounce around the area and bounce about and wave his arms. It was really enjoyable. He tried to get me to think about the music that has a sense of humor.”
This blend of passion, humor and intellect, so vibrant in both equally Mr. Denk’s enjoying and his creating, is what distinguishes him, according to the violinist Joshua Bell. The 2 have already been normal duo companions because 2004, when they carried out with the Spoleto Competition United states.
“You obtain the mental musicians or people that have on their coronary heart on their own sleeve without having a number of musical imagined,” Mr. Bell reported, “but Jeremy manages to accomplish each, Which’s great. Now we have lots of arguments in rehearsal, and that is the fun component at the same time. The very fact we don’t generally see eye to eye keeps issues clean and would make me problem anything I do.”
Mr. Bell, whose options of repertory are generally additional regular than those of his much more adventurous colleague, mentioned he wasn’t normally an Ives enthusiast: “Having a good deal of contemporary tunes I’m somewhat cautious. Despite Ives, right up until I read Jeremy. He just delivers it alive. He has this sort of a terrific creativity, and nothing at all is done randomly.”
Ives’s piano sonatas, Mr. Denk mentioned, “are in a way like animals that don’t wish to be tamed.”
“Each individual efficiency needs to be so distinct,” he included, a person purpose he was to begin with hesitant to file them. Like Bach, he said, Ives leaves quite a bit to the performer’s creativeness.
A wonderful interpretation of your “Goldberg” Variants at Symphony Area in 2008 discovered Mr. Denk’s profound affinity with Bach. Mr. Denk will complete the do the job and Books one and 2 of Ligeti’s Études at Zankel Corridor on Feb. sixteen.
To keep the “Goldberg” Variations fresh, Mr. Denk is incorporating new fingerings, he stated, “to reactivate the link involving my brain and my fingers After i’m enjoying it.”
“I believe it’s an actual magical put If you have the muscle mass memory,” he extra, “even so the Mind is ahead from the fingers.”
Switching the fingerings is one method to avoid routine, he explained. “I get real pleasure from producing in a very fantastic fingering. It is actually like relearning the piece, and it tends to make you not acquire any Observe as a right.”
The musical philosophy Mr. Denk relates to Bach, Ives and other repertory is probably best summed up in that website submit on system notes: “I’ve never been a major enthusiast of your ‘Picture how revolutionary this piece was when it absolutely was composed’ college of inspiration. For my dollars, it ought to be innovative now. (And it's.) Whatever else the composer might have meant, he or she didn’t want you to definitely Believe, ‘Boy, that have to happen to be interesting back again then.’ The most basic compositional intent, the absolute ur-intent, is that you Enjoy it now, you enable it to be take place now.”
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0 notes
Things people have said in my classes over the course of the 2016-2017 school year
“One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a military officer is try to invade Asia”
“Napoleon looks like he’s about to dab”
“No you have to do it in a Scottish accent. It’s Donkeh”
“Eric. Do you want carrots? Diced,,, carrots”
“How many couches do you have?”
“I don’t… I don’t want to talk about it”
“I think the cereal aisle is amazing. I do”
“I’m a hoe for Obama”
“So what you’re gonna make him turn into the next Bill Clinton?”
“Wow. The sass. Didn’t I say there was always one delinquent?”
“Is Neanderthalian a word?”
“It’s not a word, Sufana, don’t be an idiot”
“Can we just like… abolish death?”
“Let’s just take it and,,,, fling it into the sun”
“It’s not a race if I don’t care" 
"I didn’t know what you were asking me”
“Yeah, but you acted like you did so confidently. ‘Yes! Sí, señora’
"You’re Muslim? I thought you were Indian”
“Guys, I’m gonna take a spaceship… and I’m gonna land it on the sun. And if it gets too hot I’m gonna take a parachute back to Earth”
“No, no, they’re too dumb to think like this”
“You’re crushing my heart. The more you go on the more I know I did something wrong”
“So let me get this straight. You quoted Hamilton at dinner. At your boyfriend’s house. In front of his parents. And he’s still your boyfriend?" 
"You’re being a racism”
“Sometimes I turn my os and us into a single character. It’s because I’m efficient. /Not/ because I’m illiterate”
“It’s about personal growth! I like to challenge myself! It’s not because my brain’s broken!”
“It is the wagon void”
“Up until I was 5 I was a wanderer. I was raised by seagulls”
“Honestly I don’t ever try to be dumb. It just comes naturally”
“But we aren’t octopi, unfortunately”
“Wouldn't  be a Monday morning if I wasn’t ruining his life”
“My dad works so he escapes the living hell that is my house”
“Was it fine?”
“Yeah, I got food”
“Is that a 7 or a live chicken?”
“I’m not from America, but I’m from the United States”
“Oh yeah I drove a go cart with a wheel made out of a Quaker Oats container”
“What do you mean you’re not fluent in Indian?”
“Well I wasn’t about to eat the tampon”
“If Satan Spoon starts talking to you let me know”
“Did he just say blame the gays on the mafia?”
“Dude we should test arsenic as a cure for Alzheimer’s”
“You dated him”
“Yes, well that was before I learned he was racist. And gay”
“Get off me I need to make a meme”
“I’m going to be that one awkward person who ends up sexually attracted to pianos”
“I don’t kms, I pms”
“Put that in your quotes I think it’s a good one”
“I really meant people conception. Misconception is gender exclusive”
“So what’s your point?”
“I don’t know”
“If your results end up to be true, like yes”
“Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany”
“Wait who?”
“It’s a giant concrete chicken in Vietnam. Read the fucking caption”
“At least it won’t be Cold War part 2 because Trump’s in bed with Russia”
“Wow that is actually hot”
“Well it is fire”
“Well let it be the best stick it can be”
 "I had an English muffin today. It just wasn’t the same"
“Doesn’t covering your head make it harder for God to hear you?”
“No that’s tinfoil, Michael”
“Publishificating is good”
“Out-publish Bill. Cause Bill is the devil”
“Why are cheeseburgers such sexist objects?”
“Wait I just drew the Canadian parliament building”
“He looks kinda like a mop and I like”
“I could never be a murderer it’s just so confusing”
“Alex stare at her chest not her butt. Will is already staring at her butt”
“Russia is Serbia’s sugar daddy”
“Did they convert to Muslim?”
“What other fairies do you know?”
“Twinkle toes! No wait. Tinker bell”
“Captain America is Wartime Propaganda”
“Yeah man that’s yogi bear! Wait what the hell?”
“What’s that brown potato?”
“That’s a squash”
“Bob Marley died and so should I”
“Melanoma’s a disease”
“That’s not a disease that’s a cancer”
“What was the turning point of WWI?”
“The Versace treaty!”
“Don’t put orange juice in your iPad”
“We’re making cubes and he’s talking about concentration camps”
“Where do you think the Paris peace conference happened?”
“Anything’s a UFO if you try hard enough”
“Jesse what are you working on right now?”
“The ICarly theme song”
“Why are white people so extra?”
“Is it offensive to call Rasputin daddy?”
“Zoie can you stab me?”
“No, sorry, that’s a Friday activity”
“Are Israeli passports made out of couscous?”
“What’s that thing from BFG called..? Cumberbumber?”
“So my sister’s a Russian major..”
“Can you major in a country?”
“Mown, like freshly mown grass”
“You can tweet from dead people”
“Wealthy farmers have fists”
“So do other people”
“Hitler killed Hitler, so he can’t be that bad”
“Three billion fists died”
“Everything’s a sphero to me now”
“Hey kids wanna buy some zip-ties?”
“There will never be a time where both of you are in the boat.. /amphibious assault vehicle”
“Did you know Italians get 8 weeks of paid leave”
“You know what fuck Italians. Actually wait yeah let’s /fuck/ Italians”
“What’s worse than the Gulags?”
“My favorite satellite station is Hitler and Stalin. Hitler played the bass, Stalin played the spoons.”
“Shit. I missed my ass”
“Are you gonna sue me?”
“Are you gonna sue my kids?" 
“How are you a Jew and an atheist?”
“I’m a jewthiest”
“He deserves to be hugged. By an 18-wheeler speeding down the highway”
“My talent is…”
“Deepthroating a cinnamon stick”
“Does anyone know what the 21 game is?”
“Is that when you turn 21 and get to drink?”
“What’s next year’s musical?”
“Connor Gale: The Musical, starring Lisa Liubovich as Connor Gale”
“Somebody just compared Germany’s republic to the republic from Star Wars”
“The darkest blanket of Bill Nye”
“And her beauty was that of Medicare”
“Alright homework tonight, research vampires”
“Well I wasn’t gonna follow his mom’s twitter”
“28 lockers is inside your gastrointestinal tract”
“My dad hates Jews. Not actively though”
“That sounds like a cat choking out a hairball. Catholicism.”
“We’re catholic. And we’re not batshit insane”
“It’s not crack, Ms. Wright”
“Do they even know what vegetables smell like?”
“Why is there a cabbage in your backpack?”
“Hannah. Egg”
“Nothing’s fun when donald trump is president”
“What kind of gum is that?”
“I’m better than Justin Bieber at guitar. I’m Kurt Cobain now”
“If George Washington tried to rap his dentures would fall out”
“Why did he come over here was I not Jewish enough?”
“Alright so we have bird images, and we have death images”
“You just fuckin stabbed me in the leg with a plank of wood”
“I have a velvet Jesus in my cupboard”
“Cow vigilantes?”
“There’s a meat ban”
“What did they ban?”
“I’m wrenching, bitch”
“What were they on?”
“This kebab guy looks like wolverine”
“We have a common Jew”
“That’s like Hannah being gayphobic”
“According to my zodiac I’m light, hot, and wet”
“Haroon dropped his wood”
“I’m not racist I’m just ignorant”
“Why do people even harvest organs when they could harvest corn?”
“I’m not saying that cone heads is super high quality but let’s be real here”
“It is almost May don’t talk about snow or I’ll backhand you into the fucking sun”
“People are hanged, pictures are hung”
“People can be hung too”
“Jello monster incest”
“I just hit myself in the head with a boat”
“Dentists are people too”
“Really? I thought they were just a bunch of teeth stacked together in a lab coat”
“An interloper is someone who interlopes”
“Guys enough with the atomic bombs”
“I had weaponized the name quiz”
“Sin is a polygenic trait”
“Revenge is a dish best served under a tree”
“There’s Vaseline.. but it looks shady”
“Where’s the Cape? Is it in Maine?”
“The Soviet Union is cheese”
“Gets tetanus on boobs”
“Where’s that video of that woman aesthetically biting pickles into a microphone”
“I was too lazy to shave so my solution was socks”
“Anything is right if you can pull it off”
“Do Brooklyn have accents”
“Meme is my native language”
“When you smell me I don’t even feel uncomfortable anymore”
“That sounds like a great job. I’m gonna be a dick disector”
“My right pinkie is stronger”
“What if I just face slam on the keyboard, will my essay write itself then?”
“I wrote nyet instead of net on my paper. Figurative language dot nope.”
“Can I just remove both of my uteri?”
“Hannah you have one uterus”
“I’m dumb completely independently from the fact that I’m old”
“Why dinosaurs do not have the capacity to be fascist”
“Amanda and I are on team daddy”
“What are you talking about?”
“Hydra kink”
“My eyelashes are too short”
“Like your di- I mean, I’m fasting”
“Walmart brand eighth grader”
“Does anyone know who the daughter of Zeus is?”
“Give your partner a hand-job from a million miles away for only $88 plus tax”
“The vase is thicc”
“Do you not recognize my supreme overlord?”
“Dr. Doofenshmirtz?”
“Stop sensually licking the mango”
“Triangular foot bath”
“I’d rather be peed on by a sheep than eaten alive”
“What’s the place where planes go?”
“Oh yeah. I thought they were called plane stations”
“Did you say egg or dick?”
“They would give you a gallon of the white baby vomit and then you have to drink it”
“I have nightmares about Russian grammar”
“You could tell I was ignoring you, right?”
“I hear you talking about your grades in my sleep”
“Freshman salads”
“I wanna be a song… singer person”
“What do door locks keep out?”
“Your insecurities”
“I’ve never been attacked by a gang member”
“The gays worship the Babadook”
“I love Joe Biden, he’s so cute. I want a pocket Joe Biden”
“Surrogate sneezing”
“Golfing doesn’t require ankles”
“You guys all have boners but you don’t have any notecards you’re all useless”
10 notes · View notes
12x19 notes
for some reason I got that old advert that’s like, “the future’s bright... the future’s Orange” stuck in my head the entire time. (I mean Orange got bought out by ee and the name vanished so... no, it’s not Orange. :P)
I blame the return of Sam’s orange jacket.
expectations - fairly muted since I read pretty much no speculation over the little break and really don't know what to make of this season in forward planning. Mittens said it best to me last night - that the show is doing quite predictable things but the layers and complexity and subversions on their own playbook are where it's interesting. So in a way it feels like we could map out what might happen in this episode? But I didn't feel like reading that because that would just make it feel predictable to the point of boredom guessing the big beats. And I'm expecting some of thing with the emotional side to be almost unpredictably messy. Like how 12x12 I don't think anyone was going into it thinking Cas was going to have a big i love you moment :P
For the actual writing, this is our potentially bizarre but wonderful combination of writers - Glynn and Berens having a crack at the Kelly stuff, and I think is the first time she's appeared outside of a Buckleming episode, while this is only the second time the Kelly stuff has even been IN a non-Buckleming episode after we saw Cas's side a bit in 12x15 before it got derailed into him going to Heaven, or 12x10 which was emotionally about it but only had mentions either side. Glynn's been huge on consent and attempting to handle things sensitively (to a varying degree of success in implementation according to the fandom,  but I award points for trying...) and Berens definitely wants to be a feminist writer and also to varying degrees of acceptance by the fandom, but his heart is in the right place. I think the two of them together would hopefully bring a very different perspective to Kelly's story and this is the episode where I'm hoping they make the most of the fact this storyline is happening... Plus I'm fairly sure this is the one directed by Amanda Tapping so there's that :3
recap starts right off with what Cas has been up to this third of the season. I was starting to forget who he was. Dean is worried about the same thing. Blah blah Kelly, Dean worrying about Cas, blah blah Kelly and Dagon, Eileen being a BAMF, where's Cas is he okay, Dean has the Colt.
I've never really ranked recaps out of 10 or anything but that was a pretty good one for all the layering in how Dean's been worried about Cas in between all these other events taking place, and also making it SO CLEAR that Dean is the one who's been worried about Cas
Kelly's looking great >.> Dagon appears to have moved her to a dungeon. Lovely. She's got the worst beside manner ever.
Or it's just the basement of a horrible shack. LOOKS like a dungeon, which I think is the point.
Oh gosh Dagon is properly scary, and Kelly gets some self-reflection... Or, well, her reflection is broken by the mirror and she's just a faceless baby bump. Great shot.
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Oh no Kelly no... I actually care about her now and she got to actually say some actual words about how she feels and how this has affected her, aka jumped right over my extremely low bar for her treatment that Buckleming weren't exactly straining themselves to get over, and now she's trying to kill herself. :< :< They finally let the actress DO something where the scene was about HER and not JUST her baby, and it was incredible and terrible and arrrghhhh
I hope everyone was okay after that opening because that was pretty harsh. Bobo puts suicide-related stuff in a lot of his episodes with about the reliability of Buckleming and creepy pregnancies, but there's some pretty vivid, awful suicides on screen thanks to him, and this was a long beautifully shot sequence of her bleeding out
I mean I assume she'll be fine and I was waiting for the twist before the title card where the nephilim forces her back to life, but I guess they're leaving us on that for now >.>
(This was necessary to do, though, both because Kelly's really in a place where only extreme reactions can happen to prove anything, as it's such a tense bad situation, and also SHE needed to take an action to be a remotely fleshed out character after all she's been dragged through so far, and ALSO we need to see some proof the nephilim is as bad as it is, burning bible aside, that it's just not quite enough of a real threat or presence - something everyone is talking about but with the 9 month wait for a baby to pop is very hypothetical for the intervening time - I was actually expecting her to try cutting it out of herself, or at least if I had an R rated horror version of this show I would show that >.>)
(I mean if I was in control of an R rated version of the show we would probably not have this plotline :P)
*adds Sam drawing on the table to my list of offences he's committed against the bunker*
He really has it in for that table
That was a pretty fun montage of him doing stuff and thinking on screen for us. Weird as it may be I don't get the feeling the Winchesters think a lot because they usually show us them right when they walk in having googled something or already worked it out. We get middle of episode research montages but only a couple of episodes start on reading montages and usually to show the research is futile... Actually showing Sam puzzling out the thing he was wondering about before we get Dean wandering in and Sam explaining what that was all about is... weirdly refreshing... Proof they use their brains.
He's working out when Nephilim are born, which seems to be a somehow more complicated, magical thing than simple biology, but does explain the way he was talking about it in the promo, which without the montage sounded like another boring, “so I googled it and surprisingly there was a website to work this out”, kind of explanation.
It does get boring to keep showing that, even if thinking montages take up time, they LOOK good and are better storytelling for the characters.
Wait if you guys went to prison around early december, you DID spend Christmas and maybe Dean's birthday in the lock up... Oh no :P Was that ever actually confirmed? I thought we went the other way on that when we were trying to work it out over Christmas.
Cas cas cas cas cas
"Hello." That is still the term? Been away a while :P
I love Dean's face as he watches Cas come down to join them. He's just stunned to see him.
Annoyed because he's concerned
"working with the angels"
*Dean's face puckers up comically*
Cas lies to them *Dean starts to make the 6x15 pouting face* ("that's how he does it") ... I have to screencap this I've never seen Dean make such a weird face since then :P
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He goes through like eight different emotions and there isn't room enough for them all on his face. He's still pouting about one thing and then Sam says they're glad Cas is back and he overloads :P
Bless Amanda Tapping for capturing that on camera.
yikes Dean, once again with the concerned and angry thing >.> Pls stop being angry at Cas because you can't handle missing him that much. Sam says they're glad Cas is back because that's what you're supposed to say and he's happy Cas is back and there's some extra help and you know sometimes Cas is here and sometimes Cas isn't but when he is he's helpful and they like each other and get on... and meanwhile Dean has burned through like 3 diaries of emo teenage sobbing about if Cas likes him and why isn't he returning his calls or texts in the last month, and he's been on a rollercoaster of angst about it all and now Cas is back it's like wtf does he even CARE i thought he said he LOVED us how can he be so heartless FML *sounds of Evanescence playing from Dean's room* *sam does not ask*
And Cas pulls that Cas face he does when Dean gets like this (I mean they were standing around the table almost like this in 8x22 when Dean ripped into Cas, and again in 11x07... Never mind how Dean was acting in 12x10 at the start where, yep, Cas comes in just like in 8x22. War room table. Where the family goes to have its wars :P)
12x10 already subverted this while we were on the middle of the season emotional development phase of the story, so we'll see how it goes here
Dean's complaints about being ditched and ignored are definitely straight from his diary
"What the hell's wrong with you, man?"
*Cas can't answer*
Dean's like, whatever, and storms off to his room
*sounds of Evanescence playing even louder while he writes a few more pages in his diary*
BMoL like  "well we got some useful intel, but we need to edit so much romantic tension out of this before we can show it to the higher ups"
I suppose Cas can't answer because he's lying and for some reason or another everything sucks and what's wrong with him presumably boils down to the problem of home and family and whatever was put to him in Heaven, which I assume is directly relating to his conflict about home and family. The fact he can't answer is a very literal demonstration of him being trapped between all this and not able to answer. For whatever reason he's come back/been allowed to come back/been sent back, he is still stuck on their offer and walking into Dean throwing an almighty strop about Cas's absence and how much it's hurt him not to have Cas there... Not good for his ability to immediately answer.
[note with hindsight: okay don’t normally do this but the episode INTENTIONALLY wiped this off the slate and it’s not even a useful tangent thought. Guess this was left over what we were meant to be feeling (Kelvin asks Cas this in 12x15 after all which WAS the last word we had on it) but Cas has already made up his mind and his declaration of his motivations in this episode made this pretty obvious in hindsight that it was just what the angels THOUGHT Cas might be motivated by still but he really has gone all in with the Winchesters - of course only at the point it can get thrown away by other factors, and choices... Did have some other thoughts about Cas not being sure he belonged so a more subtle way of analysing it that Cas was realising he might not BELONG belong, but he would have to act to protect Dean from afar, and the cost of his friendship - well, Dean was ALREADY pissed at him so Cas will do what he has to >.>]
Also. Cas got all of Dean's calls. So, like, that's the same as 8x02 and "I prayed to you, every night!" "I know"
And while we're here, of course I shouldn't bring this in but what was Amanda Tapping around for during season 8, but pretty much entirely the Destiel scenes - and in this case, "you're hoping Castiel will return to you... I only wish he felt the same way" - now Cas returns and to Dean it seems like, well, he doesn't feel the same way.
Dean hides in his room. He's not listening to Evanescence. He's doing some more angry searching for Kelly or whatever. WHATEVER *pouts harder*
Cas knocks, doesn't get an answer, and comes in anyway. In 10x03 he knocks and waits until Dean invites him to come in - a much more sensitive situation where he was concerned about how Dean felt in a way where Dean was sad and fragile. He's being a bit fragile now, in a slightly more ridiculous way, but Cas is just gonna barge in now. This isn't Cas being "such an angel" about doors (re: 9x22 and Gadreel barging in on Metatron, hi Dabb) which was something we were discussing after 10x03 and how Cas had a, well, not-angelic approach to doors. Cas CHOOSES to ignore the lack of invitation and barge in anyway and when it comes to Cas and social nuances, it's always worth pointing out what he does and doesn't already know.
[edit with hindsight: also - early warning he’s violating the space by not respecting Dean’s privacy and that this WAS an intrusion. I actually didn’t remember to analyse what I thought Cas was up to here, mostly because he WAS acting shifty so I didn’t know what to trust he was doing but not enough to guess what he WOULD do :P]
Also how to know if you still ship the thing: obviously predicted the only reason they'd show Dean in his room after he stomped off alone was if Cas came for a round 2 without Sam around to make it hard to talk, and for them to chat in a more personal, less conflict-y environment. And yet as soon as I see his dumb face on my screen my heart skips.
I think this is only the second time Cas has ever come into Dean's room, officially, aside from 10x03.
D-did Cas just... break up with Dean by giving him back the mix tape they made out to at prom or something
What the fuck
"I just wanted to return this"
No okay Cas definitely just broke up with Dean by giving him back the mix tape they made out to at prom
Why though
Why would you even write this into your show
"It's a gift. You keep those."
Dean you are so broken hearted I'm gonna die
*Evanescence blaring in Dean's soul at top volume*
I'm so tired of being here Suppressed by all my childish fears And if you have to leave I wish that you would just leave 'Cause your presence still lingers here And it won't leave me alone These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real There's just too much that time cannot erase When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years But you still have all of me You used to captivate me by your resonating light Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real There's just too much that time cannot erase When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years But you still have all of me I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years You still have all of me, me, me
("My Immortal" - it seemed fitting :P)
Yes I remember being 16. Who doesn't regret some things.
Um I literally don't have any analysis of their interactions here because my brain shorted out and all I can think of is that this was literally the stupidest thing they've ever written if they don't think Destiel is a thing. I mean look at it.
At some point in the last say 5 years or whatever Dean's made Cas a mixtape.
And then Cas tried to give it back because Dean was a dick to him when he was upset about Cas leaving and not returning his calls.
And Dean was like fuck off it was a present because oh my god what the fuck Supernatural
I need to keep watching because I could very easily sit here yelling at the screen for the rest of the day and I only just remembered that Kelly's off dead or not in a bathtub and there's real problems here which aren't these two emo 16 year olds figuring out what a crush is in glacial slow motion.
Oh NO there's a close up on their hands as Cas takes it back. And Cas makes another noise like he might say something and he doesn't and I'm actually going to CRY with FRUSTRATION
Dean actually tries a little to explain why he's pissed from his POV without resorting to Evanescence lyrics.
"WE didn't know what had happened to you. WE were worried about you"
Dean you may have missed the recap, but uh, Dean it was all about you missing him. Last episode Sam even was like "he'll be fine" and you were like "..."
"I didn't mean to add to your distress" you need to not sound sarcastic when you say these things because I know you mean it but you still sound pissed off with Dean and it's not heeelping
Cas breaks my fucking heart talking about how he needed to bring a win back for Dean after failing so many times in a row and then Dean turns around and finally stops giving Cas the cold shoulder (LOL SHOULDERS) and faces him and says Cas isn't the only one "rolling snake eyes" (I'm quoting just because I love how Dean talks, I don't have anything profound to say about the gaming reference)
Now Dean is sounding as miserable as Cas
wait hang on I just remembered that Dean gave Cas a mixtape
They seem to be having a deep conversation challenging each other about if they would kill an innocent, phrased in those terms - I think Cas wants Dean to admit he couldn't because he's having doubts, but Heaven would want him to do it and Cas looks to Dean for guidance. Dean mentions how they've been researching how NOT to kill the baby to not much luck showing they don't WANT to but Cas is testing if this is even their last resort. The moral certainty in the situation is all messed up for them. They never want to kill innocents, but Sam at least has done it before intentionally for the sake of saving the world (4x22) and as much as they like finding other ways, the fate of the planet is a pretty strong motivator to go into a morally grey area...
Dean caves and says they're trying to find another way.
We as in you and me, dumbass.
Less dumb, less ass, more trusting couple :3 That's their un break up get back together code word, because 9x10 put them back together
I had the worrying thought Cas gave the mixtape back because he thought DEAN had broken up with HIM and that Cas had to reluctantly return all the things Dean gave him because if they were broken up what would Cas want with them any more they'd just remind him of Deeeean
Mittens also suggested to me that it was Cas trying to show Dean that he felt he'd messed up and was trying to apologise and show that he knew he'd hurt Dean and that he didn't deserve the mixtape any more and this is honestly the worst thing I've ever read so I need to try and watch the rest now
oh god I shouldn't have paused where I did because the next thing Dean does is get up, walk into Cas's space, talk about Team Free Will to Cas's face and I feel a piece of my soul that has been soaked in bitterness that Cas was unconscious and had no idea Dean called it that sarcastically once a million years ago, has finally been put to rest that Cas is now officially, knowingly, a member of Team Free Will and also that Dean remembered calling it that, apparently thinks of them as it.
It's so fucking fanservicey but you know what it's season 12, I fully intend to buy this on DVD when it comes out, I deserve my little TFW loving heart to have some fan service of Dean calling them that again despite it being one of those things where logically I'd say Dean should never repeat it because it was a off-hand comment that got blown all out of proportion by the fandom loving having a thing to call the squad.
(The part of me that makes bad speculative decisions is remembering that Dean used that phrase when he was resisting Michael and was a direct result of talking to him face to face and being told he had no free will - how that relates to the theme of the season is interesting because they're not facing any direct threat to their free will, apparently. But their choices still matter. Michael's not coming back. She says loudly and firmly to herself.)
[edit from later: well THERE’S your direct threat to your free will!]
Also it's including Cas and Dean using that phrase is a strong reminder that it's not just the brothers Winchester, but that Team Free Will is the main unit of the show - and Dean knows and acknowledges that (and has probably been reading Winchester Gospels meta to try and work out what would be the best songs to give Cas on his mixtape and incidentally picked up the idea the fandom liked calling them that)
[edit from later: reminding Cas he was a member of Team Free Will was fucking inviting that, you take it back Dean Winchester. I hate hindsight-activated dramatic irony]
They were standing so close. I think Dean patted Cas's shoulder briefly on the way out the door. Also once the "official" conversation was over, Dean found it much harder to meet Cas's eye, probably because they're that close to kissing if there's nothing else to discuss.
Dean leaves and Cas is left standing in his room - the camera goes back to his face as he looks mournfully around Dean's room. Like. At his bed or something idk I'm not an expert
[efl: oh my god]
I love Amanda Tapping and Bobo and Glynn. Buying them all a round.
Anyway Kelly and Dagon.
Oh dear, bloody bathtub, and no sign of Kelly?
She's sitting in the corner wrapped in something that looks kind of like an American flag or has one in the corner, and is kind of stunned in a I just had a religious experience way about her baby not letting her die. She loves him, is the problem.
Look at all this character complexity wow
She spoke to her baby about how they couldn't be together and they had to die, but the baby saved them both - for now - and honestly she was a religious woman anyway... I wonder if she thinks that the baby preserving its safety in the womb while its not ready to be born is a sign it will protect her and Dagon is wrong and that the baby loves her back... A good cover for if we go back to Buckleming characterisation, Kelly being reluctant and protective of the baby even if she obviously hates being imprisoned and is terrified, we now have a few different sides to her feelings about it explored...
*Amanda messing around filming through the bunker railings because they're fun* this time Sam caught in a circle. He was caught in a triangle in 12x16 so I'm starting to think the theme is that Sam is trapped, in a weird way. Not sure if foreshadowing or representative of his mental state. Obviously he floats around on the surface a lot making head choices instead of heart choices, and they still think they're working for the BMoL even if it's shady and weird, they're still technically ON that decision, or, well, Sam is. Even if this episode is unrelated, the triangle was pretty much for that in 12x16 as far as I could tell, so now it's just repeating Sam is trapped. As well as sitting at the Bunker table with his feet up so he's lost 2 tally marks already towards wanton bunker mistreatment and we're like 10 minutes into the episode...
Uhoh, Sam isn't sleeping. Dean seems to be wandering through the Bunker, hopefully carrying a cloud of "we're communicating now?" with him. Maybe they will TALK *gasp* *sound of a glass shattering in the otherwise silence*
Sam: so we can't find Dagon Me: you better not fuckin say what I think - Sam: what if we find the nephilim Me: ho don't do it Sam: it's half-angel Me: fuck off Sam Sam: remember Gadreel Me: EVERY DAY Sam: there was a spell Me: I FUCKING KNOW Sam: I'm an idiot Me: Listen we have proposed this idea like every single random plot twist that's happened since 9x11 and if you say what I think you're about to say then yes I'm sitting with Dean and judging you from here to ever for this Sam: omg how did we forget we had that grace extracting needle thingy in the basement for 3 years Me: Because you're a fucking idiot and I love you but you need to know.
I watched 9x10-12 very recently, like, this week recently, and I am distressed and Sam is predictable if you have been screeching through the walls of reality at him for a few weeks - apparently he heard me
Sam is also sitting in the library, not in the exact place he was in 9x10 in his head, but Dean just went to get a beer and came found him and in 9x10 imaginary Dean yelled at Sam if he wanted a beer and didn't show up so this somehow folded the entire thing back in on itself and this is why Dabb era agitates my migraines
I just can't believe that for once in our fuckin' lives we were like what if this happened and then a few weeks later on the show Sam's like wait what if we actually did the thing that the fans all instantly decided we should do
Dean's "yay we found another way!" look
Cas isn't in his room (CAS HAS A FUCKING ROOM IN THE BUNKER PARADE) and I am so baffled because I thought that he was still in Dean's room chilling on Dean's bed waiting for him to get back with the beers that I couldn't understand why Dean even thought Cas was in another room.
I mean to be fair the show has been so fan fictiony I can be allowed to forget that Dean supposedly wouldn't forget that
shoving aside my mistaken idea Cas was still in Dean's room, Dean gets a whole lot of sad music while staring mournfully into Cas's room after Cas was last seen staring mournfully into Dean's room
TBH Dagon's starting to sound more and more like an overbearing helicopter parent who has the whole plan for lil Satan Jr's life. Does mother know best? It's literally a debate of interpretation coming from their desires - Dagon wants him to be an evil monster who takes over the world and consumes everything. Kelly just wants him to be a regular kid (and Sam and Dean have maybe hit on the way to do that) and interprets his actions as loving her back and using his powers for good.
I suppose if Satan jr isn't evil then it'll be a story about mother's love being right, which could be interesting with where the Mary stuff goes. I still hope there's a reckoning about Sam and Mary and the Azazel deal which of course this mirrors even if so far it's been a bit weird about it because it's just kind of over there happening. Sam got to explore this with Magda and the Hitler's great niece thing, and came to the same conclusion they weren't evil, whatever their family or powers were. And same for himself, something he had to cope with (the Hitler episode makes more sense now with the nephilim story). Now we have the nephilim and Sam has been keeping himself up at night until he hit on a way to give it a chance from birth to be good and uncorrupted, like he never got.
Dagon's talking about being right at the baby's side, about nurturing and loving him - being at his side to help him kill everything, like a mother should. Now we have Dagon actively competing to be the other mother figure, the evil one. Kelly and Dagon as like, shoulder angel and demon to the baby. Two competing motherly instincts. Possibly representative of the torn loyalties/actions Mary's been through, from her deal with Azazel through to deciding to work with the BMoL and all the Ketch stuff, on the Dagon side, and her genuine love for Sam and Dean and wanting what's best for them on the Kelly side. As a metaphor for her entire influence on their lives and the story of the show, the Dagon side has utterly won out, as her deal took her from Sam and all she could do was offer one "sorry" as a ghost (the loving, ineffectual Kelly side), before Sam was left to the vulnerability of being jerked around by demons and eventually by Lucifer himself until he was possessed by him. But Kelly has a trust in the baby's nature, and Sam is inherently good, although tbh I may be forgetting everything but has this literally not been addressed from Mary's POV since 12x03 (hi Berens) where her idea of Sam and Dean were represented with the little 4 year old ghost for Dean, and the FREAKY MONSTER BABY in the crib? I was so sure there'd be a deeper exploration of Mary's issues with this - that Sam had been made into a monster and what he'd been through. Kelly having a moment where she is so convinced by Dagon's words that the baby is a monster that she'd rather kill herself to take it out with her, might mirror the sort of revulsion Mary COULD have, even for a moment, learning what Sam was made into. But Kelly loves the baby anyway and trusts its nature and intentions.
We'll see who's right.
Cas cas cas cas
He never looks happy. I can never tell when he's just grumpy or actually worried about something.
But in this case, yeah he stole the Colt :P Curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal.
Blah blah stuff I was saying about homes and loyalties. And now I get why Mittens was suggesting he gave the tape back as an apology - he knows Dean will be mad about what he's about to do, and already IS mad at Cas for how he's acted so far, so really what hope does Cas have of escaping with Dean's good opinion after doing what needs to be done (he hasn't said it yet but pfft I'm deep in season 9 now, that phrase haunts me). If he WAITED he'd know Sam hit on an answer and they could have TFW'd it, but his loyalty to Heaven has confused things. This is 6x21 I guess - Cas comes in to have an emotional conversation with Dean at the end of 6x20 but in 6x21 Bobby reveals he stole important lore he had on opening Purgatory - in fact, it WAS the lead Cas needed to get the thing done. So we're still on the season 6 repeat, but of course Cas is more reasonable even if he's conflicted right now and seeming to pick Heaven (mostly because he's conflicted and even if Dean's pissed at Cas he makes it really super clear he loves him and sees him as part of the team as well - now for Cas to catch on :P) ... I think there's time for Cas to come around that he didn't have in season 6 as this is earlier in the season.
UGH Cas you need to change your phone background. WHY is it still the Buddy Boyle cloudburst. Did you steal your phone from an angel you killed back in season 9 or something? I mean I know you have a new phone since then so why do you keep using that background???
dear art department,
get a new picture of the sun coming from behind a cloud, seriously,
love from,
someone who re-watches season 9 all the time
Anyway that's a lot of missed calls and texts from Dean - after that apology, right back to doing the same thing.
The fact Cas takes his phone out and looks each time while it rings out is just awful
the decisive way he hits the reject call button and tucks his phone into his inside pocket, next to his heart - and where he was keeping the mix tape
Kelvin literally spelling out "You're doing the right thing, putting angelkind above the Winchesters" pfft
pointing out someone is doing the right thing as a reassurance IMMEDIATELY says there's a conflict whether this is the right thing or not, and then he makes it clear that Cas is putting angels above the Winchesters I mean, this is basic :P Cas belong with the Winchesters, heaven is manipulating him, he needs constant reassurance it's the right thing while being torn by all the love and family and having a room and Dean making him mixtapes...
But then Cas turns it around that he isn't dealing with this conflict at all, actually, and he's like, I'm doing this FOR the Winchesters (that word again - "for" - what Cas uses every time he makes a decision, and while dealing with the consequences, explains that it was FOR them, or has someone else tell him it was all FOR Dean or whatever (hi Metatron). He is putting them above everything again, like he did in 12x09 when he killed Billie - he'd rather do something reckless and stupid to keep them AWAY from a problem that could get them hurt, and he will lose their trust and faith but know they're alive and well... Same deal in season 6, never coming to them. "where were you when I needed to hear it?" - well, giving you back your fucking mixtape because it is a symbol that we love and trust each other and don't take that back even when we hurt each other.
I think the problem is Cas still feels like an angel to them (Mittens is watching 6x20 over there and mentioning it just enough to drive me crazy :P) - he still considers himself the Winchesters' guardian... Aka he is an angel who will outlive them and he just wants them, from an abstract, faraway place, to be happy and well... He will sacrifice anything to get that done but Dean (and Sam) just want him around hanging out with them, as part of the family unit, TFW working together on a problem and doing it the hard way as long as it means honest, together, and as a team. And for Cas to be integrated into the family, and maybe there are easier shortcuts (the lazy way to kill the monster is just to bring the Colt along instead of doing extra research to figure out a better way - the theme of the season being better ways) but better to do things the harder way and get the better result and to all love and trust each other at the end of the day and to feel happy in what we did, not sick and morally compromised.
(I really hope Dean admitting he wanted to find a better way as a way of saying he didn't want to kill the nephilim is the guidance Cas needed - that this subverts the "i watched you rake leaves" thing but... aaaah)
Anyway Cas's face when he says he'll kill the girl so they don't have to... CAS the call you rejected was because they FOUND THE BETTER WAY
Also not for nothing but the Colt can't kill Lucifer - how confident are we it can kill his kid?
But pfft Joshua thinking Cas is doing it to save his reputation - that he cares about the Winchesters more than Heaven - and Cas is like pfft screw my reputation in Heaven I'm doing this to protect Sam and Dean from tarnishing their lovely little souls.
hey a redshirt angel showed up
Cas leading a bunch of angels while holding the Colt. I am confused about how much I like this. I don't like it at all because of what he's doing but it's also sort of cool to see Cas at work doing stuff by himself (ish) like how he naturally leads angels, how he has the Colt (and the angels follow his lead because he has 1000x the experience of them put together but the lil baby has shot one shotgun once in his whole life... uh.)
We need the gun range scene where Dean teaches Cas to shoot
I like that Dagon is watching TV though. I mean she has a pretty boring job tbh - she has to wait out a pregnancy and she's confident the baby she wants to survive will survive and she doesn't care about the mother's survival so what else is there to do but watch TV
Seriously, Cas is still just sneaking through the house and I have no idea if he knows how to shoot it or even hold it. The one promo pic of him with it wasn't super inspiring. I sort of feel like he's going to waste a bunch of bullets.
Be hilarious if he had an Eileen parallel since that was even in the recap and Eileen and Cas were paralleled so much in 12x17 - why wouldn't Cas have an epic slo mo but Dagon dissolves away and random redshirt angel gets it? :P
LOL Cas shot and she disappeared
*awards self some chocolate*
He didn't get the slo mo or kill the other guy but I'll fuckin' take it
now he has to decide, Dagon or Kelly as the second bullet?
Or just give up now and maybe she'll let them go because it's hilarious to watch them run
oh look Dagon's about to kill the red shirt
anyway Cas was lining up another shot at her while she was distracted - prioritising killing her over killing Kelly - and then Kelvin stops him and tells him to find Kelly. Obviously to kill her, but I feel like Cas is gonna make off with her if the promo pics are anything to go by - tempted by the idea of a better way? Just can't kill her? I should prrroobably just watch... No point speculating things randomly when I don't have any meta ideas for why that aren't obvious :P
Kelvin is pretty brave to leap into that fight - I hope he doesn't get dusted
Cas holding the gun at hip height also means he's shooting at Kelly's stomach if he can fire
He did change the way he was holding it from the other times so I think that's very symbolic now.
Also the camera is making Cas into the monster, and Kelly is terrified :<
Yep she remembered his name and Cas bottled out of killing her and made off with her. Which I think also bought Kelvin some screen time because Dagon was too busy realising her captive was unattended to finish him off.
Cas had Kelly at his mercy and couldn't do it, so I suppose now he calls up the Winchesters and fesses up?
This is the halfway point of the episode
Oh look now Cas has betrayed them, SAM gets to make the call - 7x01 there, Dean stops reaching out to Cas, Sam does it instead because Dean is feeling too betrayed and hurt to deal with it. The first call was probably "dude where are you, we found a better way" but this is immediately post betrayal
When the animated japanese erotica thing came up again in 12x06, I did not seriously credit that we'd get a repeat of the whole shebang :P
Dabb era, man. Fuckin' Dabb era
Anyway Dean's angrily loading guns which he does when he's pissed
Pfft Dean and the Colt... it's a thing. He had it under his pillow. So Cas WAS staring longingly at Dean's bed and wanted the uh, phallic gun that was under it. The gun that Dean's trying to absorb into his own being because he has such a thing for waving the phallic gun around and wanting to shoot it.
And he feels used because Cas came into his room and took something private and trusted from his bed - they had a MOMENT and Dean dared to express his love for Cas and... this is how Cas repaid him.
Listen this is why I don't speculate: the little clip of Dean looking pissed when they meet Cas at the motel? Way past the halfway point because I haven't even seen it yet. Dean isn't pissed because Cas hasn't talked to them for months and that's the first time he sees him. He's pissed because he made Cas a mixtape, Cas tried to give it back, then Dean professed his love, and Cas betrayed the trust of his BED.
Dean is a lover spurned and he wants to kick Cas's butt for it - he starts talking about Cas being "feathery" and turning him back into an angel (or junkless or whatever) whenever he's really pissed. The more he's happy with Cas the more human he is ("morning, sunshine, want some coffee?") and the more upset and spurned he is the more his language refers to Cas as an angel and all the shit Dean's said about them since season 4 comes back up.
And he pointedly packs an angel blade. I mean, he's seriously feeling violated by this >.>
Sam plays the mediator a lot because Dean and Cas can be so fucking unreasonable about each other because they're emo teenagers when it comes to their feelings for each other. It's not Sam's personality, per say, it's just he had to watch his brother say he'll kick Cas's ass while packing an angel blade and Sam has to be like "!!! no !!!"
"He came into my room and he played me" "He played us both"
^ Sam popping up in the background "and Sam!"
Just... the fact Sam is so tacked on after Dean and Cas had a deep personal moment about the fucking mixtape Dean made Cas (I haven't stopped grinning since that happened and it's really affecting how I view this episode). Sam just isn't personally violated after a deep emotional moment.
"He came into my room"
I mean
(You’re talking by the war room table - bad idea)
And that could mean anything to Sam - he doesn't know it was JUST about the mixtape, and that Cas essentially was relying on Dean storming out the room as he usually does when he talks to Cas to get the Colt. I mean, Dean n Cas could have had a wild make up sex moment, and then Dean went off to get beer and left Cas lying in his bed, where he just so happened to get his hands on the Colt. Sam doesn't know the details of this violation :P
(But, ignoring the gross romantic overtones of what ACTUALLY happened, this is how it's playing)
*Cas angry driving*
Kelly trying to make light of the fact Cas didn't murder her, like, thanks, you came in and pointed a gun at me but then bottled out and somehow it's still the best thing that happened to me all day.
Cas looks sadder than ever. "Please don't thank me. I had a mission and I failed." Now he's got all emotionally messed up by not wanting to kill an innocent, Sam and Dean are in trouble, and he knows the ball is back in their court if he can't do the one thing he thought he had to to make this go away for them. His sadness is that they're going to get entangled in this again one way or the other. And instead of feeling like he took the moral high ground, and that it's good he didn't kill Kelly, it's just another list of failures this season - the vampire hunt, not finding Sam and Dean in prison, letting Kelly get away the first time, probably a ton of feelings of blame for all the other episodes where they didn't have stunning results that he was involved in like 12x07, 12x10, 12x12...
"And now I don't know" - Cas not knowing what to do is when he panics. He likes knowing what to do :< He has a wee bit of a bad track record when he doesn't know what to do with himself, whether it's because something else latches onto his lack of direction, or he leaps into a bad decision by himself...
Dagon lying to Lucifer - does that even work?
"Which one?" "Castiel" *Lucifer literally breaks down into hysterical despairing laughter* I think he never wants to hear that name again...
he called Cas a "purse dog" which is even worse than the normal dog references levelled at Cas. Yikes.
That was actually not a cringeworthy scene, maybe because Lucifer and Crowley weren't talking :P
Is Cas actually trying to call Sam and Dean?
Nope, he called Joshua. Oh dear, he was getting orders. He sounds so season 4. And that defeated tone of voice as he recites to Kelly how she has to die.
(Oh no, Cas actually EXPLAINING what would happen if a human stepped through the gate with the sort of technical detail nerds eat up, and Cas sounding all cosmic and like it's not weird at all to casually contemplate what would happen to your atoms when you tried to go through a gate to Heaven that wasn't meant to let you through... I've always loved physics professor Cas, especially a non-AU one where he just goes to teach it because why not.)
"Your child could bring the universe to its knees" "Or lift it to its feet. This baby - nothing is born evil" "I can't take that chance. None of us can."
*flails at these lines* I'm starting to like Kelly. She's arguing a pretty simplistic POV but it's one in line with the whole Team Free Will thing and the idea of hope - this season has had a lot of hope and hopelessness. The 3rd way isn't mentioned - that it's a normal baby and Kelly goes to live a regular life and all the powerful forces lose interest in her and the baby... In a way Cas's POV is mired in years of trauma and saving the universe and making complicated shades of grey decisions and harsh choices for the greater good, or, well, for Dean. Because of Dean. Everything always about Dean.
I don't WANNA make everything about Destiel but "none of us can" is about Dean, and Dean made Cas a mixtape and everything is awful
Poor Kelvin.
"W W C D - what would Castiel do?" that's the weirdest Jesus imagery attached to Cas but I kind of want one of those rubber bracelets they used to hand out with phrases like that on :P
of course what Cas would do is the big question, and so far he's been pretty reliably unreliable and making bad decisions out of heart
Too much heart etc
*Cas closes all the blinds and moves Kelly around.* He's sort of acting like a prison guard too.
Kelly describing how she killed herself - also great dialogue and acting... Wow I'm really starting to like her. They're having to work with her being a bit of a religious ditz in some respects - interpreting it as a miracle and using that word - but they're making up for so much lost time with her characterisation and filling in the person behind all the being dragged around. Kelly has HOPE and LOVE for her baby and felt its power as goodness... Then she speaks just a little too long and stops sounding sure and starts sounding like she just wishes it was a miracle/is the sort of person prone to believing in them, and a plan, a higher power, which has been utterly debunked since season 5 and we have to know that as an audience that she's talking too far into her simplistic ideas unaffected by the gritty reality of Heaven and Hell in this world. I mean sure she's got such a simple view on it all but she's got a stance and she's been through a change and she's sticking with it.
Cas listening to all this - the way his face moves when she talks about giving up and killing herself. Oh no. He understands :< And it's her talking about a higher power that gets him to sit down and talk to her.
Cas talking about his season 4 self and then saying they're all "winging it" oh no oh no.
Oh noooo
And now he has to describe that Lucifer has no plan and that unlike Sam, born to a great destiny after a huge amount of manipulation to meet what seemed to be the originally described destiny of the universe since it was created, as per God, Kelly has this devil baby for no reason except Lucifer passing on the existential angst he's suffering since existing outside of The Plan
Really, Raphael was extremely ahead of the curve in having a massive existential crisis about wtf you do when you run out of story. Cas seemed to think it was an optimistic thing at the start of season 6 according to 6x20, and the rope you hang yourself with when you have free will by the end of it. But this season, after God left and wrote his final manuscript and all the stuff with Metatron and writing was cleared away - there's REALLY no story left and season 12, literally another half of the show later, is getting back to this freak out.
"I'm sorry. You were just there."
That did sound really heavy-handed that Cas might end up having to protect the nephilim if it's born and Kelly dies, and that she was seeing Cas as a potential guardian...
Of course then Cas puts his hand on her stomach when she makes him, smiles a bit despite himself, because, idk, the miracle of life... But then either Lucifer or the baby uses that contact to see stuff - the conflict at the portal I guess. With yellow eyes roar-y sound effects.. I guess Lucifer or Dagon will learn this, and the nephilim is working against Cas and Kelly...
*brief interlude where we have a guest for dinner so I disappear for ages*
ANYWAY I need to get back to this I was interrupted right as Cas and Kelly were having an EPIC conversation about choice it's killing me :P
mittensmorgul good luck. I've got it paused about 2/3 of the way through
elizabethrobertajones Cas just had his hand put on the tummy - forcefully - and he smiled but actually something bad appears to have happened because her eyes lit up and did the demon roary sound effecct
mittensmorgul RIGHT?!
elizabethrobertajones I think the nephilim is spying on them for Lucifer >.> idk if that proves it's evil or if he just has a magic connection?? and it's being exploited and the poor baby is a tool as well WHO KNOWS theeeemes
Anyway I guess they both sensed that - I don't think Kelly is evil but Cas seems to have maaaaybe seen what it saw? Got a premonition for free?? Who knows. Coming right after the talk about Cas being a potential guardian I think the vision showed him protecting her, so it may be pretty significant that he's going to be their guardian... The vision MAY be benign in some senses for THEIR conversation even if it seems kind of dangerous that that might be how Dagon finds them at the portal by having a vision OF her attacking them at the portal or something
Thinking of happening to find people, Dean is at the door. Knock knock, that's my gun.
Woah finally a circumstance to flip that time Cas slammed Dean against a wall
They're framed in the circle this time - interesting we had Sam alone in one circle and Dean and Cas in a charged situation in the other circle
Sam and Dean have both chosen to wear their best jackets for this
Uh, anyway. Argh, Cas getting pushed against the wall and just kind of going and watching Dean, and Dean's so angry, and Cas is just... letting him shove him around. I think letting is the operative word. These days angels aren't quite so iron rigid that like 4x22 you punch them and it makes a clang if they don't want to get punched. But yeah. Cas is still an angel, and he didn't HAVE to get shoved harmlessly against the wall. He could push back, but he KNOWS he did something that would piss Dean off, and he's just gonna ride it out and take the blame and take the punishment... The mission isn't finished yet so he would probably do anything to make sure it was, but only with the "for Dean" tick box checked, that it wouldn't hurt Dean in the process >.>
elizabethrobertajones HOLYC RAP SAm was suspicious THE ENTIRE TIME?? He put the tracking thing on Cas's phone while Dean was being "scammed" out of the Colt because dean let his guard down and fell for Cas's little moment with the tape and he was over-emotional about  keeping the Colt close
mittensmorgul yep
elizabethrobertajones and Sam saw something fishy about the way Cas wouldn't look them in the eye and managed to 10 steps ahead Cas while Dean was giving him heart eyes and calling him a "dumbass"
mittensmorgul yep, but Cas was looking Dean in the eye. A lot.
elizabethrobertajones sweet sweet eye love making Ugh :P Dean only looked away at the end when he said he was going to get a beer and I think he was gonna kiss Cas if he didn't distract himself
mittensmorgul yeah
elizabethrobertajones I wonder if Cas's plan B was fall into bed with Dean, grab the colt when he was distracted last night on earth their relationship like yeah he'll never trust me again but
mittensmorgul oh no wait for Dean to nod off and then grab the gun and run
elizabethrobertajones sorry that's kind of morbid :P but yeah
mittensmorgul D:
elizabethrobertajones >.> Okay I hate that but I sort of think it was somewhere on Cas's plans >.> he's heaven's greatest strategist after all went in there with a goal to distract Dean and get the Colt at whatever cost (friendship wise) to protect Dean in the long term
mittensmorgul yeah, I don't think he counted it out as a possibility
elizabethrobertajones I wrote a long thing about how he still sees himself as their guardian and not quite sure about being their friend, after you reminded me of 6x20
mittensmorgul Yeah, because he could live with Dean not trusting him, as long as DEAN WAS ALIVE to not trust him...
elizabethrobertajones or at least he's not sure he can trust he'd be their BFF
mittensmorgul yeah
elizabethrobertajones but he CAN do huge gestures from afar that protect them even if it's at the cost of their relationship the abstract concept of alive winchesters matters to Cas in an angel-y way
"She's difficult to kill, okay?!" "you think?" yeah they're all struggling with this at the moment :P All having the same encounters but apart and coming to the same BLOODY OBVIOUS conclusions
gosh maybe WORKING TOGETHER is the answer
Oh gosh Cas isn't the babysitter
*obligatory fandom reference despite the fact Cas has never brought pizza to the bunker which tbh now I think about it is really rude of him and probably on Dean's list of reasons he's currently pissed at Cas*
Anyway Cas tries to do the same speech he's done in 12x09 about how he wants to protect them and keep them safe and so he does dumbass things to do so
The answer is for Cas to come on all the MotW to hold his hand
[edit from future!me: you’re always right when you’re sarcastic trope x what you expect but not how you expected it]
At least he's being honest about his motivations.
... Dean has no way of knowing it's a sandbox unless Cas told them, so there's that for off-screen communication.
Kelly has a "sandbox!" moment of realisation of what she saw... Was it Cas protecting her from Dagon or the angels she wonders?
"We've found another way!" "which you'd know if you answered the phone" I love when episodes answer my own meta neatly within the time limit :P No loose end on that one.
Cas having the similar ?!?!? moment of realising how silly they were to forget about this.
I mean he has grumpy quibbles about it and holy crap in my 9x11 rewatch I got so distracted by how the needle was not just extracting gadreel's grace but the left over god crap in Sam (as I realised the trials and mark of cain were essentially EXACTLY the same thing from 2 different ends of the spectrum - big helping of Chuck mojo to wield his power, being helping of Amara mojo to wield her power. Sam flashed back to doing the trials - to significantly EARLY in doing the trials, right back to 8x17.) and I wondered if that was screwing with the results, and also why the spell failed.
It's not like a woah angel fall spell revelation but it was something I was wondering about and honestly after sitting around wondering about the mechanics of it for an afternoon just for kicks a while back, the fact this is all back in the spotlight is really making me laugh
Anyway, Kelly's not up for it >.>
Come back Kelly
She thinks both of them dying together (which she was aiming for at the start but for bad reasons but also self-sacrificing reasons which are still motivating her here, that she'd go with Cas to protect everyone) is better than living but with her baby just being a regular old human baby. Dean values humanity above anything - "at least he dies human!" he said about Sam in 4x21 when Bobby suggested detoxing would kill him. If there's a chance for them to LIVE human then that's the happy dream ending, the case solved, random humans can go back to their lives like nothing happened DREAM for Dean so he thinks Kelly has lost her mind. She's working on very different principles here and agreeing with Cas about what to do but not why - Cas just wants to protect humanity (and by humanity - yeah you know the drill)
If Cas steals the impala too I'm going to scream.
"it's like herding cats"
I love when Dean and Cas have long staring competitions though.
Cas seems to agree to talk and drags Kelly off in much the same way as Dagon dragged her off. Even though they agree and he is seeming to be protective of her, and LIKES Kelly and sees her as a person now (despite his original intention to just shut his eyes and kill her)... but yeah, still just the other side of the coin of Heaven and Hell pulling her around and controlling her.
*camera takes its eye off Cas*
*whoops back on it to watch Misha fumbling catching the keys* I wonder how many takes before Amanda gives up and is like fine we'll use that one - at least you CAUGHT them
huh, he gets in the back. That is NOT what I was expecting.
What the heck Cas you don't just throw the keys to Kelly
Now she's gonna steal the car
okay so like I said, things are predictable but not how you expect... Dabb era in a nutshell and also cars are involved
I wonder if Cas didn't immediately stop Kelly stealing the car because he knows they're both indestructible but the car isn't and Dean is in the mood where he will actually stab Cas if the car gets busted up.
There's something a lot like Hael here, which is how Cas's story all started with the character reboot of human Cas (he never recovered from it emotionally; Cas between 8x23 and 9x01 are more different than 9x01 and now Cas in some ways)
But yeah, the "where are you going?" "heaven and I'll make you tell me how to go there" thing - it's the same assured way Hael uses to talk about how they'll go see the grand canyon and then she'll possess him.
And he hopes he can talk her out of it. He agreed to talk to Dean about options but Kelly has decided what is best for her and her kid - to go to Heaven, where she's clearly imagining a Mary's Heaven she left behind scenario of chillaxing with her baby even though Heaven doesn't work like that. Now he can't talk to Dean about options but he's stuck in the car with Kelly... all he can do is talk if he doesn't want to crash the car
oh no Lucifer must have been talking to her pretending to be the baby. Weird contradictory if I go with your plan (to go to Heaven and be obliterated) then you'd make sure my son is born? And she thinks it was talking to her. Now it's full on creepy if it was ACTUALLY the baby, but... I suspect foul play
Oh why does Cas never get anything good. We have the exact same Hael situation except at least Hael wasn't being controlled/manipulated (can we retcon all of Kelly’s silly actions were because of this?) and just had no idea how to want things in a human non-creepy way and seemed to think what she wanted was good in a rational angel way. But Kelly has a ton of confidence all of a sudden, like... a divine purpose, but obviously not :P And suddenly all that stuff about protecting her child? That seemed really sweet and nice when she and Cas were talking person to person before the creepy stuff started? Now she wants to FORCE it on him and give him no choice. She's in the driver's seat in a stolen car, making the demands, and now she's taken choice out of the equation >.>
Anyway Kelly really wants a guardian angel but Cas already has his hands full with the bloody Winchesters
hijacking their angel too
Cas continues to have his existential crisis and instead of pointing out some legit complaints about being abducted and forced into it, he lists even more of his failures that he's accrued since the LAST time he was listing all of his failures
this is like... the worst day ever for Cas, and he once got stabbed with a thing meant to kill angels by turning them into black foam from the inside out :P
He betrayed his friends - his FAMILY
Holy shiiiit Kelly is talking about her PAST and who she was before she was the container for Lucifer's baby what is thiiiis?
*low bar leapt over with style*
"I wish I had your faith" "You will" Oh gosh those are creepy lines from her. And tragic ones from Cas. Because he really has no faith any more in anything because he knows that the higher powers are on holiday and the original plan ended 6 years ago and everything since has been a series of over-reacting disasters usually his fault.
I am so pleased that the Kelly actress (who I don't even know the NAME of because she's been so insignificant that no one talks about her and presumably so hated she's keeping a low profile) has actually had stuff to do... I hope people weren't predisposed to hate her because she'd done nothing so far and were willing to give her a chance with better writers, because as a salvage job on her character this isn't half bad. She's still doing really irrational stuff but she's by now clearly being manipulated, and her actual moments of character stuff outside of that are actually exploring who she is, what she wants, and how this has changed her, working within the pretty crappy bounds of this story but at least giving the actress stuff to work with and the character some depth.
Anyway Dean hates Cas's truck :<
I mean it's symptomatic of this current break up where Cas tried to give the mixtape back and all but
(I split up with my angel boyfriend and all I got in the divorce was this shitty truck)
elizabethrobertajones OH NO Dean's sympathetic to Cas's pliiiiiiight even while he's piiiisssed "he's so desperate for a win he can't even see straight"
mittensmorgul I KNOW
elizabethrobertajones and that's while being totally furious at him
elizabethrobertajones and Sam has no idea and Dean's keeping a tally of all the miserable stuff Cas has been through
Uhoh, the Heaven portal.
Why do I have a feeling this is going to go terribly.
Cas can get a win on HIS terms if he thinks/knows Kelly will be obliterated by doing this (and he asks if she's sure). She thinks she's about to - I have no idea, but survive this and have her baby so SHE'S sure about what SHE thinks this is about.
and will totally not give Cas his win
but he's kind of been manhandled into doing this
does it even count even if it WORKED
which it won’t
"As long as you're here I know it's going to be okay"
*Cas like ....*
Ew why is Joshua this random white bloke
Okay so he did die instantly, which would have been shitty if it had been the other guy or ANY black dude as a hasty re-casting (especially as we have no idea how Kelvin is at this point but I'm guessing NOT GOOD) buuut even so :P
I mean it was intentionally meant to be a record scratch end that idea moment that Heaven was really going to be up for much or have any useful sway on this, or that Josha was meant to be anything... But ugh :P Well, on the whole I guess bland white guy getting insta-killed is better than a black dude being pointlessly added to their tally, but Joshua was the last named angel in Heaven, really cool when we actually met him (this doesn't feel like it counts) and definitely always the cool angel we met that day because it's so important in that instance. Like yeah this whole onging existential crisis thing - he was the warning sign of that in 5x16 where Cas lost faith that day because of what he said that confirmed the universe was this badly run, and where we are is now deep in the results of the universe having a god that doesn't care and being a mere 6 years post apocalypse and being run by no one, not even the archangels who'd kept order in the meantime, or the way Joshua had talked to God. And it removes God's last link here except in the main characters and their new stewardship of the earth, their legacy handed to them by God in 11x23...
Mneh, I liked Joshua from 5x16 though and even it fits with this theme of the season and was MEANT to be disappointing, it is hard to separate what the show does wrong from what it does intentionally to unsettle and upset you :P
Anyway Dagon doing stuff
Does Cas still have the Colt on him - was there even time in all the hassle for Dean to get it back?
Aw Kelvin's dead.
Pfft yeah Dean took the Colt and so Cas is going into this with basically nothing
Dagon is revealing how it was aaaall a manipulation, apparently including letting Kelly think Cas was supposed to protect her, even to bring her there.
"sad fluttering aimless little moth"
Oh she's distracted picking Cas up to shake him around some more. Maybe Kelly will continue stealing things and take Cas's angel blade and stab Dagon :P
This episode has done enough to not make it wasteful or annoying to kill her off, since she's actually been genuinely threatening and terrifying and right now if Kelly kills her it's a real victory
Nope, the shitty truck shows up just in time because Winchesters always have your back and somehow know where your heaven portal is parked
10x17 Sam was here before
I'm really starting to lose track of season 10 and need to get on with that rewatch holy crap that was embarrassing.
I mean in an episode ABOUT the sandbox and I even thought about Bobbby earlier when Cas was talking about humans not being able to go through it so he did to talk to Bobby, I mean really come on Lizzy
Anyway Sam shoots Dagon pointlessly but enough times to make her drop Cas RIGHT as she was about to dust him, and Dagon was talking ironically about showing up in the nick of time
Noooooooooooooooo RIP Colt
I did not see Yellow Eyed Demon kills Colt instead of the other way around
It did not die in slow motion which is even more disappointing
Aaaaah Kelly powering up Cas
I sort of feel like she's made him her puppet - that the nephilim has "chosen" Cas because he's a good conduit for the power. This is very very not good and again because control is being taken away from Cas and it seems so creepy, it's not a good thing that he's the guardian. If Kelly's vision was from the nephilim, Cas is now in a very dangerous situation that her baby likes him and wants to use him while it can't use its powers for itself.
I think it's awesome a YED died by burning up, not going to lie :P
Not sure Cas knows what happened
OH NO Cas is talking like he knows his purpose in the world in that kind of calm everything's great way
Our Cas is a mess who has no idea wtf he's doing so yeah...
(He did however heal Dean by putting his hand over his arm and catching his thumb under his hand so that's like 10% of hand holding >.>)
Anyway Dean gets to worry about him.
"I know now this child has to be born with ALL of his power" ... Yeah that's exactly what Kelly wanted
Oh boy
"I have faith"
Who are you and what have you done to Cas
Which can be an actual literal question on this show :P
I guess if we're going with the season 6 parallels this is a kind of creepy godstiel thing going on here but he's just a conduit to the power and is slightly off to the side as the guardian angel, though I suspect it's a similar problem >.>
LOL we're not going to let you walk away
he does Sam first, of course
"??? Don't - "
CHRIST you didn't have to drag the moose skull hanging from Cas's dash OVER SAM that's SO FUCKING RUDE
My dad phoned right at this point so that was bad timing :P
Tumblr media
ANYWAY that makes me SO WORRIED about Sam. He keeps being isolated and put in little circles and triangles and I've been dreading the moose skull omen since 12x01 and now it's on top of Sam finally. AAAH.
Tbh there's equally scary Dean might die symbolism but the Sam stuff is wigging me out this year :P
ANYWAY Cas has lost his agency AGAIN to a Lucifer influence AGAIN
Can't believe Amanda Tapping made Cas leave Dean lying on the floor like... there's rude and then there's RUDE.
(I mean Sam was there too but look there was not 1 dead Sam in that warehouse)
Also Sam and Dean lying there pointed away from each other - going different ways.
I jokingly wrote to Mittens that Cas is driving off into the future and then remembered that's how Glynn's last episode ended and I suddenly think that script ending was shown to us just to tease us because of the Claire and Cas parallel, only Claire's hopefully going somewhere positive, and Cas... is possibly now an agent of the destruction of the world so that's all great.
Also Lucifer ended up not being involved again at all and it got so sketchy with Cas I'm now starting to think that the baby probably IS as dangerous as they say it is, Cas was paralleled to Dagon and Dagon at the start had her vision of HER place in the world at the baby's side and that's what it wants from Cas
and also now I'm thinking about the need to destroy fathers on the show and well a little newborn infant fighting Lucifer would be a bit of a joke but it WOULD be cool if nephilim!Cas went and blew up Lucifer as a threat to its power
I'm gonna think about that for a while :P
Also need to go write in Dean making Cas a mixtape to Terrible Coffee AU
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frenchcirce · 7 years
2016 in review
Tagged by my beloved @tiffotcf
total number of stories (completed/WIPs):
2 completed one-shots/ 5 WIPs, one original fiction
total word count:
51 436 from the published stories, 583 from WIPs, 10 022 from my Nano. So it makes 62 041.
fandoms written in:
Ghost Hunt, solely. I’m not sure about my ability to get characters from other fandoms right.
looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
I wrote two unplanned one-shots for the twins’ birthday, and the ideas came to me rather easily, so that was a good surprise. But I wanted to finish PN&P and obviously failed, since it’s still ongoing, so overall I wrote less than expected. Plus, my NaNo didn’t go well, I only wrote 10 000 words of my original fiction (I blame the pregnancy which made me sleep like a log). Maybe next year...
what’s your own favorite story of the year?
Bloodlust. It was silly and fun to write.
did you take any writing risks this year?
Depends on what you consider a risk. I feel like just writing is taking one lol. I wrote a humorous one-shot, two fluffy ones, a Regency and a murder mystery for my original work. I feel like I’ve tested quite a wide range of genre and I’m happy I did.
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year?
Finishing PN&P is my top priority. I’ve planned a Nano of some sort in February, with the sole goal of completing it. After the GH Exchange I’ll try to focus a bit more on my original fic until June, and then I’ll just try to do what I can while taking care of a newborn...
best story of the year?
The most popular is PN&P, but it also is the longest so it probably attracts more attention than one-shots. I do like this story, but I don’t trust my own judgement about my work, so I’ll deem it the best according to the number of positive reviews/hits compared to my other pieces.
most popular story of the year?
Well, as I said, PN&P. I was a bit surprised by how popular it has become (I’ve reached 100 followers on ffnet for this story!!), because Regency is a niche. 
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
My stories are mostly self-indulging fluffy one shots, so they don’t deserve much recognition. I'd say Bloodlust, I didn’t tag it as humour not to spoil the ending and I think some readers could have enjoyed it but didn’t try reading thinking it was some angsty suspense. But well, it’s no big deal anyway.
most fun story to write:
Bloodlust. Deceiving readers is fun (because that wasn’t a mean deception, just plain humour).
story with the single sexiest moment:
Sexy? I don’t really do sexy (though I confess I have a smutty thing in my WIPs because I wanted to try the genre, maybe I’ll manage to complete it this year). I suppose PN&P because it’s filled with romance, but no real sexy time... for now, at least ;)
most sweet story:
My collection of one-shots The Loves of my Life is basically full of sweet stories, and I wrote the last chapter in 2016. Otherwise Capture the Moment can qualify, even if the ending is somehow bittersweet.
”holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you!” story:
My works are pretty tame and non-controversial, so I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with them... I’d say the most ‘wild’ thing is my smutty WIP. Maybe it’s that suits me the least, but still, not something I am ashamed of. 
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters & most unintentionally telling story:
... No idea! I don’t think any of my stories ever did that to me (unfortunately or not).
hardest story to write:
PN&P without hesitation. 
I’m borderline OCD, so I felt the need to do research for nearly every little detail in order to stick to the Regency social rules, etiquette and beliefs. Let’s just say I’ve spent more time researching than actually writing.
Moreover, this story has a huge drawback: an actual plot, so I have to make sure all events happen in a consistent order, and that all lose ends are tied properly in the end. In short, a writer’s nightmare ;)
biggest disappointment:
Not being able to finish my stories as planned. Not being able to write for a long while because I was too tired to do anything, even reading. Feeling like my time is limited when I have so many things to write. 
biggest surprise:
PN&P’s popularity for sure. And learning that my fandom friends think my writing style is good (did I ever tell you I have an inferiority complex about writing?). When someone who you think is a talented writer tells you that, your ego bursts. And then you write your next chapter and you’re in for another round of self-doubt ;)
taggity tags:
So, who would be susceptible to do this... @snavej (your were already tagged I think?) @shesailsships, @alexeiadrae (I know you’ve done a recap of your writing year, I tag you just in case you feel like doing this, too), @amynchan, @gryphonfledgling, @vzyfny (I feel you’ve already done this, but my brain isn’t able to remember). And any other writer I may have forgotten, please feel free to answer this!
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theliterateape · 4 years
Top Best Highs To Play While Game
by Peter Kremidas
It’s happening, folks. Legal Marijuana is coming to Illinois in just a few short weeks. The thing you always spoke about while standing in a circle right before getting weirdly silent because a stranger walked by. Because standing silently in a circle and coughing is a completely normal part of every social gathering and therefore is in no way conspicuous.
At some point you may be in your home in the state of what kids these days call “stoned as fuck”. And you may think to yourself, “Tree branches look like nerve endings.” Or “I want to play a video game.” Now, according to research, marijuana makes everything better. This is most obvious for music, and extends into video games. Apparently. I am told.
After hours and hours of painstaking research, I have compiled in no particular order this list of video games that may just pair perfectly with Doritos and cheese dip. You’re welcome.
Super Hypercube
I want to get the VR game out of the way first, since not a lot of people have access to VR. But if you do, let me just say, holy shit. Imagine being inside tetris, but you’re looking around a giant mess of an ever growing mass of blocks the whole time trying to figure out which direction to turn it so it fits through a hole. All those words I just vomited for you to read are also a 100 percent accurate description of this game. The tension is delicious. Your motor skills are hopeless. Nothing matters because you are inside Tetris. Your smile is so big it gets mistaken for a light reflector for the tracking camera and your shit gets all kinds of fucked up. You are inside Tetris.
Proteus will never hurt you. Proteus is a world you travel around in and nothing happens and it’s beautiful. It’s an 8-bit world to explore with a whatever-Brian-Eno-sleeps-to soundtrack that lulls you into a world of green and pink square box trees with pink square box leaves and yes there are animals too. This is a game for people who find objectives and deadlines just, like, stressful, man.
Local Host
Or, you know what? Fuck that. I’m the kinda of pot smoker who wants to think about the future, man.I say things like “I mean, right?”
That’s why I play Local Host. Because when I’m in a fragile state of mind, I want to see how well I handle moral quandaries. If you’re the type of person who gets stoned and watches Black Mirror, mouth agape in sweet sweet ethical dilemma, boy do I have the game for you. Local Host is a game where you are tasked with disabling a series of AI programs, while they talk to you and try and convince you to please not do that, please. If you’ve ever fantasized about your toaster begging for it’s life before you unplug it, you will love this game.
Journey shows up on every list with the words “games” and/or “best” in the title. The reason is because, somehow, this little escapade (it’s only about 3-4 hours long) takes you through an entire emotional arc.. All the while on your exhibition you may encounter other players playing from all over the world. Fear not, they cannot actually talk to you. Actual talking strangers are anathema to a good buzz. Especially, and this cannot be understated, when it comes to video games. But those same said strangers can and will chirp at you. And you can chirp back. “Chirp chip,” you will say to your new friend, who you can either stay with through the whole game or go do your own thing. Journey is all the fun of interacting with other people without any of the power (and therefore, crucially, responsibility. It is known.) of a real conversation. And an emotional jaunt filled to the brim with “whoa” moments. You will say “pretty” out loud, several times.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (character creation screen)
Imagine super mega high def Proteus, and it’s a country of shit talking villagers and very committed city guards. Also are a sword wielding sneaky wizard person. But best of all, you can make your character’s face look however you want. According to my research, if you are high, this is the part you will get stuck in. The game opens, you break out of jail, and you create your character. But before you break out of jail, that’s where the fun begins and never stops.
Also if you ever bother to play the game beyond this point you will lovingly lose yourself in it. If you get it on PC, you can also change up the game with hundreds of great mods. For the uninitiated “mods” means “breasts”.
Any game with the word “Katamari” in the title
There’s either 8 or a billion versions of this game, but there are at minimum 10. They all work, they’re all the same. The king of the universe tasks you to push a tiny sticky ball around a populated, DVD quality version of the Proteus world, and roll the ball around as it picks up everything from thumb tacks, to cats, to human homes, mountains, and beyond. It is absurd and colorful, and the soundtrack is literally series of relentlessly happy big Vegas showroom songs dedicated to the love and wonder that is Katamari. They are also genuinely catchy. Aside from the wanton destruction and disregard for the living things in this giant ball (the balls get turned into stars, long story), it is just a great big smile.
“Well, yes” you say, “but what if I want to be in a David Lynch movie?”
I give thee Paratopic, a huanting, 45 minute dream logic simulation that allegedly also tells a story. It’s a trip, and I don’t want to spoil this for you. More weird than scary. Do your thing, pay the seven bucks or whatever for this game, turn off the lights, put on headphones, and dive in. Trust me, it’ll be real weird.
Kind Words
Or you know what? Maybe you don’t even like video games, you just like lo-fi hip hop and saying nice things to strangers. Maybe you also like receiving nice notes from strangers. Perhaps you would even like those nice things to be delivered to you by a deer. All this plus decorating your room and no more can be yours with “Kind Words”. Feeling lonely? Some strangers (usually several) will write a bit of comfort right back to you. I have spent a few hours speaking to people’s worries and receiving their anonymous support. I have found shockingly zero toxicity along the way. Be nice, check it out.
I almost didn’t include this game because it’s actually the best game to play on acid. I’ve never done LSD, but I imagine this would buh-maze my eyeballs and brain. You play as...well, everything. A herd of buffalo, some clouds, and even a rock. You move as whatever group you are, rolling around in about 3 frames of animation, as Alan Watts poems are read to you. You can even set the game on automatic and just...watch. It’s deep thinking with no effort, which is a hallmark of marijuana culture. Say it. Say “whoa”. Now say it again. Congratulations, you are playing ‘Everything’.
Happy new year, everybody.
0 notes
gabriellakirtonblog · 5 years
11 Simple Ways to Become a Better Teacher
Here’s the good news: You guys are killing it. As a group, personal trainers are more qualified than ever. You’re earning college degrees in our field and racking up the certifications.
The number of accredited educational programs and certifications is on the rise, according to the ACSM. So is the number of graduates with bachelor’s degrees in exercise science. And a recent survey from Brown University found that 97 percent of personal trainers hold either a college degree or certification. Some 64 percent have an exercise-related bachelor’s degree, and 42 percent have a master’s.
And your knowledge isn’t just deeper. It’s also broader, as trainers continue to become more holistic in their approach, emphasizing not just iron but all lifestyle factors that contribute to health and wellness.
For all this, you should be proud.
But—and you knew there would be a “but”—I’ve noticed an unfortunate byproduct of this positive trend. More and more fit pros are assuming the role of educator and neglecting the role of teacher.
An educator is like a college professor lecturing from the front of the room. A teacher covers the basics and checks in with her students to make sure they understand the lesson. An educator looks for an opening to share esoteric knowledge about human anatomy and the mTOR pathway. A teacher focuses on each client’s ability to hip hinge, squat, and row.
It’s like a piano instructor lecturing a student on music theory before showing her where to put her fingers on the keys.
We have a saying at DTS Fitness Education: Advanced skills are the basics mastered. Being an educator is an advanced skill; if you want to be a great one, you first have to master the basics of teaching.
As with anything, you begin with the fundamentals and go from there. Movement, for a trainer, is the foundation on which you build results. It impacts everything from joint health and muscle growth to stress management and sleep quality.
So start there. Teach your client to move—to push, pull, bend, and squat. Once your client has her GED in the fundamentals, you have the green light to unload your vast knowledge about exercise science and kinesiology. (Maybe not all on the same day.)
These days, everyone wants to build their brand or become insta-famous. And that’s fine. But we need to put equal emphasis on the craft of teaching. So yes, aspire to become an educator, but put the work in to be a great teacher first.
I’ll say it again: Advanced skills are the basics mastered. Consider this your teacher’s manual.
READ ALSO: What Do You Do with a Client Who Wants Too Much, Too Soon?
1. Forget everything you’ve learned
Becoming a master in your field is great. It’s also the problem. You’re so awesome you’ve forgotten how hard it can be just to hinge at the hips.
All that advanced knowledge has changed the way your brain works, impairing your ability to think about the basics at a level that makes sense to your client. Start too advanced, and your client will quickly become discouraged.
When training clients, think “grade school teacher,” not “college professor.” Always err on the side of clarity and simplicity, even if it means speaking to your client in a way a 10-year-old would understand.
READ ALSO: 10 Coaching Tips to Help Beginner Clients
2. Figure out your process, and stick to it
The biggest teaching mistake I see trainers make is this: They’re not systematic. They jump around from thought to thought with no regard for process.
But that’s not how learning works. You can’t just pour a series of disjointed facts into your client’s head and expect anything to stick. You have to be purposeful. Have a clear objective in mind and work toward it.
Every trainer should be asking, “What’s my process for taking clients from A to B?” (Until you figure out yours, you can borrow mine.)
3. Use external and nonverbal cues
External cues get you out of your head by focusing your attention on an outcome. Research shows they’re much more effective than internal cues, and may even be key to improving motor skills.
A cue doesn’t always need to be verbal, either. In fact, I recommend saying as little as you can.
If I have a client who hinges by bending at the knees instead of the hips, I’ll have her do hip hinges on her knees. That way, she’s forced to bend at the hips. She has no choice.
I also like to have clients do kettlebell swings with a plastic cone between their legs. If they bend their knees to swing the bell, they’ll hit the cone. But if they hinge properly, they won’t.
When teaching how to punch in our striking class, I’ll have the student stand with her arm against a wall. That forces her to keep her elbow in when throwing a punch, and to pull it straight back instead of too low.
Cues like this encourage your client to correct herself, without your having to say a word.
READ ALSO: Top Coaches Share Their Most Effective Coaching Cues
4. Demo moves in a prescriptive way
Most trainers know to demonstrate the moves. The mistake they make: Focusing too much on what not to do.
They’ll say: “Don’t move your head forward.” “Don’t do this with your knee.” “Don’t let your hips sag.” They demonstrate every possible mistake—before they even know if their client would’ve made that mistake in the first place.
Try to be more prescriptive: Focus just on what you want your client to do.
5. Give a pop quiz
Have your client repeat back all the cues you just gave her. Can’t do it? Those cues did not resonate with her, and that means they’re not effective. Go through them with her again, this time with fewer words.
6. Correct only what your client does wrong
After your client does the move for you, be sure to correct only the parts he got wrong. If he didn’t get it wrong, then there’s no need to correct it. He’s got it. Your work here is done.
READ ALSO: Don’t Let Your Clients Butcher These Three Exercises
7. Say less
A good teacher uses as few words as possible. When you do speak up, your client knows it’s important and he should pay attention.
Extra details will only distract from the main lesson. Your client doesn’t need to know how the glutes attach to the pelvis or how they’ve been weakened by a modern lifestyle. He just needs to know to squeeze them during a move.
8. Tell your client “good job”
All students need encouragement. Praise and recognition can be motivational. So say “Good job,” give a thumbs-up, or offer a fist bump.
Just be sure you mean it. It does your client no good to reinforce mediocre performance when you know he can do better.
READ ALSO: Supercharge Your Client’s Motivation
9. Use visual aids
Showing is better than telling. Take a photo or video of your client performing a move at the beginning of a session, and then again at the end of the session. Show him both so he can see how he’s improved. (Some apps will even let you display two photos side-by-side.)
Clients love this. They get excited to see the video, and that excitement helps engage them in the process.
Plus, it’s better than checking your form in a mirror, which may distract your client from noticing how the move feels (important for learning), and can even put your client in a bad position as he adjusts to see himself clearly.
10. Give homework
Your client needs to work on hinging? Tell her to perform 10 hip hinges every day until you see her again. When you do see her again, follow up. (“Can you show me your homework?”) Good teachers hold their students accountable.
Bonus points if the assignment helps your client learn to use the movement in everyday life. Here’s one I like for parents with young children: Have them tell their kids to stand right between their legs—in the same spot you’d place the weight to prepare for a kettlebell swing—anytime the kid wants to be picked up. Then have the kid say, “I’m a kettlebell!” The parent’s back will be in a safer position, and the kid’s prompt will remind her to lift the right way.
READ ALSO: Four Safer Alternatives to the Barbell Deadlift
11. Have fun
Think about your favorite teacher. What do you remember the most? Do you remember your immaculate notetaking? Or the riveting textbook? Or the teacher’s impressive credentials?
Of course not! You remember how much fun you had in class.
Great teachers are engaging and inspiring. They have a sense of humor and don’t take themselves too seriously. So yes, nail down your process. But don’t forget to leave room for a little spontaneity too.
      Ready to Confidently Build Amazing Fitness Programs?
Each client’s fitness program is different, but you don’t have to start from scratch every time. Every great program follows 7 principles. Learning them helps you get a head start on all your program writing.
To help, we put together a checklist with all 7. With this list, you’ll also learn:
The hidden variable that all great programs share
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  The post 11 Simple Ways to Become a Better Teacher appeared first on The PTDC.
11 Simple Ways to Become a Better Teacher published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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fitono · 5 years
11 Simple Ways to Become a Better Teacher
Here’s the good news: You guys are killing it. As a group, personal trainers are more qualified than ever. You’re earning college degrees in our field and racking up the certifications.
The number of accredited educational programs and certifications is on the rise, according to the ACSM. So is the number of graduates with bachelor’s degrees in exercise science. And a recent survey from Brown University found that 97 percent of personal trainers hold either a college degree or certification. Some 64 percent have an exercise-related bachelor’s degree, and 42 percent have a master’s.
And your knowledge isn’t just deeper. It’s also broader, as trainers continue to become more holistic in their approach, emphasizing not just iron but all lifestyle factors that contribute to health and wellness.
For all this, you should be proud.
But—and you knew there would be a “but”—I’ve noticed an unfortunate byproduct of this positive trend. More and more fit pros are assuming the role of educator and neglecting the role of teacher.
An educator is like a college professor lecturing from the front of the room. A teacher covers the basics and checks in with her students to make sure they understand the lesson. An educator looks for an opening to share esoteric knowledge about human anatomy and the mTOR pathway. A teacher focuses on each client’s ability to hip hinge, squat, and row.
It’s like a piano instructor lecturing a student on music theory before showing her where to put her fingers on the keys.
We have a saying at DTS Fitness Education: Advanced skills are the basics mastered. Being an educator is an advanced skill; if you want to be a great one, you first have to master the basics of teaching.
As with anything, you begin with the fundamentals and go from there. Movement, for a trainer, is the foundation on which you build results. It impacts everything from joint health and muscle growth to stress management and sleep quality.
So start there. Teach your client to move—to push, pull, bend, and squat. Once your client has her GED in the fundamentals, you have the green light to unload your vast knowledge about exercise science and kinesiology. (Maybe not all on the same day.)
These days, everyone wants to build their brand or become insta-famous. And that’s fine. But we need to put equal emphasis on the craft of teaching. So yes, aspire to become an educator, but put the work in to be a great teacher first.
I’ll say it again: Advanced skills are the basics mastered. Consider this your teacher’s manual.
READ ALSO: What Do You Do with a Client Who Wants Too Much, Too Soon?
1. Forget everything you’ve learned
Becoming a master in your field is great. It’s also the problem. You’re so awesome you’ve forgotten how hard it can be just to hinge at the hips.
All that advanced knowledge has changed the way your brain works, impairing your ability to think about the basics at a level that makes sense to your client. Start too advanced, and your client will quickly become discouraged.
When training clients, think “grade school teacher,” not “college professor.” Always err on the side of clarity and simplicity, even if it means speaking to your client in a way a 10-year-old would understand.
READ ALSO: 10 Coaching Tips to Help Beginner Clients
2. Figure out your process, and stick to it
The biggest teaching mistake I see trainers make is this: They’re not systematic. They jump around from thought to thought with no regard for process.
But that’s not how learning works. You can’t just pour a series of disjointed facts into your client’s head and expect anything to stick. You have to be purposeful. Have a clear objective in mind and work toward it.
Every trainer should be asking, “What’s my process for taking clients from A to B?” (Until you figure out yours, you can borrow mine.)
3. Use external and nonverbal cues
External cues get you out of your head by focusing your attention on an outcome. Research shows they’re much more effective than internal cues, and may even be key to improving motor skills.
A cue doesn’t always need to be verbal, either. In fact, I recommend saying as little as you can.
If I have a client who hinges by bending at the knees instead of the hips, I’ll have her do hip hinges on her knees. That way, she’s forced to bend at the hips. She has no choice.
I also like to have clients do kettlebell swings with a plastic cone between their legs. If they bend their knees to swing the bell, they’ll hit the cone. But if they hinge properly, they won’t.
When teaching how to punch in our striking class, I’ll have the student stand with her arm against a wall. That forces her to keep her elbow in when throwing a punch, and to pull it straight back instead of too low.
Cues like this encourage your client to correct herself, without your having to say a word.
READ ALSO: Top Coaches Share Their Most Effective Coaching Cues
4. Demo moves in a prescriptive way
Most trainers know to demonstrate the moves. The mistake they make: Focusing too much on what not to do.
They’ll say: “Don’t move your head forward.” “Don’t do this with your knee.” “Don’t let your hips sag.” They demonstrate every possible mistake—before they even know if their client would’ve made that mistake in the first place.
Try to be more prescriptive: Focus just on what you want your client to do.
5. Give a pop quiz
Have your client repeat back all the cues you just gave her. Can’t do it? Those cues did not resonate with her, and that means they’re not effective. Go through them with her again, this time with fewer words.
6. Correct only what your client does wrong
After your client does the move for you, be sure to correct only the parts he got wrong. If he didn’t get it wrong, then there’s no need to correct it. He’s got it. Your work here is done.
READ ALSO: Don’t Let Your Clients Butcher These Three Exercises
7. Say less
A good teacher uses as few words as possible. When you do speak up, your client knows it’s important and he should pay attention.
Extra details will only distract from the main lesson. Your client doesn’t need to know how the glutes attach to the pelvis or how they’ve been weakened by a modern lifestyle. He just needs to know to squeeze them during a move.
8. Tell your client “good job”
All students need encouragement. Praise and recognition can be motivational. So say “Good job,” give a thumbs-up, or offer a fist bump.
Just be sure you mean it. It does your client no good to reinforce mediocre performance when you know he can do better.
READ ALSO: Supercharge Your Client’s Motivation
9. Use visual aids
Showing is better than telling. Take a photo or video of your client performing a move at the beginning of a session, and then again at the end of the session. Show him both so he can see how he’s improved. (Some apps will even let you display two photos side-by-side.)
Clients love this. They get excited to see the video, and that excitement helps engage them in the process.
Plus, it’s better than checking your form in a mirror, which may distract your client from noticing how the move feels (important for learning), and can even put your client in a bad position as he adjusts to see himself clearly.
10. Give homework
Your client needs to work on hinging? Tell her to perform 10 hip hinges every day until you see her again. When you do see her again, follow up. (“Can you show me your homework?”) Good teachers hold their students accountable.
Bonus points if the assignment helps your client learn to use the movement in everyday life. Here’s one I like for parents with young children: Have them tell their kids to stand right between their legs—in the same spot you’d place the weight to prepare for a kettlebell swing—anytime the kid wants to be picked up. Then have the kid say, “I’m a kettlebell!” The parent’s back will be in a safer position, and the kid’s prompt will remind her to lift the right way.
READ ALSO: Four Safer Alternatives to the Barbell Deadlift
11. Have fun
Think about your favorite teacher. What do you remember the most? Do you remember your immaculate notetaking? Or the riveting textbook? Or the teacher’s impressive credentials?
Of course not! You remember how much fun you had in class.
Great teachers are engaging and inspiring. They have a sense of humor and don’t take themselves too seriously. So yes, nail down your process. But don’t forget to leave room for a little spontaneity too.
      Ready to Confidently Build Amazing Fitness Programs?
Each client’s fitness program is different, but you don’t have to start from scratch every time. Every great program follows 7 principles. Learning them helps you get a head start on all your program writing.
To help, we put together a checklist with all 7. With this list, you’ll also learn:
The hidden variable that all great programs share
Enter your email below to get the checklist:
  The post 11 Simple Ways to Become a Better Teacher appeared first on The PTDC.
11 Simple Ways to Become a Better Teacher published first on https://medium.com/@MyDietArea
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acneremediesblog · 6 years
Acne Treatment begins with a Change in Your Diet:
Dear Friend,
As the Father of Medicine; Hippocrates once stated: “Let your foods be your medicine, and your medicine your food”
It will be an understatement to say he is correct and had I known of this during my close to a decade of marring acne and sheer waste of money on so-called acne products, perhaps my life-at that time-would have been much happier.
Well, now that I do know, with the staggering number of acne patients left (last time I stumbled on the number, we are talking 50 million plus people folks!), I feel the least I can do is inform or better still remind the public of this simple discipline towards acne treatment, naturally and permanently.
I can boldly say, starting today, if you suffer from acne and want to see it gone, like I did so many years back: You have to stop eating acid-forming/disease forming foods. In lay-man terms: Junk and processed foods and drinks. How did I figure this out? Well, at the time I was a Michael Jackson fan and had read in some books on him that he as well as Jermaine, his brother, suffered from severe acne as teens but were able to control it with a change in their diet, from the Standard American diet to a healthier vegetarian one.
Needless to say, I swore off junk food as the first step towards a successful acne treatment and started doing my own research to validate this claim and indeed, that suggestion is correct. “You are what you eat!” is a saying known all over the world, and what you consume has arguably the most effect on your overall health. Now since the skin, according to Dr. Stanley Burroughs, is the second most important eliminating organ, it only makes sense that what is consumed should not leave a detrimental residue to aggravate skin eruptions.
Moreover, all processed and junk foods and even foods of the animal kingdom, tend to not only constipate the visceral organs, but they poison the blood, which my friends aggravates the other causes of poor health like stress, insomnia and the like. Remember, blood DOES flow through the brain. No one is saying that other factors like losing a job, death and the like don’t still exist. Far from it, but from an internal point of view, you have to make the effort to change your diet for not only acne treatment but overall improved health and fitness.
That said, herein lies a suggestion for a successful treatment of acne conditions. No, I’m not a religious fanatic but hey the Creator cannot be wrong folks: “Every herb bearing Seed and ever fruit bearing see in it shall be yours for food. Gen 1: 29″ Okay, I’ll break it down, for a successful acne treatment, eat more (if not exclusively) Fruits and vegetables. Of course they are best enjoyed raw AND organic (if possible), but can be also relished properly cooked. (So don’t steam with excess water AND by all means AVOID THE MICROWAVE-trust me I know what I’m saying)
Also, for external acne treatments ensure that you change the pillow-case nightly if possible, sleep on the right side (face clearly off the pillow), avoid harsh chemicals, avoid positioning your face underneath a shower (especially when it’s hot)…this for 2 reasons-doing so introduces harmful chlorine into your lungs and from my experience, aggravates acne by drying out the skin and consequently suggesting to the dermis that it needs to produce more oil than needed to lubricate the skin.
You may want to pick up facial massaging or simply washing the face with cool water. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to occasionally steam your face. Try using boiled DISTILLED water though for the same reasons on avoiding Chlorine inhalation above.
Now, you try this for a week and I bet you, you will see a drastic improvement in your skin condition via this superior, yet common sense method of acne treatment.
Foras Aje
PS It’s been fun writing this, but I wanted to add…throw in a fast or a restricted fruit diet of a seasonal Juicy fruit for just 3 days with the external factors above. You will thank me that I told you this…trust me.
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from Acne Remedies http://acne-remedies.pachaworld.org/acne-treatment-begins-with-a-change-in-your-diet/ via http://acne-remedies.pachaworld.org
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Does Travel Make You Smarter? January 11, 2010 A delightful piece by Jonah Lehrer in the San Francisco Panorama on the cognitive benefits of travel. He argues that travel is not just about pleasure. It’s about stimulating your mind in a way that enhances creativity. It doesn’t matter where you go or what you do — it’s the physical act of movement and the newness of anything new that generates new thoughts. In fact, several new science papers suggest that getting away–and it doesn’t even matter where you’re going–is an essential habit of effective thinking. It’s not about vacation, or relaxation, or sipping daiquiris on an unspoiled tropical beach: it’s about the tedious act itself, putting some miles between home and wherever you happen to spend the night…. The larger lesson, though, is that our thoughts are shackled by the familiar. The brain is a neural tangle of near infinite possibility, which means that it spends a lot of time and energy choosing what not to notice. As a result, creativity is traded away for efficiency; we think in literal prose, not symbolist poetry. A bit of distance, however, helps loosen the chains of cognition, making it easier to see something new in the old; the mundane is grasped from a slightly more abstract perspective…. According to the researchers, the experience of another culture endows us with a valuable open-mindedness, making it easier to realize that a single thing can have multiple meanings. Consider the act of leaving food on the plate: in China, this is often seen as acompliment, a signal that the host has provided enough to eat. But in America the same act is a subtle insult, an indication that the food wasn’t good enough to finish. Such cultural contrasts mean that seasoned travelers are alive to ambiguity, more willing to realize that there are different (and equally valid) ways of interpreting the world. This, in turn, allows them to expand the circumference of their “cognitive inputs,” as they refuse to settle for their first answers and initialguesses…. So let’s not pretend that travel is always fun, or that we endure the jet lag for pleasure. We don’t spend ten hours lost in the Louvre because we like it, and the view from the top of Machu Picchu probably doesn’t make up for the hassle of lost luggage. (More often than not, I need a vacation after my vacation.) We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret tonic of creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something in our mind has been changed, and that changes everything. ### Here is the State Department’s commentary on the difficulty of learning various foreign languages for native English speakers. Ross Douthat on Avatar’s virtual appeal. (I loved the movie btw.) Cal Newport on what chess grandmasters can teach us about building a remarkable life. Best of Craigslist: sex duel with the neighbors. ShareTweet+ 1Mail Previous Post Next Post 8 Responses DaveJ January 11, 2010 Couldn’t I just drive to work in reverse or something? There has to be a better way than traveling. Kyle Hansen January 11, 2010 My favorite quote regarding travel: The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. ~St. Augustine Krishna January 12, 2010 “….But when we get home, something in the mind has changed…” That something, I guess is altered reality. No doubt, the great affair is to move. But for the insularity offered by travel, the world would be full of couch potatoes chomping wafers, watching TV or worshipping celebrities. So much is the motivation – to flee reality – that defines escapism than the behavior itself. Travel allows us to slip into altered reality letting us start living for real once more, enjoying connections with others. It’s the need for altered reality, not necessarily more pleasant than where you come from, that urges you to backpack, as opposed to the escapist that seeks to run away from routine. Vince Williams January 12, 2010 I must say it’s a bit sobering to realize that by the 10,000 hour rule, the only subject I’ve mastered, apart from my vocation, is onanism. Well, I suppose there are worse things to excel in. After more than forty years of intensive deliberate practice, I think I qualify as a grandmaster of the art. I enjoyed Jonah Lehrer’s essay, too, though I felt he gave other modes of transportation than flying short shrift by writing as if there is no other way to get where you’re going. Sometimes the journey to another place is the whole adventure. I sailed to Bermuda with a buddy who built his own sailboat, a 38-foot steel-hulled sloop. Three of us, obnoxious rebels all, sailed downwind wing-and-wing, over 900 miles to St. George’s. Two days of our passage we sailed in twenty plus-foot seas. My first watch at the helm after the swell picked up I turned around to look at the wave behind us– and had to crane my neck upward to see its unbreaking crest. It struck me that steering the vessel was like surfing on a forty-foot surfboard. My sensitivity to the boat’s movements was profound– a moment’s lapse of attention and I could easily broach the boat. I took in a big gulp of salt air and in that moment I experienced soul-wrenching ecstasy. Whatever consciousness expansion and realization of human potential happened on our trip, it happened in moments like this, and it was all in the getting there. I believe it’s the same with our ordinary, humdrum realities– our everyday sojourns through time and space. Who says you have to hop on a plane and fly to some foreign country to experience the ‘other’? All the psychological benefits of travel that accrue to the lucky bastard who has the jack to get over ‘there’ are available to the poor son of a bitch stuck at home, too. All he needs is some bio-sourced DMT or 5-MeO-DMT to smoke, and he’s on his way to high adventure and possible enlightenment. Spanish cathedrals and Venetian palaces cannot compare to the glorious visions of the universe he may see (the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey was nothing, Keir Dullea would be envious) after being launched in this neural rocketship. After all, jets are not the only way to fly, and some drugs, like these, can stimulate your mind in a way that enhances creativity. The movement may be all in your mind, but the newness of the experience (it’s always new, even for the experienced psychonaut) is sure to generate new thoughts.;-) Tyler January 13, 2010 Great post on this topic. I totally agree. Travel and moving around stimulates your brain and changes your brain’s neurochemistry. Thus, it helps you think in new ways that will expand one’s learning capabilities. Brett Bolkowy January 18, 2010 Lehrer writes: “our mind is most likely to solve our stubbornest problems while sitting in a swank Left Bank café. So instead of contemplating that buttery croissant, we should be mulling over those domestic riddles we just can’t solve.” I disagree- I think that it isn’t simply being in a different environment that helps you to see new problems in a different way- I think that an important piece of the puzzle is not being intently focused on those same problems while traveling. When you’re traveling you have more of a clear head- you’re focused only on what’s right in front of you. Your mind ends up wandering back to those same problems, but it can see them in a different way, outside of the patterned thinking that has led you to the same dead end when tackling these problems head-on. I find the same effect when I completely put aside what I am working on and let my mind wander. What are your thoughts? (If interested, my post on the subject is here: link to brettbolkowy.com) Ben Casnocha January 18, 2010 Agreed, that being focused ostensibly on something else can also help the creative process. kevin cook June 8, 2010 Hmm, it seems true. Every since I started traveling on summer vacations Ive gotten very good grades in both high school and my college courses. I’ve also became one of the smartest ones in some of the classes that use to be complicated for me. Leave a Reply Name* E-Mail* Website Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Publish Back to top MobileDesktopSumo
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Heard it through the grapevine: can music really change the taste of wine?
The woman behind the worlds first oenesthetic wine and sound bar believes theres more to sonic seasoning than hype
Im sitting in a sterile sound-controlled basement. In front of me stand two large glasses, two bottles of vino one red, one white and a serious set of speakers.
This may not be the most conducive setting to scoff wine. But Im here for a very important scientific experiment: to find out if what we listen to affects what we taste. Or, to put it more simply, what melodies must one match with a pinot noir?
Thats a question sonic artist and wine critic Jo Burzynska has spent years exploring. This week her workshop on pairing wine and music runs at the World Science Festival Brisbane and Im getting a sneak preview.
The format goes like this: drink wine. Listen to music. Write notes. We start with total hush as a controlled taste. The main thing to do is just to pay attention, instructs Burzynska. A lot of people just drink wine and dont taste it.
After being told to slurp down my Jules Taylor sauvignon blanc noisily (a technique that fans air across the tongue, taking aromas up into your nose), I jot down some words.
First, theres silence: Floral, gooseberries, a herbal smell, musk, I consider.
Second, I listen to the chirpy, happy, upbeat Just Cant Get Enough by Nouvelle Vague: More sweetness, sherbet, less musk, go my notes.
Third, we hear the aggressive, post-punk band Skeptics and their controversial song AFFCO: Acidic, cloying, more claustrophobic ?? I query.
Finally, Lost for words, feels like an exam I scrawl.
Tasting the wines, I worry Ill get it wrong what happens if my palate isnt up to scratch? I wonder if the distinctions I have picked up are more to do with the fact that Im searching for differences, willing them into effect.
Jo Burzynska, sound artist and wine critic, believes music can change the taste of wine. Photograph: Simon Clark Photography
But Burzynska who writes her own notes simultaneously has similar experiences to me. Acidity and sweetness is associated with higher pitches; base brings out the body; and bitterness is connected with lower pitches. (Experiments done with toffee have found similar effects).
Then theres the emotional mood of the wine and the power of association. Our sav blanc is, according to Burzynska, summery, lighthearted, upbeat. Just Cant Get Enoughs carefree tone seems to speak to the grape.
This may all sound like airy-fairy gloss (with ample opportunity for brand marketing). But the last half-decade has seen an explosion in research of what is termed modulating taste or sonic seasoning.
Foodies are taking note, capitalising on a desire to surrender to their senses in the iPhone era. Heston Blumenthal was a pioneer when he first asked diners to listen to waves crashing while eating his seafood dish Sound of the Sea in the late 1990s. The single-table restaurant Ultraviolet in Shanghai uses surround sound as part of a technology-driven multisensory eating experience.
Burzynska herself set up the worlds first oenosthetic wine and sound bar in Christchurchs the Auricle Sonic Arts Gallery in 2014 (it has since closed). A soundtrack would be specifically chosen to complement the drinks on offer and if you wanted to buck the trend and get a full-bodied red anyway? It came with warning, laughs Burzynska, wagging her finger: This will not go with the music!
Jo Burzynska recording in the Cicogna vineyards on her artist residency in Irpinia, Italy. Photograph: Leandro Pisano
[Research] in the development of noninvasive brain imaging has confirmed that the senses are interconnected, says Burzynska, who is doing a PhD on the subject. Exactly why, we dont know. But Professor Charles Spence, of Oxford Universitys Crossmodal Research Laboratory, heralds sound as the forgotten flavour sense. (His work has been critiqued as atheoretical, trivial, and epiphenomenal by Neil Martin, a psychologist and a specialist in human olfaction and taste.)
Back in our closeted room, I reach for the pinot. Unable to find the perfect match, Burzynska has composed her own piece of music, Signature Pinot Noir, in partnership with Crown Range Cellar. As we both drink the liquid, resonant with hints of chocolate and black cherry, a fecundity of cello strings mixed with the silvery falsetto of birdsong washes over us.
The legato melody brings out the pinots silken texture, says Burzynska. [This wine has] some rich, sweet fruit I thought that probably needs something like a cello the timbre would go well with the body.
But it also has a really nice acidity, a freshness, and that gets picked up by high pitches. So the birds were there to pick up the acidity I have found those higher pitches can also bring out the aromatics.
She stops drinking. I think the time is right for people to reconnect with their senses. Plus, she adds with a grin, theres plenty of fun to be had.
World Science Festival Brisbane runs from 22-26 March
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nXXSt0
from Heard it through the grapevine: can music really change the taste of wine?
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gabriellakirtonblog · 5 years
11 Simple Ways to Become a Better Teacher
Here’s the good news: You guys are killing it. As a group, personal trainers are more qualified than ever. You’re earning college degrees in our field and racking up the certifications.
The number of accredited educational programs and certifications is on the rise, according to the ACSM. So is the number of graduates with bachelor’s degrees in exercise science. And a recent survey from Brown University found that 97 percent of personal trainers hold either a college degree or certification. Some 64 percent have an exercise-related bachelor’s degree, and 42 percent have a master’s.
And your knowledge isn’t just deeper. It’s also broader, as trainers continue to become more holistic in their approach, emphasizing not just iron but all lifestyle factors that contribute to health and wellness.
For all this, you should be proud.
But—and you knew there would be a “but”—I’ve noticed an unfortunate byproduct of this positive trend. More and more fit pros are assuming the role of educator and neglecting the role of teacher.
An educator is like a college professor lecturing from the front of the room. A teacher covers the basics and checks in with her students to make sure they understand the lesson. An educator looks for an opening to share esoteric knowledge about human anatomy and the mTOR pathway. A teacher focuses on each client’s ability to hip hinge, squat, and row.
It’s like a piano instructor lecturing a student on music theory before showing her where to put her fingers on the keys.
We have a saying at DTS Fitness Education: Advanced skills are the basics mastered. Being an educator is an advanced skill; if you want to be a great one, you first have to master the basics of teaching.
As with anything, you begin with the fundamentals and go from there. Movement, for a trainer, is the foundation on which you build results. It impacts everything from joint health and muscle growth to stress management and sleep quality.
So start there. Teach your client to move—to push, pull, bend, and squat. Once your client has her GED in the fundamentals, you have the green light to unload your vast knowledge about exercise science and kinesiology. (Maybe not all on the same day.)
These days, everyone wants to build their brand or become insta-famous. And that’s fine. But we need to put equal emphasis on the craft of teaching. So yes, aspire to become an educator, but put the work in to be a great teacher first.
I’ll say it again: Advanced skills are the basics mastered. Consider this your teacher’s manual.
READ ALSO: What Do You Do with a Client Who Wants Too Much, Too Soon?
1. Forget everything you’ve learned
Becoming a master in your field is great. It’s also the problem. You’re so awesome you’ve forgotten how hard it can be just to hinge at the hips.
All that advanced knowledge has changed the way your brain works, impairing your ability to think about the basics at a level that makes sense to your client. Start too advanced, and your client will quickly become discouraged.
When training clients, think “grade school teacher,” not “college professor.” Always err on the side of clarity and simplicity, even if it means speaking to your client in a way a 10-year-old would understand.
READ ALSO: 10 Coaching Tips to Help Beginner Clients
2. Figure out your process, and stick to it
The biggest teaching mistake I see trainers make is this: They’re not systematic. They jump around from thought to thought with no regard for process.
But that’s not how learning works. You can’t just pour a series of disjointed facts into your client’s head and expect anything to stick. You have to be purposeful. Have a clear objective in mind and work toward it.
Every trainer should be asking, “What’s my process for taking clients from A to B?” (Until you figure out yours, you can borrow mine.)
3. Use external and nonverbal cues
External cues get you out of your head by focusing your attention on an outcome. Research shows they’re much more effective than internal cues, and may even be key to improving motor skills.
A cue doesn’t always need to be verbal, either. In fact, I recommend saying as little as you can.
If I have a client who hinges by bending at the knees instead of the hips, I’ll have her do hip hinges on her knees. That way, she’s forced to bend at the hips. She has no choice.
I also like to have clients do kettlebell swings with a plastic cone between their legs. If they bend their knees to swing the bell, they’ll hit the cone. But if they hinge properly, they won’t.
When teaching how to punch in our striking class, I’ll have the student stand with her arm against a wall. That forces her to keep her elbow in when throwing a punch, and to pull it straight back instead of too low.
Cues like this encourage your client to correct herself, without your having to say a word.
READ ALSO: Top Coaches Share Their Most Effective Coaching Cues
4. Demo moves in a prescriptive way
Most trainers know to demonstrate the moves. The mistake they make: Focusing too much on what not to do.
They’ll say: “Don’t move your head forward.” “Don’t do this with your knee.” “Don’t let your hips sag.” They demonstrate every possible mistake—before they even know if their client would’ve made that mistake in the first place.
Try to be more prescriptive: Focus just on what you want your client to do.
5. Give a pop quiz
Have your client repeat back all the cues you just gave her. Can’t do it? Those cues did not resonate with her, and that means they’re not effective. Go through them with her again, this time with fewer words.
6. Correct only what your client does wrong
After your client does the move for you, be sure to correct only the parts he got wrong. If he didn’t get it wrong, then there’s no need to correct it. He’s got it. Your work here is done.
READ ALSO: Don’t Let Your Clients Butcher These Three Exercises
7. Say less
A good teacher uses as few words as possible. When you do speak up, your client knows it’s important and he should pay attention.
Extra details will only distract from the main lesson. Your client doesn’t need to know how the glutes attach to the pelvis or how they’ve been weakened by a modern lifestyle. He just needs to know to squeeze them during a move.
8. Tell your client “good job”
All students need encouragement. Praise and recognition can be motivational. So say “Good job,” give a thumbs-up, or offer a fist bump.
Just be sure you mean it. It does your client no good to reinforce mediocre performance when you know he can do better.
READ ALSO: Supercharge Your Client’s Motivation
9. Use visual aids
Showing is better than telling. Take a photo or video of your client performing a move at the beginning of a session, and then again at the end of the session. Show him both so he can see how he’s improved. (Some apps will even let you display two photos side-by-side.)
Clients love this. They get excited to see the video, and that excitement helps engage them in the process.
Plus, it’s better than checking your form in a mirror, which may distract your client from noticing how the move feels (important for learning), and can even put your client in a bad position as he adjusts to see himself clearly.
10. Give homework
Your client needs to work on hinging? Tell her to perform 10 hip hinges every day until you see her again. When you do see her again, follow up. (“Can you show me your homework?”) Good teachers hold their students accountable.
Bonus points if the assignment helps your client learn to use the movement in everyday life. Here’s one I like for parents with young children: Have them tell their kids to stand right between their legs—in the same spot you’d place the weight to prepare for a kettlebell swing—anytime the kid wants to be picked up. Then have the kid say, “I’m a kettlebell!” The parent’s back will be in a safer position, and the kid’s prompt will remind her to lift the right way.
READ ALSO: Four Safer Alternatives to the Barbell Deadlift
11. Have fun
Think about your favorite teacher. What do you remember the most? Do you remember your immaculate notetaking? Or the riveting textbook? Or the teacher’s impressive credentials?
Of course not! You remember how much fun you had in class.
Great teachers are engaging and inspiring. They have a sense of humor and don’t take themselves too seriously. So yes, nail down your process. But don’t forget to leave room for a little spontaneity too.
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  The post 11 Simple Ways to Become a Better Teacher appeared first on The PTDC.
11 Simple Ways to Become a Better Teacher published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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gabriellakirtonblog · 6 years
The Fitness Pro’s Guide to Better Sleep
Physical fitness depends heavily on three variables: diet, exercise, and sleep. As a sleep science coach, I teach my clients about the importance of one of those things—and that’s something fitness pros and I have in common.
After all, sleep is a crucial factor in training regimens. It affects not only workout performance but also diet. That’s because sleep plays a central role in maintaining the hunger hormones that regulate appetite and cravings.
In fact, sleep-deprived people tend to take in 385 more calories a day than well-rested folks, a 2016 review study found. At that rate, you could gain a pound every nine days, until your body adapted to the excess calories. In a separate study, adults who logged less than five hours of sleep a night drank 21 percent more soda than those who slept seven to eight.
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When you’re short on sleep, you’re more likely to injure yourself, get sick, and forget things. And it doesn’t exactly make you pleasant company either.
Now, you already know all this, and you probably share information like this with your clients. But I’m willing to bet that even while you’re lecturing clients about the importance of sleep, you’re doing so in a state of sleep deprivation.
Nearly every trainer and strength coach I know struggles to bank enough shut-eye. They’re so focused on helping others live healthy that they forget to take care of themselves too.
That’s why I came up with this guide specifically for fitness pros, aimed at helping them with their unique sleep challenges. Far as I can tell, here are the main reasons fitness pros suck at sleeping—and my suggestions for what to do about it.
1. You Pound Coffee (and Sometimes Booze)
Anyone who thinks fitness pros are teetotalers has probably never met one.
For many busy trainers, caffeine is a major food group to get through the day, and some of the heaviest drinkers I know are fitness pros.
You likely don’t need a study to tell you that caffeine can screw with your sleep, but here’s one anyway: In a small University of Colorado study a few years ago, researchers found that drinking caffeine at night may delay the human biological clock by 40 minutes—it literally messes with your body’s ability to recognize when it’s bedtime.
Caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in the brain, blocking the sleep-inducing actions of adenosine and causing you to feel more awake. (It may also trigger dopamine production, signaling the body to wake up, according to recent research on flies.)
Turning to caffeine when you need a boost can be tempting, but it’s also counterproductive: The wake-promoting effects disappear after just three days of sleep deprivation.
A better idea: Go outside. Exposure to sunlight can help suppress sleep-promoting hormones, waking you up. (If you can’t go outside, seek out bright light for a similar effect.)
Or try this fun trick: Keep some coffee beans on you and take a whiff whenever you need a pick-me-up—the aroma alone may help perk you up and won’t interfere with your sleep the way drinking coffee would.
Just be sure to restrict caffeine consumption to early in the day—drinking coffee as much as six hours before bed can still affect sleep quality, research has shown.
As for that nightcap, it may conk you out but there’s a tipping point where it can also wake you up. That’s because when your body is done processing the alcohol, it continues to expect the sedative that it’s no longer getting.
Plus, it’s a diuretic, says Dr. Pradeep Sahota, increasing the chances you’ll have to use the bathroom in the night.
Give your body time (one hour per drink) to metabolize the booze before bed.
2. You Work Crazy Hours
Many nine-to-fivers like to squeeze in an early workout. Good for them! But for you, that may mean waking up extra early so you can open your fitness facility by 4 or 5 a.m.
Fact is, many trainers work brutal hours to accommodate their clients.
Take Lisa Samuels, for example. A dietitian and founder of The Happie House yoga studio, Samuels often discusses sleep with her clients. Yet her 13-hour days don’t leave much time for her own shut-eye.
Then there’s Steven Mack, a trainer in Columbia, Missouri, who routinely discusses sleep with his clients, calling it the number-one thing that “puts money in the bank.” (The muscle bank, that is.)
But Mack’s schedule is rough too. He runs sessions from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. and often gets just six hours of sleep a night, leaving him tired most days.
It’s easy to buy into the “time is money” mantra, and many fitness pros do—it’s a competitive industry, and you want to cram as many client sessions into the day as possible.
Luckily, I have a solution that won’t interfere with any of your sessions or with your bottom line: Take naps.
Fine, so it’s not exactly revolutionary, but it’s perfect for trainers, who typically put up with long days because they have long gaps between clients.
Clients want to be trained before or after work. They compete for slots early in the morning or late in the afternoon and into the evening. And there’s often a client or two around lunch.
Thus, trainers usually have dead time in mid-morning and mid-afternoon. If you’re going to nap, those are great times to do it. In fact, 2 p.m. may be the ideal nap time.
Try to find a quiet place without a lot of ambient noise—even if that means your car. A sleep mask and earplugs can help.
Nap for 20 minutes. Any longer and you risk waking up in the middle of the deep-sleep phase of your sleep cycle, making you groggy. An app like Sleep Genius can help guide you through the perfect power nap.
And try napping at the same time each day—you’ll train your body to expect it. Make it a recurring event on your calendar.
READ ALSO: “Five Lessons from 10 years of Personal Training”
3. You’re Afraid to Unplug
Now, I don’t have to tell you that using your phone or laptop before bed can interfere with sleep duration and sleep quality, leading to daytime grogginess and impaired health.
But you do it anyway, don’t you? Why? Because fitness pros want to be connected all the time, either to clients, or to social media, or both. A lot of them feel like their careers depend on it.
Maybe you’re counting on your mobile’s nighttime setting to save you. But that may be a mistake.
While nighttime apps like Apple’s Night Shift allow you to switch to a warmer, less wake-promoting light, their mitigating effects on poor sleep may be overblown.
What’s more, even though dampening blue light can help melatonin production, viewing stimulating content can still alert the brain, disrupting sleep.
Try this compromise: Put the phone away an hour before bed but pick it up first thing in the morning. The blue light will help rouse you, jumpstarting your internal clock so you’ll sleep better the following night. If you have workouts to type up, do that in the morning too.
READ ALSO: “Three Ways to Write Better Training Programs”
4. You Think You’re Superhuman
Spoiler: You’re not.
But to be fair, you’re hardly alone in assuming otherwise. Many high-powered types—CEOs, entrepreneurs—claim to thrive on five or fewer hours a night. Even President Donald Trump reportedly sleeps as little as four.
Maybe you have a slightly better margin for error than the general population. But if you think you can get by on just a few hours a night, you’re only kidding yourself.
For the most part, the idea of a “sleepless elite” is bogus, according to Dr. Matthew Walker, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the world’s leading sleep experts.
In fact, very few people can get by on short sleep. Less than 1 percent of the population can survive on six hours or less, Walker reported on a recent podcast.
Walker believes that the widespread lack of sleep “is one of the biggest public health challenges we face in the 21st century,” and that physicians should prescribe sleep the same way they do drugs.
What does a prescription for sleep look like? It starts with getting eight hours or more each night, or as close to it as you can. In fact, recent research out of Penn State University’s behavioral health department suggests eight hours may not be enough.
Bottom line: If you feel tired throughout the day, it’s a good sign you may need more sleep, or better-quality sleep.
A big part of this is prioritizing sleep, and that can be hard. Establishing a bedtime routine helps—take a hot shower, have a snack, do some dynamic stretching, even have sex. Anything to signal to your brain that it’s time for sleep. If all else fails, take a low dose of melatonin.
After all, even superheroes need their shut-eye.
    The post The Fitness Pro’s Guide to Better Sleep appeared first on The PTDC.
The Fitness Pro’s Guide to Better Sleep published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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