#plus a little bit of saturday morning and tomorrow evening
perilegs · 6 months
do you guys think i can finish a whole gmv in two days
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plussizefantasia · 8 months
Little Stinker
Flufftober Day 30: Pumpkin Carving
Steve Rogers x f!mom!reader
Word Count: 1.7k
AN: This is a continuation of Day 21's Story: Good Punkins. Steve and Little Dude have my whole heart I stg. I can't believe that we only have one more day! This was such a fun experience and I think I'm a much better writer than I was when I started. Reblogs and Feedback are always appreciated. I'll see y'all tomorrow for the last day of Flufftober!
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Your little family had gone to the pumpkin patch on Saturday, little dude had been so tired that he passed out in his car seat on the way home and didn’t even stir when you lifted him out of his car seat and into the house.
However, in all of his five and half years on this planet, Caleb James has never slept past 7:00 am. That is why you were not at all surprised when the door to yours and Steve’s shared bedroom creaked open at about 7:05.
“Momma.” Caleb had whispered. Trying to climb up onto the very tall bed that you and your husband shared. “Momma gotta get up. Gotta put faces on our punkins.” 
“CJ, it’s too early to carve our pumpkins. We can do that in the afternoon, okay baby?” You pulled him up from his armpits and swung him over your body. Landing him in the space between you and Steve. “Plus, Mommy needs her cuddles. Can I have some cuddles, baby boy?” 
“Course Momma, I loves your cuddles.”
“And I love yours, baby.” 
“Do I get some cuddles too?” Steve’s sleep-coated voice rasped from beside you. His large arm curled around your waist and pulled both you and Caleb into his chest. His other arm came around from his side and trapped you and the little man in a bear hug.
“Daddy!” Caleb giggled. “You’re squeezing me!”
“Am I?” Steve asked. Squeezing the two of us a little tighter.
“Yeah, Daddy you’re squeezing too tight!” Caleb fought to say in between his giggles. Steve loosened his arms just a little bit, still holding firmly but allowing some space. 
“Cuddles for a little bit then I’ll make breakfast and we can talk about what to do with the pumpkins okay?” You asked your boys.
“Otay Momma,” Caleb said as he snuggled deeper into your chest. Slow mornings like this were your favorite. Just being able to exist with the people you love most in the world made everything worth it.
Your family sat in bed for another hour or two, Caleb drifted in and out of sleep and you and Steve just watched each other and your baby in content silence. 
Eventually, your husband's super metabolism caught up to him, and his stomach started to growl. He looked sheepish and a little bit upset that he had ruined the moment. You just laughed and kissed his forehead and your son’s before slipping out of bed and making your way downstairs to start breakfast.
If there was one thing Caleb had inherited from his father it was his appetite. Your boys would go through mountains of food if they could. For this breakfast, you made pancakes, some with chocolate chips for Caleb and some with banana slices for Steve. You cooked some scrambled eggs and fried up some sausage and bacon. You cut and peeled fruit to make a fruit salad, juiced oranges, and set the table. By the time you were done, your kitchen looked like a photoshoot for a cookbook. 
All that food only lasted your boys about thirty minutes though, before the table was cleared and Steve was up and cleaning the dishes and countertops.
“Can we put faces on our punkins now Momma?” Caleb had asked. 
“Sure baby, why don’t you go upstairs and get dressed while Daddy and I bring in the pumpkins from the car?” You had barely finished your question before your little man was racing up the stairs toward his room to get himself ready for the day.
You laughed and finished the last bit of the coffee left in your mug before you slipped on some shoes and made your way out to your car. You grabbed a pumpkin under each arm and started heading back inside. Before you made it more than three steps your show-off husband had taken them out of your arms and back inside.
It seemed like Steve wouldn’t let you lift any pumpkins this year, even if it was just from your car to your house. 
You had begun to get the kitchen table all set up for carving pumpkins. You covered the table in newspaper and grabbed three mixing bowls from your cabinets. You grabbed Sharpies and tape, some paper to draw on, and all the different kinds of knives that you’d need. 
By the time everything was set up, Caleb was making his way downstairs, fully dressed and practically bouncing with excitement.
“It’s punkin time Momma!” He yelled.
“Yeah baby, time to carve our pumpkins.” Three pumpkins were sitting on the kitchen table. Two of them were pretty large, with one flater side perfect for carving. Those were the ones Caleb had picked for you and Steve. His own was slightly smaller but taller rather than wider. 
“What do you want to carve on your pumpkin little man?” You asked Caleb after helping him up onto the chair, making sure that he was okay to stand and wouldn’t fall.
“Uncle Tony!” 
“You want to carve Uncle Tony’s face on your pumpkin?”
“No Momma, not his face. His mask, the one on the suit.”
“You want to carve the Iron Man face baby?” 
“Yeah Momma, and you can carve Auntie Nat’s widow and Daddy can carve his shield!’
“You want us to have Avenger pumpkins buddy?” Steve asked. “I thought you wanted faces?”
“Mine will have a face. Uncle Tony’s mask has a face.”
He had a point. “Okay little man, let's look at how to draw Uncle Tony’s mask.”
Twenty minutes later, Steve had finished sketching each design on your pumpkin, you had forgone doing Nat’s symbol for doing an actual spider. You’d made sure to include the signature hourglass shape on the back of the sider though, just to keep on theme.
Steve had grumbled the whole time he was drawing Tony’s mask. “He’s my kid?” “Why does he want Tony’s mask?” “My shield is so cool.” All muttered under his breath.
“Steve honey, to Caleb you’re just dad. You’re not Captain America, the first super soldier. You're the man who makes dinner and takes him to the park. He thinks Tony’s mask is cool, sure. But he loves you.”
“How do you always have the right words?” Steve asked you, sharpie still gripped in his hands.
“You have your powers I have mine.” You teased, kissing him chastely. 
“Momma help.” Caleb had called out from the kitchen table.
“What do you need help with baby,?” You moved across the room towards him.
“Can you cut the top open so I can get the guts out?’ he asked.
“Absolutely buddy, I’ll cut off the top and then you can use your spoon to get in here okay?” You grabbed the serrated knife from the table. You began to see at the top of the pumpkin, making sure to keep it as neat as you could. So that the lid could be put back on when you brought them back outside.
Steve stood back and watched you help Caleb with his pumpkin. Overwhelmed with love, he took out his phone and sent a picture to the group chat. 
Avengers-themed pumpkins, courtesy of little dude. The text message read.
He snapped a few more photos of you with your tongue sticking out of the side of your mouth like it usually did when you were focused. You finished cutting the top off of Caleb’s pumpkin and started on yours. Eventually moving on to Steve’s as well. 
Steve and Caleb were on scooping duty, given that you absolutely couldn’t stand pumpkin insides. They smelled and looked horrible and you just couldn’t deal with them. While the boys were scooping, you were warming up some apple cider that you had bought at the farm yesterday along with the pumpkins. You weren’t expecting to be ambushed by your husband when you returned to the table though.
Steve held in his hands a spoon piled high with pumpkin insides. He and Caleb were both giggling like children and Steve counted down from three before chasing you with the spoon.
You shrieked and ran away, hearing the cackling of your little boy from somewhere behind you. “Steve!” You ducked and dodged. “Steven Grant! I swear to all that is holy.” He continued to chase him, laughing along with Caleb who was still perched on his chair at the dining table. You managed to circle Steve and dashed towards your son. 
You grabbed onto Caleb and held him in front of you like a human shield. “What’s your move, Rogers.” You raised your eyebrow at your husband. “Drop the spoon and nobody gets hurt.” You pulled Caleb closer to you. 
"You wouldn’t dare.” Was Steve’s response, matching your raised eyebrow. 
“Watch me.” In one fell swoop, you dropped your hands to Caleb’s sides and started tickling the little boy. His laugh increased in pitch and he started trying to wriggle out of your hold.
"It’s up to you Honey, I don’t know how much longer he can last.” You laughed and continued to tickle your little boy, making sure that he was still having fun at the same time.
“You’re an evil woman you know that?” Steve asked you before theatrically placing the spoon down on the table. You stopped ticking Caleb as soon as the spoon was down and both you and Steve chuckled to yourself as his giggles died down and he tried to catch his breath.
“That was funny Momma.” He told you.
“What was funny, Daddy chasing me with yucky pumpkin guts or all the tickles?"
“Oh yeah?” You blew a raspberry on the side of his cheek. “You’re a little stinker.”
“The stinkiest” Steve agreed.
Caleb began to laugh once again and you and Steve followed suit.
Moments like this made all of it worth it. Steve's mind echoed your thoughts from that morning. Having both you and Caleb was like a dream come true. He would do it all over again if it meant that he would have you. That much he was sure of. Even if his son wanted a Tony Stark pumpkin for Halloween.
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The obnoxious ringing of their phone fills the trailer and snaps Eddie out of his repetitive strumming.
He's been trying to learn one of his newest favorite songs for, (he looks at the clock; damn, eleven already,) like three hours now.
Eddie gets up from the couch, grumbling about who the fuck is calling them, Wayne left for work some hours ago, but he almost never calls during his shift.
He reaches the phone stuck to one of their kitchen walls and brings the receiver to his ear.
"Hello?" he greets.
"Eddie!" Steve's voice says on the other end of the line, his tone surprised like he didn't expect him to pick up.
Eddie feels a smile tug at his lips.
"Heeeey Steve-o!" Eddie greets him "what can I do for ya this time a' night?"
"Shoot! Right, sorry. Did I wake you?" Steve asks. Eddie snickers.
"Nah, man. It's cool." Eddie tells him, grabbing a forgotten bag of twizzlers off the counter to start chewing on one of the treats.
"I know you have a lot of teenage friends," Eddie adds around the twizzler now in his mouth, "but most young adults go to bed at like- midnight. Even later on a Friday night." he finishes.
Steve scoffs at "young adults" and Eddie can practically hear him rolling his eyes.
He's still a little surprised he can tease Steve Harrington. It took many many movie nights for Eddie to fully join in on that. Though he still hesitates sometimes, he thinks the kids can take it a bit too far.
"Whatever," Steve dismisses, his smile shining even through the phone lines "I just called to tell you Rob's not working tomorrow, so she won't be able to meet for breakfast" Steve's smile sounds like it fades a little in that sentence.
Eddie stops chewing.
They've been having breakfast together every Tuesday and Saturday, the days Steve and Robin work the morning shift together at Family Video.
Sometimes a couple of the kids will join, sometimes Robin's friends will join, or Nancy, even Garrett or Jeff or Freak; they all know they can find Eddie, Robin and Steve on those days at the diner so it's become their unofficial hangout spot, at least before 9am.
And Eddie's had breakfast with just Robbie before, or Nance, or one of his friends, but never with just Steve.
Steve is a bit of an enigma to Eddie.
Over a really short period of time Eddie had found out Steve's a local hero extraordinaire, that he's totally metal and also that he is a little bit dorky and has an absolutely terrible love life.
And if that wasn't surprising enough, it turns out Steve also isn't totally averse to Eddie, and that sure was surprising.
But Steve is a little awkward around Eddie sometimes. Like he's afraid Eddie will judge him or something; which, is preposterous, Eddie's the queer nerd, what would he have to judge Steve for? Especially now that he's technically no longer a jock. Plus, he had a huge role in saving Eddie's life, it's not like Eddie would forget that.
But he still finds Steve staring at him in the middle of movie nights only to avert his eyes when Eddie turns to him, or Steve'll laugh a little too hard at Eddie's observation like he's overcompensating, or Eddie will feel a little self conscious of his greasy tank and coveralls when Steve's eyes widen at the sight (it's not his fault his job's so messy).
So, he never really hangs with just Steve, not because he's made it so, but rather, it's just never happened and Eddie hasn't actively tried to make it happen because, well, it's a little weird.
In fact, Eddie's fairly certain Steve also works Thursday mornings because he's seen him having breakfast at the diner with Dustin or on his own when Eddie goes by on his way to the auto shop.
Eddie does work mornings most days except for Sunday and Monday since those are his free days. It's very rare that Frank calls to tell him he'll need Eddie in the afternoon shift instead, so technically, Eddie could be having breakfast at the diner any day.
Eddie could be having breakfast at the diner with Steve on Thursdays.
He's not gonna invite himself is he?
It also doesn't help that Eddie has an embarrassingly huge crush on the guy, so he can never tell if Steve's actually being weird or if Eddie's just paying too much attention to him.
He really can't help himself, the guy's everything Eddie finds attractive in a person and on top of that he's fucking gorgeous. It's frankly unfair, if you ask him.
All those years in high school, hating Steve in the worst of cases or ignoring him in the best, had been pretty easy. Partly because of his good looks, mostly because of the company he kept. But now that Steve surrounds himself with his found family? Now that he laughs freely and fails fearlessly and gives so easily? Eddie does not stand a chance.
So really, it's probably for the best that they don't hang out on their own.
Eddie puts down his twizzler, mentally readying himself to start doing meal prep because Steve for sure called to cancel.
"...ssso if you wanna cancel–" Steve says, there's a muffled thump on the other end of the line, but Eddie pays it no mind, tries to play it cool.
"I mean that's–. Whatever you want." he stammers.
God, Eddie thinks, rolling his eyes at himself, he really could not be cooler.
"I um," Steve inhales sharply then "I'm probably still gonna have breakfast there," he says, "I'm not– I'm no good in the kitchen" he laughs casually.
Eddie huffs, reluctantly charmed.
"So if you wanna join" Steve adds hesitantly, "well, you're always welcome"
"ialsohateeatingalone" Steve adds, almost as an afterthought.
See? He's a little weird.
Not that that makes him any less attractive; on the contrary, it's endearing,
"Alright, cool." Eddie chuckles now, "Sounds good. I honestly don't wanna cook myself anything so you're practically doing me a favor." he says, then waits for a bit, in case Steve really needs an out; he picks his twizzler back up to start chewing on it again.
When Steve doesn't take the out, Eddie teases him again,
"Tell ya what, I'll teach you how to cook breakfast sometime" Eddie says around his treat, just to get on Steve's nerves a bit, but also pitifully hoping his offer would ever be accepted.
"I know how to cook breakfast, Eddie," Steve protests.
"You just said you're no good in the kitchen!" Eddie shoots back, enjoying the sound of Steve's answering laugh from the other end of the line.
"Ok fine!" Steve says, his smile back in his voice, "You'll teach me some day, whatever." he concedes.
Eddie's fairly certain his eyes could not get bigger and his cheeks could not get redder.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" Steve asks.
Heart hammering in his chest, Eddie nods.
Steve can't see him.
"Mmhm." Eddie hurries to amend, "See you tomorrow, Stevie," he says.
Eddie feels butterflies fluttering in his stomach with Steve's parting 'see you' before the line goes dead.
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nerdieforpedro · 1 month
VIII - Have we put all the pieces together?
Only Parts of you Mr. Morales Series
This fic and my blog over all is 18+ MDNI
Frankie Morales x Belinda (plus size OFC)
Word Count: about 3.4k (Longer than all the other pieces 😑 Endings are rough.)
Summary: Frankie and Belinda have a conversation that truly is better in the morning. Things are moving and shaking while Belinda is stir-crazy. After things settle down, pieces are in place where they should be.
Warnings: angst, intoxication (mild), medical jargon, pregnancy and complications (Nerdie may have taken liberties with this - Mother & Baby was not my best class), birth control discussions, food mention & cooking, Benny and Frankie bear the brunt of the bad jokes, Pope and Carmen and the MVPs, we have more desserts and fluff
Notes: The finale for Frankie and Belinda. I’ve enjoyed writing their story. It had its’s fair bit of mess but at the core were two people who loved each other. I may do a follow up or two because they’re beginning a new chapter. Thank you so much for reading this far. 💕 Happy Frankie Friday everyone! 🥰
Main Masterlist/ Frankie “Catfish” Morales Masterlist/ Only Parts of you Mr. Morales Series
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It’s not like Belinda hadn’t pictured herself in this position over the years. She just thought there would be a few steps in a different order. It’s supposed to be a happy moment where she gives Frankie the wonderful news, they celebrate because they’ve talked about it, agreed to it and were doing the whole trying thing. Frankie looks a bit drunk, mostly panicked and like she’s going to float away. His eyes are trained on her and his hands have his cap and his hair in their grips.
“Mi bizcochito (My little cake) please. Don’t say it. Just…I know.”
“You know? What do you know Frankie?” Her eyebrows are halfway up her forehead. She thought she was hiding it well. Of course he knows. He’s Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales. He still notices when she uses different oils in her hair or changes her fingernail polish. The superb attention to detail that made it impossible to hide how she felt about him for the longest, even when Belinda wanted to pretend like she didn’t or worse when they were trying whatever casual mess they had been doing before. He still knew and that’s why he’d pull away sometimes, though they still ended up coming back together eventually.
“Cariño (sweetheart), you don’t have to worry though. You’ve been changing your clothes. I’m not the same as I once was either. It’s a good thing though. Since we’ve been together, we’ve both become softer, taking care of each other.” He’s explaining, or trying to, that he thinks she is beautiful even if she puts on a few pounds. He has too, Frankie’s aware he has a bit more to grab in the middle.
Belinda covers her face. This is not the right time to have this conversation with him, he is either in denial or really thinks she’s concerned about weight gain, which she isn’t. She just went back to her comfy clothes that she could hide in while she waited for her doctor’s appointment. Which had been today. Standing up and embracing him, she was able to stifle her laugh and kiss his cheek. “You’re right Frankie, we have become softer together. Let’s get you some water, a shower and off to bed.”
Morales allows himself to be taken care of by his bizcochito. He needs to keep the act up until tomorrow morning. It will be Saturday and neither of them have work unless Frankie gets called in. After Belinda falls asleep, he turns off his phone. Might lead to a stern talking to on Monday, but he’d need to ask her what he’d been beside himself to really ask her. Morales is many things but not a fool. He’s staring at the ceiling with the woman he loves laying on his chest, the very same that’s likely carrying his child. ‘Maybe I should have wrapped it up but she said she enjoyed the feeling. I did too.’ He did have to remind Belinda occasionally to take her birth control meds and they did discuss an implant in her arm or an IUD but she was squeamish about anything being surgically put in or being classified as a procedure. Frankie did poke a bit of fun at her considering what she has in her most nights and she told him he was a bad man after slapping his arm.
Maybe he should have pushed harder for it or gotten the snip himself, but neither of them ever mentioned it. Frankie pictured himself with children at one point, early in his service. Before the real combat started before he saw the horrors, it was enough many times just to take care of himself. He couldn’t imagine caring for someone fully dependent on him. Not then. But now? Belinda wrapped an arm around his torso, nuzzling her face into his chest.
“Maybe it will be fine. Maybe I can do it. We’ll be raising the kid together after all. Doesn’t mean I’m not scared shitless. Fuck…” His eyes close and he drifts off to sleep curious how exactly to talk about it with her.
Despite the hangover, Morales is up first, peeling Belinda off of him. Bathroom then coffee. He’s always on coffee duty, so he decided to fix breakfast too. The excuse would be that it’s a Saturday, and she wanted to talk to him about something but he wasn’t aware enough to register anything. The aroma of the coffee calls Belinda. It smells delicious but her stomach turns, she felt like it was a little early for that. She’s at two months according to the doctor and there was a major caveat with that. She googled most of the evening yesterday but didn’t retain a thing. Slipping on a white and navy blue striped t-shirt dress, she made her way to the kitchen.
There stands Francisco, a messy mop of dark curls bouncing on the back of his neck, his gray t-shirt struggling to contain his biceps and shoulders. He was wearing tan cargo shorts that cupped the curve of his ass just right. He’s finishing up the eggs, the bacon is to the side, pancakes are keeping warm in a metal baking pan covered with foil. The table is set with orange juice and syrup already out. If she wasn’t apprehensive about what conversation they were going to have, she’d tell him to cover all the food and head back to the bedroom. This is by far one of the sexiest and sweetest things he does for her: letting her not worry about anything. She’s waiting for his usual line of “breakfast is served mi amor (my love).” That’s not what he turns and says.
Frankie turns to see Belinda watching him with a soft smile. She looks a little tired still, but otherwise fine. He’s happy to cook on days where they stay in and spend time together. It looks like there will be more of these days with a small high chair at one of the sides of the table. It’s out before he can really think about what he said, what it means. “Buenos dias mamá oso (Good morning mama bear)! Breakfast is served!” He has a genuine smile on his face. He was dead serious. Belinda’s hands were on her hips. She knows I knew, welp Fish. Whatever happens, happens. Dammit.
“Good morning Francisco Miguel Valesquez Morales.” She has used his entire name. Frankie is concerned as she walks toward him, the smile gone from her face. “How long have you known? Tell me.”
Frankie sighs and places both palms on the counter behind him, leaning back. “The last few weeks. You’re wearing different clothes I haven’t seen you wear for a while and are a bit more round in the middle.”
“Why didn’t you say anything last night? Why go with that whole ‘we’re both softer’ thing?”
“I mean, I wasn’t wrong. We are both softer. Just for different reasons and not just physically. I’m not cooking breakfast for just any woman I know. Te amo Belinda (I love you Belinda).” Her hands pinch his cheeks while her lips peck his.
“You’d best not Frankie. Te amo mi amor.” She assist and dishing up the plates and the air across from each other, eating breakfast. During a pause, she decides to ask, “Did you know I went to the doctor yesterday?”
“No but are there any issues?” Frankie crosses his arms, there couldn’t be something wrong already right?
Belinda clears her throat and sets her elbows on the table, her chin is on top of her interlocked fingers. “Apparently, and I don’t believe I have any that run in my family, the reason I’m showing earlier than normal. Whatever normal looks like, is because we’re having twins.”
Morales is frozen. He doesn't remember there being any cases of twins that he knows of. His mouth moves but nothing comes out. It’s amazing but doesn’t that mean double everything?! Belinda wonders if the man’s stopped working. It was a shock to her too yesterday. She thought maybe there was a weird shadow or something on the ultrasound but the doctor and nurse pointed out two heartbeats and two babies. It was part of why she’d been sitting to tell Frankie. It was still processing for her too.
“So…but is that okay? For you cariño?” The pilot asked. Pregnancy can be difficult when you’re having one baby. Belinda is carrying two.
“It kinda has to be Fish. I can’t move either baby anywhere else.” She chuckled, understanding his concern. What was her pregnancy going to look like? Everyone’s always different.
“When’s your next appointment? I’m coming with you. I know you won’t remember everything.”
Belinda had fake outrage on her face, gasping and covered her mouth with her hands, “Is that so? How could you! I have my notes from my last appointment. Thank you! Not everything stuck though to be fair.” The smirk on her face as Frankie stood and walked over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “I told them I can call next week after checking with you, plus I needed to actually tell you.”
“Well now I know. I’ll let my manager know and it will be fine.” He kisses her forehead, “I’ve got to show up with you to let them know who’s got some strong swimmers. I’m not called ‘Fish’ for nothing.” Belinda pinched his nose, then ruffled his hair.
“Such a horrible man. Who even says that Frankie?” They both laughed while they cleaned up breakfast. Her cheek rested in the middle of Frankie’s back as he washed the dishes. For just a moment before she dried and put them away.
Sunday afternoon at Will and Benny’s, everyone is gathered. All their close friends. Belinda and Frankie had done a video call with her parents who were shocked, ecstatic and wanted to know when they could fly down and visit. Frankie was all for it, Belinda said that she would need to set up the guest room, she didn’t want them coming quite yet. Her Frankie had moved in not too long ago.
Will wasn’t surprised and happy that they actually talked it out.
Benny had to be told not to pick Belinda up and squeeze her. Frankie gave him a death glare.
Pope and Carmen both squealed, gave hugs and started an argument that lead to an intense game of rock-paper-scissors to determine who would be the godparents. In a major upset, Will was knocked out early. Pope and Benny did five rounds before Benny danced away victorious. Was a rendition of the running man necessary? To Benjamin Miller it was.
The joy in sharing the news with everyone eased both of their anxieties for a time.
It was when Belinda was six months along and Frankie was at one of her follow up appointments with the OBGYN. They’d seen the PCP last week. Her blood pressure was high, but not concerning yet according to the MD so she opted to work from home. It helped at first but her blood pressure crept back up. Frankie made her a fluffy spot in their bed surrounding her with pillows, water and snacks. He told her to stay put. Don’t go anywhere except the bathroom and the bed. He’d call to check in on her as she did reports and such from her laptop.
This system worked until month eight. She hated it. She can’t move around, she’s stuck to this bed, concerned about how worried Frankie is about her. Belinda finished her reports early, she was banking all her time to use after her maternity leave. “I need to get out…it’s the same four walls. Just walking down the street should be okay right?” She was just going to walk out in her slides and a simple dress. It was warm but not hot thankfully. Belinda called Carmen to let her know where she was going, she thought about texting Frankie but she didn’t want him worrying anymore than he already was. “Just down the street. Just down the street.” Letting out a long breath, Belinda felt a few kicks as she made it to the end of the driveway. “I know, momma just wanted to move around. Let’s move around together and we can have a little secret from daddy. Until he’s eaten dinner. The truth is best on a full belly.” She chuckled while waddling down the street. Saying hello to a few neighbors in addition to feeling the wind around her body instead of just near a window was something she didn’t realize she missed.
Belinda ended up at the park at the end of the street and sat on a bench. She rested her feet and watched a few children play, curious when she’d be able to bring these two here to play.
Carmen stopped by with groceries l. She thought Belinda would be back by now but she wasn’t. It was an hour and a half since she’d called her to tell her she went for a walk. She called and texted her but she didn’t answer. “Ahh…Belinda. I swear…” She put the groceries away and Belinda returned her call. She’s sobbing and frightened.
“C-Carmen. There’s a bag next to my bed. Pick me up from the park, please. I think…my water broke. I just wanted a walk…to get out. It’s early right? Too early…What if I did something wrong? How will I explain to Frankie that I didn’t listen…?” She paused and it sounds like she’s moving.
“Belinda you’re not still walking are you? Honey don’t worry about any of that, there’s nothing to be done. Just get somewhere you can sit and wait for me. You’re still near the park right?” Carmen hurried to the bedroom and found a black duffel back at the foot of the bed. She grabbed it, made sure she had her purse and locked the front door. She tossed the back in the passenger seat, texted Pope to get Frankie to the hospital immediately and sped toward the park. “Linda you’re still on the line right?!”
“Yes. I found a bench. It hurts to sit. I’m standing and leaning over.” She feels a little woozy but stays on the line. Carmen hops out of the car and ushers her to the backseat laying her down. “I’m sorry. Does Frankie know? Is he coming? I should…” Belinda is dozing a bit, Carmen is yelling at her to stay awake. Within ten minutes, they’re at the hospital.
Frankie is checking gauges in one of the helicopters. Finally off probation, he’s back to flying. Santiago calls three times while he’s trying to focus. “What hermano (brother)? Where’s the fire?” His tone is peppered with a smile.
“Dammit Fish! Answer the first time! Carmen is taking Belinda to the hospital! Her water broke. I’m on my way to get you, Will and Benny will bring your truck over. Grab your shit and meet me out front!” Frankie hopped out of the helicopter, grabbed his bag from his text and told his manager that he was leaving. His twins are coming. Pope was indeed waiting outside. “Look man.” Hopping in his truck, the men took off toward the hospital. “Carmen said that Belinda had trouble staying awake, but it looks like they’re replacing some fluids she said.”
“She’s a month early! Is that bad for her? Is she going to be okay?” Frankie wants his children to be okay, but what is he going to do if she’s not okay, if Belinda isn’t okay. “I should have just told her to be on bed rest. Not even work from home. Pope, what am I gonna do if…”
“Shut up Frankie. Don’t you dare. She’s going to be fine. Your kids are going to be fine. You’re going to see them in the next few minutes and be there with her. Our kids are going to have play dates and I’m going to beat your ass for actually allowing Benny to be your kids’ godfather.”
“He won fair and square Pope. Your bionic ass couldn’t win.” The pilot laughed nervously, he appreciated him trying to calm him.
“My hair and ass are the only things that aren’t bionic, you jerk.” Pope’s smirk lingered on his face as they rounded the corner and pulled up at the ER doors. “I’m still kicking your ass once your girl and your kids are home safe. I’m parking the truck.”
Frankie nodded and ran to the front desk, asked where Belinda’s room and a staff member took him to her room. There was a flourish of noises, Morales couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. He knocked and opened the door.
He was too late.
In each arm, Belinda held a baby boy with dark curls, round cheeks and noses that had a slope to them. His bizcochito (little cake) had two pudíns (puddings). She looked exhausted and was covered in a sheen of sweat, but glowed under the fluorescent lights. He kissed each of his sons and then cupped Belinda’s face, kicking his shoes off and hopping in the hospital bed with her. The nurse warned that since she’s just given birth it’s best to be gentle with her. Frankie nodded. “Gracias mi amor (Thank you my love). You make me whole mi vida (my life). Can I give you and my sons my last name? I’m not going anywhere Belinda. You’re home to me.”
There’s no more anxiety or distress in his face. The lines on his face are from how wide Francisco Morales is smiling, even his eyes look like there might be glimmers in them. She wants to reach for his hair, his nose, run a thumb over his lips. Her sons busy her hands and arms. “I’ve given you two children Morales and heart. I’d better be getting your last name Francisco.” They both laughed, with Carmen hugging Santiago before Will and Benny walked in.
“There’s just so much love in this room. I have one question for you two, which kid is which? Am I the godfather to them both? Do I get to pick one?” Benny stands at the foot of the bed. All the adults in the room groaned and a pillow hit Benny in the face courtesy of Frankie.
Belinda and the babies remained in the hospital as did Frankie except to go home and get changes of clothes. Finally, after a week, they were able to go home. Their little village of friends had set up the cribs, bought pampers, bibs, onsies, toys, blankets, booties, and the newly engaged couple wasn’t sure what the rest was, but they would figure it out.
The night they came home with their sons, Frankie tested out each crib just in case, despite them being put together by Santiago and Will. They were fine. Eventually, both Rafael and Raúl were put down to sleep. Belinda was able to shower finally with Frankie’s help. Laying down in their bed, they watched their sons sleep.
“Everything’s finally fit together for us. It was pretty disjointed for a while there Belinda.”
“Yeah, we should have actually talked about it a lot sooner.”
“Before or after you asked me to move in while you were full?” She pinched Frankie’s nose.
“You’re lucky I’m not supposed to exert myself. Our timing is-“
“Impeccable. Given we’ve got dos pudíns velludos (two hairy puddings).” Frankie kisses her cheek and she tries to hold in her laughter, it makes her stomach and pelvis hurt.
“Do not call our sons hairy puddings. Also, all that hair is from both of us, though it looks like you spat them out.”
“I love them already so they have their nicknames like you do mi bizcochito. You’ll just have to live with it.”
“That’s all I’ve wanted Frankie it wasn’t quite in the order I thought but we’re in this together. I have all of you like you have all of me.”
A night like many to come where they dose off to sleep in each others’ arms and are awakened by one or both of their son’s crying. It’s alright because they work as a team to change, feed and burp them before reading various books. From Dr. Seuss to flight manuals they would impart pieces of themselves onto their children.
There were turns, trips, stumbles and misunderstandings but Frankie and Belinda proved that in spite of their differences and fears, the pieces could be put together to make them a family. Plus two.
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VII - Eyes
Fans of the hairy puddings (Code name: R&R) 🍼🍼
@yorksgirl @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @guelyury
@bitchwitch1981 @katw474 @rosecentaur1916 @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @trulybetty
@maggiemayhemnj @schnarfer @rav3n-pascal22 @bishtrouille @alltheotps
@pedroshotwifey @readingiskeepingmegoing
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rukia-writes · 1 year
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Dad! Poseidon x mom!(fem) reader
I love modern au’s ♥️ I hope you enjoy 🥹
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“And with our hearts combine we can save the planet!”
It was a quiet and fun Saturday morning in the city’s amusement park, and the park was a buzz with a new visitor. “Princess Sailor” was visiting and of course the popular television series drew a crowd of young girls. Waiting in line was a rather handsome dad who agreed to take his daughter to see the famous “Princess Sailor.” Plus, all money went to saving the oceans and he really liked that.
“Hearts combine! Hearts combine!”
Two young girls did the pose together as they were excited to see their idols, unfortunately the girl’s mother couldn’t be there as she was away on a business trip. This was another reason that the handsome dad brought his daughter to see her idol.
“Daddy! Will you do the pose with me?”
“…I have to take the picture.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take it for you little brother.”
The little girls uncle cheerfully did the pose making her smile as his daughter wanted to take a picture with her father as well. Sighing the father agreed to do so, which made his daughter happy as she jumped for joy. Soon enough, the line had moved and now the father was relieved they would be able to leave soon, however when he noticed that his daughter was hiding behind his leg he knew something was up.
“What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy to see the sailor princess?”
“…It’s princess sailor and …noo.”
“Why not?”
While hiding still the young girl whispered something about how scary the Princess Sailor was, Poseidon figured this would happen. Chuckling, Poseidon heard his brother Hades mention he how Poseidon didn’t like the robot costume person when he was little.
Poseidon could see the reason why his daughter would be scared, the costume was always a bit off putting.
“Next! Oh, what cute little girls! You can get on the stage and take a picture.”
While Hades’ daughter was already on stage ready to take the picture, the lady in the full costume thought to herself it was a first to see a young girl ready to take the picture as they usually cry when they see her in the costume. Poseidon’s daughter was still hiding behind her father’s leg on the verge crying, however Poseidon gently picked up his daughter and placed her on stage and even though he didn’t want to do the pose Poseidon loved his daughter very much and did the pose as the Princess sailor and Hades daughter also did the pose as Hades took the picture.
The picture turned out to be great as Hades took several picture with everyone smiling except Poseidon, actually if one looked close at the picture Poseidon had a small smile on his face. Hades wanted to make copies while Poseidon refused at first he did want to give his wife pictures.
Later that day, (Name) was still on her business trip but she was able to have a little break and of course she saw the pictures Poseidon sent her. A warm smile crept on her face when she saw her husband and daughter happily doing the pose, it was an adorable sight that (Name) would never forget and quickly saving all the photos in her phone.
Of course, (Name) received a FaceTime message from Poseidon. Answering it, (Name) saw her daughter with a heart shaped hair clip and stickers on her face. The two talked for a bit with the two doing the “Hearts combine!” Pose, until (Name) saw Poseidon with stickers on his face that his daughter placed on him and even a matching hair clip.
“You look so pretty, husband.”
“I put the stickers on his face, doesn’t dad look nice.”
“I think he looks great.”
“Well, we’ll see you tomorrow and you can have your share of stickers.”
Poseidon responded back calmly as he remembered his daughter had more stickers ready for use, Poseidon could tell his wife didn’t seem to thrilled about the stickers but the three said good bye with the hearts combine pose.
(Name) considered herself lucky to have a loyal husband and sweet daughter.
The next day, (Name) returned home to see the two watching Princess sailor on television.
“And now our hearts are one.”
Poseidon and (Name) heard their daughter happily state as she placed their hands together. The sweet gesture made the parents smile and the small family finished watching the show together as a family.
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“Don’t forget to get the new Princess sailor outfit! All the money goes towards our happy sea friends!”
“Daddy! I want that!”
The next day a new outfit was available for purchase with all the funds going towards the oceans, (Name) figured Poseidon would say no as this was third outfit this month.
“I will get it for you.”
Taken back (Name) watched as her husband ordered the outfit for his daughter, even had it on express delivery. (Name) wasn’t for sure if her husband was doing for it their daughter or the sea animals.
“Honey, she hasn’t worn her last Princess sailor outfit.”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s fine”, was code for Poseidon saw nothing wrong with spoiling his daughter the sea animals were a bonus. (Name) didn’t object as she knew arguing with her husband was like arguing with a wall.
“Well, I want a new outfit. For Christmas.”
“….The one from last year is fine.”
Poseidon knew what his wife meant by outfit and had already passed judgement. Despite (Name) sweet pleas Poseidon kept his stance, until Poseidon muttered he would ask Santa.
Which meant (Name) would get the outfit she wanted as well, kissing Poseidon’s cheek (Name) thanked her husband while their daughter kissed her father on the other side of his cheek as the family relaxed on the couch.
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elvendria · 1 year
NOTICING YOU - e.m x fem reader Part Three
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tw: Reader is a cynic who doesn't believe in love, Claudia Henderson isn't the best :/ (is that a trigger? idk.), big sister acts like a parent, smoking, insomniac (??kinda if you squint??), swearing, jealous!Eddie (if you squint), pet names
word count: 4710
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven
"So, were you able to get through to someone to get your car fixed?" Mom asked. I told her the conversation I had over the phone with Eddie and explained that he'd be here first thing in the morning to collect the car and take it to the shop. 
"First thing? But they're always swamped with cars on a Saturday. I thought you wouldn't get seen till Sunday, Monday at the latest." Mom said. 
"Same here," I attempted to stifle a yawn but failed. "I've to be up early so uh... goodnight." I turned around and walked away.
I was never close with Mom, and then things kicked off with Dad. 
I guess it was then I realised I wasn't as close with either of my parents as I had thought.
I padded down the hall towards Dustin's room in my bare feet, the feeling of the cool wood underneath my feet relaxing me with each step. I passed by my room to see Tews sitting on my bed cleaning herself. I hate that cat and I have no idea why my mom loves it so much. 
That's not to say all cats are bad, I just don't like this particular cat. 
Knocking on Dustin's bedroom, I waited to hear him say "It's open," before opening it slightly and sticking my head around the door. 
"Goodnight boys," I smiled at them, all gathered around together talking about god knows what.
 Mike, Will and Lucas will always feel like little brothers to me, I've known them so long. It felt weird seeing them as a trio, and a part of me missed seeing Will around the place. I hope he's happy in California. 
"Night Y/n!" 
"Thanks for letting us stay over!"
"Sleep. Soon." I said pointedly, "Just because you're in high school now does not mean you are to be up all night. You'll just end up being super tired tomorrow."
"But can't we just have-" Dustin started. 
"Dustin the last time you had coffee you went nuts. Not happening again under my watch." I said, leaving the room
"Technically we're under Mom's watch," He mumbled back defeatedly. 
I stuck my head back around the door, giving him a look that blatantly said 'Really? Moms' watch? Have you ever even met our mother?' before he groaned causing me to laugh as I exited the room. 
Sometimes I love to play the authoritative big sister card just to mess with him, it can really piss him off. 
I didn't know how what time 'first thing' was, I'm grateful and all but couldn't he be a bit more specific? Either way, I was going to need to get to sleep so I could wake up early. I set my alarm for 7:30 am, which isn't even a time that should exist on a Saturday morning, so I could get up and be ready for when he calls. I had switched off the handbrake and managed to push the car till it was outside my house. Could've done with Robin's freakishly strong arms but she had her Family Video shift, plus I'm fairly sure I earned a few muscles of my own. 
Changing into a pair of old biker shorts and an oversized misfits t-shirt, I crawled into my bed and lay on my side, willing sleep to come, but my head was so full of thoughts it was like there was no switching it off. I lay like that until I could hear everyone in bed, and the faint sound of my mother's snoring echoed through the halls. 
When I was certain that she was asleep, I snuck out of the house and sat on the swing bench on our porch, curling my knees up to my chest underneath my shirt and resting my head on them. 
There was something about the nighttime, the way the town went silent. As a kid, I used to believe that because it was so quiet, everyone would be able to hear the slightest noise you make. On nights like these, I sometimes wonder the same thing. 
Except now I know about science and the speed of sound, so the idea is a complete fantasy. 
Sitting on the bench, lighting up a cigarette from my stash that kept my hands slightly warm. I looked out at the sky, not seeing a single star. Not seeing anything but the faint glow of the street lamps from down the road. There was a faint breeze that wrapped around my ankles now and again, but other than that it was a warm night, unusually warm for October. 
I sat there until I could see orange streaks beginning to paint the sky. So much for trying to get some sleep. I unfolded myself from the swing and walked to my room, careful not to wake anyone. Checking my alarm clock, I saw that it was 7 am. I could try and get a 30-minute nap in but knowing me, I'd sleep past my alarm. 
I took a shower, scrubbing the smell of the night air off my skin. I wanted to stay in the shower, to feel the steam rise around me, but I didn't have the time. I turned off the water, wrapped my hair and body in a towel, and then made my way to my room to start getting ready. 
I debated drying my hair but decided I wasn't in the mood to deal with the frizz today (I never am). Pulling on a low-cropped white shirt, black ripped jeans and combat boots, I got changed and grabbed some cereal before sitting on the couch and reading. By the time Eddie pulled up, my hair was almost dry but still damp in places. 
The doorbell rang and I looked at my mother, not surprised to find her fawning over that stupid cat once again. I got up and answered the door, a part of me freaking out before remembering why he was here.
"Hi," I said quietly, fear washing over me as I suddenly realised this was my first time talking to Eddie, face to face. 
"Hey," he replied equally as sheepish. Was something wrong? Had I done something?
His eyes moved down towards my exposed waistline, and I desperately wanted to grab a hoodie to cover up.
He must've found the shitty brown carpet very fascinating because he couldn't seem to look away from it. "So the truck is parked out front, I've hooked your car up to it and everything, I just need you to come down to the shop to fill out some stuff." He told me. I figured I'd have to go to the mechanics at some stage today, I just didn't think it would be so soon.
"Do you want a coffee or something before we go?" I pointed my thumb towards the kitchen, the mannerisms that my grandmother drilled into me coming into play again. He looked up, our eyes holding each other and suddenly I felt like there was a magnetic in each of his eyes, drawing me in closer. 
From where we were standing you could see beside the kitchen, where my mom was sitting there, talking to Tews like it was a human baby. 
"Uhm, maybe some other time?" He said, suppressing a grin.
"Yeah sure," 
Had I just 'yeah sure' d the idea of coffee with Eddie Munson? 
"I'll grab my mom's car keys, just hang on two seconds." I turned towards the living room where my Mom was sitting, combing the cat with an old comb of mine. 
"Um, there's room up the front of the truck if you want to ride up there with me?" He asked me, "It might be a bit easier." 
I turned one more time to look at my mother, who was now singing lullabies to this freaky cat before agreeing.
God, I miss Mews. Now that was a cat who did not like to be coddled.
Just as I was about to pull the door behind me, my mother called out. "Remember you're trying on dresses for homecoming this afternoon! We'd better hurry or all the good ones will be sold out!" 
My heart dropped and I wanted to strangle her. I prayed to whoever was up there that Eddie hadn't heard her.
I threw my book bag over my shoulder, I never liked to leave home without it. He opened the car door for me and waited till I was in okay before running to check that everything was hooked up properly. While I was waiting for him, I sat noticing all the little details in it. Things like his pack of cigarettes and a lighter, or a few jumbled-up mix-tapes sitting in the glove box and in the pockets on the driver-side door. A black bandana was thrown across the dashboard, most likely the one that Eddie carries around all the time. 
What surprised me most was the pack of hair ties hidden underneath his rolling papers. Although I guess when you have as much hair as he does and work as a mechanic, tying it up is more of an occupational precaution.
He opened his door and threw off his coat before jumping in. He grabbed a hair tie and pulled his hair back, and I tried my hardest not to look as every muscle in his arm flexed. Made all the more visible by his grey muscle shirt, his tattoos on full display.
"Buckled up?" He asked me, I nodded as I closed the seat belt around myself. He did the same and then started up the car. He drove with one hand on the wheel and another on the gear stick, right next to my knee. Every so often there'd be a bump in the road and his knuckles would graze against my jeans or my exposed knee, sending off shocks from where he touched me. 
The silence was deafening, the only noise coming from the metal music on his radio. It was a bunch of different bands which made me think it was a mix-tape. I was going to say something, compliment the music, but Eddie beat me to the punch before I could open my mouth. 
"So, you're going to homecoming?" His eyes were fixed straight ahead on the road. There was a tone to his words that I couldn't quite decipher, almost nervous.
"Um. Yeah," I fidgeted with my hands in my lap. "last year and all that, figured I'd see what all the fuss was about while I still can."
"And uh," His grip on the steering wheel tightened, his eyes unwavering from the road ahead, "and do you have a date?"
My chest tightened and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe given the thickness of the air around us. 
"No, it's just me and Robin," I said lowering my head, suddenly very fascinated by my hands, "We'll probably both just sit on the bleachers till 10 pm before figuring out some way home."
"Good," he muttered quietly, almost as if he didn't want me to hear him. I had so many questions, but a few stuck out in my mind. 
 Was he happy I wasn't bringing a date? Or that I wouldn't be dancing?
"Are you going?" Why had I asked that? 
"No, it's uh," He chuckled slightly, "Not really my scene,"
I don't know why my blood felt cold and my heart sank as he said this, but they did. 
 Master of Puppets by Metallica came on, and I started tapping my foot quietly, letting the questions and feelings fade with every strum of the guitar. Dad hated this song, but I always thought it was a good one. Hearing it again after so long caused goosebumps to make their way across my skin.
"Come Crawling Faster,"
I thought I was singing under my breath, but that last line came out louder than expected. I sat there and prayed he hadn't heard me. 
"Obey Your Master," He sang back, a smirk plastered on his face. 
His voice sent tingles down my spine and makes the hair on my arms stand upright, leaving me with goosebumps all over my skin. He was so close to me that I was almost certain he could feel the tension rising within me. 
He looked like he was going to say something, but then we turned onto the gravel path leading up to the mechanics, and the moment was gone.
Why does he make me feel like this, it's not like I have a crush on him or anything. Crushes are for girls in middle school and people with their heads in the clouds.
Maybe it was just because he was helping me out with the car. Yeah, people find plumbers and firefighters hot all the time, it's just because they're providing a service. 
Not that I find Eddie hot. I mean he is very attractive, and when he stretches his arms it makes me feel all weird inside, but I am most certainly not attracted to Eddie. 
The truck came to a halt outside the workshop. Eddie jumped out of the truck and rushed around to my side just as I was opening the door. 
"Here, it's a bit of a step-down. I'll give you a hand." He said. I swung both of my feet out as he held the back of my arm with his large hand, and I would've been fine. 
But I'm me, and I have to fill my daily awkward quota.
I started to climb down, my back to Eddie as I side-stepped out of the van, the coldness of his rings sending mini shockwaves from where he held my arm and wrist when my ankle went from under me, making me fall sideways. 
I squinted my eyes, sure that I was going to hit the pavement. An absolute goner that was going to end up in the hospital before dying of pure embarrassment. But the ground never came to meet me. 
Instead, I was pulled tight against something, a pair of arms wrapped around my back and legs. It felt like all the breath had left my body, and a strong smell of cigarettes and sandalwood filled my nose. 
I opened my eyes as Eddie gripped me to his chest, looking down at me as he held me bridal style. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as his dark orbs explored my face. 
I don't know if he did it on purpose or not, but he rubbed his finger in circles across my knee where his hand gripped my leg. The air felt electric, almost as if it could shock us both if we moved. His arm was on my back and I was glad it wasn't a few inches lower.
I was almost certain his dark eyes flickered down to my lips and lingered for a second, before quickly returning to look me in the eye. 
We looked at each other in silence. I felt his hot breath fan my face and caught the smell of mint.  I was almost certain he was going to say something, but he just cleared his throat.
"Are you okay?" He said at the same time as me. 
"Oh uh. I'm okay." I stammered through my words, "Thank you." 
We looked at each other again, and a small part of me didn't want him to put me down, but that idea was quickly erased from my mind when Eddie cleared his throat again, gradually lowering me till I was on my feet. I could tell that the awkwardness I was feeling was mutual as we both shuffled our feet.
The workshop was on the other side of town, it was a long walk home without the car, and I didn't want to trouble Eddie with driving me home. But it was like he was reading my mind because the next thing he said was, 
"You should come in and sit down," He motioned to the desk and chair beside him, piled high with paperwork. "It's supposed to rain on and off all day. I'll drive you home after I take a look at this baby." He unhooks the car from the truck before pushing it into the shop.
"Oh, thanks. You don't have to." I replied, moving towards the desk and placing down my book bag,  desperate to keep the nerves out of my voice.
"My pleasure." He smiled.
 He bent into the driver's side, fiddling for something. 
"Oh, there's a knack for popping the hood,  here I can-" I started, but before I could finish he had done it, a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. 
Eddie looked at me, and suddenly the concrete floor became very interesting, "Just a bit of pressure and some elbow grease should do the trick." He says, climbing back out of the car. 
He opens up the hood and takes a look as I sit down and place my bag on my lap. I want to ask if he minds me doing homework, but I don't want to look like I'm ignoring him or being rude.  
"Ok so, " he started, and I suddenly felt a drop in my stomach. What if my baby was fucked, and I could never drive her again? What if all she was good for anymore was spare parts? I was so worked up about never being able to drive my girl again that I completely forgot about the guy inspecting her. 
My freak out must've been clear on my face because Eddie's face became very soft and gentle, 
"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry, it's only a faulty spark plug and wire casings. You're alignments a bit off and your transmission is failing, but it's nothing I can't fix for you. There are some other things here and there that I'll need to get some parts for, and no offence but your car is an older model so it might take a while to get them all." He gave me a small smile, easing my nerves slightly. Eddie sounded like he knew what he was doing, so clearly he did. Right? 
"I'll be honest, none of that makes sense," I said, as he walks around and pulls out the chair for me. He's surprisingly chivalrous, opening car doors and pulling out chairs. I don't know what I expected him to be like, but it wasn't this. "I don't think she's ever been looked at after Dad renovated her." I sat in the chair and wonder why I ever thought my dad was a reliable person as Eddie walks into what I assume is a storage closet. 
"Here," he says, handing me a radio and a box of tapes that were just around, "Pick out some music, I wanna see what you choose." He had put the car on a lift earlier and was in the process of raising her, a skateboard and toolbox beside him. Once he was happy she was at a reasonable height he dropped to his knees beside the board, then flipped himself over so he was lying flat against it, using it to push himself under the car. 
I was flicking through the mix tapes he had when one stood out to me. Dad used to play it for Dustin as a kid, which in hindsight seems a bit weird but at the time it made him laugh and dance like crazy. 
Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions started to echo around the building, and I hesitantly pulled out my economics textbook and attempted to try and understand this nonsense they tried to teach us, while Eddie just silently bopped his foot along to the tempo. 
Silence passed between us as I attempted to do homework and Eddie tried to fix my car, the only sound surrounding us being the music from Eddie's radio. Once homework was completed I started on a piano lesson plan for Joanna Kelly, a girl who lived down the street from us, I gave her parents a discount given how nice they were to myself and Dustin growing up. 
When that was over, I slyly pulled out a math notebook and began to work out my expenses. Eddie could try and sugarcoat it as much as he wants, but I knew this service wasn't going to be cheap. I mean, needing to get replacement parts? It's got to cost at least $2000+, which is definitely more than I make teaching kids how to play twinkle twinkle and three blind mice. I'd landed a job over the summer at the Hawkins Hypnotic Record Store, but only as a way to save up for college.
Now I'll have to apply for scholarships if I want any hope of getting into somewhere decent. That meant taking on more extracurriculars and writing a killer college essay. 
Ms Kelly had advertised on the intercom the other week about finding someone to help out in the front office for extra credit. Looks like I was going to be taking her up on it.
 I'm barely going to have time to breathe let alone sleep. 
Listening to Eddie banging and crashing around the car had me nervous, but only a small bit. Eddie knew what he was doing, his uncle didn't seem like the kind of guy to give Eddie a job based on familial connections. 
Suddenly Eddie comes flying out from under the car, grease and oil covering his face and sweat glistening along his arms, his tattoos practically shining. 
I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts about how much this was going to cost me that I didn't even notice him talking to me. 
"Hey, Y/n?" He asked with a touch of confusion, "Hellooo?" 
My head snapped to look at him, his voice bringing me to my senses.
"Sorry, I was lost in my own mind. Worrying about stuff y'know?"
He rubbed the grease off his face with a cloth and a soft grin, his eyes closed. I took this moment to examine him a bit further. He looked like he had strong arms, and his tattoos were kinda impressive and cool. I heard he paid his friend a 3 months supply of weed, and they did them with a pin and some type of ink. 
But I don't know if any of that is real.
"What does a pretty girl like you have to be worrying about?" 
Pretty girl.
The words bounced around my stomach before settling between my thighs. I squeezed them together as if on instinct, the words rolling over my skin like waves.
I remained silent, not too sure how to answer that, my mind was blank as I tried to ignore the sudden throbbing I felt.
A few moments pass by and Eddie sits up and looks at me, his hair coming loose from the hair tie.
"Hey, could you pass me the wrench? It's on the counter over there, it's the one with the round-"
"I know what a wrench looks like Eddie, I'll grab it now," I said shuffling around to the counter to look for it, silently loving the way his name felt on my tongue
5, maybe 6 minutes pass, and I've no luck. I had handed him a wrench, but apparently, it wasn't the right wrench. So now I was back staring at a workspace full of stupid tools with stupid names. 
I hadn't even heard Eddie come up behind me until I felt his breath. 
"Here, let me help" He spoke softly, "It's the least I can do,"
I wanted to tell him that he was fixing my car, and it was the least I  could do to find the stupid wrench when suddenly his hand was on my waist as he moved to step beside me. His fingertips brushed off me like tiny flames searing into the exposed skin, and I knew what was coming next.
I tried to resist it, believe me. But I can't help it. I've never been able to, it's my number one weakness. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as I braced myself.
His fingers trailed along the base of my back. I managed to suppress the moan, but that was about it. Like always I arched my back and jerked sideways in a fit of the most unattractive laughs you can picture. 
Eddie didn't have to pull his hand away, I had already squirmed from his grip as he looked at me stunned. A toothy grin formed on his face as he crossed his arms. 
"What was that?" He said laughing slightly.
Looking at him laugh made me laugh more. It was like someone flipped my giddy switch. I turned to the countertop and bent over on it, determined to catch my breath with my hands clasped behind my head. 
"Oh god," I said breathlessly, "I'm sorry, I just have a really ticklish back."
I couldn't see his face, but when he spoke he whispered, 
"Heh, yeah," He said lowly, "That's definitely a first. I'll try not and accidentally tickle you in the future." I felt like he was grinning, but I was too embarrassed now to even look him in the eye. 
I nearly made a potential sex noise in front of Eddie Munson. 
After a bit of silence, I hear him say "Found it, it was a torque wrench I was looking for, sorry for the confusion."
His voice had become very soft, and once again we were wrapped in silence, only now it wasn't uncomfortable.
As the day went on, and while I was fretting over how I was going to pay for my car and most of the house bills, a few people came in to drop off their cars, barely exchanging words with the guy classed as the town freak. Eddie didn't look too bothered as they tossed him their keys before turning on their heel and walking away, but something told me deep down it annoyed him.
But what could I do? I doubt he'd want any consolation from me, he barely knows me. 
"Well, from the looks of things, the repairs shouldn't take more than 3 to 4 weeks. Maybe 5." He told me, which downhearted me slightly, I mean a whole month without my car? Maybe more? That was a whole month getting the bus to school, adding an extra touch of hell onto the day. 
"Oh, okay. Would you be able to give me a rough idea of the price? It's ok if you can't, I really appreciate you doing this for me." I gave him a slight smile and watched curiously as he looked to the ground and walked behind the counter. He almost looked nervous. 
"It's not going to be cheap, as you probably guessed, but luckily for you," He released a breath that sounded like he had been holding onto it for a while, resting his fist underneath his face "Flattery works with me." 
I gave a small chuckle, relieved that he was easing the tension. 
"I'll write up a docket next time you're here, we can sort something out then." He said calmly, moving to sit back in his chair. Meanwhile, my heart had started beating a mile a minute. 
"Next time I'm here?" I asked curiously
"Yeah, next time you're free and I'm working on your car. It's kind of nice to have someone around who appreciates good music," He was flipping through papers on the countertop, and I was praying he didn't look up anytime soon and see the mixture of surprise and confusion on my face. He looked at the clock on the wall behind him and I saw that I had spent the whole day here, and it was almost 9 pm. 
"C'mon it's getting late. Plus now you definitely can't walk home, it's too dark. My car is parked out front, I'll give you a lift." He pulled his keys off the rack and threw on his jacket that he took in from the back of the van earlier. 
"Um, thanks. Means a lot." And suddenly I was back to tripping over my words in front of him. 
He likes having me around?
He appreciates my music taste? 
Edward Munson, what are you doing to me?
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven
49 notes · View notes
blueberry-beanie · 8 months
Visiting Munich & Die Anstalt
8th October - 10th October 2023
A very, very long story about my first ever visit to Munich to see my favourite satire show Die Anstalt. Features long walks through the city, museum visits, Schloss Nymphenburg and its huge garden and a tale about being in the show's audience and meeting Claus. Many photos included. Bonus anxiety and Deutsche Bahn content. The text was written while I was still in Munich or on my way home.
Saturday, 7th Oct 2023: Packing and Heart Attacks
To say that I've been looking forward to going to Munich doesn't quite cut it. When I was still in school years ago, I used to joke that I'd move to Munich, just because it was so far away. I've actually never visited or even passed by - until today. And now the city feels just a bit more special because of the reason for my visit: I'm going to be in the live audience of one of my favourite satire shows, Die Anstalt. But that will be tomorrow. Before I can tell anything about today, I should probably mention what was going on yesterday, though.
Yesterday I posted a drawing of one of the hosts of Die Anstalt, Claus von Wagner. I was really nervous about it because I thought it's not good enough or maybe I'm really bothering him. On top of that I wrote quite a heartfelt caption and was anxious about that the whole time. Good thing I finished all important tasks before posting, because afterwards I was too nervous about everything: The drawing, the journey, the unknown city and of course going to the show. I barely started packing my bag and didn't eat for the whole day when I suddenly got a notification about a new message.
Needless to say my heart dropped and I actually didn't know what to do and sat down on the carpet. And yes, he shared my story and cheekily attached a little timer until the next show. I temporarily forgot how selecting emotions works and felt everything at once. N and I then later discussed why there was no like on the actual post (there wasn't one the last time either), when suddenly he also liked the post half an hour after he shared the story. I didn't care that this whole thing had only a handful of notes, he liked it and that's all the joy I needed.
Sunday, 8th Oct 2023: First Time In Munich
Unfortunately I had a bit too many emotions and it all got quite late - so it was difficult for me to actually wake up today morning. It definitely got better when I was greeted by Claus' very dorky "go vote" Instagram post. Later I discovered that he deleted yesterday's story in favour of election day. Hm, interesting. But I guess it's valid considering the important and serious topic of today's election in Hessen and Bayern.
The train journey started with buckets of rain, my new cleaned & repaired backpack and actually no problems at all until I got into the actual train to Munich. It turned out that seating reservations being displayed in the train was optional today. So I tried to be a decent person and just let the happy couple sit on my seat and went to find another seemingly unoccupied seat next to some guy. Unfortunately it later turned out to be occupied - so I had to go and get my own reserved seat. The train was very full so the strategy of sitting down somewhere else didn't work out anymore. I had a rather unfortunate conversation with the woman in my seat and felt quite bad afterwards. On the plus side, I had dug out an one hour long talk about childhood books with Claus yesterday and so I had the best time listening to this in the train. He's very nerdy and lovely and it was so entertaining to hear about his childhood adventures, teachers, hometown and about how he reads books occasionally with a Merkel voice to his daughter.
When the train finally arrived in München Hauptbahnhof it was an odd feeling to step outside. Like it has been a long time coming until I would finally arrive here. My first impression of Munich wasn't the best. The train station looked old and was being renovated. I stepped outside to look for the vegan restaurant I had saved in my plans, only to get lost in a rather spooky part of town and stand in front of closed doors. So I decided since it was already almost 2pm that I could go and check into the hostel nearby. That proved no problem and I relaxed for a bit in a rather nice five-bed room with a window into the inner courtyard. Knowing that it's not that easy to find food in Germany on Sundays, I ate some of the food I brought with me and then set out for a walk.
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First I went to the old botanical garden, which was quite small, crowded with a group of cyclists and police with dogs and overall not very nice. Then I saw the first interesting building that turned out to be Landgericht München. From there I walked into the direction of the obelisk of king Ludwig I. I had an one-euro-ticket for the Alte Pinakothek, an art museum, so that's where I went. Somehow they are very strict there. No jacket, no hand bag, wear your bracelet and don't dare coming close to the paintings (which are already protected by glass). So I got stopped by a guard at some point, which has never happened to me before. Oops. But on the plus side I saw some cool art, for example the self portrait of Dürer, some cool Dutch portraiture, Manet, a little bit of Caspar David Friedrich (though Hamburg has a much bigger collection) and even the old friend Canaletto, whose paintings are always so recognisable, was there. Also they had quite some stuff by Rubens, Delacroix and even a few paintings by Van Gogh.
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I didn't spend a lot of time there though and started walking into the direction of Odeonsplatz. Partly because there is the garden of the Residenz palace, but also because there has been this huge demonstration on the 4th October where both Max and Claus participated. I thought it would be fun to visit the place that I've seen many photos and videos of. Upon arrival I immediately understood how 35.000 people fit there - it's massive. The gardens nearby were small but beautiful, with a round Diana Temple in the middle. A lovely lady played the violin in there and gave the garden such a peaceful vibe.
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Where to go next? I decided to visit the park near the Maximilianeum, where the Bavarian parliament is situated. So I walked past the huge impressive building of the Bayerische Staatskanzlei with it's huge wings of glass. Then I walked past two impressive buildings belonging to the government of Oberbayern and the museum of five continents towards a bridge over the river Isar. Unlike rivers in north Germany this one is very clear, which is probably because its proximity to the mountains the rocky ground.
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The Maximilianeum is a big round building just by the river and I felt more and more as if Bavaria is truly its own little country because of all these monumental buildings. The park was very lovely, but I couldn't explore it fully because it was getting late and my feet were starting to protest along with my shoulders. So I turned around to cross the river at the Friedensengel statue and go back into the direction of Odeonsplatz. On my way I passed by more museums and theatres until I arrived at the tiny park behind the Staatskanzlei and crossed the palace garden again.
At the Odeonsplatz I took a turn into the Theatinerstraße. Suddenly there were many people. It's the center of Munich with fancy restaurants, bars and shops. I walked past the famous Frauenkirche and into the direction of Karlsplatz. Looking at all the people eating and drinking outside in the restaurants I realised I had almost no food at the hostel. So I looked for an affordable place where I could get something quickly and ended up eating a bit of noodles with tofu and veggies at the Karlsplatz. From there it was thankfully only a short trip back to the hostel, during which I listened to a voice message from my school friend Christina (the one I visited in Halle two weeks ago) who wished me lots of fun at Die Anstalt tomorrow.
At the hostel I was greeted by the most annoying shower ever (it turns itself off after ten seconds each time) and fell into bed. The other women in the room weren't very talkative and warned me that they'd get up at 4:30am and 6am respectively. Amazing then, I thought, and fell asleep like a stone at around 10pm. That was a good idea, because the night was loud and restless, but I slept through most of it and woke up in the morning refreshed and ready to go.
Monday, 9th Oct 2023: Palaces and Recreation
Today I woke up at around seven and stayed in bed comfortably until my roommates were done with everything. I got myself ready, ate the last of the food I brought with me and headed out to Schloss Nymphenburg via Tram line 17. It was easy to find and the tram took me right to the palace. Now I've seen some cool palaces in Vienna and London, but this one is truly impressive. It's so wide and the road leading up to it has a canal with huge fishes and some ducks. It's a white building with two huge wings, each of them with a clock tower.
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Inside it was a bit awkward at first because there weren't many visitors at half past nine on a monday morning, and it felt like there were more security guards than visitors. The very first room is immediately the most breathtaking: a huge hall with the most beautiful ceiling and so many ornaments on the walls. The sense of wonder I felt while looking at all the extravagance was constantly accompanied by uneasiness. The amount of wealth needed to build this exceeds my imagination.
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How could anyone live in such a house? How were the people like who lived in such circumstances? How many people had to be exploited to achieve this kind of wealth? I think it's very useful to keep these magnificent places for future generations to enjoy and maybe use for some art and culture but that doesn't mean their existence sits entirely right with me.
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The part of the palace that is publicly open is thankfully not as huge as the palace itself. So after a short while I walked out into the gardens. And if the interior was impressive, the accompanying park is what truly made my day. It is so huge that you can forget you are in a city at all. Its size and the forest and field part reminded me a lot of Hampstead Heath in London, but the massive canal with the fountains in the middle is definitely more like the gardens I saw in Vienna, just even bigger.
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The fun thing about this park is that it's publicly accessible, so people go on walks in groups or go for a run alone, go birdwatching or take their dog out. If you have a ticket like me though, you are allowed into the smaller buildings in the park. As if the massive main palace wasn't big enough, they also had smaller little summer houses there. The first I visited was inspired by Chinese art and adorned with porcelain tiles.
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Then I walked past cascading waterfalls over a bridge to the temple of Apollo, which is set so beautifully at the pond among the trees. Honestly, the whole time I wished I had a horse to ride around in the park since that is clearly what it was meant for. I walked past a beautiful little fountain with a statue of Pan towards the Badenburg. This little house had a huge swimming pool inside that you can look at from a gallery, absolutely insane. I can't imagine how all of this was like when it was still used as it was intended. From there I saw the garden of the little princes with a hut that looks as if it will grow chicken's feet any minute and turn around.
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One of the highlights came in the end: The Marstallmuseum with the carriages, sleighs and everything else that belonged to the royal mews, including two taxidermied horses. I've never seen so many carriages of such colossal and eye-wateringly extravagant quality in one place and I'm wondering how anyone would drive around in these at all. The sleighs looked more like pieces of art than vehicles and the saddles and bits were all so ornamented and beautiful. As a horse-girl I'd be scared to ride on one of these. But please send me my fave horsey Püppi for a turn in the park, thank you.
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When the visit was over it was already half past twelve and I was starving. So I went back to the center and got lost in the absolute maze of the U-Bahn underneath the central station until I finally found the right one that took me two stations further to a vegan Döner place, where I had some lasagna. A good opportunity to buy some groceries (and getting lost once again, I have a talent) before going back to the hostel because my feet were killing me.
Overall I'm starting to get the appeal of this city. I'm sure there are many beautiful places to visit here. I like it much more than Berlin so far and I think if I stayed longer I'd get to know many more cool areas. Too bad that this doesn't matter much, because Munich is the most expensive German city. It's near impossible to find anything here even if you wanted to. Looking at how adventurous it is to get a place in Berlin or Hamburg already… no. But I'd definitely love to visit more often to get to know the place better. Now I'm resting in the hostel and slowly getting very nervous becaur it's almost Monday evening. The Monday evening of all evenings I've waited for during these last five months. It's time to visit Die Anstalt.
Monday, 9th Oct 2023: Die Anstalt
I didn't get too much rest because at around half past four the levels of anxiety had risen to such amounts that I jumped up and went for a very short and hectic walk. Then it was already time to get myself ready. I hid the three fancy chocolate bars I had brought from my university town in my handbag inside a black piece of fabric. This way nobody would see them when checking my bag. I didn't believe I would have the opportunity to hand out any chocolate to anyone, but I'll be damned not to try. Since I already can't bring cake to the studio. (There is a very old interview with Claus in which he talks about loving all kinds of cake "If there was cake on the table right now I'd be eating it and I wouldn't be talking to you. Where is the cake? Cake!") Then it was time to leave for the U-Bahn line 1. I was so nervous that even hours after everything would hurt from being tensed up. At some point I had to change to Tram line 25 in the direction of Grünwald, where the Bavaria Film Studios are situated. As expected, it's a rather fancy part of town with big houses and neat gardens. When we arrived at the studios, there were some more visitors heading in the same direction and I had a short talk with two people who also didn't quite know where to go. Thankfully the Anstalt team had set up signs with arrows leading us around the entire fenced off area to the very back. There some friendly people greeted us and directed us to the right building - studio six which I already knew the look of from several past episodes.
And we were not alone! Already a crowd had assembled outside the entrance tent. I didn't linger outside, although I saw today's guests, the duo Das Geld liegt auf der Fensterbank, Marie standing there. Instead I went inside to the queue that was very small still. I left my coat at the cloakroom they set up there and now it was time to wait a bit. After a while a big guy with a grey beard, who actually reminded me of someone I've seen at Die Anstalt, humorously asked us who was here for the first time and explained to leave all jackets here because it's warm inside and to use the restrooms now because there are none in the studio. Then he said, "Alright, let me check if Max and Claus are ready and then we can start." Shortly after we had a security check and were let inside.
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The studio looked smaller and bigger than on TV at the same time. There were some chairs, but they were all reserved for special guests, as was the 2nd row behind us. So the two couples who queued next to me sat on both of my sides. The woman to my left quickly started a conversation with me about the show and her daughter who studies something like graphic 3D design and about all sorts of things. We figured out that she and her husband had been watching the show for many years and she was surprised I only started this year - and still seemed to know about all the lore. She even remembered the interview of Claus when he went hiking in the mountains with some guy - an interview I know exists but could never listen to because it's no longer online. We got excited about the little details on the set with a living room area, a court room and - of course! - a whiteboard hidden in the left corner. The reserved seats were filled in the last moment by late arrivals and by people from the back - and then it all started.
The following part I translated, because I wrote it down the same evening in German:
Claus was the first to enter the stage before everything started. He appeared to greet us and to raise our mood a bit. He did... not look too amazing - and that was on purpose. Today he was, as the woman next to me said later, a slimy AfD-politician in a bad suit and with a horrible hair style. But he was there and it was really him. It felt surreal to suddenly see him talking and gesturing, making jokes just in front of me. The same voice, the same smile. I was fascinated by the very fact he was suddenly at the same place as me and cursed the TV-cameras that sometimes obscured our view.
He started asking about who came from Munich and who ("that's the more interesting question!") came from the furthest place. Someone actually travelled all the way from Schleswig-Holstein and they got well-deserved applause. Then he started retelling the old joke about Munich being too clean and the Rats visiting the P1 instead. And the story about the parcel shop he already told at the demonstration. Apparently the joke ended with "Please nobody tell him about Deutsche Bahn, or they will want to overthrow the country." Suddenly Max appeared to a lot of applause - because he wore a Greek philosopher costume with a ridiculous wig and beard today and made us guess what it meant. Correct - it was an allegory for Democracy. He also retold his joke from the Demonstration about why not housing refugees in the palaces and private jets of the rich.
They were telling us about how the show would go. There would be two cuts ("Then we have a bit more time to change. We used to be live-live before the pandemic and only had one minute. That was a battle backstage, believe me. And since some of us are already a bit older...", Claus said, leaning on Max and grinning.) Claus also urged us to turn off our phones, not just mute them "but really truly turning them off". Of course I did that, too. And the people in front of the court practiced to get up when the judge would arrive and were praised for their services. In the end they started to introduce the guests. Das Geld liegt auf der Fensterbank, Marie (a duo "The money is on the windowsill, Marie") who had a long dialogue what annoyed him about her (so she can do it more often in the future). They also introduced Judith Richter ("We didn't just invite her because of her name!" Richter meaning judge in German) and Matthias Renger, who was there for the first time. At some point later Max said something about Claus' dance moves being horrible. Of course the dancer in question had to demonstrate a few moves, which was hillarious.
Then they prepared to start filming the episode. Everyone settled in the living room set and Claus held this stereotypical slate for all the cameras ("The director makes me do that every time and it never works out so well... That's unsettling to have all these cameras on me at once") and talked to the director . And then the scene started. Claus played the right wing AfD-politician Maximilian Krah, an absolute asshole. A disgusting guy who keeps hitting on everyone around him and lounges on the sofa like he owns the entire country. And drinks champagne. And hits Max straight into the eye. I really flinched, because the loud hitting sound effect and the sudden motion surprised me. Also that's not something you would ever expect from Claus.
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Both of them are great actors. Neither of them read their text from the screens or had a problem remembering something. Claus was being brilliantly horrible in his role. I don't think I've ever seen him act like a complete villain in this way, it was unsettling. During the scene at the court he constantly kept making suggestive comments to the judge and it was sometimes difficult to look at all of this. Please stop talking man, who are you, this is all horrible and I didn't think I'd have to hear such words from your mouth!
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Then he played the overtired Robert Habeck, first falling asleep on the sofa and then kneeling on the carpet with toy bricks. Did someone conceptualise this episode just so I'm alternating between staring, laughing and not being able to look at all of this? In the end they even had a whiteboard scene (of which I sadly didn't see much bc of the damn camera being in my way). There were two breaks indeed for poor Max to change his costume. He played Merz in one of the court scenes and it's so funny how he can resemble him and imitate all of his mannerisms and the voice so well. In the longer break they showed an excerpt from 2016 in which the AfD was a rather unpleasant and murderous baby in its crib. In the end they called on the audience to sign an online petition about making the Federal Institutional Court review a legal ban of the AfD. And then the episode was already over: "Das war die Anstalt!"
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Claus immediately tried messing up his horrible hairstyle as if he really didn't want to resemble that despicable AfD-politician in the slightest. But that wasn't the end of the story. First they bowed and had to come out two more times because we didn't stop clapping and cheering. And then a few apprehensive minutes passed. Would they come out once more? And there they were, both of them. And Max even walked straight up to us with a determined face. He was looking for friends and family in the second row behind us. He did not care much for anyone else, and it appeared he was somehow looking for his daughter? This is how I got to see Max up close, but not talk to him. Therefore I couldn't give him the chocolate. But over there, on the stage, there was Claus. And I knew I had to go there right now, otherwise he may disappear and I won't sleep in peace for the next few months. So I parted with my seat neighbours and shyly went up to the stage. At first he was talking to a woman and then it was time for him to join the others for a group photo on the sofa. That was a whole show by itself. He sat on the backrest and firstly made funny and happy faces, then tried being serious and in the end attempted his most seductive look. That wasn't enough, because he leaned forward too much at some point that he slipped down onto the seat behind the others. Everyone started laughing as he had to get back up on his feet again. Sometimes he's really like a little kid. Some of the visitors were actually taking photos with their phones and then disappeared. So after the photo most of the audience had already gone.
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But as the photo opportunity was over, Claus got up and walked to the left of the stage towards the backstage exit. I was scared that he would disappear in front of my eyes. But a woman came to the rescue and asked him for a photo. I just stood nearby and listened to the conversation about the show and about the AfD. They were discussing whether the courts could really be filled with right-wing judges and they also talked about the ban of NPD not working out years ago.
It was fascinating to listen to this, because of how knowledgeable he is and how he considers several view points in his arguments. About some things he admitted not knowing enough and needing to read about it first. He is a little waterfall, but so smart and thoughtful and also attentive to what the other person says. I was content to watch the conversation unfold in front of me and took in all the little details with his whole behaviour, intonation and gestures all being just as I know them from watching way too many videos. The biggest difference was how he looked like: He seemed smaller, more fragile and very tired. And still he was engaged in the conversation even more than this woman, despite looking like he needed a whole bar of chocolate and at least three days of sleep.
Then the producer made an announcement and asked all of us to be quiet because Max had to repeat a sentence which he somehow didn't say entirely correctly during the show. The three of us stood there together and Claus told us conspirationally "Ah yes, Herr Uthoff forgot his text again... happens all the time. And now this is particularly tricky because he has to repeat it with everyone looking at him." Max confidently repeated the short passage and Claus resumed his conversation with that woman. At some point I also chipped in, despite being really nervous about it. I said something about how satire shows seemingly unite to save our democracy at the moment with the ZDF Magazin Royale just having released two episodes about right wing extremists at the Frankfurt police.
It was really odd to suddenly have him looking me straight into the eyes. What do you mean he sees me and hears me and replies to what I said? Suddenly grammar and vocabulary were very abstract concepts. I have a general difficulty with looking into people's eyes, it is usually very challenging for me, but I really wanted to try. I knew how lucky I was to get to talk to him at all. Eventually the woman left and an older couple approached. The woman asked for a photo, but I offered to take a picture with both of them together with Claus which they gladly accepted and were really happy about it. They did not stay to talk for long and suddenly they also disappeared.
Now it was my turn to say something. I was very glad to have a reason at least. "Excuse me, may I also bother you for a few seconds? I brought something for you if that is ok." He had already kind of turned to go but agreed, "Oh, yes sure." So I got all three chocolate bars from my handbag and gave them to him. He thanked me and I remarked somehow that these are greetings from Sachsen. He was happy that there was some representation from Sachsen and assured me it is still valid, although I'm not actually from there. Then it dawned on him that all three bars are probably not for him and asked to whom else to give them. I said he can decide himself how he wants to distribute them. In response he cheekily hid two of the chocolates behind his back and joked that these will be for him only. I laughed and said that my friend (it was N!) had suggested to give all three of them to him, and he liked that idea very much. During the whole conversation he kept on shuffling them in his hands, a bit as if they were playing cards. Then he said more seriously that they will make up the main stash of sweets in the writers' room when conceptualising the next episode. I told him that I would have brought cake instead of chocolate if that was possible. The reaction to this statement was priceless. In this short moment I could see confusion about why suddenly cake is mentioned, then recognition that yes, it's something he likes indeed and again confusion about whether and how I could know this. He stammered something about "Ah yes, cake... yes, yes indeed", before he told me that Max apparently often brings all sorts of things to the writers room "but sadly not cake". Poor man, I would have brought an entire baking sheet of cake for him.
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I asked him afterwards if I may have a photo together and he immediately agreed. So I reached for my phone and realised it was still turned off! "Oh no, sorry! I listened to what you said and turned off my phone!" He laughed and pretended to be incredulous, "Someone listens to what I say?" I don't know what hit me, but I managed to look him in the eyes and reply in the same joking manner "Yes, of course! I always listen to what you say." "And now we have to wait for three long minutes until it finally turns on again," he quipped with a smirk. Some guy who had joined us in the meantime, saw his opportunity and said "Ah well, then I could quickly ask you something in the meantime!" Claus agreed and they started a conversation about whether forbidding the AfD is really the solution to the problem or rather suppressing the causes or making it worse. In the meantime my phone had turned on again and I just listened to their conversation.
Suddenly a woman called Claus in an impatient tone. Fair enough, around us the technicians and helpers were already taking away chairs and diassembling the equipment. Claus shouted back, "Sorry, sorry! We are still talking. It's my fault, I have been talking way too much again!" The conversation somehow shifted to his (right now nonexistent) solo tours and he said that he is in fact planning to do one. I immediately chipped in, "Oh really? I would love you to go on a solo tour, please!" He said that he actually likes being on the theatre stage much more than "down here" but he hasn't managed to write a program because of family, health and because he writes eight shows for Die Anstalt each year ("And I really write a lot for them!"). I reassured him that a solo tour would be amazing and that I would definitely come to see him. He thanked me and remembered that actually many people have said the same and he really plans on making it happen "before 2025".
The guy wanted to to take his leave and Claus already wanted to say bye, too ("Otherwise I will collapse soon"). But I stood there with wide eyes and my phone and panicked a bit and shyly started "Oh, and the-?" And he remembered about the photo, "Ah yes, of course." That guy offered to take the photo but I said no thanks, I'll manage. And then joked a bit about "at least, if my hands aren't shaking too much", which was true, I was really a bit shaky. But Claus immediately replied "Oh no, it's alright. My hands have been shaky earlier, too." I managed to take a photo and thanked him profusely, also for liking my post. I didn't specify which post, but he understood right away and realisation hit him: "Ohhh, so that was you with the drawing?" "Yes, that's me who has recently been bothering you with drawings on Instagram." "Thank you so much for the drawing. It's great! I wish I could draw, too!" And then it was really time for him to go and we said goodbye. I turned around and realised, that I was pretty much the only crazy person left in the studio and quickly went outside to fetch my coat.
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On my way back to the hostel I was still so full of adrenaline and my hands were still shaking. Everything was too much for me and I could not calm down until late at night at around 2am. Not only did I witness the show live, but I also had the huge luck to have met Claus. That I got to look him in the eyes and talk to him is more than I expected. And he even got the chocolate! Psst! I don't mind, you can eat all three of them. I won't tell, I promise. I am a bit worried and guilty about keeping him for so long and hope that the poor guy could get a lot of rest and cake and chocolate to recover. He really looked very tired, despite giving his everything for the show and for everyone who came to talk to him afterwards. I wish that I could have given him a big hug, but we are not at an EE concert where you can receive the prescribed eight hugs a day. That has never been a realistical wish anyway, and I know that very well. And it doesn't matter, because I got so much more than I dared to hope for and I am so thankful and happy.
Tuesday, 10th Oct 2023: A Final Day
Today I realised that I started to really like Munich. Maybe because it reminds me a bit of London. Not necessarily the Biergärten, but the impressive buildings, the wide roads and the wonderful parks. After three days I feel sad to leave this city behind. There are many beautiful things about Munich. In the morning I left around ten and made my way to the Münchener Stadtmuseum. First I got to see the beautiful Marienplatz with so many flowers and beautifully ornamented buildings. Then I got sidetracked a little and ended up at the famous Viktualienmarkt instead. It wasn't overcrowded in the morning and I got to eat an original Bavarian Brezel in the shade of a tree. The Viktualienmarkt has permanent stands with loads of different foods, but I also saw a plant shop and some shops selling souvenirs.
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Then it was time to visit the museum. For students the entrance fee was very cheap and for the money you can enter all exhibitions, not just the permanent one. I enjoyed the chronological permanent exhibition, though I feel like the later history was missing, as they stopped with the end of second world war. Then there was an exhibition about displaced people after the war - it was just one room though and I found the one with a similar topic in Bremen much more educational. I made the mistake to go upstairs to the exhibition of puppets. That was eerie as hell and I quickly got out of there. The reason I wanted to visit in the first place was a temporary exhibition about the rise of the NS party and their mechanisms of executing power. A very interesting, but also dark and scary exhibition, especially since right wing parties are on the rise again. Parts of the exhibition also overlapped with what we learned last semester in media history.
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After that I was quite happy to go outside into the sunshine again. Today was a very sunny and warm day, a perfect ending of a beautiful journey. First I got a smoothie and a banana at an overcrowded supermarket and then I made my way towards the Eisbachwelle, a permanent wave at a bridge in a huge park. Surfers are riding the wave with many spectators watching them. I kept walking to a place called the Monopteros that reminded me of the Apollo temple I'd seen yesterday. From there I had a wonderful view over the park and the city. I discovered afterwards that the Chinese tower was actually in a beer garden (of course) and slowly started to make my way back.
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I passed by the house of arts with a certain golden bar and the P1 club that is famous, although not necessarily with a good name to it, just for being posh.
I went back through the palace garden and passed by the Odeonsplatz one last time. Originally I'd wanted to go and get some food right away but then I thought that maybe looking for some clothing without holes would also be a good idea (I didn't find anything, though). The veggie and rice bowl I got was really good, although a bit sour. And now it was already time to get my backpack that I left at the hostel and board the train. As I'm writing this in the train I'm happy because Claus has liked my comment under his promo post for the show airing on TV this evening. Maybe I'll still get to watch it when I come home... Thanks Munich for such a wonderful time, hopefully I'll be back soon!
12 notes · View notes
unremarkablehouse · 2 years
Fireworks of the People
Rating: NC-17 | WC 2972 | S7 Fluff/Smut | AO3
Although Yellow Springs, Ohio wouldn’t have been Mulder’s first choice for a Fourth of July getaway, they’ve been to worse places and this time it wasn’t even his fault. Skinner had requested their help in a murder investigation involving a UFO cult leader and the mysterious deaths of some of their followers which had the local ME stumped. The case was surprisingly straightforward, Scully was able to identify a rare poison applied sub-dermally to the victims during contact with the Cult Leader. Mulder elicited a confession from the Cult Leader after stumbling onto his stash of poison and hit list in an obscured room. Neither of them had been shot, abducted, poisoned, or covered in goo, so a pretty good case in Mulder’s books. Still, the look of disappointment when Scully found out that the first flight home wasn’t until after the holiday tugged at Mulder’s heart. Her tight business façade dropped momentarily and he could see that she had been hoping to make whatever Fourth of July plans; but now she was stuck in Yellow Springs with him. The small town’s patriotic decorations ensured there was no way to forget that Independence Day  was happening, acting like salt on fresh wounds, a stinging reminder that they were stuck here for the holiday. Scully was quiet through dinner, not uncommon since their personal relationship was currently ‘on hiatus’, but the immutable cloud of despair that hovered over her while she picked at her salad was too much for Mulder to take. “You know Scully, we could always drive back to D.C. It’s a 10hr drive so we might get in a bit late but at least you could still make some of the holiday.” “It’s fine, Mulder. I still have a final autopsy to do anyway so that will keep me busy most of tomorrow. We’ll just fly out Wednesday morning.” “I’m sorry we’re stuck here-” “It’s not your fault… Charlie is in town, and Bill is visiting with his family too. So Mom has organized this big thing. I haven’t had a chance to see everyone in a while and I was really looking forward to it. Plus, it’s not like we can even go see the fireworks tomorrow, did you know this town does them the Saturday before!” Mulder couldn’t help but swoon over Scully’s petulant pout and felt the need to offer her a show of solidarity with feigned outrage. “What!?! No fireworks on the Fourth of July! That’s just un-American.” “That’s what I’m saying…” Feeling better having vented to Mulder, Scully gave a resigned smile, the tension between them starting to melt. With her mood improved Scully stole some of Mulder’s fries, a long established sign of a truce he mused. Chatting about the case Scully suggested that he get started on the field report while she’s working on the autopsy tomorrow. Mulder nodded in agreement, but they both knew he wasn’t going to touch their paperwork until the last possible minute. Little did she realize Mulder had started to formulate a plan to turn her holiday around.
By noon the next day Mulder received a call from Scully, bored and contemplating eating a questionable sandwich from the morgue’s vending machine. Mulder was attempting to fit a portable hibachi grill into the trunk of the rental, the interruption of his cell phone chirping caused him to pause, trying to get balanced while answering. “Mulder-” “Mulder it’s me, feel like bringing me sustenance?” “I’d love to Scully, but the town is shut down for the holiday. I just had to drop in at the Sheriff’s to make sure my statement was squared away. I guess in this town crime does take a vacation. What time will you be finished?” “Not until 3. I’m waiting on labs to get finished and then I have to finalize the report.” At that moment the top of the mini hibachi grill broke free of his hold, making a loud clanging sound, while Mulder attempted to catch it, cell phone pressed against his ear and shoulder in an awkward balancing act. … “shiiit—” “Mulder, what was that?” “Ahh… I’m just packing and knocked something over. Scully, I’ve gotta go, I’ll see you out the front at 3.” The dejected sound in Scully’s voice doubled Mulder’s resolve to surprise her, giving him a bit more pep to get everything ready in time by the afternoon. The parking lot of the morgue was deserted when Mulder arrived, a lone figure leaning against the door could be seen, obscured by the shadows of the awning. Mulder took a moment to watch Scully stretching herself and enjoying the afternoon sun. As a sign of protest of having to work during a public holiday, Scully had donned jeans and a fitted light blue top instead of her standard business attire. Mulder couldn’t help but smile when he realized they were inadvertently wearing matching outfits, his jeans and blue t-shirt felt appropriate for the day as well. With a wary smile she finally acknowledged his arrival and strolled over to her seat in the car, failing to notice or mention the grocery bags and supplies in the backseat. Slouched in her chair, leaning against the passenger window, Mulder didn’t attempt to make small talk, using her fatigue to help prolong his surprise. The drive to the lookout was uneventful, Scully falling asleep minutes into the ride prevented her from noticing that they had driven at least 20 minutes past the hotel and were making the ascent to reach their destination. Mulder quietly cursed as the road turned bumpy a few miles from the spot. “Mulder, where are we going?” Scully’s disoriented and groggy voice broke the silence and he knew the gig would soon be up. “An early dinner, Scully.” “But everything’s closed?” Scully’s spidey senses started to tingle as she became keenly aware of her surroundings, warily observing that they were driving into a wooded area. “I swear to God Mulder, if you’re dragging me out to hunt Bigfoot instead of dinner-” “Relax, we’re here.” Mulder said, pulling up to a clearing that had an outlook of the town. From the back seat of the car, Mulder pulled out the bedspread from the hotel and 3 pillows, instructing Scully to help him set up. “I don’t think the hotel will be thrilled we’re using their bedding as a picnic blanket” Scully said while repositioning the blanket. “Hotel bedding is expected to get a little dirty!” Mulder handed her a tupperware container from one of the grocery bags he’d been carrying and instructed her to eat. Wary at first, Scully’s eyes lit up when she opened the large container and discovered that it was full of fried chicken. Mulder took a break from setting up to watch Scully eagerly inspect each of the tupperware containers, her look of excitement as she opened each one reminded him of a kid opening presents on Christmas morning and he was determined to do things like this more often. “There’s so much food here! Macaroni salad, fried chicken, fresh corn, watermelon. Mulder, where did you get all this?” “Don’t fill up on the sides,” Mulder said while awkwardly carrying the mini hibachi grill to a level surface not far from their picnic spot. Walking over in time to watch Mulder light the grill, Scully couldn’t help but giggle when Mulder jumped back in shock at the large flame. “So, I don’t think we have to worry about the grill heating up,” Mulder said with a sheepish shrug. Scully gently rubbed his arm reassuringly, before it dawned on her that he had somehow gotten his hands on a functional grill. “Wait, where did you get the grill!?” “I confiscated it from the crime scene.” Scully made a face, “Mulder!” “What? It's not like it was used in the crime and I’ll return it later, but right now we need a way to cook our burgers and hot dogs.” Mulder proudly held up a large cooler, triggering Scully to laugh incredulously. “Did you steal a transport cooler from the morgue!? There were probably human organs or God knows what in that!” Mulder just shrugged while taking out hamburger patties and placing them on the grill, “I rinsed it out first..” Going back to the cooler Mulder handed Scully a beer that had been stored in there, and took one out for himself. “I’m not returning this bad boy either, I’m taking our left-overs home in it!” Scully stood close to Mulder while he grilled, feeding him forkfuls of macaroni salad. This might not have been the way she had pictured her Fourth of July, but the charm of the look out and Mulder’s surprise picnic definitely had made her day. “Bad news Scully, I didn’t think to confiscate tongs, or a spatula so let’s hope my plastic fork works.” They both held their breathe while Mulder carefully attempted to flip their patties over with two plastic forks, earning him a cheer from Scully when he succeeded.   “Alright Partner, get the buns ready, we’re almost done here!” Scully placed the buns on their plates and presented them to Mulder, ready to assemble their food. “Mulder, I can’t believe you put all this together. It’s incredible, but you’ve got to tell me how you did it.” “A magician never tells” Mulder said, handing her a plate with a burger and a hot dog. Sitting together closely on their picnic blanket bedspread, plates on lap, Scully noticed that the tension which had plagued them since their unresolved fight had dissipated. “Mulder, did you do all of this as a peace offering?” Mulder contemplated her words for a moment before replying. “Honestly, no. I am sorry I turned off the alarm that morning, but it was set for 5am, I didn’t do it on purpose and I wasn’t trying to ‘control you’, as you so eloquently said. You always take off before I wake up, so I’m willing to admit that on some level I probably wanted you to stay and at least have breakfast with me.” “Next time you want me to stay longer, use your words and ask me to stay.” Mulder nodded in agreement and was rewarded by Scully feeding him a piece of watermelon.   “I guess having breakfast with you wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, I could make more of an effort to be flexible.” Mulder’s eyebrows shot up at the word ‘flexible’, his cheeky smirk at the double entendre was silenced by a rogue piece of watermelon being shoved in his mouth by a laughing Scully. “Wait, if this wasn’t a romantic gesture, then why did you do all this?” “Regardless of whether we’re fighting or not, you’re my best friend and I hate seeing you upset. I just wanted to do something nice for you.” “Good answer”, Scully reached up to Mulder’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Before things could heat up, Mulder broke off their kiss, and suddenly ran towards the car- leaving a confused Scully behind. For a moment she was concerned that Mulder was about to take off on her, as he had done many times in the past. Before she could question him, Mulder had jogged back to her with his hands behind his back and a huge grin. “One more trick up my sleeve! I know you were bummed about missing out on fireworks…” Mulder proudly presented her with a brightly packaged sparkler, placing the stick in her hand and stepping back as he lit a long fuse. Scully looked at the odd sparkler skeptically, not used to seeing ones with fuses, she moved it away from her body at just the right moment- the sparkler coming to life in an explosive fury. Her scream of delight made Mulder chuckle as different color sparks went everywhere. This was not your standard sparkler. Once it finally burned out, she handed the sparkler to Mulder who doused it with some bottled water and put it on the ground next to the blanket. Wanting to know more about how Mulder put this all together in such short notice, Scully decided to try another interrogation tactic. She took his plate away, ignoring his grumbles as she placed it next to him on the blanket. The complaining stopped as Scully climbed over his body, straddling his legs and placing her arms around his neck. Instinctively Mulder placed his hands on her hips and gave a big smile gazing into her eyes.   “Hi..” Scully said, giving him her best megawatt smile and watching him melt; she had him. Scully closed the distance between them, staring into his eyes, close enough to kiss him, leaving a fraction of an inch between their faces. “Okay Mulder, now you’ve got to tell me how you did all this.” His smitten face betrayed how powerless he was to resist her. “Scully, you should work for the CIA, I’d confess anything to you right now.” She gave him a light peck on the lips and encouraged him to continue. “I knew you were upset about missing your family BBQ today so while you were slicing and dicing, I went on a scavenger hunt. As a thank you for filling out all the case paperwork for the sheriff, his wife packed up the sides and dessert for me. In exchange for helping set up their barbecue, their neighbor donated plates, buns, burgers, and hot dogs. They weren’t too thrilled that I wouldn’t eat with them, but I wanted to wait for you. I found out about this spot from one of the locals, hoarded condiment packets from the diner, and you know where I got the blanket and grill- ”   Before he could finish talking Scully planted a kiss on his lips which he enthusiastically returned. Abruptly Scully pulled back from their kiss, “wait, there’s dessert?” Mulder chuckled, “Yup, some Texas sheet cake and pie.” Mulder was amused by how excited she got over their dessert prospects, earning him another kiss, deeper and more passionate. Without any conscious thought, Mulder’s hands had automatically found their way up Scully’s T-shirt and to her breasts. His firm fondling being met with encouraging moans. Scully’s enthusiastic hips grinded rhythmically into his erection, their mouths never breaking contact. As their hands and bodies explored each other the rest of the world disappeared, and what started as just making out had quickly progressed into some fairly heavy petting. The frenzied look in Scully’s eyes as she pushed Mulder’s shoulders to the ground brought him back to reality. While the clearing was secluded, it was still a public area and he definitely should not have brought Scully to orgasm with his hands down her jeans a few moments ago. It also occurred to him that he should probably stop Scully from unzipping his pants as well. As Mulder's hands tried to slow Scully down from working on his fly, he was having trouble forming the words ‘indecent exposure’, only getting out a grunt as she put her mouth around his cock. When Scully broke to remove her jeans, his breathing slowed and he was able to sit up on his elbows and voice his concerns. “Scully, anyone could come by, we should stop.”Scully was not particularly put off by that thought, giving Mulder a grin as she moved to straddle his cock, menacingly gliding the head up and down her wet slit. “Don’t worry, the whole town is basically shut down.” Whether it was her reasonable risk assessment, or the fact that she had paused with the tip of his cock at her entrance, Mulder showed his consent by thrusting hard up into her. Their foreheads joined together tenderly as they both took a moment to adjust to the feel of him inside her. Their eye contact talked volumes as they intensely gazed at each other, so attuned to each other’s bodies, their breathing synchronized. Scully bit down on her bottom lip, a silent signal indicating that she was ready to continue, pushing his shoulders back down so she could ride him more comfortably. Their hips and thrusts joined together at an even pace, both trying to keep their moans of pleasure relatively quietly given the outdoor setting. Somehow the fact that they were both still mostly clothed added to the lewdness of what they were doing and Mulder felt himself approaching the precipice. Moving his hand from her hips to her clit, he methodically rubbed in hard circles, increasing the force of his thrusts as his hips collided with hers. Her body responded quickly with the familiar spasms of her impending orgasm bringing him over the edge at the same time. Scully collapsed against his chest exhausted and satiated, enjoying the tactile comforts of having Mulder surround her. Before they could fully come down from their lovemaking a large bang erupted out of nowhere. Instincts kicking in, Scully promptly dismounted and had her jeans on in record time, while Mulder lazily tucked himself back into his pants and zipped them up. Another bang rang out, causing Scully to freeze, while Mulder gave a chuckle motioning for her to look out onto the horizon. Scully marveled at the emergence of fireworks being set off from the town below, taking her seat next to Mulder.   “But how?” “Fireworks of the people, Scully. The neighborhoods here do their own fireworks on the fourth.” Mulder wrapped an arm around Scully, giving her access to snuggle into his side and watch the cacophony of different fireworks taking place below. “Mulder, this whole night has been truly amazing.” “I know it’s not your family, but I just wanted to do something nice for you.” “You know you’re my family too, thank you.” Mulder placed a kiss on the crown of her head and squeezed her tighter, preferring to look at Scully instead of the fireworks.
Note: X files bingo prompt: "Surprise"
X-Files Free-For-All Prompt List: #47
MSR: 4th of July... Mulder and Scully spend the day together... they are watching the fireworks and sharing a kiss... a cute little story 
Tagging: @xfilesfanficexchange @xfilesbingo @today-in-fic
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thedivinefish · 1 month
TGIWednesday: All you had to do was ask
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TGIWednesday News
I am diligent about paying bills on time, but this month I paid them from the APP on my phone. 🙄 Whoopsies, missed a credit card payment that was not in "the view". Then I never realized until about 10 days later via emails, texts... yada yada.  I transferred the funds on a Saturday from account to account - STILL didn't resolve until Tuesday. 🤦 Fast forward to receiving late fees, penalties, late payments!  Oh no sir, not on this nautical watch!  I fished like a fisherman in a storm! 🎣  Brought in grace and ease and then some.  I then called the bank and the nicest young lady ever spoke with me on the phone.  I explained it all at great detail.  She did not say much other than, "I see it all here." 👀 Cloaked in what she was looking at were all the bank fees that were not showing up at my end. 😠 When I asked about them she explained them and I said, "I've been with ya'll forever. What can we do to erase all these excess fees?" and she said, "What would you like to do?" I said, "I'd like to delete/erase them!"  She responded with, "All you had to do was ask."  🤩 We all know sometimes the universe can play a game with us, and as sure as the sea tides ebb and flow, high and low, so goes life! 🌊 Often in order to get some much needed Universe change... all we had to do was ask.
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This photo was sent in to us - Just a shining example of what I always see around everyone 24/7 in outlines and (purple) energy aka all Holy Spirit stuff.
  Reach out whenever we can help/contribute to you and yours in any way. View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download
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I believe, think, know and feel that as fast as a challenge comes upon me, there can also be resolution!  I am ready, willing and able to create forward momentum and press on through all adversity.  I know when, where, how and why that life is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows and more often the Universe hears us and delivers more than we had hoped for! I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Remember if you make a little daily progress that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!    
▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
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Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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MAY 1ST "Today I will realize that not everything is as it seems and not everything that shimmers is made of gold. Everyone has secrets, everyone has baggage and everyone has a past. It is what we do with today that will define the outcome of our tomorrow."
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
From the Fish Box
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 Hi Jimmy, We are home. Arrived back in Auckland this morning.  We are well and we all managed the 5 week ocean cruise with no major disputes or disagreements.....3 kids and spouses plus a mum and dad.....did pretty well I think:)  Not sure how this has happened maybe self-esteem or self-worth but my husband has regained his libido.....bonus!" Best regards - New Zealand
What's On Deck?
Returning to Your Ethereal Restore Point  An excellent vehicle to support anti-aging, finances even wellness rebirth and a return to splendor!   💸🏦🌠 
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  This got pushed down the calendar a bit, so look for it some time in the Spring/Summer. Prior to being born you were the culmination of stardust, energy, frequency and vibration.  Upon inception up until delivery you were a perfect being free of judgement, anger, or debt; unencumbered from whatever society, religion, politics, schooling and other people were going to rain down upon you throughout your life.  We'll take you back to that single point energetically and create a mystical do-over!  This work will infuse a mix of Tesla's 3-6-9 and David Hawkins' vibrational scale of consciousness.  As a bonus it will include a taster of the upcoming Cosmic Financing MyBeliefWorks clearings! These clearing statements can reset you back a restore point where you were energetically - prior to financial losses, bankruptcy, a bad divorce, job loss and so on! 
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The Fish Market
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The 5 Anchors Energy Process The Purple Rain Energy Process The Magical Golden Key Process TheNight Passage Sleep Process  
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divinefishingtips · 1 month
TGIWednesday: All you had to do was ask
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TGIWednesday News
I am diligent about paying bills on time, but this month I paid them from the APP on my phone. 🙄 Whoopsies, missed a credit card payment that was not in "the view". Then I never realized until about 10 days later via emails, texts... yada yada.  I transferred the funds on a Saturday from account to account - STILL didn't resolve until Tuesday. 🤦 Fast forward to receiving late fees, penalties, late payments!  Oh no sir, not on this nautical watch!  I fished like a fisherman in a storm! 🎣  Brought in grace and ease and then some.  I then called the bank and the nicest young lady ever spoke with me on the phone.  I explained it all at great detail.  She did not say much other than, "I see it all here." 👀 Cloaked in what she was looking at were all the bank fees that were not showing up at my end. 😠 When I asked about them she explained them and I said, "I've been with ya'll forever. What can we do to erase all these excess fees?" and she said, "What would you like to do?" I said, "I'd like to delete/erase them!"  She responded with, "All you had to do was ask."  🤩 We all know sometimes the universe can play a game with us, and as sure as the sea tides ebb and flow, high and low, so goes life! 🌊 Often in order to get some much needed Universe change... all we had to do was ask.
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This photo was sent in to us - Just a shining example of what I always see around everyone 24/7 in outlines and (purple) energy aka all Holy Spirit stuff.
  Reach out whenever we can help/contribute to you and yours in any way. View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download
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I believe, think, know and feel that as fast as a challenge comes upon me, there can also be resolution!  I am ready, willing and able to create forward momentum and press on through all adversity.  I know when, where, how and why that life is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows and more often the Universe hears us and delivers more than we had hoped for! I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Remember if you make a little daily progress that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!    
▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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MAY 1ST "Today I will realize that not everything is as it seems and not everything that shimmers is made of gold. Everyone has secrets, everyone has baggage and everyone has a past. It is what we do with today that will define the outcome of our tomorrow."
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
From the Fish Box
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 Hi Jimmy, We are home. Arrived back in Auckland this morning.  We are well and we all managed the 5 week ocean cruise with no major disputes or disagreements.....3 kids and spouses plus a mum and dad.....did pretty well I think:)  Not sure how this has happened maybe self-esteem or self-worth but my husband has regained his libido.....bonus!" Best regards - New Zealand
What's On Deck?
Returning to Your Ethereal Restore Point  An excellent vehicle to support anti-aging, finances even wellness rebirth and a return to splendor!   💸🏦🌠 
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  This got pushed down the calendar a bit, so look for it some time in the Spring/Summer. Prior to being born you were the culmination of stardust, energy, frequency and vibration.  Upon inception up until delivery you were a perfect being free of judgement, anger, or debt; unencumbered from whatever society, religion, politics, schooling and other people were going to rain down upon you throughout your life.  We'll take you back to that single point energetically and create a mystical do-over!  This work will infuse a mix of Tesla's 3-6-9 and David Hawkins' vibrational scale of consciousness.  As a bonus it will include a taster of the upcoming Cosmic Financing MyBeliefWorks clearings! These clearing statements can reset you back a restore point where you were energetically - prior to financial losses, bankruptcy, a bad divorce, job loss and so on! 
  Join us on our continuing voyage to navigate the unusual, the different and the deepest changes!
The Fish Market
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We have grouped 40+ audio titles into MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.  
Shop The Prosperity Collection  Shop the Body, Mind and Spirit Collection Shop the Improve Your Life Collection
Browse over 45 Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
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The 5 Anchors Energy Process The Purple Rain Energy Process The Magical Golden Key Process TheNight Passage Sleep Process  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. Mastery & Practitioner Certification Course
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com  
0 notes
TGIWednesday: All you had to do was ask
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TGIWednesday News
I am diligent about paying bills on time, but this month I paid them from the APP on my phone. 🙄 Whoopsies, missed a credit card payment that was not in "the view". Then I never realized until about 10 days later via emails, texts... yada yada.  I transferred the funds on a Saturday from account to account - STILL didn't resolve until Tuesday. 🤦 Fast forward to receiving late fees, penalties, late payments!  Oh no sir, not on this nautical watch!  I fished like a fisherman in a storm! 🎣  Brought in grace and ease and then some.  I then called the bank and the nicest young lady ever spoke with me on the phone.  I explained it all at great detail.  She did not say much other than, "I see it all here." 👀 Cloaked in what she was looking at were all the bank fees that were not showing up at my end. 😠 When I asked about them she explained them and I said, "I've been with ya'll forever. What can we do to erase all these excess fees?" and she said, "What would you like to do?" I said, "I'd like to delete/erase them!"  She responded with, "All you had to do was ask."  🤩 We all know sometimes the universe can play a game with us, and as sure as the sea tides ebb and flow, high and low, so goes life! 🌊 Often in order to get some much needed Universe change... all we had to do was ask.
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This photo was sent in to us - Just a shining example of what I always see around everyone 24/7 in outlines and (purple) energy aka all Holy Spirit stuff.
  Reach out whenever we can help/contribute to you and yours in any way. View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download
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I believe, think, know and feel that as fast as a challenge comes upon me, there can also be resolution!  I am ready, willing and able to create forward momentum and press on through all adversity.  I know when, where, how and why that life is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows and more often the Universe hears us and delivers more than we had hoped for! I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Remember if you make a little daily progress that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!    
▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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MAY 1ST "Today I will realize that not everything is as it seems and not everything that shimmers is made of gold. Everyone has secrets, everyone has baggage and everyone has a past. It is what we do with today that will define the outcome of our tomorrow."
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
From the Fish Box
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 Hi Jimmy, We are home. Arrived back in Auckland this morning.  We are well and we all managed the 5 week ocean cruise with no major disputes or disagreements.....3 kids and spouses plus a mum and dad.....did pretty well I think:)  Not sure how this has happened maybe self-esteem or self-worth but my husband has regained his libido.....bonus!" Best regards - New Zealand
What's On Deck?
Returning to Your Ethereal Restore Point  An excellent vehicle to support anti-aging, finances even wellness rebirth and a return to splendor!   💸🏦🌠 
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  This got pushed down the calendar a bit, so look for it some time in the Spring/Summer. Prior to being born you were the culmination of stardust, energy, frequency and vibration.  Upon inception up until delivery you were a perfect being free of judgement, anger, or debt; unencumbered from whatever society, religion, politics, schooling and other people were going to rain down upon you throughout your life.  We'll take you back to that single point energetically and create a mystical do-over!  This work will infuse a mix of Tesla's 3-6-9 and David Hawkins' vibrational scale of consciousness.  As a bonus it will include a taster of the upcoming Cosmic Financing MyBeliefWorks clearings! These clearing statements can reset you back a restore point where you were energetically - prior to financial losses, bankruptcy, a bad divorce, job loss and so on! 
  Join us on our continuing voyage to navigate the unusual, the different and the deepest changes!
The Fish Market
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We have grouped 40+ audio titles into MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.  
Shop The Prosperity Collection  Shop the Body, Mind and Spirit Collection Shop the Improve Your Life Collection
Browse over 45 Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
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The 5 Anchors Energy Process The Purple Rain Energy Process The Magical Golden Key Process TheNight Passage Sleep Process  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. Mastery & Practitioner Certification Course
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com  
0 notes
TGIWednesday: All you had to do was ask
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TGIWednesday News
I am diligent about paying bills on time, but this month I paid them from the APP on my phone. 🙄 Whoopsies, missed a credit card payment that was not in "the view". Then I never realized until about 10 days later via emails, texts... yada yada.  I transferred the funds on a Saturday from account to account - STILL didn't resolve until Tuesday. 🤦 Fast forward to receiving late fees, penalties, late payments!  Oh no sir, not on this nautical watch!  I fished like a fisherman in a storm! 🎣  Brought in grace and ease and then some.  I then called the bank and the nicest young lady ever spoke with me on the phone.  I explained it all at great detail.  She did not say much other than, "I see it all here." 👀 Cloaked in what she was looking at were all the bank fees that were not showing up at my end. 😠 When I asked about them she explained them and I said, "I've been with ya'll forever. What can we do to erase all these excess fees?" and she said, "What would you like to do?" I said, "I'd like to delete/erase them!"  She responded with, "All you had to do was ask."  🤩 We all know sometimes the universe can play a game with us, and as sure as the sea tides ebb and flow, high and low, so goes life! 🌊 Often in order to get some much needed Universe change... all we had to do was ask.
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This photo was sent in to us - Just a shining example of what I always see around everyone 24/7 in outlines and (purple) energy aka all Holy Spirit stuff.
  Reach out whenever we can help/contribute to you and yours in any way. View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download
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I believe, think, know and feel that as fast as a challenge comes upon me, there can also be resolution!  I am ready, willing and able to create forward momentum and press on through all adversity.  I know when, where, how and why that life is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows and more often the Universe hears us and delivers more than we had hoped for! I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Remember if you make a little daily progress that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!    
▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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MAY 1ST "Today I will realize that not everything is as it seems and not everything that shimmers is made of gold. Everyone has secrets, everyone has baggage and everyone has a past. It is what we do with today that will define the outcome of our tomorrow."
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
From the Fish Box
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 Hi Jimmy, We are home. Arrived back in Auckland this morning.  We are well and we all managed the 5 week ocean cruise with no major disputes or disagreements.....3 kids and spouses plus a mum and dad.....did pretty well I think:)  Not sure how this has happened maybe self-esteem or self-worth but my husband has regained his libido.....bonus!" Best regards - New Zealand
What's On Deck?
Returning to Your Ethereal Restore Point  An excellent vehicle to support anti-aging, finances even wellness rebirth and a return to splendor!   💸🏦🌠 
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  This got pushed down the calendar a bit, so look for it some time in the Spring/Summer. Prior to being born you were the culmination of stardust, energy, frequency and vibration.  Upon inception up until delivery you were a perfect being free of judgement, anger, or debt; unencumbered from whatever society, religion, politics, schooling and other people were going to rain down upon you throughout your life.  We'll take you back to that single point energetically and create a mystical do-over!  This work will infuse a mix of Tesla's 3-6-9 and David Hawkins' vibrational scale of consciousness.  As a bonus it will include a taster of the upcoming Cosmic Financing MyBeliefWorks clearings! These clearing statements can reset you back a restore point where you were energetically - prior to financial losses, bankruptcy, a bad divorce, job loss and so on! 
  Join us on our continuing voyage to navigate the unusual, the different and the deepest changes!
The Fish Market
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We have grouped 40+ audio titles into MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.  
Shop The Prosperity Collection  Shop the Body, Mind and Spirit Collection Shop the Improve Your Life Collection
Browse over 45 Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
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The 5 Anchors Energy Process The Purple Rain Energy Process The Magical Golden Key Process TheNight Passage Sleep Process  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
Use PayPal for subscription Click here 
Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. Mastery & Practitioner Certification Course
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Learn MyLiquidFish technique for FREE Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com  
0 notes
Wreckless - Rhys' Floppsy
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*Warning Adult Content*
Insider tip... I wasn't nearly as tired last night as I told Rhys I was.
Emmett and I had fun... with a capital F.U.N. after they left.
We're getting really in sync now.
I feel like he knows me and my body really well and knows exactly what buttons to push when.
The fact that we're so in sync outside of the bedroom or by the pool again... is even more special and important but I am loving both right now.
He was rough as hell with me this morning and I loved it.
Unfortunately I have to be Finnegan this morning.
I need to do a bit of work so I'll be free the rest of the day and I'm going to see if I can manage to stay here at the beach a bit longer.
I put on a t-shirt to go with my boxers and start the coffee pot.
I want to work down here but I'll get distracted... best to sit at a desk.
I fill my mug, leave it on warm for Emmett and head back upstairs.
Two hours later I go to the window and open the curtain.
The sun is up and it looks gorgeous out... the sky has those little puffy white clouds that always look fake floating through it.
Good news is... I don't have to be in the office Monday or Tuesday so I head downstairs to tell Emmett.
"Hey, darling."
He's spread out on the couch watching 'Hoarders'.
That show literally makes me itch.
He's doing it with his hair in a bun which has become my favorite thing lately.
He has on a white tank top and shorts so faded that they're almost white and he looks like a complete beach bum and sexy as hell.
I plop down beside him.
"Hey Emmett. So, good news."
He pulls me closer which I never... ever mind.
"Tell me."
"We don't have to leave until Tuesday, at least. Maybe if we get really lucky I can do another day or two at the office next week and we can come back."
He looks happy but not quite as happy as I expect.
"I have to be at the garage on Monday, darling. I thought we were leaving tomorrow morning. You said Saturday to Saturday."
Oh, that.
"Megan rented it for two weeks. I just need to let her know if I need it for longer. Can you call Peter and get a few extra days?"
It's Peter, how can it be a problem?
"I could, Finn but I can't. I have bills to pay and before you..." he holds up his hand.
"Before you offer to pay them, no. I'm not letting you do that. You should stay longer though if you can. We will sort out the car situation, maybe I can go back with Quincy and Rhys."
No. What? Why?
"No, if you leave, I'm leaving Emmett. I don't want to be here without you."
"Then Sunday it is. So, Quincy and Rhys may be here shortly so we have two days left. What would you like to do?"
"More of last night before we leave, please. And uh... I hate to ask this but my parents want to meet you. Do you mind saying 'hello' on video-chat?"
He looks apprehensive.
"The hating to ask makes me nervous but no... I don't mind."
I didn't mean it that way, it just seems like a big deal but I met his dad and step-mom in person so he probably doesn't think so.
I need to be Finnegan when we do it and here, at the beach, that isn't happening much.
"Sunday evening?"
"Sure. As long as I don't have to wear a suit... I'll be there."
He kisses my temple and wraps his arms around me.
"Thank you for not fighting me on leaving."
I kinda pushed it with the appliances, I know that.
Plus he took some rent money and let me pay for the beach house.
Not that I mind, I would gladly pay his weekly salary so I can spend the time with him but I get it, it's a lot.
I crane my neck around to see him.
"Just remember this next time I do something nice. You won this round."
He raises his eyebrows and I turn back around.
I think he considers saying something but changes his mind and it seems we've decided to drop the subject.
"As much as I like you in boxers, you might wanna put shorts on before company arrives."
Shit, he's right.
It's emotionally painful to pull myself out of his arms and off this soft couch.
As I walk upstairs I realize that I can relax and be Finn again.
It took so much work to turn him off this morning that I'm not quite sure I can go back quite yet.
I need to though.
Rhys will want me to be in little head-space and we're leaving in just two days.
It sort of seems like I need to stock-pile all the happy I can because the next two months is going to be rough.
There will be no vacations.
There won't even be weekends.
As much as I'm enjoying all the sex... I'll be lucky to get half this much once I go back.
I walk out onto the balcony to check the temperature and it's hot.
Really hot.
I decide to just put on swim trunks since we'll probably end up in the pool soon.
The doorbell chimes and I have no doubt who it is.
A second later someone is running up the stairs.
He knocks but then barges right in.
"Hey Rhys."
He has on swim trunks and a backpack and dangling from his hand by one poor ear is an adorable bunny.
This must be the infamous Floppsy from last night.
He walks right over to me as Quincy goes down the hallway and into their room with a suitcase.
"Are you okay Finn?" he asks, cocking his head to the side.
"I'm fine, yeah."
"No, you're not Finn. Why not?"
He plops down on the bed and puts Floppsy in his lap.
"I had to work this morning and I'm just..."
I run my hand through my hair because I don't know.
I mean, if anyone would understand it should be him but I don't want to fuck with his headspace either.
"Oh. You should do something fun then. Do you want to play?"
My heart's not quite in it but...
"Sure. What do you want to do?"
He smiles and pulls his backpack off.
"I brought my coloring books and markers, wanna do a picture?"
That I can probably handle right now.
I'm thinking we should go to the table but he's already jumped down to the floor and is dumping out his backpack.
"Are you a good drawer, Finn? Can you do me some pictures?"
I'm decent, maybe.
Enough for Rhys when he is in his little headspace, anyway.
"Sure, whatever you want."
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1 note · View note
venting-penguin · 6 months
So I had a bit of a tumultuous day so far.
First I woke up to go to a test in the morning, which I was ill prepared for so I had nerves all over but I think I did well all in all, even though I thought it would go absolutely horrible. So I felt pretty relieved at the end but still physically I had nerves going all through my body so I was shaking a little and had a dry throat after it too. In the afternoon I had a workshop on how to write code in a better way and that was pretty interesting, even though it was a lot to take in. After that I went to talk about the current project with my project group for a bit, however during that talk I also got a call from my mom who talked about my grandfather's rapidly declining health, that he might not have much more time here and I felt so guilty about the fact I didn't visit him last Saturday when I had the chance, but I can still see him tomorrow and I hope he will be relatively okay. I had some thoughts about family after that and about my place in the family as well and how it would be in the far future. But maybe it's better to have those thoughts in the far future somewhere. I also had a meeting with the student club's PR team today and that went well, but I also asked if this club is still looking for members on its board. However I was too late with that and that was such a huge bummer because I would have LOVED to do it, plus it is a function that pays a little pocket money too which would come in incredibly handy as I'm still without a job. So yeah, I should also really be much proactive and hesitate less, because this way I probably won't be able to achieve anything I like. But for now, I think I will just go to the gym to let off some steam and hope that will increase my dopamine levels a bit.
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delicris · 9 months
i'm very sorry to hear that, hope you get better soon and that english conversation and driving class are not to bad on you, and that you get to have a good rest after!!!
omg a poem!!!!! that's lovely!!!!! that person sounds so sweet!!!!
i'm alright!!! half way through morning classes, just hoping the afternoon isn't too bad!!!!
tho it's raining. again. it. won't. stop.
english conversation was the weirdest fucking class ever, i had it last year already, but with a different teacher, and this one basically said fuck you to any certificate we might have, we still have to take all the exams and prepare for our school leaving exam, even though we literally won't have to take most of it, if we have at least an fce certificate... I'M TAKING THE GOD DAMN CAE EXAM AND YOU'RE TELLING ME I DON'T GET TO HAVE A TINY LITTLE BREAK?? anyways... driving lesson was actually quite fun and i was much better than yesterday, so that's a plus hehe
yes, a poem, i'm actually still kicking my feet and giggling about it hehehe, that person is the loveliest person on planet earth, but they don't think so :( but i do :) i love them very much hehe
i hope the rest of your classes went alright, i have to study for my chem test for tomorrow, so the day still isn't ending for me, plus i have to figure out train tickets for the weekend because i'm leaving my town for the entire saturday to go to a trip with my friends, so that's been stressing me out a bit, but i'm so excited at the same time!!
0 notes
shadow-sojourn · 1 year
The Raspberry Sparkling Juice
Statement of Helena Gallegos, regarding . . . raspberry sparkling juice. Original statement given December 30, 2022. Audio recording January 13, 2023 by Scaphia Nohaye, Head Archivist of the Usher Foundation. Statement begins.
I’ve always loved anything fizzy ever since I was a little kid. Soda as well as seltzer water, plus champagne and sparkling juice when I was an adult. Once I got my own apartment and had to buy everything myself, I really liked those buy 2 get 1 free specials. I know, I know; they’re all scams, but I actually do have enough money to spare every once in a while, so it never really mattered. Until it did. I didn’t even know I got one free, at first . . .
That day, on my way home from work on Friday, I stopped at a grocery store, intending to pick up a few fresh vegetables for tomorrow’s dinner. I was extremely tired after working for nine hours and annoyed from the customers who, seemingly, had never bought anything before in their lives, making the line at my cash register forever. Deciding to treat myself after the awful day I’d had and noticing my favorite fizzy beverage, I added two bottles of raspberry sparkling juice to my cart. I could have taken advantage of the “buy 2 get 1 free,” but three bottles would have been unnecessary for just me. Little did I know that the special was given to me anyway.
I paid for my groceries, loaded them into my car, and drove home. That evening, I tore the foil off the cap and opened up one of the bottles. The bright red liquid cascaded elegantly into the wine glass, mesmerizing with its vibrant color and foamy carbonation. I brought the glass to my lips and took a long, slow sip. And immediately spat out the salty, metallic liquid. Blood? What the hell? I thought. Looking at my glass, I took note of the carbonation. The sip I had taken hadn’t been fizzy at all . . .
I hesitantly tried another mouthful: raspberry, just as the flavor should be. Maybe I bit my tongue? After I tested it by pressing my tongue against my teeth, I still didn’t notice anything wrong. Obviously, I was a little freaked out. I mean, why would it taste like blood? Because I was scared and living alone, I grabbed a book and played some relaxing music as I finished the rest of my perfectly normal bottle of raspberry sparkling juice. 
The next day, I slept in as it was a Saturday morning. When I finally climbed out of bed at noon, I grabbed the second bottle of sparkling juice. It wasn’t as if I had bought it for a specific purpose after all, and what better occasion to celebrate than a Saturday with no chores to do? I unscrewed the cap and poured myself a glass. Remembering last night, I cautiously took a tiny sip, but luckily, there was no taste of blood, only the sweet-tart taste of raspberry. I ended up drinking the rest of the bottle. Admittedly, I didn’t need all the sugar, but this was a rare treat, something I only had once in a while.
That night, just as I was about to climb into bed, I caught sight of my mirror. After one too many times playing “Bloody Mary” as a kid, I didn’t like making eye contact with myself in the dark, especially now that I lived alone. But it wasn’t my own reflection that drew my eye. It was the glass bottle with red foil covering the cap. At first, half-asleep as I was, I was simply confused. Hadn’t I put the bottles in the recycling bin? Yes, yes I had. So why was it on my bookshelf? Being admittedly a bit of a neat freak, I never brought food into my bedroom, so obviously I hadn’t put it there. 
But there it was, on the second shelf, wedged between The Adventures of Hugo Cabret and Murder on the Orient Express, with its dark glass glinting slightly from the streetlights outside my window. I turned away from the mirror to gaze directly at my bookshelf. Of course, the bottle wasn’t there anymore; and when I looked at the mirror again, I couldn’t see it there either. Unnerved, I flicked on all the lights. Still no trace of it, so I got into bed and tried to fall asleep. Around 4 a.m., I finally drifted off.
The next morning, when I went to grab a couple eggs from the fridge for breakfast, I noticed, on the lowest shelf, a bottle of sparkling raspberry juice. Staring at the out-of-place object, I wondered whether I was going just slightly insane. I knew, for a fact, that I had drunk both bottles already and put them in the recycling bin after I was finished. So what was this one doing in my fridge, and where did it come from? But I had no answers, so I eventually decided to taste it. 
After I cooked up a plateful of cheesy scrambled eggs, I removed the bottle of red liquid from the fridge and unscrewed the cap. Taking a sip straight from the bottle, I tasted nothing but raspberry. After the strangeness on Friday and Saturday, I expected the metallic tang of blood in my mouth again, but nothing unusual happened. For all I could tell, it was simply carbonated fruit juice.
That was last week. Every single day since then, I found another bottle in my fridge, or in the cupboard, or on my table. I haven’t opened any more of them, and I can’t seem to get rid of them. Every time I try to throw it in the trash, I can’t make myself do it. What happens when my apartment doesn’t have any more room left?
Statement ends. I find it highly suspicious that Mx. Gallegos didn’t mention a single other person in their statement, so there are no witnesses to corroborate any part of their story. In addition, they could not provide us with any receipts verifying the purchase, nor would they allow us either a picture and/or video of these bottles, nor would they give a follow-up interview. As neither I nor my assistants can find any proof whatsoever, I must say that I find it more likely that Mx. Gallegos has mistakenly purchased wine or champagne instead of juice as they claim. Although, there is one aspect of this statement I find strange—it refuses to record to my laptop. The only device that doesn’t immediately malfunction during playback is an old-fashioned cassette tape recorder. Recording ends.
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